80_FR_12278 80 FR 12234 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; New York Stock Exchange LLC; Order Approving a Proposed Rule Change Amending Its Continued Listing Requirements, as Set Forth in Section 802.01E of the Exchange's Listed Company Manual, in Relation to the Late Filing of a Company's Annual or Quarterly Report With the Securities and Exchange Commission

80 FR 12234 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; New York Stock Exchange LLC; Order Approving a Proposed Rule Change Amending Its Continued Listing Requirements, as Set Forth in Section 802.01E of the Exchange's Listed Company Manual, in Relation to the Late Filing of a Company's Annual or Quarterly Report With the Securities and Exchange Commission


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 44 (March 6, 2015)

Page Range12234-12238
FR Document2015-05191

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 44 (Friday, March 6, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 44 (Friday, March 6, 2015)]
[Pages 12234-12238]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-05191]



[Release No. 34-74412; File No. SR-NYSE-2014-65]

Self-Regulatory Organizations; New York Stock Exchange LLC; Order 
Approving a Proposed Rule Change Amending Its Continued Listing 
Requirements, as Set Forth in Section 802.01E of the Exchange's Listed 
Company Manual, in Relation to the Late Filing of a Company's Annual or 
Quarterly Report With the Securities and Exchange Commission

March 2, 2015.

I. Introduction

    On December 4, 2014, New York Stock Exchange LLC (``NYSE'' or the 
``Exchange'') filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission 
(``SEC'' or ``Commission''), pursuant to section 19(b)(1) of the 
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (``Act'') \1\ and Rule 19b-4 
thereunder,\2\ a proposed rule change to amend its continued listing 
requirements, set forth in section 802.01E of its Listed Company 
Manual, with respect to companies whose required annual or quarterly 
reports are late or defective. The proposed rule change was published 
for comment in the Federal Register on December 17, 2014.\3\ On January 
30, 2015, the Commission designated a longer period for Commission 
action on the proposed rule change, until March 17, 2015.\4\ The 
Commission received no comments on the proposal. This order approves 
the proposed rule change.

    \1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
    \2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
    \3\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 73821 (December 11, 
2014), 79 FR 75217 (``Notice'').
    \4\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 74184, 80 FR 6558 
(February 5, 2015).

II. Description of the Proposal

    The Exchange proposes to amend section 802.01E of its Listed 
Company Manual (the ``Late Filer Rule'') to: (i) Expand the rule to 
impose a maximum period within which a company must file a late 
quarterly report on Form 10-Q in order to maintain its listing, and 
(ii) clarify the Exchange's treatment of companies whose annual or 
quarterly reports are defective at the time of filing or become 
defective at some subsequent date.
    Currently, the Late Filer Rule deems a listed company to be 
delinquent in filing its annual report on Forms 10-K, 20-F, 40-F or N-
CSR with the Commission if it fails to submit the filing by the date 
such report was required to be filed by the applicable form, or if a 
Form 12b-25 was timely filed with the Commission, the extended filing 
due date for the annual report. During the six-month period from the 
date of such delinquency, the Exchange monitors the company and the 
status of the delinquent annual report, including through contact with 
the company, until the filing delinquency is cured. If the company 
fails to cure such delinquency within the initial six-month period, the 
Exchange may, in its sole discretion, allow the company's securities to 
be traded for up to an additional six-month period depending on the 
company's specific circumstances. The Exchange will commence suspension 
and delisting procedures in accordance with Section 804.00 of the 
Listed Company Manual if the Exchange determines that an additional 
trading period of up to six months is not appropriate, or if the 
Exchange determines that an additional trading period of up to six 
months is appropriate and the company fails to file its annual report 
by the end of the additional period.
    A company is not currently subject to the compliance periods set 
forth in the Late Filer Rule in connection with a failure to timely 
file a quarterly report on Form 10-Q with the SEC.\5\ Moreover,

[[Page 12235]]

the Late Filer Rule currently does not explicitly detail the Exchange's 
treatment of companies whose annual or quarterly reports are defective. 
The Exchange has now proposed to amend its Late Filer Rule to add these 

    \5\ While a company is not currently subject to the compliance 
periods in the Late Filer Rule in connection with the failure to 
timely file a Form 10-Q, such companies are subject to the 
Exchange's late filer (or ``.LF'') indicator process. The .LF 
indicator is appended to the company's trading symbol as 
disseminated on the consolidated tape and to market data vendors, 
and the company's name is included on the late filer list on the 
Exchange's Web site. The .LF indicator and web posting commence five 
days after the due date or extended due date (if applicable) of the 
first late annual report or Form 10-Q (unless the company has 
submitted the required report within that five day period) and 
continue until the company becomes current again with respect to all 
required periodic reports. In addition, the Commission notes that a 
listed company is obligated to comply with the Exchange's listing 
agreement, which requires, among other things, that the company file 
all required periodic financial reports with the SEC, including 
quarterly or semi-annual reports (and annual reports), by the due 
dates established by the SEC, and which states that the Exchange 
may, consistent with applicable laws and SEC rules, suspend a listed 
company's securities and commence delisting proceedings upon failure 
of the company to comply with any one or more sections of the 
listing agreement.

    Specifically, the Exchange has proposed to amend its Late Filer 
Rule to explicitly state that, for purposes of remaining listed on the 
Exchange, a company would incur a filing delinquency and be subject to 
the procedures set forth in the amended rule on the date on which any 
of the following occurs:
     The company fails to file its annual report or its 
quarterly report on Form 10-Q with the Commission by the date such 
report was required to be filed by the applicable form (or extended due 
date if a Form 12b-25 is timely filed with the Commission) (the 
``Filing Due Date,'' and the failure to file a report by the applicable 
Filing Due Date, a ``Late Filing Delinquency'');
     The company files its annual report without an audit 
report from its independent auditor for any or all of the periods 
included in such annual report (a ``Required Audit Report'' and the 
absence of a Required Audit Report, a ``Required Audit Report 
     The company's independent auditor withdraws a Required 
Audit Report or the company files a Form 8-K with the Commission 
pursuant to Item 4.02(b) thereof disclosing that it has been notified 
by its independent auditor that a Required Audit Report or completed 
interim review should no longer be relied upon (a ``Required Audit 
Report Withdrawal Delinquency''); or
     The company files a Form 8-K with the Commission pursuant 
to Item 4.02(a) thereof to disclose that previously issued financial 
statements should no longer be relied upon because of an error in such 
financial statements or, in the case of a foreign private issuer, makes 
a similar disclosure in a Form 6-K filed with the Commission or by 
other means (a ``Non-Reliance Disclosure'') and, in either case, the 
company does not refile all required corrected financial statements 
within 60 days of the issuance of the Non-Reliance Disclosure (an 
``Extended Non-Reliance Disclosure Event'' and, together with a Late 
Filing Delinquency, a Required Audit Report Delinquency and a Required 
Audit Report Withdrawal Delinquency, a ``Filing Delinquency'') (for 
purposes of the cure periods described in the rule, an Extended Non-
Reliance Disclosure Event would be deemed to have occurred on the date 
of original issuance of the Non-Reliance Disclosure); if the Exchange 
believes that a company is unlikely to refile all required corrected 
financial statements within 60 days after a Non-Reliance Disclosure or 
that the errors giving rise to such Non-Reliance Disclosure are 
particularly severe in nature, the Exchange may, in its sole 
discretion, determine earlier than 60 days that the applicable company 
has incurred a Filing Delinquency as a result of such Non-Reliance 

    \6\ See proposed section 802.01E of the Listed Company Manual 
(``Manual''). The proposed rule states that the annual report or 
Form 10-Q that gives rise to a Filing Delinquency shall be referred 
to therein as the ``Delinquent Report.'' Id.

