80_FR_30806 80 FR 30703 - Notice of Availability of the Rocky Mountain Region Greater Sage-Grouse Proposed Land Use Plan Amendments and Final Environmental Impact Statements for the Wyoming, Northwest Colorado, Lewistown, and North Dakota Sub-Regions.

80 FR 30703 - Notice of Availability of the Rocky Mountain Region Greater Sage-Grouse Proposed Land Use Plan Amendments and Final Environmental Impact Statements for the Wyoming, Northwest Colorado, Lewistown, and North Dakota Sub-Regions.

Bureau of Land Management

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 103 (May 29, 2015)

Page Range30703-30705
FR Document2015-12950

In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), as amended, the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA), as amended, and the Resources Planning Act of 1974, as amended by the National Forest Management Act of 1976 (NFMA), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Forest Service have prepared Proposed Land Use Plan Amendments (LUPA) and Final Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) for planning units in Wyoming, Lewistown (Montana), Northwest Colorado, and North Dakota. There are four separate Final EISs being conducted in the Rocky Mountain Region and this notice announces the availability of all four.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 103 (Friday, May 29, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 103 (Friday, May 29, 2015)]
[Pages 30703-30705]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-12950]



Bureau of Land Management

[LLWO2100000 L11100000.DQ0000.LXSISGST0000]

Notice of Availability of the Rocky Mountain Region Greater Sage-
Grouse Proposed Land Use Plan Amendments and Final Environmental Impact 
Statements for the Wyoming, Northwest Colorado, Lewistown, and North 
Dakota Sub-Regions.

AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Interior.

ACTION: Notice of availibility.


SUMMARY: In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 
1969 (NEPA), as amended, the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 
1976 (FLPMA), as amended, and the Resources Planning Act of 1974, as 
amended by the National Forest Management Act of 1976 (NFMA), the 
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Forest Service have prepared 
Proposed Land Use Plan Amendments (LUPA) and Final Environmental Impact 
Statements (EISs) for planning units in Wyoming, Lewistown (Montana), 
Northwest Colorado, and North Dakota. There are four separate Final 
EISs being conducted in the Rocky Mountain Region and this notice 
announces the availability of all four.

DATES: BLM planning regulations state that any person who meets the 
conditions as described in the regulations may protest the BLM's and 
Forest Service's Proposed LUP/Final EIS. A person who meets the 
conditions and files a protest must file the protest within 30 days of 
the date that the Environmental Protection Agency publishes its Notice 
of Availability in the Federal Register. In accordance with 36 CFR 
219.59, the Forest Service will waive its objection procedures of this 
subpart and instead adopt the BLM's protest procedures outlined in 43 
CFR 1610.5-2.

ADDRESSES: Copies of the Wyoming, Lewistown, Northwest Colorado, and 
North Dakota Greater Sage-Grouse Proposed LUPAs/Final EISs have been 
sent to affected Federal, State and local government agencies, tribal 
governments, and to other stakeholders and members of the public who 
have requested copies. Copies of the Proposed LUPAs/Final EISs are 
available for public inspection at the addresses listed in the 
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section. Interested persons may also review 
the Proposed LUPAs/Final EISs on the Internet at http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/prog/more/sagegrouse.html.
    All protests must be in writing and mailed to one of the following 

Regular Mail: BLM Director (210), Attention: Protest Coordinator, P.O. 
Box 71383, Washington, DC 20024-1383.
Overnight Delivery: BLM Director (210), Attention: Protest Coordinator, 
20 M Street SE., Room 2134LM, Washington, DC 20003.

    For the Wyoming Greater Sage-Grouse Proposed LUPA/Final EIS: 
William West, BLM Planning and Environmental Coordinator, telephone 
307-352-0259; address Rock Springs Field Office, 280 Highway 191 North, 
Rock Springs, Wyoming 82901; email wwest@blm.gov.
    For the Northwest Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Proposed LUPA/Final 
EIS: Erin Jones, BLM Northwest District NEPA Coordinator, telephone 
970-244-3008; address Northwest District Office, 2815 H Road, Grand 
Junction, CO, 81506; email erjones@blm.gov.
    For the Lewistown Greater Sage-Grouse Proposed LUPA/Final EIS: Adam 
Carr, BLM Project Lead, telephone 406-538-1913; address Lewistown Field 
Office, 920 Northeast Main, Lewistown, MT 59457; email acarr@blm.gov.
    For the North Dakota Greater Sage-Grouse Proposed LUPA/Final EIS: 
Ruth Miller, BLM Team Lead, telephone 406- 896-5023; address Montana/
Dakotas State Office, 5001 Southgate Drive, Billings, MT, 5910; email 
    Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may 
call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339 to 
contact the above individuals during normal business hours. The FIRS is 
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to leave a message or question 
with the above individual. You will receive a reply during normal 
business hours.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The BLM and Forest Service prepared the 
Wyoming and Northwest Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse LUPAs and EISs. The 
Lewistown and North Dakota EISs were prepared solely by the BLM because 
there were no National Forest System lands involved. All four of these 
Proposed LUPAs/Final EISs address a range of alternatives focused on 
specific conservation measures across the range of the Greater Sage-
Grouse (GRSG). All four of these EISs are part of a total of 15 
separate EISs that make up the BLM and Forest Service National Greater 
Sage-Grouse Planning Strategy. These four EISs will amend the following 
BLM Resource Management Plans (RMPs) and Forest Service Land and 
Resource Management Plans (LRMP) in the Rocky Mountain Region:


