80_FR_12688 80 FR 12642 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Reclassification Petitions for Medical Devices

80 FR 12642 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Reclassification Petitions for Medical Devices

Food and Drug Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 46 (March 10, 2015)

Page Range12642-12643
FR Document2015-05506

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing an opportunity for public comment on the proposed collection of certain information by the Agency. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (the PRA), Federal Agencies are required to publish notice in the Federal Register concerning each proposed collection of information, including each proposed extension of an existing collection of information, and to allow 60 days for public comment in response to the notice. This notice solicits comments on the information collection requirements for reclassification petitions for medical devices.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 46 (Tuesday, March 10, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 46 (Tuesday, March 10, 2015)]
[Pages 12642-12643]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-05506]



Food and Drug Administration

[Docket No. FDA-2011-N-0776]

Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; 
Comment Request; Reclassification Petitions for Medical Devices

AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing an 
opportunity for public comment on the proposed collection of certain 
information by the Agency. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 
(the PRA), Federal Agencies are required to publish notice in the 
Federal Register concerning each proposed collection of information, 
including each proposed extension of an existing collection of 
information, and to allow 60 days for public comment in response to the 
notice. This notice solicits comments on the information collection 
requirements for reclassification petitions for medical devices.

DATES: Submit either electronic or written comments on the collection 
of information by May 11, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Submit electronic comments on the collection of information 
to http://www.regulations.gov. Submit written comments on the 
collection of information to the Division of Dockets Management (HFA-
305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061, 
Rockville, MD 20852. All comments should be identified with the docket 
number found in brackets in the heading of this document.

Food and Drug Administration, 8455 Colesville Rd., COLE-14526, Silver 
Spring, MD 20993-0002, PRAStaff@fda.hhs.gov.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under the PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520), Federal 
Agencies must obtain approval from the Office of Management and Budget 
(OMB) for each collection of information they conduct or sponsor. 
``Collection of information'' is defined

[[Page 12643]]

in 44 U.S.C. 3502(3) and 5 CFR 1320.3(c) and includes Agency requests 
or requirements that members of the public submit reports, keep 
records, or provide information to a third party. Section 3506(c)(2)(A) 
of the PRA (44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)) requires Federal Agencies to 
provide a 60-day notice in the Federal Register concerning each 
proposed collection of information, including each proposed extension 
of an existing collection of information, before submitting the 
collection to OMB for approval. To comply with this requirement, FDA is 
publishing notice of the proposed collection of information set forth 
in this document.
    With respect to the following collection of information, FDA 
invites comments on these topics: (1) Whether the proposed collection 
of information is necessary for the proper performance of FDA's 
functions, including whether the information will have practical 
utility; (2) the accuracy of FDA's estimate of the burden of the 
proposed collection of information, including the validity of the 
methodology and assumptions used; (3) ways to enhance the quality, 
utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (4) ways 
to minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents, 
including through the use of automated collection techniques, when 
appropriate, and other forms of information technology.

Reclassification Petitions for Medical Devices--21 CFR 860.123 (OMB 
Control Number 0910-0138)--Extension

    Under sections 513(e) and (f), 514(b), 515(b), and 520(l) of the 
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) (21 U.S.C. 360c(e) and 
(f), 360d(b), 360e(b), and 360j(l)) and part 860 (21 CFR part 860), 
subpart C, FDA has responsibility to collect data and information 
contained in reclassification petitions. The reclassification 
provisions of the FD&C Act allow any person to petition for 
reclassification of a device from any of the three classes, i.e., I, 
II, and III, to another class. The reclassification content regulation 
(Sec.  860.123) requires the submission of valid scientific evidence 
demonstrating that the proposed reclassification will provide a 
reasonable assurance of safety and effectiveness of the device type for 
its indications for use.
    The reclassification procedure regulation requires the submission 
of specific data when a manufacturer is petitioning for 
reclassification. This includes a ``Supplemental Data Sheet,'' Form FDA 
3427, and a ``General Device Classification Questionnaire,'' Form FDA 
3429. Both forms contain a series of questions concerning the safety 
and effectiveness of the device type.
    In the Federal Register of March 25, 2014 (79 FR 16252), FDA issued 
a proposed rule that would eliminate the need for Forms FDA 3427 and 
FDA 3429. However, because the proposed rule has not been finalized, we 
continue to include the forms in the burden estimate for this 
information collection.
    The reclassification provisions of the FD&C Act serve primarily as 
a vehicle for manufacturers to seek reclassification from a higher to a 
lower class, thereby reducing the regulatory requirements applicable to 
a particular device type, or to seek reclassification from a lower to a 
higher class, thereby increasing the regulatory requirements applicable 
to that device type. If approved, petitions requesting classification 
from class III to class II or class I provide an alternative route to 
market in lieu of premarket approval for class III devices. If 
approved, petitions requesting reclassification from class I or II, to 
a different class, may increase requirements.
    FDA estimates the burden of this collection of information as 

