80_FR_53950 80 FR 53777 - Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to the Rehabilitation of Jetty A at the Mouth of the Columbia River

80 FR 53777 - Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to the Rehabilitation of Jetty A at the Mouth of the Columbia River

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 173 (September 8, 2015)

Page Range53777-53786
FR Document2015-22069

In accordance with the regulations implementing the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) as amended, notification is hereby given that we have issued an incidental harassment authorization (IHA) to the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (the Corps) to incidentally harass, by Level B harassment only, six species of marine mammals during activities related to the rehabilitation of Jetty A at the mouth of the Columbia River (MCR).

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 173 (Tuesday, September 8, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 173 (Tuesday, September 8, 2015)]
[Pages 53777-53786]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-22069]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

RIN 0648-XD978

Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; 
Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to the Rehabilitation of Jetty A at 
the Mouth of the Columbia River

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Notice; issuance of an incidental harassment authorization.


SUMMARY: In accordance with the regulations implementing the Marine 
Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) as amended, notification is hereby given 
that we have issued an incidental harassment authorization (IHA) to the 
U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (the Corps) to incidentally harass, by 
Level B harassment only, six species of marine mammals during 
activities related to the rehabilitation of Jetty A at the mouth of the 
Columbia River (MCR).

DATES: This authorization is effective from May 1, 2016 through April 
30, 2017.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert Pauline, Office of Protected 
Resources, NMFS, (301) 427-8401.



    An electronic copy of the Corps' application and supporting 
documents, as well as a list of the references cited in this document, 
may be obtained by visiting the Internet at: www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/permits/incidental/construction.htm. In case of problems accessing 
these documents, please call the contact listed above (see FOR FURTHER 


    Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and (D) of the MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.) 
direct the Secretary of Commerce to allow, upon request, the 
incidental, but not intentional, taking of small numbers of marine 
mammals by U.S. citizens who engage in a specified activity (other than 
commercial fishing) within a specified geographical region if certain 
findings are made and either regulations are issued or, if the taking 
is limited to harassment, a notice of a proposed authorization is 
provided to the public for review.
    Authorization for incidental takings shall be granted if NMFS finds 
that the taking will have a negligible impact on the species or 
stock(s), will not have an unmitigable adverse impact on the 
availability of the species or stock(s) for subsistence uses (where 
relevant), and if the permissible methods of taking and requirements 
pertaining to the mitigation, monitoring and reporting of such takings 
are set forth. NMFS has defined ``negligible impact'' in 50 CFR 216.103 
as ``. . . an impact resulting from the specified activity that cannot 
be reasonably expected to, and is not reasonably likely to, adversely 
affect the species or stock through effects on annual rates of 
recruitment or survival.''
    Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA established an expedited process 
by which citizens of the U.S. can apply for an authorization to 
incidentally take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment. 
Section 101(a)(5)(D) establishes a 45-day time limit for NMFS' review 
of an application followed by a 30-day public notice and comment period 
on any proposed authorizations for the incidental harassment of marine 
mammals. Within 45 days of the close of the comment period, NMFS must 
either issue or deny the authorization. Except with respect to certain 
activities not pertinent here, the MMPA defines ``harassment'' as ``any 
act of pursuit, torment, or annoyance which (i) has the potential to 
injure a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild [Level A 
harassment]; or (ii) has the potential to disturb a marine mammal or 
marine mammal stock in the wild by causing disruption of behavioral 
patterns, including, but not limited to, migration, breathing, nursing, 
breeding, feeding, or sheltering [Level B harassment].''

Summary of Request

    On February 13, 2015 NMFS received an application from the Corps 
for the taking of marine mammals incidental to the rehabilitation of 
Jetty A at the MCR. On June 9, 2015 NMFS received a revised 
application. NMFS determined that the application was adequate and 
complete on June 12, 2015. The Corps proposes to conduct in-water work 
that may incidentally harass marine mammals (i.e., pile driving and 
removal). The use of vibratory pile driving is expected to produce 
underwater sound at levels that have the potential to result in 
behavioral harassment of marine mammals. Species with the expected 
potential to be present during the project timeframe include killer 
whale (Orcinus orca), Steller sea lion (Eumatopius jubatus), gray whale 
(Eschrichtius robustus), harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), 
California sea lion (Zalophus californianus), and harbor seal (Phoca 
vitulina richardii).

Description of the Specified Activity


    The Corps is seeking an IHA for the first year of pile installation 
and, possibly, removal work at Jetty A related to construction and 
maintenance of a barge offloading facility. The barge facility will be 
used for activities associated with the rehabilitation of Jetty A. The 
Corps is seeking this authorization by the end of August 2015 for 
contract bid scheduling reasons.

Dates and Duration

    Work on the first year of pile installation may begin as early as 
May 2016 and would extend through September 2017. Because the work may 
extend to two seasons the Corps has requested a Letter of Authorization 
(LOA) that would come into effect immediately after the IHA expires for 
the second year of pile maintenance and removal at Jetty A. The LOA 
would also

[[Page 53778]]

cover rehabilitation work planned for the North and South Jetties.

Specific Geographic Region

    This activity will take place at Jetty A at the MCR jetty system in 
Pacific County, Washington.

Detailed Description of Activities

    We provided a description of the proposed action in our Federal 
Register notice announcing the proposed authorization (80 FR 43739; 
July 23, 2015). Please refer to that document; we provide only summary 
information here.
    The scheduled rehabilitation of Jetty A would occur as part of the 
Corps' Major Rehabilitation program for the MCR jetty system. During 
the first year of the project, operators would install and potentially 
remove up to 24 24-in steel piles and 93 sections of Z or H piles using 
a vibratory hammer. USACE expects those activities to take 17 days and 
would limit them to daylight hours only.

Comments and Responses

    A notice of NMFS' proposal to issue an IHA was published in the 
Federal Register on July 23, 2015 (80 FR 43739). During the 30-day 
public comment period, the Marine Mammal Commission submitted a letter. 
The letter is available on the Internet at www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/permits/incidental/construction.htm. All comments specific to the 
Corps' application that address the statutory and regulatory 
requirements or findings NMFS must make to issue an IHA are addressed 
in this section of the Federal Register notice.
    Comment 1: The Commission recommends that a hydroacoustic 
monitoring plan be incorporated in subsequent years of activity under 
requested regulations, if and when issued. The Commission believes such 
a plan is prudent due to the types and sizes of piles to be installed 
and removed, the substrate of the environment, and the ambient sound 
and sound propagation loss associated with a river mouth opening into 
the open ocean.
    Response 1: NMFS agrees that a hydroacoustic monitoring plan would 
be valuable for defining potential injury and harassment zones during 
future years of the jetty rehabilitation project. There is very limited 
hydroacoustic data pertaining to the MCR. NMFS will work with the 
applicant to devise a monitoring plan during the next application 

Description of Marine Mammals in the Area of the Specified Activity

    There are six marine mammal species known to occur in the vicinity 
of the MCR which may be subjected to Level B harassment. These are the 
killer whale, Steller sea lion, gray whale, harbor porpoise, California 
sea lion, and harbor seal.
    We have reviewed the Corps' detailed species descriptions, 
including life history information, for accuracy and completeness and 
refer the reader to Section 3 of the Corps' application as well as the 
proposed incidental harassment authorization published in the Federal 
Register (80 FR 43739) instead of reprinting the information here. 
Please also refer to NMFS' Web site (www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/mammals) for generalized species accounts which provide information 
regarding the biology and behavior of the marine resources that occur 
in the vicinity of the MCR. We provided additional information for the 
potentially affected stocks, including details of stock-wide status, 
trends, and threats, in our Federal Register notice of proposed 
authorization (80 FR 43739).
    Table 1 lists marine mammal stocks that could occur in the vicinity 
of the Jetty A project that may be subject to Level B harassment and 
summarizes key information regarding stock status and abundance. 
Taxonomically, we follow Committee on Taxonomy (2014). Please see NMFS' 
Stock Assessment Reports (SAR), available at www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars, 
for more detailed accounts of these stocks' status and abundance.

  Table 1--List of Marine Mammal Species Under NMFS Jurisdiction That Occur in the Vicinity of the MCR Project
                                                     Area *
                                 Stock(s) abundance                                      Frequency of occurrence
           Species                  estimate \1\         ESA status     MMPA * status              \3\
Killer Whale (Orcinus orca),   85...................  Endangered.....  Depleted and     Infrequent/Rare.
 Eastern N. Pacific, Southern                                           Strategic.
 Resident Stock.
Killer Whale (Orcinus orca),   243..................  ...............  Non-depleted...  Rare.
 Eastern N. Pacific, West
 Coast Transient Stock.
Gray Whale (Eschrichtius       18,017 (173).........  Delisted/        Non-depleted...  Rare.
 robustus), Eastern North                              Recovered
 Pacific Stock, (Pacific                               (1994).
 Coast Feed Group).
Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena      21,487...............  ...............  Non-depleted...  Likely.
 phocoena), Northern Oregon/
 Washington Coast Stock.
Steller Sea Lion (Eumetopias   63,160-78,198........  Delisted/        Depleted and     Likely.
 jubatus), Eastern U.S. Stock/                         Recovered        Strategic \2\.
 DPS**.                                                (2013).
California Sea Lion (Zalophus  296,750..............  ...............  Non-depleted...  Likely.
 californianus), U.S. Stock.
Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina    24,732 \4\...........  ...............  Non-depleted...  Seasonal.
 richardii), Oregon and
 Washington Stock.
\1\ NOAA/NMFS 2014 marine mammal stock assessment reports at http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/species.htm.
\2\ May be updated based on the recent delisting status.
\3\ Frequency defined here in the range of:
 Rare--Few confirmed sightings, or the distribution of the species is near enough to the area that the
  species could occur there.
 Infrequent--Confirmed, but irregular sightings.
 Likely--Confirmed and regular sightings of the species in the area year-round.
 Seasonal--Confirmed and regular sightings of the species in the area on a seasonal basis.
\4\ Data is 8 years old. No current abundance estimates exist.
* MMPA = Marine Mammal Protection Act.
** DPS = Distinct population segment.

[[Page 53779]]

Potential Effects of the Specified Activity on Marine Mammals

    The Federal Register notice of proposed authorization (80 FR 
43739), incorporated here by reference, provides a general background 
on sound relevant to the specified activity as well as a detailed 
description of marine mammal hearing and of the potential effects of 
these construction activities on marine mammals.

Anticipated Effects on Habitat

    We described potential impacts to marine mammal habitat in detail 
in our Federal Register notice of proposed authorization. In summary, 
the project activities would not modify existing marine mammal habitat. 
The activities may cause some fish to leave the area of disturbance, 
thus temporarily impacting marine mammals' foraging opportunities in a 
limited portion of the foraging range. Because of the short duration of 
the activities and the relatively small area of the habitat that may be 
affected, the impacts to marine mammal habitat are not expected to 
cause significant or long-term negative consequences for individual 
marine mammals or their populations


    In order to issue an IHA under section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA, 
NMFS must set forth the permissible methods of taking pursuant to such 
activity, ``and other means of effecting the least practicable impact 
on such species or stock and its habitat, paying particular attention 
to rookeries, mating grounds, and areas of similar significance, and on 
the availability of such species or stock for taking'' for certain 
subsistence uses.
    Measurements from similar pile driving events were coupled with 
practical spreading loss to estimate zones of influence (ZOI; see 
``Estimated Take by Incidental Harassment''). ZOIs are often used to 
establish a mitigation zone around each pile (when deemed practicable) 
to prevent Level A harassment to marine mammals, and also provide 
estimates of the areas within which Level B harassment might occur. 
ZOIs may vary between different diameter piles and types of 
installation methods. The Corps will employ the following mitigation 
    (a) Conduct briefings between construction supervisors and crews, 
marine mammal monitoring team, and the Corps' staff prior to the start 
of all pile driving activity, and when new personnel join the work, in 
order to explain responsibilities, communication procedures, marine 
mammal monitoring protocol, and operational procedures.
    (b) For in-water heavy machinery work other than pile driving 
(using, e.g., standard barges, tug boats, barge-mounted excavators, or 
clamshell equipment used to place or remove material), if a marine 
mammal comes within 10 m, operations shall cease and vessels shall 
reduce speed to the minimum level required to maintain steerage and 
safe working conditions. This type of work could include the following 
activities: (1) Movement of the barge to the pile location or (2) 
positioning of the pile on the substrate via a crane (i.e., stabbing 
the pile).

Monitoring and Shutdown for Pile Driving

    The following measures apply to the Corps' mitigation through 
shutdown and disturbance zones:
    Shutdown Zone--For all pile driving activities, the Corps will 
establish a shutdown zone. Shutdown zones are intended to contain the 
area in which SPLs equal or exceed the 180/190 dB rms acoustic injury 
criteria, with the purpose being to define an area within which 
shutdown of activity would occur upon sighting of a marine mammal (or 
in anticipation of an animal entering the defined area), thus 
preventing injury of marine mammals. The estimated shutdown zone for 
Level A injury to cetaceans would be 1 meter. The Corps, however, would 
implement a minimum shutdown zone of 10 m radius for all marine mammals 
around all vibratory pile driving and removal activities. These 
precautionary measures are intended to further reduce the unlikely 
possibility of injury from direct physical interaction with 
construction operations.
    Disturbance Zone--Disturbance zones are the areas in which sound 
pressure levels (SPLs) equal or exceed 120 dB rms (for continuous 
sound) for pile driving installation and removal. Disturbance zones 
provide utility for monitoring conducted for mitigation purposes (i.e., 
shutdown zone monitoring) by establishing monitoring protocols for 
areas adjacent to the shutdown zones. Monitoring of disturbance zones 
enables observers to be aware of and communicate the presence of marine 
mammals in the project area but outside the shutdown zone and thus 
prepare for potential shutdowns of activity. However, the primary 
purpose of disturbance zone monitoring is for documenting incidents of 
Level B harassment. Nominal radial distances for disturbance zones are 
shown in Table 2. The shutdown zone for Level B injury wound extend 
7,356 meters from the sound source. Given the size of the disturbance 
zone for vibratory pile driving, it is impossible to guarantee that all 
animals would be observed or to make comprehensive observations of 
fine-scale behavioral reactions to sound. We discuss monitoring 
objectives and protocols in greater depth in ``Monitoring and 

 Table 2--Calculated Area Encompassed Within Zone of Influence at MCR Jetties for Underwater Marine Mammal Sound
                                              Thresholds at Jetty A
                                  Underwater                                       Area excluding land & jetty
            Jetty                 threshold            Distance--m (mi)               masses--km\2\ (mi\2\)
Jetty A: ~ Station 78+50,      Vibratory        0.............................  0
 River Side.                    driving,
                                injury (190
                               Vibratory        1 (3.3).......................  <0.000003 (0.000001)
                                injury (180
                               Vibratory        7,356 (4.6 miles).............  23.63 (9.12)
                                (120 dB).

