80_FR_16368 80 FR 16309 - Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for Residential Clothes Dryers

80 FR 16309 - Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for Residential Clothes Dryers


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 59 (March 27, 2015)

Page Range16309-16318
FR Document2015-07058

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is initiating an effort to determine whether to amend the current energy conservation standards for residential clothes dryers. According to the Energy Policy and Conservation Act's 6-year review requirement, DOE must publish a notice of proposed rulemaking to propose amended standards for residential clothes dryers or a notice of determination that the existing standards do not need to be amended by August 24, 2017. This notice seeks to solicit information from the public to help DOE determine whether amended standards for residential clothes dryers would result in a significant amount of additional energy savings and whether those standards would be technologically feasible and economically justified.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 59 (Friday, March 27, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 59 (Friday, March 27, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 16309-16318]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-07058]



10 CFR Part 431

[Docket Number EERE-2014-BT-STD-0058]

Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for 
Residential Clothes Dryers

AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of 

ACTION: Request for information (RFI).


SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is initiating an effort to 
determine whether to amend the current energy conservation standards 
for residential clothes dryers. According to the Energy Policy and 
Conservation Act's 6-year review requirement, DOE must publish a notice 
of proposed rulemaking to propose amended standards for residential 
clothes dryers or a notice of determination that the existing standards 
do not need to be amended by August 24, 2017. This notice seeks to 
solicit information from the public to help DOE determine whether 
amended standards for residential clothes dryers would result in a 
significant amount of additional energy savings and whether those 
standards would be technologically feasible and economically justified.

DATES: Written comments and information are requested on or before May 
11, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Interested parties are encouraged to submit comments 
electronically. Comments may be submitted by any of the following 
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: www.regulations.gov. Follow 
the instructions for submitting comments.
     Email: ResClothesDryers2014STD0058@ee.doe.gov. Include 
docket number EERE-2014-BT-STD-0058 in the subject line of the message. 
All comments should clearly identify the name, address, and, if 
appropriate, organization of the commenter.
     Postal Mail: Ms. Brenda Edwards, U.S. Department of 
Energy, Building Technologies Office, Mailstop EE-5B, Request for 
Information for Energy Conservation Standards for Residential Clothes 
Dryers, Docket No. EERE-2014-BT-STD-0058, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., 
Washington, DC 20585-0121. If possible, please submit all items on a 
compact disc (CD), in which case it is not necessary to include printed 
     Hand Delivery/Courier: Ms. Brenda Edwards, U.S. Department 
of Energy, Building Technologies Office, 950 L'Enfant Plaza SW., Suite 
600, Washington, DC 20024. Telephone: (202) 586-2945. If possible, 
please submit all items on a CD, in which case it is not necessary to 
include printed copies.
    Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name 
and docket number for this rulemaking. No telefacsimiles (faxes) will 
be accepted.
    Docket: The docket, which includes Federal Register notices, public 
meeting attendee lists and transcripts, comments, and other supporting 
documents/materials, is available for review at www.regulations.gov. 
All documents in the docket are listed in the www.regulations.gov 
index. However, some documents listed in the index may not be publicly 
available, such as those containing information that is exempt from 
public disclosure.
    A link to the docket Web page can be found at: http://www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=EERE-2014-BT-STD-0058. This Web 
page contains a link to the docket for this notice on the 
www.regulations.gov Web site. The www.regulations.gov Web page contains 
simple instructions on how to access all documents, including public 
comments, in the docket.

Mr. Bryan Berringer, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy 
Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building Technologies Office, EE-5B, 
1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585-0121. Telephone: 
(202) 586-0371. Email: ResClothesDryers2014STD0058@ee.doe.gov.
Mr. Pete Cochran, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of the General 
Counsel, GC-33, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585-
0121. Telephone: (202) 586-9496. Email: peter.cochran@hq.doe.gov.

    For information on how to submit or review public comments, contact 
Ms. Brenda Edwards at (202) 586-2945 or by email: 


Table of Contents

I. Introduction

[[Page 16310]]

    A. Authority and Background
    B. Rulemaking Process
II. Request for Information and Comments
    A. Products Covered by This Rulemaking
    B. Test Procedure
    C. Market Assessment
    D. Engineering Analysis
    E. Markups Analysis
    F. Energy Use Analysis
    G. Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period Analysis
    H. Shipments Analysis
    I. National Impact Analysis
    J. Manufacturer Impact Analysis
III. Submission of Comments

I. Introduction

A. Authority and Background

    Title III, Part B \1\ of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 
1975 (EPCA or the Act), Public Law 94-163 (42 U.S.C. 6291-6309, as 
codified), established the Energy Conservation Program for Consumer 
Products Other Than Automobiles.\2\ These products include residential 
clothes dryers, the subject of this Request for Information (RFI).

    \1\ For editorial reasons, upon codification in the U.S. Code, 
Part B was redesignated Part A.
    \2\ All references to EPCA in this document refer to the statute 
as amended through the American Energy Manufacturing Technical 
Corrections Act (AEMTCA), Public Law 112-210 (Dec. 18, 2012).

    Pursuant to EPCA, any new or amended energy conservation standard 
must be designed to achieve the maximum improvement in energy 
efficiency that is technologically feasible and economically justified. 
(42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(A)) Furthermore, the new or amended standard must 
result in a significant conservation of energy. (42 U.S.C. 
6295(o)(3)(B)) EPCA also provides that not later than 6 years after 
issuance of any final rule establishing or amending a standard, DOE 
must publish either a notice of determination that standards for the 
product do not need to be amended, or a notice of proposed rulemaking 
(NOPR) including new proposed energy conservation standards. (42 U.S.C. 
    On April 21, 2011, DOE published a direct final rule (2011 Direct 
Final Rule) amending the energy conservation standards for residential 
clothes dryers. 76 FR 22454. The amended energy conservation standards 
were based on a new metric, the combined energy factor (CEF), that 
incorporates energy use in active mode, standby mode, and off mode. DOE 
established an initial compliance date of April 24, 2014 for the 
amended standards. Subsequently, DOE amended the compliance date for 
the new standards to January 1, 2015. 76 FR 52852 (Aug. 24, 2011).
    Thus, DOE must publish either a NOPR proposing amended standards 
for residential clothes dryers or a notice of determination that the 
existing standards do not need to be amended by August 24, 2017. This 
RFI seeks input from the public to assist DOE with its determination on 
whether new or amended standards pertaining to residential clothes 
dryers are warranted. In making this determination, DOE must evaluate 
whether amended standards would: (1) Yield a significant savings in 
energy use; and (2) be both technologically feasible and economically 
justified. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(3)(B))

B. Rulemaking Process

    DOE must follow specific statutory criteria for prescribing new or 
amended standards for covered products, including residential clothes 
dryers. Any new or amended standard for a covered product must be 
designed to achieve the maximum improvement in energy efficiency that 
is technologically feasible and economically justified. (42 U.S.C. 
6295(o)(2)(A)) Furthermore, DOE may not adopt any standard that would 
not result in the significant conservation of energy. (42 U.S.C. 
6295(o)(3)(B)) In deciding whether a proposed standard is economically 
justified, DOE must determine whether the benefits of the standard 
exceed its burdens. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(i)) DOE must make this 
determination after receiving comments on the proposed standard, and by 
considering, to the greatest extent practicable, the following seven 
statutory factors:
    1. The economic impact of the standard on the manufacturers and 
consumers of the affected products;
    2. The savings in operating costs throughout the estimated average 
life of the affected products compared to any increases in the initial 
cost, or maintenance expenses;
    3. The total projected amount of energy and water (if applicable) 
savings likely to result directly from the imposition of the standard;
    4. Any lessening of the utility or the performance of the affected 
products likely to result from the imposition of the standard;
    5. The impact of any lessening of competition, as determined in 
writing by the Attorney General, that is likely to result from the 
imposition of the standard;
    6. The need for national energy and water conservation; and
    7. Other factors the Secretary of Energy (Secretary) considers 
relevant. (42 U.S.C. 6295 (o)(2)(B)(i))
    DOE fulfills these and other applicable requirements by conducting 
a series of analyses throughout the rulemaking process. Table I.1 shows 
the individual analyses that are performed to satisfy each of the 
requirements within EPCA.

       Table I.1--EPCA Requirements and Corresponding DOE Analysis
            EPCA requirement                Corresponding DOE analysis
Technological Feasibility..............   Market and Technology
                                          Screening Analysis.
                                          Engineering Analysis.
Economic Justification:
    1. Economic impact on manufacturers   Manufacturer Impact
     and consumers.                       Analysis.
                                          Life-Cycle Cost and
                                          Payback Period Analysis.
                                          Life-Cycle Cost
                                          Subgroup Analysis.
                                          Shipments Analysis.
    2. Lifetime operating cost savings    Markups for Product
     compared to increased cost for the   Price Determination.
     product.                             Energy and Water Use
                                          Life-Cycle Cost and
                                          Payback Period Analysis.
    3. Total projected energy savings..   Shipments Analysis.
                                          National Impact
    4. Impact on utility or performance   Screening Analysis.
                                          Engineering Analysis.
    5. Impact of any lessening of         Manufacturer Impact
     competition.                         Analysis.

[[Page 16311]]

    6. Need for national energy and       Shipments Analysis.
     water conservation.                  National Impact
    7. Other factors the Secretary        Emissions Analysis.
     considers relevant.
                                          Utility Impact
                                          Employment Impact
                                          Monetization of
                                          Emission Reductions Benefits.
                                          Regulatory Impact

    As detailed throughout this RFI, DOE is publishing this notice as 
the first step in the analysis process and is requesting input and data 
from interested parties to aid in the development of the technical 

II. Request for Information and Comments

    In the next section, DOE has identified a variety of questions that 
DOE would like to receive input on to aid in the development of the 
technical and economic analyses regarding whether amended standards for 
residential clothes dryers may be warranted. In addition, DOE welcomes 
comments on other issues relevant to the conduct of this rulemaking 
that may not be identified specifically in this notice. As part of the 
process for soliciting information, DOE is providing a document titled 
http://www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=EERE-2014-BT-STD-0058) to 
provide examples of the type of data needed for the rulemaking 

A. Products Covered by This Rulemaking

    DOE defines an electric clothes dryer to mean ``a cabinet-like 
appliance designed to dry fabrics in a tumble-type drum with forced air 
circulation. The heat source is electricity and the drum and blower(s) 
are driven by an electric motor(s).'' (10 CFR 430.2) Similarly, DOE 
defines a gas clothes dryer to mean ``a cabinet-like appliance designed 
to dry fabrics in a tumble-type drum with forced air circulation. The 
heat source is gas and the drum and blower(s) are driven by an electric 
motor(s).'' (10 CFR 430.2) As part of this rulemaking, DOE intends to 
address energy conservation standards for both electric and gas clothes 

B. Test Procedure

    DOE's test procedures for clothes dryers are codified in appendix 
D1 and appendix D2 to subpart B of Title 10 of the Code of Federal 
Regulations (CFR). On January 6, 2011, DOE issued an amended test 
procedure for residential clothes dryers, in which it (1) adopted the 
provisions for the measurement of standby mode and off mode energy use 
along with a new energy efficiency metric, Combined Energy Factor 
(CEF), that incorporates energy use in active mode, standby mode, and 
off mode; and (2) adopted several amendments to the clothes dryer test 
procedure concerning active mode. 76 FR 972. DOE created a new appendix 
D1 in 10 CFR part 430 subpart B that contained the amended test 
procedure for clothes dryers.
    DOE issued a final rule on August 14, 2013 (August 2013 TP Final 
Rule), to amend the clothes dryer test procedure, in which it: (1) 
Updated appendix D1 to reference the latest edition of the 
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standard 62301, 
``Household electrical appliances--Measurement of standby power,'' 
Edition 2.0 2011-01; (2) amended appendix D1 to clarify the cycle 
settings used for the test cycle, the requirements for the gas supply 
for gas clothes dryers, the installation conditions for console lights, 
the method for measuring the drum capacity, the maximum allowable 
weighing scale range, and the allowable use of a relative humidity 
meter; and (3) created a new appendix D2 that includes, in addition to 
the amendments discussed above, testing methods for measuring the 
effects of automatic cycle termination. 78 FR 49608. Manufacturers must 
use either the test procedures in appendix D1 or D2 to demonstrate 
compliance with energy conservation standards for clothes dryers as of 
January 1, 2015. Manufacturers must use a single appendix for all 
representations, including certifications of compliance, and may not 
use appendix D1 for certain representations and appendix D2 for other 
    DOE may consider energy conservation standards using the new 
appendix D2 test method to more accurately account for the effects of 
automatic cycle termination.
    Interested parties have commented publicly, as part of the previous 
test procedure rulemaking process and more recently through other 
public channels, that the DOE clothes dryer test procedures may not 
produce results that are representative of consumer use with regards to 
test load size and composition, cycle settings for the test cycle, and 
other provisions in the test procedure. DOE also notes that Oak Ridge 
National Laboratory (ORNL) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 
(PNNL) recently published reports evaluating clothes dryer performance 
using the new appendix D2 test method and investigating new automatic 
cycle termination concepts for improving clothes dryer efficiency.\3\ 
In consideration of these concerns regarding the test procedure and the 
recent clothes dryer automatic cycle termination research, DOE 
initiated an effort to determine whether amendments to the test 
procedure are warranted. DOE held a public meeting on November 13, 
2014, to solicit comments from interested parties on potential changes 
to the clothes dryer test procedure.\4\

    \3\ K. Gluesenkamp, Residential Clothes Dryer Performance Under 
Timed and Automatic Cycle Termination Test Procedures, Oak Ridge 
National Laboratory Report No. ORNL/TM-2014/431 (2014) (``ORNL/TM-
2014/431 Report'') (Available at: http://web.ornl.gov/sci/buildings/docs/2014-10-09-ORNL-DryerFinalReport-TM-2014-431.pdf); W. 
TeGrotenhuis, Clothes Dryer Automatic Termination Sensor Evaluation. 
Volume 1: Characterization of Energy Use in Residential Clothes 
Dryers, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Report No. PNNL-23621 
(2014) (``PNNL-23621 Report'') (Available at: http://www.pnnl.gov/main/publications/external/technical_reports/PNNL-23621.pdf); W. 
TeGrotenhuis, Clothes Dryer Automatic Termination Sensor Evaluation. 
Volume 2: Improved Sensor and Control Designs, Pacific Northwest 
National Laboratory Report No. PNNL-23616 (2014) (Available at: 
    \4\ The docket for this test procedure rulemaking is available 
at: http://www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=EERE-2014-BT-TP-

C. Market Assessment

    The market and technology assessment provides information about the 
residential clothes dryer industry that will be used throughout the 
rulemaking process. For example, this

[[Page 16312]]

information will be used to determine whether the existing product 
class structure requires modification based on technological 
improvements in the design and manufacturing of such products. DOE uses 
qualitative and quantitative information to analyze the residential 
clothes dryer industry and market. DOE will identify and characterize 
the manufacturers of clothes dryers, estimate market shares and trends, 
address regulatory and non-regulatory initiatives intended to improve 
energy efficiency or reduce energy consumption, and explore the 
potential for technological improvements in the design and 
manufacturing of clothes dryers. DOE will also review product 
literature, industry publications, and company Web sites. Additionally, 
DOE will consider conducting interviews with manufacturers to assess 
the overall market for residential clothes dryers.
Product Classes
    When evaluating and establishing energy conservation standards, DOE 
may divide covered products into product classes by the type of energy 
used or by capacity or other performance-related features that would 
justify a different standard. In making a determination whether a 
performance-related feature justifies a different standard, DOE must 
consider factors such as the utility to the consumer of the feature and 
other factors DOE determines are appropriate. (42 U.S.C. 6295(q))
    During the previous energy conservation standards rulemaking for 
residential clothes dryers, DOE established four product classes for 
vented clothes dryers and two product classes for ventless clothes 
dryers. DOE established separate product classes for ventless clothes 
dryers because of the unique utility they offer consumers, i.e., the 
ability to have a clothes dryer in a living area where vents are 
impossible to install, such as an apartment in a high-rise building, 
where venting dryers would be precluded due to venting restrictions. As 
part of the previous rulemaking, DOE established product classes for 
ventless electric compact (240V) clothes dryers and ventless electric 
combination washer/dryers.\5\ The product classes established in the 
previous energy conservation standards rulemaking are presented in 
Table II.1.

