80_FR_33377 80 FR 33265 - Sunshine Act Meeting

80 FR 33265 - Sunshine Act Meeting


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 112 (June 11, 2015)

Page Range33265-33266
FR Document2015-14443

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 112 (Thursday, June 11, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 112 (Thursday, June 11, 2015)]
[Pages 33265-33266]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-14443]



Sunshine Act Meeting

AGENCY: Federal Election Commission

[[Page 33266]]

DATE and TIME:  Tuesday June 16, 2015 At 10:00 a.m. and Thursday, June 
18, 2015 at the Conclusion of the Open Meeting.

PLACE:  999 E Street NW., Washington, DC.

STATUS:  This meeting will be closed to the public.

    Compliance matters pursuant to 52 U.S.C. 30109.
    Matters concerning participation in civil actions or proceedings or 
    Information the premature disclosure of which would be likely to 
have a considerable adverse effect on the implementation of a proposed 
Commission action.
* * * * *

PERSON TO CONTACT FOR INFORMATION:  Judith Ingram, Press Officer, 
Telephone: (202) 694-1220.

Shelley E. Garr,
Deputy Secretary of the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2015-14443 Filed 6-9-15; 4:15 pm]

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 112 / Thursday, June 11, 2015 / Notices                                                  33265

                                                  the party or parties directly involved in               California. The sole purpose of a                      the docket number field to access the
                                                  the protest.                                            preliminary permit, if issued, is to grant             document. For assistance, contact FERC
                                                     Persons who wish to comment only                     the permit holder priority to file a                   Online Support.
                                                  on the environmental review of this                     license application during the permit                    Dated: June 5, 2015.
                                                  project should submit an original and                   term. A preliminary permit does not                    Kimberly D. Bose,
                                                  two copies of their comments to the                     authorize the permit holder to perform
                                                  Secretary of the Commission.                            any land-disturbing activities or
                                                                                                          otherwise enter upon lands or waters                   [FR Doc. 2015–14275 Filed 6–10–15; 8:45 am]
                                                  Environmental commenter’s will be
                                                  placed on the Commission’s                              owned by others without the owners’                    BILLING CODE 6717–01–P

