80_FR_37002 80 FR 36879 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; Fixed Income Clearing Corporation; Order Approving Proposed Rule Change to the Government Securities Division Rules in Connection With the Extension of the GCF Repo Service Pilot Program

80 FR 36879 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; Fixed Income Clearing Corporation; Order Approving Proposed Rule Change to the Government Securities Division Rules in Connection With the Extension of the GCF Repo Service Pilot Program


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 123 (June 26, 2015)

Page Range36879-36881
FR Document2015-15691

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 123 (Friday, June 26, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 123 (Friday, June 26, 2015)]
[Pages 36879-36881]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-15691]



[Release No. 34-75258; File No. SR-FICC-2015-002]

Self-Regulatory Organizations; Fixed Income Clearing Corporation; 
Order Approving Proposed Rule Change to the Government Securities 
Division Rules in Connection With the Extension of the GCF Repo Service 
Pilot Program

June 22, 2015.
    On May 7, 2015, the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (``FICC'') 
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (``Commission'') 
proposed rule change SR-FICC-2015-002 pursuant to section 19(b)(1) of 
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (``Act'') \1\ and Rule 19b-4 
thereunder.\2\ The proposed rule change was published for comment in 
the Federal

[[Page 36880]]

Register on May 21, 2015.\3\ The Commission received no comments on the 
proposed rule change. For the reasons discussed below, the Commission 
is approving the proposed rule change.

    \1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
    \2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
    \3\ Securities Exchange Act Release No. 34-74973 (May 15, 2015), 
80 FR 29352 (May 21, 2015) (SR-FICC-2015-002).

I. Description of the Proposed Rule Change

    FICC seeks the Commission's approval to extend the pilot program 
that is currently in effect for the GCF Repo[supreg] service (``2014 
Pilot Program'').\4\ FICC requests that the 2014 Pilot Program be 
extended for one year following the Commission's approval of this 
filing. FICC represents that, during this extension period, the final 
phase of tri-party reform will be implemented.\5\

    \4\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 34-72457 (June 24, 
2014), 79 FR 36856 (June 30, 2014) (SR-FICC-2014-02) (order 
approving the 2014 Pilot Program).
    \5\ The final phase of tri-party reform includes the development 
of an interactive messaging system to facilitate the substitution of 
collateral between settlement banks. FICC has represented that, if 
it determines to change the parameters of the GCF Repo[supreg] 
service during the one-year extension period, it will file a 
proposed rule change with the Commission. FICC has further warranted 
that, if it seeks to extend the 2014 Pilot Program beyond the one-
year extension period or proposes to make the program permanent, it 
will also file a proposed rule change with the Commission.

A. The GCF Repo[supreg] Service

    The GCF Repo[supreg] service allows dealer members of FICC's 
Government Services Division to trade general collateral finance repos 
(``GCF Repos'') \6\ throughout the day without requiring intraday, 
trade-for-trade settlement on a delivery-versus-payment \7\ basis. The 
service allows dealers to trade GCF Repos, based on rate and term, with 
inter-dealer broker netting members on a blind basis. Standardized, 
generic CUSIP numbers have been established exclusively for GCF Repo 
processing, and are used to specify the type of underlying security 
that is eligible to serve as collateral for GCF Repos. Only Fedwire 
eligible, book-entry securities may serve as collateral for GCF Repos. 
Acceptable collateral for GCF Repos include most U.S. Treasury 
securities, non-mortgage-backed federal agency securities, fixed and 
adjustable rate mortgage-backed securities, Treasury Inflation-
Protected Securities (``TIPS'') and separate trading of registered 
interest and principal securities (``STRIPS'').\8\

    \6\ A GCF Repo is one in which the lender of funds is willing to 
accept any of a class of U.S. Treasuries, U.S. government agency 
securities, and certain mortgage-backed securities as collateral for 
the repurchase obligation. This is in contrast to a specific 
collateral repo.
    \7\ Delivery-versus-payment is a settlement procedure in which 
the buyer's cash payment for the securities it has purchased is due 
at the time the securities are delivered.
    \8\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 34-58696 (September 
30, 2008), 73 FR 58698, 58699 (October 7, 2008) (SR-FICC-2008-04).