Additionally, under the proposed rule, the Exchange would deem a 
company to have incurred a Late Filing Delinquency if it submits an 
annual report or Form 10-Q to the Commission by the applicable Filing 
Due Date, but such filing fails to include an element required by the 
applicable form and the Exchange determines in its sole discretion that 
such deficiency is material in nature.\7\

    \7\ Id. The Exchange states that the following is a non-
exclusive list of elements that would cause the Exchange to deem the 
company to have incurred a Late Filing Delinquency: The filing does 
not include required financial statements or a required audit 
opinion; a required financial statement audit opinion includes 
qualifying or disclaiming language or the auditor provides an 
adverse financial statement audit opinion; a required financial 
statement audit opinion is unsigned or undated; there is a 
discrepancy between the period end date for required financial 
statements and the date cited in the related audit report; the 
company's auditor has not conducted a SAS 100 review with respect to 
the company's Form 10-Q; required chief executive officer or chief 
financial officer certifications are missing; a Sarbanes-Oxley Act 
section 404 required internal control report or auditor 
certification is missing; the filing does not comply with the 
applicable SEC XBRL requirements; or the filing does not include 
signatures of officers or directors required by the applicable form. 
See Notice, 79 FR at 75218 n.6.

    Upon the occurrence of a Filing Delinquency, the Exchange would 
promptly send written notification to a company of its procedures 
relating to late filings (the ``Filing Delinquency Notification'').\8\ 
As is the case under the current rule, within five days of the date of 
the Filing Delinquency Notification, the company would be required to 
contact the Exchange to discuss the status of the Delinquent Report and 
issue a press release disclosing the occurrence of the Filing 
Delinquency, the reason therefor, and (if known) the anticipated date 
such Filing Delinquency will be cured via the filing or refiling of the 
applicable report, as the case may be.\9\

    \8\ See proposed section 802.01E of the Manual. The Exchange 
states that it typically sends such notification within five 
business days. See Notice, 79 FR at 75218.
    \9\ See proposed section 802.01E of the Manual. If the company 
has not issued the required press release within five days of the 
date of the Filing Delinquency Notification, the Exchange will issue 
a press release stating that the company has incurred a Filing 
Delinquency and providing a description thereof. Id.

    During the six-month period from the date of the Filing Delinquency 
(the ``Initial Cure Period''), the Exchange would monitor the company 
and the status of the Delinquent Report and any subsequent annual 
report or quarterly report on Form 10-Q the company fails to file by 
the applicable Filing Due Date (a ``Subsequent Report''), through 
contact with the company, until the Filing Delinquency is cured.\10\ If 
the company fails to cure the Filing Delinquency within the Initial 
Cure Period, the Exchange may, in its sole discretion, allow the 
company's securities to be traded for up to an additional six-month 
period (the ``Additional Cure Period'') depending on the company's 
specific circumstances.\11\ If the Exchange determines that an 
Additional Cure Period is not appropriate, suspension and delisting 
procedures would commence in accordance with the procedures set out in 
section 804.00 of the Manual.\12\ A company would not be eligible to 
follow the procedures outlined in sections 802.02 and 802.03 with 
respect to this criterion.\13\ Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, 
under the proposed rule the

[[Page 12236]]

Exchange may in its sole discretion decide: (i) Not to afford a company 
any Initial Cure Period or Additional Cure Period, as the case may be, 
at all; or (ii) at any time during the Initial Cure Period or 
Additional Cure Period, as the case may be, to truncate the Initial 
Cure Period or Additional Cure Period, as the case may be, and 
immediately commence suspension and delisting procedures if the company 
is subject to delisting pursuant to any other provision of the Manual, 
including if the Exchange believes, in its sole discretion, that 
continued listing and trading of a company's securities on the Exchange 
is inadvisable or unwarranted in accordance with sections 802.01A, 
802.01B, 802.01C or 802.01D of the Manual.\14\

    \10\ Id. Under the proposed amended rule, a company that has an 
uncured Filing Delinquency would not incur an additional Filing 
Delinquency if it fails to file a Subsequent Report by the 
applicable Filing Due Date. However, in order for the company to 
cure its initial Filing Delinquency, no Subsequent Report may be 
delinquent or deficient on the date by which the initial Filing 
Delinquency is required to be cured. Id.
    \11\ Id.
    \12\ Id.
    \13\ Id.
    \14\ Id.

    The Exchange may also commence suspension and delisting procedures 
if it believes, in its sole discretion, that it is advisable to do so 
based on an analysis of all relevant factors, including, but not 
limited to:
     Whether there are allegations of financial fraud or other 
illegality in relation to the company's financial reporting;
     The resignation or termination by the company of the 
company's independent auditor due to a disagreement;
     Any extended delay in appointing a new independent auditor 
after a prior auditor's resignation or termination;
     The resignation of members of the company's audit 
committee or other directors;
     The resignation or termination of the company's chief 
executive officer, chief financial officer or other key senior 
     Any evidence that it may be impossible for the company to 
cure its Filing Delinquency within the cure periods otherwise available 
under the Late Filer Rule; and
     Any past history of late filings.\15\

    \15\ Id.

    In determining whether an Additional Cure Period after the 
expiration of the Initial Cure Period is appropriate, the Exchange 
would, as is currently the case, consider the likelihood that the 
Delinquent Report and all Subsequent Reports can be filed or refiled, 
as applicable, during the Additional Cure Period, as well as the 
company's general financial status, based on information provided by a 
variety of sources, including the company, its audit committee, its 
outside auditors, the staff of the SEC and any other regulatory 
body.\16\ Further, the Exchange, as it currently does, would strongly 
encourage companies to provide ongoing disclosure on the status of the 
Delinquent Report and any Subsequent Reports to the market through 
press releases, and would also take the frequency and detail of such 
information into account in determining whether an Additional Cure 
Period is appropriate.\17\

    \16\ Id.
    \17\ Id.

    As proposed, if the Exchange determines that an Additional Cure 
Period is appropriate and the company fails to file the Delinquent 
Report and all Subsequent Reports by the end of such additional period, 
suspension and delisting procedures would commence immediately in 
accordance with the procedures set out in section 804.00.\18\ In no 
event would the Exchange continue to trade a company's securities if: 
(i) it has failed to cure its Filing Delinquency; and (ii) it is not 
current with all Subsequent Reports, on the date that is twelve months 
after its initial Filing Delinquency.\19\

    \18\ Id.
    \19\ Id. See supra note 10.

    The Exchange has proposed that its amended Late Filer Rule become 
operative on March 1, 2015.\20\ Accordingly, the current provisions of 
section 802.01E of the Manual would be applicable to any listed company 
that fails to timely file an annual report (Forms 10-K, 20-F, 40-F or 
N-CSR) prior to March 1, 2015.\21\ On or after March 1, 2015, any 
listed company that fails to timely file an annual report, or quarterly 
report on Form 10-Q, would be subject to the amended provisions of 
Section 802.01E.\22\ Any listed company that is late as of March 1, 
2015, in filing a Form 10-Q with a due date prior to that date would 
not be subject to the proposed amended rule with respect to that 
filing; however, any such company would be subject to the proposed 
amended rule with respect to any periodic report it does not file on a 
timely basis with a due date that is on or after March 1, 2015.\23\

    \20\ See Notice, 79 FR at 75219.
    \21\ Id. Both prior to and after March 1, 2015, the Exchange's 
other continued listing standards would, of course, continue to 
apply, including the ability to suspend and delist if any other 
event or condition exists or occurs that makes further dealings or 
listing of the securities on the Exchange inadvisable or 
    \22\ Id.
    \23\ Id.

