80_FR_38555 80 FR 38427 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request-Food Program and Reporting System (FPRS)

80 FR 38427 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request-Food Program and Reporting System (FPRS)

Food and Nutrition Service

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 128 (July 6, 2015)

Page Range38427-38429
FR Document2015-16476

In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice invites the general public and other public agencies to comment on a proposed information collection, which is a revision of a currently approved form. The purpose of the Food and Programs Reporting System (FPRS) is to facilitate data gathering for the reporting of data for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the Special Nutrition Programs. FPRS consolidated certain programmatic and financial data reporting requirements in an electronic reporting system and is the primary collection point for FNS program performance statistics and financial data from State agencies (SA), Indian Tribal Organizations (ITO), and U.S. Territories participating in the nutrition assistance programs.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 128 (Monday, July 6, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 128 (Monday, July 6, 2015)]
[Pages 38427-38429]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-16476]



Food and Nutrition Service

Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; 
Comment Request--Food Program and Reporting System (FPRS)

AGENCY: Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), USDA.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this 
notice invites the general public and other public agencies to comment 
on a proposed information collection, which is a revision of a 
currently approved form.
    The purpose of the Food and Programs Reporting System (FPRS) is to 
facilitate data gathering for the reporting of data for the 
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the Special 
Nutrition Programs. FPRS consolidated certain programmatic and 
financial data reporting requirements in an electronic reporting system 
and is the primary collection point for FNS program performance 
statistics and financial data from State agencies (SA), Indian Tribal 
Organizations (ITO), and U.S. Territories participating in the 
nutrition assistance programs.

DATES: Written comments must be submitted on or before September 4, 

ADDRESSES: Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collection 
of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions 
of the agency, including whether the information has practical utility; 
(b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden hours, 
including the validity of the methodology and assumptions that were 
used; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the 
information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the 
collection of information on those who are to respond, including 
through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical or 
other technological collection techniques or other forms of information 
    Comments may be sent to Jane Duffield, Chief, State Administration 
Branch, Program Accountability and Administration Division, 
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, U.S. Department of 
Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, 3101 Park Center Drive, Room 
818, Alexandria, VA 22302. Comments may also be submitted via fax to 
the attention of Jane Duffield at 703-605-0795, Room 824, or via email 
to [email protected]. Comments will also be accepted through the 
Federal eRulemaking Portal. Go to http://www.regulations.gov and follow 
the online instructions for submitting comments electronically.
    All written comments will be open for public inspection at the 
office of FNS during regular business hours (8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 
Monday through Friday) at 3101 Park Center Drive, Room 824, Alexandria, 
Virginia 22302.
    All responses to this notice will be summarized and included in the 
request for the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval. All 
comments will also be a matter of public record.
    Contact for Further Information: Requests for additional 
information should be directed to Kelly Stewart at 
[email protected].

    Title: Food Program and Reporting System.
    OMB Number: 0584-0594.
    Form Number and Name: FNS-366B--Program and Budget Summary 
Statement Part B--Program Activity Statement.
    Expiration Date: 06/30/2016.
    Type of Request: Revision of a currently approved information 
    Abstract: Section 16(a) of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (the 
Act) authorizes 50 percent Federal reimbursement for State agency costs 
to administer the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). 
SNAP regulations at 7 CFR 272.2(a) require that State agencies plan and 
budget program operations and establish objectives for the next year. 
The basic components of the State Plan of Operation are the Federal/
State Agreement, the Budget Projection

[[Page 38428]]