B. Background of the Pilot Program

    Because FICC's GCF Repo[supreg] service operates as a tri-party 
mechanism, FICC was asked to alter the service to align it with the 
recommendations of the Tri-Party Repo Infrastructure Reform Task Force 
(``TPR'').\9\ FICC consequently developed a pilot program (``2011 Pilot 
Program'') to address the TPR's recommendations,\10\ and sought 
Commission approval to institute that program.\11\ The Commission 
approved the 2011 Pilot Program on August 29, 2011 for a period of one 
year.\12\ When the expiration date for the 2011 Pilot Program 
approached, FICC sought Commission approval to implement the 2012 Pilot 
Program, which continued the 2011 Pilot Program in some aspects, and 
modified it in others.\13\ On August 8, 2012, the Commission approved 
the 2012 Pilot Program for a period of one year.\14\

    \9\ The TPR was an industry group formed and sponsored in 2009 
by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to address weaknesses that 
emerged in the tri-party repo market during the financial crisis. 
The TPR's chief goal was to develop recommendations to address the 
risks presented by the reversal of tri-party repo transactions, and 
to develop procedures to ensure that tri-party repos would be 
collateralized throughout the day, rather than at the end of the 
    \10\ The TPR issued preliminary and final reports setting forth 
its recommendations for the reform of the tri-party repo market. See 
Tri-Party Repo Infrastructure Reform Task Force Report of May 17, 
2000, available at http://www.newyorkfed.org/prc/files/report_100517.pdf; see also Tri-Party Repo Infrastructure Reform 
Task Force Final Report (February 15, 2012), available at http://www.newyorkfed.org/tripartyrepo/pdf/report_120215.pdf.
    \11\ Securities Exchange Act Release No. 34-64955 (July 25, 
2011), 76 FR 45638 (July 29, 2011) (SR-FICC-2011-05).
    \12\ Securities Exchange Act Release No. 34-65213 (August 29, 
2011), 76 FR 54824 (September 2, 2011) (SR-FICC-2011-05).
    \13\ The 2012 Pilot Program implemented several changes which, 
although described in the rule filing that accompanied the 2011 
Pilot Program, were not implemented during the 2011 Pilot Program's 
period of effectiveness. They include: (i) Moving the time for 
unwinding repos from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; (ii) moving the net-
free-equity process from morning to the evening; and (iii) 
establishing rules for intraday GCF Repo collateral substitutions. 
See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 34-67227 (June 20, 2012), 77 
FR 38108 (June 26, 2012) (SR-FICC-2012-05).
    \14\ Securities Exchange Release No. 34-67621 (August 8, 2012), 
77 FR 48572 (August 14, 2012) (SR-FICC-2012-05).

C. The 2014 Pilot Program

    The 2014 Pilot Program, as well its predecessors, the 2013 and 2012 
Pilot Programs, have been the subject of a number of notices and 
approval orders published by the Commission.\15\ These notices and 
orders provide extensive detail on both the GCF Repo[supreg] service 
and the pilot program itself. Under this proposed rule change, FICC is 
not proposing to alter the current pilot program in any way; rather, it 
proposes only to extend that program, as approved in 2012, 2013, and 
2014 for one additional year.\16\

    \15\ See Securities Exchange Act Release Nos. 34-67227 (June 20, 
2012), 77 FR 38108 (June 26, 2012) (SR-FICC-2012-05); 34-67621 
(August 8, 2012), 77 FR 48572 (August 14, 2012) (SR-FICC-2012-05); 
34-69774 (June 17, 2013), 78 FR 37631 (June 21, 2013) (SR-FICC-2013-
06); 34-70068 (July 30, 2013), 78 FR 47453 (August 5, 2013) (SR-
FICC-2013-06); and 34-72457 (June 24, 2014), 79 FR 36856 (June 30, 
2014) (SR-FICC-2014-02).
    \16\ FICC would be required to file a proposed rule change with 
the Commission pursuant to section 19(b) of the Act if were to do 
any of the following: (i) Change the parameters of the GCF 
Repo[supreg] service during the one-year extension period, (ii) 
extend the Pilot Program beyond the one-year period extension 
period, or (iii) establish the Pilot Program as a permanent program.