                                                  environmental mailing list, will receive                express permission.
                                                  copies of the environmental documents,                     The proposed project would consist of
                                                  and will be notified of meetings                        the following: (1) An intake of an                     FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE
                                                  associated with the Commission’s                        unspecified design collecting Pine Creek               CORPORATION
                                                  environmental review process.                           Mine discharge water from its discharge
                                                  Environmental commenter’s will not be                   point on Morgan Creek; (2) an 18-inch-                 Notice to All Interested Parties of the
                                                  required to serve copies of filed                       diameter steel penstock of unspecified                 Termination of the Receivership of
                                                  documents on all other parties.                         length with a 450-foot vertical drop: (3)              10461 First East Side Savings Bank,
                                                  However, the non-party commentary,                      A powerhouse: (4) a 600-kW impulse                     Tamarac, Florida
                                                  will not receive copies of all documents                turbine connected to a 625-kVA
                                                  filed by other parties or issued by the                 generator; (5) a transmission line; (6) a                 Notice is hereby given that the Federal
                                                  Commission (except for the mailing of                   substation connecting to an existing 56-               Deposit Insurance Corporation (‘‘FDIC’’)
                                                  environmental documents issued by the                   kV main transmission line, and (7)                     as Receiver for First East Side Savings
                                                  Commission) and will not have the right                 appurtenant facilities. The estimated                  Bank, Tamarac, Florida (‘‘the Receiver’’)
                                                  to seek court review of the                             annual generation of the Tungstar                      intends to terminate its receivership for
                                                  Commission’s final order.                               Redux Project would be 3,600                           said institution. The FDIC was
                                                     The Commission strongly encourages                   megawatt-hours.                                        appointed receiver of First East Side
                                                  electronic filings of comments, protests,                  Applicant Contact: Mr. Doug Hicks,                  Savings Bank on October 19, 2012. The
                                                  and interventions via the internet in lieu              Twain Resources, LLC, 280 Florenca                     liquidation of the receivership assets
                                                  of paper. See 18 CFR 385.2001(a)(1)(iii)                Way, Reno, Nevada 89511; phone: (775)                  has been completed. To the extent
                                                  and the instructions on the                             997–3429.                                              permitted by available funds and in
                                                                                                             FERC Contact: Joseph Hassell; phone:                accordance with law, the Receiver will
                                                  Commission’s Web site (www.ferc.gov)
                                                                                                          (202) 502–8079: email joseph.hassell@                  be making a final dividend payment to
                                                  under the ‘‘e-Filing’’ link. Persons
                                                                                                          ferc.gov.                                              proven creditors.
                                                  unable to file electronically should                       Deadline for filing comments, motions
                                                  submit original and 5 copies of the                                                                               Based upon the foregoing, the
                                                                                                          to intervene, competing applications                   Receiver has determined that the
                                                  protest or intervention to the Federal                  (without notices of intent), or notices of
                                                  Energy Regulatory Commission, 888                                                                              continued existence of the receivership
                                                                                                          intent to file competing applications: 60              will serve no useful purpose.
                                                  First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426.                 days from the issuance of this notice.
                                                     Comment Date: 5:00 p.m. Eastern                                                                             Consequently, notice is given that the
                                                                                                          Competing applications and notices of                  receivership shall be terminated, to be
                                                  Time on June 26, 2015.                                  intent must meet the requirements of 18                effective no sooner than thirty days after
                                                    Dated: June 5, 2015.                                  CFR 4.36.                                              the date of this Notice. If any person
                                                  Kimberly D. Bose,                                          The Commission strongly encourages                  wishes to comment concerning the
                                                  Secretary.                                              electronic filing. Please file comments,               termination of the receivership, such
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–14274 Filed 6–10–15; 8:45 am]             motions to intervene, notices of intent,               comment must be made in writing and
                                                  BILLING CODE 6717–01–P
                                                                                                          and competing applications using the                   sent within thirty days of the date of
                                                                                                          Commission’s eFiling system at http://                 this Notice to: Federal Deposit
                                                                                                          www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/efiling.asp.                  Insurance Corporation, Division of
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                    Commenters can submit brief comments                   Resolutions and Receiverships,
                                                                                                          up to 6,000 characters, without prior                  Attention: Receivership Oversight
                                                  Federal Energy Regulatory                               registration, using the eComment system                Department 34.6, 1601 Bryan Street,
                                                  Commission                                              at http://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/                    Dallas, TX 75201.
                                                                                                          ecomment.asp. You must include your                       No comments concerning the
                                                  [Project No. 14654–000]
                                                                                                          name and contact information at the end                termination of this receivership will be
                                                  Twain Resources, LLC; Notice of                         of your comments. For assistance,                      considered which are not sent within
                                                  Preliminary Permit Application                          please contact FERC Online Support at                  this time frame.
                                                  Accepted for Filing and Soliciting                      FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov, (866)
                                                                                                                                                                   Dated: June 8, 2015.
                                                  Comments, Motions To Intervene, and                     208–3676 (toll free), or (202) 502–8659
                                                                                                          (TTY). In lieu of electronic filing, please            Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
                                                  Competing Applications
                                                                                                          send a paper copy to: Secretary, Federal               Robert E. Feldman,
                                                    On December 12, 2014, Twain                           Energy Regulatory Commission, 888                      Executive Secretary.
                                                  Resources, LLC, filed an application for                First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426.                [FR Doc. 2015–14279 Filed 6–10–15; 8:45 am]
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  a preliminary permit, pursuant to                       The first page of any filing should                    BILLING CODE 6714–01–P
                                                  section 4(f) of the Federal Power Act                   include docket number P–14654–000.
                                                  (FPA), proposing to study the feasibility                  More information about this project,
                                                  of the Tungstar Redux Water Power                       including a copy of the application, can
                                                  Project (Tungstar Redux Project or                      be viewed or printed on the ‘‘eLibrary’’               FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION
                                                  project) to be located at Pine Creek Mine               link of Commission’s Web site at http://               Sunshine Act Meeting
                                                  and along Morgan and Pine Creek, near                   www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/elibrary.asp.
                                                  the City of Bishop in Inyo County,                      Enter the docket number (P–14654) in                   AGENCY:   Federal Election Commission

