80_FR_24311 80 FR 24228 - National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: Statement of Reasons for Not Conducting Rulemaking Proceedings

80 FR 24228 - National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: Statement of Reasons for Not Conducting Rulemaking Proceedings


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 83 (April 30, 2015)

Page Range24228-24229
FR Document2015-10110

In accordance with section 2114(c)(2)(B) of the Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C. 300aa-14(c)(2)(B), notice is hereby given concerning the reasons for not conducting rulemaking proceedings to add diabetes mellitus as an injury associated with the measles-mumps- rubella vaccine to the Vaccine Injury Table.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 83 (Thursday, April 30, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 83 (Thursday, April 30, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 24228-24229]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-10110]



42 CFR Part 100

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: Statement of 
Reasons for Not Conducting Rulemaking Proceedings

AGENCY: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Department 
of Health and Human Services (HHS).

ACTION: Denial of petition for rulemaking.


SUMMARY: In accordance with section 2114(c)(2)(B) of the Public Health 
Service Act, 42 U.S.C. 300aa-14(c)(2)(B), notice is hereby given 
concerning the reasons for not conducting rulemaking proceedings to add 
diabetes mellitus as an injury associated with the measles-mumps-
rubella vaccine to the Vaccine Injury Table.

DATES: Written comments are not being solicited.

Division of Injury Compensation Programs, Healthcare Systems Bureau, 
HRSA, Parklawn Building, Room 11C-06, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, 
Maryland 20857, or by telephone at (301) 443-6593.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 
1986, Title III of Public Law 99-660 (42 U.S.C. 300 aa-10 et seq.) 
established the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) for 
persons found to be injured by vaccines. Under this federal program, 
petitions for compensation are filed with the United States Court of 
Federal Claims (Court). The Court, acting through special masters, 
makes findings as to eligibility for, and amount of, compensation. In 
order to gain entitlement to compensation under the VICP for a covered 
vaccine, a petitioner must establish a vaccine-related injury or death, 
either by proving that the first symptom of an injury/condition, as 
defined by the Qualifications and Aids to Interpretation, occurred 
within the time period listed on the Vaccine Injury Table (Table), and, 
therefore, is presumed to be caused by a vaccine (unless another cause 
is found), or by proof of vaccine causation, if the injury/condition is 
not on the Table or did not occur within the time period specified on 
the Table.
    The statute authorizing the VICP provides for the inclusion of 
additional vaccines in the VICP when they are recommended by the 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for routine 
administration to children. See section 2114(e)(2) of the PHS Act, 42 
U.S.C. 300aa-14(e)(2). Consistent with section 13632(a)(3) of Public 
Law 103-66, the regulations governing the VICP provide that such 
vaccines will be included in the Table as of the effective date of an 
excise tax to provide funds for the payment of compensation with 
respect to such vaccines. 42 CFR 100.3(c)(8). The statute authorizing 
the VICP also authorizes the Secretary to create and modify a list of 
injuries, disabilities, illnesses, conditions, and deaths (and their 
associated time frames) associated with each category of vaccines 
included on the Table. See sections 2114(c) and 2114(e)(2) of the PHS 
Act, 42 U.S.C. 300aa-14(c) and 300aa-14(e)(2). Finally, section 
2114(c)(2) of the PHS Act, 42 U.S.C. 300aa-14(c)(2), provides that:

``[a]ny person (including the Advisory Commission on Childhood 
Vaccines) [the Commission] may petition the Secretary to propose 
regulations to amend the Vaccine Injury Table. Unless clearly 
frivolous, or initiated by the Commission, any such petition shall 
be referred to the Commission for its recommendations. Following--

    (A) receipt of any recommendation of the Commission, or

[[Page 24229]]

    (B) 180 days after the date of the referral to the Commission,
    [w]hichever occurs first, the Secretary shall conduct a 
rulemaking proceeding on the matters proposed in the petition or 
publish in the Federal Register a statement of reasons for not 
conducting such proceeding.''

