80_FR_62184 80 FR 61985 - Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: The 2016 Critical Use Exemption From the Phaseout of Methyl Bromide

80 FR 61985 - Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: The 2016 Critical Use Exemption From the Phaseout of Methyl Bromide


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 199 (October 15, 2015)

Page Range61985-61993
FR Document2015-26301

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is authorizing uses that qualify for the critical use exemption and the amount of methyl bromide that may be produced or imported for those uses for the 2016 control period. EPA is issuing this action under the authority of the Clean Air Act to reflect consensus decisions of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer at the Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the Parties in November 2014.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 199 (Thursday, October 15, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 199 (Thursday, October 15, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 61985-61993]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-26301]



40 CFR Part 82

[EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0369; FRL-9935-69-OAR]
RIN 2060-AS44

Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: The 2016 Critical Use 
Exemption From the Phaseout of Methyl Bromide

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is authorizing uses 
that qualify for the critical use exemption and the amount of methyl 
bromide that may be produced or imported for those uses for the 2016 
control period. EPA is issuing this action under the authority of the 
Clean Air Act to reflect consensus decisions of the Parties to the 
Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer at the 
Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the Parties in November 2014.

DATES: This rule is effective on January 1, 2016.

ADDRESSES: EPA has established a docket for this action under Docket ID 
No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0369. All documents in the docket are listed on the 
www.regulations.gov Web site. Although listed in the index, some 
information is not publicly available, e.g., confidential business 
information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is restricted 
by statute. Certain other material, such as copyrighted material, is 
not placed on the Internet and is publicly available only in hard copy 
form. Publicly available docket materials are available either 
electronically through www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at the Air 
and Radiation Docket, EPA/DC, EPA West, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution 
Ave. NW., Washington, DC. The Public Reading Room is open from 8:30 
a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The 
telephone number for the Public Reading Room is (202) 566-1744, and the 
telephone number for the Air and Radiation Docket is (202) 566-1742.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jeremy Arling, Stratospheric 
Protection Division, Office of Atmospheric Programs, Mail Code 6205T, 
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20460; telephone number 
(202) 343-9055; email address arling.jeremy@epa.gov. You may also visit 
the methyl bromide section of the Ozone Depletion Web site of EPA's 
Stratospheric Protection Division at www.epa.gov/ozone/mbr for further 
information about the methyl bromide critical use exemption, other 
Stratospheric Ozone Protection regulations, the science of ozone layer 
depletion, and related topics.


I. Executive Summary

    This rule concerns Clean Air Act (CAA) restrictions on the 
consumption, production, and use of methyl bromide (a Class I, Group VI 
controlled substance) for critical uses. Under the Clean Air Act, 
methyl bromide consumption (consumption is defined under section 601 of 
the CAA as production plus imports minus exports) and production were 
phased out on January 1, 2005, apart from allowable exemptions, such as 
the critical use and the quarantine and preshipment (QPS) exemptions. 
With this action, EPA is authorizing the uses that will qualify for the 
critical use exemption as well as specific amounts of methyl bromide 
that may be produced and imported for those critical uses for 2016.

II. General Information

A. Does this action apply to me?

    Entities and categories of entities potentially regulated by this 
action include producers, importers, and exporters of methyl bromide; 
applicators and distributors of methyl bromide; and users of methyl 
bromide that applied for the 2016 critical use exemption including 
growers of vegetable crops, ornamentals, fruits, and nursery stock, and 
owners of stored food commodities. This list is not intended to be 
exhaustive, but rather to provide a guide for readers regarding 
entities likely to be regulated by this action. To determine whether 
your facility, company, business, or organization could be regulated by 
this action, you should carefully examine the regulations promulgated 
at 40 CFR part 82, subpart A. If you have questions regarding the 
applicability of this action to a particular entity, consult the person 
listed in the preceding section.

[[Page 61986]]

III. What is Methyl Bromide?

    Methyl bromide is an odorless, colorless, toxic gas which is used 
as a broad-spectrum pesticide and is controlled under the CAA as a 
Class I ozone-depleting substance (ODS). Methyl bromide was once widely 
used as a fumigant to control a variety of pests such as insects, 
weeds, rodents, pathogens, and nematodes.
    Methyl bromide is also regulated by EPA under the Federal 
Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and other statutes 
and regulatory authorities, as well as by States under their own 
statutes and regulatory authority. Under FIFRA, methyl bromide is a 
restricted use pesticide. Restricted use pesticides are subject to 
Federal and State requirements governing their sale, distribution, and 
use. Nothing in this rule implementing Title VI of the Clean Air Act is 
intended to derogate from provisions in any other Federal, State, or 
local laws or regulations governing actions including, but not limited 
to, the sale, distribution, transfer, and use of methyl bromide. 
Entities affected by this action must comply with FIFRA and other 
pertinent statutory and regulatory requirements for pesticides 
(including, but not limited to, requirements pertaining to restricted 
use pesticides) when producing, importing, exporting, acquiring, 
selling, distributing, transferring, or using methyl bromide. The 
provisions in this action are intended only to implement the CAA 
restrictions on the production, consumption, and use of methyl bromide 
for critical uses exempted from the phaseout of methyl bromide.

IV. What is the background to the Phaseout Regulations for Ozone-
Depleting substances?

    The regulatory requirements of the stratospheric ozone protection 
program that limit production and consumption of ozone-depleting 
substances are in 40 CFR part 82, subpart A. The regulatory program was 
originally published in the Federal Register on August 12, 1988 (53 FR 
30566), in response to the 1987 signing and subsequent ratification of 
the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer 
(Montreal Protocol). The Montreal Protocol is the international 
agreement aimed at reducing and eliminating the production and 
consumption of stratospheric ozone-depleting substances. The United 
States was one of the original signatories to the 1987 Montreal 
Protocol, and the United States ratified the Protocol in 1988. Congress 
then enacted, and President George H.W. Bush signed into law, the Clean 
Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA of 1990), which included Title VI on 
Stratospheric Ozone Protection, codified as 42 U.S.C. Chapter 85, 
Subchapter VI, to ensure that the United States could satisfy its 
obligations under the Protocol. EPA issued regulations to implement 
this legislation and has since amended the regulations as needed.
    Methyl bromide was added to the Protocol as an ozone-depleting 
substance in 1992 through the Copenhagen Amendment to the Protocol. The 
Parties to the Montreal Protocol (Parties) agreed that each developed 
country's level of methyl bromide production and consumption in 1991 
should be the baseline for establishing a freeze on the level of methyl 
bromide production and consumption for developed countries. EPA 
published a rule in the Federal Register on December 10, 1993 (58 FR 
65018), listing methyl bromide as a Class I, Group VI controlled 
substance. This rule froze U.S. production and consumption at the 1991 
baseline level of 25,528,270 kilograms, and set forth the percentage of 
baseline allowances for methyl bromide granted to companies in each 
control period (each calendar year) until 2001, when the complete 
phaseout would occur. This phaseout date was established in response to 
a petition filed in 1991 under sections 602(c)(3) and 606(b) of the 
CAAA of 1990, requesting that EPA list methyl bromide as a Class I 
substance and phase out its production and consumption. This date was 
consistent with section 602(d) of the CAAA of 1990, which, for newly 
listed Class I ozone-depleting substances provides that ``no extension 
[of the phaseout schedule in section 604] under this subsection may 
extend the date for termination of production of any class I substance 
to a date more than 7 years after January 1 of the year after the year 
in which the substance is added to the list of class I substances.''
    At the Seventh Meeting of the Parties (MOP) in 1995, the Parties 
agreed to adjustments to the methyl bromide control measures and agreed 
to reduction steps and a 2010 phaseout date for developed countries 
with exemptions permitted for critical uses. At that time, the United 
States continued to have a 2001 phaseout date in accordance with 
section 602(d) of the CAAA of 1990. At the Ninth MOP in 1997, the 
Parties agreed to further adjustments to the phaseout schedule for 
methyl bromide in developed countries, with reduction steps leading to 
a 2005 phaseout. The Parties also established a phaseout date of 2015 
for countries operating under Article 5 of the Protocol (developing 

V. What is the legal authority for exempting the production and import 
of methyl bromide for critical uses permitted by the parties to the 
Montreal Protocol?

    In October 1998, the U.S. Congress amended the Clean Air Act to 
prohibit the termination of production of methyl bromide prior to 
January 1, 2005, to require EPA to align the U.S. phaseout of methyl 
bromide with the schedule specified under the Protocol, and to 
authorize EPA to provide certain exemptions. These amendments were 
contained in section 764 of the 1999 Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency 
Supplemental Appropriations Act (Pub. L. 105-277, October 21, 1998) and 
were codified in section 604 of the CAA, 42 U.S.C. 7671c. The amendment 
that specifically addresses the critical use exemption appears at 
section 604(d)(6), 42 U.S.C. 7671c(d)(6). EPA revised the phaseout 
schedule for methyl bromide production and consumption in a rulemaking 
on November 28, 2000 (65 FR 70795), which allowed for the reduction in 
methyl bromide consumption specified under the Protocol and extended 
the phaseout to 2005 while creating a placeholder for critical use 
exemptions. Through an interim final rule on July 19, 2001 (66 FR 
37751), and a final rule on January 2, 2003 (68 FR 238), EPA amended 
the regulations to allow for an exemption for quarantine and 
preshipment purposes.
    On December 23, 2004 (69 FR 76982), EPA published a rule (the 
``Framework Rule'') that established the framework for the critical use 
exemption, set forth a list of approved critical uses for 2005, and 
specified the amount of methyl bromide that could be supplied in 2005 
from stocks, new production, or through imports to meet the needs of 
approved critical uses. EPA has subsequently published rules applying 
the critical use exemption framework for each of the annual control 
periods from 2006 to 2015.
    In accordance with Article 2H(5) of the Montreal Protocol, the 
Parties have issued several Decisions pertaining to the critical use 
exemption. These include Decisions IX/6 and Ex. I/4, which set forth 
criteria for review of critical uses. The status of Decisions is 
addressed in NRDC v. EPA, (464 F.3d 1, D.C. Cir. 2006) and in EPA's 
``Supplemental Brief for the Respondent,'' filed in NRDC v. EPA and 
available in the docket for this action. In this rule, EPA is honoring 

[[Page 61987]]

made by the United States in the Montreal Protocol context.
    Under authority of section 604(d)(6) of the CAA, EPA is now listing 
approved critical uses, as well as authorizing the amount of methyl 
bromide that may be produced or imported to satisfy those uses during 
2016. The critical uses and amounts reflect Decision XXVI/6, taken at 
the Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the Parties in November 2014.

VI. What is the critical use exemption process?

A. Background of the Process

    Article 2H of the Montreal Protocol established the critical use 
exemption provision. At the Ninth Meeting of the Parties in 1997, the 
Parties established the criteria for an exemption in Decision IX/6. In 
that Decision, the Parties agreed that ``a use of methyl bromide should 
qualify as `critical' only if the nominating Party determines that: (i) 
The specific use is critical because the lack of availability of methyl 
bromide for that use would result in a significant market disruption; 
and (ii) There are no technically and economically feasible 
alternatives or substitutes available to the user that are acceptable 
from the standpoint of environment and health and are suitable to the 
crops and circumstances of the nomination.'' EPA promulgated these 
criteria in the definition of ``critical use'' at 40 CFR 82.3.
    In addition, Decision IX/6 provides that production and 
consumption, if any, of methyl bromide for critical uses should be 
permitted only if a variety of conditions have been met, including that 
all technically and economically feasible steps have been taken to 
minimize the critical use and any associated emission of methyl 
bromide, that research programs are in place to develop and deploy 
alternatives and substitutes, and that methyl bromide is not available 
in sufficient quantity and quality from existing stocks of banked or 
recycled methyl bromide.
    EPA requested critical use exemption applications for 2016 through 
a Federal Register notice published on May 31, 2013 (78 FR 32646). 
Applicants submitted data on their use of methyl bromide, the technical 
and economic feasibility of using alternatives, ongoing research 
programs into the use of alternatives in their sector, and efforts to 
minimize use and emissions of methyl bromide.
    EPA reviews the data submitted by applicants, as well as data from 
governmental and academic sources, to establish whether there are 
technically and economically feasible alternatives available for a 
particular use of methyl bromide, and whether there would be a 
significant market disruption if no exemption were available. In 
addition, an interagency workgroup reviews other parameters of the 
exemption applications such as dosage and emissions minimization 
techniques and applicants' research or transition plans. As required in 
section 604(d)(6) of the CAA, for each exemption period, EPA consults 
with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).\1\ This 
assessment process culminates in the development of the U.S. critical 
use nomination (CUN). Annually since 2003, the U.S. Department of State 
has submitted a CUN to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 
Ozone Secretariat. The Methyl Bromide Technical Options Committee 
(MBTOC) and the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), which 
are advisory bodies to Parties to the Montreal Protocol, review each 
Party's CUN and make recommendations to the Parties on the nominations. 
The Parties then take Decisions on critical use exemptions for 
particular Parties, including how much methyl bromide may be supplied 
for the exempted critical uses. EPA then provides an opportunity for 
public comment on the amounts and specific uses of methyl bromide that 
the Agency proposed to exempt.

    \1\ See CAA section 604(d)(6): ``To the extent consistent with 
the Montreal Protocol, the Administrator, after notice and the 
opportunity for public comment, and after consultation with other 
departments or instrumentalities of the Federal Government having 
regulatory authority related to methyl bromide, including the 
Secretary of Agriculture, may exempt the production, importation, 
and consumption of methyl bromide for critical uses.''

