80_FR_68574 80 FR 68361 - Program for Allocation of Regulatory Responsibilities Pursuant to Rule 17d-2; Notice of Filing and Order Approving and Declaring Effective an Amendment to the Plan for the Allocation of Regulatory Responsibilities Among NYSE MKT LLC, BATS Exchange, Inc., BOX Options Exchange LLC, C2 Options Exchange, Incorporated, the Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated, the EDGX Exchange, Inc., the International Securities Exchange LLC, ISE Gemini, LLC, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc., the New York Stock Exchange LLC, NYSE Arca, Inc., The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC, NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc., the NASDAQ OMX PHLX, Inc., and Miami International Securities Exchange, LLC Concerning Options-Related Sales Practice Matters

80 FR 68361 - Program for Allocation of Regulatory Responsibilities Pursuant to Rule 17d-2; Notice of Filing and Order Approving and Declaring Effective an Amendment to the Plan for the Allocation of Regulatory Responsibilities Among NYSE MKT LLC, BATS Exchange, Inc., BOX Options Exchange LLC, C2 Options Exchange, Incorporated, the Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated, the EDGX Exchange, Inc., the International Securities Exchange LLC, ISE Gemini, LLC, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc., the New York Stock Exchange LLC, NYSE Arca, Inc., The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC, NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc., the NASDAQ OMX PHLX, Inc., and Miami International Securities Exchange, LLC Concerning Options-Related Sales Practice Matters


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 213 (November 4, 2015)

Page Range68361-68367
FR Document2015-28066

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 213 (Wednesday, November 4, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 213 (Wednesday, November 4, 2015)]
[Pages 68361-68367]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-28066]



[Release No. 34-76309; File No. S7-966)

Program for Allocation of Regulatory Responsibilities Pursuant to 
Rule 17d-2; Notice of Filing and Order Approving and Declaring 
Effective an Amendment to the Plan for the Allocation of Regulatory 
Responsibilities Among NYSE MKT LLC, BATS Exchange, Inc., BOX Options 
Exchange LLC, C2 Options Exchange, Incorporated, the Chicago Board 
Options Exchange, Incorporated, the EDGX Exchange, Inc., the 
International Securities Exchange LLC, ISE Gemini, LLC, Financial 
Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc., the New York Stock Exchange LLC, 
NYSE Arca, Inc., The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC, NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc., the 
NASDAQ OMX PHLX, Inc., and Miami International Securities Exchange, LLC 
Concerning Options-Related Sales Practice Matters

October 29, 2015.
    Notice is hereby given that the Securities and Exchange Commission 
(``Commission'') has issued an Order, pursuant to Section 17(d) of the 
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (``Act''),\1\ approving and declaring 
effective an amendment to the plan for allocating regulatory 
responsibility (``Plan'') filed on October 9, 2015, pursuant to Rule 
17d-2 of the Act,\2\ by NYSE MKT LLC (``MKT''), BATS Exchange, Inc., 
(``BATS''), the BOX Options Exchange LLC (``BOX''), C2 Options 
Exchange, Incorporated (``C2''), the Chicago Board Options Exchange, 
Incorporated (``CBOE''), the EDGX Exchange, Inc. (``EDGX'') the 
International Securities Exchange LLC (``ISE''), ISE Gemini, LLC 
(``Gemini''), Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. 
(``FINRA''), the New York Stock Exchange LLC (``NYSE''), NYSE Arca, 
Inc. (``Arca''), The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC (``Nasdaq''), NASDAQ OMX 
BX, Inc. (``BX''), NASDAQ OMX PHLX, Inc. (``PHLX''), and Miami 
International Securities Exchange (``MIAX'') (collectively, 
``Participating Organizations'' or ``parties'').

    \1\ 15 U.S.C. 78q(d).
    \2\ 17 CFR 240.17d-2.

I. Introduction

    Section 19(g)(1) of the Act,\3\ among other things, requires every 
self-regulatory organization (``SRO'') registered as either a national 
securities exchange or national securities association to examine for, 
and enforce compliance by, its members and persons associated with its 
members with the Act, the rules and regulations thereunder, and the 
SRO's own rules, unless the SRO is relieved of this responsibility 
pursuant to Section 17(d) \4\ or Section 19(g)(2) \5\ of the Act. 
Without this relief, the statutory obligation of each individual SRO 
could result in a pattern of multiple examinations of broker-dealers 
that maintain memberships in more than one SRO (``common members''). 
Such regulatory duplication would add unnecessary expenses for common 
members and their SROs.

    \3\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(g)(1).
    \4\ 15 U.S.C. 78q(d).
    \5\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(g)(2).

    Section 17(d)(1) of the Act \6\ was intended, in part, to eliminate 
unnecessary multiple examinations and regulatory duplication.\7\ With 
respect to a common member, Section 17(d)(1) authorizes the Commission, 
by rule or order, to relieve an SRO of the responsibility to receive 
regulatory reports, to examine for and enforce compliance with 
applicable statutes, rules, and regulations, or to perform other 
specified regulatory functions.

    \6\ 15 U.S.C. 78q(d)(1).
    \7\ See Securities Act Amendments of 1975, Report of the Senate 
Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs to Accompany S. 
249, S. Rep. No. 94-75, 94th Cong., 1st Session 32 (1975).

    To implement Section 17(d)(1), the Commission adopted two rules: 
Rule 17d-1 and Rule 17d-2 under the Act.\8\ Rule 17d-1 authorizes the 
Commission to name a single SRO as the designated examining authority 
(``DEA'') to examine common members for compliance with the financial 
responsibility requirements imposed by the Act, or by Commission or SRO 
rules.\9\ When an SRO has been named as a common member's DEA, all 
other SROs to which the common member belongs are relieved of the 
responsibility to examine the firm for compliance with the applicable 
financial responsibility

[[Page 68362]]

rules. On its face, Rule 17d-1 deals only with an SRO's obligations to 
enforce member compliance with financial responsibility requirements. 
Rule 17d-1 does not relieve an SRO from its obligation to examine a 
common member for compliance with its own rules and provisions of the 
federal securities laws governing matters other than financial 
responsibility, including sales practices and trading activities and 

    \8\ 17 CFR 240.17d-1 and 17 CFR 240.17d-2, respectively.
    \9\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 12352 (April 20, 
1976), 41 FR 18808 (May 7, 1976).

    To address regulatory duplication in these and other areas, the 
Commission adopted Rule 17d-2 under the Act.\10\ Rule 17d-2 permits 
SROs to propose joint plans for the allocation of regulatory 
responsibilities with respect to their common members. Under paragraph 
(c) of Rule 17d-2, the Commission may declare such a plan effective if, 
after providing for notice and comment, it determines that the plan is 
necessary or appropriate in the public interest and for the protection 
of investors, to foster cooperation and coordination among the SROs, to 
remove impediments to, and foster the development of, a national market 
system and a national clearance and settlement system, and is in 
conformity with the factors set forth in Section 17(d) of the Act. 
Commission approval of a plan filed pursuant to Rule 17d-2 relieves an 
SRO of those regulatory responsibilities allocated by the plan to 
another SRO.

    \10\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 12935 (October 28, 
1976), 41 FR 49091 (November 8, 1976).