II. Discussion

    Section 19(b)(2)(C) of the Act \17\ directs the Commission to 
approve a proposed rule change of a self-regulatory organization if it 
finds that such proposed rule change is consistent with the 
requirements of the Act and the rules and regulations thereunder 
applicable to such organization. Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act \18\ 
requires, among other things, that the rules of a clearing agency be 
designed to achieve several goals, including (i) promoting the prompt 
and accurate clearance and settlement of securities transactions and, 
to the extent applicable, derivative agreements, contracts, and 
transactions, (ii) assuring the safeguarding of securities and funds 
that are in the custody or control of the clearing agency or for which 
it is responsible, and (iii) protecting investors and the public 

    \17\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2)(C).
    \18\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(F).

    The Commission concludes that extending the 2014 Pilot Program for 
one additional year is consistent with the requirements of the Act and 
the rules and regulations thereunder. The 2014 Pilot Program furthers 
the Act's goals because it helps attenuate the substantial risks 
confronting the tri-party repo market, particularly those risks 
associated with the provision of intraday credit to market 

[[Page 36881]]

The Commission believes that extending the 2014 Pilot Program will 
ensure that these risks remain subject to more stringent controls and 
that this, in turn, will help promote the prompt and accurate clearance 
and settlement of securities transactions. The Commission further 
believes that, by requiring tri-party repos to remain collateralized 
for a longer period each day, the 2014 Pilot Program helps to assure 
the safety of the securities and funds within FICC's control, or for 
which it is responsible.\20\

    \19\ The TPR characterized the ``practical elimination'' of this 
intraday credit as its ``first and most significant . . . 
recommendation.'' Tri-Party Repo Infrastructure Reform Task Force 
Final Report, 4 (February 15, 2012), available at http://www.newyorkfed.org/tripartyrepo/pdf/report_120215.pdf.
    \20\ See 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(F).

III. Conclusion

    On the basis of the foregoing, the Commission finds that the 
proposed rule change is consistent with the requirements of the Act, 
particularly those set forth in section 17A,\21\ and the rules and 
regulations thereunder.

    \21\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1.

    It is therefore ordered, pursuant to section 19(b)(2) of the 
Act,\22\ that the proposed rule change (SR-FICC-2015-002) be, and 
hereby is, approved.\23\

    \22\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).
    \23\ In approving the proposed rule change, the Commission 
considered the proposal's impact on efficiency, competition, and 
capital formation. See 15 U.S.C. 78c(f).

    For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, 
pursuant to delegated authority.\24\

    \24\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).

Robert W. Errett,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2015-15691 Filed 6-25-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 123 / Friday, June 26, 2015 / Notices                                                    36879

