80_FR_15153 80 FR 15099 - Electronic Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements for New Source Performance Standards

80 FR 15099 - Electronic Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements for New Source Performance Standards


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 54 (March 20, 2015)

Page Range15099-15146
FR Document2015-05406

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to revise the part 60 General Provisions and various new source performance standards (NSPS) subparts in our regulations to require affected facilities to submit specified air emissions data reports to the EPA electronically and to allow affected facilities to maintain electronic records of these reports. The EPA believes that the electronic submittal of the reports addressed in this proposed rulemaking will increase the usefulness of the data contained in those reports, is in keeping with current trends in data availability, will further assist in the protection of public health and the environment and will ultimately result in less burden on the regulated community. Electronic submittal of the reports addressed in this proposed rulemaking will facilitate more accurate and timely development of numerous efforts, including regulation development, emissions factors, emissions inventories, trends analysis, regional and local scale air quality modeling, regulatory impact assessments and human exposure modeling.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 54 (Friday, March 20, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 54 (Friday, March 20, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 15099-15146]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-05406]

[[Page 15099]]

Vol. 80


No. 54

March 20, 2015

Part III

Environmental Protection Agency


40 CFR Part 60

Electronic Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements for New Source 
Performance Standards; Proposed Rule

Federal Register / Vol. 80 , No. 54 / Friday, March 20, 2015 / 
Proposed Rules

[[Page 15100]]



40 CFR Part 60

[EPA-HQ-OAR-2009-0174; FRL-9919-60-OAR]
RIN 2060-AP63

Electronic Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements for New 
Source Performance Standards

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.

ACTION: Proposed rule; amendments.


SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to 
revise the part 60 General Provisions and various new source 
performance standards (NSPS) subparts in our regulations to require 
affected facilities to submit specified air emissions data reports to 
the EPA electronically and to allow affected facilities to maintain 
electronic records of these reports.
    The EPA believes that the electronic submittal of the reports 
addressed in this proposed rulemaking will increase the usefulness of 
the data contained in those reports, is in keeping with current trends 
in data availability, will further assist in the protection of public 
health and the environment and will ultimately result in less burden on 
the regulated community. Electronic submittal of the reports addressed 
in this proposed rulemaking will facilitate more accurate and timely 
development of numerous efforts, including regulation development, 
emissions factors, emissions inventories, trends analysis, regional and 
local scale air quality modeling, regulatory impact assessments and 
human exposure modeling.

DATES: Comments. Comments must be received on or before May 19, 2015. 
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, comments on the information 
collection provisions must be received by the Office of Management and 
Budget (OMB) on or before May 19, 2015.
    Public Hearing. If anyone contacts the EPA requesting a public 
hearing by March 25, 2015, the EPA will hold a public hearing on April 
6, 2015 from 1:00 p.m. [Eastern Standard Time] to 5:00 p.m. [Eastern 
Standard Time] at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency building 
located at 109 T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Park, NC 27711. If the 
EPA holds a public hearing, the EPA will keep the record of the hearing 
open for 30 days after completion of the hearing to provide an 
opportunity for submission of rebuttal and supplementary information.

ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID Number EPA-HQ-
OAR-2009-0174, by one of the following methods:
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. 
Follow the on-line instructions for submitting comments.
     Email: a-and-r-docket@epa.gov. Include Docket ID Number 
EPA-HQ-OAR-2009-0174 in the subject line of the message.
     Fax: (202) 566-9744. Attention Docket ID Number EPA-HQ-
     Mail: Environmental Protection Agency, EPA Docket Center 
(EPA/DC), Mailcode: 28221T, Attention Docket ID Number EPA-HQ-OAR-2009-
0174, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460. In addition, 
please mail a copy of your comments on the information collection 
provisions to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office 
of Management and Budget (OMB), Attn: Desk Officer for EPA, 725 17th 
Street NW., Washington, DC 20503.
     Hand/Courier Delivery: Environmental Protection Agency, 
EPA Docket Center, Room 3334, EPA WJC West Building, 1301 Constitution 
Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20004, Attention Docket ID Number EPA-HQ-OAR-
2009-0174. Such deliveries are only accepted during the Docket's normal 
hours of operation (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on all federal government 
work days), and special arrangements should be made for deliveries of 
boxed information.
    Instructions. Direct your comments to Docket ID Number EPA-HQ-OAR-
2009-0174. The EPA's policy is that all comments received will be 
included in the public docket without change and may be made available 
online at www.regulations.gov, including any personal information 
provided, unless the comment includes information claimed to be 
Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose 
disclosure is restricted by statute. Do not submit information that you 
consider to be CBI or otherwise protected through www.regulations.gov 
or email. (See section I.C. below for instructions on submitting 
information claimed as CBI.) The www.regulations.gov Web site is an 
``anonymous access'' system, which means the EPA will not know your 
identity or contact information unless you provide it in the body of 
your comment. If you submit an electronic comment through 
www.regulations.gov, the EPA recommends that you include your name and 
other contact information in the body of your comment and with any disk 
or CD-ROM you submit. If the EPA cannot read your comment due to 
technical difficulties and cannot contact you for clarification, the 
EPA may not be able to consider your comment. If you send an email 
comment directly to the EPA without going through www.regulations.gov, 
your email address will be automatically captured and included as part 
of the comment that is placed in the public docket and made available 
on the Internet. Electronic files should avoid the use of special 
characters or any form of encryption and be free of any defects or 
viruses. For additional information about the EPA's public docket, 
visit the EPA Docket Center homepage at: www.epa.gov/epahome/dockets.htm.
    Docket. The EPA has established a docket for this rulemaking under 
Docket ID Number EPA-HQ-OAR-2009-0174. All documents in the docket are 
listed in the www.regulations.gov index. Although listed in the index, 
some information is not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other 
information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other 
material, such as copyrighted material, is not placed on the Internet 
and will be publicly available only in hard copy. Publicly available 
docket materials are available either electronically in regulations.gov 
or in hard copy at the EPA Docket Center, EPA WJC West Building, Room 
3334, 1301 Constitution Ave. NW., Washington, DC. The Public Reading 
Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, 
excluding legal holidays. The telephone number for the Public Reading 
Room is (202) 566-1744, and the telephone number for the EPA Docket 
Center is (202) 566-1742.
    Public Hearing. If requested by March 25, 2015, we will hold a 
public hearing on April 6, 2015, from 1:00 p.m. [Eastern Standard Time] 
to 5:00 p.m. [Eastern Standard Time] at the U.S. Environmental 
Protection Agency building located at 109 T.W. Alexander Drive, 
Research Park, NC 27711. Please contact Ms. Pamela Garrett of the 
Sector Policies and Programs Division via email at 
garrett.pamela@epa.gov or phone at (919) 541-7966 to request a hearing, 
register to speak at the hearing or to inquire as to whether or not a 
hearing will be held. The last day to pre-register in advance to speak 
at the hearing will be April 1, 2015. Additionally, requests to speak 
will be taken the day of the hearing at the hearing registration desk, 
although preferences on speaking times may not be able to be fulfilled. 
If you require the service of a translator or special accommodations 
such as audio description, we ask that you pre-register

[[Page 15101]]

for the hearing, as we may not be able to arrange such accommodations 
without advance notice. The hearing will provide interested parties the 
opportunity to present data, views or arguments concerning the proposed 
rule. The EPA will make every effort to accommodate all speakers who 
arrive and register. Because this hearing is held at a U.S. government 
facility, individuals planning to attend the hearing should be prepared 
to show valid picture identification to the security staff in order to 
gain access to the meeting room. Please note that the REAL ID Act, 
passed by Congress in 2005, established new requirements for entering 
federal facilities. If your driver's license is issued by Alaska, 
American Samoa, Arizona, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, 
Minnesota, Montana, New York, Oklahoma or the state of Washington, you 
must present an additional form of identification to enter the federal 
building. Acceptable alternative forms of identification include: 
Federal employee badges, passports, enhanced driver's licenses and 
military identification cards. In addition, you will need to obtain a 
property pass for any personal belongings you bring with you. Upon 
leaving the building, you will be required to return this property pass 
to the security desk. No large signs will be allowed in the building, 
cameras may only be used outside of the building and demonstrations 
will not be allowed on federal property for security reasons. The EPA 
may ask clarifying questions during the oral presentations, but will 
not respond to the presentations at that time. Written statements and 
supporting information submitted during the comment period will be 
considered with the same weight as oral comments and supporting 
information presented at the public hearing. Verbatim transcripts of 
the hearing and written statements will be included in the docket for 
the rulemaking. The EPA will make every effort to follow the schedule 
as closely as possible on the day of the hearing; however, please plan 
for the hearing to run either ahead of schedule or behind schedule. 
Again, a hearing will not be held on this rulemaking unless requested. 
A hearing needs to be requested by March 25, 2015.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Gerri Garwood, Measurement Policy 
Group (MPG), Sector Policies and Programs Division (D243-05), Office of 
Air Quality Planning and Standards, U.S. Environmental Protection 
Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711, telephone number: 
(919) 541-2406; fax number: (919) 541-1039; and email address: 

    Preamble Acronyms and Abbreviations. Several acronyms and 
abbreviations are included in this preamble. To ease the reading of 
this preamble and for reference purposes, the following terms and 
acronyms are defined here:

AAPCA Association of Air Pollution Control Agencies
CAA Clean Air Act
CBI Confidential Business Information
CDX Central Data Exchange
CEDRI Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CHIEF Clearinghouse for Inventories and Emissions Factors
CMS Continuous Monitoring System
COR Copy of Record
CROMERR Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Rule
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
ERT Electronic Reporting Tool
FR Federal Register
FRS Facility Registration System
ICR Information Collection Request
IPT Integrated Project Team
MPG Measurement Policy Group
NACAA National Association of Clean Air Agencies
NATA National Air Toxics Assessment
NEI National Emissions Inventory
NESCAUM Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management
NSPS New Source Performance Standards
NTTAA National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act
OAQPS Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
OIRA Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
OMB Office of Management and Budget
RATA Relative Accuracy Test Audit
RFA Regulatory Flexibility Act
SBA Small Business Administration
TRI Toxics Release Inventory
TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act
TTN Technology Transfer Network
UMRA Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
VCS Voluntary Consensus Standards
XML Extensible Markup Language

    Organization of this Document. The information in this preamble is 
organized as follows:

I. General Information
    A. Does this proposed action apply to me?
    B. Where can I get a copy of this document and other related 
    C. What should I consider as I prepare my comments for the EPA?
II. Proposed Action
    A. What are the current part 60 reporting and recordkeeping 
    B. What revisions are we proposing with this action?
    C. What steps do you need to take to electronically submit 
reports to the EPA?
    D. Recordkeeping
III. Rationale for Requiring the Electronic Submission of Specified 
    A. Why is this proposed action needed?
    B. Why is the EPA using a phased approach to implementing 
electronic reporting?
    C. How does this proposed action affect permits?
IV. Air Agency Delegated Authority Impacts
V. Impacts of Proposed Amendments
VI. Tables
    Table 1. 40 CFR Part 60 Subparts Unaffected or Excluded by 
Proposed Amendments
    Table 2. 40 CFR Part 60 Subparts Affected by Proposed Amendments
    Table 3. Test Methods Currently Supported in the ERT
    Table 4. Summary of Cost Savings
VII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
    A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and 
Executive Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review
    B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
    C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
    D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA)
    E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
    F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With 
Indian Tribal Governments
    G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From 
Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks
    H. Executive Order 13211: Actions Concerning Regulations That 
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution or Use
    I. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act
    J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions To Address 
Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income 

I. General Information

A. Does this proposed action apply to me?

    Entities affected by this proposed rule include facilities in all 
industry groups that are subject to NSPS in part 60 of title 40 of the 
CFR that require submission of the reports addressed in this 

B. Where can I get a copy of this document and other related 

    In addition to being available in the docket, an electronic copy of 
this proposed rule is available on the Internet through the Technology 
Transfer Network (TTN) Web site, a forum for information and technology 
exchange in various areas of air pollution control. Following signature 
by the EPA Administrator, the EPA will post a copy of this proposed 
rule at the following Web site: http://www.epa.gov/ttn/atw/eparules.html.

[[Page 15102]]

C. What should I consider as I prepare my comments for the EPA?

    Submitting CBI. Do not submit CBI to the EPA through http://www.regulations.gov or email. Clearly mark the part or all of the 
information that you claim to be CBI. For CBI contained on a disk or 
CD-ROM that you mail to the EPA, mark the outside of the disk or CD-ROM 
as CBI and then identify electronically within the disk or CD-ROM the 
specific information that is claimed as CBI. In addition to one 
complete version of the comments that includes information claimed as 
CBI, you must submit a copy of the comments that does not contain the 
information claimed as CBI for inclusion in the public docket. If you 
submit a CD-ROM or disk that does not contain CBI, clearly mark the 
outside of the disk or CD-ROM as not containing CBI. Information not 
marked as CBI will be included in the public docket and the EPA's 
electronic public docket without prior notice. Information marked as 
CBI will not be disclosed except in accordance with the procedures set 
forth in 40 CFR part 2. Send or deliver information identified as CBI 
only to the following address: OAQPS Document Control Officer (C404-
02), OAQPS, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle 
Park, North Carolina 27711, Attention Docket ID Number EPA-HQ-OAR-2009-

II. Proposed Action

A. What are the current part 60 reporting and recordkeeping 

    Section 111(b) of the Clean Air Act (CAA) directs the EPA to 
develop technology based standards which apply to specific categories 
of stationary sources. Additionally, section 129 of the CAA requires 
that the EPA establish performance standards for solid waste combustors 
under the CAA section 111 requirements. The CAA section 111 standards, 
or NSPS, apply to new, modified and reconstructed facilities in 
specific source categories, and they are codified in 40 CFR part 60. 
The NSPS typically include source category specific emissions standards 
and monitoring, reporting, recordkeeping and testing requirements. In 
addition, the General Provisions of 40 CFR part 60 (subpart A) include 
regulatory requirements that automatically apply to all NSPS unless a 
particular subpart contains specific requirements that replace or 
augment the General Provisions requirements. Under current part 60 
requirements, most facilities must routinely keep records and submit 
air emissions data reports such as summary reports, excess emission 
reports, performance test reports and performance evaluation reports in 
paper format to the EPA and delegated state, local and tribal air 
agencies (air agencies).

B. What revisions are we proposing with this action?

    This proposal would require you (the owner or operator or 
responsible official [as defined in 40 CFR 63.2]) to submit specified 
reports required under 40 CFR part 60 electronically to the EPA's 
Central Data Exchange (CDX) (http://www.epa.gov/cdx/), the point of 
entry for electronic environmental data submissions to the EPA, rather 
than submitting them in paper format. This proposed rule would not 
require you to submit any information that is not already required to 
be submitted under the current NSPS that are proposed to be revised by 
this rule nor would this rule change the way in which you submit these 
reports to your relevant air agency.
    While the NSPS require several different types of reports, this 
proposed rule focuses on the submission of electronic reports to the 
EPA that provide direct measures of air emissions data such as summary 
reports, excess emission reports, performance test reports and 
performance evaluation reports. Later in this section, we provide 
further explanation of reports we are not proposing to include in this 
rule, although we may require electronic submittal of these reports at 
a later time. Again, we are not adding new reporting requirements; 
these reports are already required to be submitted in current 40 CFR 
part 60 regulations. The part 60 General Provisions specify the timing 
for submittal and content of the reports. The General Provisions' 
reporting and recordkeeping requirements apply to all NSPS without 
change unless a particular NSPS supplements or revises some or all of 
them to address source category specific needs.
    Following is a brief summary of the basic air emissions data 
reports codified in the 40 CFR part 60 General Provisions that we have 
included in this proposed rule:
     Summary reports and/or excess emissions and monitoring 
systems performance reports (excess emission reports) are required by 
40 CFR 60.7(c) of the General Provisions when an owner or operator is 
required to install a continuous monitoring system (CMS). The summary 
report form may be submitted in lieu of the excess emission report when 
the downtime and excess emissions durations are sufficiently low, 
meeting thresholds defined in 40 CFR 60.7(d). Section 60.7(d) of the 
General Provisions specifies the content required in a summary report, 
which consists of basic excess emissions data (excess emissions 
duration and causes) and CMS performance data (CMS downtime duration 
and causes) in summary form.
     Excess emission reports are required by 40 CFR 60.7(c) of 
the General Provisions if an owner or operator is required to install a 
CMS and (1) the total duration of excess emissions for the reporting 
period is 1 percent or greater of the total operating time for the 
reporting period, or (2) the total CMS downtime for the reporting 
period is 5 percent or greater of the total operating time for the 
reporting period. Section 60.7(c) specifies the content required, which 
consists of detailed excess emissions data (magnitude of excess 
emissions; identification of periods of excess emissions that occur 
during startups, shutdowns and malfunctions; cause of any malfunction; 
and the corrective action taken or preventive measures adopted) and CMS 
performance data (date and time identifying each period when the CMS 
was inoperative except for zero and span checks and the nature of the 
system repairs or adjustments).
     Performance test reports required by 40 CFR 60.8(a) of the 
General Provisions must be submitted after an owner or operator 
conducts a required performance test to demonstrate compliance with the 
emissions standard(s) and/or to establish control device operating 
     Performance evaluation reports (also referred to as 
relative accuracy test audit [RATA] reports) required by 40 CFR 
60.13(c) of the General Provisions must be submitted after an owner or 
operator conducts a required performance evaluation of a CMS to 
demonstrate the accuracy of the CMS.
    Many NSPS require the submission of specific air emissions data 
reports that are similar to the summary reports and excess emission 
reports required under the 40 CFR part 60 General Provisions. Although 
similar in purpose and required content, they are called by different 
names (e.g., annual reports, semi-annual reports). The EPA reviewed 
each NSPS to ensure that we require these reports be submitted to the 
EPA electronically, since they provide essentially the same information 
as required by summary reports and excess emission reports.
    The majority of NSPS are potentially affected by this proposed 
rulemaking either because the specified General Provisions requirements 
apply or because they are being individually

[[Page 15103]]

amended by this proposed rulemaking. There are, however, some NSPS that 
are being excluded from this proposed rulemaking. For example, NSPS 
that do not require the submission of any of the air emissions data 
reports that are subject to the proposed electronic reporting are 
excluded from this proposed rulemaking. In addition, a few NSPS are 
being addressed under separate rulemakings that would require 
electronic reporting. See Table 1 (in section VI of this preamble) for 
subparts that are not being addressed in this proposed rulemaking.
    In addition to the NSPS, 40 CFR part 60 includes several subparts 
that contain requirements for state emission guidelines. In addition to 
requiring the EPA to establish NSPS for new units, section 129 of the 
CAA also requires the agency to establish emission guidelines for 
existing units. Additionally, section 111(d) of the CAA requires the 
agency to establish emission guidelines for existing units for any 
pollutant for which air quality criteria have not been issued or which 
is not included on a list published under section 7408(a) of Title 42 
of the U.S. Code or emitted from a source category which is regulated 
under CAA section 112, but to which a standard of performance would 
apply if such existing source were a new source.
    Unlike NSPS, which are federal regulations that apply directly to 
new, modified or reconstructed sources, emission guidelines do not 
directly regulate sources. Instead, emission guidelines establish 
requirements for state plans, which are the vehicle by which states 
implement the emission guidelines.\1\ Because air agencies have already 
submitted implementation plans for the majority of the emission 
guidelines, and it would be overly burdensome to require air agencies 
to revise and resubmit implementation plans solely to address 
electronic reporting, we are not proposing to revise the emission 
guidelines to require electronic reporting to the EPA at this time. In 
the future, when an emission guideline is opened for other revisions or 
a new emission guideline is proposed, we will address electronic 
reporting in those rulemakings.\2\ Even though we are not updating the 
emission guidelines at this time, if an air agency has an approved plan 
that already incorporates electronic reporting and recordkeeping, it 
may be possible for the air agency to start implementing the 
requirements proposed in the NSPS for the emission guidelines, if the 
air agency wishes to do so. Air agencies may also choose to revise 
state plans to incorporate the electronic reporting and recordkeeping 
requirements proposed in the NSPS and submit the plans to the EPA for 

    \1\ See http://www.epa.gov/reg5oair/toxics/delegation/111d-129/.
    \2\ We also plan to address electronic reporting in the Federal 
Plans that implement the emission guidelines.

    Table 2 (in section VI of this preamble) presents the subparts in 
40 CFR part 60 that are affected by this proposed rulemaking. We note 
that not all affected NSPS are specifically amended in this proposed 
rulemaking. The NSPS that rely solely on the 40 CFR part 60 General 
Provisions are not being specifically amended, but are affected by this 
proposed rulemaking due to the amendments to the General Provisions. 
Table 1 presents the subparts in 40 CFR part 60 that are not affected 
by this proposed rulemaking and the reasons why they are unaffected. 
The support document in the docket to this proposed rule details the 
rationale for each of the proposed amendments to 40 CFR part 60.\3\

    \3\ Support for the Proposed Revisions for the Electronic 
Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements for New Source Performance 
Standards. December 11, 2014.

    In reviewing each NSPS, we purposefully excluded air emissions data 
that we did not prioritize for reporting to the EPA electronically at 
this time. While information such as leak detection and repair program 
reports and individual parametric system performance monitoring data 
(e.g., temperature, pressure and flow rate) reports are useful air 
emissions data, we chose to focus on reports of air emissions data used 
by the EPA and other stakeholders to evaluate the emissions and 
performance of affected facilities for which we could develop the 
platform to provide user access to upload and review the reports by the 
time this proposed rule is finalized. In the future, we may propose to 
expand the number and type of air emissions reports that we collect 
    Some of the NSPS require owners and operators of affected 
facilities to submit the results of their performance tests and 
performance evaluations with their summary and other similar semi-
annual or annual air emission reports. In instances where we are 
requiring owners and operators to submit the results of those 
performance tests and/or performance evaluations to the EPA's CDX, we 
have excluded the need to submit these results with the air emission 
reports because these reports will be readily available and searchable 
through the EPA's WebFIRE database. Instead, we have revised the 
applicable air emission report requirements to require identifying 
information (i.e., the process unit and pollutant tested) and the date 
of the applicable performance test and/or performance evaluation. This 
change streamlines reporting by eliminating redundant submittals of 
performance test and performance evaluation results. We want to note 
that all of the information that is currently required to be submitted 
in these reports will still be submitted.
    Some of the proposed amendments include changes necessary to make 
the existing NSPS requirements consistent with the proposed electronic 
reporting requirements. For example, some of the NSPS that currently 
include requirements to submit electronic reports to the EPA's CDX 
would be revised to be consistent with today's proposal. Also, in order 
to streamline requirements to submit information to the EPA, NSPS 
addressed by today's proposed rulemaking that currently require the 
submittal of reports to the EPA Regional Offices would be revised so 
that electronic submittal to the EPA's CDX would suffice. In addition, 
the General Provisions currently provide for exceptions to certain 
federal or state reporting requirements in delegation agreements 
between the EPA and air agencies. We are proposing that information 
required to be reported to the EPA electronically cannot be exempted in 
delegation agreements. We do not believe that this proposed change will 
require submission to the EPA of information beyond what is currently 
specified by 40 CFR 60.4(b) to be submitted to the EPA. However, we are 
soliciting comment on whether this assumption is correct, and, if not, 
how we should factor that into this rulemaking. Finally, in addition to 
proposing to revise reporting requirements, we are proposing to amend 
some of the 40 CFR part 60 rules to allow affected facilities to 
maintain the reports that have been submitted electronically to the EPA 
in electronic form rather than in hardcopy form. However, any records 
and reports that are not submitted electronically must continue to be 
retained in hardcopy form, unless the specific NSPS already allows 
electronic recordkeeping.
    We are not proposing any changes to how facilities interact with 
their air agencies. Air agencies will continue to receive reports in 
the format that they currently require unless they specify otherwise to 
facilities; however, the proposal allows air agencies to elect to opt 
in to receiving reports electronically using the EPA's system in lieu 
of continuing to receive them in the format

[[Page 15104]]

that they currently require. Even if an air agency elects not to 
receive reports through the EPA's system, the air agency may still use 
the EPA's system by accepting copies of electronically submitted 
reports either in hardcopy form or by electronic mail. Whether an air 
agency chooses to use the EPA's system or not, all air agencies will 
have access to reports as soon as they are submitted to the EPA's CDX. 
In order to access the report, the air agency reviewer must be 
registered in the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface 
(CEDRI). This is the interface on the CDX that allows facilities to 
submit required electronic reports under 40 CFR part 60 to the EPA. To 
register, the reviewer must send a request for registration to 
cedri@epa.gov. The registration request must include the name, 
government email address, phone number and street address for the 
reviewer. To facilitate air agency access, air agency personnel who 
register for access to CEDRI will receive notifications when reports 
and associated data are submitted to the EPA's CEDRI by affected 
facilities in their delegated areas.
    The proposed rule would be implemented upon the effective date of 
the final rule, which is 90 days after the date that the final rule is 
published in the Federal Register. We recognize that it may take some 
time to transition from paper reporting to electronic reporting. We 
understand that some reports may be due soon after the final rule is 
published and that you may have already compiled the majority of data 
in hardcopy form, with little time left to enter data into electronic 
reporting forms. Therefore, we are delaying the effective date of the 
rule until 90 days after it is published. We believe that 90 days is an 
adequate amount of time for this transition, as it is slightly longer 
than the 60-day reporting timeframe for most performance tests. 
Additionally, as some reports are on a quarterly schedule, a 90-day 
timeframe will allow enough time for the completion of quarterly 
reports currently in progress and start the electronic reporting 
process with the next quarterly report. Starting 90 days after the date 
that this rule is published, you would be required to submit all 
subsequent specified reports electronically to the EPA on the date that 
the specified report would next be due. These provisions would apply to 
all affected facilities, including those currently subject to the 
applicable NSPS, as well as any new, modified or reconstructed sources. 
Please note that the proposed 90-day delay in the effective date of 
this rule would not affect a facility's obligation to timely submit air 
emissions reports in hardcopy form to the delegated air agency and the 
EPA. Any such reports that are due during the 90-day period must be 
submitted timely.

C. What steps do you need to take to electronically submit reports to 
the EPA?

1. Overview of Data Flow Process
    This proposal would require you (the owner or operator or 
responsible official) to submit specified reports currently required 
under 40 CFR part 60 electronically to the EPA's CDX, the point of 
entry for submission of electronic data to the agency. The CDX provides 
access to the CEDRI. This is the interface on the CDX that allows you 
to submit your required electronic reports under 40 CFR part 60 to the 
    The EPA's Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) creates electronic 
versions of stationary source sampling test plans and reports of test 
results that can be submitted to the EPA and air agencies. Note that 
the proposed requirement to submit performance test reports and 
performance evaluation reports electronically for the affected NSPS is 
limited to those reports involving test methods and performance 
specifications that are supported by the EPA's ERT. For performance 
tests and evaluations that involve test methods and pollutants that are 
not supported by the ERT, you must continue to submit the required 
reports in hardcopy format to your delegated air agency and the EPA 
Regional Office, as applicable. The test methods and performance 
specifications currently supported by the ERT are listed in Table 3 (in 
section VI of this preamble) and on the ERT Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ert/ert_info.html). We expect this list to expand 
over time. When we add new methods and performance specifications to 
the ERT, a notice will be sent out through the Clearinghouse for 
Inventories and Emissions Factors (CHIEF) Listserv (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/listserv.html#chief) and a notice of availability will be 
added to the ERT Web site. We encourage you to check the Web site 
regularly for up-to-date information on methods and performance 
specifications supported by the ERT.
    The existing version of CEDRI can accept submissions of performance 
test reports generated by the ERT, performance evaluation reports 
generated by the ERT and a limited number of other air emissions 
reports to the EPA. Facilities can submit reports for multiple NSPS at 
the same time. This may be desirable for facilities subject to more 
than one NSPS. We plan to expand CEDRI to allow submittal of additional 
40 CFR part 60 summary reports, excess emission reports and other 
similar reports as described above. In the event CEDRI development does 
not yet support electronic submittal of reports for a particular NSPS 
or a specified report on the required submittal date, you would submit 
the report or reports as otherwise required by the EPA and the 
delegated air agency. When CEDRI is updated to support electronic 
submittal of the required report, you would have 90 days from the date 
of the reporting form's availability in CEDRI to commence electronic 
reporting to the EPA. Any reports that are required to be submitted 
prior to the date 90 days from the date the reporting form becomes 
available must be submitted timely and can be submitted either in hard 
copy or using the electronic reporting form. Notice will be sent out 
through the CHIEF Listserv and a notice of availability will be added 
to the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html) 
when CEDRI is updated to include these reports.
    The CEDRI will also have the ability to automatically import 
available facility identification information so that the user will not 
be required to input this information on every form. In most cases, the 
facility identification information is already part of the EPA Facility 
Registration System (FRS) and will be obtained from FRS through a Web 
service using the FRS ID. The FRS is a centrally managed EPA database 
that identifies facilities, sites or places subject to environmental 
regulations or of environmental interest. Sources without an FRS number 
will be able to obtain an FRS number when signing on to CEDRI and 
sources with an FRS number that find that some of the FRS-generated 
information is incorrect will be able to correct the errors in CEDRI. 
Finally, the CEDRI reporting tools will include additional fields and 
an upload area for PDF files to allow you to add information to address 
state, local or tribal reporting requirements that may be required in 
addition to the federal requirements. You are only required to submit 
this additional information if your air agency (1) opts into accepting 
reports through the EPA's system, (2) allows facilities to submit files 
of electronically submitted reports by electronic mail or (3) allows 
facilities to submit hard copies of the files submitted electronically.
    The WebFIRE database (WebFIRE) (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/

[[Page 15105]]

index.html) houses the information submitted to the EPA electronically 
through CEDRI and is the public access site for this information. 
WebFIRE is also the EPA's online emissions factor repository, retrieval 
and development tool. Public access to the electronic data submitted to 
the EPA through CEDRI would be available in WebFIRE within 60 days 
after the package is electronically submitted. During this processing 
period, the EPA or air agency reviewer will have access to the 
submitted report if the reviewer registers for access to CEDRI through 
CDX, and the facility preparer may submit corrections to the report to 
CEDRI based on the air agency's review. We believe that this processing 
period is necessary to ensure that the data in WebFIRE are as complete 
and accurate as possible. All users will benefit from higher quality 
data. Since the information in the submitted package must be certified 
as accurate, we do not anticipate frequent changes. If, however, 
changes are made to the submission package prior to the end of the 
processing period and the package's release to WebFIRE, the processing 
period will start over to allow air agency reviewers time to review the 
new submission package. While only the corrected package will be 
available in WebFIRE, all versions of submitted reports will remain as 
part of the official record and be available to the EPA and air agency 
reviewers through CDX.
2. CDX CEDRI User Registration and Electronic Signature
    If you are a new user, in order to electronically submit the 
reports subject to this proposed rule, you would first need to visit 
the CDX homepage (https://cdx.epa.gov/) and register in CDX. Once you 
have successfully registered in CDX, you will receive confirmation of 
successful registration, and you will be able to log in to CDX by 
navigating to the CDX home page and entering your user ID and password. 
Once in CDX, you can select CEDRI from the Active Program Service List. 
Detailed instructions for registering and accessing CDX and CEDRI are 
outlined in the CEDRI CDX User Guide available on the CEDRI Web 

    \4\ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Central Data Exchange. 
CEDRI CDX User Guide. Version 5.0. October 4, 2013, http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/CDX%20CEDRI%20User%20Guide%20v5%200.pdf.