    Time Restrictions--Work would occur only during daylight hours, 
when visual monitoring of marine mammals can be conducted. In order 
minimize impact to Southern resident killer whales, in-water work will 
not be conducted during their primary feeding season extending from 
October 1 until on or after May 1. Installation could occur from May 1 
through September 30 each year.
    In order to document observed incidents of harassment, observers 
record all marine mammal observations, regardless of location. The 
observer's location, as well as the location of the pile being driven, 
is known from a GPS. The location of the animal is estimated as a 
distance from the observer, which is then compared to the location from 
the pile and the estimated ZOIs for relevant activities (i.e., pile 
installation and removal). This information may then be used to 
extrapolate observed

[[Page 53780]]

takes to reach an approximate understanding of actual total takes.
    Soft Start--The use of a soft start procedure is believed to 
provide additional protection to marine mammals by warning or providing 
a chance to leave the area prior to the hammer operating at full 
capacity, and typically involves a requirement to initiate sound from 
the hammer at reduced energy followed by a waiting period. This 
procedure is repeated two additional times. It is difficult to specify 
the reduction in energy for any given hammer because of variation 
across drivers. The project will utilize soft start techniques for all 
vibratory pile driving. We require the Corps to initiate sound from 
vibratory hammers for fifteen seconds at reduced energy followed by a 
thirty-second waiting period, with the procedure repeated two 
additional times. Soft start will be required at the beginning of each 
day's pile driving work and at any time following a cessation of pile 
driving of 20 minutes or longer.


    Monitoring Protocols--Monitoring would be conducted before, during, 
and after pile driving. In addition, observers shall record all 
incidents of marine mammal occurrence, regardless of distance from 
activity, and shall document any behavioral reactions in concert with 
distance from piles being driven. Observations made outside the 
shutdown zone will not result in shutdown and that pile segment would 
be completed without cessation, unless the animal approaches or enters 
the shutdown zone, at which point all pile driving activities would be 
halted. Monitoring will take place from thirty minutes prior to 
initiation through thirty minutes post-completion of pile driving 
activities. Pile driving activities include the time to remove a single 
pile or series of piles, as long as the time elapsed between uses of 
the pile driving equipment is no more than thirty minutes.
    The following additional measures apply to visual monitoring:
    (1) Monitoring will be conducted by qualified observers, who will 
be placed at the best vantage point(s) practicable to monitor for 
marine mammals and implement shutdown/delay procedures when applicable 
by calling for the shutdown to the hammer operator. One observer will 
be placed on or near the drilling rig near Jetty A while a second 
observer will be stationed on the opposite side of the observable zone 
of influence on Clatsop Spit. Qualified observers are trained 
biologists, with the following minimum qualifications:
    (a) Visual acuity in both eyes (correction is permissible) 
sufficient for discernment of moving targets at the water's surface 
with ability to estimate target size and distance; use of binoculars 
may be necessary to correctly identify the target;
    (b) Advanced education in biological science or related field 
(undergraduate degree or higher required);
    (c) Experience and ability to conduct field observations and 
collect data according to assigned protocols (this may include academic 
    (d) Experience or training in the field identification of marine 
mammals, including the identification of behaviors;
    (e) Sufficient training, orientation, or experience with the 
construction operation to provide for personal safety during 
    (f) Writing skills sufficient to prepare a report of observations 
including but not limited to the number and species of marine mammals 
observed; dates and times when in-water construction activities were 
conducted; dates and times when in-water construction activities were 
suspended to avoid potential incidental injury from construction sound 
of marine mammals observed within a defined shutdown zone; and marine 
mammal behavior; and
    (g) Ability to communicate orally, by radio or in person, with 
project personnel to provide real-time information on marine mammals 
observed in the area as necessary.
    (2) Prior to the start of pile driving activity, the shutdown zone 
will be monitored for 30 minutes to ensure that it is clear of marine 
mammals. Pile driving will only commence once observers have declared 
the shutdown zone clear of marine mammals; animals will be allowed to 
remain in the shutdown zone (i.e., must leave of their own volition) 
and their behavior will be monitored and documented. The shutdown zone 
may only be declared clear, and pile driving started, when the entire 
shutdown zone is visible (i.e., when not obscured by dark, rain, fog, 
    If waters exceed a sea-state which restricts the observers' ability 
to make observations within the marine mammal shutdown zone (e.g. 
excessive wind or fog), pile installation will cease. Pile driving will 
not be initiated until the entire shutdown zone is visible.
    The waters will be scanned 30 minutes prior to commencing pile 
driving at the beginning of each day, and prior to commencing pile 
driving after any stoppage of 30 minutes or greater. If marine mammals 
enter or are observed within the designated marine mammal shutdown zone 
during or 30 minutes prior to pile driving, the monitors will notify 
the on-site construction manager to not begin until the animal has 
moved outside the designated radius.
    If any marine mammal species are encountered during activities that 
are not listed in Table 1 for authorized taking and are likely to be 
exposed to sound pressure levels (SPLs) greater than or equal to 120 dB 
re 1mPa (rms), then the Holder of this Authorization must stop pile 
driving activities and report observations to NMFS' Office of Protected 
Resources at (301) 847-8401.
    If a marine mammal approaches or enters the shutdown zone during 
the course of vibratory pile driving operations, activity will be 
halted and delayed until the animal has voluntarily left and been 
visually confirmed beyond the shutdown zone. If a marine mammal is seen 
above water and then dives below, the contractor would wait 15 minutes 
for pinnipeds and 30 minutes for cetaceans. If no marine mammals are 
seen by the observer in that time it will be assumed that the animal 
has moved beyond the exclusion zone.
    Monitoring will be conducted throughout the time required to drive 
a pile.
    (3) Marine mammal presence within the Level B harassment zone will 
be monitored, but vibratory driving will not be stopped if marine 
mammals are found to be present. Any marine mammal documented within 
the Level B harassment zone during vibratory driving would constitute a 
Level B take (harassment), and will be recorded and reported as such.

Mitigation Conclusions

    We have carefully evaluated the Corps' proposed mitigation measures 
and considered their effectiveness in past implementation to determine 
whether they are likely to effect the least practicable impact on the 
affected marine mammal species and stocks and their habitat. Our 
evaluation of potential measures included consideration of the 
following factors in relation to one another: (1) The manner in which, 
and the degree to which, the successful implementation of the measure 
is expected to minimize adverse impacts to marine mammals, (2) the 
proven or likely efficacy of the specific measure to minimize adverse 
impacts as planned; and (3) the practicability of the measure for 
applicant implementation.
    Any mitigation measure(s) we prescribe should be able to 
accomplish, have a reasonable likelihood of accomplishing (based on 

[[Page 53781]]

science), or contribute to the accomplishment of one or more of the 
general goals listed below:
    (1) Avoidance or minimization of injury or death of marine mammals 
wherever possible (goals 2, 3, and 4 may contribute to this goal).
    (2) A reduction in the number (total number or number at 
biologically important time or location) of individual marine mammals 
exposed to stimuli expected to result in incidental take (this goal may 
contribute to 1, above, or to reducing takes by behavioral harassment 
    (3) A reduction in the number (total number or number at 
biologically important time or location) of times any individual marine 
mammal would be exposed to stimuli expected to result in incidental 
take (this goal may contribute to 1, above, or to reducing takes by 
behavioral harassment only).
    (4) A reduction in the intensity of exposure to stimuli expected to 
result in incidental take (this goal may contribute to 1, above, or to 
reducing the severity of behavioral harassment only).
    (5) Avoidance or minimization of adverse effects to marine mammal 
habitat, paying particular attention to the prey base, blockage or 
limitation of passage to or from biologically important areas, 
permanent destruction of habitat, or temporary disturbance of habitat 
during a biologically important time.
    (6) For monitoring directly related to mitigation, an increase in 
the probability of detecting marine mammals, thus allowing for more 
effective implementation of the mitigation.
    Based on our evaluation of the Corps' proposed measures, including 
information from monitoring of implementation of mitigation measures 
very similar to those described here under previous IHAs from other 
marine construction projects, we have determined that the proposed 
mitigation measures provide the means of effecting the least 
practicable impact on marine mammal species or stocks and their 
habitat, paying particular attention to rookeries, mating grounds, and 
areas of similar significance.

Monitoring and Reporting

    In order to issue an IHA for an activity, section 101(a)(5)(D) of 
the MMPA states that NMFS must set forth ``requirements pertaining to 
the monitoring and reporting of such taking''. The MMPA implementing 
regulations at 50 CFR 216.104 (a)(13) indicate that requests for 
incidental take authorizations must include the suggested means of 
accomplishing the necessary monitoring and reporting that will result 
in increased knowledge of the species and of the level of taking or 
impacts on populations of marine mammals that are expected to be 
present in the proposed action area.
    Any monitoring requirement we prescribe should improve our 
understanding of one or more of the following:
    (1) An increase in the probability of detecting marine mammals, 
both within the mitigation zone (thus allowing for more effective 
implementation of the mitigation) and in general to generate more data 
to contribute to the analyses mentioned below;
    (2) An increase in our understanding of how many marine mammals are 
likely to be exposed to levels of pile driving that we associate with 
specific adverse effects, such as behavioral harassment, TTS, or PTS;
    (3) An increase in our understanding of how marine mammals respond 
to stimuli expected to result in take and how anticipated adverse 
effects on individuals (in different ways and to varying degrees) may 
impact the population, species, or stock (specifically through effects 
on annual rates of recruitment or survival) through any of the 
following methods:
    [ssquf] Behavioral observations in the presence of stimuli compared 
to observations in the absence of stimuli (need to be able to 
accurately predict received level, distance from source, and other 
pertinent information);
    [ssquf] Physiological measurements in the presence of stimuli 
compared to observations in the absence of stimuli (need to be able to 
accurately predict received level, distance from source, and other 
pertinent information);
    [ssquf] Distribution and/or abundance comparisons in times or areas 
with concentrated stimuli versus times or areas without stimuli;
    (4) An increased knowledge of the affected species; and
    (5) An increase in our understanding of the effectiveness of 
certain mitigation and monitoring measures.
    The Corps consulted with NMFS to create a marine mammal monitoring 
plan as part of the IHA application for this project.

Visual Marine Mammal Observations

     Two individuals meeting the minimum qualifications 
previously identified will monitor the marine mammal buffer area and 
Level B harassment zones during vibratory pile. Monitors will be 
stationed on the drilling rig or Jetty A as well as on Clatsop Spit.
     During vibratory pile driving, the area within 10 meters 
of pile driving activity will be monitored and maintained as a marine 
mammal buffer area in which pile installation will not commence or will 
be suspended temporarily if any marine mammals are observed within or 
approaching the area of potential disturbance. The Level B harassment 
area will be monitored by 2 observers at locations listed above. The 
monitoring staff will record any presence of marine mammals by species, 
will document any behavioral responses noted, and record Level B takes 
when sightings overlap with pile installation activities.
     The individuals will scan the waters within each 
monitoring zone activity using binoculars (Vector 10X42 or equivalent), 
spotting scopes (Swarovski 20-60 zoom or equivalent), and visual 
     The area within which the Level B harassment thresholds 
could be exceeded during vibratory pile driving will be monitored for 
the presence of marine mammals. Marine mammal presence within these 
zones, if any, will be monitored but pile driving activity will not be 
stopped if marine mammals were found to be present. Any marine mammal 
documented within the Level B harassment zone will constitute a Level B 
take, and will be recorded and used to document the number of take 
     If waters exceed a sea-state which restricts the 
observers' ability to make observations within the marine mammal buffer 
zone (e.g. excessive wind or fog), pile installation will cease until 
conditions allow the resumption of monitoring.
     The waters will be scanned for 30 minutes before, during, 
and 30 minutes after any and all pile driving and removal activities.
     If marine mammals enter or are observed within the 
designated marine mammal buffer zone (10 m) during or 30 minutes prior 
to pile driving, the monitors will notify the on-site construction 
manager to not begin until the animal has moved outside the designated 
     If a marine mammal approaches the shutdown zone prior to 
initiation of pile driving, the Corps cannot commence activities until 
the marine mammal (a) is observed to have left the Level A harassment 
zone or (b) has not been seen or otherwise detected within the Level A 
harassment zone for 30 minutes.
     The waters will continue to be scanned for at least 30 
minutes after pile driving has completed each day, and

[[Page 53782]]

after each stoppage of 30 minutes or greater.

Data Collection

    We require that observers use approved data forms. Among other 
pieces of information, the Corps will record detailed information about 
any implementation of shutdowns, including the distance of animals to 
the pile and description of specific actions that ensued and resulting 
behavior of the animal, if any. In addition, the Corps will attempt to 
distinguish between the number of individual animals taken and the 
number of incidents of take. We require that, at a minimum, the 
following information be collected on the sighting forms:
     Date and time that monitored activity begins or ends;
     Construction activities occurring during each observation 
     Weather parameters (e.g., percent cover, visibility);
     Water conditions (e.g., sea state, tide state);
     Species, numbers, and, if possible, sex and age class of 
marine mammals;
     Description of any observable marine mammal behavior 
patterns, including bearing and direction of travel and distance from 
pile driving activity;
     Distance from pile driving activities to marine mammals 
and distance from the marine mammals to the observation point;
     Locations of all marine mammal observations; and
     Other human activity in the area.


    The Corps will notify NMFS prior to the initiation of the pile 
driving activities. The Corps will provide NMFS with a draft monitoring 
report within 90 days of the conclusion of the proposed construction 
work. This report will detail the monitoring protocol, summarize the 
data recorded during monitoring, and estimate the number of marine 
mammals that may have been harassed. If no comments are received from 
NMFS within 30 days, the draft final report will constitute the final 
report. If comments are received, a final report must be submitted 
within 30 days after receipt of comments.