    On April 9, 2014, a private citizen submitted an email inquiry to 
the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding the VICP. 
This email asked why the condition of diabetes mellitus (DM) is not a 
listed injury on the Vaccine Injury Table (Table) in association with 
the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccination, explaining that it 
is identified by the manufacturer as a possible adverse result of the 
MMR vaccine. The email also asked whether the Secretary would consider 
amending the Table to add DM as an injury for MMR vaccines. As such, 
the email was considered to be a petition to the Secretary to propose 
regulations to amend the Table to add the injury of DM for the category 
of MMR vaccines. Accordingly, pursuant to the VICP statute, the 
petition was referred to the Commission on June 5, 2014. The Commission 
voted unanimously to recommend that the Secretary not proceed with 
rulemaking to amend the Table as requested in the petition.
    DM is a chronic disease in which there is a high level of sugar in 
the blood. There are two types: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 Diabetes is 
one of the most common chronic diseases in childhood. It is caused by 
insulin deficiency following destruction of the insulin producing 
pancreatic beta cells, resulting in absolute insulin deficiency. Type 2 
Diabetes is characterized by hyperglycemia and insulin resistance and 
relative impairment in insulin secretion. Through the years, there have 
been many studies evaluating the risk of Type 1 Diabetes after MMR 
vaccination. However, HRSA's search of published literature did not 
reveal any studies discussing a causal relationship between Type 2 
Diabetes and the MMR vaccine. The Secretary notes that vaccine package 
inserts list adverse events reported to vaccine manufacturers during 
clinical trials even though they may not have been shown to have been 
caused by the vaccines.
    In 2008, the Secretary contracted with the Institute of Medicine 
(IOM) to review the epidemiological, clinical, and biological evidence 
regarding adverse health events associated with specific vaccines 
covered by the VICP.\1\ The IOM committee reviewed the relevant studies 
through 2011 and concluded that ``[t]he evidence favors rejection of a 
causal relationship between MMR vaccine and Type 1 Diabetes.'' 
Specifically, the epidemiologic studies consistently reported a null 
association, or no association between the MMR vaccine and Type 1 
Diabetes. The IOM committee concluded that the mechanistic evidence 
regarding an association between MMR vaccine and Type 1 Diabetes was 

    \1\ IOM, Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality 
(Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2012):204-211.

    In 2012, the Cochrane Collaboration reviewed and assessed studies 
in the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials.\2\ The specific 
conclusion was that MMR vaccine was unlikely associated with Type 1 
Diabetes. A recent study by Duderstadt et al. (2012) \3\ was not 
reviewed by the IOM Committee and the Cochrane Collaboration. This was 
a retrospective cohort study among U.S. military personnel, which 
evaluated whether vaccination increased the risk of Type 1 Diabetes. 
The result was that there was no increased risk of diagnosed Type 1 
Diabetes after administration of any studied vaccines, including the 
MMR vaccine. Current scientific literature consistently shows that 
there is no causal association between MMR vaccination and Type 1 
Diabetes. As noted above, the VICP's search of published literature did 
not reveal any studies discussing a causal relationship between Type 2 
Diabetes and the MMR vaccine.

    \2\ Demicheli, V., A. Rivetti, et al. ``Vaccines for Measles, 
Mumps and Rubella in Children.'' Cochrane Database System Rev 2: 
CD004407 (2012): 19.
    \3\ Duderstadt, S., C. Rose Jr., T. Real, J. Sabatier, B. 
Stewart, G. Ma, U. Yerubandi, A. Eick, J. Tokars, M. McNeil. 
``Vaccination and Risk of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Active 
Component U.S. Military, 2002-2008. Vaccine 30:813-819, (2012).

    In light of the literature discussed above, I have determined that 
there is no reliable scientific evidence of a causal association 
between MMR vaccine and DM. Therefore, I will not amend the Table to 
add DM as an injury associated with the MMR vaccine.

    Dated: April 23, 2015.
Sylvia M. Burwell,
[FR Doc. 2015-10110 Filed 4-29-15; 8:45 am]

