80_FR_68560 80 FR 68347 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc.; Notice of Filing of Amendment No. 2 and Order Granting Accelerated Approval of a Proposed Rule Change, as Modified by Amendment Nos. 1 and 2, To Adopt a New Price Improvement Auction, BX PRISM

80 FR 68347 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc.; Notice of Filing of Amendment No. 2 and Order Granting Accelerated Approval of a Proposed Rule Change, as Modified by Amendment Nos. 1 and 2, To Adopt a New Price Improvement Auction, BX PRISM


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 213 (November 4, 2015)

Page Range68347-68354
FR Document2015-28024

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 213 (Wednesday, November 4, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 213 (Wednesday, November 4, 2015)]
[Pages 68347-68354]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-28024]



[Release No. 34-76301; File No. SR-BX-2015-032]

Self-Regulatory Organizations; NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc.; Notice of 
Filing of Amendment No. 2 and Order Granting Accelerated Approval of a 
Proposed Rule Change, as Modified by Amendment Nos. 1 and 2, To Adopt a 
New Price Improvement Auction, BX PRISM

October 29, 2015.

I. Introduction

    On August 19, 2015, NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc. (``BX'' or ``Exchange'') 
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (``Commission''), 
pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 
(``Act'') \1\ and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,\2\ a proposed rule change to 
establish an options price improvement mechanism (``PRISM''). On 
September 2, 2015, BX filed Amendment No. 1 to the proposal. The 
proposed rule change, as modified by Amendment No. 1, was published for 
comment in the Federal Register on September 10, 2015.\3\ The 
Commission received no substantive comments regarding the proposal.\4\ 
On October 22, 2015, BX granted an extension of time for Commission 
action until October 30, 2015. On October 23, 2015, BX filed Amendment 
No. 2 to the proposal.\5\ The Commission is publishing this notice to 
solicit comment on Amendment No. 2 from interested persons and is 
approving the proposed rule change, as modified by Amendment Nos. 1 and 
2, on an accelerated basis, with certain provisions subject to a pilot 
period scheduled to expire on July 18, 2016.

    \1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
    \2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
    \3\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 75827 (September 3, 
2015), 80 FR 54601 (``Notice'').
    \4\ See infra note 5 (noting that when BX submitted Amendment 
No. 2, it also submitted the document as a comment letter to the 
file to promote the public dissemination of its Amendment).
    \5\ In Amendment No. 2, BX makes certain technical and 
clarifying changes to the proposal, which BX believes does not 
result in any material differences over its original filing as 
modified by Amendment No. 1. Specifically, BX proposes to: (i) 
Remove the term ``displayed''; (ii) describe ``rejected'' orders 
more accurately as ``immediately cancelled'' in certain 
circumstances; (iii) provide more specificity as to the amounts of 
allocations for which an Initiating Participant is entitled to be 
allocated; (iv) remove an incorrect reference to ``orders'' and 
define interest more specifically; (v) add more specificity related 
to Customer-to-Customer orders; (vi) correct a citation error; and 
(vii) correct typographical errors. Amendment 2 amends and replaces 
the original filing, as modified by Amendment 1, in its entirety. To 
promote transparency of its proposed amendment, when BX filed 
Amendment No. 2 with the Commission, it also submitted Amendment No. 
2 as a comment letter to the file, which the Commission posted on 
its Web site and placed in the public comment file for SR-BX-2015-
032. The Exchange also posted a copy of its Amendment No. 2 on its 
Web site when it filed the amendment with the Commission.

II. Description of the Proposal

    BX proposes to establish a price-improvement mechanism, ``PRISM,'' 
on the Exchange's options platform, in which a BX Participant (an 
``Initiating Participant'') may electronically submit for execution a 
two-sided paired order, where one side is an order it represents as 
agent on behalf of a Public Customer,\6\ Professional customer, broker-
dealer, or any other entity (``PRISM Order'') and the other side is 
principal interest or any other order it represents as agent (an 
``Initiating Order'') provided that the member first exposes the PRISM 
Order in the PRISM Auction (``Auction'') pursuant to the proposed Rule.

    \6\ For purposes of this Rule, a Public Customer order does not 
include a Professional order, and therefore a Professional would not 
be entitled to Public Customer priority as described herein. A 
Public Customer means a person that is not a broker or dealer in 
securities. See BX Chapter I, Section 1(a)(50). A Public Customer 
order does not include a Professional order for purposes of BX 
Chapter VI, Section 10(a)(C)(1)(a), which governs allocation 
priority. A ``Professional'' means any person or entity that (i) is 
not a broker or dealer in securities, and (ii) places more than 390 
orders in listed options per day on average during a calendar month 
for its own beneficial account(s). A Participant or a Public 
Customer may, without limitation, be a Professional. All 
Professional orders shall be appropriately marked by Participants. 
See BX Chapter I, Section 1(a)(49).


[[Page 68348]]

A. Auction Eligibility Requirements

    All options traded on the Exchange are eligible for PRISM.\7\ To 
initiate a PRISM Auction, an Initiating Participant first must ``stop'' 
the PRISM Order at a price that is equal to or better than the NBBO. In 
addition, the proposed rules governing the eligible stop price 
recognize a distinction between PRISM Orders for Public Customers and 
PRISM Orders for non-Public Customers. Specifically, a PRISM Order that 
is a Public Customer Order must be stopped at an improved price over 
any resting a limit orders on the book on the same side as the PRISM 
Order. A PRISM Order that is for a non-Customer (account of a broker-
dealer or any other person or entity that is not a Public Customer) is 
always required to improve the same side BX BBO as the PRISM Order, 
even if there is no resting limit order on the book. PRISM Orders that 
do not comply with the aforementioned auction eligibility requirements 
will be immediately cancelled. In addition, PRISM Orders submitted at 
or before the opening of trading are not eligible to initiate an 
Auction and will be rejected. PRISM Orders submitted during the final 
two seconds of the trading session are not eligible to initiate an 
Auction and will be immediately cancelled. Finally, an Initiating Order 
may not be a solicited order for the account of any BX Options Market 
Maker assigned in the affected series.\8\

    \7\ See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(i).
    \8\ See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(i)(C) through (F).

B. Auction Process

    To initiate the Auction, the Initiating Participant must mark the 
PRISM Order for Auction processing, and specify either: (a) A single 
price at which it seeks to execute the PRISM Order (a ``stop price''); 
(b) that it is willing to automatically match as principal or as agent 
on behalf of an Initiating Order the price and size of all PRISM 
Auction Notifications (``PAN'') responses, and trading interest 
(``auto-match'') in which case the PRISM Order will be stopped at the 
NBBO on the Initiating Order side; \9\ or (c) that it is willing to 
either: (i) Stop the entire order at a single stop price and auto-match 
PAN responses and trading interest at a price or prices that improve 
the stop price up to a maximum specified price (a ``No Worse Than'' or 
``NWT'' price); (ii) stop the entire order at a single stop price and 
auto-match all PAN responses and trading interest at or better than the 
stop price; or (iii) stop the entire order at the NBBO on the 
Initiating Order side, and auto-match PAN responses and trading 
interest at a price or prices that improve the stop price up to the NWT 
price. In all cases, if the BX BBO on the same side of the market as 
the PRISM Order represents a limit order on the book, the stop price 
must be at least one minimum trading increment (specified in Chapter 
VI, Section 5) better than the booked limit order's limit price.

    \9\ This is accomplished by marking the Initiating Order with a 
market (MKT) price.

    Only one Auction would be conducted at a time in any given series. 
Once the Initiating Participant has submitted a PRISM Order for 
exposure in the Auction, such PRISM Order may not be modified or 
cancelled, nor may any Auction be cancelled once it has commenced. 
Under any of the circumstances described above, the stop price or NWT 
price may be improved to the benefit of the PRISM Order during the 
Auction, but may not be cancelled.
    Under the proposal, except for rounding purposes, the Initiating 
Participant would not receive an allocation percentage of more than 50% 
with one competing quote, order or PAN response, or 40% with multiple 
competing quotes, orders or PAN responses at the final price point, 
when competing quotes, orders or PAN responses have contracts available 
for execution.\10\ However, when starting an Auction, the Initiating 
Participant may submit the Initiating Order with a designation of 
``surrender'' to other PRISM Participants (``Surrender''), which will 
result in the Initiating Participant forfeiting priority and trade 
allocation privileges. If Surrender is specified, the Initiating 
Participant would trade only if there were not enough interest 
available to fully execute the PRISM Order at prices which are equal to 
or improve upon the stop price.\11\ Surrender information would not be 
available to other market participants and may not be modified after 
the order is submitted to the Auction.

    \10\ See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1).
    \11\ Surrender will not be permitted if both the Initiating 
Order and PRISM Order are Public Customer Orders. See proposed BX 
Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1).

    When the Exchange receives a PRISM Order for Auction, a PAN 
detailing the side, size and options series of the PRISM Order would be 
sent over the Exchange's Specialized Quote Feed and BX Depth Feed. 
PRISM Auctions would be for a specified duration of no less than one 
hundred milliseconds and no more than one second, as determined by the 
Exchange and announced on the Nasdaq Trader Web site.\12\ Any person or 
entity may submit a response to the PAN, provided such response is 
properly marked specifying price, size, and side of the market. PAN 
responses would not be visible to Auction participants, including the 
initiator, and would not be disseminated to OPRA. The minimum price 
increment for PAN responses and for an Initiating Participant's stop 
price and/or NWT price would be the minimum price improvement increment 
established pursuant to proposed Rule Chapter VI, Section 9(i)(A).\13\

    \12\ In May 2014, NASDAQ OMX PHLX LLC's (``Phlx'') staff 
distributed a survey to all Phlx market maker firms inquiring as to 
the timeframe within which these market participants respond to an 
auction with a duration time ranging from less than fifty (50) 
milliseconds to more than one (1) second. According to BX, the 
market marker firms on Phlx represent membership similar to BX 
Market Makers, and 90 percent of the BX Market Maker firms 
participated in the survey. Of the thirty five (35) Phlx market 
maker firms that were surveyed, twenty (20) of these market makers 
responded to the survey and of those respondents 100% indicated that 
that their firm could respond to auctions with a duration time of at 
least 50 milliseconds. Based on the results of the survey, the 
Exchange believes that allowing for an auction period of no less 
than one hundred (100) milliseconds and no more than one (1) second 
would provide a meaningful opportunity for BX Participants to 
respond to the PRISM Auction while at the same time facilitating the 
prompt execution of orders. Based on experience with the Phlx's PIXL 
mechanism on BX's affiliated exchange, BX believes that 100 
milliseconds will continue to provide all market participants with 
sufficient time to respond, compete, and provide price improvement 
for orders and will provide investors and other market participants 
with more timely executions, thereby reducing their market risk.
    \13\ See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(2) through 

    A PAN response size at any given price point may not exceed the 
size of the PRISM Order. Any such oversized response would be 
immediately cancelled. A PAN response must be equal to or better than 
the NBBO at the time of receipt of the PAN response or it would be 
immediately cancelled. PAN responses may be modified or cancelled 
during the Auction. PAN responses on the same side of the market as the 
PRISM Order are considered invalid and will be immediately cancelled. 
Finally, multiple PAN responses from the same Participant may be 
submitted during the Auction. However, multiple orders at a particular 
price point submitted by a Participant in response to a PAN may not 
exceed, in the aggregate, the size of the PRISM Order.\14\

    \14\ See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(7) through 

C. Conclusion of an Auction

    The PRISM Auction would conclude at the earlier of: (i) The end of 
the Auction period; (ii) any time the BX

[[Page 68349]]

BBO crosses the PRISM Order stop price on the same side of the market 
as the PRISM Order; \15\ or (iii) any time there is a trading halt \16\ 
on the Exchange in the affected series.\17\

    \15\ This provision regarding the BX BBO crossing the PRISM 
Order stop price on the same side of the market as the PRISM Order, 
as a conclusion to a PRISM Auction, would be subject to a pilot 
period scheduled to expire July 18, 2016.
    \16\ This provision regarding the trading halt, as a conclusion 
to a PRISM Auction, would be subject to a pilot period scheduled to 
expire July 18, 2016.
    \17\ See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(B).

    If the PRISM Auction concludes earlier than the end of the 
prescribed Auction period, the entire PRISM Order will be executed at: 
(i) In the case of the BX BBO crossing the PRISM Order stop price, the 
best response price(s) or, if the stop price is the best price in the 
Auction, at the stop price, unless the best response price is equal to 
or better than the price of a limit order resting on the Order Book on 
the same side of the market as the PRISM Order, in which case the PRISM 
Order will be executed against that response, but at a price that is at 
the minimum trading increment better than the price of such limit order 
at the time of the conclusion of the Auction; or (ii) in the case of a 
trading halt on the Exchange in the affected series, the stop price, in 
which case the PRISM Order will be executed solely against the 
Initiating Order.\18\

    \18\ See proposed BX Chapter VI, Rule 9(ii)(C).

    Any unexecuted PAN responses will be cancelled.\19\ An unrelated 
market or marketable limit order (against the BX BBO) on the opposite 
side of the market from the PRISM Order received during the Auction 
will not cause the Auction to end early and will execute against 
interest outside of the Auction.\20\ If contracts remain from such 
unrelated order at the time the auction ends, they will be considered 
for participation in the order allocation process.

    \19\ See id.
    \20\ See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(D). This 
provision would be subject to a pilot period scheduled to expire on 
July 18, 2016. The Commission notes that this provision is based on 
a similar provision in Phlx's Price Improvement XL (``PIXL'') 
auction. See Phlx Rule 1080(n).

1. Order Allocation--Size Pro-Rata
    At the conclusion of the Auction, for option classes governed under 
BX's Size Pro-Rata execution algorithm, the PRISM Order will be 
allocated at the best price(s), pursuant to the priority set forth in 
Chapter VI, 9(ii)(E)(1) through (5).\21\ First, Public Customer orders 
would have time priority at each price level. Next, the Initiating 
Participant would receive an allocation after Public Customer 

    \21\ See Notice, supra note 3, at 54607-54610, for examples 
illustrating trade allocations under the Size Pro-Rata execution 
    \22\ The Initiating Participant shall receive additional 
allocation only if contracts remain after any allocation pursuant to 
proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(3) through (5).

