80_FR_64083 80 FR 63880 - Agency Information Collection (Former Prisoner of War Medical History) Activities Under OMB Review

80 FR 63880 - Agency Information Collection (Former Prisoner of War Medical History) Activities Under OMB Review


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 203 (October 21, 2015)

Page Range63880-63881
FR Document2015-26654

In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3521), this notice announces that the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), Department of Veterans Affairs, will submit the collection of information abstracted below to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and comment. The PRA submission describes the nature of the information collection and its expected cost and burden and includes the actual data collection instrument.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 203 (Wednesday, October 21, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 203 (Wednesday, October 21, 2015)]
[Pages 63880-63881]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-26654]



[OMB Control No. 2900-0427]

Agency Information Collection (Former Prisoner of War Medical 
History) Activities Under OMB Review

AGENCY: Veterans Health Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs.

[[Page 63881]]

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 
(44 U.S.C. 3501-3521), this notice announces that the Veterans Health 
Administration (VHA), Department of Veterans Affairs, will submit the 
collection of information abstracted below to the Office of Management 
and Budget (OMB) for review and comment. The PRA submission describes 
the nature of the information collection and its expected cost and 
burden and includes the actual data collection instrument.

DATES: Written comments and recommendations on the proposed collection 
of information should be received on or before November 20, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Submit written comments on the collection of information 
through www.Regulations.gov, or to Office of Information and Regulatory 
Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Attn: VA Desk Officer; 725 
17th St. NW., Washington, DC 20503 or sent through electronic mail to 
oira_submission@omb.eop.gov. Please refer to ``OMB Control No. 2900-
0427 (Former Prisoner of War Medical History)'' in any correspondence. 
During the comment period, comments may be viewed online through the 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Crystal Rennie, Enterprise Records 
Service (005R1B), Department of Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue 
NW., Washington, DC 20420, (202) 632-7492 or email 
crystal.rennie@va.gov. Please refer to ``OMB Control No. 2900-0427 
(Former Prisoner of War Medical History)'' in any correspondence.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under the PRA of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13; 44 
U.S.C. 3501-3521), Federal agencies must obtain approval from the 
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for each collection of 
information they conduct or sponsor. This request for comment is being 
made pursuant to Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the PRA.
    With respect to the following collection of information, VHA 
invites comments on: (1) Whether the proposed collection of information 
is necessary for the proper performance of VHA's functions, including 
whether the information will have practical utility; (2) the accuracy 
of VHA's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of 
information; (3) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of 
the information to be collected; and (4) ways to minimize the burden of 
the collection of information on respondents, including through the use 
of automated collection techniques or the use of other forms of 
information technology.

    Titles: Former Prisoner of War Medical History.
    OMB Control Number: 2900-0427.
    Type of Review: Revision.
    Abstract: VA Form 10-0048, Former POW Medical History, is used to 
collect data in response to Public Law 97-37, the ``Former Prisoner of 
War Benefits Act of 1981,'' that liberalizes eligibility requirements 
and extends the existing benefits. Additionally, the National Advisory 
Committee on Former Prisoners Of War requires this information for 
their annual submission to Congress.
    VA physician will obtain the information on the VA Form 10-0048 
during a medical examination. If these questions were not asked, the 
physician would be unable to assess the health care, disability 
compensation or rehabilitation needs of the Former Prisoner Of War 
(FPOW). The importance of collecting this very detailed information 
when the veteran is first seen is critical, not only with the physician 
evaluating the veteran but also by the rating specialist who will rate 
this claim. The rater also reviews the statements given by the veteran 
on this form not only at the first claim submission but in future years 
when other disabilities are claimed. Feedback from POW physicians in 
the field indicates their appreciation of the well thought out content 
and structure of the form. It is useful not only for Compensation and 
Pension examinations but also as a guide and reference for treatment 
planning for the FPOW patient. The questions in the form make it 
relevant for FPOWS of current as well as prior conflicts.
    Affected Public: Individuals or Households.
    Estimated Annual Burden: 113 burden hours.
    Estimated Average Burden per Respondent: 90 minutes.
    Frequency of Response: Annually.
    Estimated Number of Respondents: 75.

