80_FR_34960 80 FR 34843 - Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for Room Air Conditioners; Request for Information

80 FR 34843 - Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for Room Air Conditioners; Request for Information

Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 117 (June 18, 2015)

Page Range34843-34855
FR Document2015-15001

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is initiating an effort to determine whether to amend the current energy conservation standards for room air conditioners (room ACs). According to the Energy Policy and Conservation Act's 6-year review requirement, DOE must publish by April 8, 2017 a notice of proposed rulemaking (NOPR) to propose new standards for room ACs or a notice of determination that the existing standards do not need to be amended. This RFI seeks to solicit information from the public to help DOE determine whether amended standards for room ACs would result in a significant amount of additional energy savings and whether those standards would be technologically feasible and economically justified. In addition, DOE has identified several issues associated with the currently applicable test procedure for room ACs on which DOE is particularly interested in receiving comment.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 117 (Thursday, June 18, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 117 (Thursday, June 18, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 34843-34855]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-15001]

Proposed Rules
                                                Federal Register

This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of 
the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these 
notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in 
the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.


Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 117 / Thursday, June 18, 2015 / 
Proposed Rules

[[Page 34843]]


Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

10 CFR Part 430

[Docket Number EERE-2014-BT-STD-0059]

Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for 
Room Air Conditioners; Request for Information

AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of 

ACTION: Request for Information (RFI).


SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is initiating an effort to 
determine whether to amend the current energy conservation standards 
for room air conditioners (room ACs). According to the Energy Policy 
and Conservation Act's 6-year review requirement, DOE must publish by 
April 8, 2017 a notice of proposed rulemaking (NOPR) to propose new 
standards for room ACs or a notice of determination that the existing 
standards do not need to be amended. This RFI seeks to solicit 
information from the public to help DOE determine whether amended 
standards for room ACs would result in a significant amount of 
additional energy savings and whether those standards would be 
technologically feasible and economically justified. In addition, DOE 
has identified several issues associated with the currently applicable 
test procedure for room ACs on which DOE is particularly interested in 
receiving comment.

DATES: Written comments and information are requested on or before 
August 3, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Interested parties are encouraged to submit comments 
electronically. However, comments may be submitted by any of the 
following methods:
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: www.regulations.gov. Follow 
the instructions for submitting comments.
     Email: RoomAC2014STD0059@ee.doe.gov. Include docket number 
EERE-2014-BT-STD-0059 in the subject line of the message. All comments 
should clearly identify the name, address, and, if appropriate, 
organization of the commenter. Submit electronic comments in Word 
Perfect, Microsoft Word, PDF, or ASCII file format, and avoid the use 
of special characters or any form on encryption.
     Postal Mail: Ms. Brenda Edwards, U.S. Department of 
Energy, Building Technologies Office, Mailstop EE-5B, Request for 
Information for Energy Conservation Standards for Room Air 
Conditioners, Docket No. EERE-2014-BT-STD-0059, 1000 Independence 
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585-0121. Please submit one signed paper 
     Hand Delivery/Courier: Ms. Brenda Edwards, U.S. Department 
of Energy, Building Technologies Office, Sixth Floor, 950 L'Enfant 
Plaza SW., Washington, DC 20024. Please submit one signed paper 
    Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name 
and docket number for this rulemaking. No telefacsimiles (faxes) will 
be accepted.
    Docket: The docket is available for review at www.regulations.gov, 
including Federal Register notices, comments, and other supporting 
documents/materials. All documents in the docket are listed in the 
www.regulations.gov index. However, not all documents listed in the 
index may be publicly available, such as information that is exempt 
from public disclosure. A link to the docket Web page can be found at: 
http://www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=EERE-2014-BT-STD-0059. This 
Web page contains a link to the docket for this notice on the 
www.regulations.gov Web site. The www.regulations.gov Web page contains 
simple instructions on how to access all documents, including public 
comments, in the docket.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Direct requests for additional 
information may be sent to:

Mr. Bryan Berringer, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy 
Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building Technologies Office, EE-5B, 
1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585-0121. Telephone: 
202-586-0371. Email: room_air_conditioners@ee.doe.gov.
Ms. Sarah Butler, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of the General 
Counsel, GC-33, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585-
0121. Telephone: (202) 586-1777. Email: Sarah.Butler@hq.doe.gov.

    For information on how to submit or review public comments, contact 
Ms. Brenda Edwards, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy 
Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building Technologies Program, 
Mailstop EE-5B, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585-
0121. Telephone: (202) 586-2945. Email: Brenda.Edwards@ee.doe.gov.


Table of Contents

I. Introduction
    A. Authority and Background
    B. Rulemaking Process
II. Request for Information and Comments
    A. Products Covered by this Rule
    B. Test Procedure
    1. Background
    2. Updated Energy Efficiency Metric
    3. Test Method for Cooling Mode
    4. Test Method for Heating Mode
    5. Test Method for Part Load Performance
    6. Test Methods for Products that Operate on Mutliple Voltages
    7. Test Methods for ``Connected Products''
    C. Market and Technology Assessment
    1. Product Classes
    2. Technology Assessment
    D. Screening Analysis
    1. Weight Limits
    2. Chassis size Limits
    3. Acoustic Noise
    E. Engineering Analysis
    1. Baseline Models
    2. Baseline Efficiency Levels
    3. Higher Efficiency Levels
    F. Markups Analysis
    G. Energy Use Analysis
    H. Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period Analysis
    I. Shipments Analysis
    J. National Impact Analysis
    K. Manufacturer Impact Analysis
III. Submission of Comments

I. Introduction

A. Authority and Background

[[Page 34844]]

    Title III, Part B \1\ of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 
1975 (EPCA or the Act), Public Law 94-163, (42 U.S.C. 6291-6309, as 
codified) sets forth a variety of provisions designed to improve energy 
efficiency and established the Energy Conservation Program for Consumer 
Products Other Than Automobiles, a program covering major household 
appliances (collectively referred to as ``covered products''), 
including room ACs.\2\ EPCA authorizes DOE to establish technologically 
feasible, economically justified energy conservation standards for 
covered products that would be likely to result in significant national 
energy savings. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(i)(I)-(VII))

    \1\ For editorial reasons, upon codification in the U.S. Code, 
Part B was re-designated Part A.
    \2\ All references to EPCA in this document refer to the statute 
as amended through the Energy Efficiency Improvement Act of 2015, 
Public Law 114-11 (April 30, 2015).

    The National Appliance Energy Conservation Act of 1987 (NAECA), 
Public Law 100-12, amended EPCA to establish prescriptive standards for 
room ACs manufactured on or after January 1, 1990, and directed DOE to 
conduct two cycles of rulemakings to determine if more stringent 
standards were justified. (42 U.S.C. 6295(c)(1)-(2))
    DOE undertook the first cycle of these rulemakings and published a 
final rule on September 24, 1997 (hereafter the September 1997 Final 
Rule), revising the energy conservation standards for room ACs 
manufactured on or after October 1, 2000. 62 FR 50122. For the second 
cycle of rulemakings, DOE published a direct final rule on April 21, 
2011 (hereafter the April 2011 Direct Final Rule), amending the energy 
conservation standards for room ACs manufactured on or after April 21, 
2014. 76 FR 22454. DOE published a final rule amending the compliance 
dates for energy conservation standards for residential room air 
conditioners. 76 FR 52852 (Aug. 24, 2011). In a separate notice, also 
on August 24, 2011, DOE confirmed the adoption of these energy 
conservation standards in a notice of effective date and compliance 
dates for the direct final rule published on August 24, 2011 (76 FR 
52854), which also adopted compliance dates which were set forth in a 
proposed rule published on May 9, 2011 (76 FR 26656). The current 
energy conservation standards apply to room ACs manufactured on or 
after June 1, 2014.
    EPCA requires that, not later than 6 years after the issuance of a 
final rule establishing or amending a standard, DOE publish a NOPR 
proposing new standards or a notice of determination that the existing 
standards do not need to be amended. (42 U.S.C. 6295(m)(1)) Based on 
this provision, DOE must publish by April 8, 2017, either a NOPR 
proposing amended standards for room ACs or a notice of determination 
that the existing standards do not need to be amended. This notice 
represents the initiation of the mandatory review process imposed by 
EPCA and seeks input from the public to assist DOE with its 
determination on whether amended standards pertaining to room ACs are 
warranted. In making this determination, DOE must evaluate whether more 
stringent standards would (1) yield a significant savings in energy use 
and (2) be both technologically feasible and economically justified. 
(42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(3)(B))

B. Rulemaking Process

    DOE must follow specific statutory criteria for prescribing new or 
amended standards for covered products. EPCA requires that any new or 
amended energy conservation standard be designed to achieve the maximum 
improvement in energy or water efficiency that is technologically 
feasible and economically justified. To determine whether a standard is 
economically justified, EPCA requires that DOE determine whether the 
benefits of the standard exceed its burdens by considering, to the 
greatest extent practicable, the following:
    1. The economic impact of the standard on the manufacturers and 
consumers of the affected products;
    2. The savings in operating costs throughout the estimated average 
life of the product compared to any increases in the initial cost, or 
maintenance expense;
    3. The total projected amount of energy and water (if applicable) 
savings likely to result directly from the imposition of the standard;
    4. Any lessening of the utility or the performance of the products 
likely to result from the imposition of the standard;
    5. The impact of any lessening of competition, as determined in 
writing by the Attorney General, that is likely to result from the 
imposition of the standard;
    6. The need for national energy and water conservation; and
    7. Other factors the Secretary of Energy (Secretary) considers 
relevant. (42 U.S.C. 6295 (o)(2)(B)(i))
    DOE fulfills these and other applicable requirements by conducting 
a series of analyses throughout the rulemaking process. Table I.1 shows 
the individual analyses that are performed to satisfy each of the 
requirements within EPCA.

       Table I.1--EPCA Requirements and Corresponding DOE Analysis
            EPCA requirement                Corresponding DOE analysis
Technological Feasibility..............   Market and Technology
                                          Screening Analysis.
                                          Engineering Analysis.
Economic Justification:
    1. Economic impact on manufacturers   Manufacturer Impact
     and consumers.                       Analysis.
                                          Life-Cycle Cost and
                                          Payback Period Analysis.
                                          Life-Cycle Cost
                                          Subgroup Analysis.
                                          Shipments Analysis.
    2. Lifetime operating cost savings    Markups for Product
     compared to increased cost for the   Price Determination.
     product.                             Energy and Water Use
                                          Life-Cycle Cost and
                                          Payback Period Analysis.
    3. Total projected energy savings..   Shipments Analysis.
                                          National Impact
    4. Impact on utility or performance   Screening Analysis.
                                          Engineering Analysis.
    5. Impact of any lessening of         Manufacturer Impact
     competition.                         Analysis.
    6. Need for national energy and       Shipments Analysis.
     water conservation.                  National Impact

[[Page 34845]]

    7. Other factors the Secretary        Emissions Analysis.
     considers relevant.                  Utility Impact
                                          Employment Impact
                                          Monetization of
                                          Emission Reductions Benefits.
                                          Regulatory Impact

    As detailed throughout this RFI, DOE is specifically publishing 
this notice as the first step in the analysis process and is 
specifically requesting input and data from interested parties to aid 
in the development of the technical analyses.

II. Request for Information and Comments

    In the next section, DOE has identified a variety of questions that 
DOE would like to receive input on to aid in the development of the 
technical and economic analyses regarding whether new standards for 
room ACs may be warranted. In addition, DOE welcomes comments on other 
issues relevant to the conduct of this rulemaking that may not 
specifically be identified in this notice.

A. Products Covered by This Rulemaking

    DOE defines ``room air conditioner'' under EPCA as ``a consumer 
product, other than a ``packaged terminal air conditioner,'' which is 
powered by a single phase electric current and which is an encased 
assembly designed as a unit for mounting in a window or through the 
wall for the purpose of providing delivery of conditioned air to an 
enclosed space. It includes a prime source of refrigeration and may 
include a means for ventilating and heating. (10 CFR 430.2) DOE intends 
to address energy conservation standards for all room ACs.
    DOE notes that other consumer products, including portable ACs and 
residential dehumidifiers, are self-encased, powered by a single phase 
electric current, refrigeration-based, and provide delivery of 
conditioned air to an enclosed space. Portable ACs also provide 
connection through ducting to a window mounting bracket. DOE believes, 
however, that the requirement in the room AC definition that the 
encased assembly be designed as a unit for mounting in a window refers 
to the product in its entirety, and not just to duct connections. For 
this reason, DOE is not proposing to update the definition of ``room 
air conditioner'' to exclude other consumer products.
    DOE is aware that room ACs may provide additional consumer-oriented 
functions besides cooling, heating, and ventilation. Certain units may 
offer an air circulation feature, in which the room air is circulated 
without the addition of any outside air. In addition, certain units may 
provide an air cleaning function by means of electrostatic filtration, 
ultraviolet radiation, or ozone generators. DOE requests feedback from 
interested parties on the suitability of adding references to air 
circulation, air cleaning, or other functions to the room air 
conditioner definition.
    Issue A.1 DOE requests comment on the definition of room ACs and 
the consideration of energy conservation standards for all room ACs.

B. Test Procedure

1. Background
    Prior to June 1, 2014, room AC performance was certified using the 
energy efficiency ratio (EER). EER is expressed in British thermal 
units (Btu) per watt-hour (Wh), and is the quotient of: (1) The cooling 
capacity in Btu per hour, divided by: (2) The electrical input power in 
watts (W). (10 CFR 430.23(f)(2))
    The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007), 
Public Law 110-140, amended EPCA to require that standby mode and off 
mode energy consumption be integrated into the overall energy 
efficiency, energy consumption, or other energy descriptor unless the 
Secretary determines that (i) the current test procedures for a covered 
product already fully account for and incorporate standby mode and off 
mode energy consumption of the covered product; or (ii) such an 
integrated test procedure is technically infeasible for a particular 
covered product, in which case the Secretary shall prescribe a separate 
standby mode and off mode energy use test procedure for the covered 
product, if technically feasible. (42 U.S.C. 6295(gg)(2)(A))
    On January 6, 2011, DOE published in the Federal Register a final 
rule for a room air AC test procedure rulemaking (January 2011 RAC TP 
Final Rule), in which DOE determined it is technically feasible to 
incorporate standby mode and off mode energy consumption into overall 
energy consumption. As a result, DOE adopted new methods to calculate 
room AC standby and off mode energy use and the new measure of energy 
efficiency, Combined Energy Efficiency Ratio (CEER), that integrates 
standby and off mode energy use with the active mode energy use. 76 FR 
972, 991-992 (Jan. 6, 2011)
    In the January 2011 RAC TP Final Rule, DOE incorporated by 
reference into the room AC test procedures specific clauses from 
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standard 62301, 
``Household electrical appliances--Measurement of standby power'', 
First Edition, 2005-06 (IEC Standard 62301 First Edition) regarding 
test conditions and test procedures for measuring standby and off mode 
power consumption. DOE also incorporated definitions of ``active 
mode,'' ``standby mode,'' and ``off mode'' that are based on the 
definitions provided in IEC Standard 62301, ``Household electrical 
appliances--Measurement of standby power'', Second Edition, Committee 
Draft for Vote (IEC Standard 62301 CDV). Further, DOE adopted language 
to clarify the application of clauses from IEC Standard 62301 First 
Edition and the mode definitions from IEC Standard 62301 CDV for 
measuring standby and off mode power consumption. 76 FR 972, 979-987 
(Jan. 6, 2011). Also as part of the January 2011 RAC TP Final Rule, DOE 
amended the room AC test procedure to update the references to industry 
test standards to the versions applicable at that time: (1) American 
National Standards Institute (ANSI)/Association of Home Appliance 
Manufacturers (AHAM) RAC-1-2008, ``Room Air Conditioners'' (ANSI/AHAM 
RAC-1-2008); \3\ and (2) ANSI/American Society of Heating, 
Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers Standard (ASHRAE) 16-1983 
(RA2009), ``Method of Testing for Rating Room Air Conditioners and 
Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners'' (ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 16-1983 

[[Page 34846]]

respectively. 76 FR 972, 1016-1017 (Jan. 6, 2011).

    \3\ AHAM standards are available for purchase online at: 
    \4\ ASHRAE standards are available for purchase online at: 

2. Updated Energy Efficiency Metric
    On February 25, 2015, DOE published a test procedure NOPR for 
portable ACs that proposes the use of a revised CEER metric that 
accounts for energy consumption in each of the identified active, 
standby, and off modes: Cooling mode, heating mode, off-cycle mode, 
inactive mode, and off mode (hereafter referred to as the February 2015 
PAC TP NOPR). 80 FR 10212. As discussed in section II.A of this notice, 
DOE is requesting input on including definitions for different 
operating modes in the definitions for room ACs. If such additional 
modes are included, DOE would also consider whether to revise the 
current room AC CEER metric to account for the energy use in them. In 
particular, DOE is interested in feedback on whether to consider 
including in the room AC CEER metric the same modes proposed for the 
portable AC metric, because of the similarity between the two products.
    As a possible approach, DOE could consider the proposal in the 
February 2015 PAC TP NOPR, in which average power in each mode would be 
measured and then individually multiplied by the annual operating hours 
for its respective mode.

AECi = Pi x hi x k


AECi is the annual energy consumption in each mode, in 
kilowatt-hours (kWh)/year;
Pi is the average power in each mode, in W;
hi is the number of annual operating hours in each mode;
i designates the operating mode (``c'' cooling, ``h'' heating, 
``oc'' off-cycle, and ``ia'' inactive or ``om'' off mode); and
k is 0.001 kWh/Wh conversion factor for Wh to kWh.

80 FR 10211, 10234 (Feb. 25, 2015).

    In order to calculate AECi, DOE would need to define the 
annual operating hours for each mode. The current room AC test 
procedure specifies 750 hours for active cooling mode, and a total of 
5,115 hours for inactive and off mode. (10 CFR part 430 appendix F to 
subpart B). DOE established these values in the January 2011 RAC TP 
Final Rule. DOE seeks input on mode hours for the complete set of 
operating modes that may be defined for room ACs.
    To incorporate the new operating modes into a revised CEER metric, 
the February 2015 PAC TP NOPR proposed defining the new term; 
``combined cooling mode EER'' (CEERC).


CEERC is the combined energy efficiency ratio in cooling 
mode, in Btu/Wh.
ACC is the adjusted cooling capacity, in Btu/h.
AECT is the total annual energy consumption attributed to 
all modes except cooling and heating, in kWh/year.
t is the number of hours per year, 8,760.
k is 0.001 kWh/Wh conversion factor for watt-hours to kilowatt-

80 FR 10211, 10234 (Feb. 25, 2015).

    The CEERC would be calculated for all units, including 
those with only cooling function and those with both cooling and 
heating functions. For units with cooling and heating functions, the 
metric would be calculated assuming heating mode is not used and 
therefore, the operating hours that would have been attributed to 
heating mode and other associated operating modes during the heating 
season would be neglected. In the February 2015 PAC TP NOPR, DOE 
proposed that the resulting CEERC is a meaningful metric for 
portable ACs without a heating function, and a basis for comparing 
cooling mode efficiency for units that include heating function, as 
well as a metric that could be compared to other cooling products, such 
as room ACs. Id.
    To calculate the overall energy efficiency metric for portable ACs 
without a heating function, the February 2015 PAC TP NOPR proposed that 
the revised CEER would be directly equal to the unit's calculated 
CEERC. However, for units with both cooling and heating 
mode, the revised overall CEER would be calculated as follows.