Statement and the Program Activity Statement (Sec.  272.2(a)(2)). Under 
Sec.  272.2(c), the State agency shall submit to FNS for approval a 
Budget Projection Statement (which projects total Federal 
administrative costs for the upcoming fiscal year) and a Program 
Activity Statement (which provides program activity data for the 
preceding fiscal year). Currently, regulations at Sec.  272.2(e) 
require SA submit the Program Activity Statement, or form FNS-366B, to 
FNS no later than 45 days after the end of the State agency's fiscal 
year, which is typically August 15 for most States. Form FNS-366B is 
required to substantiate the costs the State agency expects to incur 
during the next fiscal year. It currently provides data on the number 
of SNAP applications the State agency processed, the number of fair 
hearings the State agency conducted, and the fraud control activities 
the State agency engaged. FNS uses the data to monitor State agency 
activity levels and performance.
    FNS National and Regional Office staff developed national 
standardized Management Evaluation (ME) protocols for both Recipient 
Integrity and Program Access. The ME process provides a comprehensive 
assessment of how effectively States are managing SNAP activities 
related to the topic area and an opportunity for communication between 
FNS and State agencies on those management areas. MEs provided FNS the 
proper channel to discuss with State and local officials ideas for 
improving form FNS-366B, particularly Section C. In August 2014, the 
U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) completed a study of FNS' 
oversight of State recipient fraud responsibilities (GAO-14-641, SNAP: 
Enhanced Detection Tools Could Improve Efforts to Combat Recipient 
Fraud). GAO concluded FNS' ability to monitor State anti-fraud 
activities and develop more effective anti-fraud strategies was 
hindered by the lack of consistency and reliability of State reported 
data on form FNS-366B. FNS published a Request for Information (RFI) in 
the Federal Register on October 16, 2014, (79 FR 62096) seeking State 
agency feedback on the usefulness of the data collected and the level 
of difficulty completing sections E and F of the form. FNS received 
responses from 17 State agencies and 1 National organization and the 
feedback was generally consistent.
    Based on the GAO report, RFI responses, and results of MEs 
completed to date, it is apparent that State reporting lacks 
consistency and form FNS-366B data elements and instructions are not 
clearly defined. Due to the lack of clarity in these instructions, 
responses are left open to varying interpretation, among States, 
leading to unreliable reported data. Form FNS-366B lacks certain data 
elements that would increase its usefulness by providing more accurate 
information from State agencies on SNAP application timeliness, and on 
the types and impacts of fraud prevention activities in use. The 
revision of this form will improve reliability and accuracy of State 
reporting by adding, removing, and revising data elements related to 
application processing, fraud investigations, administrative 
disqualification hearings and prosecutions. By collecting more accurate 
and useful data SNAP can target technical assistance to those State 
agencies that need the most significant improvements to their 
application and recipient integrity processes. The changes to each 
section of form FNS-366B are specified below. Revisions were made to 
the form instructions for all revised sections to reflect the new and 
revised data elements. The revised form is available for review with 
this docket on www.Regulations.gov, in Supporting Documents.
    Section C.--Certifications: The current form collects information 
on the approval and denial of initial applications, recertifications, 
and expedited service. Recent reviews indicate the data reported by 
States in section C of form FNS-366B are inaccurate and therefore, 
unreliable. In 2014, FNS introduced a new warning process for States 
with poor application processing timeliness. FNS has identified 
inconsistencies between State data received under the warning process 
and data reported on form FNS-366B. In addition, FNS has identified 
that State backlogs of initial and recertification applications are an 
indicator that poor program compliance is adversely affecting program 
access. Updating form FNS-366B instructions to clarify requested data 
elements and to include data on overdue applications will assist FNS in 
monitoring State application timeliness performance. To improve 
reporting accuracy and usefulness, revisions to form FNS-366B in 
Section C include:
    (1) Addition of the words ``Approved and Denied'' in header row (C) 
Total in section C, Certifications.
    (2) Addition of new column D with subset columns D(1)--D(4), under 
the header ``Approved Overdue Applications'' in section C, 
    a. New column D will collect the counts of overdue applications for 
``Initial Applications'' (line 1), ``Recertifications'' (line 2), and 
``Total'' (line 3) broken out by ``1-30 days'' (Column D(1)), ``31-60 
days'' (Column D(2)), ``61-90 days'' (Column D(3)), and ``Over 91 
days'' (Column D(4)).
    Section D--Fair Hearings: There are no changes to this section. 
Section D collects data on the number of fair hearings requested and 
held, as well as the outcomes of those fair hearings.
    Sections E-G--Fraud Activity: Information currently collected on 
this form includes the total number of fraud referrals, investigations, 
prosecutions, disqualification consent agreements (DCA), administrative 
disqualification hearings (ADH), and ADH waivers for the reporting 
fiscal year. This form further collects data on program dollars 
associated with pre-certification and post-certification fraud 
investigations, as well as program dollars that may be recovered when a 
disqualification is established. Form FNS-366B lacks certain data 
elements that would increase its usefulness and provide more accurate 
information on the types and impacts of State fraud prevention 
activities. In the revised form FNS has replaced insufficient data 
elements with new reporting elements that better measure the 
effectiveness and impact of fraud prevention activities, such as those 
focusing on SNAP recipient benefit trafficking investigations and 
disqualifications, allowing FNS to better focus fraud prevention and 
detection strategies where needed. FNS has also added operational 
efficiency and cost avoidance measures to quantify a return on 
investment from fraud control activities. To improve reporting accuracy 
and usefulness, revisions to form FNS-366B in Sections E-G include:
    Section E.--Fraud Investigations:
    (1) Removed requirement to separate investigations by ``Pre-
certification'' (line 1) and ``Post-certification'' (line 2) and 
replaced with requirement to separate investigations by ``Eligibility 
Fraud'' (line 1) and ``Trafficking'' (line 2)
    (2) Removed ``Referred for Invest.'' (column a)
    (3) Changed ``Invest Completed--Negative'' (column b) to 
``Completed, Individual Not Referred for ADH or Prosecution''
    a. To collect data on whether investigations not resulting in a 
fraud Intentional Program Violation (IPV) did result in an overissuance 
claim due to an Inadvertent Household Error (IHE), sub-columns were 
added in this section for: ``(1) No IHE established'', ``(2) IHE 
Established'', and ``(3) $ IHE Established''

