80_FR_30824 80 FR 30721 - Proposed Information Collection; United States Park Police Application Forms

80 FR 30721 - Proposed Information Collection; United States Park Police Application Forms

National Park Service

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 103 (May 29, 2015)

Page Range30721-30723
FR Document2015-13039

We (National Park Service) will ask the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to approve the information collection (IC) described below. As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and as part of our continuing efforts to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, we invite the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on this IC. This IC is scheduled to expire on March 31, 2017. We may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 103 (Friday, May 29, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 103 (Friday, May 29, 2015)]
[Pages 30721-30723]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-13039]



National Park Service

[NPS-USPP-15826; PPWOUSPPS1, PPMPRPP02.Y00000 (155)]

Proposed Information Collection; United States Park Police 
Application Forms

AGENCY: National Park Service, Interior.

ACTION: Notice; request for comments.


SUMMARY: We (National Park Service) will ask the Office of Management 
and Budget (OMB) to approve the information collection (IC) described 
below. As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and as part 
of our continuing efforts to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, we 
invite the general public and other Federal agencies to take this 
opportunity to comment on this IC. This IC is scheduled to expire on 
March 31, 2017. We may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not 
required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a 
currently valid OMB control number.

DATES: You must submit comments on or before July 28, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Send your comments on the IC to Madonna L. Baucum, 
Information Collection Clearance Officer, National Park Service, 12201 
Sunrise Valley Drive (Room 2C114, Mail Stop 242), Reston, VA 20192 
(mail); or madonna_baucum@nps.gov (email). Please include ``1024-0245'' 
in the subject line of your comments.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To request additional information 
about this IC, contact Pamela Blyth, United States Park Police, 1100 
Ohio Drive SW., Washington, DC 20242 (mail); or at pamela_blyth@nps.gov 
(email). Please reference ``1024-0245 Revision'' in your comments.


I. Abstract

    The United States Park Police (USPP) is a unit of the National Park 
Service, Department of the Interior, with jurisdiction in all National 
Park Service areas and certain other Federal and State lands. The USPP 
are highly trained, professional police officers who prevent and detect 
criminal activity; conduct investigations; apprehend individuals 
suspected of committing offenses against Federal, State, and local 
laws; provide protection to the President of the United States and 
visiting dignitaries; and provide protective services to some of the 
most recognizable monuments and memorials in the world. Applicants for 
USPP officer positions must complete and pass a competitive written 
examination, an oral interview, a medical examination and psychological 
evaluation, and a battery of physical fitness and agility tests. As 
part of this application and screening process, the USPP uses the 
following forms:

USPP Form (TBD) ``Physician Consent Form''

    The USPP Form TBD ``Physician Consent Form'' is an optional form 
used by the applicant to obtain clearance by their personal physician 
to complete the PEB. The applicant's personal physician uses this form 
to certify whether or not the applicant is cleared to participate in 
the Physical Efficiency Battery (PEB) and requests the following 

[[Page 30722]]

pertaining to the physician making the physical suitability 
     complete mailing address,
     telephone number, and
     physician's comments.

USPP Form (TBD) ``Physical Efficiency Battery ``Waiver'' ''

    An applicant's physical fitness is assessed using the PEB. The PEB 
consists of five measures of physical fitness including: Body 
composition, determined through subcutaneous fat folds; flexibility, 
determined by sit and reach; agility, measured by negotiating a time 
obstacle course; muscular strength, determined with one maximal chest 
press; and cardiovascular endurance, measured by a timed 1.5 mile walk/
run. The applicant may choose to self-certify their ability to complete 
the PEB by completing the optional USPP Form (TBD) ``Physical 
Efficiency Battery ``Waiver'' '' which requests the candidate provide 
the following information as part of the self-certification process:
     Date of last medical evaluation,
     name and address of personal physician,
     purpose of last medical examination,
     identification of any known medical conditions the USPP 
must be made aware of, and
     documentation to support identified known medical 

USPP Form (TBD) ``Release to Obtain a Credit Report''

    Applicants are also required to complete USPP Form (TBD) ``Release 
to Obtain a Credit Report'' as part of the application process. 
Information obtained on this form is used in connection with the 
applicant's background investigation is used to determine their:
    1. Fitness for Federal employment,
    2. clearance to perform contractual service for the Federal 
Government, and/or
    3. security clearance or access.
    Information collected on the USPP Form (TBD) ``Release to Obtain a 
Credit Report'' includes personally identifiable information (PII), to 
     Full name,
     Social Security Number,
     date of birth,
     current and former home addresses,
     home telephone number,
     current employer's name, and
     current occupation.