CEER is the combined energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh.
ACC is the adjusted cooling capacity, in Btu/h.
AHC is the adjusted heating capacity, in Btu/h.
AECT is the total annual energy consumption attributed to 
all modes except cooling and heating, in kWh/year.
hc and hh are the cooling and heating mode 
operating hours, respectively.
t is the number of hours per year, 8,760.
k is 0.001 kWh/Wh conversion factor for watt-hours to kilowatt-

80 FR 10211, 10234-35 (Feb. 25, 2015).

    Issue B.1 DOE seeks comment on the merits and/or limitations of 
revising the room AC test procedure and efficiency metric to account 
for energy consumption in various modes, which may include cooling 
mode, heating mode, off-cycle mode, inactive mode, off mode, or others.
    Issue B.2 DOE requests data on annual operating hours for the room 
AC operating modes.
    Issue B.3 DOE seeks comment on revising the room AC test procedure 
to require calculation of CEERC for all units, including 
those with only cooling function, and those with both cooling and 
heating functions.
    Issue B.4 DOE seeks comment on revising the definition of CEER for 
room ACs to be consistent with definitions proposed in the February 
3. Test Methods for Cooling Mode
    The current room AC test procedure specifies that cooling mode 
performance be tested in accordance with the methods and conditions in 
ANSI/AHAM RAC-1-2008 and ANSI/ASHRAE 16-1983 (RA2009). (10 CFR part 
430, appendix F to subpart B)

[[Page 34847]]

ANSI/ASHRAE reaffirmed the test standard 16-1983 most recently in 2014. 
ANSI/ASHRAE 16-1983 (R2014) specifies measuring cooling performance 
using a calorimeter method. DOE is aware, however, that ASHRAE is 
currently undertaking a revision to ANSI/ASHRAE 16-1983 (R2014) that is 
expected to allow cooling performance to be measured using an air 
enthalpy method similar to that specified in ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 
``Methods of Testing for Rating Electrically Driven Unitary Air-
Conditioning and Heat Pump Equipment'' (ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009).
    Issue B.5 DOE seeks comment on the possible use of an air enthalpy 
method as an alternative to the current calorimeter method to measure 
cooling performance in the room AC test procedure.
    Issue B.6 DOE requests test data comparing the performance and 
accuracy of the current calorimeter method to the air enthalpy method 
being considered in a revision to ANSI/ASHRAE 16-1983 (R2014).
    Issue B.7 DOE requests information on the burdens associated with 
testing cooling performance using an air enthalpy method. Specifically 
DOE is interested in data related to the required capital investment 
costs, per-test costs, and testing time associated with air enthalpy 
testing. DOE is also interested in how these costs compare to those for 
the existing calorimeter method, and whether the burden for air 
enthalpy testing would disproportionately impact certain businesses.
4. Test Methods for Heating Mode
    If DOE revises the room AC test procedure to require calculation of 
CEERh for models with reverse cycle, DOE would need to 
define a method for measuring heating performance. DOE is currently 
evaluating test methods that have been developed (or are proposed) for 
other residential or light commercial space cooling/heating appliances, 
such as portable ACs, packaged terminal ACs (PTACs), and packaged 
terminal heat pumps (PTHPs).
    In the February 2015 PAC TP NOPR DOE proposed using an air enthalpy 
method to measure portable AC heating performance. The proposed method 
is based on AHAM PAC-1-2014 ``Portable Air Conditioners'' (AHAM PAC-1), 
which references test methods established in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37-
2009. 80 FR 10211, 10217-10231 (Feb. 25, 2015). For this method, DOE 
proposed standard rating conditions for the evaporator (room) side and 
condenser (outdoor) side of dual-duct portable ACs as shown in Table 
II.1. DOE considers the test conditions in Table II.1 to be the most 
representative of typical heating mode use for portable ACs, which are 
likely used as supplemental or low-capacity heaters when a central 
heating system isn't necessary or operating. DOE notes that the terms 
``evaporator'' and ``condenser'' refer to the heat exchanger 
configuration in cooling mode, not the reverse-cycle heating mode.

 Table II.1--Standard Rating Conditions for Dual Duct PACs--Heating Mode
    Evaporator inlet air degrees          Condenser inlet air [deg]F
  Fahrenheit ([deg]F) ([deg]Celsius                ([deg]C)
                (C))                 -----------------------------------
     Dry Bulb           Wet Bulb          Dry Bulb          Wet Bulb
    70.0 (21.1)        60.0 (15.6)        47.0 (8.33)       43.0 (6.11)

    In the current PTAC and PTHP test procedure (10 CFR 431.96), DOE 
also uses an air enthalpy method to measure heating mode performance. 
For this test procedure, DOE incorporates by reference in total the 
American Refrigeration Institute (ARI) Standard 310/380-2004 ``Standard 
for Packaged Terminal Air-Conditioners And Heat Pumps'' (ARI 310/380-
2004).\5\ ARI 310/380-2004 in turn references ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 58-
1999 ``Methods of Testing Rating Room Air Conditioner and Packaged 
Terminal Air Conditioner Heating Capacity'' (ANSI/ASHRAE 58-1999) to 
rate the heating performance of both PTACs and PTHPs. AHR 310/380-2004 
specifically notes that ``standard ratings relating to cooling capacity 
and heating capacity shall be net values, including the effects of 
circulating fan heat, but not including supplementary heat. Standard 
input ratings shall be the total power input to the compressor(s) and 
fans, plus controls and other items included as part of the model 
number(s).'' AHR 310/380-2004 provides methods to calculate heat pump 
heating capacities and energy consumption at both ``high-temperature'' 
and ``low-temperature'' operating conditions, but specifies that EER 
and coefficient of performance (COP) are only calculated for the high-
temperature condition. Table II.2 summarizes the rating conditions for 
high- and low-temperature conditions.

    \5\ ARI 310/380-2004 is available online at: www.ari.org/App_Content/ahri/files/standards%20pdfs/ANSI%20standards%20pdfs/ANSI.AHRI.CSA%20Standard%20310_380-2004.pdf.

     Table II.2--Standard Rating Conditions for PTHPs and PTACs With Reverse Cycle Capability--Heating Mode
                                          Evaporator inlet air [deg]F ([deg]C)      Condenser inlet air [deg]F
                                       ------------------------------------------            ([deg]C)
          Operating condition                                                    -------------------------------
                                           Dry Bulb             Wet Bulb             Dry Bulb        Wet Bulb
High-Temperature......................     70.0 (21.1)  60.0 (15.6) max.........      47.0 (8.3)      43.0 (6.1)
Low-Temperature.......................     70.0 (21.1)  60.0 (15.6) max.........     17.0 (-8.3)     15.0 (-9.4)

    Issue B.8 DOE seeks comment on appropriate test methods, external 
standards, and operating conditions for measuring heating performance 
in room ACs with reverse cycle. Specifically, DOE seeks comment on the 
high-temperature operating conditions specified in Table II.2. DOE also

[[Page 34848]]

welcomes suggestions and supporting data for alternative methods.
    Issue B.9 DOE requests information on the burdens associated with 
testing heating performance, using methods similar to ANSI/ASHRAE 58-
1999 or ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009, or other methods. Specifically DOE is 
interested in data related to the required capital investment costs, 
per-test costs, and testing time associate with sound testing. DOE also 
requests comment on whether this burden would disproportionately impact 
certain businesses.
5. Test Methods for Part Load Performance
    In the January 2011 RAC TP Final Rule, DOE discussed that the test 
procedure established in that rule does not measure the benefits of 
technologies that improve part-load performance. 76 FR 972, 1016 (Jan. 
6, 2011). The current room AC test procedure measures only the full-
load performance at outdoor ambient conditions of 95 [deg]F dry-bulb 
and 75 [deg]F wet-bulb. Therefore, technologies that improve part-load 
performance, such as multiple-speed compressors and variable-opening 
expansion devices, will not improve the rated performance of a room AC 
under the current test procedure. In contrast, central ACs and heat 
pumps are rated with a seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) 
descriptor, but the test procedure consists of multiple rating points 
at different conditions that add time and expense when rating the 
    DOE concluded in the January 2011 RAC TP Final Rule that widespread 
use of part-load technology in room ACs would not likely be stimulated 
by the development of a part-load metric at this time, and therefore, 
the significant effort required to develop an accurate part-load metric 
is not likely to be warranted by the expected minimal energy savings. 
76 FR 972, 1016 (Jan. 6, 2011.
    For the current test procedure rulemaking, DOE again intends to 
investigate the merits and limitations of revising the current room AC 
test procedure to account for any benefits of technologies that improve 
part-load performance. As part of this investigation, DOE expects to 
research the availability of room ACs on the market in the United 
States that incorporate variable speed compressors and other components 
and controls that would enable implementation of part-load operation.
    Issue B.10 DOE seeks comment on the merits and/or limitations of 
revising the current room AC test procedure to account for benefit of 
technologies that improve part-load performance, and welcomes 
suggestions and supporting information for test methods that measure 
part-load operation.
    Issue B.11 DOE seeks data and information on the prevalence of room 
ACs in the U.S. market that are capable of part-load operation.
6. Test Methods for Products That Operate on Multiple Voltages
    DOE is aware that there are room ACs available in the United States 
that can operate on multiple voltages for the input power. These 
products may have a different capacity measured at each operating 
voltage. As a result, a single product may be categorized into two 
different product classes and therefore be required to comply with two 
different energy conservation standards, depending on which voltage is 
used to test the product. Currently, the room AC test procedure does 
not specify which voltage a product should be tested at, if it is 
capable of operating with multiple voltages.
    Issue B.12 DOE seeks comment on how to test and certify products 
that may operate on multiple voltages. Specifically, DOE is interested 
in comment on how to treat products that may be categorized into two 
different product classes, depending on operating voltage.
7. Test Methods for ``Connected Products''
    On February 20, 2015, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 
(EPA) published the Final Version 4.0 ``ENERGY STAR Product 
Specification for Room Air Conditioners.'' \6\ Along with revised 
efficiency criteria, EPA specified an optional connected criteria for 
room ACs designed to provide enhanced functionality to consumers, such 
as alerts/messages, remote control, and energy information, as well as 
new demand response capabilities to support future smart grid 
interconnection. Products that meet these optional criteria and are 
certified using a future test method to validate the demand response 
capabilities could take advantage of a 5-percent energy use allowance 
for ENERGY STAR rating qualification.

    \6\ Available online at www.energystar.gov/products/spec/room_air_conditioner_specification_version_4_0_pd.

    DOE anticipates that the revised ENERGY STAR specification may 
increase the market penetration of ``connected products.'' It is 
possible that connected products may consume a significant amount of 
energy while performing these connected functions. As such, DOE is 
considering whether to amend the room AC test procedure and energy 
conservation standards to account for the energy consumed while the 
product performs connected functions.
    Issue B.13 DOE requests information on ``connected'' room ACs that 
are already on the market in the United States. Specifically, DOE is 
interested in the available ``connected'' features, as well as the 
energy consumption while these features are active or awaiting 
    Issue B.14 DOE request information on the current and anticipated 
market penetration of ``connected products.''

C. Market and Technology Assessment

    The market and technology assessment provides information about the 
room AC industry that will be used throughout the rulemaking process. 
For example, this information will be used to determine whether the 
existing product class structure requires modification based on the 
statutory criteria for setting such classes and to explore the 
potential for technological improvements in the design and 
manufacturing of such products. DOE uses qualitative and quantitative 
information to characterize the structure of the room AC industry and 
market. DOE will identify and characterize the manufacturers of room 
ACs, estimate market shares and trends, address regulatory and non-
regulatory initiatives intended to improve energy efficiency or reduce 
energy consumption, and explore the potential for technological 
improvements in the design and manufacturing of room ACs. DOE will also 
review product literature, industry publications, and company Web 
sites. Additionally, DOE will consider conducting interviews with 
manufacturers to assess the overall market for room ACs.
1. Product Classes
    As required by EPCA, the criteria for separation into different 
classes are: (1) Type of energy used, or (2) capacity or other 
performance-related features such as those that provide utility to the 
consumer or others deemed appropriate by the Secretary that would 
justify the establishment of a separate energy conservation standard. 
(42 U.S.C. 6295 (q))
    For room ACs, the NAECA amendments to EPCA, initially specified 12 
product classes which were applicable to units designed for single-hung 
or double-hung window installation or through-thewall installation and 
based on the following

[[Page 34849]]

criteria: (1) cooling capacity, in Btu/h; (2) the presence of louvered 
sides (LS); and (3) the capability of reverse cycle. (42 U.S.C. 
6295(c)(1)). In the September 1997 Final Rule, DOE established an 
updated set of performance standards (effective October 1, 2000) which 
included four additional product classes. 62 FR 50122 (Sept. 24, 1997). 
In the April 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE split Product Classes 5 and 8 
into two product classes each. Former Product Class 5 (louvered, non-
reverse-cycle, capacity of 20,000 Btu/h and higher) was split into 
Product Class 5A (louvered, non-reverse-cycle, capacity of 20,000 to 
27,999 Btu/h) and Product Class 5B (louvered, non-reverse-cycle, 
capacity of 28,000 Btu/h and higher). Former Product Class 8 (non-
louvered, non-reverse-cycle, capacity of 8,000 to 13,999 Btu/h) was 
split into Product Class 8A (non-louvered, non-reverse-cycle, capacity 
of 8,000 to 10,999 Btu/h) and Product Class 8B (nonlouvered, non-
reverse-cycle, capacity of 11,000 to 13,999 Btu/h). 76 FR 22454 (Apr. 
21, 2011). Table II.3 lists the current 18 product classes for room 

        Table II.3--Current Room Air Conditioner Product Classes
              Without reverse cycle and with louvered sides
1. Less than 6,000 Btu/h.
2. 6,000 to 7,999 Btu/h.
3. 8,000 to 13,999 Btu/h.
4. 14,000 to 19,999 Btu/h.
5A. 20,000 to 27,999 Btu/h.
5B. 28,000 Btu/h or more.
            Without reverse cycle and without louvered sides
6. Less than 6,000 Btu/h.
7. 6,000 to 7,999 Btu/h.
8A. 8,000 to 10,999 Btu/h.
8B. 11,000 to 13,999 Btu/h.
9. 14,000 to 19,999 Btu/h.
10. 20,000 Btu/h or more
                           With reverse cycle
11. With louvered sides and less than 20,000 Btu/h.
12. Without louvered sides and less than 14,000 Btu/h.
13. With louvered sides and 20,000 Btu/h or more.
14. Without louvered sides and 14,000 Btu/h or more.
15. Casement-Only.
16. Casement-Slide.

    Issue C.1 DOE requests feedback on the current room AC product 
classes and seeks information regarding any other product classes it 
should consider for inclusion in its analysis.
2. Technology Assessment
    DOE uses information about existing and past technology options and 
prototype designs to help identify technologies that manufacturers 
could use to meet and/or exceed energy conservation standards. In 
consultation with interested parties, DOE intends to develop a list of 
technologies to consider in its analysis. Initially, this list will 
include a subset of the technology options considered during the most 
recent room AC energy conservation standards rulemaking. These 
technologies are listed in Table II.4.
    DOE is aware that certain technologies listed in Table II.4 may 
have progressed since the April 2011 Direct Final Rule. Specifically, 
at the time of that analysis, the room AC industry was responding to 
the EPA-mandated phase-out of HFC-22 refrigerant. 74 FR 66412, 66418 
(Dec. 15, 2009). This rule led to an industry changeover to R-410A 
refrigerant. Manufacturers expressed concern at the time over the 
availability of R-410A compressors, stating that production capacity of 
compressor suppliers had not fully rebounded and compressor suppliers 
had yet to offer the same range of compressor capacities and efficiency 
tiers (See chapter 12 of the direct final rule technical support 
document (TSD).). Consequently, DOE plans to investigate improvements 
in R-410A compressors that may have come available since the April 2011 
Direct Final Rule.
    Additionally, in the April 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE investigated 
the technological feasibility of the alternative refrigerant R-407C. 76 
FR 22490 (April 21, 2011). For this rulemaking, DOE may reevaluate R-
407C, as well as other hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) and hydrocarbon (HC) 
    Furthermore, DOE is aware that three new refrigerants have been 
approved for use in room air conditioners by the EPA under the 
Significant New Alternatives Program (SNAP), subject to certain use 
conditions: R-290, R-441A and R-32.80 FR 19454 (Apr. 10, 2015). For 
this rulemaking, DOE plans to investigate the technological feasibility 
of these refrigerants.

        Table II.4--Technology Options for Room Air Conditioners
                                                 Technology passed to
                                             screening analysis in April
                                               2011 direct final rule?
                  Increased heat transfer surface area
1. Increased frontal coil area.............  Yes.
2. Increased depth of coil (add tube rows).  Yes.
3. Increased fin density...................  Yes.
4. Add subcooler to condenser coil.........  Yes.
                  Increased Heat Transfer Coefficients
5. Improved fin design.....................  Yes.
6. Improved tube design....................  Yes.
7. Hydrophilic-film coating on fins........  Yes.

[[Page 34850]]

8. Spray condensate onto condenser coil....  Yes.
9. Microchannel heat exchangers............  Yes.
                         Component Improvements
10. Improved indoor blower and outdoor fan   Yes.
11. Improved blower/fan motor efficiency...  Yes.
12. Improved compressor efficiency.........  Yes.
                    Part-Load Technology Improvements
13. Two-speed, variable-speed, or            Yes.
 modulating-capacity compressors.
14. Thermostatic or electronic expansion     Yes.
15. Thermostatic cyclic controls...........  Yes.
                       Standby Power Improvements
16. Switching Power Supply.................  Yes.
                      Refrigeration System Options
17. Alternative Refrigerants (R-407C)......  No.
18. Suction-Line Heat Exchanger............  No.

