80_FR_53662 80 FR 53490 - Certain Steel Nails From the People's Republic of China: Preliminary Results of the Antidumping Duty Administrative Review and Preliminary Determination of No Shipments; 2013-2014

80 FR 53490 - Certain Steel Nails From the People's Republic of China: Preliminary Results of the Antidumping Duty Administrative Review and Preliminary Determination of No Shipments; 2013-2014

International Trade Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 172 (September 4, 2015)

Page Range53490-53495
FR Document2015-22065

The Department of Commerce (``Department'') is conducting the sixth administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain steel nails (``nails'') from the People's Republic of China (``PRC'').\1\ The Department selected two respondents for individual review.\2\ The Department preliminarily determines that Stanley sold subject merchandise in the United States at prices below normal value (``NV'') during the period of review (``POR''), August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014. The Department also preliminarily determines that Shandong Oriental Cherry failed to cooperate to the best of its ability in participating in the review, warranting the application of facts otherwise available with adverse inferences, and that it is part of the PRC-wide entity. If these preliminary results are adopted in the final results, the Department will instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection (``CBP'') to assess antidumping duties on all appropriate entries of subject merchandise during the POR. Interested parties are invited to comment on these preliminary results. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 172 (Friday, September 4, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 172 (Friday, September 4, 2015)]
[Pages 53490-53495]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-22065]



International Trade Administration


Certain Steel Nails From the People's Republic of China: 
Preliminary Results of the Antidumping Duty Administrative Review and 
Preliminary Determination of No Shipments; 2013-2014

AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, 
Department of Commerce.

SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (``Department'') is conducting the 
sixth administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain 
steel nails (``nails'') from the People's Republic of China 
(``PRC'').\1\ The Department selected two respondents

[[Page 53491]]

for individual review.\2\ The Department preliminarily determines that 
Stanley sold subject merchandise in the United States at prices below 
normal value (``NV'') during the period of review (``POR''), August 1, 
2013, through July 31, 2014. The Department also preliminarily 
determines that Shandong Oriental Cherry failed to cooperate to the 
best of its ability in participating in the review, warranting the 
application of facts otherwise available with adverse inferences, and 
that it is part of the PRC-wide entity. If these preliminary results 
are adopted in the final results, the Department will instruct U.S. 
Customs and Border Protection (``CBP'') to assess antidumping duties on 
all appropriate entries of subject merchandise during the POR. 
Interested parties are invited to comment on these preliminary results.

    \1\ See Notice of Antidumping Duty Order: Certain Steel Nails 
from the People's Republic of China, 73 FR 44961 (August 1, 2008) 
    \2\ Stanley Works (Langfang) Fastening Systems Co., Ltd. and 
Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. (collectively ``Stanley''), and 
Shandong Oriental Cherry Hardware Group., Ltd. (``Shandong Oriental 

DATES: Effective Date: September 4, 2015.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Matthew Renkey or Julia Hancock, AD/
CVD Operations, Office V, Enforcement and Compliance, International 
Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and 
Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230; telephone: 202-482-2312 
or 202-482-1394, respectively.



    On September 30, 2014, the Department initiated the sixth 
administrative review of the antidumping duty order on nails from the 
PRC for the period August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014.\3\ On April 
14, 2015, the Department partially extended the deadline for issuing 
the preliminary results by 100 days.\4\ On July 10, 2015, the 
Department fully extended the deadline for issuing the preliminary 
results by 20 days,\5\ to August 31, 2015.

    \3\ See Initiation of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty 
Administrative Reviews, 79 FR 58729 (September 30, 2014) 
(``Initiation Notice'').
    \4\ See Memorandum to Gary Taverman, Senior Advisor for 
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Operations, through James C. 
Doyle, Director, Office V, Antidumping and Countervailing Duty 
Operations regarding ``Certain Steel Nails from the People's 
Republic of China: Extension of Deadline for Preliminary Results of 
2013-2014 Antidumping Duty Administrative Review,'' dated April 14, 
    \5\ See Memorandum to Gary Taverman, Senior Advisor for 
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Operations, through James C. 
Doyle, Director, Office V, Antidumping and Countervailing Duty 
Operations regarding ``Certain Steel Nails from the People's 
Republic of China: Extension of Deadline for Preliminary Results of 
2013-2014 Antidumping Duty Administrative Review,'' dated July 10, 
2015. We note that second extension of the preliminary results 
listed the extended deadline as September 1, 2015; however, the 
correct extended deadline is August 31, 2015.

Scope of the Order

    The merchandise covered by the order includes certain steel nails 
having a shaft length up to 12 inches. Certain steel nails subject to 
the order are currently classified under the Harmonized Tariff Schedule 
of the United States (``HTSUS'') subheadings 7317.00.55, 7317.00.65, 
7317.00.75, and 7907.00.6000.\6\ While the HTSUS subheadings are 
provided for convenience and customs purposes, the written description 
of the scope of the order is dispositive.\7\

    \6\ The Department recently added the Harmonized Tariff Schedule 
category 7907.00.6000, ``Other articles of zinc: Other,'' to the 
language of the Order. See Memorandum to Gary Taverman, Senior 
Advisor for Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Operations, through 
James C. Doyle, Director, Office 9, Antidumping and Countervailing 
Duty Operations, regarding ``Certain Steel Nails from the People's 
Republic of China: Cobra Anchors Co. Ltd. Final Scope Ruling,'' 
dated September 19, 2013.
    \7\ See ``Certain Steel Nails from the People's Republic of 
China: Decision Memorandum for the Preliminary Results of the 2013-
2014 Antidumping Duty Administrative Review,'' (``Preliminary 
Decision Memorandum''), dated concurrently with these results and 
hereby adopted by this notice, for a complete description of the 
Scope of the Order.

Preliminary Determination of No Shipments

    Based on the no-shipments letters filed by 11 different companies 
subject to this review, the Department preliminarily determines that 
these companies did not have any reviewable transactions during the 
POR. For additional information regarding this determination, including 
a list of these companies, see the Preliminary Decision Memorandum. 
Consistent with our assessment practice in non-market economy (``NME'') 
cases, the Department is not rescinding this review for these 
companies, but intends to complete the review and issue appropriate 
instructions to CBP based on the final results of the review.\8\

    \8\ See Non-Market Economy Antidumping Proceedings: Assessment 
of Antidumping Duties, 76 FR 65694, 65694-95 (October 24, 2011) and 
the ``Assessment Rates'' section, below.

Preliminary Affiliation and Single Entity Determination

    Based on the record evidence for these preliminary results, we find 
that Shandong Oriental Cherry Hardware Group., Ltd., Shandong Oriental 
Cherry Hardware Import & Export Co., Ltd., Shandong Oriental Cherry 
Hardware Group Heze Products Co., Ltd., Jining Huarong Hardware 
Products Co., Ltd., Jining Dragon Fasteners Co., Ltd., and Jining 
Yonggu Metal Products Co., Ltd. are affiliated, pursuant to sections 
771(33)(A), (E), (F), and (G) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended 
(``the Act''). Additionally, under 19 CFR 351.401(f)(1)-(2) and as 
facts available, we preliminarily find that these companies should be 
considered a single entity, (collectively known as the ``Shandong 
Oriental Cherry Entity''), for purposes of these preliminary 

    \9\ For further information, please see the Preliminary Decision 

Application of Facts Available and Use of Adverse Inference

    As discussed below and in further detail in the Preliminary 
Decision Memorandum, pursuant to sections 776(a)(2)(A), (B), and (C) of 
the Act, the Department determines that the use of facts otherwise 
available is warranted with respect to Shandong Oriental Cherry. 
Specifically, Shandong Oriental Cherry failed to provide in the form 
and manner requested by the Department: (1) An accurate, reliable sales 
reconciliation regarding its reported sales of subject merchandise to 
the United States during the POR; (2) an accurate, reliable factors of 
production (``FOP'') database that is reported on a CONNUM-specific 
basis; and (3) sales data, FOP data, and full product specifications 
from Shandong Oriental Cherry's affiliate, Jining Dragon Fasteners Co., 
Ltd., for the shooting nails it sold to the United States during the 
POR. Additionally, Shandong Oriental Cherry along with its affiliate, 
Jining Dragon Fasteners Co., Ltd., significantly impeded the proceeding 
by not providing accurate or complete responses to the Department's 
questions about its U.S. sales data and FOP data regarding its sales of 
subject merchandise to the United States during the POR.
    The Department finds that, taken together, and as explained in more 
detail in the Preliminary Decision Memorandum, these deficiencies 
indicate that the Department cannot rely on Shandong Oriental Cherry's 
submitted information. In selecting from among the facts otherwise 
available, pursuant to section 776(b) of the Act, an adverse inference 
is warranted when the Department has determined that a respondent has 
failed to cooperate by not acting to the best of its ability to comply 
with a request for information. Within the meaning of section 776(b) of 
the Act, the Department preliminarily finds that Shandong Oriental 
Cherry failed to cooperate by not acting to the best of its ability to 
comply with the Department's requests for information and that the 
application of AFA is

[[Page 53492]]

warranted. As AFA, and as explained in the Preliminary Decision 
Memorandum, we have found that the Shandong Oriental Cherry Entity has 
failed to establish its independence from the PRC-wide entity and, as a 
result, is subject to the PRC-wide entity's rate.

Separate Rates

    The Department preliminarily determines that information placed on 
the record by the mandatory respondent Stanley, as well as by the 20 
other separate rate applicants, demonstrates that these companies are 
entitled to separate rate status. For additional information, see the 
Preliminary Decision Memorandum.

PRC-Wide Entity

    The Department's change in policy regarding conditional review of 
the PRC-wide entity applies to this administrative review.\10\ Under 
this policy, the PRC-wide entity will not be under review unless a 
party specifically requests, or the Department self-initiates, a review 
of the entity. Because no party requested a review of the PRC-wide 
entity in this review, the entity is not under review and the entity's 
rate is not subject to change (i.e., 118.04 percent).\11\ Aside from 
the no shipments and separate rate companies discussed above, the 
Department considers all other companies for which a review was 
requested,\12\ as well as the Shandong Oriental Cherry Entity, to be 
part of the PRC-wide entity. For additional information, see the 
Preliminary Decision Memorandum; see also Appendix 2 for a list of 
companies considered as part of the PRC-wide entity.

    \10\ See Antidumping Proceedings: Announcement of Change in 
Department Practice for Respondent Selection in Antidumping Duty 
Proceedings and Conditional Review of the Nonmarket Economy Entity 
in NME Antidumping Duty Proceedings, 78 FR 65963 (November 4, 2013).
    \11\ See, e.g., id.; Certain Steel Nails from the People's 
Republic of China: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative 
Review; 2012-2013, 80 FR 18816, 18817 and accompanying Issues and 
Decision Memorandum (``AR5 Final Results'').
    \12\ See Initiation of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty 
Administrative Reviews, 79 FR 51548, 51549 (August 29, 2014) (``All 
firms listed below that wish to qualify for separate rate status in 
the administrative reviews involving NME countries must complete, as 
appropriate, either a separate rate application or certification * * 

Rate for Separate-Rate Companies Not Individually Examined

    The statute and the Department's regulations do not address the 
establishment of a rate to be applied to respondents not selected for 
individual examination when the Department limits its examination of 
companies subject to the administrative review pursuant to section 
777A(c)(2)(B) of the Act. Generally, the Department looks to section 
735(c)(5) of the Act, which provides instructions for calculating the 
all-others rate in an investigation, for guidance when calculating the 
rate for respondents not individually examined in an administrative 
review. Section 735(c)(5)(A) of the Act articulates a preference for 
not calculating an all-others rate using rates which are zero, de 
minimis or based entirely on facts available. Accordingly, the 
Department's usual practice has been to determine the dumping margin 
for companies not individually examined by averaging the weighted-
average dumping margins for the individually examined respondents, 
excluding rates that are zero, de minimis, or based entirely on facts 
available.\13\ Consistent with this practice, in this review, we 
calculated a weighted-average dumping margin for Stanley that is above 
de minimis and not based entirely on FA; therefore, the Department 
assigned to the companies not individually examined, but which 
demonstrated their eligibility for a separate rate, the weighted-
average dumping margin calculated for Stanley.