II. The Plan

    On September 8, 1983, the Commission approved the SRO participants' 
plan for allocating regulatory responsibilities pursuant to Rule 17d-
2.\11\ On May 23, 2000, the Commission approved an amendment to the 
plan that added the ISE as a participant.\12\ On November 8, 2002, the 
Commission approved another amendment that replaced the original plan 
in its entirety and, among other things, allocated regulatory 
responsibilities among all the participants in a more equitable 
manner.\13\ On February 5, 2004, the parties submitted an amendment to 
the plan, primarily to include the BSE, which was establishing a new 
options trading facility to be known as BOX, as an SRO participant.\14\ 
On December 5, 2007, the parties submitted an amendment to the plan to, 
among other things, provide that the National Association of Securities 
Dealers (``NASD'') (n/k/a FINRA) and NYSE are Designated Options 
Examining Authorities under the plan.\15\ On June 5, 2008, the parties 
submitted an amendment to the plan primarily to remove the NYSE as a 
Designated Options Examining Authority, leaving FINRA as the sole 
Designated Options Examining Authority for all common members that are 
members of FINRA.\16\ On February 9, 2010, the parties submitted a 
proposed amendment to the plan to add BATS and C2 as SRO participants 
and to reflect the name changes of the American Stock Exchange LLC to 
the NYSE Amex LLC, the Boston Stock Exchange, Inc., to the NASDAQ OMX 
BX, Inc. and the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, Inc. to the NASDAQ OMX 
PHLX, Inc. \17\ On May 22, 2012, the parties submitted a proposed 
amendment to add BOX as an SRO participant, and to amend Section XIII 
of the plan to set forth a revised procedure for adding new 
participants to the plan.\18\ On November 20, 2012, the parties 
submitted a proposed amendment to add MIAX as an SRO participant, and 
to change the name of NYSE Amex LLC to NYSE MKT LLC. \19\ On June 21, 
2013, the parties submitted a proposed amendment to add Topaz Exchange 
LLC as an SRO participant. \20\

    \11\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 20158 (September 8, 
1983), 48 FR 41256 (September 14, 1983).
    \12\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 42816 (May 23, 
2000), 65 FR 34759 (May 31, 2000).
    \13\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 46800 (November 8, 
2002), 67 FR 69774 (November 19, 2002).
    \14\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 49197 (February 5, 
2004), 69 FR 7046 (February 12, 2004).
    \15\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 55532 (March 26, 
2007), 72 FR 15729 (April 2, 2007).
    \16\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 57987 (June 18, 
2008), 73 FR 36156 (June 25, 2008).
    \17\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 61589 (February 25, 
2012), 75 FR 9976 (March 4, 2010).
    \18\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 66974 (May 11, 
2012), 77 FR 29705 (May 18, 2012).
    \19\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 68363 (December 5, 
2012), 77 FR 73711 (December 11, 2012).
    \20\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 70051 (July 26, 
2013), 78 FR 46644 (August 1, 2013).

    The plan reduces regulatory duplication for a large number of firms 
currently members of two or more of the SRO participants by allocating 
regulatory responsibility for certain options-related sales practice 
matters to one of the SRO participants. Generally, under the plan, the 
SRO participant responsible for conducting options-related sales 
practice examinations of a firm, and investigating options-related 
customer complaints and terminations for cause of associated persons of 
that firm, is known as the firm's ``Designated Options Examining 
Authority'' (``DOEA''). Pursuant to the plan, any other SRO of which 
the firm is a member is relieved of these responsibilities during the 
period in which the firm is assigned to another SRO acting as that 
firm's DOEA.

III. Proposed Amendment to the Plan

    On October 9, 2015, the Parties submitted a proposed amendment to 
the Plan. The primary purpose of the amendment is to add EDGX as a 
Participant to the Plan and to change the name of Topaz Exchange, LLC 
to ISE Gemini, LLC. The text of the proposed amended 17d-2 plan is as 
follows (additions are italicized; deletions are [bracketed]):
* * * * *
    Agreement by and among BATS Exchange, Inc., BOX Options Exchange, 
LLC, the Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated, C2 Options 
Exchange, Incorporated, the International Securities Exchange, LLC, 
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc., Miami International 
Securities Exchange, LLC, the New York Stock Exchange LLC, the NYSE MKT 
LLC, the NYSE Arca, Inc., The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC, NASDAQ OMX BX, 
Inc., the NASDAQ OMX PHLX LLC, ISE Gemini, LLC, and [Topaz Exchange, 
LLC] EDGX Exchange, Inc., Pursuant to Rule 17d-2 under the Securities 
Exchange Act of 1934.
    This agreement (``Agreement''), by and among BATS Exchange, Inc., 
BOX Options Exchange, LLC, the Chicago Board Options Exchange, 
Incorporated, C2 Options Exchange, Incorporated, the International 
Securities Exchange, LLC, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. 
(``FINRA''), Miami International Securities Exchange, LLC, The NASDAQ 
Stock Market LLC (``NASDAQ''), NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc., the New York Stock 
Exchange LLC (``NYSE''), the NYSE MKT LLC, the NYSE Arca, Inc., the 
NASDAQ OMX PHLX LLC, ISE Gemini, LLC [Topaz Exchange LLC] and EDGX 
Exchange, Inc. hereinafter collectively referred to as the 
Participants, is made this [21st]8th day of [June, 2013] October, 2015, 
pursuant to the provisions of Rule 17d-2 under the Securities Exchange 
Act of 1934 (the ``Exchange Act''), which allows for plans among self-
regulatory organizations to allocate regulatory responsibility. This 
Agreement shall be administered by a committee known as the Options 
Self-Regulatory Council (the ``Council'').
    This Agreement amends and restates the agreement entered into among 
the Participants on [November 19, 2012]June 21, 2013, entitled 
``Agreement by and among BATS Exchange, Inc., BOX Options Exchange, 
LLC, the Chicago Board Options

[[Page 68363]]

Exchange, Incorporated, C2 Options Exchange, Incorporated, the 
International Securities Exchange, LLC, Financial Industry Regulatory 
Authority, Inc., Miami International Securities Exchange, LLC, the New 
York Stock Exchange LLC, NYSE MKT LLC, the NYSE Arca, Inc., the NASDAQ 
Stock Market LLC, NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc. [and], the NASDAQ OMX PHLX, Inc 
and Topaz Exchange, LLC, Pursuant to Rule 17d-2 under the Securities 
Exchange Act of 1934.''
    WHEREAS, the Participants are desirous of allocating regulatory 
responsibilities with respect to broker-dealers, and persons associated 
therewith, that are members \1\ of more than one Participant (the 
``Common Members'') and conduct a public business for compliance with 
Common Rules (as hereinafter defined) relating to the conduct by 
broker-dealers of accounts for listed options, index warrants, currency 
index warrants and currency warrants (collectively, ``Covered 
Securities''); and

    \1\ In the case of BOX Options Exchange, LLC (``BOX''), NASDAQ 
OMX BX, Inc. (``BX'') and NASDAQ members are those persons who are 
options participants (as defined in the BOX, BX and NASDAQ Options 
Market Rules).