    Once you have selected CEDRI from the Active Program Service List, 
you must then select a registration role. You may register either as a 
``preparer'' or a ``certifier.'' The preparer (e.g., a performance test 
contractor or support person at the facility) compiles the data and 
assembles the submission packages. The preparer can upload files and 
complete electronic forms. However, the preparer may not submit or sign 
packages, unless the preparer is also a registered certifier for the 
facility. As part of the registration process, preparers are required 
to identify the certifier(s) for whom they are preparing reports. The 
certifier will be able to assemble submission packages (and, therefore, 
may also be the preparer) and will be able to modify submission 
packages that a preparer has assembled. The key difference between the 
preparer and the certifier is that the certifier can submit and sign a 
package using an electronic signature. The certifier is generally 
referred to as the ``owner or operator'' or ``responsible official'' of 
the facility as defined in the NSPS. To submit a report, there must be 
either a separate preparer and certifier or one registered certifier 
who acts as both the preparer and certifier.
    The EPA has designed this process to be compliant with the Cross-
Media Electronic Reporting Rule (CROMERR). The CROMERR (under 40 CFR 
part 3) provides the legal framework for electronic reporting under all 
of the EPA's environmental regulations and includes criteria for 
assuring that the electronic signature is legally associated with an 
electronic document for the purpose of expressing the same meaning and 
intention as would a handwritten signature if affixed to an equivalent 
paper document. In other words, the electronic signature is as equally 
enforceable as a paper signature. For more information on CROMERR, see 
the Web site: http://www.epa.gov/cromerr/.
3. Data Flow for Electronic Reports
    The electronic data flow process begins with the report preparation 
step. In the case of performance test reports and performance 
evaluation reports, the EPA's ERT would be used to generate electronic 
performance test report and performance evaluation report files which 
would then be uploaded to CEDRI. Only the results of performance tests 
and performance evaluations which use test methods and performance 
specifications supported by the ERT are required to be submitted 
electronically to the EPA. Those performance test reports or 
performance evaluation reports which use test methods and performance 
specifications not supported by the ERT must continue to be submitted 
to the Administrator and/or delegated authority as currently required 
under the affected 40 CFR part 60 rules. The current version of the ERT 
and test methods and performance specifications supported by the ERT 
are available at: http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ert/index.html. The test 
methods and performance specifications currently included in the ERT 
are listed in Table 3. We expect this list to expand over time. When we 
add new methods to the ERT, a notice will be sent out through the CHIEF 
Listserv and a notice of availability will be added to the ERT Web 
site. We encourage you to check the Web site regularly for up-to-date 
information on test methods and performance specifications supported by 
the ERT.
    Prior to promulgation of this rulemaking, we plan to release an XML 
(extensible markup language) schema of data elements contained in the 
ERT to allow the development of alternative report options for 
performance test reports and performance evaluation reports. Third 
party software must contain all of the same data elements required by 
the ERT and must be CROMERR compliant. We will not preapprove third 
party software. Third party software will be validated through CEDRI 
submittal; only software that meets the requirements of the XML schema 
located on the ERT Web site will be accepted by CEDRI. Files developed 
with software that does meet the requirements of the XML schema located 
on the ERT Web site will be rejected by CEDRI. If you choose to use 
third party software, it is your responsibility to ensure that the 
third party software is acceptable. Use of a third party software that 
does not meet the requirements of the EPA's XML schema does not relieve 
you of your responsibility to submit the report by the submittal 
    If you choose to use a third party software, you would gather the 
necessary information required to be input for the performance test 
report or performance evaluation report and upload the file generated 
by the third party software to CEDRI. Third party software could be 
software developed by a third-party for the sole purpose of report 
submittals. It could also be a delegated air agency's electronic 
reporting system. We are aware that some air agencies have already 
developed electronic reporting systems. If the air agency's reporting 
system can be developed or amended such that it can upload all required 
data elements to the EPA's CEDRI, the delegated air agency's reporting 
system could serve as third-party software. In this case, you would 
submit your performance test or performance evaluation report to the 
delegated air agency through the delegated air agency's software, and 
the air agency's system would allow you to

[[Page 15106]]

also submit the report to the EPA's CEDRI through the air agency's 
    Currently, the EPA's ERT is a Microsoft Access[supreg] application, 
and it is the only available tool to use in preparing performance test 
reports and performance evaluation reports for submittal to CEDRI. We 
are evaluating options for the development of a Web-based version of 
the ERT. We are, therefore, soliciting comment on whether we should 
develop this alternative ERT format as a reporting tool for performance 
test reports and performance evaluation reports.
    Package preparation for summary reports, excess emission reports 
and subpart-specific reports that are similar to the summary reports 
and excess emission reports required by the 40 CFR part 60 General 
Provisions begins when you gather the necessary information required to 
be input and/or uploaded into the applicable report forms. For subpart-
specific reports, we intend to build in the capability for an 
alternative electronic file to be submitted in lieu of filling in the 
CEDRI-provided subpart-specific report form. We plan to release the XML 
schema that is required for third-parties to develop alternative report 
options for air emissions reports in CEDRI prior to promulgation of 
this rulemaking. Third party software must contain all of the same data 
elements required by the report forms in CEDRI and must be CROMERR 
compliant. We are not approving third party software. Third party 
software will be validated through CEDRI submittal; only software that 
meets the requirements of the XML schema located on the CEDRI Web site 
will be accepted by CEDRI. If you choose to use third party software, 
it is your responsibility to ensure that the third party software is 
acceptable. Use of a third party software that does not meet the 
requirements of the EPA's XML schema does not relieve you of your 
responsibility to submit the report by the submittal deadline.
    Once you prepare your report package in CEDRI, the registered 
certifier reviews the report(s) and may modify the file(s) or return 
the file(s) to the preparer to make modifications. When the certifier 
determines that the files are ready for submission, the certifier will 
certify the submission with a CROMERR electronic signature and submit 
the files through CEDRI. Following submission, the certified signature 
file will be stored with each report contained in the submission 
package as the CROMERR Copy of Record (COR) in CDX. Within 60 days of 
submission to CDX,\5\ each file will be sent to the EPA's WebFIRE 
database where it will be available for public access. Ultimately, each 
submission is stored in two places. The CROMERR COR is retained in CDX. 
The same file without the CROMERR signature is available publicly 
through WebFIRE.

    \5\ If changes are made to the submission package prior to the 
end of the processing period and the package's release to WebFIRE, 
the processing period will start over to allow air agency reviewers 
time to review the new submission package. While only the corrected 
package will be available in WebFIRE, all versions of submitted 
reports will remain as part of the official record and be available 
to EPA and air agency reviewers through CDX.

    Figure 1 illustrates an overview of the proposed data flow process 
for electronic report submissions.

[[Page 15107]]



D. Recordkeeping

    Most of the NSPS require affected facilities to keep records, such 
as raw data and reports of emissions monitoring and testing, on site. 
Many of the NSPS require that this information be maintained in 
hardcopy form. Because those records, data and reports that would be 
required to be submitted to the EPA electronically would be stored 
safely and available to all stakeholders at all times, we propose that 
industry should be allowed to maintain electronic copies of these 
records, data and reports to satisfy federal recordkeeping 
requirements. Thus, in this rulemaking, we are proposing to eliminate 
the requirement to maintain hard copies of records, data and reports 
when these records, data and reports are submitted electronically to 
the EPA's CDX. This provision will benefit industry facilities that 
currently maintain these reports in hardcopy form; the amount of space 
required to store the reports will be minimized, but

[[Page 15108]]

the information will remain accessible at the facility. We note, 
however, that air agencies that require submission of reports in 
hardcopy form may also require the maintenance of hardcopy records, 
data and reports.
    We plan to store records, data and reports submitted to the EPA's 
CDX electronically in two sites (CDX and WebFIRE), with frequent 
backups. Upon submission of each report, CEDRI will archive a copy of 
each submitted report in CDX (this copy becomes the official copy of 
record). Both WebFIRE and CDX back up their files on a daily basis. The 
EPA's National Computer Center (where the WebFIRE files are stored) 
maintains a dual back-up file (one kept on site and the other stored 
off site). The CDX also employs a dual back-up system to avoid problems 
in the event of a catastrophe at the location of the servers storing 
the files. Thus, the EPA has established redundancy into the electronic 
reporting and storage system to ensure submitted records, data and 
reports are retained and available.
    As noted above, we believe that electronic recordkeeping is an 
adequate method of record retention that will improve record 
accessibility and will provide reduced storage benefits to facilities, 
resulting in a cost savings for industry. The EPA specifically solicits 
comment on the proposed amendment to allow electronic recordkeeping in 
lieu of hardcopy records.

III. Rationale for Requiring the Electronic Submission of Specified 

A. Why is this proposed action needed?

    The EPA believes that the electronic submittal of the reports 
addressed in this proposed rulemaking will increase the usefulness of 
the data contained in those reports, is in keeping with current trends 
in data availability, will further assist in the protection of public 
health and the environment and will ultimately result in less burden on 
the regulated community. Electronic reporting is in ever-increasing use 
and is universally considered to be faster, more efficient and more 
accurate for all parties once the initial systems have been established 
and start-up costs completed. Under current requirements, paper reports 
are often stored in filing cabinets or boxes, which make the reports 
more difficult to obtain and use for data analysis and sharing. 
Electronic storage of such reports would make data more accessible for 
review, analyses and sharing. Electronic reporting can eliminate paper-
based, manual processes, thereby saving time and resources, simplifying 
data entry, eliminating redundancies, minimizing data reporting errors 
and providing data quickly and accurately to the affected facilities, 
air agencies, the EPA and the public.
    By making data readily available, electronic reporting increases 
the amount of data that can be used for many purposes. One example is 
the development of emissions factors. An emissions factor is a 
representative value that attempts to relate the quantity of a 
pollutant released to the atmosphere with an activity associated with 
the release of that pollutant (e.g., kilograms of particulate emitted 
per megagram of coal burned). Such factors facilitate the estimation of 
emissions from various sources of air pollution and are an important 
tool in developing emissions inventories, which in turn are the basis 
for numerous efforts, including trends analysis, regional and local 
scale air quality modeling, regulatory impact assessments and human 
exposure modeling. Emissions factors are also widely used in regulatory 
applicability determinations and in permitting decisions. In most 
cases, emissions factors are simply averages of all available data, and 
they are generally assumed to be representative of long-term averages 
for all facilities in the source category (i.e., a population 

    \6\ For more information on emissions factors and their uses, 
see: http://www.epa.gov/ttnchie1/ap42/.

    The EPA has received feedback from stakeholders asserting that many 
of the EPA's emissions factors are outdated or not representative of a 
particular industry emission source. While the EPA believes that the 
emissions factors are suitable for their intended purpose, we recognize 
that the quality of emissions factors varies based on the extent and 
quality of underlying data. We also recognize that emissions profiles 
on different pieces of equipment can change over time due to a number 
of factors (fuel changes, equipment improvements, industry work 
practices), and it is important for emissions factors to be updated to 
keep up with these changes. The EPA has received feedback from 
stakeholders asserting that many of the EPA's emissions factors are 
outdated or not representative of a particular industry emission 
source. The EPA is currently pursuing emissions factor development 
improvements that include procedures to incorporate the source test 
data that we are proposing be submitted electronically. By requiring 
the electronic submission of the reports identified in this proposed 
rule, the EPA would be able to access and use the submitted data to 
update emissions factors more quickly and efficiently, creating factors 
that are characteristic of what is currently representative of the 
relevant industry sector. Likewise, an increase in the number of test 
reports used to develop the emissions factors will provide more 
confidence that the factor is of higher quality and representative of 
the whole industry sector. In the EPA's new emissions factor 
development procedures (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/efpac/procedures/index.html) that incorporate the use of electronic test data, WebFIRE 
automatically performs routines to determine when the incorporation of 
new data causes a factor to statistically differ from the existing 
factor and calculates an updated factor. Because these routines are run 
automatically,\7\ the process is quicker than the manual review and 
calculation process, and we are able to provide representative factors 

    \7\ Although WebFIRE will automatically run the routines to 
develop new emissions factors, we will still solicit public comment 
on draft factors prior to finalizing factors. Notices that draft 
factors are available for review are sent out via the CHIEF 

    Emissions factors are used in the development of emissions 
inventories. Improved emissions factors means that higher quality 
inventories will be developed on a much quicker scale as a result of 
electronic reporting than they would under the current paper reporting 
requirements. Emissions inventories are used for tracking emission 
trends and identifying potential sources of emissions for reduction. 
For example, the EPA's National Air Toxics Assessment (NATA) uses the 
EPA's National Emissions Inventory (NEI) in its screening level 
assessments to characterize the nationwide chronic cancer risk 
estimates and noncancer hazards from inhaling air toxics. The NATA is 
used as a screening tool for air agencies to prioritize pollutants, 
emission sources and locations of interest for further study to gain a 
better understanding of risks. Therefore, improving the quality of 
these inventories and providing updated inventories more quickly are 
on-going goals for the agency and a benefit to the public, air agencies 
and the regulated community. Consistent with the goal of improving 
inventories, the EPA has determined that long-term activity data (e.g., 
production rates, heat rate) is an important data element. This data 
could also be used in rule development to develop emission limits for 
emission standards with long averaging times. Having this data 
submitted electronically would reduce the burden

[[Page 15109]]

of asking for this data in the future, during inventory and rulemaking 
activities. In lieu of activity data, collecting long-term emissions 
data would also provide useful data for inventory and rule development 
purposes. We are specifically requesting comment on whether and how 
long-term activity or emissions data should be submitted 
    Additionally, by making the records, data and reports addressed in 
this proposed rulemaking readily available, the EPA, the regulated 
community and the public may benefit when the EPA conducts its CAA-
required technology and risk-based reviews. Because we will already 
have access to these reports, our ability to carry out comprehensive 
reviews will be increased and achieved within a shorter period of time. 
While the regulated community may benefit from a reduced burden of 
information collection requests (ICRs), the general public benefits 
from the agency's ability to provide these required reviews more 
quickly, resulting in increased public health and environmental 
    For example, under section 112 of the CAA, the EPA establishes 
technology-based standards for listed source categories. Section 
112(d)(6) of the CAA contains provisions requiring that the EPA 
periodically revisit these standards every 8 years. As a result of 
having performance test reports and air emission reports readily 
accessible, the EPA will have comprehensive data on which to base its 
review. These data will provide useful information on control 
efficiencies being achieved and maintained in practice within a source 
category and across source categories for regulated sources and 
pollutants. These reports can also be used to inform the technology-
review process by providing information on improvements to add-on 
control technology and new control technology.
    Under an electronic reporting system, the EPA's Office of Air 
Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) would have air emissions and 
performance test data in hand; OAQPS would not have to collect these 
data from the EPA Regional Offices or from delegated air agencies or 
industry sources in cases where these reports are not submitted to the 
EPA Regional Offices, e.g., when a delegation agreement creates an 
exception for facilities in their jurisdiction to refrain from 
submitting reports to the EPA Regional Offices as otherwise required by 
40 CFR 60.4(a). Thus, we anticipate fewer or less substantial ICRs in 
conjunction with prospective CAA-required technology and risk-based 
reviews may be needed. We expect this to result in a decrease in time 
spent by industry to respond to data collection requests. We also 
expect the ICRs to contain less extensive stack testing provisions, as 
we will already have stack test data electronically. Reduced testing 
requirements would be a cost savings to industry. The EPA should also 
be able to conduct these required reviews more quickly, as OAQPS will 
not have to include the ICR collection time in the process or spend 
time collecting reports from the EPA Regional Offices.
    Affected facilities could also see reduced costs as a result of the 
standardization of the electronic reporting system NSPS reporting 
forms. The forms will contain the data elements specified by the 
regulations in a step-by-step process. Additionally, the EPA's 
electronic reporting system will be able to access existing information 
in previously submitted reports and data stored in other EPA databases. 
These data can be incorporated into new reports, which will lead to 
reporting burden reduction through labor savings. Electronic reporting 
could minimize submission of unnecessary or duplicative reports in 
cases where facilities report to multiple government agencies and the 
agencies opt to rely on the EPA's electronic reporting system to view 
report submissions. Where air agencies continue to require a paper copy 
of these reports and will accept a hard copy of the electronic report, 
facilities will have the option to print paper copies of the electronic 
reporting forms to submit to the air agencies, and, thus, minimize the 
time spent reporting to multiple agencies. Additionally, maintenance 
and storage costs associated with retaining paper records could 
likewise be minimized by replacing those records with electronic 
records of electronically submitted data and reports.
    There are other benefits to standardizing the format of 
information. Standardizing the reporting format will require the 
reporting of specific data elements, thereby helping to ensure 
completeness of the data and allowing for accurate assessment of data 
quality. In the past, incomplete test reports have resulted in lower 
quality emissions factors because the data could not be adequately 
reviewed to determine representativeness. Imbedded quality assurance 
checks will perform some of the required method calculations, reducing 
errors in test reports. The system will perform statistical analyses 
routines to evaluate below detection limit data and outliers prior to 
performing the emissions factor calculations. The result will be a 
factor of the highest quality rating which is most representative for 
the source category. In addition, because the system relies upon 
electronically submitted data, it eliminates transcription errors in 
moving data from paper reports to data systems for analysis. These 
quality assurance checks and procedures will increase the accuracy of 
test report data, improve the overall quality of test data and lead to 
more accurate emissions factors and higher quality emissions 
inventories. These features benefit all users of the data.
    Air agencies could benefit from more streamlined and automated 
review of the electronically submitted data. For example, because the 
performance test data would be readily-available in a standard 
electronic format, air agencies would be able to review reports and 
data electronically rather than having to conduct a review of the 
reports and data manually. Having reports and associated data in 
electronic format will facilitate review through the use of software 
``search'' options, as well as the downloading and analyzing of data in 
spreadsheet format. Additionally, air agencies would benefit from the 
reported data being accessible to them through the EPA's electronic 
reporting system wherever and whenever they want or need access (as 
long as they have access to the Internet). The ability to access and 
review air emission report information electronically will assist air 
agencies to more quickly and accurately determine compliance with the 
NSPS, potentially allowing a faster response to violations which could 
minimize harmful air emissions. This benefits both air agencies and the 
general public.
    The general public would also benefit from electronic reporting of 
emissions data because the data would be accessible more quickly and 
easily. The EPA Web site that stores the submitted electronic data, 
WebFIRE, will be easily accessible to the public and will provide a 
user-friendly interface that any stakeholder could access.
    The proposed electronic reporting of data is also consistent with 
electronic data trends (e.g., electronic banking and income tax 
filing). Electronic reporting of environmental data is already common 
practice in many media offices at the EPA; programs such as the Toxics 
Release Inventory (TRI), the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program, Acid 
Rain and NOX Budget Trading Programs and the Toxic 
Substances Control Act (TSCA) New Chemicals Program all require 
electronic submissions to the EPA. The changes being proposed today are 
needed to continue the EPA's transition to electronic reporting. While 
we believe that it is unlikely that a facility

[[Page 15110]]

will not be able to electronically report data due to lack of access to 
a computer and the Internet, either on its own site or through public 
means (e.g., a library), we are requesting comment on whether this 
assumption is incorrect, and, if so, whether we should have a provision 
that would allow facilities to submit reports in hard copy instead of 
electronically in these limited circumstances.

B. Why is the EPA using a phased approach to implementing electronic 

    Today's proposal is part of a phased approach to implementing the 
electronic reporting of air emissions data. This approach builds on 
advances that have already been made in electronic reporting of air 
emissions data by adding a more comprehensive group of reports from 
more facilities while at the same time balancing data collection 
objectives with the practicalities of building a user-friendly 
reporting platform.
    The first phase included development, testing and refinement of the 
ERT, and, more recently, CEDRI, for use in selected air program rules 
and data collection efforts, resulting in the electronic submittal of a 
subset of performance test reports and performance evaluation reports. 
In a number of ICRs issued under section 114 of the CAA over the past 
few years, the EPA has included requirements to report the results of 
performance tests using ERT generated files. In addition, over two 
dozen EPA air program rules (in 40 CFR parts 60 and 63) already require 
electronic submission of performance test, performance evaluation and/
or other reports directly to CDX. See http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ert/ert_rules.html for a list of the promulgated rules under the CAA that 
require submission of these reports to the EPA's CEDRI. As a result of 
using the ERT to submit test reports in response to ICRs and using the 
ERT and the CEDRI reporting platform to comply with regulatory 
requirements for electronic submission, users have become more 
proficient in electronic reporting, including collecting and compiling 
the data for such reports. In aggregate, the EPA has received over 
2,200 submittals electronically through CEDRI.
    Throughout this first phase, we continued to improve the ERT in 
response to comments from users who have first-hand experience with the 
ERT. We have made several changes to the ERT to ensure the completeness 
of data collected and improve ease in using the tool. For example, we 
have developed a template that extracts tagged data from a Microsoft 
Excel[supreg] spreadsheet and inserts the data into the ERT to assist 
in making the input of data to the ERT easier and more efficient for 
those facilities that want to take advantage of this option. A 
discussion of other recent updates that have been made to the ERT can 
be found at http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ert/updatehistory.pdf.
    We also initiated a multi-disciplinary, cross-functional Integrated 
Project Team (IPT) during the first phase in the development of the 
CEDRI. The IPT included EPA personnel from various offices and 
representatives from air agencies. The objectives of the CEDRI IPT were 
to gain insight and ideas regarding the data flow process within the 
    This proposal represents the second phase to implementing 
electronic reporting of air emissions data. It would expand the number 
and type of air emissions reports in NSPS rules required to be 
submitted electronically. In developing the second phase, we considered 
the extent to which we should expand the number of reports to be 
submitted to CDX through CEDRI, starting with the 40 CFR part 60 NSPS. 
We chose reports that are critical to ensuring that rule requirements 
are met by focusing on reports of air emissions data used by the EPA 
and other stakeholders to evaluate the emissions and performance of 
individual affected facilities. Another consideration was the process 
of developing the CEDRI platform to accommodate user access to upload 
and review such data. This effort requires resources to develop the 
platform, and we have chosen to prioritize the data to be collected to 
ensure that the platform will be effective in handling the reports 
addressed in this proposal. In the future, we would consider expanding 
the number and type of reports required to be submitted electronically 
to facilitate the electronic collection of additional air emissions 

C. How does this proposed action affect permits?

    As a general matter, and consistent with 40 CFR 70.2, any standard 
or other requirement under section 111 of the CAA is an applicable 
requirement for title V purposes. Sources subject to the NSPS affected 
by this proposed rulemaking that have title V operating permits will 
likely need to seek a revision to their permits once this rule is final 
or address this when their permit comes up for renewal, consistent with 
40 CFR 70.7(f)(1)(i). In addition, there may be area sources that also 
need permit revisions (e.g., state operating permits); however, the 
discussion in this section will focus on major source title V operating 
    The title V implementing regulations found at 40 CFR parts 70 and 
71, as well as state rules that are a part of state-approved title V 
programs, require the revision of title V permits to include the types 
of changes described in this proposed rulemaking. Part 70 of 40 CFR 
provides three basic procedural mechanisms for amending or modifying 
title V permits: Administrative permit amendments described at 40 CFR 
70.7(d); minor permit modifications described at 40 CFR 70.7(e)(2); and 
significant modifications described at 40 CFR 70.7(e)(4). Each of these 
provisions provides criteria regarding the availability of the 
different mechanisms. The rule changes being proposed today generally 
involve changes to the method of submittal of information already 
required to be submitted and reported. The EPA does not expect that the 
changes being proposed today are likely to involve significant changes 
to monitoring, reporting or recordkeeping requirements in existing 
title V permits. As a result, to the extent consistent with applicable 
state rules and the terms and conditions of the title V permit, we 
anticipate that permitting authorities would be able to implement the 
changes being proposed today through a minor modification to existing 
title V permits. Notably, depending on the timing associated with the 
permit renewal cycle, these changes could be completed as part of a 
permit renewal consistent with 40 CFR 70.7(f). The EPA recognizes that 
permitting authorities may have other suitable mechanisms for making 
the necessary changes available, such as group processing of certain 
types of revisions to title V operating permits.

IV. Air Agency Delegated Authority Impacts

    The CAA allows the EPA to delegate the authority to implement and 
enforce NSPS to air agencies (CAA section 111(c), 42 U.S.C. 7411(c)). 
Air agencies to which authority to implement and enforce the NSPS has 
been delegated routinely receive performance test reports, performance 
evaluation reports, summary reports, excess emission reports and other 
reports from industry as part of their compliance monitoring, 
enforcement and oversight responsibilities. In many cases, air agencies 
have their own rules in place to implement and enforce the federal 
rules, and these rules may require industry to submit these reports to 
them in hardcopy form (as is currently the case in the EPA rules). Air 
agency rules

[[Page 15111]]

may require additional, but associated, information in these reports. 
In addition, as provided in 40 CFR 60.4(b), some air agency delegation 
agreements create an exception for facilities in their jurisdiction to 
refrain from submitting reports to the EPA Regional Offices as 
otherwise required by 40 CFR 60.4(a). Under this proposed rule, this 
exception would not apply to electronic reports required to be 
submitted to CEDRI.
    Air agency delegations and reporting and recordkeeping procedures 
established by those agencies would be unaffected by this proposed rule 
as we are not proposing to change how agencies and their affected 
facilities currently interact. Air agencies will continue to require 
reports to be submitted in hardcopy form and records to be maintained 
in hardcopy form as they deem appropriate. However, we anticipate that 
some air agencies may choose to modify their current report submission 
requirements to accept those reports that are required to be submitted 
to the EPA electronically in lieu of the paper reports. In fact, we are 
aware of at least two air agencies that already require their 
facilities to use the ERT to electronically submit performance test 
reports to the air agency. To facilitate air agency access, air agency 
personnel who register for access to CEDRI will receive notifications 
when reports and associated data are submitted to the EPA's CEDRI by 
affected facilities in their delegated areas. Air agencies would have 
full access to reports and associated data as soon as they are 
submitted, and would not have to purchase any new software or hardware 
to access this information.
    In general, we anticipate that many air agencies will choose to 
transition to the use of the electronic reports because of the numerous 
benefits associated with electronic reporting:
     Streamlined and automated emissions data and report review 
potential. Access to data in a common electronic repository and format 
would allow air agencies to conduct standard automated data reviews 
that would ultimately streamline the time and steps that air agencies 
would need in their review of affected facility emissions data and 
reports. Air agencies could also require their facilities to provide 
air agency-required data that are routinely submitted with the NSPS-
required reports, and the EPA reporting templates will be able to 
accommodate the additional air agency-required data. In this manner, 
air agencies that elect to receive reports through the EPA's electronic 
reporting system can be assured of receiving the same information that 
they currently receive in paper reports submitted to them by affected 
     Readily-accessible data. Air agencies would be able to 
access reports and data submitted and available electronically on-line 
from anywhere and anytime that they can obtain access to the Internet. 
Additionally, electronic files can be downloaded and saved to a data 
drive or hard drive for quick access and use during facility site 
visits. Air agencies could develop data retrieval programs specific to 
their needs.
     Federal repository/back-up system. Air agencies could be 
confident that the federal repository/back-up system would provide 
needed redundancy and security for submitted reports.
     Decreased air agency storage space needed. Because the 
specified data and reports would be submitted to the EPA electronically 
and will be stored safely and available to all stakeholders at all 
times (including air agencies) and because facilities would be allowed 
to maintain an electronic copy of the specified data and reports, air 
agencies would have the option of not maintaining these reports in 
either hardcopy or electronic form.