 Casper RMP (2007)
 Kemmerer RMP (2010)
 Newcastle RMP (2000)
 Pinedale RMP (2008)
 Rawlins RMP (2008)
 Green River RMP (1997) (being revised under the Rock Springs 
 Bridger-Teton National Forest, LRMP (1990)
 Medicine Bow National Forest, LRMP (2003)
 Thunder Basin National Grassland, LRMP (2002)

[[Page 30704]]

Northwest Colorado

 Glenwood Springs RMP (1984)
 Grand Junction RMP (1987)
 Kremmling RMP (1984)
 Little Snake RMP (2011)
 White River RMP (1997)
 Routt National Forest, LRMP (1997)

Lewistown (Montana)

 Judith RMP (1994)
 Headwaters RMP (1984)

North Dakota

 North Dakota RMP (1988)

    Management decisions made as a result of these Proposed LUPAs/Final 
EISs will apply only to BLM-administered and National Forest System 
lands in the planning area. The planning areas for all four EISs 
includes approximately 56.3 million acres of BLM, National Park 
Service, Forest Service, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, State, local, and 
private lands located in 17 Wyoming counties (Albany, Campbell, Carbon, 
Converse, Crook, Fremont, Goshen, Laramie, Lincoln, Natrona, Niobrara, 
Platte, Sublette, Sweetwater, Teton, Uinta, and Weston), 10 Colorado 
counties (Eagle, Garfield, Grand, Jackson, Larimer, Mesa, Moffat, Rio 
Blanco, Routt, and Summit), five Montana counties (Petroleum, Fergus, 
Judith Basin, Chouteau, and Meagher), and three North Dakota counties 
(Bowman, Slope, and Golden Valley). The decision area for these 
Proposed LUP Amendments/Final EISs is defined as those BLM-admistered 
and National Forest System lands and Federal mineral estate within the 
following habitat management categories:
     Priority Habitat Management Area (PHMA)--Areas identified 
as having the highest conservation value for maintaining sustainable 
GRSG populations; includes breeding, late brood-rearing, and winter 
concentration areas.
     Linkage Habitat (applicable to Northwest Colorado only)--
Areas identified as broader regions of connectivity important to 
facilitate the movement of GRSG and maintain ecological processes.
     General Habitat Management Area (GHMA)--Areas of seasonal 
or year-round GRSG habitat outside of PHMAs.
    The Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare the Wyoming, Northwest 
Colorado, Lewistown, and North Dakota Greater Sage-Grouse LUPAs/EISs 
was published in the Federal Register on December 9, 2011. The Wyoming 
Draft LUPA/EIS was released to the public on December 27, 2013; the 
Northwest Colorado Draft LUPA/EIS was released to the public on August 
16, 2013; the Lewistown Draft LUPA/Draft EIS was released to the public 
on November 8, 2013; and the North Dakota Draft LUPA/EIS was released 
to the public on September 27, 2013.
    Comments on the Draft LUP Amendments/EISs received from the public 
and internal BLM and Forest Service review were considered and 
incorporated, as appropriate, into the Proposed Plan.
    The alternatives presented in Proposed LUPAs/Final EISs are 
described below:
     Alternative A would retain the current management goals, 
objectives and direction specified in the existing BLM RMPs and the 
Forest Service LRMPs.
     Alternative B is based on the conservation measures 
developed by the National Technical Team (NTT) planning effort in 
Washington Office Instructional Memorandum (IM) Number 2012-044. As 
directed in the IM, the conservation measures developed by the NTT must 
be considered and analyzed, as appropriate, through the land use 
planning process and NEPA by all BLM state and field offices that 
contain occupied GRSG habitat. Most management actions included in 
Alternative B would be applied to PHMAs.
     Alternative C is based on a citizen groups' recommended 
alternative. This alternative emphasizes improvement and protection of 
habitat for GRSG and is applied to all occupied GRSG habitat. 
Alternative C would limit commodity development in areas of occupied 
GRSG habitat, and would close or designate portions of the planning 
area to some land uses.
     Alternative D, which was identified as the Preferred 
Alternative in the Draft EIS, balances opportunities to use and develop 
the planning area and ensures protection of GRSG habitat based on 
scoping comments and input from Cooperating Agencies involved in the 
alternatives development process. Protective measures would be applied 
to GRSG habitat.
     The Proposed LUPA incorporates guidance from specific 
State Conservation strategies, as well as additional management based 
on the NTT recommendations. This alternative emphasizes management of 
GRSG seasonal habitats and maintaining habitat connectivity to support 
population objectives. For the Wyoming Proposed LUPA, this guidance is 
consistent with guidelines provided in the Governor's Sage-Grouse 
Implementation Team's Core Population Area strategy and the Governor's 
Executive Order (WY E.O. 2011-05).
    The BLM and Forest Service received approximately 3,500 substantive 
comments, contained in 39,000 submissions during the Draft EISs' 
comment periods. Based on comments received during the NEPA process, 
the following topics were frequently identified:
     General (Process/Policy);
     Lands and Realty;
     Livestock Grazing;
     Minerals and Energy;
     Special Management Area Designations;
     Special Status Species (Including GRSG);
     Travel and Access Management;
     Wildland Fire Management;
     Wildlife and Fisheries.
    For the Wyoming GRSG Proposed LUPA/Final EIS, the BLM and Forest 
Service conducted six public meetings on the Draft EIS. These meetings 
were held in Casper, Douglas, Laramie, Pinedale, Rawlins and Rock 
Springs, Wyoming during February 2014. For the Northwest Colorado GRSP 
Proposed LUPA/Final EIS, the BLM and Forest Service conducted four 
public meetings on the Draft EIS. These meetings were held in Walden, 
Lakewood, Silt, and Craig, Colorado during October 2013. For the 
Lewistown GRSG Proposed LUPA/Final EIS, the BLM conducted two public 
meetings on the Draft EIS. These meetings were held in Lewistown and 
Winnett, Montana during December 2013. For the North Dakota GRSG 
Proposed LUPA/Final EIS, the BLM conducted one public meeting in 
Bowman, North Dakota on October 22, 2013. Comments on the Draft LUPAs/
Draft EISs received from the public and internal BLM and Forest Service 
review were carefully considered and incorporated as appropriate into 
the proposed LUPAs/Final EISs. The BLM and Forest Service, via the 
Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) Management 
Zone Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Team, will develop a Regional 
Mitigation Strategy to guide the application of the mitigation 
hierarchy to address impacts within that Zone. The Regional Mitigation 
Strategy should consider any State-level GRSG mitigation guidance that 
is consistent with the requirements. The Regional Mitigation Strategy 
will be developed in a transparent manner, based on the best science 
available and standardized metrics.