    If the Initiating Participant selected the single stop price 
option, PRISM executions will occur first at prices that improve the 
stop price, and then at the stop price with up to 40% of the remaining 
contracts after Public Customer interest is satisfied being allocated 
to the Initiating Participant at the stop price. However, if only one 
other quote, order or PAN response matches the stop price, then the 
Initiating Participant may be allocated up to 50% of the contracts 
executed at such price.
    If the Initiating Participant selected the auto-match option, the 
Initiating Participant would be allocated a number of contracts equal 
to the aggregate size of all other quotes, orders, and PAN responses at 
each price point until a price point is reached where the balance of 
the order can be fully executed, except that the Initiating Participant 
would be entitled to receive up to 40% (if there are multiple competing 
quotes, orders or PAN responses) or 50% (if there is only one competing 
quote, order or PAN response) of the contracts remaining at the final 
price point (including situations where the stop price is the final 
price) after Public Customer interest has been satisfied but before 
remaining interest receives an allocation.
    If the Initiating Participant selected the ``stop and NWT'' option, 
contracts would be allocated as follows: (i) First to quotes, orders, 
and PAN responses at prices better than the NWT price (if any), 
beginning with the best price, pursuant to proposed Chapter VI, Section 
9(ii)(E)(3) through (5), at each price point; and (ii) next, to quotes, 
orders, and PAN responses at prices at the Initiating Participant's NWT 
price and better than the Initiating Participant's stop price, 
beginning with the NWT price. The Initiating Participant would be 
allocated a number of contracts equal to the aggregate size of all 
other quotes, orders, and PAN responses at each price point, except 
that the Initiating Participant would be entitled to receive up to 40% 
(if there are multiple competing quotes, orders or PAN responses) or 
50% (if there is only one competing quote, order or PAN response) of 
the contracts remaining at the final price point (including situations 
where the final price is the stop price), after Public Customer 
interest has been satisfied but before remaining interest receives an 
allocation. In the case of an Initiating Order with a NWT price at the 
market, the Initiating Participant would be allocated a number of 
contracts equal to the aggregate size of all other quotes, orders, and 
PAN responses at all price points, except that the Initiating 
Participant would be entitled to receive up to 40% or 50% of the 
contracts remaining at the final price point (including situations 
where the final price is the stop price), after Public Customer 
interest has been satisfied but before remaining interest receives an 

    \23\ See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(2)(a) through 

    After Public Customers and the Initiating Participant receive their 
allocations, BX Options Market Makers that were at a price equal to the 
NBBO on the opposite side of the market from the PRISM Order at the 
time of initiation of the PRISM Auction (``Priority Market Makers'') 
would have priority up to their quote size in the NBBO which was 
present when the PRISM Auction was initiated (``Initial NBBO'') at each 
price level at or better than such Initial NBBO.\24\ Priority Market 
Maker quotes and PAN responses will be allocated pursuant to the Size 
Pro-Rata algorithm set forth in BX Chapter VI, Section 10(1)(B).\25\ 
Priority Market Maker status is valid only for the duration of the 
particular PRISM auction.

    \24\ Miami International Securities Exchange, LLC (``MIAX'') 
allocates executions resulting from Priority Public Customer 
interest and priority Market Maker quotes ahead of other interest. 
MIAX's system may designate Market Maker quotes as either priority 
quotes or non-priority quotes in accordance with the provisions in 
MIAX Rule 517(b). BX is prioritizing Priority Market Maker 
allocations in the proposed BX PRISM Auction in a similar manner, 
ahead of other non-Public Customer interest.
    \25\ See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(3).

    Next, Non-Priority Market Makers, as well as Priority Market Maker 
PRISM Auction interest which exceeded the Priority Market Maker's size 
in the Initial NBBO, would have priority at each price level at or 
better than the Initial NBBO after Public Customers, the Initiating 
Participant and Priority Market Makers have received allocations. Non-
Priority Market Maker and such excess Priority Market Maker interest 
will be allocated pursuant to the Size Pro-Rata algorithm set forth in 
BX Chapter VI, Section 10(1)(B).\26\

    \26\ See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(4).

    Finally, all other interest will receive an allocation after the 
interest discussed above has been satisfied. Such interest will be 
allocated pursuant to the Size

[[Page 68350]]

Pro-Rata algorithm set forth in BX Chapter VI, Section 10(1)(B).\27\

    \27\ See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(5).

2. Order Allocation--Price/Time
    At the conclusion of the Auction, for option classes governed under 
BX's Price/Time execution algorithm, the PRISM Order will be allocated 
at the best price(s), pursuant to the priority set forth in proposed 
Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(F)(1) through (4).\28\ First, Public Customer 
orders would have time priority at each price level. Next, the 
Initiating Participant would receive an allocation after Public 
Customer orders.\29\

    \28\ See Notice, supra note 3, at 54607-54610, for examples 
illustrating trade allocations under the Price/Time execution 
    \29\ The Initiating Participant shall receive additional 
allocation only if contracts remain after any allocation pursuant to 
proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(F)(3) and (4).

    If the Initiating Participant selected the single stop price 
option, PRISM executions will occur first at prices that improve the 
stop price, and then at the stop price with up to 40% of the remaining 
contracts after Public Customer interest is satisfied being allocated 
to the Initiating Participant at the stop price. However, if only one 
other quote, order or PAN response matches the stop price, the 
Initiating Participant may be allocated up to 50% of the contracts 
executed at such price.
    If the Initiating Participant selected the auto-match option, the 
Initiating Participant would be allocated a number of contracts equal 
to the aggregate size of all other quotes, orders, and PAN responses at 
each price point until a price point is reached where the balance of 
the order can be fully executed, except that the Initiating Participant 
would be entitled to receive up to 40% (if there are multiple competing 
quotes, orders or PAN responses) or 50% (if there is only one competing 
quote, order or PAN response) of the contracts remaining at the final 
price point (including situations where the stop price is the final 
price), after Public Customer interest has been satisfied but before 
remaining interest receives an allocation.
    If the Initiating Participant selected the ``stop and NWT'' option, 
contracts would be allocated as follows: (i) First to quotes, orders, 
and PAN responses at prices better than the NWT price (if any), 
beginning with the best price, pursuant to proposed Chapter VI, Section 
9(ii)(F)(3) and (4), at each price point; and (ii) next, to quotes, 
orders, and PAN responses at prices at the Initiating Participant's NWT 
price and better than the Initiating Participant's stop price, 
beginning with the NWT price. The Initiating Participant would be 
allocated a number of contracts equal to the aggregate size of all 
other quotes, orders, and PAN responses at each price point, except 
that the Initiating Participant would be entitled to receive up to 40% 
(if there are multiple competing quotes, orders or PAN responses) or 
50% (if there is only one competing quote, order or PAN response) of 
the contracts remaining at the final price point (including situations 
where the final price is the stop price), after Public Customer 
interest has been satisfied but before remaining interest receives an 
allocation. In the case of an Initiating Order with a NWT price at the 
market, the Initiating Participant would be allocated a number of 
contracts equal to the aggregate size of all other quotes, orders, and 
PAN responses at all price points, except that the Initiating 
Participant would be entitled to receive up to 40% multiple competing 
quotes, orders or PAN responses) or 50% (one competing quote, order or 
PAN response) of the contracts remaining at the final price point 
(including situations where the final price is the stop price), after 
Public Customer interest has been satisfied but before remaining 
interest receives an allocation.
    After Public Customers and the Initiating Participant receive their 
allocations, Priority Market Makers that were at a price equal to the 
NBBO on the opposite side of the market from the PRISM Order at the 
time of initiation of PRISM Auction would have priority up to their 
quote size in the Initial NBBO at each price level better than the 
Initial NBBO. Priority Market Maker interest at prices better than the 
Initial NBBO will be allocated pursuant to the Size Pro-Rata algorithm 
set forth in BX Chapter VI, Section 10(1)(B). Priority Market Maker 
interest at a price equal to or inferior to the Initial NBBO will not 
have priority over other participants and will be allocated pursuant to 
the Price/Time algorithm set forth in BX Chapter VI, Section 

    \30\ See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(F)(3).

    Finally, all other interest will receive an allocation, after the 
interest discussed above has been satisfied. Such interest will be 
allocated pursuant to the Price/Time algorithm set forth in BX Chapter 
VI, Section 10(1)(A).\31\

    \31\ See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(F)(4).

D. Crossing Agency Orders

    The Exchange also proposes, in lieu of the PRISM Auction procedures 
set forth in proposed Chapter VI, Section 9(i)-(ii), to allow an 
Initiating Participant to enter a PRISM Order for the account of a 
Public Customer paired with an order for the account of another Public 
Customer, and such paired orders will be automatically executed without 
a PRISM Auction, provided there is not currently an Auction in progress 
in the same series, in which case the paired orders would be 
cancelled.\32\ In its proposal, the Exchange notes that it would be a 
violation of BX Chapter VII, Section 12 for a Participant to circumvent 
Chapter VII, Section 12 by providing an opportunity for (i) a Public 
Customer affiliated with the Participant, or (ii) a Public Customer 
with whom the Participant has an arrangement that allows the 
Participant to realize similar economic benefits from the transaction 
as the Participant would achieve by executing agency orders as 
principal, to regularly execute against agency orders handled by the 
firm immediately upon their entry as PRISM Public Customer-to-Public 
Customer immediate crosses.\33\

    \32\ See discussion infra Section VI, Amendment No. 2. As noted 
in proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii), only one Auction may be 
conducted at a time in any given series.
    \33\ See Notice, supra note 3, at 54606. See also proposed BX 
Chapter VI, Section 9(vi)(a).

E. Pilot Program Information to the Commission

    Subject to a pilot program expiring July 18, 2016,\34\ there will 
be no minimum size requirement for orders to be eligible for the 
Auction. The Exchange also has proposed two additional components of 
its rules on a pilot basis, expiring on July 18, 2016: (i) The early 
conclusion of the PRISM Auction; and (ii) an unrelated market or 
marketable limit order (against the BX BBO) on the opposite side of the 
market from the PRISM Order received during the Auction will not cause 
the Auction to end early and will execute against interest outside of 
the Auction.\35\ During this pilot period, the Exchange represents that 
it periodically will submit certain data, as requested by the 
Commission staff, to provide supporting evidence that, among other 
things, there is meaningful competition in PRISM Auctions for all size 
orders, there are opportunities for significant price improvement for 
orders executed through PRISM, and that there is an active and liquid 
market functioning on the Exchange outside of the Auction

[[Page 68351]]

mechanism.\36\ The Exchange further noted that it would seek to request 
confidential treatment for any raw data that it submits to the 

    \34\ See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(viii).
    \35\ See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(B)(2) through (4) 
(governing the early conclusion of a PRISM auction) and proposed BX 
Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(D) (governing the treatment of unrelated 
orders on the opposite side of the market from the PRISM Order).
    \36\ See Notice, supra note 3, at 54606-07.
    \37\ See id. See also proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 6(vii).

    The Exchange represented that it will provide the following 
additional information on a monthly basis:
    (i) The number of contracts (of orders of 50 contracts or greater) 
entered into the PRISM;
    (ii) The number of contracts (of orders of fewer than 50 contracts) 
entered into the PRISM;
    (iii) The number of orders of 50 contracts or greater entered into 
the PRISM; and
    (iv) The number of orders of fewer than 50 contracts entered into 
the PRISM.

III. Amendment No. 2

    In Amendment No. 2, the Exchange proposes to revise its proposal to 
make certain clarifications and representations relating to the use of 
Price Improving and Post-Only Orders and to make other clarifying 
revisions to the rule text.
    The Exchange proposes to amend its rule text to delete the term 
``displayed'' which modifies ``BX BBO'' in proposed Chapter VI, Section 
9(i)(B) and the term ``or better than'' in proposed Chapter VI, Section 
9(ii)(E)(3) because these references represent the impact of repricing 
resulting from Price Improving and Post-Only Orders. The Exchange 
represents that it will file a rule change separately with the 
Commission to remove Price Improving and Post-Only Order types from its 
Rules.\38\ The Exchange also represents that it will not commence 
offering BX PRISM until such time as it has an effective and operative 
rule in place from the Commission to remove Price Improving and Post-
Only Orders and removes the ability to submit Price Improving and Post-
Only Orders into the Auction.\39\ In the event the Exchange determines 
in the future to allow the entry of any type of non-displayed order 
types, the Exchange represents that it will file a proposed rule change 
pursuant to Section 19(b)(2) under the Exchange Act with the Commission 
to seek approval for such rule change.\40\ As there will be no longer 
be any repricing order types on BX due to BX's elimination of Price 
Improving and Post Only Orders, the Exchange proposes to delete these 
terms from the rule text. The Exchange also proposes to delete the term 
``displayed'' in other parts of the rule where it modifies the term 
``NBBO,'' ``quote size,'' or ``size'' because the Exchange believes the 
modifier ``displayed'' is redundant and unnecessary and wishes to avoid 
any inference that the NBBO or quote size may be non-displayed, which 
it represents is not the case.\41\

    \38\ See Amendment No. 2, supra note 5, at 3.
    \39\ See id.
    \40\ See id. at 3-4.
    \41\ See id. at 5. The Exchange states that the term 
``displayed'' prior to NBBO is simply redundant as the NBBO is 
always displayed and therefore unnecessary. The term ``displayed'' 
before the terms ``quote size'' and ``size'' is not necessary as 
such references may create an inference that the quote size may be 
non-displayed in certain circumstances, which is not the case. 
Additionally, the term ``displayed'' is not utilized in the Phlx 
PIXL rule text (Phlx Rule 1080(n)), which auction is similar to 

    The Exchange also proposes to replace certain uses of the term 
``rejected'' in the rule text with the term ``immediately cancelled.'' 
In Amendment No. 2, BX notes that non-eligible and non-compliant orders 
that are submitted into PRISM will be immediately cancelled when those 
orders are reviewed for compliance with Exchange Rules. These orders 
will not technically be rejected as there will be time, however 
miniscule, between the submission of the order and the cancellation of 
the order. The Exchange believes this non-substantive change adds more 
clarity to the rule text. The Exchange also proposes to amend the rule 
text to provide more specificity concerning the allocation guarantee to 
which an Initiating Participant is entitled. While the current rule 
text clearly states that the Initiating Participant may receive up to 
40% if there is multiple competing interest or 50% of there is one 
competing quote, order, or response, the amendments add this detail to 
other places in the rule where the 40% and 50% guarantees are 
referenced to consistently make clear the conditions under which they 
apply. The Exchange believes this non-substantive change adds more 
clarity to the rule text.
    Further, the Exchange proposes to amend the rule text at proposed 
Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(3) to delete the term ``orders.'' This 
amendment will correct the reference to the types of interest that 
would be attributed to a Priority Market Maker. While quotes and PAN 
responses will be allocated according to Priority Marker Maker status, 
orders will be accepted but will not receive Priority Market Maker 
status. Therefore, BX proposes to delete the term ``orders'' to make 
clear which interest shall be included for calculation within the 
    In addition, the Exchange proposes to replace the terms ``orders'' 
or ``participants'' in certain places within the rule text that 
reference the Initiating Participant's guarantee with the terms 
``quote(s), order(s) or PAN response(s),'' which more fully and 
explicitly represent the types of interest that is considered when 
PRISM allocates 40% or 50% of the PRISM Order to the Initiating 
Participant. The Exchange believes these amendments are non-substantive 
changes that add more clarity to the rule text.
    The Exchange also proposes to amend the rule text at proposed 
Chapter VI, Section 9(vi) to clarify that a Participant cannot submit a 
Public Customer-to-Public customer paired order when there is a PRISM 
Auction in progress in the same series. Any attempt to do so will 
result in the Exchange canceling the Public Customer-to-Public customer 
paired order. In its original notice, the Exchange noted that only one 
Auction may be conducted at a time in any given series,\42\ and this 
additional text just makes clear that the general prohibition also 
applies when a Participant seeks to submit a Public Customer-to-Public 
customer paired order. The remaining proposed changes in Amendment No. 
2 correct a cross-reference and some typographical errors.

