80_FR_16578 80 FR 16519 - Creating Economic Opportunities for Low- and Very Low-Income Persons and Eligible Businesses Through Strengthened “Section 3” Requirements

80 FR 16519 - Creating Economic Opportunities for Low- and Very Low-Income Persons and Eligible Businesses Through Strengthened “Section 3” Requirements


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 59 (March 27, 2015)

Page Range16519-16545
FR Document2015-06544

Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 (Section 3), contributes to the establishment of stronger, more sustainable communities by ensuring that employment and other economic opportunities generated by Federal financial assistance for housing and community development programs are, to the greatest extent feasible, directed toward low- and very low-income persons, particularly those who are recipients of government assistance for housing. HUD is statutorily charged with the authority and responsibility to implement and enforce Section 3. HUD's regulations implementing the requirements of Section 3 have not been updated since 1994. This proposed rule would update HUD's Section 3 regulations to address new programs established since 1994 that are subject to the Section 3 requirements and promote compliance with the requirements of Section 3 by recipients of Section 3 covered financial assistance, while also recognizing barriers to compliance that may exist, and strengthening HUD's oversight of Section 3.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 59 (Friday, March 27, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 59 (Friday, March 27, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 16519-16545]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-06544]

[[Page 16519]]

Vol. 80


No. 59

March 27, 2015

Part II

Department of Housing and Urban Development


24 CFR Part 135

Creating Economic Opportunities for Low- and Very Low-Income Persons 
and Eligible Businesses Through Strengthened ``Section 3'' 
Requirements; Proposed Rule

Federal Register / Vol. 80 , No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / 
Proposed Rules

[[Page 16520]]



24 CFR Part 135

[Docket No. FR-4893-P-01]
RIN 2529-AA91

Creating Economic Opportunities for Low- and Very Low-Income 
Persons and Eligible Businesses Through Strengthened ``Section 3'' 

AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal 
Opportunity, HUD.

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as 
amended by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 (Section 
3), contributes to the establishment of stronger, more sustainable 
communities by ensuring that employment and other economic 
opportunities generated by Federal financial assistance for housing and 
community development programs are, to the greatest extent feasible, 
directed toward low- and very low-income persons, particularly those 
who are recipients of government assistance for housing. HUD is 
statutorily charged with the authority and responsibility to implement 
and enforce Section 3. HUD's regulations implementing the requirements 
of Section 3 have not been updated since 1994. This proposed rule would 
update HUD's Section 3 regulations to address new programs established 
since 1994 that are subject to the Section 3 requirements and promote 
compliance with the requirements of Section 3 by recipients of Section 
3 covered financial assistance, while also recognizing barriers to 
compliance that may exist, and strengthening HUD's oversight of Section 

DATES: Comment Due Date: May 26, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding 
this rule to the Regulations Division, Office of General Counsel, 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW., Room 
10276, Washington, DC 20410-0500. Communications must refer to the 
above docket number and title. There are two methods for submitting 
public comments. All submissions must refer to the above docket number 
and title.
    1. Submission of Comments by Mail. Comments may be submitted by 
mail to the Regulations Division, Office of General Counsel, Department 
of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW., Room 10276, 
Washington, DC 20410-0500.
    2. Electronic Submission of Comments. Interested persons may submit 
comments electronically through the Federal eRulemaking Portal at 
www.regulations.gov. HUD strongly encourages commenters to submit 
comments electronically. Electronic submission of comments allows the 
commenter maximum time to prepare and submit a comment, ensures timely 
receipt by HUD, and enables HUD to make them immediately available to 
the public. Comments submitted electronically through the 
www.regulations.gov Web site can be viewed by other commenters and 
interested members of the public. Commenters should follow the 
instructions provided on that site to submit comments electronically.

    Note: To receive consideration as public comments, comments must 
be submitted through one of the two methods specified above. Again, 
all submissions must refer to the docket number and title of the 

    No Facsimile Comments. Facsimile (fax) comments are not acceptable.
    Public Inspection of Public Comments. All properly submitted 
comments and communications submitted to HUD will be available for 
public inspection and copying between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., weekdays, at 
the above address. Due to security measures at the HUD Headquarters 
building, an appointment to review the public comments must be 
scheduled in advance by calling the Regulations Division at 202-708-
3055 (this is not a toll-free number). Individuals with speech or 
hearing impairments may access this number via TTY by calling the 
Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339. Copies of all comments submitted 
are available for inspection and downloading at www.regulations.gov.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Staci Gilliam, Director, Economic 
Opportunity Division, Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW., Room 
5236, Washington, DC 20410; telephone 202-402-3468 (voice/TDD) (this is 
not a toll-free number). Persons with hearing or speech impairments may 
access this number through TTY by calling the Federal Relay Service, at 
toll-free, 800-877-8339. General email inquiries regarding Section 3 
may be sent to: section3@hud.gov.


Executive Summary

Purpose of Regulatory Action

    This proposed rule would update the regulations implementing 
Section 3. The purpose of Section 3 is to ensure that employment, 
training, contracting, and other economic opportunities generated by 
certain HUD financial assistance shall, to the greatest extent 
feasible, and consistent with existing Federal, State and local laws 
and regulations, be directed to low- and very low-income persons, 
particularly those who are recipients of government assistance for 
housing, and to businesses that provide economic opportunities to low- 
and very low-income persons. As noted in the summary of this preamble, 
the regulations for Section 3 have not been updated in over 20 years. 
Since the regulations were last issued in 1994, new HUD programs have 
been established to which Section 3 applies. HUD's experience in 
administering Section 3 over the past 20 years has identified where HUD 
could improve the effectiveness of its regulations implementing Section 
3. Recent efforts by HUD to improve Section 3 oversight without 
resorting to regulatory change (e.g., increased reporting compliance 
through grant competitions and establishment of a business registry) 
have not been as successful as HUD hoped. HUD concluded that regulatory 
changes are needed to more effectively strengthen Section 3 oversight 
and more effectively help recipients of HUD funds achieve the purposes 
of the Section 3 statute.

Summary of the Major Provisions of This Regulatory Action

    The following provides an overview of the more significant 
provisions of this proposed rule.
    Standard for Demonstrating Compliance ``To the Greatest Extent 
Feasible.'' The proposed rule strives to achieve uniformity with the 
statutory standard to undertake ``best efforts'' to provide economic 
opportunities to Section 3 residents and businesses, and the statutory 
standard to ensure ``to the greatest extent feasible'' that 
opportunities for training, employment, and contracting are provided to 
Section 3 residents and businesses. HUD views these standards as 
essentially the same, and would remove the distinction in the existing 
codified regulations. HUD would only use the ``to the greatest extent 
feasible'' standard.
    The proposed rule clarifies that recipients of HUD funds are 
required to demonstrate compliance, to the greatest extent feasible, 
by: (1) Establishing and

[[Page 16521]]

implementing policies and procedures designed to achieve compliance 
with the goals of Section 3 as reflected in HUD's regulations; (2) 
fulfilling the recipient responsibilities set forth at Sec.  135.11 of 
the Section 3 regulations; and (3) either reaching or exceeding the 
minimum numerical goals for employment and contracting, or providing a 
written explanation as to why the goals were not met (for example, 
identifying barriers encountered that prevented the recipient from 
achieving targeted goals and actions that will be taken to overcome 
such barriers). HUD believes that this approach will provide recipients 
of HUD funds with more flexibility in planning how to meet their 
Section 3 obligations while holding them accountable when their actions 
do not result in compliance.
    Revised Definition of ``New Hire.'' The current Section 3 
regulations establish a goal for 30 percent of new hires to be Section 
3 residents, regardless of the length of time that the Section 3 
resident is employed. As a result, the Section 3 regulations create a 
loophole, so to speak, by allowing contractors to hire Section 3 
residents for relatively short periods of time and this short-term 
employment would meet the new hire requirement. This proposed rule 
would close this loophole by redefining a Section 3 new hire for 
contractors or subcontractors as a person who works a minimum of 50 
percent of the average staff hours worked for the job category for 
which the person was hired throughout the duration of time that the 
work is performed on the covered project. For example, if a Section 3 
resident is hired as a painter, and painters typically work 40 hours 
each week, the Section 3 resident must work a minimum of 20 hours each 
week during their employment on the project in order to be counted 
towards the recipient's minimum numerical goal for employment. HUD 
believes that this new definition will result in more meaningful 
employment opportunities for Section 3 residents and prevent 
contractors from making nominal efforts to comply with Section 3.
    New Definition of ``Section 3 Business.'' Currently, a ``Section 3 
Business'' must meet one of the following three definitions: (a) The 
business is 51 percent or more owned by Section 3 residents; (b) the 
business employs at least 30 percent of the permanent, full-time 
employees who are Section 3 residents; (c) the business provides 
evidence of a commitment to subcontract 25 percent or more of the 
dollar amount of all subcontracts to businesses that meet definitions 
(a) or (b).
    This proposed rule would remove the third category, paragraph (c) 
of the current definition of a Section 3 Business in response to a 
pattern of misuse by contractors that initially indicated that they 
would award 25 percent of subcontracts to Section 3 businesses, in 
order to receive preference for contracts, but never provided contracts 
to them.
    The proposed rule would add to categories (a) and (b) of the 
current definition of Section 3 Business the following categories in an 
effort to increase contracting opportunities for businesses that are 
owned by residents of public housing and to incentivize contractors to 
sponsor Section 3 residents to attend Department of Labor (DOL) or DOL-
recognized registered apprenticeship programs. HUD would add the 
following categories to the definition of a Section 3 business: (1) The 
business meets the definition of a resident-owned business, as set 
forth in HUD's regulations at 24 CFR 963.5; and (2) the business 
demonstrates that at least 20 percent of its permanent full-time 
employees are Section 3 residents and the business either: (i) 
Sponsored a minimum of 10 percent of its current Section 3 employees to 
attend a DOL or DOL-recognized, State Apprenticeship Agency-approved, 
registered apprenticeship or pre-apprenticeship training program that 
meets the requirements outlined in DOL's Employment Training 
Administration (ETA) Training and Employment Notice 13-12 \1\; or (ii) 
10 percent of the employees of the business are participants or 
graduates of a DOL YouthBuild program.\2\

    \1\ See http://wdr.doleta.gov/directives/corr_doc.cfm?DOCN=5842.
    \2\ See http://www.doleta.gov/youth_services/youthbuild.cfm.

    Removal of Minimum Numerical Goal for Nonconstruction. Currently, 
the Section 3 regulations establish a minimum numerical goal that 3 
percent of the total dollar amount of nonconstruction contracts shall 
be awarded to Section 3 businesses. Since there is no statutory basis 
for making a distinction between construction and nonconstruction 
contracts, and the interpretation of the nonconstruction goal has been 
problematic for recipients, HUD believes that a numerical goal of 10 
percent of the total dollar amount of all covered contracts to Section 
3 businesses, regardless of the type of contract or its dollar amount, 
will create more contracting opportunities for them.
    Introduction of New Term ``Section 3 Local Area''. The definitions 
of ``Section 3 resident'' and ``Section 3 business concern'' in the 
current Section 3 regulation do not limit eligibility to residents and 
businesses, respectively, residing or located in proximity to Section 3 
covered projects or activities. As a result, a public housing resident 
or a Section 3 business from anywhere in the U.S. can receive 
preference whether or not they live or operate in the specific 
metropolitan area where the HUD-funded work is being carried out. To be 
more consistent with the Section 3 statute and congressional intent, 
this proposed rule clarifies that Section 3 residents and businesses 
must reside or be located, as applicable, in the Section 3 local area, 
which is defined as: (1) The primary statistical area where the Section 
3 covered project or activity takes place, or (2) the nonmetropolitan 
county where the Section 3 covered project or activity takes place.
    Section 3 Resident and Business Verification Procedures. The 
current Section 3 regulations do not require recipients to verify that 
a Section 3 resident or Section 3 business meets the applicable 
definitions in the regulations. Instead, residents and businesses are 
merely required to comply with whatever procedures recipients put in 
place, if such procedures exist. This proposed rule would continue to 
allow recipients to use their discretion for developing verification 
procedures. However, the proposed rule explicitly allows recipients to 
accept self-certifications from residents or businesses, or presume 
that residents residing in or businesses located in disadvantaged 
census tracts are eligible to receive the preference in hiring and 
contracting. To prevent ineligible persons or businesses from receiving 
Section 3 benefits, this proposed rule would require recipients that 
implement self-certification or presumed benefit procedures to verify 
that such self-certification or presumption policy is an acceptable 
approach by undertaking a sample of residents or businesses in the 
disadvantaged census tract or in areas which HUD funds are being 
expended for covered projects and activities.
    Monitoring Payroll Data of Developers and Contractors. This 
proposed rule recognizes that the most successful recipients monitor 
payroll data to track new hires. In an effort to formalize a long-
standing best practice, this proposed rule would require recipients 
that are administering projects that are subject to both Section 3- and 
Davis Bacon-covered requirements to monitor a contractor's payroll for 
changes in employment (i.e., terminations,

[[Page 16522]]

retirements, transfers, and other new job vacancies) to proactively 
identify instances when Section 3 obligations are triggered. This 
practice should increase monitoring and oversight by recipients and 
improve contractor accountability. Further, since the Davis-Bacon 
regulation requires recipients administering covered projects to 
monitor payroll data for compliance with prevailing wage laws, adding 
this Section 3 requirement should result in minimal administrative 
    Amending Agreements with Labor Unions. Recipients that are located 
in jurisdictions that are governed by bargaining agreements with labor 
unions typically have low rates of compliance with the minimum 
numerical goals for contracting because unions operate outside of 
Section 3 obligations. In fact, a review of project labor agreements in 
Chicago and New York City revealed that these documents do not make any 
reference to HUD requirements, including Section 3. This proposed rule 
would require recipients to amend all existing agreements with labor 
unions to ensure that Section 3 obligations are included and to prevent 
labor unions from obstructing the recipients' ability to achieve 
    Sanctions for Delinquent Section 3 Annual Reports. Achieving full 
compliance with Section 3 reporting requirements has been a challenge 
for many years. While recent efforts to enhance reporting rates have 
resulted in increased reporting by 60 percentage points, there has been 
minimal imposition of penalties on recipients that are delinquent with 
the current regulatory reporting requirements. A 2013 HUD Office of 
Inspector General (OIG) audit report of Section 3 found that HUD was 
not fully enforcing the Section 3 reporting requirements for public 
housing agencies (PHAs).\3\ The final audit report recommended that 
HUD's Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) refer PHAs to 
HUD's Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) for the imposition of 
penalties for delinquent reporting. This proposed rule would extend 
this policy to all covered recipients and inform recipients that 
continuing failure to submit Section 3 annual reports may result in HUD 
denying or withholding subsequent funds.

    \3\ See http://www.hudoig.gov/reports-publications/audit-reports/hud-did-not-enforce-reporting-requirements-of-section-3-of.

    Funding Threshold for Recipients of Section-3 Covered Housing and 
Community Development Financial Assistance. Another weakness with the 
current Section 3 regulations is found in the interpretation that has 
been given to the funding threshold for recipients of housing and 
community development assistance (i.e., funds allocated or awarded 
under the Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) program, HOME 
Investment Partnerships program (HOME program), Housing Opportunities 
for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA), Lead Hazard Control program, Sections 
202 and 811 Supportive Housing programs, Project-Based Section 8, 
etc.). The existing threshold is based on the receipt of more than 
$200,000 in covered funding. This proposed rule would establish a new 
threshold that is based on the expenditure of covered financial 
    Under this proposed rule, Section 3 requirements would apply to 
recipients of housing and community development financial assistance 
that plan to obligate or commit an aggregate amount of $400,000 or more 
in Section 3 covered financial assistance to projects involving housing 
rehabilitation, housing construction, demolition, or other public 
construction during a given annual reporting period. HUD arrived at the 
$400,000 threshold after analyzing 2013 data for recipients of CDBG 
assistance from the Integrated Disbursement and Information System 
(IDIS) to determine the expenditure dollar amounts on projects 
involving construction and rehabilitation that produced the greatest 
amount of economic opportunities for Section 3 residents and 
businesses. The data revealed that grantees that spent less than 
$400,000 on construction and rehabilitation received less than 5 
percent of total covered program funding and therefore generated an 
insignificant amount of subsequent jobs and contracts. The proposed 
threshold would exempt 37 percent of recipients of financial assistance 
awarded under programs administered by HUD's Office of Community 
Planning and Development (CPD) (i.e., CDBG, HOME, and HOWPA programs, 
etc.). Currently just over 3 percent of these recipients are exempt 
under the existing threshold. As set forth above, HUD considered a 
number of alternate thresholds before selecting the proposed threshold 
of $400,000. The new threshold is considered to be more effective 
because it would enable HUD to focus on those recipients that produce 
the majority of economic opportunities and for which there is a direct 
correlation between their expenditure of covered financial assistance 
and opportunities created for Section 3 residents and businesses.
    Order of Priority Consideration for Recipients of Section 3 covered 
Housing and Community Development Assistance. To promote long-term 
hiring and create training positions for Section 3 residents, this 
proposed rule would give highest priority consideration for projects 
financed with housing and community development financial assistance to 
Section 3 businesses that will: (1) Retain a minimum of 75 percent of 
previously hired Section 3 residents and (2) provide a minimum of 50 
percent of on-the-job training or registered apprenticeship 
opportunities to Section 3 residents.

Costs and Benefits

    With respect to the costs and benefits of this rule, HUD has 
prepared a Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA). The RIA assesses the 
likely costs and benefits of the proposed rule. The purpose of Section 
3 is to provide jobs, including apprenticeship opportunities, to public 
housing residents and other eligible low- and very low-income residents 
of a local area, and contracting opportunities for businesses that 
substantially employ these persons. However, the Section 3 requirement 
itself does not create additional jobs or contracts. Instead, Section 3 
redirects local jobs and contracts created as a result of the 
expenditure of HUD funds to Section 3 residents and businesses residing 
and operating in the area in which the HUD funds are expended. A 
reasonable estimate of the impact would be an additional 1,400 jobs 
provided to Section 3 residents, annually, and more than $172 million 
in contracts to Section 3 businesses, as a result of increased 
oversight and clarification of program standards. In addition, with 
respect to incomes for tenants of public housing, the Federal rental 
subsidies provided to those tenants are expected to be reduced as a 
result of the creation of job opportunities resulting from the 
expenditure of Federal funds. Such a reduction of Federal subsidies 
could result in a reduction of $19 million, annually.
    If implemented as proposed, this proposed rule would result in a 
reporting and recordkeeping burden of 226,640 hours or $7.3 million \4\ 
the first year and a reduction of administrative burden by -10,000 
hours or $320,000 in succeeding years. This rule will not have any 
impact on the level of funding for covered HUD programs. Funding is 
determined independently by congressional appropriations, and

[[Page 16523]]

authorizing statutes that may impose such requirements as minimum or 
maximum grants. This proposed rule is not an economically significant 
rule as defined in Executive Order 12866 (Regulatory Planning and 

    \4\ Average total compensation of all workers, BLS, March 2014. 
See http://www.bls.gov/news.release/ecec.t01.htm.
    \5\ See http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/executive-orders/pdf/12866.pdf.

I. Background

    Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 (Pub. L. 
90-448, approved August 1, 1968) (Section 3) was enacted for the 
purpose of bringing economic opportunities, generated by the 
expenditure of certain HUD financial assistance, to the greatest extent 
feasible, to low- and very low-income persons residing in communities 
where the financial assistance is expended. Section 3 recognizes that 
HUD funds are often one of the largest sources of funds expended in 
low-income communities and, where such funds are spent on activities 
such as construction and rehabilitation of housing and other public 
facilities, the expenditure results in economic opportunities. By 
directing HUD-funded economic opportunities to residents and businesses 
in the community where the funds are expended, the expenditure can have 
the double benefit of creating new or rehabilitated housing and other 
facilities while creating jobs for the residents of these communities. 
Section 3 was amended by the Housing and Community Development Act of 
1992 (Pub. L. 102-550, approved October 28, 1992), which required the 
Secretary of HUD to promulgate regulations to implement Section 3, 
codified at 12 U.S.C. 1701u. HUD's Section 3 regulations were 
promulgated through an interim rule published on June 30, 1994, at 59 
FR 33880, and the regulations are codified in 24 CFR part 135.
    In the 20 years that have lapsed since HUD promulgated the current 
set of Section 3 regulations, significant legislation has been enacted 
that affects HUD programs that are subject to the requirements of 
Section 3 and that are not adequately addressed in the current Section 
3 regulations. This legislation includes, but is not limited to the 
following: reforms made to HUD's Indian housing programs by the Native 
American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 
(NAHASDA) (Pub. L. 104-330, approved October 26, 1996); public housing 
reforms made by the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998 
(QHWRA) (Pub. L. 105-276, approved October 21, 1998); reforms made to 
HUD's supportive housing programs by the Section 202 Supportive Housing 
for the Elderly Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111-372, approved January 4, 
2011), and the Frank Melville Supportive Housing Investment Act of 2010 
(Pub. L. 111-347, approved January 4, 2011), and, more recently, 
reforms made to HUD's public housing by the Rental Assistance 
Demonstration program authorized by the act appropriating 2012 funding 
for HUD, the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 
2012 (Pub. L. 112-55, approved November 18, 2011).
    HUD has sought to strengthen compliance with Section 3 by 
concentrating on oversight, outreach, and technical assistance. As part 
of this assistance, HUD has issued guidance related to applicability, 
recipient thresholds, and administrative procedures.\6\ These steps 
increased recipient reporting from 20 percent to over 80 percent. The 
increase in reporting led to a corresponding increase in reported jobs 
for Section 3 residents to 21,600 (50 percent of all new hires) and an 
increase in reported contracts awarded Section 3 businesses to $675 

    \6\ See http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/fair_housing_equal_opp/section3/section3.
    \7\ Source: 2010 Section 3 annual summary report data (Form HUD 

    While these efforts have facilitated increased compliance with 
Section 3, they have not resulted in full compliance with Section 3, 
nor do such efforts relieve HUD of its good governance responsibility 
to update its Section 3 regulations, now 20 years old, to ensure that 
the regulations capture new funded programs and current funding 
policies and practices.
    In August 2010, HUD hosted a Section 3 Listening Forum \8\ that 
brought together recipients of HUD Section 3 covered financial 
assistance, advocates, Section 3 residents and businesses, and other 
stakeholders to highlight ``best practices'' and to discuss barriers to 
implementation across the country. The forum offered recipients of 
Section 3 covered financial assistance the opportunity to identify 
challenges they were facing with their efforts to comply with Section 
3. Forum participants stated that the existing Section 3 regulations 
are not sufficiently explicit about specific actions that could be 
undertaken to achieve compliance; that the existing regulations do not 
clearly describe the extent to which recipients may require 
subrecipients, contractors, and subcontractors to comply with Section 
3; and actions that recipients may take to impose meaningful sanctions 
for noncompliance by their subrecipients, contractors, and 

    \8\ See https://nhlp.org/files/09%20Section%203%20Barriers%20and%20best%20practices%208%2024%20d10%20Final%20with%20attachment.pdf.

    As noted earlier, in 2013, HUD's OIG conducted an audit to assess 
HUD's oversight of Section 3, in response to concerns about economic 
opportunities that were provided (or should have been provided) by the 
expenditure of financial assistance under the American Reinvestment and 
Recovery Act (Recovery Act) (Pub. L. 111-5, approved February 17, 
2009). The audit found that HUD was not fully enforcing the reporting 
requirements of Section 3 for recipients of Fiscal Year 2009 Recovery 
Act Public Housing Capital funds from HUD.\9\ HUD's OIG made several 
recommendations to address its findings. The following chart lists HUD 
OIG's recommendations for HUD and describes whether each recommendation 
is addressed by this proposed rule.

    \9\ See: http://www.hudoig.gov/reports-publications/audit-reports/hud-did-not-enforce-reporting-requirements-of-section-3-of.

         Recommendation #:                       Recommendation                  Addressed in Proposed Rule
1A.................................  Implement the new HUD-60002 [Section   This recommendation will provide
                                      3 Summary Report] submission and       FHEO the vehicle to impose the
                                      tracking system that has been in       proposed sanctions for delinquent
                                      development, as well as the planned    reporting described in Sec.
                                      system enhancements.                   135.23(f) and to address concerns
                                                                             with the reliability of data
                                                                             previously submitted by recipients.
1B.................................  Establish procedures to follow up on   See Recommendation 1C.
                                      missing and inaccurate information
                                      on HUD-60002 submissions.

[[Page 16524]]

1C.................................  Establish procedures regarding when    FHEO has developed procedures for
                                      to refer to Public and Indian          reviewing HUD-60002 submissions and
                                      Housing (PIH) any public housing       established the steps that will be
                                      authorities (PHAs) that fail to make   taken to refer PHAs to PIH when
                                      required submissions or corrections.   Section 3 reports are inaccurate or
                                                                             delinquent. Pursuant to this
                                                                             proposed rule, FHEO will expand the
                                                                             implementation of these procedures
                                                                             to all recipients of Section 3
                                                                             covered financial assistance and
                                                                             make subsequent referrals for
                                                                             appropriate action to all HUD
                                                                             program offices.
1D.................................  Resolve issues with CPD and complete   This regulatory action represents
                                      the process to publish final           FHEO's efforts to comply with this
                                      regulations for 24 CFR Part 135.       recommendation.
1E.................................  Require the six housing authorities    FHEO has incorporated this
                                      in this finding that reported          recommendation into its enforcement
                                      Section 3 noncompliance to provide     actions at Sec.   135.99 and the
                                      justification or support that they     sanctions for noncompliance at Sec.
                                      met the [minimum numerical] goals.       135.27.
                                      If they cannot show compliance,
                                      enter into a voluntary compliance
                                      agreement to bring their Section 3
                                      programs into compliance, or refer
                                      them to PIH for repayment of the $26
                                      million that should have been used
                                      for Section 3.

    For the reasons set forth above, through this rule, HUD proposes to 
revise its Section 3 regulations at 24 CFR part 135 in a manner 
designed to better fulfill the goal of Section 3.

II. This Proposed Rule

    In order to provide better parameters for achieving the goals of 
Section 3, this proposed rule: communicates how recipients may meet 
minimum numerical goals for employment and contracting opportunities; 
provides other direction to recipients of Section 3 covered financial 
assistance and their contractors in order that they may more 
effectively comply with Section 3; vests more discretion and 
responsibility with recipients on how to verify the eligibility of 
Section 3 residents and businesses for employment and contracting 
opportunities; and articulates procedures for complaint processing. 
This rule organizes the regulations of 24 CFR part 135 into five 
subparts: Subpart A--General Provisions; Subpart B--Additional 
Provisions for Public Housing Financial Assistance; Subpart C--
Additional Provisions for Housing and Community Development Financial 
Assistance; Subpart D--Additional Provisions for Recipients of 
Competitively Awarded Section 3 Financial Assistance; and Subpart E--

General Provisions--Subpart A

    Subpart A--General Provisions contains those provisions applicable 
to all Section 3 covered financial assistance, whether public housing 
financial assistance, housing and community development financial 
assistance, or competitively awarded financial assistance, including 
the following: definitions of terms applicable to compliance with 
Section 3 (Sec.  135.5); demonstration compliance with the ``greatest 
extent feasible'' requirement (Sec.  135.7); description of official 
Section 3 policies and procedures to be developed and implemented by 
recipients (Sec.  135.9); recipient responsibilities under Section 3 
(Sec.  135.11); a general description of minimum numerical goals for 
employment and contracting opportunities (Sec.  135.13); the procedures 
for verifying the eligibility of Section 3 residents and Section 3 
businesses (Sec.  135.15); descriptions of written agreements and 
contractors that must be entered into by the recipient and its 
subrecipients, contracts, or subcontractors before the disbursement of 
any Section 3 covered financial assistance (Sec.  135.17 and Sec.  
135.19); an overview of certifications of compliance with this part 
(Sec.  135.21); description of annual reporting requirements (Sec.  
135.23); a summary of recordkeeping responsibilities and HUD's 
authority to have access to records demonstrating compliance with this 
part (Sec.  135.25); an outline of sanctions that may be imposed for 
noncompliance with this part (Sec.  135.27); and communication of other 
Federal requirements that may apply during the administration of 
Section 3 covered projects and activities (Sec.  135.29).
    Section 135.3 of the existing regulations, which addresses the 
scope of applicability of the requirements of Section 3, would be 
removed by this proposed rule. The applicability of Section 3 would now 
be addressed by the following: (1) The definitions of ``housing and 
community development financial assistance'' and ``public housing 
financial assistance'' in Sec.  135.5; (2) the individual applicability 
sections for public housing financial assistance and housing and 
community development financial assistance, in Sec.  135.31 and Sec.  
135.51, respectively; and (3) the thresholds that trigger applicability 
of Section 3, which are addressed in Sec.  135.33, and Sec.  135.53. 
HUD believes that placing this information in the subparts associated 
with each type of Section 3 covered financial assistance will prevent 
recipients from inadvertently referring to the wrong requirements.
    Section 135.3 of the proposed rule describes the Secretary's 
delegation of authority to the Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and 
Equal Opportunity (FHEO) to implement and oversee compliance with the 
requirements of Section 3. This delegation of authority is unchanged 
from Sec.  135.7 of the existing regulations. While FHEO has the 
overall authority for carrying out Section 3 obligations within HUD, 
monitoring and oversight takes place in coordination with various HUD 
program offices, such as PIH, CPD, Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard 
Control (HHLHC), Housing, etc.
    Section 135.5 of the proposed rule provides the definitions of 
terminology used throughout the regulation (as it is in the existing 
regulations), introduces new definitions, revises definitions contained 
in the existing regulations, and removes definitions that are no longer 
applicable. Some of the newly defined terms include: ``construction,'' 
``contracting opportunities,'' ``numerical goals,'' ``priority 
consideration,'' ``professional services,'' ``project-based rental 
assistance,'' ``public housing financial assistance,'' 
``rehabilitation,'' ``routine maintenance,'' ``service area,'' and 
``Section 3 local area.'' The terms ``housing and community development 
financial assistance,'' ``new hires,'' ``Section 3 business (formerly 
Section 3 business concern),'' ``Section 3 covered financial 
assistance,'' and ``Section 3 resident'' have been revised with the 
objective of improving the

[[Page 16525]]

understanding of their meanings. The following existing defined terms 
are proposed to be removed: ``annual contributions contract,'' ``HUD 
YouthBuild programs,'' ``Job Training Partnership Act.''
    Section 135.7 of the proposed rule addresses how recipients may 
demonstrate compliance to the greatest extent feasible. The 1968 
statute established two standards for achieving compliance with the 
requirements of Section 3. PHAs and their contractors and 
subcontractors were required to make their ``best effort,'' consistent 
with existing Federal, State, and local laws and regulations to provide 
economic opportunities to Section 3 residents and businesses. On the 
other hand, programs that receive housing and community development 
assistance are required to ensure that, to the greatest extent 
feasible, and consistent with existing Federal, State, and local laws 
and regulations, opportunities for training and employment arising in 
connection with housing rehabilitation, housing construction, or other 
public construction are given to Section 3 residents and businesses. 
HUD's 1994 interim rule, published on June 30, 1994, at 59 FR 33880, 
established HUD's position that there is very little difference in the 
common meaning of these statutory standards. Further, the Section 3 
statute requires every recipient and contractor that generates economic 
opportunities from the expenditure of Section 3 financial assistance, 
regardless of the HUD program from which the assistance is derived, to 
provide these economic opportunities to low- and very low-income 
persons and the businesses that employ them. Accordingly, this rule 
maintains one standard for achieving compliance. Recipients, as defined 
in Sec.  135.5, are required, to the greatest extent feasible, to 
target low- and very low-income persons for employment and training 
opportunities funded with Section 3 financial assistance, and 
businesses that are either owned by or substantially employ such 
    Section 135.7 provides that while reaching the minimum numerical 
goals is one way to demonstrate compliance with the statute's 
``greatest extent feasible'' requirement, compliance to the greatest 
extent feasible is demonstrated by the recipient, first and foremost, 
establishing and implementing procedures and strategies by which the 
recipient and, where applicable, its subrecipients, contractors and 
subcontractors will comply with the requirements set forth in Sec.  
135.11. This section also provides that where a recipient is unable to 
reach the minimum numerical goals set forth in the subpart associated 
with the type of financial assistance provided, (Sec.  135.35 and Sec.  
135.55, respectively) such inability does not necessarily mean that the 
recipient did not undertake efforts to meet these goals. Accordingly, a 
recipient that does not reach the minimum numerical goals will be 
required to provide a written justification explaining: (1) Why it was 
unable to meet these goals; (2) the impediments the recipient 
encountered; and (3) the actions the recipient will take to address 
identified impediments in the future. For instance, if a recipient held 
a job fair to hire Section 3 residents for jobs in specific building 
trades (e.g., plumbers, electricians, welders, etc.) for an upcoming 
construction project, HUD may consider the recipient to be in 
compliance with Section 3 even if none of the participants of the job 
fair had the requisite job qualifications for the positions to be 
filled. HUD will take such justifications into consideration when 
making final compliance determinations. Written justifications that do 
not contain a valid explanation for why the recipient did not reach the 
minimum numerical goal may result in a finding of noncompliance.
    Section 135.9 of the proposed rule presents a new means of 
strengthening Section 3 compliance. This section would require the 
recipient to develop and adopt official policies and procedures to 
implement the requirements of Section 3, as a means of demonstrating 
compliance with the ``greatest extent feasible'' requirement, as 
provided in Sec.  135.7. This section provides that official policies 
and procedures must include at a minimum, steps that the recipient will 
take to: inform subrecipients and contractors about Section 3 
obligations; evaluate potential bidders for Section 3 compliance during 
contract selection; notify Section 3 residents and businesses about 
economic opportunities; implement verification and/or certification 
procedures for residents and businesses; provide priority consideration 
to qualified Section 3 residents and businesses; monitor subrecipients 
and contractors for compliance; establish consequences for 
noncompliance; and utilize local community resources to meet its 
Section 3 requirements. The preceding list presents the minimum steps 
that the recipients' policies and procedures should address, but 
recipients should include in official policies and procedures any 
additional steps tailored to their funding practices and operations 
that would increase compliance with Section 3. Section 135. 9 provides 
that updates to official policies and procedures shall discuss the 
relative success of the immediate past policies and procedures and how 
any changes are aimed to better promote compliance with Section 3.
    This section further requires that to the extent a recipient must 
prepare a strategic plan, action plan, or other such plan in accordance 
with HUD program regulations, such plans must include a general 
description of the recipient's official Section 3 policies and 
procedures. This section provides that if a recipient is not required 
to submit official plans to HUD--such as public housing plans, 
strategic or annual action plans, or other similar plans--the 
recipient's official Section 3 policies and procedures shall be 
developed as an independent document at the time that Section 3 covered 
financial assistance is awarded and updated every 5 years thereafter.
    Section 135.11 describes steps that all recipients must take to 
implement the requirements of Section 3, and describes steps that would 
be unique to recipients of public housing financial assistance and 
housing and community development financial assistance.
    Section 135.13 of the proposed rule addresses the minimum numerical 
goals, generally, and provides that the goals apply to the aggregate 
number of employment and contracting opportunities generated by the 
expenditure of the Section 3 covered financial assistance. Specific 
minimum numerical goals are set forth in the subpart associated with 
the type of financial assistance provided; i.e., Sec.  135.35 and Sec.  
135.55, respectively. This section removes the current requirement that 
3 percent of the total dollar amount of nonconstruction contracts shall 
be awarded to Section 3 businesses since there was no statutory reason 
to make a distinction between construction and nonconstruction 
contracts. HUD believes that requiring recipients to award 10 percent 
of the total dollar amount of all covered contracts to Section 3 
businesses regardless of the type or dollar amount of the contract will 
result in more potential contracting opportunities for Section 3 
    Section 135.11 of the proposed rule describes the responsibilities 
of the recipient for complying with the requirements of Section 3 and 
ensuring the compliance of their subrecipients, contractors, or 
subcontractors, who have the same responsibilities as the direct 
recipient. This section responds to requests that HUD more clearly 
identify specific actions that a recipient is to undertake to 
demonstrate compliance

[[Page 16526]]

with Section 3. These responsibilities reflect best practices that are 
being implemented by successful recipients, and will result in a 
reduction of an estimated 10,000 hours of administrative burden 
annually. The actions listed in this section would replace the list of 
examples of efforts that recipients may undertake to demonstrate 
compliance with Section 3, which are found in Appendix A to the 
existing regulations.
    As provided in Sec.  135.11, the listed responsibilities apply to 
all recipients and have been expanded to ensure that: (1) Section 3 
residents and businesses are notified about economic opportunities, (2) 
payroll data is monitored for new hires on projects that are subject to 
wage rates determined under the Davis Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 3141 et 
seq.), (3) labor unions are notified about Section 3 obligations, (4) 
existing collective bargaining or project labor agreements with labor 
unions are amended to acknowledge HUD and Section 3 obligations, (5) 
procedures are developed by public housing agencies to comply with the 
earned income disregard and resident-owned business provisions set 
forth at 24 CFR part 963, and (6) contractor selection procedures 
employ Section 3 compliance measures.
    Section 135.13 of the proposed rule addresses the minimum numerical 
goals, generally, and provides that the goals apply to the aggregate 
number of employment and contracting opportunities generated by the 
expenditure of the Section 3 covered financial assistance. Specific 
minimum numerical goals are set forth in the subparts associated with 
the type of financial assistance provided (Sec.  135.35 and Sec.  
135.55). This section removes the current requirement that 3 percent of 
the total dollar amount of nonconstruction contracts shall be awarded 
to Section 3 businesses since there was no statutory reason to make a 
distinction between construction and nonconstruction contracts. As 
noted earlier in this preamble, HUD believes that requiring recipients 
to award 10 percent of the total dollar amount of all covered contracts 
to Section 3 businesses regardless of the type or dollar amount of the 
contract will result in more potential contracting opportunities for 
Section 3 businesses.
    Section 135.15 of the proposed rule would require a recipient to 
verify that residents and businesses seeking employment and contracting 
opportunities generated by the expenditure of Section 3 covered 
financial assistance are in fact Section 3 residents and businesses as 
defined in Sec.  135.5. This section does not dictate the manner of 
verification of the eligibility of Section 3 residents and businesses, 
but instead allows the recipient to decide how verification should be 
undertaken. HUD is aware that verifying Section 3 eligibility for 
residents and businesses often requires recipients to review and 
maintain confidential and sensitive personal information. In order to 
address concerns that have emerged regarding the secure handling of 
confidential information, this section of the proposed rule provides 
that a recipient may allow residents and businesses to self-certify 
their eligibility, and to presume that residents or businesses that are 
located in, or provide economic opportunities to persons that reside in 
a neighborhood, census tract, or area designated by HUD are eligible to 
receive Section 3 priority consideration absent evidence to the 
contrary. Both of these practices may be used if the recipient conducts 
procedures to verify that a sample of self-certified or Section 3 
presumed benefit residents and businesses meet one of the regulatory 
definitions. Descriptions of procedures for verifying a sample of self-
certified or Section 3 presumed benefit residents and businesses will 
be provided in guidance materials after the publication of the final 
rule. This guidance will assist recipients with determining sample 
size, selecting self-certified beneficiaries for verification, 
identifying the type of evidence that may be requested, and steps that 
may be taken in the event that false certifications are discovered.
    Section 135.17 of the proposed rule stipulates that a written 
agreement must be executed by the recipient and any of its 
subrecipients, contractors, or subcontractors before the recipient 
disburses any Section 3 covered financial assistance to them. The 
purpose of this section is to both emphasize the responsibilities that 
subrecipients, contractors, and subcontractors have in complying with 
Section 3 and to assist the recipient in ensuring the compliance of 
these entities.
    Section 135.19 of the proposed rule contains provisions to be 
included in contracts with developers, contractors, and subcontractors 
and the Section 3 clause language that is currently found in Sec.  
135.38 of the existing regulations.
    Section 135.21 of the proposed rule addresses certifications of 
compliance. This section would require a recipient to annually submit 
to HUD a certification documenting compliance with Section 3, including 
the compliance of any subrecipients, contractors, or subcontractors. 
This section provides that, where applicable, certifications may be 
submitted as part of a submission of annual strategic plans, 
consolidated plans, or public housing plans, or as part of a submission 
of an application for a competitively awarded grant, cooperative 
agreement, or other submissions.
    Sections 135.23 and 135.25 of the proposed rule contain reporting 
and recordkeeping requirements, now found in Sec.  135.90 and Sec.  
135.92 of the existing regulations. Section 135.23 continues to require 
the submission of Section 3 annual reports, and clarifies that, going 
forward, the time frame applicable for Section 3 reports should 
coincide with the recipient's local program or fiscal year. If the 
recipient does not have a local program or fiscal year, the Section 3 
report shall follow the federal fiscal year (i.e., October 1 through 
September 30). Since the timely submission of Section 3 reports 
continues to be an issue, the proposed rule would provide procedures 
for HUD to sanction recipients for delinquent or missing reports. Any 
sanction imposed would be in accordance with the requirements of the 
Section 3 regulations or a notice of funding availability (NOFA) 
governing the program under which the Section 3 covered financial 
assistance is provided. Section 135.23 of the proposed rule also 
specifically requires a State or county recipient to submit to HUD an 
annual report regarding compliance with Section 3 in its own operations 
and in those of its subrecipients, contractors, and subcontractors. 
Section 135.25 of the proposed rule contains the requirement in 
existing Sec.  135.92 that HUD shall have access to records, reports, 
and other documents recipients maintain to demonstrate compliance with 
Section 3, and it adds examples of such records.
    Section 135.27 of the proposed rule describes sanctions for 
noncompliance with the requirements of Section 3, and provides that 
these sanctions may include requiring additional certifications or 
assurances of compliance; repayment of Section 3 covered financial 
assistance; ineligibility for future HUD financial assistance; 
withholding HUD financial assistance; or suspension, debarment, or 
limited denial of participation in HUD programs pursuant to 2 CFR part 
2424, where appropriate.
    Section 135.29 of the proposed rule clarifies that neither the 
Section 3 statute nor the Section 3 regulations supersede the 
employment and wage provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act or requirements 
of bona fide Federal or State apprentice or training programs.