III. Discussion and Commission Findings

    After careful review, the Commission finds that the proposed rule 
change is consistent with the requirements of the Act and the rules and 
regulations thereunder applicable to a national securities 
exchange.\24\ In particular, the Commission finds that the proposed 
rule change is consistent with section 6(b)(5) of the Act,\25\ which 
requires, among other things, that the rules of a national securities 
exchange be designed to promote just and equitable principles of trade, 
to remove impediments to and perfect the mechanism of a free and open 
market and a national market system, and, in general, to protect 
investors and the public interest; and are not designed to permit 
unfair discrimination between customers, issuers, brokers, or dealers.

    \24\ In approving this proposal, the Commission has considered 
the proposed rule's impact on efficiency, competition, and capital 
formation. See 15 U.S.C. 78c(f).
    \25\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).

    The Commission believes that the goal of ensuring that listed 
companies have filed accurate, up-to-date reports under the Act is of 
critical importance so that investors have reliable information upon 
which they can make informed investment decisions. For the same reason, 
it is also important that companies with stale or defective publicly 
filed financial information do not remain listed on a national 
securities exchange if such information is not brought up-to-date or 
the deficiency cured in a timely manner. The Commission previously 
stated its view that the NYSE should consider shortening the timeframes 
within which a company would be delisted for failing to file annual 
reports as well as extending such requirements to issuers that are late 
in filing their quarterly reports with the Commission.\26\ The 
Commission believes that the proposed rule change, by including 
quarterly reports, should help to prevent an undue amount of time from 
passing without the company's annual or quarterly reports being 
provided to the marketplace.

    \26\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 51777 (June 2, 
2005), 70 FR 33573 (June 8, 2005).

    The Commission also believes that the proposed changes to section 
802.01E of the Manual should help to ensure that companies cannot 
continue to trade for extended periods of time without making their 
annual and interim reports publicly available.\27\ In this regard, the

[[Page 12237]]

Commission notes that the proposed rule change should help reduce those 
situations in which investors continuously have outdated or stale 
financial information upon which to base their investment decisions. As 
is discussed above, a company that has an uncured Filing Delinquency 
would not be able to cure the Filing Delinquency until all subsequent 
annual or quarterly reports that are delinquent have been filed.\28\ In 
other words, once it is a delinquent filer, a company can only become 
current in its filings if all of its annual and quarterly filings have 
been submitted to the SEC within 12 months of the first Filing 
Delinquency. Under the current rule by contrast, only annual reports 
trigger the suspension and delisting procedures of section 802.01E of 
the Manual. Furthermore, a listed company that demonstrates a history 
of delinquent filings could still be subject to delisting under the 
proposed rule change without the Exchange affording it any cure period 
at all (or at any time during an initial or additional cure period) as 
a result of the Exchange's ability to commence suspension and delisting 
procedures based on a company's ``past history of late filings.'' \29\ 
The Commission believes these provisions will enable the Exchange to 
delist those companies that have demonstrated a history of providing 
outdated or stale financial information to investors and help the 
Exchange address the situation where a company becomes current within 
12 months and then a short while later, such as by the next Commission 
filing date, incurs another Filing Delinquency. In such a case, the 
Commission would be concerned that investors continue to rely on 
outdated information and do not have current financial information on a 
timely basis in which to make their trading and investment decisions. 
The Commission believes that the proposal is reasonably designed to 
further these goals of investor protection and therefore is consistent 
with the Act and section 6(b)(5) thereunder.

    \27\ The Commission notes that, although section 802.01E does 
not specifically provide for late filer treatment if a foreign 
private issuer fails to provide quarterly or semi-annual financial 
information, violation of section 802.01D could result in a foreign 
private issuer becoming subject to delisting. Specifically, section 
802.01D provides that a listed company could be subject to delisting 
under sections 802.02 and 802.03 for ``failure of a company to make 
timely, adequate, and accurate disclosures of information to its 
shareholders and the investing public.'' The Commission believes 
that failure by a listed company to make interim financial 
disclosures, on at least a semi-annual basis, would meet this 
    \28\ See supra note 10.
    \29\ See supra note 15 and accompanying text.

    Additionally, by clearly stating that the Exchange's Late Filer 
Rule applies not only to companies that file late or defective annual 
reports but also broadening the delisting procedures to include listed 
companies that file late or defective quarterly reports, the Commission 
believes that the proposal should benefit the public interest and 
protect investors by helping to assure that a larger segment of the 
financial information investors may rely upon when deciding whether to 
invest in a company listed on the Exchange is up-to-date and accurate. 
Further, by detailing what the Exchange considers to be a defective 
annual or quarterly report and how the Exchange treats listed companies 
whose filed reports suffer from a deficiency, the Commission believes 
that the proposed rule change promotes just and equitable principles of 
trade by providing additional transparency to listed companies as to 
what could cause them to become subject to the section 802.01E 
delisting procedures for a late or deficient filing. For example, as 
noted above, Exchange rules will be clear that a company that files an 
8-K pursuant to Item 4.02(b) thereof and has a Required Audit Report 
Withdrawal Delinquency will be subject to the procedures in section 
802.01E and can only be extended a maximum of 12 months to cure the 
delinquency. Moreover, and importantly, this additional transparency, 
as well as the more stringent requirements set forth in the amended 
rule, could encourage listed companies to take extra care to ensure 
that their filed reports are timely and accurate, which would protect 
investors and the public interest. To the extent this occurs, the 
Commission believes that the proposal also has the potential to enhance 
the reliability of reports filed by companies listed on the Exchange as 
well as investor confidence in such reports, which should help to 
perfect the mechanism of a free and open market.
    The new rules also give the Exchange discretion in certain areas 
when a filing fails to include an element required by the applicable 
Commission form and the Exchange determines in in its sole discretion 
that such deficiency is material in nature. The rule filing provided a 
non-exclusive list of elements that, if missing from a filing, would 
cause the Exchange to deem the company to have incurred a Filing 
Delinquency. The Exchange stated in its rule filing that, in making 
this determination, it would not be making any judgments as to the 
sufficiency of the filing in question for purposes of compliance with 
Commission rules, but rather only for purposes of compliance with 
Exchange rules. The Commission emphasizes that any determination by the 
Exchange that a missing element is not material for purposes of a 
Filing Delinquency has no effect on the company's compliance with 
Commission rules. The Commission further notes that while there is a 
provision in the new rules concerning a listed company that files an 8-
K or 6-K announcing a Non-Reliance Disclosure having 60 days to correct 
its financial statements, the proposal makes clear that the Filing 
Delinquency will date from the original announcement of the Non-
Reliance Disclosure if it is not cured within 60 days. This will ensure 
that the period for curing a Non-Reliance Disclosure will not extend 
past the 12 month period given to listed companies that have had 
another type of Filing Delinquency.
    Finally, the Commission notes that the time periods allowed to cure 
a Filing Delinquency are maximums for purposes of continued listing. 
The new provisions being adopted provide additional transparency to 
investors and the marketplace but also give the Exchange discretion to 
analyze the particular case and consider whether it is appropriate to 
commence suspension and delisting procedures immediately based on the 
particular facts, as well giving the Exchange discretion to grant an 
additional six month cure period, or shorten any time periods 
previously given. The new rules provide additional transparency by 
setting forth certain factors that may cause immediate delisting or 
shortened periods, such as resignation of a company's chief executive 
officer, financial officer or members of the audit committee; 
allegations of fraud or other illegality in relation to financial 
reporting; and past history of late filings. We expect the Exchange to 
carefully review each Filing Deficiency and ensure that the public 
interest is being served by continued trading. As noted above, the 
importance of timely and complete Commission filings to ensure that 
investors and the marketplace have accurate and up-to-date information 
about publicly traded companies is of extreme importance for confidence 
in our public markets.\30\

    \30\ As noted above, the Exchange strongly encourages companies 
to provide ongoing disclosure on the status of the Delinquent Report 
and any Subsequent Reports to the market through press releases, and 
would also take the frequency and detail of such information into 
account in determining whether an Additional Cure Period is 
appropriate. The Commission believes such disclosures are very 
important to the marketplace during the delinquency period.