                                              process for its members, and that                          credits, and are reflective of the need for              amendments, all written statements
                                              accordingly, it is equitable to increase                   exchanges to offer and to let the                        with respect to the proposed rule
                                              the maximum fees payable by members                        financial incentives to attract order flow               change that are filed with the
                                              that participate in the process.                           evolve. While the Exchange does not                      Commission, and all written
                                              Additionally, Nasdaq believes that the                     believe that the proposed changes will                   communications relating to the
                                              change is not unfairly discriminatory                      result in any burden on competition, if                  proposed rule change between the
                                              because it applies solely to members                       the changes proposed herein are                          Commission and any person, other than
                                              that opt to participate in the Nasdaq                      unattractive to market participants, it is               those that may be withheld from the
                                              Opening Cross.                                             likely that Nasdaq will lose market                      public in accordance with the
                                                Finally, Nasdaq notes that it operates                   share as a result.                                       provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
                                              in a highly competitive market in which
                                                                                                         C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                        available for Web site viewing and
                                              market participants can readily favor
                                                                                                         Statement on Comments on the                             printing in the Commission’s Public
                                              competing venues if they deem fee
                                              levels at a particular venue to be                         Proposed Rule Change Received From                       Reference Room, 100 F Street NE.,
                                              excessive. In such an environment,                         Members, Participants, or Others                         Washington, DC 20549 on official
                                              Nasdaq must continually adjust its fees                      Written comments were neither                          business days between the hours of
                                              to remain competitive with other                           solicited nor received.                                  10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of such
                                              exchanges and with alternative trading                                                                              filing also will be available for
                                              systems that have been exempted from                       III. Date of Effectiveness of the                        inspection and copying at the principal
                                              compliance with the statutory standards                    Proposed Rule Change and Timing for                      offices of the Exchange. All comments
                                              applicable to exchanges. Nasdaq                            Commission Action                                        received will be posted without change;
                                              believes that the proposed rule change                        The foregoing change has become                       the Commission does not edit personal
                                              reflects this competitive environment                      effective pursuant to section                            identifying information from
                                              because it is designed to reduce fees for                  19(b)(3)(A)(ii) of the Act.9 At any time                 submissions. You should submit only
                                              members that enhance the quality of                        within 60 days of the filing of the                      information that you wish to make
                                              Nasdaq’s market.                                           proposed rule change, the Commission                     available publicly. All submissions
                                                                                                         summarily may temporarily suspend                        should refer to File Number SR–
                                              B. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                                                                                         such rule change if it appears to the                    NASDAQ–2015–062, and should be
                                              Statement on Burden on Competition
                                                                                                         Commission that such action is                           submitted on or before July 17, 2015.
                                                 Nasdaq does not believe that the                        necessary or appropriate in the public
                                              proposed rule changes will result in any                                                                              For the Commission, by the Division of
                                                                                                         interest, for the protection of investors,
                                              burden on competition that is not                                                                                   Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
                                                                                                         or otherwise in furtherance of the
                                              necessary or appropriate in furtherance                                                                             authority.10
                                                                                                         purposes of the Act.
                                              of the purposes of the Act, as amended.8                                                                            Robert W. Errett,
                                              Nasdaq notes that it operates in a highly                  IV. Solicitation of Comments                             Deputy Secretary.
                                              competitive market in which market                           Interested persons are invited to                      [FR Doc. 2015–15694 Filed 6–25–15; 8:45 am]
                                              participants can readily favor competing                   submit written data, views, and                          BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                              venues if they deem fee levels at a                        arguments concerning the foregoing,
                                              particular venue to be excessive, or                       including whether the proposed rule
                                              rebate opportunities available at other                    change is consistent with the Act.                       SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE
                                              venues to be more favorable. In such an                    Comments may be submitted by any of                      COMMISSION
                                              environment, Nasdaq must continually                       the following methods:
                                              adjust its fees to remain competitive
                                              with other exchanges and with                              Electronic Comments                                      [Release No. 34–75258; File No. SR–FICC–
                                              alternative trading systems that have                        • Use the Commission’s Internet                        2015–002]
                                              been exempted from compliance with                         comment form (http://www.sec.gov/
                                                                                                                                                                  Self-Regulatory Organizations; Fixed
                                              the statutory standards applicable to                      rules/sro.shtml); or
                                                                                                           • Send an email to rule-comments@                      Income Clearing Corporation; Order
                                              exchanges. Because competitors are free
                                              to modify their own fees in response,                      sec.gov. Please include File Number SR–                  Approving Proposed Rule Change to
                                              and because market participants may                        NASDAQ–2015–062 on the subject line.                     the Government Securities Division
                                              readily adjust their order routing                                                                                  Rules in Connection With the
                                                                                                         Paper Comments                                           Extension of the GCF Repo Service
                                              practices, the Exchange believes that the
                                              degree to which fee changes may                               • Send paper comments in triplicate                   Pilot Program
                                              impose any burden on competition is                        to Secretary, Securities and Exchange
                                                                                                                                                                  June 22, 2015.
                                              extremely limited.                                         Commission, 100 F Street NE.,
                                                 Nasdaq believes that the degree to                      Washington, DC 20549–1090.                                  On May 7, 2015, the Fixed Income
                                              which fee changes in this market may                       All submissions should refer to File                     Clearing Corporation (‘‘FICC’’) filed
                                              impose any burden on competition is                        Number SR–NASDAQ–2015–062. This                          with the Securities and Exchange
                                              extremely limited or even non-existent.                    file number should be included on the                    Commission (‘‘Commission’’) proposed
                                              In this instance, the changes to Nasdaq                    subject line if email is used. To help the               rule change SR–FICC–2015–002
                                              Rules 7014 and 7018 do not impose a                        Commission process and review your                       pursuant to section 19(b)(1) of the
                                              burden on competition because these                        comments more efficiently, please use                    Securities Exchange Act of 1934
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              Nasdaq incentive programs (other than                      only one method. The Commission will                     (‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder.2
                                              the program for select symbols in                          post all comments on the Commission’s                    The proposed rule change was
                                              Nasdaq Rule 7018), remain in place and                     Internet Web site (http://www.sec.gov/                   published for comment in the Federal
                                              now also include the NBBO Program,                         rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
                                              still offer economically advantageous                      submission, all subsequent                                 10 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
                                                                                                                                                                    1 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
                                                8   15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(8).                                   9   15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A)(ii).                          2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.