[[Page 16527]]

Additional Provisions for Public Housing Financial Assistance--Subpart 

    Subpart B addresses demonstration of compliance that would be 
unique to recipients of public housing financial assistance or PHAs.
    Section 135.31 of the proposed rule provides that PHAs that receive 
public housing financial assistance, as defined in Sec.  135.5, are 
subject to the provisions in subpart B in addition to those in subpart 
A. This section also provides that the requirements in subpart B apply 
to all new internal and external employment and training opportunities 
resulting from the expenditure of public housing financial assistance 
(i.e., those within the PHA and with its subrecipients, contractors, or 
subcontractors). Further, this section clarifies that the requirements 
of Section 3 apply to the entire project or activity that is funded 
with public housing financial assistance regardless of whether the 
activity is fully- or partially-funded with Section 3 covered financial 
    Section 135.33 of the proposed rule would continue to maintain 
HUD's position that a monetary or unit threshold in public and Indian 
housing programs is not consistent with the Section 3 statute. Section 
3 applies to public and Indian housing operating assistance, 
development assistance and modernization assistance, which covers 
virtually all PHA projects and activities. Additionally, the Section 3 
statute is very specific about the residents and businesses to which 
PHAs and their contractors and subcontractors must give preference. 
These residents and businesses are tied to the housing development for 
which the assistance is expended, or another development managed by the 
PHA. HUD believes that the statute's expansive coverage of public and 
Indian housing projects and activities indicates that any attempt to 
diminish the coverage would be inconsistent with the statute. 
Notwithstanding, HUD will make efforts to implement measures to reduce 
administrative burden for PHAs whose expenditure of covered financial 
assistance did not trigger Section 3 obligations, but who still are 
required to submit annual reports, by only requiring the submission of 
an electronic certification.
    Section 135.35 would maintain the minimum numerical hiring goals 
for public housing financial assistance. PHAs, as well as any 
subrecipients, contractors, or subcontractors, would be required to 
employ, to the greatest extent feasible, Section 3 residents as 30 
percent of new hires, both within the agency and with its contractors. 
HUD chose to maintain this minimum numerical goal even though a review 
of recent national aggregated data indicated that recipients are 
exceeding the employment goal by 10 to 20 percentage points. HUD OIG's 
2013 Section 3 Audit report advises that concerns exist regarding the 
reliability and accuracy of the data previously submitted into the 
Section 3 Summary Reporting System. In light of such information, HUD 
is not changing at this time the current minimum numerical goals based 
on the previously reported data. The reliability of subsequent data 
submitted will be addressed when HUD implements its new Section 3 
Summary Reporting System in FY 2015.
    The rule would establish that for a Section 3 resident to be 
considered a new hire by a contractor or subcontractor, the Section 3 
resident must work, during the resident's employment with a contractor 
or subcontractor, a minimum of 50 percent of the average staff hours 
worked for the category of work for which they were hired throughout 
the duration of time that the category of work is performed on the 
covered project. For instance, if electricians employed on a particular 
Section 3 covered project work an average of 40 hours each week, 
Section 3 new hires in this category must work a minimum of 20 hours 
each week throughout the duration of time that the category of work is 
performed on the covered project to be counted towards the recipient's 
minimum numerical goal for employment.
    Section 135.35 would also establish the minimum numerical 
contracting goals for public housing financial assistance. Under this 
section, PHAs, as well as any subrecipients, contractors, or 
subcontractors, would be required to award, to the greatest extent 
feasible, at least 10 percent of the total dollar amount of all 
subsequent contracting or subcontracting opportunities to Section 3 
businesses. This proposed rule would remove the current 3 percent 
minimum numerical goal for contracts that do not involve construction 
or rehabilitation. Instead, this proposed rule seeks to ensure that 10 
percent of the total dollar amount of all covered contracts (including 
contracts for professional services) will be awarded to Section 3 
businesses. Since there is no statutory basis for making a distinction 
between construction and nonconstruction contracts, and the 
interpretation of the nonconstruction goal has been problematic for 
recipients, HUD believes that requiring recipients to award 10 percent 
of the total dollar amount of all covered contracts to Section 3 
businesses regardless of the type is easier to administer and will 
result in more opportunities for Section 3 residents and businesses. In 
establishing this minimum numerical goal, HUD reviewed aggregated data 
submitted by recipients, which indicated that only 13.3 percent of 
recipients are meeting both of the current minimum numerical goals for 
contracting. However, 17.4 percent of recipients would meet the 
proposed numerical goal for all covered contracts. HUD is not changing 
the minimum numerical contracting goal for the same reasons that HUD is 
not changing the minimum numerical hiring goal.
    Section 135.37 of the proposed rule would revise the priority 
consideration given when hiring Section 3 residents and in awarding 
contracts to Section 3 businesses. The proposed rule provides that PHAs 
must give priority consideration to a Section 3 resident or business 
when equally qualified for the work under consideration. Priority 
consideration may be given to Section 3 residents or businesses when 
they are minimally qualified.

Additional Provisions for Housing and Community Development Financial 
Assistance--Subpart C

    Section 135.51 of the proposed rule provides that recipients of 
housing and community development assistance, as defined in Sec.  
135.5, are subject to the provisions in subpart C in addition to those 
in subpart A. Section 135.51 of the proposed rule addresses the 
applicability of Section 3 to housing and community development 
financial assistance. This section provides that Section 3 only applies 
to economic opportunities that arise from the expenditure of housing 
and community development financial assistance involving the 
demolition, rehabilitation, or construction of housing, public 
buildings, facilities, infrastructure, or other public construction or 
rehabilitation-related projects and activities. While HUD always 
considered demolition projects to be a part of rehabilitation 
activities, this proposed rule makes the applicability of Section 3 to 
demolition explicit. This section also clarifies that professional 
service contracts are subject to the requirements of this part, 
provided that the work to be performed arises in connection with a 
Section 3 covered project (i.e., housing rehabilitation, housing 
construction, or other public construction project).
    Consistent with the Section 3 statute, Sec.  135.51 exempts housing 
and community development financial

[[Page 16528]]

assistance that is used for acquisition, routine maintenance, 
operations, administrative costs, and project rental assistance 
contracts (PRAC) from compliance with Section 3 because these are not 
considered construction or rehabilitation activities. This section also 
exempts Indian tribes and tribally designated housing entities from 
complying with Section 3 requirements if the Indian tribe has adopted, 
and is complying with, tribal employment and contract preference laws 
(including regulations and tribal ordinances) in accordance with 
section 101(k) of the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-
Determination Act (NAHASDA) and 24 CFR 1000.42. This section also 
exempts Indian tribes and other tribal entities from Section 3 
requirements if they are subject to Indian preference requirements 
under section 7(b) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education 
Assistance Act. HUD recognizes that both tribal preference and Indian 
preference requirements already often require Indian tribes, tribally 
designated housing entities, and other tribal entities, to apply local 
preferences in employment and contracting in projects receiving 
assistance under NAHASDA and other grant programs for the benefit of 
Indians, such as the Indian CDBG program. This exemption reduces 
administrative burden for tribal grantees that have expressed concerns 
to HUD about the difficulty of complying with Section 3 requirements 
while also complying with Indian and tribal preference requirements.
    Section 135.53 of the proposed rule replaces the current threshold 
for recipients that administer housing and community development 
assistance. HUD has reassessed the policy behind the existing threshold 
and has decided to propose a new threshold requirement that is based on 
the total expenditures (rather than receipt or per-project). This 
change recognizes that it is the expenditure of covered financial 
assistance (not the receipt) that produces economic opportunities for 
Section 3 residents and businesses. Under this proposal, the threshold 
would be based on the aggregate expenditure of $400,000 of housing and 
community development financial assistance on construction related 
activities. In the section of this preamble entitled ``Summary of Major 
Provisions of this Regulatory Action,'' HUD described in detail the 
basis for selection of the $400,000 threshold.
    Section 135.55 of the proposed rule establishes the minimum 
numerical hiring goals that recipients of housing and community 
development financial assistance must meet to demonstrate compliance, 
to the greatest extent feasible, with the Section 3 statute and Section 
3 regulations. Similar to the numerical goals established for public 
housing financial assistance, this section provides that recipients of 
housing and community development financial assistance must, to the 
greatest extent feasible, have its contractors and subcontractors 
employ Section 3 residents as 30 percent of direct new hires. This 
section also provides, similar to Sec.  135.35, that in order for a 
Section 3 resident to be considered a new hire by contractors and 
subcontractors, the Section 3 resident must work, during the resident's 
employment with a contractor or subcontractor, a minimum of 50 percent 
of the average staff hours worked for the category of work for which 
they were hired, throughout the duration of time that the category of 
work is performed on the covered project. For instance, if brick masons 
employed on a particular Section 3 covered project work an average of 
40 hours each week, Section 3 new hires in this category must work a 
minimum of 20 hours each week to be counted towards the recipient's 
minimum numerical goal for employment.
    With respect to contracting opportunities, this section provides 
that recipients of housing and community development financial 
assistance, as well as their subrecipients, contractors, and 
subcontractors, must, to the greatest extent feasible, award at least 
10 percent of the total dollar amount of all contracts to Section 3 
businesses, similar to Sec.  135.35. This proposed rule removes the 
requirement that 3 percent of the total dollar amount of 
nonconstruction contracts will be awarded to Section 3 businesses in an 
attempt to reduce administrative burden. Instead, this proposed rule 
seeks to ensure that 10 percent of the total dollar amount of all 
covered contracts (including contracts for professional services) will 
be awarded to Section 3 businesses. HUD makes this change in Sec.  
135.55 for the same reasons presented for the identical change in Sec.  
    Section 135.57 of the proposed rule establishes the orders of 
priority consideration for employment and contracting opportunities for 
housing and community development financial assistance and adds 
additional categories for priority consideration for businesses that 
promote job retention and training opportunities.

Additional Provisions for Recipients of HUD Competitive Grant Financial 
Assistance--Subpart D

    Subpart D of this proposed rule, clarifies the scope of 
applicability of Section 3 to HUD NOFAs. This section would replace the 
existing regulatory section, Sec.  135.9.
    As provided in proposed new Sec.  135.71, Section 3 applies to 
competitively awarded (1) public housing financial assistance, and (2) 
housing and community development financial assistance that is 
anticipated to generate significant economic opportunities.
    Section 135.73 provides that each NOFA that is subject to the 
requirements of Section 3 shall describe the selection criteria and 
points to be awarded.
    Section 135.75 requires recipients of competitive Section 3 covered 
financial assistance to sign assurances of compliance with Section 3, 
and provides that applicants that are awarded competitive funds will be 
monitored on their compliance with Section 3, and their progress in 
carrying out the strategies described in the narrative statements 
submitted with their application package. Section 135.77, prohibits any 
recipient with outstanding findings of noncompliance with Section 3 
from receiving additional competitively awarded financial assistance.

Enforcement--Subpart E

    Subpart E of this proposed rule contains the complaint and 
compliance review provisions currently found in subpart D of the 
existing part 135 regulations. This subpart also clarifies that 
voluntary compliance agreements that are drafted to address findings of 
noncompliance shall seek to protect the public interest, provide denied 
economic opportunities to Section 3 residents and businesses, and may 
include the provision of damages and other relief for those injured by 
the recipient's noncompliance.

III. Specific Questions for Comment

    While HUD welcomes comments on all aspects of this proposed rule, 
HUD specifically requests comments on the following:
    1. To address a loophole in the current regulation that does not 
limit jobs, training, and contracting opportunities to Section 3 
residents residing and Section 3 businesses located within the 
proximity of the covered project or activity, this proposed rule 
introduces a new term ``Section 3 local area'' to clarify that in

[[Page 16529]]

order for Section 3 residents and businesses to receive priority 
consideration they must be residing or located within the metropolitan 
area or nonmetropolitan county where the Section 3 covered financial 
assistance is expended. HUD seeks comment on whether this clarification 
may adversely impact Section 3 residents and businesses located in 
neighboring jurisdictions, particularly when no Section 3 businesses 
are located in the Section 3 local area, and in rural communities where 
Section 3 residents in adjacent counties may be the most qualified job 
applicant. See Sec.  135.5.
    2. The proposed rule revises the definition of a Section 3 business 
to remove the third category of the existing definition, which refers 
to businesses that can provide evidence of a commitment to subcontract 
in excess of 25 percent of the dollar award of all subcontracts to 
other Section 3 businesses. This revision is made in response to 
complaints that the commitment presented an easy loophole for some 
businesses, and did not equate to a legal obligation. HUD solicits 
comment on the removal of this third category. See Sec.  135.5.
    3. The proposed rule seeks to provide incentives to contractors 
that retain Section 3 residents who were hired to work on previous 
projects, and to provide apprenticeship opportunities to Section 3 
residents by adding two new categories to the orders of priority 
consideration for projects that are financed with housing and community 
development assistance at Sec.  135.57. HUD solicits comment on the 
proposed orders of priority consideration.
    4. For the reasons presented in the preamble, HUD is maintaining 
the existing minimum numerical goals for employment and construction 
contracts. HUD seeks comments on whether other proposed minimum 
numerical goals for employment and contracting would be more 
    5. The proposed rule would replace the 3 percent minimum goal for 
the total dollar amount of all building trades and professional service 
contracts associated with construction (formerly referred to, 
respectively, as construction and nonconstruction contracts) with a 
goal of 10 percent. HUD seeks comment on whether the proposed goal that 
applies to building trades and professional services would result in 
any unintended consequences. See Sec.  135.37 and Sec.  135.57.
    6. For the reasons presented in this preamble, under the ``Summary 
of the Major Provisions of this Regulatory Action,'' the proposed rule 
would change the threshold for recipients of housing and community 
development financial assistance to cover recipients that plan to 
obligate or commit $400,000 or more of annual expenditures of covered 
funds on construction or construction related projects. As discussed, 
the current threshold is based on the receipt of covered funds, not its 
expenditure. HUD believes that the expenditure of funds is a better 
indicator of the type and amount of economic opportunities that HUD 
funds create. The proposed threshold applies Section 3 to all 
construction and construction related projects (regardless of the 
dollar amount invested into individual projects) if a grantee plans to 
spend $400,000, or more, of covered HUD funding during the reporting 
period. HUD seeks comment on whether an alternate threshold would be 
more appropriate or equally effective to the proposed $400,000 
threshold. In the table below, HUD sets out alternative expenditure 
thresholds and the percentage of funding that would be covered. While 
HUD believes that the proposed expenditure threshold of $400,000 is the 
appropriate threshold and would best enable the Department to focus on 
those recipients that produce the majority of economic opportunities, 
HUD would consider a different threshold but no lower than $400,000. 
HUD would consider a high threshold but no higher than $1 million. 
Although the $1 million threshold would capture almost 85 percent of 
the funding, which HUD finds reasonable and acceptable, HUD believes 
the $400,000 threshold, which would cover more than 95 percent of the 
funding, 10 percentage points higher than a $1 million threshold, 
presents the better approach, but HUD welcomes comment on the 

                    Expenditure level                          $250K           $300K           $400K           $500K           $750             $1M
Agencies Below..........................................             265             329             440             542             703             816
% of those below........................................           22.3%           27.7%           37.0%           45.6%           59.1%           68.6%
Agencies Above..........................................             924             860             749             647             486             373
% of those above........................................           77.7%           72.3%           63.0%           54.4%           40.9%           31.4%
% change # of agencies..................................            4.2%            5.4%            9.3%            8.6%           13.5%            9.5%
% of covered funding....................................           98.3%           97.5%           95.7%           93.6%           89.0%           84.4%

         Threshold level              Expenditure excluded         Agencies excluded            % Covered
$250K+..........................                $35,622,322.04                      265                     98.3
$300K+..........................                 53,260,584.53                      329                     97.5
$400K+..........................                 91,850,709.06                      440                     95.7
$500K+..........................                137,962,427.28                      542                     93.6
$750K+..........................                237,242,870.83                      703                     89.0
$1M+............................                335,799,935.66                      816                     84.4

    7. In order for a Section 3 resident to be counted as a new hire, 
the proposed rule would require a resident to work, during employment 
as a new hire, a minimum of 50 percent of the average staff hours 
worked for the job category for which the resident was hired, 
throughout the duration of time that the category of work is performed 
on the covered project. HUD seeks comment on whether this proposed 
change effectively addresses concerns that were raised about 
contractors that hired Section 3 residents for short time frames for 
purposes of circumventing meaningful compliance with Section 3. See 
Sec.  135.35 and Sec.  135.55.
    8. HUD seeks comment on the specific challenges for State CDBG 
grantees with meeting Section 3 goals and how HUD can assist in 
addressing these challenges in this proposed rule.
    9. HUD solicits comments from Indian tribes, tribally designated 
housing entities, and other tribal entities on its proposal to exempt 
them from Section 3 compliance when they adopt, and are complying with, 
tribal employment and contract preference laws (including regulations 
and tribal ordinances) in

[[Page 16530]]

accordance with section 101(k) of NAHASDA (25 U.S.C. 4111(k)), or are 
subject to Indian preference requirements under section 7(b) of the 
Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. See Sec.  
    10. HUD seeks comment on ways that recipients can demonstrate 
compliance with Section 3 in communities that are governed by 
agreements that prohibit work by non-labor union workers.
    11. HUD seeks comment on requirements or goals that should apply to 
contractors whose expenditure of covered financial assistance will only 
enable them to sustain their current workforce and will not result in 
new employment, training, or subcontracting opportunities.
    12. HUD solicits comment on goals or strategies for training 
opportunities that the proposed rule should address.
    13. HUD seeks comment on whether the proposal to require recipients 
to incorporate compliance with Section 3 into procurement procedures 
for responsive and responsible bidders creates an undue burden on 
recipients? See Sec.  135.37(a)(3), Sec.  135.57(a)(4), and Sec.  
    14. In 2012, HUD implemented a Section 3 Business Registry Pilot 
Program in five metropolitan areas as a potential resource to help 
recipients meet, or exceed, the minimum numerical goals for contracting 
and reduce administrative burden in identifying section 3 businesses. 
Under the pilot program, businesses that met one of the definitions of 
a ``Section 3 Business'' self-certified their status with HUD, and were 
placed into a database to be used by recipients, developers, 
contractors, and others to notify these businesses about the 
availability of Section 3 contracting opportunities. See www.hud.gov/sec3biz. In 2014, HUD expanded the Section 3 Business Registry 
nationally. HUD seeks comments about this registry and ways that HUD 
should incorporate its usage into the Section 3 requirements.

IV. Findings and Certifications

Regulatory Review--Executive Orders 12866 and 13563

    Under Executive Order 12866 (Regulatory Planning and Review), a 
determination must be made whether a regulatory action is significant 
and, therefore, subject to review by the Office of Management and 
Budget (OMB) in accordance with the requirements of the order. 
Executive Order 13563 (Improving Regulations and Regulatory Review) 
directs executive agencies to analyze regulations that are ``outmoded, 
ineffective, insufficient, or excessively burdensome, and to modify, 
streamline, expand, or repeal them in accordance with what has been 
learned. Executive Order 13563 also directs that, where relevant, 
feasible, and consistent with regulatory objectives, and to the extent 
permitted by law, agencies are to identify and consider regulatory 
approaches that reduce burdens and maintain flexibility and freedom of 
choice for the public.
    This rule was determined to be a ``significant regulatory action'' 
as defined in Section 3(f) of the order (although not an economically 
significant regulatory action under the order). Consistent with 
Executive Order 13563, this rule revises the existing part 135 
regulations that have not been revised or updated since 1994, with the 
intention to make them less burdensome, and more effective and, 
therefore, help to contribute to job creation for low-income persons. 
As noted earlier in this preamble, HUD has prepared an initial RIA that 
addresses the costs and benefits of the proposed rule. HUD's RIA is 
part of the docket file for this rule.
    The docket file is available for public inspection in the 
Regulations Division, Office of the General Counsel, Room 10276, 451 
7th Street SW., Washington, DC 20410-0500. Due to security measures at 
the HUD Headquarters building, please schedule an appointment to review 
the docket file by calling the Regulations Division at 202-402-3055 
(this is not a toll-free number). Individuals with speech or hearing 
impairments may access this number via TTY by calling the Federal Relay 
Service at toll-free 800-877-8339.

Environmental Impact

    This proposed rule is a policy document that sets out regulatory 
requirements and standards for complying with Section 3 of the Housing 
and Urban Development Act of 1968 (12 U.S.C. 1701u). Accordingly, under 
24 CFR 50.19(c)(3), this proposed rule is categorically excluded from 
environmental review under the National Environmental Policy Act of 
1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.).

Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

    The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1531-1538) 
(UMRA) establishes requirements for Federal agencies to assess the 
effects of their regulatory actions on State, local, and tribal 
governments and on the private sector. This proposed rule does not 
impose a Federal mandate on any state, local, or tribal government, or 
on the private sector, within the meaning of UMRA.

Regulatory Flexibility Act

    The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) generally 
requires an agency to conduct a regulatory flexibility analysis of any 
rule subject to notice and comment rulemaking requirements, unless the 
agency certifies that the rule will not have a significant economic 
impact on a substantial number of small entities. As has been discussed 
in this preamble, this rule proposes to update HUD's Section 3 
regulations in 24 CFR part 135, for which the objective is to increase 
employment opportunities for low-income persons and businesses that are 
owned by or employ such persons, by requiring that they be considered 
for employment, including training positions, and contracting 
opportunities that are generated by the expenditure of certain HUD 
financial assistance. These entities generally are small and therefore 
strengthening the requirements of Section 3 should benefit small 
businesses that are Section 3 businesses.
    As more fully discussed in the accompanying RIA, the number of 
economic opportunities generated for Section 3 residents and businesses 
will not increase to the degree that this rule would have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. In addition, 
for those small entities that are recipients of Section 3 covered 
financial assistance and must comply with this proposed rule, the 
changes made by this proposed rule are designed to reduce burden on 
them, as well as all recipients. For these reasons, HUD has determined 
that this rule would not have a significant economic impact on a 
substantial number of small entities. In fact, streamlined procedures 
in the proposed rule and HUD's recent implementation of a national 
Section 3 Business Registry will reduce the current administrative 
burden for grantees by a net -10,000 hours or $320,000 annually.\10\

    \10\ Average total compensation of all workers, BLS, March 2014. 
See http://www.bls.gov/news.release/ecec.t01.htm.

    Notwithstanding HUD's determination that this rule will not have a 
significant effect on a substantial number of small entities, HUD 
specifically invites comments regarding any less burdensome 
alternatives to this rule that will meet HUD's objectives as described 
in this preamble.

[[Page 16531]]

Executive Order 13132, Federalism

    Executive Order 13132 (entitled ``Federalism'') prohibits an agency 
from publishing any rule that has federalism implications if the rule 
either: (1) Imposes substantial direct compliance costs on State and 
local governments and is not required by statute, or (2) preempts State 
law, unless the agency meets the consultation and funding requirements 
of Section 6 of the Executive Order. This proposed rule does not have 
federalism implications and does not impose substantial direct 
compliance costs on State and local governments nor preempt state law 
within the meaning of the Executive Order.

Paperwork Reduction Act

    The information collection requirements contained in this proposed 
rule have been submitted to OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 
1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520). In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction 
Act, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required 
to respond to, a collection of information unless the collection 
displays a currently valid OMB control number. HUD anticipates only 
marginal additional impact of this rule on document preparation time. 
Recipients are required already to provide HUD with reports documenting 
Section 3 activities under the existing interim regulations. The 
additional time to submit the new proposed information required by the 
rule is minimal. The burden of information collection in this proposed 
rule is estimated as follows:

                                    Reporting and Recordkeeping Burden Existing Regulation Versus This Proposed Rule
                                                                                            Existing regulation (hours)        Proposed rule (hours)
                                                                             Estimated   ---------------------------------------------------------------
                                                             Number of     average time                      One-time
   Section reference in proposed rule        Number of     responses per        for            Total        burden not                       One-time
                                              parties       respondent      requirement      estimated      reoccurring     Incremental     burden--not
                                                                            (in hours)     annual burden   annually (in       burden        reoccurring
                                                                                                              hours)                         annually
Section 3 resident and business                    2,000               1              80         160,000               0     \11\-80,000               0
 verification (Sec.   135.15)...........
Maintain lists of eligible Section 3               2,000               2              40         160,000               0     \12\-80,000               0
 residents and businesses (Sec.
Notify Section 3 residents and                     2,000               2              20          80,000               0     \13\-20,000               0
 businesses about the availability of
 economic opportunities (Sec.   135.11).
Post signs or notices at job sites (Sec.           2,000              10               1          20,000               0               0               0
Ensure that bid solicitations                      2,000               1             0.5               0           1,000               0               0
 acknowledge Section 3 obligations (Sec.
Monitor the payroll data of developers             2,000               1              40             N/A             N/A          80,000               0
 and contractors (Sec.   135.11)........
Incorporate Section 3 factors into                 2,000               1              40             N/A             N/A               0          80,000
 contractor selection procedures (Sec.
Amend and renegotiate existing                       500               1              40             N/A             N/A               0          20,000
 collective bargaining agreements, PLAs,
 etc., as appropriate (Sec.   135.11)...
Coordinate with DOL, Youth Build, etc.             1,000               1              40             N/A             N/A          40,000               0
 (Sec.   135.11)........................
Draft written subrecipient agreements              1,110               1              24             N/A             N/A               0          26,640
 (Sec.   135.17)........................
Include the Section 3 Clause in covered            2,000               1             0.5           1,000               0               0               0
 contracts (Sec.   135.19)..............
Develop official Section 3 policies and            5,000               1              40               0         200,000               0         100,000
 procedures (Sec.   135.9)..............
Annual Certifications of compliance                5,000               1             0.5           2,500               0               0               0
 (Sec.   135.21)........................
Provide priority consideration to                  1,000               2              10          20,000               0               0               0
 Section 3 residents and businesses
 (Sec.   135.37 and Sec.   135.57)......
NOFA certification of compliance (Sec.               500               1             0.5             250               0               0               0
Reporting requirements (Sec.   135.23)..           5,000               5              10         250,000               0               0               0
Recordkeeping requirements (Sec.                   5,000               1              40         200,000               0          50,000               0
Complaint investigations (Sec.   135.95               30               1              80           2,400               0               0               0
 and (Sec.   135.97)....................
Right to review letter of findings (Sec.               5               1               8              40               0               0               0
    Total Burden........................  ..............  ..............  ..............         896,190         201,000         -10,000         226,640

    In accordance with 5 CFR 1320.8(d)(1), HUD is soliciting comments 
from members of the public and affected agencies concerning the 
information collection requirements in the proposed rule regarding:

    \11\ Due to the recent expansion of the national Section 3 
Business Registry, HUD estimates a decrease in the original 80 hours 
that it estimated for this activity. As such, administrative burden 
for covered recipients is reduced.
    \12\ See footnote 1.
    \13\ See footnote 11.

    (1) Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for 
the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including 
whether the information will have practical utility;
    (2) The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the 
proposed collection of information;
    (3) Whether the proposed collection of information enhances the 
quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and
    (4) Whether the proposed information collection minimizes the 
burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; 
including through the use of appropriate automated collection 
techniques or other forms of information technology (e.g., permitting 
electronic submission of responses).
    Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding the

[[Page 16532]]

information collection requirements in this rule. Under the provisions 
of 5 CFR part 1320, OMB is required to make a decision concerning this 
collection of information between 30 and 60 days after the publication 
date. Therefore, a comment on the information collection requirements 
is best assured of having its full effect if OMB receives the comment 
within 30 days of the publication. This time frame does not affect the 
deadline for comments to the agency on the proposed rule, however. 
Comments must refer to the proposed rule by name and docket number (FR-
4893) and must be sent to:

HUD Desk Officer, Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Office 
Building, Washington, DC 20503, Fax number: 202-395-6947
Colette Pollard, HUD Reports Liaison Officer, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW., Room 2204, Washington, DC 20410.

    Interested persons may submit comments regarding the information 
collection requirements electronically through the Federal eRulemaking 
Portal at http://www.regulations.gov. HUD strongly encourages 
commenters to submit comments electronically. Electronic submission of 
comments allows the commenter maximum time to prepare and submit a 
comment, ensures timely receipt by HUD, and enables HUD to make them 
immediately available to the public. Comments submitted electronically 
through the http://www.regulations.gov Web site can be viewed by other 
commenters and interested members of the public. Commenters should 
follow the instructions provided on that site to submit comments 

List of Subjects in 24 CFR Part 135

    Administrative practice and procedure, Community development, Equal 
employment opportunity, Government contracts, Grant programs--housing 
and community development, Housing, Loan programs--housing and 
community development, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Small 

Accordingly, for the reasons described in the preamble, and under the 
authority of 42 U.S.C. 3535(d), HUD proposes to revise 24 CFR part 135 
to read as follows:


Subpart A--General Provisions

135.1 Purpose.
135.3 Delegation of authority.
135.5 Definitions.
135.7 Compliance to the greatest extent feasible.
135.9 Official Section 3 policies and procedures.
135.11 Recipient responsibilities.
135.13 General minimum numerical goals.
135.15 Verification of Section 3 resident and Section 3 business 
135.17 Written agreements.
135.19 Contracts and Section 3 clause.
135.21 Certifications of compliance.
135.23 Reporting requirements.
135.25 Recordkeeping and access to records.
135.27 Sanctions for noncompliance.
135.29 Other Federal requirements.
Subpart B--Additional Provisions for Public Housing Financial 
135.31 Applicability.
135.33 Public housing agency unit thresholds.
135.35 Minimum numerical goals.
135.37 Orders of priority consideration for employment and 
contracting opportunities.
Subpart C--Additional Provisions for Housing and Community Development 
Financial Assistance
135.51 Applicability.
135.53 Funding thresholds that trigger Section 3 compliance.
135.55 Minimum numerical goals.
135.57 Orders of priority consideration for employment and 
contracting opportunities.
Subpart D--Additional Provisions for Recipients of Competitively 
Awarded Financial Assistance
135.71 Applicability.
135.73 Applicant selection criteria.
135.75 Section 3 compliance for NOFA grantees.
135.77 Resolution of outstanding Section 3 matters.
Subpart E--Enforcement
135.91 Cooperation in achieving compliance.
135.93 Conduct of investigations

    Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1701u; 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).


Subpart A--General Provisions

Sec.  135.1  Purpose.

    (a) Section 3. The purpose of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban 
Development Act of 1968 (12 U.S.C. 1701u) (Section 3) is to direct, to 
the greatest extent feasible, and consistent with existing Federal, 
State, and local laws and regulations, training, employment, 
contracting, and other economic opportunities generated by the 
expenditure of certain HUD financial assistance to:
    (1) Low- and very low-income residents of the neighborhood or 
neighborhoods where the Section 3 covered financial assistance is 
expended, particularly those that receive assistance from the Federal 
government for housing; and
    (2) The businesses that are owned by, or substantially employ, low- 
or very low-income residents of the neighborhood or neighborhoods where 
the Section 3 covered financial assistance is expended.
    (b) Part 135. The purpose of this subpart is to establish the 
standards and procedures by which all recipients of Section 3 covered 
financial assistance and their subrecipients, contractors, and 
subcontractors that may be administering Section 3 covered financial 
assistance on behalf of the recipient may meet the requirements of 
Section 3.

Sec.  135.3  Delegation of authority.

    Except as may be otherwise provided in this part, the functions and 
responsibilities of the Secretary of the Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, pursuant to Section 3, and described in this part, 
are delegated to HUD's Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal 
Opportunity. The Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal 
Opportunity is further authorized to redelegate functions and 
responsibilities in this part to other employees of HUD. However, the 
authority to issue or waive regulations of this part may not be 
redelegated by the Assistant Secretary. Monitoring and enforcement may 
be carried out in coordination with the HUD program office that 
provided Section 3 covered financial assistance to recipients, and the 
imposition of sanctions shall be in accordance with the requirements of 
the regulation or NOFA governing the program under which the Section 3 
covered financial assistance is provided, as set forth at Sec.  135.27.

Sec.  135.5  Definitions.

    For purposes of this part, the terms in this section have the 
meanings provided in this section. The terms Department, HUD, Public 
housing agency (PHA), and Secretary are defined in 24 CFR part 5.
    Applicant means any entity which makes an application to HUD for 
Section 3 covered financial assistance,

[[Page 16533]]

and includes but is not limited to, any State, unit of local 
government, PHA, public housing commission, Indian tribe, tribally 
designated housing entity, or other public agency, public or private 
nonprofit organization, private agency or institution, mortgagor, 
developer, limited dividend sponsor, builder, property owner, property 
manager, resident management corporation, resident council, or 
cooperative association.
    Assistant Secretary means the Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing 
and Equal Opportunity (FHEO).
    Business means a business entity formed in accordance with State 
law, and licensed as appropriate under State, county or municipal law 
to engage in the type of business activity for which it was formed.
    Awarding Agency means the recipient or subrecipient that awards 
Section 3 contracting opportunities.
    Complainant means the party that files a complaint with the 
Assistant Secretary alleging that a recipient has failed or refused to 
comply with the regulations of this part.
    Complaint means an allegation of noncompliance with the 
requirements of this part as provided in subpart E.
    Construction, unless inconsistent with or otherwise defined in the 
regulation or NOFA governing the program under which the Section 3 
financial assistance is provided, means the act or process of building 
houses, roads, public buildings, infrastructure, and other structures.
    Contract. See the definition of ``contracting opportunities'' in 
this section.
    Contracting opportunities subject to the requirements of Section 3 
means contracts or subcontracts for work awarded in connection with 
Section 3 covered projects and activities. Contracting opportunities 
include, but are not limited to: Demolition, rehabilitation, housing 
construction, other public construction, architectural design, legal 
representation, or other services directly related to construction and 
rehabilitation activities. In addition, for public housing financial 
assistance, contracting opportunities include, but are not limited to, 
facilities maintenance, landscaping, painting, professional services, 
police and security, equipment servicing, janitorial services, and 
extermination. This term does not include material-only contracts; 
i.e., contracts that are awarded for supplies without installation, 
demolition, rehabilitation, or other construction activities.
    Contractor means any entity that enters into a contract or 
agreement to perform work generated by the expenditure of Section 3 
covered financial assistance for a recipient, subrecipient, or another 
contractor, or for work in connection with Section 3 covered projects 
or activities, including contracts for services, but excluding 
contracts for supplies or materials that do not involve installation, 
rehabilitation, or construction.
    Department of Labor or DOL refers to the U.S. Department of Labor.
    Department of Labor YouthBuild program is a nonresidential, 
community-based alternative education program that provides classroom 
instruction and occupational skills training to at-risk individuals 
ages 16 to 24. The classroom training leads to a high school diploma or 
a general education development or other state-recognized equivalency 
diploma. The occupational skills training component provides YouthBuild 
participants with industry-recognized certifications in construction or 
other occupations. The construction skills training component teaches 
skills through a program to build or rehabilitate housing for low-
income or homeless individuals and families in their communities.