                                                 24228                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 83 / Thursday, April 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                                because the Agency views this as a                     Maryland 20857, or by telephone at
                                                 AGENCY                                                  noncontroversial submittal and                         (301) 443–6593.
                                                                                                         anticipates no adverse comments. A                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:       The
                                                 40 CFR Part 62                                          detailed rationale for the approval is set             National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act
                                                 [EPA–R06–OAR–2013–0763; FRL–9927–01-                    forth in the direct final rule. If no                  of 1986, Title III of Public Law 99–660
                                                 Region 6]                                               relevant adverse comments are received                 (42 U.S.C. 300 aa–10 et seq.) established
                                                                                                         in response to this action, no further                 the National Vaccine Injury
                                                 Approval and Promulgation of State                      activity is contemplated. If EPA receives              Compensation Program (VICP) for
                                                 Plans for Designated Facilities and                     relevant adverse comments, the direct                  persons found to be injured by vaccines.
                                                 Pollutants; Texas, Oklahoma,                            final rule will be withdrawn and all                   Under this federal program, petitions for
                                                 Arkansas, New Mexico, and the City of                   public comments received will be                       compensation are filed with the United
                                                 Albuquerque, New Mexico; Control of                     addressed in a subsequent final rule                   States Court of Federal Claims (Court).
                                                 Emissions From Existing Sewage                          based on this proposed rule. The EPA                   The Court, acting through special
                                                 Sludge Incinerator Units                                will not institute a second comment                    masters, makes findings as to eligibility
                                                                                                         period. Any parties interested in                      for, and amount of, compensation. In
                                                 AGENCY:  Environmental Protection                       commenting on this action should do so
                                                 Agency (EPA).                                                                                                  order to gain entitlement to
                                                                                                         at this time. Please note that if EPA                  compensation under the VICP for a
                                                 ACTION: Proposed rule.                                  receives relevant adverse comment on                   covered vaccine, a petitioner must
                                                 SUMMARY:   The Environmental Protection                 an amendment, paragraph, or section of                 establish a vaccine-related injury or
                                                 Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve                    this rule and if that provision may be                 death, either by proving that the first
                                                 Clean Air Act (CAA) section 111(d)/129                  severed from the remainder of the rule,                symptom of an injury/condition, as
                                                 negative declarations for the States of                 EPA may adopt as final those provisions                defined by the Qualifications and Aids
                                                 Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, New                          of the rule that are not the subject of an             to Interpretation, occurred within the
                                                 Mexico, and the City of Albuquerque,                    adverse comment.                                       time period listed on the Vaccine Injury
                                                                                                            For additional information, see the
                                                 New Mexico, for existing sewage sludge                                                                         Table (Table), and, therefore, is
                                                                                                         direct final rule, which is located in the
                                                 incinerator (SSI) units. These negative                                                                        presumed to be caused by a vaccine
                                                                                                         rules section of this Federal Register.
                                                 declarations certify that existing SSI                                                                         (unless another cause is found), or by
                                                 units subject to the requirements of                      Dated: April 16, 2015.                               proof of vaccine causation, if the injury/
                                                 sections 111(d) and 129 of the CAA do                   Ron Curry,                                             condition is not on the Table or did not
                                                 not exist within the jurisdictions of                   Regional Administrator, Region 6.                      occur within the time period specified
                                                 Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and New                      [FR Doc. 2015–10041 Filed 4–29–15; 8:45 am]            on the Table.
                                                 Mexico (including the City of                           BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                    The statute authorizing the VICP
                                                 Albuquerque).                                                                                                  provides for the inclusion of additional
                                                 DATES:  Written comments must be                                                                               vaccines in the VICP when they are
                                                 received on or before June 1, 2015.                     DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                               recommended by the Centers for Disease
                                                 ADDRESSES: Comments may be mailed to                    HUMAN SERVICES                                         Control and Prevention (CDC) for
                                                 Mr. Guy Donaldson, Chief, Air Planning                                                                         routine administration to children. See
                                                 Section (6PD–L), Environmental                          42 CFR Part 100                                        section 2114(e)(2) of the PHS Act, 42
                                                 Protection Agency, 1445 Ross Avenue,                                                                           U.S.C. 300aa–14(e)(2). Consistent with
                                                                                                         National Vaccine Injury Compensation                   section 13632(a)(3) of Public Law 103–
                                                 Suite 1200, Dallas, Texas 75202–2733.                   Program: Statement of Reasons for
                                                 Comments may also be submitted                                                                                 66, the regulations governing the VICP
                                                                                                         Not Conducting Rulemaking                              provide that such vaccines will be
                                                 electronically or through hand delivery/                Proceedings
                                                 courier by following the detailed                                                                              included in the Table as of the effective
                                                 instructions in the ADDRESSES section of                AGENCY: Health Resources and Services                  date of an excise tax to provide funds
                                                 the direct final rule located in the rules              Administration (HRSA), Department of                   for the payment of compensation with
                                                 section of this Federal Register.                       Health and Human Services (HHS).                       respect to such vaccines. 42 CFR
                                                                                                         ACTION: Denial of petition for
                                                                                                                                                                100.3(c)(8). The statute authorizing the
                                                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.
                                                                                                         rulemaking.                                            VICP also authorizes the Secretary to
                                                 Kenneth Boyce, (214) 665–7259,
                                                                                                                                                                create and modify a list of injuries,
                                                                                                         SUMMARY:   In accordance with section                  disabilities, illnesses, conditions, and
                                                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In the
                                                                                                         2114(c)(2)(B) of the Public Health                     deaths (and their associated time
                                                 final rules section of this Federal                                                                            frames) associated with each category of
                                                                                                         Service Act, 42 U.S.C. 300aa–
                                                 Register, EPA is approving the negative                                                                        vaccines included on the Table. See
                                                                                                         14(c)(2)(B), notice is hereby given
                                                 declarations submitted by the Texas                                                                            sections 2114(c) and 2114(e)(2) of the
                                                                                                         concerning the reasons for not
                                                 Commission on Environmental Quality                                                                            PHS Act, 42 U.S.C. 300aa–14(c) and
                                                                                                         conducting rulemaking proceedings to
                                                 (TCEQ), the Oklahoma Department of                                                                             300aa–14(e)(2). Finally, section
                                                                                                         add diabetes mellitus as an injury
                                                 Environmental Quality (ODEQ), the                                                                              2114(c)(2) of the PHS Act, 42 U.S.C.
                                                                                                         associated with the measles-mumps-
                                                 Arkansas Department of Environmental                                                                           300aa–14(c)(2), provides that:
                                                                                                         rubella vaccine to the Vaccine Injury
                                                 Quality (ADEQ), New Mexico
                                                                                                         Table.                                                 ‘‘[a]ny person (including the Advisory
                                                 Environment Department (NMED) and

