80_FR_19757 80 FR 19687 - Exemptions From Certain Prohibited Transaction Restrictions

80 FR 19687 - Exemptions From Certain Prohibited Transaction Restrictions

Employee Benefits Security Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 70 (April 13, 2015)

Page Range19687-19691
FR Document2015-08301

This document contains exemptions issued by the Department of Labor (the Department) from certain of the prohibited transaction restrictions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA or the Act) and/or the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the Code). This notice includes the following: 2015-01, The United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union No. 189 Pension Plan, D-11750; 2015-02, The Camco Financial & Subsidiaries Salary Savings Plan and Huntington Bancshares, Inc., D- 11751; 2015-03, Teamsters Local Union No. 727 Pension Fund, D-11770; 2015-04, Craftsman Independent Union Local #1 Health, Welfare & Hospitalization Trust Fund, L-11775; and 2015-05, Local 268, Sheet Metal Workers International Association, AFL-CIO, L-11794.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 70 (Monday, April 13, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 70 (Monday, April 13, 2015)]
[Pages 19687-19691]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-08301]



Employee Benefits Security Administration

Exemptions From Certain Prohibited Transaction Restrictions

AGENCY: Employee Benefits Security Administration, Labor.

ACTION: Grant of Individual Exemptions.


SUMMARY: This document contains exemptions issued by the Department of 
Labor (the Department) from certain of the prohibited transaction 
restrictions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 
(ERISA or the Act) and/or the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the Code). 
This notice includes the following: 2015-01, The United Association of 
Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union 
No. 189 Pension Plan, D-11750; 2015-02, The Camco Financial & 
Subsidiaries Salary Savings Plan and Huntington Bancshares, Inc., D-
11751; 2015-03, Teamsters Local Union No. 727 Pension Fund, D-11770; 
2015-04, Craftsman Independent Union Local #1 Health, Welfare & 
Hospitalization Trust Fund, L-11775; and 2015-05, Local 268, Sheet 
Metal Workers International Association, AFL-CIO, L-11794.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A notice was published in the Federal 
Register of the pendency before the Department of a proposal to grant 
such exemption. The notice set forth a summary of facts and 
representations contained in the application for exemption and referred 
interested persons to the application for a complete statement of the 
facts and representations. The application has been available for 
public inspection at the Department in Washington, DC. The notice also 
invited interested persons to submit comments on the requested 
exemption to the Department. In addition the notice stated that any 
interested person might submit a written request that a public hearing 
be held (where appropriate). The applicant has represented that it has 
complied with the requirements of the notification to interested 
persons. No requests for a hearing were received by the Department. 
Public comments were received by the Department as described in the 
granted exemption.
    The notice of proposed exemption was issued and the exemption is 
being granted solely by the Department because, effective December 31, 
1978, section 102 of Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1978, 5 U.S.C. App. 1 
(1996), transferred the authority of the Secretary of the Treasury to 
issue exemptions of the type proposed to the Secretary of Labor.

Statutory Findings

    In accordance with section 408(a) of the Act and/or section 
4975(c)(2) of the Code and the procedures set forth in 29 CFR part 
2570, subpart B (76 FR 66637, 66644, October 27, 2011) \1\ and based 
upon the entire record, the Department makes the following findings:

    \1\ The Department has considered exemption applications 
received prior to December 27, 2011 under the exemption procedures 
set forth in 29 CFR part 2570, subpart B (55 FR 32836, 32847, August 
10, 1990).

    (a) The exemption is administratively feasible;
    (b) The exemption is in the interests of the plan and its 
participants and beneficiaries; and
    (c) The exemption is protective of the rights of the participants 
and beneficiaries of the plan.

The United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of The Plumbers 
and Pipefitters Local Union No. 189 Pension Plan, as Amended (the Plan 
or the Applicant) Located in Columbus, Ohio [Prohibited Transaction 
Exemption 2015-01; Exemption Application No. D-11750]


    The restrictions of section 406(a)(1)(A) and (D) and section 
406(b)(1) and (b)(2) of the Act and the sanctions resulting from the 
application of section 4975(c)(1)(A), (D) and (E) of the Code, shall 
not apply to the sale (Sale) of certain improved real property (the 
Property) by the Plan to Local #189 of the United Association of 
Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of 
the United States and Canada (the Union), a party in interest with 
respect to the Plan, provided that the following conditions are 
    (a) The Sale is a one-time transaction for cash;
    (b) As consideration, the Plan receives $3,100,000 or the fair 
market value of the Property as determined by a qualified, independent 
appraiser (the Appraiser) in a written appraisal of the Property, which 
is updated on the date of Sale;
    (c) The Plan pays no commissions, costs or fees with respect to the 
    (d) The terms and conditions of the Sale are at least as favorable 
to the Plan as those obtainable in an arm's length transaction with an 
unrelated party;
    (e) The Sale has been reviewed and approved by a qualified, 
independent fiduciary, who, among other things: has reviewed and 
approved the methodology used by the Appraiser and has ensured that the 
appraisal methodology was properly applied in determining the fair 
market value of the Property; and has determined that it is prudent to 
go forward with the Sale.

Written Comments

    In the Notice of Proposed Exemption (the Notice), the Department 
invited all interested persons to submit written comments and requests 
for a hearing on the proposed exemption within 45 days of the 
publication, on November 26, 2014, of the Notice in the Federal 
Register. All comments and requests for a hearing were due by January 
10, 2015.
    During the comment period, the Department received one written 
comment with respect to the Notice that was submitted by a Plan 
participant (the Commenter), and no requests for a hearing. In 
addition, the Applicant informed the Department of an updated appraisal 
of the Property, which was later submitted to the Department and 
required the Department's modification to the operative language of the 
    Discussed below are the comment and the Department's revision to 
the Notice.

The Comment

    The Commenter asked the Department to deny the proposed exemption, 
stating that the proposed transaction is an attempt by the employers to 
put the financial burden of a pension plan ``in the yellow'' on the 
backs of Union members, instead of raising the Plan's contribution 
    In response, the Applicant states that the comment is factually 
inaccurate. First, according to the Applicant, the Commenter 
incorrectly states that the Plan is ``in the yellow.'' To clarify the 
meaning of this actuarial phrase, the Applicant represents that plans 
are considered ``in the green zone'' when

[[Page 19688]]

the funded percentage is 80% or higher; ``in the red zone'' when the 
funded percentage is below 65%; and ``in the yellow zone'' when the 
funded percentage is between 65% and 80%. The Applicant represents that 
the Plan's actuary has certified that the Plan has been ``in the green 
zone'' for each plan year since the plan year beginning April 1, 2011. 
Further, the Applicant represents that the actual funded percentages, 
as certified by the actuary each year, have been as follows:

                                      PPA Funded
   Plan year beginning April 1       certified by            Zone
2014............................              90.2%   Green
2013............................              85.0%   Green
2012............................              83.5%   Green
2011............................              80.4%   Green
2010............................              74.2%   Yellow

    Second, the Applicant states that whether the Plan holds the 
illiquid asset (i.e., the Property) or the liquid investment (i.e., the 
cash proceeds that can be reinvested), the proposed transaction would 
not change the funded status of the Plan and, therefore, would not 
affect whether or not the per hour contribution rate would need to be 
    Third, and lastly, the Applicant states that the proposed exemption 
was not initiated by the employers, but at the request of the Union to 
allow it to purchase the Property. The Applicant explains that the 
Union desires to purchase the Property for the following reasons: (1) 
The Plumbers and Pipefitters Local #189 Joint Apprenticeship and 
Journeyman Training Committee, which leases space in the building (the 
Building) located on the Property, needs more teaching space, but the 
Plan is unwilling to expand the Building because it has determined that 
such an investment would be imprudent since the current fair market 
value of the Building is based on the redevelopment value of the land; 
(2) there is a significant cost associated with moving the teaching 
equipment that is currently installed in the Building to another 
location; and (3) the Union desires to retain use of the current 
facility even though the Plan has received two unsolicited offers to 
purchase the Property.
    With respect to the two unsolicited offers, the Applicant 
represents that it received an unsolicited offer of $2,700,000 (with 
required covenants, a commission payable, and significant 
contingencies) in January 2014 and an earlier unsolicited offer of 
$3,310,000 (with required covenants, a commission payable, and 
significant contingencies) in January 2008 (the 2008 Offer). The 
Applicant represents that although the 2008 Offer exceeds the cash 
price payable by the Union to the Plan (i.e., $3,100,000) by $210,000, 
the net proceeds the Plan will receive from the Union will be 
significantly higher than what the Plan would have received from the 
2008 Offer because of the covenant risks, commissions, and 
contingencies attached to the 2008 Offer. According to the Applicant, 
the 2008 Offer was contingent on the purchaser's receipt of: (1) 
satisfactory soil tests and environmental reports that the premises 
were free from environmental contamination; \2\ (2) satisfactory 
engineering and economic feasibility reports regarding the ``economic 
viability of the purchaser's project;'' (3) zoning approval; \3\ (4) a 
survey of the Property by an engineer or surveyor acceptable to the 
purchaser at the Plan's expense; and (5) an affidavit from the Plan 
that it had ``no knowledge of the dumping, storing or past or present 
existence of any hazardous waste or products on the'' Property.\4\ The 
Applicant represents that the Plan did not believe that it would be 
able to satisfy these contingencies. Further, the Applicant represents 
that even if the Plan could have satisfied the contingencies, it would 
have done so at a significant expense.