Economic Opportunities Generated by Section 3 Covered Financial 
Assistance Means

    (1) Training, employment, or other opportunities generated by the 
expenditure of Section 3 covered financial assistance as such term is 
defined in this section. Examples of economic opportunities may 
include, but are not limited to: Jobs (including training positions or 
on-the-job training opportunities), skills development (e.g., computer 
classes, secretarial courses, etc.), registered apprenticeships, and 
business development; or
    (2) Other training opportunities; and contracting opportunities for 
building trades, professional services, and other activities directly 
associated with demolition, rehabilitation, or construction.
    Housing and community development financial assistance subject to 
the requirements of Section 3 means Section 3 covered financial 
assistance, provided in the form of a grant, loan, cooperative 
agreement, or contract, expended for housing demolition, 
rehabilitation, or construction, or the construction or rehabilitation 
of public facilities, infrastructure, or buildings and provided, or 
otherwise made available, from such HUD financial assistance. HUD 
housing or community development programs subject to the requirements 
of Section 3 include, but are not limited to, the following programs: 
The Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) program, authorized by 
title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 
5301 et seq.); the HOME Investment Partnerships program, authorized by 
the HOME Investment Partnerships Act (42 U.S.C. 12701 note); the HUD 
homeless assistance programs authorized under title IV of the McKinney-
Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11360 et seq.); the Housing 
Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) program, authorized by the 
AIDS Housing Opportunity Act, subtitle D of title VII of the Cranston-
Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 12901 note); 
disaster recovery grants (DRG), as authorized by appropriations acts; 
the Supportive Housing for the Elderly program, authorized by Section 
202 of the Housing Act of 1959 (12 U.S.C. 1701q); the Supportive 
Housing for Persons with Disabilities program, authorized by Section 
811, subtitle B of title VIII of the Cranston Gonzalez National 
Affordable Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 8013); the Project-Based Rental 
Assistance programs authorized by Section 811, subtitle B of title VIII 
of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 
8013); the Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control programs, as 
authorized by the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C 
4801 et seq.) and Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 
1992 (42 U.S.C. 4851 et seq.); and any housing and community 
development programs that HUD designates as covered by Section 3 and 
announced by HUD as such through a Federal Register notice, notice of 
funding availability, or announcement posted on HUD's Section 3 Web 
site(s). Housing and community development financial assistance does 
not include financial assistance provided for mortgage insurance.
    Indian tribe means a tribe that is a federally recognized tribe or 
a State recognized tribe as defined in 25 U.S.C. 4103(13).
    Low-income person means a person as defined in section 3(b)(2) of 
the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437(b)(2)), or a 
person whose median household income does not exceed 80 percent of the 
median household income within the metropolitan area or nonmetropolitan 
county where the Section 3 covered project or activity is located.
    Metropolitan area means the primary metropolitan statistical area 
(PMSA), as established by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

[[Page 16534]]

    Neighborhood, unless otherwise defined in the regulation or NOFA 
governing the program under which the Section 3 financial assistance is 
provided, means Zip codes or other geographical locations within the 
jurisdiction of a unit of general local government (but not the entire 
jurisdiction) designated in ordinances, or other local documents as a 
neighborhood, village, or similar geographical designation;
    New hires mean full- or part-time employees for permanent, 
temporary, or seasonal employment opportunities. This term refers to 
any employee who:
    (1) Was not on the payroll of the recipient, subrecipient, 
contractor, or subcontractor administering Section 3 covered financial 
assistance funds on behalf of the recipient at the beginning of the 
award of Section 3 covered financial assistance; or
    (2) Any person hired by an entity on a per-project basis as a 
result of a Section 3 covered project or activity.
    NOFA means a notice of funding availability issued by HUD for 
discretionary grant funding that is awarded competitively to eligible 
    Nonmetropolitan county means rural counties or any other county 
outside of a metropolitan area.
    Numerical goals means minimum numerical targets that recipients, 
subrecipients, contractors, or subcontractors that may be administering 
Section 3 covered financial assistance on behalf of the recipient 
reach, or exceed, in order to demonstrate compliance with this part. 
These goals are not construed as quotas, set-asides, or a cap on the 
provision of economic opportunities, and may be exceeded.
    Other HUD programs subject to the requirements of Section 3 means 
HUD programs, other than HUD programs providing public housing 
financial assistance, that provide covered housing and community 
development financial assistance, as defined in this section.
    Priority consideration means that recipients, subrecipients, 
contractors, or subcontractors that may be administering Section 3 
covered financial assistance on behalf of the recipient must give, to 
the greatest extent feasible, training, employment, or contracting 
opportunities to Section 3 residents or Section 3 businesses as defined 
in this section in accordance with the appropriate orders of priority 
consideration related to the Section 3 covered financial assistance, as 
provided in Sec.  135.37 and Sec.  135.57. Priority consideration 
should not be construed to be a quota or set-aside program, or an 
entitlement to economic opportunities such as a particular position or 
    Professional services means non-building trade services that are 
performed in connection with construction and rehabilitation 
activities, including but not limited to: architecture, professional 
engineering, structural engineering, land surveying, mapping, project 
management, planning, design, accounting, and other related services, 
which are required to be performed or approved by a person licensed, 
registered, or certified to provide such services.
    Project-based rental housing assistance means rental assistance 
contracts provided under section 8(b)(1) of the U.S. Housing Act of 
1937 or section 8(b)(2) of U.S. Housing Act of 1937 as it existed 
immediately prior to October 1, 1983.
    Public housing has the meaning that this term is given in 24 CFR 
5.100 or 24 CFR 963.5.
    Public housing financial assistance subject to the requirements of 
Section 3 means any HUD financial assistance, subject to minimum unit 
thresholds specified in Sec.  135.33, that is provided through the 
following HUD assistance:
    (1) Annual contributions for low income housing projects provided 
pursuant to Section 5 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 
    (2) Capital fund project assistance provided pursuant to Section 9 
of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C, 1473g);
    (3) Operating subsidy provided pursuant to Section 9 of the U.S. 
Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C, 1473g);
    (4) Competitively awarded HUD public housing financial assistance 
for activities that will result in new employment, training, or 
contracting opportunities, under such programs as the Family-Supportive 
Service Coordinator (FSS), or Resident Opportunity Supportive Service 
(ROSS) grant funding;
    (5) Emergency funds, for example, authorized for emergency capital 
repair of public housing or public housing facilities;
    (6) Financial assistance made available under an appropriations act 
such as financial assistance provided for the Choice Neighborhoods 
program; and
    (7) Such other financial assistance designated by HUD as public 
housing financial assistance covered by Section 3 as announced through 
a Federal Register notice, NOFA, or announcement on HUD's Section 3 Web 
    Public housing project has the meaning given this term in 3(b)(1) 
of the United States Housing Act of 1937.
    Public housing resident has the meaning given this term in 24 CFR 
    Recipient means:
    (1) Any entity that receives Section 3 covered financial assistance 
directly from HUD, including but not limited to: Any State, unit of 
local government, public housing agency (PHA), public housing 
commission, Indian tribe, tribally designated housing entity, or other 
public agency, public or private nonprofit organization, private agency 
or institution, mortgagor, developer, limited dividend sponsor, 
builder, property owner, property manager, community housing 
development organization (CHDO), resident management corporation, 
resident council, or cooperative association. The term ``recipient'' 
also includes any subrecipients, successor, assignee, or transferee of 
such entity.
    (2) ``Recipient'' does not include any ultimate beneficiary under a 
HUD program to which Section 3 applies (for example an individual or 
family receiving a housing rehabilitation grant financed with HOME 
assistance) and does not include contractors and subcontractors, but as 
provided in this part, contractors and subcontractors are subject to 
compliance with this part.
    Rehabilitation, for the purposes of this regulation, means 
improvements or interventions taken to improve or restore the 
structural condition, architectural components, energy performance, or 
environmental quality of an existing building, dwelling, unit, or 
structure that are taken to improve its safety, aesthetics, or 
suitability for use. For project-based rental assistance contracts, 
including project-based Section 8, Section 202, and Section 811 
properties, this definition shall apply when performed as part of a 
recapitalization event where Reserve for Replacement funds are 
utilized. Examples include replacement of roofing, gutters, electrical, 
plumbing, heating systems, flooring, windows, doors and concrete.
    Routine maintenance, for the purposes of this regulation, means 
activities that do not materially add to the value of the building, 
appreciably prolong its useful life, or adapt it to new uses. Examples 
include: Painting, caulking, sealing, repairing minor components, 
including work required to prepare units for new tenants upon turnover, 
or other activities planned and performed at regular intervals normally 
established by manufacturers or associations. In the case of project-

[[Page 16535]]

rental assistance contracts these planned activities include the work 
described in the required Project Capital Needs Assessment (PCNA).
    Section 3 means Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act 
of 1968 (12 U.S.C. 1701u).
    Section 3 business means a business that is located in the Section 
3 local area as defined in this section and that is able to demonstrate 
one of the following:
    (1) Meets the definition of ``resident-owned'' business in 24 CFR 
    (2) The business is 51 percent or more owned by Section 3 
    (3) The permanent, full-time employees of the business include 
persons, at least 30 percent of whom are Section 3 residents; or
    (4) The business demonstrates that at least 20 percent of its 
permanent full-time employees are Section 3 residents and the business 
either: sponsored a minimum of 10 percent of its current Section 3 
employees to attend a DOL or DOL recognized State-Apprenticeship Agency 
approved, registered apprenticeship, or a pre-apprenticeship training 
program that meets the requirements in outlined DOL/ETA Training and 
Employment Notice 13-12 ; or that 10 percent of its employees are 
participants or graduates of a DOL YouthBuild program. For the purposes 
of determining Section 3 business eligibility only, Section 3 residents 
include persons who:
    (i) Met the definition of Section 3 resident, provided in this 
section, at the time the resident was hired or became an owner, or met 
such definition within the 3 years before the business sought 
certification; or
    (ii) Graduated from a DOL, State approved, or YouthBuild training 
program within the 3 years before the business sought certification; 
    (iii) Eligibility as a Section 3 business only applies as long as 
the businesses' employees continue to meet the definition of a Section 
3 resident set forth in this part.
    Section 3 clause means the contract provisions set forth in Sec.  
    Section 3 covered financial assistance means HUD loans, grants, or 
other financial assistance provided under:
    (1) Public housing financial assistance as defined in this section; 
    (2) Housing and community development financial assistance as 
defined in this section.
    Section 3 covered project or activity means any project or activity 
that is funded by Section 3 covered financial assistance.
    Section 3 local area is the:
    (1) Primary metropolitan statistical area where the Section 3 
covered project or activity takes place; or
    (2) Nonmetropolitan county where the Section 3 covered project or 
activity takes place.
    Section 3 resident means an individual residing in the Section 3 
local area who can document that he/she is:
    (1) A public housing resident;
    (2) A participant in a DOL YouthBuild program;
    (3) A member of a family that receives federal housing assistance; 
    (4) An individual who meets the HUD income limits for determining 
the eligibility of low- and very low-income persons for HUD assisted 
housing programs within the metropolitan area or nonmetropolitan 
    Service Area, unless defined in the regulation or NOFA governing 
the program under which the Section 3 covered financial assistance is 
provided, means the area to be served by a Section 3 covered project or 
    Subcontractor means any entity (other than a person who is an 
employee of the contractor) that has a contract with a contractor to 
undertake a portion of the contractor's obligation to perform work 
generated by the expenditure of Section 3 covered financial assistance, 
or arising in connection with a Section 3 covered project or activity.
    Subrecipient means
    (1) An entity that receives Section 3 covered financial assistance 
from a recipient or other subrecipient of Section 3 covered financial 
assistance to carry out a Section 3 covered project or activity on the 
recipient's or other subrecipient's behalf. This term includes, but is 
not limited to: any unit of State, county or local government, public 
housing agency (PHA), public housing commission, Indian tribe, tribally 
designated housing entity, or other public agency, public or private 
nonprofit organization, private agency, institution, mortgagor, 
developer, limited dividend sponsor, builder, property owner, property 
manager, community housing development organization (CHDO), resident 
management corporation, resident council, or cooperative association. 
Subrecipients also include any successor, assignee, or transferee of 
any such entity.
    (2) ``Subrecipient'' does not include any ultimate beneficiary 
under a HUD program to which Section 3 applies (for example an 
individual or family receiving a housing voucher) and does not include 
contractors or subcontractors, but as provided in this part, 
contractors and subcontractors are subject to compliance with this 
    Tribally designated housing entities have the meaning this term is 
given in 25 U.S.C. 4103(22).
    Very low-income person means the definition for this term set forth 
in Section 3(b)(2) of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 
1437a(b)(2)), or persons whose household income does not exceed 50 
percent of the median household income within the metropolitan area or 
nonmetropolitan county where the Section 3 covered project or activity 
is located.

Sec.  135.7  Compliance to the greatest extent feasible.

    (a) General. In accordance with the findings of Congress, as stated 
in section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, economic 
opportunities offer an effective means of empowering low- and very low-
income persons residing in the metropolitan area where HUD financial 
assistance is expended. Recipients, as defined in Sec.  135.5, are 
required, to the greatest extent feasible, to ensure that employment 
and training opportunities funded with Section 3 covered financial 
assistance be provided to low-and very low-income persons, and that 
contracts are awarded to businesses that are either owned by, or 
substantially employ such persons.
    (b) Demonstrating compliance to the greatest extent feasible. 
Absent evidence to the contrary, recipients of housing and community 
development assistance that meets the funding threshold set at Sec.  
135.53 and PHAs shall demonstrate compliance with Section 3 and the 
requirements of this part by:
    (1) Establishing policies and procedures to achieve compliance with 
Section 3, as provided in Sec.  135.9;
    (2) Fulfilling its responsibilities, as specified in Sec.  135.11; 
and either
    (3) Reaching or exceeding each minimum numerical goal for 
employment and contracting opportunities, as provided in Sec.  135.13 
and either Sec.  135.35 or Sec.  135.55; or
    (4) If the minimum numerical goals for employment and contracting 
are not met, providing written justification explaining the extent of 
efforts taken to meet the minimum numerical goals and the impediments 
confronted in trying to meet the minimum numerical goals. Such 
justifications must include, at a minimum, a summary of: impediments 
encountered; actions taken to address the identified impediments; and 
an identification of steps that may be successful in overcoming 
impediments in the future. Justifications provided by recipients will 
be taken into

[[Page 16536]]

consideration by HUD when making compliance determinations.
    (c) Compliance monitoring and enforcement. (1) When determining if 
efforts taken by recipients demonstrate compliance with Section 3, to 
the greatest extent feasible, HUD shall review:
    (i) Policies and procedures, as specified in Sec.  135.9 developed 
by the recipient to ascertain the extent to which they present measures 
for achieving compliance with Section 3; and
    (ii) The extent to which the recipient fulfilled its 
responsibilities, as specified in Sec.  135.11; and either:
    (A) Whether the minimum goals at Sec.  135.35 or Sec.  135.55 were 
met; or
    (B) Whether written justifications for not meeting the minimum 
goals explain the extent of efforts taken to achieve the goals of 
Section 3, identify the impediments encountered, the actions taken to 
address the identified impediments, and steps that may be successful in 
overcoming impediments in the future. Justifications provided by 
recipients will be taken into consideration by HUD when making 
compliance determinations.
    (2) Recipients that fail to comply with the requirements of this 
part are subject to sanctions for noncompliance in accordance with the 
requirements of the regulation or NOFA governing the program under 
which the Section 3 covered financial assistance is provided, as set 
forth at Sec.  135.27.

Sec.  135.9  Official Section 3 policies and procedures.

    (a) Official Section 3 policies and procedures. (1) All recipients 
that plan to undertake Section 3 covered activities must develop and 
adopt official policies or procedures to implement the requirements of 
this part in accordance with the ``to the greatest extent feasible'' 
requirement as set forth at Sec.  135.7. Official policies and 
procedures shall be updated as appropriate.
    (2) Official policies and procedures must include, at a minimum, 
steps that the recipient will take to: inform subrecipients and 
contractors about Section 3 obligations; evaluate potential bidders for 
Section 3 compliance during contract selection; notify Section 3 
residents and businesses about economic opportunities; implement 
verification and/or certification procedures for residents and 
businesses; provide priority consideration to qualified Section 3 
residents and businesses; monitor subrecipients and contractors for 
compliance; establish consequences for noncompliance; and utilize local 
community resources to meet its Section 3 requirements. The preceding 
list is not inclusive of all elements that recipients should include in 
official policies and procedures. Updates to official policies and 
procedures shall discuss the relative success of the immediate past 
policies and procedures and how any changes are aimed to better promote 
compliance with Section 3.
    (3) Section 3 official policies and procedures shall be 
incorporated into any strategic and annual plans required of recipients 
of HUD covered assistance by HUD program regulations.
    (i) Recipients of Section 3 covered funding shall include a general 
description of their Section 3 official policies and procedures in 
required recipient plans, such as public housing plans required by HUD 
regulation in 24 CFR part 903, strategic and annual action plans 
required by HUD regulations in 24 CFR parts 91 and 570, or other 
similar plans that may be required under other covered HUD programs.
    (ii) If a recipient is not required to submit official plans to HUD 
such as public housing plans required by regulations in 24 CFR part 
903, strategic or annual action plans required by regulations in 24 CFR 
parts 91 or 570, or other similar plans, the recipients' official 
section 3 policies and procedures shall be developed as an independent 
document at the time that Section 3 covered financial assistance is 
awarded and updated every 5 years thereafter.
    (4) Official policies and procedures shall be available for review 
by HUD, Section 3 residents and businesses, and the general public upon 

Sec.  135.11  Recipient responsibilities.

    (a) General. Recipients have the responsibility for monitoring and 
ensuring compliance with this part in their own operations, and 
ensuring compliance in the operations of their subrecipients, 
contractors, or subcontractors. The use of subrecipients, contractors, 
or subcontractors does not relieve a recipient of its responsibility. 
Recipients are also responsible for determining the adequacy of 
performance under subrecipient agreements or procurement contracts, and 
for taking appropriate action when performance problems arise.
    (b) Specific responsibilities for all recipients. Recipients shall 
comply with the following requirements:
    (1) Develop and implement official Section 3 policies and 
procedures in accordance with Sec.  135.9.
    (2) Maintain lists of eligible Section 3 residents and businesses 
that have asked to receive priority consideration for training, 
employment, contracting, or other economic opportunities.
    (3) Notify Section 3 residents and businesses that have asked to 
receive priority consideration about the availability of new 
employment, training, contracting, or other economic opportunities 
created as a result of the expenditure of Section 3 covered financial 
    (i) Recipients must ensure that all communications are provided in 
a manner that is effective for persons with hearing, visual, and other 
communications-related disabilities consistent with section 504 of the 
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and, as applicable, the Americans with 
Disabilities Act.
    (ii) Notifications shall be made in accordance with ``HUD's Final 
Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Regarding Title VI Prohibition 
Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English 
Proficient Persons'' published in the Federal Register on January 22, 
2007 at 72 FR 2732 (or other subsequent updated guidance).
    (4) Ensure that priority consideration is provided to Section 3 
residents and businesses in accordance with the orders of priority 
consideration set forth at Sec. Sec.  135.37 and 135.57.
    (5) Monitor the payroll data of developers, contractors, and 
subcontractors throughout the project or activity, to ensure that new 
employment opportunities are made available consistent with the 
requirements of this part. This requirement only applies to projects or 
activities that are subject to wage rates determined under the Davis 
Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 3141 et seq.).
    (6) Ensure that all bid solicitations associated with Section 3 
covered projects or activities acknowledge the applicability of Section 
3 to the project or activity and communicate the selected contractor's 
obligation to comply with the requirements of this part to prospective 
bidders. Some examples include: notifying prospective contractors about 
Section 3 applicability during pre-bid meetings or conferences; 
requiring bidders to certify that they have received a copy of the 
recipient's Section 3 policies/procedures; etc.
    (7) Ensure that subrecipients, contractors, or subcontractors enter 
into written agreements consistent with Sec.  135.17, and include the 
Section 3 clause at Sec.  135.19, as appropriate.
    (8) Ensure that notices or signs acknowledging Section 3 
obligations and advertising vacant employment,

[[Page 16537]]

training, contracting, or subcontracting opportunities are posted in 
places where they can be clearly seen by both current employees and 
prospective applicants for economic opportunities.
    (i) At a minimum, such notices shall include the following: 
anticipated dates that work will begin and end; anticipated number and 
type of job vacancies available; anticipated number and type of 
registered apprenticeship or training opportunities offered; 
anticipated dollar amount and type of subcontracting opportunities; 
application and bidding procedures; required employment and 
subcontracting qualifications; and the name and contact information for 
the person(s) accepting applications.
    (ii) Notifications shall be in accordance with ``HUD's Final 
Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Regarding Title VI Prohibition 
Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English 
Proficient Persons'' published in the Federal Register on January 22, 
2007 at 72 FR 2732 (or other subsequent updated guidance).
    (9) If applicable, ensure that new or existing subrecipient or 
contractor selection procedures, including those developed in 
accordance with 24 CFR part 85; assess the responsible bidder's 
previous compliance and ability to:
    (i) Retain Section 3 hires for employment opportunities;
    (ii) Comply with Section 3 requirements; and
    (iii) Provide training opportunities for Section 3 residents.
    (10) If applicable, ensure that labor unions are notified about 
recipient's and contractor's obligations to comply with the 
requirements of this part. Collective bargaining agreements, project 
labor agreements or other agreements between labor unions and 
recipients, or subrecipients that are established, or revised, after 
[EFFECTIVE DATE OF FINAL RULE], shall ensure that projects generated 
from the expenditure of Section 3 covered financial assistance provide 
employment, registered apprenticeship, training, contracting, or other 
economic opportunities to Section 3 residents and businesses in a 
manner that is consistent with this part
    (11) Coordinate with local DOL Workforce Investment Boards, 
YouthBuild grantees, or other State or Federal training programs to 
ensure that Section 3 residents and businesses are notified about the 
availability of federal training opportunities.
    (12) Document actions taken to comply with the requirements of this 
part; the results of actions taken; sanctions imposed upon 
subrecipients, contractors, subcontractors, or subcontractors; 
impediments encountered; actions taken to address the identified 
impediments; and steps that may be successful in overcoming impediments 
in the future.
    (c) Responsibilities specific to PHAs. In addition to the 
responsibilities set forth in paragraph (b) of this section, PHAs must 
comply with the following additional requirements:
    (1) PHAs are required to monitor successful bidders for compliance 
with descriptions provided in qualified bid proposals.
    (2) Develop appropriate procedures to comply with the earned income 
disregard requirements; and
    (3) Develop procedures to set-aside eligible contracting 
opportunities for public housing resident-owned businesses that are 
consistent with 24 CFR part 963, as appropriate.
    (d) Responsibilities specific to recipients of housing and 
community development financial assistance. In addition to the 
responsibilities set forth in paragraph (b) of this section, recipients 
of housing and community development financial assistance must comply 
with the following additional requirements:
    (1) Where practicable, recipients are required to monitor 
successful bidders for compliance with descriptions provided in 
qualified bid proposals.
    (2) Recipients must ensure that qualified local Section 3 
businesses are included on lists of preferred or recommended 
contractors when such lists are provided to homeowners for 
rehabilitation loan or grant programs. The recipient or subrecipient 
may count any Section 3 businesses that are selected by homeowners 
towards their minimum numerical goals annually. The recipient is not 
required to count any non-Section 3 businesses that are selected by 
homeowners toward the total amount of contracts awarded to Section 3 
businesses annually.

Sec.  135.13  General minimum numerical goals.

    (a) Calculation of goals. The minimum numerical goals established 
in this part apply to the aggregate number of employment and 
contracting opportunities generated by Section 3 covered financial 
assistance during each annual reporting period as defined at Sec.  
    (b) Minimum numerical goals. (1) Recipients of public housing 
financial assistance shall, to the greatest extent feasible, reach the 
minimum numerical goals set forth at Sec.  135.35.
    (2) Recipients of housing and community development financial 
assistance shall, to the greatest extent feasible, reach the minimum 
numerical goals set forth at Sec.  135.55.
    (3) Recipients of competitively awarded Section 3 covered financial 
assistance shall, to the greatest extent feasible, reach the minimum 
numerical goals set forth in the subpart associated with the type of 
financial assistance provided, Sec. Sec.  135.35 and 135.55, 
    (c) Inability or failure to meet goals. Recipients that are unable 
or fail to meet minimum numerical goals must provide to HUD a written 
justification as to why the goals were not met, as provided in Sec.  
135.7(b)(4). Justifications provided by recipients will be taken into 
consideration by HUD when making compliance determinations.

Sec.  135.15  Verification of Section 3 resident and Section 3 business 

    (a) General. Recipients of Section 3 covered financial assistance 
are required to verify that residents and businesses seeking the 
employment and contracting opportunities offered by the recipient meet 
the definitions of Section 3 residents and Section 3 businesses at 
Sec.  135.5 prior to providing priority consideration for employment, 
training, contracting, or other economic opportunities. Unless 
otherwise directed by HUD, recipients may use their own discretion for 
developing specific verification procedures for Section 3 residents and 
Section 3 businesses.
    (b) Section 3 residents. (1) A recipient may allow persons to self-
certify that they are a Section 3 resident as defined in Sec.  135.5 
provided that the recipient conducts procedures to verify a sample of 
self-certified Section 3 residents.
    (2) A recipient may presume a person that can provide evidence that 
they reside within a neighborhood, zip code, census tract, etc. that 
has officially been identified by HUD is eligible to receive priority 
consideration as a Section 3 resident absent evidence to the contrary.
    (3) A recipient may require information verifying that a person 
meets the definition of a Section 3 resident. Examples of evidence of 
eligibility include but are not limited to: evidence of receipt of 
Federal housing assistance; evidence of receipt of other Federal 
subsidies or Federal assistance programs; Federal tax returns; proof of 
residence in a neighborhood, zip code, census tract, or other area that 
has officially been identified by HUD.
    (4) A recipient shall impose sanctions upon individuals who make 
false claims or representations regarding their income eligibility, 
residence, or other factors in order to be determined a

[[Page 16538]]

Section 3 resident. In addition, the recipient will refer such 
individuals to the HUD Office of Inspector General.
    (c) Section 3 businesses. (1) A recipient may allow a business to 
self-certify that they are a Section 3 business as defined in Sec.  
135.5, provided that the recipient conducts procedures to verify a 
sample of self-certified Section 3 businesses.
    (2) A recipient may presume that a business meets the eligibility 
criteria if the business provides evidence that it is located within a 
neighborhood, zip code, or census tract that has been identified by 
HUD; or if the business is able to provide evidence that it 
substantially employs residents from neighborhoods, zip codes, or 
census tracts identified by HUD, absent evidence to the contrary.
    (3) A recipient may require information verifying that a business 
meets the definition of a Section 3 business. Examples of evidence of 
eligibility for priority consideration as a Section 3 business may 
include: Federal tax returns for workers, owners, or businesses; 
payroll data; employee-self-certification statements; articles of 
business ownership; evidence that owners or employees received housing 
or other Federal subsidies within 3 years from the date that the 
business sought designation as a Section 3 business.
    (4) A recipient shall impose appropriate sanctions upon businesses 
that make false claims or representations regarding their eligibility, 
business location, eligible employees, or other factors in order to be 
determined a Section 3 business. In addition, the recipient will refer 
such individuals to the HUD Office of Inspector General.

Sec.  135.17  Written agreements.

    (a) General. Before disbursing any Section 3 covered financial 
assistance to subrecipients that may administer all or a part of 
Section 3 covered financial assistance on- behalf of a recipient, the 
recipient must ensure that the parties enter into a written agreement 
to facilitate compliance with the requirements of this part.
    (b) Provisions in written agreements. The contents of the agreement 
may vary depending upon the role the subrecipient is asked to assume on 
behalf of the recipient, the type of Section 3 covered project or 
activity that is to be undertaken, or the dollar amount of the 
contract. Recipients are responsible for enforcing the provisions of 
written agreements, including imposing sanctions upon subrecipients for 
noncompliance. This section specifies the minimum provisions that must 
be included in written agreements and contracts.
    (c) [Reserved].
    (d) [Reserved].
    (e) Subrecipient agreements. Agreements between the recipient and 
the subrecipient must:
    (1) Describe the subrecipient's plan for implementing Section 3 and 
meeting the numerical hiring and contracting goals; ensuring 
eligibility of Section 3 residents and businesses; and monitoring 
contractor compliance. This description must provide enough detail to 
provide a sound basis for the recipient to monitor performance under 
the agreement;
    (2) Specify the duties set forth in this part that the subrecipient 
will undertake;
    (3) State that the subrecipient will incorporate the Section 3 
clause, as provided in Sec.  135.19, into all contracts or 
subcontracts, memoranda of understanding, cooperative agreements, or 
similar legally binding arrangements, ensure that contractors and 
subcontractors certify their compliance at the time of contract award, 
and monitor parties for compliance, as appropriate;
    (4) Specify other responsibilities as needed to ensure that the 
subrecipient or contractor complies with all requirements at Sec. Sec.  
135.23 and 135.25;
    (5) Specify the particular records that must be maintained and the 
information or reports that must be submitted in order to assist the 
recipient in meeting its recordkeeping and reporting requirements for 
Section 3; and
    (6) Provide for a means of enforcement and describe the sanctions 
for failure to comply with this part.

Sec.  135.19  Contracts and Section 3 clause.

    (a) General. Before disbursing any Section 3 covered financial 
assistance to contractors or subcontractors that may administer all or 
a part of Section 3 covered financial assistance on- behalf of a 
recipient, the recipient must ensure that the parties enter into a 
contract to facilitate compliance with the requirements of this part.
    (b) Provisions in contracts. The contents of the contract may vary 
depending upon the dollar amount of the contract. Recipients are 
responsible for enforcing the provisions of contracts, including 
imposing sanctions upon contractors or subcontractors for 
noncompliance. This section specifies the minimum provisions that must 
be included in contracts.
    (c) Contracts of $200,000 or above. Contracts of $200,000 or more 
shall include the Section 3 clause at Sec.  135.19 in its entirety.
    (d) Contracts less than $200,000. Contracts of less than $200,000 
shall include provisions A, B, C, F, H, and M of the Section 3 clause 
at Sec.  135.19.
    (e) Where required, the following Section 3 clause shall be 
included in contracts:

Section 3 Clause

    A. The work to be performed under this contract, subcontract, 
memorandum of understanding, cooperative agreement or similar 
legally binding agreement, is subject to the requirements of section 
3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 (Section 3). The 
purpose of Section 3 is to ensure, to the greatest extent feasible, 
that training, employment, contracting, and other economic 
opportunities generated by Section 3 covered financial assistance 
shall be directed to low- and very low-income residents of the 
neighborhood where the financial assistance is spent, particularly 
to those who are recipients of government assistance for housing, 
and to businesses that are either owned by low- or very low-income 
residents of the neighborhood where the financial assistance is 
spent, or substantially employ these persons.
    B. The parties to this contract, subcontract, memorandum of 
understanding, cooperative agreement, or similar legally binding 
agreement agree to comply with HUD's regulations in 24 CFR part 135, 
which implement Section 3. As evidenced by their execution of this 
contract or subcontract memorandum of understanding, cooperative 
agreement or similar legally binding agreement the parties certify 
that they are under no contractual or other impediment that would 
prevent them from complying with the requirements of 24 CFR part 
    C. The contractor agrees to identify current employees on its 
payroll when the contract or subcontract was awarded who will be 
working on the Section 3 covered project or activity and certify 
that any vacant employment opportunities, including training 
positions, that are filled:
    1. After the contractor is selected; and
    2. With persons other than those that meet the definition of a 
Section 3 resident, were not filled to circumvent the contractor's 
Section 3 obligations.
    D. The contractor agrees to maintain records documenting Section 
3 residents that were hired to work on previous Section 3 covered 
projects or activities that were retained by the contractor for 
subsequent Section 3 covered projects or activities.
    E. The contractor agrees to post signs advertising new 
employment, training, or subcontracting opportunities that will be 
available as a result of the Section 3 covered projects and 
activities in conspicuous places at the work site where potential 
applicants can review them.
    F. The contractor agrees to hire, to the greatest extent 
feasible, Section 3 residents as 30 percent of new hires, or provide 
written justification to the recipient that is consistent with Sec.  
135.7(b)(4), describing why it was unable to meet minimum numerical 

[[Page 16539]]

goals, despite its efforts to comply with the provisions of this 
    G. The contractor agrees that in order for a Section 3 resident 
to be counted as a new hire, the resident must work a minimum of 50 
percent of the average staff hours worked for the category of work 
for which they were hired throughout the duration of time that the 
category of work is performed on the covered project.
    H. The contractor agrees to award, to the greatest extent 
feasible, 10 percent of the total dollar amount of subsequent 
subcontracts awarded in connection with the Section 3 covered 
project or activity to Section 3 businesses, or provide written 
justification that is consistent with Sec.  135.7(b)(4) describing 
why it was unable to meet that goal, despite their efforts to comply 
with the provisions of this clause.
    I. The contractor agrees to notify Section 3 residents and 
businesses about the availability of new employment, training, or 
contracting opportunities created as a result of the receipt of 
Section 3 covered financial assistance, as stipulated by the 
awarding agency.
    J. The contractor agrees to verify the eligibility of 
prospective Section 3 residents and businesses for employment, 
training, or subcontracting opportunities, in accordance with the 
recipient's policies and procedures.
    K. The contractor agrees to provide priority consideration to 
eligible residents and businesses in accordance with 24 CFR 135.37 
or 24 CFR 135.57, as applicable.
    L. The contractor agrees to notify potential bidders on 
subcontracts that are associated with Section 3 covered projects and 
activities about the requirements of Section 3, and include this 
Section 3 clause in its entirety into every subcontract awarded.
    M. The contractor agrees to impose sanctions upon any 
subcontractor that has violated the requirements of this clause in 
accordance with the awarding agency's Section 3 policies and 
    N. The contractor agrees to comply with all monitoring, 
reporting, recordkeeping, and other procedures specified by the 
awarding agency.
    O. If applicable, the contractor agrees to notify each labor 
organization or representative of workers with which the recipient, 
subrecipient, or contractor has a collective bargaining or similar 
labor agreement or other understanding, if any, about its obligation 
to comply with the requirements of Section 3 and ensure that new 
collective bargaining or similar labor agreements provide 
employment, registered apprenticeship, training, subcontracting, or 
other economic opportunities to Section 3 residents and businesses, 
and to post notices in conspicuous places at the work site advising 
the labor union, organization, or workers' representative of the 
contractor's commitments under this part.
    P. Failure to comply with this clause shall result in the 
imposition of sanctions. Appropriate sanctions for noncompliance may 
include: Requiring additional certifications or assurances of 
compliance; termination or cancelation of the contract, subcontract, 
memorandum of understanding, cooperative agreement, or similar 
legally binding arrangement for default; refraining from entering 
into subsequent contracts, subcontracts, memoranda of understanding, 
cooperative agreements, or similar legally binding arrangement; 
repayment of funds, and withholding a portion of contract awards, 
subcontracts, memoranda of understanding, cooperative agreements, or 
similar legally binding arrangements.

Sec.  135.21  Certifications of compliance.

    (a) Annual certifications.--(1) Recipient certifications. (i) A 
recipient shall submit annual certifications to HUD documenting its 
acknowledgement of obligations to comply with the requirements of this 
part in its own operations and those of its subrecipients, contractors, 
subcontractors, and others that may be administering Section 3 covered 
financial assistance on behalf of the recipient. Certifications shall 
be submitted in accordance with the requirements of the regulation or 
NOFA governing the program under which the Section 3 covered financial 
assistance is provided.
    (ii) HUD may require recipients to provide additional documentation 
or assurances as evidence of compliance with the requirements of this 
part prior to the acceptance of annual certifications. HUD may refuse 
to accept any certification when there are reasonable grounds to 
believe that the recipient is not in compliance with the requirements 
of this part.
    (2) Subrecipients, contractors and subcontractors. (i) 
Subrecipients, contractors, and subcontractors shall certify their 
compliance by entering into a written agreement with the recipient, as 
specified at Sec.  135.17 or contract that contains the Section 3 
clause provided at Sec.  135.19.
    (ii) [Reserved]
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  135.23  Reporting requirements.

    (a) Recipient reporting requirements. (1) Each recipient shall 
submit to HUD an annual report documenting the recipient's compliance 
with Section 3 in such form and with such information as HUD may 
request. The purpose of the report is to summarize efforts undertaken 
by the recipient and accomplishments (or lack thereof) towards meeting 
the employment and contracting goals set forth at Sec.  135.11.
    (i) The report will include an accounting of all new hires, as 
defined at Sec.  135.5, and Section 3 new hires employed as a result of 
the expenditure of Section 3 covered financial assistance in a manner 
that allows HUD to determine if the minimum numerical goal for 
employment was met during the reporting period.
    (ii) The report will also account for the total dollar amount of 
contracts awarded as a result of the expenditure of Section 3 covered 
financial assistance during the reporting period, and the dollar amount 
of those contracts that were awarded to Section 3 businesses in a 
manner that allows HUD to determine if the minimum numerical goal for 
contracting was met.
    (iii) The report must include a written justification consistent 
with Sec.  135.7(b)(4) if a recipient failed to meet the minimum 
numerical goals during the reporting period.
    (2) Only recipients are required to submit Section 3 annual reports 
to HUD. HUD will not accept reports from subrecipients, contractors, or 
subcontractors administering Section 3 covered financial assistance on 
behalf of a recipient.
    (b) Reporting periods. Unless otherwise indicated, a recipient's 
reporting period shall coincide with their local program of fiscal 
    (c) Report due dates. (1) Unless otherwise indicated, all Section 3 
annual reports shall be submitted to HUD's Office of Fair Housing and 
Equal Opportunity. Where the program providing the Section 3 covered 
assistance requires submission of an annual performance report, the 
Section 3 report will be submitted with that annual performance report. 
If the program providing the Section 3 covered assistance does not 
require an annual performance report, the Section 3 report is to be 
submitted by January 10 of each year or within 10 days of project 
completion, whichever is earlier.
    (2) HUD may grant an extension of the due date for a Section 3 
annual report for good reason based on a recipient's demonstration of 
the inability, through no fault of its own, to meet the reporting due 
    (d) Electronic submission. Unless otherwise specified, Section 3 
annual reports shall be submitted electronically through online 
reporting systems as specified by HUD.
    (e) Data collection. Data presented in a Section 3 annual report 
shall be used to make determinations regarding the recipient's efforts 
to ensure compliance with the requirements of Section 3 in its own 
operations, and those of its subrecipients, contractors, or 
subcontractors that may be administering Section 3 covered financial 
assistance on behalf of the recipient. Data from Section 3 annual 
reports may be used to produce reports for the Secretary, for the 
Executive Branch, Congress, housing professionals, the general public, 

[[Page 16540]]

others that may benefit from the information provided in such reports.
    (f) Sanctions for delinquent reports. (1) Recipients that fail to 
submit Section 3 annual reports by the reporting due date may be 
sanctioned in accordance with the requirements of the regulation or 
NOFA governing the program under which the Section 3 covered financial 
assistance is provided.
    (2) Continuing failure to submit Section 3 annual reports may 
result in HUD denying or withholding HUD financial assistance.
    (g) Subrecipient reporting. A state or county recipient that 
distributes Section 3 covered financial assistance to subrecipients 
shall compile data regarding compliance with the requirements of this 
regulation in its own operations, and in the operations of its 
subrecipients, contractors, and subcontractors into one annual report 
to HUD in a manner that allows HUD to make an accurate determination 
regarding the State or county recipient's efforts to ensure compliance 
during the reporting period. Subrecipients are not required to submit 
annual reports directly to HUD.
    (h) Availability of Section 3 reports. All Section 3 annual reports 
submitted to HUD in accordance with the requirements of this part will 
be made available to the public upon request.

Sec.  135.25  Recordkeeping and access to records.

    HUD shall have access to all records, reports, documents, 
contracts, or other items that are maintained by a recipient to 
demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this part, in the 
recipient's own operations or those of its subrecipients, contractors, 
or subcontractors. These records include, but are not limited to: 
Section 3 policies, procedures, and other guidance materials; lists of 
Section 3 residents and businesses; evidence of efforts to notify 
Section 3 residents and businesses about the availability of employment 
training, contracting, or other economic opportunities; payroll data or 
other similar documentation verifying new hires; copies of Section 3 
contracts, clauses, and assurances; evidence of efforts taken by 
contractors or subcontractors to comply with the terms of the Section 3 
clause and efforts taken to reach the minimum numerical goals; and 
other data, evidence or materials deemed by HUD as demonstrating 
compliance with the requirements of this part.

Sec.  135.27  Sanctions for noncompliance.

    Sanctions imposed on recipients that fail to comply with any of the 
requirements of this part shall be in accordance with the requirements 
and procedures concerning the imposition of sanctions or resolutions 
set forth in the regulations governing the program under which the 
Section 3 financial assistance is provided. Appropriate sanctions for 
noncompliance may, depending on the regulation governing the program 
under which the Section 3 financial assistance was provided, include: 
requiring additional certifications or assurances of compliance; 
repayment of HUD financial assistance; ineligibility for HUD financial 
assistance; withholding HUD financial assistance; or suspension, 
debarment, or limited denial of participation in HUD programs pursuant 
to 2 CFR part 2424 where appropriate.

Sec.  135.29  Other Federal requirements.

    Compliance with Section 3 and the regulations of this part does not 
supersede other Federal requirements that may be applicable to the 
execution of HUD programs.
    (a) Federal labor standards provisions. Certain construction 
contracts are subject to compliance with the requirement to pay 
prevailing wages determined under the Davis-Bacon Act and with 
implementing DOL regulations, including those at 29 CFR parts 1, 3 and 
5. Additionally, maintenance activities on public housing developments 
are subject to compliance with the requirement to pay prevailing wage 
rates, as determined or adopted by HUD, for maintenance laborers and 
mechanics engaged in this work.
    (b) Use of apprentices. Apprentices and trainees will be permitted 
to work at less than the predetermined rate for the work they perform 
when they are employed pursuant to a bona fide apprenticeship program 
registered with the DOL Office of Apprenticeship, or a state 
apprenticeship agency recognized by that Office, or pursuant to a 
trainee program approved by the DOL Employment and Training 
Administration, under the conditions specified in DOL regulations at 29 
CFR 5.5(a)(4). Apprentices and trainees may be utilized only to the 
extent permitted under either DOL regulations or, for work subject to 
HUD-determined or adopted prevailing wage rates consistent with HUD 
policies and guidelines. The allowable use of apprentices and trainees 
includes adherence to the wage rates and ratios of apprentices or 
trainees to journeymen set out in the approved program.

Subpart B--Additional Provisions for Public Housing Financial 

Sec.  135.31  Applicability.

    (a) General. The requirements of Section 3 apply to training, 
employment, contracting and other economic opportunities arising from 
the expenditure of public housing financial assistance, as defined in 
Sec.  135.5. This subpart communicates provisions to be implemented by 
PHAs in addition to those set forth in subpart A.
    (b) Scope of applicability. (1) The requirements of this subpart 
apply to all new employment and training opportunities that are 
generated as a result of the expenditure of public housing financial 
    (2) The requirements of this subpart apply to all contracting 
opportunities (including contracts for professional services) that are 
funded with Section 3 public housing financial assistance, regardless 
of whether the Section 3 project is fully- or partially-funded with 
Section 3 covered financial assistance. Accordingly, if any amount of 
Section 3 covered financial assistance is invested into Section 3 
covered projects or activities, the requirements of this subpart apply 
to the entire project.

Sec.  135.33  Public housing agency thresholds.

