80_FR_18623 80 FR 18557 - Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category

80 FR 18557 - Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 66 (April 7, 2015)

Page Range18557-18580
FR Document2015-07819

EPA proposes a Clean Water Act (CWA) regulation that would better protect human health and the environment and protect the operational integrity of publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) by establishing pretreatment standards that would prevent the discharge of pollutants in wastewater from onshore unconventional oil and gas extraction facilities to POTWs. Unconventional oil and gas (UOG) extraction wastewater can be generated in large quantities and contains constituents that are potentially harmful to human health and the environment. Because they are not typical of POTW influent wastewater, some UOG extraction wastewater constituents can be discharged, untreated, from the POTW to the receiving stream; can disrupt the operation of the POTW (e.g., by inhibiting biological treatment); can accumulate in biosolids (sewage sludge), limiting their use; and can facilitate the formation of harmful disinfection by-products (DBPs). Based on the information collected by EPA, the requirements in this proposal reflect current industry practices for unconventional oil and gas extraction facilities, therefore, EPA does not project the proposed rule will impose any costs or lead to pollutant removals, but will ensure that such current industry best practice is maintained over time.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 66 (Tuesday, April 7, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 66 (Tuesday, April 7, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 18557-18580]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-07819]



40 CFR Part 435

[EPA-HQ-OW-2014-0598; FRL-9917-78-OW]
RIN 2040-AF35

Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Oil and Gas 
Extraction Point Source Category

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: EPA proposes a Clean Water Act (CWA) regulation that would 
better protect human health and the environment and protect the 
operational integrity of publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) by 
establishing pretreatment standards that would prevent the discharge of 
pollutants in wastewater from onshore unconventional oil and gas 
extraction facilities to POTWs. Unconventional oil and gas (UOG) 
extraction wastewater can be generated in large quantities and contains 
constituents that are potentially harmful to human health and the 
environment. Because they are not typical of POTW influent wastewater, 
some UOG extraction wastewater constituents can be discharged, 
untreated, from the POTW to the receiving stream; can disrupt the 
operation of the POTW (e.g., by inhibiting biological treatment); can 
accumulate in biosolids (sewage sludge), limiting their use; and can 
facilitate the formation of harmful disinfection by-products (DBPs). 
Based on the information collected by EPA, the requirements in this 
proposal reflect current industry practices for unconventional oil and 
gas extraction facilities, therefore, EPA does not project the proposed 
rule will impose any costs or lead to pollutant removals, but will 
ensure that such current industry best practice is maintained over 

DATES: Comments on this proposed rule must be received on or before 
June 8, 2015. EPA will conduct a public hearing on the proposed 
pretreatment standards on May 29, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. in the EPA East 
Building, Room 1153, 1201 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC.

ADDRESSES: Submit your comments on the proposed rule, identified by 
Docket No. EPA-HQ-OW-2014-0598 by one of the following methods:
     http://www.regulations.gov: Follow the on-line 
instructions for submitting comments.
     Email: OW-Docket@epa.gov, Attention Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-
     Mail: Water Docket, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 
Mail code: 4203M, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460. 
Attention Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-2014-0598. Please include three 
     Hand Delivery: Water Docket, EPA Docket Center, EPA West 
Building Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave. NW., Washington, DC, 
Attention Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-2014-0598. Such deliveries are only 
accepted during the Docket's normal hours of operation, and you should 
make special arrangements for deliveries of boxed information by 
calling 202-566-2426.
    Instructions: Direct your comments to Docket No. EPA-HQ-OW-2014-
0598. EPA's policy is that all comments received will be included in 
the public docket without change and can be made available online at 
http://www.regulations.gov, including any personal information 
provided, unless the comment includes information claimed to be 
Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose 
disclosure is restricted by statute. Do not submit information that you 
consider to be CBI or otherwise protected through http://www.regulations.gov or email. The http://www.regulations.gov Web site 
is an ``anonymous access'' system, which means EPA will not know your 
identity or contact information unless you provide it in the body of 
your comment. If you send an email comment directly to EPA without 
going through http://www.regulations.gov your email address will be 
automatically captured and included as part of the comment that is 
placed in the public docket and made available on the Internet. If you 
submit an electronic comment, EPA recommends that you include your name 
and other contact information in the body of your comment and with any 
disk or CD-ROM you submit. If EPA cannot read your comment due to 
technical difficulties and cannot contact you for clarification, EPA 
will not be able to consider your comment. Electronic files should 
avoid the use of special characters, any form of encryption, and be 
free of any defects or viruses.
    Docket: All documents in the docket are listed in the http://www.regulations.gov index. A detailed record index, organized by 
subject, is available on EPA's Web site at http://water.epa.gov/scitech/wastetech/guide/oilandgas/unconv.cfm. Although listed in the 
index, some information is not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other 
information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other 
material, such as copyrighted material, will be publicly available only 
in hard copy. Publicly available docket materials are available either 
electronically in http://www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at the 
Water Docket in EPA Docket Center, EPA/DC, EPA West, Room 3334, 1301 
Constitution Ave. NW., Washington, DC. The Public Reading Room is open 
from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal 
holidays. The telephone number for the Public Reading Room is 202-566-

[[Page 18558]]

and the telephone number for the Water Docket is 202-566-2426.
    Pretreatment Hearing Information: EPA will conduct a public hearing 
on the proposed pretreatment standards on May 29, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. in 
the East Building, Room 1153, 1201 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, 
DC. Registration is not required for this public hearing, however pre-
registration will be possible via a link on EPA's Web site: at http://water.epa.gov/scitech/wastetech/guide/oilandgas/unconv.cfm. During the 
hearing, the public will have an opportunity to provide oral comment to 
EPA on the proposed pretreatment standards. EPA will not address any 
issues raised during the hearing at that time but these comments will 
be included in the public record for the rule. For security reasons, we 
request that you bring photo identification with you to the meeting. 
Also, if you let us know in advance of your plans to attend, it will 
expedite the process of signing in. Seating will be provided on a 
first-come, first-served basis. Please note that parking is very 
limited in downtown Washington, and use of public transit is 
recommended. EPA Headquarters complex is located near the Federal 
Triangle Metro station. Upon exiting the Metro station, walk east to 
12th Street. On 12th Street, walk south to Constitution Avenue. At the 
corner, turn right onto Constitution Avenue and proceed to EPA East 
Building entrance.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For technical information, contact 
Lisa Biddle, Engineering and Analysis Division, Telephone: 202-566-
0350; email: biddle.lisa@epa.gov. For economic information, contact 
Karen Milam, Engineering and Analysis Division, Telephone: 202-566-
1915; email: milam.karen@epa.gov.


Table of Contents

I. Regulated Entities
II. How To Submit Comments
III. Supporting Documentation
IV. Overview
V. Legal Authority
VI. Purpose and Summary of Proposed Rule
    A. Purpose of the Regulatory Action
    B. Summary of the Proposed Rule
    C. Summary of Costs and Benefits
VII. Solicitation of Data and Comments
VIII. Background
    A. Clean Water Act
    B. Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards Program
    1. Best Practicable Control Technology Currently Available (BPT)
    2. Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology (BCT)
    3. Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BAT)
    4. Best Available Demonstrated Control Technology (BADCT)/New 
Source Performance Standards (NSPS)
    5. Pretreatment Standards for Existing Sources (PSES) and 
Pretreatment Standards for New Sources (PSNS)
    C. Oil and Gas Extraction Effluent Guidelines Rulemaking History
    1. Subpart C: Onshore
    2. Subpart E: Agricultural and Wildlife Use
    D. State Pretreatment Requirements That Apply to UOG Extraction 
    E. Related Federal Requirements in the Safe Drinking Water Act
IX. Summary of Data Collection
    A. Site Visits and Contacts With Treatment Facilities and 
    B. Meetings with Stakeholder Organizations
    1. Stakeholder Organizations
    2. State Stakeholders
    C. Secondary Data Sources
    D. Drilling Info Desktop[supreg] Data Set
    E. EPA Hydraulic Fracturing Study
X. Description of the Oil and Gas Industry
    A. Economic Profile
    B. Industry Structure and Economic Performance
    C. Financial Performance
XI. Scope
XII. Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction: Resources, Process, and 
    A. Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction Resources
    B. Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction Process
    1. Well Drilling
    2. Well Completion
    3. Production
    C. UOG Extraction Wastewater
    1. Drilling Wastewater
    2. Produced Water
    D. UOG Extraction Wastewater Characteristics
    1. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and TDS-Contributing Ions
    2. Organic Constituents
    3. Radioactive Constituents
    E. Wastewater Management and Disposal Practices
    1. Injection into Disposal Wells
    2. Reuse in Fracturing
    3. Transfer to Centralized Waste Treatment Facilities
    4. Transfer to POTWs
XIII. Subcategorization
XIV. Proposed Regulation
    A. Discussion of Options
    1. PSES and PSNS Option Selection
    2. Other Options Considered
    B. Pollutants of Concern
    C. POTW Pass Through Analysis
XV. Environmental Impacts
    A. Pollutants
    B. Impacts From the Discharge of Pollutants Found in UOG 
Extraction Wastewater
    C. Impact on Surface Water Designated Uses
    1. Drinking Water Uses
    2. Aquatic Life Support Uses
    3. Livestock Watering Uses
    4. Irrigation Uses
    5. Industrial Uses
XVI. Non-Water Quality Environmental Impacts Associated With the 
Proposed Rule
XVII. Implementation
    A. Implementation Deadline
    B. Upset and Bypass Provisions
    C. Variances and Modifications
XVIII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
    A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and 
Executive Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review
    B. Paperwork Reduction Act
    C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
    D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
    E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
    F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With 
Indian Tribal Governments
    G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From 
Environmental Health and Safety Risks
    H. Executive Order 13211: Energy Effects
    I. National Technology Transfer Advancement Act
    J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions To Address 
Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income 

I. Regulated Entities

    Entities potentially regulated by this proposed action include:

                                                        North American
           Category            Examples of regulated    Classification
                                      entities          System (NAICS)
Industry.....................  Crude Petroleum and                211111
                                Natural Gas
                               Natural Gas Liquid                 211112

    This section is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides 
a guide for readers regarding entities likely to be regulated by this 
proposed action. Other types of entities that do not meet the above 
criteria could also be regulated. To determine whether your facility 
would be regulated by this proposed action, you should carefully 

[[Page 18559]]

the applicability criteria listed in 40 CFR 435.30 and the definitions 
in 40 CFR 435.33(b) of the proposed rule and detailed further in 
Section XI--Scope, of this preamble. If you still have questions 
regarding the proposed applicability of this action to a particular 
entity, consult the person listed for technical information in the 

II. How To Submit Comments

    The public can submit comments in written or electronic form. (See 
the ADDRESSES section above.) Electronic comments must be identified by 
the Docket No. EPA-HQ-OW-2014-0598 and must be submitted as a MS Word, 
WordPerfect, or ASCII text file, avoiding the use of special characters 
and any form of encryption. EPA requests that any graphics included in 
electronic comments also be provided in hard-copy form. EPA also will 
accept comments and data on disks in the aforementioned file formats. 
Electronic comments received on this notice can be filed online at many 
Federal Depository Libraries. No confidential business information 
(CBI) should be sent by email.

III. Supporting Documentation

    The proposed rule is supported by a number of documents including 
the Technical Development Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations 
Guidelines and Standards for Oil and Gas Extraction (TDD), Document No. 
EPA-821-R-15-003 (DCN SGE00704). This and other supporting documents 
are available in the public record for this proposed rule and on EPA's 
Web site at http://water.epa.gov/scitech/wastetech/guide/oilandgas/unconv.cfm.

IV. Overview

    This preamble describes the reasons for the proposed rule; the 
legal authority for the proposed rule; a summary of the options 
considered for the proposal; background information, including terms, 
acronyms, and abbreviations used in this document; and the technical 
and economic methodologies used by the Agency to develop the proposed 
rule. In addition, this preamble also solicits comment and data from 
the public.

V. Legal Authority

    EPA proposes this regulation under the authorities of sections 101, 
301, 304, 306, 307, 308, and 501 of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. 1251, 1311, 
1314, 1316, 1317, 1318, 1324, and 1361.

VI. Purpose and Summary of Proposed Rule

A. Purpose of the Regulatory Action

    Responsible development of America's oil and gas resources offers 
important economic, energy security, and environmental benefits. EPA is 
working with states and other stakeholders to understand and address 
potential impacts of hydraulic fracturing, an important process 
involved in producing unconventional oil and natural gas, so the public 
has confidence that oil and natural gas production will proceed in a 
safe and responsible manner.\1\ EPA is moving forward with several 
initiatives to provide regulatory clarity with respect to existing laws 
and using existing authorities where appropriate to enhance human 
health and environmental safeguards. This proposed rule would fill a 
gap in existing federal wastewater regulations to ensure that the 
current practice of not sending wastewater discharges from this sector 
to POTWs continues into the future. This proposed rule does not, 
however, address the practice of underground injection of wastewater 
discharges from this sector since such activity is not subject to the 
CWA but rather the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) (see TDD Chapter 

    \1\ For more information on EPA's continued engagement with 
states and other stakeholders, see: http://www2.epa.gov/hydraulicfracturing.

    Recent advances in the well completion process, combining hydraulic 
fracturing and horizontal drilling, have made extraction of oil and 
natural gas from low permeability, low porosity geologic formations 
(referred to hereafter as unconventional oil and gas (UOG) resources) 
more technologically and economically feasible than it had been. As a 
result, according to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), in 2012, U.S. 
crude oil and natural gas production reached their highest levels in 
more than 15 and 30 years, respectively (DCN SGE00989). DOE projects 
natural gas production in the U.S. will likely increase by 56 percent 
by 2040, compared to 2012 production levels (DCN SGE00989). Similarly, 
DOE projects that by 2019, crude oil production in the United States 
(U.S.) will increase by 48 percent compared to 2012 production levels 
(DCN SGE00989).
    Hydraulic fracturing is used to extract oil and natural gas from 
highly impermeable rock formations, such as shale rock, by injecting 
fracturing fluids at high pressures to create a network of fissures in 
the rock formations and give the oil and/or natural gas a pathway to 
travel to the well for extraction. Pressure within the low 
permeability, low porosity geologic formations forces wastewaters, as 
well as oil and/or gas, to the surface. In this proposed rulemaking, 
oil and gas extraction includes production, field exploration, 
drilling, well completion, and/or well treatment; wastewater sources 
associated with these activities in low permeability, low porosity 
formations are collectively referred to as UOG extraction wastewater.
    Direct discharges of oil and gas extraction wastewater pollutants 
from onshore oil and gas resources, including UOG resources, to waters 
of the U.S. have been regulated since 1979 under the existing Oil and 
Gas Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards (ELGs) (40 CFR part 
435), the majority of which fall under subpart C, the Onshore 
Subcategory. The limitations for direct dischargers in the Onshore 
Subcategory represent Best Practicable Control Technology Currently 
Available (BPT). Based on the availability and economic practicability 
of underground injection technologies, the BPT-based limitations for 
direct dischargers require zero discharge of pollutants to waters of 
the U.S. However, there are currently no requirements in subpart C that 
apply to onshore oil and gas extraction facilities that are ``indirect 
dischargers,'' i.e., those that send their discharges to POTWs 
(municipal wastewater treatment facilities) which treat the water 
before discharging it to waters of the U.S.
    UOG extraction wastewater can be generated in large quantities and 
contains constituents that are potentially harmful to human health and 
the environment. Wastewater from UOG wells often contains high 
concentrations of total dissolved solids (TDS) (salt content). The 
wastewater can also contain various organic chemicals, inorganic 
chemicals, metals, and naturally-occurring radioactive materials 
(referred to as technologically enhanced naturally occurring 
radioactive material or TENORM).\2\ This potentially harmful wastewater 
creates a need for appropriate wastewater

[[Page 18560]]

management infrastructure and management practices. Historically, 
operators primarily managed their wastewater via underground injection 
(where available). Where UOG wells were drilled in areas with limited 
underground injection wells, and/or there was a lack of wastewater 
management alternatives, it became more common for operators to look to 
public and private wastewater treatment facilities to manage their 

    \2\ Naturally occurring radioactive materials that have been 
concentrated or exposed to the accessible environment as a result of 
human activities such as manufacturing, mineral extraction, or water 
processing is referred to as technologically enhanced naturally 
occurring radioactive material (TENORM). ``Technologically 
enhanced'' means that the radiological, physical, and chemical 
properties of the radioactive material have been altered by having 
been processed, or beneficiated, or disturbed in a way that 
increases the potential for human and/or environmental exposures. 
(See EPA 402-r-08-005-v2)

    POTWs collect wastewater from homes, commercial buildings, and 
industrial facilities and pipe it to their sewage treatment plant. In 
some cases, industrial dischargers can haul wastewater to the treatment 
plant by tanker truck. The industrial wastewater, commingled with 
domestic wastewater, is treated by the POTW and discharged to a 
receiving waterbody. However, most POTWs are designed primarily to 
treat municipally generated, not industrial, wastewater. They typically 
provide at least secondary level treatment and, thus, are designed to 
remove suspended solids and organic material using biological 
treatment. As mentioned previously, wastewater from UOG extraction can 
contain high concentrations of TDS, radioactive elements, metals, 
chlorides, sulfates, and other dissolved inorganic constituents that 
POTWs are not designed to remove. Because they are not typical of POTW 
influent wastewater, some UOG extraction wastewater constituents can be 
discharged, untreated, from the POTW to the receiving stream; can 
disrupt the operation of the POTW (e.g., by inhibiting biological 
treatment); can accumulate in biosolids (sewage sludge), limiting their 
use; and can facilitate the formation of harmful DBPs.
    Under section 307(b) of the CWA, there are general and specific 
prohibitions on the discharge to POTWs of pollutants in specified 
circumstances in order to prevent ``pass through'' or ``interference.'' 
Pass through is defined as whenever the introduction of pollutants from 
a user will result in a discharge that causes or contributes to a 
violation of any requirement of the POTW permit. See 40 CFR 403.3(p). 
Interference means a discharge that, among other things, inhibits or 
disrupts the POTW or prevents biosolids use consistent with the POTW's 
chosen method of disposal. See 40 CFR 403.3(k). These general and 
specific prohibitions must be implemented through local limits 
established by POTWs in certain cases. See 40 CFR 403.5(c). POTWs with 
approved pretreatment programs must develop and enforce local limits to 
implement the general prohibitions on user discharges that pass through 
or interfere with the POTW or discharges to the POTW prohibited under 
the specific prohibitions in 40 CFR 403.5(b). In the case of POTWs not 
required to develop a pretreatment program, the POTWs must develop 
local limits where there is interference or pass through and the limits 
are necessary to ensure compliance with the POTW's National Pollutant 
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit or biosolids use.
    Under section 307(b) of the CWA, EPA is authorized to establish 
nationally applicable pretreatment standards for industrial categories 
that discharge indirectly (i.e., requirements for an industrial 
discharge category that sends its wastewater to any POTW) for key 
pollutants, such as TDS and its constituents, not susceptible to 
treatment by POTWs or for pollutants that would interfere with the 
operation of POTWs. Generally, EPA designs nationally applicable 
pretreatment standards for categories of industry (also referred to as 
categorical pretreatment standards) to ensure that wastewaters from 
direct and indirect industrial dischargers are subject to similar 
levels of treatment. EPA, in its discretion under section 304(g) of the 
Act, periodically evaluates indirect dischargers not subject to 
categorical pretreatment standards to identify potential candidates for 
new pretreatment standards. To date, EPA has not established nationally 
applicable pretreatment standards for the onshore oil and gas 
extraction point source subcategory.
    To legally discharge wastewater, the POTW must have an NPDES permit 
that limits the type and quantity of pollutants that it can discharge. 
Discharges from POTWs are subject to the secondary treatment effluent 
limitations at 40 CFR part 133, which address certain conventional 
pollutants but do not address the main parameters of concern in UOG 
extraction wastewater (e.g., TDS, chloride, radionuclides, etc.). POTWs 
are also subject to water quality-based effluent limitations (WQBELs) 
where necessary to protect state water quality standards, as required 
under CWA section 301(b)(1)(C).
    It is currently uncommon for POTWs to establish local limits for 
some of the parameters of concern identified for this proposed 
rulemaking. This is due to a number of factors, including lack of 
sufficient information regarding pollutants in the wastewater being 
sent to POTWs; lack of national water quality recommendations for key 
pollutants, such as TDS; and lack of state water quality criteria for 
such key pollutants in some states, all of which can create significant 
informational hurdles to including appropriate WQBELs in POTW permits. 
Where a POTW's permit does not contain a WQBEL for all of the 
constituents of concern in the wastewater being sent to POTWs, it is 
difficult to demonstrate pass through of industrial pollutants (because 
``pass through'' here means making the POTW exceed its permit limits), 
and thus difficult for POTWs to establish local limits to implement the 
general prohibition in the pretreatment regulations. See Section XV. 
for additional information.
    As a result of the gap in federal CWA regulations, increases in 
onshore oil and gas extraction from UOG resources and the related 
generation of wastewater requiring management, concerns over the level 
of treatment provided by public wastewater treatment facilities, as 
well as potential interference with treatment processes, and concerns 
over water quality and aquatic life impacts that can result from 
inadequate treatment, EPA proposes technology-based categorical 
pretreatment standards under the CWA for discharges of pollutants into 
POTWs from existing and new onshore UOG extraction facilities in 
subpart C of 40 CFR part 435. Consistent with existing BPT-based 
requirements for direct dischargers in this subcategory, EPA proposes 
pretreatment standards for existing and new sources (PSES and PSNS, 
respectively) that would prohibit the indirect discharge of wastewater 
pollutants associated with onshore UOG extraction facilities.
    Based on the information reviewed as part of this proposed 
rulemaking, this proposed prohibition reflects current industry 
practice. EPA has not identified any existing onshore UOG extraction 
facilities that currently discharge UOG extraction wastewater to POTWs. 
However, because onshore unconventional oil and gas extraction 
facilities have discharged to POTWs in the past, and because the 
potential remains that some facilities can consider discharging to 
POTWs in the future, EPA proposes this rule.

B. Summary of the Proposed Rule

    EPA proposes pretreatment standards for existing and new sources 
(PSES and PSNS, respectively) that would prohibit the indirect 
discharge of wastewater pollutants associated with onshore UOG 
extraction facilities. EPA is defining UOG extraction wastewater as 
sources of wastewater pollutants associated with production, field 
exploration, drilling, well completion, or well treatment for

[[Page 18561]]

unconventional oil and gas extraction (e.g., produced water (which 
includes formation water, injection water, and any chemicals added 
downhole or during the oil/water separation process); drilling muds; 
drill cuttings; produced sand). According to sources surveyed by EPA 
(see Section IX), there are no known discharges to POTWs from UOG 
extraction at the time of this proposal. UOG extraction wastewater is 
typically managed through disposal via underground injection wells, 
reuse in subsequent fracturing jobs, or transfer to a privately owned 
wastewater treatment facility (see Section XII.E). EPA proposes PSES 
and PSNS that would require zero discharge of pollutants and be 
effective on the effective date of this rule.
    EPA does not propose pretreatment standards for wastewater 
pollutants associated with conventional oil and gas extraction 
facilities at this time (see Section XIV). EPA proposes to reserve such 
standards to a future rulemaking, if appropriate.

C. Summary of Costs and Benefits

    Because the data reviewed by EPA show that the UOG extraction 
industry is not currently managing wastewaters by sending them to 
POTWs, the proposed rule causes no incremental change to current 
industry practice that EPA measured as compliance costs or monetized 
    Still, EPA has considered that while states, localities, and POTWs 
are not currently approving these wastewaters for acceptance at POTWs, 
some POTWs continue to receive requests to accept UOG extraction 
wastewater (DCN SGE00742; DCN SGE00743; DCN SGE00762). This proposed 
rule would provide regulatory certainty and would eliminate the burden 
on POTWs to analyze such requests.
    The proposed rule would also eliminate the need to develop 
requirements in states where UOG extraction is not currently occurring, 
but is likely to occur in the future. There are few states where 
existing regulations address UOG extraction wastewater discharges to 
POTWs (see Section VIII.D. and TDD Chapter A.2.). While EPA knows there 
will likely be some reduction in state and POTW staff time and 
resources, EPA did not attempt to estimate, quantitatively, monetary 
savings associated with the reduced burden to states and localities 
that would result from this proposed rule.
    Most POTWs are not able to sufficiently treat TDS and many other 
pollutants in UOG extraction wastewater, and thus this proposed rule 
would potentially prevent elevated TDS and the presence of other 
pollutants in POTW effluent. Prevention of the discharge of TDS 
accomplished by the proposed rule would further protect water quality 
because national water quality criteria recommendations have not yet 
been established for many constituents of TDS.
    The proposed rule could impose some costs on industry if 
discharging wastewaters to POTWs becomes economically attractive to UOG 
operations relative to other management options such as reuse or 
disposal via underground injection wells in the future. EPA did not 
estimate these potential compliance costs or environmental benefits 
because of the uncertainty about future demand for POTWs to accept UOG 
extraction wastewaters and the associated incremental costs or 

VII. Solicitation of Data and Comments

    EPA solicits comments on the proposed rule, including EPA's 
rationale as described in this preamble. EPA seeks comments on issues 
specifically identified in this document as well as any other issues 
that are not specifically addressed in this document. Comments are most 
helpful when accompanied by specific examples and supporting data. 
Specifically, EPA solicits information and data on the following 
    1. EPA's proposed definitions of UOG and UOG extraction wastewater 
and specifically whether the proposed definition of unconventional oil 
and gas is sufficiently clear to enable oil and gas extraction 
operators and/or pretreatment authorities to determine whether specific 
wastewaters are from conventional or unconventional sources. See 
Section XII.
    2. Whether or not there are any existing onshore UOG extraction 
facilities that currently discharge UOG extraction wastewater to POTWs 
in the U.S. See Section XII.E.4. If existing discharges to POTWs are 
identified, EPA requests comment on whether or not the proposed 
effective date remains appropriate. See Section XVII.
    3. Costs and benefits to POTWs, states, and localities associated 
with the proposed rule. See Section VI.C.
    4. Volumes of, and pollutants and concentrations in, wastewater 
generated from UOG extraction. See Section XII.
    5. The nature and frequency of requests received by POTWs to accept 
UOG extraction wastewater, and the likelihood that such requests will 
continue to be submitted in the future. EPA is particularly interested 
in hearing from POTWs and states on this matter. See Section VI.C. and 
Section XIV.A.2.
    6. Volumes of, and pollutants and concentrations in, wastewater 
generated from conventional oil and gas extraction. See Section 
    7. The prevalence of conventional oil and gas wastewater discharges 
to POTWs, including information on any pretreatment that could be 
applied, geologic formations the gas or oil is extracted from, and 
locations within the U.S. See Section XII. and Section XIV.A.2.
    8. Removal and ``pass through'' of UOG extraction wastewater 
pollutants at POTWs. See Section XIV. and Section XII.E.4.
    9. The environmental impacts of UOG extraction wastewater 
discharges to POTWs. See Section XV.

VIII. Background

A. Clean Water Act

    Congress passed the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments 
of 1972, also known as the CWA, to ``restore and maintain the chemical, 
physical, and biological integrity of the Nation's waters.'' 33 U.S.C. 
1251(a). The CWA establishes a comprehensive program for protecting our 
nation's waters. Among its core provisions, the CWA prohibits the 
discharge of pollutants from a point source to waters of the U.S., 
except as authorized under the CWA. Under section 402 of the CWA, 
discharges can be authorized through a NPDES permit. The CWA 
establishes a two-pronged approach for these permits, technology-based 
controls that establish the floor of performance for all dischargers, 
and water quality-based limits where the technology-based limits are 
insufficient for the discharge to meet applicable water quality 
standards. To serve as the basis for the technology-based controls, the 
CWA authorizes EPA to establish national technology-based effluent 
limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for 
discharges from different categories of point sources, such as 
industrial, commercial, and public sources, that discharge directly 
into waters of the U.S.
    The CWA also authorizes EPA to promulgate nationally applicable 
pretreatment standards that restrict pollutant discharges from 
facilities that discharge pollutants indirectly, by sending wastewater 
to POTWs, as outlined in sections 307(b) and (c) and 33 U.S.C. 1317(b) 
and (c). Specifically, the CWA authorizes that EPA establish 
pretreatment standards for those pollutants in wastewater from indirect 
dischargers that EPA determines are not susceptible to treatment by a 
POTW or which would interfere with POTW

[[Page 18562]]

operations. Pretreatment standards must be established to prevent the 
discharge of any pollutant that can pass through, interfere with, or 
are otherwise incompatible with POTW operations. CWA sections 307(b) 
and (c). The legislative history of the 1977 CWA amendments explains 
that pretreatment standards are technology-based and analogous to BAT 
effluent limitations for the removal of toxic pollutants. As further 
explained in the legislative history, the combination of pretreatment 
and treatment by the POTW is intended to achieve the level of treatment 
that would be required if the industrial source were making a direct 
discharge. Conf. Rep. No. 95-830, at 87 (1977), reprinted in U.S. 
Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Works (1978), A Legislative 
History of the CWA of 1977, Serial No. 95-14 at 271 (1978).
    Direct dischargers (those discharging directly to surface waters) 
must comply with effluent limitations in NPDES permits. Technology-
based effluent limitations in NPDES permits for direct dischargers are 
derived from effluent limitations guidelines (CWA sections 301 and 304) 
and new source performance standards (CWA section 306) promulgated by 
EPA, or based on best professional judgment (BPJ) where EPA has not 
promulgated an applicable effluent guideline or new source performance 
standard (CWA section 402(a)(1)(B) and 40 CFR 125.3). Additional 
limitations based on water quality standards are also required to be 
included in the permit where necessary to meet water quality standards. 
CWA section 301(b)(1)(C). The effluent guidelines and new source 
performance standards are established by regulation for categories of 
industrial dischargers and are based on the degree of control that can 
be achieved using various levels of pollution control technology, as 
specified in the Act.
    EPA promulgates national effluent guidelines and new source 
performance standards for major industrial categories for three classes 
of pollutants: (1) Conventional pollutants (total suspended solids, oil 
and grease, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), fecal 
coliform, and pH), as outlined in CWA section 304(a)(4) and 40 CFR 
401.16; (2) toxic pollutants (e.g., metals such as arsenic, mercury, 
selenium, and chromium; and organic pollutants such as benzene, benzo-
a-pyrene, phenol, and naphthalene), as outlined in section 307(a) of 
the Act, 40 CFR 401.15 and 40 CFR part 423, appendix A; and (3) 
nonconventional pollutants, which are those pollutants that are not 
categorized as conventional or toxic (e.g., ammonia-N, phosphorus, and 

B. Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards Program

    EPA develops ELGs that are technology-based regulations for 
specific categories of dischargers. EPA bases these regulations on the 
performance of control and treatment technologies. The legislative 
history of CWA section 304(b), which is the heart of the effluent 
guidelines program, describes the need to press toward higher levels of 
control through research and development of new processes, 
modifications, replacement of obsolete plants and processes, and other 
improvements in technology, taking into account the cost of controls. 
Congress has also stated that EPA need not consider water quality 
impacts on individual water bodies as the guidelines are developed; see 
Statement of Senator Muskie (October 4, 1972), reprinted in U.S. Senate 
Committee on Public Works, Legislative History of the Water Pollution 
Control Act Amendments of 1972, Serial No. 93-1, at 170).
    There are four types of standards applicable to direct dischargers 
(facilities that discharge directly to surface waters), and two types 
of standards applicable to indirect dischargers (facilities that 
discharge to POTWs), described in detail below. Subsections 1 through 4 
describe standards for direct discharges and subsection 5 describes 
standards for indirect discharges.
1. Best Practicable Control Technology Currently Available (BPT)
    Traditionally, EPA defines BPT effluent limitations based on the 
average of the best performances of facilities within the industry, 
grouped to reflect various ages, sizes, processes, or other common 
characteristics. BPT effluent limitations control conventional, toxic, 
and nonconventional pollutants. In specifying BPT, EPA looks at a 
number of factors. EPA first considers the cost of achieving effluent 
reductions in relation to the effluent reduction benefits. The Agency 
also considers the age of equipment and facilities, the processes 
employed, engineering aspects of the control technologies, any required 
process changes, non-water quality environmental impacts (including 
energy requirements), and such other factors as the Administrator deems 
appropriate. See CWA section 304(b)(1)(B). If, however, existing 
performance is uniformly inadequate, EPA can establish limitations 
based on higher levels of control than what is currently in place in an 
industrial category, when based on an Agency determination that the 
technology is available in another category or subcategory, and can be 
practically applied.
2. Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology (BCT)
    The 1977 amendments to the CWA require EPA to identify additional 
levels of effluent reduction for conventional pollutants associated 
with BCT technology for discharges from existing industrial point 
sources. In addition to other factors specified in section 
304(b)(4)(B), the CWA requires that EPA establish BCT limitations after 
consideration of a two-part ``cost reasonableness'' test. EPA explained 
its methodology for the development of BCT limitations in July 9, 1986 
(51 FR 24974). Section 304(a)(4) designates the following as 
conventional pollutants: BOD5, total suspended solids (TSS), 
fecal coliform, pH, and any additional pollutants defined by the 
Administrator as conventional. The Administrator designated oil and 
grease as an additional conventional pollutant on July 30, 1979 (44 FR 
44501; 40 CFR part 401.16).
3. Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BAT)
    BAT represents the second level of stringency for controlling 
direct discharge of toxic and nonconventional pollutants. In general, 
BAT-based effluent guidelines and new source performance standards 
represent the best available economically achievable performance of 
facilities in the industrial subcategory or category. Following the 
statutory language, EPA considers the technological availability and 
the economic achievability in determining what level of control 
represents BAT. CWA section 301(b)(2)(A). Other statutory factors that 
EPA considers in assessing BAT are the cost of achieving BAT effluent 
reductions, the age of equipment and facilities involved, the process 
employed, potential process changes, and non-water quality 
environmental impacts, including energy requirements and such other 
factors as the Administrator deems appropriate. CWA section 
304(b)(2)(B). The Agency retains considerable discretion in assigning 
the weight to be accorded these factors. Weyerhaeuser Co. v. Costle, 
590 F.2d 1011, 1045 (D.C. Cir. 1978).
4. Best Available Demonstrated Control Technology (BADCT)/New Source 
Performance Standards (NSPS)
    NSPS reflect effluent reductions that are achievable based on the 
best available demonstrated control

[[Page 18563]]

technology (BADCT). Owners of new facilities have the opportunity to 
install the best and most efficient production processes and wastewater 
treatment technologies. As a result, NSPS should represent the most 
stringent controls attainable through the application of the BADCT for 
all pollutants (that is, conventional, nonconventional, and toxic 
pollutants). In establishing NSPS, EPA is directed to take into 
consideration the cost of achieving the effluent reduction and any non-
water quality environmental impacts and energy requirements. CWA 
section 306(b)(1)(B).
5. Pretreatment Standards for Existing Sources (PSES) and New Sources 
    As discussed above, section 307(b) of the Act calls for EPA to 
issue pretreatment standards for discharges of pollutants from existing 
sources to POTWs. Section 307(c) of the Act calls for EPA to promulgate 
pretreatment standards for new sources (PSNS). Both standards are 
designed to prevent the discharge of pollutants that pass through, 
interfere with, or are otherwise incompatible with the operation of 
POTWs. Categorical pretreatment standards for existing sources are 
technology-based and are analogous to BPT and BAT effluent limitations 
guidelines, and thus the Agency typically considers the same factors in 
promulgating PSES as it considers in promulgating BAT. See Natural 
Resources Defense Council v. EPA, 790 F.2d 289, 292 (3rd Cir. 1986). 
Similarly, in establishing pretreatment standards for new sources, the 
Agency typically considers the same factors in promulgating PSNS as it 
considers in promulgating NSPS (BADCT).

C. Oil and Gas Extraction Effluent Guidelines Rulemaking History

    EPA promulgated the first Oil and Gas Extraction ELGs (40 CFR part 
435) in 1979, and substantially amended the regulation in 1993 
(Offshore), 1996 (Coastal), and 2001 (Synthetic-based drilling fluids). 
The Oil and Gas Extraction industry is subcategorized in 40 CFR part 
435 as follows: (1) Subpart A: Offshore; (2) subpart C: Onshore; (3) 
subpart D: Coastal; (4) subpart E: Agricultural and Wildlife Water Use; 
and (5) subpart F: Stripper.
    The existing subpart C regulation covers wastewater discharges from 
field exploration, drilling, production, well treatment, and well 
completion activities in the oil and gas industry. Although 
unconventional oil and gas resources occur in offshore and coastal 
regions, recent development of UOG resources in the U.S. has occurred 
primarily onshore in regions to which the regulations in subpart C 
(Onshore) and subpart E (Agricultural and Wildlife Water Use) apply and 
thus, the gap in onshore regulations is the focus of this proposed 
rulemaking effort. For this reason, only the regulations that apply to 
onshore oil and gas extraction are described in more detail here.
1. Subpart C: Onshore
    Subpart C applies to facilities engaged in the production, field 
exploration, drilling, well completion, and well treatment in the oil 
and gas extraction industry which are located landward of the inner 
boundary of the territorial seas--and which are not included in the 
definition of other subparts--including subpart D (Coastal). The 
regulations at 40 CFR 435.32 specify the following for BPT: There shall 
be no discharge of waste water pollutants into navigable waters from 
any source associated with production, field exploration, drilling, 
well completion, or well treatment (i.e., produced water, drilling 
muds, drill cuttings, and produced sand). The existing regulations do 
not include national categorical pretreatment standards for discharges 
to POTWs. The existing oil and gas extraction ELGs did not establish 
requirements that would apply to privately-owned wastewater treatment 
facilities that accept oil and gas extraction wastewaters but that are 
not engaged in production, field exploration, drilling, well 
completion, or well treatment. Discharges from such facilities are not 
subject to 40 CFR part 435, but rather are subject to requirements in 
40 CFR part 437, the Centralized Waste Treatment Category.
2. Subpart E: Agricultural and Wildlife Use
    Subpart E applies to onshore facilities located in the continental 
U.S. and west of the 98th meridian for which the produced water has a 
use in agriculture or wildlife propagation when discharged into 
navigable waters. Definitions in 40 CFR 435.51(c) explain that the term 
``use in agricultural or wildlife propagation'' means that (1) the 
produced water is of good enough quality to be used for wildlife or 
livestock watering or other agricultural uses; and (2) the produced 
water is actually put to such use during periods of discharge. The 
regulations at 40 CFR 435.52 specify that the only allowable discharge 
is produced water, with an oil and grease concentration not exceeding 
35 milligrams per liter (mg/L). The BPT regulations prohibit the 
discharge of waste pollutants into navigable waters from any source 
(other than produced water) associated with production, field 
exploration, drilling, well completion, or well treatment (i.e., 
drilling muds, drill cuttings, produced sands).

