80_FR_60947 80 FR 60753 - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Species Status for the Headwater Chub and a Distinct Population Segment of the Roundtail Chub

80 FR 60753 - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Species Status for the Headwater Chub and a Distinct Population Segment of the Roundtail Chub

Fish and Wildlife Service

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 194 (October 7, 2015)

Page Range60753-60783
FR Document2015-24900

We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), propose to list the headwater chub (Gila nigra) and a distinct population segment (DPS) of the roundtail chub (Gila robusta) from the lower Colorado River basin as threatened species under the Endangered Species Act (Act). If we finalize this rule as proposed, it would extend the Act's protections to this species and DPS.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 194 (Wednesday, October 7, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 194 (Wednesday, October 7, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 60753-60783]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-24900]

[[Page 60753]]

Vol. 80


No. 194

October 7, 2015

Part II

Department of the Interior


Fish and Wildlife Service


50 CFR Part 17

Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Species 
Status for the Headwater Chub and a Distinct Population Segment of the 
Roundtail Chub; Proposed Rule

Federal Register / Vol. 80 , No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / 
Proposed Rules

[[Page 60754]]



Fish and Wildlife Service

50 CFR Part 17

[Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2015-0148; 4500030113]
RIN 1018-BA86

Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Species 
Status for the Headwater Chub and a Distinct Population Segment of the 
Roundtail Chub

AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), propose to 
list the headwater chub (Gila nigra) and a distinct population segment 
(DPS) of the roundtail chub (Gila robusta) from the lower Colorado 
River basin as threatened species under the Endangered Species Act 
(Act). If we finalize this rule as proposed, it would extend the Act's 
protections to this species and DPS.

DATES: We will accept comments received or postmarked on or before 
December 7, 2015. Comments submitted electronically using the Federal 
eRulemaking Portal (see ADDRESSES, below) must be received by 11:59 
p.m. Eastern Time on the closing date. We must receive requests for 
public hearings, in writing, at the address shown in FOR FURTHER 
INFORMATION CONTACT by November 23, 2015.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by one of the following methods:
    (1) Electronically: Go to the Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. In the Search box, enter FWS-R2-ES-2015-0148, 
which is the docket number for this rulemaking. Then click on the 
Search button. On the resulting page, in the Search panel on the left 
side of the screen, under the Document Type heading, click on the 
Proposed Rules link to locate this document. You may submit a comment 
by clicking on ``Comment Now!''
    (2) By hard copy: Submit by U.S. mail or hand-delivery to: Public 
Comments Processing, Attn: FWS-R2-ES-2015-0148, U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
Service, MS: BPHC, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-3803.
    We request that you send comments only by the methods described 
above. We will post all comments on http://www.regulations.gov. This 
generally means that we will post any personal information you provide 
us (see Public Comments, below, for more information).

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Steve Spangle, Field Supervisor, U.S. 
Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona Ecological Services Office, 2321 
West Royal Palm Road, Suite 103, Phoenix, AZ 85021; telephone 602-242-
0210. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) 
may call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 800-877-8339.


Executive Summary

    Why we need to publish a rule. Under the Act, if a species is 
determined to be an endangered or threatened species throughout all or 
a significant portion of its range, we are required to promptly publish 
a proposal in the Federal Register and make a determination on our 
proposal within 1 year. Listing a species as an endangered or 
threatened species can only be completed by issuing a rule.
    This rule proposes to list the headwater chub and the lower 
Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS as threatened species. The 
headwater and lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS are 
candidate species for which we have on file sufficient information on 
biological vulnerability and threats to support preparation of a 
listing proposal, but for which development of a listing regulation has 
been precluded by other higher priority listing activities. This rule 
reassesses all available information regarding the status of and 
threats to the headwater chub and lower Colorado River basin roundtail 
chub DPS.
    The basis for our action. Under the Act, we can determine that a 
species is an endangered or threatened species based on any of five 
factors: (A) The present or threatened destruction, modification, or 
curtailment of its habitat or range; (B) overutilization for 
commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes; (C) 
disease or predation; (D) the inadequacy of existing regulatory 
mechanisms; or (E) other natural or manmade factors affecting its 
continued existence. We have determined that headwater chub and lower 
Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS meet the definition of 
threatened species primarily because of the present or threatened 
destruction of their habitat or range and other natural or manmade 
factors resulting mainly from impacts from nonnative aquatic species, 
reduction of habitat (i.e., water availability), and climate change.
    We will seek peer review. We will seek comments from independent 
specialists to ensure that our determinations are based on 
scientifically sound data, assumptions, and analyses. We will invite 
these peer reviewers to comment on our listing proposal. Because we 
will consider all comments and information we receive during the 
comment period, our final determinations may differ from this proposal.

Information Requested

Public Comments

    We intend that any final action resulting from this proposed rule 
will be based on the best scientific and commercial data available, and 
be as accurate and as effective as possible. Therefore, we request 
comments or information from other concerned governmental agencies, 
Native American tribes, the scientific community, industry, or any 
other interested parties concerning this proposed rule. We particularly 
seek comments concerning:
    (1) The headwater and roundtail chubs' biology, range, and 
population trends, including:
    (a) Biological or ecological requirements of the species, including 
habitat requirements for feeding, breeding, and sheltering;
    (b) Genetics and taxonomy;
    (c) Historical and current range, including distribution patterns;
    (d) Historical and current population levels, and current and 
projected trends; and
    (e) Past and ongoing conservation measures for the species, their 
habitats, or both.
    (2) Factors that may affect the continued existence of the species, 
which may include habitat modification or destruction, overutilization, 
disease, predation, the inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms, 
or other natural or manmade factors.
    (3) Biological, commercial trade, or other relevant data concerning 
any threats (or lack thereof) to these species and existing regulations 
that may be addressing those threats.
    (4) Additional information concerning the historical and current 
status, range, distribution, and population size of these species, 
including the locations of any additional populations of these species.
    (5) Information as to which prohibitions, and exceptions to those 
prohibitions, are necessary and advisable to provide for the 
conservation of the headwater chub or the lower Colorado River basin 
roundtail chub DPS pursuant to section 4(d) of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 
et seq.).
    We are also seeking comments regarding potential critical habitat 
designation for the headwater chub and

[[Page 60755]]

the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS. We particularly seek 
comments concerning:
    (1) The reasons why we should or should not designate habitat as 
``critical habitat'' under section 4 of the Act, including whether 
there are threats to the species from human activity, the degree of 
which can be expected to increase due to the designation, and whether 
that increase in threat outweighs the benefit of designation such that 
the designation of critical habitat may not be prudent.
    (2) Specific information on:
    (a) The amount and distribution of headwater chub and roundtail 
chub habitat;
    (b) What areas, that were occupied at the time of listing (or are 
currently occupied) and that contain features essential to the 
conservation of the species, should be included in the designation and 
    (c) Special management considerations or protection that may be 
needed in critical habitat areas we are proposing, including managing 
for the potential effects of climate change; and
    (d) What areas not occupied at the time of listing are essential 
for the conservation of the species and why.
    (3) Land use designations and current or planned activities in the 
subject areas and their possible impacts on critical habitat.
    (4) Information on the projected and reasonably likely impacts of 
climate change on the headwater chub, the lower Colorado River basin 
roundtail chub DPS, and their habitats.
    (5) Any probable economic, national security, or other relevant 
impacts of designating any area that may be included in the proposed 
critical habitat designation; in particular, we seek comments on any 
impacts on small entities or families, and the benefits of including or 
excluding areas that exhibit these impacts.
    Please include sufficient information with your submission (such as 
scientific journal articles or other publications) to allow us to 
verify any scientific or commercial information you include.
    Please note that submissions merely stating support for or 
opposition to the action under consideration without providing 
supporting information, although noted, will not be considered in 
making a determination, as section 4(b)(1)(A) of the Act directs that 
determinations as to whether any species is an endangered or threatened 
species must be made ``solely on the basis of the best scientific and 
commercial data available.''
    You may submit your comments and materials concerning this proposed 
rule by one of the methods listed in the ADDRESSES section. We request 
that you send comments only by the methods described in the ADDRESSES 
    If you submit information via http://www.regulations.gov, your 
entire submission--including any personal identifying information--will 
be posted on the Web site. If your submission is made via a hardcopy 
that includes personal identifying information, you may request at the 
top of your document that we withhold this information from public 
review. However, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so. We 
will post all hardcopy submissions on http://www.regulations.gov.
    Comments and materials we receive, as well as supporting 
documentation we used in preparing this proposed rule, will be 
available for public inspection on http://www.regulations.gov, or by 
appointment, during normal business hours, at the U.S. Fish and 
Wildlife Service, Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (see FOR 

Public Hearing

    Section 4(b)(5) of the Act provides for one or more public hearings 
on this proposal, if requested. Requests must be received within 45 
days after the date of publication of this proposed rule in the Federal 
Register (see DATES, above). Such requests must be sent to the address 
shown in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section. We will schedule 
public hearings on this proposal, if any are requested, and announce 
the dates, times, and places of those hearings, as well as how to 
obtain reasonable accommodations, in the Federal Register and local 
newspapers at least 15 days before the hearing.

Peer Review

    In accordance with our joint policy on peer review published in the 
Federal Register on July 1, 1994 (59 FR 34270), we will seek expert 
opinions of at least three appropriate and independent specialists 
regarding this proposed rule. The purpose of peer review is to ensure 
that our listing determinations are based on scientifically sound data, 
assumptions, and analyses. The peer reviewers will have expertise in 
headwater and roundtail chub (or similar species) biology, life 
history, ecology, habitat, and other physical or biological factors.

Previous Federal Action

Headwater Chub

    On December 30, 1982 (47 FR 58454), we placed the headwater chub 
(as Gila robusta grahami) on the list of candidate species as a 
category 2 species. Category 2 species were those for which information 
in the Service's possession indicated that proposing to list was 
possibly appropriate, but for which substantial biological data to 
support a proposed rule were lacking. Headwater chub retained its 
category 2 candidate status until the practice of identifying category 
2 candidates was discontinued in the candidate notice of review (CNOR) 
published on February 28, 1996 (61 FR 7596). At that time, the 
headwater chub was removed from the candidate list and no longer 
recognized under the Act.
    On April 14, 2003, we received a petition from the Center for 
Biological Diversity to list the headwater chub (Gila nigra) as 
endangered or threatened and to designate critical habitat concurrently 
with the listing. Following receipt of the 2003 petition, and pursuant 
to a stipulated settlement agreement, we published a 90-day finding on 
July 12, 2005 (70 FR 39981), in which we found that the petitioners had 
provided sufficient information to indicate that listing of the 
headwater chub may be warranted. On May 3, 2006, we published our 12-
month finding (71 FR 26007) that listing was warranted, but precluded 
by higher priority listing actions, for the headwater chub. The species 
was subsequently included in all of our CNORs from 2006 through 2014 
(71 FR 53756, September 12, 2006; 72 FR 69034, December 6, 2007; 73 FR 
75176, December 10, 2008; 74 FR 57804, November 9, 2009; 75 FR 69222, 
November 10, 2010; 76 FR 66370, October 26, 2011; 77 FR 69994, November 
21, 2012; 78 FR 70104, November 22, 2013; 79 FR 72450, December 5, 

Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail Chub DPS

    On December 30, 1982 (47 FR 58455), the roundtail chub was placed 
on the list of candidate species as a category 2 species. Roundtail 
chub retained its category 2 candidate status until the practice of 
identifying category 2 candidates was discontinued in the 1996 CNOR (61 
FR 7596; February 28, 1996). At that time, the roundtail chub was 
removed from the candidate list and no longer recognized under the Act.
    On April 14, 2003, we received a petition from the Center for 
Biological Diversity to list a distinct population segment (DPS) of the 
roundtail chub (Gila robusta) in the lower Colorado River basin 
(defined as all waters tributary to the Colorado River in Arizona and 
the portion of New Mexico in the Gila River and Zuni River basins)

[[Page 60756]]

as endangered or threatened and to designate critical habitat 
concurrently. Following receipt of the 2003 petition, and pursuant to a 
stipulated settlement agreement, we published our 90-day finding on 
July 12, 2005 (70 FR 39981), that the petition presented substantial 
scientific information indicating that listing a DPS of the roundtail 
chub in the lower Colorado River basin may be warranted.
    On May 3, 2006, we published our 12-month finding (71 FR 26007) 
that listing of a DPS of the roundtail chub in the lower Colorado River 
basin was not warranted because it did not meet our definition of a 
DPS. On September 7, 2006, the Center for Biological Diversity 
challenged our decision not to list the lower Colorado River basin 
population of the roundtail chub as an endangered species under the 
Act. On November 5, 2007, in a stipulated settlement agreement, we 
agreed to commence a new status review of the lower Colorado River 
basin population segment of the roundtail chub and to submit a 12-month 
finding to the Federal Register by June 30, 2009.
    On July 7, 2009, we published a 12-month finding (74 FR 32352) on a 
petition to list a DPS of roundtail chub and found that the population 
segment satisfies the discreteness and significance elements of the 
Interagency Policy Regarding the Recognition of Distinct Vertebrate 
Population Segments Under the Act (DPS Policy) (February 7, 1996; 61 FR 
4722), and qualifies as a DPS. We further concluded that listing of the 
lower Colorado River basin DPS was warranted but precluded due to 
higher priority listing actions at the time. The DPS was subsequently 
included in all of our CNORs from 2009 through 2014 (74 FR 57804, 
November 9, 2009; 75 FR 69222, November 10, 2010; 76 FR 66370, October 
26, 2011; 77 FR 69994, November 21, 2012; 78 FR 70104, November 22, 
2013; 79 FR 72450, December 5, 2014).
    The lower Colorado River basin DPS of roundtail chub is the 
candidate entity that is the subject of this proposed rule. The DPS 
includes the lower Colorado River and its tributaries downstream of 
Glen Canyon Dam, including the Gila and Zuni River basins in New 


Species Information

    Headwater chub was first described as a subspecies, G. grahami or 
G. robusta grahami, from Ash Creek and the San Carlos River in east-
central Arizona in 1874 (Cope and Yarrow 1875). In 2000, Minckley and 
DeMarais proposed full species status for headwater chub. The American 
Fisheries Society has accepted headwater chub (Gila nigra) as a full 
species (Nelson et al. 2004), as have the New Mexico Department of Game 
and Fish (Carmen 2006) and Arizona Game and Fish Department (Arizona 
Game and Fish Department 2006). As a consortium of fisheries 
scientists, the American Fisheries Society is the recognized and 
accepted scientific authority on fish taxonomy, and this is best 
commercial and scientific data available.
    Roundtail chub (Gila robusta) was first described by Baird and 
Girard (1853) from specimens collected in 1851 from the Zuni River 
(tributary to Little Colorado River), although that location may not be 
correct as Smith et al. (1979) reported the type locality was likely 
the mainstem Little Colorado River and Sublette et al. (1990) suggested 
the specimens may have been collected from the Rio Pescado (tributary 
to Zuni River) and incorrectly cited as the Zuni River. Roundtail chub 
has been recognized as a distinct species since the 1800s.
Biology and Habitat
I. Headwater Chub Biology and Habitat
    Headwater chubs are cyprinid fish (member of the minnow family 
Cyprinidae) with streamlined body shapes and are similar in appearance 
to the roundtail chub and the Gila chub (Gila intermedia). Adults range 
in size from 200-320 millimeters (mm) (8-12 inches (in)). Headwater 
chubs live for approximately 8 years and spawn from age 2 to 3 onward 
(Bestgen 1985, p. 65; Neve 1976, pp. 13, 15). Spawning typically occurs 
between April and May (Bestgen 1985, pp. 57-60; Brouder et al. 2000, 
pp. 12-13) but can occur as early as March (Neve 1976, pp. 13-14). 
Headwater chub are omnivorous, opportunistic feeders that consume 
plants, detritus, arthropods (aquatic and terrestrial), and fish.
    Headwater chubs occur in the middle to upper reaches of medium- to 
large-sized streams (Minckley and DeMarais 2000, p. 255) that are 
considered cool to warm water streams. Habitats in the Gila River 
containing headwater chubs consist of tributary and mainstem habitats 
at elevations of 1,325 meters (m) (4,347 feet (ft)) to 2,000 m (6,562 
ft) (Bestgen 1985, entire; Bestgen and Propst 1989, pp. 402-410). 
Typical adult habitats containing headwater chub consist of nearshore 
pools (greater than 1.8 m (6 ft.)), adjacent to swifter riffles and 
runs over sand and gravel substrate, with young-of-the-year and 
juveniles using smaller pools and areas with undercut banks and low 
velocity (Barrett 1992, p. 48; Barrett and Maughn 1995, p. 302; Bestgen 
and Propst 1989, pp. 402-410). Spawning typically occurs in pool-riffle 
areas with sandy-rocky substrates when water temperatures are between 
17-22 degrees Celsius ([deg]C) (63-72 degrees Fahrenheit ([deg]F)) 
(Bonar et al. 2011, p. 10; Bestgen 1985, p. 64; Bonar et al. 2011, p. 
11; Neve 1976, pp. 13-14). Snowmelt during late winter and early spring 
cues spawning and provides water temperatures suitable for spawning.
    In the lower Colorado River basin, several chub species are closely 
related genetically and closely resemble each other morphologically. 
This is likely the result of multiple independent hybridization events 
over time (Rinne 1976; Rosenfeld and Wilkinson 1989; DeMarais et al. 
1992; Dowling and DeMarais 1993; Minckley and DeMarais 2000; Gerber et 
al. 2001; Schwemm 2006; Sch[ouml]nhuth et al. 2014). Due to the 
similarities in morphology and genetics, identification of species in a 
stream is based on the geographic location of the stream in relation to 
other known chub streams. In headwater chub, most of their genetic 
variation occurs among populations, each of which tends to be 
distinctive. Genetic variation within headwater chub populations is 
consistent with the presumed multiple hybrid origins of this species 
(Dowling et al. 2008, p. 2).
II. Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail Chub Biology and Habitat
    Roundtail chub are similar in appearance to Gila chub and headwater 
chub. Adults range in size from 225-350 mm (9-14 in) in length. 
Roundtail chub average life span is 8-10 years (Bezzerides and Bestgen 
2002, p. 21). Maturity of roundtail chub in the lower Colorado River 
population segment occurs between ages 3 and 5 years at 150-300 mm (6-
12 in) (Bezzerides and Bestgen 2002, p. 21; Brouder et al. 2000, p. 
12). In the lower Colorado River population segment, spawning occurs 
between April and May (Minckley 1981, p. 189; Bestgen 1985b, p. 7; 
Bryan et al. 2000, pp. 27-28; Bryan and Robinson 2000, pp. 20-21).
    Roundtail chub are found in cool to warm waters of rivers and 
streams, and often occupy the deepest pools and eddies present in the 
stream (Minckley 1973, p. 101; Brouder et al. 2000, pp. 6-8; Minckley 
and DeMarais 2000, p. 255; Bezzerides and Bestgen 2002, pp. 17-19). 
Adult roundtail chub favor slow-moving, deep pools. For cover they use 
large rocks, undercut banks, and woody debris (Bezzerides and Bestgen 
2002, p. 18; Brouder et al. 2000, pp. 6-7; Bryan

[[Page 60757]]

and Hyatt 2004, p. 9). Spawning occurs in pool, run, and riffle 
habitats, with slow to moderate water velocities (Propst 1999, p. 24; 
Brouder et al. 2000, p. 12; Voeltz 2002, p. 16). Snowmelt during late 
winter and early spring cues spawning and provides water temperatures 
suitable for spawning. Roundtail chub larvae use low-velocity 
backwaters (Ruppert et al. 1993, p. 397). Young-of-the-year roundtail 
chub occupy shallow (less than 50 cm (20 in) depth) and low-velocity 
waters with vegetated shorelines (Brouder et al. 2000, pp. 6-8; Lanigan 
and Berry 1981, p. 392). Juveniles use habitat similar to young-of-the-
year but with depths less than 100 cm (40 in). Water temperatures of 
habitats occupied by roundtail chub vary seasonally between 0-32 [deg]C 
(32-90 [deg]F) (Bezzerides and Bestgen 2002, p. 19; Bonar et al. 2010, 
p. 3).
    There was historically greater connectivity and subsequent 
relatedness of roundtail chub over the lower Colorado River basin, and 
development of populations in isolation from other roundtail chub 
populations was not the normal condition across most of the historical 
range, except in the Bill Williams River and Little Colorado River 

Roundtail Chub Lower Colorado River Distinct Population Segment

    Section 3(16) of the Act defines ``species'' to include any species 
or subspecies of fish and wildlife or plants, and any distinct 
population segment of any species of vertebrate fish or wildlife which 
interbreeds when mature (16 U.S.C. 1532(16)). To interpret and 
implement the distinct population segment provisions of the Act and 
congressional guidance, the Service and the National Marine Fisheries 
Service (now the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration--
Fisheries Service), published the Policy Regarding the Recognition of 
Distinct Vertebrate Population Segments (DPS Policy) in the Federal 
Register on February 7, 1996 (61 FR 4722). The DPS Policy sets forth a 
three-step process for considering if a population is a DPS: The Policy 
requires the Service first to determine whether a vertebrate population 
is discrete and, if the population is discrete, then to determine 
whether the population is significant. Lastly, if the population is 
determined to be both discrete and significant, then the DPS Policy 
requires the Service to evaluate the conservation status of the 
population to determine whether or not the DPS falls within the Act's 
definition of an ``endangered species'' or a ``threatened species.''
    In accordance with our DPS Policy, this section details our 
analysis of whether the vertebrate population segment under 
consideration for listing qualifies as a DPS, specifically, whether: 
(1) The population segment is discrete from the remainder of the 
species to which it belongs; and (2) the population is significant to 
the species to which it belongs. In our July 7, 2009, 12-month finding 
for roundtail chub (74 FR 32352) we found that the roundtail chub in 
the lower Colorado River basin (the lower Colorado River and its 
tributaries downstream of Glen Canyon Dam, including the Gila and Zuni 
River basins in New Mexico) met the definition of a DPS. In the 
following sections, we reaffirm that finding.


    Under the DPS Policy, a population segment of a vertebrate taxon 
may be considered discrete if it satisfies either one of the following 
conditions: (1) It is markedly separated from other populations of the 
same taxon as a consequence of physical, physiological, ecological, or 
behavioral factors (quantitative measures of genetic or morphological 
discontinuity may provide evidence of this separation); or (2) it is 
delimited by international governmental boundaries within which 
differences in control of exploitation, management of habitat, 
conservation status, or regulatory mechanisms exist that are 
significant in light of section 4(a)(1)(D) of the Act. The potential 
DPS population of roundtail chub in the lower Colorado River basin is 
not delimited by international governmental boundaries. The following 
discussion considers whether the potential DPS population of roundtail 
chub in the lower Colorado River basin is markedly separated from other 
populations of the same taxon as a consequence of physical, 
physiological, ecological, or behavioral factors.
    The historical range of roundtail chub included both the upper and 
lower Colorado River basins in the States of Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, 
New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada (Propst 1999, p. 23; Bezzerides and 
Bestgen 2002, p. 25; Voeltz 2002, pp. 9-23), but the roundtail chub was 
likely only a transient in Nevada, so Nevada is not considered part of 
its range. Currently, roundtail chubs occur in both the upper and lower 
Colorado River basins in Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and 
Arizona. Bezzerides and Bestgen (2002, p. 24) concluded that 
historically there were two discrete population centers, one in each of 
the lower and upper basins, and that these two population centers 
remain today. Numerous authors have noted that roundtail chub was very 
rare with few documented records in the mainstem Colorado River between 
the two basins (Minckley 1973, p. 102; Minckley 1979, p. 51; Valdez and 
Ryel 1994, pp. 5-10-5-11; Minckley 1996, p. 75; Bezzerides and Bestgen 
2002, pp. 24-25; Voeltz 2002, pp. 19, 112), so we do not consider the 
mainstem to have been occupied historically, and have not considered 
the Colorado River in our estimates of historical range. The 
information on historical distribution is clouded because early 
surveyors also variably used the term ``bonytail'' to describe 
roundtail chub (Valdez and Ryel 1994, pp. 5-7). The bonytail chub (Gila 
elegans) is a species in the mainstem Colorado River. Some historical 
accounts of roundtail chub in the mainstem may have, in fact, been 
bonytail chub. Records of roundtail chub from the mainstem Colorado 
River also may have been transients from nearby populations, such as 
some records from Grand Canyon, which may have been from the Little 
Colorado River (Voeltz 2002, p. 112). One record from between the two 
basins, a record of two roundtail chubs captured near Imperial Dam in 
1973, illustrates this. Upon examining these specimens, Minckley (1979, 
p. 51) concluded that they were strays washed downstream from the Bill 
Williams River based on their heavily blotched coloration. This is a 
logical conclusion considering that roundtail chub from the Bill 
Williams River typically exhibit this blotched coloration (Rinne 1969, 
pp. 20-21; Rinne 1976, p. 78). Minckley (1979, p. 51), Minckley (1996, 
p. 75), and Mueller and Marsh (2002, p. 40) also considered roundtail 
chub rare or essentially absent in the Colorado River mainstem based on 
the paucity of records from numerous surveys of the Colorado River 
    We conclude that, historically, roundtail chub occurred in the 
Colorado River basin in two population centers, one each in the upper 
(largely in Utah and Colorado, and to a lesser extent, in Wyoming and 
New Mexico) and lower basins (Arizona and New Mexico), with apparently 
little, if any, mixing of the two populations. If there was one 
population, we would expect to find a large number of records in the 
mainstem Colorado River between the San Juan and Bill Williams Rivers, 
but very few records of roundtail chub exist from this reach of stream. 
Also, there is a substantial distance between these areas of roundtail 
chub occurrence in the two basins. The mouth of the Escalante River, 
which contains the southernmost

[[Page 60758]]

population of roundtail chub in the upper basin, is approximately 443 
kilometers (km) (275 river miles (mi)) upstream from Grand Falls on the 
Little Colorado River, the historical downstream limit of the most 
northern population of the lower Colorado River basin. The lower 
Colorado River basin roundtail chub population segment meets the 
element of discreteness because it was separate historically, and 
continues to be markedly separate today.
    Additionally, in more recent times, the upper and lower basin 
populations of the roundtail chub have been physically separated by 
Glen Canyon Dam. That artificial separation is not the sole basis for 
our finding that the lower basin population is discrete from the upper 
basin population. The historical information on collections suggests 
that there was limited contact even before the dam was built. Available 
molecular information for the species, although sparse, seems to 
support this as genetic markers from roundtail chub in the Gila River 
basin are entirely absent from upper basin populations (Gerber et al. 
2001, p. 2028; see Significance discussion, below).
    Accordingly, we reaffirm our finding that the lower Colorado River 
basin population segment of roundtail chub is discrete from other 
populations of the species.


    Since we have determined that the roundtail chub in the lower 
Colorado River basin meet the discreteness element of the DPS Policy, 
we now consider the population segment's biological and ecological 
significance based on ``the available scientific evidence of the 
discrete population segment's importance to the taxon to which it 
belongs'' in light of congressional guidance that the authority to list 
DPSs be used ``sparingly'' while encouraging the conservation of 
genetic diversity (DPS Policy, 61 FR 4722; S. Rep. No. 96-151 (1979)).
    The DPS Policy describes four classes of information, or 
considerations, to take into account in evaluating a population 
segment's biological and ecological importance to the taxon to which it 
belongs. As precise circumstances are likely to vary considerably from 
case to case, the DPS policy does not state that these are the only 
classes of information that might factor into a determination of the 
biological and ecological importance of a discrete population. As 
specified in the DPS policy (61 FR 4722), consideration of the 
population segment's significance may include, but is not limited to, 
the following classes of information: (1) Persistence of the discrete 
population segment in an ecological setting that is unusual or unique 
for the taxon; (2) evidence that loss of the discrete population 
segment would result in a significant gap in the range of the taxon; 
(3) evidence that the discrete population segment represents the only 
surviving natural occurrence of a taxon that may be more abundant 
elsewhere as an introduced population outside its historical range; or 
(4) evidence that the discrete population segment differs markedly from 
other populations of the species in its genetic characteristics. 
Significance of the discrete population segment is not necessarily 
determined by existence of one of these classes of information standing 
alone. Rather, information analyzed under these considerations is 
evaluated relative to the biological or ecological importance of the 
discrete population to the taxon as a whole. Accordingly, all relevant 
and available biological and ecological information is analyzed for 
importance to the taxon as a whole. Below, we provide our analysis of 
the significance of the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub 
Persistence of the Population Segment in an Unusual or Unique 
Ecological Setting
    Based on our review of the best available information, we found 
that there are some differences in various ecoregion variables between 
the upper and lower Colorado River basins. For example, McNabb and 
Avers (1994) and Bailey (1995) delineated ecoregions and sections of 
the United States based on a combination of climate, vegetation, 
geology, and other factors. Populations of roundtail chub in the lower 
basin and in the upper basin occur primarily in different ecoregions. 
These ecoregions display differences in the natural hydrograph in the 
type, timing, and amount of precipitation between the two basins, with 
the upper basin (8-165 cm (3-65 in) per year) (Jeppson 1968, p. 1) 
somewhat less arid than the lower basin (13-64 cm (5-25 in) per year) 
(Green and Sellers 1964, pp. 8-11).
    The primary difference is that, in the lower basin there are two 
seasonal peaks of streamflow, a monsoon hydrograph plus the spring 
runoff season. In the upper basin, roundtail chub habitats have strong 
snowmelt hydrographs, with some summer, fall, and winter precipitation, 
but with the majority of major flow events in spring and early summer 
(Bailey 1995, p. 341; Carlson and Muth 1989, p. 222; Woodhouse et al. 
2003, p. 1551). The biology of the roundtail chub indicates the 
importance of the spring runoff as the cue for spawning, and this cue 
operates in both the upper and lower basins (Bezzerides and Bestgen 
2002, p. 21). The variability of the monsoon storms to provide for 
higher flows later in the summer is such that it does not have an 
influence on successful spawning. While there are differences in the 
ecological settings between the two segments, these differences are not 
likely to be significant to the taxon.
Significant Gap in the Range of the Taxon
    Roundtail chub in the lower Colorado River basin can be considered 
significant under our DPS Policy because loss of the lower Colorado 
River populations of roundtail chub would result in a significant gap 
in the range of the taxon. The lower and upper Colorado River basins 
are approximately 443 km (275 river mi) and possess a unique, divergent 
mtDNA lineage that has never been found outside the lower basin 
(Dowling and DeMarais 1993, pp. 444- 446; Gerber et al. 2001, p. 2028). 
The lower Colorado River area constitutes over one third of the 
species' historical range. There are 74 populations of roundtail chub 
remaining in the upper basin and 31 in the lower basin. Thus, the lower 
basin populations constitute approximately one third (30 percent) of 
the remaining populations of the species (Bezzerides and Bestgen 2002, 
pp. 28-29, Appendix C; Voeltz 2002, pp. 82-83). The populations in the 
lower basin account for approximately 49 percent (107,300 square mi, 
270,906 square km) of the Colorado River Basin (U.S. Geological Survey 
2006, pp. 94-102). In addition, the roundtail chub historically 
occupied up to 2,796 mi (4,500 km) of stream in the lower basin and 
currently occupies between 497 mi (800 km) and 901 mi (1450 km) of 
stream habitat in the lower basin. These populations are not newly 
established, ephemeral, or migratory. The species has been well 
established in the lower Colorado River basin, and has represented a 
large portion of the species' range for a long period of time 
(Bezzerides and Bestgen 2002, pp. 20-29; Voeltz 2002, pp. 82- 83). The 
loss of one third of a unique, divergent mtDNA lineage that has never 
been found outside the lower basin (Dowling and DeMarais 1993, pp. 444- 
446; Gerber et al. 2001, p. 2028) of the species as a whole would 
constitute a significant gap in the range.

[[Page 60759]]

Natural Occurrence of a Taxon Elsewhere as an Introduced Population
    As part of a determination of significance, our DPS Policy suggests 
that we consider whether there is evidence that the population 
represents the only surviving natural occurrence of a taxon that may be 
more abundant elsewhere as an introduced population outside its 
historical range (61 FR 4725). The roundtail chub in the lower Colorado 
River basin is not the only surviving natural occurrence of the 
species. Consequently, this factor is not applicable to our 
determination regarding significance.
Marked Differences in Genetic Characteristics
    As stated in the DPS Policy, in assessing the significance of a 
discrete population, the Service considers evidence that the discrete 
population segment differs markedly from other populations of the 
species in its genetic characteristics (61 FR 4725). There have been 
long-standing difficulties in morphological discrimination and 
taxonomic distinction among members from the lower Colorado Gila 
robusta complex, and the genus Gila as a whole, due in part to the role 
hybridization has played in its evolution. But it is important to 
consider variation throughout the entire Colorado River basin to place 
variation and divergence in the lower basin Gila robusta complex in 
appropriate context.
    Along with G. robusta, G. cypha and G. elegans are present in the 
mainstem Colorado River and many large tributaries throughout the 
basin. Lower Colorado River basin populations of these three species 
exhibited distinct mtDNAs, with only limited introgression of G. 
elegans into G. cypha (Gerber et al. 2001, p. 2028). G. robusta 
individuals from the headwaters of the Little Colorado River and the 
mainstem Colorado River and tributaries above Glen Canyon Dam in the 
upper basin possess G. cypha or G. elegans mtDNA (Dowling and DeMarais 
1993, pp. 444-446; Gerber et al. 2001, p. 2028). Populations of the G. 
robusta complex of the lower basin in the Bill Williams and Gila River 
basins (including G. robusta, G. intermedia, and G. nigra) possess a 
unique, divergent mtDNA lineage that has never been found outside the 
lower basin (Dowling and DeMarais 1993, pp. 444- 446; Gerber et al. 
2001, p. 2028). Conversely, in the upper Colorado River basin 
populations, the impact of hybridization was significant. Most upper 
basin fish sampled exhibited only G. cypha mtDNA haplotypes, with some 
individuals exhibiting mtDNA from G. elegans (Gerber et al. 2001, p. 
2028). The complete absence of G. robusta mtDNA, even in populations of 
morphologically pure G. robusta, indicates extensive introgression that 
predates human influence.
    Gerber et al. (2001, p. 2037) noted that genetic information in 
Gila poorly accounts for species morphology, stating that ``the 
decoupling of morphological and mtDNA variation in Colorado River Gila 
illustrates how hybridization and local adaptation can play important 
roles in evolution.'' The lower Colorado River discrete population 
segment differs markedly from the upper Colorado River basin segment 
due to the unique, divergent genetic lineage of the lower basin.
Summary of Significance
    The divergent genetic lineage within the lower Colorado River basin 
(Dowling and DeMarais 1993, pp. 444- 446; Gerber et al. 2001, p. 2028) 
demonstrates a marked difference in genetic characteristics from the 
upper Colorado River basin segment. In addition, the lower Colorado 
River basin segment constitutes one third of the species' range; the 
loss of which would result in a significant gap in the species' range. 
The lower Colorado River basin population of roundtail chub is 
therefore significant to the species as whole because the loss of this 
population would create a significant gap in the range and the 
population demonstrates a marked difference in genetic characteristics.

DPS Conclusion

    We have evaluated the lower Colorado River population segment of 
the roundtail chub to determine whether it meet the definition of a 
DPS, addressing discreteness and significance as required by our 
policy. On the basis of the best available information, we conclude 
that the lower Colorado River populations are discrete from the upper 
Colorado River basin populations on the basis of their present and 
historical geographic separation of 275 river mi (444 km) and because 
few historical records have been detected in the mainstem Colorado 
River between the two population centers that would suggest meaningful 
connectivity. We also conclude that the lower Colorado River basin 
roundtail chub is significant because of its unique genetic lineage, 
which differs markedly from the upper basin, and that the loss of the 
species from the lower basin would result in a significant gap in the 
range of the species. Because this population segment meets both the 
discreteness and significance elements of our DPS policy, the lower 
Colorado River population segment of the roundtail chub qualifies as a 
DPS in accordance with our DPS policy, and, as such, is a listable 
entity under the Act.

Summary of Biological Status and Threats

    The Act directs us to determine whether any species is an 
endangered species or a threatened species based on any on any of five 
factors: (A) The present or threatened destruction, modification, or 
curtailment of its habitat or range; (B) overutilization for 
commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes; (C) 
disease or predation; (D) the inadequacy of existing regulatory 
mechanisms; or (E) other natural or manmade factors affecting its 
continued existence. We completed the Draft Headwater Chub and Lower 
Colorado River DPS of Roundtail Chub Species Status Assessment (SSA 
Report) (Service 2015; entire), which is available online at http://www.regulations.gov under Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2015-0148. The SSA 
Report documents the results of the comprehensive biological status 
review for the headwater chub and lower Colorado River basin roundtail 
chub DPS, which provides a thorough account of the species' overall 
viability. We define viability here as a description of the ability of 
the species to sustain populations in the wild beyond a biologically 
meaningful timeframe. For these species, we assessed the future 
viability about 30 years from the present or around 2046. In the SSA 
Report, we assess the viability of the headwater chub and the lower 
Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS in terms of resiliency, 
redundancy, and representation. Resiliency is having sufficiently large 
populations for the species to withstand stochastic events. Redundancy 
is having a sufficient number of populations for the species to 
withstand catastrophic events. Representation is having the breadth of 
genetic makeup of the species to adapt to changing environmental 
    In the SSA Report, we summarize the relevant biological data and a 
description of past, present, and likely future risk factors (causes 
and effects) and provide an analysis of the viability of the species. 
Specifically, we evaluate the risk of extirpation of individual 
analysis units (AUs). The SSA Report provides the scientific basis that 
informs our regulatory decision regarding whether these species should 
be listed as endangered or threatened species under the Act. This 
decision involves the application of standards within the

[[Page 60760]]

Act, its implementing regulations, and Service policies (see 
Determination, below). The SSA Report contains the analysis on which 
this determination is based, and the following discussion is a summary 
of the results and conclusions from the SSA Report.

Historical and Current Range and Distribution

    The occurrence records of both species show some inconsistencies 
and in some cases use incorrect common names. Therefore, we used the 
best available information and made some decisions on assignment of 
chub species that may not be consistent with museum records, but we 
based these decisions on more current information and biological 
    Assignment of chubs in a stream to headwater, roundtail, or Gila is 
difficult due to the morphological and genetic similarities. Typically, 
assignment to species is based on the geographical location. Assignment 
to one or the other species has been made for all populations or 
streams of the headwater chub and roundtail chub DPS. However, there is 
some uncertainty within three streams (Fossil Creek and West Clear 
Creek in the Verde River drainage, and Turkey Creek in the Upper Gila 
drainage) where the species overlap, and likely hybridize with one 
another. Each of these locations is discussed in more detail below. For 
the purposes of the SSA Report and the SSA Model, we will evaluate 
Fossil Creek as having headwater chub from the constructed barrier 
upstream to Fossil Springs (above the barrier) and roundtail chub from 
the mouth of Fossil Creek to Irving (below the barrier), with a mix 
between Irving and the fish barrier. In West Clear Creek, for the SSA 
Report, we will consider lower and upper West Clear Creek are roundtail 
chub based on our past assignment. In Turkey Creek for the SSA Report, 
we will consider Turkey Creek contains only Gila chub, but not 
headwater chub.
    In the SSA Report, we use AUs to describe the populations of chubs. 
The AUs were delineated based on the hydrological connectivity of 
currently occupied streams and the ability of chubs to move within or 
among streams. There are two types of AUs considered in the SSA Report: 
(1) Those composed of one occupied stream, referred to as independent 
AUs; and (2) those composed of two or more hydrologically connected 
occupied streams, referred to as complex AUs.
Headwater Chub
    Based on our assessment, headwater chub historically occupied 26 
streams with a maximum total stream length of 892 kilometers (km) (554 
miles (mi)). The streams were distributed over three drainage basins: 
Gila River, Salt River, and Verde River. As of 2015, headwater chub are 
found in 22 streams with a collective minimum of 432 km (268 mi) of 
available habitat: 406 km (252 mi) from the historically occupied 
streams and 26 km (16 mi) from occupied streams newly discovered. We 
evaluated the reduction in range based on stream length rather than the 
number of streams because this provides a more accurate assessment of 
the amount of habitat. Listing the number of streams does not provide 
an account of the available habitat because streams could vary greatly 
in length. This represents at least 48 percent of the estimated 
historical range and no more than a 52 percent reduction in range. We 
document the extirpation of chubs from four historically occupied 
streams, totaling 71 km (44 mi). Additionally, we know that chub are 
not found in portions of Haiger and Tonto Creeks (approximately 25 km 
(16 mi) and 18 km (11 mi), respectively), where they were historically. 
This accounts for 114 km of the reduction in range, leaving 346 km (71 
mi) unaccounted for. This 346 km (71 mi) may represent actual habitat 
lost or may be due to differences in the methodologies used in 
calculating the historical and current ranges, or a combination of 

    Table 1--Estimated Historical and Current Ranges (in Linear Stream km) of the Headwater Chub in the Lower Colorado River Basin for the SSA Report
                                                                           Estimated current  reduction in range
                                                           Estimated       range  (km & % of      (km & % of       Number of streams
                   Species of chub                     historical range        estimated           estimated         historically      Number of streams
                                                        based on stream    historical range    historical range        occupied       currently occupied
                                                        length (km) \1\        currently        that no longer
                                                                             occupied) \2\      contains chubs)
Headwater...........................................                892           432 (48%)           460 (52%)                  26                  22
\1\ This includes perennial, intermittent, and dry reaches within a stream.
\2\ This includes perennial and interrupted perennial reaches within a stream.

Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail Chub DPS
    The lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS historically 
occupied 48 streams with a maximum total stream length of 4,914 km 
(3,053 mi). The streams were distributed across five drainage basins: 
Bill Williams River, Gila River, Little Colorado River, Salt River, and 
Verde River. As of 2015, roundtail chub are found in 35 streams with a 
collective minimum of 2,098 km (1,303 mi) of available habitat: 2,077 
km (1,291 mi) from the historically occupied streams and 21 km (13 mi) 
from occupied streams newly discovered. We evaluated the reduction in 
range based on stream length rather than the number of streams because 
this provides a more accurate assessment of the amount of habitat. 
Listing the number of streams does not provide an account of the 
available habitat because streams could vary greatly in length. This 
represents at least 43 percent of the historical range and no more than 
a 57 percent reduction in range. We document the extirpation of chubs 
from six historically occupied streams, totaling 1,864 km (1,158 mi). 
Therefore, approximately 234 km (145 mi) of the potential reduction in 
range is unaccounted for. This 234 km (145 mi) may represent actual 
habitat lost or may be due to differences in the methodologies used in 
calculating the historical and current ranges, or a combination of 
    There are also four newly established populations for the lower 
Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS: Blue River in the Gila River 
drainage basin, Ash Creek in the Salt River drainage basin, and Gap 
Creek and Roundtree Creek in the Verde River drainage basin. Blue River 
is 81 km (50 mi) watered length, Ash Creek is about 5 km (3 mi) watered 
length, Gap Creek and Roundtree Canyon Creek are about 3 km (2 mi) in 
watered length each. The total

[[Page 60761]]

wetted length of all four streams is 92 km (57 mi).
    Historically, populations in the lower Colorado River basin 
roundtail chub DPS had greater connectivity to each other. However, 
roundtail chub are extirpated from several large riverine streams that 
provided connectivity across most of the historically occupied range. 
This has resulted in the recent isolation of AUs even within the same 
drainage basin.

    Table 2--Estimated Historical and Current Ranges (in Linear Stream km) of the Roundtail Chub in the Lower Colorado River Basin for the SSA Report
                                                                           Estimated current  reduction in range
                                                           Estimated       range (km & % of       (km & % of       Number of streams   Number of streams
                   Species of chub                     historical range        estimated           estimated         historically          currently
                                                        based on stream    historical range    historical range        occupied            occupied
                                                        length (km) \1\        currently        that no longer
                                                                             occupied) \2\      contains chubs)
Roundtail...........................................              4,914         2,098 (43%)         2,816 (57%)                  48                  35
\1\ This includes perennial, intermittent, and dry reaches within a stream.
\2\ This includes perennial and interrupted perennial reaches within a stream.

Individual, Population, and Species Needs for Headwater Chub and the 
Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail Chub DPS

    Both adult headwater chub and the lower Colorado River basin 
roundtail chub DPS need slow-moving, deep pools, and juveniles and 
young-of-the-year need shallow water along stream banks. For shelter, 
they need large rocks, undercut banks, and woody debris. For spawning, 
they need pool, run, and riffle habitats with sandy-rocky substrates 
and slow to moderate water velocities. For feeding, adults need plants, 
detritus, and arthropods (aquatic and terrestrial), and juveniles and 
young-of-the-year need diatoms, filamentous algae, and insects. Adults 
may also consume small fish, as they are the top native fish predator 
in their habitat (Pilger et al. 2010, p. 306).
    Both headwater chub and the lower Colorado River basin roundtail 
chub DPS need to have multiple resilient populations distributed 
throughout different drainage basins within their historical range to 
maintain viability into the future and avoid extinction. Resilient chub 
populations must be of sufficient size to withstand stochastic events 
such as demographic effects of low genetic diversity and environmental 
variability. The best available data do not indicate a minimum or 
preferred population size. However, large (or more resilient) 
populations are better able to withstand disturbances such as random 
fluctuations in birth rates (demographic stochasticity), or variations 
in rainfall (environmental stochasticity). The resiliency of headwater 
chub or the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS populations 
is largely governed by: (1) The quantity, distribution, and 
connectivity of habitat; (2) the quality of habitat (specifically deep 
pools for adults and shallow waters along stream banks for juveniles 
and young-of-the-year); and (3) the presence or absence of nonnative 
aquatic species. These conditions combine to control the size of the 
chub population and its age structure (which increases the resiliency 
of AUs in terms of demographic stochasticity and genetic diversity). 
Further, these conditions control the extent of habitat available to 
serve as refuge sites for chub to survive environmental stochasticity 
and localized threats from land and water uses, and allow re-occupancy 
of the affected habitat area after the event.
    For redundancy, both the species and DPS need a sufficient number 
of resilient populations to withstand catastrophic events. The wider 
the distribution of resilient populations and the greater the number of 
populations, the more redundancy the species or DPS will have. This 
redundancy reduces the risk that a large portion of the range will be 
negatively affected by any catastrophic event at any one time. Species 
that are well distributed across their historical range (i.e., having 
high redundancy) are less susceptible to extinction and more likely to 
be viable than species confined to a small portion of their range 
(Carroll et al. 2012, entire; Redford et al. 2011, entire).
    Having a breadth of genetic makeup of the species to adapt to 
changing environmental conditions is needed for representation. 
Representation can be measured through the genetic diversity within and 
among populations, and the ecological diversity (variety of ways 
species interact with each other and the environment) of populations 
across the species' range. The more representation, or diversity, the 
species has, the more it may be capable of adapting to changes (natural 
or human caused) in its environment. In the case of the headwater chub 
and lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS, maintenance of the 
identified genetic diversity in AUs across the species' and DPS's 
geographic range is important.