Estimated Take by Incidental Harassment

    Except with respect to certain activities not pertinent here, 
section 3(18) of the MMPA defines ``harassment'' as: ``. . . any act of 
pursuit, torment, or annoyance which (i) has the potential to injure a 
marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild [Level A harassment]; 
or (ii) has the potential to disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal 
stock in the wild by causing disruption of behavioral patterns, 
including, but not limited to, migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, 
feeding, or sheltering [Level B harassment].''
    All anticipated takes would be by Level B harassment resulting from 
vibratory pile driving/removal and involving temporary changes in 
behavior. Injurious or lethal takes are not expected due to the 
expected source levels and sound source characteristics associated with 
the activity, and the planned mitigation and monitoring measures are 
expected to further minimize the possibility of such take.
    Given the many uncertainties in predicting the quantity and types 
of impacts of sound in every given situation on marine mammals, it is 
common practice to estimate how many animals are likely to be present 
within a particular distance of a given activity, or exposed to a 
particular level of sound, based on the available science.
    This practice potentially overestimates the numbers of marine 
mammals taken for stationary activities, as it is likely that some 
smaller number of individuals may accrue a number of incidences of 
harassment per individual than for each incidence to accrue to a new 
individual, especially if those individuals display some degree of 
residency or site fidelity and the impetus to use the site (e.g., 
because of foraging opportunities) is stronger than the deterrence 
presented by the harassing activity.
    The Corps requested authorization for the incidental taking of 
small numbers of killer whale, Gray whale, harbor porpoise, Steller sea 
lion, California sea lion, and harbor seal near the MCR project area 
that may result from vibratory pile driving and removal during 
construction activities associated with the rehabilitation of Jetty A 
at the MCR.
    In order to estimate the potential incidents of take that may occur 
incidental to the specified activity, we must first estimate the extent 
of the sound field that may be produced by the activity and then 
consider in combination with information about marine mammal density or 
abundance in the project area. We provided detailed information on 
applicable sound thresholds for determining effects to marine mammals 
as well as describing the information used in estimating the sound 
fields, the available marine mammal density or abundance information, 
and the method of estimating potential incidences of take, in our 
Federal Register notice of proposed authorization (80 FR 43739; July 
23, 2015).
    Table 2 above illustrated that during vibratory driving the120 dB 
Level B harassment threshold could be exceeded at 7,356 meters. Note 
that the actual area ensonified by pile driving activities is 
significantly constrained by local topography relative to the 
identified threshold radii.
    The method used for calculating potential exposures to vibratory 
pile driving noise for each threshold was estimated using local marine 
mammal data sets, the Biological Opinion, best professional judgment 
from state and federal agencies, and data from IHA estimates on similar 
projects with similar actions. All estimates are conservative and 
include the following assumptions:
     During construction, each species could be present in the 
project area each day. The potential for a take is based on a 24-hour 
period. The model assumes that there can be one potential take (Level B 
harassment exposure) per individual per 24-hours.
     All pilings installed at each site would have an 
underwater noise disturbance equal to the piling that causes the 
greatest noise disturbance (i.e., the piling furthest from shore) 
installed with the method that has the largest ZOI. The largest 
underwater disturbance ZOI would be produced by vibratory driving steel 
piles. The ZOIs for each threshold are not spherical and are truncated 
by land masses which would dissipate sound pressure waves.
     Exposures were based on an estimated 17 days of in-water 

In absence of site specific underwater acoustic propagation modeling, 
the practical spreading loss model was used to determine the ZOI.
    Southern resident killer whales have been observed offshore near 
the study area and ZOI, but the Corps does not have fine-scale details 
on frequency of use. While killer whales do occur in the Columbia River 
plume, where fresh water from the river intermixes with salt water from 
the ocean, they are rarely seen in the interior of the Columbia River 
Jetty system. The ensonified area associated with the proposed action 
at Jetty A does not extend out into the open ocean where killer whales 
are likely to be found. Furthermore, the Corps has limited its pile 
installation window in order to avoid peak salmon runs and any overlap 
with the presence of Southern residents. To ensure no Level B 
acoustical harassment occurs, the Corps will restrict pile installation 
from October 1 until April 30 of each season. However, this restriction 

[[Page 53783]]

enacted primarily for construction work at the North and South jetties, 
where the ensonified zone will radiate out towards the open ocean. As 
such NMFS is not anticipating any acoustic exposure to Southern 
residents. Also note that in the 2011 Biological Opinion, NMFS issued a 
not likely to adversely affect determination. Therefore, NMFS has 
determined that authorization of take for Southern residents is not 
    Western Transient killer whales may be traversing offshore over a 
greater duration of time than the feeding resident. They are rarely 
observed inside of the jetty system. The Southwest Fisheries Science 
Center (SWFSC) stratum model under the Marine Animal Monitor Model 
provides an estimated density of 0.00070853 animals per km\2\for summer 
killer whales for areas near MCR, which may provide a surrogate proxy 
value for assuming possible densities near the jetties (Barlow et al. 
2009, Halpin et al. 2009 at OBIS-SEAMAP). Given anecdotal evidence 
(Griffith 2015) and sightings recorded on the OBIS network from surveys 
done in 2005 (Halpin et al. 2009, OBIS-SEAMAP 2015), this density may 
be appropriate for the MCR vicinity.
    The following formula was used to calculate exposure using

Exposure Estimate = (0.000708DensityEstimate * 
23.63ZOI Jetty A * 17days) = 0.28 killer whale 


NDensityEstimate = Represents estimated density of 
species within the 4.6-mile radius (23.63 km\2\) encompassing the 
ZOI at Jetty A; using the density model suggested by NOAA (2015), 
this equates to 0.000708 animals per km\2\(Barlow et al. 2009).
Days = Total days of pile installation or removal activity (~17 

    Given the low density and rare occurrence of transient killer 
whales in the ZOI, exposure of feeding or transient killer whales to 
Level B acoustical harassment from pile driving is unlikely to occur. 
However, NMFS proposes to authorize take of small number due to the 
remote chance that transient orcas remain in the vicinity to feed on 
pinnipeds that frequent the haulouts at the South Jetty.
    NMFS believes that an authorized take of 8 transients is warranted 
because solitary killer whales are rarely observed, and transient 
whales travel in pods of 2-15 members. NMFS has assumed a pod size of 
    Based on anecdotal information and sightings between 2006 and 2011 
(Halpin et al. 2009 at OBIS SEAMAP 2015), gray whales may be in the 
proximity of the proposed action area and exposed to underwater 
acoustic disturbances. However, no data exists that is specific to 
presence and numbers in the MCR vicinity and gray whale density 
estimates were not available on the SERDP or OBIS-SEAMAP web model 
sites. Anecdotal evidence also indicates gray whales have been seen at 
MCR, but are not a common visitor, as they mostly remain in the 
vicinity of the further offshore shelf-break (Griffith 2015). According 
to NOAA's Cetacean Mapping classification of the MCR vicinity 
pertaining to gray whale use, its Biologically Important Area 
categorization is indicated as a migration corridor (http://cetsound.noaa.gov/biologically-important-area-map). As primarily bottom 
feeders, gray whales are the most coastal of all great whales; they 
primarily feed in shallow continental shelf waters and live much of 
their lives within a few tens of kilometers of shore (Barlow et. al. 
2009 on OBIS--SEAMAP 2015).
    The Pacific Coast Feeding Group or northbound summer migrants would 
be the most likely gray whales to be in the vicinity of MCR. Since no 
information pertaining to gray whale densities could be identified, 
NMFS elected to apply proxy data for estimating densities. As a proxy, 
data pertinent to humpback whales (0.0039 animals per km\2\) was 
selected because both are baleen species found near the MCR vicinity 
for the same purposes (as a migration route or temporary feeding zone). 
However, the number of estimated exposures at Jetty A was increased to 
account for the fact that gray whales are more likely to be in the 
nearshore environment than humpback whales. This increase was proposed 
strictly as a conservative assumption to acknowledge the distinct 
preference gray whales may have over humpbacks for nearshore feeding.
    The following formula was used to calculate exposure:

Exposure Estimate = (0.0039DensityEstimate * 
23.63ZOI Jetty A * 17days) + 1 = 1.56 gray whale 

    Migrating gray whales often travel in groups of 2, although larger 
pods do occur. For gray whales, NMFS believes 4 Level B authorized 
takes is reasonable.
    Harbor porpoises are known to occupy shallow, coastal waters and, 
therefore, are likely to be found in the vicinity of the MCR. They are 
known to occur within the proposed project area, however, density data 
for this region is unavailable (Griffith 2015).
    The SWFSC stratum model under the Marine Animal Monitor Model 
provides an estimated density per km\2\ of year-round porpoises for 
areas near northern California, which may provide a surrogate proxy 
value for assuming possible densities near the jetties. Though not in 
the project vicinity, the range of 3.642 animals/km\2\(Barlow et al. 
2009, Halpin et al. 2009) is a relatively high density compared to 
values moving even further south along the model boundaries, for which 
the northern-most extent ends in California. Given anecdotal evidence 
(Griffith 2015) and sightings recorded on the OBIS network from surveys 
done between 1989 and 2005, (Halpin et al. 2009, OBIS-SEAMAP 2015), 
this higher density may be appropriate for the MCR vicinity, or may be 
    The formula previously described was used to arrive at a take 
estimate for harbor porpoise.

Exposure Estimate = (3.642DensityEstimate * 
23.63ZOI Jetty A * 17days) = 1,464.

    Based on the density model suggested by NOAA (2015), the Corps has 
provided a very conservative maximum estimate of 1,464 harbor porpoise 
disturbance exposures over the 17 days of operation. However, this 
number of potential exposures does not accurately reflect the actual 
number of animals that would potentially be taken for the MCR jetty 
project. Rather, it is more likely that the same pod may be exposed 
more than once during the 17-day operating window. The highest 
estimated number of animals exposed on any single day based on the 
modeled proxy density (Barlow et al. 2009 at SERDP) and the jetty with 
the greatest ZOI is 193 animals (from South Jetty Channel). While the 
number of pods in the vicinity of the MCR is unknown, the size of the 
pods is usually assumed to be significantly smaller than 193 animals. 
According to OBIS-SEAMAP (2015 and Halpin et al. 2009), the normal 
range of group size generally consists of less than five or six 
individuals, though aggregations into large, loose groups of 50 to 
several hundred animals could occur for feeding or migration. Because 
the ZOI only extends for a maximum of 7,256 meters (4.6 miles), it may 
also be assumed that due to competition and territorial circumstances 
only a limited number of pods would be feeding in the ZOI at any 
particular time. If the modeled density calculations are assumed, then 
this means anywhere from 32 small pods to 2 large, 100-animal pods 
might be feeding during every day of pile installation. Given these 
values seem an unrealistic representation of use and pod densities

[[Page 53784]]

within any one of the ZOIs, NMFS is proposing an alternative 
    NMFS conservatively assumed that a single, large feeding pod of 50 
animals forms within the ZOI for Jetty A on each day of pile 
installation. Though this is likely much higher than actual use by 
multiple pods in the vicinity, it more realistically represents a 
worst-case scenario for the number of animals that could potentially be 
affected by the proposed work. This calculation also assumes that it is 
a new pod of individuals would be affected on each installation day, 
which is also unlikely given pod residency. Therefore, NMFS is 
permitting a Level B take for 850 animals.
    There are haulout sites on the South Jetty used by pinnipeds, 
especially Steller sea lions. It is likely that pinnipeds that use the 
haulout area in would be exposed to 120 dB threshold acoustic threshold 
during pile driving activities. The number of exposures would vary 
based on weather conditions, season, and daily fluctuations in 
abundance. Based on a survey by the Washington Department of Fish & 
Wildlife (WDFW) the number of affected Steller sea lions could be 
between 200-800 animals per month; California sea lion numbers could 
range from 1 to 500 per month and the number of harbor seals could be 
as low as 1 to as high as 57 per month. Exposure and take estimates 
below are based on past pinniped data from WDFW (2000-2014 data), which 
had a more robust monthly sampling frequency relative to Oregon 
Department of Fish &Wildlife (ODFW) counts. The exception to this was 
for harbor seal counts, for which ODFW (also 2000-2014 data) had more 
sampling data in certain months. Therefore, ODFW harbor seal data was 
used for the months of May and July. Exposure estimates are much higher 
than take estimates. This is because unlike the exposure estimate which 
assumes all new individuals, the take estimate request assumes that 
some of the same individuals will remain in the area and be exposed 
multiple times during the short 17-day installation period to complete 
and remove each offloading facility (for a total of about 68 days). 
NMFS examined the estimated monthly average number of animals from 
2000-2014 hauled on South Jetty during May and June, which are the most 
likely months for pile installation as is shown in Table 3. There are 
no anticipated airborne exposures since the main haul out sites are not 
in close proximity to Jetty A. Note that the formula used by NMFS is 
different than that employed by the Corps in their application as NMFS 
is only analyzing potential impacts associated with Jetty A. To 
reiterate, these exposure estimates assume a new individual is exposed 
every day throughout each acoustic disturbance, for the entire duration 
of the project.

Exposure EstimateStellar = (Nest(May+June/2) * 
17underwater/piles days) = 12,750 Steller sea lions
Exposure EstimateCalifornia = (Nest(May+June/2) * 
17underwater/piles days) = 2,788 CA sea lions
Exposure EstimateHarbor = (Nest(May+June/2) * 
17underwater/piles days)= 493 Harbor porpoises


Nest = Estimated daily average number of animals for May 
and June hauled out at South Jetty based on WDFW data.
Duration = total days of pile installation or removal activity for 
underwater thresholds (17);

                   Table 3--Authorized Takes of Pinnipeds During Pile Installation at Jetty A
                                                                   Steller  sea     California     Harbor  seal
                                                                       lion          sea lion    ---------------
                              Month                              --------------------------------
                                                                     Avg \1\ #       Avg \1\ #     Avg \1\ \2\ #
April...........................................................             587              99  ..............
May.............................................................             824             125               0
June............................................................             676             202              57
July............................................................             358               1              10
August..........................................................             324             115               1
September.......................................................             209             249  ..............
October.........................................................             384             508  ..............
Avg Daily Count (May+June/2) \3\................................             750             164              29
    Total Exposures over Duration \4\ (17 days).................          12,750           2,788             493
\1\ WDFW average daily count per month from 2000-2014.
\2\ ODFW average daily count per month for May and July 2000-2014 due to additional available sampling data.
\3\ Conservatively assumes each exposure is to new individual, all individuals are new arrivals each month, and
  no individual is exposed more than one time.
\4\ Assumed 17 pile installation/removal days.

Analyses and Determinations

Negligible Impact Analysis

    Negligible impact is ``an impact resulting from the specified 
activity that cannot be reasonably expected to, and is not reasonably 
likely to, adversely affect the species or stock through effects on 
annual rates of recruitment or survival'' (50 CFR 216.103). A 
negligible impact finding is based on the lack of likely adverse 
effects on annual rates of recruitment or survival (i.e., population-
level effects). An estimate of the number of Level B harassment takes, 
alone, is not enough information on which to base an impact 
determination. In addition to considering estimates of the number of 
marine mammals that might be ``taken'' through behavioral harassment, 
NMFS must consider other factors, such as the likely nature of any 
responses (their intensity, duration, etc.), the context of any 
responses (critical reproductive time or location, migration, etc.), as 
well as the number and nature of estimated Level A harassment takes, 
the number of estimated mortalities, effects on habitat, and the status 
of the species.
    To avoid repetition, the discussion of our analyses applies to all 
the species listed in Table 4 given that the anticipated effects of 
this pile driving project on marine mammals are expected to be 
relatively similar in nature. There is no information about the size, 
status, or structure of any species or stock that would lead to a 
different analysis for this activity, else species-specific factors 
would be identified and analyzed.
    Pile driving activities associated with the rehabilitation of Jetty 
A at the mouth of the Columbia River, as outlined