D. State Pretreatment Requirements That Apply to UOG Extraction 

    In addition to applicable federal requirements, some states 
regulate the management, storage, and disposal of UOG extraction 
wastewater, including regulations concerning pollutant discharges to 
POTWs from oil and gas extraction facilities. In addition to 
pretreatment requirements, some states have indirectly addressed the 
issue of pollutant discharges to POTWs by limiting the management and 
disposal options available for operators to use.
    During initial development of Marcellus shale gas resources, some 
operators managed UOG wastewater by transfer to POTWs. EPA did not 
identify other areas in the U.S. where POTWs routinely accepted UOG 
extraction wastewaters. Refer to TDD Chapter A.2 which summarizes how 
Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia responded to UOG extraction 
wastewater discharges into their POTWs. EPA did not identify any state 
level requirements that require zero discharges of pollutants from UOG 
operations to POTWs in the same manner as the proposed rule.

E. Related Federal Requirements in the Safe Drinking Water Act

    As required by the SDWA section 1421, EPA has promulgated 
regulations to protect underground sources of drinking water through 
Underground Injection Control (UIC) programs that regulate the 
injection of fluids underground. These regulations are found at 40 CFR 
parts 144-148, and specifically prohibit any underground injection not 
authorized by UIC permit. 40 CFR 144.11. The regulations classify 
underground injection into six classes; wells that inject fluids 
brought to the surface in connection with oil and gas production are 
classified as Class II UIC wells. Thus, onshore oil and gas extraction 
facilities that seek to meet the zero discharge requirements of the 
existing ELGs or proposed pretreatment standard through underground 
injection of wastewater must obtain a Class II UIC permit for such 

IX. Summary of Data Collection

    In developing the proposed rule, EPA considered information 
collected through site visits and telephone contacts with UOG facility 
operators, facilities that treat and/or dispose of UOG extraction 
wastewater, and wastewater management equipment

[[Page 18564]]

vendors. EPA also collected information through outreach to 
stakeholders including industry organizations, environmental 
organizations, and state regulators. EPA conducted an extensive review 
of published information and participated in industry conferences and 
webinars. The following describes EPA's data collection activities that 
support the proposed rule.

A. Site Visits and Contacts With Treatment Facilities and Vendors

    EPA conducted seven site visits between May, 2012 and September, 
2013 to UOG extraction companies and UOG extraction wastewater 
treatment facilities. The purpose of these visits was to collect 
information about facility operations, wastewater generation and 
management practices, and wastewater treatment and reuse. Six of the 
seven visits were to facilities in Pennsylvania, and one was in 
Arkansas, however, information collected often covered operations 
beyond just those visited during the site visits, at times including 
company operations in many UOG formations across the U.S. In addition 
to site visits, EPA conducted 11 telephone conferences or meetings with 
UOG operators and facilities that treat and/or dispose of UOG 
extraction wastewater. EPA collected detailed information from the 
facilities visited and contacted, such as information about the 
operations associated with wastewater generation, wastewater treatment, 
and reuse. EPA also contacted 11 vendors of equipment and processes 
used to manage and treat UOG extraction wastewater. EPA prepared site 
visit and telephone meeting reports, and telephone call reports 
summarizing the collected information. EPA has included in the public 
record site visit reports, meeting reports, and telephone contact 
reports that contain all information collected for which facilities 
have not asserted a claim of CBI.

B. Meetings With Stakeholder Organizations

    Since announcing initiation of this proposed rulemaking activity, 
EPA has actively reached out to interested stakeholders to solicit 
input from well operators, industry trade associations, interested 
regulatory authorities, technology vendors, and environmental 
organizations. Stakeholder involvement in the regulatory development 
process is essential to the success of this effort. EPA will continue 
to engage with the affected regulated sector and concerned stakeholders 
throughout the rulemaking process.
1. Stakeholder Organizations
    In addition to the site visit related activities described above, 
EPA participated in multiple meetings with industry stakeholders, their 
representatives, and/or their members, including America's Natural Gas 
Alliance (ANGA), American Petroleum Institute (API) and the Independent 
Petroleum Association of America (IPAA). The purpose of the meetings 
was to discuss EPA's thinking concerning a pretreatment standard for 
the UOG extraction industry, to better understand industry wastewater 
management practices, and to gather information to inform its proposed 
rulemaking (see DCN SGE00967).
    EPA participated in conference calls with the environmental 
stakeholders, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and Clean Water Action. 
The purpose of these meetings was to explain EPA's thinking about the 
standard under development and learn about the perspectives of these 
stakeholders regarding wastewater management in the UOG extraction 
    EPA participated in a two conference calls with the Center for 
Sustainable Shale Development (CSSD), a collaborative group made up of 
environmental organizations, philanthropic foundations, and energy 
companies from the Appalachian Basin. The purpose of these calls was to 
learn about the performance standards under development by the CSSD for 
sustainable shale gas development, based on an ``independent, third-
party evaluation process.''
2. State Stakeholders
    In an effort to improve future implementation of any UOG 
regulation, EPA initiated an EPA-State implementation pilot project 
coordinated by the Environmental Council of States (ECOS) and the 
Association of Clean Water Administrators (ACWA) to draw on experience 
of state agency experts. Through this pilot project, EPA has been able 
to more thoroughly consider the strengths and weaknesses of different 
approaches in order to select one that produces environmental results 
while more fully considering implementation burden. This pilot effort 
with the states has also been an opportunity to hear ideas on how 
technology innovation can be fostered during both development and 
implementation of the regulation.
    In addition to the state implementation pilot, EPA also reached out 
to EPA regional, as well as state, pretreatment coordinators. One way 
EPA did this was by participating in calls, where EPA staff learned 
about past or present discharges to POTWs from UOG operations. See DCN 
SGE00742; DCN SGE00743.

C. Secondary Data Sources

    EPA conducted an extensive search and review of published 
information about UOG development, wastewater generation and management 
practices, and wastewater treatment, disposal, and reuse. Because of 
the rapid developments in the UOG industry, in addition to reviewing 
published information, EPA participated in more than 10 industry 
conferences and webinars between March 2012 and June 2014. Presenters 
at these conferences provided information about current industry 
wastewater management practices. EPA also obtained information from EPA 
Regions and states. EPA Region 3 provided information about the 
development of the Marcellus shale gas industry and disposal of shale 
gas wastewater, including discharges to POTWs.

D. Drilling Info Desktop[supreg] Data Set

    EPA used a propriety database of all oil and gas wells in the U.S., 
called DI Desktop[supreg], obtained from DrillingInfo. This 
comprehensive database includes information such as well API number, 
operator name, basin (e.g., Western Gulf), formation (e.g., Eagle 
Ford), well depth, drilling type (horizontal, directional, vertical), 
and completion date. It also includes annual oil, gas, and water 
production for each well. EPA primarily used this database to quantify 
and identify locations of existing UOG wells, quantify wastewater 
generation rates, and supplement geological information (e.g., basin, 
formation) in other data sources.

E. EPA Hydraulic Fracturing Study

    At the request of Congress, EPA's Office of Research and 
Development is conducting a study to better understand any potential 
impacts of hydraulic fracturing on drinking water resources. The scope 
of the research includes the full lifecycle of water in hydraulic 
fracturing, including wastewater management and disposal. In support of 
its study, EPA conducted a series of technical workshops, including, 
among others, a workshop on Wastewater Treatment and Related Modeling. 
In support of the proposed rule, EPA reviewed information collected in 
support of the Congressionally-mandated study and attended meetings, 
workshops, and roundtable discussions pertaining to water and 
wastewater management and treatment in the UOG extraction industry. See 
DCN SGE00063,

[[Page 18565]]

DCN SGE00585, DCN SGE00604, DCN SGE00614, DCN SGE00616, DCN SGE00691, 
and DCN SGE00721.

X. Description of the Oil and Gas Industry

    Oil and Gas Extraction is the exploration and production of crude 
oil and natural gas from wells. Refer to Section XII for additional 
background on unconventional gas resources, extraction processes, and 
wastewater generation. As explained previously, the scope of this 
proposed rulemaking is limited to pretreatment standards for wastewater 
generated from unconventional, rather than conventional, oil and gas 
extraction facilities. The description here provides a broader 
description of the oil and gas industry in order to provide the context 
in which the UOG industry lies.

A. Economic Profile

    The major products of the Oil and Gas Extraction Industry are 
petroleum, natural gas, and natural gas liquids.\3\ Domestic 
consumption of crude oil and petroleum products is met by a combination 
of domestic production and imports. Like oil consumption, natural gas 
consumption is met both by domestic production and imports of natural 
gas, although imports contribute a much lower share of total domestic 
consumption for natural gas than for oil. Domestic consumption of 
natural gas rose throughout the 1980s and 1990s due to low prices 
relative to prices for oil products. This led to investments in 
infrastructure for natural gas, especially electric generation 
facilities (DCN SGE00809). According to 2012 Energy Information 
Administration (EIA) data, 8 percent of the gross domestic supply of 
natural gas (from domestic production and imports) was consumed in the 
natural gas production and delivery process, as lease and plant fuel (5 
percent of total) and fuel for pipeline and distribution services (3 
percent of total) (DCN SGE00906). The remaining 92 percent of gross 
supply is available to natural gas consumers, and was delivered to the 
following sectors: Electrical power (36 percent of total), industrial 
(28 percent of total), residential (16 percent of total), commercial 
(11 percent of total), and vehicle fuel (0.1 percent of total) (DCN 

    \3\ Natural gas can include ``natural gas liquids'' (NGLs), 
components that are liquid at ambient temperature and pressure. NGLs 
are hydrocarbons--in the same family of molecules as natural gas and 
crude oil, composed exclusively of carbon and hydrogen. Ethane, 
propane, butane, isobutane, and pentane are all NGLs.

    Natural gas can be produced both from conventional natural gas 
deposits and unconventional deposits. Natural gas, and especially 
unconventional natural gas, has become increasingly significant to the 
U.S. energy economy. The rising importance of natural gas results, in 
part, from its lower air pollution characteristics compared to other 
fossil fuels; its substantial, and increasing, domestic supply; and the 
presence of a well-developed processing and transmission/distribution 
infrastructure in the U.S. (DCN SGE00010). Increased natural gas 
production from shale formations also has the potential to reduce U.S. 
dependence on energy-related imports.
    Between 2000 and 2012, total marketed production of natural gas in 
the U.S. as a whole grew by another 25 percent, with an average annual 
growth rate of 0.8 percent (DCN SGE00908). The sharp rise in production 
of shale gas contributed to a lower price of natural gas, thereby 
increasing the gap between prices of gas and oil, which made oil a 
relatively more attractive option for producers. Beginning in 2005, the 
disparity between oil and natural gas prices started to grow as oil 
prices continued to rise while natural gas prices declined. Many firms 
that produce both gas and oil began to focus on acquisition of, and 
production from, liquids-rich formations over natural gas production 
(DCN SGE00817, DCN SGE00832).
    Overall, domestic crude oil production steadily declined between 
2000 and 2008, while steadily increasing after that. This shift towards 
liquids production is evident in the sharp rise in production from 
tight oil resources, including shale, beginning in 2008. From 2007 to 
2013, the EIA estimated that tight oil production increased 10-fold, 
from 0.34 to 3.48 million barrels per day (DCN SGE00902). Future 
domestic demand for liquid fuels will depend on the future level of 
activities dependent on liquid fuels, such as transportation. Demand 
will also be affected by the fuel efficiency of the consumption 
technology. The transportation sector will continue to account for the 
largest share of total consumption despite its share of total 
consumption falling due to improvements in vehicle efficiency. The 
industrial sector is the only end-use sector likely to see an increase 
in consumption of petroleum and liquids (DCN SGE00913).
    While oil and natural gas are often considered together, the way in 
which prices are set for each greatly differs. While the price of oil 
is set at the global level, natural gas prices for the U.S. tend to be 
set regionally. In recent years, the ratio of oil prices to natural gas 
prices has reached historically high levels (DCN SGE00547). While these 
two products have some commonalities in their uses, oil and gas are not 
perfect substitutes as they require different transportation and 
processing infrastructure, and have a number of differentiated uses.
    EPA gathered information on the industry via the NAICS, which is a 
standard created by the U.S. Census for use in classifying business 
establishments within the U.S. economy. The industry category that 
would be affected by this proposed rule is Oil and Gas Extraction 
Industry (NAICS 21111). This industry has two subcategories: (1) Crude 
Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction (NAICS 211111), which is made up 
of facilities that have wells with petroleum or natural gas or produce 
crude petroleum from surface shale or tar sands, and Natural Gas Liquid 
Extraction (NAICS 211112), which recover liquid hydrocarbons from oil 
and gas field gases and sulfur from natural gas.

B. Industry Structure and Economic Performance

    According to data from the Statistics of U.S. Businesses (SUSB), in 
2011 there were 6,528 firms under the overall oil and gas extraction 
sector. This reflects a total 2 percent growth from 2000 to 2011 and an 
average annual growth rate of 0.2 percent. The Crude Petroleum and 
Natural Gas Extraction segment contributed 6,523 (or 99%) firms to the 
total Oil and Gas Extraction sector, and the Natural Gas Liquid 
Extraction segment contributed 136 (less than 1%) firms to the overall 
sector. Although the Natural Gas Liquid Extraction segment is much 
smaller in numbers compared to the Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas 
Extraction segment, the total percent change in number of firms from 
2000 to 2011 is much higher for natural gas liquids extraction at 62% 
as compared to 2% for crude petroleum and natural gas extraction. If 
the ratio of oil-to-natural gas prices remains high, there could be a 
shift towards drilling in liquids-rich shale formations, making this 
sector increasingly important to oil and gas extraction firms (DCN 
SGE00832; DCN SGE00807; DCN SGE00817; DCN SGE00921).
    In 2011, 99% of the Oil and Gas Extraction Industry was estimated 
to be small businesses when using the Small Business Administration 
definition of a small business as having 500 or fewer employees. 
Average revenues for firms for the overall oil and gas extraction 
sector in 2007 were estimated at $54

[[Page 18566]]

million. This is an average revenue of $46 million per firm in the 
crude petroleum and natural gas extraction segment, and average revenue 
of $414 million per firm in the natural gas liquid extraction segment. 
The oil and gas extraction sector overall has an average of 18 
employees per firm. Breaking it out per segment, the natural gas liquid 
extraction segment has an average of 74 employees per firm, whereas the 
crude petroleum and natural gas extraction segment shows an average of 
17 employees per firm. See the Industry Profile (DCN SGE00932) for more 
    The oil market is a globally integrated market with multiple supply 
sources that are connected to multiple markets. Because of the 
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries' (OPEC's) high accounting 
of global oil reserves, OPEC is able to place producer quotas on 
members in an effort to manage world oil prices. Other oil producers 
have relatively smaller reserves and have no influence, individually, 
on price (DCN SGE00854). On the other hand, global oil prices are also 
greatly influenced by global demand for oil, with the largest sources 
of demand being the U.S. and China (DCN SGE00854). While the U.S. is 
also one of the largest crude oil producers, it remains a major 
importer (demander) of oil; as a result the level of U.S. imports can 
significantly influence oil prices. The recent upsurge in U.S. oil 
production, largely from tight and shale oil resources, with a 
consequent decline in U.S. imports, has exerted downward pressure on 
international oil prices.
    In North America, specifically within the U.S., there is a 
relatively mature, integrated natural gas market with a robust spot 
market for the natural gas commodity. Essentially, the spot market is 
the daily market, where natural gas is bought and sold for immediate 
delivery. For understanding the price of natural gas on a specific day, 
the spot market price is most informative. In U.S. natural gas markets, 
natural gas spot prices are determined by overall supply and demand 
(DCN SGE00547).
    Large volume consumers of natural gas, mainly industrial consumers 
and electricity generators, generally have the ability to switch 
between oil and natural gas. When the price of gas is low relative to 
oil, these consumers could switch to gas, increasing demand for natural 
gas and increasing gas prices. Alternatively, when gas prices are high, 
demand could shift in the opposite direction causing a relative 
decrease in natural gas prices (DCN SGE00921).

C. Financial Performance

    EPA reviewed financial performance of UOG extraction firms and 
other oil and gas firms. EPA found no deterioration in financial 
performance and conditions for UOG firms over the previous decade, and 
this suggests that UOG firms are well-positioned for continued 
investment in UOG exploration and development. The strong growth in 
revenue and total capital outlays by the UOG firms during the latter 
part of the last decade--which coincides with the growth in UOG 
exploration and production activity--underscores the economic 
opportunity provided by the emerging UOG resource and the industry's 
commitment to investing and producing UOG for the foreseeable future. 
See the Industry Profile (DCN SGE00932) for more information.

XI. Scope

    Through the proposed rule, EPA is not reopening the regulatory 
requirements applicable to direct dischargers. Rather, EPA would amend 
subpart C only to add requirements for indirect dischargers where there 
currently are none: Specifically, pretreatment standards for facilities 
engaged in oil and gas extraction from UOG sources that send their 
discharges directly to POTWs. For purposes of this proposed rulemaking, 
EPA proposes to define ``unconventional oil and gas (UOG)'' as ``crude 
oil and natural gas \4\ produced by a well drilled into a low porosity, 
low permeability formation (including, but not limited to, shale gas, 
shale oil, tight gas, tight oil).'' As a point of clarification, 
although coalbed methane would fit this definition, the proposed 
pretreatment standards would not apply to pollutant discharges to POTWs 
associated with coalbed methane extraction. EPA notes that the 
requirements in the existing effluent guidelines for direct dischargers 
also do not apply to coalbed methane extraction, as this industry did 
not exist at the time that the effluent guidelines were developed and 
was not considered by the Agency in establishing the effluent 
guidelines (DCN SGE00761). To reflect the fact that neither the 
proposed pretreatment standards nor the existing effluent guideline 
requirements apply to coalbed methane extraction, EPA is expressly 
reserving a separate unregulated subcategory for coalbed methane in the 
proposed rule. For information on coalbed methane, see http://water.epa.gov/scitech/wastetech/guide/oilandgas/cbm.cfm. The remainder 
of the information presented in this document is specific to the UOG 
resources subject to the proposed rule.

    \4\ Natural gas can include ``natural gas liquids,'' components 
that are liquid at ambient temperature and pressure.

XII. Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction: Resources, Process, and 

A. Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction Resources

    For purposes of the proposed rule, UOG consists of crude oil and 
natural gas \5\ produced by wells drilled into formations with low 
porosity and low permeability. UOG resources include shale oil and gas, 
resources that were formed, and remain, in low permeability shale. UOG 
resources also include tight oil and gas, resources that were formed in 
a source rock and migrated into a reservoir rock such as sandstone, 
siltstones, or carbonates. The tight oil/gas reservoir rocks have 
permeability and porosity lower than reservoirs of conventional oil and 
gas resources but with permeability generally greater than shale. As 
described above, while coalbed methane is sometimes referred to as an 
unconventional resource, the proposed rule does not apply to this 

    \5\ Natural gas can include ``natural gas liquids,'' components 
that are liquid at ambient temperature and pressure.

B. Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction Process

1. Well Drilling
    Prior to the well development processes described in the following 
subsections, operators conduct exploration and obtain surface use 
agreements, mineral leases, and permits. These steps can take a few 
months to several years to complete. When completed, operators 
construct the well pad and begin the well development process, as 
described in the following subsections.
    Drilling occurs in two phases: exploration and development. 
Exploration activities are those operations involving the drilling of 
wells to locate hydrocarbon bearing formations and to determine the 
size and production potential of hydrocarbon reserves. Development 
activities involve the drilling of production wells once a hydrocarbon 
reserve has been discovered and delineated.
    Drilling for oil and gas is generally performed by rotary drilling 
methods, which involve the use of a circularly rotating drill bit that 
grinds through the earth's crust as it descends. Drilling fluids (muds) 
are injected down through

[[Page 18567]]

the drill bit via a pipe that is connected to the bit, and serve to 
cool and lubricate the bit during drilling. Drilling fluids can be 
water or synthetic based. Synthetic-based drilling fluids are also 
referred to as non-aqueous drilling fluids. Air is also used in place 
of water or synthetic based drilling fluids for the vertical phase of 
wells. The rock chips that are generated as the bit drills through the 
earth are termed drill cuttings. The drilling fluid also serves to 
transport the drill cuttings back up to the surface through the space 
between the drill pipe and the well wall (this space is termed the 
annulus), in addition to controlling downhole pressure. As drilling 
progresses, pipes called ``casing'' are inserted into the well to line 
the well wall. Drilling continues until the hydrocarbon bearing 
formations are encountered.
    In UOG resources, the crude oil and natural gas often occur 
continuously within a formation. As a result, UOG drilling often 
employs ``horizontal drilling.'' Horizontal drilling involves a 
sequence of drilling steps: (1) Vertical (described above) and (2) 
horizontal. In horizontal drilling, operators drill vertically down to 
a desired depth, about 500 feet above the target formation (called the 
``kickoff point''), and then gradually turn the drill approximately 90 
degrees to continue drilling laterally continuously through the target 
formation. UOG wells are also drilled vertically or directionally,\6\ 
depending on the characteristics of the formation. Directional drilling 
is a technique used to drill a wellbore at an angle off of the vertical 
to reach an end location not directly below the well pad; horizontal 
drilling is considered a type of directional drilling. In UOG well 
drilling, well depths range from approximately 1,000 to 13,500 feet 
deep (but the majority of wells are drilled between 6,000 and 12,000 
feet), wells often have a long horizontal lateral which can vary in 
length between 1,000 and 5,000 feet, and it takes approximately 5 to 60 
days to complete well drilling. See TDD, Chapter B.3.

    \6\ Shale oil and gas wells, are primarily drilled directionally 
(and specifically horizontally), while tight oil and gas wells are 
drilled vertically and directionally.n

2. Well Completion
    Once the target formation has been reached, and a determination has 
been made as to whether or not the formation has commercial potential, 
the well is made ready for production by a process termed ``well 
completion.'' Well completion involves cleaning the well to remove 
drilling fluids and debris, perforating the casing that lines the 
producing formation \7\, inserting production tubing to transport the 
hydrocarbon fluids to the surface, installing the surface wellhead, 
stimulating the well, setting plugs in each stage, and eventually 
drilling the plugs out of the well and allowing fluids to return to the 
surface. During perforation, operators lower a perforation gun into the 
stage using a line wire. The perforation gun releases an explosive 
charge to create holes that penetrate approximately one foot into the 
formation rock in a radial fashion. These perforations create a 
starting point for the hydraulic fractures.

    \7\ In some instances, open-hole completions may be used, where 
the well is drilled into the top of the target formation and casing 
is set from the top of the formation to the surface. Open-hole well 
completions leave the bottom of the wellbore uncased.

    Since UOG resources are extracted from formations with low porosity 
and low permeability in which the natural reservoir and fluid 
characteristics do not permit the oil and/or natural gas to readily 
flow to the wellbore, hydraulic fracturing is often used to complete 
the well and extract UOG resources.\8\ Although there are some vertical 
and directional UOG wells that are hydraulically fractured, existing 
literature indicates that the majority of UOG wells are horizontally 
drilled and hydraulically fractured. Therefore, the remainder of this 
discussion focuses on the hydraulic fracturing of horizontally drilled 
UOG wells; however, all drill types (including vertical and 
directional) would be covered by this proposed rule.

    \8\ Hydraulic fracturing techniques are also often used to 
improve recovery from conventional oil and gas wells. However, the 
scope of this section is focused on UOG extraction, therefore, the 
application of this process to conventional wells is not further 
discussed here.

    Hydraulic fracturing involves the injection of fracturing fluids 
(e.g., mixtures of water, sand, and other additives) at high pressures 
into the well to create small fractures in the rock formation. The 
primary component of fracturing fluid is the base fluid into which 
proppant (e.g., sand) and chemicals are added. Currently, the most 
common base fluid is water; however, other fluids such as liquid 
nitrogen and propane (LPG) are also used. Historically, base fluid 
consisted exclusively of freshwater, but as more wastewater is 
increasingly reused/recycled, base fluid can contain mixtures of fresh 
water blended with reused/recycled UOG extraction wastewater. Chemical 
additives, used to adjust the fracturing fluid properties, vary 
according to the formation, target resource (e.g., shale oil), chemical 
composition of base fluid (e.g., volume of reused/recycled wastewater 
in base fluid), and operator preference (DCN SGE00721; DCN SGE00070; 
DCN SGE00780; DCN SGE00781). Additives commonly include, among other 
things, acids (e.g., hydrochloric acid), biocides (e.g., 
glutaraldehyde), friction reducers (e.g., ethylene glycol, petroleum 
distillate), and gelling agents (e.g., guar gum, hydroxyethyl 
cellulose) (DCN SGE00721; DCN SGE00070; DCN SGE00780; DCN SGE00781). 
See TDD, Chapter C.1.
    The amount of fracturing fluid required per well typically depends 
on the well trajectory (e.g., vertical, horizontal), well length, and 
target resource (e.g., shale oil). UOG wells require between 50,000 to 
over ten million gallons of fracturing fluid per well (DCN SGE00532; 
DCN SGE00556; DCN SGE00637.A3). Operators typically fracture a 
horizontal well in eight to 23 stages using between 250,000 and 420,000 
gallons (6,000 and 10,000 barrels) of fracturing fluid per stage (DCN 
SGE00280). Literature reports that tight oil and gas wells typically 
require less fracturing fluid than shale oil and gas wells (DCN 
    Because laterals in horizontally drilled UOG wells are between 
1,000 and 5,000 feet long, operators typically hydraulically fracture 
horizontal wells in stages to maintain the high pressures necessary to 
stimulate the well over the entire length. Stages are completed 
starting with the stage at the end of the wellbore and working back 
towards the wellhead.\9\ Operators use anywhere between eight and 23 
stages (DCN SGE00280). A fracturing crew can fracture two to three 
stages per day when operating 12 hours per day or four to five stages 
per day when operating 24 hours per day.\10\ Consequently, a typical 
well can take between two and seven days to complete (DCN SGE00239; DCN 

    \9\ The first stage is fractured with what is known as the pad 
fracture. The pad is the injection of high pressure water and 
chemical additives (no proppant) to create the initial fractures 
into the formation. After the pad is pumped down hole, proppant is 
introduced to the fracturing fluid for the additional stages.
    \10\ The hours per day depends on the operator, local 
ordinances, and weather.

    Once the stage is hydraulically fractured, a stage plug is inserted 
down the wellbore separating it from additional stages until all stages 
are completed. After all of the stages have been completed, the plugs 
are drilled out of the wellbore allowing the fracturing fluids and 
other fluids to return to the surface. At the wellhead,

[[Page 18568]]

a combination of liquid (produced water), sand, oil, and/or gas are 
routed through phase separators that separate products from wastes.
    A portion of produced water can return to the wellhead at this 
time; this waste stream is often referred to as ``flowback'' and 
consists of the portion of fracturing fluid injected into the wellbore 
that returns to the surface during initial well depressurization often 
combined with formation water.\11\ Higher volumes of water are 
generated in the beginning of the flowback process. Over time, flowback 
rates decrease as the well goes into the production phase. Operators 
typically store flowback in 500 barrel fracturing tanks onsite before 
treatment or transport offsite.\12\ In addition to flowback, small 
quantities of oil and/or gas can be produced during the initial 
flowback process. The small quantities of produced gas could be flared 
or captured if the operator is using ``green completions'', which 
involves capturing the gas rather than flaring.\13\

    \11\ Formation water is naturally occurring water contained in 
the reservoir rock pores.
    \12\ Fracturing tanks cannot be transported when they contain 
wastewater. Wastewater is typically transported via trucks with 
approximately 100 to 120 barrel capacities or via pipe (DCN 
    \13\ On April 17, 2012, the U.S. EPA issued regulations under 
the Clean Air Act, requiring the natural gas industry to reduce air 
pollution by using green completions, or reduced emission 
completions. EPA identified a transition period until January 1, 
2015 to allow operators to locate and install green completion 
equipment (40 CFR part 60 and 63).

    The flowback period typically lasts from a few days to a few weeks 
before the production phase commences (DCN SGE00010; DCN SGE00011; DCN 
SGE00622; DCN SGE00592; DCN SGE00286). At some wells, the majority of 
fracturing fluid can be recovered within a few hours (DCN SGE00010; DCN 
SGE00011; DCN SGE00622; DCN SGE00592; DCN SGE00286). See TDD, Chapter 
3. Production
    After the initial flowback period, the well begins producing oil 
and/or gas; this next phase is referred to as the production phase. 
During the production phase, UOG wells produce oil and/or gas and 
generate long-term produced water. Long-term produced water, generated 
during the well production phase after the initial flowback process, 
consists primarily of formation water and continues to be produced 
throughout the lifetime of the well, though typically at much lower 
rates than flowback (DCN SGE00592). This long-term produced water is 
typically stored onsite in tanks or pits (DCN SGE00280; DCN SGE00275; 
DCN SGE00636) and is periodically trucked, or sometimes piped, offsite 
for treatment, reuse, or disposal. See TDD, Chapter B.3.

C. UOG Extraction Wastewater

    UOG extraction wastewater, as EPA proposes to define it (see 
Section VII.B.) includes the following sources of wastewater 
pollutants: \14\

    \14\ Stormwater is not considered a source of UOG extraction 
wastewater. In general, no permit is required for discharges of 
stormwater from any field activities or operations associated with 
oil and gas production, except as specified in 40 CFR 
122.26(c)(1)(iii) for discharges of a reportable quantity or that 
contribute to a violation of a water quality standard.

     Produced water--the water (brine) brought up from the 
hydrocarbon-bearing strata during the extraction of oil and gas. This 
can include formation water, injection water, and any chemicals added 
downhole or during the oil/water separation process. Based on the stage 
of completion and production the well is in, produced water can be 
further broken down into the following components:
    [cir] Flowback--After the hydraulic fracturing procedure is 
completed and pressure is released, the direction of fluid flow 
reverses, and the fluid flows up through the wellbore to the surface. 
The water that returns to the surface is commonly referred to as 
    [cir] Long-term produced water--This is the wastewater generated by 
UOG wells during the production phase of the well after the flowback 
process. Long-term produced water continues to be produced throughout 
the lifetime of the well.
     Drilling wastewater, including pollutants from:
    [cir] Drill cuttings--The particles generated by drilling into 
subsurface geologic formations and carried out from the wellbore with 
the drilling fluid.
    [cir] Drilling muds--The circulating fluid (mud) used in the rotary 
drilling of wells to clean and condition the hole and to counterbalance 
formation pressure.
     Produced sand--The slurried particles used in hydraulic 
fracturing, the accumulated formation sands and scales particles 
generated during production. Produced sand also includes desander 
discharge from the produced water waste stream, and blowdown of the 
water phase from the produced water treating system.
    EPA identified drilling wastewater and produced water as the major 
sources of wastewater pollutants associated with UOG extraction, 
therefore, these wastewaters are described further below.
1. Drilling Wastewater
    As discussed in Section XII.B.1., operators inject drilling fluids 
down the well bore during drilling to cool the drill bit and to remove 
fragments of rock (drill cuttings) from the wellbore (DCN SGE00090; DCN 
SGE00274). Drilling fluid can be water or synthetic based. Air has 
recently been used in place of drilling fluids in the vertical phase of 
wells. Operators can use a combination of drilling fluids and air 
during the drilling process of a single well. The drilling fluid used 
depends on the properties of the formation, the depth, and associated 
regulations, safety, and cost considerations (DCN SGE00090; DCN 
SGE00635; TDD Chapter B.3).
    When returned to the surface, ground rock removed from the wellbore 
(drill cuttings) is entrained in the drilling fluid. Operators separate 
the solids from the drilling fluid on the surface, striving to remove 
as much solids (drill cuttings) from the drilling fluid as possible. 
The separation process generates two streams: a solid waste stream 
referred to as drill cuttings and a liquid waste stream referred to as 
drilling wastewater. Operators typically transfer their drill cuttings 
to a landfill (DCN SGE00090; DCN SGE00635). Drilling wastewater is 
often reused/recycled until well drilling is complete (though in some 
cases it is processed for discharge and/or disposal).
    At the end of drilling, operators use a variety of practices to 
manage drilling wastewater, primarily reuse/recycle in drilling 
subsequent wells. The following list presents drilling wastewater 
management options used by UOG operators (DCN SGE00740):
     Reuse/recycle wastewater in subsequent drilling and/or 
fracturing jobs \15\

    \15\ Synthetic fluids, which are more expensive than water-based 
drilling fluid, are almost always reused/recycled in drilling 
additional wells.

     Disposal via landfill \16\

    \16\ Burial and landfill disposal options are generally limited 
to ``semisolid'' waste. Solidification processes may occur prior to 
transferring the waste to the landfill or they may occur at the 
landfill. (DCN SGE00139).

     Disposal via underground injection wells
     Land application
     Transfer wastewater to a centralized waste treatment (CWT) 
     On-site burial \16\
    Nearly all of the volume of drilling fluid circulated during 
drilling is recovered as drilling wastewater and requires management. 
Typical drilling wastewater volumes for UOG drilling

[[Page 18569]]

vary from 100,000 to 300,000 gallons per well depending primarily on 
vertical depth, horizontal length, and the well bore diameter (DCN 
2. Produced Water
a. Flowback
    As explained above, the portion of produced water that returns to 
the wellhead after the plugs are drilled out of the wellbore is often 
referred to as ``flowback'' and the largest daily volume of produced 
water generated occurs during the flowback period. Over time, flowback 
rates decrease as the well begins to produce oil and gas. Initially, 
flowback has characteristics that can resemble the fracturing fluid. 
During the flowback period, the generated wastewater increasingly 
resembles characteristics of the underlying formation.
    The volume of flowback produced by a well varies, and it is often 
looked at in relation to the volume of the fracturing fluid used to 
fracture the well (as explained in Section XII.B.2. above, fracturing 
fluid volumes used depend on many factors, including the total number 
of stages drilled). Flowback recovery percentages also vary due to 
factors such as resource type (e.g., shale oil) and well trajectory and 
have been documented anywhere between 3 and 75 percent of the volume of 
the fracturing fluid injected, with median flowback recovery between 4 
and 29 percent (DCN SGE00724). These percent recoveries can result in 
total flowback volumes ranging from less than 210,000 gallons per well 
to more than 2,100,000 gallons per well (5,000 to 50,000 barrels per 
well) (DCN SGE00724). See TDD, Chapter C. 2.
b. Long-term Produced Water
    After flowback generation, long-term produced water is generated 
during the well production phase. Long-term produced water has 
characteristics that primarily reflect the formation. The long-term 
produced water flow rate from a UOG well gradually decreases over time. 
In addition, the amount of produced water generated per well varies by 
formation. Median long-term produced water flow rates vary by resource 
type (e.g., shale oil) and well trajectory and can be between 200 and 
800 gallons per day (4.8 to 19 barrels per day), depending on well 
trajectory, formation type and well age (DCN SGE00635; DCN SGE00724). 
See TDD, Chapter C.2.

D. UOG Extraction Wastewater Characteristics

    EPA reviewed published characterization data for UOG extraction 
wastewater. Produced water data included measurements of TDS, anions/
cations, metals, hardness, radioactive constituents, and organics. The 
characteristics of UOG produced water vary primarily depending on the 
characteristics of the UOG formation (DCN SGE00090). Drilling 
wastewater characterization data included suspended solids, salts, 
metals, and organics. Because drilling wastewater is typically 
recycled/re-used for drilling another well, detailed pollutant specific 
information is less readily available for drilling wastewater than for 
produced water. As such, the remainder of this section is specific to 
produced water.\17\

    \17\ As explained above, produced water includes both flowback 
and long-term produced water.

1. TDS and TDS-Contributing Ions
    TDS provides a measure of the dissolved matter, including salts 
(e.g., sodium, chloride, nitrate), organic matter, and minerals (DCN 
SGE00046). TDS is not a specific chemical, but is defined as the 
portion of solids that pass through a filter with a nominal pore size 
of 2.0 micron ([micro]m) or less (EPA Method 160.1). Table XII-1. shows 
ranges and median TDS concentrations associated with various shale and 
tight oil and gas formations.

                 Table XII-1--Concentrations of TDS in Produced Waters in Various UOG Formations
                                                                                TDS median
   Shale/tight oil and gas formation       TDS concentration range (mg/L)   concentration (mg/   Number of data
                                                                                    L)               points
Bakken.................................  98,000-220,000...................            150,000                 13
Barnett................................  25,000-150,000...................             50,000                 40
Bradford-Venango-Elk (Tight)...........  32,000-400,000...................            180,000                  5
Cleveland (Tight)......................  84,000-220,000...................            120,000                 11
Cotton Valley/Bossier (Tight)..........  110,000-230,000..................            170,000                  3
Dakota (Tight).........................  2,900-7,700......................              6,000                  3
Devonian...............................  320-250,000......................            130,000                 11
Eagle Ford.............................  3,700-89,000.....................             21,000              1,648
Fayetteville...........................  13,000-57,000....................             25,000                  6
Haynesville/Bossier....................  110,000-120,000..................            120,000                  2
Marcellus..............................  680-350,000......................             92,000                383
Mississippi Lime (Tight)...............  .................................            150,000                  1
New Albany.............................  .................................             88,000                  1
Niobrara...............................  39,000-140,000...................            100,000                  8
Pearsall...............................  300,000-380,000..................            370,000                  3
Spraberry (Tight)......................  58,000-160,000...................            130,000                 26
Utica..................................  6,500-44,000.....................             16,000                  8
Woodford-Cana-Caney....................  14,000-110,000...................             36,000                  8
Source: See TDD, Chapter C.3.