IV. Conclusion

    It is therefore ordered, pursuant to section 19(b)(2) of the 
Act,\31\ that the proposed rule change (SR-NYSE-2014-65) be, and it 
hereby is, approved.

    \31\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).

[[Page 12238]]


    For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, 
pursuant to delegated authority.\32\

    \32\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).

Brent J. Fields,
[FR Doc. 2015-05191 Filed 3-5-15; 8:45 am]

                                                  12234                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 44 / Friday, March 6, 2015 / Notices

                                                  persons concerning whether the                          printing in the Commission’s Public                   the Federal Register on December 17,
                                                  proposed rule change is inconsistent                    Reference Room, 100 F Street NE.,                     2014.3 On January 30, 2015, the
                                                  with Section 17A of the Exchange Act                    Washington, DC 20549, on official                     Commission designated a longer period
                                                  or any other provision of the Exchange                  business days between the hours of                    for Commission action on the proposed
                                                  Act, or the rules and regulations                       10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of such               rule change, until March 17, 2015.4 The
                                                  thereunder. Although there do not                       filings also will be available for                    Commission received no comments on
                                                  appear to be any issues relevant to                     inspection and copying at the principal               the proposal. This order approves the
                                                  approval or disapproval which would                     office of OCC and on OCC’s Web site at                proposed rule change.
                                                  be facilitated by an oral presentation of               http://www.theocc.com/components/
                                                                                                                                                                II. Description of the Proposal
                                                  views, data, and arguments, the                         docs/legal/rules_and_bylaws/sr_occ_14_
                                                  Commission will consider, pursuant to                   21.pdf. All comments received will be                    The Exchange proposes to amend
                                                  Rule 19b–4, any request for an                          posted without change; the Commission                 section 802.01E of its Listed Company
                                                  opportunity to make an oral                             does not edit personal identifying                    Manual (the ‘‘Late Filer Rule’’) to: (i)
                                                  presentation.20                                         information from submissions. You                     Expand the rule to impose a maximum
                                                     Interested persons are invited to                    should submit only information that                   period within which a company must
                                                  submit written data, views, and                         you wish to make available publicly.                  file a late quarterly report on Form
                                                  arguments on or before March 27, 2015.                     All submissions should refer to File               10–Q in order to maintain its listing,
                                                  Any person who wishes to file a rebuttal                Number SR–OCC–2014–21 and should                      and (ii) clarify the Exchange’s treatment
                                                  to any other person’s submission must                   be submitted on or before March 27,                   of companies whose annual or quarterly
                                                  file that rebuttal on or before April 10,               2015. If comments are received, any                   reports are defective at the time of filing
                                                  2015. Comments may be submitted by                      rebuttal comments should be submitted                 or become defective at some subsequent
                                                  any of the following methods:                           on or before April 10, 2015.                          date.
                                                                                                                                                                   Currently, the Late Filer Rule deems
                                                  Electronic Comments                                       For the Commission, by the Division of
                                                                                                          Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
                                                                                                                                                                a listed company to be delinquent in
                                                    • Use the Commission’s Internet                       authority.21                                          filing its annual report on Forms 10–K,
                                                  comment form (http://www.sec.gov/                       Brent J. Fields,                                      20–F, 40–F or N–CSR with the
                                                  rules/sro.shtml); or                                                                                          Commission if it fails to submit the
                                                    • Send an email to rule-comments@                                                                           filing by the date such report was
                                                                                                          [FR Doc. 2015–05160 Filed 3–5–15; 8:45 am]
                                                  sec.gov. Please include File Number SR–                                                                       required to be filed by the applicable
                                                                                                          BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                                  OCC–2014–21 on the subject line.                                                                              form, or if a Form 12b–25 was timely
                                                                                                                                                                filed with the Commission, the
                                                  Paper Comments                                                                                                extended filing due date for the annual
                                                    • Send paper comments in triplicate                   SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE
                                                                                                                                                                report. During the six-month period
                                                  to Secretary, Securities and Exchange                   COMMISSION
                                                                                                                                                                from the date of such delinquency, the
                                                  Commission, 100 F Street NE.,                           [Release No. 34–74412; File No. SR–NYSE–              Exchange monitors the company and
                                                  Washington, DC 20549–1090.                              2014–65]                                              the status of the delinquent annual
                                                  All submissions should refer to File                                                                          report, including through contact with
                                                  Number SR–OCC–2014–21. This file                        Self-Regulatory Organizations; New                    the company, until the filing
                                                  number should be included on the                        York Stock Exchange LLC; Order                        delinquency is cured. If the company
                                                  subject line if email is used. To help the              Approving a Proposed Rule Change                      fails to cure such delinquency within
                                                  Commission process and review your                      Amending Its Continued Listing                        the initial six-month period, the
                                                  comments more efficiently, please use                   Requirements, as Set Forth in Section                 Exchange may, in its sole discretion,
                                                  only one method. The Commission will                    802.01E of the Exchange’s Listed                      allow the company’s securities to be
                                                  post all comments on the Commission’s                   Company Manual, in Relation to the                    traded for up to an additional six-month
                                                  Internet Web site (http://www.sec.gov/                  Late Filing of a Company’s Annual or                  period depending on the company’s
                                                  rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the                         Quarterly Report With the Securities                  specific circumstances. The Exchange
                                                  submission, all subsequent                              and Exchange Commission                               will commence suspension and
                                                  amendments, all written statements                      March 2, 2015.                                        delisting procedures in accordance with
                                                  with respect to the proposed rule                                                                             Section 804.00 of the Listed Company
                                                  change that are filed with the                          I. Introduction                                       Manual if the Exchange determines that
                                                  Commission, and all written                                On December 4, 2014, New York                      an additional trading period of up to six
                                                  communications relating to the                          Stock Exchange LLC (‘‘NYSE’’ or the                   months is not appropriate, or if the
                                                  proposed rule change between the                        ‘‘Exchange’’) filed with the Securities               Exchange determines that an additional
                                                  Commission and any person, other than                   and Exchange Commission (‘‘SEC’’ or                   trading period of up to six months is
                                                  those that may be withheld from the                     ‘‘Commission’’), pursuant to section                  appropriate and the company fails to
                                                  public in accordance with the                           19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act               file its annual report by the end of the
                                                  provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be                     of 1934 (‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule 19b–4                    additional period.
                                                  available for Web site viewing and                      thereunder,2 a proposed rule change to                   A company is not currently subject to
                                                                                                          amend its continued listing                           the compliance periods set forth in the
                                                    20 Section 19(b)(2) of the Exchange Act, as
                                                                                                          requirements, set forth in section                    Late Filer Rule in connection with a
                                                  amended by the Securities Acts Amendments of            802.01E of its Listed Company Manual,                 failure to timely file a quarterly report
                                                  1975, Pub. L. 94–29, 89 Stat. 97 (1975), grants the
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                                                                                                          with respect to companies whose                       on Form 10–Q with the SEC.5 Moreover,
                                                  Commission flexibility to determine what type of
                                                  proceeding—either oral or notice and opportunity        required annual or quarterly reports are
                                                                                                                                                                  3 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 73821
                                                  for written comments—is appropriate for                 late or defective. The proposed rule
                                                  consideration of a particular proposal by a self-                                                             (December 11, 2014), 79 FR 75217 (‘‘Notice’’).
                                                                                                          change was published for comment in                     4 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 74184,
                                                  regulatory organization. See Securities Acts
                                                  Amendments of 1975, Report of the Senate                                                                      80 FR 6558 (February 5, 2015).
                                                                                                            21 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(57).
                                                  Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs                                                                 5 While a company is not currently subject to the
                                                                                                            1 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
                                                  to Accompany S. 249, S. Rep. No. 75, 94th Cong.,                                                              compliance periods in the Late Filer Rule in
                                                  1st Sess. 30 (1975).                                      2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.                                 connection with the failure to timely file a Form

