80_FR_20006 80 FR 19935 - Determinations of Attainment of the 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Matter Standards for the Libby, Montana Nonattainment Area

80 FR 19935 - Determinations of Attainment of the 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Matter Standards for the Libby, Montana Nonattainment Area


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 71 (April 14, 2015)

Page Range19935-19941
FR Document2015-08405

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to make two separate and independent determinations regarding the Libby, Montana nonattainment area for the 1997 annual fine particulate matter (PM<INF>2.5</INF>) National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS). First, EPA is proposing to determine that the Libby nonattainment area attained the 1997 annual PM<INF>2.5</INF> NAAQS by the applicable attainment date, April 2010. This proposed determination is based on quality-assured and certified ambient air quality data for the 2007- 2009 monitoring period. Second, EPA is proposing that the Libby nonattainment area has continued to attain the 1997 annual PM<INF>2.5</INF> NAAQS, based on quality-assured and certified ambient air quality data for the 2012-2014 monitoring period. Based on the second determination, EPA also proposes to suspend certain nonattainment area planning obligations. These determinations do not constitute a redesignation to attainment. The Libby nonattainment area will remain designated nonattainment for the 1997 annual PM<INF>2.5</INF> NAAQS until such time as EPA determines that the Libby nonattainment area meets the Clean Air Act (CAA) requirements for redesignation to attainment, including an approved maintenance plan. These proposed actions are being taken under the CAA.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 71 (Tuesday, April 14, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 71 (Tuesday, April 14, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 19935-19941]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-08405]



40 CFR Part 52

[EPA-R08-OAR-2014-0254; FRL-9926-00-Region 8]

Determinations of Attainment of the 1997 Annual Fine Particulate 
Matter Standards for the Libby, Montana Nonattainment Area

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to make 
two separate and independent determinations regarding the Libby, 
Montana nonattainment area for the 1997 annual fine particulate matter 
(PM2.5) National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS). 
First, EPA is proposing to determine that the Libby nonattainment area 
attained the 1997 annual PM2.5 NAAQS by the applicable 
attainment date, April 2010. This proposed determination is based on 
quality-assured and certified ambient air quality data for the 2007-
2009 monitoring period. Second, EPA is proposing that the Libby 
nonattainment area has continued to attain the 1997 annual 
PM2.5 NAAQS, based on quality-assured and certified ambient 
air quality data for the 2012-2014 monitoring period. Based on the 
second determination, EPA also proposes to suspend certain 
nonattainment area planning obligations. These determinations do not 
constitute a redesignation to attainment. The Libby nonattainment area 
will remain designated nonattainment for the 1997 annual 
PM2.5 NAAQS until such time as EPA determines that the Libby 
nonattainment area meets the Clean Air Act (CAA) requirements for 
redesignation to attainment, including an approved maintenance plan. 
These proposed actions are being taken under the CAA.

DATES: Written comments must be received on or before May 14, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA-R08-
OAR-2014-0254, by one of the following methods:
     http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the on-line 
instructions for submitting comments.
     Email: ostigaard.crystal@epa.gov.
     Fax: (303) 312-6064 (please alert the individual listed in 
the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT if you are faxing comments).
     Mail: Carl Daly, Director, Air Program, U.S. Environmental 
Protection Agency (EPA), Region 8, Mailcode 8P-AR, 1595 Wynkoop Street, 
Denver, Colorado 80202-1129.
     Hand Delivery: Carl Daly, Director, Air Program, U.S. 
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 8, Mailcode 8P-AR, 1595 
Wynkoop Street, Denver, Colorado 80202-1129. Such deliveries are only 
accepted Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., excluding 
Federal holidays. Special arrangements should be made for deliveries of 
boxed information.
    Instructions: Direct your comments to Docket ID No. EPA-R08-OAR-
2014-0254. EPA's policy is that all comments received will be included 
in the public docket without change and may be made available online at 
http://www.regulations.gov, including any personal information 
provided, unless the comment includes information claimed to be 
Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose 
disclosure is restricted by statute. Do not submit information that you 
consider to be CBI or otherwise protected through http://www.regulations.gov or email. The http://www.regulations.gov Web site 
is an ``anonymous access'' system, which means EPA will not know your 
identity or contact information unless you provide it in the body of 
your comment. If you send an email comment directly to EPA, without 
going through http://www.regulations.gov, your email address will be 
automatically captured and included as part of the comment that is 
placed in the public docket and made available on the Internet. If you 
submit an electronic comment, EPA recommends that you include your name 
and other contact information in the body of your comment and with any 
disk or CD-ROM you submit. If EPA cannot read your comment due to 
technical difficulties and cannot contact you for clarification, EPA 
may not be

[[Page 19936]]

able to consider your comment. Electronic files should avoid the use of 
special characters, any form of encryption, and be free of any defects 
or viruses. For additional instructions on submitting comments, go to 
Section I. General Information of the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section 
of this document.
    Docket: All documents in the docket are listed in the http://www.regulations.gov index. Although listed in the index, some 
information is not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other information 
whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other material, such 
as copyrighted material, will be publicly available only in hard copy. 
Publicly available docket materials are available either electronically 
in http://www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at the Air Program, U.S. 
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 8, Mailcode 8P-AR, 1595 
Wynkoop Street, Denver, Colorado 80202-1129. EPA requests that if at 
all possible, you contact the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER 
INFORMATION CONTACT section to view the hard copy of the docket. You 
may view the hard copy of the docket Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. 
to 4:00 p.m., excluding Federal holidays.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Crystal Ostigaard, Air Program, U.S. 
Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8, Mailcode 8P-AR, 1595 Wynkoop 
Street, Denver, Colorado 80202-1129, (303) 312-6602, 


I. General Information

    1. Submitting CBI. Do not submit CBI to EPA through http://www.regulations.gov or email. Clearly mark the part or all of the 
information that you claim to be CBI. For CBI information in a disk or 
CD ROM that you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the disk or CD ROM as 
CBI and then identify electronically within the disk or CD ROM the 
specific information that is claimed as CBI. In addition to one 
complete version of the comment that includes information claimed as 
CBI, a copy of the comment that does not contain the information 
claimed as CBI must be submitted for inclusion in the public docket. 
Information so marked will not be disclosed except in accordance with 
procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2.
    2. Tips for Preparing Your Comments. When submitting comments, 
remember to:
    a. Identify the rulemaking by docket number and other identifying 
information (subject heading, Federal Register date and page number).
    b. Follow directions--The agency may ask you to respond to specific 
questions or organize comments by referencing a Code of Federal 
Regulations (CFR) part or section number.
    c. Explain why you agree or disagree; suggest alternatives and 
substitute language for your requested changes.
    d. Describe any assumptions and provide any technical information 
and/or data that you used.
    e. If you estimate potential costs or burdens, explain how you 
arrived at your estimate in sufficient detail to allow for it to be 
    f. Provide specific examples to illustrate your concerns, and 
suggest alternatives.
    g. Explain your views as clearly as possible, avoiding the use of 
profanity or personal threats.
    h. Make sure to submit your comments by the comment period deadline 

II. Background

A. The PM2.5 NAAQS

    On July 18, 1997 (62 FR 38652), EPA established a health-based 
PM2.5 NAAQS at 15.0 micrograms per cubic meter ([mu]g/m\3\) 
based on a 3-year average of annual mean PM2.5 
concentrations (``the 1997 annual PM2.5 NAAQS'' or ``the 
1997 annual standard''). At that time, EPA also established a 24-hour 
standard of 65 [mu]g/m\3\ (the ``1997 24-hour standard''). See 40 CFR 
50.7. On October 17, 2006 (71 FR 61144), EPA retained the 1997 annual 
PM2.5 NAAQS at 15 [mu]g/m\3\ based on a 3-year average of 
annual mean PM2.5 concentrations, and promulgated a 24-hour 
standard of 35 [mu]g/m\3\ based on a 3-year average of the 98th 
percentile of 24-hour concentrations (the ``2006 24-hour standard'').
    On January 15, 2013 (78 FR 3086), EPA lowered the primary annual 
PM2.5 NAAQS from 15.0 to 12.0 [mu]g/m\3\. EPA retained the 
2006 24-hour PM2.5 NAAQS, and the 1997 secondary annual 
PM2.5 NAAQS. EPA also retained the existing standards for 
coarse particulate pollution (PM10). This rulemaking action 
proposes determinations solely for the 1997 annual PM2.5 
standard. It does not address the 1997 or 2006 24-hour PM2.5 
standards or the 2012 PM2.5 annual NAAQS.

B. The Libby Nonattainment Area

    On January 5, 2005 (70 FR 944), EPA promulgated our air quality 
designations for the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS based upon air quality 
monitoring data for calendar years 2001-2003. These designations became 
effective on April 5, 2005. The Libby nonattainment area is comprised 
of the City of Libby within Lincoln County. See 40 CFR 81.327.
    In response, the State of Montana submitted State Implementation 
Plan (SIP) revisions on June 26, 2006 and March 26, 2008 intended to 
meet planning requirements for the Libby nonattainment area. In 
particular, based on section 172(a)(2)(A) of the CAA and the April 5, 
2005 effective date of designation as nonattainment, the attainment 
plan identified April 2010 as the applicable attainment date.\1\ The 
state's attainment plan accordingly showed attainment by that date.

    \1\ Under CAA section 172(a)(2)(A), the attainment date for a 
nonattainment area is ``the date by which attainment can be achieved 
as expeditiously as practicable, but no later than five years from 
the date such area was designated nonattainment,'' except that EPA 
may extend the attainment date as appropriate ``for a period no 
greater than 10 years from the date of designation as nonattainment, 
considering the severity of nonattainment and the availability and 
feasibility of pollution control measures.''

    On September 14, 2010 (75 FR 55713), EPA proposed to approve 
Montana's attainment plan. EPA proposed this action in accordance with 
the ``Final Clean Air Fine Particle Implementation Rule,'' 72 FR 20586 
(Apr. 25, 2007), which EPA issued to assist states in their development 
of SIPs to meet the Act's attainment planning requirements for the 1997 
PM2.5 NAAQS. We received no adverse comments on our 
proposal, which we finalized on March 17, 2011 (76 FR 14584).

III. Summary of Proposed Action

    EPA is proposing two separate and independent determinations 
regarding the Libby nonattainment area. First, pursuant to section 
188(b)(2) of the CAA, EPA is proposing to make a determination that the 
Libby nonattainment area attained the 1997 annual PM2.5 
NAAQS by the area's attainment date, April 2010. This proposed 
determination is based upon quality-assured and certified ambient air 
monitoring data for the 2007-2009 monitoring period that shows the area 
has monitored attainment of the 1997 PM2.5 annual NAAQS for 
that period.
    EPA is also proposing to make a determination that the Libby 
nonattainment area continues to attain the 1997 annual PM2.5 
NAAQS. This proposed ``clean data'' determination is based upon 
quality-assured and certified ambient air monitoring data that shows 
the area has monitored attainment of the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS 
for the 2012-2014 monitoring period. If EPA finalizes this 
determination, any remaining requirements for the Libby

[[Page 19937]]

nonattainment area under subpart 4, part D, title I of the CAA 
regarding an attainment demonstration, reasonably available control 
measures (RACM), reasonable further progress (RFP), and contingency 
measures related to attainment of the 1997 annual PM2.5 
NAAQS shall be suspended for so long as the area continues to attain 
the NAAQS.\2\

    \2\ Even if these requirements are suspended, EPA is not 
precluded from acting upon these elements at any time if submitted 
by the State to EPA for review and approval.