[[Page 38429]]

    (4) Changed ``Invest Completed--Positive'' (column c) to 
``Completed, Individual Referred for ADH or Prosecution'' (shifted to 
column a)
    (5) Removed ``Program Dollars'' (column d) and ``Invest Cancelled'' 
(column f)
    (6) Changed ``Invest Pending'' (column e) to ``Open Investigations, 
Individuals'' (shifted to column c)
    (7) To collect data on operational efficiency, added ``Average # of 
Days per Investigation'' (column d), ``Investigation Costs'' (column 
e), and ``Investigation FTE'' (column f)
    Section F.--Administrative Disqualification Hearings:
    (1) Split Section F on current form into sections F and G on 
revised form. Section F now collects data on Administrative 
Disqualification Hearings (ADH) only.
    (2) Removed ``Cases (Persons) Referred'' (column a)
    (3) Changed ``Upheld Convictions'' (column d) to ``ADH Completed, 
Individual Disqualified'' (shifted to column a)
    (4) Changed ``Waivers'' (column c) to ``Waiver Signed, Individual 
Disqualified'' (shifted to column b)
    (5) Changed ``Actually Acquitted'' (column e) to ``ADH Completed, 
Individual Not Disqualified'' (shifted to column c)
    (6) To collect data on operational efficiency, added ``Average # of 
Days from Referral to Disqualification'' (column d)
    (7) Changed ``Program Dollars'' (shifted to column e) to include 
``Amount Subject to Claim'' (e1) and ``Cost Savings'' (e2)
    (8) Removed ``Pending Decisions'' (column g)
    (9) To capture cases referred for ADH, but awaiting action by the 
State agency, added ``Referred Individuals Awaiting Scheduling'' 
(column f)
    a. To collect data on the number of days cases await ADH 
scheduling, sub-columns were added in this section for: ``(1) 0-180 
Days'', ``(2) 181-365 Days'', and ``(3) 366+ Days''.
    (10) Shifted ``Decisions Overdue'' to column g
    Section G.--Prosecutions:
    (1) Split Section F on current form into sections F and G on 
revised form. Section G proposes to collect data on Prosecutions only.
    (2) Removed ``Cases (Persons) Referred'' (column a)
    (3) Changed ``Upheld Convictions'' (column d) to ``Prosecution 
Completed, Individual Disqualified'' (shifted to column a)
    (4) Changed ``Waivers'' (column c) to ``DCA Signed, Individual 
Disqualified'' (shifted to column b)
    (5) Changed ``Actually Acquitted'' (column e) to ``Prosecution 
Completed, Individual Not Disqualified'' (shifted to column c)
    (6) To collect data on operational efficiency, added ``Average # 
Days from Referral to Disqualification'' (column d)
    (7) Changed ``Program Dollars'' (shifted to column e) to include 
``Amount Subject to Claim'' (e1) and ``Cost Savings'' (e2)
    (8) Removed ``Pending Decisions'' (column g)
    (9) To capture cases referred to the prosecuting agency, but 
awaiting action, added ``Referred Individuals, No Action by 
Prosecutor'' (column f)
    a. To collect data on the status of cases awaiting action, sub-
columns were added in this section for: ``(1) 366+ Days'' and ``(2) 
Reclaimed for ADH''.
    Section H.--Remarks:
    (1) Added remarks section (Section H) to allow space for State 
agencies to provide any additional information necessary to support 
data reported on the FNS-366B.
    The current burden for FNS 366 B is 950.29 hours. As a result of 
these revisions, there is an anticipated burden of 1,855, an increase 
of 904.71 hours for form FNS-366B. As this is a revision to form FNS-
366B within the FPRS system, the total FPRS burden is summarized below.