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                                              36880                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 123 / Friday, June 26, 2015 / Notices

                                              Register on May 21, 2015.3 The                            Inflation-Protected Securities (‘‘TIPS’’)                Programs, have been the subject of a
                                              Commission received no comments on                        and separate trading of registered                       number of notices and approval orders
                                              the proposed rule change. For the                         interest and principal securities                        published by the Commission.15 These
                                              reasons discussed below, the                              (‘‘STRIPS’’).8                                           notices and orders provide extensive
                                              Commission is approving the proposed                                                                               detail on both the GCF Repo® service
                                                                                                        B. Background of the Pilot Program
                                              rule change.                                                                                                       and the pilot program itself. Under this
                                                                                                           Because FICC’s GCF Repo® service                      proposed rule change, FICC is not
                                              I. Description of the Proposed Rule                       operates as a tri-party mechanism, FICC                  proposing to alter the current pilot
                                              Change                                                    was asked to alter the service to align it               program in any way; rather, it proposes
                                                 FICC seeks the Commission’s                            with the recommendations of the Tri-                     only to extend that program, as
                                              approval to extend the pilot program                      Party Repo Infrastructure Reform Task                    approved in 2012, 2013, and 2014 for
                                              that is currently in effect for the GCF                   Force (‘‘TPR’’).9 FICC consequently                      one additional year.16
                                              Repo® service (‘‘2014 Pilot Program’’).4                  developed a pilot program (‘‘2011 Pilot
                                              FICC requests that the 2014 Pilot                         Program’’) to address the TPR’s                          II. Discussion
                                              Program be extended for one year                          recommendations,10 and sought                               Section 19(b)(2)(C) of the Act 17
                                              following the Commission’s approval of                    Commission approval to institute that                    directs the Commission to approve a
                                              this filing. FICC represents that, during                 program.11 The Commission approved                       proposed rule change of a self-
                                              this extension period, the final phase of                 the 2011 Pilot Program on August 29,                     regulatory organization if it finds that
                                              tri-party reform will be implemented.5                    2011 for a period of one year.12 When                    such proposed rule change is consistent
                                                                                                        the expiration date for the 2011 Pilot                   with the requirements of the Act and the
                                              A. The GCF Repo® Service
                                                                                                        Program approached, FICC sought                          rules and regulations thereunder
                                                 The GCF Repo® service allows dealer                    Commission approval to implement the                     applicable to such organization. Section
                                              members of FICC’s Government Services                     2012 Pilot Program, which continued                      17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act 18 requires,
                                              Division to trade general collateral                      the 2011 Pilot Program in some aspects,                  among other things, that the rules of a
                                              finance repos (‘‘GCF Repos’’) 6                           and modified it in others.13 On August                   clearing agency be designed to achieve
                                              throughout the day without requiring                      8, 2012, the Commission approved the                     several goals, including (i) promoting
                                              intraday, trade-for-trade settlement on a                 2012 Pilot Program for a period of one                   the prompt and accurate clearance and
                                              delivery-versus-payment 7 basis. The                      year.14                                                  settlement of securities transactions
                                              service allows dealers to trade GCF                                                                                and, to the extent applicable, derivative
                                              Repos, based on rate and term, with                       C. The 2014 Pilot Program
                                                                                                                                                                 agreements, contracts, and transactions,
                                              inter-dealer broker netting members on                      The 2014 Pilot Program, as well its                    (ii) assuring the safeguarding of
                                              a blind basis. Standardized, generic                      predecessors, the 2013 and 2012 Pilot                    securities and funds that are in the
                                              CUSIP numbers have been established                                                                                custody or control of the clearing agency
                                                                                                           8 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 34–
                                              exclusively for GCF Repo processing,                                                                               or for which it is responsible, and (iii)
                                                                                                        58696 (September 30, 2008), 73 FR 58698, 58699
                                              and are used to specify the type of                       (October 7, 2008) (SR–FICC–2008–04).
                                                                                                                                                                 protecting investors and the public
                                              underlying security that is eligible to                      9 The TPR was an industry group formed and            interest.
                                              serve as collateral for GCF Repos. Only                   sponsored in 2009 by the Federal Reserve Bank of            The Commission concludes that
                                              Fedwire eligible, book-entry securities                   New York to address weaknesses that emerged in           extending the 2014 Pilot Program for
                                              may serve as collateral for GCF Repos.                    the tri-party repo market during the financial crisis.   one additional year is consistent with
