80_FR_19707 80 FR 19637 - Certain Lined Paper Products From India: Final Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review; Calendar Year 2012

80 FR 19637 - Certain Lined Paper Products From India: Final Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review; Calendar Year 2012

International Trade Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 70 (April 13, 2015)

Page Range19637-19638
FR Document2015-08423

The Department of Commerce (the Department) completed the administrative review of the countervailing duty (CVD) order on certain lined paper products from India for the January 1, 2012, through December 31, 2012, period of review (POR) \1\ in accordance with section 751(a) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act). The respondent in this administrative review is A.R. Printing & Packaging India Private Limited (AR Printing).\2\ In these final results, the Department made changes to the subsidy rate determined for AR Printing. Our analysis of comments received is contained in the Decision Memorandum accompanying this Federal Register notice.\3\ The final net subsidy rate for AR Printing is listed below in the ``Final Results of Review'' section. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 70 (Monday, April 13, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 70 (Monday, April 13, 2015)]
[Pages 19637-19638]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-08423]



International Trade Administration


Certain Lined Paper Products From India: Final Results of 
Countervailing Duty Administrative Review; Calendar Year 2012

AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, 
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (the Department) completed the 
administrative review of the countervailing duty (CVD) order on certain 
lined paper products from India for the January 1, 2012, through 
December 31, 2012, period of review (POR) \1\ in accordance with 
section 751(a) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act). The 
respondent in this administrative review is A.R. Printing & Packaging 
India Private Limited (AR Printing).\2\ In these final results, the 
Department made changes to the subsidy rate determined for AR Printing. 
Our analysis of comments received is contained in the Decision 
Memorandum accompanying this Federal Register notice.\3\ The final net 
subsidy rate for AR Printing is listed below in the ``Final Results of 
Review'' section.

    \1\ The Department published its preliminary results for this 
administrative review in Certain Lined Paper Products from India: 
Preliminary Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review; 
Calendar Year 2012, 79 FR 60447 (October 7, 2014) (Preliminary 
Results), and accompanying Issues and Decision Memorandum, dated 
September 30, 2014 (Preliminary Decision Memorandum).
    \2\ AR Printing is also known as A.R. Printing & Packaging 
(India) Pvt. Ltd.
    \3\ See ``Decision Memorandum for the Final Results of 
Countervailing Duty Review: Certain Lined Paper Products from 
India'' from Christian Marsh, Deputy Assistant Secretary for 
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Operations, to Paul Piquado, 
Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance (Decision 
Memorandum), dated concurrently and hereby adopted by this notice.

DATES: Effective Date: April 13, 2015.

Office III, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade 
Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and 
Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230; telephone (202) 482-



    On September 28, 2006, the Department published in the Federal 
Register the CVD order on certain lined paper products from India.\4\ 
On October 7, 2014, the Department published the Preliminary Results of 
administrative review of the Lined Paper Order for the POR.\5\

    \4\ See Notice of Amended Final Determination of Sales at Less 
Than Fair Value: Certain Lined Paper Products from the People's 
Republic of China: Notice of Antidumping Duty Orders: Certain Lined 
Paper Products from India, Indonesia and the People's Republic of 
China; and Notice of Countervailing Duty Orders: Certain Lined Paper 
Products from India and Indonesia, 71 FR 56949 (September 28, 2006) 
(Lined Paper Order).
    \5\ See Preliminary Results.

    After the Preliminary Results, we issued a third supplemental 
questionnaire providing the Government of India (GOI) with an 
opportunity to describe the steps on which it based its claims that AR 
Printing did not use certain subsidy programs at issue in the 
review,\6\ to which the GOI responded on October 31, 2014.\7\ On March 
4, 2015, we conducted verification at the GOI offices in New Delhi, 

    \6\ See the Department's October 10, 2014, Third Supplemental 
Questionnaire to the GOI.
    \7\ See the GOI's October 31, 2014, Third Supplemental 
Questionnaire Response.
    \8\ See Memorandum to Eric B. Greynolds, Program Manager, AD/CVD 
Duty Operations, Office III, ``Verification of the Questionnaire 
Responses Submitted by the Government of India,'' (March 4, 2015).