Risk Factors for Headwater Chub and the Lower Colorado River Basin 
Roundtail Chub DPS

    We reviewed the potential factors that may affect the headwater 
chub and lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub. We found three 
primary risk categories: (1) Competition with, predation from, and 
harassment by nonnative aquatic species; (2) a lack of sufficient water 
to support the physical and biological components needed for all life 
stages and life-history functions; and (3) changes in the timing and 
amount of snowmelt runoff in the spring and precipitation from monsoons 
in the fall, reduction in hydrologic connectivity within and between 
streams, and the reduction in the length of flowing reaches (all of 
which are impacts from climate change). All three of these risks 
categories likely have population-level effects to both the headwater 
chub and the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS.
    We considered several other potential risk factors that may have 
population-level effects to either the headwater chub or the lower 
Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS, but we were not able to 
incorporate into the model. These include wildfire risk, additional 
climate change impacts (other than those considered in the model), 
water loss due to anthropogenic actions, and demographic impacts from 
these factors and the reduction in the range. We evaluated impacts from 
these additional risks to each AU and the species/DPS as a whole.
    There are other risks to both chub species that can result in 
localized effects, including grazing, roads, forestry practices, 
disease, pathogens, and recreation. While these may have effects

[[Page 60762]]

on individual chubs, they are not likely to have population-level 
impacts on either the headwater chub or the lower Colorado River basin 
roundtail chub DPS, as explained in chapter 7 and appendix B of the SSA 
    Across the historical range, the quality and quantity of habitat, 
abundance of headwater chub and roundtail chub, and condition of the 
AUs has been altered. The introduction of nonnative aquatic species and 
changes in water flows, caused by human activities (either surface 
water diversion or groundwater pumping) and climate change, leading to 
a reduction in water availability, have led to reductions in chub 
abundance and habitat quality and quantity. Nonnative aquatic species 
occur within almost all streams occupied by these two chub species. The 
changes in flows have altered the connectivity and spatial distribution 
of chubs, resulting in segmentation of watered areas within individual 
streams and loss of connectivity between streams.
    Nonnative fish are the most significant risk factor to the lower 
Colorado River fish fauna, including headwater chub and the lower 
Colorado River roundtail chub DPS, due to competition and predation 
(Minckley and Deacon 1991; Carlson and Muth 1989, p. 220; Mueller 2005, 
pp. 10-12; Olden and Poff 2005, p. 75). It has now been shown that 
contamination by nonnative fishes is the most significant risk factor 
to the lower Colorado River fish fauna due to competition and predation 
(Minckley and Deacon 1991; Carlson and Muth 1989, p. 220; Mueller 2005, 
pp. 10-12; Olden and Poff 2005, p. 75), and nonnative aquatic species 
are the primary impediment to the native fish species' success 
(Minckley and Marsh 2009, p. 51). Declines in native fish, including 
roundtail and headwater chubs, are largely attributable to predation, 
with early life stages (Minckley 1983, p. 182) being the most 
vulnerable. Clarkson et al. (2005, p. 20) noted that over 50 nonnative 
aquatic species were introduced into the Southwest as either sport fish 
or baitfish. Lower West Clear Creek showed a reduction in roundtail 
chub after smallmouth bass became a significant part of the fish 
community (Brouder et al. 2000, pp. 9, 13; Jones et al. 2014, pp. 70-
71), and in the upper Salt River after flathead catfish were introduced 
(AGFD 1996), and these reductions have been interpreted as resulting 
from those nonnative fish expansions. Fathead minnow (Pimephales 
promelas), green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus), red shiner (Cyprinella 
lutrensis), western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), largemouth bass 
(Micropterus salmoides), flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) (Fuller 
1999, p. 208), and channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) are among the 
fastest expanding nonnative fishes in the basin and are considered to 
be the most invasive in terms of their negative impacts on native fish 
communities (Olden and Poff 2005, pp. 83-84). Of these species, green 
sunfish, flathead catfish, smallmouth bass, and largemouth bass are 
considered to impact chubs the most.
    However, there are streams where chubs have maintained populations 
in the presence of one or more of these nonnative aquatic species, but 
the mechanisms providing for that coexistence in any particular stream 
are unknown. The nonnative aquatic species community varies for 
different streams. The amount of preferred habitat available for both 
the chub and the nonnative aquatic species may play a role, as may the 
abundance of the nonnative species and its means of affecting the chub. 
In some cases, the nonnative aquatic species may have only newly 
entered the stream and the full effects have not been realized. In 
other cases, the current habitat and population dynamics may not 
strongly favor either natives or nonnatives, allowing for persistence 
of both under those conditions. While chubs coexist with nonnative 
aquatic species in several streams, this does not mean that nonnative 
aquatic species are not impacting chubs or that nonnative aquatic 
species are not having population-level impacts on chubs. Marks et al. 
(2009, pp. 15, 21) looked at the response of native fish in Fossil 
Creek before and after nonnative fish were removed from the stream. 
With the removal of these nonnative fish, headwater and roundtail chub 
numbers increased 70 times over the pre-removal numbers due to the 
success of spawning and survival of young-of-the-year chubs.
    Nonnative aquatic species occur within all streams occupied by 
chubs with the exception of three streams for each species. We expect 
that nonnative aquatic species will continue to persist in most, if not 
all, of the streams they currently occupy because they have readily 
adapted to the stream conditions and removing them from areas they 
currently occupy is difficult and expensive. Further, it is likely that 
the increase in the frequency and severity of droughts, the reduction 
of flowing regions within a network of streams, and an increase in the 
length of dry patches within a stream as a result of climate change 
will exacerbate the impacts from nonnative aquatic species. This is 
because as the available watered segments decrease, the interactions 
between nonnatives and chubs increase, with more larvae and young-of-
the-year removed from the chub populations due to predation by 
nonnative aquatic species. In addition, resources become more limited 
and the competition for these resources increases, resulting in 
decreased food for chubs and more competition for that food. The 
reduction in water will likely decrease the water quality (e.g., 
decreased dissolved oxygen, temperature increases, changes in pH, and 
nutrient loading) (Lake 2000, p.578; Lake 2003, p. 1165), which 
nonnative aquatic species are likely more capable of adapting to than 
the chubs. (Eaton and Scheller 1996, p. 1111; Rahel and Olden 2008, p. 
527; Rahel et al. 2008, pp. 554-555). While the chubs have maintained a 
presence in several streams with nonnatives, the impacts from nonnative 
aquatic species exacerbated by other factors reduce the streams' 
ability to withstand stochastic events. In addition, there is the 
potential that the six streams (three for headwater chub and three for 
lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS) that currently do not 
have nonnative aquatic species could be infiltrated by nonnatives. The 
three headwater chub streams are Diamond Creek in the Gila River basin, 
and Buzzard Roost Creek and Turkey Creek in the Tonto Creek basin. For 
the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS, the streams are 
Stone Corral Canyon Creek and Conger Creek in the Bill Williams basin, 
and Canyon Creek in the Salt River basin.
    Nonnative aquatic species could be introduced through the release 
of baitfish, intentional introduction by anglers for sport fishing, or 
flooding events, which allow chubs to pass low water barriers. The 
management of nonnatives is an important tool in the conservation of 
these species. Currently, due to a lack of a producer for Antimycin A 
and lack of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registration for 
other potential piscicides in development, the most effective method to 
remove fish is rotenone. However, the process for public coordination 
and other steps required on the pesticide label make it difficult and 
time-consuming to use rotenone under Federal law, and even more so 
under Arizona State Law (ARS Title 17-481) and Arizona Game and Fish 
Commission policy. Given vocal public and political opposition to 
rotenone treatments, stream restoration has become difficult in Arizona 
because of the lengthy bureaucratic process attached to those 
treatments. Without

[[Page 60763]]

this tool, management of nonnative aquatic species will become more 
difficult (Pool et al. 2013, p. 640).
    Water is the basic habitat component needed for both chub species' 
survival and to support the various life stages and life-history 
functions. Water supports the needed physical and biological 
characteristics in streams to provide suitable chub habitat. There is a 
strong seasonal component to the amount of water available in a stream. 
There is snowmelt in the spring, which is important for spawning, and 
monsoon rains in the summer that is important during the driest time of 
year (late spring, early summer). Spatial and temporal variation in 
water amount and temperature may influence timing and periodicity of 
spawning, influence elevation distributions within stream systems, and 
impact the life cycles and availability of food resources (Dallas 2008, 
pp. 395-397). Historically, the amount of water in any stream at any 
time was determined by natural water sources, such as surface flow, 
springs, and alluvial groundwater input. Currently, these natural water 
sources are impacted by climate change (discussed below) and human 
actions. The creation of large water storage dams (such as those on the 
Salt and Verde Rivers) eliminate flowing sections of water and replace 
them with large reservoirs that support nonnative fish species. Chubs 
may be found in these large reservoirs initially, but do not persist 
there (Bezzerides and Bestgen 2002, p. 18). The dams that form the 
reservoirs are impassible obstacles and prevent chubs from moving 
through the system, resulting in occupied fragments of a stream where 
there was once full connectivity.
    On the smaller scale, diversion dams that allow for removal of 
water from the stream for human uses may or may not be barriers to 
connectivity depending on their size and structure; however, their 
effect on flows can be substantial depending on the number of 
diversions in a stream, and the season of diversion. For agriculture, 
the primary diversion season is in the late spring through early fall. 
Generally, late spring and early summer is the time of year with the 
lowest flow and when water supplies are already stressed. This 
contributes to local stream drying, where the reach below the diversion 
can be all or partially dry until any return flows from the land use 
from agricultural fields, groundwater levels restore surface flow, or 
monsoon rains. In addition to direct removal of surface flow, wells 
that tap the alluvial groundwater (the shallow aquifer that also 
supports the surface flow in a stream) can reduce the level of the 
groundwater such that it is below the streambed elevation and cannot 
provide surface flows. In areas with few wells, this is generally not a 
significant concern; however, in areas with denser human development 
(as is found along the East Verde River, Oak Creek, and Wet Beaver 
Creek), stream drying occurs occurs (Girmendonk and Young 1997, pp. 31-
32, 42; Paradzick et al 2006, pp.9-12). Demand for water is projected 
to increase as human populations are predicted to increase, affecting 
the timing, amount, and distribution of water within streams.
    Climate change models project alteration in the timing and amount 
of snowmelt and monsoon rains, and the frequency and duration of 
droughts, as well as increases in temperature resulting in increased 
evaporation. During the spring and early monsoon seasons, the flowing 
regions of the Verde River stream network (areas with water) are 
projected to diminish a median of 8 percent and a maximum of 20 percent 
(Jaeger et al. 2014, p. 3) from their current status in the Verde River 
basin. Over much of the western United States and western Canada, 
warmer winters are projected to produce earlier runoff and discharge 
but less snow water equivalent and shortened snowmelt seasons in many 
snow-dominated areas (Barnett et al. 2005, entire; Rood et al. 2008, 
entire; Reba et al. 2011, entire).
    Climate change model predictions suggest that climate change will 
shrink the length of the remaining flowing reaches in the Verde River, 
in the lower Colorado River basin, where both these species occur 
(Jaeger et al. 2014, p. 3). The frequency of stream drying events in 
the Verde Valley is expected to increase by approximately 17 percent 
(Jaeger et al. 2014, p. 13895), due in large part to groundwater 
decline. These regions that support flow are increasingly isolated as 
adjacent dry fragments expand in length and occur more frequently 
across these seasons. Model predictions suggest that midcentury and 
late-century climate will reduce network-wide hydrological 
connectivity. Midcentury and late-century climate model projections 
suggest that more frequent and severe droughts will reduce network-wide 
hydrologic connectivity for native fishes by 6 to 9 percent over the 
course of a year and up to 12 to 18 percent during spring spawning 
months (Jaeger et al. 2014, p. 3). The reduction in the length of the 
remaining flowing reaches will further increase native and nonnative 
aquatic species interactions and resource limitations, and will 
compromise the ability of these habitats to support native fishes 
(Jaeger et al. 2014, p. 3), including these chub species.
    The best available data indicate that climate change and increased 
human population levels in the Verde Valley in the lower Colorado River 
basin will result in lowered groundwater levels and stream base flows 
to some degree (Garner et al. 2013, p. 23; Jaeger et al. 2014, p. 
13895). The decline in groundwater levels and base flows in the region 
is expected to be caused by increased groundwater pumping, by surface 
water diversion, and from an increase in the frequency and severity of 
droughts in Arizona as a result of climate change. Specifically, future 
water levels and stream base flows are expected to continue decreasing 
along the Verde River and Oak Creek in response to increased pumping, 
particularly over the next 50 years (Owens-Joyce and Bell 1983, pp. 1, 
65; McGavock 1996, p. 67; Blasch et al. 2006, p. 2; Garner et al. 
2013). The best available information regarding future water 
availability for chubs includes models of the groundwater and base flow 
in the Verde River through approximately 2050. These models indicate a 
maximum of 20 percent loss of flow for the Verde River by approximately 
2050 during dry times of the year (Jaeger et al. 2014, p. 13897). 
Despite native fishes having evolved life-history strategies to cope 
with the harsh environmental conditions that occur as a result of 
stream drying events, the predicted spatiotemporal changes in 
streamflow likely will have adverse consequences for the distribution, 
abundance, and persistence of these species into the future.
    Effects to chubs from wildfire vary depending on the wildfire and 
streams. The severity, location, and timing of the wildfire influence 
the impact of wildfire to chubs depending on the amount of runoff, and 
degree of sediment and ash in the runoff. The size and condition of the 
stream also influences the impact to chubs from wildfire. There are 
streams where chubs (and other fish species) survived the post-fire 
ash/sediment flows following wildfire. This happened in the Upper Gila, 
Black River, and Spring Creek (Tonto River drainage). It is probable 
that there were individual fish that died or were harmed, and 
population numbers (or health) were reduced. However, populations that 
were initially depressed in these streams have rebounded, even 
increasing in abundance or extent relative to pre-fire conditions. 
However, in certain streams, like Cave Creek, Gila chub populations 
were impacted by the

[[Page 60764]]

Cave Creek Complex Fire through changes in habitat abundance, in which 
pools where filled with sediment. However, Gila chub still persist in 
all the locations that were occupied by chub prior to the Cave Creek 
Complex Fire. Forest management at large landscape scales across the 
ranges of the chubs is occurring and will continue to occur to reduce 
forest fuels and therefore reduce wildfire risk and severity. However, 
the effects from climate change, such as increased temperatures, 
increased evaporation, and change in timing and amount of 
precipitation, are likely to create conditions more favorable to 
wildfire. Wildfire can result in impacts to individuals and could also 
result in population-level impacts. Wildfire could impact any stream or 
any AU within the range of both species. Severe or extensive wildfires 
that occur in smaller AUs and independent AUs are more likely to have 
an impact on these species as a whole. However, we are unable to 
predict when or where such fires could occur, nor the impacts to chubs 
from these wildfires, but we recognize that wildfires are highly likely 
to occur. We further recognize that not all fire is harmful to these 
    As a result of the risk factors described above, particularly from 
climate change, the connectivity of chubs within and between streams is 
impacted, resulting in fragmented streams and AUs that could have 
population-level impacts to chubs. This results in small and isolated 
populations, susceptible to demographic impacts. Demographic impacts 
include loss of genetic diversity from inbreeding depression and 
genetic drift resulting in young that may have reduced fitness to cope 
with existing or changing conditions. This decreases a population's 
ability to adapt to environmental changes and increases vulnerability 
to extirpation (i.e., decreases resiliency). Fagan et al. (2002, p. 
3254) found that, as a result of fragmentation and isolation, roundtail 
chub has a moderately high risk of local extirpation (0.41 percent 
probability) because recolonization from adjacent populations is less 
likely. Headwater chub, which has naturally fragmented populations, has 
a lower risk of local extirpation (0.28 percent probability), as it 
still occupies many of its historical localities, which are headwater 
and smaller tributary habitats. However, fragmentation within those 
populations exercises the same potential for adverse effects of small, 
isolated populations. In examining the relationship between species 
distribution and extinction risk in southwestern fishes, Fagan et al. 
(2002, p. 3250) found that the number of occurrences or populations of 
a species is less significant a factor in determining extinction risk 
than is habitat fragmentation.
    These species developed as a result of multiple independent 
hybridization events over time (Rinne 1976; Rosenfeld and Wilkinson 
1989; DeMarais et al. 1992; Dowling and DeMarais 1993; Minckley and 
DeMarais 2000; Gerber et al. 2001; Schwemm 2006; Sch[ouml]nhuth et al. 
2014). Historically roundtail chub had greater connectivity among 
populations and subsequent relatedness over the region. The development 
of populations in isolation from other roundtail chub was not the 
normal condition across most of the historical range except in the Bill 
Williams River and Little Colorado River drainages. In the lower 
Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS, genetic variation occurs 
mainly within populations. For roundtail chub, demographic effects 
could result not only if AUs are fragmented but also if connectivity 
among AUs is fragmented.
    In headwater chub, most of their genetic variation occurs among 
populations, each of which tends to be distinctive. Each AU is 
geographically isolated from the other AUs even in the same drainage 
basin. For headwater chub, demographic effects could result if AUs 
become fragmented due the unique genetic variation within each AU. As 
the demand for water by humans and the effects of climate change 
increase, water is likely to become more limited. This loss of water 
affects the water flow in a stream and the number and length of watered 
and dry stream segments (i.e., increased fragmentation of a stream). As 
fragmentation increases so does the risk of demographic impacts. Small 
and isolated populations are vulnerable to loss of genetic diversity, 
which decreases a population's ability to adapt to environmental 
changes and increases vulnerability to extirpation.

Conservation Efforts for Headwater Chub and the Lower Colorado River 
Basin Roundtail Chub DPS

    Past conservation efforts include the establishment of new 
populations for roundtail chub in the lower Colorado River Basin DPS 
and the renovation or securing of currently occupied areas for 
headwater and roundtail chub in the lower Colorado River Basin DPS. 
Newly established populations are sites where chubs have been released 
within the species' historical range. This involves locating a site 
with suitable habitat, free of nonnative aquatic species or with 
nonnatives to be removed, through chemical or mechanical means. 
Establishment of a hatchery broodstock for the streams at risk of loss 
of wild populations provides for newly established populations to those 
areas. Renovation or securing of a population involves salvaging the 
chub species from the stream, then the removal of nonnative aquatic 
species and potentially the installation of a barrier to keep 
nonnatives out of the site, and then the release of salvaged chubs back 
into the stream. Stream renovation is labor- and time-intensive. The 
salvage of chubs takes significant resources in terms of time, 
personnel, and funding. Temporary housing for the salvaged chub is 
needed while the nonnative aquatic species are removed. The eradication 
of nonnative aquatic species from streams is essential for establishing 
new populations or securing populations. However, removing nonnative 
aquatic species from a stream is difficult and typically requires 
multiple efforts. Rotenone is the most effective means of eradicating 
nonnatives from a stream. If there is not a barrier to prevent 
nonnative aquatic species from moving into the renovated area, then a 
barrier will need to be constructed prior to removing the nonnatives. 
Once the nonnative aquatic species are removed and a barrier put in 
place, chubs are released back into the stream. It is likely that not 
all nonnative aquatic species were removed, and a rotenone treatment 
will be necessary at some point in the future. This will require 
salvaging the chubs again and applying the rotenone, and then releasing 
the salvage chubs.
    Removal of nonnative aquatic species has been used as a securing 
action for Fossil Creek for both headwater and roundtail chub. This 
effort has been successful, but significant time and resources were 
expended to secure the site and continue to be needed to maintain this 
site. Consequently, due to the expense and time, there is uncertainty 
regarding the securing of sites in the future.
    There are currently four newly established sites for the roundtail 
chub in the lower Colorado River basin. The four new established 
populations are: Blue River, Ash Creek, Gap Creek, and Roundtree Creek. 
Blue River is the only established site with documented reproduction. 
This site has a high potential for success; however, it is a relatively 
new site established in 2012. The other three sites have not shown 
reproduction. Their long-term viability is uncertain.
    Three of the established sites are free of nonnative aquatic 
species. Blue

[[Page 60765]]

Creek, the fourth newly established site, does contain some nonnatives 
but the community level of impacts is not likely to impact at a 
population level but does have negative effects to individuals. The 
success of secured sites is dependent on keeping the site free of or 
with limited nonnative aquatic species. The eradication of nonnative 
aquatic species from streams is essential for establishing new 
populations or securing populations. Rotenone is a primary means of 
eradicating nonnative fish from a stream. Currently, due to a lack of a 
producer for Antimycin A and lack of EPA registration for other 
potential piscicides in development, the most effective method to 
remove fish is rotenone. However, the process for public coordination 
and other steps required on the pesticide label make it difficult and 
time-consuming to use rotenone under Federal law. Given the difficulty 
and uncertainty surrounding the use of this tool, management of 
nonnative aquatic species could be problematic in the future. Without 
this tool, management of nonnative fish will become more difficult and 
the success of future conservation efforts more uncertain. Due to the 
high uncertainty of the success of newly established populations, and 
the likelihood that rotenone will not be a useable tool to remove 
nonnative aquatic species, we did not rely on newly established 
populations or renovated streams in our assessment of future 
    In addition, the U.S. Forest Service has implemented a suite of 
practices to reduce the risk of high-severity fires in the range of the 
chubs, such as prescribed burning, mechanical thinning, and retention 
of large trees. These actions can help southwestern forest ecosystems 
adapt to climate change and reduce the risk of extreme fire behavior 
(Finney et al. 2005). These measures can also reduce emissions of the 
gases that cause climate change because long-term storage of carbon in 
large trees can outweigh short-term emissions from prescribed burning. 
Although considerable work has been accomplished to reduce fuel loads 
and plans to continue that effort are documented, wildfire still poses 
a risk to the chubs.

Current Condition

    In the SSA Report, we used AUs to describe the populations of 
chubs. The AUs were delineated based on the hydrological connectivity 
of currently occupied streams and the ability of chubs to move within 
or among streams. There are two types of AUs considered in the SSA 
Report: (1) Those composed of one occupied stream, referred to as 
independent AUs; and (2) those composed of two or more hydrologically 
connected occupied streams, referred to as complex AUs.
    We determined that water availability, nonnative aquatic species, 
and chub population structure are the three primary risks to these 
species. We modeled certain components contributing to the primary 
risks that were most likely to have a population-level impact to both 
species of chub. We developed a qualitative (measuring by quality of 
physical and biological components rather than quantitatively) model to 
summarize our understanding of the risk of extinction of these species 
due to these factors. To model water availability, we considered stream 
length as a surrogate for available habitat. We recognize that stream 
length does not equate to the quality of habitat available, but this is 
the best available data we have. The effect of nonnative aquatic 
species was evaluated in terms of the impacts from the community of 
nonnatives aquatic species present in a stream and the known impacts to 
chubs from the nonnative aquatic species present in the stream. Chub 
population structure is expressed in terms of chub abundance, number of 
age classes, and number of positive surveys for presence of the 
species. In addition, the model captures past conservation measures, 
such as stream renovations and newly established populations. Although 
not incorporated into our model, we also considered additional risk 
from climate change and water loss due to anthropogenic factors (e.g., 
surface water diversion and groundwater pumping), which is part of the 
water availability factor we included in our model. However, we were 
not able to capture additional risk from climate change and water loss 
due to anthropogenic factors in the model. In addition, we assessed 
impacts from wildfire based on the wildfire risk map developed by the 
U.S. Forest Service, recognizing that not all fire results in adverse 
effects to these chubs. Further, we considered the demographic impacts 
from these risks and the reduction in range. We evaluated impacts from 
these additional risks to each AU and the species as a whole. We 
considered these additional factors by evaluating their impacts to AUs 
and the species as a whole. For additional information on our 
assessment model, refer to the SSA Report at http://www.regulations.gov.
    The current condition is expressed as our understanding of risk of 
extirpation now or in the near future (next 5 years). We identified 
four categories to communicate how we are defining risk of extirpation, 
described in Table 3, below. An AU categorized as minor risk has a 0 to 
5 percent change of extirpation.

   Table 3--Modeled Analysis Unit Ranking Categories Based on Risk of
                        Category                             risk (%)
Minor Risk Extirpation..................................             0-5
Low Risk Extirpation....................................            6-30
Moderate Risk Extirpation...............................           31-60
High Risk Extirpation...................................             >60

    The results of our model analysis are displayed in Tables 4, 5, and 
6, below. The San Carlos River AU and the upper Salt River AU are 
within tribal boundaries. The available data for these areas are dated 
and limited. In our analysis, we consider these AUs occupied; however, 
we have high uncertainty in this status.
Headwater Chub
    Currently, there are eight AUs over three drainage basins: Gila 
River, Salt River, and Verde River. Headwater chub are found in 22 
streams with a collective minimum of 432 km (268 mi) of available 
habitat. This represents at least 48 percent of the estimated 
historical range and no more than a 52 percent reduction in range. 
Stream lengths range from 3 to 70 km (2 to 44 mi). Average stream 
length is 17 km (10 mi). Only three streams lack nonnative aquatic 
species impacting chubs. Only one AU is in the minor risk of 
extirpation category. There are three AUs in the low risk, and four in 
the moderate risk categories (see Table 4, below).

[[Page 60766]]

                     Table 4--Modeled Current Condition of Headwater Chub by Analysis Units
                                       [C = Complex AU; I = Independent AU]
                                                                            Type/Number of          Risk of
           Watershed                Sub-watershed       Analysis unit          streams            extirpation
Gila River.....................  Lower Gila River..  San Carlos........  C/2................  Moderate.
                                 Upper Gila River..  Three Forks.......  C/4................  Low.
Salt River.....................  Tonto Creek.......  Lower Tonto Creek.  C/2................  Moderate.
                                 Tonto Creek.......  Upper Gunn Creek..  I..................  Moderate.
                                 Tonto Creek.......  Upper Tonto Creek.  C/8................  Low.
Verde River....................  East Fork Verde     East Fork Verde     C/5................  Moderate.
                                  River.              River.
                                 Verde River.......  Upper Fossil Creek  I..................  Minor.
                                 Verde River.......  Upper Wet Bottom    I..................  Low.

    Once the modeled results of the current condition were determined, 
we then evaluated the risk from wildfire, additional risk from climate 
change, water loss due to anthropogenic actions, and the demographic 
impacts from these risk factors and reduction in range on the AUs and 
the species as a whole. We assessed if an AU in each risk category were 
to experience a wildfire, loss of connectivity, decreased water flow 
due to anthropogenic actions and climate change, and demographic 
impacts, how that would further affect the condition of the AU. We 
recognize that impacts from fire do not always result in adverse 
impacts to chubs. We then considered how this would impact the 
redundancy and representation of the species.
    Wildfire could impact one or more AUs now or in the near future (5 
years). Impacts could range from loss of individuals to loss or 
significant impacts to entire AUs or multiple AUs. The likelihood of 
wildfire now or in the near future is high; however, the severity, 
timing, and location of the wildfire is uncertain.
    Climate change is projected to reduce the flowing stream length of 
river networks. However, there are other impacts from climate change 
that we considered but were not able to incorporate into the model. 
This includes the increased lengths of dry reaches within a stream, 
loss of connectivity within and among streams, changes in the timing 
and amount of snowmelt and monsoon rains, changes in the frequency and 
duration of droughts, and the increase in temperatures resulting in 
increased evaporation. Increased dry reaches can impact chub movement 
and dispersal. Connectivity within streams is important for headwater 
chubs to maintain genetic diversity. Alterations in the timing and 
amount of water in the spring could result in delayed or reduced 
reproduction and recruitment. Alterations in the timing and amount of 
monsoon rains could result in a decrease in refugia areas for chubs 
after the driest time of the year. Impacts from climate change occur 
throughout the range of the headwater chub and are likely to affect all 
streams to some degree. In addition to the reduction in water from 
climate change, we also evaluated impacts to chubs from the loss from 
surface water diversions and groundwater pumping. These impacts are 
likely to impact all AUs to some degree.
Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail Chub DPS
    Currently, there are 15 AUs across five drainage basins: Bill 
Williams River, Gila River, Little Colorado River, Salt River, and 
Verde River. Roundtail chub are found in 35 streams with a collective 
minimum of 2,098 km (1,303 mi) of available habitat. This represents at 
least 43 percent of the historical range and no more than a 57 percent 
reduction in range. The stream lengths range from 7 to 320 km (4 to 199 
mi), with an average stream length of 50 km (10 mi). Only three streams 
lack nonnative aquatic species impacting chubs. One stream, Fossil 
Creek, has undergone renovation (meaning nonnatives have been removed). 
There are currently four newly established sites (see Table 6, below). 
There is only one AU in the minor risk of extirpation category. There 
are seven AUs in low risk, six in moderate risk, and one in high risk 
(see Table 5, below).

          Table 5--Modeled Current Condition of Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail DPS Analysis Units
                                      [C = Complex AU; I = Independent AU]
                                                                            Type/Number of          Risk of
           Watershed                Sub-watershed       Analysis unit          streams            extirpation
Bill Williams River............  Boulder Creek.....  Upper Boulder       C/3................  Low.
                                 Burro Creek.......  Burro Creek.......  C/4................  Low.
                                 Santa Maria River.  Santa Maria River.  C/4................  Moderate.
                                 Trout Creek.......  Trout Creek.......  C/3................  Low.
Gila River.....................  Lower Gila River..  Aravaipa Creek....  I..................  Low.
                                                     Eagle Creek.......  I..................  Low.
                                 Upper Gila River..  Upper Gila River..  I..................  Moderate.
Little Colorado River..........  Chevelon Creek....  Chevelon Creek....  I..................  Low.
                                 Clear Creek.......  Clear Creek.......  C/2................  Moderate.
Salt River.....................  Upper Salt River..  Salome Creek......  I..................  High.
                                                     Upper Salt River..  C/9................  Moderate.
Verde River....................  Lower Verde.......  Confluence........  C/2................  Moderate.
                                 Fossil Creek......  Upper Fossil Creek  I..................  Low.
                                 Verde River.......  Upper West Clear    I..................  Minor.
                                 Verde River.......  Verde River.......  C/6................  Moderate.

[[Page 60767]]

    Once the modeled results of the current condition were determined, 
we then evaluated the risk from wildfire, additional risk from climate 
change, water loss due to anthropogenic actions, and demographic 
impacts from these risks factors and reduction in range on the AUs and 
the species as a whole. We assessed if an AU in each risk category were 
to experience a wildfire, loss of connectivity, decreased water flow, 
or demographic impacts, how that would further affect the condition (or 
resiliency) of the AU. We recognize that impacts from fire do not 
always result in adverse impacts to chubs. We then considered how this 
would impact the redundancy and representation of the species.
    Wildfire could impact one or more AUs now or in the near future (5 
years). Impacts could range from loss of individuals to loss or 
significant impacts to entire AUs or multiple AUs. The likelihood of 
wildfire now or in the near future is high; however, the severity, 
timing, and location of the wildfire is uncertain.
    Climate change is projected to reduce the flowing stream length. 
However, there are other impacts from climate change that we considered 
but were not able to incorporate into the model. This includes the 
increased lengths of dry reaches within a stream, loss of connectivity 
within and among streams, changes in the timing and amount of snowmelt 
and monsoon rains, changes in the frequency and duration of droughts, 
and the increase in temperatures resulting in increased evaporation. 
Increased dry reaches can impact chub movement and dispersal. 
Connectivity within and among streams is important for the lower 
Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS to maintain genetic diversity. 
Alterations in the timing and amount of water in the spring could 
result in delayed or reduced reproduction and recruitment. Alterations 
in the timing and amount of monsoon rains could result in a decrease in 
refugia areas for chubs after the driest time of the year. Impacts from 
climate change occur throughout the range of the lower Colorado River 
basin roundtail chub DPS and are likely to affect all streams to some 
degree. In addition to the reduction in water from climate change, we 
also evaluated the impacts to chubs from the loss from surface water 
diversions and groundwater pumping. These impacts are likely to impact 
all AUs to some degree.
Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail Chub DPS's Newly Established Sites
    There are currently four newly established sites for the lower 
Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS (see Table 6, below), each site 
is an individual AU. These are relatively newly established AUs, and 
their success is unclear at this time. The Blue River site is the only 
site that has demonstrated reproduction. The remaining three sites have 
yet to show any reproduction. We analyzed the current condition of 
these AUs using the same method that we used to analyze the headwater 
chub and extant populations of lower Colorado River basin roundtail 
chub DPS, meaning that we analyzed these using the model and then 
considered wildfire impacts, additional climate change impacts, water 
loss due to anthropogenic actions, and the demographic effects from 
these factors. Again, we recognize that impacts from fire do not always 
result in adverse impacts to chubs. However, we present the results 
separately due to the uncertainty of their success.

Table 6--Modeled Current Condition of Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail Chub DPS's Newly Established Analysis
                                      [C = Complex AU; I = Independent AU]
           Drainage basin                  Analysis unit        Type/Number of streams     Risk of  extirpation
Gila River..........................  Blue River.............  I.......................  Low Risk.
Salt River..........................  Ash Creek..............  I.......................  Low Risk.
Verde River.........................  Gap Creek..............  I.......................  Low Risk.
Verde River.........................  Roundtree Canyon.......  I.......................  Low Risk.

Future Condition Analysis

    We analyzed the future risk of extirpation of each AU using the 
same model we used to assess current condition. However, we added a 
metric to assess conservation measures. We used the current condition 
of nonnative aquatic species, water availability, and chub population 
structure as the baseline to analyze projected future impacts. As 
stated in the current condition, we modeled water availability using 
stream length as a surrogate for available habitat. To model projected 
future impacts from climate change, we applied a reduction in length to 
the baseline stream length (i.e., water availability) to all streams. 
Under the current condition, the nonnative aquatic species were 
evaluated in terms of the impacts from the community of nonnative 
aquatic species present in a stream and the known impacts to chubs from 
the nonnative aquatic species present in the stream. To project future 
impacts from nonnatives aquatic species, we applied an increase in the 
impacts from the community of nonnative aquatic species present to a 
percentage of streams. We did not project future impacts to chub 
population structure because the projected future risk to the chubs is 
what we are projecting. To measure conservation efforts, we projected 
the future establishment of new populations and the renovation of 
    Given our uncertainty regarding if or when streams or AUs occupied 
by chubs will experience an increase in nonnative aquatic species, a 
reduction in water in the future, or conservation actions, we have 
qualitatively forecasted what both species may have in terms of 
resiliency, redundancy, and representation under four different 
possible future scenarios based on our understanding of the risks to 
these species. Our modeling allowed us to review four future scenarios 
of risk to AUs from nonnative aquatic species and water availability. 
These scenarios extend to the year 2046, about 30 years from present. 
In addition, we included an assessment of the potential for future 
conservation actions within each scenario.
    To measure impacts from nonnative aquatic species in the future 
scenarios, we evaluated an increase in the level of impact from the 
nonnative aquatic species community across a percentage of streams 
because it is unlikely that all streams will be affected by increased 
impacts from nonnative aquatic species. It is more realistic that a 
portion of streams will have increased effects from nonnative aquatic 
species. Impacts due to reduction in water availability were

[[Page 60768]]

assumed to occur throughout all streams because impacts from climate 
change, the largest driver of water availability, occur at a landscape 
scale; however, the future scenarios incorporate various levels of 
climate change severity to account for the uncertainty in future 
climate change projections.
    We identified two levels of conservation: a high management option 
and a low management option. The high management option projects that 
there will be two streams that are renovated or secured (eliminating 
nonnatives), and two new populations will be established per species. 
The low management option only projects one new population being 
established per species. For the two new projected populations for each 
chub, we did not select real streams but identified a set of conditions 
to represent a proxy stream similar to what would be considered in 
selecting a real site for a new population. We randomly selected 
drainage basins where the new population sites would be implemented. 
For the purposes of the model, we assumed all of these conservation 
efforts would result in populations that have reproduction and 

Table 7--Future Scenarios Analyzed in the Model for Headwater Chub and Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail Chub
                     Nonnative aquatic species                             Water              Conservation
--------------------------------------------------------------------    availability   -------------------------
                                   Percent of         Nonnative          Percent of         New populations,
           Scenario             streams impacted   community level      decrease in       renovation,  securing
                                 by nonnatives         increase        stream length
1............................                 13                  1                 -4  High management.
2............................                 13                  2                 -8  High management.
3............................                 13                  2                 -8  Low management.
4............................                 45                  1                -20  Low management.

    The below results are from the model analysis; however, it is 
important to note that our model does not capture all risks affecting 
these species. For analyzing the future condition, the model captures 
certain components contributing to the primary risks to the species 
(nonnative aquatic species and water availability) and conservation 
measures (establishing new populations and renovating existing 
populations). Although not incorporated into our model, we also 
considered additional risk from climate change and water loss due to 
anthropogenic factors (e.g., surface water diversion and groundwater 
pumping), which is part of the water availability factor we included in 
our model. However, we were not able to capture additional risk from 
climate change and water loss due to anthropogenic factors in the 
model. In addition, we assessed impacts from wildfire based on the 
wildfire risk map developed by the U.S. Forest Service. As clarified in 
the Risk Factors for Headwater Chub and the Lower Colorado River Basin 
Roundtail Chub DPS section of this proposed rule, we recognize that 
fire does not always result in adverse effects to these species. 
Further, we considered the demographic impacts to these risks and the 
reduction in range. We evaluated impacts from these additional risks to 
each AU and the species as a whole.
Future Condition Model Results
I. Headwater Chub
    The high management options projects that two new AUs will be 
established and two streams will be renovated. The low management 
options projects that one new AU will be established and no streams 
will be renovated. Consequently, scenarios 1 and 2 resulted in 10 AUs, 
instead of 8, because both of these scenarios incorporate the high 
management option. Scenarios 3 and 4 resulted in nine AUs due to the 
low management option projecting only one newly established population. 
As a result of the established populations and the renovation 
populations, the representation and redundancy of the species 
increased. However, the resiliency of some of the AUs is diminished due 
to the increased risks from nonnative aquatic species and reduced 
stream length.

                                           Table 8--Modeled Future Condition of Headwater Chub Analysis Units
        Analysis unit name            Current condition          Scenario 1             Scenario 2            Scenario 3               Scenario 4
San Carlos Complex................  Moderate.............  Moderate.............  Moderate.............  Moderate............  Moderate.
Three Forks Complex...............  Low..................  Low..................  Low..................  Low.................  Moderate.
Lower Tonto Creek Network.........  Moderate.............  Moderate.............  Moderate.............  Moderate............  Moderate.
Upper Gunn Creek..................  Moderate.............  Moderate.............  Moderate.............  Moderate............  Moderate.
Upper Tonto Creek Complex.........  Low..................  Low..................  Low..................  Low.................  Low.
New Population A..................  Not applicable.......  Minor................  Minor................  Minor...............  Minor.
East Verde River Complex..........  Moderate.............  Low..................  Low..................  Moderate............  Moderate.
Fossil Creek......................  Minor................  Low..................  Moderate.............  Moderate............  Low.
Wet Bottom Creek..................  Low..................  Low..................  Low..................  Low.................  Low.
New Population B..................  Not applicable.......  Minor................  Minor................  Not applicable......  Not applicable.

II. Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail Chub DPS
    The high management options projects that two new AUs will be 
established and two streams will be renovated. The low management 
options projects that one new AU will be established and no streams 
will be renovated. Consequently, scenarios 1 and 2 resulted in 17 AUs, 
instead of 15, because both of these scenarios incorporate the high 
management option. Scenarios 3 and 4 resulted in 16 AUs due to the low 
management option only projecting one newly established

[[Page 60769]]

population. As a result of the established populations and the 
renovation populations, the representation and redundancy of the 
species increased. However, the resiliency of some of the AUs is 
diminished due to the increased risks from nonnative aquatic species 
and reduced stream length. However, the increased risk did not elevate 
the ranking to the next risk category.

                            Table 9--Modeled Future Condition of Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail Chub DPS Analysis Units
           Analysis unit              Current condition          Scenario 1             Scenario 2            Scenario 3               Scenario 4
Boulder Creek Complex.............  Low..................  Low..................  Low..................  Low.................  Low.
Burro Creek Complex...............  Low..................  Low..................  Low..................  Low.................  Low.
Santa Maria River Complex.........  Moderate.............  Moderate.............  Moderate.............  Moderate............  Moderate.
Trout Creek Complex...............  Low..................  Low..................  Low..................  Low.................  Moderate.
New Population C..................  Not applicable.......  Minor................  Minor................  Minor...............  Minor.
Aravaipa Creek....................  Low..................  Low..................  Low..................  Low.................  Low.
Eagle Creek.......................  Low..................  Low..................  Low..................  Low.................  Low.
Upper Gila River Complex..........  Moderate.............  Moderate.............  Moderate.............  Moderate............  Moderate.
Chevelon Creek....................  Low..................  Moderate.............  Moderate.............  Moderate............  Moderate.
Clear Creek Complex...............  Moderate.............  Moderate.............  Moderate.............  Moderate............  Moderate.
Salome Creek......................  High.................  High.................  High.................  High................  High
Upper Salt River Complex..........  Moderate.............  Moderate.............  Moderate.............  Moderate............  Moderate.
Confluence Reach Complex..........  Moderate.............  Moderate.............  Moderate.............  Moderate............  Moderate.
Fossil Creek......................  Low..................  Low..................  Low..................  Low.................  Low.
Upper West Clear Creek............  Minor................  Minor................  Minor................  Minor...............  Low.
Verde River Complex...............  Moderate.............  Moderate.............  Moderate.............  Moderate............  Moderate.
New Population D..................  Not applicable.......  Minor................  Minor................  Not applicable......  Not applicable.

III. Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail Chub DPS's Newly Established 
    There are currently four established sites for the lower Colorado 
River basin roundtail chub DPS (see Table 10, below), and each site is 
an individual AU. These are relatively newly established AUs, and their 
success is unclear at this time. The Blue River site is the only site 
that has demonstrated reproduction. The remaining three sites have yet 
to show any reproduction. Consequently, we analyzed these AUs 
separately because of the uncertainty of their success.
    Results for the Lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS newly 
established populations (Blue River, Ash Creek, Gap Creek, and 
Roundtree Canyon) are captured in Table 10.

                 Table 10--Modeled Future Condition of Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail Chub DPS's Newly Established Analysis Units
                                                          [C = Complex AU; I = Independent AU]
         Drainage basin             Analysis unit          Current           Scenario 1          Scenario 2          Scenario 3           Scenario 4
Gila River.....................  Blue River........  Low...............  Low...............  Moderate..........  Moderate..........  Low.
Salt River.....................  Ash Creek.........  Low...............  Moderate..........  High..............  High..............  High.
Verde River....................  Gap Creek.........  Moderate..........  Moderate..........  High..............  High..............  High.
Verde River....................  Roundtree Canyon..  Low...............  Moderate..........  High..............  High..............  High.

    Based on the risk factor discussion above, scenarios 1 and 3 are 
the most likely scenarios. We are moderately certain that nonnative 
aquatic species will not impact 45 percent of the streams throughout 
the range of either species. Consequently, scenario 4 is not a 
realistic scenario, but it does demonstrate a negative future condition 
for comparison to the other scenarios. Scenario 2 is similar to 
scenario 3, with different conservation measures (see Table 7, above). 
Given the uncertainty in the success and feasibility of the 
conservation measures, we consider it important to evaluate a scenario 
with low management options. Consequently, we analyzed the results from 
scenario 3, rather than scenario 2. Scenarios 1 and 3 vary in the level 
of impacts from nonnative aquatic species, amount of decrease in stream 
length, and the level of conservation measures. There is uncertainty in 
the level of impacts from nonnative aquatic species and climate change. 
Further, there is uncertainty in the level, feasibility, or 
effectiveness of conservation measures. By considering both scenario 1 
and 3, we address some of this uncertainty. Therefore, the most 
informative scenarios are scenarios 1 and 3, where impacts from 
nonnative aquatic species are likely to increase in a percentage of 
streams across the range of each species, stream lengths will be 
reduced, and some level of conservation management will be implemented. 
In addition to the model results, we also assessed risk from wildfire, 
additional risk from climate change, water loss due to anthropogenic 
factors, demographic impacts from these risks factors, and the 
reduction in range, as described in the Risk Factors for Headwater Chub 
and the Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail Chub DPS and Current 
Condition sections, above.


    In the SSA Report, we used AUs to describe the populations of 
chubs. The AUs were delineated based on the hydrological connectivity 
of currently occupied streams and the ability of chubs to move within 
or among streams. There are two types of AUs considered in this SSA 
Report: (1) Those composed of one occupied stream, referred to as 
independent AUs; and (2) those composed of two or more hydrologically 
connected occupied streams, referred to as complex AUs.