    By direction of the Secretary.
Kathleen M. Manwell,
Program Analyst, VA Privacy Service, Office of Privacy and Records 
Management, Department of Veterans Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2015-26654 Filed 10-20-15; 8:45 am]

                                              63880                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 203 / Wednesday, October 21, 2015 / Notices

                                              comment in response to the notice. This                 unless it displays a currently valid OMB              Office of Management and Budget, Attn:
                                              notice solicits comments on information                 control number. The Federal Register                  VA Desk Officer; 725 17th St. NW.,
                                              needed to determine applicants’                         Notice with a 60-day comment period                   Washington, DC 20503 or sent through
                                              qualifications as a fee appraiser or                    soliciting comments on this collection                electronic mail to oira_submission@
                                              compliance inspector.                                   of information was published.                         omb.eop.gov. Please refer to ‘‘OMB
                                              DATES: Written comments and                               Title: Request for Certificate of                   Control No. 2900–0358’’ in any
                                              recommendations on the proposed                         Veteran Status.                                       correspondence.
                                              collection of information should be                       OMB Control Number: 2900–0745.                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              received on or before December 21,                        Type of Review: Revision of a                       Crystal Rennie, Enterprise Records
                                              2015.                                                   currently approved collection.                        Service (005R1B), Department of
                                                                                                        Abstract: Applicants complete VA                    Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue
                                              ADDRESSES: Submit written comments
                                                                                                      form 26–8621a to apply for a position as              NW., Washington, DC 20420, (202) 632–
                                              on the collection of information through
                                                                                                      a designate fee appraiser or compliance               7492 or email crystal.rennie@va.gov.
                                              Federal Docket Management System
                                                                                                      inspector. VA will use the data collected             Please refer to ‘‘OMB Control No. 2900–
                                              (FDMS) at www.Regulations.gov or to
                                                                                                      to determine the applicant’s experience               0358.’’
                                              Nancy J. Kessinger, Veterans Benefits
                                                                                                      in the real estate valuation field.                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                              Administration (20M33), Department of                     Affected Public: Individuals or
                                              Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue                                                                            Title: Supplemental Information for
                                                                                                      households.                                           Change of Program or Re-enrollment
                                              NW., Washington, DC 20420 or email to                     Estimated Annual Burden: 4 hours.
                                              nancy.kessinger@va.gov. Please refer to                                                                       After Unsatisfactory Attendance,
                                                                                                        Estimated Average Burden per                        Conduct or Progress, VA Form 22–8873.
                                              ‘‘OMB Control No. 2900–0745’’ in any                    Respondent: 10 minutes.
                                              correspondence. During the comment                                                                              OMB Control Number: 2900–0358.
                                                                                                        Frequency of Response: One-time.                      Type of Review: Revision of a
                                              period, comments may be viewed online                     Estimated Number of Respondents: 25
                                              through the FDMS.                                                                                             currently approved collection.
                                                                                                      or less.                                                Abstract: The information from the
                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                         By direction of the Secretary.                     claimant enables claims examiners to
                                              Nancy J. Kessinger at (202) 632–8924 or                                                                       evaluate the suitability of a training
                                              FAX (202) 632–8925. Please refer to                     Kathleen M. Manwell,
                                                                                                      Program Analyst, VA Privacy Service, Office           program or evaluate the reasons for
                                              ‘‘OMB Control No. 2900–0745.’’                                                                                unsatisfactory attendance, conduct, or
                                                                                                      of Privacy and Records Management,
                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under the                                                                          progress. The number of claimants is
                                                                                                      Department of Veterans Affairs.
                                              PRA of 1995 (Pub. L.104–13; 44 U.S.C.                                                                         expected to increase due to chapter 33
                                                                                                      [FR Doc. 2015–26650 Filed 10–20–15; 8:45 am]
                                              3501–21), Federal agencies must obtain                                                                        (Post 9/11 GI Bill).
                                                                                                      BILLING CODE 8320–01–P
                                              approval from the Office of Management                                                                          An agency may not conduct or