                                                     Table 1--Estimated Annual Reporting Burden \1\
                                                                                             Number of                        Average
                        Activity                           FDA Form Nos.     Number of     responses per   Total annual     burden per      Total hours
                                                                            respondents     respondent       responses       response
Supporting data for reclassification petition...........  ..............               6               1               6             497           2,982
Supplemental Data Sheet.................................            3427               6               1               6             1.5               9
General Device Classification Questionnaire.............            3429               6               1               6             1.5               9
    Total...............................................  ..............  ..............  ..............  ..............  ..............           3,000
\1\ There are no capital costs or operating and maintenance costs associated with this collection of information.

    Based on reclassification petitions received in the last 3 years, 
FDA anticipates that six petitions will be submitted each year. The 
time required to prepare and submit a reclassification petition, 
including the time needed to assemble supporting data, averages 500 
hours per petition. This average is based upon estimates by FDA 
administrative and technical staff who: (1) Are familiar with the 
requirements for submission of a reclassification petition, (2) have 
consulted and advised manufacturers on these requirements, and (3) have 
reviewed the documentation submitted.
    This document refers to previously approved collections of 
information found in FDA regulations. These collections of information 
are subject to review by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520). The 
collections of information in 21 CFR part 807, subpart E have been 
approved under OMB control number 0910-0120 and the collections of 
information in 21 CFR part 814, subparts A through E have been approved 
under OMB control number 0910-0231.

    Dated: March 4, 2015.
Leslie Kux,
Associate Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2015-05506 Filed 3-9-15; 8:45 am]

                                                  12642                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 46 / Tuesday, March 10, 2015 / Notices