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:06 Jun 10, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00038   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\11JNN1.SGM   11JNN1

                                                  33266                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 112 / Thursday, June 11, 2015 / Notices

                                                  DATE AND TIME:   Tuesday June 16, 2015                    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve            comment at the meeting must be
                                                  At 10:00 a.m. and Thursday, June 18,                    System, June 8, 2015.                                  received by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard
                                                  2015 at the Conclusion of the Open                      Michael J. Lewandowski,                                Time (EST), Friday, March 6, 2015.
                                                  Meeting.                                                Associate Secretary of the Board.                      Written presentations may be provided
                                                  PLACE: 999 E Street NW., Washington,                    [FR Doc. 2015–14289 Filed 6–10–15; 8:45 am]            to Mr. Dayton at daniel.dayton@
                                                  DC.                                                     BILLING CODE 6210–01–P                                 worldwar1centennial.org until Friday,
                                                  STATUS: This meeting will be closed to
                                                                                                                                                                 March 6, 2015. Please contact Mr.
                                                  the public.                                                                                                    Dayton at the email address above to
                                                                                                          GENERAL SERVICES                                       obtain meeting materials.
                                                  ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED:
                                                                                                          ADMINISTRATION                                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                     Compliance matters pursuant to 52
                                                  U.S.C. 30109.                                           [Notice–WWICC–2015–02; Docket No. 2015–                Background
                                                     Matters concerning participation in                  0006; Sequence No. 2]                                    The World War One Centennial
                                                  civil actions or proceedings or                                                                                Commission was established by Public
                                                  arbitration.                                            World War One Centennial
                                                                                                                                                                 Law 112–272, as a commission to
                                                     Information the premature disclosure                 Commission; Notification of Upcoming
                                                                                                                                                                 ensure a suitable observance of the
                                                  of which would be likely to have a                      Public Advisory Meeting
                                                                                                                                                                 centennial of World War I, to provide
                                                  considerable adverse effect on the                                                                             for the designation of memorials to the
                                                                                                          AGENCY: World War One Centennial
                                                  implementation of a proposed                                                                                   service of members of the United States
                                                                                                          Commission, GSA.
                                                  Commission action.                                                                                             Armed Forces in World War I, and for
                                                                                                          ACTION: Meeting notice.
                                                  *     *     *     *    *                                                                                       other purposes. Under this authority,
                                                  PERSON TO CONTACT FOR INFORMATION:                      SUMMARY:    Notice of this meeting is being            the Committee will plan, develop, and
                                                  Judith Ingram, Press Officer, Telephone:                provided according to the requirements                 execute programs, projects, and
                                                  (202) 694–1220.                                         of the Federal Advisory Committee Act,                 activities to commemorate the
                                                                                                          5 U.S.C. App.10(a)(2). This notice                     centennial of World War I, encourage
                                                  Shelley E. Garr,
                                                                                                          provides the schedule and agenda for                   private organizations and State and
                                                  Deputy Secretary of the Commission.                     the July 15, 2015 meeting of the World                 local governments to organize and
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–14443 Filed 6–9–15; 4:15 pm]              War One Centennial Commission (the                     participate in activities commemorating
                                                  BILLING CODE 6715–01–P                                  Commission). The meeting is open to                    the centennial of World War I, facilitate
                                                                                                          the public.                                            and coordinate activities throughout the
                                                                                                          DATES: Effective: June 11, 2015.                       United States relating to the centennial