    On January 22, 2014, the United States submitted the twelfth 
Nomination for a Critical Use Exemption for Methyl Bromide for the 
United States of America to the Ozone Secretariat of UNEP. This 
nomination contained the request for 2016 critical uses. In March 2014, 
MBTOC sent questions to the United States concerning technical and 
economic issues in the 2016 nomination. The United States transmitted 
responses to MBTOC in March 2014. In May 2014, the MBTOC provided their 
interim recommendations on the U.S. nomination in the May TEAP Interim 
Report. These documents, together with reports by the advisory bodies 
noted above, are in the public docket for this rulemaking. The critical 
uses and amounts approved in this rule reflect the analyses contained 
in those documents.

B. How does this rule relate to previous critical use exemption rules?

    The December 23, 2004, Framework Rule established the framework for 
the critical use exemption program in the United States, including 
definitions, prohibitions, trading provisions, and recordkeeping and 
reporting obligations. The preamble to the Framework Rule included 
EPA's determinations on key issues for the critical use exemption 
    Since publishing the Framework Rule, EPA has annually issued 
regulations to indicate which uses meet the criteria for the exemption 
and to exempt specific quantities of production and import of methyl 
bromide for a particular year.
    This action continues the approach established in the 2013 Rule (78 
FR 43797, July 22, 2013) for determining the amounts of Critical Use 
Allowances (CUAs) to be allocated for critical uses. A CUA is the 
privilege granted through 40 CFR part 82 to produce or import 1 
kilogram (kg) of methyl bromide for an approved critical use during the 
specified control period. A control period is a calendar year. See 40 
CFR 82.3. Each year's allowances expire at the end of that control 
period and, as explained in the Framework Rule, are not bankable from 
one year to the next.

C. Critical Uses

    In Decision XXVI/6, taken in November 2014, the Parties to the 
Protocol agreed ``[t]o permit, for the agreed critical-use categories 
for 2015 and 2016 set forth in table A of the annex to the present 
decision for each party, subject to the conditions set forth in the 
present decision and in decision Ex. I/4 to the extent that those 
conditions are applicable, the levels of production and consumption for 
2015 and 2016 set forth in table B of the annex to the present 
decision, which are necessary to satisfy critical uses. . . .'' Cured 
pork and strawberry field production are the uses that are set forth in 
table A of the annex to Decision XXVI/6 for the United States for 2016.
    This rule modifies the table in 40 CFR part 82, subpart A, appendix 
L to reflect the agreed critical use categories. EPA is amending the 
table of critical uses and critical users based on the uses permitted 
in Decision XXVI/6 and the technical analyses contained in the 2016 
U.S. nomination that assess data submitted by applicants to the CUE 
program. For reasons discussed below, EPA is removing the time 
limitation in appendix L for the approval of dry-cured pork products as 
a critical use to

[[Page 61988]]

allow for the continued use of carryover post-harvest methyl bromide 
after 2016.
    Specifically, this rule removes the food processing uses that were 
listed in the joint 2014/2015 CUE rule as critical uses for 2014. The 
California Date Commission as well as all users under the food 
processing use (rice millers, pet food manufacturing facilities, and 
members of the North American Millers' Association) did not submit CUE 
applications for 2016 and therefore were not included in the 2016 U.S. 
nomination to the Parties of the Montreal Protocol.
    This rule also removes the remaining commodity uses (walnuts, dried 
plums, figs, and raisins). These sectors applied for a critical use in 
2016 but the United States did not nominate them for 2016. In addition, 
some sectors that were not on the list of critical uses for 2014 or 
2015 submitted applications for 2016. These sectors are: Michigan 
cucurbit, eggplant, pepper, and tomato growers; Florida eggplant, 
pepper, strawberry, and tomato growers; the California Association of 
Nursery and Garden Centers; California stone fruit, table and raisin 
grape, walnut, and almond growers; ornamental growers in California and 
Florida; and the U.S. Golf Course Superintendents Association. EPA 
conducted a thorough technical assessment of each application and 
considered the effects that the loss of methyl bromide would have for 
each agricultural sector, and whether significant market disruption 
would occur as a result. Following this technical review, EPA consulted 
with the USDA and the Department of State. EPA determined that these 
users did not meet the critical use criteria in Decision IX/6 and the 
United States did not include them in the 2016 Critical Use Nomination. 
EPA notified these sectors of their status by letters dated March 28, 
2014. For each of these uses, EPA found that there are technically and 
economically feasible alternatives to methyl bromide. EPA refers 
readers to the Federal Register Notice ``Request for Methyl Bromide 
Critical Use Exemption Applications for 2017'' (79 FR 38887; July 9, 
2014) for a summary of information on how the Agency evaluated specific 
uses and available alternatives when considering applications for 
critical uses for 2016.
    EPA requested comment on the technical assessments of the 
applications in the sector summaries found in the docket and the 
determination that these users did not meet the critical use criteria. 
EPA also requested any new or additional information that the Agency 
may consider in preparing future nominations. EPA also sought comment 
on the technical analyses contained in the U.S. nomination and 
information regarding any changes to the registration (including 
cancellations or registrations), use, or efficacy of alternatives that 
occurred after the nomination was submitted.
    As EPA noted in the proposed rule, as the market for alternatives 
evolves, the thresholds for what constitutes ``significant market 
disruption'' or ``technical and economic feasibility'' may change. Such 
information has the potential to alter the technical or economic 
feasibility of an alternative and could thus cause EPA to modify the 
analysis that underpins EPA's determination as to which uses and what 
amounts of methyl bromide qualify for the CUE.
    EPA received one comment on the proposed rule. This commenter 
highlighted the chemical and non-chemical alternatives in use in the 
European Union, including other fumigants, integrated crop management 
systems, heat treatment, gamma irradiation, cold storage, resistant 
varieties and cultivars, crop rotation, cover crops, soil solarization, 
and anaerobic disinfestation. EPA considered these alternatives when 
developing the nomination for critical uses for 2016, but concluded 
that additional research on alternatives is still necessary for dry 
cured ham production, and that additional time to transition to 
chloropicrin is needed for California strawberries.
    The same commenter urged the Agency to announce an end date for all 
methyl bromide exemptions and, in light of the recent human health 
incident in the U.S. Virgin Islands, to end the use of all methyl 
bromide in the United States. Neither the Protocol nor the Clean Air 
Act establishes a specific end date for the critical use exemption. 
However, as noted in Decision Ex. I/4, the Parties intended for the 
critical use exemption to be a limited, temporary derogation from that 
phaseout. Progress in developing alternatives in key areas of 
historical methyl bromide use has been significant and has allowed many 
sectors to successfully transition from methyl bromide over the last 
decade. Specifically, the number of sectors nominated has declined from 
seventeen for 2006 to one for 2017.
    With respect to the commenter's request that EPA end all use of 
methyl bromide in the U.S., we note that production for quarantine and 
preshipment is excluded from the phaseout under the Montreal Protocol 
and that section 604(d)(5) of the Clean Air Act directs EPA to exempt 
production for this purpose. EPA continues to support this important 
exemption to prevent the introduction and spread of quarantine pests 
while encouraging research into alternatives that meet the rigorous 
standards for quarantine and preshipment applications.

D. Critical Use Amounts

    Table A of the annex to Decision XXVI/6 lists critical uses and 
amounts agreed by the Parties to the Montreal Protocol for 2016. The 
maximum amount of new production and import for U.S. critical uses in 
2016, specified in Table B of the annex to Decision XXVI/6, is 234.78 
MT, minus available stocks. This figure is equivalent to less than 1 
percent of the U.S. 1991 methyl bromide consumption baseline of 25,528 
    EPA has determined the level of new production and import according 
to the Framework Rule, as modified by the 2013 Rule. Under this 
approach, the amount of new production for each control period equals 
the total amount permitted by the Parties to the Montreal Protocol in 
their Decisions minus any reductions for available stocks, carryover, 
and the uptake of alternatives. These terms (available stocks, 
carryover, and the uptake of alternatives) are discussed in detail 
below. Applying this approach, EPA is allocating allowances to exempt 
140,531 kg of new production and import of methyl bromide for critical 
uses in 2016, making reductions for available stocks and carryover. 
This is the same amount EPA proposed to allocate.
    Available Stocks: For 2016 the Parties indicated that the United 
States should use ``available stocks,'' but did not indicate a minimum 
amount expected to be taken from stocks. Consistent with EPA's past 
practice, EPA considered what amount, if any, of the existing stocks 
may be available to critical users during 2016. The latest data 
reported to EPA from December 31, 2014, show existing stocks to be 
158,121 kg. This shows that 198,440 kg of pre-2005 stocks were sold in 
    The Parties to the Protocol recognized in their Decisions that the 
level of existing stocks may differ from the level of available stocks. 
Decision XXVI/6 states that ``production and consumption of methyl 
bromide for critical uses should be permitted only if methyl bromide is 
not available in sufficient quantity and quality from existing stocks. 
. . .'' In addition, the Decision states that ``parties operating under 
critical-use exemptions should take into account the extent to which 
methyl bromide is available in sufficient

[[Page 61989]]

quantity and quality from existing stocks. . . .'' Earlier Decisions 
also refer to the use of ``quantities of methyl bromide from stocks 
that the Party has recognized to be available.'' Thus, it is clear that 
individual Parties may determine their level of available stocks. 
Section 604(d)(6) of the CAA does not require EPA to adjust the amount 
of new production and import to reflect the availability of stocks; 
however, as explained in previous rulemakings, making such an 
adjustment is a reasonable exercise of EPA's discretion under this 
    In the 2013 CUE Rule (78 FR 43797, July 22, 2013), EPA established 
an approach that considered whether a percentage of the existing 
inventory was available. In that rule, EPA took comment on whether 0% 
or 5% of the existing stocks was available. The final rule found 0% was 
available for critical use in 2013 for a number of reasons including: A 
pattern of significant underestimation of inventory drawdown; the 
increasing concentration of critical users in California while 
inventory remained distributed nationwide; and the recognition that the 
Agency cannot compel distributors to sell inventory to critical users. 
For further discussion, see the 2013 CUE Rule (78 FR 43802).
    EPA believes that 5% of existing stocks will be available in 2016 
for the two critical uses. As a result of the changes to the FIFRA 
labeling, methyl bromide sold or distributed in 2015 can only be used 
for approved critical uses or for quarantine and preshipment purposes. 
Except for sectors with quarantine and preshipment uses, California 
strawberries is the only pre-plant sector that will be able to use 
stocks in 2015 or 2016. EPA does not anticipate stocks to be used for 
quarantine and preshipment uses as there are no production allowances 
required to manufacture that material and it tends to be less expensive 
than stocks. Distributors will therefore likely make stocks available 
to California strawberry growers in 2015 and 2016.
    While EPA has not estimated the amount of stocks that will be used 
in 2015, EPA believes that at least 5% of stocks will be available in 
2016. As discussed in the section on carryover below, demand by 
California strawberry growers in 2014 for critical use methyl bromide 
was lower than anticipated. For the first time since 2009, not all of 
the critical use material produced or imported for a control period was 
sold. Decreased demand for critical use methyl bromide in 2014 means 
that unsold material already produced will be available in 2015 in 
addition to stocks.
    Furthermore, EPA now knows the national distribution and 
composition of stocks (e.g. pure or mixed with chloropicrin) due to a 
recent information collection request under section 114 of the Clean 
Air Act. After reviewing results of the information collection request, 
EPA believes there is geographically accessible pure methyl bromide for 
ham producers in the Southeastern U.S. as well as pre-plant methyl 
bromide for California strawberry producers.
    For these reasons, EPA finds that 5% of the existing inventory is 
available for use in 2016. Existing stocks, as of December 31, 2014, 
were equal to 158,121 kg. Therefore, EPA is reducing the amount of new 
production for 2016 by 7,906 kg, as proposed.
    EPA specifically invited comment on whether between 0% and 5% of 
existing inventory will be available to critical users in 2016. EPA did 
not receive any comments on that specific issue but did receive a 
comment that it is unclear whether the information received by EPA is 
an accurate reflection of the existing and available stocks of methyl 
bromide in the United States. The commenter encouraged improved 
information gathering to better ensure that these stocks are being used 
in compliance with the FIFRA labeling and the critical use exemption.
    EPA has undertaken two information gathering requests in 2015 under 
section 114 of the CAA. The first request was discussed in the proposed 
rule and sought information about the composition (i.e. pure vs mixed 
with chloropicrin), quantity, and location of stocks. The new 
information provided to the Agency in response to this request has 
enhanced EPA's understanding of existing and available stocks of methyl 
bromide in the United States. EPA's second request for information 
under section 114 of the Clean Air Act was in part a response to the 
misuse of methyl bromide in a residential space in the U.S. Virgin 
Islands and sought additional sales information from all known methyl 
bromide distributors. Specifically, EPA sought the names of all 
distributors and third party applicators of CUE, QPS, and pre-2005 
stocks in 2014. EPA is currently reviewing responses to this request.
    As a further response, under FIFRA, EPA is also working to 
implement changes to methyl bromide commodity labels in order to 
clarify uses and provide additional protections for workers and 
bystanders. EPA is also looking at how additional reporting could help 
ensure compliance with label requirements through EPA's Registration 
Review program, which evaluates pesticides on a regular basis. 
Information on the review of methyl bromide, along with a schedule of 
when the next public comment periods are anticipated, can be found on 
regulations.gov at docket number EPA-HQ-OPP-2013-0269.
    Carryover Material: EPA regulations prohibit methyl bromide 
produced or imported after January 1, 2005, under the critical use 
exemption, from being added to the pre-2005 inventory. Quantities of 
methyl bromide produced, imported, exported, or sold to end-users under 
the critical use exemption in a control period must be reported to EPA 
the next year. EPA uses these reports to calculate any excess methyl 
bromide left over from that year's CUE and, using the framework 
established in the 2005 CUE Rule, reduces the following year's total 
allocation by that amount. Carryover had been reported to the Agency 
every year from 2005 to 2009. Carryover material (which is produced 
using critical use allowances) is not included in EPA's definition of 
existing inventory (which applies to pre-2005 material) because this 
would lead to a double-counting of carryover amounts.
    In 2015, companies reported that 442,200 kg of methyl bromide was 
produced or imported for U.S. critical uses in 2014. Companies also 
reported that 355,857 kg of critical use methyl bromide was sold to 
end-users in 2014. EPA calculates that the carryover at the end of 2014 
was 86,343 kg, which is the difference between the reported amount of 
critical use methyl bromide produced or imported in 2014 and the 
reported amount of sales of that material to end users in 2014. EPA's 
calculation of carryover is consistent with the method used in previous 
CUE rules, and with the format in Decision XVI/6 for calculating column 
L of the U.S. Accounting Framework. All U.S. Accounting Frameworks for 
critical use methyl bromide are available in the public docket for this 
rulemaking. EPA is therefore reducing the total level of new production 
and import for critical uses by 86,343 kg to reflect the amount of 
carryover material available at the end of 2014, in addition to the 
7,906 kg reduction for available stocks discussed above.
    EPA has considered the possibility that there might be methyl 
bromide produced in 2015 and 2016 carried over into subsequent years. 
Any pre-plant critical use methyl bromide carried over from the 2015 
control period could not be subtracted in 2017, as would usually be 
done. That is because critical use material produced for a pre-plant 