                                                  DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                Room 5B01, Bethesda, MD 20892–9304, (301)               Dated: March 4, 2015.
                                                  HUMAN SERVICES                                          435–6680, skandasa@mail.nih.gov.                      Michelle Trout,
                                                                                                          (Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance             Program Analyst, Office of Federal Advisory
                                                  National Institutes of Health                           Program Nos. 93.864, Population Research;             Committee Policy.
                                                                                                          93.865, Research for Mothers and Children;            [FR Doc. 2015–05455 Filed 3–9–15; 8:45 am]
                                                  National Cancer Institute; Amended                      93.929, Center for Medical Rehabilitation             BILLING CODE 4140–01–P
                                                  Notice of Meeting                                       Research; 93.209, Contraception and
                                                    Notice is hereby given of a change in                 Infertility Loan Repayment Program, National
                                                  the meeting of the National Cancer                      Institutes of Health, HHS imposed by the              DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                                  Institute Special Emphasis Panel, March                 review and funding cycle.)                            HUMAN SERVICES
                                                  24, 2015 01:00 p.m. to March 24, 2015,                    Dated: March 4, 2015.
                                                  05:00 p.m., National Cancer Institute                                                                         Food and Drug Administration
                                                                                                          Michelle Trout,
                                                  Shady Grove, 9609 Medical Center                                                                              [Docket No. FDA–2011–N–0776]
                                                                                                          Program Analyst, Office of Program Advisory
                                                  Drive, Rockville, MD, 20850 which was                   Committee Policy.
                                                  published in the Federal Register on                                                                          Agency Information Collection
                                                                                                          [FR Doc. 2015–05452 Filed 3–9–15; 8:45 am]
                                                  February 03, 2015, 80FR5767.                                                                                  Activities; Proposed Collection;
                                                    The meeting notice is amended to                      BILLING CODE 4140–01–P                                Comment Request; Reclassification
                                                  change the title from NCI/R01/U54                                                                             Petitions for Medical Devices
                                                  Review to NCI P01/R01/U54 Review.
                                                                                                          DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                              AGENCY:   Food and Drug Administration,
                                                  The meeting is closed to the public.
                                                                                                          HUMAN SERVICES                                        HHS.
                                                    Dated: March 4, 2015.                                                                                       ACTION:   Notice.
                                                  Melanie J. Gray,                                        National Institutes of Health
                                                  Program Analyst, Office of Federal Advisory                                                                   SUMMARY:   The Food and Drug
                                                  Committee Policy.                                       National Heart, Lung, and Blood                       Administration (FDA) is announcing an
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–05456 Filed 3–9–15; 8:45 am]              Institute: Notice of Closed Meeting                   opportunity for public comment on the
                                                  BILLING CODE 4140–01–P                                                                                        proposed collection of certain
                                                                                                             Pursuant to section 10(d) of the                   information by the Agency. Under the
                                                                                                          Federal Advisory Committee Act, as                    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (the
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                amended (5 U.S.C. App.), notice is                    PRA), Federal Agencies are required to
                                                  HUMAN SERVICES                                          hereby given of the following meeting.                publish notice in the Federal Register
                                                                                                                                                                concerning each proposed collection of
                                                  National Institutes of Health                              The meeting will be closed to the                  information, including each proposed
                                                                                                          public in accordance with the                         extension of an existing collection of
                                                  Eunice Kennedy Shriver National                         provisions set forth in section                       information, and to allow 60 days for
                                                  Institute of Child Health and Human                     552b(c)(6), Title 5 U.S.C., as amended.               public comment in response to the
                                                  Development; Notice of Closed                           The grant applications and the                        notice. This notice solicits comments on
                                                  Meeting                                                 discussions could disclose confidential               the information collection requirements
                                                    Pursuant to section 10(d) of the                      trade secrets or commercial property                  for reclassification petitions for medical
                                                  Federal Advisory Committee Act, as                      such as patentable material, and                      devices.
                                                  amended (5 U.S.C. App.), notice is                      personal information concerning                       DATES: Submit either electronic or
                                                  hereby given of the following meeting.                  individuals associated with the grant                 written comments on the collection of
                                                    The meeting will be closed to the                     applications, the disclosure of which                 information by May 11, 2015.
                                                  public in accordance with the                           would constitute a clearly unwarranted                ADDRESSES: Submit electronic
                                                  provisions set forth in sections                        invasion of personal privacy.                         comments on the collection of
                                                  552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6), Title 5 U.S.C.,                Name of Committee: National Heart, Lung,            information to http://
                                                  as amended. The contract proposals and                  and Blood Institute Special Emphasis Panel;           www.regulations.gov. Submit written
                                                  the discussions could disclose                          NHLBI CLTR SEP Review.                                comments on the collection of
                                                  confidential trade secrets or commercial                  Date: March 30, 2015.                               information to the Division of Dockets
                                                  property such as patentable material,                     Time: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.                             Management (HFA–305), Food and Drug
                                                  and personal information concerning                       Agenda: To review and evaluate grant                Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm.
                                                  individuals associated with the contract                applications.                                         1061, Rockville, MD 20852. All
                                                  proposals, the disclosure of which                        Place: National Institutes of Health, 6701          comments should be identified with the
                                                  would constitute a clearly unwarranted                  Rockledge Drive, Room 7188, Bethesda, MD              docket number found in brackets in the
                                                  invasion of personal privacy.                           20892 (Telephone Conference Call).                    heading of this document.
                                                    Name of Committee: National Institute of                Contact Person: Chang Sook Kim, Ph.D.,              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: FDA
                                                  Child Health and Human Development                      Scientific Review Officer, Office of Scientific       PRA Staff, Office of Operations, Food
                                                  Special Emphasis Panel.                                 Review/DERA National Heart, Lung, and                 and Drug Administration, 8455
                                                    Date: April 3, 2015.                                  Blood Institute, 6701 Rockledge Drive, Room
                                                    Time: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                Colesville Rd., COLE–14526, Silver
                                                                                                          7188, Bethesda, MD 20892–7924, 301–435–               Spring, MD 20993–0002, PRAStaff@
                                                    Agenda: To review and evaluate contract               0287, carolko@mail.nih.gov.                           fda.hhs.gov.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    Place: National Institutes of Health, 6100            (Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance
                                                                                                                                                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:      Under the
                                                  Executive Boulevard, Rockville, MD 20852,               Program Nos. 93.233, National Center for
                                                                                                                                                                PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501–3520), Federal
                                                  (Telephone Conference Call).                            Sleep Disorders Research; 93.837, Heart and
                                                    Contact Person: Sathasiva B. Kandasamy,
                                                                                                                                                                Agencies must obtain approval from the
                                                                                                          Vascular Diseases Research; 93.838, Lung
                                                  Ph.D., Scientific Review Administrator,                                                                       Office of Management and Budget
                                                                                                          Diseases Research; 93.839, Blood Diseases
                                                  Division of Scientific Review, National                 and Resources Research, National Institutes
                                                                                                                                                                (OMB) for each collection of
                                                  Institute of Child Health and Human                     of Health, HHS)
                                                                                                                                                                information they conduct or sponsor.
                                                  Development, 6100 Executive Boulevard,                                                                        ‘‘Collection of information’’ is defined

