80_FR_38629 80 FR 38501 - Generalized System of Preferences (GSP): Notice of a GSP Product Review, Including Possible Actions Related to Competitive Need Limitations

80 FR 38501 - Generalized System of Preferences (GSP): Notice of a GSP Product Review, Including Possible Actions Related to Competitive Need Limitations


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 128 (July 6, 2015)

Page Range38501-38504
FR Document2015-16498

This notice announces a review of products under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program that based on full-year 2014 import data, are subject to certain actions related to competitive need limitations (CNLs). The review will also consider the proposed designation for GSP eligibility of five cotton products from least developed beneficiary developing countries (LDBDCs). The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) will accept petitions by interested parties seeking waivers of CNLs for certain products submitted by July 31, 2015. USTR will also accept comments from the public submitted by July 31, 2015, regarding: (1) Possible de minimis CNL waivers, (2) possible redesignations of articles not currently eligible for GSP benefits, (3) possible revocation of CNL waivers, and (4) the proposed designation for GSP eligibility for LDBDCs of the five cotton products. This notice also sets forth the schedule for submitting comments and for a public hearing on prospective CNL waiver petitions and the proposed designation of the cotton products.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 128 (Monday, July 6, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 128 (Monday, July 6, 2015)]
[Pages 38501-38504]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-16498]



Generalized System of Preferences (GSP): Notice of a GSP Product 
Review, Including Possible Actions Related to Competitive Need 

AGENCY: Office of the United States Trade Representative.

[[Page 38502]]

ACTION: Notice of hearing and solicitation of petitions and comments.


SUMMARY: This notice announces a review of products under the 
Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program that based on full-year 
2014 import data, are subject to certain actions related to competitive 
need limitations (CNLs). The review will also consider the proposed 
designation for GSP eligibility of five cotton products from least 
developed beneficiary developing countries (LDBDCs).
    The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) will 
accept petitions by interested parties seeking waivers of CNLs for 
certain products submitted by July 31, 2015. USTR will also accept 
comments from the public submitted by July 31, 2015, regarding: (1) 
Possible de minimis CNL waivers, (2) possible redesignations of 
articles not currently eligible for GSP benefits, (3) possible 
revocation of CNL waivers, and (4) the proposed designation for GSP 
eligibility for LDBDCs of the five cotton products. This notice also 
sets forth the schedule for submitting comments and for a public 
hearing on prospective CNL waiver petitions and the proposed 
designation of the cotton products.

    July 31, 2015: Deadline for petitions requesting waivers of CNLs 
and for all other written comments in response to this notice.
    July 31, 2015: Deadline for pre-hearing briefs and requests to 
appear at the August 11 public hearing regarding CNL waiver petitions 
and the proposed designation of the cotton products.
    August 11, 2015: The GSP Subcommittee of the Trade Policy Staff 
Committee (TPSC) will convene a public hearing on CNL waiver petitions 
and the proposed designation of the cotton products.
    August 18, 2015: Deadline for submission of post-hearing briefs and 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marin Weaver, GSP Program, Office of 
the United States Trade Representative. The telephone number is (202) 
395-2974, the fax number is (202) 395-9674, and the email address is 


I. Competitive Need Limitations

    The GSP program provides for the duty-free importation of 
designated articles imported from designated beneficiary developing 
countries (BDCs). The GSP program is authorized by Title V of the Trade 
Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2461, et seq.), as amended (``the 1974 Act''). 
The GSP program expired on July 31, 2013. GSP was reauthorized on June 
29, 2015, by the Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015. The GSP 
program is now effective through December 31, 2017, with retroactive 
effect through July 31, 2013.
    Section 503(c)(2)(A) of the 1974 Act sets out the two CNLs. When 
the President determines that a BDC exported to the United States 
during a calendar year either: (1) A quantity of a GSP-eligible article 
having a value in excess of the applicable amount for that year ($165 
million for 2014), or (2) a quantity of a GSP-eligible article having a 
value equal to or greater than 50 percent of the value of total U.S. 
imports of the article from all countries (the ``50 percent'' CNL), the 
President must terminate GSP duty-free treatment for that article from 
that BDC by no later than July 1 of the next calendar year, unless a 
waiver is granted. The Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015 provides 
that the applicable deadline for all CNL-related actions based on 
import data from 2014, will be October 1, 2015.
    De minimis waivers: Under section 503(c)(2)(F) of the 1974 Act, the 
President may waive the 50 percent CNL with respect to an eligible 
article imported from a BDC if the value of total imports of that 
article from all countries during the calendar year did not exceed the 
applicable de minimis amount for that year ($22 million for 2014).
    Redesignations: Under section 503(c)(2)(C) of the 1974 Act, if 
imports of an eligible article from a BDC ceased to receive duty-free 
treatment due to exceeding a CNL in a prior year, the President may, 
subject to the considerations in sections 501 and 502 of the 1974 Act, 
redesignate such an article for duty-free treatment if imports in the 
most recently completed calendar year did not exceed the CNLs.
    CNL waiver revocation: Under Section 503(d)(5) of the 1974 Act, a 
CNL waiver remains in effect until the President determines that it is 
no longer warranted due to changed circumstances. Section 
503(d)(4)(B)(ii) of the 1974 Act, as amended by Public Law 109-432, 
also provides that, ``[n]ot later than July 1 of each year, the 
President should revoke any waiver that has then been in effect with 
respect to an article for five years or more if the beneficiary 
developing country has exported to the United States (directly or 
indirectly) during the preceding calendar year a quantity of the 
article--(I) having an appraised value in excess of 1.5 times the 
applicable amount set forth in subsection (c)(2)(A)(ii) for that 
calendar year ($247.5 million in 2012); or (II) exceeding 75 percent of 
the appraised value of the total imports of that article into the 
United States during that calendar year.''
    Pursuant to the Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015, exclusions 
from GSP duty-free treatment where CNLs have been exceeded for calendar 
year 2014 will be effective October 1, 2015, unless granted a waiver by 
the President. Any CNL-based exclusions, CNL waiver revocations, and 
decisions with respect to de minimis waivers and redesignations will be 
based on full 2014 calendar year import data.