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                                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 44 / Friday, March 6, 2015 / Notices                                                       12235

                                                  the Late Filer Rule currently does not                  should no longer be relied upon because                    Upon the occurrence of a Filing
                                                  explicitly detail the Exchange’s                        of an error in such financial statements                Delinquency, the Exchange would
                                                  treatment of companies whose annual or                  or, in the case of a foreign private issuer,            promptly send written notification to a
                                                  quarterly reports are defective. The                    makes a similar disclosure in a Form                    company of its procedures relating to
                                                  Exchange has now proposed to amend                      6–K filed with the Commission or by                     late filings (the ‘‘Filing Delinquency
                                                  its Late Filer Rule to add these elements.              other means (a ‘‘Non-Reliance                           Notification’’).8 As is the case under the
                                                     Specifically, the Exchange has                       Disclosure’’) and, in either case, the                  current rule, within five days of the date
                                                  proposed to amend its Late Filer Rule to                company does not refile all required                    of the Filing Delinquency Notification,
                                                  explicitly state that, for purposes of                  corrected financial statements within 60                the company would be required to
                                                  remaining listed on the Exchange, a                     days of the issuance of the Non-Reliance                contact the Exchange to discuss the
                                                  company would incur a filing                            Disclosure (an ‘‘Extended Non-Reliance                  status of the Delinquent Report and
                                                  delinquency and be subject to the                       Disclosure Event’’ and, together with a                 issue a press release disclosing the
                                                  procedures set forth in the amended                     Late Filing Delinquency, a Required                     occurrence of the Filing Delinquency,
                                                  rule on the date on which any of the                    Audit Report Delinquency and a                          the reason therefor, and (if known) the
                                                  following occurs:                                       Required Audit Report Withdrawal                        anticipated date such Filing
                                                     • The company fails to file its annual               Delinquency, a ‘‘Filing Delinquency’’)                  Delinquency will be cured via the filing
                                                  report or its quarterly report on Form                  (for purposes of the cure periods                       or refiling of the applicable report, as
                                                  10–Q with the Commission by the date                    described in the rule, an Extended Non-                 the case may be.9
                                                  such report was required to be filed by                 Reliance Disclosure Event would be                         During the six-month period from the
                                                  the applicable form (or extended due                    deemed to have occurred on the date of                  date of the Filing Delinquency (the
                                                  date if a Form 12b–25 is timely filed                   original issuance of the Non-Reliance                   ‘‘Initial Cure Period’’), the Exchange
                                                  with the Commission) (the ‘‘Filing Due                  Disclosure); if the Exchange believes                   would monitor the company and the
                                                  Date,’’ and the failure to file a report by             that a company is unlikely to refile all                status of the Delinquent Report and any
                                                  the applicable Filing Due Date, a ‘‘Late                required corrected financial statements                 subsequent annual report or quarterly
                                                  Filing Delinquency’’);                                  within 60 days after a Non-Reliance                     report on Form 10–Q the company fails
                                                     • The company files its annual report                                                                        to file by the applicable Filing Due Date
                                                                                                          Disclosure or that the errors giving rise
                                                  without an audit report from its                                                                                (a ‘‘Subsequent Report’’), through
                                                                                                          to such Non-Reliance Disclosure are
                                                  independent auditor for any or all of the                                                                       contact with the company, until the
                                                                                                          particularly severe in nature, the
                                                  periods included in such annual report                                                                          Filing Delinquency is cured.10 If the
                                                                                                          Exchange may, in its sole discretion,
                                                  (a ‘‘Required Audit Report’’ and the                                                                            company fails to cure the Filing
                                                                                                          determine earlier than 60 days that the
                                                  absence of a Required Audit Report, a                                                                           Delinquency within the Initial Cure
                                                                                                          applicable company has incurred a
                                                  ‘‘Required Audit Report Delinquency’’);                                                                         Period, the Exchange may, in its sole
                                                     • The company’s independent                          Filing Delinquency as a result of such
                                                                                                          Non-Reliance Disclosure.6                               discretion, allow the company’s
                                                  auditor withdraws a Required Audit                                                                              securities to be traded for up to an
                                                  Report or the company files a Form                      Additionally, under the proposed rule,                  additional six-month period (the
                                                  8–K with the Commission pursuant to                     the Exchange would deem a company to                    ‘‘Additional Cure Period’’) depending
                                                  Item 4.02(b) thereof disclosing that it                 have incurred a Late Filing Delinquency                 on the company’s specific
                                                  has been notified by its independent                    if it submits an annual report or Form                  circumstances.11 If the Exchange
                                                  auditor that a Required Audit Report or                 10–Q to the Commission by the                           determines that an Additional Cure
                                                  completed interim review should no                      applicable Filing Due Date, but such                    Period is not appropriate, suspension
                                                  longer be relied upon (a ‘‘Required                     filing fails to include an element                      and delisting procedures would
                                                  Audit Report Withdrawal                                 required by the applicable form and the                 commence in accordance with the
                                                  Delinquency’’); or                                      Exchange determines in its sole                         procedures set out in section 804.00 of
                                                     • The company files a Form 8–K with                  discretion that such deficiency is                      the Manual.12 A company would not be
                                                  the Commission pursuant to Item                         material in nature.7                                    eligible to follow the procedures
                                                  4.02(a) thereof to disclose that                                                                                outlined in sections 802.02 and 802.03
                                                  previously issued financial statements                    6 See proposed section 802.01E of the Listed          with respect to this criterion.13
                                                                                                          Company Manual (‘‘Manual’’). The proposed rule          Notwithstanding the foregoing,
                                                  10–Q, such companies are subject to the Exchange’s      states that the annual report or Form 10–Q that
                                                                                                          gives rise to a Filing Delinquency shall be referred
                                                                                                                                                                  however, under the proposed rule the
                                                  late filer (or ‘‘.LF’’) indicator process. The .LF
                                                  indicator is appended to the company’s trading          to therein as the ‘‘Delinquent Report.’’ Id.
                                                                                                                                                                     8 See proposed section 802.01E of the Manual.
                                                  symbol as disseminated on the consolidated tape           7 Id. The Exchange states that the following is a

                                                  and to market data vendors, and the company’s           non-exclusive list of elements that would cause the     The Exchange states that it typically sends such
                                                  name is included on the late filer list on the          Exchange to deem the company to have incurred a         notification within five business days. See Notice,
                                                  Exchange’s Web site. The .LF indicator and web          Late Filing Delinquency: The filing does not            79 FR at 75218.
                                                                                                                                                                     9 See proposed section 802.01E of the Manual. If
                                                  posting commence five days after the due date or        include required financial statements or a required
                                                  extended due date (if applicable) of the first late     audit opinion; a required financial statement audit     the company has not issued the required press
                                                  annual report or Form 10–Q (unless the company          opinion includes qualifying or disclaiming language     release within five days of the date of the Filing
                                                  has submitted the required report within that five      or the auditor provides an adverse financial            Delinquency Notification, the Exchange will issue
                                                  day period) and continue until the company              statement audit opinion; a required financial           a press release stating that the company has
                                                  becomes current again with respect to all required      statement audit opinion is unsigned or undated;         incurred a Filing Delinquency and providing a
                                                  periodic reports. In addition, the Commission notes     there is a discrepancy between the period end date      description thereof. Id.
                                                                                                                                                                     10 Id. Under the proposed amended rule, a
                                                  that a listed company is obligated to comply with       for required financial statements and the date cited
                                                  the Exchange’s listing agreement, which requires,       in the related audit report; the company’s auditor      company that has an uncured Filing Delinquency
                                                  among other things, that the company file all           has not conducted a SAS 100 review with respect         would not incur an additional Filing Delinquency
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  required periodic financial reports with the SEC,       to the company’s Form 10–Q; required chief              if it fails to file a Subsequent Report by the
                                                  including quarterly or semi-annual reports (and         executive officer or chief financial officer            applicable Filing Due Date. However, in order for
                                                  annual reports), by the due dates established by the    certifications are missing; a Sarbanes-Oxley Act        the company to cure its initial Filing Delinquency,
                                                  SEC, and which states that the Exchange may,            section 404 required internal control report or         no Subsequent Report may be delinquent or
                                                  consistent with applicable laws and SEC rules,          auditor certification is missing; the filing does not   deficient on the date by which the initial Filing
                                                  suspend a listed company’s securities and               comply with the applicable SEC XBRL                     Delinquency is required to be cured. Id.
                                                                                                                                                                     11 Id.
                                                  commence delisting proceedings upon failure of the      requirements; or the filing does not include
                                                                                                                                                                     12 Id.
                                                  company to comply with any one or more sections         signatures of officers or directors required by the
                                                  of the listing agreement.                               applicable form. See Notice, 79 FR at 75218 n.6.           13 Id.