V. Impacts of Proposed Amendments

    We estimate total annualized savings for regulated facilities due 
to the proposed amendments to be approximately $300,000 per year. The 
estimate reflects a 7-percent discount rate and a 20-year annualization 
period. While we know there will also be a savings for air agencies and 
the EPA based upon the benefits described earlier in this preamble, we 
have not quantified these savings. The total annualized savings 
estimate reflects different assumptions for year 1, year 2 and year 3 
through year 20. This is because, in some cases, air agencies have 
their own rules that require hard copies of reports, and it would take 
time for those air agencies to transition (if they choose to) to the 
use of the EPA's electronic reporting system for the reports being 
proposed to be submitted electronically to the EPA's CDX. Thus, we have 
the transition from paper to electronic reporting drawn out to 3 years 
for those air agencies that adopt the EPA's electronic reporting 
requirements, in order to provide the time it would take to update 
permit requirements and create or change air agency reporting rules, 
where necessary. We assume that air agencies would continue to require 
submission of reports in hardcopy form to satisfy air agency reporting 
requirements in years 1 and 2 because the air agencies would not yet 
have had time to update reporting requirements. There is an initial 
cost associated with this rule because hardcopy and electronic reports 
may both be required during this time period, there is a learning curve 
associated with the use of our electronic system and data need to be 
entered initially which will be automatically populated in future 
reports. We estimate the cost of this rule for regulated facilities to 
be $6,010,000 for the first year and $4,980,000 for the second year. We 
assume that beginning in year 3, the air agencies will have had time to 
update reporting requirements as necessary so that hardcopy reports 
addressed by this proposal will no longer be required to be submitted 
to the air agencies for those air agencies that opt to review submitted 
reports through the EPA's electronic reporting system. Because only 
electronic reports will be required by this proposed rule, facilities 
will be familiar with the system, and initial data will already be 
populated in the system, we estimate that there will be a cost savings 
of approximately $1,460,000 for every year starting in year 3. For 
facilities where the air agency is not opting to view reports through 
the EPA's electronic reporting system, the system is being built such 
that the report will be able to be printed by the facility. The 
facility will then be able to mail the printed report to the air 
agency, if the air agency will accept the printed report in lieu of any 
otherwise required paper report. While there will be some extra burden 
associated with printing and mailing the report, we assume that the 
burden will be equal to or less than the current burden associated with 
submitting hardcopy reports and, therefore, equal to or less than the 
savings associated with entering the data electronically.
    For each of the three time periods (i.e., year 1, year 2 and year 3 
through year 20), Table 4 (in section VI of this preamble) provides a 
summary of the number of each type of report submitted and the total 
labor time and savings that would accrue. The following section briefly 
discusses the data used in calculating each component. For additional 
details on the calculations, please refer to the ``Electronic Reporting 
and Recordkeeping Requirements for NSPS Rule Estimate 09-17-2013 
includes Part 60.xlsx'' worksheet located in the docket.
    To estimate costs and savings associated with annual electronic 
submittal of source performance test reports, the agency compiled data 
on the total number of source performance tests required annually by 40 
CFR part

[[Page 15112]]

60 and its respective subparts.\8\ The total number of source 
performance test reports submitted annually is estimated to be 1,393. 
Because most NSPS do not require more than one source performance test 
per year, to calculate the annualized costs, we assessed the number of 
facilities and the number of stack tests that were included under ICRs 
(managed by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), 

    \8\ The data are found in the following worksheet in the 
docket--ERRR Rule EIA ICR Data Part 60.xlsx.

    To estimate costs and savings associated with periodic reports, we 
compiled data on the total number of summary report and excess emission 
report submittals through a review of 40 CFR part 60 ICRs. The 
estimated number of periodic reports submitted each year is 17,612.
    In year 3 through year 20, we assume that written reports are no 
longer required by approximately 75 percent of the air agencies and 
that there is labor savings associated with only requiring electronic 
report submittal. This estimate is based on data collected from the 
IPT, a multi-disciplinary, cross-functional team that included EPA 
personnel from various offices and representatives from air agencies. 
Due to the ability of the electronic reporting system to access 
existing information in previously submitted reports, we assume that 
there is a 50-percent labor savings associated with electronically 
submitting source performance test reports, and we assume a 25-percent 
labor savings associated with electronically submitting periodic 

    \9\ The 50-percent labor savings assumes an existing source 
performance test file can be reused and already contains about 50 
percent of required data. The 25-percent labor savings assumes about 
25-percent of the required data is in existing databases and will 
not need to be submitted a second time.

    We aggregated the labor costs and savings and annualized the totals 
over a 20-year period using a 7-percent discount rate; we estimated 
total annualized savings for this proposed rule to be approximately 
$300,000 per year for regulated facilities. We used labor rates from 
the Bureau of Labor Statistics and selected a rate for the Management, 
Professional and Related Occupations category; we adjusted the rate 
upward by 67 percent to reflect overhead.\10\

    \10\ The labor rates used in the analysis can be found at http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/ecec.pdf, Table 9, Management, 
Professional and Related Occupations.

VI. Tables

   Table 1--40 CFR Part 60 Subparts Unaffected or Excluded by Proposed
             Name               Subpart              Rationale
Adoption and Submittal of      B          Requires that states adopt and
 State Plans for Designated                submit a state plan to the
 Facilities.                               EPA to implement emission
                                           guidelines developed under
                                           the CAA. Subpart B does not
                                           contain emission standards or
                                           recordkeeping and reporting
                                           requirements. Therefore,
                                           subpart B is not amended or
                                           affected by this proposed
Emission Guidelines and        C          Emission guidelines apply to
 Compliance Times.                         air agencies. Because it
                                           would be overly burdensome to
                                           require air agencies to
                                           revise and resubmit
                                           implementation plans solely
                                           to address electronic
                                           reporting, we are not
                                           proposing to revise the
                                           emission guidelines to
                                           require electronic reporting
                                           to the EPA at this time.
                                           Reports and data will be
                                           reviewed to address
                                           electronic reporting under
                                           the emission guidelines in
                                           separate and independent
Emission Guidelines and        Cb         Emission guidelines apply to
 Compliance Times for Large                air agencies. Because it
 Municipal Waste Combustors                would be overly burdensome to
 that are Constructed On or                require air agencies to
 Before September 20, 1994.                revise and resubmit
                                           implementation plans solely
                                           to address electronic
                                           reporting, we are not
                                           proposing to revise the
                                           emission guidelines to
                                           require electronic reporting
                                           to the EPA at this time.
                                           Reports and data will be
                                           reviewed to address
                                           electronic reporting under
                                           the emission guidelines in
                                           separate and independent
Emission Guidelines and        Cc         Emission guidelines apply to
 Compliance Times for                      air agencies. Because it
 Municipal Solid Waste                     would be overly burdensome to
 Landfills.                                require air agencies to
                                           revise and resubmit
                                           implementation plans solely
                                           to address electronic
                                           reporting, we are not
                                           proposing to revise the
                                           emission guidelines to
                                           require electronic reporting
                                           to the EPA at this time.
                                           Reports and data will be
                                           reviewed to address
                                           electronic reporting under
                                           the emission guidelines in
                                           separate and independent
Emissions Guidelines and       Cd         Emission guidelines apply to
 Compliance Times for                      air agencies. Because it
 Sulfuric Acid Production                  would be overly burdensome to
 Units.                                    require air agencies to
                                           revise and resubmit
                                           implementation plans solely
                                           to address electronic
                                           reporting, we are not
                                           proposing to revise the
                                           emission guidelines to
                                           require electronic reporting
                                           to the EPA at this time.
                                           Reports and data will be
                                           reviewed to address
                                           electronic reporting under
                                           the emission guidelines in
                                           separate and independent
Emission Guidelines and        Ce         Emission guidelines apply to
 Compliance Times for                      air agencies. Because it
 Hospital/Medical/Infectious               would be overly burdensome to
 Waste Incinerators.                       require air agencies to
                                           revise and resubmit
                                           implementation plans solely
                                           to address electronic
                                           reporting, we are not
                                           proposing to revise the
                                           emission guidelines to
                                           require electronic reporting
                                           to the EPA at this time.
                                           Reports and data will be
                                           reviewed to address
                                           electronic reporting under
                                           the emission guidelines in
                                           separate and independent
Standards of Performance for   D          Reports and data will be
 Fossil-Fuel-Fired Steam                   reviewed to address
 Generators.                               electronic reporting under a
                                           separate and independent
Standards of Performance for   Da         Reports and data will be
 Electric Utility Steam                    reviewed to address
 Generating Units.                         electronic reporting under a
                                           separate and independent
Standards of Performance for   Db         Reports and data will be
 Industrial-Commercial-                    reviewed to address
 Institutional Steam                       electronic reporting under a
 Generating Units.                         separate and independent
Standards of Performance for   Dc         Reports and data will be
 Small Industrial-Commercial-              reviewed to address
 Institutional Steam                       electronic reporting under a
 Generating Units.                         separate and independent

[[Page 15113]]

Standards of Performance for   K          None of the reports required
 Storage Vessels for                       under subpart K contain air
 Petroleum Liquids for Which               emissions data that the EPA
 Construction,                             is requesting be submitted
 Reconstruction, or                        electronically under this
 Modification Commenced After              proposal.
 June 11, 1973, and Prior to
 May 19, 1978.
Standards of Performance for   GGG        None of the reports required
 Equipment Leaks of VOC in                 under subpart GGG contain air
 Petroleum Refineries for                  emissions data that the EPA
 Which Construction,                       is requesting be submitted
 Reconstruction, or                        electronically under this
 Modification Commenced After              proposal.
 January 4, 1983, and On or
 Before November 7, 2006.
Standards of Performance for   GGGa       None of the reports required
 Equipment Leaks of VOC in                 under subpart GGGa contain
 Petroleum Refineries for                  air emissions data that the
 Which Construction,                       EPA is requesting be
 Reconstruction, or                        submitted electronically
 Modification Commenced After              under this proposal.
 November 7, 2006.
Standards of Performance for   JJJ        None of the reports required
 Petroleum Dry Cleaners.                   under subpart JJJ contain air
                                           emissions data that the EPA
                                           is requesting be submitted
                                           electronically under this
Standards of Performance for   KKK        None of the reports required
 Equipment Leaks of VOC From               under subpart KKK contain air
 Onshore Natural Gas                       emissions data that the EPA
 Processing Plants for Which               is requesting be submitted
 Construction,                             electronically under this
 Reconstruction, or                        proposal.
 Modification Commenced After
 January 20, 1984, and On or
 Before August 23, 2011.
Emission Guidelines and        BBBB       Emission guidelines apply to
 Compliance Times for Small                air agencies. Because it
 Municipal Waste Combustion                would be overly burdensome to
 Units Constructed On or                   require air agencies to
 Before August 30, 1999.                   revise and resubmit
                                           implementation plans solely
                                           to address electronic
                                           reporting, we are not
                                           proposing to revise the
                                           emission guidelines to
                                           require electronic reporting
                                           to the EPA at this time.
                                           Reports and data will be
                                           reviewed to address
                                           electronic reporting under
                                           the emission guidelines in
                                           separate and independent
Standards of Performance for   CCCC       Electronic reporting is being
 Commercial and Industrial                 addressed under a separate
 Solid Waste Incineration                  and independent rulemaking.
Emissions Guidelines and       DDDD       Electronic reporting is being
 Compliance Times for                      addressed under a separate
 Commercial and Industrial                 and independent rulemaking.
 Solid Waste Incineration
Emission Guidelines and        FFFF       Emission guidelines apply to
 Compliance Times for Other                air agencies. Because it
 Solid Waste Incineration                  would be overly burdensome to
 Units that Commenced                      require air agencies to
 Construction On or Before                 revise and resubmit
 December 9, 2004.                         implementation plans solely
                                           to address electronic
                                           reporting, we are not
                                           proposing to revise the
                                           emission guidelines to
                                           require electronic reporting
                                           to the EPA at this time.
                                           Reports and data will be
                                           reviewed to address
                                           electronic reporting under
                                           the emission guidelines in
                                           separate and independent
Emission Guidelines and        MMMM       Emission guidelines apply to
 Compliance Times for                      air agencies. Because it
 Existing Sewage Sludge                    would be overly burdensome to
 Incineration Units.                       require air agencies to
                                           revise and resubmit
                                           implementation plans solely
                                           to address electronic
                                           reporting, we are not
                                           proposing to revise the
                                           emission guidelines to
                                           require electronic reporting
                                           to the EPA at this time.
                                           Reports and data will be
                                           reviewed to address
                                           electronic reporting under
                                           the emission guidelines in
                                           separate and independent

    Table 2--40 CFR Part 60 Subparts Affected by Proposed Amendments
                       Name                               Subpart
General Provisions...............................  A
Standards of Performance for Incinerators........  E
Standards of Performance for Municipal Waste       Ea
 Combustors for which Construction is Commenced
 After December 20, 1989 and On or Before
 September 20, 1994.
Standards of Performance for Large Municipal       Eb
 Waste Combustors for which Construction is
 Commenced After September 20, 1994 or for Which
 Modification or Reconstruction Is Commenced
 After June 19, 1996.
Standards of Performance for New Stationary        Ec
 Sources: Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste
Standards of Performance for Portland Cement       F
Standards of Performance for Nitric Acid Plants..  G
Standards of Performance for Nitric Acid Plants    Ga
 for which Construction, Reconstruction, or
 Modification Commenced After October 14, 2011.
Standards of Performance for Sulfuric Acid Plants  H
Standards of Performance for Hot Mix Asphalt       I
Standards of Performance for Petroleum Refineries  J
Standards of Performance for Petroleum Refineries  Ja
 for which Construction, Reconstruction, or
 Modification commenced After May 14, 2007.
Standards of Performance for Storage Vessels for   Ka
 Petroleum Liquids for which Construction,
 Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After
 May 18, 1978, and Prior to July 23, 1984.
Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic      Kb
 Liquid Storage Vessels (Including Petroleum
 Liquid Storage Vessels) for Which Construction,
 Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After
 July 23, 1984.
Standards of Performance for Secondary Lead        L
Standards of Performance for Secondary Brass and   M
 Bronze Production Plants.

[[Page 15114]]

Standards of Performance for Primary Emissions     N
 from Basic Oxygen Process Furnaces for which
 Construction is Commenced After June 11, 1973.
Standards of Performance for Secondary Emissions   Na
 from Basic Oxygen Process Steelmaking Facilities
 for which Construction is Commenced After
 January 20, 1983.
Standards of Performance for Sewage Treatment      O
Standards of Performance for Primary Copper        P
Standards of Performance for Primary Zinc          Q
Standards of Performance for Primary Lead          R
Standards of Performance for Primary Aluminum      S
 Reduction Plants.
Standards of Performance for the Phosphate         T
 Fertilizer Industry: Wet-Process Phosphoric Acid
Standards of Performance for the Phosphate         U
 Fertilizer Industry: Superphosphoric Acid Plants.
Standards of Performance for the Phosphate         V
 Fertilizer Industry: Diammonium Phosphate Plants.
Standards of Performance for the Phosphate         W
 Fertilizer Industry: Triple Superphosphate
Standards of Performance for the Phosphate         X
 Fertilizer Industry: Granular Triple
 Superphosphate Storage Facilities.
Standards of Performance for Coal Preparation and  Y
 Processing Plants.
Standards of Performance for Ferroalloy            Z
 Production Facilities.
Standards of Performance for Steel Plants:         AA
 Electric Arc Furnaces Constructed After October
 21, 1974 and On or Before August 17, 1983.
Standards of Performance for Steel Plants:         AAa
 Electric Arc Furnaces and Argon-Oxygen
 Decarburization Vessels Constructed After August
 17, 1983.
Standards of Performance for Pulp Mills..........  BB
Standards of Performance for Kraft Pulp Mill       BBa
 Affected Sources for which Construction,
 Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After
 May 23, 2013.
Standards of Performance for Glass Manufacturing   CC
Standards of Performance for Grain Elevators.....  DD
Standards of Performance for Surface Coating of    EE
 Metal Furniture.
Standards of Performance for Stationary Gas        GG
Standards of Performance for Lime Manufacturing    HH
Standards of Performance for Lead-Acid Battery     KK
 Manufacturing Plants.
Standards of Performance for Metallic Mineral      LL
 Processing Plants.
Standards of Performance for Automobile and Light  MM
 Duty Truck Surface Coating Operations.
Standards of Performance for Phosphate Rock        NN
Standards of Performance for Ammonium Sulfate      PP
Standards of Performance for the Graphic Arts      QQ
 Industry: Publication Rotogravure Printing.
Standards of Performance for Pressure Sensitive    RR
 Tape and Label Surface Coating Operations.
Standards of Performance for Industrial Surface    SS
 Coating: Large Appliances.
Standards of Performance for Metal Coil Surface    TT
Standards of Performance for Asphalt Processing    UU
 and Asphalt Roofing Manufacture.
Standards of Performance for Equipment Leaks of    VV
 VOC in the Synthetic Organic Chemicals
 Manufacturing Industry for which Construction,
 Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After
 January 5, 1981 and On or Before November 7,
Standards of Performance for Equipment Leaks of    VVa
 VOC in the Synthetic Organic Chemicals
 Manufacturing Industry for which Construction,
 Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After
 November 7, 2006.
Standards of Performance for the Beverage Can      WW
 Surface Coating Industry.
Standards of Performance for Bulk Gasoline         XX
Standards of Performance for New Residential Wood  AAA
 Heaters \a\.
Standards of Performance for the Rubber Tire       BBB
 Manufacturing Industry.
Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic      DDD
 Compound (VOC) Emissions from the Polymer
 Manufacturing Industry.
Standards of Performance for Flexible Vinyl and    FFF
 Urethane Coating and Printing.
Standards of Performance for Synthetic Fiber       HHH
 Production Facilities.
Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic      III
 Compound (VOC) Emissions From the Synthetic
 Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI)
 Air Oxidation Unit Processes.
Standards of Performance for SO2 Emissions from    LLL
 Onshore Natural Gas Processing for which
 Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification
 Commenced After January 20, 1984, and On or
 Before August 23, 2011.
Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic      NNN
 Compound (VOC) Emissions from Synthetic Organic
 Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI)
 Distillation Operations.
Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral   OOO
 Processing Plants.
Standards of Performance for Wool Fiberglass       PPP
 Insulation Manufacturing Plants.
Standards of Performance for VOC Emissions from    QQQ
 Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Systems.
Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic      RRR
 Compound Emissions From Synthetic Organic
 Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Reactor
Standards of Performance for Magnetic Tape         SSS
 Coating Facilities.
Standards of Performance for Industrial Surface    TTT
 Coating: Surface Coating of Plastic Parts for
 Business Machines.
Standards of Performance for Calciners and Dryers  UUU
 in Mineral Industries.
Standards of Performance for Polymeric Coating of  VVV
 Supporting Substrates Facilities.
Standards of Performance for Municipal Solid       WWW
 Waste Landfills.
Standards of Performance for Small Municipal       AAAA
 Waste Combustion Units for Which Construction is
 Commenced After August 30, 1999 or for Which
 Modification or Reconstruction is Commenced
 After June 6, 2001.
Standards of Performance for Other Solid Waste     EEEE
 Incineration Units for Which Construction is
 Commenced After December 9, 2004 or for Which
 Modification or Reconstruction Is Commenced
 After June 16, 2006.
Standards of Performance for Stationary            IIII
 Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines.
Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark      JJJJ
 Ignition Internal Combustion Engines.
Standards of Performance for Stationary            KKKK
 Combustion Turbines.

[[Page 15115]]

Standards of Performance for New Sewage Sludge     LLLL
 Incineration Units.
Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and         OOOO
 Natural Gas Production, Transmission, and
\a\ Subpart AAA is an affected subpart only because of a proposed
  revision necessary to retain the current exclusion for submission of
  performance test reports. There are no proposed electronic reporting
  requirements under the proposed revisions.

          Table 3--Test Methods Currently Supported in the ERT
US EPA Methods 1 through 4
US EPA Method 3A
US EPA Method 5
US EPA Method 5B
US EPA Method 5F
US EPA Method 5G
US EPA Method 6C
US EPA Method 7E
US EPA Method 8
US EPA Method 10
US EPA Method 12
US EPA Method 13A
US EPA Method 13B
US EPA Method 17
US EPA Method 23
US EPA Method 25A
US EPA Method 26
US EPA Method 26A
US EPA Method 29
US EPA Method 30B
US EPA Method 101
US EPA Method 101A
US EPA Method 102
US EPA Method 103
US EPA Method 104
US EPA Method 108
US EPA Method 201A
US EPA Method 202
US EPA Method 306
US EPA Method 306A
US EPA Method 315
US EPA Method 316
SW-846 Method 0011
SW-846 Method 0061
Conditional Test Method 39
California Air Resources Board Method 428
California Air Resources Board Method 429
Performance Specification 2
Performance Specification 3
Performance Specification 4

                                      Table 4--Summary of Cost Savings \a\
                                                                                    Hours/test      Total labor
                     Report                         Number of      Labor rate    submittal--year     costs for
                                                   submittals                           1             year 1
Source Performance Test........................           1,393          $85.55                6        $710,000
Periodic Reports...............................          17,612           85.55              3.5       5,300,000

                                                                                    Hours/test      Total labor
                     Report                         Number of      Labor rate    submittal--year  costs for year
                                                   submittals                           2                2
Source Performance Test........................           1,393          $85.55                4        $480,000
Periodic Reports...............................          17,612           85.55                3       4,500,000

                                                                                                    Total labor
                                                    Number of                       Hours/test      costs each
                     Report                        submittals      Labor rate    submittal--year  year for years
                                                                                   3 through 20    3 through 20
Source Performance Test........................           1,051          $85.55              (4)      ($360,000)
Periodic Reports...............................          13,286           85.55              (1)     (1,100,000)
\a\ Memo from Robin Langdon, EPA/OAR/OAQPS/AEG to Colin Boswell, EPA/OAR/OAQPS/MPG. Economic Impact Analysis for
  the Electronic Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements for NSPS Rule. September 25, 2014.

VII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

    Additional information about these statutes and Executive Orders 
can be found at http://www2.epa.gov/laws-regulations/laws-and-executive-orders.

A. Executive Orders 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and Executive 
Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review

    This action is not a significant regulatory action and was 
therefore not submitted to OMB for review.
    An analysis of the potential costs and benefits associated with 
this action is contained in the Economic Impact Analysis for Electronic 
Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements for NSPS Rule.\11\ This 
document addresses the economic impacts of the Electronic Reporting and 
Recordkeeping Requirements for New Source Performance Standards Rule. 
We estimated the total annualized savings for this proposed rule to be 
approximately $300,000 per year.

    \11\ Memo from Robin Langdon, EPA/OAR/OAQPS/AEG to Colin 
Boswell, EPA/OAR/OAQPS/MPG. Economic Impact Analysis for the 
Electronic Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements for NSPS Rule. 
September 25, 2014.

B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)

    This action does not impose any new information collection burden 
under the PRA. OMB has previously approved the information collection 
activities contained in the existing regulations being amended with 
this action and this action does not involve the collection of any new 
information. Specifically, the purpose of this rule is to require that 
some targeted reports currently required to be submitted in hardcopy 
form to both the EPA and the delegated authority be submitted 
electronically to the EPA. While some delegation agreements have 
excepted hardcopy reporting to the EPA and this rule will not allow 
such exceptions for electronic reporting, the reports that would be 
submitted electronically in response to these proposed amendments 
contain the same data elements currently required by the affected NSPS 
to be submitted in hardcopy form to the air agencies. More importantly, 
these proposed

[[Page 15116]]

amendments would neither require additional reports nor require that 
additional content be added to already required reports. Therefore, 
this action would not impose any new information collection burden. 
Further, electronic reporting would reduce costs associated with 
information collection and, thus, compliance costs in the long-term.

C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)

    I certify that this action will not have a significant economic 
impact on a substantial number of small entities under the RFA. In 
making this determination, the impact of concern is any significant 
adverse economic impact on small entities. An agency may certify that a 
rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial 
number of small entities if the rule relieves regulatory burden, has no 
net burden or otherwise has a positive economic effect on the small 
entities subject to the rule. As described in section V of this 
preamble, implementation of this rule would result in savings of 
$300,000 per year due to reduced reporting burden. We have, therefore, 
concluded that this action will relieve regulatory burden for all 
directly regulated small entities. We continue to be interested in the 
potential impacts of this proposed rule on small entities and welcome 
comments on issues related to such impacts.

D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA)

    This action does not contain an unfunded mandate of $100 million or 
more as described in UMRA, 2 U.S.C. 1531-1538, and does not 
significantly or uniquely affect small governments. The action imposes 
no enforceable duty on any state, local or tribal governments or the 
private sector.
    State, local or tribal governments will not be required to change 
the way that they interact with their facilities, unless they choose to 
do so. The only action required on the part of state, local or tribal 
governments is to update permitting requirements to reflect the 
electronic reporting provisions. We expect this to be a minimal burden, 
as most of these updates can be done during the permit renewal process.

E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism

    This action does not have federalism implications. It will not have 
substantial direct effects on the states, on the relationship between 
the national government and the states or on the distribution of power 
and responsibilities among the various levels of government.
    Although section 6 of Executive Order 13132 does not apply to this 
proposed action, the EPA did consult with state and local officials 
representing air agencies in developing this action. In discussions 
with personnel in some air agencies and representatives for air 
agencies such as the National Association of Clean Air Agencies 
(NACAA), Association of Air Pollution Control Agencies (AAPCA) and 
Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM) regarding 
this proposed rulemaking, they raised the issue of whether this 
proposal would change their delegated authority to implement and 
enforce federal air regulations (including NSPS). Specifically, air 
agencies expressed a concern about how this action would affect how 
they receive performance test reports and other air emissions data 
reports targeted by this action.
    This action would not affect an air agency's delegated authority, 
and air agencies would continue to receive reports directly from 
affected facilities in whatever format they require. The major 
difference is that air agencies would also have access to reports being 
proposed to be submitted to the EPA electronically through the EPA's 
CDX and WebFIRE, and would have the option of not receiving these 
reports directly from affected facilities. Because the proposed 
amendments do not interfere with the air agencies' authority or how 
they currently receive reports, we have addressed the concerns 
regarding the air agencies' authority and ability to implement and 
enforce the subject federal air regulations.
    We initiated a multi-disciplinary, cross-functional IPT during the 
development of the CEDRI that included EPA personnel from various 
offices and representatives from air agencies. The objectives of the 
CEDRI IPT were to gain insight and ideas regarding the data flow 
process within the CEDRI.
    In the spirit of Executive Order 13132, and consistent with EPA 
policy to promote communications between the EPA and state and local 
governments, the EPA specifically solicits comment on this proposed 
action from state and local officials.

F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With Indian 
Tribal Governments

    This action does not have tribal implications, as specified in 
Executive Order 13175. It would not have substantial direct effects on 
tribal governments, on the relationship between the federal government 
and Indian tribes or on the distribution of power and responsibilities 
between the federal government and Indian tribes, as specified in 
Executive Order 13175. Thus, Executive Order 13175 does not apply to 
this action. Nonetheless, to promote meaningful involvement, the EPA 
held a conference call with representatives from tribes on November 29, 
2012, to discuss details of the proposed amendments. Further tribal and 
public input is expected through public comment on the proposed 
amendments. The EPA specifically solicits additional comment on the 
proposed action from tribal officials.

G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From Environmental 
Health Risks and Safety Risks

    The EPA interprets Executive Order 13045 as applying only to those 
regulatory actions that concern environmental health or safety risks 
that the EPA has reason to believe may disproportionately affect 
children, per the definition of ``covered regulatory action'' in 
section 2-202 of the Executive Order. This action is not subject to 
Executive Order 13045 because it does not concern an environmental 
health risk or safety risk.

H. Executive Order 13211: Actions Concerning Regulations That 
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use

    This action is not subject to Executive Order 13211, because it is 
not a significant regulatory action under Executive Order 12866.

I. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA)

    This rulemaking does not involve technical standards.

J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions To Address Environmental 
Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations

    The EPA believes the human health or environmental risk addressed 
by this action will not have potential disproportionately high and 
adverse human health or environmental effects on minority, low-income 
or indigenous populations because it does not affect the level of 
protection provided to human health or the environment.
    Specifically, requiring the electronic submission of reports that 
are currently required to be submitted in hardcopy format would not 
affect the level of protection provided to human health or the 
environment. On the contrary, we expect electronic reporting to 
increase complete, accurate and timely submittal of data which will, in 
turn, improve the protection of public health and the

[[Page 15117]]

environment, providing a beneficial impact to all populations.

List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 60

    Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Hazardous 
substances, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

    Dated: February 26, 2015.
Gina McCarthy,
    For the reasons stated in the preamble, title 40, chapter I, of the 
Code of Federal Regulations is proposed to be amended as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 60 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401, et seq.

Subpart A--General Provisions

2. Section 60.4 is amended by revising paragraphs (a) introductory text 
and (b) introductory text to read as follows:

Sec.  60.4  Address.