                                              and Budget (OMB) for each collection of                                                                       sponsor, and a person is not required to
                                              information they conduct or sponsor.                                                                          respond to a collection of information
                                                                                                      DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS
                                              This request for comment is being made                                                                        unless it displays a currently valid OMB
                                              pursuant to section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the                                                                      control number. The Federal Register
                                              PRA.                                                    [OMB Control No. 2900–0358]                           Notice with a 60-day comment period
                                                 With respect to the following                                                                              soliciting comments on this collection
                                              collection of information, VBA invites                  Agency Information Collection                         of information was published at 80 FR
                                              comments on: (1) Whether the proposed                   (Supplemental Information for Change                  48960 on August 14, 2015.
                                              collection of information is necessary                  of Program or Re-Enrollment After                       Affected Public: Individuals or
                                              for the proper performance of VBA’s                     Unsatisfactory Attendance, Conduct or                 households.
                                              functions, including whether the                        Progress) (VA Form 22–8873) Activity                    Estimated Annual Burden: 21,768
                                              information will have practical utility;                Under OMB Review                                      hours.
                                              (2) the accuracy of VBA’s estimate of the                                                                       Estimated Average Burden per
                                                                                                      AGENCY:  Veterans Benefits
                                              burden of the proposed collection of                                                                          Respondent: 30 minutes.
                                                                                                      Administration, Department of Veterans                  Frequency of Response: One-time.
                                              information; (3) ways to enhance the                    Affairs.
                                              quality, utility, and clarity of the                                                                            Estimated Number of Respondents:
                                                                                                      ACTION: Notice.                                       43,536.
                                              information to be collected; and (4)
                                              ways to minimize the burden of the                      SUMMARY:   In compliance with the                        By direction of the Secretary.
                                              collection of information on                            Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995                 Kathleen M. Manwell,
                                              respondents, including through the use                  (44 U.S.C. 3501–3521), this notice                    Program Analyst, VA Privacy Service, Office
                                              of automated collection techniques or                   announces that the Veterans Benefits                  of Privacy and Records Management,
                                              the use of other forms of information                   Administration (VBA), Department of                   Department of Veterans Affairs.
                                              technology.                                             Veterans Affairs, will submit the                     [FR Doc. 2015–26642 Filed 10–20–15; 8:45 am]
                                                 Title: Request for Certificate of                    collection of information abstracted                  BILLING CODE 8320–01–P
                                              Veteran Status.                                         below to the Office of Management and
                                                 OMB Control Number: 2900–0745.                       Budget (OMB) for review and comment.
                                                 Type of Review: Revision of a                                                                              DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS
                                                                                                      The PRA submission describes the
                                              currently approved collection.                                                                                AFFAIRS
                                                 Abstract: Applicants complete VA                     nature of the information collection and
                                              form 26–8621a to apply for a position as                its expected cost and burden; it includes             [OMB Control No. 2900–0427]
                                                                                                      the actual data collection instrument.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              a designate fee appraiser or compliance                                                                       Agency Information Collection (Former
                                              inspector. VA will use the data collected               DATES: Comments must be submitted on
                                                                                                      or before November 20, 2015.                          Prisoner of War Medical History)
                                              to determine the applicant’s experience                                                                       Activities Under OMB Review
                                              in the real estate valuation field.                     ADDRESSES: Submit written comments
                                                 An agency may not conduct or                         on the collection of information through              AGENCY:  Veterans Health
                                              sponsor, and a person is not required to                www.Regulations.gov, or to Office of                  Administration, Department of Veterans
                                              respond to a collection of information                  Information and Regulatory Affairs,                   Affairs.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   22:39 Oct 20, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00144   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\21OCN1.SGM   21OCN1

                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 203 / Wednesday, October 21, 2015 / Notices                                           63881