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                                                  12236                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 44 / Friday, March 6, 2015 / Notices

                                                  Exchange may in its sole discretion                     currently does, would strongly                          thereunder applicable to a national
                                                  decide: (i) Not to afford a company any                 encourage companies to provide                          securities exchange.24 In particular, the
                                                  Initial Cure Period or Additional Cure                  ongoing disclosure on the status of the                 Commission finds that the proposed
                                                  Period, as the case may be, at all; or (ii)             Delinquent Report and any Subsequent                    rule change is consistent with section
                                                  at any time during the Initial Cure                     Reports to the market through press                     6(b)(5) of the Act,25 which requires,
                                                  Period or Additional Cure Period, as the                releases, and would also take the                       among other things, that the rules of a
                                                  case may be, to truncate the Initial Cure               frequency and detail of such                            national securities exchange be
                                                  Period or Additional Cure Period, as the                information into account in determining                 designed to promote just and equitable
                                                  case may be, and immediately                            whether an Additional Cure Period is                    principles of trade, to remove
                                                  commence suspension and delisting                       appropriate.17                                          impediments to and perfect the
                                                  procedures if the company is subject to                    As proposed, if the Exchange                         mechanism of a free and open market
                                                  delisting pursuant to any other                         determines that an Additional Cure                      and a national market system, and, in
                                                  provision of the Manual, including if                   Period is appropriate and the company                   general, to protect investors and the
                                                  the Exchange believes, in its sole                      fails to file the Delinquent Report and                 public interest; and are not designed to
                                                  discretion, that continued listing and                  all Subsequent Reports by the end of                    permit unfair discrimination between
                                                  trading of a company’s securities on the                such additional period, suspension and                  customers, issuers, brokers, or dealers.
                                                  Exchange is inadvisable or unwarranted                  delisting procedures would commence                        The Commission believes that the
                                                  in accordance with sections 802.01A,                    immediately in accordance with the                      goal of ensuring that listed companies
                                                  802.01B, 802.01C or 802.01D of the                      procedures set out in section 804.00.18                 have filed accurate, up-to-date reports
                                                  Manual.14                                               In no event would the Exchange                          under the Act is of critical importance
                                                     The Exchange may also commence                       continue to trade a company’s securities                so that investors have reliable
                                                  suspension and delisting procedures if                  if: (i) it has failed to cure its Filing                information upon which they can make
                                                  it believes, in its sole discretion, that it            Delinquency; and (ii) it is not current                 informed investment decisions. For the
                                                  is advisable to do so based on an                       with all Subsequent Reports, on the date                same reason, it is also important that
                                                  analysis of all relevant factors,                       that is twelve months after its initial                 companies with stale or defective
                                                  including, but not limited to:                          Filing Delinquency.19                                   publicly filed financial information do
                                                     • Whether there are allegations of                      The Exchange has proposed that its                   not remain listed on a national
                                                  financial fraud or other illegality in                  amended Late Filer Rule become                          securities exchange if such information
                                                  relation to the company’s financial                     operative on March 1, 2015.20                           is not brought up-to-date or the
                                                  reporting;                                              Accordingly, the current provisions of                  deficiency cured in a timely manner.
                                                     • The resignation or termination by                  section 802.01E of the Manual would be                  The Commission previously stated its
                                                  the company of the company’s                            applicable to any listed company that                   view that the NYSE should consider
                                                  independent auditor due to a                            fails to timely file an annual report                   shortening the timeframes within which
                                                  disagreement;                                           (Forms 10–K, 20–F, 40–F or N–CSR)                       a company would be delisted for failing
                                                     • Any extended delay in appointing a                 prior to March 1, 2015.21 On or after                   to file annual reports as well as
                                                  new independent auditor after a prior                   March 1, 2015, any listed company that                  extending such requirements to issuers
                                                  auditor’s resignation or termination;                   fails to timely file an annual report, or               that are late in filing their quarterly
                                                     • The resignation of members of the                  quarterly report on Form 10–Q, would                    reports with the Commission.26 The
                                                  company’s audit committee or other                      be subject to the amended provisions of                 Commission believes that the proposed
                                                  directors;                                              Section 802.01E.22 Any listed company                   rule change, by including quarterly
                                                     • The resignation or termination of                  that is late as of March 1, 2015, in filing             reports, should help to prevent an
                                                  the company’s chief executive officer,                  a Form 10–Q with a due date prior to                    undue amount of time from passing
                                                  chief financial officer or other key                    that date would not be subject to the                   without the company’s annual or
                                                  senior executives;                                      proposed amended rule with respect to                   quarterly reports being provided to the
                                                     • Any evidence that it may be                        that filing; however, any such company                  marketplace.
                                                  impossible for the company to cure its                  would be subject to the proposed                           The Commission also believes that the
                                                  Filing Delinquency within the cure                      amended rule with respect to any                        proposed changes to section 802.01E of
                                                  periods otherwise available under the                   periodic report it does not file on a                   the Manual should help to ensure that
                                                  Late Filer Rule; and                                    timely basis with a due date that is on                 companies cannot continue to trade for
                                                     • Any past history of late filings.15                or after March 1, 2015.23                               extended periods of time without
                                                     In determining whether an Additional                 III. Discussion and Commission                          making their annual and interim reports
                                                  Cure Period after the expiration of the                 Findings                                                publicly available.27 In this regard, the
                                                  Initial Cure Period is appropriate, the
                                                  Exchange would, as is currently the                        After careful review, the Commission                    24 In approving this proposal, the Commission has

                                                  case, consider the likelihood that the                  finds that the proposed rule change is                  considered the proposed rule’s impact on
                                                  Delinquent Report and all Subsequent                    consistent with the requirements of the                 efficiency, competition, and capital formation. See
                                                                                                          Act and the rules and regulations                       15 U.S.C. 78c(f).
                                                  Reports can be filed or refiled, as                                                                                25 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).
                                                  applicable, during the Additional Cure                    17 Id.
                                                                                                                                                                     26 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 51777

                                                  Period, as well as the company’s general                  18 Id.
                                                                                                                                                                  (June 2, 2005), 70 FR 33573 (June 8, 2005).
                                                  financial status, based on information                    19 Id. See supra note 10.
                                                                                                                                                                     27 The Commission notes that, although section