USPP Form (TBD) ``Applicant Documentation Form''

    The USPP Form (TBD) ``Applicant Documentation Form'' is an optional 
form used by applicants to either decline or defer employment with the 
USPP. The form collects the following PII:
     Social Security Number,
     date and location of written test, and
     reason for declining or deferring employment with the 

USPP Form 1 ``United States Park Police Personal History Statement''

    USPP Form 1 ``United States Park Police Personal History 
Statement,'' also known as the ``Blue Book,'' is used to collect 
detailed personal history information from applicants. Investigators 
verify the information provided to determine an applicant's suitability 
for a USPP officer position. The information collected includes, but is 
not limited to:
     Personal background information, including financial data 
and residence history,
     selective Service information and military data,
     education and employment information,
     driving record, arrest/conviction data, and criminal 
history information,
     illegal drug usage,
     alcohol usage,
     gambling information, and
     miscellaneous information, such as firearm permits, 
special skills, other languages, hobbies and interests, other 
enforcement agencies where applicant applied, and whether or not 
applicant previously applied for a USPP officer position.

USPP Form (TBD) Personal Essay--``Why I Want to Be a United States Park 
Police Officer''

    Applicants are required to write a personal essay (minimum of 200 
words) describing in their own words why they want to be a USPP 
officer. The applicant's essay must also address:
     How they became aware of the USPP,
     what they think the role of a park police officer should 
be, and
     their career aspirations/expectations as a USPP officer.

USPP Form (TBD) ``Disqualification for Misdemeanor Convictions for 
Domestic Violence''

    On September 30, 1996, Title 18 U.S.C. Section 922 (g) (9) took 
effect, making it a felony for anyone who has been convicted of a 
misdemeanor crime of domestic violence to possess a firearm or 
ammunition. Thus, any law enforcement officer and other government 
employees who have been convicted of a domestic violence misdemeanor 
may not lawfully possess or receive firearms or ammunition for any 
purpose, including performance of their official duties. Candidates for 
USPP officers are required to disclose information pertaining to 
convictions of domestic violence, to include whether the candidate was 
convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence, and if yes, the 
following information is required to be disclosed or the candidate will 
be automatically disqualified from the application process:
     docket/case number,
     statute, charge,
     date sentenced, and
     whether the conviction was expunged or set aside, or 
whether they were pardoned for the offense.

II. Data

    OMB Control Number: 1024-0245.
    Title: United States Park Police Application Forms.
    Service Form Number(s):
     USPP Form (TBD) ``Physician Consent Form''
     USPP Form (TBD) ``Physical Efficiency Battery ``Waiver'' 
     USPP Form (TBD) ``Release to Obtain a Credit Report,'' and
     USPP Form (TBD) ``Applicant Documentation Form''
     USPP Form 1 ``Personal History Statement''
     USPP Form (TBD) Personal Essay--``Why I Want to Be a 
United States Park Police Officer''
     USPP Form (TBD) ``Disqualification for Misdemeanor 
Convictions for Domestic Violence''
    Type of Request: Revision of a currently approved collection.
    Description of Respondents: Candidates for employment as a United 
States Park Police officer.
    Respondent's Obligation: Required to obtain or retain a benefit.
    Frequency of Collection: On occasion.

[[Page 30723]]

                                                  Estimated                                          Estimated
                   Activity                     annual number    Estimated completion time per     total annual
                                                of responses                response               burden hours
USPP Form (TBD) ``Physician Consent Form''...           2,500  10 min...........................             417
USPP Form (TBD) ``Physical Efficiency Battery           2,500  5................................             208
USPP Form (TBD) ``Release to Obtain a Credit            2,500  5................................             208
USPP Form (TBD) ``Applicant Documentation               2,500  5................................             208
USPP Form 1 ``United States Park Police                 2,500  8 hours..........................          20,000
 Personal History Statement''.
USPP Form (TBD) Personal Essay--``Why I Want            2,500  30 min...........................           1,250
 to Be a United States Park Police Officer''.
USPP Form (TBD) ``Disqualification for                  2,500  5 min............................             208
 Misdemeanor Convictions for Domestic
    TOTALS...................................          17,500  .................................          22,499

    Estimated Annual Nonhour Burden Cost: $227,500, primarily for costs 
(1) associated with printing and notarizing the application and (2) 
incurred to provide supporting documentation.

