80_FR_60778 80 FR 60584 - Mercury; TSCA Section 21 Petition; Reasons for Agency Response

80 FR 60584 - Mercury; TSCA Section 21 Petition; Reasons for Agency Response


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 194 (October 7, 2015)

Page Range60584-60591
FR Document2015-24849

This document provides the reasons for EPA's denial of a petition it received under Section 21 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The TSCA section 21 petition was received from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association (NEWMOA) on June 24, 2015. The petitioners requested EPA to ``promulgate a TSCA section 8(a) rule that requires persons who manufacture, process, or import into the United States mercury, mercury compounds, or mercury-added products to keep records of and submit information to EPA concerning such manufacture, processing, or importation of mercury.'' After careful consideration, EPA denied the TSCA section 21 petition for the reasons discussed in this document.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 194 (Wednesday, October 7, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 194 (Wednesday, October 7, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 60584-60591]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-24849]



40 CFR Chapter I

[EPA-HQ-OPPT-2015-0626; FRL-9934-71]

Mercury; TSCA Section 21 Petition; Reasons for Agency Response

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Petition; reasons for Agency response.


SUMMARY: This document provides the reasons for EPA's denial of a 
petition it received under Section 21 of the Toxic Substances Control 
Act (TSCA). The TSCA section 21 petition was received from the Natural 
Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the Northeast Waste Management 
Officials' Association (NEWMOA) on June 24, 2015. The petitioners 
requested EPA to ``promulgate a TSCA section 8(a) rule that requires 
persons who manufacture, process, or import into the United States 
mercury, mercury compounds, or mercury-added products to keep records 
of and submit information to EPA concerning such manufacture, 
processing, or importation of mercury.'' After careful consideration, 
EPA denied the TSCA section 21 petition for the reasons discussed in 
this document.

DATES: EPA's response to this TSCA section 21 petition was signed 
September 21, 2015.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For technical information contact: 
Thomas Groeneveld, National Program Chemicals Division (7404M), Office 
of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, 
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460-0001; telephone 
number: 202-566-1188; email address: groeneveld.thomas@epa.gov.
    For general information contact: The TSCA-Hotline, ABVI-Goodwill, 
422 South Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14620; telephone number: (202) 
554-1404; email address: TSCA-Hotline@epa.gov.


I. General Information

A. Does this action apply to me?

    This action is directed to the public in general. This action may, 
however, be of interest to those persons who manufacture, process, or 
distribute in commerce mercury, mercury compounds, or mercury-added 
products. Since other entities may also be interested, the Agency has 
not attempted to describe all the specific entities that may be 
affected by this action.

B. How can I access information about this petition?

    The docket for this TSCA section 21 petition, identified by docket 
identification (ID) number EPA-HQ-OPPT-2015-0626, is available at 
http://www.regulations.gov or at the Office of Pollution Prevention and 
Toxics Docket (OPPT Docket), Environmental Protection Agency Docket 
Center (EPA/DC), West William Jefferson Clinton Bldg., Rm. 3334, 1301 
Constitution Ave. NW., Washington, DC. The Public Reading Room is open 
from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal 
holidays. The telephone number for the Public Reading Room is (202) 
566-1744, and the telephone number for the OPPT Docket is (202) 566-
0280. Please review the visitor instructions and additional information 
about the docket available at http://www.epa.gov/dockets.

II. TSCA Section 21

A. What is a TSCA section 21 petition?

    Under TSCA section 21 (15 U.S.C. 2620), any person can petition EPA 
to initiate a rulemaking proceeding for the issuance, amendment, or 
repeal of a rule under TSCA section 4, 6, or 8 or an order under TSCA 
section 5(e) or 6(b)(2). A TSCA section 21 petition must set forth the 
facts that are claimed to establish the necessity for the action 
requested. EPA is required to grant or deny the petition within 90 days 
of its filing. If EPA grants the petition, the Agency must promptly 
commence an appropriate proceeding. If EPA denies the petition, the 
Agency must publish its reasons for the denial in the Federal Register. 
A petitioner may commence a civil action in a U.S. District Court to 
compel initiation of the requested rulemaking proceeding within 60 days 
of either a denial or the expiration of the 90-day period.

B. What criteria apply to a decision on a TSCA section 21 petition?

    Section 21(b)(1) of TSCA requires that the petition ``set forth the 
facts which it is claimed establish that it is necessary'' to issue the 
rule or order requested. 15 U.S.C. 2620(b)(1). Thus, TSCA section 21 
implicitly incorporates the statutory standards that apply to the 
requested actions. In addition, TSCA section 21 establishes standards a 
court must use to decide whether to order EPA to initiate rulemaking in 
the event of a lawsuit filed by the petitioner after denial of a TSCA 
section 21 petition. 15 U.S.C. 2620(b)(4)(B). Accordingly, EPA has 
relied on the standards in TSCA section 21 and in the provisions under 
which actions have been requested to evaluate this TSCA section 21 

III. Summary of the TSCA Section 21 Petition

A. What action was requested?

    On June 24, 2015, NRDC and NEWMOA petitioned EPA to ``promulgate a 
TSCA section 8(a) rule that requires persons who manufacture, process, 
or import into the United States mercury, mercury compounds, or 
mercury-added products to keep records of and submit information to EPA 
concerning such manufacture, processing, or importation of mercury'' 
(Ref. 1). In describing the framework for the envisioned rule, the 
petitioners offer definitions for various terms and modifications to 
exemptions to TSCA section 8(a) information-gathering rules (see 40 CFR 
704.5); describe persons who would be required to report in the 
envisioned information collecting and reporting apparatus; explain why 
existing quantity- and sales-based reporting thresholds should or 
should not apply to the persons who must report; establish the minimal 
amounts of information EPA should request via sets of example questions 
applicable to mercury, mercury compounds, mixtures containing mercury, 
and mercury-added products; and set forth their preferred frequency and 
format for reporting, as well as certification and recordkeeping 
requirements (Ref. 1).

B. What support do the petitioners offer?

    The petitioners state that a ``lack of comprehensive data on 
mercury production and use in the United States has been acknowledged 
by virtually all of the federal and state agencies involved in tracking 
or regulating the chemical in commerce'' (Ref. 1). The petitioners 
state that there is ``no mechanism in place to obtain such data,'' 
which is underscored by describing data gaps in the Interstate Mercury 
Education Reduction Clearinghouse (IMERC) and discussing the 
limitations of Agency resources, including the September 2014 ``EPA 
Strategy to Address Mercury-Containing

[[Page 60585]]

Products'' (EPA Strategy or Strategy) (Ref. 2), the Toxics Release 
Inventory (TRI) program (Ref. 3), and the Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) 
Rule (Ref. 4). Collecting comprehensive data is necessary, the 
petitioners say, to ``prevent unreasonable risks of injury to human 
health and the environment created by the ongoing manufacture, 
processing, and importation of mercury and mercury compounds'' (Ref. 
1). As such, the petitioners argue that a TSCA section 8(a) rule is 
``warranted'' because available data are inadequate to determine 
whether mercury used in products and processes, in fact, creates 
unreasonable risk and, if so, the appropriate means to reduce such risk 
(Ref. 1). The petitioners also point to the obligations of the Minamata 
Convention on Mercury (Minamata Convention), which the United States 
signed and joined on November 6, 2013, that they believe will go 
unfulfilled without the collection of comprehensive data. In addition, 
the petitioners argue that ``incomplete and non-comprehensive data 
hampers EPA's ability to effectively assess risks from exposure to 
mercury'' and, therefore, the TSCA section 8(a) rule envisioned ``would 
result in substantial benefits'' (Ref. 1). Based on these assertions, 
as well as a discussion of the toxicity, exposure pathways, and risks 
associated with mercury used in products and processes, the petitioners 
state that ``there is a reasonable--indeed, an ample--basis to conclude 
that a section 8(a) reporting rule for mercury is necessary to protect 
health and the environment against an unreasonable risk of injury to 
health and the environment from ongoing domestic uses of mercury in 
products and processes'' (Ref. 1).

IV. Disposition of TSCA Section 21 Petition

A. What is EPA's response?

    After careful consideration, EPA denied the petition. EPA found 
that the continued implementation of its published EPA Strategy (Ref. 
2) is sufficient to carry out TSCA, as well as preferable for achieving 
the goal it shares with the petitioners: To acquire the information 
needed to allow EPA to better understand continuing uses of mercury, to 
further reduce such uses, and to prevent potential exposure and risk to 
human health and the environment linked to releases of mercury into the 
environment. A copy of the Agency's response, which consists of a 
letter to the petitioners, is available in the docket for this TSCA 
section 21 petition.

B. What is EPA's reason for this response?

    EPA agrees with many aspects of the petition. The Agency agrees 
that mercury poses potential risks to human health and the environment 
and that there is value in gathering additional information to better 
understand continuing uses of mercury, to further reduce such uses, and 
to prevent potential risks to human health and the environment from 
mercury exposure. However, EPA believes that continued implementation 
of its EPA Strategy is a faster, more efficient pathway towards 
achieving our shared goals and is confident that the actions 
contemplated under the Strategy are both sufficient to carry out TSCA 
and preferable to the requested rulemaking.
    1. Background on TSCA section 8. TSCA section 8(a) (15 U.S.C. 
2607(a)) authorizes EPA to promulgate rules under which manufacturers 
(including importers) and processors of chemical substances must 
maintain records and submit such information as the EPA Administrator 
may reasonably require. TSCA section 8(a) also authorizes EPA to 
promulgate rules under which manufacturers and processors of mixtures 
must maintain records and submit information to the extent the EPA 
Administrator determines the maintenance of records or submission of 
reports, or both, is necessary for the effective enforcement of TSCA. 
TSCA section 8(a) generally excludes small manufacturers and processors 
of chemical substances or mixtures from the reporting requirements (see 
15 U.S.C. 2507(a)). However, EPA is authorized by TSCA section 
8(a)(3)(A)(ii) to require TSCA section 8(a) reporting from small 
manufacturers and processors with respect to any chemical substance or 
mixture that is the subject of a rule proposed or promulgated under 
TSCA section 4, 5(b)(4), or 6, or that is the subject of an order in 
effect under TSCA section 5(e), or that is the subject of relief 
granted pursuant to a civil action under TSCA section 5 or 7. TSCA 
section 8(a) also provides that, to the extent feasible, the EPA 
Administrator must not require reporting under TSCA section 8(a)(1) 
that is unnecessary or duplicative. If the Agency denies a petition 
submitted under TSCA section 21, judicial review for TSCA section 8(a) 
requires the petitioner to show by a ``preponderance of the evidence 
that . . . there is a reasonable basis to conclude that the issuance of 
such a rule or order is necessary to protect health or the environment 
against an unreasonable risk of injury'' (15 U.S.C. 2620(b)(4)(B)(ii)).
    2. State of domestic mercury marketplace. The United States has 
seen a strong downward trend of more than 97 percent in the domestic 
use of mercury in products over the past three decades. In 1980, the 
United States used more than 1,800 metric tons of mercury annually; in 
2010, the continued annual use of mercury in manufactured or imported 
products was approximately 52 metric tons. Likewise, the use of mercury 
in industrial processes, such as chlor-alkali manufacturing, has also 
fallen dramatically from 358 metric tons in 1980 to an estimated 38 
metric tons in 2001. This shifting landscape can be attributed to a 
number of factors, including market trends leading to the voluntary 
reduction of use of mercury in products and processes; federal, 
regional, state, and local programs that encourage the use of effective 
and economically feasible non[hyphen]mercury substitutes; state laws or 
regulations that prohibit or reduce the use of mercury in products; and 
Congressional actions that banned the sale of a range of mercury 
batteries and prohibited the export of mercury (e.g., the Mercury-
Containing and Rechargeable Battery Management Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 
104-142) and the Mercury Export Ban Act of 2008 (MEBA) (Pub. L. 110-
114)). The United States also negotiated and joined the Minamata 
Convention, which contains requirements aimed at reducing the use of 
mercury. The convergence of such historic trends and actions, as well 
as continued downward trends in mercury use in products in more recent 
years, helped identify categories of mercury-added products of greatest 
concern and guided the development of the EPA Strategy.
    3. The EPA Strategy: Development and implementation. In developing 
the EPA Strategy, the Agency did not believe it made sense to 
promulgate a comprehensive information-gathering rule for mercury, on 
top of the existing regulatory and statutory information collection 
requirements applicable to chemical substances generally. Rather, EPA 
decided to adopt a more targeted approach and to create a framework 
that was flexible and adaptive to observed trends in the use of 
mercury. As a result, the EPA Strategy seeks to build on the 
``demonstrated success for more than three decades of reducing mercury 
use in traditional product and process categories . . . to further 
reduce mercury use in products and certain processes in order to 
prevent future releases to the environment'' (Ref. 2).
    The EPA Strategy consists of five phases: (1) Update EPA's 
information on