    \2\ The Applicant represents that given the training with 
welding supplies and medical gases, the Plan had significant concern 
about whether a clean environmental report would be obtainable.
    \3\ The Applicant represents that current zoning limitations 
significantly restrict the potential uses of the Property.
    \4\ As mentioned in the preceding footnote, the Applicant 
represents that because of the use and storage of various chemicals 
on the Property, it was not clear whether the Plan could have given 
such an affidavit.

Modification of the Notice

    On January 5, 2015, the Applicant informed the Department of an 
appraisal report dated December 16, 2014 (the December 2014 Appraisal), 
that had been prepared by Thomas J. Horner, MAI, SRA, ASA, the 
Appraiser. On December 2, 2014, the Appraiser placed the fair market 
value of the Property at $3,100,000.
    Because the fair market value of the Property as reported in the 
December 2014 Appraisal represents an increase of $200,000 over the 
$2,900,000 fair market value reported by the Appraiser as of January 
27, 2014 in an appraisal report dated January 31, 2014, the Department 
has modified condition (b) of the exemption by replacing the 
``$2,900,000'' value with ``$3,100,000'' to reflect the most recent 
valuation of the Property.
    Accordingly, after giving full consideration to the entire record, 
including the written comment and the Department's modification of the 
Notice, the Department has decided to grant the exemption. The complete 
application file (D-11750), and all supplemental submissions received 
by the Department, are available for public inspection in the Public 
Disclosure Room of the Employee Benefits Security Administration, Room 
N-1515, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW., 
Washington, DC 20210.
    For a more complete statement of facts and representations 
supporting the Department's decision to grant this exemption, refer to 
the Notice published in the Federal Register at 79 FR 70624 (November 
26, 2014).
    For Further Information Contact: Ms. Anna Mpras Vaughan of the 
Department at (202) 693-8565. (This is not a toll-free number.)

The Camco Financial & Subsidiaries Salary Savings Plan (the Plan) and 
Huntington Bancshares, Inc. (Huntington) Located in Cambridge, OH and 
Columbus, OH [Prohibited Transaction Exemption 2015-02; Application No. 


Section I: Transactions

    The restrictions of sections 406(a)(1)(A), 406(a)(1)(E), 406(a)(2), 
406(b)(1), 406(b)(2), and 407(a)(1)(A) of the Act and the sanctions 
resulting from the application of section 4975 of the Code, by reason 
of sections 4975(c)(1)(A) and (E) of the Code,\5\ shall not apply to 
the acquisition and holding of certain warrants (the Warrants) by the 
individually-directed account(s) (the Account(s)) of certain 
participant(s) in the Plan in connection with an offering (the 
Offering) of shares of common stock (the Stock) of Camco Financial 
Corporation (Camco), the sponsor of the Plan and a party in interest 
with respect to the Plan.

    \5\ For purposes of this exemption, references to specific 
provisions of Title I of the Act, unless otherwise specified, refer 
also to the corresponding provisions of the Code.

Section II: Conditions

    (a) The Accounts acquired the Warrants in connection with the 
exercise of subscription rights (the Rights) to purchase Stock by the 
Plan's directed trustee (the Directed Trustee) on behalf of Plan 
    (b) Each stockholder, including each of the Accounts holding Stock 
on behalf of Plan participants, received the same proportionate number 
of Rights based on the number of shares of Stock held

[[Page 19689]]

as of July 29, 2012 (the Record Date), and the same proportionate 
number of Warrants based on the number of Rights exercised during the 
    (c) The Plan participant whose Account received the Warrants made, 
or will make, all decisions with respect to the holding and exercise of 
such Warrants;
    (d) The Plan did not pay, nor will it pay, any brokerage fees, 
commissions, or other fees or expenses to any related broker in 
connection with the acquisition, holding, and exercise of the Rights or 
    (e) The acquisition of the Rights by the Accounts resulted from an 
independent corporate act of Camco; and
    (f) The Rights and Warrants were acquired pursuant to and in 
accordance with, provisions under the Plan for individually directed 
investments of the Accounts holding Stock on behalf of Plan 
    Effective Date: This exemption is effective from November 1, 2012, 
until the Warrants are exercised or expire.

Written Comments

    The Department invited all interested persons to submit written 
comments and/or requests for a public hearing with respect to the 
notice of proposed exemption, published on November 26, 2014, at 79 FR 
70628. All comments and requests for hearing were due by January 10, 
2015. During the comment period, the Department received no comments 
and no requests for a hearing from interested persons. Accordingly, 
after giving full consideration to the entire record, the Department 
has decided to grant the exemption. The complete application file 
(Application No. D-11751), including all supplemental submissions 
received by the Department, is available for public inspection in the 
Public Disclosure Room of the Employee Benefits Security 
Administration, Room N-1515, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution 
Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20210.
    For a more complete statement of the facts and representations 
supporting the Department's decision to grant this exemption, refer to 
the notice of proposed exemption published on November 26, 2014, at 79 
FR 70628.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Jennifer Brown of the ((-
Department, telephone (202) 693-83520. (This is not a toll-free 

Teamsters Local Union No. 727 Pension Fund (the Fund) Located in 
Chicago, Illinois [Prohibited Transaction Exemption 2015-03; 
Application No. D-11770]


Section I. Covered Transactions

    The restrictions of sections 406(a)(1)(A) and (D) of the Employee 
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA), and the 
sanctions resulting from the application of section 4975 of the 
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Code), by reason of 
section 4975(c)(1)(A) and (D) of the Code, shall not apply to: (1) The 
sale (the Sale) by the Fund of three separate 25 percent interests in 
1300 Higgins Road LLC (the LLC), a limited liability company of which 
the Fund is the sole member (each, an LLC Interest, and collectively, 
the LLC Interests), respectively, to each of Teamsters Local Union No. 
700 (Local 700), Teamsters Local Union No. 727 (Local 727), and the 
Teamsters Joint Council No. 25 (the Joint Council, and together with 
Local 700 and Local 727, the Unions); and (2) the subsequent Sale of 
the Fund's remaining 25 percent LLC interest (the Fund's LLC Interest) 
to the Unions due to the exercise by the Fund of a put right to sell 
the Fund's LLC Interest to the Unions (the Put Right), provided that 
the conditions in Section II are satisfied.