                                                                                                        The TPR’s chief goal was to develop
                                              Acceptable collateral for GCF Repos                       recommendations to address the risks presented by        the requirements of the Act and the
                                              include most U.S. Treasury securities,                    the reversal of tri-party repo transactions, and to      rules and regulations thereunder. The
                                              non-mortgage-backed federal agency                        develop procedures to ensure that tri-party repos        2014 Pilot Program furthers the Act’s
                                                                                                        would be collateralized throughout the day, rather       goals because it helps attenuate the
                                              securities, fixed and adjustable rate                     than at the end of the day.
                                              mortgage-backed securities, Treasury                         10 The TPR issued preliminary and final reports
                                                                                                                                                                 substantial risks confronting the tri-
                                                                                                        setting forth its recommendations for the reform of      party repo market, particularly those
                                                 3 Securities Exchange Act Release No. 34–74973         the tri-party repo market. See Tri-Party Repo            risks associated with the provision of
                                              (May 15, 2015), 80 FR 29352 (May 21, 2015) (SR–           Infrastructure Reform Task Force Report of May 17,       intraday credit to market participants.19
                                              FICC–2015–002).                                           2000, available at http://www.newyorkfed.org/prc/
                                                 4 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 34–          files/report_100517.pdf; see also Tri-Party Repo            15 See Securities Exchange Act Release Nos. 34–
                                              72457 (June 24, 2014), 79 FR 36856 (June 30, 2014)        Infrastructure Reform Task Force Final Report
                                                                                                                                                                 67227 (June 20, 2012), 77 FR 38108 (June 26, 2012)
                                              (SR–FICC–2014–02) (order approving the 2014 Pilot         (February 15, 2012), available at http://
                                                                                                                                                                 (SR–FICC–2012–05); 34–67621 (August 8, 2012), 77
                                              Program).                                                 www.newyorkfed.org/tripartyrepo/pdf/report_
                                                                                                                                                                 FR 48572 (August 14, 2012) (SR–FICC–2012–05);
                                                 5 The final phase of tri-party reform includes the     120215.pdf.
                                                                                                           11 Securities Exchange Act Release No. 34–64955
                                                                                                                                                                 34–69774 (June 17, 2013), 78 FR 37631 (June 21,
                                              development of an interactive messaging system to                                                                  2013) (SR–FICC–2013–06); 34–70068 (July 30,
                                              facilitate the substitution of collateral between         (July 25, 2011), 76 FR 45638 (July 29, 2011) (SR–        2013), 78 FR 47453 (August 5, 2013) (SR–FICC–
                                              settlement banks. FICC has represented that, if it        FICC–2011–05).                                           2013–06); and 34–72457 (June 24, 2014), 79 FR
                                              determines to change the parameters of the GCF               12 Securities Exchange Act Release No. 34–65213
                                                                                                                                                                 36856 (June 30, 2014) (SR–FICC–2014–02).
                                              Repo® service during the one-year extension period,       (August 29, 2011), 76 FR 54824 (September 2, 2011)          16 FICC would be required to file a proposed rule
                                              it will file a proposed rule change with the              (SR–FICC–2011–05).                                       change with the Commission pursuant to section
                                              Commission. FICC has further warranted that, if it           13 The 2012 Pilot Program implemented several         19(b) of the Act if were to do any of the following:
                                              seeks to extend the 2014 Pilot Program beyond the         changes which, although described in the rule filing     (i) Change the parameters of the GCF Repo® service
                                              one-year extension period or proposes to make the         that accompanied the 2011 Pilot Program, were not        during the one-year extension period, (ii) extend the
                                              program permanent, it will also file a proposed rule      implemented during the 2011 Pilot Program’s              Pilot Program beyond the one-year period extension
                                              change with the Commission.                               period of effectiveness. They include: (i) Moving        period, or (iii) establish the Pilot Program as a
                                                 6 A GCF Repo is one in which the lender of funds       the time for unwinding repos from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30      permanent program.
                                              is willing to accept any of a class of U.S. Treasuries,   p.m.; (ii) moving the net-free-equity process from          17 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2)(C).
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              U.S. government agency securities, and certain            morning to the evening; and (iii) establishing rules        18 15 U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(F).
                                              mortgage-backed securities as collateral for the          for intraday GCF Repo collateral substitutions. See         19 The TPR characterized the ‘‘practical
                                              repurchase obligation. This is in contrast to a           Securities Exchange Act Release No. 34–67227             elimination’’ of this intraday credit as its ‘‘first and
                                              specific collateral repo.                                 (June 20, 2012), 77 FR 38108 (June 26, 2012) (SR–        most significant . . . recommendation.’’ Tri-Party
                                                 7 Delivery-versus-payment is a settlement              FICC–2012–05).                                           Repo Infrastructure Reform Task Force Final
                                              procedure in which the buyer’s cash payment for              14 Securities Exchange Release No. 34–67621           Report, 4 (February 15, 2012), available at http://
                                              the securities it has purchased is due at the time        (August 8, 2012), 77 FR 48572 (August 14, 2012)          www.newyorkfed.org/tripartyrepo/pdf/report_
                                              the securities are delivered.                             (SR–FICC–2012–05).                                       120215.pdf.