III. Comments

    We invite comments concerning this information collection on:
     Whether or not the collection of information is necessary, 
including whether or not the information will have practical utility;
     The accuracy of our estimate of the burden for this 
collection of information;
     Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the 
information to be collected; and
     Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of 
information on respondents.
    Comments that you submit in response to this notice are a matter of 
public record. Before including your address, phone number, email 
address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you 
should be aware that your entire comment, including your personal 
identifying information, may be made publicly available at any time. 
While you can ask OMB in your comment to withhold your personal 
identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that it 
will be done.

    Dated: May 26, 2015.
Debra Melton,
Acting Information Collection Clearance Officer, National Park Service.
[FR Doc. 2015-13039 Filed 5-28-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 103 / Friday, May 29, 2015 / Notices                                            30721

                                             and a person is not required to respond                 reporting burden will average 20                      agencies to take this opportunity to
                                             to a collection unless it displays a                    minutes per response.                                 comment on this IC. This IC is
                                             currently valid OMB control number.                       Estimated Annual Reporting and                      scheduled to expire on March 31, 2017.
                                             DATES: To ensure that your comments                     Recordkeeping ‘‘Non-Hour Cost’’: None.                We may not conduct or sponsor and a
                                             on this IC are considered, we must                      III. Request For Comments                             person is not required to respond to a
                                             receive them on or before July 28, 2015.                                                                      collection of information unless it
                                                                                                        We invite comments concerning this                 displays a currently valid OMB control
                                             ADDRESSES: Please send your comments
                                                                                                     IC on:                                                number.
                                             to Phadrea Ponds, Information                              • Whether the proposed collection of
                                             Collections Coordinator, National Park                                                                        DATES: You must submit comments on
                                                                                                     information is necessary for the agency
                                             Service, 1201 Oakridge Drive, Fort                      to perform its duties, including whether              or before July 28, 2015.
                                             Collins, CO 80525 (mail); or phadrea_                   the information is useful;                            ADDRESSES: Send your comments on the
                                             ponds@nps.gov (email). Please reference                    • The accuracy of the agency’s                     IC to Madonna L. Baucum, Information
                                             ‘‘Information Collection 1024–0224—                     estimate of the burden of the proposed                Collection Clearance Officer, National
                                             Programmatic Renewal’’ in the subject                   collection of information;                            Park Service, 12201 Sunrise Valley
                                             line.                                                      • Ways to enhance the quality,                     Drive (Room 2C114, Mail Stop 242),
                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:   Bret                 usefulness, and clarity of the                        Reston, VA 20192 (mail); or madonna_
                                             Meldrum, Chief, Social Science                          information to be collected; and                      baucum@nps.gov (email). Please
                                             Program, National Park Service, 1201                       • Ways to minimize the burden on                   include ‘‘1024–0245’’ in the subject line
                                             Oakridge Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525–                 the respondents, including the use of                 of your comments.
                                             5596 (mail); Bret_Meldrum@nps.gov                       automated collection techniques or                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To
                                             (email); or 970–267–7295 (phone).                       other forms of information technology.                request additional information about
                                                                                                        Comments that you submit in                        this IC, contact Pamela Blyth, United
                                             I. Abstract                                             response to this notice are a matter of               States Park Police, 1100 Ohio Drive
                                                The Programmatic Clearance for NPS-                  public record. We will include or                     SW., Washington, DC 20242 (mail); or at
                                             Sponsored Surveys applies to surveys                    summarize each comment in our request                 pamela_blyth@nps.gov (email). Please
                                             designed to furnish usable information                  to OMB to approve this IC. Before                     reference ‘‘1024–0245 Revision’’ in your
                                             to NPS managers and planners                            including your address, phone number,                 comments.
                                             concerning park visitors, visitor                       email address, or other personal
                                             services, potential park visitors, and                  identifying information in your                       SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                             residents of communities near parks.                    comment, you should be aware that                     I. Abstract
                                             This information is intended to provide                 your entire comment, including your
                                             NPS managers with data that can be                      personal identifying information, may                    The United States Park Police (USPP)
                                             used to improve the quality and utility                 be made publicly available at any time.               is a unit of the National Park Service,
                                             of agency programs, services, and                       While you can ask us in your comment                  Department of the Interior, with
                                             planning efforts. Questions asked under                 to withhold your personal identifying                 jurisdiction in all National Park Service
                                             the programmatic review process must                    information from public review, we                    areas and certain other Federal and
                                             show a clear tie to NPS management                      cannot guarantee that we will be able to              State lands. The USPP are highly
                                             and planning needs. The programmatic                    do so.                                                trained, professional police officers who
                                             review may only be used for non-                                                                              prevent and detect criminal activity;
                                                                                                       Dated: May 26, 2015.
                                             controversial surveys that are unlikely                                                                       conduct investigations; apprehend
                                                                                                     Debra Melton,                                         individuals suspected of committing
                                             to attract or include topics of significant             Acting Information Collection Clearance
                                             public interest in the programmatic                                                                           offenses against Federal, State, and local
                                                                                                     Officer, National Park Service.                       laws; provide protection to the
                                             review process.                                         [FR Doc. 2015–13036 Filed 5–28–15; 8:45 am]
                                                To qualify for the NPS generic                                                                             President of the United States and
                                             programmatic review process, all                        BILLING CODE 4310–EH–P                                visiting dignitaries; and provide
                                             information collections must be directly                                                                      protective services to some of the most
                                             tied to an area managed by the NPS or                                                                         recognizable monuments and memorials
                                                                                                     DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                            in the world. Applicants for USPP
                                             research that will benefit NPS
                                             management efforts. All collections                                                                           officer positions must complete and
                                                                                                     National Park Service
                                             must be reviewed by the NPS and                                                                               pass a competitive written examination,
                                             approved by OMB before the survey can                   [NPS–USPP–15826; PPWOUSPPS1,                          an oral interview, a medical
                                                                                                     PPMPRPP02.Y00000 (155)]                               examination and psychological
                                             be initiated.
                                                                                                                                                           evaluation, and a battery of physical
                                             II. Data                                                Proposed Information Collection;                      fitness and agility tests. As part of this
                                                                                                     United States Park Police Application                 application and screening process, the
                                               OMB Control Number: 1024–0224.
                                                                                                     Forms                                                 USPP uses the following forms:
                                               Title: Programmatic Clearance for
                                             NPS-Sponsored Surveys.                                  AGENCY:   National Park Service, Interior.            USPP Form (TBD) ‘‘Physician Consent
                                               Type of Request: Renewal of a                         ACTION:   Notice; request for comments.               Form’’
                                             currently approved collection.
                                               Affected Public: General Public (i.e.                 SUMMARY:   We (National Park Service)                   The USPP Form TBD ‘‘Physician
                                             Park Visitors, potential visitors to parks,             will ask the Office of Management and                 Consent Form’’ is an optional form used