    Whereas, the Participants are desirous of executing a plan for this 
purpose pursuant to the provisions of Rule 17d-2 and filing such plan 
with the Securities and Exchange Commission (``SEC'' or the 
``Commission'') for its approval;
    Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained 
hereafter, the Participants agree as follows:
    I. As used herein the term Designated Options Examining Authority 
(``DOEA'') shall mean: (1) FINRA insofar as it shall perform Regulatory 
Responsibility (as hereinafter defined) for its broker-dealer members 
that also are members of another Participant or (2) the Designated 
Examination Authority (``DEA'') pursuant to SEC Rule 17d-1 under the 
Securities Exchange Act (``Rule 17d-1'') for a broker-dealer that is a 
member of a more than one Participant (but not a member of FINRA).
    II. As used herein, the term ``Regulatory Responsibility'' shall 
mean the examination and enforcement responsibilities relating to 
compliance by Common Members with the rules of the applicable 
Participant that are substantially similar to the rules of the other 
Participants (the ``Common Rules''), insofar as they apply to the 
conduct of accounts for Covered Securities. A list of the current 
Common Rules of each Participant applicable to the conduct of accounts 
for Covered Securities is attached hereto as Exhibit A. Each year 
within 30 days of the anniversary date of the commencement of operation 
of this Agreement, each Participant shall submit in writing to FINRA 
and each DEA performing as a DOEA for any members of such Participant 
any revisions to Exhibit A reflecting changes in the rules of the 
Participant, and confirm that all other rules of the Participant listed 
in Exhibit A continue to meet the definition of Common Rules as defined 
in this Agreement. Within 30 days from the date that FINRA and each DEA 
performing as a DOEA has received revisions and/or confirmation that no 
change has been made to Exhibit A from all Participants, FINRA and each 
DEA performing as a DOEA shall confirm in writing to each Participant 
whether the rules listed in any updated Exhibit A are Common Rules as 
defined in this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything herein to the 
contrary, it is explicitly understood that the term ``Regulatory 
Responsibility'' does not include, and each of the Participants shall 
(unless allocated pursuant to Rule 17d-2 otherwise than under this 
Agreement) retain full responsibility for, each of the following:
    (a) Surveillance and enforcement with respect to trading activities 
or practices involving its own marketplace, including without 
limitation its rules relating to the rights and obligations of 
specialists and other market makers;
    (b) Registration pursuant to its applicable rules of associated 
    (c) Discharge of its duties and obligations as a DEA; and
    (d) Evaluation of advertising, responsibility for which shall 
remain with the Participant to which a Common Member submits same for 
    III. Apparent violations of another Participant's rules discovered 
by a DOEA, but which rules are not within the scope of the discovering 
DOEA's Regulatory Responsibility, shall be referred to the relevant 
Participant for such action as the Participant to which such matter has 
been referred deems appropriate. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing 
contained herein shall preclude a DOEA in its discretion from 
requesting that another Participant conduct an enforcement proceeding 
on a matter for which the requesting DOEA has Regulatory 
Responsibility. If such other Participants agree, the Regulatory 
Responsibility in such case shall be deemed transferred to the 
accepting Participant and confirmed in writing by the Participants 
involved. Each Participant agrees, upon request, to make available 
promptly all relevant files, records and/or witnesses necessary to 
assist another Participant in an investigation or enforcement 
    IV. The Council shall be composed of one representative designated 
by each of the Participants. Each Participant shall also designate one 
or more persons as its alternate representative(s). In the absence of 
the representative of a Participant, such alternate representative 
shall have the same powers, duties and responsibilities as the 
representative. Each Participant may, at any time, by notice to the 
then Chair of the Council, replace its representative and/or its 
alternate representative on such Council. A majority of the Council 
shall constitute a quorum and, unless specifically otherwise required, 
the affirmative vote of a majority of the Council members present (in 
person, by telephone or by written consent) shall be necessary to 
constitute action by the Council. The representative from FINRA shall 
serve as Chair of the Council. All notices and other communications for 
the Council shall be sent to it in care of the Chair or to each of the 
    V. The Council shall determine the times and locations of Council 
meetings, provided that the Chair, acting alone, may also call a 
meeting of the Council in the event the Chair determines that there is 
good cause to do so. To the extent reasonably possible, notice of any 
meeting shall be given at least ten-business days prior thereto. 
Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, representatives shall 
always be given the option of participating in any meeting 
telephonically at their own expense rather than in person.
    VI. FINRA shall have Regulatory Responsibility for all Common 
Members that are members of FINRA. For the purpose of fulfilling the 
Participants' Regulatory Responsibilities for Common Members that are 
not members of FINRA, the Participant that is the DEA shall serve as 
the DOEA. All Participants shall promptly notify the DOEAs no later 
than the next scheduled meeting of any change in membership of Common 
Members. A DOEA may request that a Common Member that is allocated to 
it be reallocated to another DOEA by giving thirty days written notice 
thereof. The DOEAs in their discretion may approve such request and 
reallocate such Common Member to another DOEA.
    VII. Each DOEA shall conduct an examination of each Common Member. 
The Participants agree that, upon request, relevant information in 
their respective files relative to a Common Member will be made 
available to the

[[Page 68364]]

applicable DOEA. At each meeting of the Council, each DOEA shall be 
prepared to report on the status of its examination program for the 
previous quarter and any period prior thereto that has not previously 
been reported to the Council.
    VIII. Each DOEA will promptly furnish a copy of the Examination 
report, relating to Covered Securities, of any examination made 
pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement to each other Participant 
of which the Common Member examined is a member.
    IX. Each DOEA's Regulatory Responsibility shall for each Common 
Member allocated to it include investigations into terminations ``for 
cause'' of associated persons relating to Covered Securities, unless 
such termination is related solely to another Participant's market. In 
the latter instance, that Participant to whose market the termination 
for cause relates shall discharge Regulatory Responsibility with 
respect to such termination for cause. In connection with a DOEA's 
examination, investigation and/or enforcement proceeding regarding a 
Covered Security-related termination for cause, the other Participants 
of which the Common Member is a member shall furnish, upon request, 
copies of all pertinent materials related thereto in their possession. 
As used in this Section, ``for cause'' shall include, without 
limitation, terminations characterized on Form U5 under the label 
``Permitted to Resign,'' ``Discharge'' or ``Other.''
    X. Each DOEA shall discharge the Regulatory Responsibility for each 
Common Member allocated to it relative to a Covered Securities-related 
customer complaint \2\ unless such complaint is uniquely related to 
another Participant's market. In the latter instance, the DOEA shall 
forward the matter to that Participant to whose market the matter 
relates, and the latter shall discharge Regulatory Responsibility with 
respect thereto. If a Participant receives a customer complaint for a 
Common Member related to a Covered Security for which the Participant 
is not the DOEA, the Participant shall promptly forward a copy of such 
complaint to the DOEA.

    \2\ For purposes of complaints, they can be reported pursuant to 
Form U4, Form U5 or RE-3 and any amendments thereto.