[[Page 60770]]

Headwater Chub
    Currently, at least 48 percent of the estimated historical range is 
occupied and there has been no more than a 52 percent reduction in 
range. Occupancy is within 22 streams, with a collective minimum of 432 
km (268 mi) of available habitat, dispersed over eight AUs across three 
drainage basins. Three (38 percent) AUs are isolated, and five (62 
percent) AUs have some hydrologic connection to each other. Headwater 
chub populations are naturally fragmented due to the individual 
hybridization events that created the species. Due to the multiple 
hybridization events in separate streams that likely gave rise to 
headwater chub, there are differences between the occupied streams 
across the occupied range deriving from the specifics of the founding 
populations and subsequent events that may have reduced population 
sizes that affected that diversity (Dowling et al. 2008, pp. 10-11). 
Most of their genetic variation occurs among populations, each of which 
tends to be distinctive. Each AU is geographically isolated from the 
other AUs even in the same drainage basin. The significance of 
isolation in shaping each population highlights the importance of 
maintaining each independently to preserve the unique genetic variation 
(Dowling et al. 2008, p. 2). Maintaining representation in the form of 
genetic or ecological diversity is important to retaining the capacity 
of the chub to adapt to future environmental changes.
    Six of the eight AUs are located in adjoining drainages: three in 
the Salt River (upper and lower Tonto Creek complexes and Gunn Creek 
independent AUs) and three in the Verde River (East Verde River complex 
and Fossil and Wet Bottom creeks independent AUs). The result is a 
distribution with 64 percent of the occupied area within immediate 
proximity to each other in two adjacent drainage basins, which is a 
concern for catastrophic events (such as floods). The remaining two 
complexes, San Carlos River and Three Forks, are in separate drainage 
basins from the other six and each other, and are not likely to be 
affected by the same catastrophic natural or anthropogenic event. This 
configuration creates a concern for maintaining redundancy in the 
future due to a catastrophic event.
    There are eight streams from various AUs of approximately 5 km (3 
mi) or less in length. These streams are at a higher risk of 
extirpation from catastrophic events than are longer streams. Further, 
there are two AUs of approximately 5 km (3 mi) or less, in which a 
catastrophic event could result in the loss of these AUs and reduce 
redundancy of the species. In addition, San Carlos River and its 
tributary Ash Creek within the Gila River drainage basin are on tribal 
lands, and we have high uncertainty regarding the presence of chubs.
Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail Chub DPS
    Currently, about 47 to 52 percent of historical range is occupied 
(or 48 to 53 percent reduction in range). Occupied areas are dispersed 
over 35 streams within 15 AUs across five drainages. Information about 
roundtail chub indicated that historically there was greater 
connectivity and subsequent relatedness over the region, and 
development of populations in isolation from other roundtail chub was 
not the normal condition across most of the historical range except in 
the Bill Williams River and Little Colorado River drainages. Unlike the 
headwater chub, the roundtail chub's historical connectivity within the 
Gila, Salt, and Verde Rivers promoted less genetic diversity over the 
range; however, the Bill Williams and Little Colorado rivers are 
isolated from that connectivity and are more unique. However, roundtail 
chub are extirpated from several large riverine streams that provided 
connectivity across most of the historically occupied range. This has 
resulted in the recent isolation of AUs even within the same drainage 
basin. Nine AUs (about 60 percent) are isolated and are not able to 
naturally recolonize. If a catastrophic event such as wildfire or 
severe drought occurs in one of these nine populations, it could be 
extirpated. Variation within populations and connectivity may be more 
of an issue for roundtail chub in the DPS than with headwater chub. 
Maintaining representation in the form of genetic or ecological 
diversity is important to retaining the capacity of the roundtail chub 
to adapt to future environmental changes.
    There are eight streams from various AUs of approximately 5 km (3 
mi) or less. These streams are at a higher risk of extirpation from 
catastrophic events than are longer streams. In addition, one AU is 
approximately 5 km (3 mi) or less, putting it at higher risk of 
extirpation due to a catastrophic event, leading to reduced redundancy. 
In addition, there seven streams within the Upper Salt River drainage 
basin located on tribal lands where we have high uncertainty regarding 
the presence of chubs. We consider these streams occupied, but this 
could be overestimating the range of the headwater chub and the lower 
Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS.
    In the Little Colorado River drainage basin, loss of one of the two 
occupied streams would impair redundancy. For the Verde River Complex 
and Upper Salt River Complex AUs, loss of any stream with documentation 
of recruitment would likely impair the entire complex. The survey data 
suggest that some streams in the Verde River Complex and Upper Salt 
River Complex AUs have more recruitment events than others but we do 
not fully understand how the chub populations are maintained across the 
entire complex. Under these conditions, loss of a stream with sustained 
recruitment would affect redundancy across the entire AU. For the Gila 
River drainage basin, loss of the Eagle Creek AU would effectively 
eliminate the upper portion of the Gila River drainage basin. The loss 
of the Aravaipa Creek AU would effectively eliminate the lower portion 
of the Gila River drainage basin. For the Bill Williams River drainage 
basin, the loss of one AU complex would reduce redundancy but not 
necessarily impair redundancy. However, the loss of both AU complexes 
would impair redundancy because of the potential for loss of a genetic 
management unit.


    Section 4 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1533), and its implementing 
regulations at 50 CFR part 424, set forth the procedures for adding 
species to the Federal Lists of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and 
Plants. Under section 4(a)(1) of the Act, we may list a species based 
on (A) The present or threatened destruction, modification, or 
curtailment of its habitat or range; (B) overutilization for 
commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes; (C) 
disease or predation; (D) the inadequacy of existing regulatory 
mechanisms; or (E) other natural or manmade factors affecting its 
continued existence. Listing actions may be warranted based on any of 
the above threat factors, singly or in combination. Under section 
4(b)(1)(a), the Secretary is to make endangered or threatened 
determinations under section 4(a)(1) solely on the basis of the best 
scientific and commercial data available to her after conducting a 
review of the status of the species and after taking into account 
conservation efforts by States or foreign nations. We have carefully 
assessed the best scientific and commercial data available regarding 
the past, present, and future threats to the headwater chub and lower 
Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS.

[[Page 60771]]

    The Act defines an endangered species as any species that is ``in 
danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its 
range'' and a threatened species as any species ``that is likely to 
become endangered throughout all or a significant portion of its range 
within the foreseeable future.'' We used the best available scientific 
and commercial data to evaluate the viability (and thus risk of 
extinction) for the headwater chub and the lower Colorado River basin 
roundtail chub DPS to determine if they meet the definition of an 
endangered or threatened species.

Summary of Analysis

    The biological information we reviewed and analyzed as the basis 
for our findings is documented in the SSA Report (Service 2015, 
entire), a summary of which is provided in the Background section of 
this proposed rule. The projections for the condition of populations 
are based on our expectations of the risks (in other words, threats) 
that may have population-level effects currently or in the future. The 
risks we evaluated in detail are habitat loss and degradation due to 
groundwater pumping and surface water diversion (Factor A from the 
Act), and predation, competition, and harassment from nonnative aquatic 
species (Factors C and E from the Act). For nonnative aquatic species 
and reduction in water, we also considered the exacerbating effects of 
climate change (Factor E from the Act). We reviewed, but did not 
evaluate in further detail because of a lack of population-level 
effects, the effects of recreation (Factor B from the Act), grazing, 
forestry practices, roads, and mining (Factor A from the Act). The 
overall results of the status assessment found that the best available 
information indicates that the range of the headwater chub and the 
lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS have decreased, with 
multiple streams now extirpated, likely due to nonnative aquatic 
species and loss of habitat (i.e., water).
    The purpose of the status assessment was to characterize the future 
condition of the headwater chub and the lower Colorado River basin 
roundtail chub DPS in the face of risks and conservation efforts 
described above in the Background section. In the SSA Report, we 
described the viability of the headwater chub and the lower Colorado 
River basin roundtail chub DPS in terms of resiliency, redundancy, 
representation now, including the next 5 years, and over the next 30 
years under four likely scenarios. We have determined that scenarios 1 
and 3 are the most likely future scenarios. Our forecasts take into 
consideration the four newly established sites and one restoration site 
for the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS. In addition, our 
analysis considers wildfire risk, additional climate change impacts, 
water loss due to anthropogenic actions, and demographic impacts from 
these factors and the reduction in the range. We recognize the fire 
does not always result in adverse effects to these chubs. We evaluated 
impacts from these additional risks to each AU and the headwater chub 
and the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS as a whole.

Application of Analysis to Determinations

    The fundamental question before the Service is whether the 
headwater chub and the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS 
warrants protection as endangered or threatened under the Act. To 
determine this, we evaluate the projections of extinction risk, 
described in terms of the condition and distribution of current 
(including the next 5 years) and future populations. As population 
condition declines and distribution shrinks, species' extinction risk 
increases and overall viability declines.
    As described in the determinations below, we first evaluated 
whether the headwater chub and the lower Colorado River basin roundtail 
chub DPS are in danger of extinction throughout their ranges now (an 
endangered species). We then evaluated whether they are likely to 
become in danger of extinction throughout their ranges in the 
foreseeable future (a threatened species). We finally considered 
whether the headwater chub and the lower Colorado River basin roundtail 
chub DPS are an endangered or threatened species in a significant 
portion of their ranges (SPR).

Headwater Chub Determination

Endangered Species Throughout Range
I. Standard
    Under the Act, an endangered species is any species that is ``in 
danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its 
range.'' Because of the fact-specific nature of listing determinations, 
there is no single metric for determining if a species is currently in 
danger of extinction. We used the best available scientific and 
commercial data to evaluate the viability (and thus risk of extinction) 
for the headwater chub to determine if it meets the definition of an 
endangered species. In this proposed rule, we use a description of the 
condition of populations to describe the viability of headwater chub 
then determine the species' status under the Act.
II. Evaluation
    To assist us in evaluating the status of the headwater chub, we 
evaluated the risk factors that we found may have potential population-
level effects now. This included nonnative aquatic species, water 
availability, and chub population structure, which we assessed in our 
model. In addition, this included current risk from wildfire, climate 
change, water loss due to anthropogenic actions, and demographic 
effects from these risks factors and the reduction in range; however, 
these were not analyzed in the model. All of these factors affect the 
resiliency of AUs for the headwater chub.
    For headwater chub, at least 48 percent of the estimated historical 
range remains and no more than a 52 percent of the range has been 
reduced from the historical range. Nonnative aquatic species occupy 
almost all currently occupied chub streams, and we analyzed impacts to 
these streams and AUs through the model. Nonnative aquatic species and 
chubs have coexisted for some time in several of these streams, but the 
reasons for this are unclear. There are three streams for headwater 
chub that are currently free of nonnative aquatic species into which 
nonnatives could expand or be introduced.
    In the model, we analyzed the stream length as a measure of water 
availability. This provided a current condition of the amount of water 
in a stream at the driest time of year. This captured climate change 
and anthropogenic action (surface water diversions and groundwater 
pumping) impacts to the stream. Wildfire is not analyzed in the model, 
but we did consider impacts from wildfire. Currently, wildfire could 
occur almost anywhere within the range of this species and impact one 
or more streams or entire AUs. However, impacts to the headwater chub 
are dependent on the severity, location, and timing of the fire, as 
well as the size of the stream.
    Since this species developed as a result of multiple independent 
hybridization events over time (Rinne 1976; Rosenfeld and Wilkinson 
1989; DeMarais et al. 1992; Dowling and DeMarais 1993; Minckley and 
DeMarais 2000; Gerber et al. 2001; Schwemm 2006; Sch[ouml]nhuth et al. 
2014), it is important to maintain it independently to preserve the 
unique genetic variation (Dowling et al. 2008, p. 2). The genetic 
diversity of headwater chub is best represented in differences within 

[[Page 60772]]

populations, each of which tends to be distinctive.
    The renovation effort in Fossil Creek for headwater chub (and for 
roundtail chub in the lower Colorado River basin) has proven 
successful, but such an effort requires a large commitment of resources 
including funding and personnel.
III. Finding for Headwater Chub
    Our review found that eight AUs currently exist within the 
historical range of the headwater chub across three drainage basins. We 
defined the minor risk category as a 0 to 5 percent current risk of 
extirpation, the low risk category as a 6 to 30 percent current risk of 
extirpation, and the moderate risk category as a 31 to 60 percent 
current risk of extirpation. The model output categorized one AU as 
minor risk, three AUs as the low risk, and four as the moderate risk 
    Four AUs are projected as currently having a minor or low risk of 
extirpation. We consider the one AU in the minor risk category, Fossil 
Creek, to be resilient because it contains very few nonnative aquatic 
species, it has a stream length of over 15 km (9 mi), and chub 
population structure is high (meaning chubs are abundant and 
recruitment is high). All these components increase the AU's ability to 
withstand a stochastic event such as wildfire and weather, which are 
the other risks we considered in our assessment. Based on this, 
resiliency is sufficient for this AU, and the risk of extirpation is 0 
to 5 percent.
    Although less resilient than an AU in the minor risk category, the 
AUs in the low risk category are also considered resilient, because 
they have low nonnative aquatic species, sufficient stream length, and/
or good chub population structure (chubs are common to abundant and 
recruitment is moderate to high). These components increase the AUs' 
ability to withstand a stochastic event such as wildfire and drought, 
which are the other risks we considered in our assessment. However, 
their ability to withstand a stochastic event is less than an AU in the 
minor risk, and the range of extirpation risk is greater (6 to 30 
percent). The range in risk of extirpation is a factor of the 
variability in the level of impacts from nonnative aquatic species, 
water availability, and chub population structure, as well as the 
uncertainty in the species' response from these risks factors because 
each AU is different.
    Impacts from nonnative aquatic species and water availability, as 
well as wildfire, climate change, and demographics, are affecting AUs 
in the minor and low risk categories, but these AUs are currently 
maintaining chubs and are therefore likely to withstand a stochastic 
event. In addition, there are two AUs in the moderate risk category 
that are close to the low risk category score, indicating that while 
they are in the moderate category they are at the low end of this 
category (i.e., closer to low risk).
    While impacts from climate change are likely currently, and are 
impacting chub populations at some scale, they are not having 
population-level impacts to all AUs at this time.
    Nonnative aquatic species occur in all but three streams that 
headwater chub occupy. While chubs coexist with nonnative aquatic 
species in several streams, this does not mean that nonnative aquatic 
species are not impacting chubs; however, the AUs are persisting 
    We consider the species to have sufficient redundancy and 
representation, and a number of sufficiently large populations, so that 
the species is able to withstand catastrophic events. The four AUs 
identified as minor and low risks are currently spread over a large 
geographical area, such that all the AUs are highly unlikely to 
experience a catastrophic event that would impact all AUs now. Further, 
the current range of the species includes AUs that represent the known 
diversity of ecological settings and genetic materials for the 
headwater chub. The current and ongoing threats are not likely to 
impact all remaining populations significantly now. Certain risks, such 
as climate change, move slowly across the landscape, and demographic 
impacts take time to impact a population. The increase or spread of 
nonnative aquatic species moves faster than climate change or 
demographics, but it will likely take a few years for a nonnative 
aquatic species to expand in a currently occupied stream or become 
established in a new stream. Wildfire is likely to have immediate 
impacts, but it is highly unlikely that wildfire will impact all AUs at 
the current time. As a result, it is unlikely that a single stochastic 
event (e.g., drought, wildfire) or catastrophic event will affect all 
known extant populations equally or simultaneously now. It would 
require several stochastic events or catastrophic events over a number 
of years to bring the headwater chub to the brink of extinction due to 
those factors.
    This estimate of the condition and distribution of populations 
provides sufficient resiliency, representation, and redundancy for the 
species. The primary threats to the species (nonnative aquatic species, 
water availability, and climate change) are not currently having 
population-level effects to all AUs across the range of the headwater 
chub. Catastrophic or stochastic events in the present are not likely 
to have population-level impacts to all AUs; consequently the risk of 
extinction is sufficiently low that the species does not meet the 
definition of endangered under the Act. Based on the above information, 
we conclude that the headwater chub does not meet the definition of an 
endangered species under the Act.
Threatened Species Throughout Range
    Having found that the headwater chub is not endangered throughout 
its range, we next evaluated whether this species is threatened 
throughout its range.
I. Standard
    Under the Act, a threatened species is any species that is ``likely 
to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future 
throughout all or a significant portion of its range.'' The foreseeable 
future refers to the extent to which the Secretary can reasonably rely 
on predictions about the future in making determinations about the 
future conservation status of the species (U.S. Department of Interior, 
Solicitor's Memorandum, M-37021, January 16, 2009). A key statutory 
difference between an endangered species and a threatened species is 
the timing of when a species may be in danger of extinction, either now 
(endangered species) or in the foreseeable future (threatened species). 
The foreseeable future refers to the extent to which the Secretary can 
reasonably rely on predictions about the future in making 
determinations about the future conservation status of the species.
II. Foreseeable Future
    To assist us in evaluating the status of the species in the 
foreseeable future, we evaluated the risk factors that we found may 
have potential population-level effects over time. This included 
nonnative aquatic species, water availability, and conservation 
actions, which we assessed in our model. In addition, we considered the 
future risk from wildfire, water loss due to future anthropogenic 
actions, and demographic impacts from these risk factors, as well as 
reduction in range. In considering the foreseeable future, we 
forecasted the future status of the headwater chub as described by the 
future condition of the AUs. This projected future condition was based 
on the risk factors and conservation actions affecting the species, and 

[[Page 60773]]

uncertainties associated with these factors and actions. We consider 30 
years from now a reasonable time to reliably predict the future 
conservation status of this species.
    The best available information indicates that we have a high level 
of certainty out to 30 years for climate change risks, which is an 
essential consideration for the foreseeable future. Therefore, our 
analysis of the status of the species to the foreseeable future uses a 
timeframe of 30 years. The outputs of Jaeger et al.'s (2014, entire) 
downscaled climate forecasting models project climate scenarios to 
midcentury (approximately 2050) (IPCC 2014; Jaeger et al. 2014, 
entire). Jaeger et al. (2014, entire) focuses on the Verde River Basin 
in Arizona over current (1988-2006) and midcentury (2046-2064) time 
periods. This study was useful because the headwater chub occurs in the 
Verde River Basin and the study focuses on impacts to native fish. 
Since the potential effects of climate change on flowing regions within 
streams and connectivity within and among streams, and the exacerbated 
impacts from nonnative aquatic species and demographics (i.e., age 
structure and genetics) due to climate change, were primary 
considerations in our status assessment, we considered climate change 
predictions essential in the foreseeable future. However, we did not 
extend our forecasting beyond the midcentury because of uncertainty in 
the climate change models and in the response of the species beyond 
approximately 2046.
III. Evaluation
    To assist us in evaluating the status of the species, we evaluated 
the risk factors that we found may have potential population-level 
effects over a 30-year time period. This included nonnative aquatic 
species, water availability, and conservation actions, which we 
assessed in our model. In addition, we considered the future risk from 
fire, additional climate change, future anthropogenic actions, and 
demographic effects from these risks factors, as well as reduction in 
range; however, these were not analyzed in the model. We evaluated 
impacts from these additional risks to each AU and the species as a 
    Chubs are affected not only by the quantity and quality of water, 
but also by the timing and spatial distribution of water. In the model, 
we analyzed the reduction in stream length as an impact from climate 
change. However, climate change models project that over the next 50 
years: (1) Future water levels and stream base flows are expected to 
continue to decrease in the Verde River in the lower Colorado River 
basin; (2) the frequency of stream drying events in the Verde Valley is 
expected to increase; (3) the length of the remaining flowing reaches 
of streams in the Verde Valley (or region) will be reduced; and (4) 
network-wide hydrologic connectivity for native fishes will be reduced 
(both over the course of the year and during spring spawning months). 
Climate change is also projected to alter the timing and amount of 
snowmelt and monsoon rains, and the frequency and duration of droughts. 
Climate change will also increase temperature, resulting in increased 
evaporation. Climate change is also likely to exacerbate the effects of 
water loss, reduction in hydrological connectivity, nonnatives, and 
species interactions (impacting demographics). All of these factors 
reduce the resiliency of AUs for the headwater chub. However, the 
certainty of the model projections decreases as the projected timeframe 
increases. Further, the severity of climate change impacts depicted in 
climate models varies depending on the scenario being evaluated, with 
some projecting low changes (e.g., increased ambient temperature and 
decreased rainfall) in carbon dioxide and others projecting high 
changes. To address this uncertainty, we considered different levels of 
impacts to these species under various scenarios. Impacts from climate 
change are likely to affect all streams and AUs within the range of the 
headwater chub over the next 30 years.
    In the model, we analyzed the stream length as a measure of water 
availability. This provided a current condition of the amount of water 
in a stream at the driest time of year. This captured climate change 
and anthropogenic action (surface water diversions and groundwater 
pumping) impacts to the stream. Wildfire is not analyzed in the model, 
but we did consider impacts from wildfire. Currently, wildfire could 
occur almost anywhere within the range of this species and impact one 
or more streams or entire AUs. However, impacts to the headwater chub 
are dependent on the severity, location, and timing of the fire, as 
well as the size of the stream.
    As part of the foreseeable future, we also considered the likely 
reduction in water availability as a result of increased human demand 
for water, resulting in increased surface water diversions and 
groundwater pumping. Demand for water is highly likely to increase as 
human populations are predicted to increase, affecting the timing, 
amount, and distribution of water within streams. However, population 
growth, and the exact location of that population growth, is uncertain. 
Further, the timing and amount of water consumed is uncertain. To 
address this uncertainty, we considered different levels of impacts to 
a subset of streams or AUs.
    Nonnative aquatic species occupy almost all currently occupied chub 
streams, and we analyzed impacts to these streams and AUs through the 
model. Nonnative aquatic species and chubs have coexisted for some time 
in several of these streams, but the reasons for this are unclear. We 
expect that nonnative aquatic species will continue to persist in most 
if not all of the streams they currently occupy and that nonnative 
impacts will increase in a percentage of streams across the range of 
this species. In addition, there are three streams for headwater chub 
that are currently free of nonnative aquatic species into which 
nonnatives could expand or be introduced.
    The projected effects to chubs from nonnative aquatic species are 
likely to be exacerbated by climate change, but this was not analyzed 
in the model. However, we do consider this in our analysis. As the 
available watered segments decrease, the interactions between nonnative 
aquatic species and chubs increase, with more larvae and young-of-the-
year removed from the chub populations dues to predation by nonnative 
aquatic species. In addition, resources become more limited, and the 
competition for these resources increases. Further, the reduction in 
water will likely decrease the water quality (e.g., decreased dissolved 
oxygen, temperature increases, changes in pH, and nutrient loading), 
which nonnative aquatic species are likely more capable of adapting to 
than chubs.
    Since this species developed as a result of multiple independent 
hybridization events over time (Rinne 1976; Rosenfeld and Wilkinson 
1989; DeMarais et al. 1992; Dowling and DeMarais 1993; Minckley and 
DeMarais 2000; Gerber et al. 2001; Schwemm 2006; Sch[ouml]nhuth et al. 
2014), it is important to maintain the species independently to 
preserve the unique genetic variation (Dowling et al. 2008, p. 2). The 
genetic diversity of headwater chub is best represented in differences 
within its populations, each of which tends to be distinctive.
    We have a moderate to high level of uncertainty regarding the 
success of the establishment of new populations. (For example, of the 
four newly established populations of roundtail chub in the lower 
Colorado River basin only one (Blue River) has demonstrated 
reproduction. One potential factor is the

[[Page 60774]]

size of the site--Blue River is much larger than the other three 
sites.) The renovation effort in Fossil Creek has proven successful. 
However, such an effort requires a large commitment of resources 
including funding and personnel. While attempts at establishing new 
populations in the future are likely, the success of these sites is 
uncertain. In addition, the availability of funds and personnel in 
renovating another site like Fossil Creek is uncertain. Future 
scenarios projected in our model include conservation actions 
(establishment of new populations and securing sites), and the 
uncertainty of success of these sites.
IV. Finding for Headwater Chub
    We used the same categories to categorize the risk of extirpation 
in the foreseeable future (until 2046) as discussed above in the ``III. 
Evaluation'' section. We determined that scenarios 1 and 3 are most 
likely and therefore most useful in making our determination. The model 
output for scenario 1 projected 10 AUs due to the high management 
option projecting two newly established populations and two renovation 
sites. The projected risk of extirpation by 2046 for the 10 AUs were: 
two AUs in minor risk, five in low risk, and three in moderate risk. 
The two AUs in minor risk of extirpation are the newly established 
sites, and two of the five AUs in low risk are the renovation sites. 
Scenario 3 projected nine AUs due to the low management option 
projecting only one newly established population. The projected risk of 
extirpation by 2046 for the nine AUs were: one AU in minor risk, three 
in low risk, and five in moderate risk. The one AU in the minor risk is 
a newly established site.
    We consider AUs within the minor to low risk categories to have 
sufficient resiliency in the future because they contain very few 
nonnative aquatic species, have long stream length, and have a high 
chub population structure. All these components increase the AUs' 
ability to withstand a stochastic event such as wildfire and weather, 
which are the other risks we considered in our assessment. Under the 
current condition, the one AU (Fossil Creek) that ranked in the minor 
risk category was projected to experience an increase in nonnative 
aquatic species and a reduction in stream length in the future 
scenarios. These projected impacts resulted in this AU ranking in the 
low risk under scenario 1 and the moderate risk under scenario 3. This 
demonstrates the impacts that nonnative aquatic species and water 
availability have on AUs. The reduced resiliency of this AU affects the 
redundancy and representation of the species as a whole.
    The two AUs in scenario 1, and the one AU in scenario 3, that 
ranked in the minor risk category are the projected newly established 
sites. In addition, one of the AUs in the low risk category under 
scenario 1 is a renovation site, which under the current condition was 
ranked as moderate risk. Given the high uncertainty in the success of 
newly established and renovated sites, these are not reliably 
considered resilient in the future, and therefore we did not consider 
these in our determination. This leaves four AUs that ranked in the low 
risk category in scenario 1 and three in scenario 3. Although less 
resilient than an AU in the minor risk category, the AUs in the low 
risk category are also considered resilient, because they have low 
nonnative aquatic species, sufficient stream length, and good chub 
population structure. Two of these rank closely to the moderate risk 
category in scenario 1 and three in scenario 3. This leaves two AUs 
under scenario 1 and scenario 3 that we consider resilient enough to 
withstand future stochastic events.
    Nonnative aquatic species occur in all but three streams that 
headwater chub occupy. While chubs coexist with nonnative aquatic 
species in several streams, this does not mean that nonnatives are not 
impacting chubs. Further, climate change is likely to exacerbate water 
loss, reduction in hydrological connectivity, nonnative aquatic 
species, and species interactions (impacting demographics), resulting 
in increased competition from and predation by nonnatives. Since 
climate change is likely to affect all streams to varying degrees, it 
is likely that impacts from nonnative aquatic species will increase in 
a portion of streams throughout the range of the headwater chub. The 
level of increased impacts from nonnative aquatic species is dependent 
on the condition of the chubs and nonnatives in that AU, and the level 
of impacts from climate change.
    The occurrence of wildfire within the headwater chub's range is 
highly likely. However, the severity, location, and impacts to chubs 
are uncertain. Over a 30-year period, multiple wildfires could impact 
multiple AUs. Impacts could range from loss of individuals to loss of 
streams to loss of AUs. Demand for water is highly likely to increase 
as human populations are predicted to increase, affecting the timing, 
amount, and distribution of water within streams. In addition, the 
synergistic impacts from the increased effects from wildfire, 
additional impacts from climate change, water loss due to anthropogenic 
actions, and demographic effects from these risks factors increase the 
likelihood and severity of stochastic impacts across the range of the 
    The projected number of AUs in moderate risk is three and five 
under scenarios 1 and 3, respectively (33 to 55 percent, respectively). 
These AUs have moderate to high nonnative aquatic species, low to 
moderate stream lengths, and low to moderate chub abundance. These are 
not considered resilient enough to withstand stochastic events in the 
foreseeable future. As stated above, the synergistic impacts from the 
increased impacts from wildfire, additional impacts from climate 
change, water loss due to anthropogenic actions, and demographic 
effects from these risks factors increase the likelihood and severity 
of stochastic impacts across the range of the species. This increase in 
likelihood and severity increases the risk of extirpation for these AUs 
in the moderate risk category. Over the 30-year period of the 
foreseeable future, the risk from demographic (change in age structure 
and recruitment of populations) and environmental stochasticity 
(wildfire and weather) may have effects to all AUs (or populations) in 
the moderate risk category.
    In addition, the model projects that three (38 percent) AUs would 
be isolated and only five (62 percent) AUs would retain some hydrologic 
connection. There are projected to be eight streams of approximately 5 
km (3 mi) or less in length. These streams would be at a higher risk of 
extirpation due to stochastic and catastrophic events. The loss of 
these streams from an AU would reduce the resiliency of that AU. 
Further, there would be two AUs of approximately 5 km (3 mi) or less. 
These AUs would be at a higher risk of extirpation due to stochastic 
and catastrophic events.
    The AUs are projected to exist across the historical range; 
however, 64 percent of the AUs would occupy an area within immediate 
proximity to each other in two adjacent drainage basins, increasing 
their risk from catastrophic events (such as wildfire). The 
distribution of the AUs in the future could possibly be adequate to 
support representation and redundancy for the species, if a sufficient 
number of AUs were projected to be resilient. However, AUs that are not 
resilient cannot reliably contribute to redundancy or representation, 
and only two to three of the eight AUs are considered resilient. 
Further, the redundancy and representation of the species is diminished 
based on the projected future condition of the AUs, and the

[[Page 60775]]

potential impacts from wildfire, additional impacts from climate 
change, water loss due to anthropogenic factors (e.g., surface water 
diversion and groundwater pumping), and the demographic impacts from 
these risk factors, as well as the inability to rely on conservation 
measures. Redundancy is reduced because threats could potentially 
affect multiple AUs across the range of the headwater chub over the 
next 30 years and several of these AUs are projected to have diminished 
resiliency. Consequently, the ability of the species to withstand 
catastrophic events will likely be impaired.
    The significance of isolation in shaping each population highlights 
the importance of maintaining each independently to preserve the unique 
genetic variation (Dowling et al. 2008, p. 2). Maintaining 
representation in the form of genetic or ecological diversity is 
important to retaining the capacity of the headwater chub to adapt to 
future environmental changes. The loss of an AU could result in reduced 
representation due to a loss of genetic diversity. Representation is 
projected to be reduced because the loss of AUs results in a decrease 
in the unique genetic management units.
    Because this estimate of the condition and distribution of 
populations in the foreseeable future would not provide sufficient 
resiliency, representation, and redundancy for the species, the risk of 
extinction is sufficiently high in the foreseeable future to meet the 
definition of a threatened species under the Act. We conclude that the 
headwater chub meets the definition of a threatened species under the 
Significant Portion of Its Range for Headwater Chub
    Under the Act and our implementing regulations, a species may 
warrant listing if it is endangered or threatened throughout all or a 
significant portion of its range. Because we have determined that 
headwater chub is threatened throughout all of its range, no portion of 
its range can be ``significant'' for purposes of the definitions of 
``endangered species'' and ``threatened species.'' See the Final Policy 
on Interpretation of the Phrase ``Significant Portion of Its Range'' in 
the Endangered Species Act's Definitions of ``Endangered Species'' and 
``Threatened Species'' (79 FR 37578; July 1, 2014).

Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail Chub DPS Determination

Endangered Species Throughout Range
I. Standard
    Under the Act, an endangered species is any species that is ``in 
danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its 
range.'' Because of the fact-specific nature of listing determinations, 
there is no single metric for determining if a species is currently in 
danger of extinction. We used the best available scientific and 
commercial data to evaluate the viability (and thus risk of extinction) 
for the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS to determine if 
it meets the definition of an endangered species. In this 
determination, we used a description of the condition of populations to 
describe the viability of the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub 
DPS and then determine the DPS's status under the Act.
II. Evaluation
    To assist us in evaluating the status of the DPS, we evaluated the 
risk factors that we found may have potential population-level effects 
now. This included nonnative aquatic species, water availability, and 
chub population structure, which we assessed in our model. In addition, 
this included current risk from wildfire, climate change, water loss 
due to anthropogenic actions, and demographic effects from these risks 
factors, as well as the reduction in range. However, these were not 
analyzed in the model. All of these factors affect the resiliency of 
AUs for the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS.
    For roundtail chub in the lower Colorado River basin, at least 43 
percent of the historical range remains and no more than a 57 percent 
of the range has been reduced from the historic range. Nonnative 
aquatic species occupy almost all currently occupied chub streams, and 
we analyzed impacts to these streams and AUs through the model. 
Nonnative aquatic species and chubs have coexisted for some time in 
several of these streams, but the reasons for this are unclear. There 
are three streams occupied by the lower Colorado River basin roundtail 
chub DPS that are currently free of nonnative aquatic species into 
which nonnatives could expand or be introduced.
    In the model, we analyzed the stream length as a measure of water 
availability. This provided a current condition of the amount of water 
in a stream at the driest time of year. This captured climate change 
and anthropogenic actions (surface water diversions and groundwater 
pumping) impacts to the stream. Wildfire is not analyzed in the model, 
but we did consider impacts from wildfire. Currently, wildfire could 
occur almost anywhere within the range of the DPS and impact one or 
more streams or entire AUs. However, impacts to the lower Colorado 
River basin roundtail chub DPS are dependent on the severity, location, 
and timing of the fire, as well as the size of the stream.
    Since roundtail chub developed as a result of multiple independent 
hybridization events over time (Rinne 1976; Rosenfeld and Wilkinson 
1989; DeMarais et al. 1992; Dowling and DeMarais 1993; Minckley and 
DeMarais 2000; Gerber et al. 2001; Schwemm 2006; Sch[ouml]nhuth et al. 
2014), it is important to maintain the DPS independently to preserve 
the unique genetic variation (Dowling et al. 2008, p. 2). The genetic 
diversity of the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS is 
within populations, meaning there is more similarity between 
populations across its range and connectivity among AUs may be more of 
an issue.
    There is a moderate to high level of uncertainty regarding the 
newly established populations of roundtail chub in the lower Colorado 
River basin. Of the four newly established populations of roundtail 
chub in the lower Colorado River basin, only one, Blue River, has 
demonstrated reproduction. This could be related to the size of the 
site, as Blue River is much larger than the other three sites, but this 
is not clear.
    The renovation effort in Fossil Creek for roundtail chub in the 
lower Colorado River basin (and headwater chub) has proven successful, 
but such an effort requires a large commitment of resources including 
funding and personnel.
III. Finding for Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail Chub DPS
    Our review found that 15 AUs currently exist within the historical 
range of the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS across five 
drainage basins. To assess the current condition of these populations, 
we analyzed the impact from nonnative aquatic species, loss of water, 
and chub population structure. In addition, we considered wildfire, 
additional impacts from climate change, and demographic impacts from 
these factors, as well as reduction in range. We defined the minor risk 
category as a 0 to 5 percent current chance of extirpation, the low 
risk category as a 6 to 30 percent current

[[Page 60776]]

risk of extirpation, the moderate risk category as a 31 to 60 percent 
current risk of extirpation, and the high risk category as greater than 
60 percent current risk of extirpation. The model output resulted in 
one AU as minor risk, seven as low risk, six as moderate risk, and one 
as high risk.
    Eight AUs are projected as currently having minor or low risk of 
extirpation. This provides the resiliency (greater than 50 percent of 
the AUs are considered resilient enough to withstand stochastic 
events), redundancy (the AUs exist across the historical range, 
although some are small or have large nonnative aquatic species 
impacts, to withstand catastrophic events), and representation 
(multiple populations continuing to occur across the range of the DPS 
to maintain ecological and genetic diversity).
    We consider AUs within the minor to low risk categories to have 
sufficient resiliency at the present time. We consider these resilient 
because the risks from nonnative aquatic species and water 
availability, as well as wildfire, climate change, and genetics, are 
not having population-level effects to multiple AUs at this time. While 
the majority of streams occupied by chubs have nonnative aquatic 
species, there is little direct evidence of extirpation or significant 
population reductions of chubs from nonnative aquatic species 
currently; however, for Arizona and New Mexico native fish in general, 
this has been documented. Further, while the mechanism is unknown, 
currently there are several streams within multiple AUs containing 
chubs that have maintained populations in the presence of one or more 
of these nonnative aquatic species.
    While impacts from climate change are likely currently impacting 
chub populations at some scale, these do not appear to be having 
population-level impacts at this time. Climate model predictions 
suggest that climate will entail: An increase in the frequency and 
duration of droughts, alteration in the timing and amount of spring and 
fall flows due to changes in precipitation, and increased temperatures 
resulting in increased evaporation. All of these effects are likely to 
negatively affect chub populations. However, these projections are for 
midcentury (around 2046). The current and ongoing threats are not 
likely to impact all remaining populations significantly in the near 
term because these risks, such as climate change, move slowly across 
the landscape. Projected climate change impacts discussed in this 
proposed rule are at mid-century (~2046) and are likely to exacerbate 
water loss, reduction in hydrological connectivity, nonnative aquatic 
species, and species interactions (impacting demographics) is not 
projected until 2046.
    We consider the DPS to have sufficient redundancy and 
representation, and sufficiently large populations, that the DPS is 
able to withstand stochastic events. The AUs are currently spread over 
a large geographical area such that all the AUs are highly unlikely to 
experience a catastrophic event that would impacts all AUs now. 
Further, the current range of the DPS includes AUs that represent the 
known diversity of ecological settings and genetic materials for the 
roundtail chub in the lower Colorado River basin . The current and 
ongoing threats are not likely to impact all remaining populations 
significantly in the near term because these risks, such as climate 
change, move slowly across the landscape, and demographic impacts take 
time to impact a population. The increase or spread of nonnative 
aquatic species moves faster than climate change or demographics, but 
it will likely take a few years for a nonnative aquatic species to 
expand in a currently occupied stream or become established in a new 
stream. Wildfire is likely to have immediate impacts, but it is highly 
unlikely that wildfire will impact all AUs at the current time. As a 
result, it is unlikely that a single stochastic event (e.g., drought, 
wildfire) or catastrophic event will affect all known extant 
populations equally or simultaneously now; therefore, it would require 
several stochastic events or catastrophic events over a number of years 
to bring the roundtail chub in the lower Colorado River basin to the 
brink of extinction due to those factors.
    This estimate of the condition and distribution of populations 
provides sufficient resiliency, representation, and redundancy for the 
DPS. The primary threats to the DPS (nonnative aquatic species, water 
availability, and climate change) are not currently having population-
level effects to all AUs across the range of the lower Colorado River 
basin roundtail chub DPS. The threats are not currently impacting 
multiple populations across the DPS's range. Catastrophic or stochastic 
events in the present are not likely to have population-level impacts 
to multiple AUs. Consequently, the risk of extinction is sufficiently 
low that the DPS does not meet the definition of endangered under the 
Act. Based on the above information, we conclude that the lower 
Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS does not meet the definition of 
an endangered species under the Act.
Threatened Species Throughout Range
    Having found that the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS 
is not endangered throughout its range, we next evaluated whether this 
DPS is threatened throughout its range.
I. Standard
    Under the Act, a threatened species is any species that is ``likely 
to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future 
throughout all or a significant portion of its range.'' The foreseeable 
future refers to the extent to which the Secretary can reasonably rely 
on predictions about the future in making determinations about the 
future conservation status of the species (U.S. Department of Interior, 
Solicitor's Memorandum, M-37021, January 16, 2009). A key statutory 
difference between an endangered species and a threatened species is 
the timing of when a species may be in danger of extinction, either now 
(endangered species) or in the foreseeable future (threatened species). 
The foreseeable future refers to the extent to which the Secretary can 
reasonably rely on predictions about the future in making 
determinations about the future conservation status of the species.
II. Foreseeable Future
    To assist us in evaluating the status of the species in the 
foreseeable future, we evaluated the risk factors that we found may 
have potential population-level effects over time. This included 
nonnative aquatic species, water availability, and conservation 
actions, which we assessed in our model. In addition, we considered the 
future risk from wildfire, water loss due to future anthropogenic 
actions, and demographic impacts from these risk factors, as well as 
reduction in range. In considering the foreseeable future, we 
forecasted the future status of the lower Colorado River basin 
roundtail chub DPS as described by the future condition of the AUs. 
This projected future condition was based on the risk factors and 
conservation actions affecting the DPS, and the uncertainties 
associated with these factors and actions. We consider 30 years from 
now a reasonable time to reliably predict the future conservation 
status of the DPS.
    The best available information indicates that we have a high level 
of certainty out to 30 years for climate change risks, which is an 
essential consideration for the foreseeable future. Therefore, our 
analysis of the status of the DPS to the foreseeable future uses a 
timeframe of 30 years. The outputs of Jaeger et al.'s (2014, entire) 

[[Page 60777]]

climate forecasting models project climate scenarios to midcentury 
(approximately 2050) (IPCC 2014; Jaeger et al. 2014, entire). Jaeger et 
al. (2014, entire) focuses on the Verde River Basin in Arizona over 
current (1988-2006) and midcentury (2046-2064) time periods. This study 
was useful because the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS 
occurs in the Verde River Basin and the study focuses on impacts to 
native fish. Since the potential effects of climate change on flowing 
regions within streams and connectivity within and among streams, and 
the exacerbated impacts from nonnative aquatic species and demographics 
(i.e., age structure and genetics) due to climate change, were primary 
considerations in our status assessment, we considered climate change 
predictions essential in the foreseeable future. However, we did not 
extend our forecasting beyond the midcentury due to uncertainty in the 
climate change models and in the response of the DPS beyond 
approximately 2046.
III. Evaluation
    To assist us in evaluating the status of the DPS, we evaluated the 
risk factors that we found may have potential population-level effects 
over a 30-year time period. This included nonnative aquatic species, 
water availability, and conservation actions, which we assessed in our 
model. In addition, we considered the future risk from fire, additional 
climate change, future anthropogenic actions, and demographic effects 
from these risks factors, as well as reduction in range; however, these 
were not analyzed in the model. We evaluated impacts from these 
additional risks to each AU and the DPS as a whole.
    Chubs are affected not only by the quantity and quality of water, 
but also by the timing and spatial distribution of water. In the model, 
we analyzed the reduction in stream length as an impact from climate 
change. However, climate change models project that over the next 50 
years: (1) Future water levels and stream base flows are expected to 
continue to decrease in the Verde River in the lower Colorado River 
basin; (2) the frequency of stream drying events in the Verde Valley is 
expected to increase; (3) the length of the remaining flowing reaches 
of streams in the Verde Valley (or region) will be reduced; and (4) 
network-wide hydrologic connectivity for native fishes will be reduced 
(both over the course of the year and during spring spawning months). 
Climate change is also projected to alter the timing and amount of 
snowmelt and monsoon rains, and the frequency and duration of droughts. 
Climate change will also increase temperature, resulting in increased 
evaporation. Climate change is also likely to exacerbate water loss, 
reduction in hydrological connectivity, nonnatives, and species 
interactions (impacting demographics). All of these factors reduce the 
resiliency of AUs for the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub 
DPS. However, the certainty of the model projections decreases as the 
projected timeframe increases. Further, the severity of climate change 
impacts depicted in climate models varies depending on the scenario 
being evaluated, with some projecting low changes (e.g., increased 
temperature and decreased rainfall) in carbon dioxide and others 
projecting high changes. To address this uncertainty, we considered 
different level of impacts to this DPS under various scenarios. Impacts 
from climate change are likely to affect all streams and AUs within the 
range of the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS over the 
next 30 years.
    In the model, we analyzed the stream length as a measure of water 
availability. This provided a current condition of the amount of water 
in a stream at the driest time of year. This captured climate change 
and anthropogenic action (surface water diversions and groundwater 
pumping) impacts to the stream. Wildfire is not analyzed in the model, 
but we did consider impacts from wildfire. Currently, wildfire could 
occur almost anywhere within the range of the DPS and impact one or 
more streams or entire AUs. However, impacts to the lower Colorado 
River basin roundtail chub DPS are dependent on the severity, location, 
and timing of the fire, as well as the size of the stream.
    As part of the foreseeable future, we also considered the likely 
reduction in water availability as a result of increased human demand 
for water, resulting in increased surface water diversions and 
groundwater pumping. Demand for water is highly likely to increase as 
human populations are predicted to increase, affecting the timing, 
amount, and distribution of water within streams. However, population 
growth, and the exact location of that population growth, is uncertain. 
Further, the timing and amount of water consumed is uncertain. To 
address this uncertainty, we considered different levels of impacts to 
a subset of streams or AUs.
    Nonnative aquatic species occupy almost all currently occupied chub 
streams, and we analyzed impacts to these streams and AUs through the 
model. Nonnative aquatic species and chubs have coexisted for some time 
in several of these streams, but the reasons for this are unclear. We 
expect that nonnative aquatic species will continue to persist in most 
if not all of the streams they currently occupy and that nonnative 
impacts will increase in a percentage of streams across the range of 
the DPS. In addition, there are three streams occupied by the lower 
Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS that are currently free of 
nonnative aquatic species into which nonnatives could expand or be 
    The projected effects to chubs from nonnative aquatic species are 
likely to be exacerbated by climate change, but this was not analyzed 
in the model. However, we do consider this in our analysis. As the 
available watered segments decrease, the interactions between nonnative 
aquatic species and chubs increase, with more larvae and young-of-the-
year removed from the chub populations dues to predation by nonnative 
aquatic species. In addition, resources become more limited, and the 
competition for these resources increases. Further, the reduction in 
water will likely decrease the water quality (e.g., decreased dissolved 
oxygen, temperature increases, changes in pH, and nutrient loading), 
which nonnative aquatic species are likely more capable of adapting to 
than chubs.
    Since the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS developed 
as a result of multiple independent hybridization events over time 
(Rinne 1976; Rosenfeld and Wilkinson 1989; DeMarais et al. 1992; 
Dowling and DeMarais 1993; Minckley and DeMarais 2000; Gerber et al. 
2001; Schwemm 2006; Sch[ouml]nhuth et al. 2014), it is important to 
maintain the DPS independently to preserve the unique genetic variation 
(Dowling et al. 2008, p. 2). For the lower Colorado River basin 
roundtail chub DPS, the pattern of more similarity between populations 
across its range and connectivity among AUs may be more of an issue.
    We have a moderate to high level of uncertainty regarding the 
success of the establishment of new populations. Of the four newly 
established populations of roundtail chub in the lower Colorado River 
basin, only one (Blue River) has demonstrated reproduction. One 
potential factor is the size of the site; Blue River is much larger 
than the other three sites. The renovation effort in Fossil Creek has 
proven successful. However, such an effort requires a large commitment 
of resources including funding and personnel. While attempts at 
establishing new populations in the future are likely, the success of 