    Issue C.2 DOE seeks information related to the technologies listed 
in Table II.4 or other technologies as to their applicability to the 
current market and how these technologies improve efficiency of room 
ACs as measured according to the DOE test procedure.
    Issue C.3 DOE seeks information related to efficiency improvements 
in R-410A compressors since the April 2011 Direct Final Rule, their 
applicability and/or penetration in the current market, and how the 
compressors improve efficiency of room ACs as measured according to the 
DOE test procedure.
    Issue C.4 DOE seeks information related to the alternative HFC and 
HC refrigerants, including propane. Specifically, DOE seeks information 
on the availability of such refrigerants, and, their applicability and/
or penetration in the current market, and how these refrigerants 
improve efficiency of room ACs as measured according to the DOE test 

D. Screening Analysis

    The purpose of the screening analysis is to evaluate the 
technologies that improve equipment efficiency to determine which 
technologies will be eliminated from further consideration and which 
will be passed to the engineering analysis for further consideration.
    Appendix A to subpart C of Title 10 of the Code of Federal 
Regulations, Part 430 (10 CFR part 430), ``Procedures, Interpretations 
and Policies for Consideration of New or Revised Energy Conservation 
Standards for Consumer Products'' (the Process Rule), sets forth 
procedures to guide DOE in its consideration and promulgation of new or 
revised equipment energy conservation standards. These procedures 
elaborate on the statutory criteria provided in 42 U.S.C. 6295(o) and, 
in part, eliminate problematic technologies early in the process of 
prescribing or amending an energy efficiency standard. In particular, 
sections 4(b)(4) and 5(b) of the Process Rule guide DOE in determining 
whether to eliminate from consideration any technology that presents 
unacceptable problems with respect to the following criteria:
    (1) Technological feasibility. Technologies incorporated in 
commercial equipment or in working prototypes will be considered 
technologically feasible.
    (2) Practicability to manufacture, install, and service. If mass 
production of a technology in commercial equipment and reliable 
installation and servicing of the technology could be achieved on the 
scale necessary to serve the relevant market at the time of the 
effective date of the standard, then that technology will be considered 
practicable to manufacture, install, and service.
    (3) Impacts on equipment utility or equipment availability. If a 
technology is determined to have significant adverse impact on the 
utility of the equipment to significant subgroups of consumers, or 
result in the unavailability of any covered equipment type with 
performance characteristics (including reliability), features, sizes, 
capacities, and volumes that are substantially the same as equipment 
generally available in the United States at the time, it will not be 
considered further.
    (4) Adverse impacts on health or safety. If it is determined that a 
technology will have significant adverse impacts on health or safety, 
it will not be considered further.
    Technology options developed in the technology assessment are 
evaluated against these criteria using DOE analyses and inputs from 
manufacturers, trade organizations, and energy efficiency advocates. 
Technologies that pass through the screening analysis are referred to 
as ``design options'' in the engineering analysis. Technology options 
that fail to meet one or more of the four criteria are eliminated from 
    As a part of the screening analysis, DOE has identified three 

[[Page 34851]]

consumer-oriented issues that it seeks input on. These issues are 
weight limits, chassis size limits, and acoustic noise. The following 
three subsections provide further details on these issues.
1. Weight Limits
    In the April 2011 Direct Final Rule analysis DOE limited the total 
weight of the Product Class 1 (as defined in Table II.3) baseline unit 
to 50 pounds, to avoid exceeding Occupational Safety and Health 
Administration (OSHA) and National Institute of Occupational Safety and 
Health (NIOSH) guidelines for single-person lifting.\7\ DOE did not 
consider limiting the weight of the other analyzed product classes 
because baseline units in those product classes already exceeded this 
weight limit.

    \7\ NIOSH guideline: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2007-131/.
    OSHA guideline: https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/etools/electricalcontractors/materials/heavy.html.

    Issue D.1 DOE seeks input on the merits and/or limitations of 
maintaining a 50-pound limit for room ACs in Product Class 1. DOE also 
welcomes suggestions and supporting analysis for alternative weight 
    Issue D.2 DOE seeks input on whether to consider weight limits for 
product classes other than Product Class 1 in the room AC analysis. DOE 
also welcomes suggestions and data for additional product class-
specific weight limits.
2. Chassis Size Limits
    In the April 2011 Direct Final Rule analysis, DOE used a 
methodology that established maximum chassis widths and heights for 
each product class, when considering a baseline unit. DOE established 
these limits based on the dimensions of the largest R-410A room AC in 
each product class on the market. DOE did not set a limit for maximum 
chassis depth in that analysis.
    Issue D.3 DOE seeks input on potentially establishing chassis size 
limits as part of a design option analysis. DOE also welcomes 
suggestions and supporting analysis for alternative chassis size 
    Issue D.4 DOE seeks input on any factors that may help define 
chassis dimension limits beyond the dimensions of room ACs currently on 
the market in the United States. Specifically DOE welcomes data on the 
distribution of window widths and heights in U.S. residences.
3. Acoustic Noise
    DOE understands that increased noise levels might occur as room ACs 
attain higher levels of efficiency. Certain technology options, such as 
higher speed fans, can facilitate increased heat transfer and improved 
efficiency, but may result in increased acoustic noise. As a part of 
the screening analysis, DOE intends to investigate this relationship, 
specifically as it relates to impacts on consumer utility. As such DOE 
seeks input on test methods appropriate to objectively evaluate 
acoustic noise in room ACs.
    DOE is aware that the European Union (EU), through its EcoDesign 
regulations, recently instituted maximum sound power levels for room 
ACs assessed under EN 12102:2013 ``Air Conditioners, liquid chilling 
packages, heat pumps and dehumidifiers with electrically driven 
compressors for space heating and cooling--Measurement of airborne 
noise--Determination of sound power levels'' (EN 12102:2013). Under the 
new EU regulation, room ACs may not exceed indoor sound power levels of 
60 decibels (dB)(A) and outdoor sound power levels of 60dB(A).
    Similarly, the October 28, 2014 EPA Draft 1 of Version 4.0 ``ENERGY 
STAR Product Specification for Room Air Conditioners'' \8\ proposed 
that measured indoor sound power level shall not exceed 60dB(A), as 
measured using EN 12102:2013. In response to stakeholder comment, the 
EPA chose to remove the sound performance criteria in its February 20, 
2015 Final Version 4.0 of ``ENERGY STAR Product Specification for Room 
Air Conditioners.'' \9\ Stakeholders identified the lack of 
availability of test chambers and the burden of both building capacity 
for testing and sound power testing as one barrier to the inclusion of 
sound performance in an ENERGY STAR specification.

    \8\ Available online at www.energystar.gov/products/spec/room_air_conditioner_specification_version_4_0_pdf.
    \9\ Id.

    Issue D.5 DOE requests suggestions for test methods that are 
appropriate to objectively evaluate acoustic noise in room ACs.
    Issue D.6 DOE requests information on the relationship between 
acoustic noise, in dB(A), or other appropriate units, and consumer 
    Issue D.7 DOE requests feedback and data on how the design options 
presented in section II.C impact room AC acoustic noise.

E. Engineering Analysis

    The engineering analysis estimates the cost-efficiency relationship 
of products at different levels of increased energy efficiency 
(``efficiency levels''). This relationship serves as the basis for the 
cost-benefit calculations for consumers, manufacturers, and the nation. 
In determining the cost-efficiency relationship, DOE estimates the 
change in manufacturer cost associated with increasing the efficiency 
of products above the baseline, up to the maximum technologically 
feasible (``max-tech'') efficiency level for each product class.
    DOE historically has used the following three methodologies to 
generate incremental manufacturing costs and establish efficiency 
levels (ELs) for analysis: (1) The design-option approach, which 
provides the incremental costs of adding to a baseline model design 
options that will improve its efficiency; (2) the efficiency-level 
approach, which provides the relative costs of achieving increases in 
energy efficiency levels, without regard to the particular design 
options used to achieve such increases; and (3) the cost-assessment (or 
reverse engineering) approach, which provides ``bottom-up'' 
manufacturing cost assessments for achieving various levels of 
increased efficiency, based on detailed data as to costs for parts and 
material, labor, shipping/packaging, and investment for models that 
operate at particular efficiency levels.
1. Baseline Models
    For each established product class, DOE selects a baseline model as 
a reference point against which any changes resulting from energy 
conservation standards can be measured. The baseline model in each 
product class represents the characteristics of common or typical 
products in that class. Typically, a baseline model is one that meets 
the current minimum energy conservation standards.
2. Baseline Efficiency Levels
    DOE tentatively plans to consider the current minimum energy 
conservations standards (which went into effect June 1, 2014) to 
establish the baseline efficiency levels for each product class. Table 
II.5 presents the current energy conservation standards for room ACs. 
If DOE amends the room AC test procedure to provide an efficiency 
metric other than the current CEER, DOE will adjust the CEER baseline 
levels to account for the new metric.

[[Page 34852]]

     Table II.5--Current Energy Conservation Standards for Room Air
                                                           effective as
                      Product class                         of June 1,
1. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and less             11.0
 than 6,000 Btu/h.......................................
2. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 6,000            11.0
 to 7,999 Btu/h.........................................
3. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 8,000            10.9
 to 13,999 Btu/h........................................
4. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and                  10.7
 14,000 to 19,999 Btu/h.................................
5A. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and                  9.4
 20,000 to 27,999 Btu/h.................................
5B. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and                  9.0
 28,000 Btu/h or more...................................
6. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and               10.0
 less than 6,000 Btu/h..................................
7. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and               10.0
 6,000 to 7,999 Btu/h...................................
8A. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and               9.6
 8,000 to 10,999 Btu/h..................................
8B. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and               9.5
 11,000 to 13,999 Btu/h.................................
9. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and                9.3
 14,000 to 19,999 Btu/h.................................
10. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and               9.4
 20,000 Btu/h or more...................................
11. With reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and less                9.8
 than 20,000 Btu/h......................................
12. With reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and less             9.3
 than 14,000 Btu/h......................................
13. With reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 20,000              9.3
 Btu/h or more..........................................
14. With reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and                  8.7
 14,000 Btu/h or more...................................
15. Casement-Only.......................................             9.5
16. Casement-Slider.....................................            10.4

    Issue E.1 DOE requests comment on approaches that it should 
consider when determining the baseline efficiency levels for each 
product class, including information regarding the merits and/or 
limitations of such approaches.
3. Higher Efficiency Levels
    For each product class, DOE will define efficiency levels beyond 
the baseline and develop incremental manufacturing cost data for each 
efficiency level. To define the efficiency levels, DOE tentatively 
plans to evaluate potential efficiency improvements from available 
design options and consider voluntary certification program levels such 
as ENERGY STAR and Consortium for Energy Efficiency's (CEE) Super 
Efficient Home Appliance Initiative (SEHA). The current ENERGY STAR and 
CEE voluntary certification levels are presented in Table II.6.

                  Table II.6--Current ENERGY STAR and CEE SEHA Levels for Room Air Conditioners
                                                               Oct. 2013
                                                                 ENERGY     Oct. 2013    SEHA  Tier   SEHA  Tier
                        Product class                             STAR        ENERGY     1  (EER) *   2  (EER) *
                                                                 (CEER)    STAR  (EER)
1. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and less than         11.0         11.2         11.2         11.6
 6,000 Btu/h................................................
2. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 6,000 to          11.0         11.2         11.2         11.6
 7,999 Btu/h................................................
3. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 8,000 to          11.2         11.3         11.3         11.8
 13,999 Btu/h...............................................
4. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 14,000 to         11.1         11.2         11.2         11.6
 19,999 Btu/h...............................................
5a. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 20,000            9.8          9.8     [dagger]     [dagger]
 to 27,999 Btu/h............................................                                    9.8         10.2
5b. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 28,000            9.8          9.8     [dagger]     [dagger]
 Btu/h or more..............................................                                    9.8         10.2
6. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and less           10.2         10.4  ...........  ...........
 than 6,000 Btu/h...........................................
7. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and 6,000          10.2         10.4  ...........  ...........
 to 7,999 Btu/h.............................................
8a. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and 8,000          9.7          9.8  ...........  ...........
 to 10,999 Btu/h............................................
8b. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and                9.7          9.8  ...........  ...........
 11,000 to 13,999 Btu/h.....................................
9. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and 14,000          9.7          9.8  ...........  ...........
 to 19,999 Btu/h............................................
10. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and             ** 9.7       ** 9.8  ...........  ...........
 20,000 Btu/h or more.......................................
11. With reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and less than           10.3         10.4  ...........  ...........
 20,000 Btu/h...............................................
12. With reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and less              9.7          9.8  ...........  ...........
 than 14,000 Btu/h..........................................
13. With reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 20,000 Btu/          9.8          9.8  ...........  ...........
 h or more..................................................
14. With reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and 14,000            9.1          9.2  ...........  ...........
 Btu/h or more..............................................
15. Casement-Only...........................................          9.9           10  ...........  ...........
16. Casement-Slider.........................................         10.8         10.9  ...........  ...........
* Note that CEE SEHA does not specify tier levels in CEER, and tier levels are only specified for units in
  classes 1-5b.
** ENERGY STAR requires that units with cooling capacity greater or equal 28,000 Btu/h achieve 9.8 CEER. The
  aforementioned capacity range is part of product class 10 in the current rule.\10\
[dagger] The CEE SEHA room air conditioner specification defines two capacity ranges that cover the same range
  as product classes 5a and 5b: 20,000 Btu/h to 24,999 Btu/h or greater than 25,000 Btu/h. These do not match
  the capacity ranges defined by DOE: 20,000 Btu/h to 27,999 Btu/h or greater than 28,000 Btu/h.\11\


    \10\ ENERGY STAR guidelines are available at: 
    \11\ CEE SEHA room air conditioner guidelines are available at: 

    Issue E.2 DOE seeks input concerning efficiency levels to analyze 
for room ACs. Specifically, DOE seeks

[[Page 34853]]

information that may guide the definition of efficiency levels, 
including any additional voluntary certification programs or relevant 
foreign standards or programs.
    Issue E.3 DOE seeks input on appropriate maximum technologically 
feasible efficiency levels and the basis for why those levels should be 

F. Markups Analysis

    To carry out the life-cycle cost (LCC) and payback period (PBP) 
calculations, DOE needs to determine the cost to the residential 
consumer of baseline products that satisfies the currently applicable 
standards, and the cost of the more-efficient unit the consumer would 
purchase under potential amended standards. By applying a multiplier 
called a ``markup'' to the manufacturer's selling price, DOE is able to 
estimate the residential consumer's price.
    For the April 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE based the distribution 
channels on data from AHAM. For room ACs, the main actors are 
manufacturers and retailers. Thus, DOE analyzed a manufacturer-to-
consumer distribution channel consisting of three parties: (1) The 
manufacturers producing the products; (2) the retailers purchasing the 
products from manufacturers and selling them to consumers; and (3) the 
consumers who purchase the products. DOE plans to use the same approach 
in the current rulemaking.
    As was done in the last rulemaking and consistent with the approach 
followed for other energy consuming products, DOE will determine an 
average manufacturer markup by examining the annual Securities and 
Exchange Commission (SEC) 10-K reports filed by publicly traded 
manufacturers of appliances whose product range includes room ACs. DOE 
will determine an average retailer markup by analyzing both economic 
census data from the U.S. Census Bureau and the annual SEC 10-K reports 
filed by publicly traded retailers.
    In addition to developing manufacturer and retailer markups, DOE 
will develop and include sales taxes to calculate appliance retail 
prices. DOE will use an Internet source, the Sales Tax Clearinghouse, 
to calculate applicable sales taxes.
    Issue F.1 DOE seeks input from stakeholders on whether the 
distribution channels described above are still relevant for room ACs. 
DOE also welcomes comments concerning its proposed approach to 
developing estimates of markups for room ACs.
    Issue F.2 DOE seeks recent data to establish the markups for the 
parties involved with the distribution of the product addressed in this 

G. Energy Use Analysis

    The purpose of the energy use analysis is to assess the energy 
savings potential of different product efficiencies. DOE uses the 
annual energy consumption and energy-savings potential in the LCC and 
PBP analyses to establish the savings in consumer operating costs at 
various product efficiency levels. In contrast to the DOE test 
procedure, which provides a measure of the energy use, energy 
efficiency or annual operating cost of a covered product during a 
representative average use cycle, the energy use analysis seeks to 
capture the range of operating conditions for room ACs in U.S. homes.
    To determine the field energy use of products that would meet 
possible standard levels, DOE proposes to use data from the Energy 
Information Administration's (EIA's) 2009 Residential Energy 
Consumption Survey (RECS), or the most recent such survey available 
from EIA.\12\ RECS is a national sample survey of housing units that 
collects statistical information on the consumption of and expenditures 
for energy in housing units along with data on energy-related 
characteristics of the housing units and occupants.

    \12\ For information on RECS, see http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/recs/.

    For the April 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE used the data reported by 
RECS on the annual energy consumption (field energy consumption) for 
room air conditioning. The reported end-use quantities were not based 
on metering of individual appliances; rather, EIA used a regression 
technique to estimate how much of the total annual electricity 
consumption for each household can be attributed to each end-use 
category. The reported field energy consumption refers to the 
consumption of all of the room ACs in a home. RECS also reports the 
number of room ACs in the home. To estimate the energy consumption of a 
single room AC for this rulemaking, DOE divided the room AC energy use 
reported in RECS by the reported number of room ACs. For houses with 
both central air conditioning and room air conditioning, DOE scaled the 
energy use by using a relative use factor. Although in reality the 
utilization of each of the room ACs in a home may vary, the RECS data 
does not allow DOE to estimate such variation.
    In the April 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE estimated that, based on 
stakeholder input, 12-percent of room AC shipments were utilized in 
commercial building applications. The Energy Information 
Administration's Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) 
\13\ does not report annual energy consumption for room air 
conditioning, so DOE estimated the energy consumption using variables 
specific to each building in the sample and data on cooling degree-
days. For this rulemaking, DOE is considering using the same 
methodology to estimate energy use in commercial building applications.

    \13\ For information on CBECS, see http://www.eia.gov/consumption/commercial/about.cfm.

    DOE requests comment or seeks input from stakeholders on the 
following issues pertaining to the energy use analysis:
    Issue G.1 DOE requests stakeholder input regarding the impact of 
changes in CEER on cooling energy savings.
    Issue G.2 Data sources that DOE can use to characterize the 
variability in annual energy consumption of room ACs.
    Issue G.3 DOE requests stakeholder comment on whether a significant 
enough percentage of residential room ACs are utilized in commercial 
buildings to warrant considering their use in commercial applications.

H. Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period Analysis

    The purpose of the LCC and PBP analysis is to analyze the effects 
of potential amended energy conservation standards on consumers of 
residential room AC products by determining how a potential amended 
standard affects the consumers' operating expenses (usually decreased) 
and total installed costs (usually increased).
    DOE intends to analyze data input variability and uncertainty by 
performing the LCC and PBP calculations on a representative sample of 
households from RECS and commercial buildings from CBECS for the 
considered product classes using Monte Carlo simulation and probability 
distributions. The analysis results are a distribution of results 
showing the range of LCC savings and PBPs for a given efficiency level 
relative to the baseline level.
    Inputs to the LCC and PBP analysis are categorized as: (1) Inputs 
for establishing the purchase expense, otherwise known as the total 
installed cost, and (2) inputs for calculating the operating expense. 
The primary inputs for establishing the total installed cost are the 
baseline consumer price, standard-level consumer price increases, and 
installation costs. Baseline consumer prices and standard-

[[Page 34854]]

level consumer price increases will be determined by applying markups 
to manufacturer price estimates. The installation cost is added to the 
consumer price to arrive at a total installed cost.
    In the April 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE derived the installation 
costs from room AC data in RS Means. 76 FR 22454 (Apr. 21, 2011). DOE 
plans to use similar data sources for this rulemaking, with adjustments 
to reflect current-day labor and material prices as well as to scale 
installation cost for higher-efficiency products based on equipment 
weight and/or dimensions.
    Issue H.1 DOE seeks input on whether room AC installation costs 
will scale with equipment weight and/or dimensions.
    The primary inputs for calculating the operating costs are product 
energy consumption, product efficiency, electricity prices and 
forecasts, maintenance and repair costs, product lifetime, and discount 
    Repair costs are associated with repairing or replacing components 
that have failed in the appliance, whereas maintenance costs are 
associated with maintaining the operation of the equipment. In the 
April 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE assumed a maintenance increase for 
the higher-capacity units due to more expensive product cost but no 
maintenance differences with higher efficiency units. 76 FR 22454 (Apr. 
21, 2011).
    Issue H.2 DOE seeks stakeholder input on the appropriateness to 
assume that changes in maintenance costs will be negligible for more-
efficient products.
    Repair costs are costs associated with a major repair during the 
lifetime of the product. In the April 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE 
determined the costs of major repairs (e.g., compressor replacement) 
from RS Means and industry literature. 76 FR 22454 (Apr. 21, 2011). DOE 
also assumed that repair costs vary in direct proportion with the 
product price at higher efficiency levels as replacement costs for 
more-efficient components are likely to be greater than components in 
baseline products. Id.
    Issue H.3 DOE seeks stakeholder comment on the assumption that 
repair costs vary in direct proportion to product price and unit 
    DOE measures LCC and PBP impacts of potential standard levels 
relative to a base case that reflects the market in the absence of 
amended standards. DOE plans to develop market-share efficiency data 
(i.e., the distribution of product shipments by efficiency) for the 
product classes DOE is considering, for the year in which compliance 
with any amended or new standards would be required. By accounting for 
consumers who already purchase more efficient products, DOE avoids 
overstating the potential benefits from potential standards.
    Issue H.4 DOE seeks stakeholder input and data on the fraction of 
room ACs that are sold above the minimum energy efficiency standards. 
DOE also requests information on expected trends in product efficiency 
over the next 5 years.

I. Shipments Analysis

    DOE uses shipment projections by product class and efficiency level 
in its analysis of the national impacts of potential standards, as well 
as in the manufacturer impact analysis.
    In the April 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE developed a shipments 
model for room ACs driven by historical shipments data, which were used 
to build up a product stock and calibrate the shipments model. 76 FR 
22454 (Apr. 21, 2011). Shipments of each product class were projected 
for two market sectors that use these products: residential and 
commercial sectors.
    Issue I.1 DOE seeks stakeholder input and data showing the 
distribution of shipments by product class, and market sector.
    In the April 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE modeled the decision to 
repair or replace equipment for existing owners and the impact that 
decision would have on the shipments model. 76 FR 22454 (Apr. 21, 
2011). DOE investigated how increases in product purchase price and 
decreases in product operating costs due to standards impact product 
    Issue I.2 DOE seeks input and data on factors that influence a 
consumer's decisions to repair or replace failed products. In 
particular, DOE is seeking historical repair cost data as a function of 

J. National Impact Analysis

    The purpose of the national impact analysis (NIA) is to estimate 
aggregate impacts of potential efficiency standards at the national 
level. Impacts reported by DOE include the national energy savings 
(NES) from potential standards and the national net present value (NPV) 
of the total consumer benefits. The NIA considers lifetime impacts of 
potential standards on room ACs shipped in a 30-year period that begins 
with the expected compliance date for new or amended standards.
    To develop the NES, DOE calculates annual energy consumption of 
products in residential and commercial building stock for the base case 
and each standards case. To develop the national NPV of consumer 
benefits from potential standards, DOE calculates national annual 
energy expenditures and annual product expenditures for the base case 
and the standards cases. DOE calculates total annual energy 
expenditures using data on annual energy consumption in each case, 
forecasted average annual energy prices, and shipment projections. The 
difference each year between operating cost savings and increased 
product expenditures is the net savings or net costs.
    A key component of DOE's estimates of NES and NPV is the product 
energy efficiency forecasted over time for the base case and for each 
of the standards cases. In the April 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE based 
projections of base-case shipment-weighted efficiency (SWEF) for the 
room AC product classes on growth rates determined from historical data 
provided by AHAM. 76 FR 22454 (Apr. 21, 2011). For this rulemaking, DOE 
plans on considering recent trends in efficiency and input from 
stakeholders to update product energy efficiency forecasts.
    Issue J.1 DOE seeks historical SWEF data for room ACs by product 
class and stakeholder input regarding future trends in efficiency.

K. Manufacturer Impact Analysis

    The purpose of the manufacturer impact analysis (MIA) is to 
estimate the financial impact of potential energy conservation 
standards on manufacturers of room ACs and to evaluate the potential 
impact of such standards on employment and manufacturing capacity. The 
MIA includes both quantitative and qualitative aspects. The 
quantitative part of the MIA primarily relies on the Government 
Regulatory Impact Model (GRIM), an industry cash-flow model used to 
estimate a range of potential impacts on manufacturer profitability. 
The qualitative part of the MIA addresses a proposed standard's 
potential impacts on manufacturing capacity and industry competition, 
as well as factors such as product characteristics, impacts on 
particular subgroups of firms, and important market and product trends.
    As part of the MIA, DOE intends to analyze impacts of potential 
energy conservation standards on small business manufacturers of 
covered products. DOE intends to use the Small Business 
Administration's (SBA) small business size standards to determine 
whether manufacturers qualify as small businesses. The size standards 
are listed by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 
code and

[[Page 34855]]

industry description.\14\ Manufacturing of room ACs can be classified 
under either NAICS 333415, ``Air-Conditioning and Warm Air Heating 
Equipment and Commercial and Industrial Refrigeration Equipment 
Manufacturing'' or NAICS 335228, ``Other Major Household Appliance 
Manufacturing.'' The SBA sets a threshold of 750 or 500 employees or 
less for an entity to be considered as a small business for these 
categories. These employee threshold would include all employees in a 
business's parent company and any other subsidiaries.

    \14\ Available online at: www.sba.gov/sites/default/files/Size_Standards_Table.pdf.

    DOE used publically available information to attempt to identify 
any small business that manufactures room ACs. DOE cross-referenced the 
manufacturers listed in DOE's Compliance Certification Management 
System (CCMS) with individual company Web sites and market research 
tools (e.g., Hoovers reports). DOE's initial research indicates that no 
small businesses currently manufacture room ACs.
    Issue K.1 DOE requests comment on any small business manufacturers 
of room ACs that it should consider in its analysis.

III. Submission of Comments

    DOE invites all interested parties to submit in writing by August 
3, 2015, comments and information on matters addressed in this notice 
and on other matters relevant to DOE's consideration of new or amended 
energy conservations standards for room ACs. After the close of the 
comment period, DOE will begin collecting data, conducting the 
analyses, and reviewing the public comments, as needed. These actions 
will be taken to aid in the development of a NOPR for room ACs if DOE 
decides to amend the standards for such products.
    DOE considers public participation to be a very important part of 
the process for developing test procedures and energy conservation 
standards. DOE actively encourages the participation and interaction of 
the public during the comment period in each stage of the rulemaking 
process. Interactions with and between members of the public provide a 
balanced discussion of the issues and assist DOE in the rulemaking 
process. Anyone who wishes to be added to the DOE mailing list to 
receive future notices and information about this rulemaking or would 
like to request a public meeting should contact Ms. Brenda Edwards at 
(202) 586-2945, or via email at Brenda.Edwards@ee.doe.gov.

    Issued in Washington, DC, on June 9, 2015.
Kathleen B. Hogan,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency and 
Renewable Energy.
[FR Doc. 2015-15001 Filed 6-17-15; 8:45 am]


                                                      Proposed Rules                                                                                                 Federal Register
                                                                                                                                                                     Vol. 80, No. 117

                                                                                                                                                                     Thursday, June 18, 2015

                                                      This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER                       • Federal eRulemaking Portal:                        and Renewable Energy, Building
                                                      contains notices to the public of the proposed          www.regulations.gov. Follow the                         Technologies Office, EE–5B, 1000
                                                      issuance of rules and regulations. The                  instructions for submitting comments.                   Independence Avenue SW.,
                                                      purpose of these notices is to give interested             • Email: RoomAC2014STD0059@                          Washington, DC 20585–0121.
                                                      persons an opportunity to participate in the            ee.doe.gov. Include docket number                       Telephone: 202–586–0371. Email:
                                                      rule making prior to the adoption of the final
                                                                                                              EERE–2014–BT–STD–0059 in the                            room_air_conditioners@ee.doe.gov.
                                                                                                              subject line of the message. All                       Ms. Sarah Butler, U.S. Department of
                                                                                                              comments should clearly identify the                    Energy, Office of the General Counsel,
                                                      DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                    name, address, and, if appropriate,                     GC–33, 1000 Independence Avenue
                                                                                                              organization of the commenter. Submit                   SW., Washington, DC 20585–0121.
                                                      Office of Energy Efficiency and                         electronic comments in Word Perfect,                    Telephone: (202) 586–1777. Email:
                                                      Renewable Energy                                        Microsoft Word, PDF, or ASCII file                      Sarah.Butler@hq.doe.gov.
                                                                                                              format, and avoid the use of special
                                                      10 CFR Part 430                                         characters or any form on encryption.                    For information on how to submit or
                                                                                                                 • Postal Mail: Ms. Brenda Edwards,                  review public comments, contact Ms.
                                                      [Docket Number EERE–2014–BT–STD–                                                                               Brenda Edwards, U.S. Department of
                                                                                                              U.S. Department of Energy, Building
                                                      0059]                                                                                                          Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and
                                                                                                              Technologies Office, Mailstop EE–5B,
                                                      Energy Conservation Program: Energy                     Request for Information for Energy                     Renewable Energy, Building
                                                      Conservation Standards for Room Air                     Conservation Standards for Room Air                    Technologies Program, Mailstop EE–5B,
                                                      Conditioners; Request for Information                   Conditioners, Docket No. EERE–2014–                    1000 Independence Avenue SW.,
                                                                                                              BT–STD–0059, 1000 Independence                         Washington, DC 20585–0121.
                                                      AGENCY:  Office of Energy Efficiency and                Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585–                      Telephone: (202) 586–2945. Email:
                                                      Renewable Energy, Department of                         0121. Please submit one signed paper                   Brenda.Edwards@ee.doe.gov.
                                                      Energy.                                                 original.                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                      ACTION: Request for Information (RFI).                     • Hand Delivery/Courier: Ms. Brenda
                                                                                                              Edwards, U.S. Department of Energy,                    Table of Contents
                                                      SUMMARY:   The U.S. Department of                       Building Technologies Office, Sixth                    I. Introduction
                                                      Energy (DOE) is initiating an effort to                 Floor, 950 L’Enfant Plaza SW.,                            A. Authority and Background
                                                      determine whether to amend the current                  Washington, DC 20024. Please submit                       B. Rulemaking Process
                                                      energy conservation standards for room                  one signed paper original.                             II. Request for Information and Comments
                                                      air conditioners (room ACs). According                     Instructions: All submissions received                 A. Products Covered by this Rule
                                                      to the Energy Policy and Conservation                   must include the agency name and                          B. Test Procedure
                                                      Act’s 6-year review requirement, DOE                    docket number for this rulemaking. No                     1. Background
                                                      must publish by April 8, 2017 a notice                  telefacsimiles (faxes) will be accepted.                  2. Updated Energy Efficiency Metric
                                                      of proposed rulemaking (NOPR) to                           Docket: The docket is available for                    3. Test Method for Cooling Mode
                                                      propose new standards for room ACs or                                                                             4. Test Method for Heating Mode
                                                                                                              review at www.regulations.gov,
                                                                                                                                                                        5. Test Method for Part Load Performance
                                                      a notice of determination that the                      including Federal Register notices,                       6. Test Methods for Products that Operate
                                                      existing standards do not need to be                    comments, and other supporting                               on Mutliple Voltages
                                                      amended. This RFI seeks to solicit                      documents/materials. All documents in                     7. Test Methods for ‘‘Connected Products’’
                                                      information from the public to help                     the docket are listed in the                              C. Market and Technology Assessment
                                                      DOE determine whether amended                           www.regulations.gov index. However,                       1. Product Classes
                                                      standards for room ACs would result in                  not all documents listed in the index                     2. Technology Assessment
                                                      a significant amount of additional                      may be publicly available, such as                        D. Screening Analysis
                                                      energy savings and whether those                        information that is exempt from public                    1. Weight Limits
                                                      standards would be technologically                                                                                2. Chassis size Limits
                                                                                                              disclosure. A link to the docket Web
                                                                                                                                                                        3. Acoustic Noise
                                                      feasible and economically justified. In                 page can be found at: http://                             E. Engineering Analysis
                                                      addition, DOE has identified several                    www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;                       1. Baseline Models
                                                      issues associated with the currently                    D=EERE-2014-BT-STD-0059. This Web                         2. Baseline Efficiency Levels
                                                      applicable test procedure for room ACs                  page contains a link to the docket for                    3. Higher Efficiency Levels
                                                      on which DOE is particularly interested                 this notice on the www.regulations.gov                    F. Markups Analysis
                                                      in receiving comment.                                   Web site. The www.regulations.gov Web                     G. Energy Use Analysis
                                                      DATES: Written comments and                             page contains simple instructions on                      H. Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period
                                                                                                              how to access all documents, including                       Analysis
                                                      information are requested on or before
                                                                                                                                                                        I. Shipments Analysis
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      August 3, 2015.                                         public comments, in the docket.
                                                                                                                                                                        J. National Impact Analysis
                                                      ADDRESSES: Interested parties are                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                          K. Manufacturer Impact Analysis
                                                      encouraged to submit comments                           Direct requests for additional                         III. Submission of Comments
                                                      electronically. However, comments may                   information may be sent to:
                                                                                                                                                                     I. Introduction
                                                      be submitted by any of the following                    Mr. Bryan Berringer, U.S. Department of
                                                      methods:                                                  Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency                  A. Authority and Background

                                                 VerDate Sep<11>2014   14:59 Jun 17, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00001   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\18JNP1.SGM   18JNP1

                                                      34844                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 117 / Thursday, June 18, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                         Title III, Part B 1 of the Energy Policy                         residential room air conditioners. 76 FR                     energy conservation standard be
                                                      and Conservation Act of 1975 (EPCA or                               52852 (Aug. 24, 2011). In a separate                         designed to achieve the maximum
                                                      the Act), Public Law 94–163, (42 U.S.C.                             notice, also on August 24, 2011, DOE                         improvement in energy or water
                                                      6291–6309, as codified) sets forth a                                confirmed the adoption of these energy                       efficiency that is technologically
                                                      variety of provisions designed to                                   conservation standards in a notice of                        feasible and economically justified. To
                                                      improve energy efficiency and                                       effective date and compliance dates for                      determine whether a standard is
                                                      established the Energy Conservation                                 the direct final rule published on                           economically justified, EPCA requires
                                                      Program for Consumer Products Other                                 August 24, 2011 (76 FR 52854), which                         that DOE determine whether the
                                                      Than Automobiles, a program covering                                also adopted compliance dates which                          benefits of the standard exceed its
                                                      major household appliances                                          were set forth in a proposed rule                            burdens by considering, to the greatest
                                                      (collectively referred to as ‘‘covered                              published on May 9, 2011 (76 FR                              extent practicable, the following:
                                                      products’’), including room ACs.2 EPCA                              26656). The current energy conservation                         1. The economic impact of the
                                                      authorizes DOE to establish                                         standards apply to room ACs                                  standard on the manufacturers and
                                                      technologically feasible, economically                              manufactured on or after June 1, 2014.                       consumers of the affected products;
                                                      justified energy conservation standards                                EPCA requires that, not later than 6                         2. The savings in operating costs
                                                      for covered products that would be                                  years after the issuance of a final rule                     throughout the estimated average life of
                                                      likely to result in significant national                            establishing or amending a standard,                         the product compared to any increases
                                                      energy savings. (42 U.S.C.                                          DOE publish a NOPR proposing new                             in the initial cost, or maintenance
                                                      6295(o)(2)(B)(i)(I)–(VII))                                          standards or a notice of determination                       expense;
                                                         The National Appliance Energy                                    that the existing standards do not need                         3. The total projected amount of
                                                      Conservation Act of 1987 (NAECA),                                   to be amended. (42 U.S.C. 6295(m)(1))                        energy and water (if applicable) savings
                                                                                                                          Based on this provision, DOE must                            likely to result directly from the
                                                      Public Law 100–12, amended EPCA to
                                                                                                                          publish by April 8, 2017, either a NOPR                      imposition of the standard;
                                                      establish prescriptive standards for
                                                                                                                          proposing amended standards for room
                                                      room ACs manufactured on or after                                                                                                   4. Any lessening of the utility or the
                                                                                                                          ACs or a notice of determination that
                                                      January 1, 1990, and directed DOE to                                                                                             performance of the products likely to
                                                                                                                          the existing standards do not need to be
                                                      conduct two cycles of rulemakings to                                                                                             result from the imposition of the
                                                                                                                          amended. This notice represents the
                                                      determine if more stringent standards                                                                                            standard;
                                                                                                                          initiation of the mandatory review
                                                      were justified. (42 U.S.C. 6295(c)(1)–(2))                                                                                          5. The impact of any lessening of
                                                                                                                          process imposed by EPCA and seeks
                                                         DOE undertook the first cycle of these                           input from the public to assist DOE with                     competition, as determined in writing
                                                      rulemakings and published a final rule                              its determination on whether amended                         by the Attorney General, that is likely to
                                                      on September 24, 1997 (hereafter the                                standards pertaining to room ACs are                         result from the imposition of the
                                                      September 1997 Final Rule), revising                                warranted. In making this                                    standard;
                                                      the energy conservation standards for                               determination, DOE must evaluate                                6. The need for national energy and
                                                      room ACs manufactured on or after                                   whether more stringent standards would                       water conservation; and
                                                      October 1, 2000. 62 FR 50122. For the                               (1) yield a significant savings in energy                       7. Other factors the Secretary of
                                                      second cycle of rulemakings, DOE                                    use and (2) be both technologically                          Energy (Secretary) considers relevant.
                                                      published a direct final rule on April 21,                          feasible and economically justified. (42                     (42 U.S.C. 6295 (o)(2)(B)(i))
                                                      2011 (hereafter the April 2011 Direct                               U.S.C. 6295(o)(3)(B))                                           DOE fulfills these and other
                                                      Final Rule), amending the energy                                                                                                 applicable requirements by conducting
                                                      conservation standards for room ACs                                 B. Rulemaking Process                                        a series of analyses throughout the
                                                      manufactured on or after April 21, 2014.                              DOE must follow specific statutory                         rulemaking process. Table I.1 shows the
                                                      76 FR 22454. DOE published a final rule                             criteria for prescribing new or amended                      individual analyses that are performed
                                                      amending the compliance dates for                                   standards for covered products. EPCA                         to satisfy each of the requirements
                                                      energy conservation standards for                                   requires that any new or amended                             within EPCA.