[[Page 53785]]

previously, have the potential to disturb or displace marine mammals. 
Specifically, the planned activities may result in take, in the form of 
Level B harassment (behavioral disturbance) only, from underwater 
sounds generated from pile driving. Potential takes could occur if 
individuals of these species are present in the ensonified zone when 
pile driving is happening.
    No injury, serious injury, or mortality is anticipated given the 
nature of the activity and measures designed to minimize the 
possibility of injury to marine mammals. The potential for these 
outcomes is minimized through the construction method and the 
implementation of the planned mitigation measures. Specifically, 
vibratory hammers will be the only method of installation utilized. No 
impact driving is planned. Vibratory driving does not have significant 
potential to cause injury to marine mammals due to the relatively low 
source levels produced (site-specific acoustic monitoring data show no 
source level measurements above 180 dB rms) and the lack of potentially 
injurious source characteristics. The likelihood that marine mammal 
detection ability by trained observers is high under the environmental 
conditions described for the rehabilitation of Jetty A at MCR further 
enables the implementation of shutdowns to avoid injury, serious 
injury, or mortality.
    The Corps' proposed activities are localized and of short duration. 
The entire project area is limited to the Jetty A area and its 
immediate surroundings. Actions covered under the Authorization would 
include installing a maximum of 24 piles for use as dolphins and a 
maximum of 93 sections of Z or H piles for retention of rock fill over 
17 days. The piles would be a maximum diameter of 24 inches and would 
only be installed by vibratory driving method. The possibility exists 
that smaller diameter piles may be used but for this analysis it is 
assumed that 24 inch piles will be driven.
    These localized and short-term noise exposures may cause brief 
startle reactions or short-term behavioral modification by the animals. 
These reactions and behavioral changes are expected to subside quickly 
when the exposures cease. Moreover, the proposed mitigation and 
monitoring measures are expected to reduce potential exposures and 
behavioral modifications even further. Additionally, no important 
feeding and/or reproductive areas for marine mammals are known to be 
near the proposed action area. Therefore, the take resulting from the 
proposed project is not reasonably expected to and is not reasonably 
likely to adversely affect the marine mammal species or stocks through 
effects on annual rates of recruitment or survival.
    The project also is not expected to have significant adverse 
effects on affected marine mammals' habitat, as analyzed in detail in 
the ``Anticipated Effects on Marine Mammal Habitat'' section. The 
project activities would not modify existing marine mammal habitat. The 
activities may cause some fish to leave the area of disturbance, thus 
temporarily impacting marine mammals' foraging opportunities in a 
limited portion of the foraging range; but, because of the short 
duration of the activities and the relatively small area of the habitat 
that may be affected, the impacts to marine mammal habitat are not 
expected to cause significant or long-term negative consequences.
    Effects on individuals that are taken by Level B harassment, on the 
basis of reports in the literature as well as monitoring from other 
similar activities, will likely be limited to reactions such as 
increased swimming speeds, increased surfacing time, or decreased 
foraging (if such activity were occurring) (e.g., Thorson and Reyff, 
2006; Lerma, 2014). Most likely, individuals will simply move away from 
the sound source and be temporarily displaced from the areas of pile 
driving, although even this reaction has been observed primarily only 
in association with impact pile driving. In response to vibratory 
driving, pinnipeds (which may become somewhat habituated to human 
activity in industrial or urban waterways) have been observed to orient 
towards and sometimes move towards the sound. The pile driving 
activities analyzed here are similar to, or less impactful than, 
numerous construction activities conducted in other similar locations, 
which have taken place with no reported injuries or mortality to marine 
mammals, and no known long-term adverse consequences from behavioral 
harassment. Repeated exposures of individuals to levels of sound that 
may cause Level B harassment are unlikely to result in hearing 
impairment or to significantly disrupt foraging behavior. Thus, even 
repeated Level B harassment of some small subset of the overall stock 
is unlikely to result in any significant realized decrease in fitness 
for the affected individuals, and thus would not result in any adverse 
impact to the stock as a whole. Level B harassment will be reduced to 
the level of least practicable impact through use of mitigation 
measures described herein and, if sound produced by project activities 
is sufficiently disturbing, animals are likely to simply avoid the 
project area while the activity is occurring.
    In summary, this negligible impact analysis is founded on the 
following factors: (1) The possibility of injury, serious injury, or 
mortality may reasonably be considered discountable; (2) the 
anticipated incidents of Level B harassment consist of, at worst, 
temporary modifications in behavior and; (3) the presumed efficacy of 
the proposed mitigation measures in reducing the effects of the 
specified activity to the level of least practicable impact. In 
combination, we believe that these factors, as well as the available 
body of evidence from other similar activities, demonstrate that the 
potential effects of the specified activity will have only short-term 
effects on individuals. The specified activity is not expected to 
impact rates of recruitment or survival and will therefore not result 
in population-level impacts.
    Based on the analysis contained herein of the likely effects of the 
specified activity on marine mammals and their habitat, and taking into 
consideration the implementation of the proposed monitoring and 
mitigation measures, NMFS finds that the total marine mammal take from 
the Corps' rehabilitation of Jetty A at MCR will have a negligible 
impact on the affected marine mammal species or stocks.

            Table 4--Estimated Percentage of Species/Stocks That May Be Exposed to Level B Harassment
                                                                  Total proposed
                             Species                                authorized       Abundance     Percentage of
                                                                       takes                        total stock
Killer whale (Western transient stock)..........................               8             243             3.2
Gray whale (Eastern North Pacific Stock)........................               4          18,017           <0.01
Harbor porpoise.................................................             850          21,487             3.9

[[Page 53786]]

Steller sea lion................................................          12,750   63,160-78,198   20.2-16.3-1.0
California sea lion.............................................           2,788         296,750            0.01
Harbor seal.....................................................             493          24,732             2.0

Small Numbers Analysis

    Table 4 illustrates the number of animals that could be exposed to 
received noise levels that could cause Level B behavioral harassment 
for the proposed work associated with the rehabilitation of Jetty A at 
MCR. The analyses provided above represents between <0.01%--20.9% of 
the populations of these stocks that could be affected by Level B 
behavioral harassment. The numbers of animals authorized to be taken 
for all species would be considered small relative to the relevant 
stocks or populations even if each estimated taking occurred to a new 
individual--an extremely unlikely scenario. For pinnipeds occurring in 
the vicinity of Jetty A, there will almost certainly be overlap in 
individuals present day-to-day, and these takes are likely to occur 
only within some small portion of the overall regional stock.
    Based on the analysis contained herein of the likely effects of the 
specified activity on marine mammals and their habitat, and taking into 
consideration the implementation of the mitigation and monitoring 
measures, which are expected to reduce the number of marine mammals 
potentially affected by the proposed action, NMFS finds that small 
numbers of marine mammals will be taken relative to the populations of 
the affected species or stocks.

Impact on Availability of Affected Species for Taking for Subsistence 

    There are no subsistence uses of marine mammals in the proposed 
project area; and, thus, no subsistence uses impacted by this action.

Endangered Species Act (ESA)

    There are two marine mammal species that are listed as endangered 
under the ESA with confirmed or possible occurrence in the study area: 
humpback whale and Southern resident killer whale. For the purposes of 
this IHA, NMFS determined that take of Southern resident killer whales 
was highly unlikely given the rare occurrence of these animals in the 
project area. A similar conclusion was reached for humpback whales. On 
March 18, 2011, NMFS signed a Biological Opinion concluding that the 
proposed action is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of 
humpback whales and may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect 
Southern resident killer whales.

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

    The Corps issued the Final Environmental Assessment Columbia River 
at the Mouth, Oregon and Washington Rehabilitation of the Jetty System 
at the Mouth of the Columbia River and Finding of No Significant Impact 
in 2011. The environmental assessment (EA) and finding of no 
significant interest (FONSI) were revised in 2012 with a FONSI being 
signed on July 26, 2012. NMFS has adopted the findings of the 2012 


    As a result of these determinations, we have issued an IHA to the 
Corps for conducting the described activities related to the 
rehabilitation of Jetty A at the MCR from May 1, 2016 through April 30, 
2017 provided the previously described mitigation, monitoring, and 
reporting requirements are incorporated.

    Dated: September 1, 2015.
Perry Gayaldo,
Deputy Director, Office of Protected Resources, National Marine 
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2015-22069 Filed 9-4-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 173 / Tuesday, September 8, 2015 / Notices                                           53777

                                                       The items of discussion in the                       mammals during activities related to the              45 days of the close of the comment
                                                    Assessment Process webinars are as                      rehabilitation of Jetty A at the mouth of             period, NMFS must either issue or deny
                                                    follows: Panelists will present summary                 the Columbia River (MCR).                             the authorization. Except with respect to
                                                    data, and discuss data needs and                        DATES: This authorization is effective                certain activities not pertinent here, the
                                                    treatments.                                             from May 1, 2016 through April 30,                    MMPA defines ‘‘harassment’’ as ‘‘any
                                                       Although non-emergency issues not                    2017.                                                 act of pursuit, torment, or annoyance
                                                    contained in this agenda may come                                                                             which (i) has the potential to injure a
                                                                                                            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                    before this group for discussion, those                                                                       marine mammal or marine mammal
                                                                                                            Robert Pauline, Office of Protected
                                                    issues may not be the subject of formal                                                                       stock in the wild [Level A harassment];
                                                                                                            Resources, NMFS, (301) 427–8401.
                                                    action during this meeting. Action will                                                                       or (ii) has the potential to disturb a
                                                                                                            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                    be restricted to those issues specifically                                                                    marine mammal or marine mammal
                                                    identified in this notice and any issues                Availability                                          stock in the wild by causing disruption
                                                    arising after publication of this notice                                                                      of behavioral patterns, including, but
                                                                                                              An electronic copy of the Corps’
                                                    that require emergency action under                                                                           not limited to, migration, breathing,
                                                                                                            application and supporting documents,
                                                    section 305(c) of the Magnuson-Stevens                                                                        nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering
                                                                                                            as well as a list of the references cited
                                                    Fishery Conservation and Management                                                                           [Level B harassment].’’
                                                                                                            in this document, may be obtained by
                                                    Act, provided the public has been
                                                                                                            visiting the Internet at:                             Summary of Request
                                                    notified of the intent to take final action
                                                                                                            www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/permits/                           On February 13, 2015 NMFS received
                                                    to address the emergency.
                                                                                                            incidental/construction.htm. In case of               an application from the Corps for the
                                                    Special Accommodations                                  problems accessing these documents,                   taking of marine mammals incidental to
                                                      The meeting is physically accessible                  please call the contact listed above (see             the rehabilitation of Jetty A at the MCR.
                                                                                                            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).
                                                    to people with disabilities. Requests for                                                                     On June 9, 2015 NMFS received a
                                                    sign language interpretation or other                   Background                                            revised application. NMFS determined
                                                    auxiliary aids should be directed to the                   Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and (D) of the               that the application was adequate and
                                                    Council office (see ADDRESSES) at least                 MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.) direct                  complete on June 12, 2015. The Corps
                                                    10 business days prior to each                          the Secretary of Commerce to allow,                   proposes to conduct in-water work that
                                                    workshop.                                               upon request, the incidental, but not                 may incidentally harass marine
                                                      Note: The times and sequence                          intentional, taking of small numbers of               mammals (i.e., pile driving and
                                                    specified in this agenda are subject to                 marine mammals by U.S. citizens who                   removal). The use of vibratory pile
                                                    change.                                                 engage in a specified activity (other than            driving is expected to produce
                                                       Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.                    commercial fishing) within a specified                underwater sound at levels that have the
                                                                                                            geographical region if certain findings               potential to result in behavioral
                                                      Dated: September 2, 2015.                                                                                   harassment of marine mammals. Species
                                                    Tracey L. Thompson,                                     are made and either regulations are
                                                                                                            issued or, if the taking is limited to                with the expected potential to be
                                                    Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable                                                                 present during the project timeframe
                                                    Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.           harassment, a notice of a proposed
                                                                                                            authorization is provided to the public               include killer whale (Orcinus orca),
                                                    [FR Doc. 2015–22539 Filed 9–4–15; 8:45 am]                                                                    Steller sea lion (Eumatopius jubatus),
                                                                                                            for review.
                                                    BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
                                                                                                               Authorization for incidental takings               gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus),
                                                                                                            shall be granted if NMFS finds that the               harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena),
                                                                                                            taking will have a negligible impact on               California sea lion (Zalophus
                                                    DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                                                                        californianus), and harbor seal (Phoca
                                                                                                            the species or stock(s), will not have an
                                                                                                            unmitigable adverse impact on the                     vitulina richardii).
                                                    National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                                    Administration                                          availability of the species or stock(s) for           Description of the Specified Activity
                                                                                                            subsistence uses (where relevant), and if
                                                    RIN 0648–XD978                                          the permissible methods of taking and                 Overview
                                                    Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to                   requirements pertaining to the                           The Corps is seeking an IHA for the
                                                    Specified Activities; Taking Marine                     mitigation, monitoring and reporting of               first year of pile installation and,
                                                    Mammals Incidental to the                               such takings are set forth. NMFS has                  possibly, removal work at Jetty A related
                                                    Rehabilitation of Jetty A at the Mouth                  defined ‘‘negligible impact’’ in 50 CFR               to construction and maintenance of a
                                                    of the Columbia River                                   216.103 as ‘‘. . . an impact resulting                barge offloading facility. The barge
                                                                                                            from the specified activity that cannot               facility will be used for activities
                                                    AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                      be reasonably expected to, and is not                 associated with the rehabilitation of
                                                    Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                    reasonably likely to, adversely affect the            Jetty A. The Corps is seeking this
                                                    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                      species or stock through effects on                   authorization by the end of August 2015
                                                    Commerce.                                               annual rates of recruitment or survival.’’            for contract bid scheduling reasons.
                                                    ACTION: Notice; issuance of an incidental                  Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA
                                                                                                            established an expedited process by                   Dates and Duration
                                                    harassment authorization.
                                                                                                            which citizens of the U.S. can apply for                Work on the first year of pile
                                                    SUMMARY:  In accordance with the                        an authorization to incidentally take                 installation may begin as early as May
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    regulations implementing the Marine                     small numbers of marine mammals by                    2016 and would extend through
                                                    Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) as                         harassment. Section 101(a)(5)(D)                      September 2017. Because the work may
                                                    amended, notification is hereby given                   establishes a 45-day time limit for                   extend to two seasons the Corps has
                                                    that we have issued an incidental                       NMFS’ review of an application                        requested a Letter of Authorization
                                                    harassment authorization (IHA) to the                   followed by a 30-day public notice and                (LOA) that would come into effect
                                                    U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (the Corps)                 comment period on any proposed                        immediately after the IHA expires for
                                                    to incidentally harass, by Level B                      authorizations for the incidental                     the second year of pile maintenance and
                                                    harassment only, six species of marine                  harassment of marine mammals. Within                  removal at Jetty A. The LOA would also

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                                                    53778                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 173 / Tuesday, September 8, 2015 / Notices

