80_FR_62088 80 FR 61890 - Family Violence Prevention and Services Programs

80 FR 61890 - Family Violence Prevention and Services Programs

Administration for Children and Families

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 198 (October 14, 2015)

Page Range61890-61915
FR Document2015-25726

The Administration for Children and Families proposes to revise regulations applying to the Family Violence Prevention and Services Programs. These proposed revisions would update existing rules to reflect statutory changes, would update procedures for soliciting and awarding grants, and would make other changes to increase clarity and reduce potential confusion over statutory and regulatory standards. The proposed revisions would codify standards already used by the program in the Funding Opportunity Announcements and awards, in technical assistance, in reporting requirements, and in sub-regulatory guidance.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 198 (Wednesday, October 14, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 198 (Wednesday, October 14, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 61890-61915]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-25726]

[[Page 61889]]

Vol. 80


No. 198

October 14, 2015

Part II

Department of Health and Human Services


Administration for Children and Families


45 CFR Part 1370

Family Violence Prevention and Services Programs; Proposed Rule

Federal Register / Vol. 80 , No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / 
Proposed Rules

[[Page 61890]]



Administration for Children and Families

45 CFR Part 1370

RIN 0970-AC62

Family Violence Prevention and Services Programs

AGENCY: Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB), Administration on 
Children, Youth and Families (ACYF), Administration for Children and 
Families (ACF), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.


SUMMARY: The Administration for Children and Families proposes to 
revise regulations applying to the Family Violence Prevention and 
Services Programs. These proposed revisions would update existing rules 
to reflect statutory changes, would update procedures for soliciting 
and awarding grants, and would make other changes to increase clarity 
and reduce potential confusion over statutory and regulatory standards. 
The proposed revisions would codify standards already used by the 
program in the Funding Opportunity Announcements and awards, in 
technical assistance, in reporting requirements, and in sub-regulatory 

DATES: In order to be considered, comments on this proposed rule must 
be received on or before December 14, 2015. Current Family Violence 
Prevention and Services regulations remain in effect until this NPRM 
becomes final.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by [docket number and 
using/or RIN number], by any of the following methods: (1) 
Electronically via the Federal eRulemaking Portal at http://www.regulations.gov or (2) by mail to the Associate Commissioner, 
Family and Youth Services Bureau, Administration for Children and 
Families, 1250 Maryland Ave. SW., Washington, DC 20024.
    Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name 
and docket number or Regulatory Information Number (RIN) for this 
rulemaking. All comments received will be posted without change to 
www.regulations.gov, including any personal information provided. For 
detailed instructions on submitting comments and additional information 
on the rulemaking process, see the ``Public Participation'' heading of 
the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this document.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kenneth E. Noyes, J.D., Senior Program 
Specialist, (202) 205-7891, kenneth.noyes@acf.hhs.gov. Deaf and hearing 
impaired individuals may call the Federal Dual Party Relay Service at 
1-800-977-8339 between 8:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Eastern time.


I. Statutory Authority

    This proposed regulation is published under the authority granted 
to the Secretary of Health and Human Services by the Family Violence 
Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA), 42 U.S.C. 10404(a)(4), as most 
recently amended by the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment (CAPTA) 
Reauthorization Act of 2010 (Public Law (Pub. L.) 111-320).

II. Public Participation

    Pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act, the Department allows 
a period of time for members of the public to comment on proposed 
rules. In this case we will allow 60 days for comments. In making any 
modifications to this notice of proposed rulemaking, we are not 
required to consider comments received beyond the 60-day comment 
period. To make sure your comments are addressed fully, we suggest the 
     Be specific;
     Address only issues raised by the proposed rule, not the 
provisions of the law itself;
     Explain reasons for any objections or recommended changes;
     Propose appropriate alternatives; and
     Reference the specific section of the notice of the 
proposed rulemaking being addressed.

III. Organization of the NPRM

    The preamble to this proposed rule is organized as follows:
     Consultation and the development of the NPRM;
     Scope of the proposed rule; and
     Section-by-section discussion of the regulatory 
    The use of the word(s) ``propose'' or ``we propose'' throughout the 
NPRM is meant to remind readers that this document is proposed as 
revised regulatory guidance. The language used should not be construed 
to mean that statutory definitions and provisions are being changed but 
rather more fully explained and clarified within the context of the 
programming and services laid out in the statute, and to ensure 
consistency with definitions used by other HHS components.
    The section-by-section analysis is organized to follow the 
framework of 45 CFR part 1370. It proposes revisions or additions to 
the current rule in the following areas:
     Stated purposes of the program;
     significant terms used in the program;
     other Federal requirements;
     requirements that apply to all family violence prevention 
and services grants;
     eligibility for grants;
     application procedures; and
     other issues that may arise in the administration of the 
FVPSA program.
    In addition to program-wide standards, specific standards are 
proposed for each of the major grant programs authorized under the 
Family Violence Prevention and Services Act.

IV. Background

    As the President proclaimed during the 2014 National Domestic 
Violence Awareness Month, ``Domestic violence affects every American. 
It harms our communities, weakens the foundation of our Nation, and 
hurts those we love most . . . we acknowledge the progress made in 
reducing these shameful crimes, embrace the basic human right to be 
free from violence and abuse, and recognize that more work remains 
until every individual is able to live free from fear.''\1\ Programs 
and services funded by the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act 
(``FVPSA'') are critical pieces in the Administration's fight to end 
domestic violence.

    \1\ https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2014/09/30/presidential-proclamation-national-domestic-violence-awareness-month-201.

    FVPSA authorizes three formula grant programs and other 
discretionary grant programs administered by the Family and Youth 
Services Bureau (FYSB), Administration on Children, Youth and Families 
(ACFY), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), in the 
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). These programs comprise 
the primary Federal funding stream dedicated to the support of 
emergency shelter and supportive services for victims of family 
violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, and their dependents. 
The FVPSA also authorizes additional activities conducted through 
grants, including but not limited to grants for research, evaluation, 
and service projects; grants for a national domestic violence hotline, 
including evaluation; grants for specialized services to abused parents 
and their children; grants for State

[[Page 61891]]

resource centers to reduce disparities in domestic violence in States 
with high proportions of Indian (including Alaska Native) or Native 
Hawaiian populations; and, grants for national and special issue 
resource centers and technical assistance and training relating to 
family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence. The Formula 
Grants to States Program (hereafter referred to as the State Grant 
Program) awards grants to States, the Grants for Indian Tribes Program 
(hereafter referred to as the Tribal Grant Program) awards grants to 
Tribes or Tribal organizations and Alaska Native Villages, and the 
Grants to State Domestic Violence Coalitions Program (hereafter 
referred to as Coalitions Grant Program) awards grants to statewide, 
nongovernmental, nonprofit 501(c)(3), private, domestic violence 
organizations. The proposed rule covers all of these activities.
    The National and Special Issue Resource Centers and Training and 
Technical Assistance Centers' Programs (hereafter referred to as 
Resource Centers, Special Issue Resource Centers and Culturally-
Specific Special Issue Resource Centers) provide resource information, 
training, and technical assistance to improve the capacity of 
individuals, organizations, governmental entities, and communities to 
prevent family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence and to 
provide effective intervention services.
    The CAPTA Reauthorization Act of 2010 reauthorized and made a 
number of changes to the FVPSA (see also 42 U.S.C. 10401 et seq.). 
These changes include:
    (1) Expanded purpose areas to include family violence, domestic 
violence and dating violence (42. U.S.C. 10401(b));
    (2) an expanded definitions section to clarify statutory language 
(42 U.S.C. 10402);
    (3) expanded authority of the Secretary to promulgate regulations 
and guidance as necessary and updated the Secretary's authority to 
coordinate programs across the Department and with other Federal 
agencies, provide for and coordinate research and evaluation, and 
develop effective policies to address the needs of adult and youth 
victims of family violence, domestic violence and dating violence (42 
U.S.C. 10404(a) and (b));
    (4) a new State Formula grant requirement to provide specialized 
services for children exposed to family violence, domestic violence, or 
dating violence, underserved populations, and victims who are members 
of racial and ethnic minority populations (42 U.S.C. 10406(a)(3));
    (5) nondisclosure of confidential or private information provisions 
that are consistent with the provisions of the Violence Against Women 
Act (VAWA) (42 U.S.C. 10406(c)(5));
    (6) requirement that a Tribally designated official be named in 
Tribal applications for administration of grant programs (42 U.S.C. 
    (7) clarification that administrative costs are limited to no more 
than 5% of State formula grants (42 U.S.C. 10407(a)(2)(B)(i));
    (8) additional requirements to strengthen the consultation between 
States and State Domestic Violence Coalitions (42 U.S.C. 
    (9) changes to statutory language in the State grants and sub-
grants section that requires funds to be used for providing immediate 
shelter and supportive services for adult and youth victims of family 
violence, domestic violence, or dating violence (and their dependents), 
and that may provide prevention services (42 U.S.C. 10408(a) and (b));
    (10) expanded eligibility of the types of nonprofit private 
organizations that may receive State sub-grants to include community-
based organizations and Tribal organizations, in addition to faith-
based and charitable organizations, and voluntary associations (42 
U.S.C. 10408(c)(1));
    (11) a new provision that expands entities eligible for State 
formula sub-grantee funding to include partnerships of two or more 
agencies or organizations that have a documented history of effective 
work concerning family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence 
and an agency or organization that has a demonstrated history of 
serving populations in their communities, including providing 
culturally appropriate services (42 U.S.C. 10408(c)(2);
    (12) clarification that the receipt of supportive services must be 
accepted voluntarily and that no condition may be applied for the 
receipt of emergency shelter (42 U.S.C. 10408(d)(2));
    (13) a new requirement for Federal consultation with Tribal 
governments in the planning of grants for Indian Tribes (42 U.S.C. 
    (14) a requirement for two national resource centers on domestic 
violence, including one national Indian resource center to address 
domestic violence and safety for Indian women (42 U.S.C. 10410);
    (15) a requirement for at least seven special issue resource 
centers including three focused on enhancing domestic violence 
intervention and prevention efforts for victims of domestic violence 
who are members of racial and ethnic minority groups to enhance the 
cultural and linguistic relevancy of service delivery (42 U.S.C. 
    (16) a provision giving the Secretary the discretionary authority 
to award grants to State resource centers to reduce Tribal disparities 
in domestic violence in eligible States (42 U.S.C. Sec.  10410);
    (17) clarification of the activities of State Domestic Violence 
Coalitions (42 U.S.C. 10411);
    (18) new opt-out provisions for certain coalition activities if 
annual assurances are provided by Coalitions that the activities are 
being provided and coordinated under other specific Federal funding 
streams (42 U.S.C. 10411(e));
    (19) a requirement that the Secretary establish a new program for 
specialized services for abused parents and their children with 
discretionary authority to make grants (42 U.S.C. 10412); such 
specialized services may include but are not limited to: providing 
direct counseling that is developmentally and age appropriate and 
culturally and linguistically appropriate to victims and their 
children, including services that are coordinated with services 
provided by the child welfare system; and, to provide services for non-
abusing parents to support those parents' roles as caregivers and their 
role in responding to the social, emotional, and developmental needs of 
their children;
    (20) clarification that a grant to one or more private entities may 
be made for ongoing operation of the National Domestic Violence Hotline 
that serves adult and youth victims of family violence, domestic 
violence, or dating violence (42 U.S.C. 10413(a)); including, allowing 
the provision of hotline services to youth victims of domestic violence 
or dating violence who are minors through a national teen dating 
violence hotline (42 U.S.C. 10413(d)(2)(G)). This notice of proposed 
rulemaking would revise regulations applying to the Family Violence 
Prevention and Services Programs, except for the Domestic Violence 
Prevention Enhancement and Leadership Through Alliances Program (DELTA) 
contained in Section 314 of the Family Violence Prevention and Services 
Act (FVPSA--codified in 42 U.S.C. 10414), which is separately funded 
and administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 
Division of Violence Prevention.
    While we have already implemented most of these provisions through 
the Funding Opportunity Announcements, technical assistance and 
training, and Information Memoranda issuances, this proposed rule would 
allow us to

[[Page 61892]]

integrate these legislative requirements into our codified rules. In 
addition, it would bring our codified regulations, last updated on 
February 22, 1996 (61 FR 6791), into conformity with the administrative 
and managerial procedures we already use in compliance with FVPSA. We 
do not propose to codify every provision of the statute. Finally, the 
proposed rule identifies a number of important linkages between the 
FVPSA programs and those programs conducted by the Department of 
Justice and authorized by VAWA. For example, both statutes contain 
strict prohibitions against disclosure of confidential or private 
information to ensure the safety of persons receiving services.

V. Consultation and the Development of the NPRM

    It is our intent in this section of the NPRM preamble to highlight 
the various meetings and consultations, among many other activities we 
conducted, that assisted in the development of the NPRM. To support our 
statutory responsibilities for administering the State and Coalition 
formula grants, contingent upon available funding, we host either an 
annual or bi-annual, joint grantee meeting of the State FVPSA funding 
administrators and the State Domestic Violence Coalitions. The grantee 
meeting facilitates partnership building between the respective State 
and Coalition cohorts and across all States and Coalitions, shares and 
promotes best practices related to the provision of prevention and 
intervention services for victims of family, domestic, and dating 
violence (with speakers, lecturers, and facilitators on a broad range 
of issues in the field), and provides program guidance on implementing 
the statutory requirements of the FVPSA. These meetings provide 
important opportunities for Federal, State, and private staff to engage 
with each other to learn about and address issues of intersecting 
importance, including issues such as protecting victim/survivor 
confidentiality that are addressed in this proposed rule.
    The National Resource Centers, Special Issue Resource Centers, and 
Culturally-Specific Special Issue Resource Centers comprise what is 
known as the FVPSA Domestic Violence Resource Network (DVRN). The DVRN 
convenes every one to two years to share and promote evidence-informed 
and best practices about prevention and intervention services for 
victims of family, domestic, and dating violence. Expert speakers and 
lecturers present on a broad range of subject matter important to the 
field. ACF also provides program guidance on implementing statutory 
requirements at the meetings.
    ACF funded Tribal administrators, advocates, and leaders also are 
convened annually, contingent upon funding. The Tribal grantee meeting 
allows grantees to provide and receive technical assistance and 
training. Issues addressed and best practices shared are most commonly 
related to service delivery; new initiatives; business needs; funding 
issues; information exchange; collaborations ranging from service 
delivery models to police response; cultural sensitivity; advocacy; and 
the statutory requirements of the FVPSA.
    ACF also hosts annual Tribal consultations. Tribal consultations 
discuss ACF programs and Tribal priorities and to build meaningful 
relationships with Federally recognized Tribes. The consultations 
solicit recommendations and/or mutual understanding from Tribal 
government leaders on issues ranging from funding availability to 
departmental priorities.
    In addition, ACF staff participates in annual Tribal consultations 
sponsored by the Department of Justice Office on Violence Against 
Women. The purpose of those consultations is to engage in a government-
to-government dialogue between the United States Government and the 
leaders from Indian Tribal governments on how to best enhance the 
safety of Alaska Natives and American Indians and reduce domestic 
violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking committed 
against them. The consultations also solicit recommendations from 
Tribal government leaders on administering grant funds.
    Finally, development of the NPRM included ongoing analyses of 
formula and discretionary grantees' annual performance reports as well 
as site visit reports and desk reviews. Information gleaned from these 
sources helped to identify grantees' successes and challenges 
implementing FVPSA requirements and, therefore, informed the NPRM 
development process.

VI. Scope of the Proposed Rule

    This rule proposes to revise existing regulatory standards to help 
improve the administration of the FVPSA, to provide greater clarity and 
transparency to ACF's implementation of the statute, and to bring the 
program regulation into conformance with statutory provisions.
    All grantees will be expected to comply with standards and other 
requirements upon the final rule's effective date. To assist grantees 
with compliance, we will provide guidance on best practices for 
implementing the standards and revised requirements. We also plan to 
conduct technical assistance to help grantees understand and implement 
    This proposed rule also makes technical changes to existing program 
rules to correct outdated provisions. It proposes to revise our 
regulatory provisions on making awards to reflect current program 
priorities and onsite review and monitoring procedures.

VII. Section-by-Section Discussion of the Regulatory Provisions

    We propose to revise 45 Part 1370 to add a Subpart A for general 
provisions, add a Subpart B for State and Indian Tribal grants, add a 
Subpart C for State Domestic Violence Coalition grants, and add a 
Subpart D for Discretionary grants and contracts. We also propose to 
add a new table of contents to this part.

Subpart A--General Provisions

Section 1370.1 What are the purposes of the Family Violence Prevention 
and Services Act programs?

    We propose to add Sec.  1370.1 under new Subpart A, and to revise 
it to reflect the statute's current purposes found at 42 U.S.C. 
10401(b). One major difference from the existing regulation is new 
language expanding purpose areas to include family violence, domestic 
violence, and dating violence. Specifically, the new purposes are: 
assist States and Indian Tribes in efforts to increase public awareness 
about, and primary and secondary prevention of, family violence, 
domestic violence, and dating violence; assist States and Indian Tribes 
in efforts to provide immediate shelter and supportive services for 
victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, and 
their dependents; provide for a national domestic violence hotline; and 
provide for technical assistance and training relating to family 
violence, domestic violence, and dating violence programs to States and 
Indian Tribes, local public agencies (including law enforcement 
agencies, courts, and legal, social service, and healthcare 
professionals in public agencies), nonprofit private organizations 
(including faith-based and charitable organizations, community-based 
organizations and voluntary associations), Tribal organizations, and 
other persons seeking such assistance and training.

Section 1370.2 What definitions apply to these programs?

    We propose to add Sec.  1370.2 under new Subpart A and revise it to 

[[Page 61893]]

definitions of significant terms found in the statute at 42 U.S.C. 
10402 and used in current operating practices. The definitions are 
intended to reflect important terms in the statute and important 
practices in the administration of the program. In some instances, we 
do not repeat the statutory definition verbatim but rather propose a 
regulatory definition that we believe is fully consistent with the 
statutory definition, but will provide clarity to the field and other 
interested stakeholders. The definitions section applies to all grants 
and contracts under the FVPSA. We welcome comments on all proposed 
definitions; however, we are constrained by the statutory definitions 
in the FVPSA. Note that many of these are longstanding definitions 
resulting from FVPSA reauthorization in 2010 and are already included 
in the Funding Opportunity Announcements.
    We propose to include the statutory definition of ``dating 
violence,'' an important addition to the scope of persons protected 
under the FVPSA. The statute defines it as ``violence committed by a 
person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or 
intimate nature with the victim and where the existence of such a 
relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the 
following factors: the length of the relationship, the type of 
relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons 
involved in the relationship.'' This definition reflects the definition 
also found in Section 40002(a) of VAWA (as amended), as required by 
FVPSA. Dating violence may also include violence against older 
individuals and those with disabilities when the violence meets the 
applicable definition.
    We propose to include the statutory definition of ``domestic 
violence.'' Section 10402(3) of the FVPSA defines ``domestic violence'' 
as felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence committed by a current or 
former spouse or intimate partner of the victim, by a person with whom 
the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating 
with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate 
partner, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under 
the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction receiving 
grant monies, or by any other person against an adult or youth victim 
who is protected from that person's acts under the domestic or family 
violence laws of the jurisdiction. This definition also reflects the 
statutory definition of ``domestic violence'' found in Section 40002(a) 
of VAWA (as amended). Older individuals and those with disabilities who 
meet these criteria are also included within this term's definition.
    We also propose that the definition of ``domestic violence'' will 
also include, but will not be limited to, acts or acts constituting 
intimidation, control, coercion and coercive control, emotional and 
psychological abuse and behavior, expressive and psychological 
aggression, harassment, tormenting behavior, and disturbing or alarming 
behavior. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in its 
National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, 2014 Report 
(Breiding, M.J., Chen J., & Black, M.C. (2014), Intimate Partner 
Violence in the United States-2010. Atlanta, GA: National Center for 
Injury Prevention) describes intimate partner violence, which is 
commonly used interchangeably with the term ``domestic violence,'' to 
include psychological aggression and expressive aggression (such as 
name calling, insulting or humiliating an intimate partner) and 
coercive control, which includes behaviors that are intended to 
monitor, control or threaten an intimate partner.
    Moreover, several states have broadened their definitions of 
``domestic violence'' or similar terms to describe a range of behaviors 
commonly understood as abusive behavior within spousal and intimate 
partner relationships. For example, Maine legislatively defines 
``abuse'' within family, household, or dating partner relationships to 
include (among other factors), threatening, harassing or tormenting 
behavior.'' ME. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 19-A Sec.  4002 (2009). The state 
also defines other behavior as ``abuse'' such as following the 
plaintiff/[alleged victim] repeatedly and without reasonable cause; or, 
being in the vicinity of the plaintiff's home, school, business or 
place of employment both repeatedly and without reasonable cause. Id. 
In Cole v. Cole, 2008 ME 4, 940 A.2d 194, 2008 Me, Lexus 6 (2008), a 
District court issued a protection from abuse order to the wife and the 
parties' child, pursuant to Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 19-A, Sec.  
4002(C), because the husband had a longstanding pattern of controlling, 
intimidating, and threatening conduct toward his wife.
    The State of New Hampshire includes ``harassment'' in the 
definition of ``abuse'', by including (among other factors) when a 
person: (a) Makes a telephone call, whether or not a conversation 
ensues, with no legitimate communicative purpose or without disclosing 
his or her identity and with a purpose to annoy, abuse, threaten, or 
alarm another; or (b) makes repeated communications at extremely 
inconvenient hours or in offensively coarse language with a purpose to 
annoy or alarm another; or (c) insults, taunts, or challenges another 
in a manner likely to provoke a violent or disorderly response. N.H. 
Rev. Stat. Ann. Sec.  173-B:1(I)(g); 644:4 (2009).
    Another State, Hawaii, provides as one definition of ``domestic 
abuse'' within the context of a romantic or intimate relationship 
(among others) as ``extreme psychological abuse'' mean[ing] an 
intentional or knowing course of conduct directed at an individual that 
seriously alarms or disturbs consistently or continually bothers the 
individual, and that serves no legitimate purpose. HAW. REV.STAT. Sec.  
586-1(1) (2009).
    Given the continuum of behaviors constituting ``domestic violence'' 
identified in FVPSA, and the broader protections embodied in State and 
other jurisdictional law, ACF will interpret ``domestic violence'' as 
inclusive of additional acts recognized in other Federal, State, local, 
and tribal laws, as well as acts in other Federal regulatory and sub-
regulatory guidance. Note that this definition is not intended to be 
interpreted more restrictively than FVPSA and VAWA but rather to be 
inclusive of other, more expansive definitions.
    We propose to include the statutory definition of ``family 
violence'' found at Section 10402(4) of the FVPSA. ``Family violence'' 
means any act or threatened act of violence, including any forceful 
detention of an individual, that results or threatens to result in 
physical injury and is committed by a person against another individual 
(including an older individual), to or with whom such person is related 
by blood or marriage, or is or was otherwise legally related, or is or 
was lawfully residing. We would note that since 2013, the Funding 
Opportunity Announcements have included LGBTQ individuals as an 
underserved population with no reference to marital status. For the 
last nine years and pursuant to the FVPSA definition of family 
violence, ACF has required grantees, sub-grantees, and contractors to 
provide services to LGBTQ individuals regardless of marital status. 
Additionally, defining family violence to encompass same-sex spouses is 
consistent with the Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, 
which held that same-sex marriages are entitled to equal treatment 
under the law. All FVPSA-funded grantees and contractors are required 
to serve program recipients regardless of whether an individual may be 
married to a person of the opposite or same sex.

[[Page 61894]]

Please note that this guidance is not a change in previous grantee 
guidance as survivors of intimate partner violence, regardless of 
marital status, have always been eligible for FVPSA-funded services and 
    Further, ``family violence'' has become a term used interchangeably 
with ``domestic violence'' by both the field, and Congress, when 
describing the violence experienced between intimate partners and the 
programs and services utilized by those impacted by such violence. In 
1984 when FVPSA was first named and authorized, the term ``family 
violence'' was commonly used as synonymous with ``domestic violence'' 
(violence between intimate partners). However, ``family violence'' is 
still often used more broadly to encompass the diverse forms of 
violence that occur within families, including child maltreatment, 
``domestic violence'' and elder abuse. For clarity and in keeping with 
the historical FVPSA ``family violence'' interpretation, the term will 
continue to be used more narrowly and as interchangeable with 
``domestic violence.''
    Additionally, the legislative history of the 2010 FVPSA 
Reauthorization is replete with descriptive language citing ``domestic 
violence,'' ``domestic violence service providers,'' and ``domestic 
violence victims'' while only briefly referencing ``family violence'' 
in the Senate Committee's legislative explanation. CAPTA 
Reauthorization Act of 2010, 111 S. Rpt. 378 Title IV--Family Violence 
Prevention and Services Act, 17-19 (December 18, 2010). The Committee 
Report discusses multiple FVPSA sections using only the term ``domestic 
violence'' when describing, for example, the role of religious and 
faith-based communities in working with domestic violence service 
providers to support victims. Id. at 111 S. Rpt. 378, 17. In discussing 
the role of a coordinated community response, the report states ``the 
committee intends that ``coordinated community response'' means an 
organized effort, such as a task force, (or) coordinating council . . . 
representing an array of service providers responding to the needs of 
domestic violence populations in such area.'' Id. at 111 S. Rpt. 378, 
18. The Committee Report goes on to estimate FVPSA costs and primarily 
focuses on ``domestic violence'' by reporting that ``[FVPSA] would help 
States prevent domestic violence, provide services to people who have 
suffered from such violence, and assist with technical assistance and 
training at the State and Local levels.'' Id. at 111 S. Rpt. 378, 20. 
In the same paragraph and in the context of discussing domestic 
violence, the report also cites the Congressional Budget Office's 
estimation of total costs and references ``family violence prevention'' 
only once as compared to the repeated use of ``domestic violence'' 
throughout the report.
    Moreover, the Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) has 
historically described FVPSA grant programs as ``Family Violence 
Prevention and Services/Battered Women's Shelters--Grants to States and 
Indian Tribes'' (93.671) and ``Family Violence Prevention and Services/
Battered Women's Shelters--Grants to State Domestic Violence 
Coalitions'' (93.591). ``Battered Women's Shelters'' has been a 
commonly used term since the 1970's to identify safe housing and refuge 
for victims of domestic violence. Recently, however, the CFDA program 
descriptions were approved to more clearly reflect the continuing 
intent to fund domestic violence programs with FVPSA funding. 
Accordingly, the CFDA descriptions are now: ``Family Violence 
Prevention and Services/Domestic Violence Shelter and Supportive 
Services'' (93.671); ``Family Violence Prevention and Services/State 
Domestic Violence Coalitions'' (93.591); and, ``Family Violence 
Prevention and Services/Discretionary'' (93.592). Additionally, the ACF 
Congressional Justification uses the same ``Battered Women's Shelters'' 
nomenclature and describes that FVPSA-funded services are used to 
support ``domestic violence'' programs and services even though the 
term ``family violence'' also is interchangeably used in the 
description of programming. Therefore, the definition of family 
violence proposed here reflects the definition long used by the 
Department and indicated by its interchangeable use in the FVPSA 
statute and by the domestic violence field and Congress.
    A very important requirement in the current statute revolves around 
protecting victims of violence from further abuse through non-
disclosure of ``personally identifying information.'' We propose to 
define the term using the statutory definition in FVPSA Section 
10402(7), which references and incorporates the VAWA definition. 
Personally identifying information is proposed to be defined as 
individually identifying information for or about an individual 
including information likely to disclose the location of a victim of 
domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, 
regardless of whether the information is encoded, encrypted, hashed, or 
otherwise protected, including, (A) a first and last name; (B) a home 
or other physical address; (C) contact information (including a postal, 
email or Internet protocol address, or telephone or facsimile number); 
(D) a social security number, driver license number, passport number, 
or student identification number; and (E) any other information, 
including date of birth, racial or ethnic background, or religious 
affiliation, that would serve to identify any individual. Note that 
information remains personally identifying even if physically protected 
through locked filing cabinets or electronically protected through 
    Additionally, there are FVPSA-specific waiver and consent 
requirements for the non-disclosure of confidential or private 
information as well as provisions for the release of information to law 
enforcement, child welfare agencies, aggregate data releases by 
grantees, and for the release of personally identifying information of 
victims who also are minors (42 U.S.C. 10405(c)(5)). All grantees are 
required to comply with these requirements which are included in this 
NPRM in Section 1370.4.
    Primary prevention was included as a statutory purpose for the 
first time in the 2010 amendments to the FVPSA statute but not defined. 
Primary prevention focuses on strategies to stop both first-time 
perpetration and first-time victimization. Primary prevention also is 
defined by the CDC as ``stopping intimate partner violence before it 
occurs'' (http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/deltafocus/). Primary 
prevention may work by modifying the events, conditions, situations, or 
exposure to influences that result in the initiation of intimate 
partner violence and associated injuries, disabilities, and deaths. 
Examples of primary prevention could include: ``school-based violence 
prevention curricula, programs aimed at mitigating the effects on 
children of witnessing intimate partner violence, community campaigns 
designed to alter norms and values conducive to intimate partner 
violence, worksite prevention programs, and training and education in 
parenting skills and self-esteem enhancement.'' 61 FR 27879 (1996), 
Coordinated Community Responses to Prevent Intimate Partner Violence; 
Notice of Availability of Funds for Fiscal Year 1996 (HHS/CDC). 
Therefore, we propose to use the CDC definition of ``primary 
prevention'' to mean strategies, policies, and programs to stop both 
first-time perpetration and first-time victimization. Primary 
prevention is stopping intimate partner violence before it occurs.

[[Page 61895]]

    We propose to define ``primary-purpose domestic violence provider'' 
as one that operates a project of demonstrated effectiveness carried 
out by a nonprofit, nongovernmental, private entity, Tribe, or Tribal 
organization, that has as its project's primary-purpose the operation 
of shelters and supportive services for victims of domestic violence 
and their dependents; or provides counseling, advocacy, or self-help 
services to victims of domestic violence. Territorial Domestic Violence 
Coalitions may include government-operated domestic violence projects 
as ``primary-purpose'' providers for complying with the membership 
requirement, provided that Territorial Coalitions can document 
providing training, technical assistance, and capacity-building of 
community-based and privately operated projects to provide shelter and 
supportive services to victims of family, domestic, or dating violence, 
with the intention of recruiting such projects as members once they are 
sustainable as primary-purpose domestic violence service providers. 
This definition is not in FVPSA, however, we propose to describe the 
undefined term in FVPSA Section 10402(11)(A), based upon program 
experience and consistent with the priority for State formula funding 
provided in FVPSA Section 10407(a)(2)(B)(iii).
    `Secondary prevention' was also added to the purpose of the FVPSA 
statute but not defined. The World Health Organization's World Report 
on Violence and Health, 2002:1-21, describes ``secondary prevention'' 
as approaches that focus on the more immediate responses to violence. 
The HHS CDC's Division of Violence Prevention also uses this definition 
in practice and incorporates both risk and protective factors to 
promote the efficacy of secondary prevention efforts. Therefore, we 
propose to include the CDC's definition of ``secondary prevention'' 
that means identifying risk factors or problems that may lead to future 
family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, and taking the 
necessary actions to eliminate the risk factors and the potential 
problem. The objective is to create opportunities to identify potential 
problems and to intervene as soon as possible to prevent the problem 
from recurring or progressing. Services for children exposed to 
domestic violence exemplify one type of secondary prevention. By 
developing targeted strategies for children who have been exposed to 
violence, secondary prevention efforts can reduce the likelihood of 
such children becoming victims or perpetrators of future violence.
    Among the most important services under these programs is the 
provision of shelter to victims of family, domestic, and dating 
violence. We propose to use the statutory definition of ``shelter,'' 
which is the provision of temporary refuge and supportive services in 
compliance with applicable State law or regulations governing the 
provision, on a regular basis, of shelter, safe homes, meals, and 
supportive services to victims of family violence, domestic violence, 
or dating violence, and their dependents. We also propose to include in 
this definition emergency shelter and immediate shelter, which may 
include scattered-site housing, which is defined as property with 
multiple locations around a local jurisdiction or state. Temporary 
refuge is not defined in FVPSA and we propose that it includes 
residential services, including shelter and off-site services such as 
hotel or motel vouchers, which is not transitional or permanent 
housing. Should other jurisdictional laws conflict with this definition 
of temporary refuge, the definition which provides more expansive 
housing accessibility governs.
    Under the FVPSA, grants are made to States and U.S. Territories. We 
propose to include the definition of ``State'' as defined in the 
statute. FVPSA defines ``State'' as each of the several States, the 
District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American 
Samoa, the United States Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the 
Northern Mariana Islands. The statute makes one exception to this 
definition for State formula grants, and provides for a different 
allotment of funds for Guam, American Samoa, the United 
Statesi Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern 
Mariana Islands. These four territories receive a smaller share of 
funding because of their relatively small populations.
    The purpose of State Domestic Violence Coalitions is to provide 
education, support, and technical assistance to domestic violence 
service providers in their respective States to enable the providers to 
establish and maintain shelter and supportive services for victims of 
domestic violence and their dependents (including multi-generational 
families, e.g. grandparents or others impacted by witnessing the 
violence and dependent on the victim); and serve as information 
clearinghouses, primary points of contact, and resource centers on 
domestic violence for the States and support the development of 
polices, protocols, and procedures to enhance domestic violence 
intervention and prevention in the States. One grant is awarded to one 
HHS-designated Coalition in each State and Territory each year. It 
should be noted that the identified Territories in this section also 
are designated one Coalition per Territory. We propose to include a 
definition of and to define a State Domestic Violence Coalition 
(Coalition) as: A statewide, nongovernmental, nonprofit 501(c)(3) 
organization whose membership includes a majority of the primary-
purpose domestic violence service providers in the State; whose board 
membership is representative of these primary-purpose domestic violence 
service providers, and which may include representatives of the 
communities in which the services are being provided in the State; that 
provides education, support, and technical assistance to such service 
providers; and that serves as an information clearinghouse, primary 
point of contact, and resource center on domestic violence for the 
State and supports the development of policies, protocols and 
procedures to enhance domestic violence intervention and prevention in 
the State/Territory.
    FVPSA provides for supportive services targeted directly to the 
needs of victims for safety and assistance in reclaiming their agency, 
autonomy and well-being. We propose to include a definition of 
``supportive services,'' which we define as services for adult and 
youth victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating 
violence, and their dependents that are designed to meet the needs of 
such victims and their dependents for short-term, transitional, or 
long-term safety and recovery. Our proposed definition includes those 
services identified in FVPSA Section 10408(b)(1)(G), but is not limited 
to: Direct and/or referral-based advocacy on behalf of victims and 
their dependents, counseling, case management, employment services, 
referrals, transportation services, legal advocacy or assistance, child 
care services, health, behavioral health and preventive health 
services, culturally appropriate services, and other services that 
assist victims or their dependents in recovering from the effects of 
the violence. Supportive services may be directly provided by grantees 
and/or by providing advocacy or referrals to assist victims in 
accessing such services.
    Another important program focus is on ``underserved populations,'' 
which we propose to use the FVPSA definition in Section 10402(14), 
specifically referencing and incorporating the VAWA definition, to 
define as populations who face barriers in accessing and using victim 
services, and

[[Page 61896]]

populations underserved because of geographic location, religion, 
sexual orientation, gender identity, underserved racial and ethnic 
populations, and populations underserved because of special needs 
including language barriers, disabilities, immigration status, and age. 
Note that regarding age, the FVPSA-defined terms of family violence, 
domestic violence, and dating violence do not impose age limitations on 
victims or their dependents that may be served in FVPSA-funded 
programs; elders and adolescents are also included in these definitions 
and we do not propose to place age limits in these categories. We also 
propose to include in this definition individuals with criminal 
histories due to victimization and individuals with substance abuse and 
mental health issues based on program experience and victims' needs 
identified by grantees. The proposed definition also includes, as 
allowed by FVPSA, other population categories determined by the 
Secretary or the Secretary's designee to be underserved.
    We welcome comments on all these definitions and on ways to clarify 
any ambiguities or improve any elements. We are, however, constrained 
substantially by the FVPSA in departing significantly from most of the 
wording we propose because the proposed regulatory definitions come 
from the FVPSA and best practices identified from the field.

Section 1370.3 What government-wide and HHS-wide regulations apply to 
these programs?

    The current rule contains no list of the other rules and 
regulations that apply to recipients of program funds. These applicable 
rules include, for example, regulations concerning civil rights 
obligations of grant recipients and regulations concerning fraud, 
waste, and abuse by grant recipients. We propose to revise Sec.  1370.3 
under new subpart A to include a list of those rules that most commonly 
apply to grantees and contractors under all or most HHS programs, 
including FVPSA. This new list does not attempt to list all of the 
Federal laws and regulations (e.g., provisions of the Internal Revenue 
Code regarding non-profit status) that pertain to organizations that 
may be grant awardees. The provisions we list here are not all 
administered through ACF (though the agency may in some instances 
assist in their enforcement), but are for the most part administered by 
other HHS components or by other Federal agencies that set the 
conditions and enforcement mechanisms that apply to those provisions, 
and that determine whether and in what circumstances grant-related 
penalties may apply.