Reporting Burden Estimates

    Form FNS-366B. Fifty-three (53) SA submit 1 response annually for a 
total of 53 annual responses. The annual reporting burden for form FNS-
366B report is 35 hours per respondent to complete the form. The 
reporting burden for form FNS-366B alone is 1,855 hours (53SA x 1 
annual report = 53 total annual responses x 35 hours per response = 
1,855). There are recordkeeping burdens which are maintained in a 
separated OMB Control No.: 0584-0083, Expiration Date: 4/30/2017. As 
this is a revision to the reporting burden estimates for form FNS-366B 
within the FPRS system, the total FPRS burden is summarized below.
    Affected Public: State, Local and Tribal Government Agencies.
    Estimated Number of Respondents: 3,266.
    Number of Responses per Respondent: 7.3.
    Estimated Total Annual Responses: 23,789.
    Hours per Response: 3.7.
    Total Annual Burden Hours: 87,716.

    Dated: June 25, 2015.
Jeffrey J. Tribiano,
Acting Administrator, Food and Nutrition Service.
[FR Doc. 2015-16476 Filed 7-2-15; 8:45 am]


                                             Notices                                                                                                        Federal Register
                                                                                                                                                            Vol. 80, No. 128

                                                                                                                                                            Monday, July 6, 2015

                                             This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER                     FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      are to respond, including through the
                                             contains documents other than rules or                   Jayne Thomisee, acvfa@usaid.gov.                      use of appropriate automated,
                                             proposed rules that are applicable to the                                                                      electronic, mechanical or other
                                                                                                        Dated: June 23, 2015.
                                             public. Notices of hearings and investigations,                                                                technological collection techniques or
                                             committee meetings, agency decisions and                 Sylvia Joyner,
                                                                                                                                                            other forms of information technology.
                                             rulings, delegations of authority, filing of             Program Specialist, U.S. Agency for
                                             petitions and applications and agency                    International Development.
                                                                                                                                                              Comments may be sent to Jane
                                             statements of organization and functions are                                                                   Duffield, Chief, State Administration
                                                                                                      [FR Doc. 2015–15800 Filed 7–2–15; 8:45 am]
                                             examples of documents appearing in this                                                                        Branch, Program Accountability and
                                                                                                      BILLING CODE 6116–02–P
                                             section.                                                                                                       Administration Division, Supplemental
                                                                                                                                                            Nutrition Assistance Program, U.S.
                                                                                                                                                            Department of Agriculture, Food and
                                             UNITED STATES AGENCY FOR                                 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE                             Nutrition Service, 3101 Park Center
                                             INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT                                                                                      Drive, Room 818, Alexandria, VA
                                                                                                      Food and Nutrition Service
                                                                                                                                                            22302. Comments may also be
                                             Notice of July 9 Advisory Committee                                                                            submitted via fax to the attention of Jane
                                                                                                      Agency Information Collection
                                             on Voluntary Foreign Aid Meeting                                                                               Duffield at 703–605–0795, Room 824, or
                                                                                                      Activities: Proposed Collection;
                                             AGENCY:  United States Agency for                        Comment Request—Food Program                          via email to SNAPSAB@fns.usda.gov.
                                             International Development.                               and Reporting System (FPRS)                           Comments will also be accepted through
                                             ACTION: Notice of Meeting.
                                                                                                                                                            the Federal eRulemaking Portal. Go to
                                                                                                      AGENCY: Food and Nutrition Service                    http://www.regulations.gov and follow
                                             SUMMARY:  Pursuant to the Federal                        (FNS), USDA.                                          the online instructions for submitting
                                             Advisory Committee Act, notice is                        ACTION: Notice.                                       comments electronically.
                                             hereby given of a meeting of the                                                                                 All written comments will be open for
                                             Advisory Committee on Voluntary                          SUMMARY:    In accordance with the                    public inspection at the office of FNS
                                             Foreign Aid (ACVFA).                                     Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this                 during regular business hours (8:30 a.m.
                                               Date: Thursday, July 9, 2015.                          notice invites the general public and                 to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday) at
                                               Time: 2:00–4:00 p.m.                                   other public agencies to comment on a                 3101 Park Center Drive, Room 824,
                                               Location: Horizon Ballroom, The                        proposed information collection, which                Alexandria, Virginia 22302.
                                             Ronald Reagan Building, 1300                             is a revision of a currently approved                   All responses to this notice will be
                                             Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington DC                     form.                                                 summarized and included in the request
                                             20004.                                                      The purpose of the Food and                        for the Office of Management and
                                                                                                      Programs Reporting System (FPRS) is to                Budget (OMB) approval. All comments
                                             Purpose                                                  facilitate data gathering for the reporting           will also be a matter of public record.
                                                The Advisory Committee on                             of data for the Supplemental Nutrition                  Contact for Further Information:
                                             Voluntary Foreign Aid (ACVFA) brings                     Assistance Program (SNAP) and the                     Requests for additional information
                                             together USAID and private voluntary                     Special Nutrition Programs. FPRS                      should be directed to Kelly Stewart at
                                             organization officials, representatives                  consolidated certain programmatic and                 SNAPSAB@fns.usda.gov.
                                             from universities, international                         financial data reporting requirements in
                                             nongovernment organizations, U.S.                                                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                      an electronic reporting system and is the
                                             businesses, and government,                                                                                      Title: Food Program and Reporting
                                                                                                      primary collection point for FNS
                                             multilateral, and private organizations                                                                        System.
                                                                                                      program performance statistics and
                                             to foster understanding,                                                                                         OMB Number: 0584–0594.
                                                                                                      financial data from State agencies (SA),
                                             communication, and cooperation in the                                                                            Form Number and Name: FNS–
                                                                                                      Indian Tribal Organizations (ITO), and
                                             area of foreign aid.                                                                                           366B—Program and Budget Summary
                                                                                                      U.S. Territories participating in the
                                                                                                                                                            Statement Part B—Program Activity
                                             Agenda                                                   nutrition assistance programs.
                                                                                                      DATES: Written comments must be                         Expiration Date: 06/30/2016.
                                               USAID Acting Administrator
                                                                                                      submitted on or before September 4,                     Type of Request: Revision of a
                                             Ambassador Alfonso E. Lenhardt will
                                                                                                      2015.                                                 currently approved information
                                             make opening remarks, followed by
                                             panel discussions among ACVFA                            ADDRESSES: Comments are invited on:                   collection.
                                             members and USAID leadership on                          (a) Whether the proposed collection of                  Abstract: Section 16(a) of the Food
                                             USAID Forward and Local Solutions.                       information is necessary for the proper               and Nutrition Act of 2008 (the Act)
                                             The full meeting agenda will be                          performance of the functions of the                   authorizes 50 percent Federal
                                             forthcoming on the ACVFA Web site at                     agency, including whether the                         reimbursement for State agency costs to
                                             http://www.usaid.gov/who-we-are/                         information has practical utility; (b) the            administer the Supplemental Nutrition
                                             organization/advisory-committee.                         accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the              Assistance Program (SNAP). SNAP