    Petitioner \9\ submitted a case brief on March 11, 2015,\10\ and 
the GOI submitted a rebuttal brief on March 16, 2015.\11\ No interested 
party requested a hearing.

    \9\ Petitioner is the Association of American School Paper 
Suppliers (Petitioner).
    \10\ See Petitioner' March 11, 2015, case brief.
    \11\ See the GOI's March 16, 2015, rebuttal brief.

Scope of the Order

    The merchandise subject to the order is certain lined paper 
products. The products are currently classifiable under the Harmonized 
Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) item numbers: 
4811.90.9035, 4811.90.9080, 4820.30.0040, 4810.22.5044, 4811.90.9050, 
4811.90.9090, 4820.10.2010, 4820.10.2020, 4820.10.2030, 4820.10.2040, 
4820.10.2050, 4820.10.2060, and 4820.10.4000. Although the HTSUS 
numbers are provided for convenience and customs purposes, the written 
product description remains dispositive. A full description of the 
scope of the order is contained in the memorandum from Christian Marsh, 
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping and Countervailing Duty 
Operations to Paul Piquado, Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and 
Compliance, ``Countervailing Duty (CVD) Administrative Review: Certain 
Lined Paper Products from India.'' The Issues and Decision Memorandum 
is a public document and is on file electronically via Enforcement and 
Compliance's Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Centralized Electronic 
Service System (ACCESS).\12\ ACCESS is available to registered users at 
http://access.trade.gov and is available to all parties in the Central 
Records Unit, room 7046 of the main Department of Commerce building. In 
addition, a complete version of the Issues and Decision Memorandum can 
be accessed directly on the Internet at http://enforcement.trade.gov/frn/index.html. The signed Issues and Decision Memorandum and the 
electronic version of the Issues and Decision Memorandum are identical 
in content.

    \12\ On November 24, 2014, Enforcement and Compliance changed 
the name of Enforcement and Compliance's AD and CVD Centralized 
Electronic Service System (``IA ACCESS'') to AD and CVD Centralized 
Electronic Service System (``ACCESS''). The Web site location was 
changed from http://iaaccess.trade.gov to http://access.trade.gov. 
The Final Rule changing the references to the Regulations can be 
found at 79 FR 69046 (November 20, 2014).


    The Department has conducted this review in accordance with section 
751(a)(1)(A) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act). For each 
of the subsidy programs found countervailable, we find that there is a 
subsidy, i.e., a government-provided financial contribution that gives 
rise to a benefit to the recipient, and that the subsidy is 

    \13\ See sections 771(5)(B) and (D) of the Act regarding 
financial contribution; section 771(5)(E) of the Act regarding 
benefit; and section 771(5A) of the Act regarding specificity.


[[Page 19638]]

    In making these findings, we relied, in part, on facts otherwise 
available on the administrative record because AR Printing: (1) Failed 
to respond to the Department's requests for necessary information and 
therefore necessary information was not on the record; (2) withheld 
requested information; (3) failed to provide requested information by 
the established deadlines; and (4) significantly impeded this 
proceeding. See sections 776(a)(1) and (2)(A)-(C) of the Act. 
Furthermore, because we determine that AR Printing failed to cooperate 
by not acting to the best of its ability to comply with the 
Department's requests for information, we drew an adverse inference in 
selecting from among the facts otherwise available. See section 776(b) 
of the Act.

Changes Since Preliminary Results

    After the Preliminary Results, the Department verified information 
from the GOI concerning the Market Development Assistance, Status 
Certificate, and Market Access Initiative programs.\14\ Based on the 
findings at verification and for the reasons set forth in the Decision 
Memorandum, we find that AR Printing did not use these three programs 
during the POR. Therefore, we did not include subsidy rates for these 
programs when determining the AFA attributable to AR Printing.