    \13\ See Ball Bearings and Parts Thereof From France, Germany, 
Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom: Final Results of Antidumping 
Duty Administrative Reviews and Rescission of Reviews in Part, 73 FR 
52823, 52824 (September 11, 2008), and accompanying Issues and 
Decision Memorandum at Comment 16.


    The Department conducted this review in accordance with sections 
751(a)(1)(B) and 751(a)(2)(A) of the Act. Constructed export prices and 
export prices have been calculated in accordance with section 772 of 
the Act. Because the PRC is a non-market economy country within the 
meaning of section 771(18) of the Act, NV has been calculated in 
accordance with section 773(c) of the Act.
    For a full description of the methodology underlying our 
conclusions, see the Preliminary Decision Memorandum. The Preliminary 
Decision Memorandum is a public document and is on file electronically 
via Enforcement and Compliance's Antidumping and Countervailing Duty 
Centralized Electronic Service System (``ACCESS''). ACCESS is available 
to registered users at http://access.trade.gov, and is available to all 
parties in the Central Records Unit, room B8024 of the main Department 
of Commerce building. In addition, a complete version of the 
Preliminary Decision Memorandum can be accessed directly on the 
internet at http://enforcement.trade.gov/frn/. The signed Preliminary 
Decision Memorandum and the electronic versions of the Preliminary 
Decision Memorandum are identical in content.

Preliminary Results of Review

    The Department preliminarily determines that the following 
weighted-average dumping margins exist for the period August 1, 2013, 
through July 31, 2014:

                          Exporter                              margin
Stanley.....................................................       12.51
Chiieh Yung Metal Ind. Corp.................................       12.51
Dezhou Hualude Hardware Products Co., Ltd...................       12.51
Hebei Cangzhou New Century Foreign Trade Co., Ltd...........       12.51
Nanjing Caiqing Hardware Co., Ltd...........................       12.51
Qingdao D&L Group Ltd.......................................       12.51
SDC International Aust. PTY. Ltd............................       12.51
Shandong Dinglong Import & Export Co., Ltd..................       12.51
Shanghai Curvet Hardware Products Co., Ltd..................       12.51
Shanghai Yueda Nails Industry Co., Ltd......................       12.51
Shanxi Hairui Trade Co., Ltd................................       12.51
Shanxi Pioneer Hardware Industrial Co., Ltd.................       12.51
Shanxi Tianli Industries Co., Ltd...........................       12.51
S-Mart (Tianjin) Technology Development Co., Ltd............       12.51
Suntec Industries Co., Ltd..................................       12.51
Tianjin Jinchi Metal Products Co., Ltd......................       12.51
Tianjin Jinghai County Hongli Industry & Business Co., Ltd..       12.51
Tianjin Lianda Group Co., Ltd...............................       12.51
Tianjin Universal Machinery Imp. & Exp. Corporation.........       12.51
Tianjin Zhonglian Metals Ware Co., Ltd......................       12.51
Xi'an Metals & Minerals Import & Export Co., Ltd............       12.51

Disclosure, Public Comment and Opportunity To Request a Hearing

    The Department intends to disclose the calculations used in our 
analysis to parties in this review within five days of the date of 
publication of this notice in accordance with 19 CFR 351.224(b).
    Interested parties may submit case briefs within 30 days after the 
date of publication of these preliminary results of review in the 
Federal Register.\14\ Rebuttals to case briefs, which must be limited 
to issues raised in the case briefs, must be filed within five days 
after the time limit for filing case briefs.\15\ Parties who submit 

[[Page 53493]]

are requested to submit with the argument (a) a statement of the issue, 
(b) a brief summary of the argument, and (c) a table of 
authorities.\16\ Parties submitting briefs should do so pursuant to the 
Department's electronic filing system, ACCESS.\17\

    \14\ See 19 CFR 351.309(c)(1)(ii).
    \15\ See 19 CFR 351.309(d)(1) and (2).
    \16\ See 19 CFR 351.309(c)(2), (d)(2).
    \17\ See 19 CFR 351.303 (for general filing requirements).

    Any interested party may request a hearing within 30 days of 
publication of this notice.\18\ Hearing requests should contain the 
following information: (1) The party's name, address, and telephone 
number; (2) the number of participants; and (3) a list of the issues to 
be discussed. Oral presentations will be limited to issues raised in 
the briefs. If a request for a hearing is made, parties will be 
notified of the time and date for the hearing to be held at the U.S. 
Department of Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue NW., 
Washington, DC 20230.\19\

    \18\ See 19 CFR 351.310(c).
    \19\ See 19 CFR 351.310(d).

    The Department intends to issue the final results of this 
administrative review, which will include the results of our analysis 
of all issues raised in the case briefs, within 120 days of publication 
of these preliminary results in the Federal Register, pursuant to 
section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Act.

Assessment Rates

    Upon issuance of the final results, the Department will determine, 
and CBP shall assess, antidumping duties on all appropriate entries 
covered by this review.\20\ The Department intends to issue assessment 
instructions to CBP 15 days after the publication date of the final 
results of this review.

    \20\ See 19 CFR 351.212(b).

    For assessment purposes, the Department applied the assessment rate 
calculation method adopted in Antidumping Proceedings: Calculation of 
the Weighted-Average Dumping Margin and Assessment Rate in Certain 
Antidumping Proceedings: Final Modification.\21\ For any individually 
examined respondent whose weighted average dumping margin is above de 
minimis (i.e., 0.50 percent) in the final results of this review, the 
Department will calculate importer-specific assessment rates on the 
basis of the ratio of the total amount of dumping calculated for the 
importer's examined sales to the total entered value of sales, in 
accordance with 19 CFR 351.212(b)(1). Where an importer- (or customer-) 
specific ad valorem rate is greater than de minimis, the Department 
will instruct CBP to collect the appropriate duties at the time of 
liquidation.\22\ Where either a respondent's weighted average dumping 
margin is zero or de minimis, or an importer- (or customer-) specific 
ad valorem rate is zero or de minimis, the Department will instruct CBP 
to liquidate appropriate entries without regard to antidumping 
duties.\23\ For the respondents that were not selected for individual 
examination in this administrative review and that qualified for a 
separate rate, the assessment rate will be based on the average of the 
mandatory respondents.\24\ We intend to instruct CBP to liquidate 
entries containing subject merchandise exported by the PRC-wide entity 
at the PRC-wide rate.

    \21\ See Antidumping Proceedings: Calculation of the Weighted-
Average Dumping Margin and Assessment Rate in Certain Antidumping 
Proceedings: Final Modification, 77 FR 8101 (February 14, 2012) in 
the manner described in more detail in the Preliminary Decision 
    \22\ See 19 CFR 351.212(b)(1).
    \23\ See 19 CFR 351.106(c)(2).
    \24\ See Preliminary Decision Memorandum.

    Pursuant to the Department's practice, for entries that were not 
reported in the U.S. sales databases submitted by companies 
individually examined during the administrative review, the Department 
will instruct CBP to liquidate such entries at the PRC-wide rate. 
Additionally, if the Department determines that an exporter had no 
shipments of the subject merchandise, any suspended entries that 
entered under that exporter's case number (i.e., at that exporter's 
rate) will be liquidated at the PRC-wide rate.\25\

    \25\ For a full discussion of this practice, see Non-Market 
Economy Antidumping Proceedings: Assessment of Antidumping Duties, 
76 FR 65694 (October 24, 2011).

Cash Deposit Requirements

    The following cash deposit requirements will be effective upon 
publication of the final results of this review for shipments of the 
subject merchandise from the PRC entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, 
for consumption on or after the publication date, as provided by 
sections 751(a)(2)(C) of the Act: (1) For the companies listed above 
that have a separate rate, the cash deposit rate will be that 
established in the final results of this review (except, if the rate is 
zero or de minimis, then zero cash deposit will be required); (2) for 
previously investigated or reviewed PRC and non-PRC exporters not 
listed above that received a separate rate in a prior segment of this 
proceeding, the cash deposit rate will continue to be the existing 
exporter-specific rate; (3) for all PRC exporters of subject 
merchandise that have not been found to be entitled to a separate rate, 
the cash deposit rate will be that for the PRC-wide entity; and (4) for 
all non-PRC exporters of subject merchandise which have not received 
their own rate, the cash deposit rate will be the rate applicable to 
the PRC exporter that supplied that non-PRC exporter. These deposit 
requirements, when imposed, shall remain in effect until further 

Notification to Importers

    This notice also serves as a preliminary reminder to importers of 
their responsibility under 19 CFR 351.402(f)(2) to file a certificate 
regarding the reimbursement of antidumping duties prior to liquidation 
of the relevant entries during the POR. Failure to comply with this 
requirement could result in the Department's presumption that 
reimbursement of antidumping duties occurred and the subsequent 
assessment of double antidumping duties.
    This preliminary determination is issued and published in 
accordance with sections 751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Act, and 19 CFR 

    Dated: August 28, 2015.
Paul Piquado,
Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance.

Appendix 1--List of Topics Discussed in the Preliminary Decision 

1. Summary
2. Background
3. Scope of the Order
4. Preliminary Determination of No Shipments
5. Non-Market Economy Country Status
6. PRC-Wide Entity
7. Separate Rates
8. Affiliation
9. Application of Facts Available and Use of Adverse Inference
10. Surrogate Country
11. Date of Sale
12. Comparisons to Normal Value
13. Determination of Comparison Method
14. Results of Differential Pricing Analysis
15. U.S. Price
16. Normal Value
17. Factor Valuations
18. Currency Conversion

Appendix 2--Companies Subject to This Administrative Review That Are 
Considered To Be Part of the PRC-Wide Entity

ABF Freight System, Inc.
Agritech Products Ltd.
Aihua Holding Group Co., Ltd.
Aironware (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
Anping County Anning Wire Mesh Co.
Anping Fuhua Wire Mesh Making Co.
APM Global Logistics O/B Hasbro Toy
Beijing Daruixing Global Trading Co., Ltd.