[[Page 60586]]

mercury products and certain processes; (2) analyze updated mercury use 
information; (3) plan and prioritize mercury reduction activities; (4) 
take non-regulatory actions to reduce use; and (5) take regulatory 
actions to reduce use, if needed (Ref. 2). The Strategy is structured 
to provide a logical progression from the gathering of information to 
taking actions to reduce the use of mercury and, as necessary, mercury 
compounds. However, the Strategy is also intended to allow for 
proceeding immediately to such use reduction options should information 
warrant such actions, as well as reassessment of an intended course of 
action (e.g., methodology for gathering information) at any point 
during its implementation.
    The EPA Strategy specifically targets updating data regarding 
mercury quantities in ``new products entering the market, with 
particular attention to switches and relays'' and ``as appropriate, 
processes that use mercury as a catalyst'' (Ref. 2). For example, the 
use of mercury in switches and relays (including thermostats) sold in 
the United States decreased from approximately 68 metric tons in 2001 
to approximately 18 metric tons in 2010--a nearly 74 percent decrease 
in under a decade. However, at 33 percent of mercury used in products 
sold in the United States, switches and relays also represent the 
largest category of mercury-added products. In fact, in joining the 
Minamata Convention, the United States demonstrated that mercury used 
in eight of nine subject categories was reduced to de minimis levels. 
The lone category for which such a demonstration was not made was 
switches and relays. As a result, the Agency identified switches and 
relays as a priority category of mercury use in the EPA Strategy.
    The Agency has sufficient information on the use of mercury in 
certain categories of other mercury-added products (e.g., batteries, 
lamps, measuring devices). Yet, despite the aforementioned downward 
trend of use of mercury in products and manufacturing processes in 
general, EPA is interested in learning more about mercury-added 
products that continue to enter the market (i.e., new products) and the 
prevalence of the use of mercury and mercury compounds in catalysts.
    The Agency is currently in the first phase of implementing its 
Strategy, which lists priority mercury-added product and process 
categories (switches, relays, new products, and catalysts), describes 
the progression of stakeholders from whom information is to be 
collected (mercury manufacturers and importers, mercury processors, and 
other stakeholders), and commits to conducting outreach throughout the 
implementation of the Strategy (Ref. 2). Following this phase, EPA will 
assess information gathered and compare data to existing Agency 
baselines derived from IMERC, the TRI program, the CDR Rule, and other 
research (Phase 2). Results of the second phase will be used to define 
or modify product categories and identify remaining data gaps or other 
limitations that could affect the planning and prioritization of 
reduction activities (Phase 3). At this juncture, the Agency could 
consider the use of voluntary efforts to reduce the use of mercury 
(Phase 4), as well as a Section 8(a) rule or other appropriate 
regulatory measure (Phase 5). At this point in time, however, EPA 
believes the implementation of the EPA Strategy, which uses a variety 
of both voluntary and regulatory measures as needed, is sufficient to 
carry out TSCA.
    4. The EPA Strategy is working and will continue to work. The 
petitioners accurately identify the Agency's goals to continue to 
collect and analyze information to better understand the current and 
future use of mercury. However, the petitioners focus exclusively on 
the voluntary information-collection component within the first of five 
phases to conclude that ``the voluntary approach has not worked thus 
far, and there is no reasonable basis to believe it ever will'' and 
``the need for and the utility of a rulemaking that would require 
mandatory reporting from all mercury, mercury-compound, and mercury-
mixture manufacturers has been demonstrated'' (Ref. 1). By focusing on 
the Agency's preference to initially proceed on a voluntary basis, the 
petitioners overlook that the Strategy contemplates ``additional 
available regulatory steps being necessary'' (Ref. 2). In fact, the 
Agency finds that the best approach is to employ voluntary or 
regulatory mechanisms to collect information based on particular 
circumstances. For example, after publishing the EPA Strategy in 
September 2014, the Agency conducted a series of letter requests and 
teleconferences with companies identified as nine key players in the 
mercury marketplace in October and November 2014.
    While the petitioners express skepticism with this approach due to 
its initiation with only nine companies, this was a strategic approach 
that the Agency expected to yield relevant information. The initial 
list of nine was derived from more than one hundred potential companies 
based on thorough research and professional judgment to identify 
companies likely to provide a reasonably complete picture of the 
domestic market for recycling and selling mercury. This approach 
allowed for the systematic elimination of companies less likely to have 
significant information from consideration and minimized the potential 
burden to both stakeholders and the Agency. In fact, the information 
received led EPA to further narrow its investigation to five companies 
it believes to be the primary recyclers and distributors of mercury in 
the United States. Based on those efforts--and the failure of certain 
companies from the narrowed list of five to voluntarily provide agreed 
to information--EPA issued subpoenas in March 2015 to those five 
companies (Ref. 5).
    5. Effective use of regulatory tools via the EPA Strategy. The 
subpoenas consisted of twelve information requests designed to 
ascertain specific information on quantities of mercury manufactured 
(including imported), processed, stored on-site, or distributed in 
commerce (including transferred off-site, sold and exported), as well 
as lists of customers to whom mercury was sold (Ref. 5). The activities 
related to mercury were selected to cross-reference with similar 
reporting requirements for the TRI program and CDR Rule. Of particular 
interest to the Agency were quantities reported for mercury 
manufactured and processed (e.g., recycled from various waste streams), 
sold, imported, and exported, which represents key aspects of the 
domestic mercury marketplace. EPA requested this information to better 
understand how mercury flows through the five primary facilities that 
recycle and sell mercury with the goal of identifying the amount of 
mercury likely being used to produce mercury-added products or in 
manufacturing processes in the United States. The subpoenas requested 
that annual totals of mercury in pounds for such activities be reported 
for 2010 and 2013. These years were selected to not only coincide with 
IMERC reporting years, but also because they could provide a before-
and-after illustration of how two mercury-related measures affected the 
domestic mercury market place: MEBA and the conclusion of the 
negotiation of the Minamata Convention. The reporting years also were 
selected to allow a trend comparison for reported quantities without 
creating undue burden on the companies subject to the subpoenas. The 
subpoenas also requested customer lists for each company as of January 

[[Page 60587]]

2015. This date was selected as a fixed and recent date relative to the 
issuance of the subpoenas in March 2015. Each of the five companies 
subject to the subpoenas supplied the information requested in full.
    Due to extensions granted to certain companies, some responses were 
submitted after the initial 30-day deadline. This resulted in the 
initial completion of the full data set at the end of June 2015, only 
days after the petitioners submitted their petition that concluded that 
certain approaches outlined in the EPA Strategy were inadequate. The 
Agency is currently evaluating the information submitted in response to 
the five March 2015 subpoenas. As necessary, EPA has followed up with 
companies and clarified responses submitted. Based on its initial 
review of submitted information, the Agency now has a better 
understanding of the flow of mercury in the U.S. marketplace and has an 
inventory of recent lists of companies that purchase elemental mercury 
from the five companies, including volumes and trends of mercury in key 
channels of commerce (e.g., manufactured, stored, sold, imported, and 
exported). The Agency understands that this information collection 
approach cannot account for imports of mercury-added products or 
mercury compounds that are not processed by the five companies subject 
to the March 2015 subpoenas. However, EPA intends to collect such data 
either through voluntary compliance with letters or through subpoenas, 
as it determines to be necessary for an adequate understanding of 
mercury use in the United States through further implementation of EPA 
Strategy and use of existing Agency resources.
    The petitioners express disappointment with the ``months'' that 
elapsed since the initiation of the voluntary inquiries to companies in 
October 2014 and the submission of their petition in June 2015 (Ref. 
1). In fact, the Agency conducted the voluntary portion of data 
collection between October 2014 and December 2014. When that process 
was not fruitful, the subpoenas were sent in March 2015. Responses to 
the March 2015 subpoenas were received by the end of June 2015. For 
comparison, new federal rulemakings often take several years to 
complete from development through the proposal, public comment, and 
finalization phases. A final information collection rule would then 
need to provide for some period of time following promulgation for the 
submission of the required information. EPA notes that it already 
collected data on mercury voluntarily and via subpoena and, based on 
that experience, could expeditiously issue any further needed 
subpoenas, whereas the timing of a rulemaking process is less 
predictable. The Agency gathered information via its Strategy in 
several months, new data to be collected by the petitioners' requested 
rule--or another Section 8(a) rule--may not be obtained for several 
years. For those reasons, EPA believes that the current approach used 
to collect information from companies that manufacture, recycle, and 
distribute in commerce elemental mercury has been successful, is more 
efficient than the development of a new rule, and is sufficient--with 
some adaptation of the substance of information requests for companies 
that use mercury in products and processes--to carry out TSCA.
    6. The EPA Strategy avoids unnecessary or duplicative reporting. 
Based on the above discussion, EPA disagrees that there is ``no other 
federal or state mechanism in place that collects the data on mercury 
production and use in the United States necessary to inform risk-
reduction activities'' (Ref. 1). As articulated by the petitioners, 
IMERC, the TRI program, and the CDR Rule each collect data in whole or 
in part related to mercury and mercury compounds. All of these 
reporting mechanisms are accessible online. While a single information 
collection and reporting apparatus identical to the petitioners' 
requested rule does not currently exist, existing tools, as implemented 
through the EPA Strategy, are sufficient to gather such data as 
necessary for the effective implementation of TSCA. EPA is committed to 
gathering such data, including--as appropriate--through the future use 
of TSCA section 8. For the same reasons, EPA also disagrees that the 
EPA Strategy ``implicitly acknowledges that the CDR Rule and its other 
existing reporting mechanisms are not sufficient to gather the data 
necessary to make sound decisions about mercury risk-reduction 
activities'' (Ref. 1).
    The petitioners also describe various ways in which the TRI program 
and CDR Rule collect data on mercury and mercury compounds yet how 
idiosyncrasies within each program prevent the reporting of the 
specific information they request to be collected. Where the 
petitioners see insufficiency, the Agency sees opportunity to use 
existing tools and resources to pinpoint specific data gaps, which may 
or may not require new regulatory or voluntary actions to gather 
information. EPA is using quantitative and qualitative information, 
particularly activity and use information reported to the TRI program, 
to help narrow the scope of potential stakeholders to be contacted as 
needed to collect information that EPA determines to be necessary. For 
example, EPA is reviewing information reported to the TRI program to 
identify and prioritize how to gather such information.
    The TRI program requires facilities that manufacture, process, or 
otherwise use more than 10 pounds of mercury or mercury compounds 
during the calendar year to report amounts released to the environment 
or managed through recycling, energy recovery and treatment (Ref. 6). 
While the TRI program does not require quantitative reporting for all 
manufacturing, processing, or use categories, a facility is required to 
report activities and uses of the toxic chemical including, but not 
limited to ``import,'' ``for sale/distribution,'' ``as a reactant,'' 
``as an article component,'' and ``as a chemical processing aid'' (Ref. 
7). In this instance, EPA does not see the lack of quantitative 
reporting as a dead end, but rather as a tool to narrow the number of 
companies to ask for more specific information related to the use of 
mercury in their products and processes. For example, a review of data 
submitted to the TRI program for ``mercury'' in 2013 yields 447 
facilities that manufactured, processed, or otherwise used mercury. 
That number can be narrowed to 60 facilities that processed mercury 
``as an article component'' (e.g., used in a product). When the same 
search is conducted for ``mercury compounds,'' more than 1,100 
facilities can be narrowed to 48 facilities reporting processing into 
articles. The use of such data allows EPA to reduce the scope of 
potential manufacturers of mercury-added products by more than 90 
percent that under the petitioners' proposed rule would be required to 
supply detailed, quantitative data. EPA will perform similar data 
sorting among facilities that report ``import'' and ``for sale/
distribution'' of mercury or mercury compounds, which will help further 
describe how such materials flow through the domestic marketplace. The 
Agency also plans to examine uses ``as a reactant'' and ``as a chemical 
processing aid'' to help identify the use of mercury or mercury 
compounds in manufacturing processes. As these examples demonstrate, 
the Agency believes that it can use existing data to better identify 
individual facilities for more targeted efforts to collect information.
    It is important to note that the 2016 reporting cycle for the CDR 
Rule (applicable to production volume information for calendar years 

[[Page 60588]]