Section 1370.4 What confidentiality requirements apply to these 

    We propose to add Sec.  1370.4 under Part A and revise it to 
include language regarding confidentiality requirements that apply to 
all FVPSA programs. The essential purpose of these requirements, which 
are in the FVPSA (42 U.S.C. 10406(c)(5)) and in VAWA (42 U.S.C. 
13925(a)(20) and (b)(2)) is to protect victims of domestic violence 
from being identified, located, or harmed by the perpetrators of 
violence and others working to assist perpetrators in gaining access to 
victims. These protections are robust. Grantees and subgrantees are 
directly prohibited from disclosing any personally identifiable 
information (as defined in this NPRM Section 1370.2). We propose to use 
the FVPSA requirements for the non-disclosure of confidential or 
private information. In paragraph (a), we propose that in order to 
ensure the safety of adult, youth, and child victims of family 
violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, and their families, 
grantees and subgrantees under this title shall protect the 
confidentiality and privacy of such victims and their families.
    In paragraph (a), we propose that grantees and subgrantees shall 
not: (1) Disclose any personally identifying information collected in 
connection with services requested (including services utilized or 
denied), through grantees' and subgrantees' programs; or (2) reveal 
personally identifying information without informed, written, 
reasonably time-limited consent by the person about whom information is 
sought, whether for this program or any other Federal or State grant 
    In paragraph (b), we propose that consent shall be given by the 
person, except in the case of an unemancipated minor, the minor and the 
minor's parent or guardian or in the case of an individual with a 
guardian, the individual's guardian. Consent may not be given by the 
abuser or suspected abuser of the minor or individual with a guardian, 
or the abuser or suspected abuser of the other parent of the minor.
    In paragraph (c), we propose that if release of information 
described in paragraphs (a) and (b) is compelled by statutory or court 
mandate grantees and subgrantees shall make reasonable attempts to 
provide notice to victims affected by the release of the information 
and grantees and subgrantees shall take steps necessary to protect the 
privacy and safety of the persons affected by the release of the 
    In paragraph (d), we propose that grantees and subgrantees may 
share: (1) Nonpersonally identifying information, in the aggregate, 
regarding services to their clients and demographic nonpersonally 
identifying information in order to comply with Federal, State, or 
tribal reporting, evaluation, or data collection requirements; (2) 
court-generated information and law enforcement-generated information 
contained in secure, governmental registries for protective order 
enforcement purposes; and (3) law enforcement- and prosecution-
generated information necessary for law enforcement and prosecution 
    To further explain, in meeting reporting, evaluation, or data 
collection requirements, grantees may not disclose individual data, but 
only non-identifying aggregate data. If the release of information is 
compelled by statutory or court mandate, grantees and sub-grantees 
shall make reasonable attempts to provide notice to victims affected by 
the release of the information and grantees and sub-grantees shall take 
steps necessary to protect the privacy and safety of the persons 
affected by the release of the information. Service providers, 
including those in co-located facilities such as Family Justice 
Centers, can share information about a client upon her/his request if 
the client signs a waiver that is limited in time and scope, reasonably 
responsive to individual circumstances, to coordinate and execute a 
specific service or request. A reasonably time-limited release is 
determined by an individual's safety and other needs as identified by 
the individual. Reasonably time-limited releases may be loosely 
standardized if grantees are addressing the similar needs of victims 
who are similarly situated; however, standardization should be rare 
since individual victims' circumstances are the guiding factor when 
determining the reasonableness and time limitations of required written 
releases. For example, victims residing in shelter are often receiving 
the services of other providers and/or are being referred by shelters 
to other providers. To ensure coordinated services, FVPSA-funded 
shelter grantees have been known to standardize form releases under 
such circumstances between organizations to help support efficiency and 
staff work flow. However, even this kind of standardization often 
includes and requires additional individualized instructions and 
limitations depending upon a victim's safety and other needs.
    Funders and licensing agencies (i.e., fire code inspectors, state 
licensing inspectors, etc.) reviewing shelter

[[Page 61897]]

performance or operations cannot view identifying client files. Any 
information shared must have all personally identifying information 
redacted. HHS will continue to offer technical assistance to States who 
are seeking a balance between oversight and confidentiality. These 
requirements directly track the statute (42 U.S.C. 10406(c)(5)) and 
there is very little discretion available to the Department, or to 
grantees or subgrantees. There are also additional provisions in the 
regulatory text which mirror statutory requirements for the consent of 
unemancipated minors. In this regard, consent shall be given by the 
person, except in the case of an unemancipated minor it shall be given 
by both the minor and the minor's parent or guardian; or in the case of 
an individual with a guardian it shall be given by the individual's 
guardian. A parent or guardian may not give consent if: he or she is 
the abuser or suspected abuser of the minor or individual with a 
guardian; or, the abuser or suspected abuser of the other parent of the 
minor. We also propose along these lines that reasonable accommodation 
be made to those who may be unable, due to disability or other 
functional limitation, to provide consent in writing. This slightly 
varies the statutory definition, though it is not intended as a 
substitution, to ensure that those with disabilities have a meaningful 
alternative to providing informed consent if they are otherwise 
incapacitated. If additional clarification would be useful in the rule, 
we welcome suggestions. We will issue guidance addressing any future 
situations that may present problems of interpretation. We also will 
use National Resource Centers, State Domestic Violence Coalitions, and 
Training and Technical Assistance Grants to assist service providers in 
meeting these requirements and in dealing with other Federal, State, 
Tribal or local agencies that may seek protected information. These 
regulations do not supersede stronger protections that may be provided 
by Federal, State, Tribal or local laws.
    Pursuant to FVPSA Section 10406(c)(5)(H), we note that our proposed 
language also protects the addresses of shelter facilities with 
confidential locations, except with written authorization of the person 
or persons responsible for operation of the shelter. To date there have 
been no issues reported to FYSB regarding this requirement except when 
Tribal nations are geographically isolated thereby making 
confidentiality nearly impossible. Tribal leaders often utilize FVPSA 
funds to transport victims from isolated to more populated areas where 
victims have greater access to necessary services especially when 
confidentiality cannot be maintained within very confined and remote 
areas. In these circumstances, it is not uncommon that a Tribe may 
utilize most of its FVPSA grant on transportation. We welcome comments 
especially from Tribes and tribal organizations, as well as concerned 
others, about how confidentiality may be more effectively maintained 
given these very challenging situations.

Section 1370.5 What additional non-discrimination requirements apply to 
these programs?

    We propose to add Sec.  1370.5 under new Subpart A and revise it to 
include non-discrimination requirements that apply uniquely to FVPSA 
programs. These are in addition to broad government-wide or HHS-wide 
civil rights protections in regulations concerning discrimination on 
the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, and age that 
apply to all HHS grantees, including FVPSA grantees (see the list of 
other regulations that apply to these programs in Sec.  1370.3 of this 
proposed rule). FVPSA contains broad prohibitions against 
discrimination on the basis of sex or religion in FVPSA programs, and 
we propose to codify in regulation these prohibitions. The HHS Office 
for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces FVPSA's broad prohibitions against 
discrimination, including on the basis of sex or religion, under 
delegated authority from the Secretary. In addition, our proposed 
language says that FVPSA State and Tribal Formula grant-funded services 
must be provided without imposing eligibility criteria, and without 
requiring documentation for eligibility (see the Domestic Violence Fact 
Sheet on Access to HHS-Funded Services for Immigrant Survivors of 
Domestic Violence, at http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/civilrights/resources/specialtopics/origin/domesticviolencefactsheet.html). Our proposed 
language also includes the FVPSA's prohibition against placing 
conditions on receipt of emergency shelter or requiring participation 
in supportive services.

Prohibition Against Discrimination on the Basis of Sex or Religion

    In paragraph (a), we propose to codify in regulation FVPSA's broad 
prohibitions against discrimination on the basis of sex or religion. 
Under its delegated authority, OCR enforces these prohibitions. 
Consistent with the usual approaches to defining civil rights 
obligations in Federal regulations, we do not propose to elaborate in 
regulatory text all the situations to which the FVPSA's protections 
against discrimination on the basis of sex or religion might apply. 
However, consistent with our longstanding policy in Funding Opportunity 
Announcements and reliance on regulatory guidance issued by the 
Department of Housing and Urban Development amending 24 CFR parts 5, 
200, 203, 236, 400, 570, 574, 882, 891, and 982, published in the 
Federal Register/Vol. 77, No. 23/Friday, February 3, 2012, we interpret 
the prohibition against discrimination on the basis of sex as also 
prohibiting discrimination on the basis of gender identity.
    As a result, FVPSA grantees must provide comparable services to 
victims regardless of sex or gender. This includes not only providing 
access to services for male victims of family, domestic, and dating 
violence, but also making sure not to limit services for victims with 
adolescent sons (up to the age of majority), and LGBTQ victims. Victims 
and their sons must be sheltered or housed together unless they request 
otherwise. Historically, most services have been provided to women 
because they are the overwhelming majority of victims, are more likely 
to suffer serious injuries and other impacts of the violence, and have 
been the primary demographic seeking services. As such, services have 
been mostly tailored to address the unique needs of female survivors. 
However, there are male victims of these crimes who deserve access to 
safety from their offenders and services to help them rebuild their 
lives free from violence. FVPSA states, ``no person shall on the ground 
of sex or religion be excluded from participation in, be denied the 
benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under, any program or 
activity in whole or in part with funds made available under this 
chapter. Nothing in this chapter shall require any such program or 
activity to include any individual in any program or activity without 
taking into consideration that individual's sex in those certain 
instances where sex is a bona fide occupational qualification or 
programmatic factor reasonably necessary to the normal or safe 
operation of that particular program or activity'' (42 U.S.C. Sec.  
10406(c)(2)(B)). For clarification, we propose that the ``normal and 
safe operation'' of a program or activity be that which is essential 
and safe for operations.

[[Page 61898]]

    This statutory directive should not be interpreted to eliminate 
programming or services tailored to the unique needs of individuals 
served by FVPSA grantees, sub-grantees, contractors and/or vendors 
provided they are not based on illegal sex classifications. Moreover, 
programmatic access must be assured for all victims of family, 
domestic, and dating violence, and responses to individual victims 
should be trauma-informed, victim-defined, and culturally relevant, 
which may involve providing specialized services and supports. We do 
not propose to define in regulation what is or is not allowed in 
precise circumstances.
    If a shelter can reasonably separate the sexes in a manner which 
allows for single sex bedrooms and bathrooms and the essential and safe 
operation of the particular program is not substantially compromised, 
it is reasonable to provide such separation. Essential services are 
those required by the grant, which are funded to support the long-term 
social and emotional well-being of victims and their dependents. If the 
essential or safe operation of the program or activity would be 
substantially compromised, alternative, equivalent shelter and services 
should be offered as practicable. For instance, a male victim could be 
offered a hotel placement and provided supportive services at the 
    Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) 
individuals must also have access to FVPSA-funded shelter and non-
residential programs. LGBTQ survivors face unique challenges accessing 
programs due to victimization often resulting from the intersection of 
bias and multiple oppressions as well as the limited understanding of 
providers in delivering welcoming and culturally-appropriate services. 
Examples include those of gay men who may have difficulty accessing 
shelter services because domestic violence shelters were founded and 
grew within the framework of the battered women's movement. Trans-women 
face service barriers because providers are often confounded by an 
individual's apparent biological sex which may contradict perceived or 
actual gender. Programmatic accessibility for transgender survivors 
must be afforded to meet individual needs like those provided to all 
survivors. For the purpose of assigning a beneficiary to sex-segregated 
or sex-specific services, the recipient should ask a transgender 
beneficiary which group or services the beneficiary wishes to join. The 
recipient may not, however, ask questions about the beneficiary's 
anatomy or medical history or make inappropriate demands for identity 
documents. ACF requires that a FVPSA grantee, subgrantee, contractor, 
or vendor that makes decisions about eligibility for or placement into 
single-sex emergency shelters or other facilities place a potential 
victim (or current victim/client seeking a new assignment) in a shelter 
or other appropriate placement that corresponds to the gender with 
which the person identifies, taking health and safety concerns into 
consideration. A victim's/client's or potential victim's/client's own 
views with respect to personal health and safety must be given serious 
consideration in making the placement. For instance, if the potential 
victim/client requests to be placed based on his or her sex assigned at 
birth, ACF requires that the provider place the individual in 
accordance with that request, consistent with health, safety, and 
privacy concerns. ACF also requires that a provider not make an 
assignment or re- assignment based on complaints of another person when 
the sole stated basis of the complaint is a victim/client or potential 
victim/client's non-conformance with gender stereotypes.
    Additionally, LGBTQ individuals seeking refuge at domestic violence 
shelters may experience homophobia or bias or may confront the 
invisibility of their experiences in the form of advertising and 
resource materials that only address heterosexual domestic violence. 
Therefore, programmatic accessibility for LGBTQ survivors must be 
afforded to meet individual needs like those provided to all other 
    With respect to religion, the religion, religious beliefs or 
religious practices of a client should not be a relevant factor in 
providing or denying services. Religious practices must not be imposed 
upon victims. Dietary practices dictated by particular religious 
beliefs may require some reasonable accommodation in cooking or feeding 
arrangements for particular clients as practicable.

Prohibition Against Requiring Documentation for Eligibility

    In paragraph (b), we propose a prohibition against requiring 
documentation for eligibility. Battered immigrants face unique 
challenges accessing services and often face conflicting eligibility 
requirements in FVPSA-funded programs as noted at http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/civilrights/resources/specialtopics/origin/domesticviolencefactsheet.html. Pursuant to HHS guidance originally 
published in 2001 and updated in August, 2012, recipients of Federal 
financial assistance must ensure that their programs and activities 
normally provided in English are accessible to Limited English 
Proficient persons and do not discriminate on the basis of national 
origin in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (see 
also Sec.  1370.3, Executive Order 13166). Battered immigrant victims 
and survivors of domestic violence must not face additional burdens to 
accessing FVPSA-funded services when they often lack knowledge of, or 
receive misinformation, of U.S. laws. They also are often isolated from 
family and community and face significant employment and economic 
challenges. Programs must ensure that battered immigrants, for example, 
are not required to provide documentation because FVPSA has no 
immigration restrictions and its services do not qualify as a Federal 
public benefit pursuant to the Personal Responsibility and Work 
Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996,'' Public Law 104-193 (August 
22, 1996), as amended by the ``Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant 
Responsibility Act of 1996,'' Public Law 104-208 (September 30, 1996).

Other FVPSA Programmatic Accessibility Guidance

    Human trafficking often simultaneously occurs in the context of 
intimate relationships between perpetrators of trafficking/domestic/
intimate partner violence and those who are victimized by such crimes. 
In the spirit of the Federal Strategic Action Plan on Services for 
Victims of Human Trafficking in the United States 2013-2017, FVPSA-
funded programs are strongly encouraged to safely screen for and 
identify victims of human trafficking who are also victims or survivors 
of intimate partner/domestic violence and provide services that support 
their unique needs. FVPSA services can also support trafficked victims 
who are not experiencing domestic or intimate partner violence as long 
as victims and survivors of domestic/intimate partner violence are 
prioritized first by FVPSA grantees.
    Additionally, covered entities should be aware of additional non-
discrimination grant conditions that may be applicable under the 
Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013. For more 
information on these requirements, please see the Department of 
Justice's April 2014 document, ``Frequently Asked Questions: 
Nondiscrimination Grant Conditions in the Violence Against Women 
Reauthorization Act of 2013,''April 2014, available at: http://

[[Page 61899]]


Voluntary Services

    This new section also contains proposed language in paragraph (c) 
from FVPSA (section 308(d)) prohibiting grantees or subgrantees either 
from imposing any conditions on the receipt of emergency shelter, or 
from requiring the acceptance of supportive services. All such services 
must be voluntarily accepted by program participants. The prohibition 
on imposing ``conditions'' is intended to prohibit shelters from 
applying inappropriate screening mechanisms, such as criminal 
background checks or sobriety requirements. Similarly, the receipt of 
shelter should not be conditioned on participation in other services, 
such as counseling, parenting classes, or life-skills classes. We do 
not intend these provisions to preempt State law, in any case where a 
State may impose some legal requirement to protect the safety and 
welfare of all shelter residents. In the case of an apparent conflict 
with State or Federal laws, case-by-case determinations will be made. 
In general, when two or more laws apply, a grantee must meet the 
highest standard in any of those laws. Nor are these provisions 
intended to deny a shelter the ability to manage its services and 
secure the safety of all shelter residents should, for example, a 
client become violent or abusive to other clients. We welcome comments 
on this provision.


    OCR is charged with enforcing the prohibitions against 
discrimination on the basis of sex and religion in FVSPA. We note that 
under Federal civil rights laws administered by the Department, OCR 
uses a variety of techniques, including conducting investigations, 
negotiating agreements with covered entities, and issuing violation 
letters of findings where warranted, to enforce applicable civil rights 
laws, with the aim of achieving voluntary compliance. We would expect 
that similar practices will be used for investigating any complaints 
made under these proposed requirements.
    For situations that fall outside of the authority of OCR, we intend 
to handle exceptional situations, in cases where service providers 
cannot directly and easily solve the problem, through informal guidance 
and, as appropriate, case-specific advice. FVPSA does provide, however, 
for more severe remedies including withholding FVPSA grant awards until 
the problem is resolved or denying future Federal funding. We also 
would expect to use National/Special Issue Resource Centers and 
Culturally-Specific Special Issue Resource Centers, State Domestic 
Violence Coalitions, and Training and Technical Assistance Grants to 
provide advice to service providers on dealing with any patterns of 
problems that may emerge. We welcome comments on these proposals.

Section 1370.6 What requirements for reports and evaluations apply to 
these programs?

    We propose to add to new Subpart A a new section (Sec.  1370.6) 
explicitly requiring any recipient of grants or contracts under the 
FVPSA to provide performance reports to the Secretary. Such reports are 
already required and the proposed regulatory text merely confirms the 
important role they play in evaluating grantee performance. In order to 
clarify requirements that have been questioned in the past, we propose 
to require that American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern 
Mariana Islands, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands follow all reporting 
requirements applicable to the States and Tribes, Puerto Rico, and the 
District of Columbia and to provide required reports directly to the 
Division of Family Violence Prevention and Services within FYSB, unless 
otherwise communicated to the grantees. These requirements supplement, 
and do not replace the Territorial reporting requirements of the ACF 
Office of Community Services in its administration of Consolidated 
Block Grants as part of the Social Services Block Grants program.

Subpart B--State and Indian Tribal Grants

Section 1370.10 What additional requirements apply to State and Indian 
Tribal grants?

    The existing rule at Sec.  1370.2 contains a brief paragraph 
stating that State and Tribal grantees ``must meet the statutory 
requirements of the Act and all applicable regulations.'' We propose to 
add a new Subpart B addressing the formula grants awarded to States and 
Tribes. Under Subpart B, we propose to add Sec.  1370.10 which would 
include the most important requirements applicable to these formula 
grants. These proposals track the statute. However, they do not contain 
all of the specific detail of FVPSA, but simply describe the basic 
purposes, procedures, and activities that are expected for State and 
Tribal grantees, respectively. They also describe the information 
expected in grant applications. Because there are important differences 
between State and Tribal grants, we have described them separately.
    Importantly, these proposed provisions focus on planning, 
consultation, and coordinating activities that we expect of these 
grantees and which are statutory priorities in FVPSA Sections 10407, 
10408, and 10409. They focus on protection, and require documentation 
of the law or procedures (typically restraining orders or orders of 
protection) by which the State or Tribe has implemented for the 
eviction of an abusive spouse or intimate partner from a shared 
household. In addition to the FVPSA requirement we propose to require 
that such procedures must include not only family violence, but also 
domestic or dating violence, an expansion of scope met by most but not 
all existing State statutes. In order to allow States time to modify 
existing statutes, we propose that the effective date for this 
provision be two legislative sessions after these proposed rules are 
made final (all other provisions would be effective sixty days after 
issuance of the final rule.) As currently indicated in the Funding 
Opportunity Announcements we also propose to specifically require 
documentation of policies and procedures to ensure the confidentiality 
of client records. Finally, these provisions provide for the use of the 
Funding Opportunity Announcements and other program guidance to provide 
additional details and procedures that apply to these grants. We 
welcome comments on these proposed provisions.
    In paragraph (a), consistent with FVPSA, we propose requiring that 
States consult with and provide for the participation of Coalitions in 
the planning and monitoring of the distribution and administration of 
subgrant programs and projects; active Coalition participation is 
envisioned in these processes. States and Coalitions have complementary 
roles within the FVPSA framework because States use FVPSA funds to 
support programs and projects often carried out by a significant 
portion of the memberships of Coalitions. Coalitions' FVPSA-mandated 
roles include training and technical assistance that frequently mirror 
the support needed to effectively manage FVPSA-funded programs and 
services as found in FVPSA Section 10408. States, by virtue of their 
roles as funders, must both ensure that subgrantees comply with Federal 
laws, regulations and guidance as well as promote programming that 
effectively supports the safety, security and social and emotional 
well-being of victims and their dependents; Funding Opportunity 
Announcements have for several years

[[Page 61900]]

identified these requirements. To support the requirements in FVPSA 
Section 10407(a)(2)(D) Coalitions are critical to supporting States' 
roles as funders and must effectively participate in subgrantee award 
processes and States' planning processes to fully understand States' 
expectations and subgrantee requirements. At a minimum to further FVPSA 
requirements, we expect that States and Coalitions will work together 
to determine grant priorities based upon jointly identified needs; to 
identify strategies to address needs; to define mutual expectations 
regarding programmatic performance and monitoring; and to implement an 
annual collaboration plan that incorporates concrete steps for 
accomplishing these tasks. All of these requirements are either found 
in the Funding Opportunity Announcements dating back to FVPSA 
reauthorization in 2010 or have been discussed in grantee meetings and 
other informal communications via FYSB listservs. We welcome comments 
on these requirements.
    The FVPSA includes Tribes in these proposed processes but this rule 
is not intended to encroach upon Tribal sovereignty. We, however, 
envision similar processes for Tribes, States, and Coalitions that 
support coordination and collaboration when feasible and appropriate. 
We especially welcome comments from Tribes and Coalitions about this 
    Pursuant to FVPSA Section 10411, one role of Coalitions is to 
identify statewide gaps in services and the most effective way to meet 
identified gaps and other problems is by conducting needs assessments. 
We propose that States and Coalitions must work closely to undertake 
joint planning so that funding is leveraged successfully to implement 
FVPSA requirements in Sections 10407 and 10411. We also propose that 
Tribal and other underserved populations are invited and encouraged to 
participate in State planning and Coalition needs assessments. It is 
essential that the full spectrum of domestic violence service 
providers, including Tribes, Tribal organizations and other culturally-
specific, community-based organizations have significant input into 
decision-making processes that support State planning and Coalition 
needs assessments as found in FVPSA Sections 10407, 10408, and 10411. 
So that States are continually aware of subgrantees' training and 
technical assistance needs as well as intersecting systems challenges 
impacting service provision, they must involve Coalitions in program 
planning and subgrantee monitoring. We expect that States and 
Coalitions will meet regularly to coordinate training and technical 
assistance; to address ongoing programmatic challenges; and to 
implement best practices in victim services. We encourage pre- and 
post-award meetings to substantively address and respond to States' 
identified priorities; to assess systems and programmatic impacts as a 
result of States' priorities and funding decisions; and to assess 
subgrantee performance. We propose these additional requirements to 
complement those in FVPSA. We invite public comment on these areas.
    FVPSA also requires that States and Tribes involve community-based 
organizations that primarily serve culturally-specific, underserved 
communities and determine how such organizations can assist the States 
and Tribes in serving the needs of all communities. To fulfill these 
obligations, we expect and propose that States and Tribes will 
encourage the participation of underserved communities, including older 
individuals and those with disabilities, in planning. If States and 
Tribes use special councils, committees or other mechanisms to 
accomplish planning, we also propose that they identify and invite 
underserved, culturally specific organizations and/or community 
representatives to participate in these bodies to fully embrace both 
specific FVPSA-requirements (sections 10407, 10408, and 10409) and the 
spirit of the law. Emphasis also should be placed on building the 
capacity of culturally specific organizations to assist in both 
providing services and in identifying the needs of underserved 
populations. We envision that States will involve Coalitions in this 
planning as they routinely engage in community organizing and partner 
with organizations that support both the identification and leadership 
of underserved communities. We invite Tribes to partner with Coalitions 
to help in this capacity as well. We encourage public comment and 
advice on what mechanisms States and Tribes might use to accomplish 
these purposes, to describe any successful models they have identified 
to achieve these purposes, and to advise us on how best accomplish 
these goals. We particularly seek input from Tribes on how best to 
address underserved communities within the Tribe, and what types of 
processes would be helpful. Tribes are themselves considered 
underserved, culturally specific communities, and we do not interpret 
FVPSA as infringing upon Tribal sovereignty or as intending to create 
burdensome or meaningless requirements on the Tribes.
    Additionally, in paragraph (a), to complement FVPSA requirements to 
build capacity in culturally-specific organizations, we expect that 
specialized services will be available to support the specific needs of 
their communities. While traditional/mainstream FVPSA-funded programs 
are generally accessible to all people in compliance with Federal, 
State, and local law, unique expertise regarding the needs of 
underserved and historically marginalized populations lies within those 
communities. We propose to require States, in their funding processes, 
to address the needs of underserved, racial and ethnic minorities 
including Tribal populations, and people with disabilities and their 
families, with an emphasis on funding organizations that can meet 
unique needs including culturally relevant and linguistically 
appropriate services. These requirements have both been addressed in 
the Funding Opportunity Announcements as well as grantee meetings 
within the last 5 years. Jointly using multiple Federal and State 
funding streams may accomplish these purposes and we expect that States 
will make significant efforts to create awareness of FVPSA funding for 
culturally-specific communities and Tribes, including training and 
technical assistance that supports organizations serving those 
communities in the FVPSA application and grant award processes. FVPSA 
funding is not intended to just support traditionally-funded 
organizations. However, it is intended to support core shelter and 
supportive services (see FVPSA section 10401). It is not the intent of 
these regulations to change this important priority. The needs of 
culturally specific organizations and communities, including Tribes, 
are not, however, mutually exclusive from the need for core services; 
they are complementary. Moreover, providing truly accessible services 
to culturally-specific communities often means that the leadership, 
management and staff of FVPSA funded, subgrantee programs should 
reflect the diversity of the populations seeking services, including 
people with disabilities and their families, and other underserved 
populations. We therefore propose, pursuant to FVPSA Sections 10407 and 
10408, that States take steps to address these priorities and 
specifically describe them in their annual applications. Partnering 
with Coalitions and culturally-specific community based

[[Page 61901]]

organizations in these areas is especially critical. Public comment is 
welcome on these issues.
State Applications
    Requirements for applications made by States are outlined under 
proposed 1370.10 section (b). As required in FVPSA Section 10407(a)(1), 
a State application must be submitted by the Chief Executive of the 
State and signed by the Chief Executive Officer or the Chief Program 
Official designated as responsible for the administration of FVPSA.
    Under paragraph (b)(1), and as indicated in the Funding Opportunity 
Announcements as well as to fulfill FVPSA requirements, we propose that 
the State application include the name of the State agency, the name 
and contact information for the Chief Program Official designated as 
responsible for the administration of funds under FVPSA and 
coordination of related programs within the State, and the name and 
contact information for a contact person if different from the Chief 
Program Official.
    Under proposed paragraph (b)(2), pursuant to the Funding 
Opportunity Announcements and to fulfill FVPSA requirements, the State 
application must include a plan describing in detail how the needs of 
underserved populations will be met. This includes, under proposed 
paragraph (b)(2)(i), identification of which populations in the State 
are underserved, a description of those that are being targeted for 
outreach and services, and a brief explanation of why those populations 
were selected to receive outreach and services. As States undertake the 
process of identifying underserved, culturally-specific communities in 
their respective State, we expect that they will consult data generated 
from Federal and State census counts as well as other demographic 
information. Information on specific details will be provided in FOAs 
and other guidance. In addition, this paragraph includes a requirement 
regarding how often the State revisits the identification and selection 
of the populations to be served with FVPSA funding (not to exceed three 
years). For example, we propose that at least every three years States 
must identify population shifts or changes to assist in meaningful 
delivery of culturally-specific services and the involvement of 
potential new planning partners or explain why these steps are 
unnecessary. State applications must document this process. We strongly 
encourage that State plans be reassessed on a triennial basis or that 
an explanation be included in the State's application regarding why 
reassessment is unnecessary. These requirements are proposed to fulfill 
FVPSA and the Funding Opportunity Announcements to support the 
provision of services to underserved populations. We welcome comments 
on these provisions.
    Under proposed paragraph (b)(2)(ii), we also propose in order to 
fulfill FVPSA requirements and those found in the Funding Opportunity 
Announcements that the State application's plan describing how the 
needs of underserved populations will be met include a description of 
the outreach plan, including the domestic violence training to be 
provided, the means for providing technical assistance and support, and 
the leadership role played by those representing and serving the 
underserved populations in question.
    Under proposed paragraph (b)(2)(iii), we also include a requirement 
for a description of the specific services to be provided or enhanced, 
such as new shelters or services, improved access to shelters or 
services, or new services for underserved populations, as defined in 
this NPRM Section 1370.2, such as victims from communities of color, 
immigrant victims, victims with disabilities, or older individuals. 
This proposed requirement is intended to fulfill FVPSA requirements and 
reflect provisions in the Funding Opportunity Announcements.
    Finally, under proposed paragraph (b)(2)(iv) to fulfill FVPSA 
requirements and those found in the Funding Opportunity Announcements, 
we propose that the State application's plan describing how the needs 
of underserved populations will be met include a description of the 
public information component of the State's outreach program, including 
the elements of the program that are used to explain domestic violence, 
the most effective and safe ways to seek help, and tools to identify 
available resources.
    In subsection 1370.10(b)(3), we propose to fulfill FVPSA 
requirements and the provisions in the Funding Opportunity 
Announcements that each State application contain a description of the 
process and procedures used to involve the State Domestic Violence 
Coalition, knowledgeable individuals, and interested organizations, 
including those serving or representing underserved communities in the 
State planning process.
    In paragraph (4) of this subsection, we propose to fulfill FVPSA 
requirements and those found in the Funding Opportunity Announcements 
by requiring that each State application contain documentation of 
planning, consultation with and participation of the State Domestic 
Violence Coalition in the administration and distribution of FVPSA 
programs, projects, and grant funds awarded to the State.
    In paragraph (5) pursuant to FVPSA Section 10407(a)(2)(c) we 
propose that a description of the procedures used to assure an 
equitable distribution of grants and grant funds within the State and 
between urban and rural areas, as defined by the Census Bureau, within 
the State. The U.S. Census Bureau (USCB) defines (and FYSB defers to 
and incorporates this definition) two types of ``urban'' areas: (1) 
Urbanized areas of 50,000 or more people; and (2) ``urban clusters'' of 
at least 2,500 and less than 50,000 people. The USCB explains that 
``rural'' encompasses all population, housing, and territory not 
included within an ``urban'' area as ``rural''. The plan should 
describe how funding allocations will address the needs of underserved 
communities. Other Federal, State, local, and private funds may be 
considered in determining compliance. We also propose to require 
States, in their funding processes, to address the needs of 
underserved, racial and ethnic minorities including Tribal populations, 
and people with disabilities and their families, with an emphasis on 
funding organizations that can meet unique needs including culturally 
relevant and linguistically appropriate services.
    In paragraph (6) we propose in order to fulfill FVPSA requirements 
that a State's application include: A description of how the State 
plans to use the grant funds including a State plan developed in 
consultation with State and Tribal Domestic Violence Coalitions and 
representatives of underserved and culturally specific communities; a 
description of the target populations; of the number of shelters to be 
funded; of the number of non-residential programs to be funded; of the 
services the State will provide; and of the expected results from the 
use of the grant funds. To fulfill these requirements, it is critically 
important that States work with Coalitions and Tribes to solicit their 
feedback on program effectiveness which may include recommendations 
such as establishing program standards and participating in program 
    In paragraph (7) we propose pursuant to FVPSA Section 
10407(a)(2)(H) to require that State applications include a copy of the 
law or procedures, such as a process for obtaining an order of 
protection that the State has implemented for the eviction of an 
abusive spouse or other intimate,

[[Page 61902]]

domestic, or dating partner from a shared household or residence.
    In paragraph (8) we propose pursuant to FVPSA Section 10408(b)(2) 
to require that State applications include an assurance that not less 
than 70 percent of the funds distributed by a State to sub-recipients 
shall be distributed to entities for the primary purpose of providing 
immediate shelter and supportive services to adult and youth victims of 
family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, and their 
dependents, and that not less than 25 percent of the funds distributed 
by a State to sub-recipients shall be distributed to entities for the 
purpose of providing supportive services and prevention services (these 
percentages may overlap with respect to supportive services but are not 
included in the 5 percent cap applicable to State administrative 
costs). No grant shall be made under this section to an entity other 
than a State unless the entity agrees that, with respect to the costs 
to be incurred by the entity in carrying out the program or project for 
which the grant is awarded, the entity will make available (directly or 
through donations from public or private entities) non-Federal 
contributions in an amount that is not less than $1 for every $5 of 
Federal funds provided under the grant. The non-Federal contributions 
required under this paragraph may be in cash or in kind.
    In paragraph (9) pursuant to FVPSA Section 10406(c)(5) we propose 
requiring that State applications include documentation of policies, 
procedures and protocols that ensure individual identifiers of client 
records will not be used when providing statistical data on program 
activities and program services or in the course of grant monitoring, 
that the confidentiality of records pertaining to any individual 
provided family violence prevention or intervention services by any 
program or entity supported under the FVPSA will be strictly 
maintained, and the address or location of any shelter supported under 
the FVPSA will not be made public without the written authorization of 
the person or persons responsible for the operation of such shelter.
    Our final proposed requirement, in paragraph (10), would require 
that State applications include additional agreements, assurances, and 
information, in such form, and submitted in such manner as the Funding 
Opportunity Announcement and related program guidance prescribe.
    State Coalitions and Tribal Coalitions are specifically designated 
statutory participants pursuant to FVPSA Section10407(b)(3) in 
determining whether State grantees and subgrantees are fulfilling the 
goals and activities in their respective State applications/plans and 
complying with FVPSA grant conditions. To fulfill these requirements, 
it is critically important that States work with Coalitions and Tribes 
to solicit their feedback on program effectiveness which may include 
recommendations such as establishing program standards and 
participating in program monitoring. Public comment is invited on the 
best way to fulfill these statutory requirements.
Tribal Applications
    Finally, we note that there are some proposed regulatory provisions 
that are specific to Tribes and we have outlined these in proposed 
Sec.  1370.10(c). In paragraph (c), we propose that that the 
application from a Tribe or Tribal Organization be signed by a Tribally 
Designated Official, such as the Tribal Chairperson or Chief Executive 
Officer, as required in FVPSA Section 10410 and applicable Funding 
Opportunity Announcements. We also propose in paragraph (c)(1) to 
require that applications from Tribal Consortia or other joint Tribal 
applications include a copy of a current Tribal resolution or an 
equivalent document that verifies Tribal approval of the application 
being submitted as also required in the Funding Opportunity 
Announcements. We propose that the resolution or other document should 
state that the designated organization or agency has the authority to 
submit an application on behalf of the individuals in the Tribe(s) and 
to administer programs and activities funded pursuant to the FVPSA. We 
also propose that the resolution or equivalent document must specify 
the name(s) of each Tribe and, if Tribal resolutions are the vehicles 
to support applications from Tribal Consortia or other joint Tribal 
applications, that a representative of each Tribe signs the resolution. 
We also propose to require that the service areas proposed by Tribes in 
their applications, be specifically delineated.
    In proposed paragraph (c)(2) we propose as indicated in the Funding 
Opportunity Announcements requiring that each Tribal application also 
contain a description of the procedures designed to involve 
knowledgeable individuals and interested organizations in providing 
services under the FVPSA. For example, knowledgeable individuals and 
interested organizations may include Tribal officials or social 
services staff involved in child abuse or family violence prevention, 
Tribal law enforcement officials, representatives of Tribal or State 
Domestic Violence Coalitions, and operators of domestic violence 
shelters and service programs.
    Proposed paragraph (c)(3) requires that Tribal applications 
pursuant to the current Funding Opportunity Announcement also include a 
description of the applicant's operation of and/or capacity to carry 
out a family violence prevention and services program. Ways this 
information can be demonstrated include evidence of: (i) The current 
operation of a shelter, safe house, or domestic violence prevention 
program; (ii) the establishment of joint or collaborative service 
agreements with a local public agency or a private, non-profit agency 
for the operation of family violence prevention and intervention 
activities or services; or (iii) the operation of social services 
programs as evidenced by receipt of grants or contracts awarded under 
Indian Child Welfare grants from the Bureau of Indian Affairs; Child 
Welfare Services grants under Title IV-B of the Social Security Act; or 
Family Preservation and Family Support grants under Title IV-B of the 
Social Security Act.
    Proposed paragraph (c)(4), pursuant to the current Funding 
Opportunity Announcement, would require Tribal applications to include 
a description of the services to be provided, how the applicant 
organizations plans to use the grant funds to provide the direct 
services, to whom the services will be provided, and the expected 
results of the services.
    Proposed paragraph (c)(5) pursuant to FVPSA Section 10407(a)(2)(H) 
would require Tribal applications to include documentation of the law 
or procedure which has been implemented for the eviction of an abusing 
spouse or other intimate, domestic, or dating partner from a shared 
household or residence.
    Proposed paragraph (c)(6) pursuant to FVPSA Section 10406(c)(5) 
would require Tribal applications to include documentation of the 
policies and procedures developed and implemented, including copies of 
the policies and procedures, to ensure that individual identifiers of 
client records will not be used when providing statistical data on 
program activities and program services or in the course of grant 
monitoring and that the confidentiality of records pertaining to any 
individual provided domestic violence prevention or intervention 
services by any FVPSA-supported program will be strictly maintained. If 
a FVPSA grantee or subgrantee fails to comply with these requirements, 
additional programmatic support and technical assistance will be 
provided by the FYSB program staff and FVPSA-

[[Page 61903]]

funded technical assistance providers to avoid an interruption or 
defunding. As identified in section 1370.4, Tribes often have 
significant confidentiality challenges due to geographic isolation and, 
therefore, we welcome comments from Tribes on this section.
    The final requirement for Tribal applications, proposed paragraph 
(c)(7), would require such applications to include agreements, 
assurances, and information, in such form, and submitted in such 
manner, as the Funding Opportunity Announcement and related program 
guidance prescribe.
    We do not believe that these provisions impose any additional 
burden on Tribes, but welcome comments.

Subpart C--State Domestic Violence Coalition Grants

Section 1370.20 What additional requirements apply to State Domestic 
Violence Coalitions?