                                             and residents of communities near park)                 Budget (OMB) to approve the                           by the applicant to obtain clearance by
                                             and local, state and tribal governments.                information collection (IC) described                 their personal physician to complete the
                                               Respondent Obligation: Voluntary.                     below. As required by the Paperwork                   PEB. The applicant’s personal physician
                                               Estimated Number of Annual                            Reduction Act of 1995 and as part of our              uses this form to certify whether or not
                                             Respondents: 150,000.                                   continuing efforts to reduce paperwork                the applicant is cleared to participate in
                                               Estimated Annual Burden Hours:                        and respondent burden, we invite the                  the Physical Efficiency Battery (PEB)
                                             50,000 hours. We estimate the public                    general public and other Federal                      and requests the following information

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014   15:17 May 28, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00071   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\29MYN1.SGM   29MYN1

                                             30722                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 103 / Friday, May 29, 2015 / Notices

                                             pertaining to the physician making the                  USPP Form (TBD) ‘‘Applicant                           USPP Form (TBD) ‘‘Disqualification for
                                             physical suitability determination:                     Documentation Form’’                                  Misdemeanor Convictions for Domestic
                                               • Name,                                                 The USPP Form (TBD) ‘‘Applicant                     Violence’’
                                               • complete mailing address,
                                                                                                     Documentation Form’’ is an optional                      On September 30, 1996, Title 18
                                               • telephone number, and
                                                                                                     form used by applicants to either                     U.S.C. Section 922 (g) (9) took effect,
                                               • physician’s comments.
                                                                                                     decline or defer employment with the                  making it a felony for anyone who has
                                             USPP Form (TBD) ‘‘Physical Efficiency                   USPP. The form collects the following                 been convicted of a misdemeanor crime
                                             Battery ‘‘Waiver’’ ’’                                   PII:                                                  of domestic violence to possess a
                                                An applicant’s physical fitness is                     • Name,                                             firearm or ammunition. Thus, any law
                                             assessed using the PEB. The PEB                           • Social Security Number,                           enforcement officer and other
                                             consists of five measures of physical                     • address,                                          government employees who have been
                                             fitness including: Body composition,                      • telephone,                                        convicted of a domestic violence
                                             determined through subcutaneous fat                       • date and location of written test,                misdemeanor may not lawfully possess
                                             folds; flexibility, determined by sit and               and                                                   or receive firearms or ammunition for
                                             reach; agility, measured by negotiating a                 • reason for declining or deferring                 any purpose, including performance of
                                             time obstacle course; muscular strength,                employment with the USPP.                             their official duties. Candidates for
                                             determined with one maximal chest                                                                             USPP officers are required to disclose
                                                                                                     USPP Form 1 ‘‘United States Park Police
                                             press; and cardiovascular endurance,                                                                          information pertaining to convictions of
                                                                                                     Personal History Statement’’
                                             measured by a timed 1.5 mile walk/run.                                                                        domestic violence, to include whether
                                             The applicant may choose to self-certify                   USPP Form 1 ‘‘United States Park                   the candidate was convicted of a
                                             their ability to complete the PEB by                    Police Personal History Statement,’’ also             misdemeanor crime of domestic
                                             completing the optional USPP Form                       known as the ‘‘Blue Book,’’ is used to                violence, and if yes, the following
                                             (TBD) ‘‘Physical Efficiency Battery                     collect detailed personal history                     information is required to be disclosed
                                             ‘‘Waiver’’ ’’ which requests the                        information from applicants.                          or the candidate will be automatically
                                             candidate provide the following                         Investigators verify the information                  disqualified from the application
                                             information as part of the self-                        provided to determine an applicant’s                  process:
                                             certification process:                                  suitability for a USPP officer position.                 • Court/jurisdiction,