IV. EPA's Analysis of the Relevant Air Quality Data

    The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) submitted 
quality-assured air quality monitoring data into the EPA Air Quality 
System (AQS) database for 2007-2009 and subsequently certified that 
data. EPA's evaluation of this data shows that the Libby nonattainment 
area had attained the 1997 annual PM2.5 NAAQS by April 2010. 
Additionally, the data set from the three most recent years, 2012-2014 
(which is also quality-assured and certified), shows that the Libby 
nonattainment area continues to attain the 1997 annual PM2.5 
NAAQS. The data is summarized in Tables 1 and 2 below. Additional 
information on the air quality data found in AQS for the Libby 
nonattainment area can be found in the docket for this action.
    The criteria for determining if an area is attaining the 1997 
annual PM2.5 NAAQS are set out in 40 CFR 50.13 and 40 CFR 
part 50, Appendix N. The 1997 annual PM2.5 primary and 
secondary standards are met when the annual design value is less than 
or equal to 15.0 [mu]g/m\3\. Three years of valid annual means are 
required to produce a valid annual standard design value. A year meets 
data completeness requirements when at least 75 percent of the 
scheduled sampling days for each quarter have valid data. The use of 
less than complete data is subject to the approval of EPA, which may 
consider factors such as monitoring site closures/moves, monitoring 
diligence, and nearby concentrations in determining whether to use such 
    This proposed determination of attainment for the Libby 
nonattainment area is based on EPA's evaluation of quality-controlled, 
quality-assured, and certified annual PM2.5 air quality data 
for the 2007-2009 and 2012-2014 monitoring periods. There is one 
PM2.5 monitor in the Libby nonattainment area (AQS Site ID 
30-053-0018). This monitor had complete data for all quarters in the 
years 2007 through 2014, except for one calendar quarter in 2011.\3\ 
The monitoring data and calculated design values for the Libby 
nonattainment area are summarized in Table 1 for the 2007-2009 
monitoring period and in Table 2 for the 2012-2014 monitoring period.

    \3\ The Libby nonattainment area monitor had less than complete 
data capture in 2011, due to quality assurance issues.

                                Table 1--2007-2009 Libby Nonattainment Area Annual PM2.5 Monitoring Data and Completeness
                                                           Annual mean                2007-2009              Complete quarters
           Location                Site ID    ------------------------------------   Design Value  ------------------------------------  Complete data?
                                                  2007        2008        2009     ([micro]g/m\3\)     2007        2008        2009
City of Libby................    30-053-0018        13.0        12.9        10.7             12.2           4           4           4   Yes.

                                Table 2--2012-2014 Libby Nonattainment Area Annual PM2.5 Monitoring Data and Completeness
                                                           Annual mean                2007-2009              Complete quarters
           Location                Site ID    ------------------------------------   Design Value  ------------------------------------  Complete data?
                                                  2012        2013        2014     ([micro]g/m\3\)     2012        2013        2014
City of Libby................    30-053-0018        11.3        10.9         9.3             10.5           4           4           4   Yes.

    Consistent with the requirements contained in 40 CFR part 50, EPA 
has reviewed the PM2.5 ambient air monitoring data for the 
monitoring periods 2007-2009 and 2012-2014 for the Libby nonattainment 
area, as recorded in the AQS database. On the basis of that review, EPA 
proposes to determine that the Libby nonattainment area (1) attained 
the 1997 annual PM2.5 NAAQS by the attainment date, based on 
data for the 2007-2009 monitoring period, and (2) continued to attain 
during the 2012-2014 monitoring period.

V. Effect of Proposed Determinations of Attainment for 1997 
PM2.5 NAAQS Under Subpart 4 of Part D of Title I of the CAA 
(Subpart 4)

    This section and section VI of EPA's proposal addresses the effects 
of a final clean data determination and a final determination of 
attainment by the attainment date for the Libby nonattainment area. For 
the 1997 annual PM2.5 standard, EPA's ``Final Clean Air Fine 
Particle Implementation Rule,'' 72 FR 20586 (Apr. 25, 2007), embodied 
EPA's ``Clean Data Policy'' interpretation under subpart 1 of Part D of 
Title I of the CAA (subpart 1). As promulgated by the rule, the 
provisions of 40 CFR 51.004 set forth the effects of a determination of 
attainment for the 1997 PM2.5 standard.
    On January 4, 2013, in Natural Resources Defense Council v. EPA, 
706 F.3d 428 (D.C. Cir. 2013), the D.C. Circuit remanded to EPA the 
``Final Clean Air Fine Particle Implementation Rule'' and the 
``Implementation of the New Source Review (NSR) Program for Particulate 
Matter Less than 2.5 Micrometers (PM2.5)'' final rule, 73 FR 
28321 (May 16, 2008) (collectively, ``1997 PM2.5 
Implementation Rule'' or ``Implementation Rule''). The Court found that 
EPA erred in implementing the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS pursuant 
solely to the general implementation provisions of subpart 1, part D, 
title I of the CAA, rather than the particulate-matter-specific 
provisions of subpart 4. The Court remanded EPA's Implementation Rule 
for further proceedings consistent with the Court's decision.
    In light of the Court's decision and its remand of the 
Implementation Rule, EPA finalized the ``Identification of 
Nonattainment Classification and Deadlines for Submission of State 
Implementation Plan (SIP) Provisions for the 1997 Fine Particulate 
(PM2.5) National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) and 
2006 PM2.5 NAAQS'' on June 2, 2014 (79 FR 31566), 
(``PM2.5 Classification and Deadline Rule''). This 
rulemaking classified the Libby nonattainment area as ``Moderate'' for 
the 1997 annual PM2.5 NAAQS. Under

[[Page 19938]]

section 188 of the CAA, all areas designated nonattainment under 
subpart 4 would initially be classified by operation of law as 
``Moderate'' nonattainment areas, and would remain Moderate 
nonattainment areas unless and until EPA reclassifies the area as a 
``Serious'' nonattainment area or redesignates the area to attainment. 
Accordingly, it is appropriate to limit the evaluation of the potential 
impact of subpart 4 requirements to those that would be applicable to 
Moderate nonattainment areas. Sections 189(a) and (c) of subpart 4 
apply to Moderate nonattainment areas and include an attainment 
demonstration (section 189(a)(1)(B)); provisions for RACM (section 
189(a)(1)(C)); and quantitative milestones demonstrating RFP toward 
attainment by the applicable attainment date (section 189(c)).
    As set forth in more detail below, under EPA's Clean Data Policy 
interpretation, a determination that the area has attained the standard 
suspends the state's obligation to submit attainment-related planning 
requirements of subpart 4 (and the applicable provisions of subpart 1) 
for so long as the area continues to attain the standard. These include 
requirements to submit an attainment demonstration, RFP, RACM, and 
contingency measures, because the purpose of these provisions is to 
help reach attainment, a goal which has already been achieved.

A. Background on Clean Data Policy

    Over the past two decades, EPA has consistently applied its Clean 
Data Policy interpretation to attainment-related provisions of subparts 
1, 2, and 4. The Clean Data Policy is the subject of several EPA 
memoranda and regulations. In addition, numerous individual rulemakings 
published in the Federal Register have applied the interpretation to a 
spectrum of NAAQS, including the 1-hour and 1997 ozone, 
PM10, PM2.5, carbon monoxide (CO) and lead (Pb) 
standards. The D.C. Circuit has upheld the Clean Data Policy 
interpretation as embodied in EPA's 1997 8-Hour Ozone Implementation 
Rule, 40 CFR 51.918.\4\ NRDC v. EPA, 571 F. 3d 1245 (D.C. Cir. 2009). 
Other U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals that have considered and reviewed 
EPA's Clean Data Policy interpretation have upheld it and the 
rulemakings applying EPA's interpretation. Sierra Club v. EPA, 99 F. 3d 
1551 (10th Cir. 1996); Sierra Club v. EPA, 375 F. 3d 537 (7th Cir. 
2004); Our Children's Earth Foundation v. EPA, No. 04-73032 (9th Cir. 
June 28, 2005) (memorandum opinion); Latino Issues Forum, v. EPA, Nos. 
06-75831 and 08-71238 (9th Cir. Mar. 2, 2009) (memorandum opinion).

    \4\ ``EPA's Final Rule to implement the 8-Hour Ozone National 
Ambient Air Quality Standard-Phase 2 (Phase 2 Final Rule)'' (70 FR 
71612, 71645-46; November 29, 2005).

    As noted above, EPA incorporated its Clean Data Policy 
interpretation in both its 8-Hour Ozone Implementation Rule and in its 
PM2.5 Implementation Rule. While the D.C. Circuit, in its 
January 4, 2013 decision, remanded the 1997 PM2.5 
Implementation Rule, the Court did not address the merits of that 
portion of the rule, nor cast doubt on EPA's existing interpretation of 
the statutory provisions.
    However, in light of the Court's decision, EPA's Clean Data Policy 
interpretation under subpart 4 is set forth here, for the purpose of 
identifying the effects of a determination of attainment for the 1997 
annual PM2.5 standard for the Libby nonattainment area. EPA 
has previously articulated its Clean Data interpretation under subpart 
4 in implementing the PM10 standard. See, e.g., 75 FR 27944 
(May 19, 2010) (determination of attainment of the PM10 
standard in Coso Junction, California); 71 FR 6352 (Feb. 8, 2006) (Ajo, 
Arizona Area); 71 FR 13021 (Mar. 14, 2006) (Yuma, Arizona Area); 71 FR 
40023 (July 14, 2006) (Weirton, West Virginia Area); 71 FR 44920 (Aug. 
8, 2006) (Rillito, Arizona Area); 71 FR 63642 (Oct. 30, 2006) (San 
Joaquin Valley, California Area); 72 FR 14422 (Mar. 28, 2007) (Miami, 
Arizona Area); 75 FR 27944 (May 19, 2010) (Coso Junction, California 
Area). Thus, EPA has repeatedly established that, under subpart 4, an 
attainment determination suspends the obligations to submit an 
attainment demonstration, RACM, RFP, contingency measures, and other 
measures related to attainment.

B. Application of the Clean Data Policy to Attainment-Related 
Provisions of Subpart 4

    In EPA's proposed and final rulemaking actions determining that the 
San Joaquin Valley nonattainment area attained the PM10 
standard, EPA set forth at length its rationale for applying the Clean 
Data Policy to PM10 under subpart 4. The Ninth Circuit 
upheld EPA's final rulemaking, and specifically EPA's Clean Data 
Policy, in the context of subpart 4. Latino Issues Forum v. EPA, Nos. 
06-75831 and 08-71238 (9th Cir. Mar. 2, 2009) (memorandum opinion). In 
rejecting the petitioner's challenge to the Clean Data Policy under 
subpart 4 for PM10, the Ninth Circuit stated, ``As the EPA 
explained, if an area is in compliance with PM10 standards, 
then further progress for the purpose of ensuring attainment is not 
    The general requirements of subpart 1 apply in conjunction with the 
more specific requirements of subpart 4, to the extent they are not 
superseded or subsumed by the subpart 4 requirements. Subpart 1 
contains general air quality planning requirements for areas designated 
as nonattainment. See section 172(c). Subpart 4, itself, contains 
specific planning and scheduling requirements for PM10 
nonattainment areas, and under the Court's January 4, 2013 decision in 
NRDC v. EPA, these same statutory requirements also apply for 
PM2.5 nonattainment areas. EPA has longstanding general 
guidance that interprets the 1990 amendments to the CAA, making 
recommendations to states for meeting the statutory requirements for 
SIPs for nonattainment areas. See, ``State Implementation Plans; 
General Preamble for the Implementation of Title I of the Clean Air Act 
Amendments of 1990,'' 57 FR 13498 (Apr. 16, 1992) (the ``General 
Preamble''). In the General Preamble, EPA discussed the relationship of 
subpart 1 and subpart 4 SIP requirements, and pointed out that subpart 
1 requirements were to an extent ``subsumed by, or integrally related 
to, the more specific PM10 requirements.'' Id. at 13538. 
These subpart 1 requirements include, among other things, provisions 
for attainment demonstrations, RACM, RFP, emissions inventories, and 
contingency measures.
    EPA has long interpreted the provisions of subpart 1 (section 171 
and 172) as not requiring the submission of RFP for an area already 
attaining the ozone NAAQS. For an area that is attaining, showing that 
the state will make RFP towards attainment ``will, therefore, have no 
meaning at that point.'' General Preamble, 57 FR 13564. See also 71 FR 
40952 (July 19, 2006) and 71 FR 63642 (October 30, 2006) (proposed and 
final determination of attainment for San Joaquin Valley); 75 FR 13710 
(March 23, 2010) and 75 FR 27944 (May 19, 2010) (proposed and final 
determination of attainment for Coso Junction).
    Section 189(c)(1) of subpart 4 states that:

Plan revisions demonstrating attainment submitted to the 
Administrator for approval under this subpart shall contain 
quantitative milestones which are to be achieved every 3 years until 
the area is redesignated attainment and which demonstrate reasonable 
further progress, as defined in section [section 171(1)] of this 
title, toward attainment by the applicable date.