II. 2014 Import Statistics

    In order to provide notice of articles that have exceeded the CNLs 
for 2014 and to afford an opportunity for comment regarding (1) 
potential de minimis waivers, (2) potential redesignations, and (3) the 
potential revocation of waivers for articles exceeding the CNL waiver 
thresholds for 2014, USTR has posted product lists on the USTR Web site 
at https://ustr.gov/issue-areas/trade-development/preference-programs/generalized-system-preference-gsp/current-review-0 under the title 
``GSP: 2014/2015 Limited Product Review.'' These lists can also be 
found at www.regulations.gov in Docket Number USTR-2015-0007. Full 2014 
calendar year data for individual tariff subheadings may also be viewed 
on the Web site of the U.S. International Trade Commission at http://dataweb.usitc.gov.
    The lists available on the USTR Web site contain, for each article, 
the Harmonized Tariff System (HTS) of the United States subheading and 
BDC country of origin, the value of imports of the article from the 
subject BDC for the 2014 calendar year, and that country's share of 
total U.S. imports of that article.
    List I on the USTR Web site shows the following two GSP-eligible 
articles--both from Thailand--that exceeded a CNL in 2014 by having 
been exported in a quantity equal to or greater than 50 percent of the 
total U.S. import value, in 2014:

 HTS 2008.19.15--Coconuts otherwise prepared or preserved; and
 HTS 7408.29.10--Copper alloys (other than brass, cupro-nickel 
or nickel-silver), wire, coated or plated with metal

These products will be removed from eligibility for GSP for the subject 
countries on October 1, 2015, unless the President grants a waiver for 
the product for Thailand in response to a petition filed by an 
interested party.
    List II identifies GSP-eligible articles from BDCs that are above 
the 50 percent

[[Page 38503]]

CNL, but that are eligible for a de minimis waiver of the 50 percent 
CNL. Articles eligible for de minimis waivers are automatically 
considered in the GSP annual review process, without the filing of a 
    List III shows GSP-eligible articles from certain BDCs that are 
currently not receiving GSP duty-free treatment but that may be 
considered for GSP redesignation based on 2014 trade data and 
consideration of certain statutory factors.
    List IV shows the following three articles from specified BDCs that 
are subject to CNL waiver revocation based on the provisions of Section 
503(d)(4)(B)(ii) of the 1974 Act, as amended by Public Law 109-432:

 HTS 4412.31.40--(for Indonesia) Certain plywood sheets not 
over 6 mm thick;
 HTS 7413.00.10--(for Turkey) Certain copper, stranded wire;
 HTS 7413.00.50--(for Turkey) Certain copper cables and plaited 

    Petitions from interested parties seeking a waiver of the 
application of CNLs for the two products on List I, and comments from 
the public in support of or in opposition to CNL waivers, revocations 
of CNL waivers, and redesignation of products are invited in accordance 
with the Requirements for Submissions below.

III. Possible Designation of New Products

    Pursuant to authority granted to the President in Section 202 of 
the Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015 and consistent with USTR's 
December 2011 announcement of trade initiatives intended to enable 
least-developed countries to benefit more fully from global trade, five 
cotton products are being considered for GSP eligibility for LDBDCs at 
the initiative of USTR. These include:

 HTS 5201.00.18, 5201.00.28, and 5201.00.38--Certain cotton, 
not carded or combed, of various specified staple lengths
 HTS 5202.99.30--Certain cotton card strips made from cotton 
waste; and
 HTS 5203.00.30--Certain cotton fibers, carded or combed.

    Comments from the public in support of or in opposition to 
designation of the proposed product additions are invited in accordance 
with the Requirements for Submissions below.

IV. Petitions and Public Comments

    The GSP regulations (15 CFR part 2007) provide the schedule of 
dates for conducting an annual review unless otherwise specified in a 
notice published in the Federal Register. The schedule for the 2015 GSP 
Annual Review will be notified at a later date in the Federal Register.
    In the interim, and pursuant to Section 203 of the Trade 
Preferences Extension Act of 2015, the GSP Subcommittee of the TPSC 
will conduct a limited GSP review encompassing products that, based on 
full-year 2014 import data, are subject to CNL-related actions, 
including exclusions, waivers, and revocation of waivers, as well as 
redesignations. These products appear on Lists I--IV described above. 
In addition, the review will also consider the designation of the five 
cotton products mentioned above as eligible for GSP benefits for LDBDCs 
of the GSP program.
    As part of this limited GSP product review, the GSP Subcommittee 
will accept petitions from interested parties seeking a waiver of the 
application of CNLs for the two products on List I, described above. 
The GSP Subcommittee also invites comments in support of or in 
opposition to: (1) The CNL waiver petitions which it is anticipated 
will be submitted for the two products on List I; (2) de minimis 
waivers of CNLs (see List II); (3) redesignations of products that were 
previously excluded from certain countries based on CNLs (see List 
III); (4) revocation of CNL waivers (see List IV); and (5) the proposed 
addition to GSP eligibility for LDBDCs only of the five cotton products 
listed above.
    Procedures for submission of both petitions and written comments 
are described in Section VI below.