    \5\ A ventless combination washer/dryer is a device that washes 
and then dries clothes in the same basket/cavity in a combined 

           Table II.1--Existing Clothes Dryer Product Classes
Vented dryers
  1. Electric, Standard (4.4 cubic feet (ft\3\) or greater capacity).
  2. Electric, Compact (120 volts (V)) (less than 4.4 ft\3\ capacity).
  3. Electric, Compact (240 V) (less than 4.4 ft\3\ capacity).
  4. Gas.
Ventless dryers
  5. Electric, Compact (240 V) (less than 4.4 ft\3\ capacity).
  6. Electric, Combination Washer/Dryer.

    Based on DOE's review of products available on market, DOE notes 
that at least one manufacturer offers a ventless clothes dryers with a 
drum capacity greater than 4.4 cubic feet. As a result, DOE tentatively 
proposes to establish an additional product class for ventless electric 
standard clothes dryers listed in Table II.2.

           Table II.2--Proposed Clothes Dryer Product Classes
Vented dryers
  7. Electric, Standard (4.4 cubic feet (ft\3\) or greater capacity).
  8. Electric, Compact (120 volts (V)) (less than 4.4 ft\3\ capacity).
  9. Electric, Compact (240 V) (less than 4.4 ft\3\ capacity).
  10. Gas.
Ventless dryers
  11. Electric, Standard (4.4 ft\3\ or greater capacity).
  12. Electric, Compact (240 V) (less than 4.4 ft\3\ capacity).
  13. Electric, Combination Washer/Dryer.

    Issue C.1 DOE requests feedback on the proposed product classes and 
seeks information regarding other product classes it should consider 
for inclusion in its analysis. In particular, DOE requests comment on 
the determination to consider a separate product class for ventless 
electric clothes dryers with drum capacities of 4.4 cubic feet or 
greater. If commenters believe that additional product classes are 
warranted, DOE requests comment as to how those classes should be 
configured, as well as energy use data and utility or performance-
related information justifying the need for a separate class.
Technology Assessment and Screening Analysis
    The purpose of the technology assessment is to develop a 
preliminary list of technologies that could potentially be used to 
improve the efficiency of residential clothes dryers. The purpose of 
the screening analysis is to screen out technologies that are not 
appropriate for consideration in the engineering analysis due to the 
following four factors: (1) Technological feasibility, (2) 
practicability to manufacture, install, and service, (3) impacts on 
product utility to consumers, and (4) health and safety. (10 CFR part 
430, subpart C, appendix A, section (4)(a)(4)) The technologies that 
pass the screening are considered in the engineering analysis.
    DOE uses information about existing and past technology options and 
prototype designs to help identify technologies that manufacturers 
could use to meet and/or exceed energy conservation standards. In 
consultation with interested parties, DOE intends to develop a list of 
technologies to consider in its analysis. Initially, this list will 
include the technology options considered during the most recent 
residential clothes dryer standards rulemaking, including those that 
were screened out in the previous rulemaking.
    DOE plans to initially consider all of the technologies for 
residential clothes dryers identified in the previous standards 
rulemaking. These technology options are listed in Table II.3.

      Table II.3--Technology Options for Residential Clothes Dryers
Dryer Control or Drum Upgrades
  1. Improved termination.
  2. Increased insulation.
  3. Modified operating conditions.
  4. Improved air circulation.
  5. Improved drum design.
Methods of Exhaust Heat Recovery (Vented Models Only)
  6. Recycle exhaust heat.
  7. Inlet air preheat.
  8. Inlet air preheat, condensing mode.
Heat Generation Options
  9. Heat pump, electric only.
  10. Microwave, electric only.
  11. Modulating heat.
  12. Indirect heating.
Component Improvements
  13. Improved motor efficiency.
  14. Improved fan efficiency.
Standby Power Improvements
  15. Switching Power Supply.
  16. Transformerless Power Supply with Auto-Powerdown.

    Based on a preliminary review of the clothes dryer market and 
information published in recent trade publications, technical reports, 
and manufacturer literature, DOE has observed that the results of the 
technology screening analysis performed during the previous

[[Page 16313]]

rulemaking remain largely relevant for this rulemaking.
    Issue C.2 DOE seeks information on how the above technologies, and 
any other technologies that may improve clothes dryer efficiency: (1) 
Apply to the current market; and (2) improve efficiency of clothes 
dryers as measured according to the DOE test procedure under appendix 

D. Engineering Analysis

    The engineering analysis estimates the cost-efficiency relationship 
of products at different levels of increased energy efficiency. This 
relationship serves as the basis for the cost-benefit calculations for 
consumers, manufacturers, and the nation. In determining the cost-
efficiency relationship, DOE estimates the increase in manufacturer 
cost associated with increasing the efficiency of products above the 
baseline to the maximum technologically feasible (``max-tech'') 
efficiency level for each product class. The baseline model is used as 
a reference point for each product class in the engineering analysis 
and the life-cycle cost and payback-period analyses.
Baseline Models
    For each established product class, DOE selects a baseline model as 
a reference point against which any changes resulting from energy 
conservation standards can be measured. The baseline model in each 
product class represents the characteristics of common or typical 
products in that class. Typically, a baseline model is one that just 
meets the current minimum energy conservation standards by a small 
    In developing the baseline efficiency levels, DOE initially 
considered the current standards for residential clothes dryers 
manufactured on or after January 1, 2015 presented in Table II.4.

 Table II.4--January 1, 2015 Clothes Dryer Energy Conservation Standard
                      Product class                        CEF (lb/kWh)
Vented dryers
  1. Electric, Standard (4.4 ft\3\ or greater capacity).            3.73
  2. Electric, Compact (120 v) (less than 4.4 ft\3\                 3.61
  3. Electric, Compact (240 v) (less than 4.4 ft\3\                 3.27
  4. Gas................................................            3.30
Ventless dryers
  5. Electric, Compact (240 v) (less than 4.4 ft\3\                 2.55
  6. Electric, Combination Washer/Dryer.................            2.08

    Since the last standards rulemaking, DOE amended the clothes dryer 
test procedures as part of the August 2013 TP Final Rule to create a 
new appendix D2 that includes testing methods for more accurately 
measuring the effects of automatic cycle termination. Because DOE is 
proposing to consider energy conservation standards based on the 
appendix D2 test method, DOE would have to establish baseline 
efficiency levels considering this new test procedure.
    As part of the August 2013 TP Final Rule, DOE presented test data 
for each product class comparing the efficiencies measured under the 
appendix D1 and D2 test procedures. 78 FR 49614-15. In addition, ORNL 
and PNNL conducted testing on separate models according to the appendix 
D1 and the new appendix D2 test procedures.\6\ Table II.5 presents the 
average measured CEF values using appendix D1 and D2 for each product 
class using the test data from DOE, ORNL, and PNNL.

    \6\ ORNL/TM-2014/431 Report at 12; PNNL-23621 Report at 2.1-2.3.

                          Table II.5--Clothes Dryer Test Data Using Appendix D1 and D2
                                                               Appendix D1                Appendix D2
                                           Number of test  -----------------------------------------------------
              Product class                     units       Average CEF (lb/  Average CEF (lb/
                                                                  kWh)              kWh)            % Change
Vented Electric Standard................                12              3.83              3.19             -16.7
Vented Electric Compact (240V)..........                 4              3.65              3.06             -16.2
Vented Electric Compact (120V)..........                 1              3.75              2.18             -41.9
Vented Gas..............................                 8              3.43              2.87             -16.2
Ventless Electric Compact (240V)........                 1              2.98              2.73              -8.4
Ventless Electric Combination Washer/                    2              2.55              2.45              -3.9

    Using these data, DOE developed tentative baseline efficiency 
levels by applying the percentage difference in efficiency between 
appendix D1 and D2, as presented in Table II.5, to the energy 
conservation standards for clothes dryers required on January 1, 2015, 
presented in Table II.4. The proposed baseline efficiency levels are 
presented in Table II.6. DOE did not have sufficient data to 
characterize the baseline efficiency level for the newly proposed 
product class, ventless electric standard clothes dryers.

             Table II.6--Proposed Baseline Efficiency Levels
                                Current  Standard    Proposed  Baseline
        Product class          CEF  (Appendix D1)    CEF  (Appendix D2)
                                    (lb/kWh)              (lb/kWh)
Vented dryers:
    1. Electric, Standard     3.73................  3.11.
     (4.4 ft\3\ or greater
    2. Electric, Compact      3.61................  3.03.
     (120 v) (less than 4.4
     ft\3\ capacity).
    3. Electric, Compact      3.27................  1.90.
     (240 v) (less than 4.4
     ft\3\ capacity).

[[Page 16314]]

    4. Gas..................  3.30................  2.77.
Ventless dryers:
    5. Electric, Standard     Not Applicable......  Not Available.
     (4.4 ft\3\ or greater
    6. Electric, Compact      2.55................  2.33.
     (240 V) (less than 4.4
     ft\3\ capacity).
    7. Electric, Combination  2.08................  2.00.

    Issue D.1 DOE requests comment on approaches that it should 
consider when determining the baseline efficiency levels for each 
product class, including information regarding the merits and/or 
limitations of such approaches. DOE also requests additional test data 
to characterize the baseline efficiency levels for each product class. 
In particular, DOE requests appendix D2 test data broken down by 
standby/off mode and active mode energy use for each product class, 
including the newly proposed product class for ventless electric 
standard dryers. DOE requests additional test data for residential 
clothes dryers showing the difference in measured efficiency using the 
appendix D1 test procedure and the appendix D2 test procedure.
Higher Efficiency Levels
    DOE will analyze each product class to determine the relevant trial 
standard levels (TSLs) and to develop incremental manufacturing cost 
data at each higher efficiency level. DOE generally selects incremental 
efficiency levels based on a review of industry standards and the 
efficiency of products available on the market.
    For the vented clothes dryer product classes, DOE tentatively plans 
to consider an efficiency level associated with the current standard 
level nominal values without the adjustment used to develop the 
baseline efficiency levels discussed above. Because there is a large 
gap between these two efficiency levels, DOE is tentatively planning to 
consider evenly spaced gap fill efficiency levels. DOE also plans to 
consider efficiency levels corresponding to the Environmental 
Protection Agency's (EPA) Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR performance 
specification requirements \7\ and the ENERGY STAR 2014 Emerging 
Technology Award criteria for advanced clothes dryers.\8\ Table II.7 
shows the proposed efficiency levels for the vented clothes dryer 
product classes.

    \7\ ENERGY STAR Program Requirements Product Specification for 
Clothes Dryers: Eligibility Criteria Version 1.0, (May 19, 2014) 
(Available at: http://www.energystar.gov//products/certified-products/detail/17517/partners).
    \8\ ENERGY STAR 2014 Emerging Technology Award Criteria for 
Advanced Clothes Dryers, (May 13, 2014) (Available at: http://www.energystar.gov/about/awards/energy-star-emerging-technology-award/2014-emerging-technology-award-advanced-clothes-dryers).

                                       Table II.7--Efficiency Levels Under Consideration for Vented Clothes Dryers
                                                                                              Integrated efficiency level (CEF) (lb/kWh)
                  Level                      Efficiency level description                         Electric compact   Electric compact
                                                                              Electric standard        (120V)             (240V)              Gas
Baseline................................  DOE Standard w/Adjusted Appendix                 3.11               2.10               2.74               2.77
                                           D2 Energy Use.
1.......................................  Gap Fill..........................               3.31               2.60               2.92               2.94
2.......................................  Gap Fill..........................               3.52               3.11               3.09               3.12
3.......................................  DOE Standard......................               3.73               3.61               3.27               3.30
4.......................................  ENERGY STAR Performance                          3.93               3.80               3.45               3.48
5.......................................  ENERGY STAR 2014 Emerging                        4.3                4.3                4.3                4.0
                                           Technology Award.