    With respect to RFP, section 171(1) states that, for purposes of 
part D, RFP

[[Page 19939]]

``means such annual incremental reductions in emissions of the relevant 
air pollutant as are required by this part or may reasonably be 
required by the Administrator for the purpose of ensuring attainment of 
the applicable NAAQS by the applicable date.'' Thus, whether dealing 
with the general RFP requirement of section 172(c)(2), the ozone-
specific RFP requirements of sections 182(b) and (c), or the specific 
RFP requirements for PM10 areas of section 189(c)(1), the 
stated purpose of RFP is to ensure attainment by the applicable 
attainment date.
    Although section 189(c) states that revisions shall contain 
milestones which are to be achieved until the area is redesignated to 
attainment, such milestones are designed to show RFP ``toward 
attainment by the applicable attainment date,'' as defined by section 
171. Thus, it is clear that once the area has attained the standard, no 
further milestones are necessary or meaningful. This interpretation is 
supported by language in section 189(c)(3), which mandates that a state 
that fails to achieve a milestone must submit a plan that assures that 
the state will achieve the milestone or attain the NAAQS if there is no 
next milestone. Section 189(c)(3) assumes that the requirement to 
submit and achieve milestones does not continue after attainment of the 
    In the General Preamble, EPA noted with respect to section 189(c) 
that the purpose of the milestone requirement ``is to `provide for 
emission reductions adequate to achieve the standards by the applicable 
attainment date' (H.R. Rep. No. 490 101st Cong., 2d Sess. 267 
(1990)).'' 57 FR 13539. If an area has in fact attained the standard, 
the stated purpose of the RFP requirement will have already been 

    \5\ Thus, EPA believes that it is a distinction without a 
difference that section 189(c)(1) speaks of the RFP requirement as 
one to be achieved until an area is ``redesignated attainment,'' as 
opposed to section 172(c)(2), which is silent on the period to which 
the requirement pertains, or the ozone nonattainment area RFP 
requirements in sections 182(b)(1) or 182(c)(2), which refer to the 
RFP requirements as applying until the ``attainment date,'' since 
section 189(c)(1) defines RFP by reference to section 171(1) of the 
CAA. The reference to section 171(1) clarifies that, as with the 
general RFP requirements in section 172(c)(2) and the ozone-specific 
requirements of section 182(b)(1) and 182(c)(2), the PM-specific 
requirements may only be required ``for the purpose of ensuring 
attainment of the applicable national ambient air quality standard 
by the applicable date.'' 42 U.S.C. 7501(1). As discussed in the 
text of this rulemaking, EPA interprets the RFP requirements, in 
light of the definition of RFP in section 171(1), and incorporated 
in section 189(c)(1), to be a requirement that no longer applies 
once the standard has been attained.

    Similarly, the requirements of section 189(c)(2) with respect to 
milestones no longer apply so long as an area has attained the 
standard. Section 189(c)(2) provides in relevant part that:

Not later than 90 days after the date on which a milestone 
applicable to the area occurs, each State in which all or part of 
such area is located shall submit to the Administrator a 
demonstration . . . that the milestone has been met.

    Where the area has attained the standard and there are no further 
milestones, there is no further requirement to make a submission 
showing that such milestones have been met. This is consistent with the 
position that EPA took with respect to the general RFP requirement of 
section 172(c)(2) in the April 16, 1992 General Preamble and also in 
the May 10, 1995 EPA memorandum from John S. Seitz, ``Reasonable 
Further Progress, Attainment Demonstrations, and Related Requirements 
for the Ozone Nonattainment Areas Meeting the Ozone National Ambient 
Air Quality Standard,'' (the ``1995 Seitz memorandum'') with respect to 
the requirements of section 182(b) and (c). In the 1995 Seitz 
memorandum, EPA also noted that section 182(g), the milestone 
requirement of subpart 2, which is analogous to provisions in section 
189(c), is suspended upon a determination that an area has attained. 
The memorandum, also citing additional provisions related to attainment 
demonstration and RFP requirements, stated:

Inasmuch as each of these requirements is linked with the attainment 
demonstration or RFP requirements of section 182(b)(1) or 182(c)(2), 
if an area is not subject to the requirement to submit the 
underlying attainment demonstration or RFP plan, it need not submit 
the related SIP submission either. See, 1995 Seitz memorandum at 
page 5.

    With respect to the attainment demonstration requirements of 
section 172(c) and section 189(a)(1)(B), an analogous rationale leads 
to the same result. Section 189(a)(1)(B) requires that the plan provide 
for ``a demonstration (including air quality modeling) that the [SIP] 
will provide for attainment by the applicable attainment date . . .'' 
As with the RFP requirements, if an area is already monitoring 
attainment of the standard, EPA believes there is no need for an area 
to make a further submission containing additional measures to achieve 
attainment. This is also consistent with the interpretation of the 
section 172(c) requirements provided by EPA in the General Preamble, 
and the section 182(b) and (c) requirements set forth in the 1995 Seitz 
memorandum. As EPA stated in the General Preamble, no other measures to 
provide for attainment would be needed by areas seeking redesignation 
to attainment since ``attainment will have been reached.'' 57 FR 13564.
    Other SIP submission requirements are linked with these attainment 
demonstration and RFP requirements, and similar reasoning applies to 
them. These requirements include the contingency measure requirements 
of sections 172(c)(9). EPA has interpreted the contingency measure 
requirements of sections 172(c)(9) \6\ as no longer applying when an 
area has attained the standard because those ``contingency measures are 
directed at ensuring RFP and attainment by the applicable date.'' 57 FR 
13564; 1995 Seitz memorandum, pp. 5-6.

    \6\ And section 182(c)(9) for ozone.

    Section 172(c)(9) provides that SIPs in nonattainment areas:

. . . shall provide for the implementation of specific measures to 
be undertaken if the area fails to make reasonable further progress, 
or to attain the [NAAQS] by the attainment date applicable under 
this part. Such measures shall be included in the plan revision as 
contingency measures to take effect in any such case without further 
action by the State or [EPA].

    The contingency measure requirement is inextricably tied to the RFP 
and attainment demonstration requirements. Contingency measures are 
implemented if RFP targets are not achieved, or if attainment is not 
realized by the attainment date. Where an area has already achieved 
attainment by the attainment date, it has no need to rely on 
contingency measures to come into attainment or to make further 
progress to attainment. As EPA stated in the General Preamble: ``The 
section 172(c)(9) requirements for contingency measures are directed at 
ensuring RFP and attainment by the applicable date.'' See 57 FR 13564. 
Thus these requirements no longer apply when an area has attained the 
    Both sections 172(c)(1) and 189(a)(1)(C) require ``provisions to 
assure that reasonably available control measures'' (i.e., RACM) are 
implemented in a nonattainment area. The General Preamble, (57 FR 
13560; April 16, 1992), states that EPA interprets section 172(c)(1) so 
that RACM requirements are a ``component'' of an area's attainment 
demonstration. Thus, for the same reason the attainment demonstration 
no longer applies by its own terms, the requirement for RACM no longer 
applies. EPA has consistently interpreted this provision to require 
only implementation of potential RACM measures that could contribute to 

[[Page 19940]]

or to attainment. General Preamble, 57 FR 13498. Thus, where an area is 
already attaining the standard, no additional RACM measures are 
required.\7\ EPA is interpreting section 189(a)(1)(C) consistent with 
its interpretation of section 172(c)(1).

    \7\ EPA's interpretation that the statute requires 
implementation only of RACM measures that would advance attainment 
was upheld by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth 
Circuit, Sierra Club v. EPA, 314 F.3d 735, 743-745 (5th Cir. 2002), 
and the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, Sierra 
Club v. EPA, 294 F.3d 155, 162-163 (D.C. Cir. 2002).

    The suspension of the obligations to submit SIP revisions 
concerning these RFP, attainment demonstration, RACM, contingency 
measure and other related requirements exists only for as long as the 
area continues to monitor attainment of the standard. If EPA 
determines, after notice-and-comment rulemaking, that the area has 
monitored a violation of the NAAQS, the basis for the requirements 
being suspended would no longer exist. In that case, the area would 
again be subject to a requirement to submit the pertinent SIP revision 
or revisions and would need to address those requirements. Thus, a 
final determination that the area need not submit one of the pertinent 
SIP submittals amounts to no more than a suspension of the requirements 
for so long as the area continues to attain the standard. Only if and 
when EPA redesignates the area to attainment would the area be relieved 
of these submission obligations. Attainment determinations under the 
Clean Data Policy do not shield an area from obligations unrelated to 
attainment in the area, such as provisions to address pollution 
    As set forth previously, based on our proposed determination that 
the Libby nonattainment area is currently attaining the 1997 annual 
PM2.5 NAAQS, EPA proposes to find that any remaining 
obligations under subpart 4 to submit planning provisions to meet the 
requirements for an attainment demonstration, RFP plans, RACM, and 
contingency measures are suspended for so long as the area continues to 
monitor attainment of the 1997 annual PM2.5 NAAQS. If in the 
future, EPA determines after notice-and-comment rulemaking that the 
area again violates the 1997 annual PM2.5 NAAQS, the basis 
for suspending the attainment demonstration, RFP, RACM, and contingency 
measure obligations would no longer exist.

VI. Determination of Attainment by the Attainment Date

    As discussed in the Background section, on March 17, 2011 EPA 
approved April 2010 as the applicable attainment date for the Libby 
nonattainment area.\8\ Consistent with the D.C. Circuit's 2013 decision 
and its remand of the Implementation Rule, on June 2, 2014 (79 FR 
31566), EPA published a final rule classifying all areas currently 
designated nonattainment for the 1997 and/or 2006 PM2.5 
standards as Moderate under subpart 4. EPA also established a deadline 
of December 31, 2014 for states to submit attainment-related and 
nonattainment new source review SIP elements required for these areas 
under subpart 4. This rulemaking did not affect any action that EPA had 
previously taken under section 110(k) of the Act on a SIP for a 
PM2.5 nonattainment area. Accordingly, EPA's March 17, 2011 
approval of the April 2010 attainment date for the Libby nonattainment 
area remains in effect. Based on monitoring data from 2007-2009, EPA is 
proposing to determine that the Libby nonattainment area attained the 
1997 annual PM2.5 NAAQS by that attainment date. If we 
finalize this proposal, this will discharge EPA's obligation under CAA 
section 188(b)(2) to determine whether the area attained the standard 
by the applicable attainment date.