                                                                                              TABLE I.1—EPCA REQUIREMENTS AND CORRESPONDING DOE ANALYSIS
                                                                                          EPCA requirement                                                                         Corresponding DOE analysis

                                                      Technological Feasibility ..........................................................................   • Market and Technology Assessment.
                                                                                                                                                             • Screening Analysis.
                                                                                                                                                             • Engineering Analysis.
                                                      Economic Justification:
                                                         1. Economic impact on manufacturers and consumers ...................                               •   Manufacturer Impact Analysis.
                                                                                                                                                             •   Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period Analysis.
                                                                                                                                                             •   Life-Cycle Cost Subgroup Analysis.
                                                                                                                                                             •   Shipments Analysis.
                                                            2. Lifetime operating cost savings compared to increased cost for                                •   Markups for Product Price Determination.
                                                              the product.                                                                                   •   Energy and Water Use Determination.
                                                                                                                                                             •   Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period Analysis.
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                            3. Total projected energy savings .....................................................              Shipments Analysis.
                                                                                                                                                             •   National Impact Analysis.
                                                            4. Impact on utility or performance ...................................................          •   Screening Analysis.
                                                                                                                                                             •   Engineering Analysis.
                                                            5. Impact of any lessening of competition ........................................               •   Manufacturer Impact Analysis.
                                                            6. Need for national energy and water conservation ........................                      •   Shipments Analysis.
                                                                                                                                                             •   National Impact Analysis.

                                                        1 For editorial reasons, upon codification in the                   2 All references to EPCA in this document refer            Efficiency Improvement Act of 2015, Public Law
                                                      U.S. Code, Part B was re-designated Part A.                         to the statute as amended through the Energy                 114–11 (April 30, 2015).

                                                 VerDate Sep<11>2014       14:59 Jun 17, 2015      Jkt 235001     PO 00000       Frm 00002     Fmt 4702      Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\18JNP1.SGM   18JNP1

                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 117 / Thursday, June 18, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                 34845

                                                                              TABLE I.1—EPCA REQUIREMENTS AND CORRESPONDING DOE ANALYSIS—Continued
                                                                                    EPCA requirement                                                              Corresponding DOE analysis

                                                           7. Other factors the Secretary considers relevant ............................   •   Emissions Analysis.
                                                                                                                                            •   Utility Impact Analysis.
                                                                                                                                            •   Employment Impact Analysis.
                                                                                                                                            •   Monetization of Emission Reductions Benefits.
                                                                                                                                            •   Regulatory Impact Analysis.

                                                         As detailed throughout this RFI, DOE                  functions besides cooling, heating, and                DOE adopted new methods to calculate
                                                      is specifically publishing this notice as                ventilation. Certain units may offer an                room AC standby and off mode energy
                                                      the first step in the analysis process and               air circulation feature, in which the                  use and the new measure of energy
                                                      is specifically requesting input and data                room air is circulated without the                     efficiency, Combined Energy Efficiency
                                                      from interested parties to aid in the                    addition of any outside air. In addition,              Ratio (CEER), that integrates standby
                                                      development of the technical analyses.                   certain units may provide an air                       and off mode energy use with the active
                                                                                                               cleaning function by means of                          mode energy use. 76 FR 972, 991–992
                                                      II. Request for Information and                          electrostatic filtration, ultraviolet
                                                      Comments                                                                                                        (Jan. 6, 2011)
                                                                                                               radiation, or ozone generators. DOE
                                                         In the next section, DOE has                                                                                    In the January 2011 RAC TP Final
                                                                                                               requests feedback from interested
                                                      identified a variety of questions that                   parties on the suitability of adding                   Rule, DOE incorporated by reference
                                                      DOE would like to receive input on to                    references to air circulation, air                     into the room AC test procedures
                                                      aid in the development of the technical                  cleaning, or other functions to the room               specific clauses from International
                                                      and economic analyses regarding                          air conditioner definition.                            Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
                                                      whether new standards for room ACs                         Issue A.1 DOE requests comment on                    Standard 62301, ‘‘Household electrical
                                                      may be warranted. In addition, DOE                       the definition of room ACs and the                     appliances—Measurement of standby
                                                      welcomes comments on other issues                        consideration of energy conservation                   power’’, First Edition, 2005–06 (IEC
                                                      relevant to the conduct of this                          standards for all room ACs.                            Standard 62301 First Edition) regarding
                                                      rulemaking that may not specifically be                                                                         test conditions and test procedures for
                                                                                                               B. Test Procedure                                      measuring standby and off mode power
                                                      identified in this notice.
                                                                                                               1. Background                                          consumption. DOE also incorporated
                                                      A. Products Covered by This                                                                                     definitions of ‘‘active mode,’’ ‘‘standby
                                                      Rulemaking                                                  Prior to June 1, 2014, room AC
                                                                                                               performance was certified using the                    mode,’’ and ‘‘off mode’’ that are based
                                                         DOE defines ‘‘room air conditioner’’                  energy efficiency ratio (EER). EER is                  on the definitions provided in IEC
                                                      under EPCA as ‘‘a consumer product,                      expressed in British thermal units (Btu)               Standard 62301, ‘‘Household electrical
                                                      other than a ‘‘packaged terminal air                     per watt-hour (Wh), and is the quotient                appliances—Measurement of standby
                                                      conditioner,’’ which is powered by a                     of: (1) The cooling capacity in Btu per                power’’, Second Edition, Committee
                                                      single phase electric current and which                  hour, divided by: (2) The electrical                   Draft for Vote (IEC Standard 62301
                                                      is an encased assembly designed as a                     input power in watts (W). (10 CFR                      CDV). Further, DOE adopted language to
                                                      unit for mounting in a window or                         430.23(f)(2))                                          clarify the application of clauses from
                                                      through the wall for the purpose of                         The Energy Independence and                         IEC Standard 62301 First Edition and
                                                      providing delivery of conditioned air to                 Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007), Public               the mode definitions from IEC Standard
                                                      an enclosed space. It includes a prime                   Law 110–140, amended EPCA to require                   62301 CDV for measuring standby and
                                                      source of refrigeration and may include                  that standby mode and off mode energy                  off mode power consumption. 76 FR
                                                      a means for ventilating and heating. (10                 consumption be integrated into the                     972, 979–987 (Jan. 6, 2011). Also as part
                                                      CFR 430.2) DOE intends to address                        overall energy efficiency, energy                      of the January 2011 RAC TP Final Rule,
                                                      energy conservation standards for all                    consumption, or other energy descriptor                DOE amended the room AC test
                                                      room ACs.                                                unless the Secretary determines that (i)               procedure to update the references to
                                                         DOE notes that other consumer                         the current test procedures for a covered              industry test standards to the versions
                                                      products, including portable ACs and                     product already fully account for and                  applicable at that time: (1) American
                                                      residential dehumidifiers, are self-                     incorporate standby mode and off mode                  National Standards Institute (ANSI)/
                                                      encased, powered by a single phase                       energy consumption of the covered                      Association of Home Appliance
                                                      electric current, refrigeration-based, and               product; or (ii) such an integrated test               Manufacturers (AHAM) RAC–1–2008,
                                                      provide delivery of conditioned air to an                procedure is technically infeasible for a              ‘‘Room Air Conditioners’’ (ANSI/AHAM
                                                      enclosed space. Portable ACs also                        particular covered product, in which                   RAC–1–2008); 3 and (2) ANSI/American
                                                      provide connection through ducting to a                  case the Secretary shall prescribe a                   Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and
                                                      window mounting bracket. DOE                             separate standby mode and off mode                     Air-Conditioning Engineers Standard
                                                      believes, however, that the requirement                  energy use test procedure for the                      (ASHRAE) 16–1983 (RA2009), ‘‘Method
                                                      in the room AC definition that the                       covered product, if technically feasible.
                                                                                                                                                                      of Testing for Rating Room Air
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      encased assembly be designed as a unit                   (42 U.S.C. 6295(gg)(2)(A))
                                                                                                                  On January 6, 2011, DOE published in                Conditioners and Packaged Terminal
                                                      for mounting in a window refers to the
                                                                                                               the Federal Register a final rule for a                Air Conditioners’’ (ANSI/ASHRAE
                                                      product in its entirety, and not just to
                                                      duct connections. For this reason, DOE                   room air AC test procedure rulemaking                  Standard 16–1983 (RA2009)),4
                                                      is not proposing to update the definition                (January 2011 RAC TP Final Rule), in
                                                                                                                                                                        3 AHAM standards are available for purchase
                                                      of ‘‘room air conditioner’’ to exclude                   which DOE determined it is technically
                                                                                                                                                                      online at: www.aham.org/ht/d/Store/name/
                                                      other consumer products.                                 feasible to incorporate standby mode                   STANDARDS/pid/5132.
                                                         DOE is aware that room ACs may                        and off mode energy consumption into                     4 ASHRAE standards are available for purchase

                                                      provide additional consumer-oriented                     overall energy consumption. As a result,               online at: www.techstreet.com/ashrae/.

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                                                      34846                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 117 / Thursday, June 18, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      respectively. 76 FR 972, 1016–1017 (Jan.                on whether to consider including in the                k is 0.001 kWh/Wh conversion factor for Wh
                                                      6, 2011).                                               room AC CEER metric the same modes                          to kWh.
                                                                                                              proposed for the portable AC metric,
                                                      2. Updated Energy Efficiency Metric                                                                            80 FR 10211, 10234 (Feb. 25, 2015).
                                                                                                              because of the similarity between the
                                                         On February 25, 2015, DOE published                  two products.                                            In order to calculate AECi, DOE would
                                                      a test procedure NOPR for portable ACs                    As a possible approach, DOE could                    need to define the annual operating
                                                      that proposes the use of a revised CEER                 consider the proposal in the February                  hours for each mode. The current room
                                                      metric that accounts for energy                         2015 PAC TP NOPR, in which average                     AC test procedure specifies 750 hours
                                                      consumption in each of the identified                   power in each mode would be measured                   for active cooling mode, and a total of
                                                      active, standby, and off modes: Cooling                 and then individually multiplied by the
                                                      mode, heating mode, off-cycle mode,                                                                            5,115 hours for inactive and off mode.
                                                                                                              annual operating hours for its respective              (10 CFR part 430 appendix F to subpart
                                                      inactive mode, and off mode (hereafter                  mode.
                                                      referred to as the February 2015 PAC TP                                                                        B). DOE established these values in the
                                                                                                              AECi = Pi × hi × k                                     January 2011 RAC TP Final Rule. DOE
                                                      NOPR). 80 FR 10212. As discussed in
                                                      section II.A of this notice, DOE is                     Where:                                                 seeks input on mode hours for the
                                                      requesting input on including                           AECi is the annual energy consumption in               complete set of operating modes that
                                                      definitions for different operating modes                    each mode, in kilowatt-hours (kWh)/               may be defined for room ACs.
                                                      in the definitions for room ACs. If such                     year;
                                                                                                              Pi is the average power in each mode, in W;              To incorporate the new operating
                                                      additional modes are included, DOE                      hi is the number of annual operating hours             modes into a revised CEER metric, the
                                                      would also consider whether to revise                        in each mode;                                     February 2015 PAC TP NOPR proposed
                                                      the current room AC CEER metric to                      i designates the operating mode (‘‘c’’ cooling,        defining the new term; ‘‘combined
                                                      account for the energy use in them. In                       ‘‘h’’ heating, ‘‘oc’’ off-cycle, and ‘‘ia’’       cooling mode EER’’ (CEERC).
                                                      particular, DOE is interested in feedback                    inactive or ‘‘om’’ off mode); and

                                                      Where:                                                  function and those with both cooling                   for units that include heating function,
                                                      CEERC is the combined energy efficiency                 and heating functions. For units with                  as well as a metric that could be
                                                            ratio in cooling mode, in Btu/Wh.                 cooling and heating functions, the                     compared to other cooling products,
                                                      ACC is the adjusted cooling capacity, in Btu/           metric would be calculated assuming                    such as room ACs. Id.
                                                            h.                                                heating mode is not used and therefore,
                                                      AECT is the total annual energy consumption                                                                       To calculate the overall energy
                                                                                                              the operating hours that would have
                                                            attributed to all modes except cooling                                                                   efficiency metric for portable ACs
                                                                                                              been attributed to heating mode and
                                                            and heating, in kWh/year.                                                                                without a heating function, the February
                                                      t is the number of hours per year, 8,760.               other associated operating modes during
                                                                                                              the heating season would be neglected.                 2015 PAC TP NOPR proposed that the
                                                      k is 0.001 kWh/Wh conversion factor for
                                                                                                              In the February 2015 PAC TP NOPR,                      revised CEER would be directly equal to
                                                            watt-hours to kilowatt-hours.
                                                                                                              DOE proposed that the resulting CEERC                  the unit’s calculated CEERC. However,
                                                      80 FR 10211, 10234 (Feb. 25, 2015).                     is a meaningful metric for portable ACs                for units with both cooling and heating
                                                        The CEERC would be calculated for all                 without a heating function, and a basis                mode, the revised overall CEER would
                                                      units, including those with only cooling                for comparing cooling mode efficiency                  be calculated as follows.

                                                      Where:                                                    Issue B.1 DOE seeks comment on the                   function, and those with both cooling
                                                      CEER is the combined energy efficiency ratio,           merits and/or limitations of revising the              and heating functions.
                                                            in Btu/Wh.                                        room AC test procedure and efficiency                    Issue B.4 DOE seeks comment on
                                                      ACC is the adjusted cooling capacity, in Btu/           metric to account for energy                           revising the definition of CEER for room
                                                            h.                                                consumption in various modes, which                    ACs to be consistent with definitions
                                                      AHC is the adjusted heating capacity, in Btu/           may include cooling mode, heating                      proposed in the February 2015 PAC TP
                                                            h.                                                                                                       NOPR.
                                                                                                              mode, off-cycle mode, inactive mode,
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      AECT is the total annual energy consumption
                                                            attributed to all modes except cooling
                                                                                                              off mode, or others.                                   3. Test Methods for Cooling Mode
                                                            and heating, in kWh/year.                           Issue B.2 DOE requests data on
                                                                                                                                                                       The current room AC test procedure
                                                      hc and hh are the cooling and heating mode              annual operating hours for the room AC                 specifies that cooling mode performance

                                                            operating hours, respectively.                    operating modes.
                                                      t is the number of hours per year, 8,760.
                                                                                                                                                                     be tested in accordance with the
                                                      k is 0.001 kWh/Wh conversion factor for
                                                                                                                Issue B.3 DOE seeks comment on                       methods and conditions in ANSI/
                                                            watt-hours to kilowatt-hours.                     revising the room AC test procedure to                 AHAM RAC–1–2008 and ANSI/
                                                                                                              require calculation of CEERC for all                   ASHRAE 16–1983 (RA2009). (10 CFR
                                                      80 FR 10211, 10234–35 (Feb. 25, 2015).                  units, including those with only cooling               part 430, appendix F to subpart B)

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                                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 117 / Thursday, June 18, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                               34847

                                                      ANSI/ASHRAE reaffirmed the test                                being considered in a revision to ANSI/                          (PTACs), and packaged terminal heat
                                                      standard 16–1983 most recently in 2014.                        ASHRAE 16–1983 (R2014).                                          pumps (PTHPs).
                                                      ANSI/ASHRAE 16–1983 (R2014)                                      Issue B.7 DOE requests information                               In the February 2015 PAC TP NOPR
                                                      specifies measuring cooling                                    on the burdens associated with testing                           DOE proposed using an air enthalpy
                                                      performance using a calorimeter                                cooling performance using an air                                 method to measure portable AC heating
                                                      method. DOE is aware, however, that                            enthalpy method. Specifically DOE is                             performance. The proposed method is
                                                      ASHRAE is currently undertaking a                              interested in data related to the required                       based on AHAM PAC–1–2014 ‘‘Portable
                                                      revision to ANSI/ASHRAE 16–1983                                capital investment costs, per-test costs,                        Air Conditioners’’ (AHAM PAC–1),
                                                      (R2014) that is expected to allow                              and testing time associated with air                             which references test methods
                                                      cooling performance to be measured                             enthalpy testing. DOE is also interested                         established in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard
                                                      using an air enthalpy method similar to                        in how these costs compare to those for                          37–2009. 80 FR 10211, 10217–10231
                                                      that specified in ANSI/ASHRAE 37–                              the existing calorimeter method, and                             (Feb. 25, 2015). For this method, DOE
                                                      2009 ‘‘Methods of Testing for Rating                           whether the burden for air enthalpy                              proposed standard rating conditions for
                                                      Electrically Driven Unitary Air-                               testing would disproportionately impact                          the evaporator (room) side and
                                                      Conditioning and Heat Pump                                     certain businesses.                                              condenser (outdoor) side of dual-duct
                                                      Equipment’’ (ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009).                                                                                              portable ACs as shown in Table II.1.
                                                                                                                     4. Test Methods for Heating Mode
                                                                                                                                                                                      DOE considers the test conditions in
                                                        Issue B.5 DOE seeks comment on the                             If DOE revises the room AC test                                Table II.1 to be the most representative
                                                      possible use of an air enthalpy method                         procedure to require calculation of                              of typical heating mode use for portable
                                                      as an alternative to the current                               CEERh for models with reverse cycle,                             ACs, which are likely used as
                                                      calorimeter method to measure cooling                          DOE would need to define a method for                            supplemental or low-capacity heaters
                                                      performance in the room AC test                                measuring heating performance. DOE is                            when a central heating system isn’t
                                                      procedure.                                                     currently evaluating test methods that                           necessary or operating. DOE notes that
                                                        Issue B.6 DOE requests test data                             have been developed (or are proposed)                            the terms ‘‘evaporator’’ and ‘‘condenser’’
                                                      comparing the performance and                                  for other residential or light commercial                        refer to the heat exchanger configuration
                                                      accuracy of the current calorimeter                            space cooling/heating appliances, such                           in cooling mode, not the reverse-cycle
                                                      method to the air enthalpy method                              as portable ACs, packaged terminal ACs                           heating mode.