    There are no thresholds for Section 3 public housing financial 
assistance. The requirements of this subpart apply to Section 3 public 
housing assistance provided to recipients, notwithstanding the amount 
of the assistance provided to the recipient. The requirements of this 
subpart apply to all subrecipients, contractors, or subcontractors 
performing work in connection with projects and activities funded by 
public housing Section 3 covered financial assistance, regardless of 
the dollar amount of the contract or subcontract.

Sec.  135.35  Minimum numerical goals.

    (a) Employment opportunities. (1) PHAs must employ, to the greatest 
extent feasible, Section 3 residents as 30 percent of direct new hires 
within the public housing agency (PHA). Employment opportunities are 
not limited to those related to construction and rehabilitation and may 
include, but are not limited, to the following employment 
opportunities: management, administrative, accounting, food services, 
case management, information technology, facilities maintenance, 
janitorial, daycare, construction, etc.
    (2) PHAs must direct their subrecipients, contractors, 
subcontractors, and others that may be

[[Page 16541]]

administering Section 3 covered financial assistance on the PHA's 
behalf to employ, to the greatest extent feasible, Section 3 residents 
as 30 percent of its direct new hires.
    (3) For a Section 3 resident to be considered a new hire by a 
contractor or subcontractor, the Section 3 resident must work, during 
its employment with the contractor or subcontractor, a minimum of 50 
percent of the average staff hours worked for the category of work for 
which they were hired throughout the duration of time that the category 
of work is performed on the covered project.
    (b) Contracting opportunities. (1) PHAs must award, to the greatest 
extent feasible, to Section 3 businesses at least 10 percent of the 
total dollar amount of all contracting opportunities generated from the 
expenditure of Section 3 covered financial assistance.
    (2) PHAs must direct their subrecipients, contractors, 
subcontractors, and others that may be administering Section 3 covered 
financial assistance on the PHA's behalf to award, to the greatest 
extent feasible, to Section 3 businesses at least 10 percent of the 
total dollar amount of all subsequent contracting or subcontracting 

Sec.  135.37  Orders of priority consideration for employment and 
contracting opportunities.

    (a) General. (1) Priority consideration should not be construed to 
be a quota or set-aside program, or an entitlement to economic 
opportunities such as a particular position or contract.
    (2) Section 3 residents must possess the same job qualifications, 
skills, eligibility criteria, and capacity as other applicants for 
employment and training opportunities being sought.
    (3) Section 3 businesses must be selected in accordance with the 
procurement standards of 24 CFR 85.36, including price, ability and 
willingness to comply with this part, and other factors, to be 
considered lowest responsible bidders on contracting opportunities 
being sought.
    (4) A PHA may give priority consideration to a Section 3 resident 
or business if such resident or business is qualified for the 
respective employment or contracting opportunity.
    (5) A PHA must give priority consideration to a Section 3 resident 
or business when that Section 3 resident or business is equally 
qualified with other individuals or businesses to which the PHA would 
offer employment or contracting opportunities.
    (b) Order of priority consideration for Section 3 residents in 
employment and training opportunities. A PHA, its subrecipients, 
contractors, and subcontractors shall direct their efforts to provide 
employment and training opportunities generated from the expenditure of 
Section 3 covered financial assistance to Section 3 residents in the 
following order of priority consideration:
    (1) Residents of the public housing project or projects where the 
Section 3 covered financial assistance is expended.
    (2) Residents of other public housing projects managed by the PHA 
that is spending Section 3 covered financial assistance.
    (3) Section 3 residents participating in DOL YouthBuild programs.
    (4) Other Section 3 residents in the Section 3 local area, 
including individuals and families receiving Section 8 housing choice 
    (c) Order of priority consideration for Section 3 businesses in 
contracting opportunities. A PHA, its subrecipients, contractors, and 
others shall direct their efforts to award contracting and 
subcontracting opportunities to Section 3 businesses in the following 
order of priority consideration:
    (1) Section 3 businesses that are 51 percent or more owned by 
residents of the public housing project(s) where the Section 3 covered 
financial assistance is expended; or whose full-time, permanent 
workforce is comprised of 30 percent or more of residents of the public 
housing project(s) where the Section 3 covered financial assistance is 
    (2) Section 3 businesses that are 51 percent or more owned by 
residents of any public housing projects administered by the PHA; or 
whose full-time, permanent, workforce is comprised of 30 percent or 
more of residents of any public housing projects managed by the PHA.
    (3) Grantees selected to carry out DOL YouthBuild programs.
    (4) Any other Section 3 business in the Section 3 local area.

Subpart C--Additional Provisions for Housing and Community 
Development Financial Assistance

Sec.  135.51  Applicability.

    (a) General. This subpart communicates provisions that must be 
implemented by recipients of Section 3 housing and community 
development financial assistance in addition to those set forth in 
subpart A. Section 3 applies to training, employment, contracting 
(including contracts for professional services), and other economic 
opportunities arising in connection with the expenditure of housing and 
community development financial assistance that is used for projects 
    (1) Housing rehabilitation (including demolition);
    (2) Housing construction; or
    (3) Other public construction (including the demolition, 
rehabilitation or construction of other public buildings, facilities, 
or infrastructure).
    (b) Exemptions. (1) The following is a list of some activities and 
projects that are exempt from the requirements of this subpart. This is 
not intended to be an all-inclusive list of activities that may be 
exempt from the requirements of this subpart.
    (2) Covered housing and community financial assistance used for 
acquisition, routine maintenance, operations, administrative costs, and 
project rental assistance contracts (PRAC) is exempt from the 
requirements of this subpart.
    (3) Indian tribes and tribally designated housing entities shall 
comply with the responsibilities set forth in subpart A and in this 
subpart. However, Indian tribes and tribally designated housing 
entities that adopt, and are complying with, tribal employment and 
contract preference laws (including regulations and tribal ordinances) 
in accordance with Section 101(k) of Native American Housing Assistance 
and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) (25 U.S.C. 4111(k)) shall 
also be deemed to be in compliance with this subpart. Indian tribes, 
tribally designated housing entities, and other tribal entities that 
are subject to the Indian preference requirements of Section 7(b) of 
the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 
450e) shall also be deemed to be in compliance with this subpart. The 
requirements of this subpart apply to Indian tribes that have not 
adopted tribal preference laws for employment and contracting in 
accordance with Section 101(k) of NAHASDA, and Indian tribes, tribally 
designated housing entities, and tribal entities that are not subject 
to Indian preference requirements of Section 7(b) of the Indian Self-
Determination and Education Assistance Act, in the same manner as other 
recipients of housing and community development financial assistance 
set forth in subpart C of this part.

Sec.  135.53  Funding thresholds that trigger Section 3 compliance.

    (a) Funding thresholds for recipients and subrecipients. (1) The 
requirements of this subpart apply to recipients of housing and 
community development

[[Page 16542]]

financial assistance that plan to obligate or commit an aggregate 
amount of $400,000 or more in Section 3 covered financial assistance on 
projects involving demolition, housing rehabilitation, housing 
construction, or other public construction during an annual reporting 
    (2) The $400,000 funding threshold is comprised of the combined 
expenditure of all sources of housing and community development 
financial assistance set forth in Sec.  135.5.
    (b) Applicability of Section 3 requirements to individual projects. 
(1) Where the thresholds set forth in paragraph (a) of this section are 
met, the requirements of this subpart apply to all Section 3 projects 
and activities that are funded with housing and community development 
financial assistance, regardless of the specific dollar amount invested 
into the Section 3 covered project or activity.
    (2) The requirements of this subpart apply to the entire project 
that is funded with Section 3 covered financial assistance, regardless 
of whether the Section 3 project is fully- or partially-funded with 
housing and community development financial assistance. Accordingly, if 
any amount of Section 3 covered financial assistance is invested into a 
project involving housing demolition, rehabilitation or construction, 
or the rehabilitation or construction of public buildings, facilities, 
or infrastructure, the requirements of this subpart apply to the entire 
project, both HUD and non-HUD funded portions.

Sec.  135.55  Minimum numerical goals.

    (a) Employment opportunities. (1) Recipients of housing and 
community development financial assistance must direct its contractors 
and subcontractors employ, to the greatest extent feasible, Section 3 
residents as 30 percent of direct new hires. For a Section 3 resident 
to be considered a new hire, the Section 3 resident must work, during 
the resident's employment with the contractor or subcontractor, a 
minimum of 50 percent of the average staff hours worked for the 
category of work for which they were hired throughout the duration of 
time that the category of work is performed on the covered project.
    (2) Recipients of housing and community development financial 
assistance must ensure, to the greatest extent feasible, that 30 
percent of any new hires within the agency that will primarily work on 
HUD-funded projects or activities involving demolition; housing 
rehabilitation; housing construction; demolition, rehabilitation, or 
construction of other public buildings, facilities, or infrastructure; 
or construction and rehabilitation-related (professional service) 
projects and activities are Section 3 residents. For example, these 
positions may include electricians, plumbers, construction managers, 
general laborers, consultants, accountants, and architects.
    (c) Contracting opportunities. (1) Recipients of housing and 
community development financial assistance must award, to the greatest 
extent feasible, at least 10 percent of the total dollar amount of all 
contracts to Section 3 businesses.
    (2) Recipients of housing and community development financial 
assistance must, to the greatest extent feasible, have its 
subrecipients, contractors, and subcontractors that receive contracts 
for Section 3 covered projects and activities award at least 10 percent 
of the total dollar amount of all subsequent contracting and 
subcontracting opportunities to Section 3 businesses.

Sec.  135.57  Orders of priority consideration for employment and 
contracting opportunities.

    (a) General. (1) Recipients of housing and community development 
financial assistance and their subrecipients, and contractors shall 
provide priority consideration to Section 3 residents and Section 3 
businesses for new training, employment, and contracting opportunities 
generated as a result of the expenditure of Section 3 covered financial 
    (2) Priority consideration should not be construed to be a quota or 
set-aside program, or as an entitlement to economic opportunities such 
as a particular job or contract.
    (3) Section 3 residents must possess the same job qualifications, 
skills, eligibility criteria, and capacity as other applicants for 
employment and training opportunities being sought.
    (4) Section 3 businesses must be selected in accordance with the 
procurement standards of 24 CFR 85.36 or 24 CFR 84.40, as appropriate, 
including price, ability and willingness to comply with this part, and 
other factors, to be considered lowest responsible bidders on 
contracting opportunities being sought.
    (5) Recipients of housing and community development financial 
assistance and their subrecipients, and contractors may give priority 
consideration to a Section 3 resident or business if such resident or 
business is qualified for the respective employment or contracting 
    (6) Recipients of housing and community development and their 
subrecipients, and contractors must give priority consideration to a 
Section 3 resident or business when that Section 3 resident or business 
is equally qualified with other individuals or businesses that would be 
offered employment or contracting opportunities.
    (b) Orders of priority consideration for employment and training 
opportunities. (1) Recipients of housing and community development 
financial assistance that meet the funding thresholds set forth at 
Sec.  135.53 shall direct their efforts to provide training and 
employment opportunities generated from the expenditure of Section 3 
housing and community development financial assistance, to Section 3 
residents in the following order of priority consideration:
    (i) Section 3 residents residing in the neighborhood or service 
area where the housing and community development financial assistance 
is spent;
    (ii) Section 3 residents participating in DOL YouthBuild programs;
    (iii) Section 3 residents residing in a neighborhood or service 
area within the Section 3 local area that has been officially 
identified by HUD;
    (iv) Other Section 3 residents located in the Section 3 local area.
    (2) Recipients of housing and community development financial 
assistance may, at their own discretion, provide priority consideration 
specifically to residents of public housing or recipients of other 
Federal assistance for housing, including individuals or families 
receiving Section 8 housing choice vouchers within the neighborhood 
where work on the Section 3 covered project or activity is located.
    (c) Orders of priority consideration for Section 3 businesses in 
contracting opportunities. (1) Recipients of housing and community 
development financial assistance and their subrecipients, and 
contractors shall direct their efforts to provide contracting or 
subcontracting opportunities generated from the expenditure of housing 
and community development financial assistance to Section 3 businesses 
in the following order of priority consideration:
    (i) Section 3 businesses that can provide evidence, to the 
satisfaction of the awarding agency, that a minimum of 75 percent of 
previously hired Section 3 residents residing in the service area of 
the project or neighborhood will be retained for the project.
    (ii) Section 3 businesses that can provide evidence to the 
satisfaction of the awarding agency that a minimum of

[[Page 16543]]

50 percent of on-the-job training or registered apprenticeship 
opportunities will be provided to Section 3 residents in the 
neighborhood or area to be served by the Section 3 project or activity.
    (iii) Section 3 businesses that are located in the neighborhood or 
service area where the Section 3 covered project or activity is 
located, and a minimum of 30 percent of its permanent full-time 
workforce is comprised of Section 3 residents residing in the 
neighborhood or service area where the Section 3 covered project or 
activity is located.
    (iv) Grantees selected to carry DOL YouthBuild programs.
    (5) All other businesses that are located in the Section 3 local 
area that meet the definition of Section 3 business in Sec.  135.5.

Subpart D--Additional Provisions for Recipients of Competitively 
Awarded Section 3 Financial Assistance

Sec.  135.71  Applicability.

    (a) General.--(1) Competitively awarded assistance. The 
requirements of this subpart apply to Section 3 covered financial 
assistance competitively awarded by HUD.
    (2) HUD Notices of Funding Availability (NOFAs). (i) All HUD NOFAs 
announcing the availability of Section 3 covered financial assistance 
will provide notification of the requirements of Section 3.
    (ii) For competitively awarded public housing financial assistance 
involving activities that are anticipated to generate significant 
employment, training, contracting, or other economic opportunities, 
regardless of the source or amount of the public housing financial 
assistance, HUD's NOFA will include a statement advising that 
successful applicants shall, to the greatest extent feasible, and 
consistent with existing Federal, State, and local laws and 
regulations, ensure that employment, training, contracting, or other 
economic opportunities created as a result of the provision of 
financial assistance be directed to Section 3 residents and businesses 
consistent with the orders of priority consideration set forth at Sec.  
    (iii) For competitively awarded housing and community development 
financial assistance involving housing demolition, rehabilitation, or 
construction, or the demolition, rehabilitation or construction of 
other public buildings, facilities or infrastructure, HUD's NOFA will 
include a statement acknowledging that if the award of competitive 
financial assistance will result in the successful applicant receiving 
and planning to obligate or commit Section 3 covered financial 
assistance that exceeds the thresholds set forth at Sec.  135.53, the 
grantee is required to ensure that employment, training, contracting 
(including contracts for professional services), or other economic 
opportunities generated as a result of the provision of Section 3 
covered financial assistance that is competitively awarded be directed, 
to the greatest extent feasible, and consistent with existing Federal, 
State, and local laws and regulations, to Section 3 residents and 
    (3) Exemption. HUD NOFA competitions that primarily use volunteer 
labor, sweat equity, homeowners, or other beneficiaries to carryout 
construction or rehabilitation projects or activities are exempt from 
complying with the requirements of this subpart.
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  135.73  Applicant selection criteria.

    Where not otherwise precluded by statute, and where applicable, in 
the evaluation of applications for the award of assistance, 
consideration shall be given to the extent to which an applicant has 
described in their applications their plans to train and employ Section 
3 residents and contract with Section 3 business concerns in 
furtherance of the proposed activities. The program NOFAs for which 
Section 3 is applicable will include information regarding how Section 
3 activities will be considered in rating the application.

Sec.  135.75  Section 3 compliance for NOFA grantees.

    (a) Certifications of compliance with this part. Successful 
applicants must certify that they will comply with the requirements set 
forth in this part. A HUD office that awards Section 3 covered 
financial assistance may require execution of a certification that 
reflects the requirements and goals of the Section 3 covered financial 
assistance. The Assistant Secretary for the program office will accept 
an applicant's certification absent evidence to the contrary.
    (b) Monitoring and compliance. Successful applicants shall be held 
accountable for complying with the requirements of this subpart; 
implementing strategies described in narrative statements; meeting 
annual reporting requirements; and will be subject to monitoring at the 
discretion of HUD.

Sec.  135.77  Resolution of outstanding Section 3 matters.

    Applicants that have received a letter of finding from HUD 
identifying noncompliance with Section 3 or that have received a 
sanction from HUD for noncompliance with Section 3, which has not been 
resolved to HUD's satisfaction before the application deadline, are 
ineligible to apply for competitive HUD funding. HUD will determine if 
actions taken to resolve the letter of findings or sanction taken 
before the deadline are sufficient to resolve the matter.

Subpart E--Enforcement

Sec.  135.91  Cooperation in achieving compliance.

    (a) General. HUD recognizes that the success of ensuring that 
Section 3 residents and Section 3 businesses have the opportunity to 
benefit from employment, training, contracting, and other economic 
opportunities generated from Section 3 covered financial assistance 
depends on the cooperation and assistance of recipients and their 
subrecipients, contractors, and subcontractors. Accordingly, all 
recipients shall fully and promptly cooperate with monitoring reviews, 
compliance reviews, or complaint investigations undertaken by HUD.
    (b) Records of compliance. Each recipient shall maintain adequate 
records demonstrating compliance with Section 3 in its own operations 
and those of its subrecipients, contractors, and subcontractors, 
consistent with Sec.  135.25. Recipients shall submit to HUD timely, 
complete and accurate data at such times, in specified formats, and 
containing information determined by HUD to be necessary to ascertain 
whether the recipient has complied with this subpart.

Sec.  135.93  Conduct of investigations.

    (a) Periodic compliance reviews. The Assistant Secretary or 
designee may periodically review the practices of recipients to 
determine whether they are complying with this part and where he or she 
has a reasonable basis to do so may conduct on-site or remote reviews. 
Such basis may include any evidence that a problem exists or that 
programmatic matters exist that justify investigation in selected 
circumstances. The Assistant Secretary or designee shall initiate 
compliance reviews by sending to the recipient a letter advising the 
recipient of the practices to be reviewed; the programs affected by the 
review; and the opportunity, at any time prior to receipt of a final 
determination, to make a documentary or other submission that explains, 
validates, or otherwise addresses the practices under review. In 
addition, normal program compliance reviews and monitoring

[[Page 16544]]

procedures shall identify appropriate actions to review and monitor 
compliance with general or specific program requirements designed to 
effectuate the requirements of this part.
    (b) Interdepartmental coordination. Monitoring and enforcement may 
be carried out in coordination with the HUD program office that 
provided Section 3 covered financial assistance to the recipient being 
reviewed for compliance with Section 3.
    (c) Investigations. The Assistant Secretary may conduct an 
investigation whenever a compliance or monitoring review, Section 3 
annual report, complaint or any other information indicates a possible 
failure by a recipient to comply with this part, or that a recipient 
failed to ensure compliance with this part by its subrecipients, 
contractors, or subcontractors that may be administering Section 3 
covered financial assistance on behalf of the recipient.
    (d) Who may file a complaint. The following individuals and 
businesses may file a complaint alleging noncompliance of the 
requirements of Section 3 with the Assistant Secretary, personally or 
through an authorized representative:
    (1) Any Section 3 resident on behalf of himself or herself, or as a 
representative of persons similarly situated, seeking employment, 
training or other economic opportunities generated from the expenditure 
of Section 3 covered financial assistance by a recipient, subrecipient, 
or contractor, or by a representative who is not a Section 3 resident 
but who represents one or more Section 3 residents;
    (2) Any Section 3 business on behalf of itself, or as a 
representative of other Section 3 businesses similarly situated, 
seeking contract opportunities generated from the expenditure of 
Section 3 covered financial assistance from a recipient, subrecipient, 
or contractor, or by an individual representative of Section 3 
    (3) The Assistant Secretary or designee shall hold in confidence 
the identity of any person submitting a complaint, unless the person 
submits written authorization otherwise, and except to the extent 
necessary to carry out the purposes of this part, including the conduct 
of any investigation, hearing, or proceeding under this part.
    (e) When to file. Complaints shall be filed within 180 days of the 
last occurrence of the alleged violation, unless the time for filing is 
extended by the Assistant Secretary for good cause shown. For purposes 
of determining when a complaint is filed under this paragraph (c) of 
this section, a complaint mailed to HUD shall be deemed filed on the 
date it is postmarked. Any other complaint shall be deemed filed on the 
date it is received by HUD.
    (f) Where to file a complaint. A complaint must be filed with the 
Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, U.S. Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW., Washington, DC, 
20410, or any FHEO Regional or Field Office, as stipulated by HUD.
    (g) Contents of complaint. Each complaint must contain the 
complainant's name and address, the name and address of the recipient 
alleged to have violated this part, and a description of the 
recipient's alleged violation in sufficient detail to inform HUD of the 
nature and date of the alleged violation of this part. HUD may provide 
assistance in drafting a complaint based on information received.
    (h) Amendment of complaints. Complaints may be reasonably and 
fairly amended at any time. Amendments to complaints, such as a 
clarification and amplification of allegations in a complaint, or the 
addition of other recipients may be made at any time during the 
pendency of the complaint and any amendment shall be deemed to be made 
as of the original filing date.
    (i) Notification. The Assistant Secretary will notify the 
complainant and the recipient of the agency's receipt of the complaint 
within 10 calendar days.
    (j) Preliminary investigation. (1) Within 30 calendar days of 
acknowledgement of the complaint, the Assistant Secretary will review 
the complaint for acceptance, rejection, or referral to the appropriate 
Federal agency.
    (2) If the complaint is accepted, the Assistant Secretary will 
notify the complainant and the applicable HUD program office. The 
Assistant Secretary will also notify the recipient of the allegations 
and provide them an opportunity to make a written submission responding 
to, rebutting, or denying the allegations presented in the complaint.
    (3) The recipient may send the Assistant Secretary a response to 
the notice of complaint within 30 calendar days of receipt. With the 
agreement of the Assistant Secretary, an answer may be amended at any 
time. The Assistant Secretary will permit answers to be amended for 
good cause shown.
    (k) Dismissal of complaint. If the investigation reveals no 
violation of this part, the Assistant Secretary or designee will 
dismiss the complaint and notify the complainant and recipient.
    (l) Letter of finding. If no informal resolution of the complaint 
or compliance review is reached, and the facts disclosed during a 
compliance review or an investigation indicate a failure by the 
recipient or its subrecipients or contractors to comply with the 
requirements of this part in its own operations or to ensure the 
compliance of subrecipients, contractors, or subcontractors that may be 
administering Section 3 covered financial assistance on behalf of the 
recipient, the Assistant Secretary will issue a letter of findings 
within 180 calendar days of receipt of the complaint or culmination of 
a compliance review. The letter of findings shall contain the 
    (1) Preliminary findings of fact and preliminary finding of 
    (2) The actions that must be taken to address the areas of 
noncompliance within a specified timeframe;
    (3) A notice that a copy of the Final Investigative Report of HUD 
will be made available, upon request, to the recipient; and
    (4) Provide complainants or recipients 30 days to respond to HUD's 
findings and resolve or remedy findings of noncompliance identified 
during the compliance review or investigation.
    (m) Right to review of the letter of findings. (1) A complainant or 
recipient may request that a complete review be made of the letter of 
findings within 30 calendar days of receipt, by mailing or delivering 
to the Assistant Secretary, Office of Fair Housing and Equal 
Opportunity, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th 
Street SW., Washington, DC 20410, a written statement of the reasons 
why the letter of findings should be modified in light of supplementary 
    (2) The Assistant Secretary will send by certified mail, return 
receipt requested, or other similar mail services, a copy of the 
request for review to the other party, if any. Such other party shall 
have 30 calendar days to respond to the request for review.
    (3) The Assistant Secretary will either sustain or modify the 
letter of findings within 60 calendar days of the request for review. 
The Assistant Secretary's decision shall constitute the formal 
    (4) If neither party requests that the letter of findings be 
reviewed, the Assistant Secretary shall send a formal written 
determination of noncompliance to the recipient and the appropriate

[[Page 16545]]

HUD program office that administers the Section 3 financial assistance 
provided within 14 calendar days of the expiration of the time period 
provided in paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
    (n) Voluntary compliance time limits. If it has been determined 
that the matter cannot be resolved by voluntary means within 30 days 
HUD may proceed with sanctions as described at Sec.  135.27.
    (l) Informal resolution of complaint investigations and compliance 
reviews. (1) General. It is the policy of HUD to encourage the informal 
resolution of matters. The Assistant Secretary may attempt to resolve a 
matter through informal means at any stage of a complaint investigation 
or compliance review.
    (2) Objectives of informal resolution/voluntary compliance. In 
attempting informal resolution, the Assistant Secretary will attempt to 
achieve a just resolution of the matter and will take such action as 
will assure the elimination of any violation of this part or the 
prevention of the occurrence of such violation in the future.
    (3) The terms of such an informal resolution shall be reduced to a 
written voluntary compliance agreement and signed by the recipient and 
the Assistant Secretary. Such voluntary compliance agreements shall 
seek to protect the public interest, provide denied economic 
opportunities to Section 3 residents and businesses, and may include 
the provision of relief for those injured by the recipient's 
    (o) Intimidatory or retaliatory acts prohibited. No recipient or 
other person shall intimidate, threaten, coerce, or discriminate 
against any person for the purpose of interfering with any right or 
privilege secured by this part, or because he or she has made a 
complaint, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an 
compliance review, investigation or hearing under this part.

    Dated: March 2, 2015.
Gustavo Velasquez,
Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity.
[FR Doc. 2015-06544 Filed 3-26-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                                                           Vol. 80                           Friday,
                                                                                                           No. 59                            March 27, 2015

                                                                                                           Part II

                                                                                                           Department of Housing and Urban
                                                                                                           24 CFR Part 135
                                                                                                           Creating Economic Opportunities for Low- and Very Low-Income Persons
                                                                                                           and Eligible Businesses Through Strengthened ‘‘Section 3’’ Requirements;
                                                                                                           Proposed Rule
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                                                      16520                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND                               Housing and Urban Development, 451                    Executive Summary
                                                      URBAN DEVELOPMENT                                       7th Street SW., Room 10276,
                                                                                                                                                                    Purpose of Regulatory Action
                                                                                                              Washington, DC 20410–0500.
                                                      24 CFR Part 135                                                                                                  This proposed rule would update the
                                                                                                                2. Electronic Submission of
                                                                                                                                                                    regulations implementing Section 3.
                                                      [Docket No. FR–4893–P–01]                               Comments. Interested persons may                      The purpose of Section 3 is to ensure
                                                      RIN 2529–AA91
                                                                                                              submit comments electronically through                that employment, training, contracting,
                                                                                                              the Federal eRulemaking Portal at                     and other economic opportunities
                                                      Creating Economic Opportunities for                     www.regulations.gov. HUD strongly                     generated by certain HUD financial
                                                      Low- and Very Low-Income Persons                        encourages commenters to submit                       assistance shall, to the greatest extent
                                                      and Eligible Businesses Through                         comments electronically. Electronic                   feasible, and consistent with existing
                                                      Strengthened ‘‘Section 3’’                              submission of comments allows the                     Federal, State and local laws and
                                                      Requirements                                            commenter maximum time to prepare                     regulations, be directed to low- and very
                                                                                                              and submit a comment, ensures timely                  low-income persons, particularly those
                                                      AGENCY:  Office of the Assistant                        receipt by HUD, and enables HUD to
                                                      Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal                                                                          who are recipients of government
                                                                                                              make them immediately available to the                assistance for housing, and to
                                                      Opportunity, HUD.                                       public. Comments submitted                            businesses that provide economic
                                                      ACTION: Proposed rule.                                  electronically through the                            opportunities to low- and very low-
                                                      SUMMARY:    Section 3 of the Housing and                www.regulations.gov Web site can be                   income persons. As noted in the
                                                      Urban Development Act of 1968, as                       viewed by other commenters and                        summary of this preamble, the
                                                      amended by the Housing and                              interested members of the public.                     regulations for Section 3 have not been
                                                      Community Development Act of 1992                       Commenters should follow the                          updated in over 20 years. Since the
                                                      (Section 3), contributes to the                         instructions provided on that site to                 regulations were last issued in 1994,
                                                      establishment of stronger, more                         submit comments electronically.                       new HUD programs have been
                                                      sustainable communities by ensuring                       Note: To receive consideration as public            established to which Section 3 applies.
                                                      that employment and other economic                      comments, comments must be submitted                  HUD’s experience in administering
                                                      opportunities generated by Federal                      through one of the two methods specified              Section 3 over the past 20 years has
                                                      financial assistance for housing and                    above. Again, all submissions must refer to           identified where HUD could improve
                                                      community development programs are,                     the docket number and title of the rule.              the effectiveness of its regulations
                                                      to the greatest extent feasible, directed                                                                     implementing Section 3. Recent efforts
                                                      toward low- and very low-income                            No Facsimile Comments. Facsimile                   by HUD to improve Section 3 oversight
                                                      persons, particularly those who are                     (fax) comments are not acceptable.                    without resorting to regulatory change
                                                      recipients of government assistance for                    Public Inspection of Public                        (e.g., increased reporting compliance
                                                      housing. HUD is statutorily charged                     Comments. All properly submitted                      through grant competitions and
                                                      with the authority and responsibility to                comments and communications                           establishment of a business registry)
                                                      implement and enforce Section 3.                        submitted to HUD will be available for                have not been as successful as HUD
                                                      HUD’s regulations implementing the                      public inspection and copying between                 hoped. HUD concluded that regulatory
                                                      requirements of Section 3 have not been                 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., weekdays, at the                   changes are needed to more effectively
                                                      updated since 1994. This proposed rule                  above address. Due to security measures               strengthen Section 3 oversight and more
                                                      would update HUD’s Section 3                            at the HUD Headquarters building, an                  effectively help recipients of HUD funds
                                                      regulations to address new programs                     appointment to review the public                      achieve the purposes of the Section 3
                                                      established since 1994 that are subject                 comments must be scheduled in                         statute.
                                                      to the Section 3 requirements and                       advance by calling the Regulations                    Summary of the Major Provisions of
                                                      promote compliance with the                             Division at 202–708–3055 (this is not a               This Regulatory Action
                                                      requirements of Section 3 by recipients                 toll-free number). Individuals with                     The following provides an overview
                                                      of Section 3 covered financial                          speech or hearing impairments may                     of the more significant provisions of this
                                                      assistance, while also recognizing                      access this number via TTY by calling                 proposed rule.
                                                      barriers to compliance that may exist,                  the Federal Relay Service at 800–877–                   Standard for Demonstrating
                                                      and strengthening HUD’s oversight of                    8339. Copies of all comments submitted                Compliance ‘‘To the Greatest Extent
                                                      Section 3.                                              are available for inspection and                      Feasible.’’ The proposed rule strives to
                                                      DATES: Comment Due Date: May 26,                        downloading at www.regulations.gov.                   achieve uniformity with the statutory
                                                      2015.                                                                                                         standard to undertake ‘‘best efforts’’ to
                                                                                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                      ADDRESSES: Interested persons are                       Staci Gilliam, Director, Economic                     provide economic opportunities to
                                                      invited to submit comments regarding                    Opportunity Division, Office of Fair                  Section 3 residents and businesses, and
                                                      this rule to the Regulations Division,                  Housing and Equal Opportunity,                        the statutory standard to ensure ‘‘to the
                                                      Office of General Counsel, Department                   Department of Housing and Urban                       greatest extent feasible’’ that
                                                      of Housing and Urban Development,                       Development, 451 7th Street SW., Room                 opportunities for training, employment,
                                                      451 7th Street SW., Room 10276,                         5236, Washington, DC 20410; telephone                 and contracting are provided to Section
                                                      Washington, DC 20410–0500.                                                                                    3 residents and businesses. HUD views
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                              202–402–3468 (voice/TDD) (this is not a
                                                      Communications must refer to the above                  toll-free number). Persons with hearing               these standards as essentially the same,
                                                      docket number and title. There are two                  or speech impairments may access this                 and would remove the distinction in the
                                                      methods for submitting public                           number through TTY by calling the                     existing codified regulations. HUD
                                                      comments. All submissions must refer                    Federal Relay Service, at toll-free, 800–             would only use the ‘‘to the greatest
                                                      to the above docket number and title.                   877–8339. General email inquiries                     extent feasible’’ standard.
                                                         1. Submission of Comments by Mail.                                                                           The proposed rule clarifies that
                                                                                                              regarding Section 3 may be sent to:
                                                      Comments may be submitted by mail to                                                                          recipients of HUD funds are required to
                                                      the Regulations Division, Office of                                                                           demonstrate compliance, to the greatest
                                                      General Counsel, Department of                          SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            extent feasible, by: (1) Establishing and

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                           16521

                                                      implementing policies and procedures                    businesses that meet definitions (a) or                  Introduction of New Term ‘‘Section 3
                                                      designed to achieve compliance with                     (b).                                                  Local Area’’. The definitions of ‘‘Section
                                                      the goals of Section 3 as reflected in                     This proposed rule would remove the                3 resident’’ and ‘‘Section 3 business
                                                      HUD’s regulations; (2) fulfilling the                   third category, paragraph (c) of the                  concern’’ in the current Section 3
                                                      recipient responsibilities set forth at                 current definition of a Section 3                     regulation do not limit eligibility to
                                                      § 135.11 of the Section 3 regulations;                  Business in response to a pattern of                  residents and businesses, respectively,
                                                      and (3) either reaching or exceeding the                misuse by contractors that initially                  residing or located in proximity to
                                                      minimum numerical goals for                             indicated that they would award 25                    Section 3 covered projects or activities.
                                                      employment and contracting, or                          percent of subcontracts to Section 3                  As a result, a public housing resident or
                                                      providing a written explanation as to                   businesses, in order to receive                       a Section 3 business from anywhere in
                                                      why the goals were not met (for                         preference for contracts, but never                   the U.S. can receive preference whether
                                                      example, identifying barriers                           provided contracts to them.                           or not they live or operate in the specific
                                                      encountered that prevented the                             The proposed rule would add to                     metropolitan area where the HUD-
                                                      recipient from achieving targeted goals                 categories (a) and (b) of the current                 funded work is being carried out. To be
                                                      and actions that will be taken to                       definition of Section 3 Business the                  more consistent with the Section 3
                                                      overcome such barriers). HUD believes                   following categories in an effort to                  statute and congressional intent, this
                                                      that this approach will provide                         increase contracting opportunities for                proposed rule clarifies that Section 3
                                                      recipients of HUD funds with more                       businesses that are owned by residents                residents and businesses must reside or
                                                      flexibility in planning how to meet their               of public housing and to incentivize                  be located, as applicable, in the Section
                                                      Section 3 obligations while holding                     contractors to sponsor Section 3                      3 local area, which is defined as: (1) The
                                                      them accountable when their actions do                  residents to attend Department of Labor               primary statistical area where the
                                                      not result in compliance.                               (DOL) or DOL-recognized registered                    Section 3 covered project or activity
                                                         Revised Definition of ‘‘New Hire.’’ The              apprenticeship programs. HUD would                    takes place, or (2) the nonmetropolitan
                                                      current Section 3 regulations establish a               add the following categories to the                   county where the Section 3 covered
                                                      goal for 30 percent of new hires to be                  definition of a Section 3 business: (1)               project or activity takes place.
                                                      Section 3 residents, regardless of the                  The business meets the definition of a                   Section 3 Resident and Business
                                                      length of time that the Section 3                       resident-owned business, as set forth in              Verification Procedures. The current
                                                      resident is employed. As a result, the                  HUD’s regulations at 24 CFR 963.5; and                Section 3 regulations do not require
                                                      Section 3 regulations create a loophole,                (2) the business demonstrates that at                 recipients to verify that a Section 3
                                                                                                              least 20 percent of its permanent full-               resident or Section 3 business meets the
                                                      so to speak, by allowing contractors to
                                                                                                              time employees are Section 3 residents                applicable definitions in the regulations.
                                                      hire Section 3 residents for relatively
                                                                                                              and the business either: (i) Sponsored a              Instead, residents and businesses are
                                                      short periods of time and this short-term
                                                                                                              minimum of 10 percent of its current                  merely required to comply with
                                                      employment would meet the new hire
                                                                                                              Section 3 employees to attend a DOL or                whatever procedures recipients put in
                                                      requirement. This proposed rule would
                                                                                                              DOL-recognized, State Apprenticeship                  place, if such procedures exist. This
                                                      close this loophole by redefining a
                                                                                                              Agency-approved, registered                           proposed rule would continue to allow
                                                      Section 3 new hire for contractors or
                                                                                                              apprenticeship or pre-apprenticeship                  recipients to use their discretion for
                                                      subcontractors as a person who works a
                                                                                                              training program that meets the                       developing verification procedures.
                                                      minimum of 50 percent of the average
                                                                                                              requirements outlined in DOL’s                        However, the proposed rule explicitly
                                                      staff hours worked for the job category                                                                       allows recipients to accept self-
                                                      for which the person was hired                          Employment Training Administration
                                                                                                              (ETA) Training and Employment Notice                  certifications from residents or
                                                      throughout the duration of time that the                                                                      businesses, or presume that residents
                                                      work is performed on the covered                        13–12 1; or (ii) 10 percent of the
                                                                                                              employees of the business are                         residing in or businesses located in
                                                      project. For example, if a Section 3                                                                          disadvantaged census tracts are eligible
                                                      resident is hired as a painter, and                     participants or graduates of a DOL
                                                                                                              YouthBuild program.2                                  to receive the preference in hiring and
                                                      painters typically work 40 hours each                                                                         contracting. To prevent ineligible
                                                      week, the Section 3 resident must work                     Removal of Minimum Numerical Goal
                                                                                                              for Nonconstruction. Currently, the                   persons or businesses from receiving
                                                      a minimum of 20 hours each week                                                                               Section 3 benefits, this proposed rule
                                                      during their employment on the project                  Section 3 regulations establish a
                                                                                                              minimum numerical goal that 3 percent                 would require recipients that implement
                                                      in order to be counted towards the                                                                            self-certification or presumed benefit
                                                      recipient’s minimum numerical goal for                  of the total dollar amount of
                                                                                                              nonconstruction contracts shall be                    procedures to verify that such self-
                                                      employment. HUD believes that this                                                                            certification or presumption policy is an
                                                      new definition will result in more                      awarded to Section 3 businesses. Since
                                                                                                              there is no statutory basis for making a              acceptable approach by undertaking a
                                                      meaningful employment opportunities                                                                           sample of residents or businesses in the
                                                      for Section 3 residents and prevent                     distinction between construction and
                                                                                                              nonconstruction contracts, and the                    disadvantaged census tract or in areas
                                                      contractors from making nominal efforts                                                                       which HUD funds are being expended
                                                      to comply with Section 3.                               interpretation of the nonconstruction
                                                                                                              goal has been problematic for recipients,             for covered projects and activities.
                                                         New Definition of ‘‘Section 3                                                                                 Monitoring Payroll Data of Developers
                                                      Business.’’ Currently, a ‘‘Section 3                    HUD believes that a numerical goal of
                                                                                                                                                                    and Contractors. This proposed rule
                                                      Business’’ must meet one of the                         10 percent of the total dollar amount of
                                                                                                                                                                    recognizes that the most successful
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      following three definitions: (a) The                    all covered contracts to Section 3
                                                                                                                                                                    recipients monitor payroll data to track
                                                      business is 51 percent or more owned                    businesses, regardless of the type of
                                                                                                                                                                    new hires. In an effort to formalize a
                                                      by Section 3 residents; (b) the business                contract or its dollar amount, will create
                                                                                                                                                                    long-standing best practice, this
                                                      employs at least 30 percent of the                      more contracting opportunities for
                                                                                                                                                                    proposed rule would require recipients
                                                      permanent, full-time employees who are                  them.
                                                                                                                                                                    that are administering projects that are
                                                      Section 3 residents; (c) the business                     1 See http://wdr.doleta.gov/directives/corr_
                                                                                                                                                                    subject to both Section 3- and Davis
                                                      provides evidence of a commitment to                    doc.cfm?DOCN=5842.                                    Bacon-covered requirements to monitor
                                                      subcontract 25 percent or more of the                     2 See http://www.doleta.gov/youth_services/         a contractor’s payroll for changes in
                                                      dollar amount of all subcontracts to                    youthbuild.cfm.                                       employment (i.e., terminations,