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 123 / Friday, June 26, 2015 / Notices                                          36881

                                              The Commission believes that extending                  Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport                   docket without change and will be
                                              the 2014 Pilot Program will ensure that                 Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155.                            available online at www.regulations.gov.
                                              these risks remain subject to more                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: A.                    All submissions, including attachments
                                              stringent controls and that this, in turn,              Escobar, Office of Disaster Assistance,                and other supporting materials, will
                                              will help promote the prompt and                        U.S. Small Business Administration,                    become part of the public record and
                                              accurate clearance and settlement of                    409 3rd Street SW., Suite 6050,                        subject to public disclosure. Sensitive
                                              securities transactions. The Commission                 Washington, DC 20416.                                  information and information that you
                                              further believes that, by requiring tri-                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The notice                  consider to be Confidential Business
                                              party repos to remain collateralized for                of the President’s major disaster                      Information or otherwise protected
                                              a longer period each day, the 2014 Pilot                declaration for Private Non-Profit                     should not be included. Submissions
                                              Program helps to assure the safety of the               organizations in the State of                          will not be edited to remove any
                                              securities and funds within FICC’s                      OKLAHOMA, dated 06/04/2015, is                         identifying or contact information.
                                              control, or for which it is responsible.20              hereby amended to include the                          FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              III. Conclusion                                         following areas as adversely affected by               Michael Schrader, Office of General
                                                                                                      the disaster.                                          Counsel, 409 Third Street SW.,
                                                On the basis of the foregoing, the                    Primary Counties: Craig, Custer, Dewey,                Washington, DC 20416; (202) 205–7115.
                                              Commission finds that the proposed                        Grant, Jefferson, Kay, Kingfisher,                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The SBIC
                                              rule change is consistent with the                        Kiowa, Major, Noble, Oklahoma,                       Program was established under the
                                              requirements of the Act, particularly                     Ottawa, Roger Mills, Wagoner.                        Small Business Investment Act of 1958.
                                              those set forth in section 17A,21 and the                                                                      SBICs are privately owned and managed
                                              rules and regulations thereunder.                         All other information in the original
                                                                                                      declaration remains unchanged.                         investment funds, licensed and
                                                It is therefore ordered, pursuant to                                                                         regulated by SBA, that use privately-
                                              section 19(b)(2) of the Act,22 that the                 (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
                                                                                                      Numbers 59002 and 59008)                               raised capital plus funds borrowed with
                                              proposed rule change (SR–FICC–2015–                                                                            an SBA guarantee to make equity and
                                              002) be, and hereby is, approved.23                     James E. Rivera,                                       debt investments in qualifying small
                                                For the Commission, by the Division of                Associate Administrator for Disaster                   businesses. The SBIC license
                                              Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated              Assistance.                                            application (SBA Form 2183) requires
                                              authority.24                                            [FR Doc. 2015–15684 Filed 6–25–15; 8:45 am]            an applicant to submit, among other
                                              Robert W. Errett,                                       BILLING CODE 8025–01–P                                 things, its organizational documents.
                                              Deputy Secretary.                                                                                              The majority of applicants to the SBIC
                                              [FR Doc. 2015–15691 Filed 6–25–15; 8:45 am]                                                                    program are formed as limited
                                              BILLING CODE 8011–01–P                                  SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION                          partnerships, and these applicants must
                                                                                                      [Docket ID No: SBA–2015–0010]                          submit their limited partnership
                                                                                                                                                             agreement as part of their application.
                                              SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION                           Small Business Investment Company                      The original version of the Model was