    The current rule, in Sec.  1370.3, contains provisions for 
Coalition Grants. Each State and Territory has a domestic violence 
Coalition that receives FVPSA funding as the HHS-designated statewide 
domestic violence Coalition. These Coalitions provide an essential role 
in the domestic violence field, and only one per State can be funded 
under the FVPSA. We propose to add Sec.  1370.20 under new Subpart C. 
Our proposed provisions focus in more detail than the current rule on 
the planning, consultation, and coordinating activities than the 
statute now expects of these grantees. In particular, in paragraph 
(b)(1), pursuant to FVPSA we propose to require that membership include 
representatives of a majority of the primary-purpose domestic violence 
service providers operating within the State or Territory (see the 
proposed definition of primary-purpose discussed earlier in this 
preamble). In paragraph (b)(2) we propose that Coalitions' Boards of 
Directors also must be representative of the membership comprised of 
the primary-purpose domestic violence service providers in their 
respective States and Territories and also may include community 
members. Boards of Directors composed of member representatives and 
community members are highly encouraged so that Coalition boards have 
the cross-sector expertise to ensure Coalitions have strong 
organizational infrastructures, including Boards of Directors that 
support the long-term programmatic and financial sustainability of 
Coalitions. Financial sustainability of Coalitions, as independent, 
autonomous non-profit organizations, also must be supported by their 
membership comprised of the primary-purpose domestic violence service 
providers in the respective States and Territories, including those 
member representatives on the Coalitions' Boards of Directors. 
Coalitions' financial sustainability also is critical to the 
programmatic and fiscal success of their members and these priorities 
should not be interpreted to conflict with the same or complimentary 
priorities of their domestic violence service provider member 
    State and Territorial Domestic Violence Coalitions play a unique 
role in assisting Federal, State and local governments, victim service 
providers, including Tribes and Tribal organizations, and the private 
sector in coordinating and developing policies and procedures, 
conducting outreach and public awareness, and providing training and 
technical assistance. We, therefore, propose in section (c) that 
Coalitions demonstrate in the annual application their competencies in 
provision of programming and other functions necessary under FVPSA (42 
U.S.C. 10402(11) and 10411). Coalitions also would be required to 
collaborate with Indian Tribes and Tribal organizations (and 
corresponding Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian groups or communities) 
to address the needs of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native 
Hawaiian victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating 
violence, if such Tribes and organizations exist within a given State 
and are willing to work with the Coalition. It is, therefore, 
especially important that Coalitions include Tribes and Tribal 
organizations in their membership structures where possible.
    As outlined in proposed (c)(1)(i)-(viii), Coalitions also are 
required to have demonstrated capacity to coordinate with multiple 
systems to encourage appropriate and comprehensive responses that 
promote the support and safety needs of adult and youth victims of 
family, domestic, or dating violence. Demonstrated capacity may include 
but is not limited to: Identifying successful efforts that support 
child welfare agencies' identification and support of victims during 
intake processes; creation of membership standards that enhance victim 
safety and fully require training and technical assistance for 
compliance with federal housing, disability, and sex discrimination 
laws and regulations; and, training judicial personnel on trauma-
informed courtroom practice. Such systems include but are not limited 
to: Public and mental health; law enforcement; courts/judiciary; child 
protective services, to include custody and visitation issues impacting 
victims within child welfare systems; protection and advocacy systems; 
housing; social welfare; private enterprise; and, aging and disability 
systems to develop appropriate responses for older individuals and 
individuals with disabilities. Under proposed paragraph (c)(1), 
Coalitions also must, in the annual applications for funding, have 
documented experience in administering Federal grants supporting these 
programmatic areas or have a documented history of active participation 
in the respective statutory program areas enunciated in 42 U.S.C. 
10411(c)(1) and (2)(A) and (B). If a Coalition receives VAWA STOP 
(Services, Training, Officers, Prosecutors grant program--42 U.S.C. 
3796gg(c)(1)) funding for Coalitions and utilizes that funding for 
programming and activities to address domestic violence and law 
enforcement, the courts/judiciary, and/or child protective services, 
including child custody and visitation in child welfare cases, it does 
not have to spend FVPSA funds on these activities. Instead, in its 
annual application, it must provide an annual assurance that such 
activities are conducted with VAWA STOP Coalition funding and such 
activities must be described in the application.
    Under proposed paragraph (d), we outline that nothing in this 
section limits the ability of a Coalition to use non-Federal or other 
Federal funding sources to conduct required functions, provided that if 
the Coalition uses funds received under section 2001(c)(1) of the 
Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to perform the 
functions described in subsections (2)(iv) and (v) in lieu of funds 
provided under the FVPSA, it shall provide an annual assurance to the 
Secretary that it is using such funds, and that it is coordinating the 
activities conducted under this section with those of the State's 
activities under Part T of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and 
Safe Streets Act of 1968.
Coalition Designation
    In paragraph (e) we propose that in cases in which two or more 
organizations seek designation, the designation of each State's and 
Territory's individual Coalition is within the exclusive discretion of 
HHS. The Department will determine which applicant best fits statutory 
criteria, with particular attention paid to the applicant's documented 
history of effective work, support of primary-purpose programs and 
programs that

[[Page 61904]]

serve racial and ethnic minority populations and underserved 
populations (including but not limited to those representing older 
individuals and people with disabilities, LGBTQ populations, and the 
Limited English Proficient), coordination and collaboration with the 
State or Territorial government, and capacity to accomplish the FVPSA 
mandated role of a Coalition. As of the publication of this rule, 
Coalitions for all 56 State and Territorial Coalitions have been HHS 
    In paragraph (f), we propose that if a Coalition becomes 
financially insolvent, ceases to represent the majority of primary 
purpose programs, is disbarred from receiving Federal funding, or can 
no longer meet the statutory requirements of the FVPSA despite 
technical assistance provided, the Department may reopen the 
application process for that State's Coalition designation. Because 
Coalitions are intended to effectively represent diverse victims and 
service providers in their States, HHS would engage with domestic 
violence service providers and State leaders to inform their decision 
about which alternative organizations could be considered eligible.
    As described in Subpart B, we propose that Coalitions be required 
to identify gaps in services and the most effective ways to meet 
identified gaps and other problems. We also propose that Coalitions 
participate in planning and monitoring of the distribution of subgrants 
within the States and in the administration of grant programs and 
projects. In conducting needs assessments, we propose to require that 
Coalitions and States work in partnership on the statutorily required 
FVPSA State planning process to involve representatives from 
underserved and racial and ethnic minority populations to plan, assess, 
and voice the needs of the communities they represent. Coalitions are 
expected to assist States in identifying underrepresented communities 
and culturally-specific community based organizations in State planning 
and to work with States to unify planning and needs assessment efforts 
so that comprehensive and culturally-specific services are provided. We 
also propose through the inclusion of the populations targeted to place 
emphasis on building the capacity of culturally-specific services and 

Subpart D--Discretionary Grants and Contracts

    The existing rule contains brief paragraphs on two types of 
discretionary grants (information and technical assistance and public 
information campaign grants), in Sec.  1370.4, and Sec.  1370.5. We 
propose to add a new Subpart D covering all discretionary grants and 
contracts. This new subpart would address separately National Resource 
Centers and Training and Technical Assistance Grants (Sec.  1370.30), 
grants for State resource centers to reduce disparities in domestic 
violence in States with high proportions of American Indian (including 
Alaska Native) or Native Hawaiian population (Sec.  1370.30), grants 
for specialized services for abused parents and their children (Sec.  
1370.31), and the National Domestic Violence Hotline (Sec.  1370.32). 
These new sections primarily reflect statutory requirements, the 
evolution of the program and the focus of FVPSA.
    These proposed provisions also focus on the unique planning, 
consultation, and coordinating activities that we expect of each type 
of grantee. Finally, these provisions provide for the use of the 
Funding Opportunity Announcements and other program guidance to provide 
additional details and procedures that apply to these grants. We 
welcome comments on these provisions.
    We propose adding a new heading to be titled ``Subpart D--
Discretionary Grants and Contracts''.

Section 1370.30 What National Resource Centers and Training and 
Technical Assistance grant programs are available and what requirements 

    We propose to add Sec.  1370.30 to Subpart D. National Resource 
Centers and Training and Technical Assistance Center grants, pursuant 
to FVPSA Section 10410, are to provide resource information, training, 
and technical assistance to improve the capacity of individuals, 
organizations, governmental entities, and communities to prevent family 
violence, domestic violence, and dating violence and to provide 
effective intervention services. They fund national, special issue, and 
culturally-specific resource centers addressing key areas of domestic 
violence intervention and prevention, and may include State resource 
centers to reduce disparities in domestic violence in States with high 
proportions of Native American (including Alaska Native or Native 
Hawaiian) populations and to support training and technical assistance 
that address emerging issues related to family violence, domestic 
violence, or dating violence, to entities demonstrating expertise in 
these areas. Grants may be made for five specific grants.
    The first is the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence 
which offers a comprehensive array of technical assistance and training 
resources to Federal, State, and local governmental agencies, domestic 
violence service providers, community-based organizations, and other 
professionals and interested parties, related to domestic violence 
service programs and research, including programs and research related 
to victims and their children who are exposed to domestic violence as 
well as older individuals and those with disabilities. The grantee also 
will maintain a central resource library in order to collect, prepare, 
analyze, and disseminate information and statistics related to the 
incidence and prevention of family violence and domestic violence; and 
the provision of shelter, supportive services, and prevention services 
to adult and youth victims of domestic violence, including older 
individuals and those with disabilities (including services to prevent 
repeated incidents of violence).
    The second grant is for a National Indian Resource Center 
Addressing Domestic Violence and Safety for Indian Women which offers a 
comprehensive array of technical assistance and training resources to 
Indian Tribes and Tribal organizations, specifically designed to 
enhance the capacity of the Tribes and Tribal organizations to respond 
to domestic violence and increase the safety of Indian women. The 
grantee also will enhance the intervention and prevention efforts of 
Indian Tribes and Tribal organizations to respond to domestic violence 
and increase the safety of Indian women, and coordinate activities with 
other Federal agencies, offices, and grantees that address the needs of 
American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians that experience 
domestic violence.
    The third grant is for special issue resource centers to provide 
national information, training, and technical assistance to State and 
local domestic violence service providers. Each special issue resource 
center shall focus on enhancing domestic violence intervention and 
prevention efforts in at least one of the following areas: (1) Response 
of the criminal and civil justice systems to domestic violence victims, 
which may include the response to the use of the self-defense plea by 
domestic violence victims and the issuance and use of protective 
orders; (2) response of child protective service agencies to victims of 
domestic violence and their dependents and child custody issues in 
domestic violence cases; (3) response of the

[[Page 61905]]

interdisciplinary health care system to victims of domestic violence 
and access to health care resources for victims of domestic violence; 
(4) response of mental health systems, domestic violence service 
programs, and other related systems and programs to victims of domestic 
violence and to their children who are exposed to domestic violence.
    The fourth grant is for Culturally-Specific Special Issue Resource 
Centers that enhance domestic violence intervention and prevention 
efforts for victims of domestic violence who are members of racial and 
ethnic minority groups; and will enhance the cultural and linguistic 
relevancy of service delivery, resource utilization, policy, research, 
technical assistance, community education, and prevention initiatives.
    The fifth grant is for State resource centers to provide statewide 
information, training, and technical assistance to Indian Tribes, 
Tribal organizations, and local domestic violence service organizations 
serving Native Americans (including Alaska Natives and Native 
Hawaiians) in a culturally sensitive and relevant manner. These centers 
shall: (1) Offer a comprehensive array of technical assistance and 
training resources to Indian Tribes, Tribal organizations, and 
providers of services to Native Americans (including Alaska Natives and 
Native Hawaiians) specifically designed to enhance the capacity of the 
Tribes, organizations, and providers to respond to domestic violence; 
(2) coordinate all projects and activities with the National Indian 
Resource Center Addressing Domestic Violence and Safety for Indian 
Women, including projects and activities that involve working with 
State and local governments to enhance their capacity to understand the 
unique needs of Native Americans (including Alaska Natives and Native 
Hawaiians); and (3) provide comprehensive community education and 
domestic violence prevention initiatives in a culturally sensitive and 
relevant manner. Eligibility for the State resource center grant 
program is contingent upon being located in a State with high 
proportions of Indian or Native Hawaiian populations. Eligible entities 
shall be located in a State in which the population of Indians 
(including Alaska Natives) and Native Hawaiians exceeds 10 percent of 
the total population of the State; or, be an Indian Tribe, Tribal 
organization or a Native Hawaiian organization that focuses primarily 
on issues of domestic violence among Indians or Native Hawaiians; or, 
be an institution of higher education; and, demonstrate the ability to 
serve all regions of the State, including underdeveloped areas and 
areas that are geographically distant from population centers. 
Additionally, eligible entities shall offer training and technical 
assistance and capacity-building resources in States where the 
population of Indians (including Alaska Natives) and Native Hawaiians 
exceeds 2.5 percent of the total population of the State.
    Under section (f), we propose that other discretionary grants may 
be awarded to support training and technical assistance that address 
emerging issues related to family violence, domestic violence, or 
dating violence, to entities demonstrating related experience.
    Under section (g) we propose that, to receive a grant under any 
part of this section, an entity shall submit an application that shall 
meet such eligibility standards as are prescribed in the FVPSA and 
contains such agreements, assurances, and information, in such form, 
and submitted in such manner as the Funding Opportunity Announcement 
and related program guidance prescribe.
    Under section (h), we propose that all grant recipients should 
create a plan to ensure effective communication and meaningful access 
to domestic violence program services for victims of domestic violence 
with Limited English Proficiency (LEP), which should include: How to 
respond to individuals with LEP, and how to use appropriate 
interpretation and translation services, including best practices for 
using taglines. Taglines are short statements in non-English languages 
informing persons with LEP how to access language assistance services; 
how to respond to individuals with communication-related disabilities 
and how to provide appropriate auxiliary aids and services, including 
qualified interpreters and information in alternate formats, to people 
with disabilities. The use of the term ``Limited English Proficient'' 
is not meant to be interpreted as a substitution for the statutory 
language ``non-English'' speaking individuals but rather to be 
consistent with HHS Office for Civil Rights guidance applicable to all 
HHS-funded programs. Please see http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/civilrights/resources/specialtopics/lep/index.html.

Section 1370.31 What additional requirements apply to grants for 
specialized services for abused parents and their children?

    We propose to add new Sec.  1370.31 to Subpart D. Consistent with 
42 U.S.C. 10412, grants provided for specialized services for abused 
parents and their children are intended to expand the capacity of 
family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence service 
programs and community-based programs to prevent future domestic 
violence by addressing, in an appropriate manner, the needs of children 
exposed to family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence. To 
be eligible an entity must be a local agency, a nonprofit private 
organization (including faith-based and charitable organizations, 
community-based organizations, and voluntary associations), or a Tribal 
organization, with a demonstrated record of serving victims of family 
violence, domestic violence, or dating violence and their children.
    Consistent with 42 U.S.C. 10412(c), in paragraph (b)(1) we propose 
that, in order to be eligible to receive a grant under this section, an 
entity shall submit an application that includes a complete description 
of the applicant's plan for providing specialized services for abused 
parents and their children. This should include descriptions of how the 
entity will prioritize the safety of, and confidentiality of 
information about victims of family violence, victims of domestic 
violence, and victims of dating violence and their children. It also 
should address how the entity will provide developmentally appropriate 
and age-appropriate services, and culturally and linguistically 
appropriate services, to the victims and children. Finally, it should 
describe how the entity will ensure that professionals working with the 
children receive the training and technical assistance appropriate and 
relevant to the unique needs of children exposed to family violence, 
domestic violence, or dating violence.
    Consistent with 42 U.S.C. 10412(d), in paragraph (b)(2), we propose 
that the application should demonstrate that the applicant has the 
ability to provide direct counseling, appropriate services, and 
advocacy on behalf of victims of family violence, domestic violence, or 
dating violence and their children, including coordination with 
services provided by the child welfare system.
    In paragraph (b)(3), we propose that the application also should 
demonstrate that the applicant can effectively provide services for 
non-abusing parents

[[Page 61906]]

to support those parents' roles as caregivers and their roles in 
responding to the social, emotional, and developmental needs of their 
    Consistent with 42 U.S.C. 10412(d)(2), in paragraph (c) we propose 
that eligible applicants may use funds under a grant pursuant to this 
section that: (1) Demonstrates a capacity to provide early childhood 
development and mental health services; (2) shows the ability to 
coordinate activities with and provide technical assistance to 
community-based organizations serving victims of family violence, 
domestic violence, or dating violence or children exposed to family 
violence, domestic violence, or dating violence; and (3) shows the 
capacity to provide additional services and referrals to services for 
children, including child care, transportation, educational support, 
respite care, supervised visitation, or other necessary services.
    Finally, in paragraph (c)(4), we propose that the application must 
contain such agreements, assurances, and information, in such form, and 
submitted in such manner as the Funding Opportunity Announcement and 
related program guidance prescribe.
    If Congressional appropriations in any fiscal year for the entirety 
of programs covered by this proposed rule (exclusive of the National 
Domestic Violence Hotline which receives a separate appropriation) 
exceed $130 million, not less than 25 percent of such excess funds 
shall be made available to carry out this grant program. If 
appropriations reach this threshold, HHS will specify funding levels in 
future Funding Opportunity Announcements.

Section 1370.32 What additional requirements apply to National Domestic 
Violence Hotline grants?

    We propose to add new Sec.  1370.32 to Subpart D. Consistent with 
42 U.S.C. 10413, the National Domestic Hotline grants are for one or 
more private entities to provide for the ongoing operation of a 24-
hour, national, toll-free telephone hotline to provide information and 
assistance to adult and youth victims of family violence, domestic 
violence, or dating violence, family and household members of such 
victims, and persons affected by the victimization.
    We propose to add a definition of ``telephone'' as used in the 
context of ``telephone hotline'' so that the term appropriately 
reflects evolving technological advances impacting telephone usage and 
the multiple ways in which telephone hotlines operate and are most 
responsive to hotline callers or users. According to the Pew Research 
Internet and American Life Project ``some 83% of American adults own 
cell phones and three-quarters of them (73%) send and receive text 
messages. Young adults are the most avid texters by a wide margin. Cell 
owners between the ages of 18 and 24 exchange an average of 109.5 
messages on a normal day--that works out to more than 3,200 texts per 
month--and the typical or median cell owner in this age group sends or 
receives 50 messages per day (or 1500 messages per month).'' We 
therefore propose to add a definition of ``telephone'' as used in the 
context of ``telephone hotline'' so that the term appropriately 
reflects evolving technological advances impacting telephone usage and 
the multiple ways in which telephone hotlines operate and are most 
responsive to hotline callers or users. We propose ``telephone'' to be 
defined as a communications device that permits two or more callers or 
users to engage in transmitted analog, digital, short message service 
(SMS), cellular/wireless, laser, cable/broadband, internet, voice-over 
internet protocol (IP) or other communications, including telephone, 
smartphone, chat, text, voice recognition, or other technological means 
which connects callers or users together. The traditional analog 
telephone may soon become outdated technology that does not provide 
appropriate and safe services for callers or users, nor does it reflect 
that users may not be ``calling'' telephone hotlines as traditionally 
understood. As a result, current FVPSA language may prevent grantees 
responsible for operating emerging or changing technologies that serve 
victims of family, domestic, and dating violence from incorporating 
cutting-edge software and hardware that simultaneously advance with 
technology trends and user interfaces.
    Under proposed paragraph (c), to be consistent with 42 U.S.C. 
10413(d), we propose that in order to be eligible to receive a grant 
under this section, an entity shall submit an application that includes 
a complete description of the applicant's plan for the operation of a 
national domestic violence hotline, including descriptions of:
    (1) The training program for hotline personnel, including 
technology training to ensure that all persons affiliated with the 
hotline are able to effectively operate any technological systems used 
by the hotline, and are familiar with effective communication and 
meaningful access requirements, to ensure access for all, including 
people who are Limited English Proficient and people with disabilities;
    (2) the hiring criteria and qualifications for hotline personnel;
    (3) the methods for the creation, maintenance, and updating of a 
resource database;
    (4) a plan for publicizing the availability of the hotline;
    (5) a plan for providing service to Limited English Proficient 
callers, including service through hotline personnel who are qualified 
to interpret for Limited English Proficient individuals;
    (6) a plan for facilitating access to the hotline by persons with 
disabilities, including persons with hearing impairments; and
    (7) a plan for providing assistance and referrals to youth victims 
of domestic violence and for victims of dating violence who are minors, 
which may be carried out through a national teen dating violence 
    The application also must demonstrate:
    (1) That the applicant has recognized expertise in the area of 
family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence and a record of 
high quality service to victims of family violence, domestic violence, 
or dating violence, including a demonstration of support from advocacy 
groups and State Domestic Violence Coalitions;
    (2) that the applicant has the capacity and the expertise to 
maintain a domestic violence hotline and a comprehensive database of 
service providers;
    (3) the applicants' ability to provide information and referrals 
for callers, directly connect callers to service providers, and employ 
crisis interventions meeting the standards of family violence, domestic 
violence, and dating violence providers;
    (4) that the applicant has a commitment to diversity and to the 
provision of services to underserved populations, including to ethnic, 
racial, and Limited English Proficient individuals, in addition to 
older individuals and individuals with disabilities;
    (5) that the applicant follows comprehensive quality assurance 
    Finally, the application must contain such agreements, information, 
and assurances, including nondisclosure of confidential or personally 
identifiable information, in such form, and submitted in such manner as 
the Funding Opportunity Announcement and related program guidance 
    In accordance with 42 U.S.C. 10413(f), under section (d) we propose 
that the entity receiving a grant under this section shall submit a 
performance report to the Secretary at such time as reasonably required 
by the Secretary that shall describe the activities that

[[Page 61907]]

have been carried out with grant funds, contain an evaluation of the 
effectiveness of such activities, and provide additional information as 
the Secretary may reasonably require.

VIII. Impact Analysis

Paperwork Reduction Act

    This proposed rule contains no new information collection 
requirements. There is an existing requirement for grantees to provide 
performance progress reports under Office of Management and Budget 
approval number 0970-0280. Grantees are also required to submit an 
application and annual financial status report. Nothing in this 
proposed rule would require changes in the current requirements, all of 
which have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget under 
the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act.

Regulatory Flexibility Act

    The Secretary certifies under 5 U.S.C. 605(b), as enacted by the 
Regulatory Flexibility Act (Pub. L. 96-354), that this proposed rule 
will not result in a significant economic impact on a substantial 
number of small entities. We have not proposed any new requirements 
that would have such an effect. Our proposed standards would almost 
entirely conform to the existing statutory requirements and existing 
practices in the program. In particular, we have proposed imposing only 
a few new processes, procedural, or documentation requirements that are 
not encompassed within the existing rule, existing Funding Opportunity 
Announcements, or existing information collection requirements. None of 
these would impose consequential burdens on grantees. Accordingly, an 
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis is not required.

Regulatory Impact Analysis

    Executive Order 12866 and 13563 require that regulations be drafted 
to ensure that they are consistent with the priorities and principles 
set forth in these Executive Orders, including imposing the least 
burden on society, written in plain language and easy to understand, 
and seeking to improve the actual results of regulatory requirements. 
The Department has determined that this proposed rule is consistent 
with these priorities and principles. The Executive Orders require a 
Regulatory Impact Analysis for proposed or final rules with an annual 
economic impact of $100 million or more. Nothing in this proposed rule 
approaches effects of this magnitude. Nor does this proposed rule meet 
any of the other criteria for significance under these Executive 
Orders. This proposed rule has been reviewed by the Office of 
Management and Budget.

Congressional Review

    This proposed rule is not a major rule (economic effects of $100 
million or more) as defined in the Congressional Review Act.

Federalism Review

    Executive Order 13132, Federalism, requires that Federal agencies 
consult with State and local government officials in the development of 
regulatory policies with Federalism implications. This proposed rule 
will not have substantial direct impact on the States, on the 
relationship between the Federal government and the States, or on the 
distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of 
government. Therefore, in accordance with the Executive Order we have 
determined that this proposed rule does not have sufficient Federalism 
implications to warrant the preparation of a Federalism summary impact 

Family Impact Review

    Section 654 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations 
Act of 1999 (Pub. L. 105-277) requires Federal agencies to issue a 
Family Policymaking Assessment for any rule that may affect family 
well-being. This proposed rule would not have any new or adverse impact 
on the autonomy or integrity of the family as an institution. Like the 
existing rule and existing program practices, it directly supports 
family well-being. Since we propose no changes that would affect this 
policy priority, we have concluded that it is not necessary to prepare 
a Family Policymaking Assessment.

List of Subjects in 45 CFR 1370

    Administrative practice and procedure, Domestic violence, Grant 
Programs--Social Programs, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 
Technical assistance.

(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program Numbers 93.671 
Family Violence Prevention and Services/Battered Women's Shelters--
Grants to States and Indian Tribes and 93.591 Family Violence 
Prevention and Services/Battered Women's Shelters--Grants to State 
Domestic Violence Coalitions)

    Dated: March 24, 2015.
Mark H. Greenberg,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Children and Families.
    Approved: March 26, 2015.
Sylvia M. Burwell,

    Editorial note: This document was received for publication by the 
Office of the Federal Register on October 5, 2015.
    For the reasons set forth in the preamble, title 45 CFR part 1370 
is proposed to be amended as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 1370 continues to read as follows:
2. Revise Sec. Sec.  1370.1 through 1370.5 and add Sec.  1370.6 under a 
new subpart A to read as follows:

Subpart A--General Provisions

1370.1 What are the purposes of Family Violence Prevention and 
Services Act Programs?
1370.2 What definitions apply to these programs?
1370.3 What Government-wide and HHS-wide regulations apply to these 
1370.4 What confidentiality requirements apply to these programs?
1370.5 What additional non-discrimination requirements apply to 
these programs?
1370.6 What requirements for reports and evaluations apply to these 

Sec.  1370.1  What are the purposes of the Family Violence Prevention 
and Services Act Programs?

    This part addresses sections 301 through 313 of the Family Violence 
Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA), as amended, and codified at 42 
U.S.C. 10401 et seq. FVPSA authorizes the Secretary to implement 
programs for the purposes of increasing public awareness about and 
preventing family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence; 
providing immediate shelter and supportive services for victims of 
family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence and their 
dependents; providing for technical assistance and training relating to 
family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence programs; 
providing for State Domestic Violence Coalitions; providing specialized 
services for abused parents and their children; and operating a 
national domestic violence hotline. FVPSA emphasizes both primary, and 
secondary, prevention of violence.

[[Page 61908]]

Sec.  1370.2  What definitions apply to these programs?

    For the purposes of this part:
    Dating violence means violence committed by a person who is or has 
been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the 
victim and where the existence of such a relationship shall be 
determined based on a consideration of the following factors: the 
length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency 
of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship. This 
definition reflects the definition also found in Section 40002(a) of 
VAWA (as amended), as required by FVPSA. Additionally, dating violence 
may include violence against older individuals and those with 
disabilities when the violence meets the applicable definition.
    Domestic violence means felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence 
committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the 
victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a 
person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a 
spouse or intimate partner, by a person similarly situated to a spouse 
of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the 
jurisdiction receiving grant monies, or by any other person against an 
adult or youth victim who is protected from that person's acts under 
the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction. This 
definition also reflects the statutory definition of ``domestic 
violence'' found in Section 40002(a) of VAWA (as amended). Older 
individuals and those with disabilities who otherwise meet the criteria 
herein are also included within this term's definition. This definition 
will also include but will not be limited to acts or acts constituting 
intimidation, control, coercion and coercive control, emotional and 
psychological abuse and behavior, expressive and psychological 
aggression, harassment, tormenting behavior, disturbing or alarming 
behavior, and additional acts recognized in other Federal, State, local 
and tribal laws as well as acts in other Federal regulatory or sub-
regulatory guidance. This definition is not intended to be interpreted 
more restrictively than FVPSA and VAWA but rather to be inclusive of 
other, more expansive definitions.
    Family violence means any act or threatened act of violence, 
including any forceful detention of an individual, that results or 
threatens to result in physical injury and is committed by a person 
against another individual (including an older individual), to or with 
whom such person is related by blood or marriage, or is or was 
otherwise legally related, or is or was lawfully residing. All FVPSA-
funded grantees and contractors are required to serve program 
recipients regardless of whether an individual may be married to a 
person of the opposite or same sex. Please note that this guidance is 
not a change in previous grantee guidance as survivors of intimate 
partner violence, regardless of marital status, have always been 
eligible for FVPSA-funded services and programming.
    Personally identifying information is:
    (1) Individually identifying information for or about an individual 
including information likely to disclose the location of a victim of 
domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, 
regardless of whether the information is encoded, encrypted, hashed, or 
otherwise protected, including:
    (i) A first and last name;
    (ii) A home or other physical address;
    (iii) Contact information (including a postal, email or Internet 
protocol address, or telephone or facsimile number);
    (iv) A social security number, driver license number, passport 
number, or student identification number; and
    (v) Any other information, including date of birth, racial or 
ethnic background, or religious affiliation, that would serve to 
identify any individual.
    (2) Note that information remains personally identifying even if 
physically protected through locked filing cabinets or electronically 
protected through encryption.
    Primary prevention means strategies, policies, and programs to stop 
both first-time perpetration and first-time victimization. Primary 
prevention is stopping intimate partner violence before it occurs.
    Primary-purpose domestic violence provider means a provider that 
operates a project of demonstrated effectiveness carried out by a 
nonprofit, nongovernmental, private entity, Tribe or Tribal 
organization that has as its project's primary-purpose the operation of 
shelters and supportive services for victims of domestic violence and 
their dependents; or provides counseling, advocacy, or self-help 
services to victims of domestic violence. Territorial Domestic Violence 
Coalitions may include government-operated domestic violence projects 
as ``primary-purpose'' providers for complying with the membership 
requirement, provided that Territorial Coalitions can document 
providing training, technical assistance, and capacity-building of 
community-based and privately operated projects to provide shelter and 
supportive services to victims of family, domestic, or dating violence, 
with the intention of recruiting such projects as members once they are 
sustainable as primary-purpose domestic violence service providers.
    Secondary prevention means identifying risk factors or problems 
that may lead to future family violence, domestic violence, or dating 
violence, and taking the necessary actions to eliminate the risk 
factors and the potential problem.
    Shelter means the provision of temporary refuge and supportive 
services in compliance with applicable State law or regulations 
governing the provision, on a regular basis, of shelter, safe homes, 
meals, and supportive services to victims of family violence, domestic 
violence, or dating violence, and their dependents. This definition 
also includes emergency shelter and immediate shelter, which may 
include scattered-site housing, which is defined as property with 
multiple locations around a local jurisdiction or state. Temporary 
refuge includes a residential service, including shelter and off-site 
services such as hotel or motel vouchers, which is not transitional or 
permanent housing. Should other jurisdictional laws conflict with this 
definition of temporary refuge, the definition which provides more 
expansive housing accessibility governs.
    State means each of the several States, the District of Columbia, 
the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and, except as otherwise provided in 
statute, Guam, American Samoa, the United States Virgin Islands, and 
the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
    State Domestic Violence Coalition means a statewide, non-
governmental, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization whose membership 
includes a majority of the primary-purpose domestic violence providers 
in the State; whose board membership is representative of these 
primary-purpose domestic violence service providers and which may 
include representatives of the communities in which the services are 
being provided in the State; that provides education, support, and 
technical assistance to such providers; and that serves as an 
information clearinghouse, primary point of contact, and resource 
center on domestic violence for the State and supports the development 
of policies, protocols, and procedures to enhance domestic violence 
intervention and prevention in the State.
    Supportive services means services for adult and youth victims of 

[[Page 61909]]

violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, and their dependents, 
that are designed to meet the needs of such victims and their 
dependents for short-term, transitional, or long-term safety and 
recovery. Supportive services includes those services identified in 
FVPSA Section 10408(b)(1)(G), but is not limited to: Direct and/or 
referral-based advocacy on behalf of victims and their dependents, 
counseling, case management, employment services, referrals, 
transportation services, legal advocacy or assistance, childcare 
services, health, behavioral health and preventive health services, 
culturally appropriate services, and other services that assist victims 
or their dependents in recovering from the effects of the violence. 
Supportive services may be directly provided by grantees and/or by 
providing advocacy or referrals to assist victims in accessing such 
    Underserved populations means populations who face barriers in 
accessing and using victim services, and includes populations 
underserved because of geographic location, religion, sexual 
orientation, gender identity, underserved racial and ethnic 
populations, and populations underserved because of special needs 
including language barriers, disabilities, immigration status, and age. 
Individuals with criminal histories due to victimization and 
individuals with substance abuse and mental health issues are also 
included in this definition. This definition also includes other 
population categories determined by the Secretary or the Secretary's 
designee to be underserved.

Sec.  1370.3  What Government-wide and HHS-wide regulations apply to 
these programs?

    (a) A number of government-wide and HHS regulations apply or 
potentially apply to all grantees. These include but are not limited 
    (1) 2 CFR part 182--Government-wide Requirements for Drug Free 
    (2) 2 CFR part 376--Nonprocurement Debarment and Suspension;
    (3) 45 CFR part 16--Procedures of the Departmental Grant Appeals 
    (4) 45 CFR part 30--Claims Collection;
    (5) 45 CFR part 46--Protection of Human Subjects;
    (6) 45 CFR part 75--Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost 
Principles and Audit Requirements for HHS Awards;
    (7) 45 CFR part 80--Nondiscrimination Under Programs Receiving 
Federal Assistance Through the Department of Health and Human Services 
Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964;
    (8) 45 CFR part 81--Practice and Procedure for Hearings under part 
    (9) 45 CFR part 84--Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in 
Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance;
    (10) 45 CFR part 86--Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in 
Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial 
    (11) 45 CFR part 87--Equal Treatment for Faith-Based Organizations;
    (12) 45 CFR part 91--Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Age in 
Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance for HHS; 
    (13) 45 CFR part 93--New Restrictions on Lobbying.
    (b) A number of government-wide and HHS regulations apply to all 
contractors. These include but are not limited to:
    (1) 48 CFR Chapter 1--Federal Acquisition Regulations; and
    (2) 48 CFR Chapter 3--Federal Acquisition Regulations--Department 
of Health and Human Services.

Sec.  1370.4  What confidentiality requirements apply to these 

    (a) In order to ensure the safety of adult, youth, and child 
victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, and 
their families, grantees and subgrantees under this title shall protect 
the confidentiality and privacy of such victims and their families. 
Subject to paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this section, grantees and 
subgrantees shall not--
    (1) Disclose any personally identifying information (as defined in 
Sec.  1370.2) collected in connection with services requested 
(including services utilized or denied) through grantees' and 
subgrantees' programs; or
    (2) Reveal personally identifying information without informed, 
written, reasonably time-limited consent by the person about whom 
information is sought, whether for this program or any other Federal or 
State grant program.
    (b) Consent shall be given by the person, except in the case of an 
unemancipated minor it shall be given by both the minor and the minor's 
parent or guardian; or in the case of an individual with a guardian it 
shall be given by the individual's guardian. A parent or guardian may 
not give consent if: He or she is the abuser or suspected abuser of the 
minor or individual with a guardian; or, the abuser or suspected abuser 
of the other parent of the minor. Reasonable accommodation shall also 
be made to those who may be unable, due to disability or other 
functional limitation, to provide consent in writing.
    (c) If the release of information described in paragraphs (a) and 
(b) of this section is compelled by statutory or court mandate:
    (1) Grantees and sub-grantees shall make reasonable attempts to 
provide notice to victims affected by the release of the information; 
    (2) Grantees and sub-grantees shall take steps necessary to protect 
the privacy and safety of the persons affected by the release of the 
    (d) Grantees and sub-grantees may share:
    (1) Nonpersonally identifying information, in the aggregate, 
regarding services to their clients and demographic non-personally 
identifying information in order to comply with Federal, State, or 
Tribal reporting, evaluation, or data collection requirements;
    (2) Court-generated information and law enforcement-generated 
information contained in secure, governmental registries for protective 
order enforcement purposes; and
    (3) Law enforcement- and prosecution-generated information 
necessary for law enforcement and prosecution purposes.
    (e) Nothing in this section prohibits a grantee or subgrantee from 
reporting abuse and neglect, as those terms are defined by law, where 
mandated or expressly permitted by the State or Indian Tribe involved.
    (f) Nothing in this section shall be construed to supersede any 
provision of any Federal, State, Tribal, or local law that provides 
greater protection than this section for victims of family violence, 
domestic violence, or dating violence.
    (g) The address or location of any shelter facility assisted that 
maintains a confidential location shall, except with written 
authorization of the person or persons responsible for the operation of 
such shelter, not be made public.

Sec.  1370.5  What additional non-discrimination requirements apply to 
these programs?

    (a) No person shall on the ground of sex or religion be excluded 
from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to 
discrimination under, any program or activity funded in whole or in 
part through FVPSA. FVPSA grantees must provide comparable services to 
victims regardless of sex or gender. This includes not only providing 
access to services for male victims of family, domestic, and dating 
violence, but also making sure not to limit services for victims with 
adolescent sons (up to the

[[Page 61910]]

age of majority). Victims and their adolescent sons must be sheltered 
or housed together unless requested otherwise or unless the factors or 
considerations identified in the paragraph directly below require an 
exception to this general rule.
    (b) However, no such program or activity is required to include an 
individual in such program or activity without taking into 
consideration that individual's sex in those certain instances where 
sex is a bona fide occupational qualification or a programmatic factor 
reasonably necessary to the essential or safe operation of that 
particular program or activity. If a shelter can reasonably separate 
the sexes in a manner which allows for single sex bedrooms and 
bathrooms and the essential and safe operation of the particular 
program is not substantially compromised, it is reasonable to provide 
such separation. If the essential or safe operation of the program or 
activity would be substantially compromised, alternative, equivalent 
shelter and services should be offered as practicable. Adult male 
victims should be offered hotel placements and provided supportive 
services at the shelter if shelter space is not available or if it is 
otherwise determined that the operation of the program or activity 
would be substantially compromised. Victims' adolescent male sons, as 
previously discussed must be housed with the abused parent seeking 
shelter or services unless otherwise requested, or unless there are 
specific, individual factors or circumstances, that by placing a victim 
in shelter with their son substantially compromise the essential or 
safe operations of the program.
    (c) LGBTQ individuals must have access to FVPSA-funded shelter and 
nonresidential programs. Programmatic accessibility for LGBTQ survivors 
must be afforded to meet individual needs like those provided to all 
other survivors. For the purpose of assigning a beneficiary to sex-
segregated or sex-specific services, the recipient should ask a 
transgender beneficiary which group or services the beneficiary wishes 
to join. The recipient may not, however, ask questions about the 
beneficiary's anatomy or medical history or make demands for identity 
documents. ACF requires that a FVPSA grantee, subgrantee, contractor, 
or vendor that makes decisions about eligibility for or placement into 
single-sex emergency shelters or other facilities will place a 
potential victim (or current victim/client seeking a new assignment) in 
a shelter or other appropriate placement that corresponds to the gender 
with which the person identifies, taking health and safety concerns 
into consideration. A victim's/client's or potential victim's/client's 
own views with respect to personal health and safety must be given 
serious consideration in making the placement. For instance, if the 
potential victim/client requests to be placed based on his or her sex 
assigned at birth, ACF requires that the provider will place the 
individual in accordance with that request, consistent with health, 
safety, and privacy concerns. ACF also requires that a provider will 
not make an assignment or re-assignment based on complaints of another 
person when the sole stated basis of the complaint is a victim/client 
or potential victim/client's non-conformance with gender stereotypes.
    (d) With respect to religion, religious beliefs or religious 
practices shall not be imposed on program recipients. Dietary practices 
dictated by particular religious beliefs may require some reasonable 
accommodation in cooking or feeding arrangements for particular clients 
as practicable. Finally, human trafficking victims may receive FVPSA-
funded services as long as victims of domestic and intimate partner 
violence are prioritized first by FVPSA grantees.
    (e) State and Tribal Formula grant-funded services must be provided 
without requiring documentation for eligibility given the multiple 
access barriers faced by battered immigrants.
    (f) All requirements in this section shall not be construed as 
affecting any legal remedy provided under any other provision of law. 
The Secretary shall enforce the provisions of all requirements in this 
section in accordance with section 602 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 
(42 U.S.C. 2000d-1). Section 603 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 
U.S.C. 2000d-2) shall apply with respect to any action taken by the 
Secretary to enforce this section.
    (g) No condition may be imposed by grantees or subgrantees for the 
receipt of emergency shelter, unless a State imposes a legal 
requirement to protect the safety and welfare of all shelter residents, 
and receipt of all supportive services shall be voluntary. Nothing in 
this requirement prohibits shelter operators from preventing violence 
or abuse or securing the safety of all shelter residents. In the case 
of an apparent conflict with State or Federal laws, case-by-case 
determinations will be made.

Sec.  1370.6  What requirements for reports and evaluations apply to 
these programs?

    Each entity receiving a grant or contract under these programs 
shall submit a performance report to the Secretary at such time as 
required by the Secretary. Such performance report shall describe the 
activities that have been carried out, contain an evaluation of the 
effectiveness of such activities, and provide such additional 
information as the Secretary may require. American Samoa, the 
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin 
Islands are required to report directly to the Division of Family 
Violence Prevention and Services within FYSB and follow all reporting 
requirements applicable to States, Puerto Rico, and the District of 
Columbia, unless otherwise communicated to grantees. These requirements 
supplement, and do not replace the Territorial reporting requirements 
of the ACF Office of Community Services in its administration of the 
Consolidated Block Grants as part of the Social Services Block Grant 
3. Add subpart B, consisting of Sec.  1370.10, to read as follows:

Subpart B--State and Indian Tribal Grants

Sec.  1370.10  What additional requirements apply to State and Indian 
Tribal grants?