                                              ACTION:   Notice.                                       of automated collection techniques or                 DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS
                                                                                                      the use of other forms of information                 AFFAIRS
                                              SUMMARY:    In compliance with the                      technology.
                                              Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995                                                                         Notice of Availability of the Record of
                                              (44 U.S.C. 3501–3521), this notice                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            Decision (ROD) for the San Francisco
                                              announces that the Veterans Health                         Titles: Former Prisoner of War                     VA Medical Center Long Range
                                              Administration (VHA), Department of                     Medical History.                                      Development Plan and Environmental
                                              Veterans Affairs, will submit the                                                                             Impact Statement, San Francisco VA
                                              collection of information abstracted                       OMB Control Number: 2900–0427.
                                                                                                                                                            Medical Center
                                              below to the Office of Management and                      Type of Review: Revision.
                                              Budget (OMB) for review and comment.                       Abstract: VA Form 10–0048, Former                  AGENCY:   Department of Veterans Affairs.
                                              The PRA submission describes the                        POW Medical History, is used to collect               ACTION:   Notice of Availability ROD.
                                              nature of the information collection and                data in response to Public Law 97–37,
                                              its expected cost and burden and                                                                              SUMMARY:   The Department of Veterans
                                                                                                      the ‘‘Former Prisoner of War Benefits
                                              includes the actual data collection                                                                           Affairs (VA), San Francisco Health Care
                                                                                                      Act of 1981,’’ that liberalizes eligibility
                                              instrument.                                                                                                   System (SFHCS) announces the
                                                                                                      requirements and extends the existing                 availability of the Record of Decision
                                              DATES: Written comments and                             benefits. Additionally, the National
                                              recommendations on the proposed                                                                               (ROD) for the Long Range Development
                                                                                                      Advisory Committee on Former                          Plan (LRDP)/Environmental Impact
                                              collection of information should be                     Prisoners Of War requires this
                                              received on or before November 20,                                                                            Statement (EIS) for the San Francisco
                                                                                                      information for their annual submission               VA Medical Center (SFVAMC).
                                              2015.                                                   to Congress.
                                                                                                                                                            ADDRESSES: Copies of the ROD are
                                              ADDRESSES: Submit written comments                         VA physician will obtain the                       available by request by writing to Robin
                                              on the collection of information through                information on the VA Form 10–0048                    Flanagan, Planning Office, SFVAMC
                                              www.Regulations.gov, or to Office of                    during a medical examination. If these                4150 Clement Street, San Francisco, CA
                                              Information and Regulatory Affairs,                     questions were not asked, the physician               94121, telephone (415) 750–2049. The
                                              Office of Management and Budget, Attn:                  would be unable to assess the health                  document is also available on the
                                              VA Desk Officer; 725 17th St. NW.,                      care, disability compensation or
                                              Washington, DC 20503 or sent through                                                                          internet at the SFVAMC Web site:
                                                                                                      rehabilitation needs of the Former                    http://www.sanfrancisco.va.gov/
                                              electronic mail to oira_submission@
                                                                                                      Prisoner Of War (FPOW). The                           planning.
                                              omb.eop.gov. Please refer to ‘‘OMB
                                                                                                      importance of collecting this very
                                              Control No. 2900–0427 (Former Prisoner                                                                        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                      detailed information when the veteran
                                              of War Medical History)’’ in any                                                                              Robin Flanagan, San Francisco VA
                                                                                                      is first seen is critical, not only with the
                                              correspondence. During the comment                                                                            Medical Center, 4150 Clement Street,
                                                                                                      physician evaluating the veteran but                  San Francisco, CA 94121 or by
                                              period, comments may be viewed online
                                                                                                      also by the rating specialist who will                telephone, (415) 750–2049.
                                              through the FDMS.
                                                                                                      rate this claim. The rater also reviews
                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                                                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: SFVAMC,
                                                                                                      the statements given by the veteran on
                                              Crystal Rennie, Enterprise Records                      this form not only at the first claim                 the only VA medical center in San