    For the ventless electric compact (240V) clothes dryer and ventless 
electric combination washer/dryer product classes, DOE is again 
proposing an incremental efficiency level associated with the current 
standard level nominal values. For ventless electric compact (240V) 
clothes dryers, DOE is proposing an additional gap fill level between 
the baseline and the current standard level nominal value. DOE also 
plans to consider efficiency levels corresponding to the Version 1.0 
ENERGY STAR performance specification requirements and the ENERGY STAR 
2014 Emerging Technology Award criteria. For ventless electric 
combination washer/dryers, because limited data are available regarding 
the efficiency of products measured according to the new appendix D2 
test procedure, DOE is tentatively proposing to consider efficiency 
levels corresponding to the relative increase in efficiency levels 
considered for the 2011 Direct Final Rule analysis. For ventless 
electric standard clothes dryers, DOE notes that one recently 
introduced ventless electric standard clothes dryer qualifies for the 
ENERGY STAR 2014 Emerging Technology Award. DOE plans to consider an 
efficiency level associated with this unit. However, DOE is unaware of 
any data to determine other incremental efficiency levels for ventless 
electric standard clothes dryers. The proposed efficiency levels for 
the ventless clothes dryer product classes are presented in Table II.8 
and Table II.9.

[[Page 16315]]

   Table II.8--Efficiency Levels Under Consideration for Ventless Electric Standard and Compact (240V) Clothes
                                                                              Integrated efficiency level (CEF)
                 Level                      Efficiency level description    ------------------------------------
                                                                                 Electric      Electric  compact
                                                                                 standard            (240V)
Baseline...............................  DOE Standard w/Adjusted Appendix                 N/A               2.33
                                          D2 Energy Use.
1......................................  Gap Fill..........................               N/A               2.44
2......................................  DOE Standard......................               N/A               2.55
3......................................  ENERGY STAR Performance                          N/A               2.68
4......................................  ENERGY STAR 2014 Emerging                        4.5               4.3
                                          Technology Award.

 Table II.9--Efficiency Levels Under Consideration for Ventless Electric
                        Combination Washer/Dryers
                                                        efficiency level
                                                         (CEF) (lb/kWh)
           Level                 Efficiency level      -----------------
                                    description             Electric
Baseline..................  DOE Standard w/Adjusted                 2.00
                             Appendix D2 Energy Use.
1.........................  DOE Standard..............              2.08
2.........................  2011 Direct Final Rule                  2.26
                             Analysis Gap Fill.
3.........................  EL 2 + 1.5 Watt Standby...              2.29
4.........................  EL 3 + 0.08 Watt Standby..              2.36
5.........................  Gap Fill..................              2.46
6.........................  Max-Tech (Heat Pump)......              3.55

    Issue D.3 DOE seeks input concerning the efficiency levels it 
tentatively plans to use for each product class for collecting 
incremental cost data from manufacturers of residential clothes dryers. 
In particular, DOE seeks additional data on the efficiency of products 
measured according to the new appendix D2 test procedure to 
characterize the range of efficiencies available on the market for each 
product class. DOE also seeks input on appropriate maximum 
technologically feasible efficiency levels whether any additional 
intermediate efficiency levels should be considered and the basis for 
why those levels should be selected.
Approach for Determining the Cost-Efficiency Relationship
    In order to create the cost-efficiency relationship, DOE intends to 
use an efficiency-level approach, supplemented with reverse engineering 
(physical teardowns and testing of existing products in the market), to 
identify the incremental cost and efficiency improvement associated 
with each efficiency level.
    DOE will analyze technologies and associated costs representative 
of baseline units as part of the reverse-engineering process. DOE 
intends to perform reverse engineering for each product class being 
analyzed. Whenever possible, DOE will attempt to reverse engineer test 
units that share similar platforms to better identify the efficiency 
benefits and costs of design options. As units are torn down, all 
design options used in them are noted and reviewed. Prior to tear down, 
DOE also plans to conduct limited testing to establish what control 
strategies are being used by manufacturers in conjunction with design 
options and platform design. Unit testing may include the measurement 
of disaggregated energy consumption to identify the relationship 
between particular components and control strategies taken by 
manufacturers to achieve higher efficiency levels. As part of the 
reverse-engineering process, DOE will attempt to generate a cost-
efficiency relationship for each efficiency level identified. DOE also 
requests incremental cost data for each efficiency level. DOE intends 
the data to represent the average industry-wide incremental production 
cost for each technology.
    To be useful in the manufacturer impact analysis, manufacturer cost 
information should reflect the variability in baseline models, design 
strategies, and cost structures that can exist among manufacturers. 
This information allows DOE to better understand the industry and its 
associated cost structure, and helps DOE predict the most likely impact 
of new energy efficiency regulations. For example, the reverse-
engineering methodology allows DOE to estimate the ``green-field'' 
costs of building new facilities, yet the majority of plants in any 
given industry are comprised of a mix of assets in different stages of 
depreciation. Interviews with manufacturers not only help DOE refine 
its capital expenditure estimates, but they also allow DOE to refine 
its estimates regarding depreciation and other financial parameters.
    DOE will refine the cost-efficiency data it generates through the 
reverse-engineering activities with information obtained through 
follow-up manufacturer interviews and, as necessary, information 
contained in the market and technology assessment and further review of 
publicly available cost and performance information.
    Issue D.5 DOE requests feedback on using an efficiency-level 
approach supplemented with reverse engineering to determine the 
relationship between manufacturer cost and energy efficiency for 
residential clothes dryers.
    Issue D.6 DOE also requests incremental cost data for each clothes 
dryer efficiency level as well as information about the design options 
associated with each efficiency level. DOE intends the data to 
represent the

[[Page 16316]]

average industry-wide incremental production cost for each technology.
    EPCA also requires DOE to consider any lessening of the utility or 
the performance of a covered product likely to result from the 
imposition of a new standard. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(i)(IV)) As part 
of its analysis of higher efficiency levels, DOE will consider whether 
new standards may impact the utility of residential clothes dryers.
    Issue D.7 DOE seeks comment on whether any new standards may impact 
the utility of clothes dryers. If such impacts exist, can the effects 
be quantified? If so, how?

E. Markups Analysis

    To carry out the life-cycle cost (LCC) and payback period (PBP) 
calculations, DOE needs to determine the cost to the residential 
consumer of baseline products that satisfies the currently applicable 
standards, and the cost of the more-efficient unit the consumer would 
purchase under potential amended standards. By applying a multiplier 
called a ``markup'' to the manufacturer's selling price, DOE is able to 
estimate the residential consumer's price.
    For the 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE used distribution channels, 
based on data from the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers 
(AHAM), to characterize how products pass to the consumer. For clothes 
dryers, the main actors are manufacturers and retailers. Thus, DOE 
analyzed a manufacturer-to-consumer distribution channel consisting of 
three parties: (1) The manufacturers producing the products; (2) the 
retailers purchasing the products from manufacturers and selling them 
to consumers; and (3) the consumers who purchase the products. DOE 
plans to use the same approach in the current rulemaking.
    As was done in the last rulemaking and consistent with the approach 
followed for other energy consuming products, DOE will determine an 
average manufacturer markup by considering the annual Securities and 
Exchange Commission (SEC) 10-K reports filed by publicly traded 
manufacturers of appliances whose product range includes clothes 
dryers. DOE then revises the initial manufacturer markup estimate based 
on feedback received during manufacturer interviews. DOE will determine 
an average retailer markup by analyzing both economic census data from 
the U.S. Census Bureau and the annual SEC 10-K reports filed by 
publicly traded retailers.
    In addition to manufacturer and retailer markups, DOE will include 
sales tax in its retail price calculations. DOE will use an Internet 
source, the Sales Tax Clearinghouse, to calculate applicable sales 
    Issue E.1 DOE seeks input from stakeholders on whether the 
distribution channels described above are still relevant for 
residential clothes dryers. DOE also welcomes comments concerning its 
proposed approach to developing estimates of markups for clothes 

F. Energy Use Analysis

    The purpose of the energy analysis is to assess the energy-savings 
potential of different product efficiencies. DOE uses the annual energy 
consumption and energy-savings potential in the LCC and PBP analyses to 
establish the savings in consumer operating costs at various product 
efficiency levels. In contrast to the DOE test procedure, which 
provides a measure of the energy use, energy efficiency or annual 
operating cost of a covered product during a representative average use 
cycle, the energy use analysis captures a range of operating conditions 
for clothes dryers in U.S. homes.
    For the 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE developed distributions of 
values for several operating conditions, including number of cycles, 
remaining moisture content (RMC), and load weights that reflect its 
best estimate of the range of practices found in U.S. homes. 76 FR 
22508. DOE also evaluated the indirect impact of a clothes dryer 
standard on heating and cooling loads in a household. To calculate this 
impact, DOE first characterized the location of the clothes dryers in a 
conditioned space based on the Energy Information Administration's 
(EIA's) 2005 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS), and the 2009 
American Housing Survey (AHS). For these installations, DOE utilized 
the results from a European Union study about the impacts of clothes 
dryers on home heating and cooling loads to determine the appropriate 
factor to apply to the total clothes dryer energy use.\9\

    \9\ I. R[uuml]denauer and C.O. Gensch, Energy demand of tumble 
dryers with respect to differences in technology and ambient 
conditions. Report commissioned by European Committee of Domestic 
Equipment Manufacturers (CECED) (January 13, 2004) (Available at: 

    To determine the field energy use of products that would be 
required to meet amended standard levels, DOE proposes to use data from 
the EIA's 2009 RECS, or the most recent such survey available from 
EIA.\10\ RECS is a national sample survey of housing units that 
collects statistical information on the consumption of and expenditures 
for energy in housing units along with data on energy-related 
characteristics of the housing units and occupants. RECS provides 
sufficient information to establish the type (product class) of clothes 
dryer used in each household. As a result, DOE will be able to develop 
household samples for each of the considered product classes.

    \10\ U.S. Department of Energy: Energy Information 
Administration, Residential Energy Consumption Survey: 2009 RECS 
Survey Data (2013) (Available at: http://www.eia.gov/consumption/residential/data/2009/).

    DOE requests comment or seeks input from stakeholders on the 
following issues pertaining to the energy use analysis:
    Issue F.1 Approaches for specifying the typical annual energy 
consumption of residential clothes dryers;
    Issue F.2 Data sources that DOE can use to characterize the 
variability in annual energy consumption of clothes dryers.
    Issue F.3 Data sources to characterize the indirect impact of dryer 
energy use on heating and cooling loads of a household.

G. Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period Analysis

    The purpose of the LCC and PBP analysis is to analyze the effects 
of potential amended energy conservation standards on consumers of 
residential clothes dryers by determining how a potential amended 
standard affects the consumers' operating expenses (usually decreased) 
and total installed costs (usually increased).
    DOE intends to analyze data input variability and uncertainty by 
performing the LCC and PBP calculations on a representative sample of 
households from RECS for the considered product classes using Monte 
Carlo simulations and probability distributions. The analysis results 
are a distribution of results showing the range of LCC savings and PBPs 
for a given efficiency level relative to the baseline level.
    Inputs to the LCC and PBP analysis are categorized as: (1) Inputs 
for establishing the purchase expense, otherwise known as the total 
installed cost, and (2) inputs for calculating the operating expense. 
The primary inputs for establishing the total installed cost are the 
baseline consumer price, standard-level consumer price increases, and 
installation costs. Baseline consumer prices and standard-level 
consumer price increases will be determined by applying markups to 
manufacturer price estimates. The installation cost is added to the

[[Page 16317]]

consumer price to arrive at a total installed cost.
    In the 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE derived the installation costs 
from RS Means 2008. 76 FR 22513. DOE plans to use similar data sources 
for this rulemaking, with adjustments to reflect current-day labor and 
material prices as well as to scale installation cost for higher-
efficiency products based on equipment weight and/or dimensions.
    Issue G.1 DOE seeks input on whether clothes dryer installation 
costs scale with equipment weight and/or dimensions.
    The primary inputs for calculating the operating costs are product 
energy consumption, product efficiency, electricity prices and 
forecasts, maintenance and repair costs, product lifetime, and discount 
    Repair costs are associated with repairing or replacing components 
that have failed in the appliance, whereas maintenance costs are 
associated with maintaining the operation of the equipment. In the 2011 
Direct Final Rule, DOE derived annualized maintenance and repair 
frequencies based on Consumer Reports data on repair and maintenance 
issues for clothes dryers during the first 4 years of ownership. DOE 
estimated that on average 1.5 percent of electric and 1.75 percent of 
gas clothes dryers are maintained or repaired each year. Based on RS 
Means Facilities Maintenance & Repair 2010 Cost Data,\11\ DOE also 
estimated that an average service call and any necessary repair or 
maintenance takes about 2.5 hours. DOE further estimated that the 
average material cost is equal to one-half of the equipment cost. The 
values for cost per service call were then annualized by multiplying by 
the frequencies and dividing by the average equipment lifetime of 16 
years. 76 FR 22514. DOE plans to use similar data sources for this 

    \11\ Available at: http://rsmeans.reedconstructiondata.com/60300.aspx.

    In the 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE also assumed that repair costs 
vary in direct proportion with the product price at higher efficiency 
levels as replacement costs for more-efficient components are likely to 
be greater than replacement costs for components in baseline products.
    Issue G.2 DOE seeks stakeholder input on the approach for 
estimating repair and maintenance costs for more efficient clothes 
dryers. DOE also seeks stakeholder comment on the assumption that 
repair costs vary in direct proportion to product price as well as 
historical repair cost data as a function of efficiency.
    DOE measures LCC and PBP impacts of potential standard levels 
relative to a base case that reflects the market in the absence of 
amended standards. DOE plans to develop market-share efficiency data 
(i.e., the distribution of product shipments by efficiency) for the 
product classes DOE is considering, for the year in which compliance 
with any amended or new standards would be required. By accounting for 
consumers who already purchase more efficient products, DOE avoids 
overstating the potential benefits from new or amended standards.
    Issue G.4 DOE seeks stakeholder input and data on the fraction of 
clothes dryers sold that exceed the minimum energy efficiency 
standards. DOE also requests information on expected trends in product 
efficiency over the next five years.

H. Shipments Analysis

    DOE uses shipment projections by product class and efficiency level 
in its analysis of the national impacts of potential standards, as well 
as in the manufacturer impact analysis.
    In the 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE developed a shipments model for 
clothes dryers driven by historical shipments data. 76 FR 22516. The 
key drivers of the shipments model included the new owner and 
replacement markets.
    Issue H.1 DOE seeks stakeholder input and data showing the 
distribution of shipments by product class.
    In the 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE modeled the decision to repair 
or replace equipment for existing owners and the impact that decision 
would have on the shipments model. DOE estimated how increases in 
product purchase price and decreases in product operating costs due to 
standards affect product shipments.\12\

    \12\ DOE-Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Energy 
Conservation Program for Consumer Products, Technical Support 
Document: Energy Efficiency Program for Consumer Products and 
Commercial and Industrial Equipment, Residential Clothes Dryers and 
Room Air Conditioners, chapter 9 (2011) (Available at: http://www.regulations.gov/#!documentDetail;D=EERE-2007-BT-STD-0010-0053).