[[Page 53494]]

Beijing Daruixing Nail Products Co., Ltd.
Beijing Hong Sheng Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Beijing Hongsheng Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Beijing Jinheuang Co., Ltd.
Beijing Kang Jie Kong Cargo Agent
Beijing KJK Intl Cargo Agent Co., Ltd.
Beijing Long Time Rich Tech Develop
Beijing Tri-Metal Co., Ltd.
Beijing Yonghongsheng Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Brighten International, Inc.
Cana (Tianjin) Hardware Ind., Co., Ltd.
Cana (Tianjin) Hardware Industrial Co., Ltd.
Century Shenzhen Xiamen Branch
Changzhou MC I/E Co., Ltd.
Changzhou Quyuan Machinery Co., Ltd.
Changzhou Refine Flag & Crafts Co., Ltd.
Chao Jinqiao Welding Material Co., Ltd.
Chaohu Bridge Nail Industry Co., Ltd.
Chaohu Jinqiao Welding Material Co.
Chewink Corp.
Chiieh Yung Metal Industrial Corp.
Chiieh Yung Metal Industrial Corporation
China Container Line (Shanghai) Ltd.
China Silk Trading & Logistics Co., Ltd.
China Staple Enterprise (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.
Chongqing Hybest Nailery Co., Ltd.
Chongqing Hybest Tools Group Co., Ltd.
Cintee Steel Products Co., Ltd.
Cyber Express Corporation
CYM (Nanjing) Nail Manufacture Co., Ltd.
CYM (Nanjing) Ningquan Nail Manufacture Co., Ltd.
Dagang Zhitong Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Damco Shenzhen
Daxing Niantan Industrial
Delix International Co., Ltd.
Dingzhou Derunda Material and Trade Co., Ltd.
Dingzhou Ruili Nail Production Co., Ltd.
Dong'e Fugiang Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Dongguan Five Stone Machinery Products Trading Co., Ltd.
ECO System Co., Ltd.
ECO System Corporation
Elite International Logistics Co.
Elite Master International Ltd.
England Rich Group (China) Ltd.
Entech Manufacturing (Shenzhen) Ltd.
Expeditors China Tianjin Branch
Faithful Engineering Products Co. Ltd.
Fedex International Freight Forward Agency Services (Shanghai) Co., 
Feiyin Co., Ltd.
Fension International Trade Co., Ltd.
Foreign Economic Relations & Trade
Fujiansmartness Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd.
Fuzhou Builddirect Ltd.
Goal Well Stone Co., Ltd.
Gold Union Group Ltd.
Goldever International Logistics Co.
Goldmax United Ltd.
Grace News Inc.
Guangdong Foreign Trade Import & Export Corporation
Guangzhou Qiwei Imports and Exports Co., Ltd.
Guoxin Group Wang Shun I/E Co., Ltd.
GWP Industries (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.
Haierc Industry Co., Ltd.
Haixing Hongda Hardware Production Co., Ltd.
Haixing Linhai Hardware Products Factory
Haiyan Fefine Import and Export Co.
Handuk Industrial Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Kelong Electrical Appliance & Tools Co. Ltd.
Hangzhou New Line Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Zhongding Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd.
Hebei Development Metals Co., Ltd.
Hebei Jinsidun (JSD) Co., Ltd.
Hebei Machinery Import and Export Co., Ltd.
Hebei Minmetals Co., Ltd.
Hebei My Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.
Hebei Super Star Pneumatic Nails Co., Ltd.
Henan Pengu Hardware Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Hengshui Mingyao Hardware & Mesh Products Co., Ltd.
Heretops (Hong Kong) International Ltd.
Heretops Import & Export Co., Ltd.
Hilti (China) Limited
HK Villatao Sourcing Co., Ltd.
Hong Kong Hailiang Metal Trading Ltd.
Hong Kong Yu Xi Co., Ltd.
Huadu Jin Chuan Manufactory Co Ltd.
Huanghua Honly Industry Corp.
Huanghua Huarong Hardware Products Co., Ltd.
Huanghua Jinhai Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Huanghua Shenghua Hardware Manufactory Factory
Huanghua Xinda Nail Production Co., Ltd.
Huanghua Xiong Hua Hardware Product Co., Ltd.
Huanghua Yufutai Hardware Products Co., Ltd.
Hubei Boshilong Technology Co., Ltd.
Huiyuan Int'l Commerce Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Jiashan Superpower Tools Co., Ltd.
Jiaxing Yaoliang Import & Export Co., Ltd.
Jinhua Kaixin Imp & Exp Ltd.
Jining Huarong Hardware Products
Joto Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Karuis Custom Metal Parts Mfg. Ltd.
Kasy Logistics (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.
K.E. Kingstone
Koram Panagene Co., Ltd.
Kuehne & Nagel Ltd.
Kum Kang Trading Co., Ltd.
Kyung Dong Corp.
Le Group Industries Corp. Ltd.
Leang Wey Int. Business Co., Ltd.
Liang's Industrial Corp.
Lijiang Liantai Trading Co., Ltd.
Linhai Chicheng Arts & Crafts Co., Ltd.
Lins Corp.
Linyi Flying Arrow Imp & Exp. Co., Ltd.
Maanshan Cintee Steel Products Co., Ltd.
Maanshan Leader Metal Products Co. Ltd.
Maanshan Longer Nail Product Co., Ltd.
Manufacutersinchina (HK) Company Ltd.
Marsh Trading Ltd.
Master International Co., Ltd.
Mingguang Abundant Hardware Products Co., Ltd.
Nanjing Dayu Pneumatic Gun Nails Co., Ltd.
Nanjing Yuechang Hardware Co. Ltd.
Nantong Corporation for Internation
Ningbo Bolun Electric Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Dollar King Industrial Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Endless Energy Electronic Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Fension International Trade Center
Ningbo Fortune Garden Tools and Equipment Inc.
Ningbo Haixin Railroad Material Co.
Ningbo Huamao Imp & Exp. Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Hyderon Hardware Co., Ltd.
Ningbo JF Tools Industrial Co., Ltd.
Ningbo KCN Electric Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Meizhi Tools Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Ordam Import & Export Co., Ltd.
OEC Logistics (Qingdao) Co. Ltd.
Omega Products International
OOCL Logistics O B of Winston Marketing Group
Orisun Electronics HK Co., LTd.
Pacole International Ltd.
Panagene Inc.
Pavilion Investmen Ltd.
Perfect Seller Co., Ltd.
Prominence Cargo Service, Inc.
Qianshan Huafeng Trading Co., Ltd.
Qidong Liang Chyuan Metal Industry Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Bestworld Industry Trading
Qingdao D&L Group, Ltd.
Qingdao D&L Group Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Denarius Manufacture Co. Limited
Qingdao Golden Sunshine ELE-EAQ Co., Ltd.
Qingdao International Fastening Systems Inc.
Qingdao Koram Steel Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Lutai Industrial Products Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Meijia Metal Products Co.
Qingdao Rohuida International Trading Co.,
Qingdao Sino-Sun International Trading Company Limited
Qingdao Super United Metals & Wood Prods. Co. Ltd.
Qingdao Tiger Hardware Co., Ltd.
Qingfu Metal Craft Manufacturing Ltd.
Qinghai Wutong (Group) Industry Co.
Qingyuan County Hongyi Hardware Products Factory
Qingyun Hongyi Hardware Factory
Qinhuangdao Kaizheng Industry and Trade Co.
Q-Yield Outdoor Great Ltd.
Region International Co., Ltd.
Richard Hung Ent. Co. Ltd.
River Display Ltd.
Rizhao Changxing Nail-Making Co., Ltd.
Rizhao Handuk Fasteners Co., Ltd.
Rizhao Qingdong Electronic Appliance Co.,
Romp (Tianjin) Hardware Co., Ltd.
Saikelong Electric Appliances (Suzhou) Co.,
Se Jung (China) Shipping Co., Ltd.
SDC International Australia Pty., Ltd.
SDC International Australia (Pty) Ltd.
Senco Products, Inc.
Senco-Xingya Metal Products (Taicang) Co., Ltd.
Shandex Co., Ltd.
Shandex Industrial Inc.
Shandong Liaocheng Minghua Metal Products Co. Ltd.
Shandong Minmetals Co., Ltd.
Shandong Oriental Cherry Entity comprised of Shandong Oriental 
Cherry Hardware Group., Ltd., Shandong Oriental Cherry Hardware 
Import & Export Co., Ltd., Shandong Oriental Cherry Hardware Group 
Heze Products Co., Ltd., Jining Huarong Hardware Products Co., Ltd., 
Jining Dragon Fasteners Co., Ltd., and Jining Yonggu Metal Products 
Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Chengkai Hardware Product. Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Colour Nail Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Ding Ying Printing & Dyeing CLO
Shanghai GBR Group International Co.
Shanghai Holiday Import & Export Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Jian Jie International TRA
Shanghai March Import & Export Company Ltd.
Shanghai Mizhu Imp & Exp Corporation
Shanghai Nanhui Jinjun Hardware Factory

[[Page 53495]]