V. Notice of Public Hearing

    In addition to comments from the public on the matters listed 
above, the GSP Subcommittee of the TPSC will convene a public hearing 
at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, August 11, 2015, to receive testimony related 
to (1) the CNL waiver petitions for products on List I, and (2) the 
proposed designation of the five cotton products. The hearing will not 
address de minimis waivers, product redesignations, or CNL waiver 
    The hearing will be held at 1724 F Street NW., Washington, DC 20508 
and will be open to the public and to the press. A transcript of the 
hearing will be made available on http://www.regulations.gov within 
approximately two weeks of the hearing.
    All interested parties wishing to make an oral presentation at the 
hearing must submit, following the ``Requirements for Submissions'' set 
out below, the name, address, telephone number, and email address, if 
available, of the witness(es) representing their organization by 5 
p.m., Friday, July 31, 2015. Requests to present oral testimony must be 
accompanied by a written brief or summary statement, in English, and 
also must be received by 5 p.m., Friday, July 31, 2015. Oral testimony 
before the GSP Subcommittee will be limited to five-minute 
presentations that summarize or supplement information contained in 
briefs or statements submitted for the record. Post-hearing briefs or 
statements will be accepted if they conform with the requirements set 
out below and are submitted, in English, by 5 p.m., Tuesday, August 18, 
2015. Parties not wishing to appear at the public hearing may submit 
pre-hearing and post-hearing briefs or comments by the aforementioned 

VI. Requirements for Submissions

    Written comments submitted in response to this notice, including 
petitions for CNL waivers, must be submitted electronically by 5:00 
p.m., July 31, 2015, using www.regulations.gov, docket number USTR-
2015-0007. Instructions for submitting business confidential versions 
are provided below. Hand-delivered submissions will not be accepted. 
Comments must be submitted in English to the Chairman of the GSP 
Subcommittee of the TPSC.
    For CNL waiver petitions only: CNL waiver petitions must conform to 
the GSP regulations set forth at 15 CFR part 2007, except as modified 
below. These regulations are available on the USTR Web site at http://www.ustr.gov/trade-topics/trade-development/preference-programs/generalized-system-preference-gsp/gsp-program-inf. Any person or party 
submitting a CNL waiver petition is strongly advised to review the GSP 
regulations as well as the GSP Guidebook, which is available at the 
same link. The requirements for CNL waiver petitions do not apply to 
other written submissions in response to this notice.
    To make a written comment or to submit a CNL waiver petition using 
http://www.regulations.gov, enter the docket number for this review--
USTR-2015-0007--in the ``Search for'' field on the home page and click 
``Search.'' The site will provide a search-results page listing all 
documents associated with this docket. Find a reference to this notice 
by selecting ``Notice'' under ``Document Type'' in the ``Filter Results 
by'' section on the left side of the screen and click on the link 
entitled ``Comment Now.'' The http://www.regulations.gov Web site 
offers the option of providing comments by filling in a ``Type 
Comment'' field or by attaching a

[[Page 38504]]

document using the ``Upload file(s)'' field. The GSP Subcommittee 
prefers that submissions be provided in an attached document. At the 
beginning of the submission, or on the first page (if an attachment), 
please note that the submission is in response to this Federal Register 
notice and indicate the specific product(s) that is the subject of the 
comment and on which of the relevant lists described above, (e.g., List 
I) it appears. Submissions should not exceed 30 single-spaced, standard 
letter-size pages in 12-point type, including attachments. Any data 
attachments to the submission should be included in the same file as 
the submission itself, and not as separate files.
    Each submitter will receive a submission tracking number upon 
completion of the submissions procedure at http://www.regulations.gov. 
The tracking number will be the submitter's confirmation that the 
submission was received into http://www.regulations.gov. The 
confirmation should be kept for the submitter's records. USTR is not 
able to provide technical assistance for the Web site. Documents not 
submitted in accordance with these instructions may not be considered 
in this review. If an interested party is unable to provide submissions 
as requested, please contact the GSP program at USTR to arrange for an 
alternative method of transmission.

Business Confidential Submissions

    An interested party requesting that information contained in a 
submission be treated as business confidential information must certify 
that such information is business confidential and would not 
customarily be released to the public by the submitter. Confidential 
business information must be clearly designated as such. The submission 
must be marked ``BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL'' at the top and bottom of the 
cover page and each succeeding page, and the submission should 
indicate, via brackets, the specific information that is confidential. 
Additionally, ``Business Confidential'' must be included in the ``Type 
Comment'' field. For any submission containing business confidential 
information, a non-confidential version must be submitted separately 
(i.e., not as part of the same submission with the confidential 
version), indicating where confidential information has been redacted. 
The non-confidential version will be placed in the docket and open to 
public inspection.

Public Viewing of Review Submissions

    Submissions in response to this notice, except for information 
granted ``business confidential'' status under 15 CFR 2003.6, will be 
available for public viewing pursuant to 15 CFR 2007.6 at http://www.regulations.gov upon completion of processing. Such submissions may 
be viewed by entering the country-specific docket number in the search 
field at http://www.regulations.gov.

William D. Jackson,
Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for the Generalized System 
of Preferences, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.
[FR Doc. 2015-16498 Filed 7-2-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 128 / Monday, July 6, 2015 / Notices                                                  38501