[[Page 30705]]

    Copies of the Wyoming Greater Sage-Grouse Proposed LUPA/Final EIS 
are available for public inspection at:

 BLM Wyoming State Office, 5353 Yellowstone Road, Cheyenne, 
Wyoming 82009
 BLM Casper Field Office, 2987 Prospector Drive, Casper, 
Wyoming 82604
 BLM Kemmerer Field Office, 312 Highway 189 North, Kemmerer, 
Wyoming 83101
 BLM Newcastle Field Office, 1101 Washington Boulevard, 
Newcastle, Wyoming 82701
 BLM Pinedale Field Office, 1625 West Pine Street, Pinedale, 
Wyoming 82941
 BLM Rawlins Field Office, 1300 North Third, Rawlins, Wyoming 
 BLM Rock Springs Field Office, 280 Highway 191 North, Rock 
Springs, Wyoming 82901
 Bridger-Teton National Forest, 340 North Cache, Jackson, 
Wyoming 83001
 Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests and Thunder Basin National 
Grassland, 2468 Jackson Street, Laramie, Wyoming 82070

    Copies of the Northwest Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Proposed LUPA/
Final EIS are available for public inspection at:

 BLM Northwest District Office, 2815 H Road, Grand Junction, 
Colorado, 81506
 BLM Colorado State Office, 2850 Youngfield Street, Lakewood, 
Colorado, 80215
 Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests and Thunder Basin National 
Grassland, 2468 Jackson Street, Laramie, Wyoming 82070

    Copies of the Lewistown Greater Sage-Grouse Proposed LUPA/Final EIS 
are available for public inspection at:

 BLM Montana/Dakotas State Office, 5001 Southgate Drive, 
Billings, Montana, 59101
 BLM Lewistown Field Office, 920 Northeast Main, Lewistown, 
Montana 59457

    Copies of the North Dakota Greater Sage-Grouse Proposed LUPA/Final 
EIS are available for public inspection at:

 BLM Montana/Dakotas State Office, 5001 Southgate Drive, 
Billings, Montana, 59101
 BLM North Dakota Field Office, 99 23rd Avenue East, Suite A, 
Dickinson, North Dakota, 58601

    Instructions for filing a protest with the Director of the BLM 
regarding the Proposed LUPAs/Final EISs may be found in the ``Dear 
Reader'' Letter of the Proposed LUPAs/Final EISs and at 43 CFR 1610.5-
2. All protests must be in writing and mailed to the appropriate 
address, as set forth in the ADDRESSES section above. Emailed protests 
will not be accepted as valid protests unless the protesting party also 
provides the original letter by either regular mail or overnight 
delivery postmarked by the close of the protest period. Under these 
conditions, the BLM and Forest Service will consider an emailed protest 
as an advance copy and it will receive full consideration. If you wish 
to provide the BLM and Forest Service with such advance notifications, 
please direct emails to protest@blm.gov.
    Before including your address, phone number, email address, or 
other personal identifying information in your protest, you should be 
aware that your entire protest--including your personal identifying 
information--may be made publicly available at any time. While you may 
ask us in your protest to withhold your personal identifying 
information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be 
able to do so.