[[Page 61990]]

must be used on a pre-plant use and the United States has not nominated 
a pre-plant use for 2017. Such carryover could be used in 2016 while 
California strawberry production is a critical use. Any pre-plant 
methyl bromide produced under the authority of this rule in 2016 that 
is not used in 2016 would have to be destroyed. EPA has discussed these 
matters with methyl bromide distributors, producers, and importers that 
reported to EPA that they have carryover material to make them aware of 
the need to use all pre-plant critical use methyl bromide by the end of 
2016. California strawberry growers represent a large end-use with 
capacity to use all remaining pre-plant critical use material by the 
end of 2016.
    EPA believes that not all 2014 carryover produced for post-harvest 
uses may be used by the end of 2016 given the low volume used by the 
ham production sector. As discussed above, EPA has accounted for 2014 
post-harvest carryover in this rule and has reduced the production of 
new material. EPA is also working to connect dry cured ham producers 
with distributors that hold post-harvest carryover to help ensure that 
it will be used. However, EPA believes that ham producers should be 
allowed to continue to use carryover post-harvest critical use methyl 
bromide should any remain after 2016. EPA believes that hams may not 
have a technically or economically feasible alternative by the end of 
2016 and thus will likely continue to meet the critical use criteria 
beyond 2016. Therefore, to provide certainty to the ham producers and 
to continue an orderly reduction in methyl bromide produced for 
critical uses, EPA will allow the continued use of post-harvest 
carryover for hams beyond 2016. Accordingly, EPA is not specifying a 
date limitation in appendix L for the approval of dry cured pork 
products as critical uses.
    Uptake of Alternatives: EPA considers data on the availability of 
alternatives that it receives following submission of each nomination 
to UNEP. In previous rules EPA has reduced the total CUE amount when a 
new alternative has been registered and increased the new production 
amount when an alternative is withdrawn, but not above the amount 
permitted by the Parties. Neither circumstance has occurred since the 
nomination was submitted for 2016.
    EPA is not making any other modifications to CUE amounts to account 
for availability of alternatives. Rates of transition to alternatives 
have already been applied for permitted 2016 critical use amounts 
through the nomination and authorization process. EPA continues to 
gather information about methyl bromide alternatives through the CUE 
application process, and by other means. EPA also continues to support 
research and adoption of methyl bromide alternatives, and to request 
information about the economic and technical feasibility of all 
existing and potential alternatives.
    Allocation Amounts: EPA is issuing critical use allowances for new 
production or import of methyl bromide equivalent to 140,531 kg to 
Great Lakes Chemical Corporation, Albemarle Corporation, ICL-IP 
America, and TriCal, Inc in proportion to their respective baselines. 
Paragraph 3 of Decision XXVI/6 states that ``parties shall endeavour to 
license, permit, authorize or allocate quantities of methyl bromide for 
critical uses as listed in table A of the annex to the present 
decision. . . .'' This is similar to language in prior Decisions 
permitting critical uses. These Decisions call on Parties to endeavor 
to allocate critical use methyl bromide on a sector basis.
    EPA is assigning the 7,906 kg reduction for available stocks and 
86,343 kg reduction for carryover in proportion to the amounts 
indicated in Table A of the annex to Decision XXVI/6. In other words, 
both the pre-plant and the post-harvest allocation are reduced by 40%. 
Specifically, the pre-plant allocation for California strawberry 
production is 138,592 kg and the post-harvest allocation for dry cured 
ham is 1,939 kg. Reported data show that the critical use methyl 
bromide carried over from 2014 and the existing stocks include both 
pre-plant and post-harvest material.
    The proposed Framework Rule contained several options for 
allocating critical use allowances, including a sector-by-sector 
approach. The Agency evaluated various options based on their economic, 
environmental, and practical effects. After receiving comments, EPA 
determined in the final Framework Rule that a lump-sum, or universal, 
allocation, modified to include distinct caps for pre-plant and post-
harvest uses, was the most efficient and least burdensome approach that 
would achieve the desired environmental results, and that a sector-by-
sector approach would pose significant administrative and practical 
difficulties. Because there is only one use in the pre-plant sector and 
one use in the post-harvest sector, this rule follows the breakout of 
specific uses in Decision XXVI/6.
    Emergency Use: The U.S. government is committed to using 
flexibility in the Protocol's existing mechanisms as an avenue to 
address changes in national circumstance that affect the transition to 
alternatives. EPA requested comments and any new information on 
specific emergency situations that may necessitate the use of methyl 
bromide, consistent with the requirements of the Montreal Protocol, and 
which could be difficult to address using current tools and 
authorities. EPA did not receive any comments in response to this 

E. The Criteria in Decisions IX/6 and Ex. I/4

    Decision XXVI/6 calls on Parties to apply the criteria in Decision 
IX/6, paragraph 1 and the conditions set forth in Decision Ex. I/4 (to 
the extent applicable) to exempted critical uses for the 2016 control 
period. The following section provides references to sections of this 
preamble and other documents where EPA considers the criteria of those 
two Decisions.
    Decision IX/6, paragraph 1 contains the critical use criteria, 
which are summarized in Section III.A of the preamble. The nomination 
documents detail how each critical use meets the criteria in Decision 
IX/6, paragraph 1 including: The lack of available technically and 
economically feasible alternatives under the circumstance of the 
nomination; efforts to minimize use and emissions of methyl bromide 
where technically and economically feasible; and the development of 
research and transition plans. The nomination documents also address 
the requests in Decision Ex. I/4 paragraphs 5 and 6 that Parties 
consider and implement MBTOC recommendations, where feasible, on 
actions a Party may take to reduce the critical uses of methyl bromide 
and include information on the methodology they use to determine 
economic feasibility.
    A discussion of the Agency's application of the critical use 
criteria to the critical uses in this rule appears in Sections III.A., 
III.C., and III.D. of this preamble. The Agency has previously provided 
its interpretation of the criterion in Decision IX/6, paragraph 
(1)(a)(i) regarding the presence of significant market disruption in 
the absence of an exemption. EPA refers readers to the preamble to the 
2006 CUE rule (71 FR 5989, February 6, 2006) as well as to the memo in 
the docket titled ``Development of 2003 Nomination for a Critical Use 
Exemption for Methyl Bromide for the United States of America'' for 
further elaboration. As explained in those documents, EPA's 
interpretation of this term has several dimensions, including looking 
at potential effects on both demand and supply for a commodity, 
evaluating potential losses at both an individual

[[Page 61991]]

level and at an aggregate level, and evaluating potential losses in 
both relative and absolute terms.
    The United States also considered the research and adoption of 
alternatives when developing the National Management Strategy submitted 
to the Ozone Secretariat in December 2005 and updated in October 2009. 
The National Management Strategy addresses all of the aims specified in 
Decision Ex. I/4, paragraph 3 to the extent feasible and is available 
in the docket for this rulemaking.

F. Emissions Minimization

    Previous Decisions of the Parties have stated that critical users 
shall employ emissions minimization techniques such as virtually 
impermeable films, barrier film technologies, deep shank injection and/
or other techniques that promote environmental protection, whenever 
technically and economically feasible. EPA developed a comprehensive 
strategy for risk mitigation through the 2009 Reregistration 
Eligibility Decision (RED) \2\ for methyl bromide, available in the 
docket to this rulemaking, which is implemented through restrictions on 
how methyl bromide products can be used. This approach means that 
methyl bromide labels require that treated sites be tarped. The RED 
also incorporated incentives for applicators to use high-barrier tarps, 
such as virtually impermeable film, by allowing smaller buffer zones 
around those sites. In addition to minimizing emissions, use of high-
barrier tarps has the benefit of providing pest control at lower 
application rates. The amount of methyl bromide nominated by the United 
States reflects the lower application rates necessary when using high-
barrier tarps.

    \2\ Additional information on risk mitigation measures for soil 
fumigants is available at http://epa.gov/pesticides/reregistration/soil_fumigants/.

    EPA will continue to work with the U.S. Department of Agriculture--
Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) and the National Institute for 
Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA) to promote emissions reduction 
techniques. The Federal government has invested substantial resources 
into developing and implementing best practices for methyl bromide use, 
including emissions reduction practices. The Cooperative Extension 
System, which receives some support from USDA-NIFA, provides locally 
appropriate and project-focused outreach education regarding methyl 
bromide transition best practices. Additional information on USDA 
research on alternatives and emissions reduction can be found at: 
http://www.ars.usda.gov/research/programs/programs.htm?NP_CODE=304, and 
    Users of methyl bromide should continue to minimize overall 
emissions of methyl bromide. EPA also encourages researchers and users 
who are using techniques to minimize emissions of methyl bromide to 
inform EPA of their experiences and to provide information on such 
techniques with their critical use applications.

G. Technical Correction to Recordkeeping and Reporting Provisions

    EPA is making minor technical changes to section 82.13(y) and (z) 
related to recordkeeping and reporting under the quarantine and 
preshipment exemption. Section 82.13(y) contains a reference to 
paragraph (aa) where it should reference paragraph (y). Similarly, 
section 82.13(z) contains a reference to paragraph (bb) where it should 
reference paragraph (z). This merely corrects a typographical error and 
is not a substantive change to the recordkeeping requirements or the 
quarantine and preshipment exemption program.

VII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and Executive 
Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review

    This action is not a significant regulatory action and was 
therefore not submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
for review.

B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)

    This action does not impose any new information collection burden 
under the PRA. OMB has previously approved the information collection 
activities contained in the existing regulations and has assigned OMB 
control number 2060-0482. The application, recordkeeping, and reporting 
requirements have already been established under previous critical use 
exemption rulemakings.

C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)

    I certify that this action will not have a significant economic 
impact on a substantial number of small entities under the RFA. In 
making this determination, the impact of concern is any significant 
adverse economic impact on small entities. An agency may certify that a 
rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial 
number of small entities if the rule relieves regulatory burden, has no 
net burden or otherwise has a positive economic effect on the small 
entities subject to the rule. Since this rule allows the use of methyl 
bromide for approved critical uses after the phaseout date of January 
1, 2005, this action confers a benefit to users of methyl bromide. We 
have therefore concluded that this action will relieve regulatory 
burden for all directly regulated small entities.

D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA)

    This action does not contain any unfunded mandate as described in 
UMRA, 2 U.S.C. 1531-1538. The action imposes no enforceable duty on any 
state, local or tribal governments or the private sector.

E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism

    This action does not have federalism implications. It will not have 
substantial direct effects on the states, on the relationship between 
the national government and the states, or on the distribution of power 
and responsibilities among the various levels of government. This 
action allocates allowances for the production and import of methyl 
bromide to private entities. This rule also limits the critical uses to 
geographical areas that reflect the scope of the trade associations 
that applied for a critical use. This rule does not impose any duties 
or responsibilities on state governments or allocate any rights to 
produce or use methyl bromide to a state government.

F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination with Indian 
Tribal Governments

    This action does not have tribal implications as specified in 
Executive Order 13175. This rule does not significantly or uniquely 
affect the communities of Indian tribal governments nor does it impose 
any enforceable duties on communities of Indian tribal governments. 
Thus, Executive Order 13175 does not apply to this action.

G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children from Environmental 
Health and Safety Risks

    This action is not subject to Executive Order 13045 because it is 
not economically significant as defined in Executive Order 12866, and 
because the Agency does not believe the environmental health or safety 
risks addressed by this action present a disproportionate risk to 
children. This action's health and risk assessments are contained in 
the Regulatory Impacts

[[Page 61992]]

Analysis and Benefits Analysis found in the docket.