    \42\ See Notice, supra note 3, at 54602.

IV. Discussion and Commission Findings

    After careful review, the Commission finds that the proposed rule 
change is consistent with the requirements of the Act and the rules and 
regulations thereunder applicable to a national securities exchange 
and, in particular, with Section 6(b) of the Act.\43\ In particular, 
the Commission finds that the proposed rule change is consistent with 
Section 6(b)(5) of the Act,\44\ which requires, among other things, 
that the rules of a national securities exchange be designed to prevent 
fraudulent and manipulative acts and practices, to promote just and 
equitable principles of trade, to foster cooperation and coordination 
with persons engaged in regulating, clearing, settling, processing 
information with respect to, and facilitating transactions in 
securities, to remove impediments to and perfect the mechanism of a 
free and open market and a national market system, and, in general, to 
protect customers, issuers, brokers and dealers. The Commission 
believes that the Exchange's proposal to establish the PRISM Auction 
may increase competition among those

[[Page 68352]]

options exchanges that offer similar price improvement mechanisms. The 
Commission further believes that allowing BX members to enter orders 
into the PRISM Auction could provide additional opportunities for such 
orders to receive price improvement over the NBBO. The Commission also 
believes that the BX's proposal to give priority to a Priority Market 
Maker who is quoting at the NBBO before an Auction is initiated may 
provide an incentive for BX Market Makers to publicly display their 
best quotes with size on the Exchange, which would benefit all options 
market participants.

    \43\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b). In approving this proposed rule change, 
the Commission has considered the proposed rule's impact on 
efficiency, competition, and capital formation. See 15 U.S.C. 
    \44\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).

    BX's proposed PRISM Auction is based in large part on Phlx's PIXL, 
and also is similar to existing functionality at other options 
exchanges, except that, as discussed further below, it adds a new type 
of allocation for Priority Market Makers.\45\ All options traded on BX 
are eligible for the PRISM Auction, and PRISM Orders are given the 
opportunity for price improvement over the NBBO by being exposed to 
members during the PRISM Auction. In addition, BX's proposal protects 
resting interest on its limit order book as the Initiating 
Participant's stop price \46\ must be at least one minimum trading 
increment better than any booked order's limit price on the same side 
of the market as the PRISM Order, when the PRISM Order is for a Public 
Customer. A PRISM Order for any entity other than a Public Customer 
must be stopped at a price better than the same side of the BX BBO even 
if there is no resting limit order on the book.

    \45\ See, e.g., Phlx Rule 1080(n) (Phlx's PIXL), Chicago Board 
Options Exchange (``CBOE'') Rule 6.74A (CBOE's Automated Improvement 
Mechanism (``AIM'') auction), and MIAX Rule 515A (MIAX's Price 
Improvement Mechanism (``PRIME'') auction).
    \46\ The Initiating Participant may forfeit priority and trade 
allocation privileges by designating the Initiating Order as 
Surrender, in which case the Initiating Participant would trade only 
if there were not enough interest available to fully execute the 
PRISM Order at prices which are equal to or improve upon the stop 
price. The Commission notes that this feature may encourage use of 
the PRISM Auction to provide certain orders with an opportunity for 
price improvement that such orders may not otherwise receive.

    BX will not accept PRISM Orders during certain times, including 
during the final two seconds of the regular trading session, as well as 
at or before the opening of trading. BX also would cancel any PRISM 
Order that does not meet the Auction eligibility requirements specified 
in the proposed rule. Further, once a PRISM Auction has commenced, it 
cannot be cancelled.
    When the BX receives an eligible PRISM Order for submission to the 
PRISM Auction, it will broadly announce the Auction by sending a PAN 
over the BX Depth feed and the Exchange's Specialized Quote Feed 
detailing the option, side, and size.\47\ This message is designed to 
help attract competitive responses to a PRISM Auction. The PRISM rules 
also permit any person or entity to submit responses to the PAN on 
behalf of all types of interest.\48\ The Commission believes that these 
requirements provide the opportunity for a PRISM Order to be exposed in 
an auction designed to attract competitive responses and facilitate 
price improvement, and thus may result in ultimately better prices for 
the PRISM Order to the extent the PAN is successful in attracting 
competitive responses.

    \47\ According to the Exchange, SQF is available to Market 
Makers at no cost. The Depth Feed is available to all other market 
participants that pay to subscribe to the service to receive 
broadcast information regarding auctions.
    \48\ Cf. CBOE Rule 6.74A(b)(1)(D)-(E) (only CBOE Market Makers 
with an appointment in the relevant option class, and CBOE Members 
acting as agent for orders resting at the top of the CBOE book 
opposite the Agency Order, may submit responses to the AIM RFR).

    All PRISM Auctions will last for a period for a predefined time of 
no less than 100 milliseconds and no more than 1 second as determined 
by the Exchange and announced on the Nasdaq Trader Web site. As the 
Exchange discussed in its proposal, in May 2014, Phlx surveyed its 
Market Maker members as to the timeframe within which these firms could 
respond to an auction with a duration time ranging from less than 50 
milliseconds to more than 1 second.\49\ Of the 20 Market Maker firms 
\50\ that responded to the question, 100% indicated that their firm 
could respond to auctions with a duration time of at least 50 
milliseconds.\51\ Based on BX's statements, the Commission believes 
that proposed duration of the PRISM Auction could facilitate the prompt 
execution of orders in the PRISM auction, while providing market 
participants with an opportunity to compete for exposed bids and 
offers. The Commission notes that other exchanges' price improvement 
mechanisms provide for auction response periods within the range of the 
response duration proposed by BX.\52\

    \49\ See Notice, supra note 3, at 54602.
    \50\ The Exchange represents that 90% of the BX market maker 
firms participated in the survey (i.e., 90% of BX market maker firms 
were also market makers on Phlx who participated in the Phlx 
survey). See Notice, supra note 3, at 5460203, n. 19.
    \51\ See Notice, supra note 3, at 54602-03, n. 19-20 and 
accompanying text.
    \52\ See International Securities Exchange Rule 723(c)(5) 
(auction period of 500 milliseconds), CBOE Rule 6.74A(b)(1)(C) 
(auction period of 1 second), Boston Options Exchange Rule 
7150(f)(1) (auction period of 100 milliseconds).

    At the conclusion of a PRISM Auction, Public Customer orders have 
first priority to trade against the PRISM Order. After Public Customer 
orders receive their allocation, the Initiating Participant next may be 
allocated a limited percentage of the PRISM Order, not to exceed 40% of 
the contracts at the applicable final price point if competing quotes, 
orders or PAN responses have contracts available for execution 
(however, if only one other competing quote, order or PAN response 
matches the Initiating Participant's submission at the best price, then 
the Initiating Participant may be allocated up to 50% of the PRISM 
Order). After the Initiating Participant's primary allocation, quotes 
and PAN responses from Priority Market Makers have next priority. 
Thereafter, Non-Priority Market Makers, as well as Priority Market 
Maker interest which exceeded their displayed size in the Initial NBBO, 
would have the next priority at each price level at or better than the 
Initial NBBO. Finally, all other interest would receive an allocation 
if contracts remained. The Commission believes that the BX PRISM's 
proposed matching algorithm is sufficiently clear regarding how orders 
are to be allocated in the PRISM Auction and is designed in a manner 
that should facilitate a competitive auction process.
    As noted above, the proposed BX rules grant a BX Market Maker 
``priority'' status for the duration of an Auction when the Market 
Maker is quoting at the NBBO at the time the PRISM Auction was 
initiated, up to the size of its quote. The Commission believes that 
this provision is designed to encourage BX Market Makers to quote 
aggressively with additional size outside of the PRISM Auction and, 
therefore, may enhance competition and liquidity on the BX market. The 
Commission notes that another exchange, the Miami International 
Securities Exchange, offers a similar ``priority quote'' feature in its 
general matching system,\53\ and also provides for enhanced priority 
for ``priority quotes'' in its PRIME price improvement auction in a 
substantially similar manner as to what BX proposes for PRISM.\54\

    \53\ See MIAX Rule 517(b)(1)(i).
    \54\ See MIAX Rule 515A(a)(2)(iii)(C).

    The Exchange has represented its commitment to submit certain data 
on PRISM Auctions at the request of Commission staff. The Commission 
expects such data to be used, by both the Exchange and the Commission 
staff, to assess the performance of PRISM Auction, including, among 
other things, to study whether there is meaningful competition for all 
size orders with the

[[Page 68353]]

PRISM, the degree of price improvement for all orders executed through 
the PRISM, and whether there is an active and liquid market functioning 
on the Exchange outside of the PRISM. The data provided will enable the 
Commission, as well as the Exchange itself, to evaluate the PRISM 
Auction to determine its performance and possible impact on BX and 
options market structure in general and the degree to which it is 
beneficial to customers and to the options market as a whole.

V. Section 11(a) of the Act

    Section 11(a)(1) of the Act \55\ prohibits a member of a national 
securities exchange from effecting transactions on that exchange for 
its own account, the account of an associated person, or an account 
over which it or its associated person exercises investment discretion 
(collectively, ``covered accounts'') unless an exception applies. Rule 
11a2-2(T) under the Act,\56\ known as the ``effect versus execute'' 
rule, provides exchange members with an exemption from the Section 
11(a)(1) prohibition. Rule 11a2-2(T) permits an exchange member, 
subject to certain conditions, to effect transactions for covered 
accounts by arranging for an unaffiliated member to execute 
transactions on the exchange. To comply with Rule 11a2-2(T)'s 
conditions, a member: (i) Must transmit the order from off the exchange 
floor; (ii) may not participate in the execution of the transaction 
once it has been transmitted to the member performing the execution; 
\57\ (iii) may not be affiliated with the executing member; and (iv) 
with respect to an account over which the member or an associated 
person has investment discretion, neither the member nor its associated 
person may retain any compensation in connection with effecting the 
transaction except as provided in the Rule. For the reasons set forth 
below, the Commission believes that Exchange members entering orders 
into the PRISM Auction would satisfy the requirements of Rule 11a2-

    \55\ 15 U.S.C. 78k(a)(1).
    \56\ 17 CFR 240.11a2-2(T).
    \57\ This prohibition also applies to associated persons. The 
member may, however, participate in clearing and settling the 

    The Rule's first condition is that orders for covered accounts be 
transmitted from off the exchange floor. In the context of automated 
trading systems, the Commission has found that the off-floor 
transmission requirement is met if a covered account order is 
transmitted from a remote location directly to an exchange's floor by 
electronic means.\58\ BX has represented that the BX trading system and 
the proposed PRISM Auction receive all orders electronically through 
remote terminals or computer-to-computer interfaces.\59\ The Exchange 
also represents that orders for covered accounts from Participants will 
be transmitted from a remote location directly to the proposed PRISM 
mechanism by electronic means. Because no Exchange members may submit 
orders into the PRISM Auction from on the floor of the Exchange, the 
Commission believes that the PRISM Auction satisfies the off-floor 
transmission requirement.

    \58\ See, e.g., Securities Exchange Act Release Nos. 61419 
(January 26, 2010), 75 FR 5157 (February 1, 2010) (SR-BATS-2009-031) 
(approving BATS options trading); 59154 (December 23, 2008), 73 FR 
80468 (December 31, 2008) (SR-BSE-2008-48) (approving equity 
securities listing and trading on BSE); 57478 (March 12, 2008), 73 
FR 14521 (March 18, 2008) (SR-NASDAQ-2007-004 and SR-NASDAQ-2007-
080) (approving NOM options trading); 53128 (January 13, 2006), 71 
FR 3550 (January 23, 2006) (File No. 10-131) (approving The Nasdaq 
Stock Market LLC); 44983 (October 25, 2001), 66 FR 55225 (November 
1, 2001) (SR-PCX-00-25) (approving Archipelago Exchange); 29237 (May 
24, 1991), 56 FR 24853 (May 31, 1991) (SR-NYSE-90-52 and SR-NYSE-90-
53) (approving NYSE's Off-Hours Trading Facility); and 15533 
(January 29, 1979), 44 FR 6084 (January 31, 1979) (``1979 
    \59\ See Notice, supra note 3, at 54612. See also Amendment No. 
2, supra note 5.