    (a) All requests, reports, applications, submittals, and other 
communications to the Administrator pursuant to this part shall be 
submitted in duplicate to the appropriate Regional Office of the U.S. 
Environmental Protection Agency to the attention of the Director of the 
Division indicated in the following list of EPA Regional Offices. If a 
request, report, application, submittal, or other communication is 
required by this part to be submitted electronically via the EPA's 
Central Data Exchange (CDX) then such submission satisfies the 
requirements of this paragraph.
* * * * *
    (b) Section 111(c) directs the Administrator to delegate to each 
State, when appropriate, the authority to implement and enforce 
standards of performance for new stationary sources located in such 
State. Indian tribes which have obtained treatment in the same manner 
as a state (TAS) for that purpose may also be delegated such authority. 
All information required in this part to be submitted to the EPA, must 
also be submitted in paper format to the appropriate State or Tribal 
Agency of any State or Tribe to which this authority has been delegated 
(the delegated authority) unless the delegated authority specifies 
another format. Information submitted in paper format must be 
postmarked no later than the date that the report is required to be 
submitted to the EPA's CDX electronically. Any information required to 
be submitted electronically by this part via the EPA's CDX may, at the 
discretion of the delegated authority, satisfy the requirements of this 
paragraph. Each specific delegation may exempt sources from certain 
Federal or State reporting requirements under this part, with the 
exception of Federal electronic reporting requirements under this part. 
Sources may not be exempted from Federal electronic reporting 
requirements. If the electronic reporting form for the subpart of 
interest is not available in the Compliance and Emissions Data 
Reporting Interface (CEDRI) at the time that the report is due, the 
owner or operator must submit the report to the Administrator at the 
appropriate address listed in this section. The owner or operator must 
begin submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form 
becomes available in CEDRI. All reports must be submitted by the 
deadline specified in the subpart of interest, regardless of the method 
in which the report is submitted. The appropriate mailing address for 
those States whose delegation requests have been approved is as 
follows: * * *
3. Section 60.7 is amended by revising paragraph (c) introductory text 
and adding paragraph (i) to read as follows:

Sec.  60.7  Notification and record keeping.

* * * * *
    (c) Each owner or operator required to install a continuous 
monitoring device shall submit excess emissions and monitoring systems 
performance report (excess emissions are defined in applicable 
subparts) and-or summary report form (see paragraph (d) of this 
section) to the Administrator semiannually, except when: More frequent 
reporting is specifically required by an applicable subpart; or the 
Administrator, on a case-by-case basis, determines that more frequent 
reporting is necessary to accurately assess the compliance status of 
the source. Unless otherwise specified by an applicable subpart, each 
owner or operator shall submit reports required by this paragraph to 
the EPA via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface 
(CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange 
(CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or operator shall use the 
appropriate electronic report in CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate 
electronic file format consistent with the extensible markup language 
(XML) schema listed on the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form specific to this subpart 
is not available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, the owner 
or operator shall submit the report to the Administrator at the 
appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator shall 
begin submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form 
becomes available in CEDRI. All reports shall be submitted by the 30th 
day following the end of each six-month period, regardless of the 
method in which the report is submitted, as required under this part. 
Reports of excess emissions shall include the following information: * 
* *
    (i) Any records required to be maintained by this part that are 
submitted electronically via the EPA's CDX may be maintained in 
electronic format.
4. Section 60.8 is amended by revising paragraph (a) introductory text 
and adding paragraph (j) to read as follows:

Sec.  60.8  Performance tests.

    (a) Except as specified in paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(3), and 
(a)(4) of this section, within 60 days after achieving the maximum 
production rate at which the affected facility will be operated, but 
not later than 180 days after initial startup of such facility, or at 
such other times specified by this part, and at such other times as may 
be required by the Administrator under section 114 of the Act, the 
owner or operator of such facility shall conduct performance test(s) 
and submit to the Administrator a report of the results of such 
performance test(s) following the procedure specified in paragraph (j) 
of this section.
* * * * *
    (j) Unless otherwise specified in an applicable subpart, each owner 
or operator must submit the results of all performance tests following 
the procedure specified in either paragraph (j)(1) or (j)(2) of this 
    (1) For data collected using test methods supported by the EPA's 
Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site 
(http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ert/index.html) at the time of the test, 
the owner or operator must submit the results of the performance test 
to the EPA via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface 
(CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange 
(CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) Performance test data must be submitted 
in a file format generated through the use of the EPA's ERT or an 
alternate electronic file format consistent with the extensible markup 
language (XML) schema listed on the EPA's ERT Web site. Owners or 
operators who claim that some of the performance test information being

[[Page 15118]]

submitted is confidential business information (CBI) must submit a 
complete file generated through the use of the EPA's ERT or an 
alternate electronic file consistent with the XML schema listed on the 
EPA's ERT Web site, including information claimed to be CBI, on a 
compact disc, flash drive, or other commonly used electronic storage 
media to the EPA. The electronic media must be clearly marked as CBI 
and mailed to U.S. EPA/OAQPS/CORE CBI Office, Attention: Group Leader, 
Measurement Policy Group, MD C404-02, 4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC 
27703. The same ERT or alternate file with the CBI omitted must be 
submitted to the EPA via the EPA's CDX as described earlier in this 
    (2) For data collected using test methods that are not supported by 
the EPA's ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site at the time of the 
test, the owner or operator must submit the results of the performance 
test to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  
5. Section 60.13 is amended by revising paragraph (c)(2) to read as 

Sec.  60.13  Monitoring requirements.

* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (2) Except as provided in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the 
owner or operator of an affected facility shall submit to the 
Administrator within 60 days of completion of the performance 
evaluation a report of the results of the performance evaluation. 
Unless otherwise provided by an applicable subpart, the results of the 
performance evaluation shall be submitted following the procedure 
specified in either paragraph (c)(2)(i) or (c)(2)(ii) of this section.
    (i) For performance evaluations of continuous monitoring systems 
measuring relative accuracy test audit (RATA) pollutants that are 
supported by the EPA's Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as listed on the 
EPA's ERT Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ert/index.html at the 
time of the test, the owner or operator shall submit the results of the 
performance evaluation to the EPA via the Compliance and Emissions Data 
Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's 
Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) Performance 
evaluation data shall be submitted in a file format generated through 
the use of the EPA's ERT or an alternate electronic file format 
consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on 
the EPA's ERT Web site. Owners or operators who claim that some of the 
performance evaluation information being submitted is confidential 
business information (CBI) shall submit a complete file generated 
through the use of the EPA's ERT or an alternate electronic file 
consistent with the XML schema listed on the EPA's ERT Web site, 
including information claimed to be CBI, on a compact disc, flash 
drive, or other commonly used electronic storage media to the EPA. The 
electronic media shall be clearly marked as CBI and mailed to U.S. EPA/
OAQPS/CORE CBI Office, Attention: Group Leader, Measurement Policy 
Group, MD C404-02, 4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC 27703. The same ERT or 
alternate file with the CBI omitted shall be submitted to the EPA via 
the EPA's CDX as described earlier in this paragraph.
    (ii) For any performance evaluations of continuous monitoring 
systems measuring RATA pollutants that are not supported by the EPA's 
ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site at the time of the test, the 
owner or operator shall submit two or, upon request, more copies of a 
written report of the results of the performance evaluation to the 
Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4.
* * * * *
6. Section 60.19 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 

Sec.  60.19  General notification and reporting requirements.

* * * * *
    (b) For the purposes of this part, if an explicit postmark and-or 
electronic submittal deadline is not specified in an applicable 
requirement for the submittal of a notification, application, report, 
or other written communication to the Administrator, the owner or 
operator shall postmark, when paper submission is required by this 
part, and electronically submit, when electronic submission is required 
by this part, the submittal on or before the number of days specified 
in the applicable requirement. For example, if a notification must be 
submitted 15 days before a particular event is scheduled to take place, 
the notification shall be postmarked, when paper submission is required 
by this part, and electronically submitted, when electronic submission 
is required by this part, on or before 15 days preceding the event; 
likewise, if a notification must be submitted 15 days after a 
particular event takes place, the notification shall be delivered or 
postmarked, when paper submission is required by this part, and 
electronically submitted, when electronic submission is required by 
this part, on or before 15 days following the end of the event. For 
submittals required to be submitted in paper form, the use of reliable 
non-Government mail carriers that provide indications of verifiable 
delivery of information required to be submitted to the Administrator, 
similar to the postmark provided by the U.S. Postal Service, or 
alternative means of delivery, including the use of electronic media, 
agreed to by the permitting authority, is acceptable.

Subpart Ea--Standards of Performance for Municipal Waste Combustors 
for Which Construction Is Commenced After December 20, 1989 and On 
or Before September 20, 1994

7. Section 60.50a is amended by revising paragraph (l) to read as 

Sec.  60.50a  Applicability and delegation of authority.

* * * * *
    (l) The following authorities shall be retained by the 
Administrator and not transferred to a State:
    (1) Approval of an alternative to any electronic reporting to the 
EPA required by this subpart.
    (2) [Reserved]
* * * * *
8. Section 60.59a is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (c);
b. Revising paragraphs (e) through (g); and
c. Adding paragraph (k).
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

Sec.  60.59a  Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

* * * * *
    (c) Following the initial compliance test as required under 
Sec. Sec.  60.8 and 60.58a, the owner or operator of an affected 
facility located within a large MWC plant shall submit, following the 
procedure specified in Sec.  60.8(j), the results of the initial 
compliance test data, and shall submit, following the procedure 
specified in Sec.  60.13(c)(2), the results of the performance 
evaluation of the CEMS conducted using the applicable performance 
specifications in appendix B. The owner or operator shall submit the 
maximum demonstrated MWC unit load and maximum demonstrated particulate 
matter control device temperature established during the dioxin/furan 
compliance test with the report of the results of the initial dioxin/
furan compliance test.
* * * * *
    (e)(1) The owner or operator of an affected facility located within 
a large MWC plant shall submit, following the procedure specified in 
Sec.  60.7(c), annual compliance reports for sulfur dioxide,

[[Page 15119]]

nitrogen oxide (if applicable), carbon monoxide, load level, and 
particulate matter control device temperature containing the 
information recorded under paragraphs (b)(1), (2)(ii), (4), (5), and 
(6) of this section for each pollutant or parameter. The hourly average 
values recorded under paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section are not 
required to be included in the annual reports. Combustors firing a 
mixture of medical waste and other MSW shall also provide the 
information under paragraph (b)(15) of this section, as applicable, in 
each annual report. The owner or operator of an affected facility must 
submit, following the procedure specified in Sec.  60.7(c), reports 
semiannually once the affected facility is subject to permitting 
requirements under Title V of the Act.
    (2) The owner or operator shall submit, following the procedure 
specified in Sec.  60.7(c), a semiannual report for any pollutant or 
parameter that does not comply with the pollutant or parameter limits 
specified in this subpart. Such report shall include the information 
recorded under paragraph (b)(3) of this section. For each of the dates 
reported, include the sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, 
load level, and particulate matter control device temperature data, as 
applicable, recorded under paragraphs (b)(2)(ii)(A) through (D) of this 
    (3) Reports shall be submitted electronically no later than the 
30th day following the end of the annual or semiannual period, as 
    (f)(1) The owner or operator of an affected facility located within 
a large MWC plant shall submit, following the procedure specified in 
Sec.  60.7(c), annual compliance reports, as applicable, for opacity. 
The annual report shall list the percent of the affected facility 
operating time for the reporting period that the opacity CEMS was 
operating and collecting valid data. Once the unit is subject to 
permitting requirements under Title V of the Act, the owner or operator 
of an affected facility must submit these reports semiannually.
    (2) The owner or operator shall submit, following the procedure 
specified in Sec.  60.7(c), a semiannual report for all periods when 
the 6-minute average levels exceeded the opacity limit under Sec.  
60.52a. The semiannual report shall include all information recorded 
under paragraph (b)(3) of this section which pertains to opacity, and a 
listing of the 6-minute average opacity levels recorded under paragraph 
(b)(2)(i)(A) of this section, which exceeded the opacity limit.
    (3) Reports shall be submitted electronically no later than the 
30th day following the end of the annual or semiannual period, as 
    (g)(1) The owner or operator of an affected facility located within 
a large MWC plant shall submit, following the procedure specified in 
Sec.  60.8(j), reports of all annual performance tests for particulate 
matter, dioxin/furan, and hydrogen chloride as recorded under paragraph 
(b)(7) of this section, as applicable, from the affected facility. For 
each annual dioxin/furan compliance test, the maximum demonstrated MWC 
unit load and maximum demonstrated particulate matter control device 
temperature shall be reported. Such reports shall be submitted when 
available and in no case later than the date of required submittal of 
the annual report specified under paragraphs (e) and (f) of this 
section, or within six months of the date the test was conducted, 
whichever is earlier.
    (2) The owner or operator shall submit, following the procedure 
specified in Sec.  60.8(j), a report of test results which document any 
particulate matter, dioxin/furan, and hydrogen chloride levels that 
were above the applicable pollutant limit. The report shall include the 
performance test results documenting the emission levels and shall 
include the corrective action taken. Such reports shall be submitted 
when available and in no case later than the date required for 
submittal of any semiannual report required in paragraphs (e) or (f) of 
this section, or within six months of the date the test was conducted, 
whichever is earlier.
* * * * *
    (k) Any records required to be maintained by this subpart that are 
submitted electronically via the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) may 
be maintained in electronic format.

Subpart Eb--Standards of Performance for Large Municipal Waste 
Combustors for Which Construction is Commenced After September 20, 
1994 or for Which Modification or Reconstruction is Commenced After 
June 19, 1996

9. Section 60.50b is amended by adding paragraph (n)(11) to read as 

Sec.  60.50b  Applicability and delegation of authority.

* * * * *
    (n) * * *
    (11) Approval of an alternative to any electronic reporting to the 
EPA required by this subpart.
* * * * *
10. Section 60.59b is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (f) introductory text;
b. Revising paragraph (g) introductory text; and
c. Revising paragraphs (j) and (k).
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  60.59b  Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

* * * * *
    (f) The owner or operator of an affected facility shall submit the 
information specified in paragraphs (f)(1), (f)(2), and (f)(4) through 
(f)(6) of this section in the initial performance test report. The 
owner or operator shall submit the report following the procedure 
specified in Sec.  60.8(j). The owner or operator of an affected 
facility shall submit the information specified in paragraph (f)(3) of 
this section following the procedure specified in Sec.  60.13(c)(2).
* * * * *
    (g) Following the first year of municipal waste combustor 
operation, the owner or operator of an affected facility shall submit, 
following the procedure specified in Sec.  60.7(c), an annual report 
that includes the information specified in paragraphs (g)(1) through 
(g)(5) of this section, as applicable, no later than February 1 of each 
year following the calendar year in which the data were collected. 
(Once the unit is subject to permitting requirements under title V of 
the Act, the owner or operator of an affected facility must submit 
these reports semiannually. The reports must be submitted following the 
procedure specified in Sec.  60.7(c).)
* * * * *
    (j) All reports specified under paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (f), (g), 
(h), and (i) of this section shall be electronically submitted, when 
electronic submission is required by this subpart, and postmarked, when 
paper submission is required by this subpart, on or before the 
submittal dates specified under these paragraphs, and maintained onsite 
for a period of 5 years. Any records required to be maintained by this 
subpart that are submitted electronically via the EPA's Central Data 
Exchange (CDX) may be maintained in electronic format.
    (k) All records specified under paragraphs (d) and (e) of this 
section shall be maintained onsite in either paper copy or electronic 
* * * * *

[[Page 15120]]

Subpart Ec--Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources: 
Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators

11. Section 60.50c is amended by:
a. Revising paragraphs (i)(4) and (i)(5); and
b. Adding paragraph (i)(6).
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

Sec.  60.50c  Applicability and delegation of authority.

* * * * *
    (i) * * *
    (4) Waiver of recordkeeping requirements;
    (5) Performance test and data reduction waivers under Sec.  
60.8(b); and
    (6) Approval of an alternative to any electronic reporting to the 
EPA required by this subpart.
* * * * *
12. Section 60.58c is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (c)(1);
b. Revising paragraph (d) introductory text;
c. Revising paragraphs (d)(5) and (6);
d. Revising paragraphs (e) and (f); and
e. Removing paragraph (g).
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  60.58c  Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (1) The initial performance test data as recorded under Sec.  
60.56c(b)(1) through (b)(14), as applicable. The owner or operator 
shall submit the results of the performance test following the 
procedure specified in Sec.  60.8(j).
* * * * *
    (d) An annual report shall be submitted 1 year following the 
submissions of the information in paragraph (c) of this section and 
subsequent reports shall be submitted no more than 12 months following 
the previous report (once the unit is subject to permitting 
requirements under title V of the Clean Air Act, the owner or operator 
of an affected facility must submit these reports semiannually). The 
report shall include the information specified in paragraphs (d)(1) 
through (11) of this section. The owner or operator shall submit the 
reports required by this paragraph to the EPA via the Compliance and 
Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed 
through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) 
The owner or operator shall use the appropriate electronic report in 
CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic file format 
consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on 
the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If 
the reporting form specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI 
at the time that the report is due, the owner or operator shall submit 
the report to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in 
Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator shall begin submitting reports via 
CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. 
The report must be submitted by the deadline specified in this subpart, 
regardless of the method in which the report is submitted.
* * * * *
    (5) Any information recorded under paragraphs (b)(3) through (b)(5) 
of this section for the calendar year preceding the year being 
reported, in order to provide the Administrator with a summary of the 
performance of the affected facility over a 2-year period. Starting 
with the second year of submitting these reports electronically, 
information for the preceding calendar year is not required.
    (6) For each performance test conducted during the reporting 
period, if any performance test is conducted, the process unit(s) 
tested, the pollutant(s) tested, and the date that such performance 
test was conducted. Submit, following the procedure specified in Sec.  
60.8(j), the performance test report no later than the date that the 
annual report is submitted.
* * * * *
    (e) The owner or operator of an affected facility shall submit 
semiannual reports containing any information recorded under paragraphs 
(b)(3) through (b)(5) of this section no later than 60 days following 
the reporting period. The first semiannual reporting period ends 6 
months following the submission of information in paragraph (c) of this 
section. Subsequent reports shall be submitted no later than 6 calendar 
months following the previous report. The owner or operator shall 
submit the reports required by this paragraph to the EPA via the CEDRI. 
(CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's CDX (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) 
The owner or operator shall use the appropriate electronic report in 
CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic file format 
consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on 
the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If 
the reporting form specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI 
at the time that the report is due, the owner or operator shall submit 
the report to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in 
Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator shall begin submitting reports via 
CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. 
The report must be submitted by the deadline specified in this subpart, 
regardless of the method in which the report is submitted.
    (f) All records specified under paragraph (b) of this section shall 
be maintained onsite in either paper copy or electronic format.

Subpart F--Standards of Performance for Portland Cement Plants

Sec.  60.64  [Amended]

13. Section 60.64 is amended by removing paragraph (d).
14. Section 60.65 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraphs (a) through (c); and
b. Adding paragraphs (d) and (e).
    The revisions and additions read as follows:

Sec.  60.65  Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.

    (a) Each owner or operator required to install a CPMS or CEMS under 
sections Sec.  60.63(c) through (e) shall submit reports of excess 
emissions. The content of these reports must comply with Sec.  60.7(c), 
and the reports must be submitted following the procedure specified in 
Sec.  60.7(c). Notwithstanding the provisions of Sec.  60.7(c), such 
reports shall be submitted semiannually.
    (b) Each owner or operator of facilities subject to the provisions 
of Sec.  60.63(c) through (e) shall submit semiannual reports of the 
malfunction information required to be recorded by Sec.  60.7(b). These 
reports shall be submitted following the procedure specified in Sec.  
60.7(c) and shall include the frequency, duration, and cause of any 
incident resulting in deenergization of any device controlling kiln 
emissions or in the venting of emissions directly to the atmosphere.
    (c) The requirements of this section remain in force until and 
unless the Agency, in delegating enforcement authority to a State under 
section 111(c) of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7411, approves reporting 
requirements or an alternative means of compliance surveillance adopted 
by such States. In that event, affected sources within the State will 
be relieved of the obligation to comply with this section, provided 
that they comply with the requirements established by the State. 
Electronic reporting to the EPA cannot be waived, and as such, the 
provisions of this paragraph do not relieve owners or operators of 
affected facilities of the requirement to submit the electronic

[[Page 15121]]

reports required in this section to the EPA.
    (d) Within 60 days after the date of completing each performance 
test (see Sec.  60.8) required by this subpart, the owner or operator 
must submit the results of the performance test following the procedure 
specified in either paragraph (d)(1) or (d)(2) of this section. The 
owner or operator must include the information specified in paragraph 
(d)(3) of this section for PM performance test reports used to set a PM 
CPMS operating limit.
    (1) For data collected using test methods supported by the EPA's 
Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site 
(http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ert/index.html) at the time of the test, 
the owner or operator must submit the results of the performance test 
to the EPA via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface 
(CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange 
(CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) Performance test data must be submitted 
in a file format generated through the use of the EPA's ERT or an 
alternate electronic file format consistent with the extensible markup 
language (XML) schema listed on the EPA's ERT Web site. Owners or 
operators who claim that some of the performance test information being 
submitted is confidential business information (CBI) must submit a 
complete file generated through the use of the EPA's ERT or an 
alternate electronic file consistent with the XML schema listed on the 
EPA's ERT Web site, including information claimed to be CBI on a 
compact disc, flash drive, or other commonly used electronic storage 
media to the EPA. The electronic media must be clearly marked as CBI 
and mailed to U.S. EPA/OAQPS/CORE CBI Office, Attention: Group Leader, 
Measurement Policy Group, MD C404-02, 4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC 
27703. The same ERT or alternate file with the CBI omitted must be 
submitted to the EPA via the EPA's CDX as described earlier in this 
    (2) For data collected using test methods that are not supported by 
the EPA's ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site at the time of the 
test, the owner or operator must submit the results of the performance 
test to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  
    (3) For PM performance test reports used to set a PM CPMS operating 
limit, the electronic submission of the test report must also include 
the make and model of the PM CPMS instrument, serial number of the 
instrument, analytical principle of the instrument (e.g., beta 
attenuation), span of the instrument's primary analytical range, 
milliamp value equivalent to the instrument zero output, technique by 
which this zero value was determined, and the average milliamp signals 
corresponding to each PM compliance test run.
    (e) Within 60 days after the date of completing each CEMS 
performance evaluation, as defined in Sec.  63.2, the owner or operator 
must submit the results of the performance evaluation following the 
procedure specified in either paragraph (e)(1) or (e)(2) of this 
    (1) For performance evaluations of continuous monitoring systems 
measuring relative accuracy test audit (RATA) pollutants that are 
supported by the EPA's ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ert/index.html) at the time of the test, the 
owner or operator must submit the results of the performance evaluation 
to the EPA via the CEDRI. (CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's CDX 
(https://cdx.epa.gov/).) Performance evaluation data must be submitted 
in a file format generated through the use of the EPA's ERT or an 
alternate electronic file format consistent with the extensible markup 
language (XML) schema listed on the EPA's ERT Web site. Owners or 
operators who claim that some of the performance evaluation information 
being submitted is CBI must submit a complete file generated through 
the use of the EPA's ERT or an alternate electronic file consistent 
with the XML schema listed on the EPA's ERT Web site, including 
information claimed to be CBI on a compact disc, flash drive, or other 
commonly used electronic storage media to the EPA. The electronic media 
must be clearly marked as CBI and mailed to U.S. EPA/OAQPS/CORE CBI 
Office, Attention: Group Leader, Measurement Policy Group, MD C404-02, 
4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC 27703. The same ERT or alternate file 
with the CBI omitted must be submitted to the EPA via the EPA's CDX as 
described earlier in this paragraph.
    (2) For any performance evaluations of continuous monitoring 
systems measuring RATA pollutants that are not supported by the EPA's 
ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site at the time of the test, the 
owner or operator must submit the results of the performance evaluation 
to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4.
15. Section 60.66 is amended by adding paragraph (b)(5) to read as 

Sec.  60.66  Delegation of authority.

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (5) Approval of an alternative to any electronic reporting to the 
EPA required by Sec.  60.65.

Subpart Ga--Standards of Performance for Nitric Acid Plants for 
Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After 
October 14, 2011

16. Section 60.76a is amended by adding paragraph (g) to read as 

Sec.  60.76a  Recordkeeping.

* * * * *
    (g) Any records required to be maintained by this subpart that are 
submitted electronically via the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) may 
be maintained in electronic format.
17. Section 60.77a is amended by:
a. Revising paragraphs (a), (b) introductory text, (c) introductory 
text, and (f) introductory text; and
b. Removing and reserving paragraph (e).
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  60.77a  Reporting.

    (a) The performance test data from the initial and subsequent 
performance tests must be submitted following the procedure specified 
in Sec.  60.8(j). The data from the performance evaluations of the 
continuous monitors must be submitted following the procedure specified 
in Sec.  60.13(c)(2).
    (b) The following information must be submitted, following the 
procedure specified in 60.7(c), for each 30 operating day period where 
you were not in compliance with the emissions standard:
* * * * *
    (c) You must also submit, following the procedure specified in 
Sec.  60.7(c), the following whenever they occur:
* * * * *
    (e) [Reserved]
    (f) If a malfunction occurred during the reporting period, you must 
submit, following the procedure specified in Sec.  60.7(c), a report 
that contains the following:
* * * * *

Subpart J--Standards of Performance for Petroleum Refineries

18. Section 60.107 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraphs (c) introductory text, and (f); and
b. Adding paragraph (h).
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

[[Page 15122]]

Sec.  60.107  Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

* * * * *
    (c) Each owner or operator subject to Sec.  60.104(b) shall submit 
a report except as provided by paragraph (d) of this section. Each 
owner or operator shall submit the information specified in paragraphs 
(c)(1) through (c)(6) of this section (except for the information 
required by paragraph (c)(4)(vi) of this section) to the EPA via the 
Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can 
be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or operator shall use the appropriate 
electronic report in CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic 
file format consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema 
listed on the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form specific to this subpart is not 
available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, the owner or 
operator shall submit the report to the Administrator at the 
appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator shall 
begin submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form 
becomes available in CEDRI. The report must be submitted by the 
deadline specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which 
the report is submitted. The owner or operator shall submit the 
information required by (c)(4)(vi) of this section to the Administrator 
at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4.
* * * * *
    (f) The owner or operator of an affected facility shall submit the 
reports required under this subpart to the Administrator semiannually 
for each six-month period. All semiannual reports shall be submitted 
electronically and-or postmarked by the 30th day following the end of 
each six-month period.
* * * * *
    (h) Any records required to be maintained by this subpart that are 
submitted electronically via the EPA's CDX may be maintained in 
electronic format.
19. Section 60.109 is amended by adding paragraph (b)(3) to read as 

Sec.  60.109  Delegation of authority.

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (3) Approval of an alternative to any electronic reporting to the 
EPA required by this subpart.

Subpart Ja--Standards of Performance for Petroleum Refineries for 
Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After 
May 14, 2007

20. Section 60.104a is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 

Sec.  60.104a  Performance tests.

* * * * *
    (b) The owner or operator of a FCCU or FCU that elects to monitor 
control device operating parameters according to the requirements in 
Sec.  60.105a(b), to use bag leak detectors according to the 
requirements in Sec.  60.105a(c), or to use COMS according to the 
requirements in Sec.  60.105a(e) shall conduct a PM performance test at 
least once every 12 months and submit, following the procedure 
specified in Sec.  60.8(j), a report of the results of each test.
* * * * *
21. Section 60.109a is amended by adding paragraph (b)(5) to read as 

Sec.  60.109a  Delegation of authority.

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (5) Approval of an alternative to any electronic reporting to the 
EPA required by this subpart.

Subpart Ka--Standards of Performance for Storage Vessels for 
Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or 
Modification Commenced After May 18, 1978, and Prior to July 23, 

22. Section 60.113a is amended by revising paragraph (a)(1)(i)(E) to 
read as follows:

Sec.  60.113a  Testing and procedures.

