80_FR_35022 80 FR 34905 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Comment Request

80 FR 34905 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Comment Request


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 117 (June 18, 2015)

Page Range34905-34906
FR Document2015-14952

The Export-Import Banks of the United States (Ex-Im Bank), as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal Agencies to comment on the proposed information collection, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This collection of information is necessary, pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 635(a)(1), to determine eligibility of the applicant for Ex-Im Bank assistance. The Export-Import Bank has made a change to the report to have the financial institution provide specific information (industry code, number of employees and annual sales volume) needed to make a determination as to whether or not the exporter meets the SBA's definition of a small business. The financial institution already provides the exporter's name and address. These additional pieces of information will allow Ex-Im Bank to better track the extent to which its support assists U.S. small businesses. The other change that Ex-Im Bank has made is to require the financial institution to indicate whether the exporter is a minority- owned business, women-owned business and/or veteran-owned business. Although answers to the questions are mandatory, the company may choose any one of the three answers: Yes/No/Decline to Answer. The option of ``Decline to Answer'' allows a company to consciously decline to answer the specific question should they not wish to provide that information. The application tool can be reviewed at: http://www.exim.gov/pub/ pending/eib92-36.pdf.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 117 (Thursday, June 18, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 117 (Thursday, June 18, 2015)]
[Pages 34905-34906]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-14952]



[Public Notice 2015-6007]

Agency Information Collection Activities: Comment Request

AGENCY: Export-Import Bank of the United States.

ACTION: Submission for OMB review and comments request.


    Form Title: EIB 92-36 Application for Issuing Bank Credit Limit 
(IBCL) Under Lender or Exporter-Held Policies.

SUMMARY: The Export-Import Banks of the United States (Ex-Im Bank), as 
part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent 
burden, invites the general public and other Federal Agencies to 
comment on the proposed information collection, as required by the 
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
    This collection of information is necessary, pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 
635(a)(1), to determine eligibility of the applicant for Ex-Im Bank 
    The Export-Import Bank has made a change to the report to have the 
financial institution provide specific information (industry code, 
number of employees and annual sales volume) needed to make a 
determination as to whether or not the exporter meets the SBA's 
definition of a small business. The financial institution already 
provides the exporter's name and address. These additional pieces of 
information will allow Ex-Im Bank to better track the extent to which 
its support assists U.S. small businesses.
    The other change that Ex-Im Bank has made is to require the 
financial institution to indicate whether the exporter is a minority-
owned business, women-owned business and/or veteran-owned business. 
Although answers to the questions are mandatory, the company may choose 
any one of the three answers: Yes/No/Decline to Answer. The option of 
``Decline to Answer'' allows a company to consciously decline to answer 
the specific question should they not wish to provide that information.
    The application tool can be reviewed at: http://www.exim.gov/pub/pending/eib92-36.pdf.

[[Page 34906]]

DATES: Comments must be received on or before August 17, 2015 to be 
assured of consideration.

ADDRESSES: Comments may be submitted electronically on 
WWW.REGULATIONS.GOV or by mail to Michele Kuester, Export-Import Bank 
of the United States, 811 Vermont Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20571.

    Title and Form Number: EIB 92-36 Application for Issuing Bank 
Credit Limit (IBCL) Under Lender or Exporter-Held Policies.
    OMB Number: 3048-0016.
    Type of Review: Regular.
    Need and Use: This form is used by an insured exporter or lender 
(or broker acting on its behalf) in order to obtain approval for 
coverage of the repayment risk of an overseas bank. The information 
received allows Ex-Im Bank staff to make a determination of the 
creditworthiness of the foreign bank and the underlying export sale for 
Ex-Im Bank assistance under its programs.
    This form has been updated to include a new Certification and 
Notices section as well as a new statement explaining Ex-Im Bank's 
limitation on support for goods subject to trade measures or sanctions.
    Affected Public: This form affects entities involved in the export 
of U.S. goods and services.
    Annual Number of Respondents: 480.
    Estimated Time per Respondent: 1.2 hours.
    Annual Burden Hours: 576 hours.
    Frequency of Reporting of Use: As needed.
    Government Expenses:
    Reviewing time per year: 480 hours.
    Average Wages per Hour: $42.50.
    Average Cost per Year: $20,400 (time*wages).
    Benefits and Overhead: 20%.
    Total Government Cost: $24,480.