    Second, the Rule requires that the member and any associated person 
not participate in the execution of its order after the order has been 
transmitted. The Exchange represents that at no time following the 
submission of an order is a Participant able to acquire control or 
influence over the result or timing of the order's execution.\60\ 
According to the Exchange, the execution of an order is determined by 
what other orders are present in the PRISM and the priority of those 
orders.\61\ Accordingly, the Commission believes that a member does not 
participate in the execution of an order submitted to the PRISM 

    \60\ See Notice, supra note 3, at 54612. See also Amendment No. 
2, supra note 5 (also representing, among other things, that: (1) No 
Participant, including the Initiating Participant, will see a PAN 
response submitted into PRISM and therefore and will not be able to 
influence or guide the execution of their PRISM Orders, (2) the 
Surrender feature will not permit a Participant to have any control 
over an order, and that the election to Surrender an order is 
available prior to the submission of the order, will not be 
broadcast and further, that the Surrender option may not be modified 
by the market participant during the auction).
    \61\ See Notice, supra note 3, at 54612. See also Amendment No. 
2, supra note 5. The Exchange notes that a Member may cancel or 
modify the order, or modify the instructions for executing the 
order, but that such instructions would be transmitted from off the 
floor of the Exchange. The Commission has stated that the non-
participation requirement is satisfied under such circumstances so 
long as such modifications or cancellations are also transmitted 
from off the floor. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 14563 
(March 14, 1978), 43 FR 11542 (March 17, 1978) (``1978 Release'') 
(stating that the ``non-participation requirement does not prevent 
initiating members from canceling or modifying orders (or the 
instructions pursuant to which the initiating member wishes orders 
to be executed) after the orders have been transmitted to the 
executing member, provided that any such instructions are also 
transmitted from off the floor'').

    Third, Rule 11a2-2(T) requires that the order be executed by an 
exchange member who is unaffiliated with the member initiating the 
order. The Commission has stated that this requirement is satisfied 
when automated exchange facilities, such as the PRISM mechanism, are 
used, as long as the design of these systems ensures that members do 
not possess any special or unique trading advantages in handling their 
orders after transmitting them to the exchange.\62\ BX represents that 
the PRISM is designed so that no Member has any special or unique 
trading advantage in the handling of its orders after transmitting its 
orders to the mechanism.\63\ Based on the Exchange's representation, 
the Commission believes that the PRISM mechanism satisfies this 

    \62\ In considering the operation of automated execution systems 
operated by an exchange, the Commission noted that, while there is 
not an independent executing exchange member, the execution of an 
order is automatic once it has been transmitted into the system. 
Because the design of these systems ensures that members do not 
possess any special or unique trading advantages in handling their 
orders after transmitting them to the exchange, the Commission has 
stated that executions obtained through these systems satisfy the 
independent execution requirement of Rule 11a2-2(T). See 1979 
Release, supra note 58.
    \63\ See Notice, supra note 3, at 54612. See also Amendment No. 
2, supra note 5.

    Fourth, in the case of a transaction effected for an account with 
respect to which the initiating member or an associated person thereof 
exercises investment discretion, neither the initiating member nor any 
associated person thereof may retain any compensation in connection 
with effecting the transaction, unless the person authorized to 
transact business for the account has expressly provided otherwise by 
written contract referring to Section 11(a) of the Act and Rule 11a2-
2(T) thereunder.\64\ BX represents

[[Page 68354]]

that Members relying on Rule 11a2-2(T) for transactions effected 
through the PRISM must comply with this condition of the Rule and that 
the Exchange will enforce this requirement pursuant to its obligations 
under Section 6(b)(1) of the Act to enforce compliance with federal 
securities laws.\65\

    \64\ In addition, Rule 11a2-2(T)(d) requires a member or 
associated person authorized by written contract to retain 
compensation, in connection with effecting transactions for covered 
accounts over which such member or associated persons thereof 
exercises investment discretion, to furnish at least annually to the 
person authorized to transact business for the account a statement 
setting forth the total amount of compensation retained by the 
member or any associated person thereof in connection with effecting 
transactions for the account during the period covered by the 
statement. See 17 CFR 240.11a2-2(T)(d). See also 1978 Release, supra 
note 61 (stating ``[t]he contractual and disclosure requirements are 
designed to assure that accounts electing to permit transaction-
related compensation do so only after deciding that such 
arrangements are suitable to their interests'').
    \65\ See Notice, supra note 3, at 54612. See also Amendment No. 
2, supra note 5.

VI. Accelerated Approval of Proposal, as Modified by Amendment No. 2

    The Commission finds good cause, pursuant to Section 19(b)(2) of 
the Exchange Act, to approve the proposal, as modified by Amendment 
Nos. 1 and 2, prior to the 30th day after publication of Amendment No. 
2 in the Federal Register. In Amendment No. 2, BX revised the original 
proposal, which had been previously amended by Amendment No. 1 before 
it was published in the Federal Register, to make the changes discussed 
in detail above. Notably, in Amendment No. 2, BX represents that Price 
Improving and Post-Only Order types will be removed from its Rules 
before BX implements the PRISM Auction mechanism. BX also made changes 
to clarify and add detail to the rule text. The Commission believes 
that Amendment No. 2 does not raise any novel regulatory issues and 
instead provides additional clarity in the rule text, which is 
consistent with BX's original proposal, as modified by Amendment No. 1, 
and supports BX's analysis of how its proposal is consistent with the 
Act, thus facilitating the Commission's ability to make the findings 
set forth above to approve the proposal. Accordingly, the Commission 
finds that good cause exists to approve the proposal, as modified by 
Amendment No. 2, on an accelerated basis.

VII. Solicitation of Comments

    Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views, and 
arguments concerning the foregoing, including whether Amendment No. 2 
is consistent with the Act. Comments may be submitted by any of the 
following methods:

Electronic Comments

     Use the Commission's Internet comment form (http://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml); or
     Send an email to rule-comments@sec.gov. Please include 
File Number SR-BX-2015-032 on the subject line.

Paper Comments

     Send paper comments in triplicate to Secretary, Securities 
and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE., Washington, DC 20549-1090.

All submissions should refer to File Number SR-BX-2015-032. This file 
number should be included on the subject line if email is used. To help 
the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently, 
please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on 
the Commission's Internet Web site (http://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml).
    Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all written 
statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are filed with 
the Commission, and all written communications relating to the proposed 
rule change between the Commission and any person, other than those 
that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the provisions 
of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for Web site viewing and printing in 
the Commission's Public Reference Room, 100 F Street NE., Washington, 
DC 20549-1090, on official business days between the hours of 10:00 
a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the filing also will be available for 
inspection and copying at the principal office of the Exchange. All 
comments received will be posted without change; the Commission does 
not edit personal identifying information from submissions. You should 
submit only information that you wish to make available publicly. All 
submissions should refer to File Number SR-BX-2015-032 and should be 
submitted on or before November 25, 2015.

VIII. Conclusion

    It is therefore ordered, pursuant to Section 19(b)(2) of the 
Act,\66\ that the proposed rule change (SR-BX-2015-032), as modified by 
Amendment Nos. 1 and 2, be and hereby is approved on an accelerated 
basis, except that BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(B)(2)-(3), Section 
9(ii)(D), and Section 9(vii) are approved on a pilot basis until July 
18, 2016.

    \66\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).

    For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, 
pursuant to delegated authority.\67\

    \67\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).

Robert W. Errett,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2015-28024 Filed 11-3-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 213 / Wednesday, November 4, 2015 / Notices                                                       68347

                                                    Commission believes that waiving the                    provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be                   2015, BX granted an extension of time
                                                    30-day operative delay is consistent                    available for Web site viewing and                    for Commission action until October 30,
                                                    with the protection of investors and the                printing in the Commission’s Public                   2015. On October 23, 2015, BX filed
                                                    public interest as it will allow the                    Reference Room, 100 F Street NE.,                     Amendment No. 2 to the proposal.5 The
                                                    Exchange to incorporate changes                         Washington, DC 20549 on official                      Commission is publishing this notice to
                                                    required under Regulation SCI, such as                  business days between the hours of                    solicit comment on Amendment No. 2
                                                    establishing standards for designating                  10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of such               from interested persons and is
                                                    BCP/DR Participants, prior to the                       filing also will be available for                     approving the proposed rule change, as
                                                    November 3, 2015 compliance date.                       inspection and copying at the principal               modified by Amendment Nos. 1 and 2,
                                                    Therefore, the Commission designates                    office of the Exchange. All comments                  on an accelerated basis, with certain
                                                    the proposed rule change to be operative                received will be posted without change;               provisions subject to a pilot period
                                                    upon filing.22                                          the Commission does not edit personal                 scheduled to expire on July 18, 2016.
                                                       At any time within 60 days of the                    identifying information from
                                                    filing of the proposed rule change, the                 submissions. You should submit only                   II. Description of the Proposal
                                                    Commission summarily may                                information that you wish to make                        BX proposes to establish a price-
                                                    temporarily suspend such rule change if                 available publicly. All submissions                   improvement mechanism, ‘‘PRISM,’’ on
                                                    it appears to the Commission that such                  should refer to File Number SR–C2–                    the Exchange’s options platform, in
                                                    action is necessary or appropriate in the               2015–030, and should be submitted on                  which a BX Participant (an ‘‘Initiating
                                                    public interest, for the protection of                  or before November 25, 2015.                          Participant’’) may electronically submit
                                                    investors, or otherwise in furtherance of                 For the Commission, by the Division of              for execution a two-sided paired order,
                                                    the purposes of the Act.                                Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated            where one side is an order it represents
                                                    IV. Solicitation of Comments                            authority.23                                          as agent on behalf of a Public
                                                                                                            Robert W. Errett,                                     Customer,6 Professional customer,
                                                      Interested persons are invited to                                                                           broker-dealer, or any other entity
                                                                                                            Deputy Secretary.
                                                    submit written data, views, and                                                                               (‘‘PRISM Order’’) and the other side is
                                                                                                            [FR Doc. 2015–28023 Filed 11–3–15; 8:45 am]
                                                    arguments concerning the foregoing,                                                                           principal interest or any other order it
                                                                                                            BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                                    including whether the proposed rule                                                                           represents as agent (an ‘‘Initiating
                                                    change is consistent with the Act.                                                                            Order’’) provided that the member first
                                                    Comments may be submitted by any of                                                                           exposes the PRISM Order in the PRISM
                                                                                                            SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE
                                                    the following methods:                                                                                        Auction (‘‘Auction’’) pursuant to the
                                                    Electronic Comments                                                                                           proposed Rule.
                                                                                                            [Release No. 34–76301; File No. SR–BX–
                                                      • Use the Commission’s Internet                       2015–032]
                                                                                                                                                                  as a comment letter to the file to promote the public
                                                    comment form (http://www.sec.gov/                                                                             dissemination of its Amendment).
                                                    rules/sro.shtml); or                                    Self-Regulatory Organizations;                           5 In Amendment No. 2, BX makes certain
                                                      • Send an email to rule-comments@                     NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc.; Notice of Filing                 technical and clarifying changes to the proposal,
                                                    sec.gov. Please include File Number SR–                 of Amendment No. 2 and Order                          which BX believes does not result in any material
                                                    C2–2015–030 on the subject line.                        Granting Accelerated Approval of a                    differences over its original filing as modified by
                                                                                                                                                                  Amendment No. 1. Specifically, BX proposes to: (i)
                                                                                                            Proposed Rule Change, as Modified by
                                                    Paper Comments                                          Amendment Nos. 1 and 2, To Adopt a
                                                                                                                                                                  Remove the term ‘‘displayed’’; (ii) describe
                                                                                                                                                                  ‘‘rejected’’ orders more accurately as ‘‘immediately
                                                      • Send paper comments in triplicate                   New Price Improvement Auction, BX                     cancelled’’ in certain circumstances; (iii) provide
                                                    to Brent J. Fields, Secretary, Securities               PRISM                                                 more specificity as to the amounts of allocations for
                                                    and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street                                                                         which an Initiating Participant is entitled to be
                                                                                                            October 29, 2015.                                     allocated; (iv) remove an incorrect reference to
                                                    NE., Washington, DC 20549–1090.                                                                               ‘‘orders’’ and define interest more specifically; (v)
                                                    All submissions should refer to File                    I. Introduction                                       add more specificity related to Customer-to-
                                                    Number SR–C2–2015–030. This file                                                                              Customer orders; (vi) correct a citation error; and
                                                                                                               On August 19, 2015, NASDAQ OMX                     (vii) correct typographical errors. Amendment 2
                                                    number should be included on the                        BX, Inc. (‘‘BX’’ or ‘‘Exchange’’) filed               amends and replaces the original filing, as modified
                                                    subject line if email is used. To help the              with the Securities and Exchange                      by Amendment 1, in its entirety. To promote
                                                    Commission process and review your                      Commission (‘‘Commission’’), pursuant                 transparency of its proposed amendment, when BX
                                                    comments more efficiently, please use                                                                         filed Amendment No. 2 with the Commission, it
                                                                                                            to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities                 also submitted Amendment No. 2 as a comment
                                                    only one method. The Commission will                    Exchange Act of 1934 (‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule             letter to the file, which the Commission posted on
                                                    post all comments on the Commission’s                   19b–4 thereunder,2 a proposed rule                    its Web site and placed in the public comment file
                                                    Internet Web site (http://www.sec.gov/                  change to establish an options price                  for SR–BX–2015–032. The Exchange also posted a
                                                    rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the                                                                               copy of its Amendment No. 2 on its Web site when
                                                                                                            improvement mechanism (‘‘PRISM’’).                    it filed the amendment with the Commission.
                                                    submission, all subsequent                              On September 2, 2015, BX filed                           6 For purposes of this Rule, a Public Customer
                                                    amendments, all written statements                      Amendment No. 1 to the proposal. The                  order does not include a Professional order, and
                                                    with respect to the proposed rule                       proposed rule change, as modified by                  therefore a Professional would not be entitled to
                                                    change that are filed with the                          Amendment No. 1, was published for                    Public Customer priority as described herein. A
                                                    Commission, and all written                                                                                   Public Customer means a person that is not a broker
                                                                                                            comment in the Federal Register on                    or dealer in securities. See BX Chapter I, Section
                                                    communications relating to the                          September 10, 2015.3 The Commission                   1(a)(50). A Public Customer order does not include
                                                    proposed rule change between the                        received no substantive comments
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                                  a Professional order for purposes of BX Chapter VI,
                                                    Commission and any person, other than                   regarding the proposal.4 On October 22,               Section 10(a)(C)(1)(a), which governs allocation
                                                    those that may be withheld from the                                                                           priority. A ‘‘Professional’’ means any person or
                                                                                                                                                                  entity that (i) is not a broker or dealer in securities,
                                                    public in accordance with the                             23 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).                          and (ii) places more than 390 orders in listed
                                                                                                              1 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).                              options per day on average during a calendar month
                                                       22 For purposes only of waiving the 30-day             2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.                                 for its own beneficial account(s). A Participant or
                                                    operative delay, the Commission has also                  3 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 75827     a Public Customer may, without limitation, be a
                                                    considered the proposed rule’s impact on                (September 3, 2015), 80 FR 54601 (‘‘Notice’’).        Professional. All Professional orders shall be
                                                    efficiency, competition, and capital formation. See       4 See infra note 5 (noting that when BX submitted   appropriately marked by Participants. See BX
                                                    15 U.S.C. 78c(f).                                       Amendment No. 2, it also submitted the document       Chapter I, Section 1(a)(49).