2013, 2014, and 2015; submission period from June 1, 2016, to September 
30, 2016) will collect information from persons who manufacture mercury 
in quantities greater than or equal to 2,500 pounds (Ref. 4); the 
reporting threshold for mercury in the previous cycle was 25,000 pounds 
and 100,000 pounds for process and use information. As such, the Agency 
anticipates receiving quantitative data on mercury in the domestic 
marketplace from a larger pool of companies that manufacture (including 
import) and process mercury. In conjunction with the analysis of TRI 
program data, EPA plans to use the identities of companies reporting 
per the lowered threshold to further clarify the pool of potential 
entities from whom to collect more detailed information. Thus, EPA 
finds its existing resources, such as the TRI program and CDR Rule, can 
be instrumental not only in carrying out TSCA, but also to tailor 
future efforts to collect information on discrete categories of mercury 
products and processes.
    7. EPA intends to target specific information requests to specific 
entities. EPA anticipates that subsequent efforts to gather information 
from companies that produce or import mercury-added products and use 
mercury or mercury compounds in manufacturing processes may require 
contacting more entities than the nine EPA contacted in late 2014. EPA 
anticipates using a similar process of research and professional 
judgment to identify and prioritize companies to contact and will 
follow appropriate procedures to reach as many companies as needed to 
obtain relevant information, as necessary. For example, EPA is 
considering using TSCA section 11 to ask other companies the same kinds 
of questions posed in the March 2015 subpoenas, but with an emphasis on 
quantities of mercury and mercury compounds used in the production of 
products or in manufacturing processes.
    Looking at the specific information requested in the petition, the 
petitioners request two sets of notification requirements between two 
categories: (1) Mercury, mercury compounds, and mixtures containing 
mercury; and (2) mercury-added products. The petitioners' request of 
eight notification requirements for information to be reported for 
mercury, mercury compounds, and mixtures containing mercury can be 
broken down into three general categories. The first category consists 
of location and contact information for company headquarters, 
facilities that manufacture or process such substances, and technical 
staff. For mercury and mercury compounds, information comparable to the 
requests in the first category of notification requirements is reported 
to the TRI program and the CDR Rule. The second category includes 
quantitative data on such substances manufactured and processed for 
distribution in commerce, sold or transferred off-site, and stored on-
site. Due to the similarity with questions posed in the March 2015 
subpoenas, EPA is satisfied that it ascertained sufficient quantitative 
information for how mercury is used in such activities. For mercury 
compounds, EPA believes that information reported to the TRI program 
for activities and uses can be used to identify and prioritize 
companies and facilities that could be contacted using the same 
approach that the Agency used when reaching out to and ultimately 
issuing subpoenas to individual recyclers and distributors of mercury. 
The third category requests narrative descriptions of manufacturing and 
processing processes and end uses of such materials. EPA is not 
persuaded that such information for mercury or mercury compounds is 
necessary to carry out TSCA. In particular, it is more appropriate to 
pose questions regarding end uses to companies or facilities that use 
mercury or mercury compounds in products or manufacturing processes and 
not companies that recover mercury from various waste streams. Finally, 
the Agency is not persuaded that information on mixtures containing 
mercury is necessary to carry out TSCA. To the best of the Agency's 
knowledge, the only point in the cycle of mercury manufacture, use, 
recovery, and reuse when mixtures play a significant role is when 
mercury is recovered from mercury waste such as contaminated soil or 
impure laboratory mercury. The resulting elemental mercury is used, but 
EPA is not aware of any significant manufacture, processing, or use of 
mercury mixtures. As EPA reviews the information it has and will 
collect on mercury and mercury compounds, it will assess the need for 
information on mixtures and pursue such data as needed.
    For mercury-added products, the petitioners also request eight 
notification requirements. As discussed in regard to mercury, mercury 
compounds, and mixtures containing mercury, the notification 
requirements for location and contact information for company 
headquarters and technical staff pertain to comparable information 
reported to the TRI program or the CDR Rule. The Agency agrees that 
collection of the kinds of information listed in three of the eight 
notification requests suggested by the petitioners can be valuable: 
Quantities of mercury used in products (per unit and total for all 
units produced in a calendar year), descriptions of product categories 
produced, and a breakdown of products manufactured (including 
imported), sold domestically, and exported. Such requirements would 
provide quantitative information that would benefit the implementation 
of TSCA by helping to define the overall volume of mercury used, 
particularly in the priority category of switches and relays. EPA also 
agrees that it is helpful to ascertain information related to whether 
switches or relays are ``manufactured or processed solely for the 
purpose of replacement where no feasible mercury-free alternative for 
replacement is available'' (Ref. 1). This information would help the 
Agency better estimate costs and benefits associated with not only 
ongoing uses of the switches and relays themselves, but also the larger 
equipment and systems that use them as components. However, the Agency 
is not persuaded that notification requirements for descriptions of 
mercury-added components, including the number of and location in 
larger products, is necessary. At this time, EPA anticipates that 
quantitative data on amounts of mercury contained in or added to such 
products and processes is likely to be sufficient to make regulatory 
    As previously discussed, switches and relays are the largest 
remaining domestic use of mercury in products by volume in the United 
States. Better defining the total quantity of mercury in that category, 
especially given the cessation of reporting of such information via 
IMERC, is a priority data point within a priority product category. 
Regardless, even in instances where EPA agrees with the notification 
requirements proposed by the petitioners, the Agency is not persuaded 
that the overarching proposed Section 8(a) rule is the appropriate 
means to collect such information. At this time, the Agency continues 
to implement its Strategy to determine its next steps, including, but 
not limited to using TSCA section 11, to collect information from 
additional companies on mercury used in products and processes. The 
assessment of information collected to date under the EPA Strategy will 
inform next steps in the current and future phases of the 
implementation. In so doing, the Agency is employing the variety of 
existing tools, including IMERC, the TRI program, and the CDR Rule, as 
well as the aforementioned voluntary outreach and targeted

[[Page 60589]]

subpoenas, as necessary. This process is expedient, efficient, and does 
not duplicate the reporting requirements of IMERC, the TRI program, and 
the CDR Rule. As the assessment of collected information dictates, the 
Agency continues to use the tools currently available, while not 
eliminating the possibility of implementing other voluntary and 
regulatory options if deemed necessary. Thus, EPA disagrees with the 
petitioners' conclusions as to the ultimate efficacy of the EPA 
Strategy, its sufficiency to carry out TSCA, and the need for EPA to 
immediately pursue a TSCA section 8(a) rulemaking.
    8. The EPA Strategy minimizes undue burdens. The Agency also 
disagrees with the petitioners' claim that their requested TSCA section 
8(a) rule ``would result in substantial benefits'' (Ref. 1). As 
previously stated, the Agency agrees that there is value in gathering 
more information for certain, individual categories of mercury-added 
products and processes identified by the petitioners. However, EPA is 
not persuaded that a TSCA section 8(a) rule at this time--as opposed to 
continued implementation of the EPA Strategy--would produce substantial 
or different benefits associated with collecting and reporting 
information on the use of mercury in products and processes. The EPA 
Strategy intends to provide for flexibility in the approach to ``better 
understand continuing uses of mercury in . . . products and processes'' 
and ``further reduce mercury use in products and certain processes in 
order to prevent future releases to the environment'' (Ref. 2). The 
Strategy allows for a dynamic and iterative process that can be adapted 
to specific categories of concern and makes clear that ``initiation of 
future phases may not necessarily be dependent on preceding phases'' 
(Ref. 2). Where the petitioners see a TSCA section 8(a) rule as the 
remedy to existing EPA resources that do not deliver the data they seek 
in the format they prefer, the Agency is wary of the potential for 
duplication of reporting requirements. The rule outlined by the 
petitioners not only creates potential overlap in the kind of data 
being submitted under the TRI program and CDR Rule, but also adds 
another mercury-based reporting requirement, with an incongruous 
reporting timeline, on top of these two established information-
gathering programs. This scenario would require reporting under TSCA 
section 8(a)(1) that is unnecessary and, in some instances, 
duplicative. Thus, where the petitioners may interpret the measure of 
benefit for the rule they request to derive from the breadth and depth 
of information collected, the Agency is focusing on more discrete areas 
of need (i.e., individual product and process categories) that can 
provide for less burdensome requirements for potential stakeholders and 
a more efficient approach for the Agency to carry out TSCA in regard to 
mercury and mercury compounds. As a result, the petitioners' requested 
TSCA section 8(a) rule would be unduly burdensome both to the Agency 
and regulated entities.
    9. Petitioners failed to demonstrate the requested rule is 
necessary to protect against unreasonable risk. EPA disagrees that 
``there is a reasonable . . . basis to conclude that a section 8(a) 
reporting rule for mercury is necessary to protect health and the 
environment against an unreasonable risk of injury to health and the 
environment from ongoing domestic uses of mercury in products and 
processes'' (Ref. 1). Central to the petitioners' claim is that:

    The lack of adequate data on mercury use in products and 
processes prevents a complete accounting of the full extent of the 
human health risks from exposure to mercury . . . [and] EPA cannot 
fully address the health and environmental risks from mercury 
exposure without adequate data about ongoing mercury uses . . . In 
addition, such data collection is necessary to allow EPA to monitor 
any development of new mercury uses, so that the agency can assess 
the risks to human health that may be presented by such new uses. 
(Ref. 1).

    The petitioners go on to state ``incomplete and non-comprehensive 
data hampers EPA's ability to effectively assess risks from exposure to 
mercury'' (Ref. 1). The petitioners then cite various EPA statements 
regarding risk management decision-making that speak to the 
availability and adequacy of information, as well as the EPA Strategy 
and its intent to gather more and updated information related to 
mercury used in products and processes (Ref. 1). The petitioners then 
conclude that without ``comprehensive national data about ongoing 
mercury uses in products and processes . . . EPA cannot make informed, 
sound decisions about how to further reduce risks from mercury 
exposure'' (emphasis added) (Ref. 1). The Agency disagrees with this 
conclusion. EPA is unaware of statutory authority, applicable case law, 
or Agency policy that would preclude risk assessment or actions to 
reduce risk based on the fact that available information is limited. 
While EPA risk assessment guidance lists the quality and 
comprehensiveness of data as factors that can diminish uncertainty, an 
``acceptable data set is one that is consistent with the scope, depth, 
and purpose of the assessment, and is both relevant and adequate'' 
(Ref. 8). In this context, adequacy can be determined ``by evaluating 
the amount of data available and the accuracy of the data'' (Ref. 8). 
The same guidance also states that ``[d]ata of insufficient quality 
will have little value for problem solving, while data of quality 
vastly in excess of what is needed to answer the questions asked 
provide few, if any, additional advantages'' (Ref. 8). To achieve its 
stated goals to ``acquire a more robust baseline of mercury quantities 
used in products and processes . . . [and] enhance data on manufacture, 
export, and import for certain categories of mercury use'' (Ref. 2), 
the Agency's current approach will provide data on mercury that are not 
only adequate and relevant, but also more narrowly tailored to products 
and processes of greatest concern (e.g., switches, relays, new 
products, and catalysts). While EPA recognizes that these products and 
processes are not exhaustive, these are the categories that EPA has 
rationally chosen to focus on first. EPA is aware that mercury may be 
added to other products listed by the petitioners (e.g., rotational 
balancers, wheel weights, and additives in a variety of children's 
products). If EPA determines that additional information targeted to 
these products is necessary, EPA will take steps necessary to collect 
    At this stage of implementing the strategy, the Agency also is 
uncertain what, if any, information is needed on mercury compounds 
beyond use as catalysts in manufacturing processes. Where products are 
concerned, for example, the product category of greatest concern 
(switches and relays) contains elemental mercury, not mercury 
compounds. Although certain batteries contain mercury oxide, that 
product group is of lesser concern than switches and relays. EPA will 
collect information on use of mercury compounds in products if, in the 
course of carrying out its Strategy, the Agency determines such 
information to be necessary. At this stage, requiring reporting for 
mercury compounds in all products while an Agency assessment of needs 
for such information is pending would require unnecessary reporting 
under TSCA section 8(a)(1).
    Thus, while the Agency is mindful of the petitioners' analysis of 
mercury-related concerns (e.g., toxicity, exposure, risks presented by 
releases into the environment, and risk reduction), EPA cannot reach 
the petitioners' conclusion that ``a section 8(a) reporting rule for 
mercury is necessary to protect health and the

[[Page 60590]]