    Issue H.2 DOE seeks input and data on factors that influence a 
consumer's decisions to repair or replace failed products.

I. National Impact Analysis

    The purpose of the national impact analysis (NIA) is to estimate 
aggregate impacts of potential efficiency standards at the national 
level. Impacts reported by DOE include the national energy savings 
(NES) from potential standards and the national net present value (NPV) 
of the total consumer benefits. The NIA considers lifetime impacts of 
potential standards on clothes dryers shipped in a 30-year period that 
begins with the expected compliance date for new or amended standards.
    To develop the NES, DOE calculates annual energy consumption of 
clothes dryers in households for the base case and each standards case. 
To develop the national NPV of consumer benefits from potential 
standards, DOE calculates national annual energy expenditures and 
annual product expenditures for the base case and the standards cases. 
DOE calculates total annual energy expenditures using data on annual 
energy consumption in each case, forecasted average annual energy 
prices, and shipment projections. The difference each year between 
operating cost savings and increased product expenditures is the net 
savings or net costs.
    A key component of DOE's estimates of NES and NPV is the product 
energy efficiency forecasted over time for the base case and for each 
of the standards cases. In the 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE based 
projections of base-case shipment-weighted efficiency (SWEF) for the 
clothes dryer product classes on growth rates determined from 
historical data provided by AHAM.\13\ For this rulemaking, DOE plans on 
considering recent trends in efficiency and input from stakeholders to 
update product energy efficiency forecasts.

    \13\ Id. chapter 10.

    Issue I.1 DOE seeks historical SWEF data for residential clothes 
dryers by product class and stakeholder input regarding future trends 
in efficiency.

J. Manufacturer Impact Analysis

    The purpose of the manufacturer impact analysis (MIA) is to 
estimate the financial impact of potential energy conservation 
standards on manufacturers of residential clothes dryers and to 
evaluate the potential impact of such standards on competition, 
employment and manufacturing capacity. The MIA includes both 
quantitative and qualitative aspects. The quantitative part of the MIA 
primarily relies on the Government Regulatory Impact Model (GRIM), an 
industry cash-flow model used to estimate a range of potential impacts 
on manufacturer profitability. The qualitative part of the MIA 
addresses a proposed standard's potential impacts on manufacturing 
capacity and industry competition, as well as factors such as product 
characteristics, impacts on particular

[[Page 16318]]

subgroups of firms, and key issues from the manufacturers' perspective.
    As part of the MIA, DOE intends to analyze impacts of potential 
energy conservation standards on small business manufacturers of 
covered products. DOE intends to use the Small Business 
Administration's (SBA) small business size standards to determine 
whether manufacturers qualify as small businesses. The size standards 
are listed by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 
code and industry description.\14\ Manufacturing of residential clothes 
dryers is classified under NAICS 335224, ``Household Laundry Equipment 
Manufacturing.'' The SBA sets a threshold of 1,000 employees or less 
for an entity to be considered as a small business for this category. 
This 1,000-employee threshold would include all employees in a 
business's parent company and any other subsidiaries.

    \14\ Available at: http://www.sba.gov/content/small-business-size-standards.

    DOE intends to conduct a market survey using publicly available 
information to identify potential small manufacturers using the above-
mentioned size threshold. In identifying potential small businesses, 
DOE generally uses its Compliance Certification Management System 
(CCMS), industry trade association membership directories (including 
AHAM), individual company Web sites, and market research tools (e.g., 
Hoovers reports) to create a list of companies that manufacture or sell 
products covered by this rulemaking.
    Issue J.1 DOE requests comment on whether there are any small 
business manufacturers of residential clothes dryers that it should 
consider in its analysis.

III. Submission of Comments

    DOE invites all interested parties to submit in writing by May 11, 
2015, comments and information on matters addressed in this notice and 
on other matters relevant to DOE's consideration of new or amended 
energy conservations standards for residential clothes dryers. After 
the close of the comment period, DOE will collect data, conduct 
analyses, and review public comments, as needed. These actions will aid 
in the development of a NOPR for residential clothes dryers if DOE 
decides to amend the standards for such products.
    DOE considers public participation to be a very important part of 
the process for developing test procedures and energy conservation 
standards. DOE actively encourages the participation and interaction of 
the public during the comment period in each stage of the rulemaking 
process. Interactions with and between members of the public provide a 
balanced discussion of the issues and assist DOE in the rulemaking 
process. Anyone who wishes to be added to the DOE mailing list to 
receive future notices and information about this rulemaking should 
contact Ms. Brenda Edwards at (202) 586-2945, or via email at 

    Issued in Washington, DC, on March 23, 2015.
Kathleen B. Hogan,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency and 
Renewable Energy.
[FR Doc. 2015-07058 Filed 3-26-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                          16309

                                                      applies to a holder of a license to                     whether they should be considered in                  Technologies Office, Mailstop EE–5B,
                                                      operate a LWR under 10 CFR part 50; a                   rulemaking. The NRC is not requesting                 Request for Information for Energy
                                                      holder of a renewed LWR license under                   public comment at this time.                          Conservation Standards for Residential
                                                      10 CFR part 54; an applicant for a                        Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 20th day         Clothes Dryers, Docket No. EERE–2014–
                                                      construction permit or operating license                of March, 2015.                                       BT–STD–0058, 1000 Independence
                                                      under 10 CFR part 50; or an applicant                     For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.              Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585–
                                                      for a design approval, a COL, or                        Kenneth R. Hart,                                      0121. If possible, please submit all items
                                                      manufacturing license under 10 CFR                                                                            on a compact disc (CD), in which case
                                                                                                              Acting, Secretary of the Commission.
                                                      part 52. A holder of a COL issued under                                                                       it is not necessary to include printed
                                                                                                              [FR Doc. 2015–07092 Filed 3–26–15; 8:45 am]
                                                      10 CFR part 52 is not included in the                                                                         copies.
                                                      group of entities that may take                         BILLING CODE 7590–01–P                                   • Hand Delivery/Courier: Ms. Brenda
                                                      advantage of the provisions of § 50.69.                                                                       Edwards, U.S. Department of Energy,
                                                         The specific reasons for excluding                                                                         Building Technologies Office, 950
                                                      COL holders from the group of entities                  DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                  L’Enfant Plaza SW., Suite 600,
                                                      that may take advantage of the                          10 CFR Part 431                                       Washington, DC 20024. Telephone:
                                                      provisions of § 50.69 were not discussed                                                                      (202) 586–2945. If possible, please
                                                      in the Federal Register notice for either               [Docket Number EERE–2014–BT–STD–                      submit all items on a CD, in which case
                                                      the proposed or final ‘‘Risk-Informed                   0058]                                                 it is not necessary to include printed
                                                      Categorization and Treatment of                                                                               copies.
                                                                                                              Energy Conservation Program: Energy                      Instructions: All submissions received
                                                      Structures, Systems and Components for
                                                                                                              Conservation Standards for                            must include the agency name and
                                                      Nuclear Power Reactors’’ rule. However,
                                                                                                              Residential Clothes Dryers                            docket number for this rulemaking. No
                                                      as discussed at a public meeting on
                                                      October 17, 2012 (ADAMS Accession                       AGENCY:  Office of Energy Efficiency and              telefacsimiles (faxes) will be accepted.
                                                      No. ML12341A153), the NRC staff                         Renewable Energy, Department of                          Docket: The docket, which includes
                                                      provided the following reasons:                         Energy.                                               Federal Register notices, public meeting
                                                         1. After issuance of the COL, the staff              ACTION: Request for information (RFI).                attendee lists and transcripts,
                                                      was concerned primarily that                                                                                  comments, and other supporting
                                                      implementation of the provisions of                     SUMMARY:    The U.S. Department of                    documents/materials, is available for
                                                      § 50.69 in the midst of construction and                Energy (DOE) is initiating an effort to               review at www.regulations.gov. All
                                                      Inspections, Tests, Analysis, and                       determine whether to amend the current                documents in the docket are listed in
                                                      Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC) closure                     energy conservation standards for                     the www.regulations.gov index.
                                                      would lead to proposed changes in the                   residential clothes dryers. According to              However, some documents listed in the
                                                      NRC’s approved requirements on some                     the Energy Policy and Conservation                    index may not be publicly available,
                                                      SSCs prior to the Commission making a                   Act’s 6-year review requirement, DOE                  such as those containing information
                                                      finding regarding the COL ITAAC                         must publish a notice of proposed                     that is exempt from public disclosure.
                                                      acceptance criteria in accordance with                  rulemaking to propose amended                            A link to the docket Web page can be
                                                      § 52.103(g). Such a situation could                     standards for residential clothes dryers              found at: http://www.regulations.gov/
                                                      create an unexpected budget shortfall                   or a notice of determination that the                 #!docketDetail;D=EERE-2014-BT-STD-
                                                      related to a higher resource burden for                 existing standards do not need to be                  0058. This Web page contains a link to
                                                      the NRC due to an increased number of                   amended by August 24, 2017. This                      the docket for this notice on the
                                                      license amendments submitted for                        notice seeks to solicit information from              www.regulations.gov Web site. The
                                                      review concurrent with supporting                       the public to help DOE determine                      www.regulations.gov Web page contains
                                                      construction and ITAAC completion                       whether amended standards for                         simple instructions on how to access all
                                                      and complicate the NRC’s ability to                     residential clothes dryers would result               documents, including public comments,
                                                      reach a finding under § 52.103(g).                      in a significant amount of additional                 in the docket.
                                                         2. Since the proposed rule allowed for               energy savings and whether those                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                      the provisions of § 50.69 to be adopted                 standards would be technologically                    Mr. Bryan Berringer, U.S. Department of
                                                      as part of the COL application, COL                     feasible and economically justified.                     Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency
                                                      applicants could take advantage of these                DATES: Written comments and                              and Renewable Energy, Building
                                                      provisions as part of the COL review.                   information are requested on or before                   Technologies Office, EE–5B, 1000
                                                      This approach would be consistent with                  May 11, 2015.                                            Independence Avenue SW.,
                                                      the NRC’s Principles of Good Regulation                 ADDRESSES: Interested parties are                        Washington, DC 20585–0121.
                                                      regarding efficiency, since the staff                   encouraged to submit comments                            Telephone: (202) 586–0371. Email:
                                                      believed that implementation of the                     electronically. Comments may be                          ResClothesDryers2014STD0058@
                                                      provisions of § 50.69 following the                     submitted by any of the following                        ee.doe.gov.
                                                      Commission’s making a finding per                       methods:                                              Mr. Pete Cochran, U.S. Department of
                                                      § 52.103(g) would require substantial                     • Federal eRulemaking Portal:                          Energy, Office of the General Counsel,
                                                      additional resources to conduct the                     www.regulations.gov. Follow the                          GC–33, 1000 Independence Avenue
                                                      review of license amendments necessary                  instructions for submitting comments.                    SW., Washington, DC 20585–0121.
                                                      to implement the provisions of § 50.69.                   • Email:                                               Telephone: (202) 586–9496. Email:
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                         The NRC did not receive any                          ResClothesDryers2014STD0058@                             peter.cochran@hq.doe.gov.
                                                      comments from the nuclear industry nor                  ee.doe.gov. Include docket number                        For information on how to submit or
                                                      the general public on the absence of                    EERE–2014–BT–STD–0058 in the                          review public comments, contact Ms.
                                                      COL holders from the applicability                      subject line of the message. All                      Brenda Edwards at (202) 586–2945 or by
                                                      provisions of the proposed rule. The                    comments should clearly identify the                  email: Brenda.Edwards@ee.doe.gov.
                                                      final rule, as issued, retained this                    name, address, and, if appropriate,                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                      feature of the proposed rule.                           organization of the commenter.
                                                         The NRC is examining the issues                        • Postal Mail: Ms. Brenda Edwards,                  Table of Contents
                                                      raised in PRM–50–110 to determine                       U.S. Department of Energy, Building                   I. Introduction

                                                 VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:40 Mar 26, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00002   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\27MRP1.SGM   27MRP1