    XI. Any written notice required or permitted to be given under this 
Agreement shall be deemed given if sent by certified mail, return 
receipt requested, or by a comparable means of electronic communication 
to each Participant entitled to receipt thereof, to the attention of 
the Participant's representative on the Council at the Participant's 
then principal office or by email at such address as the representative 
shall have filed in writing with the Chair.
    XII. The Participants shall notify the Common Members of this 
Agreement by means of a uniform joint notice approved by the Council.
    XIII. This Agreement may be amended to add a new Participant 
provided that such Participant does not assume Regulatory 
Responsibility, solely by an amendment by FINRA and such new 
Participant. All other Participants expressly consent to allow FINRA to 
add new Participants to this Agreement as provided above. FINRA will 
promptly notify all Participants of any such amendments to add new 
Participants. All other amendments to this Agreement must be approved 
in writing by each Participant. All amendments, including adding a new 
Participant, must be filed with and approved by the SEC before they 
become effective.
    XIV. Any of the Participants may manifest its intention to cancel 
its participation in this Agreement at any time by giving the Council 
written notice thereof at least 90 days prior to the effective date of 
such cancellation. Upon receipt of such notice the Council shall 
allocate, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, any 
Common Members for which the petitioning party was the DOEA. Until such 
time as the Council has completed the reallocation described above; the 
petitioning Participant shall retain all its rights, privileges, duties 
and obligations hereunder.
    XV. The cancellation of its participation in this Agreement by any 
Participant shall not terminate this Agreement as to the remaining 
Participants. This Agreement will only terminate following notice to 
the Commission, in writing, by the then Participants that they intend 
to terminate the Agreement and the expiration of the applicable notice 
period. Such notice shall be given at least six months prior to the 
intended date of termination, provided that in the event a notice of 
cancellation is received from a Participant that, assuming the 
effectiveness thereof, would result in there being just one remaining 
member of the Council, notice to the Commission of termination of this 
Agreement shall be given promptly upon the receipt of such notice of 
cancellation, which termination shall be effective upon the 
effectiveness of the cancellation that triggered the notice of 
termination to the Commission.
    XVI. No Participant nor the Council nor any of their respective 
directors, governors, officers, employees or representatives shall be 
liable to any other Participant in this Agreement for any liability, 
loss or damage resulting from or claimed to have resulted from any 
delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions with respect to the provision 
of Regulatory Responsibility as provided hereby or for the failure to 
provide any such Responsibility, except with respect to such liability, 
loss or damages as shall have been suffered by one or more of the 
Participants and caused by the willful misconduct of one or more of the 
other participants or their respective directors, governors, officers, 
employees or representatives. No warranties, express or implied, are 
made by any or all of the Participants or the Council with respect to 
any Regulatory Responsibility to be performed by each of them 
    XVII. Pursuant to Section 17(d)(1)(A) of the Securities Exchange 
Act of 1934 and Rule 17d-2 promulgated pursuant thereto, the 
Participants join in requesting the Securities and Exchange Commission, 
upon its approval of this Agreement or any part thereof, to relieve 
those Participants which are from time to time participants in this 
Agreement which are not the DOEA as to a Common Member of any and all 
Regulatory Responsibility with respect to the matters allocated to the 
* * * * *
REVISED [June 21, 2013]October 8, 2015



    Pursuant to Section II of the Agreement by and among BATS Exchange, 
Inc. (``BATS''), BOX Options Exchange, LLC (``BOX''), the Chicago Board 
Options Exchange, Incorporated (``CBOE''), C2 Options Exchange, 
Incorporated (``C2''), the International Securities Exchange, LLC 
(``ISE''), Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (``FINRA''), 
Miami International Securities Exchange, LLC (``MIAX''), The NASDAQ 
Stock Market LLC (``NASDAQ''), NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc. (``BX''), the New 
York Stock Exchange LLC (``NYSE''), the NYSE MKT LLC (``NYSE MKT''), 
the NYSE Arca, Inc. (``NYSE ARCA''), the NASDAQ OMX PHLX LLC 
(``PHLX''), [and Topaz Exchange, LLC (``Topaz'')] ISE Gemini, LLC 
(``ISE Gemini'') and EDGX Exchange, Inc. (``EDGX'') pursuant to Rule 
17d-2 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 dated [June 21, 2013] 
October 8, 2015 (the

[[Page 68365]]

``Agreement''), a revised list of the current Common Rules of each 
Participant, as compared to those of FINRA, applicable to the conduct 
of accounts for Covered Securities is set forth in this Exhibit A.

                           Opening of Accounts
NYSE MKT...............................  Rules 411, 921 and 1101.
BATS...................................  Rule 26.2.
BOX....................................  Rule 4020. \[1]\
CBOE...................................  Rule 9.7.
C2*....................................  CBOE Rule 9.7.
EDGX...................................  Rule 26.2.
ISE....................................  Rule 608.
FINRA..................................  Rules 2360(b)(16) and 2352.
MIAX...................................  Rule 1307.
NYSE...................................  [Rule 721 \2\]N/A.
[Topaz]ISE Gemini......................  Rule 608.
PHLX...................................  Rule 1024(b) and (c).\1\[3]
NYSE ARCA..............................  Options Rules 9.2(a) and
                                          9.18(b) and Equities Rules
                                          9.18(b) and 8.4.
BX.....................................  Chapter XI, Section [9]7.
NASDAQ.................................  Chapter XI, Section 7.
1 [3] FINRA shall not have any Regulatory Responsibility regarding
  foreign currency option requirements specificed in any of the PHLX
  rules in this Exhibit A.
[\1\ FINRA shall not have any Regulatory Responsibility regarding the
  requirement for designation of Senior Options Principal and Compliance
  Options Principal.]
[\2\ FINRA shall not have any Regulatory Responsibility regarding
  opening short uncovered option accounts requirements.]

NYSE MKT...............................  Rules 411, 922 and 1104.
BATS...................................  Rule 26.3.
BOX....................................  Rule 4030.
CBOE...................................  Rule 9.8.\2\
C2.....................................  CBOE Rule 9.8.\2\
EDGX...................................  Rule 26.3.
ISE....................................  Rule 609.
FINRA..................................  Rules 2360(b)(20),
                                          2360(b)(16)(E), 2355 and 2358.
MIAX...................................  Rule1308.
[Topaz]ISE Gemini......................  Rule 609.
NYSE...................................  N/A.
PHLX...................................  Rule 1025.
NYSE ARCA..............................  Options Rules 9.2(b) and
                                          9.18(d)(2)(G) and Equities
                                          Rules 9.18(d)(2)(G) and 8.7.
BX.....................................  Chapter XI, Section [10]8.
NASDAQ.................................  Chapter XI, Section 8.
\2\ FINRA shall not have any Regulatory Responsibility regarding receipt
  of written reports by April 1 of each year pursuant to CBOE Rule

NYSE MKT...............................  Rules 923 and 1102.
BATS...................................  Rule 26.4.
BOX....................................  Rule 4040.
CBOE...................................  Rule 9.9.
C2.....................................  CBOE Rule 9.9.
EDGX...................................  Rule 26.4.
ISE....................................  Rule 610.
FINRA..................................  Rule 2360(b)(19) and 2353.
MIAX...................................  Rule 1309.
[Topaz]ISE Gemini......................  Rule 610.
NYSE...................................  [Rule 723]N/A.
PHLX...................................  Rule 1026.
NYSE ARCA..............................  Options Rule 9.18(c) and
                                          Equities Rules 9.18(c) and
BX.....................................  Chapter XI, Section [11]9.
NASDAQ.................................  Chapter XI, Section 9.