H. Executive Order 13211: Actions That Significantly Affect Energy 
Supply, Distribution, or Use

    This action is not a ``significant energy action'' because it is 
not likely to have a significant adverse effect on the supply, 
distribution or use of energy. This action does not pertain to any 
segment of the energy production economy nor does it regulate any 
manner of energy use.

I. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act

    This rulemaking does not involve technical standards.

J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions To Address Environmental 
Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations

    EPA believes this action will not have disproportionately high and 
adverse human health or environmental effects on minority or low-income 
populations because it affects the level of environmental protection 
equally for all affected populations. Any ozone depletion that results 
from this action will result in impacts that are, in general, equally 
distributed across geographical regions in the United States. The 
impacts do not fall disproportionately on minority or low-income 
populations but instead vary with a wide variety of factors. 
Populations that work or live near fields or other application sites 
may benefit from the reduced amount of methyl bromide applied, as 
compared to amounts allowed under previous critical use exemption 

K. Congressional Review Act

    The Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the 
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, generally 
provides that before a rule may take effect, the agency promulgating 
the rule must submit a rule report, which includes a copy of the rule, 
to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of the 
United States. EPA will submit a report containing this rule and other 
required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of 
Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the United States prior 
to publication of the rule in the Federal Register. A major rule cannot 
take effect until 60 days after it is published in the Federal 
Register. This action not a ``major rule'' as defined by 5 U.S.C. 
804(2). This rule will be effective January 1, 2016.

List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 82

    Environmental protection, Chemicals, Exports, Imports, Ozone 

    Dated: October 5, 2015.
Gina McCarthy,
    For the reasons stated in the preamble, 40 CFR part 82 is amended 
as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 82 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7414, 7601, 7671-7671q.

2. Amend Sec.  82.8 by revising the table in paragraph (c)(1) to read 
as follows:

Sec.  82.8  Grant of essential use allowances and critical use 

* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (1) * * *

                                           2016 Critical   2016 Critical
                                          use allowances  use allowances
                 Company                   for pre-plant     for post-
                                              uses *      harvest uses *
                                            (kilograms)     (kilograms)
Great Lakes Chemical Corp. A Chemtura             84,222           1,179
Albemarle Corp..........................          34,634             485
ICL-IP America..........................          19,140             268
TriCal, Inc.............................             596               8
Total...................................         138,592           1,939
* For production or import of Class I, Group VI controlled substance
  exclusively for the pre-plant or post-harvest uses specified in
  appendix L to this subpart.

* * * * *

3. Amend Sec.  82.13 by revising paragraphs (y) and (z) to read as 

Sec.  82.13  Recordkeeping and reporting requirements for class I 
controlled substances.

* * * * *
    (y) Every distributor of methyl bromide (class I, Group VI 
controlled substances) who purchases or receives a quantity produced or 
imported solely for quarantine or preshipment applications under the 
exemptions in this subpart must comply with recordkeeping and reporting 
requirements specified in this paragraph (y) of this section.
    (z) Every applicator of class I, Group VI controlled substances who 
purchases or receives a quantity produced or imported solely for 
quarantine and preshipment applications under the exemptions in this 
subpart must comply with recordkeeping and reporting requirements 
specified in this paragraph (z) of this section.
* * * * *

4. Amend subpart A by revising appendix L to read as follows:


               Column A                            Column B                             Column C
Approved Critical Uses................  Approved Critical User,         Limiting Critical Conditions
                                         Location of Use.               that exist, or that the approved
                                                                         critical user reasonably expects could
                                                                         arise without methyl bromide
                                                 PRE-PLANT USES
Strawberry Fruit......................  California growers in 2015 and  Moderate to severe black root rot or
                                         2016..                          crown rot
                                                                        Moderate to severe yellow or purple
                                                                         nutsedge infestation

[[Page 61993]]

                                                                        Moderate to severe nematode infestation
                                                                        Local township limits prohibiting 1,3-
                                                POST-HARVEST USES
Dry Cured Pork Products...............  Members of the National         Red legged ham beetle infestation
                                         Country Ham Association and    Cheese/ham skipper infestation
                                         the American Association of    Dermestid beetle infestation
                                         Meat Processors, Nahunta Pork  Ham mite infestation
                                         Center (North Carolina), and
                                         Gwaltney of Smithfield Inc..

[FR Doc. 2015-26301 Filed 10-14-15; 8:45 am]

                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 199 / Thursday, October 15, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                       61985

                                             discovery of a significant environmental                  (d) Enforcement period. This section                Public Reading Room is (202) 566–1744,
                                             impact from this rule.                                  will be enforced on October 12, 13, 19,               and the telephone number for the Air
                                                                                                     and 20, 2015, between 9:00 a.m. to 12:00              and Radiation Docket is (202) 566–1742.
                                             List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 165
                                                                                                     p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                               Harbors, Marine safety, Navigation                      Dated: September 23, 2015.                          Jeremy Arling, Stratospheric Protection
                                             (water), Reporting and recordkeeping                                                                          Division, Office of Atmospheric
                                                                                                     S.R. Murtagh,
                                             requirements, Security measures,                                                                              Programs, Mail Code 6205T, 1200
                                                                                                     Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of the
                                             Waterways.                                                                                                    Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington,
                                                                                                     Port North Carolina.
                                               For the reasons discussed in the                                                                            DC 20460; telephone number (202) 343–
                                                                                                     [FR Doc. 2015–26193 Filed 10–14–15; 8:45 am]
                                             preamble, the Coast Guard amends 33                                                                           9055; email address arling.jeremy@
                                                                                                     BILLING CODE 9110–04–P
                                             CFR part 165 as follows:                                                                                      epa.gov. You may also visit the methyl
                                                                                                                                                           bromide section of the Ozone Depletion
                                             PART 165—REGULATED NAVIGATION                                                                                 Web site of EPA’s Stratospheric
                                             AREAS AND LIMITED ACCESS AREAS                          ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                              Protection Division at www.epa.gov/
                                                                                                     AGENCY                                                ozone/mbr for further information about
                                             ■ 1. The authority citation for part 165                                                                      the methyl bromide critical use
                                             continues to read as follows:                           40 CFR Part 82
                                                                                                                                                           exemption, other Stratospheric Ozone
                                               Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1231; 50 U.S.C. 191;             [EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–0369; FRL–9935–69–                   Protection regulations, the science of
                                             33 CFR 1.05–1, 6.04–1, 6.04–6, and 160.5;               OAR]                                                  ozone layer depletion, and related
                                             Department of Homeland Security Delegation              RIN 2060–AS44                                         topics.
                                             No. 0170.1.
                                                                                                                                                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                             ■ 2. Add § 165.T05–809 to read as                       Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: The
                                                                                                     2016 Critical Use Exemption From the                  I. Executive Summary
                                                                                                     Phaseout of Methyl Bromide                               This rule concerns Clean Air Act
                                             § 165.T05–809 Safety Zone, Atlantic                                                                           (CAA) restrictions on the consumption,
                                             Intracoastal Waterway; Oak Island, North                AGENCY:  Environmental Protection                     production, and use of methyl bromide
                                             Carolina.                                               Agency (EPA).                                         (a Class I, Group VI controlled
                                                (a) Definitions. For the purposes of                 ACTION: Final rule.                                   substance) for critical uses. Under the
                                             this section, Captain of the Port means                                                                       Clean Air Act, methyl bromide
                                             the Commander, Sector North Carolina.                   SUMMARY:   The Environmental Protection               consumption (consumption is defined
                                             Representative means any Coast Guard                    Agency (EPA) is authorizing uses that                 under section 601 of the CAA as
                                             commissioned, warrant or petty officer                  qualify for the critical use exemption                production plus imports minus exports)
                                             who has been authorized to act on the                   and the amount of methyl bromide that                 and production were phased out on
                                             behalf of the Captain of the Port.                      may be produced or imported for those                 January 1, 2005, apart from allowable
                                                                                                     uses for the 2016 control period. EPA is              exemptions, such as the critical use and
                                                (b) Location. The following area is a
                                                                                                     issuing this action under the authority               the quarantine and preshipment (QPS)
                                             safety zone: Specified waters of the
                                                                                                     of the Clean Air Act to reflect consensus             exemptions. With this action, EPA is
                                             Captain of the Port Sector North
                                                                                                     decisions of the Parties to the Montreal              authorizing the uses that will qualify for
                                             Carolina zone, as defined in 33 CFR
                                                                                                     Protocol on Substances that Deplete the               the critical use exemption as well as
                                             3.25–10, all waters of the Atlantic
                                                                                                     Ozone Layer at the Twenty-Sixth                       specific amounts of methyl bromide that
                                             Intracoastal Waterway within a 100 yard
                                                                                                     Meeting of the Parties in November                    may be produced and imported for
                                             radius of latitude 33°55′11″ N.,
                                                                                                     2014.                                                 those critical uses for 2016.
                                             longitude 078°03′24″ W. in Oak Island,
                                             North Carolina.                                         DATES:  This rule is effective on January             II. General Information
                                                (c) Regulations. (1) In accordance with              1, 2016.
                                             the general regulations in § 165.23, entry              ADDRESSES: EPA has established a                      A. Does this action apply to me?
                                             into this zone is prohibited unless                     docket for this action under Docket ID                   Entities and categories of entities
                                             authorized by the Captain of the Port,                  No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–0369. All                         potentially regulated by this action
                                             North Carolina or his designated                        documents in the docket are listed on                 include producers, importers, and
                                             representatives.                                        the www.regulations.gov Web site.                     exporters of methyl bromide;
                                                (2) The operator of any vessel in the                Although listed in the index, some                    applicators and distributors of methyl
                                             immediate vicinity of this safety zone                  information is not publicly available,                bromide; and users of methyl bromide
                                             shall:                                                  e.g., confidential business information               that applied for the 2016 critical use
                                                (i) If on scene proceed as directed by               (CBI) or other information whose                      exemption including growers of
                                             any commissioned, warrant or petty                      disclosure is restricted by statute.                  vegetable crops, ornamentals, fruits, and
                                             officer on shore or on board a vessel that              Certain other material, such as                       nursery stock, and owners of stored food
                                             is displaying a U.S. Coast Guard Ensign.                copyrighted material, is not placed on                commodities. This list is not intended to
                                                (ii) [Reserved]                                      the Internet and is publicly available                be exhaustive, but rather to provide a
                                                (3) The Captain of the Port, North                   only in hard copy form. Publicly                      guide for readers regarding entities
                                             Carolina can be reached through the                     available docket materials are available              likely to be regulated by this action. To
                                             Sector North Carolina Command Duty                      either electronically through                         determine whether your facility,
                                             Officer at Sector North Carolina in                     www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at                company, business, or organization
                                             Wilmington, North Carolina at                           the Air and Radiation Docket, EPA/DC,                 could be regulated by this action, you
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                             telephone number (910) 343–3882.                        EPA West, Room 3334, 1301                             should carefully examine the
                                                (4) The Coast Guard Representatives                  Constitution Ave. NW., Washington,                    regulations promulgated at 40 CFR part
                                             enforcing the safety zone can be                        DC. The Public Reading Room is open                   82, subpart A. If you have questions
                                             contacted on VHF–FM marine band                         from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday                   regarding the applicability of this action
                                             radio channel 13 (165.65 Mhz) and                       through Friday, excluding legal                       to a particular entity, consult the person
                                             channel 16 (156.8 Mhz).                                 holidays. The telephone number for the                listed in the preceding section.