                                             SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION                           other Federal, State, or local government             D. CATEGORIES OF RECORDS AND PERSONS
                                                                                                      records. It requires Federal agencies                 COVERED BY THE MATCHING PROGRAM
                                             [Docket No. SSA 2014–0051]
                                                                                                      involved in computer matching                         1. SYSTEMS OF RECORDS
                                             Privacy Act of 1974, as Amended;                         programs to:                                             VA will provide us with electronic
                                             Computer Matching Program (Social                          (1) Negotiate written agreements with               files containing compensation and
                                             Security Administration (SSA)/                           the other agency or agencies                          pension payment data from its system of
                                             Department of Veterans Affairs (VA),                     participating in the matching programs;               records (SOR) entitled ‘‘Compensation,
                                             Veterans Benefits Administration                           (2) Obtain approval of the matching                 Pension, Education, and Vocational
                                             (VBA))—Match Number 1309                                 agreement by the Data Integrity Boards                Rehabilitation and Employment
                                                                                                      of the participating Federal agencies;                Records–VA’’ (58VA/21/22/28),
                                             AGENCY:    Social Security Administration                                                                      republished with updated name at 74
                                             (SSA).                                                     (3) Publish notice of the computer
                                                                                                                                                            FR 14865 (April 1, 2009) and last
                                             ACTION: Notice of a renewal of an                        matching program in the Federal
                                                                                                                                                            amended at 77 FR 42593 (July 19, 2012).
                                             existing computer matching program                       Register;                                                We will match the VA data with our
                                             that will expire on April 01, 2015.                        (4) Furnish detailed reports about                  SOR 60–0321, Medicare Database
                                                                                                      matching programs to Congress and                     (MDB), last published at 71 FR 42159
                                             SUMMARY:   In accordance with the                        OMB;                                                  (July 25, 2006).
                                             provisions of the Privacy Act, as
                                                                                                        (5) Notify applicants and beneficiaries
                                             amended, this notice announces a                                                                               2. NUMBER OF RECORDS
                                                                                                      that their records are subject to
                                             renewal of an existing computer                                                                                  VA’s data file will consist of
                                                                                                      matching; and
                                             matching program that we are currently                                                                         approximately 4.9 million electronic
                                             conducting with VA/VBA.                                    (6) Verify match findings before                    records. Our comparison file contains
                                             DATES: We will file a report of the
                                                                                                      reducing, suspending, terminating, or                 approximately 90 million records
                                             subject matching program with the                        denying a person’s benefits or                        obtained from the MDB. The number of
                                             Committee on Homeland Security and                       payments.                                             people who apply for Extra Help
                                             Governmental Affairs of the Senate; the                  B. SSA Computer Matches Subject to the                determines in part the number of
                                             Committee on Oversight and                               Privacy Act                                           records matched.
                                             Government Reform of the House of                                                                              3. SPECIFIED DATA ELEMENTS
                                             Representatives; and the Office of                          We have taken action to ensure that
                                             Information and Regulatory Affairs,                      all of our computer matching programs                   We will conduct the match using the
                                             Office of Management and Budget                          comply with the requirements of the                   Social Security number, name, date of
                                             (OMB). The matching program will be                      Privacy Act, as amended.                              birth, and VA claim number on both the
                                             effective as indicated below.                                                                                  VA file and the MDB.
                                                                                                      Kirsten J. Moncada,
                                             ADDRESSES: Interested parties may                        Executive Director, Office of Privacy and             4. FREQUENCY OF MATCHING
                                             comment on this notice by either                         Disclosure, Office of the General Counsel.               VA will furnish us with an electronic
                                             telefaxing to (410) 966–0869 or writing                                                                        file containing VA compensation and
                                             to the Executive Director, Office of                     Notice of Computer Matching Program,                  pension payment data monthly. The
                                                                                                      SSA With the Department of Veterans
                                             Privacy and Disclosure, Office of the                                                                          actual matching will take place
                                                                                                      Affairs (VA), Veterans Benefits
                                             General Counsel, Social Security                         Administration (VBA)                                  approximately the first week of every
                                             Administration, 617 Altmeyer Building,                                                                         month.
                                             6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD                   A. PARTICIPATING AGENCIES
                                                                                                                                                            E. INCLUSIVE DATES OF THE MATCHING PROGRAM
                                             21235–6401. All comments received
                                             will be available for public inspection at                    SSA and VA/VBA                                      The effective date of this matching
                                             this address.                                                                                                  program is April 02, 2015 provided that
                                                                                                      B. PURPOSE OF THE MATCHING PROGRAM                    the following notice periods have
                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The
                                             Executive Director, Office of Privacy                       The purpose of this matching program               lapsed: 30 days after publication of this
                                             and Disclosure, Office of the General                    is to provide us with VA compensation                 notice in the Federal Register and 40
                                             Counsel, as shown above.                                 and pension payment data. This                        days after notice of the matching
                                                                                                      disclosure will provide us with                       program is sent to Congress and OMB.
                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                      information necessary to verify an                    The matching program will continue for
                                             A. General                                               individual’s self-certification of                    18 months from the effective date and,
                                                                                                      eligibility for the Extra Help with                   if both agencies meet certain conditions,
                                               The Computer Matching and Privacy
                                                                                                      Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Costs                 it may extend for an additional 12
                                             Protection Act of 1988 (Pub. L.100–503),
                                                                                                      program (Extra Help). It will also enable             months thereafter.
                                             amended the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a)                                                                        [FR Doc. 2015–16433 Filed 7–2–15; 8:45 am]
                                             by describing the conditions under                       us to identify individuals who may
                                             which computer matching involving the                    qualify for Extra Help as part of our                 BILLING CODE 4191–02–P

                                             Federal government could be performed                    Medicare outreach efforts.
                                             and adding certain protections for
                                             persons applying for, and receiving,                     C. AUTHORITY FOR CONDUCTING THE MATCHING              OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES
                                             Federal benefits. Section 7201 of the
                                                                                                      PROGRAM                                               TRADE REPRESENTATIVE
                                             Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of                       The legal authority for VA to disclose
                                                                                                                                                            Generalized System of Preferences

                                             1990 (Pub. L. 101–508) further amended                   information under this agreement is
                                                                                                                                                            (GSP): Notice of a GSP Product
                                             the Privacy Act regarding protections for                1631(f) of the Social Security Act (Act)
                                                                                                                                                            Review, Including Possible Actions
                                             such persons.                                            (42 U.S.C. 1383(f)). The legal authorities
                                                                                                                                                            Related to Competitive Need
                                               The Privacy Act, as amended,                           for us to conduct this computer
                                             regulates the use of computer matching                   matching are 1860D–14(a)(3), 1144(a)(1),
                                             by Federal agencies when records in a                    and 1144(b)(1) of the Act (42 U.S.C.                  AGENCY: Office of the United States
                                             system of records are matched with                       1395w–114 and 1320b–14).                              Trade Representative.