Amy Lueders,
Acting Assistant Director, Renewable Resources & Planning.

    Authority: 36 CFR 219.59, 40 CFR 1506.6, 40 CFR 1506.10, 43 CFR 
1610.2; 43 CFR 1610.5

[FR Doc. 2015-12950 Filed 5-28-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 103 / Friday, May 29, 2015 / Notices                                           30703

                                             Ohio                                                    1969 (NEPA), as amended, the Federal                  Highway 191 North, Rock Springs,
                                             Glenn Research Center-                                  Land Policy and Management Act of                     Wyoming 82901; email wwest@blm.gov.
                                             Plumbrook Station: Parcel #63                           1976 (FLPMA), as amended, and the                        For the Northwest Colorado Greater
                                             6100 Columbus Ave.                                      Resources Planning Act of 1974, as                    Sage-Grouse Proposed LUPA/Final EIS:
                                             Sandusky OH 44870                                       amended by the National Forest                        Erin Jones, BLM Northwest District
                                             Landholding Agency: GSA                                 Management Act of 1976 (NFMA), the                    NEPA Coordinator, telephone 970–244–
                                             Property Number: 54201440012                                                                                  3008; address Northwest District Office,
                                             Status: Excess
                                                                                                     Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and
                                             GSA Number: 1–Z–OH–0598–5–AE                            U.S. Forest Service have prepared                     2815 H Road, Grand Junction, CO,
                                             Directions: Landholding Agency: NASA;                   Proposed Land Use Plan Amendments                     81506; email erjones@blm.gov.
                                               Disposal Agency: GSA                                  (LUPA) and Final Environmental Impact                    For the Lewistown Greater Sage-
                                             Comments: 11.5 acres; contamination;                    Statements (EISs) for planning units in               Grouse Proposed LUPA/Final EIS:
                                               various illegally dumped solid waste items            Wyoming, Lewistown (Montana),                         Adam Carr, BLM Project Lead,
                                               (e.g., lead acid batteries, oil filters &             Northwest Colorado, and North Dakota.                 telephone 406–538–1913; address
                                               containers, & gas cylinders); contact GSA             There are four separate Final EISs being              Lewistown Field Office, 920 Northeast
                                               for more information                                                                                        Main, Lewistown, MT 59457; email
                                                                                                     conducted in the Rocky Mountain
                                             South Carolina                                          Region and this notice announces the                  acarr@blm.gov.
                                             Marine Corps Reserve Training Center                    availability of all four.                                For the North Dakota Greater Sage-
                                             2517 Vector Ave.                                                                                              Grouse Proposed LUPA/Final EIS: Ruth
                                                                                                     DATES: BLM planning regulations state
                                             Goose Creek SC 29406                                                                                          Miller, BLM Team Lead, telephone 406–
                                             Landholding Agency: GSA                                 that any person who meets the
                                                                                                                                                           896–5023; address Montana/Dakotas
                                             Property Number: 54201410009                            conditions as described in the
                                                                                                                                                           State Office, 5001 Southgate Drive,
                                             Status: Excess                                          regulations may protest the BLM’s and
                                                                                                                                                           Billings, MT, 5910; email ramiller@
                                             GSA Number: 4–N–SC–0630–AA                              Forest Service’s Proposed LUP/Final
                                             Directions: Landholding Agency: Navy;                                                                         blm.gov.
                                                                                                     EIS. A person who meets the conditions
                                               Disposal Agency: GSA                                                                                           Persons who use a
                                                                                                     and files a protest must file the protest
                                             Comments: 5.59 acres; contact GSA for more                                                                    telecommunications device for the deaf
                                                                                                     within 30 days of the date that the
                                               information                                                                                                 (TDD) may call the Federal Information
                                                                                                     Environmental Protection Agency
                                             Former FAA Outer Marker                                                                                       Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339
                                                                                                     publishes its Notice of Availability in
                                             Facility—Greer                                                                                                to contact the above individuals during
                                                                                                     the Federal Register. In accordance with
                                             Brookfield Parkway                                                                                            normal business hours. The FIRS is