                                                      16310                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                         A. Authority and Background                                        On April 21, 2011, DOE published a                        not result in the significant conservation
                                                         B. Rulemaking Process                                            direct final rule (2011 Direct Final Rule)                  of energy. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(3)(B)) In
                                                      II. Request for Information and Comments                            amending the energy conservation                            deciding whether a proposed standard
                                                         A. Products Covered by This Rulemaking                           standards for residential clothes dryers.                   is economically justified, DOE must
                                                         B. Test Procedure
                                                         C. Market Assessment
                                                                                                                          76 FR 22454. The amended energy                             determine whether the benefits of the
                                                         D. Engineering Analysis                                          conservation standards were based on a                      standard exceed its burdens. (42 U.S.C.
                                                         E. Markups Analysis                                              new metric, the combined energy factor                      6295(o)(2)(B)(i)) DOE must make this
                                                         F. Energy Use Analysis                                           (CEF), that incorporates energy use in                      determination after receiving comments
                                                         G. Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period                            active mode, standby mode, and off                          on the proposed standard, and by
                                                            Analysis                                                      mode. DOE established an initial                            considering, to the greatest extent
                                                         H. Shipments Analysis                                            compliance date of April 24, 2014 for                       practicable, the following seven
                                                         I. National Impact Analysis                                      the amended standards. Subsequently,                        statutory factors:
                                                         J. Manufacturer Impact Analysis                                  DOE amended the compliance date for                            1. The economic impact of the
                                                      III. Submission of Comments
                                                                                                                          the new standards to January 1, 2015. 76                    standard on the manufacturers and
                                                      I. Introduction                                                     FR 52852 (Aug. 24, 2011).                                   consumers of the affected products;
                                                                                                                            Thus, DOE must publish either a                              2. The savings in operating costs
                                                      A. Authority and Background
                                                                                                                          NOPR proposing amended standards for                        throughout the estimated average life of
                                                         Title III, Part B 1 of the Energy Policy                         residential clothes dryers or a notice of                   the affected products compared to any
                                                      and Conservation Act of 1975 (EPCA or                               determination that the existing                             increases in the initial cost, or
                                                      the Act), Public Law 94–163 (42 U.S.C.                              standards do not need to be amended by                      maintenance expenses;
                                                      6291–6309, as codified), established the                            August 24, 2017. This RFI seeks input                          3. The total projected amount of
                                                      Energy Conservation Program for                                     from the public to assist DOE with its                      energy and water (if applicable) savings
                                                      Consumer Products Other Than                                        determination on whether new or                             likely to result directly from the
                                                      Automobiles.2 These products include                                amended standards pertaining to                             imposition of the standard;
                                                      residential clothes dryers, the subject of                          residential clothes dryers are warranted.                      4. Any lessening of the utility or the
                                                      this Request for Information (RFI).                                 In making this determination, DOE must                      performance of the affected products
                                                         Pursuant to EPCA, any new or                                     evaluate whether amended standards                          likely to result from the imposition of
                                                      amended energy conservation standard                                would: (1) Yield a significant savings in                   the standard;
                                                      must be designed to achieve the                                     energy use; and (2) be both                                    5. The impact of any lessening of
                                                      maximum improvement in energy                                       technologically feasible and                                competition, as determined in writing
                                                      efficiency that is technologically                                  economically justified. (42 U.S.C.                          by the Attorney General, that is likely to
                                                      feasible and economically justified. (42                            6295(o)(3)(B))                                              result from the imposition of the
                                                      U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(A)) Furthermore, the                                                                                          standard;
                                                                                                                          B. Rulemaking Process                                          6. The need for national energy and
                                                      new or amended standard must result in
                                                      a significant conservation of energy. (42                             DOE must follow specific statutory                        water conservation; and
                                                      U.S.C. 6295(o)(3)(B)) EPCA also                                     criteria for prescribing new or amended                        7. Other factors the Secretary of
                                                      provides that not later than 6 years after                          standards for covered products,                             Energy (Secretary) considers relevant.
                                                      issuance of any final rule establishing or                          including residential clothes dryers.                       (42 U.S.C. 6295 (o)(2)(B)(i))
                                                      amending a standard, DOE must publish                               Any new or amended standard for a                              DOE fulfills these and other
                                                      either a notice of determination that                               covered product must be designed to                         applicable requirements by conducting
                                                      standards for the product do not need to                            achieve the maximum improvement in                          a series of analyses throughout the
                                                      be amended, or a notice of proposed                                 energy efficiency that is technologically                   rulemaking process. Table I.1 shows the
                                                      rulemaking (NOPR) including new                                     feasible and economically justified. (42                    individual analyses that are performed
                                                      proposed energy conservation                                        U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(A)) Furthermore, DOE                      to satisfy each of the requirements
                                                      standards. (42 U.S.C. 6295(m)(1))                                   may not adopt any standard that would                       within EPCA.

                                                                                              TABLE I.1—EPCA REQUIREMENTS AND CORRESPONDING DOE ANALYSIS
                                                                                          EPCA requirement                                                                         Corresponding DOE analysis

                                                      Technological Feasibility ..........................................................................   • Market and Technology Assessment.
                                                                                                                                                             • Screening Analysis.
                                                                                                                                                             • Engineering Analysis.
                                                      Economic Justification:
                                                         1. Economic impact on manufacturers and consumers ...................                               •   Manufacturer Impact Analysis.
                                                                                                                                                             •   Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period Analysis.
                                                                                                                                                             •   Life-Cycle Cost Subgroup Analysis.
                                                                                                                                                             •   Shipments Analysis.
                                                            2. Lifetime operating cost savings compared to increased cost for                                •   Markups for Product Price Determination.
                                                              the product.                                                                                   •   Energy and Water Use Determination.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                                                                             •   Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period Analysis.
                                                            3. Total projected energy savings .....................................................          •   Shipments Analysis.
                                                                                                                                                             •   National Impact Analysis.
                                                            4. Impact on utility or performance ...................................................          •   Screening Analysis.
                                                                                                                                                             •   Engineering Analysis.
                                                            5. Impact of any lessening of competition ........................................               •   Manufacturer Impact Analysis.

                                                        1 For editorial reasons, upon codification in the                   2 All references to EPCA in this document refer           Energy Manufacturing Technical Corrections Act
                                                      U.S. Code, Part B was redesignated Part A.                          to the statute as amended through the American              (AEMTCA), Public Law 112–210 (Dec. 18, 2012).

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                     16311

                                                                              TABLE I.1—EPCA REQUIREMENTS AND CORRESPONDING DOE ANALYSIS—Continued
                                                                                    EPCA requirement                                                              Corresponding DOE analysis

                                                           6. Need for national energy and water conservation ........................      •   Shipments Analysis.
                                                                                                                                            •   National Impact Analysis.
                                                           7. Other factors the Secretary considers relevant ............................   •   Emissions Analysis.
                                                                                                                                            •   Utility Impact Analysis.
                                                                                                                                            •   Employment Impact Analysis.
                                                                                                                                            •   Monetization of Emission Reductions Benefits.
                                                                                                                                            •   Regulatory Impact Analysis.

                                                         As detailed throughout this RFI, DOE                  On January 6, 2011, DOE issued an                     procedure rulemaking process and more
                                                      is publishing this notice as the first step              amended test procedure for residential                recently through other public channels,
                                                      in the analysis process and is requesting                clothes dryers, in which it (1) adopted               that the DOE clothes dryer test
                                                      input and data from interested parties to                the provisions for the measurement of                 procedures may not produce results that
                                                      aid in the development of the technical                  standby mode and off mode energy use                  are representative of consumer use with
                                                      analyses.                                                along with a new energy efficiency                    regards to test load size and
                                                                                                               metric, Combined Energy Factor (CEF),                 composition, cycle settings for the test
                                                      II. Request for Information and                                                                                cycle, and other provisions in the test
                                                                                                               that incorporates energy use in active
                                                      Comments                                                                                                       procedure. DOE also notes that Oak
                                                                                                               mode, standby mode, and off mode; and
                                                        In the next section, DOE has                           (2) adopted several amendments to the                 Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and
                                                      identified a variety of questions that                   clothes dryer test procedure concerning               Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
                                                      DOE would like to receive input on to                    active mode. 76 FR 972. DOE created a                 (PNNL) recently published reports
                                                      aid in the development of the technical                  new appendix D1 in 10 CFR part 430                    evaluating clothes dryer performance
                                                      and economic analyses regarding                          subpart B that contained the amended                  using the new appendix D2 test method
                                                      whether amended standards for                            test procedure for clothes dryers.                    and investigating new automatic cycle
                                                      residential clothes dryers may be                           DOE issued a final rule on August 14,              termination concepts for improving
                                                      warranted. In addition, DOE welcomes                     2013 (August 2013 TP Final Rule), to                  clothes dryer efficiency.3 In
                                                      comments on other issues relevant to                     amend the clothes dryer test procedure,               consideration of these concerns
                                                      the conduct of this rulemaking that may                  in which it: (1) Updated appendix D1 to               regarding the test procedure and the
                                                      not be identified specifically in this                   reference the latest edition of the                   recent clothes dryer automatic cycle
                                                      notice. As part of the process for                       International Electrotechnical                        termination research, DOE initiated an
                                                      soliciting information, DOE is providing                 Commission (IEC) Standard 62301,                      effort to determine whether
                                                      a document titled ‘‘APPENDIX—                            ‘‘Household electrical appliances—                    amendments to the test procedure are
                                                      EXAMPLES OF RESIDENTIAL                                  Measurement of standby power,’’                       warranted. DOE held a public meeting
                                                      CLOTHES DRYER DATA’’ (available at                       Edition 2.0 2011–01; (2) amended                      on November 13, 2014, to solicit
                                                      http://www.regulations.gov/                              appendix D1 to clarify the cycle settings             comments from interested parties on
                                                      #!docketDetail;D=EERE-2014-BT-STD-                       used for the test cycle, the requirements             potential changes to the clothes dryer
                                                      0058) to provide examples of the type of                 for the gas supply for gas clothes dryers,            test procedure.4
                                                      data needed for the rulemaking                           the installation conditions for console               C. Market Assessment
                                                      analyses.                                                lights, the method for measuring the
                                                                                                               drum capacity, the maximum allowable                    The market and technology
                                                      A. Products Covered by This                                                                                    assessment provides information about
                                                                                                               weighing scale range, and the allowable
                                                      Rulemaking                                                                                                     the residential clothes dryer industry
                                                                                                               use of a relative humidity meter; and (3)
                                                         DOE defines an electric clothes dryer                 created a new appendix D2 that                        that will be used throughout the
                                                      to mean ‘‘a cabinet-like appliance                       includes, in addition to the amendments               rulemaking process. For example, this
                                                      designed to dry fabrics in a tumble-type                 discussed above, testing methods for                     3 K. Gluesenkamp, Residential Clothes Dryer
                                                      drum with forced air circulation. The                    measuring the effects of automatic cycle              Performance Under Timed and Automatic Cycle
                                                      heat source is electricity and the drum                  termination. 78 FR 49608.                             Termination Test Procedures, Oak Ridge National
                                                      and blower(s) are driven by an electric                  Manufacturers must use either the test                Laboratory Report No. ORNL/TM–2014/431 (2014)
                                                      motor(s).’’ (10 CFR 430.2) Similarly,                    procedures in appendix D1 or D2 to                    (‘‘ORNL/TM–2014/431 Report’’) (Available at:
                                                      DOE defines a gas clothes dryer to mean                  demonstrate compliance with energy                    ORNL-DryerFinalReport-TM-2014-431.pdf); W.
                                                      ‘‘a cabinet-like appliance designed to                   conservation standards for clothes                    TeGrotenhuis, Clothes Dryer Automatic
                                                      dry fabrics in a tumble-type drum with                   dryers as of January 1, 2015.                         Termination Sensor Evaluation. Volume 1:
                                                      forced air circulation. The heat source is               Manufacturers must use a single                       Characterization of Energy Use in Residential
                                                                                                                                                                     Clothes Dryers, Pacific Northwest National
                                                      gas and the drum and blower(s) are                       appendix for all representations,                     Laboratory Report No. PNNL–23621 (2014)
                                                      driven by an electric motor(s).’’ (10 CFR                including certifications of compliance,               (‘‘PNNL–23621 Report’’) (Available at: http://
                                                      430.2) As part of this rulemaking, DOE                   and may not use appendix D1 for
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      intends to address energy conservation                   certain representations and appendix D2               technical_reports/PNNL-23621.pdf); W.
                                                                                                                                                                     TeGrotenhuis, Clothes Dryer Automatic
                                                      standards for both electric and gas                      for other representations.                            Termination Sensor Evaluation. Volume 2:
                                                      clothes dryers.                                             DOE may consider energy                            Improved Sensor and Control Designs, Pacific
                                                                                                               conservation standards using the new                  Northwest National Laboratory Report No. PNNL–
                                                      B. Test Procedure                                                                                              23616 (2014) (Available at: http://www.pnnl.gov/
                                                                                                               appendix D2 test method to more
                                                        DOE’s test procedures for clothes                                                                            main/publications/external/technical_reports/
                                                                                                               accurately account for the effects of                 PNNL-23616.pdf).
                                                      dryers are codified in appendix D1 and                   automatic cycle termination.                             4 The docket for this test procedure rulemaking is
                                                      appendix D2 to subpart B of Title 10 of                     Interested parties have commented                  available at: http://www.regulations.gov/
                                                      the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).                   publicly, as part of the previous test                #!docketDetail;D=EERE-2014-BT-TP-0034.