Section II. Conditions for Relief

    (a) The Fund receives from each of the Unions, as consideration for 
the Sale of the LLC Interests, a cash amount equal to 25 percent of the 
greater of: (1) The original purchase price paid by the Fund, or (2) 
the fair market value of the O'Hare Corporate Center in Park Ridge, 
Illinois (the Property), determined on the date of the Sale by an 
Independent Appraiser;
    (b) The Fund, upon exercise of the Put Right, receives from the 
Unions a one-time aggregate cash amount equal to 25 percent of the 
greater of: (1) The original purchase price paid by the Fund, or (2) 
the fair market value of the Property on the date of exercise of the 
Put Right, as determined by an Independent Appraiser;
    (c) The Sale and the exercise of the Put Right are each one-time 
transactions for cash;
    (d) The Independent Fiduciary: (1) Analyzes and approves the terms 
of the Sale and Put Right; (2) ensures that the terms of the Sale and 
Put Right and the conditions of the exemption are met; (3) has sole 
responsibility for the exercise of the Put Right on behalf of the Fund; 
(4) has sole responsibility and authority for the management and 
operation of the LLC and the Property; and (5) selects the Independent 
Appraiser and verifies the methodology used by the Independent 
Appraiser in determining the fair market value of the Property for all 
purposes under this proposed exemption;
    (e) An Independent Appraiser, who is selected by the Independent 
Fiduciary, establishes the fair market value of the Property for 
purposes of the Sale and the Put Right, using a methodology approved by 
the Independent Fiduciary;
    (f) The Fund does not pay any commissions, costs or other expenses 
in connection with the Sale and Put Right, other than the legal fees of 
the Fund's counsel, the services of the Independent Fiduciary and the 
services of the Independent Appraiser;
    (g) Since its acquisition of the Property, the Fund's ownership 
interest in the Property has constituted five percent or less of the 
Fund's assets, and immediately after the Sale the Fund's ownership 
interest in the Property will be less than two percent of the Fund's 
    (h) No member of the LLC shall, directly or indirectly, without the 
approval of the Independent Fiduciary: (1) Act for or on behalf of the 
LLC; (2) transact any business in the name of the LLC; or (3) sign 
documents for or otherwise bind the LLC;
    (i) No LLC Interests shall be transferable by the Unions prior to 
the exercise of the Put Right by the Fund, without the approval of the 
Independent Fiduciary;
    (j) Any trustee of the Fund must recuse himself or herself from any 
vote regarding the termination or removal of the Independent Fiduciary 
for the Fund if he or she is an officer (or a relative of an officer as 
defined in Section III) of any of the Unions;
    (k) The terms and conditions of the Sale and the Put Right are at 
least as favorable to the Fund as those obtainable in an arm's-length 
transaction with an unrelated third party; and
    (l) The Sale or Put Right is not part of an arrangement, agreement, 
or understanding designed to benefit a party in interest with respect 
to the Fund.

Section III. Definitions

    (a) The term ``relative'' is a relative as that term is defined in 
section 3(15) of ERISA, and also includes a brother, sister, and a 
spouse of a brother or sister;
    (b) The term ``Independent Fiduciary'' means Intercontinental Real 
Estate Corporation (Intercontinental) or another fiduciary of the Plan 
who (1) is

[[Page 19690]]

independent or unrelated to the Unions and their affiliates and has the 
appropriate training, experience, and facilities to act on behalf of 
the Plan regarding the covered transactions in accordance with the 
fiduciary duties and responsibilities prescribed by ERISA (including, 
if necessary, the responsibility to seek the counsel of knowledgeable 
advisors to assist in its compliance with ERISA), and (2) if relevant, 
succeeds Intercontinental in its capacity as Fiduciary to the Plans in 
connection with the transactions described herein. The Independent 
Fiduciary will not be deemed to be independent of and unrelated to the 
Unions and their affiliates if: (i) Such Independent Fiduciary directly 
or indirectly controls, is controlled by or is under common control, 
with the Unions and their affiliates; (ii) such Independent Fiduciary 
directly or indirectly receives any compensation or other consideration 
in connection with any transaction described in this proposed exemption 
other than for acting as independent fiduciary in connection with the 
transactions described herein, provided that the amount or payment of 
such compensation is not contingent upon, or in any way affected by, 
the Independent Fiduciary's ultimate decision; and (iii) the annual 
gross revenue received by the Independent Fiduciary, during any year of 
its engagement, from the Unions and their affiliates, exceeds two 
percent (2%) of the Independent Fiduciary's annual gross revenue from 
all sources (for federal income tax purposes) for its prior tax year;
    (c) The term ``Independent Appraiser'' means an individual or 
entity meeting the definition of a ``Qualified Independent Appraiser'' 
under 29 CFR 2570.31(i) retained to determine, on behalf of the Plans, 
the fair market value of the Property as of the date of the Sale, and 
may be the Independent Fiduciary, provided it satisfies the definition 
of Independent Appraiser herein;
    (d) The term ``affiliate'' of a person includes:
    (1) Any person directly or indirectly through one or more 
intermediaries, controlling, controlled by, or under common control 
with, the person;
    (2) Any officer, director, employee, relative, or partner of the 
person; or
    (3) Any corporation or partnership of which such person is an 
officer; and
    (e) The term ``control'' means the power to exercise a controlling 
influence over the management or policies of a person other than an 
    Effective Date: This exemption is effective as of its date of 
publication in the Federal Register.

Written Comments

    The Department invited all interested persons to submit written 
comments and/or requests for a public hearing with respect to the 
notice of proposed exemption (the Notice), published on December 30, 
2014, at 79 FR 78482. All comments and requests for hearing were due by 
February 13, 2015. During the comment period, the Department received 
several phone inquiries that generally concerned matters outside the 
scope of the exemption. Furthermore, the Department received no written 
comments and no requests for a hearing from interested persons. 
However, the Department has made one technical correction to the 
Notice, as described below.

The Department's Technical Correction

    The Department notes that the Notice incorrectly identifies the 
Fund as ``Teamsters Union Local No. 727 Pension Fund (the Fund).'' 
However, this notice correctly identifies the Fund as ``Teamsters Local 
Union No. 727 Pension Fund (the Fund).''
    After giving full consideration to the entire record, the 
Department has decided to grant the exemption. The complete application 
file (Application No. D-11770), including all supplemental submissions 
received by the Department, is available for public inspection in the 
Public Disclosure Room of the Employee Benefits Security 
Administration, Room N-1515, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution 
Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20210.
    For a more complete statement of the facts and representations 
supporting the Department's decision to grant this exemption, refer to 
the notice of proposed exemption published on December 30, 2014, at 79 
FR 78482.
    For Further Information Contact: Mr. Scott Ness of the Department, 
telephone (202) 693-8561. (This is not a toll-free number.)

Craftsman Independent Union Local #1 Health, Welfare & Hospitalization 
Trust Fund (the Plan) Cape Girardeau, Missouri [Prohibited Transaction 
Exemption 2015-04; Exemption Application No. L-11775]


    The restrictions of section 406(a)(1)(A) and (D) of the Act shall 
not apply to the sale by the Plan of a parcel of improved real property 
(the Property) to the Craftsman Independent Union Local #1 (the Union), 
a party in interest with respect to the Plan, provided that the 
following conditions are satisfied:
    (a) The sale is a one-time transaction for cash;
    (b) The sales price for the Property is the greater of either: (1) 
$250,000; or (2) the fair market value of the Property as established 
by qualified independent appraisers (the Appraisers) in an appraisal of 
the Property that is updated on the date of the sale;
    (c) RMI, as the qualified independent fiduciary, reviews and 
approves the methodology used by the Appraisers to ensure that such 
methodology is properly applied in determining the fair market value of 
the Property, and determines that it is prudent to go forward with the 
    (d) RMI represents the interests of the Plan at the time the sale 
is consummated;
    (e) The Plan pays no real estate fees or commissions in connection 
with the sale;
    (f) The Union reimburses the Plan for 50% of the costs of the 
exemption application and pays all recording charges, attorney's fees, 
title insurance premiums, and any transfer fees or taxes; and
    (g) The terms of the sale are no less favorable to the Plan than 
the terms the Plan would receive under similar circumstances in an 
arm's length transaction with an unrelated party.

Written Comments

    In the notice of proposed exemption (the Notice), the Department 
invited all interested persons to submit written comments within 40 
days of the publication, on November 26, 2014, of the Notice in the 
Federal Register. All comments were due by January 5, 2015. During the 
comment period, the Department received no comments from interested 
    Accordingly, after giving full consideration to the entire record, 
the Department has decided to grant the exemption. The complete 
application file (Exemption Application No. L-11775) is available for 
public inspection in the Public Disclosure Room of the Employee 
Benefits Security Administration, Room N-1515, U.S. Department of 
Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20210.
    For a more complete statement of the facts and representations 
supporting the Department's decision to grant this exemption, refer to 
the Notice published in the Federal Register on November 26, 2014 at 79 
FR 70645.
    For Further Information Contact: Mrs. Blessed Chuksorji-Keefe of 
the Department at (202) 693-8567. (This is not a toll-free number.)