    \14\ See Memorandum to Eric B. Greynolds, Program Manager, AD/
CVD Duty Operations, Office III, ``Verification of the Questionnaire 
Responses Submitted by the Government of India,'' (March 4, 2015) 
(GOI Verification Report).

    For a full description of the analysis concerning the Status 
Certificate, Market Access Initiative, and Market Development programs, 
see the Issues and Decision Memorandum, which also incorporates by 
reference our analysis from the Preliminary Results pertaining to other 
programs for which the Department's analysis and determinations have 
not changed. For all other issues, see the Preliminary Decision 

Final Results of Review

    In accordance with 19 CFR 351.221(b)(5), we calculated the listed 
net subsidy rate for 2012:

                  Company                         Net subsidy rate
A.R. Printing & Packaging India Pvt. Ltd.   37.43 percent ad valorem.
 (AR Printing).

Assessment Rates

    The Department intends to issue appropriate assessment instructions 
directly to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) 15 days after 
publication of these final results of review, to liquidate shipments of 
subject merchandise produced and/or exported by AR Printing, entered, 
or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after January 1, 
2012, through December 31, 2012, at the ad valorem rate listed above.

Cash Deposit Instructions

    The Department intends to instruct CBP to collect cash deposits of 
estimated CVDs in the amount shown above for AR Printing on shipments 
of subject merchandise entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for 
consumption on or after the date of publication of these final results 
of review. For all non-reviewed firms, we will instruct CBP to collect 
cash deposits of estimated CVDs at the most recent company-specific or 
all-others rate applicable to the company. Accordingly, the cash 
deposit requirements that will be applied to companies covered by this 
order, but not examined in this review, are those established in the 
most recently completed segment of the proceeding for each company. 
These cash deposit requirements, when imposed, shall remain in effect 
until further notice.

Administrative Protective Order

    This notice serves as a reminder to parties subject to 
administrative protective order (APO) of their responsibility 
concerning the disposition of proprietary information disclosed under 
APO in accordance with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3). Timely written 
notification of return or destruction of APO materials or conversion to 
judicial protective order is hereby requested. Failure to comply with 
the regulations and the terms of an APO is a sanctionable violation.
    We are issuing and publishing these results in accordance with 
sections 751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Act.

    Dated: April 6, 2015.
Ronald K. Lorentzen,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance.


I. Summary
II. Analysis of Programs
    Programs Determined to be Countervailable
    A. Programs Addressed in the Preliminary Results
    1. Advance Authorization Program (AAP)
    2. Export Promotion of Capital Goods Scheme (EPCGS)
    3. Pre- and Post-Shipment Loans
    4. Export Oriented Units (EOUs)
    5. State Government of Maharashtra (SGOM) Programs
    A. Sales Tax Incentives Provided by SGOM
    B. Electricity Duties Exemptions Under the SGOM Package Program 
of Incentives of 1993
    C. Loan Guarantees Based on Octroi Refunds by the SGOM
    D. Land for Less than Adequate Remuneration (LTAR)
    B. Changes from the Preliminary Results
III. Analysis of Comments
    Comment 1: Whether the Department Should Continue to Find 
Pursuant to Adverse Facts Available that AR Printing Benefited from 
the Status Certificate Program, Market Access Initiative Program and 
Market Development Assistance Programs During the POR
IV. Recommendation
[FR Doc. 2015-08423 Filed 4-10-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 70 / Monday, April 13, 2015 / Notices                                                      19637