[[Page 60778]]

sites is uncertain. In addition, the availability of funds and 
personnel in renovating another site like Fossil Creek is uncertain. 
Future scenarios projected in our model include conservation actions 
(establishment of new populations and securing sites), and the 
uncertainty of success of these sites.
IV. Finding for Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail Chub DPS
    We used the same categories to categorize the risk of extirpation 
in the foreseeable future (until 2046) as discussed above. We 
determined that scenarios 1 and 3 are most likely and therefore most 
useful in making our determination. The model output for scenario 1 
projected 17 AUs due to the high management option projects two newly 
established populations and two renovated sites. The projected risk of 
extirpation for the 17 AUs were: Three AUs in minor risk, seven in low 
risk, six in moderate risk, and one in high risk of extirpation. 
Scenario 3 projected: 16 AUs in 2046 due to the low management option 
only projecting one newly established population. The projected risk of 
extirpation for the 16 AUs were: Two AUs in minor risk, seven in low 
risk, six in moderate risk, and one in high risk of extirpation.
    We consider AUs within the minor to low risk categories to have 
sufficient resiliency in the future because they contain very few 
nonnative aquatic species, have long stream length, and have a high 
chub population structure. All these components increase the AUs' 
ability to withstand a stochastic event such as wildfire and weather, 
which are the other risks we considered in our assessment. However, in 
scenario 1, two of the three AUs in the minor risk category are newly 
established sites. In scenario 3, one of the two AUs in the minor risk 
category was a newly established site.
    Nonnative aquatic species occur in all but three streams that the 
lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS occupies. While chubs 
coexist with nonnative aquatic species in several streams, this does 
not mean that nonnatives are not impacting chubs. Further, climate 
change is likely to exacerbate water loss, reduction in hydrological 
connectivity, nonnative aquatic species, and species interactions 
(impacting demographics), resulting in increased competition from and 
predation by nonnatives. Since climate change is likely to affect all 
streams to varying degrees, it is likely that impacts from nonnative 
aquatic species will increase in a portion of streams throughout the 
range of the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS. The level 
of increased impacts from nonnative aquatic species is dependent on the 
condition of the chubs and nonnatives in that AU, and the level of 
impacts from climate change.
    The occurrence of wildfire within the range of the lower Colorado 
River basin roundtail chub DPS is highly likely. However, the severity, 
location, and impacts to chubs are uncertain. Over a 30-year period, 
multiple wildfires could impact multiple AUs. Impacts could range from 
loss of individuals to loss of streams to loss of AUs. Demand for water 
is highly likely to increase as human populations are predicted to 
increase, affecting the timing, amount, and distribution of water 
within streams. In addition, the synergistic impacts from the increased 
effects from wildfire, additional impacts from climate change, water 
loss due to anthropogenic actions, and demographic effects from these 
risks factors increase the likelihood and severity of stochastic 
impacts across the range of the DPS.
    This projected number of AUs in moderate and high risk (41 percent) 
existing across the DPS's range is not considered resilient enough to 
withstand stochastic events in the foreseeable future. These AUs have 
moderate to high nonnative aquatic species, low to moderate stream 
lengths, and low to moderate chub abundance. As stated above, the 
synergistic impacts from the increased impacts from wildfire, 
additional impacts from climate change, water loss due to anthropogenic 
actions, and demographic effects from these risks factors increase the 
likelihood and severity of stochastic impacts across the range of the 
DPS. This increase in likelihood and severity increases the risk of 
extirpation for these AUs in the moderate risk category. Over the 30-
year period of the foreseeable future, the risk from demographic 
(change in age structure and recruitment of populations) and 
environmental stochasticity (wildfire and weather) may have effects to 
AUs (or populations) in the moderate risk category. While there are 
seven AUs that ranked in the low risk category, three of these rank 
closely to the moderate risk category in scenarios 1 and 3. This leaves 
three AUs that we consider resilient enough to withstand future 
stochastic events under the most likely scenarios.
    In addition, the model projects that three (38 percent) AUs are 
isolated and only five (62 percent) AUs have some hydrologic 
connection. There are projected to be six streams approximately 5 km (3 
mi) or less in length. These streams are at a higher risk of 
extirpation due to stochastic and catastrophic events; the loss of 
these streams from an AU reduces the resiliency of that AU. Further, 
there is one AU approximately 5 km (3 mi) or less in length. This AU is 
at a higher risk of extirpation due to stochastic and catastrophic 
events. Roundtail chub in the lower Colorado River basin DPS are 
extirpated from several large riverine streams that provided 
connectivity across most of the historically occupied range. This has 
resulted in the recent isolation of AUs even within the same drainage 
basin. Nine AUs (about 60 percent) are isolated and are not able to 
naturally recolonize. If a catastrophic event such as wildfire or 
severe drought occurs within the range of these nine populations, they 
could be extirpated.
    The distribution of the AUs in the future could possibly be 
adequate to support representation and redundancy for the DPS, if a 
sufficient number of AUs were projected to be resilient. However, AUs 
that are not resilient cannot reliably contribute to redundancy or 
representation. Further, the redundancy and representation of the DPS 
is diminished based on the projected future condition of the AUs, and 
the potential impacts from wildfire, additional impacts from climate 
change, and water loss due to anthropogenic factors (e.g., surface 
water diversion and groundwater pumping), the demographic impacts from 
these factors, and the inability to rely on conservation measures. 
Redundancy is reduced because threats could potentially affect multiple 
AUs across the range of the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub 
DPS over the next 30 years and several of these AUs are projected to 
have diminished resiliency. Consequently, the ability of the DPS to 
withstand catastrophic events is impaired.
    Historically, the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS had 
greater connectivity. Maintaining representation in the form of genetic 
or ecological diversity is important to keep the capacity of the chub 
to adapt to future environmental changes. The loss of an AU could 
result in reduced representation due to a loss of genetic diversity. 
Representation for the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS is 
projected to be reduced because of the further reduction in 
connectivity among streams.
    Because this estimate of the condition and distribution of 
populations in the foreseeable future would not provide sufficient 
resiliency, representation, and redundancy for the DPS, the risk of 
extinction is sufficiently high in the foreseeable future to meet the 

[[Page 60779]]

of a threatened species under the Act. We conclude that the lower 
Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS meets the definition of a 
threatened species under the Act.
Significant Portion of Its Range
    Under the Act and our implementing regulations, a species may 
warrant listing if it is endangered or threatened throughout all or a 
significant portion of its range. Because we have determined that lower 
Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS is threatened throughout all of 
its range, no portion of its range can be ``significant'' for purposes 
of the definitions of ``endangered species'' and ``threatened 
species.'' See the Final Policy on Interpretation of the Phrase 
``Significant Portion of Its Range'' in the Endangered Species Act's 
Definitions of ``Endangered Species'' and ``Threatened Species'' (79 FR 
37578; July 1, 2014).

Critical Habitat


    Critical habitat is defined in section 3 of the Act as:
    (1) The specific areas within the geographical area occupied by the 
species, at the time it is listed in accordance with the Act, on which 
are found those physical or biological features
    (a) Essential to the conservation of the species, and
    (b) Which may require special management considerations or 
protection; and
    (2) Specific areas outside the geographical area occupied by the 
species at the time it is listed, upon a determination that such areas 
are essential for the conservation of the species.
    Conservation, as defined under section 3 of the Act, means to use 
and the use of all methods and procedures that are necessary to bring 
an endangered or threatened species to the point at which the measures 
provided pursuant to the Act are no longer necessary. Such methods and 
procedures include, but are not limited to, all activities associated 
with scientific resources management such as research, census, law 
enforcement, habitat acquisition and maintenance, propagation, live 
trapping, and transplantation, and, in the extraordinary case where 
population pressures within a given ecosystem cannot be otherwise 
relieved, may include regulated taking.
    Critical habitat receives protection under section 7 of the Act 
through the requirement that Federal agencies ensure, in consultation 
with the Service, that any action they authorize, fund, or carry out is 
not likely to result in the destruction or adverse modification of 
critical habitat. The designation of critical habitat does not affect 
land ownership or establish a refuge, wilderness, reserve, preserve, or 
other conservation area. Such designation does not allow the government 
or public to access private lands. Such designation does not require 
implementation of restoration, recovery, or enhancement measures by 
non-Federal landowners. Where a landowner requests Federal agency 
funding or authorization for an action that may affect a listed species 
or critical habitat, the consultation requirements of section 7(a)(2) 
of the Act would apply, but even in the event of a destruction or 
adverse modification finding, the obligation of the Federal action 
agency and the landowner is not to restore or recover the species, but 
to implement reasonable and prudent alternatives to avoid destruction 
or adverse modification of critical habitat.
    Under the first prong of the Act's definition of critical habitat, 
areas within the geographical area occupied by the species at the time 
it was listed are included in a critical habitat designation if they 
contain physical or biological features (1) which are essential to the 
conservation of the species and (2) which may require special 
management considerations or protection. For these areas, critical 
habitat designations identify, to the extent known using the best 
scientific and commercial data available, those physical or biological 
features that are essential to the conservation of the species (such as 
space, food, cover, and protected habitat). In identifying those 
physical and biological features within an area, we focus on the 
principal biological or physical constituent elements (primary 
constituent elements such as roost sites, nesting grounds, seasonal 
wetlands, water quality, tide, soil type) that are essential to the 
conservation of the species. Primary constituent elements are those 
specific elements of the physical or biological features that provide 
for a species' life-history processes and are essential to the 
conservation of the species.
    Under the second prong of the Act's definition of critical habitat, 
we can designate critical habitat in areas outside the geographical 
area occupied by the species at the time it is listed, upon a 
determination that such areas are essential for the conservation of the 
species. For example, an area currently occupied by the species but 
that was not occupied at the time of listing may be essential to the 
conservation of the species and may be included in the critical habitat 
designation. We designate critical habitat in areas outside the 
geographical area occupied by a species only when a designation limited 
to its range would be inadequate to ensure the conservation of the 
    Section 4 of the Act requires that we designate critical habitat on 
the basis of the best scientific and commercial data available. 
Further, our Policy on Information Standards Under the Endangered 
Species Act (published in the Federal Register on July 1, 1994 (59 FR 
34271)), the Information Quality Act (section 515 of the Treasury and 
General Government Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2001 (Pub. L. 
106-554; H.R. 5658)), and our associated Information Quality 
Guidelines, provide criteria, establish procedures, and provide 
guidance to ensure that our decisions are based on the best scientific 
data available. They require our biologists, to the extent consistent 
with the Act and with the use of the best scientific data available, to 
use primary and original sources of information as the basis for 
recommendations to designate critical habitat.
    When we are determining which areas should be designated as 
critical habitat, our primary source of information is generally the 
information developed during the listing process for the species. 
Additional information sources may include the recovery plan for the 
species, articles in peer-reviewed journals, conservation plans 
developed by States and counties, scientific status surveys and 
studies, biological assessments, other unpublished materials, or 
experts' opinions or personal knowledge.
    Habitat is dynamic, and species may move from one area to another 
over time. We recognize that critical habitat designated at a 
particular point in time may not include all of the habitat areas that 
we may later determine are necessary for the recovery of the species. 
For these reasons, a critical habitat designation does not signal that 
habitat outside the designated area is unimportant or may not be needed 
for recovery of the species. Areas that are important to the 
conservation of the species, both inside and outside the critical 
habitat designation, will continue to be subject to: (1) Conservation 
actions implemented under section 7(a)(1) of the Act, (2) regulatory 
protections afforded by the requirement in section 7(a)(2) of the Act 
for Federal agencies to ensure their actions are not likely to 
jeopardize the continued existence of any endangered

[[Page 60780]]

or threatened species, and (3) section 9 of the Act's prohibitions on 
taking any individual of the species, including taking caused by 
actions that affect habitat. Federally funded or permitted projects 
affecting listed species outside their designated critical habitat 
areas may still result in jeopardy findings in some cases. These 
protections and conservation tools will continue to contribute to 
recovery of this species. Similarly, critical habitat designations made 
on the basis of the best available information at the time of 
designation will not control the direction and substance of future 
recovery plans, habitat conservation plans (HCPs), or other species 
conservation planning efforts if new information available at the time 
of these planning efforts calls for a different outcome.

Prudency Determination

    Section 4(a)(3) of the Act, as amended, and implementing 
regulations (50 CFR 424.12), require that, to the maximum extent 
prudent and determinable, the Secretary shall designate critical 
habitat at the time the species is determined to be an endangered or 
threatened species. Our regulations (50 CFR 424.12(a)(1)) state that 
the designation of critical habitat is not prudent when one or both of 
the following situations exist:
    (1) The species is threatened by taking or other human activity, 
and identification of critical habitat can be expected to increase the 
degree of threat to the species, or
    (2) Such designation of critical habitat would not be beneficial to 
the species.
    There is currently no imminent threat of take attributed to 
collection or vandalism under Factor B for either the headwater chub or 
the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS, and identification 
and mapping of critical habitat is not expected to initiate any such 
threat. In the absence of finding that the designation of critical 
habitat would increase threats to a species, if there are any benefits 
to a critical habitat designation, then a prudent finding is warranted. 
Here, the potential benefits of designation include: (1) Triggering 
consultation under section 7 of the Act, in new areas for actions in 
which there may be a Federal nexus where it would not otherwise occur 
because, for example, it is or has become unoccupied or the occupancy 
is in question; (2) focusing conservation activities on the most 
essential features and areas; (3) providing educational benefits to 
State or county governments or private entities; and (4) preventing 
people from causing inadvertent harm to the species. Therefore, because 
we have determined that the designation of critical habitat will not 
likely increase the degree of threat to the species/DPS and may provide 
some measure of benefit, we find that designation of critical habitat 
is prudent for both the headwater chub and lower Colorado River basin 
roundtail chub DPS.

Critical Habitat Determinability

    Having determined that designation is prudent, under section 
4(a)(3) of the Act, we must find whether critical habitat for the 
headwater chub or lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS is 
determinable. Our regulations at 50 CFR 424.12(a)(2) state that 
critical habitat is not determinable when one or both of the following 
situations exist:
    (i) Information sufficient to perform required analyses of the 
impacts of the designation is lacking, or
    (ii) The biological needs of the species are not sufficiently well 
known to permit identification of an area as critical habitat.
    Delineation of critical habitat requires, within the geographical 
area occupied by the headwater chub or lower Colorado River basin 
roundtail chub DPS, identification of the physical or biological 
features essential to the conservation of the species. A careful 
analysis of the areas that may have the physical or biological features 
essential for the conservation of the species and that may require 
special management considerations or protections, and thus qualify for 
designation as critical habitat, will require a thorough assessment. 
Additionally, critical habitat can include specific areas outside the 
geographical area occupied by the species that are determined to be 
essential to its conservation. While we have some information on the 
habitat requirements of the species, the analysis of which of the 
specific features and areas meet the definition of critical habitat has 
not been completed. Since we have not determined which specific areas 
may meet the definition of critical habitat, the information sufficient 
to perform the required analysis of impacts of the critical habitat 
designation is lacking. Accordingly, we find designation of critical 
habitat to be ``not determinable'' at this time. When critical habitat 
is not determinable, the Act allows the Service an additional year to 
publish a proposed critical habitat designation (16 U.S.C. 

Available Conservation Measures

    Conservation measures provided to species listed as endangered or 
threatened under the Act include recognition, recovery actions, 
requirements for Federal protection, and prohibitions against certain 
practices. Recognition through listing results in public awareness, and 
conservation by Federal, State, Tribal, and local agencies, private 
organizations, and individuals. The Act encourages cooperation with the 
States and other countries and calls for recovery actions to be carried 
out for listed species. The protection required by Federal agencies and 
the prohibitions against certain activities are discussed, in part, 
    The primary purpose of the Act is the conservation of endangered 
and threatened species and the ecosystems upon which they depend. The 
ultimate goal of such conservation efforts is the recovery of these 
listed species, so that they no longer need the protective measures of 
the Act. Subsection 4(f) of the Act calls for the Service to develop 
and implement recovery plans for the conservation of endangered and 
threatened species. The recovery planning process involves the 
identification of actions that are necessary to halt or reverse the 
species' decline by addressing the threats to its survival and 
recovery. The goal of this process is to restore listed species to a 
point where they are secure, self-sustaining, and functioning 
components of their ecosystems.
    Recovery planning includes the development of a recovery outline 
shortly after a species is listed and preparation of a draft and final 
recovery plan. The recovery outline guides the immediate implementation 
of urgent recovery actions and describes the process to be used to 
develop a recovery plan. Revisions of the plan may be done to address 
continuing or new threats to the species, as new substantive 
information becomes available. The recovery plan also identifies 
recovery criteria for review of when a species may be ready for 
downlisting or delisting, and methods for monitoring recovery progress. 
Recovery plans also establish a framework for agencies to coordinate 
their recovery efforts and provide estimates of the cost of 
implementing recovery tasks. Recovery teams (composed of species 
experts, Federal and State agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and 
stakeholders) are often established to develop recovery plans. When 
completed, the recovery outline, draft recovery plan, and the final 
recovery plan will be available on our Web site (http://www.fws.gov/endangered), or from our Arizona Ecological Services Office (see FOR 
    Implementation of recovery actions generally requires the 
participation of a

[[Page 60781]]

broad range of partners, including other Federal agencies, States, 
Tribes, nongovernmental organizations, businesses, and private 
landowners. Examples of recovery actions include habitat restoration 
(e.g., restoration of native vegetation), research, captive propagation 
and reintroduction, and outreach and education. The recovery of many 
listed species cannot be accomplished solely on Federal lands because 
their range may occur primarily or solely on non-Federal lands. To 
achieve recovery of these species requires cooperative conservation 
efforts on private, State, and Tribal lands. If the headwater chub and 
the lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS are listed, funding 
for recovery actions will be available from a variety of sources, 
including Federal budgets, State programs, and cost share grants for 
non-Federal landowners, the academic community, and nongovernmental 
organizations. In addition, pursuant to section 6 of the Act, the 
States of Arizona and New Mexico would be eligible for Federal funds to 
implement management actions that promote the protection or recovery of 
the headwater chub and lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS. 
Information on our grant programs that are available to aid species 
recovery can be found at: http://www.fws.gov/grants.
    Although the headwater chub and lower Colorado River basin 
roundtail chub DPS are only proposed for listing under the Act at this 
time, please let us know if you are interested in participating in 
recovery efforts for this species. Additionally, we invite you to 
submit any new information on this species whenever it becomes 
available and any information you may have for recovery planning 
    Section 7(a) of the Act requires Federal agencies to evaluate their 
actions with respect to any species that is proposed or listed as an 
endangered or threatened species and with respect to its critical 
habitat, if any is designated. Regulations implementing this 
interagency cooperation provision of the Act are codified at 50 CFR 
part 402. Section 7(a)(4) of the Act requires Federal agencies to 
confer with the Service on any action that is likely to jeopardize the 
continued existence of a species proposed for listing or result in 
destruction or adverse modification of proposed critical habitat. If a 
species is listed subsequently, section 7(a)(2) of the Act requires 
Federal agencies to ensure that activities they authorize, fund, or 
carry out are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the 
species or destroy or adversely modify its critical habitat. If a 
Federal action may affect a listed species or its critical habitat, the 
responsible Federal agency must enter into consultation with the 
    Federal agency actions within the species' habitat that may require 
conference or consultation or both as described in the preceding 
paragraph include land management and any other landscape-altering 
activities on Federal lands administered by the U.S. Forest Service, 
Bureau of Land Management, and National Park Service; issuance of 
section 404 Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.) permits by the 
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Bureau of Reclamation activities; and 
construction and maintenance of roads or highways by the Federal 
Highway Administration.
    Under section 4(d) of the Act, the Service has discretion to issue 
regulations that we find necessary and advisable to provide for the 
conservation of threatened wildlife. We may also prohibit by regulation 
with respect to threatened wildlife any act prohibited by section 
9(a)(1) of the Act for endangered wildlife. For the headwater chub and 
lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS, we are requesting 
information as to which prohibitions, and exceptions to those 
prohibitions, are necessary and advisable to provide for the 
conservation of the headwater chub or the lower Colorado River basin 
roundtail chub DPS pursuant to section 4(d) of the Act.
    We may issue permits to carry out otherwise prohibited activities 
involving threatened wildlife under certain circumstances. Regulations 
governing permits are codified at 50 CFR 17.32. With regard to 
threatened wildlife, a permit may be issued for the following purposes: 
For scientific purposes, for the enhancement of propagation or 
survival, for economic hardship, for zoological exhibition, for 
educational purposes, and for incidental take in connection with 
otherwise lawful activities. There are also certain statutory 
exemptions from the prohibitions, which are found in sections 9 and 10 
of the Act.
    It is our policy, as published in the Federal Register on July 1, 
1994 (59 FR 34272), to identify to the maximum extent practicable at 
the time a species is listed, those activities that would or would not 
constitute a violation of section 9 of the Act. The intent of this 
policy is to increase public awareness of the effect of a proposed 
listing on proposed and ongoing activities within the range of species 
proposed for listing. Based on the best available information, the 
following actions are unlikely to result in a violation of section 9, 
if these activities are carried out in accordance with existing 
regulations and permit requirements; this list is not comprehensive:
    (1) Normal agricultural and silvicultural practices, including 
herbicide and pesticide use, which are carried out in accordance with 
any existing regulations, permit and label requirements, and best 
management practices.
    (2) Recreational activities such as sightseeing, hiking, camping, 
and hunting in the vicinity of headwater chub or lower Colorado River 
basin roundtail chub DPS populations that do not destroy or 
significantly degrade their habitats, and do not result in take of 
headwater chub or roundtail chub.
    Based on the best available information, the following activities 
may potentially result in a violation of section 9 the Act; this list 
is not comprehensive:
    (1) Unauthorized collecting or handling of headwater chub or lower 
Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS;
    (2) Use of piscicides, pesticides, or herbicides in violation of 
label restrictions;
    (3) Introduction of nonnative fish that compete with or prey upon 
headwater chub or lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS;
    (4) Modification of the channel or water flow of any stream or 
removal or destruction of emergent aquatic vegetation in any body of 
water in which the headwater chub or lower Colorado River basin 
roundtail chub DPS is known to occur;
    (5) Destruction or alteration of riparian and adjoining uplands of 
waters supporting headwater chub or lower Colorado River basin 
roundtail chub DPS by timber harvest, poor livestock grazing practices, 
road development or maintenance, or other activities that result in the 
destruction or significant degradation of cover, channel stability, 
substrate composition, increased turbidity, or temperature that results 
in death of or injury to any life-history stage of headwater chub or 
lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS through impairment of the 
species' essential breeding, foraging, sheltering, or other essential 
life functions; and
    (6) Release of biological control agents that attack any life stage 
of headwater chub or lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS.
    Questions regarding whether specific activities would constitute a 
violation of section 9 of the Act should be directed to the Arizona 
Ecological Services

[[Page 60782]]


Required Determinations

Clarity of the Rule

    We are required by Executive Orders 12866 and 12988 and by the 
Presidential Memorandum of June 1, 1998, to write all rules in plain 
language. This means that each rule we publish must:
    (1) Be logically organized;
    (2) Use the active voice to address readers directly;
    (3) Use clear language rather than jargon;
    (4) Be divided into short sections and sentences; and
    (5) Use lists and tables wherever possible.
    If you feel that we have not met these requirements, send us 
comments by one of the methods listed in the ADDRESSES section. To 
better help us revise the rule, your comments should be as specific as 
possible. For example, you should tell us the numbers of the sections 
or paragraphs that are unclearly written, which sections or sentences 
are too long, the sections where you feel lists or tables would be 
useful, etc.

National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.)

    We have determined that environmental assessments and environmental 
impact statements, as defined under the authority of the National 
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA; 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), need not be 
prepared in connection with listing a species as an endangered or 
threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. We published a 
notice outlining our reasons for this determination in the Federal 
Register on October 25, 1983 (48 FR 49244).

Government-to-Government Relationship With Tribes

    In accordance with the President's memorandum of April 29, 1994 
(Government-to-Government Relations with Native American Tribal 
Governments; 59 FR 22951), Executive Order 13175 (Consultation and 
Coordination With Indian Tribal Governments), and the Department of the 
Interior's manual at 512 DM 2, we readily acknowledge our 
responsibility to communicate meaningfully with recognized Federal 
Tribes on a government-to-government basis. In accordance with 
Secretarial Order 3206 of June 5, 1997 (American Indian Tribal Rights, 
Federal-Tribal Trust Responsibilities, and the Endangered Species Act), 
we readily acknowledge our responsibilities to work directly with 
tribes in developing programs for healthy ecosystems, to acknowledge 
that tribal lands are not subject to the same controls as Federal 
public lands, to remain sensitive to Indian culture, and to make 
information available to tribes.
    We have determined that there are tribal lands that are occupied by 
headwater chub or lower Colorado River basin roundtail chub DPS. The 
lands owned by San Carlos Apache Tribe and White Mountain Apache Tribe 
contain the largest amount of occupied streams. We have begun 
government-to-government coordination with these tribes. We sent 
notification letters in July 2014 to each tribe informing them of our 
assessment of the species under section 4(b)(2) of the Act. We have 
engaged in conversations with both tribes about the status assessment. 
We met with the White Mountain Apache Tribe on September 24, 2014, 
which Chairman Lupe attended, and had a follow-up call with tribal 
representatives on October 23, 2014. We met with the Recreation and 
Wildlife Director of the San Carlos Apache Tribe on July 30, 2014. We 
also sent letters to the following tribes that may be affected by the 
proposed listing or future proposed critical habitat: Ak-Chin Indian 
Community, Chemehuevi Tribe, Colorado River Indian Tribes, Fort 
McDowell Yavapai Nation, Gila River Indian Community, Hopi Tribe, 
Hualapai Tribe, Navajo Nation, Pascua Yaqui Tribe, Salt River Pima-
Maricopa Indian Community, Tonto Apache Tribe, Yavapai Apache Nation, 
Yavapai-Prescott Indian Tribe, and Zuni Pueblo. We will continue 
coordinating with these tribes and any other interested tribes.

References Cited

    A complete list of references cited in this rulemaking is available 
on the Internet at http://www.regulations.gov and upon request from the 
Arizona Ecological Services Office (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 


    The primary authors of this proposed rule are the staff members of 
the Arizona Ecological Services Office.

List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17

    Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Reporting and 
recordkeeping requirements, Transportation.

Proposed Regulation Promulgation

    Accordingly, we propose to amend part 17, subchapter B of chapter 
I, title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as set forth below:


1. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  16 U.S.C. 1361-1407; 1531-1544; and 4201-4245, 
unless otherwise noted.

2. Amend Sec.  17.11(h) by adding entries for ``Chub, headwater'' and 
``Chub, roundtail'' in alphabetical order under FISHES to the List of 
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife in to read as follows:

Sec.  17.11  Endangered and threatened wildlife.

* * * * *
    (h) * * *

                       Species                                              Vertebrate population
------------------------------------------------------   Historic range      where  endangered or       Status     When listed    Critical     Special
           Common name              Scientific name                               threatened                                      habitat       rules
                                                                      * * * * * * *
                                                                      * * * * * * *
Chub, headwater.................  Gila nigra.........  U.S.A. (AZ, NM)...  Entire.................  T              ...........           NA           NA
                                                                      * * * * * * *
Chub, roundtail.................  Gila robusta.......  U.S.A. (AZ, CO,     The Lower Colorado       T              ...........           NA           NA
                                                        NM).                River and its
                                                                            tributaries downstream
                                                                            of Glen Canyon Dam,
                                                                            including the Gila and
                                                                            Zuni River basins in
                                                                            New Mexico.

[[Page 60783]]

                                                                      * * * * * * *

* * * * *

    Dated: September 18, 2015.
Stephen Guertin,
Acting Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2015-24900 Filed 10-6-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                                                            Vol. 80                           Wednesday,
                                                                                                            No. 194                           October 7, 2015

                                                                                                            Part II

                                                                                                            Department of the Interior
                                                                                                            Fish and Wildlife Service
                                                                                                            50 CFR Part 17
                                                                                                            Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Species
                                                                                                            Status for the Headwater Chub and a Distinct Population Segment of the
                                                                                                            Roundtail Chub; Proposed Rule
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

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                                                      60754                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      assumptions, and analyses. We will
                                                                                                              Steve Spangle, Field Supervisor, U.S.                 invite these peer reviewers to comment
                                                      Fish and Wildlife Service                               Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona                    on our listing proposal. Because we will
                                                                                                              Ecological Services Office, 2321 West                 consider all comments and information
                                                      50 CFR Part 17                                          Royal Palm Road, Suite 103, Phoenix,                  we receive during the comment period,
                                                      [Docket No. FWS–R2–ES–2015–0148;                        AZ 85021; telephone 602–242–0210.                     our final determinations may differ from
                                                      4500030113]                                             Persons who use a telecommunications                  this proposal.
                                                                                                              device for the deaf (TDD) may call the
                                                      RIN 1018–BA86                                           Federal Information Relay Service                     Information Requested
                                                                                                              (FIRS) at 800–877–8339.                               Public Comments
                                                      Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
                                                      and Plants; Threatened Species Status                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                               We intend that any final action
                                                      for the Headwater Chub and a Distinct                   Executive Summary                                     resulting from this proposed rule will be
                                                      Population Segment of the Roundtail                                                                           based on the best scientific and
                                                                                                                 Why we need to publish a rule. Under
                                                                                                              the Act, if a species is determined to be             commercial data available, and be as
                                                                                                              an endangered or threatened species                   accurate and as effective as possible.
                                                      AGENCY:   Fish and Wildlife Service,
                                                                                                              throughout all or a significant portion of            Therefore, we request comments or
                                                                                                              its range, we are required to promptly                information from other concerned
                                                      ACTION: Proposed rule.
                                                                                                              publish a proposal in the Federal                     governmental agencies, Native
                                                      SUMMARY:    We, the U.S. Fish and                       Register and make a determination on                  American tribes, the scientific
                                                      Wildlife Service (Service), propose to                  our proposal within 1 year. Listing a                 community, industry, or any other
                                                      list the headwater chub (Gila nigra) and                species as an endangered or threatened                interested parties concerning this
                                                      a distinct population segment (DPS) of                  species can only be completed by                      proposed rule. We particularly seek
                                                      the roundtail chub (Gila robusta) from                  issuing a rule.                                       comments concerning:
                                                      the lower Colorado River basin as                          This rule proposes to list the                        (1) The headwater and roundtail
                                                      threatened species under the                            headwater chub and the lower Colorado                 chubs’ biology, range, and population
                                                      Endangered Species Act (Act). If we                     River basin roundtail chub DPS as                     trends, including:
                                                      finalize this rule as proposed, it would                threatened species. The headwater and                    (a) Biological or ecological
                                                      extend the Act’s protections to this                    lower Colorado River basin roundtail                  requirements of the species, including
                                                      species and DPS.                                        chub DPS are candidate species for                    habitat requirements for feeding,
                                                      DATES: We will accept comments                          which we have on file sufficient                      breeding, and sheltering;
                                                      received or postmarked on or before                     information on biological vulnerability                  (b) Genetics and taxonomy;
                                                      December 7, 2015. Comments submitted                    and threats to support preparation of a                  (c) Historical and current range,
                                                      electronically using the Federal                        listing proposal, but for which                       including distribution patterns;
                                                      eRulemaking Portal (see ADDRESSES,                      development of a listing regulation has                  (d) Historical and current population
                                                      below) must be received by 11:59 p.m.                   been precluded by other higher priority               levels, and current and projected trends;
                                                      Eastern Time on the closing date. We                    listing activities. This rule reassesses all          and
                                                      must receive requests for public                        available information regarding the                      (e) Past and ongoing conservation
                                                      hearings, in writing, at the address                    status of and threats to the headwater                measures for the species, their habitats,
                                                      shown in FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                        chub and lower Colorado River basin                   or both.
                                                      CONTACT by November 23, 2015.                           roundtail chub DPS.                                      (2) Factors that may affect the
                                                      ADDRESSES: You may submit comments                         The basis for our action. Under the                continued existence of the species,
                                                      by one of the following methods:                        Act, we can determine that a species is               which may include habitat modification
                                                         (1) Electronically: Go to the Federal                an endangered or threatened species                   or destruction, overutilization, disease,
                                                      eRulemaking Portal: http://                             based on any of five factors: (A) The                 predation, the inadequacy of existing
                                                      www.regulations.gov. In the Search box,                 present or threatened destruction,                    regulatory mechanisms, or other natural
                                                      enter FWS–R2–ES–2015–0148, which is                     modification, or curtailment of its                   or manmade factors.
                                                      the docket number for this rulemaking.                  habitat or range; (B) overutilization for                (3) Biological, commercial trade, or
                                                      Then click on the Search button. On the                 commercial, recreational, scientific, or              other relevant data concerning any
                                                      resulting page, in the Search panel on                  educational purposes; (C) disease or                  threats (or lack thereof) to these species
                                                      the left side of the screen, under the                  predation; (D) the inadequacy of                      and existing regulations that may be
                                                      Document Type heading, click on the                     existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E)                addressing those threats.
                                                      Proposed Rules link to locate this                      other natural or manmade factors                         (4) Additional information concerning
                                                      document. You may submit a comment                      affecting its continued existence. We                 the historical and current status, range,
                                                      by clicking on ‘‘Comment Now!’’                         have determined that headwater chub                   distribution, and population size of
                                                         (2) By hard copy: Submit by U.S. mail                and lower Colorado River basin                        these species, including the locations of
                                                      or hand-delivery to: Public Comments                    roundtail chub DPS meet the definition                any additional populations of these
                                                      Processing, Attn: FWS–R2–ES–2015–                       of threatened species primarily because               species.
                                                      0148, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,                   of the present or threatened destruction                 (5) Information as to which
                                                      MS: BPHC, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls                     of their habitat or range and other                   prohibitions, and exceptions to those
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      Church, VA 22041–3803.                                  natural or manmade factors resulting                  prohibitions, are necessary and
                                                         We request that you send comments                    mainly from impacts from nonnative                    advisable to provide for the
                                                      only by the methods described above.                    aquatic species, reduction of habitat                 conservation of the headwater chub or
                                                      We will post all comments on http://                    (i.e., water availability), and climate               the lower Colorado River basin
                                                      www.regulations.gov. This generally                     change.                                               roundtail chub DPS pursuant to section
                                                      means that we will post any personal                       We will seek peer review. We will seek             4(d) of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
                                                      information you provide us (see Public                  comments from independent specialists                    We are also seeking comments
                                                      Comments, below, for more                               to ensure that our determinations are                 regarding potential critical habitat
                                                      information).                                           based on scientifically sound data,                   designation for the headwater chub and

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                         60755

                                                      the lower Colorado River basin                          by one of the methods listed in the                   candidate species as a category 2
                                                      roundtail chub DPS. We particularly                     ADDRESSES   section. We request that you              species. Category 2 species were those
                                                      seek comments concerning:                               send comments only by the methods                     for which information in the Service’s
                                                         (1) The reasons why we should or                     described in the ADDRESSES section.                   possession indicated that proposing to
                                                      should not designate habitat as ‘‘critical                If you submit information via http://               list was possibly appropriate, but for
                                                      habitat’’ under section 4 of the Act,                   www.regulations.gov, your entire                      which substantial biological data to
                                                      including whether there are threats to                  submission—including any personal                     support a proposed rule were lacking.
                                                      the species from human activity, the                    identifying information—will be posted                Headwater chub retained its category 2
                                                      degree of which can be expected to                      on the Web site. If your submission is                candidate status until the practice of
                                                      increase due to the designation, and                    made via a hardcopy that includes                     identifying category 2 candidates was
                                                      whether that increase in threat                         personal identifying information, you                 discontinued in the candidate notice of
                                                      outweighs the benefit of designation                    may request at the top of your document               review (CNOR) published on February
                                                      such that the designation of critical                   that we withhold this information from                28, 1996 (61 FR 7596). At that time, the
                                                      habitat may not be prudent.                             public review. However, we cannot                     headwater chub was removed from the
                                                         (2) Specific information on:                         guarantee that we will be able to do so.              candidate list and no longer recognized
                                                         (a) The amount and distribution of                   We will post all hardcopy submissions                 under the Act.
                                                      headwater chub and roundtail chub                       on http://www.regulations.gov.                           On April 14, 2003, we received a
                                                      habitat;                                                  Comments and materials we receive,                  petition from the Center for Biological
                                                         (b) What areas, that were occupied at                as well as supporting documentation we                Diversity to list the headwater chub
                                                      the time of listing (or are currently                   used in preparing this proposed rule,                 (Gila nigra) as endangered or threatened
                                                      occupied) and that contain features                     will be available for public inspection               and to designate critical habitat
                                                      essential to the conservation of the                    on http://www.regulations.gov, or by                  concurrently with the listing. Following
                                                      species, should be included in the                      appointment, during normal business                   receipt of the 2003 petition, and
                                                      designation and why;                                    hours, at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife                  pursuant to a stipulated settlement
                                                         (c) Special management                               Service, Arizona Ecological Services                  agreement, we published a 90-day
                                                      considerations or protection that may be                Field Office (see FOR FURTHER                         finding on July 12, 2005 (70 FR 39981),
                                                      needed in critical habitat areas we are                 INFORMATION CONTACT).                                 in which we found that the petitioners
                                                      proposing, including managing for the                                                                         had provided sufficient information to
                                                      potential effects of climate change; and                Public Hearing                                        indicate that listing of the headwater
                                                         (d) What areas not occupied at the                      Section 4(b)(5) of the Act provides for            chub may be warranted. On May 3,
                                                      time of listing are essential for the                   one or more public hearings on this                   2006, we published our 12-month
                                                      conservation of the species and why.                    proposal, if requested. Requests must be              finding (71 FR 26007) that listing was
                                                         (3) Land use designations and current                received within 45 days after the date of             warranted, but precluded by higher
                                                      or planned activities in the subject areas              publication of this proposed rule in the              priority listing actions, for the
                                                      and their possible impacts on critical                  Federal Register (see DATES, above).                  headwater chub. The species was
                                                      habitat.                                                Such requests must be sent to the                     subsequently included in all of our
                                                         (4) Information on the projected and                                                                       CNORs from 2006 through 2014 (71 FR
                                                                                                              address shown in the FOR FURTHER
                                                      reasonably likely impacts of climate                                                                          53756, September 12, 2006; 72 FR
                                                                                                              INFORMATION CONTACT section. We will
                                                      change on the headwater chub, the                                                                             69034, December 6, 2007; 73 FR 75176,
                                                                                                              schedule public hearings on this
                                                      lower Colorado River basin roundtail                                                                          December 10, 2008; 74 FR 57804,
                                                                                                              proposal, if any are requested, and
                                                      chub DPS, and their habitats.                                                                                 November 9, 2009; 75 FR 69222,
                                                                                                              announce the dates, times, and places of
                                                         (5) Any probable economic, national                                                                        November 10, 2010; 76 FR 66370,
                                                                                                              those hearings, as well as how to obtain
                                                      security, or other relevant impacts of                                                                        October 26, 2011; 77 FR 69994,
                                                                                                              reasonable accommodations, in the
                                                      designating any area that may be                                                                              November 21, 2012; 78 FR 70104,
                                                                                                              Federal Register and local newspapers
                                                      included in the proposed critical habitat                                                                     November 22, 2013; 79 FR 72450,
                                                                                                              at least 15 days before the hearing.
                                                      designation; in particular, we seek                                                                           December 5, 2014).
                                                      comments on any impacts on small                        Peer Review
                                                      entities or families, and the benefits of                                                                     Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail
                                                                                                                In accordance with our joint policy on              Chub DPS
                                                      including or excluding areas that exhibit               peer review published in the Federal
                                                      these impacts.                                                                                                   On December 30, 1982 (47 FR 58455),
                                                                                                              Register on July 1, 1994 (59 FR 34270),
                                                         Please include sufficient information                                                                      the roundtail chub was placed on the
                                                                                                              we will seek expert opinions of at least
                                                      with your submission (such as scientific                                                                      list of candidate species as a category 2
                                                                                                              three appropriate and independent
                                                      journal articles or other publications) to                                                                    species. Roundtail chub retained its
                                                                                                              specialists regarding this proposed rule.
                                                      allow us to verify any scientific or                                                                          category 2 candidate status until the
                                                                                                              The purpose of peer review is to ensure
                                                      commercial information you include.                                                                           practice of identifying category 2
                                                                                                              that our listing determinations are based
                                                         Please note that submissions merely                                                                        candidates was discontinued in the
                                                                                                              on scientifically sound data,
                                                      stating support for or opposition to the                                                                      1996 CNOR (61 FR 7596; February 28,
                                                                                                              assumptions, and analyses. The peer
                                                      action under consideration without                                                                            1996). At that time, the roundtail chub
                                                                                                              reviewers will have expertise in
                                                      providing supporting information,                                                                             was removed from the candidate list
                                                                                                              headwater and roundtail chub (or
                                                      although noted, will not be considered                                                                        and no longer recognized under the Act.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                              similar species) biology, life history,                  On April 14, 2003, we received a
                                                      in making a determination, as section
                                                                                                              ecology, habitat, and other physical or               petition from the Center for Biological
                                                      4(b)(1)(A) of the Act directs that
                                                                                                              biological factors.                                   Diversity to list a distinct population
                                                      determinations as to whether any
                                                      species is an endangered or threatened                  Previous Federal Action                               segment (DPS) of the roundtail chub
                                                      species must be made ‘‘solely on the                                                                          (Gila robusta) in the lower Colorado
                                                                                                              Headwater Chub                                        River basin (defined as all waters
                                                      basis of the best scientific and
                                                      commercial data available.’’                              On December 30, 1982 (47 FR 58454),                 tributary to the Colorado River in
                                                         You may submit your comments and                     we placed the headwater chub (as Gila                 Arizona and the portion of New Mexico
                                                      materials concerning this proposed rule                 robusta grahami) on the list of                       in the Gila River and Zuni River basins)