    (a) * * *
    (1) * * *
    (i) * * *
    (E) If either the seal gap calculated in accord with paragraph 
(a)(1)(iii) of this section or the measured maximum seal gap exceeds 
the limitations specified by Sec.  60.112a of this subpart, a report 
shall be submitted within 60 days of the date of measurements. The 
report shall identify the vessel and list each reason why the vessel 
did not meet the specifications of Sec.  60.112a. The report shall also 
describe the actions necessary to bring the storage vessel into 
compliance with the specifications of Sec.  60.112a. The owner or 
operator shall submit this report to the EPA via the Compliance and 
Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed 
through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) 
The owner or operator shall use the appropriate electronic report in 
CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic file format 
consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on 
the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If 
the reporting form specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI 
at the time that the report is due, the owner or operator shall submit 
the report to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in 
Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator shall begin submitting reports via 
CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. 
The report must be submitted by the deadline specified in this subpart, 
regardless of the method in which the report is submitted.
* * * * *

Subpart Kb--Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic Liquid 
Storage Vessels (Including Petroleum Liquid Storage Vessels) for 
Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After 
July 23, 1984

23. Section 60.115b is amended by:
a. Revising the introductory text;
b. Revising paragraph (a)(3);
c. Revising paragraph (b)(4);
d. Revising paragraph (d)(3); and
e. Adding paragraph (e).
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

Sec.  60.115b  Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

    The owner or operator of each storage vessel as specified in Sec.  
60.112b(a) shall keep records and furnish reports as required by 
paragraphs (a), (b), or (c) of this section depending upon the control 
equipment installed to meet the requirements of Sec.  60.112b. The 
owner or operator shall keep copies of all reports and records required 
by this section, except for the record required by paragraph (c)(1) of 
this section, for at least 2 years. The record required by paragraph 
(c)(1) of this section will be kept for the life of the control 
equipment. Any records required to be maintained by this subpart that 
are submitted electronically via the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) 
may be maintained in electronic format.
    (a) * * *
    (3) If any of the conditions described in Sec.  60.113b(a)(2) are 
detected during the annual visual inspection required by Sec.  
60.113b(a)(2), a report shall be submitted, following the procedure 
specified in paragraph (e) of this section, within 30 days of the 
inspection. Each report shall identify

[[Page 15123]]

the storage vessel, the nature of the defects, and the date the storage 
vessel was emptied or the nature of and date the repair was made.
* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (4) After each seal gap measurement that detects gaps exceeding the 
limitations specified by Sec.  60.113b(b)(4), submit, following the 
procedure specified in paragraph (e) of this section, a report to the 
Administrator within 30 days of the inspection. The report will 
identify the vessel and contain the information specified in paragraph 
(b)(2) of this section and the date the vessel was emptied or the 
repairs made and date of repair.
* * * * *
    (d) * * *
    (3) Semiannual reports of all periods recorded under Sec.  
60.115b(d)(2) in which the pilot flame was absent shall be submitted 
following the procedure specified in paragraph (e) of this section.
    (e) Each owner or operator required to submit reports following the 
procedure specified in this paragraph must submit reports to the EPA 
via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). 
(CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's CDX (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) 
The owner or operator must use the appropriate electronic report in 
CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic file format 
consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on 
the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If 
the reporting form specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI 
at the time that the report is due, the owner or operator must submit 
the report to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in 
Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator must begin submitting reports via 
CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. 
The report must be submitted by the deadline specified in this subpart, 
regardless of the method in which the report is submitted.
24. Section 60.117b is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 

Sec.  60.117b  Delegation of authority.

* * * * *
    (b) Authorities which will not be delegated to States: Sec. Sec.  
60.111b(f)(4), 60.114b, 60.116b(e)(3)(iii), 60.116b(e)(3)(iv), 
60.116b(f)(2)(iii), and approval of an alternative to any electronic 
reporting to the EPA required by this subpart.

Subpart N--Standards of Performance for Primary Emissions From 
Basic Oxygen Process Furnaces for Which Construction Is Commenced 
After June 11, 1973

25. Section 60.143 is amended by revising paragraph (c) to read as 

Sec.  60.143  Monitoring of operations.

* * * * *
    (c) Any owner or operator subject to the requirements of paragraph 
(b) of this section shall report, on a semiannual basis, all 
measurements over any 3-hour period that average more than 10 percent 
below the average levels maintained during the most recent performance 
test conducted under Sec.  60.8 in which the affected facility 
demonstrated compliance with the mass standards under Sec.  
60.142(a)(1), (b)(1)(i), or (b)(2)(i). The accuracy of the respective 
measurements, not to exceed the values specified in paragraphs (b)(1) 
and (b)(2) of this section, may be taken into consideration when 
determining the measurement results that must be reported. Each such 
report of measurements shall be submitted to the EPA via the Compliance 
and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed 
through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) 
You shall use the appropriate electronic report in CEDRI for this 
subpart or an alternate electronic file format consistent with the 
extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on the CEDRI Web site 
(http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form 
specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI at the time that the 
report is due, the owner or operator shall submit the report to the 
Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4. The 
owner or operator shall begin submitting reports via CEDRI no later 
than 90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. The report must 
be submitted by the deadline specified in this subpart, regardless of 
the method in which the report is submitted.

Subpart Na--Standards of Performance for Secondary Emissions From 
Basic Oxygen Process Steelmaking Facilities for Which Construction 
Is Commenced After January 20, 1983

26. Section 60.143a is amended by:
a. Revising paragraphs (d) and (e); and
b. Adding paragraph (f).
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

Sec.  60.143a  Monitoring of operations.

* * * * *
    (d) Each owner or operator subject to the requirements of paragraph 
(a) of this section shall report, following the procedure specified in 
paragraph (f) of this section, on a semiannual basis all measurements 
of exhaust ventilation rates or levels over any 3-hour period that 
average more than 10 percent below the average rates or levels of 
exhaust ventilation maintained during the most recent performance test 
conducted under Sec.  60.8 in which the affected facility demonstrated 
compliance with the standard under Sec.  60.142a(a)(2). The accuracy of 
the respective measurements, not to exceed the values specified in 
paragraph (c) of this section, may be considered when determining the 
measurement results that must be reported.
    (e) If a scrubber primary emission control device is used to 
collect secondary emissions, the owner or operator shall report, 
following the procedure specified in paragraph (f) of this section, on 
a semiannual basis all measurements of exhaust ventilation rate over 
any 3-hour period that average more than 10 percent below the average 
levels maintained during the most recent performance test conducted 
under Sec.  60.8 in which the affected facility demonstrated compliance 
with the standard under Sec.  60.142(a)(1).
    (f) Each owner or operator required to submit reports following the 
procedure specified in this paragraph must submit reports to the EPA 
via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). 
(CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) 
(https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or operator must use the appropriate 
electronic report in CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic 
file format consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema 
listed on the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form specific to this subpart is not 
available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, the owner or 
operator must submit the report to the Administrator at the appropriate 
address listed in Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator must begin 
submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form 
becomes available in CEDRI. The report must be submitted by the 
deadline specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which 
the report is submitted.

Subpart O--Standards of Performance for Sewage Treatment Plants

27. Section 60.155 is amended by revising paragraph (a) introductory 
text to read as follows:

[[Page 15124]]

Sec.  60.155  Reporting.

    (a) The owner or operator of any multiple hearth, fluidized bed, or 
electric sludge incinerator subject to the provisions of this subpart 
shall submit a report semi-annually to the EPA via the Compliance and 
Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed 
through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) 
The owner or operator shall use the appropriate electronic report in 
CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic file format 
consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on 
the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If 
the reporting form specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI 
at the time that the report is due, the owner or operator shall submit 
the report to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in 
Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator shall begin submitting reports via 
CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. 
The report must be submitted by the deadline specified in this subpart, 
regardless of the method in which the report is submitted. The semi-
annual report shall contain the following:
* * * * *
28. Section 60.156 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 

Sec.  60.156  Delegation of authority.

* * * * *
    (b) Authorities which will not be delegated to States: Sec.  
60.153(e) and approval of an alternative to any electronic reporting to 
the EPA required by this subpart.

Subpart S--Standards of Performance for Primary Aluminum Reduction 

29. Section 60.192 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 

Sec.  60.192  Standard for fluorides.

* * * * *
    (b) Within 30 days of any performance test which reveals emissions 
which fall between the 1.0 kg/Mg and 1.3 kg/Mg levels in paragraph 
(a)(1) of this section or between the 0.95 kg/Mg and 1.25 kg/Mg levels 
in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, the owner or operator shall submit 
a report indicating whether all necessary control devices were on-line 
and operating properly during the performance test, describing the 
operating and maintenance procedures followed, and setting forth any 
explanation for the excess emissions. Each owner or operator shall 
submit such reports to the EPA via the Compliance and Emissions Data 
Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's 
Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or 
operator shall use the appropriate electronic report in CEDRI for this 
subpart or an alternate electronic file format consistent with the 
extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on the CEDRI Web site 
(http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form 
specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI at the time that the 
report is due, the owner or operator shall submit the report to the 
Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4. The 
owner or operator shall begin submitting reports via CEDRI no later 
than 90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. The report must 
be submitted by the deadline specified in this subpart, regardless of 
the method in which the report is submitted.

Subpart Y--Standards of Performance for Coal Preparation and 
Processing Plants

30. Section 60.258 is amended by revising paragraph (d) to read as 

Sec.  60.258  Reporting and recordkeeping.

* * * * *
    (d) Within 60 days after the date of completing each continuous 
monitoring system performance evaluation, as defined in Sec.  63.2, the 
owner or operator must submit the results of the performance evaluation 
following the procedure specified in either paragraph (d)(1) or (d)(2) 
of this section.
    (1) For performance evaluations of continuous monitoring systems 
measuring relative accuracy test audit (RATA) pollutants that are 
supported by the EPA's Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as listed on the 
EPA's ERT Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ert/index.html) at the 
time of the test, the owner or operator must submit the results of the 
performance evaluation to the EPA via the Compliance and Emissions Data 
Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's 
Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) Performance 
evaluation data must be submitted in a file format generated through 
the use of the EPA's ERT or an alternate electronic file format 
consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on 
the EPA's ERT Web site. If you claim that some of the performance 
evaluation information being submitted is Confidential Business 
Information (CBI), you must submit a complete file generated through 
the use of the EPA's ERT or an alternate electronic file consistent 
with the XML schema listed on the EPA's ERT Web site, including 
information claimed to be CBI on a compact disc, flash drive, or other 
commonly used electronic storage media to the EPA. The electronic media 
must be clearly marked as CBI and mailed to U.S. EPA/OAQPS/CORE CBI 
Office, Attention: Group Leader, Measurement Policy Group, MD C404-02, 
4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC 27703. The same ERT or alternate file 
with the CBI omitted must be submitted to the EPA via the EPA's CDX as 
described earlier in this paragraph.
    (2) For any performance evaluations of continuous monitoring 
systems measuring RATA pollutants that are not supported by the EPA's 
ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site at the time of the test, the 
owner or operator must submit the results of the performance evaluation 
to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4.

Subpart AA--Standards of Performance for Steel Plants: Electric Arc 
Furnaces Constructed After October 21, 1974, and On or Before 
August 17, 1983

31. Section 60.276 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (a);
b. Revising paragraph (c) introductory text; and
c. Adding paragraph (f).
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

Sec.  60.276  Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.

    (a) Operation at a furnace static pressure that exceeds the value 
established under Sec.  60.274(g) and either operation of control 
system fan motor amperes at values exceeding 15 percent of 
the value established under Sec.  60.274(c) or operation at flow rates 
lower than those established under Sec.  60.274(c) may be considered by 
the Administrator to be unacceptable operation and maintenance of the 
affected facility. Operation at such values shall be reported 
semiannually to the EPA via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting 
Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's Central 
Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or operator 
shall use the appropriate electronic report in CEDRI for this subpart 
or an alternate electronic file format consistent with the extensible 
markup (XML) schema listed on the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form

[[Page 15125]]

specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI at the time that the 
report is due, the owner or operator shall submit the report to the 
Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4. The 
owner or operator shall begin submitting reports via CEDRI no later 
than 90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. The report must 
be submitted by the deadline specified in this subpart, regardless of 
the method in which the report is submitted.
* * * * *
    (c) For the purpose of this subpart, the owner or operator shall 
conduct the demonstration of compliance with Sec.  60.272(a) of this 
subpart and submit, following the procedure specified in Sec.  60.8(j), 
a report of the results of the performance test. This report shall 
include the following information:
* * * * *
    (f) Any records required to be maintained by this subpart that are 
submitted electronically via the EPA's CDX may be maintained in 
electronic format.

Subpart AAa--Standards of Performance for Steel Plants: Electric 
Arc Furnaces and Argon-Oxygen Decarburization Vessels Constructed 
After August 17, 1983

32. Section 60.276a is amended by:
a. Revising paragraphs (b) through (d);
b. Revising paragraph (f) introductory text; and
c. Adding paragraphs (i) and (j).
    The revisions and additions read as follows:

Sec.  60.276a  Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.

* * * * *
    (b) Each owner or operator shall submit semi-annually, following 
the procedure specified in paragraph (i) of this section, a report of 
exceedances of the control device opacity. For the purposes of these 
reports, exceedances are defined as all 6-minute periods during which 
the average opacity is 3 percent or greater.
    (c) Operation at a furnace static pressure that exceeds the value 
established under Sec.  60.274a(g) and either operation of control 
system fan motor amperes at values exceeding 15 percent of 
the value established under Sec.  60.274a(c) or operation at flow rates 
lower than those established under Sec.  60.274a(c) may be considered 
by the Administrator to be unacceptable operation and maintenance of 
the affected facility. Operation at such values shall be reported 
semiannually, following the procedure specified in paragraph (i) of 
this section.
    (d) The requirements of this section remain in force until and 
unless the EPA, in delegating enforcement authority to a State under 
section 111(c) of the Act, approves reporting requirements or an 
alternative means of compliance surveillance adopted by such State. In 
that event, affected sources within the State will be relieved of the 
obligation to comply with this section, provided that they comply with 
the requirements established by the State. Electronic reporting to the 
EPA cannot be waived, and as such, the provisions of this paragraph do 
not relieve owners or operators of affected facilities of the 
requirement to submit the electronic reports required in this section 
to the EPA.
* * * * *
    (f) For the purpose of this subpart, the owner or operator shall 
conduct the demonstration of compliance with Sec.  60.272a(a) of this 
subpart and submit, following the procedure specified in Sec.  60.8(j), 
a report of the results of the test. This report shall include the 
following information:
* * * * *
    (i) Each owner or operator required to submit reports following the 
procedure specified in this paragraph must submit reports to the EPA 
via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). 
(CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) 
(https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or operator must use the appropriate 
electronic report in CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic 
file format consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema 
listed on the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form specific to this subpart is not 
available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, the owner or 
operator must submit the report to the Administrator at the appropriate 
address listed in Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator must begin 
submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form 
becomes available in CEDRI. The report must be submitted by the 
deadline specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which 
the report is submitted.
    (j) Any records required to be maintained by this subpart that are 
submitted electronically via the EPA's CDX may be maintained in 
electronic format.

Subpart BBa--Standards of Performance for Kraft Pulp Mill Affected 
Sources for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification 
Commenced After May 23, 2013

33. Section 60.287a is amended by adding paragraph (d) to read as 

Sec.  60.287a  Recordkeeping.

* * * * *
    (d) Any records required to be maintained by this subpart that are 
submitted electronically via the EPA's CDX may be maintained in 
electronic format.
34. Section 60.288a is amended by:
a. Revising paragraphs (b) and (c); and
b. Revising paragraph (d) introductory text.
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  60.288a  Reporting.

* * * * *
    (b) Within 60 days after the date of completing each performance 
test (see Sec.  60.8) required by this subpart, you must submit the 
results of the performance test following the procedure specified in 
either paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section.
    (1) For data collected using test methods supported by the EPA's 
Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site 
(http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ert/index.html) at the time of the test, 
you must submit the results of the performance test to the EPA via the 
Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can 
be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) Performance test data must be submitted in a file 
format generated through the use of the EPA's ERT or an alternate 
electronic file format consistent with the extensible markup language 
(XML) schema listed on the EPA's ERT Web site. If you claim that some 
of the performance test information being submitted is confidential 
business information (CBI), you must submit a complete file generated 
through the use of the EPA's ERT or an alternate electronic file 
consistent with the XML schema listed on the EPA's ERT Web site, 
including information claimed to be CBI, on a compact disc, flash 
drive, or other commonly used electronic storage media to the EPA. The 
electronic media must be clearly marked as CBI and mailed to U.S. EPA/
OAQPS/CORE CBI Office, Attention: Group Leader, Measurement Policy 
Group, MD C404-02, 4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC 27703. The same ERT or 
alternate file

[[Page 15126]]

with the CBI omitted must be submitted to the EPA via the EPA's CDX as 
described earlier in this paragraph.
    (2) For data collected using test methods that are not supported by 
the EPA's ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site at the time of the 
test, you must submit the results of the performance test to the 
Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4.
    (c) Within 60 days after the date of completing each CEMS 
performance evaluation, as defined in Sec.  63.2, you must submit the 
results of the performance evaluation following the procedure specified 
in either paragraph (c)(1) or (c)(2) of this section.
    (1) For performance evaluations of continuous monitoring systems 
measuring relative accuracy test audit (RATA) pollutants that are 
supported by the EPA's ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ert/index.html) at the time of the test, submit 
the results of the performance evaluation to the EPA via the CEDRI. 
(CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's CDX (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) 
Performance evaluation data must be submitted in a file format 
generated through the use of the EPA's ERT or an alternate electronic 
file format consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema 
listed on the EPA's ERT Web site. If you claim that some of the 
performance evaluation information being submitted is CBI, you must 
submit a complete file generated through the use of the EPA's ERT or an 
alternate electronic file consistent with the XML schema listed on the 
EPA's ERT Web site, including information claimed to be CBI, on a 
compact disc, flash drive, or other commonly used electronic storage 
media to the EPA. The electronic media must be clearly marked as CBI 
and mailed to U.S. EPA/OAQPS/CORE CBI Office, Attention: Group Leader, 
Measurement Policy Group, MD C404-02, 4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC 
27703. The same ERT or alternate file with the CBI omitted must be 
submitted to the EPA via the EPA's CDX as described earlier in this 
    (2) For any performance evaluations of continuous monitoring 
systems measuring RATA pollutants that are not supported by the EPA's 
ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site at the time of the test, submit 
the results of the performance evaluation to the Administrator at the 
appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4.
    (d) If a malfunction occurred during the reporting period, you must 
submit, following the procedure specified in Sec.  60.7(c), a report 
that contains the following:
* * * * *

Subpart EE--Standards of Performance for Surface Coating of Metal 

35. Section 60.315 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (a) introductory text;
b. Revising paragraph (b);
c. Revising paragraph (c) introductory text; and
d. Revising paragraph (d).
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  60.315  Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

    (a) The reporting requirements of Sec.  60.8 apply only to the 
initial performance test. Each owner or operator subject to the 
provisions of this subpart shall include the following data in the 
report of the initial performance test required under Sec.  60.8:
* * * * *
    (b) Following the initial performance test, the owner or operator 
of an affected facility shall identify, record, and submit a report 
every calendar quarter of each instance in which the volume-weighted 
average of the total mass of VOCs emitted to the atmosphere per volume 
of applied coating solids (N) is greater than the limit specified under 
Sec.  60.312. If no such instances have occurred during a particular 
quarter, a report stating this shall be submitted semiannually. Each 
owner or operator shall submit such reports to the EPA via the 
Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can 
be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or operator shall use the appropriate 
electronic report in CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic 
file format consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema 
listed on the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form specific to this subpart is not 
available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, the owner or 
operator shall submit the report to the Administrator at the 
appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator shall 
begin submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form 
becomes available in CEDRI. The report must be submitted by the 
deadline specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which 
the report is submitted.
    (c) Following the initial performance test, the owner or operator 
of an affected facility shall identify, record, and submit, at the 
frequency and following the procedure specified in Sec.  60.7(c), the 
* * * * *
    (d) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this 
subpart shall maintain at the source, for a period of at least 2 years, 
records of all data and calculations used to determine VOC emissions 
from each affected facility. Where compliance is achieved through the 
use of thermal incineration, each owner or operator shall maintain, at 
the source, daily records of the incinerator combustion chamber 
temperature. If catalytic incineration is used, the owner or operator 
shall maintain at the source daily records of the gas temperature, both 
upstream and downstream of the incinerator catalyst bed. Where 
compliance is achieved through the use of a solvent recovery system, 
the owner or operator shall maintain at the source daily records of the 
amount of solvent recovered by the system for each affected facility. 
Any records required to be maintained by this subpart that are 
submitted electronically via the EPA's CDX may be maintained in 
electronic format.

Subpart GG--Standards of Performance for Stationary Gas Turbines

36. Section 60.334 is amended by revising paragraph (j)(5) to read as 

Sec.  60.334  Monitoring of operations.

* * * * *
    (j) * * *
    (5) All reports required under Sec.  60.7(c) shall be submitted 
electronically by the 30th day following the end of each 6-month 

Subpart LL--Standards of Performance for Metallic Mineral 
Processing Plants

37. Section 60.385 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (a); and
b. Revising paragraphs (d) and (e).
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  60.385  Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.

    (a) The owner or operator subject to the provisions of this subpart 
shall conduct a performance test and submit a report of the results of 
the test following the procedure specified in Sec.  60.8(j).
* * * * *
    (d) The reports required under paragraph (c) shall be submitted 
electronically within 30 days following the end of the second and 
fourth calendar quarters. Each owner or operator shall submit such 
reports to the EPA via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting 
Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed through the

[[Page 15127]]

EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or 
operator shall use the appropriate electronic report in CEDRI for this 
subpart or an alternate electronic file format consistent with the 
extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on the CEDRI Web site 
(http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form 
specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI at the time that the 
report is due, the owner or operator shall submit the report to the 
Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4. The 
owner or operator shall begin submitting reports via CEDRI no later 
than 90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. The report must 
be submitted by the deadline specified in this subpart, regardless of 
the method in which the report is submitted.
    (e) The requirements of this subsection remain in force until and 
unless the Agency, in delegating enforcement authority to a State under 
section 111(c) of the Act, approves reporting requirements or an 
alternative means of compliance surveillance adopted by such States. In 
that event, affected sources within the State will be relieved of the 
obligation to comply with this subsection, provided that they comply 
with requirements established by the State. Electronic reporting to the 
EPA cannot be waived, and as such, the provisions of this paragraph do 
not relieve owners or operators of affected facilities of the 
requirement to submit the electronic reports required in this section 
to the EPA.

Subpart MM--Standards of Performance for Automobile and Light Duty 
Truck Surface Coating Operations

38. Section 60.395 is amended by revising paragraph (b) and paragraph 
(c) introductory text to read as follows:

Sec.  60.395  Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

* * * * *
    (b) Following the initial performance test, the owner or operator 
of an affected facility shall identify, record, and submit a report 
every calendar quarter of each instance in which the volume-weighted 
average of the total mass of VOC's emitted to the atmosphere per volume 
of applied coating solids (N) is greater than the limit specified under 
Sec.  60.392. If no such instances have occurred during a particular 
quarter, a report stating this shall be submitted semiannually. Where 
compliance is achieved through the use of a capture system and control 
device, the volume-weighted average after the control device should be 
reported. Each owner or operator shall submit such reports to the EPA 
via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). 
(CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) 
(https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or operator shall use the 
appropriate electronic report in CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate 
electronic file format consistent with the extensible markup language 
(XML) schema listed on the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form specific to this subpart 
is not available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, the owner 
or operator shall submit the report to the Administrator at the 
appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator shall 
begin submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form 
becomes available in CEDRI. The report must be submitted by the 
deadline specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which 
the report is submitted.
    (c) Where compliance with Sec.  60.392 is achieved through the use 
of incineration, the owner or operator shall continuously record the 
incinerator combustion temperature during coating operations for 
thermal incineration or the gas temperature upstream and downstream of 
the incinerator catalyst bed during coating operations for catalytic 
incineration. The owner or operator shall submit, at the frequency and 
following the procedure specified in Sec.  60.7(c), a report of the 
information defined below.
* * * * *

Subpart NN--Standards of Performance for Phosphate Rock Plants

39. Section 60.403 is amended by revising paragraph (f) to read as 

Sec.  60.403  Monitoring of emissions and operations.

* * * * *
    (f) Any owner or operator subject to the requirements under 
paragraph (c) of this section shall report, at the frequency and 
following the procedure specified in Sec.  60.7(c), all measurement 
results that are less than 90 percent of the average levels maintained 
during the most recent performance test conducted under Sec.  60.8 in 
which the affected facility demonstrated compliance with the standard 
under Sec.  60.402.

Subpart QQ--Standards of Performance for the Graphic Arts Industry: 
Publication Rotogravure Printing

40. Section 60.433 is amended by revising paragraph (e)(6) to read as 

Sec.  60.433  Performance test and compliance provisions.

* * * * *
    (e) * * *
    (6) The owner or operator of the existing facility (or facilities) 
shall submit, following the procedure specified in Sec.  60.8(j), a 
report of the results of the emission test.
* * * * *

Subpart RR--Standards of Performance for Pressure Sensitive Tape 
and Label Surface Coating Operations

41. Section 60.447 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  60.447  Reporting requirements.

    (a) For all affected facilities subject to compliance with Sec.  
60.442, the performance test data and results from the performance test 
shall be submitted as specified in Sec.  60.8(j) of the General 
Provisions (40 CFR part 60, subpart A).
    (b) Following the initial performance test, the owner or operator 
of each affected facility shall submit quarterly reports of exceedances 
of the VOC emission limits specified in Sec.  60.442. If no such 
exceedances occur during a particular quarter, a report stating this 
shall be submitted semiannually. These quarterly and semiannual reports 
shall be submitted to the EPA via the Compliance and Emissions Data 
Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's 
Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or 
operator shall use the appropriate electronic report in CEDRI for this 
subpart or an alternate electronic file format consistent with the 
extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on the CEDRI Web site 
(http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form 
specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI at the time that the 
report is due, the owner or operator shall submit the report to the 
Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4. The 
owner or operator shall begin submitting reports via CEDRI no later 
than 90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. The report must 
be submitted by the deadline specified in this subpart, regardless of 
the method in which the report is submitted.

[[Page 15128]]

    (c) The owner or operator of each affected facility shall also 
submit reports, at the frequency and following the procedure specified 
in Sec.  60.7(c), when the incinerator temperature drops as defined 
under Sec.  60.443(e). If no such periods occur, the owner or operator 
shall state this in the report.
    (d) The requirements of this subsection remain in force until and 
unless the EPA, in delegating enforcement authority to a State under 
section 111(c) of the Act, approves reporting requirements or an 
alternative means of compliance surveillance adopted by such States. In 
that event, affected sources within the State will be relieved of the 
obligation to comply with this subsection, provided that they comply 
with the requirements established by the State. Electronic reporting to 
the EPA cannot be waived, and as such, the provisions of this paragraph 
do not relieve owners or operators of affected facilities of the 
requirement to submit the electronic reports required in this section 
to the EPA.

Subpart SS--Standards of Performance for Industrial Surface 
Coating: Large Appliances

42. Section 60.455 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (a) introductory text;
b. Revising paragraph (b);
c. Revising paragraph (c) introductory text; and
d. Revising paragraph (d).
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  60.455  Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

    (a) The reporting requirements of Sec.  60.8 apply only to the 
initial performance test. Each owner or operator subject to the 
provisions of this subpart shall include the following data in the 
report of the initial performance test required under Sec.  60.8:
* * * * *
    (b) Following the initial performance test, the owner or operator 
of an affected facility shall identify, record, and submit a report 
every calendar quarter of each instance in which the volume-weighted 
average of the total mass of VOC's emitted to the atmosphere per volume 
of applied coating solids (N) is greater than the limit specified under 
Sec.  60.452. If no such instances have occurred during a particular 
quarter, a report stating this shall be submitted semiannually. These 
quarterly and semiannual reports shall be submitted to the EPA via the 
Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can 
be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or operator shall use the appropriate 
electronic report in CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic 
file format consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema 
listed on the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form specific to this subpart is not 
available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, the owner or 
operator shall submit the report to the Administrator at the 
appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator shall 
begin submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form 
becomes available in CEDRI. The report must be submitted by the 
deadline specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which 
the report is submitted.
    (c) Following the initial performance test, the owner or operator 
of an affected facility shall identify, record, and submit, at the 
frequency and following the procedure specified in Sec.  60.7(c), the 
* * * * *
    (d) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this 
subpart shall maintain at the source, for a period of at least 2 years, 
records of all data and calculations used to determine VOC emissions 
from each affected facility. Where compliance is achieved through the 
use of thermal incineration, each owner or operator shall maintain at 
the source daily records of the incinerator combustion chamber 
temperature. If catalytic incineration is used, the owner or operator 
shall maintain at the source daily records of the gas temperature, both 
upstream and downstream of the incinerator catalyst bed. Where 
compliance is achieved through the use of a solvent recovery system, 
the owner or operator shall maintain at the source daily records of the 
amount of solvent recovered by the system for each affected facility. 
Any records required to be maintained by this subpart that are 
submitted electronically via the EPA's CDX may be maintained in 
electronic format.

Subpart TT--Standards of Performance for Metal Coil Surface Coating

43. Section 60.465 is amended by revising paragraphs (c) through (e) to 
read as follows:

Sec.  60.465  Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

* * * * *
    (c) Following the initial performance test, the owner or operator 
of an affected facility shall identify, record, and submit a report 
every calendar quarter of each instance in which the volume-weighted 
average of the local mass of VOC's emitted to the atmosphere per volume 
of applied coating solids (N) is greater than the limit specified under 
Sec.  60.462. If no such instances have occurred during a particular 
quarter, a report stating this shall be submitted semiannually. Each 
owner or operator of an affected facility shall submit such quarterly 
and semiannual reports to the EPA via the Compliance and Emissions Data 
Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's 
Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or 
operator shall use the appropriate electronic report in CEDRI for this 
subpart or an alternate electronic file format consistent with the 
extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on the CEDRI Web site 
(http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form 
specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI at the time that the 
report is due, the owner or operator shall submit the report to the 
Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4. The 
owner or operator shall begin submitting reports via CEDRI no later 
than 90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. The report must 
be submitted by the deadline specified in this subpart, regardless of 
the method in which the report is submitted.
    (d) The owner or operator of each affected facility shall also 
submit reports, at the frequency and following the procedure specified 
in Sec.  60.7(c), when the incinerator temperature drops as defined 
under Sec.  60.464(c). If no such periods occur, the owner or operator 
shall state this in the report.
    (e) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this 
subpart shall maintain at the source, for a period of at least 2 years, 
records of all data and calculations used to determine monthly VOC 
emissions from each affected facility and to determine the monthly 
emission limit, where applicable. Where compliance is achieved through 
the use of thermal incineration, each owner or operator shall maintain, 
at the source, daily records of the incinerator combustion temperature. 
If catalytic incineration is used, the owner or operator shall maintain 
at the source daily records of the gas temperature, both upstream and 
downstream of the incinerator catalyst bed. Any records required to be 
maintained by this subpart that are submitted electronically via the 
EPA's CDX may be maintained in electronic format.