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                                                    68348                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 213 / Wednesday, November 4, 2015 / Notices

                                                    A. Auction Eligibility Requirements                     NBBO on the Initiating Order side, and                Nasdaq Trader Web site.12 Any person
                                                       All options traded on the Exchange                   auto-match PAN responses and trading                  or entity may submit a response to the
                                                    are eligible for PRISM.7 To initiate a                  interest at a price or prices that improve            PAN, provided such response is
                                                    PRISM Auction, an Initiating Participant                the stop price up to the NWT price. In                properly marked specifying price, size,
                                                    first must ‘‘stop’’ the PRISM Order at a                all cases, if the BX BBO on the same                  and side of the market. PAN responses
                                                    price that is equal to or better than the               side of the market as the PRISM Order                 would not be visible to Auction
                                                    NBBO. In addition, the proposed rules                   represents a limit order on the book, the             participants, including the initiator, and
                                                    governing the eligible stop price                       stop price must be at least one                       would not be disseminated to OPRA.
                                                    recognize a distinction between PRISM                   minimum trading increment (specified                  The minimum price increment for PAN
                                                    Orders for Public Customers and PRISM                   in Chapter VI, Section 5) better than the             responses and for an Initiating
                                                    Orders for non-Public Customers.                        booked limit order’s limit price.                     Participant’s stop price and/or NWT
                                                    Specifically, a PRISM Order that is a                      Only one Auction would be                          price would be the minimum price
                                                    Public Customer Order must be stopped                   conducted at a time in any given series.              improvement increment established
                                                    at an improved price over any resting a                 Once the Initiating Participant has                   pursuant to proposed Rule Chapter VI,
                                                    limit orders on the book on the same                    submitted a PRISM Order for exposure                  Section 9(i)(A).13
                                                    side as the PRISM Order. A PRISM                                                                                 A PAN response size at any given
                                                                                                            in the Auction, such PRISM Order may
                                                    Order that is for a non-Customer                                                                              price point may not exceed the size of
                                                                                                            not be modified or cancelled, nor may
                                                    (account of a broker-dealer or any other                                                                      the PRISM Order. Any such oversized
                                                                                                            any Auction be cancelled once it has
                                                    person or entity that is not a Public                                                                         response would be immediately
                                                                                                            commenced. Under any of the
                                                    Customer) is always required to improve                                                                       cancelled. A PAN response must be
                                                                                                            circumstances described above, the stop
                                                    the same side BX BBO as the PRISM                                                                             equal to or better than the NBBO at the
                                                                                                            price or NWT price may be improved to
                                                    Order, even if there is no resting limit                                                                      time of receipt of the PAN response or
                                                                                                            the benefit of the PRISM Order during
                                                    order on the book. PRISM Orders that                                                                          it would be immediately cancelled. PAN
                                                                                                            the Auction, but may not be cancelled.
                                                    do not comply with the aforementioned                                                                         responses may be modified or cancelled
                                                    auction eligibility requirements will be                   Under the proposal, except for                     during the Auction. PAN responses on
                                                    immediately cancelled. In addition,                     rounding purposes, the Initiating                     the same side of the market as the
                                                    PRISM Orders submitted at or before the                 Participant would not receive an                      PRISM Order are considered invalid and
                                                    opening of trading are not eligible to                  allocation percentage of more than 50%                will be immediately cancelled. Finally,
                                                    initiate an Auction and will be rejected.               with one competing quote, order or PAN                multiple PAN responses from the same
                                                    PRISM Orders submitted during the                       response, or 40% with multiple                        Participant may be submitted during the
                                                    final two seconds of the trading session                competing quotes, orders or PAN                       Auction. However, multiple orders at a
                                                    are not eligible to initiate an Auction                 responses at the final price point, when              particular price point submitted by a
                                                    and will be immediately cancelled.                      competing quotes, orders or PAN                       Participant in response to a PAN may
                                                    Finally, an Initiating Order may not be                 responses have contracts available for                not exceed, in the aggregate, the size of
                                                    a solicited order for the account of any                execution.10 However, when starting an                the PRISM Order.14
                                                    BX Options Market Maker assigned in                     Auction, the Initiating Participant may
                                                                                                            submit the Initiating Order with a                    C. Conclusion of an Auction
                                                    the affected series.8
                                                                                                            designation of ‘‘surrender’’ to other                    The PRISM Auction would conclude
                                                    B. Auction Process                                      PRISM Participants (‘‘Surrender’’),                   at the earlier of: (i) The end of the
                                                       To initiate the Auction, the Initiating              which will result in the Initiating                   Auction period; (ii) any time the BX
                                                    Participant must mark the PRISM Order                   Participant forfeiting priority and trade
                                                    for Auction processing, and specify                     allocation privileges. If Surrender is                   12 In May 2014, NASDAQ OMX PHLX LLC’s

                                                                                                            specified, the Initiating Participant                 (‘‘Phlx’’) staff distributed a survey to all Phlx market
                                                    either: (a) A single price at which it                                                                        maker firms inquiring as to the timeframe within
                                                    seeks to execute the PRISM Order (a                     would trade only if there were not                    which these market participants respond to an
                                                    ‘‘stop price’’); (b) that it is willing to              enough interest available to fully                    auction with a duration time ranging from less than
                                                    automatically match as principal or as                  execute the PRISM Order at prices                     fifty (50) milliseconds to more than one (1) second.
                                                                                                            which are equal to or improve upon the                According to BX, the market marker firms on Phlx
                                                    agent on behalf of an Initiating Order                                                                        represent membership similar to BX Market Makers,
                                                    the price and size of all PRISM Auction                 stop price.11 Surrender information                   and 90 percent of the BX Market Maker firms
                                                    Notifications (‘‘PAN’’) responses, and                  would not be available to other market                participated in the survey. Of the thirty five (35)
                                                    trading interest (‘‘auto-match’’) in which              participants and may not be modified                  Phlx market maker firms that were surveyed,
                                                                                                            after the order is submitted to the                   twenty (20) of these market makers responded to
                                                    case the PRISM Order will be stopped                                                                          the survey and of those respondents 100%
                                                    at the NBBO on the Initiating Order                     Auction.                                              indicated that that their firm could respond to
                                                    side; 9 or (c) that it is willing to either:               When the Exchange receives a PRISM                 auctions with a duration time of at least 50
                                                    (i) Stop the entire order at a single stop                                                                    milliseconds. Based on the results of the survey, the
                                                                                                            Order for Auction, a PAN detailing the                Exchange believes that allowing for an auction
                                                    price and auto-match PAN responses                      side, size and options series of the                  period of no less than one hundred (100)
                                                    and trading interest at a price or prices               PRISM Order would be sent over the                    milliseconds and no more than one (1) second
                                                    that improve the stop price up to a                     Exchange’s Specialized Quote Feed and                 would provide a meaningful opportunity for BX
                                                    maximum specified price (a ‘‘No Worse                                                                         Participants to respond to the PRISM Auction while
                                                                                                            BX Depth Feed. PRISM Auctions would                   at the same time facilitating the prompt execution
                                                    Than’’ or ‘‘NWT’’ price); (ii) stop the                 be for a specified duration of no less                of orders. Based on experience with the Phlx’s PIXL
                                                    entire order at a single stop price and                 than one hundred milliseconds and no                  mechanism on BX’s affiliated exchange, BX believes
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    auto-match all PAN responses and                        more than one second, as determined by                that 100 milliseconds will continue to provide all
                                                    trading interest at or better than the stop                                                                   market participants with sufficient time to respond,
                                                                                                            the Exchange and announced on the                     compete, and provide price improvement for orders
                                                    price; or (iii) stop the entire order at the                                                                  and will provide investors and other market
                                                                                                              10 See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section              participants with more timely executions, thereby
                                                      7 See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(i).                                                                 reducing their market risk.
                                                      8 See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(i)(C)           11 Surrender will not be permitted if both the         13 See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(2)

                                                    through (F).                                            Initiating Order and PRISM Order are Public           through (6).
                                                      9 This is accomplished by marking the Initiating      Customer Orders. See proposed BX Chapter VI,             14 See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(7)

                                                    Order with a market (MKT) price.                        Section 9(ii)(A)(1).                                  through (10).

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 213 / Wednesday, November 4, 2015 / Notices                                                      68349

                                                    BBO crosses the PRISM Order stop price                  would receive an allocation after Public               remaining interest receives an
                                                    on the same side of the market as the                   Customer orders.22                                     allocation. In the case of an Initiating
                                                    PRISM Order; 15 or (iii) any time there                    If the Initiating Participant selected              Order with a NWT price at the market,
                                                    is a trading halt 16 on the Exchange in                 the single stop price option, PRISM                    the Initiating Participant would be
                                                    the affected series.17                                  executions will occur first at prices that             allocated a number of contracts equal to
                                                       If the PRISM Auction concludes                       improve the stop price, and then at the                the aggregate size of all other quotes,
                                                    earlier than the end of the prescribed                  stop price with up to 40% of the                       orders, and PAN responses at all price
                                                    Auction period, the entire PRISM Order                  remaining contracts after Public                       points, except that the Initiating
                                                    will be executed at: (i) In the case of the             Customer interest is satisfied being                   Participant would be entitled to receive
                                                    BX BBO crossing the PRISM Order stop                    allocated to the Initiating Participant at             up to 40% or 50% of the contracts
                                                    price, the best response price(s) or, if the            the stop price. However, if only one                   remaining at the final price point
                                                    stop price is the best price in the                     other quote, order or PAN response                     (including situations where the final
                                                    Auction, at the stop price, unless the                  matches the stop price, then the                       price is the stop price), after Public
                                                    best response price is equal to or better               Initiating Participant may be allocated                Customer interest has been satisfied but
                                                    than the price of a limit order resting on              up to 50% of the contracts executed at                 before remaining interest receives an
                                                    the Order Book on the same side of the                  such price.                                            allocation.23
                                                    market as the PRISM Order, in which                        If the Initiating Participant selected                 After Public Customers and the
                                                    case the PRISM Order will be executed                   the auto-match option, the Initiating                  Initiating Participant receive their
                                                    against that response, but at a price that              Participant would be allocated a number                allocations, BX Options Market Makers
                                                    is at the minimum trading increment                     of contracts equal to the aggregate size               that were at a price equal to the NBBO
                                                    better than the price of such limit order               of all other quotes, orders, and PAN                   on the opposite side of the market from
                                                    at the time of the conclusion of the                    responses at each price point until a                  the PRISM Order at the time of
                                                    Auction; or (ii) in the case of a trading               price point is reached where the balance               initiation of the PRISM Auction
                                                    halt on the Exchange in the affected                    of the order can be fully executed,                    (‘‘Priority Market Makers’’) would have
                                                    series, the stop price, in which case the               except that the Initiating Participant                 priority up to their quote size in the
                                                    PRISM Order will be executed solely                     would be entitled to receive up to 40%                 NBBO which was present when the
                                                    against the Initiating Order.18                         (if there are multiple competing quotes,               PRISM Auction was initiated (‘‘Initial
                                                       Any unexecuted PAN responses will                    orders or PAN responses) or 50% (if                    NBBO’’) at each price level at or better
                                                    be cancelled.19 An unrelated market or                  there is only one competing quote, order               than such Initial NBBO.24 Priority
                                                    marketable limit order (against the BX                  or PAN response) of the contracts                      Market Maker quotes and PAN
                                                    BBO) on the opposite side of the market                 remaining at the final price point                     responses will be allocated pursuant to
                                                    from the PRISM Order received during                    (including situations where the stop                   the Size Pro-Rata algorithm set forth in
                                                    the Auction will not cause the Auction                  price is the final price) after Public                 BX Chapter VI, Section 10(1)(B).25
                                                    to end early and will execute against                   Customer interest has been satisfied but               Priority Market Maker status is valid
                                                    interest outside of the Auction.20 If                   before remaining interest receives an                  only for the duration of the particular
                                                    contracts remain from such unrelated                    allocation.                                            PRISM auction.
                                                    order at the time the auction ends, they                   If the Initiating Participant selected
                                                                                                            the ‘‘stop and NWT’’ option, contracts                    Next, Non-Priority Market Makers, as
                                                    will be considered for participation in                                                                        well as Priority Market Maker PRISM
                                                    the order allocation process.                           would be allocated as follows: (i) First
                                                                                                            to quotes, orders, and PAN responses at                Auction interest which exceeded the
                                                    1. Order Allocation—Size Pro-Rata                       prices better than the NWT price (if                   Priority Market Maker’s size in the
                                                                                                            any), beginning with the best price,                   Initial NBBO, would have priority at
                                                      At the conclusion of the Auction, for                                                                        each price level at or better than the
                                                                                                            pursuant to proposed Chapter VI,
                                                    option classes governed under BX’s Size                                                                        Initial NBBO after Public Customers, the
                                                                                                            Section 9(ii)(E)(3) through (5), at each
                                                    Pro-Rata execution algorithm, the                                                                              Initiating Participant and Priority
                                                                                                            price point; and (ii) next, to quotes,
                                                    PRISM Order will be allocated at the                                                                           Market Makers have received
                                                                                                            orders, and PAN responses at prices at
                                                    best price(s), pursuant to the priority set                                                                    allocations. Non-Priority Market Maker
                                                                                                            the Initiating Participant’s NWT price
                                                    forth in Chapter VI, 9(ii)(E)(1) through                                                                       and such excess Priority Market Maker
                                                                                                            and better than the Initiating
                                                    (5).21 First, Public Customer orders                                                                           interest will be allocated pursuant to the
                                                                                                            Participant’s stop price, beginning with
                                                    would have time priority at each price                                                                         Size Pro-Rata algorithm set forth in BX
                                                                                                            the NWT price. The Initiating
                                                    level. Next, the Initiating Participant                                                                        Chapter VI, Section 10(1)(B).26
                                                                                                            Participant would be allocated a number
                                                                                                            of contracts equal to the aggregate size                  Finally, all other interest will receive
                                                       15 This provision regarding the BX BBO crossing
                                                                                                            of all other quotes, orders, and PAN                   an allocation after the interest discussed
                                                    the PRISM Order stop price on the same side of the
                                                    market as the PRISM Order, as a conclusion to a         responses at each price point, except                  above has been satisfied. Such interest
                                                    PRISM Auction, would be subject to a pilot period       that the Initiating Participant would be               will be allocated pursuant to the Size
                                                    scheduled to expire July 18, 2016.                      entitled to receive up to 40% (if there
                                                       16 This provision regarding the trading halt, as a                                                             23 See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section
                                                    conclusion to a PRISM Auction, would be subject
                                                                                                            are multiple competing quotes, orders or
                                                                                                                                                                   9(ii)(E)(2)(a) through (c).
                                                    to a pilot period scheduled to expire July 18, 2016.    PAN responses) or 50% (if there is only                   24 Miami International Securities Exchange, LLC
                                                       17 See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(B).     one competing quote, order or PAN                      (‘‘MIAX’’) allocates executions resulting from
                                                       18 See proposed BX Chapter VI, Rule 9(ii)(C).        response) of the contracts remaining at                Priority Public Customer interest and priority
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                       19 See id.
                                                                                                            the final price point (including                       Market Maker quotes ahead of other interest.
                                                       20 See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(D).
                                                                                                            situations where the final price is the                MIAX’s system may designate Market Maker quotes
                                                    This provision would be subject to a pilot period                                                              as either priority quotes or non-priority quotes in
                                                    scheduled to expire on July 18, 2016. The
                                                                                                            stop price), after Public Customer                     accordance with the provisions in MIAX Rule
                                                    Commission notes that this provision is based on        interest has been satisfied but before                 517(b). BX is prioritizing Priority Market Maker
                                                    a similar provision in Phlx’s Price Improvement XL                                                             allocations in the proposed BX PRISM Auction in
                                                    (‘‘PIXL’’) auction. See Phlx Rule 1080(n).                22 The Initiating Participant shall receive          a similar manner, ahead of other non-Public
                                                       21 See Notice, supra note 3, at 54607–54610, for     additional allocation only if contracts remain after   Customer interest.
                                                                                                                                                                      25 See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(3).
                                                    examples illustrating trade allocations under the       any allocation pursuant to proposed BX Chapter VI,
                                                    Size Pro-Rata execution algorithm.                      Section 9(ii)(E)(3) through (5).                          26 See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(4).