[[Page 19691]]

Local 268, Sheet Metal Workers International Association, AFL-CIO (the 
Union) Located in Caseyville, IL [Prohibited Transaction Exemption 
2015-05; Application No. L-11794]


    The restrictions of sections 406(a)(1)(A), 406(a)(1)(D), 406(b)(1), 
and 406(b)(2) of the Act, shall not apply to the sale by the Fund of 
certain improved real property located at 2727 N. 89th Street, 
Caseyville, IL 62232 (the Building), to the Union (the Sale), provided 
that the following conditions have been met:
    (a) The Sale is a one-time transaction for cash;
    (b) At the time of the Sale, the Fund receives the greater of 
either: (1) $110,226.48; or (2) the fair market value of the Building, 
as established by a qualified independent appraiser (the Appraiser), as 
described in condition (c), as of the date of Sale;
    (c) Before the date of Sale, an Appraiser who satisfies the 
Department's definition of ``qualified independent appraiser'' will be 
retained by the Independent Fiduciary on behalf of the Fund without any 
involvement of the Union or any other party to the covered transactions 
or any planned future transactions, and will conduct a full, 
independent Appraisal (the Appraisal) of the Building for purposes of 
the Sale that complies in all respects with applicable appraisal 
    (d) A qualified independent fiduciary (the Independent Fiduciary), 
acting on behalf of the Fund, represents the Fund's interests for all 
purposes with respect to the Sale, and: (1) Determines, among other 
things, that it is in the best interest of the Fund to proceed with the 
Sale; and (2) reviews and approves the purchase price and methodology 
used by the Appraiser in its Appraisal;
    (e) The Fund pays no fees, commissions or other expenses associated 
with the Sale; and
    (f) The terms and conditions of the Sale are at least as favorable 
to the Fund as those obtainable in an arm's-length transaction with an 
unrelated third party.

Written Comments

    The Department invited all interested persons to submit written 
comments and/or requests for a public hearing with respect to the 
notice of proposed exemption, published on December 30, 2014, at 79 FR 
78486. All comments and requests for hearing were due by February 13, 
2015. During the comment period, the Department received no comments 
and no requests for a hearing from interested persons. Accordingly, 
after giving full consideration to the entire record, the Department 
has decided to grant the exemption. The complete application file 
(Application No. L-11794), including all supplemental submissions 
received by the Department, is available for public inspection in the 
Public Disclosure Room of the Employee Benefits Security 
Administration, Room N-1515, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution 
Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20210.
    For a more complete statement of the facts and representations 
supporting the Department's decision to grant this exemption, refer to 
the notice of proposed exemption published on December 30, 2014, at 79 
FR 78486.
    For Further Information Contact: Mr. Scott Ness of the Department, 
telephone (202) 693-8561. (This is not a toll-free number.)

General Information

    The attention of interested persons is directed to the following:
    (1) The fact that a transaction is the subject of an exemption 
under section 408(a) of the Act and/or section 4975(c)(2) of the Code 
does not relieve a fiduciary or other party in interest or disqualified 
person from certain other provisions to which the exemption does not 
apply and the general fiduciary responsibility provisions of section 
404 of the Act, which among other things require a fiduciary to 
discharge his duties respecting the plan solely in the interest of the 
participants and beneficiaries of the plan and in a prudent fashion in 
accordance with section 404(a)(1)(B) of the Act; nor does it affect the 
requirement of section 401(a) of the Code that the plan must operate 
for the exclusive benefit of the employees of the employer maintaining 
the plan and their beneficiaries;
    (2) These exemptions are supplemental to and not in derogation of, 
any other provisions of the Act and/or the Code, including statutory or 
administrative exemptions and transactional rules. Furthermore, the 
fact that a transaction is subject to an administrative or statutory 
exemption is not dispositive of whether the transaction is in fact a 
prohibited transaction; and
    (3) The availability of these exemptions is subject to the express 
condition that the material facts and representations contained in the 
application accurately describes all material terms of the transaction 
which is the subject of the exemption.

    Signed at Washington, DC, this 7th day of April, 2015.
Lyssa E. Hall,
Director of Exemption Determinations, Employee Benefits Security 
Administration, U.S. Department of Labor.
[FR Doc. 2015-08301 Filed 4-10-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 70 / Monday, April 13, 2015 / Notices                                            19687

                                                  www.usdoj.gov/enrd/Consent_                             submit comments on the requested                      Plan, provided that the following
                                                  Decrees.html. We will provide a paper                   exemption to the Department. In                       conditions are satisfied:
                                                  copy of the Joint Stipulation of                        addition the notice stated that any                      (a) The Sale is a one-time transaction
                                                  Settlement upon written request and                     interested person might submit a                      for cash;
                                                  payment of reproduction costs. Please                   written request that a public hearing be                 (b) As consideration, the Plan receives
                                                  mail your request and payment to:                       held (where appropriate). The applicant               $3,100,000 or the fair market value of
                                                  Consent Decree Library, U.S. DOJ–                       has represented that it has complied                  the Property as determined by a
                                                  ENRD, P.O. Box 7611, Washington, DC                     with the requirements of the notification             qualified, independent appraiser (the
                                                  20044–7611.                                             to interested persons. No requests for a              Appraiser) in a written appraisal of the
                                                    Please enclose a check or money order                 hearing were received by the                          Property, which is updated on the date
                                                  for $2.75 (25 cents per page                            Department. Public comments were                      of Sale;
                                                  reproduction costs for 11 pages) payable                received by the Department as described                  (c) The Plan pays no commissions,
                                                  to the United States Treasury.                          in the granted exemption.                             costs or fees with respect to the Sale;
                                                                                                             The notice of proposed exemption                      (d) The terms and conditions of the
                                                  Henry S. Friedman,
                                                                                                          was issued and the exemption is being                 Sale are at least as favorable to the Plan
                                                  Assistant Chief, Environmental Enforcement                                                                    as those obtainable in an arm’s length
                                                  Section, Environment and Natural Resources              granted solely by the Department
                                                  Division.                                               because, effective December 31, 1978,                 transaction with an unrelated party;
                                                                                                          section 102 of Reorganization Plan No.                   (e) The Sale has been reviewed and
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–08391 Filed 4–10–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                          4 of 1978, 5 U.S.C. App. 1 (1996),                    approved by a qualified, independent
                                                  BILLING CODE 4410–15–P
                                                                                                          transferred the authority of the Secretary            fiduciary, who, among other things: has
                                                                                                          of the Treasury to issue exemptions of                reviewed and approved the
                                                                                                          the type proposed to the Secretary of                 methodology used by the Appraiser and
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF LABOR                                                                                           has ensured that the appraisal
                                                                                                                                                                methodology was properly applied in
                                                  Employee Benefits Security                              Statutory Findings                                    determining the fair market value of the
                                                                                                             In accordance with section 408(a) of               Property; and has determined that it is
                                                  Exemptions From Certain Prohibited                      the Act and/or section 4975(c)(2) of the              prudent to go forward with the Sale.
                                                  Transaction Restrictions                                Code and the procedures set forth in 29               Written Comments
                                                                                                          CFR part 2570, subpart B (76 FR 66637,
                                                  AGENCY: Employee Benefits Security                      66644, October 27, 2011) 1 and based                     In the Notice of Proposed Exemption
                                                  Administration, Labor.                                  upon the entire record, the Department                (the Notice), the Department invited all
                                                  ACTION: Grant of Individual Exemptions.                 makes the following findings:                         interested persons to submit written
                                                                                                             (a) The exemption is administratively              comments and requests for a hearing on
                                                  SUMMARY:   This document contains                                                                             the proposed exemption within 45 days
                                                  exemptions issued by the Department of                  feasible;
                                                                                                             (b) The exemption is in the interests              of the publication, on November 26,
                                                  Labor (the Department) from certain of                                                                        2014, of the Notice in the Federal
                                                  the prohibited transaction restrictions of              of the plan and its participants and
                                                                                                          beneficiaries; and                                    Register. All comments and requests for
                                                  the Employee Retirement Income                                                                                a hearing were due by January 10, 2015.
                                                  Security Act of 1974 (ERISA or the Act)                    (c) The exemption is protective of the
                                                                                                          rights of the participants and                           During the comment period, the
                                                  and/or the Internal Revenue Code of                                                                           Department received one written
                                                  1986 (the Code). This notice includes                   beneficiaries of the plan.
                                                                                                                                                                comment with respect to the Notice that
                                                  the following: 2015–01, The United                      The United Association of Journeymen                  was submitted by a Plan participant (the
                                                  Association of Journeymen and                           and Apprentices of The Plumbers and                   Commenter), and no requests for a
                                                  Apprentices of the Plumbers and                         Pipefitters Local Union No. 189 Pension               hearing. In addition, the Applicant
                                                  Pipefitters Local Union No. 189 Pension                 Plan, as Amended (the Plan or the                     informed the Department of an updated
                                                  Plan, D–11750; 2015–02, The Camco                       Applicant) Located in Columbus, Ohio                  appraisal of the Property, which was
                                                  Financial & Subsidiaries Salary Savings                 [Prohibited Transaction Exemption                     later submitted to the Department and
                                                  Plan and Huntington Bancshares, Inc.,                   2015–01; Exemption Application No. D–                 required the Department’s modification
                                                  D–11751; 2015–03, Teamsters Local                       11750]                                                to the operative language of the Notice.
                                                  Union No. 727 Pension Fund, D–11770;                                                                             Discussed below are the comment and
                                                  2015–04, Craftsman Independent Union                    Exemption
                                                                                                                                                                the Department’s revision to the Notice.
                                                  Local #1 Health, Welfare &                                 The restrictions of section
                                                  Hospitalization Trust Fund, L–11775;                    406(a)(1)(A) and (D) and section                      The Comment
                                                  and 2015–05, Local 268, Sheet Metal                     406(b)(1) and (b)(2) of the Act and the                  The Commenter asked the Department
                                                  Workers International Association,                      sanctions resulting from the application              to deny the proposed exemption, stating
                                                  AFL–CIO, L–11794.                                       of section 4975(c)(1)(A), (D) and (E) of              that the proposed transaction is an
                                                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A notice                     the Code, shall not apply to the sale                 attempt by the employers to put the
                                                  was published in the Federal Register of                (Sale) of certain improved real property              financial burden of a pension plan ‘‘in
                                                  the pendency before the Department of                   (the Property) by the Plan to Local #189              the yellow’’ on the backs of Union
                                                  a proposal to grant such exemption. The                 of the United Association of                          members, instead of raising the Plan’s
                                                  notice set forth a summary of facts and                 Journeymen and Apprentices of the                     contribution rate.
                                                                                                          Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  representations contained in the                                                                                 In response, the Applicant states that
                                                  application for exemption and referred                  United States and Canada (the Union),                 the comment is factually inaccurate.
                                                  interested persons to the application for               a party in interest with respect to the               First, according to the Applicant, the
                                                  a complete statement of the facts and                                                                         Commenter incorrectly states that the
                                                                                                            1 The Department has considered exemption
                                                  representations. The application has                                                                          Plan is ‘‘in the yellow.’’ To clarify the
                                                                                                          applications received prior to December 27, 2011
                                                  been available for public inspection at                 under the exemption procedures set forth in 29 CFR
                                                                                                                                                                meaning of this actuarial phrase, the
                                                  the Department in Washington, DC. The                   part 2570, subpart B (55 FR 32836, 32847, August      Applicant represents that plans are
                                                  notice also invited interested persons to               10, 1990).                                            considered ‘‘in the green zone’’ when