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                                                      16522                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      retirements, transfers, and other new job               current Section 3 regulations is found in               Order of Priority Consideration for
                                                      vacancies) to proactively identify                      the interpretation that has been given to             Recipients of Section 3 covered Housing
                                                      instances when Section 3 obligations are                the funding threshold for recipients of               and Community Development
                                                      triggered. This practice should increase                housing and community development                     Assistance. To promote long-term hiring
                                                      monitoring and oversight by recipients                  assistance (i.e., funds allocated or                  and create training positions for Section
                                                      and improve contractor accountability.                  awarded under the Community                           3 residents, this proposed rule would
                                                      Further, since the Davis-Bacon                          Development Block Grants (CDBG)                       give highest priority consideration for
                                                      regulation requires recipients                          program, HOME Investment                              projects financed with housing and
                                                      administering covered projects to                       Partnerships program (HOME program),                  community development financial
                                                      monitor payroll data for compliance                     Housing Opportunities for Persons With                assistance to Section 3 businesses that
                                                      with prevailing wage laws, adding this                  AIDS (HOPWA), Lead Hazard Control                     will: (1) Retain a minimum of 75
                                                      Section 3 requirement should result in                  program, Sections 202 and 811                         percent of previously hired Section 3
                                                      minimal administrative burden.                          Supportive Housing programs, Project-                 residents and (2) provide a minimum of
                                                         Amending Agreements with Labor                       Based Section 8, etc.). The existing                  50 percent of on-the-job training or
                                                      Unions. Recipients that are located in                  threshold is based on the receipt of                  registered apprenticeship opportunities
                                                      jurisdictions that are governed by                      more than $200,000 in covered funding.                to Section 3 residents.
                                                      bargaining agreements with labor                        This proposed rule would establish a
                                                      unions typically have low rates of                                                                            Costs and Benefits
                                                                                                              new threshold that is based on the
                                                      compliance with the minimum                             expenditure of covered financial                         With respect to the costs and benefits
                                                      numerical goals for contracting because                 assistance.                                           of this rule, HUD has prepared a
                                                      unions operate outside of Section 3                                                                           Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA).
                                                                                                                 Under this proposed rule, Section 3
                                                      obligations. In fact, a review of project                                                                     The RIA assesses the likely costs and
                                                                                                              requirements would apply to recipients
                                                      labor agreements in Chicago and New                                                                           benefits of the proposed rule. The
                                                                                                              of housing and community development
                                                      York City revealed that these documents                                                                       purpose of Section 3 is to provide jobs,
                                                                                                              financial assistance that plan to obligate
                                                      do not make any reference to HUD                                                                              including apprenticeship opportunities,
                                                                                                              or commit an aggregate amount of
                                                      requirements, including Section 3. This                                                                       to public housing residents and other
                                                                                                              $400,000 or more in Section 3 covered
                                                      proposed rule would require recipients                                                                        eligible low- and very low-income
                                                                                                              financial assistance to projects involving
                                                      to amend all existing agreements with                                                                         residents of a local area, and contracting
                                                                                                              housing rehabilitation, housing
                                                      labor unions to ensure that Section 3                                                                         opportunities for businesses that
                                                                                                              construction, demolition, or other
                                                      obligations are included and to prevent                                                                       substantially employ these persons.
                                                                                                              public construction during a given
                                                      labor unions from obstructing the                                                                             However, the Section 3 requirement
                                                                                                              annual reporting period. HUD arrived at
                                                      recipients’ ability to achieve                                                                                itself does not create additional jobs or
                                                                                                              the $400,000 threshold after analyzing
                                                      compliance.                                                                                                   contracts. Instead, Section 3 redirects
                                                                                                              2013 data for recipients of CDBG
                                                         Sanctions for Delinquent Section 3                                                                         local jobs and contracts created as a
                                                                                                              assistance from the Integrated
                                                      Annual Reports. Achieving full                                                                                result of the expenditure of HUD funds
                                                                                                              Disbursement and Information System
                                                      compliance with Section 3 reporting                                                                           to Section 3 residents and businesses
                                                                                                              (IDIS) to determine the expenditure
                                                      requirements has been a challenge for                                                                         residing and operating in the area in
                                                                                                              dollar amounts on projects involving
                                                      many years. While recent efforts to                                                                           which the HUD funds are expended. A
                                                                                                              construction and rehabilitation that
                                                      enhance reporting rates have resulted in                                                                      reasonable estimate of the impact would
                                                                                                              produced the greatest amount of
                                                      increased reporting by 60 percentage                                                                          be an additional 1,400 jobs provided to
                                                                                                              economic opportunities for Section 3
                                                      points, there has been minimal                                                                                Section 3 residents, annually, and more
                                                                                                              residents and businesses. The data
                                                      imposition of penalties on recipients                                                                         than $172 million in contracts to
                                                                                                              revealed that grantees that spent less
                                                      that are delinquent with the current                                                                          Section 3 businesses, as a result of
                                                                                                              than $400,000 on construction and
                                                      regulatory reporting requirements. A                                                                          increased oversight and clarification of
                                                                                                              rehabilitation received less than 5
                                                      2013 HUD Office of Inspector General                                                                          program standards. In addition, with
                                                                                                              percent of total covered program
                                                      (OIG) audit report of Section 3 found                                                                         respect to incomes for tenants of public
                                                                                                              funding and therefore generated an
                                                      that HUD was not fully enforcing the                                                                          housing, the Federal rental subsidies
                                                                                                              insignificant amount of subsequent jobs
                                                      Section 3 reporting requirements for                                                                          provided to those tenants are expected
                                                                                                              and contracts. The proposed threshold
                                                      public housing agencies (PHAs).3 The                                                                          to be reduced as a result of the creation
                                                                                                              would exempt 37 percent of recipients
                                                      final audit report recommended that                                                                           of job opportunities resulting from the
                                                                                                              of financial assistance awarded under
                                                      HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal                                                                        expenditure of Federal funds. Such a
                                                                                                              programs administered by HUD’s Office
                                                      Opportunity (FHEO) refer PHAs to                                                                              reduction of Federal subsidies could
                                                                                                              of Community Planning and
                                                      HUD’s Office of Public and Indian                                                                             result in a reduction of $19 million,
                                                                                                              Development (CPD) (i.e., CDBG, HOME,
                                                      Housing (PIH) for the imposition of                                                                           annually.
                                                                                                              and HOWPA programs, etc.). Currently                     If implemented as proposed, this
                                                      penalties for delinquent reporting. This
                                                                                                              just over 3 percent of these recipients               proposed rule would result in a
                                                      proposed rule would extend this policy
                                                                                                              are exempt under the existing threshold.              reporting and recordkeeping burden of
                                                      to all covered recipients and inform
                                                                                                              As set forth above, HUD considered a                  226,640 hours or $7.3 million 4 the first
                                                      recipients that continuing failure to
                                                                                                              number of alternate thresholds before
                                                      submit Section 3 annual reports may                                                                           year and a reduction of administrative
                                                                                                              selecting the proposed threshold of
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      result in HUD denying or withholding                                                                          burden by ¥10,000 hours or $320,000
                                                                                                              $400,000. The new threshold is
                                                      subsequent funds.                                                                                             in succeeding years. This rule will not
                                                                                                              considered to be more effective because
                                                         Funding Threshold for Recipients of                                                                        have any impact on the level of funding
                                                                                                              it would enable HUD to focus on those
                                                      Section-3 Covered Housing and                                                                                 for covered HUD programs. Funding is
                                                                                                              recipients that produce the majority of
                                                      Community Development Financial                                                                               determined independently by
                                                                                                              economic opportunities and for which
                                                      Assistance. Another weakness with the                                                                         congressional appropriations, and
                                                                                                              there is a direct correlation between
                                                        3 See http://www.hudoig.gov/reports-                  their expenditure of covered financial                  4 Average total compensation of all workers, BLS,

                                                      publications/audit-reports/hud-did-not-enforce-         assistance and opportunities created for              March 2014. See http://www.bls.gov/news.release/
                                                      reporting-requirements-of-section-3-of.                 Section 3 residents and businesses.                   ecec.t01.htm.

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                                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                 16523

                                                      authorizing statutes that may impose                         requirements of Section 3 and that are                Section 3 regulations, now 20 years old,
                                                      such requirements as minimum or                              not adequately addressed in the current               to ensure that the regulations capture
                                                      maximum grants. This proposed rule is                        Section 3 regulations. This legislation               new funded programs and current
                                                      not an economically significant rule as                      includes, but is not limited to the                   funding policies and practices.
                                                      defined in Executive Order 12866                             following: reforms made to HUD’s                         In August 2010, HUD hosted a Section
                                                      (Regulatory Planning and Review).5                           Indian housing programs by the Native                 3 Listening Forum 8 that brought
                                                                                                                   American Housing Assistance and Self-                 together recipients of HUD Section 3
                                                      I. Background
                                                                                                                   Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA)                   covered financial assistance, advocates,
                                                        Section 3 of the Housing and Urban                         (Pub. L. 104–330, approved October 26,                Section 3 residents and businesses, and
                                                      Development Act of 1968 (Pub. L. 90–                         1996); public housing reforms made by                 other stakeholders to highlight ‘‘best
                                                      448, approved August 1, 1968) (Section                       the Quality Housing and Work                          practices’’ and to discuss barriers to
                                                      3) was enacted for the purpose of                            Responsibility Act of 1998 (QHWRA)                    implementation across the country. The
                                                      bringing economic opportunities,                             (Pub. L. 105–276, approved October 21,                forum offered recipients of Section 3
                                                      generated by the expenditure of certain                      1998); reforms made to HUD’s                          covered financial assistance the
                                                      HUD financial assistance, to the greatest                    supportive housing programs by the                    opportunity to identify challenges they
                                                      extent feasible, to low- and very low-                       Section 202 Supportive Housing for the                were facing with their efforts to comply
                                                      income persons residing in                                   Elderly Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111–372,                 with Section 3. Forum participants
                                                      communities where the financial                              approved January 4, 2011), and the                    stated that the existing Section 3
                                                      assistance is expended. Section 3                            Frank Melville Supportive Housing                     regulations are not sufficiently explicit
                                                      recognizes that HUD funds are often one                      Investment Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111–                  about specific actions that could be
                                                      of the largest sources of funds expended                     347, approved January 4, 2011), and,                  undertaken to achieve compliance; that
                                                      in low-income communities and, where                         more recently, reforms made to HUD’s                  the existing regulations do not clearly
                                                      such funds are spent on activities such                      public housing by the Rental Assistance               describe the extent to which recipients
                                                      as construction and rehabilitation of                        Demonstration program authorized by                   may require subrecipients, contractors,
                                                      housing and other public facilities, the                     the act appropriating 2012 funding for                and subcontractors to comply with
                                                      expenditure results in economic                              HUD, the Consolidated and Further                     Section 3; and actions that recipients
                                                      opportunities. By directing HUD-funded                       Continuing Appropriations Act, 2012                   may take to impose meaningful
                                                      economic opportunities to residents and                      (Pub. L. 112–55, approved November                    sanctions for noncompliance by their
                                                      businesses in the community where the                        18, 2011).                                            subrecipients, contractors, and
                                                      funds are expended, the expenditure                             HUD has sought to strengthen                       subcontractors.
                                                      can have the double benefit of creating                      compliance with Section 3 by                             As noted earlier, in 2013, HUD’s OIG
                                                      new or rehabilitated housing and other                       concentrating on oversight, outreach,                 conducted an audit to assess HUD’s
                                                      facilities while creating jobs for the                       and technical assistance. As part of this             oversight of Section 3, in response to
                                                      residents of these communities. Section                      assistance, HUD has issued guidance                   concerns about economic opportunities
                                                      3 was amended by the Housing and                             related to applicability, recipient                   that were provided (or should have been
                                                      Community Development Act of 1992                            thresholds, and administrative                        provided) by the expenditure of
                                                      (Pub. L. 102–550, approved October 28,                       procedures.6 These steps increased                    financial assistance under the American
                                                      1992), which required the Secretary of                       recipient reporting from 20 percent to                Reinvestment and Recovery Act
                                                      HUD to promulgate regulations to                             over 80 percent. The increase in                      (Recovery Act) (Pub. L. 111–5, approved
                                                      implement Section 3, codified at 12                          reporting led to a corresponding                      February 17, 2009). The audit found that
                                                      U.S.C. 1701u. HUD’s Section 3                                increase in reported jobs for Section 3               HUD was not fully enforcing the
                                                      regulations were promulgated through                         residents to 21,600 (50 percent of all                reporting requirements of Section 3 for
                                                      an interim rule published on June 30,                        new hires) and an increase in reported                recipients of Fiscal Year 2009 Recovery
                                                      1994, at 59 FR 33880, and the                                contracts awarded Section 3 businesses                Act Public Housing Capital funds from
                                                      regulations are codified in 24 CFR part                      to $675 million.7                                     HUD.9 HUD’s OIG made several
                                                      135.                                                            While these efforts have facilitated               recommendations to address its
                                                        In the 20 years that have lapsed since                     increased compliance with Section 3,                  findings. The following chart lists HUD
                                                      HUD promulgated the current set of                           they have not resulted in full                        OIG’s recommendations for HUD and
                                                      Section 3 regulations, significant                           compliance with Section 3, nor do such                describes whether each
                                                      legislation has been enacted that affects                    efforts relieve HUD of its good                       recommendation is addressed by this
                                                      HUD programs that are subject to the                         governance responsibility to update its               proposed rule.

                                                        ommenda-                                       Recommendation                                                     Addressed in Proposed Rule
                                                          tion #:

                                                      1A. ...............   Implement the new HUD–60002 [Section 3 Summary Report]                      This recommendation will provide FHEO the vehicle to impose
                                                                              submission and tracking system that has been in develop-                    the proposed sanctions for delinquent reporting described in
                                                                              ment, as well as the planned system enhancements.                           § 135.23(f) and to address concerns with the reliability of
                                                                                                                                                          data previously submitted by recipients.
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                                                      1B. ...............   Establish procedures to follow up on missing and inaccurate in-             See Recommendation 1C.
                                                                              formation on HUD–60002 submissions.

                                                        5 See http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/              7 Source: 2010 Section 3 annual summary report      2024%20d10%20Final%20with%20
                                                      executive-orders/pdf/12866.pdf.                              data (Form HUD 60002).                                attachment.pdf.
                                                        6 See http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/              8 See https://nhlp.org/files/09%20Section%203%        9 See: http://www.hudoig.gov/reports-

                                                      program_offices/fair_housing_equal_opp/section3/             20Barriers%20and%20best%20practices%208%              publications/audit-reports/hud-did-not-enforce-
                                                      section3.                                                                                                          reporting-requirements-of-section-3-of.

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                                                      16524                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                        ommenda-                                       Recommendation                                                     Addressed in Proposed Rule
                                                          tion #:

                                                      1C. ..............    Establish procedures regarding when to refer to Public and In-              FHEO has developed procedures for reviewing HUD–60002
                                                                              dian Housing (PIH) any public housing authorities (PHAs)                    submissions and established the steps that will be taken to
                                                                              that fail to make required submissions or corrections.                      refer PHAs to PIH when Section 3 reports are inaccurate or
                                                                                                                                                          delinquent. Pursuant to this proposed rule, FHEO will expand
                                                                                                                                                          the implementation of these procedures to all recipients of
                                                                                                                                                          Section 3 covered financial assistance and make subsequent
                                                                                                                                                          referrals for appropriate action to all HUD program offices.
                                                      1D. ..............    Resolve issues with CPD and complete the process to publish                 This regulatory action represents FHEO’s efforts to comply with
                                                                             final regulations for 24 CFR Part 135.                                       this recommendation.
                                                      1E. ...............   Require the six housing authorities in this finding that reported           FHEO has incorporated this recommendation into its enforce-
                                                                             Section 3 noncompliance to provide justification or support                  ment actions at § 135.99 and the sanctions for noncompli-
                                                                             that they met the [minimum numerical] goals. If they cannot                  ance at § 135.27.
                                                                             show compliance, enter into a voluntary compliance agree-
                                                                             ment to bring their Section 3 programs into compliance, or
                                                                             refer them to PIH for repayment of the $26 million that
                                                                             should have been used for Section 3.

                                                        For the reasons set forth above,                           with the ‘‘greatest extent feasible’’                 (3) the thresholds that trigger
                                                      through this rule, HUD proposes to                           requirement (§ 135.7); description of                 applicability of Section 3, which are
                                                      revise its Section 3 regulations at 24                       official Section 3 policies and                       addressed in § 135.33, and § 135.53.
                                                      CFR part 135 in a manner designed to                         procedures to be developed and                        HUD believes that placing this
                                                      better fulfill the goal of Section 3.                        implemented by recipients (§ 135.9);                  information in the subparts associated
                                                                                                                   recipient responsibilities under Section              with each type of Section 3 covered
                                                      II. This Proposed Rule
                                                                                                                   3 (§ 135.11); a general description of                financial assistance will prevent
                                                         In order to provide better parameters                     minimum numerical goals for                           recipients from inadvertently referring
                                                      for achieving the goals of Section 3, this                   employment and contracting                            to the wrong requirements.
                                                      proposed rule: communicates how                              opportunities (§ 135.13); the procedures                 Section 135.3 of the proposed rule
                                                      recipients may meet minimum                                  for verifying the eligibility of Section 3            describes the Secretary’s delegation of
                                                      numerical goals for employment and                           residents and Section 3 businesses                    authority to the Assistant Secretary for
                                                      contracting opportunities; provides                          (§ 135.15); descriptions of written                   Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
                                                      other direction to recipients of Section                     agreements and contractors that must be               (FHEO) to implement and oversee
                                                      3 covered financial assistance and their                     entered into by the recipient and its                 compliance with the requirements of
                                                      contractors in order that they may more                      subrecipients, contracts, or                          Section 3. This delegation of authority
                                                      effectively comply with Section 3; vests                     subcontractors before the disbursement                is unchanged from § 135.7 of the
                                                      more discretion and responsibility with                      of any Section 3 covered financial                    existing regulations. While FHEO has
                                                      recipients on how to verify the                              assistance (§ 135.17 and § 135.19); an                the overall authority for carrying out
                                                      eligibility of Section 3 residents and                       overview of certifications of compliance              Section 3 obligations within HUD,
                                                      businesses for employment and                                with this part (§ 135.21); description of             monitoring and oversight takes place in
                                                      contracting opportunities; and                               annual reporting requirements                         coordination with various HUD program
                                                      articulates procedures for complaint                         (§ 135.23); a summary of recordkeeping                offices, such as PIH, CPD, Healthy
                                                      processing. This rule organizes the                          responsibilities and HUD’s authority to               Homes and Lead Hazard Control
                                                      regulations of 24 CFR part 135 into five                     have access to records demonstrating                  (HHLHC), Housing, etc.
                                                      subparts: Subpart A—General                                  compliance with this part (§ 135.25); an                 Section 135.5 of the proposed rule
                                                      Provisions; Subpart B—Additional                             outline of sanctions that may be                      provides the definitions of terminology
                                                      Provisions for Public Housing Financial                      imposed for noncompliance with this                   used throughout the regulation (as it is
                                                      Assistance; Subpart C—Additional                             part (§ 135.27); and communication of                 in the existing regulations), introduces
                                                      Provisions for Housing and Community                         other Federal requirements that may                   new definitions, revises definitions
                                                      Development Financial Assistance;                            apply during the administration of                    contained in the existing regulations,
                                                      Subpart D—Additional Provisions for                          Section 3 covered projects and activities             and removes definitions that are no
                                                      Recipients of Competitively Awarded                          (§ 135.29).                                           longer applicable. Some of the newly
                                                      Section 3 Financial Assistance; and                             Section 135.3 of the existing                      defined terms include: ‘‘construction,’’
                                                      Subpart E—Enforcement.                                       regulations, which addresses the scope                ‘‘contracting opportunities,’’ ‘‘numerical
                                                                                                                   of applicability of the requirements of               goals,’’ ‘‘priority consideration,’’
                                                      General Provisions—Subpart A                                 Section 3, would be removed by this                   ‘‘professional services,’’ ‘‘project-based
                                                         Subpart A—General Provisions                              proposed rule. The applicability of                   rental assistance,’’ ‘‘public housing
                                                      contains those provisions applicable to                      Section 3 would now be addressed by                   financial assistance,’’ ‘‘rehabilitation,’’
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                                                      all Section 3 covered financial                              the following: (1) The definitions of                 ‘‘routine maintenance,’’ ‘‘service area,’’
                                                      assistance, whether public housing                           ‘‘housing and community development                   and ‘‘Section 3 local area.’’ The terms
                                                      financial assistance, housing and                            financial assistance’’ and ‘‘public                   ‘‘housing and community development
                                                      community development financial                              housing financial assistance’’ in § 135.5;            financial assistance,’’ ‘‘new hires,’’
                                                      assistance, or competitively awarded                         (2) the individual applicability sections             ‘‘Section 3 business (formerly Section 3
                                                      financial assistance, including the                          for public housing financial assistance               business concern),’’ ‘‘Section 3 covered
                                                      following: definitions of terms                              and housing and community                             financial assistance,’’ and ‘‘Section 3
                                                      applicable to compliance with Section 3                      development financial assistance, in                  resident’’ have been revised with the
                                                      (§ 135.5); demonstration compliance                          § 135.31 and § 135.51, respectively; and              objective of improving the

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                          16525

                                                      understanding of their meanings. The                    minimum numerical goals set forth in                  compliance with Section 3. Section 135.
                                                      following existing defined terms are                    the subpart associated with the type of               9 provides that updates to official
                                                      proposed to be removed: ‘‘annual                        financial assistance provided, (§ 135.35              policies and procedures shall discuss
                                                      contributions contract,’’ ‘‘HUD                         and § 135.55, respectively) such                      the relative success of the immediate
                                                      YouthBuild programs,’’ ‘‘Job Training                   inability does not necessarily mean that              past policies and procedures and how
                                                      Partnership Act.’’                                      the recipient did not undertake efforts to            any changes are aimed to better promote
                                                         Section 135.7 of the proposed rule                   meet these goals. Accordingly, a                      compliance with Section 3.
                                                      addresses how recipients may                            recipient that does not reach the                        This section further requires that to
                                                      demonstrate compliance to the greatest                  minimum numerical goals will be                       the extent a recipient must prepare a
                                                      extent feasible. The 1968 statute                       required to provide a written                         strategic plan, action plan, or other such
                                                      established two standards for achieving                 justification explaining: (1) Why it was              plan in accordance with HUD program
                                                      compliance with the requirements of                     unable to meet these goals; (2) the                   regulations, such plans must include a
                                                      Section 3. PHAs and their contractors                   impediments the recipient encountered;                general description of the recipient’s
                                                      and subcontractors were required to                     and (3) the actions the recipient will                official Section 3 policies and
                                                      make their ‘‘best effort,’’ consistent with             take to address identified impediments                procedures. This section provides that if
                                                      existing Federal, State, and local laws                 in the future. For instance, if a recipient           a recipient is not required to submit
                                                      and regulations to provide economic                     held a job fair to hire Section 3 residents           official plans to HUD—such as public
                                                      opportunities to Section 3 residents and                for jobs in specific building trades (e.g.,           housing plans, strategic or annual action
                                                      businesses. On the other hand, programs                 plumbers, electricians, welders, etc.) for            plans, or other similar plans—the
                                                      that receive housing and community                      an upcoming construction project, HUD                 recipient’s official Section 3 policies
                                                      development assistance are required to                  may consider the recipient to be in                   and procedures shall be developed as an
                                                      ensure that, to the greatest extent                     compliance with Section 3 even if none                independent document at the time that
                                                      feasible, and consistent with existing                  of the participants of the job fair had the           Section 3 covered financial assistance is
                                                      Federal, State, and local laws and                      requisite job qualifications for the                  awarded and updated every 5 years
                                                      regulations, opportunities for training                 positions to be filled. HUD will take                 thereafter.
                                                      and employment arising in connection                    such justifications into consideration                   Section 135.11 describes steps that all
                                                      with housing rehabilitation, housing                    when making final compliance                          recipients must take to implement the
                                                      construction, or other public                           determinations. Written justifications                requirements of Section 3, and describes
                                                      construction are given to Section 3                     that do not contain a valid explanation               steps that would be unique to recipients
                                                      residents and businesses. HUD’s 1994                    for why the recipient did not reach the               of public housing financial assistance
                                                      interim rule, published on June 30,                     minimum numerical goal may result in                  and housing and community
                                                      1994, at 59 FR 33880, established HUD’s                                                                       development financial assistance.
                                                                                                              a finding of noncompliance.
                                                      position that there is very little                                                                               Section 135.13 of the proposed rule
                                                      difference in the common meaning of                        Section 135.9 of the proposed rule                 addresses the minimum numerical
                                                      these statutory standards. Further, the                 presents a new means of strengthening                 goals, generally, and provides that the
                                                      Section 3 statute requires every                        Section 3 compliance. This section                    goals apply to the aggregate number of
                                                      recipient and contractor that generates                 would require the recipient to develop                employment and contracting
                                                      economic opportunities from the                         and adopt official policies and                       opportunities generated by the
                                                      expenditure of Section 3 financial                      procedures to implement the                           expenditure of the Section 3 covered
                                                      assistance, regardless of the HUD                       requirements of Section 3, as a means of              financial assistance. Specific minimum
                                                      program from which the assistance is                    demonstrating compliance with the                     numerical goals are set forth in the
                                                      derived, to provide these economic                      ‘‘greatest extent feasible’’ requirement,             subpart associated with the type of
                                                      opportunities to low- and very low-                     as provided in § 135.7. This section                  financial assistance provided; i.e.,
                                                      income persons and the businesses that                  provides that official policies and                   § 135.35 and § 135.55, respectively. This
                                                      employ them. Accordingly, this rule                     procedures must include at a minimum,                 section removes the current requirement
                                                      maintains one standard for achieving                    steps that the recipient will take to:                that 3 percent of the total dollar amount
                                                      compliance. Recipients, as defined in                   inform subrecipients and contractors                  of nonconstruction contracts shall be
                                                      § 135.5, are required, to the greatest                  about Section 3 obligations; evaluate                 awarded to Section 3 businesses since
                                                      extent feasible, to target low- and very                potential bidders for Section 3                       there was no statutory reason to make a
                                                      low-income persons for employment                       compliance during contract selection;                 distinction between construction and
                                                      and training opportunities funded with                  notify Section 3 residents and                        nonconstruction contracts. HUD
                                                      Section 3 financial assistance, and                     businesses about economic                             believes that requiring recipients to
                                                      businesses that are either owned by or                  opportunities; implement verification                 award 10 percent of the total dollar
                                                      substantially employ such persons.                      and/or certification procedures for                   amount of all covered contracts to
                                                         Section 135.7 provides that while                    residents and businesses; provide                     Section 3 businesses regardless of the
                                                      reaching the minimum numerical goals                    priority consideration to qualified                   type or dollar amount of the contract
                                                      is one way to demonstrate compliance                    Section 3 residents and businesses;                   will result in more potential contracting
                                                      with the statute’s ‘‘greatest extent                    monitor subrecipients and contractors                 opportunities for Section 3 businesses.
                                                      feasible’’ requirement, compliance to                   for compliance; establish consequences                   Section 135.11 of the proposed rule
                                                      the greatest extent feasible is                         for noncompliance; and utilize local                  describes the responsibilities of the
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                                                      demonstrated by the recipient, first and                community resources to meet its Section               recipient for complying with the
                                                      foremost, establishing and                              3 requirements. The preceding list                    requirements of Section 3 and ensuring
                                                      implementing procedures and strategies                  presents the minimum steps that the                   the compliance of their subrecipients,
                                                      by which the recipient and, where                       recipients’ policies and procedures                   contractors, or subcontractors, who have
                                                      applicable, its subrecipients, contractors              should address, but recipients should                 the same responsibilities as the direct
                                                      and subcontractors will comply with the                 include in official policies and                      recipient. This section responds to
                                                      requirements set forth in § 135.11. This                procedures any additional steps tailored              requests that HUD more clearly identify
                                                      section also provides that where a                      to their funding practices and                        specific actions that a recipient is to
                                                      recipient is unable to reach the                        operations that would increase                        undertake to demonstrate compliance

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                                                      16526                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      with Section 3. These responsibilities                  manner of verification of the eligibility             certifications may be submitted as part
                                                      reflect best practices that are being                   of Section 3 residents and businesses,                of a submission of annual strategic
                                                      implemented by successful recipients,                   but instead allows the recipient to                   plans, consolidated plans, or public
                                                      and will result in a reduction of an                    decide how verification should be                     housing plans, or as part of a
                                                      estimated 10,000 hours of                               undertaken. HUD is aware that verifying               submission of an application for a
                                                      administrative burden annually. The                     Section 3 eligibility for residents and               competitively awarded grant,
                                                      actions listed in this section would                    businesses often requires recipients to               cooperative agreement, or other
                                                      replace the list of examples of efforts                 review and maintain confidential and                  submissions.
                                                      that recipients may undertake to                        sensitive personal information. In order                 Sections 135.23 and 135.25 of the
                                                      demonstrate compliance with Section 3,                  to address concerns that have emerged                 proposed rule contain reporting and
                                                      which are found in Appendix A to the                    regarding the secure handling of                      recordkeeping requirements, now found
                                                      existing regulations.                                   confidential information, this section of             in § 135.90 and § 135.92 of the existing
                                                         As provided in § 135.11, the listed                  the proposed rule provides that a                     regulations. Section 135.23 continues to
                                                      responsibilities apply to all recipients                recipient may allow residents and                     require the submission of Section 3
                                                      and have been expanded to ensure that:                  businesses to self-certify their eligibility,         annual reports, and clarifies that, going
                                                      (1) Section 3 residents and businesses                  and to presume that residents or                      forward, the time frame applicable for
                                                      are notified about economic                             businesses that are located in, or                    Section 3 reports should coincide with
                                                      opportunities, (2) payroll data is                      provide economic opportunities to                     the recipient’s local program or fiscal
                                                      monitored for new hires on projects that                persons that reside in a neighborhood,                year. If the recipient does not have a
                                                      are subject to wage rates determined                    census tract, or area designated by HUD               local program or fiscal year, the Section
                                                      under the Davis Bacon Act (40 U.S.C.                    are eligible to receive Section 3 priority            3 report shall follow the federal fiscal
                                                      3141 et seq.), (3) labor unions are                     consideration absent evidence to the                  year (i.e., October 1 through September
                                                      notified about Section 3 obligations, (4)               contrary. Both of these practices may be              30). Since the timely submission of
                                                      existing collective bargaining or project               used if the recipient conducts                        Section 3 reports continues to be an
                                                      labor agreements with labor unions are                  procedures to verify that a sample of                 issue, the proposed rule would provide
                                                      amended to acknowledge HUD and                          self-certified or Section 3 presumed                  procedures for HUD to sanction
                                                      Section 3 obligations, (5) procedures are               benefit residents and businesses meet                 recipients for delinquent or missing
                                                      developed by public housing agencies to                 one of the regulatory definitions.                    reports. Any sanction imposed would be
                                                      comply with the earned income                           Descriptions of procedures for verifying              in accordance with the requirements of
                                                      disregard and resident-owned business                   a sample of self-certified or Section 3               the Section 3 regulations or a notice of
                                                      provisions set forth at 24 CFR part 963,                presumed benefit residents and                        funding availability (NOFA) governing
                                                      and (6) contractor selection procedures                 businesses will be provided in guidance               the program under which the Section 3
                                                      employ Section 3 compliance measures.                   materials after the publication of the                covered financial assistance is provided.
                                                         Section 135.13 of the proposed rule                  final rule. This guidance will assist                 Section 135.23 of the proposed rule also
                                                      addresses the minimum numerical                         recipients with determining sample
                                                      goals, generally, and provides that the                                                                       specifically requires a State or county
                                                                                                              size, selecting self-certified beneficiaries          recipient to submit to HUD an annual
                                                      goals apply to the aggregate number of                  for verification, identifying the type of
                                                      employment and contracting                                                                                    report regarding compliance with
                                                                                                              evidence that may be requested, and                   Section 3 in its own operations and in
                                                      opportunities generated by the                          steps that may be taken in the event that
                                                      expenditure of the Section 3 covered                                                                          those of its subrecipients, contractors,
                                                                                                              false certifications are discovered.
                                                      financial assistance. Specific minimum                                                                        and subcontractors. Section 135.25 of
                                                                                                                 Section 135.17 of the proposed rule
                                                      numerical goals are set forth in the                                                                          the proposed rule contains the
                                                                                                              stipulates that a written agreement must
                                                      subparts associated with the type of                    be executed by the recipient and any of               requirement in existing § 135.92 that
                                                      financial assistance provided (§ 135.35                 its subrecipients, contractors, or                    HUD shall have access to records,
                                                      and § 135.55). This section removes the                 subcontractors before the recipient                   reports, and other documents recipients
                                                      current requirement that 3 percent of                   disburses any Section 3 covered                       maintain to demonstrate compliance
                                                      the total dollar amount of                              financial assistance to them. The                     with Section 3, and it adds examples of
                                                      nonconstruction contracts shall be                      purpose of this section is to both                    such records.
                                                      awarded to Section 3 businesses since                   emphasize the responsibilities that                      Section 135.27 of the proposed rule
                                                      there was no statutory reason to make a                 subrecipients, contractors, and                       describes sanctions for noncompliance
                                                      distinction between construction and                    subcontractors have in complying with                 with the requirements of Section 3, and
                                                      nonconstruction contracts. As noted                     Section 3 and to assist the recipient in              provides that these sanctions may
                                                      earlier in this preamble, HUD believes                  ensuring the compliance of these                      include requiring additional
                                                      that requiring recipients to award 10                   entities.                                             certifications or assurances of
                                                      percent of the total dollar amount of all                  Section 135.19 of the proposed rule                compliance; repayment of Section 3
                                                      covered contracts to Section 3                          contains provisions to be included in                 covered financial assistance;
                                                      businesses regardless of the type or                    contracts with developers, contractors,               ineligibility for future HUD financial
                                                      dollar amount of the contract will result               and subcontractors and the Section 3                  assistance; withholding HUD financial
                                                      in more potential contracting                           clause language that is currently found               assistance; or suspension, debarment, or
                                                      opportunities for Section 3 businesses.                 in § 135.38 of the existing regulations.              limited denial of participation in HUD
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                                                         Section 135.15 of the proposed rule                     Section 135.21 of the proposed rule                programs pursuant to 2 CFR part 2424,
                                                      would require a recipient to verify that                addresses certifications of compliance.               where appropriate.
                                                      residents and businesses seeking                        This section would require a recipient                   Section 135.29 of the proposed rule
                                                      employment and contracting                              to annually submit to HUD a                           clarifies that neither the Section 3
                                                      opportunities generated by the                          certification documenting compliance                  statute nor the Section 3 regulations
                                                      expenditure of Section 3 covered                        with Section 3, including the                         supersede the employment and wage
                                                      financial assistance are in fact Section 3              compliance of any subrecipients,                      provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act or
                                                      residents and businesses as defined in                  contractors, or subcontractors. This                  requirements of bona fide Federal or
                                                      § 135.5. This section does not dictate the              section provides that, where applicable,              State apprentice or training programs.