environment against an unreasonable risk of injury to health and the 
environment from ongoing domestic uses of mercury in products and 
processes'' (Ref. 1). While the petitioners articulate how the 
collection of comprehensive and national data could provide the Agency 
with more information to weigh in determining unreasonable risk, EPA 
finds that its current approach could be equally successful while 
imposing considerably less burden on both EPA and the regulated 
community in its implementation of TSCA, as well as allowing the Agency 
to move more quickly on the highest priority product categories. To 
date, this approach has yielded satisfactory information and the Agency 
expects that continued implementation of the EPA Strategy will be an 
appropriate and effective means to acquire the information needed to 
allow EPA to better understand continuing uses of mercury, to further 
reduce such uses, and to prevent potential exposure and risk for human 
health and the environment linked to releases of mercury into the 
    Furthermore, while the petition discusses the toxicity and 
potential risk associated with exposure to mercury and methylmercury, 
it does not provide a basis for finding that there is a reasonable 
basis to conclude that the requested rule is necessary to protect 
against an unreasonable risk. The finding of unreasonable risk under 
TSCA encompasses consideration of both the anticipated benefits of 
action under consideration as well as the anticipated costs. In this 
instance, the petition would need to provide a basis for EPA to 
conclude that any additional risk reduction that would be achieved by 
the requested rule, beyond that which will be achieved by EPA's current 
efforts, would justify the additional costs to EPA and the regulated 
    In discussing risks associated with releases of mercury, the 
petitioners describe how mercury releases during the product lifecycle 
``significantly'' contribute to the total reservoir of ``mercury 
pollution'' (Ref. 1). After release, the petitioners describe how 
mercury cycles through environmental media, can be converted to 
methylmercury, and can potentially contaminate fish and humans (Ref. 
1). The petitioners provide an estimate of the number of newborns 
exposed to methylmercury (376 to 14,293 cases annually) from all 
sources and the costs to care for children exposed to levels of 
methylmercury associated with cognitive impairment considered mental 
retardation ($500 million to $17.9 billion annually) (Ref. 1). The 
petitioners then cite several EPA significant new use rules (SNURs) 
applicable to mercury used in various motor vehicle switches (Ref. 9); 
flow meters, natural gas manometers, and pyrometers (Ref. 10); and 
barometers, manometers, hygrometers, and psychrometers (Ref. 11), to 
demonstrate previous Agency efforts to reduce risks from mercury based 
on potential releases of mercury during the product lifecycle (Ref. 1). 
The petitioners also cite estimated reporting costs for a TSCA section 
8(a) rule of ``approximately $8,000 to $9,000 per report for the 
initial cycle . . . and between $5,000 and $6,000 for each reporting 
cycle'' (Ref. 1). However, the information provided in the petition on 
the impacts of mercury exposure, including the monetized risk estimate, 
relates to all sources of mercury pollution; it provides limited 
information to support the need for the requested rule to collect 
information as to ongoing uses. In addition, the petition does not 
provide a basis to conclude that the requested rule would provide for 
any additional risk reduction beyond that which will be achieved by 
EPA's current efforts, or that any such reduction would justify the 
additional cost to EPA and the regulated community. EPA notes in this 
regard that the petition misstates the baseline for judging the 
benefits of the requested rule by not accounting for the significant 
reduction in the CDR reporting threshold for mercury, as discussed 
    10. EPA will continue its successful voluntary and regulatory 
efforts. Furthermore, the Agency is already taking voluntary and 
regulatory measures related to mercury, some of which are listed in the 
petition (e.g., SNURs for various mercury-added products, proposed rule 
for dental effluent guidelines, emission standards for hazardous air 
pollutants from coal- and oil-fired electric utility steam-generating 
units, and the March 2015 subpoenas) (Ref. 1). EPA leads a voluntary 
initiative to phase out use of mercury in industrial and laboratory 
thermometers, which led to the development of the document ``A Guide 
for Federal Agencies on Replacing Mercury-Containing Non-Fever 
Thermometers'' (Ref. 12). The Agency also collaborates in voluntary 
programs such as the Energy Star Program co-sponsored by EPA and the 
Department of Energy, under which participating manufacturers agree to 
limit the mercury content of lamps, and the National Vehicle Mercury 
Switch Recovery Program and follow-on initiatives, which manages, on a 
nationwide basis, programs to collect, transport, retort, recycle, or 
dispose of elemental mercury from automotive switches. Finally, EPA 
leads the mercury in products partnership within the United Nations 
Environment Program's Global Mercury Partnership, an international, 
voluntary effort that strives to phase out and eventually eliminate 
mercury in products and to eliminate releases during manufacturing and 
other industrial processes via environmentally sound production, 
transportation, storage, and disposal procedures (Ref. 13).
    In sum, the Agency finds that the requested promulgation of a TSCA 
section 8(a) is neither timely nor warranted to carry out TSCA pending 
the continued implementation of the approaches set forth in the EPA 

V. References

    The following is a listing of the documents that are specifically 
referenced in this document. The docket includes these documents and 
other information considered by EPA, including documents that are 
referenced within the documents that are included in the docket, even 
if the referenced document is not physically located in the docket. For 
assistance in locating these other documents, please consult the 
technical person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.

1. NRDC/NEWMOA. Petition to Promulgate Reporting Rules for Mercury 
Manufacturing, Processing, and Importation Under Section 8(a) of the 
Toxic Substances Control Act. June 24, 2015.
2. EPA. EPA Strategy to Address Mercury-Containing Products. 
September 2014. Available at http://www.epa.gov/mercury/pdfs/productsstrategy.pdf.
3. EPA. Toxic Chemical Release Reporting; Community Right-to-Know. 
Federal Register. 53 FR 4500, February 16, 1988 (FRL-3298-2).
4. EPA. TSCA Inventory Update Reporting Modifications: Chemical Data 
Reporting. Federal Register. 76 FR 50816, August 16, 2011 (FRL-8872-
5. EPA. Subpoena and Information Request. March 20, 2015. Available 
at http://www.epa.gov/mercury/pdfs/Hg_FormalRequest_SIGNED_03-20-2015.pdf.
6. EPA. Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act--Section 
313: Guidance for Reporting Toxic Chemicals: Mercury and Mercury 
Compounds Category. August 2001. Available at http://www.epa.gov/tri/reporting_materials/guidance_docs/pdf/2001/2001hg.pdf.
7. EPA. Form R. Available at http://www2.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-01/documents/2014_form_r.pdf.

[[Page 60591]]

8. EPA. Guidelines for Exposure Assessment. May 29, 1992. Available 
at http://www.epa.gov/raf/publications/pdfs/GUIDELINES_EXPOSURE_ASSESSMENT.PDF.
9. EPA. Mercury Switches in Motor Vehicles; Significant New Use 
Rule. Federal Register. 72 FR 56903, October 5, 2007 (FRL-8110-5).
10. EPA. Elemental Mercury Used in Flow Meters, Natural Gas 
Manometers, and Pyrometers; Significant New Use Rule. Federal 
Register. 75 FR 42330, July 21, 2010 (FRL-8832-2).
11. EPA. Elemental Mercury Used in Barometers, Manometers, 
Hygrometers, and Psychrometers; Significant New Use Rule. Federal 
Register. 77 FR 31728, May 30, 2012 (FRL-9345-9).
12. EPA. A Guide for Federal Agencies on Replacing Mercury-
Containing Non-Fever Thermometers. June 2013. Available at http://epa.gov/mercury/pdfs/Non-Fever-Mercury-Thermometers-Guide-for-Federal-Agencies-FINAL.pdf.
13. UNEP. Mercury-Containing Products Partnership Area Business 
Plan. June 28, 2013. Available at http://www.unep.org/chemicalsandwaste/Mercury/GlobalMercuryPartnership/Products/tabid/3565/language/en-US/Default.aspx.

    Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.

    Dated: September 21, 2015.
James J. Jones,
Assistant Administrator, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution 
[FR Doc. 2015-24849 Filed 10-6-15; 8:45 am]

                                                      60584                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      25. EPA. Being Prepared for Climate Change:             I. General Information                                to issue the rule or order requested. 15
                                                           A Workbook for Developing Risk-Based                                                                     U.S.C. 2620(b)(1). Thus, TSCA section
                                                           Adaptation Plans. August 2014.                     A. Does this action apply to me?
                                                                                                                                                                    21 implicitly incorporates the statutory
                                                         Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.                       This action is directed to the public              standards that apply to the requested
                                                                                                              in general. This action may, however, be              actions. In addition, TSCA section 21
                                                        Dated: September 25, 2015.
                                                                                                              of interest to those persons who                      establishes standards a court must use
                                                      James J. Jones,                                         manufacture, process, or distribute in                to decide whether to order EPA to
                                                      Assistant Administrator, Office of Chemical             commerce mercury, mercury
                                                      Safety and Pollution Prevention.
                                                                                                                                                                    initiate rulemaking in the event of a
                                                                                                              compounds, or mercury-added                           lawsuit filed by the petitioner after
                                                      [FR Doc. 2015–25164 Filed 10–6–15; 8:45 am]             products. Since other entities may also               denial of a TSCA section 21 petition. 15
                                                      BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                  be interested, the Agency has not                     U.S.C. 2620(b)(4)(B). Accordingly, EPA
                                                                                                              attempted to describe all the specific                has relied on the standards in TSCA
                                                                                                              entities that may be affected by this                 section 21 and in the provisions under
                                                      ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                                action.
                                                      AGENCY                                                                                                        which actions have been requested to
                                                                                                              B. How can I access information about                 evaluate this TSCA section 21 petition.
                                                      40 CFR Chapter I                                        this petition?                                        III. Summary of the TSCA Section 21
                                                                                                                 The docket for this TSCA section 21                Petition
                                                      [EPA–HQ–OPPT–2015–0626; FRL–9934–71]
                                                                                                              petition, identified by docket
                                                                                                                                                                    A. What action was requested?
                                                      Mercury; TSCA Section 21 Petition;                      identification (ID) number EPA–HQ–
                                                                                                              OPPT–2015–0626, is available at                          On June 24, 2015, NRDC and
                                                      Reasons for Agency Response
                                                                                                              http://www.regulations.gov or at the                  NEWMOA petitioned EPA to
                                                      AGENCY:  Environmental Protection                       Office of Pollution Prevention and                    ‘‘promulgate a TSCA section 8(a) rule
                                                      Agency (EPA).                                           Toxics Docket (OPPT Docket),                          that requires persons who manufacture,
                                                      ACTION: Petition; reasons for Agency                    Environmental Protection Agency                       process, or import into the United States
                                                      response.                                               Docket Center (EPA/DC), West William                  mercury, mercury compounds, or
                                                                                                              Jefferson Clinton Bldg., Rm. 3334, 1301               mercury-added products to keep records
                                                      SUMMARY:   This document provides the                   Constitution Ave. NW., Washington,                    of and submit information to EPA
                                                      reasons for EPA’s denial of a petition it               DC. The Public Reading Room is open                   concerning such manufacture,
                                                      received under Section 21 of the Toxic                  from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday                   processing, or importation of mercury’’
                                                      Substances Control Act (TSCA). The                      through Friday, excluding legal                       (Ref. 1). In describing the framework for
                                                      TSCA section 21 petition was received                   holidays. The telephone number for the                the envisioned rule, the petitioners offer
                                                      from the Natural Resources Defense                      Public Reading Room is (202) 566–1744,                definitions for various terms and
                                                      Council (NRDC) and the Northeast                        and the telephone number for the OPPT                 modifications to exemptions to TSCA
                                                      Waste Management Officials’                             Docket is (202) 566–0280. Please review               section 8(a) information-gathering rules
                                                      Association (NEWMOA) on June 24,                        the visitor instructions and additional               (see 40 CFR 704.5); describe persons
                                                      2015. The petitioners requested EPA to                  information about the docket available                who would be required to report in the
                                                      ‘‘promulgate a TSCA section 8(a) rule                   at http://www.epa.gov/dockets.                        envisioned information collecting and
                                                      that requires persons who manufacture,                  II. TSCA Section 21                                   reporting apparatus; explain why
                                                      process, or import into the United States                                                                     existing quantity- and sales-based
                                                      mercury, mercury compounds, or                          A. What is a TSCA section 21 petition?                reporting thresholds should or should
                                                      mercury-added products to keep records                     Under TSCA section 21 (15 U.S.C.                   not apply to the persons who must
                                                      of and submit information to EPA                        2620), any person can petition EPA to                 report; establish the minimal amounts of
                                                      concerning such manufacture,                            initiate a rulemaking proceeding for the              information EPA should request via sets
                                                      processing, or importation of mercury.’’                issuance, amendment, or repeal of a rule              of example questions applicable to
                                                      After careful consideration, EPA denied                 under TSCA section 4, 6, or 8 or an                   mercury, mercury compounds, mixtures
                                                      the TSCA section 21 petition for the                    order under TSCA section 5(e) or                      containing mercury, and mercury-added
                                                      reasons discussed in this document.                     6(b)(2). A TSCA section 21 petition                   products; and set forth their preferred
                                                      DATES: EPA’s response to this TSCA                      must set forth the facts that are claimed             frequency and format for reporting, as
                                                      section 21 petition was signed                          to establish the necessity for the action             well as certification and recordkeeping
                                                      September 21, 2015.                                     requested. EPA is required to grant or                requirements (Ref. 1).
                                                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For                    deny the petition within 90 days of its               B. What support do the petitioners offer?
                                                      technical information contact: Thomas                   filing. If EPA grants the petition, the
                                                                                                              Agency must promptly commence an                        The petitioners state that a ‘‘lack of
                                                      Groeneveld, National Program                                                                                  comprehensive data on mercury
                                                      Chemicals Division (7404M), Office of                   appropriate proceeding. If EPA denies
                                                                                                              the petition, the Agency must publish                 production and use in the United States
                                                      Pollution Prevention and Toxics,                                                                              has been acknowledged by virtually all
                                                      Environmental Protection Agency, 1200                   its reasons for the denial in the Federal
                                                                                                              Register. A petitioner may commence a                 of the federal and state agencies
                                                      Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington,                                                                            involved in tracking or regulating the
                                                      DC 20460–0001; telephone number:                        civil action in a U.S. District Court to
                                                                                                              compel initiation of the requested                    chemical in commerce’’ (Ref. 1). The
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      202–566–1188; email address:                                                                                  petitioners state that there is ‘‘no
                                                      groeneveld.thomas@epa.gov.                              rulemaking proceeding within 60 days
                                                                                                              of either a denial or the expiration of the           mechanism in place to obtain such
                                                         For general information contact: The                                                                       data,’’ which is underscored by
                                                      TSCA-Hotline, ABVI-Goodwill, 422                        90-day period.
                                                                                                                                                                    describing data gaps in the Interstate
                                                      South Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY                       B. What criteria apply to a decision on               Mercury Education Reduction
                                                      14620; telephone number: (202) 554–                     a TSCA section 21 petition?                           Clearinghouse (IMERC) and discussing
                                                      1404; email address: TSCA-Hotline@                         Section 21(b)(1) of TSCA requires that             the limitations of Agency resources,
                                                      epa.gov.                                                the petition ‘‘set forth the facts which it           including the September 2014 ‘‘EPA
                                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              is claimed establish that it is necessary’’           Strategy to Address Mercury-Containing