                                                    cover rehabilitation work planned for                   incidental/construction.htm. All                                       B harassment. These are the killer
                                                    the North and South Jetties.                            comments specific to the Corps’                                        whale, Steller sea lion, gray whale,
                                                                                                            application that address the statutory                                 harbor porpoise, California sea lion, and
                                                    Specific Geographic Region
                                                                                                            and regulatory requirements or findings                                harbor seal.
                                                       This activity will take place at Jetty A             NMFS must make to issue an IHA are                                        We have reviewed the Corps’ detailed
                                                    at the MCR jetty system in Pacific                      addressed in this section of the Federal                               species descriptions, including life
                                                    County, Washington.                                     Register notice.                                                       history information, for accuracy and
                                                    Detailed Description of Activities                         Comment 1: The Commission                                           completeness and refer the reader to
                                                                                                            recommends that a hydroacoustic                                        Section 3 of the Corps’ application as
                                                      We provided a description of the
                                                                                                            monitoring plan be incorporated in                                     well as the proposed incidental
                                                    proposed action in our Federal Register
                                                                                                            subsequent years of activity under                                     harassment authorization published in
                                                    notice announcing the proposed
                                                                                                            requested regulations, if and when                                     the Federal Register (80 FR 43739)
                                                    authorization (80 FR 43739; July 23,
                                                                                                            issued. The Commission believes such a                                 instead of reprinting the information
                                                    2015). Please refer to that document; we
                                                                                                            plan is prudent due to the types and                                   here. Please also refer to NMFS’ Web
                                                    provide only summary information
                                                                                                            sizes of piles to be installed and                                     site (www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/
                                                      The scheduled rehabilitation of Jetty                 removed, the substrate of the                                          mammals) for generalized species
                                                    A would occur as part of the Corps’                     environment, and the ambient sound                                     accounts which provide information
                                                    Major Rehabilitation program for the                    and sound propagation loss associated                                  regarding the biology and behavior of
                                                    MCR jetty system. During the first year                 with a river mouth opening into the                                    the marine resources that occur in the
                                                    of the project, operators would install                 open ocean.                                                            vicinity of the MCR. We provided
                                                    and potentially remove up to 24 24-in                      Response 1: NMFS agrees that a                                      additional information for the
                                                    steel piles and 93 sections of Z or H                   hydroacoustic monitoring plan would                                    potentially affected stocks, including
                                                    piles using a vibratory hammer. USACE                   be valuable for defining potential injury                              details of stock-wide status, trends, and
                                                    expects those activities to take 17 days                and harassment zones during future                                     threats, in our Federal Register notice of
                                                    and would limit them to daylight hours                  years of the jetty rehabilitation project.                             proposed authorization (80 FR 43739).
                                                    only.                                                   There is very limited hydroacoustic data                                  Table 1 lists marine mammal stocks
                                                                                                            pertaining to the MCR. NMFS will work                                  that could occur in the vicinity of the
                                                    Comments and Responses                                  with the applicant to devise a                                         Jetty A project that may be subject to
                                                       A notice of NMFS’ proposal to issue                  monitoring plan during the next                                        Level B harassment and summarizes key
                                                    an IHA was published in the Federal                     application cycle.                                                     information regarding stock status and
                                                    Register on July 23, 2015 (80 FR 43739).                                                                                       abundance. Taxonomically, we follow
                                                                                                            Description of Marine Mammals in the                                   Committee on Taxonomy (2014). Please
                                                    During the 30-day public comment
                                                                                                            Area of the Specified Activity                                         see NMFS’ Stock Assessment Reports
                                                    period, the Marine Mammal
                                                    Commission submitted a letter. The                        There are six marine mammal species                                  (SAR), available at www.nmfs.noaa.gov/
                                                    letter is available on the Internet at                  known to occur in the vicinity of the                                  pr/sars, for more detailed accounts of
                                                    www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/permits/                           MCR which may be subjected to Level                                    these stocks’ status and abundance.

                                                                                                PROJECT AREA *
                                                                                                                    Stock(s)                                                                                          Frequency of
                                                                           Species                                abundance                        ESA status                           MMPA * status                 occurrence 3
                                                                                                                   estimate 1

                                                    Killer Whale (Orcinus orca), Eastern N. Pacific,          85 .....................   Endangered ..................             Depleted and Strategic          Infrequent/Rare.
                                                       Southern Resident Stock.
                                                    Killer Whale (Orcinus orca), Eastern N. Pacific,          243 ...................         ..................................   Non-depleted ................   Rare.
                                                       West Coast Transient Stock.
                                                    Gray Whale (Eschrichtius robustus), Eastern               18,017 (173) .....         Delisted/Recovered                        Non-depleted ................   Rare.
                                                       North Pacific Stock, (Pacific Coast Feed                                           (1994).
                                                    Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), Northern             21,487 ..............           ..................................   Non-depleted ................   Likely.
                                                       Oregon/Washington Coast Stock.
                                                    Steller Sea Lion (Eumetopias jubatus), Eastern            63,160–78,198              Delisted/Recovered                        Depleted and Strategic 2        Likely.
                                                       U.S. Stock/DPS**.                                                                  (2013).
                                                    California Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus), U.S.        296,750 ............          ..................................     Non-depleted ................   Likely.
                                                    Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina richardii), Oregon            24,732 4 ............           ..................................   Non-depleted ................   Seasonal.
                                                       and Washington Stock.
                                                       1 NOAA/NMFS     2014 marine mammal stock assessment reports at http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/species.htm.
                                                       2 May  be updated based on the recent delisting status.
                                                       3 Frequency defined here in the range of:
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                       • Rare—Few confirmed sightings, or the distribution of the species is near enough to the area that the species could occur there.
                                                       • Infrequent—Confirmed, but irregular sightings.
                                                       • Likely—Confirmed and regular sightings of the species in the area year-round.
                                                       • Seasonal—Confirmed and regular sightings of the species in the area on a seasonal basis.
                                                       4 Data is 8 years old. No current abundance estimates exist.
                                                       * MMPA = Marine Mammal Protection Act.
                                                       ** DPS = Distinct population segment.

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                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 173 / Tuesday, September 8, 2015 / Notices                                                            53779

                                                    Potential Effects of the Specified                      Take by Incidental Harassment’’). ZOIs                    occur upon sighting of a marine
                                                    Activity on Marine Mammals                              are often used to establish a mitigation                  mammal (or in anticipation of an animal
                                                                                                            zone around each pile (when deemed                        entering the defined area), thus
                                                      The Federal Register notice of
                                                                                                            practicable) to prevent Level A                           preventing injury of marine mammals.
                                                    proposed authorization (80 FR 43739),
                                                                                                            harassment to marine mammals, and                         The estimated shutdown zone for Level
                                                    incorporated here by reference, provides
                                                                                                            also provide estimates of the areas                       A injury to cetaceans would be 1 meter.
                                                    a general background on sound relevant
                                                                                                            within which Level B harassment might                     The Corps, however, would implement
                                                    to the specified activity as well as a
                                                                                                            occur. ZOIs may vary between different                    a minimum shutdown zone of 10 m
                                                    detailed description of marine mammal
                                                                                                            diameter piles and types of installation                  radius for all marine mammals around
                                                    hearing and of the potential effects of
                                                                                                            methods. The Corps will employ the                        all vibratory pile driving and removal
                                                    these construction activities on marine
                                                                                                            following mitigation measures:                            activities. These precautionary measures
                                                    mammals.                                                  (a) Conduct briefings between                           are intended to further reduce the
                                                    Anticipated Effects on Habitat                          construction supervisors and crews,                       unlikely possibility of injury from direct
                                                                                                            marine mammal monitoring team, and                        physical interaction with construction
                                                      We described potential impacts to                     the Corps’ staff prior to the start of all
                                                    marine mammal habitat in detail in our                                                                            operations.
                                                                                                            pile driving activity, and when new
                                                    Federal Register notice of proposed                     personnel join the work, in order to                         Disturbance Zone—Disturbance zones
                                                    authorization. In summary, the project                  explain responsibilities, communication                   are the areas in which sound pressure
                                                    activities would not modify existing                    procedures, marine mammal monitoring                      levels (SPLs) equal or exceed 120 dB
                                                    marine mammal habitat. The activities                   protocol, and operational procedures.                     rms (for continuous sound) for pile
                                                    may cause some fish to leave the area                     (b) For in-water heavy machinery                        driving installation and removal.
                                                    of disturbance, thus temporarily                        work other than pile driving (using, e.g.,                Disturbance zones provide utility for
                                                    impacting marine mammals’ foraging                      standard barges, tug boats, barge-                        monitoring conducted for mitigation
                                                    opportunities in a limited portion of the               mounted excavators, or clamshell                          purposes (i.e., shutdown zone
                                                    foraging range. Because of the short                    equipment used to place or remove                         monitoring) by establishing monitoring
                                                    duration of the activities and the                      material), if a marine mammal comes                       protocols for areas adjacent to the
                                                    relatively small area of the habitat that               within 10 m, operations shall cease and                   shutdown zones. Monitoring of
                                                    may be affected, the impacts to marine                  vessels shall reduce speed to the                         disturbance zones enables observers to
                                                    mammal habitat are not expected to                      minimum level required to maintain                        be aware of and communicate the
                                                    cause significant or long-term negative                 steerage and safe working conditions.                     presence of marine mammals in the
                                                    consequences for individual marine                      This type of work could include the                       project area but outside the shutdown
                                                    mammals or their populations                            following activities: (1) Movement of the                 zone and thus prepare for potential
                                                                                                            barge to the pile location or (2)                         shutdowns of activity. However, the
                                                                                                            positioning of the pile on the substrate                  primary purpose of disturbance zone
                                                       In order to issue an IHA under section               via a crane (i.e., stabbing the pile).                    monitoring is for documenting incidents
                                                    101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA, NMFS must                                                                               of Level B harassment. Nominal radial
                                                    set forth the permissible methods of                    Monitoring and Shutdown for Pile                          distances for disturbance zones are
                                                    taking pursuant to such activity, ‘‘and                 Driving                                                   shown in Table 2. The shutdown zone
                                                    other means of effecting the least                        The following measures apply to the                     for Level B injury wound extend 7,356
                                                    practicable impact on such species or                   Corps’ mitigation through shutdown                        meters from the sound source. Given the
                                                    stock and its habitat, paying particular                and disturbance zones:                                    size of the disturbance zone for
                                                    attention to rookeries, mating grounds,                   Shutdown Zone—For all pile driving                      vibratory pile driving, it is impossible to
                                                    and areas of similar significance, and on               activities, the Corps will establish a                    guarantee that all animals would be
                                                    the availability of such species or stock               shutdown zone. Shutdown zones are                         observed or to make comprehensive
                                                    for taking’’ for certain subsistence uses.              intended to contain the area in which                     observations of fine-scale behavioral
                                                       Measurements from similar pile                       SPLs equal or exceed the 180/190 dB                       reactions to sound. We discuss
                                                    driving events were coupled with                        rms acoustic injury criteria, with the                    monitoring objectives and protocols in
                                                    practical spreading loss to estimate                    purpose being to define an area within                    greater depth in ‘‘Monitoring and
                                                    zones of influence (ZOI; see ‘‘Estimated                which shutdown of activity would                          Reporting.’’

                                                                                    MAMMAL SOUND THRESHOLDS AT JETTY A
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Area excluding land & jetty
                                                                         Jetty                                      Underwater threshold                         Distance—m (mi)                        masses—km2 (mi2)

                                                    Jetty A: ∼ Station 78+50, River Side ..........     Vibratory driving, pinniped injury (190 dB)        0 .....................................   0
                                                                                                        Vibratory driving, cetacean injury (180 dB)        1 (3.3) ............................      <0.000003 (0.000001)
                                                                                                        Vibratory driving, disturbance (120 dB) ......     7,356 (4.6 miles) ............            23.63 (9.12)
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                      Time Restrictions—Work would occur                    after May 1. Installation could occur                     pile being driven, is known from a GPS.
                                                    only during daylight hours, when visual                 from May 1 through September 30 each                      The location of the animal is estimated
                                                    monitoring of marine mammals can be                     year.                                                     as a distance from the observer, which
                                                    conducted. In order minimize impact to                     In order to document observed                          is then compared to the location from
                                                    Southern resident killer whales, in-                    incidents of harassment, observers                        the pile and the estimated ZOIs for
                                                    water work will not be conducted                        record all marine mammal observations,                    relevant activities (i.e., pile installation
                                                    during their primary feeding season                     regardless of location. The observer’s                    and removal). This information may
                                                    extending from October 1 until on or                    location, as well as the location of the                  then be used to extrapolate observed

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                                                    53780                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 173 / Tuesday, September 8, 2015 / Notices

                                                    takes to reach an approximate                              (a) Visual acuity in both eyes                     observed within the designated marine
                                                    understanding of actual total takes.                    (correction is permissible) sufficient for            mammal shutdown zone during or 30
                                                       Soft Start—The use of a soft start                   discernment of moving targets at the                  minutes prior to pile driving, the
                                                    procedure is believed to provide                        water’s surface with ability to estimate              monitors will notify the on-site
                                                    additional protection to marine                         target size and distance; use of                      construction manager to not begin until
                                                    mammals by warning or providing a                       binoculars may be necessary to correctly              the animal has moved outside the
                                                    chance to leave the area prior to the                   identify the target;                                  designated radius.
                                                    hammer operating at full capacity, and                     (b) Advanced education in biological                  If any marine mammal species are
                                                    typically involves a requirement to                     science or related field (undergraduate               encountered during activities that are
                                                    initiate sound from the hammer at                       degree or higher required);                           not listed in Table 1 for authorized
                                                    reduced energy followed by a waiting                       (c) Experience and ability to conduct              taking and are likely to be exposed to
                                                    period. This procedure is repeated two                  field observations and collect data                   sound pressure levels (SPLs) greater
                                                    additional times. It is difficult to specify            according to assigned protocols (this                 than or equal to 120 dB re 1mPa (rms),
                                                    the reduction in energy for any given                   may include academic experience);                     then the Holder of this Authorization
                                                    hammer because of variation across                         (d) Experience or training in the field            must stop pile driving activities and
                                                    drivers. The project will utilize soft start            identification of marine mammals,                     report observations to NMFS’ Office of
                                                    techniques for all vibratory pile driving.              including the identification of                       Protected Resources at (301) 847–8401.
                                                    We require the Corps to initiate sound                  behaviors;                                               If a marine mammal approaches or
                                                    from vibratory hammers for fifteen                         (e) Sufficient training, orientation, or           enters the shutdown zone during the
                                                    seconds at reduced energy followed by                   experience with the construction                      course of vibratory pile driving
                                                    a thirty-second waiting period, with the                operation to provide for personal safety              operations, activity will be halted and
                                                    procedure repeated two additional                       during observations;                                  delayed until the animal has voluntarily
                                                    times. Soft start will be required at the                  (f) Writing skills sufficient to prepare           left and been visually confirmed beyond
                                                    beginning of each day’s pile driving                    a report of observations including but                the shutdown zone. If a marine mammal
                                                    work and at any time following a                        not limited to the number and species                 is seen above water and then dives
                                                    cessation of pile driving of 20 minutes                 of marine mammals observed; dates and                 below, the contractor would wait 15
                                                    or longer.                                              times when in-water construction                      minutes for pinnipeds and 30 minutes
                                                                                                            activities were conducted; dates and                  for cetaceans. If no marine mammals are
                                                    Monitoring                                              times when in-water construction                      seen by the observer in that time it will
                                                       Monitoring Protocols—Monitoring                      activities were suspended to avoid                    be assumed that the animal has moved
                                                    would be conducted before, during, and                  potential incidental injury from                      beyond the exclusion zone.
                                                    after pile driving. In addition, observers              construction sound of marine mammals                     Monitoring will be conducted
                                                    shall record all incidents of marine                    observed within a defined shutdown                    throughout the time required to drive a
                                                    mammal occurrence, regardless of                        zone; and marine mammal behavior;                     pile.
                                                    distance from activity, and shall                       and                                                      (3) Marine mammal presence within
                                                    document any behavioral reactions in                       (g) Ability to communicate orally, by              the Level B harassment zone will be
                                                    concert with distance from piles being                  radio or in person, with project                      monitored, but vibratory driving will
                                                    driven. Observations made outside the                   personnel to provide real-time                        not be stopped if marine mammals are
                                                    shutdown zone will not result in                        information on marine mammals                         found to be present. Any marine
                                                    shutdown and that pile segment would                    observed in the area as necessary.                    mammal documented within the Level
                                                    be completed without cessation, unless                     (2) Prior to the start of pile driving             B harassment zone during vibratory
                                                    the animal approaches or enters the                     activity, the shutdown zone will be                   driving would constitute a Level B take
                                                    shutdown zone, at which point all pile                  monitored for 30 minutes to ensure that               (harassment), and will be recorded and
                                                    driving activities would be halted.                     it is clear of marine mammals. Pile                   reported as such.
                                                    Monitoring will take place from thirty                  driving will only commence once
                                                    minutes prior to initiation through                     observers have declared the shutdown                  Mitigation Conclusions
                                                    thirty minutes post-completion of pile                  zone clear of marine mammals; animals                    We have carefully evaluated the
                                                    driving activities. Pile driving activities             will be allowed to remain in the                      Corps’ proposed mitigation measures
                                                    include the time to remove a single pile                shutdown zone (i.e., must leave of their              and considered their effectiveness in
                                                    or series of piles, as long as the time                 own volition) and their behavior will be              past implementation to determine
                                                    elapsed between uses of the pile driving                monitored and documented. The                         whether they are likely to effect the least
                                                    equipment is no more than thirty                        shutdown zone may only be declared                    practicable impact on the affected
                                                    minutes.                                                clear, and pile driving started, when the             marine mammal species and stocks and
                                                       The following additional measures                    entire shutdown zone is visible (i.e.,                their habitat. Our evaluation of potential
                                                    apply to visual monitoring:                             when not obscured by dark, rain, fog,                 measures included consideration of the
                                                       (1) Monitoring will be conducted by                  etc.).                                                following factors in relation to one
                                                    qualified observers, who will be placed                    If waters exceed a sea-state which                 another: (1) The manner in which, and
                                                    at the best vantage point(s) practicable                restricts the observers’ ability to make              the degree to which, the successful
                                                    to monitor for marine mammals and                       observations within the marine mammal                 implementation of the measure is
                                                    implement shutdown/delay procedures                     shutdown zone (e.g. excessive wind or                 expected to minimize adverse impacts
                                                    when applicable by calling for the                      fog), pile installation will cease. Pile              to marine mammals, (2) the proven or
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    shutdown to the hammer operator. One                    driving will not be initiated until the               likely efficacy of the specific measure to
                                                    observer will be placed on or near the                  entire shutdown zone is visible.                      minimize adverse impacts as planned;
                                                    drilling rig near Jetty A while a second                   The waters will be scanned 30                      and (3) the practicability of the measure
                                                    observer will be stationed on the                       minutes prior to commencing pile                      for applicant implementation.
                                                    opposite side of the observable zone of                 driving at the beginning of each day,                    Any mitigation measure(s) we
                                                    influence on Clatsop Spit. Qualified                    and prior to commencing pile driving                  prescribe should be able to accomplish,
                                                    observers are trained biologists, with the              after any stoppage of 30 minutes or                   have a reasonable likelihood of
                                                    following minimum qualifications:                       greater. If marine mammals enter or are               accomplishing (based on current