    \8\ EPA's approval did not specifically identify the fifth of 
April as the attainment date. Regardless of the specific day in 
April, the monitoring data from the 2007-2009 period shows 
attainment by April 2010.

VII. Proposed Action

    Pursuant to section 188(b)(2) of the CAA, EPA is proposing to 
determine that the Libby nonattainment area has attained the 1997 
annual PM2.5 NAAQS by the area's attainment date, April 
2010. Separately and independently, EPA is proposing to determine, 
based on the most recent three years of quality-assured and certified 
data meeting the requirements of 40 CFR part 50, Appendix N, that the 
Libby nonattainment area is currently attaining the 1997 annual 
PM2.5 NAAQS. In conjunction with and based upon our proposed 
determination that the Libby nonattainment area has attained and is 
currently attaining the standard, EPA proposes to determine that any 
remaining obligations under subpart 4, part D, title I of the CAA to 
submit the following attainment-related planning requirements are not 
applicable for so long as the area continues to attain the 
PM2.5 standard: An attainment demonstration pursuant to 
section 189(a)(1)(B), the RACM provisions of section 189(a)(1)(C), and 
the RFP provisions of section 189(c). This proposed rulemaking action, 
if finalized, would not constitute a redesignation to attainment under 
CAA section 107(d)(3). These proposed determinations are based upon 
quality-assured and quality certified ambient air monitoring data that 
show the area has monitored attainment of the 1997 annual 
PM2.5 NAAQS for the 2007-2009 and 2012-2014 monitoring 

VIII. Statutory and Executive Orders Review

    This rulemaking action proposes to make determinations of 
attainment based on air quality data, and would, if finalized, result 
in the suspension of certain federal requirements and would not impose 
additional requirements beyond those imposed by state law. For that 
reason, these proposed determinations of attainment:
     Are not a ``significant regulatory action'' subject to 
review by the Office of Management and Budget under Executive Order 
12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993);
     do not impose an information collection burden under the 
provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.);
     are certified as not having a significant economic impact 
on a substantial number of small entities under the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.);
     do not contain any unfunded mandate or significantly or 
uniquely affect small governments, as described in the Unfunded 
Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-4);
     do not have Federalism implications as specified in 
Executive Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999);
     are not an economically significant regulatory action 
based on health or safety risks subject to Executive Order 13045 (62 FR 
19885, April 23, 1997);
     are not a significant regulatory action subject to 
Executive Order 13211 (66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001);
     are not subject to requirements of Section 12(d) of the 
National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 
note) because application of those requirements would be inconsistent 
with the CAA; and
     do not provide EPA with the discretionary authority to 
address, as appropriate, disproportionate human health or environmental 
effects, using practicable and legally permissible methods, under 
Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).

[[Page 19941]]

    In addition, the SIP is not approved to apply on any Indian 
reservation land or in any other area where EPA or an Indian tribe has 
demonstrated that a tribe has jurisdiction. In those areas of Indian 
country, the rule does not have tribal implications and will not impose 
substantial direct costs on tribal governments or preempt tribal law as 
specified by Executive Order 13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9, 2000).

List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52

    Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Incorporation by 
reference, Intergovernmental relations, Particulate matter, Reporting 
and recordkeeping requirements.

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.

    Dated: March 25, 2015.
Shaun L. McGrath,
Regional Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2015-08405 Filed 4-13-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 71 / Tuesday, April 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                           19935

                                                      IV. Statutory and Executive Order                       costs on tribal governments or preempt                 an approved maintenance plan. These
                                                      Reviews                                                 tribal law.                                            proposed actions are being taken under
                                                         Under the Clean Air Act, the                                                                                the CAA.
                                                                                                              List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
                                                      Administrator is required to approve a                                                                         DATES: Written comments must be
                                                                                                                Environmental protection, Air                        received on or before May 14, 2015.
                                                      SIP submission that complies with the
                                                                                                              pollution control, Intergovernmental                   ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
                                                      provisions of the Act and applicable
                                                                                                              relations, Incorporation by reference,                 identified by Docket ID No. EPA–R08–
                                                      Federal regulations. 42 U.S.C. 7410(k);
                                                                                                              Ozone, Particulate matter, Reporting                   OAR–2014–0254, by one of the
                                                      40 CFR 52.02(a). Thus, in reviewing SIP
                                                                                                              and recordkeeping requirements,                        following methods:
                                                      submissions, EPA’s role is to approve
                                                                                                              Volatile organic compounds.                               • http://www.regulations.gov. Follow
                                                      State choices, provided that they meet
                                                      the criteria of the Clean Air Act.                        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.                    the on-line instructions for submitting
                                                      Accordingly, this action merely                           Dated: March 20, 2015.                               comments.
                                                      approves State law as meeting Federal                   Jared Blumenfeld,                                         • Email: ostigaard.crystal@epa.gov.
                                                      requirements and does not impose                        Regional Administrator, Region IX.
                                                                                                                                                                        • Fax: (303) 312–6064 (please alert
                                                      additional requirements beyond those                                                                           the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER
                                                                                                              [FR Doc. 2015–08467 Filed 4–13–15; 8:45 am]
                                                      imposed by State law. For that reason,                                                                         INFORMATION CONTACT if you are faxing
                                                                                                              BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                      this action:                                                                                                   comments).
                                                         • Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory                                                                            • Mail: Carl Daly, Director, Air
                                                      action’’ subject to review by the Office                                                                       Program, U.S. Environmental Protection
                                                                                                              ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                                      of Management and Budget under                                                                                 Agency (EPA), Region 8, Mailcode 8P–
                                                      Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735,                                                                            AR, 1595 Wynkoop Street, Denver,
                                                      October 4, 1993);                                       40 CFR Part 52                                         Colorado 80202–1129.
                                                         • does not impose an information                                                                               • Hand Delivery: Carl Daly, Director,
                                                      collection burden under the provisions                  [EPA–R08–OAR–2014–0254; FRL–9926–00–                   Air Program, U.S. Environmental
                                                                                                              Region 8]                                              Protection Agency (EPA), Region 8,
                                                      of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44
                                                      U.S.C. 3501 et seq.);                                                                                          Mailcode 8P–AR, 1595 Wynkoop Street,
                                                                                                              Determinations of Attainment of the
                                                         • is certified as not having a                       1997 Annual Fine Particulate Matter
                                                                                                                                                                     Denver, Colorado 80202–1129. Such
                                                      significant economic impact on a                                                                               deliveries are only accepted Monday
                                                                                                              Standards for the Libby, Montana
                                                      substantial number of small entities                                                                           through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,
                                                                                                              Nonattainment Area
                                                      under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5                                                                        excluding Federal holidays. Special
                                                      U.S.C. 601 et seq.);                                    AGENCY:  Environmental Protection                      arrangements should be made for
                                                         • does not contain any unfunded                      Agency (EPA).                                          deliveries of boxed information.
                                                      mandate or significantly or uniquely                    ACTION: Proposed rule.                                    Instructions: Direct your comments to
                                                      affect small governments, as described                                                                         Docket ID No. EPA–R08–OAR–2014–
                                                      in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act                     SUMMARY:   The Environmental Protection                0254. EPA’s policy is that all comments
                                                      of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–4);                                Agency (EPA) is proposing to make two                  received will be included in the public
                                                         • does not have Federalism                           separate and independent                               docket without change and may be
                                                      implications as specified in Executive                  determinations regarding the Libby,                    made available online at http://
                                                      Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10,                    Montana nonattainment area for the                     www.regulations.gov, including any
                                                      1999);                                                  1997 annual fine particulate matter                    personal information provided, unless
                                                         • is not an economically significant                 (PM2.5) National Ambient Air Quality                   the comment includes information
                                                      regulatory action based on health or                    Standard (NAAQS). First, EPA is                        claimed to be Confidential Business
                                                      safety risks subject to Executive Order                 proposing to determine that the Libby                  Information (CBI) or other information
                                                      13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997);                    nonattainment area attained the 1997                   whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
                                                         • is not a significant regulatory action             annual PM2.5 NAAQS by the applicable                   Do not submit information that you
                                                      subject to Executive Order 13211 (66 FR                 attainment date, April 2010. This                      consider to be CBI or otherwise
                                                      28355, May 22, 2001);                                   proposed determination is based on                     protected through http://
                                                         • is not subject to requirements of                  quality-assured and certified ambient air              www.regulations.gov or email. The
                                                      Section 12(d) of the National                           quality data for the 2007–2009                         http://www.regulations.gov Web site is
                                                      Technology Transfer and Advancement                     monitoring period. Second, EPA is                      an ‘‘anonymous access’’ system, which
                                                      Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 note) because                proposing that the Libby nonattainment                 means EPA will not know your identity
                                                      application of those requirements would                 area has continued to attain the 1997                  or contact information unless you
                                                      be inconsistent with the Clean Air Act;                 annual PM2.5 NAAQS, based on quality-                  provide it in the body of your comment.
                                                      and                                                     assured and certified ambient air quality              If you send an email comment directly
                                                         • does not provide EPA with the                      data for the 2012–2014 monitoring                      to EPA, without going through http://
                                                      discretionary authority to address                      period. Based on the second                            www.regulations.gov, your email
                                                      disproportionate human health or                        determination, EPA also proposes to                    address will be automatically captured
                                                      environmental effects with practical,                   suspend certain nonattainment area                     and included as part of the comment
                                                      appropriate, and legally permissible                    planning obligations. These                            that is placed in the public docket and
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      methods under Executive Order 12898                     determinations do not constitute a                     made available on the Internet. If you
                                                      (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).                        redesignation to attainment. The Libby                 submit an electronic comment, EPA
                                                         In addition, this proposed action does               nonattainment area will remain                         recommends that you include your
                                                      not have tribal implications as specified               designated nonattainment for the 1997                  name and other contact information in
                                                      by Executive Order 13175 (65 FR 67249,                  annual PM2.5 NAAQS until such time as                  the body of your comment and with any
                                                      November 9, 2000), because the SIP is                   EPA determines that the Libby                          disk or CD–ROM you submit. If EPA
                                                      not approved to apply in Indian country                 nonattainment area meets the Clean Air                 cannot read your comment due to
                                                      located in the State, and EPA notes that                Act (CAA) requirements for                             technical difficulties and cannot contact
                                                      it will not impose substantial direct                   redesignation to attainment, including                 you for clarification, EPA may not be

                                                 VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:05 Apr 13, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00051   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\14APP1.SGM   14APP1