                                                 VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:56 Oct 06, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00015   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\07OCP1.SGM   07OCP1

                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                           60585

                                                      Products’’ (EPA Strategy or Strategy)                   B. What is EPA’s reason for this                      risk of injury’’ (15 U.S.C.
                                                      (Ref. 2), the Toxics Release Inventory                  response?                                             2620(b)(4)(B)(ii)).
                                                      (TRI) program (Ref. 3), and the Chemical                                                                         2. State of domestic mercury
                                                      Data Reporting (CDR) Rule (Ref. 4).                        EPA agrees with many aspects of the                marketplace. The United States has seen
                                                      Collecting comprehensive data is                        petition. The Agency agrees that                      a strong downward trend of more than
                                                      necessary, the petitioners say, to                      mercury poses potential risks to human                97 percent in the domestic use of
                                                      ‘‘prevent unreasonable risks of injury to               health and the environment and that                   mercury in products over the past three
                                                      human health and the environment                        there is value in gathering additional                decades. In 1980, the United States used
                                                      created by the ongoing manufacture,                     information to better understand                      more than 1,800 metric tons of mercury
                                                      processing, and importation of mercury                  continuing uses of mercury, to further                annually; in 2010, the continued annual
                                                      and mercury compounds’’ (Ref. 1). As                    reduce such uses, and to prevent                      use of mercury in manufactured or
                                                      such, the petitioners argue that a TSCA                 potential risks to human health and the               imported products was approximately
                                                      section 8(a) rule is ‘‘warranted’’ because              environment from mercury exposure.                    52 metric tons. Likewise, the use of
                                                      available data are inadequate to                        However, EPA believes that continued                  mercury in industrial processes, such as
                                                      determine whether mercury used in                       implementation of its EPA Strategy is a               chlor-alkali manufacturing, has also
                                                      products and processes, in fact, creates                faster, more efficient pathway towards                fallen dramatically from 358 metric tons
                                                      unreasonable risk and, if so, the                       achieving our shared goals and is                     in 1980 to an estimated 38 metric tons
                                                      appropriate means to reduce such risk                   confident that the actions contemplated               in 2001. This shifting landscape can be
                                                      (Ref. 1). The petitioners also point to the             under the Strategy are both sufficient to             attributed to a number of factors,
                                                                                                              carry out TSCA and preferable to the                  including market trends leading to the
                                                      obligations of the Minamata Convention
                                                                                                              requested rulemaking.                                 voluntary reduction of use of mercury in
                                                      on Mercury (Minamata Convention),
                                                                                                                                                                    products and processes; federal,
                                                      which the United States signed and                         1. Background on TSCA section 8.
                                                                                                                                                                    regional, state, and local programs that
                                                      joined on November 6, 2013, that they                   TSCA section 8(a) (15 U.S.C. 2607(a))
                                                                                                                                                                    encourage the use of effective and
                                                      believe will go unfulfilled without the                 authorizes EPA to promulgate rules
                                                                                                                                                                    economically feasible non-mercury
                                                      collection of comprehensive data. In                    under which manufacturers (including
                                                                                                                                                                    substitutes; state laws or regulations that
                                                      addition, the petitioners argue that                    importers) and processors of chemical
                                                                                                                                                                    prohibit or reduce the use of mercury in
                                                      ‘‘incomplete and non-comprehensive                      substances must maintain records and
                                                                                                                                                                    products; and Congressional actions that
                                                      data hampers EPA’s ability to effectively               submit such information as the EPA                    banned the sale of a range of mercury
                                                      assess risks from exposure to mercury’’                 Administrator may reasonably require.                 batteries and prohibited the export of
                                                      and, therefore, the TSCA section 8(a)                   TSCA section 8(a) also authorizes EPA                 mercury (e.g., the Mercury-Containing
                                                      rule envisioned ‘‘would result in                       to promulgate rules under which                       and Rechargeable Battery Management
                                                      substantial benefits’’ (Ref. 1). Based on               manufacturers and processors of                       Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104–142) and the
                                                      these assertions, as well as a discussion               mixtures must maintain records and                    Mercury Export Ban Act of 2008
                                                      of the toxicity, exposure pathways, and                 submit information to the extent the                  (MEBA) (Pub. L. 110–114)). The United
                                                      risks associated with mercury used in                   EPA Administrator determines the                      States also negotiated and joined the
                                                      products and processes, the petitioners                 maintenance of records or submission of               Minamata Convention, which contains
                                                      state that ‘‘there is a reasonable—                     reports, or both, is necessary for the                requirements aimed at reducing the use
                                                      indeed, an ample—basis to conclude                      effective enforcement of TSCA. TSCA                   of mercury. The convergence of such
                                                      that a section 8(a) reporting rule for                  section 8(a) generally excludes small                 historic trends and actions, as well as
                                                      mercury is necessary to protect health                  manufacturers and processors of                       continued downward trends in mercury
                                                      and the environment against an                          chemical substances or mixtures from                  use in products in more recent years,
                                                      unreasonable risk of injury to health and               the reporting requirements (see 15                    helped identify categories of mercury-
                                                      the environment from ongoing domestic                   U.S.C. 2507(a)). However, EPA is                      added products of greatest concern and
                                                      uses of mercury in products and                         authorized by TSCA section                            guided the development of the EPA
                                                      processes’’ (Ref. 1).                                   8(a)(3)(A)(ii) to require TSCA section                Strategy.
                                                                                                              8(a) reporting from small manufacturers                  3. The EPA Strategy: Development
                                                      IV. Disposition of TSCA Section 21                      and processors with respect to any                    and implementation. In developing the
                                                      Petition                                                chemical substance or mixture that is                 EPA Strategy, the Agency did not
                                                      A. What is EPA’s response?                              the subject of a rule proposed or                     believe it made sense to promulgate a
                                                                                                              promulgated under TSCA section 4,                     comprehensive information-gathering
                                                         After careful consideration, EPA                     5(b)(4), or 6, or that is the subject of an           rule for mercury, on top of the existing
                                                      denied the petition. EPA found that the                 order in effect under TSCA section 5(e),              regulatory and statutory information
                                                      continued implementation of its                         or that is the subject of relief granted              collection requirements applicable to
                                                      published EPA Strategy (Ref. 2) is                      pursuant to a civil action under TSCA                 chemical substances generally. Rather,
                                                      sufficient to carry out TSCA, as well as                section 5 or 7. TSCA section 8(a) also                EPA decided to adopt a more targeted
                                                      preferable for achieving the goal it                    provides that, to the extent feasible, the            approach and to create a framework that
                                                      shares with the petitioners: To acquire                 EPA Administrator must not require                    was flexible and adaptive to observed
                                                      the information needed to allow EPA to                  reporting under TSCA section 8(a)(1)                  trends in the use of mercury. As a result,
                                                      better understand continuing uses of                    that is unnecessary or duplicative. If the            the EPA Strategy seeks to build on the
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                                                      mercury, to further reduce such uses,                   Agency denies a petition submitted                    ‘‘demonstrated success for more than
                                                      and to prevent potential exposure and                   under TSCA section 21, judicial review                three decades of reducing mercury use
                                                      risk to human health and the                            for TSCA section 8(a) requires the                    in traditional product and process
                                                      environment linked to releases of                       petitioner to show by a ‘‘preponderance               categories . . . to further reduce
                                                      mercury into the environment. A copy                    of the evidence that . . . there is a                 mercury use in products and certain
                                                      of the Agency’s response, which                         reasonable basis to conclude that the                 processes in order to prevent future
                                                      consists of a letter to the petitioners, is             issuance of such a rule or order is                   releases to the environment’’ (Ref. 2).
                                                      available in the docket for this TSCA                   necessary to protect health or the                       The EPA Strategy consists of five
                                                      section 21 petition.                                    environment against an unreasonable                   phases: (1) Update EPA’s information on

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                                                      60586                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      mercury products and certain processes;                 to be collected (mercury manufacturers                potential companies based on thorough
                                                      (2) analyze updated mercury use                         and importers, mercury processors, and                research and professional judgment to
                                                      information; (3) plan and prioritize                    other stakeholders), and commits to                   identify companies likely to provide a
                                                      mercury reduction activities; (4) take                  conducting outreach throughout the                    reasonably complete picture of the
                                                      non-regulatory actions to reduce use;                   implementation of the Strategy (Ref. 2).              domestic market for recycling and
                                                      and (5) take regulatory actions to reduce               Following this phase, EPA will assess                 selling mercury. This approach allowed
                                                      use, if needed (Ref. 2). The Strategy is                information gathered and compare data                 for the systematic elimination of
                                                      structured to provide a logical                         to existing Agency baselines derived                  companies less likely to have significant
                                                      progression from the gathering of                       from IMERC, the TRI program, the CDR                  information from consideration and
                                                      information to taking actions to reduce                 Rule, and other research (Phase 2).                   minimized the potential burden to both
                                                      the use of mercury and, as necessary,                   Results of the second phase will be used              stakeholders and the Agency. In fact, the
                                                      mercury compounds. However, the                         to define or modify product categories                information received led EPA to further
                                                      Strategy is also intended to allow for                  and identify remaining data gaps or                   narrow its investigation to five
                                                      proceeding immediately to such use                      other limitations that could affect the               companies it believes to be the primary
                                                      reduction options should information                    planning and prioritization of reduction              recyclers and distributors of mercury in
                                                      warrant such actions, as well as                        activities (Phase 3). At this juncture, the           the United States. Based on those
                                                      reassessment of an intended course of                   Agency could consider the use of                      efforts—and the failure of certain
                                                      action (e.g., methodology for gathering                 voluntary efforts to reduce the use of                companies from the narrowed list of five
                                                      information) at any point during its                    mercury (Phase 4), as well as a Section               to voluntarily provide agreed to
                                                      implementation.                                         8(a) rule or other appropriate regulatory             information—EPA issued subpoenas in
                                                         The EPA Strategy specifically targets                measure (Phase 5). At this point in time,             March 2015 to those five companies
                                                      updating data regarding mercury                         however, EPA believes the                             (Ref. 5).
                                                      quantities in ‘‘new products entering the               implementation of the EPA Strategy,                      5. Effective use of regulatory tools via
                                                      market, with particular attention to                    which uses a variety of both voluntary                the EPA Strategy. The subpoenas
                                                      switches and relays’’ and ‘‘as                          and regulatory measures as needed, is                 consisted of twelve information requests
                                                      appropriate, processes that use mercury                 sufficient to carry out TSCA.                         designed to ascertain specific
                                                      as a catalyst’’ (Ref. 2). For example, the                 4. The EPA Strategy is working and
                                                                                                                                                                    information on quantities of mercury
                                                      use of mercury in switches and relays                   will continue to work. The petitioners
                                                                                                                                                                    manufactured (including imported),
                                                      (including thermostats) sold in the                     accurately identify the Agency’s goals to
                                                      United States decreased from                            continue to collect and analyze                       processed, stored on-site, or distributed
                                                      approximately 68 metric tons in 2001 to                 information to better understand the                  in commerce (including transferred off-
                                                      approximately 18 metric tons in 2010—                   current and future use of mercury.                    site, sold and exported), as well as lists
                                                      a nearly 74 percent decrease in under a                 However, the petitioners focus                        of customers to whom mercury was sold
                                                      decade. However, at 33 percent of                       exclusively on the voluntary                          (Ref. 5). The activities related to
                                                      mercury used in products sold in the                    information-collection component                      mercury were selected to cross-reference
                                                      United States, switches and relays also                 within the first of five phases to                    with similar reporting requirements for
                                                      represent the largest category of                       conclude that ‘‘the voluntary approach                the TRI program and CDR Rule. Of
                                                      mercury-added products. In fact, in                     has not worked thus far, and there is no              particular interest to the Agency were
                                                      joining the Minamata Convention, the                    reasonable basis to believe it ever will’’            quantities reported for mercury
                                                      United States demonstrated that                         and ‘‘the need for and the utility of a               manufactured and processed (e.g.,
                                                      mercury used in eight of nine subject                   rulemaking that would require                         recycled from various waste streams),
                                                      categories was reduced to de minimis                    mandatory reporting from all mercury,                 sold, imported, and exported, which
                                                      levels. The lone category for which such                mercury-compound, and mercury-                        represents key aspects of the domestic
                                                      a demonstration was not made was                        mixture manufacturers has been                        mercury marketplace. EPA requested
                                                      switches and relays. As a result, the                   demonstrated’’ (Ref. 1). By focusing on               this information to better understand
                                                      Agency identified switches and relays                   the Agency’s preference to initially                  how mercury flows through the five
                                                      as a priority category of mercury use in                proceed on a voluntary basis, the                     primary facilities that recycle and sell
                                                      the EPA Strategy.                                       petitioners overlook that the Strategy                mercury with the goal of identifying the
                                                         The Agency has sufficient information                contemplates ‘‘additional available                   amount of mercury likely being used to
                                                      on the use of mercury in certain                        regulatory steps being necessary’’ (Ref.              produce mercury-added products or in
                                                      categories of other mercury-added                       2). In fact, the Agency finds that the best           manufacturing processes in the United
                                                      products (e.g., batteries, lamps,                       approach is to employ voluntary or                    States. The subpoenas requested that
                                                      measuring devices). Yet, despite the                    regulatory mechanisms to collect                      annual totals of mercury in pounds for
                                                      aforementioned downward trend of use                    information based on particular                       such activities be reported for 2010 and
                                                      of mercury in products and                              circumstances. For example, after                     2013. These years were selected to not
                                                      manufacturing processes in general,                     publishing the EPA Strategy in                        only coincide with IMERC reporting
                                                      EPA is interested in learning more about                September 2014, the Agency conducted                  years, but also because they could
                                                      mercury-added products that continue                    a series of letter requests and                       provide a before-and-after illustration of
                                                      to enter the market (i.e., new products)                teleconferences with companies                        how two mercury-related measures
                                                      and the prevalence of the use of                        identified as nine key players in the                 affected the domestic mercury market
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                                                      mercury and mercury compounds in                        mercury marketplace in October and                    place: MEBA and the conclusion of the
                                                      catalysts.                                              November 2014.                                        negotiation of the Minamata
                                                         The Agency is currently in the first                    While the petitioners express                      Convention. The reporting years also
                                                      phase of implementing its Strategy,                     skepticism with this approach due to its              were selected to allow a trend
                                                      which lists priority mercury-added                      initiation with only nine companies,                  comparison for reported quantities
                                                      product and process categories                          this was a strategic approach that the                without creating undue burden on the
                                                      (switches, relays, new products, and                    Agency expected to yield relevant                     companies subject to the subpoenas.
                                                      catalysts), describes the progression of                information. The initial list of nine was             The subpoenas also requested customer
                                                      stakeholders from whom information is                   derived from more than one hundred                    lists for each company as of January 1,