Shanghai Pioneer Speakers Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Pudong Int'l Transportation Booking Dep't
Shanghai Seti Enterprise International Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Shengxiang Hardware Co.
Shanghai Suyu Railway Fastener Co.
Shanghai Tengyu Hardware Products Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Tymex International Trade Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Yueda Fasteners Co., Ltd.
Shanxi Tianli Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Shanxi Yuci Wire Material Factory
Shaoguang International Trade Co.
Shaoxing Chengye Metal Producting Co., Ltd.
Shenyang Yulin International
Shenzhen Changxinghongye Imp.
Shenzhen Erisson Technology Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Meiyuda Trade Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Pacific-Net Logistics Inc.
Shenzhen Shangqi Imports-Exports TR
Shijiazhuang Anao Imp & Export Co. Ltd.
Shijiazhuang Fangyu Import & Export Corp.
Shijiazhuang Glory Way Trading Co.
Shijiazhuang Fitex Trading Co., Ltd.
Shijiazhuang Shuangjian Tools Co., Ltd.
Shitong Int'l Holding Limited
Shouguang Meiqing Nail Industry Co., Ltd.
Sinochem Tianjin Imp & Exp Shenzhen Corp.
Sirius Global Logistics Co., Ltd.
SMart (Tianjin) Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Sunfield Enterprise Corporation
Sunlife Enterprises (Yangjiang) Ltd.
Sunworld International Logistics
Superior International Australia Pty Ltd.
Suzhou Guoxin Group Wangshun I/E Co. Imp. Exp. Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Xingya Nail Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Yaotian Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Stanley Fastening Systems LP
Shandex Industrial
Telex Hong Kong Industry Co., Ltd.
The Everest Corp.
Thermwell Products
Tian Jin Sundy Co., Ltd. (a/k/a/Tianjin Sunny Co., Ltd.)
Tianjin Baisheng Metal Product Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Bosai Hardware Tools Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Chengyi International Trading Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Chentai International Trading Co., Ltd.
Tianjin City Dagang Area Jinding Metal Products Factory
Tianjin City Daman Port Area Jinding Metal Products Factory
Tianjin City Jinchi Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Dagang Dongfu Metallic Products Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Dagang Hewang Nail Factory
Tianjin Dagang Hewang Nails Manufacture Plant
Tianjin Dagang Huasheng Nailery Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Dagang Jingang Nail Factory
Tianjin Dagang Jingang Nails Manufacture Plant
Tianjin Dagang Linda Metallic Products Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Dagang Longhua Metal Products Plant
Tianjin Dagang Shenda Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Dagang Yate Nail Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Dery Import and Export Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Everwin Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Foreign Trade (Group) Textile & Garment Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Hewang Nail Making Factory
Tianjin Huachang Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Huapeng Metal Company
Tianjin Huasheng Nails Production Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Jetcom Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Jieli Hengyuan Metallic Products Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Jietong Hardware Products Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Jietong Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Jin Gang Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Jinjin Pharmaceutical Factory Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Jishili Hardware Co., Ltd.
Tianjin JLHY Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Jurun Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Kunxin Hardware Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Kunxin Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Lianda Group Ltd.
Tianjin Linda Metal Company
Tianjin Longxing (Group) Huanyu Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Master Fastener Co., Ltd. (a/k/a Master Fastener Co., Ltd.)
Tianjin Mei Jia Hua Trade Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Metals and Minerals
Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone Xiangtong Intl. Industry & Trade Corp.
Tianjin Products & Energy Resources Dev. Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Qichuan Metal Products Co. Ltd.
Tianjin Ruiji Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Senbohengtong International
Tianjin Senmiao Import and Export Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Shenyuan Steel Producting Group Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Shishun Metal Product Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Shishun Metallic Products Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Tailai Import Export
Tianjin Universal Machinery Imp & Exp Corporation
Tianjin Universal Machinery Imp. & Exp. Corp. Ltd.
Tianjin Universal Machinery Import & Export Corp.
Tianjin Xiantong Fucheng Gun Nail Manufacture Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Xiantong Juxiang Metal MFG Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Xiantong Material & Trade Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Xinyuansheng Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Yihao Metallic Products Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Yongchang Metal Product Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Yongxu Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Yongye Furniture
Tianjin Yongyi Standard Parts Production Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Zhong Jian Wanli Stone Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Zhongsheng Garment Co., Ltd.
Tianwoo Logistics Developing Co. Ltd.
Topocean Consolidation Service (CHA) Ltd.
Traser Mexicana, S.A. De C.V.
Treasure Way International Dev. Ltd.
True Value Company (HK) Ltd.
Unicatch Industrial Co. Ltd.
Unigain Trading Co., Ltd.
Union Enterprise (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. a.k.a. Union Enterprise Co., 
Wintime Import & Export Corporation Limited of Zhongshan
Weifang Xiaotian Machine Co., Ltd.
Wenzhou KLF Medical Plastics Co., Lt.
Wenzhou Ouxin Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.
Wenzhou Yuwei Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.
Winsmart International Shipping Ltd. O/B Zhaoqing Harvest Nails Co., 
Wintime Import & Export Corporation Limited of Zhongshan
Worldwide Logistics Co., Ltd. (Tianjin Branch)
Wuhan Xinxin Native Produce & Animal By-Products Mfg. Co. Ltd.
Wuhu Sheng Zhi Industrial Co., Ltd.
Wuhu Shijie Hardware Co., Ltd.
Wuhu Xin Lan De Industrial Co., Ltd.
Wuqiao County Huifeng Hardware Products Factory
Wuqiao County Xinchuang Hardware Products Factory
Wuqiao Huifeng Hardware Production Co., Ltd.
Wuxi Baolin Nail Enterprises
Wuxi Baolin Nail-Making Machinery Co., Ltd.
Wuxi Chengye Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Wuxi Colour Nail Co., Ltd.
Wuxi Qiangye Metalwork Production Co., Ltd.
Wuxi Jinde Assets Management Co., Ltd.
Wuxi Moresky Developing Co., Ltd.
Xiamen New Kunlun Trade Co., Ltd.
Xi'an Metals & Minerals Import and Export Co., Ltd.
Xi'an Steel
XL Metal Works Co., Ltd.
XM International, Inc.
Xuzhou CIP International Group Co., Ltd.
Yeswin Corporation
Yitian Nanjing Hardware Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Dongshun Toys Manufacture
Yiwu Excellent Import & Export Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Jiehang Import & Export Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Qiaoli Import & Export Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Richway Imp & Exp Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Zhongai Toys Co., Ltd.
Yongcheng Foreign Trade Corp.
Yu Chi Hardware Co., Ltd.
Yue Sang Plastic Factory
Yuhuan Yazheng Importing
Zhangjiagang Lianfeng Metals Products Co., Ltd.
Zhangjiagang Longxiang Packing Materials Co.
Zhaoqing Harvest Nails Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Hungyan Xingzhou Industria
Zhejiang Jinhua Nail Factory
Zhejiang Minmetals Sanhe Imp & Exp Co.
Zhejiang Qifeng Hardware Make Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Taizhou Eagle Machinery Co.
Zhejiang Yiwu Huishun Import/Export Co., Ltd.
Zhongshan Junlong Nail Manufactures Co., Ltd.
ZJG Lianfeng Metals Product Ltd.

[FR Doc. 2015-22065 Filed 9-3-15; 8:45 am]

                                                  53490                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 172 / Friday, September 4, 2015 / Notices

                                                  Regulations to seek authorization from                     collectively referred to as ‘‘item’’)                    Fourth, that, after notice and
                                                  both BIS and the Treasury Department’s                     exported or to be exported from the                   opportunity for comment as provided in
                                                  Office of Foreign Assets Control                           United States that is subject to the                  Section 766.23 of the Regulations, any
                                                  (‘‘OFAC’’) for exports and reexports                       Regulations, or in any other activity                 person, firm, corporation, or business
                                                  subject to both the Regulations and the                    subject to the Regulations, including,                organization related to the Denied
                                                  Iranian Transactions Regulations                           but not limited to:                                   Person by affiliation, ownership,
                                                  (‘‘ITR’’) administered by OFAC.4                              A. Applying for, obtaining, or using               control, or position of responsibility in
                                                  Accordingly, an authorization granted                      any license, License Exception, or                    the conduct of trade or related services
                                                  by OFAC would have been considered                         export control document;                              may also be made subject to the
                                                  authorization for purposes of the EAR as                      B. Carrying on negotiations                        provisions of the Order.
                                                  well. However, Air Bashkortostan did                       concerning, or ordering, buying,                         Fifth, Air Bashkortostan shall not take
                                                  not seek or obtain authorization from                      receiving, using, selling, delivering,                any action or make or permit to be made
                                                  BIS, or from OFAC, in connection with                      storing, disposing of, forwarding,                    any public statement, directly or
                                                  any of the transactions at issue.                          transporting, financing, or otherwise                 indirectly, denying the allegations in the
                                                     In engaging in the activity alleged                     servicing in any way, any transaction                 Charging Letter or the Order. The
                                                  above, Air Bashkortostan committed                         involving any item exported or to be                  foregoing does not affect Air
                                                  four violations of Section 764.2(a) of the                 exported from the United States that is               Bashkortostan’s testimonial obligations
                                                  Regulations.                                               subject to the Regulations, or in any                 in any proceeding, nor does it affect its
                                                     Whereas, BIS and Air Bashkortostan                      other activity subject to the Regulations;            right to take legal or factual positions in
                                                  have entered into a Settlement                             or                                                    civil litigation or other civil proceedings
                                                  Agreement pursuant to Section                                 C. Benefitting in any way from any                 in which the U.S. Department of
                                                  766.18(b) of the Regulations, whereby                      transaction involving any item exported               Commerce is not a party.
                                                  they agreed to settle this matter in                       or to be exported from the United States                 Sixth, that the Charging Letter, the
                                                  accordance with the terms and                              that is subject to the Regulations, or in             Settlement Agreement, and this Order
                                                  conditions set forth therein; and                          any other activity subject to the                     shall be made available to the public.
                                                     Whereas, I have approved of the terms                   Regulations.                                             Seventh, that this Order shall be
                                                  of such Settlement Agreement;                                 Third, that no person may, directly or             served on Air Bashkortostan, and shall
                                                     It is therefore ordered:                                indirectly, do any of the following:                  be published in the Federal Register.
                                                     First, Air Bashkortostan shall be                          A. Export or reexport to or on behalf
                                                                                                                                                                      This Order, which constitutes the
                                                  assessed a civil penalty in the amount                     of the Denied Person any item subject to
                                                                                                                                                                   final agency action in this matter, is
                                                  of $350,000, all of which shall be                         the Regulations;
                                                                                                                B. Take any action that facilitates the            effective immediately.5
                                                  suspended for a period of one year from
                                                  the date of this Order, and thereafter                     acquisition or attempted acquisition by                 Issued this 28th day of August, 2015.
                                                  shall be waived, provided that during                      the Denied Person of the ownership,                   Richard R. Majauskas,
                                                  this one-year probationary period, Air                     possession, or control of any item                    Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for
                                                  Bashkortostan has committed no                             subject to the Regulations that has been              Export Enforcement.
                                                  violation of the Act, or any regulation,                   or will be exported from the United                   [FR Doc. 2015–21978 Filed 9–3–15; 8:45 am]
                                                  order, license, or authorization issued                    States, including financing or other                  BILLING CODE P
                                                  thereunder. If Air Bashkortostan                           support activities related to a
                                                  commits a violation of the Act or any                      transaction whereby the Denied Person
                                                  regulation, order, license, or                             acquires or attempts to acquire such                  DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                                  authorization issued thereunder, during                    ownership, possession or control;
                                                  the probationary period under this                            C. Take any action to acquire from or              International Trade Administration
                                                  Order, the suspension of the civil                         to facilitate the acquisition or attempted
                                                  penalty may be modified or revoked by                      acquisition from the Denied Person of                 [A–570–909]
                                                  BIS and the $350,000 made due and                          any item subject to the Regulations that
                                                  owing immediately.                                         has been exported from the United                     Certain Steel Nails From the People’s
                                                     Second, that for a period of one (1)                    States;                                               Republic of China: Preliminary Results
                                                  year from the date of this Order, Air                         D. Obtain from the Denied Person in                of the Antidumping Duty
                                                  Bashkortostan LTD., with a last known                      the United States any item subject to the             Administrative Review and Preliminary
                                                  address of 142001, Moscow Region, City                     Regulations with knowledge or reason                  Determination of No Shipments; 2013–
                                                  of Domodedovo, Centralny District,                         to know that the item will be, or is                  2014
                                                  Promyshlennaya Street, 11B, Russian                        intended to be, exported from the
                                                                                                                                                                   AGENCY:   Enforcement and Compliance,
                                                  Federation, and when acting for or on                      United States; or
                                                                                                                E. Engage in any transaction to service            International Trade Administration,
                                                  its behalf, its successors, assigns,                                                                             Department of Commerce.
                                                  directors, officers, employees,                            any item subject to the Regulations that
                                                                                                             has been or will be exported from the                 SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce
                                                  representatives, or agents, (hereinafter
                                                  collectively referred to as ‘‘Denied                       United States and which is owned,                     (‘‘Department’’) is conducting the sixth
                                                  Person’’), may not, directly or indirectly,                possessed or controlled by the Denied                 administrative review of the
                                                  participate in any way in any                              Person, or service any item, of whatever              antidumping duty order on certain steel
                                                  transaction involving any commodity,                       origin, that is owned, possessed or                   nails (‘‘nails’’) from the People’s
                                                                                                                                                                   Republic of China (‘‘PRC’’).1 The
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  software or technology (hereinafter                        controlled by the Denied Person if such
                                                                                                             service involves the use of any item                  Department selected two respondents
                                                    4 31 CFR part 560 (2009). By Federal Register            subject to the Regulations that has been
                                                  notice dated October 22, 2012, the Department of           or will be exported from the United                     5 Review and consideration of this matter have

                                                  the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control            States. For purposes of this paragraph,               been delegated to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of
                                                  renamed the ITR as the Iranian Transactions and                                                                  Commerce for Export Enforcement.
                                                  Sanctions Regulations and reissued the set of
                                                                                                             servicing means installation,                           1 See Notice of Antidumping Duty Order: Certain

                                                  regulations in its entirety. 77 FR 64,664 (Oct. 22,        maintenance, repair, modification or                  Steel Nails from the People’s Republic of China, 73
                                                  2012).                                                     testing.                                              FR 44961 (August 1, 2008) (‘‘Order’’).