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                                                    68350                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 213 / Wednesday, November 4, 2015 / Notices

                                                    Pro-Rata algorithm set forth in BX                      stop price, beginning with the NWT                        (ii), to allow an Initiating Participant to
                                                    Chapter VI, Section 10(1)(B).27                         price. The Initiating Participant would                   enter a PRISM Order for the account of
                                                                                                            be allocated a number of contracts equal                  a Public Customer paired with an order
                                                    2. Order Allocation—Price/Time
                                                                                                            to the aggregate size of all other quotes,                for the account of another Public
                                                       At the conclusion of the Auction, for                orders, and PAN responses at each price                   Customer, and such paired orders will
                                                    option classes governed under BX’s                      point, except that the Initiating                         be automatically executed without a
                                                    Price/Time execution algorithm, the                     Participant would be entitled to receive                  PRISM Auction, provided there is not
                                                    PRISM Order will be allocated at the                    up to 40% (if there are multiple                          currently an Auction in progress in the
                                                    best price(s), pursuant to the priority set             competing quotes, orders or PAN                           same series, in which case the paired
                                                    forth in proposed Chapter VI, Section                   responses) or 50% (if there is only one                   orders would be cancelled.32 In its
                                                    9(ii)(F)(1) through (4).28 First, Public                competing quote, order or PAN                             proposal, the Exchange notes that it
                                                    Customer orders would have time                         response) of the contracts remaining at                   would be a violation of BX Chapter VII,
                                                    priority at each price level. Next, the                 the final price point (including                          Section 12 for a Participant to
                                                    Initiating Participant would receive an                 situations where the final price is the                   circumvent Chapter VII, Section 12 by
                                                    allocation after Public Customer                        stop price), after Public Customer                        providing an opportunity for (i) a Public
                                                    orders.29                                               interest has been satisfied but before                    Customer affiliated with the Participant,
                                                       If the Initiating Participant selected               remaining interest receives an                            or (ii) a Public Customer with whom the
                                                    the single stop price option, PRISM                     allocation. In the case of an Initiating                  Participant has an arrangement that
                                                    executions will occur first at prices that              Order with a NWT price at the market,                     allows the Participant to realize similar
                                                    improve the stop price, and then at the                 the Initiating Participant would be                       economic benefits from the transaction
                                                    stop price with up to 40% of the                        allocated a number of contracts equal to                  as the Participant would achieve by
                                                    remaining contracts after Public                        the aggregate size of all other quotes,                   executing agency orders as principal, to
                                                    Customer interest is satisfied being                    orders, and PAN responses at all price                    regularly execute against agency orders
                                                    allocated to the Initiating Participant at              points, except that the Initiating                        handled by the firm immediately upon
                                                    the stop price. However, if only one                    Participant would be entitled to receive                  their entry as PRISM Public Customer-
                                                    other quote, order or PAN response                      up to 40% multiple competing quotes,                      to-Public Customer immediate
                                                    matches the stop price, the Initiating                  orders or PAN responses) or 50% (one                      crosses.33
                                                    Participant may be allocated up to 50%                  competing quote, order or PAN
                                                    of the contracts executed at such price.                                                                          E. Pilot Program Information to the
                                                                                                            response) of the contracts remaining at
                                                       If the Initiating Participant selected                                                                         Commission
                                                                                                            the final price point (including
                                                    the auto-match option, the Initiating                   situations where the final price is the                      Subject to a pilot program expiring
                                                    Participant would be allocated a number                 stop price), after Public Customer                        July 18, 2016,34 there will be no
                                                    of contracts equal to the aggregate size                interest has been satisfied but before                    minimum size requirement for orders to
                                                    of all other quotes, orders, and PAN                    remaining interest receives an                            be eligible for the Auction. The
                                                    responses at each price point until a                   allocation.                                               Exchange also has proposed two
                                                    price point is reached where the balance                   After Public Customers and the                         additional components of its rules on a
                                                    of the order can be fully executed,                     Initiating Participant receive their                      pilot basis, expiring on July 18, 2016: (i)
                                                    except that the Initiating Participant                  allocations, Priority Market Makers that                  The early conclusion of the PRISM
                                                    would be entitled to receive up to 40%                  were at a price equal to the NBBO on                      Auction; and (ii) an unrelated market or
                                                    (if there are multiple competing quotes,                the opposite side of the market from the                  marketable limit order (against the BX
                                                    orders or PAN responses) or 50% (if                     PRISM Order at the time of initiation of                  BBO) on the opposite side of the market
                                                    there is only one competing quote, order                PRISM Auction would have priority up                      from the PRISM Order received during
                                                    or PAN response) of the contracts                       to their quote size in the Initial NBBO                   the Auction will not cause the Auction
                                                    remaining at the final price point                      at each price level better than the Initial               to end early and will execute against
                                                    (including situations where the stop                    NBBO. Priority Market Maker interest at                   interest outside of the Auction.35 During
                                                    price is the final price), after Public                 prices better than the Initial NBBO will                  this pilot period, the Exchange
                                                    Customer interest has been satisfied but                be allocated pursuant to the Size Pro-                    represents that it periodically will
                                                    before remaining interest receives an                   Rata algorithm set forth in BX Chapter                    submit certain data, as requested by the
                                                    allocation.                                             VI, Section 10(1)(B). Priority Market                     Commission staff, to provide supporting
                                                       If the Initiating Participant selected               Maker interest at a price equal to or                     evidence that, among other things, there
                                                    the ‘‘stop and NWT’’ option, contracts                  inferior to the Initial NBBO will not                     is meaningful competition in PRISM
                                                    would be allocated as follows: (i) First                have priority over other participants and                 Auctions for all size orders, there are
                                                    to quotes, orders, and PAN responses at                 will be allocated pursuant to the Price/                  opportunities for significant price
                                                    prices better than the NWT price (if                    Time algorithm set forth in BX Chapter                    improvement for orders executed
                                                    any), beginning with the best price,                    VI, Section 10(1)(A).30                                   through PRISM, and that there is an
                                                    pursuant to proposed Chapter VI,                           Finally, all other interest will receive               active and liquid market functioning on
                                                    Section 9(ii)(F)(3) and (4), at each price              an allocation, after the interest                         the Exchange outside of the Auction
                                                    point; and (ii) next, to quotes, orders,                discussed above has been satisfied.
                                                                                                                                                                         32 See discussion infra Section VI, Amendment
                                                    and PAN responses at prices at the                      Such interest will be allocated pursuant
                                                                                                                                                                      No. 2. As noted in proposed BX Chapter VI, Section
                                                    Initiating Participant’s NWT price and                  to the Price/Time algorithm set forth in                  9(ii), only one Auction may be conducted at a time
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    better than the Initiating Participant’s                BX Chapter VI, Section 10(1)(A).31                        in any given series.
                                                                                                                                                                         33 See Notice, supra note 3, at 54606. See also
                                                      27 Seeproposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(5).
                                                                                                            D. Crossing Agency Orders                                 proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(vi)(a).
                                                      28 SeeNotice, supra note 3, at 54607–54610, for         The Exchange also proposes, in lieu of                     34 See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(viii).

                                                    examples illustrating trade allocations under the       the PRISM Auction procedures set forth                       35 See proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(B)(2)
                                                    Price/Time execution algorithm.                                                                                   through (4) (governing the early conclusion of a
                                                      29 The Initiating Participant shall receive
                                                                                                            in proposed Chapter VI, Section 9(i)–                     PRISM auction) and proposed BX Chapter VI,
                                                    additional allocation only if contracts remain after                                                              Section 9(ii)(D) (governing the treatment of
                                                                                                              30 See   proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(F)(3).
                                                    any allocation pursuant to proposed BX Chapter VI,                                                                unrelated orders on the opposite side of the market
                                                    Section 9(ii)(F)(3) and (4).                              31 See   proposed BX Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(F)(4).   from the PRISM Order).

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 213 / Wednesday, November 4, 2015 / Notices                                                      68351

                                                    mechanism.36 The Exchange further                       proposes to delete the term ‘‘displayed’’               ‘‘participants’’ in certain places within
                                                    noted that it would seek to request                     in other parts of the rule where it                     the rule text that reference the Initiating
                                                    confidential treatment for any raw data                 modifies the term ‘‘NBBO,’’ ‘‘quote                     Participant’s guarantee with the terms
                                                    that it submits to the Commission.37                    size,’’ or ‘‘size’’ because the Exchange                ‘‘quote(s), order(s) or PAN response(s),’’
                                                      The Exchange represented that it will                 believes the modifier ‘‘displayed’’ is                  which more fully and explicitly
                                                    provide the following additional                        redundant and unnecessary and wishes                    represent the types of interest that is
                                                    information on a monthly basis:                         to avoid any inference that the NBBO or                 considered when PRISM allocates 40%
                                                      (i) The number of contracts (of orders                quote size may be non-displayed, which                  or 50% of the PRISM Order to the
                                                    of 50 contracts or greater) entered into                it represents is not the case.41                        Initiating Participant. The Exchange
                                                    the PRISM;                                                 The Exchange also proposes to                        believes these amendments are non-
                                                      (ii) The number of contracts (of orders               replace certain uses of the term                        substantive changes that add more
                                                    of fewer than 50 contracts) entered into                ‘‘rejected’’ in the rule text with the term             clarity to the rule text.
                                                    the PRISM;                                              ‘‘immediately cancelled.’’ In                              The Exchange also proposes to amend
                                                      (iii) The number of orders of 50                      Amendment No. 2, BX notes that non-                     the rule text at proposed Chapter VI,
                                                    contracts or greater entered into the                   eligible and non-compliant orders that                  Section 9(vi) to clarify that a Participant
                                                    PRISM; and                                              are submitted into PRISM will be                        cannot submit a Public Customer-to-
                                                      (iv) The number of orders of fewer                    immediately cancelled when those                        Public customer paired order when
                                                    than 50 contracts entered into the                      orders are reviewed for compliance with                 there is a PRISM Auction in progress in
                                                    PRISM.                                                  Exchange Rules. These orders will not                   the same series. Any attempt to do so
                                                                                                            technically be rejected as there will be                will result in the Exchange canceling
                                                    III. Amendment No. 2                                    time, however miniscule, between the                    the Public Customer-to-Public customer
                                                       In Amendment No. 2, the Exchange                     submission of the order and the                         paired order. In its original notice, the
                                                    proposes to revise its proposal to make                 cancellation of the order. The Exchange                 Exchange noted that only one Auction
                                                    certain clarifications and                              believes this non-substantive change                    may be conducted at a time in any given
                                                    representations relating to the use of                  adds more clarity to the rule text. The                 series,42 and this additional text just
                                                    Price Improving and Post-Only Orders                    Exchange also proposes to amend the                     makes clear that the general prohibition
                                                    and to make other clarifying revisions to               rule text to provide more specificity                   also applies when a Participant seeks to
                                                    the rule text.                                          concerning the allocation guarantee to                  submit a Public Customer-to-Public
                                                       The Exchange proposes to amend its                   which an Initiating Participant is                      customer paired order. The remaining
                                                    rule text to delete the term ‘‘displayed’’              entitled. While the current rule text                   proposed changes in Amendment No. 2
                                                    which modifies ‘‘BX BBO’’ in proposed                   clearly states that the Initiating                      correct a cross-reference and some
                                                    Chapter VI, Section 9(i)(B) and the term                Participant may receive up to 40% if                    typographical errors.
                                                    ‘‘or better than’’ in proposed Chapter VI,              there is multiple competing interest or
                                                                                                                                                                    IV. Discussion and Commission
                                                    Section 9(ii)(E)(3) because these                       50% of there is one competing quote,
                                                    references represent the impact of                      order, or response, the amendments add
                                                                                                            this detail to other places in the rule                    After careful review, the Commission
                                                    repricing resulting from Price Improving
                                                                                                            where the 40% and 50% guarantees are                    finds that the proposed rule change is
                                                    and Post-Only Orders. The Exchange
                                                                                                            referenced to consistently make clear                   consistent with the requirements of the
                                                    represents that it will file a rule change
                                                                                                            the conditions under which they apply.                  Act and the rules and regulations
                                                    separately with the Commission to
                                                                                                            The Exchange believes this non-                         thereunder applicable to a national
                                                    remove Price Improving and Post-Only
                                                                                                            substantive change adds more clarity to                 securities exchange and, in particular,
                                                    Order types from its Rules.38 The
                                                                                                            the rule text.                                          with Section 6(b) of the Act.43 In
                                                    Exchange also represents that it will not                                                                       particular, the Commission finds that
                                                                                                               Further, the Exchange proposes to
                                                    commence offering BX PRISM until                                                                                the proposed rule change is consistent
                                                                                                            amend the rule text at proposed Chapter
                                                    such time as it has an effective and                                                                            with Section 6(b)(5) of the Act,44 which
                                                                                                            VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(3) to delete the term
                                                    operative rule in place from the                                                                                requires, among other things, that the
                                                                                                            ‘‘orders.’’ This amendment will correct
                                                    Commission to remove Price Improving                                                                            rules of a national securities exchange
                                                                                                            the reference to the types of interest that
                                                    and Post-Only Orders and removes the                                                                            be designed to prevent fraudulent and
                                                                                                            would be attributed to a Priority Market
                                                    ability to submit Price Improving and                                                                           manipulative acts and practices, to
                                                                                                            Maker. While quotes and PAN
                                                    Post-Only Orders into the Auction.39 In                                                                         promote just and equitable principles of
                                                                                                            responses will be allocated according to
                                                    the event the Exchange determines in                                                                            trade, to foster cooperation and
                                                                                                            Priority Marker Maker status, orders
                                                    the future to allow the entry of any type               will be accepted but will not receive                   coordination with persons engaged in
                                                    of non-displayed order types, the                       Priority Market Maker status. Therefore,                regulating, clearing, settling, processing
                                                    Exchange represents that it will file a                 BX proposes to delete the term ‘‘orders’’               information with respect to, and
                                                    proposed rule change pursuant to                        to make clear which interest shall be                   facilitating transactions in securities, to
                                                    Section 19(b)(2) under the Exchange Act                 included for calculation within the                     remove impediments to and perfect the
                                                    with the Commission to seek approval                    allocation.                                             mechanism of a free and open market
                                                    for such rule change.40 As there will be                   In addition, the Exchange proposes to                and a national market system, and, in
                                                    no longer be any repricing order types                  replace the terms ‘‘orders’’ or                         general, to protect customers, issuers,
                                                    on BX due to BX’s elimination of Price                                                                          brokers and dealers. The Commission
                                                    Improving and Post Only Orders, the                                                                             believes that the Exchange’s proposal to
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                                                                                                               41 See id. at 5. The Exchange states that the term
                                                    Exchange proposes to delete these terms                 ‘‘displayed’’ prior to NBBO is simply redundant as      establish the PRISM Auction may
                                                    from the rule text. The Exchange also                   the NBBO is always displayed and therefore              increase competition among those
                                                                                                            unnecessary. The term ‘‘displayed’’ before the terms
                                                      36 See                                                ‘‘quote size’’ and ‘‘size’’ is not necessary as such
                                                             Notice, supra note 3, at 54606–07.                                                                       42 See Notice, supra note 3, at 54602.
                                                      37 See
                                                                                                            references may create an inference that the quote
                                                             id. See also proposed BX Chapter VI,           size may be non-displayed in certain circumstances,       43 15 U.S.C. 78f(b). In approving this proposed
                                                    Section 6(vii).                                         which is not the case. Additionally, the term           rule change, the Commission has considered the
                                                      38 See Amendment No. 2, supra note 5, at 3.
                                                                                                            ‘‘displayed’’ is not utilized in the Phlx PIXL rule     proposed rule’s impact on efficiency, competition,
                                                      39 See id.                                                                                                    and capital formation. See 15 U.S.C. 78c(f).
                                                                                                            text (Phlx Rule 1080(n)), which auction is similar
                                                      40 See id. at 3–4.                                    to PRISM.                                                 44 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).