                         Discretionary Accounts
NYSE MKT...............................  Rules 421, 924 and 1103.
BATS...................................  Rule 26.5.\[5]\\3\
BOX....................................  Rule 4050.\[4]\
CBOE...................................  Rule 9.10.
C2.....................................  CBOE Rule 9.10.
EDGX...................................  Rule 26.5.\3\
ISE....................................  Rule 611.
FINRA..................................  Rules 2360(b)(18) and 2354.
MIAX...................................  Rule 1310.
[Topaz]ISE Gemini......................  Rule 611.
NYSE...................................  N/A.
PHLX...................................  Rule 1027.
NYSE ARCA..............................  Options Rule 9.18(e) and
                                          Equities Rules 9.18(e) and
BX.....................................  Chapter XI, Section [12] 10.
NASDAQ.................................  Chapter XI, Section 10.
[\4\ FINRA shall not have any Regulatory Responsibility to enforce this
  rule as to time and price discretion in institutional accounts. In
  addition FINRA shall not have any Regulatory Responsibility regarding
  BOX Rule 4050(a)(2).]
\3\\[5]\ FINRA shall not have any Regulatory Responsibility to enforce
  this rule as to time and price discretion in institutional accounts.
[\6\ FINRA shall not have any Regulatory Responsibility regarding CBOE's
  and C2's requirements to the extent that a customer would meet FINRA's
  definition of Institutional Investor and Institutional Sales Material
  but would not meet the requirements for such definitions in under
  CBOE's and C2's rule.]
[\7\ FINRA shall not have any Regulatory Responsibility regarding ISE's,
  and Topaz's requirements to the extent that a customer would meet
  FINRA's definition of Institutional Investor and Institutional Sales
  Material but would not meet the requirements for such definitions in
  under such rule. In addition, FINRA shall not have any Regulatory
  Responsibility regarding ISE's, and Topaz's requirements regarding
  approval of all market letters.]

                  Customer Communications (Advertising)
NYSE MKT...............................  Rules 991 and 1106.
BATS...................................  Rule 26.16.
BOX....................................  Rule 4170.
CBOE...................................  Rule 9.21.\[6]\
C2.....................................  CBOE Rule 9.21.\[6]\
EDGX...................................  Rule 26.16.
ISE....................................  Rule 623.\[7]\
FINRA..................................  Rules 2220 and 2357.
MIAX...................................  Rule 1322.
[Topaz]ISE Gemini......................  Rule 623.\[7]\
NYSE...................................  N/A.
PHLX...................................  N/A.
NYSE ARCA..............................  Options Rules 9.21(a) and
BX.....................................  Chapter XI, Section [22]24.
NASDAQ.................................  Chapter XI, Section 22.

                           Customer Complaints
NYSE MKT...............................  Rules 932 and 1105.
BATS...................................  Rule 26.17.
BOX....................................  Rule 4190.
CBOE...................................  Rule 9.23.
C2.....................................  CBOE Rule 9.23.
EDGX...................................  Rule 26.17.
ISE....................................  Rule 625.
FINRA..................................  FINRA Rules 2360(b)(17)(A) and
MIAX...................................  Rule 1324.
[Topaz]ISE Gemini......................  Rule 625.
NYSE...................................  [Rule 732]N/A.
PHLX...................................  Rule 1070.
NYSE ARCA..............................  Options Rule 9.18(I) and
                                          Equities Rules 9.18(l) and
BX.....................................  Chapter XI, Section [26]24.
NASDAQ.................................  Chapter XI, Section 24.

                           Customer Statements
NYSE MKT...............................  Rules 419 and 930.
BATS...................................  Rule 26.7.
BOX....................................  Rule 4070.
CBOE...................................  Rule 9.12.
C2.....................................  CBOE Rule 9.12.
EDGX...................................  Rule 26.7.
ISE....................................  Rules 613.
FINRA..................................  Rule 2360(b)(15).
MIAX...................................  Rule 1312.
[Topaz]ISE Gemini......................  Rule 613.
NYSE...................................  [Rule 730]N/A.
PHLX...................................  Rule 1032.
NYSE ARCA..............................  Options Rule 9.18(j) and
                                          Equities Rule 9.18(j).
BX.....................................  Chapter XI, Sections [14]12.
NASDAQ.................................  Chapter XI, Section 12.

NYSE MKT...............................  Rule 925.
BATS...................................  Rule 26.6.
BOX....................................  Rule 4060.\[8]\
CBOE...................................  Rule 9.11.
C2.....................................  CBOE Rule 9.11.
EDGX...................................  Rule 26.6.
ISE....................................  Rule 612.
FINRA..................................  Rule 2360(b)(12).
MIAX...................................  Rule 1311.
[Topaz]ISE Gemini......................  Rule 612.
NYSE...................................  [Rules 725 \9\]N/A.
PHLX...................................  Rule 1028.
NYSE ARCA..............................  Options Rule 9.18(f) and
                                          Equities Rule 9.18(j).
BX.....................................  Chapter XI, Section [13]11.

[[Page 68366]]

NASDAQ.................................  Chapter XI, Section 11.
[\8\ FINRA shall not have any Regulatory Responsibility regarding the
  requirement in confirmations to distinguish between BOX option
  transactions and other transactions in option contracts.]
[\9\ FINRA shall not have any Regulatory Responsibility regarding the
  requirement in confirmations to distinguish between NYSE option
  transactions and other transactions in option contracts.]

                Allocation of Exercise Assignment Notices
NYSE MKT...............................  Rule 981.
BATS...................................  Rule 23.2.
BOX....................................  Rule 9010.
CBOE...................................  Rule 11.2.
C2.....................................  CBOE Rule 11.2.
EDGX...................................  Rule 23.2.
ISE....................................  Rule 1101.
FINRA..................................  Rule 2360(b)(23)(C).
MIAX...................................  Rule 701.
[Topaz]ISE Gemini......................  Rule 1101.
NYSE...................................  [Rule 781]N/A.
PHLX...................................  Rule 1043.
NYSE ARCA..............................  Options Rule 6.25(a).
BX.....................................  Chapter VIII, Section 2.
NASDAQ.................................  Chapter VIII, Section 2.

                          Disclosure Documents
NYSE MKT...............................  Rules 921 and 926.
BATS...................................  Rule 26.10.
BOX....................................  Rule 4100.
CBOE...................................  Rule 9.15.
C2.....................................  CBOE Rule 9.15.
EDGX...................................  Rule 26.10.
ISE....................................  Rule 616.
FINRA..................................  Rule 2360(b)(11).
MIAX...................................  Rule 1315.
[Topaz]ISE Gemini......................  Rule 616.
NYSE...................................  [Rule 726 (a) and (c)]N/A.
PHLX...................................  Rule 1024(b)(v), 1029.
NYSE ARCA..............................  Options Rule 9.18(g) and
                                          Equities Rule 9.18(g).
BX.....................................  Chapter XI, Section [17]15.
NASDAQ.................................  Chapter XI, Section 15.

                 Branch Offices of Member Organizations
NYSE MKT...............................  Rule 922(d).\4[\\10]\
BOX....................................  Rule 4010(b).
CBOE...................................  Rule 9.6.
C2.....................................  CBOE Rule 9.6.
ISE....................................  Rule 607.
FINRA..................................  Rules 2360(b)(20)(B) and 2355.
MIAX...................................  Rule 1306.
[Topaz]ISE Gemini......................  Rule 607.
NYSE...................................  N/A.
PHLX...................................  N/A.
NYSE ARCA..............................  Options Rule 9.18(m) and
                                          Equities Rule 9.18(m).
BX.....................................  Chapter XI, Section [8]6.
NASDAQ.................................  Chapter XI, Section 6.
\4[\\10]\ FINRA shall only have Regulatory Responsibility for the first
  paragraph and shall not have any Regulatory Responsibility regarding
  the requirements for debt options.