                                                      19936                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 71 / Tuesday, April 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      able to consider your comment.                          information (subject heading, Federal                  designations became effective on April
                                                      Electronic files should avoid the use of                Register date and page number).                        5, 2005. The Libby nonattainment area
                                                      special characters, any form of                            b. Follow directions—The agency may                 is comprised of the City of Libby within
                                                      encryption, and be free of any defects or               ask you to respond to specific questions               Lincoln County. See 40 CFR 81.327.
                                                      viruses. For additional instructions on                 or organize comments by referencing a                     In response, the State of Montana
                                                      submitting comments, go to Section I.                   Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part                 submitted State Implementation Plan
                                                      General Information of the                              or section number.                                     (SIP) revisions on June 26, 2006 and
                                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of                       c. Explain why you agree or disagree;               March 26, 2008 intended to meet
                                                      this document.                                          suggest alternatives and substitute                    planning requirements for the Libby
                                                         Docket: All documents in the docket                  language for your requested changes.                   nonattainment area. In particular, based
                                                      are listed in the http://                                  d. Describe any assumptions and                     on section 172(a)(2)(A) of the CAA and
                                                      www.regulations.gov index. Although                     provide any technical information and/                 the April 5, 2005 effective date of
                                                      listed in the index, some information is                or data that you used.                                 designation as nonattainment, the
                                                      not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other                 e. If you estimate potential costs or               attainment plan identified April 2010 as
                                                      information whose disclosure is                         burdens, explain how you arrived at                    the applicable attainment date.1 The
                                                      restricted by statute. Certain other                    your estimate in sufficient detail to                  state’s attainment plan accordingly
                                                      material, such as copyrighted material,                 allow for it to be reproduced.                         showed attainment by that date.
                                                      will be publicly available only in hard                    f. Provide specific examples to                        On September 14, 2010 (75 FR 55713),
                                                      copy. Publicly available docket                         illustrate your concerns, and suggest                  EPA proposed to approve Montana’s
                                                      materials are available either                          alternatives.                                          attainment plan. EPA proposed this
                                                      electronically in http://                                  g. Explain your views as clearly as                 action in accordance with the ‘‘Final
                                                      www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at                  possible, avoiding the use of profanity                Clean Air Fine Particle Implementation
                                                      the Air Program, U.S. Environmental                     or personal threats.                                   Rule,’’ 72 FR 20586 (Apr. 25, 2007),
                                                      Protection Agency (EPA), Region 8,                         h. Make sure to submit your                         which EPA issued to assist states in
                                                      Mailcode 8P–AR, 1595 Wynkoop Street,                    comments by the comment period                         their development of SIPs to meet the
                                                      Denver, Colorado 80202–1129. EPA                        deadline identified.                                   Act’s attainment planning requirements
                                                      requests that if at all possible, you                                                                          for the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS. We received
                                                                                                              II. Background                                         no adverse comments on our proposal,
                                                      contact the individual listed in the FOR
                                                      FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section to                  A. The PM2.5 NAAQS                                     which we finalized on March 17, 2011
                                                      view the hard copy of the docket. You                                                                          (76 FR 14584).
                                                                                                                 On July 18, 1997 (62 FR 38652), EPA
                                                      may view the hard copy of the docket                    established a health-based PM2.5                       III. Summary of Proposed Action
                                                      Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to                     NAAQS at 15.0 micrograms per cubic                        EPA is proposing two separate and
                                                      4:00 p.m., excluding Federal holidays.                  meter (mg/m3) based on a 3-year average                independent determinations regarding
                                                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        of annual mean PM2.5 concentrations                    the Libby nonattainment area. First,
                                                      Crystal Ostigaard, Air Program, U.S.                    (‘‘the 1997 annual PM2.5 NAAQS’’ or                    pursuant to section 188(b)(2) of the
                                                      Environmental Protection Agency,                        ‘‘the 1997 annual standard’’). At that                 CAA, EPA is proposing to make a
                                                      Region 8, Mailcode 8P–AR, 1595                          time, EPA also established a 24-hour                   determination that the Libby
                                                      Wynkoop Street, Denver, Colorado                        standard of 65 mg/m3 (the ‘‘1997 24-hour               nonattainment area attained the 1997
                                                      80202–1129, (303) 312–6602,                             standard’’). See 40 CFR 50.7. On                       annual PM2.5 NAAQS by the area’s
                                                      ostigaard.crystal@epa.gov.                              October 17, 2006 (71 FR 61144), EPA                    attainment date, April 2010. This
                                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              retained the 1997 annual PM2.5 NAAQS                   proposed determination is based upon
                                                                                                              at 15 mg/m3 based on a 3-year average                  quality-assured and certified ambient air
                                                      I. General Information
                                                                                                              of annual mean PM2.5 concentrations,                   monitoring data for the 2007–2009
                                                        1. Submitting CBI. Do not submit CBI                  and promulgated a 24-hour standard of                  monitoring period that shows the area
                                                      to EPA through http://                                  35 mg/m3 based on a 3-year average of                  has monitored attainment of the 1997
                                                      www.regulations.gov or email. Clearly                   the 98th percentile of 24-hour                         PM2.5 annual NAAQS for that period.
                                                      mark the part or all of the information                 concentrations (the ‘‘2006 24-hour                        EPA is also proposing to make a
                                                      that you claim to be CBI. For CBI                       standard’’).                                           determination that the Libby
                                                      information in a disk or CD ROM that                       On January 15, 2013 (78 FR 3086),                   nonattainment area continues to attain
                                                      you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the                EPA lowered the primary annual PM2.5                   the 1997 annual PM2.5 NAAQS. This
                                                      disk or CD ROM as CBI and then                          NAAQS from 15.0 to 12.0 mg/m3. EPA                     proposed ‘‘clean data’’ determination is
                                                      identify electronically within the disk or              retained the 2006 24-hour PM2.5                        based upon quality-assured and
                                                      CD ROM the specific information that is                 NAAQS, and the 1997 secondary annual                   certified ambient air monitoring data
                                                      claimed as CBI. In addition to one                      PM2.5 NAAQS. EPA also retained the                     that shows the area has monitored
                                                      complete version of the comment that                    existing standards for coarse particulate              attainment of the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS for
                                                      includes information claimed as CBI, a                  pollution (PM10). This rulemaking                      the 2012–2014 monitoring period. If
                                                      copy of the comment that does not                       action proposes determinations solely                  EPA finalizes this determination, any
                                                      contain the information claimed as CBI                  for the 1997 annual PM2.5 standard. It                 remaining requirements for the Libby
                                                      must be submitted for inclusion in the                  does not address the 1997 or 2006 24-
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      public docket. Information so marked                    hour PM2.5 standards or the 2012 PM2.5                    1 Under CAA section 172(a)(2)(A), the attainment

                                                      will not be disclosed except in                         annual NAAQS.                                          date for a nonattainment area is ‘‘the date by which
                                                                                                                                                                     attainment can be achieved as expeditiously as
                                                      accordance with procedures set forth in                                                                        practicable, but no later than five years from the
                                                      40 CFR part 2.                                          B. The Libby Nonattainment Area
                                                                                                                                                                     date such area was designated nonattainment,’’
                                                        2. Tips for Preparing Your Comments.                    On January 5, 2005 (70 FR 944), EPA                  except that EPA may extend the attainment date as
                                                      When submitting comments, remember                      promulgated our air quality                            appropriate ‘‘for a period no greater than 10 years
                                                                                                                                                                     from the date of designation as nonattainment,
                                                      to:                                                     designations for the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS                  considering the severity of nonattainment and the
                                                        a. Identify the rulemaking by docket                  based upon air quality monitoring data                 availability and feasibility of pollution control
                                                      number and other identifying                            for calendar years 2001–2003. These                    measures.’’

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                                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 71 / Tuesday, April 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                  19937

                                                      nonattainment area under subpart 4,                         years, 2012–2014 (which is also quality-               approval of EPA, which may consider
                                                      part D, title I of the CAA regarding an                     assured and certified), shows that the                 factors such as monitoring site closures/
                                                      attainment demonstration, reasonably                        Libby nonattainment area continues to                  moves, monitoring diligence, and
                                                      available control measures (RACM),                          attain the 1997 annual PM2.5 NAAQS.                    nearby concentrations in determining
                                                      reasonable further progress (RFP), and                      The data is summarized in Tables 1 and                 whether to use such data.
                                                      contingency measures related to                             2 below. Additional information on the
                                                                                                                                                                            This proposed determination of
                                                      attainment of the 1997 annual PM2.5                         air quality data found in AQS for the
                                                                                                                                                                         attainment for the Libby nonattainment
                                                      NAAQS shall be suspended for so long                        Libby nonattainment area can be found
                                                                                                                                                                         area is based on EPA’s evaluation of
                                                      as the area continues to attain the                         in the docket for this action.
                                                                                                                     The criteria for determining if an area             quality-controlled, quality-assured, and
                                                                                                                  is attaining the 1997 annual PM2.5                     certified annual PM2.5 air quality data
                                                      IV. EPA’s Analysis of the Relevant Air                      NAAQS are set out in 40 CFR 50.13 and                  for the 2007–2009 and 2012–2014
                                                      Quality Data                                                40 CFR part 50, Appendix N. The 1997                   monitoring periods. There is one PM2.5
                                                        The Montana Department of                                 annual PM2.5 primary and secondary                     monitor in the Libby nonattainment area
                                                      Environmental Quality (MDEQ)                                standards are met when the annual                      (AQS Site ID 30–053–0018). This
                                                      submitted quality-assured air quality                       design value is less than or equal to 15.0             monitor had complete data for all
                                                      monitoring data into the EPA Air                            mg/m3. Three years of valid annual                     quarters in the years 2007 through 2014,
                                                      Quality System (AQS) database for                           means are required to produce a valid                  except for one calendar quarter in
                                                      2007–2009 and subsequently certified                        annual standard design value. A year                   2011.3 The monitoring data and
                                                      that data. EPA’s evaluation of this data                    meets data completeness requirements                   calculated design values for the Libby
                                                      shows that the Libby nonattainment                          when at least 75 percent of the                        nonattainment area are summarized in
                                                      area had attained the 1997 annual PM2.5                     scheduled sampling days for each                       Table 1 for the 2007–2009 monitoring
                                                      NAAQS by April 2010. Additionally,                          quarter have valid data. The use of less               period and in Table 2 for the 2012–2014
                                                      the data set from the three most recent                     than complete data is subject to the                   monitoring period.

                                                                TABLE 1—2007–2009 LIBBY NONATTAINMENT AREA ANNUAL PM2.5 MONITORING DATA AND COMPLETENESS
                                                                                                                    Annual mean                     2007–2009                 Complete quarters                Complete
                                                              Location                  Site ID                                                    Design Value                                                 data?
                                                                                                           2007         2008          2009           (μg/m3)           2007          2008         2009

                                                      City of Libby ..............    30–053–0018          13.0          12.9          10.7               12.2           4             4            4        Yes.

                                                                TABLE 2—2012–2014 LIBBY NONATTAINMENT AREA ANNUAL PM2.5 MONITORING DATA AND COMPLETENESS
                                                                                                                    Annual mean                     2007–2009                 Complete quarters                Complete
                                                              Location                  Site ID                                                    Design Value                                                 data?
                                                                                                           2012         2013          2014           (μg/m3)           2012          2013         2014

                                                      City of Libby ..............    30–053–0018          11.3          10.9           9.3               10.5           4             4            4        Yes.