                                                                                                      burden hours, including the validity of               regulations at 7 CFR 272.2(a) require
                                             Stakeholders                                             the methodology and assumptions that                  that State agencies plan and budget
                                               The meeting is free and open to the                    were used; (c) ways to enhance the                    program operations and establish
                                             public. Registration information will be                 quality, utility, and clarity of the                  objectives for the next year. The basic
                                             forthcoming on the ACVFA Web site at                     information to be collected; and (d)                  components of the State Plan of
                                             http://www.usaid.gov/who-we-are/                         ways to minimize the burden of the                    Operation are the Federal/State
                                             organization/advisory-committee.                         collection of information on those who                Agreement, the Budget Projection

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                                             38428                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 128 / Monday, July 6, 2015 / Notices

                                             Statement and the Program Activity                       to the lack of clarity in these                       ‘‘Initial Applications’’ (line 1),
                                             Statement (§ 272.2(a)(2)). Under                         instructions, responses are left open to              ‘‘Recertifications’’ (line 2), and ‘‘Total’’
                                             § 272.2(c), the State agency shall submit                varying interpretation, among States,                 (line 3) broken out by ‘‘1–30 days’’
                                             to FNS for approval a Budget Projection                  leading to unreliable reported data.                  (Column D(1)), ‘‘31–60 days’’ (Column
                                             Statement (which projects total Federal                  Form FNS–366B lacks certain data                      D(2)), ‘‘61–90 days’’ (Column D(3)), and
                                             administrative costs for the upcoming                    elements that would increase its                      ‘‘Over 91 days’’ (Column D(4)).
                                             fiscal year) and a Program Activity                      usefulness by providing more accurate                    Section D—Fair Hearings: There are
                                             Statement (which provides program                        information from State agencies on                    no changes to this section. Section D
                                             activity data for the preceding fiscal                   SNAP application timeliness, and on                   collects data on the number of fair
                                             year). Currently, regulations at § 272.2(e)              the types and impacts of fraud                        hearings requested and held, as well as
                                             require SA submit the Program Activity                   prevention activities in use. The                     the outcomes of those fair hearings.
                                             Statement, or form FNS–366B, to FNS                      revision of this form will improve                       Sections E–G—Fraud Activity:
                                             no later than 45 days after the end of the               reliability and accuracy of State                     Information currently collected on this
                                             State agency’s fiscal year, which is                     reporting by adding, removing, and                    form includes the total number of fraud
                                             typically August 15 for most States.                     revising data elements related to                     referrals, investigations, prosecutions,
                                             Form FNS–366B is required to                             application processing, fraud                         disqualification consent agreements
                                             substantiate the costs the State agency                  investigations, administrative                        (DCA), administrative disqualification
                                             expects to incur during the next fiscal                  disqualification hearings and                         hearings (ADH), and ADH waivers for
                                             year. It currently provides data on the                  prosecutions. By collecting more                      the reporting fiscal year. This form
                                             number of SNAP applications the State                    accurate and useful data SNAP can                     further collects data on program dollars
                                             agency processed, the number of fair                     target technical assistance to those State            associated with pre-certification and
                                             hearings the State agency conducted,                     agencies that need the most significant               post-certification fraud investigations,
                                             and the fraud control activities the State               improvements to their application and                 as well as program dollars that may be
                                             agency engaged. FNS uses the data to                     recipient integrity processes. The                    recovered when a disqualification is
                                             monitor State agency activity levels and                 changes to each section of form FNS–                  established. Form FNS–366B lacks
                                             performance.                                             366B are specified below. Revisions                   certain data elements that would
                                                FNS National and Regional Office                      were made to the form instructions for                increase its usefulness and provide