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                                                    68352                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 213 / Wednesday, November 4, 2015 / Notices

                                                    options exchanges that offer similar                    announce the Auction by sending a                          At the conclusion of a PRISM
                                                    price improvement mechanisms. The                       PAN over the BX Depth feed and the                      Auction, Public Customer orders have
                                                    Commission further believes that                        Exchange’s Specialized Quote Feed                       first priority to trade against the PRISM
                                                    allowing BX members to enter orders                     detailing the option, side, and size.47                 Order. After Public Customer orders
                                                    into the PRISM Auction could provide                    This message is designed to help attract                receive their allocation, the Initiating
                                                    additional opportunities for such orders                competitive responses to a PRISM                        Participant next may be allocated a
                                                    to receive price improvement over the                   Auction. The PRISM rules also permit                    limited percentage of the PRISM Order,
                                                    NBBO. The Commission also believes                      any person or entity to submit responses                not to exceed 40% of the contracts at the
                                                    that the BX’s proposal to give priority to              to the PAN on behalf of all types of                    applicable final price point if competing
                                                    a Priority Market Maker who is quoting                  interest.48 The Commission believes                     quotes, orders or PAN responses have
                                                    at the NBBO before an Auction is                        that these requirements provide the                     contracts available for execution
                                                    initiated may provide an incentive for                  opportunity for a PRISM Order to be                     (however, if only one other competing
                                                    BX Market Makers to publicly display                    exposed in an auction designed to                       quote, order or PAN response matches
                                                    their best quotes with size on the                      attract competitive responses and                       the Initiating Participant’s submission at
                                                    Exchange, which would benefit all                       facilitate price improvement, and thus                  the best price, then the Initiating
                                                    options market participants.                            may result in ultimately better prices for              Participant may be allocated up to 50%
                                                       BX’s proposed PRISM Auction is                       the PRISM Order to the extent the PAN                   of the PRISM Order). After the Initiating
                                                    based in large part on Phlx’s PIXL, and                 is successful in attracting competitive                 Participant’s primary allocation, quotes
                                                    also is similar to existing functionality               responses.                                              and PAN responses from Priority Market
                                                    at other options exchanges, except that,                   All PRISM Auctions will last for a                   Makers have next priority. Thereafter,
                                                    as discussed further below, it adds a                   period for a predefined time of no less                 Non-Priority Market Makers, as well as
                                                    new type of allocation for Priority                     than 100 milliseconds and no more than                  Priority Market Maker interest which
                                                    Market Makers.45 All options traded on                  1 second as determined by the Exchange                  exceeded their displayed size in the
                                                    BX are eligible for the PRISM Auction,                  and announced on the Nasdaq Trader                      Initial NBBO, would have the next
                                                    and PRISM Orders are given the                          Web site. As the Exchange discussed in                  priority at each price level at or better
                                                    opportunity for price improvement over                  its proposal, in May 2014, Phlx                         than the Initial NBBO. Finally, all other
                                                    the NBBO by being exposed to members                    surveyed its Market Maker members as                    interest would receive an allocation if
                                                    during the PRISM Auction. In addition,                  to the timeframe within which these                     contracts remained. The Commission
                                                    BX’s proposal protects resting interest                 firms could respond to an auction with                  believes that the BX PRISM’s proposed
                                                    on its limit order book as the Initiating               a duration time ranging from less than                  matching algorithm is sufficiently clear
                                                    Participant’s stop price 46 must be at                  50 milliseconds to more than 1                          regarding how orders are to be allocated
                                                    least one minimum trading increment                     second.49 Of the 20 Market Maker                        in the PRISM Auction and is designed
                                                    better than any booked order’s limit                    firms 50 that responded to the question,                in a manner that should facilitate a
                                                    price on the same side of the market as                 100% indicated that their firm could                    competitive auction process.
                                                    the PRISM Order, when the PRISM                         respond to auctions with a duration                        As noted above, the proposed BX
                                                    Order is for a Public Customer. A                       time of at least 50 milliseconds.51 Based               rules grant a BX Market Maker
                                                    PRISM Order for any entity other than                   on BX’s statements, the Commission                      ‘‘priority’’ status for the duration of an
                                                    a Public Customer must be stopped at a                  believes that proposed duration of the                  Auction when the Market Maker is
                                                    price better than the same side of the BX               PRISM Auction could facilitate the                      quoting at the NBBO at the time the
                                                    BBO even if there is no resting limit                   prompt execution of orders in the                       PRISM Auction was initiated, up to the
                                                    order on the book.                                      PRISM auction, while providing market                   size of its quote. The Commission
                                                       BX will not accept PRISM Orders                      participants with an opportunity to                     believes that this provision is designed
                                                    during certain times, including during                  compete for exposed bids and offers.                    to encourage BX Market Makers to quote
                                                    the final two seconds of the regular                    The Commission notes that other                         aggressively with additional size outside
                                                    trading session, as well as at or before                exchanges’ price improvement                            of the PRISM Auction and, therefore,
                                                    the opening of trading. BX also would                   mechanisms provide for auction                          may enhance competition and liquidity
                                                    cancel any PRISM Order that does not                    response periods within the range of the                on the BX market. The Commission
                                                    meet the Auction eligibility                            response duration proposed by BX.52                     notes that another exchange, the Miami
                                                    requirements specified in the proposed                                                                          International Securities Exchange, offers
                                                    rule. Further, once a PRISM Auction has                   47 According to the Exchange, SQF is available to     a similar ‘‘priority quote’’ feature in its
                                                    commenced, it cannot be cancelled.                      Market Makers at no cost. The Depth Feed is             general matching system,53 and also
                                                                                                            available to all other market participants that pay
                                                       When the BX receives an eligible                     to subscribe to the service to receive broadcast        provides for enhanced priority for
                                                    PRISM Order for submission to the                       information regarding auctions.                         ‘‘priority quotes’’ in its PRIME price
                                                    PRISM Auction, it will broadly                            48 Cf. CBOE Rule 6.74A(b)(1)(D)–(E) (only CBOE        improvement auction in a substantially
                                                                                                            Market Makers with an appointment in the relevant       similar manner as to what BX proposes
                                                                                                            option class, and CBOE Members acting as agent for
                                                      45 See, e.g., Phlx Rule 1080(n) (Phlx’s PIXL),
                                                                                                            orders resting at the top of the CBOE book opposite
                                                                                                                                                                    for PRISM.54
                                                    Chicago Board Options Exchange (‘‘CBOE’’) Rule                                                                     The Exchange has represented its
                                                    6.74A (CBOE’s Automated Improvement                     the Agency Order, may submit responses to the
                                                    Mechanism (‘‘AIM’’) auction), and MIAX Rule 515A        AIM RFR).                                               commitment to submit certain data on
                                                    (MIAX’s Price Improvement Mechanism (‘‘PRIME’’)
                                                                                                              49 See Notice, supra note 3, at 54602.
                                                                                                                                                                    PRISM Auctions at the request of
                                                                                                              50 The Exchange represents that 90% of the BX
                                                    auction).                                                                                                       Commission staff. The Commission
                                                                                                            market maker firms participated in the survey (i.e.,
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                                                      46 The Initiating Participant may forfeit priority
                                                                                                            90% of BX market maker firms were also market
                                                                                                                                                                    expects such data to be used, by both
                                                    and trade allocation privileges by designating the
                                                    Initiating Order as Surrender, in which case the        makers on Phlx who participated in the Phlx             the Exchange and the Commission staff,
                                                    Initiating Participant would trade only if there were   survey). See Notice, supra note 3, at 5460203, n. 19.   to assess the performance of PRISM
                                                    not enough interest available to fully execute the        51 See Notice, supra note 3, at 54602–03, n. 19–
                                                                                                                                                                    Auction, including, among other things,
                                                    PRISM Order at prices which are equal to or             20 and accompanying text.                               to study whether there is meaningful
                                                    improve upon the stop price. The Commission               52 See International Securities Exchange Rule

                                                    notes that this feature may encourage use of the        723(c)(5) (auction period of 500 milliseconds),
                                                                                                                                                                    competition for all size orders with the
                                                    PRISM Auction to provide certain orders with an         CBOE Rule 6.74A(b)(1)(C) (auction period of 1
                                                                                                                                                                     53 See   MIAX Rule 517(b)(1)(i).
                                                    opportunity for price improvement that such orders      second), Boston Options Exchange Rule 7150(f)(1)
                                                    may not otherwise receive.                              (auction period of 100 milliseconds).                    54 See   MIAX Rule 515A(a)(2)(iii)(C).

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 213 / Wednesday, November 4, 2015 / Notices                                                      68353