    Salts are the majority of TDS in UOG produced water, and sodium 
chloride constitutes approximately 50 percent of the TDS in UOG 
produced water (DCN SGE00046). In addition to sodium and chloride, UOG 
produced water typically contains divalent cations such as calcium, 
strontium, magnesium, and, in some formations, barium and radium. Other 
ions such as potassium, bromide, fluoride, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, 
and sulfate can also contribute to TDS in UOG produced water. Metals, 
other than those contributing to TDS (e.g., calcium, magnesium, 
strontium), are typically

[[Page 18570]]

not found in high concentrations in UOG produced water. Table XII-2. 
presents ranges and median concentrations of TDS and TDS-contributing 
ions in UOG produced water. Based on available data, concentrations of 
TDS and TDS-contributing ions, including divalent cations, typically 
increase from flowback to long-term produced water. See TDD, Chapter 

               Table XII-2--Concentrations of TDS and TDS-Contributing Ions in UOG Produced Waters
              Constituent                    Concentration range (mg/L)     concentration (mg/   Number of data
                                                                                    L)               points
TDS....................................  20-400,000.......................            110,000              2,223
Chloride...............................  64-230,000.......................             48,000              2,063
Sodium.................................  64-98,000........................             25,000              1,913
Calcium................................  13-34,000........................              3,400              2,068
Strontium..............................  0-8,000..........................                580                207
Magnesium..............................  3-15,000.........................                570              2,030
Bromide................................  0.2-4,300........................                540                119
Potassium..............................  0-5,800..........................                290                344
Barium.................................  0-16,000.........................                100                289
Sulfate................................  0-3,400..........................                 71              1,585
Phosphate..............................  12-88............................                 12                  3
Nitrate................................  5-10.............................                  5                  3
Nitrite................................  .................................                  5                  2
Fluoride...............................  0.045-390........................                2.5                 99
Source: See TDD, Chapter C.3.

2. Organic Constituents
    Organic constituents in UOG produced water can originate from both 
the fracturing fluid that is injected down the wellbore and from the 
UOG formation itself. Organic constituents and hydrocarbons in UOG 
produced water appear to be less frequently sampled in comparison to 
the well-documented TDS concentrations. EPA has reviewed available data 
on organic pollutants in produced water and found a range of pollutant 
concentrations: phenol (0.7 to 460 parts per billion (ppb)), pyridine 
(1.1 to 2,600 ppb), benzene (0.99 to 800,000 ppb), ethyl benzene (0.63 
to 650 ppb), toluene (0.91 to 1,700,000 ppb), and total xylenes (3 to 
440,000 ppb) (DCN SGE00724). See TDD, Chapter C.3.
3. Radioactive Constituents
    Oil and gas formations contain varying levels of radioactivity 
resulting from uranium decay which can be transferred to UOG produced 
water. Radioactive decay products typically include uranium 238, radium 
226, and radium 228. EPA identified available data on some radioactive 
elements in UOG produced water, including radium 226, radium 228, gross 
alpha, and gross beta, and, therefore, focused the radioactive 
constituent discussion and data presentation on data for these 
parameters. Radium 226, which has a half-life over 1,000 years, has 
been found in UOG produced water at concentrations up to 16,900 
picocuries per liter (pCi/L) (DCN SGE00241; DCN SGE00724). As a point 
of comparison, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) published 
a report in 2014 that included radium isotope concentrations in rivers 
and lakes. The average of measured concentrations of radium 226 found 
in U.S. rivers and lakes was 0.56 pCi/L (21 millibecquerel per liter 
(mBq/L)) and the measured values ranged from 0.01 to 1.7 pCi/L (0.37 to 
63 mBq/L) (DCN SGE00769). Data for radium 228 were limited.
    Data characterizing produced water radioactivity concentrations 
were not available for all shale and tight oil and gas formations. 
However, the available data \18\ from five different tight or shale oil 
and gas formations show that the concentrations of one or more 
radioactive constituents (radium 226, radium 228, gross alpha, gross 
beta) in UOG produced water was above naturally occurring 
concentrations in rivers and lakes throughout the world. The highest 
reported radium 228 value was in the Ganges River in India and was 
measured at 0.07 pCi/L (2.6 mBq/L). (See DCN SGE00769)

    \18\ A report was released by the Pennsylvania Department of 
Environmental Protection, titled ``Technologically Enhanced 
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (TENORM) Study Report'' on 
January 15, 2015. These data have not yet been incorporated into 
EPA's analyses. The report presents additional data for the 
Marcellus Shale formation, which is one of the five formations for 
which EPA has identified additional data sources. See TDD Chapter 
C.3 and DCN SGE00933.

E. Wastewater Management and Disposal Practices

    Historically, UOG operators primarily managed their wastewater 
using the following four methods: \19\

    \19\ Occasionally, UOG operators in the western U.S. may use 
evaporation as a means of wastewater management.

     Disposal via underground injection wells;
     Reuse in subsequent fracturing jobs;
     Transfer to a POTW; or
     Transfer to a privately owned wastewater treatment 
facility (also called a CWT facility).\20\

    \20\ Operators may haul wastewater to CWT facilities that handle 
the wastewater by (1) treating for reuse; (2) direct discharging to 
surface water; or (3) indirect discharging to surface water through 

    (DCN SGE00613; DCN SGE00276); DCN SGE00528).
    The frequency with which UOG operators use each of the management 
options listed above varies by operator, formation, and sometimes 
within each region of the formation (DCN SGE00579; DCN SGE00276). 
Relative cost is also an important factor for an UOG operator when 
considering how to manage their wastewater. This proposed rule 
addresses only transfers to a POTW. Historically, the oil and gas 
industry has most commonly managed its wastewater by underground 
injection (DCN SGE00182), but the industry is increasingly turning to 
reuse, and in some areas transfer to CWT facilities, to manage 
increasing volumes of UOG extraction wastewater (see TDD, Chapter D).

[[Page 18571]]

1. Injection into Disposal Wells
    Underground injection involves pumping wastes into a deep 
underground formation with a confining layer of impermeable rock. The 
receiving formation must also be porous enough to accept the 
wastewater. In previous decades, and in most oil and gas basins, 
drillers found underground injection of oil and gas extraction 
wastewater to be the most economical and reliable means of disposal; 
this is similarly the case today (DCN SGE00623). As of 2009, over 90 
percent of oil and gas wastewater (conventional and unconventional) was 
disposed of via Class II injection wells (DCN SGE00623; DCN SGE00132).
    The availability of underground injection as a disposal method 
varies by state. Some states have a large number of Class II disposal 
wells (e.g., Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas) while others have very few (e.g., 
Pennsylvania, West Virginia). In many UOG formations, distances from 
the average producing well to the nearest disposal well are short and 
disposal capacity is abundant making it the least expensive disposal 
practice (DCN SGE00635).
2. Reuse in Fracturing
    Reuse involves mixing flowback and/or long-term produced water from 
previously fractured wells with source water \21\ to create the base 
fluid used to fracture a new well (DCN SGE00046). Reused UOG extraction 
wastewater is typically transported, by truck, from storage to the 
fracturing site just prior to the start of hydraulic fracturing. When 
hydraulic fracturing commences, the stored UOG wastewater is pumped 
from the fracturing tanks and blended with source water to form the 
base fluid. The blending occurs upstream of other steps such as sand 
and fracturing chemical addition or pressurization by the pump trucks 
(DCN SGE00625).

    \21\ Source waters may include freshwater, ground water, treated 
municipal wastewater, and other industrial wastewater.

    In considering whether to reuse wastewater, operators evaluate 
wastewater generation rates compared to water demand for new fracturing 
jobs, water quality and treatment requirements for use in fracturing, 
and the risks and costs of wastewater management and transportation for 
reuse compared to disposal, or transfer practices. Typically, for an 
operator to reuse wastewater, the cost per barrel for reuse must be 
less than the cost per barrel for disposal or transfer (DCN SGE00095). 
The cost for reuse depends on several factors that vary by formation 
and operator; and, therefore, the potential for reusing UOG extraction 
wastewater for fracturing varies by formation and operator.
    Since the late 2000s, UOG operators have increased wastewater reuse 
(DCN SGE00613). The Petroleum Equipment Suppliers Association (PESA) 
surveyed 205 UOG operators in 2012 about their wastewater management 
practices. Survey results included 143 operators active in major UOG 
formations. UOG operators reported reusing 23 percent of the total 
volume of wastewater generated to refracture another well. The survey 
results also showed that most operators anticipated reusing higher 
percentages of their wastewater in the two to three years following the 
survey (DCN SGE00707; DCN SGE00708; DCN SGE00575). EPA participated in 
several site visits and conference calls with operators in several UOG 
formations that have been able to reuse 100 percent of the volume of 
their wastewater under certain circumstances (DCN SGE00625; DCN 
SGE00635; DCN SGE00275; DCN SGE00636).
3. Transfer to Centralized Waste Treatment Facilities
    Some operators manage UOG extraction wastewater by transporting it 
to CWT facilities for treatment. Following treatment, these facilities 
can return it to an operator for reuse to fracture another well (``zero 
discharge'') and/or discharge it, either to surface water or to a POTW. 
Operators can choose to use CWT facilities if they drill and complete 
relatively few wells, making discharging to CWT facilities more 
feasible than investing in other management options (DCN SGE00300), or 
if other wastewater management options are not available or cost 
effective in the region where they are operating (DCN SGE00139; DCN 
SGE00182). EPA identified 73 commercial CWT facilities that accept UOG 
extraction wastewater. See TDD, Chapter D.3. EPA found that the number 
of CWT facilities available to operators in the Marcellus and Utica 
Shale formations has increased with the number of wells drilled. A 
similar trend was observed in the Fayetteville Shale formation in 
Arkansas (DCN SGE00704).
    Operators can haul their wastewater to ``zero discharge'' CWT 
facilities that treat but do not discharge UOG extraction wastewater, 
either to surface water or to a POTW. Instead, they return the 
wastewater to UOG operators for reuse in subsequent hydraulic 
fracturing jobs. Commercial CWT facilities that fall into this category 
typically allow operators to unload a truck load of wastewater for 
treatment and take a load of treated wastewater on a cost per barrel 
basis (DCN SGE00245). Some of these facilities offer operators the 
option of unloading a truck load of wastewater without taking a load of 
treated wastewater for a surcharge, as long as other operators are in 
need of additional treated wastewater. The CWT facility can also 
provide this service if it can dispose of the wastewater without 
discharge (DCN SGE00299). For example, one facility in Wyoming treats 
UOG extraction wastewater for reuse by removing TDS and other 
pollutants through electrocoagulation followed by reverse osmosis (RO). 
The facility evaporates the concentrated brine from the RO unit in 
large evaporation ponds to dispose of wastewater not reused by 
operators (DCN SGE00374).
    Some operators can haul their wastewater to CWT facilities that 
discharge directly to surface waters. Discharges from these CWT 
facilities are controlled by NDPES permits that include pollutant 
discharge limitations based on the technology-based ELGs set out in 40 
CFR part 437 (representing the floor), or more stringent WQBELs where 
the technology-based effluent limits are not sufficiently stringent to 
meet applicable state water quality standards. The ELGs established by 
EPA for CWTs do not include limitations for TDS; however, to meet 
applicable state water quality standards, direct discharging CWT 
facilities can use treatment processes (e.g., evaporation/condensation, 
reverse osmosis) that remove TDS.
    Finally, other operators can haul their wastewater to CWT 
facilities that discharge indirectly to a POTW. Discharges from the CWT 
facility to the POTW are controlled by an Industrial User Agreement 
(IUA) that must incorporate the pretreatment standards set out in 40 
CFR part 437.
4. Transfer to POTWs
    Historically, in locations such as in Pennsylvania where disposal 
wells and CWT facilities were limited, operators managed UOG extraction 
wastewater by transfer to POTWs (DCN SGE00011; DCN SGE00739; DCN 
SGE00598). This practice can be problematic because POTWs are not able 
to remove many of the constituents found in UOG extraction wastewater 
(DCN SGE00011; DCN SGE00600; DCN SGE00765). Because they are not 
typical of POTW influent wastewater, UOG extraction wastewater 
constituents can be discharged, largely untreated, from the POTW to the 
receiving stream; can disrupt the operation of the POTW (e.g., by 
inhibiting biological treatment); can accumulate in biosolids, limiting 

[[Page 18572]]

use; and can facilitate the formation of harmful DBPs (which are a 
concern for downstream drinking water uses). These constituents can 
interfere with POTW operations and can increase salt loads in receiving 
streams to the detriment of downstream water use. (DCN SGE00286; DCN 
SGE00345; DCN SGE00579; DCN SGE00531; DCN SGE00633). See TDD, Chapter 
D.5. As discussed above, EPA has not been able to identify any existing 
UOG discharges at present to POTWs (DCN SGE00579; DCN SGE00286; DCN 
SGE00345). The lack of existing discharges to POTWs can be attributed 
to the availability of one or more cost effective alternative 
wastewater management options (injection for disposal, reuse/recycling, 
and transfer to a CWT), concerns about inability of POTWs to treat such 
waste appropriately, and concerns that such discharges can disrupt POTW 
treatment processes. In a few cases, they can also be associated with 
state-level drivers (see TDD Chapter A.2).

XIII. Subcategorization

    In developing ELGs, EPA can divide an industry category into 
groupings called ``subcategories'' to provide a method for addressing 
variations among products, processes, and other factors, which result 
in distinctly different effluent characteristics that affect the 
determination of the ``best available'' technology. See Texas Oil & Gas 
Ass'n. v. U.S. EPA, 161 F.3d 923, 939-40 (5th Cir. 1998). Regulation of 
a category by subcategories provides that each subcategory has a 
uniform set of effluent limitations or pretreatment standards that take 
into account technological achievability, economic impacts, and non-
water quality environmental impacts unique to that subcategory. In some 
cases, effluent limitations or pretreatment standards within a 
subcategory can be different based on consideration of these same 
factors, which are identified in CWA section 304(b)(2)(B). The CWA 
requires EPA, in developing effluent guidelines and pretreatment 
standards, to consider a number of different factors, which are also 
relevant for subcategorization. The CWA also authorizes EPA to take 
into account other factors that the Administrator deems appropriate. 
CWA section 304(b).
    Within the oil and gas extraction category, EPA has already 
established subcategories. As explained in Section VIII.C., the 
existing oil and gas extraction ELGs are divided into five 
subcategories. The scope of the proposed rule is specific to subpart C: 
onshore. The proposed rule is specific to pollutant discharges from UOG 
extraction as defined in Section XI. EPA considered whether further 
subcategorization of the UOG extraction industry was warranted. EPA 
evaluated a number of factors including available data regarding 
wastewater chemical constituents, generation volumes, and rates. 
Although some differences can be observed among these characteristics 
(between different types of unconventional resource and geologic 
formations, and sometimes between wells within the same source), EPA 
proposes that further subcategorization is not appropriate because EPA 
has not identified any onshore UOG operations that currently discharge 
to POTWs.

XIV. Proposed Regulation

A. Discussion of Options

1. PSES and PSNS Option Selection
    EPA proposes to establish PSES and PSNS that apply to wastewater 
discharges from onshore UOG extraction facilities. Generally, EPA 
designs PSES and PSNS to ensure that wastewaters from direct and 
indirect industrial dischargers are subject to similar levels of 
treatment prior to discharge to waters of the U.S. This means that, 
typically, the requirements for indirect dischargers are analogous to 
those for direct dischargers. As explained in Section VIII.C., the 
existing requirements for BPT for the Onshore Subcategory are zero 
discharge of wastewater pollutants into waters of the U.S. from any 
source associated with production, field exploration, drilling, well 
completion, or well treatment. As also explained in Section VIII.C., 
the existing BPT requirements do not apply to discharges to POTWs.
    Most POTWs are designed primarily to treat municipally generated 
wastewater. POTWs typically provide at least secondary level treatment 
and, thus, are designed to remove settleable solids, suspended solids 
and organic material using biological treatment. EPA is not aware of 
any POTWs that are designed to treat dissolved pollutants in UOG 
extraction wastewater such as TDS (e.g., chlorides, sulfates, metals) 
or radioactive elements. As a result, the mass of untreated pollutants 
would be discharged from the POTW to the receiving water, could disrupt 
the operation of the POTW (e.g., by inhibiting biological treatment) or 
could facilitate the formation of harmful DBPs.
    As explained in Section XII.E., EPA evaluated the practices 
currently used to manage UOG extraction wastewaters. Based on the 
information reviewed as part of this proposed rulemaking, EPA 
identified that current industry practice is not to discharge 
pollutants from onshore UOG extraction to POTWs. Rather, the vast 
majority of this wastewater is managed by disposal in underground 
injection wells and/or re-use in fracturing another well.\22\ A small, 
but in some geographic areas increasing, portion of the industry also 
transfers its wastewater to privately owned wastewater treatment 
facilities (also referred to as CWT facilities).

    \22\ While pollutant discharges from onshore oil and gas 
extraction produced water are allowed under subpart E in certain 
geographic locations for use in agriculture or wildlife propagation, 
EPA has not found that these types of permits are typically written 
for unconventional oil and gas extraction wastewater (as defined for 
the proposed rule).

    Because of this information, EPA identified one candidate PSES/PSNS 
option; that is, zero discharge of wastewater pollutants to POTWs. UOG 
extraction wastewater is discussed in Section XII.C.
    The technology basis for the proposed PSES is disposal in UIC wells 
and/or wastewater reuse/recycling to fracture another well. Because 
existing UOG extraction facilities currently employ alternative 
wastewater management practices, the technology basis for meeting a 
zero discharge requirement is widely available. While EPA estimates 
that there will be no incremental pollutant reductions associated with 
the proposed PSES, the technology basis is best performing in that it 
achieves zero discharges of pollutants in UOG extraction wastewater. 
Additionally, because this technology represents current industry 
practice nationwide, no facilities will incur incremental costs for 
compliance with the proposed PSES and, therefore, the proposed PSES is 
economically achievable. For the same reasons, the proposed PSES will 
result in no incremental non-water quality environmental impacts. 
Finally, because the proposal represents current industry practice, EPA 
proposes that PSES requiring zero discharge of wastewater pollutants be 
effective as of the effective date of this rule.
    As previously noted, under section 307(c) of the CWA, new sources 
of pollutants into POTWs must comply with standards which reflect the 
greatest degree of effluent reduction achievable through application of 
the best available demonstrated control technologies. Congress 
envisioned that new treatment systems could meet tighter controls than 
existing sources because of the opportunity to incorporate the most 
efficient processes and treatment systems into the facility design. EPA 
proposes PSNS that would control the same pollutants using the same 
technologies proposed for control by PSES. The technologies used to 

[[Page 18573]]

pollutants at existing sources, disposal in UIC wells and/or wastewater 
reuse/recycling to fracture another well, are fully available to new 
sources. They achieve the greatest degree of effluent reduction 
available: zero discharge of pollutants in UOG extraction wastewater. 
Furthermore, EPA has not identified any technologies that are 
demonstrated to be available for new sources that are different from 
those identified for existing sources. Finally, EPA determined that the 
proposed PSNS present no barrier to entry into the market for new 
sources. While EPA cannot say with certainty exactly how new sources 
will manage their UOG extraction wastewater, information in the record 
indicates that new sources would manage their UOG extraction wastewater 
following current industry practice. EPA has found that overall impacts 
from the proposed standards on new sources would be minimal, as is the 
case for existing sources, since the costs faced by new sources 
generally will be the same as those faced by existing sources. EPA 
projects no (and, therefore, acceptable) incremental non-water quality 
environmental impacts. Therefore, EPA proposes to establish PSNS that 
are the same as the proposed PSES.
2. Other Options Considered
a. ``No Rule''
    In addition to the PSES/PSNS option of zero discharge of wastewater 
pollutants, EPA also considered the option of no proposed PSES or PSNS, 
a ``no rule'' option. Based on the discussion above that no UOG 
facilities are currently transferring wastewater to POTWs, and given 
available alternative management options such as disposal in UIC wells 
and reuse/recycling, EPA considered the option of no proposed rule. A 
``no rule'' option would impose no change to the existing pretreatment 
regulatory regime, or industry practice, and would, therefore, be a 
``no incremental cost and pollutant reduction'' option.
    EPA, however, did not select this ``no rule'' option for several 
reasons. First, there is no national federal regulation that would 
prevent or require pretreatment of such discharges--and, as mentioned 
above, EPA is not aware of any POTWs that are designed to treat 
dissolved pollutants common in UOG extraction wastewater. This means 
that constituents of such wastewater could be discharged to receiving 
waters when other [available] options such as reuse and proper disposal 
in a Class II UIC well better protect water quality and aquatic 
communities and help further the zero discharge goal of the CWA. CWA 
section 101(a)(1). Second, as detailed in Chapter A.2 of the TDD, few 
states have regulations or policies that prevent discharges of 
pollutants in UOG extraction wastewater to POTWs or that mandate pre-
treatment prior to discharge to a POTW. In the absence of such 
regulations or policies, resource-constrained control authorities and/
or POTWs who receive requests to accept UOG extraction wastewater would 
be in the position of having to evaluate whether to accept transfers of 
wastewater on a case-by-case basis. Third, history demonstrates that 
absent controls preventing the transfer of or requiring pretreatment of 
such wastewater, POTWs can accept it, as occurred in Pennsylvania (see 
TDD Chapters A.2 and D.5), where POTWs were used to manage UOG 
extraction wastewater until the state took action, including 
promulgating new regulations requiring pretreatment. Among the drivers 
behind these actions taken by Pennsylvania was that some waters were 
impaired by TDS. (DCN SGE00187).
    To avoid future scenarios where POTWs receive UOG extraction 
wastewater, it is reasonable to codify the good practice already 
adopted by the industry that is technologically and economically 
viable. Moreover, it is beneficial to the states as a practical matter 
to establish federal regulations that mandate this existing practice, 
in order to avoid the burden for each state to potentially repeat the 
effort of promulgating state-level regulations. EPA has discussed this 
proposed rule with several states, who have indicated that a federal 
pretreatment standard would reduce their administrative burden (DCN 
SGE00762; DCN SGE00762; DCN SGE00743).
    EPA also considered the future burden that continued lack of 
pretreatment standards can impose on POTWs. The UOG extraction industry 
is predicted to continue to grow in the future, resulting in the 
installation, fracturing, and possible refracturing of hundreds of 
thousands of wells. Well operators will continue to generate UOG 
extraction wastewater and could request local POTWs to accept their 
wastewater for discharge. In the absence of federal pretreatment 
standards, POTWs can legally accept UOG extraction wastewater to the 
extent that such wastewater transfers are in compliance with state and 
local requirements. Evaluating each potential customer (industrial 
user), developing a determination for each new UOG extraction 
wastewater source on a case-by-case basis could be burdensome for 
POTWs. In addition, where a POTW determines it can accept this 
wastewater, complying with applicable reporting requirements could be a 
significant burden to some POTWs. EPA concluded that a national-level 
determination that UOG extraction wastewater contains pollutant 
concentrations that could pass through POTWs, and development of 
categorical pretreatment standards, will avoid burdening individual 
POTWs with evaluating each individual request. Thus, the national 
categorical pretreatment standards will reduce the process burden on 
pretreatment Control Authorities (e.g., POTWs). While EPA does not have 
the information to quantify the reductions in administrative burden 
that will likely result from the proposed rule, states generally 
support EPA's position that such reductions will be realized (DCN 
SGE00762; DCN SGE00762; DCN SGE00743).
    Moreover, as explained above, because some pollutants of concern in 
UOG extraction wastewater will not be physically, chemically, or 
biologically reduced by the treatment processes typically used at 
POTWs, these pollutants are expected to be discharged from the POTW 
into receiving waters. In addition, these pollutants can cause 
operational problems for the POTW's biological treatment processes and 
alter the POTW's ability to adequately remove BOD, TSS, and other 
pollutants for which it is regulated. For some UOG pollutants, such as 
radionuclides, the data indicate POTWs will remove some portion while 
discharging the remainder (DCN SGE00136). In these cases, some portion 
of the radionuclides will partition to the POTW biosolids, which can 
cause the POTW to incur increased costs to change its selected method 
of biosolids management (DCN SGE00615). See also TDD Chapter D.5.
    Finally, EPA did not select the ``no rule'' option because it 
concluded that national pretreatment standards provide clear direction 
and certainty to industry, POTWs, states, and the public that UOG 
extraction wastewaters are not treated by POTWs and should not be 
transferred to them. Categorical pretreatment standards support the CWA 
goal that the discharge of pollutants into the nation's navigable 
waters be eliminated. CWA section 101(a).
b. Non-Zero Numeric Discharge Pretreatment Requirements
    EPA considered an option that would have included non-zero 
numerical discharge pre-treatment requirements prior to discharge to a 
POTW. Such an

[[Page 18574]]

option could be similar to the one adopted in Pennsylvania in 2010 that 
requires pretreatment of oil and gas wastewaters before discharge to a 
POTW to meet a maximum TDS concentration of 500 mg/L as well as 
specific numerical concentrations for other pollutants. Some have 
suggested this would provide an ``escape-valve'' for the future in the 
event that UIC disposal well capacity is exhausted. Others have 
suggested this would allow the water to be available for re-use (other 
than in fracturing another well) if technologies become available to 
pre-treat it to remove dissolved pollutants in a cost effective manner.
    EPA does not propose an option with numerical discharge 
pretreatment requirements prior to discharge to a POTW for the 
following reasons. First, the existing requirements for direct 
discharges of UOG extraction wastewater in the Onshore Subcategory 
require no discharge of pollutants. As explained above, EPA generally 
establishes requirements for direct and indirect discharges so that the 
wastewater receives comparable treatment prior to discharge to waters 
of the U.S.
    Second, the option EPA proposes, zero discharge of pollutants in 
UOG extraction wastewater to POTWs, is widely available, economically 
achievable and has no incremental (and, therefore, acceptable) non-
water quality environmental impacts. Because the proposed zero 
pollutant discharge requirement is current practice and, therefore, 
clearly both available and achievable, any option that includes non-
zero discharge requirements for any pollutants would potentially 
increase pollutant discharges from current industry best practices. 
Such an option would not fulfill the CWA requirement to establish 
limitations based on ``Best Available Technology Economically 
Achievable'' (CWA section 301(b)(2)(A)), or the CWA goals of 
eliminating the discharge of pollutants into navigable waters (CWA 
section 101(a)(1)).
    Third, EPA does not have any data to demonstrate that UIC capacity 
nationwide will be expended and that this current management approach 
will not be available in the future (DCN SGE00613). In fact, industry 
has been managing oil and gas extraction wastewater through underground 
injection for decades. In recent years, industry has greatly expanded 
its knowledge about the ability to re-use UOG flowback and long-term 
produced water (the major contributors to UOG extraction wastewater by 
volume) in fracturing another well. Consequently, while the UOG 
industry continues to grow and new wells are being fractured, the need 
for UIC capacity for UOG extraction wastewater is decreasing, even in 
geographic locations with an abundance of UIC capacity (see TDD Chapter 
    Fourth, EPA identified technologies that currently exist to treat 
dissolved pollutants in UOG extraction wastewater. Relative to 
underground injection and reuse/recycling to fracture another well (the 
basis for the preferred option EPA proposes), these technologies are 
costly, would result in more pollutant discharges, and are energy 
intensive. While EPA did not attempt to calculate a numerical standard 
for TDS, data collected for this proposed rulemaking demonstrate that 
the current technologies are capable of reducing TDS (and other 
dissolved pollutants) well below 500 mg/L. To the extent that these 
technologies or others are developed in the future to reduce pollutants 
in UOG extraction wastewater to enable them to be reused for purposes 
other than fracturing another well, these pre-treated wastewaters can 
be used directly for the other applications without going through a 

    \23\ As a point of clarification, except in certain geographic 
areas, these wastewaters would remain subject to the requirements in 
the Onshore Subcategory that require no discharge of pollutants to 
waters of the U.S. (40 CFR 435.30).

c. Conventional Oil and Gas Wastewater
    As explained in Section VIII., while the existing oil and gas 
regulation applies to both conventional and UOG extraction (except 
coalbed methane), the proposed rule would add pretreatment standards 
only for facilities engaged in oil and gas extraction from UOG sources 
that send their discharges to POTWs. EPA proposes to reserve standards 
for conventional oil and gas extraction for possible future rulemaking, 
if appropriate. This is consistent with EPA's stated scope throughout 
the development of this proposed rule. See specific comment 
solicitation on conventional oil and gas extraction wastewaters in 
Section VII.

B. Pollutants of Concern

    Since the effectiveness of the technology basis for the proposed 
standards results in zero discharge of all pollutants, it is not 
appropriate in this proposed rule to further specify the pollutants of 
concern. Rather, as is the case for the existing BPT requirements, the 
proposed PSES/PSNS apply to the discharge of all pollutants in UOG 
extraction wastewater.

C. POTW Pass Through Analysis

    Sections 307(b) and (c) of the CWA authorize EPA to promulgate 
pretreatment standards for pollutants that are not susceptible to 
treatment by POTWs or which would interfere with the operation of 
POTWs. EPA looks at a number of factors in selecting the technology 
basis for pretreatment standards for existing and new sources. These 
factors are generally the same as those considered in establishing the 
direct discharge technology basis. However, unlike direct dischargers 
whose wastewater will receive no further treatment once it leaves the 
facility, indirect dischargers send their wastewater to POTWs for 
further treatment.
    Therefore, before establishing PSES/PSNS for a pollutant, EPA 
examines whether the pollutant ``passes through'' a POTW to waters of 
the U.S. or interferes with the POTW operation or biosolids disposal 
practices. In determining whether a pollutant would pass through POTWs 
for these purposes, EPA generally compares the percentage of a 
pollutant removed by well-operated POTWs performing secondary treatment 
to the percentage removed by a candidate technology basis. A pollutant 
is determined to pass through POTWs when the median percentage removed 
nationwide by well-operated POTWs is less than the median percentage 
removed by the candidate technology basis. Pretreatment standards are 
established for those pollutants regulated under the direct discharge 
level of control (typically BAT/NSPS) that passes through. In addition, 
EPA can regulate pollutants that do not pass through but otherwise 
interfere with POTW operations or biosolids disposal practices. This 
approach to the definition of pass through satisfies two competing 
objectives set by Congress: (1) That standards for indirect dischargers 
be equivalent to standards for direct dischargers, and (2) that the 
treatment capability and performance of POTWs be recognized and taken 
into account in regulating the discharge of pollutants from indirect 
    Historically, EPA's primary source of POTW removal data is its 1982 
``Fate of Priority Pollutants in Publicly Owned Treatment Works'' (also 
known as the 50 POTW Study) (see DCN SGE00765). The 50 POTW study 
presents data on the performance of 50 POTWs achieving secondary 
treatment in removing certain toxic pollutants. While the 50 POTW study 
demonstrates a wide variability in the effectiveness of POTWs in 
removing toxic pollutants, it demonstrates that POTWs remove these 
pollutants by less

[[Page 18575]]

than 100%. Although this study does not contain information on 
pollutant removals for TDS, as explained earlier, secondary treatment 
technologies are generally understood to be ineffective at removing TDS 
and as such little to no TDS removals are likely to occur at POTWs 
through secondary treatment (DCN SGE00011; DCN SGE00600). While the 
POTW study also does not contain information for other pollutants that 
may be present in UOG extraction wastewater, it is reasonable for EPA 
to conclude that removal of UOG extraction wastewater pollutants by a 
well-operated POTW would be less than 100%, the percentage removal by 
the candidate technology basis for the proposed rule, and therefore 
would if discharged to a POTW ``pass through'' the POTW, as the term 
applies under the CWA, into waters of the U.S.

XV. Environmental Impacts

    UOG production generates significant volumes of wastewater that 
need to be managed. As described in Section XII.C.2, wells can produce 
flowback volumes ranging between 210,000 and 2,100,000 gallons during 
the initial flowback process.\24\ During the production phase, wells 
typically produce smaller volumes of water (median flow rates range 
from 200-800 gallons per day) and continue producing wastewater 
throughout the life of the well.

    \24\ As explained in the TDD (Chapter B) the length of the 
flowback process is variable. Literature generally reports it as 30 
days or less (DCN SGE00532).

    In general, evidence of environmental impacts to surface waters 
from discharges of UOG extraction wastewater is sparsely documented. 
Some of the environmental impacts documented to date, such as increased 
DBP formation in downstream drinking water treatment plants, resulted 
from wastewater pollutants that passed untreated through POTWs in 
Pennsylvania (TDD, Chapter D.5).

A. Pollutants

    As described in Section XII.D., high concentrations of TDS are 
common in UOG extraction wastewater. As shown in Table XII-2. (in 
Section XII.D.), major inorganic constituents leaching from geologic 
formations such as sodium, potassium, bromide, calcium, fluoride, 
nitrate, phosphate, chloride, sulfate, and magnesium represent most of 
the TDS in UOG extraction wastewater. TDS in produced water can also 
include barium, radium, and strontium. Based on available data, TDS 
cations (positively charged ions) in UOG extraction wastewater are 
generally dominated by sodium and calcium, and the anions (negatively 
charged ions) are dominated by chloride (DCN SGE00284). TDS 
concentrations vary among the UOG formations. Table XII-1. (in Section 
XII.D.), presents the varying TDS concentrations in tight and shale oil 
and gas formations. The highest median TDS concentration (370,000 mg/L) 
is found in the Pearsall shale gas formation. For comparison, sea water 
contains approximately 35,000 mg/L TDS.

B. Impacts From the Discharge of Pollutants Found in UOG Extraction 

    Conventional POTW treatment operations are designed primarily to 
treat organic waste and remove total suspended solids and constituents 
responsible for biochemical oxygen demand, not to treat waters with 
high TDS. When transfers of UOG extraction wastewater to POTWs were 
occurring in Pennsylvania, these POTWs, lacking adequate TDS removal 
processes, diluted UOG extraction wastewaters with other sewage flows 
and discharged TDS-laden effluent into local streams and rivers. POTWs 
not sufficiently treating TDS in UOG extraction wastewater were a 
suspected source of elevated TDS levels in the Monongahela River in 
2009 (DCN SGE00525). Also see TDD, Chapter D.5 for additional examples.
    In addition to UOG wastewater pollutants passing through POTWs, 
other industrial discharges of inadequately treated UOG extraction 
wastewater pollutants have also been associated with in-stream impacts. 
One study reviewed by EPA of discharges from a CWT facility in western 
Pennsylvania that treats UOG extraction wastewater examined the water 
quality and isotopic compositions of discharged effluents, surface 
waters, and stream sediments (DCN SGE00629).\25\ The study found that 
the discharge of the effluent from the CWT facility increased 
downstream concentrations of chloride and bromide above background 
levels. The chloride concentrations 1.7 kilometers downstream of the 
treatment facility were two to ten times higher than chloride 
concentrations found in similar reference streams in western 
Pennsylvania. Radium 226 levels in stream sediments at the point of 
discharge were approximately 200 times greater than upstream and 
background sediments. EPA intends to further study the frequency and 
magnitude of such impacts from CWTs.

    \25\ Discharges from CWT facilities are subject to ELGs in 40 
CFR part 437 and would not be subject to the proposed rule. However, 
the effect of discharges of treated oil and gas wastewaters from CWT 
facilities that lack high level treatment is similarly 
representative of POTWs.

C. Impact on Surface Water Designated Uses

    UOG extraction wastewater TDS levels are high enough, if discharged 
untreated to surface water, to affect adversely a number of designated 
uses of surface water, including drinking water, aquatic life support, 
livestock watering, irrigation, and industrial use.
1. Drinking Water Uses
    Available data indicate the levels of TDS in UOG extraction 
wastewaters can often significantly exceed recommended drinking water 
concentrations. Because TDS concentrations in drinking water sources 
are typically well below the recommended drinking water levels, few 
drinking water treatment facilities have technologies to remove TDS. 
Two published standards for TDS in drinking water include the U.S. 
Public Health Service recommendation and EPA's secondary maximum 
contaminant level recommendation that TDS in drinking water should not 
exceed 500 mg/L. High concentrations of TDS in drinking water primarily 
degrade its taste rather than pose a human health risk. Taste surveys 
found that water with less than 300 mg/L TDS is considered excellent, 
and water with TDS above 1,100 mg/L is unacceptable (DCN SGE00939). The 
World Health Organization dropped its health-based recommendations for 
TDS in 1993, instead retaining 1,000 mg/L as a secondary standard for 
taste (DCN SGE00947).
    EPA also reviewed a study concerning unintentional creation of 
harmful DBPs due to insufficient removal of bromide and other UOG 
wastewater constituents by POTWs accepting UOG extraction wastewaters 
(DCN SGE00535; DCN SGE00587). DBPs have been shown to have both adverse 
human health and ecological affects. The study found that UOG 
extraction wastewaters contain various inorganic and organic DBP 
precursors that can react with disinfectants used by POTWs to promote 
the formation of DBPs, or alter speciation of DBPs, particularly 
brominated-DBPs, which are suspected to be among the more toxic DBPs 
(DCN SGE00535; DCN SGE00985). These precursors are a concern for 
drinking water managers wherever they can enter raw water intakes. See 
TDD, Chapter D.5 for further discussion of DBP formation associated 
with UOG extraction wastewaters.