    (a) These grants assist States and Tribes to support the 
establishment, maintenance, and expansion of programs and projects to 
prevent incidents of family violence, domestic violence, and dating 
violence; to provide immediate shelter, supportive services, and access 
to community-based programs for victims of family violence, domestic 
violence, or dating violence, and their dependents; and to provide 
specialized services for children exposed to family violence, domestic 
violence, or dating violence, under-served populations, and victims who 
are members of racial and ethnic minority populations. States must 
consult with and provide for the participation of State and Tribal 
Domestic Violence Coalitions in the planning and monitoring of the 
distribution and administration of subgrant programs and projects. 
Tribes should be involved in these processes where appropriate but this 
rule is not intended to encroach upon Tribal sovereignty. States and 
Tribes must involve community-based organizations that primarily serve 
culturally specific, underserved communities and to determine how such 
organizations can assist the States and Tribes in serving the unmet 
needs of the underserved community. States also must consult with and 
provide for the participation of State and Tribal Domestic Violence 
Coalitions in State planning and coordinate such planning

[[Page 61911]]

with needs assessments to identify service gaps or problems and develop 
appropriate responsive plans and programs. Similar processes for Tribes 
and Coalitions that support coordination and collaboration are expected 
when feasible and appropriate with deference to Tribal sovereignty as 
previously indicated.
    (b) A State application must be submitted by the Chief Executive of 
the State and signed by the Chief Executive Officer or the Chief 
Program Official designated as responsible for the administration of 
FVPSA. Each application must contain the following information or 
    (1) The name of the State agency, the name and contact information 
for the Chief Program Official designated as responsible for the 
administration of funds under FVPSA and coordination of related 
programs within the State, and the name and contact information for a 
contact person if different from the Chief Program Official.
    (2) A plan describing in detail how the needs of underserved 
populations will be met, including:
    (i) Identification of which populations in the State are 
underserved, a description of those that are being targeted for 
outreach and services, and a brief explanation of why those populations 
were selected to receive outreach and services, including how often the 
State revisits the identification and selection of the populations to 
be served with FVPSA funding. States must review their State 
demographics at least every three years or explain why this process in 
    (ii) A description of the outreach plan, including the domestic 
violence training to be provided, the means for providing technical 
assistance and support, and the leadership role played by those 
representing and serving the underserved populations in question;
    (iii) A description of the specific services to be provided or 
enhanced, such as new shelters or services, improved access to shelters 
or services, or new services for underserved populations such as 
victims from communities of color, immigrant victims, victims with 
disabilities, or older individuals; and
    (iv) A description of the public information component of the 
State's outreach program, including the elements of the program that 
are used to explain domestic violence, the most effective and safe ways 
to seek help, and tools to identify available resources.
    (3) A description of the process and procedures used to involve the 
State Domestic Violence Coalition, knowledgeable individuals, and 
interested organizations, including those serving or representing 
underserved communities in the State planning process.
    (4) Documentation of planning, consultation with and participation 
of the State Domestic Violence Coalition in the administration and 
distribution of FVPSA programs, projects, and grant funds awarded to 
the State.
    (5) A description of the procedures used to assure an equitable 
distribution of grants and grant funds within the State and between 
urban and rural areas, as defined by the Census Bureau, within the 
State. The plan should describe how funding processes and allocations 
will address the needs of the underserved, racial and ethnic minorities 
including Tribal populations, and people with disabilities and their 
families, with an emphasis on funding organizations that can meet 
unique needs including culturally relevant and linguistically 
appropriate services. Other Federal, State, local, and private funds 
may be considered in determining compliance.
    (6) A description of how the State plans to use the grant funds 
including a State plan developed in consultation with State and Tribal 
Domestic Violence Coalitions and representatives of underserved and 
culturally specific communities; a description of the target 
populations; of the number of shelters to be funded; of the number of 
non-residential programs to be funded; of the services the State will 
provide; and of the expected results from the use of the grant funds. 
To fulfill these requirements, it is critically important that States 
work with Coalitions and Tribes to solicit their feedback on program 
effectiveness which may include recommendations such as establishing 
program standards and participating in program monitoring.
    (7) A copy of the law or procedures, such as a process for 
obtaining an order of protection that the State has implemented for the 
eviction of an abusive spouse or other intimate, domestic, or dating 
partner from a shared household or residence. This requirement includes 
family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence.
    (8) An assurance that not less than 70 percent of the funds 
distributed by a State to sub-recipients shall be distributed to 
entities for the primary purpose of providing immediate shelter and 
supportive services to adult and youth victims of family violence, 
domestic violence, or dating violence, and their dependents, and that 
not less than 25 percent of the funds distributed by a State to sub-
recipients shall be distributed to entities for the purpose of 
providing supportive services and prevention services (these 
percentages may overlap with respect to supportive services but are not 
included in the 5 percent cap applicable to State administrative 
costs). No grant shall be made under this section to an entity other 
than a State unless the entity agrees that, with respect to the costs 
to be incurred by the entity in carrying out the program or project for 
which the grant is awarded, the entity will make available (directly or 
through donations from public or private entities) non-Federal 
contributions in an amount that is not less than $1 for every $5 of 
Federal funds provided under the grant. The non-Federal contributions 
required under this paragraph may be in cash or in kind.
    (9) Documentation of policies, procedures and protocols that ensure 
individual identifiers of client records will not be used when 
providing statistical data on program activities and program services 
or in the course of grant monitoring, that the confidentiality of 
records pertaining to any individual provided family violence 
prevention or intervention services by any program or entity supported 
under the FVPSA will be strictly maintained, and the address or 
location of any shelter supported under the FVPSA will not be made 
public without the written authorization of the person or persons 
responsible for the operation of such shelter; and
    (10) Such additional agreements, assurances, and information, in 
such form, and submitted in such manner as the Funding Opportunity 
Announcement and related program guidance prescribe.
    (c) An application from a Tribe or Tribal Organization must be 
submitted by the Chief Executive Officer or Tribal Chairperson of the 
applicant organization. Each application must contain the following 
information or documentation:
    (1) A copy of a current Tribal resolution or an equivalent document 
that verifies Tribal approval of the application being submitted. The 
resolution or other document should state that the designated 
organization or agency has the authority to submit an application on 
behalf of the individuals in the Tribe(s) and to administer programs 
and activities funded pursuant to the FVPSA. The resolution or 
equivalent document must specify the name(s) of the Tribe(s) 
represented and the service area for the intended grant services. If 
Tribal resolutions are the vehicles to support applications from Tribal 
Consortia or other joint Tribal

[[Page 61912]]

applications, a representative from each Tribe must sign the 
    (2) A description of the procedures designed to involve 
knowledgeable individuals and interested organizations in providing 
services under the FVPSA. For example, knowledgeable individuals and 
interested organizations may include Tribal officials or social 
services staff involved in child abuse or family violence prevention, 
Tribal law enforcement officials, representatives of Tribal or State 
Domestic Violence Coalitions, and operators of domestic violence 
shelters and service programs.
    (3) A description of the applicant's operation of and/or capacity 
to carry out a family violence prevention and services program. This 
might be demonstrated in ways such as:
    (i) The current operation of a shelter, safe house, or domestic 
violence prevention program;
    (ii) The establishment of joint or collaborative service agreements 
with a local public agency or a private, non- profit agency for the 
operation of family violence prevention and intervention activities or 
services; or
    (iii) The operation of social services programs as evidenced by 
receipt of grants or contracts awarded under Indian Child Welfare 
grants from the Bureau of Indian Affairs; Child Welfare Services grants 
under Title IV-B of the Social Security Act; or Family Preservation and 
Family Support grants under Title IV-B of the Social Security Act.
    (4) A description of the services to be provided, how the applicant 
organization plans to use the grant funds to provide the direct 
services, to whom the services will be provided, and the expected 
results of the services.
    (5) Documentation of the law or procedure which has been 
implemented for the eviction of an abusing spouse or other intimate, 
domestic, or dating partner from a shared household or residence.
    (6) Documentation of the policies and procedures developed and 
implemented, including copies of the policies and procedures, to ensure 
that individual identifiers of client records will not be used when 
providing statistical data on program activities and program services 
or in the course of grant monitoring and that the confidentiality of 
records pertaining to any individual provided domestic violence 
prevention or intervention services by any FVPSA-supported program will 
be strictly maintained.
    (7) Such agreements, assurances, and information, in such form, and 
submitted in such manner as the Funding Opportunity Announcement and 
related program guidance prescribe.
4. Add subpart C, consisting of Sec.  1370.20, to read as follows:

Subpart C--State Domestic Violence Coalition Grants

Sec.  1370.20  What additional requirements apply to State Domestic 
Violence Coalitions?

    (a) State Domestic Violence Coalitions reflect a Federal commitment 
to reducing domestic violence; to urge States, localities, cities, and 
the private sector to become involved in State and local planning 
towards an integrated service delivery approach that meets the needs of 
all victims, including those in underserved communities; to provide for 
technical assistance and training relating to domestic violence 
programs; and to increase public awareness about and prevention of 
domestic violence and increase the quality and availability of shelter 
and supportive services for victims of domestic violence and their 
    (b) To be eligible to receive a grant under this section, an 
organization shall be a statewide, non-governmental, non-profit 
501(c)(3) domestic violence Coalition, designated as such by the 
Department. To obtain this designation the organization must meet the 
following criteria:
    (1) The membership must include representatives from a majority of 
the primary-purpose programs for victims of domestic violence operating 
within the State (a Coalition also may include representatives of 
Indian Tribes and Tribal organizations as defined in the Indian Self-
Determination and Education Assistance Act);
    (2) The Board membership of the Coalition must be representative, 
though not exclusively composed, of such programs, and may include 
representatives of communities in which the services are being provided 
in the State;
    (3) Financial sustainability of Coalitions, as independent, 
autonomous non-profit organizations, also must be supported by their 
membership, including those member representatives on the Coalitions' 
Boards of Directors;
    (4) The purpose of the Coalition must be to provide services, 
community education, and technical assistance to domestic violence 
programs in order to establish and maintain shelter and supportive 
services for victims of domestic violence and their children.
    (c) To apply for a grant under this section, an organization shall 
submit an annual application that:
    (1) Includes a complete description of the applicant's plan for the 
operation of a State Domestic Violence Coalition, including 
documentation that the Coalition's work will demonstrate the ability to 
conduct appropriately all activities described in this section. 
Demonstrated ability or capacity may include but is not limited to: 
Identifying successful efforts that support child welfare agencies' 
identification and support of victims during intake processes; creation 
of membership standards that enhance victim safety and fully require 
training and technical assistance for compliance with federal housing, 
disability, and sex discrimination laws and regulations; and, training 
judicial personnel on trauma-informed courtroom practice. Coalitions 
must also have documented experience in administering Federal grants to 
conduct the activities of a Coalition or a documented history of active 
participation in:
    (i) Working with local family violence, domestic violence, and 
dating violence service programs and providers of direct services to 
encourage appropriate and comprehensive responses to family violence, 
domestic violence, and dating violence against adults or youth within 
the State involved, including providing training and technical 
assistance and conducting State needs assessments and participate in 
planning and monitoring of the distribution of subgrants within the 
States and in the administration of grant programs and projects;
    (ii) In conducting needs assessments, Coalitions and States must 
work in partnership on the statutorily required FVPSA State planning 
process to involve representatives from underserved and racial and 
ethnic minority populations to plan, assess and voice the needs of the 
communities they represent. Coalitions will assist States in 
identifying underrepresented communities and culturally-specific 
community based organizations in State planning and to work with States 
to unify planning and needs assessment efforts so that comprehensive 
and culturally-specific services are provided. The inclusion of the 
populations targeted will emphasize building the capacity of 
culturally-specific services and programs.
    (iii) Working in collaboration with service providers and 
community-based organizations to address the needs of family violence, 
domestic violence, and dating violence victims, and their dependents, 
who are members of racial and ethnic minority populations and 
underserved populations;
    (iv) Collaborating with and providing information to entities in 
such fields as housing, health care, mental health,

[[Page 61913]]

social welfare, or business to support the development and 
implementation of effective policies, protocols, and programs that 
address the safety and support needs of adult and youth victims of 
family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence;
    (v) Encouraging appropriate responses to cases of family violence, 
domestic violence, or dating violence against adults or youth, 
including by working with judicial and law enforcement agencies;
    (vi) Working with family law judges, criminal court judges, child 
protective service agencies, and children's advocates to develop 
appropriate responses to child custody and visitation issues in cases 
of child exposure to family violence, domestic violence, or dating 
violence and in cases in which family violence, domestic violence, or 
dating violence is present and child abuse is present;
    (vii) Working with protection and advocacy systems, and aging and 
disability systems to develop appropriate responses for older 
individuals and individuals with disabilities;
    (viii) Providing information to the public about prevention of 
family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence, including 
information targeted to underserved populations; and
    (ix) Collaborating with Indian Tribes and Tribal organizations (and 
corresponding Native Hawaiian groups or communities) to address the 
needs of Indian (including Alaska Native) and Native Hawaiian victims 
of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, as 
applicable in the State;
    (2) Contains such agreements, assurances, and information, in such 
form, and submitted in such manner as the Funding Opportunity 
Announcement and related program guidance prescribe.
    (d) Nothing in this section limits the ability of a Coalition to 
use non-Federal or other Federal funding sources to conduct required 
functions, provided that if the Coalition uses funds received under 
section 2001(c)(1) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 
1968 to perform the functions described in FVPSA section 311(e) in lieu 
of funds provided under the FVPSA, it shall provide an annual assurance 
to the Secretary that it is using such funds, and that it is 
coordinating the activities conducted under this section with those of 
the State's activities under Part T of title I of the Omnibus Crime 
Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968.
    (e) In cases in which two or more organizations seek designation, 
the designation of each State's individual Coalition is within the 
exclusive discretion of HHS. HHS will determine which applicant best 
fits statutory criteria, with particular attention paid to the 
applicant's documented history of effective work, support of primary-
purpose programs and programs that serve racial and ethnic minority 
populations and underserved populations, coordination and collaboration 
with the State government, and capacity to accomplish the FVPSA 
mandated role of a Coalition.
    (f) Regarding FVPSA funding, in cases where a Coalition financially 
or otherwise dissolves, the designation of a new Coalition is within 
the exclusive discretion of HHS. HHS will work with domestic violence 
service providers, community stakeholders, State leaders, and 
representatives of underserved and culturally specific communities to 
identify an existing organization that can serve as the Coalition or to 
develop a new organization. The new Coalition must reapply for 
designation and funding following steps determined by the Secretary. 
HHS will determine whether the applicant fits the statutory criteria, 
with particular attention paid to the applicant's documented history of 
effective work, support of primary-purpose programs and programs that 
serve racial and ethnic minority populations and undeserved 
communities, coordination and collaboration with the State government, 
and capacity to accomplish the FVPSA mandated role of a Coalition.
5. Add Subpart D to read as follows:

Subpart D--Discretionary Grants and Contracts

1370.30 What National Resource Centers and Training and Technical 
Assistance grant programs are available and what requirements apply?
1370.31 What additional requirements apply to specialized services 
for abused parents and their children?
1370.32 What additional requirements apply to National Domestic 
Violence Hotline grants?

Sec.  1370.30  What National Resource Center and Training and Technical 
Assistance grant programs are available and what additional 
requirements apply?

    (a) These grants are to provide resource information, training, and 
technical assistance to improve the capacity of individuals, 
organizations, governmental entities, and communities to prevent family 
violence, domestic violence, and dating violence and to provide 
effective intervention services. They fund national, special issue, and 
culturally-specific resource centers addressing key areas of domestic 
violence intervention and prevention, and may include State resource 
centers to reduce disparities in domestic violence in States with high 
proportions of Native American (including Alaska Native or Native 
Hawaiian) populations and to support training and technical assistance 
that address emerging issues related to family violence, domestic 
violence, or dating violence, to entities demonstrating expertise in 
these areas. Grants may be made for:
    (1) A National Resource Center on Domestic Violence which will 
conduct the following activities:
    (i) Offer a comprehensive array of technical assistance and 
training resources to Federal, State, and local governmental agencies, 
domestic violence service providers, community-based organizations, and 
other professionals and interested parties, related to domestic 
violence service programs and research, including programs and research 
related to victims and their children who are exposed to domestic 
violence as well as older individuals and those with disabilities; and
    (ii) Maintain a central resource library in order to collect, 
prepare, analyze, and disseminate information and statistics related to 
the incidence and prevention of family violence and domestic violence; 
and the provision of shelter, supportive services, and prevention 
services to adult and youth victims of domestic violence (including 
services to prevent repeated incidents of violence).
    (2) A National Indian Resource Center Addressing Domestic Violence 
and Safety for Indian Women which will conduct the following 
    (i) Offer a comprehensive array of technical assistance and 
training resources to Indian Tribes and Tribal organizations, 
specifically designed to enhance the capacity of the Tribes and Tribal 
organizations to respond to domestic violence and increase the safety 
of Indian women; and
    (ii) Enhance the intervention and prevention efforts of Indian 
Tribes and Tribal organizations to respond to domestic violence and 
increase the safety of Indian women, and
    (iii) To coordinate activities with other Federal agencies, 
offices, and grantees that address the needs of American Indians, 
Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians that experience domestic violence.
    (3) Special issue resource centers to provide national information, 
training, and technical assistance to State and local domestic violence 
service providers. Each special issue resource center shall focus on 
enhancing domestic violence intervention and

[[Page 61914]]

prevention efforts in at least one of the following areas:
    (i) Response of the criminal and civil justice systems to domestic 
violence victims, which may include the response to the use of the 
self-defense plea by domestic violence victims and the issuance and use 
of protective orders;
    (ii) Response of child protective service agencies to victims of 
domestic violence and their dependents and child custody issues in 
domestic violence cases;
    (iii) Response of the interdisciplinary health care system to 
victims of domestic violence and access to health care resources for 
victims of domestic violence;
    (iv) Response of mental health systems, domestic violence service 
programs, and other related systems and programs to victims of domestic 
violence and to their children who are exposed to domestic violence.
    (4) Culturally-Specific Special Issue Resource Centers enhance 
domestic violence intervention and prevention efforts for victims of 
domestic violence who are members of racial and ethnic minority groups, 
to enhance the cultural and linguistic relevancy of service delivery, 
resource utilization, policy, research, technical assistance, community 
education, and prevention initiatives.
    (5) State resource centers to provide statewide information, 
training, and technical assistance to Indian Tribes, Tribal 
organizations, and local domestic violence service organizations 
serving Native Americans (including Alaska Natives and Native 
Hawaiians) in a culturally sensitive and relevant manner. These centers 
    (i) Offer a comprehensive array of technical assistance and 
training resources to Indian Tribes, Tribal organizations, and 
providers of services to Native Americans (including Alaska Natives and 
Native Hawaiians) specifically designed to enhance the capacity of the 
Tribes, organizations, and providers to respond to domestic violence;
    (ii) Coordinate all projects and activities with the National 
Indian Resource Center Addressing Domestic Violence and Safety for 
Indian Women, including projects and activities that involve working 
with State and local governments to enhance their capacity to 
understand the unique needs of Native Americans (including Alaska 
Natives and Native Hawaiians); and
    (iii) Provide comprehensive community education and domestic 
violence prevention initiatives in a culturally sensitive and relevant 
    (iv) Be located in a State with high proportions of Indian or 
Native Hawaiian populations. Eligible entities shall be located in a 
State in which the population of Indians (including Alaska Natives) and 
Native Hawaiians exceeds 10 percent of the total population of the 
State; or, be an Indian tribe, Tribal organization or a Native Hawaiian 
organization that focuses primarily on issues of domestic violence 
among Indians or Native Hawaiians; or, be an institution of higher 
education; and, demonstrate the ability to serve all regions of the 
State, including underdeveloped areas and areas that are geographically 
distant from population centers. Additionally, eligible entities shall 
offer training and technical assistance and capacity-building resources 
in States where the population of Indians (including Alaska Natives) 
and Native Hawaiians exceeds 2.5 percent of the total population of the 
    (6) Other discretionary purposes to support training and technical 
assistance that address emerging issues related to family violence, 
domestic violence, or dating violence, to entities demonstrating 
related experience.
    (b) To receive a grant under any part of this section, an entity 
shall submit an application that shall meet such eligibility standards 
as are prescribed in the FVPSA and contains such agreements, 
assurances, and information, in such form, and submitted in such manner 
as the Funding Opportunity Announcement and related program guidance 
    (c) Grant recipients are required to comply with Title VI of the 
Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 
1973. To effectuate such compliance, grant recipients should create a 
plan to ensure effective communication and meaningful access, 
    (1) How to respond to individuals with Limited English Proficiency, 
and how to use appropriate interpretation and translation services, 
including best practices for using taglines. Taglines are short 
statements in non-English languages informing persons who are Limited 
English Proficient on how to access language assistance services.
    (2) How to respond to individuals with communication-related 
disabilities and how to provide appropriate auxiliary aids and 
services, including qualified interpreters and information in alternate 
formats, to people with disabilities.

Sec.  1370.31  What additional requirements apply to grants for 
specialized services for abused parents and their children?

    (a) These grants serve to expand the capacity of family violence, 
domestic violence, and dating violence service programs and community-
based programs to prevent future domestic violence by addressing, in an 
appropriate manner, the needs of children exposed to family violence, 
domestic violence, or dating violence. To be eligible an entity must be 
a local agency, a nonprofit private organization (including faith-based 
and charitable organizations, community-based organizations, and 
voluntary associations), or a Tribal organization, with a demonstrated 
record of serving victims of family violence, domestic violence, or 
dating violence and their children.
    (b) To be eligible to receive a grant under this section, an entity 
shall submit an application that:
    (1) Includes a complete description of the applicant's plan for 
providing specialized services for abused parents and their children, 
including descriptions of:
    (i) How the entity will prioritize the safety of, and 
confidentiality of information about victims of family violence, 
victims of domestic violence, and victims of dating violence and their 
    (ii) How the entity will provide developmentally appropriate and 
age-appropriate services, and culturally and linguistically appropriate 
services, to the victims and children; and
    (iii) How the entity will ensure that professionals working with 
the children receive the training and technical assistance appropriate 
and relevant to the unique needs of children exposed to family 
violence, domestic violence, or dating violence.
    (2) Demonstrates that the applicant has the ability to provide 
direct counseling, appropriate service, and advocacy on behalf of 
victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence and 
their children, including coordination with services provided by the 
child welfare system;
    (3) Demonstrates that the applicant can effectively provide 
services for nonabusing parents to support those parents' roles as 
caregivers and their roles in responding to the social, emotional, and 
developmental needs of their children;
    (c) Eligible applicants may use funds under a grant pursuant to 
this section that:
    (1) Demonstrates a capacity to provide early childhood development 
and mental health services;

[[Page 61915]]

    (2) Shows the ability to coordinate activities with and provide 
technical assistance to community-based organizations serving victims 
of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence or children 
exposed to family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence; and
    (3) Shows the capacity to provide additional services and referrals 
to services for children, including child care, transportation, 
educational support, respite care, supervised visitation, or other 
necessary services; and
    (4) Contains such agreements, assurances, and information, in such 
form, and submitted in such manner as the Funding Opportunity 
Announcement and related program guidance prescribe.
    (d) If Congressional appropriations in any fiscal year for the 
entirety of programs covered in this part (exclusive of the National 
Domestic Violence Hotline which receives a separate appropriation) 
exceed $130 million, not less than 25 percent of such excess funds 
shall be made available to carry out this grant program. If 
appropriations reach this threshold, HHS will specify funding levels in 
future Funding Opportunity Announcements.

Sec.  1370.32  What additional requirements apply to National Domestic 
Violence Hotline grants?

    (a) These grants are for one or more private entities to provide 
for the ongoing operation of a 24-hour, national, toll-free telephone 
hotline to provide information and assistance to adult and youth 
victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, 
family and household members of such victims, and persons affected by 
the victimization.
    (b) Telephone is defined as a communications device that permits 
two or more callers or users to engage in transmitted analog, digital, 
short message service (SMS), cellular/wireless, laser, cable/broadband, 
internet, voice-over internet protocol (IP) or other communications, 
including telephone, smartphone, chat, text, voice recognition, or 
other technological means which connects callers or users together.
    (c) To be eligible to receive a grant under this section, an entity 
shall submit an application that:
    (1) Includes a complete description of the applicant's plan for the 
operation of a national domestic violence telephone hotline, including 
descriptions of:
    (i) The training program for hotline personnel, including 
technology training to ensure that all persons affiliated with the 
hotline are able to effectively operate any technological systems used 
by the hotline, and are familiar with effective communication and 
meaningful access requirements, to ensure access for all, including 
people who are Limited English Proficient and people with disabilities;
    (ii) The hiring criteria and qualifications for hotline personnel;
    (iii) The methods for the creation, maintenance, and updating of a 
resource database;
    (iv) A plan for publicizing the availability of the hotline;
    (v) A plan for providing service to Limited English Proficient 
callers, including service through hotline personnel who are qualified 
to interpret in non-English languages;
    (vi) A plan for facilitating access to the hotline by persons with 
disabilities, including persons with hearing impairments; and
    (vii) A plan for providing assistance and referrals to youth 
victims of domestic violence and for victims of dating violence who are 
minors, which may be carried out through a national teen dating 
violence hotline.
    (2) Demonstrates that the applicant has recognized expertise in the 
area of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence and a 
record of high quality service to victims of family violence, domestic 
violence, or dating violence, including a demonstration of support from 
advocacy groups and State Domestic Violence Coalitions;
    (3) Demonstrates that the applicant has the capacity and the 
expertise to maintain a domestic violence hotline and a comprehensive 
database of service providers;
    (4) Demonstrates the ability to provide information and referrals 
for callers, directly connect callers to service providers, and employ 
crisis interventions meeting the standards of family violence, domestic 
violence, and dating violence providers;
    (5) Demonstrates that the applicant has a commitment to diversity 
and to the provision of services to underserved populations, including 
to ethnic, racial, and Limited English Proficient individuals, in 
addition to older individuals and individuals with disabilities;
    (6) Demonstrates that the applicant follows comprehensive quality 
assurance practices; and
    (7) Contains such agreements, information, and assurances, 
including nondisclosure of confidential or private information, in such 
form, and submitted in such manner as the Funding Opportunity 
Announcement and related program guidance prescribe.
    (d) The entity receiving a grant under this section shall submit a 
performance report to the Secretary at such time as reasonably required 
by the Secretary that shall describe the activities that have been 
carried out with grant funds, contain an evaluation of the 
effectiveness of such activities, and provide additional information as 
the Secretary may reasonably require.

[FR Doc. 2015-25726 Filed 10-9-15; 8:45 am]

                                                 61890               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION                section of    consistency with definitions used by
                                                 HUMAN SERVICES                                          this document.                                         other HHS components.
                                                                                                         FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                         The section-by-section analysis is
                                                 Administration for Children and                         Kenneth E. Noyes, J.D., Senior Program                 organized to follow the framework of 45
                                                 Families                                                Specialist, (202) 205–7891,                            CFR part 1370. It proposes revisions or
                                                                                                         kenneth.noyes@acf.hhs.gov. Deaf and                    additions to the current rule in the
                                                 45 CFR Part 1370                                        hearing impaired individuals may call                  following areas:
                                                 RIN 0970–AC62                                           the Federal Dual Party Relay Service at                  • Stated purposes of the program;
                                                                                                         1–800–977–8339 between 8:30 a.m. and                     • significant terms used in the
                                                 Family Violence Prevention and                          7 p.m. Eastern time.                                   program;
                                                 Services Programs                                                                                                • other Federal requirements;
                                                                                                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                                                                                  • requirements that apply to all
                                                 AGENCY: Family and Youth Services                       I. Statutory Authority                                 family violence prevention and services
                                                 Bureau (FYSB), Administration on                                                                               grants;
                                                                                                           This proposed regulation is published
                                                 Children, Youth and Families (ACYF),                                                                             • eligibility for grants;
                                                                                                         under the authority granted to the
                                                 Administration for Children and                                                                                  • application procedures; and
                                                                                                         Secretary of Health and Human Services
                                                 Families (ACF), Department of Health                                                                             • other issues that may arise in the
                                                 and Human Services (HHS).                               by the Family Violence Prevention and
                                                                                                                                                                administration of the FVPSA program.
                                                                                                         Services Act (FVPSA), 42 U.S.C.
                                                 ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.                                                                           In addition to program-wide
                                                                                                         10404(a)(4), as most recently amended
                                                                                                                                                                standards, specific standards are
                                                 SUMMARY:    The Administration for                      by the Child Abuse Prevention and
                                                                                                                                                                proposed for each of the major grant
                                                 Children and Families proposes to                       Treatment (CAPTA) Reauthorization Act
                                                                                                                                                                programs authorized under the Family
                                                 revise regulations applying to the                      of 2010 (Public Law (Pub. L.) 111–320).
                                                                                                                                                                Violence Prevention and Services Act.
                                                 Family Violence Prevention and                          II. Public Participation
                                                 Services Programs. These proposed                                                                              IV. Background
                                                 revisions would update existing rules to                  Pursuant to the Administrative                          As the President proclaimed during
                                                 reflect statutory changes, would update                 Procedure Act, the Department allows a                 the 2014 National Domestic Violence
                                                 procedures for soliciting and awarding                  period of time for members of the public               Awareness Month, ‘‘Domestic violence
                                                 grants, and would make other changes                    to comment on proposed rules. In this                  affects every American. It harms our
                                                 to increase clarity and reduce potential                case we will allow 60 days for                         communities, weakens the foundation
                                                 confusion over statutory and regulatory                 comments. In making any modifications                  of our Nation, and hurts those we love
                                                 standards. The proposed revisions                       to this notice of proposed rulemaking,                 most . . . we acknowledge the progress
                                                 would codify standards already used by                  we are not required to consider                        made in reducing these shameful
                                                 the program in the Funding Opportunity                  comments received beyond the 60-day                    crimes, embrace the basic human right
                                                 Announcements and awards, in                            comment period. To make sure your                      to be free from violence and abuse, and
                                                 technical assistance, in reporting                      comments are addressed fully, we                       recognize that more work remains until
                                                 requirements, and in sub-regulatory                     suggest the following:                                 every individual is able to live free from
                                                 guidance.                                                 • Be specific;                                       fear.’’1 Programs and services funded by
                                                                                                           • Address only issues raised by the                  the Family Violence Prevention and
                                                 DATES:  In order to be considered,                      proposed rule, not the provisions of the
                                                 comments on this proposed rule must                                                                            Services Act (‘‘FVPSA’’) are critical
                                                                                                         law itself;                                            pieces in the Administration’s fight to
                                                 be received on or before December 14,                     • Explain reasons for any objections
                                                 2015. Current Family Violence                                                                                  end domestic violence.
                                                                                                         or recommended changes;                                   FVPSA authorizes three formula grant
                                                 Prevention and Services regulations                       • Propose appropriate alternatives;
                                                 remain in effect until this NPRM                                                                               programs and other discretionary grant
                                                                                                         and                                                    programs administered by the Family
                                                 becomes final.                                            • Reference the specific section of the              and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB),
                                                 ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,                     notice of the proposed rulemaking being                Administration on Children, Youth and
                                                 identified by [docket number and using/                 addressed.                                             Families (ACFY), Administration for
                                                 or RIN number], by any of the following                                                                        Children and Families (ACF), in the
                                                 methods: (1) Electronically via the                     III. Organization of the NPRM
                                                                                                                                                                Department of Health and Human
                                                 Federal eRulemaking Portal at http://                      The preamble to this proposed rule is
                                                                                                                                                                Services (HHS). These programs
                                                 www.regulations.gov or (2) by mail to                   organized as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                comprise the primary Federal funding
                                                 the Associate Commissioner, Family                         • Background;
                                                                                                                                                                stream dedicated to the support of
                                                 and Youth Services Bureau,                                 • Consultation and the development
                                                                                                                                                                emergency shelter and supportive
                                                 Administration for Children and                         of the NPRM;
                                                                                                                                                                services for victims of family violence,
                                                 Families, 1250 Maryland Ave. SW.,                          • Scope of the proposed rule; and
                                                                                                                                                                domestic violence, or dating violence,
                                                 Washington, DC 20024.                                      • Section-by-section discussion of the
                                                                                                                                                                and their dependents. The FVPSA also
                                                    Instructions: All submissions received               regulatory provisions.
                                                                                                                                                                authorizes additional activities
                                                 must include the agency name and                           The use of the word(s) ‘‘propose’’ or
                                                                                                                                                                conducted through grants, including but
                                                 docket number or Regulatory                             ‘‘we propose’’ throughout the NPRM is
                                                                                                                                                                not limited to grants for research,
                                                 Information Number (RIN) for this                       meant to remind readers that this
                                                                                                                                                                evaluation, and service projects; grants

                                                 rulemaking. All comments received will                  document is proposed as revised
                                                                                                                                                                for a national domestic violence hotline,
                                                 be posted without change to                             regulatory guidance. The language used
                                                                                                                                                                including evaluation; grants for
                                                 www.regulations.gov, including any                      should not be construed to mean that
                                                                                                                                                                specialized services to abused parents
                                                 personal information provided. For                      statutory definitions and provisions are
                                                                                                                                                                and their children; grants for State
                                                 detailed instructions on submitting                     being changed but rather more fully
                                                 comments and additional information                     explained and clarified within the                       1 https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/
                                                 on the rulemaking process, see the                      context of the programming and services                2014/09/30/presidential-proclamation-national-
                                                 ‘‘Public Participation’’ heading of the                 laid out in the statute, and to ensure                 domestic-violence-awareness-month-201.

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                            61891

                                                 resource centers to reduce disparities in                  (5) nondisclosure of confidential or               minority groups to enhance the cultural
                                                 domestic violence in States with high                   private information provisions that are               and linguistic relevancy of service
                                                 proportions of Indian (including Alaska                 consistent with the provisions of the                 delivery (42 U.S.C. 10410);
                                                 Native) or Native Hawaiian populations;                 Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)                        (16) a provision giving the Secretary
                                                 and, grants for national and special                    (42 U.S.C. 10406(c)(5));                              the discretionary authority to award
                                                 issue resource centers and technical                       (6) requirement that a Tribally                    grants to State resource centers to
                                                 assistance and training relating to family              designated official be named in Tribal                reduce Tribal disparities in domestic
                                                 violence, domestic violence, and dating                 applications for administration of grant              violence in eligible States (42 U.S.C.
                                                 violence. The Formula Grants to States                  programs (42 U.S.C. 10407(a)(1));                     § 10410);
                                                 Program (hereafter referred to as the                      (7) clarification that administrative                 (17) clarification of the activities of
                                                 State Grant Program) awards grants to                   costs are limited to no more than 5% of               State Domestic Violence Coalitions (42
                                                 States, the Grants for Indian Tribes                    State formula grants (42 U.S.C.                       U.S.C. 10411);
                                                 Program (hereafter referred to as the                   10407(a)(2)(B)(i));                                      (18) new opt-out provisions for
                                                 Tribal Grant Program) awards grants to                     (8) additional requirements to                     certain coalition activities if annual
                                                 Tribes or Tribal organizations and                      strengthen the consultation between                   assurances are provided by Coalitions
                                                 Alaska Native Villages, and the Grants                  States and State Domestic Violence                    that the activities are being provided
                                                 to State Domestic Violence Coalitions                   Coalitions (42 U.S.C. 10407(a)(2)(D));                and coordinated under other specific
                                                 Program (hereafter referred to as                          (9) changes to statutory language in               Federal funding streams (42 U.S.C.
                                                 Coalitions Grant Program) awards grants                 the State grants and sub-grants section               10411(e));
                                                                                                         that requires funds to be used for                       (19) a requirement that the Secretary
                                                 to statewide, nongovernmental,
                                                                                                         providing immediate shelter and                       establish a new program for specialized
                                                 nonprofit 501(c)(3), private, domestic
                                                                                                         supportive services for adult and youth               services for abused parents and their
                                                 violence organizations. The proposed
                                                                                                         victims of family violence, domestic                  children with discretionary authority to
                                                 rule covers all of these activities.
                                                                                                         violence, or dating violence (and their               make grants (42 U.S.C. 10412); such
                                                    The National and Special Issue                                                                             specialized services may include but are
                                                 Resource Centers and Training and                       dependents), and that may provide
                                                                                                         prevention services (42 U.S.C. 10408(a)               not limited to: providing direct
                                                 Technical Assistance Centers’ Programs                                                                        counseling that is developmentally and
                                                 (hereafter referred to as Resource                      and (b));
                                                                                                            (10) expanded eligibility of the types             age appropriate and culturally and
                                                 Centers, Special Issue Resource Centers                                                                       linguistically appropriate to victims and
                                                 and Culturally-Specific Special Issue                   of nonprofit private organizations that
                                                                                                         may receive State sub-grants to include               their children, including services that
                                                 Resource Centers) provide resource                                                                            are coordinated with services provided
                                                 information, training, and technical                    community-based organizations and
                                                                                                         Tribal organizations, in addition to                  by the child welfare system; and, to
                                                 assistance to improve the capacity of                                                                         provide services for non-abusing parents
                                                 individuals, organizations,                             faith-based and charitable organizations,
                                                                                                         and voluntary associations (42 U.S.C.                 to support those parents’ roles as
                                                 governmental entities, and communities                                                                        caregivers and their role in responding
                                                 to prevent family violence, domestic                    10408(c)(1));
                                                                                                            (11) a new provision that expands                  to the social, emotional, and
                                                 violence, and dating violence and to                                                                          developmental needs of their children;
                                                                                                         entities eligible for State formula sub-
                                                 provide effective intervention services.                                                                         (20) clarification that a grant to one or
                                                                                                         grantee funding to include partnerships
                                                    The CAPTA Reauthorization Act of                     of two or more agencies or organizations              more private entities may be made for
                                                 2010 reauthorized and made a number                     that have a documented history of                     ongoing operation of the National
                                                 of changes to the FVPSA (see also 42                    effective work concerning family                      Domestic Violence Hotline that serves
                                                 U.S.C. 10401 et seq.). These changes                    violence, domestic violence, or dating                adult and youth victims of family
                                                 include:                                                violence and an agency or organization                violence, domestic violence, or dating
                                                    (1) Expanded purpose areas to include                that has a demonstrated history of                    violence (42 U.S.C. 10413(a)); including,
                                                 family violence, domestic violence and                  serving populations in their                          allowing the provision of hotline
                                                 dating violence (42. U.S.C. 10401(b));                  communities, including providing                      services to youth victims of domestic
                                                    (2) an expanded definitions section to               culturally appropriate services (42                   violence or dating violence who are
                                                 clarify statutory language (42 U.S.C.                   U.S.C. 10408(c)(2);                                   minors through a national teen dating
                                                 10402);                                                    (12) clarification that the receipt of             violence hotline (42 U.S.C.
                                                    (3) expanded authority of the                        supportive services must be accepted                  10413(d)(2)(G)). This notice of proposed
                                                 Secretary to promulgate regulations and                 voluntarily and that no condition may                 rulemaking would revise regulations
                                                 guidance as necessary and updated the                   be applied for the receipt of emergency               applying to the Family Violence
                                                 Secretary’s authority to coordinate                     shelter (42 U.S.C. 10408(d)(2));                      Prevention and Services Programs,
                                                 programs across the Department and                         (13) a new requirement for Federal                 except for the Domestic Violence
                                                 with other Federal agencies, provide for                consultation with Tribal governments in               Prevention Enhancement and
                                                 and coordinate research and evaluation,                 the planning of grants for Indian Tribes              Leadership Through Alliances Program
                                                 and develop effective policies to address               (42 U.S.C. 10409(a));                                 (DELTA) contained in Section 314 of the
                                                 the needs of adult and youth victims of                    (14) a requirement for two national                Family Violence Prevention and
                                                 family violence, domestic violence and                  resource centers on domestic violence,                Services Act (FVPSA—codified in 42
                                                 dating violence (42 U.S.C. 10404(a) and                 including one national Indian resource                U.S.C. 10414), which is separately
                                                 (b));                                                   center to address domestic violence and               funded and administered by the Centers

                                                    (4) a new State Formula grant                        safety for Indian women (42 U.S.C.                    for Disease Control and Prevention,
                                                 requirement to provide specialized                      10410);                                               Division of Violence Prevention.
                                                 services for children exposed to family                    (15) a requirement for at least seven                 While we have already implemented
                                                 violence, domestic violence, or dating                  special issue resource centers including              most of these provisions through the
                                                 violence, underserved populations, and                  three focused on enhancing domestic                   Funding Opportunity Announcements,
                                                 victims who are members of racial and                   violence intervention and prevention                  technical assistance and training, and
                                                 ethnic minority populations (42 U.S.C.                  efforts for victims of domestic violence              Information Memoranda issuances, this
                                                 10406(a)(3));                                           who are members of racial and ethnic                  proposed rule would allow us to