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014   14:37 Jul 02, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00075   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\06JYN1.SGM   06JYN1

                                             38502                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 128 / Monday, July 6, 2015 / Notices

                                             ACTION:  Notice of hearing and                           1974 Act’’). The GSP program expired                  or (II) exceeding 75 percent of the
                                             solicitation of petitions and comments.                  on July 31, 2013. GSP was reauthorized                appraised value of the total imports of
                                                                                                      on June 29, 2015, by the Trade                        that article into the United States during
                                             SUMMARY:    This notice announces a                      Preferences Extension Act of 2015. The                that calendar year.’’
                                             review of products under the                             GSP program is now effective through                    Pursuant to the Trade Preferences
                                             Generalized System of Preferences                        December 31, 2017, with retroactive                   Extension Act of 2015, exclusions from
                                             (GSP) program that based on full-year                    effect through July 31, 2013.                         GSP duty-free treatment where CNLs
                                             2014 import data, are subject to certain                    Section 503(c)(2)(A) of the 1974 Act               have been exceeded for calendar year
                                             actions related to competitive need                      sets out the two CNLs. When the                       2014 will be effective October 1, 2015,
                                             limitations (CNLs). The review will also                 President determines that a BDC                       unless granted a waiver by the
                                             consider the proposed designation for                    exported to the United States during a                President. Any CNL-based exclusions,
                                             GSP eligibility of five cotton products                  calendar year either: (1) A quantity of a             CNL waiver revocations, and decisions
                                             from least developed beneficiary                         GSP-eligible article having a value in                with respect to de minimis waivers and
                                             developing countries (LDBDCs).                           excess of the applicable amount for that              redesignations will be based on full
                                                The Office of the United States Trade                 year ($165 million for 2014), or (2) a                2014 calendar year import data.
                                             Representative (USTR) will accept                        quantity of a GSP-eligible article having
                                             petitions by interested parties seeking                  a value equal to or greater than 50                   II. 2014 Import Statistics
                                             waivers of CNLs for certain products                     percent of the value of total U.S. imports               In order to provide notice of articles
                                             submitted by July 31, 2015. USTR will                    of the article from all countries (the ‘‘50           that have exceeded the CNLs for 2014
                                             also accept comments from the public                     percent’’ CNL), the President must                    and to afford an opportunity for
                                             submitted by July 31, 2015, regarding:                   terminate GSP duty-free treatment for                 comment regarding (1) potential de
                                             (1) Possible de minimis CNL waivers, (2)                 that article from that BDC by no later                minimis waivers, (2) potential
                                             possible redesignations of articles not                  than July 1 of the next calendar year,                redesignations, and (3) the potential
                                             currently eligible for GSP benefits, (3)                 unless a waiver is granted. The Trade                 revocation of waivers for articles
                                             possible revocation of CNL waivers, and                  Preferences Extension Act of 2015                     exceeding the CNL waiver thresholds
                                             (4) the proposed designation for GSP                     provides that the applicable deadline for             for 2014, USTR has posted product lists
                                             eligibility for LDBDCs of the five cotton                all CNL-related actions based on import               on the USTR Web site at https://
                                             products. This notice also sets forth the                data from 2014, will be October 1, 2015.              ustr.gov/issue-areas/trade-development/
                                             schedule for submitting comments and                        De minimis waivers: Under section                  preference-programs/generalized-
                                             for a public hearing on prospective CNL                  503(c)(2)(F) of the 1974 Act, the                     system-preference-gsp/current-review-0
                                             waiver petitions and the proposed                        President may waive the 50 percent                    under the title ‘‘GSP: 2014/2015 Limited
                                             designation of the cotton products.                      CNL with respect to an eligible article               Product Review.’’ These lists can also be
                                             DATES:                                                   imported from a BDC if the value of                   found at www.regulations.gov in Docket
                                               July 31, 2015: Deadline for petitions                  total imports of that article from all                Number USTR–2015–0007. Full 2014
                                             requesting waivers of CNLs and for all                   countries during the calendar year did                calendar year data for individual tariff
                                             other written comments in response to                    not exceed the applicable de minimis                  subheadings may also be viewed on the
                                             this notice.                                             amount for that year ($22 million for                 Web site of the U.S. International Trade
                                               July 31, 2015: Deadline for pre-                       2014).                                                Commission at http://dataweb.usitc.gov.
                                             hearing briefs and requests to appear at                    Redesignations: Under section                         The lists available on the USTR Web
                                             the August 11 public hearing regarding                   503(c)(2)(C) of the 1974 Act, if imports              site contain, for each article, the
                                             CNL waiver petitions and the proposed                    of an eligible article from a BDC ceased
                                                                                                                                                            Harmonized Tariff System (HTS) of the
                                             designation of the cotton products.                      to receive duty-free treatment due to
                                                                                                                                                            United States subheading and BDC
                                               August 11, 2015: The GSP                               exceeding a CNL in a prior year, the
                                                                                                                                                            country of origin, the value of imports
                                             Subcommittee of the Trade Policy Staff                   President may, subject to the
                                                                                                                                                            of the article from the subject BDC for
                                             Committee (TPSC) will convene a                          considerations in sections 501 and 502
                                                                                                                                                            the 2014 calendar year, and that
                                             public hearing on CNL waiver petitions                   of the 1974 Act, redesignate such an
                                                                                                                                                            country’s share of total U.S. imports of
                                             and the proposed designation of the                      article for duty-free treatment if imports
                                                                                                                                                            that article.
                                             cotton products.                                         in the most recently completed calendar
                                                                                                                                                               List I on the USTR Web site shows the
                                               August 18, 2015: Deadline for                          year did not exceed the CNLs.
                                                                                                         CNL waiver revocation: Under Section               following two GSP-eligible articles—
                                             submission of post-hearing briefs and                                                                          both from Thailand—that exceeded a
                                             comments.                                                503(d)(5) of the 1974 Act, a CNL waiver
                                                                                                      remains in effect until the President                 CNL in 2014 by having been exported in
                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                         determines that it is no longer                       a quantity equal to or greater than 50
                                             Marin Weaver, GSP Program, Office of                     warranted due to changed                              percent of the total U.S. import value, in
                                             the United States Trade Representative.                  circumstances. Section 503(d)(4)(B)(ii)               2014:
                                             The telephone number is (202) 395–                       of the 1974 Act, as amended by Public                 • HTS 2008.19.15—Coconuts otherwise
                                             2974, the fax number is (202) 395–9674,                  Law 109–432, also provides that, ‘‘[n]ot                 prepared or preserved; and
                                             and the email address is MWeaver@                        later than July 1 of each year, the                   • HTS 7408.29.10—Copper alloys (other
                                             ustr.eop.gov.                                            President should revoke any waiver that                  than brass, cupro-nickel or nickel-
                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                               has then been in effect with respect to                  silver), wire, coated or plated with
                                                                                                      an article for five years or more if the                 metal
                                             I. Competitive Need Limitations                          beneficiary developing country has                    These products will be removed from