[[Page 18576]]

2. Aquatic Life Support Uses
    TDS and its accompanying salinity play a primary role in the 
distribution and abundance of aquatic animal and plant communities. 
High levels of TDS can impact aquatic biota through increases in 
salinity, loss of osmotic balance in tissues, and toxicity of 
individual ions. Increases in salinity have been shown to cause shifts 
in biotic communities, limit biodiversity, exclude less-tolerant 
species and cause acute or chronic effects at specific life stages (DCN 
SGE00946). A detailed study of plant communities associated with 
irrigation drains, reported substantial changes in marsh communities in 
part because of an increase in dissolved solids (DCN SGE00941). 
Observations over time indicate a shift in plant community coinciding 
with increases in dissolved solids from estimated historic levels of 
270 to 1170 mg/L, as species that are less salt tolerant such as 
coontail (Ceratophyllus demersum) and cattail (Typha sp.) were nearly 
eliminated. A related study found that lakes with higher salinity 
exhibit lower aquatic biodiversity, with species distribution also 
affected by ion composition (DCN SGE00940).
    It is often a specific ion concentration in TDS that is responsible 
for adverse effects to aquatic ecosystems. For example, a TDS 
concentration of 2,000 mg/L with chloride as the primary anionic 
constituent is acutely toxic to aquatic life, but the same TDS 
concentration composed primarily of sulfate is nontoxic. Sodium 
chloride accounts for about 50 percent of the TDS typically found in 
UOG extraction wastewater. As reported in Table XII-2 (in Section 
XII.D.), chloride has been measured at concentrations up to 230,000 mg/
L. Macroinvertebrates, such as fresh water shrimp and aquatic insects 
that are a primary prey of many fish species, have open circulatory 
systems that are especially sensitive to pollutants like chloride. 
Based on laboratory toxicity data from EPA's 1988 chloride criteria 
document and more recent studies, invertebrate sensitivity to chloride 
acute effect concentrations ranged from 953 mg/L to 13,691 mg/L. 
Chronic effect concentrations of chloride ranged from 489 mg/L to 556 
mg/L. In addition to the laboratory data, EPA also reviewed data from a 
2009 Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection violation 
report documenting a fish kill attributed to a spill of diluted 
produced water in Hopewell Township, PA. TDS at the location of the 
fish kill was as high as 7,000 mg/L. While not related to UOG 
extraction wastewater, negative impacts of high TDS, including fish 
kills, were documented during 2009 at Dunkard Creek located in 
Monongalia County, Pennsylvania. (DCN SGE00001 and DCN SGE00001.A01)
    EPA has published chemical-specific national recommended water 
quality criteria for some of the TDS constituents in UOG extraction 
wastewater, such as barium, chloride, manganese, and iron, based on a 
variety of human health or ecological benchmarks. A review of state and 
tribal water quality standards in 2012 indicated that 26 states had 
adopted a numeric or narrative criterion for TDS, either for state-wide 
or site-specific application (DCN SGE00945). The TDS criteria levels 
and the designated uses they are intended to protect vary greatly from 
state to state. For example, Alaska has a criterion of 1,500 mg/L TDS 
to protect aquatic life; Mississippi has a criterion of 750 mg/L 
monthly average for protection of fish, wildlife and recreation 
criteria, and Illinois has a statewide 1,000 mg/L TDS criterion for 
aquatic life and a 1,500 mg/L TDS criterion for secondary contact 
recreation and indigenous aquatic life. TDS criteria adopted 
specifically for the protection of aquatic life have been developed for 
at least 16 of the 26 states, with some criteria applying only to 
specific waterbodies. Oregon has the most stringent TDS criterion using 
a standard of 100 mg/L for all freshwater streams and tributaries in 
order to protect aquatic life, public water use, agriculture, and 
3. Livestock Watering Uses
    POTW discharges to surface waters containing high concentrations of 
TDS can impact downstream uses for livestock watering. High TDS 
concentrations in water sources for livestock watering can adversely 
affect animal health by disrupting cellular osmotic and metabolic 
processes (DCN SGE01053). Domestic livestock, such as cattle, sheep, 
goats, horses, and pigs have varying degrees of sensitivity to TDS in 
drinking water as shown in Table XV-1. Sheep seem to be more tolerant 
of saline water than most domestic species, but will only drink it if 
introduced to the saline water over a period of several weeks (DCN 

                          Table XV-1--Tolerances of Livestock to TDS in Drinking Water
                                                                  Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) (mg/L)
                                                                                              Loss of production
                                                                           Animals can have    and a decline in
                                                                                initial        animal condition
                                                                             reluctance to     and health would
                      Livestock                           No adverse      drink or there can  be expected. Stock
                                                          effects on       be some scouring,  can tolerate these
                                                       animals  expected   but stock should    levels for short
                                                                          adapt without loss      periods if
                                                                            of  production        introduced
Beef cattle.........................................             0-4,000         4,000-5,000        5,000-10,000
Dairy cattle........................................             0-2,400         2,400-4,000         4,000-7,000
Sheep...............................................             0-4,000        4,000-10,000       10,000-13,000
Horses..............................................             0-4,000         4,000-6,000         6,000-7,000
Pigs................................................             0-4,000         4,000-6,000         6,000-8,000
Poultry.............................................             0-2,000         2,000-3,000         3,000-4,000
Source: Australia and New Zealand Water Quality Guidelines 2000. Chapter 3 Primary Industries--9.3 Livestock
  drinking water guidelines (DCN SGE00937).

[[Page 18577]]

4. Irrigation Uses
    If UOG extraction wastewater discharges to POTWs increase TDS 
concentrations in receiving streams, downstream irrigation uses of that 
surface water can be negatively affected. Elevated TDS levels can limit 
the usefulness of water for irrigation. Excessive salts affect crop 
yield in the short term, and the soil structure in the long term. 
Primary direct impacts of high salinity water on plant crops include 
physiological drought, increased osmotic potential of soil, specific 
ion toxicity, leaf burn, and nutrient uptake interferences (DCN 
SGE00938). In general, for various classes of crops the salinity 
tolerance decreases in the following order: forage crops, field crops, 
vegetables, fruits.
    The suitability of water for irrigation is classified using several 
different measurements, including TDS and electrical conductivity (EC). 
Table XV-2. shows a classification of TDS concentrations for irrigation 

     Table XV-2--Permissible Limits for Classes of Irrigation Water
                                           Concentrations of TDS
         Class of water               Electrical
                                   conductivity \a\   TDS by gravimetric
                                        (dS/m)               (mg/L)
Class 1. Excellent..............               0.250                 175
Class 2. Good...................         0.250-0.750             175-275
Class 3. Permissible \b\........           0.750-2.0           525-1,400
Class 4. Doubtful \c\...........             2.0-3.0         1.400-2,100
Class 5. Unsuitable \c\.........                 3.0              >2,100
a = TDS (mg/L) [ap] Electrical Conductivity (EC) (deci-Siemen/meter (dS/
  m)) x 640 for EC < 5 dS/m.
b = leaching needed if used.
c = good drainage needed and sensitive plants will have difficulty
  obtaining stands.
Source: Fipps (2003) (DCN SGE00936).

    In addition to short-term impacts to crop plants, irrigating with 
high TDS water can result in gradual accumulation of salts or sodium in 
soil layers and eventual decrease in soil productivity. The 
susceptibility of soils to degradation is dependent on the soil type 
and structure. Sandy soils are less likely than finely textured soils 
to accumulate salts or sodium. Soils with a high water table or poor 
drainage are more susceptible to salt or sodium accumulation. The most 
common method of estimating the suitability of a soil for crop 
production is through calculation of its sodicity as estimated by the 
soil's sodium absorption ratio (SAR). The SAR value is calculated by 
the equation: \26\

The impact of irrigation water salinity on crop productivity is a 
function of both the SAR value and the electrical conductivity. The 
actual field-observed impacts are very site-specific depending on soil 
and crop system. (DCN SGE00938)

    \26\ The variables in the equation are defined as follows: 
[Na\+\]-Sodium concentration (mg/L); [Ca\2+\]-Calcium concentration 
(mg/L); [Mg\2+\]-Magnesium concentration (mg/L).

5. Industrial Uses
    POTW discharges to surface waters are often upstream of industrial 
facilities that withdraw surface waters for various cooling and process 
uses. High levels of TDS can adversely affect industrial applications 
requiring the use of water in cooling tower operations, boiler feed 
water, food processing, and electronics manufacturing. Concentrations 
of TDS above 500 mg/L result in excessive corrosivity, scaling, and 
sedimentation in water pipes, water heaters, boilers and household 
appliances. Depending on the industry, TDS in intake water can 
interfere with chemical processes within the plant. Some industries 
requiring ultrapure water, such as semi-conductor manufacturing 
facilities, are particularly sensitive to high TDS levels due to the 
treatment cost for the removal of TDS.

XVI. Non-Water Quality Environmental Impacts Associated With the 
Proposed Rule

    Because the elimination or reduction of one form of pollution can 
create or aggravate other environmental problems, EPA considers non-
water quality environmental impacts (including energy impacts) that can 
result from the implementation of proposed regulations. EPA evaluated 
the potential impact of the proposed pretreatment standards on air 
emissions, solid waste generation, and energy consumption.
    The proposed PSES/PSNS would prohibit the discharge to POTWs of 
wastewater pollutants associated with UOG extraction. Because EPA knows 
of no POTWs that are currently accepting UOG extraction wastewater, the 
proposed PSES will require no changes in current industry wastewater 
management practices and, consequently, will have no incremental 
impacts on air emissions, solid waste generation, or energy 
consumption. Based on the reasoning that new sources will follow 
current industry practice, EPA projects no incremental non-water 
quality environmental impacts associated with PSNS.

XVII. Implementation

A. Implementation Deadline

    Because the requirements of the proposed rule are based on current 
practice, EPA proposes that the PSES/NSPS standards based on the 
regulatory options being proposed apply on the effective date of the 
final rule.

B. Upset and Bypass Provisions

    A ``bypass'' is an intentional diversion of waste streams from any 
portion of a treatment facility. An ``upset'' is an exceptional 
incident in which there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance 
with technology-based permit effluent limitations because of factors 
beyond the reasonable control of the permittee. EPA's regulations for 
indirect dischargers concerning bypasses and upsets are set forth at 40 
CFR 403.16 and 403.17.

C. Variances and Modifications

    The CWA requires application of effluent limitations established 
pursuant to section 304 for direct dischargers and section 307 for all 
indirect dischargers. However, the statute provides for the 
modification of these national requirements in a limited number of 
circumstances. Moreover, the Agency

[[Page 18578]]

has established administrative mechanisms to provide an opportunity for 
relief from the application of the national pretreatment standards for 
categories of existing sources.
    EPA can develop pretreatment standards different from the otherwise 
applicable requirements for an individual existing discharger if it is 
fundamentally different with respect to factors considered in 
establishing the standards applicable to the individual discharger. 
Such a modification is known as a ``fundamentally different factors'' 
(FDF) variance. See 40 CFR 403.13. EPA, in its initial implementation 
of the effluent guidelines program, provided for the FDF modifications 
in regulations. These were variances from the BCT effluent limitations, 
BAT limitations for toxic and nonconventional pollutants, and BPT 
limitations for conventional pollutants for direct dischargers. FDF 
variances for toxic pollutants were challenged judicially and 
ultimately sustained by the Supreme Court in Chemical Manufacturers 
Association v. Natural Resources Defense Council, 479 U.S. 116, 124 
(U.S. 1985). FDF variances, however, are not available for new sources. 
E.I. Dupont v. Train, 430 U.S. 112, 138 (U.S. 1977).
    Subsequently, in the Water Quality Act of 1987, Congress added new 
CWA section 301(n). This provision explicitly authorizes modifications 
of the otherwise applicable BAT effluent limitations or categorical 
pretreatment standards if a discharger is fundamentally different with 
respect to the factors specified in CWA section 304 or 403 (other than 
costs) from those considered by EPA in establishing the effluent 
limitations or pretreatment standards. CWA section 301(n) also defined 
the conditions under which EPA can establish alternative requirements. 
Under section 301(n), an application for approval of a FDF variance 
must be based solely on (1) information submitted during rulemaking 
raising the factors that are fundamentally different or (2) information 
the applicant did not have an opportunity to submit. The alternate 
limitation must be no less stringent than justified by the difference 
and must not result in markedly more adverse non-water quality 
environmental impacts than the national limitation or standard.
    The legislative history of section 301(n) underscores the necessity 
for the FDF variance applicant to establish eligibility for the 
variance. EPA's regulations at 40 CFR 403.13 are explicit in imposing 
this burden upon the applicant. The applicant must show that the 
factors relating to the discharge controlled by the applicant's permit 
that are claimed to be fundamentally different are, in fact, 
fundamentally different from those factors considered by EPA in 
establishing the applicable pretreatment standards. In practice, very 
few FDF variances have been granted for past ELGs. An FDF variance may 
be available to an existing source subject to the proposed PSES, but an 
FDF variance is not available to a new source that would be subject to 

XVIII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and Executive 
Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review

    This action is a ``significant regulatory action'' under the terms 
of Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993). Accordingly, 
EPA submitted this action to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
for review under Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 (76 FR 3821, January 
21, 2011) and any changes made in response to OMB recommendations have 
been documented in the docket for this action.

B. Paperwork Reduction Act

    This action does not impose an information collection burden under 
the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. 
Burden is defined at 5 CFR 1320.3(b). This proposal would codify 
current industry practice and would not impose any additional reporting 

C. Regulatory Flexibility Act

    The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) generally requires an agency 
to prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis of any proposed rule that 
would be subject to notice and comment rulemaking requirements under 
the Administrative Procedure Act or any other statute unless the agency 
certifies that the rule will not have a significant economic impact on 
a substantial number of small entities. Small entities include small 
businesses, small organizations, and small governmental jurisdictions.
    For purposes of assessing the impacts of the proposed rule on small 
entities, small entity is defined as: (1) a small business that is 
primarily engaged in Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction and 
Natural Gas Liquid Extraction by NAICS code 211111 and 211112 with 
fewer than 500 employees (based on Small Business Administration size 
    After considering the economic impacts of the proposed rule on 
small entities, I certify that this action will not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. The small 
entities that would be subject to the requirements of this proposed 
rule are small businesses that engage in UOG extraction as defined in 
Section XI. No small businesses will experience an impact because the 
proposed rulemaking does not impose any new requirement that is not 
already being met by the industry.

D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

    This proposed rule does not contain a Federal mandate that can 
result in expenditures of $100 million or more for state, local, and 
tribal governments, in the aggregate, or the private sector in any one 
year. As explained in Section VI.C., this proposed rule has no costs. 
Thus, this proposed rule would not be subject to the requirements of 
sections 202 or 205 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA).
    This proposed rule also would not be subject to the requirements of 
section 203 of UMRA because it contains no regulatory requirements that 
might significantly or uniquely affect small governments. EPA has not 
identified any oil and gas facilities that are owned by small 

E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism

    This action does not have federalism implications. It will not have 
substantial direct effects on the states, on the relationship between 
the national government and the states, or on the distribution of power 
and responsibilities among the various levels of government, as 
specified in Executive Order 13132. The proposed rule would not alter 
the basic state-federal scheme established in the CWA under which EPA 
authorizes states to carry out the NPDES permit program. EPA expects 
the proposed rule would have little effect on the relationship between, 
or the distribution of power and responsibilities among, the federal 
and state governments. Thus, Executive Order 13132 does not apply to 
this action. Although this order does not apply to this action, as 
explained in Section IX., EPA coordinated closely with states through a 
workgroup, as well as outreach efforts to pretreatment coordinators and 
pretreatment authorities.

F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With Indian 
Tribal Governments

    This action does not have tribal implications, as specified in 
Executive Order 13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9, 2000). It will not have 
substantial direct

[[Page 18579]]

effects on tribal governments, on the relationship between the Federal 
government and Indian tribes, or on the distribution of power and 
responsibilities between the Federal government and Indian tribes. The 
proposed rule contains no Federal mandates for tribal governments and 
does not impose any enforceable duties on tribal governments. Thus, 
Executive Order 13175 does not apply to this action.
    Although Executive Order 13175 does not apply to this action, EPA 
coordinated with tribal officials in developing this action. EPA 
coordinated with federally recognized tribal governments in May and 
June of 2014, sharing information about the UOG pretreatment standards 
proposed rulemaking with the National Tribal Caucus and the National 
Tribal Water Council. As part of this outreach effort, EPA collected 
data about UOG operations on tribal reservations, UOG operators that 
are affiliated with Indian tribes, and POTWs owned or operated by 
tribes that can accept industrial wastewaters (see DCN SGE00785). Based 
on this information, there are no tribes operating UOG wells that 
discharge wastewater to POTWs nor are there any tribes that own or 
operate POTWs that accept industrial wastewater from UOG facilities; 
therefore, this proposed rule will not impose any costs on tribes.

G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From Environmental 
Health and Safety Risks

    E.O. 13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997) applies to rules that are 
economically significant according to E.O. 12866 and involve a health 
or safety risk that can disproportionately affect children. This 
proposed action would not be subject to E.O. 13045 because it is 
estimated to cost less than $100 million and does not involve a safety 
or health risk that can have disproportionately negative effects on 

H. Executive Order 13211: Energy Effects

    This proposed action is not subject to Executive Order 13211, 
because it not a ``significant energy action'' as defined in Executive 
Order 13211, ``Actions Concerning Regulations That Significantly Affect 
Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use'' (66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001). This 
action will not have a significant adverse effect on the supply, 
distribution, or use of energy, as described in Section XVI. of the 
proposed rule.

I. National Technology Transfer Advancement Act

    Section 12(d) of the National Technology Transfer and Advancement 
Act of 1995 (``NTTAA''), Public Law 104-113, 12(d) (15 U.S.C. 272 note) 
directs EPA to use voluntary consensus standards in its regulatory 
activities unless to do so would be inconsistent with applicable law or 
otherwise impractical. Voluntary consensus standards are technical 
standards (e.g., materials specifications, test methods, sampling 
procedures, and business practices) that are developed or adopted by 
voluntary consensus standards bodies. NTTAA directs EPA to provide 
Congress, through OMB, explanations when the Agency decides not to use 
available and applicable voluntary consensus standards.
    This proposed rulemaking does not involve technical standards. 
Therefore, EPA is not considering the use of any voluntary consensus 

J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions To Address Environmental 
Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations

    Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629 (Feb. 16, 1994)) establishes 
federal executive policy on environmental justice. Its main provision 
directs federal agencies, to the greatest extent practicable and 
permitted by law, to make environmental justice part of their mission 
by identifying and addressing, as appropriate, disproportionately high 
and adverse human health or environmental effects of their programs, 
policies, and activities on minority populations and low-income 
populations in the U.S.
    EPA determined that this proposed rule will not have 
disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental 
effects on minority or low-income populations because it does not 
affect the level of protection provided to human health or the 
environment. The proposed rule changes the control technology required 
but will neither increase nor decrease environmental protection (as 
described in Section VII.C.).
    EPA welcomes comments on this aspect of the proposed rulemaking 
and, specifically, invites the public to identify potential 
environmental justice considerations associated with this proposed 

List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 435

    Environmental protection, Pretreatment, Waste treatment and 
disposal, Water pollution control, Unconventional oil and gas 

    Dated: March 31, 2015.
Gina McCarthy,

    Therefore, it is proposed that 40 CFR part 435 be amended as 


1. The authority citation for part 435 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  33 U.S.C. 1311, 1314, 1316, 1317, 1318, 1342 and 

2. Add Sec.  435.33 to read as follows:

Sec.  435.33  Pretreatment standards of performance for existing 
sources (PSES).

    (a) PSES for Wastewater from Conventional Oil and Gas Extraction. 
    (b) PSES for Wastewater from Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction. 
Except as provided in 40 CFR 403.7 and 403.13, any existing source 
subject to this section, must achieve the following pretreatment 
standards for existing sources (PSES).
    (1) There shall be no discharge of wastewater pollutants associated 
with production, field exploration, drilling, well completion, or well 
treatment for unconventional oil and gas extraction (e.g., drilling 
muds, drill cuttings, produced sand, produced water) into publicly 
owned treatment works.
    (2) For the purposes of this section,
    (i) Unconventional oil and gas means crude oil and natural gas 
produced by a well drilled into a low porosity, low permeability 
formation (including, but not limited to, shale gas, shale oil, tight 
gas, tight oil).
    (ii) Drill cuttings means the particles generated by drilling into 
subsurface geologic formations and carried out from the wellbore with 
the drilling fluid.
    (iii) Drilling muds means the circulating fluid (mud) used in the 
rotary drilling of wells to clean and condition the hole and to 
counterbalance formation pressure.
    (iv) Produced sand means the slurried particles used in hydraulic 
fracturing, the accumulated formation sands, and scales particles 
generated during production. Produced sand also includes desander 
discharge from the produced water waste stream, and blowdown of the 
water phase from the produced water treating system.
    (v) Produced water means the water (brine) brought up from the 
hydrocarbon-bearing strata during the extraction of oil and gas, and 
can include formation water, injection water, and any chemicals added

[[Page 18580]]

downhole or during the oil/water separation process.
3. Add Sec.  435.34 to read as follows:

Sec.  435.34  Pretreatment standards of performance for new sources 

    (a) PSNS for Wastewater from Conventional Oil and Gas Extraction. 
    (b) PSNS for Wastewater from Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction. 
Except as provided in 40 CFR 403.7 and 403.13, any new source with 
discharges subject to this section must achieve the following 
pretreatment standards for new sources (PSNS).
    (1) There shall be no discharge of wastewater pollutants associated 
with production, field exploration, drilling, well completion, or well 
treatment for unconventional oil and gas extraction (e.g., drilling 
muds, drill cuttings, produced sand, produced water) into publicly 
owned treatment works.
    (2) For the purposes of this section, the definitions of 
unconventional oil and gas, drill cuttings, drilling muds, produced 
sand, and produced water are as specified in Sec.  435.33(b)(2)(i) 
through (v).
4. Add subpart H to read as follows:

Subpart H--Coalbed Methane Subcategory [Reserved]

[FR Doc. 2015-07819 Filed 4-6-15; 8:45 a.m.]

                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                           18557

                                                  identifiers, contact information, or other              protect human health and the                           for deliveries of boxed information by
                                                  personal information provided, to:                      environment and protect the operational                calling 202–566–2426.
                                                  http://www.regulations.gov. Do not                      integrity of publicly owned treatment                     Instructions: Direct your comments to
                                                  submit confidential business                            works (POTWs) by establishing                          Docket No. EPA–HQ–OW–2014–0598.
                                                  information, trade secret information, or               pretreatment standards that would                      EPA’s policy is that all comments
                                                  other sensitive or protected information                prevent the discharge of pollutants in                 received will be included in the public
                                                  electronically. Such information should                 wastewater from onshore                                docket without change and can be made
                                                  be submitted in writing.                                unconventional oil and gas extraction                  available online at http://
                                                     Docket: For access to the docket to                  facilities to POTWs. Unconventional oil                www.regulations.gov, including any
                                                  read background documents or                            and gas (UOG) extraction wastewater                    personal information provided, unless
                                                  comments received, go to: http://                       can be generated in large quantities and               the comment includes information
                                                  www.regulations.gov and insert the                      contains constituents that are                         claimed to be Confidential Business
                                                  Docket No. CPSC–2009–0087 into the                      potentially harmful to human health                    Information (CBI) or other information
                                                  ‘‘Search’’ box and follow the prompts.                  and the environment. Because they are                  whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
                                                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On                           not typical of POTW influent                           Do not submit information that you
                                                  November 19, 2014, the Commission                       wastewater, some UOG extraction                        consider to be CBI or otherwise
                                                  published an NPR in the Federal                         wastewater constituents can be                         protected through http://
                                                  Register proposing standards that would                 discharged, untreated, from the POTW                   www.regulations.gov or email. The
                                                  apply to ROVs. (79 FR 68964). The                       to the receiving stream; can disrupt the               http://www.regulations.gov Web site is
                                                  Commission issued the proposed rule                     operation of the POTW (e.g., by                        an ‘‘anonymous access’’ system, which
                                                  under the authority of the Consumer                     inhibiting biological treatment); can                  means EPA will not know your identity
                                                  Product Safety Act (CPSA). In response                  accumulate in biosolids (sewage                        or contact information unless you
                                                  to requests for an extension of the                     sludge), limiting their use; and can                   provide it in the body of your comment.
                                                  comment period by the Recreational                      facilitate the formation of harmful                    If you send an email comment directly
                                                  Off-Highway Vehicle Association                         disinfection by-products (DBPs). Based                 to EPA without going through http://
                                                  (ROHVA) and the Outdoor Power                           on the information collected by EPA,                   www.regulations.gov your email address
                                                  Equipment Institute (OPEI), the                         the requirements in this proposal reflect              will be automatically captured and
                                                  Commission extended the comment                         current industry practices for                         included as part of the comment that is
                                                  period to April 8, 2015. (80 FR 3535                    unconventional oil and gas extraction                  placed in the public docket and made
                                                  (January 23, 2015)). ROHVA and OPEI                     facilities, therefore, EPA does not                    available on the Internet. If you submit
                                                  have each requested another extension                   project the proposed rule will impose                  an electronic comment, EPA
                                                  to the comment period. ROHVA asked                      any costs or lead to pollutant removals,               recommends that you include your
                                                  for additional time to review documents                 but will ensure that such current                      name and other contact information in
                                                  provided by the Commission. OPEI                        industry best practice is maintained                   the body of your comment and with any
                                                  noted a need for additional time for                    over time.                                             disk or CD–ROM you submit. If EPA
                                                  OPEI to complete and review ‘‘round                     DATES: Comments on this proposed rule                  cannot read your comment due to
                                                  robin’’ testing that OPEI is conducting to              must be received on or before June 8,                  technical difficulties and cannot contact
                                                  gauge the reproducibility and                           2015. EPA will conduct a public hearing                you for clarification, EPA will not be
                                                  repeatability of tests the Commission                   on the proposed pretreatment standards                 able to consider your comment.
                                                  proposed in the NPR. The Commission                     on May 29, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. in the EPA                Electronic files should avoid the use of
                                                  has considered the requests and is                      East Building, Room 1153, 1201                         special characters, any form of
                                                  extending the comment period until                      Constitution Avenue NW., Washington,                   encryption, and be free of any defects or
                                                  June 19, 2015.                                          DC.                                                    viruses.
                                                  Alberta E. Mills,                                                                                                 Docket: All documents in the docket
                                                                                                          ADDRESSES: Submit your comments on
                                                  Acting Secretary, U.S. Consumer Product                                                                        are listed in the http://
                                                                                                          the proposed rule, identified by Docket
                                                  Safety Commission.                                                                                             www.regulations.gov index. A detailed
                                                                                                          No. EPA–HQ–OW–2014–0598 by one of
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–07910 Filed 4–6–15; 8:45 am]                                                                     record index, organized by subject, is
                                                                                                          the following methods:
                                                                                                                                                                 available on EPA’s Web site at http://
                                                  BILLING CODE 6355–01–P                                    • http://www.regulations.gov: Follow                 water.epa.gov/scitech/wastetech/guide/
                                                                                                          the on-line instructions for submitting                oilandgas/unconv.cfm. Although listed
                                                                                                          comments.                                              in the index, some information is not
                                                  ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                                  • Email: OW-Docket@epa.gov,
                                                  AGENCY                                                                                                         publicly available, e.g., CBI or other
                                                                                                          Attention Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OW–                     information whose disclosure is
                                                                                                          2014–0598.                                             restricted by statute. Certain other
                                                  40 CFR Part 435
                                                                                                            • Mail: Water Docket, U.S.                           material, such as copyrighted material,
                                                  [EPA–HQ–OW–2014–0598; FRL–9917–78–                      Environmental Protection Agency, Mail                  will be publicly available only in hard
                                                  OW]                                                     code: 4203M, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave.                    copy. Publicly available docket
                                                  RIN 2040–AF35                                           NW., Washington, DC 20460. Attention                   materials are available either
                                                                                                          Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OW–2014–                          electronically in http://
                                                  Effluent Limitations Guidelines and                     0598. Please include three copies.                     www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  Standards for the Oil and Gas                             • Hand Delivery: Water Docket, EPA                   the Water Docket in EPA Docket Center,
                                                  Extraction Point Source Category                        Docket Center, EPA West Building                       EPA/DC, EPA West, Room 3334, 1301
                                                  AGENCY:  Environmental Protection                       Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave.                      Constitution Ave. NW., Washington,
                                                  Agency (EPA).                                           NW., Washington, DC, Attention Docket                  DC. The Public Reading Room is open
                                                  ACTION: Proposed rule.                                  ID No. EPA–HQ–OW–2014–0598. Such                       from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday
                                                                                                          deliveries are only accepted during the                through Friday, excluding legal
                                                  SUMMARY:EPA proposes a Clean Water                      Docket’s normal hours of operation, and                holidays. The telephone number for the
                                                  Act (CWA) regulation that would better                  you should make special arrangements                   Public Reading Room is 202–566–1744,

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                                                  18558                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                  and the telephone number for the Water                                    A. Purpose of the Regulatory Action                                 E. Wastewater Management and Disposal
                                                  Docket is 202–566–2426.                                                   B. Summary of the Proposed Rule                                        Practices
                                                     Pretreatment Hearing Information:                                      C. Summary of Costs and Benefits                                    1. Injection into Disposal Wells
                                                  EPA will conduct a public hearing on                                    VII. Solicitation of Data and Comments                                2. Reuse in Fracturing
                                                                                                                          VIII. Background                                                      3. Transfer to Centralized Waste Treatment
                                                  the proposed pretreatment standards on
                                                                                                                            A. Clean Water Act                                                     Facilities
                                                  May 29, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. in the East                                     B. Effluent Limitations Guidelines and                              4. Transfer to POTWs
                                                  Building, Room 1153, 1201 Constitution                                       Standards Program                                              XIII. Subcategorization
                                                  Avenue NW., Washington, DC.                                               1. Best Practicable Control Technology                            XIV. Proposed Regulation
                                                  Registration is not required for this                                        Currently Available (BPT)                                        A. Discussion of Options
                                                  public hearing, however pre-registration                                  2. Best Conventional Pollutant Control                              1. PSES and PSNS Option Selection
                                                  will be possible via a link on EPA’s Web                                     Technology (BCT)                                                 2. Other Options Considered
                                                  site: at http://water.epa.gov/scitech/                                    3. Best Available Technology Economically                           B. Pollutants of Concern
                                                  wastetech/guide/oilandgas/unconv.cfm.                                        Achievable (BAT)                                                 C. POTW Pass Through Analysis
                                                                                                                            4. Best Available Demonstrated Control
                                                  During the hearing, the public will have                                     Technology (BADCT)/New Source
                                                                                                                                                                                              XV. Environmental Impacts
                                                  an opportunity to provide oral comment                                                                                                        A. Pollutants
                                                                                                                               Performance Standards (NSPS)
                                                  to EPA on the proposed pretreatment                                                                                                           B. Impacts From the Discharge of
                                                                                                                            5. Pretreatment Standards for Existing
                                                  standards. EPA will not address any                                                                                                              Pollutants Found in UOG Extraction
                                                                                                                               Sources (PSES) and Pretreatment
                                                  issues raised during the hearing at that                                     Standards for New Sources (PSNS)
                                                                                                                            C. Oil and Gas Extraction Effluent                                  C. Impact on Surface Water Designated
                                                  time but these comments will be                                                                                                                  Uses
                                                  included in the public record for the                                        Guidelines Rulemaking History
                                                                                                                            1. Subpart C: Onshore                                               1. Drinking Water Uses
                                                  rule. For security reasons, we request                                                                                                        2. Aquatic Life Support Uses
                                                                                                                            2. Subpart E: Agricultural and Wildlife Use
                                                  that you bring photo identification with                                                                                                      3. Livestock Watering Uses
                                                                                                                            D. State Pretreatment Requirements That
                                                  you to the meeting. Also, if you let us                                      Apply to UOG Extraction Wastewater                               4. Irrigation Uses
                                                  know in advance of your plans to                                          E. Related Federal Requirements in the                              5. Industrial Uses
                                                  attend, it will expedite the process of                                      Safe Drinking Water Act                                        XVI. Non-Water Quality Environmental
                                                  signing in. Seating will be provided on                                 IX. Summary of Data Collection                                           Impacts Associated With the Proposed
                                                  a first-come, first-served basis. Please                                  A. Site Visits and Contacts With Treatment                             Rule
                                                                                                                               Facilities and Vendors                                         XVII. Implementation
                                                  note that parking is very limited in
                                                                                                                            B. Meetings with Stakeholder                                        A. Implementation Deadline
                                                  downtown Washington, and use of                                                                                                               B. Upset and Bypass Provisions
                                                  public transit is recommended. EPA                                                                                                            C. Variances and Modifications
                                                                                                                            1. Stakeholder Organizations
                                                  Headquarters complex is located near                                      2. State Stakeholders                                             XVIII. Statutory and Executive Order
                                                  the Federal Triangle Metro station.                                       C. Secondary Data Sources                                              Reviews
                                                  Upon exiting the Metro station, walk                                      D. Drilling Info Desktop® Data Set                                  A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory
                                                  east to 12th Street. On 12th Street, walk                                 E. EPA Hydraulic Fracturing Study                                      Planning and Review and Executive
                                                  south to Constitution Avenue. At the                                    X. Description of the Oil and Gas Industry                               Order 13563: Improving Regulation and
                                                  corner, turn right onto Constitution                                      A. Economic Profile                                                    Regulatory Review
                                                  Avenue and proceed to EPA East                                            B. Industry Structure and Economic                                  B. Paperwork Reduction Act
                                                                                                                               Performance                                                      C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
                                                  Building entrance.
                                                                                                                            C. Financial Performance                                            D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For                                    XI. Scope                                                             E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
                                                  technical information, contact Lisa                                     XII. Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction:                           F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
                                                  Biddle, Engineering and Analysis                                             Resources, Process, and Wastewater                                  and Coordination With Indian Tribal
                                                  Division, Telephone: 202–566–0350;                                        A. Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction                               Governments
                                                  email: biddle.lisa@epa.gov. For                                              Resources                                                        G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of
                                                  economic information, contact Karen                                       B. Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction                               Children From Environmental Health
                                                                                                                               Process                                                             and Safety Risks
                                                  Milam, Engineering and Analysis
                                                                                                                            1. Well Drilling                                                    H. Executive Order 13211: Energy Effects
                                                  Division, Telephone: 202–566–1915;                                        2. Well Completion                                                  I. National Technology Transfer
                                                  email: milam.karen@epa.gov.                                               3. Production                                                          Advancement Act
                                                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                                                C. UOG Extraction Wastewater                                        J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions
                                                                                                                            1. Drilling Wastewater                                                 To Address Environmental Justice in
                                                  Table of Contents                                                         2. Produced Water                                                      Minority Populations and Low-Income
                                                  I. Regulated Entities                                                     D. UOG Extraction Wastewater                                           Populations
                                                  II. How To Submit Comments                                                   Characteristics
                                                  III. Supporting Documentation                                             1. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and TDS-                          I. Regulated Entities
                                                  IV. Overview                                                                 Contributing Ions
                                                  V. Legal Authority                                                        2. Organic Constituents                                             Entities potentially regulated by this
                                                  VI. Purpose and Summary of Proposed Rule                                  3. Radioactive Constituents                                       proposed action include:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   North American In-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   dustry Classification
                                                                         Category                                                                  Examples of regulated entities                                                   System (NAICS)
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  Industry ...................................................   Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction ........................................................                            211111
                                                                                                                 Natural Gas Liquid Extraction .................................................................................                211112

                                                    This section is not intended to be                                    regulated by this proposed action. Other                            To determine whether your facility
                                                  exhaustive, but rather provides a guide                                 types of entities that do not meet the                              would be regulated by this proposed
                                                  for readers regarding entities likely to be                             above criteria could also be regulated.                             action, you should carefully examine

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                  18559

                                                  the applicability criteria listed in 40                 VI. Purpose and Summary of Proposed                    the oil and/or natural gas a pathway to
                                                  CFR 435.30 and the definitions in 40                    Rule                                                   travel to the well for extraction. Pressure
                                                  CFR 435.33(b) of the proposed rule and                                                                         within the low permeability, low
                                                                                                          A. Purpose of the Regulatory Action
                                                  detailed further in Section XI—Scope, of                                                                       porosity geologic formations forces
                                                  this preamble. If you still have questions                 Responsible development of                          wastewaters, as well as oil and/or gas,
                                                  regarding the proposed applicability of                 America’s oil and gas resources offers                 to the surface. In this proposed
                                                  this action to a particular entity, consult             important economic, energy security,                   rulemaking, oil and gas extraction
                                                  the person listed for technical                         and environmental benefits. EPA is                     includes production, field exploration,
                                                  information in the preceding FOR                        working with states and other                          drilling, well completion, and/or well
                                                  FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section.
                                                                                                          stakeholders to understand and address                 treatment; wastewater sources
                                                                                                          potential impacts of hydraulic                         associated with these activities in low
                                                  II. How To Submit Comments                              fracturing, an important process                       permeability, low porosity formations
                                                                                                          involved in producing unconventional                   are collectively referred to as UOG
                                                     The public can submit comments in                    oil and natural gas, so the public has                 extraction wastewater.
                                                  written or electronic form. (See the                    confidence that oil and natural gas                       Direct discharges of oil and gas
                                                  ADDRESSES section above.) Electronic                    production will proceed in a safe and                  extraction wastewater pollutants from
                                                  comments must be identified by the                      responsible manner.1 EPA is moving                     onshore oil and gas resources, including
                                                  Docket No. EPA–HQ–OW–2014–0598                          forward with several initiatives to                    UOG resources, to waters of the U.S.
                                                  and must be submitted as a MS Word,                     provide regulatory clarity with respect                have been regulated since 1979 under
                                                  WordPerfect, or ASCII text file, avoiding               to existing laws and using existing                    the existing Oil and Gas Effluent
                                                  the use of special characters and any                   authorities where appropriate to                       Limitations Guidelines and Standards
                                                  form of encryption. EPA requests that                   enhance human health and                               (ELGs) (40 CFR part 435), the majority
                                                  any graphics included in electronic                     environmental safeguards. This                         of which fall under subpart C, the
                                                  comments also be provided in hard-                      proposed rule would fill a gap in                      Onshore Subcategory. The limitations
                                                  copy form. EPA also will accept                         existing federal wastewater regulations                for direct dischargers in the Onshore
                                                  comments and data on disks in the                       to ensure that the current practice of not             Subcategory represent Best Practicable
                                                  aforementioned file formats. Electronic                 sending wastewater discharges from this                Control Technology Currently Available
                                                  comments received on this notice can be                 sector to POTWs continues into the                     (BPT). Based on the availability and
                                                  filed online at many Federal Depository                 future. This proposed rule does not,                   economic practicability of underground
                                                  Libraries. No confidential business                     however, address the practice of                       injection technologies, the BPT-based
                                                  information (CBI) should be sent by                     underground injection of wastewater                    limitations for direct dischargers require
                                                  email.                                                  discharges from this sector since such                 zero discharge of pollutants to waters of
                                                                                                          activity is not subject to the CWA but                 the U.S. However, there are currently no
                                                  III. Supporting Documentation                           rather the Safe Drinking Water Act                     requirements in subpart C that apply to
                                                     The proposed rule is supported by a                  (SDWA) (see TDD Chapter A.3).                          onshore oil and gas extraction facilities
                                                  number of documents including the                          Recent advances in the well                         that are ‘‘indirect dischargers,’’ i.e.,
                                                                                                          completion process, combining                          those that send their discharges to
                                                  Technical Development Document for
                                                                                                          hydraulic fracturing and horizontal                    POTWs (municipal wastewater
                                                  Proposed Effluent Limitations
                                                                                                          drilling, have made extraction of oil and              treatment facilities) which treat the
                                                  Guidelines and Standards for Oil and
                                                                                                          natural gas from low permeability, low                 water before discharging it to waters of
                                                  Gas Extraction (TDD), Document No.
                                                                                                          porosity geologic formations (referred to              the U.S.
                                                  EPA–821–R–15–003 (DCN SGE00704).                                                                                  UOG extraction wastewater can be
                                                                                                          hereafter as unconventional oil and gas
                                                  This and other supporting documents                                                                            generated in large quantities and
                                                                                                          (UOG) resources) more technologically
                                                  are available in the public record for                  and economically feasible than it had                  contains constituents that are
                                                  this proposed rule and on EPA’s Web                     been. As a result, according to the U.S.               potentially harmful to human health
                                                  site at http://water.epa.gov/scitech/                   Department of Energy (DOE), in 2012,                   and the environment. Wastewater from
                                                  wastetech/guide/oilandgas/unconv.cfm.                   U.S. crude oil and natural gas                         UOG wells often contains high
                                                  IV. Overview                                            production reached their highest levels                concentrations of total dissolved solids
                                                                                                          in more than 15 and 30 years,                          (TDS) (salt content). The wastewater can
                                                    This preamble describes the reasons                   respectively (DCN SGE00989). DOE                       also contain various organic chemicals,
                                                  for the proposed rule; the legal authority              projects natural gas production in the                 inorganic chemicals, metals, and
                                                  for the proposed rule; a summary of the                 U.S. will likely increase by 56 percent                naturally-occurring radioactive
                                                  options considered for the proposal;                    by 2040, compared to 2012 production                   materials (referred to as technologically
                                                  background information, including                       levels (DCN SGE00989). Similarly, DOE                  enhanced naturally occurring
                                                  terms, acronyms, and abbreviations                      projects that by 2019, crude oil                       radioactive material or TENORM).2 This
                                                  used in this document; and the                          production in the United States (U.S.)                 potentially harmful wastewater creates a
                                                  technical and economic methodologies                    will increase by 48 percent compared to                need for appropriate wastewater
                                                  used by the Agency to develop the                       2012 production levels (DCN
                                                  proposed rule. In addition, this                        SGE00989).                                                2 Naturally occurring radioactive materials that