                                             staff developed national standardized                    all revised sections to reflect the new               more accurate information on the types
                                             Management Evaluation (ME) protocols                     and revised data elements. The revised                and impacts of State fraud prevention
                                             for both Recipient Integrity and Program                 form is available for review with this                activities. In the revised form FNS has
                                             Access. The ME process provides a                        docket on www.Regulations.gov, in                     replaced insufficient data elements with
                                             comprehensive assessment of how                          Supporting Documents.                                 new reporting elements that better
                                             effectively States are managing SNAP                        Section C.—Certifications: The                     measure the effectiveness and impact of
                                             activities related to the topic area and an              current form collects information on the              fraud prevention activities, such as
                                             opportunity for communication between                    approval and denial of initial                        those focusing on SNAP recipient
                                             FNS and State agencies on those                          applications, recertifications, and                   benefit trafficking investigations and
                                             management areas. MEs provided FNS                       expedited service. Recent reviews                     disqualifications, allowing FNS to better
                                             the proper channel to discuss with State                 indicate the data reported by States in               focus fraud prevention and detection
                                             and local officials ideas for improving                  section C of form FNS–366B are                        strategies where needed. FNS has also
                                             form FNS–366B, particularly Section C.                   inaccurate and therefore, unreliable. In              added operational efficiency and cost
                                             In August 2014, the U.S. Government                      2014, FNS introduced a new warning                    avoidance measures to quantify a return
                                             Accountability Office (GAO) completed                    process for States with poor application              on investment from fraud control
                                             a study of FNS’ oversight of State                       processing timeliness. FNS has                        activities. To improve reporting
                                             recipient fraud responsibilities (GAO–                   identified inconsistencies between State              accuracy and usefulness, revisions to
                                             14–641, SNAP: Enhanced Detection                         data received under the warning process               form FNS–366B in Sections E–G
                                             Tools Could Improve Efforts to Combat                    and data reported on form FNS–366B. In                include:
                                             Recipient Fraud). GAO concluded FNS’                     addition, FNS has identified that State                  Section E.—Fraud Investigations:
                                             ability to monitor State anti-fraud                      backlogs of initial and recertification                  (1) Removed requirement to separate
                                             activities and develop more effective                    applications are an indicator that poor               investigations by ‘‘Pre-certification’’
                                             anti-fraud strategies was hindered by                    program compliance is adversely                       (line 1) and ‘‘Post-certification’’ (line 2)
                                             the lack of consistency and reliability of               affecting program access. Updating form               and replaced with requirement to
                                             State reported data on form FNS–366B.                    FNS–366B instructions to clarify                      separate investigations by ‘‘Eligibility
                                             FNS published a Request for                              requested data elements and to include                Fraud’’ (line 1) and ‘‘Trafficking’’ (line
                                             Information (RFI) in the Federal                         data on overdue applications will assist              2)
                                             Register on October 16, 2014, (79 FR                     FNS in monitoring State application                      (2) Removed ‘‘Referred for Invest.’’
                                             62096) seeking State agency feedback on                  timeliness performance. To improve                    (column a)
                                             the usefulness of the data collected and                 reporting accuracy and usefulness,                       (3) Changed ‘‘Invest Completed—
                                             the level of difficulty completing                       revisions to form FNS–366B in Section                 Negative’’ (column b) to ‘‘Completed,
                                             sections E and F of the form. FNS                        C include:                                            Individual Not Referred for ADH or
                                             received responses from 17 State                            (1) Addition of the words ‘‘Approved               Prosecution’’
                                             agencies and 1 National organization                     and Denied’’ in header row (C) Total in                  a. To collect data on whether
                                             and the feedback was generally                           section C, Certifications.                            investigations not resulting in a fraud