                                                                                  TABLE II.1—STANDARD RATING CONDITIONS FOR DUAL DUCT PACS—HEATING MODE
                                                                                    Evaporator inlet air                                                                               Condenser inlet air
                                                                           degrees Fahrenheit (°F) (°Celsius (C))                                                                           °F (°C)

                                                                       Dry Bulb                                      Wet Bulb                                         Dry Bulb                                   Wet Bulb

                                                                     70.0 (21.1)                                     60.0 (15.6)                                    47.0 (8.33)                                 43.0 (6.11)

                                                        In the current PTAC and PTHP test                            and Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner                            number(s).’’ AHR 310/380–2004
                                                      procedure (10 CFR 431.96), DOE also                            Heating Capacity’’ (ANSI/ASHRAE 58–                              provides methods to calculate heat
                                                      uses an air enthalpy method to measure                         1999) to rate the heating performance of                         pump heating capacities and energy
                                                      heating mode performance. For this test                        both PTACs and PTHPs. AHR 310/380–                               consumption at both ‘‘high-
                                                      procedure, DOE incorporates by                                 2004 specifically notes that ‘‘standard                          temperature’’ and ‘‘low-temperature’’
                                                      reference in total the American                                ratings relating to cooling capacity and                         operating conditions, but specifies that
                                                      Refrigeration Institute (ARI) Standard                         heating capacity shall be net values,                            EER and coefficient of performance
                                                      310/380–2004 ‘‘Standard for Packaged                           including the effects of circulating fan                         (COP) are only calculated for the high-
                                                      Terminal Air-Conditioners And Heat                             heat, but not including supplementary                            temperature condition. Table II.2
                                                      Pumps’’ (ARI 310/380–2004).5 ARI 310/                          heat. Standard input ratings shall be the                        summarizes the rating conditions for
                                                      380–2004 in turn references ANSI/                              total power input to the compressor(s)                           high- and low-temperature conditions.
                                                      ASHRAE Standard 58–1999 ‘‘Methods                              and fans, plus controls and other items
                                                      of Testing Rating Room Air Conditioner                         included as part of the model

                                                                                                                                               Evaporator inlet air                                          Condenser inlet air
                                                                                                                                                    °F (°C)                                                       °F (°C)
                                                                       Operating condition
                                                                                                                       Dry Bulb                                  Wet Bulb                                 Dry Bulb          Wet Bulb

                                                      High-Temperature ...........................................        70.0 (21.1)    60.0 (15.6) max ..............................................     47.0 (8.3)        43.0 (6.1)
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                                                      Low-Temperature ............................................        70.0 (21.1)    60.0 (15.6) max ..............................................   17.0 (¥8.3)       15.0 (¥9.4)

                                                        Issue B.8 DOE seeks comment on                               measuring heating performance in room                            temperature operating conditions
                                                      appropriate test methods, external                             ACs with reverse cycle. Specifically,                            specified in Table II.2. DOE also
                                                      standards, and operating conditions for                        DOE seeks comment on the high-

                                                       5 ARI 310/380–2004 is available online at:                    standards%20pdfs/ANSI%20standards%20pdfs/                        ANSI.AHRI.CSA%20Standard%20310_380-
                                                      www.ari.org/App_Content/ahri/files/                                                                                             2004.pdf.

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                                                      34848                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 117 / Thursday, June 18, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      welcomes suggestions and supporting                     account for benefit of technologies that               performing these connected functions.
                                                      data for alternative methods.                           improve part-load performance, and                     As such, DOE is considering whether to
                                                        Issue B.9 DOE requests information                    welcomes suggestions and supporting                    amend the room AC test procedure and
                                                      on the burdens associated with testing                  information for test methods that                      energy conservation standards to
                                                      heating performance, using methods                      measure part-load operation.                           account for the energy consumed while
                                                      similar to ANSI/ASHRAE 58–1999 or                         Issue B.11 DOE seeks data and                        the product performs connected
                                                      ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009, or other                           information on the prevalence of room                  functions.
                                                      methods. Specifically DOE is interested                 ACs in the U.S. market that are capable                  Issue B.13 DOE requests information
                                                      in data related to the required capital                 of part-load operation.                                on ‘‘connected’’ room ACs that are
                                                      investment costs, per-test costs, and                                                                          already on the market in the United
                                                      testing time associate with sound                       6. Test Methods for Products That                      States. Specifically, DOE is interested in
                                                      testing. DOE also requests comment on                   Operate on Multiple Voltages                           the available ‘‘connected’’ features, as
                                                      whether this burden would                                  DOE is aware that there are room ACs                well as the energy consumption while
                                                      disproportionately impact certain                       available in the United States that can                these features are active or awaiting
                                                      businesses.                                             operate on multiple voltages for the                   commands.
                                                                                                              input power. These products may have                     Issue B.14 DOE request information
                                                      5. Test Methods for Part Load                                                                                  on the current and anticipated market
                                                      Performance                                             a different capacity measured at each
                                                                                                              operating voltage. As a result, a single               penetration of ‘‘connected products.’’
                                                         In the January 2011 RAC TP Final                     product may be categorized into two
                                                      Rule, DOE discussed that the test                                                                              C. Market and Technology Assessment
                                                                                                              different product classes and therefore
                                                      procedure established in that rule does                 be required to comply with two                           The market and technology
                                                      not measure the benefits of technologies                different energy conservation standards,               assessment provides information about
                                                      that improve part-load performance. 76                  depending on which voltage is used to                  the room AC industry that will be used
                                                      FR 972, 1016 (Jan. 6, 2011). The current                test the product. Currently, the room AC               throughout the rulemaking process. For
                                                      room AC test procedure measures only                    test procedure does not specify which                  example, this information will be used
                                                      the full-load performance at outdoor                    voltage a product should be tested at, if              to determine whether the existing
                                                      ambient conditions of 95 °F dry-bulb                    it is capable of operating with multiple               product class structure requires
                                                      and 75 °F wet-bulb. Therefore,                          voltages.                                              modification based on the statutory
                                                      technologies that improve part-load                        Issue B.12 DOE seeks comment on                     criteria for setting such classes and to
                                                      performance, such as multiple-speed                     how to test and certify products that                  explore the potential for technological
                                                      compressors and variable-opening                        may operate on multiple voltages.                      improvements in the design and
                                                      expansion devices, will not improve the                 Specifically, DOE is interested in                     manufacturing of such products. DOE
                                                      rated performance of a room AC under                    comment on how to treat products that                  uses qualitative and quantitative
                                                      the current test procedure. In contrast,                may be categorized into two different                  information to characterize the structure
                                                      central ACs and heat pumps are rated                    product classes, depending on operating                of the room AC industry and market.
                                                      with a seasonal energy efficiency ratio                 voltage.                                               DOE will identify and characterize the
                                                      (SEER) descriptor, but the test                                                                                manufacturers of room ACs, estimate
                                                      procedure consists of multiple rating                   7. Test Methods for ‘‘Connected                        market shares and trends, address
                                                      points at different conditions that add                 Products’’                                             regulatory and non-regulatory initiatives
                                                      time and expense when rating the                           On February 20, 2015, the U.S.                      intended to improve energy efficiency
                                                      product.                                                Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)                  or reduce energy consumption, and
                                                         DOE concluded in the January 2011                    published the Final Version 4.0                        explore the potential for technological
                                                      RAC TP Final Rule that widespread use                   ‘‘ENERGY STAR Product Specification                    improvements in the design and
                                                      of part-load technology in room ACs                     for Room Air Conditioners.’’ 6 Along                   manufacturing of room ACs. DOE will
                                                      would not likely be stimulated by the                   with revised efficiency criteria, EPA                  also review product literature, industry
                                                      development of a part-load metric at                    specified an optional connected criteria               publications, and company Web sites.
                                                      this time, and therefore, the significant               for room ACs designed to provide                       Additionally, DOE will consider
                                                      effort required to develop an accurate                  enhanced functionality to consumers,                   conducting interviews with
                                                      part-load metric is not likely to be                    such as alerts/messages, remote control,               manufacturers to assess the overall
                                                      warranted by the expected minimal                       and energy information, as well as new                 market for room ACs.
                                                      energy savings. 76 FR 972, 1016 (Jan. 6,                demand response capabilities to support
                                                      2011.                                                                                                          1. Product Classes
                                                                                                              future smart grid interconnection.
                                                         For the current test procedure                       Products that meet these optional                         As required by EPCA, the criteria for
                                                      rulemaking, DOE again intends to                        criteria and are certified using a future              separation into different classes are: (1)
                                                      investigate the merits and limitations of               test method to validate the demand                     Type of energy used, or (2) capacity or
                                                      revising the current room AC test                       response capabilities could take                       other performance-related features such
                                                      procedure to account for any benefits of                advantage of a 5-percent energy use                    as those that provide utility to the
                                                      technologies that improve part-load                     allowance for ENERGY STAR rating                       consumer or others deemed appropriate
                                                      performance. As part of this                            qualification.                                         by the Secretary that would justify the
                                                      investigation, DOE expects to research                     DOE anticipates that the revised                    establishment of a separate energy
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      the availability of room ACs on the                     ENERGY STAR specification may                          conservation standard. (42 U.S.C. 6295
                                                      market in the United States that                        increase the market penetration of                     (q))
                                                      incorporate variable speed compressors                                                                            For room ACs, the NAECA
                                                                                                              ‘‘connected products.’’ It is possible that
                                                      and other components and controls that                                                                         amendments to EPCA, initially specified
                                                                                                              connected products may consume a
                                                      would enable implementation of part-                                                                           12 product classes which were
                                                                                                              significant amount of energy while
                                                      load operation.                                                                                                applicable to units designed for single-
                                                         Issue B.10 DOE seeks comment on                        6 Available online at www.energystar.gov/            hung or double-hung window
                                                      the merits and/or limitations of revising               products/spec/room_air_conditioner_specification_      installation or through-thewall
                                                      the current room AC test procedure to                   version_4_0_pd.                                        installation and based on the following

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                                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 117 / Thursday, June 18, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                                                              34849

                                                      criteria: (1) cooling capacity, in Btu/h;                                   TABLE II.3—CURRENT ROOM AIR CON- These technologies are listed in Table
                                                      (2) the presence of louvered sides (LS);                                     DITIONER PRODUCT CLASSES—Con- II.4.
                                                      and (3) the capability of reverse cycle.                                     tinued                            DOE is aware that certain
                                                      (42 U.S.C. 6295(c)(1)). In the September                                                                                                             technologies listed in Table II.4 may
                                                      1997 Final Rule, DOE established an                                                                                                                  have progressed since the April 2011
                                                      updated set of performance standards
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Direct Final Rule. Specifically, at the
                                                      (effective October 1, 2000) which                                          7. 6,000 to 7,999 Btu/h.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           time of that analysis, the room AC
                                                      included four additional product                                           8A. 8,000 to 10,999 Btu/h.
                                                      classes. 62 FR 50122 (Sept. 24, 1997). In                                  8B. 11,000 to 13,999 Btu/h.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           industry was responding to the EPA-
                                                      the April 2011 Direct Final Rule, DOE                                      9. 14,000 to 19,999 Btu/h.                                                mandated phase-out of HFC–22
                                                      split Product Classes 5 and 8 into two                                     10. 20,000 Btu/h or more                                                  refrigerant. 74 FR 66412, 66418 (Dec. 15,
                                                      product classes each. Former Product                                                                                                                 2009). This rule led to an industry
                                                      Class 5 (louvered, non-reverse-cycle,                                                          With reverse cycle                                    changeover to R–410A refrigerant.
                                                      capacity of 20,000 Btu/h and higher)                                                                                                                 Manufacturers expressed concern at the
                                                                                                                                 11. With louvered sides and less than 20,000                              time over the availability of R–410A
                                                      was split into Product Class 5A                                              Btu/h.
                                                      (louvered, non-reverse-cycle, capacity of                                                                                                            compressors, stating that production
                                                                                                                                 12. Without louvered sides and less than
                                                      20,000 to 27,999 Btu/h) and Product                                          14,000 Btu/h.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           capacity of compressor suppliers had
                                                      Class 5B (louvered, non-reverse-cycle,                                     13. With louvered sides and 20,000 Btu/h or                               not fully rebounded and compressor
                                                      capacity of 28,000 Btu/h and higher).                                        more.                                                                   suppliers had yet to offer the same range
                                                      Former Product Class 8 (non-louvered,                                      14. Without louvered sides and 14,000 Btu/h                               of compressor capacities and efficiency
                                                      non-reverse-cycle, capacity of 8,000 to                                      or more.                                                                tiers (See chapter 12 of the direct final
                                                      13,999 Btu/h) was split into Product                                                                                                                 rule technical support document
                                                      Class 8A (non-louvered, non-reverse-                                                                  Casement                                       (TSD).). Consequently, DOE plans to
                                                      cycle, capacity of 8,000 to 10,999 Btu/                                                                                                              investigate improvements in R–410A
                                                                                                                                 15. Casement-Only.
                                                      h) and Product Class 8B (nonlouvered,                                                                                                                compressors that may have come
                                                                                                                                 16. Casement-Slide.
                                                      non-reverse-cycle, capacity of 11,000 to                                                                                                             available since the April 2011 Direct
                                                      13,999 Btu/h). 76 FR 22454 (Apr. 21,                                                                                                                 Final Rule.
                                                      2011). Table II.3 lists the current 18                                       Issue C.1 DOE requests feedback on
                                                                                                                                 the current room AC product classes                                          Additionally, in the April 2011 Direct
                                                      product classes for room ACs.                                                                                                                        Final Rule, DOE investigated the
                                                                                                                                 and seeks information regarding any
                                                                                                                                 other product classes it should consider                                  technological feasibility of the
                                                            TABLE II.3—CURRENT ROOM AIR                                                                                                                    alternative refrigerant R–407C. 76 FR
                                                            CONDITIONER PRODUCT CLASSES                                          for inclusion in its analysis.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           22490 (April 21, 2011). For this
                                                                                                                                 2. Technology Assessment                                                  rulemaking, DOE may reevaluate R–
                                                                                                                                                                                                           407C, as well as other
                                                                                                                                    DOE uses information about existing
                                                        Without reverse cycle and with louvered                                                                                                            hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) and
                                                                                                                                 and past technology options and
                                                                                                                                 prototype designs to help identify                                        hydrocarbon (HC) refrigerants.
                                                      1. Less than 6,000 Btu/h.                                                  technologies that manufacturers could                                        Furthermore, DOE is aware that three
                                                      2. 6,000 to 7,999 Btu/h.                                                   use to meet and/or exceed energy                                          new refrigerants have been approved for
                                                      3. 8,000 to 13,999 Btu/h.                                                  conservation standards. In consultation                                   use in room air conditioners by the EPA
                                                      4. 14,000 to 19,999 Btu/h.                                                 with interested parties, DOE intends to                                   under the Significant New Alternatives
                                                      5A. 20,000 to 27,999 Btu/h.                                                develop a list of technologies to                                         Program (SNAP), subject to certain use
                                                      5B. 28,000 Btu/h or more.                                                  consider in its analysis. Initially, this                                 conditions: R–290, R–441A and R–32.80
                                                      Without reverse cycle and without louvered
                                                                                                                                 list will include a subset of the                                         FR 19454 (Apr. 10, 2015). For this
                                                                        sides                                                    technology options considered during                                      rulemaking, DOE plans to investigate
                                                                                                                                 the most recent room AC energy                                            the technological feasibility of these
                                                      6. Less than 6,000 Btu/h.                                                  conservation standards rulemaking.                                        refrigerants.

                                                                                                        TABLE II.4—TECHNOLOGY OPTIONS FOR ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 passed to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 analysis in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 April 2011
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 direct final

                                                                                                                                       Increased heat transfer surface area
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                                                      1.   Increased frontal coil area .....................................................................................................................................................................     Yes.
                                                      2.   Increased depth of coil (add tube rows) ...............................................................................................................................................               Yes.
                                                      3.   Increased fin density .............................................................................................................................................................................   Yes.
                                                      4.   Add subcooler to condenser coil ...........................................................................................................................................................           Yes.

                                                                                                                                       Increased Heat Transfer Coefficients

                                                      5. Improved fin design ...............................................................................................................................................................................     Yes.
                                                      6. Improved tube design ............................................................................................................................................................................       Yes.
                                                      7. Hydrophilic-film coating on fins .............................................................................................................................................................          Yes.

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                                                      34850                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 117 / Thursday, June 18, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                                                          TABLE II.4—TECHNOLOGY OPTIONS FOR ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS—Continued
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          passed to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          analysis in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          April 2011
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          direct final

                                                      8. Spray condensate onto condenser coil .................................................................................................................................................           Yes.
                                                      9. Microchannel heat exchangers .............................................................................................................................................................       Yes.

                                                                                                                                           Component Improvements

                                                      10. Improved indoor blower and outdoor fan efficiency ............................................................................................................................                  Yes.
                                                      11. Improved blower/fan motor efficiency .................................................................................................................................................          Yes.
                                                      12. Improved compressor efficiency ..........................................................................................................................................................       Yes.

                                                                                                                                   Part-Load Technology Improvements

                                                      13. Two-speed, variable-speed, or modulating-capacity compressors .....................................................................................................                             Yes.
                                                      14. Thermostatic or electronic expansion valves ......................................................................................................................................              Yes.
                                                      15. Thermostatic cyclic controls ................................................................................................................................................................   Yes.

                                                                                                                                        Standby Power Improvements

                                                      16. Switching Power Supply ......................................................................................................................................................................   Yes.

                                                                                                                                         Refrigeration System Options

                                                      17. Alternative Refrigerants (R–407C) ......................................................................................................................................................        No.
                                                      18. Suction-Line Heat Exchanger ..............................................................................................................................................................      No.