                                                                                                             Hydraulic fracturing is used to extract             have been concentrated or exposed to the accessible
                                                  preamble also solicits comment and                                                                             environment as a result of human activities such as
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  data from the public.                                   oil and natural gas from highly                        manufacturing, mineral extraction, or water
                                                                                                          impermeable rock formations, such as                   processing is referred to as technologically
                                                  V. Legal Authority                                      shale rock, by injecting fracturing fluids             enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material
                                                                                                          at high pressures to create a network of               (TENORM). ‘‘Technologically enhanced’’ means
                                                    EPA proposes this regulation under                                                                           that the radiological, physical, and chemical
                                                                                                          fissures in the rock formations and give               properties of the radioactive material have been
                                                  the authorities of sections 101, 301, 304,
                                                                                                                                                                 altered by having been processed, or beneficiated,
                                                  306, 307, 308, and 501 of the CWA, 33                     1 For more information on EPA’s continued            or disturbed in a way that increases the potential
                                                  U.S.C. 1251, 1311, 1314, 1316, 1317,                    engagement with states and other stakeholders, see:    for human and/or environmental exposures. (See
                                                  1318, 1324, and 1361.                                   http://www2.epa.gov/hydraulicfracturing.               EPA 402–r–08–005–v2)

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                                                  18560                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                  management infrastructure and                           the general prohibitions on user                       quality criteria for such key pollutants
                                                  management practices. Historically,                     discharges that pass through or interfere              in some states, all of which can create
                                                  operators primarily managed their                       with the POTW or discharges to the                     significant informational hurdles to
                                                  wastewater via underground injection                    POTW prohibited under the specific                     including appropriate WQBELs in
                                                  (where available). Where UOG wells                      prohibitions in 40 CFR 403.5(b). In the                POTW permits. Where a POTW’s permit
                                                  were drilled in areas with limited                      case of POTWs not required to develop                  does not contain a WQBEL for all of the
                                                  underground injection wells, and/or                     a pretreatment program, the POTWs                      constituents of concern in the
                                                  there was a lack of wastewater                          must develop local limits where there is               wastewater being sent to POTWs, it is
                                                  management alternatives, it became                      interference or pass through and the                   difficult to demonstrate pass through of
                                                  more common for operators to look to                    limits are necessary to ensure                         industrial pollutants (because ‘‘pass
                                                  public and private wastewater treatment                 compliance with the POTW’s National                    through’’ here means making the POTW
                                                  facilities to manage their wastewater.                  Pollutant Discharge Elimination System                 exceed its permit limits), and thus
                                                     POTWs collect wastewater from                        (NPDES) permit or biosolids use.                       difficult for POTWs to establish local
                                                  homes, commercial buildings, and                           Under section 307(b) of the CWA,                    limits to implement the general
                                                  industrial facilities and pipe it to their              EPA is authorized to establish                         prohibition in the pretreatment
                                                  sewage treatment plant. In some cases,                  nationally applicable pretreatment                     regulations. See Section XV. for
                                                  industrial dischargers can haul                         standards for industrial categories that               additional information.
                                                  wastewater to the treatment plant by                    discharge indirectly (i.e., requirements                  As a result of the gap in federal CWA
                                                  tanker truck. The industrial wastewater,                for an industrial discharge category that              regulations, increases in onshore oil and
                                                  commingled with domestic wastewater,                    sends its wastewater to any POTW) for                  gas extraction from UOG resources and
                                                  is treated by the POTW and discharged                   key pollutants, such as TDS and its                    the related generation of wastewater
                                                  to a receiving waterbody. However,                      constituents, not susceptible to                       requiring management, concerns over
                                                  most POTWs are designed primarily to                    treatment by POTWs or for pollutants                   the level of treatment provided by
                                                  treat municipally generated, not                        that would interfere with the operation                public wastewater treatment facilities,
                                                  industrial, wastewater. They typically                  of POTWs. Generally, EPA designs                       as well as potential interference with
                                                  provide at least secondary level                        nationally applicable pretreatment                     treatment processes, and concerns over
                                                  treatment and, thus, are designed to                    standards for categories of industry (also             water quality and aquatic life impacts
                                                  remove suspended solids and organic                     referred to as categorical pretreatment                that can result from inadequate
                                                  material using biological treatment. As                 standards) to ensure that wastewaters                  treatment, EPA proposes technology-
                                                  mentioned previously, wastewater from                   from direct and indirect industrial                    based categorical pretreatment
                                                  UOG extraction can contain high                         dischargers are subject to similar levels              standards under the CWA for discharges
                                                  concentrations of TDS, radioactive                      of treatment. EPA, in its discretion                   of pollutants into POTWs from existing
                                                  elements, metals, chlorides, sulfates,                  under section 304(g) of the Act,                       and new onshore UOG extraction
                                                  and other dissolved inorganic                           periodically evaluates indirect                        facilities in subpart C of 40 CFR part
                                                  constituents that POTWs are not                         dischargers not subject to categorical                 435. Consistent with existing BPT-based
                                                  designed to remove. Because they are                    pretreatment standards to identify                     requirements for direct dischargers in
                                                  not typical of POTW influent                            potential candidates for new                           this subcategory, EPA proposes
                                                  wastewater, some UOG extraction                         pretreatment standards. To date, EPA                   pretreatment standards for existing and
                                                  wastewater constituents can be                          has not established nationally                         new sources (PSES and PSNS,
                                                  discharged, untreated, from the POTW                    applicable pretreatment standards for                  respectively) that would prohibit the
                                                  to the receiving stream; can disrupt the                the onshore oil and gas extraction point               indirect discharge of wastewater
                                                  operation of the POTW (e.g., by                         source subcategory.                                    pollutants associated with onshore UOG
                                                  inhibiting biological treatment); can                      To legally discharge wastewater, the                extraction facilities.
                                                  accumulate in biosolids (sewage                         POTW must have an NPDES permit that                       Based on the information reviewed as
                                                  sludge), limiting their use; and can                    limits the type and quantity of                        part of this proposed rulemaking, this
                                                  facilitate the formation of harmful DBPs.               pollutants that it can discharge.                      proposed prohibition reflects current
                                                     Under section 307(b) of the CWA,                     Discharges from POTWs are subject to                   industry practice. EPA has not
                                                  there are general and specific                          the secondary treatment effluent                       identified any existing onshore UOG
                                                  prohibitions on the discharge to POTWs                  limitations at 40 CFR part 133, which                  extraction facilities that currently
                                                  of pollutants in specified circumstances                address certain conventional pollutants                discharge UOG extraction wastewater to
                                                  in order to prevent ‘‘pass through’’ or                 but do not address the main parameters                 POTWs. However, because onshore
                                                  ‘‘interference.’’ Pass through is defined               of concern in UOG extraction                           unconventional oil and gas extraction
                                                  as whenever the introduction of                         wastewater (e.g., TDS, chloride,                       facilities have discharged to POTWs in
                                                  pollutants from a user will result in a                 radionuclides, etc.). POTWs are also                   the past, and because the potential
                                                  discharge that causes or contributes to a               subject to water quality-based effluent                remains that some facilities can
                                                  violation of any requirement of the                     limitations (WQBELs) where necessary                   consider discharging to POTWs in the
                                                  POTW permit. See 40 CFR 403.3(p).                       to protect state water quality standards,              future, EPA proposes this rule.
                                                  Interference means a discharge that,                    as required under CWA section
                                                  among other things, inhibits or disrupts                301(b)(1)(C).                                          B. Summary of the Proposed Rule
                                                  the POTW or prevents biosolids use                         It is currently uncommon for POTWs                    EPA proposes pretreatment standards
                                                  consistent with the POTW’s chosen                       to establish local limits for some of the              for existing and new sources (PSES and
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  method of disposal. See 40 CFR                          parameters of concern identified for this              PSNS, respectively) that would prohibit
                                                  403.3(k). These general and specific                    proposed rulemaking. This is due to a                  the indirect discharge of wastewater
                                                  prohibitions must be implemented                        number of factors, including lack of                   pollutants associated with onshore UOG
                                                  through local limits established by                     sufficient information regarding                       extraction facilities. EPA is defining
                                                  POTWs in certain cases. See 40 CFR                      pollutants in the wastewater being sent                UOG extraction wastewater as sources
                                                  403.5(c). POTWs with approved                           to POTWs; lack of national water quality               of wastewater pollutants associated with
                                                  pretreatment programs must develop                      recommendations for key pollutants,                    production, field exploration, drilling,
                                                  and enforce local limits to implement                   such as TDS; and lack of state water                   well completion, or well treatment for

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                          18561

                                                  unconventional oil and gas extraction                   and the presence of other pollutants in                   6. Volumes of, and pollutants and
                                                  (e.g., produced water (which includes                   POTW effluent. Prevention of the                       concentrations in, wastewater generated
                                                  formation water, injection water, and                   discharge of TDS accomplished by the                   from conventional oil and gas
                                                  any chemicals added downhole or                         proposed rule would further protect                    extraction. See Section XIV.A.2.c.
                                                  during the oil/water separation process);               water quality because national water                      7. The prevalence of conventional oil
                                                  drilling muds; drill cuttings; produced                 quality criteria recommendations have                  and gas wastewater discharges to
                                                  sand). According to sources surveyed by                 not yet been established for many                      POTWs, including information on any
                                                  EPA (see Section IX), there are no                      constituents of TDS.                                   pretreatment that could be applied,
                                                  known discharges to POTWs from UOG                        The proposed rule could impose some                  geologic formations the gas or oil is
                                                  extraction at the time of this proposal.                costs on industry if discharging                       extracted from, and locations within the
                                                  UOG extraction wastewater is typically                  wastewaters to POTWs becomes                           U.S. See Section XII. and Section
                                                  managed through disposal via                            economically attractive to UOG                         XIV.A.2.
                                                  underground injection wells, reuse in                   operations relative to other management                   8. Removal and ‘‘pass through’’ of
                                                  subsequent fracturing jobs, or transfer to              options such as reuse or disposal via                  UOG extraction wastewater pollutants at
                                                  a privately owned wastewater treatment                  underground injection wells in the                     POTWs. See Section XIV. and Section
                                                  facility (see Section XII.E). EPA                       future. EPA did not estimate these                     XII.E.4.
                                                  proposes PSES and PSNS that would                       potential compliance costs or                             9. The environmental impacts of UOG
                                                  require zero discharge of pollutants and                environmental benefits because of the                  extraction wastewater discharges to
                                                  be effective on the effective date of this              uncertainty about future demand for                    POTWs. See Section XV.
                                                  rule.                                                   POTWs to accept UOG extraction
                                                     EPA does not propose pretreatment                    wastewaters and the associated                         VIII. Background
                                                  standards for wastewater pollutants                     incremental costs or benefits.                         A. Clean Water Act
                                                  associated with conventional oil and gas
                                                                                                          VII. Solicitation of Data and Comments                    Congress passed the Federal Water
                                                  extraction facilities at this time (see
                                                                                                             EPA solicits comments on the                        Pollution Control Act Amendments of
                                                  Section XIV). EPA proposes to reserve
                                                                                                          proposed rule, including EPA’s                         1972, also known as the CWA, to
                                                  such standards to a future rulemaking,
                                                  if appropriate.                                         rationale as described in this preamble.               ‘‘restore and maintain the chemical,
                                                                                                          EPA seeks comments on issues                           physical, and biological integrity of the
                                                  C. Summary of Costs and Benefits                        specifically identified in this document               Nation’s waters.’’ 33 U.S.C. 1251(a). The
                                                     Because the data reviewed by EPA                     as well as any other issues that are not               CWA establishes a comprehensive
                                                  show that the UOG extraction industry                   specifically addressed in this document.               program for protecting our nation’s
                                                  is not currently managing wastewaters                   Comments are most helpful when                         waters. Among its core provisions, the
                                                  by sending them to POTWs, the                           accompanied by specific examples and                   CWA prohibits the discharge of
                                                  proposed rule causes no incremental                     supporting data. Specifically, EPA                     pollutants from a point source to waters
                                                  change to current industry practice that                solicits information and data on the                   of the U.S., except as authorized under
                                                  EPA measured as compliance costs or                     following topics.                                      the CWA. Under section 402 of the
                                                  monetized benefits.                                        1. EPA’s proposed definitions of UOG                CWA, discharges can be authorized
                                                     Still, EPA has considered that while                 and UOG extraction wastewater and                      through a NPDES permit. The CWA
                                                  states, localities, and POTWs are not                   specifically whether the proposed                      establishes a two-pronged approach for
                                                  currently approving these wastewaters                   definition of unconventional oil and gas               these permits, technology-based
                                                  for acceptance at POTWs, some POTWs                     is sufficiently clear to enable oil and gas            controls that establish the floor of
                                                  continue to receive requests to accept                  extraction operators and/or pretreatment               performance for all dischargers, and
                                                  UOG extraction wastewater (DCN                          authorities to determine whether                       water quality-based limits where the
                                                  SGE00742; DCN SGE00743; DCN                             specific wastewaters are from                          technology-based limits are insufficient
                                                  SGE00762). This proposed rule would                     conventional or unconventional                         for the discharge to meet applicable
                                                  provide regulatory certainty and would                  sources. See Section XII.                              water quality standards. To serve as the
                                                  eliminate the burden on POTWs to                           2. Whether or not there are any                     basis for the technology-based controls,
                                                  analyze such requests.                                  existing onshore UOG extraction                        the CWA authorizes EPA to establish
                                                     The proposed rule would also                         facilities that currently discharge UOG                national technology-based effluent
                                                  eliminate the need to develop                           extraction wastewater to POTWs in the                  limitations guidelines and new source
                                                  requirements in states where UOG                        U.S. See Section XII.E.4. If existing                  performance standards for discharges
                                                  extraction is not currently occurring, but              discharges to POTWs are identified,                    from different categories of point
                                                  is likely to occur in the future. There are             EPA requests comment on whether or                     sources, such as industrial, commercial,
                                                  few states where existing regulations                   not the proposed effective date remains                and public sources, that discharge
                                                  address UOG extraction wastewater                       appropriate. See Section XVII.                         directly into waters of the U.S.
                                                  discharges to POTWs (see Section                           3. Costs and benefits to POTWs,                        The CWA also authorizes EPA to
                                                  VIII.D. and TDD Chapter A.2.). While                    states, and localities associated with the             promulgate nationally applicable
                                                  EPA knows there will likely be some                     proposed rule. See Section VI.C.                       pretreatment standards that restrict
                                                  reduction in state and POTW staff time                     4. Volumes of, and pollutants and                   pollutant discharges from facilities that
                                                  and resources, EPA did not attempt to                   concentrations in, wastewater generated                discharge pollutants indirectly, by
                                                  estimate, quantitatively, monetary                      from UOG extraction. See Section XII.                  sending wastewater to POTWs, as
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                                                  savings associated with the reduced                        5. The nature and frequency of                      outlined in sections 307(b) and (c) and
                                                  burden to states and localities that                    requests received by POTWs to accept                   33 U.S.C. 1317(b) and (c). Specifically,
                                                  would result from this proposed rule.                   UOG extraction wastewater, and the                     the CWA authorizes that EPA establish
                                                     Most POTWs are not able to                           likelihood that such requests will                     pretreatment standards for those
                                                  sufficiently treat TDS and many other                   continue to be submitted in the future.                pollutants in wastewater from indirect
                                                  pollutants in UOG extraction                            EPA is particularly interested in hearing              dischargers that EPA determines are not
                                                  wastewater, and thus this proposed rule                 from POTWs and states on this matter.                  susceptible to treatment by a POTW or
                                                  would potentially prevent elevated TDS                  See Section VI.C. and Section XIV.A.2.                 which would interfere with POTW

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                                                  18562                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                  operations. Pretreatment standards must                 B. Effluent Limitations Guidelines and                 determination that the technology is
                                                  be established to prevent the discharge                 Standards Program                                      available in another category or
                                                  of any pollutant that can pass through,                    EPA develops ELGs that are                          subcategory, and can be practically
                                                  interfere with, or are otherwise                        technology-based regulations for                       applied.
                                                  incompatible with POTW operations.                      specific categories of dischargers. EPA                2. Best Conventional Pollutant Control
                                                  CWA sections 307(b) and (c). The                        bases these regulations on the                         Technology (BCT)
                                                  legislative history of the 1977 CWA                     performance of control and treatment
                                                  amendments explains that pretreatment                                                                             The 1977 amendments to the CWA
                                                                                                          technologies. The legislative history of               require EPA to identify additional levels
                                                  standards are technology-based and                      CWA section 304(b), which is the heart
                                                  analogous to BAT effluent limitations                                                                          of effluent reduction for conventional
                                                                                                          of the effluent guidelines program,                    pollutants associated with BCT
                                                  for the removal of toxic pollutants. As
                                                                                                          describes the need to press toward                     technology for discharges from existing
                                                  further explained in the legislative
                                                                                                          higher levels of control through research              industrial point sources. In addition to
                                                  history, the combination of pretreatment
                                                                                                          and development of new processes,                      other factors specified in section
                                                  and treatment by the POTW is intended
                                                                                                          modifications, replacement of obsolete                 304(b)(4)(B), the CWA requires that EPA
                                                  to achieve the level of treatment that
                                                                                                          plants and processes, and other                        establish BCT limitations after
                                                  would be required if the industrial
                                                                                                          improvements in technology, taking into                consideration of a two-part ‘‘cost
                                                  source were making a direct discharge.
                                                                                                          account the cost of controls. Congress                 reasonableness’’ test. EPA explained its
                                                  Conf. Rep. No. 95–830, at 87 (1977),
                                                                                                          has also stated that EPA need not                      methodology for the development of
                                                  reprinted in U.S. Congress. Senate.
                                                                                                          consider water quality impacts on                      BCT limitations in July 9, 1986 (51 FR
                                                  Committee on Public Works (1978), A
                                                  Legislative History of the CWA of 1977,                 individual water bodies as the                         24974). Section 304(a)(4) designates the
                                                  Serial No. 95–14 at 271 (1978).                         guidelines are developed; see Statement                following as conventional pollutants:
                                                     Direct dischargers (those discharging                of Senator Muskie (October 4, 1972),                   BOD5, total suspended solids (TSS),
                                                  directly to surface waters) must comply                 reprinted in U.S. Senate Committee on                  fecal coliform, pH, and any additional
                                                  with effluent limitations in NPDES                      Public Works, Legislative History of the               pollutants defined by the Administrator
                                                  permits. Technology-based effluent                      Water Pollution Control Act                            as conventional. The Administrator
                                                  limitations in NPDES permits for direct                 Amendments of 1972, Serial No. 93–1,                   designated oil and grease as an
                                                  dischargers are derived from effluent                   at 170).                                               additional conventional pollutant on
                                                  limitations guidelines (CWA sections                       There are four types of standards                   July 30, 1979 (44 FR 44501; 40 CFR part
                                                  301 and 304) and new source                             applicable to direct dischargers                       401.16).
                                                  performance standards (CWA section                      (facilities that discharge directly to
                                                                                                          surface waters), and two types of                      3. Best Available Technology
                                                  306) promulgated by EPA, or based on
                                                                                                          standards applicable to indirect                       Economically Achievable (BAT)
                                                  best professional judgment (BPJ) where
                                                  EPA has not promulgated an applicable                   dischargers (facilities that discharge to                 BAT represents the second level of
                                                  effluent guideline or new source                        POTWs), described in detail below.                     stringency for controlling direct
                                                  performance standard (CWA section                       Subsections 1 through 4 describe                       discharge of toxic and nonconventional
                                                  402(a)(1)(B) and 40 CFR 125.3).                         standards for direct discharges and                    pollutants. In general, BAT-based
                                                  Additional limitations based on water                   subsection 5 describes standards for                   effluent guidelines and new source
                                                  quality standards are also required to be               indirect discharges.                                   performance standards represent the
                                                  included in the permit where necessary                  1. Best Practicable Control Technology                 best available economically achievable
                                                  to meet water quality standards. CWA                    Currently Available (BPT)                              performance of facilities in the
                                                  section 301(b)(1)(C). The effluent                                                                             industrial subcategory or category.
                                                  guidelines and new source performance                      Traditionally, EPA defines BPT                      Following the statutory language, EPA
                                                  standards are established by regulation                 effluent limitations based on the average              considers the technological availability
                                                  for categories of industrial dischargers                of the best performances of facilities                 and the economic achievability in
                                                  and are based on the degree of control                  within the industry, grouped to reflect                determining what level of control
                                                  that can be achieved using various                      various ages, sizes, processes, or other               represents BAT. CWA section
                                                  levels of pollution control technology,                 common characteristics. BPT effluent                   301(b)(2)(A). Other statutory factors that
                                                  as specified in the Act.                                limitations control conventional, toxic,               EPA considers in assessing BAT are the
                                                     EPA promulgates national effluent                    and nonconventional pollutants. In                     cost of achieving BAT effluent
                                                  guidelines and new source performance                   specifying BPT, EPA looks at a number                  reductions, the age of equipment and
                                                  standards for major industrial categories               of factors. EPA first considers the cost               facilities involved, the process
                                                  for three classes of pollutants: (1)                    of achieving effluent reductions in                    employed, potential process changes,
                                                  Conventional pollutants (total                          relation to the effluent reduction                     and non-water quality environmental
                                                  suspended solids, oil and grease,                       benefits. The Agency also considers the                impacts, including energy requirements
                                                  biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5),                       age of equipment and facilities, the                   and such other factors as the
                                                  fecal coliform, and pH), as outlined in                 processes employed, engineering                        Administrator deems appropriate. CWA
                                                  CWA section 304(a)(4) and 40 CFR                        aspects of the control technologies, any               section 304(b)(2)(B). The Agency retains
                                                  401.16; (2) toxic pollutants (e.g., metals              required process changes, non-water                    considerable discretion in assigning the
                                                  such as arsenic, mercury, selenium, and                 quality environmental impacts                          weight to be accorded these factors.
                                                  chromium; and organic pollutants such                   (including energy requirements), and                   Weyerhaeuser Co. v. Costle, 590 F.2d
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  as benzene, benzo-a-pyrene, phenol, and                 such other factors as the Administrator                1011, 1045 (D.C. Cir. 1978).
                                                  naphthalene), as outlined in section                    deems appropriate. See CWA section
                                                  307(a) of the Act, 40 CFR 401.15 and 40                 304(b)(1)(B). If, however, existing                    4. Best Available Demonstrated Control
                                                  CFR part 423, appendix A; and (3)                       performance is uniformly inadequate,                   Technology (BADCT)/New Source
                                                  nonconventional pollutants, which are                   EPA can establish limitations based on                 Performance Standards (NSPS)
                                                  those pollutants that are not categorized               higher levels of control than what is                     NSPS reflect effluent reductions that
                                                  as conventional or toxic (e.g., ammonia-                currently in place in an industrial                    are achievable based on the best
                                                  N, phosphorus, and TDS).                                category, when based on an Agency                      available demonstrated control

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                            18563

                                                  technology (BADCT). Owners of new                       resources in the U.S. has occurred                     water) associated with production, field
                                                  facilities have the opportunity to install              primarily onshore in regions to which                  exploration, drilling, well completion,
                                                  the best and most efficient production                  the regulations in subpart C (Onshore)                 or well treatment (i.e., drilling muds,
                                                  processes and wastewater treatment                      and subpart E (Agricultural and Wildlife               drill cuttings, produced sands).
                                                  technologies. As a result, NSPS should                  Water Use) apply and thus, the gap in
                                                                                                                                                                 D. State Pretreatment Requirements
                                                  represent the most stringent controls                   onshore regulations is the focus of this
                                                                                                                                                                 That Apply to UOG Extraction
                                                  attainable through the application of the               proposed rulemaking effort. For this
                                                  BADCT for all pollutants (that is,                      reason, only the regulations that apply
                                                  conventional, nonconventional, and                      to onshore oil and gas extraction are                     In addition to applicable federal
                                                  toxic pollutants). In establishing NSPS,                described in more detail here.                         requirements, some states regulate the
                                                  EPA is directed to take into                                                                                   management, storage, and disposal of
                                                                                                          1. Subpart C: Onshore                                  UOG extraction wastewater, including
                                                  consideration the cost of achieving the
                                                  effluent reduction and any non-water                       Subpart C applies to facilities engaged             regulations concerning pollutant
                                                  quality environmental impacts and                       in the production, field exploration,                  discharges to POTWs from oil and gas
                                                  energy requirements. CWA section                        drilling, well completion, and well                    extraction facilities. In addition to
                                                  306(b)(1)(B).                                           treatment in the oil and gas extraction                pretreatment requirements, some states
                                                                                                          industry which are located landward of                 have indirectly addressed the issue of
                                                  5. Pretreatment Standards for Existing                  the inner boundary of the territorial                  pollutant discharges to POTWs by
                                                  Sources (PSES) and New Sources                          seas—and which are not included in the                 limiting the management and disposal
                                                  (PSNS)                                                  definition of other subparts—including                 options available for operators to use.
                                                     As discussed above, section 307(b) of                subpart D (Coastal). The regulations at                   During initial development of
                                                  the Act calls for EPA to issue                          40 CFR 435.32 specify the following for                Marcellus shale gas resources, some
                                                  pretreatment standards for discharges of                BPT: There shall be no discharge of                    operators managed UOG wastewater by
                                                  pollutants from existing sources to                     waste water pollutants into navigable                  transfer to POTWs. EPA did not identify
                                                  POTWs. Section 307(c) of the Act calls                  waters from any source associated with                 other areas in the U.S. where POTWs
                                                  for EPA to promulgate pretreatment                      production, field exploration, drilling,               routinely accepted UOG extraction
                                                  standards for new sources (PSNS). Both                  well completion, or well treatment (i.e.,              wastewaters. Refer to TDD Chapter A.2
                                                  standards are designed to prevent the                   produced water, drilling muds, drill                   which summarizes how Pennsylvania,
                                                  discharge of pollutants that pass                       cuttings, and produced sand). The                      Ohio, and West Virginia responded to
                                                  through, interfere with, or are otherwise               existing regulations do not include                    UOG extraction wastewater discharges
                                                  incompatible with the operation of                      national categorical pretreatment                      into their POTWs. EPA did not identify
                                                  POTWs. Categorical pretreatment                         standards for discharges to POTWs. The                 any state level requirements that require
                                                  standards for existing sources are                      existing oil and gas extraction ELGs did               zero discharges of pollutants from UOG
                                                  technology-based and are analogous to                   not establish requirements that would                  operations to POTWs in the same
                                                  BPT and BAT effluent limitations                        apply to privately-owned wastewater                    manner as the proposed rule.
                                                  guidelines, and thus the Agency                         treatment facilities that accept oil and
                                                  typically considers the same factors in                 gas extraction wastewaters but that are                E. Related Federal Requirements in the
                                                  promulgating PSES as it considers in                    not engaged in production, field                       Safe Drinking Water Act
                                                  promulgating BAT. See Natural                           exploration, drilling, well completion,                  As required by the SDWA section
                                                  Resources Defense Council v. EPA, 790                   or well treatment. Discharges from such                1421, EPA has promulgated regulations
                                                  F.2d 289, 292 (3rd Cir. 1986). Similarly,               facilities are not subject to 40 CFR part              to protect underground sources of
                                                  in establishing pretreatment standards                  435, but rather are subject to                         drinking water through Underground
                                                  for new sources, the Agency typically                   requirements in 40 CFR part 437, the                   Injection Control (UIC) programs that
                                                  considers the same factors in                           Centralized Waste Treatment Category.                  regulate the injection of fluids
                                                  promulgating PSNS as it considers in                                                                           underground. These regulations are
                                                                                                          2. Subpart E: Agricultural and Wildlife
                                                  promulgating NSPS (BADCT).                                                                                     found at 40 CFR parts 144–148, and
                                                                                                                                                                 specifically prohibit any underground
                                                  C. Oil and Gas Extraction Effluent                         Subpart E applies to onshore facilities             injection not authorized by UIC permit.
                                                  Guidelines Rulemaking History                           located in the continental U.S. and west               40 CFR 144.11. The regulations classify
                                                     EPA promulgated the first Oil and Gas                of the 98th meridian for which the                     underground injection into six classes;
                                                  Extraction ELGs (40 CFR part 435) in                    produced water has a use in agriculture                wells that inject fluids brought to the
                                                  1979, and substantially amended the                     or wildlife propagation when                           surface in connection with oil and gas
                                                  regulation in 1993 (Offshore), 1996                     discharged into navigable waters.                      production are classified as Class II UIC
                                                  (Coastal), and 2001 (Synthetic-based                    Definitions in 40 CFR 435.51(c) explain                wells. Thus, onshore oil and gas
                                                  drilling fluids). The Oil and Gas                       that the term ‘‘use in agricultural or                 extraction facilities that seek to meet the
                                                  Extraction industry is subcategorized in                wildlife propagation’’ means that (1) the              zero discharge requirements of the
                                                  40 CFR part 435 as follows: (1) Subpart                 produced water is of good enough                       existing ELGs or proposed pretreatment
                                                  A: Offshore; (2) subpart C: Onshore; (3)                quality to be used for wildlife or                     standard through underground injection
                                                  subpart D: Coastal; (4) subpart E:                      livestock watering or other agricultural               of wastewater must obtain a Class II UIC
                                                  Agricultural and Wildlife Water Use;                    uses; and (2) the produced water is                    permit for such disposal.
                                                  and (5) subpart F: Stripper.                            actually put to such use during periods
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                                                     The existing subpart C regulation                    of discharge. The regulations at 40 CFR                IX. Summary of Data Collection
                                                  covers wastewater discharges from field                 435.52 specify that the only allowable                   In developing the proposed rule, EPA
                                                  exploration, drilling, production, well                 discharge is produced water, with an oil               considered information collected
                                                  treatment, and well completion                          and grease concentration not exceeding                 through site visits and telephone
                                                  activities in the oil and gas industry.                 35 milligrams per liter (mg/L). The BPT                contacts with UOG facility operators,
                                                  Although unconventional oil and gas                     regulations prohibit the discharge of                  facilities that treat and/or dispose of
                                                  resources occur in offshore and coastal                 waste pollutants into navigable waters                 UOG extraction wastewater, and
                                                  regions, recent development of UOG                      from any source (other than produced                   wastewater management equipment

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                                                  18564                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                  vendors. EPA also collected information                 1. Stakeholder Organizations                           calls, where EPA staff learned about
                                                  through outreach to stakeholders                           In addition to the site visit related               past or present discharges to POTWs
                                                  including industry organizations,                       activities described above, EPA                        from UOG operations. See DCN
                                                  environmental organizations, and state                  participated in multiple meetings with                 SGE00742; DCN SGE00743.
                                                  regulators. EPA conducted an extensive                  industry stakeholders, their                           C. Secondary Data Sources
                                                  review of published information and                     representatives, and/or their members,
                                                  participated in industry conferences and                                                                         EPA conducted an extensive search
                                                                                                          including America’s Natural Gas                        and review of published information
                                                  webinars. The following describes                       Alliance (ANGA), American Petroleum
                                                  EPA’s data collection activities that                                                                          about UOG development, wastewater
                                                                                                          Institute (API) and the Independent                    generation and management practices,
                                                  support the proposed rule.                              Petroleum Association of America                       and wastewater treatment, disposal, and
                                                  A. Site Visits and Contacts With                        (IPAA). The purpose of the meetings                    reuse. Because of the rapid
                                                  Treatment Facilities and Vendors                        was to discuss EPA’s thinking                          developments in the UOG industry, in
                                                                                                          concerning a pretreatment standard for                 addition to reviewing published
                                                     EPA conducted seven site visits                      the UOG extraction industry, to better                 information, EPA participated in more
                                                  between May, 2012 and September,                        understand industry wastewater                         than 10 industry conferences and
                                                  2013 to UOG extraction companies and                    management practices, and to gather                    webinars between March 2012 and June
                                                  UOG extraction wastewater treatment                     information to inform its proposed                     2014. Presenters at these conferences
                                                  facilities. The purpose of these visits                 rulemaking (see DCN SGE00967).                         provided information about current
                                                  was to collect information about facility                  EPA participated in conference calls                industry wastewater management
                                                  operations, wastewater generation and                   with the environmental stakeholders,                   practices. EPA also obtained
                                                  management practices, and wastewater                    Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and                   information from EPA Regions and
                                                  treatment and reuse. Six of the seven                   Clean Water Action. The purpose of                     states. EPA Region 3 provided
                                                  visits were to facilities in Pennsylvania,              these meetings was to explain EPA’s                    information about the development of
                                                  and one was in Arkansas, however,                       thinking about the standard under                      the Marcellus shale gas industry and
                                                  information collected often covered                     development and learn about the                        disposal of shale gas wastewater,
                                                  operations beyond just those visited                    perspectives of these stakeholders                     including discharges to POTWs.
                                                  during the site visits, at times including              regarding wastewater management in
                                                                                                          the UOG extraction industry.                           D. Drilling Info Desktop® Data Set
                                                  company operations in many UOG
                                                  formations across the U.S. In addition to                  EPA participated in a two conference                  EPA used a propriety database of all
                                                  site visits, EPA conducted 11 telephone                 calls with the Center for Sustainable                  oil and gas wells in the U.S., called DI
                                                  conferences or meetings with UOG                        Shale Development (CSSD), a                            Desktop®, obtained from DrillingInfo.
                                                  operators and facilities that treat and/or              collaborative group made up of                         This comprehensive database includes
                                                  dispose of UOG extraction wastewater.                   environmental organizations,                           information such as well API number,
                                                  EPA collected detailed information from                 philanthropic foundations, and energy                  operator name, basin (e.g., Western
                                                  the facilities visited and contacted, such              companies from the Appalachian Basin.                  Gulf), formation (e.g., Eagle Ford), well
                                                  as information about the operations                     The purpose of these calls was to learn                depth, drilling type (horizontal,
                                                  associated with wastewater generation,                  about the performance standards under                  directional, vertical), and completion
                                                  wastewater treatment, and reuse. EPA                    development by the CSSD for                            date. It also includes annual oil, gas,
                                                  also contacted 11 vendors of equipment                  sustainable shale gas development,                     and water production for each well.
                                                  and processes used to manage and treat                  based on an ‘‘independent, third-party                 EPA primarily used this database to
                                                  UOG extraction wastewater. EPA                          evaluation process.’’                                  quantify and identify locations of
                                                  prepared site visit and telephone                       2. State Stakeholders                                  existing UOG wells, quantify
                                                  meeting reports, and telephone call                                                                            wastewater generation rates, and
                                                                                                             In an effort to improve future                      supplement geological information (e.g.,
                                                  reports summarizing the collected
                                                                                                          implementation of any UOG regulation,                  basin, formation) in other data sources.
                                                  information. EPA has included in the
                                                                                                          EPA initiated an EPA-State
                                                  public record site visit reports, meeting                                                                      E. EPA Hydraulic Fracturing Study
                                                                                                          implementation pilot project
                                                  reports, and telephone contact reports
                                                                                                          coordinated by the Environmental                          At the request of Congress, EPA’s
                                                  that contain all information collected for
                                                                                                          Council of States (ECOS) and the                       Office of Research and Development is
                                                  which facilities have not asserted a
                                                                                                          Association of Clean Water                             conducting a study to better understand
                                                  claim of CBI.                                                                                                  any potential impacts of hydraulic
                                                                                                          Administrators (ACWA) to draw on
                                                  B. Meetings With Stakeholder                            experience of state agency experts.                    fracturing on drinking water resources.
                                                  Organizations                                           Through this pilot project, EPA has been               The scope of the research includes the
                                                                                                          able to more thoroughly consider the                   full lifecycle of water in hydraulic
                                                     Since announcing initiation of this                  strengths and weaknesses of different                  fracturing, including wastewater
                                                  proposed rulemaking activity, EPA has                   approaches in order to select one that                 management and disposal. In support of
                                                  actively reached out to interested                      produces environmental results while                   its study, EPA conducted a series of
                                                  stakeholders to solicit input from well                 more fully considering implementation                  technical workshops, including, among
                                                  operators, industry trade associations,                 burden. This pilot effort with the states              others, a workshop on Wastewater
                                                  interested regulatory authorities,                      has also been an opportunity to hear                   Treatment and Related Modeling. In
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  technology vendors, and environmental                   ideas on how technology innovation can                 support of the proposed rule, EPA
                                                  organizations. Stakeholder involvement                  be fostered during both development                    reviewed information collected in
                                                  in the regulatory development process is                and implementation of the regulation.                  support of the Congressionally-
                                                  essential to the success of this effort.                   In addition to the state                            mandated study and attended meetings,
                                                  EPA will continue to engage with the                    implementation pilot, EPA also reached                 workshops, and roundtable discussions
                                                  affected regulated sector and concerned                 out to EPA regional, as well as state,                 pertaining to water and wastewater
                                                  stakeholders throughout the rulemaking                  pretreatment coordinators. One way                     management and treatment in the UOG
                                                  process.                                                EPA did this was by participating in                   extraction industry. See DCN SGE00063,