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                                                 61892               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 integrate these legislative requirements                important to the field. ACF also                      compliance, we will provide guidance
                                                 into our codified rules. In addition, it                provides program guidance on                          on best practices for implementing the
                                                 would bring our codified regulations,                   implementing statutory requirements at                standards and revised requirements. We
                                                 last updated on February 22, 1996 (61                   the meetings.                                         also plan to conduct technical
                                                 FR 6791), into conformity with the                         ACF funded Tribal administrators,                  assistance to help grantees understand
                                                 administrative and managerial                           advocates, and leaders also are                       and implement changes.
                                                 procedures we already use in                            convened annually, contingent upon                      This proposed rule also makes
                                                 compliance with FVPSA. We do not                        funding. The Tribal grantee meeting                   technical changes to existing program
                                                 propose to codify every provision of the                allows grantees to provide and receive                rules to correct outdated provisions. It
                                                 statute. Finally, the proposed rule                     technical assistance and training. Issues             proposes to revise our regulatory
                                                 identifies a number of important                        addressed and best practices shared are               provisions on making awards to reflect
                                                 linkages between the FVPSA programs                     most commonly related to service                      current program priorities and onsite
                                                 and those programs conducted by the                     delivery; new initiatives; business                   review and monitoring procedures.
                                                 Department of Justice and authorized by                 needs; funding issues; information
                                                 VAWA. For example, both statutes                        exchange; collaborations ranging from                 VII. Section-by-Section Discussion of
                                                 contain strict prohibitions against                     service delivery models to police                     the Regulatory Provisions
                                                 disclosure of confidential or private                   response; cultural sensitivity; advocacy;               We propose to revise 45 Part 1370 to
                                                 information to ensure the safety of                     and the statutory requirements of the                 add a Subpart A for general provisions,
                                                 persons receiving services.                             FVPSA.                                                add a Subpart B for State and Indian
                                                                                                            ACF also hosts annual Tribal                       Tribal grants, add a Subpart C for State
                                                 V. Consultation and the Development of                  consultations. Tribal consultations
                                                 the NPRM                                                                                                      Domestic Violence Coalition grants, and
                                                                                                         discuss ACF programs and Tribal                       add a Subpart D for Discretionary grants
                                                    It is our intent in this section of the              priorities and to build meaningful                    and contracts. We also propose to add
                                                 NPRM preamble to highlight the various                  relationships with Federally recognized               a new table of contents to this part.
                                                 meetings and consultations, among                       Tribes. The consultations solicit
                                                 many other activities we conducted,                     recommendations and/or mutual                         Subpart A—General Provisions
                                                 that assisted in the development of the                 understanding from Tribal government                  Section 1370.1 What are the purposes
                                                 NPRM. To support our statutory                          leaders on issues ranging from funding                of the Family Violence Prevention and
                                                 responsibilities for administering the                  availability to departmental priorities.              Services Act programs?
                                                 State and Coalition formula grants,                        In addition, ACF staff participates in
                                                 contingent upon available funding, we                   annual Tribal consultations sponsored                   We propose to add § 1370.1 under
                                                 host either an annual or bi-annual, joint               by the Department of Justice Office on                new Subpart A, and to revise it to reflect
                                                 grantee meeting of the State FVPSA                      Violence Against Women. The purpose                   the statute’s current purposes found at
                                                 funding administrators and the State                    of those consultations is to engage in a              42 U.S.C. 10401(b). One major
                                                 Domestic Violence Coalitions. The                       government-to-government dialogue                     difference from the existing regulation is
                                                 grantee meeting facilitates partnership                 between the United States Government                  new language expanding purpose areas
                                                 building between the respective State                   and the leaders from Indian Tribal                    to include family violence, domestic
                                                 and Coalition cohorts and across all                    governments on how to best enhance                    violence, and dating violence.
                                                 States and Coalitions, shares and                       the safety of Alaska Natives and                      Specifically, the new purposes are:
                                                 promotes best practices related to the                  American Indians and reduce domestic                  assist States and Indian Tribes in efforts
                                                 provision of prevention and                             violence, dating violence, sexual                     to increase public awareness about, and
                                                 intervention services for victims of                    assault, and stalking committed against               primary and secondary prevention of,
                                                 family, domestic, and dating violence                   them. The consultations also solicit                  family violence, domestic violence, and
                                                 (with speakers, lecturers, and facilitators             recommendations from Tribal                           dating violence; assist States and Indian
                                                 on a broad range of issues in the field),               government leaders on administering                   Tribes in efforts to provide immediate
                                                 and provides program guidance on                        grant funds.                                          shelter and supportive services for
                                                 implementing the statutory                                 Finally, development of the NPRM                   victims of family violence, domestic
                                                 requirements of the FVPSA. These                        included ongoing analyses of formula                  violence, or dating violence, and their
                                                 meetings provide important                              and discretionary grantees’ annual                    dependents; provide for a national
                                                 opportunities for Federal, State, and                   performance reports as well as site visit             domestic violence hotline; and provide
                                                 private staff to engage with each other                 reports and desk reviews. Information                 for technical assistance and training
                                                 to learn about and address issues of                    gleaned from these sources helped to                  relating to family violence, domestic
                                                 intersecting importance, including                      identify grantees’ successes and                      violence, and dating violence programs
                                                 issues such as protecting victim/                       challenges implementing FVPSA                         to States and Indian Tribes, local public
                                                 survivor confidentiality that are                       requirements and, therefore, informed                 agencies (including law enforcement
                                                 addressed in this proposed rule.                        the NPRM development process.                         agencies, courts, and legal, social
                                                    The National Resource Centers,                                                                             service, and healthcare professionals in
                                                 Special Issue Resource Centers, and                     VI. Scope of the Proposed Rule                        public agencies), nonprofit private
                                                 Culturally-Specific Special Issue                          This rule proposes to revise existing              organizations (including faith-based and
                                                 Resource Centers comprise what is                       regulatory standards to help improve                  charitable organizations, community-
                                                 known as the FVPSA Domestic Violence                    the administration of the FVPSA, to                   based organizations and voluntary

                                                 Resource Network (DVRN). The DVRN                       provide greater clarity and transparency              associations), Tribal organizations, and
                                                 convenes every one to two years to                      to ACF’s implementation of the statute,               other persons seeking such assistance
                                                 share and promote evidence-informed                     and to bring the program regulation into              and training.
                                                 and best practices about prevention and                 conformance with statutory provisions.
                                                 intervention services for victims of                       All grantees will be expected to                   Section 1370.2 What definitions apply
                                                 family, domestic, and dating violence.                  comply with standards and other                       to these programs?
                                                 Expert speakers and lecturers present on                requirements upon the final rule’s                      We propose to add § 1370.2 under
                                                 a broad range of subject matter                         effective date. To assist grantees with               new Subpart A and revise it to include

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                          61893

                                                 definitions of significant terms found in               individuals and those with disabilities               communications at extremely
                                                 the statute at 42 U.S.C. 10402 and used                 who meet these criteria are also                      inconvenient hours or in offensively
                                                 in current operating practices. The                     included within this term’s definition.               coarse language with a purpose to annoy
                                                 definitions are intended to reflect                        We also propose that the definition of             or alarm another; or (c) insults, taunts,
                                                 important terms in the statute and                      ‘‘domestic violence’’ will also include,              or challenges another in a manner likely
                                                 important practices in the                              but will not be limited to, acts or acts              to provoke a violent or disorderly
                                                 administration of the program. In some                  constituting intimidation, control,                   response. N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 173–
                                                 instances, we do not repeat the statutory               coercion and coercive control,                        B:1(I)(g); 644:4 (2009).
                                                 definition verbatim but rather propose a                emotional and psychological abuse and                    Another State, Hawaii, provides as
                                                 regulatory definition that we believe is                behavior, expressive and psychological                one definition of ‘‘domestic abuse’’
                                                 fully consistent with the statutory                     aggression, harassment, tormenting                    within the context of a romantic or
                                                 definition, but will provide clarity to the             behavior, and disturbing or alarming                  intimate relationship (among others) as
                                                 field and other interested stakeholders.                behavior. The Centers for Disease                     ‘‘extreme psychological abuse’’
                                                 The definitions section applies to all                  Control and Prevention (CDC) in its                   mean[ing] an intentional or knowing
                                                 grants and contracts under the FVPSA.                   National Intimate Partner and Sexual                  course of conduct directed at an
                                                 We welcome comments on all proposed                     Violence Survey, 2014 Report (Breiding,               individual that seriously alarms or
                                                 definitions; however, we are                            M.J., Chen J., & Black, M.C. (2014),                  disturbs consistently or continually
                                                 constrained by the statutory definitions                Intimate Partner Violence in the United               bothers the individual, and that serves
                                                 in the FVPSA. Note that many of these                   States-2010. Atlanta, GA: National                    no legitimate purpose. HAW.
                                                 are longstanding definitions resulting                  Center for Injury Prevention) describes               REV.STAT. § 586–1(1) (2009).
                                                 from FVPSA reauthorization in 2010                      intimate partner violence, which is                      Given the continuum of behaviors
                                                 and are already included in the Funding                 commonly used interchangeably with                    constituting ‘‘domestic violence’’
                                                 Opportunity Announcements.                              the term ‘‘domestic violence,’’ to                    identified in FVPSA, and the broader
                                                    We propose to include the statutory                  include psychological aggression and                  protections embodied in State and other
                                                 definition of ‘‘dating violence,’’ an                   expressive aggression (such as name                   jurisdictional law, ACF will interpret
                                                 important addition to the scope of                      calling, insulting or humiliating an                  ‘‘domestic violence’’ as inclusive of
                                                 persons protected under the FVPSA.                      intimate partner) and coercive control,               additional acts recognized in other
                                                 The statute defines it as ‘‘violence                    which includes behaviors that are                     Federal, State, local, and tribal laws, as
                                                 committed by a person who is or has                     intended to monitor, control or threaten              well as acts in other Federal regulatory
                                                 been in a social relationship of a                      an intimate partner.                                  and sub-regulatory guidance. Note that
                                                 romantic or intimate nature with the                       Moreover, several states have                      this definition is not intended to be
                                                 victim and where the existence of such                  broadened their definitions of                        interpreted more restrictively than
                                                 a relationship shall be determined based                ‘‘domestic violence’’ or similar terms to             FVPSA and VAWA but rather to be
                                                 on a consideration of the following                     describe a range of behaviors commonly                inclusive of other, more expansive
                                                 factors: the length of the relationship,                understood as abusive behavior within                 definitions.
                                                 the type of relationship, and the                       spousal and intimate partner                             We propose to include the statutory
                                                 frequency of interaction between the                    relationships. For example, Maine                     definition of ‘‘family violence’’ found at
                                                 persons involved in the relationship.’’                 legislatively defines ‘‘abuse’’ within                Section 10402(4) of the FVPSA. ‘‘Family
                                                 This definition reflects the definition                 family, household, or dating partner                  violence’’ means any act or threatened
                                                 also found in Section 40002(a) of                       relationships to include (among other                 act of violence, including any forceful
                                                 VAWA (as amended), as required by                       factors), threatening, harassing or                   detention of an individual, that results
                                                 FVPSA. Dating violence may also                         tormenting behavior.’’ ME. Rev. Stat.                 or threatens to result in physical injury
                                                 include violence against older                          Ann. tit. 19–A § 4002 (2009). The state               and is committed by a person against
                                                 individuals and those with disabilities                 also defines other behavior as ‘‘abuse’’              another individual (including an older
                                                 when the violence meets the applicable                  such as following the plaintiff/[alleged              individual), to or with whom such
                                                 definition.                                             victim] repeatedly and without                        person is related by blood or marriage,
                                                    We propose to include the statutory                  reasonable cause; or, being in the                    or is or was otherwise legally related, or
                                                 definition of ‘‘domestic violence.’’                    vicinity of the plaintiff’s home, school,             is or was lawfully residing. We would
                                                 Section 10402(3) of the FVPSA defines                   business or place of employment both                  note that since 2013, the Funding
                                                 ‘‘domestic violence’’ as felony or                      repeatedly and without reasonable                     Opportunity Announcements have
                                                 misdemeanor crimes of violence                          cause. Id. In Cole v. Cole, 2008 ME 4,                included LGBTQ individuals as an
                                                 committed by a current or former                        940 A.2d 194, 2008 Me, Lexus 6 (2008),                underserved population with no
                                                 spouse or intimate partner of the victim,               a District court issued a protection from             reference to marital status. For the last
                                                 by a person with whom the victim                        abuse order to the wife and the parties’              nine years and pursuant to the FVPSA
                                                 shares a child in common, by a person                   child, pursuant to Me. Rev. Stat. Ann.                definition of family violence, ACF has
                                                 who is cohabitating with or has                         tit. 19–A, § 4002(C), because the                     required grantees, sub-grantees, and
                                                 cohabitated with the victim as a spouse                 husband had a longstanding pattern of                 contractors to provide services to
                                                 or intimate partner, by a person                        controlling, intimidating, and                        LGBTQ individuals regardless of marital
                                                 similarly situated to a spouse of the                   threatening conduct toward his wife.                  status. Additionally, defining family
                                                 victim under the domestic or family                        The State of New Hampshire includes                violence to encompass same-sex
                                                 violence laws of the jurisdiction                       ‘‘harassment’’ in the definition of                   spouses is consistent with the Supreme

                                                 receiving grant monies, or by any other                 ‘‘abuse’’, by including (among other                  Court’s decision in Obergefell v.
                                                 person against an adult or youth victim                 factors) when a person: (a) Makes a                   Hodges, which held that same-sex
                                                 who is protected from that person’s acts                telephone call, whether or not a                      marriages are entitled to equal treatment
                                                 under the domestic or family violence                   conversation ensues, with no legitimate               under the law. All FVPSA-funded
                                                 laws of the jurisdiction. This definition               communicative purpose or without                      grantees and contractors are required to
                                                 also reflects the statutory definition of               disclosing his or her identity and with               serve program recipients regardless of
                                                 ‘‘domestic violence’’ found in Section                  a purpose to annoy, abuse, threaten, or               whether an individual may be married
                                                 40002(a) of VAWA (as amended). Older                    alarm another; or (b) makes repeated                  to a person of the opposite or same sex.

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                                                 61894               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 Please note that this guidance is not a                 context of discussing domestic violence,              address; (C) contact information
                                                 change in previous grantee guidance as                  the report also cites the Congressional               (including a postal, email or Internet
                                                 survivors of intimate partner violence,                 Budget Office’s estimation of total costs             protocol address, or telephone or
                                                 regardless of marital status, have always               and references ‘‘family violence                      facsimile number); (D) a social security
                                                 been eligible for FVPSA-funded services                 prevention’’ only once as compared to                 number, driver license number, passport
                                                 and programming.                                        the repeated use of ‘‘domestic violence’’             number, or student identification
                                                    Further, ‘‘family violence’’ has                     throughout the report.                                number; and (E) any other information,
                                                 become a term used interchangeably                         Moreover, the Catalogue of Federal                 including date of birth, racial or ethnic
                                                 with ‘‘domestic violence’’ by both the                  Domestic Assistance (CFDA) has                        background, or religious affiliation, that
                                                 field, and Congress, when describing the                historically described FVPSA grant                    would serve to identify any individual.
                                                 violence experienced between intimate                   programs as ‘‘Family Violence                         Note that information remains
                                                 partners and the programs and services                  Prevention and Services/Battered                      personally identifying even if physically
                                                 utilized by those impacted by such                      Women’s Shelters—Grants to States and                 protected through locked filing cabinets
                                                 violence. In 1984 when FVPSA was first                  Indian Tribes’’ (93.671) and ‘‘Family                 or electronically protected through
                                                 named and authorized, the term ‘‘family                 Violence Prevention and Services/                     encryption.
                                                 violence’’ was commonly used as                         Battered Women’s Shelters—Grants to                      Additionally, there are FVPSA-
                                                 synonymous with ‘‘domestic violence’’                   State Domestic Violence Coalitions’’                  specific waiver and consent
                                                 (violence between intimate partners).                   (93.591). ‘‘Battered Women’s Shelters’’               requirements for the non-disclosure of
                                                 However, ‘‘family violence’’ is still often             has been a commonly used term since                   confidential or private information as
                                                 used more broadly to encompass the                      the 1970’s to identify safe housing and               well as provisions for the release of
                                                 diverse forms of violence that occur                    refuge for victims of domestic violence.              information to law enforcement, child
                                                 within families, including child                        Recently, however, the CFDA program                   welfare agencies, aggregate data releases
                                                 maltreatment, ‘‘domestic violence’’ and                 descriptions were approved to more                    by grantees, and for the release of
                                                 elder abuse. For clarity and in keeping                 clearly reflect the continuing intent to              personally identifying information of
                                                 with the historical FVPSA ‘‘family                      fund domestic violence programs with                  victims who also are minors (42 U.S.C.
                                                 violence’’ interpretation, the term will                FVPSA funding. Accordingly, the CFDA                  10405(c)(5)). All grantees are required to
                                                 continue to be used more narrowly and                   descriptions are now: ‘‘Family Violence               comply with these requirements which
                                                 as interchangeable with ‘‘domestic                      Prevention and Services/Domestic                      are included in this NPRM in Section
                                                 violence.’’                                             Violence Shelter and Supportive                       1370.4.
                                                    Additionally, the legislative history of             Services’’ (93.671); ‘‘Family Violence
                                                 the 2010 FVPSA Reauthorization is                       Prevention and Services/State Domestic                   Primary prevention was included as a
                                                 replete with descriptive language citing                Violence Coalitions’’ (93.591); and,                  statutory purpose for the first time in
                                                 ‘‘domestic violence,’’ ‘‘domestic                       ‘‘Family Violence Prevention and                      the 2010 amendments to the FVPSA
                                                 violence service providers,’’ and                       Services/Discretionary’’ (93.592).                    statute but not defined. Primary
                                                 ‘‘domestic violence victims’’ while only                Additionally, the ACF Congressional                   prevention focuses on strategies to stop
                                                 briefly referencing ‘‘family violence’’ in              Justification uses the same ‘‘Battered                both first-time perpetration and first-
                                                 the Senate Committee’s legislative                      Women’s Shelters’’ nomenclature and                   time victimization. Primary prevention
                                                 explanation. CAPTA Reauthorization                      describes that FVPSA-funded services                  also is defined by the CDC as ‘‘stopping
                                                 Act of 2010, 111 S. Rpt. 378 Title IV—                  are used to support ‘‘domestic violence’’             intimate partner violence before it
                                                 Family Violence Prevention and                          programs and services even though the                 occurs’’ (http://www.cdc.gov/
                                                 Services Act, 17–19 (December 18,                       term ‘‘family violence’’ also is                      violenceprevention/deltafocus/).
                                                 2010). The Committee Report discusses                   interchangeably used in the description               Primary prevention may work by
                                                 multiple FVPSA sections using only the                  of programming. Therefore, the                        modifying the events, conditions,
                                                 term ‘‘domestic violence’’ when                         definition of family violence proposed                situations, or exposure to influences
                                                 describing, for example, the role of                    here reflects the definition long used by             that result in the initiation of intimate
                                                 religious and faith-based communities                   the Department and indicated by its                   partner violence and associated injuries,
                                                 in working with domestic violence                       interchangeable use in the FVPSA                      disabilities, and deaths. Examples of
                                                 service providers to support victims. Id.               statute and by the domestic violence                  primary prevention could include:
                                                 at 111 S. Rpt. 378, 17. In discussing the               field and Congress.                                   ‘‘school-based violence prevention
                                                 role of a coordinated community                            A very important requirement in the                curricula, programs aimed at mitigating
                                                 response, the report states ‘‘the                       current statute revolves around                       the effects on children of witnessing
                                                 committee intends that ‘‘coordinated                    protecting victims of violence from                   intimate partner violence, community
                                                 community response’’ means an                           further abuse through non-disclosure of               campaigns designed to alter norms and
                                                 organized effort, such as a task force,                 ‘‘personally identifying information.’’               values conducive to intimate partner
                                                 (or) coordinating council . . .                         We propose to define the term using the               violence, worksite prevention programs,
                                                 representing an array of service                        statutory definition in FVPSA Section                 and training and education in parenting
                                                 providers responding to the needs of                    10402(7), which references and                        skills and self-esteem enhancement.’’ 61
                                                 domestic violence populations in such                   incorporates the VAWA definition.                     FR 27879 (1996), Coordinated
                                                 area.’’ Id. at 111 S. Rpt. 378, 18. The                 Personally identifying information is                 Community Responses to Prevent
                                                 Committee Report goes on to estimate                    proposed to be defined as individually                Intimate Partner Violence; Notice of
                                                 FVPSA costs and primarily focuses on                    identifying information for or about an               Availability of Funds for Fiscal Year

                                                 ‘‘domestic violence’’ by reporting that                 individual including information likely               1996 (HHS/CDC). Therefore, we propose
                                                 ‘‘[FVPSA] would help States prevent                     to disclose the location of a victim of               to use the CDC definition of ‘‘primary
                                                 domestic violence, provide services to                  domestic violence, dating violence,                   prevention’’ to mean strategies, policies,
                                                 people who have suffered from such                      sexual assault, or stalking, regardless of            and programs to stop both first-time
                                                 violence, and assist with technical                     whether the information is encoded,                   perpetration and first-time
                                                 assistance and training at the State and                encrypted, hashed, or otherwise                       victimization. Primary prevention is
                                                 Local levels.’’ Id. at 111 S. Rpt. 378, 20.             protected, including, (A) a first and last            stopping intimate partner violence
                                                 In the same paragraph and in the                        name; (B) a home or other physical                    before it occurs.

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                           61895

                                                    We propose to define ‘‘primary-                      children becoming victims or                          prevention in the States. One grant is
                                                 purpose domestic violence provider’’ as                 perpetrators of future violence.                      awarded to one HHS-designated
                                                 one that operates a project of                             Among the most important services                  Coalition in each State and Territory
                                                 demonstrated effectiveness carried out                  under these programs is the provision of              each year. It should be noted that the
                                                 by a nonprofit, nongovernmental,                        shelter to victims of family, domestic,               identified Territories in this section also
                                                 private entity, Tribe, or Tribal                        and dating violence. We propose to use                are designated one Coalition per
                                                 organization, that has as its project’s                 the statutory definition of ‘‘shelter,’’              Territory. We propose to include a
                                                 primary-purpose the operation of                        which is the provision of temporary                   definition of and to define a State
                                                 shelters and supportive services for                    refuge and supportive services in                     Domestic Violence Coalition (Coalition)
                                                 victims of domestic violence and their                  compliance with applicable State law or               as: A statewide, nongovernmental,
                                                 dependents; or provides counseling,                     regulations governing the provision, on               nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization whose
                                                 advocacy, or self-help services to                      a regular basis, of shelter, safe homes,              membership includes a majority of the
                                                 victims of domestic violence. Territorial               meals, and supportive services to                     primary-purpose domestic violence
                                                 Domestic Violence Coalitions may                        victims of family violence, domestic                  service providers in the State; whose
                                                 include government-operated domestic                    violence, or dating violence, and their               board membership is representative of
                                                 violence projects as ‘‘primary-purpose’’                dependents. We also propose to include                these primary-purpose domestic
                                                 providers for complying with the                        in this definition emergency shelter and              violence service providers, and which
                                                 membership requirement, provided that                   immediate shelter, which may include                  may include representatives of the
                                                 Territorial Coalitions can document                     scattered-site housing, which is defined              communities in which the services are
                                                 providing training, technical assistance,               as property with multiple locations                   being provided in the State; that
                                                 and capacity-building of community-                     around a local jurisdiction or state.                 provides education, support, and
                                                 based and privately operated projects to                Temporary refuge is not defined in                    technical assistance to such service
                                                 provide shelter and supportive services                 FVPSA and we propose that it includes                 providers; and that serves as an
                                                 to victims of family, domestic, or dating               residential services, including shelter               information clearinghouse, primary
                                                 violence, with the intention of                         and off-site services such as hotel or                point of contact, and resource center on
                                                 recruiting such projects as members                     motel vouchers, which is not                          domestic violence for the State and
                                                 once they are sustainable as primary-                   transitional or permanent housing.                    supports the development of policies,
                                                 purpose domestic violence service                       Should other jurisdictional laws conflict             protocols and procedures to enhance
                                                 providers. This definition is not in                    with this definition of temporary refuge,             domestic violence intervention and
                                                 FVPSA, however, we propose to                           the definition which provides more                    prevention in the State/Territory.
                                                 describe the undefined term in FVPSA                    expansive housing accessibility governs.                 FVPSA provides for supportive
                                                                                                            Under the FVPSA, grants are made to                services targeted directly to the needs of
                                                 Section 10402(11)(A), based upon
                                                                                                         States and U.S. Territories. We propose               victims for safety and assistance in
                                                 program experience and consistent with
                                                                                                         to include the definition of ‘‘State’’ as             reclaiming their agency, autonomy and
                                                 the priority for State formula funding
                                                                                                         defined in the statute. FVPSA defines                 well-being. We propose to include a
                                                 provided in FVPSA Section
                                                                                                         ‘‘State’’ as each of the several States, the          definition of ‘‘supportive services,’’
                                                                                                         District of Columbia, the                             which we define as services for adult
                                                    ‘Secondary prevention’ was also                      Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam,                    and youth victims of family violence,
                                                 added to the purpose of the FVPSA                       American Samoa, the United States                     domestic violence, or dating violence,
                                                 statute but not defined. The World                      Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth                  and their dependents that are designed
                                                 Health Organization’s World Report on                   of the Northern Mariana Islands. The                  to meet the needs of such victims and
                                                 Violence and Health, 2002:1–21,                         statute makes one exception to this                   their dependents for short-term,
                                                 describes ‘‘secondary prevention’’ as                   definition for State formula grants, and              transitional, or long-term safety and
                                                 approaches that focus on the more                       provides for a different allotment of                 recovery. Our proposed definition
                                                 immediate responses to violence. The                    funds for Guam, American Samoa, the                   includes those services identified in
                                                 HHS CDC’s Division of Violence                          United Statesi Virgin Islands, and the                FVPSA Section 10408(b)(1)(G), but is
                                                 Prevention also uses this definition in                 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana                  not limited to: Direct and/or referral-
                                                 practice and incorporates both risk and                 Islands. These four territories receive a             based advocacy on behalf of victims and
                                                 protective factors to promote the                       smaller share of funding because of their             their dependents, counseling, case
                                                 efficacy of secondary prevention efforts.               relatively small populations.                         management, employment services,
                                                 Therefore, we propose to include the                       The purpose of State Domestic                      referrals, transportation services, legal
                                                 CDC’s definition of ‘‘secondary                         Violence Coalitions is to provide                     advocacy or assistance, child care
                                                 prevention’’ that means identifying risk                education, support, and technical                     services, health, behavioral health and
                                                 factors or problems that may lead to                    assistance to domestic violence service               preventive health services, culturally
                                                 future family violence, domestic                        providers in their respective States to               appropriate services, and other services
                                                 violence, or dating violence, and taking                enable the providers to establish and                 that assist victims or their dependents
                                                 the necessary actions to eliminate the                  maintain shelter and supportive services              in recovering from the effects of the
                                                 risk factors and the potential problem.                 for victims of domestic violence and                  violence. Supportive services may be
                                                 The objective is to create opportunities                their dependents (including multi-                    directly provided by grantees and/or by
                                                 to identify potential problems and to                   generational families, e.g. grandparents              providing advocacy or referrals to assist
                                                 intervene as soon as possible to prevent                or others impacted by witnessing the                  victims in accessing such services.

                                                 the problem from recurring or                           violence and dependent on the victim);                   Another important program focus is
                                                 progressing. Services for children                      and serve as information                              on ‘‘underserved populations,’’ which
                                                 exposed to domestic violence exemplify                  clearinghouses, primary points of                     we propose to use the FVPSA definition
                                                 one type of secondary prevention. By                    contact, and resource centers on                      in Section 10402(14), specifically
                                                 developing targeted strategies for                      domestic violence for the States and                  referencing and incorporating the
                                                 children who have been exposed to                       support the development of polices,                   VAWA definition, to define as
                                                 violence, secondary prevention efforts                  protocols, and procedures to enhance                  populations who face barriers in
                                                 can reduce the likelihood of such                       domestic violence intervention and                    accessing and using victim services, and

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                                                 61896               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 populations underserved because of                      whether and in what circumstances                        In paragraph (d), we propose that
                                                 geographic location, religion, sexual                   grant-related penalties may apply.                    grantees and subgrantees may share: (1)
                                                 orientation, gender identity,                                                                                 Nonpersonally identifying information,
                                                                                                         Section 1370.4 What confidentiality
                                                 underserved racial and ethnic                                                                                 in the aggregate, regarding services to
                                                                                                         requirements apply to these programs?
                                                 populations, and populations                                                                                  their clients and demographic
                                                 underserved because of special needs                       We propose to add § 1370.4 under                   nonpersonally identifying information
                                                 including language barriers, disabilities,              Part A and revise it to include language              in order to comply with Federal, State,
                                                 immigration status, and age. Note that                  regarding confidentiality requirements                or tribal reporting, evaluation, or data
                                                 regarding age, the FVPSA-defined terms                  that apply to all FVPSA programs. The                 collection requirements; (2) court-
                                                 of family violence, domestic violence,                  essential purpose of these requirements,              generated information and law
                                                 and dating violence do not impose age                   which are in the FVPSA (42 U.S.C.                     enforcement-generated information
                                                 limitations on victims or their                         10406(c)(5)) and in VAWA (42 U.S.C.                   contained in secure, governmental
                                                 dependents that may be served in                        13925(a)(20) and (b)(2)) is to protect                registries for protective order
                                                 FVPSA-funded programs; elders and                       victims of domestic violence from being               enforcement purposes; and (3) law
                                                 adolescents are also included in these                  identified, located, or harmed by the                 enforcement- and prosecution-generated
                                                 definitions and we do not propose to                    perpetrators of violence and others                   information necessary for law
                                                 place age limits in these categories. We                working to assist perpetrators in gaining             enforcement and prosecution purposes.
                                                 also propose to include in this                         access to victims. These protections are                 To further explain, in meeting
                                                 definition individuals with criminal                    robust. Grantees and subgrantees are                  reporting, evaluation, or data collection
                                                 histories due to victimization and                      directly prohibited from disclosing any               requirements, grantees may not disclose
                                                 individuals with substance abuse and                    personally identifiable information (as               individual data, but only non-
                                                 mental health issues based on program                   defined in this NPRM Section 1370.2).                 identifying aggregate data. If the release
                                                 experience and victims’ needs identified                We propose to use the FVPSA                           of information is compelled by statutory
                                                 by grantees. The proposed definition                    requirements for the non-disclosure of                or court mandate, grantees and sub-
                                                 also includes, as allowed by FVPSA,                     confidential or private information. In               grantees shall make reasonable attempts
                                                 other population categories determined                  paragraph (a), we propose that in order               to provide notice to victims affected by
                                                 by the Secretary or the Secretary’s                     to ensure the safety of adult, youth, and             the release of the information and
                                                 designee to be underserved.                             child victims of family violence,                     grantees and sub-grantees shall take
                                                    We welcome comments on all these                     domestic violence, or dating violence,                steps necessary to protect the privacy
                                                 definitions and on ways to clarify any                  and their families, grantees and                      and safety of the persons affected by the
                                                 ambiguities or improve any elements.                    subgrantees under this title shall protect            release of the information. Service
                                                 We are, however, constrained                            the confidentiality and privacy of such               providers, including those in co-located
                                                 substantially by the FVPSA in departing                 victims and their families.                           facilities such as Family Justice Centers,
                                                 significantly from most of the wording                     In paragraph (a), we propose that                  can share information about a client
                                                 we propose because the proposed                         grantees and subgrantees shall not: (1)               upon her/his request if the client signs
                                                 regulatory definitions come from the                    Disclose any personally identifying                   a waiver that is limited in time and
                                                 FVPSA and best practices identified                     information collected in connection                   scope, reasonably responsive to
                                                 from the field.                                         with services requested (including                    individual circumstances, to coordinate
                                                                                                         services utilized or denied), through                 and execute a specific service or
                                                 Section 1370.3 What government-wide                     grantees’ and subgrantees’ programs; or               request. A reasonably time-limited
                                                 and HHS-wide regulations apply to                       (2) reveal personally identifying                     release is determined by an individual’s
                                                 these programs?                                         information without informed, written,                safety and other needs as identified by
                                                    The current rule contains no list of                 reasonably time-limited consent by the                the individual. Reasonably time-limited
                                                 the other rules and regulations that                    person about whom information is                      releases may be loosely standardized if
                                                 apply to recipients of program funds.                   sought, whether for this program or any               grantees are addressing the similar
                                                 These applicable rules include, for                     other Federal or State grant program.                 needs of victims who are similarly
                                                 example, regulations concerning civil                      In paragraph (b), we propose that                  situated; however, standardization
                                                 rights obligations of grant recipients and              consent shall be given by the person,                 should be rare since individual victims’
                                                 regulations concerning fraud, waste, and                except in the case of an unemancipated                circumstances are the guiding factor
                                                 abuse by grant recipients. We propose to                minor, the minor and the minor’s parent               when determining the reasonableness
                                                 revise § 1370.3 under new subpart A to                  or guardian or in the case of an                      and time limitations of required written
                                                 include a list of those rules that most                 individual with a guardian, the                       releases. For example, victims residing
                                                 commonly apply to grantees and                          individual’s guardian. Consent may not                in shelter are often receiving the
                                                 contractors under all or most HHS                       be given by the abuser or suspected                   services of other providers and/or are
                                                 programs, including FVPSA. This new                     abuser of the minor or individual with                being referred by shelters to other
                                                 list does not attempt to list all of the                a guardian, or the abuser or suspected                providers. To ensure coordinated
                                                 Federal laws and regulations (e.g.,                     abuser of the other parent of the minor.              services, FVPSA-funded shelter grantees
                                                 provisions of the Internal Revenue Code                    In paragraph (c), we propose that if               have been known to standardize form
                                                 regarding non-profit status) that pertain               release of information described in                   releases under such circumstances
                                                 to organizations that may be grant                      paragraphs (a) and (b) is compelled by                between organizations to help support
                                                 awardees. The provisions we list here                   statutory or court mandate grantees and               efficiency and staff work flow. However,

                                                 are not all administered through ACF                    subgrantees shall make reasonable                     even this kind of standardization often
                                                 (though the agency may in some                          attempts to provide notice to victims                 includes and requires additional
                                                 instances assist in their enforcement),                 affected by the release of the                        individualized instructions and
                                                 but are for the most part administered                  information and grantees and                          limitations depending upon a victim’s
                                                 by other HHS components or by other                     subgrantees shall take steps necessary to             safety and other needs.
                                                 Federal agencies that set the conditions                protect the privacy and safety of the                    Funders and licensing agencies (i.e.,
                                                 and enforcement mechanisms that apply                   persons affected by the release of the                fire code inspectors, state licensing
                                                 to those provisions, and that determine                 information.                                          inspectors, etc.) reviewing shelter

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                         61897

                                                 performance or operations cannot view                   impossible. Tribal leaders often utilize              approaches to defining civil rights
                                                 identifying client files. Any information               FVPSA funds to transport victims from                 obligations in Federal regulations, we
                                                 shared must have all personally                         isolated to more populated areas where                do not propose to elaborate in regulatory
                                                 identifying information redacted. HHS                   victims have greater access to necessary              text all the situations to which the
                                                 will continue to offer technical                        services especially when confidentiality              FVPSA’s protections against
                                                 assistance to States who are seeking a                  cannot be maintained within very                      discrimination on the basis of sex or
                                                 balance between oversight and                           confined and remote areas. In these                   religion might apply. However,
                                                 confidentiality. These requirements                     circumstances, it is not uncommon that                consistent with our longstanding policy
                                                 directly track the statute (42 U.S.C.                   a Tribe may utilize most of its FVPSA                 in Funding Opportunity
                                                 10406(c)(5)) and there is very little                   grant on transportation. We welcome                   Announcements and reliance on
                                                 discretion available to the Department,                 comments especially from Tribes and                   regulatory guidance issued by the
                                                 or to grantees or subgrantees. There are                tribal organizations, as well as                      Department of Housing and Urban
                                                 also additional provisions in the                       concerned others, about how                           Development amending 24 CFR parts 5,
                                                 regulatory text which mirror statutory                  confidentiality may be more effectively               200, 203, 236, 400, 570, 574, 882, 891,
                                                 requirements for the consent of                         maintained given these very challenging               and 982, published in the Federal
                                                 unemancipated minors. In this regard,                   situations.                                           Register/Vol. 77, No. 23/Friday,
                                                 consent shall be given by the person,                   Section 1370.5 What additional non-                   February 3, 2012, we interpret the
                                                 except in the case of an unemancipated                  discrimination requirements apply to                  prohibition against discrimination on
                                                 minor it shall be given by both the                     these programs?                                       the basis of sex as also prohibiting
                                                 minor and the minor’s parent or                                                                               discrimination on the basis of gender
                                                 guardian; or in the case of an individual                  We propose to add § 1370.5 under                   identity.
                                                 with a guardian it shall be given by the                new Subpart A and revise it to include
                                                                                                         non-discrimination requirements that                     As a result, FVPSA grantees must
                                                 individual’s guardian. A parent or                                                                            provide comparable services to victims
                                                 guardian may not give consent if: he or                 apply uniquely to FVPSA programs.
                                                                                                         These are in addition to broad                        regardless of sex or gender. This
                                                 she is the abuser or suspected abuser of                                                                      includes not only providing access to
                                                 the minor or individual with a guardian;                government-wide or HHS-wide civil
                                                                                                         rights protections in regulations                     services for male victims of family,
                                                 or, the abuser or suspected abuser of the                                                                     domestic, and dating violence, but also
                                                 other parent of the minor. We also                      concerning discrimination on the basis
                                                                                                         of race, color, national origin, disability,          making sure not to limit services for
                                                 propose along these lines that                                                                                victims with adolescent sons (up to the
                                                                                                         and age that apply to all HHS grantees,
                                                 reasonable accommodation be made to                                                                           age of majority), and LGBTQ victims.
                                                                                                         including FVPSA grantees (see the list
                                                 those who may be unable, due to                                                                               Victims and their sons must be
                                                                                                         of other regulations that apply to these
                                                 disability or other functional limitation,                                                                    sheltered or housed together unless they
                                                                                                         programs in § 1370.3 of this proposed
                                                 to provide consent in writing. This                                                                           request otherwise. Historically, most
                                                                                                         rule). FVPSA contains broad
                                                 slightly varies the statutory definition,                                                                     services have been provided to women
                                                                                                         prohibitions against discrimination on
                                                 though it is not intended as a                                                                                because they are the overwhelming
                                                                                                         the basis of sex or religion in FVPSA
                                                 substitution, to ensure that those with                                                                       majority of victims, are more likely to
                                                                                                         programs, and we propose to codify in
                                                 disabilities have a meaningful                                                                                suffer serious injuries and other impacts
                                                                                                         regulation these prohibitions. The HHS
                                                 alternative to providing informed                       Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces                of the violence, and have been the
                                                 consent if they are otherwise                           FVPSA’s broad prohibitions against                    primary demographic seeking services.
                                                 incapacitated. If additional clarification              discrimination, including on the basis of             As such, services have been mostly
                                                 would be useful in the rule, we                         sex or religion, under delegated                      tailored to address the unique needs of
                                                 welcome suggestions. We will issue                      authority from the Secretary. In                      female survivors. However, there are
                                                 guidance addressing any future                          addition, our proposed language says                  male victims of these crimes who
                                                 situations that may present problems of                 that FVPSA State and Tribal Formula                   deserve access to safety from their
                                                 interpretation. We also will use National               grant-funded services must be provided                offenders and services to help them
                                                 Resource Centers, State Domestic                        without imposing eligibility criteria,                rebuild their lives free from violence.
                                                 Violence Coalitions, and Training and                   and without requiring documentation                   FVPSA states, ‘‘no person shall on the
                                                 Technical Assistance Grants to assist                   for eligibility (see the Domestic Violence            ground of sex or religion be excluded
                                                 service providers in meeting these                      Fact Sheet on Access to HHS-Funded                    from participation in, be denied the
                                                 requirements and in dealing with other                  Services for Immigrant Survivors of                   benefits of, or be subject to
                                                 Federal, State, Tribal or local agencies                Domestic Violence, at http://                         discrimination under, any program or
                                                 that may seek protected information.                    www.hhs.gov/ocr/civilrights/resources/                activity in whole or in part with funds
                                                 These regulations do not supersede                      specialtopics/origin/                                 made available under this chapter.
                                                 stronger protections that may be                        domesticviolencefactsheet.html). Our                  Nothing in this chapter shall require any
                                                 provided by Federal, State, Tribal or                   proposed language also includes the                   such program or activity to include any
                                                 local laws.                                             FVPSA’s prohibition against placing                   individual in any program or activity
                                                    Pursuant to FVPSA Section                            conditions on receipt of emergency                    without taking into consideration that
                                                 10406(c)(5)(H), we note that our                        shelter or requiring participation in                 individual’s sex in those certain
                                                 proposed language also protects the                     supportive services.                                  instances where sex is a bona fide
                                                 addresses of shelter facilities with                                                                          occupational qualification or
                                                                                                         Prohibition Against Discrimination on

                                                 confidential locations, except with                                                                           programmatic factor reasonably
                                                 written authorization of the person or                  the Basis of Sex or Religion                          necessary to the normal or safe
                                                 persons responsible for operation of the                  In paragraph (a), we propose to codify              operation of that particular program or
                                                 shelter. To date there have been no                     in regulation FVPSA’s broad                           activity’’ (42 U.S.C. § 10406(c)(2)(B)).
                                                 issues reported to FYSB regarding this                  prohibitions against discrimination on                For clarification, we propose that the
                                                 requirement except when Tribal nations                  the basis of sex or religion. Under its               ‘‘normal and safe operation’’ of a
                                                 are geographically isolated thereby                     delegated authority, OCR enforces these               program or activity be that which is
                                                 making confidentiality nearly                           prohibitions. Consistent with the usual               essential and safe for operations.