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                                                  19688                                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 70 / Monday, April 13, 2015 / Notices

                                                  the funded percentage is 80% or higher;                       in January 2008 (the 2008 Offer). The                     Accordingly, after giving full
                                                  ‘‘in the red zone’’ when the funded                           Applicant represents that although the                  consideration to the entire record,
                                                  percentage is below 65%; and ‘‘in the                         2008 Offer exceeds the cash price                       including the written comment and the
                                                  yellow zone’’ when the funded                                 payable by the Union to the Plan (i.e.,                 Department’s modification of the
                                                  percentage is between 65% and 80%.                            $3,100,000) by $210,000, the net                        Notice, the Department has decided to
                                                  The Applicant represents that the Plan’s                      proceeds the Plan will receive from the                 grant the exemption. The complete
                                                  actuary has certified that the Plan has                       Union will be significantly higher than                 application file (D–11750), and all
                                                  been ‘‘in the green zone’’ for each plan                      what the Plan would have received from                  supplemental submissions received by
                                                  year since the plan year beginning April                      the 2008 Offer because of the covenant                  the Department, are available for public
                                                  1, 2011. Further, the Applicant                               risks, commissions, and contingencies                   inspection in the Public Disclosure
                                                  represents that the actual funded                             attached to the 2008 Offer. According to                Room of the Employee Benefits Security
                                                  percentages, as certified by the actuary                      the Applicant, the 2008 Offer was                       Administration, Room N–1515, U.S.
                                                  each year, have been as follows:                              contingent on the purchaser’s receipt of:               Department of Labor, 200 Constitution
                                                                                                                (1) satisfactory soil tests and                         Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20210.
                                                   Plan year be-          PPA Funded Per-                       environmental reports that the premises                   For a more complete statement of
                                                   ginning April          centage certified          Zone       were free from environmental                            facts and representations supporting the
                                                         1                   by actuary
                                                                                                                contamination; 2 (2) satisfactory                       Department’s decision to grant this
                                                  2014   .............           90.2%             Green        engineering and economic feasibility                    exemption, refer to the Notice published
                                                  2013   .............           85.0%             Green        reports regarding the ‘‘economic                        in the Federal Register at 79 FR 70624
                                                  2012   .............           83.5%             Green        viability of the purchaser’s project;’’ (3)             (November 26, 2014).
                                                  2011   .............           80.4%             Green        zoning approval; 3 (4) a survey of the                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                  2010   .............           74.2%             Yellow       Property by an engineer or surveyor                     Ms. Anna Mpras Vaughan of the
                                                                                                                acceptable to the purchaser at the Plan’s               Department at (202) 693–8565. (This is
                                                     Second, the Applicant states that                          expense; and (5) an affidavit from the                  not a toll-free number.)
                                                  whether the Plan holds the illiquid asset                     Plan that it had ‘‘no knowledge of the
                                                  (i.e., the Property) or the liquid                                                                                    The Camco Financial & Subsidiaries
                                                                                                                dumping, storing or past or present                     Salary Savings Plan (the Plan) and
                                                  investment (i.e., the cash proceeds that                      existence of any hazardous waste or
                                                  can be reinvested), the proposed                                                                                      Huntington Bancshares, Inc.
                                                                                                                products on the’’ Property.4 The                        (Huntington) Located in Cambridge, OH
                                                  transaction would not change the                              Applicant represents that the Plan did
                                                  funded status of the Plan and, therefore,                                                                             and Columbus, OH [Prohibited
                                                                                                                not believe that it would be able to                    Transaction Exemption 2015–02;
                                                  would not affect whether or not the per                       satisfy these contingencies. Further, the
                                                  hour contribution rate would need to be                                                                               Application No. D–11751]
                                                                                                                Applicant represents that even if the
                                                  increased.                                                    Plan could have satisfied the                           Exemption
                                                     Third, and lastly, the Applicant states                    contingencies, it would have done so at
                                                  that the proposed exemption was not                                                                                   Section I: Transactions
                                                                                                                a significant expense.
                                                  initiated by the employers, but at the                                                                                   The restrictions of sections
                                                  request of the Union to allow it to                           Modification of the Notice                              406(a)(1)(A), 406(a)(1)(E), 406(a)(2),
                                                  purchase the Property. The Applicant                             On January 5, 2015, the Applicant                    406(b)(1), 406(b)(2), and 407(a)(1)(A) of
                                                  explains that the Union desires to                            informed the Department of an appraisal                 the Act and the sanctions resulting from
                                                  purchase the Property for the following                       report dated December 16, 2014 (the                     the application of section 4975 of the
                                                  reasons: (1) The Plumbers and                                 December 2014 Appraisal), that had                      Code, by reason of sections
                                                  Pipefitters Local #189 Joint                                  been prepared by Thomas J. Horner,                      4975(c)(1)(A) and (E) of the Code,5 shall
                                                  Apprenticeship and Journeyman                                 MAI, SRA, ASA, the Appraiser. On                        not apply to the acquisition and holding
                                                  Training Committee, which leases space                        December 2, 2014, the Appraiser placed                  of certain warrants (the Warrants) by the
                                                  in the building (the Building) located on                     the fair market value of the Property at                individually-directed account(s) (the
                                                  the Property, needs more teaching                             $3,100,000.                                             Account(s)) of certain participant(s) in
                                                  space, but the Plan is unwilling to                              Because the fair market value of the                 the Plan in connection with an offering
                                                  expand the Building because it has                            Property as reported in the December                    (the Offering) of shares of common stock
                                                  determined that such an investment                            2014 Appraisal represents an increase of                (the Stock) of Camco Financial
                                                  would be imprudent since the current                          $200,000 over the $2,900,000 fair                       Corporation (Camco), the sponsor of the
                                                  fair market value of the Building is                          market value reported by the Appraiser                  Plan and a party in interest with respect
                                                  based on the redevelopment value of the                       as of January 27, 2014 in an appraisal                  to the Plan.
                                                  land; (2) there is a significant cost                         report dated January 31, 2014, the                      Section II: Conditions
                                                  associated with moving the teaching                           Department has modified condition (b)
                                                  equipment that is currently installed in                      of the exemption by replacing the                         (a) The Accounts acquired the
                                                  the Building to another location; and (3)                     ‘‘$2,900,000’’ value with ‘‘$3,100,000’’                Warrants in connection with the
                                                  the Union desires to retain use of the                        to reflect the most recent valuation of                 exercise of subscription rights (the
                                                  current facility even though the Plan has                     the Property.                                           Rights) to purchase Stock by the Plan’s
                                                  received two unsolicited offers to                                                                                    directed trustee (the Directed Trustee)
                                                  purchase the Property.                                          2 The Applicant represents that given the training    on behalf of Plan participants;
                                                     With respect to the two unsolicited                        with welding supplies and medical gases, the Plan         (b) Each stockholder, including each
                                                                                                                had significant concern about whether a clean           of the Accounts holding Stock on behalf
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  offers, the Applicant represents that it                      environmental report would be obtainable.
                                                  received an unsolicited offer of                                                                                      of Plan participants, received the same
                                                                                                                  3 The Applicant represents that current zoning
                                                  $2,700,000 (with required covenants, a                        limitations significantly restrict the potential uses
                                                                                                                                                                        proportionate number of Rights based
                                                  commission payable, and significant                           of the Property.                                        on the number of shares of Stock held
                                                                                                                  4 As mentioned in the preceding footnote, the
                                                  contingencies) in January 2014 and an
                                                                                                                Applicant represents that because of the use and          5 For purposes of this exemption, references to
                                                  earlier unsolicited offer of $3,310,000                       storage of various chemicals on the Property, it was    specific provisions of Title I of the Act, unless
                                                  (with required covenants, a commission                        not clear whether the Plan could have given such        otherwise specified, refer also to the corresponding
                                                  payable, and significant contingencies)                       an affidavit.                                           provisions of the Code.