                                                         Issue C.2 DOE seeks information                                         Appendix A to subpart C of Title 10                                  technology will be considered
                                                      related to the technologies listed in                                   of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part                                practicable to manufacture, install, and
                                                      Table II.4 or other technologies as to                                  430 (10 CFR part 430), ‘‘Procedures,                                    service.
                                                      their applicability to the current market                               Interpretations and Policies for                                           (3) Impacts on equipment utility or
                                                      and how these technologies improve                                      Consideration of New or Revised Energy                                  equipment availability. If a technology
                                                      efficiency of room ACs as measured                                      Conservation Standards for Consumer                                     is determined to have significant
                                                      according to the DOE test procedure.                                    Products’’ (the Process Rule), sets forth                               adverse impact on the utility of the
                                                         Issue C.3 DOE seeks information                                      procedures to guide DOE in its                                          equipment to significant subgroups of
                                                      related to efficiency improvements in                                   consideration and promulgation of new                                   consumers, or result in the
                                                      R–410A compressors since the April                                      or revised equipment energy                                             unavailability of any covered equipment
                                                      2011 Direct Final Rule, their                                           conservation standards. These                                           type with performance characteristics
                                                      applicability and/or penetration in the                                 procedures elaborate on the statutory                                   (including reliability), features, sizes,
                                                      current market, and how the                                             criteria provided in 42 U.S.C. 6295(o)                                  capacities, and volumes that are
                                                      compressors improve efficiency of room                                  and, in part, eliminate problematic                                     substantially the same as equipment
                                                      ACs as measured according to the DOE                                    technologies early in the process of                                    generally available in the United States
                                                      test procedure.                                                         prescribing or amending an energy                                       at the time, it will not be considered
                                                         Issue C.4 DOE seeks information                                      efficiency standard. In particular,                                     further.
                                                      related to the alternative HFC and HC                                   sections 4(b)(4) and 5(b) of the Process                                   (4) Adverse impacts on health or
                                                      refrigerants, including propane.                                        Rule guide DOE in determining whether                                   safety. If it is determined that a
                                                      Specifically, DOE seeks information on                                  to eliminate from consideration any                                     technology will have significant adverse
                                                      the availability of such refrigerants, and,                             technology that presents unacceptable                                   impacts on health or safety, it will not
                                                      their applicability and/or penetration in                               problems with respect to the following                                  be considered further.
                                                      the current market, and how these                                       criteria:                                                                  Technology options developed in the
                                                      refrigerants improve efficiency of room                                    (1) Technological feasibility.                                       technology assessment are evaluated
                                                      ACs as measured according to the DOE                                    Technologies incorporated in                                            against these criteria using DOE
                                                      test procedure.                                                         commercial equipment or in working                                      analyses and inputs from
                                                                                                                              prototypes will be considered                                           manufacturers, trade organizations, and
                                                      D. Screening Analysis
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                                                                                                                              technologically feasible.                                               energy efficiency advocates.
                                                         The purpose of the screening analysis                                   (2) Practicability to manufacture,                                   Technologies that pass through the
                                                      is to evaluate the technologies that                                    install, and service. If mass production                                screening analysis are referred to as
                                                      improve equipment efficiency to                                         of a technology in commercial                                           ‘‘design options’’ in the engineering
                                                      determine which technologies will be                                    equipment and reliable installation and                                 analysis. Technology options that fail to
                                                      eliminated from further consideration                                   servicing of the technology could be                                    meet one or more of the four criteria are
                                                      and which will be passed to the                                         achieved on the scale necessary to serve                                eliminated from consideration.
                                                      engineering analysis for further                                        the relevant market at the time of the                                     As a part of the screening analysis,
                                                      consideration.                                                          effective date of the standard, then that                               DOE has identified three specific

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 117 / Thursday, June 18, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                           34851

                                                      consumer-oriented issues that it seeks                  higher levels of efficiency. Certain                   products at different levels of increased
                                                      input on. These issues are weight limits,               technology options, such as higher                     energy efficiency (‘‘efficiency levels’’).
                                                      chassis size limits, and acoustic noise.                speed fans, can facilitate increased heat              This relationship serves as the basis for
                                                      The following three subsections provide                 transfer and improved efficiency, but                  the cost-benefit calculations for
                                                      further details on these issues.                        may result in increased acoustic noise.                consumers, manufacturers, and the
                                                                                                              As a part of the screening analysis, DOE               nation. In determining the cost-
                                                      1. Weight Limits
                                                                                                              intends to investigate this relationship,              efficiency relationship, DOE estimates
                                                         In the April 2011 Direct Final Rule                  specifically as it relates to impacts on               the change in manufacturer cost
                                                      analysis DOE limited the total weight of                consumer utility. As such DOE seeks                    associated with increasing the efficiency
                                                      the Product Class 1 (as defined in Table                input on test methods appropriate to                   of products above the baseline, up to the
                                                      II.3) baseline unit to 50 pounds, to avoid              objectively evaluate acoustic noise in
                                                      exceeding Occupational Safety and                                                                              maximum technologically feasible
                                                                                                              room ACs.                                              (‘‘max-tech’’) efficiency level for each
                                                      Health Administration (OSHA) and                           DOE is aware that the European
                                                      National Institute of Occupational                      Union (EU), through its EcoDesign                      product class.
                                                      Safety and Health (NIOSH) guidelines                    regulations, recently instituted                          DOE historically has used the
                                                      for single-person lifting.7 DOE did not                 maximum sound power levels for room                    following three methodologies to
                                                      consider limiting the weight of the other               ACs assessed under EN 12102:2013 ‘‘Air                 generate incremental manufacturing
                                                      analyzed product classes because                        Conditioners, liquid chilling packages,                costs and establish efficiency levels
                                                      baseline units in those product classes                 heat pumps and dehumidifiers with                      (ELs) for analysis: (1) The design-option
                                                      already exceeded this weight limit.                     electrically driven compressors for                    approach, which provides the
                                                         Issue D.1 DOE seeks input on the                     space heating and cooling—                             incremental costs of adding to a baseline
                                                      merits and/or limitations of maintaining                Measurement of airborne noise—                         model design options that will improve
                                                      a 50-pound limit for room ACs in                        Determination of sound power levels’’                  its efficiency; (2) the efficiency-level
                                                      Product Class 1. DOE also welcomes                      (EN 12102:2013). Under the new EU                      approach, which provides the relative
                                                      suggestions and supporting analysis for                 regulation, room ACs may not exceed                    costs of achieving increases in energy
                                                      alternative weight limits.                              indoor sound power levels of 60                        efficiency levels, without regard to the
                                                         Issue D.2 DOE seeks input on                         decibels (dB)(A) and outdoor sound                     particular design options used to
                                                      whether to consider weight limits for                   power levels of 60dB(A).                               achieve such increases; and (3) the cost-
                                                      product classes other than Product Class                   Similarly, the October 28, 2014 EPA
                                                      1 in the room AC analysis. DOE also                                                                            assessment (or reverse engineering)
                                                                                                              Draft 1 of Version 4.0 ‘‘ENERGY STAR                   approach, which provides ‘‘bottom-up’’
                                                      welcomes suggestions and data for                       Product Specification for Room Air
                                                      additional product class-specific weight                                                                       manufacturing cost assessments for
                                                                                                              Conditioners’’ 8 proposed that measured
                                                      limits.                                                                                                        achieving various levels of increased
                                                                                                              indoor sound power level shall not
                                                                                                                                                                     efficiency, based on detailed data as to
                                                      2. Chassis Size Limits                                  exceed 60dB(A), as measured using EN
                                                                                                                                                                     costs for parts and material, labor,
                                                                                                              12102:2013. In response to stakeholder
                                                         In the April 2011 Direct Final Rule                  comment, the EPA chose to remove the                   shipping/packaging, and investment for
                                                      analysis, DOE used a methodology that                   sound performance criteria in its                      models that operate at particular
                                                      established maximum chassis widths                      February 20, 2015 Final Version 4.0 of                 efficiency levels.
                                                      and heights for each product class,                     ‘‘ENERGY STAR Product Specification
                                                      when considering a baseline unit. DOE                                                                          1. Baseline Models
                                                                                                              for Room Air Conditioners.’’ 9
                                                      established these limits based on the                   Stakeholders identified the lack of                      For each established product class,
                                                      dimensions of the largest R–410A room                   availability of test chambers and the                  DOE selects a baseline model as a
                                                      AC in each product class on the market.                 burden of both building capacity for                   reference point against which any
                                                      DOE did not set a limit for maximum                     testing and sound power testing as one                 changes resulting from energy
                                                      chassis depth in that analysis.                         barrier to the inclusion of sound                      conservation standards can be
                                                         Issue D.3 DOE seeks input on                         performance in an ENERGY STAR                          measured. The baseline model in each
                                                      potentially establishing chassis size                   specification.                                         product class represents the
                                                      limits as part of a design option                          Issue D.5 DOE requests suggestions
                                                      analysis. DOE also welcomes                                                                                    characteristics of common or typical
                                                                                                              for test methods that are appropriate to               products in that class. Typically, a
                                                      suggestions and supporting analysis for                 objectively evaluate acoustic noise in
                                                      alternative chassis size limits.                                                                               baseline model is one that meets the
                                                                                                              room ACs.                                              current minimum energy conservation
                                                         Issue D.4 DOE seeks input on any                        Issue D.6 DOE requests information
                                                      factors that may help define chassis                                                                           standards.
                                                                                                              on the relationship between acoustic
                                                      dimension limits beyond the                             noise, in dB(A), or other appropriate                  2. Baseline Efficiency Levels
                                                      dimensions of room ACs currently on                     units, and consumer satisfaction.
                                                      the market in the United States.                           Issue D.7 DOE requests feedback and                    DOE tentatively plans to consider the
                                                      Specifically DOE welcomes data on the                   data on how the design options                         current minimum energy conservations
                                                      distribution of window widths and                       presented in section II.C impact room                  standards (which went into effect June
                                                      heights in U.S. residences.                             AC acoustic noise.                                     1, 2014) to establish the baseline
                                                      3. Acoustic Noise                                                                                              efficiency levels for each product class.
                                                                                                              E. Engineering Analysis
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                                                                                                                                                                     Table II.5 presents the current energy
                                                         DOE understands that increased noise                   The engineering analysis estimates                   conservation standards for room ACs. If
                                                      levels might occur as room ACs attain                   the cost-efficiency relationship of                    DOE amends the room AC test
                                                        7 NIOSH guideline: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/            8 Available online at www.energystar.gov/
                                                                                                                                                                     procedure to provide an efficiency
                                                      docs/2007-131/.                                         products/spec/room_air_conditioner_specification_
                                                                                                                                                                     metric other than the current CEER,
                                                        OSHA guideline: https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/            version_4_0_pdf.                                       DOE will adjust the CEER baseline
                                                      etools/electricalcontractors/materials/heavy.html.        9 Id.                                                levels to account for the new metric.

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                                                      34852                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 117 / Thursday, June 18, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                                                 TABLE II.5—CURRENT ENERGY CONSERVATION STANDARDS FOR ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS
                                                                                                                                           Product class                                                                                                      effective as of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              June 1, 2014

                                                      1. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and less than 6,000 Btu/h .........................................................................................                                                    11.0
                                                      2. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 6,000 to 7,999 Btu/h ..........................................................................................                                                    11.0
                                                      3. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 8,000 to 13,999 Btu/h ........................................................................................                                                     10.9
                                                      4. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 14,000 to 19,999 Btu/h ......................................................................................                                                      10.7
                                                      5A. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 20,000 to 27,999 Btu/h ....................................................................................                                                        9.4
                                                      5B. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 28,000 Btu/h or more .......................................................................................                                                       9.0
                                                      6. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and less than 6,000 Btu/h ....................................................................................                                                      10.0
                                                      7. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and 6,000 to 7,999 Btu/h .....................................................................................                                                      10.0
                                                      8A. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and 8,000 to 10,999 Btu/h .................................................................................                                                         9.6
                                                      8B. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and 11,000 to 13,999 Btu/h ...............................................................................                                                          9.5
                                                      9. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and 14,000 to 19,999 Btu/h .................................................................................                                                         9.3
                                                      10. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and 20,000 Btu/h or more ..................................................................................                                                         9.4
                                                      11. With reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and less than 20,000 Btu/h ..........................................................................................                                                     9.8
                                                      12. With reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and less than 14,000 Btu/h .....................................................................................                                                       9.3
                                                      13. With reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 20,000 Btu/h or more ............................................................................................                                                     9.3
                                                      14. With reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and 14,000 Btu/h or more .......................................................................................                                                       8.7
                                                      15. Casement-Only ..............................................................................................................................................................................                       9.5
                                                      16. Casement-Slider ............................................................................................................................................................................                      10.4

                                                         Issue E.1 DOE requests comment on                                     3. Higher Efficiency Levels                                               available design options and consider
                                                      approaches that it should consider                                          For each product class, DOE will                                       voluntary certification program levels
                                                      when determining the baseline                                            define efficiency levels beyond the                                       such as ENERGY STAR and Consortium
                                                      efficiency levels for each product class,                                baseline and develop incremental                                          for Energy Efficiency’s (CEE) Super
                                                      including information regarding the                                      manufacturing cost data for each                                          Efficient Home Appliance Initiative
                                                      merits and/or limitations of such                                        efficiency level. To define the efficiency                                (SEHA). The current ENERGY STAR
                                                      approaches.                                                              levels, DOE tentatively plans to evaluate                                 and CEE voluntary certification levels
                                                                                                                               potential efficiency improvements from                                    are presented in Table II.6.

                                                                            TABLE II.6—CURRENT ENERGY STAR AND CEE SEHA LEVELS FOR ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS
                                                                                                                                                                                            Oct. 2013             Oct. 2013                 SEHA                     SEHA
                                                                                                                                                                                            ENERGY                ENERGY
                                                                                                            Product class                                                                                                                   Tier 1                   Tier 2
                                                                                                                                                                                              STAR                 STAR                    (EER) *                  (EER) *
                                                                                                                                                                                             (CEER)                (EER)

                                                      1. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and less than 6,000 Btu/h .....................                                                  11.0                  11.2                    11.2                     11.6
                                                      2. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 6,000 to 7,999 Btu/h ......................                                                  11.0                  11.2                    11.2                     11.6
                                                      3. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 8,000 to 13,999 Btu/h ....................                                                   11.2                  11.3                    11.3                     11.8
                                                      4. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 14,000 to 19,999 Btu/h ..................                                                    11.1                  11.2                    11.2                     11.6
                                                      5a. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 20,000 to 27,999 Btu/h ................                                                       9.8                   9.8                  † 9.8                  † 10.2
                                                      5b. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 28,000 Btu/h or more ...................                                                      9.8                   9.8                  † 9.8                  † 10.2
                                                      6. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and less than 6,000 Btu/h ................                                                    10.2                  10.4       ....................     ....................
                                                      7. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and 6,000 to 7,999 Btu/h .................                                                    10.2                  10.4       ....................     ....................
                                                      8a. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and 8,000 to 10,999 Btu/h .............                                                        9.7                   9.8      ....................     ....................
                                                      8b. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and 11,000 to 13,999 Btu/h ...........                                                         9.7                   9.8      ....................     ....................
                                                      9. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and 14,000 to 19,999 Btu/h .............                                                        9.7                   9.8      ....................     ....................
                                                      10. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and 20,000 Btu/h or more ..............                                                     ** 9.7                ** 9.8      ....................     ....................
                                                      11. With reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and less than 20,000 Btu/h ......................                                                  10.3                  10.4       ....................     ....................
                                                      12. With reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and less than 14,000 Btu/h .................                                                      9.7                   9.8      ....................     ....................
                                                      13. With reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 20,000 Btu/h or more ........................                                                    9.8                   9.8      ....................     ....................
                                                      14. With reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and 14,000 Btu/h or more ...................                                                      9.1                   9.2      ....................     ....................
                                                      15. Casement-Only ..........................................................................................................                      9.9                    10      ....................     ....................
                                                      16. Casement-Slider ........................................................................................................                    10.8                  10.9       ....................     ....................
                                                        * Note that CEE SEHA does not specify tier levels in CEER, and tier levels are only specified for units in classes 1–5b.
                                                        ** ENERGY STAR requires that units with cooling capacity greater or equal 28,000 Btu/h achieve 9.8 CEER. The aforementioned capacity
                                                      range is part of product class 10 in the current rule.10
                                                        † The CEE SEHA room air conditioner specification defines two capacity ranges that cover the same range as product classes 5a and 5b:
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                                                      20,000 Btu/h to 24,999 Btu/h or greater than 25,000 Btu/h. These do not match the capacity ranges defined by DOE: 20,000 Btu/h to 27,999 Btu/
                                                      h or greater than 28,000 Btu/h.11

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Issue E.2 DOE seeks input
                                                                                                                               %20Conditioner%20Program%                                                 concerning efficiency levels to analyze
                                                        10 ENERGY STAR guidelines are available at:                            20Requirements.pdf.                                                       for room ACs. Specifically, DOE seeks
                                                      www.energystar.gov/sites/default/files/specs/                               11 CEE SEHA room air conditioner guidelines are

                                                      ENERGY%20STAR%20Version                                                  available at: http://library.cee1.org/sites/default/                      RoomAirConditionerSpecification_2003_Updated_
                                                      %203.1%20Room%20Air                                                      files/library/9296/CEE_ResApp_                                            Again.pdf.