Bonita Jones-McNeil,
Agency Clearance Officer, Office of the Chief Information Officer.
[FR Doc. 2015-14952 Filed 6-17-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 117 / Thursday, June 18, 2015 / Notices                                                  34905

                                                 Type of Review: Regular.                               The Export-Import Bank has made a                      Total Government Cost: $23,715.
                                                 Need and Use: This collection of                     change to the report to have the
                                                                                                                                                             Bonita Jones-McNeil,
                                              information is necessary, pursuant to 12                applicant provide the number of
                                              U.S.C. 635(a)(1), to determine eligibility              employees or annual sales volume. That                 Agency Clearance Officer, Office of the Chief
                                                                                                                                                             Information Officer.
                                              of the applicant for Ex-Im Bank                         information is needed to determine
                                              assistance. The information collected                                                                          [FR Doc. 2015–14932 Filed 6–17–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                      whether or not they meet the SBA’s
                                              enables Ex-Im Bank to determine the                     definition of a small business. The                    BILLING CODE 6690–01–P

                                              eligibility of the shipment(s) for                      applicant already provides their name,
                                              insurance and to calculate the premium                  address and industry code (NAICS).
                                              due to Ex-Im Bank for its support of the                                                                       EXPORT-IMPORT BANK
                                                                                                      These additional pieces of information
                                              shipment(s) under its insurance                         will allow Ex-Im Bank to better track the
                                              program.                                                extent to which its support assists U.S.               [Public Notice 2015–6007]
                                                 Affected Public:                                     small businesses.
                                                 This form affects entities involved in                                                                      Agency Information Collection
                                                                                                        The other change that Ex-Im Bank has
                                              the export of U.S. goods and services.                                                                         Activities: Comment Request
                                                                                                      made is to require the applicant to
                                                 Annual Number of Respondents: 215.                   indicate whether it is a minority-owned
                                                 Estimated Time per Respondent: 30                                                                           AGENCY:  Export-Import Bank of the
                                                                                                      business, women-owned business and/                    United States.
                                                                                                      or veteran-owned business. Although
                                                 Annual Burden Hours: 1290 hours.                                                                            ACTION: Submission for OMB review and
                                                 Frequency of Reporting of Use:                       answers to the questions are mandatory,
                                                                                                                                                             comments request.
                                              Monthly.                                                the company may choose any one of the
                                                 Government Expenses:                                 three answers: Yes/No/Decline to                          Form Title: EIB 92–36 Application for
                                                 Reviewing time per year: 860 hours.                  Answer. The option of ‘‘Decline to                     Issuing Bank Credit Limit (IBCL) Under
                                                 Average Wages per Hour: $42.50.                      Answer’’ allows a company to                           Lender or Exporter-Held Policies.
                                                 Average Cost per Year: $36,550                       consciously decline to answer the
                                                                                                      specific question should they not wish                 SUMMARY: The Export-Import Banks of
                                              (time *wages).
                                                 Benefits and Overhead: 20%.                          to provide that information.                           the United States (Ex-Im Bank), as part
                                                 Total Government Cost: $43,860.                        The application can be reviewed at:                  of its continuing effort to reduce
                                                                                                      www.exim.gov/pub/pending/EIB92-                        paperwork and respondent burden,
                                              Bonita Jones-McNeil,                                                                                           invites the general public and other
                                              Agency Clearance Officer, Office of the Chief                                                                  Federal Agencies to comment on the
                                              Information Officer.                                    DATES:   Comments must be received on                  proposed information collection, as
                                              [FR Doc. 2015–14954 Filed 6–17–15; 8:45 am]             or before August 17, 2015 to be assured                required by the Paperwork Reduction
                                              BILLING CODE 6690–01–P                                  of consideration.                                      Act of 1995.
                                                                                                      ADDRESSES: Comments may be                                This collection of information is
                                                                                                      submitted electronically on                            necessary, pursuant to 12 U.S.C.
                                              EXPORT-IMPORT BANK                                      WWW.REGULATIONS.GOV or by mail                         635(a)(1), to determine eligibility of the