                     Prohibition Against Guarantees
NYSE MKT...............................  Rule 390.
BATS...................................  Rule 26.13.
BOX....................................  Rule 4130.
CBOE...................................  Rule 9.18.
C2.....................................  CBOE Rule 9.18.
EDGX...................................  Rule 26.13.
ISE....................................  Rules 619.
FINRA..................................  Rule 2150(b).
MIAX...................................  Rule 1318.
[Topaz]ISE Gemini......................  Rule 619.
NYSE...................................  Rule 2150(b).
PHLX...................................  Rule 777.
NYSE ARCA..............................  Options Rule 9.1(e).
BX.....................................  Chapter XI, Sections [20]18 and
NASDAQ.................................  Chapter XI, Sections 18 and 19.

                           Sharing in Accounts
NYSE MKT...............................  Rule 390.
BATS...................................  Rule 26.14.\6\
BOX....................................  Rule 4140.
CBOE...................................  Rule 9.18(b).
C2.....................................  CBOE Rule 9.18(b).
EDGX...................................  Rule 26.14.\6\
ISE....................................  Rule 620.\5[\\11]\
FINRA..................................  Rule 2150(c).
MIAX...................................  Rule 1319.
[Topaz]ISE Gemini......................  Rule 620.\5\\[11]\
NYSE...................................  Rules 2150(c).
PHLX...................................  N/A.
NYSE ARCA..............................  Options Rule 9.1(f).
BX.....................................  Chapter XI, Section [21].19\6\
NASDAQ.................................  Chapter XI, Section
\5[\\11]\ FINRA shall not have any Regulatory Responsibility regarding
  ISE's and [Topaz's] ISE Gemini's requirements to the extent its rule
  does not contain an exception to permit sharing in the profits and
  losses of an account.
\6\\[12]\ FINRA shall not have any Regulatory Responsibility regarding
  NASDAQ's BX's, BAT's, and EDGX's requirements to the extent such rules
  do not contain an exception addressing immediate family.

                           Registration of ROP
NYSE MKT...............................  Rule 920.
BATS...................................  Rule 17.2(g)(1), (2), (6) and
BOX....................................  Rule 2020(c)(1), (e)(1) and IM-
                                          2040-4 and IM-2040-5(b).
CBOE...................................  Rule 9.2.
C2.....................................  CBOE Rule 9.2.
EDGX...................................  Rule 17.2(g)(1), (2), (6) and
ISE....................................  Rule 601.
FINRA..................................  NASD Rules 1022(f) & IM-1022-1,
                                          & 1250(a)(1).
MIAX...................................  Rule 1301.
[Topaz]ISE Gemini......................  Rule 601.
NYSE...................................  N/A.
PHLX...................................  Rule 1024(a)(i).
NYSE ARCA..............................  Options Rule 9.26 and Equities
                                          Rule 9.26.
BX.....................................  Chapter XI, Section 2 and
                                          Chapter II, Section 2(g).
NASDAQ.................................  Chapter XI, Section 2 and
                                          Chapter II, Section 2(g).

                Certification of Registered Personnel \7\
NYSE MKT...............................  Rule 920.
BATS...................................  Rule 2.5 Interpretation .01(c)
                                          and 11.4(e).
BOX....................................  IM-2040-3.
CBOE...................................  Rule 9.3.
C2.....................................  CBOE Rule 9.3.
EDGX...................................  Rule 2.5 Interpretation .01(c)
                                          and 11.4(e).
ISE....................................  Rule 602.
FINRA..................................  NASD Rule 1032(d).
MIAX...................................  Rule 1302.
[Topaz]ISE Gemini......................  Rule 602.
NYSE...................................  N/A.
PHLX...................................  Rule 1024.
NYSE ARCA..............................  Options Rule 9.27(a).
BX.....................................  Chapter XI, Section 3 and
                                          Chapter II, Section 2(h).
NASDAQ.................................  Chapter XI, Section 3 and
                                          Chapter II, Section 2(h).
\7\ FINRA shall not have Regulatory Responsibility with regard to the
  Series 56 Examination under any exchange rules, as this examination is
  not recognized by FINRA.

 IV. Solicitation of Comments

    Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views, and 
arguments concerning the foregoing. Comments may be submitted by any of 
the following methods:

Electronic Comments

     Use the Commission's Internet comment form (http://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml); or
     Send an email to rule-comments@sec.gov. Please include 
File Number S7-966 on the subject line.

Paper Comments

     Send paper comments in triplicate to Secretary, Securities 
and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE., Washington, DC 20549-1090.

All submissions should refer to File Number S7-966. This file number 
should be included on the subject line if email is used. To help the 
Commission process and review your comments more efficiently, please 
use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on the 

[[Page 68367]]

Internet Web site (http://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the 
submission, all subsequent amendments, all written statements with 
respect to the proposed plan that are filed with the Commission, and 
all written communications relating to the proposed plan between the 
Commission and any person, other than those that may be withheld from 
the public in accordance with the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be 
available for Web site viewing and printing in the Commission's Public 
Reference Room, 100 F Street NE., Washington, DC 20549, on official 
business days between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of 
the plan also will be available for inspection and copying at the 
principal offices of FINRA and EDGX. All comments received will be 
posted without change; the Commission does not edit personal 
identifying information from submissions. You should submit only 
information that you wish to make available publicly. All submissions 
should refer to File Number S7-966 and should be submitted on or before 
November 25, 2015.

V. Discussion

    The Commission continues to believe that the proposed plan is an 
achievement in cooperation among the SRO participants. The Plan, as 
amended, will reduce unnecessary regulatory duplication by allocating 
to the designated SRO the responsibility for certain options-related 
sales practice matters that would otherwise be performed by multiple 
SROs. The plan promotes efficiency by reducing costs to firms that are 
members of more than one of the SRO participants. In addition, because 
the SRO participants coordinate their regulatory functions in 
accordance with the plan, the plan promotes, and will continue to 
promote, investor protection.
    Under paragraph (c) of Rule 17d-2, the Commission may, after 
appropriate notice and comment, declare a plan, or any part of a plan, 
effective. In this instance, the Commission believes that appropriate 
notice and comment can take place after the proposed amendment is 
effective. The primary purpose of the amendment is to add EDGX as a 
Participant to the Plan and to change the name of Topaz Exchange, LLC 
to ISE Gemini, LLC. By declaring it effective today, the amended Plan 
can become effective and be implemented without undue delay.\21\ The 
Commission notes that the prior version of this plan immediately prior 
to this proposed amendment was published for comment and the Commission 
did not receive any comments thereon.\22\ Furthermore, the Commission 
does not believe that the amendment to the plan raises any new 
regulatory issues that the Commission has not previously considered.

    \21\ On August 7, 2015, the Commission approved EDGX's rules 
governing options trading on the EDGX Options Market. See Securities 
Exchange Act Release No. 75650, 80 FR 48600 (August 13, 2015).
    \22\ See supra note 20 (citing to Securities Exchange Act 
Release No. 70051).

VI. Conclusion

    This order gives effect to the amended Plan submitted to the 
Commission that is contained in File No. S7-966.
    It is therefore ordered, pursuant to Section 17(d) of the Act, that 
the Plan, as amended, filed with the Commission pursuant to Rule 17d-2 
on June 21, 2013 is hereby approved and declared effective.
    It is further ordered that those SRO participants that are not the 
DOEA as to a particular common member are relieved of those regulatory 
responsibilities allocated to the common member's DOEA under the 
amended Plan to the extent of such allocation.

    For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, 
pursuant to delegated authority.\23\

    \23\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(34).