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                                                      16312                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      information will be used to determine                   TABLE II.1—EXISTING CLOTHES DRYER to screen out technologies that are not
                                                      whether the existing product class                                PRODUCT CLASSES         appropriate for consideration in the
                                                      structure requires modification based on                                                                      engineering analysis due to the
                                                      technological improvements in the                       Vented dryers                                         following four factors: (1) Technological
                                                      design and manufacturing of such                          1. Electric, Standard (4.4 cubic feet (ft3) or      feasibility, (2) practicability to
                                                      products. DOE uses qualitative and                          greater capacity).                                manufacture, install, and service, (3)
                                                      quantitative information to analyze the                   2. Electric, Compact (120 volts (V)) (less          impacts on product utility to
                                                                                                                  than 4.4 ft3 capacity).                           consumers, and (4) health and safety.
                                                      residential clothes dryer industry and                    3. Electric, Compact (240 V) (less than 4.4
                                                      market. DOE will identify and                                                                                 (10 CFR part 430, subpart C, appendix
                                                                                                                  ft3 capacity).
                                                      characterize the manufacturers of                                                                             A, section (4)(a)(4)) The technologies
                                                                                                                4. Gas.
                                                      clothes dryers, estimate market shares                                                                        that pass the screening are considered in
                                                      and trends, address regulatory and non-                 Ventless dryers                                       the engineering analysis.
                                                                                                                5. Electric, Compact (240 V) (less than 4.4            DOE uses information about existing
                                                      regulatory initiatives intended to
                                                                                                                  ft3 capacity).                                    and past technology options and
                                                      improve energy efficiency or reduce                       6. Electric, Combination Washer/Dryer.              prototype designs to help identify
                                                      energy consumption, and explore the                                                                           technologies that manufacturers could
                                                      potential for technological                               Based on DOE’s review of products                   use to meet and/or exceed energy
                                                      improvements in the design and                          available on market, DOE notes that at                conservation standards. In consultation
                                                      manufacturing of clothes dryers. DOE                    least one manufacturer offers a ventless              with interested parties, DOE intends to
                                                      will also review product literature,                    clothes dryers with a drum capacity                   develop a list of technologies to
                                                      industry publications, and company                      greater than 4.4 cubic feet. As a result,             consider in its analysis. Initially, this
                                                      Web sites. Additionally, DOE will                       DOE tentatively proposes to establish an              list will include the technology options
                                                      consider conducting interviews with                     additional product class for ventless                 considered during the most recent
                                                      manufacturers to assess the overall                     electric standard clothes dryers listed in            residential clothes dryer standards
                                                      market for residential clothes dryers.                  Table II.2.                                           rulemaking, including those that were
                                                                                                                                                                    screened out in the previous
                                                      Product Classes                                               TABLE II.2—PROPOSED CLOTHES                     rulemaking.
                                                         When evaluating and establishing                             DRYER PRODUCT CLASSES                            DOE plans to initially consider all of
                                                      energy conservation standards, DOE                                                                            the technologies for residential clothes
                                                      may divide covered products into                        Vented dryers                                         dryers identified in the previous
                                                                                                                7. Electric, Standard (4.4 cubic feet (ft3) or      standards rulemaking. These technology
                                                      product classes by the type of energy                       greater capacity).
                                                      used or by capacity or other                                                                                  options are listed in Table II.3.
                                                                                                                8. Electric, Compact (120 volts (V)) (less
                                                      performance-related features that would                     than 4.4 ft3 capacity).
                                                      justify a different standard. In making a                 9. Electric, Compact (240 V) (less than 4.4
                                                                                                                                                                      TABLE II.3—TECHNOLOGY OPTIONS
                                                      determination whether a performance-                        ft3 capacity).                                      FOR RESIDENTIAL CLOTHES DRYERS
                                                      related feature justifies a different                     10. Gas.
                                                      standard, DOE must consider factors                                                                           Dryer Control or Drum Upgrades
                                                                                                              Ventless dryers                                         1. Improved termination.
                                                      such as the utility to the consumer of                    11. Electric, Standard (4.4 ft3 or greater            2. Increased insulation.
                                                      the feature and other factors DOE                           capacity).                                          3. Modified operating conditions.
                                                      determines are appropriate. (42 U.S.C.                    12. Electric, Compact (240 V) (less than              4. Improved air circulation.
                                                      6295(q))                                                    4.4 ft3 capacity).                                  5. Improved drum design.
                                                                                                                13. Electric, Combination Washer/Dryer.
                                                         During the previous energy                                                                                 Methods of Exhaust Heat Recovery (Vent-
                                                      conservation standards rulemaking for                     Issue C.1 DOE requests feedback on                   ed Models Only)
                                                      residential clothes dryers, DOE                         the proposed product classes and seeks                 6. Recycle exhaust heat.
                                                      established four product classes for                    information regarding other product                    7. Inlet air preheat.
                                                      vented clothes dryers and two product                   classes it should consider for inclusion               8. Inlet air preheat, condensing mode.
                                                      classes for ventless clothes dryers. DOE                in its analysis. In particular, DOE                   Heat Generation Options
                                                      established separate product classes for                requests comment on the determination                   9. Heat pump, electric only.
                                                      ventless clothes dryers because of the                  to consider a separate product class for                10. Microwave, electric only.
                                                      unique utility they offer consumers, i.e.,              ventless electric clothes dryers with                   11. Modulating heat.
                                                      the ability to have a clothes dryer in a                drum capacities of 4.4 cubic feet or                    12. Indirect heating.
                                                      living area where vents are impossible                  greater. If commenters believe that
                                                      to install, such as an apartment in a                   additional product classes are                        Component Improvements
                                                      high-rise building, where venting dryers                                                                       13. Improved motor efficiency.
                                                                                                              warranted, DOE requests comment as to
                                                                                                                                                                     14. Improved fan efficiency.
                                                      would be precluded due to venting                       how those classes should be configured,
                                                      restrictions. As part of the previous                   as well as energy use data and utility or             Standby Power Improvements
                                                      rulemaking, DOE established product                     performance-related information                         15. Switching Power Supply.
                                                      classes for ventless electric compact                   justifying the need for a separate class.               16. Transformerless Power Supply with
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      (240V) clothes dryers and ventless                                                                                Auto-Powerdown.
                                                                                                              Technology Assessment and Screening
                                                      electric combination washer/dryers.5                    Analysis
                                                      The product classes established in the                                                                           Based on a preliminary review of the
                                                      previous energy conservation standards                     The purpose of the technology                      clothes dryer market and information
                                                      rulemaking are presented in Table II.1.                 assessment is to develop a preliminary                published in recent trade publications,
                                                                                                              list of technologies that could                       technical reports, and manufacturer
                                                        5 A ventless combination washer/dryer is a device
                                                                                                              potentially be used to improve the                    literature, DOE has observed that the
                                                      that washes and then dries clothes in the same          efficiency of residential clothes dryers.             results of the technology screening
                                                      basket/cavity in a combined cycle.                      The purpose of the screening analysis is              analysis performed during the previous

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                                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                                     16313

                                                      rulemaking remain largely relevant for                                  conservation standards can be                          Since the last standards rulemaking,
                                                      this rulemaking.                                                        measured. The baseline model in each                 DOE amended the clothes dryer test
                                                         Issue C.2 DOE seeks information on                                   product class represents the                         procedures as part of the August 2013
                                                      how the above technologies, and any                                     characteristics of common or typical                 TP Final Rule to create a new appendix
                                                      other technologies that may improve                                     products in that class. Typically, a                 D2 that includes testing methods for
                                                      clothes dryer efficiency: (1) Apply to the                              baseline model is one that just meets the            more accurately measuring the effects of
                                                      current market; and (2) improve                                         current minimum energy conservation                  automatic cycle termination. Because
                                                      efficiency of clothes dryers as measured                                standards by a small margin.                         DOE is proposing to consider energy
                                                      according to the DOE test procedure                                        In developing the baseline efficiency
                                                                                                                                                                                   conservation standards based on the
                                                      under appendix D2.                                                      levels, DOE initially considered the
                                                                                                                                                                                   appendix D2 test method, DOE would
                                                                                                                              current standards for residential clothes
                                                      D. Engineering Analysis                                                                                                      have to establish baseline efficiency
                                                                                                                              dryers manufactured on or after January
                                                         The engineering analysis estimates                                   1, 2015 presented in Table II.4.                     levels considering this new test
                                                      the cost-efficiency relationship of                                                                                          procedure.
                                                      products at different levels of increased                                   TABLE II.4—JANUARY 1, 2015                         As part of the August 2013 TP Final
                                                      energy efficiency. This relationship                                      CLOTHES DRYER ENERGY CON- Rule, DOE presented test data for each
                                                      serves as the basis for the cost-benefit                                  SERVATION STANDARD LEVELS                          product class comparing the efficiencies
                                                      calculations for consumers,                                                                                                  measured under the appendix D1 and
                                                      manufacturers, and the nation. In                                                                                   CEF      D2 test procedures. 78 FR 49614–15. In
                                                      determining the cost-efficiency                                                 Product class                    (lb/kWh)    addition, ORNL and PNNL conducted
                                                      relationship, DOE estimates the increase
                                                                                                                              Vented dryers                                        testing on separate models according to
                                                      in manufacturer cost associated with
                                                                                                                                1. Electric, Standard (4.4                         the appendix D1 and the new appendix
                                                      increasing the efficiency of products
                                                      above the baseline to the maximum                                           ft3 or greater capacity) ..                 3.73 D2 test procedures.6 Table II.5 presents
                                                                                                                                2. Electric, Compact (120                          the average measured CEF values using
                                                      technologically feasible (‘‘max-tech’’)                                     v) (less than 4.4 ft3 ca-
                                                      efficiency level for each product class.                                                                                     appendix D1 and D2 for each product
                                                                                                                                  pacity) ............................        3.61 class using the test data from DOE,
                                                      The baseline model is used as a                                           3. Electric, Compact (240
                                                      reference point for each product class in                                   v) (less than 4.4 ft3 ca-                        ORNL, and PNNL.
                                                      the engineering analysis and the life-                                      pacity) ............................           3.27
                                                      cycle cost and payback-period analyses.                                   4. Gas ...............................           3.30
                                                                                                                              Ventless dryers
                                                      Baseline Models                                                           5. Electric, Compact (240
                                                        For each established product class,                                       v) (less than 4.4 ft3 ca-
                                                      DOE selects a baseline model as a                                           pacity) ............................           2.55
                                                                                                                                6. Electric, Combination
                                                      reference point against which any                                           Washer/Dryer ................                  2.08
                                                      changes resulting from energy

                                                                                                  TABLE II.5—CLOTHES DRYER TEST DATA USING APPENDIX D1 AND D2
                                                                                                                                                                                Appendix D1                          Appendix D2
                                                                                                                                                          Number of test
                                                                                            Product class                                                    units              Average CEF             Average CEF                % Change
                                                                                                                                                                                  (lb/kWh)                (lb/kWh)

                                                      Vented Electric Standard .................................................................                           12               3.83                       3.19               ¥16.7
                                                      Vented Electric Compact (240V) .....................................................                                  4               3.65                       3.06               ¥16.2
                                                      Vented Electric Compact (120V) .....................................................                                  1               3.75                       2.18               ¥41.9
                                                      Vented Gas ......................................................................................                     8               3.43                       2.87               ¥16.2
                                                      Ventless Electric Compact (240V) ...................................................                                  1               2.98                       2.73                ¥8.4
                                                      Ventless Electric Combination Washer/Dryer ..................................                                         2               2.55                       2.45                ¥3.9

                                                         Using these data, DOE developed                                      conservation standards for clothes                        sufficient data to characterize the
                                                      tentative baseline efficiency levels by                                 dryers required on January 1, 2015,                       baseline efficiency level for the newly
                                                      applying the percentage difference in                                   presented in Table II.4. The proposed                     proposed product class, ventless electric
                                                      efficiency between appendix D1 and D2,                                  baseline efficiency levels are presented                  standard clothes dryers.
                                                      as presented in Table II.5, to the energy                               in Table II.6. DOE did not have

                                                                                                                 TABLE II.6—PROPOSED BASELINE EFFICIENCY LEVELS
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Current              Proposed Base-
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                                                                                                                                                                                                        Standard CEF                line CEF
                                                                                                                          Product class                                                                 (Appendix D1)             (Appendix D2)
                                                                                                                                                                                                           (lb/kWh)                  (lb/kWh)

                                                      Vented dryers:
                                                          1. Electric, Standard (4.4 ft3 or greater capacity) ......................................................................................   3.73 ..................   3.11.
                                                          2. Electric, Compact (120 v) (less than 4.4 ft3 capacity) ...........................................................................        3.61 ..................   3.03.
                                                          3. Electric, Compact (240 v) (less than 4.4 ft3 capacity) ...........................................................................        3.27 ..................   1.90.

                                                        6 ORNL/TM–2014/431 Report at 12; PNNL–23621

                                                      Report at 2.1–2.3.

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                                                      16314                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                                                                        TABLE II.6—PROPOSED BASELINE EFFICIENCY LEVELS—Continued
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Current                 Proposed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Standard CEF              Baseline CEF
                                                                                                                             Product class                                                                                    (Appendix D1)             (Appendix D2)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (lb/kWh)                  (lb/kWh)

                                                          4. Gas .........................................................................................................................................................   3.30 ..................   2.77.
                                                      Ventless dryers:
                                                          5. Electric, Standard (4.4 ft3 or greater capacity) ......................................................................................                         Not Applicable ..         Not Available.
                                                          6. Electric, Compact (240 V) (less than 4.4 ft3 capacity) ...........................................................................                              2.55 ..................   2.33.
                                                          7. Electric, Combination Washer/Dryer ......................................................................................................                       2.08 ..................   2.00.

                                                         Issue D.1 DOE requests comment on                                       efficiency using the appendix D1 test                                       values without the adjustment used to
                                                      approaches that it should consider                                         procedure and the appendix D2 test                                          develop the baseline efficiency levels
                                                      when determining the baseline                                              procedure.                                                                  discussed above. Because there is a large
                                                      efficiency levels for each product class,                                                                                                              gap between these two efficiency levels,
                                                                                                                                 Higher Efficiency Levels
                                                      including information regarding the                                                                                                                    DOE is tentatively planning to consider
                                                      merits and/or limitations of such                                            DOE will analyze each product class                                       evenly spaced gap fill efficiency levels.
                                                      approaches. DOE also requests                                              to determine the relevant trial standard                                    DOE also plans to consider efficiency
                                                      additional test data to characterize the                                   levels (TSLs) and to develop                                                levels corresponding to the
                                                      baseline efficiency levels for each                                        incremental manufacturing cost data at                                      Environmental Protection Agency’s
                                                      product class. In particular, DOE                                          each higher efficiency level. DOE
                                                                                                                                                                                                             (EPA) Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR
                                                      requests appendix D2 test data broken                                      generally selects incremental efficiency
                                                                                                                                                                                                             performance specification
                                                      down by standby/off mode and active                                        levels based on a review of industry
                                                      mode energy use for each product class,                                    standards and the efficiency of products                                    requirements 7 and the ENERGY STAR
                                                      including the newly proposed product                                       available on the market.                                                    2014 Emerging Technology Award
                                                      class for ventless electric standard                                         For the vented clothes dryer product                                      criteria for advanced clothes dryers.8
                                                      dryers. DOE requests additional test                                       classes, DOE tentatively plans to                                           Table II.7 shows the proposed efficiency
                                                      data for residential clothes dryers                                        consider an efficiency level associated                                     levels for the vented clothes dryer
                                                      showing the difference in measured                                         with the current standard level nominal                                     product classes.

                                                                                     TABLE II.7—EFFICIENCY LEVELS UNDER CONSIDERATION FOR VENTED CLOTHES DRYERS
                                                                                                                                                                                            Integrated efficiency level (CEF)
                                                               Level                            Efficiency level description
                                                                                                                                                                                         Electric compact                Electric compact
                                                                                                                                                        Electric standard                                                                                      Gas
                                                                                                                                                                                              (120V)                          (240V)

                                                      Baseline ............          DOE Standard w/Adjusted Appendix D2                                                     3.11                            2.10                          2.74                      2.77
                                                                                      Energy Use.
                                                      1   ........................   Gap Fill .....................................................                          3.31                            2.60                          2.92                      2.94
                                                      2   ........................   Gap Fill .....................................................                          3.52                            3.11                          3.09                      3.12
                                                      3   ........................   DOE Standard ..........................................                                 3.73                            3.61                          3.27                      3.30
                                                      4   ........................   ENERGY STAR Performance Specifica-                                                      3.93                            3.80                          3.45                      3.48
                                                      5 ........................     ENERGY STAR 2014 Emerging Tech-                                                         4.3                             4.3                           4.3                       4.0
                                                                                      nology Award.