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014   14:29 Oct 14, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00011   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\15OCR1.SGM   15OCR1

                                             61986            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 199 / Thursday, October 15, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                             III. What is Methyl Bromide?                            Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990                      countries operating under Article 5 of
                                                Methyl bromide is an odorless,                       (CAAA of 1990), which included Title                  the Protocol (developing countries).
                                             colorless, toxic gas which is used as a                 VI on Stratospheric Ozone Protection,
                                                                                                                                                           V. What is the legal authority for
                                             broad-spectrum pesticide and is                         codified as 42 U.S.C. Chapter 85,
                                                                                                                                                           exempting the production and import of
                                             controlled under the CAA as a Class I                   Subchapter VI, to ensure that the United
                                                                                                                                                           methyl bromide for critical uses
                                             ozone-depleting substance (ODS).                        States could satisfy its obligations under
                                                                                                                                                           permitted by the parties to the Montreal
                                             Methyl bromide was once widely used                     the Protocol. EPA issued regulations to
                                             as a fumigant to control a variety of                   implement this legislation and has since
                                             pests such as insects, weeds, rodents,                  amended the regulations as needed.                       In October 1998, the U.S. Congress
                                             pathogens, and nematodes.                                  Methyl bromide was added to the                    amended the Clean Air Act to prohibit
                                                Methyl bromide is also regulated by                  Protocol as an ozone-depleting                        the termination of production of methyl
                                             EPA under the Federal Insecticide,                      substance in 1992 through the                         bromide prior to January 1, 2005, to
                                             Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)                  Copenhagen Amendment to the                           require EPA to align the U.S. phaseout
                                             and other statutes and regulatory                       Protocol. The Parties to the Montreal                 of methyl bromide with the schedule
                                             authorities, as well as by States under                 Protocol (Parties) agreed that each                   specified under the Protocol, and to
                                             their own statutes and regulatory                       developed country’s level of methyl                   authorize EPA to provide certain
                                             authority. Under FIFRA, methyl                          bromide production and consumption                    exemptions. These amendments were
                                             bromide is a restricted use pesticide.                  in 1991 should be the baseline for                    contained in section 764 of the 1999
                                             Restricted use pesticides are subject to                establishing a freeze on the level of                 Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency
                                             Federal and State requirements                          methyl bromide production and                         Supplemental Appropriations Act (Pub.
                                             governing their sale, distribution, and                 consumption for developed countries.                  L. 105–277, October 21, 1998) and were
                                             use. Nothing in this rule implementing                  EPA published a rule in the Federal                   codified in section 604 of the CAA, 42
                                             Title VI of the Clean Air Act is intended               Register on December 10, 1993 (58 FR                  U.S.C. 7671c. The amendment that
                                             to derogate from provisions in any other                65018), listing methyl bromide as a                   specifically addresses the critical use
                                             Federal, State, or local laws or                        Class I, Group VI controlled substance.               exemption appears at section 604(d)(6),
                                             regulations governing actions including,                This rule froze U.S. production and                   42 U.S.C. 7671c(d)(6). EPA revised the
                                             but not limited to, the sale, distribution,             consumption at the 1991 baseline level                phaseout schedule for methyl bromide
                                             transfer, and use of methyl bromide.                    of 25,528,270 kilograms, and set forth                production and consumption in a
                                             Entities affected by this action must                   the percentage of baseline allowances                 rulemaking on November 28, 2000 (65
                                             comply with FIFRA and other pertinent                   for methyl bromide granted to                         FR 70795), which allowed for the
                                             statutory and regulatory requirements                   companies in each control period (each                reduction in methyl bromide
                                             for pesticides (including, but not limited              calendar year) until 2001, when the                   consumption specified under the
                                             to, requirements pertaining to restricted               complete phaseout would occur. This                   Protocol and extended the phaseout to
                                             use pesticides) when producing,                         phaseout date was established in                      2005 while creating a placeholder for
                                             importing, exporting, acquiring, selling,               response to a petition filed in 1991                  critical use exemptions. Through an
                                             distributing, transferring, or using                    under sections 602(c)(3) and 606(b) of                interim final rule on July 19, 2001 (66
                                             methyl bromide. The provisions in this                  the CAAA of 1990, requesting that EPA                 FR 37751), and a final rule on January
                                             action are intended only to implement                   list methyl bromide as a Class I                      2, 2003 (68 FR 238), EPA amended the
                                             the CAA restrictions on the production,                 substance and phase out its production                regulations to allow for an exemption
                                             consumption, and use of methyl                          and consumption. This date was                        for quarantine and preshipment
                                             bromide for critical uses exempted from                 consistent with section 602(d) of the                 purposes.
                                             the phaseout of methyl bromide.                         CAAA of 1990, which, for newly listed                    On December 23, 2004 (69 FR 76982),
                                                                                                     Class I ozone-depleting substances                    EPA published a rule (the ‘‘Framework
                                             IV. What is the background to the                       provides that ‘‘no extension [of the                  Rule’’) that established the framework
                                             Phaseout Regulations for Ozone-                         phaseout schedule in section 604] under               for the critical use exemption, set forth
                                             Depleting substances?                                   this subsection may extend the date for               a list of approved critical uses for 2005,
                                                The regulatory requirements of the                   termination of production of any class I              and specified the amount of methyl
                                             stratospheric ozone protection program                  substance to a date more than 7 years                 bromide that could be supplied in 2005
                                             that limit production and consumption                   after January 1 of the year after the year            from stocks, new production, or through
                                             of ozone-depleting substances are in 40                 in which the substance is added to the                imports to meet the needs of approved
                                             CFR part 82, subpart A. The regulatory                  list of class I substances.’’                         critical uses. EPA has subsequently
                                             program was originally published in the                    At the Seventh Meeting of the Parties              published rules applying the critical use
                                             Federal Register on August 12, 1988 (53                 (MOP) in 1995, the Parties agreed to                  exemption framework for each of the
                                             FR 30566), in response to the 1987                      adjustments to the methyl bromide                     annual control periods from 2006 to
                                             signing and subsequent ratification of                  control measures and agreed to                        2015.
                                             the Montreal Protocol on Substances                     reduction steps and a 2010 phaseout                      In accordance with Article 2H(5) of
                                             that Deplete the Ozone Layer (Montreal                  date for developed countries with                     the Montreal Protocol, the Parties have
                                             Protocol). The Montreal Protocol is the                 exemptions permitted for critical uses.               issued several Decisions pertaining to
                                             international agreement aimed at                        At that time, the United States                       the critical use exemption. These
                                             reducing and eliminating the                            continued to have a 2001 phaseout date                include Decisions IX/6 and Ex. I/4,
                                             production and consumption of                           in accordance with section 602(d) of the              which set forth criteria for review of
                                             stratospheric ozone-depleting                           CAAA of 1990. At the Ninth MOP in                     critical uses. The status of Decisions is
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                                             substances. The United States was one                   1997, the Parties agreed to further                   addressed in NRDC v. EPA, (464 F.3d 1,
                                             of the original signatories to the 1987                 adjustments to the phaseout schedule                  D.C. Cir. 2006) and in EPA’s
                                             Montreal Protocol, and the United                       for methyl bromide in developed                       ‘‘Supplemental Brief for the
                                             States ratified the Protocol in 1988.                   countries, with reduction steps leading               Respondent,’’ filed in NRDC v. EPA and
                                             Congress then enacted, and President                    to a 2005 phaseout. The Parties also                  available in the docket for this action. In
                                             George H.W. Bush signed into law, the                   established a phaseout date of 2015 for               this rule, EPA is honoring commitments

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                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 199 / Thursday, October 15, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                        61987

                                             made by the United States in the                        and economically feasible alternatives                the analyses contained in those
                                             Montreal Protocol context.                              available for a particular use of methyl              documents.
                                               Under authority of section 604(d)(6)                  bromide, and whether there would be a                 B. How does this rule relate to previous
                                             of the CAA, EPA is now listing                          significant market disruption if no                   critical use exemption rules?
                                             approved critical uses, as well as                      exemption were available. In addition,
                                             authorizing the amount of methyl                        an interagency workgroup reviews other                   The December 23, 2004, Framework
                                             bromide that may be produced or                         parameters of the exemption                           Rule established the framework for the
                                             imported to satisfy those uses during                   applications such as dosage and                       critical use exemption program in the
                                             2016. The critical uses and amounts                     emissions minimization techniques and                 United States, including definitions,
                                             reflect Decision XXVI/6, taken at the                   applicants’ research or transition plans.             prohibitions, trading provisions, and
                                             Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the Parties in                  As required in section 604(d)(6) of the               recordkeeping and reporting obligations.
                                             November 2014.                                          CAA, for each exemption period, EPA                   The preamble to the Framework Rule
                                                                                                     consults with the United States                       included EPA’s determinations on key
                                             VI. What is the critical use exemption                                                                        issues for the critical use exemption
                                             process?                                                Department of Agriculture (USDA).1
                                                                                                     This assessment process culminates in                    Since publishing the Framework Rule,
                                             A. Background of the Process                            the development of the U.S. critical use              EPA has annually issued regulations to
                                                Article 2H of the Montreal Protocol                  nomination (CUN). Annually since                      indicate which uses meet the criteria for
                                             established the critical use exemption                  2003, the U.S. Department of State has                the exemption and to exempt specific
                                             provision. At the Ninth Meeting of the                  submitted a CUN to the United Nations                 quantities of production and import of
                                             Parties in 1997, the Parties established                Environment Programme (UNEP) Ozone                    methyl bromide for a particular year.
                                             the criteria for an exemption in Decision               Secretariat. The Methyl Bromide                          This action continues the approach
                                             IX/6. In that Decision, the Parties agreed              Technical Options Committee (MBTOC)                   established in the 2013 Rule (78 FR
                                             that ‘‘a use of methyl bromide should                   and the Technology and Economic                       43797, July 22, 2013) for determining
                                             qualify as ‘critical’ only if the                       Assessment Panel (TEAP), which are                    the amounts of Critical Use Allowances
                                             nominating Party determines that: (i)                   advisory bodies to Parties to the                     (CUAs) to be allocated for critical uses.
                                             The specific use is critical because the                Montreal Protocol, review each Party’s                A CUA is the privilege granted through
                                             lack of availability of methyl bromide                  CUN and make recommendations to the                   40 CFR part 82 to produce or import 1
                                             for that use would result in a significant              Parties on the nominations. The Parties               kilogram (kg) of methyl bromide for an
                                             market disruption; and (ii) There are no                then take Decisions on critical use                   approved critical use during the
                                             technically and economically feasible                   exemptions for particular Parties,                    specified control period. A control
                                             alternatives or substitutes available to                including how much methyl bromide                     period is a calendar year. See 40 CFR
                                             the user that are acceptable from the                   may be supplied for the exempted                      82.3. Each year’s allowances expire at
                                             standpoint of environment and health                    critical uses. EPA then provides an                   the end of that control period and, as
                                             and are suitable to the crops and                       opportunity for public comment on the                 explained in the Framework Rule, are
                                             circumstances of the nomination.’’ EPA                  amounts and specific uses of methyl                   not bankable from one year to the next.
                                             promulgated these criteria in the                       bromide that the Agency proposed to
                                             definition of ‘‘critical use’’ at 40 CFR                exempt.                                               C. Critical Uses
                                             82.3.                                                      On January 22, 2014, the United                      In Decision XXVI/6, taken in
                                                In addition, Decision IX/6 provides                  States submitted the twelfth Nomination               November 2014, the Parties to the
                                             that production and consumption, if                     for a Critical Use Exemption for Methyl               Protocol agreed ‘‘[t]o permit, for the
                                             any, of methyl bromide for critical uses                                                                      agreed critical-use categories for 2015
                                                                                                     Bromide for the United States of
                                             should be permitted only if a variety of                                                                      and 2016 set forth in table A of the
                                                                                                     America to the Ozone Secretariat of
                                             conditions have been met, including                                                                           annex to the present decision for each
                                                                                                     UNEP. This nomination contained the
                                             that all technically and economically                                                                         party, subject to the conditions set forth
                                                                                                     request for 2016 critical uses. In March
                                             feasible steps have been taken to                                                                             in the present decision and in decision
                                                                                                     2014, MBTOC sent questions to the
                                             minimize the critical use and any                                                                             Ex. I/4 to the extent that those
                                                                                                     United States concerning technical and
                                             associated emission of methyl bromide,                                                                        conditions are applicable, the levels of
                                                                                                     economic issues in the 2016
                                             that research programs are in place to                                                                        production and consumption for 2015
                                                                                                     nomination. The United States
                                             develop and deploy alternatives and                                                                           and 2016 set forth in table B of the
                                                                                                     transmitted responses to MBTOC in
                                             substitutes, and that methyl bromide is                                                                       annex to the present decision, which are
                                                                                                     March 2014. In May 2014, the MBTOC
                                             not available in sufficient quantity and                                                                      necessary to satisfy critical uses. . . .’’
                                                                                                     provided their interim                                Cured pork and strawberry field
                                             quality from existing stocks of banked or
                                             recycled methyl bromide.                                recommendations on the U.S.                           production are the uses that are set forth
                                                EPA requested critical use exemption                 nomination in the May TEAP Interim                    in table A of the annex to Decision
                                             applications for 2016 through a Federal                 Report. These documents, together with                XXVI/6 for the United States for 2016.
                                             Register notice published on May 31,                    reports by the advisory bodies noted                    This rule modifies the table in 40 CFR
                                             2013 (78 FR 32646). Applicants                          above, are in the public docket for this              part 82, subpart A, appendix L to reflect
                                             submitted data on their use of methyl                   rulemaking. The critical uses and                     the agreed critical use categories. EPA is
                                             bromide, the technical and economic                     amounts approved in this rule reflect                 amending the table of critical uses and
                                             feasibility of using alternatives, ongoing                                                                    critical users based on the uses
                                                                                                       1 See CAA section 604(d)(6): ‘‘To the extent
                                             research programs into the use of                                                                             permitted in Decision XXVI/6 and the
                                                                                                     consistent with the Montreal Protocol, the
                                                                                                                                                           technical analyses contained in the 2016
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                                             alternatives in their sector, and efforts to            Administrator, after notice and the opportunity for
                                             minimize use and emissions of methyl                    public comment, and after consultation with other     U.S. nomination that assess data
                                             bromide.                                                departments or instrumentalities of the Federal       submitted by applicants to the CUE
                                                EPA reviews the data submitted by                    Government having regulatory authority related to     program. For reasons discussed below,
                                                                                                     methyl bromide, including the Secretary of
                                             applicants, as well as data from                        Agriculture, may exempt the production,
                                                                                                                                                           EPA is removing the time limitation in
                                             governmental and academic sources, to                   importation, and consumption of methyl bromide        appendix L for the approval of dry-
                                             establish whether there are technically                 for critical uses.’’                                  cured pork products as a critical use to