[[Page 15129]]

Subpart VV--Standards of Performance for Equipment Leaks of VOC in 
the Synthetic Organic Chemicals Manufacturing Industry for Which 
Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After 
January 5, 1981, and on or Before November 7, 2006

44. Section 60.486 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(1) to read as 

Sec.  60.486  Recordkeeping requirements.

    (a)(1) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this 
subpart shall comply with the recordkeeping requirements of this 
section. Any records required to be maintained by this subpart that are 
submitted electronically via the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) may 
be maintained in electronic format.
* * * * *
45. Section 60.487 is amended by revising paragraphs (a) and (f) to 
read as follows:

Sec.  60.487  Reporting requirements.

    (a) Beginning six months after the initial startup date, each owner 
or operator subject to the provisions of this subpart shall submit 
semiannual reports to the EPA via the Compliance and Emissions Data 
Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's 
Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or 
operator shall use the appropriate electronic report in CEDRI for this 
subpart or an alternate electronic file format consistent with the 
extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on the CEDRI Web site 
(http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form 
specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI at the time that the 
report is due, the owner or operator shall submit the report to the 
Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4. The 
owner or operator shall begin submitting reports via CEDRI no later 
than 90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. The report must 
be submitted by the deadline specified in this subpart, regardless of 
the method in which the report is submitted.
* * * * *
    (f) The requirements of paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section 
remain in force until and unless the EPA, in delegating enforcement 
authority to a State under section 111(c) of the Act, approves 
reporting requirements or an alternative means of compliance 
surveillance adopted by such State. In that event, affected sources 
within the State will be relieved of the obligation to comply with the 
requirements of paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section, provided 
that they comply with the requirements established by the State. 
Electronic reporting to the EPA cannot be waived, and as such, the 
provisions of this paragraph do not relieve owners or operators of 
affected facilities of the requirement to submit the electronic reports 
required in this section to the EPA.

Subpart VVa--Standards of Performance for Equipment Leaks of VOC in 
the Synthetic Organic Chemicals Manufacturing Industry for Which 
Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After 
November 7, 2006

46. Section 60.486a is amended by revising paragraph (a)(1) to read as 

Sec.  60.486a  Recordkeeping requirements.

    (a)(1) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this 
subpart shall comply with the recordkeeping requirements of this 
section. Any records required to be maintained by this subpart that are 
submitted electronically via the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) may 
be maintained in electronic format.
* * * * *
47. Section 60.487a is amended by revising paragraphs (a) and (f) to 
read as follows:

Sec.  60.487a  Reporting requirements.

    (a) Beginning 6 months after the initial startup date, each owner 
or operator subject to the provisions of this subpart shall submit 
semiannual reports to the EPA via the Compliance and Emissions Data 
Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's 
Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or 
operator shall use the appropriate electronic report in CEDRI for this 
subpart or an alternate electronic file format consistent with the 
extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on the CEDRI Web site 
(http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form 
specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI at the time that the 
report is due, the owner or operator shall submit the report to the 
Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4. The 
owner or operator shall begin submitting reports via CEDRI no later 
than 90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. The report must 
be submitted by the deadline specified in this subpart, regardless of 
the method in which the report is submitted.
* * * * *
    (f) The requirements of paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section 
remain in force until and unless the EPA, in delegating enforcement 
authority to a state under section 111(c) of the CAA, approves 
reporting requirements or an alternative means of compliance 
surveillance adopted by such state. In that event, affected sources 
within the state will be relieved of the obligation to comply with the 
requirements of paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section, provided 
that they comply with the requirements established by the state. 
Electronic reporting to the EPA cannot be waived, and as such, the 
provisions of this paragraph do not relieve owners or operators of 
affected facilities of the requirement to submit the electronic reports 
required in this section to the EPA.

Subpart WW--Standards of Performance for the Beverage Can Surface 
Coating Industry

48. Section 60.495 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (a) introductory text;
b. Revising paragraph (b);
c. Revising paragraph (c) introductory text; and
d. Revising paragraphs (d) and (e).
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  60.495  Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

    (a) The owner or operator of an affected facility shall include the 
following data in the initial compliance report required under Sec.  
* * * * *
    (b) Following the initial performance test, each owner or operator 
shall identify, record, and submit quarterly reports of each instance 
in which the volume-weighted average of the total mass of VOC per 
volume of coating solids, after the control device, if capture devices 
and control systems are used, is greater than the limit specified under 
Sec.  60.492. If no such instances occur during a particular quarter, a 
report stating this shall be submitted semiannually. Each owner or 
operator shall submit such reports to the EPA via the Compliance and 
Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed 
through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) 
The owner or operator shall use the appropriate electronic report in 
CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic file format 
consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on 

[[Page 15130]]

CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the 
reporting form specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI at 
the time that the report is due, the owner or operator shall submit the 
report to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  
60.4. The owner or operator shall begin submitting reports via CEDRI no 
later than 90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. The 
report must be submitted by the deadline specified in this subpart, 
regardless of the method in which the report is submitted.
    (c) Following the initial performance test, the owner or operator 
of an affected facility shall identify, record, and submit, at the 
frequency and following the procedure specified in Sec.  60.7(c), the 
* * * * *
    (d) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this 
subpart shall maintain at the source, for a period of at least 2 years, 
records of all data and calculations used to determine VOC emissions 
from each affected facility in the initial and monthly performance 
tests. Where compliance is achieved through the use of thermal 
incineration, each owner or operator shall maintain, at the source, 
daily records of the incinerator combustion chamber temperature. If 
catalytic incineration is used, the owner or operator shall maintain at 
the source daily records of the gas temperature, both upstream and 
downstream of the incinerator catalyst bed. Where compliance is 
achieved through the use of a solvent recovery system, the owner or 
operator shall maintain at the source daily records of the amount of 
solvent recovered by the system for each affected facility. Any records 
required to be maintained by this subpart that are submitted 
electronically via the EPA's CDX may be maintained in electronic 
    (e) The requirements of this section remain in force until and 
unless the EPA, in delegating enforcement authority to a State under 
section 111(c) of the Act, approves reporting requirements or an 
alternative means of compliance surveillance adopted by such State. In 
that event, affected facilities within the State will be relieved of 
the obligation to comply with this subsection, provided that they 
comply with the requirements established by the State. Electronic 
reporting to the EPA cannot be waived, and as such, the provisions of 
this paragraph do not relieve owners or operators of affected 
facilities of the requirement to submit the electronic reports required 
in this section to the EPA.

Subpart AAA--Standards of Performance for New Residential Wood 

49. Section 60.539b is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 

Sec.  60.539b  General provisions exclusions.

* * * * *
    (b) Section 60.8(a), (c), (d), (e), (f), and (j) and
* * * * *

Subpart BBB--Standards of Performance for the Rubber Tire 
Manufacturing Industry

50. Section 60.545 is amended by adding paragraph (g) to read as 

Sec.  60.545  Recordkeeping requirements.

* * * * *
    (g) Any records required to be maintained by this subpart that are 
submitted electronically via the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) may 
be maintained in electronic format.
51. Section 60.546 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (c) introductory text;
b. Revising paragraph (f) introductory text;
c. Revising paragraph (g);
d. Revising paragraph (j); and
e. Adding paragraph (k).
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

Sec.  60.546  Reporting requirements.

* * * * *
    (c) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this 
subpart shall submit, following the procedure specified in Sec.  
60.8(j), the results of all initial performance tests and the results 
of the performance tests required under Sec.  60.543(b)(2) and (b)(3). 
The following data shall be included in the report for each of the 
above performance tests:
* * * * *
    (f) Once every 6 months each owner or operator subject to the 
provisions of Sec.  60.545 shall report, following the procedure 
specified in paragraph (k) of this section, as applicable:
* * * * *
    (g) The requirements for semiannual reports remain in force until 
and unless the EPA, in delegating enforcement authority to a State 
under Section 111(c) of the Act, approves reporting requirements or an 
alternative means of compliance surveillance adopted by such State. In 
that event, affected facilities within the State will be relieved of 
the obligation to comply with these requirements, provided that they 
comply with the requirements established by the State. Electronic 
reporting to the EPA cannot be waived, and as such, the provisions of 
this paragraph do not relieve owners or operators of affected 
facilities of the requirement to submit the electronic reports required 
in this section to the EPA.
* * * * *
    (j) The owner or operator of each tread end cementing operation and 
each green tire spraying (inside and/or outside) operation using water-
based sprays containing less than 1.0 percent, by weight, of VOC as 
described in Sec.  60.543(b)(1) shall submit, following the procedure 
specified in paragraph (k) of this section, within 60 days initially 
and annually thereafter, formulation data or Method 24 results to 
verify the VOC content of the water-based sprays in use. If the spray 
formulation changes before the end of the 12-month period, formulation 
data or Method 24 results to verify the VOC content of the spray shall 
be reported within 30 days of the change.
    (k) Each owner or operator required to submit reports following the 
procedure specified in this paragraph must submit reports to the EPA 
via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). 
(CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) 
(https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or operator must use the appropriate 
electronic report in CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic 
file format consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema 
listed on the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form specific to this subpart is not 
available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, the owner or 
operator must submit the report to the Administrator at the appropriate 
address listed in Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator must begin 
submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form 
becomes available in CEDRI. The report must be submitted by the 
deadline specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which 
the report is submitted.
52. Section 60.548 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 

Sec.  60.548  Delegation of authority.

* * * * *
    (b) Authority which will not be delegated to States: Sec.  
60.543(c)(2)(ii)(B) and approval of an alternative to any electronic 
reporting to the EPA required by this subpart.

[[Page 15131]]

Subpart DDD--Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic Compound 
(VOC) Emissions From the Polymer Manufacturing Industry

53. Section 60.565 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (a) introductory text;
b. Revising paragraph (b)(1);
c. Revising paragraph (k) introductory text;
d. Revising paragraph (m); and
e. Adding paragraphs (n) and (o).
    The revisions and additions read as follows:

Sec.  60.565  Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

    (a) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this 
subpart shall keep an up-to-date, readily-accessible record of the 
following information measured during each performance test and include 
the following information in the report of the initial performance 
test, submitted following the procedure in Sec.  60.8(j), in addition 
to the results of such performance tests. Where a control device is 
used to comply with Sec.  60.562-1(a)(1)(i)(D) only, a report 
containing performance test data need not be submitted, but a report 
containing the information in Sec.  60.565(a)(11) is required to be 
submitted following the procedure specified in paragraph (n) of this 
section. Where a boiler or process heater with a design heat input 
capacity of 150 million Btu/hour or greater is used to comply with 
Sec.  60.562-1(a), a report containing performance test data need not 
be submitted, but a report containing the information in Sec.  
60.565(a)(2)(i) is required to be submitted following the procedure 
specified in paragraph (n) of this section. The same information 
specified in this section shall be submitted, following the procedure 
specified in Sec.  60.8(j), in the reports of all subsequently required 
performance tests where either the emission control efficiency of a 
combustion device or the outlet concentration of TOC (minus methane and 
ethane) is determined.
* * * * *
    (b)(1) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this 
subpart shall submit an engineering report describing in detail the 
vent system used to vent each affected vent stream to a control device. 
This report shall include all valves and vent pipes that could vent the 
stream to the atmosphere, thereby bypassing the control device, and 
identify which valves are car-sealed opened and which valves are car-
sealed closed. Unless the owner or operator submits an initial 
performance test electronically to the EPA via the EPA's Central Data 
Exchange (CDX) or if the owner or operator is complying with Sec.  
60.562-1(a)(1)(i)(D), the engineering report shall be submitted with 
the initial performance test. If the owner or operator submits an 
initial performance test electronically to the EPA's CDX or if the 
owner or operator is complying with Sec.  60.562-1(a)(1)(i)(D), the 
engineering report shall be submitted as a separate report to the 
Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4.
* * * * *
    (k) Each owner or operator that seeks to comply with the 
requirements of this subpart by complying with the uncontrolled 
threshold emission rate cutoff provision of Sec. Sec.  60.560 (d) and 
(e), the individual stream exemptions of Sec.  60.560(g), or the 
requirements of Sec.  60.562-1 shall submit, following the procedure 
specified in paragraph (n) of this section, semiannual reports of the 
following recorded information, as applicable. The initial report must 
be submitted within 6 months after the initial start-up date.
* * * * *
    (m) The requirements of this subsection remain in force until and 
unless EPA, in delegating enforcement authority to a State under 
section 111(c) of the Act, approves alternative reporting requirements 
or means of compliance surveillance adopted by such State. In that 
event, affected sources within the State will be relieved of the 
obligation to comply with this subsection, provided that they comply 
with the requirements established by the State. Electronic reporting to 
the EPA cannot be waived, and as such, the provisions of this paragraph 
do not relieve owners or operators of affected facilities of the 
requirement to submit the electronic reports required in this section 
to the EPA.
    (n) Each owner or operator required to submit reports following the 
procedure specified in this paragraph must submit reports to the EPA 
via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). 
(CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's CDX (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) 
The owner or operator must use the appropriate electronic report in 
CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic file format 
consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on 
the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If 
the reporting form specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI 
at the time that the report is due, the owner or operator must submit 
the report to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in 
Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator must begin submitting reports via 
CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. 
The reports must be submitted by the deadlines specified in this 
subpart, regardless of the method in which the reports are submitted.
    (o) Any records required to be maintained by this subpart that are 
submitted electronically via the EPA's CDX may be maintained in 
electronic format.
54. Section 60.566 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 

Sec.  60.566  Delegation of authority.

* * * * *
    (b) Authority which will not be delegated to States: Sec.  60.562-
2(c) and approval of an alternative to any electronic reporting to the 
EPA required by this subpart.

Subpart FFF--Standards of Performance for Flexible Vinyl and 
Urethane Coating and Printing

55. Section 60.585 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (a); and
b. Revising paragraphs (c) and (d).
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  60.585  Reporting requirements.

    (a) For all affected facilities subject to compliance with Sec.  
60.582, the performance test data and results from the performance test 
shall be submitted as specified in Sec.  60.8(j).
* * * * *
    (c) The reports required under paragraph (b) of this section shall 
be submitted electronically within 30 days following the end of the 
second and fourth calendar quarters. Each owner or operator shall 
submit such reports to the EPA via the Compliance and Emissions Data 
Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's 
Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or 
operator shall use the appropriate electronic report in CEDRI for this 
subpart or an alternate electronic file format consistent with the 
extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on the CEDRI Web site 
(http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form 
specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI at the time that the 
report is due, the owner or operator shall submit the report to the 
Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4. The 
owner or operator shall begin submitting reports via CEDRI no later 
than 90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. The reports 
must be submitted by the deadlines specified in this subpart, 
regardless of the method in which the reports are submitted.

[[Page 15132]]

    (d) The requirements of this subsection remain in force until and 
unless the Agency, in delegating enforcement authority to a State under 
section 111(c) of the Act, approves reporting requirements or an 
alternative means of compliance surveillance adopted by such States. In 
that event, affected sources within the State will be relieved of the 
obligation to comply with this subsection, provided that they comply 
with requirements established by the State. Electronic reporting to the 
EPA cannot be waived, and as such, the provisions of this paragraph do 
not relieve owners or operators of affected facilities of the 
requirement to submit the electronic reports required in this section 
to the EPA.

Subpart HHH--Standards of Performance for Synthetic Fiber 
Production Facilities

56. Section 60.604 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (a) introductory text;
b. Revising paragraph (a)(2);
c. Revising paragraphs (b) and (c); and
d. Adding paragraph (d).
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

Sec.  60.604  Reporting requirements.

    (a) The owner or operator of an affected facility shall submit 
reports of the following:
* * * * *
    (2) The results of subsequent performance tests that indicate that 
VOC emissions exceed the standards in Sec.  60.602. These reports shall 
be submitted, following the procedure specified in Sec.  60.8(j), 
quarterly at 3-month intervals after the initial performance test. If 
no exceedances occur during a particular quarter, a report stating this 
shall be submitted, following the procedure specified in paragraph (d) 
of this section, semiannually.
    (b) Solvent-spun synthetic fiber producing facilities exempted from 
these standards in Sec.  60.600(a) (those producing less than 500 Mg 
(551 ton) annually) shall submit, following the procedure specified in 
paragraph (d) of this section, a report within 30 days whenever 
extruded fiber for the preceding 12 calendar months exceeds 500 Mg (551 
    (c) The requirements of this section remain in force until and 
unless the EPA, in delegating enforcement authority to a State under 
section 111(c) of the Act, approves reporting requirements or an 
alternate means of compliance surveillance adopted by such State. In 
that event, affected sources within the State will be relieved of the 
obligation to comply with this section, provided that they comply with 
the requirements established by the State. Electronic reporting to the 
EPA cannot be waived, and as such, the provisions of this paragraph do 
not relieve owners or operators of affected facilities of the 
requirement to submit the electronic reports required in this section 
to the EPA.
    (d) Each owner or operator required to submit reports following the 
procedure specified in this paragraph must submit reports to the EPA 
via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). 
(CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) 
(https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or operator must use the appropriate 
electronic report in CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic 
file format consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema 
listed on the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form specific to this subpart is not 
available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, the owner or 
operator must submit the report to the Administrator at the appropriate 
address listed in Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator must begin 
submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form 
becomes available in CEDRI. The reports must be submitted by the 
deadlines specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which 
the reports are submitted.

Subpart III--Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic Compound 
(VOC) Emissions From the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing 
Industry (SOCMI) Air Oxidation Unit Processes

57. Section 60.615 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (b) introductory text;
b. Revising paragraph (j) introductory text;
c. Revising paragraph (k); and
d. Adding paragraphs (m) and (n).
    The revisions and additions read as follows:

Sec.  60.615  Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

* * * * *
    (b) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this 
subpart shall keep up-to-date, readily accessible records of the 
following data measured during each performance test and also include 
the following data in the report of the initial performance test 
required under Sec.  60.8. Where a boiler or process heater with a 
design heat input capacity of 44 MW (150 million Btu/hour) or greater 
is used to comply with Sec.  60.612(a), a report containing performance 
test data need not be submitted, but a report containing the 
information of Sec.  60.615(b)(2)(i) is required to be submitted 
following the procedure specified in paragraph (m) of this section. The 
same data specified in this section shall be submitted, following the 
procedure specified in Sec.  60.8(j), in the reports of all 
subsequently required performance tests where either the emission 
control efficiency of a control device, outlet concentration of TOC, or 
the TRE index value of a vent stream from a recovery system is 
* * * * *
    (j) Each owner or operator that seeks to comply with the 
requirements of this subpart by complying with the requirements of 
Sec.  60.612 shall submit, following the procedure specified in 
paragraph (m) of this section, semiannual reports of the following 
information. The initial report shall be submitted within 6 months 
after the initial start-up-date.
* * * * *
    (k) The requirements of Sec.  60.615(j) remain in force until and 
unless the EPA, in delegating enforcement authority to a State under 
section 111(c) of the Act, approves reporting requirements or an 
alternative means of compliance surveillance adopted by such State. In 
that event, affected sources within the State will be relieved of the 
obligation to comply with Sec.  60.615(j), provided that they comply 
with the requirements established by the State. Electronic reporting to 
the EPA cannot be waived, and as such, the provisions of this paragraph 
do not relieve owners or operators of affected facilities of the 
requirement to submit the electronic reports required in this section 
to the EPA.
* * * * *
    (m) Each owner or operator required to submit reports following the 
procedure specified in this paragraph must submit reports to the EPA 
via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). 
(CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) 
(https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or operator must use the appropriate 
electronic report in CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic 
file format consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema 
listed on the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form specific to this subpart is not 
available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, the owner or 
operator must submit the report to the Administrator at the appropriate

[[Page 15133]]

address listed in Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator must begin 
submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form 
becomes available in CEDRI. The reports must be submitted by the 
deadlines specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which 
the reports are submitted.
    (n) Any records required to be maintained by this subpart that are 
submitted electronically via the EPA's CDX may be maintained 

Subpart LLL--Standards of Performance for SO2 Emissions 
From Onshore Natural Gas Processing for Which Construction, 
Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After January 20, 1984, 
and on or Before August 23, 2011

58. Section 60.647 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (a);
b. Revising paragraph (b) introductory text; and
c. Revising paragraph (e).
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  60.647  Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.

    (a) Records of the calculations and measurements required in Sec.  
60.642 (a) and (b) and Sec.  60.646 (a) through (g) must be retained 
for at least 2 years following the date of the measurements by owners 
and operators subject to this subpart. This requirement is included 
under Sec.  60.7(d) of the General Provisions. Any records required to 
be maintained by this subpart that are submitted electronically via the 
EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) may be maintained in electronic 
    (b) Each owner or operator shall submit, following the procedure 
specified in Sec.  60.7(c), a report of excess emissions semiannually. 
For the purpose of these reports, excess emissions are defined as:
* * * * *
    (e) The requirements of paragraph (b) of this section remain in 
force until and unless the EPA, in delegating enforcement authority to 
a State under section 111(c) of the Act, approves reporting 
requirements or an alternative means of compliance surveillance adopted 
by such State. In that event, affected sources within the State will be 
relieved of obligation to comply with paragraph (b) of this section, 
provided that they comply with the requirements established by the 
State. Electronic reporting to the EPA cannot be waived, and as such, 
the provisions of this paragraph do not relieve owners or operators of 
affected facilities of the requirement to submit the electronic reports 
required in this section to the EPA.

Subpart NNN--Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic Compound 
(VOC) Emissions From Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing 
Industry (SOCMI) Distillation Operations

59. Section 60.665 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (b) introductory text;
b. Revising paragraph (l) introductory text;
c. Revising paragraph (m); and
d. Adding paragraphs (q) and (r).
    The revisions and additions read as follows:

Sec.  60.665  Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

* * * * *
    (b) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this 
subpart shall keep an up-to-date, readily accessible record of the 
following data measured during each performance test, and also include 
the following data in the report of the initial performance test 
required under Sec.  60.8. Where a boiler or process heater with a 
design heat input capacity of 44 MW (150 million Btu/hour) or greater 
is used to comply with Sec.  60.662(a), a report containing performance 
test data need not be submitted, but a report containing the 
information in Sec.  60.665(b)(2)(i) is required to be submitted 
following the procedure specified in paragraph (q) of this section. The 
same data specified in this section shall be submitted, following the 
procedure specified in Sec.  60.8(j), in the reports of all 
subsequently required performance tests where either the emission 
control efficiency of a control device, outlet concentration of TOC, or 
the TRE index value of a vent stream from a recovery system is 
* * * * *
    (l) Each owner or operator that seeks to comply with the 
requirements of this subpart by complying with the requirements of 
Sec.  60.660 (c)(4), (c)(5), or (c)(6) or Sec.  60.662 shall submit, 
following the procedure specified in paragraph (q) of this section, 
semiannual reports of the following recorded information. The initial 
report shall be submitted within 6 months after the initial start-up 
* * * * *
    (m) The requirements of Sec.  60.665(l) remain in force until and 
unless the EPA, in delegating enforcement authority to a State under 
section 111(c) of the Act, approves reporting requirements or an 
alternative means of compliance surveillance adopted by such State. In 
that event, affected sources within the State will be relieved of the 
obligation to comply with Sec.  60.665(l), provided that they comply 
with the requirements established by the State. Electronic reporting to 
the EPA cannot be waived, and as such, the provisions of this paragraph 
do not relieve owners or operators of affected facilities of the 
requirement to submit the electronic reports required in this section 
to the EPA.
* * * * *
    (q) Each owner or operator required to submit reports following the 
procedure specified in this paragraph must submit reports to the EPA 
via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). 
(CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) 
(https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or operator must use the appropriate 
electronic report in CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic 
file format consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema 
listed on the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form specific to this subpart is not 
available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, the owner or 
operator must submit the report to the Administrator at the appropriate 
address listed in Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator must begin 
submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form 
becomes available in CEDRI. The reports must be submitted by the 
deadlines specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which 
the reports are submitted.
    (r) Any records required to be maintained by this subpart that are 
submitted electronically via the EPA's CDX may be maintained 
60. Section 60.668 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 

Sec.  60.668  Delegation of authority.

* * * * *
    (b) Authorities which will not be delegated to States: Sec.  
60.663(e) and approval of an alternative to any electronic reporting to 
the EPA required by this subpart.

Subpart OOO--Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral 
Processing Plants

61. Section 60.676 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraphs (e) and (f);
b. Revising paragraphs (j) and (k); and
c. Adding paragraph (l).
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

Sec.  60.676  Reporting and recordkeeping.

* * * * *
    (e) The reports required under paragraph (d) of this section shall 
be submitted electronically within 30 days following the end of the 
second and

[[Page 15134]]

fourth calendar quarters to the EPA via the Compliance and Emissions 
Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed through the 
EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or 
operator shall use the appropriate electronic report in CEDRI for this 
subpart or an alternate electronic file format consistent with the 
extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on the CEDRI Web site 
(http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form 
specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI at the time that the 
report is due, the owner or operator shall submit the report to the 
Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4. The 
owner or operator shall begin submitting reports via CEDRI no later 
than 90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. The reports 
must be submitted by the deadlines specified in this subpart, 
regardless of the method in which the reports are submitted.
    (f) The owner or operator of any affected facility shall submit, 
following the procedure specified in Sec.  60.8(j), reports of the 
results of all performance tests conducted to demonstrate compliance 
with the standards set forth in Sec.  60.672 of this subpart, including 
reports of opacity observations made using Method 9 (40 CFR part 60, 
Appendix A-4) to demonstrate compliance with Sec.  60.672(b), (e) and 
* * * * *
    (j) The requirements of this section remain in force until and 
unless the Agency, in delegating enforcement authority to a State under 
section 111(c) of the Act, approves reporting requirements or an 
alternative means of compliance surveillance adopted by such States. In 
that event, affected facilities within the State will be relieved of 
the obligation to comply with the reporting requirements of this 
section, provided that they comply with requirements established by the 
State. Electronic reporting to the EPA cannot be waived, and as such, 
the provisions of this paragraph do not relieve owners or operators of 
affected facilities of the requirement to submit the electronic reports 
required in this section to the EPA.
    (k) Except for the reports required to be electronically submitted 
to the EPA's CDX, as identified in this section, notifications and 
reports required under this subpart and under subpart A of this part to 
demonstrate compliance with this subpart need only to be sent to the 
EPA Region or the State which has been delegated authority according to 
Sec.  60.4(b). Reports required to be electronically submitted to the 
EPA's CDX may not be exempted from Federal electronic reporting 
    (l) Any records required to be maintained by this subpart that are 
submitted electronically via the EPA's CDX may be maintained 
62. Amend Table 1 to Subpart OOO by revising entry ``60.4, Address'' to 
read as follows:

                 Table 1 to Subpart OOO--Exceptions to Applicability of Subpart A to Subpart OOO
           Subpart A reference               Applies to subpart OOO                   Explanation
60.4, Address...........................  Yes........................  Except in Sec.   60.4(a) and (b)
                                                                        submittals that are not submitted to the
                                                                        EPA's CDX need only be sent to the EPA
                                                                        Region or the State which has been
                                                                        delegated authority (Sec.   60.676(k)).
                                                  * * * * * * *

Subpart PPP--Standard of Performance for Wool Fiberglass Insulation 
Manufacturing Plants

63. Section 60.684 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraphs (d) and (e); and
b. Adding paragraph (f).
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

Sec.  60.684  Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.

* * * * *
    (d) Each owner or operator shall submit semiannual reports of 
exceedances of control device operating parameters required to be 
monitored by paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section and documentation 
of, and a report of corrective maintenance required as a result of, 
quarterly calibrations of the monitoring devices required in Sec.  
60.683(c). For the purpose of these reports, exceedances are defined as 
any monitoring data that are less than 70 percent of the lowest value 
or greater than 130 percent of the highest value of each operating 
parameter recorded during the most recent performance test. Each owner 
or operator shall submit such reports to the EPA via the Compliance and 
Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed 
through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) 
The owner or operator shall use the appropriate electronic report in 
CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic file format 
consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on 
the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If 
the reporting form specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI 
at the time that the report is due, the owner or operator shall submit 
the report to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in 
Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator shall begin submitting reports via 
CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. 
The reports must be submitted by the deadlines specified in this 
subpart, regardless of the method in which the reports are submitted.
    (e) The requirements of this section remain in force until and 
unless the Agency, in delegating enforcement authority to a State under 
section 111(c) of the Act, approves reporting requirements or an 
alternative means of compliance surveillance adopted by such State. In 
that event, affected facilities within the State will be relieved of 
the obligation to comply with this section, provided that they comply 
with the requirements established by the State. Electronic reporting to 
the EPA cannot be waived, and as such, the provisions of this paragraph 
do not relieve owners or operators of affected facilities of the 
requirement to submit the electronic reports required in this section 
to the EPA.
    (f) Any records required to be maintained by this subpart that are 
submitted electronically via the EPA's CDX may be maintained 

Subpart QQQ--Standards of Performance for VOC Emissions From 
Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Systems

64. Section 60.697 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as 

Sec.  60.697  Recordkeeping requirements.