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                            60587

                                                      2015. This date was selected as a fixed                 on mercury voluntarily and via                        program, to help narrow the scope of
                                                      and recent date relative to the issuance                subpoena and, based on that experience,               potential stakeholders to be contacted as
                                                      of the subpoenas in March 2015. Each                    could expeditiously issue any further                 needed to collect information that EPA
                                                      of the five companies subject to the                    needed subpoenas, whereas the timing                  determines to be necessary. For
                                                      subpoenas supplied the information                      of a rulemaking process is less                       example, EPA is reviewing information
                                                      requested in full.                                      predictable. The Agency gathered                      reported to the TRI program to identify
                                                         Due to extensions granted to certain                 information via its Strategy in several               and prioritize how to gather such
                                                      companies, some responses were                          months, new data to be collected by the               information.
                                                      submitted after the initial 30-day                      petitioners’ requested rule—or another                   The TRI program requires facilities
                                                      deadline. This resulted in the initial                  Section 8(a) rule—may not be obtained                 that manufacture, process, or otherwise
                                                      completion of the full data set at the end              for several years. For those reasons, EPA             use more than 10 pounds of mercury or
                                                      of June 2015, only days after the                       believes that the current approach used               mercury compounds during the
                                                      petitioners submitted their petition that               to collect information from companies                 calendar year to report amounts released
                                                      concluded that certain approaches                       that manufacture, recycle, and distribute             to the environment or managed through
                                                      outlined in the EPA Strategy were                       in commerce elemental mercury has                     recycling, energy recovery and
                                                      inadequate. The Agency is currently                     been successful, is more efficient than               treatment (Ref. 6). While the TRI
                                                      evaluating the information submitted in                 the development of a new rule, and is                 program does not require quantitative
                                                      response to the five March 2015                         sufficient—with some adaptation of the                reporting for all manufacturing,
                                                      subpoenas. As necessary, EPA has                        substance of information requests for                 processing, or use categories, a facility
                                                      followed up with companies and                          companies that use mercury in products                is required to report activities and uses
                                                      clarified responses submitted. Based on                 and processes—to carry out TSCA.                      of the toxic chemical including, but not
                                                      its initial review of submitted                            6. The EPA Strategy avoids                         limited to ‘‘import,’’ ‘‘for sale/
                                                      information, the Agency now has a                       unnecessary or duplicative reporting.                 distribution,’’ ‘‘as a reactant,’’ ‘‘as an
                                                      better understanding of the flow of                     Based on the above discussion, EPA                    article component,’’ and ‘‘as a chemical
                                                      mercury in the U.S. marketplace and                     disagrees that there is ‘‘no other federal            processing aid’’ (Ref. 7). In this instance,
                                                      has an inventory of recent lists of                     or state mechanism in place that collects             EPA does not see the lack of
                                                      companies that purchase elemental                       the data on mercury production and use                quantitative reporting as a dead end, but
                                                      mercury from the five companies,                        in the United States necessary to inform              rather as a tool to narrow the number of
                                                      including volumes and trends of                         risk-reduction activities’’ (Ref. 1). As              companies to ask for more specific
                                                      mercury in key channels of commerce                     articulated by the petitioners, IMERC,                information related to the use of
                                                      (e.g., manufactured, stored, sold,                      the TRI program, and the CDR Rule each                mercury in their products and
                                                      imported, and exported). The Agency                     collect data in whole or in part related              processes. For example, a review of data
                                                      understands that this information                       to mercury and mercury compounds.                     submitted to the TRI program for
                                                      collection approach cannot account for                  All of these reporting mechanisms are                 ‘‘mercury’’ in 2013 yields 447 facilities
                                                      imports of mercury-added products or                    accessible online. While a single                     that manufactured, processed, or
                                                      mercury compounds that are not                          information collection and reporting                  otherwise used mercury. That number
                                                      processed by the five companies subject                 apparatus identical to the petitioners’               can be narrowed to 60 facilities that
                                                      to the March 2015 subpoenas. However,                   requested rule does not currently exist,              processed mercury ‘‘as an article
                                                      EPA intends to collect such data either                 existing tools, as implemented through                component’’ (e.g., used in a product).
                                                      through voluntary compliance with                       the EPA Strategy, are sufficient to gather            When the same search is conducted for
                                                      letters or through subpoenas, as it                     such data as necessary for the effective              ‘‘mercury compounds,’’ more than 1,100
                                                      determines to be necessary for an                       implementation of TSCA. EPA is                        facilities can be narrowed to 48 facilities
                                                      adequate understanding of mercury use                   committed to gathering such data,                     reporting processing into articles. The
                                                      in the United States through further                    including—as appropriate—through the                  use of such data allows EPA to reduce
                                                      implementation of EPA Strategy and use                  future use of TSCA section 8. For the                 the scope of potential manufacturers of
                                                      of existing Agency resources.                           same reasons, EPA also disagrees that                 mercury-added products by more than
                                                         The petitioners express                              the EPA Strategy ‘‘implicitly                         90 percent that under the petitioners’
                                                      disappointment with the ‘‘months’’ that                 acknowledges that the CDR Rule and its                proposed rule would be required to
                                                      elapsed since the initiation of the                     other existing reporting mechanisms are               supply detailed, quantitative data. EPA
                                                      voluntary inquiries to companies in                     not sufficient to gather the data                     will perform similar data sorting among
                                                      October 2014 and the submission of                      necessary to make sound decisions                     facilities that report ‘‘import’’ and ‘‘for
                                                      their petition in June 2015 (Ref. 1). In                about mercury risk-reduction activities’’             sale/distribution’’ of mercury or
                                                      fact, the Agency conducted the                          (Ref. 1).                                             mercury compounds, which will help
                                                      voluntary portion of data collection                       The petitioners also describe various              further describe how such materials
                                                      between October 2014 and December                       ways in which the TRI program and                     flow through the domestic marketplace.
                                                      2014. When that process was not                         CDR Rule collect data on mercury and                  The Agency also plans to examine uses
                                                      fruitful, the subpoenas were sent in                    mercury compounds yet how                             ‘‘as a reactant’’ and ‘‘as a chemical
                                                      March 2015. Responses to the March                      idiosyncrasies within each program                    processing aid’’ to help identify the use
                                                      2015 subpoenas were received by the                     prevent the reporting of the specific                 of mercury or mercury compounds in
                                                      end of June 2015. For comparison, new                   information they request to be collected.             manufacturing processes. As these
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                                                      federal rulemakings often take several                  Where the petitioners see insufficiency,              examples demonstrate, the Agency
                                                      years to complete from development                      the Agency sees opportunity to use                    believes that it can use existing data to
                                                      through the proposal, public comment,                   existing tools and resources to pinpoint              better identify individual facilities for
                                                      and finalization phases. A final                        specific data gaps, which may or may                  more targeted efforts to collect
                                                      information collection rule would then                  not require new regulatory or voluntary               information.
                                                      need to provide for some period of time                 actions to gather information. EPA is                    It is important to note that the 2016
                                                      following promulgation for the                          using quantitative and qualitative                    reporting cycle for the CDR Rule
                                                      submission of the required information.                 information, particularly activity and                (applicable to production volume
                                                      EPA notes that it already collected data                use information reported to the TRI                   information for calendar years 2012,

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                                                      60588                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      2013, 2014, and 2015; submission                        information comparable to the requests                suggested by the petitioners can be
                                                      period from June 1, 2016, to September                  in the first category of notification                 valuable: Quantities of mercury used in
                                                      30, 2016) will collect information from                 requirements is reported to the TRI                   products (per unit and total for all units
                                                      persons who manufacture mercury in                      program and the CDR Rule. The second                  produced in a calendar year),
                                                      quantities greater than or equal to 2,500               category includes quantitative data on                descriptions of product categories
                                                      pounds (Ref. 4); the reporting threshold                such substances manufactured and                      produced, and a breakdown of products
                                                      for mercury in the previous cycle was                   processed for distribution in commerce,               manufactured (including imported),
                                                      25,000 pounds and 100,000 pounds for                    sold or transferred off-site, and stored              sold domestically, and exported. Such
                                                      process and use information. As such,                   on-site. Due to the similarity with                   requirements would provide
                                                      the Agency anticipates receiving                        questions posed in the March 2015                     quantitative information that would
                                                      quantitative data on mercury in the                     subpoenas, EPA is satisfied that it                   benefit the implementation of TSCA by
                                                      domestic marketplace from a larger pool                 ascertained sufficient quantitative                   helping to define the overall volume of
                                                      of companies that manufacture                           information for how mercury is used in                mercury used, particularly in the
                                                      (including import) and process mercury.                 such activities. For mercury                          priority category of switches and relays.
                                                      In conjunction with the analysis of TRI                 compounds, EPA believes that                          EPA also agrees that it is helpful to
                                                      program data, EPA plans to use the                      information reported to the TRI program               ascertain information related to whether
                                                      identities of companies reporting per                   for activities and uses can be used to                switches or relays are ‘‘manufactured or
                                                      the lowered threshold to further clarify                identify and prioritize companies and                 processed solely for the purpose of
                                                      the pool of potential entities from whom                facilities that could be contacted using              replacement where no feasible mercury-
                                                      to collect more detailed information.                   the same approach that the Agency used                free alternative for replacement is
                                                      Thus, EPA finds its existing resources,                 when reaching out to and ultimately                   available’’ (Ref. 1). This information
                                                      such as the TRI program and CDR Rule,                   issuing subpoenas to individual                       would help the Agency better estimate
                                                      can be instrumental not only in carrying                recyclers and distributors of mercury.                costs and benefits associated with not
                                                      out TSCA, but also to tailor future                     The third category requests narrative                 only ongoing uses of the switches and
                                                      efforts to collect information on discrete              descriptions of manufacturing and                     relays themselves, but also the larger
                                                      categories of mercury products and                      processing processes and end uses of                  equipment and systems that use them as
                                                      processes.                                              such materials. EPA is not persuaded                  components. However, the Agency is
                                                         7. EPA intends to target specific                    that such information for mercury or                  not persuaded that notification
                                                      information requests to specific entities.              mercury compounds is necessary to                     requirements for descriptions of
                                                      EPA anticipates that subsequent efforts                 carry out TSCA. In particular, it is more             mercury-added components, including
                                                      to gather information from companies                    appropriate to pose questions regarding               the number of and location in larger
                                                      that produce or import mercury-added                    end uses to companies or facilities that              products, is necessary. At this time, EPA
                                                      products and use mercury or mercury                     use mercury or mercury compounds in                   anticipates that quantitative data on
                                                      compounds in manufacturing processes                    products or manufacturing processes                   amounts of mercury contained in or
                                                      may require contacting more entities                    and not companies that recover mercury                added to such products and processes is
                                                      than the nine EPA contacted in late                     from various waste streams. Finally, the              likely to be sufficient to make regulatory
                                                      2014. EPA anticipates using a similar                   Agency is not persuaded that                          determinations.
                                                      process of research and professional                    information on mixtures containing
                                                      judgment to identify and prioritize                                                                              As previously discussed, switches
                                                                                                              mercury is necessary to carry out TSCA.               and relays are the largest remaining
                                                      companies to contact and will follow
                                                                                                              To the best of the Agency’s knowledge,                domestic use of mercury in products by
                                                      appropriate procedures to reach as
                                                                                                              the only point in the cycle of mercury                volume in the United States. Better
                                                      many companies as needed to obtain
                                                                                                              manufacture, use, recovery, and reuse                 defining the total quantity of mercury in
                                                      relevant information, as necessary. For
                                                                                                              when mixtures play a significant role is              that category, especially given the
                                                      example, EPA is considering using
                                                                                                              when mercury is recovered from                        cessation of reporting of such
                                                      TSCA section 11 to ask other companies
                                                                                                              mercury waste such as contaminated                    information via IMERC, is a priority
                                                      the same kinds of questions posed in the
                                                                                                              soil or impure laboratory mercury. The                data point within a priority product
                                                      March 2015 subpoenas, but with an
                                                                                                              resulting elemental mercury is used, but              category. Regardless, even in instances
                                                      emphasis on quantities of mercury and
                                                                                                              EPA is not aware of any significant                   where EPA agrees with the notification
                                                      mercury compounds used in the
                                                      production of products or in                            manufacture, processing, or use of                    requirements proposed by the
                                                      manufacturing processes.                                mercury mixtures. As EPA reviews the                  petitioners, the Agency is not persuaded
                                                         Looking at the specific information                  information it has and will collect on                that the overarching proposed Section
                                                      requested in the petition, the petitioners              mercury and mercury compounds, it                     8(a) rule is the appropriate means to
                                                      request two sets of notification                        will assess the need for information on               collect such information. At this time,
                                                      requirements between two categories:                    mixtures and pursue such data as                      the Agency continues to implement its
                                                      (1) Mercury, mercury compounds, and                     needed.                                               Strategy to determine its next steps,
                                                      mixtures containing mercury; and (2)                       For mercury-added products, the                    including, but not limited to using
                                                      mercury-added products. The                             petitioners also request eight                        TSCA section 11, to collect information
                                                      petitioners’ request of eight notification              notification requirements. As discussed               from additional companies on mercury
                                                      requirements for information to be                      in regard to mercury, mercury                         used in products and processes. The
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                                                      reported for mercury, mercury                           compounds, and mixtures containing                    assessment of information collected to
                                                      compounds, and mixtures containing                      mercury, the notification requirements                date under the EPA Strategy will inform
                                                      mercury can be broken down into three                   for location and contact information for              next steps in the current and future
                                                      general categories. The first category                  company headquarters and technical                    phases of the implementation. In so
                                                      consists of location and contact                        staff pertain to comparable information               doing, the Agency is employing the
                                                      information for company headquarters,                   reported to the TRI program or the CDR                variety of existing tools, including
                                                      facilities that manufacture or process                  Rule. The Agency agrees that collection               IMERC, the TRI program, and the CDR
                                                      such substances, and technical staff. For               of the kinds of information listed in                 Rule, as well as the aforementioned
                                                      mercury and mercury compounds,                          three of the eight notification requests              voluntary outreach and targeted