                                                                                                      (SBIC) Program: SBA Model Form of                      developed in 2000 to assist applicants
                                              [Disaster Declaration #14344 and #14345]                                                                       in producing a limited partnership
                                                                                                      Agreement of Limited Partnership for
                                              Oklahoma Disaster Number OK–00081                       an SBIC Issuing Debentures                             agreement suitable for an SBIC and to
                                                                                                                                                             facilitate this process by including
                                              AGENCY: U.S. Small Business                             AGENCY:  Small Business Administration.                provisions required by the regulations
                                              Administration.                                         ACTION: Notice; request for comments on                governing the SBIC Program (13 CFR
                                              ACTION: Amendment 4.                                    Revised SBA Model Form of Agreement                    part 107) and other SBA policy
                                                                                                      of Limited Partnership for an SBIC                     requirements designed to minimize the
                                              SUMMARY:   This is an amendment of the                  Issuing Debentures Only.                               risk of loss to SBA in providing
                                              Presidential declaration of a major                                                                            financial assistance to SBICs. The Model
                                              disaster for Public Assistance Only for                 SUMMARY:   The Small Business                          was updated in 2004, with additional
                                              the State of Oklahoma (FEMA–4222–                       Administration (SBA) has updated the                   limited updates since that time. The
                                              DR), dated 06/04/2015.                                  SBA Model Form of Agreement of                         Model is available at https://
                                                Incident: Severe Storms, Tornadoes,                   Limited Partnership for an SBIC Issuing                www.sba.gov/content/model-
                                              Straight Line Winds, and Flooding.                      Debentures Only (the Model). This                      partnership-agreement-0.
                                                Incident Period: 05/05/2015 through                   update reflects comments received from                    Since the last comprehensive update
                                              06/04/2015.                                             the public in response to SBA’s notice                 to the Model, changes have occurred
                                                Effective Date: 06/17/2015.                           published in the Federal Register on                   both in the structure and operation of
                                                Physical Loan Application Deadline                    April 22, 2014. SBA is preparing to                    limited partnerships and in the venture
                                              Date: 08/03/2015.                                       issue the updated Model for use by SBIC                capital industry. As part of its process
                                                Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan                           applicants, and welcomes final                         of updating the Model, SBA published
                                              Application Deadline Date: 03/04/2016.                  comments from the public on the                        a notice in the Federal Register
                                              ADDRESSES: Submit completed loan
                                                                                                      updated Model.                                         soliciting comments and
                                              applications to: U.S. Small Business                    DATES: Comments on the Model must be                   recommendations from the public on
                                              Administration, Processing and                          received on or before August 10, 2015.                 April 22, 2014, 79 FR 22568. Those
                                                                                                      ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,                       comments were posted and are available
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                20 See  15 U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(F).                     identified by Docket ID No. SBA–2015–                  at Docket ID No: SBA–2014–0004, at
                                                21 15  U.S.C. 78q–1.                                  0010, at www.regulations.gov.                          www.regulations.gov. SBA carefully
                                                 22 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).
                                                                                                      Comments may only be submitted at                      considered the comments received and
                                                 23 In approving the proposed rule change, the
                                                                                                      this Web address; follow the                           incorporated those that the Agency
                                              Commission considered the proposal’s impact on
                                              efficiency, competition, and capital formation. See     instructions on the Web site for                       believed were appropriate into the
                                              15 U.S.C. 78c(f).                                       submitting comments. All comments                      Model. The updated form of the Model
                                                 24 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).                           received will be included in the public                is available at Docket ID No. SBA–2015-

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Document Created: 2015-12-15 14:14:42
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 14:14:42
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation80 FR 36879 

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