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                                                      60756                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      as endangered or threatened and to                      species status for headwater chub. The                with undercut banks and low velocity
                                                      designate critical habitat concurrently.                American Fisheries Society has                        (Barrett 1992, p. 48; Barrett and Maughn
                                                      Following receipt of the 2003 petition,                 accepted headwater chub (Gila nigra) as               1995, p. 302; Bestgen and Propst 1989,
                                                      and pursuant to a stipulated settlement                 a full species (Nelson et al. 2004), as               pp. 402–410). Spawning typically
                                                      agreement, we published our 90-day                      have the New Mexico Department of                     occurs in pool-riffle areas with sandy-
                                                      finding on July 12, 2005 (70 FR 39981),                 Game and Fish (Carmen 2006) and                       rocky substrates when water
                                                      that the petition presented substantial                 Arizona Game and Fish Department                      temperatures are between 17–22 degrees
                                                      scientific information indicating that                  (Arizona Game and Fish Department                     Celsius (°C) (63–72 degrees Fahrenheit
                                                      listing a DPS of the roundtail chub in                  2006). As a consortium of fisheries                   (°F)) (Bonar et al. 2011, p. 10; Bestgen
                                                      the lower Colorado River basin may be                   scientists, the American Fisheries                    1985, p. 64; Bonar et al. 2011, p. 11;
                                                      warranted.                                              Society is the recognized and accepted                Neve 1976, pp. 13–14). Snowmelt
                                                         On May 3, 2006, we published our 12-                 scientific authority on fish taxonomy,                during late winter and early spring cues
                                                      month finding (71 FR 26007) that listing                and this is best commercial and                       spawning and provides water
                                                      of a DPS of the roundtail chub in the                   scientific data available.                            temperatures suitable for spawning.
                                                      lower Colorado River basin was not                         Roundtail chub (Gila robusta) was                     In the lower Colorado River basin,
                                                      warranted because it did not meet our                   first described by Baird and Girard                   several chub species are closely related
                                                      definition of a DPS. On September 7,                    (1853) from specimens collected in 1851               genetically and closely resemble each
                                                      2006, the Center for Biological Diversity               from the Zuni River (tributary to Little              other morphologically. This is likely the
                                                      challenged our decision not to list the                 Colorado River), although that location               result of multiple independent
                                                      lower Colorado River basin population                   may not be correct as Smith et al. (1979)             hybridization events over time (Rinne
                                                      of the roundtail chub as an endangered                  reported the type locality was likely the             1976; Rosenfeld and Wilkinson 1989;
                                                      species under the Act. On November 5,                   mainstem Little Colorado River and                    DeMarais et al. 1992; Dowling and
                                                      2007, in a stipulated settlement                        Sublette et al. (1990) suggested the                  DeMarais 1993; Minckley and DeMarais
                                                      agreement, we agreed to commence a                      specimens may have been collected                     2000; Gerber et al. 2001; Schwemm
                                                      new status review of the lower Colorado                 from the Rio Pescado (tributary to Zuni               2006; Schönhuth et al. 2014). Due to the
                                                      River basin population segment of the                   River) and incorrectly cited as the Zuni              similarities in morphology and genetics,
                                                      roundtail chub and to submit a 12-                      River. Roundtail chub has been                        identification of species in a stream is
                                                      month finding to the Federal Register                   recognized as a distinct species since                based on the geographic location of the
                                                      by June 30, 2009.                                       the 1800s.                                            stream in relation to other known chub
                                                         On July 7, 2009, we published a 12-                                                                        streams. In headwater chub, most of
                                                      month finding (74 FR 32352) on a                        Biology and Habitat                                   their genetic variation occurs among
                                                      petition to list a DPS of roundtail chub                I. Headwater Chub Biology and Habitat                 populations, each of which tends to be
                                                      and found that the population segment                                                                         distinctive. Genetic variation within
                                                      satisfies the discreteness and                             Headwater chubs are cyprinid fish                  headwater chub populations is
                                                      significance elements of the Interagency                (member of the minnow family                          consistent with the presumed multiple
                                                      Policy Regarding the Recognition of                     Cyprinidae) with streamlined body                     hybrid origins of this species (Dowling
                                                      Distinct Vertebrate Population Segments                 shapes and are similar in appearance to               et al. 2008, p. 2).
                                                      Under the Act (DPS Policy) (February 7,                 the roundtail chub and the Gila chub
                                                                                                              (Gila intermedia). Adults range in size               II. Lower Colorado River Basin
                                                      1996; 61 FR 4722), and qualifies as a
                                                                                                              from 200–320 millimeters (mm) (8–12                   Roundtail Chub Biology and Habitat
                                                      DPS. We further concluded that listing
                                                      of the lower Colorado River basin DPS                   inches (in)). Headwater chubs live for                   Roundtail chub are similar in
                                                      was warranted but precluded due to                      approximately 8 years and spawn from                  appearance to Gila chub and headwater
                                                      higher priority listing actions at the                  age 2 to 3 onward (Bestgen 1985, p. 65;               chub. Adults range in size from 225–350
                                                      time. The DPS was subsequently                          Neve 1976, pp. 13, 15). Spawning                      mm (9–14 in) in length. Roundtail chub
                                                      included in all of our CNORs from 2009                  typically occurs between April and May                average life span is 8–10 years
                                                      through 2014 (74 FR 57804, November                     (Bestgen 1985, pp. 57–60; Brouder et al.              (Bezzerides and Bestgen 2002, p. 21).
                                                      9, 2009; 75 FR 69222, November 10,                      2000, pp. 12–13) but can occur as early               Maturity of roundtail chub in the lower
                                                      2010; 76 FR 66370, October 26, 2011; 77                 as March (Neve 1976, pp. 13–14).                      Colorado River population segment
                                                      FR 69994, November 21, 2012; 78 FR                      Headwater chub are omnivorous,                        occurs between ages 3 and 5 years at
                                                      70104, November 22, 2013; 79 FR                         opportunistic feeders that consume                    150–300 mm (6–12 in) (Bezzerides and
                                                      72450, December 5, 2014).                               plants, detritus, arthropods (aquatic and             Bestgen 2002, p. 21; Brouder et al. 2000,
                                                         The lower Colorado River basin DPS                   terrestrial), and fish.                               p. 12). In the lower Colorado River
                                                      of roundtail chub is the candidate entity                  Headwater chubs occur in the middle                population segment, spawning occurs
                                                      that is the subject of this proposed rule.              to upper reaches of medium- to large-                 between April and May (Minckley 1981,
                                                      The DPS includes the lower Colorado                     sized streams (Minckley and DeMarais                  p. 189; Bestgen 1985b, p. 7; Bryan et al.
                                                      River and its tributaries downstream of                 2000, p. 255) that are considered cool to             2000, pp. 27–28; Bryan and Robinson
                                                      Glen Canyon Dam, including the Gila                     warm water streams. Habitats in the Gila              2000, pp. 20–21).
                                                      and Zuni River basins in New Mexico.                    River containing headwater chubs                         Roundtail chub are found in cool to
                                                                                                              consist of tributary and mainstem                     warm waters of rivers and streams, and
                                                      Background                                              habitats at elevations of 1,325 meters                often occupy the deepest pools and
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      Species Information                                     (m) (4,347 feet (ft)) to 2,000 m (6,562 ft)           eddies present in the stream (Minckley
                                                                                                              (Bestgen 1985, entire; Bestgen and                    1973, p. 101; Brouder et al. 2000, pp. 6–
                                                      Taxonomy                                                Propst 1989, pp. 402–410). Typical                    8; Minckley and DeMarais 2000, p. 255;
                                                         Headwater chub was first described as                adult habitats containing headwater                   Bezzerides and Bestgen 2002, pp. 17–
                                                      a subspecies, G. grahami or G. robusta                  chub consist of nearshore pools (greater              19). Adult roundtail chub favor slow-
                                                      grahami, from Ash Creek and the San                     than 1.8 m (6 ft.)), adjacent to swifter              moving, deep pools. For cover they use
                                                      Carlos River in east-central Arizona in                 riffles and runs over sand and gravel                 large rocks, undercut banks, and woody
                                                      1874 (Cope and Yarrow 1875). In 2000,                   substrate, with young-of-the-year and                 debris (Bezzerides and Bestgen 2002, p.
                                                      Minckley and DeMarais proposed full                     juveniles using smaller pools and areas               18; Brouder et al. 2000, pp. 6–7; Bryan

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                         60757

                                                      and Hyatt 2004, p. 9). Spawning occurs                     In accordance with our DPS Policy,                 Numerous authors have noted that
                                                      in pool, run, and riffle habitats, with                 this section details our analysis of                  roundtail chub was very rare with few
                                                      slow to moderate water velocities                       whether the vertebrate population                     documented records in the mainstem
                                                      (Propst 1999, p. 24; Brouder et al. 2000,               segment under consideration for listing               Colorado River between the two basins
                                                      p. 12; Voeltz 2002, p. 16). Snowmelt                    qualifies as a DPS, specifically, whether:            (Minckley 1973, p. 102; Minckley 1979,
                                                      during late winter and early spring cues                (1) The population segment is discrete                p. 51; Valdez and Ryel 1994, pp. 5–10–
                                                      spawning and provides water                             from the remainder of the species to                  5–11; Minckley 1996, p. 75; Bezzerides
                                                      temperatures suitable for spawning.                     which it belongs; and (2) the population              and Bestgen 2002, pp. 24–25; Voeltz
                                                      Roundtail chub larvae use low-velocity                  is significant to the species to which it             2002, pp. 19, 112), so we do not
                                                      backwaters (Ruppert et al. 1993, p. 397).               belongs. In our July 7, 2009, 12-month                consider the mainstem to have been
                                                      Young-of-the-year roundtail chub                        finding for roundtail chub (74 FR 32352)              occupied historically, and have not
                                                      occupy shallow (less than 50 cm (20 in)                 we found that the roundtail chub in the               considered the Colorado River in our
                                                      depth) and low-velocity waters with                     lower Colorado River basin (the lower                 estimates of historical range. The
                                                      vegetated shorelines (Brouder et al.                    Colorado River and its tributaries                    information on historical distribution is
                                                      2000, pp. 6–8; Lanigan and Berry 1981,                  downstream of Glen Canyon Dam,                        clouded because early surveyors also
                                                      p. 392). Juveniles use habitat similar to               including the Gila and Zuni River                     variably used the term ‘‘bonytail’’ to
                                                      young-of-the-year but with depths less                  basins in New Mexico) met the                         describe roundtail chub (Valdez and
                                                      than 100 cm (40 in). Water temperatures                 definition of a DPS. In the following                 Ryel 1994, pp. 5–7). The bonytail chub
                                                      of habitats occupied by roundtail chub                  sections, we reaffirm that finding.                   (Gila elegans) is a species in the
                                                      vary seasonally between 0–32 °C (32–90                  Discreteness                                          mainstem Colorado River. Some
                                                      °F) (Bezzerides and Bestgen 2002, p. 19;                                                                      historical accounts of roundtail chub in
                                                      Bonar et al. 2010, p. 3).                                 Under the DPS Policy, a population                  the mainstem may have, in fact, been
                                                                                                              segment of a vertebrate taxon may be                  bonytail chub. Records of roundtail
                                                        There was historically greater                        considered discrete if it satisfies either
                                                      connectivity and subsequent relatedness                                                                       chub from the mainstem Colorado River
                                                                                                              one of the following conditions: (1) It is            also may have been transients from
                                                      of roundtail chub over the lower                        markedly separated from other
                                                      Colorado River basin, and development                                                                         nearby populations, such as some
                                                                                                              populations of the same taxon as a                    records from Grand Canyon, which may
                                                      of populations in isolation from other                  consequence of physical, physiological,
                                                      roundtail chub populations was not the                                                                        have been from the Little Colorado River
                                                                                                              ecological, or behavioral factors                     (Voeltz 2002, p. 112). One record from
                                                      normal condition across most of the                     (quantitative measures of genetic or
                                                      historical range, except in the Bill                                                                          between the two basins, a record of two
                                                                                                              morphological discontinuity may
                                                      Williams River and Little Colorado                                                                            roundtail chubs captured near Imperial
                                                                                                              provide evidence of this separation); or
                                                      River drainages.                                                                                              Dam in 1973, illustrates this. Upon
                                                                                                              (2) it is delimited by international
                                                                                                                                                                    examining these specimens, Minckley
                                                      Roundtail Chub Lower Colorado River                     governmental boundaries within which
                                                                                                                                                                    (1979, p. 51) concluded that they were
                                                      Distinct Population Segment                             differences in control of exploitation,
                                                                                                                                                                    strays washed downstream from the Bill
                                                                                                              management of habitat, conservation
                                                         Section 3(16) of the Act defines                                                                           Williams River based on their heavily
                                                                                                              status, or regulatory mechanisms exist
                                                      ‘‘species’’ to include any species or                                                                         blotched coloration. This is a logical
                                                                                                              that are significant in light of section
                                                      subspecies of fish and wildlife or plants,                                                                    conclusion considering that roundtail
                                                                                                              4(a)(1)(D) of the Act. The potential DPS
                                                      and any distinct population segment of                  population of roundtail chub in the                   chub from the Bill Williams River
                                                      any species of vertebrate fish or wildlife              lower Colorado River basin is not                     typically exhibit this blotched
                                                      which interbreeds when mature (16                       delimited by international governmental               coloration (Rinne 1969, pp. 20–21;
                                                      U.S.C. 1532(16)). To interpret and                      boundaries. The following discussion                  Rinne 1976, p. 78). Minckley (1979, p.
                                                      implement the distinct population                       considers whether the potential DPS                   51), Minckley (1996, p. 75), and Mueller
                                                      segment provisions of the Act and                       population of roundtail chub in the                   and Marsh (2002, p. 40) also considered
                                                      congressional guidance, the Service and                 lower Colorado River basin is markedly                roundtail chub rare or essentially absent
                                                      the National Marine Fisheries Service                   separated from other populations of the               in the Colorado River mainstem based
                                                      (now the National Oceanic and                           same taxon as a consequence of                        on the paucity of records from
                                                      Atmospheric Administration—Fisheries                    physical, physiological, ecological, or               numerous surveys of the Colorado River
                                                      Service), published the Policy Regarding                behavioral factors.                                   mainstem.
                                                      the Recognition of Distinct Vertebrate                    The historical range of roundtail chub                 We conclude that, historically,
                                                      Population Segments (DPS Policy) in                     included both the upper and lower                     roundtail chub occurred in the Colorado
                                                      the Federal Register on February 7,                     Colorado River basins in the States of                River basin in two population centers,
                                                      1996 (61 FR 4722). The DPS Policy sets                  Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico,                  one each in the upper (largely in Utah
                                                      forth a three-step process for                          Arizona, and Nevada (Propst 1999, p.                  and Colorado, and to a lesser extent, in
                                                      considering if a population is a DPS:                   23; Bezzerides and Bestgen 2002, p. 25;               Wyoming and New Mexico) and lower
                                                      The Policy requires the Service first to                Voeltz 2002, pp. 9–23), but the roundtail             basins (Arizona and New Mexico), with
                                                      determine whether a vertebrate                          chub was likely only a transient in                   apparently little, if any, mixing of the
                                                      population is discrete and, if the                      Nevada, so Nevada is not considered                   two populations. If there was one
                                                      population is discrete, then to                         part of its range. Currently, roundtail               population, we would expect to find a
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      determine whether the population is                     chubs occur in both the upper and                     large number of records in the mainstem
                                                      significant. Lastly, if the population is               lower Colorado River basins in                        Colorado River between the San Juan
                                                      determined to be both discrete and                      Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico,                  and Bill Williams Rivers, but very few
                                                      significant, then the DPS Policy requires               and Arizona. Bezzerides and Bestgen                   records of roundtail chub exist from this
                                                      the Service to evaluate the conservation                (2002, p. 24) concluded that historically             reach of stream. Also, there is a
                                                      status of the population to determine                   there were two discrete population                    substantial distance between these areas
                                                      whether or not the DPS falls within the                 centers, one in each of the lower and                 of roundtail chub occurrence in the two
                                                      Act’s definition of an ‘‘endangered                     upper basins, and that these two                      basins. The mouth of the Escalante
                                                      species’’ or a ‘‘threatened species.’’                  population centers remain today.                      River, which contains the southernmost

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                                                      60758                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      population of roundtail chub in the                     segment’s significance may include, but               roundtail chub indicates the importance
                                                      upper basin, is approximately 443                       is not limited to, the following classes              of the spring runoff as the cue for
                                                      kilometers (km) (275 river miles (mi))                  of information: (1) Persistence of the                spawning, and this cue operates in both
                                                      upstream from Grand Falls on the Little                 discrete population segment in an                     the upper and lower basins (Bezzerides
                                                      Colorado River, the historical                          ecological setting that is unusual or                 and Bestgen 2002, p. 21). The variability
                                                      downstream limit of the most northern                   unique for the taxon; (2) evidence that               of the monsoon storms to provide for
                                                      population of the lower Colorado River                  loss of the discrete population segment               higher flows later in the summer is such
                                                      basin. The lower Colorado River basin                   would result in a significant gap in the              that it does not have an influence on
                                                      roundtail chub population segment                       range of the taxon; (3) evidence that the             successful spawning. While there are
                                                      meets the element of discreteness                       discrete population segment represents
                                                                                                                                                                    differences in the ecological settings
                                                      because it was separate historically, and               the only surviving natural occurrence of
                                                                                                                                                                    between the two segments, these
                                                      continues to be markedly separate                       a taxon that may be more abundant
                                                      today.                                                  elsewhere as an introduced population                 differences are not likely to be
                                                        Additionally, in more recent times,                   outside its historical range; or (4)                  significant to the taxon.
                                                      the upper and lower basin populations                   evidence that the discrete population                 Significant Gap in the Range of the
                                                      of the roundtail chub have been                         segment differs markedly from other                   Taxon
                                                      physically separated by Glen Canyon                     populations of the species in its genetic
                                                      Dam. That artificial separation is not the              characteristics. Significance of the                    Roundtail chub in the lower Colorado
                                                      sole basis for our finding that the lower               discrete population segment is not                    River basin can be considered
                                                      basin population is discrete from the                   necessarily determined by existence of                significant under our DPS Policy
                                                      upper basin population. The historical                  one of these classes of information                   because loss of the lower Colorado River
                                                      information on collections suggests that                standing alone. Rather, information                   populations of roundtail chub would
                                                      there was limited contact even before                   analyzed under these considerations is                result in a significant gap in the range
                                                      the dam was built. Available molecular                  evaluated relative to the biological or               of the taxon. The lower and upper
                                                      information for the species, although                   ecological importance of the discrete                 Colorado River basins are approximately
                                                      sparse, seems to support this as genetic                population to the taxon as a whole.                   443 km (275 river mi) and possess a
                                                      markers from roundtail chub in the Gila                 Accordingly, all relevant and available               unique, divergent mtDNA lineage that
                                                      River basin are entirely absent from                    biological and ecological information is
                                                      upper basin populations (Gerber et al.                                                                        has never been found outside the lower
                                                                                                              analyzed for importance to the taxon as
                                                      2001, p. 2028; see Significance                         a whole. Below, we provide our analysis               basin (Dowling and DeMarais 1993, pp.
                                                      discussion, below).                                     of the significance of the lower Colorado             444– 446; Gerber et al. 2001, p. 2028).
                                                        Accordingly, we reaffirm our finding                  River basin roundtail chub populations.               The lower Colorado River area
                                                      that the lower Colorado River basin                                                                           constitutes over one third of the species’
                                                      population segment of roundtail chub is                 Persistence of the Population Segment                 historical range. There are 74
                                                      discrete from other populations of the                  in an Unusual or Unique Ecological                    populations of roundtail chub
                                                      species.                                                Setting                                               remaining in the upper basin and 31 in
                                                                                                                 Based on our review of the best                    the lower basin. Thus, the lower basin
                                                                                                              available information, we found that                  populations constitute approximately
                                                         Since we have determined that the                    there are some differences in various                 one third (30 percent) of the remaining
                                                      roundtail chub in the lower Colorado                    ecoregion variables between the upper                 populations of the species (Bezzerides
                                                      River basin meet the discreteness                       and lower Colorado River basins. For                  and Bestgen 2002, pp. 28–29, Appendix
                                                      element of the DPS Policy, we now                       example, McNabb and Avers (1994) and                  C; Voeltz 2002, pp. 82–83). The
                                                      consider the population segment’s                       Bailey (1995) delineated ecoregions and               populations in the lower basin account
                                                      biological and ecological significance                  sections of the United States based on
                                                      based on ‘‘the available scientific                                                                           for approximately 49 percent (107,300
                                                                                                              a combination of climate, vegetation,
                                                      evidence of the discrete population                                                                           square mi, 270,906 square km) of the
                                                                                                              geology, and other factors. Populations
                                                      segment’s importance to the taxon to                                                                          Colorado River Basin (U.S. Geological
                                                                                                              of roundtail chub in the lower basin and
                                                      which it belongs’’ in light of                          in the upper basin occur primarily in                 Survey 2006, pp. 94–102). In addition,
                                                      congressional guidance that the                         different ecoregions. These ecoregions                the roundtail chub historically occupied
                                                      authority to list DPSs be used                          display differences in the natural                    up to 2,796 mi (4,500 km) of stream in
                                                      ‘‘sparingly’’ while encouraging the                     hydrograph in the type, timing, and                   the lower basin and currently occupies
                                                      conservation of genetic diversity (DPS                  amount of precipitation between the                   between 497 mi (800 km) and 901 mi
                                                      Policy, 61 FR 4722; S. Rep. No. 96–151                  two basins, with the upper basin (8–165               (1450 km) of stream habitat in the lower
                                                      (1979)).                                                cm (3–65 in) per year) (Jeppson 1968, p.              basin. These populations are not newly
                                                         The DPS Policy describes four classes                1) somewhat less arid than the lower                  established, ephemeral, or migratory.
                                                      of information, or considerations, to                   basin (13–64 cm (5–25 in) per year)                   The species has been well established in
                                                      take into account in evaluating a                       (Green and Sellers 1964, pp. 8–11).                   the lower Colorado River basin, and has
                                                      population segment’s biological and                        The primary difference is that, in the             represented a large portion of the
                                                      ecological importance to the taxon to                   lower basin there are two seasonal peaks              species’ range for a long period of time
                                                      which it belongs. As precise                            of streamflow, a monsoon hydrograph
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                                                                                    (Bezzerides and Bestgen 2002, pp. 20–
                                                      circumstances are likely to vary                        plus the spring runoff season. In the                 29; Voeltz 2002, pp. 82– 83). The loss
                                                      considerably from case to case, the DPS                 upper basin, roundtail chub habitats                  of one third of a unique, divergent
                                                      policy does not state that these are the                have strong snowmelt hydrographs,                     mtDNA lineage that has never been
                                                      only classes of information that might                  with some summer, fall, and winter                    found outside the lower basin (Dowling
                                                      factor into a determination of the                      precipitation, but with the majority of               and DeMarais 1993, pp. 444– 446;
                                                      biological and ecological importance of                 major flow events in spring and early
                                                                                                                                                                    Gerber et al. 2001, p. 2028) of the
                                                      a discrete population. As specified in                  summer (Bailey 1995, p. 341; Carlson
                                                                                                                                                                    species as a whole would constitute a
                                                      the DPS policy (61 FR 4722),                            and Muth 1989, p. 222; Woodhouse et
                                                      consideration of the population                         al. 2003, p. 1551). The biology of the                significant gap in the range.

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                          60759

                                                      Natural Occurrence of a Taxon                           individuals exhibiting mtDNA from G.                  significance elements of our DPS policy,
                                                      Elsewhere as an Introduced Population                   elegans (Gerber et al. 2001, p. 2028). The            the lower Colorado River population
                                                         As part of a determination of                        complete absence of G. robusta mtDNA,                 segment of the roundtail chub qualifies
                                                      significance, our DPS Policy suggests                   even in populations of morphologically                as a DPS in accordance with our DPS
                                                      that we consider whether there is                       pure G. robusta, indicates extensive                  policy, and, as such, is a listable entity
                                                      evidence that the population represents                 introgression that predates human                     under the Act.
                                                      the only surviving natural occurrence of                influence.
                                                                                                                Gerber et al. (2001, p. 2037) noted that            Summary of Biological Status and
                                                      a taxon that may be more abundant                                                                             Threats
                                                                                                              genetic information in Gila poorly
                                                      elsewhere as an introduced population                                                                            The Act directs us to determine
                                                                                                              accounts for species morphology, stating
                                                      outside its historical range (61 FR 4725).                                                                    whether any species is an endangered
                                                                                                              that ‘‘the decoupling of morphological
                                                      The roundtail chub in the lower                                                                               species or a threatened species based on
                                                                                                              and mtDNA variation in Colorado River
                                                      Colorado River basin is not the only                    Gila illustrates how hybridization and                any on any of five factors: (A) The
                                                      surviving natural occurrence of the                     local adaptation can play important                   present or threatened destruction,
                                                      species. Consequently, this factor is not               roles in evolution.’’ The lower Colorado              modification, or curtailment of its
                                                      applicable to our determination                         River discrete population segment                     habitat or range; (B) overutilization for
                                                      regarding significance.                                 differs markedly from the upper                       commercial, recreational, scientific, or
                                                      Marked Differences in Genetic                           Colorado River basin segment due to the               educational purposes; (C) disease or
                                                      Characteristics                                         unique, divergent genetic lineage of the              predation; (D) the inadequacy of
                                                                                                              lower basin.                                          existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E)
                                                         As stated in the DPS Policy, in                                                                            other natural or manmade factors
                                                      assessing the significance of a discrete                Summary of Significance                               affecting its continued existence. We
                                                      population, the Service considers                         The divergent genetic lineage within                completed the Draft Headwater Chub
                                                      evidence that the discrete population                   the lower Colorado River basin                        and Lower Colorado River DPS of
                                                      segment differs markedly from other                     (Dowling and DeMarais 1993, pp. 444–                  Roundtail Chub Species Status
                                                      populations of the species in its genetic               446; Gerber et al. 2001, p. 2028)                     Assessment (SSA Report) (Service 2015;
                                                      characteristics (61 FR 4725). There have                demonstrates a marked difference in                   entire), which is available online at
                                                      been long-standing difficulties in                      genetic characteristics from the upper                http://www.regulations.gov under
                                                      morphological discrimination and                        Colorado River basin segment. In                      Docket No. FWS–R2–ES–2015–0148.
                                                      taxonomic distinction among members                     addition, the lower Colorado River basin              The SSA Report documents the results
                                                      from the lower Colorado Gila robusta                    segment constitutes one third of the                  of the comprehensive biological status
                                                      complex, and the genus Gila as a whole,                 species’ range; the loss of which would               review for the headwater chub and
                                                      due in part to the role hybridization has               result in a significant gap in the species’           lower Colorado River basin roundtail
                                                      played in its evolution. But it is                      range. The lower Colorado River basin                 chub DPS, which provides a thorough
                                                      important to consider variation                         population of roundtail chub is                       account of the species’ overall viability.
                                                      throughout the entire Colorado River                    therefore significant to the species as               We define viability here as a description
                                                      basin to place variation and divergence                 whole because the loss of this                        of the ability of the species to sustain
                                                      in the lower basin Gila robusta complex                 population would create a significant                 populations in the wild beyond a
                                                      in appropriate context.                                 gap in the range and the population                   biologically meaningful timeframe. For
                                                         Along with G. robusta, G. cypha and                  demonstrates a marked difference in                   these species, we assessed the future
                                                      G. elegans are present in the mainstem                  genetic characteristics.                              viability about 30 years from the present
                                                      Colorado River and many large                                                                                 or around 2046. In the SSA Report, we
                                                      tributaries throughout the basin. Lower                 DPS Conclusion
                                                                                                                                                                    assess the viability of the headwater
                                                      Colorado River basin populations of                        We have evaluated the lower                        chub and the lower Colorado River
                                                      these three species exhibited distinct                  Colorado River population segment of                  basin roundtail chub DPS in terms of
                                                      mtDNAs, with only limited                               the roundtail chub to determine                       resiliency, redundancy, and
                                                      introgression of G. elegans into G. cypha               whether it meet the definition of a DPS,              representation. Resiliency is having
                                                      (Gerber et al. 2001, p. 2028). G. robusta               addressing discreteness and significance              sufficiently large populations for the
                                                      individuals from the headwaters of the                  as required by our policy. On the basis               species to withstand stochastic events.
                                                      Little Colorado River and the mainstem                  of the best available information, we                 Redundancy is having a sufficient
                                                      Colorado River and tributaries above                    conclude that the lower Colorado River                number of populations for the species to
                                                      Glen Canyon Dam in the upper basin                      populations are discrete from the upper               withstand catastrophic events.
                                                      possess G. cypha or G. elegans mtDNA                    Colorado River basin populations on the               Representation is having the breadth of
                                                      (Dowling and DeMarais 1993, pp. 444–                    basis of their present and historical                 genetic makeup of the species to adapt
                                                      446; Gerber et al. 2001, p. 2028).                      geographic separation of 275 river mi                 to changing environmental conditions.
                                                      Populations of the G. robusta complex                   (444 km) and because few historical                      In the SSA Report, we summarize the
                                                      of the lower basin in the Bill Williams                 records have been detected in the                     relevant biological data and a
                                                      and Gila River basins (including G.                     mainstem Colorado River between the                   description of past, present, and likely
                                                      robusta, G. intermedia, and G. nigra)                   two population centers that would                     future risk factors (causes and effects)
                                                      possess a unique, divergent mtDNA                       suggest meaningful connectivity. We                   and provide an analysis of the viability
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      lineage that has never been found                       also conclude that the lower Colorado                 of the species. Specifically, we evaluate
                                                      outside the lower basin (Dowling and                    River basin roundtail chub is significant             the risk of extirpation of individual
                                                      DeMarais 1993, pp. 444– 446; Gerber et                  because of its unique genetic lineage,                analysis units (AUs). The SSA Report
                                                      al. 2001, p. 2028). Conversely, in the                  which differs markedly from the upper                 provides the scientific basis that informs
                                                      upper Colorado River basin populations,                 basin, and that the loss of the species               our regulatory decision regarding
                                                      the impact of hybridization was                         from the lower basin would result in a                whether these species should be listed
                                                      significant. Most upper basin fish                      significant gap in the range of the                   as endangered or threatened species
                                                      sampled exhibited only G. cypha                         species. Because this population                      under the Act. This decision involves
                                                      mtDNA haplotypes, with some                             segment meets both the discreteness and               the application of standards within the

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                                                      60760                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      Act, its implementing regulations, and                          more detail below. For the purposes of                drainage basins: Gila River, Salt River,
                                                      Service policies (see Determination,                            the SSA Report and the SSA Model, we                  and Verde River. As of 2015, headwater
                                                      below). The SSA Report contains the                             will evaluate Fossil Creek as having                  chub are found in 22 streams with a
                                                      analysis on which this determination is                         headwater chub from the constructed                   collective minimum of 432 km (268 mi)
                                                      based, and the following discussion is a                        barrier upstream to Fossil Springs                    of available habitat: 406 km (252 mi)
                                                      summary of the results and conclusions                          (above the barrier) and roundtail chub                from the historically occupied streams
                                                      from the SSA Report.                                            from the mouth of Fossil Creek to Irving              and 26 km (16 mi) from occupied
                                                                                                                      (below the barrier), with a mix between               streams newly discovered. We evaluated
                                                      Historical and Current Range and
                                                                                                                      Irving and the fish barrier. In West Clear            the reduction in range based on stream
                                                                                                                      Creek, for the SSA Report, we will
                                                         The occurrence records of both                                                                                     length rather than the number of
                                                                                                                      consider lower and upper West Clear
                                                      species show some inconsistencies and                                                                                 streams because this provides a more
                                                                                                                      Creek are roundtail chub based on our
                                                      in some cases use incorrect common                              past assignment. In Turkey Creek for the              accurate assessment of the amount of
                                                      names. Therefore, we used the best                              SSA Report, we will consider Turkey                   habitat. Listing the number of streams
                                                      available information and made some                             Creek contains only Gila chub, but not                does not provide an account of the
                                                      decisions on assignment of chub species                         headwater chub.                                       available habitat because streams could
                                                      that may not be consistent with museum                            In the SSA Report, we use AUs to                    vary greatly in length. This represents at
                                                      records, but we based these decisions on                        describe the populations of chubs. The                least 48 percent of the estimated
                                                      more current information and biological                         AUs were delineated based on the                      historical range and no more than a 52
                                                      characters.                                                     hydrological connectivity of currently                percent reduction in range. We
                                                         Assignment of chubs in a stream to                           occupied streams and the ability of                   document the extirpation of chubs from
                                                      headwater, roundtail, or Gila is difficult                      chubs to move within or among streams.                four historically occupied streams,
                                                      due to the morphological and genetic                            There are two types of AUs considered                 totaling 71 km (44 mi). Additionally, we
                                                      similarities. Typically, assignment to                          in the SSA Report: (1) Those composed                 know that chub are not found in
                                                      species is based on the geographical                            of one occupied stream, referred to as                portions of Haiger and Tonto Creeks
                                                      location. Assignment to one or the other                        independent AUs; and (2) those                        (approximately 25 km (16 mi) and 18
                                                      species has been made for all                                   composed of two or more hydrologically                km (11 mi), respectively), where they
                                                      populations or streams of the headwater                         connected occupied streams, referred to               were historically. This accounts for 114
                                                      chub and roundtail chub DPS. However,                           as complex AUs.
                                                      there is some uncertainty within three                                                                                km of the reduction in range, leaving
                                                      streams (Fossil Creek and West Clear                            Headwater Chub                                        346 km (71 mi) unaccounted for. This
                                                      Creek in the Verde River drainage, and                            Based on our assessment, headwater                  346 km (71 mi) may represent actual
                                                      Turkey Creek in the Upper Gila                                  chub historically occupied 26 streams                 habitat lost or may be due to differences
                                                      drainage) where the species overlap,                            with a maximum total stream length of                 in the methodologies used in calculating
                                                      and likely hybridize with one another.                          892 kilometers (km) (554 miles (mi)).                 the historical and current ranges, or a
                                                      Each of these locations is discussed in                         The streams were distributed over three               combination of both.

                                                         TABLE 1—ESTIMATED HISTORICAL AND CURRENT RANGES (IN LINEAR STREAM km) OF THE HEADWATER CHUB IN THE
                                                                                  LOWER COLORADO RIVER BASIN FOR THE SSA REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                Estimated reduc-
                                                                                                                                        Estimated current          tion in range
                                                                                                                     Estimated               range                                      Number of
                                                                                                                                                                (km & % of esti-                           Number of
                                                                                                                  historical range      (km & % of esti-                                 streams
                                                                      Species of chub                                                                           mated historical                       streams currently
                                                                                                                 based on stream         mated historical                               historically
                                                                                                                                                                  range that no                            occupied
                                                                                                                   length (km) 1         range currently                                 occupied
                                                                                                                                                                 longer contains
                                                                                                                                           occupied) 2                chubs)

                                                      Headwater ..............................................         892                 432 (48%)               460 (52%)                  26              22
                                                         1 This includes perennial, intermittent, and dry reaches within a stream.
                                                         2 This includes perennial and interrupted perennial reaches within a stream.

                                                      Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail                            in range based on stream length rather                be due to differences in the
                                                      Chub DPS                                                        than the number of streams because this               methodologies used in calculating the
                                                         The lower Colorado River basin                               provides a more accurate assessment of                historical and current ranges, or a
                                                      roundtail chub DPS historically                                 the amount of habitat. Listing the                    combination of both.
                                                      occupied 48 streams with a maximum                              number of streams does not provide an                   There are also four newly established
                                                      total stream length of 4,914 km (3,053                          account of the available habitat because              populations for the lower Colorado
                                                      mi). The streams were distributed across                        streams could vary greatly in length.                 River basin roundtail chub DPS: Blue
                                                      five drainage basins: Bill Williams                             This represents at least 43 percent of the            River in the Gila River drainage basin,
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      River, Gila River, Little Colorado River,                       historical range and no more than a 57                Ash Creek in the Salt River drainage
                                                      Salt River, and Verde River. As of 2015,                        percent reduction in range. We                        basin, and Gap Creek and Roundtree
                                                      roundtail chub are found in 35 streams                          document the extirpation of chubs from                Creek in the Verde River drainage basin.
                                                      with a collective minimum of 2,098 km                           six historically occupied streams,
                                                                                                                                                                            Blue River is 81 km (50 mi) watered
                                                      (1,303 mi) of available habitat: 2,077 km                       totaling 1,864 km (1,158 mi). Therefore,
                                                                                                                                                                            length, Ash Creek is about 5 km (3 mi)
                                                      (1,291 mi) from the historically                                approximately 234 km (145 mi) of the
                                                                                                                                                                            watered length, Gap Creek and
                                                      occupied streams and 21 km (13 mi)                              potential reduction in range is
                                                                                                                                                                            Roundtree Canyon Creek are about 3 km
                                                      from occupied streams newly                                     unaccounted for. This 234 km (145 mi)
                                                                                                                                                                            (2 mi) in watered length each. The total
                                                      discovered. We evaluated the reduction                          may represent actual habitat lost or may

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                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                60761

                                                      wetted length of all four streams is 92                           DPS had greater connectivity to each                  across most of the historically occupied
                                                      km (57 mi).                                                       other. However, roundtail chub are                    range. This has resulted in the recent
                                                        Historically, populations in the lower                          extirpated from several large riverine                isolation of AUs even within the same
                                                      Colorado River basin roundtail chub                               streams that provided connectivity                    drainage basin.

                                                          TABLE 2—ESTIMATED HISTORICAL AND CURRENT RANGES (IN LINEAR STREAM km) OF THE ROUNDTAIL CHUB IN THE
                                                                                  LOWER COLORADO RIVER BASIN FOR THE SSA REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                  Estimated reduc-
                                                                                                                                          Estimated current
                                                                                                                       Estimated               range
                                                                                                                                                                     tion in range        Number of
                                                                                                                    historical range      (km & % of esti-
                                                                                                                                                                  (km & % of esti-         streams           Number of
                                                                       Species of chub                             based on stream         mated historical
                                                                                                                                                                  mated historical        historically   streams currently
                                                                                                                         length            range currently
                                                                                                                                                                    range that no          occupied           ccupied
                                                                                                                         (km) 1              occupied) 2
                                                                                                                                                                   longer contains

                                                      Roundtail ................................................        4,914               2,098 (43%)             2,816 (57%)                 48              35
                                                         1 This   includes perennial, intermittent, and dry reaches within a stream.
                                                         2 This   includes perennial and interrupted perennial reaches within a stream.

                                                      Individual, Population, and Species                               banks for juveniles and young-of-the-                 maintenance of the identified genetic
                                                      Needs for Headwater Chub and the                                  year); and (3) the presence or absence of             diversity in AUs across the species’ and
                                                      Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail                              nonnative aquatic species. These                      DPS’s geographic range is important.
                                                      Chub DPS                                                          conditions combine to control the size
                                                                                                                                                                              Risk Factors for Headwater Chub and
                                                         Both adult headwater chub and the                              of the chub population and its age
                                                                                                                                                                              the Lower Colorado River Basin
                                                      lower Colorado River basin roundtail                              structure (which increases the resiliency
                                                                                                                                                                              Roundtail Chub DPS
                                                      chub DPS need slow-moving, deep                                   of AUs in terms of demographic
                                                      pools, and juveniles and young-of-the-                            stochasticity and genetic diversity).                    We reviewed the potential factors that
                                                      year need shallow water along stream                              Further, these conditions control the                 may affect the headwater chub and
                                                      banks. For shelter, they need large                               extent of habitat available to serve as               lower Colorado River basin roundtail
                                                      rocks, undercut banks, and woody                                  refuge sites for chub to survive                      chub. We found three primary risk
                                                      debris. For spawning, they need pool,                             environmental stochasticity and                       categories: (1) Competition with,
                                                      run, and riffle habitats with sandy-rocky                         localized threats from land and water                 predation from, and harassment by
                                                      substrates and slow to moderate water                             uses, and allow re-occupancy of the                   nonnative aquatic species; (2) a lack of
                                                      velocities. For feeding, adults need                              affected habitat area after the event.                sufficient water to support the physical
                                                      plants, detritus, and arthropods (aquatic                            For redundancy, both the species and               and biological components needed for
                                                      and terrestrial), and juveniles and                               DPS need a sufficient number of                       all life stages and life-history functions;
                                                      young-of-the-year need diatoms,                                   resilient populations to withstand                    and (3) changes in the timing and
                                                      filamentous algae, and insects. Adults                            catastrophic events. The wider the                    amount of snowmelt runoff in the spring
                                                      may also consume small fish, as they are                          distribution of resilient populations and             and precipitation from monsoons in the
                                                      the top native fish predator in their                             the greater the number of populations,                fall, reduction in hydrologic
                                                      habitat (Pilger et al. 2010, p. 306).                             the more redundancy the species or DPS                connectivity within and between
                                                         Both headwater chub and the lower                              will have. This redundancy reduces the                streams, and the reduction in the length
                                                      Colorado River basin roundtail chub                               risk that a large portion of the range will           of flowing reaches (all of which are
                                                      DPS need to have multiple resilient                               be negatively affected by any                         impacts from climate change). All three
                                                      populations distributed throughout                                catastrophic event at any one time.                   of these risks categories likely have
                                                      different drainage basins within their                            Species that are well distributed across              population-level effects to both the
                                                      historical range to maintain viability                            their historical range (i.e., having high             headwater chub and the lower Colorado
                                                      into the future and avoid extinction.                             redundancy) are less susceptible to                   River basin roundtail chub DPS.
                                                      Resilient chub populations must be of                             extinction and more likely to be viable                  We considered several other potential
                                                      sufficient size to withstand stochastic                           than species confined to a small portion              risk factors that may have population-
                                                      events such as demographic effects of                             of their range (Carroll et al. 2012, entire;          level effects to either the headwater
                                                      low genetic diversity and environmental                           Redford et al. 2011, entire).                         chub or the lower Colorado River basin
                                                      variability. The best available data do                              Having a breadth of genetic makeup of              roundtail chub DPS, but we were not
                                                      not indicate a minimum or preferred                               the species to adapt to changing                      able to incorporate into the model.
                                                      population size. However, large (or                               environmental conditions is needed for                These include wildfire risk, additional
                                                      more resilient) populations are better                            representation. Representation can be                 climate change impacts (other than
                                                      able to withstand disturbances such as                            measured through the genetic diversity                those considered in the model), water
                                                      random fluctuations in birth rates                                within and among populations, and the                 loss due to anthropogenic actions, and
                                                      (demographic stochasticity), or                                   ecological diversity (variety of ways                 demographic impacts from these factors
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      variations in rainfall (environmental                             species interact with each other and the              and the reduction in the range. We
                                                      stochasticity). The resiliency of                                 environment) of populations across the                evaluated impacts from these additional
                                                      headwater chub or the lower Colorado                              species’ range. The more representation,              risks to each AU and the species/DPS as
                                                      River basin roundtail chub DPS                                    or diversity, the species has, the more it            a whole.
                                                      populations is largely governed by: (1)                           may be capable of adapting to changes                    There are other risks to both chub
                                                      The quantity, distribution, and                                   (natural or human caused) in its                      species that can result in localized
                                                      connectivity of habitat; (2) the quality of                       environment. In the case of the                       effects, including grazing, roads, forestry
                                                      habitat (specifically deep pools for                              headwater chub and lower Colorado                     practices, disease, pathogens, and
                                                      adults and shallow waters along stream                            River basin roundtail chub DPS,                       recreation. While these may have effects

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                                                      on individual chubs, they are not likely                mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis),                      This is because as the available watered
                                                      to have population-level impacts on                     largemouth bass (Micropterus                          segments decrease, the interactions
                                                      either the headwater chub or the lower                  salmoides), flathead catfish (Pylodictis              between nonnatives and chubs increase,
                                                      Colorado River basin roundtail chub                     olivaris) (Fuller 1999, p. 208), and                  with more larvae and young-of-the-year
                                                      DPS, as explained in chapter 7 and                      channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) are             removed from the chub populations due
                                                      appendix B of the SSA Report.                           among the fastest expanding nonnative                 to predation by nonnative aquatic
                                                         Across the historical range, the                     fishes in the basin and are considered to             species. In addition, resources become
                                                      quality and quantity of habitat,                        be the most invasive in terms of their                more limited and the competition for
                                                      abundance of headwater chub and                         negative impacts on native fish                       these resources increases, resulting in
                                                      roundtail chub, and condition of the                    communities (Olden and Poff 2005, pp.                 decreased food for chubs and more
                                                      AUs has been altered. The introduction                  83–84). Of these species, green sunfish,              competition for that food. The reduction
                                                      of nonnative aquatic species and                        flathead catfish, smallmouth bass, and                in water will likely decrease the water
                                                      changes in water flows, caused by                       largemouth bass are considered to                     quality (e.g., decreased dissolved
                                                      human activities (either surface water                  impact chubs the most.                                oxygen, temperature increases, changes
                                                      diversion or groundwater pumping) and                      However, there are streams where                   in pH, and nutrient loading) (Lake 2000,
                                                      climate change, leading to a reduction                  chubs have maintained populations in                  p.578; Lake 2003, p. 1165), which
                                                      in water availability, have led to                      the presence of one or more of these                  nonnative aquatic species are likely
                                                      reductions in chub abundance and                        nonnative aquatic species, but the                    more capable of adapting to than the
                                                      habitat quality and quantity. Nonnative                 mechanisms providing for that                         chubs. (Eaton and Scheller 1996, p.
                                                      aquatic species occur within almost all                 coexistence in any particular stream are              1111; Rahel and Olden 2008, p. 527;
                                                      streams occupied by these two chub                      unknown. The nonnative aquatic                        Rahel et al. 2008, pp. 554–555). While
                                                      species. The changes in flows have                      species community varies for different                the chubs have maintained a presence
                                                      altered the connectivity and spatial                    streams. The amount of preferred                      in several streams with nonnatives, the
                                                      distribution of chubs, resulting in                     habitat available for both the chub and               impacts from nonnative aquatic species
                                                      segmentation of watered areas within                    the nonnative aquatic species may play                exacerbated by other factors reduce the
                                                      individual streams and loss of                          a role, as may the abundance of the                   streams’ ability to withstand stochastic
                                                      connectivity between streams.                           nonnative species and its means of                    events. In addition, there is the potential
                                                         Nonnative fish are the most                          affecting the chub. In some cases, the                that the six streams (three for headwater
                                                      significant risk factor to the lower                    nonnative aquatic species may have                    chub and three for lower Colorado River
                                                      Colorado River fish fauna, including                    only newly entered the stream and the                 basin roundtail chub DPS) that currently
                                                      headwater chub and the lower Colorado                   full effects have not been realized. In               do not have nonnative aquatic species
                                                      River roundtail chub DPS, due to                        other cases, the current habitat and                  could be infiltrated by nonnatives. The
                                                      competition and predation (Minckley                     population dynamics may not strongly                  three headwater chub streams are
                                                      and Deacon 1991; Carlson and Muth                       favor either natives or nonnatives,                   Diamond Creek in the Gila River basin,
                                                      1989, p. 220; Mueller 2005, pp. 10–12;                  allowing for persistence of both under                and Buzzard Roost Creek and Turkey
                                                      Olden and Poff 2005, p. 75). It has now                 those conditions. While chubs coexist                 Creek in the Tonto Creek basin. For the
                                                      been shown that contamination by                        with nonnative aquatic species in                     lower Colorado River basin roundtail
                                                      nonnative fishes is the most significant                several streams, this does not mean that              chub DPS, the streams are Stone Corral
                                                      risk factor to the lower Colorado River                 nonnative aquatic species are not                     Canyon Creek and Conger Creek in the
                                                      fish fauna due to competition and                       impacting chubs or that nonnative
                                                                                                                                                                    Bill Williams basin, and Canyon Creek
                                                      predation (Minckley and Deacon 1991;                    aquatic species are not having
                                                                                                                                                                    in the Salt River basin.
                                                      Carlson and Muth 1989, p. 220; Mueller                  population-level impacts on chubs.
                                                      2005, pp. 10–12; Olden and Poff 2005,                   Marks et al. (2009, pp. 15, 21) looked at                Nonnative aquatic species could be
                                                      p. 75), and nonnative aquatic species are               the response of native fish in Fossil                 introduced through the release of
                                                      the primary impediment to the native                    Creek before and after nonnative fish                 baitfish, intentional introduction by
                                                      fish species’ success (Minckley and                     were removed from the stream. With the                anglers for sport fishing, or flooding
                                                      Marsh 2009, p. 51). Declines in native                  removal of these nonnative fish,                      events, which allow chubs to pass low
                                                      fish, including roundtail and headwater                 headwater and roundtail chub numbers                  water barriers. The management of
                                                      chubs, are largely attributable to                      increased 70 times over the pre-removal               nonnatives is an important tool in the
                                                      predation, with early life stages                       numbers due to the success of spawning                conservation of these species. Currently,
                                                      (Minckley 1983, p. 182) being the most                  and survival of young-of-the-year chubs.              due to a lack of a producer for
                                                      vulnerable. Clarkson et al. (2005, p. 20)                  Nonnative aquatic species occur                    Antimycin A and lack of Environmental
                                                      noted that over 50 nonnative aquatic                    within all streams occupied by chubs                  Protection Agency (EPA) registration for
                                                      species were introduced into the                        with the exception of three streams for               other potential piscicides in
                                                      Southwest as either sport fish or                       each species. We expect that nonnative                development, the most effective method
                                                      baitfish. Lower West Clear Creek                        aquatic species will continue to persist              to remove fish is rotenone. However, the
                                                      showed a reduction in roundtail chub                    in most, if not all, of the streams they              process for public coordination and
                                                      after smallmouth bass became a                          currently occupy because they have                    other steps required on the pesticide
                                                      significant part of the fish community                  readily adapted to the stream conditions              label make it difficult and time-
                                                      (Brouder et al. 2000, pp. 9, 13; Jones et               and removing them from areas they                     consuming to use rotenone under
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      al. 2014, pp. 70–71), and in the upper                  currently occupy is difficult and                     Federal law, and even more so under
                                                      Salt River after flathead catfish were                  expensive. Further, it is likely that the             Arizona State Law (ARS Title 17–481)
                                                      introduced (AGFD 1996), and these                       increase in the frequency and severity of             and Arizona Game and Fish
                                                      reductions have been interpreted as                     droughts, the reduction of flowing                    Commission policy. Given vocal public
                                                      resulting from those nonnative fish                     regions within a network of streams,                  and political opposition to rotenone
                                                      expansions. Fathead minnow                              and an increase in the length of dry                  treatments, stream restoration has
                                                      (Pimephales promelas), green sunfish                    patches within a stream as a result of                become difficult in Arizona because of
                                                      (Lepomis cyanellus), red shiner                         climate change will exacerbate the                    the lengthy bureaucratic process
                                                      (Cyprinella lutrensis), western                         impacts from nonnative aquatic species.               attached to those treatments. Without