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                                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 46 / Tuesday, March 10, 2015 / Notices                                                                                              12643

                                                  in 44 U.S.C. 3502(3) and 5 CFR                                            respondents, including through the use                                       Form FDA 3427, and a ‘‘General Device
                                                  1320.3(c) and includes Agency requests                                    of automated collection techniques,                                          Classification Questionnaire,’’ Form
                                                  or requirements that members of the                                       when appropriate, and other forms of                                         FDA 3429. Both forms contain a series
                                                  public submit reports, keep records, or                                   information technology.                                                      of questions concerning the safety and
                                                  provide information to a third party.                                                                                                                  effectiveness of the device type.
                                                                                                                            Reclassification Petitions for Medical
                                                  Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the PRA (44                                                                                                                      In the Federal Register of March 25,
                                                                                                                            Devices—21 CFR 860.123 (OMB Control
                                                  U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)) requires Federal                                                                                                                 2014 (79 FR 16252), FDA issued a
                                                                                                                            Number 0910–0138)—Extension
                                                  Agencies to provide a 60-day notice in                                                                                                                 proposed rule that would eliminate the
                                                  the Federal Register concerning each                                         Under sections 513(e) and (f), 514(b),                                    need for Forms FDA 3427 and FDA
                                                  proposed collection of information,                                       515(b), and 520(l) of the Federal Food,                                      3429. However, because the proposed
                                                  including each proposed extension of an                                   Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) (21                                        rule has not been finalized, we continue
                                                  existing collection of information,                                       U.S.C. 360c(e) and (f), 360d(b), 360e(b),                                    to include the forms in the burden
                                                  before submitting the collection to OMB                                   and 360j(l)) and part 860 (21 CFR part                                       estimate for this information collection.
                                                  for approval. To comply with this                                         860), subpart C, FDA has responsibility                                         The reclassification provisions of the
                                                  requirement, FDA is publishing notice                                     to collect data and information                                              FD&C Act serve primarily as a vehicle
                                                  of the proposed collection of                                             contained in reclassification petitions.                                     for manufacturers to seek
                                                  information set forth in this document.                                   The reclassification provisions of the                                       reclassification from a higher to a lower
                                                     With respect to the following                                          FD&C Act allow any person to petition                                        class, thereby reducing the regulatory
                                                  collection of information, FDA invites                                    for reclassification of a device from any                                    requirements applicable to a particular
                                                  comments on these topics: (1) Whether                                     of the three classes, i.e., I, II, and III, to                               device type, or to seek reclassification
                                                  the proposed collection of information                                    another class. The reclassification                                          from a lower to a higher class, thereby
                                                  is necessary for the proper performance                                   content regulation (§ 860.123) requires                                      increasing the regulatory requirements
                                                  of FDA’s functions, including whether                                     the submission of valid scientific                                           applicable to that device type. If
                                                  the information will have practical                                       evidence demonstrating that the                                              approved, petitions requesting
                                                  utility; (2) the accuracy of FDA’s                                        proposed reclassification will provide a                                     classification from class III to class II or
                                                  estimate of the burden of the proposed                                    reasonable assurance of safety and                                           class I provide an alternative route to
                                                  collection of information, including the                                  effectiveness of the device type for its                                     market in lieu of premarket approval for
                                                  validity of the methodology and                                           indications for use.                                                         class III devices. If approved, petitions
                                                  assumptions used; (3) ways to enhance                                        The reclassification procedure                                            requesting reclassification from class I
                                                  the quality, utility, and clarity of the                                  regulation requires the submission of                                        or II, to a different class, may increase
                                                  information to be collected; and (4)                                      specific data when a manufacturer is                                         requirements.
                                                  ways to minimize the burden of the                                        petitioning for reclassification. This                                          FDA estimates the burden of this
                                                  collection of information on                                              includes a ‘‘Supplemental Data Sheet,’’                                      collection of information as follows:

                                                                                                                TABLE 1—ESTIMATED ANNUAL REPORTING BURDEN 1
                                                                                                                                                                            Number of                                                Average
                                                                                                                       FDA Form                  Number of                                            Total annual
                                                                            Activity                                                                                      responses per                                            burden per              Total hours
                                                                                                                         Nos.                   respondents                                            responses
                                                                                                                                                                            respondent                                              response

                                                  Supporting data for reclassification peti-
                                                    tion ........................................................   ........................                        6                           1                          6                      497             2,982
                                                  Supplemental Data Sheet ........................                                  3427                            6                           1                          6                       1.5                9
                                                  General Device Classification Question-
                                                    naire ......................................................                    3429                             6                          1                          6                       1.5                   9

                                                        Total ..................................................    ........................   ........................   ........................   ........................   ........................          3,000
                                                     1 There     are no capital costs or operating and maintenance costs associated with this collection of information.

                                                     Based on reclassification petitions                                    review by the Office of Management and                                       DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                                  received in the last 3 years, FDA                                         Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork                                             HUMAN SERVICES
                                                  anticipates that six petitions will be                                    Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501–
                                                  submitted each year. The time required                                    3520). The collections of information in                                     National Institutes of Health
                                                  to prepare and submit a reclassification                                  21 CFR part 807, subpart E have been
                                                  petition, including the time needed to                                                                                                                 National Institute on Aging; Notice of
                                                                                                                            approved under OMB control number
                                                  assemble supporting data, averages 500                                                                                                                 Closed Meeting
                                                                                                                            0910–0120 and the collections of
                                                  hours per petition. This average is based                                 information in 21 CFR part 814,                                                Pursuant to section 10(d) of the
                                                  upon estimates by FDA administrative                                      subparts A through E have been                                               Federal Advisory Committee Act, as
                                                  and technical staff who: (1) Are familiar                                 approved under OMB control number                                            amended (5 U.S.C. App.), notice is
                                                  with the requirements for submission of                                   0910–0231.                                                                   hereby given of the following meeting.
                                                  a reclassification petition, (2) have
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                              Dated: March 4, 2015.                                                        The meeting will be closed to the
                                                  consulted and advised manufacturers on                                                                                                                 public in accordance with the
                                                  these requirements, and (3) have                                          Leslie Kux,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         provisions set forth in sections
                                                  reviewed the documentation submitted.                                     Associate Commissioner for Policy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6), Title 5 U.S.C.,
                                                     This document refers to previously                                     [FR Doc. 2015–05506 Filed 3–9–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                                                                                                         as amended. The grant applications and
                                                  approved collections of information                                       BILLING CODE 4164–01–P                                                       the discussions could disclose
                                                  found in FDA regulations. These                                                                                                                        confidential trade secrets or commercial
                                                  collections of information are subject to                                                                                                              property such as patentable material,

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Document Created: 2018-02-21 09:34:57
Document Modified: 2018-02-21 09:34:57
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesSubmit either electronic or written comments on the collection of information by May 11, 2015.
ContactFDA PRA Staff, Office of Operations, Food and Drug Administration, 8455 Colesville Rd., COLE-14526, Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002, [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 12642 

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