Jill M. Peterson,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2015-28066 Filed 11-3-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 213 / Wednesday, November 4, 2015 / Notices                                                   68361

                                                    V. Discussion                                           responsibilities allocated to the common              NASDAQ OMX PHLX, Inc. (‘‘PHLX’’),
                                                       The Commission continues to believe                  member’s DOSR under the amended                       and Miami International Securities
                                                    that the Plan, as proposed to be                        Plan to the extent of such allocation.                Exchange (‘‘MIAX’’) (collectively,
                                                    amended, is an achievement in                              For the Commission, by the Division of             ‘‘Participating Organizations’’ or
                                                    cooperation among the SRO                               Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated            ‘‘parties’’).
                                                    participants. The Plan, as amended, will                authority.19
                                                                                                                                                                  I. Introduction
                                                    reduce unnecessary regulatory                           Jill M. Peterson,
                                                                                                            Assistant Secretary.                                    Section 19(g)(1) of the Act,3 among
                                                    duplication by allocating to the
                                                                                                                                                                  other things, requires every self-
                                                    designated SRO the responsibility for                   [FR Doc. 2015–28067 Filed 11–3–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                                                                  regulatory organization (‘‘SRO’’)
                                                    certain options-related market                          BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                                                                                                                                                  registered as either a national securities
                                                    surveillance matters that would
                                                                                                                                                                  exchange or national securities
                                                    otherwise be performed by multiple
                                                                                                            SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                               association to examine for, and enforce
                                                    SROs. The Plan promotes efficiency by
                                                                                                            COMMISSION                                            compliance by, its members and persons
                                                    reducing costs to firms that are members
                                                                                                                                                                  associated with its members with the
                                                    of more than one of the SRO                             [Release No. 34–76309; File No. S7–966)               Act, the rules and regulations
                                                    participants. In addition, because the
                                                                                                                                                                  thereunder, and the SRO’s own rules,
                                                    SRO participants coordinate their                       Program for Allocation of Regulatory
                                                                                                                                                                  unless the SRO is relieved of this
                                                    regulatory functions in accordance with                 Responsibilities Pursuant to Rule
                                                                                                                                                                  responsibility pursuant to Section
                                                    the Plan, the Plan promotes, and will                   17d–2; Notice of Filing and Order
                                                                                                                                                                  17(d) 4 or Section 19(g)(2) 5 of the Act.
                                                    continue to promote, investor                           Approving and Declaring Effective an
                                                                                                                                                                  Without this relief, the statutory
                                                    protection. Under paragraph (c) of Rule                 Amendment to the Plan for the
                                                                                                            Allocation of Regulatory                              obligation of each individual SRO could
                                                    17d–2, the Commission may, after
                                                                                                            Responsibilities Among NYSE MKT                       result in a pattern of multiple
                                                    appropriate notice and comment,
                                                                                                            LLC, BATS Exchange, Inc., BOX                         examinations of broker-dealers that
                                                    declare a plan, or any part of a plan,
                                                                                                            Options Exchange LLC, C2 Options                      maintain memberships in more than one
                                                    effective. In this instance, the
                                                                                                            Exchange, Incorporated, the Chicago                   SRO (‘‘common members’’). Such
                                                    Commission believes that appropriate
                                                                                                            Board Options Exchange,                               regulatory duplication would add
                                                    notice and comment can take place after
                                                                                                            Incorporated, the EDGX Exchange,                      unnecessary expenses for common
                                                    the proposed amendment is effective.
                                                                                                            Inc., the International Securities                    members and their SROs.
                                                    The primary purpose of the amendment
                                                                                                            Exchange LLC, ISE Gemini, LLC,                          Section 17(d)(1) of the Act 6 was
                                                    is to add EDGX as a Participant to the
                                                                                                            Financial Industry Regulatory                         intended, in part, to eliminate
                                                    Plan and to change the name of Topaz
                                                                                                            Authority, Inc., the New York Stock                   unnecessary multiple examinations and
                                                    Exchange, LLC to ISE Gemini, LLC. By
                                                                                                            Exchange LLC, NYSE Arca, Inc., The                    regulatory duplication.7 With respect to
                                                    declaring it effective today, the
                                                                                                            NASDAQ Stock Market LLC, NASDAQ                       a common member, Section 17(d)(1)
                                                    amended Plan can become effective and
                                                                                                            OMX BX, Inc., the NASDAQ OMX PHLX,                    authorizes the Commission, by rule or
                                                    be implemented without undue delay.17
                                                                                                            Inc., and Miami International Securities              order, to relieve an SRO of the
                                                    In addition, the Commission notes that
                                                                                                            Exchange, LLC Concerning Options-                     responsibility to receive regulatory
                                                    the prior version of this Plan was
                                                                                                            Related Sales Practice Matters                        reports, to examine for and enforce
                                                    published for comment, and the
                                                                                                                                                                  compliance with applicable statutes,
                                                    Commission did not receive any                          October 29, 2015.                                     rules, and regulations, or to perform
                                                    comments thereon.18 Finally, the                           Notice is hereby given that the                    other specified regulatory functions.
                                                    Commission does not believe that the                    Securities and Exchange Commission                      To implement Section 17(d)(1), the
                                                    amendment to the Plan raises any new                    (‘‘Commission’’) has issued an Order,                 Commission adopted two rules: Rule
                                                    regulatory issues that the Commission                   pursuant to Section 17(d) of the                      17d–1 and Rule 17d–2 under the Act.8
                                                    has not previously considered.                          Securities Exchange Act of 1934                       Rule 17d–1 authorizes the Commission
                                                    VI. Conclusion                                          (‘‘Act’’),1 approving and declaring                   to name a single SRO as the designated
                                                                                                            effective an amendment to the plan for                examining authority (‘‘DEA’’) to
                                                       This order gives effect to the amended
                                                                                                            allocating regulatory responsibility                  examine common members for
                                                    Plan submitted to the Commission that
                                                                                                            (‘‘Plan’’) filed on October 9, 2015,                  compliance with the financial
                                                    is contained in File No. 4–551.
                                                                                                            pursuant to Rule 17d–2 of the Act,2 by                responsibility requirements imposed by
                                                       It is therefore ordered, pursuant to
                                                                                                            NYSE MKT LLC (‘‘MKT’’), BATS                          the Act, or by Commission or SRO
                                                    Section 17(d) of the Act, that the Plan,
                                                                                                            Exchange, Inc., (‘‘BATS’’), the BOX                   rules.9 When an SRO has been named as
                                                    as amended by and between MKT,
                                                                                                            Options Exchange LLC (‘‘BOX’’), C2                    a common member’s DEA, all other
                                                    BATS, C2, CBOE, EDGX, Gemini, ISE,
                                                                                                            Options Exchange, Incorporated (‘‘C2’’),              SROs to which the common member
                                                    FINRA, Arca, NASDAQ, BOX, BX, Phlx,
                                                                                                            the Chicago Board Options Exchange,                   belongs are relieved of the responsibility
                                                    and MIAX, filed with the Commission                     Incorporated (‘‘CBOE’’), the EDGX
                                                    pursuant to Rule 17d–2 on October 27,                                                                         to examine the firm for compliance with
                                                                                                            Exchange, Inc. (‘‘EDGX’’) the                         the applicable financial responsibility
                                                    2015 is hereby approved and declared                    International Securities Exchange LLC
                                                    effective.                                              (‘‘ISE’’), ISE Gemini, LLC (‘‘Gemini’’),                3 15 U.S.C. 78s(g)(1).
                                                       It is further ordered that those SRO                 Financial Industry Regulatory                           4 15 U.S.C. 78q(d).
                                                    participants that are not the DOSR as to
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                            Authority, Inc. (‘‘FINRA’’), the New                    5 15 U.S.C. 78s(g)(2).
                                                    a particular common member are                          York Stock Exchange LLC (‘‘NYSE’’),                     6 15 U.S.C. 78q(d)(1).
                                                    relieved of those regulatory                            NYSE Arca, Inc. (‘‘Arca’’), The                         7 See Securities Act Amendments of 1975, Report