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                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 70 / Monday, April 13, 2015 / Notices                                              19689

                                                  as of July 29, 2012 (the Record Date),                  Teamsters Local Union No. 727 Pension                 for the management and operation of the
                                                  and the same proportionate number of                    Fund (the Fund) Located in Chicago,                   LLC and the Property; and (5) selects the
                                                  Warrants based on the number of Rights                  Illinois [Prohibited Transaction                      Independent Appraiser and verifies the
                                                  exercised during the Offering;                          Exemption 2015–03; Application No.                    methodology used by the Independent
                                                     (c) The Plan participant whose                       D–11770]                                              Appraiser in determining the fair market
                                                                                                          Exemption                                             value of the Property for all purposes
                                                  Account received the Warrants made, or
                                                                                                                                                                under this proposed exemption;
                                                  will make, all decisions with respect to                Section I. Covered Transactions                          (e) An Independent Appraiser, who is
                                                  the holding and exercise of such                                                                              selected by the Independent Fiduciary,
                                                  Warrants;                                                  The restrictions of sections
                                                                                                          406(a)(1)(A) and (D) of the Employee                  establishes the fair market value of the
                                                     (d) The Plan did not pay, nor will it                Retirement Income Security Act of 1974,               Property for purposes of the Sale and
                                                  pay, any brokerage fees, commissions,                   as amended (ERISA), and the sanctions                 the Put Right, using a methodology
                                                  or other fees or expenses to any related                resulting from the application of section             approved by the Independent Fiduciary;
                                                  broker in connection with the                           4975 of the Internal Revenue Code of                     (f) The Fund does not pay any
                                                  acquisition, holding, and exercise of the               1986, as amended (the Code), by reason                commissions, costs or other expenses in
                                                  Rights or Warrants;                                     of section 4975(c)(1)(A) and (D) of the               connection with the Sale and Put Right,
                                                                                                          Code, shall not apply to: (1) The sale                other than the legal fees of the Fund’s
                                                     (e) The acquisition of the Rights by                                                                       counsel, the services of the Independent
                                                  the Accounts resulted from an                           (the Sale) by the Fund of three separate
                                                                                                          25 percent interests in 1300 Higgins                  Fiduciary and the services of the
                                                  independent corporate act of Camco;                                                                           Independent Appraiser;
                                                  and                                                     Road LLC (the LLC), a limited liability
                                                                                                                                                                   (g) Since its acquisition of the
                                                                                                          company of which the Fund is the sole
                                                     (f) The Rights and Warrants were                                                                           Property, the Fund’s ownership interest
                                                                                                          member (each, an LLC Interest, and
                                                  acquired pursuant to and in accordance                                                                        in the Property has constituted five
                                                                                                          collectively, the LLC Interests),
                                                  with, provisions under the Plan for                                                                           percent or less of the Fund’s assets, and
                                                                                                          respectively, to each of Teamsters Local
                                                  individually directed investments of the                                                                      immediately after the Sale the Fund’s
                                                                                                          Union No. 700 (Local 700), Teamsters
                                                  Accounts holding Stock on behalf of                                                                           ownership interest in the Property will
                                                                                                          Local Union No. 727 (Local 727), and
                                                  Plan participants.                                                                                            be less than two percent of the Fund’s
                                                                                                          the Teamsters Joint Council No. 25 (the
                                                     Effective Date: This exemption is                    Joint Council, and together with Local                   (h) No member of the LLC shall,
                                                  effective from November 1, 2012, until                  700 and Local 727, the Unions); and (2)               directly or indirectly, without the
                                                  the Warrants are exercised or expire.                   the subsequent Sale of the Fund’s                     approval of the Independent Fiduciary:
                                                                                                          remaining 25 percent LLC interest (the                (1) Act for or on behalf of the LLC; (2)
                                                  Written Comments                                        Fund’s LLC Interest) to the Unions due                transact any business in the name of the
                                                                                                          to the exercise by the Fund of a put right            LLC; or (3) sign documents for or
                                                     The Department invited all interested
                                                                                                          to sell the Fund’s LLC Interest to the                otherwise bind the LLC;
                                                  persons to submit written comments
                                                                                                          Unions (the Put Right), provided that                    (i) No LLC Interests shall be
                                                  and/or requests for a public hearing                    the conditions in Section II are satisfied.
                                                  with respect to the notice of proposed                                                                        transferable by the Unions prior to the
                                                  exemption, published on November 26,                    Section II. Conditions for Relief                     exercise of the Put Right by the Fund,
                                                  2014, at 79 FR 70628. All comments and                                                                        without the approval of the Independent
                                                                                                             (a) The Fund receives from each of the             Fiduciary;
                                                  requests for hearing were due by                        Unions, as consideration for the Sale of                 (j) Any trustee of the Fund must
                                                  January 10, 2015. During the comment                    the LLC Interests, a cash amount equal                recuse himself or herself from any vote
                                                  period, the Department received no                      to 25 percent of the greater of: (1) The              regarding the termination or removal of
                                                  comments and no requests for a hearing                  original purchase price paid by the                   the Independent Fiduciary for the Fund
                                                  from interested persons. Accordingly,                   Fund, or (2) the fair market value of the             if he or she is an officer (or a relative
                                                  after giving full consideration to the                  O’Hare Corporate Center in Park Ridge,                of an officer as defined in Section III) of
                                                  entire record, the Department has                       Illinois (the Property), determined on                any of the Unions;
                                                  decided to grant the exemption. The                     the date of the Sale by an Independent                   (k) The terms and conditions of the
                                                  complete application file (Application                  Appraiser;                                            Sale and the Put Right are at least as
                                                  No. D–11751), including all                                (b) The Fund, upon exercise of the Put             favorable to the Fund as those
                                                  supplemental submissions received by                    Right, receives from the Unions a one-                obtainable in an arm’s-length
                                                  the Department, is available for public                 time aggregate cash amount equal to 25                transaction with an unrelated third
                                                  inspection in the Public Disclosure                     percent of the greater of: (1) The original           party; and
                                                  Room of the Employee Benefits Security                  purchase price paid by the Fund, or (2)                  (l) The Sale or Put Right is not part
                                                  Administration, Room N–1515, U.S.                       the fair market value of the Property on              of an arrangement, agreement, or
                                                  Department of Labor, 200 Constitution                   the date of exercise of the Put Right, as             understanding designed to benefit a
                                                                                                          determined by an Independent                          party in interest with respect to the
                                                  Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20210.
                                                                                                          Appraiser;                                            Fund.
                                                     For a more complete statement of the                    (c) The Sale and the exercise of the
                                                  facts and representations supporting the                Put Right are each one-time transactions              Section III. Definitions
                                                  Department’s decision to grant this                     for cash;                                                (a) The term ‘‘relative’’ is a relative as
                                                  exemption, refer to the notice of
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                             (d) The Independent Fiduciary: (1)                 that term is defined in section 3(15) of
                                                  proposed exemption published on                         Analyzes and approves the terms of the                ERISA, and also includes a brother,
                                                  November 26, 2014, at 79 FR 70628.                      Sale and Put Right; (2) ensures that the              sister, and a spouse of a brother or
                                                                                                          terms of the Sale and Put Right and the               sister;
                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:   Ms.
                                                                                                          conditions of the exemption are met; (3)                 (b) The term ‘‘Independent Fiduciary’’
                                                  Jennifer Brown of the ((-Department,                                                                          means Intercontinental Real Estate
                                                                                                          has sole responsibility for the exercise
                                                  telephone (202) 693–83520. (This is not                 of the Put Right on behalf of the Fund;               Corporation (Intercontinental) or
                                                  a toll-free number.)                                    (4) has sole responsibility and authority             another fiduciary of the Plan who (1) is