                                                  FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM                                     Meeting Date and Location: The                      of World War I, serve as a clearinghouse
                                                                                                          meeting will be held on Wednesday,                     for the collection and dissemination of
                                                  Change in Bank Control Notices;                         July 15, 2015 starting at 9:00 a.m.                    information about events and plans for
                                                  Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or                     Central Daylight Time (CDT), and                       the centennial of World War I, and
                                                  Bank Holding Company                                    ending no later than 11:30 a.m. Central                develop recommendations for Congress
                                                    The notificants listed below have                     Daylight Time (CDT). The meeting will                  and the President for commemorating
                                                  applied under the Change in Bank                        be held at the World War I Museum at                   the centennial of World War I. The
                                                  Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and                     Liberty Memorial, 100 W. 26th Street,                  Commission does not have an
                                                  § 225.41 of the Board’s Regulation Y (12                Kansas City, MO 64108. This location is                appropriation and is operated solely on
                                                  CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank                 handicapped accessible. The meeting                    donated funds.
                                                  or bank holding company. The factors                    will be open to the public and will also                 Contact Daniel S. Dayton at
                                                  that are considered in acting on the                    be available telephonically. Persons                   daniel.dayton@worldwar1centennial.org
                                                  notices are set forth in paragraph 7 of                 attending in person are requested to                   to register to comment in person during
                                                  the Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)(7)).                         refrain from using perfume, cologne,                   the meeting’s 30 minute public
                                                    The notices are available for                         and other fragrances (see http://                      comment period. Registered speakers/
                                                  immediate inspection at the Federal                     www.access-board.gov/about/policies/                   organizations will be allowed 5 minutes
                                                  Reserve Bank indicated. The notices                     fragrance.htm for more information).                   and will need to provide written copies
                                                  also will be available for inspection at                Persons wishing to listen to the                       of their presentations. Requests to
                                                  the offices of the Board of Governors.                  proceedings may dial 712–432–1001                      comment, together with presentations
                                                  Interested persons may express their                    and enter access code 474845614. Note                  for the meeting must be received by 5:00
                                                  views in writing to the Reserve Bank                    that this is not a toll-free number.                   p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT),
                                                  indicated for that notice or to the offices             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                       Friday, July 10, 2015. Please contact Mr.
                                                  of the Board of Governors. Comments                     Daniel S. Dayton, Designated Federal                   Dayton at the email above to obtain
                                                  must be received not later than June 26,                Officer, World War 1 Centennial                        meeting materials.
                                                  2015.                                                   Commission, 701 Pennsylvania Avenue                      Agenda: Wednesday July 15, 2015.
                                                    A. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond                   NW., 123, Washington, DC 20004–2608,                   Old Business
                                                  (Adam M. Drimer, Assistant Vice                         telephone number 202–380–0725 (note:                     • Approval of minutes of previous
                                                  President) 701 East Byrd Street,                        this is not a toll-free number).                       meetings.
                                                  Richmond, Virginia 23261–4528:                             Written comments may be submitted                     • Public Comment Period.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    1. Ralph Ellison Mann, Sinks Grove,                   to the Commission and will be made                       • Discussion of recommendations to
                                                  West Virginia, and Margaret Mann                        part of the permanent record of the                    be made to the Congress and the
                                                  Thiessen, Grainau, Bavaria, Germany, as                 Commission. Comments must be                           President.
                                                  a group acting in concert; to acquire                   received by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight
                                                  voting shares of Union Bankshares, Inc.,                Time (EDT), Friday, July 10, 2015 and                  New Business
                                                  and thereby indirectly acquire voting                   may be provided by email to                              • American Legion Centennial
                                                  shares of The Bank of Monroe, both in                   daniel.dayton@                                         Briefing.
                                                  Union, West Virginia.                                   worldwar1centennial.org. Requests to                     • Staff Report.

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Document Created: 2015-12-15 15:07:30
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 15:07:30
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation80 FR 33265 

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