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                         60763

                                                      this tool, management of nonnative                      of the groundwater such that it is below              to support native fishes (Jaeger et al.
                                                      aquatic species will become more                        the streambed elevation and cannot                    2014, p. 3), including these chub
                                                      difficult (Pool et al. 2013, p. 640).                   provide surface flows. In areas with few              species.
                                                         Water is the basic habitat component                 wells, this is generally not a significant               The best available data indicate that
                                                      needed for both chub species’ survival                  concern; however, in areas with denser                climate change and increased human
                                                      and to support the various life stages                  human development (as is found along                  population levels in the Verde Valley in
                                                      and life-history functions. Water                       the East Verde River, Oak Creek, and                  the lower Colorado River basin will
                                                      supports the needed physical and                        Wet Beaver Creek), stream drying occurs               result in lowered groundwater levels
                                                      biological characteristics in streams to                occurs (Girmendonk and Young 1997,                    and stream base flows to some degree
                                                      provide suitable chub habitat. There is                 pp. 31–32, 42; Paradzick et al 2006,                  (Garner et al. 2013, p. 23; Jaeger et al.
                                                      a strong seasonal component to the                      pp.9–12). Demand for water is projected               2014, p. 13895). The decline in
                                                      amount of water available in a stream.                  to increase as human populations are                  groundwater levels and base flows in
                                                      There is snowmelt in the spring, which                  predicted to increase, affecting the                  the region is expected to be caused by
                                                      is important for spawning, and monsoon                  timing, amount, and distribution of                   increased groundwater pumping, by
                                                      rains in the summer that is important                   water within streams.                                 surface water diversion, and from an
                                                      during the driest time of year (late                       Climate change models project                      increase in the frequency and severity of
                                                      spring, early summer). Spatial and                      alteration in the timing and amount of                droughts in Arizona as a result of
                                                      temporal variation in water amount and                  snowmelt and monsoon rains, and the                   climate change. Specifically, future
                                                      temperature may influence timing and                    frequency and duration of droughts, as                water levels and stream base flows are
                                                      periodicity of spawning, influence                      well as increases in temperature                      expected to continue decreasing along
                                                      elevation distributions within stream                   resulting in increased evaporation.                   the Verde River and Oak Creek in
                                                      systems, and impact the life cycles and                 During the spring and early monsoon                   response to increased pumping,
                                                      availability of food resources (Dallas                  seasons, the flowing regions of the                   particularly over the next 50 years
                                                      2008, pp. 395–397). Historically, the                   Verde River stream network (areas with                (Owens-Joyce and Bell 1983, pp. 1, 65;
                                                      amount of water in any stream at any                    water) are projected to diminish a                    McGavock 1996, p. 67; Blasch et al.
                                                      time was determined by natural water                    median of 8 percent and a maximum of                  2006, p. 2; Garner et al. 2013). The best
                                                      sources, such as surface flow, springs,                 20 percent (Jaeger et al. 2014, p. 3) from            available information regarding future
                                                      and alluvial groundwater input.                         their current status in the Verde River               water availability for chubs includes
                                                      Currently, these natural water sources                  basin. Over much of the western United                models of the groundwater and base
                                                      are impacted by climate change                          States and western Canada, warmer                     flow in the Verde River through
                                                      (discussed below) and human actions.                    winters are projected to produce earlier              approximately 2050. These models
                                                      The creation of large water storage dams                runoff and discharge but less snow                    indicate a maximum of 20 percent loss
                                                      (such as those on the Salt and Verde                    water equivalent and shortened                        of flow for the Verde River by
                                                      Rivers) eliminate flowing sections of                   snowmelt seasons in many snow-                        approximately 2050 during dry times of
                                                      water and replace them with large                       dominated areas (Barnett et al. 2005,                 the year (Jaeger et al. 2014, p. 13897).
                                                      reservoirs that support nonnative fish                  entire; Rood et al. 2008, entire; Reba et             Despite native fishes having evolved
                                                      species. Chubs may be found in these                    al. 2011, entire).                                    life-history strategies to cope with the
                                                      large reservoirs initially, but do not                     Climate change model predictions                   harsh environmental conditions that
                                                      persist there (Bezzerides and Bestgen                   suggest that climate change will shrink               occur as a result of stream drying
                                                      2002, p. 18). The dams that form the                    the length of the remaining flowing                   events, the predicted spatiotemporal
                                                      reservoirs are impassible obstacles and                 reaches in the Verde River, in the lower              changes in streamflow likely will have
                                                      prevent chubs from moving through the                   Colorado River basin, where both these                adverse consequences for the
                                                      system, resulting in occupied fragments                 species occur (Jaeger et al. 2014, p. 3).             distribution, abundance, and
                                                      of a stream where there was once full                   The frequency of stream drying events                 persistence of these species into the
                                                      connectivity.                                           in the Verde Valley is expected to                    future.
                                                         On the smaller scale, diversion dams                 increase by approximately 17 percent                     Effects to chubs from wildfire vary
                                                      that allow for removal of water from the                (Jaeger et al. 2014, p. 13895), due in                depending on the wildfire and streams.
                                                      stream for human uses may or may not                    large part to groundwater decline. These              The severity, location, and timing of the
                                                      be barriers to connectivity depending on                regions that support flow are                         wildfire influence the impact of wildfire
                                                      their size and structure; however, their                increasingly isolated as adjacent dry                 to chubs depending on the amount of
                                                      effect on flows can be substantial                      fragments expand in length and occur                  runoff, and degree of sediment and ash
                                                      depending on the number of diversions                   more frequently across these seasons.                 in the runoff. The size and condition of
                                                      in a stream, and the season of diversion.               Model predictions suggest that                        the stream also influences the impact to
                                                      For agriculture, the primary diversion                  midcentury and late-century climate                   chubs from wildfire. There are streams
                                                      season is in the late spring through early              will reduce network-wide hydrological                 where chubs (and other fish species)
                                                      fall. Generally, late spring and early                  connectivity. Midcentury and late-                    survived the post-fire ash/sediment
                                                      summer is the time of year with the                     century climate model projections                     flows following wildfire. This happened
                                                      lowest flow and when water supplies                     suggest that more frequent and severe                 in the Upper Gila, Black River, and
                                                      are already stressed. This contributes to               droughts will reduce network-wide                     Spring Creek (Tonto River drainage). It
                                                      local stream drying, where the reach                    hydrologic connectivity for native fishes             is probable that there were individual
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      below the diversion can be all or                       by 6 to 9 percent over the course of a                fish that died or were harmed, and
                                                      partially dry until any return flows from               year and up to 12 to 18 percent during                population numbers (or health) were
                                                      the land use from agricultural fields,                  spring spawning months (Jaeger et al.                 reduced. However, populations that
                                                      groundwater levels restore surface flow,                2014, p. 3). The reduction in the length              were initially depressed in these
                                                      or monsoon rains. In addition to direct                 of the remaining flowing reaches will                 streams have rebounded, even
                                                      removal of surface flow, wells that tap                 further increase native and nonnative                 increasing in abundance or extent
                                                      the alluvial groundwater (the shallow                   aquatic species interactions and                      relative to pre-fire conditions. However,
                                                      aquifer that also supports the surface                  resource limitations, and will                        in certain streams, like Cave Creek, Gila
                                                      flow in a stream) can reduce the level                  compromise the ability of these habitats              chub populations were impacted by the

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                                                      60764                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      Cave Creek Complex Fire through                         in southwestern fishes, Fagan et al.                  nonnatives to be removed, through
                                                      changes in habitat abundance, in which                  (2002, p. 3250) found that the number                 chemical or mechanical means.
                                                      pools where filled with sediment.                       of occurrences or populations of a                    Establishment of a hatchery broodstock
                                                      However, Gila chub still persist in all                 species is less significant a factor in               for the streams at risk of loss of wild
                                                      the locations that were occupied by                     determining extinction risk than is                   populations provides for newly
                                                      chub prior to the Cave Creek Complex                    habitat fragmentation.                                established populations to those areas.
                                                      Fire. Forest management at large                           These species developed as a result of             Renovation or securing of a population
                                                      landscape scales across the ranges of the               multiple independent hybridization                    involves salvaging the chub species
                                                      chubs is occurring and will continue to                 events over time (Rinne 1976; Rosenfeld               from the stream, then the removal of
                                                      occur to reduce forest fuels and                        and Wilkinson 1989; DeMarais et al.                   nonnative aquatic species and
                                                      therefore reduce wildfire risk and                      1992; Dowling and DeMarais 1993;                      potentially the installation of a barrier to
                                                      severity. However, the effects from                     Minckley and DeMarais 2000; Gerber et                 keep nonnatives out of the site, and then
                                                      climate change, such as increased                       al. 2001; Schwemm 2006; Schönhuth et                 the release of salvaged chubs back into
                                                      temperatures, increased evaporation,                    al. 2014). Historically roundtail chub                the stream. Stream renovation is labor-
                                                      and change in timing and amount of                      had greater connectivity among                        and time-intensive. The salvage of
                                                      precipitation, are likely to create                     populations and subsequent relatedness                chubs takes significant resources in
                                                      conditions more favorable to wildfire.                  over the region. The development of                   terms of time, personnel, and funding.
                                                      Wildfire can result in impacts to                       populations in isolation from other                   Temporary housing for the salvaged
                                                      individuals and could also result in                    roundtail chub was not the normal                     chub is needed while the nonnative
                                                      population-level impacts. Wildfire                      condition across most of the historical               aquatic species are removed. The
                                                      could impact any stream or any AU                       range except in the Bill Williams River               eradication of nonnative aquatic species
                                                      within the range of both species. Severe                and Little Colorado River drainages. In               from streams is essential for establishing
                                                      or extensive wildfires that occur in                    the lower Colorado River basin                        new populations or securing
                                                      smaller AUs and independent AUs are                     roundtail chub DPS, genetic variation                 populations. However, removing
                                                      more likely to have an impact on these                  occurs mainly within populations. For                 nonnative aquatic species from a stream
                                                      species as a whole. However, we are                     roundtail chub, demographic effects                   is difficult and typically requires
                                                      unable to predict when or where such                    could result not only if AUs are                      multiple efforts. Rotenone is the most
                                                      fires could occur, nor the impacts to                   fragmented but also if connectivity                   effective means of eradicating
                                                      chubs from these wildfires, but we                      among AUs is fragmented.                              nonnatives from a stream. If there is not
                                                      recognize that wildfires are highly likely                 In headwater chub, most of their                   a barrier to prevent nonnative aquatic
                                                      to occur. We further recognize that not                 genetic variation occurs among                        species from moving into the renovated
                                                                                                              populations, each of which tends to be                area, then a barrier will need to be
                                                      all fire is harmful to these species.
                                                                                                              distinctive. Each AU is geographically                constructed prior to removing the
                                                         As a result of the risk factors                      isolated from the other AUs even in the               nonnatives. Once the nonnative aquatic
                                                      described above, particularly from                      same drainage basin. For headwater                    species are removed and a barrier put in
                                                      climate change, the connectivity of                     chub, demographic effects could result                place, chubs are released back into the
                                                      chubs within and between streams is                     if AUs become fragmented due the                      stream. It is likely that not all nonnative
                                                      impacted, resulting in fragmented                       unique genetic variation within each                  aquatic species were removed, and a
                                                      streams and AUs that could have                         AU. As the demand for water by                        rotenone treatment will be necessary at
                                                      population-level impacts to chubs. This                 humans and the effects of climate                     some point in the future. This will
                                                      results in small and isolated                           change increase, water is likely to                   require salvaging the chubs again and
                                                      populations, susceptible to demographic                 become more limited. This loss of water               applying the rotenone, and then
                                                      impacts. Demographic impacts include                    affects the water flow in a stream and                releasing the salvage chubs.
                                                      loss of genetic diversity from inbreeding               the number and length of watered and                     Removal of nonnative aquatic species
                                                      depression and genetic drift resulting in               dry stream segments (i.e., increased                  has been used as a securing action for
                                                      young that may have reduced fitness to                  fragmentation of a stream). As                        Fossil Creek for both headwater and
                                                      cope with existing or changing                          fragmentation increases so does the risk              roundtail chub. This effort has been
                                                      conditions. This decreases a                            of demographic impacts. Small and                     successful, but significant time and
                                                      population’s ability to adapt to                        isolated populations are vulnerable to                resources were expended to secure the
                                                      environmental changes and increases                     loss of genetic diversity, which                      site and continue to be needed to
                                                      vulnerability to extirpation (i.e.,                     decreases a population’s ability to adapt             maintain this site. Consequently, due to
                                                      decreases resiliency). Fagan et al. (2002,              to environmental changes and increases                the expense and time, there is
                                                      p. 3254) found that, as a result of                     vulnerability to extirpation.                         uncertainty regarding the securing of
                                                      fragmentation and isolation, roundtail                                                                        sites in the future.
                                                      chub has a moderately high risk of local                Conservation Efforts for Headwater                       There are currently four newly
                                                      extirpation (0.41 percent probability)                  Chub and the Lower Colorado River                     established sites for the roundtail chub
                                                      because recolonization from adjacent                    Basin Roundtail Chub DPS                              in the lower Colorado River basin. The
                                                      populations is less likely. Headwater                     Past conservation efforts include the               four new established populations are:
                                                      chub, which has naturally fragmented                    establishment of new populations for                  Blue River, Ash Creek, Gap Creek, and
                                                      populations, has a lower risk of local                  roundtail chub in the lower Colorado                  Roundtree Creek. Blue River is the only
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      extirpation (0.28 percent probability), as              River Basin DPS and the renovation or                 established site with documented
                                                      it still occupies many of its historical                securing of currently occupied areas for              reproduction. This site has a high
                                                      localities, which are headwater and                     headwater and roundtail chub in the                   potential for success; however, it is a
                                                      smaller tributary habitats. However,                    lower Colorado River Basin DPS. Newly                 relatively new site established in 2012.
                                                      fragmentation within those populations                  established populations are sites where               The other three sites have not shown
                                                      exercises the same potential for adverse                chubs have been released within the                   reproduction. Their long-term viability
                                                      effects of small, isolated populations. In              species’ historical range. This involves              is uncertain.
                                                      examining the relationship between                      locating a site with suitable habitat, free              Three of the established sites are free
                                                      species distribution and extinction risk                of nonnative aquatic species or with                  of nonnative aquatic species. Blue

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                   60765

                                                      Creek, the fourth newly established site,               AUs were delineated based on the                      from these risks and the reduction in
                                                      does contain some nonnatives but the                    hydrological connectivity of currently                range. We evaluated impacts from these
                                                      community level of impacts is not likely                occupied streams and the ability of                   additional risks to each AU and the
                                                      to impact at a population level but does                chubs to move within or among streams.                species as a whole. We considered these
                                                      have negative effects to individuals. The               There are two types of AUs considered                 additional factors by evaluating their
                                                      success of secured sites is dependent on                in the SSA Report: (1) Those composed                 impacts to AUs and the species as a
                                                      keeping the site free of or with limited                of one occupied stream, referred to as                whole. For additional information on
                                                      nonnative aquatic species. The                          independent AUs; and (2) those                        our assessment model, refer to the SSA
                                                      eradication of nonnative aquatic species                composed of two or more hydrologically                Report at http://www.regulations.gov.
                                                      from streams is essential for establishing              connected occupied streams, referred to
                                                      new populations or securing                             as complex AUs.                                          The current condition is expressed as
                                                      populations. Rotenone is a primary                                                                            our understanding of risk of extirpation
                                                                                                                 We determined that water availability,
                                                      means of eradicating nonnative fish                                                                           now or in the near future (next 5 years).
                                                                                                              nonnative aquatic species, and chub
                                                      from a stream. Currently, due to a lack                 population structure are the three                    We identified four categories to
                                                      of a producer for Antimycin A and lack                  primary risks to these species. We                    communicate how we are defining risk
                                                      of EPA registration for other potential                 modeled certain components                            of extirpation, described in Table 3,
                                                      piscicides in development, the most                     contributing to the primary risks that                below. An AU categorized as minor risk
                                                      effective method to remove fish is                      were most likely to have a population-                has a 0 to 5 percent change of
                                                      rotenone. However, the process for                      level impact to both species of chub. We              extirpation.
                                                      public coordination and other steps                     developed a qualitative (measuring by
                                                      required on the pesticide label make it                 quality of physical and biological                      TABLE 3—MODELED ANALYSIS UNIT
                                                      difficult and time-consuming to use                     components rather than quantitatively)                  RANKING CATEGORIES BASED ON
                                                      rotenone under Federal law. Given the                   model to summarize our understanding                    RISK OF EXTIRPATION
                                                      difficulty and uncertainty surrounding                  of the risk of extinction of these species
                                                      the use of this tool, management of                     due to these factors. To model water                                                       Extirpation risk
                                                      nonnative aquatic species could be                                                                                       Category
                                                                                                              availability, we considered stream                                                               (%)
                                                      problematic in the future. Without this                 length as a surrogate for available
                                                      tool, management of nonnative fish will                 habitat. We recognize that stream length              Minor Risk Extirpation ..........               0–5
                                                      become more difficult and the success                                                                         Low Risk Extirpation .............             6–30
                                                                                                              does not equate to the quality of habitat
                                                      of future conservation efforts more                                                                           Moderate Risk Extirpation ....                31–60
                                                                                                              available, but this is the best available
                                                      uncertain. Due to the high uncertainty                                                                        High Risk Extirpation ............              >60
                                                                                                              data we have. The effect of nonnative
                                                      of the success of newly established
                                                                                                              aquatic species was evaluated in terms
                                                      populations, and the likelihood that                                                                            The results of our model analysis are
                                                                                                              of the impacts from the community of
                                                      rotenone will not be a useable tool to                                                                        displayed in Tables 4, 5, and 6, below.
                                                                                                              nonnatives aquatic species present in a
                                                      remove nonnative aquatic species, we
                                                                                                              stream and the known impacts to chubs                 The San Carlos River AU and the upper
                                                      did not rely on newly established
                                                                                                              from the nonnative aquatic species                    Salt River AU are within tribal
                                                      populations or renovated streams in our
                                                                                                              present in the stream. Chub population                boundaries. The available data for these
                                                      assessment of future conditions.
                                                         In addition, the U.S. Forest Service                 structure is expressed in terms of chub               areas are dated and limited. In our
                                                      has implemented a suite of practices to                 abundance, number of age classes, and                 analysis, we consider these AUs
                                                      reduce the risk of high-severity fires in               number of positive surveys for presence               occupied; however, we have high
                                                      the range of the chubs, such as                         of the species. In addition, the model                uncertainty in this status.
                                                      prescribed burning, mechanical                          captures past conservation measures,
                                                                                                              such as stream renovations and newly                  Headwater Chub
                                                      thinning, and retention of large trees.
                                                      These actions can help southwestern                     established populations. Although not
                                                                                                                                                                       Currently, there are eight AUs over
                                                      forest ecosystems adapt to climate                      incorporated into our model, we also
                                                                                                                                                                    three drainage basins: Gila River, Salt
                                                      change and reduce the risk of extreme                   considered additional risk from climate
                                                                                                                                                                    River, and Verde River. Headwater chub
                                                      fire behavior (Finney et al. 2005). These               change and water loss due to
                                                                                                              anthropogenic factors (e.g., surface                  are found in 22 streams with a collective
                                                      measures can also reduce emissions of                                                                         minimum of 432 km (268 mi) of
                                                      the gases that cause climate change                     water diversion and groundwater
                                                                                                              pumping), which is part of the water                  available habitat. This represents at least
                                                      because long-term storage of carbon in                                                                        48 percent of the estimated historical
                                                      large trees can outweigh short-term                     availability factor we included in our
                                                                                                              model. However, we were not able to                   range and no more than a 52 percent
                                                      emissions from prescribed burning.
                                                                                                              capture additional risk from climate                  reduction in range. Stream lengths range
                                                      Although considerable work has been
                                                                                                              change and water loss due to                          from 3 to 70 km (2 to 44 mi). Average
                                                      accomplished to reduce fuel loads and
                                                      plans to continue that effort are                       anthropogenic factors in the model. In                stream length is 17 km (10 mi). Only
                                                      documented, wildfire still poses a risk                 addition, we assessed impacts from                    three streams lack nonnative aquatic
                                                      to the chubs.                                           wildfire based on the wildfire risk map               species impacting chubs. Only one AU
                                                                                                              developed by the U.S. Forest Service,                 is in the minor risk of extirpation
                                                      Current Condition                                       recognizing that not all fire results in              category. There are three AUs in the low
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                        In the SSA Report, we used AUs to                     adverse effects to these chubs. Further,              risk, and four in the moderate risk
                                                      describe the populations of chubs. The                  we considered the demographic impacts                 categories (see Table 4, below).

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                                                      60766                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                                                     TABLE 4—MODELED CURRENT CONDITION OF HEADWATER CHUB BY ANALYSIS UNITS
                                                                                                                                [C = Complex AU; I = Independent AU]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Risk of
                                                                    Watershed                                     Sub-watershed                                   Analysis unit                      Type/Number of streams                      extirpation

                                                      Gila River .................................    Lower Gila River .....................       San Carlos ..............................      C/2                                           Moderate.
                                                                                                      Upper Gila River .....................       Three Forks ............................       C/4                                           Low.
                                                      Salt River .................................    Tonto Creek ............................     Lower Tonto Creek .................            C/2                                           Moderate.
                                                                                                      Tonto Creek ............................     Upper Gunn Creek .................             I                                             Moderate.
                                                                                                      Tonto Creek ............................     Upper Tonto Creek .................            C/8                                           Low.
                                                      Verde River ..............................      East Fork Verde River ............           East Fork Verde River ............             C/5                                           Moderate.
                                                                                                      Verde River .............................    Upper Fossil Creek .................           I                                             Minor.
                                                                                                      Verde River .............................    Upper Wet Bottom Creek .......                 I                                             Low.

                                                         Once the modeled results of the                                   networks. However, there are other                                   loss from surface water diversions and
                                                      current condition were determined, we                                impacts from climate change that we                                  groundwater pumping. These impacts
                                                      then evaluated the risk from wildfire,                               considered but were not able to                                      are likely to impact all AUs to some
                                                      additional risk from climate change,                                 incorporate into the model. This                                     degree.
                                                      water loss due to anthropogenic actions,                             includes the increased lengths of dry
                                                      and the demographic impacts from                                                                                                          Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail
                                                                                                                           reaches within a stream, loss of
                                                      these risk factors and reduction in range                                                                                                 Chub DPS
                                                                                                                           connectivity within and among streams,
                                                      on the AUs and the species as a whole.                               changes in the timing and amount of                                     Currently, there are 15 AUs across
                                                      We assessed if an AU in each risk                                    snowmelt and monsoon rains, changes                                  five drainage basins: Bill Williams
                                                      category were to experience a wildfire,                              in the frequency and duration of                                     River, Gila River, Little Colorado River,
                                                      loss of connectivity, decreased water                                droughts, and the increase in                                        Salt River, and Verde River. Roundtail
                                                      flow due to anthropogenic actions and                                temperatures resulting in increased
                                                      climate change, and demographic                                                                                                           chub are found in 35 streams with a
                                                                                                                           evaporation. Increased dry reaches can                               collective minimum of 2,098 km (1,303
                                                      impacts, how that would further affect                               impact chub movement and dispersal.
                                                      the condition of the AU. We recognize                                                                                                     mi) of available habitat. This represents
                                                                                                                           Connectivity within streams is                                       at least 43 percent of the historical range
                                                      that impacts from fire do not always
                                                                                                                           important for headwater chubs to                                     and no more than a 57 percent
                                                      result in adverse impacts to chubs. We
                                                                                                                           maintain genetic diversity. Alterations                              reduction in range. The stream lengths
                                                      then considered how this would impact
                                                      the redundancy and representation of                                 in the timing and amount of water in the                             range from 7 to 320 km (4 to 199 mi),
                                                      the species.                                                         spring could result in delayed or                                    with an average stream length of 50 km
                                                         Wildfire could impact one or more                                 reduced reproduction and recruitment.                                (10 mi). Only three streams lack
                                                      AUs now or in the near future (5 years).                             Alterations in the timing and amount of                              nonnative aquatic species impacting
                                                      Impacts could range from loss of                                     monsoon rains could result in a                                      chubs. One stream, Fossil Creek, has
                                                      individuals to loss or significant                                   decrease in refugia areas for chubs after                            undergone renovation (meaning
                                                      impacts to entire AUs or multiple AUs.                               the driest time of the year. Impacts from                            nonnatives have been removed). There
                                                      The likelihood of wildfire now or in the                             climate change occur throughout the                                  are currently four newly established
                                                      near future is high; however, the                                    range of the headwater chub and are                                  sites (see Table 6, below). There is only
                                                      severity, timing, and location of the                                likely to affect all streams to some                                 one AU in the minor risk of extirpation
                                                      wildfire is uncertain.                                               degree. In addition to the reduction in                              category. There are seven AUs in low
                                                         Climate change is projected to reduce                             water from climate change, we also                                   risk, six in moderate risk, and one in
                                                      the flowing stream length of river                                   evaluated impacts to chubs from the                                  high risk (see Table 5, below).

                                                                                                                                [C = Complex AU; I = Independent AU]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Type/Number               Risk of
                                                                        Watershed                                          Sub-watershed                                           Analysis unit                         of streams              extirpation

                                                      Bill Williams River ............................       Boulder Creek ..................................      Upper Boulder Creek .......................          C/3 ..............      Low.
                                                                                                             Burro Creek .....................................     Burro Creek .....................................    C/4 ..............      Low.
                                                                                                             Santa Maria River ............................        Santa Maria River ............................       C/4 ..............      Moderate.
                                                                                                             Trout Creek ......................................    Trout Creek ......................................   C/3 ..............      Low.
                                                      Gila River .........................................   Lower Gila River ..............................       Aravaipa Creek ................................      I ...................   Low.
                                                                                                                                                                   Eagle Creek .....................................    I ...................   Low.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                             Upper Gila River ..............................       Upper Gila River ..............................      I ...................   Moderate.
                                                      Little Colorado River ........................         Chevelon Creek ...............................        Chevelon Creek ...............................       I ...................   Low.
                                                                                                             Clear Creek ......................................    Clear Creek ......................................   C/2 ..............      Moderate.
                                                      Salt River .........................................   Upper Salt River ..............................       Salome Creek ..................................      I ...................   High.
                                                                                                                                                                   Upper Salt River ..............................      C/9 ..............      Moderate.
                                                      Verde River ......................................     Lower Verde ....................................      Confluence .......................................   C/2 ..............      Moderate.
                                                                                                             Fossil Creek .....................................    Upper Fossil Creek ..........................        I ...................   Low.
                                                                                                             Verde River ......................................    Upper West Clear Creek .................             I ...................   Minor.
                                                                                                             Verde River ......................................    Verde River ......................................   C/6 ..............      Moderate.

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                                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                                                               60767

                                                         Once the modeled results of the                                        able to incorporate into the model. This                                are likely to impact all AUs to some
                                                      current condition were determined, we                                     includes the increased lengths of dry                                   degree.
                                                      then evaluated the risk from wildfire,                                    reaches within a stream, loss of
                                                      additional risk from climate change,                                                                                                              Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail
                                                                                                                                connectivity within and among streams,
                                                      water loss due to anthropogenic actions,                                                                                                          Chub DPS’s Newly Established Sites
                                                                                                                                changes in the timing and amount of
                                                      and demographic impacts from these                                        snowmelt and monsoon rains, changes                                       There are currently four newly
                                                      risks factors and reduction in range on                                   in the frequency and duration of                                        established sites for the lower Colorado
                                                      the AUs and the species as a whole. We                                    droughts, and the increase in                                           River basin roundtail chub DPS (see
                                                      assessed if an AU in each risk category                                   temperatures resulting in increased                                     Table 6, below), each site is an
                                                      were to experience a wildfire, loss of                                    evaporation. Increased dry reaches can                                  individual AU. These are relatively
                                                      connectivity, decreased water flow, or                                    impact chub movement and dispersal.                                     newly established AUs, and their
                                                      demographic impacts, how that would                                       Connectivity within and among streams                                   success is unclear at this time. The Blue
                                                      further affect the condition (or                                          is important for the lower Colorado                                     River site is the only site that has
                                                      resiliency) of the AU. We recognize that                                  River basin roundtail chub DPS to                                       demonstrated reproduction. The
                                                      impacts from fire do not always result                                    maintain genetic diversity. Alterations                                 remaining three sites have yet to show
                                                      in adverse impacts to chubs. We then                                      in the timing and amount of water in the
                                                      considered how this would impact the                                                                                                              any reproduction. We analyzed the
                                                                                                                                spring could result in delayed or                                       current condition of these AUs using the
                                                      redundancy and representation of the
                                                                                                                                reduced reproduction and recruitment.                                   same method that we used to analyze
                                                         Wildfire could impact one or more                                      Alterations in the timing and amount of                                 the headwater chub and extant
                                                      AUs now or in the near future (5 years).                                  monsoon rains could result in a                                         populations of lower Colorado River
                                                      Impacts could range from loss of                                          decrease in refugia areas for chubs after                               basin roundtail chub DPS, meaning that
                                                      individuals to loss or significant                                        the driest time of the year. Impacts from                               we analyzed these using the model and
                                                      impacts to entire AUs or multiple AUs.                                    climate change occur throughout the                                     then considered wildfire impacts,
                                                      The likelihood of wildfire now or in the                                  range of the lower Colorado River basin                                 additional climate change impacts,
                                                      near future is high; however, the                                         roundtail chub DPS and are likely to                                    water loss due to anthropogenic actions,
                                                      severity, timing, and location of the                                     affect all streams to some degree. In                                   and the demographic effects from these
                                                      wildfire is uncertain.                                                    addition to the reduction in water from                                 factors. Again, we recognize that
                                                         Climate change is projected to reduce                                  climate change, we also evaluated the                                   impacts from fire do not always result
                                                      the flowing stream length. However,                                       impacts to chubs from the loss from                                     in adverse impacts to chubs. However,
                                                      there are other impacts from climate                                      surface water diversions and                                            we present the results separately due to
                                                      change that we considered but were not                                    groundwater pumping. These impacts                                      the uncertainty of their success.

                                                              TABLE 6—MODELED CURRENT CONDITION OF LOWER COLORADO RIVER BASIN ROUNDTAIL CHUB DPS’S NEWLY
                                                                                              ESTABLISHED ANALYSIS UNITS
                                                                                                                                     [C = Complex AU; I = Independent AU]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Type/Number                 Risk of
                                                                                    Drainage basin                                                                          Analysis unit                                          of streams                extirpation

                                                      Gila River ........................................................................    Blue River .......................................................................   I   ...................   Low   Risk.
                                                      Salt River .........................................................................   Ash Creek .......................................................................    I   ...................   Low   Risk.
                                                      Verde River .....................................................................      Gap Creek ......................................................................     I   ...................   Low   Risk.
                                                      Verde River .....................................................................      Roundtree Canyon ..........................................................          I   ...................   Low   Risk.

                                                      Future Condition Analysis                                                 from the nonnative aquatic species                                      possible future scenarios based on our
                                                         We analyzed the future risk of                                         present in the stream. To project future                                understanding of the risks to these
                                                      extirpation of each AU using the same                                     impacts from nonnatives aquatic                                         species. Our modeling allowed us to
                                                      model we used to assess current                                           species, we applied an increase in the                                  review four future scenarios of risk to
                                                      condition. However, we added a metric                                     impacts from the community of                                           AUs from nonnative aquatic species and
                                                      to assess conservation measures. We                                       nonnative aquatic species present to a                                  water availability. These scenarios
                                                      used the current condition of nonnative                                   percentage of streams. We did not                                       extend to the year 2046, about 30 years
                                                      aquatic species, water availability, and                                  project future impacts to chub                                          from present. In addition, we included
                                                      chub population structure as the                                          population structure because the                                        an assessment of the potential for future
                                                      baseline to analyze projected future                                      projected future risk to the chubs is                                   conservation actions within each
                                                      impacts. As stated in the current                                         what we are projecting. To measure                                      scenario.
                                                      condition, we modeled water                                               conservation efforts, we projected the                                     To measure impacts from nonnative
                                                      availability using stream length as a                                     future establishment of new populations                                 aquatic species in the future scenarios,
                                                      surrogate for available habitat. To model                                 and the renovation of streams.                                          we evaluated an increase in the level of
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      projected future impacts from climate                                       Given our uncertainty regarding if or                                 impact from the nonnative aquatic
                                                      change, we applied a reduction in                                         when streams or AUs occupied by                                         species community across a percentage
                                                      length to the baseline stream length (i.e.,                               chubs will experience an increase in                                    of streams because it is unlikely that all
                                                      water availability) to all streams. Under                                 nonnative aquatic species, a reduction                                  streams will be affected by increased
                                                      the current condition, the nonnative                                      in water in the future, or conservation                                 impacts from nonnative aquatic species.
                                                      aquatic species were evaluated in terms                                   actions, we have qualitatively forecasted                               It is more realistic that a portion of
                                                      of the impacts from the community of                                      what both species may have in terms of                                  streams will have increased effects from
                                                      nonnative aquatic species present in a                                    resiliency, redundancy, and                                             nonnative aquatic species. Impacts due
                                                      stream and the known impacts to chubs                                     representation under four different                                     to reduction in water availability were

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                                                      60768                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      assumed to occur throughout all streams                                         management option projects that there                                similar to what would be considered in
                                                      because impacts from climate change,                                            will be two streams that are renovated                               selecting a real site for a new
                                                      the largest driver of water availability,                                       or secured (eliminating nonnatives), and                             population. We randomly selected
                                                      occur at a landscape scale; however, the                                        two new populations will be established                              drainage basins where the new
                                                      future scenarios incorporate various                                            per species. The low management                                      population sites would be implemented.
                                                      levels of climate change severity to                                            option only projects one new                                         For the purposes of the model, we
                                                      account for the uncertainty in future                                           population being established per                                     assumed all of these conservation efforts
                                                      climate change projections.                                                     species. For the two new projected                                   would result in populations that have
                                                         We identified two levels of                                                  populations for each chub, we did not                                reproduction and recruitment.
                                                      conservation: a high management option                                          select real streams but identified a set of
                                                      and a low management option. The high                                           conditions to represent a proxy stream

                                                                                                 ROUNDTAIL CHUB DPS
                                                                                                                    Nonnative aquatic species                                                                          Water availability              Conservation

                                                                                                                                                               Percent of                Nonnative com-                   Percent of                  New populations,
                                                                                                Scenario                                                   streams impacted               munity level                   decrease in                    renovation,
                                                                                                                                                             by nonnatives                  increase                    stream length                    securing

                                                      1   ..............................................................................................                        13                             1                         ¥4       High management.
                                                      2   ..............................................................................................                        13                             2                         ¥8       High management.
                                                      3   ..............................................................................................                        13                             2                         ¥8       Low management.
                                                      4   ..............................................................................................                        45                             1                        ¥20       Low management.

                                                         The below results are from the model                                         anthropogenic factors in the model. In                               established and two streams will be
                                                      analysis; however, it is important to                                           addition, we assessed impacts from                                   renovated. The low management
                                                      note that our model does not capture all                                        wildfire based on the wildfire risk map                              options projects that one new AU will
                                                      risks affecting these species. For                                              developed by the U.S. Forest Service. As                             be established and no streams will be
                                                      analyzing the future condition, the                                             clarified in the Risk Factors for                                    renovated. Consequently, scenarios 1
                                                      model captures certain components                                               Headwater Chub and the Lower                                         and 2 resulted in 10 AUs, instead of 8,
                                                      contributing to the primary risks to the                                        Colorado River Basin Roundtail Chub                                  because both of these scenarios
                                                      species (nonnative aquatic species and                                          DPS section of this proposed rule, we                                incorporate the high management
                                                      water availability) and conservation                                            recognize that fire does not always                                  option. Scenarios 3 and 4 resulted in
                                                      measures (establishing new populations                                          result in adverse effects to these species.                          nine AUs due to the low management
                                                      and renovating existing populations).                                           Further, we considered the demographic                               option projecting only one newly
                                                      Although not incorporated into our                                              impacts to these risks and the reduction
                                                      model, we also considered additional                                                                                                                 established population. As a result of
                                                                                                                                      in range. We evaluated impacts from                                  the established populations and the
                                                      risk from climate change and water loss                                         these additional risks to each AU and
                                                      due to anthropogenic factors (e.g.,                                                                                                                  renovation populations, the
                                                                                                                                      the species as a whole.
                                                      surface water diversion and                                                                                                                          representation and redundancy of the
                                                      groundwater pumping), which is part of                                          Future Condition Model Results                                       species increased. However, the
                                                      the water availability factor we included                                                                                                            resiliency of some of the AUs is
                                                                                                                                      I. Headwater Chub
                                                      in our model. However, we were not                                                                                                                   diminished due to the increased risks
                                                      able to capture additional risk from                                              The high management options                                        from nonnative aquatic species and
                                                      climate change and water loss due to                                            projects that two new AUs will be                                    reduced stream length.

                                                                                              TABLE 8—MODELED FUTURE CONDITION OF HEADWATER CHUB ANALYSIS UNITS
                                                                       Analysis unit name                                   Current condition                   Scenario 1                    Scenario 2                     Scenario 3                   Scenario 4

                                                      San Carlos Complex .............................                    Moderate ..............          Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............        Moderate ..............        Moderate.
                                                      Three Forks Complex ...........................                     Low .......................      Low .......................   Low .......................    Low .......................    Moderate.
                                                      Lower Tonto Creek Network .................                         Moderate ..............          Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............        Moderate ..............        Moderate.
                                                      Upper Gunn Creek ...............................                    Moderate ..............          Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............        Moderate ..............        Moderate.
                                                      Upper Tonto Creek Complex ................                          Low .......................      Low .......................   Low .......................    Low .......................    Low.
                                                      New Population A .................................                  Not applicable .......           Minor .....................   Minor .....................    Minor .....................    Minor.
                                                      East Verde River Complex ...................                        Moderate ..............          Low .......................   Low .......................    Moderate ..............        Moderate.
                                                      Fossil Creek ..........................................             Minor .....................      Low .......................   Moderate ..............        Moderate ..............        Low.
                                                      Wet Bottom Creek ................................                   Low .......................      Low .......................   Low .......................    Low .......................    Low.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      New Population B .................................                  Not applicable .......           Minor .....................   Minor .....................    Not applicable .......         Not applicable.

                                                      II. Lower Colorado River Basin                                                  renovated. The low management                                        because both of these scenarios
                                                      Roundtail Chub DPS                                                              options projects that one new AU will                                incorporate the high management
                                                                                                                                      be established and no streams will be                                option. Scenarios 3 and 4 resulted in 16
                                                        The high management options                                                   renovated. Consequently, scenarios 1                                 AUs due to the low management option
                                                      projects that two new AUs will be                                               and 2 resulted in 17 AUs, instead of 15,                             only projecting one newly established
                                                      established and two streams will be

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                                                 60769

                                                      population. As a result of the                                      species increased. However, the                                      reduced stream length. However, the
                                                      established populations and the                                     resiliency of some of the AUs is                                     increased risk did not elevate the
                                                      renovation populations, the                                         diminished due to the increased risks                                ranking to the next risk category.
                                                      representation and redundancy of the                                from nonnative aquatic species and

                                                                        Analysis unit                            Current condition                  Scenario 1                    Scenario 2                    Scenario 3                    Scenario 4

                                                      Boulder Creek Complex .......................             Low .......................   Low .......................   Low .......................   Low .......................    Low.
                                                      Burro Creek Complex ...........................           Low .......................   Low .......................   Low .......................   Low .......................    Low.
                                                      Santa Maria River Complex .................               Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............        Moderate.
                                                      Trout Creek Complex ...........................           Low .......................   Low .......................   Low .......................   Low .......................    Moderate.
                                                      New Population C .................................        Not applicable .......        Minor .....................   Minor .....................   Minor .....................    Minor.
                                                      Aravaipa Creek .....................................      Low .......................   Low .......................   Low .......................   Low .......................    Low.
                                                      Eagle Creek ..........................................    Low .......................   Low .......................   Low .......................   Low .......................    Low.
                                                      Upper Gila River Complex ....................             Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............        Moderate.
                                                      Chevelon Creek ....................................       Low .......................   Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............        Moderate.
                                                      Clear Creek Complex ...........................           Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............        Moderate.
                                                      Salome Creek .......................................      High ......................   High ......................   High ......................   High ......................    High
                                                      Upper Salt River Complex ....................             Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............        Moderate.
                                                      Confluence Reach Complex .................                Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............        Moderate.
                                                      Fossil Creek ..........................................   Low .......................   Low .......................   Low .......................   Low .......................    Low.
                                                      Upper West Clear Creek ......................             Minor .....................   Minor .....................   Minor .....................   Minor .....................    Low.
                                                      Verde River Complex ...........................           Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............       Moderate ..............        Moderate.
                                                      New Population D .................................        Not applicable .......        Minor .....................   Minor .....................   Not applicable .......         Not applicable.

                                                      III. Lower Colorado River Basin                                     AU. These are relatively newly                                       separately because of the uncertainty of
                                                      Roundtail Chub DPS’s Newly                                          established AUs, and their success is                                their success.
                                                      Established Sites                                                   unclear at this time. The Blue River site                              Results for the Lower Colorado River
                                                         There are currently four established                             is the only site that has demonstrated                               basin roundtail chub DPS newly
                                                      sites for the lower Colorado River basin                            reproduction. The remaining three sites                              established populations (Blue River,
                                                      roundtail chub DPS (see Table 10,                                   have yet to show any reproduction.                                   Ash Creek, Gap Creek, and Roundtree
                                                      below), and each site is an individual                              Consequently, we analyzed these AUs                                  Canyon) are captured in Table 10.
                                                              TABLE 10—MODELED FUTURE CONDITION OF LOWER COLORADO RIVER BASIN ROUNDTAIL CHUB DPS’S NEWLY
                                                                                              ESTABLISHED ANALYSIS UNITS
                                                                                                                               [C = Complex AU; I = Independent AU]

                                                         Drainage basin                  Analysis unit                     Current                      Scenario 1                    Scenario 2                     Scenario 3                Scenario 4

                                                      Gila River ..............     Blue River .............       Low .......................    Low .......................   Moderate ...............       Moderate ...............       Low.
                                                      Salt River ..............     Ash Creek .............        Low .......................    Moderate ...............      High .......................   High .......................   High.
                                                      Verde River ...........       Gap Creek ............         Moderate ...............       Moderate ...............      High .......................   High .......................   High.
                                                      Verde River ...........       Roundtree Canyon               Low .......................    Moderate ...............      High .......................   High .......................   High.