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                                                  19690                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 70 / Monday, April 13, 2015 / Notices

                                                  independent or unrelated to the Unions                     Effective Date: This exemption is                  with respect to the Plan, provided that
                                                  and their affiliates and has the                        effective as of its date of publication in            the following conditions are satisfied:
                                                  appropriate training, experience, and                   the Federal Register.                                    (a) The sale is a one-time transaction
                                                  facilities to act on behalf of the Plan                                                                       for cash;
                                                                                                          Written Comments                                         (b) The sales price for the Property is
                                                  regarding the covered transactions in
                                                  accordance with the fiduciary duties                      The Department invited all interested               the greater of either: (1) $250,000; or (2)
                                                  and responsibilities prescribed by                      persons to submit written comments                    the fair market value of the Property as
                                                  ERISA (including, if necessary, the                     and/or requests for a public hearing                  established by qualified independent
                                                  responsibility to seek the counsel of                   with respect to the notice of proposed                appraisers (the Appraisers) in an
                                                  knowledgeable advisors to assist in its                 exemption (the Notice), published on                  appraisal of the Property that is updated
                                                  compliance with ERISA), and (2) if                      December 30, 2014, at 79 FR 78482. All                on the date of the sale;
                                                  relevant, succeeds Intercontinental in its              comments and requests for hearing were                   (c) RMI, as the qualified independent
                                                  capacity as Fiduciary to the Plans in                   due by February 13, 2015. During the                  fiduciary, reviews and approves the
                                                  connection with the transactions                        comment period, the Department                        methodology used by the Appraisers to
                                                  described herein. The Independent                       received several phone inquiries that                 ensure that such methodology is
                                                  Fiduciary will not be deemed to be                      generally concerned matters outside the               properly applied in determining the fair
                                                  independent of and unrelated to the                     scope of the exemption. Furthermore,                  market value of the Property, and
                                                  Unions and their affiliates if: (i) Such                the Department received no written                    determines that it is prudent to go
                                                  Independent Fiduciary directly or                       comments and no requests for a hearing                forward with the sale;
                                                  indirectly controls, is controlled by or is             from interested persons. However, the                    (d) RMI represents the interests of the
                                                  under common control, with the Unions                   Department has made one technical                     Plan at the time the sale is
                                                  and their affiliates; (ii) such                         correction to the Notice, as described                consummated;
                                                  Independent Fiduciary directly or                       below.                                                   (e) The Plan pays no real estate fees
                                                  indirectly receives any compensation or                                                                       or commissions in connection with the
                                                                                                          The Department’s Technical Correction                 sale;
                                                  other consideration in connection with
                                                  any transaction described in this                          The Department notes that the Notice                  (f) The Union reimburses the Plan for
                                                  proposed exemption other than for                       incorrectly identifies the Fund as                    50% of the costs of the exemption
                                                  acting as independent fiduciary in                      ‘‘Teamsters Union Local No. 727                       application and pays all recording
                                                  connection with the transactions                        Pension Fund (the Fund).’’ However,                   charges, attorney’s fees, title insurance
                                                  described herein, provided that the                     this notice correctly identifies the Fund             premiums, and any transfer fees or
                                                  amount or payment of such                               as ‘‘Teamsters Local Union No. 727                    taxes; and
                                                                                                          Pension Fund (the Fund).’’                               (g) The terms of the sale are no less
                                                  compensation is not contingent upon, or
                                                                                                             After giving full consideration to the             favorable to the Plan than the terms the
                                                  in any way affected by, the Independent
                                                                                                          entire record, the Department has                     Plan would receive under similar
                                                  Fiduciary’s ultimate decision; and (iii)
                                                                                                          decided to grant the exemption. The                   circumstances in an arm’s length
                                                  the annual gross revenue received by
                                                                                                          complete application file (Application                transaction with an unrelated party.
                                                  the Independent Fiduciary, during any
                                                  year of its engagement, from the Unions                 No. D–11770), including all                           Written Comments
                                                  and their affiliates, exceeds two percent               supplemental submissions received by
                                                                                                                                                                   In the notice of proposed exemption
                                                  (2%) of the Independent Fiduciary’s                     the Department, is available for public
                                                                                                                                                                (the Notice), the Department invited all
                                                  annual gross revenue from all sources                   inspection in the Public Disclosure
                                                                                                                                                                interested persons to submit written
                                                  (for federal income tax purposes) for its               Room of the Employee Benefits Security
                                                                                                                                                                comments within 40 days of the
                                                  prior tax year;                                         Administration, Room N–1515, U.S.
                                                                                                                                                                publication, on November 26, 2014, of
                                                     (c) The term ‘‘Independent Appraiser’’               Department of Labor, 200 Constitution
                                                                                                                                                                the Notice in the Federal Register. All
                                                  means an individual or entity meeting                   Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20210.
                                                                                                                                                                comments were due by January 5, 2015.
                                                  the definition of a ‘‘Qualified                            For a more complete statement of the
                                                                                                                                                                During the comment period, the
                                                  Independent Appraiser’’ under 29 CFR                    facts and representations supporting the
                                                                                                                                                                Department received no comments from
                                                  2570.31(i) retained to determine, on                    Department’s decision to grant this
                                                                                                                                                                interested persons.
                                                  behalf of the Plans, the fair market value              exemption, refer to the notice of                        Accordingly, after giving full
                                                  of the Property as of the date of the Sale,             proposed exemption published on                       consideration to the entire record, the
                                                  and may be the Independent Fiduciary,                   December 30, 2014, at 79 FR 78482.                    Department has decided to grant the
                                                  provided it satisfies the definition of                    For Further Information Contact: Mr.               exemption. The complete application
                                                  Independent Appraiser herein;                           Scott Ness of the Department, telephone               file (Exemption Application No. L–
                                                                                                          (202) 693–8561. (This is not a toll-free              11775) is available for public inspection
                                                     (d) The term ‘‘affiliate’’ of a person
                                                                                                          number.)                                              in the Public Disclosure Room of the
                                                     (1) Any person directly or indirectly                Craftsman Independent Union Local #1                  Employee Benefits Security
                                                  through one or more intermediaries,                     Health, Welfare & Hospitalization Trust               Administration, Room N–1515, U.S.
                                                  controlling, controlled by, or under                    Fund (the Plan) Cape Girardeau,                       Department of Labor, 200 Constitution
                                                  common control with, the person;                        Missouri [Prohibited Transaction                      Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20210.
                                                                                                          Exemption 2015–04; Exemption                             For a more complete statement of the
                                                     (2) Any officer, director, employee,                                                                       facts and representations supporting the
                                                  relative, or partner of the person; or                  Application No. L–11775]
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                                Department’s decision to grant this
                                                     (3) Any corporation or partnership of                Exemption
                                                                                                                                                                exemption, refer to the Notice published
                                                  which such person is an officer; and                      The restrictions of section                         in the Federal Register on November 26,
                                                     (e) The term ‘‘control’’ means the                   406(a)(1)(A) and (D) of the Act shall not             2014 at 79 FR 70645.
                                                  power to exercise a controlling                         apply to the sale by the Plan of a parcel                For Further Information Contact: Mrs.
                                                  influence over the management or                        of improved real property (the Property)              Blessed Chuksorji-Keefe of the
                                                  policies of a person other than an                      to the Craftsman Independent Union                    Department at (202) 693–8567. (This is
                                                  individual.                                             Local #1 (the Union), a party in interest             not a toll-free number.)