    (a) Each owner or operator of a facility subject to the provisions 
of this subpart shall comply with the recordkeeping requirements of 
this section. All records shall be retained for a period of 2 years

[[Page 15135]]

after being recorded unless otherwise noted. Any records required to be 
maintained by this subpart that are submitted electronically via the 
EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) may be maintained in electronic 
* * * * *
65. Section 60.698 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (b)(1);
b. Revising paragraph (c);
c. Revising paragraph (d) introductory text; and
d. Adding paragraph (f).
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

Sec.  60.698  Reporting requirements.

* * * * *
    (b)(1) Within 60 days after initial startup, each owner or operator 
of a facility subject to this subpart shall submit, following the 
procedure specified in paragraph (f) of this section, a certification 
that the equipment necessary to comply with these standards has been 
installed and that the required initial inspections or tests of process 
drains, sewer lines, junction boxes, oil-water separators, and closed 
vent systems and control devices have been carried out in accordance 
with these standards. Thereafter, the owner or operator shall submit 
semiannually, following the procedure specified in paragraph (f) of 
this section, a certification that all of the required inspections have 
been carried out in accordance with these standards.
* * * * *
    (c) A report that summarizes all inspections when a water seal was 
dry or otherwise breached, when a drain cap or plug was missing or 
improperly installed, or when cracks, gaps, or other problems were 
identified that could result in VOC emissions, including information 
about the repairs or corrective action taken, shall be submitted 
initially and semiannually thereafter, following the procedure 
specified in paragraph (f) of this section.
    (d) As applicable, a report shall be submitted semiannually, 
following the procedure specified in paragraph (f) of this section, 
that indicates:
* * * * *
    (f) Each owner or operator required to submit reports following the 
procedure specified in this paragraph must submit reports to the EPA 
via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). 
(CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) 
(https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or operator must use the appropriate 
electronic report in CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic 
file format consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema 
listed on the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form specific to this subpart is not 
available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, the owner or 
operator must submit the report to the Administrator at the appropriate 
address listed in Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator must begin 
submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form 
becomes available in CEDRI. The reports must be submitted by the 
deadlines specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which 
the reports are submitted.
66. Section 60.699 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 

Sec.  60.699  Delegation of authority.

* * * * *
    (b) Authorities which will not be delegated to States:

Sec.  60.694  Permission to use alternative means of emission 

    Approval of an alternative to any electronic reporting to the EPA 
required by this subpart.

Subpart RRR--Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic Compound 
Emissions From Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry 
(SOCMI) Reactor Processes

67. Section 60.705 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (b);
b. Revising paragraph (l) introductory text;
c. Revising paragraph (m);
d. Revising paragraph (p); and
e. Adding paragraphs (u) and (v).
    The revisions and additions read as follows:

Sec.  60.705  Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

* * * * *
    (b) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this 
subpart shall keep an up-to-date, readily accessible record of the 
following data measured during each performance test, and also include 
the following data in the report of the initial performance test 
required under Sec.  60.8. Where a boiler or process heater with a 
design heat input capacity of 44 MW (150 million Btu/hour) or greater 
is used or where the reactor process vent stream is introduced as the 
primary fuel to any size boiler or process heater to comply with Sec.  
60.702(a), a report containing performance test data need not be 
submitted, but a report containing the information in Sec.  
60.705(b)(2)(i) is required to be submitted following the procedure 
specified in paragraph (u) of this section. The same data specified in 
this section shall be submitted, following the procedure specified in 
Sec.  60.8(j), in the reports of all subsequently required performance 
tests where either the emission control efficiency of a combustion 
device, outlet concentration of TOC, or the TRE index value of a vent 
stream from a recovery system is determined.
* * * * *
    (l) Each owner or operator that seeks to comply with the 
requirements of this subpart by complying with the requirements of 
Sec.  60.700 (c)(2), (c)(3), or (c)(4) or Sec.  60.702 shall submit, 
following the procedure specified in paragraph (u) of this section, 
semiannual reports of the following recorded information. The initial 
report shall be submitted within 6 months after the initial start-up 
* * * * *
    (m) The requirements of Sec.  60.705(l) remain in force until and 
unless EPA, in delegating enforcement authority to a State under 
section 111(c) of the Act, approves reporting requirements or an 
alternative means of compliance surveillance adopted by such State. In 
that event, affected sources within the State will be relieved of the 
obligation to comply with Sec.  60.705(l), provided that they comply 
with the requirements established by the State. Electronic reporting to 
the EPA cannot be waived, and as such, the provisions of this paragraph 
do not relieve owners or operators of affected facilities of the 
requirement to submit the electronic reports required in this section 
to the EPA.
* * * * *
    (p) Each owner or operator that seeks to demonstrate compliance 
with Sec.  60.700(c)(8) must submit, following the procedure specified 
in Sec.  60.8(j), an initial report including a concentration 
measurement using the test method specified in Sec.  60.704.
* * * * *
    (u) Each owner or operator required to submit reports following the 
procedure specified in this paragraph must submit reports to the EPA 
via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). 
(CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) 
(https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or operator must use the appropriate 
electronic report in CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic 
file format consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema 
listed on the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form specific to this subpart is not 
available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, the owner or 
operator must submit

[[Page 15136]]

the report to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in 
Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator must begin submitting reports via 
CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. 
The reports must be submitted by the deadlines specified in this 
subpart, regardless of the method in which the reports are submitted.
    (v) Any records required to be maintained by this subpart that are 
submitted electronically via the EPA's CDX may be maintained 
68. Section 60.708 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 

Sec.  60.708  Delegation of authority.

* * * * *
    (b) Authorities which will not be delegated to States: Sec.  
60.703(e) and approval of an alternative to any electronic reporting to 
the EPA required by this subpart.

Subpart SSS--Standards of Performance for Magnetic Tape Coating 

69. Section 60.717 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (a);
b. Revising paragraph (c);
c. Revising paragraph (d) introductory text;
d. Revising paragraph (e);
e. Revising paragraphs (h) and (i); and
f. Adding paragraph (j).
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

Sec.  60.717  Reporting and monitoring requirements.

    (a) For all affected coating operations subject to Sec.  60.712(a), 
(b)(1), (b)(2), or (b)(3) and all affected coating mix preparation 
equipment subject to Sec.  60.712(c), the performance test data and 
results shall be submitted following the procedure specified in Sec.  
60.8(j) of the General Provisions (40 CFR part 60, subpart A). In 
addition, the average values of the monitored parameters measured at 
least every 15 minutes and averaged over the period of the performance 
test shall be submitted with the results of all performance tests.
* * * * *
    (c) Each owner or operator of an affected coating operation 
initially utilizing less than the applicable volume of solvent 
specified in Sec.  60.710(b) per calendar year shall report, following 
the procedure specified in paragraph (j) of this section, the first 
calendar year in which actual annual solvent use exceeds the applicable 
    (d) Each owner or operator of an affected coating operation, or 
affected coating mix preparation equipment subject to Sec.  60.712(c), 
shall submit, following the procedure specified in paragraph (j) of 
this section, semiannual reports documenting the following:
* * * * *
    (e) Each owner or operator of an affected coating operation, or 
affected coating mix preparation equipment subject to Sec.  60.712(c), 
not required to submit reports under Sec.  60.717(d) because no 
reportable periods have occurred shall submit, following the procedure 
specified in paragraph (j) of this section, semiannual reports so 
* * * * *
    (h) The reports required under paragraphs (b) through (e) of this 
section shall be submitted electronically within 30 days of the end of 
the reporting period.
    (i) The requirements of this subsection remain in force until and 
unless the EPA, in delegating enforcement authority to a State under 
section 111(c) of the Act, approves reporting requirements or an 
alternative means of compliance surveillance adopted by such States. In 
this event, affected sources within the State will be relieved of the 
obligation to comply with this subsection, provided that they comply 
with the requirements established by the State. Electronic reporting to 
the EPA cannot be waived, and as such, the provisions of this paragraph 
do not relieve owners or operators of affected facilities of the 
requirement to submit the electronic reports required in this section 
to the EPA.
    (j) Each owner or operator required to submit reports following the 
procedure specified in this paragraph must submit reports to the EPA 
via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). 
(CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) 
(https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or operator must use the appropriate 
electronic report in CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic 
file format consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema 
listed on the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form specific to this subpart is not 
available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, the owner or 
operator must submit the report to the Administrator at the appropriate 
address listed in Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator must begin 
submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form 
becomes available in CEDRI. The reports must be submitted by the 
deadlines specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which 
the reports are submitted.
70. Section 60.718 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 

Sec.  60.718  Delegation of authority.

* * * * *
    (b) Authorities which will not be delegated to States:
Sec.  60.711(a)(16)
Sec.  60.713(b)(1)(i)
Sec.  60.713(b)(1)(ii)
Sec.  60.713(b)(5)(i)
Sec.  60.713(d)
Sec.  60.715(a)
Sec.  60.716
    Approval of an alternative to any electronic reporting to the EPA 
required by this subpart.

Subpart TTT--Standards of Performance for Industrial Surface 
Coating: Surface Coating of Plastic Parts for Business Machines

71. Section 60.724 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (a) introductory text;
b. Revising paragraph (b) introductory text; and
c. Revising paragraphs (c) and (d).
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  60.724  Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

    (a) The reporting requirements of Sec.  60.8 apply only to the 
initial performance test. Each owner or operator subject to the 
provisions of this subpart shall include the following data in the 
report of the initial performance test required under Sec.  60.8:
* * * * *
    (b) Following the initial report, each owner or operator must 
submit the information specified in paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of 
this section to the EPA via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting 
Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's Central 
Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or operator must 
use the appropriate electronic report in CEDRI for this subpart or 
provide an alternate electronic file format consistent with the 
extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on the CEDRI Web site 
(http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form 
specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI at the time that the 
report is due, the owner or operator must submit the report to the 
Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4. The 
owner or operator must begin submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 
90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. The report must be 
submitted by the deadline specified in

[[Page 15137]]

this subpart, regardless of the method in which the report is 
* * * * *
    (c) These reports shall be submitted electronically not later than 
10 days after the end of the periods specified in Sec.  60.724(b)(1) 
and Sec.  60.724(b)(2).
    (d) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this 
subpart shall maintain at the source, for a period of at least 2 years, 
records of all data and calculations used to determine monthly VOC 
emissions from each coating operation for each affected facility as 
specified in 40 CFR 60.7(d). Any records required to be maintained by 
this subpart that are submitted electronically via the EPA's Central 
Data Exchange (CDX) may be maintained in electronic format.
* * * * *
72. Section 60.726 is amended to revise paragraph (b) to read as 

Sec.  60.726  Delegation of authority.

* * * * *
    (b) Authorities which will not be delegated to the States:

Section 60.723(b)(1)
Section 60.723(b)(2)(i)(C)
Section 60.723(b)(2)(iv)
Section 60.724(e)
Section 60.725(b)

    Approval of an alternative to any electronic reporting to the EPA 
required by this subpart.

Subpart UUU--Standards of Performance for Calciners and Dryers in 
Mineral Industries

73. Section 60.735 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (a);
b. Revising paragraph (c) introductory text; and
c. Revising paragraph (d).
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  60.735  Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.

    (a) Records of the measurements required in Sec.  60.734 of this 
subpart shall be retained for at least 2 years. Any records required to 
be maintained by this subpart that are submitted electronically via the 
EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) may be maintained in electronic 
* * * * *
    (c) Semiannually, each owner or operator shall submit reports of 
exceedances of control device operating parameters required to be 
monitored by Sec.  60.734 of this subpart to the EPA via the Compliance 
and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed 
through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) 
The owner or operator shall use the appropriate electronic report in 
CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic file format 
consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on 
the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If 
the reporting form specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI 
at the time that the report is due, the owner or operator shall submit 
the report to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in 
Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator shall begin submitting reports via 
CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. 
The report must be submitted by the deadline specified in this subpart, 
regardless of the method in which the report is submitted. For the 
purpose of these reports, exceedances are defined as follows:
* * * * *
    (d) The requirements of this section remain in force until and 
unless the Agency, in delegating enforcement authority to a State under 
section 111(c) of the Clean Air Act, approves reporting requirements or 
an alternative means of compliance surveillance adopted by such State. 
In that event, affected facilities within the State will be relieved of 
the obligation to comply with this section provided that they comply 
with the requirements established by the State. Electronic reporting to 
the EPA cannot be waived, and as such, the provisions of this paragraph 
do not relieve owners or operators of affected facilities of the 
requirement to submit the electronic reports required in this section 
to the EPA.
74. Section 60.737 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 

Sec.  60.737  Delegation of authority.

* * * * *
    (b) Authorities which will not be delegated to States:
    Approval of an alternative to any electronic reporting to the EPA 
required by this subpart.

Subpart VVV--Standards of Performance for Polymeric Coating of 
Supporting Substrates Facilities

75. Section 60.741, Table 1B is amended by:
a. Adding a ``(j)'' to the ``Reporting and recordkeeping requirements--
Sec.  60.747'' column for ``Compliance provisions--Sec.  60.743'' 
entries A(a)(1) through (a)(4);
b. Adding a ``(j)'' to the ``Reporting and recordkeeping requirements--
Sec.  60.747'' column for ``Compliance provisions--Sec.  60.743'' entry 
A(b); and
c. Adding a ``(j)'' to the ``Reporting and recordkeeping requirements--
Sec.  60.747'' column for ``Compliance provisions--Sec.  60.743'' entry 
    The additions read as follows:

Sec.  60.741  Definitions, symbols, and cross-reference tables.

* * * * *

                                            Table 1B--Cross Reference
                                                                                                 Reporting and
  Compliance provisions--Sec.      Test  methods--         Category/          Monitoring         recordkeeping
             60.743                 Sec.   60.745        equipment \a\      requirements--      requirements--
                                                                             Sec.   60.744       Sec.   60.747
A. Coating operation:
    (a)(1)--Gaseous emission     (b)-(g)............  General, CA, CO,    (a), (i), (j),      (a), (d)(7), (f),
     test for coating                                  TI, CI, PE, TE.     (k), (c)(1), (d),   (g), (h),
     operations not using                                                  (e), (f), (g).      (d)(1)(i),
     carbon adsorption beds                                                                    (d)(2)(i),
     with individual exhausts.                                                                 (d)(3), (d)(4),
                                                                                               (d)(5), (d)(6),
    (a)(2)--Gaseous emission     (b)-(g)............  General, CA, PE,    (a), (i), (j),      (a), (d)(7), (f),
     test for coating                                  TE.                 (k), (c)(2), (g).   (g), (h),
     operations using carbon                                                                   (d)(1)(ii),
     adsorption beds with                                                                      (d)(2)(ii),
     individual exhausts.                                                                      (d)(6), (j).
    (a)(3)--Monthly liquid       (a)................  VOC recovery......  (i), (k)..........  (e), (f), (g),
     material balance--can be                                                                  (h), (j).
     used only when a VOC
     recovery device controls
     only those emissions from
     one affected coating

[[Page 15138]]

    (a)(4)--Short-term (3 to 7   (a)................  General, CA, CO,    (a), (i), (j),      (a), (d)(7), (f),
     day) liquid material                              PE, TE.             (k), (c)(1),        (g), (h), (d)(1),
     balance--may be used as an                                            (c)(2), (d), (g).   (d)(2), (d)(3),
     alternative to (a)(3).                                                                    (d)(6), (j).
    (b)--Alternative standard    (b)-(g)............  General, CA, CO,    (a), (i), (j),      (a), (d)(7), (f),
     for coating operation--                           TI, CI, PE, TE.     (k), (c)(1),        (g), (h), (d)(1),
     demonstrate use of                                                    (c)(2), (d), (e),   (d)(2), (d)(3),
     approved total enclosure                                              (f), (h).           (d)(4), (d)(5),
     and emissions vented to a                                                                 (d)(6), (j).
     95 percent efficient
     control device.
B. Coating mix preparation
    (c)--Standard for equipment  (b)-(g)............  General, CA, TI,    (a), (i), (j),      (a), (d)(7), (f),
     servicing a coating                               CI.                 (k), (c)(1),        (g), (h), (d)(1),
     operation with concurrent                                             (c)(2), (e), (f).   (d)(2), (d)(4),
     construction of a control                                                                 (d)(5), (j).
     device that uses at least
     130 Mg/yr of VOC--
     demonstrate that covers
     meeting specifications are
     installed and used
     properly; procedures
     detailing proper use are
     posted; the mix equipment
     is vented to a 95 percent
     efficient control device.
                                                  * * * * * * *

* * * * *
76. Section 60.747 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (a);
b. Revising paragraphs (c)(2) and (3);
c. Revising paragraph (d) introductory text;
d. Revising paragraph (e) introductory text;
e. Revising paragraphs (g) through (i); and
f. Adding paragraph (j).
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

Sec.  60.747  Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

    (a) For each affected facility subject to the requirements of Sec.  
60.742(b) and (c), the owner or operator shall submit the performance 
test data and results as specified in Sec.  60.8(j) of this part. In 
addition, the average values of the monitored parameters measured at 
least every 15 minutes and averaged over the period of the performance 
test shall be submitted with the results of all performance tests.
* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (2) Report, following the procedure specified in paragraph (j) of 
this section, the first semiannual estimate in which projected annual 
VOC use exceeds the applicable cutoff; and
    (3) Report, following the procedure specified in paragraph (j) of 
this section, the first 12-month period in which the actual VOC use 
exceeds the applicable cutoff.
    (d) Each owner or operator of an affected facility demonstrating 
compliance by the methods described in Sec.  60.743(a)(1), (2), (4), 
(b), or (c) shall maintain records and submit, following the procedure 
specified in paragraph (j) of this section, quarterly reports 
documenting the following:
* * * * *
    (e) Each owner or operator of an affected coating operation, 
demonstrating compliance by the test methods described in Sec.  
60.743(a)(3) (liquid-liquid material balance) shall submit, following 
the procedure specified in paragraph (j) of this section, the 
* * * * *
    (g) The reports required under paragraphs (b), (c), (d), and (e) of 
this section shall be submitted electronically and-or postmarked within 
30 days of the end of the reporting period.
    (h) Records required in Sec.  60.747 must be retained for at least 
2 years. Any records required to be maintained by this subpart that are 
submitted electronically via the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) may 
be maintained in electronic format.
    (i) The requirements of this section remain in force until and 
unless the EPA, in delegating enforcement authority to a State under 
section 111(c) of the Act, approves reporting requirements or an 
alternative means of compliance surveillance adopted by such States. In 
this event, affected sources within the State will be relieved of the 
obligation to comply with this subsection, provided that they comply 
with the requirements established by the State. Electronic reporting to 
the EPA cannot be waived, and as such, the provisions of this paragraph 
do not relieve owners or operators of affected facilities of the 
requirement to submit the electronic reports required in this section 
to the EPA.
    (j) Each owner or operator required to submit reports following the 
procedure specified in this paragraph must submit reports to the EPA 
via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). 
(CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) 
(https://cdx.epa.gov/).) The owner or operator must use the appropriate 
electronic report in CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic 
file format consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema 
listed on the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form specific to this subpart is not 
available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, the owner or 
operator must submit the report to the Administrator at the appropriate 
address listed in Sec.  60.4. The owner or operator must begin 
submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form 
becomes available in CEDRI. The reports must be submitted by the 
deadlines specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which 
the reports are submitted.
77. Section 60.748 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 

Sec.  60.748  Delegation of authority.

* * * * *
    (b) Authorities that will not be delegated to States: Sec. Sec.  
60.743(a)(3)(v) (A) and (B); 60.743(e); 60.745(a); 60.746; and approval 
of an alternative to any electronic reporting to the EPA required by 
this subpart.

[[Page 15139]]

Subpart WWW--Standards of Performance for Municipal Solid Waste 

78. Section 60.750 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 

Sec.  60.750  Applicability, designation of affected facility, and 
delegation of authority.

* * * * *
    (b) The following authorities shall be retained by the 
Administrator and not transferred to the State: Sec.  60.754(a)(5) and 
approval of an alternative to any electronic reporting to the EPA 
required by this subpart.
* * * * *
79. Section 60.757 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraphs (b) introductory text;
b. Revising paragraph (b)(1)(i) introductory text;
c. Revising paragraph (b)(1)(ii);
d. Revising paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2);
e. Revising paragraphs (e)(1)(ii) and (e)(1)(iii);
f. Revising paragraph (f) introductory text; and
g. Adding paragraph (h).
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

Sec.  60.757  Reporting requirements.

* * * * *
    (b) Each owner or operator subject to the requirements of this 
subpart shall submit, following the procedure specified in paragraph 
(h) of this section, an NMOC emission rate report initially and 
annually thereafter, except as provided for in paragraphs (b)(1)(ii) or 
(b)(3) of this section. The Administrator may request such additional 
information as may be necessary to verify the reported NMOC emission 
    (1) * * *
    (i) The initial NMOC emission rate report shall be submitted no 
later than indicated in paragraphs (b)(1)(i)(A) and (B) of this 
section. Subsequent NMOC emission rate reports shall be submitted 
annually thereafter, except as provided for in paragraphs (b)(1)(ii) 
and (b)(3) of this section.
* * * * *
    (ii) If the estimated NMOC emission rate as reported in the annual 
report to the Administrator is less than 50 megagrams per year in each 
of the next 5 consecutive years, the owner or operator may elect to 
submit, following the procedure specified in paragraph (h) of this 
section, an estimate of the NMOC emission rate for the next 5-year 
period in lieu of the annual report. This estimate shall include the 
current amount of solid waste-in-place and the estimated waste 
acceptance rate for each year of the 5 years for which an NMOC emission 
rate is estimated. All data and calculations upon which this estimate 
is based shall be provided to the Administrator. This estimate shall be 
revised at least once every 5 years. If the actual waste acceptance 
rate exceeds the estimated waste acceptance rate in any year reported 
in the 5-year estimate, a revised 5-year estimate shall be submitted to 
the Administrator. The revised estimate shall cover the 5-year period 
beginning with the year in which the actual waste acceptance rate 
exceeded the estimated waste acceptance rate.
* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (1) If the owner or operator elects to recalculate the NMOC 
emission rate after Tier 2 NMOC sampling and analysis as provided in 
Sec.  60.754(a)(3) and the resulting rate is less than 50 megagrams per 
year, annual periodic reporting shall be resumed, using the Tier 2 
determined site-specific NMOC concentration, until the calculated 
emission rate is equal to or greater than 50 megagrams per year or the 
landfill is closed. The revised NMOC emission rate report, with the 
recalculated emission rate based on NMOC sampling and analysis, shall 
be submitted, following the procedure specified in paragraph (h) of 
this section, within 180 days of the first calculated exceedance of 50 
megagrams per year.
    (2) If the owner or operator elects to recalculate the NMOC 
emission rate after determining a site-specific methane generation rate 
constant (k), as provided in Tier 3 in Sec.  60.754(a)(4), and the 
resulting NMOC emission rate is less than 50 Mg/yr, annual periodic 
reporting shall be resumed. The resulting site-specific methane 
generation rate constant (k) shall be used in the emission rate 
calculation until such time as the emissions rate calculation results 
in an exceedance. The revised NMOC emission rate report based on the 
provisions of Sec.  60.754(a)(4) and the resulting site-specific 
methane generation rate constant (k) shall be submitted, following the 
procedure specified in paragraph (h) of this section, within 1 year of 
the first calculated emission rate exceeding 50 megagrams per year.
* * * * *
    (e) * * *
    (1) * * *
    (ii) A copy of the initial performance test report demonstrating 
that the 15 year minimum control period has expired, unless the report 
of the results of the performance test has been submitted to the EPA 
via the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX). In the equipment removal 
report, the process unit(s) tested, the pollutant(s) tested, and the 
date that such performance test was conducted may be submitted in lieu 
of the performance test report if the report has been previously 
submitted to the EPA's CDX; and
    (iii) Dated copies of three successive NMOC emission rate reports 
demonstrating that the landfill is no longer producing 50 megagrams or 
greater of NMOC per year, unless the NMOC emission rate reports have 
been submitted to the EPA via the EPA's CDX. If the NMOC emission rate 
reports have been previously submitted to the EPA's CDX, a statement 
that the NMOC emission rate reports have been submitted electronically 
and the dates that the reports were submitted to the EPA's CDX may be 
submitted in the equipment removal report in lieu of the NMOC emission 
rate reports.
* * * * *
    (f) Each owner or operator of a landfill seeking to comply with 
Sec.  60.752(b)(2) using an active collection system designed in 
accordance with Sec.  60.752(b)(2)(ii) shall submit, following the 
procedure specified in paragraph (h) of this section, annual reports of 
the recorded information in (f)(1) through (f)(6) of this paragraph. 
The initial annual report shall be submitted within 180 days of 
installation and start-up of the collection and control system. The 
initial annual report shall include the following information 
pertaining to the initial performance test report required under Sec.  
60.8: the process unit(s) tested, the pollutant(s) tested, and the date 
that such performance test was conducted. The initial performance test 
report shall be submitted, following the procedure specified in Sec.  
60.8(j), no later than the date that the initial annual report is 
submitted. For enclosed combustion devices and flares, reportable 
exceedances are defined under Sec.  60.758(c).
* * * * *
    (h) Each owner or operator required to submit reports following the 
procedure specified in this paragraph must submit reports to the EPA 
via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). 
(CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's CDX (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) 
The owner or operator must use the appropriate electronic report in 
CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic file format 
consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on 
the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If 

[[Page 15140]]

reporting form specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI at 
the time that the report is due, the owner or operator must submit the 
report to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  
60.4. The owner or operator must begin submitting reports via CEDRI no 
later than 90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. The 
reports must be submitted by the deadlines specified in this subpart, 
regardless of the method in which the reports are submitted.
80. Section 60.758 is amended by adding paragraph (g) to read as 

Sec.  60.758  Recordkeeping requirements.

* * * * *
    (g) Any records required to be maintained by this subpart that are 
submitted electronically via the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) may 
be maintained in electronic format.

Subpart AAAA--Standards of Performance for Small Municipal Waste 
Combustion Units for Which Construction is Commenced After August 
30, 1999 or for Which Modification or Reconstruction Is Commenced 
After June 6, 2001

81. Section 60.1030 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  60.1030  Can the Administrator delegate authority to enforce 
these Federal new source performance standards to a State agency?

    Yes, the Administrator can delegate all authorities in all sections 
of this subpart, except approval of an alternative to any electronic 
reporting to the EPA required by this subpart, to the State for direct 
State enforcement.
82. Section 60.1385 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  60.1385  What reports must I submit after I submit my notice of 
construction and in what form?

    (a) Submit an initial report and annual reports, plus semiannual 
reports for any emission or parameter level that does not meet the 
limits specified in this subpart. Submit initial, annual and semiannual 
reports to the EPA via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting 
Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's Central 
Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) You must use the 
appropriate electronic report in CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate 
electronic file format consistent with the extensible markup language 
(XML) schema listed on the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form specific to this subpart 
is not available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, you must 
submit the report to the Administrator at the appropriate address 
listed in Sec.  60.4. You must begin submitting reports via CEDRI no 
later than 90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. The 
reports must be submitted by the deadlines specified in this subpart, 
regardless of the method in which the reports are submitted.
    (b) Submit all reports electronically on or before the submittal 
dates in Sec. Sec.  60.1395, 60.1405, and 60.1420.
    (c) Keep a copy of all reports required by Sec. Sec.  60.1400, 
60.1410, and 60.1425 onsite for 5 years. Records for any report that is 
submitted electronically via the EPA's CDX may be maintained in 
electronic format.
83. Section 60.1400 is amended by revising paragraphs (c) and (d) to 
read as follows:

Sec.  60.1400  What must I include in my initial report?

* * * * *
    (c) For each initial performance test conducted during the 
reporting period, the process unit(s) tested, the pollutant(s) tested, 
and the date that such performance test was conducted. Submit, 
following the procedure specified in Sec.  60.8(j), the results of the 
initial performance test (including supporting calculations) required 
by this subpart no later than the date that you submit the initial 
    (d) For the initial performance evaluation of your continuous 
emissions monitoring system (CEMS), the process unit where the CEMS is 
installed, the pollutant the CEMS measures, and the date that the 
performance evaluation was conducted. Use the applicable performance 
specifications in appendix B of this part in conducting the evaluation. 
Submit the results of the initial performance evaluation of your CEMS, 
following the procedure specified in Sec.  60.13(c)(2), no later than 
the date that you submit the initial report.
* * * * *
84. Section 60.1425 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 

Sec.  60.1425  What must I include in the semiannual out-of-compliance 

* * * * *
    (b) If the results of your annual stack tests (as recorded in Sec.  
60.1360(a)) show emissions above the limits specified in table 1 of 
this subpart for dioxins/furans, cadmium, lead, mercury, particulate 
matter, opacity, hydrogen chloride, and fugitive ash, the process 
unit(s) tested, the pollutant(s) tested, and the date that such 
performance test was conducted. You must submit, following the 
procedure specified in Sec.  60.8(j), the performance test report that 
documents the emission levels and your corrective actions no later than 
the date that you submit the semiannual report.
* * * * *

Subpart EEEE--Standards of Performance for Other Solid Waste 
Incineration Units for Which Construction is Commenced After 
December 9, 2004, or for Which Modification or Reconstruction Is 
Commenced on or After June 16, 2006

85. Section 60.2889 is amended by revising paragraph (b) introductory 
text and adding paragraph (b)(7) to read as follows:

Sec.  60.2889  Who implements and enforces this subpart?