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                                             61988            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 199 / Thursday, October 15, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                             allow for the continued use of carryover                nominations. EPA also sought comment                  production for this purpose. EPA
                                             post-harvest methyl bromide after 2016.                 on the technical analyses contained in                continues to support this important
                                                Specifically, this rule removes the                  the U.S. nomination and information                   exemption to prevent the introduction
                                             food processing uses that were listed in                regarding any changes to the registration             and spread of quarantine pests while
                                             the joint 2014/2015 CUE rule as critical                (including cancellations or                           encouraging research into alternatives
                                             uses for 2014. The California Date                      registrations), use, or efficacy of                   that meet the rigorous standards for
                                             Commission as well as all users under                   alternatives that occurred after the                  quarantine and preshipment
                                             the food processing use (rice millers, pet              nomination was submitted.                             applications.
                                             food manufacturing facilities, and                         As EPA noted in the proposed rule, as
                                             members of the North American Millers’                  the market for alternatives evolves, the              D. Critical Use Amounts
                                             Association) did not submit CUE                         thresholds for what constitutes                          Table A of the annex to Decision
                                             applications for 2016 and therefore were                ‘‘significant market disruption’’ or                  XXVI/6 lists critical uses and amounts
                                             not included in the 2016 U.S.                           ‘‘technical and economic feasibility’’                agreed by the Parties to the Montreal
                                             nomination to the Parties of the                        may change. Such information has the                  Protocol for 2016. The maximum
                                             Montreal Protocol.                                      potential to alter the technical or                   amount of new production and import
                                                This rule also removes the remaining                 economic feasibility of an alternative                for U.S. critical uses in 2016, specified
                                             commodity uses (walnuts, dried plums,                   and could thus cause EPA to modify the                in Table B of the annex to Decision
                                             figs, and raisins). These sectors applied               analysis that underpins EPA’s                         XXVI/6, is 234.78 MT, minus available
                                             for a critical use in 2016 but the United               determination as to which uses and                    stocks. This figure is equivalent to less
                                             States did not nominate them for 2016.                  what amounts of methyl bromide                        than 1 percent of the U.S. 1991 methyl
                                             In addition, some sectors that were not                 qualify for the CUE.                                  bromide consumption baseline of
                                             on the list of critical uses for 2014 or                   EPA received one comment on the                    25,528 MT.
                                             2015 submitted applications for 2016.                   proposed rule. This commenter                            EPA has determined the level of new
                                             These sectors are: Michigan cucurbit,                   highlighted the chemical and non-                     production and import according to the
                                             eggplant, pepper, and tomato growers;                   chemical alternatives in use in the                   Framework Rule, as modified by the
                                             Florida eggplant, pepper, strawberry,                   European Union, including other                       2013 Rule. Under this approach, the
                                             and tomato growers; the California                      fumigants, integrated crop management                 amount of new production for each
                                             Association of Nursery and Garden                       systems, heat treatment, gamma                        control period equals the total amount
                                             Centers; California stone fruit, table and              irradiation, cold storage, resistant                  permitted by the Parties to the Montreal
                                             raisin grape, walnut, and almond                        varieties and cultivars, crop rotation,               Protocol in their Decisions minus any
                                             growers; ornamental growers in                          cover crops, soil solarization, and                   reductions for available stocks,
                                             California and Florida; and the U.S. Golf               anaerobic disinfestation. EPA                         carryover, and the uptake of
                                             Course Superintendents Association.                     considered these alternatives when                    alternatives. These terms (available
                                             EPA conducted a thorough technical                      developing the nomination for critical                stocks, carryover, and the uptake of
                                             assessment of each application and                      uses for 2016, but concluded that                     alternatives) are discussed in detail
                                             considered the effects that the loss of                 additional research on alternatives is                below. Applying this approach, EPA is
                                             methyl bromide would have for each                      still necessary for dry cured ham                     allocating allowances to exempt 140,531
                                             agricultural sector, and whether                        production, and that additional time to               kg of new production and import of
                                             significant market disruption would                     transition to chloropicrin is needed for              methyl bromide for critical uses in 2016,
                                             occur as a result. Following this                       California strawberries.                              making reductions for available stocks
                                             technical review, EPA consulted with                       The same commenter urged the                       and carryover. This is the same amount
                                             the USDA and the Department of State.                   Agency to announce an end date for all                EPA proposed to allocate.
                                             EPA determined that these users did not                 methyl bromide exemptions and, in                        Available Stocks: For 2016 the Parties
                                             meet the critical use criteria in Decision              light of the recent human health                      indicated that the United States should
                                             IX/6 and the United States did not                      incident in the U.S. Virgin Islands, to               use ‘‘available stocks,’’ but did not
                                             include them in the 2016 Critical Use                   end the use of all methyl bromide in the              indicate a minimum amount expected to
                                             Nomination. EPA notified these sectors                  United States. Neither the Protocol nor               be taken from stocks. Consistent with
                                             of their status by letters dated March 28,              the Clean Air Act establishes a specific              EPA’s past practice, EPA considered
                                             2014. For each of these uses, EPA found                 end date for the critical use exemption.              what amount, if any, of the existing
                                             that there are technically and                          However, as noted in Decision Ex. I/4,                stocks may be available to critical users
                                             economically feasible alternatives to                   the Parties intended for the critical use             during 2016. The latest data reported to
                                             methyl bromide. EPA refers readers to                   exemption to be a limited, temporary                  EPA from December 31, 2014, show
                                             the Federal Register Notice ‘‘Request for               derogation from that phaseout. Progress               existing stocks to be 158,121 kg. This
                                             Methyl Bromide Critical Use Exemption                   in developing alternatives in key areas               shows that 198,440 kg of pre-2005
                                             Applications for 2017’’ (79 FR 38887;                   of historical methyl bromide use has                  stocks were sold in 2014.
                                             July 9, 2014) for a summary of                          been significant and has allowed many                    The Parties to the Protocol recognized
                                             information on how the Agency                           sectors to successfully transition from               in their Decisions that the level of
                                             evaluated specific uses and available                   methyl bromide over the last decade.                  existing stocks may differ from the level
                                             alternatives when considering                           Specifically, the number of sectors                   of available stocks. Decision XXVI/6
                                             applications for critical uses for 2016.                nominated has declined from seventeen                 states that ‘‘production and
                                                EPA requested comment on the                         for 2006 to one for 2017.                             consumption of methyl bromide for
                                             technical assessments of the                               With respect to the commenter’s                    critical uses should be permitted only if
                                             applications in the sector summaries                    request that EPA end all use of methyl                methyl bromide is not available in
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                                             found in the docket and the                             bromide in the U.S., we note that                     sufficient quantity and quality from
                                             determination that these users did not                  production for quarantine and                         existing stocks. . . .’’ In addition, the
                                             meet the critical use criteria. EPA also                preshipment is excluded from the                      Decision states that ‘‘parties operating
                                             requested any new or additional                         phaseout under the Montreal Protocol                  under critical-use exemptions should
                                             information that the Agency may                         and that section 604(d)(5) of the Clean               take into account the extent to which
                                             consider in preparing future                            Air Act directs EPA to exempt                         methyl bromide is available in sufficient

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                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 199 / Thursday, October 15, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                      61989

                                             quantity and quality from existing                      be available in 2015 in addition to                   label requirements through EPA’s
                                             stocks. . . .’’ Earlier Decisions also                  stocks.                                               Registration Review program, which
                                             refer to the use of ‘‘quantities of methyl                 Furthermore, EPA now knows the                     evaluates pesticides on a regular basis.
                                             bromide from stocks that the Party has                  national distribution and composition of              Information on the review of methyl
                                             recognized to be available.’’ Thus, it is               stocks (e.g. pure or mixed with                       bromide, along with a schedule of when
                                             clear that individual Parties may                       chloropicrin) due to a recent                         the next public comment periods are
                                             determine their level of available stocks.              information collection request under                  anticipated, can be found on
                                             Section 604(d)(6) of the CAA does not                   section 114 of the Clean Air Act. After               regulations.gov at docket number EPA–
                                             require EPA to adjust the amount of new                 reviewing results of the information                  HQ–OPP–2013–0269.
                                             production and import to reflect the                    collection request, EPA believes there is                Carryover Material: EPA regulations
                                             availability of stocks; however, as                     geographically accessible pure methyl                 prohibit methyl bromide produced or
                                             explained in previous rulemakings,                      bromide for ham producers in the                      imported after January 1, 2005, under
                                             making such an adjustment is a                          Southeastern U.S. as well as pre-plant                the critical use exemption, from being
                                             reasonable exercise of EPA’s discretion                 methyl bromide for California                         added to the pre-2005 inventory.
                                             under this provision.                                   strawberry producers.                                 Quantities of methyl bromide produced,
                                                In the 2013 CUE Rule (78 FR 43797,                      For these reasons, EPA finds that 5%               imported, exported, or sold to end-users
                                             July 22, 2013), EPA established an                      of the existing inventory is available for            under the critical use exemption in a
                                             approach that considered whether a                      use in 2016. Existing stocks, as of                   control period must be reported to EPA
                                             percentage of the existing inventory was                December 31, 2014, were equal to                      the next year. EPA uses these reports to
                                             available. In that rule, EPA took                       158,121 kg. Therefore, EPA is reducing                calculate any excess methyl bromide left
                                             comment on whether 0% or 5% of the                      the amount of new production for 2016                 over from that year’s CUE and, using the
                                             existing stocks was available. The final                by 7,906 kg, as proposed.                             framework established in the 2005 CUE
                                                                                                        EPA specifically invited comment on                Rule, reduces the following year’s total
                                             rule found 0% was available for critical
                                                                                                     whether between 0% and 5% of existing                 allocation by that amount. Carryover
                                             use in 2013 for a number of reasons
                                                                                                     inventory will be available to critical               had been reported to the Agency every
                                             including: A pattern of significant
                                                                                                     users in 2016. EPA did not receive any                year from 2005 to 2009. Carryover
                                             underestimation of inventory
                                                                                                     comments on that specific issue but did               material (which is produced using
                                             drawdown; the increasing concentration                  receive a comment that it is unclear
                                             of critical users in California while                                                                         critical use allowances) is not included
                                                                                                     whether the information received by                   in EPA’s definition of existing inventory
                                             inventory remained distributed                          EPA is an accurate reflection of the
                                             nationwide; and the recognition that the                                                                      (which applies to pre-2005 material)
                                                                                                     existing and available stocks of methyl               because this would lead to a double-
                                             Agency cannot compel distributors to                    bromide in the United States. The                     counting of carryover amounts.
                                             sell inventory to critical users. For                   commenter encouraged improved                            In 2015, companies reported that
                                             further discussion, see the 2013 CUE                    information gathering to better ensure                442,200 kg of methyl bromide was
                                             Rule (78 FR 43802).                                     that these stocks are being used in                   produced or imported for U.S. critical
                                                EPA believes that 5% of existing                     compliance with the FIFRA labeling and                uses in 2014. Companies also reported
                                             stocks will be available in 2016 for the                the critical use exemption.                           that 355,857 kg of critical use methyl
                                             two critical uses. As a result of the                      EPA has undertaken two information                 bromide was sold to end-users in 2014.
                                             changes to the FIFRA labeling, methyl                   gathering requests in 2015 under section              EPA calculates that the carryover at the
                                             bromide sold or distributed in 2015 can                 114 of the CAA. The first request was                 end of 2014 was 86,343 kg, which is the
                                             only be used for approved critical uses                 discussed in the proposed rule and                    difference between the reported amount
                                             or for quarantine and preshipment                       sought information about the                          of critical use methyl bromide produced
                                             purposes. Except for sectors with                       composition (i.e. pure vs mixed with                  or imported in 2014 and the reported
                                             quarantine and preshipment uses,                        chloropicrin), quantity, and location of              amount of sales of that material to end
                                             California strawberries is the only pre-                stocks. The new information provided                  users in 2014. EPA’s calculation of
                                             plant sector that will be able to use                   to the Agency in response to this request             carryover is consistent with the method
                                             stocks in 2015 or 2016. EPA does not                    has enhanced EPA’s understanding of                   used in previous CUE rules, and with
                                             anticipate stocks to be used for                        existing and available stocks of methyl               the format in Decision XVI/6 for
                                             quarantine and preshipment uses as                      bromide in the United States. EPA’s                   calculating column L of the U.S.
                                             there are no production allowances                      second request for information under                  Accounting Framework. All U.S.
                                             required to manufacture that material                   section 114 of the Clean Air Act was in               Accounting Frameworks for critical use
                                             and it tends to be less expensive than                  part a response to the misuse of methyl               methyl bromide are available in the
                                             stocks. Distributors will therefore likely              bromide in a residential space in the                 public docket for this rulemaking. EPA
                                             make stocks available to California                     U.S. Virgin Islands and sought                        is therefore reducing the total level of
                                             strawberry growers in 2015 and 2016.                    additional sales information from all                 new production and import for critical
                                                While EPA has not estimated the                      known methyl bromide distributors.                    uses by 86,343 kg to reflect the amount
                                             amount of stocks that will be used in                   Specifically, EPA sought the names of                 of carryover material available at the
                                             2015, EPA believes that at least 5% of                  all distributors and third party                      end of 2014, in addition to the 7,906 kg
                                             stocks will be available in 2016. As                    applicators of CUE, QPS, and pre-2005                 reduction for available stocks discussed
                                             discussed in the section on carryover                   stocks in 2014. EPA is currently                      above.
                                             below, demand by California strawberry                  reviewing responses to this request.                     EPA has considered the possibility
                                             growers in 2014 for critical use methyl                    As a further response, under FIFRA,                that there might be methyl bromide
                                             bromide was lower than anticipated. For                 EPA is also working to implement                      produced in 2015 and 2016 carried over
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                                             the first time since 2009, not all of the               changes to methyl bromide commodity                   into subsequent years. Any pre-plant
                                             critical use material produced or                       labels in order to clarify uses and                   critical use methyl bromide carried over
                                             imported for a control period was sold.                 provide additional protections for                    from the 2015 control period could not
                                             Decreased demand for critical use                       workers and bystanders. EPA is also                   be subtracted in 2017, as would usually
                                             methyl bromide in 2014 means that                       looking at how additional reporting                   be done. That is because critical use
                                             unsold material already produced will                   could help ensure compliance with                     material produced for a pre-plant use