                                                 the City of Albuquerque, New Mexico,                    DATES:  Written comments are not being                 Commission on Childhood Vaccines) [the
                                                                                                         solicited.                                             Commission] may petition the Secretary to
                                                 certifying that there are no existing                                                                          propose regulations to amend the Vaccine
                                                 sewage sludge incinerator (SSI) units                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                       Injury Table. Unless clearly frivolous, or
                                                 within their respective jurisdictions.                  Avril M. Houston, MD, MPH, Director,                   initiated by the Commission, any such
                                                 These negative declarations meet the                    Division of Injury Compensation                        petition shall be referred to the Commission
                                                 requirements of 40 CFR 62.06. EPA is                    Programs, Healthcare Systems Bureau,                   for its recommendations. Following—
                                                 approving the negative declaration as a                 HRSA, Parklawn Building, Room 11C–                        (A) receipt of any recommendation of the
                                                 direct final rule without prior proposal                06, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville,                      Commission, or

                                            VerDate Sep<11>2014   14:35 Apr 29, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00004   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\30APP1.SGM   30APP1

                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 83 / Thursday, April 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                     24229

                                                   (B) 180 days after the date of the referral           and relative impairment in insulin                     that MMR vaccine was unlikely
                                                 to the Commission,                                      secretion. Through the years, there have               associated with Type 1 Diabetes. A
                                                   [w]hichever occurs first, the Secretary shall         been many studies evaluating the risk of               recent study by Duderstadt et al. (2012) 3
                                                 conduct a rulemaking proceeding on the
                                                 matters proposed in the petition or publish
                                                                                                         Type 1 Diabetes after MMR vaccination.                 was not reviewed by the IOM
                                                 in the Federal Register a statement of reasons          However, HRSA’s search of published                    Committee and the Cochrane
                                                 for not conducting such proceeding.’’                   literature did not reveal any studies                  Collaboration. This was a retrospective
                                                                                                         discussing a causal relationship                       cohort study among U.S. military
                                                   On April 9, 2014, a private citizen
                                                                                                         between Type 2 Diabetes and the MMR                    personnel, which evaluated whether
                                                 submitted an email inquiry to the
                                                                                                         vaccine. The Secretary notes that                      vaccination increased the risk of Type 1
                                                 Secretary of Health and Human Services
                                                                                                         vaccine package inserts list adverse                   Diabetes. The result was that there was
                                                 (HHS) regarding the VICP. This email
                                                                                                         events reported to vaccine                             no increased risk of diagnosed Type 1
                                                 asked why the condition of diabetes
                                                                                                         manufacturers during clinical trials                   Diabetes after administration of any
                                                 mellitus (DM) is not a listed injury on
                                                 the Vaccine Injury Table (Table) in                     even though they may not have been
                                                                                                                                                                studied vaccines, including the MMR
                                                 association with the measles, mumps,                    shown to have been caused by the
                                                                                                                                                                vaccine. Current scientific literature
                                                 and rubella (MMR) vaccination,                          vaccines.
                                                                                                            In 2008, the Secretary contracted with              consistently shows that there is no
                                                 explaining that it is identified by the                                                                        causal association between MMR
                                                                                                         the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to
                                                 manufacturer as a possible adverse                                                                             vaccination and Type 1 Diabetes. As
                                                                                                         review the epidemiological, clinical,
                                                 result of the MMR vaccine. The email                                                                           noted above, the VICP’s search of