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                         16527

                                                      Additional Provisions for Public                        percent of new hires, both within the                 amount of all covered contracts to
                                                      Housing Financial Assistance—Subpart                    agency and with its contractors. HUD                  Section 3 businesses regardless of the
                                                      B                                                       chose to maintain this minimum                        type is easier to administer and will
                                                         Subpart B addresses demonstration of                 numerical goal even though a review of                result in more opportunities for Section
                                                      compliance that would be unique to                      recent national aggregated data                       3 residents and businesses. In
                                                      recipients of public housing financial                  indicated that recipients are exceeding               establishing this minimum numerical
                                                      assistance or PHAs.                                     the employment goal by 10 to 20                       goal, HUD reviewed aggregated data
                                                         Section 135.31 of the proposed rule                  percentage points. HUD OIG’s 2013                     submitted by recipients, which
                                                      provides that PHAs that receive public                  Section 3 Audit report advises that                   indicated that only 13.3 percent of
                                                      housing financial assistance, as defined                concerns exist regarding the reliability              recipients are meeting both of the
                                                      in § 135.5, are subject to the provisions               and accuracy of the data previously                   current minimum numerical goals for
                                                      in subpart B in addition to those in                    submitted into the Section 3 Summary                  contracting. However, 17.4 percent of
                                                      subpart A. This section also provides                   Reporting System. In light of such                    recipients would meet the proposed
                                                      that the requirements in subpart B apply                information, HUD is not changing at this              numerical goal for all covered contracts.
                                                      to all new internal and external                        time the current minimum numerical                    HUD is not changing the minimum
                                                                                                              goals based on the previously reported                numerical contracting goal for the same
                                                      employment and training opportunities
                                                                                                              data. The reliability of subsequent data              reasons that HUD is not changing the
                                                      resulting from the expenditure of public
                                                                                                              submitted will be addressed when HUD                  minimum numerical hiring goal.
                                                      housing financial assistance (i.e., those                                                                       Section 135.37 of the proposed rule
                                                                                                              implements its new Section 3 Summary
                                                      within the PHA and with its                                                                                   would revise the priority consideration
                                                                                                              Reporting System in FY 2015.
                                                      subrecipients, contractors, or                             The rule would establish that for a                given when hiring Section 3 residents
                                                      subcontractors). Further, this section                  Section 3 resident to be considered a                 and in awarding contracts to Section 3
                                                      clarifies that the requirements of Section              new hire by a contractor or                           businesses. The proposed rule provides
                                                      3 apply to the entire project or activity               subcontractor, the Section 3 resident                 that PHAs must give priority
                                                      that is funded with public housing                      must work, during the resident’s                      consideration to a Section 3 resident or
                                                      financial assistance regardless of                      employment with a contractor or                       business when equally qualified for the
                                                      whether the activity is fully- or                       subcontractor, a minimum of 50 percent                work under consideration. Priority
                                                      partially-funded with Section 3 covered                 of the average staff hours worked for the             consideration may be given to Section 3
                                                      financial assistance.                                   category of work for which they were                  residents or businesses when they are
                                                         Section 135.33 of the proposed rule                  hired throughout the duration of time                 minimally qualified.
                                                      would continue to maintain HUD’s                        that the category of work is performed
                                                      position that a monetary or unit                                                                              Additional Provisions for Housing and
                                                                                                              on the covered project. For instance, if
                                                      threshold in public and Indian housing                                                                        Community Development Financial
                                                                                                              electricians employed on a particular
                                                      programs is not consistent with the                                                                           Assistance—Subpart C
                                                                                                              Section 3 covered project work an
                                                      Section 3 statute. Section 3 applies to                 average of 40 hours each week, Section                  Section 135.51 of the proposed rule
                                                      public and Indian housing operating                     3 new hires in this category must work                provides that recipients of housing and
                                                      assistance, development assistance and                  a minimum of 20 hours each week                       community development assistance, as
                                                      modernization assistance, which covers                  throughout the duration of time that the              defined in § 135.5, are subject to the
                                                      virtually all PHA projects and activities.              category of work is performed on the                  provisions in subpart C in addition to
                                                      Additionally, the Section 3 statute is                  covered project to be counted towards                 those in subpart A. Section 135.51 of the
                                                      very specific about the residents and                   the recipient’s minimum numerical goal                proposed rule addresses the
                                                      businesses to which PHAs and their                      for employment.                                       applicability of Section 3 to housing and
                                                      contractors and subcontractors must                        Section 135.35 would also establish                community development financial
                                                      give preference. These residents and                    the minimum numerical contracting                     assistance. This section provides that
                                                      businesses are tied to the housing                      goals for public housing financial                    Section 3 only applies to economic
                                                      development for which the assistance is                 assistance. Under this section, PHAs, as              opportunities that arise from the
                                                      expended, or another development                        well as any subrecipients, contractors,               expenditure of housing and community
                                                      managed by the PHA. HUD believes that                   or subcontractors, would be required to               development financial assistance
                                                      the statute’s expansive coverage of                     award, to the greatest extent feasible, at            involving the demolition, rehabilitation,
                                                      public and Indian housing projects and                  least 10 percent of the total dollar                  or construction of housing, public
                                                      activities indicates that any attempt to                amount of all subsequent contracting or               buildings, facilities, infrastructure, or
                                                      diminish the coverage would be                          subcontracting opportunities to Section               other public construction or
                                                      inconsistent with the statute.                          3 businesses. This proposed rule would                rehabilitation-related projects and
                                                      Notwithstanding, HUD will make efforts                  remove the current 3 percent minimum                  activities. While HUD always
                                                      to implement measures to reduce                         numerical goal for contracts that do not              considered demolition projects to be a
                                                      administrative burden for PHAs whose                    involve construction or rehabilitation.               part of rehabilitation activities, this
                                                      expenditure of covered financial                        Instead, this proposed rule seeks to                  proposed rule makes the applicability of
                                                      assistance did not trigger Section 3                    ensure that 10 percent of the total dollar            Section 3 to demolition explicit. This
                                                      obligations, but who still are required to              amount of all covered contracts                       section also clarifies that professional
                                                      submit annual reports, by only requiring                (including contracts for professional                 service contracts are subject to the
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                                                      the submission of an electronic                         services) will be awarded to Section 3                requirements of this part, provided that
                                                      certification.                                          businesses. Since there is no statutory               the work to be performed arises in
                                                         Section 135.35 would maintain the                    basis for making a distinction between                connection with a Section 3 covered
                                                      minimum numerical hiring goals for                      construction and nonconstruction                      project (i.e., housing rehabilitation,
                                                      public housing financial assistance.                    contracts, and the interpretation of the              housing construction, or other public
                                                      PHAs, as well as any subrecipients,                     nonconstruction goal has been                         construction project).
                                                      contractors, or subcontractors, would be                problematic for recipients, HUD                         Consistent with the Section 3 statute,
                                                      required to employ, to the greatest                     believes that requiring recipients to                 § 135.51 exempts housing and
                                                      extent feasible, Section 3 residents as 30              award 10 percent of the total dollar                  community development financial

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                                                      16528                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      assistance that is used for acquisition,                assistance must meet to demonstrate                   Additional Provisions for Recipients of
                                                      routine maintenance, operations,                        compliance, to the greatest extent                    HUD Competitive Grant Financial
                                                      administrative costs, and project rental                feasible, with the Section 3 statute and              Assistance—Subpart D
                                                      assistance contracts (PRAC) from                        Section 3 regulations. Similar to the                    Subpart D of this proposed rule,
                                                      compliance with Section 3 because                       numerical goals established for public                clarifies the scope of applicability of
                                                      these are not considered construction or                housing financial assistance, this                    Section 3 to HUD NOFAs. This section
                                                      rehabilitation activities. This section                 section provides that recipients of                   would replace the existing regulatory
                                                      also exempts Indian tribes and tribally                 housing and community development                     section, § 135.9.
                                                      designated housing entities from                        financial assistance must, to the greatest               As provided in proposed new
                                                      complying with Section 3 requirements
                                                                                                              extent feasible, have its contractors and             § 135.71, Section 3 applies to
                                                      if the Indian tribe has adopted, and is
                                                                                                              subcontractors employ Section 3                       competitively awarded (1) public
                                                      complying with, tribal employment and
                                                                                                              residents as 30 percent of direct new                 housing financial assistance, and (2)
                                                      contract preference laws (including
                                                      regulations and tribal ordinances) in                   hires. This section also provides, similar            housing and community development
                                                      accordance with section 101(k) of the                   to § 135.35, that in order for a Section              financial assistance that is anticipated to
                                                      Native American Housing Assistance                      3 resident to be considered a new hire                generate significant economic
                                                      and Self-Determination Act                              by contractors and subcontractors, the                opportunities.
                                                      (NAHASDA) and 24 CFR 1000.42. This                      Section 3 resident must work, during                     Section 135.73 provides that each
                                                      section also exempts Indian tribes and                  the resident’s employment with a                      NOFA that is subject to the
                                                      other tribal entities from Section 3                    contractor or subcontractor, a minimum                requirements of Section 3 shall describe
                                                      requirements if they are subject to                     of 50 percent of the average staff hours              the selection criteria and points to be
                                                      Indian preference requirements under                    worked for the category of work for                   awarded.
                                                      section 7(b) of the Indian Self-                        which they were hired, throughout the                    Section 135.75 requires recipients of
                                                      Determination and Education                                                                                   competitive Section 3 covered financial
                                                                                                              duration of time that the category of
                                                      Assistance Act. HUD recognizes that                                                                           assistance to sign assurances of
                                                                                                              work is performed on the covered
                                                      both tribal preference and Indian                                                                             compliance with Section 3, and
                                                                                                              project. For instance, if brick masons
                                                      preference requirements already often                                                                         provides that applicants that are
                                                                                                              employed on a particular Section 3                    awarded competitive funds will be
                                                      require Indian tribes, tribally designated              covered project work an average of 40
                                                      housing entities, and other tribal                                                                            monitored on their compliance with
                                                                                                              hours each week, Section 3 new hires in               Section 3, and their progress in carrying
                                                      entities, to apply local preferences in                 this category must work a minimum of
                                                      employment and contracting in projects                                                                        out the strategies described in the
                                                                                                              20 hours each week to be counted                      narrative statements submitted with
                                                      receiving assistance under NAHASDA
                                                                                                              towards the recipient’s minimum                       their application package. Section
                                                      and other grant programs for the benefit
                                                      of Indians, such as the Indian CDBG                     numerical goal for employment.                        135.77, prohibits any recipient with
                                                      program. This exemption reduces                            With respect to contracting                        outstanding findings of noncompliance
                                                      administrative burden for tribal grantees               opportunities, this section provides that             with Section 3 from receiving additional
                                                      that have expressed concerns to HUD                     recipients of housing and community                   competitively awarded financial
                                                      about the difficulty of complying with                  development financial assistance, as                  assistance.
                                                      Section 3 requirements while also                       well as their subrecipients, contractors,             Enforcement—Subpart E
                                                      complying with Indian and tribal                        and subcontractors, must, to the greatest
                                                      preference requirements.                                                                                        Subpart E of this proposed rule
                                                                                                              extent feasible, award at least 10 percent
                                                         Section 135.53 of the proposed rule                                                                        contains the complaint and compliance
                                                                                                              of the total dollar amount of all
                                                      replaces the current threshold for                                                                            review provisions currently found in
                                                                                                              contracts to Section 3 businesses,                    subpart D of the existing part 135
                                                      recipients that administer housing and                  similar to § 135.35. This proposed rule
                                                      community development assistance.                                                                             regulations. This subpart also clarifies
                                                                                                              removes the requirement that 3 percent                that voluntary compliance agreements
                                                      HUD has reassessed the policy behind
                                                                                                              of the total dollar amount of                         that are drafted to address findings of
                                                      the existing threshold and has decided
                                                      to propose a new threshold requirement                  nonconstruction contracts will be                     noncompliance shall seek to protect the
                                                      that is based on the total expenditures                 awarded to Section 3 businesses in an                 public interest, provide denied
                                                      (rather than receipt or per-project). This              attempt to reduce administrative                      economic opportunities to Section 3
                                                      change recognizes that it is the                        burden. Instead, this proposed rule                   residents and businesses, and may
                                                      expenditure of covered financial                        seeks to ensure that 10 percent of the                include the provision of damages and
                                                      assistance (not the receipt) that                       total dollar amount of all covered                    other relief for those injured by the
                                                      produces economic opportunities for                     contracts (including contracts for                    recipient’s noncompliance.
                                                      Section 3 residents and businesses.                     professional services) will be awarded
                                                                                                                                                                    III. Specific Questions for Comment
                                                      Under this proposal, the threshold                      to Section 3 businesses. HUD makes this
                                                      would be based on the aggregate                         change in § 135.55 for the same reasons                  While HUD welcomes comments on
                                                      expenditure of $400,000 of housing and                  presented for the identical change in                 all aspects of this proposed rule, HUD
                                                      community development financial                         § 135.35.                                             specifically requests comments on the
                                                      assistance on construction related                                                                            following:
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                                                                                                                 Section 135.57 of the proposed rule                   1. To address a loophole in the
                                                      activities. In the section of this preamble
                                                                                                              establishes the orders of priority                    current regulation that does not limit
                                                      entitled ‘‘Summary of Major Provisions
                                                      of this Regulatory Action,’’ HUD                        consideration for employment and                      jobs, training, and contracting
                                                      described in detail the basis for                       contracting opportunities for housing                 opportunities to Section 3 residents
                                                      selection of the $400,000 threshold.                    and community development financial                   residing and Section 3 businesses
                                                         Section 135.55 of the proposed rule                  assistance and adds additional                        located within the proximity of the
                                                      establishes the minimum numerical                       categories for priority consideration for             covered project or activity, this
                                                      hiring goals that recipients of housing                 businesses that promote job retention                 proposed rule introduces a new term
                                                      and community development financial                     and training opportunities.                           ‘‘Section 3 local area’’ to clarify that in

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                                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                       16529

                                                      order for Section 3 residents and                                         consideration for projects that are                     not its expenditure. HUD believes that
                                                      businesses to receive priority                                            financed with housing and community                     the expenditure of funds is a better
                                                      consideration they must be residing or                                    development assistance at § 135.57.                     indicator of the type and amount of
                                                      located within the metropolitan area or                                   HUD solicits comment on the proposed                    economic opportunities that HUD funds
                                                      nonmetropolitan county where the                                          orders of priority consideration.                       create. The proposed threshold applies
                                                      Section 3 covered financial assistance is                                    4. For the reasons presented in the                  Section 3 to all construction and
                                                      expended. HUD seeks comment on                                            preamble, HUD is maintaining the                        construction related projects (regardless
                                                      whether this clarification may adversely                                  existing minimum numerical goals for                    of the dollar amount invested into
                                                      impact Section 3 residents and                                            employment and construction contracts.                  individual projects) if a grantee plans to
                                                      businesses located in neighboring                                         HUD seeks comments on whether other                     spend $400,000, or more, of covered
                                                      jurisdictions, particularly when no                                       proposed minimum numerical goals for                    HUD funding during the reporting
                                                      Section 3 businesses are located in the                                   employment and contracting would be                     period. HUD seeks comment on whether
                                                      Section 3 local area, and in rural                                        more appropriate.                                       an alternate threshold would be more
                                                      communities where Section 3 residents                                        5. The proposed rule would replace
                                                                                                                                                                                        appropriate or equally effective to the
                                                      in adjacent counties may be the most                                      the 3 percent minimum goal for the total
                                                                                                                                                                                        proposed $400,000 threshold. In the
                                                      qualified job applicant. See § 135.5.                                     dollar amount of all building trades and
                                                                                                                                                                                        table below, HUD sets out alternative
                                                                                                                                professional service contracts associated
                                                        2. The proposed rule revises the                                                                                                expenditure thresholds and the
                                                                                                                                with construction (formerly referred to,
                                                      definition of a Section 3 business to                                     respectively, as construction and                       percentage of funding that would be
                                                      remove the third category of the existing                                 nonconstruction contracts) with a goal                  covered. While HUD believes that the
                                                      definition, which refers to businesses                                    of 10 percent. HUD seeks comment on                     proposed expenditure threshold of
                                                      that can provide evidence of a                                            whether the proposed goal that applies                  $400,000 is the appropriate threshold
                                                      commitment to subcontract in excess of                                    to building trades and professional                     and would best enable the Department
                                                      25 percent of the dollar award of all                                     services would result in any unintended                 to focus on those recipients that
                                                      subcontracts to other Section 3                                           consequences. See § 135.37 and                          produce the majority of economic
                                                      businesses. This revision is made in                                      § 135.57.                                               opportunities, HUD would consider a
                                                      response to complaints that the                                              6. For the reasons presented in this                 different threshold but no lower than
                                                      commitment presented an easy loophole                                     preamble, under the ‘‘Summary of the                    $400,000. HUD would consider a high
                                                      for some businesses, and did not equate                                   Major Provisions of this Regulatory                     threshold but no higher than $1 million.
                                                      to a legal obligation. HUD solicits                                       Action,’’ the proposed rule would                       Although the $1 million threshold
                                                      comment on the removal of this third                                      change the threshold for recipients of                  would capture almost 85 percent of the
                                                      category. See § 135.5.                                                    housing and community development                       funding, which HUD finds reasonable
                                                        3. The proposed rule seeks to provide                                   financial assistance to cover recipients                and acceptable, HUD believes the
                                                      incentives to contractors that retain                                     that plan to obligate or commit $400,000                $400,000 threshold, which would cover
                                                      Section 3 residents who were hired to                                     or more of annual expenditures of                       more than 95 percent of the funding, 10
                                                      work on previous projects, and to                                         covered funds on construction or                        percentage points higher than a $1
                                                      provide apprenticeship opportunities to                                   construction related projects. As                       million threshold, presents the better
                                                      Section 3 residents by adding two new                                     discussed, the current threshold is                     approach, but HUD welcomes comment
                                                      categories to the orders of priority                                      based on the receipt of covered funds,                  on the thresholds.

                                                                        Expenditure level                                     $250K                $300K                  $400K          $500K               $750          $1M

                                                      Agencies Below .......................................                           265                329                  440                 542             703             816
                                                      % of those below .....................................                         22.3%              27.7%                37.0%               45.6%           59.1%           68.6%
                                                      Agencies Above .......................................                           924                860                  749                 647             486             373
                                                      % of those above .....................................                         77.7%              72.3%                63.0%               54.4%           40.9%           31.4%
                                                      % change # of agencies ..........................                               4.2%               5.4%                 9.3%                8.6%           13.5%            9.5%
                                                      % of covered funding ...............................                           98.3%              97.5%                95.7%               93.6%           89.0%           84.4%

                                                                                     Threshold level                                               Expenditure excluded               Agencies excluded              % Covered

                                                      $250K+ ..............................................................................                    $35,622,322.04                              265                    98.3
                                                      $300K+ ..............................................................................                     53,260,584.53                              329                    97.5
                                                      $400K+ ..............................................................................                     91,850,709.06                              440                    95.7
                                                      $500K+ ..............................................................................                    137,962,427.28                              542                    93.6
                                                      $750K+ ..............................................................................                    237,242,870.83                              703                    89.0
                                                      $1M+ ..................................................................................                  335,799,935.66                              816                    84.4

                                                        7. In order for a Section 3 resident to                                 whether this proposed change                            can assist in addressing these challenges
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      be counted as a new hire, the proposed                                    effectively addresses concerns that were                in this proposed rule.
                                                      rule would require a resident to work,                                    raised about contractors that hired                        9. HUD solicits comments from Indian
                                                      during employment as a new hire, a                                        Section 3 residents for short time frames               tribes, tribally designated housing
                                                      minimum of 50 percent of the average                                      for purposes of circumventing                           entities, and other tribal entities on its
                                                      staff hours worked for the job category                                   meaningful compliance with Section 3.                   proposal to exempt them from Section
                                                      for which the resident was hired,                                         See § 135.35 and § 135.55.                              3 compliance when they adopt, and are
                                                      throughout the duration of time that the                                     8. HUD seeks comment on the specific                 complying with, tribal employment and
                                                      category of work is performed on the                                      challenges for State CDBG grantees with                 contract preference laws (including
                                                      covered project. HUD seeks comment on                                     meeting Section 3 goals and how HUD                     regulations and tribal ordinances) in

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                                                      16530                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      accordance with section 101(k) of                       ineffective, insufficient, or excessively             private sector, within the meaning of
                                                      NAHASDA (25 U.S.C. 4111(k)), or are                     burdensome, and to modify, streamline,                UMRA.
                                                      subject to Indian preference                            expand, or repeal them in accordance
                                                      requirements under section 7(b) of the                  with what has been learned. Executive                 Regulatory Flexibility Act
                                                      Indian Self-Determination and                           Order 13563 also directs that, where                     The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5
                                                      Education Assistance Act. See                           relevant, feasible, and consistent with               U.S.C. 601 et seq.) generally requires an
                                                      § 135.519(b)(3).                                        regulatory objectives, and to the extent              agency to conduct a regulatory
                                                         10. HUD seeks comment on ways that                   permitted by law, agencies are to                     flexibility analysis of any rule subject to
                                                      recipients can demonstrate compliance                   identify and consider regulatory                      notice and comment rulemaking
                                                      with Section 3 in communities that are                  approaches that reduce burdens and
                                                                                                                                                                    requirements, unless the agency certifies
                                                      governed by agreements that prohibit                    maintain flexibility and freedom of
                                                                                                                                                                    that the rule will not have a significant
                                                      work by non-labor union workers.                        choice for the public.
                                                         11. HUD seeks comment on                                                                                   economic impact on a substantial
                                                                                                                 This rule was determined to be a
                                                      requirements or goals that should apply                                                                       number of small entities. As has been
                                                                                                              ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ as
                                                      to contractors whose expenditure of                                                                           discussed in this preamble, this rule
                                                                                                              defined in Section 3(f) of the order
                                                      covered financial assistance will only                                                                        proposes to update HUD’s Section 3
                                                                                                              (although not an economically
                                                      enable them to sustain their current                    significant regulatory action under the               regulations in 24 CFR part 135, for
                                                      workforce and will not result in new                    order). Consistent with Executive Order               which the objective is to increase
                                                      employment, training, or subcontracting                 13563, this rule revises the existing part            employment opportunities for low-
                                                      opportunities.                                          135 regulations that have not been                    income persons and businesses that are
                                                         12. HUD solicits comment on goals or                 revised or updated since 1994, with the               owned by or employ such persons, by
                                                      strategies for training opportunities that              intention to make them less                           requiring that they be considered for
                                                      the proposed rule should address.                       burdensome, and more effective and,                   employment, including training
                                                         13. HUD seeks comment on whether                     therefore, help to contribute to job                  positions, and contracting opportunities
                                                      the proposal to require recipients to                   creation for low-income persons. As                   that are generated by the expenditure of
                                                      incorporate compliance with Section 3                   noted earlier in this preamble, HUD has               certain HUD financial assistance. These
                                                      into procurement procedures for                         prepared an initial RIA that addresses                entities generally are small and
                                                      responsive and responsible bidders                      the costs and benefits of the proposed                therefore strengthening the
                                                      creates an undue burden on recipients?                  rule. HUD’s RIA is part of the docket file            requirements of Section 3 should benefit
                                                      See § 135.37(a)(3), § 135.57(a)(4), and                 for this rule.                                        small businesses that are Section 3
                                                      § 135.11(b)(9).                                            The docket file is available for public            businesses.
                                                         14. In 2012, HUD implemented a                       inspection in the Regulations Division,
                                                      Section 3 Business Registry Pilot                                                                                As more fully discussed in the
                                                                                                              Office of the General Counsel, Room                   accompanying RIA, the number of
                                                      Program in five metropolitan areas as a                 10276, 451 7th Street SW., Washington,
                                                      potential resource to help recipients                                                                         economic opportunities generated for
                                                                                                              DC 20410–0500. Due to security                        Section 3 residents and businesses will
                                                      meet, or exceed, the minimum                            measures at the HUD Headquarters
                                                      numerical goals for contracting and                                                                           not increase to the degree that this rule
                                                                                                              building, please schedule an                          would have a significant economic
                                                      reduce administrative burden in                         appointment to review the docket file by
                                                      identifying section 3 businesses. Under                                                                       impact on a substantial number of small
                                                                                                              calling the Regulations Division at 202–              entities. In addition, for those small
                                                      the pilot program, businesses that met                  402–3055 (this is not a toll-free
                                                      one of the definitions of a ‘‘Section 3                                                                       entities that are recipients of Section 3
                                                                                                              number). Individuals with speech or
                                                      Business’’ self-certified their status with                                                                   covered financial assistance and must
                                                                                                              hearing impairments may access this
                                                      HUD, and were placed into a database                                                                          comply with this proposed rule, the
                                                                                                              number via TTY by calling the Federal
                                                      to be used by recipients, developers,                                                                         changes made by this proposed rule are
                                                                                                              Relay Service at toll-free 800–877–8339.
                                                      contractors, and others to notify these                                                                       designed to reduce burden on them, as
                                                      businesses about the availability of                    Environmental Impact                                  well as all recipients. For these reasons,
                                                      Section 3 contracting opportunities. See                  This proposed rule is a policy                      HUD has determined that this rule
                                                      www.hud.gov/sec3biz. In 2014, HUD                       document that sets out regulatory                     would not have a significant economic
                                                      expanded the Section 3 Business                         requirements and standards for                        impact on a substantial number of small
                                                      Registry nationally. HUD seeks                          complying with Section 3 of the                       entities. In fact, streamlined procedures
                                                      comments about this registry and ways                   Housing and Urban Development Act of                  in the proposed rule and HUD’s recent
                                                      that HUD should incorporate its usage                   1968 (12 U.S.C. 1701u). Accordingly,                  implementation of a national Section 3
                                                      into the Section 3 requirements.                        under 24 CFR 50.19(c)(3), this proposed               Business Registry will reduce the
                                                      IV. Findings and Certifications                         rule is categorically excluded from                   current administrative burden for
                                                                                                              environmental review under the                        grantees by a net ¥10,000 hours or
                                                      Regulatory Review—Executive Orders                      National Environmental Policy Act of                  $320,000 annually.10
                                                      12866 and 13563                                         1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.).                           Notwithstanding HUD’s
                                                        Under Executive Order 12866                                                                                 determination that this rule will not
                                                                                                              Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
                                                      (Regulatory Planning and Review), a                                                                           have a significant effect on a substantial
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                                                      determination must be made whether a                       The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act                   number of small entities, HUD
                                                      regulatory action is significant and,                   of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1531–1538) (UMRA)                   specifically invites comments regarding
                                                      therefore, subject to review by the Office              establishes requirements for Federal                  any less burdensome alternatives to this
                                                      of Management and Budget (OMB) in                       agencies to assess the effects of their               rule that will meet HUD’s objectives as
                                                      accordance with the requirements of the                 regulatory actions on State, local, and               described in this preamble.
                                                      order. Executive Order 13563                            tribal governments and on the private
                                                      (Improving Regulations and Regulatory                   sector. This proposed rule does not                     10 Average total compensation of all workers,
                                                      Review) directs executive agencies to                   impose a Federal mandate on any state,                BLS, March 2014. See http://www.bls.gov/
                                                      analyze regulations that are ‘‘outmoded,                local, or tribal government, or on the                news.release/ecec.t01.htm.

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                                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                                                            16531

                                                      Executive Order 13132, Federalism                                                and does not impose substantial direct                                         a person is not required to respond to,
                                                                                                                                       compliance costs on State and local                                            a collection of information unless the
                                                         Executive Order 13132 (entitled                                               governments nor preempt state law                                              collection displays a currently valid
                                                      ‘‘Federalism’’) prohibits an agency from                                         within the meaning of the Executive                                            OMB control number. HUD anticipates
                                                      publishing any rule that has federalism                                          Order.                                                                         only marginal additional impact of this
                                                      implications if the rule either: (1)                                                                                                                            rule on document preparation time.
                                                      Imposes substantial direct compliance                                            Paperwork Reduction Act
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Recipients are required already to
                                                      costs on State and local governments                                               The information collection                                                   provide HUD with reports documenting
                                                      and is not required by statute, or (2)                                           requirements contained in this proposed                                        Section 3 activities under the existing
                                                      preempts State law, unless the agency                                            rule have been submitted to OMB under                                          interim regulations. The additional time
                                                      meets the consultation and funding                                               the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995                                            to submit the new proposed information
                                                      requirements of Section 6 of the                                                 (44 U.S.C. 3501–3520). In accordance                                           required by the rule is minimal. The
                                                      Executive Order. This proposed rule                                              with the Paperwork Reduction Act, an                                           burden of information collection in this
                                                      does not have federalism implications                                            agency may not conduct or sponsor, and                                         proposed rule is estimated as follows:
                                                                             REPORTING AND RECORDKEEPING BURDEN EXISTING REGULATION VERSUS THIS PROPOSED RULE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Existing regulation                 Proposed rule
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      (hours)                          (hours)
                                                                                                                                                      Number of                 average time
                                                                                                                            Number of                                                                                        One-time
                                                             Section reference in proposed rule                                                     responses per                    for                                                                         One-time
                                                                                                                             parties                                                                          Total         burden not
                                                                                                                                                      respondent                requirement                                                   Incremental       burden—not
                                                                                                                                                                                                            estimated       reoccurring
                                                                                                                                                                                 (in hours)                                                     burden          reoccurring
                                                                                                                                                                                                          annual burden       annually                            annually
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (in hours)

                                                      Section 3 resident and business verification
                                                        (§ 135.15) ...................................................                  2,000                             1                       80            160,000                   0     11¥80,000                     0
                                                      Maintain lists of eligible Section 3 residents
                                                        and businesses (§ 135.11) ........................                              2,000                             2                        40           160,000                   0     12¥80,000                     0
                                                      Notify Section 3 residents and businesses
                                                        about the availability of economic opportu-
                                                        nities (§ 135.11) .........................................                     2,000                            2                         20            80,000                   0     13¥20,000                     0
                                                      Post signs or notices at job sites (§ 135.11)                                     2,000                           10                          1            20,000                   0                 0                 0
                                                      Ensure that bid solicitations acknowledge
                                                        Section 3 obligations (§ 135.11) ................                               2,000                             1                       0.5                  0              1,000                 0                 0
                                                      Monitor the payroll data of developers and
                                                        contractors (§ 135.11) ................................                         2,000                             1                        40               N/A                N/A          80,000                    0
                                                      Incorporate Section 3 factors into contractor
                                                        selection procedures (§ 135.11) ................                                2,000                             1                        40               N/A                N/A                  0         80,000
                                                      Amend and renegotiate existing collective
                                                        bargaining agreements, PLAs, etc., as ap-
                                                        propriate (§ 135.11) ...................................                           500                            1                        40               N/A                N/A                  0         20,000
                                                      Coordinate with DOL, Youth Build, etc.
                                                        (§ 135.11) ...................................................                  1,000                             1                        40               N/A                N/A          40,000                    0
                                                      Draft written subrecipient agreements
                                                        (§ 135.17) ...................................................                  1,110                             1                        24               N/A                N/A                  0         26,640
                                                      Include the Section 3 Clause in covered
                                                        contracts (§ 135.19) ...................................                        2,000                             1                       0.5             1,000                   0                 0                 0
                                                      Develop official Section 3 policies and pro-
                                                        cedures (§ 135.9) .......................................                       5,000                             1                       40                   0         200,000                    0        100,000
                                                      Annual      Certifications           of       compliance
                                                        (§ 135.21) ...................................................                  5,000                             1                       0.5             2,500                   0                 0                 0
                                                      Provide priority consideration to Section 3
                                                        residents and businesses (§ 135.37 and
                                                        § 135.57) ....................................................                  1,000                             2                        10            20,000                   0                 0                 0
                                                      NOFA        certification          of         compliance
                                                        (§ 135.71(d)) ..............................................                      500                             1                      0.5                250                   0              0                    0
                                                      Reporting requirements (§ 135.23) ...............                                 5,000                             5                       10            250,000                   0              0                    0
                                                      Recordkeeping requirements (§ 135.25) .......                                     5,000                             1                       40            200,000                   0         50,000                    0
                                                      Complaint investigations (§ 135.95 and
                                                        (§ 135.97) ...................................................                       30                           1                        80             2,400                   0                 0                 0
                                                      Right to review letter of findings (§ 135.99(c)                                         5                           1                         8                40                   0                 0                 0

                                                            Total Burden ..........................................      ........................   ........................   ........................         896,190          201,000          ¥10,000            226,640

                                                        In accordance with 5 CFR                                                       information collection requirements in                                         utility, and clarity of the information to
                                                      1320.8(d)(1), HUD is soliciting                                                  the proposed rule regarding:                                                   be collected; and
                                                                                                                                         (1) Whether the proposed collection                                            (4) Whether the proposed information
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      comments from members of the public
                                                      and affected agencies concerning the                                             of information is necessary for the                                            collection minimizes the burden of the
                                                                                                                                       proper performance of the functions of                                         collection of information on those who
                                                        11 Due to the recent expansion of the national                                 the agency, including whether the                                              are to respond; including through the
                                                      Section 3 Business Registry, HUD estimates a                                     information will have practical utility;                                       use of appropriate automated collection
                                                      decrease in the original 80 hours that it estimated                                (2) The accuracy of the agency’s                                             techniques or other forms of information
                                                      for this activity. As such, administrative burden for                            estimate of the burden of the proposed                                         technology (e.g., permitting electronic
                                                      covered recipients is reduced.                                                   collection of information;                                                     submission of responses).
                                                        12 See footnote 1.                                                               (3) Whether the proposed collection                                            Interested persons are invited to
                                                        13 See footnote 11.                                                            of information enhances the quality,                                           submit comments regarding the

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                                                      16532                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      information collection requirements in                  PART 135—ECONOMIC                                     1701u) (Section 3) is to direct, to the
                                                      this rule. Under the provisions of 5 CFR                OPPORTUNITIES FOR LOW- AND                            greatest extent feasible, and consistent
                                                      part 1320, OMB is required to make a                    VERY LOW-INCOME PERSONS                               with existing Federal, State, and local
                                                      decision concerning this collection of                                                                        laws and regulations, training,
                                                      information between 30 and 60 days                      Subpart A—General Provisions                          employment, contracting, and other
                                                      after the publication date. Therefore, a                                                                      economic opportunities generated by
                                                      comment on the information collection                   135.1 Purpose.
                                                                                                                                                                    the expenditure of certain HUD
                                                      requirements is best assured of having                  135.3 Delegation of authority.                        financial assistance to:
                                                      its full effect if OMB receives the                     135.5 Definitions.                                       (1) Low- and very low-income
                                                      comment within 30 days of the                           135.7 Compliance to the greatest extent               residents of the neighborhood or
                                                      publication. This time frame does not                        feasible.                                        neighborhoods where the Section 3
                                                      affect the deadline for comments to the                 135.9 Official Section 3 policies and                 covered financial assistance is
                                                                                                                   procedures.                                      expended, particularly those that
                                                      agency on the proposed rule, however.                   135.11 Recipient responsibilities.                    receive assistance from the Federal
                                                      Comments must refer to the proposed                     135.13 General minimum numerical goals.               government for housing; and
                                                      rule by name and docket number (FR–                     135.15 Verification of Section 3 resident                (2) The businesses that are owned by,
                                                      4893) and must be sent to:                                   and Section 3 business status.
                                                                                                                                                                    or substantially employ, low- or very
                                                                                                              135.17 Written agreements.
                                                      HUD Desk Officer, Office of                             135.19 Contracts and Section 3 clause.                low-income residents of the
                                                        Management and Budget, New                            135.21 Certifications of compliance.                  neighborhood or neighborhoods where
                                                        Executive Office Building,                            135.23 Reporting requirements.                        the Section 3 covered financial
                                                        Washington, DC 20503, Fax number:                     135.25 Recordkeeping and access to                    assistance is expended.
                                                        202–395–6947                                               records.                                            (b) Part 135. The purpose of this
                                                                                                              135.27 Sanctions for noncompliance.                   subpart is to establish the standards and
                                                      and                                                     135.29 Other Federal requirements.                    procedures by which all recipients of
                                                      Colette Pollard, HUD Reports Liaison                    Subpart B—Additional Provisions for Public            Section 3 covered financial assistance
                                                        Officer, Department of Housing and                    Housing Financial Assistance                          and their subrecipients, contractors, and
                                                        Urban Development, 451 7th Street                     135.31 Applicability.                                 subcontractors that may be
                                                        SW., Room 2204, Washington, DC                        135.33 Public housing agency unit                     administering Section 3 covered
                                                        20410.                                                    thresholds.                                       financial assistance on behalf of the
                                                                                                              135.35 Minimum numerical goals.                       recipient may meet the requirements of
                                                         Interested persons may submit                        135.37 Orders of priority consideration for           Section 3.
                                                      comments regarding the information                          employment and contracting
                                                      collection requirements electronically                      opportunities.                                    § 135.3    Delegation of authority.
                                                      through the Federal eRulemaking Portal                  Subpart C—Additional Provisions for                      Except as may be otherwise provided
                                                      at http://www.regulations.gov. HUD                      Housing and Community Development                     in this part, the functions and
                                                      strongly encourages commenters to                       Financial Assistance                                  responsibilities of the Secretary of the
                                                      submit comments electronically.                         135.51 Applicability.                                 Department of Housing and Urban
                                                      Electronic submission of comments                       135.53 Funding thresholds that trigger                Development, pursuant to Section 3,
                                                      allows the commenter maximum time to                        Section 3 compliance.                             and described in this part, are delegated
                                                      prepare and submit a comment, ensures                   135.55 Minimum numerical goals.                       to HUD’s Assistant Secretary for Fair
                                                      timely receipt by HUD, and enables                      135.57 Orders of priority consideration for           Housing and Equal Opportunity. The
                                                      HUD to make them immediately                                employment and contracting                        Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and
                                                                                                                  opportunities.                                    Equal Opportunity is further authorized
                                                      available to the public. Comments
                                                      submitted electronically through the                    Subpart D—Additional Provisions for                   to redelegate functions and
                                                      http://www.regulations.gov Web site can                 Recipients of Competitively Awarded                   responsibilities in this part to other
                                                      be viewed by other commenters and                       Financial Assistance                                  employees of HUD. However, the
                                                      interested members of the public.                       135.71 Applicability.                                 authority to issue or waive regulations
                                                      Commenters should follow the                            135.73 Applicant selection criteria.                  of this part may not be redelegated by
                                                      instructions provided on that site to                   135.75 Section 3 compliance for NOFA                  the Assistant Secretary. Monitoring and
                                                                                                                  grantees.                                         enforcement may be carried out in
                                                      submit comments electronically.                         135.77 Resolution of outstanding Section 3            coordination with the HUD program
                                                      List of Subjects in 24 CFR Part 135                         matters.                                          office that provided Section 3 covered
                                                                                                              Subpart E—Enforcement                                 financial assistance to recipients, and
                                                        Administrative practice and                                                                                 the imposition of sanctions shall be in
                                                                                                              135.91 Cooperation in achieving
                                                      procedure, Community development,                                                                             accordance with the requirements of the
                                                      Equal employment opportunity,                           135.93 Conduct of investigations                      regulation or NOFA governing the
                                                      Government contracts, Grant                                                                                   program under which the Section 3
                                                      programs—housing and community                            Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1701u; 42 U.S.C.
                                                                                                              3535(d).                                              covered financial assistance is provided,
                                                      development, Housing, Loan                                                                                    as set forth at § 135.27.
                                                      programs—housing and community
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                              PART 135—ECONOMIC
                                                      development, Reporting and                                                                                    § 135.5    Definitions.
                                                                                                              OPPORTUNITIES FOR LOW- AND
                                                      recordkeeping requirements, Small                       VERY LOW-INCOME PERSONS                                 For purposes of this part, the terms in
                                                      businesses.                                                                                                   this section have the meanings provided
                                                                                                              Subpart A—General Provisions                          in this section. The terms Department,
                                                      ■ Accordingly, for the reasons described                                                                      HUD, Public housing agency (PHA), and
                                                      in the preamble, and under the                          § 135.1   Purpose.                                    Secretary are defined in 24 CFR part 5.
                                                      authority of 42 U.S.C. 3535(d), HUD                       (a) Section 3. The purpose of Section                 Applicant means any entity which
                                                      proposes to revise 24 CFR part 135 to                   3 of the Housing and Urban                            makes an application to HUD for
                                                      read as follows:                                        Development Act of 1968 (12 U.S.C.                    Section 3 covered financial assistance,

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                            16533

                                                      and includes but is not limited to, any                 perform work generated by the                         programs: The Community
                                                      State, unit of local government, PHA,                   expenditure of Section 3 covered                      Development Block Grants (CDBG)
                                                      public housing commission, Indian                       financial assistance for a recipient,                 program, authorized by title I of the
                                                      tribe, tribally designated housing entity,              subrecipient, or another contractor, or               Housing and Community Development
                                                      or other public agency, public or private               for work in connection with Section 3                 Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.); the
                                                      nonprofit organization, private agency                  covered projects or activities, including             HOME Investment Partnerships
                                                      or institution, mortgagor, developer,                   contracts for services, but excluding                 program, authorized by the HOME
                                                      limited dividend sponsor, builder,                      contracts for supplies or materials that              Investment Partnerships Act (42 U.S.C.
                                                      property owner, property manager,                       do not involve installation,                          12701 note); the HUD homeless
                                                      resident management corporation,                        rehabilitation, or construction.                      assistance programs authorized under
                                                      resident council, or cooperative                           Department of Labor or DOL refers to               title IV of the McKinney-Vento
                                                      association.                                            the U.S. Department of Labor.                         Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C.
                                                         Assistant Secretary means the                           Department of Labor YouthBuild                     11360 et seq.); the Housing
                                                      Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and                program is a nonresidential,                          Opportunities for Persons With AIDS
                                                      Equal Opportunity (FHEO).                               community-based alternative education                 (HOPWA) program, authorized by the
                                                         Business means a business entity                     program that provides classroom                       AIDS Housing Opportunity Act, subtitle
                                                      formed in accordance with State law,                    instruction and occupational skills                   D of title VII of the Cranston-Gonzalez
                                                      and licensed as appropriate under State,                training to at-risk individuals ages 16 to            National Affordable Housing Act (42
                                                      county or municipal law to engage in                    24. The classroom training leads to a                 U.S.C. 12901 note); disaster recovery
                                                      the type of business activity for which                 high school diploma or a general                      grants (DRG), as authorized by
                                                      it was formed.                                          education development or other state-                 appropriations acts; the Supportive
                                                         Awarding Agency means the recipient                  recognized equivalency diploma. The                   Housing for the Elderly program,
                                                      or subrecipient that awards Section 3                   occupational skills training component                authorized by Section 202 of the
                                                      contracting opportunities.                              provides YouthBuild participants with                 Housing Act of 1959 (12 U.S.C. 1701q);
                                                         Complainant means the party that                     industry-recognized certifications in                 the Supportive Housing for Persons
                                                      files a complaint with the Assistant                    construction or other occupations. The                with Disabilities program, authorized by
                                                      Secretary alleging that a recipient has                 construction skills training component                Section 811, subtitle B of title VIII of the
                                                      failed or refused to comply with the                    teaches skills through a program to                   Cranston Gonzalez National Affordable
                                                      regulations of this part.                               build or rehabilitate housing for low-                Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 8013); the
                                                         Complaint means an allegation of                     income or homeless individuals and                    Project-Based Rental Assistance
                                                      noncompliance with the requirements                     families in their communities.                        programs authorized by Section 811,
                                                      of this part as provided in subpart E.
                                                                                                              Economic Opportunities Generated by                   subtitle B of title VIII of the Cranston-
                                                         Construction, unless inconsistent
                                                                                                              Section 3 Covered Financial Assistance                Gonzalez National Affordable Housing
                                                      with or otherwise defined in the
                                                                                                              Means                                                 Act (42 U.S.C. 8013); the Healthy Homes
                                                      regulation or NOFA governing the
                                                                                                                 (1) Training, employment, or other                 and Lead Hazard Control programs, as
                                                      program under which the Section 3
                                                                                                              opportunities generated by the                        authorized by the Lead-Based Paint
                                                      financial assistance is provided, means
                                                                                                              expenditure of Section 3 covered                      Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C
                                                      the act or process of building houses,
                                                                                                              financial assistance as such term is                  4801 et seq.) and Residential Lead-
                                                      roads, public buildings, infrastructure,
                                                                                                              defined in this section. Examples of                  Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of
                                                      and other structures.
                                                         Contract. See the definition of                      economic opportunities may include,                   1992 (42 U.S.C. 4851 et seq.); and any
                                                      ‘‘contracting opportunities’’ in this                   but are not limited to: Jobs (including               housing and community development
                                                      section.                                                training positions or on-the-job training             programs that HUD designates as
                                                         Contracting opportunities subject to                 opportunities), skills development (e.g.,             covered by Section 3 and announced by
                                                      the requirements of Section 3 means                     computer classes, secretarial courses,                HUD as such through a Federal Register
                                                      contracts or subcontracts for work                      etc.), registered apprenticeships, and                notice, notice of funding availability, or
                                                      awarded in connection with Section 3                    business development; or                              announcement posted on HUD’s Section
                                                      covered projects and activities.                           (2) Other training opportunities; and              3 Web site(s). Housing and community
                                                      Contracting opportunities include, but                  contracting opportunities for building                development financial assistance does
                                                      are not limited to: Demolition,                         trades, professional services, and other              not include financial assistance
                                                      rehabilitation, housing construction,                   activities directly associated with                   provided for mortgage insurance.
                                                      other public construction, architectural                demolition, rehabilitation, or                           Indian tribe means a tribe that is a
                                                      design, legal representation, or other                  construction.                                         federally recognized tribe or a State
                                                      services directly related to construction                  Housing and community development                  recognized tribe as defined in 25 U.S.C.
                                                      and rehabilitation activities. In addition,             financial assistance subject to the                   4103(13).
                                                      for public housing financial assistance,                requirements of Section 3 means                          Low-income person means a person as
                                                      contracting opportunities include, but                  Section 3 covered financial assistance,               defined in section 3(b)(2) of the United
                                                      are not limited to, facilities                          provided in the form of a grant, loan,                States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C.
                                                      maintenance, landscaping, painting,                     cooperative agreement, or contract,                   1437(b)(2)), or a person whose median
                                                      professional services, police and                       expended for housing demolition,                      household income does not exceed 80
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      security, equipment servicing, janitorial               rehabilitation, or construction, or the               percent of the median household
                                                      services, and extermination. This term                  construction or rehabilitation of public              income within the metropolitan area or
                                                      does not include material-only                          facilities, infrastructure, or buildings              nonmetropolitan county where the
                                                      contracts; i.e., contracts that are                     and provided, or otherwise made                       Section 3 covered project or activity is
                                                      awarded for supplies without                            available, from such HUD financial                    located.
                                                      installation, demolition, rehabilitation,               assistance. HUD housing or community                     Metropolitan area means the primary
                                                      or other construction activities.                       development programs subject to the                   metropolitan statistical area (PMSA), as
                                                         Contractor means any entity that                     requirements of Section 3 include, but                established by the Office of Management
                                                      enters into a contract or agreement to                  are not limited to, the following                     and Budget (OMB).