                                                     a. The Appropriate Unit of Measure On                Federal Register notice.3 The final net                 Scope of the Order
                                                        Which to Base Sales and Cost Data for             subsidy rate for AR Printing is listed
                                                        King Young                                                                                                   The merchandise subject to the order
                                                                                                          below in the ‘‘Final Results of Review’’                is certain lined paper products. The
                                                     b. Limiting the Model Matching                       section.
                                                        Methodology for Width and Length                                                                          products are currently classifiable under
                                                     c. Allegation That King Young’s Piece                DATES: Effective Date: April 13, 2015.                  the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
                                                        Sales Are Outside the Ordinary Course of          FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: John                   United States (HTSUS) item numbers:
                                                        Trade                                             Conniff, AD/CVD Operations, Office III,                 4811.90.9035, 4811.90.9080,
                                                     d. Allegation That King Young’s Channel 3            Enforcement and Compliance,                             4820.30.0040, 4810.22.5044,
                                                        Sales Are Outside the Ordinary Course of          International Trade Administration,                     4811.90.9050, 4811.90.9090,
                                                        Trade                                                                                                     4820.10.2010, 4820.10.2020,
                                                     e. Level of Trade for King Young
                                                                                                          U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th
                                                                                                          Street and Constitution Avenue NW.,                     4820.10.2030, 4820.10.2040,
                                                     f. Clerical Error in King Young’s
                                                        Preliminary Dumping Margin                        Washington, DC 20230; telephone (202)                   4820.10.2050, 4820.10.2060, and
                                                     g. King Young’s Unaffiliated Suppliers’              482–1009.                                               4820.10.4000. Although the HTSUS
                                                        Cost of Production                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                                                                                  numbers are provided for convenience
                                                     h. General and Administrative Expense                                                                        and customs purposes, the written
                                                        Ratio for King Young                              Background                                              product description remains dispositive.
                                                     i. Financial Expenses for King Young
                                                                                                             On September 28, 2006, the                           A full description of the scope of the
                                                     j. Labor and Overhead Ratios for King                                                                        order is contained in the memorandum
                                                        Young                                             Department published in the Federal
                                                                                                          Register the CVD order on certain lined                 from Christian Marsh, Deputy Assistant
                                                     k. King Young’s Allocation of Fixed                                                                          Secretary for Antidumping and
                                                        Overhead Costs                                    paper products from India.4 On October
                                                                                                          7, 2014, the Department published the                   Countervailing Duty Operations to Paul
                                                     l. AFA Rate for Hen Hao
                                                  6. Recommendation                                       Preliminary Results of administrative                   Piquado, Assistant Secretary for
                                                                                                          review of the Lined Paper Order for the                 Enforcement and Compliance,
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–08436 Filed 4–10–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                          POR.5                                                   ‘‘Countervailing Duty (CVD)
                                                  BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P                                                                                          Administrative Review: Certain Lined
                                                                                                             After the Preliminary Results, we
                                                                                                          issued a third supplemental                             Paper Products from India.’’ The Issues
                                                                                                          questionnaire providing the                             and Decision Memorandum is a public
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                                                                          document and is on file electronically
                                                                                                          Government of India (GOI) with an
                                                  International Trade Administration                      opportunity to describe the steps on                    via Enforcement and Compliance’s
                                                                                                                                                                  Antidumping and Countervailing Duty
                                                                                                          which it based its claims that AR
                                                                                                                                                                  Centralized Electronic Service System
                                                  [C–533–844]                                             Printing did not use certain subsidy
                                                                                                                                                                  (ACCESS).12 ACCESS is available to
                                                                                                          programs at issue in the review,6 to
                                                  Certain Lined Paper Products From                                                                               registered users at http://
                                                                                                          which the GOI responded on October
                                                  India: Final Results of Countervailing                                                                          access.trade.gov and is available to all
                                                                                                          31, 2014.7 On March 4, 2015, we
                                                  Duty Administrative Review; Calendar                                                                            parties in the Central Records Unit,
                                                                                                          conducted verification at the GOI offices
                                                  Year 2012                                                                                                       room 7046 of the main Department of
                                                                                                          in New Delhi, India.8
                                                                                                                                                                  Commerce building. In addition, a
                                                                                                             Petitioner 9 submitted a case brief on
                                                  AGENCY:   Enforcement and Compliance,                                                                           complete version of the Issues and
                                                                                                          March 11, 2015,10 and the GOI
                                                  International Trade Administration,                                                                             Decision Memorandum can be accessed
                                                                                                          submitted a rebuttal brief on March 16,                 directly on the Internet at http://
                                                  Department of Commerce.
                                                                                                          2015.11 No interested party requested a                 enforcement.trade.gov/frn/index.html.
                                                  SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce
                                                                                                          hearing.                                                The signed Issues and Decision
                                                  (the Department) completed the
                                                  administrative review of the                               3 See ‘‘Decision Memorandum for the Final
                                                                                                                                                                  Memorandum and the electronic
                                                  countervailing duty (CVD) order on                      Results of Countervailing Duty Review: Certain          version of the Issues and Decision
                                                  certain lined paper products from India                 Lined Paper Products from India’’ from Christian        Memorandum are identical in content.
                                                  for the January 1, 2012, through                        Marsh, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping
                                                                                                          and Countervailing Duty Operations, to Paul             Methodology
                                                  December 31, 2012, period of review                     Piquado, Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and
                                                  (POR) 1 in accordance with section                                                                                 The Department has conducted this
                                                                                                          Compliance (Decision Memorandum), dated
                                                  751(a) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as                    concurrently and hereby adopted by this notice.         review in accordance with section
                                                  amended (the Act). The respondent in                       4 See Notice of Amended Final Determination of       751(a)(1)(A) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
                                                  this administrative review is A.R.                      Sales at Less Than Fair Value: Certain Lined Paper      amended (the Act). For each of the
                                                                                                          Products from the People’s Republic of China:           subsidy programs found
                                                  Printing & Packaging India Private                      Notice of Antidumping Duty Orders: Certain Lined
                                                  Limited (AR Printing).2 In these final                                                                          countervailable, we find that there is a
                                                                                                          Paper Products from India, Indonesia and the
                                                  results, the Department made changes to                 People’s Republic of China; and Notice of               subsidy, i.e., a government-provided
                                                  the subsidy rate determined for AR                      Countervailing Duty Orders: Certain Lined Paper         financial contribution that gives rise to
                                                  Printing. Our analysis of comments
                                                                                                          Products from India and Indonesia, 71 FR 56949          a benefit to the recipient, and that the
                                                                                                          (September 28, 2006) (Lined Paper Order).               subsidy is specific.13
                                                  received is contained in the Decision                      5 See Preliminary Results.