                                                • Date of last medical evaluation,                   The information collected includes, but                  • docket/case number,
                                                • name and address of personal                       is not limited to:                                       • statute, charge,
                                             physician,                                                 • Personal background information,                    • date sentenced, and
                                                • purpose of last medical                            including financial data and residence                   • whether the conviction was
                                             examination,                                            history,                                              expunged or set aside, or whether they
                                                • identification of any known                           • selective Service information and                were pardoned for the offense.
                                             medical conditions the USPP must be                     military data,
                                             made aware of, and                                         • references,                                      II. Data
                                                • documentation to support                              • education and employment                           OMB Control Number: 1024–0245.
                                             identified known medical conditions.                    information,                                            Title: United States Park Police
                                                                                                        • driving record, arrest/conviction                Application Forms.
                                             USPP Form (TBD) ‘‘Release to Obtain a                   data, and criminal history information,
                                             Credit Report’’                                                                                                 Service Form Number(s):
                                                                                                        • illegal drug usage,                                • USPP Form (TBD) ‘‘Physician
                                               Applicants are also required to                          • alcohol usage,                                   Consent Form’’
                                             complete USPP Form (TBD) ‘‘Release to                      • gambling information, and
                                                                                                                                                             • USPP Form (TBD) ‘‘Physical
                                             Obtain a Credit Report’’ as part of the                    • miscellaneous information, such as
                                                                                                                                                           Efficiency Battery ‘‘Waiver’’ ’’
                                             application process. Information                        firearm permits, special skills, other
                                                                                                                                                             • USPP Form (TBD) ‘‘Release to
                                             obtained on this form is used in                        languages, hobbies and interests, other
                                                                                                                                                           Obtain a Credit Report,’’ and
                                             connection with the applicant’s                         enforcement agencies where applicant
                                                                                                     applied, and whether or not applicant                   • USPP Form (TBD) ‘‘Applicant
                                             background investigation is used to
                                                                                                     previously applied for a USPP officer                 Documentation Form’’
                                             determine their:
                                               1. Fitness for Federal employment,                    position.                                               • USPP Form 1 ‘‘Personal History
                                               2. clearance to perform contractual                                                                         Statement’’
                                             service for the Federal Government,
                                                                                                     USPP Form (TBD) Personal Essay—                         • USPP Form (TBD) Personal Essay—
                                                                                                     ‘‘Why I Want to Be a United States Park               ‘‘Why I Want to Be a United States Park
                                             and/or                                                  Police Officer’’
                                               3. security clearance or access.                                                                            Police Officer’’
                                               Information collected on the USPP                       Applicants are required to write a                    • USPP Form (TBD) ‘‘Disqualification
                                             Form (TBD) ‘‘Release to Obtain a Credit                 personal essay (minimum of 200 words)                 for Misdemeanor Convictions for
                                             Report’’ includes personally identifiable               describing in their own words why they                Domestic Violence’’
                                             information (PII), to include:                          want to be a USPP officer. The                          Type of Request: Revision of a
                                               • Full name,                                          applicant’s essay must also address:                  currently approved collection.
                                               • Social Security Number,                               • How they became aware of the                        Description of Respondents:
                                               • date of birth,                                      USPP,                                                 Candidates for employment as a United
                                               • current and former home addresses,                    • what they think the role of a park                States Park Police officer.