                                                    PRISM, the degree of price improvement                  electronic means.58 BX has represented                  Commission believes that a member
                                                    for all orders executed through the                     that the BX trading system and the                      does not participate in the execution of
                                                    PRISM, and whether there is an active                   proposed PRISM Auction receive all                      an order submitted to the PRISM
                                                    and liquid market functioning on the                    orders electronically through remote                    mechanism.
                                                    Exchange outside of the PRISM. The                      terminals or computer-to-computer                          Third, Rule 11a2–2(T) requires that
                                                    data provided will enable the                           interfaces.59 The Exchange also                         the order be executed by an exchange
                                                    Commission, as well as the Exchange                     represents that orders for covered                      member who is unaffiliated with the
                                                    itself, to evaluate the PRISM Auction to                accounts from Participants will be                      member initiating the order. The
                                                    determine its performance and possible                  transmitted from a remote location                      Commission has stated that this
                                                    impact on BX and options market                         directly to the proposed PRISM                          requirement is satisfied when
                                                    structure in general and the degree to                  mechanism by electronic means.                          automated exchange facilities, such as
                                                    which it is beneficial to customers and                 Because no Exchange members may                         the PRISM mechanism, are used, as long
                                                    to the options market as a whole.                       submit orders into the PRISM Auction                    as the design of these systems ensures
                                                                                                            from on the floor of the Exchange, the                  that members do not possess any special
                                                    V. Section 11(a) of the Act                             Commission believes that the PRISM                      or unique trading advantages in
                                                                                                            Auction satisfies the off-floor                         handling their orders after transmitting
                                                       Section 11(a)(1) of the Act 55 prohibits
                                                                                                            transmission requirement.                               them to the exchange.62 BX represents
                                                    a member of a national securities
                                                                                                               Second, the Rule requires that the                   that the PRISM is designed so that no
                                                    exchange from effecting transactions on
                                                                                                            member and any associated person not                    Member has any special or unique
                                                    that exchange for its own account, the
                                                                                                            participate in the execution of its order               trading advantage in the handling of its
                                                    account of an associated person, or an
                                                                                                            after the order has been transmitted. The               orders after transmitting its orders to the
                                                    account over which it or its associated
                                                                                                            Exchange represents that at no time                     mechanism.63 Based on the Exchange’s
                                                    person exercises investment discretion
                                                                                                            following the submission of an order is                 representation, the Commission believes
                                                    (collectively, ‘‘covered accounts’’)
                                                                                                            a Participant able to acquire control or                that the PRISM mechanism satisfies this
                                                    unless an exception applies. Rule 11a2–
                                                                                                            influence over the result or timing of the              requirement.
                                                    2(T) under the Act,56 known as the                                                                                 Fourth, in the case of a transaction
                                                    ‘‘effect versus execute’’ rule, provides                order’s execution.60 According to the
                                                                                                            Exchange, the execution of an order is                  effected for an account with respect to
                                                    exchange members with an exemption                                                                              which the initiating member or an
                                                    from the Section 11(a)(1) prohibition.                  determined by what other orders are
                                                                                                            present in the PRISM and the priority of                associated person thereof exercises
                                                    Rule 11a2–2(T) permits an exchange                                                                              investment discretion, neither the
                                                    member, subject to certain conditions,                  those orders.61 Accordingly, the
                                                                                                                                                                    initiating member nor any associated
                                                    to effect transactions for covered                         58 See, e.g., Securities Exchange Act Release Nos.   person thereof may retain any
                                                    accounts by arranging for an unaffiliated               61419 (January 26, 2010), 75 FR 5157 (February 1,       compensation in connection with
                                                    member to execute transactions on the                   2010) (SR–BATS–2009–031) (approving BATS                effecting the transaction, unless the
                                                    exchange. To comply with Rule 11a2–                     options trading); 59154 (December 23, 2008), 73 FR
                                                                                                                                                                    person authorized to transact business
                                                    2(T)’s conditions, a member: (i) Must                   80468 (December 31, 2008) (SR–BSE–2008–48)
                                                                                                            (approving equity securities listing and trading on     for the account has expressly provided
                                                    transmit the order from off the exchange                BSE); 57478 (March 12, 2008), 73 FR 14521 (March        otherwise by written contract referring
                                                    floor; (ii) may not participate in the                  18, 2008) (SR–NASDAQ–2007–004 and SR–                   to Section 11(a) of the Act and Rule
                                                    execution of the transaction once it has                NASDAQ–2007–080) (approving NOM options
                                                                                                                                                                    11a2–2(T) thereunder.64 BX represents
                                                    been transmitted to the member                          trading); 53128 (January 13, 2006), 71 FR 3550
                                                                                                            (January 23, 2006) (File No. 10–131) (approving The
                                                    performing the execution; 57 (iii) may                  Nasdaq Stock Market LLC); 44983 (October 25,            (stating that the ‘‘non-participation requirement
                                                    not be affiliated with the executing                    2001), 66 FR 55225 (November 1, 2001) (SR–PCX–          does not prevent initiating members from canceling
                                                    member; and (iv) with respect to an                     00–25) (approving Archipelago Exchange); 29237          or modifying orders (or the instructions pursuant to
                                                    account over which the member or an                     (May 24, 1991), 56 FR 24853 (May 31, 1991) (SR–         which the initiating member wishes orders to be
                                                                                                            NYSE–90–52 and SR–NYSE–90–53) (approving                executed) after the orders have been transmitted to
                                                    associated person has investment                        NYSE’s Off-Hours Trading Facility); and 15533           the executing member, provided that any such
                                                    discretion, neither the member nor its                  (January 29, 1979), 44 FR 6084 (January 31, 1979)       instructions are also transmitted from off the
                                                    associated person may retain any                        (‘‘1979 Release’’).                                     floor’’).
                                                                                                               59 See Notice, supra note 3, at 54612. See also         62 In considering the operation of automated
                                                    compensation in connection with
                                                                                                            Amendment No. 2, supra note 5.                          execution systems operated by an exchange, the
                                                    effecting the transaction except as                        60 See Notice, supra note 3, at 54612. See also      Commission noted that, while there is not an
                                                    provided in the Rule. For the reasons set               Amendment No. 2, supra note 5 (also representing,       independent executing exchange member, the
                                                    forth below, the Commission believes                    among other things, that: (1) No Participant,           execution of an order is automatic once it has been
                                                    that Exchange members entering orders                   including the Initiating Participant, will see a PAN    transmitted into the system. Because the design of
                                                                                                            response submitted into PRISM and therefore and         these systems ensures that members do not possess
                                                    into the PRISM Auction would satisfy                                                                            any special or unique trading advantages in
                                                                                                            will not be able to influence or guide the execution
                                                    the requirements of Rule 11a2–2(T).                     of their PRISM Orders, (2) the Surrender feature        handling their orders after transmitting them to the
                                                       The Rule’s first condition is that                   will not permit a Participant to have any control       exchange, the Commission has stated that
                                                                                                            over an order, and that the election to Surrender an    executions obtained through these systems satisfy
                                                    orders for covered accounts be                          order is available prior to the submission of the       the independent execution requirement of Rule
                                                    transmitted from off the exchange floor.                order, will not be broadcast and further, that the      11a2–2(T). See 1979 Release, supra note 58.
                                                    In the context of automated trading                     Surrender option may not be modified by the                63 See Notice, supra note 3, at 54612. See also

                                                    systems, the Commission has found that                  market participant during the auction).                 Amendment No. 2, supra note 5.
                                                                                                               61 See Notice, supra note 3, at 54612. See also         64 In addition, Rule 11a2–2(T)(d) requires a
                                                    the off-floor transmission requirement is
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                            Amendment No. 2, supra note 5. The Exchange             member or associated person authorized by written
                                                    met if a covered account order is                       notes that a Member may cancel or modify the            contract to retain compensation, in connection with
                                                    transmitted from a remote location                      order, or modify the instructions for executing the     effecting transactions for covered accounts over
                                                    directly to an exchange’s floor by                      order, but that such instructions would be              which such member or associated persons thereof
                                                                                                            transmitted from off the floor of the Exchange. The     exercises investment discretion, to furnish at least
                                                                                                            Commission has stated that the non-participation        annually to the person authorized to transact
                                                      55 15U.S.C. 78k(a)(1).                                requirement is satisfied under such circumstances       business for the account a statement setting forth
                                                      56 17CFR 240.11a2–2(T).                               so long as such modifications or cancellations are      the total amount of compensation retained by the
                                                      57 This prohibition also applies to associated        also transmitted from off the floor. See Securities     member or any associated person thereof in
                                                    persons. The member may, however, participate in        Exchange Act Release No. 14563 (March 14, 1978),        connection with effecting transactions for the
                                                    clearing and settling the transaction.                  43 FR 11542 (March 17, 1978) (‘‘1978 Release’’)                                                    Continued

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                                                    68354                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 213 / Wednesday, November 4, 2015 / Notices

                                                    that Members relying on Rule 11a2–2(T)                    • Send an email to rule-comments@                       For the Commission, by the Division of
                                                    for transactions effected through the                   sec.gov. Please include File Number SR–                 Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
                                                    PRISM must comply with this condition                   BX–2015–032 on the subject line.                        authority.67
                                                    of the Rule and that the Exchange will                                                                          Robert W. Errett,
                                                    enforce this requirement pursuant to its                Paper Comments                                          Deputy Secretary.
                                                    obligations under Section 6(b)(1) of the                  • Send paper comments in triplicate                   [FR Doc. 2015–28024 Filed 11–3–15; 8:45 am]
                                                    Act to enforce compliance with federal                  to Secretary, Securities and Exchange                   BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                                    securities laws.65
                                                                                                            Commission, 100 F Street NE.,
                                                    VI. Accelerated Approval of Proposal,                   Washington, DC 20549–1090.                              SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE
                                                    as Modified by Amendment No. 2                                                                                  COMMISSION
                                                                                                            All submissions should refer to File
                                                       The Commission finds good cause,                     Number SR–BX–2015–032. This file
                                                                                                            number should be included on the                        [Release No. 34–76310; File No. 4–551]
                                                    pursuant to Section 19(b)(2) of the
                                                    Exchange Act, to approve the proposal,                  subject line if email is used. To help the
                                                                                                                                                                    Program for Allocation of Regulatory
                                                    as modified by Amendment Nos. 1 and                     Commission process and review your                      Responsibilities Pursuant to Rule
                                                    2, prior to the 30th day after publication              comments more efficiently, please use                   17d–2; Notice of Filing and Order
                                                    of Amendment No. 2 in the Federal                       only one method. The Commission will                    Approving and Declaring Effective an
                                                    Register. In Amendment No. 2, BX                        post all comments on the Commission’s                   Amendment to the Plan for the
                                                    revised the original proposal, which had                Internet Web site (http://www.sec.gov/                  Allocation of Regulatory
                                                    been previously amended by                              rules/sro.shtml).                                       Responsibilities Among NYSE MKT
                                                    Amendment No. 1 before it was                                                                                   LLC, BATS Exchange, Inc., BOX
                                                                                                               Copies of the submission, all
                                                    published in the Federal Register, to                                                                           Options Exchange LLC, C2 Options
                                                                                                            subsequent amendments, all written
                                                    make the changes discussed in detail                                                                            Exchange, Incorporated, the Chicago
                                                    above. Notably, in Amendment No. 2,                     statements with respect to the proposed
                                                                                                            rule change that are filed with the                     Board Options Exchange,
                                                    BX represents that Price Improving and                                                                          Incorporated, the EDGX Exchange,
                                                    Post-Only Order types will be removed                   Commission, and all written
                                                                                                            communications relating to the                          Inc., the International Securities
                                                    from its Rules before BX implements the                                                                         Exchange LLC, ISE Gemini, LLC,
                                                    PRISM Auction mechanism. BX also                        proposed rule change between the
                                                                                                            Commission and any person, other than                   Financial Industry Regulatory
                                                    made changes to clarify and add detail                                                                          Authority, Inc., NYSE Arca, Inc., The
                                                    to the rule text. The Commission                        those that may be withheld from the
                                                                                                                                                                    NASDAQ Stock Market LLC, NASDAQ
                                                    believes that Amendment No. 2 does not                  public in accordance with the
                                                                                                                                                                    OMX BX, Inc., the NASDAQ OMX PHLX,
                                                    raise any novel regulatory issues and                   provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
                                                                                                                                                                    Inc., and Miami International Securities
                                                    instead provides additional clarity in                  available for Web site viewing and
                                                                                                                                                                    Exchange, LLC Concerning Options-
                                                    the rule text, which is consistent with                 printing in the Commission’s Public                     Related Market Surveillance
                                                    BX’s original proposal, as modified by                  Reference Room, 100 F Street NE.,
                                                    Amendment No. 1, and supports BX’s                      Washington, DC 20549–1090, on official                  October 29, 2015.
                                                    analysis of how its proposal is                         business days between the hours of                         Notice is hereby given that the
                                                    consistent with the Act, thus facilitating              10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the                  Securities and Exchange Commission
                                                    the Commission’s ability to make the                    filing also will be available for                       (‘‘Commission’’) has issued an Order,
                                                    findings set forth above to approve the                 inspection and copying at the principal                 pursuant to Section 17(d) of the
                                                    proposal. Accordingly, the Commission                   office of the Exchange. All comments                    Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                                    finds that good cause exists to approve                 received will be posted without change;                 (‘‘Act’’),1 approving and declaring
                                                    the proposal, as modified by                            the Commission does not edit personal                   effective an amendment to the plan for
                                                    Amendment No. 2, on an accelerated                      identifying information from                            allocating regulatory responsibility
                                                    basis.                                                  submissions. You should submit only                     (‘‘Plan’’) filed on October 27, 2015,
                                                    VII. Solicitation of Comments                           information that you wish to make                       pursuant to Rule 17d–2 of the Act,2 by
                                                                                                            available publicly. All submissions                     NYSE MKT LLC (‘‘MKT’’), BATS
                                                      Interested persons are invited to                                                                             Exchange, Inc., (‘‘BATS’’), the BOX
                                                                                                            should refer to File Number SR–BX–
                                                    submit written data, views, and                                                                                 Options Exchange LLC (‘‘BOX’’), C2
                                                                                                            2015–032 and should be submitted on
                                                    arguments concerning the foregoing,                                                                             Options Exchange, Incorporated (‘‘C2’’),
                                                                                                            or before November 25, 2015.
                                                    including whether Amendment No. 2 is                                                                            the Chicago Board Options Exchange,
                                                    consistent with the Act. Comments may                   VIII. Conclusion                                        Incorporated (‘‘CBOE’’), the EDGX
                                                    be submitted by any of the following                                                                            Exchange, Inc. (‘‘EDGX’’) the
                                                    methods:                                                  It is therefore ordered, pursuant to                  International Securities Exchange LLC
                                                                                                            Section 19(b)(2) of the Act,66 that the                 (‘‘ISE’’), ISE Gemini, LLC (‘‘Gemini’’),
                                                    Electronic Comments                                     proposed rule change (SR–BX–2015–                       Financial Industry Regulatory
                                                      • Use the Commission’s Internet                       032), as modified by Amendment Nos.                     Authority, Inc. (‘‘FINRA’’), NYSE Arca,
                                                    comment form (http://www.sec.gov/                       1 and 2, be and hereby is approved on                   Inc. (‘‘Arca’’), The NASDAQ Stock
                                                    rules/sro.shtml); or                                    an accelerated basis, except that BX                    Market LLC (‘‘Nasdaq’’), NASDAQ OMX
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                            Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(B)(2)–(3),                    BX, Inc. (‘‘BX’’), NASDAQ OMX PHLX,
                                                    account during the period covered by the statement.     Section 9(ii)(D), and Section 9(vii) are                Inc. (‘‘PHLX’’), and Miami International
                                                    See 17 CFR 240.11a2–2(T)(d). See also 1978              approved on a pilot basis until July 18,                Securities Exchange (‘‘MIAX’’)
                                                    Release, supra note 61 (stating ‘‘[t]he contractual     2016.                                                   (collectively, ‘‘Participating
                                                    and disclosure requirements are designed to assure                                                              Organizations’’ or ‘‘parties’’).
                                                    that accounts electing to permit transaction-related
                                                    compensation do so only after deciding that such
                                                                                                                                                                      67 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
                                                    arrangements are suitable to their interests’’).
                                                      65 See Notice, supra note 3, at 54612. See also                                                                 1 15 U.S.C. 78q(d).
                                                    Amendment No. 2, supra note 5.                            66 15   U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).                               2 17 CFR 240.17d–2.

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Document Created: 2018-03-01 11:27:23
Document Modified: 2018-03-01 11:27:23
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation80 FR 68347 

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