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                                                      subpoenas, as necessary. This process is                benefit for the rule they request to                  consistent with the scope, depth, and
                                                      expedient, efficient, and does not                      derive from the breadth and depth of                  purpose of the assessment, and is both
                                                      duplicate the reporting requirements of                 information collected, the Agency is                  relevant and adequate’’ (Ref. 8). In this
                                                      IMERC, the TRI program, and the CDR                     focusing on more discrete areas of need               context, adequacy can be determined
                                                      Rule. As the assessment of collected                    (i.e., individual product and process                 ‘‘by evaluating the amount of data
                                                      information dictates, the Agency                        categories) that can provide for less                 available and the accuracy of the data’’
                                                      continues to use the tools currently                    burdensome requirements for potential                 (Ref. 8). The same guidance also states
                                                      available, while not eliminating the                    stakeholders and a more efficient                     that ‘‘[d]ata of insufficient quality will
                                                      possibility of implementing other                       approach for the Agency to carry out                  have little value for problem solving,
                                                      voluntary and regulatory options if                     TSCA in regard to mercury and mercury                 while data of quality vastly in excess of
                                                      deemed necessary. Thus, EPA disagrees                   compounds. As a result, the petitioners’              what is needed to answer the questions
                                                      with the petitioners’ conclusions as to                 requested TSCA section 8(a) rule would                asked provide few, if any, additional
                                                      the ultimate efficacy of the EPA                        be unduly burdensome both to the                      advantages’’ (Ref. 8). To achieve its
                                                      Strategy, its sufficiency to carry out                  Agency and regulated entities.                        stated goals to ‘‘acquire a more robust
                                                      TSCA, and the need for EPA to                              9. Petitioners failed to demonstrate               baseline of mercury quantities used in
                                                      immediately pursue a TSCA section 8(a)                  the requested rule is necessary to protect            products and processes . . . [and]
                                                      rulemaking.                                             against unreasonable risk. EPA                        enhance data on manufacture, export,
                                                         8. The EPA Strategy minimizes undue                  disagrees that ‘‘there is a reasonable . . .          and import for certain categories of
                                                      burdens. The Agency also disagrees                      basis to conclude that a section 8(a)                 mercury use’’ (Ref. 2), the Agency’s
                                                      with the petitioners’ claim that their                  reporting rule for mercury is necessary               current approach will provide data on
                                                      requested TSCA section 8(a) rule                        to protect health and the environment                 mercury that are not only adequate and
                                                      ‘‘would result in substantial benefits’’                against an unreasonable risk of injury to             relevant, but also more narrowly
                                                      (Ref. 1). As previously stated, the                     health and the environment from                       tailored to products and processes of
                                                      Agency agrees that there is value in                    ongoing domestic uses of mercury in                   greatest concern (e.g., switches, relays,
                                                      gathering more information for certain,                 products and processes’’ (Ref. 1).                    new products, and catalysts). While
                                                                                                              Central to the petitioners’ claim is that:            EPA recognizes that these products and
                                                      individual categories of mercury-added
                                                                                                                                                                    processes are not exhaustive, these are
                                                      products and processes identified by the                   The lack of adequate data on mercury use
                                                                                                              in products and processes prevents a                  the categories that EPA has rationally
                                                      petitioners. However, EPA is not
                                                                                                              complete accounting of the full extent of the         chosen to focus on first. EPA is aware
                                                      persuaded that a TSCA section 8(a) rule
                                                                                                              human health risks from exposure to mercury           that mercury may be added to other
                                                      at this time—as opposed to continued
                                                                                                              . . . [and] EPA cannot fully address the              products listed by the petitioners (e.g.,
                                                      implementation of the EPA Strategy—
                                                                                                              health and environmental risks from mercury           rotational balancers, wheel weights, and
                                                      would produce substantial or different                  exposure without adequate data about                  additives in a variety of children’s
                                                      benefits associated with collecting and                 ongoing mercury uses . . . In addition, such          products). If EPA determines that
                                                      reporting information on the use of                     data collection is necessary to allow EPA to          additional information targeted to these
                                                      mercury in products and processes. The                  monitor any development of new mercury
                                                                                                              uses, so that the agency can assess the risks
                                                                                                                                                                    products is necessary, EPA will take
                                                      EPA Strategy intends to provide for                                                                           steps necessary to collect it.
                                                      flexibility in the approach to ‘‘better                 to human health that may be presented by
                                                                                                              such new uses. (Ref. 1).                                 At this stage of implementing the
                                                      understand continuing uses of mercury                                                                         strategy, the Agency also is uncertain
                                                      in . . . products and processes’’ and                      The petitioners go on to state                     what, if any, information is needed on
                                                      ‘‘further reduce mercury use in products                ‘‘incomplete and non-comprehensive                    mercury compounds beyond use as
                                                      and certain processes in order to                       data hampers EPA’s ability to effectively             catalysts in manufacturing processes.
                                                      prevent future releases to the                          assess risks from exposure to mercury’’               Where products are concerned, for
                                                      environment’’ (Ref. 2). The Strategy                    (Ref. 1). The petitioners then cite                   example, the product category of
                                                      allows for a dynamic and iterative                      various EPA statements regarding risk                 greatest concern (switches and relays)
                                                      process that can be adapted to specific                 management decision-making that speak                 contains elemental mercury, not
                                                      categories of concern and makes clear                   to the availability and adequacy of                   mercury compounds. Although certain
                                                      that ‘‘initiation of future phases may not              information, as well as the EPA Strategy              batteries contain mercury oxide, that
                                                      necessarily be dependent on preceding                   and its intent to gather more and                     product group is of lesser concern than
                                                      phases’’ (Ref. 2). Where the petitioners                updated information related to mercury                switches and relays. EPA will collect
                                                      see a TSCA section 8(a) rule as the                     used in products and processes (Ref. 1).              information on use of mercury
                                                      remedy to existing EPA resources that                   The petitioners then conclude that                    compounds in products if, in the course
                                                      do not deliver the data they seek in the                without ‘‘comprehensive national data                 of carrying out its Strategy, the Agency
                                                      format they prefer, the Agency is wary                  about ongoing mercury uses in products                determines such information to be
                                                      of the potential for duplication of                     and processes . . . EPA cannot make                   necessary. At this stage, requiring
                                                      reporting requirements. The rule                        informed, sound decisions about how to                reporting for mercury compounds in all
                                                      outlined by the petitioners not only                    further reduce risks from mercury                     products while an Agency assessment of
                                                      creates potential overlap in the kind of                exposure’’ (emphasis added) (Ref. 1).                 needs for such information is pending
                                                      data being submitted under the TRI                      The Agency disagrees with this                        would require unnecessary reporting
                                                      program and CDR Rule, but also adds                     conclusion. EPA is unaware of statutory               under TSCA section 8(a)(1).
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      another mercury-based reporting                         authority, applicable case law, or                       Thus, while the Agency is mindful of
                                                      requirement, with an incongruous                        Agency policy that would preclude risk                the petitioners’ analysis of mercury-
                                                      reporting timeline, on top of these two                 assessment or actions to reduce risk                  related concerns (e.g., toxicity,
                                                      established information-gathering                       based on the fact that available                      exposure, risks presented by releases
                                                      programs. This scenario would require                   information is limited. While EPA risk                into the environment, and risk
                                                      reporting under TSCA section 8(a)(1)                    assessment guidance lists the quality                 reduction), EPA cannot reach the
                                                      that is unnecessary and, in some                        and comprehensiveness of data as                      petitioners’ conclusion that ‘‘a section
                                                      instances, duplicative. Thus, where the                 factors that can diminish uncertainty, an             8(a) reporting rule for mercury is
                                                      petitioners may interpret the measure of                ‘‘acceptable data set is one that is                  necessary to protect health and the