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:57 Sep 03, 2015   Jkt 235001      PO 00000   Frm 00006   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\04SEN1.SGM   04SEN1

                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 172 / Friday, September 4, 2015 / Notices                                                        53491

                                                  for individual review.2 The Department                  Scope of the Order                                     are affiliated, pursuant to sections
                                                  preliminarily determines that Stanley                     The merchandise covered by the order                 771(33)(A), (E), (F), and (G) of the Tariff
                                                  sold subject merchandise in the United                  includes certain steel nails having a                  Act of 1930, as amended (‘‘the Act’’).
                                                  States at prices below normal value                     shaft length up to 12 inches. Certain                  Additionally, under 19 CFR
                                                  (‘‘NV’’) during the period of review                    steel nails subject to the order are                   351.401(f)(1)–(2) and as facts available,
                                                  (‘‘POR’’), August 1, 2013, through July                 currently classified under the                         we preliminarily find that these
                                                  31, 2014. The Department also                           Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the                      companies should be considered a
                                                  preliminarily determines that Shandong                  United States (‘‘HTSUS’’) subheadings                  single entity, (collectively known as the
                                                  Oriental Cherry failed to cooperate to                  7317.00.55, 7317.00.65, 7317.00.75, and                ‘‘Shandong Oriental Cherry Entity’’), for
                                                  the best of its ability in participating in             7907.00.6000.6 While the HTSUS                         purposes of these preliminary results.9
                                                  the review, warranting the application                  subheadings are provided for                           Application of Facts Available and Use
                                                  of facts otherwise available with adverse               convenience and customs purposes, the                  of Adverse Inference
                                                  inferences, and that it is part of the PRC-             written description of the scope of the
                                                  wide entity. If these preliminary results                                                                         As discussed below and in further
                                                                                                          order is dispositive.7
                                                  are adopted in the final results, the                                                                          detail in the Preliminary Decision
                                                  Department will instruct U.S. Customs                   Preliminary Determination of No                        Memorandum, pursuant to sections
                                                  and Border Protection (‘‘CBP’’) to assess               Shipments                                              776(a)(2)(A), (B), and (C) of the Act, the
                                                  antidumping duties on all appropriate                      Based on the no-shipments letters                   Department determines that the use of
                                                  entries of subject merchandise during                   filed by 11 different companies subject                facts otherwise available is warranted
                                                  the POR. Interested parties are invited to              to this review, the Department                         with respect to Shandong Oriental
                                                  comment on these preliminary results.                   preliminarily determines that these                    Cherry. Specifically, Shandong Oriental
                                                                                                          companies did not have any reviewable                  Cherry failed to provide in the form and
                                                  DATES: Effective Date: September 4,
                                                                                                          transactions during the POR. For                       manner requested by the Department:
                                                  2015.                                                                                                          (1) An accurate, reliable sales
                                                                                                          additional information regarding this
                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                                                                               reconciliation regarding its reported
                                                                                                          determination, including a list of these
                                                  Matthew Renkey or Julia Hancock, AD/                    companies, see the Preliminary Decision                sales of subject merchandise to the
                                                  CVD Operations, Office V, Enforcement                   Memorandum. Consistent with our                        United States during the POR; (2) an
                                                  and Compliance, International Trade                     assessment practice in non-market                      accurate, reliable factors of production
                                                  Administration, U.S. Department of                      economy (‘‘NME’’) cases, the                           (‘‘FOP’’) database that is reported on a
                                                  Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution                  Department is not rescinding this                      CONNUM-specific basis; and (3) sales
                                                  Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230;                       review for these companies, but intends                data, FOP data, and full product
                                                  telephone: 202–482–2312 or 202–482–                     to complete the review and issue                       specifications from Shandong Oriental
                                                  1394, respectively.                                     appropriate instructions to CBP based                  Cherry’s affiliate, Jining Dragon
                                                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              on the final results of the review.8                   Fasteners Co., Ltd., for the shooting
                                                                                                                                                                 nails it sold to the United States during
                                                  Background                                              Preliminary Affiliation and Single                     the POR. Additionally, Shandong
                                                    On September 30, 2014, the                            Entity Determination                                   Oriental Cherry along with its affiliate,
                                                  Department initiated the sixth                             Based on the record evidence for                    Jining Dragon Fasteners Co., Ltd.,
                                                  administrative review of the                            these preliminary results, we find that                significantly impeded the proceeding by
                                                  antidumping duty order on nails from                    Shandong Oriental Cherry Hardware                      not providing accurate or complete
                                                  the PRC for the period August 1, 2013,                  Group., Ltd., Shandong Oriental Cherry                 responses to the Department’s questions
                                                  through July 31, 2014.3 On April 14,                    Hardware Import & Export Co., Ltd.,                    about its U.S. sales data and FOP data
                                                  2015, the Department partially extended                 Shandong Oriental Cherry Hardware                      regarding its sales of subject
                                                  the deadline for issuing the preliminary                Group Heze Products Co., Ltd., Jining                  merchandise to the United States during
                                                  results by 100 days.4 On July 10, 2015,                 Huarong Hardware Products Co., Ltd.,                   the POR.
                                                  the Department fully extended the                       Jining Dragon Fasteners Co., Ltd., and                    The Department finds that, taken
                                                  deadline for issuing the preliminary                    Jining Yonggu Metal Products Co., Ltd.                 together, and as explained in more
                                                  results by 20 days,5 to August 31, 2015.                                                                       detail in the Preliminary Decision
                                                                                                          We note that second extension of the preliminary       Memorandum, these deficiencies
                                                    2 Stanley  Works (Langfang) Fastening Systems         results listed the extended deadline as September      indicate that the Department cannot rely
                                                  Co., Ltd. and Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.              1, 2015; however, the correct extended deadline is     on Shandong Oriental Cherry’s
                                                  (collectively ‘‘Stanley’’), and Shandong Oriental       August 31, 2015.
                                                  Cherry Hardware Group., Ltd. (‘‘Shandong Oriental          6 The Department recently added the Harmonized
                                                                                                                                                                 submitted information. In selecting from
                                                  Cherry’’).                                              Tariff Schedule category 7907.00.6000, ‘‘Other         among the facts otherwise available,
                                                    3 See Initiation of Antidumping and                   articles of zinc: Other,’’ to the language of the      pursuant to section 776(b) of the Act, an
                                                  Countervailing Duty Administrative Reviews, 79 FR       Order. See Memorandum to Gary Taverman, Senior         adverse inference is warranted when the
                                                  58729 (September 30, 2014) (‘‘Initiation Notice’’).     Advisor for Antidumping and Countervailing Duty        Department has determined that a
                                                    4 See Memorandum to Gary Taverman, Senior             Operations, through James C. Doyle, Director, Office
                                                  Advisor for Antidumping and Countervailing Duty         9, Antidumping and Countervailing Duty                 respondent has failed to cooperate by
                                                  Operations, through James C. Doyle, Director, Office    Operations, regarding ‘‘Certain Steel Nails from the   not acting to the best of its ability to
                                                  V, Antidumping and Countervailing Duty                  People’s Republic of China: Cobra Anchors Co. Ltd.     comply with a request for information.
                                                  Operations regarding ‘‘Certain Steel Nails from the     Final Scope Ruling,’’ dated September 19, 2013.        Within the meaning of section 776(b) of
                                                  People’s Republic of China: Extension of Deadline          7 See ‘‘Certain Steel Nails from the People’s

                                                  for Preliminary Results of 2013–2014 Antidumping        Republic of China: Decision Memorandum for the
                                                                                                                                                                 the Act, the Department preliminarily
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  Duty Administrative Review,’’ dated April 14, 2015.     Preliminary Results of the 2013–2014 Antidumping       finds that Shandong Oriental Cherry
                                                    5 See Memorandum to Gary Taverman, Senior             Duty Administrative Review,’’ (‘‘Preliminary           failed to cooperate by not acting to the
                                                  Advisor for Antidumping and Countervailing Duty         Decision Memorandum’’), dated concurrently with        best of its ability to comply with the
                                                  Operations, through James C. Doyle, Director, Office    these results and hereby adopted by this notice, for
                                                                                                          a complete description of the Scope of the Order.
                                                                                                                                                                 Department’s requests for information
                                                  V, Antidumping and Countervailing Duty
                                                  Operations regarding ‘‘Certain Steel Nails from the        8 See Non-Market Economy Antidumping                and that the application of AFA is
                                                  People’s Republic of China: Extension of Deadline       Proceedings: Assessment of Antidumping Duties, 76
                                                  for Preliminary Results of 2013–2014 Antidumping        FR 65694, 65694–95 (October 24, 2011) and the            9 For further information, please see the

                                                  Duty Administrative Review,’’ dated July 10, 2015.      ‘‘Assessment Rates’’ section, below.                   Preliminary Decision Memorandum.

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:57 Sep 03, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00007   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\04SEN1.SGM   04SEN1

                                                  53492                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 172 / Friday, September 4, 2015 / Notices