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                                                 61898               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                   This statutory directive should not be                inappropriate demands for identity                    financial assistance must ensure that
                                                 interpreted to eliminate programming or                 documents. ACF requires that a FVPSA                  their programs and activities normally
                                                 services tailored to the unique needs of                grantee, subgrantee, contractor, or                   provided in English are accessible to
                                                 individuals served by FVPSA grantees,                   vendor that makes decisions about                     Limited English Proficient persons and
                                                 sub-grantees, contractors and/or vendors                eligibility for or placement into single-             do not discriminate on the basis of
                                                 provided they are not based on illegal                  sex emergency shelters or other facilities            national origin in violation of Title VI of
                                                 sex classifications. Moreover,                          place a potential victim (or current                  the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (see also
                                                 programmatic access must be assured                     victim/client seeking a new assignment)               § 1370.3, Executive Order 13166).
                                                 for all victims of family, domestic, and                in a shelter or other appropriate                     Battered immigrant victims and
                                                 dating violence, and responses to                       placement that corresponds to the                     survivors of domestic violence must not
                                                 individual victims should be trauma-                    gender with which the person identifies,              face additional burdens to accessing
                                                 informed, victim-defined, and culturally                taking health and safety concerns into                FVPSA-funded services when they often
                                                 relevant, which may involve providing                   consideration. A victim’s/client’s or                 lack knowledge of, or receive
                                                 specialized services and supports. We                   potential victim’s/client’s own views                 misinformation, of U.S. laws. They also
                                                 do not propose to define in regulation                  with respect to personal health and                   are often isolated from family and
                                                 what is or is not allowed in precise                    safety must be given serious                          community and face significant
                                                 circumstances.                                          consideration in making the placement.                employment and economic challenges.
                                                   If a shelter can reasonably separate                  For instance, if the potential victim/                Programs must ensure that battered
                                                 the sexes in a manner which allows for                  client requests to be placed based on his             immigrants, for example, are not
                                                 single sex bedrooms and bathrooms and                   or her sex assigned at birth, ACF                     required to provide documentation
                                                 the essential and safe operation of the                 requires that the provider place the                  because FVPSA has no immigration
                                                 particular program is not substantially                 individual in accordance with that                    restrictions and its services do not
                                                 compromised, it is reasonable to                        request, consistent with health, safety,              qualify as a Federal public benefit
                                                 provide such separation. Essential                      and privacy concerns. ACF also requires               pursuant to the Personal Responsibility
                                                 services are those required by the grant,               that a provider not make an assignment                and Work Opportunity Reconciliation
                                                 which are funded to support the long-                   or re- assignment based on complaints                 Act of 1996,’’ Public Law 104–193
                                                 term social and emotional well-being of                 of another person when the sole stated                (August 22, 1996), as amended by the
                                                 victims and their dependents. If the                    basis of the complaint is a victim/client             ‘‘Illegal Immigration Reform and
                                                 essential or safe operation of the                      or potential victim/client’s non-                     Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996,’’
                                                 program or activity would be                            conformance with gender stereotypes.                  Public Law 104–208 (September 30,
                                                 substantially compromised, alternative,                    Additionally, LGBTQ individuals                    1996).
                                                 equivalent shelter and services should                  seeking refuge at domestic violence
                                                 be offered as practicable. For instance,                shelters may experience homophobia or                 Other FVPSA Programmatic
                                                 a male victim could be offered a hotel                  bias or may confront the invisibility of              Accessibility Guidance
                                                 placement and provided supportive                       their experiences in the form of                         Human trafficking often
                                                 services at the shelter.                                advertising and resource materials that               simultaneously occurs in the context of
                                                   Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender                   only address heterosexual domestic                    intimate relationships between
                                                 and Questioning (LGBTQ) individuals                     violence. Therefore, programmatic                     perpetrators of trafficking/domestic/
                                                 must also have access to FVPSA-funded                   accessibility for LGBTQ survivors must                intimate partner violence and those who
                                                 shelter and non-residential programs.                   be afforded to meet individual needs                  are victimized by such crimes. In the
                                                 LGBTQ survivors face unique                             like those provided to all other                      spirit of the Federal Strategic Action
                                                 challenges accessing programs due to                    survivors.                                            Plan on Services for Victims of Human
                                                 victimization often resulting from the                     With respect to religion, the religion,            Trafficking in the United States 2013–
                                                 intersection of bias and multiple                       religious beliefs or religious practices of           2017, FVPSA-funded programs are
                                                 oppressions as well as the limited                      a client should not be a relevant factor              strongly encouraged to safely screen for
                                                 understanding of providers in delivering                in providing or denying services.                     and identify victims of human
                                                 welcoming and culturally-appropriate                    Religious practices must not be imposed               trafficking who are also victims or
                                                 services. Examples include those of gay                 upon victims. Dietary practices dictated              survivors of intimate partner/domestic
                                                 men who may have difficulty accessing                   by particular religious beliefs may                   violence and provide services that
                                                 shelter services because domestic                       require some reasonable                               support their unique needs. FVPSA
                                                 violence shelters were founded and                      accommodation in cooking or feeding                   services can also support trafficked
                                                 grew within the framework of the                        arrangements for particular clients as                victims who are not experiencing
                                                 battered women’s movement. Trans-                       practicable.                                          domestic or intimate partner violence as
                                                 women face service barriers because                                                                           long as victims and survivors of
                                                 providers are often confounded by an                    Prohibition Against Requiring                         domestic/intimate partner violence are
                                                 individual’s apparent biological sex                    Documentation for Eligibility                         prioritized first by FVPSA grantees.
                                                 which may contradict perceived or                         In paragraph (b), we propose a                         Additionally, covered entities should
                                                 actual gender. Programmatic                             prohibition against requiring                         be aware of additional non-
                                                 accessibility for transgender survivors                 documentation for eligibility. Battered               discrimination grant conditions that
                                                 must be afforded to meet individual                     immigrants face unique challenges                     may be applicable under the Violence
                                                 needs like those provided to all                        accessing services and often face                     Against Women Reauthorization Act of

                                                 survivors. For the purpose of assigning                 conflicting eligibility requirements in               2013. For more information on these
                                                 a beneficiary to sex-segregated or sex-                 FVPSA-funded programs as noted at                     requirements, please see the Department
                                                 specific services, the recipient should                 http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/civilrights/                   of Justice’s April 2014 document,
                                                 ask a transgender beneficiary which                     resources/specialtopics/origin/                       ‘‘Frequently Asked Questions:
                                                 group or services the beneficiary wishes                domesticviolencefactsheet.html.                       Nondiscrimination Grant Conditions in
                                                 to join. The recipient may not, however,                Pursuant to HHS guidance originally                   the Violence Against Women
                                                 ask questions about the beneficiary’s                   published in 2001 and updated in                      Reauthorization Act of 2013,’’April
                                                 anatomy or medical history or make                      August, 2012, recipients of Federal                   2014, available at: http://

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                           61899

                                                 www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/ovw/                National/Special Issue Resource Centers               Tribal grants, we have described them
                                                 legacy/2014/06/20/faqs-ngc-vawa.pdf.                    and Culturally-Specific Special Issue                 separately.
                                                                                                         Resource Centers, State Domestic                         Importantly, these proposed
                                                 Voluntary Services                                                                                            provisions focus on planning,
                                                                                                         Violence Coalitions, and Training and
                                                   This new section also contains                        Technical Assistance Grants to provide                consultation, and coordinating activities
                                                 proposed language in paragraph (c) from                 advice to service providers on dealing                that we expect of these grantees and
                                                 FVPSA (section 308(d)) prohibiting                      with any patterns of problems that may                which are statutory priorities in FVPSA
                                                 grantees or subgrantees either from                     emerge. We welcome comments on                        Sections 10407, 10408, and 10409. They
                                                 imposing any conditions on the receipt                  these proposals.                                      focus on protection, and require
                                                 of emergency shelter, or from requiring                                                                       documentation of the law or procedures
                                                 the acceptance of supportive services.                  Section 1370.6 What requirements for                  (typically restraining orders or orders of
                                                 All such services must be voluntarily                   reports and evaluations apply to these                protection) by which the State or Tribe
                                                 accepted by program participants. The                   programs?                                             has implemented for the eviction of an
                                                 prohibition on imposing ‘‘conditions’’ is                  We propose to add to new Subpart A                 abusive spouse or intimate partner from
                                                 intended to prohibit shelters from                      a new section (§ 1370.6) explicitly                   a shared household. In addition to the
                                                 applying inappropriate screening                        requiring any recipient of grants or                  FVPSA requirement we propose to
                                                 mechanisms, such as criminal                            contracts under the FVPSA to provide                  require that such procedures must
                                                 background checks or sobriety                           performance reports to the Secretary.                 include not only family violence, but
                                                 requirements. Similarly, the receipt of                 Such reports are already required and                 also domestic or dating violence, an
                                                 shelter should not be conditioned on                    the proposed regulatory text merely                   expansion of scope met by most but not
                                                 participation in other services, such as                confirms the important role they play in              all existing State statutes. In order to
                                                 counseling, parenting classes, or life-                 evaluating grantee performance. In order              allow States time to modify existing
                                                 skills classes. We do not intend these                  to clarify requirements that have been                statutes, we propose that the effective
                                                 provisions to preempt State law, in any                 questioned in the past, we propose to                 date for this provision be two legislative
                                                 case where a State may impose some                      require that American Samoa, the                      sessions after these proposed rules are
                                                 legal requirement to protect the safety                 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana                  made final (all other provisions would
                                                 and welfare of all shelter residents. In                Islands, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin                    be effective sixty days after issuance of
                                                 the case of an apparent conflict with                   Islands follow all reporting                          the final rule.) As currently indicated in
                                                 State or Federal laws, case-by-case                     requirements applicable to the States                 the Funding Opportunity
                                                 determinations will be made. In general,                and Tribes, Puerto Rico, and the District             Announcements we also propose to
                                                 when two or more laws apply, a grantee                  of Columbia and to provide required                   specifically require documentation of
                                                 must meet the highest standard in any                   reports directly to the Division of                   policies and procedures to ensure the
                                                 of those laws. Nor are these provisions                 Family Violence Prevention and                        confidentiality of client records. Finally,
                                                 intended to deny a shelter the ability to               Services within FYSB, unless otherwise                these provisions provide for the use of
                                                 manage its services and secure the                      communicated to the grantees. These                   the Funding Opportunity
                                                 safety of all shelter residents should, for             requirements supplement, and do not                   Announcements and other program
                                                 example, a client become violent or                     replace the Territorial reporting                     guidance to provide additional details
                                                 abusive to other clients. We welcome                    requirements of the ACF Office of                     and procedures that apply to these
                                                 comments on this provision.                             Community Services in its                             grants. We welcome comments on these
                                                 Enforcement                                             administration of Consolidated Block                  proposed provisions.
                                                                                                         Grants as part of the Social Services                    In paragraph (a), consistent with
                                                    OCR is charged with enforcing the                                                                          FVPSA, we propose requiring that
                                                 prohibitions against discrimination on                  Block Grants program.
                                                                                                                                                               States consult with and provide for the
                                                 the basis of sex and religion in FVSPA.                 Subpart B—State and Indian Tribal                     participation of Coalitions in the
                                                 We note that under Federal civil rights                 Grants                                                planning and monitoring of the
                                                 laws administered by the Department,                                                                          distribution and administration of
                                                 OCR uses a variety of techniques,                       Section 1370.10 What additional
                                                                                                                                                               subgrant programs and projects; active
                                                 including conducting investigations,                    requirements apply to State and Indian
                                                                                                                                                               Coalition participation is envisioned in
                                                 negotiating agreements with covered                     Tribal grants?
                                                                                                                                                               these processes. States and Coalitions
                                                 entities, and issuing violation letters of                 The existing rule at § 1370.2 contains             have complementary roles within the
                                                 findings where warranted, to enforce                    a brief paragraph stating that State and              FVPSA framework because States use
                                                 applicable civil rights laws, with the                  Tribal grantees ‘‘must meet the statutory             FVPSA funds to support programs and
                                                 aim of achieving voluntary compliance.                  requirements of the Act and all                       projects often carried out by a
                                                 We would expect that similar practices                  applicable regulations.’’ We propose to               significant portion of the memberships
                                                 will be used for investigating any                      add a new Subpart B addressing the                    of Coalitions. Coalitions’ FVPSA-
                                                 complaints made under these proposed                    formula grants awarded to States and                  mandated roles include training and
                                                 requirements.                                           Tribes. Under Subpart B, we propose to                technical assistance that frequently
                                                    For situations that fall outside of the              add § 1370.10 which would include the                 mirror the support needed to effectively
                                                 authority of OCR, we intend to handle                   most important requirements applicable                manage FVPSA-funded programs and
                                                 exceptional situations, in cases where                  to these formula grants. These proposals              services as found in FVPSA Section
                                                 service providers cannot directly and                   track the statute. However, they do not               10408. States, by virtue of their roles as

                                                 easily solve the problem, through                       contain all of the specific detail of                 funders, must both ensure that
                                                 informal guidance and, as appropriate,                  FVPSA, but simply describe the basic                  subgrantees comply with Federal laws,
                                                 case-specific advice. FVPSA does                        purposes, procedures, and activities that             regulations and guidance as well as
                                                 provide, however, for more severe                       are expected for State and Tribal                     promote programming that effectively
                                                 remedies including withholding FVPSA                    grantees, respectively. They also                     supports the safety, security and social
                                                 grant awards until the problem is                       describe the information expected in                  and emotional well-being of victims and
                                                 resolved or denying future Federal                      grant applications. Because there are                 their dependents; Funding Opportunity
                                                 funding. We also would expect to use                    important differences between State and               Announcements have for several years

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                                                 61900               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 identified these requirements. To                       monitoring. We expect that States and                 upon Tribal sovereignty or as intending
                                                 support the requirements in FVPSA                       Coalitions will meet regularly to                     to create burdensome or meaningless
                                                 Section 10407(a)(2)(D) Coalitions are                   coordinate training and technical                     requirements on the Tribes.
                                                 critical to supporting States’ roles as                 assistance; to address ongoing                           Additionally, in paragraph (a), to
                                                 funders and must effectively participate                programmatic challenges; and to                       complement FVPSA requirements to
                                                 in subgrantee award processes and                       implement best practices in victim                    build capacity in culturally-specific
                                                 States’ planning processes to fully                     services. We encourage pre- and post-                 organizations, we expect that
                                                 understand States’ expectations and                     award meetings to substantively address               specialized services will be available to
                                                 subgrantee requirements. At a minimum                   and respond to States’ identified                     support the specific needs of their
                                                 to further FVPSA requirements, we                       priorities; to assess systems and                     communities. While traditional/
                                                 expect that States and Coalitions will                  programmatic impacts as a result of                   mainstream FVPSA-funded programs
                                                 work together to determine grant                        States’ priorities and funding decisions;             are generally accessible to all people in
                                                 priorities based upon jointly identified                and to assess subgrantee performance.                 compliance with Federal, State, and
                                                 needs; to identify strategies to address                We propose these additional                           local law, unique expertise regarding
                                                 needs; to define mutual expectations                    requirements to complement those in                   the needs of underserved and
                                                 regarding programmatic performance                      FVPSA. We invite public comment on                    historically marginalized populations
                                                 and monitoring; and to implement an                     these areas.                                          lies within those communities. We
                                                 annual collaboration plan that                            FVPSA also requires that States and                 propose to require States, in their
                                                 incorporates concrete steps for                         Tribes involve community-based                        funding processes, to address the needs
                                                 accomplishing these tasks. All of these                 organizations that primarily serve                    of underserved, racial and ethnic
                                                 requirements are either found in the                    culturally-specific, underserved                      minorities including Tribal populations,
                                                 Funding Opportunity Announcements                       communities and determine how such                    and people with disabilities and their
                                                 dating back to FVPSA reauthorization in                 organizations can assist the States and               families, with an emphasis on funding
                                                 2010 or have been discussed in grantee                  Tribes in serving the needs of all                    organizations that can meet unique
                                                 meetings and other informal                             communities. To fulfill these                         needs including culturally relevant and
                                                 communications via FYSB listservs. We                   obligations, we expect and propose that               linguistically appropriate services.
                                                 welcome comments on these                                                                                     These requirements have both been
                                                                                                         States and Tribes will encourage the
                                                                                                         participation of underserved                          addressed in the Funding Opportunity
                                                    The FVPSA includes Tribes in these
                                                                                                         communities, including older                          Announcements as well as grantee
                                                 proposed processes but this rule is not
                                                 intended to encroach upon Tribal                        individuals and those with disabilities,              meetings within the last 5 years. Jointly
                                                 sovereignty. We, however, envision                      in planning. If States and Tribes use                 using multiple Federal and State
                                                 similar processes for Tribes, States, and               special councils, committees or other                 funding streams may accomplish these
                                                 Coalitions that support coordination                    mechanisms to accomplish planning,                    purposes and we expect that States will
                                                 and collaboration when feasible and                     we also propose that they identify and                make significant efforts to create
                                                 appropriate. We especially welcome                      invite underserved, culturally specific               awareness of FVPSA funding for
                                                 comments from Tribes and Coalitions                     organizations and/or community                        culturally-specific communities and
                                                 about this provision.                                   representatives to participate in these               Tribes, including training and technical
                                                    Pursuant to FVPSA Section 10411,                     bodies to fully embrace both specific                 assistance that supports organizations
                                                 one role of Coalitions is to identify                   FVPSA-requirements (sections 10407,                   serving those communities in the
                                                 statewide gaps in services and the most                 10408, and 10409) and the spirit of the               FVPSA application and grant award
                                                 effective way to meet identified gaps                   law. Emphasis also should be placed on                processes. FVPSA funding is not
                                                 and other problems is by conducting                     building the capacity of culturally                   intended to just support traditionally-
                                                 needs assessments. We propose that                      specific organizations to assist in both              funded organizations. However, it is
                                                 States and Coalitions must work closely                 providing services and in identifying                 intended to support core shelter and
                                                 to undertake joint planning so that                     the needs of underserved populations.                 supportive services (see FVPSA section
                                                 funding is leveraged successfully to                    We envision that States will involve                  10401). It is not the intent of these
                                                 implement FVPSA requirements in                         Coalitions in this planning as they                   regulations to change this important
                                                 Sections 10407 and 10411. We also                       routinely engage in community                         priority. The needs of culturally specific
                                                 propose that Tribal and other                           organizing and partner with                           organizations and communities,
                                                 underserved populations are invited                     organizations that support both the                   including Tribes, are not, however,
                                                 and encouraged to participate in State                  identification and leadership of                      mutually exclusive from the need for
                                                 planning and Coalition needs                            underserved communities. We invite                    core services; they are complementary.
                                                 assessments. It is essential that the full              Tribes to partner with Coalitions to help             Moreover, providing truly accessible
                                                 spectrum of domestic violence service                   in this capacity as well. We encourage                services to culturally-specific
                                                 providers, including Tribes, Tribal                     public comment and advice on what                     communities often means that the
                                                 organizations and other culturally-                     mechanisms States and Tribes might use                leadership, management and staff of
                                                 specific, community-based                               to accomplish these purposes, to                      FVPSA funded, subgrantee programs
                                                 organizations have significant input into               describe any successful models they                   should reflect the diversity of the
                                                 decision-making processes that support                  have identified to achieve these                      populations seeking services, including
                                                 State planning and Coalition needs                      purposes, and to advise us on how best                people with disabilities and their

                                                 assessments as found in FVPSA                           accomplish these goals. We particularly               families, and other underserved
                                                 Sections 10407, 10408, and 10411. So                    seek input from Tribes on how best to                 populations. We therefore propose,
                                                 that States are continually aware of                    address underserved communities                       pursuant to FVPSA Sections 10407 and
                                                 subgrantees’ training and technical                     within the Tribe, and what types of                   10408, that States take steps to address
                                                 assistance needs as well as intersecting                processes would be helpful. Tribes are                these priorities and specifically describe
                                                 systems challenges impacting service                    themselves considered underserved,                    them in their annual applications.
                                                 provision, they must involve Coalitions                 culturally specific communities, and we               Partnering with Coalitions and
                                                 in program planning and subgrantee                      do not interpret FVPSA as infringing                  culturally-specific community based

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                          61901

                                                 organizations in these areas is especially              application regarding why reassessment                consultation with and participation of
                                                 critical. Public comment is welcome on                  is unnecessary. These requirements are                the State Domestic Violence Coalition in
                                                 these issues.                                           proposed to fulfill FVPSA and the                     the administration and distribution of
                                                                                                         Funding Opportunity Announcements                     FVPSA programs, projects, and grant
                                                 State Applications
                                                                                                         to support the provision of services to               funds awarded to the State.
                                                   Requirements for applications made                    underserved populations. We welcome                      In paragraph (5) pursuant to FVPSA
                                                 by States are outlined under proposed                   comments on these provisions.                         Section 10407(a)(2)(c) we propose that a
                                                 1370.10 section (b). As required in                        Under proposed paragraph (b)(2)(ii),               description of the procedures used to
                                                 FVPSA Section 10407(a)(1), a State                      we also propose in order to fulfill                   assure an equitable distribution of
                                                 application must be submitted by the                    FVPSA requirements and those found in                 grants and grant funds within the State
                                                 Chief Executive of the State and signed                 the Funding Opportunity                               and between urban and rural areas, as
                                                 by the Chief Executive Officer or the                   Announcements that the State                          defined by the Census Bureau, within
                                                 Chief Program Official designated as                    application’s plan describing how the                 the State. The U.S. Census Bureau
                                                 responsible for the administration of                   needs of underserved populations will                 (USCB) defines (and FYSB defers to and
                                                 FVPSA.                                                  be met include a description of the                   incorporates this definition) two types
                                                   Under paragraph (b)(1), and as                        outreach plan, including the domestic                 of ‘‘urban’’ areas: (1) Urbanized areas of
                                                 indicated in the Funding Opportunity                    violence training to be provided, the                 50,000 or more people; and (2) ‘‘urban
                                                 Announcements as well as to fulfill                     means for providing technical assistance              clusters’’ of at least 2,500 and less than
                                                 FVPSA requirements, we propose that                     and support, and the leadership role                  50,000 people. The USCB explains that
                                                 the State application include the name                  played by those representing and                      ‘‘rural’’ encompasses all population,
                                                 of the State agency, the name and                       serving the underserved populations in                housing, and territory not included
                                                 contact information for the Chief                       question.                                             within an ‘‘urban’’ area as ‘‘rural’’. The
                                                 Program Official designated as                             Under proposed paragraph (b)(2)(iii),              plan should describe how funding
                                                 responsible for the administration of                   we also include a requirement for a                   allocations will address the needs of
                                                 funds under FVPSA and coordination of                   description of the specific services to be
                                                 related programs within the State, and                                                                        underserved communities. Other
                                                                                                         provided or enhanced, such as new
                                                 the name and contact information for a                                                                        Federal, State, local, and private funds
                                                                                                         shelters or services, improved access to
                                                 contact person if different from the                                                                          may be considered in determining
                                                                                                         shelters or services, or new services for
                                                 Chief Program Official.                                                                                       compliance. We also propose to require
                                                                                                         underserved populations, as defined in
                                                   Under proposed paragraph (b)(2),                                                                            States, in their funding processes, to
                                                                                                         this NPRM Section 1370.2, such as
                                                 pursuant to the Funding Opportunity                                                                           address the needs of underserved, racial
                                                                                                         victims from communities of color,
                                                 Announcements and to fulfill FVPSA                                                                            and ethnic minorities including Tribal
                                                                                                         immigrant victims, victims with
                                                 requirements, the State application must                                                                      populations, and people with
                                                                                                         disabilities, or older individuals. This
                                                 include a plan describing in detail how                                                                       disabilities and their families, with an
                                                                                                         proposed requirement is intended to
                                                 the needs of underserved populations                                                                          emphasis on funding organizations that
                                                                                                         fulfill FVPSA requirements and reflect
                                                 will be met. This includes, under                       provisions in the Funding Opportunity                 can meet unique needs including
                                                 proposed paragraph (b)(2)(i),                           Announcements.                                        culturally relevant and linguistically
                                                 identification of which populations in                     Finally, under proposed paragraph                  appropriate services.
                                                 the State are underserved, a description                (b)(2)(iv) to fulfill FVPSA requirements                 In paragraph (6) we propose in order
                                                 of those that are being targeted for                    and those found in the Funding                        to fulfill FVPSA requirements that a
                                                 outreach and services, and a brief                      Opportunity Announcements, we                         State’s application include: A
                                                 explanation of why those populations                    propose that the State application’s plan             description of how the State plans to
                                                 were selected to receive outreach and                   describing how the needs of                           use the grant funds including a State
                                                 services. As States undertake the                       underserved populations will be met                   plan developed in consultation with
                                                 process of identifying underserved,                     include a description of the public                   State and Tribal Domestic Violence
                                                 culturally-specific communities in their                information component of the State’s                  Coalitions and representatives of
                                                 respective State, we expect that they                   outreach program, including the                       underserved and culturally specific
                                                 will consult data generated from Federal                elements of the program that are used to              communities; a description of the target
                                                 and State census counts as well as other                explain domestic violence, the most                   populations; of the number of shelters to
                                                 demographic information. Information                    effective and safe ways to seek help, and             be funded; of the number of non-
                                                 on specific details will be provided in                 tools to identify available resources.                residential programs to be funded; of the
                                                 FOAs and other guidance. In addition,                      In subsection 1370.10(b)(3), we                    services the State will provide; and of
                                                 this paragraph includes a requirement                   propose to fulfill FVPSA requirements                 the expected results from the use of the
                                                 regarding how often the State revisits                  and the provisions in the Funding                     grant funds. To fulfill these
                                                 the identification and selection of the                 Opportunity Announcements that each                   requirements, it is critically important
                                                 populations to be served with FVPSA                     State application contain a description               that States work with Coalitions and
                                                 funding (not to exceed three years). For                of the process and procedures used to                 Tribes to solicit their feedback on
                                                 example, we propose that at least every                 involve the State Domestic Violence                   program effectiveness which may
                                                 three years States must identify                        Coalition, knowledgeable individuals,                 include recommendations such as
                                                 population shifts or changes to assist in               and interested organizations, including               establishing program standards and
                                                 meaningful delivery of culturally-                      those serving or representing                         participating in program monitoring.

                                                 specific services and the involvement of                underserved communities in the State                     In paragraph (7) we propose pursuant
                                                 potential new planning partners or                      planning process.                                     to FVPSA Section 10407(a)(2)(H) to
                                                 explain why these steps are                                In paragraph (4) of this subsection, we            require that State applications include a
                                                 unnecessary. State applications must                    propose to fulfill FVPSA requirements                 copy of the law or procedures, such as
                                                 document this process. We strongly                      and those found in the Funding                        a process for obtaining an order of
                                                 encourage that State plans be reassessed                Opportunity Announcements by                          protection that the State has
                                                 on a triennial basis or that an                         requiring that each State application                 implemented for the eviction of an
                                                 explanation be included in the State’s                  contain documentation of planning,                    abusive spouse or other intimate,

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                                                 61902               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 domestic, or dating partner from a                      whether State grantees and subgrantees                Tribal or State Domestic Violence
                                                 shared household or residence.                          are fulfilling the goals and activities in            Coalitions, and operators of domestic
                                                    In paragraph (8) we propose pursuant                 their respective State applications/plans             violence shelters and service programs.
                                                 to FVPSA Section 10408(b)(2) to require                 and complying with FVPSA grant                           Proposed paragraph (c)(3) requires
                                                 that State applications include an                      conditions. To fulfill these                          that Tribal applications pursuant to the
                                                 assurance that not less than 70 percent                 requirements, it is critically important              current Funding Opportunity
                                                 of the funds distributed by a State to                  that States work with Coalitions and                  Announcement also include a
                                                 sub-recipients shall be distributed to                  Tribes to solicit their feedback on                   description of the applicant’s operation
                                                 entities for the primary purpose of                     program effectiveness which may                       of and/or capacity to carry out a family
                                                 providing immediate shelter and                         include recommendations such as                       violence prevention and services
                                                 supportive services to adult and youth                  establishing program standards and                    program. Ways this information can be
                                                 victims of family violence, domestic                    participating in program monitoring.                  demonstrated include evidence of: (i)
                                                 violence, or dating violence, and their                 Public comment is invited on the best                 The current operation of a shelter, safe
                                                 dependents, and that not less than 25                   way to fulfill these statutory                        house, or domestic violence prevention
                                                 percent of the funds distributed by a                   requirements.                                         program; (ii) the establishment of joint
                                                 State to sub-recipients shall be                                                                              or collaborative service agreements with
                                                 distributed to entities for the purpose of              Tribal Applications                                   a local public agency or a private, non-
                                                 providing supportive services and                          Finally, we note that there are some               profit agency for the operation of family
                                                 prevention services (these percentages                  proposed regulatory provisions that are               violence prevention and intervention
                                                 may overlap with respect to supportive                  specific to Tribes and we have outlined               activities or services; or (iii) the
                                                 services but are not included in the 5                  these in proposed § 1370.10(c). In                    operation of social services programs as
                                                 percent cap applicable to State                         paragraph (c), we propose that that the               evidenced by receipt of grants or
                                                 administrative costs). No grant shall be                application from a Tribe or Tribal                    contracts awarded under Indian Child
                                                 made under this section to an entity                    Organization be signed by a Tribally                  Welfare grants from the Bureau of
                                                 other than a State unless the entity                    Designated Official, such as the Tribal               Indian Affairs; Child Welfare Services
                                                 agrees that, with respect to the costs to               Chairperson or Chief Executive Officer,               grants under Title IV–B of the Social
                                                 be incurred by the entity in carrying out               as required in FVPSA Section 10410                    Security Act; or Family Preservation
                                                 the program or project for which the                    and applicable Funding Opportunity                    and Family Support grants under Title
                                                 grant is awarded, the entity will make                  Announcements. We also propose in                     IV–B of the Social Security Act.
                                                 available (directly or through donations                paragraph (c)(1) to require that                         Proposed paragraph (c)(4), pursuant to
                                                 from public or private entities) non-                   applications from Tribal Consortia or                 the current Funding Opportunity
                                                 Federal contributions in an amount that                 other joint Tribal applications include a             Announcement, would require Tribal
                                                 is not less than $1 for every $5 of                     copy of a current Tribal resolution or an             applications to include a description of
                                                 Federal funds provided under the grant.                 equivalent document that verifies Tribal              the services to be provided, how the
                                                 The non-Federal contributions required                  approval of the application being                     applicant organizations plans to use the
                                                 under this paragraph may be in cash or                  submitted as also required in the                     grant funds to provide the direct
                                                 in kind.                                                Funding Opportunity Announcements.                    services, to whom the services will be
                                                    In paragraph (9) pursuant to FVPSA                   We propose that the resolution or other               provided, and the expected results of
                                                 Section 10406(c)(5) we propose                          document should state that the                        the services.
                                                 requiring that State applications include               designated organization or agency has                    Proposed paragraph (c)(5) pursuant to
                                                 documentation of policies, procedures                   the authority to submit an application                FVPSA Section 10407(a)(2)(H) would
                                                 and protocols that ensure individual                    on behalf of the individuals in the                   require Tribal applications to include
                                                 identifiers of client records will not be               Tribe(s) and to administer programs and               documentation of the law or procedure
                                                 used when providing statistical data on                 activities funded pursuant to the                     which has been implemented for the
                                                 program activities and program services                 FVPSA. We also propose that the                       eviction of an abusing spouse or other
                                                 or in the course of grant monitoring, that              resolution or equivalent document must                intimate, domestic, or dating partner
                                                 the confidentiality of records pertaining               specify the name(s) of each Tribe and,                from a shared household or residence.
                                                 to any individual provided family                       if Tribal resolutions are the vehicles to                Proposed paragraph (c)(6) pursuant to
                                                 violence prevention or intervention                     support applications from Tribal                      FVPSA Section 10406(c)(5) would
                                                 services by any program or entity                       Consortia or other joint Tribal                       require Tribal applications to include
                                                 supported under the FVPSA will be                       applications, that a representative of                documentation of the policies and
                                                 strictly maintained, and the address or                 each Tribe signs the resolution. We also              procedures developed and
                                                 location of any shelter supported under                 propose to require that the service areas             implemented, including copies of the
                                                 the FVPSA will not be made public                       proposed by Tribes in their                           policies and procedures, to ensure that
                                                 without the written authorization of the                applications, be specifically delineated.             individual identifiers of client records
                                                 person or persons responsible for the                      In proposed paragraph (c)(2) we                    will not be used when providing
                                                 operation of such shelter.                              propose as indicated in the Funding                   statistical data on program activities and
                                                    Our final proposed requirement, in                   Opportunity Announcements requiring                   program services or in the course of
                                                 paragraph (10), would require that State                that each Tribal application also contain             grant monitoring and that the
                                                 applications include additional                         a description of the procedures designed              confidentiality of records pertaining to
                                                 agreements, assurances, and                             to involve knowledgeable individuals                  any individual provided domestic

                                                 information, in such form, and                          and interested organizations in                       violence prevention or intervention
                                                 submitted in such manner as the                         providing services under the FVPSA.                   services by any FVPSA-supported
                                                 Funding Opportunity Announcement                        For example, knowledgeable                            program will be strictly maintained. If a
                                                 and related program guidance prescribe.                 individuals and interested organizations              FVPSA grantee or subgrantee fails to
                                                    State Coalitions and Tribal Coalitions               may include Tribal officials or social                comply with these requirements,
                                                 are specifically designated statutory                   services staff involved in child abuse or             additional programmatic support and
                                                 participants pursuant to FVPSA                          family violence prevention, Tribal law                technical assistance will be provided by
                                                 Section10407(b)(3) in determining                       enforcement officials, representatives of             the FYSB program staff and FVPSA-

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                          61903

                                                 funded technical assistance providers to                organizations, also must be supported                 law enforcement; courts/judiciary; child
                                                 avoid an interruption or defunding. As                  by their membership comprised of the                  protective services, to include custody
                                                 identified in section 1370.4, Tribes often              primary-purpose domestic violence                     and visitation issues impacting victims
                                                 have significant confidentiality                        service providers in the respective                   within child welfare systems; protection
                                                 challenges due to geographic isolation                  States and Territories, including those               and advocacy systems; housing; social
                                                 and, therefore, we welcome comments                     member representatives on the                         welfare; private enterprise; and, aging
                                                 from Tribes on this section.                            Coalitions’ Boards of Directors.                      and disability systems to develop
                                                    The final requirement for Tribal                     Coalitions’ financial sustainability also             appropriate responses for older
                                                 applications, proposed paragraph (c)(7),                is critical to the programmatic and fiscal            individuals and individuals with
                                                 would require such applications to                      success of their members and these                    disabilities. Under proposed paragraph
                                                 include agreements, assurances, and                     priorities should not be interpreted to               (c)(1), Coalitions also must, in the
                                                 information, in such form, and                          conflict with the same or                             annual applications for funding, have
                                                 submitted in such manner, as the                        complimentary priorities of their                     documented experience in
                                                 Funding Opportunity Announcement                        domestic violence service provider                    administering Federal grants supporting
                                                 and related program guidance prescribe.                 member constituents.                                  these programmatic areas or have a
                                                    We do not believe that these                            State and Territorial Domestic                     documented history of active
                                                 provisions impose any additional                        Violence Coalitions play a unique role                participation in the respective statutory
                                                 burden on Tribes, but welcome                           in assisting Federal, State and local                 program areas enunciated in 42 U.S.C.
                                                 comments.                                               governments, victim service providers,                10411(c)(1) and (2)(A) and (B). If a
                                                                                                         including Tribes and Tribal                           Coalition receives VAWA STOP
                                                 Subpart C—State Domestic Violence                       organizations, and the private sector in              (Services, Training, Officers,
                                                 Coalition Grants                                        coordinating and developing policies                  Prosecutors grant program—42 U.S.C.
                                                 Section 1370.20 What additional                         and procedures, conducting outreach                   3796gg(c)(1)) funding for Coalitions and
                                                 requirements apply to State Domestic                    and public awareness, and providing                   utilizes that funding for programming
                                                 Violence Coalitions?                                    training and technical assistance. We,                and activities to address domestic
                                                                                                         therefore, propose in section (c) that                violence and law enforcement, the
                                                    The current rule, in § 1370.3, contains
                                                                                                         Coalitions demonstrate in the annual                  courts/judiciary, and/or child protective
                                                 provisions for Coalition Grants. Each
                                                                                                         application their competencies in                     services, including child custody and
                                                 State and Territory has a domestic                      provision of programming and other                    visitation in child welfare cases, it does
                                                 violence Coalition that receives FVPSA                  functions necessary under FVPSA (42                   not have to spend FVPSA funds on
                                                 funding as the HHS-designated                           U.S.C. 10402(11) and 10411). Coalitions               these activities. Instead, in its annual
                                                 statewide domestic violence Coalition.                  also would be required to collaborate                 application, it must provide an annual
                                                 These Coalitions provide an essential                   with Indian Tribes and Tribal                         assurance that such activities are
                                                 role in the domestic violence field, and                organizations (and corresponding                      conducted with VAWA STOP Coalition
                                                 only one per State can be funded under                  Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian                     funding and such activities must be
                                                 the FVPSA. We propose to add                            groups or communities) to address the                 described in the application.
                                                 § 1370.20 under new Subpart C. Our                      needs of American Indian, Alaska                         Under proposed paragraph (d), we
                                                 proposed provisions focus in more                       Native, and Native Hawaiian victims of                outline that nothing in this section
                                                 detail than the current rule on the                     family violence, domestic violence, or                limits the ability of a Coalition to use
                                                 planning, consultation, and                             dating violence, if such Tribes and                   non-Federal or other Federal funding
                                                 coordinating activities than the statute                organizations exist within a given State              sources to conduct required functions,
                                                 now expects of these grantees. In                       and are willing to work with the                      provided that if the Coalition uses funds
                                                 particular, in paragraph (b)(1), pursuant               Coalition. It is, therefore, especially               received under section 2001(c)(1) of the
                                                 to FVPSA we propose to require that                     important that Coalitions include Tribes              Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets
                                                 membership include representatives of a                 and Tribal organizations in their                     Act of 1968 to perform the functions
                                                 majority of the primary-purpose                         membership structures where possible.                 described in subsections (2)(iv) and (v)
                                                 domestic violence service providers                        As outlined in proposed (c)(1)(i)–                 in lieu of funds provided under the
                                                 operating within the State or Territory                 (viii), Coalitions also are required to               FVPSA, it shall provide an annual
                                                 (see the proposed definition of primary-                have demonstrated capacity to                         assurance to the Secretary that it is
                                                 purpose discussed earlier in this                       coordinate with multiple systems to                   using such funds, and that it is
                                                 preamble). In paragraph (b)(2) we                       encourage appropriate and                             coordinating the activities conducted
                                                 propose that Coalitions’ Boards of                      comprehensive responses that promote                  under this section with those of the
                                                 Directors also must be representative of                the support and safety needs of adult                 State’s activities under Part T of title I
                                                 the membership comprised of the                         and youth victims of family, domestic,                of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe
                                                 primary-purpose domestic violence                       or dating violence. Demonstrated                      Streets Act of 1968.
                                                 service providers in their respective                   capacity may include but is not limited
                                                 States and Territories and also may                     to: Identifying successful efforts that               Coalition Designation
                                                 include community members. Boards of                    support child welfare agencies’                          In paragraph (e) we propose that in
                                                 Directors composed of member                            identification and support of victims                 cases in which two or more
                                                 representatives and community                           during intake processes; creation of                  organizations seek designation, the
                                                 members are highly encouraged so that                   membership standards that enhance                     designation of each State’s and