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 173 / Tuesday, September 8, 2015 / Notices                                           53781

                                                    science), or contribute to the                          necessary monitoring and reporting that                  • During vibratory pile driving, the
                                                    accomplishment of one or more of the                    will result in increased knowledge of                 area within 10 meters of pile driving
                                                    general goals listed below:                             the species and of the level of taking or             activity will be monitored and
                                                       (1) Avoidance or minimization of                     impacts on populations of marine                      maintained as a marine mammal buffer
                                                    injury or death of marine mammals                       mammals that are expected to be                       area in which pile installation will not
                                                    wherever possible (goals 2, 3, and 4 may                present in the proposed action area.                  commence or will be suspended
                                                    contribute to this goal).                                  Any monitoring requirement we                      temporarily if any marine mammals are
                                                       (2) A reduction in the number (total                 prescribe should improve our                          observed within or approaching the area
                                                    number or number at biologically                        understanding of one or more of the                   of potential disturbance. The Level B
                                                    important time or location) of                          following:                                            harassment area will be monitored by 2
                                                    individual marine mammals exposed to                       (1) An increase in the probability of              observers at locations listed above. The
                                                    stimuli expected to result in incidental                detecting marine mammals, both within                 monitoring staff will record any
                                                    take (this goal may contribute to 1,                    the mitigation zone (thus allowing for                presence of marine mammals by
                                                    above, or to reducing takes by                          more effective implementation of the                  species, will document any behavioral
                                                    behavioral harassment only).                            mitigation) and in general to generate                responses noted, and record Level B
                                                       (3) A reduction in the number (total                 more data to contribute to the analyses               takes when sightings overlap with pile
                                                    number or number at biologically                        mentioned below;                                      installation activities.
                                                    important time or location) of times any                   (2) An increase in our understanding                  • The individuals will scan the
                                                    individual marine mammal would be                       of how many marine mammals are                        waters within each monitoring zone
                                                    exposed to stimuli expected to result in                likely to be exposed to levels of pile                activity using binoculars (Vector 10X42
                                                    incidental take (this goal may contribute               driving that we associate with specific               or equivalent), spotting scopes
                                                    to 1, above, or to reducing takes by                    adverse effects, such as behavioral                   (Swarovski 20–60 zoom or equivalent),
                                                    behavioral harassment only).                            harassment, TTS, or PTS;                              and visual observation.
                                                       (4) A reduction in the intensity of                                                                           • The area within which the Level B
                                                                                                               (3) An increase in our understanding
                                                    exposure to stimuli expected to result in                                                                     harassment thresholds could be
                                                                                                            of how marine mammals respond to
                                                    incidental take (this goal may contribute                                                                     exceeded during vibratory pile driving
                                                                                                            stimuli expected to result in take and
                                                    to 1, above, or to reducing the severity                                                                      will be monitored for the presence of
                                                                                                            how anticipated adverse effects on
                                                    of behavioral harassment only).                                                                               marine mammals. Marine mammal
                                                       (5) Avoidance or minimization of                     individuals (in different ways and to
                                                                                                            varying degrees) may impact the                       presence within these zones, if any, will
                                                    adverse effects to marine mammal
                                                                                                            population, species, or stock                         be monitored but pile driving activity
                                                    habitat, paying particular attention to
                                                                                                            (specifically through effects on annual               will not be stopped if marine mammals
                                                    the prey base, blockage or limitation of
                                                                                                            rates of recruitment or survival) through             were found to be present. Any marine
                                                    passage to or from biologically
                                                                                                            any of the following methods:                         mammal documented within the Level
                                                    important areas, permanent destruction
                                                    of habitat, or temporary disturbance of                    D Behavioral observations in the                   B harassment zone will constitute a
                                                                                                            presence of stimuli compared to                       Level B take, and will be recorded and
                                                    habitat during a biologically important
                                                                                                            observations in the absence of stimuli                used to document the number of take
                                                       (6) For monitoring directly related to               (need to be able to accurately predict                incidents.
                                                    mitigation, an increase in the                          received level, distance from source,                    • If waters exceed a sea-state which
                                                    probability of detecting marine                         and other pertinent information);                     restricts the observers’ ability to make
                                                    mammals, thus allowing for more                            D Physiological measurements in the                observations within the marine mammal
                                                    effective implementation of the                         presence of stimuli compared to                       buffer zone (e.g. excessive wind or fog),
                                                    mitigation.                                             observations in the absence of stimuli                pile installation will cease until
                                                       Based on our evaluation of the Corps’                (need to be able to accurately predict                conditions allow the resumption of
                                                    proposed measures, including                            received level, distance from source,                 monitoring.
                                                    information from monitoring of                          and other pertinent information);                        • The waters will be scanned for 30
                                                    implementation of mitigation measures                      D Distribution and/or abundance                    minutes before, during, and 30 minutes
                                                    very similar to those described here                    comparisons in times or areas with                    after any and all pile driving and
                                                    under previous IHAs from other marine                   concentrated stimuli versus times or                  removal activities.
                                                    construction projects, we have                          areas without stimuli;                                   • If marine mammals enter or are
                                                    determined that the proposed mitigation                    (4) An increased knowledge of the                  observed within the designated marine
                                                    measures provide the means of effecting                 affected species; and                                 mammal buffer zone (10 m) during or 30
                                                    the least practicable impact on marine                     (5) An increase in our understanding               minutes prior to pile driving, the
                                                    mammal species or stocks and their                      of the effectiveness of certain mitigation            monitors will notify the on-site
                                                    habitat, paying particular attention to                 and monitoring measures.                              construction manager to not begin until
                                                    rookeries, mating grounds, and areas of                    The Corps consulted with NMFS to                   the animal has moved outside the
                                                    similar significance.                                   create a marine mammal monitoring                     designated radius.
                                                                                                            plan as part of the IHA application for                  • If a marine mammal approaches the
                                                    Monitoring and Reporting                                this project.                                         shutdown zone prior to initiation of pile
                                                       In order to issue an IHA for an                                                                            driving, the Corps cannot commence
                                                    activity, section 101(a)(5)(D) of the                   Visual Marine Mammal Observations                     activities until the marine mammal (a)
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    MMPA states that NMFS must set forth                      • Two individuals meeting the                       is observed to have left the Level A
                                                    ‘‘requirements pertaining to the                        minimum qualifications previously                     harassment zone or (b) has not been
                                                    monitoring and reporting of such                        identified will monitor the marine                    seen or otherwise detected within the
                                                    taking’’. The MMPA implementing                         mammal buffer area and Level B                        Level A harassment zone for 30
                                                    regulations at 50 CFR 216.104 (a)(13)                   harassment zones during vibratory pile.               minutes.
                                                    indicate that requests for incidental take              Monitors will be stationed on the                        • The waters will continue to be
                                                    authorizations must include the                         drilling rig or Jetty A as well as on                 scanned for at least 30 minutes after pile
                                                    suggested means of accomplishing the                    Clatsop Spit.                                         driving has completed each day, and

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                                                    53782                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 173 / Tuesday, September 8, 2015 / Notices

                                                    after each stoppage of 30 minutes or                    the potential to disturb a marine                     proposed authorization (80 FR 43739;
                                                    greater.                                                mammal or marine mammal stock in the                  July 23, 2015).
                                                                                                            wild by causing disruption of behavioral                 Table 2 above illustrated that during
                                                    Data Collection
                                                                                                            patterns, including, but not limited to,              vibratory driving the120 dB Level B
                                                       We require that observers use                        migration, breathing, nursing, breeding,              harassment threshold could be exceeded
                                                    approved data forms. Among other                        feeding, or sheltering [Level B                       at 7,356 meters. Note that the actual area
                                                    pieces of information, the Corps will                   harassment].’’                                        ensonified by pile driving activities is
                                                    record detailed information about any                      All anticipated takes would be by                  significantly constrained by local
                                                    implementation of shutdowns,                            Level B harassment resulting from                     topography relative to the identified
                                                    including the distance of animals to the                vibratory pile driving/removal and                    threshold radii.
                                                    pile and description of specific actions                involving temporary changes in                           The method used for calculating
                                                    that ensued and resulting behavior of                   behavior. Injurious or lethal takes are               potential exposures to vibratory pile
                                                    the animal, if any. In addition, the Corps              not expected due to the expected source               driving noise for each threshold was
                                                    will attempt to distinguish between the                 levels and sound source characteristics               estimated using local marine mammal
                                                    number of individual animals taken and                  associated with the activity, and the                 data sets, the Biological Opinion, best
                                                    the number of incidents of take. We                     planned mitigation and monitoring                     professional judgment from state and
                                                    require that, at a minimum, the                         measures are expected to further                      federal agencies, and data from IHA
                                                    following information be collected on                   minimize the possibility of such take.                estimates on similar projects with
                                                    the sighting forms:                                        Given the many uncertainties in                    similar actions. All estimates are
                                                       • Date and time that monitored                       predicting the quantity and types of                  conservative and include the following
                                                    activity begins or ends;                                impacts of sound in every given                       assumptions:
                                                       • Construction activities occurring                  situation on marine mammals, it is                       • During construction, each species
                                                    during each observation period;                         common practice to estimate how many                  could be present in the project area each
                                                       • Weather parameters (e.g., percent                  animals are likely to be present within               day. The potential for a take is based on
                                                    cover, visibility);                                     a particular distance of a given activity,            a 24-hour period. The model assumes
                                                       • Water conditions (e.g., sea state,                 or exposed to a particular level of                   that there can be one potential take
                                                    tide state);                                            sound, based on the available science.                (Level B harassment exposure) per
                                                       • Species, numbers, and, if possible,                   This practice potentially
                                                                                                                                                                  individual per 24-hours.
                                                    sex and age class of marine mammals;                    overestimates the numbers of marine
                                                                                                                                                                     • All pilings installed at each site
                                                       • Description of any observable                      mammals taken for stationary activities,
                                                                                                                                                                  would have an underwater noise
                                                    marine mammal behavior patterns,                        as it is likely that some smaller number
                                                                                                                                                                  disturbance equal to the piling that
                                                    including bearing and direction of travel               of individuals may accrue a number of
                                                                                                                                                                  causes the greatest noise disturbance
                                                    and distance from pile driving activity;                incidences of harassment per individual
                                                                                                                                                                  (i.e., the piling furthest from shore)
                                                       • Distance from pile driving activities              than for each incidence to accrue to a
                                                                                                                                                                  installed with the method that has the
                                                    to marine mammals and distance from                     new individual, especially if those
                                                                                                            individuals display some degree of                    largest ZOI. The largest underwater
                                                    the marine mammals to the observation                                                                         disturbance ZOI would be produced by
                                                    point;                                                  residency or site fidelity and the
                                                                                                                                                                  vibratory driving steel piles. The ZOIs
                                                       • Locations of all marine mammal                     impetus to use the site (e.g., because of
                                                                                                            foraging opportunities) is stronger than              for each threshold are not spherical and
                                                    observations; and
                                                                                                                                                                  are truncated by land masses which
                                                       • Other human activity in the area.                  the deterrence presented by the
                                                                                                            harassing activity.                                   would dissipate sound pressure waves.
                                                    Reporting                                                  The Corps requested authorization for                 • Exposures were based on an
                                                       The Corps will notify NMFS prior to                  the incidental taking of small numbers                estimated 17 days of in-water work.
                                                    the initiation of the pile driving                      of killer whale, Gray whale, harbor                   In absence of site specific underwater
                                                    activities. The Corps will provide NMFS                 porpoise, Steller sea lion, California sea            acoustic propagation modeling, the
                                                    with a draft monitoring report within 90                lion, and harbor seal near the MCR                    practical spreading loss model was used
                                                    days of the conclusion of the proposed                  project area that may result from                     to determine the ZOI.
                                                    construction work. This report will                     vibratory pile driving and removal                       Southern resident killer whales have
                                                    detail the monitoring protocol,                         during construction activities associated             been observed offshore near the study
                                                    summarize the data recorded during                      with the rehabilitation of Jetty A at the             area and ZOI, but the Corps does not
                                                    monitoring, and estimate the number of                  MCR.                                                  have fine-scale details on frequency of
                                                    marine mammals that may have been                          In order to estimate the potential                 use. While killer whales do occur in the
                                                    harassed. If no comments are received                   incidents of take that may occur                      Columbia River plume, where fresh
                                                    from NMFS within 30 days, the draft                     incidental to the specified activity, we              water from the river intermixes with salt
                                                    final report will constitute the final                  must first estimate the extent of the                 water from the ocean, they are rarely
                                                    report. If comments are received, a final               sound field that may be produced by the               seen in the interior of the Columbia
                                                    report must be submitted within 30 days                 activity and then consider in                         River Jetty system. The ensonified area
                                                    after receipt of comments.                              combination with information about                    associated with the proposed action at
                                                                                                            marine mammal density or abundance                    Jetty A does not extend out into the
                                                    Estimated Take by Incidental                            in the project area. We provided                      open ocean where killer whales are
                                                    Harassment                                              detailed information on applicable                    likely to be found. Furthermore, the
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                       Except with respect to certain                       sound thresholds for determining effects              Corps has limited its pile installation
                                                    activities not pertinent here, section                  to marine mammals as well as                          window in order to avoid peak salmon
                                                    3(18) of the MMPA defines                               describing the information used in                    runs and any overlap with the presence
                                                    ‘‘harassment’’ as: ‘‘. . . any act of                   estimating the sound fields, the                      of Southern residents. To ensure no
                                                    pursuit, torment, or annoyance which (i)                available marine mammal density or                    Level B acoustical harassment occurs,
                                                    has the potential to injure a marine                    abundance information, and the method                 the Corps will restrict pile installation
                                                    mammal or marine mammal stock in the                    of estimating potential incidences of                 from October 1 until April 30 of each
                                                    wild [Level A harassment]; or (ii) has                  take, in our Federal Register notice of               season. However, this restriction was