                                                  warranted. As AFA, and as explained in                  subject to the administrative review                  be accessed directly on the internet at
                                                  the Preliminary Decision Memorandum,                    pursuant to section 777A(c)(2)(B) of the              http://enforcement.trade.gov/frn/. The
                                                  we have found that the Shandong                         Act. Generally, the Department looks to               signed Preliminary Decision
                                                  Oriental Cherry Entity has failed to                    section 735(c)(5) of the Act, which                   Memorandum and the electronic
                                                  establish its independence from the                     provides instructions for calculating the             versions of the Preliminary Decision
                                                  PRC-wide entity and, as a result, is                    all-others rate in an investigation, for              Memorandum are identical in content.
                                                  subject to the PRC-wide entity’s rate.                  guidance when calculating the rate for
                                                                                                                                                                Preliminary Results of Review
                                                                                                          respondents not individually examined
                                                  Separate Rates                                          in an administrative review. Section                    The Department preliminarily
                                                    The Department preliminarily                          735(c)(5)(A) of the Act articulates a                 determines that the following weighted-
                                                  determines that information placed on                   preference for not calculating an all-                average dumping margins exist for the
                                                  the record by the mandatory respondent                  others rate using rates which are zero,               period August 1, 2013, through July 31,
                                                  Stanley, as well as by the 20 other                     de minimis or based entirely on facts                 2014:
                                                  separate rate applicants, demonstrates                  available. Accordingly, the
                                                  that these companies are entitled to                    Department’s usual practice has been to                                                                   Weighted-
                                                  separate rate status. For additional                                                                                                                               average
                                                                                                          determine the dumping margin for                                        Exporter                            margin
                                                  information, see the Preliminary                        companies not individually examined                                                                       (percent)
                                                  Decision Memorandum.                                    by averaging the weighted-average
                                                                                                          dumping margins for the individually                  Stanley ........................................        12.51
                                                  PRC-Wide Entity                                                                                               Chiieh Yung Metal Ind. Corp ......                      12.51
                                                                                                          examined respondents, excluding rates
                                                    The Department’s change in policy                     that are zero, de minimis, or based                   Dezhou Hualude Hardware
                                                  regarding conditional review of the                     entirely on facts available.13 Consistent               Products Co., Ltd ....................                12.51
                                                  PRC-wide entity applies to this                                                                               Hebei Cangzhou New Century
                                                                                                          with this practice, in this review, we                  Foreign Trade Co., Ltd ...........                    12.51
                                                  administrative review.10 Under this                     calculated a weighted-average dumping                 Nanjing Caiqing Hardware Co.,
                                                  policy, the PRC-wide entity will not be                 margin for Stanley that is above de                     Ltd ...........................................       12.51
                                                  under review unless a party specifically                minimis and not based entirely on FA;                 Qingdao D&L Group Ltd .............                     12.51
                                                  requests, or the Department self-                       therefore, the Department assigned to                 SDC International Aust. PTY. Ltd                        12.51
                                                  initiates, a review of the entity. Because              the companies not individually                        Shandong Dinglong Import & Ex-
                                                  no party requested a review of the PRC-                 examined, but which demonstrated                        port Co., Ltd ............................            12.51
                                                  wide entity in this review, the entity is               their eligibility for a separate rate, the            Shanghai Curvet Hardware
                                                  not under review and the entity’s rate is                                                                       Products Co., Ltd ....................                12.51
                                                                                                          weighted-average dumping margin                       Shanghai Yueda Nails Industry
                                                  not subject to change (i.e., 118.04                     calculated for Stanley.                                 Co., Ltd ...................................          12.51
                                                  percent).11 Aside from the no shipments                                                                       Shanxi Hairui Trade Co., Ltd ......                     12.51
                                                  and separate rate companies discussed                   Methodology
                                                                                                                                                                Shanxi Pioneer Hardware Indus-
                                                  above, the Department considers all                        The Department conducted this                        trial Co., Ltd ............................           12.51
                                                  other companies for which a review was                  review in accordance with sections                    Shanxi Tianli Industries Co., Ltd                       12.51
                                                  requested,12 as well as the Shandong                    751(a)(1)(B) and 751(a)(2)(A) of the Act.             S-Mart (Tianjin) Technology De-
                                                  Oriental Cherry Entity, to be part of the               Constructed export prices and export                    velopment Co., Ltd ..................                 12.51
                                                  PRC-wide entity. For additional                         prices have been calculated in                        Suntec Industries Co., Ltd ..........                   12.51
                                                                                                          accordance with section 772 of the Act.               Tianjin Jinchi Metal Products
                                                  information, see the Preliminary                                                                                Co., Ltd ...................................          12.51
                                                  Decision Memorandum; see also                           Because the PRC is a non-market                       Tianjin Jinghai County Hongli In-
                                                  Appendix 2 for a list of companies                      economy country within the meaning of                   dustry & Business Co., Ltd .....                      12.51
                                                  considered as part of the PRC-wide                      section 771(18) of the Act, NV has been               Tianjin Lianda Group Co., Ltd ....                      12.51
                                                  entity.                                                 calculated in accordance with section                 Tianjin Universal Machinery Imp.
                                                                                                          773(c) of the Act.                                      & Exp. Corporation .................                  12.51
                                                  Rate for Separate-Rate Companies Not                       For a full description of the                      Tianjin Zhonglian Metals Ware
                                                  Individually Examined                                   methodology underlying our                              Co., Ltd ...................................          12.51
                                                    The statute and the Department’s                      conclusions, see the Preliminary                      Xi’an Metals & Minerals Import &
                                                                                                                                                                  Export Co., Ltd ........................              12.51
                                                  regulations do not address the                          Decision Memorandum. The
                                                  establishment of a rate to be applied to                Preliminary Decision Memorandum is a
                                                  respondents not selected for individual                 public document and is on file                        Disclosure, Public Comment and
                                                  examination when the Department                         electronically via Enforcement and                    Opportunity To Request a Hearing
                                                  limits its examination of companies                     Compliance’s Antidumping and                             The Department intends to disclose
                                                                                                          Countervailing Duty Centralized                       the calculations used in our analysis to
                                                    10 See Antidumping Proceedings: Announcement
                                                                                                          Electronic Service System (‘‘ACCESS’’).               parties in this review within five days
                                                  of Change in Department Practice for Respondent         ACCESS is available to registered users               of the date of publication of this notice
                                                  Selection in Antidumping Duty Proceedings and
                                                  Conditional Review of the Nonmarket Economy             at http://access.trade.gov, and is                    in accordance with 19 CFR 351.224(b).
                                                  Entity in NME Antidumping Duty Proceedings, 78          available to all parties in the Central                  Interested parties may submit case
                                                  FR 65963 (November 4, 2013).                            Records Unit, room B8024 of the main                  briefs within 30 days after the date of
                                                    11 See, e.g., id.; Certain Steel Nails from the
                                                                                                          Department of Commerce building. In                   publication of these preliminary results
                                                  People’s Republic of China: Final Results of                                                                  of review in the Federal Register.14
                                                  Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2012–
                                                                                                          addition, a complete version of the
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  2013, 80 FR 18816, 18817 and accompanying Issues        Preliminary Decision Memorandum can                   Rebuttals to case briefs, which must be
                                                  and Decision Memorandum (‘‘AR5 Final Results’’).                                                              limited to issues raised in the case
                                                    12 See Initiation of Antidumping and                    13 See Ball Bearings and Parts Thereof From         briefs, must be filed within five days
                                                  Countervailing Duty Administrative Reviews, 79 FR       France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United         after the time limit for filing case
                                                  51548, 51549 (August 29, 2014) (‘‘All firms listed      Kingdom: Final Results of Antidumping Duty            briefs.15 Parties who submit arguments
                                                  below that wish to qualify for separate rate status     Administrative Reviews and Rescission of Reviews
                                                  in the administrative reviews involving NME             in Part, 73 FR 52823, 52824 (September 11, 2008),
                                                                                                                                                                  14 See   19 CFR 351.309(c)(1)(ii).
                                                  countries must complete, as appropriate, either a       and accompanying Issues and Decision
                                                  separate rate application or certification * * *’’).    Memorandum at Comment 16.                               15 See   19 CFR 351.309(d)(1) and (2).

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 172 / Friday, September 4, 2015 / Notices                                                53493

                                                  are requested to submit with the                        in accordance with 19 CFR                               that have not been found to be entitled
                                                  argument (a) a statement of the issue, (b)              351.212(b)(1). Where an importer- (or                   to a separate rate, the cash deposit rate
                                                  a brief summary of the argument, and (c)                customer-) specific ad valorem rate is                  will be that for the PRC-wide entity; and
                                                  a table of authorities.16 Parties                       greater than de minimis, the Department                 (4) for all non-PRC exporters of subject
                                                  submitting briefs should do so pursuant                 will instruct CBP to collect the                        merchandise which have not received
                                                  to the Department’s electronic filing                   appropriate duties at the time of                       their own rate, the cash deposit rate will
                                                  system, ACCESS.17                                       liquidation.22 Where either a                           be the rate applicable to the PRC
                                                     Any interested party may request a                   respondent’s weighted average dumping                   exporter that supplied that non-PRC
                                                  hearing within 30 days of publication of                margin is zero or de minimis, or an                     exporter. These deposit requirements,
                                                  this notice.18 Hearing requests should                  importer- (or customer-) specific ad                    when imposed, shall remain in effect
                                                  contain the following information: (1)                  valorem rate is zero or de minimis, the                 until further notice.
                                                  The party’s name, address, and                          Department will instruct CBP to
                                                  telephone number; (2) the number of                     liquidate appropriate entries without                   Notification to Importers
                                                  participants; and (3) a list of the issues              regard to antidumping duties.23 For the                    This notice also serves as a
                                                  to be discussed. Oral presentations will                respondents that were not selected for                  preliminary reminder to importers of
                                                  be limited to issues raised in the briefs.              individual examination in this                          their responsibility under 19 CFR
                                                  If a request for a hearing is made, parties             administrative review and that qualified                351.402(f)(2) to file a certificate
                                                  will be notified of the time and date for               for a separate rate, the assessment rate                regarding the reimbursement of
                                                  the hearing to be held at the U.S.                      will be based on the average of the                     antidumping duties prior to liquidation
                                                  Department of Commerce, 14th Street                     mandatory respondents.24 We intend to                   of the relevant entries during the POR.
                                                  and Constitution Avenue NW.,                            instruct CBP to liquidate entries                       Failure to comply with this requirement
                                                  Washington, DC 20230.19                                 containing subject merchandise                          could result in the Department’s
                                                     The Department intends to issue the                  exported by the PRC-wide entity at the                  presumption that reimbursement of
                                                  final results of this administrative                    PRC-wide rate.                                          antidumping duties occurred and the
                                                  review, which will include the results of                  Pursuant to the Department’s practice,               subsequent assessment of double
                                                  our analysis of all issues raised in the                for entries that were not reported in the               antidumping duties.
                                                  case briefs, within 120 days of                         U.S. sales databases submitted by                          This preliminary determination is
                                                  publication of these preliminary results                companies individually examined                         issued and published in accordance
                                                  in the Federal Register, pursuant to                    during the administrative review, the                   with sections 751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of
                                                  section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Act.                        Department will instruct CBP to                         the Act, and 19 CFR 351.221(b)(4).
                                                  Assessment Rates                                        liquidate such entries at the PRC-wide                    Dated: August 28, 2015.
                                                                                                          rate. Additionally, if the Department
                                                     Upon issuance of the final results, the                                                                      Paul Piquado,
                                                                                                          determines that an exporter had no
                                                  Department will determine, and CBP                                                                              Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and
                                                                                                          shipments of the subject merchandise,
                                                  shall assess, antidumping duties on all                                                                         Compliance.
                                                                                                          any suspended entries that entered
                                                  appropriate entries covered by this                     under that exporter’s case number (i.e.,                Appendix 1—List of Topics Discussed
                                                  review.20 The Department intends to                     at that exporter’s rate) will be liquidated             in the Preliminary Decision
                                                  issue assessment instructions to CBP 15                 at the PRC-wide rate.25                                 Memorandum
                                                  days after the publication date of the
                                                  final results of this review.                           Cash Deposit Requirements                               1. Summary
                                                     For assessment purposes, the                                                                                 2. Background
                                                                                                            The following cash deposit                            3. Scope of the Order
                                                  Department applied the assessment rate                  requirements will be effective upon                     4. Preliminary Determination of No
                                                  calculation method adopted in                           publication of the final results of this                     Shipments
                                                  Antidumping Proceedings: Calculation                    review for shipments of the subject                     5. Non-Market Economy Country Status
                                                  of the Weighted-Average Dumping                         merchandise from the PRC entered, or                    6. PRC-Wide Entity
                                                  Margin and Assessment Rate in Certain                   withdrawn from warehouse, for                           7. Separate Rates
                                                  Antidumping Proceedings: Final                          consumption on or after the publication                 8. Affiliation
                                                  Modification.21 For any individually                    date, as provided by sections                           9. Application of Facts Available and Use of
                                                  examined respondent whose weighted                      751(a)(2)(C) of the Act: (1) For the                         Adverse Inference
                                                  average dumping margin is above de                                                                              10. Surrogate Country
                                                                                                          companies listed above that have a                      11. Date of Sale
                                                  minimis (i.e., 0.50 percent) in the final               separate rate, the cash deposit rate will               12. Comparisons to Normal Value
                                                  results of this review, the Department                  be that established in the final results of             13. Determination of Comparison Method
                                                  will calculate importer-specific                        this review (except, if the rate is zero or             14. Results of Differential Pricing Analysis
                                                  assessment rates on the basis of the ratio              de minimis, then zero cash deposit will                 15. U.S. Price
                                                  of the total amount of dumping                          be required); (2) for previously                        16. Normal Value
                                                  calculated for the importer’s examined                  investigated or reviewed PRC and non-                   17. Factor Valuations
                                                  sales to the total entered value of sales,              PRC exporters not listed above that                     18. Currency Conversion
                                                                                                          received a separate rate in a prior                     Appendix 2—Companies Subject to
                                                    16 See 19 CFR 351.309(c)(2), (d)(2).                  segment of this proceeding, the cash                    This Administrative Review That Are
                                                    17 See 19 CFR 351.303 (for general filing
                                                                                                          deposit rate will continue to be the                    Considered To Be Part of the PRC-Wide
                                                    18 See 19 CFR 351.310(c).
                                                                                                          existing exporter-specific rate; (3) for all            Entity
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    19 See 19 CFR 351.310(d).
                                                                                                          PRC exporters of subject merchandise
                                                                                                                                                                  ABF Freight System, Inc.
                                                    20 See 19 CFR 351.212(b).
                                                                                                            22 See 19 CFR 351.212(b)(1).                          Agritech Products Ltd.
                                                    21 See Antidumping Proceedings: Calculation of
                                                                                                            23 See 19 CFR 351.106(c)(2).                          Aihua Holding Group Co., Ltd.
                                                  the Weighted-Average Dumping Margin and
                                                  Assessment Rate in Certain Antidumping                    24 See Preliminary Decision Memorandum.               Aironware (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
                                                  Proceedings: Final Modification, 77 FR 8101               25 For a full discussion of this practice, see Non-   Anping County Anning Wire Mesh Co.
                                                  (February 14, 2012) in the manner described in          Market Economy Antidumping Proceedings:                 Anping Fuhua Wire Mesh Making Co.
                                                  more detail in the Preliminary Decision                 Assessment of Antidumping Duties, 76 FR 65694           APM Global Logistics O/B Hasbro Toy
                                                  Memorandum.                                             (October 24, 2011).                                     Beijing Daruixing Global Trading Co., Ltd.