                                                 Coalition boards have the cross-sector                  victim safety and fully require training              Territory’s individual Coalition is
                                                 expertise to ensure Coalitions have                     and technical assistance for compliance               within the exclusive discretion of HHS.
                                                 strong organizational infrastructures,                  with federal housing, disability, and sex             The Department will determine which
                                                 including Boards of Directors that                      discrimination laws and regulations;                  applicant best fits statutory criteria,
                                                 support the long-term programmatic and                  and, training judicial personnel on                   with particular attention paid to the
                                                 financial sustainability of Coalitions.                 trauma-informed courtroom practice.                   applicant’s documented history of
                                                 Financial sustainability of Coalitions, as              Such systems include but are not                      effective work, support of primary-
                                                 independent, autonomous non-profit                      limited to: Public and mental health;                 purpose programs and programs that

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                                                 61904               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 serve racial and ethnic minority                        technical assistance and public                          The first is the National Resource
                                                 populations and underserved                             information campaign grants), in                      Center on Domestic Violence which
                                                 populations (including but not limited                  § 1370.4, and § 1370.5. We propose to                 offers a comprehensive array of
                                                 to those representing older individuals                 add a new Subpart D covering all                      technical assistance and training
                                                 and people with disabilities, LGBTQ                     discretionary grants and contracts. This              resources to Federal, State, and local
                                                 populations, and the Limited English                    new subpart would address separately                  governmental agencies, domestic
                                                 Proficient), coordination and                           National Resource Centers and Training                violence service providers, community-
                                                 collaboration with the State or                         and Technical Assistance Grants                       based organizations, and other
                                                 Territorial government, and capacity to                 (§ 1370.30), grants for State resource                professionals and interested parties,
                                                 accomplish the FVPSA mandated role of                   centers to reduce disparities in domestic             related to domestic violence service
                                                 a Coalition. As of the publication of this              violence in States with high proportions              programs and research, including
                                                 rule, Coalitions for all 56 State and                   of American Indian (including Alaska                  programs and research related to victims
                                                 Territorial Coalitions have been HHS                    Native) or Native Hawaiian population                 and their children who are exposed to
                                                 designated.                                             (§ 1370.30), grants for specialized                   domestic violence as well as older
                                                    In paragraph (f), we propose that if a               services for abused parents and their                 individuals and those with disabilities.
                                                 Coalition becomes financially insolvent,                children (§ 1370.31), and the National                The grantee also will maintain a central
                                                 ceases to represent the majority of                     Domestic Violence Hotline (§ 1370.32).                resource library in order to collect,
                                                 primary purpose programs, is disbarred                  These new sections primarily reflect                  prepare, analyze, and disseminate
                                                 from receiving Federal funding, or can                  statutory requirements, the evolution of              information and statistics related to the
                                                 no longer meet the statutory                            the program and the focus of FVPSA.                   incidence and prevention of family
                                                 requirements of the FVPSA despite                          These proposed provisions also focus               violence and domestic violence; and the
                                                 technical assistance provided, the                      on the unique planning, consultation,                 provision of shelter, supportive services,
                                                 Department may reopen the application                   and coordinating activities that we                   and prevention services to adult and
                                                 process for that State’s Coalition                      expect of each type of grantee. Finally,              youth victims of domestic violence,
                                                 designation. Because Coalitions are                     these provisions provide for the use of               including older individuals and those
                                                 intended to effectively represent diverse               the Funding Opportunity                               with disabilities (including services to
                                                 victims and service providers in their                  Announcements and other program                       prevent repeated incidents of violence).
                                                 States, HHS would engage with                           guidance to provide additional details                   The second grant is for a National
                                                 domestic violence service providers and                                                                       Indian Resource Center Addressing
                                                                                                         and procedures that apply to these
                                                 State leaders to inform their decision                                                                        Domestic Violence and Safety for Indian
                                                                                                         grants. We welcome comments on these
                                                 about which alternative organizations                                                                         Women which offers a comprehensive
                                                 could be considered eligible.                                                                                 array of technical assistance and
                                                    As described in Subpart B, we                           We propose adding a new heading to                 training resources to Indian Tribes and
                                                 propose that Coalitions be required to                  be titled ‘‘Subpart D—Discretionary                   Tribal organizations, specifically
                                                 identify gaps in services and the most                  Grants and Contracts’’.                               designed to enhance the capacity of the
                                                 effective ways to meet identified gaps                  Section 1370.30 What National                         Tribes and Tribal organizations to
                                                 and other problems. We also propose                     Resource Centers and Training and                     respond to domestic violence and
                                                 that Coalitions participate in planning                 Technical Assistance grant programs                   increase the safety of Indian women.
                                                 and monitoring of the distribution of                   are available and what requirements                   The grantee also will enhance the
                                                 subgrants within the States and in the                  apply?                                                intervention and prevention efforts of
                                                 administration of grant programs and                                                                          Indian Tribes and Tribal organizations
                                                 projects. In conducting needs                             We propose to add § 1370.30 to                      to respond to domestic violence and
                                                 assessments, we propose to require that                 Subpart D. National Resource Centers                  increase the safety of Indian women,
                                                 Coalitions and States work in                           and Training and Technical Assistance                 and coordinate activities with other
                                                 partnership on the statutorily required                 Center grants, pursuant to FVPSA                      Federal agencies, offices, and grantees
                                                 FVPSA State planning process to                         Section 10410, are to provide resource                that address the needs of American
                                                 involve representatives from                            information, training, and technical                  Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native
                                                 underserved and racial and ethnic                       assistance to improve the capacity of                 Hawaiians that experience domestic
                                                 minority populations to plan, assess,                   individuals, organizations,                           violence.
                                                 and voice the needs of the communities                  governmental entities, and communities                   The third grant is for special issue
                                                 they represent. Coalitions are expected                 to prevent family violence, domestic                  resource centers to provide national
                                                 to assist States in identifying                         violence, and dating violence and to                  information, training, and technical
                                                 underrepresented communities and                        provide effective intervention services.              assistance to State and local domestic
                                                 culturally-specific community based                     They fund national, special issue, and                violence service providers. Each special
                                                 organizations in State planning and to                  culturally-specific resource centers                  issue resource center shall focus on
                                                 work with States to unify planning and                  addressing key areas of domestic                      enhancing domestic violence
                                                 needs assessment efforts so that                        violence intervention and prevention,                 intervention and prevention efforts in at
                                                 comprehensive and culturally-specific                   and may include State resource centers                least one of the following areas: (1)
                                                 services are provided. We also propose                  to reduce disparities in domestic                     Response of the criminal and civil
                                                 through the inclusion of the populations                violence in States with high proportions              justice systems to domestic violence
                                                 targeted to place emphasis on building                  of Native American (including Alaska                  victims, which may include the

                                                 the capacity of culturally-specific                     Native or Native Hawaiian) populations                response to the use of the self-defense
                                                 services and programs.                                  and to support training and technical                 plea by domestic violence victims and
                                                                                                         assistance that address emerging issues               the issuance and use of protective
                                                 Subpart D—Discretionary Grants and                      related to family violence, domestic                  orders; (2) response of child protective
                                                 Contracts                                               violence, or dating violence, to entities             service agencies to victims of domestic
                                                   The existing rule contains brief                      demonstrating expertise in these areas.               violence and their dependents and child
                                                 paragraphs on two types of                              Grants may be made for five specific                  custody issues in domestic violence
                                                 discretionary grants (information and                   grants.                                               cases; (3) response of the

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                         61905

                                                 interdisciplinary health care system to                 institution of higher education; and,                 Section 1370.31 What additional
                                                 victims of domestic violence and access                 demonstrate the ability to serve all                  requirements apply to grants for
                                                 to health care resources for victims of                 regions of the State, including                       specialized services for abused parents
                                                 domestic violence; (4) response of                      underdeveloped areas and areas that are               and their children?
                                                 mental health systems, domestic                         geographically distant from population                   We propose to add new § 1370.31 to
                                                 violence service programs, and other                    centers. Additionally, eligible entities              Subpart D. Consistent with 42 U.S.C.
                                                 related systems and programs to victims                 shall offer training and technical                    10412, grants provided for specialized
                                                 of domestic violence and to their                       assistance and capacity-building                      services for abused parents and their
                                                 children who are exposed to domestic                    resources in States where the                         children are intended to expand the
                                                                                                         population of Indians (including Alaska               capacity of family violence, domestic
                                                    The fourth grant is for Culturally-
                                                 Specific Special Issue Resource Centers                 Natives) and Native Hawaiians exceeds                 violence, and dating violence service
                                                 that enhance domestic violence                          2.5 percent of the total population of the            programs and community-based
                                                 intervention and prevention efforts for                 State.                                                programs to prevent future domestic
                                                 victims of domestic violence who are                       Under section (f), we propose that                 violence by addressing, in an
                                                 members of racial and ethnic minority                                                                         appropriate manner, the needs of
                                                                                                         other discretionary grants may be
                                                 groups; and will enhance the cultural                                                                         children exposed to family violence,
                                                                                                         awarded to support training and
                                                 and linguistic relevancy of service                                                                           domestic violence, or dating violence.
                                                                                                         technical assistance that address                     To be eligible an entity must be a local
                                                 delivery, resource utilization, policy,                 emerging issues related to family
                                                 research, technical assistance,                                                                               agency, a nonprofit private organization
                                                                                                         violence, domestic violence, or dating                (including faith-based and charitable
                                                 community education, and prevention                     violence, to entities demonstrating
                                                 initiatives.                                                                                                  organizations, community-based
                                                                                                         related experience.                                   organizations, and voluntary
                                                    The fifth grant is for State resource
                                                 centers to provide statewide                               Under section (g) we propose that, to              associations), or a Tribal organization,
                                                 information, training, and technical                    receive a grant under any part of this                with a demonstrated record of serving
                                                 assistance to Indian Tribes, Tribal                     section, an entity shall submit an                    victims of family violence, domestic
                                                 organizations, and local domestic                       application that shall meet such                      violence, or dating violence and their
                                                 violence service organizations serving                  eligibility standards as are prescribed in            children.
                                                 Native Americans (including Alaska                      the FVPSA and contains such                              Consistent with 42 U.S.C. 10412(c), in
                                                 Natives and Native Hawaiians) in a                      agreements, assurances, and                           paragraph (b)(1) we propose that, in
                                                 culturally sensitive and relevant                       information, in such form, and                        order to be eligible to receive a grant
                                                 manner. These centers shall: (1) Offer a                submitted in such manner as the                       under this section, an entity shall
                                                 comprehensive array of technical                        Funding Opportunity Announcement                      submit an application that includes a
                                                 assistance and training resources to                                                                          complete description of the applicant’s
                                                                                                         and related program guidance prescribe.
                                                 Indian Tribes, Tribal organizations, and                                                                      plan for providing specialized services
                                                 providers of services to Native                            Under section (h), we propose that all             for abused parents and their children.
                                                 Americans (including Alaska Natives                     grant recipients should create a plan to              This should include descriptions of how
                                                 and Native Hawaiians) specifically                      ensure effective communication and                    the entity will prioritize the safety of,
                                                 designed to enhance the capacity of the                 meaningful access to domestic violence                and confidentiality of information about
                                                 Tribes, organizations, and providers to                 program services for victims of domestic              victims of family violence, victims of
                                                 respond to domestic violence; (2)                       violence with Limited English                         domestic violence, and victims of dating
                                                 coordinate all projects and activities                  Proficiency (LEP), which should                       violence and their children. It also
                                                 with the National Indian Resource                       include: How to respond to individuals                should address how the entity will
                                                 Center Addressing Domestic Violence                     with LEP, and how to use appropriate                  provide developmentally appropriate
                                                 and Safety for Indian Women, including                  interpretation and translation services,              and age-appropriate services, and
                                                 projects and activities that involve                    including best practices for using                    culturally and linguistically appropriate
                                                 working with State and local                            taglines. Taglines are short statements in            services, to the victims and children.
                                                 governments to enhance their capacity                   non-English languages informing                       Finally, it should describe how the
                                                 to understand the unique needs of                       persons with LEP how to access                        entity will ensure that professionals
                                                 Native Americans (including Alaska                      language assistance services; how to                  working with the children receive the
                                                 Natives and Native Hawaiians); and (3)                  respond to individuals with                           training and technical assistance
                                                 provide comprehensive community                                                                               appropriate and relevant to the unique
                                                                                                         communication-related disabilities and
                                                 education and domestic violence                                                                               needs of children exposed to family
                                                                                                         how to provide appropriate auxiliary
                                                 prevention initiatives in a culturally                                                                        violence, domestic violence, or dating
                                                                                                         aids and services, including qualified
                                                 sensitive and relevant manner.                                                                                violence.
                                                 Eligibility for the State resource center               interpreters and information in alternate                Consistent with 42 U.S.C. 10412(d), in
                                                 grant program is contingent upon being                  formats, to people with disabilities. The             paragraph (b)(2), we propose that the
                                                 located in a State with high proportions                use of the term ‘‘Limited English                     application should demonstrate that the
                                                 of Indian or Native Hawaiian                            Proficient’’ is not meant to be                       applicant has the ability to provide
                                                 populations. Eligible entities shall be                 interpreted as a substitution for the                 direct counseling, appropriate services,
                                                 located in a State in which the                         statutory language ‘‘non-English’’                    and advocacy on behalf of victims of

                                                 population of Indians (including Alaska                 speaking individuals but rather to be                 family violence, domestic violence, or
                                                 Natives) and Native Hawaiians exceeds                   consistent with HHS Office for Civil                  dating violence and their children,
                                                 10 percent of the total population of the               Rights guidance applicable to all HHS-                including coordination with services
                                                 State; or, be an Indian Tribe, Tribal                   funded programs. Please see http://                   provided by the child welfare system.
                                                 organization or a Native Hawaiian                       www.hhs.gov/ocr/civilrights/resources/                   In paragraph (b)(3), we propose that
                                                 organization that focuses primarily on                  specialtopics/lep/index.html.                         the application also should demonstrate
                                                 issues of domestic violence among                                                                             that the applicant can effectively
                                                 Indians or Native Hawaiians; or, be an                                                                        provide services for non-abusing parents

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                                                 61906               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 to support those parents’ roles as                      Internet and American Life Project                      (3) the methods for the creation,
                                                 caregivers and their roles in responding                ‘‘some 83% of American adults own cell                maintenance, and updating of a resource
                                                 to the social, emotional, and                           phones and three-quarters of them                     database;
                                                 developmental needs of their children.                  (73%) send and receive text messages.                   (4) a plan for publicizing the
                                                    Consistent with 42 U.S.C. 10412(d)(2),               Young adults are the most avid texters                availability of the hotline;
                                                 in paragraph (c) we propose that eligible               by a wide margin. Cell owners between                   (5) a plan for providing service to
                                                 applicants may use funds under a grant                  the ages of 18 and 24 exchange an                     Limited English Proficient callers,
                                                 pursuant to this section that: (1)                      average of 109.5 messages on a normal                 including service through hotline
                                                 Demonstrates a capacity to provide early                day—that works out to more than 3,200                 personnel who are qualified to interpret
                                                 childhood development and mental                        texts per month—and the typical or                    for Limited English Proficient
                                                 health services; (2) shows the ability to               median cell owner in this age group                   individuals;
                                                 coordinate activities with and provide                  sends or receives 50 messages per day                   (6) a plan for facilitating access to the
                                                 technical assistance to community-                      (or 1500 messages per month).’’ We                    hotline by persons with disabilities,
                                                 based organizations serving victims of                  therefore propose to add a definition of              including persons with hearing
                                                 family violence, domestic violence, or                  ‘‘telephone’’ as used in the context of               impairments; and
                                                 dating violence or children exposed to                  ‘‘telephone hotline’’ so that the term                  (7) a plan for providing assistance and
                                                 family violence, domestic violence, or                  appropriately reflects evolving                       referrals to youth victims of domestic
                                                 dating violence; and (3) shows the                      technological advances impacting                      violence and for victims of dating
                                                 capacity to provide additional services                 telephone usage and the multiple ways                 violence who are minors, which may be
                                                 and referrals to services for children,                 in which telephone hotlines operate and               carried out through a national teen
                                                 including child care, transportation,                   are most responsive to hotline callers or             dating violence hotline.
                                                 educational support, respite care,                      users. We propose ‘‘telephone’’ to be                   The application also must
                                                 supervised visitation, or other necessary               defined as a communications device                    demonstrate:
                                                 services.                                               that permits two or more callers or users               (1) That the applicant has recognized
                                                    Finally, in paragraph (c)(4), we                     to engage in transmitted analog, digital,             expertise in the area of family violence,
                                                 propose that the application must                       short message service (SMS), cellular/                domestic violence, or dating violence
                                                 contain such agreements, assurances,                    wireless, laser, cable/broadband,                     and a record of high quality service to
                                                 and information, in such form, and                      internet, voice-over internet protocol                victims of family violence, domestic
                                                 submitted in such manner as the                         (IP) or other communications, including               violence, or dating violence, including a
                                                 Funding Opportunity Announcement                        telephone, smartphone, chat, text, voice              demonstration of support from advocacy
                                                 and related program guidance prescribe.                 recognition, or other technological                   groups and State Domestic Violence
                                                    If Congressional appropriations in any               means which connects callers or users                 Coalitions;
                                                 fiscal year for the entirety of programs                together. The traditional analog                        (2) that the applicant has the capacity
                                                 covered by this proposed rule (exclusive                telephone may soon become outdated                    and the expertise to maintain a domestic
                                                 of the National Domestic Violence                       technology that does not provide                      violence hotline and a comprehensive
                                                 Hotline which receives a separate                       appropriate and safe services for callers             database of service providers;
                                                 appropriation) exceed $130 million, not                 or users, nor does it reflect that users                (3) the applicants’ ability to provide
                                                 less than 25 percent of such excess                     may not be ‘‘calling’’ telephone hotlines             information and referrals for callers,
                                                 funds shall be made available to carry                  as traditionally understood. As a result,             directly connect callers to service
                                                 out this grant program. If appropriations               current FVPSA language may prevent                    providers, and employ crisis
                                                 reach this threshold, HHS will specify                  grantees responsible for operating                    interventions meeting the standards of
                                                 funding levels in future Funding                        emerging or changing technologies that                family violence, domestic violence, and
                                                 Opportunity Announcements.                              serve victims of family, domestic, and                dating violence providers;
                                                                                                         dating violence from incorporating                      (4) that the applicant has a
                                                 Section 1370.32 What additional                                                                               commitment to diversity and to the
                                                 requirements apply to National                          cutting-edge software and hardware that
                                                                                                         simultaneously advance with                           provision of services to underserved
                                                 Domestic Violence Hotline grants?                                                                             populations, including to ethnic, racial,
                                                                                                         technology trends and user interfaces.
                                                    We propose to add new § 1370.32 to                      Under proposed paragraph (c), to be                and Limited English Proficient
                                                 Subpart D. Consistent with 42 U.S.C.                    consistent with 42 U.S.C. 10413(d), we                individuals, in addition to older
                                                 10413, the National Domestic Hotline                    propose that in order to be eligible to               individuals and individuals with
                                                 grants are for one or more private                      receive a grant under this section, an                disabilities;
                                                 entities to provide for the ongoing                     entity shall submit an application that                 (5) that the applicant follows
                                                 operation of a 24-hour, national, toll-                 includes a complete description of the                comprehensive quality assurance
                                                 free telephone hotline to provide                       applicant’s plan for the operation of a               practices.
                                                 information and assistance to adult and                 national domestic violence hotline,                     Finally, the application must contain
                                                 youth victims of family violence,                       including descriptions of:                            such agreements, information, and
                                                 domestic violence, or dating violence,                     (1) The training program for hotline               assurances, including nondisclosure of
                                                 family and household members of such                    personnel, including technology                       confidential or personally identifiable
                                                 victims, and persons affected by the                    training to ensure that all persons                   information, in such form, and
                                                 victimization.                                          affiliated with the hotline are able to               submitted in such manner as the
                                                    We propose to add a definition of                    effectively operate any technological                 Funding Opportunity Announcement

                                                 ‘‘telephone’’ as used in the context of                 systems used by the hotline, and are                  and related program guidance prescribe.
                                                 ‘‘telephone hotline’’ so that the term                  familiar with effective communication                   In accordance with 42 U.S.C. 10413(f),
                                                 appropriately reflects evolving                         and meaningful access requirements, to                under section (d) we propose that the
                                                 technological advances impacting                        ensure access for all, including people               entity receiving a grant under this
                                                 telephone usage and the multiple ways                   who are Limited English Proficient and                section shall submit a performance
                                                 in which telephone hotlines operate and                 people with disabilities;                             report to the Secretary at such time as
                                                 are most responsive to hotline callers or                  (2) the hiring criteria and                        reasonably required by the Secretary
                                                 users. According to the Pew Research                    qualifications for hotline personnel;                 that shall describe the activities that

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                             61907

                                                 have been carried out with grant funds,                 Nor does this proposed rule meet any of                 Dated: March 24, 2015.
                                                 contain an evaluation of the                            the other criteria for significance under             Mark H. Greenberg,
                                                 effectiveness of such activities, and                   these Executive Orders. This proposed                 Acting Assistant Secretary for Children and
                                                 provide additional information as the                   rule has been reviewed by the Office of               Families.
                                                 Secretary may reasonably require.                       Management and Budget.                                  Approved: March 26, 2015.
                                                 VIII. Impact Analysis                                                                                         Sylvia M. Burwell,
                                                                                                         Congressional Review
                                                 Paperwork Reduction Act
                                                                                                           This proposed rule is not a major rule
                                                   This proposed rule contains no new                    (economic effects of $100 million or                    Editorial note: This document was
                                                 information collection requirements.                    more) as defined in the Congressional                 received for publication by the Office of
                                                 There is an existing requirement for                    Review Act.                                           the Federal Register on October 5, 2015.
                                                 grantees to provide performance                                                                                 For the reasons set forth in the
                                                 progress reports under Office of                        Federalism Review                                     preamble, title 45 CFR part 1370 is
                                                 Management and Budget approval                                                                                proposed to be amended as follows:
                                                                                                           Executive Order 13132, Federalism,
                                                 number 0970–0280. Grantees are also
                                                                                                         requires that Federal agencies consult
                                                 required to submit an application and                                                                         PART 1370—FAMILY VIOLENCE
                                                 annual financial status report. Nothing                 with State and local government
                                                                                                                                                               PREVENTION AND SERVICES
                                                 in this proposed rule would require                     officials in the development of                       PROGRAMS
                                                 changes in the current requirements, all                regulatory policies with Federalism
                                                 of which have been approved by the                      implications. This proposed rule will
                                                                                                                                                               ■ 1. The authority citation for part 1370
                                                 Office of Management and Budget under                   not have substantial direct impact on                 continues to read as follows:
                                                 the provisions of the Paperwork                         the States, on the relationship between
                                                                                                         the Federal government and the States,                ■ 2. Revise §§ 1370.1 through 1370.5
                                                 Reduction Act.
                                                                                                         or on the distribution of power and                   and add § 1370.6 under a new subpart
                                                 Regulatory Flexibility Act                              responsibilities among the various                    A to read as follows:
                                                    The Secretary certifies under 5 U.S.C.               levels of government. Therefore, in                   Subpart A—General Provisions
                                                 605(b), as enacted by the Regulatory                    accordance with the Executive Order we
                                                 Flexibility Act (Pub. L. 96–354), that                  have determined that this proposed rule               Sec.
                                                 this proposed rule will not result in a                 does not have sufficient Federalism                   1370.1 What are the purposes of Family
                                                 significant economic impact on a                        implications to warrant the preparation                    Violence Prevention and Services Act
                                                 substantial number of small entities. We                                                                           Programs?
                                                                                                         of a Federalism summary impact
                                                 have not proposed any new                                                                                     1370.2 What definitions apply to these
                                                                                                         statement.                                                 programs?
                                                 requirements that would have such an
                                                 effect. Our proposed standards would                    Family Impact Review                                  1370.3 What Government-wide and HHS-
                                                                                                                                                                    wide regulations apply to these
                                                 almost entirely conform to the existing                                                                            programs?
                                                 statutory requirements and existing                       Section 654 of the Treasury and
                                                                                                         General Government Appropriations                     1370.4 What confidentiality requirements
                                                 practices in the program. In particular,                                                                           apply to these programs?
                                                 we have proposed imposing only a few                    Act of 1999 (Pub. L. 105–277) requires
                                                                                                                                                               1370.5 What additional non-discrimination
                                                 new processes, procedural, or                           Federal agencies to issue a Family                         requirements apply to these programs?
                                                 documentation requirements that are                     Policymaking Assessment for any rule                  1370.6 What requirements for reports and
                                                 not encompassed within the existing                     that may affect family well-being. This                    evaluations apply to these programs?
                                                 rule, existing Funding Opportunity                      proposed rule would not have any new
                                                                                                         or adverse impact on the autonomy or                  § 1370.1 What are the purposes of the
                                                 Announcements, or existing information
                                                                                                                                                               Family Violence Prevention and Services
                                                 collection requirements. None of these                  integrity of the family as an institution.
                                                                                                                                                               Act Programs?
                                                 would impose consequential burdens on                   Like the existing rule and existing
                                                 grantees. Accordingly, an Initial                       program practices, it directly supports                  This part addresses sections 301
                                                 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis is not                  family well-being. Since we propose no                through 313 of the Family Violence
                                                 required.                                               changes that would affect this policy                 Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA),
                                                                                                         priority, we have concluded that it is                as amended, and codified at 42 U.S.C.
                                                 Regulatory Impact Analysis                                                                                    10401 et seq. FVPSA authorizes the
                                                                                                         not necessary to prepare a Family
                                                   Executive Order 12866 and 13563                       Policymaking Assessment.                              Secretary to implement programs for the
                                                 require that regulations be drafted to                                                                        purposes of increasing public awareness
                                                 ensure that they are consistent with the                List of Subjects in 45 CFR 1370                       about and preventing family violence,
                                                 priorities and principles set forth in                                                                        domestic violence, and dating violence;
                                                 these Executive Orders, including                         Administrative practice and                         providing immediate shelter and
                                                 imposing the least burden on society,                   procedure, Domestic violence, Grant                   supportive services for victims of family
                                                 written in plain language and easy to                   Programs—Social Programs, Reporting                   violence, domestic violence, and dating
                                                 understand, and seeking to improve the                  and recordkeeping requirements,                       violence and their dependents;
                                                 actual results of regulatory                            Technical assistance.                                 providing for technical assistance and
                                                 requirements. The Department has                        (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance               training relating to family violence,

                                                 determined that this proposed rule is                   Program Numbers 93.671 Family Violence                domestic violence, and dating violence
                                                 consistent with these priorities and                    Prevention and Services/Battered Women’s              programs; providing for State Domestic
                                                 principles. The Executive Orders                        Shelters—Grants to States and Indian Tribes           Violence Coalitions; providing
                                                 require a Regulatory Impact Analysis for                and 93.591 Family Violence Prevention and             specialized services for abused parents
                                                 proposed or final rules with an annual                  Services/Battered Women’s Shelters—Grants             and their children; and operating a
                                                 economic impact of $100 million or                      to State Domestic Violence Coalitions)                national domestic violence hotline.
                                                 more. Nothing in this proposed rule                                                                           FVPSA emphasizes both primary, and
                                                 approaches effects of this magnitude.                                                                         secondary, prevention of violence.

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                                                 61908               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 § 1370.2 What definitions apply to these                with whom such person is related by                   provide shelter and supportive services
                                                 programs?                                               blood or marriage, or is or was                       to victims of family, domestic, or dating
                                                    For the purposes of this part:                       otherwise legally related, or is or was               violence, with the intention of
                                                    Dating violence means violence                       lawfully residing. All FVPSA-funded                   recruiting such projects as members
                                                 committed by a person who is or has                     grantees and contractors are required to              once they are sustainable as primary-
                                                 been in a social relationship of a                      serve program recipients regardless of                purpose domestic violence service
                                                 romantic or intimate nature with the                    whether an individual may be married                  providers.
                                                 victim and where the existence of such                  to a person of the opposite or same sex.                 Secondary prevention means
                                                 a relationship shall be determined based                Please note that this guidance is not a               identifying risk factors or problems that
                                                 on a consideration of the following                     change in previous grantee guidance as                may lead to future family violence,
                                                 factors: the length of the relationship,                survivors of intimate partner violence,               domestic violence, or dating violence,
                                                 the type of relationship, and the                       regardless of marital status, have always             and taking the necessary actions to
                                                 frequency of interaction between the                    been eligible for FVPSA-funded services               eliminate the risk factors and the
                                                 persons involved in the relationship.                   and programming.                                      potential problem.
                                                 This definition reflects the definition                    Personally identifying information is:                Shelter means the provision of
                                                 also found in Section 40002(a) of                          (1) Individually identifying                       temporary refuge and supportive
                                                 VAWA (as amended), as required by                       information for or about an individual                services in compliance with applicable
                                                 FVPSA. Additionally, dating violence                    including information likely to disclose              State law or regulations governing the
                                                 may include violence against older                      the location of a victim of domestic                  provision, on a regular basis, of shelter,
                                                 individuals and those with disabilities                 violence, dating violence, sexual                     safe homes, meals, and supportive
                                                 when the violence meets the applicable                  assault, or stalking, regardless of                   services to victims of family violence,
                                                 definition.                                             whether the information is encoded,                   domestic violence, or dating violence,
                                                    Domestic violence means felony or                    encrypted, hashed, or otherwise                       and their dependents. This definition
                                                 misdemeanor crimes of violence                          protected, including:                                 also includes emergency shelter and
                                                 committed by a current or former                           (i) A first and last name;                         immediate shelter, which may include
                                                 spouse or intimate partner of the victim,                  (ii) A home or other physical address;             scattered-site housing, which is defined
                                                 by a person with whom the victim                           (iii) Contact information (including a             as property with multiple locations
                                                 shares a child in common, by a person                   postal, email or Internet protocol                    around a local jurisdiction or state.
                                                 who is cohabitating with or has                         address, or telephone or facsimile                    Temporary refuge includes a residential
                                                 cohabitated with the victim as a spouse                 number);                                              service, including shelter and off-site
                                                 or intimate partner, by a person                           (iv) A social security number, driver              services such as hotel or motel
                                                 similarly situated to a spouse of the                   license number, passport number, or                   vouchers, which is not transitional or
                                                 victim under the domestic or family                     student identification number; and                    permanent housing. Should other
                                                 violence laws of the jurisdiction                          (v) Any other information, including               jurisdictional laws conflict with this
                                                 receiving grant monies, or by any other                 date of birth, racial or ethnic                       definition of temporary refuge, the
                                                 person against an adult or youth victim                 background, or religious affiliation, that            definition which provides more
                                                 who is protected from that person’s acts                would serve to identify any individual.               expansive housing accessibility governs.
                                                 under the domestic or family violence                      (2) Note that information remains                     State means each of the several States,
                                                 laws of the jurisdiction. This definition               personally identifying even if physically             the District of Columbia, the
                                                 also reflects the statutory definition of               protected through locked filing cabinets              Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and,
                                                 ‘‘domestic violence’’ found in Section                  or electronically protected through                   except as otherwise provided in statute,
                                                 40002(a) of VAWA (as amended). Older                    encryption.                                           Guam, American Samoa, the United
                                                 individuals and those with disabilities                    Primary prevention means strategies,               States Virgin Islands, and the
                                                 who otherwise meet the criteria herein                  policies, and programs to stop both first-            Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
                                                 are also included within this term’s                    time perpetration and first-time                      Islands.
                                                 definition. This definition will also                   victimization. Primary prevention is                     State Domestic Violence Coalition
                                                 include but will not be limited to acts                 stopping intimate partner violence                    means a statewide, non-governmental,
                                                 or acts constituting intimidation,                      before it occurs.                                     nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization whose
                                                 control, coercion and coercive control,                    Primary-purpose domestic violence                  membership includes a majority of the
                                                 emotional and psychological abuse and                   provider means a provider that operates               primary-purpose domestic violence
                                                 behavior, expressive and psychological                  a project of demonstrated effectiveness               providers in the State; whose board
                                                 aggression, harassment, tormenting                      carried out by a nonprofit,                           membership is representative of these
                                                 behavior, disturbing or alarming                        nongovernmental, private entity, Tribe                primary-purpose domestic violence
                                                 behavior, and additional acts recognized                or Tribal organization that has as its                service providers and which may
                                                 in other Federal, State, local and tribal               project’s primary-purpose the operation               include representatives of the
                                                 laws as well as acts in other Federal                   of shelters and supportive services for               communities in which the services are
                                                 regulatory or sub-regulatory guidance.                  victims of domestic violence and their                being provided in the State; that
                                                 This definition is not intended to be                   dependents; or provides counseling,                   provides education, support, and
                                                 interpreted more restrictively than                     advocacy, or self-help services to                    technical assistance to such providers;
                                                 FVPSA and VAWA but rather to be                         victims of domestic violence. Territorial             and that serves as an information
                                                 inclusive of other, more expansive                      Domestic Violence Coalitions may                      clearinghouse, primary point of contact,

                                                 definitions.                                            include government-operated domestic                  and resource center on domestic
                                                    Family violence means any act or                     violence projects as ‘‘primary-purpose’’              violence for the State and supports the
                                                 threatened act of violence, including                   providers for complying with the                      development of policies, protocols, and
                                                 any forceful detention of an individual,                membership requirement, provided that                 procedures to enhance domestic
                                                 that results or threatens to result in                  Territorial Coalitions can document                   violence intervention and prevention in
                                                 physical injury and is committed by a                   providing training, technical assistance,             the State.
                                                 person against another individual                       and capacity-building of community-                      Supportive services means services for
                                                 (including an older individual), to or                  based and privately operated projects to              adult and youth victims of family

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                           61909

                                                 violence, domestic violence, or dating                    (8) 45 CFR part 81—Practice and                        (c) If the release of information
                                                 violence, and their dependents, that are                Procedure for Hearings under part 80;                 described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of
                                                 designed to meet the needs of such                        (9) 45 CFR part 84—                                 this section is compelled by statutory or
                                                 victims and their dependents for short-                 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of                     court mandate:
                                                 term, transitional, or long-term safety                 Handicap in Programs or Activities                       (1) Grantees and sub-grantees shall
                                                 and recovery. Supportive services                       Receiving Federal Financial Assistance;               make reasonable attempts to provide
                                                 includes those services identified in                     (10) 45 CFR part 86—                                notice to victims affected by the release
                                                 FVPSA Section 10408(b)(1)(G), but is                    Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex                 of the information; and
                                                 not limited to: Direct and/or referral-                 in Education Programs or Activities                      (2) Grantees and sub-grantees shall
                                                 based advocacy on behalf of victims and                 Receiving Federal Financial Assistance;               take steps necessary to protect the
                                                 their dependents, counseling, case                        (11) 45 CFR part 87—Equal Treatment                 privacy and safety of the persons
                                                 management, employment services,                        for Faith-Based Organizations;                        affected by the release of the
                                                 referrals, transportation services, legal                 (12) 45 CFR part 91—                                information.
                                                 advocacy or assistance, childcare                       Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Age                    (d) Grantees and sub-grantees may
                                                 services, health, behavioral health and                 in Programs or Activities Receiving                   share:
                                                 preventive health services, culturally                  Federal Financial Assistance for HHS;                    (1) Nonpersonally identifying
                                                 appropriate services, and other services                and                                                   information, in the aggregate, regarding
                                                                                                           (13) 45 CFR part 93—New                             services to their clients and
                                                 that assist victims or their dependents
                                                                                                         Restrictions on Lobbying.                             demographic non-personally identifying
                                                 in recovering from the effects of the                     (b) A number of government-wide and
                                                 violence. Supportive services may be                                                                          information in order to comply with
                                                                                                         HHS regulations apply to all
                                                 directly provided by grantees and/or by                                                                       Federal, State, or Tribal reporting,
                                                                                                         contractors. These include but are not
                                                 providing advocacy or referrals to assist                                                                     evaluation, or data collection
                                                                                                         limited to:
                                                 victims in accessing such services.                       (1) 48 CFR Chapter 1—Federal                        requirements;
                                                    Underserved populations means                                                                                 (2) Court-generated information and
                                                                                                         Acquisition Regulations; and
                                                 populations who face barriers in                          (2) 48 CFR Chapter 3—Federal                        law enforcement-generated information
                                                 accessing and using victim services, and                Acquisition Regulations—Department of                 contained in secure, governmental
                                                 includes populations underserved                        Health and Human Services.                            registries for protective order
                                                 because of geographic location, religion,                                                                     enforcement purposes; and
                                                 sexual orientation, gender identity,                    § 1370.4 What confidentiality requirements               (3) Law enforcement- and
                                                 underserved racial and ethnic                           apply to these programs?                              prosecution-generated information
                                                 populations, and populations                               (a) In order to ensure the safety of               necessary for law enforcement and
                                                 underserved because of special needs                    adult, youth, and child victims of family             prosecution purposes.
                                                 including language barriers, disabilities,              violence, domestic violence, or dating                   (e) Nothing in this section prohibits a
                                                 immigration status, and age. Individuals                violence, and their families, grantees                grantee or subgrantee from reporting
                                                 with criminal histories due to                          and subgrantees under this title shall                abuse and neglect, as those terms are
                                                 victimization and individuals with                      protect the confidentiality and privacy               defined by law, where mandated or
                                                 substance abuse and mental health                       of such victims and their families.                   expressly permitted by the State or
                                                 issues are also included in this                        Subject to paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of            Indian Tribe involved.
                                                 definition. This definition also includes               this section, grantees and subgrantees                   (f) Nothing in this section shall be
                                                 other population categories determined                  shall not—                                            construed to supersede any provision of
                                                 by the Secretary or the Secretary’s                        (1) Disclose any personally                        any Federal, State, Tribal, or local law
                                                 designee to be underserved.                             identifying information (as defined in                that provides greater protection than
                                                                                                         § 1370.2) collected in connection with                this section for victims of family
                                                 § 1370.3 What Government-wide and HHS-                  services requested (including services                violence, domestic violence, or dating
                                                 wide regulations apply to these programs?               utilized or denied) through grantees’                 violence.
                                                   (a) A number of government-wide and                   and subgrantees’ programs; or                            (g) The address or location of any
                                                 HHS regulations apply or potentially                       (2) Reveal personally identifying                  shelter facility assisted that maintains a
                                                 apply to all grantees. These include but                information without informed, written,                confidential location shall, except with
                                                 are not limited to:                                     reasonably time-limited consent by the                written authorization of the person or
                                                   (1) 2 CFR part 182—Government-wide                    person about whom information is                      persons responsible for the operation of
                                                 Requirements for Drug Free Workplaces;                  sought, whether for this program or any               such shelter, not be made public.
                                                   (2) 2 CFR part 376—Nonprocurement                     other Federal or State grant program.
                                                 Debarment and Suspension;                                  (b) Consent shall be given by the                  § 1370.5 What additional non-
                                                   (3) 45 CFR part 16—Procedures of the                  person, except in the case of an                      discrimination requirements apply to these
                                                 Departmental Grant Appeals Board;                       unemancipated minor it shall be given                 programs?
                                                   (4) 45 CFR part 30—Claims                             by both the minor and the minor’s                       (a) No person shall on the ground of
                                                 Collection;                                             parent or guardian; or in the case of an              sex or religion be excluded from
                                                   (5) 45 CFR part 46—Protection of                      individual with a guardian it shall be                participation in, be denied the benefits
                                                 Human Subjects;                                         given by the individual’s guardian. A                 of, or be subject to discrimination
                                                   (6) 45 CFR part 75—Uniform                            parent or guardian may not give consent               under, any program or activity funded
                                                 Administrative Requirements, Cost                       if: He or she is the abuser or suspected              in whole or in part through FVPSA.