                                                        For the ventless electric compact                                        specification requirements and the                                          one recently introduced ventless electric
                                                      (240V) clothes dryer and ventless                                          ENERGY STAR 2014 Emerging                                                   standard clothes dryer qualifies for the
                                                      electric combination washer/dryer                                          Technology Award criteria. For ventless                                     ENERGY STAR 2014 Emerging
                                                      product classes, DOE is again proposing                                    electric combination washer/dryers,                                         Technology Award. DOE plans to
                                                      an incremental efficiency level                                            because limited data are available                                          consider an efficiency level associated
                                                      associated with the current standard                                       regarding the efficiency of products                                        with this unit. However, DOE is
                                                      level nominal values. For ventless                                         measured according to the new                                               unaware of any data to determine other
                                                      electric compact (240V) clothes dryers,                                    appendix D2 test procedure, DOE is                                          incremental efficiency levels for
                                                      DOE is proposing an additional gap fill                                    tentatively proposing to consider                                           ventless electric standard clothes dryers.
                                                      level between the baseline and the                                         efficiency levels corresponding to the                                      The proposed efficiency levels for the
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      current standard level nominal value.                                      relative increase in efficiency levels                                      ventless clothes dryer product classes
                                                      DOE also plans to consider efficiency                                      considered for the 2011 Direct Final                                        are presented in Table II.8 and Table
                                                      levels corresponding to the Version 1.0                                    Rule analysis. For ventless electric                                        II.9.
                                                      ENERGY STAR performance                                                    standard clothes dryers, DOE notes that

                                                        7 ENERGY STAR Program Requirements Product                               www.energystar.gov//products/certified-products/                            13, 2014) (Available at: http://www.energystar.gov/
                                                      Specification for Clothes Dryers: Eligibility Criteria                     detail/17517/partners).                                                     about/awards/energy-star-emerging-technology-
                                                      Version 1.0, (May 19, 2014) (Available at: http://                           8 ENERGY STAR 2014 Emerging Technology                                    award/2014-emerging-technology-award-advanced-
                                                                                                                                 Award Criteria for Advanced Clothes Dryers, (May                            clothes-dryers).

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                                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                                                                16315

                                                                                                    CLOTHES DRYERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Integrated efficiency level (CEF)
                                                              Level                                                             Efficiency level description                                                                                                   Electric
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Electric                   compact
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  standard                     (240V)

                                                      Baseline ............        DOE Standard w/Adjusted Appendix D2 Energy Use ...................................................                                                            N/A                      2.33
                                                      1 ........................   Gap Fill ...........................................................................................................................                          N/A                      2.44
                                                      2 ........................   DOE Standard ................................................................................................................                                 N/A                      2.55
                                                      3 ........................   ENERGY STAR Performance Specification ..................................................................                                                      N/A                      2.68
                                                      4 ........................   ENERGY STAR 2014 Emerging Technology Award .....................................................                                                              4.5                      4.3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            efficiency level
                                                              Level                                                                              Efficiency level description

                                                      Baseline ............        DOE Standard w/Adjusted Appendix D2 Energy Use .....................................................................................                                                   2.00
                                                      1 ........................   DOE Standard ..................................................................................................................................................                        2.08
                                                      2 ........................   2011 Direct Final Rule Analysis Gap Fill .........................................................................................................                                     2.26
                                                      3 ........................   EL 2 + 1.5 Watt Standby .................................................................................................................................                              2.29
                                                      4 ........................   EL 3 + 0.08 Watt Standby ...............................................................................................................................                               2.36
                                                      5 ........................   Gap Fill .............................................................................................................................................................                 2.46
                                                      6 ........................   Max-Tech (Heat Pump) ....................................................................................................................................                              3.55

                                                         Issue D.3 DOE seeks input                                               possible, DOE will attempt to reverse                                        predict the most likely impact of new
                                                      concerning the efficiency levels it                                        engineer test units that share similar                                       energy efficiency regulations. For
                                                      tentatively plans to use for each product                                  platforms to better identify the                                             example, the reverse-engineering
                                                      class for collecting incremental cost data                                 efficiency benefits and costs of design                                      methodology allows DOE to estimate the
                                                      from manufacturers of residential                                          options. As units are torn down, all                                         ‘‘green-field’’ costs of building new
                                                      clothes dryers. In particular, DOE seeks                                   design options used in them are noted                                        facilities, yet the majority of plants in
                                                      additional data on the efficiency of                                       and reviewed. Prior to tear down, DOE                                        any given industry are comprised of a
                                                      products measured according to the new                                     also plans to conduct limited testing to                                     mix of assets in different stages of
                                                      appendix D2 test procedure to                                              establish what control strategies are                                        depreciation. Interviews with
                                                      characterize the range of efficiencies                                     being used by manufacturers in                                               manufacturers not only help DOE refine
                                                      available on the market for each product                                   conjunction with design options and                                          its capital expenditure estimates, but
                                                      class. DOE also seeks input on                                             platform design. Unit testing may                                            they also allow DOE to refine its
                                                      appropriate maximum technologically                                        include the measurement of                                                   estimates regarding depreciation and
                                                      feasible efficiency levels whether any                                     disaggregated energy consumption to                                          other financial parameters.
                                                      additional intermediate efficiency levels                                  identify the relationship between                                               DOE will refine the cost-efficiency
                                                      should be considered and the basis for                                     particular components and control                                            data it generates through the reverse-
                                                      why those levels should be selected.                                       strategies taken by manufacturers to                                         engineering activities with information
                                                                                                                                 achieve higher efficiency levels. As part                                    obtained through follow-up
                                                      Approach for Determining the Cost-
                                                                                                                                 of the reverse-engineering process, DOE                                      manufacturer interviews and, as
                                                      Efficiency Relationship
                                                                                                                                 will attempt to generate a cost-efficiency                                   necessary, information contained in the
                                                         In order to create the cost-efficiency                                  relationship for each efficiency level                                       market and technology assessment and
                                                      relationship, DOE intends to use an                                        identified. DOE also requests                                                further review of publicly available cost
                                                      efficiency-level approach,                                                 incremental cost data for each efficiency                                    and performance information.
                                                      supplemented with reverse engineering                                      level. DOE intends the data to represent                                        Issue D.5 DOE requests feedback on
                                                      (physical teardowns and testing of                                         the average industry-wide incremental                                        using an efficiency-level approach
                                                      existing products in the market), to                                       production cost for each technology.                                         supplemented with reverse engineering
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      identify the incremental cost and                                             To be useful in the manufacturer                                          to determine the relationship between
                                                      efficiency improvement associated with                                     impact analysis, manufacturer cost                                           manufacturer cost and energy efficiency
                                                      each efficiency level.                                                     information should reflect the                                               for residential clothes dryers.
                                                         DOE will analyze technologies and                                       variability in baseline models, design                                          Issue D.6 DOE also requests
                                                      associated costs representative of                                         strategies, and cost structures that can                                     incremental cost data for each clothes
                                                      baseline units as part of the reverse-                                     exist among manufacturers. This                                              dryer efficiency level as well as
                                                      engineering process. DOE intends to                                        information allows DOE to better                                             information about the design options
                                                      perform reverse engineering for each                                       understand the industry and its                                              associated with each efficiency level.
                                                      product class being analyzed. Whenever                                     associated cost structure, and helps DOE                                     DOE intends the data to represent the

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                                                      16316                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      average industry-wide incremental                       will use an Internet source, the Sales                survey of housing units that collects
                                                      production cost for each technology.                    Tax Clearinghouse, to calculate                       statistical information on the
                                                         EPCA also requires DOE to consider                   applicable sales taxes.                               consumption of and expenditures for
                                                      any lessening of the utility or the                       Issue E.1 DOE seeks input from                      energy in housing units along with data
                                                      performance of a covered product likely                 stakeholders on whether the                           on energy-related characteristics of the
                                                      to result from the imposition of a new                  distribution channels described above                 housing units and occupants. RECS
                                                      standard. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(i)(IV))              are still relevant for residential clothes            provides sufficient information to
                                                      As part of its analysis of higher                       dryers. DOE also welcomes comments                    establish the type (product class) of
                                                      efficiency levels, DOE will consider                    concerning its proposed approach to                   clothes dryer used in each household.
                                                      whether new standards may impact the                    developing estimates of markups for                   As a result, DOE will be able to develop
                                                      utility of residential clothes dryers.                  clothes dryers.                                       household samples for each of the
                                                         Issue D.7 DOE seeks comment on                                                                             considered product classes.
                                                      whether any new standards may impact                    F. Energy Use Analysis                                   DOE requests comment or seeks input
                                                      the utility of clothes dryers. If such                     The purpose of the energy analysis is              from stakeholders on the following
                                                      impacts exist, can the effects be                       to assess the energy-savings potential of             issues pertaining to the energy use
                                                      quantified? If so, how?                                 different product efficiencies. DOE uses              analysis:
                                                      E. Markups Analysis                                     the annual energy consumption and                        Issue F.1 Approaches for specifying
                                                                                                              energy-savings potential in the LCC and               the typical annual energy consumption
                                                         To carry out the life-cycle cost (LCC)               PBP analyses to establish the savings in              of residential clothes dryers;
                                                      and payback period (PBP) calculations,                                                                           Issue F.2 Data sources that DOE can
                                                                                                              consumer operating costs at various
                                                      DOE needs to determine the cost to the                                                                        use to characterize the variability in
                                                                                                              product efficiency levels. In contrast to
                                                      residential consumer of baseline                                                                              annual energy consumption of clothes
                                                                                                              the DOE test procedure, which provides
                                                      products that satisfies the currently                                                                         dryers.
                                                                                                              a measure of the energy use, energy
                                                      applicable standards, and the cost of the                                                                        Issue F.3 Data sources to
                                                                                                              efficiency or annual operating cost of a
                                                      more-efficient unit the consumer would                                                                        characterize the indirect impact of dryer
                                                                                                              covered product during a representative
                                                      purchase under potential amended                                                                              energy use on heating and cooling loads
                                                                                                              average use cycle, the energy use
                                                      standards. By applying a multiplier                                                                           of a household.
                                                                                                              analysis captures a range of operating
                                                      called a ‘‘markup’’ to the manufacturer’s
                                                                                                              conditions for clothes dryers in U.S.                 G. Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period
                                                      selling price, DOE is able to estimate the
                                                                                                              homes.                                                Analysis
                                                      residential consumer’s price.
                                                         For the 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE                     For the 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE
                                                                                                              developed distributions of values for                    The purpose of the LCC and PBP
                                                      used distribution channels, based on                                                                          analysis is to analyze the effects of
                                                      data from the Association of Home                       several operating conditions, including
                                                                                                              number of cycles, remaining moisture                  potential amended energy conservation
                                                      Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM), to                                                                            standards on consumers of residential
                                                      characterize how products pass to the                   content (RMC), and load weights that
                                                                                                              reflect its best estimate of the range of             clothes dryers by determining how a
                                                      consumer. For clothes dryers, the main                                                                        potential amended standard affects the
                                                      actors are manufacturers and retailers.                 practices found in U.S. homes. 76 FR
                                                                                                              22508. DOE also evaluated the indirect                consumers’ operating expenses (usually
                                                      Thus, DOE analyzed a manufacturer-to-                                                                         decreased) and total installed costs
                                                      consumer distribution channel                           impact of a clothes dryer standard on
                                                                                                              heating and cooling loads in a                        (usually increased).
                                                      consisting of three parties: (1) The                                                                             DOE intends to analyze data input
                                                      manufacturers producing the products;                   household. To calculate this impact,
                                                                                                                                                                    variability and uncertainty by
                                                      (2) the retailers purchasing the products               DOE first characterized the location of
                                                                                                                                                                    performing the LCC and PBP
                                                      from manufacturers and selling them to                  the clothes dryers in a conditioned
                                                                                                                                                                    calculations on a representative sample
                                                      consumers; and (3) the consumers who                    space based on the Energy Information
                                                                                                                                                                    of households from RECS for the
                                                      purchase the products. DOE plans to use                 Administration’s (EIA’s) 2005
                                                                                                                                                                    considered product classes using Monte
                                                      the same approach in the current                        Residential Energy Consumption Survey
                                                                                                                                                                    Carlo simulations and probability
                                                      rulemaking.                                             (RECS), and the 2009 American Housing
                                                                                                                                                                    distributions. The analysis results are a
                                                         As was done in the last rulemaking                   Survey (AHS). For these installations,
                                                                                                                                                                    distribution of results showing the range
                                                      and consistent with the approach                        DOE utilized the results from a
                                                                                                                                                                    of LCC savings and PBPs for a given
                                                      followed for other energy consuming                     European Union study about the
                                                                                                                                                                    efficiency level relative to the baseline
                                                      products, DOE will determine an                         impacts of clothes dryers on home
                                                      average manufacturer markup by                          heating and cooling loads to determine
                                                                                                                                                                       Inputs to the LCC and PBP analysis
                                                      considering the annual Securities and                   the appropriate factor to apply to the
                                                                                                                                                                    are categorized as: (1) Inputs for
                                                      Exchange Commission (SEC) 10–K                          total clothes dryer energy use.9
                                                                                                                                                                    establishing the purchase expense,
                                                      reports filed by publicly traded                           To determine the field energy use of               otherwise known as the total installed
                                                      manufacturers of appliances whose                       products that would be required to meet               cost, and (2) inputs for calculating the
                                                      product range includes clothes dryers.                  amended standard levels, DOE proposes                 operating expense. The primary inputs
                                                      DOE then revises the initial                            to use data from the EIA’s 2009 RECS,                 for establishing the total installed cost
                                                      manufacturer markup estimate based on                   or the most recent such survey available              are the baseline consumer price,
                                                      feedback received during manufacturer                   from EIA.10 RECS is a national sample
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                                                                                    standard-level consumer price
                                                      interviews. DOE will determine an                         9 I. Rüdenauer and C.O. Gensch, Energy demand
                                                                                                                                                                    increases, and installation costs.
                                                      average retailer markup by analyzing                    of tumble dryers with respect to differences in       Baseline consumer prices and standard-
                                                      both economic census data from the                      technology and ambient conditions. Report             level consumer price increases will be
                                                      U.S. Census Bureau and the annual SEC                   commissioned by European Committee of Domestic        determined by applying markups to
                                                      10–K reports filed by publicly traded                   Equipment Manufacturers (CECED) (January 13,
                                                                                                              2004) (Available at: www.oeko.de/oekodoc/202/
                                                                                                                                                                    manufacturer price estimates. The
                                                      retailers.                                              2004-009-en.pdf).                                     installation cost is added to the
                                                         In addition to manufacturer and                        10 U.S. Department of Energy: Energy Information
                                                      retailer markups, DOE will include sales                Administration, Residential Energy Consumption        at: http://www.eia.gov/consumption/residential/
                                                      tax in its retail price calculations. DOE               Survey: 2009 RECS Survey Data (2013) (Available       data/2009/).