                                                      Summary                                                             nonnative aquatic species, amount of                                 reduction in range, as described in the
                                                                                                                          decrease in stream length, and the level                             Risk Factors for Headwater Chub and
                                                         Based on the risk factor discussion                              of conservation measures. There is                                   the Lower Colorado River Basin
                                                      above, scenarios 1 and 3 are the most                               uncertainty in the level of impacts from                             Roundtail Chub DPS and Current
                                                      likely scenarios. We are moderately                                 nonnative aquatic species and climate                                Condition sections, above.
                                                      certain that nonnative aquatic species                              change. Further, there is uncertainty in
                                                      will not impact 45 percent of the                                   the level, feasibility, or effectiveness of                          Viability
                                                      streams throughout the range of either                              conservation measures. By considering
                                                      species. Consequently, scenario 4 is not                                                                                                   In the SSA Report, we used AUs to
                                                                                                                          both scenario 1 and 3, we address some                               describe the populations of chubs. The
                                                      a realistic scenario, but it does                                   of this uncertainty. Therefore, the most
                                                      demonstrate a negative future condition                                                                                                  AUs were delineated based on the
                                                                                                                          informative scenarios are scenarios 1
                                                      for comparison to the other scenarios.                                                                                                   hydrological connectivity of currently
                                                                                                                          and 3, where impacts from nonnative
                                                      Scenario 2 is similar to scenario 3, with                           aquatic species are likely to increase in                            occupied streams and the ability of
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      different conservation measures (see                                a percentage of streams across the range                             chubs to move within or among streams.
                                                      Table 7, above). Given the uncertainty                              of each species, stream lengths will be                              There are two types of AUs considered
                                                      in the success and feasibility of the                               reduced, and some level of conservation                              in this SSA Report: (1) Those composed
                                                      conservation measures, we consider it                               management will be implemented. In                                   of one occupied stream, referred to as
                                                      important to evaluate a scenario with                               addition to the model results, we also                               independent AUs; and (2) those
                                                      low management options. Consequently,                               assessed risk from wildfire, additional                              composed of two or more hydrologically
                                                      we analyzed the results from scenario 3,                            risk from climate change, water loss due                             connected occupied streams, referred to
                                                      rather than scenario 2. Scenarios 1 and                             to anthropogenic factors, demographic                                as complex AUs.
                                                      3 vary in the level of impacts from                                 impacts from these risks factors, and the

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                                                      60770                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      Headwater Chub                                          approximately 5 km (3 mi) or less, in                 the headwater chub and the lower
                                                         Currently, at least 48 percent of the                which a catastrophic event could result               Colorado River basin roundtail chub
                                                      estimated historical range is occupied                  in the loss of these AUs and reduce                   DPS.
                                                      and there has been no more than a 52                    redundancy of the species. In addition,                  In the Little Colorado River drainage
                                                      percent reduction in range. Occupancy                   San Carlos River and its tributary Ash                basin, loss of one of the two occupied
                                                      is within 22 streams, with a collective                 Creek within the Gila River drainage                  streams would impair redundancy. For
                                                      minimum of 432 km (268 mi) of                           basin are on tribal lands, and we have                the Verde River Complex and Upper
                                                      available habitat, dispersed over eight                 high uncertainty regarding the presence               Salt River Complex AUs, loss of any
                                                      AUs across three drainage basins. Three                 of chubs.                                             stream with documentation of
                                                      (38 percent) AUs are isolated, and five                 Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail                  recruitment would likely impair the
                                                      (62 percent) AUs have some hydrologic                   Chub DPS                                              entire complex. The survey data suggest
                                                      connection to each other. Headwater                                                                           that some streams in the Verde River
                                                                                                                 Currently, about 47 to 52 percent of               Complex and Upper Salt River Complex
                                                      chub populations are naturally                          historical range is occupied (or 48 to 53
                                                      fragmented due to the individual                                                                              AUs have more recruitment events than
                                                                                                              percent reduction in range). Occupied
                                                      hybridization events that created the                                                                         others but we do not fully understand
                                                                                                              areas are dispersed over 35 streams
                                                      species. Due to the multiple                                                                                  how the chub populations are
                                                                                                              within 15 AUs across five drainages.
                                                      hybridization events in separate streams                                                                      maintained across the entire complex.
                                                                                                              Information about roundtail chub
                                                      that likely gave rise to headwater chub,                                                                      Under these conditions, loss of a stream
                                                                                                              indicated that historically there was
                                                      there are differences between the                                                                             with sustained recruitment would affect
                                                                                                              greater connectivity and subsequent
                                                      occupied streams across the occupied                                                                          redundancy across the entire AU. For
                                                                                                              relatedness over the region, and
                                                      range deriving from the specifics of the                                                                      the Gila River drainage basin, loss of the
                                                                                                              development of populations in isolation
                                                      founding populations and subsequent                                                                           Eagle Creek AU would effectively
                                                                                                              from other roundtail chub was not the
                                                      events that may have reduced                                                                                  eliminate the upper portion of the Gila
                                                                                                              normal condition across most of the
                                                      population sizes that affected that                     historical range except in the Bill                   River drainage basin. The loss of the
                                                      diversity (Dowling et al. 2008, pp. 10–                 Williams River and Little Colorado                    Aravaipa Creek AU would effectively
                                                      11). Most of their genetic variation                    River drainages. Unlike the headwater                 eliminate the lower portion of the Gila
                                                      occurs among populations, each of                       chub, the roundtail chub’s historical                 River drainage basin. For the Bill
                                                      which tends to be distinctive. Each AU                  connectivity within the Gila, Salt, and               Williams River drainage basin, the loss
                                                      is geographically isolated from the other               Verde Rivers promoted less genetic                    of one AU complex would reduce
                                                      AUs even in the same drainage basin.                    diversity over the range; however, the                redundancy but not necessarily impair
                                                      The significance of isolation in shaping                Bill Williams and Little Colorado rivers              redundancy. However, the loss of both
                                                      each population highlights the                          are isolated from that connectivity and               AU complexes would impair
                                                      importance of maintaining each                          are more unique. However, roundtail                   redundancy because of the potential for
                                                      independently to preserve the unique                    chub are extirpated from several large                loss of a genetic management unit.
                                                      genetic variation (Dowling et al. 2008, p.              riverine streams that provided                        Determinations
                                                      2). Maintaining representation in the                   connectivity across most of the
                                                      form of genetic or ecological diversity is              historically occupied range. This has                    Section 4 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1533),
                                                      important to retaining the capacity of                  resulted in the recent isolation of AUs               and its implementing regulations at 50
                                                      the chub to adapt to future                             even within the same drainage basin.                  CFR part 424, set forth the procedures
                                                      environmental changes.                                  Nine AUs (about 60 percent) are isolated              for adding species to the Federal Lists
                                                         Six of the eight AUs are located in                  and are not able to naturally recolonize.             of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
                                                      adjoining drainages: three in the Salt                  If a catastrophic event such as wildfire              and Plants. Under section 4(a)(1) of the
                                                      River (upper and lower Tonto Creek                      or severe drought occurs in one of these              Act, we may list a species based on (A)
                                                      complexes and Gunn Creek                                nine populations, it could be extirpated.             The present or threatened destruction,
                                                      independent AUs) and three in the                       Variation within populations and                      modification, or curtailment of its
                                                      Verde River (East Verde River complex                   connectivity may be more of an issue for              habitat or range; (B) overutilization for
                                                      and Fossil and Wet Bottom creeks                        roundtail chub in the DPS than with                   commercial, recreational, scientific, or
                                                      independent AUs). The result is a                       headwater chub. Maintaining                           educational purposes; (C) disease or
                                                      distribution with 64 percent of the                     representation in the form of genetic or              predation; (D) the inadequacy of
                                                      occupied area within immediate                          ecological diversity is important to                  existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E)
                                                      proximity to each other in two adjacent                 retaining the capacity of the roundtail               other natural or manmade factors
                                                      drainage basins, which is a concern for                 chub to adapt to future environmental                 affecting its continued existence. Listing
                                                      catastrophic events (such as floods). The               changes.                                              actions may be warranted based on any
                                                      remaining two complexes, San Carlos                        There are eight streams from various               of the above threat factors, singly or in
                                                      River and Three Forks, are in separate                  AUs of approximately 5 km (3 mi) or                   combination. Under section 4(b)(1)(a),
                                                      drainage basins from the other six and                  less. These streams are at a higher risk              the Secretary is to make endangered or
                                                      each other, and are not likely to be                    of extirpation from catastrophic events               threatened determinations under section
                                                      affected by the same catastrophic                       than are longer streams. In addition, one             4(a)(1) solely on the basis of the best
                                                      natural or anthropogenic event. This                    AU is approximately 5 km (3 mi) or less,              scientific and commercial data available
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      configuration creates a concern for                     putting it at higher risk of extirpation              to her after conducting a review of the
                                                      maintaining redundancy in the future                    due to a catastrophic event, leading to               status of the species and after taking
                                                      due to a catastrophic event.                            reduced redundancy. In addition, there                into account conservation efforts by
                                                         There are eight streams from various                 seven streams within the Upper Salt                   States or foreign nations. We have
                                                      AUs of approximately 5 km (3 mi) or                     River drainage basin located on tribal                carefully assessed the best scientific and
                                                      less in length. These streams are at a                  lands where we have high uncertainty                  commercial data available regarding the
                                                      higher risk of extirpation from                         regarding the presence of chubs. We                   past, present, and future threats to the
                                                      catastrophic events than are longer                     consider these streams occupied, but                  headwater chub and lower Colorado
                                                      streams. Further, there are two AUs of                  this could be overestimating the range of             River basin roundtail chub DPS.

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                           60771

                                                         The Act defines an endangered                        the most likely future scenarios. Our                 describe the viability of headwater chub
                                                      species as any species that is ‘‘in danger              forecasts take into consideration the                 then determine the species’ status under
                                                      of extinction throughout all or a                       four newly established sites and one                  the Act.
                                                      significant portion of its range’’ and a                restoration site for the lower Colorado
                                                                                                                                                                    II. Evaluation
                                                      threatened species as any species ‘‘that                River basin roundtail chub DPS. In
                                                      is likely to become endangered                          addition, our analysis considers wildfire                To assist us in evaluating the status of
                                                      throughout all or a significant portion of              risk, additional climate change impacts,              the headwater chub, we evaluated the
                                                      its range within the foreseeable future.’’              water loss due to anthropogenic actions,              risk factors that we found may have
                                                      We used the best available scientific and               and demographic impacts from these                    potential population-level effects now.
                                                      commercial data to evaluate the                         factors and the reduction in the range.               This included nonnative aquatic
                                                      viability (and thus risk of extinction) for             We recognize the fire does not always                 species, water availability, and chub
                                                      the headwater chub and the lower                        result in adverse effects to these chubs.             population structure, which we assessed
                                                      Colorado River basin roundtail chub                     We evaluated impacts from these                       in our model. In addition, this included
                                                      DPS to determine if they meet the                       additional risks to each AU and the                   current risk from wildfire, climate
                                                      definition of an endangered or                          headwater chub and the lower Colorado                 change, water loss due to anthropogenic
                                                      threatened species.                                     River basin roundtail chub DPS as a                   actions, and demographic effects from
                                                                                                              whole.                                                these risks factors and the reduction in
                                                      Summary of Analysis                                                                                           range; however, these were not analyzed
                                                         The biological information we                        Application of Analysis to                            in the model. All of these factors affect
                                                      reviewed and analyzed as the basis for                  Determinations                                        the resiliency of AUs for the headwater
                                                      our findings is documented in the SSA                      The fundamental question before the                chub.
                                                      Report (Service 2015, entire), a                        Service is whether the headwater chub                    For headwater chub, at least 48
                                                      summary of which is provided in the                     and the lower Colorado River basin                    percent of the estimated historical range
                                                      Background section of this proposed                     roundtail chub DPS warrants protection                remains and no more than a 52 percent
                                                      rule. The projections for the condition                 as endangered or threatened under the                 of the range has been reduced from the
                                                      of populations are based on our                         Act. To determine this, we evaluate the               historical range. Nonnative aquatic
                                                      expectations of the risks (in other                     projections of extinction risk, described             species occupy almost all currently
                                                      words, threats) that may have                           in terms of the condition and                         occupied chub streams, and we
                                                      population-level effects currently or in                distribution of current (including the                analyzed impacts to these streams and
                                                      the future. The risks we evaluated in                   next 5 years) and future populations. As              AUs through the model. Nonnative
                                                      detail are habitat loss and degradation                 population condition declines and                     aquatic species and chubs have
                                                      due to groundwater pumping and                          distribution shrinks, species’ extinction             coexisted for some time in several of
                                                      surface water diversion (Factor A from                  risk increases and overall viability                  these streams, but the reasons for this
                                                      the Act), and predation, competition,                   declines.                                             are unclear. There are three streams for
                                                      and harassment from nonnative aquatic                      As described in the determinations                 headwater chub that are currently free
                                                      species (Factors C and E from the Act).                 below, we first evaluated whether the                 of nonnative aquatic species into which
                                                      For nonnative aquatic species and                       headwater chub and the lower Colorado                 nonnatives could expand or be
                                                      reduction in water, we also considered                  River basin roundtail chub DPS are in                 introduced.
                                                      the exacerbating effects of climate                     danger of extinction throughout their                    In the model, we analyzed the stream
                                                      change (Factor E from the Act). We                      ranges now (an endangered species). We                length as a measure of water
                                                      reviewed, but did not evaluate in further               then evaluated whether they are likely                availability. This provided a current
                                                      detail because of a lack of population-                 to become in danger of extinction                     condition of the amount of water in a
                                                      level effects, the effects of recreation                throughout their ranges in the                        stream at the driest time of year. This
                                                      (Factor B from the Act), grazing, forestry              foreseeable future (a threatened species).            captured climate change and
                                                      practices, roads, and mining (Factor A                  We finally considered whether the                     anthropogenic action (surface water
                                                      from the Act). The overall results of the               headwater chub and the lower Colorado                 diversions and groundwater pumping)
                                                      status assessment found that the best                   River basin roundtail chub DPS are an                 impacts to the stream. Wildfire is not
                                                      available information indicates that the                endangered or threatened species in a                 analyzed in the model, but we did
                                                      range of the headwater chub and the                     significant portion of their ranges (SPR).            consider impacts from wildfire.
                                                      lower Colorado River basin roundtail                                                                          Currently, wildfire could occur almost
                                                      chub DPS have decreased, with multiple                  Headwater Chub Determination                          anywhere within the range of this
                                                      streams now extirpated, likely due to                   Endangered Species Throughout Range                   species and impact one or more streams
                                                      nonnative aquatic species and loss of                                                                         or entire AUs. However, impacts to the
                                                      habitat (i.e., water).                                  I. Standard                                           headwater chub are dependent on the
                                                         The purpose of the status assessment                    Under the Act, an endangered species               severity, location, and timing of the fire,
                                                      was to characterize the future condition                is any species that is ‘‘in danger of                 as well as the size of the stream.
                                                      of the headwater chub and the lower                     extinction throughout all or a significant               Since this species developed as a
                                                      Colorado River basin roundtail chub                     portion of its range.’’ Because of the                result of multiple independent
                                                      DPS in the face of risks and                            fact-specific nature of listing                       hybridization events over time (Rinne
                                                      conservation efforts described above in                 determinations, there is no single metric             1976; Rosenfeld and Wilkinson 1989;
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      the Background section. In the SSA                      for determining if a species is currently             DeMarais et al. 1992; Dowling and
                                                      Report, we described the viability of the               in danger of extinction. We used the                  DeMarais 1993; Minckley and DeMarais
                                                      headwater chub and the lower Colorado                   best available scientific and commercial              2000; Gerber et al. 2001; Schwemm
                                                      River basin roundtail chub DPS in terms                 data to evaluate the viability (and thus              2006; Schönhuth et al. 2014), it is
                                                      of resiliency, redundancy,                              risk of extinction) for the headwater                 important to maintain it independently
                                                      representation now, including the next                  chub to determine if it meets the                     to preserve the unique genetic variation
                                                      5 years, and over the next 30 years                     definition of an endangered species. In               (Dowling et al. 2008, p. 2). The genetic
                                                      under four likely scenarios. We have                    this proposed rule, we use a description              diversity of headwater chub is best
                                                      determined that scenarios 1 and 3 are                   of the condition of populations to                    represented in differences within its

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                                                      60772                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      populations, each of which tends to be                  minor and low risk categories, but these              species, water availability, and climate
                                                      distinctive.                                            AUs are currently maintaining chubs                   change) are not currently having
                                                        The renovation effort in Fossil Creek                 and are therefore likely to withstand a               population-level effects to all AUs
                                                      for headwater chub (and for roundtail                   stochastic event. In addition, there are              across the range of the headwater chub.
                                                      chub in the lower Colorado River basin)                 two AUs in the moderate risk category                 Catastrophic or stochastic events in the
                                                      has proven successful, but such an effort               that are close to the low risk category               present are not likely to have
                                                      requires a large commitment of                          score, indicating that while they are in              population-level impacts to all AUs;
                                                      resources including funding and                         the moderate category they are at the                 consequently the risk of extinction is
                                                      personnel.                                              low end of this category (i.e., closer to             sufficiently low that the species does
                                                      III. Finding for Headwater Chub                         low risk).                                            not meet the definition of endangered
                                                                                                                 While impacts from climate change                  under the Act. Based on the above
                                                         Our review found that eight AUs                      are likely currently, and are impacting               information, we conclude that the
                                                      currently exist within the historical                   chub populations at some scale, they are              headwater chub does not meet the
                                                      range of the headwater chub across                      not having population-level impacts to                definition of an endangered species
                                                      three drainage basins. We defined the                   all AUs at this time.                                 under the Act.
                                                      minor risk category as a 0 to 5 percent                    Nonnative aquatic species occur in all
                                                      current risk of extirpation, the low risk               but three streams that headwater chub                 Threatened Species Throughout Range
                                                      category as a 6 to 30 percent current risk              occupy. While chubs coexist with                         Having found that the headwater chub
                                                      of extirpation, and the moderate risk                   nonnative aquatic species in several                  is not endangered throughout its range,
                                                      category as a 31 to 60 percent current                  streams, this does not mean that                      we next evaluated whether this species
                                                      risk of extirpation. The model output                   nonnative aquatic species are not                     is threatened throughout its range.
                                                      categorized one AU as minor risk, three                 impacting chubs; however, the AUs are
                                                      AUs as the low risk, and four as the                                                                          I. Standard
                                                                                                              persisting currently.
                                                      moderate risk categories.                                  We consider the species to have                       Under the Act, a threatened species is
                                                         Four AUs are projected as currently                  sufficient redundancy and                             any species that is ‘‘likely to become an
                                                      having a minor or low risk of                           representation, and a number of                       endangered species within the
                                                      extirpation. We consider the one AU in                  sufficiently large populations, so that               foreseeable future throughout all or a
                                                      the minor risk category, Fossil Creek, to               the species is able to withstand                      significant portion of its range.’’ The
                                                      be resilient because it contains very few               catastrophic events. The four AUs                     foreseeable future refers to the extent to
                                                      nonnative aquatic species, it has a                     identified as minor and low risks are                 which the Secretary can reasonably rely
                                                      stream length of over 15 km (9 mi), and                 currently spread over a large                         on predictions about the future in
                                                      chub population structure is high                       geographical area, such that all the AUs              making determinations about the future
                                                      (meaning chubs are abundant and                         are highly unlikely to experience a                   conservation status of the species (U.S.
                                                      recruitment is high). All these                         catastrophic event that would impact all              Department of Interior, Solicitor’s
                                                      components increase the AU’s ability to                 AUs now. Further, the current range of                Memorandum, M–37021, January 16,
                                                      withstand a stochastic event such as                    the species includes AUs that represent               2009). A key statutory difference
                                                      wildfire and weather, which are the                     the known diversity of ecological                     between an endangered species and a
                                                      other risks we considered in our                        settings and genetic materials for the                threatened species is the timing of when
                                                      assessment. Based on this, resiliency is                headwater chub. The current and                       a species may be in danger of extinction,
                                                      sufficient for this AU, and the risk of                 ongoing threats are not likely to impact              either now (endangered species) or in
                                                      extirpation is 0 to 5 percent.                          all remaining populations significantly               the foreseeable future (threatened
                                                         Although less resilient than an AU in                now. Certain risks, such as climate                   species). The foreseeable future refers to
                                                      the minor risk category, the AUs in the                 change, move slowly across the                        the extent to which the Secretary can
                                                      low risk category are also considered                   landscape, and demographic impacts                    reasonably rely on predictions about the
                                                      resilient, because they have low                        take time to impact a population. The                 future in making determinations about
                                                      nonnative aquatic species, sufficient                   increase or spread of nonnative aquatic               the future conservation status of the
                                                      stream length, and/or good chub                         species moves faster than climate                     species.
                                                      population structure (chubs are                         change or demographics, but it will
                                                      common to abundant and recruitment is                   likely take a few years for a nonnative               II. Foreseeable Future
                                                      moderate to high). These components                     aquatic species to expand in a currently                 To assist us in evaluating the status of
                                                      increase the AUs’ ability to withstand a                occupied stream or become established                 the species in the foreseeable future, we
                                                      stochastic event such as wildfire and                   in a new stream. Wildfire is likely to                evaluated the risk factors that we found
                                                      drought, which are the other risks we                   have immediate impacts, but it is highly              may have potential population-level
                                                      considered in our assessment. However,                  unlikely that wildfire will impact all                effects over time. This included
                                                      their ability to withstand a stochastic                 AUs at the current time. As a result, it              nonnative aquatic species, water
                                                      event is less than an AU in the minor                   is unlikely that a single stochastic event            availability, and conservation actions,
                                                      risk, and the range of extirpation risk is              (e.g., drought, wildfire) or catastrophic             which we assessed in our model. In
                                                      greater (6 to 30 percent). The range in                 event will affect all known extant                    addition, we considered the future risk
                                                      risk of extirpation is a factor of the                  populations equally or simultaneously                 from wildfire, water loss due to future
                                                      variability in the level of impacts from                now. It would require several stochastic              anthropogenic actions, and
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      nonnative aquatic species, water                        events or catastrophic events over a                  demographic impacts from these risk
                                                      availability, and chub population                       number of years to bring the headwater                factors, as well as reduction in range. In
                                                      structure, as well as the uncertainty in                chub to the brink of extinction due to                considering the foreseeable future, we
                                                      the species’ response from these risks                  those factors.                                        forecasted the future status of the
                                                      factors because each AU is different.                      This estimate of the condition and                 headwater chub as described by the
                                                         Impacts from nonnative aquatic                       distribution of populations provides                  future condition of the AUs. This
                                                      species and water availability, as well as              sufficient resiliency, representation, and            projected future condition was based on
                                                      wildfire, climate change, and                           redundancy for the species. The primary               the risk factors and conservation actions
                                                      demographics, are affecting AUs in the                  threats to the species (nonnative aquatic             affecting the species, and the

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                                                      uncertainties associated with these                     continue to decrease in the Verde River               population growth, and the exact
                                                      factors and actions. We consider 30                     in the lower Colorado River basin; (2)                location of that population growth, is
                                                      years from now a reasonable time to                     the frequency of stream drying events in              uncertain. Further, the timing and
                                                      reliably predict the future conservation                the Verde Valley is expected to increase;             amount of water consumed is uncertain.
                                                      status of this species.                                 (3) the length of the remaining flowing               To address this uncertainty, we
                                                         The best available information                       reaches of streams in the Verde Valley                considered different levels of impacts to
                                                      indicates that we have a high level of                  (or region) will be reduced; and (4)                  a subset of streams or AUs.
                                                      certainty out to 30 years for climate                   network-wide hydrologic connectivity                     Nonnative aquatic species occupy
                                                      change risks, which is an essential                     for native fishes will be reduced (both               almost all currently occupied chub
                                                      consideration for the foreseeable future.               over the course of the year and during                streams, and we analyzed impacts to
                                                      Therefore, our analysis of the status of                spring spawning months). Climate                      these streams and AUs through the
                                                      the species to the foreseeable future uses              change is also projected to alter the                 model. Nonnative aquatic species and
                                                      a timeframe of 30 years. The outputs of                 timing and amount of snowmelt and                     chubs have coexisted for some time in
                                                      Jaeger et al.’s (2014, entire) downscaled               monsoon rains, and the frequency and                  several of these streams, but the reasons
                                                      climate forecasting models project                      duration of droughts. Climate change                  for this are unclear. We expect that
                                                      climate scenarios to midcentury                         will also increase temperature, resulting             nonnative aquatic species will continue
                                                      (approximately 2050) (IPCC 2014; Jaeger                 in increased evaporation. Climate                     to persist in most if not all of the
                                                      et al. 2014, entire). Jaeger et al. (2014,              change is also likely to exacerbate the               streams they currently occupy and that
                                                      entire) focuses on the Verde River Basin                effects of water loss, reduction in                   nonnative impacts will increase in a
                                                      in Arizona over current (1988–2006)                     hydrological connectivity, nonnatives,                percentage of streams across the range of
                                                      and midcentury (2046–2064) time                         and species interactions (impacting                   this species. In addition, there are three
                                                      periods. This study was useful because                  demographics). All of these factors                   streams for headwater chub that are
                                                      the headwater chub occurs in the Verde                  reduce the resiliency of AUs for the                  currently free of nonnative aquatic
                                                      River Basin and the study focuses on                    headwater chub. However, the certainty                species into which nonnatives could
                                                      impacts to native fish. Since the                       of the model projections decreases as                 expand or be introduced.
                                                      potential effects of climate change on                  the projected timeframe increases.                       The projected effects to chubs from
                                                      flowing regions within streams and                      Further, the severity of climate change               nonnative aquatic species are likely to
                                                      connectivity within and among streams,                  impacts depicted in climate models                    be exacerbated by climate change, but
                                                      and the exacerbated impacts from                        varies depending on the scenario being                this was not analyzed in the model.
                                                      nonnative aquatic species and                           evaluated, with some projecting low                   However, we do consider this in our
                                                      demographics (i.e., age structure and                   changes (e.g., increased ambient                      analysis. As the available watered
                                                      genetics) due to climate change, were                   temperature and decreased rainfall) in                segments decrease, the interactions
                                                      primary considerations in our status                    carbon dioxide and others projecting                  between nonnative aquatic species and
                                                      assessment, we considered climate                       high changes. To address this                         chubs increase, with more larvae and
                                                      change predictions essential in the                     uncertainty, we considered different                  young-of-the-year removed from the
                                                      foreseeable future. However, we did not                 levels of impacts to these species under              chub populations dues to predation by
                                                      extend our forecasting beyond the                       various scenarios. Impacts from climate               nonnative aquatic species. In addition,
                                                      midcentury because of uncertainty in                    change are likely to affect all streams               resources become more limited, and the
                                                      the climate change models and in the                    and AUs within the range of the                       competition for these resources
                                                      response of the species beyond                          headwater chub over the next 30 years.                increases. Further, the reduction in
                                                      approximately 2046.                                        In the model, we analyzed the stream               water will likely decrease the water
                                                                                                              length as a measure of water                          quality (e.g., decreased dissolved
                                                      III. Evaluation                                                                                               oxygen, temperature increases, changes
                                                                                                              availability. This provided a current
                                                         To assist us in evaluating the status of             condition of the amount of water in a                 in pH, and nutrient loading), which
                                                      the species, we evaluated the risk                      stream at the driest time of year. This               nonnative aquatic species are likely
                                                      factors that we found may have                          captured climate change and                           more capable of adapting to than chubs.
                                                      potential population-level effects over a               anthropogenic action (surface water                      Since this species developed as a
                                                      30-year time period. This included                      diversions and groundwater pumping)                   result of multiple independent
                                                      nonnative aquatic species, water                        impacts to the stream. Wildfire is not                hybridization events over time (Rinne
                                                      availability, and conservation actions,                 analyzed in the model, but we did                     1976; Rosenfeld and Wilkinson 1989;
                                                      which we assessed in our model. In                      consider impacts from wildfire.                       DeMarais et al. 1992; Dowling and
                                                      addition, we considered the future risk                 Currently, wildfire could occur almost                DeMarais 1993; Minckley and DeMarais
                                                      from fire, additional climate change,                   anywhere within the range of this                     2000; Gerber et al. 2001; Schwemm
                                                      future anthropogenic actions, and                       species and impact one or more streams                2006; Schönhuth et al. 2014), it is
                                                      demographic effects from these risks                    or entire AUs. However, impacts to the                important to maintain the species
                                                      factors, as well as reduction in range;                 headwater chub are dependent on the                   independently to preserve the unique
                                                      however, these were not analyzed in the                 severity, location, and timing of the fire,           genetic variation (Dowling et al. 2008, p.
                                                      model. We evaluated impacts from these                  as well as the size of the stream.                    2). The genetic diversity of headwater
                                                      additional risks to each AU and the                        As part of the foreseeable future, we              chub is best represented in differences
                                                      species as a whole.                                     also considered the likely reduction in               within its populations, each of which
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                         Chubs are affected not only by the                   water availability as a result of                     tends to be distinctive.
                                                      quantity and quality of water, but also                 increased human demand for water,                        We have a moderate to high level of
                                                      by the timing and spatial distribution of               resulting in increased surface water                  uncertainty regarding the success of the
                                                      water. In the model, we analyzed the                    diversions and groundwater pumping.                   establishment of new populations. (For
                                                      reduction in stream length as an impact                 Demand for water is highly likely to                  example, of the four newly established
                                                      from climate change. However, climate                   increase as human populations are                     populations of roundtail chub in the
                                                      change models project that over the next                predicted to increase, affecting the                  lower Colorado River basin only one
                                                      50 years: (1) Future water levels and                   timing, amount, and distribution of                   (Blue River) has demonstrated
                                                      stream base flows are expected to                       water within streams. However,                        reproduction. One potential factor is the

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                                                      size of the site—Blue River is much                     affects the redundancy and                            anthropogenic actions, and
                                                      larger than the other three sites.) The                 representation of the species as a whole.             demographic effects from these risks
                                                      renovation effort in Fossil Creek has                      The two AUs in scenario 1, and the                 factors increase the likelihood and
                                                      proven successful. However, such an                     one AU in scenario 3, that ranked in the              severity of stochastic impacts across the
                                                      effort requires a large commitment of                   minor risk category are the projected                 range of the species.
                                                      resources including funding and                         newly established sites. In addition, one                The projected number of AUs in
                                                      personnel. While attempts at                            of the AUs in the low risk category                   moderate risk is three and five under
                                                      establishing new populations in the                     under scenario 1 is a renovation site,                scenarios 1 and 3, respectively (33 to 55
                                                      future are likely, the success of these                 which under the current condition was                 percent, respectively). These AUs have
                                                      sites is uncertain. In addition, the                    ranked as moderate risk. Given the high               moderate to high nonnative aquatic
                                                      availability of funds and personnel in                  uncertainty in the success of newly                   species, low to moderate stream lengths,
                                                      renovating another site like Fossil Creek               established and renovated sites, these                and low to moderate chub abundance.
                                                      is uncertain. Future scenarios projected                are not reliably considered resilient in              These are not considered resilient
                                                      in our model include conservation                       the future, and therefore we did not                  enough to withstand stochastic events
                                                      actions (establishment of new                           consider these in our determination.                  in the foreseeable future. As stated
                                                      populations and securing sites), and the                This leaves four AUs that ranked in the               above, the synergistic impacts from the
                                                      uncertainty of success of these sites.                  low risk category in scenario 1 and three             increased impacts from wildfire,
                                                                                                              in scenario 3. Although less resilient                additional impacts from climate change,
                                                      IV. Finding for Headwater Chub                          than an AU in the minor risk category,                water loss due to anthropogenic actions,
                                                         We used the same categories to                       the AUs in the low risk category are also             and demographic effects from these
                                                      categorize the risk of extirpation in the               considered resilient, because they have               risks factors increase the likelihood and
                                                      foreseeable future (until 2046) as                      low nonnative aquatic species,                        severity of stochastic impacts across the
                                                      discussed above in the ‘‘III. Evaluation’’              sufficient stream length, and good chub               range of the species. This increase in
                                                      section. We determined that scenarios 1                 population structure. Two of these rank               likelihood and severity increases the
                                                      and 3 are most likely and therefore most                closely to the moderate risk category in              risk of extirpation for these AUs in the
                                                      useful in making our determination. The                 scenario 1 and three in scenario 3. This              moderate risk category. Over the 30-year
                                                      model output for scenario 1 projected 10                leaves two AUs under scenario 1 and                   period of the foreseeable future, the risk
                                                      AUs due to the high management option                   scenario 3 that we consider resilient                 from demographic (change in age
                                                      projecting two newly established                        enough to withstand future stochastic                 structure and recruitment of
                                                      populations and two renovation sites.                   events.                                               populations) and environmental
                                                                                                                 Nonnative aquatic species occur in all             stochasticity (wildfire and weather) may
                                                      The projected risk of extirpation by
                                                                                                              but three streams that headwater chub                 have effects to all AUs (or populations)
                                                      2046 for the 10 AUs were: two AUs in
                                                                                                              occupy. While chubs coexist with                      in the moderate risk category.
                                                      minor risk, five in low risk, and three in
                                                                                                              nonnative aquatic species in several                     In addition, the model projects that
                                                      moderate risk. The two AUs in minor
                                                                                                              streams, this does not mean that                      three (38 percent) AUs would be
                                                      risk of extirpation are the newly
                                                                                                              nonnatives are not impacting chubs.                   isolated and only five (62 percent) AUs
                                                      established sites, and two of the five                  Further, climate change is likely to                  would retain some hydrologic
                                                      AUs in low risk are the renovation sites.               exacerbate water loss, reduction in                   connection. There are projected to be
                                                      Scenario 3 projected nine AUs due to                    hydrological connectivity, nonnative                  eight streams of approximately 5 km (3
                                                      the low management option projecting                    aquatic species, and species interactions             mi) or less in length. These streams
                                                      only one newly established population.                  (impacting demographics), resulting in                would be at a higher risk of extirpation
                                                      The projected risk of extirpation by                    increased competition from and                        due to stochastic and catastrophic
                                                      2046 for the nine AUs were: one AU in                   predation by nonnatives. Since climate                events. The loss of these streams from
                                                      minor risk, three in low risk, and five in              change is likely to affect all streams to             an AU would reduce the resiliency of
                                                      moderate risk. The one AU in the minor                  varying degrees, it is likely that impacts            that AU. Further, there would be two
                                                      risk is a newly established site.                       from nonnative aquatic species will                   AUs of approximately 5 km (3 mi) or
                                                         We consider AUs within the minor to                  increase in a portion of streams                      less. These AUs would be at a higher
                                                      low risk categories to have sufficient                  throughout the range of the headwater                 risk of extirpation due to stochastic and
                                                      resiliency in the future because they                   chub. The level of increased impacts                  catastrophic events.
                                                      contain very few nonnative aquatic                      from nonnative aquatic species is                        The AUs are projected to exist across
                                                      species, have long stream length, and                   dependent on the condition of the chubs               the historical range; however, 64
                                                      have a high chub population structure.                  and nonnatives in that AU, and the level              percent of the AUs would occupy an
                                                      All these components increase the AUs’                  of impacts from climate change.                       area within immediate proximity to
                                                      ability to withstand a stochastic event                    The occurrence of wildfire within the              each other in two adjacent drainage
                                                      such as wildfire and weather, which are                 headwater chub’s range is highly likely.              basins, increasing their risk from
                                                      the other risks we considered in our                    However, the severity, location, and                  catastrophic events (such as wildfire).
                                                      assessment. Under the current                           impacts to chubs are uncertain. Over a                The distribution of the AUs in the future
                                                      condition, the one AU (Fossil Creek)                    30-year period, multiple wildfires could              could possibly be adequate to support
                                                      that ranked in the minor risk category                  impact multiple AUs. Impacts could                    representation and redundancy for the
                                                      was projected to experience an increase                 range from loss of individuals to loss of             species, if a sufficient number of AUs
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      in nonnative aquatic species and a                      streams to loss of AUs. Demand for                    were projected to be resilient. However,
                                                      reduction in stream length in the future                water is highly likely to increase as                 AUs that are not resilient cannot
                                                      scenarios. These projected impacts                      human populations are predicted to                    reliably contribute to redundancy or
                                                      resulted in this AU ranking in the low                  increase, affecting the timing, amount,               representation, and only two to three of
                                                      risk under scenario 1 and the moderate                  and distribution of water within                      the eight AUs are considered resilient.
                                                      risk under scenario 3. This demonstrates                streams. In addition, the synergistic                 Further, the redundancy and
                                                      the impacts that nonnative aquatic                      impacts from the increased effects from               representation of the species is
                                                      species and water availability have on                  wildfire, additional impacts from                     diminished based on the projected
                                                      AUs. The reduced resiliency of this AU                  climate change, water loss due to                     future condition of the AUs, and the

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                          60775

                                                      potential impacts from wildfire,                        Lower Colorado River Basin Roundtail                  anthropogenic actions (surface water
                                                      additional impacts from climate change,                 Chub DPS Determination                                diversions and groundwater pumping)
                                                      water loss due to anthropogenic factors                                                                       impacts to the stream. Wildfire is not
                                                                                                              Endangered Species Throughout Range
                                                      (e.g., surface water diversion and                                                                            analyzed in the model, but we did
                                                      groundwater pumping), and the                           I. Standard                                           consider impacts from wildfire.
                                                      demographic impacts from these risk                        Under the Act, an endangered species               Currently, wildfire could occur almost
                                                      factors, as well as the inability to rely on            is any species that is ‘‘in danger of                 anywhere within the range of the DPS
                                                      conservation measures. Redundancy is                    extinction throughout all or a significant            and impact one or more streams or
                                                      reduced because threats could                           portion of its range.’’ Because of the                entire AUs. However, impacts to the
                                                      potentially affect multiple AUs across                  fact-specific nature of listing                       lower Colorado River basin roundtail
                                                                                                              determinations, there is no single metric             chub DPS are dependent on the severity,
                                                      the range of the headwater chub over
                                                                                                              for determining if a species is currently             location, and timing of the fire, as well
                                                      the next 30 years and several of these
                                                                                                              in danger of extinction. We used the                  as the size of the stream.
                                                      AUs are projected to have diminished                                                                            Since roundtail chub developed as a
                                                      resiliency. Consequently, the ability of                best available scientific and commercial
                                                                                                                                                                    result of multiple independent
                                                      the species to withstand catastrophic                   data to evaluate the viability (and thus
                                                                                                                                                                    hybridization events over time (Rinne
                                                      events will likely be impaired.                         risk of extinction) for the lower
                                                                                                                                                                    1976; Rosenfeld and Wilkinson 1989;
                                                                                                              Colorado River basin roundtail chub
                                                         The significance of isolation in                                                                           DeMarais et al. 1992; Dowling and
                                                                                                              DPS to determine if it meets the                      DeMarais 1993; Minckley and DeMarais
                                                      shaping each population highlights the                  definition of an endangered species. In
                                                      importance of maintaining each                                                                                2000; Gerber et al. 2001; Schwemm
                                                                                                              this determination, we used a                         2006; Schönhuth et al. 2014), it is
                                                      independently to preserve the unique                    description of the condition of
                                                      genetic variation (Dowling et al. 2008, p.                                                                    important to maintain the DPS
                                                                                                              populations to describe the viability of              independently to preserve the unique
                                                      2). Maintaining representation in the                   the lower Colorado River basin                        genetic variation (Dowling et al. 2008, p.
                                                      form of genetic or ecological diversity is              roundtail chub DPS and then determine                 2). The genetic diversity of the lower
                                                      important to retaining the capacity of                  the DPS’s status under the Act.                       Colorado River basin roundtail chub
                                                      the headwater chub to adapt to future                                                                         DPS is within populations, meaning
                                                                                                              II. Evaluation
                                                      environmental changes. The loss of an                                                                         there is more similarity between
                                                      AU could result in reduced                                 To assist us in evaluating the status of           populations across its range and
                                                      representation due to a loss of genetic                 the DPS, we evaluated the risk factors                connectivity among AUs may be more of
                                                      diversity. Representation is projected to               that we found may have potential                      an issue.
                                                      be reduced because the loss of AUs                      population-level effects now. This                      There is a moderate to high level of
                                                      results in a decrease in the unique                     included nonnative aquatic species,                   uncertainty regarding the newly
                                                      genetic management units.                               water availability, and chub population               established populations of roundtail
                                                                                                              structure, which we assessed in our                   chub in the lower Colorado River basin.
                                                         Because this estimate of the condition               model. In addition, this included
                                                      and distribution of populations in the                                                                        Of the four newly established
                                                                                                              current risk from wildfire, climate                   populations of roundtail chub in the
                                                      foreseeable future would not provide                    change, water loss due to anthropogenic               lower Colorado River basin, only one,
                                                      sufficient resiliency, representation, and              actions, and demographic effects from                 Blue River, has demonstrated
                                                      redundancy for the species, the risk of                 these risks factors, as well as the                   reproduction. This could be related to
                                                      extinction is sufficiently high in the                  reduction in range. However, these were               the size of the site, as Blue River is
                                                      foreseeable future to meet the definition               not analyzed in the model. All of these               much larger than the other three sites,
                                                      of a threatened species under the Act.                  factors affect the resiliency of AUs for              but this is not clear.
                                                      We conclude that the headwater chub                     the lower Colorado River basin                          The renovation effort in Fossil Creek
                                                      meets the definition of a threatened                    roundtail chub DPS.                                   for roundtail chub in the lower Colorado
                                                      species under the Act.                                     For roundtail chub in the lower                    River basin (and headwater chub) has
                                                                                                              Colorado River basin, at least 43 percent             proven successful, but such an effort
                                                      Significant Portion of Its Range for                    of the historical range remains and no                requires a large commitment of
                                                      Headwater Chub                                          more than a 57 percent of the range has               resources including funding and
                                                         Under the Act and our implementing                   been reduced from the historic range.                 personnel.
                                                      regulations, a species may warrant                      Nonnative aquatic species occupy
                                                                                                              almost all currently occupied chub                    III. Finding for Lower Colorado River
                                                      listing if it is endangered or threatened                                                                     Basin Roundtail Chub DPS
                                                                                                              streams, and we analyzed impacts to
                                                      throughout all or a significant portion of
                                                                                                              these streams and AUs through the                        Our review found that 15 AUs
                                                      its range. Because we have determined
                                                                                                              model. Nonnative aquatic species and                  currently exist within the historical
                                                      that headwater chub is threatened                       chubs have coexisted for some time in                 range of the lower Colorado River basin
                                                      throughout all of its range, no portion of              several of these streams, but the reasons             roundtail chub DPS across five drainage
                                                      its range can be ‘‘significant’’ for                    for this are unclear. There are three                 basins. To assess the current condition
                                                      purposes of the definitions of                          streams occupied by the lower Colorado                of these populations, we analyzed the
                                                      ‘‘endangered species’’ and ‘‘threatened                 River basin roundtail chub DPS that are               impact from nonnative aquatic species,
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      species.’’ See the Final Policy on                      currently free of nonnative aquatic                   loss of water, and chub population
                                                      Interpretation of the Phrase ‘‘Significant              species into which nonnatives could                   structure. In addition, we considered
                                                      Portion of Its Range’’ in the Endangered                expand or be introduced.                              wildfire, additional impacts from
                                                      Species Act’s Definitions of                               In the model, we analyzed the stream               climate change, and demographic
                                                      ‘‘Endangered Species’’ and ‘‘Threatened                 length as a measure of water                          impacts from these factors, as well as
                                                      Species’’ (79 FR 37578; July 1, 2014).                  availability. This provided a current                 reduction in range. We defined the
                                                                                                              condition of the amount of water in a                 minor risk category as a 0 to 5 percent
                                                                                                              stream at the driest time of year. This               current chance of extirpation, the low
                                                                                                              captured climate change and                           risk category as a 6 to 30 percent current