                                             Greer SC 29651                                          36 CFR 219.59, the Forest Service will
                                                                                                                                                           available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
                                             Landholding Agency: GSA                                 waive its objection procedures of this
                                                                                                                                                           to leave a message or question with the
                                             Property Number: 54201410011                            subpart and instead adopt the BLM’s
                                                                                                                                                           above individual. You will receive a
                                             Status: Excess                                          protest procedures outlined in 43 CFR
                                                                                                                                                           reply during normal business hours.
                                             GSA Number: 1–U–SC–0631                                 1610.5–2.
                                             Comments: 0.99 acres; contact GSA for more                                                                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The BLM
                                                                                                     ADDRESSES: Copies of the Wyoming,                     and Forest Service prepared the
                                                                                                     Lewistown, Northwest Colorado, and                    Wyoming and Northwest Colorado
                                             Washington                                              North Dakota Greater Sage-Grouse                      Greater Sage-Grouse LUPAs and EISs.
                                             FAS Fleet Motor Pool Parcel C                           Proposed LUPAs/Final EISs have been
                                             920 Northgate Drive
                                                                                                                                                           The Lewistown and North Dakota EISs
                                                                                                     sent to affected Federal, State and local             were prepared solely by the BLM
                                             Richland WA 99352                                       government agencies, tribal
                                             Landholding Agency: GSA                                                                                       because there were no National Forest
                                             Property Number: 54201510007
                                                                                                     governments, and to other stakeholders                System lands involved. All four of these
                                             Status: Excess                                          and members of the public who have                    Proposed LUPAs/Final EISs address a
                                             GSA Number: 9–Z–WA–1277                                 requested copies. Copies of the                       range of alternatives focused on specific
                                             Comments: 0.52 acre; asphalt paved; parking             Proposed LUPAs/Final EISs are                         conservation measures across the range
                                               lot; contact GSA for more information.                available for public inspection at the                of the Greater Sage-Grouse (GRSG). All
                                             [FR Doc. 2015–12748 Filed 5–28–15; 8:45 am]             addresses listed in the SUPPLEMENTARY                 four of these EISs are part of a total of
                                             BILLING CODE 4210–67–P
                                                                                                     INFORMATION section. Interested persons               15 separate EISs that make up the BLM
                                                                                                     may also review the Proposed LUPAs/                   and Forest Service National Greater
                                                                                                     Final EISs on the Internet at http://                 Sage-Grouse Planning Strategy. These
                                                                                                     www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/prog/more/                       four EISs will amend the following BLM
                                             DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
                                                                                                     sagegrouse.html.                                      Resource Management Plans (RMPs)
                                             Bureau of Land Management                                 All protests must be in writing and                 and Forest Service Land and Resource
                                                                                                     mailed to one of the following                        Management Plans (LRMP) in the Rocky
                                             [LLWO2100000                                            addresses:
                                             L11100000.DQ0000.LXSISGST0000]                                                                                Mountain Region:
                                                                                                     Regular Mail: BLM Director (210),
                                             Notice of Availability of the Rocky                       Attention: Protest Coordinator, P.O.
                                             Mountain Region Greater Sage-Grouse                       Box 71383, Washington, DC 20024–                    • Casper RMP (2007)
                                             Proposed Land Use Plan Amendments                         1383.                                               • Kemmerer RMP (2010)
                                             and Final Environmental Impact                          Overnight Delivery: BLM Director (210),               • Newcastle RMP (2000)
                                             Statements for the Wyoming,                               Attention: Protest Coordinator, 20 M                • Pinedale RMP (2008)
                                                                                                                                                           • Rawlins RMP (2008)
                                             Northwest Colorado, Lewistown, and                        Street SE., Room 2134LM,
                                                                                                                                                           • Green River RMP (1997) (being