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                         16317

                                                      consumer price to arrive at a total                     historical repair cost data as a function             and the national net present value
                                                      installed cost.                                         of efficiency.                                        (NPV) of the total consumer benefits.
                                                         In the 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE                     DOE measures LCC and PBP impacts                    The NIA considers lifetime impacts of
                                                      derived the installation costs from RS                  of potential standard levels relative to a            potential standards on clothes dryers
                                                      Means 2008. 76 FR 22513. DOE plans to                   base case that reflects the market in the             shipped in a 30-year period that begins
                                                      use similar data sources for this                       absence of amended standards. DOE                     with the expected compliance date for
                                                      rulemaking, with adjustments to reflect                 plans to develop market-share efficiency              new or amended standards.
                                                      current-day labor and material prices as                data (i.e., the distribution of product                  To develop the NES, DOE calculates
                                                      well as to scale installation cost for                  shipments by efficiency) for the product              annual energy consumption of clothes
                                                      higher-efficiency products based on                     classes DOE is considering, for the year              dryers in households for the base case
                                                      equipment weight and/or dimensions.                     in which compliance with any amended                  and each standards case. To develop the
                                                         Issue G.1 DOE seeks input on                         or new standards would be required. By                national NPV of consumer benefits from
                                                      whether clothes dryer installation costs                accounting for consumers who already                  potential standards, DOE calculates
                                                      scale with equipment weight and/or                      purchase more efficient products, DOE                 national annual energy expenditures
                                                      dimensions.                                             avoids overstating the potential benefits             and annual product expenditures for the
                                                         The primary inputs for calculating the               from new or amended standards.                        base case and the standards cases. DOE
                                                                                                                Issue G.4 DOE seeks stakeholder                     calculates total annual energy
                                                      operating costs are product energy
                                                                                                              input and data on the fraction of clothes             expenditures using data on annual
                                                      consumption, product efficiency,
                                                                                                              dryers sold that exceed the minimum                   energy consumption in each case,
                                                      electricity prices and forecasts,
                                                                                                              energy efficiency standards. DOE also                 forecasted average annual energy prices,
                                                      maintenance and repair costs, product
                                                                                                              requests information on expected trends               and shipment projections. The
                                                      lifetime, and discount rates.
                                                                                                              in product efficiency over the next five              difference each year between operating
                                                         Repair costs are associated with                     years.                                                cost savings and increased product
                                                      repairing or replacing components that
                                                                                                              H. Shipments Analysis                                 expenditures is the net savings or net
                                                      have failed in the appliance, whereas
                                                      maintenance costs are associated with                     DOE uses shipment projections by                       A key component of DOE’s estimates
                                                      maintaining the operation of the                        product class and efficiency level in its             of NES and NPV is the product energy
                                                      equipment. In the 2011 Direct Final                     analysis of the national impacts of                   efficiency forecasted over time for the
                                                      Rule, DOE derived annualized                            potential standards, as well as in the                base case and for each of the standards
                                                      maintenance and repair frequencies                      manufacturer impact analysis.                         cases. In the 2011 Direct Final Rule,
                                                      based on Consumer Reports data on                         In the 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE                  DOE based projections of base-case
                                                      repair and maintenance issues for                       developed a shipments model for                       shipment-weighted efficiency (SWEF)
                                                      clothes dryers during the first 4 years of              clothes dryers driven by historical                   for the clothes dryer product classes on
                                                      ownership. DOE estimated that on                        shipments data. 76 FR 22516. The key                  growth rates determined from historical
                                                      average 1.5 percent of electric and 1.75                drivers of the shipments model                        data provided by AHAM.13 For this
                                                      percent of gas clothes dryers are                       included the new owner and                            rulemaking, DOE plans on considering
                                                      maintained or repaired each year. Based                 replacement markets.                                  recent trends in efficiency and input
                                                      on RS Means Facilities Maintenance &                      Issue H.1 DOE seeks stakeholder                     from stakeholders to update product
                                                      Repair 2010 Cost Data,11 DOE also                       input and data showing the distribution               energy efficiency forecasts.
                                                      estimated that an average service call                  of shipments by product class.                           Issue I.1 DOE seeks historical SWEF
                                                      and any necessary repair or                               In the 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE                  data for residential clothes dryers by
                                                      maintenance takes about 2.5 hours. DOE                  modeled the decision to repair or                     product class and stakeholder input
                                                      further estimated that the average                      replace equipment for existing owners                 regarding future trends in efficiency.
                                                      material cost is equal to one-half of the               and the impact that decision would
                                                      equipment cost. The values for cost per                 have on the shipments model. DOE                      J. Manufacturer Impact Analysis
                                                      service call were then annualized by                    estimated how increases in product                       The purpose of the manufacturer
                                                      multiplying by the frequencies and                      purchase price and decreases in product               impact analysis (MIA) is to estimate the
                                                      dividing by the average equipment                       operating costs due to standards affect               financial impact of potential energy
                                                      lifetime of 16 years. 76 FR 22514. DOE                  product shipments.12                                  conservation standards on
                                                      plans to use similar data sources for this                Issue H.2 DOE seeks input and data                  manufacturers of residential clothes
                                                      rulemaking.                                             on factors that influence a consumer’s                dryers and to evaluate the potential
                                                         In the 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE                   decisions to repair or replace failed                 impact of such standards on
                                                      also assumed that repair costs vary in                  products.                                             competition, employment and
                                                      direct proportion with the product price                I. National Impact Analysis                           manufacturing capacity. The MIA
                                                      at higher efficiency levels as                                                                                includes both quantitative and
                                                      replacement costs for more-efficient                       The purpose of the national impact                 qualitative aspects. The quantitative
                                                      components are likely to be greater than                analysis (NIA) is to estimate aggregate               part of the MIA primarily relies on the
                                                      replacement costs for components in                     impacts of potential efficiency standards             Government Regulatory Impact Model
                                                      baseline products.                                      at the national level. Impacts reported               (GRIM), an industry cash-flow model
                                                         Issue G.2 DOE seeks stakeholder                      by DOE include the national energy                    used to estimate a range of potential
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      input on the approach for estimating                    savings (NES) from potential standards                impacts on manufacturer profitability.
                                                      repair and maintenance costs for more                      12 DOE-Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,
                                                                                                                                                                    The qualitative part of the MIA
                                                      efficient clothes dryers. DOE also seeks                Energy Conservation Program for Consumer              addresses a proposed standard’s
                                                      stakeholder comment on the assumption                   Products, Technical Support Document: Energy          potential impacts on manufacturing
                                                      that repair costs vary in direct                        Efficiency Program for Consumer Products and          capacity and industry competition, as
                                                      proportion to product price as well as                  Commercial and Industrial Equipment, Residential      well as factors such as product
                                                                                                              Clothes Dryers and Room Air Conditioners, chapter
                                                                                                              9 (2011) (Available at: http://www.regulations.gov/   characteristics, impacts on particular
                                                        11 Available at: http://                              #!documentDetail;D=EERE-2007-BT-STD-0010-
                                                      rsmeans.reedconstructiondata.com/60300.aspx.            0053).                                                  13 Id.   chapter 10.

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                                                      16318                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      subgroups of firms, and key issues from                 and interaction of the public during the              flammable vapors and possible
                                                      the manufacturers’ perspective.                         comment period in each stage of the                   uncontrollable fire.
                                                        As part of the MIA, DOE intends to                    rulemaking process. Interactions with                 DATES:  We must receive comments on
                                                      analyze impacts of potential energy                     and between members of the public                     this proposed AD by May 11, 2015.
                                                      conservation standards on small                         provide a balanced discussion of the
                                                      business manufacturers of covered                       issues and assist DOE in the rulemaking               ADDRESSES:   You may send comments,
                                                      products. DOE intends to use the Small                  process. Anyone who wishes to be                      using the procedures found in 14 CFR
                                                      Business Administration’s (SBA) small                   added to the DOE mailing list to receive              11.43 and 11.45, by any of the following
                                                      business size standards to determine                    future notices and information about                  methods:
                                                      whether manufacturers qualify as small                  this rulemaking should contact Ms.                      • Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to
                                                      businesses. The size standards are listed               Brenda Edwards at (202) 586–2945, or                  http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the
                                                      by North American Industry                              via email at Brenda.Edwards@                          instructions for submitting comments.
                                                      Classification System (NAICS) code and                  ee.doe.gov.                                             • Fax: 202–493–2251.
                                                      industry description.14 Manufacturing                     Issued in Washington, DC, on March 23,                • Mail: U.S. Department of
                                                      of residential clothes dryers is classified             2015.                                                 Transportation, Docket Operations, M–
                                                      under NAICS 335224, ‘‘Household                         Kathleen B. Hogan,                                    30, West Building Ground Floor, Room
                                                      Laundry Equipment Manufacturing.’’                                                                            W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE.,
                                                                                                              Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy
                                                      The SBA sets a threshold of 1,000                       Efficiency, Energy Efficiency and Renewable           Washington, DC 20590.
                                                      employees or less for an entity to be                   Energy.                                                  • Hand Delivery: Deliver to Mail
                                                      considered as a small business for this                 [FR Doc. 2015–07058 Filed 3–26–15; 8:45 am]           address above between 9 a.m. and 5
                                                      category. This 1,000-employee threshold                                                                       p.m., Monday through Friday, except
                                                                                                              BILLING CODE 6450–01–P
                                                      would include all employees in a                                                                              Federal holidays.
                                                      business’s parent company and any
                                                      other subsidiaries.                                                                                              For service information identified in
                                                        DOE intends to conduct a market                       DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                          this proposed AD, contact Boeing
                                                      survey using publicly available                                                                               Commercial Airplanes, Attention: Data
                                                      information to identify potential small                 Federal Aviation Administration                       & Services Management, P.O. Box 3707,
                                                      manufacturers using the above-                                                                                MC 2H–65, Seattle, WA 98124–2207;
                                                      mentioned size threshold. In identifying                14 CFR Part 39                                        telephone 206–544–5000, extension 1;
                                                      potential small businesses, DOE                                                                               fax 206–766–5680; Internet https://
                                                                                                              [Docket No. FAA–2015–0496; Directorate                www.myboeingfleet.com. You may view
                                                      generally uses its Compliance                           Identifier 2014–NM–101–AD]
                                                      Certification Management System                                                                               this referenced service information at
                                                      (CCMS), industry trade association                      RIN 2120–AA64
                                                                                                                                                                    the FAA, Transport Airplane
                                                      membership directories (including                                                                             Directorate, 1601 Lind Avenue SW.,
                                                      AHAM), individual company Web sites,                    Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing                  Renton, WA 98057. For information on
                                                      and market research tools (e.g., Hoovers                Company Airplanes                                     the availability of this material at the
                                                      reports) to create a list of companies that                                                                   FAA, call 425–227–1221. It is also
                                                                                                              AGENCY: Federal Aviation                              available on the Internet at http://
                                                      manufacture or sell products covered by
                                                                                                              Administration (FAA), DOT.                            www.regulations.gov by searching for
                                                      this rulemaking.
                                                        Issue J.1 DOE requests comment on                     ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking                 and locating Docket No. FAA–2015–
                                                      whether there are any small business                    (NPRM).                                               0496.
                                                      manufacturers of residential clothes                                                                          Examining the AD Docket
                                                                                                              SUMMARY:   We propose to supersede
                                                      dryers that it should consider in its
                                                                                                              Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2005–18–                    You may examine the AD docket on
                                                                                                              18, which applies to certain The Boeing               the Internet at http://
                                                      III. Submission of Comments                             Company Model 757 airplanes. AD                       www.regulations.gov by searching for
                                                         DOE invites all interested parties to                2005–18–18 currently requires                         and locating Docket No. FAA–2015–
                                                      submit in writing by May 11, 2015,                      inspections of certain wire bundles in                0496; or in person at the Docket
                                                      comments and information on matters                     the left and right engine-to-wing aft                 Management Facility between 9 a.m.
                                                      addressed in this notice and on other                   fairings for discrepancies; installation of           and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,
                                                      matters relevant to DOE’s consideration                 back-to-back p-clamps between the wire                except Federal holidays. The AD docket
                                                      of new or amended energy                                and hydraulic supply tube at the aft end              contains this proposed AD, the
                                                      conservations standards for residential                 of the right-hand strut only; and                     regulatory evaluation, any comments
                                                      clothes dryers. After the close of the                  associated re-routing of the wire                     received, and other information. The
                                                      comment period, DOE will collect data,                  bundles, if necessary. Since we issued                street address for the Docket Office
                                                      conduct analyses, and review public                     AD 2005–18–18, we have determined                     (phone: 800–647–5527) is in the
                                                      comments, as needed. These actions                      that the service information referenced               ADDRESSES section. Comments will be
                                                      will aid in the development of a NOPR                   in AD 2005–18–18 did not adequately                   available in the AD docket shortly after
                                                      for residential clothes dryers if DOE                   address fuel shutoff valve (FSV) wires at             receipt.
                                                                                                              the aft end of the struts. This proposed
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      decides to amend the standards for such                                                                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                      products.                                               AD would add an installation of spiral
                                                                                                              cable wrap on FSV wires at the aft end                Christopher Baker, Aerospace Engineer,
                                                         DOE considers public participation to                                                                      Propulsion Branch, ANM–140S, FAA,
                                                      be a very important part of the process                 of the strut, for both left and right
                                                                                                              engines, and related investigative and                Seattle Aircraft Certification Office
                                                      for developing test procedures and                                                                            (ACO), 1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton,
                                                      energy conservation standards. DOE                      corrective actions. We are proposing
                                                                                                              this AD to prevent chafing between the                WA 98057–3356; phone: 425–917–6498;
                                                      actively encourages the participation                                                                         fax: 425–917–6590; email:
                                                                                                              wire bundle and the structure of the aft
                                                        14 Available at: http://www.sba.gov/content/          fairing, which could result in electrical             christopher.r.baker@faa.gov.
                                                      small-business-size-standards.                          arcing and subsequent ignition of                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:

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Document Created: 2015-12-18 11:36:26
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 11:36:26
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionRequest for information (RFI).
DatesWritten comments and information are requested on or before May 11, 2015.
ContactMr. Bryan Berringer, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building Technologies Office, EE-5B, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585-0121. Telephone: (202) 586-0371. Email: [email protected] Mr. Pete Cochran, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of the General Counsel, GC-33, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585- 0121. Telephone: (202) 586-9496. Email: [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 16309 

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