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                           18565

                                                  DCN SGE00585, DCN SGE00604, DCN                            Natural gas can be produced both                    to be set regionally. In recent years, the
                                                  SGE00614, DCN SGE00616, DCN                             from conventional natural gas deposits                 ratio of oil prices to natural gas prices
                                                  SGE00691, and DCN SGE00721.                             and unconventional deposits. Natural                   has reached historically high levels
                                                                                                          gas, and especially unconventional                     (DCN SGE00547). While these two
                                                  X. Description of the Oil and Gas
                                                                                                          natural gas, has become increasingly                   products have some commonalities in
                                                  Industry                                                significant to the U.S. energy economy.                their uses, oil and gas are not perfect
                                                    Oil and Gas Extraction is the                         The rising importance of natural gas                   substitutes as they require different
                                                  exploration and production of crude oil                 results, in part, from its lower air                   transportation and processing
                                                  and natural gas from wells. Refer to                    pollution characteristics compared to                  infrastructure, and have a number of
                                                  Section XII for additional background                   other fossil fuels; its substantial, and               differentiated uses.
                                                  on unconventional gas resources,                        increasing, domestic supply; and the                      EPA gathered information on the
                                                  extraction processes, and wastewater                    presence of a well-developed processing                industry via the NAICS, which is a
                                                  generation. As explained previously, the                and transmission/distribution                          standard created by the U.S. Census for
                                                  scope of this proposed rulemaking is                    infrastructure in the U.S. (DCN                        use in classifying business
                                                  limited to pretreatment standards for                   SGE00010). Increased natural gas                       establishments within the U.S.
                                                  wastewater generated from                               production from shale formations also                  economy. The industry category that
                                                  unconventional, rather than                             has the potential to reduce U.S.                       would be affected by this proposed rule
                                                  conventional, oil and gas extraction                    dependence on energy-related imports.                  is Oil and Gas Extraction Industry
                                                  facilities. The description here provides                  Between 2000 and 2012, total                        (NAICS 21111). This industry has two
                                                  a broader description of the oil and gas                marketed production of natural gas in                  subcategories: (1) Crude Petroleum and
                                                  industry in order to provide the context                the U.S. as a whole grew by another 25                 Natural Gas Extraction (NAICS 211111),
                                                  in which the UOG industry lies.                         percent, with an average annual growth                 which is made up of facilities that have
                                                                                                          rate of 0.8 percent (DCN SGE00908).                    wells with petroleum or natural gas or
                                                  A. Economic Profile                                     The sharp rise in production of shale                  produce crude petroleum from surface
                                                                                                          gas contributed to a lower price of                    shale or tar sands, and Natural Gas
                                                    The major products of the Oil and Gas                 natural gas, thereby increasing the gap                Liquid Extraction (NAICS 211112),
                                                  Extraction Industry are petroleum,                      between prices of gas and oil, which                   which recover liquid hydrocarbons from
                                                  natural gas, and natural gas liquids.3                  made oil a relatively more attractive                  oil and gas field gases and sulfur from
                                                  Domestic consumption of crude oil and                   option for producers. Beginning in 2005,               natural gas.
                                                  petroleum products is met by a                          the disparity between oil and natural
                                                  combination of domestic production                                                                             B. Industry Structure and Economic
                                                                                                          gas prices started to grow as oil prices
                                                  and imports. Like oil consumption,                                                                             Performance
                                                                                                          continued to rise while natural gas
                                                  natural gas consumption is met both by                  prices declined. Many firms that                          According to data from the Statistics
                                                  domestic production and imports of                      produce both gas and oil began to focus                of U.S. Businesses (SUSB), in 2011 there
                                                  natural gas, although imports contribute                on acquisition of, and production from,                were 6,528 firms under the overall oil
                                                  a much lower share of total domestic                    liquids-rich formations over natural gas               and gas extraction sector. This reflects a
                                                  consumption for natural gas than for oil.               production (DCN SGE00817, DCN                          total 2 percent growth from 2000 to
                                                  Domestic consumption of natural gas                     SGE00832).                                             2011 and an average annual growth rate
                                                  rose throughout the 1980s and 1990s                        Overall, domestic crude oil                         of 0.2 percent. The Crude Petroleum and
                                                  due to low prices relative to prices for                production steadily declined between                   Natural Gas Extraction segment
                                                  oil products. This led to investments in                2000 and 2008, while steadily                          contributed 6,523 (or 99%) firms to the
                                                  infrastructure for natural gas, especially              increasing after that. This shift towards              total Oil and Gas Extraction sector, and
                                                  electric generation facilities (DCN                     liquids production is evident in the                   the Natural Gas Liquid Extraction
                                                  SGE00809). According to 2012 Energy                     sharp rise in production from tight oil                segment contributed 136 (less than 1%)
                                                  Information Administration (EIA) data,                  resources, including shale, beginning in               firms to the overall sector. Although the
                                                  8 percent of the gross domestic supply                  2008. From 2007 to 2013, the EIA                       Natural Gas Liquid Extraction segment
                                                  of natural gas (from domestic                           estimated that tight oil production                    is much smaller in numbers compared
                                                  production and imports) was consumed                    increased 10-fold, from 0.34 to 3.48                   to the Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas
                                                  in the natural gas production and                       million barrels per day (DCN                           Extraction segment, the total percent
                                                  delivery process, as lease and plant fuel               SGE00902). Future domestic demand for                  change in number of firms from 2000 to
                                                  (5 percent of total) and fuel for pipeline              liquid fuels will depend on the future                 2011 is much higher for natural gas
                                                  and distribution services (3 percent of                 level of activities dependent on liquid                liquids extraction at 62% as compared
                                                  total) (DCN SGE00906). The remaining                    fuels, such as transportation. Demand                  to 2% for crude petroleum and natural
                                                  92 percent of gross supply is available                 will also be affected by the fuel                      gas extraction. If the ratio of oil-to-
                                                  to natural gas consumers, and was                       efficiency of the consumption                          natural gas prices remains high, there
                                                  delivered to the following sectors:                     technology. The transportation sector                  could be a shift towards drilling in
                                                  Electrical power (36 percent of total),                 will continue to account for the largest               liquids-rich shale formations, making
                                                  industrial (28 percent of total),                       share of total consumption despite its                 this sector increasingly important to oil
                                                  residential (16 percent of total),                      share of total consumption falling due to              and gas extraction firms (DCN
                                                  commercial (11 percent of total), and                   improvements in vehicle efficiency. The                SGE00832; DCN SGE00807; DCN
                                                  vehicle fuel (0.1 percent of total) (DCN                industrial sector is the only end-use                  SGE00817; DCN SGE00921).
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  SGE00906).                                              sector likely to see an increase in                       In 2011, 99% of the Oil and Gas
                                                                                                          consumption of petroleum and liquids                   Extraction Industry was estimated to be
                                                    3 Natural gas can include ‘‘natural gas liquids’’     (DCN SGE00913).                                        small businesses when using the Small
                                                  (NGLs), components that are liquid at ambient              While oil and natural gas are often                 Business Administration definition of a
                                                  temperature and pressure. NGLs are                      considered together, the way in which                  small business as having 500 or fewer
                                                  hydrocarbons—in the same family of molecules as
                                                  natural gas and crude oil, composed exclusively of
                                                                                                          prices are set for each greatly differs.               employees. Average revenues for firms
                                                  carbon and hydrogen. Ethane, propane, butane,           While the price of oil is set at the global            for the overall oil and gas extraction
                                                  isobutane, and pentane are all NGLs.                    level, natural gas prices for the U.S. tend            sector in 2007 were estimated at $54

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                                                  18566                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                  million. This is an average revenue of                  C. Financial Performance                               guide/oilandgas/cbm.cfm. The
                                                  $46 million per firm in the crude                          EPA reviewed financial performance                  remainder of the information presented
                                                  petroleum and natural gas extraction                    of UOG extraction firms and other oil                  in this document is specific to the UOG
                                                  segment, and average revenue of $414                    and gas firms. EPA found no                            resources subject to the proposed rule.
                                                  million per firm in the natural gas liquid              deterioration in financial performance                 XII. Unconventional Oil and Gas
                                                  extraction segment. The oil and gas                     and conditions for UOG firms over the                  Extraction: Resources, Process, and
                                                  extraction sector overall has an average                previous decade, and this suggests that                Wastewater
                                                  of 18 employees per firm. Breaking it                   UOG firms are well-positioned for
                                                  out per segment, the natural gas liquid                 continued investment in UOG                            A. Unconventional Oil and Gas
                                                  extraction segment has an average of 74                 exploration and development. The                       Extraction Resources
                                                  employees per firm, whereas the crude                   strong growth in revenue and total                        For purposes of the proposed rule,
                                                  petroleum and natural gas extraction                    capital outlays by the UOG firms during                UOG consists of crude oil and natural
                                                  segment shows an average of 17                          the latter part of the last decade—which               gas 5 produced by wells drilled into
                                                  employees per firm. See the Industry                    coincides with the growth in UOG                       formations with low porosity and low
                                                  Profile (DCN SGE00932) for more                         exploration and production activity—                   permeability. UOG resources include
                                                  information.                                            underscores the economic opportunity                   shale oil and gas, resources that were
                                                     The oil market is a globally integrated              provided by the emerging UOG resource                  formed, and remain, in low permeability
                                                  market with multiple supply sources                     and the industry’s commitment to                       shale. UOG resources also include tight
                                                  that are connected to multiple markets.                 investing and producing UOG for the                    oil and gas, resources that were formed
                                                  Because of the Organization of                          foreseeable future. See the Industry                   in a source rock and migrated into a
                                                  Petroleum Exporting Countries’                          Profile (DCN SGE00932) for more                        reservoir rock such as sandstone,
                                                  (OPEC’s) high accounting of global oil                  information.                                           siltstones, or carbonates. The tight oil/
                                                  reserves, OPEC is able to place producer                XI. Scope                                              gas reservoir rocks have permeability
                                                  quotas on members in an effort to                                                                              and porosity lower than reservoirs of
                                                                                                             Through the proposed rule, EPA is                   conventional oil and gas resources but
                                                  manage world oil prices. Other oil                      not reopening the regulatory
                                                  producers have relatively smaller                                                                              with permeability generally greater than
                                                                                                          requirements applicable to direct
                                                  reserves and have no influence,                                                                                shale. As described above, while
                                                                                                          dischargers. Rather, EPA would amend
                                                  individually, on price (DCN SGE00854).                                                                         coalbed methane is sometimes referred
                                                                                                          subpart C only to add requirements for
                                                  On the other hand, global oil prices are                                                                       to as an unconventional resource, the
                                                                                                          indirect dischargers where there
                                                  also greatly influenced by global                                                                              proposed rule does not apply to this
                                                                                                          currently are none: Specifically,
                                                  demand for oil, with the largest sources                                                                       industry.
                                                                                                          pretreatment standards for facilities
                                                  of demand being the U.S. and China                      engaged in oil and gas extraction from                 B. Unconventional Oil and Gas
                                                  (DCN SGE00854). While the U.S. is also                  UOG sources that send their discharges                 Extraction Process
                                                  one of the largest crude oil producers,                 directly to POTWs. For purposes of this
                                                  it remains a major importer (demander)                  proposed rulemaking, EPA proposes to                   1. Well Drilling
                                                  of oil; as a result the level of U.S.                   define ‘‘unconventional oil and gas                       Prior to the well development
                                                  imports can significantly influence oil                 (UOG)’’ as ‘‘crude oil and natural gas 4               processes described in the following
                                                  prices. The recent upsurge in U.S. oil                  produced by a well drilled into a low                  subsections, operators conduct
                                                  production, largely from tight and shale                porosity, low permeability formation                   exploration and obtain surface use
                                                  oil resources, with a consequent decline                (including, but not limited to, shale gas,             agreements, mineral leases, and permits.
                                                  in U.S. imports, has exerted downward                   shale oil, tight gas, tight oil).’’ As a point         These steps can take a few months to
                                                  pressure on international oil prices.                   of clarification, although coalbed                     several years to complete. When
                                                     In North America, specifically within                methane would fit this definition, the                 completed, operators construct the well
                                                  the U.S., there is a relatively mature,                 proposed pretreatment standards would                  pad and begin the well development
                                                  integrated natural gas market with a                    not apply to pollutant discharges to                   process, as described in the following
                                                  robust spot market for the natural gas                  POTWs associated with coalbed                          subsections.
                                                  commodity. Essentially, the spot market                 methane extraction. EPA notes that the                    Drilling occurs in two phases:
                                                  is the daily market, where natural gas is               requirements in the existing effluent                  exploration and development.
                                                  bought and sold for immediate delivery.                 guidelines for direct dischargers also do              Exploration activities are those
                                                  For understanding the price of natural                  not apply to coalbed methane                           operations involving the drilling of
                                                  gas on a specific day, the spot market                  extraction, as this industry did not exist             wells to locate hydrocarbon bearing
                                                  price is most informative. In U.S.                      at the time that the effluent guidelines               formations and to determine the size
                                                  natural gas markets, natural gas spot                   were developed and was not considered                  and production potential of
                                                  prices are determined by overall supply                 by the Agency in establishing the                      hydrocarbon reserves. Development
                                                  and demand (DCN SGE00547).                              effluent guidelines (DCN SGE00761). To                 activities involve the drilling of
                                                                                                          reflect the fact that neither the proposed             production wells once a hydrocarbon
                                                     Large volume consumers of natural
                                                                                                          pretreatment standards nor the existing                reserve has been discovered and
                                                  gas, mainly industrial consumers and
                                                                                                          effluent guideline requirements apply to               delineated.
                                                  electricity generators, generally have the
                                                                                                          coalbed methane extraction, EPA is                        Drilling for oil and gas is generally
                                                  ability to switch between oil and natural
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                          expressly reserving a separate                         performed by rotary drilling methods,
                                                  gas. When the price of gas is low
                                                                                                          unregulated subcategory for coalbed                    which involve the use of a circularly
                                                  relative to oil, these consumers could
                                                                                                          methane in the proposed rule. For                      rotating drill bit that grinds through the
                                                  switch to gas, increasing demand for
                                                                                                          information on coalbed methane, see                    earth’s crust as it descends. Drilling
                                                  natural gas and increasing gas prices.
                                                                                                          http://water.epa.gov/scitech/wastetech/                fluids (muds) are injected down through
                                                  Alternatively, when gas prices are high,
                                                  demand could shift in the opposite                        4 Natural gas can include ‘‘natural gas liquids,’’     5 Natural gas can include ‘‘natural gas liquids,’’
                                                  direction causing a relative decrease in                components that are liquid at ambient temperature      components that are liquid at ambient temperature
                                                  natural gas prices (DCN SGE00921).                      and pressure.                                          and pressure.

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                    18567

                                                  the drill bit via a pipe that is connected              perforating the casing that lines the                  resource (e.g., shale oil), chemical
                                                  to the bit, and serve to cool and                       producing formation 7, inserting                       composition of base fluid (e.g., volume
                                                  lubricate the bit during drilling. Drilling             production tubing to transport the                     of reused/recycled wastewater in base
                                                  fluids can be water or synthetic based.                 hydrocarbon fluids to the surface,                     fluid), and operator preference (DCN
                                                  Synthetic-based drilling fluids are also                installing the surface wellhead,                       SGE00721; DCN SGE00070; DCN
                                                  referred to as non-aqueous drilling                     stimulating the well, setting plugs in                 SGE00780; DCN SGE00781). Additives
                                                  fluids. Air is also used in place of water              each stage, and eventually drilling the                commonly include, among other things,
                                                  or synthetic based drilling fluids for the              plugs out of the well and allowing fluids              acids (e.g., hydrochloric acid), biocides
                                                  vertical phase of wells. The rock chips                 to return to the surface. During                       (e.g., glutaraldehyde), friction reducers
                                                  that are generated as the bit drills                    perforation, operators lower a                         (e.g., ethylene glycol, petroleum
                                                  through the earth are termed drill                      perforation gun into the stage using a                 distillate), and gelling agents (e.g., guar
                                                  cuttings. The drilling fluid also serves to             line wire. The perforation gun releases                gum, hydroxyethyl cellulose) (DCN
                                                  transport the drill cuttings back up to                 an explosive charge to create holes that               SGE00721; DCN SGE00070; DCN
                                                  the surface through the space between                   penetrate approximately one foot into                  SGE00780; DCN SGE00781). See TDD,
                                                  the drill pipe and the well wall (this                  the formation rock in a radial fashion.                Chapter C.1.
                                                  space is termed the annulus), in                        These perforations create a starting                      The amount of fracturing fluid
                                                  addition to controlling downhole                        point for the hydraulic fractures.                     required per well typically depends on
                                                  pressure. As drilling progresses, pipes                    Since UOG resources are extracted                   the well trajectory (e.g., vertical,
                                                  called ‘‘casing’’ are inserted into the                 from formations with low porosity and                  horizontal), well length, and target
                                                  well to line the well wall. Drilling                    low permeability in which the natural                  resource (e.g., shale oil). UOG wells
                                                  continues until the hydrocarbon bearing                 reservoir and fluid characteristics do not             require between 50,000 to over ten
                                                  formations are encountered.                             permit the oil and/or natural gas to                   million gallons of fracturing fluid per
                                                     In UOG resources, the crude oil and                  readily flow to the wellbore, hydraulic                well (DCN SGE00532; DCN SGE00556;
                                                  natural gas often occur continuously                    fracturing is often used to complete the               DCN SGE00637.A3). Operators typically
                                                  within a formation. As a result, UOG                    well and extract UOG resources.8                       fracture a horizontal well in eight to 23
                                                  drilling often employs ‘‘horizontal                     Although there are some vertical and                   stages using between 250,000 and
                                                  drilling.’’ Horizontal drilling involves a              directional UOG wells that are                         420,000 gallons (6,000 and 10,000
                                                  sequence of drilling steps: (1) Vertical                hydraulically fractured, existing                      barrels) of fracturing fluid per stage
                                                  (described above) and (2) horizontal. In                literature indicates that the majority of              (DCN SGE00280). Literature reports that
                                                  horizontal drilling, operators drill                    UOG wells are horizontally drilled and                 tight oil and gas wells typically require
                                                  vertically down to a desired depth,                     hydraulically fractured. Therefore, the                less fracturing fluid than shale oil and
                                                  about 500 feet above the target                         remainder of this discussion focuses on                gas wells (DCN SGE00533).
                                                  formation (called the ‘‘kickoff point’’),               the hydraulic fracturing of horizontally                  Because laterals in horizontally
                                                  and then gradually turn the drill                       drilled UOG wells; however, all drill                  drilled UOG wells are between 1,000
                                                  approximately 90 degrees to continue                    types (including vertical and                          and 5,000 feet long, operators typically
                                                  drilling laterally continuously through                 directional) would be covered by this                  hydraulically fracture horizontal wells
                                                  the target formation. UOG wells are also                proposed rule.                                         in stages to maintain the high pressures
                                                                                                             Hydraulic fracturing involves the                   necessary to stimulate the well over the
                                                  drilled vertically or directionally,6
                                                                                                          injection of fracturing fluids (e.g.,                  entire length. Stages are completed
                                                  depending on the characteristics of the
                                                                                                          mixtures of water, sand, and other                     starting with the stage at the end of the
                                                  formation. Directional drilling is a
                                                                                                          additives) at high pressures into the                  wellbore and working back towards the
                                                  technique used to drill a wellbore at an
                                                                                                          well to create small fractures in the rock             wellhead.9 Operators use anywhere
                                                  angle off of the vertical to reach an end               formation. The primary component of
                                                  location not directly below the well pad;                                                                      between eight and 23 stages (DCN
                                                                                                          fracturing fluid is the base fluid into                SGE00280). A fracturing crew can
                                                  horizontal drilling is considered a type                which proppant (e.g., sand) and
                                                  of directional drilling. In UOG well                                                                           fracture two to three stages per day
                                                                                                          chemicals are added. Currently, the                    when operating 12 hours per day or four
                                                  drilling, well depths range from                        most common base fluid is water;
                                                  approximately 1,000 to 13,500 feet deep                                                                        to five stages per day when operating 24
                                                                                                          however, other fluids such as liquid                   hours per day.10 Consequently, a typical
                                                  (but the majority of wells are drilled                  nitrogen and propane (LPG) are also
                                                  between 6,000 and 12,000 feet), wells                                                                          well can take between two and seven
                                                                                                          used. Historically, base fluid consisted
                                                  often have a long horizontal lateral                                                                           days to complete (DCN SGE00239; DCN
                                                                                                          exclusively of freshwater, but as more
                                                  which can vary in length between 1,000                                                                         SGE00090).
                                                                                                          wastewater is increasingly reused/                        Once the stage is hydraulically
                                                  and 5,000 feet, and it takes                            recycled, base fluid can contain
                                                  approximately 5 to 60 days to complete                                                                         fractured, a stage plug is inserted down
                                                                                                          mixtures of fresh water blended with                   the wellbore separating it from
                                                  well drilling. See TDD, Chapter B.3.                    reused/recycled UOG extraction                         additional stages until all stages are
                                                  2. Well Completion                                      wastewater. Chemical additives, used to                completed. After all of the stages have
                                                                                                          adjust the fracturing fluid properties,                been completed, the plugs are drilled
                                                    Once the target formation has been
                                                                                                          vary according to the formation, target                out of the wellbore allowing the
                                                  reached, and a determination has been
                                                  made as to whether or not the formation                   7 In some instances, open-hole completions may
                                                                                                                                                                 fracturing fluids and other fluids to
                                                  has commercial potential, the well is                   be used, where the well is drilled into the top of     return to the surface. At the wellhead,
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  made ready for production by a process                  the target formation and casing is set from the top
                                                  termed ‘‘well completion.’’ Well                        of the formation to the surface. Open-hole well          9 The first stage is fractured with what is known

                                                                                                          completions leave the bottom of the wellbore           as the pad fracture. The pad is the injection of high
                                                  completion involves cleaning the well                   uncased.                                               pressure water and chemical additives (no
                                                  to remove drilling fluids and debris,                     8 Hydraulic fracturing techniques are also often     proppant) to create the initial fractures into the
                                                                                                          used to improve recovery from conventional oil and     formation. After the pad is pumped down hole,
                                                     6 Shale oil and gas wells, are primarily drilled     gas wells. However, the scope of this section is       proppant is introduced to the fracturing fluid for
                                                  directionally (and specifically horizontally), while    focused on UOG extraction, therefore, the              the additional stages.
                                                  tight oil and gas wells are drilled vertically and      application of this process to conventional wells is     10 The hours per day depends on the operator,

                                                  directionally.                                          not further discussed here.                            local ordinances, and weather.

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                                                  18568                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                  a combination of liquid (produced                       (DCN SGE00280; DCN SGE00275; DCN                        therefore, these wastewaters are
                                                  water), sand, oil, and/or gas are routed                SGE00636) and is periodically trucked,                  described further below.
                                                  through phase separators that separate                  or sometimes piped, offsite for
                                                                                                                                                                  1. Drilling Wastewater
                                                  products from wastes.                                   treatment, reuse, or disposal. See TDD,
                                                     A portion of produced water can                      Chapter B.3.                                               As discussed in Section XII.B.1.,
                                                  return to the wellhead at this time; this                                                                       operators inject drilling fluids down the
                                                  waste stream is often referred to as                    C. UOG Extraction Wastewater                            well bore during drilling to cool the
                                                  ‘‘flowback’’ and consists of the portion                   UOG extraction wastewater, as EPA                    drill bit and to remove fragments of rock
                                                  of fracturing fluid injected into the                   proposes to define it (see Section VII.B.)              (drill cuttings) from the wellbore (DCN
                                                  wellbore that returns to the surface                    includes the following sources of                       SGE00090; DCN SGE00274). Drilling
                                                  during initial well depressurization                    wastewater pollutants: 14                               fluid can be water or synthetic based.
                                                  often combined with formation water.11                     • Produced water—the water (brine)                   Air has recently been used in place of
                                                  Higher volumes of water are generated                   brought up from the hydrocarbon-                        drilling fluids in the vertical phase of
                                                  in the beginning of the flowback                        bearing strata during the extraction of                 wells. Operators can use a combination
                                                  process. Over time, flowback rates                      oil and gas. This can include formation                 of drilling fluids and air during the
                                                  decrease as the well goes into the                      water, injection water, and any                         drilling process of a single well. The
                                                  production phase. Operators typically                   chemicals added downhole or during                      drilling fluid used depends on the
                                                  store flowback in 500 barrel fracturing                 the oil/water separation process. Based                 properties of the formation, the depth,
                                                  tanks onsite before treatment or                        on the stage of completion and                          and associated regulations, safety, and
                                                  transport offsite.12 In addition to                     production the well is in, produced                     cost considerations (DCN SGE00090;
                                                  flowback, small quantities of oil and/or                water can be further broken down into                   DCN SGE00635; TDD Chapter B.3).
                                                  gas can be produced during the initial                  the following components:                                  When returned to the surface, ground
                                                  flowback process. The small quantities                     Æ Flowback—After the hydraulic                       rock removed from the wellbore (drill
                                                  of produced gas could be flared or                      fracturing procedure is completed and                   cuttings) is entrained in the drilling
                                                  captured if the operator is using ‘‘green               pressure is released, the direction of                  fluid. Operators separate the solids from
                                                  completions’’, which involves capturing                 fluid flow reverses, and the fluid flows                the drilling fluid on the surface, striving
                                                  the gas rather than flaring.13                          up through the wellbore to the surface.                 to remove as much solids (drill cuttings)
                                                     The flowback period typically lasts                  The water that returns to the surface is                from the drilling fluid as possible. The
                                                  from a few days to a few weeks before                   commonly referred to as ‘‘flowback.’’                   separation process generates two
                                                  the production phase commences (DCN                        Æ Long-term produced water—This is                   streams: a solid waste stream referred to
                                                  SGE00010; DCN SGE00011; DCN                             the wastewater generated by UOG wells                   as drill cuttings and a liquid waste
                                                  SGE00622; DCN SGE00592; DCN                             during the production phase of the well                 stream referred to as drilling
                                                  SGE00286). At some wells, the majority                  after the flowback process. Long-term                   wastewater. Operators typically transfer
                                                  of fracturing fluid can be recovered                    produced water continues to be                          their drill cuttings to a landfill (DCN
                                                  within a few hours (DCN SGE00010;                       produced throughout the lifetime of the                 SGE00090; DCN SGE00635). Drilling
                                                  DCN SGE00011; DCN SGE00622; DCN                         well.                                                   wastewater is often reused/recycled
                                                  SGE00592; DCN SGE00286). See TDD,                          • Drilling wastewater, including                     until well drilling is complete (though
                                                  Chapter B.3.                                            pollutants from:                                        in some cases it is processed for
                                                                                                             Æ Drill cuttings—The particles                       discharge and/or disposal).
                                                  3. Production                                           generated by drilling into subsurface                      At the end of drilling, operators use
                                                     After the initial flowback period, the               geologic formations and carried out                     a variety of practices to manage drilling
                                                  well begins producing oil and/or gas;                   from the wellbore with the drilling                     wastewater, primarily reuse/recycle in
                                                  this next phase is referred to as the                   fluid.                                                  drilling subsequent wells. The following
                                                  production phase. During the                               Æ Drilling muds—The circulating                      list presents drilling wastewater
                                                  production phase, UOG wells produce                     fluid (mud) used in the rotary drilling                 management options used by UOG
                                                  oil and/or gas and generate long-term                   of wells to clean and condition the hole                operators (DCN SGE00740):
                                                  produced water. Long-term produced                      and to counterbalance formation                            • Reuse/recycle wastewater in
                                                  water, generated during the well                        pressure.                                               subsequent drilling and/or fracturing
                                                  production phase after the initial                         • Produced sand—The slurried                         jobs 15
                                                  flowback process, consists primarily of                 particles used in hydraulic fracturing,                    • Disposal via landfill 16
                                                  formation water and continues to be                     the accumulated formation sands and                        • Disposal via underground injection
                                                  produced throughout the lifetime of the                 scales particles generated during                       wells
                                                  well, though typically at much lower                    production. Produced sand also                             • Land application
                                                  rates than flowback (DCN SGE00592).                     includes desander discharge from the                       • Transfer wastewater to a centralized
                                                  This long-term produced water is                        produced water waste stream, and                        waste treatment (CWT) facility
                                                  typically stored onsite in tanks or pits                blowdown of the water phase from the                       • On-site burial 16
                                                                                                          produced water treating system.                            Nearly all of the volume of drilling
                                                     11 Formation water is naturally occurring water
                                                                                                             EPA identified drilling wastewater                   fluid circulated during drilling is
                                                  contained in the reservoir rock pores.                  and produced water as the major                         recovered as drilling wastewater and
                                                     12 Fracturing tanks cannot be transported when
                                                                                                          sources of wastewater pollutants                        requires management. Typical drilling
                                                  they contain wastewater. Wastewater is typically
                                                                                                                                                                  wastewater volumes for UOG drilling
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  transported via trucks with approximately 100 to        associated with UOG extraction,
                                                  120 barrel capacities or via pipe (DCN SGE00635).
                                                     13 On April 17, 2012, the U.S. EPA issued              14 Stormwater is not considered a source of UOG          15 Synthetic fluids, which are more expensive

                                                  regulations under the Clean Air Act, requiring the      extraction wastewater. In general, no permit is         than water-based drilling fluid, are almost always
                                                  natural gas industry to reduce air pollution by using   required for discharges of stormwater from any field    reused/recycled in drilling additional wells.
                                                  green completions, or reduced emission                  activities or operations associated with oil and gas       16 Burial and landfill disposal options are

                                                  completions. EPA identified a transition period         production, except as specified in 40 CFR               generally limited to ‘‘semisolid’’ waste.
                                                  until January 1, 2015 to allow operators to locate      122.26(c)(1)(iii) for discharges of a reportable        Solidification processes may occur prior to
                                                  and install green completion equipment (40 CFR          quantity or that contribute to a violation of a water   transferring the waste to the landfill or they may
                                                  part 60 and 63).                                        quality standard.                                       occur at the landfill. (DCN SGE00139).

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                                                                                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                                              18569

                                                  vary from 100,000 to 300,000 gallons                                        75 percent of the volume of the                                              wastewater. Produced water data
                                                  per well depending primarily on                                             fracturing fluid injected, with median                                       included measurements of TDS, anions/
                                                  vertical depth, horizontal length, and                                      flowback recovery between 4 and 29                                           cations, metals, hardness, radioactive
                                                  the well bore diameter (DCN                                                 percent (DCN SGE00724). These percent                                        constituents, and organics. The
                                                  SGE00740).                                                                  recoveries can result in total flowback                                      characteristics of UOG produced water
                                                  2. Produced Water                                                           volumes ranging from less than 210,000                                       vary primarily depending on the
                                                                                                                              gallons per well to more than 2,100,000                                      characteristics of the UOG formation
                                                  a. Flowback                                                                 gallons per well (5,000 to 50,000 barrels                                    (DCN SGE00090). Drilling wastewater
                                                     As explained above, the portion of                                       per well) (DCN SGE00724). See TDD,                                           characterization data included
                                                  produced water that returns to the                                          Chapter C. 2.                                                                suspended solids, salts, metals, and
                                                  wellhead after the plugs are drilled out                                    b. Long-term Produced Water                                                  organics. Because drilling wastewater is
                                                  of the wellbore is often referred to as                                                                                                                  typically recycled/re-used for drilling
                                                  ‘‘flowback’’ and the largest daily volume                                      After flowback generation, long-term
                                                                                                                              produced water is generated during the                                       another well, detailed pollutant specific
                                                  of produced water generated occurs                                                                                                                       information is less readily available for
                                                  during the flowback period. Over time,                                      well production phase. Long-term
                                                                                                                              produced water has characteristics that                                      drilling wastewater than for produced
                                                  flowback rates decrease as the well
                                                                                                                              primarily reflect the formation. The                                         water. As such, the remainder of this
                                                  begins to produce oil and gas. Initially,
                                                  flowback has characteristics that can                                       long-term produced water flow rate                                           section is specific to produced water.17
                                                  resemble the fracturing fluid. During the                                   from a UOG well gradually decreases                                          1. TDS and TDS-Contributing Ions
                                                  flowback period, the generated                                              over time. In addition, the amount of
                                                  wastewater increasingly resembles                                           produced water generated per well                                              TDS provides a measure of the
                                                  characteristics of the underlying                                           varies by formation. Median long-term                                        dissolved matter, including salts (e.g.,
                                                  formation.                                                                  produced water flow rates vary by                                            sodium, chloride, nitrate), organic
                                                     The volume of flowback produced by                                       resource type (e.g., shale oil) and well                                     matter, and minerals (DCN SGE00046).
                                                  a well varies, and it is often looked at                                    trajectory and can be between 200 and                                        TDS is not a specific chemical, but is
                                                  in relation to the volume of the                                            800 gallons per day (4.8 to 19 barrels per                                   defined as the portion of solids that pass
                                                  fracturing fluid used to fracture the well                                  day), depending on well trajectory,                                          through a filter with a nominal pore size
                                                  (as explained in Section XII.B.2. above,                                    formation type and well age (DCN                                             of 2.0 micron (mm) or less (EPA Method
                                                  fracturing fluid volumes used depend                                        SGE00635; DCN SGE00724). See TDD,                                            160.1). Table XII–1. shows ranges and
                                                  on many factors, including the total                                        Chapter C.2.                                                                 median TDS concentrations associated
                                                  number of stages drilled). Flowback
                                                                                                                              D. UOG Extraction Wastewater                                                 with various shale and tight oil and gas
                                                  recovery percentages also vary due to
                                                  factors such as resource type (e.g., shale                                  Characteristics                                                              formations.
                                                  oil) and well trajectory and have been                                        EPA reviewed published
                                                  documented anywhere between 3 and                                           characterization data for UOG extraction

                                                                         TABLE XII–1—CONCENTRATIONS OF TDS IN PRODUCED WATERS IN VARIOUS UOG FORMATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                    TDS concentration                   TDS median       Number of data
                                                                                        Shale/tight oil and gas formation                                                                range                          concentration       points
                                                                                                                                                                                         (mg/L)                            (mg/L)

                                                  Bakken ......................................................................................................................     98,000–220,000 ....                        150,000                13
                                                  Barnett ......................................................................................................................    25,000–150,000 ....                         50,000                40
                                                  Bradford-Venango-Elk (Tight) ..................................................................................                   32,000–400,000 ....                        180,000                 5
                                                  Cleveland (Tight) ......................................................................................................          84,000–220,000 ....                        120,000                11
                                                  Cotton Valley/Bossier (Tight) ...................................................................................                 110,000–230,000 ..                         170,000                 3
                                                  Dakota (Tight) ...........................................................................................................        2,900–7,700 ..........                       6,000                 3
                                                  Devonian ..................................................................................................................       320–250,000 .........                      130,000                11
                                                  Eagle Ford ................................................................................................................       3,700–89,000 ........                       21,000             1,648
                                                  Fayetteville ...............................................................................................................      13,000–57,000 ......                        25,000                 6
                                                  Haynesville/Bossier ..................................................................................................            110,000–120,000 ..                         120,000                 2
                                                  Marcellus ..................................................................................................................      680–350,000 .........                       92,000               383
                                                  Mississippi Lime (Tight) ............................................................................................             ...............................            150,000                 1
                                                  New Albany ..............................................................................................................         ...............................             88,000                 1
                                                  Niobrara ....................................................................................................................     39,000–140,000 ....                        100,000                 8
                                                  Pearsall .....................................................................................................................    300,000–380,000 ..                         370,000                 3
                                                  Spraberry (Tight) ......................................................................................................          58,000–160,000 ....                        130,000                26
                                                  Utica .........................................................................................................................   6,500–44,000 ........                       16,000                 8
                                                  Woodford-Cana-Caney .............................................................................................                 14,000–110,000 ....                         36,000                 8
                                                     Source: See TDD, Chapter C.3.
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    Salts are the majority of TDS in UOG                                      chloride, UOG produced water typically                                       fluoride, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, and
                                                  produced water, and sodium chloride                                         contains divalent cations such as                                            sulfate can also contribute to TDS in
                                                  constitutes approximately 50 percent of                                     calcium, strontium, magnesium, and, in                                       UOG produced water. Metals, other than
                                                  the TDS in UOG produced water (DCN                                          some formations, barium and radium.                                          those contributing to TDS (e.g., calcium,
                                                  SGE00046). In addition to sodium and                                        Other ions such as potassium, bromide,                                       magnesium, strontium), are typically

                                                    17 As explained above, produced water includes

                                                  both flowback and long-term produced water.

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                                                  18570                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                  not found in high concentrations in                                          contributing ions in UOG produced                                            cations, typically increase from
                                                  UOG produced water. Table XII–2.                                             water. Based on available data,                                              flowback to long-term produced water.
                                                  presents ranges and median                                                   concentrations of TDS and TDS-                                               See TDD, Chapter C.3.
                                                  concentrations of TDS and TDS-                                               contributing ions, including divalent

                                                                    TABLE XII–2—CONCENTRATIONS OF TDS AND TDS-CONTRIBUTING IONS IN UOG PRODUCED WATERS
                                                                                                                                                                                         Concentration                      Median            Number of data
                                                                                                         Constituent                                                                         range                       concentration           points
                                                                                                                                                                                            (mg/L)                          (mg/L)

                                                  TDS ..........................................................................................................................     20–400,000 ...........                     110,000                     2,223
                                                  Chloride ....................................................................................................................      64–230,000 ...........                      48,000                     2,063
                                                  Sodium .....................................................................................................................       64–98,000 .............                     25,000                     1,913
                                                  Calcium .....................................................................................................................      13–34,000 .............                      3,400                     2,068
                                                  Strontium ..................................................................................................................       0–8,000 .................                      580                       207
                                                  Magnesium ...............................................................................................................          3–15,000 ...............                       570                     2,030
                                                  Bromide ....................................................................................................................       0.2–4,300 ..............                       540                       119
                                                  Potassium .................................................................................................................        0–5,800 .................                      290                       344
                                                  Barium ......................................................................................................................      0–16,000 ...............                       100                       289
                                                  Sulfate ......................................................................................................................     0–3,400 .................                       71                     1,585
                                                  Phosphate ................................................................................................................         12–88 ....................                       12                        3
                                                  Nitrate .......................................................................................................................    5–10 ......................                       5                        3
                                                  Nitrite ........................................................................................................................   ...............................                   5                        2
                                                  Fluoride .....................................................................................................................     0.045–390 .............                         2.5                       99
                                                     Source: See TDD, Chapter C.3.