                                             North Dakota Sub-Regions.                                 Washington, DC 20003.
                                                                                                                                                             revised under the Rock Springs RMP)
                                             AGENCY:   Bureau of Land Management,                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      • Bridger-Teton National Forest, LRMP
                                             Interior.                                                 For the Wyoming Greater Sage-Grouse                   (1990)
                                             ACTION: Notice of availibility.                         Proposed LUPA/Final EIS: William                      • Medicine Bow National Forest, LRMP
                                                                                                     West, BLM Planning and Environmental                    (2003)
                                             SUMMARY:  In accordance with the                        Coordinator, telephone 307–352–0259;                  • Thunder Basin National Grassland,
                                             National Environmental Policy Act of                    address Rock Springs Field Office, 280                  LRMP (2002)

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014   15:17 May 28, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00053   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\29MYN1.SGM   29MYN1

                                             30704                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 103 / Friday, May 29, 2015 / Notices

                                             Northwest Colorado                                      LUPA/Draft EIS was released to the                    Area strategy and the Governor’s
                                             •   Glenwood Springs RMP (1984)                         public on November 8, 2013; and the                   Executive Order (WY E.O. 2011–05).
                                             •   Grand Junction RMP (1987)                           North Dakota Draft LUPA/EIS was                          The BLM and Forest Service received
                                             •   Kremmling RMP (1984)                                released to the public on September 27,               approximately 3,500 substantive
                                             •   Little Snake RMP (2011)                             2013.                                                 comments, contained in 39,000
                                             •   White River RMP (1997)                                 Comments on the Draft LUP                          submissions during the Draft EISs’
                                             •   Routt National Forest, LRMP (1997)                  Amendments/EISs received from the                     comment periods. Based on comments
                                                                                                     public and internal BLM and Forest                    received during the NEPA process, the
                                             Lewistown (Montana)                                     Service review were considered and                    following topics were frequently
                                             • Judith RMP (1994)                                     incorporated, as appropriate, into the                identified:
                                             • Headwaters RMP (1984)                                 Proposed Plan.                                           • General (Process/Policy);
                                                                                                        The alternatives presented in                         • Lands and Realty;
                                             North Dakota                                            Proposed LUPAs/Final EISs are                            • Livestock Grazing;
                                             • North Dakota RMP (1988)                               described below:                                         • Minerals and Energy;
                                                                                                        • Alternative A would retain the                      • Predation;
                                               Management decisions made as a                                                                                 • Recreation;
                                             result of these Proposed LUPAs/Final                    current management goals, objectives
                                                                                                                                                              • Socioeconomic;
                                             EISs will apply only to BLM-                            and direction specified in the existing                  • Special Management Area
                                             administered and National Forest                        BLM RMPs and the Forest Service                       Designations;
                                             System lands in the planning area. The                  LRMPs.                                                   • Special Status Species (Including
                                             planning areas for all four EISs includes                  • Alternative B is based on the                    GRSG);
                                             approximately 56.3 million acres of                     conservation measures developed by the                   • Travel and Access Management;
                                             BLM, National Park Service, Forest                      National Technical Team (NTT)                            • Vegetation;
                                             Service, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation,                    planning effort in Washington Office                     • Wildland Fire Management;
                                             State, local, and private lands located in              Instructional Memorandum (IM)                            • Wildlife and Fisheries.
                                             17 Wyoming counties (Albany,                            Number 2012–044. As directed in the                      For the Wyoming GRSG Proposed
                                             Campbell, Carbon, Converse, Crook,                      IM, the conservation measures                         LUPA/Final EIS, the BLM and Forest
                                             Fremont, Goshen, Laramie, Lincoln,                      developed by the NTT must be                          Service conducted six public meetings
                                             Natrona, Niobrara, Platte, Sublette,                    considered and analyzed, as                           on the Draft EIS. These meetings were
                                             Sweetwater, Teton, Uinta, and Weston),                  appropriate, through the land use                     held in Casper, Douglas, Laramie,
                                             10 Colorado counties (Eagle, Garfield,                  planning process and NEPA by all BLM                  Pinedale, Rawlins and Rock Springs,
                                             Grand, Jackson, Larimer, Mesa, Moffat,                  state and field offices that contain                  Wyoming during February 2014. For the
                                             Rio Blanco, Routt, and Summit), five                    occupied GRSG habitat. Most                           Northwest Colorado GRSP Proposed
                                             Montana counties (Petroleum, Fergus,                    management actions included in                        LUPA/Final EIS, the BLM and Forest
                                             Judith Basin, Chouteau, and Meagher),                   Alternative B would be applied to                     Service conducted four public meetings
                                             and three North Dakota counties                         PHMAs.                                                on the Draft EIS. These meetings were
                                             (Bowman, Slope, and Golden Valley).                        • Alternative C is based on a citizen              held in Walden, Lakewood, Silt, and
                                             The decision area for these Proposed                    groups’ recommended alternative. This                 Craig, Colorado during October 2013.
                                             LUP Amendments/Final EISs is defined                    alternative emphasizes improvement                    For the Lewistown GRSG Proposed
                                             as those BLM-admistered and National                    and protection of habitat for GRSG and                LUPA/Final EIS, the BLM conducted
                                             Forest System lands and Federal                         is applied to all occupied GRSG habitat.              two public meetings on the Draft EIS.
                                             mineral estate within the following                     Alternative C would limit commodity                   These meetings were held in Lewistown
                                             habitat management categories:                          development in areas of occupied GRSG                 and Winnett, Montana during December
                                               • Priority Habitat Management Area                    habitat, and would close or designate                 2013. For the North Dakota GRSG
                                             (PHMA)—Areas identified as having the                   portions of the planning area to some                 Proposed LUPA/Final EIS, the BLM
                                             highest conservation value for                          land uses.                                            conducted one public meeting in
                                             maintaining sustainable GRSG                               • Alternative D, which was identified              Bowman, North Dakota on October 22,
                                             populations; includes breeding, late                    as the Preferred Alternative in the Draft             2013. Comments on the Draft LUPAs/
                                             brood-rearing, and winter concentration                 EIS, balances opportunities to use and                Draft EISs received from the public and
                                             areas.                                                  develop the planning area and ensures                 internal BLM and Forest Service review
                                               • Linkage Habitat (applicable to                      protection of GRSG habitat based on                   were carefully considered and
                                             Northwest Colorado only)—Areas                          scoping comments and input from                       incorporated as appropriate into the
                                             identified as broader regions of                        Cooperating Agencies involved in the                  proposed LUPAs/Final EISs. The BLM
                                             connectivity important to facilitate the                alternatives development process.                     and Forest Service, via the Western
                                             movement of GRSG and maintain                           Protective measures would be applied to               Association of Fish and Wildlife
                                             ecological processes.                                   GRSG habitat.                                         Agencies (WAFWA) Management Zone
                                               • General Habitat Management Area                        • The Proposed LUPA incorporates                   Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation
                                             (GHMA)—Areas of seasonal or year-                       guidance from specific State                          Team, will develop a Regional
                                             round GRSG habitat outside of PHMAs.                    Conservation strategies, as well as                   Mitigation Strategy to guide the
                                               The Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare                 additional management based on the                    application of the mitigation hierarchy
                                             the Wyoming, Northwest Colorado,                        NTT recommendations. This alternative                 to address impacts within that Zone.
                                             Lewistown, and North Dakota Greater                     emphasizes management of GRSG                         The Regional Mitigation Strategy should