                                                  provided by a variety of sources,                                                                               802.01E does not specifically provide for late filer
                                                                                                            20 See  Notice, 79 FR at 75219.                       treatment if a foreign private issuer fails to provide
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                                                  including the company, its audit                          21 Id. Both prior to and after March 1, 2015, the
                                                                                                                                                                  quarterly or semi-annual financial information,
                                                  committee, its outside auditors, the staff              Exchange’s other continued listing standards            violation of section 802.01D could result in a
                                                  of the SEC and any other regulatory                     would, of course, continue to apply, including the      foreign private issuer becoming subject to delisting.
                                                                                                          ability to suspend and delist if any other event or     Specifically, section 802.01D provides that a listed
                                                  body.16 Further, the Exchange, as it                    condition exists or occurs that makes further           company could be subject to delisting under
                                                                                                          dealings or listing of the securities on the Exchange   sections 802.02 and 802.03 for ‘‘failure of a
                                                    14 Id.                                                inadvisable or unwarranted.                             company to make timely, adequate, and accurate
                                                    15 Id.                                                  22 Id.
                                                                                                                                                                  disclosures of information to its shareholders and
                                                    16 Id.                                                  23 Id.                                                the investing public.’’ The Commission believes

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                                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 44 / Friday, March 6, 2015 / Notices                                                   12237

                                                  Commission notes that the proposed                      that a larger segment of the financial                provision in the new rules concerning a
                                                  rule change should help reduce those                    information investors may rely upon                   listed company that files an 8–K or 6–
                                                  situations in which investors                           when deciding whether to invest in a                  K announcing a Non-Reliance
                                                  continuously have outdated or stale                     company listed on the Exchange is up-                 Disclosure having 60 days to correct its
                                                  financial information upon which to                     to-date and accurate. Further, by                     financial statements, the proposal makes
                                                  base their investment decisions. As is                  detailing what the Exchange considers                 clear that the Filing Delinquency will
                                                  discussed above, a company that has an                  to be a defective annual or quarterly                 date from the original announcement of
                                                  uncured Filing Delinquency would not                    report and how the Exchange treats                    the Non-Reliance Disclosure if it is not
                                                  be able to cure the Filing Delinquency                  listed companies whose filed reports                  cured within 60 days. This will ensure
                                                  until all subsequent annual or quarterly                suffer from a deficiency, the                         that the period for curing a Non-
                                                  reports that are delinquent have been                   Commission believes that the proposed                 Reliance Disclosure will not extend past
                                                  filed.28 In other words, once it is a                   rule change promotes just and equitable               the 12 month period given to listed
                                                  delinquent filer, a company can only                    principles of trade by providing
                                                                                                                                                                companies that have had another type of
                                                  become current in its filings if all of its             additional transparency to listed
                                                  annual and quarterly filings have been                                                                        Filing Delinquency.
                                                                                                          companies as to what could cause them
                                                  submitted to the SEC within 12 months                   to become subject to the section 802.01E                 Finally, the Commission notes that
                                                  of the first Filing Delinquency. Under                  delisting procedures for a late or                    the time periods allowed to cure a Filing
                                                  the current rule by contrast, only annual               deficient filing. For example, as noted               Delinquency are maximums for
                                                  reports trigger the suspension and                      above, Exchange rules will be clear that              purposes of continued listing. The new
                                                  delisting procedures of section 802.01E                 a company that files an 8-K pursuant to               provisions being adopted provide
                                                  of the Manual. Furthermore, a listed                    Item 4.02(b) thereof and has a Required               additional transparency to investors and
                                                  company that demonstrates a history of                  Audit Report Withdrawal Delinquency                   the marketplace but also give the
                                                  delinquent filings could still be subject               will be subject to the procedures in                  Exchange discretion to analyze the
                                                  to delisting under the proposed rule                    section 802.01E and can only be                       particular case and consider whether it
                                                  change without the Exchange affording                   extended a maximum of 12 months to                    is appropriate to commence suspension
                                                  it any cure period at all (or at any time               cure the delinquency. Moreover, and                   and delisting procedures immediately
                                                  during an initial or additional cure                    importantly, this additional                          based on the particular facts, as well
                                                  period) as a result of the Exchange’s                   transparency, as well as the more                     giving the Exchange discretion to grant
                                                  ability to commence suspension and                      stringent requirements set forth in the               an additional six month cure period, or
                                                  delisting procedures based on a                         amended rule, could encourage listed                  shorten any time periods previously
                                                  company’s ‘‘past history of late                        companies to take extra care to ensure                given. The new rules provide additional
                                                  filings.’’ 29 The Commission believes                   that their filed reports are timely and
                                                  these provisions will enable the                                                                              transparency by setting forth certain
                                                                                                          accurate, which would protect investors
                                                  Exchange to delist those companies that                                                                       factors that may cause immediate
                                                                                                          and the public interest. To the extent
                                                  have demonstrated a history of                          this occurs, the Commission believes                  delisting or shortened periods, such as
                                                  providing outdated or stale financial                   that the proposal also has the potential              resignation of a company’s chief
                                                  information to investors and help the                   to enhance the reliability of reports filed           executive officer, financial officer or
                                                  Exchange address the situation where a                  by companies listed on the Exchange as                members of the audit committee;
                                                  company becomes current within 12                       well as investor confidence in such                   allegations of fraud or other illegality in
                                                  months and then a short while later,                    reports, which should help to perfect                 relation to financial reporting; and past
                                                  such as by the next Commission filing                   the mechanism of a free and open                      history of late filings. We expect the
                                                  date, incurs another Filing Delinquency.                market.                                               Exchange to carefully review each Filing
                                                  In such a case, the Commission would                       The new rules also give the Exchange               Deficiency and ensure that the public
                                                  be concerned that investors continue to                 discretion in certain areas when a filing             interest is being served by continued
                                                  rely on outdated information and do not                 fails to include an element required by               trading. As noted above, the importance
                                                  have current financial information on a                 the applicable Commission form and the                of timely and complete Commission
                                                  timely basis in which to make their                     Exchange determines in in its sole                    filings to ensure that investors and the
                                                  trading and investment decisions. The                   discretion that such deficiency is                    marketplace have accurate and up-to-
                                                  Commission believes that the proposal                   material in nature. The rule filing                   date information about publicly traded
                                                  is reasonably designed to further these                 provided a non-exclusive list of                      companies is of extreme importance for
                                                  goals of investor protection and                        elements that, if missing from a filing,              confidence in our public markets.30
                                                  therefore is consistent with the Act and                would cause the Exchange to deem the
                                                  section 6(b)(5) thereunder.                             company to have incurred a Filing                     IV. Conclusion
                                                     Additionally, by clearly stating that                Delinquency. The Exchange stated in its
                                                  the Exchange’s Late Filer Rule applies                                                                          It is therefore ordered, pursuant to
                                                                                                          rule filing that, in making this                      section 19(b)(2) of the Act,31 that the
                                                  not only to companies that file late or                 determination, it would not be making
                                                  defective annual reports but also                                                                             proposed rule change (SR–NYSE–2014–
                                                                                                          any judgments as to the sufficiency of                65) be, and it hereby is, approved.
                                                  broadening the delisting procedures to                  the filing in question for purposes of
                                                  include listed companies that file late or              compliance with Commission rules, but
                                                  defective quarterly reports, the                        rather only for purposes of compliance
                                                                                                                                                                  30 As noted above, the Exchange strongly

                                                  Commission believes that the proposal                                                                         encourages companies to provide ongoing
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                                                                                                          with Exchange rules. The Commission                   disclosure on the status of the Delinquent Report
                                                  should benefit the public interest and                  emphasizes that any determination by                  and any Subsequent Reports to the market through
                                                  protect investors by helping to assure                  the Exchange that a missing element is                press releases, and would also take the frequency
                                                                                                          not material for purposes of a Filing                 and detail of such information into account in
                                                  that failure by a listed company to make interim                                                              determining whether an Additional Cure Period is
                                                  financial disclosures, on at least a semi-annual
                                                                                                          Delinquency has no effect on the                      appropriate. The Commission believes such
                                                  basis, would meet this definition.                      company’s compliance with                             disclosures are very important to the marketplace
                                                     28 See supra note 10.                                Commission rules. The Commission                      during the delinquency period.
                                                     29 See supra note 15 and accompanying text.          further notes that while there is a                     31 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).