                                              [Public Notice 2015–6010]                               to Michele Kuester, Export-Import Bank                 applicant for Ex-Im Bank assistance.
                                                                                                      of the United States, 811 Vermont Ave.                    The Export-Import Bank has made a
                                              Agency Information Collection                           NW., Washington, DC 20571.                             change to the report to have the
                                              Activities: Comment Request                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                             financial institution provide specific
                                              AGENCY:  Export-Import Bank of the                         Title and Form Number: EIB 92–64                    information (industry code, number of
                                              United States.                                          Application for Exporter Short Term                    employees and annual sales volume)
                                                                                                      Single Buyer Insurance.                                needed to make a determination as to
                                              ACTION: Submission for OMB review and
                                                                                                         OMB Number: 3048–0018.                              whether or not the exporter meets the
                                              comments request.
                                                                                                         Type of Review: Regular.                            SBA’s definition of a small business.
                                                Form Title: EIB 92–64 Application for                                                                        The financial institution already
                                                                                                         Need and Use: The information
                                              Exporter Short Term Single Buyer                                                                               provides the exporter’s name and
                                                                                                      requested enables the applicant to
                                              Insurance.                                                                                                     address. These additional pieces of
                                                                                                      provide Ex-Im Bank with the
                                              SUMMARY: The Export-Import Bank of                                                                             information will allow Ex-Im Bank to
                                                                                                      information necessary to obtain
                                              the United States (Ex-Im Bank), as a part                                                                      better track the extent to which its
                                                                                                      legislatively required assurance of
                                              of its continuing effort to reduce                                                                             support assists U.S. small businesses.
                                                                                                      repayment and fulfills other statutory
                                              paperwork and respondent burden,                        requirements.                                             The other change that Ex-Im Bank has
                                              invites the general public and other                       Affected Public:                                    made is to require the financial
                                              Federal Agencies to comment on the                                                                             institution to indicate whether the
                                                                                                         This form affects entities involved in
                                              proposed information collection, as                                                                            exporter is a minority-owned business,
                                                                                                      the export of U.S. goods and services.
                                              required by the Paperwork Reduction                                                                            women-owned business and/or veteran-
                                                                                                         Annual Number of Respondents: 310.                  owned business. Although answers to
                                              Act of 1995.                                               Estimated Time per Respondent: 1.5
                                                The ‘‘Application for Exporter Short                                                                         the questions are mandatory, the
                                                                                                      hours.                                                 company may choose any one of the
                                              Term Single Buyer Insurance’’ form will
                                              be used by entities involved in the                        Annual Burden Hours: 465 hours.                     three answers: Yes/No/Decline to
                                              export of U.S. goods and services, to                      Frequency of Reporting of Use: As                   Answer. The option of ‘‘Decline to
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              provide Ex-Im Bank with the                                                                                    Answer’’ allows a company to
                                              information necessary to obtain                            Government Costs:                                   consciously decline to answer the
                                              legislatively required assurance of                        Reviewing time per year: 465 hours.                 specific question should they not wish
                                              repayment and fulfills other statutory                     Average Wages per Hour: $42.50.                     to provide that information.
                                              requirements. Export-Import Bank                           Average Cost per Year: $19,762.5                       The application tool can be reviewed
                                              customers will be able to submit this                   (time*wages).                                          at: http://www.exim.gov/pub/pending/
                                              form on paper or electronically.                           Benefits and Overhead: 20%.                         eib92-36.pdf.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:53 Jun 17, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00027   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\18JNN1.SGM   18JNN1

                                              34906                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 117 / Thursday, June 18, 2015 / Notices