* * * * *
    (b) In delegating implementation and enforcement authority of this 
subpart to a State, local, or tribal agency, the authorities contained 
in paragraphs (b)(1) through (7) of this section are retained by the 
EPA and are not transferred to the State, local, or tribal agency.
* * * * *
    (7) Approval of an alternative to any electronic reporting to the 
EPA required by this subpart.
86. Section 60.2956 is amended by revising paragraph (h) to read as 

Sec.  60.2956  What information must I include in my annual report?

* * * * *
    (h) For each performance test conducted during the reporting 
period, if any performance test is conducted, the process unit(s) 
tested, the pollutant(s) tested, and the date that such performance 
test was conducted. Submit, following the procedure specified in Sec.  
60.8(j), the performance test report no later than the date that you 
submit the annual report.
* * * * *
87. Section 60.2958 is amended by revising paragraph (d) to read as 

Sec.  60.2958  What must I include in the deviation report?

* * * * *
    (d) A copy of the operating limit monitoring data during each 
deviation and for any test report that documents the emission levels, 
the process unit(s) tested, the pollutant(s) tested, and the date that 
such performance test was conducted. Submit, following the procedure 
specified in Sec.  60.8(j), the performance test report no later than 

[[Page 15141]]

date that you submit the deviation report.
* * * * *
88. Section 60.2961 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  60.2961  In what form can I submit my reports?

    Submit initial reports electronically or in paper format, 
postmarked on or before the submittal due date, to the Administrator at 
the appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4. Submit annual and 
deviation reports electronically on or before the submittal due dates 
to the EPA via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface 
(CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange 
(CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) Use the appropriate electronic report in 
CEDRI for this subpart or an alternate electronic file format 
consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on 
the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If 
the reporting form specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI 
at the time that the report is due, submit the report to the 
Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4. Begin 
submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form 
becomes available in CEDRI. The reports must be submitted by the 
deadlines specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which 
the reports are submitted.
89. Table 4 to Subpart EEEE is amended by revising the entries for ``4. 
Annual report'' and ``5. Emission limitation or operating limit 
deviation report'' to read as follows:

                      Table 4 to Subpart EEEE of Part 60--Summary of Reporting Requirements
               Report                       Due date                   Contents                  Reference
                                                  * * * * * * *
4. Annual report...................  a. No later than 12     i. Company name and          Sec.  Sec.   60.2955
                                      months following the    address;                     and 60.2956.
                                      submission of the      ii. Statement and signature  Sec.  Sec.   60.2955
                                      initial test report.    by the owner or operator;.   and 60.2956.
                                      Subsequent reports     iii. Date of report;.......  Sec.  Sec.   60.2955
                                      are to be submitted    iv. Values for the            and 60.2956.
                                      no more than 12         operating limits;.          Sec.  Sec.   60.2955
                                      months following the                                 and 60.2956.
                                      previous report.                                    Sec.  Sec.   60.2955
                                                                                           and 60.2956.
                                                             v. If no deviations or       Sec.  Sec.   60.2955
                                                              malfunctions were            and 60.2956.
                                                              reported, a statement that
                                                              no deviations occurred
                                                              during the reporting
                                                             vi. Highest and lowest       Sec.  Sec.   60.2955
                                                              recorded 12-hour averages,   and 60.2956.
                                                              as applicable for carbon
                                                              monoxide emissions and
                                                              highest and lowest
                                                              recorded 3-hour averages,
                                                              as applicable, for each
                                                              operating parameter
                                                              recorded for the calendar
                                                              year being reported;
                                                             vii. Information for         Sec.  Sec.   60.2955
                                                              deviations or malfunctions   and 60.2956.
                                                              recorded under Sec.
                                                              60.2949(b)(6) and (c)
                                                              through (e);
                                                             viii. For each performance   Sec.  Sec.   60.2955
                                                              test conducted during the    and 60.2956.
                                                              reporting period, if any
                                                              performance test is
                                                              conducted, the process
                                                              unit(s) tested, the
                                                              pollutant(s) tested, and
                                                              the date that such
                                                              performance test was
                                                             ix. If a performance test    Sec.  Sec.   60.2955
                                                              was not conducted during     and 60.2956.
                                                              the reporting period, a
                                                              statement that the
                                                              requirements of Sec.
                                                              60.2934(a) or (b) were
                                                              met; and
                                                             x. Documentation of periods  Sec.  Sec.   60.2955
                                                              when all qualified OSWI      and 60.2956.
                                                              unit operators were
                                                              unavailable for more than
                                                              12 hours but less than 2
5. Emission limitation or operating  a. By August 1 of that  i. Dates and times of        Sec.  Sec.   60.2957
 limit deviation report.              year for data           deviation;                   and 60.2958.
                                      collected during the   ii. Averaged and recorded    Sec.  Sec.   60.2957
                                      first half of the       data for those dates;.       and 60.2958.
                                      calendar year. By      iii. Duration and causes of  Sec.  Sec.   60.2957
                                      February 1 of the       each deviation and the       and 60.2958.
                                      following year for      corrective actions taken;.
                                      data collected during
                                      the second half of
                                      the calendar year.
                                                             iv. Copy of operating limit  Sec.  Sec.   60.2957
                                                              monitoring data and, if      and 60.2958.
                                                              any performance test was
                                                              conducted that documents
                                                              the emission levels, the
                                                              process unit(s) tested,
                                                              the pollutant(s) tested,
                                                              and the date that such
                                                              performance test was
                                                             v. Dates, times, and causes  Sec.  Sec.   60.2957
                                                              for monitor downtime         and 60.2958.
                                                             vi. Whether each deviation   Sec.  Sec.   60.2957
                                                              occurred during a period     and 60.2958.
                                                              of startup, shutdown, or
                                                              malfunction; and
                                                             vii. Dates, times and        Sec.  Sec.   60.2957
                                                              durations of any bypass of   and 60.2958.
                                                              the control device.
                                                  * * * * * * *

[[Page 15142]]

* * * * *

Subpart IIII--Standards of Performance for Stationary Compression 
Ignition Internal Combustion Engines

90. Section 60.4214 is amended by revising paragraph (d)(3) to read as 

Sec.  60.4214  What are my notification, reporting, and recordkeeping 
requirements if I am an owner or operator of a stationary CI internal 
combustion engine?

* * * * *
    (d) * * *
    (3) Submit the annual report to the EPA via the Compliance and 
Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed 
through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) 
Use the appropriate electronic report in CEDRI for this subpart or an 
alternate electronic file format consistent with the extensible markup 
language (XML) schema listed on the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form specific to this 
subpart is not available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, 
submit the report to the Administrator at the appropriate address 
listed in Sec.  60.4. Begin submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 
90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. The report must be 
submitted by the deadline specified in this subpart, regardless of the 
method in which the report is submitted.

Subpart JJJJ--Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark 
Ignition Internal Combustion Engines

91. Amend Sec.  60.4245 by revising paragraph (d) and paragraph (e)(3) 
to read as follows:

Sec.  60.4245  What are my notification, reporting, and recordkeeping 
requirements if I am an owner or operator of a stationary SI internal 
combustion engine?

* * * * *
    (d) Owners and operators of stationary SI ICE that are subject to 
performance testing must submit, following the procedure specified in 
Sec.  60.8(j), a report of the results of each performance test 
conducted following the procedure specified in Sec.  60.4244 within 60 
days after the test has been completed.
    (e) * * *
    (3) Submit the annual report to the EPA via the Compliance and 
Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed 
through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) 
Use the appropriate electronic report in CEDRI for this subpart or an 
alternate electronic file format consistent with the extensible markup 
language (XML) schema listed on the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form specific to this 
subpart is not available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, 
submit the report to the Administrator at the appropriate address 
listed in Sec.  60.4. Begin submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 
90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. The report must be 
submitted by the deadline specified in this subpart, regardless of the 
method in which the report is submitted.

Subpart KKKK--Standards of Performance for Stationary Combustion 

92. Amend Sec.  60.4375 by revising paragraph (b) to read as follows:

Sec.  60.4375  What reports must I submit?

* * * * *
    (b) For each affected unit that performs annual performance tests 
in accordance with Sec.  60.4340(a), you must submit, following the 
procedure specified in Sec.  60.8(j), a report of the results of each 
performance test before the close of business on the 60th day following 
the completion of the performance test.
93. Section 60.4395 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  60.4395  When must I submit my reports?

    All reports required under Sec.  60.7(c) must be submitted 
electronically by the 30th day following the end of each 6-month 

Subpart LLLL--Standards of Performance for New Sewage Sludge 
Incineration Units

94. Section 60.4785 is amended by revising paragraph (c) introductory 
text and adding paragraph (c)(9) to read as follows:

Sec.  60.4785  Who implements and enforces this subpart?

* * * * *
    (c) The authorities that will not be delegated to state, local, or 
tribal agencies are specified in paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(9) of 
this section.
* * * * *
    (9) Approval of an alternative to any electronic reporting to the 
EPA required by this subpart.
95. Section 60.4910 is amended by revising the introductory paragraph 
text to read as follows:

Sec.  60.4910  What records must I keep?

    You must maintain the items (as applicable) specified in paragraphs 
(a) through (n) of this section for a period of at least 5 years. All 
records must be available on site in either electronic format (that can 
be printed upon request) or paper copy format.
* * * * *
96. Section 60.4915 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (c) introductory text;
b. Revising paragraphs (c)(4) and (c)(5);
c. Revising paragraph (d);
d. Revising paragraph (d)(4) introductory text;
e. Revising paragraph (d)(8);
f. Revising paragraph (e)(2);
g. Revising paragraph (e)(3)(vii);
h. Revising paragraph (e)(4)(vii);
i. Revising paragraphs (i)(1) and (i)(2);
j. Adding paragraph (i)(3).
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

Sec.  60.4915  What reports must I submit?

* * * * *
    (c) Initial compliance report. You must submit, following the 
procedure specified in paragraph (i)(1) of this section, an initial 
compliance report containing the information listed in paragraphs 
(c)(1) through (c)(8) of this section no later than 60 days following 
the initial performance test.
* * * * *
    (4) For the initial performance test conducted using the test 
methods specified in Table 1 or 2 of this subpart, the process unit(s) 
tested, the pollutant(s) tested, and the date that the initial 
performance test was conducted. Submit the initial performance test 
results, following the procedure specified in paragraph (i)(2) of this 
section, no later than the date that you submit the initial compliance 
    (5) If an initial performance evaluation of a continuous monitoring 
system (CMS) was conducted, the process unit where the CMS is 
installed, the parameter measured by the CMS, and the date that the 
performance evaluation is conducted. Submit the initial performance 
evaluation results, following the procedure specified in paragraph 
(i)(3) of this section, no later than the date that you submit the 
initial compliance report.
* * * * *
    (d) Annual compliance report. You must submit, following the 
procedure specified in paragraph (i)(1) of this section, an annual 
compliance report that includes the items listed in paragraphs (d)(1) 
through (d)(16) of this section for the reporting period specified in 
paragraph (d)(3) of this section. You must submit your first annual 
compliance report no later than

[[Page 15143]]

12 months following the submission of the initial compliance report 
required by paragraph (c) of this section. You must submit subsequent 
annual compliance reports no more than 12 months following the previous 
annual compliance report. (You may be required to submit these reports 
(or additional compliance information) more frequently by the title V 
operating permit required in Sec.  60.4920.)
* * * * *
    (4) If a performance test was conducted during the reporting 
period, the process unit(s) tested, the pollutant(s) tested, and the 
date that such performance test was conducted. Submit, following the 
procedure specified in paragraph (i)(2) of this section, the 
performance test report no later than the date that you submit the 
annual report.
* * * * *
    (8) If a performance evaluation of a continuous monitoring system 
(CMS) was conducted, the process unit where the CMS is installed, the 
parameter measured by the CMS, and the date that the performance 
evaluation is conducted. Submit, following the procedure specified in 
paragraph (i)(3) of this section, the results of that performance 
evaluation no later than the date that you submit the annual compliance 
report. If new operating limits were established during the performance 
evaluation, include your calculations for establishing those operating 
* * * * *
    (e) * * *
    (2) The deviation report must be submitted, following the procedure 
specified in paragraph (i)(1) of this section, by August 1 of that year 
for data collected during the first half of the calendar year (January 
1 to June 30), and by February 1 of the following year for data 
collected during the second half of the calendar year (July 1 to 
December 31).
    (3) * * *
    (vii) A copy of the operating parameter monitoring data during each 
deviation and for any test report that documents the emission levels, 
the process unit(s) tested, the pollutant(s) tested and the date that 
the performance test was conducted. Submit the performance test report, 
following the procedure specified in paragraph (i)(2) of this section, 
no later than the date that you submit the deviation report.
* * * * *
    (4) * * *
    (vii) For any performance test report that showed a deviation from 
the emission limits or standard, the process unit(s) tested, the 
pollutant(s) tested and the date that the performance test was 
conducted. Submit the performance test report, following the procedure 
specified in paragraph (i)(2) of this section, no later than the date 
that you submit the deviation report.
* * * * *
    (i) * * *
    (1) Submit initial, annual, and deviation reports electronically on 
or before the submittal due dates to the EPA via the Compliance and 
Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed 
through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) 
Use the appropriate electronic report in CEDRI for this subpart or an 
alternate electronic file format consistent with the extensible markup 
language (XML) schema listed on the CEDRI Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form specific to this 
subpart is not available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, 
submit the report to the Administrator at the appropriate address 
listed in Sec.  60.4. Begin submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 
90 days after the form becomes available in CEDRI. The reports must be 
submitted by the deadlines specified in this subpart, regardless of the 
method in which the reports are submitted.
    (2) Within 60 days after the date of completing each performance 
test (see Sec.  60.8) conducted to demonstrate compliance with this 
subpart, you must submit the results of the performance test following 
the procedure specified in either paragraph (i)(2)(i) or (i)(2)(ii) of 
this section.
    (i) For data collected using test methods supported by the EPA's 
Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site 
(http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ert/index.html) at the time of the test, 
you must submit the results of the performance test to the EPA via the 
Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can 
be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) Performance test data must be submitted in a file 
format generated through the use of the EPA's ERT or an alternate 
electronic file format consistent with the extensible markup language 
(XML) schema listed on the EPA's ERT Web site. If you claim that some 
of the performance test information being submitted is confidential 
business information (CBI), you must submit a complete file generated 
through the use of the EPA's ERT or an alternate electronic file 
consistent with the XML schema listed on the EPA's ERT Web site, 
including information claimed to be CBI, on a compact disc, flash 
drive, or other commonly used electronic storage media to the EPA. The 
electronic media must be clearly marked as CBI and mailed to U.S. EPA/
OAQPS/CORE CBI Office, Attention: Group Leader, Measurement Policy 
Group, MD C404-02, 4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC 27703. The same ERT or 
alternate file with the CBI omitted must be submitted to the EPA via 
the EPA's CDX as described earlier in this paragraph.
    (ii) For data collected using test methods that are not supported 
by the EPA's ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site at the time of the 
test, you must submit the results of the performance test to the 
Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4.
    (3) Within 60 days after the date of completing each CEMS 
performance evaluation, you must submit the results of the performance 
evaluation following the procedure specified in either paragraph 
(i)(3)(i) or (i)(3)(ii) of this section.
    (i) For performance evaluations of continuous monitoring systems 
measuring relative accuracy test audit (RATA) pollutants that are 
supported by the EPA's ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ert/index.html) at the time of the test, you must 
submit the results of the performance evaluation to the EPA via the 
CEDRI. (CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's CDX (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) Performance evaluation data must be submitted in a file 
format generated through the use of the EPA's ERT or an alternate 
electronic file format consistent with the XML schema listed on the 
EPA's ERT Web site. If you claim that some of the performance 
evaluation information being submitted is CBI, you must submit a 
complete file generated through the use of the EPA's ERT or an 
alternate electronic file consistent with the XML schema listed on the 
EPA's ERT Web site, including information claimed to be CBI on a 
compact disc, flash drive, or other commonly used electronic storage 
media to the EPA. The electronic media must be clearly marked as CBI 
and mailed to U.S. EPA/OAQPS/CORE CBI Office, Attention: Group Leader, 
Measurement Policy Group, MD C404-02, 4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC 
27703. The same ERT or alternate file with the CBI omitted must be 
submitted to the EPA via the EPA's CDX as described earlier in this 
    (ii) For any performance evaluations of continuous monitoring 
systems measuring RATA pollutants that are not

[[Page 15144]]

supported by the EPA's ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site at the 
time of the test, you must submit the results of the performance 
evaluation to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in 
Sec.  60.4.
* * * * *
97. Table 5 to Subpart LLLL is amended by:
a. Revising the ``Initial compliance report'' entry;
b. Revising the ``Annual compliance report'' entry; and
c. Revising the ``Deviation report (deviations from emission limits, 
emission standards, or operating limits, as specified in Sec.  
60.4915(e)(1))'' entry.
    The revisions read as follows:

 Table 5 to Subpart LLLL of Part 60--Summary of Reporting Requirements for New Sewage Sludge Incineration Units
               Report                       Due date                   Contents                  Reference
                                                  * * * * * * *
Initial compliance report..........  No later than 60 days   1. Company name and address  Sec.   60.4915(c).
                                      following the initial  2. Statement by a
                                      performance test.       responsible official, with
                                                              that official's name,
                                                              title, and signature,
                                                              certifying the accuracy of
                                                              the content of the report.
                                                             3. Date of report..........
                                                             4. For the initial
                                                              performance test
                                                              conducted, the process
                                                              unit(s) tested, the
                                                              pollutant(s) tested, and
                                                              the date that such
                                                              performance test was
                                                             5. For the initial
                                                              performance evaluation of
                                                              your CMS,\b\ the process
                                                              unit where the CMS is
                                                              installed, the pollutant
                                                              the CMS measures, and the
                                                              date that the performance
                                                              evaluation is conducted.
                                                             6. The values for the site-
                                                              specific operating limits
                                                              and the calculations and
                                                              methods, as applicable,
                                                              used to establish each
                                                              operating limit.
                                                             7. Documentation of
                                                              installation of bag leak
                                                              detection system for
                                                              fabric filter.
                                                             8. Results of initial air
                                                              pollution control device
                                                              inspection, including a
                                                              description of repairs.
Annual compliance report...........  No later than 12        1. Company name and address  Sec.   60.4915(d).
                                      months following the   2. Statement and signature
                                      submission of the       by responsible official.
                                      initial compliance     3. Date and beginning and
                                      report; subsequent      ending dates of report.
                                      reports are to be      4. For each performance
                                      submitted no more       test conducted during the
                                      than 12 months          reporting period, if any
                                      following the           performance test is
                                      previous report.        conducted, the process
                                                              unit(s) tested, the
                                                              pollutant(s) tested, and
                                                              the date that such
                                                              performance test was
                                                              conducted. Include any new
                                                              operating limits and
                                                              associated calculations
                                                              and the type of activated
                                                              carbon used, if applicable.
                                                             5. For each pollutant and
                                                              operating parameter
                                                              recorded using a CMS, the
                                                              highest recorded 3-hour
                                                              average and the lowest
                                                              recorded 3-hour average,
                                                              as applicable.
                                                             6. If no deviations from
                                                              emission limits, emission
                                                              standards, or operating
                                                              limits occurred, a
                                                              statement that no
                                                              deviations occurred.
                                                             7. If a fabric filter is
                                                              used, the date, time, and
                                                              duration of alarms.
                                                             8. For each performance
                                                              evaluation conducted
                                                              during the reporting
                                                              period, the process unit
                                                              where the CMS is
                                                              installed, the parameter
                                                              measured by the CMS, and
                                                              the date that the
                                                              performance evaluation was
                                                              conducted. Include any new
                                                              operating limits and their
                                                              associated calculations.
                                                             9. If you met the
                                                              requirements of Sec.
                                                              60.4885(a)(3) and did not
                                                              conduct a performance
                                                              test, include the dates of
                                                              the last three performance
                                                              tests, a comparison to the
                                                              50 percent emission limit
                                                              threshold of the emission
                                                              level achieved in the last
                                                              three performance tests,
                                                              and a statement as to
                                                              whether there have been
                                                              any process changes.
                                                             10. Documentation of
                                                              periods when all qualified
                                                              SSI unit operators were
                                                              unavailable for more than
                                                              8 hours but less than 2
                                                             11. Results of annual
                                                              pollutions control device
                                                              inspections, including
                                                              description of repairs.
                                                             12. If there were no
                                                              periods during which your
                                                              CMSs had malfunctions, a
                                                              statement that there were
                                                              no periods during which
                                                              your CMSs had malfunctions.

[[Page 15145]]

                                                             13. If there were no
                                                              periods during which your
                                                              CMSs were out of control,
                                                              a statement that there
                                                              were no periods during
                                                              which your CMSs were out
                                                              of control.
                                                             14. If there were no
                                                              operator training
                                                              deviations, a statement
                                                              that there were no such
                                                             15. Information on
                                                              monitoring plan revisions,
                                                              including a copy of any
                                                              revised monitoring plan.
Deviation report (deviations from    By August 1 of a        If using a CMS: 1. Company   Sec.   60.4915(e).
 emission limits, emission            calendar year for       name and address.
 standards, or operating limits, as   data collected during  2. Statement by a
 specified in Sec.   60.4915(e)(1)).  the first half of the   responsible official.
                                      calendar year; by      3. The calendar dates and
                                      February 1 of a         times your unit deviated
                                      calendar year for       from the emission limits
                                      data collected during   or operating limits.
                                      the second half of     4. The averaged and
                                      the calendar year.      recorded data for those
                                                             5. Duration and cause of
                                                              each deviation.
                                                             6. Dates, times, and causes
                                                              for monitor downtime
                                                             7. A copy of the operating
                                                              parameter monitoring data
                                                              during each deviation,
                                                              and, for any test report
                                                              that documents the
                                                              emission levels, the
                                                              process unit(s) tested,
                                                              the pollutant(s) tested,
                                                              and the date that such
                                                              performance test was
                                                             8. For periods of CMS
                                                              malfunction or when a CMS
                                                              was out of control, you
                                                              must include the
                                                              information specified in
                                                              Sec.   60.4915(e)(3)(viii).
                                                             If not using a CMS: 1.
                                                              Company name and address.
                                                             2. Statement by a
                                                              responsible official.
                                                             3. The total operating time
                                                              of each affected SSI.
                                                             4. The calendar dates and
                                                              times your unit deviated
                                                              from the emission limits,
                                                              emission standard, or
                                                              operating limits.
                                                             5. The averaged and
                                                              recorded data for those
                                                             6. Duration and cause of
                                                              each deviation.
                                                             7. For each performance
                                                              test that showed a
                                                              deviation from emission
                                                              limits or standards
                                                              conducted during the
                                                              reporting period, the
                                                              process unit(s) tested,
                                                              the pollutant(s) tested,
                                                              and the date that such
                                                              performance test was
                                                             8. A brief description of
                                                              any malfunction, a
                                                              description of actions
                                                              taken during the
                                                              malfunction to minimize
                                                              emissions, and corrective
                                                              action taken.
                                                  * * * * * * *

* * * * *

Subpart OOOO--Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural 
Gas Production, Transmission and Distribution

98. Section 60.5420 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (b) introductory text;
b. Revising paragraph (b)(7);
c. Adding paragraph (b)(9); and
d. Revising paragraph (c) introductory text.
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

Sec.  60.5420  What are my notification, reporting, and recordkeeping 

* * * * *
    (b) Reporting requirements. You must submit annual reports 
containing the information specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (6) 
of this section and performance test reports as specified in paragraph 
(b)(7) or (8) of this section. You must submit annual reports following 
the procedure specified in paragraph (b)(9). The initial annual report 
is due no later than 90 days after the end of the initial compliance 
period as determined according to Sec.  60.5410. Subsequent annual 
reports are due no later than the same date each year as the initial 
annual report. If you own or operate more than one affected facility, 
you may submit one report for multiple affected facilities provided the 
report contains all of the information required as specified in 
paragraphs (b)(1) through (6) of this section. Annual reports may 
coincide with title V reports as long as all the required elements of 
the annual report are included. You may arrange with the Administrator 
a common schedule on which reports required by this part may be 
submitted as long as the schedule does not extend the reporting period.
* * * * *
    (7) Within 60 days after the date of completing each performance 
test (see Sec.  60.8) required by this subpart, except testing 
conducted by the manufacturer as specified in Sec.  60.5413(d), you 
must submit the results of the performance test following the procedure 
specified in either paragraph (b)(7)(i) or (b)(7)(ii) of this section.
    (i) For data collected using test methods supported by the EPA's 
Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site 
(http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ert/index.html) at the time of the test, 
you must submit the results of the performance test to the EPA via the 
Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can 
be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://

[[Page 15146]]

cdx.epa.gov/).) Performance test data must be submitted in a file 
format generated through the use of the EPA's ERT or an alternate 
electronic file format consistent with the extensible markup language 
(XML) schema listed on the EPA's ERT Web site. If you claim that some 
of the performance test information being submitted is confidential 
business information (CBI), you must submit a complete file generated 
through the use of the EPA's ERT or an alternate electronic file 
consistent with the XML schema listed on the EPA's ERT Web site, 
including information claimed to be CBI, on a compact disc, flash 
drive, or other commonly used electronic storage media to the EPA. The 
electronic media must be clearly marked as CBI and mailed to U.S. EPA/
OAQPS/CORE CBI Office, Attention: Group Leader, Measurement Policy 
Group, MD C404-02, 4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC 27703. The same ERT or 
alternate file with the CBI omitted must be submitted to the EPA via 
the EPA's CDX as described earlier in this paragraph.
    (ii) For data collected using test methods that are not supported 
by the EPA's ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site at the time of the 
test, you must submit the results of the performance test to the 
Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4.
* * * * *
    (9) If you are required to submit reports in the manner specified 
in this paragraph, you must submit reports to the EPA via the CEDRI. 
(CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's CDX (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) 
You must use the appropriate electronic report in CEDRI for this 
subpart or an alternate electronic file format consistent with the 
extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on the CEDRI Web site 
(http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form 
specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI at the time that the 
report is due, you must submit the report to the Administrator at the 
appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4. You must begin submitting 
reports via CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form becomes 
available in CEDRI. The reports must be submitted by the deadlines 
specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which the 
reports are submitted.
    (c) Recordkeeping requirements. You must maintain the records 
identified as specified in Sec.  60.7(f) and in paragraphs (c)(1) 
through (13) of this section. All records required by this subpart must 
be maintained either onsite or at the nearest local field office for at 
least 5 years. Any records required to be maintained by this subpart 
that are submitted electronically via the EPA's CDX may be maintained 
in electronic format.
* * * * *
99. Section 60.5422 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as 

Sec.  60.5422  What are my additional reporting requirements for my 
affected facility subject to VOC requirements for onshore natural gas 
processing plants?

    (a) You must comply with the requirements of paragraphs (b) and (c) 
of this section in addition to the requirements of Sec.  60.487a(a), 
(b), (c)(2)(i) through (iv), and (c)(2)(vii) through (viii). As 
required by Sec.  60.487a(a), you must submit semiannual reports to the 
EPA via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). 
(CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) 
(https://cdx.epa.gov/).) Use the appropriate electronic report in CEDRI 
for this subpart or an alternate electronic file format consistent with 
the extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on the CEDRI Web 
site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting 
form specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI at the time 
that the report is due, submit the report to the Administrator at the 
appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4. You must begin submitting 
reports via CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form becomes 
available in CEDRI. The report must be submitted by the deadline 
specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which the report 
is submitted.
* * * * *
100. Section 60.5423 is amended by revising paragraph (b) introductory 
text and paragraph (e) to read as follows:

Sec.  60.5423  What additional recordkeeping and reporting requirements 
apply to my sweetening unit affected facilities at onshore natural gas 
processing plants?

* * * * *
    (b) You must submit a report of excess emissions with your annual 
report if you had excess emissions during the reporting period. The 
excess emissions report must be submitted to the EPA via the Compliance 
and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can be accessed 
through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/).) 
You must use the appropriate electronic report in CEDRI for this 
subpart or an alternate electronic file format consistent with the 
extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on the CEDRI Web site 
(http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/index.html). If the reporting form 
specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI at the time that the 
report is due, you must submit the report to the Administrator at the 
appropriate address listed in Sec.  60.4. You must begin submitting 
reports via CEDRI no later than 90 days after the form becomes 
available in CEDRI. The report must be submitted by the deadline 
specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which the report 
is submitted. For the purpose of these reports, excess emissions are 
defined as:
* * * * *
    (e) The requirements of paragraph (b) of this section remain in 
force until and unless the EPA, in delegating enforcement authority to 
a state under section 111(c) of the Act, approves reporting 
requirements or an alternative means of compliance surveillance adopted 
by such state. In that event, affected sources within the state will be 
relieved of obligation to comply with paragraph (b) of this section, 
provided that they comply with the requirements established by the 
state. Electronic reporting to the EPA cannot be waived, and as such, 
the provisions of this paragraph do not relieve owners or operators of 
affected facilities of the requirement to submit the electronic reports 
required in this section to the EPA.

[FR Doc. 2015-05406 Filed 3-19-15; 8:45 am]

Current View
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule; amendments.
DatesComments. Comments must be received on or before May 19, 2015. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, comments on the information collection provisions must be received by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on or before May 19, 2015.
ContactMs. Gerri Garwood, Measurement Policy Group (MPG), Sector Policies and Programs Division (D243-05), Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711, telephone number:
FR Citation80 FR 15099 
RIN Number2060-AP63
CFR AssociatedEnvironmental Protection; Air Pollution Control; Hazardous Substances and Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements

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