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 173 / Tuesday, September 8, 2015 / Notices                                            53783

                                                    enacted primarily for construction work                 2015), gray whales may be in the                      an estimated density per km2 of year-
                                                    at the North and South jetties, where the               proximity of the proposed action area                 round porpoises for areas near northern
                                                    ensonified zone will radiate out towards                and exposed to underwater acoustic                    California, which may provide a
                                                    the open ocean. As such NMFS is not                     disturbances. However, no data exists                 surrogate proxy value for assuming
                                                    anticipating any acoustic exposure to                   that is specific to presence and numbers              possible densities near the jetties.
                                                    Southern residents. Also note that in the               in the MCR vicinity and gray whale                    Though not in the project vicinity, the
                                                    2011 Biological Opinion, NMFS issued                    density estimates were not available on               range of 3.642 animals/km2(Barlow et
                                                    a not likely to adversely affect                        the SERDP or OBIS–SEAMAP web                          al. 2009, Halpin et al. 2009) is a
                                                    determination. Therefore, NMFS has                      model sites. Anecdotal evidence also                  relatively high density compared to
                                                    determined that authorization of take for               indicates gray whales have been seen at               values moving even further south along
                                                    Southern residents is not warranted.                    MCR, but are not a common visitor, as                 the model boundaries, for which the
                                                       Western Transient killer whales may                  they mostly remain in the vicinity of the             northern-most extent ends in California.
                                                    be traversing offshore over a greater                   further offshore shelf-break (Griffith                Given anecdotal evidence (Griffith 2015)
                                                    duration of time than the feeding                       2015). According to NOAA’s Cetacean                   and sightings recorded on the OBIS
                                                    resident. They are rarely observed                      Mapping classification of the MCR                     network from surveys done between
                                                    inside of the jetty system. The                         vicinity pertaining to gray whale use, its            1989 and 2005, (Halpin et al. 2009,
                                                    Southwest Fisheries Science Center                      Biologically Important Area                           OBIS–SEAMAP 2015), this higher
                                                    (SWFSC) stratum model under the                         categorization is indicated as a                      density may be appropriate for the MCR
                                                    Marine Animal Monitor Model provides                    migration corridor (http://                           vicinity, or may be conservative.
                                                    an estimated density of 0.00070853                      cetsound.noaa.gov/biologically-                         The formula previously described was
                                                    animals per km2for summer killer                        important-area-map). As primarily                     used to arrive at a take estimate for
                                                    whales for areas near MCR, which may                    bottom feeders, gray whales are the most              harbor porpoise.
                                                    provide a surrogate proxy value for                     coastal of all great whales; they
                                                    assuming possible densities near the                    primarily feed in shallow continental                 Exposure Estimate = (3.642DensityEstimate *
                                                    jetties (Barlow et al. 2009, Halpin et al.              shelf waters and live much of their lives                23.63ZOI Jetty A * 17days) = 1,464.
                                                    2009 at OBIS–SEAMAP). Given                             within a few tens of kilometers of shore                 Based on the density model suggested
                                                    anecdotal evidence (Griffith 2015) and                  (Barlow et. al. 2009 on OBIS—SEAMAP                   by NOAA (2015), the Corps has
                                                    sightings recorded on the OBIS network                  2015).                                                provided a very conservative maximum
                                                    from surveys done in 2005 (Halpin et al.                  The Pacific Coast Feeding Group or                  estimate of 1,464 harbor porpoise
                                                    2009, OBIS–SEAMAP 2015), this                           northbound summer migrants would be                   disturbance exposures over the 17 days
                                                    density may be appropriate for the MCR                  the most likely gray whales to be in the              of operation. However, this number of
                                                    vicinity.                                               vicinity of MCR. Since no information                 potential exposures does not accurately
                                                       The following formula was used to                    pertaining to gray whale densities could              reflect the actual number of animals that
                                                    calculate exposure using                                be identified, NMFS elected to apply                  would potentially be taken for the MCR
                                                    Exposure Estimate =                                     proxy data for estimating densities. As               jetty project. Rather, it is more likely
                                                         (0.000708DensityEstimate * 23.63ZOI Jetty          a proxy, data pertinent to humpback                   that the same pod may be exposed more
                                                         A * 17days) = 0.28 killer whale
                                                                                                            whales (0.0039 animals per km2) was                   than once during the 17-day operating
                                                         exposures                                          selected because both are baleen species              window. The highest estimated number
                                                                                                            found near the MCR vicinity for the                   of animals exposed on any single day
                                                                                                            same purposes (as a migration route or                based on the modeled proxy density
                                                    NDensityEstimate = Represents estimated density         temporary feeding zone). However, the
                                                        of species within the 4.6-mile radius                                                                     (Barlow et al. 2009 at SERDP) and the
                                                        (23.63 km2) encompassing the ZOI at
                                                                                                            number of estimated exposures at Jetty                jetty with the greatest ZOI is 193
                                                        Jetty A; using the density model                    A was increased to account for the fact               animals (from South Jetty Channel).
                                                        suggested by NOAA (2015), this equates              that gray whales are more likely to be                While the number of pods in the
                                                        to 0.000708 animals per km2(Barlow et               in the nearshore environment than                     vicinity of the MCR is unknown, the
                                                        al. 2009).                                          humpback whales. This increase was                    size of the pods is usually assumed to
                                                    Days = Total days of pile installation or               proposed strictly as a conservative                   be significantly smaller than 193
                                                        removal activity (∼17 days)                         assumption to acknowledge the distinct                animals. According to OBIS–SEAMAP
                                                      Given the low density and rare                        preference gray whales may have over                  (2015 and Halpin et al. 2009), the
                                                    occurrence of transient killer whales in                humpbacks for nearshore feeding.                      normal range of group size generally
                                                    the ZOI, exposure of feeding or transient                 The following formula was used to                   consists of less than five or six
                                                    killer whales to Level B acoustical                     calculate exposure:                                   individuals, though aggregations into
                                                    harassment from pile driving is unlikely                Exposure Estimate = (0.0039DensityEstimate            large, loose groups of 50 to several
                                                    to occur. However, NMFS proposes to                          * 23.63ZOI Jetty A * 17days) + 1 = 1.56          hundred animals could occur for
                                                    authorize take of small number due to                        gray whale exposures                             feeding or migration. Because the ZOI
                                                    the remote chance that transient orcas                    Migrating gray whales often travel in               only extends for a maximum of 7,256
                                                    remain in the vicinity to feed on                       groups of 2, although larger pods do                  meters (4.6 miles), it may also be
                                                    pinnipeds that frequent the haulouts at                 occur. For gray whales, NMFS believes                 assumed that due to competition and
                                                    the South Jetty.                                        4 Level B authorized takes is reasonable.             territorial circumstances only a limited
                                                      NMFS believes that an authorized                        Harbor porpoises are known to                       number of pods would be feeding in the
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                                                    take of 8 transients is warranted because               occupy shallow, coastal waters and,                   ZOI at any particular time. If the
                                                    solitary killer whales are rarely                       therefore, are likely to be found in the              modeled density calculations are
                                                    observed, and transient whales travel in                vicinity of the MCR. They are known to                assumed, then this means anywhere
                                                    pods of 2–15 members. NMFS has                          occur within the proposed project area,               from 32 small pods to 2 large, 100-
                                                    assumed a pod size of 8.                                however, density data for this region is              animal pods might be feeding during
                                                      Based on anecdotal information and                    unavailable (Griffith 2015).                          every day of pile installation. Given
                                                    sightings between 2006 and 2011                           The SWFSC stratum model under the                   these values seem an unrealistic
                                                    (Halpin et al. 2009 at OBIS SEAMAP                      Marine Animal Monitor Model provides                  representation of use and pod densities

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                                                    53784                                  Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 173 / Tuesday, September 8, 2015 / Notices

                                                    within any one of the ZOIs, NMFS is                                           between 200–800 animals per month;                                       most likely months for pile installation
                                                    proposing an alternative calculation.                                         California sea lion numbers could range                                  as is shown in Table 3. There are no
                                                       NMFS conservatively assumed that a                                         from 1 to 500 per month and the                                          anticipated airborne exposures since the
                                                    single, large feeding pod of 50 animals                                       number of harbor seals could be as low                                   main haul out sites are not in close
                                                    forms within the ZOI for Jetty A on each                                      as 1 to as high as 57 per month.                                         proximity to Jetty A. Note that the
                                                    day of pile installation. Though this is                                      Exposure and take estimates below are                                    formula used by NMFS is different than
                                                    likely much higher than actual use by                                         based on past pinniped data from                                         that employed by the Corps in their
                                                    multiple pods in the vicinity, it more                                        WDFW (2000–2014 data), which had a                                       application as NMFS is only analyzing
                                                    realistically represents a worst-case                                         more robust monthly sampling                                             potential impacts associated with Jetty
                                                    scenario for the number of animals that                                       frequency relative to Oregon                                             A. To reiterate, these exposure estimates
                                                    could potentially be affected by the                                          Department of Fish &Wildlife (ODFW)                                      assume a new individual is exposed
                                                    proposed work. This calculation also                                          counts. The exception to this was for                                    every day throughout each acoustic
                                                    assumes that it is a new pod of                                               harbor seal counts, for which ODFW                                       disturbance, for the entire duration of
                                                    individuals would be affected on each                                         (also 2000–2014 data) had more                                           the project.
                                                    installation day, which is also unlikely                                      sampling data in certain months.
                                                    given pod residency. Therefore, NMFS                                          Therefore, ODFW harbor seal data was                                     Exposure EstimateStellar = (Nest(May∂June/2)
                                                    is permitting a Level B take for 850                                          used for the months of May and July.                                        * 17underwater/piles days) = 12,750 Steller
                                                    animals.                                                                      Exposure estimates are much higher                                          sea lions
                                                       There are haulout sites on the South                                       than take estimates. This is because                                     Exposure EstimateCalifornia =
                                                    Jetty used by pinnipeds, especially                                           unlike the exposure estimate which                                          (Nest(May∂June/2) * 17underwater/piles days)
                                                    Steller sea lions. It is likely that                                          assumes all new individuals, the take                                       = 2,788 CA sea lions
                                                    pinnipeds that use the haulout area in                                        estimate request assumes that some of                                    Exposure EstimateHarbor = (Nest(May∂June/2)
                                                    would be exposed to 120 dB threshold                                          the same individuals will remain in the                                     * 17underwater/piles days)= 493 Harbor
                                                    acoustic threshold during pile driving                                        area and be exposed multiple times                                          porpoises
                                                    activities. The number of exposures                                           during the short 17-day installation                                     Where:
                                                    would vary based on weather                                                   period to complete and remove each
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Nest = Estimated daily average number of
                                                    conditions, season, and daily                                                 offloading facility (for a total of about 68                                  animals for May and June hauled out at
                                                    fluctuations in abundance. Based on a                                         days). NMFS examined the estimated                                            South Jetty based on WDFW data.
                                                    survey by the Washington Department                                           monthly average number of animals                                        Duration = total days of pile installation or
                                                    of Fish & Wildlife (WDFW) the number                                          from 2000–2014 hauled on South Jetty                                          removal activity for underwater
                                                    of affected Steller sea lions could be                                        during May and June, which are the                                            thresholds (17);

                                                                                      TABLE 3—AUTHORIZED TAKES OF PINNIPEDS DURING PILE INSTALLATION AT JETTY A
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Steller           California           Harbor
                                                                                                                                                                                                           sea lion            sea lion             seal
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Avg 1              Avg 1              Avg 1 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                              #                  #                   #

                                                    April ..............................................................................................................................................           587                  99   ........................
                                                    May ..............................................................................................................................................             824                 125                         0
                                                    June .............................................................................................................................................             676                 202                       57
                                                    July ...............................................................................................................................................           358                   1                       10
                                                    August ..........................................................................................................................................              324                 115                         1
                                                    September ...................................................................................................................................                  209                 249   ........................
                                                    October ........................................................................................................................................               384                 508   ........................
                                                    Avg Daily Count (May+June/2) 3 .................................................................................................                               750                 164                       29
                                                         Total Exposures over Duration 4 (17 days) ..........................................................................                                   12,750               2,788                     493
                                                       1WDFW average daily count per month from 2000–2014.
                                                       2ODFW average daily count per month for May and July 2000–2014 due to additional available sampling data.
                                                       3Conservatively assumes each exposure is to new individual, all individuals are new arrivals each month, and no individual is exposed more
                                                    than one time.
                                                      4 Assumed 17 pile installation/removal days.