                                             consistent.                                                 (2) Addition of new column D with                  Intentional Program Violation (IPV) did
                                                Based on the GAO report, RFI                          subset columns D(1)—D(4), under the                   result in an overissuance claim due to
                                             responses, and results of MEs completed                  header ‘‘Approved Overdue                             an Inadvertent Household Error (IHE),
                                             to date, it is apparent that State                       Applications’’ in section C,                          sub-columns were added in this section
                                             reporting lacks consistency and form                     Certifications.                                       for: ‘‘(1) No IHE established’’, ‘‘(2) IHE
                                             FNS–366B data elements and                                  a. New column D will collect the                   Established’’, and ‘‘(3) $ IHE
                                             instructions are not clearly defined. Due                counts of overdue applications for                    Established’’

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014   14:37 Jul 02, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00002   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\06JYN1.SGM   06JYN1

                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 128 / Monday, July 6, 2015 / Notices                                                  38429

                                                (4) Changed ‘‘Invest Completed—                          (5) Changed ‘‘Actually Acquitted’’                   Dated: June 25, 2015.
                                             Positive’’ (column c) to ‘‘Completed,                    (column e) to ‘‘Prosecution Completed,                Jeffrey J. Tribiano,
                                             Individual Referred for ADH or                           Individual Not Disqualified’’ (shifted to             Acting Administrator, Food and Nutrition
                                             Prosecution’’ (shifted to column a)                      column c)                                             Service.
                                                (5) Removed ‘‘Program Dollars’’                          (6) To collect data on operational                 [FR Doc. 2015–16476 Filed 7–2–15; 8:45 am]
                                             (column d) and ‘‘Invest Cancelled’’                      efficiency, added ‘‘Average # Days from               BILLING CODE 3410–34–P
                                             (column f)                                               Referral to Disqualification’’ (column d)
                                                (6) Changed ‘‘Invest Pending’’
                                             (column e) to ‘‘Open Investigations,                        (7) Changed ‘‘Program Dollars’’
                                                                                                      (shifted to column e) to include                      DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE
                                             Individuals’’ (shifted to column c)
                                                (7) To collect data on operational                    ‘‘Amount Subject to Claim’’ (e1) and                  Forest Service
                                             efficiency, added ‘‘Average # of Days                    ‘‘Cost Savings’’ (e2)
                                             per Investigation’’ (column d),                             (8) Removed ‘‘Pending Decisions’’                  Ketchikan Resource Advisory
                                             ‘‘Investigation Costs’’ (column e), and                  (column g)                                            Committee
                                             ‘‘Investigation FTE’’ (column f)                            (9) To capture cases referred to the
                                                Section F.—Administrative                                                                                   AGENCY:   Forest Service, USDA.
                                                                                                      prosecuting agency, but awaiting action,              ACTION:   Notice of meeting.
                                             Disqualification Hearings:                               added ‘‘Referred Individuals, No Action
                                                (1) Split Section F on current form                   by Prosecutor’’ (column f)                            SUMMARY:    The Ketchikan Resource
                                             into sections F and G on revised form.
                                                                                                         a. To collect data on the status of                Advisory Committee (RAC) will meet in
                                             Section F now collects data on
                                                                                                      cases awaiting action, sub-columns were               Ketchikan, Alaska. The committee is
                                             Administrative Disqualification
                                                                                                      added in this section for: ‘‘(1) 366+                 authorized under the Secure Rural
                                             Hearings (ADH) only.
                                                (2) Removed ‘‘Cases (Persons)                         Days’’ and ‘‘(2) Reclaimed for ADH’’.                 Schools and Community Self-
                                             Referred’’ (column a)                                       Section H.—Remarks:                                Determination Act (the Act) and
                                                (3) Changed ‘‘Upheld Convictions’’                                                                          operates in compliance with the Federal
                                                                                                         (1) Added remarks section (Section H)              Advisory Committee Act. The purpose
                                             (column d) to ‘‘ADH Completed,                           to allow space for State agencies to
                                             Individual Disqualified’’ (shifted to                                                                          of the committee is to improve
                                                                                                      provide any additional information                    collaborative relationships and to
                                             column a)                                                necessary to support data reported on
                                                (4) Changed ‘‘Waivers’’ (column c) to                                                                       provide advice and recommendations to
                                                                                                      the FNS–366B.                                         the Forest Service concerning projects
                                             ‘‘Waiver Signed, Individual
                                             Disqualified’’ (shifted to column b)                        The current burden for FNS 366 B is                and funding consistent with Title II of
                                                (5) Changed ‘‘Actually Acquitted’’                    950.29 hours. As a result of these                    the Act. The meeting is open to the