                                              DATES:   Comments must be received on                   ACTION:   Notice.                                      In addition, the complete text is
                                              or before August 17, 2015 to be assured                                                                        available on the FCC’s Web site at
                                              of consideration.                                       SUMMARY:    The Enforcement Bureau                     http://www.fcc.gov.
                                                                                                      (Bureau) gives notice of Wes Yui Chew’s
                                              ADDRESSES: Comments may be                                                                                     Jeffrey J. Gee,
                                                                                                      suspension from the federal Lifeline
                                              submitted electronically on                             universal service support mechanism                    Chief, Investigations and Hearings Division,
                                              WWW.REGULATIONS.GOV or by mail                          (Lifeline program) and the                             Enforcement Bureau, Federal
                                              to Michele Kuester, Export-Import Bank                  commencement of debarment                              Communications Commission.
                                              of the United States, 811 Vermont Ave.                  proceedings against him. Suspension                      May 26, 2015
                                              NW., Washington, DC 20571.                              immediately excludes Mr. Chew from                     DA 15–630
                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              activities associated with or related to
                                                 Title and Form Number: EIB 92–36                     the Lifeline program pending                           SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN
                                              Application for Issuing Bank Credit                     completion of the debarment process.                   RECEIPT REQUESTED
                                              Limit (IBCL) Under Lender or Exporter-                  Mr. Chew, or any person who has an                     Mr. Wes Yui Chew, c/o Daniel G.
                                              Held Policies.                                          existing contract with or intends to                   Webber, Jr., Ryan Whaley Coldiron
                                                 OMB Number: 3048–0016.                               contract with him to provide or receive                Shandy PLLC, 119 N. Robinson Avenue,
                                                 Type of Review: Regular.                             services in matters arising out of                     Suite 900, Oklahoma City, OK 73102.
                                                 Need and Use: This form is used by                   activities associated with or related to               Re: Notice of suspension and initiation
                                              an insured exporter or lender (or broker                the Lifeline program, may contest this                    of debarment proceeding, File No.
                                              acting on its behalf) in order to obtain                suspension or its scope by filing an                      EB–IHD–15–00019046.
                                              approval for coverage of the repayment                  opposition and any relevant
                                              risk of an overseas bank. The                                                                                     Dear Mr. Chew:
                                                                                                                                                                The Federal Communications
                                              information received allows Ex-Im Bank                  DATES: Any opposition must be received                 Commission (Commission) has received
                                              staff to make a determination of the                    within 30 days from the receipt of the                 notice of your conviction for money
                                              creditworthiness of the foreign bank and                suspension letter or June 18, 2015,                    laundering in violation of 18 U.S.C.
                                              the underlying export sale for Ex-Im                    whichever comes first. The Bureau will                 1957(a), in connection with fraudulent
                                              Bank assistance under its programs.                     decide any opposition within 90 days of                claims against the federal Lifeline
                                                 This form has been updated to                        its receipt.                                           telephone program (Lifeline program).1
                                              include a new Certification and Notices                 ADDRESSES: Federal Communications                      Pursuant to its rules, the Enforcement
                                              section as well as a new statement                      Commission, Enforcement Bureau,                        Bureau (Bureau) hereby suspends you
                                              explaining Ex-Im Bank’s limitation on                   Investigations and Hearings Division,                  from participating in activities
                                              support for goods subject to trade                      Room 4–A422, 445 12th Street SW.,                      associated with the Lifeline program.2
                                              measures or sanctions.                                  Washington, DC 20554.                                  The Bureau is also commencing a
                                                 Affected Public: This form affects
                                                                                                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                       proceeding to debar you from future
                                              entities involved in the export of U.S.
                                                                                                      Celia Lewis, Paralegal Specialist,                     participation in the Lifeline program.3
                                              goods and services.
                                                                                                      Federal Communications Commission,
                                                 Annual Number of Respondents: 480.                                                                          I. Notice of Suspension
                                                                                                      Enforcement Bureau, Investigations and
                                                 Estimated Time per Respondent: 1.2                                                                             Any person who has ‘‘defrauded the
                                                                                                      Hearings Division, Room 4–A422, 445
                                              hours.                                                                                                         government or engaged in similar acts
                                                                                                      12th Street SW., Washington, DC 20554.
                                                 Annual Burden Hours: 576 hours.                                                                             through activities associated with or