                                                                                                         and biological evidence regarding
                                                 also asked whether the Secretary would                                                                         published literature did not reveal any
                                                 consider amending the Table to add DM                   adverse health events associated with
                                                                                                         specific vaccines covered by the VICP.1                studies discussing a causal relationship
                                                 as an injury for MMR vaccines. As such,                                                                        between Type 2 Diabetes and the MMR
                                                 the email was considered to be a                        The IOM committee reviewed the
                                                                                                         relevant studies through 2011 and                      vaccine.
                                                 petition to the Secretary to propose
                                                 regulations to amend the Table to add                   concluded that ‘‘[t]he evidence favors                   In light of the literature discussed
                                                 the injury of DM for the category of                    rejection of a causal relationship                     above, I have determined that there is
                                                 MMR vaccines. Accordingly, pursuant                     between MMR vaccine and Type 1                         no reliable scientific evidence of a
                                                 to the VICP statute, the petition was                   Diabetes.’’ Specifically, the                          causal association between MMR
                                                 referred to the Commission on June 5,                   epidemiologic studies consistently                     vaccine and DM. Therefore, I will not
                                                 2014. The Commission voted                              reported a null association, or no                     amend the Table to add DM as an injury
                                                 unanimously to recommend that the                       association between the MMR vaccine
                                                                                                                                                                associated with the MMR vaccine.
                                                 Secretary not proceed with rulemaking                   and Type 1 Diabetes. The IOM
                                                                                                         committee concluded that the                             Dated: April 23, 2015.
                                                 to amend the Table as requested in the
                                                 petition.                                               mechanistic evidence regarding an                      Sylvia M. Burwell,
                                                   DM is a chronic disease in which                      association between MMR vaccine and                    Secretary.
                                                 there is a high level of sugar in the                   Type 1 Diabetes was lacking.                           [FR Doc. 2015–10110 Filed 4–29–15; 8:45 am]
                                                 blood. There are two types: Type 1 and                     In 2012, the Cochrane Collaboration
                                                                                                                                                                BILLING CODE 4165–15–P
                                                 Type 2. Type 1 Diabetes is one of the                   reviewed and assessed studies in the
                                                 most common chronic diseases in                         Cochrane Central Register of Controlled
                                                 childhood. It is caused by insulin                      Trials.2 The specific conclusion was                   Cochrane Database System Rev 2: CD004407 (2012):
                                                 deficiency following destruction of the                                                                        19.
                                                                                                           1 IOM, Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and
                                                 insulin producing pancreatic beta cells,                                                                         3 Duderstadt, S., C. Rose Jr., T. Real, J. Sabatier,
                                                                                                         Causality (Washington, DC: The National                B. Stewart, G. Ma, U. Yerubandi, A. Eick, J. Tokars,
                                                 resulting in absolute insulin deficiency.               Academies Press, 2012):204–211.
                                                 Type 2 Diabetes is characterized by                       2 Demicheli, V., A. Rivetti, et al. ‘‘Vaccines for
                                                                                                                                                                M. McNeil. ‘‘Vaccination and Risk of Type 1
                                                                                                                                                                Diabetes Mellitus in Active Component U.S.
                                                 hyperglycemia and insulin resistance                    Measles, Mumps and Rubella in Children.’’
                                                                                                                                                                Military, 2002–2008. Vaccine 30:813–819, (2012).

                                            VerDate Sep<11>2014   14:35 Apr 29, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00005   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 9990   E:\FR\FM\30APP1.SGM   30APP1

Document Created: 2018-02-21 10:14:59
Document Modified: 2018-02-21 10:14:59
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionDenial of petition for rulemaking.
DatesWritten comments are not being solicited.
ContactAvril M. Houston, MD, MPH, Director, Division of Injury Compensation Programs, Healthcare Systems Bureau, HRSA, Parklawn Building, Room 11C-06, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20857, or by telephone at (301) 443-6593.
FR Citation80 FR 24228 

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