                                             (column e) to ‘‘ADH Completed,                           revisions, there is an anticipated burden             public. Additional RAC information,
                                             Individual Not Disqualified’’ (shifted to                of 1,855, an increase of 904.71 hours for             including the meeting agenda and the
                                             column c)                                                form FNS–366B. As this is a revision to               meeting summary/minutes can be found
                                                (6) To collect data on operational                    form FNS–366B within the FPRS                         at the following Web site: https://
                                             efficiency, added ‘‘Average # of Days                    system, the total FPRS burden is                      wwwls.usda.gov/pts/.
                                             from Referral to Disqualification’’                      summarized below.                                     DATES: The meeting will be held July 22,
                                             (column d)                                               Reporting Burden Estimates                            2015, at 10:00 a.m. All RAC meetings
                                                (7) Changed ‘‘Program Dollars’’                                                                             are subject to cancellation. For status of
                                             (shifted to column e) to include                           Form FNS–366B. Fifty-three (53) SA                  meeting prior to attendance, please
                                             ‘‘Amount Subject to Claim’’ (e1) and                     submit 1 response annually for a total of             contact the person listed under FOR
                                             ‘‘Cost Savings’’ (e2)                                    53 annual responses. The annual                       FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.
                                                (8) Removed ‘‘Pending Decisions’’                     reporting burden for form FNS–366B                    ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
                                             (column g)                                               report is 35 hours per respondent to                  the Ketchikan Misty Fiords Ranger
                                                (9) To capture cases referred for ADH,                complete the form. The reporting                      District, 3031 Tongass Avenue,
                                             but awaiting action by the State agency,                 burden for form FNS–366B alone is                     Ketchikan, Alaska. A conference line
                                             added ‘‘Referred Individuals Awaiting                    1,855 hours (53SA × 1 annual report =                 has been set up for those wishing to
                                             Scheduling’’ (column f)                                  53 total annual responses × 35 hours per              listen in by telephone, for the
                                                a. To collect data on the number of                   response = 1,855). There are                          conference call number, please contact
                                             days cases await ADH scheduling, sub-                    recordkeeping burdens which are                       the person listed under FOR FURTHER
                                             columns were added in this section for:                  maintained in a separated OMB Control                 INFORMATION CONTACT.
                                             ‘‘(1) 0–180 Days’’, ‘‘(2) 181–365 Days’’,                No.: 0584–0083, Expiration Date: 4/30/                   Written comments may be submitted
                                             and ‘‘(3) 366+ Days’’.                                   2017. As this is a revision to the                    as described under Supplementary
                                                (10) Shifted ‘‘Decisions Overdue’’ to                 reporting burden estimates for form                   Information. All comments, including
                                             column g                                                 FNS–366B within the FPRS system, the
                                                Section G.—Prosecutions:                                                                                    names and addresses when provided,
                                                                                                      total FPRS burden is summarized                       are placed in the record and are
                                                (1) Split Section F on current form                   below.
                                             into sections F and G on revised form.                                                                         available for public inspection and
                                             Section G proposes to collect data on                      Affected Public: State, Local and                   copying. The public may inspect
                                             Prosecutions only.                                       Tribal Government Agencies.                           comments received at Ketchikan Misty
                                                (2) Removed ‘‘Cases (Persons)                           Estimated Number of Respondents:                    Fiords Ranger District. Please call ahead
                                             Referred’’ (column a)                                    3,266.                                                to facilitate entry into the building.

                                                (3) Changed ‘‘Upheld Convictions’’                      Number of Responses per                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                             (column d) to ‘‘Prosecution Completed,                   Respondent: 7.3.                                      Diane L. Olson, RAC Coordinator, by
                                             Individual Disqualified’’ (shifted to                                                                          phone at 907–228–4105 or via email at
                                                                                                        Estimated Total Annual Responses:
                                             column a)                                                                                                      dianelolson@fs.fed.us.
                                                (4) Changed ‘‘Waivers’’ (column c) to                 23,789.                                                  Individuals who use
                                             ‘‘DCA Signed, Individual Disqualified’’                    Hours per Response: 3.7.                            telecommunication devices for the deaf
                                             (shifted to column b)                                      Total Annual Burden Hours: 87,716.                  (TDD) may call the Federal Information

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014   14:37 Jul 02, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00003   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\06JYN1.SGM   06JYN1

Document Created: 2015-12-15 13:17:48
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 13:17:48
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesWritten comments must be submitted on or before September 4, 2015.
FR Citation80 FR 38427 

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