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                                                      risk of extirpation, the moderate risk                  likely to exacerbate water loss,                      Threatened Species Throughout Range
                                                      category as a 31 to 60 percent current                  reduction in hydrological connectivity,                 Having found that the lower Colorado
                                                      risk of extirpation, and the high risk                  nonnative aquatic species, and species                River basin roundtail chub DPS is not
                                                      category as greater than 60 percent                     interactions (impacting demographics)                 endangered throughout its range, we
                                                      current risk of extirpation. The model                  is not projected until 2046.                          next evaluated whether this DPS is
                                                      output resulted in one AU as minor risk,                   We consider the DPS to have
                                                                                                                                                                    threatened throughout its range.
                                                      seven as low risk, six as moderate risk,                sufficient redundancy and
                                                      and one as high risk.                                   representation, and sufficiently large                I. Standard
                                                         Eight AUs are projected as currently                 populations, that the DPS is able to
                                                                                                                                                                       Under the Act, a threatened species is
                                                      having minor or low risk of extirpation.                withstand stochastic events. The AUs
                                                                                                                                                                    any species that is ‘‘likely to become an
                                                      This provides the resiliency (greater                   are currently spread over a large
                                                                                                                                                                    endangered species within the
                                                      than 50 percent of the AUs are                          geographical area such that all the AUs
                                                                                                                                                                    foreseeable future throughout all or a
                                                      considered resilient enough to                          are highly unlikely to experience a
                                                                                                                                                                    significant portion of its range.’’ The
                                                      withstand stochastic events),                           catastrophic event that would impacts
                                                                                                                                                                    foreseeable future refers to the extent to
                                                      redundancy (the AUs exist across the                    all AUs now. Further, the current range
                                                                                                                                                                    which the Secretary can reasonably rely
                                                      historical range, although some are                     of the DPS includes AUs that represent
                                                                                                                                                                    on predictions about the future in
                                                      small or have large nonnative aquatic                   the known diversity of ecological
                                                                                                                                                                    making determinations about the future
                                                      species impacts, to withstand                           settings and genetic materials for the
                                                                                                                                                                    conservation status of the species (U.S.
                                                      catastrophic events), and representation                roundtail chub in the lower Colorado
                                                      (multiple populations continuing to                     River basin . The current and ongoing                 Department of Interior, Solicitor’s
                                                      occur across the range of the DPS to                    threats are not likely to impact all                  Memorandum, M–37021, January 16,
                                                      maintain ecological and genetic                         remaining populations significantly in                2009). A key statutory difference
                                                      diversity).                                             the near term because these risks, such               between an endangered species and a
                                                         We consider AUs within the minor to                  as climate change, move slowly across                 threatened species is the timing of when
                                                      low risk categories to have sufficient                  the landscape, and demographic                        a species may be in danger of extinction,
                                                      resiliency at the present time. We                      impacts take time to impact a                         either now (endangered species) or in
                                                      consider these resilient because the                    population. The increase or spread of                 the foreseeable future (threatened
                                                      risks from nonnative aquatic species                    nonnative aquatic species moves faster                species). The foreseeable future refers to
                                                      and water availability, as well as                      than climate change or demographics,                  the extent to which the Secretary can
                                                      wildfire, climate change, and genetics,                 but it will likely take a few years for a             reasonably rely on predictions about the
                                                      are not having population-level effects                 nonnative aquatic species to expand in                future in making determinations about
                                                      to multiple AUs at this time. While the                 a currently occupied stream or become                 the future conservation status of the
                                                      majority of streams occupied by chubs                   established in a new stream. Wildfire is              species.
                                                      have nonnative aquatic species, there is                likely to have immediate impacts, but it              II. Foreseeable Future
                                                      little direct evidence of extirpation or                is highly unlikely that wildfire will
                                                      significant population reductions of                    impact all AUs at the current time. As                   To assist us in evaluating the status of
                                                      chubs from nonnative aquatic species                    a result, it is unlikely that a single                the species in the foreseeable future, we
                                                      currently; however, for Arizona and                     stochastic event (e.g., drought, wildfire)            evaluated the risk factors that we found
                                                      New Mexico native fish in general, this                 or catastrophic event will affect all                 may have potential population-level
                                                      has been documented. Further, while                     known extant populations equally or                   effects over time. This included
                                                      the mechanism is unknown, currently                     simultaneously now; therefore, it would               nonnative aquatic species, water
                                                      there are several streams within                        require several stochastic events or                  availability, and conservation actions,
                                                      multiple AUs containing chubs that                      catastrophic events over a number of                  which we assessed in our model. In
                                                      have maintained populations in the                      years to bring the roundtail chub in the              addition, we considered the future risk
                                                      presence of one or more of these                        lower Colorado River basin to the brink               from wildfire, water loss due to future
                                                      nonnative aquatic species.                              of extinction due to those factors.                   anthropogenic actions, and
                                                         While impacts from climate change                       This estimate of the condition and                 demographic impacts from these risk
                                                      are likely currently impacting chub                     distribution of populations provides                  factors, as well as reduction in range. In
                                                      populations at some scale, these do not                 sufficient resiliency, representation, and            considering the foreseeable future, we
                                                      appear to be having population-level                    redundancy for the DPS. The primary                   forecasted the future status of the lower
                                                      impacts at this time. Climate model                     threats to the DPS (nonnative aquatic                 Colorado River basin roundtail chub
                                                      predictions suggest that climate will                   species, water availability, and climate              DPS as described by the future
                                                      entail: An increase in the frequency and                change) are not currently having                      condition of the AUs. This projected
                                                      duration of droughts, alteration in the                 population-level effects to all AUs                   future condition was based on the risk
                                                      timing and amount of spring and fall                    across the range of the lower Colorado                factors and conservation actions
                                                      flows due to changes in precipitation,                  River basin roundtail chub DPS. The                   affecting the DPS, and the uncertainties
                                                      and increased temperatures resulting in                 threats are not currently impacting                   associated with these factors and
                                                      increased evaporation. All of these                     multiple populations across the DPS’s                 actions. We consider 30 years from now
                                                      effects are likely to negatively affect                 range. Catastrophic or stochastic events              a reasonable time to reliably predict the
                                                      chub populations. However, these                        in the present are not likely to have                 future conservation status of the DPS.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      projections are for midcentury (around                  population-level impacts to multiple                     The best available information
                                                      2046). The current and ongoing threats                  AUs. Consequently, the risk of                        indicates that we have a high level of
                                                      are not likely to impact all remaining                  extinction is sufficiently low that the               certainty out to 30 years for climate
                                                      populations significantly in the near                   DPS does not meet the definition of                   change risks, which is an essential
                                                      term because these risks, such as                       endangered under the Act. Based on the                consideration for the foreseeable future.
                                                      climate change, move slowly across the                  above information, we conclude that the               Therefore, our analysis of the status of
                                                      landscape. Projected climate change                     lower Colorado River basin roundtail                  the DPS to the foreseeable future uses a
                                                      impacts discussed in this proposed rule                 chub DPS does not meet the definition                 timeframe of 30 years. The outputs of
                                                      are at mid-century (∼2046) and are                      of an endangered species under the Act.               Jaeger et al.’s (2014, entire) downscaled

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                                                      climate forecasting models project                      monsoon rains, and the frequency and                  model. Nonnative aquatic species and
                                                      climate scenarios to midcentury                         duration of droughts. Climate change                  chubs have coexisted for some time in
                                                      (approximately 2050) (IPCC 2014; Jaeger                 will also increase temperature, resulting             several of these streams, but the reasons
                                                      et al. 2014, entire). Jaeger et al. (2014,              in increased evaporation. Climate                     for this are unclear. We expect that
                                                      entire) focuses on the Verde River Basin                change is also likely to exacerbate water             nonnative aquatic species will continue
                                                      in Arizona over current (1988–2006)                     loss, reduction in hydrological                       to persist in most if not all of the
                                                      and midcentury (2046–2064) time                         connectivity, nonnatives, and species                 streams they currently occupy and that
                                                      periods. This study was useful because                  interactions (impacting demographics).                nonnative impacts will increase in a
                                                      the lower Colorado River basin                          All of these factors reduce the resiliency            percentage of streams across the range of
                                                      roundtail chub DPS occurs in the Verde                  of AUs for the lower Colorado River                   the DPS. In addition, there are three
                                                      River Basin and the study focuses on                    basin roundtail chub DPS. However, the                streams occupied by the lower Colorado
                                                      impacts to native fish. Since the                       certainty of the model projections                    River basin roundtail chub DPS that are
                                                      potential effects of climate change on                  decreases as the projected timeframe                  currently free of nonnative aquatic
                                                      flowing regions within streams and                      increases. Further, the severity of                   species into which nonnatives could
                                                      connectivity within and among streams,                  climate change impacts depicted in                    expand or be introduced.
                                                      and the exacerbated impacts from                        climate models varies depending on the                   The projected effects to chubs from
                                                      nonnative aquatic species and                           scenario being evaluated, with some                   nonnative aquatic species are likely to
                                                      demographics (i.e., age structure and                   projecting low changes (e.g., increased               be exacerbated by climate change, but
                                                      genetics) due to climate change, were                   temperature and decreased rainfall) in                this was not analyzed in the model.
                                                      primary considerations in our status                    carbon dioxide and others projecting                  However, we do consider this in our
                                                      assessment, we considered climate                       high changes. To address this                         analysis. As the available watered
                                                      change predictions essential in the                     uncertainty, we considered different                  segments decrease, the interactions
                                                      foreseeable future. However, we did not                 level of impacts to this DPS under                    between nonnative aquatic species and
                                                      extend our forecasting beyond the                       various scenarios. Impacts from climate               chubs increase, with more larvae and
                                                      midcentury due to uncertainty in the                    change are likely to affect all streams               young-of-the-year removed from the
                                                      climate change models and in the                        and AUs within the range of the lower                 chub populations dues to predation by
                                                      response of the DPS beyond                              Colorado River basin roundtail chub                   nonnative aquatic species. In addition,
                                                      approximately 2046.                                     DPS over the next 30 years.                           resources become more limited, and the
                                                                                                                 In the model, we analyzed the stream               competition for these resources
                                                      III. Evaluation                                         length as a measure of water                          increases. Further, the reduction in
                                                         To assist us in evaluating the status of             availability. This provided a current                 water will likely decrease the water
                                                      the DPS, we evaluated the risk factors                  condition of the amount of water in a                 quality (e.g., decreased dissolved
                                                      that we found may have potential                        stream at the driest time of year. This               oxygen, temperature increases, changes
                                                      population-level effects over a 30-year                 captured climate change and                           in pH, and nutrient loading), which
                                                      time period. This included nonnative                    anthropogenic action (surface water                   nonnative aquatic species are likely
                                                      aquatic species, water availability, and                diversions and groundwater pumping)                   more capable of adapting to than chubs.
                                                      conservation actions, which we assessed                 impacts to the stream. Wildfire is not                   Since the lower Colorado River basin
                                                      in our model. In addition, we                           analyzed in the model, but we did                     roundtail chub DPS developed as a
                                                      considered the future risk from fire,                   consider impacts from wildfire.                       result of multiple independent
                                                      additional climate change, future                       Currently, wildfire could occur almost                hybridization events over time (Rinne
                                                      anthropogenic actions, and                              anywhere within the range of the DPS                  1976; Rosenfeld and Wilkinson 1989;
                                                      demographic effects from these risks                    and impact one or more streams or                     DeMarais et al. 1992; Dowling and
                                                      factors, as well as reduction in range;                 entire AUs. However, impacts to the                   DeMarais 1993; Minckley and DeMarais
                                                      however, these were not analyzed in the                 lower Colorado River basin roundtail                  2000; Gerber et al. 2001; Schwemm
                                                      model. We evaluated impacts from these                  chub DPS are dependent on the severity,               2006; Schönhuth et al. 2014), it is
                                                      additional risks to each AU and the DPS                 location, and timing of the fire, as well             important to maintain the DPS
                                                      as a whole.                                             as the size of the stream.                            independently to preserve the unique
                                                         Chubs are affected not only by the                      As part of the foreseeable future, we              genetic variation (Dowling et al. 2008, p.
                                                      quantity and quality of water, but also                 also considered the likely reduction in               2). For the lower Colorado River basin
                                                      by the timing and spatial distribution of               water availability as a result of                     roundtail chub DPS, the pattern of more
                                                      water. In the model, we analyzed the                    increased human demand for water,                     similarity between populations across
                                                      reduction in stream length as an impact                 resulting in increased surface water                  its range and connectivity among AUs
                                                      from climate change. However, climate                   diversions and groundwater pumping.                   may be more of an issue.
                                                      change models project that over the next                Demand for water is highly likely to                     We have a moderate to high level of
                                                      50 years: (1) Future water levels and                   increase as human populations are                     uncertainty regarding the success of the
                                                      stream base flows are expected to                       predicted to increase, affecting the                  establishment of new populations. Of
                                                      continue to decrease in the Verde River                 timing, amount, and distribution of                   the four newly established populations
                                                      in the lower Colorado River basin; (2)                  water within streams. However,                        of roundtail chub in the lower Colorado
                                                      the frequency of stream drying events in                population growth, and the exact                      River basin, only one (Blue River) has
                                                      the Verde Valley is expected to increase;               location of that population growth, is                demonstrated reproduction. One
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                                                      (3) the length of the remaining flowing                 uncertain. Further, the timing and                    potential factor is the size of the site;
                                                      reaches of streams in the Verde Valley                  amount of water consumed is uncertain.                Blue River is much larger than the other
                                                      (or region) will be reduced; and (4)                    To address this uncertainty, we                       three sites. The renovation effort in
                                                      network-wide hydrologic connectivity                    considered different levels of impacts to             Fossil Creek has proven successful.
                                                      for native fishes will be reduced (both                 a subset of streams or AUs.                           However, such an effort requires a large
                                                      over the course of the year and during                     Nonnative aquatic species occupy                   commitment of resources including
                                                      spring spawning months). Climate                        almost all currently occupied chub                    funding and personnel. While attempts
                                                      change is also projected to alter the                   streams, and we analyzed impacts to                   at establishing new populations in the
                                                      timing and amount of snowmelt and                       these streams and AUs through the                     future are likely, the success of these

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                                                      60778                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      sites is uncertain. In addition, the                    DPS. The level of increased impacts                   risk of extirpation due to stochastic and
                                                      availability of funds and personnel in                  from nonnative aquatic species is                     catastrophic events; the loss of these
                                                      renovating another site like Fossil Creek               dependent on the condition of the chubs               streams from an AU reduces the
                                                      is uncertain. Future scenarios projected                and nonnatives in that AU, and the level              resiliency of that AU. Further, there is
                                                      in our model include conservation                       of impacts from climate change.                       one AU approximately 5 km (3 mi) or
                                                      actions (establishment of new                              The occurrence of wildfire within the              less in length. This AU is at a higher risk
                                                      populations and securing sites), and the                range of the lower Colorado River basin               of extirpation due to stochastic and
                                                      uncertainty of success of these sites.                  roundtail chub DPS is highly likely.                  catastrophic events. Roundtail chub in
                                                                                                              However, the severity, location, and                  the lower Colorado River basin DPS are
                                                      IV. Finding for Lower Colorado River                    impacts to chubs are uncertain. Over a                extirpated from several large riverine
                                                      Basin Roundtail Chub DPS                                30-year period, multiple wildfires could              streams that provided connectivity
                                                         We used the same categories to                       impact multiple AUs. Impacts could                    across most of the historically occupied
                                                      categorize the risk of extirpation in the               range from loss of individuals to loss of             range. This has resulted in the recent
                                                      foreseeable future (until 2046) as                      streams to loss of AUs. Demand for                    isolation of AUs even within the same
                                                      discussed above. We determined that                     water is highly likely to increase as                 drainage basin. Nine AUs (about 60
                                                      scenarios 1 and 3 are most likely and                   human populations are predicted to                    percent) are isolated and are not able to
                                                      therefore most useful in making our                     increase, affecting the timing, amount,               naturally recolonize. If a catastrophic
                                                      determination. The model output for                     and distribution of water within                      event such as wildfire or severe drought
                                                      scenario 1 projected 17 AUs due to the                  streams. In addition, the synergistic                 occurs within the range of these nine
                                                      high management option projects two                     impacts from the increased effects from               populations, they could be extirpated.
                                                      newly established populations and two                   wildfire, additional impacts from                        The distribution of the AUs in the
                                                      renovated sites. The projected risk of                  climate change, water loss due to                     future could possibly be adequate to
                                                      extirpation for the 17 AUs were: Three                  anthropogenic actions, and                            support representation and redundancy
                                                      AUs in minor risk, seven in low risk, six               demographic effects from these risks                  for the DPS, if a sufficient number of
                                                      in moderate risk, and one in high risk                  factors increase the likelihood and                   AUs were projected to be resilient.
                                                      of extirpation. Scenario 3 projected: 16                severity of stochastic impacts across the             However, AUs that are not resilient
                                                      AUs in 2046 due to the low                              range of the DPS.                                     cannot reliably contribute to
                                                      management option only projecting one                      This projected number of AUs in                    redundancy or representation. Further,
                                                      newly established population. The                       moderate and high risk (41 percent)                   the redundancy and representation of
                                                      projected risk of extirpation for the 16                existing across the DPS’s range is not                the DPS is diminished based on the
                                                      AUs were: Two AUs in minor risk,                        considered resilient enough to                        projected future condition of the AUs,
                                                      seven in low risk, six in moderate risk,                withstand stochastic events in the                    and the potential impacts from wildfire,
                                                      and one in high risk of extirpation.                    foreseeable future. These AUs have                    additional impacts from climate change,
                                                         We consider AUs within the minor to                  moderate to high nonnative aquatic                    and water loss due to anthropogenic
                                                      low risk categories to have sufficient                  species, low to moderate stream lengths,              factors (e.g., surface water diversion and
                                                      resiliency in the future because they                   and low to moderate chub abundance.                   groundwater pumping), the
                                                      contain very few nonnative aquatic                      As stated above, the synergistic impacts              demographic impacts from these factors,
                                                      species, have long stream length, and                   from the increased impacts from                       and the inability to rely on conservation
                                                      have a high chub population structure.                  wildfire, additional impacts from                     measures. Redundancy is reduced
                                                      All these components increase the AUs’                  climate change, water loss due to                     because threats could potentially affect
                                                      ability to withstand a stochastic event                 anthropogenic actions, and                            multiple AUs across the range of the
                                                      such as wildfire and weather, which are                 demographic effects from these risks                  lower Colorado River basin roundtail
                                                      the other risks we considered in our                    factors increase the likelihood and                   chub DPS over the next 30 years and
                                                      assessment. However, in scenario 1, two                 severity of stochastic impacts across the             several of these AUs are projected to
                                                      of the three AUs in the minor risk                      range of the DPS. This increase in                    have diminished resiliency.
                                                      category are newly established sites. In                likelihood and severity increases the                 Consequently, the ability of the DPS to
                                                      scenario 3, one of the two AUs in the                   risk of extirpation for these AUs in the              withstand catastrophic events is
                                                      minor risk category was a newly                         moderate risk category. Over the 30-year              impaired.
                                                      established site.                                       period of the foreseeable future, the risk               Historically, the lower Colorado River
                                                         Nonnative aquatic species occur in all               from demographic (change in age                       basin roundtail chub DPS had greater
                                                      but three streams that the lower                        structure and recruitment of                          connectivity. Maintaining
                                                      Colorado River basin roundtail chub                     populations) and environmental                        representation in the form of genetic or
                                                      DPS occupies. While chubs coexist with                  stochasticity (wildfire and weather) may              ecological diversity is important to keep
                                                      nonnative aquatic species in several                    have effects to AUs (or populations) in               the capacity of the chub to adapt to
                                                      streams, this does not mean that                        the moderate risk category. While there               future environmental changes. The loss
                                                      nonnatives are not impacting chubs.                     are seven AUs that ranked in the low                  of an AU could result in reduced
                                                      Further, climate change is likely to                    risk category, three of these rank closely            representation due to a loss of genetic
                                                      exacerbate water loss, reduction in                     to the moderate risk category in                      diversity. Representation for the lower
                                                      hydrological connectivity, nonnative                    scenarios 1 and 3. This leaves three AUs              Colorado River basin roundtail chub
                                                      aquatic species, and species interactions               that we consider resilient enough to                  DPS is projected to be reduced because
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      (impacting demographics), resulting in                  withstand future stochastic events                    of the further reduction in connectivity
                                                      increased competition from and                          under the most likely scenarios.                      among streams.
                                                      predation by nonnatives. Since climate                     In addition, the model projects that                  Because this estimate of the condition
                                                      change is likely to affect all streams to               three (38 percent) AUs are isolated and               and distribution of populations in the
                                                      varying degrees, it is likely that impacts              only five (62 percent) AUs have some                  foreseeable future would not provide
                                                      from nonnative aquatic species will                     hydrologic connection. There are                      sufficient resiliency, representation, and
                                                      increase in a portion of streams                        projected to be six streams                           redundancy for the DPS, the risk of
                                                      throughout the range of the lower                       approximately 5 km (3 mi) or less in                  extinction is sufficiently high in the
                                                      Colorado River basin roundtail chub                     length. These streams are at a higher                 foreseeable future to meet the definition

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                          60779

                                                      of a threatened species under the Act.                  ensure, in consultation with the Service,             essential to the conservation of the
                                                      We conclude that the lower Colorado                     that any action they authorize, fund, or              species and may be included in the
                                                      River basin roundtail chub DPS meets                    carry out is not likely to result in the              critical habitat designation. We
                                                      the definition of a threatened species                  destruction or adverse modification of                designate critical habitat in areas
                                                      under the Act.                                          critical habitat. The designation of                  outside the geographical area occupied
                                                                                                              critical habitat does not affect land                 by a species only when a designation
                                                      Significant Portion of Its Range                        ownership or establish a refuge,                      limited to its range would be inadequate
                                                         Under the Act and our implementing                   wilderness, reserve, preserve, or other               to ensure the conservation of the
                                                      regulations, a species may warrant                      conservation area. Such designation                   species.
                                                      listing if it is endangered or threatened               does not allow the government or public                 Section 4 of the Act requires that we
                                                      throughout all or a significant portion of              to access private lands. Such                         designate critical habitat on the basis of
                                                      its range. Because we have determined                   designation does not require                          the best scientific and commercial data
                                                      that lower Colorado River basin                         implementation of restoration, recovery,              available. Further, our Policy on
                                                      roundtail chub DPS is threatened                        or enhancement measures by non-                       Information Standards Under the
                                                      throughout all of its range, no portion of              Federal landowners. Where a landowner                 Endangered Species Act (published in
                                                      its range can be ‘‘significant’’ for                    requests Federal agency funding or                    the Federal Register on July 1, 1994 (59
                                                      purposes of the definitions of                          authorization for an action that may                  FR 34271)), the Information Quality Act
                                                      ‘‘endangered species’’ and ‘‘threatened                 affect a listed species or critical habitat,          (section 515 of the Treasury and General
                                                      species.’’ See the Final Policy on                      the consultation requirements of section              Government Appropriations Act for
                                                      Interpretation of the Phrase ‘‘Significant              7(a)(2) of the Act would apply, but even              Fiscal Year 2001 (Pub. L. 106–554; H.R.
                                                      Portion of Its Range’’ in the Endangered                in the event of a destruction or adverse              5658)), and our associated Information
                                                      Species Act’s Definitions of                            modification finding, the obligation of               Quality Guidelines, provide criteria,
                                                      ‘‘Endangered Species’’ and ‘‘Threatened                 the Federal action agency and the                     establish procedures, and provide
                                                      Species’’ (79 FR 37578; July 1, 2014).                  landowner is not to restore or recover                guidance to ensure that our decisions
                                                                                                              the species, but to implement                         are based on the best scientific data
                                                      Critical Habitat                                        reasonable and prudent alternatives to                available. They require our biologists, to
                                                      Background                                              avoid destruction or adverse                          the extent consistent with the Act and
                                                                                                              modification of critical habitat.                     with the use of the best scientific data
                                                         Critical habitat is defined in section 3                Under the first prong of the Act’s                 available, to use primary and original
                                                      of the Act as:                                          definition of critical habitat, areas                 sources of information as the basis for
                                                         (1) The specific areas within the                    within the geographical area occupied                 recommendations to designate critical
                                                      geographical area occupied by the                       by the species at the time it was listed              habitat.
                                                      species, at the time it is listed in                    are included in a critical habitat                      When we are determining which areas
                                                      accordance with the Act, on which are                   designation if they contain physical or               should be designated as critical habitat,
                                                      found those physical or biological                      biological features (1) which are                     our primary source of information is
                                                      features                                                essential to the conservation of the                  generally the information developed
                                                         (a) Essential to the conservation of the             species and (2) which may require                     during the listing process for the
                                                      species, and                                            special management considerations or                  species. Additional information sources
                                                         (b) Which may require special                        protection. For these areas, critical                 may include the recovery plan for the
                                                      management considerations or                            habitat designations identify, to the                 species, articles in peer-reviewed
                                                      protection; and                                         extent known using the best scientific                journals, conservation plans developed
                                                         (2) Specific areas outside the                       and commercial data available, those                  by States and counties, scientific status
                                                      geographical area occupied by the                       physical or biological features that are              surveys and studies, biological
                                                      species at the time it is listed, upon a                essential to the conservation of the                  assessments, other unpublished
                                                      determination that such areas are                       species (such as space, food, cover, and              materials, or experts’ opinions or
                                                      essential for the conservation of the                   protected habitat). In identifying those              personal knowledge.
                                                      species.                                                physical and biological features within                 Habitat is dynamic, and species may
                                                         Conservation, as defined under                       an area, we focus on the principal                    move from one area to another over
                                                      section 3 of the Act, means to use and                  biological or physical constituent                    time. We recognize that critical habitat
                                                      the use of all methods and procedures                   elements (primary constituent elements                designated at a particular point in time
                                                      that are necessary to bring an                          such as roost sites, nesting grounds,                 may not include all of the habitat areas
                                                      endangered or threatened species to the                 seasonal wetlands, water quality, tide,               that we may later determine are
                                                      point at which the measures provided                    soil type) that are essential to the                  necessary for the recovery of the
                                                      pursuant to the Act are no longer                       conservation of the species. Primary                  species. For these reasons, a critical
                                                      necessary. Such methods and                             constituent elements are those specific               habitat designation does not signal that
                                                      procedures include, but are not limited                 elements of the physical or biological                habitat outside the designated area is
                                                      to, all activities associated with                      features that provide for a species’ life-            unimportant or may not be needed for
                                                      scientific resources management such as                 history processes and are essential to                recovery of the species. Areas that are
                                                      research, census, law enforcement,                      the conservation of the species.                      important to the conservation of the
                                                      habitat acquisition and maintenance,                       Under the second prong of the Act’s                species, both inside and outside the
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      propagation, live trapping, and                         definition of critical habitat, we can                critical habitat designation, will
                                                      transplantation, and, in the                            designate critical habitat in areas                   continue to be subject to: (1)
                                                      extraordinary case where population                     outside the geographical area occupied                Conservation actions implemented
                                                      pressures within a given ecosystem                      by the species at the time it is listed,              under section 7(a)(1) of the Act, (2)
                                                      cannot be otherwise relieved, may                       upon a determination that such areas                  regulatory protections afforded by the
                                                      include regulated taking.                               are essential for the conservation of the             requirement in section 7(a)(2) of the Act
                                                         Critical habitat receives protection                 species. For example, an area currently               for Federal agencies to ensure their
                                                      under section 7 of the Act through the                  occupied by the species but that was not              actions are not likely to jeopardize the
                                                      requirement that Federal agencies                       occupied at the time of listing may be                continued existence of any endangered

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                                                      60780                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      or threatened species, and (3) section 9                have determined that the designation of               requirements for Federal protection, and
                                                      of the Act’s prohibitions on taking any                 critical habitat will not likely increase             prohibitions against certain practices.
                                                      individual of the species, including                    the degree of threat to the species/DPS               Recognition through listing results in
                                                      taking caused by actions that affect                    and may provide some measure of                       public awareness, and conservation by
                                                      habitat. Federally funded or permitted                  benefit, we find that designation of                  Federal, State, Tribal, and local
                                                      projects affecting listed species outside               critical habitat is prudent for both the              agencies, private organizations, and
                                                      their designated critical habitat areas                 headwater chub and lower Colorado                     individuals. The Act encourages
                                                      may still result in jeopardy findings in                River basin roundtail chub DPS.                       cooperation with the States and other
                                                      some cases. These protections and                                                                             countries and calls for recovery actions
                                                                                                              Critical Habitat Determinability
                                                      conservation tools will continue to                                                                           to be carried out for listed species. The
                                                      contribute to recovery of this species.                   Having determined that designation is               protection required by Federal agencies
                                                      Similarly, critical habitat designations                prudent, under section 4(a)(3) of the                 and the prohibitions against certain
                                                      made on the basis of the best available                 Act, we must find whether critical                    activities are discussed, in part, below.
                                                      information at the time of designation                  habitat for the headwater chub or lower                  The primary purpose of the Act is the
                                                      will not control the direction and                      Colorado River basin roundtail chub                   conservation of endangered and
                                                      substance of future recovery plans,                     DPS is determinable. Our regulations at               threatened species and the ecosystems
                                                      habitat conservation plans (HCPs), or                   50 CFR 424.12(a)(2) state that critical               upon which they depend. The ultimate
                                                      other species conservation planning                     habitat is not determinable when one or               goal of such conservation efforts is the
                                                      efforts if new information available at                 both of the following situations exist:               recovery of these listed species, so that
                                                      the time of these planning efforts calls                  (i) Information sufficient to perform               they no longer need the protective
                                                      for a different outcome.                                required analyses of the impacts of the               measures of the Act. Subsection 4(f) of
                                                                                                              designation is lacking, or                            the Act calls for the Service to develop
                                                      Prudency Determination                                    (ii) The biological needs of the species            and implement recovery plans for the
                                                         Section 4(a)(3) of the Act, as                       are not sufficiently well known to                    conservation of endangered and
                                                      amended, and implementing regulations                   permit identification of an area as                   threatened species. The recovery
                                                      (50 CFR 424.12), require that, to the                   critical habitat.                                     planning process involves the
                                                      maximum extent prudent and                                Delineation of critical habitat                     identification of actions that are
                                                      determinable, the Secretary shall                       requires, within the geographical area                necessary to halt or reverse the species’
                                                      designate critical habitat at the time the              occupied by the headwater chub or                     decline by addressing the threats to its
                                                      species is determined to be an                          lower Colorado River basin roundtail                  survival and recovery. The goal of this
                                                      endangered or threatened species. Our                   chub DPS, identification of the physical              process is to restore listed species to a
                                                      regulations (50 CFR 424.12(a)(1)) state                 or biological features essential to the               point where they are secure, self-
                                                      that the designation of critical habitat is             conservation of the species. A careful                sustaining, and functioning components
                                                      not prudent when one or both of the                     analysis of the areas that may have the               of their ecosystems.
                                                      following situations exist:                             physical or biological features essential                Recovery planning includes the
                                                         (1) The species is threatened by taking              for the conservation of the species and               development of a recovery outline
                                                      or other human activity, and                            that may require special management                   shortly after a species is listed and
                                                      identification of critical habitat can be               considerations or protections, and thus               preparation of a draft and final recovery
                                                      expected to increase the degree of threat               qualify for designation as critical                   plan. The recovery outline guides the
                                                      to the species, or                                      habitat, will require a thorough                      immediate implementation of urgent
                                                         (2) Such designation of critical habitat             assessment. Additionally, critical                    recovery actions and describes the
                                                      would not be beneficial to the species.                 habitat can include specific areas                    process to be used to develop a recovery
                                                         There is currently no imminent threat                outside the geographical area occupied                plan. Revisions of the plan may be done
                                                      of take attributed to collection or                     by the species that are determined to be              to address continuing or new threats to
                                                      vandalism under Factor B for either the                 essential to its conservation. While we               the species, as new substantive
                                                      headwater chub or the lower Colorado                    have some information on the habitat                  information becomes available. The
                                                      River basin roundtail chub DPS, and                     requirements of the species, the analysis             recovery plan also identifies recovery
                                                      identification and mapping of critical                  of which of the specific features and                 criteria for review of when a species
                                                      habitat is not expected to initiate any                 areas meet the definition of critical                 may be ready for downlisting or
                                                      such threat. In the absence of finding                  habitat has not been completed. Since                 delisting, and methods for monitoring
                                                      that the designation of critical habitat                we have not determined which specific                 recovery progress. Recovery plans also
                                                      would increase threats to a species, if                 areas may meet the definition of critical             establish a framework for agencies to
                                                      there are any benefits to a critical                    habitat, the information sufficient to                coordinate their recovery efforts and
                                                      habitat designation, then a prudent                     perform the required analysis of impacts              provide estimates of the cost of
                                                      finding is warranted. Here, the potential               of the critical habitat designation is                implementing recovery tasks. Recovery
                                                      benefits of designation include: (1)                    lacking. Accordingly, we find                         teams (composed of species experts,
                                                      Triggering consultation under section 7                 designation of critical habitat to be ‘‘not           Federal and State agencies,
                                                      of the Act, in new areas for actions in                 determinable’’ at this time. When                     nongovernmental organizations, and
                                                      which there may be a Federal nexus                      critical habitat is not determinable, the             stakeholders) are often established to
                                                      where it would not otherwise occur                      Act allows the Service an additional                  develop recovery plans. When
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      because, for example, it is or has                      year to publish a proposed critical                   completed, the recovery outline, draft
                                                      become unoccupied or the occupancy is                   habitat designation (16 U.S.C.                        recovery plan, and the final recovery
                                                      in question; (2) focusing conservation                  1533(b)(6)(C)(ii)).                                   plan will be available on our Web site
                                                      activities on the most essential features                                                                     (http://www.fws.gov/endangered), or
                                                      and areas; (3) providing educational                    Available Conservation Measures                       from our Arizona Ecological Services
                                                      benefits to State or county governments                   Conservation measures provided to                   Office (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
                                                      or private entities; and (4) preventing                 species listed as endangered or                       CONTACT).
                                                      people from causing inadvertent harm                    threatened under the Act include                        Implementation of recovery actions
                                                      to the species. Therefore, because we                   recognition, recovery actions,                        generally requires the participation of a

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                            60781

                                                      broad range of partners, including other                modify its critical habitat. If a Federal             result in a violation of section 9, if these
                                                      Federal agencies, States, Tribes,                       action may affect a listed species or its             activities are carried out in accordance
                                                      nongovernmental organizations,                          critical habitat, the responsible Federal             with existing regulations and permit
                                                      businesses, and private landowners.                     agency must enter into consultation                   requirements; this list is not
                                                      Examples of recovery actions include                    with the Service.                                     comprehensive:
                                                      habitat restoration (e.g., restoration of                  Federal agency actions within the                     (1) Normal agricultural and
                                                      native vegetation), research, captive                   species’ habitat that may require                     silvicultural practices, including
                                                      propagation and reintroduction, and                     conference or consultation or both as                 herbicide and pesticide use, which are
                                                      outreach and education. The recovery of                 described in the preceding paragraph                  carried out in accordance with any
                                                      many listed species cannot be                           include land management and any other                 existing regulations, permit and label
                                                      accomplished solely on Federal lands                    landscape-altering activities on Federal              requirements, and best management
                                                      because their range may occur primarily                 lands administered by the U.S. Forest                 practices.
                                                      or solely on non-Federal lands. To                      Service, Bureau of Land Management,                      (2) Recreational activities such as
                                                      achieve recovery of these species                       and National Park Service; issuance of                sightseeing, hiking, camping, and
                                                      requires cooperative conservation efforts               section 404 Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C.                hunting in the vicinity of headwater
                                                      on private, State, and Tribal lands. If the             1251 et seq.) permits by the U.S. Army                chub or lower Colorado River basin
                                                      headwater chub and the lower Colorado                   Corps of Engineers; Bureau of                         roundtail chub DPS populations that do
                                                      River basin roundtail chub DPS are                      Reclamation activities; and construction              not destroy or significantly degrade
                                                      listed, funding for recovery actions will               and maintenance of roads or highways                  their habitats, and do not result in take
                                                      be available from a variety of sources,                 by the Federal Highway Administration.                of headwater chub or roundtail chub.
                                                      including Federal budgets, State                           Under section 4(d) of the Act, the                    Based on the best available
                                                      programs, and cost share grants for non-                Service has discretion to issue                       information, the following activities
                                                      Federal landowners, the academic                        regulations that we find necessary and                may potentially result in a violation of
                                                      community, and nongovernmental                          advisable to provide for the                          section 9 the Act; this list is not
                                                      organizations. In addition, pursuant to                 conservation of threatened wildlife. We               comprehensive:
                                                      section 6 of the Act, the States of                     may also prohibit by regulation with
                                                                                                                                                                       (1) Unauthorized collecting or
                                                      Arizona and New Mexico would be                         respect to threatened wildlife any act
                                                                                                                                                                    handling of headwater chub or lower
                                                      eligible for Federal funds to implement                 prohibited by section 9(a)(1) of the Act
                                                                                                                                                                    Colorado River basin roundtail chub
                                                      management actions that promote the                     for endangered wildlife. For the
                                                      protection or recovery of the headwater                 headwater chub and lower Colorado
                                                                                                                                                                       (2) Use of piscicides, pesticides, or
                                                      chub and lower Colorado River basin                     River basin roundtail chub DPS, we are
                                                                                                                                                                    herbicides in violation of label
                                                      roundtail chub DPS. Information on our                  requesting information as to which
                                                                                                              prohibitions, and exceptions to those                 restrictions;
                                                      grant programs that are available to aid                                                                         (3) Introduction of nonnative fish that
                                                      species recovery can be found at:                       prohibitions, are necessary and
                                                                                                              advisable to provide for the                          compete with or prey upon headwater
                                                                                                              conservation of the headwater chub or                 chub or lower Colorado River basin
                                                         Although the headwater chub and
                                                                                                              the lower Colorado River basin                        roundtail chub DPS;
                                                      lower Colorado River basin roundtail
                                                      chub DPS are only proposed for listing                  roundtail chub DPS pursuant to section                   (4) Modification of the channel or
                                                      under the Act at this time, please let us               4(d) of the Act.                                      water flow of any stream or removal or
                                                      know if you are interested in                              We may issue permits to carry out                  destruction of emergent aquatic
                                                      participating in recovery efforts for this              otherwise prohibited activities                       vegetation in any body of water in
                                                      species. Additionally, we invite you to                 involving threatened wildlife under                   which the headwater chub or lower
                                                      submit any new information on this                      certain circumstances. Regulations                    Colorado River basin roundtail chub
                                                      species whenever it becomes available                   governing permits are codified at 50                  DPS is known to occur;
                                                      and any information you may have for                    CFR 17.32. With regard to threatened                     (5) Destruction or alteration of
                                                      recovery planning purposes (see FOR                     wildlife, a permit may be issued for the              riparian and adjoining uplands of
                                                      FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).                           following purposes: For scientific                    waters supporting headwater chub or
                                                         Section 7(a) of the Act requires                     purposes, for the enhancement of                      lower Colorado River basin roundtail
                                                      Federal agencies to evaluate their                      propagation or survival, for economic                 chub DPS by timber harvest, poor
                                                      actions with respect to any species that                hardship, for zoological exhibition, for              livestock grazing practices, road
                                                      is proposed or listed as an endangered                  educational purposes, and for incidental              development or maintenance, or other
                                                      or threatened species and with respect                  take in connection with otherwise                     activities that result in the destruction
                                                      to its critical habitat, if any is                      lawful activities. There are also certain             or significant degradation of cover,
                                                      designated. Regulations implementing                    statutory exemptions from the                         channel stability, substrate composition,
                                                      this interagency cooperation provision                  prohibitions, which are found in                      increased turbidity, or temperature that
                                                      of the Act are codified at 50 CFR part                  sections 9 and 10 of the Act.                         results in death of or injury to any life-
                                                      402. Section 7(a)(4) of the Act requires                   It is our policy, as published in the              history stage of headwater chub or lower
                                                      Federal agencies to confer with the                     Federal Register on July 1, 1994 (59 FR               Colorado River basin roundtail chub
                                                      Service on any action that is likely to                 34272), to identify to the maximum                    DPS through impairment of the species’
                                                      jeopardize the continued existence of a                 extent practicable at the time a species              essential breeding, foraging, sheltering,
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      species proposed for listing or result in               is listed, those activities that would or             or other essential life functions; and
                                                      destruction or adverse modification of                  would not constitute a violation of                      (6) Release of biological control agents
                                                      proposed critical habitat. If a species is              section 9 of the Act. The intent of this              that attack any life stage of headwater
                                                      listed subsequently, section 7(a)(2) of                 policy is to increase public awareness of             chub or lower Colorado River basin
                                                      the Act requires Federal agencies to                    the effect of a proposed listing on                   roundtail chub DPS.
                                                      ensure that activities they authorize,                  proposed and ongoing activities within                   Questions regarding whether specific
                                                      fund, or carry out are not likely to                    the range of species proposed for listing.            activities would constitute a violation of
                                                      jeopardize the continued existence of                   Based on the best available information,              section 9 of the Act should be directed
                                                      the species or destroy or adversely                     the following actions are unlikely to                 to the Arizona Ecological Services

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                                                      60782                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      Office (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                       with Native American Tribal                                         Hualapai Tribe, Navajo Nation, Pascua
                                                      CONTACT).                                                 Governments; 59 FR 22951), Executive                                Yaqui Tribe, Salt River Pima-Maricopa
                                                                                                                Order 13175 (Consultation and                                       Indian Community, Tonto Apache
                                                      Required Determinations
                                                                                                                Coordination With Indian Tribal                                     Tribe, Yavapai Apache Nation, Yavapai-
                                                      Clarity of the Rule                                       Governments), and the Department of                                 Prescott Indian Tribe, and Zuni Pueblo.
                                                         We are required by Executive Orders                    the Interior’s manual at 512 DM 2, we                               We will continue coordinating with
                                                      12866 and 12988 and by the                                readily acknowledge our responsibility                              these tribes and any other interested
                                                      Presidential Memorandum of June 1,                        to communicate meaningfully with                                    tribes.
                                                      1998, to write all rules in plain                         recognized Federal Tribes on a
                                                                                                                                                                                    References Cited
                                                      language. This means that each rule we                    government-to-government basis. In
                                                      publish must:                                             accordance with Secretarial Order 3206                                A complete list of references cited in
                                                         (1) Be logically organized;                            of June 5, 1997 (American Indian Tribal                             this rulemaking is available on the
                                                         (2) Use the active voice to address                    Rights, Federal-Tribal Trust                                        Internet at http://www.regulations.gov
                                                      readers directly;                                         Responsibilities, and the Endangered                                and upon request from the Arizona
                                                         (3) Use clear language rather than                     Species Act), we readily acknowledge                                Ecological Services Office (see FOR
                                                      jargon;                                                   our responsibilities to work directly                               FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).
                                                         (4) Be divided into short sections and                 with tribes in developing programs for
                                                      sentences; and                                            healthy ecosystems, to acknowledge that                             Authors
                                                         (5) Use lists and tables wherever                      tribal lands are not subject to the same                              The primary authors of this proposed
                                                      possible.                                                 controls as Federal public lands, to                                rule are the staff members of the
                                                         If you feel that we have not met these                 remain sensitive to Indian culture, and                             Arizona Ecological Services Office.
                                                      requirements, send us comments by one                     to make information available to tribes.
                                                      of the methods listed in the ADDRESSES                                                                                        List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
                                                      section. To better help us revise the                        We have determined that there are
                                                                                                                tribal lands that are occupied by                                     Endangered and threatened species,
                                                      rule, your comments should be as
                                                                                                                headwater chub or lower Colorado River                              Exports, Imports, Reporting and
                                                      specific as possible. For example, you
                                                                                                                basin roundtail chub DPS. The lands                                 recordkeeping requirements,
                                                      should tell us the numbers of the
                                                                                                                owned by San Carlos Apache Tribe and                                Transportation.
                                                      sections or paragraphs that are unclearly
                                                      written, which sections or sentences are                  White Mountain Apache Tribe contain                                 Proposed Regulation Promulgation
                                                      too long, the sections where you feel                     the largest amount of occupied streams.
                                                      lists or tables would be useful, etc.                     We have begun government-to-                                          Accordingly, we propose to amend
                                                                                                                government coordination with these                                  part 17, subchapter B of chapter I, title
                                                      National Environmental Policy Act (42                     tribes. We sent notification letters in                             50 of the Code of Federal Regulations,
                                                      U.S.C. 4321 et seq.)                                      July 2014 to each tribe informing them                              as set forth below:
                                                         We have determined that                                of our assessment of the species under
                                                      environmental assessments and                             section 4(b)(2) of the Act. We have                                 PART 17—[AMENDED]
                                                      environmental impact statements, as                       engaged in conversations with both
                                                                                                                tribes about the status assessment. We                              ■ 1. The authority citation for part 17
                                                      defined under the authority of the
                                                                                                                met with the White Mountain Apache                                  continues to read as follows:
                                                      National Environmental Policy Act
                                                      (NEPA; 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), need not                  Tribe on September 24, 2014, which                                    Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361–1407; 1531–
                                                      be prepared in connection with listing                    Chairman Lupe attended, and had a                                   1544; and 4201–4245, unless otherwise
                                                      a species as an endangered or                             follow-up call with tribal                                          noted.
                                                      threatened species under the                              representatives on October 23, 2014. We                             ■ 2. Amend § 17.11(h) by adding entries
                                                      Endangered Species Act. We published                      met with the Recreation and Wildlife                                for ‘‘Chub, headwater’’ and ‘‘Chub,
                                                      a notice outlining our reasons for this                   Director of the San Carlos Apache Tribe                             roundtail’’ in alphabetical order under
                                                      determination in the Federal Register                     on July 30, 2014. We also sent letters to                           FISHES to the List of Endangered and
                                                      on October 25, 1983 (48 FR 49244).                        the following tribes that may be affected                           Threatened Wildlife in to read as
                                                                                                                by the proposed listing or future                                   follows:
                                                      Government-to-Government                                  proposed critical habitat: Ak-Chin
                                                      Relationship With Tribes                                  Indian Community, Chemehuevi Tribe,                                 § 17.11 Endangered and threatened
                                                        In accordance with the President’s                      Colorado River Indian Tribes, Fort                                  wildlife.
                                                      memorandum of April 29, 1994                              McDowell Yavapai Nation, Gila River                                 *        *   *               *      *
                                                      (Government-to-Government Relations                       Indian Community, Hopi Tribe,                                            (h) * * *

                                                                       Species                            Historic             Vertebrate population where                                                           Critical    Special
                                                                                                                                                                                Status    When listed
                                                                                                           range                endangered or threatened                                                             habitat      rules
                                                       Common name           Scientific name

                                                                *                        *                           *                            *                             *                          *                     *
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                              *                         *                       *                               *                               *                          *                     *
                                                      Chub, headwater        Gila nigra .........   U.S.A. (AZ, NM)         Entire ..........................................   T         ....................              NA         NA

                                                               *                       *                        *                           *                                   *                          *                     *
                                                      Chub, roundtail ..     Gila robusta .....     U.S.A. (AZ, CO,         The Lower Colorado River and                        T         ....................              NA         NA
                                                                                                      NM).                    its tributaries downstream of
                                                                                                                              Glen Canyon Dam, including
                                                                                                                              the Gila and Zuni River basins
                                                                                                                              in New Mexico.

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 194 / Wednesday, October 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                           60783

                                                                         Species                            Historic           Vertebrate population where en-                                       Critical habi-   Special
                                                                                                                                                                           Status   When listed
                                                                                                             range                 dangered or threatened                                                  tat         rules
                                                       Common name                Scientific name

                                                                 *                         *                           *                          *                       *                      *                    *

                                                      *      *       *        *       *                             Dated: September 18, 2015.
                                                                                                                  Stephen Guertin,
                                                                                                                  Acting Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
                                                                                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–24900 Filed 10–6–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                  BILLING CODE 4310–55–P
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Document Created: 2015-12-15 08:49:17
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 08:49:17
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule.
DatesWe will accept comments received or postmarked on or before December 7, 2015. Comments submitted electronically using the Federal
ContactSteve Spangle, Field Supervisor, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona Ecological Services Office, 2321 West Royal Palm Road, Suite 103, Phoenix, AZ 85021; telephone 602-242- 0210. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 800-877-8339.
FR Citation80 FR 60753 
RIN Number1018-BA86
CFR AssociatedEndangered and Threatened Species; Exports; Imports; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements and Transportation

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