                                               • home telephone number,                              police officer should be, and                           Respondent’s Obligation: Required to
                                               • current employer’s name, and                          • their career aspirations/                         obtain or retain a benefit.
                                               • current occupation.                                 expectations as a USPP officer.                         Frequency of Collection: On occasion.

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014   15:17 May 28, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00072   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\29MYN1.SGM   29MYN1

                                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 103 / Friday, May 29, 2015 / Notices                                                                                   30723

                                                                                                                                                                                                Estimated                               Estimated total
                                                                                                             Activity                                                                         annual number                             annual burden
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    time per
                                                                                                                                                                                               of responses                                 hours

                                             USPP    Form     (TBD) ‘‘Physician Consent Form’’ .............................................................................                           2,500    10 min .........                   417
                                             USPP    Form     (TBD) ‘‘Physical Efficiency Battery ‘‘Waiver’’’’ ...........................................................                             2,500    5 ..................               208
                                             USPP    Form     (TBD) ‘‘Release to Obtain a Credit Report’’ ..............................................................                               2,500    5 ..................               208
                                             USPP    Form     (TBD) ‘‘Applicant Documentation Form’’ ...................................................................                               2,500    5 ..................               208
                                             USPP    Form     1 ‘‘United States Park Police Personal History Statement’’ ......................................                                        2,500    8 hours ........                20,000
                                             USPP    Form     (TBD) Personal Essay—‘‘Why I Want to Be a United States Park Police Officer’’ ..                                                         2,500    30 min .........                 1,250
                                             USPP    Form     (TBD) ‘‘Disqualification for Misdemeanor Convictions for Domestic Violence’’ ........                                                    2,500    5 min ...........                  208

                                                  TOTALS ..................................................................................................................................           17,500         ................           22,499