                                                 Principles and Audit Requirements for                   abuser of the minor or individual with                FVPSA grantees must provide
                                                 HHS Awards;                                             a guardian; or, the abuser or suspected               comparable services to victims
                                                   (7) 45 CFR part 80—                                   abuser of the other parent of the minor.              regardless of sex or gender. This
                                                 Nondiscrimination Under Programs                        Reasonable accommodation shall also                   includes not only providing access to
                                                 Receiving Federal Assistance Through                    be made to those who may be unable,                   services for male victims of family,
                                                 the Department of Health and Human                      due to disability or other functional                 domestic, and dating violence, but also
                                                 Services Effectuation of Title VI of the                limitation, to provide consent in                     making sure not to limit services for
                                                 Civil Rights Act of 1964;                               writing.                                              victims with adolescent sons (up to the

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                                                 61910               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 age of majority). Victims and their                     which the person identifies, taking                   Secretary at such time as required by the
                                                 adolescent sons must be sheltered or                    health and safety concerns into                       Secretary. Such performance report
                                                 housed together unless requested                        consideration. A victim’s/client’s or                 shall describe the activities that have
                                                 otherwise or unless the factors or                      potential victim’s/client’s own views                 been carried out, contain an evaluation
                                                 considerations identified in the                        with respect to personal health and                   of the effectiveness of such activities,
                                                 paragraph directly below require an                     safety must be given serious                          and provide such additional
                                                 exception to this general rule.                         consideration in making the placement.                information as the Secretary may
                                                    (b) However, no such program or                      For instance, if the potential victim/                require. American Samoa, the
                                                 activity is required to include an                      client requests to be placed based on his             Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
                                                 individual in such program or activity                  or her sex assigned at birth, ACF                     Islands, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin
                                                 without taking into consideration that                  requires that the provider will place the             Islands are required to report directly to
                                                 individual’s sex in those certain                       individual in accordance with that                    the Division of Family Violence
                                                 instances where sex is a bona fide                      request, consistent with health, safety,              Prevention and Services within FYSB
                                                 occupational qualification or a                         and privacy concerns. ACF also requires               and follow all reporting requirements
                                                 programmatic factor reasonably                          that a provider will not make an                      applicable to States, Puerto Rico, and
                                                 necessary to the essential or safe                      assignment or re-assignment based on                  the District of Columbia, unless
                                                 operation of that particular program or                 complaints of another person when the                 otherwise communicated to grantees.
                                                 activity. If a shelter can reasonably                   sole stated basis of the complaint is a               These requirements supplement, and do
                                                 separate the sexes in a manner which                    victim/client or potential victim/client’s            not replace the Territorial reporting
                                                 allows for single sex bedrooms and                      non-conformance with gender                           requirements of the ACF Office of
                                                 bathrooms and the essential and safe                    stereotypes.                                          Community Services in its
                                                 operation of the particular program is                     (d) With respect to religion, religious            administration of the Consolidated
                                                 not substantially compromised, it is                    beliefs or religious practices shall not be           Block Grants as part of the Social
                                                 reasonable to provide such separation. If               imposed on program recipients. Dietary                Services Block Grant program.
                                                 the essential or safe operation of the                  practices dictated by particular religious            ■ 3. Add subpart B, consisting of
                                                 program or activity would be                            beliefs may require some reasonable                   § 1370.10, to read as follows:
                                                 substantially compromised, alternative,                 accommodation in cooking or feeding
                                                 equivalent shelter and services should                  arrangements for particular clients as                Subpart B—State and Indian Tribal
                                                 be offered as practicable. Adult male                   practicable. Finally, human trafficking               Grants
                                                 victims should be offered hotel                         victims may receive FVPSA-funded                      § 1370.10 What additional requirements
                                                 placements and provided supportive                      services as long as victims of domestic               apply to State and Indian Tribal grants?
                                                 services at the shelter if shelter space is             and intimate partner violence are
                                                 not available or if it is otherwise                                                                             (a) These grants assist States and
                                                                                                         prioritized first by FVPSA grantees.                  Tribes to support the establishment,
                                                 determined that the operation of the                       (e) State and Tribal Formula grant-
                                                 program or activity would be                                                                                  maintenance, and expansion of
                                                                                                         funded services must be provided                      programs and projects to prevent
                                                 substantially compromised. Victims’                     without requiring documentation for
                                                 adolescent male sons, as previously                                                                           incidents of family violence, domestic
                                                                                                         eligibility given the multiple access                 violence, and dating violence; to
                                                 discussed must be housed with the                       barriers faced by battered immigrants.
                                                 abused parent seeking shelter or                                                                              provide immediate shelter, supportive
                                                                                                            (f) All requirements in this section
                                                 services unless otherwise requested, or                                                                       services, and access to community-
                                                                                                         shall not be construed as affecting any
                                                 unless there are specific, individual                                                                         based programs for victims of family
                                                                                                         legal remedy provided under any other
                                                 factors or circumstances, that by placing                                                                     violence, domestic violence, or dating
                                                                                                         provision of law. The Secretary shall
                                                 a victim in shelter with their son                                                                            violence, and their dependents; and to
                                                                                                         enforce the provisions of all
                                                 substantially compromise the essential                                                                        provide specialized services for children
                                                                                                         requirements in this section in
                                                 or safe operations of the program.                                                                            exposed to family violence, domestic
                                                                                                         accordance with section 602 of the Civil
                                                    (c) LGBTQ individuals must have                                                                            violence, or dating violence, under-
                                                                                                         Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d–1).
                                                 access to FVPSA-funded shelter and                                                                            served populations, and victims who are
                                                                                                         Section 603 of the Civil Rights Act of
                                                 nonresidential programs. Programmatic                                                                         members of racial and ethnic minority
                                                                                                         1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d–2) shall apply
                                                 accessibility for LGBTQ survivors must                                                                        populations. States must consult with
                                                                                                         with respect to any action taken by the
                                                 be afforded to meet individual needs                                                                          and provide for the participation of
                                                                                                         Secretary to enforce this section.
                                                 like those provided to all other                           (g) No condition may be imposed by                 State and Tribal Domestic Violence
                                                 survivors. For the purpose of assigning                 grantees or subgrantees for the receipt of            Coalitions in the planning and
                                                 a beneficiary to sex-segregated or sex-                 emergency shelter, unless a State                     monitoring of the distribution and
                                                 specific services, the recipient should                 imposes a legal requirement to protect                administration of subgrant programs
                                                 ask a transgender beneficiary which                     the safety and welfare of all shelter                 and projects. Tribes should be involved
                                                 group or services the beneficiary wishes                residents, and receipt of all supportive              in these processes where appropriate
                                                 to join. The recipient may not, however,                services shall be voluntary. Nothing in               but this rule is not intended to encroach
                                                 ask questions about the beneficiary’s                   this requirement prohibits shelter                    upon Tribal sovereignty. States and
                                                 anatomy or medical history or make                      operators from preventing violence or                 Tribes must involve community-based
                                                 demands for identity documents. ACF                     abuse or securing the safety of all shelter           organizations that primarily serve
                                                 requires that a FVPSA grantee,                          residents. In the case of an apparent                 culturally specific, underserved

                                                 subgrantee, contractor, or vendor that                  conflict with State or Federal laws, case-            communities and to determine how
                                                 makes decisions about eligibility for or                by-case determinations will be made.                  such organizations can assist the States
                                                 placement into single-sex emergency                                                                           and Tribes in serving the unmet needs
                                                 shelters or other facilities will place a               § 1370.6 What requirements for reports                of the underserved community. States
                                                 potential victim (or current victim/                    and evaluations apply to these programs?              also must consult with and provide for
                                                 client seeking a new assignment) in a                     Each entity receiving a grant or                    the participation of State and Tribal
                                                 shelter or other appropriate placement                  contract under these programs shall                   Domestic Violence Coalitions in State
                                                 that corresponds to the gender with                     submit a performance report to the                    planning and coordinate such planning

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                          61911

                                                 with needs assessments to identify                      interested organizations, including                   providing supportive services and
                                                 service gaps or problems and develop                    those serving or representing                         prevention services (these percentages
                                                 appropriate responsive plans and                        underserved communities in the State                  may overlap with respect to supportive
                                                 programs. Similar processes for Tribes                  planning process.                                     services but are not included in the 5
                                                 and Coalitions that support                                (4) Documentation of planning,                     percent cap applicable to State
                                                 coordination and collaboration are                      consultation with and participation of                administrative costs). No grant shall be
                                                 expected when feasible and appropriate                  the State Domestic Violence Coalition in              made under this section to an entity
                                                 with deference to Tribal sovereignty as                 the administration and distribution of                other than a State unless the entity
                                                 previously indicated.                                   FVPSA programs, projects, and grant                   agrees that, with respect to the costs to
                                                    (b) A State application must be                      funds awarded to the State.                           be incurred by the entity in carrying out
                                                 submitted by the Chief Executive of the                    (5) A description of the procedures                the program or project for which the
                                                 State and signed by the Chief Executive                 used to assure an equitable distribution              grant is awarded, the entity will make
                                                 Officer or the Chief Program Official                   of grants and grant funds within the                  available (directly or through donations
                                                 designated as responsible for the                       State and between urban and rural                     from public or private entities) non-
                                                 administration of FVPSA. Each                           areas, as defined by the Census Bureau,               Federal contributions in an amount that
                                                 application must contain the following                  within the State. The plan should                     is not less than $1 for every $5 of
                                                 information or documentation:                           describe how funding processes and                    Federal funds provided under the grant.
                                                    (1) The name of the State agency, the                allocations will address the needs of the             The non-Federal contributions required
                                                 name and contact information for the                    underserved, racial and ethnic                        under this paragraph may be in cash or
                                                 Chief Program Official designated as                    minorities including Tribal populations,              in kind.
                                                 responsible for the administration of                   and people with disabilities and their                   (9) Documentation of policies,
                                                 funds under FVPSA and coordination of                   families, with an emphasis on funding                 procedures and protocols that ensure
                                                 related programs within the State, and                  organizations that can meet unique                    individual identifiers of client records
                                                 the name and contact information for a                  needs including culturally relevant and               will not be used when providing
                                                 contact person if different from the                    linguistically appropriate services.                  statistical data on program activities and
                                                 Chief Program Official.                                 Other Federal, State, local, and private              program services or in the course of
                                                    (2) A plan describing in detail how                  funds may be considered in determining                grant monitoring, that the
                                                 the needs of underserved populations                    compliance.
                                                                                                                                                               confidentiality of records pertaining to
                                                 will be met, including:                                    (6) A description of how the State
                                                                                                                                                               any individual provided family violence
                                                    (i) Identification of which populations              plans to use the grant funds including
                                                                                                         a State plan developed in consultation                prevention or intervention services by
                                                 in the State are underserved, a
                                                                                                         with State and Tribal Domestic Violence               any program or entity supported under
                                                 description of those that are being
                                                                                                         Coalitions and representatives of                     the FVPSA will be strictly maintained,
                                                 targeted for outreach and services, and
                                                                                                         underserved and culturally specific                   and the address or location of any
                                                 a brief explanation of why those
                                                                                                         communities; a description of the target              shelter supported under the FVPSA will
                                                 populations were selected to receive
                                                                                                         populations; of the number of shelters to             not be made public without the written
                                                 outreach and services, including how
                                                                                                         be funded; of the number of non-                      authorization of the person or persons
                                                 often the State revisits the identification
                                                                                                         residential programs to be funded; of the             responsible for the operation of such
                                                 and selection of the populations to be
                                                                                                         services the State will provide; and of               shelter; and
                                                 served with FVPSA funding. States
                                                 must review their State demographics at                 the expected results from the use of the                 (10) Such additional agreements,
                                                 least every three years or explain why                  grant funds. To fulfill these                         assurances, and information, in such
                                                 this process in unnecessary;                            requirements, it is critically important              form, and submitted in such manner as
                                                    (ii) A description of the outreach plan,             that States work with Coalitions and                  the Funding Opportunity
                                                 including the domestic violence training                Tribes to solicit their feedback on                   Announcement and related program
                                                 to be provided, the means for providing                 program effectiveness which may                       guidance prescribe.
                                                 technical assistance and support, and                   include recommendations such as                          (c) An application from a Tribe or
                                                 the leadership role played by those                     establishing program standards and                    Tribal Organization must be submitted
                                                 representing and serving the                            participating in program monitoring.                  by the Chief Executive Officer or Tribal
                                                 underserved populations in question;                       (7) A copy of the law or procedures,               Chairperson of the applicant
                                                    (iii) A description of the specific                  such as a process for obtaining an order              organization. Each application must
                                                 services to be provided or enhanced,                    of protection that the State has                      contain the following information or
                                                 such as new shelters or services,                       implemented for the eviction of an                    documentation:
                                                 improved access to shelters or services,                abusive spouse or other intimate,                        (1) A copy of a current Tribal
                                                 or new services for underserved                         domestic, or dating partner from a                    resolution or an equivalent document
                                                 populations such as victims from                        shared household or residence. This                   that verifies Tribal approval of the
                                                 communities of color, immigrant                         requirement includes family violence,                 application being submitted. The
                                                 victims, victims with disabilities, or                  domestic violence, and dating violence.               resolution or other document should
                                                 older individuals; and                                     (8) An assurance that not less than 70             state that the designated organization or
                                                    (iv) A description of the public                     percent of the funds distributed by a                 agency has the authority to submit an
                                                 information component of the State’s                    State to sub-recipients shall be                      application on behalf of the individuals
                                                 outreach program, including the                         distributed to entities for the primary               in the Tribe(s) and to administer

                                                 elements of the program that are used to                purpose of providing immediate shelter                programs and activities funded pursuant
                                                 explain domestic violence, the most                     and supportive services to adult and                  to the FVPSA. The resolution or
                                                 effective and safe ways to seek help, and               youth victims of family violence,                     equivalent document must specify the
                                                 tools to identify available resources.                  domestic violence, or dating violence,                name(s) of the Tribe(s) represented and
                                                    (3) A description of the process and                 and their dependents, and that not less               the service area for the intended grant
                                                 procedures used to involve the State                    than 25 percent of the funds distributed              services. If Tribal resolutions are the
                                                 Domestic Violence Coalition,                            by a State to sub-recipients shall be                 vehicles to support applications from
                                                 knowledgeable individuals, and                          distributed to entities for the purpose of            Tribal Consortia or other joint Tribal

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                                                 61912               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 applications, a representative from each                Funding Opportunity Announcement                      a State Domestic Violence Coalition,
                                                 Tribe must sign the application.                        and related program guidance prescribe.               including documentation that the
                                                    (2) A description of the procedures                  ■ 4. Add subpart C, consisting of                     Coalition’s work will demonstrate the
                                                 designed to involve knowledgeable                       § 1370.20, to read as follows:                        ability to conduct appropriately all
                                                 individuals and interested organizations                                                                      activities described in this section.
                                                 in providing services under the FVPSA.                  Subpart C—State Domestic Violence                     Demonstrated ability or capacity may
                                                 For example, knowledgeable                              Coalition Grants                                      include but is not limited to: Identifying
                                                 individuals and interested organizations                § 1370.20 What additional requirements                successful efforts that support child
                                                 may include Tribal officials or social                  apply to State Domestic Violence                      welfare agencies’ identification and
                                                 services staff involved in child abuse or               Coalitions?                                           support of victims during intake
                                                 family violence prevention, Tribal law                    (a) State Domestic Violence Coalitions              processes; creation of membership
                                                 enforcement officials, representatives of               reflect a Federal commitment to                       standards that enhance victim safety
                                                 Tribal or State Domestic Violence                       reducing domestic violence; to urge                   and fully require training and technical
                                                 Coalitions, and operators of domestic                   States, localities, cities, and the private           assistance for compliance with federal
                                                 violence shelters and service programs.                 sector to become involved in State and                housing, disability, and sex
                                                    (3) A description of the applicant’s                 local planning towards an integrated                  discrimination laws and regulations;
                                                 operation of and/or capacity to carry out               service delivery approach that meets the              and, training judicial personnel on
                                                 a family violence prevention and                        needs of all victims, including those in              trauma-informed courtroom practice.
                                                 services program. This might be                         underserved communities; to provide                   Coalitions must also have documented
                                                 demonstrated in ways such as:                           for technical assistance and training                 experience in administering Federal
                                                    (i) The current operation of a shelter,              relating to domestic violence programs;               grants to conduct the activities of a
                                                 safe house, or domestic violence                        and to increase public awareness about                Coalition or a documented history of
                                                 prevention program;                                     and prevention of domestic violence                   active participation in:
                                                    (ii) The establishment of joint or                   and increase the quality and availability                (i) Working with local family
                                                 collaborative service agreements with a                 of shelter and supportive services for                violence, domestic violence, and dating
                                                 local public agency or a private, non-                  victims of domestic violence and their                violence service programs and providers
                                                 profit agency for the operation of family               dependents.                                           of direct services to encourage
                                                 violence prevention and intervention                      (b) To be eligible to receive a grant               appropriate and comprehensive
                                                 activities or services; or                              under this section, an organization shall             responses to family violence, domestic
                                                                                                         be a statewide, non-governmental, non-                violence, and dating violence against
                                                    (iii) The operation of social services
                                                                                                         profit 501(c)(3) domestic violence                    adults or youth within the State
                                                 programs as evidenced by receipt of
                                                                                                         Coalition, designated as such by the                  involved, including providing training
                                                 grants or contracts awarded under
                                                                                                         Department. To obtain this designation                and technical assistance and conducting
                                                 Indian Child Welfare grants from the
                                                                                                         the organization must meet the                        State needs assessments and participate
                                                 Bureau of Indian Affairs; Child Welfare
                                                                                                         following criteria:                                   in planning and monitoring of the
                                                 Services grants under Title IV–B of the
                                                                                                           (1) The membership must include                     distribution of subgrants within the
                                                 Social Security Act; or Family
                                                                                                         representatives from a majority of the                States and in the administration of grant
                                                 Preservation and Family Support grants                                                                        programs and projects;
                                                 under Title IV–B of the Social Security                 primary-purpose programs for victims of
                                                                                                         domestic violence operating within the                   (ii) In conducting needs assessments,
                                                 Act.                                                                                                          Coalitions and States must work in
                                                    (4) A description of the services to be              State (a Coalition also may include
                                                                                                         representatives of Indian Tribes and                  partnership on the statutorily required
                                                 provided, how the applicant                                                                                   FVPSA State planning process to
                                                 organization plans to use the grant                     Tribal organizations as defined in the
                                                                                                         Indian Self-Determination and                         involve representatives from
                                                 funds to provide the direct services, to                                                                      underserved and racial and ethnic
                                                                                                         Education Assistance Act);
                                                 whom the services will be provided,                                                                           minority populations to plan, assess and
                                                                                                           (2) The Board membership of the
                                                 and the expected results of the services.                                                                     voice the needs of the communities they
                                                                                                         Coalition must be representative, though
                                                    (5) Documentation of the law or                      not exclusively composed, of such                     represent. Coalitions will assist States in
                                                 procedure which has been implemented                    programs, and may include                             identifying underrepresented
                                                 for the eviction of an abusing spouse or                representatives of communities in                     communities and culturally-specific
                                                 other intimate, domestic, or dating                     which the services are being provided in              community based organizations in State
                                                 partner from a shared household or                      the State;                                            planning and to work with States to
                                                 residence.                                                (3) Financial sustainability of                     unify planning and needs assessment
                                                    (6) Documentation of the policies and                Coalitions, as independent, autonomous                efforts so that comprehensive and
                                                 procedures developed and                                non-profit organizations, also must be                culturally-specific services are
                                                 implemented, including copies of the                    supported by their membership,                        provided. The inclusion of the
                                                 policies and procedures, to ensure that                 including those member representatives                populations targeted will emphasize
                                                 individual identifiers of client records                on the Coalitions’ Boards of Directors;               building the capacity of culturally-
                                                 will not be used when providing                           (4) The purpose of the Coalition must               specific services and programs.
                                                 statistical data on program activities and              be to provide services, community                        (iii) Working in collaboration with
                                                 program services or in the course of                    education, and technical assistance to                service providers and community-based
                                                 grant monitoring and that the                           domestic violence programs in order to                organizations to address the needs of

                                                 confidentiality of records pertaining to                establish and maintain shelter and                    family violence, domestic violence, and
                                                 any individual provided domestic                        supportive services for victims of                    dating violence victims, and their
                                                 violence prevention or intervention                     domestic violence and their children.                 dependents, who are members of racial
                                                 services by any FVPSA-supported                           (c) To apply for a grant under this                 and ethnic minority populations and
                                                 program will be strictly maintained.                    section, an organization shall submit an              underserved populations;
                                                    (7) Such agreements, assurances, and                 annual application that:                                 (iv) Collaborating with and providing
                                                 information, in such form, and                            (1) Includes a complete description of              information to entities in such fields as
                                                 submitted in such manner as the                         the applicant’s plan for the operation of             housing, health care, mental health,

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                          61913

                                                 social welfare, or business to support                  Coalition is within the exclusive                     violence intervention and prevention,
                                                 the development and implementation of                   discretion of HHS. HHS will determine                 and may include State resource centers
                                                 effective policies, protocols, and                      which applicant best fits statutory                   to reduce disparities in domestic
                                                 programs that address the safety and                    criteria, with particular attention paid to           violence in States with high proportions
                                                 support needs of adult and youth                        the applicant’s documented history of                 of Native American (including Alaska
                                                 victims of family violence, domestic                    effective work, support of primary-                   Native or Native Hawaiian) populations
                                                 violence, or dating violence;                           purpose programs and programs that                    and to support training and technical
                                                    (v) Encouraging appropriate responses                serve racial and ethnic minority                      assistance that address emerging issues
                                                 to cases of family violence, domestic                   populations and underserved                           related to family violence, domestic
                                                 violence, or dating violence against                    populations, coordination and                         violence, or dating violence, to entities
                                                 adults or youth, including by working                   collaboration with the State                          demonstrating expertise in these areas.
                                                 with judicial and law enforcement                       government, and capacity to accomplish                Grants may be made for:
                                                 agencies;                                               the FVPSA mandated role of a Coalition.                 (1) A National Resource Center on
                                                    (vi) Working with family law judges,                    (f) Regarding FVPSA funding, in cases              Domestic Violence which will conduct
                                                 criminal court judges, child protective                 where a Coalition financially or                      the following activities:
                                                 service agencies, and children’s                        otherwise dissolves, the designation of a               (i) Offer a comprehensive array of
                                                 advocates to develop appropriate                        new Coalition is within the exclusive                 technical assistance and training
                                                 responses to child custody and                          discretion of HHS. HHS will work with                 resources to Federal, State, and local
                                                 visitation issues in cases of child                     domestic violence service providers,                  governmental agencies, domestic
                                                 exposure to family violence, domestic                   community stakeholders, State leaders,                violence service providers, community-
                                                 violence, or dating violence and in cases               and representatives of underserved and                based organizations, and other
                                                 in which family violence, domestic                      culturally specific communities to                    professionals and interested parties,
                                                 violence, or dating violence is present                 identify an existing organization that                related to domestic violence service
                                                 and child abuse is present;                             can serve as the Coalition or to develop              programs and research, including
                                                    (vii) Working with protection and                    a new organization. The new Coalition                 programs and research related to victims
                                                 advocacy systems, and aging and                         must reapply for designation and                      and their children who are exposed to
                                                 disability systems to develop                           funding following steps determined by                 domestic violence as well as older
                                                 appropriate responses for older                         the Secretary. HHS will determine                     individuals and those with disabilities;
                                                 individuals and individuals with                        whether the applicant fits the statutory              and
                                                 disabilities;                                           criteria, with particular attention paid to             (ii) Maintain a central resource library
                                                    (viii) Providing information to the                  the applicant’s documented history of                 in order to collect, prepare, analyze, and
                                                 public about prevention of family                       effective work, support of primary-                   disseminate information and statistics
                                                 violence, domestic violence, and dating                 purpose programs and programs that                    related to the incidence and prevention
                                                 violence, including information targeted                serve racial and ethnic minority                      of family violence and domestic
                                                 to underserved populations; and                         populations and undeserved                            violence; and the provision of shelter,
                                                    (ix) Collaborating with Indian Tribes                communities, coordination and                         supportive services, and prevention
                                                 and Tribal organizations (and                           collaboration with the State                          services to adult and youth victims of
                                                 corresponding Native Hawaiian groups                    government, and capacity to accomplish                domestic violence (including services to
                                                 or communities) to address the needs of                 the FVPSA mandated role of a Coalition.               prevent repeated incidents of violence).
                                                 Indian (including Alaska Native) and                    ■ 5. Add Subpart D to read as follows:                  (2) A National Indian Resource Center
                                                 Native Hawaiian victims of family                                                                             Addressing Domestic Violence and
                                                 violence, domestic violence, or dating                  Subpart D—Discretionary Grants and                    Safety for Indian Women which will
                                                 violence, as applicable in the State;                   Contracts                                             conduct the following activities:
                                                    (2) Contains such agreements,                                                                                (i) Offer a comprehensive array of
                                                 assurances, and information, in such                    Sec.
                                                                                                         1370.30 What National Resource Centers
                                                                                                                                                               technical assistance and training
                                                 form, and submitted in such manner as                        and Training and Technical Assistance            resources to Indian Tribes and Tribal
                                                 the Funding Opportunity                                      grant programs are available and what            organizations, specifically designed to
                                                 Announcement and related program                             requirements apply?                              enhance the capacity of the Tribes and
                                                 guidance prescribe.                                     1370.31 What additional requirements                  Tribal organizations to respond to
                                                    (d) Nothing in this section limits the                    apply to specialized services for abused         domestic violence and increase the
                                                 ability of a Coalition to use non-Federal                    parents and their children?                      safety of Indian women; and
                                                 or other Federal funding sources to                     1370.32 What additional requirements                    (ii) Enhance the intervention and
                                                 conduct required functions, provided                         apply to National Domestic Violence
                                                                                                              Hotline grants?
                                                                                                                                                               prevention efforts of Indian Tribes and
                                                 that if the Coalition uses funds received                                                                     Tribal organizations to respond to
                                                 under section 2001(c)(1) of the Omnibus                 § 1370.30 What National Resource Center               domestic violence and increase the
                                                 Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of                   and Training and Technical Assistance                 safety of Indian women, and
                                                 1968 to perform the functions described                 grant programs are available and what                   (iii) To coordinate activities with
                                                 in FVPSA section 311(e) in lieu of funds                additional requirements apply?                        other Federal agencies, offices, and
                                                 provided under the FVPSA, it shall                        (a) These grants are to provide                     grantees that address the needs of
                                                 provide an annual assurance to the                      resource information, training, and                   American Indians, Alaska Natives, and
                                                 Secretary that it is using such funds,                  technical assistance to improve the                   Native Hawaiians that experience

                                                 and that it is coordinating the activities              capacity of individuals, organizations,               domestic violence.
                                                 conducted under this section with those                 governmental entities, and communities                  (3) Special issue resource centers to
                                                 of the State’s activities under Part T of               to prevent family violence, domestic                  provide national information, training,
                                                 title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and                violence, and dating violence and to                  and technical assistance to State and
                                                 Safe Streets Act of 1968.                               provide effective intervention services.              local domestic violence service
                                                    (e) In cases in which two or more                    They fund national, special issue, and                providers. Each special issue resource
                                                 organizations seek designation, the                     culturally-specific resource centers                  center shall focus on enhancing
                                                 designation of each State’s individual                  addressing key areas of domestic                      domestic violence intervention and

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                                                 61914               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 prevention efforts in at least one of the               culturally sensitive and relevant                     § 1370.31 What additional requirements
                                                 following areas:                                        manner.                                               apply to grants for specialized services for
                                                    (i) Response of the criminal and civil                                                                     abused parents and their children?
                                                                                                            (iv) Be located in a State with high
                                                 justice systems to domestic violence                    proportions of Indian or Native                          (a) These grants serve to expand the
                                                 victims, which may include the                          Hawaiian populations. Eligible entities               capacity of family violence, domestic
                                                 response to the use of the self-defense                 shall be located in a State in which the              violence, and dating violence service
                                                 plea by domestic violence victims and                   population of Indians (including Alaska               programs and community-based
                                                 the issuance and use of protective                      Natives) and Native Hawaiians exceeds                 programs to prevent future domestic
                                                 orders;                                                 10 percent of the total population of the             violence by addressing, in an
                                                    (ii) Response of child protective                    State; or, be an Indian tribe, Tribal                 appropriate manner, the needs of
                                                 service agencies to victims of domestic                 organization or a Native Hawaiian                     children exposed to family violence,
                                                 violence and their dependents and child                 organization that focuses primarily on                domestic violence, or dating violence.
                                                 custody issues in domestic violence                     issues of domestic violence among                     To be eligible an entity must be a local
                                                 cases;                                                  Indians or Native Hawaiians; or, be an                agency, a nonprofit private organization
                                                    (iii) Response of the interdisciplinary              institution of higher education; and,                 (including faith-based and charitable
                                                 health care system to victims of                        demonstrate the ability to serve all                  organizations, community-based
                                                 domestic violence and access to health                  regions of the State, including                       organizations, and voluntary
                                                 care resources for victims of domestic                  underdeveloped areas and areas that are               associations), or a Tribal organization,
                                                 violence;                                               geographically distant from population                with a demonstrated record of serving
                                                    (iv) Response of mental health                       centers. Additionally, eligible entities              victims of family violence, domestic
                                                 systems, domestic violence service                      shall offer training and technical                    violence, or dating violence and their
                                                 programs, and other related systems and                 assistance and capacity-building                      children.
                                                 programs to victims of domestic                         resources in States where the                            (b) To be eligible to receive a grant
                                                 violence and to their children who are                  population of Indians (including Alaska               under this section, an entity shall
                                                 exposed to domestic violence.                           Natives) and Native Hawaiians exceeds                 submit an application that:
                                                    (4) Culturally-Specific Special Issue                                                                         (1) Includes a complete description of
                                                                                                         2.5 percent of the total population of the
                                                 Resource Centers enhance domestic                                                                             the applicant’s plan for providing
                                                 violence intervention and prevention                                                                          specialized services for abused parents
                                                                                                            (6) Other discretionary purposes to                and their children, including
                                                 efforts for victims of domestic violence                support training and technical
                                                 who are members of racial and ethnic                                                                          descriptions of:
                                                                                                         assistance that address emerging issues                  (i) How the entity will prioritize the
                                                 minority groups, to enhance the cultural                related to family violence, domestic                  safety of, and confidentiality of
                                                 and linguistic relevancy of service                     violence, or dating violence, to entities             information about victims of family
                                                 delivery, resource utilization, policy,                 demonstrating related experience.                     violence, victims of domestic violence,
                                                 research, technical assistance,
                                                                                                            (b) To receive a grant under any part              and victims of dating violence and their
                                                 community education, and prevention
                                                                                                         of this section, an entity shall submit an            children;
                                                 initiatives.                                                                                                     (ii) How the entity will provide
                                                                                                         application that shall meet such
                                                    (5) State resource centers to provide                                                                      developmentally appropriate and age-
                                                                                                         eligibility standards as are prescribed in
                                                 statewide information, training, and                                                                          appropriate services, and culturally and
                                                                                                         the FVPSA and contains such
                                                 technical assistance to Indian Tribes,                                                                        linguistically appropriate services, to
                                                                                                         agreements, assurances, and
                                                 Tribal organizations, and local domestic                                                                      the victims and children; and
                                                                                                         information, in such form, and
                                                 violence service organizations serving                                                                           (iii) How the entity will ensure that
                                                                                                         submitted in such manner as the
                                                 Native Americans (including Alaska                                                                            professionals working with the children
                                                                                                         Funding Opportunity Announcement
                                                 Natives and Native Hawaiians) in a                                                                            receive the training and technical
                                                                                                         and related program guidance prescribe.
                                                 culturally sensitive and relevant                                                                             assistance appropriate and relevant to
                                                 manner. These centers shall:                               (c) Grant recipients are required to
                                                                                                         comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights              the unique needs of children exposed to
                                                    (i) Offer a comprehensive array of                                                                         family violence, domestic violence, or
                                                 technical assistance and training                       Act of 1964 and Section 504 of the
                                                                                                         Rehabilitation Act of 1973. To effectuate             dating violence.
                                                 resources to Indian Tribes, Tribal                                                                               (2) Demonstrates that the applicant
                                                 organizations, and providers of services                such compliance, grant recipients
                                                                                                         should create a plan to ensure effective              has the ability to provide direct
                                                 to Native Americans (including Alaska                                                                         counseling, appropriate service, and
                                                 Natives and Native Hawaiians)                           communication and meaningful access,
                                                                                                         including:                                            advocacy on behalf of victims of family
                                                 specifically designed to enhance the                                                                          violence, domestic violence, or dating
                                                 capacity of the Tribes, organizations,                     (1) How to respond to individuals                  violence and their children, including
                                                 and providers to respond to domestic                    with Limited English Proficiency, and                 coordination with services provided by
                                                 violence;                                               how to use appropriate interpretation                 the child welfare system;
                                                    (ii) Coordinate all projects and                     and translation services, including best                 (3) Demonstrates that the applicant
                                                 activities with the National Indian                     practices for using taglines. Taglines are            can effectively provide services for
                                                 Resource Center Addressing Domestic                     short statements in non-English                       nonabusing parents to support those
                                                 Violence and Safety for Indian Women,                   languages informing persons who are                   parents’ roles as caregivers and their
                                                 including projects and activities that                  Limited English Proficient on how to                  roles in responding to the social,

                                                 involve working with State and local                    access language assistance services.                  emotional, and developmental needs of
                                                 governments to enhance their capacity                      (2) How to respond to individuals                  their children;
                                                 to understand the unique needs of                       with communication-related disabilities                  (c) Eligible applicants may use funds
                                                 Native Americans (including Alaska                      and how to provide appropriate                        under a grant pursuant to this section
                                                 Natives and Native Hawaiians); and                      auxiliary aids and services, including                that:
                                                    (iii) Provide comprehensive                          qualified interpreters and information in                (1) Demonstrates a capacity to provide
                                                 community education and domestic                        alternate formats, to people with                     early childhood development and
                                                 violence prevention initiatives in a                    disabilities.                                         mental health services;

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 198 / Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                61915

                                                   (2) Shows the ability to coordinate                   message service (SMS), cellular/                      family violence, domestic violence, or
                                                 activities with and provide technical                   wireless, laser, cable/broadband,                     dating violence and a record of high
                                                 assistance to community-based                           internet, voice-over internet protocol                quality service to victims of family
                                                 organizations serving victims of family                 (IP) or other communications, including               violence, domestic violence, or dating
                                                 violence, domestic violence, or dating                  telephone, smartphone, chat, text, voice              violence, including a demonstration of
                                                 violence or children exposed to family                  recognition, or other technological                   support from advocacy groups and State
                                                 violence, domestic violence, or dating                  means which connects callers or users                 Domestic Violence Coalitions;
                                                 violence; and                                           together.                                                (3) Demonstrates that the applicant
                                                   (3) Shows the capacity to provide                        (c) To be eligible to receive a grant              has the capacity and the expertise to
                                                 additional services and referrals to                    under this section, an entity shall                   maintain a domestic violence hotline
                                                 services for children, including child                  submit an application that:                           and a comprehensive database of service
                                                 care, transportation, educational                          (1) Includes a complete description of             providers;
                                                 support, respite care, supervised                       the applicant’s plan for the operation of                (4) Demonstrates the ability to provide
                                                 visitation, or other necessary services;                a national domestic violence telephone                information and referrals for callers,
                                                 and                                                     hotline, including descriptions of:                   directly connect callers to service
                                                   (4) Contains such agreements,                            (i) The training program for hotline               providers, and employ crisis
                                                 assurances, and information, in such                    personnel, including technology                       interventions meeting the standards of
                                                 form, and submitted in such manner as                   training to ensure that all persons                   family violence, domestic violence, and
                                                 the Funding Opportunity                                 affiliated with the hotline are able to               dating violence providers;
                                                 Announcement and related program                        effectively operate any technological
                                                 guidance prescribe.                                                                                              (5) Demonstrates that the applicant
                                                                                                         systems used by the hotline, and are                  has a commitment to diversity and to
                                                   (d) If Congressional appropriations in                familiar with effective communication
                                                 any fiscal year for the entirety of                                                                           the provision of services to underserved
                                                                                                         and meaningful access requirements, to                populations, including to ethnic, racial,
                                                 programs covered in this part (exclusive                ensure access for all, including people
                                                 of the National Domestic Violence                                                                             and Limited English Proficient
                                                                                                         who are Limited English Proficient and                individuals, in addition to older
                                                 Hotline which receives a separate                       people with disabilities;
                                                 appropriation) exceed $130 million, not                                                                       individuals and individuals with
                                                                                                            (ii) The hiring criteria and                       disabilities;
                                                 less than 25 percent of such excess                     qualifications for hotline personnel;
                                                 funds shall be made available to carry                                                                           (6) Demonstrates that the applicant
                                                                                                            (iii) The methods for the creation,
                                                 out this grant program. If appropriations                                                                     follows comprehensive quality
                                                                                                         maintenance, and updating of a resource
                                                 reach this threshold, HHS will specify                                                                        assurance practices; and
                                                 funding levels in future Funding                           (iv) A plan for publicizing the                       (7) Contains such agreements,
                                                 Opportunity Announcements.                              availability of the hotline;                          information, and assurances, including
                                                                                                            (v) A plan for providing service to                nondisclosure of confidential or private
                                                 § 1370.32 What additional requirements
                                                                                                         Limited English Proficient callers,                   information, in such form, and
                                                 apply to National Domestic Violence Hotline
                                                 grants?                                                 including service through hotline                     submitted in such manner as the
                                                                                                         personnel who are qualified to interpret              Funding Opportunity Announcement
                                                    (a) These grants are for one or more
                                                                                                         in non-English languages;                             and related program guidance prescribe.
                                                 private entities to provide for the
                                                 ongoing operation of a 24-hour,                            (vi) A plan for facilitating access to                (d) The entity receiving a grant under
                                                 national, toll-free telephone hotline to                the hotline by persons with disabilities,             this section shall submit a performance
                                                 provide information and assistance to                   including persons with hearing                        report to the Secretary at such time as
                                                 adult and youth victims of family                       impairments; and                                      reasonably required by the Secretary
                                                 violence, domestic violence, or dating                     (vii) A plan for providing assistance              that shall describe the activities that
                                                 violence, family and household                          and referrals to youth victims of                     have been carried out with grant funds,
                                                 members of such victims, and persons                    domestic violence and for victims of                  contain an evaluation of the
                                                 affected by the victimization.                          dating violence who are minors, which                 effectiveness of such activities, and
                                                    (b) Telephone is defined as a                        may be carried out through a national                 provide additional information as the
                                                 communications device that permits                      teen dating violence hotline.                         Secretary may reasonably require.
                                                 two or more callers or users to engage                     (2) Demonstrates that the applicant                [FR Doc. 2015–25726 Filed 10–9–15; 8:45 am]
                                                 in transmitted analog, digital, short                   has recognized expertise in the area of               BILLING CODE 4184–01–P

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Document Created: 2018-02-27 08:50:02
Document Modified: 2018-02-27 08:50:02
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionNotice of proposed rulemaking.
DatesIn order to be considered, comments on this proposed rule must be received on or before December 14, 2015. Current Family Violence Prevention and Services regulations remain in effect until this NPRM becomes final.
ContactKenneth E. Noyes, J.D., Senior Program Specialist, (202) 205-7891, [email protected] Deaf and hearing impaired individuals may call the Federal Dual Party Relay Service at 1-800-977-8339 between 8:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Eastern time.
FR Citation80 FR 61890 
RIN Number0970-AC62

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