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                                                  53494                       Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 172 / Friday, September 4, 2015 / Notices

                                                  Beijing Daruixing Nail Products Co., Ltd.               Hangzhou New Line Co., Ltd.                           Omega Products International
                                                  Beijing Hong Sheng Metal Products Co., Ltd.             Hangzhou Zhongding Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd.              OOCL Logistics O B of Winston Marketing
                                                  Beijing Hongsheng Metal Products Co., Ltd.              Hebei Development Metals Co., Ltd.                      Group
                                                  Beijing Jinheuang Co., Ltd.                             Hebei Jinsidun (JSD) Co., Ltd.                        Orisun Electronics HK Co., LTd.
                                                  Beijing Kang Jie Kong Cargo Agent                       Hebei Machinery Import and Export Co., Ltd.           Pacole International Ltd.
                                                  Beijing KJK Intl Cargo Agent Co., Ltd.                  Hebei Minmetals Co., Ltd.                             Panagene Inc.
                                                  Beijing Long Time Rich Tech Develop                     Hebei My Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.                      Pavilion Investmen Ltd.
                                                  Beijing Tri-Metal Co., Ltd.                             Hebei Super Star Pneumatic Nails Co., Ltd.            Perfect Seller Co., Ltd.
                                                  Beijing Yonghongsheng Metal Products Co.,               Henan Pengu Hardware Manufacturing Co.,               Prominence Cargo Service, Inc.
                                                    Ltd.                                                     Ltd.                                               Qianshan Huafeng Trading Co., Ltd.
                                                  Brighten International, Inc.                            Hengshui Mingyao Hardware & Mesh                      Qidong Liang Chyuan Metal Industry Co.,
                                                  Cana (Tianjin) Hardware Ind., Co., Ltd.                    Products Co., Ltd.                                   Ltd.
                                                  Cana (Tianjin) Hardware Industrial Co., Ltd.            Heretops (Hong Kong) International Ltd.               Qingdao Bestworld Industry Trading
                                                  Century Shenzhen Xiamen Branch                          Heretops Import & Export Co., Ltd.                    Qingdao D&L Group, Ltd.
                                                  Changzhou MC I/E Co., Ltd.                              Hilti (China) Limited                                 Qingdao D&L Group Co., Ltd.
                                                  Changzhou Quyuan Machinery Co., Ltd.                    HK Villatao Sourcing Co., Ltd.                        Qingdao Denarius Manufacture Co. Limited
                                                  Changzhou Refine Flag & Crafts Co., Ltd.                Hong Kong Hailiang Metal Trading Ltd.                 Qingdao Golden Sunshine ELE–EAQ Co.,
                                                  Chao Jinqiao Welding Material Co., Ltd.                 Hong Kong Yu Xi Co., Ltd.                               Ltd.
                                                  Chaohu Bridge Nail Industry Co., Ltd.                   Huadu Jin Chuan Manufactory Co Ltd.                   Qingdao International Fastening Systems Inc.
                                                  Chaohu Jinqiao Welding Material Co.                     Huanghua Honly Industry Corp.                         Qingdao Koram Steel Co., Ltd.
                                                  Chewink Corp.                                           Huanghua Huarong Hardware Products Co.,               Qingdao Lutai Industrial Products
                                                  Chiieh Yung Metal Industrial Corp.                         Ltd.                                                 Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
                                                  Chiieh Yung Metal Industrial Corporation                Huanghua Jinhai Metal Products Co., Ltd.              Qingdao Meijia Metal Products Co.
                                                  China Container Line (Shanghai) Ltd.                    Huanghua Shenghua Hardware Manufactory                Qingdao Rohuida International Trading Co.,
                                                  China Silk Trading & Logistics Co., Ltd.                   Factory                                            Qingdao Sino-Sun International Trading
                                                  China Staple Enterprise (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.             Huanghua Xinda Nail Production Co., Ltd.                Company Limited
                                                  Chongqing Hybest Nailery Co., Ltd.                      Huanghua Xiong Hua Hardware Product Co.,              Qingdao Super United Metals & Wood Prods.
                                                  Chongqing Hybest Tools Group Co., Ltd.                     Ltd.                                                 Co. Ltd.
                                                  Cintee Steel Products Co., Ltd.                         Huanghua Yufutai Hardware Products Co.,               Qingdao Tiger Hardware Co., Ltd.
                                                  Cyber Express Corporation                                  Ltd.                                               Qingfu Metal Craft Manufacturing Ltd.
                                                  CYM (Nanjing) Nail Manufacture Co., Ltd.                Hubei Boshilong Technology Co., Ltd.                  Qinghai Wutong (Group) Industry Co.
                                                  CYM (Nanjing) Ningquan Nail Manufacture                 Huiyuan Int’l Commerce Exhibition Co., Ltd.           Qingyuan County Hongyi Hardware Products
                                                    Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                          Jiashan Superpower Tools Co., Ltd.                      Factory
                                                  Dagang Zhitong Metal Products Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                          Jiaxing Yaoliang Import & Export Co., Ltd.            Qingyun Hongyi Hardware Factory
                                                  Damco Shenzhen
                                                                                                          Jinhua Kaixin Imp & Exp Ltd.                          Qinhuangdao Kaizheng Industry and Trade
                                                  Daxing Niantan Industrial
                                                                                                          Jining Huarong Hardware Products                        Co.
                                                  Delix International Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                          Joto Enterprise Co., Ltd.                             Q-Yield Outdoor Great Ltd.
                                                  Dingzhou Derunda Material and Trade Co.,
                                                                                                          Karuis Custom Metal Parts Mfg. Ltd.                   Region International Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                          Kasy Logistics (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.                    Richard Hung Ent. Co. Ltd.
                                                  Dingzhou Ruili Nail Production Co., Ltd.
                                                  Dong’e Fugiang Metal Products Co., Ltd.                 K.E. Kingstone                                        River Display Ltd.
                                                  Dongguan Five Stone Machinery Products                  Koram Panagene Co., Ltd.                              Rizhao Changxing Nail-Making Co., Ltd.
                                                    Trading Co., Ltd.                                     Kuehne & Nagel Ltd.                                   Rizhao Handuk Fasteners Co., Ltd.
                                                  ECO System Co., Ltd.                                    Kum Kang Trading Co., Ltd.                            Rizhao Qingdong Electronic Appliance Co.,
                                                  ECO System Corporation                                  Kyung Dong Corp.                                      Romp (Tianjin) Hardware Co., Ltd.
                                                  Elite International Logistics Co.                       Le Group Industries Corp. Ltd.                        Saikelong Electric Appliances (Suzhou) Co.,
                                                  Elite Master International Ltd.                         Leang Wey Int. Business Co., Ltd.                     Se Jung (China) Shipping Co., Ltd.
                                                  England Rich Group (China) Ltd.                         Liang’s Industrial Corp.                              SDC International Australia Pty., Ltd.
                                                  Entech Manufacturing (Shenzhen) Ltd.                    Lijiang Liantai Trading Co., Ltd.                     SDC International Australia (Pty) Ltd.
                                                  Expeditors China Tianjin Branch                         Linhai Chicheng Arts & Crafts Co., Ltd.               Senco Products, Inc.
                                                  Faithful Engineering Products Co. Ltd.                  Lins Corp.                                            Senco-Xingya Metal Products (Taicang) Co.,
                                                  Fedex International Freight Forward Agency              Linyi Flying Arrow Imp & Exp. Co., Ltd.                 Ltd.
                                                    Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                         Maanshan Cintee Steel Products Co., Ltd.              Shandex Co., Ltd.
                                                  Feiyin Co., Ltd.                                        Maanshan Leader Metal Products Co. Ltd.               Shandex Industrial Inc.
                                                  Fension International Trade Co., Ltd.                   Maanshan Longer Nail Product Co., Ltd.                Shandong Liaocheng Minghua Metal
                                                  Foreign Economic Relations & Trade                      Manufacutersinchina (HK) Company Ltd.                   Products Co. Ltd.
                                                  Fujiansmartness Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd.                   Marsh Trading Ltd.                                    Shandong Minmetals Co., Ltd.
                                                  Fuzhou Builddirect Ltd.                                 Master International Co., Ltd.                        Shandong Oriental Cherry Entity comprised
                                                  Goal Well Stone Co., Ltd.                               Mingguang Abundant Hardware Products                    of Shandong Oriental Cherry Hardware
                                                  Gold Union Group Ltd.                                      Co., Ltd.                                            Group., Ltd., Shandong Oriental Cherry
                                                  Goldever International Logistics Co.                    Nanjing Dayu Pneumatic Gun Nails Co., Ltd.              Hardware Import & Export Co., Ltd.,
                                                  Goldmax United Ltd.                                     Nanjing Yuechang Hardware Co. Ltd.                      Shandong Oriental Cherry Hardware Group
                                                  Grace News Inc.                                         Nantong Corporation for Internation                     Heze Products Co., Ltd., Jining Huarong
                                                  Guangdong Foreign Trade Import & Export                 Ningbo Bolun Electric Co., Ltd.                         Hardware Products Co., Ltd., Jining Dragon
                                                    Corporation                                           Ningbo Dollar King Industrial Co., Ltd.                 Fasteners Co., Ltd., and Jining Yonggu
                                                  Guangzhou Qiwei Imports and Exports Co.,                Ningbo Endless Energy Electronic Co., Ltd.              Metal Products Co., Ltd.
                                                    Ltd.                                                  Ningbo Fension International Trade Center             Shanghai Chengkai Hardware Product. Co.,
                                                  Guoxin Group Wang Shun I/E Co., Ltd.                    Ningbo Fortune Garden Tools and Equipment               Ltd.
                                                  GWP Industries (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.                         Inc.                                               Shanghai Colour Nail Co., Ltd.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  Haierc Industry Co., Ltd.                               Ningbo Haixin Railroad Material Co.                   Shanghai Ding Ying Printing & Dyeing CLO
                                                  Haixing Hongda Hardware Production Co.,                 Ningbo Huamao Imp & Exp. Co., Ltd.                    Shanghai GBR Group International Co.
                                                    Ltd.                                                  Ningbo Hyderon Hardware Co., Ltd.                     Shanghai Holiday Import & Export Co., Ltd.
                                                  Haixing Linhai Hardware Products Factory                Ningbo JF Tools Industrial Co., Ltd.                  Shanghai Jian Jie International TRA
                                                  Haiyan Fefine Import and Export Co.                     Ningbo KCN Electric Co., Ltd.                         Shanghai March Import & Export Company
                                                  Handuk Industrial Co., Ltd.                             Ningbo Meizhi Tools Co., Ltd.                           Ltd.
                                                  Hangzhou Kelong Electrical Appliance &                  Ningbo Ordam Import & Export Co., Ltd.                Shanghai Mizhu Imp & Exp Corporation
                                                    Tools Co. Ltd.                                        OEC Logistics (Qingdao) Co. Ltd.                      Shanghai Nanhui Jinjun Hardware Factory