                                               Estimated Annual Nonhour Burden                                       DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                                                IOWA
                                             Cost: $227,500, primarily for costs (1)                                                                                                           Washington County
                                             associated with printing and notarizing                                 National Park Service
                                                                                                                                                                                               Baxter, H.A., Coal Company Historic District,
                                             the application and (2) incurred to
                                                                                                                                                                                                 601 E. 3rd St., Washington, 15000343
                                             provide supporting documentation.                                       [NPS–WASO–NRNHL–18266;
                                                                                                                     PPWOCRADI0, PCU00RP14.R50000]                                             McCleery Calendar Factory, 632 E. 3rd St.,
                                             III. Comments                                                                                                                                       Washington, 15000344
                                                                                                                     National Register of Historic Places;                                     LOUISIANA
                                               We invite comments concerning this                                    Notification of Pending Nominations
                                             information collection on:                                              and Related Actions                                                       Catahoula Parish
                                               • Whether or not the collection of                                                                                                              Harrisonburg Methodist Church, 105 Pine St.,
                                             information is necessary, including                                       Nominations for the following                                            Harrisonburg, 15000345
                                             whether or not the information will                                     properties being considered for listing
                                                                                                                     or related actions in the National                                        Orleans Parish
                                             have practical utility;
                                                                                                                     Register were received by the National                                    New Orleans Federal Savings and Loan
                                               • The accuracy of our estimate of the
                                                                                                                     Park Service before May 2, 2015.                                           Building, 4948 Chef Menteur Hwy., New
                                             burden for this collection of                                           Pursuant to section 60.13 of 36 CFR part                                   Orleans, 15000346
                                             information;                                                            60, written comments are being
                                                                                                                                                                                               Terrebonne Parish
                                               • Ways to enhance the quality, utility,                               accepted concerning the significance of
                                             and clarity of the information to be                                    the nominated properties under the                                        Houma Elementary School, 711 Grinage St.,
                                             collected; and                                                          National Register criteria for evaluation.                                 Houma, 15000347
                                               • Ways to minimize the burden of the                                  Comments may be forwarded by United                                       West Feliciana Parish
                                             collection of information on                                            States Postal Service, to the National
                                                                                                                                                                                               Dawson, John S., High School, 7565 Tunica
                                             respondents.                                                            Register of Historic Places, National
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Trace, St. Francisville, 15000348
                                                                                                                     Park Service, 1849 C St. NW., MS 2280,
                                               Comments that you submit in                                           Washington, DC 20240; by all other                                        MARYLAND
                                             response to this notice are a matter of                                 carriers, National Register of Historic
                                             public record. Before including your                                                                                                              Washington County
                                                                                                                     Places, National Park Service,1201 Eye
                                             address, phone number, email address,                                   St. NW., 8th floor, Washington, DC                                        Packhouse Ford, Potomac R. at Canal Rd.,
                                             or other personal identifying                                           20005; or by fax, 202–371–6447. Written                                     Sharpsburg, 15000349
                                             information in your comment, you                                        or faxed comments should be submitted                                     MASSACHUSETTS
                                             should be aware that your entire                                        by June 15, 2015. Before including your
                                             comment, including your personal                                        address, phone number, email address,                                     Dukes County
                                             identifying information, may be made                                    or other personal identifying                                             Hill, Polly, Arboretum Historic District, 795–
                                             publicly available at any time. While                                   information in your comment, you                                            833 State Rd., West Tisbury, 15000350
                                             you can ask OMB in your comment to                                      should be aware that your entire                                          Essex County
                                             withhold your personal identifying                                      comment—including your personal
                                                                                                                     identifying information—may be made                                       Bradford Burial Ground, 326 Salem St.,
                                             information from public review, we                                                                                                                  Haverhill, 15000351
                                             cannot guarantee that it will be done.                                  publicly available at any time. While
                                                                                                                     you can ask us in your comment to                                         Plymouth County
                                               Dated: May 26, 2015.                                                  withhold your personal identifying                                        Centre and Montello Streets Historic District,
                                             Debra Melton,                                                           information from public review, we                                          43–51, 53–61, 63–77, 91–93 Centre & 95,
                                             Acting Information Collection Clearance                                 cannot guarantee that we will be able to                                    124–126 Montello Sts., Brockton, 15000352
                                             Officer, National Park Service.                                         do so.
                                             [FR Doc. 2015–13039 Filed 5–28–15; 8:45 am]                                                                                                       MICHIGAN
                                                                                                                        Dated: May 6, 2015.
                                             BILLING CODE 4310–EH–P                                                  J. Paul Loether,                                                          Gogebic County

                                                                                                                     Chief, National Register of Historic Places/                              Rice Bay, Indian Village Rd., Watersmeet
                                                                                                                     National Historic Landmarks Program.                                        Township, 15000353

                                                                                                                     ARIZONA                                                                   MISSOURI

                                                                                                                     Maricopa County                                                           Cape Girardeau County
                                                                                                                     Boardwalk Apartments Historic District,                                   Broadway Theatre, 805 Broadway, Cape
                                                                                                                       Address Restricted, Phoenix, 15000342                                     Girardeau, 15000354

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014       17:19 May 28, 2015         Jkt 235001       PO 00000       Frm 00073       Fmt 4703       Sfmt 4703      E:\FR\FM\29MYN1.SGM         29MYN1

Document Created: 2015-12-15 15:31:09
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 15:31:09
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice; request for comments.
DatesYou must submit comments on or before July 28, 2015.
ContactTo request additional information about this IC, contact Pamela Blyth, United States Park Police, 1100 Ohio Drive SW., Washington, DC 20242 (mail); or at [email protected] (email). Please reference ``1024-0245 Revision'' in your comments.
FR Citation80 FR 30721 

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