                                                    Analyses and Determinations                                                   not enough information on which to                                          To avoid repetition, the discussion of
                                                                                                                                  base an impact determination. In                                         our analyses applies to all the species
                                                    Negligible Impact Analysis
                                                                                                                                  addition to considering estimates of the                                 listed in Table 4 given that the
                                                       Negligible impact is ‘‘an impact                                           number of marine mammals that might                                      anticipated effects of this pile driving
                                                    resulting from the specified activity that                                    be ‘‘taken’’ through behavioral                                          project on marine mammals are
                                                    cannot be reasonably expected to, and is                                      harassment, NMFS must consider other                                     expected to be relatively similar in
                                                    not reasonably likely to, adversely affect                                    factors, such as the likely nature of any                                nature. There is no information about
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    the species or stock through effects on                                       responses (their intensity, duration,                                    the size, status, or structure of any
                                                    annual rates of recruitment or survival’’                                     etc.), the context of any responses                                      species or stock that would lead to a
                                                    (50 CFR 216.103). A negligible impact                                         (critical reproductive time or location,                                 different analysis for this activity, else
                                                    finding is based on the lack of likely                                        migration, etc.), as well as the number                                  species-specific factors would be
                                                    adverse effects on annual rates of                                            and nature of estimated Level A                                          identified and analyzed.
                                                    recruitment or survival (i.e., population-                                    harassment takes, the number of                                             Pile driving activities associated with
                                                    level effects). An estimate of the number                                     estimated mortalities, effects on habitat,                               the rehabilitation of Jetty A at the mouth
                                                    of Level B harassment takes, alone, is                                        and the status of the species.                                           of the Columbia River, as outlined

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                                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 173 / Tuesday, September 8, 2015 / Notices                                                                     53785

                                                    previously, have the potential to disturb                                expected to subside quickly when the                                   locations, which have taken place with
                                                    or displace marine mammals.                                              exposures cease. Moreover, the                                         no reported injuries or mortality to
                                                    Specifically, the planned activities may                                 proposed mitigation and monitoring                                     marine mammals, and no known long-
                                                    result in take, in the form of Level B                                   measures are expected to reduce                                        term adverse consequences from
                                                    harassment (behavioral disturbance)                                      potential exposures and behavioral                                     behavioral harassment. Repeated
                                                    only, from underwater sounds generated                                   modifications even further.                                            exposures of individuals to levels of
                                                    from pile driving. Potential takes could                                 Additionally, no important feeding and/                                sound that may cause Level B
                                                    occur if individuals of these species are                                or reproductive areas for marine                                       harassment are unlikely to result in
                                                    present in the ensonified zone when                                      mammals are known to be near the                                       hearing impairment or to significantly
                                                    pile driving is happening.                                               proposed action area. Therefore, the                                   disrupt foraging behavior. Thus, even
                                                       No injury, serious injury, or mortality                               take resulting from the proposed project                               repeated Level B harassment of some
                                                    is anticipated given the nature of the                                   is not reasonably expected to and is not                               small subset of the overall stock is
                                                    activity and measures designed to                                        reasonably likely to adversely affect the                              unlikely to result in any significant
                                                    minimize the possibility of injury to                                    marine mammal species or stocks                                        realized decrease in fitness for the
                                                    marine mammals. The potential for                                        through effects on annual rates of                                     affected individuals, and thus would
                                                    these outcomes is minimized through                                      recruitment or survival.                                               not result in any adverse impact to the
                                                    the construction method and the                                             The project also is not expected to                                 stock as a whole. Level B harassment
                                                    implementation of the planned                                            have significant adverse effects on                                    will be reduced to the level of least
                                                    mitigation measures. Specifically,                                       affected marine mammals’ habitat, as                                   practicable impact through use of
                                                    vibratory hammers will be the only                                       analyzed in detail in the ‘‘Anticipated                                mitigation measures described herein
                                                    method of installation utilized. No                                      Effects on Marine Mammal Habitat’’                                     and, if sound produced by project
                                                    impact driving is planned. Vibratory                                     section. The project activities would not                              activities is sufficiently disturbing,
                                                    driving does not have significant                                        modify existing marine mammal habitat.                                 animals are likely to simply avoid the
                                                    potential to cause injury to marine                                      The activities may cause some fish to                                  project area while the activity is
                                                    mammals due to the relatively low                                        leave the area of disturbance, thus                                    occurring.
                                                    source levels produced (site-specific                                    temporarily impacting marine
                                                                                                                             mammals’ foraging opportunities in a                                      In summary, this negligible impact
                                                    acoustic monitoring data show no
                                                                                                                             limited portion of the foraging range;                                 analysis is founded on the following
                                                    source level measurements above 180
                                                                                                                             but, because of the short duration of the                              factors: (1) The possibility of injury,
                                                    dB rms) and the lack of potentially
                                                                                                                             activities and the relatively small area of                            serious injury, or mortality may
                                                    injurious source characteristics. The
                                                                                                                             the habitat that may be affected, the                                  reasonably be considered discountable;
                                                    likelihood that marine mammal
                                                                                                                             impacts to marine mammal habitat are                                   (2) the anticipated incidents of Level B
                                                    detection ability by trained observers is
                                                                                                                             not expected to cause significant or                                   harassment consist of, at worst,
                                                    high under the environmental
                                                                                                                             long-term negative consequences.                                       temporary modifications in behavior
                                                    conditions described for the
                                                                                                                                Effects on individuals that are taken                               and; (3) the presumed efficacy of the
                                                    rehabilitation of Jetty A at MCR further
                                                                                                                             by Level B harassment, on the basis of                                 proposed mitigation measures in
                                                    enables the implementation of
                                                                                                                             reports in the literature as well as                                   reducing the effects of the specified
                                                    shutdowns to avoid injury, serious
                                                                                                                             monitoring from other similar activities,                              activity to the level of least practicable
                                                    injury, or mortality.
                                                       The Corps’ proposed activities are                                    will likely be limited to reactions such                               impact. In combination, we believe that
                                                    localized and of short duration. The                                     as increased swimming speeds,                                          these factors, as well as the available
                                                    entire project area is limited to the Jetty                              increased surfacing time, or decreased                                 body of evidence from other similar
                                                    A area and its immediate surroundings.                                   foraging (if such activity were occurring)                             activities, demonstrate that the potential
                                                    Actions covered under the                                                (e.g., Thorson and Reyff, 2006; Lerma,                                 effects of the specified activity will have
                                                    Authorization would include installing                                   2014). Most likely, individuals will                                   only short-term effects on individuals.
                                                    a maximum of 24 piles for use as                                         simply move away from the sound                                        The specified activity is not expected to
                                                    dolphins and a maximum of 93 sections                                    source and be temporarily displaced                                    impact rates of recruitment or survival
                                                    of Z or H piles for retention of rock fill                               from the areas of pile driving, although                               and will therefore not result in
                                                    over 17 days. The piles would be a                                       even this reaction has been observed                                   population-level impacts.
                                                    maximum diameter of 24 inches and                                        primarily only in association with                                        Based on the analysis contained
                                                    would only be installed by vibratory                                     impact pile driving. In response to                                    herein of the likely effects of the
                                                    driving method. The possibility exists                                   vibratory driving, pinnipeds (which                                    specified activity on marine mammals
                                                    that smaller diameter piles may be used                                  may become somewhat habituated to                                      and their habitat, and taking into
                                                    but for this analysis it is assumed that                                 human activity in industrial or urban                                  consideration the implementation of the
                                                    24 inch piles will be driven.                                            waterways) have been observed to orient                                proposed monitoring and mitigation
                                                       These localized and short-term noise                                  towards and sometimes move towards                                     measures, NMFS finds that the total
                                                    exposures may cause brief startle                                        the sound. The pile driving activities                                 marine mammal take from the Corps’
                                                    reactions or short-term behavioral                                       analyzed here are similar to, or less                                  rehabilitation of Jetty A at MCR will
                                                    modification by the animals. These                                       impactful than, numerous construction                                  have a negligible impact on the affected
                                                    reactions and behavioral changes are                                     activities conducted in other similar                                  marine mammal species or stocks.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                               TABLE 4—ESTIMATED PERCENTAGE OF SPECIES/STOCKS THAT MAY BE EXPOSED TO LEVEL B HARASSMENT
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Total proposed                  Percentage of
                                                                                                                   Species                                                                          authorized      Abundance      total stock

                                                    Killer whale (Western transient stock) .........................................................................................                          8             243             3.2
                                                    Gray whale (Eastern North Pacific Stock) ...................................................................................                              4          18,017           <0.01
                                                    Harbor porpoise ...........................................................................................................................             850          21,487             3.9

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                                                    53786                                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 173 / Tuesday, September 8, 2015 / Notices

                                                     TABLE 4—ESTIMATED PERCENTAGE OF SPECIES/STOCKS THAT MAY BE EXPOSED TO LEVEL B HARASSMENT—Continued
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Total proposed                    Percentage of
                                                                                                                    Species                                                                            authorized       Abundance       total stock

                                                    Steller sea lion .............................................................................................................................          12,750     63,160–78,198   20.2–16.3–1.0
                                                    California sea lion ........................................................................................................................             2,788           296,750            0.01
                                                    Harbor seal ..................................................................................................................................             493            24,732             2.0

                                                    Small Numbers Analysis                                                    Biological Opinion concluding that the                                   directions (to/from) by the responsible
                                                       Table 4 illustrates the number of                                      proposed action is not likely to                                         origin/destination Joint Personal
                                                    animals that could be exposed to                                          jeopardize the continued existence of                                    Property Shipping Office (JPPSO) on the
                                                    received noise levels that could cause                                    humpback whales and may affect, but is                                   participating pilot lanes. The CONOPS
                                                    Level B behavioral harassment for the                                     not likely to adversely affect Southern                                  was developed utilizing general traffic
                                                    proposed work associated with the                                         resident killer whales.                                                  management principles in concert with
                                                    rehabilitation of Jetty A at MCR. The                                                                                                              the Defense Transportation Regulation
                                                                                                                              National Environmental Policy Act
                                                    analyses provided above represents                                                                                                                 (DTR) Part IV (DTR 4500.9R), and
                                                    between <0.01%—20.9% of the                                                                                                                        Government household goods tariff
                                                    populations of these stocks that could                                      The Corps issued the Final                                             (400NG) (as amended).
                                                    be affected by Level B behavioral                                         Environmental Assessment Columbia                                        DATES: Comments must be received on
                                                    harassment. The numbers of animals                                        River at the Mouth, Oregon and                                           or before November 9, 2015.
                                                    authorized to be taken for all species                                    Washington Rehabilitation of the Jetty
                                                                                                                                                                                                       ADDRESSES: Do not submit comments
                                                    would be considered small relative to                                     System at the Mouth of the Columbia
                                                                                                                                                                                                       directly to the point of contact under
                                                    the relevant stocks or populations even                                   River and Finding of No Significant
                                                                                                                                                                                                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT or
                                                    if each estimated taking occurred to a                                    Impact in 2011. The environmental
                                                                                                                                                                                                       mail your comments to any address
                                                    new individual—an extremely unlikely                                      assessment (EA) and finding of no
                                                                                                                                                                                                       other than what is shown in this
                                                    scenario. For pinnipeds occurring in the                                  significant interest (FONSI) were
                                                                                                                                                                                                       section. Doing so will delay the posting
                                                    vicinity of Jetty A, there will almost                                    revised in 2012 with a FONSI being
                                                                                                                                                                                                       of the submission. You may submit
                                                    certainly be overlap in individuals                                       signed on July 26, 2012. NMFS has
                                                                                                                                                                                                       comments, identified by docket number
                                                    present day-to-day, and these takes are                                   adopted the findings of the 2012 FONSI.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       and title, by any of the following
                                                    likely to occur only within some small                                    Authorization                                                            methods:
                                                    portion of the overall regional stock.                                      As a result of these determinations,                                     • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://
                                                       Based on the analysis contained                                                                                                                 www.regulations.gov. Follow the
                                                                                                                              we have issued an IHA to the Corps for
                                                    herein of the likely effects of the                                                                                                                instructions for submitting comments.
                                                                                                                              conducting the described activities
                                                    specified activity on marine mammals
                                                                                                                              related to the rehabilitation of Jetty A at                                • Mail: Department of Defense, Office
                                                    and their habitat, and taking into                                                                                                                 of the Deputy Chief Management
                                                                                                                              the MCR from May 1, 2016 through
                                                    consideration the implementation of the                                                                                                            Officer, Directorate of Oversight and
                                                                                                                              April 30, 2017 provided the previously
                                                    mitigation and monitoring measures,                                                                                                                Compliance, Regulatory and Audit
                                                                                                                              described mitigation, monitoring, and
                                                    which are expected to reduce the                                                                                                                   Matters Office, 9010 Defense Pentagon,
                                                                                                                              reporting requirements are incorporated.
                                                    number of marine mammals potentially                                                                                                               Washington, DC 20301–9010.
                                                    affected by the proposed action, NMFS                                       Dated: September 1, 2015.                                                Instructions: All submissions received
                                                    finds that small numbers of marine                                        Perry Gayaldo,                                                           must include the agency name and
                                                    mammals will be taken relative to the                                     Deputy Director, Office of Protected                                     docket number for this Federal Register
                                                    populations of the affected species or                                    Resources, National Marine Fisheries Service.                            document. The general policy for
                                                    stocks.                                                                   [FR Doc. 2015–22069 Filed 9–4–15; 8:45 am]                               comments and other submissions from
                                                    Impact on Availability of Affected                                        BILLING CODE 3510–22–P                                                   members of the public is to make these
                                                    Species for Taking for Subsistence Uses                                                                                                            submissions available for public
                                                                                                                                                                                                       viewing on the Internet at http://
                                                      There are no subsistence uses of                                        DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE                                                    www.regulations.gov as they are
                                                    marine mammals in the proposed                                                                                                                     received without change, including any
                                                    project area; and, thus, no subsistence                                   Office of the Secretary                                                  personal identifiers or contact
                                                    uses impacted by this action.                                                                                                                      information.
                                                                                                                              [Docket ID: DoD–2015–OS–0090]
                                                    Endangered Species Act (ESA)                                                                                                                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:    Mr.
                                                      There are two marine mammal                                             Defense Personal Property Program                                        Jim Teague, United States
                                                    species that are listed as endangered                                     (DP3)                                                                    Transportation Command, TCJ5/4–PI,
                                                    under the ESA with confirmed or                                           AGENCY: United States Transportation                                     508 Scott Drive, Scott Air Force Base, IL
                                                    possible occurrence in the study area:                                    Command (USTRANSCOM), DoD.                                               62225–5357; (618) 220–4803.
                                                    humpback whale and Southern resident                                                                                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The pilot
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                              ACTION: Notice.
                                                    killer whale. For the purposes of this                                                                                                             test CONOPS is available for review and
                                                    IHA, NMFS determined that take of                                         SUMMARY:  DoD has developed a Concept                                    comment on the USTRANSCOM Web
                                                    Southern resident killer whales was                                       of Operations (CONOPS) to test                                           site at http://www.transcom.mil/dtr/
                                                    highly unlikely given the rare                                            expansion of the personal property                                       coord/coordpartivfrn.cfm. Request
                                                    occurrence of these animals in the                                        volume move criteria to include select                                   comments be submitted using the
                                                    project area. A similar conclusion was                                    high-volume channel/traffic lanes.                                       downloadable comment-matrix-format
                                                    reached for humpback whales. On                                           Under the pilot test, personal property                                  posted with the CONOPS. In
                                                    March 18, 2011, NMFS signed a                                             shipments will be awarded both                                           furtherance of DoD’s goal to develop

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Document Created: 2018-02-26 10:13:28
Document Modified: 2018-02-26 10:13:28
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice; issuance of an incidental harassment authorization.
DatesThis authorization is effective from May 1, 2016 through April 30, 2017.
ContactRobert Pauline, Office of Protected Resources, NMFS, (301) 427-8401.
FR Citation80 FR 53777 
RIN Number0648-XD97

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