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                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 70 / Monday, April 13, 2015 / Notices                                                  19691

                                                  Local 268, Sheet Metal Workers                          after giving full consideration to the                  Signed at Washington, DC, this 7th day of
                                                  International Association, AFL–CIO                      entire record, the Department has                     April, 2015.
                                                  (the Union) Located in Caseyville, IL                   decided to grant the exemption. The                   Lyssa E. Hall,
                                                  [Prohibited Transaction Exemption                       complete application file (Application                Director of Exemption Determinations,
                                                  2015–05; Application No. L–11794]                       No. L–11794), including all                           Employee Benefits Security Administration,
                                                                                                          supplemental submissions received by                  U.S. Department of Labor.
                                                                                                          the Department, is available for public               [FR Doc. 2015–08301 Filed 4–10–15; 8:45 am]
                                                     The restrictions of sections
                                                                                                          inspection in the Public Disclosure                   BILLING CODE 4510–29–P
                                                  406(a)(1)(A), 406(a)(1)(D), 406(b)(1), and
                                                                                                          Room of the Employee Benefits Security
                                                  406(b)(2) of the Act, shall not apply to
                                                                                                          Administration, Room N–1515, U.S.
                                                  the sale by the Fund of certain improved                                                                      DEPARTMENT OF LABOR
                                                  real property located at 2727 N. 89th                   Department of Labor, 200 Constitution
                                                  Street, Caseyville, IL 62232 (the                       Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20210.                     Employment and Training
                                                  Building), to the Union (the Sale),                        For a more complete statement of the               Administration
                                                  provided that the following conditions                  facts and representations supporting the
                                                  have been met:                                          Department’s decision to grant this                   Notice of Determinations Regarding
                                                     (a) The Sale is a one-time transaction               exemption, refer to the notice of                     Eligibility To Apply for Worker
                                                  for cash;                                               proposed exemption published on                       Adjustment Assistance and Alternative
                                                     (b) At the time of the Sale, the Fund                December 30, 2014, at 79 FR 78486.                    Trade Adjustment Assistance
                                                  receives the greater of either: (1)
                                                                                                             For Further Information Contact: Mr.                  In accordance with Section 223 of the
                                                  $110,226.48; or (2) the fair market value
                                                                                                          Scott Ness of the Department, telephone               Trade Act of 1974, as amended (19
                                                  of the Building, as established by a
                                                                                                          (202) 693–8561. (This is not a toll-free              U.S.C. 2273) the Department of Labor
                                                  qualified independent appraiser (the
                                                                                                          number.)                                              herein presents summaries of
                                                  Appraiser), as described in condition
                                                                                                                                                                determinations regarding eligibility to
                                                  (c), as of the date of Sale;                            General Information                                   apply for trade adjustment assistance for
                                                     (c) Before the date of Sale, an
                                                                                                             The attention of interested persons is             workers (TA–W) number and alternative
                                                  Appraiser who satisfies the
                                                                                                                                                                trade adjustment assistance (ATAA) by
                                                  Department’s definition of ‘‘qualified                  directed to the following:
                                                                                                                                                                (TA–W) number issued during the
                                                  independent appraiser’’ will be retained                   (1) The fact that a transaction is the             period of March 16, 2015 through March
                                                  by the Independent Fiduciary on behalf                  subject of an exemption under section                 20, 2015.
                                                  of the Fund without any involvement of                  408(a) of the Act and/or section                         In order for an affirmative
                                                  the Union or any other party to the                     4975(c)(2) of the Code does not relieve               determination to be made for workers of
                                                  covered transactions or any planned                     a fiduciary or other party in interest or             a primary firm and a certification issued
                                                  future transactions, and will conduct a                 disqualified person from certain other                regarding eligibility to apply for worker
                                                  full, independent Appraisal (the                        provisions to which the exemption does                adjustment assistance, each of the group
                                                  Appraisal) of the Building for purposes                 not apply and the general fiduciary                   eligibility requirements of Section
                                                  of the Sale that complies in all respects               responsibility provisions of section 404              222(a) of the Act must be met.
                                                  with applicable appraisal standards;
                                                                                                          of the Act, which among other things                     I. Section (a)(2)(A) all of the following
                                                     (d) A qualified independent fiduciary
                                                                                                          require a fiduciary to discharge his                  must be satisfied:
                                                  (the Independent Fiduciary), acting on
                                                  behalf of the Fund, represents the                      duties respecting the plan solely in the                 A. a significant number or proportion
                                                  Fund’s interests for all purposes with                  interest of the participants and                      of the workers in such workers’ firm, or
                                                  respect to the Sale, and: (1) Determines,               beneficiaries of the plan and in a                    an appropriate subdivision of the firm,
                                                  among other things, that it is in the best              prudent fashion in accordance with                    have become totally or partially
                                                  interest of the Fund to proceed with the                section 404(a)(1)(B) of the Act; nor does             separated, or are threatened to become
                                                  Sale; and (2) reviews and approves the                  it affect the requirement of section                  totally or partially separated;
                                                  purchase price and methodology used                     401(a) of the Code that the plan must                    B. the sales or production, or both, of
                                                  by the Appraiser in its Appraisal;                      operate for the exclusive benefit of the              such firm or subdivision have decreased
                                                     (e) The Fund pays no fees,                           employees of the employer maintaining                 absolutely; and
                                                  commissions or other expenses                           the plan and their beneficiaries;                        C. increased imports of articles like or
                                                  associated with the Sale; and                              (2) These exemptions are                           directly competitive with articles
                                                     (f) The terms and conditions of the                  supplemental to and not in derogation                 produced by such firm or subdivision
                                                  Sale are at least as favorable to the Fund              of, any other provisions of the Act and/              have contributed importantly to such
                                                  as those obtainable in an arm’s-length                                                                        workers’ separation or threat of
                                                                                                          or the Code, including statutory or
                                                  transaction with an unrelated third                                                                           separation and to the decline in sales or
                                                                                                          administrative exemptions and
                                                  party.                                                                                                        production of such firm or subdivision;
                                                                                                          transactional rules. Furthermore, the
                                                  Written Comments                                        fact that a transaction is subject to an
                                                                                                                                                                   II. Section (a)(2)(B) both of the
                                                                                                          administrative or statutory exemption is
                                                     The Department invited all interested                                                                      following must be satisfied:
                                                                                                          not dispositive of whether the
                                                  persons to submit written comments                                                                               A. a significant number or proportion
                                                                                                          transaction is in fact a prohibited
                                                  and/or requests for a public hearing                                                                          of the workers in such workers’ firm, or
                                                                                                          transaction; and
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  with respect to the notice of proposed                                                                        an appropriate subdivision of the firm,
                                                  exemption, published on December 30,                       (3) The availability of these                      have become totally or partially
                                                  2014, at 79 FR 78486. All comments and                  exemptions is subject to the express                  separated, or are threatened to become
                                                  requests for hearing were due by                        condition that the material facts and                 totally or partially separated;
                                                  February 13, 2015. During the comment                   representations contained in the                         B. there has been a shift in production
                                                  period, the Department received no                      application accurately describes all                  by such workers’ firm or subdivision to
                                                  comments and no requests for a hearing                  material terms of the transaction which               a foreign country of articles like or
                                                  from interested persons. Accordingly,                   is the subject of the exemption.                      directly competitive with articles which

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Document Created: 2015-12-18 11:21:48
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 11:21:48
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionGrant of Individual Exemptions.
DatesThis exemption is effective from November 1, 2012, until the Warrants are exercised or expire.
ContactMs. Anna Mpras Vaughan of the Department at (202) 693-8565. (This is not a toll-free number.)
FR Citation80 FR 19687 

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