                                                        Consistent with the requirements                          attainment date for the Libby                          found that EPA erred in implementing
                                                      contained in 40 CFR part 50, EPA has                        nonattainment area. For the 1997 annual                the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS pursuant solely
                                                      reviewed the PM2.5 ambient air                              PM2.5 standard, EPA’s ‘‘Final Clean Air                to the general implementation
                                                      monitoring data for the monitoring                          Fine Particle Implementation Rule,’’ 72                provisions of subpart 1, part D, title I of
                                                      periods 2007–2009 and 2012–2014 for                         FR 20586 (Apr. 25, 2007), embodied                     the CAA, rather than the particulate-
                                                      the Libby nonattainment area, as                            EPA’s ‘‘Clean Data Policy’’                            matter-specific provisions of subpart 4.
                                                      recorded in the AQS database. On the                        interpretation under subpart 1 of Part D               The Court remanded EPA’s
                                                      basis of that review, EPA proposes to                       of Title I of the CAA (subpart 1). As                  Implementation Rule for further
                                                      determine that the Libby nonattainment                      promulgated by the rule, the provisions                proceedings consistent with the Court’s
                                                      area (1) attained the 1997 annual PM2.5                     of 40 CFR 51.004 set forth the effects of              decision.
                                                      NAAQS by the attainment date, based                         a determination of attainment for the                    In light of the Court’s decision and its
                                                      on data for the 2007–2009 monitoring                        1997 PM2.5 standard.                                   remand of the Implementation Rule,
                                                      period, and (2) continued to attain                            On January 4, 2013, in Natural                      EPA finalized the ‘‘Identification of
                                                      during the 2012–2014 monitoring                             Resources Defense Council v. EPA, 706                  Nonattainment Classification and
                                                      period.                                                     F.3d 428 (D.C. Cir. 2013), the D.C.                    Deadlines for Submission of State
                                                                                                                  Circuit remanded to EPA the ‘‘Final                    Implementation Plan (SIP) Provisions
                                                      V. Effect of Proposed Determinations of                     Clean Air Fine Particle Implementation                 for the 1997 Fine Particulate (PM2.5)
                                                      Attainment for 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS                             Rule’’ and the ‘‘Implementation of the                 National Ambient Air Quality Standard
                                                      Under Subpart 4 of Part D of Title I of
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                                  New Source Review (NSR) Program for                    (NAAQS) and 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS’’ on
                                                      the CAA (Subpart 4)                                         Particulate Matter Less than 2.5                       June 2, 2014 (79 FR 31566), (‘‘PM2.5
                                                        This section and section VI of EPA’s                      Micrometers (PM2.5)’’ final rule, 73 FR                Classification and Deadline Rule’’). This
                                                      proposal addresses the effects of a final                   28321 (May 16, 2008) (collectively,                    rulemaking classified the Libby
                                                      clean data determination and a final                        ‘‘1997 PM2.5 Implementation Rule’’ or                  nonattainment area as ‘‘Moderate’’ for
                                                      determination of attainment by the                          ‘‘Implementation Rule’’). The Court                    the 1997 annual PM2.5 NAAQS. Under
                                                         2 Even if these requirements are suspended, EPA          at any time if submitted by the State to EPA for         3 The Libby nonattainment area monitor had less

                                                      is not precluded from acting upon these elements            review and approval.                                   than complete data capture in 2011, due to quality
                                                                                                                                                                         assurance issues.

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                                                      19938                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 71 / Tuesday, April 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      section 188 of the CAA, all areas                       EPA, 375 F. 3d 537 (7th Cir. 2004); Our                then further progress for the purpose of
                                                      designated nonattainment under subpart                  Children’s Earth Foundation v. EPA, No.                ensuring attainment is not necessary.’’
                                                      4 would initially be classified by                      04–73032 (9th Cir. June 28, 2005)                         The general requirements of subpart 1
                                                      operation of law as ‘‘Moderate’’                        (memorandum opinion); Latino Issues                    apply in conjunction with the more
                                                      nonattainment areas, and would remain                   Forum, v. EPA, Nos. 06–75831 and 08–                   specific requirements of subpart 4, to
                                                      Moderate nonattainment areas unless                     71238 (9th Cir. Mar. 2, 2009)                          the extent they are not superseded or
                                                      and until EPA reclassifies the area as a                (memorandum opinion).                                  subsumed by the subpart 4
                                                      ‘‘Serious’’ nonattainment area or                          As noted above, EPA incorporated its                requirements. Subpart 1 contains
                                                      redesignates the area to attainment.                    Clean Data Policy interpretation in both               general air quality planning
                                                      Accordingly, it is appropriate to limit                 its 8-Hour Ozone Implementation Rule                   requirements for areas designated as
                                                      the evaluation of the potential impact of               and in its PM2.5 Implementation Rule.                  nonattainment. See section 172(c).
                                                      subpart 4 requirements to those that                    While the D.C. Circuit, in its January 4,              Subpart 4, itself, contains specific
                                                      would be applicable to Moderate                         2013 decision, remanded the 1997 PM2.5                 planning and scheduling requirements
                                                      nonattainment areas. Sections 189(a)                    Implementation Rule, the Court did not                 for PM10 nonattainment areas, and
                                                      and (c) of subpart 4 apply to Moderate                  address the merits of that portion of the              under the Court’s January 4, 2013
                                                      nonattainment areas and include an                      rule, nor cast doubt on EPA’s existing                 decision in NRDC v. EPA, these same
                                                      attainment demonstration (section                       interpretation of the statutory                        statutory requirements also apply for
                                                      189(a)(1)(B)); provisions for RACM                      provisions.                                            PM2.5 nonattainment areas. EPA has
                                                      (section 189(a)(1)(C)); and quantitative                   However, in light of the Court’s                    longstanding general guidance that
                                                      milestones demonstrating RFP toward                     decision, EPA’s Clean Data Policy                      interprets the 1990 amendments to the
                                                      attainment by the applicable attainment                 interpretation under subpart 4 is set                  CAA, making recommendations to states
                                                      date (section 189(c)).                                  forth here, for the purpose of identifying             for meeting the statutory requirements
                                                         As set forth in more detail below,                   the effects of a determination of                      for SIPs for nonattainment areas. See,
                                                      under EPA’s Clean Data Policy                           attainment for the 1997 annual PM2.5                   ‘‘State Implementation Plans; General
                                                      interpretation, a determination that the                standard for the Libby nonattainment                   Preamble for the Implementation of
                                                      area has attained the standard suspends                 area. EPA has previously articulated its               Title I of the Clean Air Act Amendments
                                                      the state’s obligation to submit                        Clean Data interpretation under subpart                of 1990,’’ 57 FR 13498 (Apr. 16, 1992)
                                                      attainment-related planning                             4 in implementing the PM10 standard.                   (the ‘‘General Preamble’’). In the General
                                                      requirements of subpart 4 (and the                      See, e.g., 75 FR 27944 (May 19, 2010)                  Preamble, EPA discussed the
                                                      applicable provisions of subpart 1) for                 (determination of attainment of the                    relationship of subpart 1 and subpart 4
                                                      so long as the area continues to attain                 PM10 standard in Coso Junction,                        SIP requirements, and pointed out that
                                                      the standard. These include                             California); 71 FR 6352 (Feb. 8, 2006)                 subpart 1 requirements were to an
                                                                                                              (Ajo, Arizona Area); 71 FR 13021 (Mar.                 extent ‘‘subsumed by, or integrally
                                                      requirements to submit an attainment
                                                                                                              14, 2006) (Yuma, Arizona Area); 71 FR                  related to, the more specific PM10
                                                      demonstration, RFP, RACM, and
                                                                                                              40023 (July 14, 2006) (Weirton, West                   requirements.’’ Id. at 13538. These
                                                      contingency measures, because the
                                                                                                              Virginia Area); 71 FR 44920 (Aug. 8,                   subpart 1 requirements include, among
                                                      purpose of these provisions is to help
                                                                                                              2006) (Rillito, Arizona Area); 71 FR                   other things, provisions for attainment
                                                      reach attainment, a goal which has
                                                                                                              63642 (Oct. 30, 2006) (San Joaquin                     demonstrations, RACM, RFP, emissions
                                                      already been achieved.
                                                                                                              Valley, California Area); 72 FR 14422                  inventories, and contingency measures.
                                                      A. Background on Clean Data Policy                      (Mar. 28, 2007) (Miami, Arizona Area);                    EPA has long interpreted the
                                                         Over the past two decades, EPA has                   75 FR 27944 (May 19, 2010) (Coso                       provisions of subpart 1 (section 171 and
                                                      consistently applied its Clean Data                     Junction, California Area). Thus, EPA                  172) as not requiring the submission of
                                                                                                              has repeatedly established that, under                 RFP for an area already attaining the
                                                      Policy interpretation to attainment-
                                                                                                              subpart 4, an attainment determination                 ozone NAAQS. For an area that is
                                                      related provisions of subparts 1, 2, and
                                                                                                              suspends the obligations to submit an                  attaining, showing that the state will
                                                      4. The Clean Data Policy is the subject
                                                                                                              attainment demonstration, RACM, RFP,                   make RFP towards attainment ‘‘will,
                                                      of several EPA memoranda and
                                                                                                              contingency measures, and other                        therefore, have no meaning at that
                                                      regulations. In addition, numerous
                                                                                                              measures related to attainment.                        point.’’ General Preamble, 57 FR 13564.
                                                      individual rulemakings published in the
                                                      Federal Register have applied the                       B. Application of the Clean Data Policy                See also 71 FR 40952 (July 19, 2006) and
                                                      interpretation to a spectrum of NAAQS,                  to Attainment-Related Provisions of                    71 FR 63642 (October 30, 2006)
                                                      including the 1-hour and 1997 ozone,                    Subpart 4                                              (proposed and final determination of
                                                      PM10, PM2.5, carbon monoxide (CO) and                                                                          attainment for San Joaquin Valley); 75
                                                                                                                 In EPA’s proposed and final                         FR 13710 (March 23, 2010) and 75 FR
                                                      lead (Pb) standards. The D.C. Circuit has               rulemaking actions determining that the
                                                      upheld the Clean Data Policy                                                                                   27944 (May 19, 2010) (proposed and
                                                                                                              San Joaquin Valley nonattainment area                  final determination of attainment for
                                                      interpretation as embodied in EPA’s                     attained the PM10 standard, EPA set
                                                      1997 8-Hour Ozone Implementation                                                                               Coso Junction).
                                                                                                              forth at length its rationale for applying                Section 189(c)(1) of subpart 4 states
                                                      Rule, 40 CFR 51.918.4 NRDC v. EPA, 571                  the Clean Data Policy to PM10 under
                                                      F. 3d 1245 (D.C. Cir. 2009). Other U.S.                                                                        that:
                                                                                                              subpart 4. The Ninth Circuit upheld
                                                      Circuit Courts of Appeals that have                     EPA’s final rulemaking, and specifically               Plan revisions demonstrating attainment
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                                                      considered and reviewed EPA’s Clean                                                                            submitted to the Administrator for approval
                                                                                                              EPA’s Clean Data Policy, in the context                under this subpart shall contain quantitative
                                                      Data Policy interpretation have upheld                  of subpart 4. Latino Issues Forum v.                   milestones which are to be achieved every 3
                                                      it and the rulemakings applying EPA’s                   EPA, Nos. 06–75831 and 08–71238 (9th                   years until the area is redesignated
                                                      interpretation. Sierra Club v. EPA, 99 F.               Cir. Mar. 2, 2009) (memorandum                         attainment and which demonstrate
                                                      3d 1551 (10th Cir. 1996); Sierra Club v.                opinion). In rejecting the petitioner’s                reasonable further progress, as defined in
                                                                                                              challenge to the Clean Data Policy under               section [section 171(1)] of this title, toward
                                                        4 ‘‘EPA’s Final Rule to implement the 8-Hour
                                                                                                              subpart 4 for PM10, the Ninth Circuit                  attainment by the applicable date.
                                                      Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard-
                                                      Phase 2 (Phase 2 Final Rule)’’ (70 FR 71612, 71645–     stated, ‘‘As the EPA explained, if an area               With respect to RFP, section 171(1)
                                                      46; November 29, 2005).                                 is in compliance with PM10 standards,                  states that, for purposes of part D, RFP