                                                                                                      Celia Lewis may be contacted by phone
                                                 Frequency of Reporting of Use: As                                                                           related to the [Lifeline program]’’ may
                                                                                                      at (202) 418–7456 or email at
                                              needed.                                                                                                        be prohibited from receiving the
                                                                                                      Celia.Lewis@fcc.gov. If Ms. Lewis is
                                                 Government Expenses:                                                                                        benefits associated with that program.4
                                                                                                      unavailable, you may contact Mr. Kalun
                                                 Reviewing time per year: 480 hours.
                                                                                                      Lee, Deputy Chief, Investigations and
                                                 Average Wages per Hour: $42.50.                                                                                1 Any further reference in this letter to ‘‘your
                                                                                                      Hearings Division, by telephone at (202)
                                                 Average Cost per Year: $20,400                                                                              conviction’’ refers to your guilty plea and
                                                                                                      418–0796 and by email at Kalun.Lee@
                                              (time*wages).                                                                                                  subsequent sentencing in United States v. Chew,
                                                                                                      fcc.gov.                                               Criminal Docket No. 5:14–cr–00170–D, Plea
                                                 Benefits and Overhead: 20%.
                                                                                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                         Agreement (W.D. Okla. filed June 12, 2014) (Plea
                                                 Total Government Cost: $24,480.                                                                             Agreement). See also Lifeline & Link Up Reform &
                                                                                                      Bureau has suspension and debarment                    Modernization, WC Docket No. 11–42, CC Docket
                                              Bonita Jones-McNeil,                                    authority pursuant to 47 CFR 54.8 and                  No. 96–45, WC Docket No. 03–109, Report and
                                              Agency Clearance Officer, Office of the Chief           0.111(a)(14). Mr. Chew’s conviction for                Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking,
                                              Information Officer.                                    money laundering in violation of 18                    27 FCC Rcd 6656 (2012) (Lifeline Reform Order).
                                                                                                                                                                2 47 CFR 54.8.
                                              [FR Doc. 2015–14952 Filed 6–17–15; 8:45 am]             U.S.C. 1957(a), in connection with                        3 Id.; 47 CFR 0.111 (delegating to the Bureau
                                              BILLING CODE 6690–01–P                                  fraudulent claims against the Lifeline                 authority to resolve universal service suspension
                                                                                                      program, requires the Bureau to suspend                and debarment proceedings). In 2007, the
                                                                                                      him from participating in activities                   Commission extended the debarment rules to apply
                                                                                                      associated with the Lifeline program.                  to all federal universal service support mechanisms,
                                              FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS                                                                                         including Lifeline. See Comprehensive Review of
                                              COMMISSION                                              Attached is the notice of suspension and               the Universal Service Fund Management,
                                                                                                      initiation of debarment proceeding                     Administration, & Oversight, Report and Order, 22
                                              [DA 15–630]                                             (Notice of Suspension), DA 15–630,                     FCC Rcd 16372, 16410–12 (2007) (Program
                                                                                                      which was mailed to Mr. Chew and                       Management Order) (renumbering Section 54.521 of
                                              Notice of Suspension and                                                                                       the universal service debarment rules as Section
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              Commencement of Proposed                                released on May 26, 2015. The complete                 54.8 and amending subsections (a)(1), (a)(5), (c), (d),
                                              Debarment Proceedings; Federal                          text of the Notice of Suspension is                    (e)(2)(i), (e)(3), (e)(4), and (g)).
                                              Lifeline Universal Service Support                      available for public inspection and                       4 Program Management Order, 22 FCC Rcd at

                                                                                                      copying during regular business hours                  16387, para. 32. The Commission’s debarment rules
                                              Mechanism                                                                                                      define a ‘‘person’’ as ‘‘[a]ny individual, group of
                                                                                                      at the FCC Reference Information                       individuals, corporation, partnership, association,
                                              AGENCY:Federal Communications                           Center, Portal II, 445 12th Street SW.,                unit of government or legal entity, however
                                              Commission.                                             Room CY–A257, Washington, DC 20554.                    organized.’’ 47 CFR 54.8(a)(6).

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Document Created: 2018-02-22 11:11:59
Document Modified: 2018-02-22 11:11:59
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionSubmission for OMB review and comments request.
DatesComments must be received on or before August 17, 2015 to be assured of consideration.
FR Citation80 FR 34905 

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