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                                                  12238                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 44 / Friday, March 6, 2015 / Notices

                                                    For the Commission, by the Division of                  Gottex Multi-Asset Endowment Fund—                       Filing Date: The applications were
                                                  Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated                II [File No. 811–22412]; Gottex Multi-                filed on February 4, 2015.
                                                  authority.32                                              Asset Endowment Fund—I [File No.                         Applicants’ Address: 1555 Peachtree
                                                  Brent J. Fields,                                          811–22413]; Gottex Multi-Asset                        St. NE., Ste. 1800, Atlanta, GA 30309.
                                                  Secretary.                                                Endowment Master Fund [File No. 811–
                                                                                                            22415]                                                Invesco Municipal Premium Income
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–05191 Filed 3–5–15; 8:45 am]                                                                      Trust [File No. 811–5688]; Invesco Van
                                                  BILLING CODE 8011–01–P                                       Summary: Each applicant, a closed-                 Kampen Trust for Value Municipals
                                                                                                            end investment company, seeks an                      [File No. 811–6472]; Invesco Van
                                                                                                            order declaring that it has ceased to be              Kampen Select Sector Municipal Trust
                                                  SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                                   an investment company. On February 2,                 [File No. 811–8000]
                                                  COMMISSION                                                2015, each applicant made a final
                                                                                                            liquidating distribution to its                          Summary: Each applicant, a closed-
                                                                                                            shareholders, based on net asset value.               end investment company, seeks an
                                                  [Release No. IC–31490]                                                                                          order declaring that it has ceased to be
                                                                                                            Applicants have retained approximately
                                                                                                            $144,877, $80,148 and $271,414,                       an investment company. Applicants
                                                  Notice of Applications for                                                                                      transferred their assets to Invesco Van
                                                  Deregistration Under Section 8(f) of the                  respectively, to pay shareholders their
                                                                                                            remaining balances and to pay                         Kampen Municipal Opportunity Trust
                                                  Investment Company Act of 1940                                                                                  (now known as Invesco Municipal
                                                                                                            applicants’ remaining expenses.
                                                  February 27, 2015.                                        Expenses of $2,300, $2,300 and $9,900,                Opportunity Trust), and on October 15,
                                                                                                            respectively, incurred in connection                  2012, made distributions to their
                                                    The following is a notice of                                                                                  shareholders based on net asset value.
                                                  applications for deregistration under                     with the liquidations were paid by
                                                                                                            applicants.                                           Expenses of $194,646, $203,231, and
                                                  section 8(f) of the Investment Company                                                                          $203,911, respectively, incurred in
                                                                                                               Filing Date: The applications were
                                                  Act of 1940 for the month of February                                                                           connection with the reorganizations
                                                                                                            filed on February 4, 2015.
                                                  2015. A copy of each application may be                                                                         were paid by Invesco Advisers, Inc.,
                                                                                                               Applicants’ Address: One Boston
                                                  obtained via the Commission’s Web site                    Place, Ste. 2600, 201 Washington St.,                 applicants’ investment adviser.
                                                  by searching for the file number, or for                  Boston, MA 02109.                                        Filing Date: The applications were
                                                  an applicant using the Company name                                                                             filed on February 4, 2015.
                                                  box, at http://www.sec.gov/search/                        Highland Special Situations Fund [File                   Applicants’ Address: 1555 Peachtree
                                                  search.htm or by calling (202) 551–                       No. 811–21769]                                        St. NE., Ste. 1800, Atlanta, GA 30309.
                                                  8090. An order granting each                                 Summary: Applicant, a closed-end                   Invesco Value Municipal Trust [File
                                                  application will be issued unless the                     investment company, seeks an order                    No. 811–6434]; Invesco Value
                                                  SEC orders a hearing. Interested persons                  declaring that it has ceased to be an                 Municipal Securities [File No. 811–
                                                  may request a hearing on any                              investment company. Applicant                         7109]
                                                  application by writing to the SEC’s                       transferred its assets to Highland
                                                  Secretary at the address below and                        Opportunistic Credit Fund, a series of                   Summary: Each applicant, a closed-
                                                  serving the relevant applicant with a                     Highland Funds I, and on July 1, 2014,                end investment company, seeks an
                                                  copy of the request, personally or by                     made a distribution to its shareholders,              order declaring that it has ceased to be
                                                  mail. Hearing requests should be                          based on net asset value. Expenses of                 an investment company. Applicants
                                                  received by the SEC by 5:30 p.m. on                       approximately $312,224 incurred in                    transferred their assets to Invesco Value
                                                                                                            connection with the reorganization were               Municipal Income Trust, and on
                                                  March 24, 2015, and should be
                                                                                                            paid by the acquiring fund.                           October 15, 2012, made distributions to
                                                  accompanied by proof of service on
                                                                                                               Filing Date: The application was filed             their shareholders based on net asset
                                                  applicants, in the form of an affidavit or,
                                                                                                            on February 2, 2015.                                  value. Expenses of $175,385 and
                                                  for lawyers, a certificate of service.                                                                          $152,464, respectively, incurred in
                                                  Pursuant to Rule 0–5 under the Act,                          Applicant’s Address: 200 Crescent
                                                                                                            Court, Ste. 700, Dallas, TX 75201.                    connection with the reorganizations
                                                  hearing requests should state the nature                                                                        were paid by Invesco Advisers, Inc.,
                                                  of the writer’s interest, any facts bearing               Invesco Municipal Income                              applicants’ investment adviser.
                                                  upon the desirability of a hearing on the                 Opportunities Trust II [File No. 811–                    Filing Date: The applications were
                                                  matter, the reason for the request, and                   5793]; Invesco Municipal Income                       filed on February 4, 2015.
                                                  the issues contested. Persons who wish                    Opportunities Trust III [File No. 811–                   Applicants’ Address: 1555 Peachtree
                                                  to be notified of a hearing may request                   6052]                                                 St. NE., Ste. 1800, Atlanta, GA 30309.
                                                  notification by writing to the                               Summary: Each applicant, a closed-
                                                  Commission’s Secretary.                                                                                         Invesco Value Municipal Bond Trust
                                                                                                            end investment company, seeks an
                                                                                                                                                                  [File No. 811–6053]
                                                  ADDRESSES:  The Commission: Brent J.                      order declaring that it has ceased to be
                                                  Fields, Secretary, U.S. Securities and                    an investment company. Applicants                        Summary: Applicant, a closed-end
                                                                                                            transferred their assets to Invesco                   investment company, seeks an order
                                                  Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE.,
                                                                                                            Municipal Income Opportunities Trust,                 declaring that it has ceased to be an
                                                  Washington, DC 20549–1090.
                                                                                                            and on August 27, 2012, made                          investment company. Applicant
                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                          distributions to their shareholders                   transferred its assets to Invesco Value
                                                                                                                                                                  Municipal Income Trust, and on
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  Diane L. Titus at (202) 551–6810, SEC,                    Income Opportunities Trust, and on
                                                  Division of Investment Management,                        August 27, 2012, made distributions to                October 15, 2012, made a distribution to
                                                  Chief Counsel’s Office, 100 F Street NE.,                 their shareholders based on net asset                 its shareholders based on net asset
                                                  Washington, DC 20549–8010.                                value. Expenses of $199,316, and                      value. Expenses of $148,082 incurred in
                                                                                                            $183,131, respectively, incurred in                   connection with the reorganization were
                                                                                                            connection with the reorganizations                   paid by applicant.
                                                                                                            were paid by Invesco Advisers, Inc.,                     Filing Date: The application was filed
                                                    32 17   CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).                            applicants’ investment adviser.                       on February 4, 2015.

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Document Created: 2018-02-21 09:33:20
Document Modified: 2018-02-21 09:33:20
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
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PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation80 FR 12234 

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