                                                  2. Organic Constituents                                                      (IAEA) published a report in 2014 that                                       E. Wastewater Management and
                                                     Organic constituents in UOG                                               included radium isotope concentrations                                       Disposal Practices
                                                  produced water can originate from both                                       in rivers and lakes. The average of
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Historically, UOG operators primarily
                                                  the fracturing fluid that is injected down                                   measured concentrations of radium 226                                        managed their wastewater using the
                                                  the wellbore and from the UOG                                                found in U.S. rivers and lakes was 0.56                                      following four methods: 19
                                                  formation itself. Organic constituents                                       pCi/L (21 millibecquerel per liter (mBq/
                                                                                                                                                                                                              • Disposal via underground injection
                                                  and hydrocarbons in UOG produced                                             L)) and the measured values ranged
                                                  water appear to be less frequently                                           from 0.01 to 1.7 pCi/L (0.37 to 63 mBq/
                                                                                                                                                                                                              • Reuse in subsequent fracturing jobs;
                                                  sampled in comparison to the well-                                           L) (DCN SGE00769). Data for radium
                                                  documented TDS concentrations. EPA                                           228 were limited.                                                              • Transfer to a POTW; or
                                                  has reviewed available data on organic                                                                                                                      • Transfer to a privately owned
                                                                                                                                  Data characterizing produced water
                                                  pollutants in produced water and found                                                                                                                    wastewater treatment facility (also
                                                                                                                               radioactivity concentrations were not                                        called a CWT facility).20
                                                  a range of pollutant concentrations:                                         available for all shale and tight oil and
                                                  phenol (0.7 to 460 parts per billion                                                                                                                        (DCN SGE00613; DCN SGE00276);
                                                                                                                               gas formations. However, the available
                                                  (ppb)), pyridine (1.1 to 2,600 ppb),                                                                                                                      DCN SGE00528).
                                                                                                                               data 18 from five different tight or shale
                                                  benzene (0.99 to 800,000 ppb), ethyl                                                                                                                        The frequency with which UOG
                                                                                                                               oil and gas formations show that the
                                                  benzene (0.63 to 650 ppb), toluene (0.91                                                                                                                  operators use each of the management
                                                                                                                               concentrations of one or more
                                                  to 1,700,000 ppb), and total xylenes (3                                                                                                                   options listed above varies by operator,
                                                  to 440,000 ppb) (DCN SGE00724). See                                          radioactive constituents (radium 226,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            formation, and sometimes within each
                                                  TDD, Chapter C.3.                                                            radium 228, gross alpha, gross beta) in
                                                                                                                                                                                                            region of the formation (DCN SGE00579;
                                                                                                                               UOG produced water was above                                                 DCN SGE00276). Relative cost is also an
                                                  3. Radioactive Constituents                                                  naturally occurring concentrations in                                        important factor for an UOG operator
                                                     Oil and gas formations contain                                            rivers and lakes throughout the world.                                       when considering how to manage their
                                                  varying levels of radioactivity resulting                                    The highest reported radium 228 value                                        wastewater. This proposed rule
                                                  from uranium decay which can be                                              was in the Ganges River in India and                                         addresses only transfers to a POTW.
                                                  transferred to UOG produced water.                                           was measured at 0.07 pCi/L (2.6 mBq/                                         Historically, the oil and gas industry has
                                                  Radioactive decay products typically                                         L). (See DCN SGE00769)                                                       most commonly managed its wastewater
                                                  include uranium 238, radium 226, and                                                                                                                      by underground injection (DCN
                                                  radium 228. EPA identified available                                                                                                                      SGE00182), but the industry is
                                                  data on some radioactive elements in                                                                                                                      increasingly turning to reuse, and in
                                                  UOG produced water, including radium                                                                                                                      some areas transfer to CWT facilities, to
                                                  226, radium 228, gross alpha, and gross                                                                                                                   manage increasing volumes of UOG
                                                  beta, and, therefore, focused the                                                                                                                         extraction wastewater (see TDD, Chapter
                                                  radioactive constituent discussion and                                          18 A report was released by the Pennsylvania
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  data presentation on data for these                                          Department of Environmental Protection, titled
                                                  parameters. Radium 226, which has a                                          ‘‘Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring                                 19 Occasionally, UOG operators in the western
                                                  half-life over 1,000 years, has been                                         Radioactive Materials (TENORM) Study Report’’ on
                                                                                                                                                                                                            U.S. may use evaporation as a means of wastewater
                                                                                                                               January 15, 2015. These data have not yet been
                                                  found in UOG produced water at                                                                                                                            management.
                                                                                                                               incorporated into EPA’s analyses. The report                                   20 Operators may haul wastewater to CWT
                                                  concentrations up to 16,900 picocuries                                       presents additional data for the Marcellus Shale                             facilities that handle the wastewater by (1) treating
                                                  per liter (pCi/L) (DCN SGE00241; DCN                                         formation, which is one of the five formations for                           for reuse; (2) direct discharging to surface water; or
                                                  SGE00724). As a point of comparison,                                         which EPA has identified additional data sources.                            (3) indirect discharging to surface water through a
                                                  the International Atomic Energy Agency                                       See TDD Chapter C.3 and DCN SGE00933.                                        POTW.

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                            18571

                                                  1. Injection into Disposal Wells                        potential for reusing UOG extraction                   of treated wastewater on a cost per
                                                     Underground injection involves                       wastewater for fracturing varies by                    barrel basis (DCN SGE00245). Some of
                                                  pumping wastes into a deep                              formation and operator.                                these facilities offer operators the option
                                                  underground formation with a confining                    Since the late 2000s, UOG operators                  of unloading a truck load of wastewater
                                                  layer of impermeable rock. The                          have increased wastewater reuse (DCN                   without taking a load of treated
                                                  receiving formation must also be porous                 SGE00613). The Petroleum Equipment                     wastewater for a surcharge, as long as
                                                  enough to accept the wastewater. In                     Suppliers Association (PESA) surveyed                  other operators are in need of additional
                                                  previous decades, and in most oil and                   205 UOG operators in 2012 about their                  treated wastewater. The CWT facility
                                                  gas basins, drillers found underground                  wastewater management practices.                       can also provide this service if it can
                                                  injection of oil and gas extraction                     Survey results included 143 operators                  dispose of the wastewater without
                                                  wastewater to be the most economical                    active in major UOG formations. UOG                    discharge (DCN SGE00299). For
                                                  and reliable means of disposal; this is                 operators reported reusing 23 percent of               example, one facility in Wyoming treats
                                                  similarly the case today (DCN                           the total volume of wastewater                         UOG extraction wastewater for reuse by
                                                  SGE00623). As of 2009, over 90 percent                  generated to refracture another well.                  removing TDS and other pollutants
                                                  of oil and gas wastewater (conventional                 The survey results also showed that                    through electrocoagulation followed by
                                                  and unconventional) was disposed of                     most operators anticipated reusing                     reverse osmosis (RO). The facility
                                                  via Class II injection wells (DCN                       higher percentages of their wastewater                 evaporates the concentrated brine from
                                                  SGE00623; DCN SGE00132).                                in the two to three years following the                the RO unit in large evaporation ponds
                                                     The availability of underground                      survey (DCN SGE00707; DCN                              to dispose of wastewater not reused by
                                                  injection as a disposal method varies by                SGE00708; DCN SGE00575). EPA                           operators (DCN SGE00374).
                                                  state. Some states have a large number                  participated in several site visits and                   Some operators can haul their
                                                  of Class II disposal wells (e.g., Texas,                conference calls with operators in                     wastewater to CWT facilities that
                                                  Oklahoma, Kansas) while others have                     several UOG formations that have been                  discharge directly to surface waters.
                                                  very few (e.g., Pennsylvania, West                      able to reuse 100 percent of the volume                Discharges from these CWT facilities are
                                                  Virginia). In many UOG formations,                      of their wastewater under certain                      controlled by NDPES permits that
                                                  distances from the average producing                    circumstances (DCN SGE00625; DCN                       include pollutant discharge limitations
                                                  well to the nearest disposal well are                   SGE00635; DCN SGE00275; DCN                            based on the technology-based ELGs set
                                                  short and disposal capacity is abundant                 SGE00636).                                             out in 40 CFR part 437 (representing the
                                                  making it the least expensive disposal                                                                         floor), or more stringent WQBELs where
                                                                                                          3. Transfer to Centralized Waste
                                                  practice (DCN SGE00635).                                                                                       the technology-based effluent limits are
                                                                                                          Treatment Facilities
                                                                                                                                                                 not sufficiently stringent to meet
                                                  2. Reuse in Fracturing                                     Some operators manage UOG                           applicable state water quality standards.
                                                     Reuse involves mixing flowback and/                  extraction wastewater by transporting it               The ELGs established by EPA for CWTs
                                                  or long-term produced water from                        to CWT facilities for treatment.                       do not include limitations for TDS;
                                                  previously fractured wells with source                  Following treatment, these facilities can              however, to meet applicable state water
                                                  water 21 to create the base fluid used to               return it to an operator for reuse to                  quality standards, direct discharging
                                                  fracture a new well (DCN SGE00046).                     fracture another well (‘‘zero discharge’’)             CWT facilities can use treatment
                                                  Reused UOG extraction wastewater is                     and/or discharge it, either to surface                 processes (e.g., evaporation/
                                                  typically transported, by truck, from                   water or to a POTW. Operators can                      condensation, reverse osmosis) that
                                                  storage to the fracturing site just prior to            choose to use CWT facilities if they drill             remove TDS.
                                                  the start of hydraulic fracturing. When                 and complete relatively few wells,                        Finally, other operators can haul their
                                                  hydraulic fracturing commences, the                     making discharging to CWT facilities                   wastewater to CWT facilities that
                                                  stored UOG wastewater is pumped from                    more feasible than investing in other                  discharge indirectly to a POTW.
                                                  the fracturing tanks and blended with                   management options (DCN SGE00300),                     Discharges from the CWT facility to the
                                                  source water to form the base fluid. The                or if other wastewater management                      POTW are controlled by an Industrial
                                                  blending occurs upstream of other steps                 options are not available or cost                      User Agreement (IUA) that must
                                                  such as sand and fracturing chemical                    effective in the region where they are                 incorporate the pretreatment standards
                                                  addition or pressurization by the pump                  operating (DCN SGE00139; DCN                           set out in 40 CFR part 437.
                                                                                                          SGE00182). EPA identified 73
                                                  trucks (DCN SGE00625).                                                                                         4. Transfer to POTWs
                                                     In considering whether to reuse                      commercial CWT facilities that accept
                                                                                                          UOG extraction wastewater. See TDD,                       Historically, in locations such as in
                                                  wastewater, operators evaluate
                                                                                                          Chapter D.3. EPA found that the number                 Pennsylvania where disposal wells and
                                                  wastewater generation rates compared
                                                                                                          of CWT facilities available to operators               CWT facilities were limited, operators
                                                  to water demand for new fracturing jobs,
                                                                                                          in the Marcellus and Utica Shale                       managed UOG extraction wastewater by
                                                  water quality and treatment
                                                                                                          formations has increased with the                      transfer to POTWs (DCN SGE00011;
                                                  requirements for use in fracturing, and
                                                                                                          number of wells drilled. A similar trend               DCN SGE00739; DCN SGE00598). This
                                                  the risks and costs of wastewater
                                                                                                          was observed in the Fayetteville Shale                 practice can be problematic because
                                                  management and transportation for
                                                                                                          formation in Arkansas (DCN SGE00704).                  POTWs are not able to remove many of
                                                  reuse compared to disposal, or transfer
                                                                                                             Operators can haul their wastewater                 the constituents found in UOG
                                                  practices. Typically, for an operator to
                                                                                                          to ‘‘zero discharge’’ CWT facilities that              extraction wastewater (DCN SGE00011;
                                                  reuse wastewater, the cost per barrel for
                                                                                                          treat but do not discharge UOG                         DCN SGE00600; DCN SGE00765).
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  reuse must be less than the cost per
                                                                                                          extraction wastewater, either to surface               Because they are not typical of POTW
                                                  barrel for disposal or transfer (DCN
                                                                                                          water or to a POTW. Instead, they return               influent wastewater, UOG extraction
                                                  SGE00095). The cost for reuse depends
                                                                                                          the wastewater to UOG operators for                    wastewater constituents can be
                                                  on several factors that vary by formation
                                                                                                          reuse in subsequent hydraulic fracturing               discharged, largely untreated, from the
                                                  and operator; and, therefore, the
                                                                                                          jobs. Commercial CWT facilities that fall              POTW to the receiving stream; can
                                                    21 Source waters may include freshwater, ground       into this category typically allow                     disrupt the operation of the POTW (e.g.,
                                                  water, treated municipal wastewater, and other          operators to unload a truck load of                    by inhibiting biological treatment); can
                                                  industrial wastewater.                                  wastewater for treatment and take a load               accumulate in biosolids, limiting their

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                                                  18572                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                  use; and can facilitate the formation of                extraction as defined in Section XI. EPA               onshore UOG extraction to POTWs.
                                                  harmful DBPs (which are a concern for                   considered whether further                             Rather, the vast majority of this
                                                  downstream drinking water uses). These                  subcategorization of the UOG extraction                wastewater is managed by disposal in
                                                  constituents can interfere with POTW                    industry was warranted. EPA evaluated                  underground injection wells and/or re-
                                                  operations and can increase salt loads in               a number of factors including available                use in fracturing another well.22 A
                                                  receiving streams to the detriment of                   data regarding wastewater chemical                     small, but in some geographic areas
                                                  downstream water use. (DCN SGE00286;                    constituents, generation volumes, and                  increasing, portion of the industry also
                                                  DCN SGE00345; DCN SGE00579; DCN                         rates. Although some differences can be                transfers its wastewater to privately
                                                  SGE00531; DCN SGE00633). See TDD,                       observed among these characteristics                   owned wastewater treatment facilities
                                                  Chapter D.5. As discussed above, EPA                    (between different types of                            (also referred to as CWT facilities).
                                                  has not been able to identify any                       unconventional resource and geologic                      Because of this information, EPA
                                                  existing UOG discharges at present to                   formations, and sometimes between                      identified one candidate PSES/PSNS
                                                  POTWs (DCN SGE00579; DCN                                wells within the same source), EPA                     option; that is, zero discharge of
                                                  SGE00286; DCN SGE00345). The lack of                    proposes that further subcategorization                wastewater pollutants to POTWs. UOG
                                                  existing discharges to POTWs can be                     is not appropriate because EPA has not                 extraction wastewater is discussed in
                                                  attributed to the availability of one or                identified any onshore UOG operations                  Section XII.C.
                                                  more cost effective alternative                         that currently discharge to POTWs.                        The technology basis for the proposed
                                                  wastewater management options                                                                                  PSES is disposal in UIC wells and/or
                                                                                                          XIV. Proposed Regulation                               wastewater reuse/recycling to fracture
                                                  (injection for disposal, reuse/recycling,
                                                  and transfer to a CWT), concerns about                  A. Discussion of Options                               another well. Because existing UOG
                                                  inability of POTWs to treat such waste                                                                         extraction facilities currently employ
                                                                                                          1. PSES and PSNS Option Selection                      alternative wastewater management
                                                  appropriately, and concerns that such
                                                  discharges can disrupt POTW treatment                      EPA proposes to establish PSES and                  practices, the technology basis for
                                                  processes. In a few cases, they can also                PSNS that apply to wastewater                          meeting a zero discharge requirement is
                                                  be associated with state-level drivers                  discharges from onshore UOG extraction                 widely available. While EPA estimates
                                                  (see TDD Chapter A.2).                                  facilities. Generally, EPA designs PSES                that there will be no incremental
                                                                                                          and PSNS to ensure that wastewaters                    pollutant reductions associated with the
                                                  XIII. Subcategorization                                 from direct and indirect industrial                    proposed PSES, the technology basis is
                                                     In developing ELGs, EPA can divide                   dischargers are subject to similar levels              best performing in that it achieves zero
                                                  an industry category into groupings                     of treatment prior to discharge to waters              discharges of pollutants in UOG
                                                  called ‘‘subcategories’’ to provide a                   of the U.S. This means that, typically,                extraction wastewater. Additionally,
                                                  method for addressing variations among                  the requirements for indirect                          because this technology represents
                                                  products, processes, and other factors,                 dischargers are analogous to those for                 current industry practice nationwide, no
                                                  which result in distinctly different                    direct dischargers. As explained in                    facilities will incur incremental costs for
                                                  effluent characteristics that affect the                Section VIII.C., the existing                          compliance with the proposed PSES
                                                  determination of the ‘‘best available’’                 requirements for BPT for the Onshore                   and, therefore, the proposed PSES is
                                                  technology. See Texas Oil & Gas Ass’n.                  Subcategory are zero discharge of                      economically achievable. For the same
                                                  v. U.S. EPA, 161 F.3d 923, 939–40 (5th                  wastewater pollutants into waters of the               reasons, the proposed PSES will result
                                                  Cir. 1998). Regulation of a category by                 U.S. from any source associated with                   in no incremental non-water quality
                                                  subcategories provides that each                        production, field exploration, drilling,               environmental impacts. Finally, because
                                                  subcategory has a uniform set of effluent               well completion, or well treatment. As                 the proposal represents current industry
                                                  limitations or pretreatment standards                   also explained in Section VIII.C., the                 practice, EPA proposes that PSES
                                                  that take into account technological                    existing BPT requirements do not apply                 requiring zero discharge of wastewater
                                                  achievability, economic impacts, and                    to discharges to POTWs.                                pollutants be effective as of the effective
                                                  non-water quality environmental                            Most POTWs are designed primarily                   date of this rule.
                                                  impacts unique to that subcategory. In                  to treat municipally generated                            As previously noted, under section
                                                  some cases, effluent limitations or                     wastewater. POTWs typically provide at                 307(c) of the CWA, new sources of
                                                  pretreatment standards within a                         least secondary level treatment and,                   pollutants into POTWs must comply
                                                  subcategory can be different based on                   thus, are designed to remove settleable                with standards which reflect the greatest
                                                  consideration of these same factors,                    solids, suspended solids and organic                   degree of effluent reduction achievable
                                                  which are identified in CWA section                     material using biological treatment. EPA               through application of the best available
                                                  304(b)(2)(B). The CWA requires EPA, in                  is not aware of any POTWs that are                     demonstrated control technologies.
                                                  developing effluent guidelines and                      designed to treat dissolved pollutants in              Congress envisioned that new treatment
                                                  pretreatment standards, to consider a                   UOG extraction wastewater such as TDS                  systems could meet tighter controls than
                                                  number of different factors, which are                  (e.g., chlorides, sulfates, metals) or                 existing sources because of the
                                                  also relevant for subcategorization. The                radioactive elements. As a result, the                 opportunity to incorporate the most
                                                  CWA also authorizes EPA to take into                    mass of untreated pollutants would be                  efficient processes and treatment
                                                  account other factors that the                          discharged from the POTW to the                        systems into the facility design. EPA
                                                  Administrator deems appropriate. CWA                    receiving water, could disrupt the                     proposes PSNS that would control the
                                                  section 304(b).                                         operation of the POTW (e.g., by                        same pollutants using the same
                                                     Within the oil and gas extraction                    inhibiting biological treatment) or could              technologies proposed for control by
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  category, EPA has already established                   facilitate the formation of harmful DBPs.              PSES. The technologies used to control
                                                  subcategories. As explained in Section                     As explained in Section XII.E., EPA
                                                  VIII.C., the existing oil and gas                       evaluated the practices currently used to                22 While pollutant discharges from onshore oil

                                                  extraction ELGs are divided into five                   manage UOG extraction wastewaters.                     and gas extraction produced water are allowed
                                                  subcategories. The scope of the                         Based on the information reviewed as                   under subpart E in certain geographic locations for
                                                                                                                                                                 use in agriculture or wildlife propagation, EPA has
                                                  proposed rule is specific to subpart C:                 part of this proposed rulemaking, EPA                  not found that these types of permits are typically
                                                  onshore. The proposed rule is specific                  identified that current industry practice              written for unconventional oil and gas extraction
                                                  to pollutant discharges from UOG                        is not to discharge pollutants from                    wastewater (as defined for the proposed rule).

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                           18573

                                                  pollutants at existing sources, disposal                the zero discharge goal of the CWA.                    POTWs. In addition, where a POTW
                                                  in UIC wells and/or wastewater reuse/                   CWA section 101(a)(1). Second, as                      determines it can accept this
                                                  recycling to fracture another well, are                 detailed in Chapter A.2 of the TDD, few                wastewater, complying with applicable
                                                  fully available to new sources. They                    states have regulations or policies that               reporting requirements could be a
                                                  achieve the greatest degree of effluent                 prevent discharges of pollutants in UOG                significant burden to some POTWs. EPA
                                                  reduction available: zero discharge of                  extraction wastewater to POTWs or that                 concluded that a national-level
                                                  pollutants in UOG extraction                            mandate pre-treatment prior to                         determination that UOG extraction
                                                  wastewater. Furthermore, EPA has not                    discharge to a POTW. In the absence of                 wastewater contains pollutant
                                                  identified any technologies that are                    such regulations or policies, resource-                concentrations that could pass through
                                                  demonstrated to be available for new                    constrained control authorities and/or                 POTWs, and development of categorical
                                                  sources that are different from those                   POTWs who receive requests to accept                   pretreatment standards, will avoid
                                                  identified for existing sources. Finally,               UOG extraction wastewater would be in                  burdening individual POTWs with
                                                  EPA determined that the proposed                        the position of having to evaluate                     evaluating each individual request.
                                                  PSNS present no barrier to entry into                   whether to accept transfers of                         Thus, the national categorical
                                                  the market for new sources. While EPA                   wastewater on a case-by-case basis.                    pretreatment standards will reduce the
                                                  cannot say with certainty exactly how                   Third, history demonstrates that absent                process burden on pretreatment Control
                                                  new sources will manage their UOG                       controls preventing the transfer of or                 Authorities (e.g., POTWs). While EPA
                                                  extraction wastewater, information in                   requiring pretreatment of such                         does not have the information to
                                                  the record indicates that new sources                   wastewater, POTWs can accept it, as                    quantify the reductions in
                                                  would manage their UOG extraction                       occurred in Pennsylvania (see TDD                      administrative burden that will likely
                                                  wastewater following current industry                   Chapters A.2 and D.5), where POTWs                     result from the proposed rule, states
                                                  practice. EPA has found that overall                    were used to manage UOG extraction                     generally support EPA’s position that
                                                  impacts from the proposed standards on                  wastewater until the state took action,                such reductions will be realized (DCN
                                                  new sources would be minimal, as is the                 including promulgating new regulations                 SGE00762; DCN SGE00762; DCN
                                                  case for existing sources, since the costs              requiring pretreatment. Among the                      SGE00743).
                                                  faced by new sources generally will be                  drivers behind these actions taken by                     Moreover, as explained above,
                                                  the same as those faced by existing                     Pennsylvania was that some waters                      because some pollutants of concern in
                                                  sources. EPA projects no (and, therefore,               were impaired by TDS. (DCN                             UOG extraction wastewater will not be
                                                  acceptable) incremental non-water                       SGE00187).                                             physically, chemically, or biologically
                                                  quality environmental impacts.                             To avoid future scenarios where                     reduced by the treatment processes
                                                  Therefore, EPA proposes to establish                    POTWs receive UOG extraction                           typically used at POTWs, these
                                                  PSNS that are the same as the proposed                  wastewater, it is reasonable to codify the             pollutants are expected to be discharged
                                                  PSES.                                                   good practice already adopted by the                   from the POTW into receiving waters. In
                                                                                                          industry that is technologically and                   addition, these pollutants can cause
                                                  2. Other Options Considered                             economically viable. Moreover, it is                   operational problems for the POTW’s
                                                  a. ‘‘No Rule’’                                          beneficial to the states as a practical                biological treatment processes and alter
                                                                                                          matter to establish federal regulations                the POTW’s ability to adequately
                                                     In addition to the PSES/PSNS option                  that mandate this existing practice, in                remove BOD, TSS, and other pollutants
                                                  of zero discharge of wastewater                         order to avoid the burden for each state               for which it is regulated. For some UOG
                                                  pollutants, EPA also considered the                     to potentially repeat the effort of                    pollutants, such as radionuclides, the
                                                  option of no proposed PSES or PSNS, a                   promulgating state-level regulations.                  data indicate POTWs will remove some
                                                  ‘‘no rule’’ option. Based on the                        EPA has discussed this proposed rule                   portion while discharging the remainder
                                                  discussion above that no UOG facilities                 with several states, who have indicated                (DCN SGE00136). In these cases, some
                                                  are currently transferring wastewater to                that a federal pretreatment standard                   portion of the radionuclides will
                                                  POTWs, and given available alternative                  would reduce their administrative                      partition to the POTW biosolids, which
                                                  management options such as disposal in                  burden (DCN SGE00762; DCN                              can cause the POTW to incur increased
                                                  UIC wells and reuse/recycling, EPA                      SGE00762; DCN SGE00743).                               costs to change its selected method of
                                                  considered the option of no proposed                       EPA also considered the future                      biosolids management (DCN SGE00615).
                                                  rule. A ‘‘no rule’’ option would impose                 burden that continued lack of                          See also TDD Chapter D.5.
                                                  no change to the existing pretreatment                  pretreatment standards can impose on                      Finally, EPA did not select the ‘‘no
                                                  regulatory regime, or industry practice,                POTWs. The UOG extraction industry is                  rule’’ option because it concluded that
                                                  and would, therefore, be a ‘‘no                         predicted to continue to grow in the                   national pretreatment standards provide
                                                  incremental cost and pollutant                          future, resulting in the installation,                 clear direction and certainty to industry,
                                                  reduction’’ option.                                     fracturing, and possible refracturing of               POTWs, states, and the public that UOG
                                                     EPA, however, did not select this ‘‘no               hundreds of thousands of wells. Well                   extraction wastewaters are not treated
                                                  rule’’ option for several reasons. First,               operators will continue to generate UOG                by POTWs and should not be
                                                  there is no national federal regulation                 extraction wastewater and could request                transferred to them. Categorical
                                                  that would prevent or require                           local POTWs to accept their wastewater                 pretreatment standards support the
                                                  pretreatment of such discharges—and,                    for discharge. In the absence of federal               CWA goal that the discharge of
                                                  as mentioned above, EPA is not aware                    pretreatment standards, POTWs can                      pollutants into the nation’s navigable
                                                  of any POTWs that are designed to treat                 legally accept UOG extraction                          waters be eliminated. CWA section
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  dissolved pollutants common in UOG                      wastewater to the extent that such                     101(a).
                                                  extraction wastewater. This means that                  wastewater transfers are in compliance
                                                  constituents of such wastewater could                   with state and local requirements.                     b. Non-Zero Numeric Discharge
                                                  be discharged to receiving waters when                  Evaluating each potential customer                     Pretreatment Requirements
                                                  other [available] options such as reuse                 (industrial user), developing a                           EPA considered an option that would
                                                  and proper disposal in a Class II UIC                   determination for each new UOG                         have included non-zero numerical
                                                  well better protect water quality and                   extraction wastewater source on a case-                discharge pre-treatment requirements
                                                  aquatic communities and help further                    by-case basis could be burdensome for                  prior to discharge to a POTW. Such an

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                                                  18574                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                  option could be similar to the one                      while the UOG industry continues to                    C. POTW Pass Through Analysis
                                                  adopted in Pennsylvania in 2010 that                    grow and new wells are being fractured,                   Sections 307(b) and (c) of the CWA
                                                  requires pretreatment of oil and gas                    the need for UIC capacity for UOG                      authorize EPA to promulgate
                                                  wastewaters before discharge to a POTW                  extraction wastewater is decreasing,                   pretreatment standards for pollutants
                                                  to meet a maximum TDS concentration                     even in geographic locations with an                   that are not susceptible to treatment by
                                                  of 500 mg/L as well as specific                         abundance of UIC capacity (see TDD                     POTWs or which would interfere with
                                                  numerical concentrations for other                      Chapter D.2).                                          the operation of POTWs. EPA looks at
                                                  pollutants. Some have suggested this                       Fourth, EPA identified technologies                 a number of factors in selecting the
                                                  would provide an ‘‘escape-valve’’ for the               that currently exist to treat dissolved                technology basis for pretreatment
                                                  future in the event that UIC disposal                   pollutants in UOG extraction                           standards for existing and new sources.
                                                  well capacity is exhausted. Others have                 wastewater. Relative to underground                    These factors are generally the same as
                                                  suggested this would allow the water to                 injection and reuse/recycling to fracture              those considered in establishing the
                                                  be available for re-use (other than in                  another well (the basis for the preferred              direct discharge technology basis.
                                                  fracturing another well) if technologies                option EPA proposes), these                            However, unlike direct dischargers
                                                  become available to pre-treat it to                     technologies are costly, would result in               whose wastewater will receive no
                                                  remove dissolved pollutants in a cost                   more pollutant discharges, and are                     further treatment once it leaves the
                                                  effective manner.                                       energy intensive. While EPA did not
                                                     EPA does not propose an option with                                                                         facility, indirect dischargers send their
                                                                                                          attempt to calculate a numerical                       wastewater to POTWs for further
                                                  numerical discharge pretreatment                        standard for TDS, data collected for this
                                                  requirements prior to discharge to a                                                                           treatment.
                                                                                                          proposed rulemaking demonstrate that                      Therefore, before establishing PSES/
                                                  POTW for the following reasons. First,                  the current technologies are capable of                PSNS for a pollutant, EPA examines
                                                  the existing requirements for direct                    reducing TDS (and other dissolved                      whether the pollutant ‘‘passes through’’
                                                  discharges of UOG extraction                            pollutants) well below 500 mg/L. To the
                                                  wastewater in the Onshore Subcategory                                                                          a POTW to waters of the U.S. or
                                                                                                          extent that these technologies or others               interferes with the POTW operation or
                                                  require no discharge of pollutants. As                  are developed in the future to reduce
                                                  explained above, EPA generally                                                                                 biosolids disposal practices. In
                                                                                                          pollutants in UOG extraction                           determining whether a pollutant would
                                                  establishes requirements for direct and                 wastewater to enable them to be reused
                                                  indirect discharges so that the                                                                                pass through POTWs for these purposes,
                                                                                                          for purposes other than fracturing                     EPA generally compares the percentage
                                                  wastewater receives comparable                          another well, these pre-treated
                                                  treatment prior to discharge to waters of                                                                      of a pollutant removed by well-operated
                                                                                                          wastewaters can be used directly for the               POTWs performing secondary treatment
                                                  the U.S.                                                other applications without going
                                                     Second, the option EPA proposes,                                                                            to the percentage removed by a
                                                                                                          through a POTW.23                                      candidate technology basis. A pollutant
                                                  zero discharge of pollutants in UOG
                                                  extraction wastewater to POTWs, is                      c. Conventional Oil and Gas Wastewater                 is determined to pass through POTWs
                                                  widely available, economically                                                                                 when the median percentage removed
                                                                                                            As explained in Section VIII., while                 nationwide by well-operated POTWs is
                                                  achievable and has no incremental (and,
                                                                                                          the existing oil and gas regulation                    less than the median percentage
                                                  therefore, acceptable) non-water quality
                                                                                                          applies to both conventional and UOG                   removed by the candidate technology
                                                  environmental impacts. Because the
                                                                                                          extraction (except coalbed methane), the               basis. Pretreatment standards are
                                                  proposed zero pollutant discharge
                                                                                                          proposed rule would add pretreatment                   established for those pollutants
                                                  requirement is current practice and,
                                                                                                          standards only for facilities engaged in               regulated under the direct discharge
                                                  therefore, clearly both available and
                                                                                                          oil and gas extraction from UOG sources                level of control (typically BAT/NSPS)
                                                  achievable, any option that includes
                                                                                                          that send their discharges to POTWs.                   that passes through. In addition, EPA
                                                  non-zero discharge requirements for any
                                                                                                          EPA proposes to reserve standards for                  can regulate pollutants that do not pass
                                                  pollutants would potentially increase
                                                                                                          conventional oil and gas extraction for                through but otherwise interfere with
                                                  pollutant discharges from current
                                                  industry best practices. Such an option                 possible future rulemaking, if                         POTW operations or biosolids disposal
                                                  would not fulfill the CWA requirement                   appropriate. This is consistent with                   practices. This approach to the
                                                  to establish limitations based on ‘‘Best                EPA’s stated scope throughout the                      definition of pass through satisfies two
                                                  Available Technology Economically                       development of this proposed rule. See                 competing objectives set by Congress:
                                                  Achievable’’ (CWA section                               specific comment solicitation on                       (1) That standards for indirect
                                                  301(b)(2)(A)), or the CWA goals of                      conventional oil and gas extraction                    dischargers be equivalent to standards
                                                  eliminating the discharge of pollutants                 wastewaters in Section VII.                            for direct dischargers, and (2) that the
                                                  into navigable waters (CWA section                      B. Pollutants of Concern                               treatment capability and performance of
                                                  101(a)(1)).                                                                                                    POTWs be recognized and taken into
                                                     Third, EPA does not have any data to                   Since the effectiveness of the                       account in regulating the discharge of
                                                  demonstrate that UIC capacity                           technology basis for the proposed                      pollutants from indirect dischargers.
                                                  nationwide will be expended and that                    standards results in zero discharge of all                Historically, EPA’s primary source of
                                                  this current management approach will                   pollutants, it is not appropriate in this              POTW removal data is its 1982 ‘‘Fate of
                                                  not be available in the future (DCN                     proposed rule to further specify the                   Priority Pollutants in Publicly Owned
                                                  SGE00613). In fact, industry has been                   pollutants of concern. Rather, as is the               Treatment Works’’ (also known as the
                                                  managing oil and gas extraction                         case for the existing BPT requirements,                50 POTW Study) (see DCN SGE00765).
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  wastewater through underground                          the proposed PSES/PSNS apply to the                    The 50 POTW study presents data on
                                                  injection for decades. In recent years,                 discharge of all pollutants in UOG                     the performance of 50 POTWs achieving
                                                  industry has greatly expanded its                       extraction wastewater.                                 secondary treatment in removing certain
                                                  knowledge about the ability to re-use                                                                          toxic pollutants. While the 50 POTW
                                                                                                            23 As a point of clarification, except in certain
                                                  UOG flowback and long-term produced                                                                            study demonstrates a wide variability in
                                                                                                          geographic areas, these wastewaters would remain
                                                  water (the major contributors to UOG                    subject to the requirements in the Onshore
                                                                                                                                                                 the effectiveness of POTWs in removing
                                                  extraction wastewater by volume) in                     Subcategory that require no discharge of pollutants    toxic pollutants, it demonstrates that
                                                  fracturing another well. Consequently,                  to waters of the U.S. (40 CFR 435.30).                 POTWs remove these pollutants by less

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                           18575

                                                  than 100%. Although this study does                     dominated by sodium and calcium, and                   sediments. EPA intends to further study
                                                  not contain information on pollutant                    the anions (negatively charged ions) are               the frequency and magnitude of such
                                                  removals for TDS, as explained earlier,                 dominated by chloride (DCN                             impacts from CWTs.
                                                  secondary treatment technologies are                    SGE00284). TDS concentrations vary
                                                  generally understood to be ineffective at               among the UOG formations. Table XII–                   C. Impact on Surface Water Designated
                                                  removing TDS and as such little to no                   1. (in Section XII.D.), presents the                   Uses
                                                  TDS removals are likely to occur at                     varying TDS concentrations in tight and                  UOG extraction wastewater TDS
                                                  POTWs through secondary treatment                       shale oil and gas formations. The
                                                                                                                                                                 levels are high enough, if discharged
                                                  (DCN SGE00011; DCN SGE00600).                           highest median TDS concentration
                                                                                                                                                                 untreated to surface water, to affect
                                                  While the POTW study also does not                      (370,000 mg/L) is found in the Pearsall
                                                  contain information for other pollutants                shale gas formation. For comparison, sea               adversely a number of designated uses
                                                  that may be present in UOG extraction                   water contains approximately 35,000                    of surface water, including drinking
                                                  wastewater, it is reasonable for EPA to                 mg/L TDS.                                              water, aquatic life support, livestock
                                                  conclude that removal of UOG                                                                                   watering, irrigation, and industrial use.
                                                                                                          B. Impacts From the Discharge of
                                                  extraction wastewater pollutants by a                                                                          1. Drinking Water Uses
                                                                                                          Pollutants Found in UOG Extraction
                                                  well-operated POTW would be less than
                                                  100%, the percentage removal by the                                                                               Available data indicate the levels of
                                                  candidate technology basis for the                         Conventional POTW treatment                         TDS in UOG extraction wastewaters can
                                                  proposed rule, and therefore would if                   operations are designed primarily to                   often significantly exceed recommended
                                                  discharged to a POTW ‘‘pass through’’                   treat organic waste and remove total                   drinking water concentrations. Because
                                                  the POTW, as the term applies under                     suspended solids and constituents                      TDS concentrations in drinking water
                                                  the CWA, into waters of the U.S.                        responsible for biochemical oxygen                     sources are typically well below the
                                                                                                          demand, not to treat waters with high                  recommended drinking water levels,
                                                  XV. Environmental Impacts                               TDS. When transfers of UOG extraction                  few drinking water treatment facilities
                                                     UOG production generates significant                 wastewater to POTWs were occurring in
                                                                                                                                                                 have technologies to remove TDS. Two
                                                  volumes of wastewater that need to be                   Pennsylvania, these POTWs, lacking
                                                                                                                                                                 published standards for TDS in drinking
                                                  managed. As described in Section                        adequate TDS removal processes,
                                                                                                                                                                 water include the U.S. Public Health
                                                  XII.C.2, wells can produce flowback                     diluted UOG extraction wastewaters
                                                  volumes ranging between 210,000 and                     with other sewage flows and discharged                 Service recommendation and EPA’s
                                                  2,100,000 gallons during the initial                    TDS-laden effluent into local streams                  secondary maximum contaminant level
                                                  flowback process.24 During the                          and rivers. POTWs not sufficiently                     recommendation that TDS in drinking
                                                  production phase, wells typically                       treating TDS in UOG extraction                         water should not exceed 500 mg/L. High
                                                  produce smaller volumes of water                        wastewater were a suspected source of                  concentrations of TDS in drinking water
                                                  (median flow rates range from 200–800                   elevated TDS levels in the Monongahela                 primarily degrade its taste rather than
                                                  gallons per day) and continue producing                 River in 2009 (DCN SGE00525). Also see                 pose a human health risk. Taste surveys
                                                  wastewater throughout the life of the                   TDD, Chapter D.5 for additional                        found that water with less than 300 mg/
                                                  well.                                                   examples.                                              L TDS is considered excellent, and
                                                     In general, evidence of environmental                   In addition to UOG wastewater                       water with TDS above 1,100 mg/L is
                                                  impacts to surface waters from                          pollutants passing through POTWs,                      unacceptable (DCN SGE00939). The
                                                  discharges of UOG extraction                            other industrial discharges of                         World Health Organization dropped its
                                                  wastewater is sparsely documented.                      inadequately treated UOG extraction                    health-based recommendations for TDS
                                                  Some of the environmental impacts                       wastewater pollutants have also been                   in 1993, instead retaining 1,000 mg/L as
                                                  documented to date, such as increased                   associated with in-stream impacts. One                 a secondary standard for taste (DCN
                                                  DBP formation in downstream drinking                    study reviewed by EPA of discharges                    SGE00947).
                                                  water treatment plants, resulted from                   from a CWT facility in western                            EPA also reviewed a study concerning
                                                  wastewater pollutants that passed                       Pennsylvania that treats UOG extraction                unintentional creation of harmful DBPs
                                                  untreated through POTWs in                              wastewater examined the water quality
                                                                                                                                                                 due to insufficient removal of bromide
                                                  Pennsylvania (TDD, Chapter D.5).                        and isotopic compositions of discharged
                                                                                                                                                                 and other UOG wastewater constituents
                                                                                                          effluents, surface waters, and stream
                                                  A. Pollutants                                                                                                  by POTWs accepting UOG extraction
                                                                                                          sediments (DCN SGE00629).25 The
                                                    As described in Section XII.D., high                  study found that the discharge of the                  wastewaters (DCN SGE00535; DCN
                                                  concentrations of TDS are common in                     effluent from the CWT facility increased               SGE00587). DBPs have been shown to
                                                  UOG extraction wastewater. As shown                     downstream concentrations of chloride                  have both adverse human health and
                                                  in Table XII–2. (in Section XII.D.), major              and bromide above background levels.                   ecological affects. The study found that
                                                  inorganic constituents leaching from                    The chloride concentrations 1.7                        UOG extraction wastewaters contain
                                                  geologic formations such as sodium,                     kilometers downstream of the treatment                 various inorganic and organic DBP
                                                  potassium, bromide, calcium, fluoride,                  facility were two to ten times higher                  precursors that can react with
                                                  nitrate, phosphate, chloride, sulfate, and              than chloride concentrations found in                  disinfectants used by POTWs to
                                                  magnesium represent most of the TDS                     similar reference streams in western                   promote the formation of DBPs, or alter
                                                  in UOG extraction wastewater. TDS in                    Pennsylvania. Radium 226 levels in                     speciation of DBPs, particularly
                                                  produced water can also include                         stream sediments at the point of                       brominated-DBPs, which are suspected
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  barium, radium, and strontium. Based                    discharge were approximately 200 times                 to be among the more toxic DBPs (DCN
                                                  on available data, TDS cations                          greater than upstream and background                   SGE00535; DCN SGE00985). These
                                                  (positively charged ions) in UOG                                                                               precursors are a concern for drinking
                                                  extraction wastewater are generally                       25 Discharges from CWT facilities are subject to     water managers wherever they can enter
                                                                                                          ELGs in 40 CFR part 437 and would not be subject       raw water intakes. See TDD, Chapter D.5
                                                    24 As explained in the TDD (Chapter B) the length     to the proposed rule. However, the effect of
                                                                                                          discharges of treated oil and gas wastewaters from
                                                                                                                                                                 for further discussion of DBP formation
                                                  of the flowback process is variable. Literature
                                                  generally reports it as 30 days or less (DCN            CWT facilities that lack high level treatment is       associated with UOG extraction
                                                  SGE00532).                                              similarly representative of POTWs.                     wastewaters.