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 117 / Thursday, June 18, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                              34853

                                                      information that may guide the                          involved with the distribution of the                  commercial building applications. The
                                                      definition of efficiency levels, including              product addressed in this notice.                      Energy Information Administration’s
                                                      any additional voluntary certification                                                                         Commercial Buildings Energy
                                                                                                              G. Energy Use Analysis
                                                      programs or relevant foreign standards                                                                         Consumption Survey (CBECS) 13 does
                                                      or programs.                                               The purpose of the energy use                       not report annual energy consumption
                                                        Issue E.3 DOE seeks input on                          analysis is to assess the energy savings               for room air conditioning, so DOE
                                                      appropriate maximum technologically                     potential of different product                         estimated the energy consumption using
                                                      feasible efficiency levels and the basis                efficiencies. DOE uses the annual energy               variables specific to each building in the
                                                      for why those levels should be selected.                consumption and energy-savings                         sample and data on cooling degree-days.
                                                                                                              potential in the LCC and PBP analyses                  For this rulemaking, DOE is considering
                                                      F. Markups Analysis                                     to establish the savings in consumer                   using the same methodology to estimate
                                                        To carry out the life-cycle cost (LCC)                operating costs at various product                     energy use in commercial building
                                                      and payback period (PBP) calculations,                  efficiency levels. In contrast to the DOE              applications.
                                                      DOE needs to determine the cost to the                  test procedure, which provides a                          DOE requests comment or seeks input
                                                      residential consumer of baseline                        measure of the energy use, energy                      from stakeholders on the following
                                                      products that satisfies the currently                   efficiency or annual operating cost of a               issues pertaining to the energy use
                                                      applicable standards, and the cost of the               covered product during a representative                analysis:
                                                      more-efficient unit the consumer would                  average use cycle, the energy use                         Issue G.1 DOE requests stakeholder
                                                      purchase under potential amended                        analysis seeks to capture the range of                 input regarding the impact of changes in
                                                      standards. By applying a multiplier                     operating conditions for room ACs in                   CEER on cooling energy savings.
                                                      called a ‘‘markup’’ to the manufacturer’s               U.S. homes.                                               Issue G.2 Data sources that DOE can
                                                      selling price, DOE is able to estimate the                 To determine the field energy use of                use to characterize the variability in
                                                      residential consumer’s price.                           products that would meet possible                      annual energy consumption of room
                                                        For the April 2011 Direct Final Rule,                 standard levels, DOE proposes to use                   ACs.
                                                      DOE based the distribution channels on                  data from the Energy Information                          Issue G.3 DOE requests stakeholder
                                                      data from AHAM. For room ACs, the                       Administration’s (EIA’s) 2009                          comment on whether a significant
                                                      main actors are manufacturers and                       Residential Energy Consumption Survey                  enough percentage of residential room
                                                      retailers. Thus, DOE analyzed a                         (RECS), or the most recent such survey                 ACs are utilized in commercial
                                                      manufacturer-to-consumer distribution                   available from EIA.12 RECS is a national               buildings to warrant considering their
                                                      channel consisting of three parties: (1)                sample survey of housing units that                    use in commercial applications.
                                                      The manufacturers producing the                         collects statistical information on the
                                                                                                              consumption of and expenditures for                    H. Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period
                                                      products; (2) the retailers purchasing the                                                                     Analysis
                                                      products from manufacturers and                         energy in housing units along with data
                                                                                                              on energy-related characteristics of the                  The purpose of the LCC and PBP
                                                      selling them to consumers; and (3) the
                                                                                                              housing units and occupants.                           analysis is to analyze the effects of
                                                      consumers who purchase the products.
                                                                                                                 For the April 2011 Direct Final Rule,               potential amended energy conservation
                                                      DOE plans to use the same approach in
                                                                                                              DOE used the data reported by RECS on                  standards on consumers of residential
                                                      the current rulemaking.
                                                                                                              the annual energy consumption (field                   room AC products by determining how
                                                        As was done in the last rulemaking
                                                                                                              energy consumption) for room air                       a potential amended standard affects the
                                                      and consistent with the approach
                                                                                                              conditioning. The reported end-use                     consumers’ operating expenses (usually
                                                      followed for other energy consuming
                                                                                                              quantities were not based on metering of               decreased) and total installed costs
                                                      products, DOE will determine an
                                                                                                              individual appliances; rather, EIA used                (usually increased).
                                                      average manufacturer markup by                                                                                    DOE intends to analyze data input
                                                                                                              a regression technique to estimate how
                                                      examining the annual Securities and                                                                            variability and uncertainty by
                                                                                                              much of the total annual electricity
                                                      Exchange Commission (SEC) 10–K                                                                                 performing the LCC and PBP
                                                                                                              consumption for each household can be
                                                      reports filed by publicly traded                                                                               calculations on a representative sample
                                                                                                              attributed to each end-use category. The
                                                      manufacturers of appliances whose                                                                              of households from RECS and
                                                                                                              reported field energy consumption
                                                      product range includes room ACs. DOE                                                                           commercial buildings from CBECS for
                                                                                                              refers to the consumption of all of the
                                                      will determine an average retailer                                                                             the considered product classes using
                                                                                                              room ACs in a home. RECS also reports
                                                      markup by analyzing both economic                                                                              Monte Carlo simulation and probability
                                                                                                              the number of room ACs in the home.
                                                      census data from the U.S. Census                                                                               distributions. The analysis results are a
                                                                                                              To estimate the energy consumption of
                                                      Bureau and the annual SEC 10–K                                                                                 distribution of results showing the range
                                                                                                              a single room AC for this rulemaking,
                                                      reports filed by publicly traded retailers.                                                                    of LCC savings and PBPs for a given
                                                                                                              DOE divided the room AC energy use
                                                        In addition to developing                             reported in RECS by the reported                       efficiency level relative to the baseline
                                                      manufacturer and retailer markups, DOE                  number of room ACs. For houses with                    level.
                                                      will develop and include sales taxes to                 both central air conditioning and room                    Inputs to the LCC and PBP analysis
                                                      calculate appliance retail prices. DOE                  air conditioning, DOE scaled the energy                are categorized as: (1) Inputs for
                                                      will use an Internet source, the Sales                  use by using a relative use factor.                    establishing the purchase expense,
                                                      Tax Clearinghouse, to calculate                         Although in reality the utilization of                 otherwise known as the total installed
                                                      applicable sales taxes.                                 each of the room ACs in a home may                     cost, and (2) inputs for calculating the
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                        Issue F.1 DOE seeks input from                        vary, the RECS data does not allow DOE                 operating expense. The primary inputs
                                                      stakeholders on whether the                             to estimate such variation.                            for establishing the total installed cost
                                                      distribution channels described above                      In the April 2011 Direct Final Rule,                are the baseline consumer price,
                                                      are still relevant for room ACs. DOE also               DOE estimated that, based on                           standard-level consumer price
                                                      welcomes comments concerning its                        stakeholder input, 12-percent of room                  increases, and installation costs.
                                                      proposed approach to developing                         AC shipments were utilized in                          Baseline consumer prices and standard-
                                                      estimates of markups for room ACs.
                                                        Issue F.2 DOE seeks recent data to                     12 For information on RECS, see http://                13 For information on CBECS, see http://

                                                      establish the markups for the parties                   www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/recs/.                            www.eia.gov/consumption/commercial/about.cfm.

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                                                      34854                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 117 / Thursday, June 18, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      level consumer price increases will be                  or new standards would be required. By                 NPV of consumer benefits from
                                                      determined by applying markups to                       accounting for consumers who already                   potential standards, DOE calculates
                                                      manufacturer price estimates. The                       purchase more efficient products, DOE                  national annual energy expenditures
                                                      installation cost is added to the                       avoids overstating the potential benefits              and annual product expenditures for the
                                                      consumer price to arrive at a total                     from potential standards.                              base case and the standards cases. DOE
                                                      installed cost.                                           Issue H.4 DOE seeks stakeholder                      calculates total annual energy
                                                         In the April 2011 Direct Final Rule,                 input and data on the fraction of room                 expenditures using data on annual
                                                      DOE derived the installation costs from                 ACs that are sold above the minimum                    energy consumption in each case,
                                                      room AC data in RS Means. 76 FR 22454                   energy efficiency standards. DOE also                  forecasted average annual energy prices,
                                                      (Apr. 21, 2011). DOE plans to use                       requests information on expected trends                and shipment projections. The
                                                      similar data sources for this rulemaking,               in product efficiency over the next 5                  difference each year between operating
                                                      with adjustments to reflect current-day                 years.                                                 cost savings and increased product
                                                      labor and material prices as well as to                                                                        expenditures is the net savings or net
                                                      scale installation cost for higher-                     I. Shipments Analysis                                  costs.
                                                      efficiency products based on equipment                     DOE uses shipment projections by                       A key component of DOE’s estimates
                                                      weight and/or dimensions.                               product class and efficiency level in its              of NES and NPV is the product energy
                                                         Issue H.1 DOE seeks input on                         analysis of the national impacts of                    efficiency forecasted over time for the
                                                      whether room AC installation costs will                 potential standards, as well as in the                 base case and for each of the standards
                                                      scale with equipment weight and/or                      manufacturer impact analysis.                          cases. In the April 2011 Direct Final
                                                      dimensions.                                                In the April 2011 Direct Final Rule,                Rule, DOE based projections of base-
                                                         The primary inputs for calculating the               DOE developed a shipments model for                    case shipment-weighted efficiency
                                                      operating costs are product energy                      room ACs driven by historical                          (SWEF) for the room AC product classes
                                                      consumption, product efficiency,                        shipments data, which were used to                     on growth rates determined from
                                                      electricity prices and forecasts,                       build up a product stock and calibrate                 historical data provided by AHAM. 76
                                                      maintenance and repair costs, product                   the shipments model. 76 FR 22454 (Apr.                 FR 22454 (Apr. 21, 2011). For this
                                                      lifetime, and discount rates.                           21, 2011). Shipments of each product                   rulemaking, DOE plans on considering
                                                         Repair costs are associated with                     class were projected for two market                    recent trends in efficiency and input
                                                      repairing or replacing components that                  sectors that use these products:                       from stakeholders to update product
                                                      have failed in the appliance, whereas                   residential and commercial sectors.                    energy efficiency forecasts.
                                                      maintenance costs are associated with                      Issue I.1 DOE seeks stakeholder                        Issue J.1 DOE seeks historical SWEF
                                                      maintaining the operation of the                        input and data showing the distribution                data for room ACs by product class and
                                                      equipment. In the April 2011 Direct                     of shipments by product class, and                     stakeholder input regarding future
                                                      Final Rule, DOE assumed a maintenance                   market sector.                                         trends in efficiency.
                                                      increase for the higher-capacity units                     In the April 2011 Direct Final Rule,
                                                                                                                                                                     K. Manufacturer Impact Analysis
                                                      due to more expensive product cost but                  DOE modeled the decision to repair or
                                                      no maintenance differences with higher                  replace equipment for existing owners                     The purpose of the manufacturer
                                                      efficiency units. 76 FR 22454 (Apr. 21,                 and the impact that decision would                     impact analysis (MIA) is to estimate the
                                                      2011).                                                  have on the shipments model. 76 FR                     financial impact of potential energy
                                                         Issue H.2 DOE seeks stakeholder                      22454 (Apr. 21, 2011). DOE investigated                conservation standards on
                                                      input on the appropriateness to assume                  how increases in product purchase price                manufacturers of room ACs and to
                                                      that changes in maintenance costs will                  and decreases in product operating costs               evaluate the potential impact of such
                                                      be negligible for more-efficient                        due to standards impact product                        standards on employment and
                                                      products.                                               shipments.                                             manufacturing capacity. The MIA
                                                         Repair costs are costs associated with                  Issue I.2 DOE seeks input and data                  includes both quantitative and
                                                      a major repair during the lifetime of the               on factors that influence a consumer’s                 qualitative aspects. The quantitative
                                                      product. In the April 2011 Direct Final                 decisions to repair or replace failed                  part of the MIA primarily relies on the
                                                      Rule, DOE determined the costs of major                 products. In particular, DOE is seeking                Government Regulatory Impact Model
                                                      repairs (e.g., compressor replacement)                  historical repair cost data as a function              (GRIM), an industry cash-flow model
                                                      from RS Means and industry literature.                  of efficiency.                                         used to estimate a range of potential
                                                      76 FR 22454 (Apr. 21, 2011). DOE also                                                                          impacts on manufacturer profitability.
                                                      assumed that repair costs vary in direct                J. National Impact Analysis                            The qualitative part of the MIA
                                                      proportion with the product price at                       The purpose of the national impact                  addresses a proposed standard’s
                                                      higher efficiency levels as replacement                 analysis (NIA) is to estimate aggregate                potential impacts on manufacturing
                                                      costs for more-efficient components are                 impacts of potential efficiency standards              capacity and industry competition, as
                                                      likely to be greater than components in                 at the national level. Impacts reported                well as factors such as product
                                                      baseline products. Id.                                  by DOE include the national energy                     characteristics, impacts on particular
                                                         Issue H.3 DOE seeks stakeholder                      savings (NES) from potential standards                 subgroups of firms, and important
                                                      comment on the assumption that repair                   and the national net present value                     market and product trends.
                                                      costs vary in direct proportion to                      (NPV) of the total consumer benefits.                     As part of the MIA, DOE intends to
                                                      product price and unit capacity.                        The NIA considers lifetime impacts of                  analyze impacts of potential energy
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                         DOE measures LCC and PBP impacts                     potential standards on room ACs                        conservation standards on small
                                                      of potential standard levels relative to a              shipped in a 30-year period that begins                business manufacturers of covered
                                                      base case that reflects the market in the               with the expected compliance date for                  products. DOE intends to use the Small
                                                      absence of amended standards. DOE                       new or amended standards.                              Business Administration’s (SBA) small
                                                      plans to develop market-share efficiency                   To develop the NES, DOE calculates                  business size standards to determine
                                                      data (i.e., the distribution of product                 annual energy consumption of products                  whether manufacturers qualify as small
                                                      shipments by efficiency) for the product                in residential and commercial building                 businesses. The size standards are listed
                                                      classes DOE is considering, for the year                stock for the base case and each                       by North American Industry
                                                      in which compliance with any amended                    standards case. To develop the national                Classification System (NAICS) code and

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 117 / Thursday, June 18, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                           34855

                                                      industry description.14 Manufacturing                   via email at Brenda.Edwards@                           availability of this material at NARA,
                                                      of room ACs can be classified under                     ee.doe.gov.                                            call 202–741–6030, or go to http://
                                                      either NAICS 333415, ‘‘Air-                               Issued in Washington, DC, on June 9, 2015.           www.archives.gov/federal_register/
                                                      Conditioning and Warm Air Heating                       Kathleen B. Hogan,
                                                      Equipment and Commercial and                                                                                   locations.html.
                                                                                                              Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy
                                                      Industrial Refrigeration Equipment                                                                                FAA Order 7400.9, Airspace
                                                                                                              Efficiency, Energy Efficiency and Renewable
                                                      Manufacturing’’ or NAICS 335228,                        Energy.                                                Designations and Reporting Points, is
                                                      ‘‘Other Major Household Appliance                                                                              published yearly and effective on
                                                                                                              [FR Doc. 2015–15001 Filed 6–17–15; 8:45 am]
                                                      Manufacturing.’’ The SBA sets a                                                                                September 15. For further information,
                                                                                                              BILLING CODE 6450–01–P
                                                      threshold of 750 or 500 employees or                                                                           you can contact the Airspace Policy and
                                                      less for an entity to be considered as a                                                                       Regulations Group, Federal Aviation
                                                      small business for these categories.                                                                           Administration, 800 Independence
                                                      These employee threshold would                          DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                           Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591;
                                                      include all employees in a business’s                                                                          telephone: 202–267–8783.
                                                                                                              Federal Aviation Administration
                                                      parent company and any other                                                                                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                      subsidiaries.                                                                                                  Rebecca Shelby, Central Service Center,
                                                         DOE used publically available                        14 CFR Part 71
                                                                                                                                                                     Operations Support Group, Federal
                                                      information to attempt to identify any                  [Docket No. FAA–2014–1074; Airspace                    Aviation Administration, Southwest
                                                      small business that manufactures room                   Docket No. 14–ASW–10]
                                                                                                                                                                     Region, 2601 Meacham Blvd., Fort
                                                      ACs. DOE cross-referenced the                                                                                  Worth, TX 76137; telephone: 817–321–
                                                      manufacturers listed in DOE’s                           Proposed Amendment of Class E
                                                                                                              Airspace; El Paso, TX                                  7740.
                                                      Compliance Certification Management
                                                                                                                                                                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                      System (CCMS) with individual                           AGENCY: Federal Aviation
                                                      company Web sites and market research                   Administration (FAA), DOT.                             Authority for This Rulemaking
                                                      tools (e.g., Hoovers reports). DOE’s                    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking                    The FAA’s authority to issue rules
                                                      initial research indicates that no small                (NPRM).                                                regarding aviation safety is found in
                                                      businesses currently manufacture room
                                                                                                                                                                     Title 49 of the United States Code.
                                                      ACs.                                                    SUMMARY:   This action proposes to
                                                         Issue K.1 DOE requests comment on                                                                           Subtitle I, Section 106 describes the
                                                                                                              amend Class E airspace at El Paso, TX.                 authority of the FAA Administrator.
                                                      any small business manufacturers of                     The closure of West Texas Airport has
                                                      room ACs that it should consider in its                                                                        Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs,
                                                                                                              made this action necessary for                         describes in more detail the scope of the
                                                      analysis.                                               continued safety and management                        agency’s authority. This rulemaking is
                                                      III. Submission of Comments                             within the National Airspace System.                   promulgated under the authority
                                                                                                              Additionally, the geographic                           described in Subtitle VII, Part, A,
                                                         DOE invites all interested parties to                coordinates for El Paso International
                                                      submit in writing by August 3, 2015,                                                                           Subpart I, Section 40103. Under that
                                                                                                              Airport and Biggs Army Airfield (AAF)                  section, the FAA is charged with
                                                      comments and information on matters                     would be adjusted.
                                                      addressed in this notice and on other                                                                          prescribing regulations to assign the use
                                                                                                              DATES: Comments must be received on                    of airspace necessary to ensure the
                                                      matters relevant to DOE’s consideration
                                                      of new or amended energy                                or before August 3, 2015.                              safety of aircraft and the efficient use of
                                                      conservations standards for room ACs.                   ADDRESSES: Send comments on this                       airspace. This regulation is within the
                                                      After the close of the comment period,                  proposal to the U.S. Department of                     scope of that authority as it would
                                                      DOE will begin collecting data,                         Transportation, Docket Operations, M–                  amend Class E airspace at West Texas
                                                      conducting the analyses, and reviewing                  30, West Building Ground Floor, Room                   Airport, El Paso, TX.
                                                      the public comments, as needed. These                   W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE.,
                                                                                                              Washington, DC 20590–0001; telephone                   Comments Invited
                                                      actions will be taken to aid in the
                                                      development of a NOPR for room ACs                      (202) 366–9826. You must identify the                     Interested parties are invited to
                                                      if DOE decides to amend the standards                   docket number FAA–2014–1074/                           participate in this proposed rulemaking
                                                      for such products.                                      Airspace Docket No. 14–ASW–10, at the                  by submitting such written data, views,
                                                         DOE considers public participation to                beginning of your comments. You may                    or arguments, as they may desire.
                                                      be a very important part of the process                 also submit comments through the                       Comments that provide the factual basis
                                                      for developing test procedures and                      Internet at http://www.regulations.gov.                supporting the views and suggestions
                                                      energy conservation standards. DOE                      You may review the public docket                       presented are particularly helpful in
                                                      actively encourages the participation                   containing the proposal, any comments                  developing reasoned regulatory
                                                      and interaction of the public during the                received, and any final disposition in                 decisions on the proposal. Comments
                                                      comment period in each stage of the                     person in the Dockets Office between                   are specifically invited on the overall
                                                      rulemaking process. Interactions with                   9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday                        regulatory, aeronautical, economic,
                                                      and between members of the public                       through Friday, except Federal holidays.               environmental, and energy-related
                                                      provide a balanced discussion of the                    The Docket Office telephone 1–800–                     aspects of the proposal.
                                                      issues and assist DOE in the rulemaking                 647–5527 is on the ground floor of the                 Communications should identify both
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      process. Anyone who wishes to be                        building at the above address.                         docket numbers and be submitted in
                                                      added to the DOE mailing list to receive                  FAA Order 7400.9Y, Airspace                          triplicate to the address listed above.
                                                      future notices and information about                    Designations and Reporting Points, and                 Commenters wishing the FAA to
                                                      this rulemaking or would like to request                subsequent amendments can be viewed                    acknowledge receipt of their comments
                                                      a public meeting should contact Ms.                     online at http://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/              on this notice must submit with those
                                                      Brenda Edwards at (202) 586–2945, or                    publications/. The Order is also                       comments a self-addressed, stamped
                                                                                                              available for inspection at the National               postcard on which the following
                                                         14 Available online at: www.sba.gov/sites/default/   Archives and Records Administration                    statement is made: ‘‘Comments to
                                                      files/Size_Standards_Table.pdf.                         (NARA). For information on the                         Docket No. FAA–2014–1074 and

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Document Created: 2018-02-22 11:11:58
Document Modified: 2018-02-22 11:11:58
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionRequest for Information (RFI).
DatesWritten comments and information are requested on or before August 3, 2015.
ContactDirect requests for additional information may be sent to:
FR Citation80 FR 34843 

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