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                                                      ‘‘means such annual incremental                           longer apply so long as an area has                   attainment would be needed by areas
                                                      reductions in emissions of the relevant                   attained the standard. Section 189(c)(2)              seeking redesignation to attainment
                                                      air pollutant as are required by this part                provides in relevant part that:                       since ‘‘attainment will have been
                                                      or may reasonably be required by the                      Not later than 90 days after the date on which        reached.’’ 57 FR 13564.
                                                      Administrator for the purpose of                          a milestone applicable to the area occurs,               Other SIP submission requirements
                                                      ensuring attainment of the applicable                     each State in which all or part of such area          are linked with these attainment
                                                      NAAQS by the applicable date.’’ Thus,                     is located shall submit to the Administrator          demonstration and RFP requirements,
                                                      whether dealing with the general RFP                      a demonstration . . . that the milestone has          and similar reasoning applies to them.
                                                      requirement of section 172(c)(2), the                     been met.                                             These requirements include the
                                                      ozone-specific RFP requirements of                           Where the area has attained the                    contingency measure requirements of
                                                      sections 182(b) and (c), or the specific                  standard and there are no further                     sections 172(c)(9). EPA has interpreted
                                                      RFP requirements for PM10 areas of                        milestones, there is no further                       the contingency measure requirements
                                                      section 189(c)(1), the stated purpose of                  requirement to make a submission                      of sections 172(c)(9) 6 as no longer
                                                      RFP is to ensure attainment by the                        showing that such milestones have been                applying when an area has attained the
                                                      applicable attainment date.                               met. This is consistent with the position             standard because those ‘‘contingency
                                                         Although section 189(c) states that                    that EPA took with respect to the                     measures are directed at ensuring RFP
                                                      revisions shall contain milestones                        general RFP requirement of section                    and attainment by the applicable date.’’
                                                      which are to be achieved until the area                   172(c)(2) in the April 16, 1992 General               57 FR 13564; 1995 Seitz memorandum,
                                                      is redesignated to attainment, such                       Preamble and also in the May 10, 1995                 pp. 5–6.
                                                      milestones are designed to show RFP                       EPA memorandum from John S. Seitz,                      Section 172(c)(9) provides that SIPs in
                                                      ‘‘toward attainment by the applicable                     ‘‘Reasonable Further Progress,                        nonattainment areas:
                                                      attainment date,’’ as defined by section                  Attainment Demonstrations, and                        . . . shall provide for the implementation of
                                                      171. Thus, it is clear that once the area                 Related Requirements for the Ozone                    specific measures to be undertaken if the area
                                                      has attained the standard, no further                     Nonattainment Areas Meeting the                       fails to make reasonable further progress, or
                                                      milestones are necessary or meaningful.                   Ozone National Ambient Air Quality                    to attain the [NAAQS] by the attainment date
                                                      This interpretation is supported by                       Standard,’’ (the ‘‘1995 Seitz                         applicable under this part. Such measures
                                                      language in section 189(c)(3), which                                                                            shall be included in the plan revision as
                                                                                                                memorandum’’) with respect to the                     contingency measures to take effect in any
                                                      mandates that a state that fails to                       requirements of section 182(b) and (c).               such case without further action by the State
                                                      achieve a milestone must submit a plan                    In the 1995 Seitz memorandum, EPA                     or [EPA].
                                                      that assures that the state will achieve                  also noted that section 182(g), the
                                                      the milestone or attain the NAAQS if                      milestone requirement of subpart 2,                      The contingency measure requirement
                                                      there is no next milestone. Section                       which is analogous to provisions in                   is inextricably tied to the RFP and
                                                      189(c)(3) assumes that the requirement                    section 189(c), is suspended upon a                   attainment demonstration requirements.
                                                      to submit and achieve milestones does                     determination that an area has attained.              Contingency measures are implemented
                                                      not continue after attainment of the                      The memorandum, also citing                           if RFP targets are not achieved, or if
                                                      NAAQS.                                                    additional provisions related to                      attainment is not realized by the
                                                         In the General Preamble, EPA noted                     attainment demonstration and RFP                      attainment date. Where an area has
                                                      with respect to section 189(c) that the                   requirements, stated:                                 already achieved attainment by the
                                                      purpose of the milestone requirement                                                                            attainment date, it has no need to rely
                                                                                                                Inasmuch as each of these requirements is             on contingency measures to come into
                                                      ‘‘is to ‘provide for emission reductions                  linked with the attainment demonstration or
                                                      adequate to achieve the standards by the                  RFP requirements of section 182(b)(1) or
                                                                                                                                                                      attainment or to make further progress
                                                      applicable attainment date’ (H.R. Rep.                    182(c)(2), if an area is not subject to the           to attainment. As EPA stated in the
                                                      No. 490 101st Cong., 2d Sess. 267                         requirement to submit the underlying                  General Preamble: ‘‘The section
                                                      (1990)).’’ 57 FR 13539. If an area has in                 attainment demonstration or RFP plan, it              172(c)(9) requirements for contingency
                                                      fact attained the standard, the stated                    need not submit the related SIP submission            measures are directed at ensuring RFP
                                                      purpose of the RFP requirement will                       either. See, 1995 Seitz memorandum at page            and attainment by the applicable date.’’
                                                      have already been fulfilled.5                             5.                                                    See 57 FR 13564. Thus these
                                                         Similarly, the requirements of section                    With respect to the attainment                     requirements no longer apply when an
                                                      189(c)(2) with respect to milestones no                   demonstration requirements of section                 area has attained the standard.
                                                                                                                172(c) and section 189(a)(1)(B), an                      Both sections 172(c)(1) and
                                                         5 Thus, EPA believes that it is a distinction
                                                                                                                analogous rationale leads to the same                 189(a)(1)(C) require ‘‘provisions to
                                                      without a difference that section 189(c)(1) speaks of     result. Section 189(a)(1)(B) requires that            assure that reasonably available control
                                                      the RFP requirement as one to be achieved until an
                                                      area is ‘‘redesignated attainment,’’ as opposed to        the plan provide for ‘‘a demonstration                measures’’ (i.e., RACM) are
                                                      section 172(c)(2), which is silent on the period to       (including air quality modeling) that the             implemented in a nonattainment area.
                                                      which the requirement pertains, or the ozone              [SIP] will provide for attainment by the              The General Preamble, (57 FR 13560;
                                                      nonattainment area RFP requirements in sections           applicable attainment date . . .’’ As                 April 16, 1992), states that EPA
                                                      182(b)(1) or 182(c)(2), which refer to the RFP
                                                      requirements as applying until the ‘‘attainment           with the RFP requirements, if an area is              interprets section 172(c)(1) so that
                                                      date,’’ since section 189(c)(1) defines RFP by            already monitoring attainment of the                  RACM requirements are a ‘‘component’’
                                                      reference to section 171(1) of the CAA. The               standard, EPA believes there is no need               of an area’s attainment demonstration.
                                                      reference to section 171(1) clarifies that, as with the
                                                                                                                for an area to make a further submission              Thus, for the same reason the
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      general RFP requirements in section 172(c)(2) and
                                                      the ozone-specific requirements of section 182(b)(1)      containing additional measures to                     attainment demonstration no longer
                                                      and 182(c)(2), the PM-specific requirements may           achieve attainment. This is also                      applies by its own terms, the
                                                      only be required ‘‘for the purpose of ensuring            consistent with the interpretation of the             requirement for RACM no longer
                                                      attainment of the applicable national ambient air
                                                      quality standard by the applicable date.’’ 42 U.S.C.      section 172(c) requirements provided by               applies. EPA has consistently
                                                      7501(1). As discussed in the text of this rulemaking,     EPA in the General Preamble, and the                  interpreted this provision to require
                                                      EPA interprets the RFP requirements, in light of the      section 182(b) and (c) requirements set               only implementation of potential RACM
                                                      definition of RFP in section 171(1), and
                                                      incorporated in section 189(c)(1), to be a
                                                                                                                forth in the 1995 Seitz memorandum.                   measures that could contribute to RFP
                                                      requirement that no longer applies once the               As EPA stated in the General Preamble,
                                                      standard has been attained.                               no other measures to provide for                       6 And   section 182(c)(9) for ozone.

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                                                      19940                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 71 / Tuesday, April 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      or to attainment. General Preamble, 57                  VI. Determination of Attainment by the                  An attainment demonstration pursuant
                                                      FR 13498. Thus, where an area is                        Attainment Date                                         to section 189(a)(1)(B), the RACM
                                                      already attaining the standard, no                         As discussed in the Background                       provisions of section 189(a)(1)(C), and
                                                      additional RACM measures are                            section, on March 17, 2011 EPA                          the RFP provisions of section 189(c).
                                                      required.7 EPA is interpreting section                  approved April 2010 as the applicable                   This proposed rulemaking action, if
                                                      189(a)(1)(C) consistent with its                        attainment date for the Libby                           finalized, would not constitute a
                                                      interpretation of section 172(c)(1).                    nonattainment area.8 Consistent with                    redesignation to attainment under CAA
                                                                                                              the D.C. Circuit’s 2013 decision and its                section 107(d)(3). These proposed
                                                         The suspension of the obligations to                                                                         determinations are based upon quality-
                                                      submit SIP revisions concerning these                   remand of the Implementation Rule, on
                                                                                                              June 2, 2014 (79 FR 31566), EPA                         assured and quality certified ambient air
                                                      RFP, attainment demonstration, RACM,                                                                            monitoring data that show the area has
                                                      contingency measure and other related                   published a final rule classifying all
                                                                                                              areas currently designated                              monitored attainment of the 1997
                                                      requirements exists only for as long as                                                                         annual PM2.5 NAAQS for the 2007–2009
                                                                                                              nonattainment for the 1997 and/or 2006
                                                      the area continues to monitor                                                                                   and 2012–2014 monitoring periods.
                                                                                                              PM2.5 standards as Moderate under
                                                      attainment of the standard. If EPA                      subpart 4. EPA also established a
                                                      determines, after notice-and-comment                                                                            VIII. Statutory and Executive Orders
                                                                                                              deadline of December 31, 2014 for states                Review
                                                      rulemaking, that the area has monitored                 to submit attainment-related and
                                                      a violation of the NAAQS, the basis for                 nonattainment new source review SIP                        This rulemaking action proposes to
                                                      the requirements being suspended                        elements required for these areas under                 make determinations of attainment
                                                      would no longer exist. In that case, the                subpart 4. This rulemaking did not                      based on air quality data, and would, if
                                                      area would again be subject to a                        affect any action that EPA had                          finalized, result in the suspension of
                                                      requirement to submit the pertinent SIP                 previously taken under section 110(k) of                certain federal requirements and would
                                                      revision or revisions and would need to                 the Act on a SIP for a PM2.5                            not impose additional requirements
                                                      address those requirements. Thus, a                     nonattainment area. Accordingly, EPA’s                  beyond those imposed by state law. For
                                                      final determination that the area need                  March 17, 2011 approval of the April                    that reason, these proposed
                                                      not submit one of the pertinent SIP                     2010 attainment date for the Libby                      determinations of attainment:
                                                                                                                                                                         • Are not a ‘‘significant regulatory
                                                      submittals amounts to no more than a                    nonattainment area remains in effect.
                                                                                                                                                                      action’’ subject to review by the Office
                                                      suspension of the requirements for so                   Based on monitoring data from 2007–
                                                                                                                                                                      of Management and Budget under
                                                      long as the area continues to attain the                2009, EPA is proposing to determine
                                                                                                                                                                      Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735,
                                                      standard. Only if and when EPA                          that the Libby nonattainment area
                                                                                                                                                                      October 4, 1993);
                                                      redesignates the area to attainment                     attained the 1997 annual PM2.5 NAAQS                       • do not impose an information
                                                      would the area be relieved of these                     by that attainment date. If we finalize                 collection burden under the provisions
                                                      submission obligations. Attainment                      this proposal, this will discharge EPA’s                of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44
                                                      determinations under the Clean Data                     obligation under CAA section 188(b)(2)                  U.S.C. 3501 et seq.);
                                                      Policy do not shield an area from                       to determine whether the area attained                     • are certified as not having a
                                                      obligations unrelated to attainment in                  the standard by the applicable                          significant economic impact on a
                                                      the area, such as provisions to address                 attainment date.                                        substantial number of small entities
                                                      pollution transport.                                    VII. Proposed Action                                    under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5
                                                         As set forth previously, based on our                   Pursuant to section 188(b)(2) of the                 U.S.C. 601 et seq.);
                                                                                                                                                                         • do not contain any unfunded
                                                      proposed determination that the Libby                   CAA, EPA is proposing to determine
                                                                                                                                                                      mandate or significantly or uniquely
                                                      nonattainment area is currently                         that the Libby nonattainment area has
                                                                                                                                                                      affect small governments, as described
                                                      attaining the 1997 annual PM2.5                         attained the 1997 annual PM2.5 NAAQS
                                                                                                                                                                      in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
                                                      NAAQS, EPA proposes to find that any                    by the area’s attainment date, April
                                                                                                                                                                      of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–4);
                                                      remaining obligations under subpart 4                   2010. Separately and independently,                        • do not have Federalism
                                                      to submit planning provisions to meet                   EPA is proposing to determine, based on                 implications as specified in Executive
                                                      the requirements for an attainment                      the most recent three years of quality-                 Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10,
                                                      demonstration, RFP plans, RACM, and                     assured and certified data meeting the                  1999);
                                                      contingency measures are suspended for                  requirements of 40 CFR part 50,                            • are not an economically significant
                                                      so long as the area continues to monitor                Appendix N, that the Libby                              regulatory action based on health or
                                                      attainment of the 1997 annual PM2.5                     nonattainment area is currently                         safety risks subject to Executive Order
                                                                                                              attaining the 1997 annual PM2.5                         13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997);
                                                      NAAQS. If in the future, EPA
                                                                                                              NAAQS. In conjunction with and based                       • are not a significant regulatory
                                                      determines after notice-and-comment
                                                                                                              upon our proposed determination that                    action subject to Executive Order 13211
                                                      rulemaking that the area again violates                 the Libby nonattainment area has
                                                      the 1997 annual PM2.5 NAAQS, the                                                                                (66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001);
                                                      basis for suspending the attainment
                                                                                                              attained and is currently attaining the                    • are not subject to requirements of
                                                                                                              standard, EPA proposes to determine                     Section 12(d) of the National
                                                      demonstration, RFP, RACM, and                           that any remaining obligations under                    Technology Transfer and Advancement
                                                      contingency measure obligations would                   subpart 4, part D, title I of the CAA to                Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 note) because
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      no longer exist.                                        submit the following attainment-related                 application of those requirements would
                                                                                                              planning requirements are not                           be inconsistent with the CAA; and
                                                        7 EPA’s interpretation that the statute requires      applicable for so long as the area                         • do not provide EPA with the
                                                      implementation only of RACM measures that would         continues to attain the PM2.5 standard:                 discretionary authority to address, as
                                                      advance attainment was upheld by the United
                                                                                                                                                                      appropriate, disproportionate human
                                                      States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, Sierra      8 EPA’s approval did not specifically identify the
                                                      Club v. EPA, 314 F.3d 735, 743–745 (5th Cir. 2002),
                                                                                                                                                                      health or environmental effects, using
                                                                                                              fifth of April as the attainment date. Regardless of
                                                      and the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C.     the specific day in April, the monitoring data from
                                                                                                                                                                      practicable and legally permissible
                                                      Circuit, Sierra Club v. EPA, 294 F.3d 155, 162–163      the 2007–2009 period shows attainment by April          methods, under Executive Order 12898
                                                      (D.C. Cir. 2002).                                       2010.                                                   (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 71 / Tuesday, April 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                          19941