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                                                  18576                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                  2. Aquatic Life Support Uses                                                 wastewater. As reported in Table XII–2                          The TDS criteria levels and the
                                                     TDS and its accompanying salinity                                         (in Section XII.D.), chloride has been                          designated uses they are intended to
                                                  play a primary role in the distribution                                      measured at concentrations up to                                protect vary greatly from state to state.
                                                  and abundance of aquatic animal and                                          230,000 mg/L. Macroinvertebrates, such                          For example, Alaska has a criterion of
                                                  plant communities. High levels of TDS                                        as fresh water shrimp and aquatic                               1,500 mg/L TDS to protect aquatic life;
                                                  can impact aquatic biota through                                             insects that are a primary prey of many                         Mississippi has a criterion of 750 mg/L
                                                  increases in salinity, loss of osmotic                                       fish species, have open circulatory                             monthly average for protection of fish,
                                                  balance in tissues, and toxicity of                                          systems that are especially sensitive to                        wildlife and recreation criteria, and
                                                  individual ions. Increases in salinity                                       pollutants like chloride. Based on                              Illinois has a statewide 1,000 mg/L TDS
                                                  have been shown to cause shifts in                                           laboratory toxicity data from EPA’s 1988                        criterion for aquatic life and a 1,500 mg/
                                                  biotic communities, limit biodiversity,                                      chloride criteria document and more                             L TDS criterion for secondary contact
                                                  exclude less-tolerant species and cause                                      recent studies, invertebrate sensitivity to                     recreation and indigenous aquatic life.
                                                  acute or chronic effects at specific life                                    chloride acute effect concentrations                            TDS criteria adopted specifically for the
                                                  stages (DCN SGE00946). A detailed                                            ranged from 953 mg/L to 13,691 mg/L.                            protection of aquatic life have been
                                                  study of plant communities associated                                        Chronic effect concentrations of                                developed for at least 16 of the 26 states,
                                                  with irrigation drains, reported                                             chloride ranged from 489 mg/L to 556                            with some criteria applying only to
                                                  substantial changes in marsh                                                 mg/L. In addition to the laboratory data,                       specific waterbodies. Oregon has the
                                                  communities in part because of an                                            EPA also reviewed data from a 2009                              most stringent TDS criterion using a
                                                  increase in dissolved solids (DCN                                            Pennsylvania Department of                                      standard of 100 mg/L for all freshwater
                                                  SGE00941). Observations over time                                            Environmental Protection violation                              streams and tributaries in order to
                                                  indicate a shift in plant community                                          report documenting a fish kill attributed                       protect aquatic life, public water use,
                                                  coinciding with increases in dissolved                                       to a spill of diluted produced water in                         agriculture, and recreation.
                                                  solids from estimated historic levels of                                     Hopewell Township, PA. TDS at the
                                                  270 to 1170 mg/L, as species that are                                        location of the fish kill was as high as                        3. Livestock Watering Uses
                                                  less salt tolerant such as coontail                                          7,000 mg/L. While not related to UOG
                                                  (Ceratophyllus demersum) and cattail                                         extraction wastewater, negative impacts                            POTW discharges to surface waters
                                                  (Typha sp.) were nearly eliminated. A                                        of high TDS, including fish kills, were                         containing high concentrations of TDS
                                                  related study found that lakes with                                          documented during 2009 at Dunkard                               can impact downstream uses for
                                                  higher salinity exhibit lower aquatic                                        Creek located in Monongalia County,                             livestock watering. High TDS
                                                  biodiversity, with species distribution                                      Pennsylvania. (DCN SGE00001 and DCN                             concentrations in water sources for
                                                  also affected by ion composition (DCN                                        SGE00001.A01)                                                   livestock watering can adversely affect
                                                  SGE00940).                                                                      EPA has published chemical-specific                          animal health by disrupting cellular
                                                     It is often a specific ion concentration                                  national recommended water quality                              osmotic and metabolic processes (DCN
                                                  in TDS that is responsible for adverse                                       criteria for some of the TDS constituents                       SGE01053). Domestic livestock, such as
                                                  effects to aquatic ecosystems. For                                           in UOG extraction wastewater, such as                           cattle, sheep, goats, horses, and pigs
                                                  example, a TDS concentration of 2,000                                        barium, chloride, manganese, and iron,                          have varying degrees of sensitivity to
                                                  mg/L with chloride as the primary                                            based on a variety of human health or                           TDS in drinking water as shown in
                                                  anionic constituent is acutely toxic to                                      ecological benchmarks. A review of                              Table XV–1. Sheep seem to be more
                                                  aquatic life, but the same TDS                                               state and tribal water quality standards                        tolerant of saline water than most
                                                  concentration composed primarily of                                          in 2012 indicated that 26 states had                            domestic species, but will only drink it
                                                  sulfate is nontoxic. Sodium chloride                                         adopted a numeric or narrative criterion                        if introduced to the saline water over a
                                                  accounts for about 50 percent of the                                         for TDS, either for state-wide or site-                         period of several weeks (DCN
                                                  TDS typically found in UOG extraction                                        specific application (DCN SGE00945).                            SGE00937).

                                                                                               TABLE XV–1—TOLERANCES OF LIVESTOCK TO TDS IN DRINKING WATER
                                                                                                                                                                                           Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) (mg/L)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Loss of production
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Animals can        and a decline in
                                                                                                                                                                                                        have initial      animal condition
                                                                                                                                                                                 No adverse        reluctance to drink    and health would
                                                                                                        Livestock                                                                 effects on         or there can be     be expected. Stock
                                                                                                                                                                                   animals         some scouring, but    can tolerate these
                                                                                                                                                                                  expected         stock should adapt      levels for short
                                                                                                                                                                                                     without loss of          periods if
                                                                                                                                                                                                        production           introduced

                                                  Beef cattle ............................................................................................................               0–4,000           4,000–5,000        5,000–10,000
                                                  Dairy cattle ...........................................................................................................               0–2,400           2,400–4,000         4,000–7,000
                                                  Sheep ...................................................................................................................              0–4,000          4,000–10,000       10,000–13,000
                                                  Horses ..................................................................................................................              0–4,000           4,000–6,000         6,000–7,000
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                                                  Pigs ......................................................................................................................            0–4,000           4,000–6,000         6,000–8,000
                                                  Poultry ..................................................................................................................             0–2,000           2,000–3,000         3,000–4,000
                                                    Source: Australia and New Zealand Water Quality Guidelines 2000. Chapter 3 Primary Industries—9.3 Livestock drinking water guidelines
                                                  (DCN SGE00937).

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                                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                                                 18577

                                                  4. Irrigation Uses                                                         Excessive salts affect crop yield in the                                     classes of crops the salinity tolerance
                                                                                                                             short term, and the soil structure in the                                    decreases in the following order: forage
                                                    If UOG extraction wastewater                                             long term. Primary direct impacts of                                         crops, field crops, vegetables, fruits.
                                                  discharges to POTWs increase TDS                                           high salinity water on plant crops                                              The suitability of water for irrigation
                                                  concentrations in receiving streams,                                       include physiological drought,                                               is classified using several different
                                                  downstream irrigation uses of that                                         increased osmotic potential of soil,                                         measurements, including TDS and
                                                  surface water can be negatively affected.                                  specific ion toxicity, leaf burn, and                                        electrical conductivity (EC). Table XV–
                                                  Elevated TDS levels can limit the                                          nutrient uptake interferences (DCN                                           2. shows a classification of TDS
                                                  usefulness of water for irrigation.                                        SGE00938). In general, for various                                           concentrations for irrigation suitability.
                                                                                              TABLE XV–2—PERMISSIBLE LIMITS FOR CLASSES OF IRRIGATION WATER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Concentrations of TDS

                                                                                                                    Class of water                                                                                 Electrical         TDS by gravimetric
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 conductivity a            (mg/L)

                                                  Class   1.   Excellent ....................................................................................................................................               0.250                    175
                                                  Class   2.   Good ..........................................................................................................................................       0.250–0.750                175–275
                                                  Class   3.   Permissible b ..............................................................................................................................            0.750–2.0               525–1,400
                                                  Class   4.   Doubtful c ...................................................................................................................................             2.0–3.0            1.400–2,100
                                                  Class   5.   Unsuitable c ................................................................................................................................                   3.0                >2,100
                                                     a = TDS (mg/L) ≈ Electrical Conductivity (EC) (deci-Siemen/meter (dS/m)) × 640 for EC < 5 dS/m.
                                                     b = leaching needed if used.
                                                     c = good drainage needed and sensitive plants will have difficulty obtaining stands.
                                                     Source: Fipps (2003) (DCN SGE00936).

                                                     In addition to short-term impacts to                                    High levels of TDS can adversely affect                                      consequently, will have no incremental
                                                  crop plants, irrigating with high TDS                                      industrial applications requiring the use                                    impacts on air emissions, solid waste
                                                  water can result in gradual                                                of water in cooling tower operations,                                        generation, or energy consumption.
                                                  accumulation of salts or sodium in soil                                    boiler feed water, food processing, and                                      Based on the reasoning that new sources
                                                  layers and eventual decrease in soil                                       electronics manufacturing.                                                   will follow current industry practice,
                                                  productivity. The susceptibility of soils                                  Concentrations of TDS above 500 mg/L                                         EPA projects no incremental non-water
                                                  to degradation is dependent on the soil                                    result in excessive corrosivity, scaling,                                    quality environmental impacts
                                                  type and structure. Sandy soils are less                                   and sedimentation in water pipes, water                                      associated with PSNS.
                                                  likely than finely textured soils to                                       heaters, boilers and household
                                                  accumulate salts or sodium. Soils with                                     appliances. Depending on the industry,                                       XVII. Implementation
                                                  a high water table or poor drainage are                                    TDS in intake water can interfere with                                       A. Implementation Deadline
                                                  more susceptible to salt or sodium                                         chemical processes within the plant.
                                                  accumulation. The most common                                              Some industries requiring ultrapure                                             Because the requirements of the
                                                  method of estimating the suitability of a                                  water, such as semi-conductor                                                proposed rule are based on current
                                                  soil for crop production is through                                        manufacturing facilities, are particularly                                   practice, EPA proposes that the PSES/
                                                  calculation of its sodicity as estimated                                   sensitive to high TDS levels due to the                                      NSPS standards based on the regulatory
                                                  by the soil’s sodium absorption ratio                                      treatment cost for the removal of TDS.                                       options being proposed apply on the
                                                  (SAR). The SAR value is calculated by                                                                                                                   effective date of the final rule.
                                                                                                                             XVI. Non-Water Quality Environmental
                                                  the equation: 26                                                                                                                                        B. Upset and Bypass Provisions
                                                                                                                             Impacts Associated With the Proposed
                                                                                                                             Rule                                                                            A ‘‘bypass’’ is an intentional diversion
                                                                                                                                Because the elimination or reduction                                      of waste streams from any portion of a
                                                                                                                             of one form of pollution can create or                                       treatment facility. An ‘‘upset’’ is an
                                                                                                                             aggravate other environmental                                                exceptional incident in which there is
                                                                                                                             problems, EPA considers non-water                                            unintentional and temporary
                                                  The impact of irrigation water salinity                                    quality environmental impacts                                                noncompliance with technology-based
                                                  on crop productivity is a function of                                      (including energy impacts) that can                                          permit effluent limitations because of
                                                  both the SAR value and the electrical                                      result from the implementation of                                            factors beyond the reasonable control of
                                                  conductivity. The actual field-observed                                    proposed regulations. EPA evaluated the                                      the permittee. EPA’s regulations for
                                                  impacts are very site-specific depending                                   potential impact of the proposed                                             indirect dischargers concerning
                                                  on soil and crop system. (DCN                                              pretreatment standards on air emissions,                                     bypasses and upsets are set forth at 40
                                                  SGE00938)                                                                  solid waste generation, and energy                                           CFR 403.16 and 403.17.
                                                  5. Industrial Uses                                                         consumption.                                                                 C. Variances and Modifications
                                                                                                                                The proposed PSES/PSNS would
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                                                     POTW discharges to surface waters                                       prohibit the discharge to POTWs of                                              The CWA requires application of
                                                  are often upstream of industrial                                           wastewater pollutants associated with                                        effluent limitations established pursuant
                                                  facilities that withdraw surface waters                                    UOG extraction. Because EPA knows of                                         to section 304 for direct dischargers and
                                                  for various cooling and process uses.                                      no POTWs that are currently accepting                                        section 307 for all indirect dischargers.
                                                    26 The variables in the equation are defined as
                                                                                                                             UOG extraction wastewater, the                                               However, the statute provides for the
                                                  follows: [Na+]¥Sodium concentration (mg/L);
                                                                                                                             proposed PSES will require no changes                                        modification of these national
                                                  [Ca2+]¥Calcium concentration (mg/L);                                       in current industry wastewater                                               requirements in a limited number of

                                                  [Mg2+]¥Magnesium concentration (mg/L).                                     management practices and,                                                    circumstances. Moreover, the Agency

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                                                  18578                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                  has established administrative                          controlled by the applicant’s permit that              entities, I certify that this action will not
                                                  mechanisms to provide an opportunity                    are claimed to be fundamentally                        have a significant economic impact on
                                                  for relief from the application of the                  different are, in fact, fundamentally                  a substantial number of small entities.
                                                  national pretreatment standards for                     different from those factors considered                The small entities that would be subject
                                                  categories of existing sources.                         by EPA in establishing the applicable                  to the requirements of this proposed
                                                     EPA can develop pretreatment                         pretreatment standards. In practice, very              rule are small businesses that engage in
                                                  standards different from the otherwise                  few FDF variances have been granted for                UOG extraction as defined in Section
                                                  applicable requirements for an                          past ELGs. An FDF variance may be                      XI. No small businesses will experience
                                                  individual existing discharger if it is                 available to an existing source subject to             an impact because the proposed
                                                  fundamentally different with respect to                 the proposed PSES, but an FDF variance                 rulemaking does not impose any new
                                                  factors considered in establishing the                  is not available to a new source that                  requirement that is not already being
                                                  standards applicable to the individual                  would be subject to PSNS.                              met by the industry.
                                                  discharger. Such a modification is
                                                  known as a ‘‘fundamentally different                    XVIII. Statutory and Executive Order                   D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
                                                  factors’’ (FDF) variance. See 40 CFR                    Reviews                                                  This proposed rule does not contain
                                                  403.13. EPA, in its initial                             A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory                   a Federal mandate that can result in
                                                  implementation of the effluent                          Planning and Review and Executive                      expenditures of $100 million or more
                                                  guidelines program, provided for the                    Order 13563: Improving Regulation and                  for state, local, and tribal governments,
                                                  FDF modifications in regulations. These                 Regulatory Review                                      in the aggregate, or the private sector in
                                                  were variances from the BCT effluent                                                                           any one year. As explained in Section
                                                  limitations, BAT limitations for toxic                    This action is a ‘‘significant regulatory            VI.C., this proposed rule has no costs.
                                                  and nonconventional pollutants, and                     action’’ under the terms of Executive                  Thus, this proposed rule would not be
                                                  BPT limitations for conventional                        Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4,                   subject to the requirements of sections
                                                  pollutants for direct dischargers. FDF                  1993). Accordingly, EPA submitted this                 202 or 205 of the Unfunded Mandates
                                                  variances for toxic pollutants were                     action to the Office of Management and                 Reform Act (UMRA).
                                                  challenged judicially and ultimately                    Budget (OMB) for review under                            This proposed rule also would not be
                                                  sustained by the Supreme Court in                       Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 (76                   subject to the requirements of section
                                                  Chemical Manufacturers Association v.                   FR 3821, January 21, 2011) and any                     203 of UMRA because it contains no
                                                  Natural Resources Defense Council, 479                  changes made in response to OMB                        regulatory requirements that might
                                                  U.S. 116, 124 (U.S. 1985). FDF                          recommendations have been                              significantly or uniquely affect small
                                                  variances, however, are not available for               documented in the docket for this                      governments. EPA has not identified
                                                  new sources. E.I. Dupont v. Train, 430                  action.                                                any oil and gas facilities that are owned
                                                  U.S. 112, 138 (U.S. 1977).                              B. Paperwork Reduction Act                             by small governments.
                                                     Subsequently, in the Water Quality
                                                  Act of 1987, Congress added new CWA                       This action does not impose an                       E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
                                                  section 301(n). This provision explicitly               information collection burden under the                  This action does not have federalism
                                                  authorizes modifications of the                         provisions of the Paperwork Reduction                  implications. It will not have substantial
                                                  otherwise applicable BAT effluent                       Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. Burden is                  direct effects on the states, on the
                                                  limitations or categorical pretreatment                 defined at 5 CFR 1320.3(b). This                       relationship between the national
                                                  standards if a discharger is                            proposal would codify current industry                 government and the states, or on the
                                                  fundamentally different with respect to                 practice and would not impose any                      distribution of power and
                                                  the factors specified in CWA section 304                additional reporting requirements.                     responsibilities among the various
                                                  or 403 (other than costs) from those                    C. Regulatory Flexibility Act                          levels of government, as specified in
                                                  considered by EPA in establishing the                                                                          Executive Order 13132. The proposed
                                                  effluent limitations or pretreatment                       The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)                rule would not alter the basic state-
                                                  standards. CWA section 301(n) also                      generally requires an agency to prepare                federal scheme established in the CWA
                                                  defined the conditions under which                      a regulatory flexibility analysis of any               under which EPA authorizes states to
                                                  EPA can establish alternative                           proposed rule that would be subject to                 carry out the NPDES permit program.
                                                  requirements. Under section 301(n), an                  notice and comment rulemaking                          EPA expects the proposed rule would
                                                  application for approval of a FDF                       requirements under the Administrative                  have little effect on the relationship
                                                  variance must be based solely on (1)                    Procedure Act or any other statute                     between, or the distribution of power
                                                  information submitted during                            unless the agency certifies that the rule              and responsibilities among, the federal
                                                  rulemaking raising the factors that are                 will not have a significant economic                   and state governments. Thus, Executive
                                                  fundamentally different or (2)                          impact on a substantial number of small                Order 13132 does not apply to this
                                                  information the applicant did not have                  entities. Small entities include small                 action. Although this order does not
                                                  an opportunity to submit. The alternate                 businesses, small organizations, and                   apply to this action, as explained in
                                                  limitation must be no less stringent than               small governmental jurisdictions.                      Section IX., EPA coordinated closely
                                                  justified by the difference and must not                   For purposes of assessing the impacts               with states through a workgroup, as well
                                                  result in markedly more adverse non-                    of the proposed rule on small entities,                as outreach efforts to pretreatment
                                                  water quality environmental impacts                     small entity is defined as: (1) a small                coordinators and pretreatment
                                                  than the national limitation or standard.               business that is primarily engaged in                  authorities.
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                                                     The legislative history of section                   Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas
                                                  301(n) underscores the necessity for the                Extraction and Natural Gas Liquid                      F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
                                                  FDF variance applicant to establish                     Extraction by NAICS code 211111 and                    and Coordination With Indian Tribal
                                                  eligibility for the variance. EPA’s                     211112 with fewer than 500 employees                   Governments
                                                  regulations at 40 CFR 403.13 are explicit               (based on Small Business                                 This action does not have tribal
                                                  in imposing this burden upon the                        Administration size standards).                        implications, as specified in Executive
                                                  applicant. The applicant must show that                    After considering the economic                      Order 13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9,
                                                  the factors relating to the discharge                   impacts of the proposed rule on small                  2000). It will not have substantial direct

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                             18579

                                                  effects on tribal governments, on the                   I. National Technology Transfer                          Dated: March 31, 2015.
                                                  relationship between the Federal                        Advancement Act                                        Gina McCarthy,
                                                  government and Indian tribes, or on the                   Section 12(d) of the National                        Administrator.
                                                  distribution of power and                               Technology Transfer and Advancement                      Therefore, it is proposed that 40 CFR
                                                  responsibilities between the Federal                    Act of 1995 (‘‘NTTAA’’), Public Law                    part 435 be amended as follows:
                                                  government and Indian tribes. The                       104–113, 12(d) (15 U.S.C. 272 note)
                                                  proposed rule contains no Federal                       directs EPA to use voluntary consensus                 PART 435—OIL AND GAS
                                                  mandates for tribal governments and                     standards in its regulatory activities                 EXTRACTION POINT SOURCE
                                                  does not impose any enforceable duties                  unless to do so would be inconsistent                  CATEGORY
                                                  on tribal governments. Thus, Executive                  with applicable law or otherwise
                                                  Order 13175 does not apply to this                      impractical. Voluntary consensus                       ■ 1. The authority citation for part 435
                                                  action.                                                 standards are technical standards (e.g.,               continues to read as follows:
                                                     Although Executive Order 13175 does                  materials specifications, test methods,                  Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1311, 1314, 1316,
                                                  not apply to this action, EPA                           sampling procedures, and business                      1317, 1318, 1342 and 1361.
                                                  coordinated with tribal officials in                    practices) that are developed or adopted               ■   2. Add § 435.33 to read as follows:
                                                  developing this action. EPA coordinated                 by voluntary consensus standards
                                                  with federally recognized tribal                        bodies. NTTAA directs EPA to provide                   § 435.33 Pretreatment standards of
                                                  governments in May and June of 2014,                    Congress, through OMB, explanations                    performance for existing sources (PSES).
                                                  sharing information about the UOG                       when the Agency decides not to use                        (a) PSES for Wastewater from
                                                  pretreatment standards proposed                         available and applicable voluntary                     Conventional Oil and Gas Extraction.
                                                  rulemaking with the National Tribal                     consensus standards.                                   [Reserved]
                                                  Caucus and the National Tribal Water                      This proposed rulemaking does not                       (b) PSES for Wastewater from
                                                  Council. As part of this outreach effort,               involve technical standards. Therefore,                Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction.
                                                  EPA collected data about UOG                            EPA is not considering the use of any                  Except as provided in 40 CFR 403.7 and
                                                  operations on tribal reservations, UOG                  voluntary consensus standards.                         403.13, any existing source subject to
                                                  operators that are affiliated with Indian                                                                      this section, must achieve the following
                                                  tribes, and POTWs owned or operated                     J. Executive Order 12898: Federal                      pretreatment standards for existing
                                                  by tribes that can accept industrial                    Actions To Address Environmental                       sources (PSES).
                                                  wastewaters (see DCN SGE00785).                         Justice in Minority Populations and                       (1) There shall be no discharge of
                                                  Based on this information, there are no                 Low-Income Populations                                 wastewater pollutants associated with
                                                  tribes operating UOG wells that                           Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629                    production, field exploration, drilling,
                                                  discharge wastewater to POTWs nor are                   (Feb. 16, 1994)) establishes federal                   well completion, or well treatment for
                                                  there any tribes that own or operate                    executive policy on environmental                      unconventional oil and gas extraction
                                                  POTWs that accept industrial                            justice. Its main provision directs                    (e.g., drilling muds, drill cuttings,
                                                  wastewater from UOG facilities;                         federal agencies, to the greatest extent               produced sand, produced water) into
                                                  therefore, this proposed rule will not                  practicable and permitted by law, to                   publicly owned treatment works.
                                                  impose any costs on tribes.                             make environmental justice part of their                  (2) For the purposes of this section,
                                                  G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of                 mission by identifying and addressing,                    (i) Unconventional oil and gas means
                                                  Children From Environmental Health                      as appropriate, disproportionately high                crude oil and natural gas produced by
                                                  and Safety Risks                                        and adverse human health or                            a well drilled into a low porosity, low
                                                                                                          environmental effects of their programs,               permeability formation (including, but
                                                     E.O. 13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23,                   policies, and activities on minority                   not limited to, shale gas, shale oil, tight
                                                  1997) applies to rules that are                         populations and low-income                             gas, tight oil).
                                                  economically significant according to                   populations in the U.S.                                   (ii) Drill cuttings means the particles
                                                  E.O. 12866 and involve a health or                        EPA determined that this proposed                    generated by drilling into subsurface
                                                  safety risk that can disproportionately                 rule will not have disproportionately                  geologic formations and carried out
                                                  affect children. This proposed action                   high and adverse human health or                       from the wellbore with the drilling
                                                  would not be subject to E.O. 13045                      environmental effects on minority or                   fluid.
                                                  because it is estimated to cost less than               low-income populations because it does                    (iii) Drilling muds means the
                                                  $100 million and does not involve a                     not affect the level of protection                     circulating fluid (mud) used in the
                                                  safety or health risk that can have                     provided to human health or the                        rotary drilling of wells to clean and
                                                  disproportionately negative effects on                  environment. The proposed rule                         condition the hole and to
                                                  children.                                               changes the control technology required                counterbalance formation pressure.
                                                                                                          but will neither increase nor decrease                    (iv) Produced sand means the slurried
                                                  H. Executive Order 13211: Energy
                                                                                                          environmental protection (as described                 particles used in hydraulic fracturing,
                                                                                                          in Section VII.C.).                                    the accumulated formation sands, and
                                                     This proposed action is not subject to                 EPA welcomes comments on this                        scales particles generated during
                                                  Executive Order 13211, because it not a                 aspect of the proposed rulemaking and,                 production. Produced sand also
                                                  ‘‘significant energy action’’ as defined in             specifically, invites the public to                    includes desander discharge from the
                                                  Executive Order 13211, ‘‘Actions                        identify potential environmental justice               produced water waste stream, and
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  Concerning Regulations That                             considerations associated with this                    blowdown of the water phase from the
                                                  Significantly Affect Energy Supply,                     proposed regulation.                                   produced water treating system.
                                                  Distribution, or Use’’ (66 FR 28355, May                                                                          (v) Produced water means the water
                                                  22, 2001). This action will not have a                  List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 435                    (brine) brought up from the
                                                  significant adverse effect on the supply,                 Environmental protection,                            hydrocarbon-bearing strata during the
                                                  distribution, or use of energy, as                      Pretreatment, Waste treatment and                      extraction of oil and gas, and can
                                                  described in Section XVI. of the                        disposal, Water pollution control,                     include formation water, injection
                                                  proposed rule.                                          Unconventional oil and gas extraction.                 water, and any chemicals added

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                                                  18580                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 66 / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                  downhole or during the oil/water                        retrospective plan under E.O. 13563                      Further, this proposed rule provides
                                                  separation process.                                     completed in August 2011.                              notice that no regulatory changes will be
                                                  ■ 3. Add § 435.34 to read as follows:                   DATES: Interested parties should submit                made to the following ten parts of the
                                                                                                          comments to NASA at the address                        NFS:
                                                  § 435.34 Pretreatment standards of
                                                  performance for new sources (PSNS).                     below on or before June 8, 2015 to be                  1803—Improper Business Practices and
                                                     (a) PSNS for Wastewater from                         considered in formulation of the final                     Personal Conflicts of Interest
                                                                                                          rule.                                                  1804—Administrative Matters
                                                  Conventional Oil and Gas Extraction.                                                                           1808—Required Sources of Supplies and
                                                  [Reserved]                                              ADDRESSES: Interested parties may                          Services
                                                     (b) PSNS for Wastewater from                         submit comments, identified by RIN                     1811—Describing Agency Needs
                                                  Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction.                  number 2700–AE19 via the Federal                       1825—Foreign Acquisition
                                                  Except as provided in 40 CFR 403.7 and                  eRulemaking Portal: http://                            1839—Acquisition of Information
                                                  403.13, any new source with discharges                  www.regulations.gov. Follow the                            Technology
                                                  subject to this section must achieve the                instructions for submitting comments.                  1835—Research and Development
                                                                                                          Comments may also be submitted to                          Contracting
                                                  following pretreatment standards for
                                                                                                                                                                 1845—Government Property
                                                  new sources (PSNS).                                     Cynthia Boots via email at                             1848—Value Engineering
                                                     (1) There shall be no discharge of                   cynthia.d.boots@nasa.gov.                              1872—Acquisition of Investigations
                                                  wastewater pollutants associated with                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                  production, field exploration, drilling,                                                                          NASA analyzed the existing
                                                                                                          Cynthia Boots, NASA, Office of                         regulation to determine whether any
                                                  well completion, or well treatment for                  Procurement, email: cynthia.d.boots@
                                                  unconventional oil and gas extraction                                                                          portions should be modified,
                                                                                                          nasa.gov.                                              streamlined, expanded, or repealed in
                                                  (e.g., drilling muds, drill cuttings,
                                                                                                          SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                             order to make the regulation more
                                                  produced sand, produced water) into
                                                  publicly owned treatment works.                         A. Background                                          efficient and effective. Special emphasis
                                                     (2) For the purposes of this section,                                                                       was placed on identifying and
                                                                                                            The NASA FAR Supplement (NFS) is                     eliminating or simplifying overly
                                                  the definitions of unconventional oil                   codified at 48 CFR part 1800.
                                                  and gas, drill cuttings, drilling muds,                                                                        burdensome processes that could be
                                                                                                          Periodically, NASA performs a                          streamlined without jeopardizing
                                                  produced sand, and produced water are                   comprehensive review and analysis of
                                                  as specified in § 435.33(b)(2)(i) through                                                                      Agency mission effectiveness.
                                                                                                          the regulation, makes updates and                      Additionally, NASA sought to identify
                                                  (v).                                                    corrections, and reissues the NASA FAR
                                                  ■ 4. Add subpart H to read as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                 current regulatory coverage that is not
                                                                                                          Supplement. The last reissue was in                    regulatory in nature, and to remove or
                                                  Subpart H—Coalbed Methane                               2004. The goal of the review and                       relocate such coverage to internal
                                                  Subcategory [Reserved]                                  analysis is to reduce regulatory burden                guidance. In addition to substantive
                                                                                                          where justified and appropriate and                    changes, this proposed rule includes
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–07819 Filed 4–6–15; 8:45 a.m.]            make the NFS content and processes                     administrative changes necessary to
                                                  BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                  more efficient and effective, faster and               make minor corrections and updates.
                                                                                                          simpler, in support of NASA’s mission.                    Specifically, the changes in this
                                                                                                          Consistent with Executive Order (E.O.)                 proposed rule are summarized as
                                                  NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND                                13563, Improving Regulations and                       follows:
                                                  SPACE ADMINISTRATION                                    Regulatory Review, NASA is currently                      1801.106 is revised to reflect currently
                                                                                                          reviewing and revising the NFS with an                 approved OMB Information Collection
                                                  48 CFR Parts 1801, 1802, 1805, 1807,                    emphasis on streamlining it and                        Requests
                                                  1812, 1813, 1823, 1833, 1836, 1847,                     reducing associated burdens. Due to the                   1802.101 is revised to update the
                                                  1850, and 1852                                          volume of the NFS, these revisions are                 definition of Head of Contracting
                                                                                                          being made in increments. This                         Activity to reflect internal
                                                  RIN 2700–AE19
                                                                                                          proposed rule is the third and final rule.             organizational changes.
                                                  NASA FAR Supplement Regulatory                          The three rules together will constitute                  1805.303(a)(i) is revised to delete the
                                                  Review No. 3                                            the NFS update and reissue. This                       dollar figure of $3.5 million but retain
                                                                                                          proposed rule includes regulatory                      the reference to the threshold at FAR
                                                  AGENCY:  National Aeronautics and                       revisions to the following ten parts of                5.303(a). Consequently, if the threshold
                                                  Space Administration.                                   the NFS:                                               at FAR 5.303(a) changes at any time,
                                                  ACTION: Proposed rule.                                                                                         NFS 1805.303(a)(i) will continue to be
                                                                                                          1801—Federal Acquisition Regulations
                                                                                                              Systems                                            correct and will not require rule-making
                                                  SUMMARY:    NASA is updating the NASA                                                                          to reflect the FAR change.
                                                  FAR Supplement (NFS) with the goal of                   1802—Definitions
                                                                                                          1805—Publicizing Contract Actions                         1807.107 and 1807.107–70 are deleted
                                                  eliminating unnecessary regulation,                     1807—Acquisition Planning                              from the regulation. These sections
                                                  streamlining overly-burdensome                          1812—Acquisition of Commercial Items                   provide NASA-internal direction to
                                                  regulation, clarifying language, and                    1813—Simplified Acquisition Procedures                 contracting officers and are not
                                                  simplifying processes where possible.                   1823—Environment, Energy and Water                     regulatory in nature. These sections,
                                                  This proposed rule is the third and final                   Efficiency, Renewable Energy                       with minor edits, will remain non-
                                                  in a series and includes updates and                        Technologies, Occupational Safety, and             codified internal guidance.
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  revisions to 10 parts of the NFS. On                        Drug-Free Workplace                                   1807.7200 is revised to reflect a
                                                  January 18, 2011, President Obama                       1833—Protests, Disputes and Appeals
                                                                                                          1836—Construction and Architect-Engineer
                                                                                                                                                                 change to a Web site address.
                                                  signed Executive Order (E.O.) 13563,                                                                              1807.7201, the definition of ‘‘contract
                                                  Improving Regulations and Regulatory                    1847—Transportation                                    opportunity’’ is revised to delete
                                                  Review, directing agencies to develop a                 1850—Extraordinary Contractual Actions and             ‘‘$25,000’’ and replace it with ‘‘the
                                                  plan for a retrospective analysis of                        the Safety Act                                     simplified acquisition threshold’’.
                                                  existing regulations. The revisions to                  1852—Solicitation Provisions and Contract                 1812.301, the list of NFS clauses
                                                  this proposed rule are part of NASA’s                       Clauses                                            authorized for use in acquisition of

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Document Created: 2018-02-21 10:05:26
Document Modified: 2018-02-21 10:05:26
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule.
DatesComments on this proposed rule must be received on or before June 8, 2015. EPA will conduct a public hearing on the proposed pretreatment standards on May 29, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. in the EPA East Building, Room 1153, 1201 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC.
ContactFor technical information, contact Lisa Biddle, Engineering and Analysis Division, Telephone: 202-566- 0350; email: [email protected] For economic information, contact Karen Milam, Engineering and Analysis Division, Telephone: 202-566- 1915; email: [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 18557 
RIN Number2040-AF35
CFR AssociatedEnvironmental Protection; Pretreatment; Waste Treatment and Disposal; Water Pollution Control and Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction

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