                                               The GSP program provides for the                       exported to the United States (directly               eligibility for GSP for the subject
                                             duty-free importation of designated                      or indirectly) during the preceding                   countries on October 1, 2015, unless the
                                             articles imported from designated                        calendar year a quantity of the article—              President grants a waiver for the
                                             beneficiary developing countries                         (I) having an appraised value in excess               product for Thailand in response to a
                                             (BDCs). The GSP program is authorized                    of 1.5 times the applicable amount set                petition filed by an interested party.
                                             by Title V of the Trade Act of 1974 (19                  forth in subsection (c)(2)(A)(ii) for that               List II identifies GSP-eligible articles
                                             U.S.C. 2461, et seq.), as amended (‘‘the                 calendar year ($247.5 million in 2012);               from BDCs that are above the 50 percent

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 128 / Monday, July 6, 2015 / Notices                                             38503

                                             CNL, but that are eligible for a de                      published in the Federal Register. The                representing their organization by 5
                                             minimis waiver of the 50 percent CNL.                    schedule for the 2015 GSP Annual                      p.m., Friday, July 31, 2015. Requests to
                                             Articles eligible for de minimis waivers                 Review will be notified at a later date in            present oral testimony must be
                                             are automatically considered in the GSP                  the Federal Register.                                 accompanied by a written brief or
                                             annual review process, without the                          In the interim, and pursuant to                    summary statement, in English, and also
                                             filing of a petition.                                    Section 203 of the Trade Preferences                  must be received by 5 p.m., Friday, July
                                                List III shows GSP-eligible articles                  Extension Act of 2015, the GSP                        31, 2015. Oral testimony before the GSP
                                             from certain BDCs that are currently not                 Subcommittee of the TPSC will conduct                 Subcommittee will be limited to five-
                                             receiving GSP duty-free treatment but                    a limited GSP review encompassing                     minute presentations that summarize or
                                             that may be considered for GSP                           products that, based on full-year 2014                supplement information contained in
                                             redesignation based on 2014 trade data                   import data, are subject to CNL-related               briefs or statements submitted for the
                                             and consideration of certain statutory                   actions, including exclusions, waivers,               record. Post-hearing briefs or statements
                                             factors.                                                 and revocation of waivers, as well as                 will be accepted if they conform with
                                                List IV shows the following three                     redesignations. These products appear                 the requirements set out below and are
                                             articles from specified BDCs that are                    on Lists I—IV described above. In                     submitted, in English, by 5 p.m.,
                                             subject to CNL waiver revocation based                   addition, the review will also consider               Tuesday, August 18, 2015. Parties not
                                             on the provisions of Section                             the designation of the five cotton                    wishing to appear at the public hearing
                                             503(d)(4)(B)(ii) of the 1974 Act, as                     products mentioned above as eligible for              may submit pre-hearing and post-
                                             amended by Public Law 109–432:                           GSP benefits for LDBDCs of the GSP                    hearing briefs or comments by the
                                             • HTS 4412.31.40—(for Indonesia)                         program.                                              aforementioned deadlines.
                                                Certain plywood sheets not over 6                        As part of this limited GSP product
                                                                                                      review, the GSP Subcommittee will                     VI. Requirements for Submissions
                                                mm thick;
                                             • HTS 7413.00.10—(for Turkey) Certain                    accept petitions from interested parties                 Written comments submitted in
                                                copper, stranded wire;                                seeking a waiver of the application of                response to this notice, including
                                             • HTS 7413.00.50—(for Turkey) Certain                    CNLs for the two products on List I,                  petitions for CNL waivers, must be
                                                copper cables and plaited bands.                      described above. The GSP                              submitted electronically by 5:00 p.m.,
                                                                                                      Subcommittee also invites comments in                 July 31, 2015, using
                                                Petitions from interested parties                                                                           www.regulations.gov, docket number
                                                                                                      support of or in opposition to: (1) The
                                             seeking a waiver of the application of                                                                         USTR–2015–0007. Instructions for
                                                                                                      CNL waiver petitions which it is
                                             CNLs for the two products on List I, and                                                                       submitting business confidential
                                                                                                      anticipated will be submitted for the
                                             comments from the public in support of                                                                         versions are provided below. Hand-
                                                                                                      two products on List I; (2) de minimis
                                             or in opposition to CNL waivers,                                                                               delivered submissions will not be
                                                                                                      waivers of CNLs (see List II); (3)
                                             revocations of CNL waivers, and                                                                                accepted. Comments must be submitted
                                                                                                      redesignations of products that were
                                             redesignation of products are invited in                                                                       in English to the Chairman of the GSP
                                                                                                      previously excluded from certain
                                             accordance with the Requirements for                                                                           Subcommittee of the TPSC.
                                                                                                      countries based on CNLs (see List III);
                                             Submissions below.                                                                                                For CNL waiver petitions only: CNL
                                                                                                      (4) revocation of CNL waivers (see List
                                             III. Possible Designation of New                         IV); and (5) the proposed addition to                 waiver petitions must conform to the
                                             Products                                                 GSP eligibility for LDBDCs only of the                GSP regulations set forth at 15 CFR part
                                                                                                      five cotton products listed above.                    2007, except as modified below. These
                                               Pursuant to authority granted to the                                                                         regulations are available on the USTR
                                                                                                         Procedures for submission of both
                                             President in Section 202 of the Trade                                                                          Web site at http://www.ustr.gov/trade-
                                                                                                      petitions and written comments are
                                             Preferences Extension Act of 2015 and                                                                          topics/trade-development/preference-
                                                                                                      described in Section VI below.
                                             consistent with USTR’s December 2011                                                                           programs/generalized-system-
                                             announcement of trade initiatives                        V. Notice of Public Hearing                           preference-gsp/gsp-program-inf. Any
                                             intended to enable least-developed                         In addition to comments from the                    person or party submitting a CNL
                                             countries to benefit more fully from                     public on the matters listed above, the               waiver petition is strongly advised to
                                             global trade, five cotton products are                   GSP Subcommittee of the TPSC will                     review the GSP regulations as well as
                                             being considered for GSP eligibility for                 convene a public hearing at 9:30 a.m. on              the GSP Guidebook, which is available
                                             LDBDCs at the initiative of USTR. These                  Tuesday, August 11, 2015, to receive                  at the same link. The requirements for
                                             include:                                                 testimony related to (1) the CNL waiver               CNL waiver petitions do not apply to
                                             • HTS 5201.00.18, 5201.00.28, and                        petitions for products on List I, and (2)             other written submissions in response to
                                               5201.00.38—Certain cotton, not                         the proposed designation of the five                  this notice.
                                               carded or combed, of various                           cotton products. The hearing will not                    To make a written comment or to
                                               specified staple lengths                               address de minimis waivers, product                   submit a CNL waiver petition using
                                             • HTS 5202.99.30—Certain cotton card                     redesignations, or CNL waiver                         http://www.regulations.gov, enter the
                                               strips made from cotton waste; and                     revocations.                                          docket number for this review—USTR–
                                             • HTS 5203.00.30—Certain cotton                            The hearing will be held at 1724 F                  2015–0007—in the ‘‘Search for’’ field on
                                               fibers, carded or combed.                              Street NW., Washington, DC 20508 and                  the home page and click ‘‘Search.’’ The
                                               Comments from the public in support                    will be open to the public and to the                 site will provide a search-results page
                                             of or in opposition to designation of the                press. A transcript of the hearing will be            listing all documents associated with
                                             proposed product additions are invited                   made available on http://                             this docket. Find a reference to this
                                             in accordance with the Requirements for                  www.regulations.gov within                            notice by selecting ‘‘Notice’’ under