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                                                      16534                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                         Neighborhood, unless otherwise                       program, or an entitlement to economic                   Public housing project has the
                                                      defined in the regulation or NOFA                       opportunities such as a particular                    meaning given this term in 3(b)(1) of the
                                                      governing the program under which the                   position or contract.                                 United States Housing Act of 1937.
                                                      Section 3 financial assistance is                          Professional services means non-                      Public housing resident has the
                                                      provided, means Zip codes or other                      building trade services that are                      meaning given this term in 24 CFR
                                                      geographical locations within the                       performed in connection with                          963.5.
                                                      jurisdiction of a unit of general local                 construction and rehabilitation                          Recipient means:
                                                      government (but not the entire                          activities, including but not limited to:                (1) Any entity that receives Section 3
                                                      jurisdiction) designated in ordinances,                 architecture, professional engineering,               covered financial assistance directly
                                                      or other local documents as a                           structural engineering, land surveying,               from HUD, including but not limited to:
                                                      neighborhood, village, or similar                       mapping, project management,                          Any State, unit of local government,
                                                      geographical designation;                               planning, design, accounting, and other               public housing agency (PHA), public
                                                         New hires mean full- or part-time                    related services, which are required to               housing commission, Indian tribe,
                                                      employees for permanent, temporary, or                                                                        tribally designated housing entity, or
                                                                                                              be performed or approved by a person
                                                      seasonal employment opportunities.                                                                            other public agency, public or private
                                                                                                              licensed, registered, or certified to
                                                      This term refers to any employee who:                                                                         nonprofit organization, private agency
                                                                                                              provide such services.
                                                         (1) Was not on the payroll of the                                                                          or institution, mortgagor, developer,
                                                                                                                 Project-based rental housing                       limited dividend sponsor, builder,
                                                      recipient, subrecipient, contractor, or
                                                                                                              assistance means rental assistance                    property owner, property manager,
                                                      subcontractor administering Section 3
                                                                                                              contracts provided under section 8(b)(1)              community housing development
                                                      covered financial assistance funds on
                                                                                                              of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 or                    organization (CHDO), resident
                                                      behalf of the recipient at the beginning
                                                                                                              section 8(b)(2) of U.S. Housing Act of                management corporation, resident
                                                      of the award of Section 3 covered
                                                                                                              1937 as it existed immediately prior to               council, or cooperative association. The
                                                      financial assistance; or
                                                         (2) Any person hired by an entity on                 October 1, 1983.                                      term ‘‘recipient’’ also includes any
                                                      a per-project basis as a result of a                       Public housing has the meaning that                subrecipients, successor, assignee, or
                                                      Section 3 covered project or activity.                  this term is given in 24 CFR 5.100 or 24              transferee of such entity.
                                                         NOFA means a notice of funding                       CFR 963.5.                                               (2) ‘‘Recipient’’ does not include any
                                                      availability issued by HUD for                             Public housing financial assistance                ultimate beneficiary under a HUD
                                                      discretionary grant funding that is                     subject to the requirements of Section 3              program to which Section 3 applies (for
                                                      awarded competitively to eligible                       means any HUD financial assistance,                   example an individual or family
                                                      applicants.                                             subject to minimum unit thresholds                    receiving a housing rehabilitation grant
                                                         Nonmetropolitan county means rural                   specified in § 135.33, that is provided               financed with HOME assistance) and
                                                      counties or any other county outside of                 through the following HUD assistance:                 does not include contractors and
                                                      a metropolitan area.                                       (1) Annual contributions for low                   subcontractors, but as provided in this
                                                         Numerical goals means minimum                        income housing projects provided                      part, contractors and subcontractors are
                                                      numerical targets that recipients,                      pursuant to Section 5 of the U.S.                     subject to compliance with this part.
                                                      subrecipients, contractors, or                          Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437c);                   Rehabilitation, for the purposes of
                                                      subcontractors that may be                                 (2) Capital fund project assistance                this regulation, means improvements or
                                                      administering Section 3 covered                         provided pursuant to Section 9 of the                 interventions taken to improve or
                                                      financial assistance on behalf of the                   U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C,                   restore the structural condition,
                                                      recipient reach, or exceed, in order to                 1473g);                                               architectural components, energy
                                                      demonstrate compliance with this part.                                                                        performance, or environmental quality
                                                                                                                 (3) Operating subsidy provided
                                                      These goals are not construed as quotas,                                                                      of an existing building, dwelling, unit,
                                                                                                              pursuant to Section 9 of the U.S.
                                                      set-asides, or a cap on the provision of                                                                      or structure that are taken to improve its
                                                                                                              Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C, 1473g);
                                                      economic opportunities, and may be                                                                            safety, aesthetics, or suitability for use.
                                                                                                                 (4) Competitively awarded HUD                      For project-based rental assistance
                                                         Other HUD programs subject to the                    public housing financial assistance for               contracts, including project-based
                                                      requirements of Section 3 means HUD                     activities that will result in new                    Section 8, Section 202, and Section 811
                                                      programs, other than HUD programs                       employment, training, or contracting                  properties, this definition shall apply
                                                      providing public housing financial                      opportunities, under such programs as                 when performed as part of a
                                                      assistance, that provide covered housing                the Family-Supportive Service                         recapitalization event where Reserve for
                                                      and community development financial                     Coordinator (FSS), or Resident                        Replacement funds are utilized.
                                                      assistance, as defined in this section.                 Opportunity Supportive Service (ROSS)                 Examples include replacement of
                                                         Priority consideration means that                    grant funding;                                        roofing, gutters, electrical, plumbing,
                                                      recipients, subrecipients, contractors, or                 (5) Emergency funds, for example,                  heating systems, flooring, windows,
                                                      subcontractors that may be                              authorized for emergency capital repair               doors and concrete.
                                                      administering Section 3 covered                         of public housing or public housing                      Routine maintenance, for the
                                                      financial assistance on behalf of the                   facilities;                                           purposes of this regulation, means
                                                      recipient must give, to the greatest                       (6) Financial assistance made                      activities that do not materially add to
                                                      extent feasible, training, employment, or               available under an appropriations act                 the value of the building, appreciably
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                                                      contracting opportunities to Section 3                  such as financial assistance provided for             prolong its useful life, or adapt it to new
                                                      residents or Section 3 businesses as                    the Choice Neighborhoods program; and                 uses. Examples include: Painting,
                                                      defined in this section in accordance                      (7) Such other financial assistance                caulking, sealing, repairing minor
                                                      with the appropriate orders of priority                 designated by HUD as public housing                   components, including work required to
                                                      consideration related to the Section 3                  financial assistance covered by Section               prepare units for new tenants upon
                                                      covered financial assistance, as                        3 as announced through a Federal                      turnover, or other activities planned and
                                                      provided in § 135.37 and § 135.57.                      Register notice, NOFA, or                             performed at regular intervals normally
                                                      Priority consideration should not be                    announcement on HUD’s Section 3 Web                   established by manufacturers or
                                                      construed to be a quota or set-aside                    site.                                                 associations. In the case of project-based

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                                                      rental assistance contracts these                          (1) Primary metropolitan statistical               part, contractors and subcontractors are
                                                      planned activities include the work                     area where the Section 3 covered project              subject to compliance with this part.
                                                      described in the required Project Capital               or activity takes place; or                             Tribally designated housing entities
                                                      Needs Assessment (PCNA).                                   (2) Nonmetropolitan county where the               have the meaning this term is given in
                                                         Section 3 means Section 3 of the                     Section 3 covered project or activity                 25 U.S.C. 4103(22).
                                                      Housing and Urban Development Act of                    takes place.                                            Very low-income person means the
                                                      1968 (12 U.S.C. 1701u).                                    Section 3 resident means an                        definition for this term set forth in
                                                         Section 3 business means a business                  individual residing in the Section 3                  Section 3(b)(2) of the U.S. Housing Act
                                                      that is located in the Section 3 local area             local area who can document that he/                  of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437a(b)(2)), or
                                                      as defined in this section and that is                  she is:                                               persons whose household income does
                                                      able to demonstrate one of the                             (1) A public housing resident;                     not exceed 50 percent of the median
                                                      following:                                                 (2) A participant in a DOL YouthBuild              household income within the
                                                         (1) Meets the definition of ‘‘resident-              program;                                              metropolitan area or nonmetropolitan
                                                      owned’’ business in 24 CFR 963.5;                          (3) A member of a family that receives             county where the Section 3 covered
                                                         (2) The business is 51 percent or more               federal housing assistance; or                        project or activity is located.
                                                      owned by Section 3 residents;                              (4) An individual who meets the HUD                § 135.7 Compliance to the greatest extent
                                                         (3) The permanent, full-time                         income limits for determining the                     feasible.
                                                      employees of the business include                       eligibility of low- and very low-income                  (a) General. In accordance with the
                                                      persons, at least 30 percent of whom are                persons for HUD assisted housing                      findings of Congress, as stated in section
                                                      Section 3 residents; or                                 programs within the metropolitan area                 3 of the Housing and Urban
                                                         (4) The business demonstrates that at                or nonmetropolitan county.                            Development Act of 1968, economic
                                                      least 20 percent of its permanent full-                    Service Area, unless defined in the                opportunities offer an effective means of
                                                      time employees are Section 3 residents                  regulation or NOFA governing the                      empowering low- and very low-income
                                                      and the business either: sponsored a                    program under which the Section 3                     persons residing in the metropolitan
                                                      minimum of 10 percent of its current                    covered financial assistance is provided,             area where HUD financial assistance is
                                                      Section 3 employees to attend a DOL or                  means the area to be served by a Section              expended. Recipients, as defined in
                                                      DOL recognized State-Apprenticeship                     3 covered project or activity.                        § 135.5, are required, to the greatest
                                                      Agency approved, registered                                Subcontractor means any entity (other              extent feasible, to ensure that
                                                      apprenticeship, or a pre-apprenticeship                 than a person who is an employee of the               employment and training opportunities
                                                      training program that meets the                         contractor) that has a contract with a                funded with Section 3 covered financial
                                                      requirements in outlined DOL/ETA                        contractor to undertake a portion of the              assistance be provided to low-and very
                                                      Training and Employment Notice 13–12                    contractor’s obligation to perform work               low-income persons, and that contracts
                                                      ; or that 10 percent of its employees are               generated by the expenditure of Section               are awarded to businesses that are either
                                                      participants or graduates of a DOL                      3 covered financial assistance, or arising            owned by, or substantially employ such
                                                      YouthBuild program. For the purposes                    in connection with a Section 3 covered                persons.
                                                      of determining Section 3 business                       project or activity.                                     (b) Demonstrating compliance to the
                                                      eligibility only, Section 3 residents                      Subrecipient means                                 greatest extent feasible. Absent evidence
                                                      include persons who:                                       (1) An entity that receives Section 3              to the contrary, recipients of housing
                                                         (i) Met the definition of Section 3                  covered financial assistance from a                   and community development assistance
                                                      resident, provided in this section, at the              recipient or other subrecipient of                    that meets the funding threshold set at
                                                      time the resident was hired or became                   Section 3 covered financial assistance to             § 135.53 and PHAs shall demonstrate
                                                      an owner, or met such definition within                 carry out a Section 3 covered project or              compliance with Section 3 and the
                                                      the 3 years before the business sought                  activity on the recipient’s or other                  requirements of this part by:
                                                      certification; or                                       subrecipient’s behalf. This term                         (1) Establishing policies and
                                                         (ii) Graduated from a DOL, State                     includes, but is not limited to: any unit             procedures to achieve compliance with
                                                      approved, or YouthBuild training                        of State, county or local government,                 Section 3, as provided in § 135.9;
                                                      program within the 3 years before the                   public housing agency (PHA), public                      (2) Fulfilling its responsibilities, as
                                                      business sought certification; and                      housing commission, Indian tribe,                     specified in § 135.11; and either
                                                         (iii) Eligibility as a Section 3 business            tribally designated housing entity, or                   (3) Reaching or exceeding each
                                                      only applies as long as the businesses’                 other public agency, public or private                minimum numerical goal for
                                                      employees continue to meet the                          nonprofit organization, private agency,               employment and contracting
                                                      definition of a Section 3 resident set                  institution, mortgagor, developer,                    opportunities, as provided in § 135.13
                                                      forth in this part.                                     limited dividend sponsor, builder,                    and either § 135.35 or § 135.55; or
                                                         Section 3 clause means the contract                  property owner, property manager,                        (4) If the minimum numerical goals
                                                      provisions set forth in § 135.17.                       community housing development                         for employment and contracting are not
                                                         Section 3 covered financial assistance               organization (CHDO), resident                         met, providing written justification
                                                      means HUD loans, grants, or other                       management corporation, resident                      explaining the extent of efforts taken to
                                                      financial assistance provided under:                    council, or cooperative association.                  meet the minimum numerical goals and
                                                         (1) Public housing financial assistance              Subrecipients also include any                        the impediments confronted in trying to
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                                                      as defined in this section; and                         successor, assignee, or transferee of any             meet the minimum numerical goals.
                                                         (2) Housing and community                            such entity.                                          Such justifications must include, at a
                                                      development financial assistance as                        (2) ‘‘Subrecipient’’ does not include              minimum, a summary of: impediments
                                                      defined in this section.                                any ultimate beneficiary under a HUD                  encountered; actions taken to address
                                                         Section 3 covered project or activity                program to which Section 3 applies (for               the identified impediments; and an
                                                      means any project or activity that is                   example an individual or family                       identification of steps that may be
                                                      funded by Section 3 covered financial                   receiving a housing voucher) and does                 successful in overcoming impediments
                                                      assistance.                                             not include contractors or                            in the future. Justifications provided by
                                                         Section 3 local area is the:                         subcontractors, but as provided in this               recipients will be taken into

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                                                      consideration by HUD when making                        meet its Section 3 requirements. The                     (2) Maintain lists of eligible Section 3
                                                      compliance determinations.                              preceding list is not inclusive of all                residents and businesses that have
                                                         (c) Compliance monitoring and                        elements that recipients should include               asked to receive priority consideration
                                                      enforcement. (1) When determining if                    in official policies and procedures.                  for training, employment, contracting,
                                                      efforts taken by recipients demonstrate                 Updates to official policies and                      or other economic opportunities.
                                                      compliance with Section 3, to the                       procedures shall discuss the relative                    (3) Notify Section 3 residents and
                                                      greatest extent feasible, HUD shall                     success of the immediate past policies                businesses that have asked to receive
                                                      review:                                                 and procedures and how any changes                    priority consideration about the
                                                         (i) Policies and procedures, as                      are aimed to better promote compliance                availability of new employment,
                                                      specified in § 135.9 developed by the                   with Section 3.                                       training, contracting, or other economic
                                                      recipient to ascertain the extent to                      (3) Section 3 official policies and                 opportunities created as a result of the
                                                      which they present measures for                         procedures shall be incorporated into                 expenditure of Section 3 covered
                                                      achieving compliance with Section 3;                    any strategic and annual plans required               financial assistance.
                                                      and                                                     of recipients of HUD covered assistance                  (i) Recipients must ensure that all
                                                         (ii) The extent to which the recipient               by HUD program regulations.                           communications are provided in a
                                                      fulfilled its responsibilities, as specified              (i) Recipients of Section 3 covered                 manner that is effective for persons with
                                                      in § 135.11; and either:                                funding shall include a general                       hearing, visual, and other
                                                         (A) Whether the minimum goals at                     description of their Section 3 official               communications-related disabilities
                                                      § 135.35 or § 135.55 were met; or                       policies and procedures in required                   consistent with section 504 of the
                                                         (B) Whether written justifications for               recipient plans, such as public housing               Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and, as
                                                      not meeting the minimum goals explain                   plans required by HUD regulation in 24                applicable, the Americans with
                                                      the extent of efforts taken to achieve the              CFR part 903, strategic and annual                    Disabilities Act.
                                                      goals of Section 3, identify the                                                                                 (ii) Notifications shall be made in
                                                                                                              action plans required by HUD
                                                      impediments encountered, the actions                                                                          accordance with ‘‘HUD’s Final
                                                                                                              regulations in 24 CFR parts 91 and 570,
                                                      taken to address the identified                                                                               Guidance to Federal Financial
                                                                                                              or other similar plans that may be
                                                      impediments, and steps that may be                                                                            Assistance Regarding Title VI
                                                                                                              required under other covered HUD
                                                      successful in overcoming impediments                                                                          Prohibition Against National Origin
                                                      in the future. Justifications provided by                                                                     Discrimination Affecting Limited
                                                                                                                (ii) If a recipient is not required to              English Proficient Persons’’ published
                                                      recipients will be taken into
                                                                                                              submit official plans to HUD such as                  in the Federal Register on January 22,
                                                      consideration by HUD when making
                                                                                                              public housing plans required by                      2007 at 72 FR 2732 (or other subsequent
                                                      compliance determinations.
                                                         (2) Recipients that fail to comply with              regulations in 24 CFR part 903, strategic             updated guidance).
                                                      the requirements of this part are subject               or annual action plans required by                       (4) Ensure that priority consideration
                                                      to sanctions for noncompliance in                       regulations in 24 CFR parts 91 or 570,                is provided to Section 3 residents and
                                                      accordance with the requirements of the                 or other similar plans, the recipients’               businesses in accordance with the
                                                      regulation or NOFA governing the                        official section 3 policies and                       orders of priority consideration set forth
                                                      program under which the Section 3                       procedures shall be developed as an                   at §§ 135.37 and 135.57.
                                                      covered financial assistance is provided,               independent document at the time that                    (5) Monitor the payroll data of
                                                      as set forth at § 135.27.                               Section 3 covered financial assistance is             developers, contractors, and
                                                                                                              awarded and updated every 5 years                     subcontractors throughout the project or
                                                      § 135.9 Official Section 3 policies and                 thereafter.                                           activity, to ensure that new employment
                                                      procedures.                                               (4) Official policies and procedures                opportunities are made available
                                                        (a) Official Section 3 policies and                   shall be available for review by HUD,                 consistent with the requirements of this
                                                      procedures. (1) All recipients that plan                Section 3 residents and businesses, and               part. This requirement only applies to
                                                      to undertake Section 3 covered activities               the general public upon request.                      projects or activities that are subject to
                                                      must develop and adopt official policies                                                                      wage rates determined under the Davis
                                                                                                              § 135.11    Recipient responsibilities.
                                                      or procedures to implement the                                                                                Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 3141 et seq.).
                                                      requirements of this part in accordance                   (a) General. Recipients have the                       (6) Ensure that all bid solicitations
                                                      with the ‘‘to the greatest extent feasible’’            responsibility for monitoring and                     associated with Section 3 covered
                                                      requirement as set forth at § 135.7.                    ensuring compliance with this part in                 projects or activities acknowledge the
                                                      Official policies and procedures shall be               their own operations, and ensuring                    applicability of Section 3 to the project
                                                      updated as appropriate.                                 compliance in the operations of their                 or activity and communicate the
                                                        (2) Official policies and procedures                  subrecipients, contractors, or                        selected contractor’s obligation to
                                                      must include, at a minimum, steps that                  subcontractors. The use of                            comply with the requirements of this
                                                      the recipient will take to: inform                      subrecipients, contractors, or                        part to prospective bidders. Some
                                                      subrecipients and contractors about                     subcontractors does not relieve a                     examples include: notifying prospective
                                                      Section 3 obligations; evaluate potential               recipient of its responsibility. Recipients           contractors about Section 3 applicability
                                                      bidders for Section 3 compliance during                 are also responsible for determining the              during pre-bid meetings or conferences;
                                                      contract selection; notify Section 3                    adequacy of performance under                         requiring bidders to certify that they
                                                      residents and businesses about                          subrecipient agreements or procurement                have received a copy of the recipient’s
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                                                      economic opportunities; implement                       contracts, and for taking appropriate                 Section 3 policies/procedures; etc.
                                                      verification and/or certification                       action when performance problems                         (7) Ensure that subrecipients,
                                                      procedures for residents and businesses;                arise.                                                contractors, or subcontractors enter into
                                                      provide priority consideration to                         (b) Specific responsibilities for all               written agreements consistent with
                                                      qualified Section 3 residents and                       recipients. Recipients shall comply with              § 135.17, and include the Section 3
                                                      businesses; monitor subrecipients and                   the following requirements:                           clause at § 135.19, as appropriate.
                                                      contractors for compliance; establish                     (1) Develop and implement official                     (8) Ensure that notices or signs
                                                      consequences for noncompliance; and                     Section 3 policies and procedures in                  acknowledging Section 3 obligations
                                                      utilize local community resources to                    accordance with § 135.9.                              and advertising vacant employment,

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                                                      training, contracting, or subcontracting                contractors, subcontractors, or                       assistance shall, to the greatest extent
                                                      opportunities are posted in places                      subcontractors; impediments                           feasible, reach the minimum numerical
                                                      where they can be clearly seen by both                  encountered; actions taken to address                 goals set forth at § 135.55.
                                                      current employees and prospective                       the identified impediments; and steps                   (3) Recipients of competitively
                                                      applicants for economic opportunities.                  that may be successful in overcoming                  awarded Section 3 covered financial
                                                         (i) At a minimum, such notices shall                 impediments in the future.                            assistance shall, to the greatest extent
                                                      include the following: anticipated dates                   (c) Responsibilities specific to PHAs.             feasible, reach the minimum numerical
                                                      that work will begin and end;                           In addition to the responsibilities set               goals set forth in the subpart associated
                                                      anticipated number and type of job                      forth in paragraph (b) of this section,               with the type of financial assistance
                                                      vacancies available; anticipated number                 PHAs must comply with the following                   provided, §§ 135.35 and 135.55,
                                                      and type of registered apprenticeship or                additional requirements:                              respectively.
                                                      training opportunities offered;                            (1) PHAs are required to monitor                     (c) Inability or failure to meet goals.
                                                      anticipated dollar amount and type of                   successful bidders for compliance with                Recipients that are unable or fail to meet
                                                      subcontracting opportunities;                           descriptions provided in qualified bid                minimum numerical goals must provide
                                                      application and bidding procedures;                     proposals.                                            to HUD a written justification as to why
                                                      required employment and                                    (2) Develop appropriate procedures to              the goals were not met, as provided in
                                                      subcontracting qualifications; and the                  comply with the earned income                         § 135.7(b)(4). Justifications provided by
                                                      name and contact information for the                    disregard requirements; and                           recipients will be taken into
                                                      person(s) accepting applications.                          (3) Develop procedures to set-aside                consideration by HUD when making
                                                         (ii) Notifications shall be in                       eligible contracting opportunities for                compliance determinations.
                                                      accordance with ‘‘HUD’s Final                           public housing resident-owned
                                                      Guidance to Federal Financial                           businesses that are consistent with 24                § 135.15 Verification of Section 3 resident
                                                                                                                                                                    and Section 3 business status.
                                                      Assistance Regarding Title VI                           CFR part 963, as appropriate.
                                                      Prohibition Against National Origin                        (d) Responsibilities specific to                     (a) General. Recipients of Section 3
                                                      Discrimination Affecting Limited                        recipients of housing and community                   covered financial assistance are required
                                                      English Proficient Persons’’ published                  development financial assistance. In                  to verify that residents and businesses
                                                      in the Federal Register on January 22,                  addition to the responsibilities set forth            seeking the employment and contracting
                                                      2007 at 72 FR 2732 (or other subsequent                 in paragraph (b) of this section,                     opportunities offered by the recipient
                                                      updated guidance).                                      recipients of housing and community                   meet the definitions of Section 3
                                                         (9) If applicable, ensure that new or                development financial assistance must                 residents and Section 3 businesses at
                                                      existing subrecipient or contractor                     comply with the following additional                  § 135.5 prior to providing priority
                                                      selection procedures, including those                   requirements:                                         consideration for employment, training,
                                                      developed in accordance with 24 CFR                        (1) Where practicable, recipients are              contracting, or other economic
                                                      part 85; assess the responsible bidder’s                required to monitor successful bidders                opportunities. Unless otherwise
                                                      previous compliance and ability to:                     for compliance with descriptions                      directed by HUD, recipients may use
                                                         (i) Retain Section 3 hires for                       provided in qualified bid proposals.                  their own discretion for developing
                                                      employment opportunities;                                  (2) Recipients must ensure that                    specific verification procedures for
                                                         (ii) Comply with Section 3                           qualified local Section 3 businesses are              Section 3 residents and Section 3
                                                      requirements; and                                       included on lists of preferred or                     businesses.
                                                         (iii) Provide training opportunities for             recommended contractors when such                       (b) Section 3 residents. (1) A recipient
                                                      Section 3 residents.                                    lists are provided to homeowners for                  may allow persons to self-certify that
                                                         (10) If applicable, ensure that labor                rehabilitation loan or grant programs.                they are a Section 3 resident as defined
                                                      unions are notified about recipient’s and               The recipient or subrecipient may count               in § 135.5 provided that the recipient
                                                      contractor’s obligations to comply with                 any Section 3 businesses that are                     conducts procedures to verify a sample
                                                      the requirements of this part. Collective               selected by homeowners towards their                  of self-certified Section 3 residents.
                                                      bargaining agreements, project labor                    minimum numerical goals annually.                        (2) A recipient may presume a person
                                                      agreements or other agreements between                  The recipient is not required to count                that can provide evidence that they
                                                      labor unions and recipients, or                         any non-Section 3 businesses that are                 reside within a neighborhood, zip code,
                                                      subrecipients that are established, or                  selected by homeowners toward the                     census tract, etc. that has officially been
                                                      revised, after [EFFECTIVE DATE OF                       total amount of contracts awarded to                  identified by HUD is eligible to receive
                                                      FINAL RULE], shall ensure that projects                 Section 3 businesses annually.                        priority consideration as a Section 3
                                                      generated from the expenditure of                                                                             resident absent evidence to the contrary.
                                                      Section 3 covered financial assistance                  § 135.13    General minimum numerical                    (3) A recipient may require
                                                      provide employment, registered                          goals.                                                information verifying that a person
                                                      apprenticeship, training, contracting, or                 (a) Calculation of goals. The                       meets the definition of a Section 3
                                                      other economic opportunities to Section                 minimum numerical goals established                   resident. Examples of evidence of
                                                      3 residents and businesses in a manner                  in this part apply to the aggregate                   eligibility include but are not limited to:
                                                      that is consistent with this part                       number of employment and contracting                  evidence of receipt of Federal housing
                                                         (11) Coordinate with local DOL                       opportunities generated by Section 3                  assistance; evidence of receipt of other
                                                      Workforce Investment Boards,                            covered financial assistance during each              Federal subsidies or Federal assistance
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                                                      YouthBuild grantees, or other State or                  annual reporting period as defined at                 programs; Federal tax returns; proof of
                                                      Federal training programs to ensure that                § 135.23(b).                                          residence in a neighborhood, zip code,
                                                      Section 3 residents and businesses are                    (b) Minimum numerical goals. (1)                    census tract, or other area that has
                                                      notified about the availability of federal              Recipients of public housing financial                officially been identified by HUD.
                                                      training opportunities.                                 assistance shall, to the greatest extent                 (4) A recipient shall impose sanctions
                                                         (12) Document actions taken to                       feasible, reach the minimum numerical                 upon individuals who make false claims
                                                      comply with the requirements of this                    goals set forth at § 135.35.                          or representations regarding their
                                                      part; the results of actions taken;                       (2) Recipients of housing and                       income eligibility, residence, or other
                                                      sanctions imposed upon subrecipients,                   community development financial                       factors in order to be determined a

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                                                      Section 3 resident. In addition, the                    specifies the minimum provisions that                 include the Section 3 clause at § 135.19
                                                      recipient will refer such individuals to                must be included in written agreements                in its entirety.
                                                      the HUD Office of Inspector General.                    and contracts.                                          (d) Contracts less than $200,000.
                                                         (c) Section 3 businesses. (1) A                         (c) [Reserved].                                    Contracts of less than $200,000 shall
                                                      recipient may allow a business to self-                    (d) [Reserved].                                    include provisions A, B, C, F, H, and M
                                                      certify that they are a Section 3 business                 (e) Subrecipient agreements.                       of the Section 3 clause at § 135.19.
                                                      as defined in § 135.5, provided that the                Agreements between the recipient and                    (e) Where required, the following
                                                      recipient conducts procedures to verify                 the subrecipient must:                                Section 3 clause shall be included in
                                                      a sample of self-certified Section 3                       (1) Describe the subrecipient’s plan               contracts:
                                                      businesses.                                             for implementing Section 3 and meeting
                                                         (2) A recipient may presume that a                                                                         Section 3 Clause
                                                                                                              the numerical hiring and contracting
                                                      business meets the eligibility criteria if              goals; ensuring eligibility of Section 3                 A. The work to be performed under this
                                                      the business provides evidence that it is                                                                     contract, subcontract, memorandum of
                                                                                                              residents and businesses; and                         understanding, cooperative agreement or
                                                      located within a neighborhood, zip                      monitoring contractor compliance. This
                                                      code, or census tract that has been                                                                           similar legally binding agreement, is subject
                                                                                                              description must provide enough detail                to the requirements of section 3 of the
                                                      identified by HUD; or if the business is                to provide a sound basis for the                      Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968
                                                      able to provide evidence that it                        recipient to monitor performance under                (Section 3). The purpose of Section 3 is to
                                                      substantially employs residents from                    the agreement;                                        ensure, to the greatest extent feasible, that
                                                      neighborhoods, zip codes, or census                        (2) Specify the duties set forth in this           training, employment, contracting, and other
                                                      tracts identified by HUD, absent                        part that the subrecipient will
                                                                                                                                                                    economic opportunities generated by Section
                                                      evidence to the contrary.                                                                                     3 covered financial assistance shall be
                                                                                                              undertake;                                            directed to low- and very low-income
                                                         (3) A recipient may require
                                                      information verifying that a business                      (3) State that the subrecipient will               residents of the neighborhood where the
                                                      meets the definition of a Section 3                     incorporate the Section 3 clause, as                  financial assistance is spent, particularly to
                                                      business. Examples of evidence of                       provided in § 135.19, into all contracts              those who are recipients of government
                                                                                                              or subcontracts, memoranda of                         assistance for housing, and to businesses that
                                                      eligibility for priority consideration as a                                                                   are either owned by low- or very low-income
                                                      Section 3 business may include: Federal                 understanding, cooperative agreements,
                                                                                                              or similar legally binding arrangements,              residents of the neighborhood where the
                                                      tax returns for workers, owners, or                                                                           financial assistance is spent, or substantially
                                                      businesses; payroll data; employee-self-                ensure that contractors and                           employ these persons.
                                                      certification statements; articles of                   subcontractors certify their compliance                  B. The parties to this contract, subcontract,
                                                      business ownership; evidence that                       at the time of contract award, and                    memorandum of understanding, cooperative
                                                      owners or employees received housing                    monitor parties for compliance, as                    agreement, or similar legally binding
                                                      or other Federal subsidies within 3                     appropriate;                                          agreement agree to comply with HUD’s
                                                                                                                 (4) Specify other responsibilities as              regulations in 24 CFR part 135, which
                                                      years from the date that the business                                                                         implement Section 3. As evidenced by their
                                                      sought designation as a Section 3                       needed to ensure that the subrecipient
                                                                                                              or contractor complies with all                       execution of this contract or subcontract
                                                      business.                                                                                                     memorandum of understanding, cooperative
                                                         (4) A recipient shall impose                         requirements at §§ 135.23 and 135.25;                 agreement or similar legally binding
                                                      appropriate sanctions upon businesses                      (5) Specify the particular records that            agreement the parties certify that they are
                                                      that make false claims or                               must be maintained and the information                under no contractual or other impediment
                                                      representations regarding their                         or reports that must be submitted in                  that would prevent them from complying
                                                      eligibility, business location, eligible                order to assist the recipient in meeting              with the requirements of 24 CFR part 135.
                                                      employees, or other factors in order to                 its recordkeeping and reporting                          C. The contractor agrees to identify current
                                                                                                              requirements for Section 3; and                       employees on its payroll when the contract
                                                      be determined a Section 3 business. In                                                                        or subcontract was awarded who will be
                                                      addition, the recipient will refer such                    (6) Provide for a means of
                                                                                                                                                                    working on the Section 3 covered project or
                                                      individuals to the HUD Office of                        enforcement and describe the sanctions
                                                                                                                                                                    activity and certify that any vacant
                                                      Inspector General.                                      for failure to comply with this part.                 employment opportunities, including
                                                                                                              § 135.19    Contracts and Section 3 clause.           training positions, that are filled:
                                                      § 135.17   Written agreements.                                                                                   1. After the contractor is selected; and
                                                         (a) General. Before disbursing any                     (a) General. Before disbursing any                     2. With persons other than those that meet
                                                      Section 3 covered financial assistance to               Section 3 covered financial assistance to             the definition of a Section 3 resident, were
                                                      subrecipients that may administer all or                contractors or subcontractors that may                not filled to circumvent the contractor’s
                                                      a part of Section 3 covered financial                   administer all or a part of Section 3                 Section 3 obligations.
                                                      assistance on- behalf of a recipient, the               covered financial assistance on- behalf                  D. The contractor agrees to maintain
                                                      recipient must ensure that the parties                  of a recipient, the recipient must ensure             records documenting Section 3 residents that
                                                                                                              that the parties enter into a contract to             were hired to work on previous Section 3
                                                      enter into a written agreement to                                                                             covered projects or activities that were
                                                      facilitate compliance with the                          facilitate compliance with the
                                                                                                                                                                    retained by the contractor for subsequent
                                                      requirements of this part.                              requirements of this part.                            Section 3 covered projects or activities.
                                                         (b) Provisions in written agreements.                  (b) Provisions in contracts. The                       E. The contractor agrees to post signs
                                                      The contents of the agreement may vary                  contents of the contract may vary                     advertising new employment, training, or
                                                      depending upon the role the                             depending upon the dollar amount of                   subcontracting opportunities that will be
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                                                      subrecipient is asked to assume on                      the contract. Recipients are responsible              available as a result of the Section 3 covered
                                                      behalf of the recipient, the type of                    for enforcing the provisions of contracts,            projects and activities in conspicuous places
                                                      Section 3 covered project or activity that              including imposing sanctions upon                     at the work site where potential applicants
                                                                                                              contractors or subcontractors for                     can review them.
                                                      is to be undertaken, or the dollar
                                                                                                                                                                       F. The contractor agrees to hire, to the
                                                      amount of the contract. Recipients are                  noncompliance. This section specifies                 greatest extent feasible, Section 3 residents as
                                                      responsible for enforcing the provisions                the minimum provisions that must be                   30 percent of new hires, or provide written
                                                      of written agreements, including                        included in contracts.                                justification to the recipient that is consistent
                                                      imposing sanctions upon subrecipients                     (c) Contracts of $200,000 or above.                 with § 135.7(b)(4), describing why it was
                                                      for noncompliance. This section                         Contracts of $200,000 or more shall                   unable to meet minimum numerical hiring

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                                                      goals, despite its efforts to comply with the           binding arrangement for default; refraining              (ii) The report will also account for
                                                      provisions of this clause.                              from entering into subsequent contracts,              the total dollar amount of contracts
                                                         G. The contractor agrees that in order for           subcontracts, memoranda of understanding,             awarded as a result of the expenditure
                                                      a Section 3 resident to be counted as a new             cooperative agreements, or similar legally
                                                                                                                                                                    of Section 3 covered financial assistance
                                                      hire, the resident must work a minimum of               binding arrangement; repayment of funds,
                                                      50 percent of the average staff hours worked            and withholding a portion of contract                 during the reporting period, and the
                                                      for the category of work for which they were            awards, subcontracts, memoranda of                    dollar amount of those contracts that
                                                      hired throughout the duration of time that              understanding, cooperative agreements, or             were awarded to Section 3 businesses in
                                                      the category of work is performed on the                similar legally binding arrangements.                 a manner that allows HUD to determine
                                                      covered project.                                                                                              if the minimum numerical goal for
                                                         H. The contractor agrees to award, to the            § 135.21    Certifications of compliance.             contracting was met.
                                                      greatest extent feasible, 10 percent of the total          (a) Annual certifications.—(1)                        (iii) The report must include a written
                                                      dollar amount of subsequent subcontracts                Recipient certifications. (i) A recipient
                                                      awarded in connection with the Section 3
                                                                                                                                                                    justification consistent with
                                                                                                              shall submit annual certifications to                 § 135.7(b)(4) if a recipient failed to meet
                                                      covered project or activity to Section 3
                                                      businesses, or provide written justification
                                                                                                              HUD documenting its acknowledgement                   the minimum numerical goals during
                                                      that is consistent with § 135.7(b)(4)                   of obligations to comply with the                     the reporting period.
                                                      describing why it was unable to meet that               requirements of this part in its own                     (2) Only recipients are required to
                                                      goal, despite their efforts to comply with the          operations and those of its                           submit Section 3 annual reports to HUD.
                                                      provisions of this clause.                              subrecipients, contractors,                           HUD will not accept reports from
                                                         I. The contractor agrees to notify Section 3         subcontractors, and others that may be                subrecipients, contractors, or
                                                      residents and businesses about the                      administering Section 3 covered
                                                      availability of new employment, training, or
                                                                                                                                                                    subcontractors administering Section 3
                                                                                                              financial assistance on behalf of the                 covered financial assistance on behalf of
                                                      contracting opportunities created as a result
                                                                                                              recipient. Certifications shall be                    a recipient.
                                                      of the receipt of Section 3 covered financial
                                                      assistance, as stipulated by the awarding               submitted in accordance with the                         (b) Reporting periods. Unless
                                                      agency.                                                 requirements of the regulation or NOFA                otherwise indicated, a recipient’s
                                                         J. The contractor agrees to verify the               governing the program under which the                 reporting period shall coincide with
                                                      eligibility of prospective Section 3 residents          Section 3 covered financial assistance is             their local program of fiscal year.
                                                      and businesses for employment, training, or             provided.                                                (c) Report due dates. (1) Unless
                                                      subcontracting opportunities, in accordance                (ii) HUD may require recipients to                 otherwise indicated, all Section 3
                                                      with the recipient’s policies and procedures.           provide additional documentation or
                                                         K. The contractor agrees to provide priority                                                               annual reports shall be submitted to
                                                                                                              assurances as evidence of compliance                  HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal
                                                      consideration to eligible residents and                 with the requirements of this part prior
                                                      businesses in accordance with 24 CFR 135.37                                                                   Opportunity. Where the program
                                                      or 24 CFR 135.57, as applicable.
                                                                                                              to the acceptance of annual                           providing the Section 3 covered
                                                         L. The contractor agrees to notify potential         certifications. HUD may refuse to accept              assistance requires submission of an
                                                      bidders on subcontracts that are associated             any certification when there are                      annual performance report, the Section
                                                      with Section 3 covered projects and activities          reasonable grounds to believe that the                3 report will be submitted with that
                                                      about the requirements of Section 3, and                recipient is not in compliance with the               annual performance report. If the
                                                      include this Section 3 clause in its entirety           requirements of this part.                            program providing the Section 3
                                                      into every subcontract awarded.                            (2) Subrecipients, contractors and
                                                         M. The contractor agrees to impose                                                                         covered assistance does not require an
                                                                                                              subcontractors. (i) Subrecipients,                    annual performance report, the Section
                                                      sanctions upon any subcontractor that has               contractors, and subcontractors shall
                                                      violated the requirements of this clause in                                                                   3 report is to be submitted by January
                                                                                                              certify their compliance by entering into             10 of each year or within 10 days of
                                                      accordance with the awarding agency’s
                                                      Section 3 policies and procedures.
                                                                                                              a written agreement with the recipient,               project completion, whichever is earlier.
                                                         N. The contractor agrees to comply with all          as specified at § 135.17 or contract that
                                                                                                                                                                       (2) HUD may grant an extension of the
                                                      monitoring, reporting, recordkeeping, and               contains the Section 3 clause provided
                                                                                                                                                                    due date for a Section 3 annual report
                                                      other procedures specified by the awarding              at § 135.19.
                                                                                                                                                                    for good reason based on a recipient’s
                                                      agency.                                                    (ii) [Reserved]
                                                                                                                 (b) [Reserved]                                     demonstration of the inability, through
                                                         O. If applicable, the contractor agrees to
                                                      notify each labor organization or                                                                             no fault of its own, to meet the reporting
                                                      representative of workers with which the                § 135.23    Reporting requirements.                   due date.
                                                      recipient, subrecipient, or contractor has a               (a) Recipient reporting requirements.                 (d) Electronic submission. Unless
                                                      collective bargaining or similar labor                  (1) Each recipient shall submit to HUD                otherwise specified, Section 3 annual
                                                      agreement or other understanding, if any,               an annual report documenting the                      reports shall be submitted electronically
                                                      about its obligation to comply with the                 recipient’s compliance with Section 3 in              through online reporting systems as
                                                      requirements of Section 3 and ensure that               such form and with such information as                specified by HUD.
                                                      new collective bargaining or similar labor                                                                       (e) Data collection. Data presented in
                                                      agreements provide employment, registered
                                                                                                              HUD may request. The purpose of the
                                                      apprenticeship, training, subcontracting, or            report is to summarize efforts                        a Section 3 annual report shall be used
                                                      other economic opportunities to Section 3               undertaken by the recipient and                       to make determinations regarding the
                                                      residents and businesses, and to post notices           accomplishments (or lack thereof)                     recipient’s efforts to ensure compliance
                                                      in conspicuous places at the work site                  towards meeting the employment and                    with the requirements of Section 3 in its
                                                      advising the labor union, organization, or              contracting goals set forth at § 135.11.              own operations, and those of its
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                                                      workers’ representative of the contractor’s                (i) The report will include an                     subrecipients, contractors, or
                                                      commitments under this part.                            accounting of all new hires, as defined               subcontractors that may be
                                                         P. Failure to comply with this clause shall          at § 135.5, and Section 3 new hires                   administering Section 3 covered
                                                      result in the imposition of sanctions.                                                                        financial assistance on behalf of the
                                                                                                              employed as a result of the expenditure
                                                      Appropriate sanctions for noncompliance
                                                      may include: Requiring additional                       of Section 3 covered financial assistance             recipient. Data from Section 3 annual
                                                      certifications or assurances of compliance;             in a manner that allows HUD to                        reports may be used to produce reports
                                                      termination or cancelation of the contract,             determine if the minimum numerical                    for the Secretary, for the Executive
                                                      subcontract, memorandum of understanding,               goal for employment was met during the                Branch, Congress, housing
                                                      cooperative agreement, or similar legally               reporting period.                                     professionals, the general public, and