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                                                      60590                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      environment against an unreasonable                     billion annually) (Ref. 1). The                       Recovery Program and follow-on
                                                      risk of injury to health and the                        petitioners then cite several EPA                     initiatives, which manages, on a
                                                      environment from ongoing domestic                       significant new use rules (SNURs)                     nationwide basis, programs to collect,
                                                      uses of mercury in products and                         applicable to mercury used in various                 transport, retort, recycle, or dispose of
                                                      processes’’ (Ref. 1). While the                         motor vehicle switches (Ref. 9); flow                 elemental mercury from automotive
                                                      petitioners articulate how the collection               meters, natural gas manometers, and                   switches. Finally, EPA leads the
                                                      of comprehensive and national data                      pyrometers (Ref. 10); and barometers,                 mercury in products partnership within
                                                      could provide the Agency with more                      manometers, hygrometers, and                          the United Nations Environment
                                                      information to weigh in determining                     psychrometers (Ref. 11), to demonstrate               Program’s Global Mercury Partnership,
                                                      unreasonable risk, EPA finds that its                   previous Agency efforts to reduce risks               an international, voluntary effort that
                                                      current approach could be equally                       from mercury based on potential                       strives to phase out and eventually
                                                      successful while imposing considerably                  releases of mercury during the product                eliminate mercury in products and to
                                                      less burden on both EPA and the                         lifecycle (Ref. 1). The petitioners also              eliminate releases during manufacturing
                                                      regulated community in its                              cite estimated reporting costs for a                  and other industrial processes via
                                                      implementation of TSCA, as well as                      TSCA section 8(a) rule of                             environmentally sound production,
                                                      allowing the Agency to move more                        ‘‘approximately $8,000 to $9,000 per                  transportation, storage, and disposal
                                                      quickly on the highest priority product                 report for the initial cycle . . . and                procedures (Ref. 13).
                                                      categories. To date, this approach has                  between $5,000 and $6,000 for each                       In sum, the Agency finds that the
                                                      yielded satisfactory information and the                reporting cycle’’ (Ref. 1). However, the              requested promulgation of a TSCA
                                                      Agency expects that continued                           information provided in the petition on               section 8(a) is neither timely nor
                                                      implementation of the EPA Strategy will                 the impacts of mercury exposure,                      warranted to carry out TSCA pending
                                                      be an appropriate and effective means to                including the monetized risk estimate,                the continued implementation of the
                                                      acquire the information needed to allow                 relates to all sources of mercury                     approaches set forth in the EPA
                                                      EPA to better understand continuing                     pollution; it provides limited                        Strategy.
                                                      uses of mercury, to further reduce such                 information to support the need for the
                                                      uses, and to prevent potential exposure                                                                       V. References
                                                                                                              requested rule to collect information as
                                                      and risk for human health and the                       to ongoing uses. In addition, the petition              The following is a listing of the
                                                      environment linked to releases of                       does not provide a basis to conclude                  documents that are specifically
                                                      mercury into the environment.                           that the requested rule would provide                 referenced in this document. The docket
                                                         Furthermore, while the petition                      for any additional risk reduction beyond              includes these documents and other
                                                      discusses the toxicity and potential risk               that which will be achieved by EPA’s                  information considered by EPA,
                                                      associated with exposure to mercury                     current efforts, or that any such                     including documents that are referenced
                                                      and methylmercury, it does not provide                  reduction would justify the additional                within the documents that are included
                                                      a basis for finding that there is a                     cost to EPA and the regulated                         in the docket, even if the referenced
                                                      reasonable basis to conclude that the                   community. EPA notes in this regard                   document is not physically located in
                                                      requested rule is necessary to protect                  that the petition misstates the baseline              the docket. For assistance in locating
                                                      against an unreasonable risk. The                       for judging the benefits of the requested             these other documents, please consult
                                                      finding of unreasonable risk under                      rule by not accounting for the                        the technical person listed under FOR
                                                      TSCA encompasses consideration of                       significant reduction in the CDR                      FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.
                                                      both the anticipated benefits of action
                                                                                                              reporting threshold for mercury, as                   1. NRDC/NEWMOA. Petition to Promulgate
                                                      under consideration as well as the                                                                                Reporting Rules for Mercury
                                                                                                              discussed above.
                                                      anticipated costs. In this instance, the                                                                          Manufacturing, Processing, and
                                                      petition would need to provide a basis                     10. EPA will continue its successful                   Importation Under Section 8(a) of the
                                                      for EPA to conclude that any additional                 voluntary and regulatory efforts.                         Toxic Substances Control Act. June 24,
                                                      risk reduction that would be achieved                   Furthermore, the Agency is already                        2015.
                                                      by the requested rule, beyond that                      taking voluntary and regulatory                       2. EPA. EPA Strategy to Address Mercury-
                                                      which will be achieved by EPA’s                         measures related to mercury, some of                      Containing Products. September 2014.
                                                                                                              which are listed in the petition (e.g.,                   Available at http://www.epa.gov/
                                                      current efforts, would justify the
                                                                                                              SNURs for various mercury-added                           mercury/pdfs/productsstrategy.pdf.
                                                      additional costs to EPA and the                                                                               3. EPA. Toxic Chemical Release Reporting;
                                                      regulated community.                                    products, proposed rule for dental
                                                                                                                                                                        Community Right-to-Know. Federal
                                                         In discussing risks associated with                  effluent guidelines, emission standards                   Register. 53 FR 4500, February 16, 1988
                                                      releases of mercury, the petitioners                    for hazardous air pollutants from coal-                   (FRL–3298–2).
                                                      describe how mercury releases during                    and oil-fired electric utility steam-                 4. EPA. TSCA Inventory Update Reporting
                                                      the product lifecycle ‘‘significantly’’                 generating units, and the March 2015                      Modifications: Chemical Data Reporting.
                                                      contribute to the total reservoir of                    subpoenas) (Ref. 1). EPA leads a                          Federal Register. 76 FR 50816, August
                                                      ‘‘mercury pollution’’ (Ref. 1). After                   voluntary initiative to phase out use of                  16, 2011 (FRL–8872–9).
                                                                                                              mercury in industrial and laboratory                  5. EPA. Subpoena and Information Request.
                                                      release, the petitioners describe how                                                                             March 20, 2015. Available at http://
                                                      mercury cycles through environmental                    thermometers, which led to the                            www.epa.gov/mercury/pdfs/Hg_
                                                      media, can be converted to                              development of the document ‘‘A Guide                     FormalRequest_SIGNED_03-20-2015.pdf.
                                                      methylmercury, and can potentially                      for Federal Agencies on Replacing
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                                                                                    6. EPA. Emergency Planning and Community
                                                      contaminate fish and humans (Ref. 1).                   Mercury-Containing Non-Fever                              Right-to-Know Act—Section 313:
                                                      The petitioners provide an estimate of                  Thermometers’’ (Ref. 12). The Agency                      Guidance for Reporting Toxic Chemicals:
                                                      the number of newborns exposed to                       also collaborates in voluntary programs                   Mercury and Mercury Compounds
                                                      methylmercury (376 to 14,293 cases                      such as the Energy Star Program co-                       Category. August 2001. Available at
                                                      annually) from all sources and the costs                sponsored by EPA and the Department                       materials/guidance_docs/pdf/2001/
                                                      to care for children exposed to levels of               of Energy, under which participating                      2001hg.pdf.
                                                      methylmercury associated with                           manufacturers agree to limit the                      7. EPA. Form R. Available at http://
                                                      cognitive impairment considered mental                  mercury content of lamps, and the                         www2.epa.gov/sites/production/files/
                                                      retardation ($500 million to $17.9                      National Vehicle Mercury Switch                           2015-01/documents/2014_form_r.pdf.

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                         60591

                                                      8. EPA. Guidelines for Exposure Assessment.             interested parties to submit written                  Miriam.Kloeppel@dot.gov; or Elizabeth
                                                           May 29, 1992. Available at http://                 comments in response to views or                      Gross, Trial Attorney, Office of Chief
                                                           www.epa.gov/raf/publications/pdfs/                 information provided at the RRP                       Counsel, FRA, 1200 New Jersey Avenue
                                                           GUIDELINES_EXPOSURE_                               Working Group meeting.                                SE., Mail Stop 10, Washington, DC
                                                      9. EPA. Mercury Switches in Motor Vehicles;             DATES: The comment period for this                    20590, (202) 493–1342,
                                                           Significant New Use Rule. Federal                  proceeding, consisting of the proposed                Elizabeth.Gross@dot.gov.
                                                           Register. 72 FR 56903, October 5, 2007             rule published February 27, 2015, at 80               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Rail
                                                           (FRL–8110–5).                                      FR 10950, the August 27, 2015, hearing,               Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (RSIA)
                                                      10. EPA. Elemental Mercury Used in Flow                 announced at 80 FR 45500, July 30,                    requires the development and
                                                           Meters, Natural Gas Manometers, and                2015, and a prior notice of comment                   implementation of railroad safety risk
                                                           Pyrometers; Significant New Use Rule.              period reopening, announced at 80 FR                  reduction programs. Risk reduction is a
                                                           Federal Register. 75 FR 42330, July 21,                                                                  comprehensive, system-oriented
                                                                                                              55285, September 15, 2015, is reopened.
                                                           2010 (FRL–8832–2).
                                                                                                              Written comments must be received by                  approach to safety that (1) determines
                                                      11. EPA. Elemental Mercury Used in
                                                           Barometers, Manometers, Hygrometers,               October 21, 2015. Comments received                   an operation’s level of risk by
                                                           and Psychrometers; Significant New Use             after that date will be considered to the             identifying and analyzing applicable
                                                           Rule. Federal Register. 77 FR 31728,               extent possible without incurring                     hazards and (2) involves the
                                                           May 30, 2012 (FRL–9345–9).                         additional expense or delay.                          development of acctions to mitigate that
                                                      12. EPA. A Guide for Federal Agencies on                ADDRESSES: Written comments: Written                  risk. Each RRP is statutorily required to
                                                           Replacing Mercury-Containing Non-                  comments related to Docket No. FRA–                   be supported by a risk analysis and an
                                                           Fever Thermometers. June 2013.                                                                           RRP Plan, which must include a
                                                           Available at http://epa.gov/mercury/
                                                                                                              2009–0038 may be submitted by any of
                                                                                                              the following methods:                                Technology Implementation Plan and a
                                                           pdfs/Non-Fever-Mercury-Thermometers-                                                                     Fatigue Management Plan. On February
                                                           Guide-for-Federal-Agencies-FINAL.pdf.                 • Web site: The Federal eRulemaking
                                                                                                              Portal, http://www.regulations.gov.                   27, 2015, FRA published an NPRM that
                                                      13. UNEP. Mercury-Containing Products
                                                           Partnership Area Business Plan. June 28,           Follow the Web site’s online                          would require certain railroads to
                                                           2013. Available at http://www.unep.org/            instructions for submitting comments.                 develop an RRP. FRA also held a public
                                                           chemicalsandwaste/Mercury/                            • Fax: 202–493–2251.                               hearing on August 27, 2015, to provide
                                                           GlobalMercuryPartnership/Products/                    • Mail: Docket Management Facility,                interested persons an opportunity to
                                                           tabid/3565/language/en-US/                         U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200               provide oral comments on the proposal.
                                                           Default.aspx.                                      New Jersey Avenue SE., Room W12–                      See 80 FR 10950, Feb. 27, 2015 and 80
                                                         Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.                    140, Washington, DC 20590.                            FR 45500, Jul. 30, 2015.
                                                                                                                 • Hand Delivery: Docket Management                    On September 29, 2015, the RSAC’s
                                                        Dated: September 21, 2015.                                                                                  RRP Working Group held a meeting to
                                                      James J. Jones,                                         Facility, U.S. Department of
                                                                                                              Transportation, 1200 New Jersey                       review and discuss comments received
                                                      Assistant Administrator, Office of Chemical                                                                   in response to both the NPRM and the
                                                      Safety and Pollution Prevention.                        Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590,
                                                                                                              Room W12–140 on the Ground level of                   public hearing. FRA established RSAC
                                                      [FR Doc. 2015–24849 Filed 10–6–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                              the West Building, between 9 a.m. and                 as a collaborative forum to provide
                                                      BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                                                                              5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except                 advice and recommendations to FRA on
                                                                                                              Federal Holidays.                                     railroad safety matters. The RSAC
                                                                                                                 Instructions: All submissions must                 includes representatives from all of the
                                                      DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                            include the agency name, docket name,                 agency’s major stakeholder groups,
                                                                                                              and docket number or Regulatory                       representing various railroad industry
                                                      Federal Railroad Administration                         Identification Number (RIN) for this                  perspectives. See the RSAC Web site for
                                                                                                              rulemaking. Note that all comments                    details on prior RSAC activities and
                                                      49 CFR Part 271                                         received will be posted without change                pending tasks at http://rsac.fra.dot
                                                                                                                                                                    .gov/. Please refer to the notice
                                                      [Docket No. FRA–2009–0038]                              to http://www.regulations.gov, including
                                                                                                                                                                    published in the Federal Register on
                                                                                                              any personal information provided.
                                                      RIN 2130–AC11                                                                                                 March 11, 1996 (61 FR 9740), for
                                                                                                              Please see the Privacy Act heading in
                                                                                                                                                                    additional information about the RSAC.
                                                                                                              the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section                    FRA is reopening the comment period
                                                      Risk Reduction Program                                  of this document for Privacy Act                      for this proceeding to allow interested
                                                      AGENCY:  Federal Railroad                               information related to any submitted                  parties to submit written comments in
                                                      Administration (FRA), Department of                     comments or materials.                                response to views or information
                                                      Transportation (DOT).                                     Docket: For access to the docket to                 provided at the RRP Working Group
                                                      ACTION: Proposed rule; notice of
                                                                                                              read background documents or                          meeting on September 29, 2015. Written
                                                      comment period reopening.                               comments received, go to http://                      comments must be received by October
                                                                                                              www.regulations.gov at any time or to                 21, 2015. Comments received after that
                                                      SUMMARY:   On February 27, 2015, FRA                    the Docket Management Facility, U.S.                  date will be considered to the extent
                                                      published a Notice of Proposed                          Department of Transportation, 1200                    possible without incurring additional
                                                      Rulemaking (NPRM) that would require                    New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington,                    expense or delay.
                                                      certain railroads to develop a Risk                     DC, Room W–12–140 on the Ground
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      Reduction Program (RRP). On                             level of the West Building, between 9                 Privacy Act Statement
                                                      September 29, 2015, the RRP Working                     a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through                         Consistent with 5 U.S.C. 553(c), DOT
                                                      Group of the Railroad Safety Advisory                   Friday, except Federal Holidays.                      solicits comments from the public to
                                                      Committee (RSAC) held a meeting to                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      better inform its rulemaking process.
                                                      review and discuss comments received                    Miriam Kloeppel, Staff Director, Risk                 DOT posts these comments, without
                                                      in response to both the NPRM and an                     Reduction Program Division, Office of                 edit, including any personal information
                                                      August 27, 2015, public hearing on the                  Safety Analysis, FRA, 1200 New Jersey                 the commenter provides to
                                                      NPRM. FRA is reopening the comment                      Avenue SE., Mail Stop 25, Washington,                 www.regulations.gov, as described in
                                                      period for this proceeding to allow                     DC 20590, (202) 493–6224,                             the system of records notice (DOT/ALL–

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Document Created: 2015-12-15 08:49:46
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 08:49:46
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionPetition; reasons for Agency response.
DatesEPA's response to this TSCA section 21 petition was signed September 21, 2015.
ContactFor technical information contact: Thomas Groeneveld, National Program Chemicals Division (7404M), Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460-0001; telephone
FR Citation80 FR 60584 

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