                                                  Memorandum accompanying this                               6 See the Department’s October 10, 2014, Third
                                                                                                                                                                    12 On November 24, 2014, Enforcement and
                                                                                                          Supplemental Questionnaire to the GOI.
                                                                                                             7 See the GOI’s October 31, 2014, Third
                                                                                                                                                                  Compliance changed the name of Enforcement and
                                                     1 The Department published its preliminary                                                                   Compliance’s AD and CVD Centralized Electronic
                                                  results for this administrative review in Certain       Supplemental Questionnaire Response.                    Service System (‘‘IA ACCESS’’) to AD and CVD
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                             8 See Memorandum to Eric B. Greynolds, Program
                                                  Lined Paper Products from India: Preliminary                                                                    Centralized Electronic Service System (‘‘ACCESS’’).
                                                  Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative           Manager, AD/CVD Duty Operations, Office III,            The Web site location was changed from http://
                                                  Review; Calendar Year 2012, 79 FR 60447 (October        ‘‘Verification of the Questionnaire Responses           iaaccess.trade.gov to http://access.trade.gov. The
                                                  7, 2014) (Preliminary Results), and accompanying        Submitted by the Government of India,’’ (March 4,       Final Rule changing the references to the
                                                  Issues and Decision Memorandum, dated                   2015).                                                  Regulations can be found at 79 FR 69046
                                                                                                             9 Petitioner is the Association of American School
                                                  September 30, 2014 (Preliminary Decision                                                                        (November 20, 2014).
                                                  Memorandum).                                            Paper Suppliers (Petitioner).                             13 See sections 771(5)(B) and (D) of the Act
                                                     2 AR Printing is also known as A.R. Printing &          10 See Petitioner’ March 11, 2015, case brief.
                                                                                                                                                                  regarding financial contribution; section 771(5)(E)
                                                  Packaging (India) Pvt. Ltd.                                11 See the GOI’s March 16, 2015, rebuttal brief.                                               Continued