                                                         In addition, the SIP is not approved                 available for viewing and copying in                   opportunity to comment simultaneously
                                                      to apply on any Indian reservation land                 Room CY–B402, 445 12th Street SW.,                     on the revisions to the proposed critical
                                                      or in any other area where EPA or an                    Washington, DC or may be accessed                      habitat designation described in this
                                                      Indian tribe has demonstrated that a                    online via the Commission’s Electronic                 document, the associated draft
                                                      tribe has jurisdiction. In those areas of               Comment Filing System at http://                       economic analysis and draft
                                                      Indian country, the rule does not have                  apps.fcc.gov/ecfs/. The Commission will                environmental assessment, and the
                                                      tribal implications and will not impose                 not send a copy of this Notice pursuant                amended required determinations
                                                      substantial direct costs on tribal                      to the Congressional Review Act, 5                     section. Comments previously
                                                      governments or preempt tribal law as                    U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A) because this notice                submitted need not be resubmitted, as
                                                      specified by Executive Order 13175 (65                  does not have an impact on any rules of                they will be fully considered in
                                                      FR 67249, November 9, 2000).                            particular applicability.                              preparation of the final rule.
                                                                                                                Subject: Modernization of the Schools                DATES: We will consider comments
                                                      List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
                                                                                                              and Libraries ‘‘E-Rate’’ Program,                      received or postmarked on or before
                                                        Environmental protection, Air                         published at 80 FR 5961, February 4,                   May 14, 2015. Comments submitted
                                                      pollution control, Incorporation by                     2015, in WC Docket Nos. 13–184 and                     electronically using the Federal
                                                      reference, Intergovernmental relations,                 10–90, and published pursuant to 47                    eRulemaking Portal (see ADDRESSES
                                                      Particulate matter, Reporting and                       CFR 1.429(e). See also § 1.4(b)(1) of the              section, below) must be received by
                                                      recordkeeping requirements.                             Commission’s rules.                                    11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the closing
                                                         Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.                      Number of Petitions Filed: 4.                        date. Any comments that we receive
                                                        Dated: March 25, 2015.                                Federal Communications Commission.                     after the closing date may not be
                                                      Shaun L. McGrath,
                                                                                                                                                                     considered in the final decision on this
                                                                                                              Marlene H. Dortch,
                                                      Regional Administrator.                                 Secretary.
                                                      [FR Doc. 2015–08405 Filed 4–13–15; 8:45 am]             [FR Doc. 2015–08510 Filed 4–13–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                                                                       Document availability: You may
                                                      BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                  BILLING CODE 6712–01–P
                                                                                                                                                                     obtain copies of the proposed rule, the
                                                                                                                                                                     draft economic analysis, and the draft
                                                                                                                                                                     environmental assessment on the
                                                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS                                  DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                             Internet at http://www.regulations.gov at
                                                      COMMISSION                                                                                                     Docket No. FWS–R2–ES–2013–0002 or
                                                                                                              Fish and Wildlife Service                              by mail from the New Mexico Ecological
                                                      47 CFR Part 54
                                                                                                                                                                     Services Field Office (see FOR FURTHER
                                                      [WC Docket Nos. 13–184 and 10–90; Report                50 CFR Part 17                                         INFORMATION CONTACT).
                                                      No. 3017]                                               [Docket No. FWS–R2–ES–2013–0002;                          Written comments: You may submit
                                                                                                              4500030113]                                            written comments by one of the
                                                      Petitions for Reconsideration of Action                                                                        following methods:
                                                      in Rulemaking Proceeding                                RIN 1018–AZ23                                             (1) Electronically: Go to the Federal
                                                      AGENCY:  Federal Communications                                                                                eRulemaking Portal: http://
                                                                                                              Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
                                                      Commission.                                                                                                    www.regulations.gov. Submit comments
                                                                                                              and Plants; Designation of Critical
                                                                                                                                                                     on the critical habitat proposal, draft
                                                      ACTION: Petition for reconsideration.                   Habitat for the Zuni Bluehead Sucker
                                                                                                                                                                     economic analysis, and draft
                                                      SUMMARY:   Petitions for Reconsideration                AGENCY:   Fish and Wildlife Service,                   environmental assessment by searching
                                                      (Petitions) have been filed in the                      Interior.                                              for Docket No. FWS–R2–ES–2013–0002,
                                                      Commission’s Rulemaking proceeding                      ACTION: Proposed rule; reopening of                    which is the docket for this rulemaking.
                                                      by Charles F. Hobbs, on behalf of                       comment period.                                           (2) By hard copy: Submit comments
                                                      AdTec, Inc.; Jennifer Hightower, et al.,                                                                       on the critical habitat proposal, draft
                                                      on behalf of Cox Communications, Inc.;                  SUMMARY:   We, the U.S. Fish and                       economic analysis, and draft
                                                      Kathleen O’Brien Ham, et al., on behalf                 Wildlife Service (Service), announce the               environmental assessment by U.S. mail
                                                      of T-Mobile USA, Inc.; and Derrick B.                   reopening of the public comment period                 or hand-delivery to: Public Comments
                                                      Owens, et al., on behalf of WTA—                        on the January 25, 2013, proposed                      Processing, Attn: FWS–R2–ES–2013–
                                                      Advocates for Rural Broadband, et al.                   designation of critical habitat for the                0002; Division of Policy, Performance,
                                                                                                              Zuni bluehead sucker (Catostomus                       and Management Programs; U.S. Fish
                                                      DATES: Oppositions to the Petitions
                                                                                                              discobolus yarrowi) under the                          and Wildlife Service; 5275 Leesburg
                                                      must be filed on or before April 29,
                                                                                                              Endangered Species Act of 1973, as                     Pike MS: BPHC, Falls Church, VA
                                                      2015. Replies to an opposition must be
                                                                                                              amended (Act). We also announce the                    22041–3803.
                                                      filed on or before May 11, 2015.                                                                                  We request that you send comments
                                                                                                              availability of the draft economic
                                                      ADDRESSES: Federal Communications                                                                              only by the methods described above.
                                                                                                              analysis, draft environmental
                                                      Commission, 445 12th Street SW.,                        assessment, and amended required                       We will post all comments on http://
                                                      Washington, DC 20554.                                   determinations of the proposed                         www.regulations.gov. This generally
                                                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        designation. In addition, we are                       means that we will post any personal
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      Bryan P. Boyle, Telecommunications                      proposing revisions to the proposed                    information you provide us (see the
                                                      Access Policy Division, Wireline                        critical habitat boundaries that would                 Public Comments section, below, for
                                                      Competition Bureau, (202) 418–7924,                     decrease our total proposed critical                   more information).
                                                      email: Bryan.Boyle@fcc.gov, TTY (202)                   habitat designation for the Zuni                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                      418–0484.                                               bluehead sucker from approximately                     Wally ‘‘J’’ Murphy, Field Supervisor,
                                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a                    475.3 kilometers (291.3 miles) to                      U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, New
                                                      summary of Commission’s document,                       approximately 228.4 kilometers (141.9                  Mexico Ecological Services Field Office,
                                                      Report No. 3017, released April 8, 2015.                miles). We are reopening the comment                   2105 Osuna NE., Albuquerque, NM
                                                      The full text of Report No. 3017 is                     period to allow all interested parties an              87113; by telephone 505–346–2525; or

                                                 VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:05 Apr 13, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00057   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\14APP1.SGM   14APP1

Document Created: 2015-12-18 11:10:31
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 11:10:31
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule.
DatesWritten comments must be received on or before May 14, 2015.
ContactCrystal Ostigaard, Air Program, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8, Mailcode 8P-AR, 1595 Wynkoop Street, Denver, Colorado 80202-1129, (303) 312-6602, [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 19935 
CFR AssociatedEnvironmental Protection; Air Pollution Control; Incorporation by Reference; Intergovernmental Relations; Particulate Matter and Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements

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