                                             Sage-Grouse LUPAs/EISs was published                    seasonal habitats and maintaining                     consider any State-level GRSG
                                             in the Federal Register on December 9,                  habitat connectivity to support                       mitigation guidance that is consistent
                                             2011. The Wyoming Draft LUPA/EIS                        population objectives. For the Wyoming                with the requirements. The Regional
                                             was released to the public on December                  Proposed LUPA, this guidance is                       Mitigation Strategy will be developed in
                                             27, 2013; the Northwest Colorado Draft                  consistent with guidelines provided in                a transparent manner, based on the best
                                             LUPA/EIS was released to the public on                  the Governor’s Sage-Grouse                            science available and standardized
                                             August 16, 2013; the Lewistown Draft                    Implementation Team’s Core Population                 metrics.

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 103 / Friday, May 29, 2015 / Notices                                            30705

                                               Copies of the Wyoming Greater Sage-                   writing and mailed to the appropriate                 regulations may protest the BLM’s
                                             Grouse Proposed LUPA/Final EIS are                      address, as set forth in the ADDRESSES                Proposed RMP/Final EIS. A person who
                                             available for public inspection at:                     section above. Emailed protests will not              meets the conditions and files a protest
                                             • BLM Wyoming State Office, 5353                        be accepted as valid protests unless the              must file the protest within 30 days of
                                               Yellowstone Road, Cheyenne,                           protesting party also provides the                    the date that the Environmental
                                               Wyoming 82009                                         original letter by either regular mail or             Protection Agency publishes its notice
                                             • BLM Casper Field Office, 2987                         overnight delivery postmarked by the                  of availability in the Federal Register.
                                               Prospector Drive, Casper, Wyoming                     close of the protest period. Under these              ADDRESSES: Copies of the Miles City
                                               82604                                                 conditions, the BLM and Forest Service                Field Office Proposed RMP/Final EIS
                                             • BLM Kemmerer Field Office, 312                        will consider an emailed protest as an                have been sent to affected Federal, State,
                                               Highway 189 North, Kemmerer,                          advance copy and it will receive full                 and local government agencies, tribal
                                               Wyoming 83101                                         consideration. If you wish to provide                 governments, and to other stakeholders
                                             • BLM Newcastle Field Office, 1101                      the BLM and Forest Service with such                  and members of the public who have
                                               Washington Boulevard, Newcastle,                      advance notifications, please direct                  requested copies. Copies of the
                                               Wyoming 82701                                         emails to protest@blm.gov.                            Proposed RMP/Final EIS are available
                                             • BLM Pinedale Field Office, 1625 West                    Before including your address, phone                for public inspection at the following
                                               Pine Street, Pinedale, Wyoming 82941                  number, email address, or other                       locations:
                                             • BLM Rawlins Field Office, 1300 North                  personal identifying information in your              • BLM, Montana State Office, 5001
                                               Third, Rawlins, Wyoming 82301                         protest, you should be aware that your                  Southgate Drive, Billings, MT 59101
                                             • BLM Rock Springs Field Office, 280                    entire protest—including your personal                • BLM, Miles City Field Office, 111
                                               Highway 191 North, Rock Springs,                      identifying information—may be made                     Garryowen Road, Miles City, MT
                                               Wyoming 82901                                         publicly available at any time. While                   59301
                                             • Bridger-Teton National Forest, 340                    you may ask us in your protest to
                                               North Cache, Jackson, Wyoming                         withhold your personal identifying                       Interested persons may also review
                                               83001                                                 information from public review, we                    the Proposed RMP/Final EIS on the
                                             • Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests                   cannot guarantee that we will be able to              Internet at: http://www.blm.gov/mt/st/
                                               and Thunder Basin National                            do so.                                                en/fo/miles_city_field_office/rmp.html.
                                               Grassland, 2468 Jackson Street,                                                                               All protests must be in writing and
                                                                                                     Amy Lueders,                                          mailed to one of the following
                                               Laramie, Wyoming 82070
                                                                                                     Acting Assistant Director, Renewable                  addresses:
                                               Copies of the Northwest Colorado                      Resources & Planning.
                                             Greater Sage-Grouse Proposed LUPA/                                                                            Regular Mail: BLM Director (210),
                                             Final EIS are available for public                        Authority: 36 CFR 219.59, 40 CFR 1506.6,              Attention: Protest Coordinator, P.O.
                                             inspection at:                                          40 CFR 1506.10, 43 CFR 1610.2; 43 CFR                   Box 71383, Washington, DC 20024–
                                                                                                     1610.5                                                  1383.
                                             • BLM Northwest District Office, 2815