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                                                  19638                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 70 / Monday, April 13, 2015 / Notices

                                                     In making these findings, we relied, in              Assessment Rates                                         3. Pre- and Post-Shipment Loans
                                                  part, on facts otherwise available on the                                                                        4. Export Oriented Units (EOUs)
                                                                                                             The Department intends to issue                       5. State Government of Maharashtra
                                                  administrative record because AR                        appropriate assessment instructions                         (SGOM) Programs
                                                  Printing: (1) Failed to respond to the                  directly to U.S. Customs and Border                      A. Sales Tax Incentives Provided by SGOM
                                                  Department’s requests for necessary                     Protection (CBP) 15 days after                           B. Electricity Duties Exemptions Under the
                                                  information and therefore necessary                     publication of these final results of                       SGOM Package Program of Incentives of
                                                  information was not on the record; (2)                  review, to liquidate shipments of subject                   1993
                                                  withheld requested information; (3)                     merchandise produced and/or exported                     C. Loan Guarantees Based on Octroi
                                                  failed to provide requested information                 by AR Printing, entered, or withdrawn                       Refunds by the SGOM
                                                  by the established deadlines; and (4)                                                                            D. Land for Less than Adequate
                                                                                                          from warehouse, for consumption on or
                                                                                                                                                                      Remuneration (LTAR)
                                                  significantly impeded this proceeding.                  after January 1, 2012, through December                  B. Changes from the Preliminary Results
                                                  See sections 776(a)(1) and (2)(A)–(C) of                31, 2012, at the ad valorem rate listed               III. Analysis of Comments
                                                  the Act. Furthermore, because we                        above.                                                   Comment 1: Whether the Department
                                                  determine that AR Printing failed to                    Cash Deposit Instructions                                   Should Continue to Find Pursuant to
                                                  cooperate by not acting to the best of its                                                                          Adverse Facts Available that AR Printing
                                                  ability to comply with the Department’s                   The Department intends to instruct                        Benefited from the Status Certificate
                                                  requests for information, we drew an                    CBP to collect cash deposits of                             Program, Market Access Initiative
                                                                                                          estimated CVDs in the amount shown                          Program and Market Development
                                                  adverse inference in selecting from                                                                                 Assistance Programs During the POR
                                                  among the facts otherwise available. See                above for AR Printing on shipments of
                                                                                                          subject merchandise entered, or                       IV. Recommendation
                                                  section 776(b) of the Act.                                                                                    [FR Doc. 2015–08423 Filed 4–10–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                          withdrawn from warehouse, for
                                                                                                                                                                BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P
                                                  Changes Since Preliminary Results                       consumption on or after the date of
                                                                                                          publication of these final results of
                                                    After the Preliminary Results, the                    review. For all non-reviewed firms, we
                                                  Department verified information from                                                                          DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                                                                                          will instruct CBP to collect cash
                                                  the GOI concerning the Market                           deposits of estimated CVDs at the most                National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                                  Development Assistance, Status                          recent company-specific or all-others                 Administration
                                                  Certificate, and Market Access Initiative               rate applicable to the company.
                                                  programs.14 Based on the findings at                    Accordingly, the cash deposit                         Submission for OMB Review;
                                                  verification and for the reasons set forth              requirements that will be applied to                  Comment Request
                                                  in the Decision Memorandum, we find                     companies covered by this order, but
                                                  that AR Printing did not use these three                not examined in this review, are those                   The Department of Commerce will
                                                  programs during the POR. Therefore, we                  established in the most recently                      submit to the Office of Management and
                                                  did not include subsidy rates for these                 completed segment of the proceeding                   Budget (OMB) for clearance the
                                                  programs when determining the AFA                       for each company. These cash deposit                  following proposal for collection of
                                                                                                          requirements, when imposed, shall                     information under the provisions of the