                                             Submissions below.                                       approximately two weeks of the hearing.               ‘‘Document Type’’ in the ‘‘Filter Results
                                                                                                        All interested parties wishing to make              by’’ section on the left side of the screen
                                             IV. Petitions and Public Comments                        an oral presentation at the hearing must              and click on the link entitled ‘‘Comment
                                               The GSP regulations (15 CFR part                       submit, following the ‘‘Requirements for              Now.’’ The http://www.regulations.gov
                                             2007) provide the schedule of dates for                  Submissions’’ set out below, the name,                Web site offers the option of providing
                                             conducting an annual review unless                       address, telephone number, and email                  comments by filling in a ‘‘Type
                                             otherwise specified in a notice                          address, if available, of the witness(es)             Comment’’ field or by attaching a

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                                             38504                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 128 / Monday, July 6, 2015 / Notices

                                             document using the ‘‘Upload file(s)’’                    Public Viewing of Review Submissions                  horizontal landing Concept X and
                                             field. The GSP Subcommittee prefers                         Submissions in response to this                    Concept Z reusable launch vehicles
                                             that submissions be provided in an                       notice, except for information granted                (RLVs). To operate a commercial space
                                             attached document. At the beginning of                   ‘‘business confidential’’ status under 15             launch site, HAS must obtain a
                                             the submission, or on the first page (if                 CFR 2003.6, will be available for public              commercial space launch site operator
                                             an attachment), please note that the                     viewing pursuant to 15 CFR 2007.6 at                  license from the FAA. Under the
                                             submission is in response to this                        http://www.regulations.gov upon                       Proposed Action addressed in the Final
                                             Federal Register notice and indicate the                 completion of processing. Such                        EA, the FAA would: (1) Issue a launch
                                             specific product(s) that is the subject of               submissions may be viewed by entering                 site operator license to HAS for the
                                             the comment and on which of the                          the country-specific docket number in                 operation of a commercial space launch
                                             relevant lists described above, (e.g., List              the search field at http://                           site at EFD; (2) issue launch licenses to
                                             I) it appears. Submissions should not                    www.regulations.gov.                                  prospective commercial space launch
                                                                                                                                                            operators that would allow them to
                                             exceed 30 single-spaced, standard letter-
                                                                                                      William D. Jackson,                                   conduct launches of horizontal take-off
                                             size pages in 12-point type, including
                                                                                                      Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative            and horizontal landing Concept X and
                                             attachments. Any data attachments to                     for the Generalized System of Preferences,            Concept Z RLVs from EFD, and (3)
                                             the submission should be included in                     Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.              provide unconditional approval to the
                                             the same file as the submission itself,                  [FR Doc. 2015–16498 Filed 7–2–15; 8:45 am]            Airport Layout Plan (ALP)
                                             and not as separate files.                               BILLING CODE 3290–F5–P                                modifications that reflect the
                                                Each submitter will receive a                                                                               designation of a spaceport boundary and
                                             submission tracking number upon                                                                                construction of planned spaceport
                                             completion of the submissions                            DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                          facilities and infrastructure. Proposed
                                             procedure at http://                                                                                           launch operations would begin in 2015
                                             www.regulations.gov. The tracking                        Federal Aviation Administration                       and continue through 2019 in
                                             number will be the submitter’s                                                                                 accordance with the terms of the launch
                                             confirmation that the submission was                     Office of Commercial Space                            site operator license. HAS proposes to
                                             received into http://                                    Transportation; Notice of Availability                provide RLV operators the ability to
                                             www.regulations.gov. The confirmation                    of the Final Environmental                            conduct up to 50 launches and landings
                                                                                                      Assessment (Final EA), Finding of No                  (or 100 operations) per year, with
                                             should be kept for the submitter’s
                                                                                                      Significant Impact (FONSI), and Record                approximately five percent of the
                                             records. USTR is not able to provide
                                                                                                      of Decision (ROD) for the Houston                     operations expected to occur during
                                             technical assistance for the Web site.
                                                                                                      Spaceport, City of Houston, Harris                    night-time hours.