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                                             61990            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 199 / Thursday, October 15, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                             must be used on a pre-plant use and the                 about methyl bromide alternatives                     circumstance that affect the transition to
                                             United States has not nominated a pre-                  through the CUE application process,                  alternatives. EPA requested comments
                                             plant use for 2017. Such carryover could                and by other means. EPA also continues                and any new information on specific
                                             be used in 2016 while California                        to support research and adoption of                   emergency situations that may
                                             strawberry production is a critical use.                methyl bromide alternatives, and to                   necessitate the use of methyl bromide,
                                             Any pre-plant methyl bromide                            request information about the economic                consistent with the requirements of the
                                             produced under the authority of this                    and technical feasibility of all existing             Montreal Protocol, and which could be
                                             rule in 2016 that is not used in 2016                   and potential alternatives.                           difficult to address using current tools
                                             would have to be destroyed. EPA has                        Allocation Amounts: EPA is issuing                 and authorities. EPA did not receive any
                                             discussed these matters with methyl                     critical use allowances for new                       comments in response to this request.
                                             bromide distributors, producers, and                    production or import of methyl bromide
                                                                                                     equivalent to 140,531 kg to Great Lakes               E. The Criteria in Decisions IX/6 and Ex.
                                             importers that reported to EPA that they
                                                                                                     Chemical Corporation, Albemarle                       I/4
                                             have carryover material to make them
                                             aware of the need to use all pre-plant                  Corporation, ICL–IP America, and                         Decision XXVI/6 calls on Parties to
                                             critical use methyl bromide by the end                  TriCal, Inc in proportion to their                    apply the criteria in Decision IX/6,
                                             of 2016. California strawberry growers                  respective baselines. Paragraph 3 of                  paragraph 1 and the conditions set forth
                                             represent a large end-use with capacity                 Decision XXVI/6 states that ‘‘parties                 in Decision Ex. I/4 (to the extent
                                             to use all remaining pre-plant critical                 shall endeavour to license, permit,                   applicable) to exempted critical uses for
                                             use material by the end of 2016.                        authorize or allocate quantities of                   the 2016 control period. The following
                                                EPA believes that not all 2014                       methyl bromide for critical uses as                   section provides references to sections
                                             carryover produced for post-harvest                     listed in table A of the annex to the                 of this preamble and other documents
                                             uses may be used by the end of 2016                     present decision. . . .’’ This is similar             where EPA considers the criteria of
                                             given the low volume used by the ham                    to language in prior Decisions                        those two Decisions.
                                             production sector. As discussed above,                  permitting critical uses. These Decisions                Decision IX/6, paragraph 1 contains
                                             EPA has accounted for 2014 post-                        call on Parties to endeavor to allocate               the critical use criteria, which are
                                             harvest carryover in this rule and has                  critical use methyl bromide on a sector               summarized in Section III.A of the
                                             reduced the production of new material.                 basis.                                                preamble. The nomination documents
                                             EPA is also working to connect dry                         EPA is assigning the 7,906 kg                      detail how each critical use meets the
                                             cured ham producers with distributors                   reduction for available stocks and                    criteria in Decision IX/6, paragraph 1
                                             that hold post-harvest carryover to help                86,343 kg reduction for carryover in                  including: The lack of available
                                             ensure that it will be used. However,                   proportion to the amounts indicated in                technically and economically feasible
                                             EPA believes that ham producers should                  Table A of the annex to Decision XXVI/                alternatives under the circumstance of
                                             be allowed to continue to use carryover                 6. In other words, both the pre-plant and             the nomination; efforts to minimize use
                                             post-harvest critical use methyl bromide                the post-harvest allocation are reduced               and emissions of methyl bromide where
                                             should any remain after 2016. EPA                       by 40%. Specifically, the pre-plant                   technically and economically feasible;
                                             believes that hams may not have a                       allocation for California strawberry                  and the development of research and
                                             technically or economically feasible                    production is 138,592 kg and the post-                transition plans. The nomination
                                             alternative by the end of 2016 and thus                 harvest allocation for dry cured ham is               documents also address the requests in
                                             will likely continue to meet the critical               1,939 kg. Reported data show that the                 Decision Ex. I/4 paragraphs 5 and 6 that
                                             use criteria beyond 2016. Therefore, to                 critical use methyl bromide carried over              Parties consider and implement MBTOC
                                             provide certainty to the ham producers                  from 2014 and the existing stocks                     recommendations, where feasible, on
                                             and to continue an orderly reduction in                 include both pre-plant and post-harvest               actions a Party may take to reduce the
                                             methyl bromide produced for critical                    material.                                             critical uses of methyl bromide and
                                             uses, EPA will allow the continued use                     The proposed Framework Rule                        include information on the methodology
                                             of post-harvest carryover for hams                      contained several options for allocating              they use to determine economic
                                             beyond 2016. Accordingly, EPA is not                    critical use allowances, including a                  feasibility.
                                             specifying a date limitation in appendix                sector-by-sector approach. The Agency                    A discussion of the Agency’s
                                             L for the approval of dry cured pork                    evaluated various options based on their              application of the critical use criteria to
                                             products as critical uses.                              economic, environmental, and practical                the critical uses in this rule appears in
                                                Uptake of Alternatives: EPA considers                effects. After receiving comments, EPA                Sections III.A., III.C., and III.D. of this
                                             data on the availability of alternatives                determined in the final Framework Rule                preamble. The Agency has previously
                                             that it receives following submission of                that a lump-sum, or universal,                        provided its interpretation of the
                                             each nomination to UNEP. In previous                    allocation, modified to include distinct              criterion in Decision IX/6, paragraph
                                             rules EPA has reduced the total CUE                     caps for pre-plant and post-harvest uses,             (1)(a)(i) regarding the presence of
                                             amount when a new alternative has                       was the most efficient and least                      significant market disruption in the
                                             been registered and increased the new                   burdensome approach that would                        absence of an exemption. EPA refers
                                             production amount when an alternative                   achieve the desired environmental                     readers to the preamble to the 2006 CUE
                                             is withdrawn, but not above the amount                  results, and that a sector-by-sector                  rule (71 FR 5989, February 6, 2006) as
                                             permitted by the Parties. Neither                       approach would pose significant                       well as to the memo in the docket titled
                                             circumstance has occurred since the                     administrative and practical difficulties.            ‘‘Development of 2003 Nomination for a
                                             nomination was submitted for 2016.                      Because there is only one use in the pre-             Critical Use Exemption for Methyl
                                                EPA is not making any other                          plant sector and one use in the post-                 Bromide for the United States of
                                             modifications to CUE amounts to                                                                               America’’ for further elaboration. As
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                                                                     harvest sector, this rule follows the
                                             account for availability of alternatives.               breakout of specific uses in Decision                 explained in those documents, EPA’s
                                             Rates of transition to alternatives have                XXVI/6.                                               interpretation of this term has several
                                             already been applied for permitted 2016                    Emergency Use: The U.S. government                 dimensions, including looking at
                                             critical use amounts through the                        is committed to using flexibility in the              potential effects on both demand and
                                             nomination and authorization process.                   Protocol’s existing mechanisms as an                  supply for a commodity, evaluating
                                             EPA continues to gather information                     avenue to address changes in national                 potential losses at both an individual

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                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 199 / Thursday, October 15, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                         61991

                                             level and at an aggregate level, and                    reduction can be found at: http://                    the rule relieves regulatory burden, has
                                             evaluating potential losses in both                     www.ars.usda.gov/research/programs/                   no net burden or otherwise has a
                                             relative and absolute terms.                            programs.htm?NP_CODE=303, http://                     positive economic effect on the small
                                               The United States also considered the                 www.ars.usda.gov/research/programs/                   entities subject to the rule. Since this
                                             research and adoption of alternatives                   programs.htm?NP_CODE=304, and                         rule allows the use of methyl bromide
                                             when developing the National                            http://www.csrees.usda.gov.                           for approved critical uses after the
                                             Management Strategy submitted to the                      Users of methyl bromide should                      phaseout date of January 1, 2005, this
                                             Ozone Secretariat in December 2005 and                  continue to minimize overall emissions                action confers a benefit to users of
                                             updated in October 2009. The National                   of methyl bromide. EPA also encourages                methyl bromide. We have therefore
                                             Management Strategy addresses all of                    researchers and users who are using                   concluded that this action will relieve
                                             the aims specified in Decision Ex. I/4,                 techniques to minimize emissions of                   regulatory burden for all directly
                                             paragraph 3 to the extent feasible and is               methyl bromide to inform EPA of their                 regulated small entities.
                                             available in the docket for this                        experiences and to provide information
                                             rulemaking.                                             on such techniques with their critical                D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
                                                                                                     use applications.                                     (UMRA)
                                             F. Emissions Minimization                                                                                       This action does not contain any
                                                                                                     G. Technical Correction to
                                               Previous Decisions of the Parties have                                                                      unfunded mandate as described in
                                                                                                     Recordkeeping and Reporting Provisions
                                             stated that critical users shall employ                                                                       UMRA, 2 U.S.C. 1531–1538. The action
                                             emissions minimization techniques                         EPA is making minor technical                       imposes no enforceable duty on any
                                             such as virtually impermeable films,                    changes to section 82.13(y) and (z)                   state, local or tribal governments or the
                                             barrier film technologies, deep shank                   related to recordkeeping and reporting                private sector.
                                             injection and/or other techniques that                  under the quarantine and preshipment
                                                                                                     exemption. Section 82.13(y) contains a                E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
                                             promote environmental protection,
                                             whenever technically and economically                   reference to paragraph (aa) where it                     This action does not have federalism
                                             feasible. EPA developed a                               should reference paragraph (y).                       implications. It will not have substantial
                                             comprehensive strategy for risk                         Similarly, section 82.13(z) contains a                direct effects on the states, on the
                                             mitigation through the 2009                             reference to paragraph (bb) where it                  relationship between the national
                                             Reregistration Eligibility Decision                     should reference paragraph (z). This                  government and the states, or on the
                                             (RED) 2 for methyl bromide, available in                merely corrects a typographical error                 distribution of power and
                                             the docket to this rulemaking, which is                 and is not a substantive change to the                responsibilities among the various
                                             implemented through restrictions on                     recordkeeping requirements or the                     levels of government. This action
                                             how methyl bromide products can be                      quarantine and preshipment exemption                  allocates allowances for the production
                                             used. This approach means that methyl                   program.                                              and import of methyl bromide to private
                                             bromide labels require that treated sites               VII. Statutory and Executive Order                    entities. This rule also limits the critical
                                             be tarped. The RED also incorporated                    Reviews                                               uses to geographical areas that reflect
                                             incentives for applicators to use high-                                                                       the scope of the trade associations that
                                             barrier tarps, such as virtually                        A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory                  applied for a critical use. This rule does
                                             impermeable film, by allowing smaller                   Planning and Review and Executive                     not impose any duties or
                                             buffer zones around those sites. In                     Order 13563: Improving Regulation and                 responsibilities on state governments or
                                             addition to minimizing emissions, use                   Regulatory Review                                     allocate any rights to produce or use
                                             of high-barrier tarps has the benefit of                  This action is not a significant                    methyl bromide to a state government.
                                             providing pest control at lower                         regulatory action and was therefore not               F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
                                             application rates. The amount of methyl                 submitted to the Office of Management                 and Coordination with Indian Tribal
                                             bromide nominated by the United States                  and Budget (OMB) for review.                          Governments
                                             reflects the lower application rates                    B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
                                             necessary when using high-barrier tarps.                                                                        This action does not have tribal
                                               EPA will continue to work with the                      This action does not impose any new                 implications as specified in Executive
                                             U.S. Department of Agriculture—                         information collection burden under the               Order 13175. This rule does not
                                             Agricultural Research Service (USDA–                    PRA. OMB has previously approved the                  significantly or uniquely affect the
                                             ARS) and the National Institute for Food                information collection activities                     communities of Indian tribal
                                             and Agriculture (USDA–NIFA) to                          contained in the existing regulations                 governments nor does it impose any
                                             promote emissions reduction                             and has assigned OMB control number                   enforceable duties on communities of
                                             techniques. The Federal government has                  2060–0482. The application,                           Indian tribal governments. Thus,
                                             invested substantial resources into                     recordkeeping, and reporting                          Executive Order 13175 does not apply
                                             developing and implementing best                        requirements have already been                        to this action.
                                             practices for methyl bromide use,                       established under previous critical use
                                                                                                                                                           G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of
                                             including emissions reduction practices.                exemption rulemakings.
                                                                                                                                                           Children from Environmental Health
                                             The Cooperative Extension System,                       C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)                   and Safety Risks
                                             which receives some support from
                                                                                                        I certify that this action will not have             This action is not subject to Executive
                                             USDA–NIFA, provides locally
                                                                                                     a significant economic impact on a                    Order 13045 because it is not
                                             appropriate and project-focused
                                                                                                     substantial number of small entities                  economically significant as defined in
                                             outreach education regarding methyl
                                                                                                     under the RFA. In making this                         Executive Order 12866, and because the
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                             bromide transition best practices.
                                                                                                     determination, the impact of concern is               Agency does not believe the
                                             Additional information on USDA
                                                                                                     any significant adverse economic                      environmental health or safety risks
                                             research on alternatives and emissions
                                                                                                     impact on small entities. An agency may               addressed by this action present a
                                               2 Additional information on risk mitigation           certify that a rule will not have a                   disproportionate risk to children. This
                                             measures for soil fumigants is available at http://     significant economic impact on a                      action’s health and risk assessments are
                                             epa.gov/pesticides/reregistration/soil_fumigants/.      substantial number of small entities if               contained in the Regulatory Impacts