                                                  attributable to AR Printing.
                                                                                                          remain in effect until further notice.                Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
                                                     For a full description of the analysis                                                                     Chapter 35).
                                                  concerning the Status Certificate,                      Administrative Protective Order                          Agency: National Oceanic and
                                                  Market Access Initiative, and Market                      This notice serves as a reminder to                 Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
                                                  Development programs, see the Issues                    parties subject to administrative                        Title: West Coast Region Vessel
                                                  and Decision Memorandum, which also                     protective order (APO) of their                       Identification Requirements.
                                                  incorporates by reference our analysis                  responsibility concerning the                            OMB Control Number: 0648-0355.
                                                  from the Preliminary Results pertaining                 disposition of proprietary information                   Form Number(s): None.
                                                  to other programs for which the                                                                                  Type of Request: Regular (extension of
                                                                                                          disclosed under APO in accordance
                                                  Department’s analysis and                                                                                     a currently approved information
                                                                                                          with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3). Timely
                                                  determinations have not changed. For                                                                          collection).
                                                                                                          written notification of return or
                                                  all other issues, see the Preliminary                                                                            Number of Respondents: 1,125.
                                                                                                          destruction of APO materials or                          Average Hours Per Response: 45
                                                  Decision Memorandum.                                    conversion to judicial protective order is            minutes.
                                                                                                          hereby requested. Failure to comply                      Burden Hours: 169.
                                                  Final Results of Review
                                                                                                          with the regulations and the terms of an                 Needs and Uses: This request is for
                                                    In accordance with 19 CFR                             APO is a sanctionable violation.                      extension of a currently approved
                                                  351.221(b)(5), we calculated the listed                   We are issuing and publishing these                 information collection.
                                                  net subsidy rate for 2012:                              results in accordance with sections                      The success of fisheries management
                                                                                                          751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Act.                   programs depends significantly on
                                                                                        Net subsidy         Dated: April 6, 2015.                               regulatory compliance. The vessel
                                                            Company                         rate          Ronald K. Lorentzen,                                  identification requirement is essential to
                                                                                                          Acting Assistant Secretary for Enforcement            facilitate enforcement. The ability to
                                                  A.R. Printing & Packaging         37.43 percent         and Compliance.                                       link fishing (or other activity) to the
                                                    India Pvt. Ltd. (AR Print-        ad valorem.
                                                                                                                                                                vessel owner or operator is crucial to
                                                    ing).                                                 Appendix
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                                enforcement of regulations issued under
                                                                                                          I. Summary                                            the authority of the Magnuson-Stevens
                                                  of the Act regarding benefit; and section 771(5A) of
                                                                                                          II. Analysis of Programs                              Fishery Conservation and Management
                                                  the Act regarding specificity.                             Programs Determined to be Countervailable          Act. A vessel’s official number is
                                                     14 See Memorandum to Eric B. Greynolds,                 A. Programs Addressed in the Preliminary
                                                                                                                Results                                         required to be displayed on the port and
                                                  Program Manager, AD/CVD Duty Operations, Office
                                                  III, ‘‘Verification of the Questionnaire Responses         1. Advance Authorization Program (AAP)             starboard sides of the deckhouse or hull,
                                                  Submitted by the Government of India,’’ (March 4,          2. Export Promotion of Capital Goods               and on a weather deck. It identifies each
                                                  2015) (GOI Verification Report).                              Scheme (EPCGS)                                  vessel and should be visible at distances

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Document Created: 2015-12-18 11:21:36
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 11:21:36
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ContactJohn Conniff, AD/CVD Operations, Office III, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230; telephone (202) 482- 1009.
FR Citation80 FR 19637 

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