                                              Service (005R1B), Department of                         submission but in future years when                   Francisco County, has major space and
                                              Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue                                                                          parking deficiencies at its existing Fort
                                                                                                      other disabilities are claimed. Feedback
                                              NW., Washington, DC 20420, (202) 632–                                                                         Miley Campus. The mission of SFVAMC
                                                                                                      from POW physicians in the field
                                              7492 or email crystal.rennie@va.gov.                                                                          is to continue to be a major primary and
                                                                                                      indicates their appreciation of the well
                                              Please refer to ‘‘OMB Control No. 2900–                                                                       tertiary care health care center
                                                                                                      thought out content and structure of the
                                              0427 (Former Prisoner of War Medical                                                                          providing cost-effective and high-
                                                                                                      form. It is useful not only for
                                              History)’’ in any correspondence.                                                                             quality care to eligible Veterans in the
                                                                                                      Compensation and Pension
                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under the                                                                          San Francisco Bay Area and North
                                                                                                      examinations but also as a guide and
                                              PRA of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–13; 44 U.S.C.                                                                        Coast. SFVAMC strives to deliver
                                                                                                      reference for treatment planning for the
                                              3501–3521), Federal agencies must                                                                             needed care to Veterans while
                                                                                                      FPOW patient. The questions in the
                                              obtain approval from the Office of                                                                            contributing to health care knowledge
                                                                                                      form make it relevant for FPOWS of
                                              Management and Budget (OMB) for each                                                                          through research and education. VA can
                                                                                                      current as well as prior conflicts.
                                              collection of information they conduct                                                                        better meet its mission by integrating
                                              or sponsor. This request for comment is                    Affected Public: Individuals or                    clinical care, education, and research,
                                              being made pursuant to Section                          Households.                                           because such integration makes for more
                                              3506(c)(2)(A) of the PRA.                                  Estimated Annual Burden: 113                       efficient and progressive overall care for
                                                 With respect to the following                        burden hours.                                         Veterans. SFVAMC is also a ready
                                              collection of information, VHA invites                                                                        resource for Department of Defense
                                                                                                         Estimated Average Burden per
                                              comments on: (1) Whether the proposed                                                                         (DoD) as backup for Federal
                                                                                                      Respondent: 90 minutes.
                                              collection of information is necessary                                                                        emergencies and serves as the local
                                              for the proper performance of VHA’s                        Frequency of Response: Annually.                   Federal Coordinating Center (FCC) in
                                              functions, including whether the                           Estimated Number of Respondents:                   the event of a national emergency.
                                              information will have practical utility;                75.                                                   SFVAMC has completed the waiting
                                              (2) the accuracy of VHA’s estimate of                                                                         period for the Final EIS and is going
                                                                                                         By direction of the Secretary.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              the burden of the proposed collection of                                                                      forward with the ROD.
                                              information; (3) ways to enhance the                    Kathleen M. Manwell,                                     VA issues the ROD for the Final
                                              quality, utility, and clarity of the                    Program Analyst, VA Privacy Service, Office           LRDP/EIS as approved by, the VA Sierra
                                              information to be collected; and (4)                    of Privacy and Records Management,                    Pacific Network (VISN 21) Director. The
                                              ways to minimize the burden of the                      Department of Veterans Affairs.                       LRDP/EIS analyzed four alternatives,
                                              collection of information on                            [FR Doc. 2015–26654 Filed 10–20–15; 8:45 am]          including a no-action alternative. The
                                              respondents, including through the use                  BILLING CODE 8320–01–P                                full range of foreseeable environmental

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   22:39 Oct 20, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00145   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\21OCN1.SGM   21OCN1

Document Created: 2018-02-27 08:54:26
Document Modified: 2018-02-27 08:54:26
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesWritten comments and recommendations on the proposed collection of information should be received on or before November 20, 2015.
ContactCrystal Rennie, Enterprise Records Service (005R1B), Department of Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20420, (202) 632-7492 or email [email protected] Please refer to ``OMB Control No. 2900-0427 (Former Prisoner of War Medical History)'' in any correspondence.
FR Citation80 FR 63880 

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