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                                             61992                  Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 199 / Thursday, October 15, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                             Analysis and Benefits Analysis found in                                      will result in impacts that are, in                                           cannot take effect until 60 days after it
                                             the docket.                                                                  general, equally distributed across                                           is published in the Federal Register.
                                                                                                                          geographical regions in the United                                            This action not a ‘‘major rule’’ as
                                             H. Executive Order 13211: Actions That
                                                                                                                          States. The impacts do not fall                                               defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2). This rule
                                             Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
                                                                                                                          disproportionately on minority or low-                                        will be effective January 1, 2016.
                                             Distribution, or Use
                                                                                                                          income populations but instead vary
                                               This action is not a ‘‘significant                                                                                                                       List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 82
                                                                                                                          with a wide variety of factors.
                                             energy action’’ because it is not likely to                                  Populations that work or live near fields                                       Environmental protection, Chemicals,
                                             have a significant adverse effect on the                                     or other application sites may benefit                                        Exports, Imports, Ozone depletion.
                                             supply, distribution or use of energy.                                       from the reduced amount of methyl                                               Dated: October 5, 2015.
                                             This action does not pertain to any                                          bromide applied, as compared to                                               Gina McCarthy,
                                             segment of the energy production                                             amounts allowed under previous critical
                                             economy nor does it regulate any                                                                                                                           Administrator.
                                                                                                                          use exemption rules.
                                             manner of energy use.                                                                                                                                        For the reasons stated in the
                                                                                                                          K. Congressional Review Act                                                   preamble, 40 CFR part 82 is amended as
                                             I. National Technology Transfer and                                                                                                                        follows:
                                             Advancement Act                                                                The Congressional Review Act, 5
                                                This rulemaking does not involve                                          U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the Small                                     PART 82—PROTECTION OF
                                             technical standards.                                                         Business Regulatory Enforcement                                               STRATOSPHERIC OZONE
                                                                                                                          Fairness Act of 1996, generally provides
                                             J. Executive Order 12898: Federal                                            that before a rule may take effect, the                                       ■ 1. The authority citation for part 82
                                             Actions To Address Environmental                                             agency promulgating the rule must                                             continues to read as follows:
                                             Justice in Minority Populations and                                          submit a rule report, which includes a                                          Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7414, 7601, 7671–
                                             Low-Income Populations                                                       copy of the rule, to each House of the                                        7671q.
                                                EPA believes this action will not have                                    Congress and to the Comptroller General                                       ■ 2. Amend § 82.8 by revising the table
                                             disproportionately high and adverse                                          of the United States. EPA will submit a                                       in paragraph (c)(1) to read as follows:
                                             human health or environmental effects                                        report containing this rule and other
                                             on minority or low-income populations                                        required information to the U.S. Senate,                                      § 82.8 Grant of essential use allowances
                                             because it affects the level of                                              the U.S. House of Representatives, and                                        and critical use allowances.
                                             environmental protection equally for all                                     the Comptroller General of the United                                         *       *    *             *      *
                                             affected populations. Any ozone                                              States prior to publication of the rule in                                        (c) * * *
                                             depletion that results from this action                                      the Federal Register. A major rule                                                (1) * * *

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2016 Critical     2016 Critical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  use allow-        use allow-
                                                                                                                            Company                                                                                            ances for pre-    ances for post-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                plant uses *     harvest uses *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (kilograms)       (kilograms)

                                             Great Lakes Chemical Corp. A Chemtura Company ..............................................................................................                                               84,222            1,179
                                             Albemarle Corp. .......................................................................................................................................................                    34,634              485
                                             ICL–IP America ........................................................................................................................................................                    19,140              268
                                             TriCal, Inc. ...............................................................................................................................................................                  596                8
                                             Total .........................................................................................................................................................................           138,592            1,939
                                                * For production or import of Class I, Group VI controlled substance exclusively for the pre-plant or post-harvest uses specified in appendix L to
                                             this subpart.

                                             *     *   *     *      *                                                     for quarantine or preshipment                                                 with recordkeeping and reporting
                                             ■ 3. Amend § 82.13 by revising                                               applications under the exemptions in                                          requirements specified in this paragraph
                                             paragraphs (y) and (z) to read as follows:                                   this subpart must comply with                                                 (z) of this section.
                                                                                                                          recordkeeping and reporting                                                   *      *     *     * *
                                             § 82.13 Recordkeeping and reporting                                          requirements specified in this paragraph
                                             requirements for class I controlled                                          (y) of this section.                                                          ■ 4. Amend subpart A by revising
                                             substances.                                                                    (z) Every applicator of class I, Group                                      appendix L to read as follows:
                                             *     *    *     *     *                                                     VI controlled substances who purchases
                                               (y) Every distributor of methyl                                            or receives a quantity produced or                                            APPENDIX L TO SUBPART A OF
                                             bromide (class I, Group VI controlled                                        imported solely for quarantine and                                            PART 82—APPROVED CRITICAL
                                             substances) who purchases or receives a                                      preshipment applications under the                                            USES AND LIMITING CRITICAL
                                             quantity produced or imported solely                                         exemptions in this subpart must comply                                        CONDITIONS FOR THOSE USES

                                                        Column A                                                    Column B                                                                                       Column C

                                             Approved Critical Uses                    Approved Critical User, Location of Use .........                            Limiting Critical Conditions
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                                                                                                                                    that exist, or that the approved critical user reasonably expects could
                                                                                                                                                                      arise without methyl bromide fumigation:

                                                                                                                                                PRE–PLANT USES

                                             Strawberry Fruit .............            California growers in 2015 and 2016. .............                           Moderate to severe black root rot or crown rot
                                                                                                                                                                    Moderate to severe yellow or purple nutsedge infestation

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                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 199 / Thursday, October 15, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                              61993

                                                     Column A                                    Column B                                                           Column C

                                                                                                                                    Moderate to severe nematode infestation
                                                                                                                                    Local township limits prohibiting 1,3-dichloropropene

                                                                                                                 POST–HARVEST USES

                                             Dry Cured Pork Prod-            Members of the National Country Ham Asso-              Red legged ham beetle infestation
                                               ucts.                          ciation and the American Association of               Cheese/ham skipper infestation
                                                                              Meat Processors, Nahunta Pork Center                  Dermestid beetle infestation
                                                                              (North Carolina), and Gwaltney of Smith-              Ham mite infestation
                                                                              field Inc..

                                             [FR Doc. 2015–26301 Filed 10–14–15; 8:45 am]            Part III, paragraph A; and on page 71,                examinations are routinely performed upon
                                             BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                  Part I, paragraph A is reinstated to read             entry, then—
                                                                                                     as follows:                                              Number of internees=average number of
                                                                                                     APPENDIX B TO PART 5—CRITERIA                            (ii) If the average length-of-stay is specified
                                             DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                FOR DESIGNATION OF AREAS                              as one year or more, and the intake
                                             HUMAN SERVICES                                          HAVING SHORTAGES OD DENTAL                            psychiatric examinations are routinely
                                                                                                     PROFESSIONAL(S)                                       performed upon entry, then—
                                             Public Health Service                                                                                            Number internees=average number of
                                                                                                     Part I—Geographic Areas                               inmates+number of new inmates per year
                                             42 CFR Part 5                                           A. Criteria                                              (iii) If the average length-of-stay is
                                                                                                                                                           specified as less than one year, and intake
                                                                                                        A geographic area will be designated as            psychiatric examinations are routinely
                                             Designation of Health Professional(s)                   having a dental manpower shortage if the
                                             Shortage Areas                                                                                                performed upon entry, then—
                                                                                                     following three criteria are met:                        Number of internees=average number of
                                             CFR Correction                                             1. The area is a rational area for the             inmates+1⁄3×[1+(2×ALOS)]×number of new
                                                                                                     delivery of dental services.                          inmates per year
                                                In Title 42 of the Code of Federal                      2. One of the following conditions prevails           where ALOS=average length-of-stay (in
                                             Regulations, Parts 1 to 399, revised as of              in the area:                                          fraction of year) (The number of FTE
                                             October 1, 2014:                                           (a) The area has a population to full-time-        psychiatrists is computed as in Part I, Section
                                                1 On page 70, in Appendix A to Part                  equivalent dentist ratio of less than 5,000:1         B, paragraph 3 above.)
                                             5, Part III, paragraph A is removed and                                                                       2. Determination of Degree of Shortage.
                                                                                                        (b) The area has a population to full-time-
                                             Part I, paragraph A is redesignated as                  equivalent dentist ratio of less than 5,000:1            Designated correctional institutions will be
                                             Part III, paragraph A; and on page 67,                  but greater than 4,000:1 and has unusually            assigned to degree-of-shortage groups, based
                                             Part I, paragraph A is reinstated to read               high needs for dental services or insufficient        on the number of inmates and/or the ration
                                             as follows:                                             capacity of existing dental providers.                (R) of internees to FTE psychiatrists, as
                                                                                                        3. Dental manpower in contiguous areas             follows:
                                             APPENDIX A TO PART 5—CRITERIA                           are over utilized, excessively distant, or               Group 1—Institutions with 500 or more
                                             FOR DESIGNATION OF AREAS                                inaccessible to the population of the area            inmates and no psychiatrist.
                                             HAVING SHORTAGES OF PRIMARY                             under consideration.                                     Group 2—Other institutions with no
                                             MEDICAL CARE PROFESSIONAL(S)                            *      *      *    *    *                             psychiatrists and institutions with R greater
                                             PART I—Geographic Areas                                                                                       than (or equal to) 3,000:1.
                                                                                                        3. On page 77, in Appendix C to Part                  Group 3—Institutions with R greater than
                                             A. Criteria                                             5, Part III, paragraph A is revised to read           (or equal to) 2,000:1 but less than 3,000:1.
                                               A geographic area will be designated as
                                                                                                     as follows:                                           [FR Doc. 2015–26249 Filed 10–14–15; 8:45 am]
                                             having a shortage of primary medical care               APPENDIX C TO PART 5—CRITERIA                         BILLING CODE 1505–01–D
                                             manpower if the following three criteria are            FOR DESIGNATION OF AREAS
                                             met:                                                    HAVING SHORTAGES OF MENTAL
                                               1. The area is a rational area for the
                                             delivery of primary medical care services.
                                                                                                     HEALTH PROFESSIONALS                                  NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND
                                               2. One of the following conditions prevails           Part III—Facilities                                   SPACE ADMINISTRATION
                                             within the area:
                                               (a) The area has population to full-time-             A. Federal and State Correctional Institutions        48 CFR Parts 1827 and 1852
                                             equivalent primary care physician ratio of at           1. Criteria.
                                             least 3,500:1.                                             Medium to maximum security Federal and
                                                                                                                                                           NASA Federal Acquisition Regulation
                                               (b) The area has a population to full-time-           State correctional institutions and youth             Supplement
                                             equivalent primary care physician ratio of              detention facilities will be designated as
                                             less than 3,500:1 but greater than 3,000:1 and                                                                AGENCY:  National Aeronautics and
                                                                                                     having a shortage of psychiatric manpower if
                                             has usually high needs for primary care                 both of the following criteria are met:
                                                                                                                                                           Space Administration.
                                             services or insufficient capacity of existing              (a) The institution has more than 250              ACTION: Technical amendments.
                                             primary care providers.                                 inmates, and
                                               3. Primary medical care manpower in                      (b) The ratio of the number of internees per       SUMMARY:   NASA is making technical
                                             contiguous areas are overutilized, excessively          year to the number of FTE psychiatrists               amendments to the NASA FAR
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                             distant, or inaccessible to the population of           serving the institution is at least 1,000:1.          Supplement (NFS) to provide needed
                                             the area under consideration.                              Here the number of internees is defined as         editorial changes.
                                             *      *     *       *      *                           follows:                                              DATES: Effective: October 15, 2015.
                                                                                                        (i) If the number of new inmates per year
                                                2. On page 74, in Appendix B to Part                 and the average length-of-stay are not                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                             5, Part III, paragraph A is removed and                 specified, or if the information provided does        Manuel Quinones, NASA, Office of
                                             Part I, paragraph A is redesignated as                  not indicate that intake psychiatric                  Procurement, Contract and Grant Policy

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Document Created: 2018-02-27 08:52:35
Document Modified: 2018-02-27 08:52:35
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesThis rule is effective on January 1, 2016.
ContactJeremy Arling, Stratospheric Protection Division, Office of Atmospheric Programs, Mail Code 6205T, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20460; telephone number
FR Citation80 FR 61985 
RIN Number2060-AS44
CFR AssociatedEnvironmental Protection; Chemicals; Exports; Imports and Ozone Depletion

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