                                             Documents not submitted in accordance                    County, Texas                                            The Final EA addresses the potential
                                             with these instructions may not be                                                                             environmental impacts of implementing
                                             considered in this review. If an                         AGENCY: Federal Aviation                              the Proposed Action and the No Action
                                             interested party is unable to provide                    Administration (FAA), Department of                   Alternative. Under the No Action
                                             submissions as requested, please contact                 Transportation.                                       Alternative, the FAA would not issue a
                                             the GSP program at USTR to arrange for                   ACTION: Notice of Availability of the                 launch site operator license to HAS, and
                                             an alternative method of transmission.                   Final EA and FONSI/ROD.                               thus no launch licenses would be issued
                                             Business Confidential Submissions                     In accordance with the
                                                                                                                                                            to individual commercial space launch
                                                                                        National Environmental Policy Act of                                vehicle operators to operate at EFD.
                                               An interested party requesting that      1969, as amended (NEPA; 42 United                                   Also, there would be no need to update
                                             information contained in a submission      States Code 4321 et seq.), Council on                               the EFD ALP, and thus there would be
                                             be treated as business confidential        Environmental Quality NEPA                                          no FAA approval of a revised ALP.
                                             information must certify that such                                                                             Existing operations would continue at
                                                                                        implementing regulations (40 Code of
                                             information is business confidential and Federal Regulations parts 1500 to 1508),                              EFD, which is currently classified as a
                                             would not customarily be released to                                                                           general aviation reliever airport.
                                                                                        and FAA Order 1050.1E, Change 1,                                       The environmental impact categories
                                             the public by the submitter.               Environmental Impacts: Policies and
                                             Confidential business information must Procedures, the FAA is announcing the                                   considered in the Final EA include air
                                                                                                                                                            quality; climate; coastal resources;
                                             be clearly designated as such. The         availability of the Final EA and FONSI/                             compatible land use; Department of
                                             submission must be marked ‘‘BUSINESS ROD for the Houston Spaceport.
                                                                                                                                                            Transportation Act: Section 4(f); fish,
                                             CONFIDENTIAL’’ at the top and bottom FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.
                                                                                                                                                            wildlife, and plants; floodplains;
                                             of the cover page and each succeeding      Daniel Czelusniak, Office of Commercial                             hazardous materials, pollution
                                             page, and the submission should            Space Transportation, Federal Aviation                              prevention, and solid waste; historical,
                                             indicate, via brackets, the specific       Administration, 800 Independence Ave.                               architectural, archaeological, and
                                             information that is confidential.          SW., Suite 325, Washington DC 20591;                                cultural resources; light emissions and
                                             Additionally, ‘‘Business Confidential’’    phone (202) 267–5924; or email                                      visual impacts; natural resources and
                                             must be included in the ‘‘Type             Daniel.Czelusniak@faa.gov.                                          energy supply; noise; socioeconomics,
                                             Comment’’ field. For any submission        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Final                                environmental justice, and children’s
                                             containing business confidential           EA was prepared to analyze the                                      environmental health and safety risks;
                                             information, a non-confidential version    potential environmental impacts of                                  water quality; and wetlands. The Final

                                             must be submitted separately (i.e., not as Houston Airport System’s (HAS’s)                                    EA also considers the potential
                                             part of the same submission with the       proposal to establish and operate a                                 secondary (induced) impacts and
                                             confidential version), indicating where    commercial space launch site at the                                 cumulative impacts.
                                             confidential information has been          Ellington Airport (EFD), in Houston,                                   The FAA has posted the Final EA and
                                             redacted. The non-confidential version     Texas and offer the site to prospective                             FONSI/ROD on the FAA Office of
                                             will be placed in the docket and open      commercial space launch operators for                               Commercial Space Transportation Web
                                             to public inspection.                      the operation of horizontal take-off and                            site: http://www.faa.gov/about/

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Document Created: 2015-12-15 13:17:20
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 13:17:20
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of hearing and solicitation of petitions and comments.
DatesJuly 31, 2015: Deadline for petitions requesting waivers of CNLs and for all other written comments in response to this notice.
ContactMarin Weaver, GSP Program, Office of the United States Trade Representative. The telephone number is (202)
FR Citation80 FR 38501 

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