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                                                      others that may benefit from the                        requirements of this part shall be in                 Subpart B—Additional Provisions for
                                                      information provided in such reports.                   accordance with the requirements and                  Public Housing Financial Assistance
                                                         (f) Sanctions for delinquent reports.                procedures concerning the imposition of
                                                      (1) Recipients that fail to submit Section              sanctions or resolutions set forth in the             § 135.31   Applicability.
                                                      3 annual reports by the reporting due                   regulations governing the program                        (a) General. The requirements of
                                                      date may be sanctioned in accordance                    under which the Section 3 financial                   Section 3 apply to training,
                                                      with the requirements of the regulation                 assistance is provided. Appropriate                   employment, contracting and other
                                                      or NOFA governing the program under                     sanctions for noncompliance may,                      economic opportunities arising from the
                                                      which the Section 3 covered financial                   depending on the regulation governing                 expenditure of public housing financial
                                                      assistance is provided.                                 the program under which the Section 3                 assistance, as defined in § 135.5. This
                                                         (2) Continuing failure to submit                     financial assistance was provided,                    subpart communicates provisions to be
                                                      Section 3 annual reports may result in                  include: requiring additional                         implemented by PHAs in addition to
                                                      HUD denying or withholding HUD                          certifications or assurances of                       those set forth in subpart A.
                                                      financial assistance.                                   compliance; repayment of HUD                             (b) Scope of applicability. (1) The
                                                         (g) Subrecipient reporting. A state or               financial assistance; ineligibility for               requirements of this subpart apply to all
                                                      county recipient that distributes Section               HUD financial assistance; withholding                 new employment and training
                                                      3 covered financial assistance to                       HUD financial assistance; or                          opportunities that are generated as a
                                                      subrecipients shall compile data                        suspension, debarment, or limited                     result of the expenditure of public
                                                      regarding compliance with the                           denial of participation in HUD programs               housing financial assistance.
                                                      requirements of this regulation in its                  pursuant to 2 CFR part 2424 where                        (2) The requirements of this subpart
                                                      own operations, and in the operations of                appropriate.                                          apply to all contracting opportunities
                                                      its subrecipients, contractors, and                                                                           (including contracts for professional
                                                      subcontractors into one annual report to                § 135.29    Other Federal requirements.               services) that are funded with Section 3
                                                      HUD in a manner that allows HUD to                                                                            public housing financial assistance,
                                                      make an accurate determination                             Compliance with Section 3 and the                  regardless of whether the Section 3
                                                      regarding the State or county recipient’s               regulations of this part does not                     project is fully- or partially-funded with
                                                      efforts to ensure compliance during the                 supersede other Federal requirements                  Section 3 covered financial assistance.
                                                      reporting period. Subrecipients are not                 that may be applicable to the execution               Accordingly, if any amount of Section 3
                                                      required to submit annual reports                       of HUD programs.                                      covered financial assistance is invested
                                                      directly to HUD.                                           (a) Federal labor standards                        into Section 3 covered projects or
                                                         (h) Availability of Section 3 reports.               provisions. Certain construction                      activities, the requirements of this
                                                      All Section 3 annual reports submitted                  contracts are subject to compliance with              subpart apply to the entire project.
                                                      to HUD in accordance with the                           the requirement to pay prevailing wages
                                                                                                                                                                    § 135.33 Public housing agency
                                                      requirements of this part will be made                  determined under the Davis-Bacon Act
                                                      available to the public upon request.                   and with implementing DOL
                                                                                                              regulations, including those at 29 CFR                  There are no thresholds for Section 3
                                                      § 135.25 Recordkeeping and access to
                                                                                                              parts 1, 3 and 5. Additionally,                       public housing financial assistance. The
                                                      records.                                                                                                      requirements of this subpart apply to
                                                                                                              maintenance activities on public
                                                         HUD shall have access to all records,                housing developments are subject to                   Section 3 public housing assistance
                                                      reports, documents, contracts, or other                 compliance with the requirement to pay                provided to recipients, notwithstanding
                                                      items that are maintained by a recipient                prevailing wage rates, as determined or               the amount of the assistance provided to
                                                      to demonstrate compliance with the                      adopted by HUD, for maintenance                       the recipient. The requirements of this
                                                      requirements of this part, in the                       laborers and mechanics engaged in this                subpart apply to all subrecipients,
                                                      recipient’s own operations or those of                  work.                                                 contractors, or subcontractors
                                                      its subrecipients, contractors, or                                                                            performing work in connection with
                                                      subcontractors. These records include,                     (b) Use of apprentices. Apprentices                projects and activities funded by public
                                                      but are not limited to: Section 3                       and trainees will be permitted to work                housing Section 3 covered financial
                                                      policies, procedures, and other guidance                at less than the predetermined rate for               assistance, regardless of the dollar
                                                      materials; lists of Section 3 residents                 the work they perform when they are                   amount of the contract or subcontract.
                                                      and businesses; evidence of efforts to                  employed pursuant to a bona fide
                                                      notify Section 3 residents and                          apprenticeship program registered with                § 135.35   Minimum numerical goals.
                                                      businesses about the availability of                    the DOL Office of Apprenticeship, or a                  (a) Employment opportunities. (1)
                                                      employment training, contracting, or                    state apprenticeship agency recognized                PHAs must employ, to the greatest
                                                      other economic opportunities; payroll                   by that Office, or pursuant to a trainee              extent feasible, Section 3 residents as 30
                                                      data or other similar documentation                     program approved by the DOL                           percent of direct new hires within the
                                                      verifying new hires; copies of Section 3                Employment and Training                               public housing agency (PHA).
                                                      contracts, clauses, and assurances;                     Administration, under the conditions                  Employment opportunities are not
                                                      evidence of efforts taken by contractors                specified in DOL regulations at 29 CFR                limited to those related to construction
                                                      or subcontractors to comply with the                    5.5(a)(4). Apprentices and trainees may               and rehabilitation and may include, but
                                                                                                              be utilized only to the extent permitted              are not limited, to the following
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                                                      terms of the Section 3 clause and efforts
                                                      taken to reach the minimum numerical                    under either DOL regulations or, for                  employment opportunities:
                                                      goals; and other data, evidence or                      work subject to HUD-determined or                     management, administrative,
                                                      materials deemed by HUD as                              adopted prevailing wage rates consistent              accounting, food services, case
                                                      demonstrating compliance with the                       with HUD policies and guidelines. The                 management, information technology,
                                                      requirements of this part.                              allowable use of apprentices and                      facilities maintenance, janitorial,
                                                                                                              trainees includes adherence to the wage               daycare, construction, etc.
                                                      § 135.27   Sanctions for noncompliance.                 rates and ratios of apprentices or                      (2) PHAs must direct their
                                                         Sanctions imposed on recipients that                 trainees to journeymen set out in the                 subrecipients, contractors,
                                                      fail to comply with any of the                          approved program.                                     subcontractors, and others that may be

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                                                      administering Section 3 covered                         training opportunities. A PHA, its                    the expenditure of housing and
                                                      financial assistance on the PHA’s behalf                subrecipients, contractors, and                       community development financial
                                                      to employ, to the greatest extent                       subcontractors shall direct their efforts             assistance that is used for projects
                                                      feasible, Section 3 residents as 30                     to provide employment and training                    involving:
                                                      percent of its direct new hires.                        opportunities generated from the                         (1) Housing rehabilitation (including
                                                         (3) For a Section 3 resident to be                   expenditure of Section 3 covered                      demolition);
                                                      considered a new hire by a contractor or                financial assistance to Section 3                        (2) Housing construction; or
                                                      subcontractor, the Section 3 resident                   residents in the following order of                      (3) Other public construction
                                                      must work, during its employment with                   priority consideration:                               (including the demolition, rehabilitation
                                                      the contractor or subcontractor, a                         (1) Residents of the public housing                or construction of other public
                                                      minimum of 50 percent of the average                    project or projects where the Section 3               buildings, facilities, or infrastructure).
                                                      staff hours worked for the category of                  covered financial assistance is                          (b) Exemptions. (1) The following is a
                                                      work for which they were hired                          expended.                                             list of some activities and projects that
                                                      throughout the duration of time that the                   (2) Residents of other public housing              are exempt from the requirements of
                                                      category of work is performed on the                    projects managed by the PHA that is                   this subpart. This is not intended to be
                                                      covered project.                                        spending Section 3 covered financial                  an all-inclusive list of activities that
                                                         (b) Contracting opportunities. (1)                   assistance.                                           may be exempt from the requirements of
                                                      PHAs must award, to the greatest extent                    (3) Section 3 residents participating in           this subpart.
                                                      feasible, to Section 3 businesses at least              DOL YouthBuild programs.                                 (2) Covered housing and community
                                                      10 percent of the total dollar amount of                   (4) Other Section 3 residents in the               financial assistance used for acquisition,
                                                      all contracting opportunities generated                 Section 3 local area, including                       routine maintenance, operations,
                                                      from the expenditure of Section 3                       individuals and families receiving                    administrative costs, and project rental
                                                      covered financial assistance.                           Section 8 housing choice vouchers.                    assistance contracts (PRAC) is exempt
                                                         (2) PHAs must direct their                              (c) Order of priority consideration for            from the requirements of this subpart.
                                                      subrecipients, contractors,                             Section 3 businesses in contracting                      (3) Indian tribes and tribally
                                                      subcontractors, and others that may be                  opportunities. A PHA, its subrecipients,              designated housing entities shall
                                                      administering Section 3 covered                         contractors, and others shall direct their            comply with the responsibilities set
                                                      financial assistance on the PHA’s behalf                efforts to award contracting and                      forth in subpart A and in this subpart.
                                                      to award, to the greatest extent feasible,              subcontracting opportunities to Section               However, Indian tribes and tribally
                                                      to Section 3 businesses at least 10                     3 businesses in the following order of                designated housing entities that adopt,
                                                      percent of the total dollar amount of all               priority consideration:                               and are complying with, tribal
                                                      subsequent contracting or                                  (1) Section 3 businesses that are 51               employment and contract preference
                                                      subcontracting opportunities.                           percent or more owned by residents of                 laws (including regulations and tribal
                                                                                                              the public housing project(s) where the               ordinances) in accordance with Section
                                                      § 135.37 Orders of priority consideration               Section 3 covered financial assistance is             101(k) of Native American Housing
                                                      for employment and contracting                                                                                Assistance and Self-Determination Act
                                                                                                              expended; or whose full-time,
                                                      opportunities.                                                                                                of 1996 (NAHASDA) (25 U.S.C. 4111(k))
                                                                                                              permanent workforce is comprised of 30
                                                        (a) General. (1) Priority consideration               percent or more of residents of the                   shall also be deemed to be in
                                                      should not be construed to be a quota                   public housing project(s) where the                   compliance with this subpart. Indian
                                                      or set-aside program, or an entitlement                 Section 3 covered financial assistance is             tribes, tribally designated housing
                                                      to economic opportunities such as a                     expended.                                             entities, and other tribal entities that are
                                                      particular position or contract.                           (2) Section 3 businesses that are 51               subject to the Indian preference
                                                         (2) Section 3 residents must possess                 percent or more owned by residents of                 requirements of Section 7(b) of the
                                                      the same job qualifications, skills,                    any public housing projects                           Indian Self-Determination and
                                                      eligibility criteria, and capacity as other             administered by the PHA; or whose full-               Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C.
                                                      applicants for employment and training                  time, permanent, workforce is                         450e) shall also be deemed to be in
                                                      opportunities being sought.                             comprised of 30 percent or more of                    compliance with this subpart. The
                                                         (3) Section 3 businesses must be                     residents of any public housing projects              requirements of this subpart apply to
                                                      selected in accordance with the                         managed by the PHA.                                   Indian tribes that have not adopted
                                                      procurement standards of 24 CFR 85.36,                     (3) Grantees selected to carry out DOL             tribal preference laws for employment
                                                      including price, ability and willingness                YouthBuild programs.                                  and contracting in accordance with
                                                      to comply with this part, and other                        (4) Any other Section 3 business in                Section 101(k) of NAHASDA, and
                                                      factors, to be considered lowest                        the Section 3 local area.                             Indian tribes, tribally designated
                                                      responsible bidders on contracting                                                                            housing entities, and tribal entities that
                                                      opportunities being sought.                             Subpart C—Additional Provisions for                   are not subject to Indian preference
                                                         (4) A PHA may give priority                          Housing and Community Development                     requirements of Section 7(b) of the
                                                      consideration to a Section 3 resident or                Financial Assistance                                  Indian Self-Determination and
                                                      business if such resident or business is                                                                      Education Assistance Act, in the same
                                                      qualified for the respective employment                 § 135.51    Applicability.
                                                                                                                                                                    manner as other recipients of housing
                                                      or contracting opportunity.                                (a) General. This subpart
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                                                                                                                                                                    and community development financial
                                                         (5) A PHA must give priority                         communicates provisions that must be                  assistance set forth in subpart C of this
                                                      consideration to a Section 3 resident or                implemented by recipients of Section 3                part.
                                                      business when that Section 3 resident or                housing and community development
                                                      business is equally qualified with other                financial assistance in addition to those             § 135.53 Funding thresholds that trigger
                                                      individuals or businesses to which the                  set forth in subpart A. Section 3 applies             Section 3 compliance.
                                                      PHA would offer employment or                           to training, employment, contracting                    (a) Funding thresholds for recipients
                                                      contracting opportunities.                              (including contracts for professional                 and subrecipients. (1) The requirements
                                                         (b) Order of priority consideration for              services), and other economic                         of this subpart apply to recipients of
                                                      Section 3 residents in employment and                   opportunities arising in connection with              housing and community development

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                                                      financial assistance that plan to obligate              or construction of other public                          (6) Recipients of housing and
                                                      or commit an aggregate amount of                        buildings, facilities, or infrastructure; or          community development and their
                                                      $400,000 or more in Section 3 covered                   construction and rehabilitation-related               subrecipients, and contractors must give
                                                      financial assistance on projects                        (professional service) projects and                   priority consideration to a Section 3
                                                      involving demolition, housing                           activities are Section 3 residents. For               resident or business when that Section
                                                      rehabilitation, housing construction, or                example, these positions may include                  3 resident or business is equally
                                                      other public construction during an                     electricians, plumbers, construction                  qualified with other individuals or
                                                      annual reporting period.                                managers, general laborers, consultants,              businesses that would be offered
                                                         (2) The $400,000 funding threshold is                accountants, and architects.                          employment or contracting
                                                      comprised of the combined expenditure                     (c) Contracting opportunities. (1)                  opportunities.
                                                      of all sources of housing and                           Recipients of housing and community                      (b) Orders of priority consideration for
                                                      community development financial                         development financial assistance must                 employment and training opportunities.
                                                      assistance set forth in § 135.5.                        award, to the greatest extent feasible, at            (1) Recipients of housing and
                                                         (b) Applicability of Section 3                       least 10 percent of the total dollar                  community development financial
                                                      requirements to individual projects. (1)                amount of all contracts to Section 3                  assistance that meet the funding
                                                      Where the thresholds set forth in                       businesses.                                           thresholds set forth at § 135.53 shall
                                                      paragraph (a) of this section are met, the                                                                    direct their efforts to provide training
                                                                                                                (2) Recipients of housing and
                                                      requirements of this subpart apply to all                                                                     and employment opportunities
                                                                                                              community development financial
                                                      Section 3 projects and activities that are                                                                    generated from the expenditure of
                                                                                                              assistance must, to the greatest extent
                                                      funded with housing and community                                                                             Section 3 housing and community
                                                                                                              feasible, have its subrecipients,
                                                      development financial assistance,                                                                             development financial assistance, to
                                                                                                              contractors, and subcontractors that
                                                      regardless of the specific dollar amount                                                                      Section 3 residents in the following
                                                                                                              receive contracts for Section 3 covered
                                                      invested into the Section 3 covered                                                                           order of priority consideration:
                                                                                                              projects and activities award at least 10
                                                      project or activity.                                                                                             (i) Section 3 residents residing in the
                                                         (2) The requirements of this subpart                 percent of the total dollar amount of all
                                                                                                              subsequent contracting and                            neighborhood or service area where the
                                                      apply to the entire project that is funded                                                                    housing and community development
                                                      with Section 3 covered financial                        subcontracting opportunities to Section
                                                                                                              3 businesses.                                         financial assistance is spent;
                                                      assistance, regardless of whether the                                                                            (ii) Section 3 residents participating
                                                      Section 3 project is fully- or partially-               § 135.57 Orders of priority consideration             in DOL YouthBuild programs;
                                                      funded with housing and community                       for employment and contracting                           (iii) Section 3 residents residing in a
                                                      development financial assistance.                       opportunities.                                        neighborhood or service area within the
                                                      Accordingly, if any amount of Section 3                    (a) General. (1) Recipients of housing             Section 3 local area that has been
                                                      covered financial assistance is invested                and community development financial                   officially identified by HUD;
                                                      into a project involving housing                        assistance and their subrecipients, and                  (iv) Other Section 3 residents located
                                                      demolition, rehabilitation or                           contractors shall provide priority                    in the Section 3 local area.
                                                      construction, or the rehabilitation or                  consideration to Section 3 residents and                 (2) Recipients of housing and
                                                      construction of public buildings,                       Section 3 businesses for new training,                community development financial
                                                      facilities, or infrastructure, the                      employment, and contracting                           assistance may, at their own discretion,
                                                      requirements of this subpart apply to                   opportunities generated as a result of                provide priority consideration
                                                      the entire project, both HUD and non-                   the expenditure of Section 3 covered                  specifically to residents of public
                                                      HUD funded portions.                                    financial assistance.                                 housing or recipients of other Federal
                                                                                                                                                                    assistance for housing, including
                                                      § 135.55   Minimum numerical goals.                        (2) Priority consideration should not
                                                                                                                                                                    individuals or families receiving Section
                                                        (a) Employment opportunities. (1)                     be construed to be a quota or set-aside
                                                                                                                                                                    8 housing choice vouchers within the
                                                      Recipients of housing and community                     program, or as an entitlement to
                                                                                                                                                                    neighborhood where work on the
                                                      development financial assistance must                   economic opportunities such as a
                                                                                                                                                                    Section 3 covered project or activity is
                                                      direct its contractors and subcontractors               particular job or contract.
                                                      employ, to the greatest extent feasible,                   (3) Section 3 residents must possess                  (c) Orders of priority consideration for
                                                      Section 3 residents as 30 percent of                    the same job qualifications, skills,                  Section 3 businesses in contracting
                                                      direct new hires. For a Section 3                       eligibility criteria, and capacity as other           opportunities. (1) Recipients of housing
                                                      resident to be considered a new hire, the               applicants for employment and training                and community development financial
                                                      Section 3 resident must work, during                    opportunities being sought.                           assistance and their subrecipients, and
                                                      the resident’s employment with the                         (4) Section 3 businesses must be                   contractors shall direct their efforts to
                                                      contractor or subcontractor, a minimum                  selected in accordance with the                       provide contracting or subcontracting
                                                      of 50 percent of the average staff hours                procurement standards of 24 CFR 85.36                 opportunities generated from the
                                                      worked for the category of work for                     or 24 CFR 84.40, as appropriate,                      expenditure of housing and community
                                                      which they were hired throughout the                    including price, ability and willingness              development financial assistance to
                                                      duration of time that the category of                   to comply with this part, and other                   Section 3 businesses in the following
                                                      work is performed on the covered                        factors, to be considered lowest                      order of priority consideration:
                                                      project.                                                responsible bidders on contracting                       (i) Section 3 businesses that can
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                                                        (2) Recipients of housing and                         opportunities being sought.                           provide evidence, to the satisfaction of
                                                      community development financial                            (5) Recipients of housing and                      the awarding agency, that a minimum of
                                                      assistance must ensure, to the greatest                 community development financial                       75 percent of previously hired Section
                                                      extent feasible, that 30 percent of any                 assistance and their subrecipients, and               3 residents residing in the service area
                                                      new hires within the agency that will                   contractors may give priority                         of the project or neighborhood will be
                                                      primarily work on HUD-funded projects                   consideration to a Section 3 resident or              retained for the project.
                                                      or activities involving demolition;                     business if such resident or business is                 (ii) Section 3 businesses that can
                                                      housing rehabilitation; housing                         qualified for the respective employment               provide evidence to the satisfaction of
                                                      construction; demolition, rehabilitation,               or contracting opportunities                          the awarding agency that a minimum of

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                            16543

                                                      50 percent of on-the-job training or                    obligate or commit Section 3 covered                  noncompliance with Section 3 or that
                                                      registered apprenticeship opportunities                 financial assistance that exceeds the                 have received a sanction from HUD for
                                                      will be provided to Section 3 residents                 thresholds set forth at § 135.53, the                 noncompliance with Section 3, which
                                                      in the neighborhood or area to be served                grantee is required to ensure that                    has not been resolved to HUD’s
                                                      by the Section 3 project or activity.                   employment, training, contracting                     satisfaction before the application
                                                        (iii) Section 3 businesses that are                   (including contracts for professional                 deadline, are ineligible to apply for
                                                      located in the neighborhood or service                  services), or other economic                          competitive HUD funding. HUD will
                                                      area where the Section 3 covered project                opportunities generated as a result of                determine if actions taken to resolve the
                                                      or activity is located, and a minimum of                the provision of Section 3 covered                    letter of findings or sanction taken
                                                      30 percent of its permanent full-time                   financial assistance that is competitively            before the deadline are sufficient to
                                                      workforce is comprised of Section 3                     awarded be directed, to the greatest                  resolve the matter.
                                                      residents residing in the neighborhood                  extent feasible, and consistent with
                                                      or service area where the Section 3                     existing Federal, State, and local laws               Subpart E—Enforcement
                                                      covered project or activity is located.                 and regulations, to Section 3 residents
                                                                                                                                                                    § 135.91 Cooperation in achieving
                                                        (iv) Grantees selected to carry DOL                   and businesses.                                       compliance.
                                                      YouthBuild programs.                                       (3) Exemption. HUD NOFA
                                                        (5) All other businesses that are                     competitions that primarily use                          (a) General. HUD recognizes that the
                                                      located in the Section 3 local area that                volunteer labor, sweat equity,                        success of ensuring that Section 3
                                                      meet the definition of Section 3                        homeowners, or other beneficiaries to                 residents and Section 3 businesses have
                                                      business in § 135.5.                                    carryout construction or rehabilitation               the opportunity to benefit from
                                                                                                              projects or activities are exempt from                employment, training, contracting, and
                                                      Subpart D—Additional Provisions for                     complying with the requirements of this               other economic opportunities generated
                                                      Recipients of Competitively Awarded                     subpart.                                              from Section 3 covered financial
                                                      Section 3 Financial Assistance                             (b) [Reserved]                                     assistance depends on the cooperation
                                                                                                                                                                    and assistance of recipients and their
                                                      § 135.71   Applicability.                               § 135.73    Applicant selection criteria.             subrecipients, contractors, and
                                                         (a) General.—(1) Competitively                          Where not otherwise precluded by                   subcontractors. Accordingly, all
                                                      awarded assistance. The requirements                    statute, and where applicable, in the                 recipients shall fully and promptly
                                                      of this subpart apply to Section 3                      evaluation of applications for the award              cooperate with monitoring reviews,
                                                      covered financial assistance                            of assistance, consideration shall be                 compliance reviews, or complaint
                                                      competitively awarded by HUD.                           given to the extent to which an                       investigations undertaken by HUD.
                                                         (2) HUD Notices of Funding                           applicant has described in their                         (b) Records of compliance. Each
                                                      Availability (NOFAs). (i) All HUD                       applications their plans to train and                 recipient shall maintain adequate
                                                      NOFAs announcing the availability of                    employ Section 3 residents and contract               records demonstrating compliance with
                                                      Section 3 covered financial assistance                  with Section 3 business concerns in                   Section 3 in its own operations and
                                                      will provide notification of the                        furtherance of the proposed activities.               those of its subrecipients, contractors,
                                                      requirements of Section 3.                              The program NOFAs for which Section                   and subcontractors, consistent with
                                                         (ii) For competitively awarded public                3 is applicable will include information              § 135.25. Recipients shall submit to
                                                      housing financial assistance involving                  regarding how Section 3 activities will               HUD timely, complete and accurate data
                                                      activities that are anticipated to generate             be considered in rating the application.              at such times, in specified formats, and
                                                      significant employment, training,                                                                             containing information determined by
                                                                                                              § 135.75 Section 3 compliance for NOFA
                                                      contracting, or other economic                          grantees.                                             HUD to be necessary to ascertain
                                                      opportunities, regardless of the source                                                                       whether the recipient has complied
                                                                                                                (a) Certifications of compliance with
                                                      or amount of the public housing                                                                               with this subpart.
                                                                                                              this part. Successful applicants must
                                                      financial assistance, HUD’s NOFA will
                                                                                                              certify that they will comply with the                § 135.93   Conduct of investigations.
                                                      include a statement advising that
                                                                                                              requirements set forth in this part. A                  (a) Periodic compliance reviews. The
                                                      successful applicants shall, to the
                                                                                                              HUD office that awards Section 3                      Assistant Secretary or designee may
                                                      greatest extent feasible, and consistent
                                                                                                              covered financial assistance may require
                                                      with existing Federal, State, and local                                                                       periodically review the practices of
                                                                                                              execution of a certification that reflects
                                                      laws and regulations, ensure that                                                                             recipients to determine whether they are
                                                                                                              the requirements and goals of the
                                                      employment, training, contracting, or                                                                         complying with this part and where he
                                                                                                              Section 3 covered financial assistance.
                                                      other economic opportunities created as                                                                       or she has a reasonable basis to do so
                                                                                                              The Assistant Secretary for the program
                                                      a result of the provision of financial                                                                        may conduct on-site or remote reviews.
                                                                                                              office will accept an applicant’s
                                                      assistance be directed to Section 3                                                                           Such basis may include any evidence
                                                                                                              certification absent evidence to the
                                                      residents and businesses consistent with                                                                      that a problem exists or that
                                                      the orders of priority consideration set                  (b) Monitoring and compliance.                      programmatic matters exist that justify
                                                      forth at § 135.37.                                      Successful applicants shall be held                   investigation in selected circumstances.
                                                         (iii) For competitively awarded                      accountable for complying with the                    The Assistant Secretary or designee
                                                      housing and community development                       requirements of this subpart;                         shall initiate compliance reviews by
                                                      financial assistance involving housing                                                                        sending to the recipient a letter advising
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                                                                                                              implementing strategies described in
                                                      demolition, rehabilitation, or                          narrative statements; meeting annual                  the recipient of the practices to be
                                                      construction, or the demolition,                        reporting requirements; and will be                   reviewed; the programs affected by the
                                                      rehabilitation or construction of other                 subject to monitoring at the discretion of            review; and the opportunity, at any time
                                                      public buildings, facilities or                         HUD.                                                  prior to receipt of a final determination,
                                                      infrastructure, HUD’s NOFA will                                                                               to make a documentary or other
                                                      include a statement acknowledging that                  § 135.77 Resolution of outstanding                    submission that explains, validates, or
                                                      if the award of competitive financial                   Section 3 matters.                                    otherwise addresses the practices under
                                                      assistance will result in the successful                  Applicants that have received a letter              review. In addition, normal program
                                                      applicant receiving and planning to                     of finding from HUD identifying                       compliance reviews and monitoring

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                                                      16544                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      procedures shall identify appropriate                   when a complaint is filed under this                     (k) Dismissal of complaint. If the
                                                      actions to review and monitor                           paragraph (c) of this section, a                      investigation reveals no violation of this
                                                      compliance with general or specific                     complaint mailed to HUD shall be                      part, the Assistant Secretary or designee
                                                      program requirements designed to                        deemed filed on the date it is                        will dismiss the complaint and notify
                                                      effectuate the requirements of this part.               postmarked. Any other complaint shall                 the complainant and recipient.
                                                         (b) Interdepartmental coordination.                  be deemed filed on the date it is                        (l) Letter of finding. If no informal
                                                      Monitoring and enforcement may be                       received by HUD.                                      resolution of the complaint or
                                                      carried out in coordination with the                      (f) Where to file a complaint. A                    compliance review is reached, and the
                                                      HUD program office that provided                        complaint must be filed with the Office               facts disclosed during a compliance
                                                      Section 3 covered financial assistance to               of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity,                review or an investigation indicate a
                                                      the recipient being reviewed for                        U.S. Department of Housing and Urban                  failure by the recipient or its
                                                      compliance with Section 3.                              Development, 451 7th Street SW.,                      subrecipients or contractors to comply
                                                         (c) Investigations. The Assistant                    Washington, DC, 20410, or any FHEO                    with the requirements of this part in its
                                                      Secretary may conduct an investigation                  Regional or Field Office, as stipulated               own operations or to ensure the
                                                      whenever a compliance or monitoring                     by HUD.                                               compliance of subrecipients,
                                                      review, Section 3 annual report,                          (g) Contents of complaint. Each                     contractors, or subcontractors that may
                                                      complaint or any other information                      complaint must contain the                            be administering Section 3 covered
                                                      indicates a possible failure by a                       complainant’s name and address, the                   financial assistance on behalf of the
                                                      recipient to comply with this part, or                  name and address of the recipient                     recipient, the Assistant Secretary will
                                                      that a recipient failed to ensure                       alleged to have violated this part, and a             issue a letter of findings within 180
                                                      compliance with this part by its                        description of the recipient’s alleged                calendar days of receipt of the
                                                      subrecipients, contractors, or                          violation in sufficient detail to inform              complaint or culmination of a
                                                      subcontractors that may be                              HUD of the nature and date of the                     compliance review. The letter of
                                                      administering Section 3 covered                         alleged violation of this part. HUD may               findings shall contain the following:
                                                      financial assistance on behalf of the                   provide assistance in drafting a                         (1) Preliminary findings of fact and
                                                      recipient.                                              complaint based on information                        preliminary finding of noncompliance;
                                                         (d) Who may file a complaint. The                                                                             (2) The actions that must be taken to
                                                      following individuals and businesses                                                                          address the areas of noncompliance
                                                      may file a complaint alleging                              (h) Amendment of complaints.
                                                                                                              Complaints may be reasonably and                      within a specified timeframe;
                                                      noncompliance of the requirements of                                                                             (3) A notice that a copy of the Final
                                                      Section 3 with the Assistant Secretary,                 fairly amended at any time.
                                                                                                                                                                    Investigative Report of HUD will be
                                                      personally or through an authorized                     Amendments to complaints, such as a
                                                                                                                                                                    made available, upon request, to the
                                                      representative:                                         clarification and amplification of
                                                                                                                                                                    recipient; and
                                                         (1) Any Section 3 resident on behalf                 allegations in a complaint, or the                       (4) Provide complainants or recipients
                                                      of himself or herself, or as a                          addition of other recipients may be                   30 days to respond to HUD’s findings
                                                      representative of persons similarly                     made at any time during the pendency                  and resolve or remedy findings of
                                                      situated, seeking employment, training                  of the complaint and any amendment                    noncompliance identified during the
                                                      or other economic opportunities                         shall be deemed to be made as of the                  compliance review or investigation.
                                                      generated from the expenditure of                       original filing date.                                    (m) Right to review of the letter of
                                                      Section 3 covered financial assistance                     (i) Notification. The Assistant                    findings. (1) A complainant or recipient
                                                      by a recipient, subrecipient, or                        Secretary will notify the complainant                 may request that a complete review be
                                                      contractor, or by a representative who is               and the recipient of the agency’s receipt             made of the letter of findings within 30
                                                      not a Section 3 resident but who                        of the complaint within 10 calendar                   calendar days of receipt, by mailing or
                                                      represents one or more Section 3                        days.                                                 delivering to the Assistant Secretary,
                                                      residents;                                                 (j) Preliminary investigation. (1)                 Office of Fair Housing and Equal
                                                         (2) Any Section 3 business on behalf                 Within 30 calendar days of                            Opportunity, U.S. Department of
                                                      of itself, or as a representative of other              acknowledgement of the complaint, the                 Housing and Urban Development, 451
                                                      Section 3 businesses similarly situated,                Assistant Secretary will review the                   7th Street SW., Washington, DC 20410,
                                                      seeking contract opportunities generated                complaint for acceptance, rejection, or               a written statement of the reasons why
                                                      from the expenditure of Section 3                       referral to the appropriate Federal                   the letter of findings should be modified
                                                      covered financial assistance from a                     agency.                                               in light of supplementary information.
                                                      recipient, subrecipient, or contractor, or                 (2) If the complaint is accepted, the                 (2) The Assistant Secretary will send
                                                      by an individual representative of                      Assistant Secretary will notify the                   by certified mail, return receipt
                                                      Section 3 businesses.                                   complainant and the applicable HUD                    requested, or other similar mail services,
                                                         (3) The Assistant Secretary or                       program office. The Assistant Secretary               a copy of the request for review to the
                                                      designee shall hold in confidence the                   will also notify the recipient of the                 other party, if any. Such other party
                                                      identity of any person submitting a                     allegations and provide them an                       shall have 30 calendar days to respond
                                                      complaint, unless the person submits                    opportunity to make a written                         to the request for review.
                                                      written authorization otherwise, and                    submission responding to, rebutting, or                  (3) The Assistant Secretary will either
                                                      except to the extent necessary to carry                 denying the allegations presented in the              sustain or modify the letter of findings
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                                                      out the purposes of this part, including                complaint.                                            within 60 calendar days of the request
                                                      the conduct of any investigation,                          (3) The recipient may send the                     for review. The Assistant Secretary’s
                                                      hearing, or proceeding under this part.                 Assistant Secretary a response to the                 decision shall constitute the formal
                                                         (e) When to file. Complaints shall be                notice of complaint within 30 calendar                determination.
                                                      filed within 180 days of the last                       days of receipt. With the agreement of                   (4) If neither party requests that the
                                                      occurrence of the alleged violation,                    the Assistant Secretary, an answer may                letter of findings be reviewed, the
                                                      unless the time for filing is extended by               be amended at any time. The Assistant                 Assistant Secretary shall send a formal
                                                      the Assistant Secretary for good cause                  Secretary will permit answers to be                   written determination of noncompliance
                                                      shown. For purposes of determining                      amended for good cause shown.                         to the recipient and the appropriate

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                                                      HUD program office that administers the                   (2) Objectives of informal resolution/              those injured by the recipient’s
                                                      Section 3 financial assistance provided                 voluntary compliance. In attempting                   noncompliance.
                                                      within 14 calendar days of the                          informal resolution, the Assistant                      (o) Intimidatory or retaliatory acts
                                                      expiration of the time period provided                  Secretary will attempt to achieve a just              prohibited. No recipient or other person
                                                      in paragraph (c)(1) of this section.                    resolution of the matter and will take                shall intimidate, threaten, coerce, or
                                                         (n) Voluntary compliance time limits.                such action as will assure the                        discriminate against any person for the
                                                      If it has been determined that the matter               elimination of any violation of this part             purpose of interfering with any right or
                                                      cannot be resolved by voluntary means                   or the prevention of the occurrence of                privilege secured by this part, or
                                                      within 30 days HUD may proceed with                     such violation in the future.                         because he or she has made a complaint,
                                                      sanctions as described at § 135.27.                        (3) The terms of such an informal                  testified, assisted, or participated in any
                                                         (l) Informal resolution of complaint                 resolution shall be reduced to a written              manner in an compliance review,
                                                      investigations and compliance reviews.                  voluntary compliance agreement and                    investigation or hearing under this part.
                                                      (1) General. It is the policy of HUD to                 signed by the recipient and the
                                                      encourage the informal resolution of                    Assistant Secretary. Such voluntary                     Dated: March 2, 2015.
                                                      matters. The Assistant Secretary may                    compliance agreements shall seek to                   Gustavo Velasquez,
                                                      attempt to resolve a matter through                     protect the public interest, provide                  Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and
                                                      informal means at any stage of a                        denied economic opportunities to                      Equal Opportunity.
                                                      complaint investigation or compliance                   Section 3 residents and businesses, and               [FR Doc. 2015–06544 Filed 3–26–15; 8:45 am]
                                                      review.                                                 may include the provision of relief for               BILLING CODE 4210–67–P
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Document Created: 2015-12-18 11:35:54
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 11:35:54
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule.
ContactStaci Gilliam, Director, Economic Opportunity Division, Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW., Room 5236, Washington, DC 20410; telephone 202-402-3468 (voice/TDD) (this is not a toll-free number). Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the Federal Relay Service, at toll-free, 800-877-8339. General email inquiries regarding Section 3 may be sent to: [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 16519 
RIN Number2529-AA91
CFR AssociatedAdministrative Practice and Procedure; Community Development; Equal Employment Opportunity; Government Contracts; Grant Programs-Housing and Community Development; Housing; Loan Programs-Housing and Community Development; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements and Small Businesses

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