                                                                                                     [FR Doc. 2015–12950 Filed 5–28–15; 8:45 am]           Overnight Delivery: BLM Director (210),
                                               H Road, Grand Junction, Colorado,
                                                                                                     BILLING CODE 4310–22–P                                  Attention: Protest Coordinator, 20 M
                                                                                                                                                             Street SE., Room 2134LM,
                                             • BLM Colorado State Office, 2850
                                                                                                                                                             Washington, DC 20003.
                                               Youngfield Street, Lakewood,
                                                                                                     DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                               Colorado, 80215
                                             • Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests                                                                         Mary Bloom, Miles City RMP Team
                                                                                                     Bureau of Land Management                             Leader, telephone: 406–233–2800;
                                               and Thunder Basin National
                                               Grassland, 2468 Jackson Street,                       [LLMTC00000.L16100000.DQ0000.                         address: 111 Garryowen Road, Miles
                                               Laramie, Wyoming 82070                                LXSS036E0000 MO#4500079298]                           City, MT 59301; email: mbloom@
                                                                                                                                                           blm.gov. Persons who use a
                                               Copies of the Lewistown Greater Sage-                 Notice of Availability of the Miles City              telecommunications device for the deaf
                                             Grouse Proposed LUPA/Final EIS are                      Field Office Proposed Resource                        (TDD) may call the Federal Information
                                             available for public inspection at:                     Management Plan and Final                             Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339
                                             • BLM Montana/Dakotas State Office,                     Environmental Impact Statement, Miles                 to contact the above individual during
                                               5001 Southgate Drive, Billings,                       City Field Office, Montana                            normal business hours. The FIRS is
                                               Montana, 59101                                                                                              available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
                                             • BLM Lewistown Field Office, 920                       AGENCY:   Bureau of Land Management,
                                                                                                     Interior.                                             to leave a message or question with the
                                               Northeast Main, Lewistown, Montana                                                                          above individual. You will receive a
                                               59457                                                 ACTION: Notice of availability.
                                                                                                                                                           reply during normal business hours.
                                               Copies of the North Dakota Greater                    SUMMARY:   In accordance with the                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The
                                             Sage-Grouse Proposed LUPA/Final EIS                     National Environmental Policy Act of                  planning area includes lands within the
                                             are available for public inspection at:                 1969 (NEPA), as amended, and the                      BLM Miles City Field Office’s
                                             • BLM Montana/Dakotas State Office,                     Federal Land Policy and Management                    administrative boundaries in the
                                               5001 Southgate Drive, Billings,                       Act of 1976 (FLPMA), as amended, the                  following Montana counties: Carter,
                                               Montana, 59101                                        Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has                   Custer, Daniels, Dawson, Fallon,
                                             • BLM North Dakota Field Office, 99                     prepared a Proposed Resource                          Garfield, McCone, Powder River,
                                               23rd Avenue East, Suite A, Dickinson,                 Management Plan (RMP) and Final                       Prairie, Richland, Roosevelt, Rosebud,

                                               North Dakota, 58601                                   Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)                  Sheridan, Treasure, Wibaux and
                                               Instructions for filing a protest with                for the Miles City Field Office planning              portions of Big Horn and Valley. The
                                             the Director of the BLM regarding the                   area and by this notice is announcing its             planning area includes all lands,
                                             Proposed LUPAs/Final EISs may be                        availability.                                         regardless of jurisdiction, totaling
                                             found in the ‘‘Dear Reader’’ Letter of the              DATES: BLM planning regulations state                 approximately 25.8 million acres;
                                             Proposed LUPAs/Final EISs and at 43                     that any person who meets the                         however, the BLM will only make
                                             CFR 1610.5–2. All protests must be in                   conditions as described in the                        decisions on lands that fall under the

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Document Created: 2015-12-15 15:30:58
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 15:30:58
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of availibility.
DatesBLM planning regulations state that any person who meets the conditions as described in the regulations may protest the BLM's and Forest Service's Proposed LUP/Final EIS. A person who meets the conditions and files a protest must file the protest within 30 days of the date that the Environmental Protection Agency publishes its Notice of Availability in the Federal Register. In accordance with 36 CFR 219.59, the Forest Service will waive its objection procedures of this subpart and instead adopt the BLM's protest procedures outlined in 43 CFR 1610.5-2.
ContactFor the Wyoming Greater Sage-Grouse Proposed LUPA/Final EIS: William West, BLM Planning and Environmental Coordinator, telephone
FR Citation80 FR 30703 

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