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 172 / Friday, September 4, 2015 / Notices                                                 53495

                                                  Shanghai Pioneer Speakers Co., Ltd.                     Tianjin Everwin Metal Products Co., Ltd.              Wenzhou Yuwei Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.
                                                  Shanghai Pudong Int’l Transportation                    Tianjin Foreign Trade (Group) Textile &               Winsmart International Shipping Ltd. O/B
                                                    Booking Dep’t                                           Garment Co., Ltd.                                     Zhaoqing Harvest Nails Co., Ltd.
                                                  Shanghai Seti Enterprise International Co.,             Tianjin Hewang Nail Making Factory                    Wintime Import & Export Corporation
                                                    Ltd.                                                  Tianjin Huachang Metal Products Co., Ltd.               Limited of Zhongshan
                                                  Shanghai Shengxiang Hardware Co.                        Tianjin Huapeng Metal Company
                                                                                                                                                                Worldwide Logistics Co., Ltd. (Tianjin
                                                  Shanghai Suyu Railway Fastener Co.                      Tianjin Huasheng Nails Production Co., Ltd.
                                                  Shanghai Tengyu Hardware Products Co.,                  Tianjin Jetcom Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                  Branch)
                                                    Ltd.                                                  Tianjin Jieli Hengyuan Metallic Products Co.,         Wuhan Xinxin Native Produce & Animal By-
                                                  Shanghai Tymex International Trade Co.,                   Ltd.                                                  Products Mfg. Co. Ltd.
                                                    Ltd.                                                  Tianjin Jietong Hardware Products Co., Ltd.           Wuhu Sheng Zhi Industrial Co., Ltd.
                                                  Shanghai Yueda Fasteners Co., Ltd.                      Tianjin Jietong Metal Products Co., Ltd.              Wuhu Shijie Hardware Co., Ltd.
                                                  Shanxi Tianli Enterprise Co., Ltd.                      Tianjin Jin Gang Metal Products Co., Ltd.             Wuhu Xin Lan De Industrial Co., Ltd.
                                                  Shanxi Yuci Wire Material Factory                       Tianjin Jinjin Pharmaceutical Factory Co.,            Wuqiao County Huifeng Hardware Products
                                                  Shaoguang International Trade Co.                         Ltd.                                                  Factory
                                                  Shaoxing Chengye Metal Producting Co., Ltd.             Tianjin Jishili Hardware Co., Ltd.                    Wuqiao County Xinchuang Hardware
                                                  Shenyang Yulin International                            Tianjin JLHY Metal Products Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                  Products Factory
                                                  Shenzhen Changxinghongye Imp.                           Tianjin Jurun Metal Products Co., Ltd.
                                                  Shenzhen Erisson Technology Co., Ltd.                   Tianjin Kunxin Hardware Co., Ltd.                     Wuqiao Huifeng Hardware Production Co.,
                                                  Shenzhen Meiyuda Trade Co., Ltd.                        Tianjin Kunxin Metal Products Co., Ltd.                 Ltd.
                                                  Shenzhen Pacific-Net Logistics Inc.                     Tianjin Lianda Group Ltd.                             Wuxi Baolin Nail Enterprises
                                                  Shenzhen Shangqi Imports-Exports TR                     Tianjin Linda Metal Company                           Wuxi Baolin Nail-Making Machinery Co.,
                                                  Shijiazhuang Anao Imp & Export Co. Ltd.                 Tianjin Longxing (Group) Huanyu Imp. &                  Ltd.
                                                  Shijiazhuang Fangyu Import & Export Corp.                 Exp. Co., Ltd.                                      Wuxi Chengye Metal Products Co., Ltd.
                                                  Shijiazhuang Glory Way Trading Co.                      Tianjin Master Fastener Co., Ltd. (a/k/a              Wuxi Colour Nail Co., Ltd.
                                                  Shijiazhuang Fitex Trading Co., Ltd.                      Master Fastener Co., Ltd.)                          Wuxi Qiangye Metalwork Production Co.,
                                                  Shijiazhuang Shuangjian Tools Co., Ltd.                 Tianjin Mei Jia Hua Trade Co., Ltd.                     Ltd.
                                                  Shitong Int’l Holding Limited                           Tianjin Metals and Minerals
                                                                                                                                                                Wuxi Jinde Assets Management Co., Ltd.
                                                  Shouguang Meiqing Nail Industry Co., Ltd.               Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone Xiangtong Intl.
                                                                                                                                                                Wuxi Moresky Developing Co., Ltd.
                                                  Sinochem Tianjin Imp & Exp Shenzhen Corp.                 Industry & Trade Corp.
                                                  Sirius Global Logistics Co., Ltd.                       Tianjin Products & Energy Resources Dev.              Xiamen New Kunlun Trade Co., Ltd.
                                                  SMart (Tianjin) Technology Development                    Co., Ltd.                                           Xi’an Metals & Minerals Import and Export
                                                    Co., Ltd.                                             Tianjin Qichuan Metal Products Co. Ltd.                 Co., Ltd.
                                                  Sunfield Enterprise Corporation                         Tianjin Ruiji Metal Products Co., Ltd.                Xi’an Steel
                                                  Sunlife Enterprises (Yangjiang) Ltd.                    Tianjin Senbohengtong International                   XL Metal Works Co., Ltd.
                                                  Sunworld International Logistics                        Tianjin Senmiao Import and Export Co., Ltd.           XM International, Inc.
                                                  Superior International Australia Pty Ltd.               Tianjin Shenyuan Steel Producting Group               Xuzhou CIP International Group Co., Ltd.
                                                  Suzhou Guoxin Group Wangshun I/E Co.                      Co., Ltd.                                           Yeswin Corporation
                                                    Imp. Exp. Co., Ltd.                                   Tianjin Shishun Metal Product Co., Ltd.               Yitian Nanjing Hardware Co., Ltd.
                                                  Suzhou Xingya Nail Co., Ltd.                            Tianjin Shishun Metallic Products Co., Ltd.           Yiwu Dongshun Toys Manufacture
                                                  Suzhou Yaotian Metal Products Co., Ltd.                 Tianjin Tailai Import Export
                                                                                                                                                                Yiwu Excellent Import & Export Co., Ltd.
                                                  Stanley Fastening Systems LP                            Tianjin Universal Machinery Imp & Exp
                                                  Shandex Industrial                                        Corporation                                         Yiwu Jiehang Import & Export Co., Ltd.
                                                  Telex Hong Kong Industry Co., Ltd.                      Tianjin Universal Machinery Imp. & Exp.               Yiwu Qiaoli Import & Export Co., Ltd.
                                                  The Everest Corp.                                         Corp. Ltd.                                          Yiwu Richway Imp & Exp Co., Ltd.
                                                  Thermwell Products                                      Tianjin Universal Machinery Import & Export           Yiwu Zhongai Toys Co., Ltd.
                                                  Tian Jin Sundy Co., Ltd. (a/k/a/Tianjin                   Corp.                                               Yongcheng Foreign Trade Corp.
                                                    Sunny Co., Ltd.)                                      Tianjin Xiantong Fucheng Gun Nail                     Yu Chi Hardware Co., Ltd.
                                                  Tianjin Baisheng Metal Product Co., Ltd.                  Manufacture Co., Ltd.                               Yue Sang Plastic Factory
                                                  Tianjin Bosai Hardware Tools Co., Ltd.                  Tianjin Xiantong Juxiang Metal MFG Co.,               Yuhuan Yazheng Importing
                                                  Tianjin Chengyi International Trading Co.,                Ltd.                                                Zhangjiagang Lianfeng Metals Products Co.,
                                                    Ltd.                                                  Tianjin Xiantong Material & Trade Co., Ltd.             Ltd.
                                                  Tianjin Chentai International Trading Co.,              Tianjin Xinyuansheng Metal Products Co.,
                                                                                                                                                                Zhangjiagang Longxiang Packing Materials
                                                    Ltd.                                                    Ltd.
                                                  Tianjin City Dagang Area Jinding Metal                  Tianjin Yihao Metallic Products Co., Ltd.               Co.
                                                    Products Factory                                      Tianjin Yongchang Metal Product Co., Ltd.             Zhaoqing Harvest Nails Co., Ltd.
                                                  Tianjin City Daman Port Area Jinding Metal              Tianjin Yongxu Metal Products Co., Ltd.               Zhejiang Hungyan Xingzhou Industria
                                                    Products Factory                                      Tianjin Yongye Furniture                              Zhejiang Jinhua Nail Factory
                                                  Tianjin City Jinchi Metal Products Co., Ltd.            Tianjin Yongyi Standard Parts Production              Zhejiang Minmetals Sanhe Imp & Exp Co.
                                                  Tianjin Dagang Dongfu Metallic Products Co.,              Co., Ltd.                                           Zhejiang Qifeng Hardware Make Co., Ltd.
                                                    Ltd.                                                  Tianjin Zhong Jian Wanli Stone Co., Ltd.              Zhejiang Taizhou Eagle Machinery Co.
                                                  Tianjin Dagang Hewang Nail Factory                      Tianjin Zhongsheng Garment Co., Ltd.                  Zhejiang Yiwu Huishun Import/Export Co.,
                                                  Tianjin Dagang Hewang Nails Manufacture                 Tianwoo Logistics Developing Co. Ltd.                   Ltd.
                                                    Plant                                                 Topocean Consolidation Service (CHA) Ltd.             Zhongshan Junlong Nail Manufactures Co.,
                                                  Tianjin Dagang Huasheng Nailery Co., Ltd.               Traser Mexicana, S.A. De C.V.
                                                  Tianjin Dagang Jingang Nail Factory                     Treasure Way International Dev. Ltd.
                                                                                                          True Value Company (HK) Ltd.                          ZJG Lianfeng Metals Product Ltd.
                                                  Tianjin Dagang Jingang Nails Manufacture
                                                    Plant                                                 Unicatch Industrial Co. Ltd.                          [FR Doc. 2015–22065 Filed 9–3–15; 8:45 am]
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  Tianjin Dagang Linda Metallic Products Co.,             Unigain Trading Co., Ltd.                             BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P
                                                    Ltd.                                                  Union Enterprise (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. a.k.a.
                                                  Tianjin Dagang Longhua Metal Products                     Union Enterprise Co., Ltd.
                                                    Plant                                                 Wintime Import & Export Corporation
                                                  Tianjin Dagang Shenda Metal Products Co.,                 Limited of Zhongshan
                                                    Ltd.                                                  Weifang Xiaotian Machine Co., Ltd.
                                                  Tianjin Dagang Yate Nail Co., Ltd.                      Wenzhou KLF Medical Plastics Co., Lt.
                                                  Tianjin Dery Import and Export Co., Ltd.                Wenzhou Ouxin Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.

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Document Created: 2015-12-15 09:58:40
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 09:58:40
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ContactMatthew Renkey or Julia Hancock, AD/ CVD Operations, Office V, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230; telephone: 202-482-2312 or 202-482-1394, respectively.
FR Citation80 FR 53490 

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