                                                                                                            NASDAQ Stock Market LLC (‘‘Nasdaq’’),                 of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and
                                                      17 On August 7, 2015, the Commission approved                                                               Urban Affairs to Accompany S. 249, S. Rep. No. 94–
                                                    EDGX’s rules governing options trading on the
                                                                                                            NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc. (‘‘BX’’),                         75, 94th Cong., 1st Session 32 (1975).
                                                    EDGX Options Market. See Securities Exchange Act                                                                8 17 CFR 240.17d–1 and 17 CFR 240.17d–2,
                                                                                                              19 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(34).
                                                    Release No. 75650, 80 FR 48600 (August 13, 2015).                                                             respectively.
                                                      18 See supra note 17 (citing to Securities              1 15 U.S.C. 78q(d).                                   9 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 12352

                                                    Exchange Act Release No. 70052).                          2 17 CFR 240.17d–2.                                 (April 20, 1976), 41 FR 18808 (May 7, 1976).

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:00 Nov 03, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00070   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\04NON1.SGM   04NON1

                                                    68362                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 213 / Wednesday, November 4, 2015 / Notices

                                                    rules. On its face, Rule 17d–1 deals only               an SRO participant.14 On December 5,                  member is relieved of these
                                                    with an SRO’s obligations to enforce                    2007, the parties submitted an                        responsibilities during the period in
                                                    member compliance with financial                        amendment to the plan to, among other                 which the firm is assigned to another
                                                    responsibility requirements. Rule 17d–1                 things, provide that the National                     SRO acting as that firm’s DOEA.
                                                    does not relieve an SRO from its                        Association of Securities Dealers
                                                                                                                                                                  III. Proposed Amendment to the Plan
                                                    obligation to examine a common                          (‘‘NASD’’) (n/k/a FINRA) and NYSE are
                                                    member for compliance with its own                      Designated Options Examining                             On October 9, 2015, the Parties
                                                    rules and provisions of the federal                     Authorities under the plan.15 On June 5,              submitted a proposed amendment to the
                                                    securities laws governing matters other                 2008, the parties submitted an                        Plan. The primary purpose of the
                                                    than financial responsibility, including                amendment to the plan primarily to                    amendment is to add EDGX as a
                                                    sales practices and trading activities and              remove the NYSE as a Designated                       Participant to the Plan and to change the
                                                    practices.                                              Options Examining Authority, leaving                  name of Topaz Exchange, LLC to ISE
                                                       To address regulatory duplication in                 FINRA as the sole Designated Options                  Gemini, LLC. The text of the proposed
                                                    these and other areas, the Commission                   Examining Authority for all common                    amended 17d–2 plan is as follows
                                                    adopted Rule 17d–2 under the Act.10                     members that are members of FINRA.16                  (additions are italicized; deletions are
                                                    Rule 17d–2 permits SROs to propose                      On February 9, 2010, the parties                      [bracketed]):
                                                    joint plans for the allocation of                       submitted a proposed amendment to the                 *      *    *     *     *
                                                    regulatory responsibilities with respect                plan to add BATS and C2 as SRO                           Agreement by and among BATS
                                                    to their common members. Under                          participants and to reflect the name                  Exchange, Inc., BOX Options Exchange,
                                                    paragraph (c) of Rule 17d–2, the                        changes of the American Stock                         LLC, the Chicago Board Options
                                                    Commission may declare such a plan                      Exchange LLC to the NYSE Amex LLC,                    Exchange, Incorporated, C2 Options
                                                    effective if, after providing for notice                the Boston Stock Exchange, Inc., to the               Exchange, Incorporated, the
                                                    and comment, it determines that the                     NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc. and the                           International Securities Exchange, LLC,
                                                    plan is necessary or appropriate in the                 Philadelphia Stock Exchange, Inc. to the              Financial Industry Regulatory
                                                    public interest and for the protection of               NASDAQ OMX PHLX, Inc. 17 On May                       Authority, Inc., Miami International
                                                    investors, to foster cooperation and                    22, 2012, the parties submitted a                     Securities Exchange, LLC, the New York
                                                    coordination among the SROs, to                         proposed amendment to add BOX as an                   Stock Exchange LLC, the NYSE MKT
                                                    remove impediments to, and foster the                   SRO participant, and to amend Section                 LLC, the NYSE Arca, Inc., The NASDAQ
                                                    development of, a national market                       XIII of the plan to set forth a revised               Stock Market LLC, NASDAQ OMX BX,
                                                    system and a national clearance and                     procedure for adding new participants                 Inc., the NASDAQ OMX PHLX LLC, ISE
                                                    settlement system, and is in conformity                 to the plan.18 On November 20, 2012,                  Gemini, LLC, and [Topaz Exchange,
                                                    with the factors set forth in Section                   the parties submitted a proposed                      LLC] EDGX Exchange, Inc., Pursuant to
                                                    17(d) of the Act. Commission approval                   amendment to add MIAX as an SRO                       Rule 17d–2 under the Securities
                                                    of a plan filed pursuant to Rule 17d–2                  participant, and to change the name of                Exchange Act of 1934.
                                                                                                            NYSE Amex LLC to NYSE MKT LLC. 19                        This agreement (‘‘Agreement’’), by
                                                    relieves an SRO of those regulatory
                                                                                                            On June 21, 2013, the parties submitted               and among BATS Exchange, Inc., BOX
                                                    responsibilities allocated by the plan to
                                                                                                            a proposed amendment to add Topaz                     Options Exchange, LLC, the Chicago
                                                    another SRO.
                                                                                                            Exchange LLC as an SRO participant. 20                Board Options Exchange, Incorporated,
                                                    II. The Plan                                               The plan reduces regulatory                        C2 Options Exchange, Incorporated, the
                                                       On September 8, 1983, the                            duplication for a large number of firms               International Securities Exchange, LLC,
                                                    Commission approved the SRO                             currently members of two or more of the               Financial Industry Regulatory
                                                    participants’ plan for allocating                       SRO participants by allocating                        Authority, Inc. (‘‘FINRA’’), Miami
                                                    regulatory responsibilities pursuant to                 regulatory responsibility for certain                 International Securities Exchange, LLC,
                                                    Rule 17d–2.11 On May 23, 2000, the                      options-related sales practice matters to             The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC
                                                                                                            one of the SRO participants. Generally,               (‘‘NASDAQ’’), NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc.,
                                                    Commission approved an amendment to
                                                                                                            under the plan, the SRO participant                   the New York Stock Exchange LLC
                                                    the plan that added the ISE as a
                                                                                                            responsible for conducting options-                   (‘‘NYSE’’), the NYSE MKT LLC, the
                                                    participant.12 On November 8, 2002, the
                                                                                                            related sales practice examinations of a              NYSE Arca, Inc., the NASDAQ OMX
                                                    Commission approved another
                                                                                                            firm, and investigating options-related               PHLX LLC, ISE Gemini, LLC [Topaz
                                                    amendment that replaced the original
                                                                                                            customer complaints and terminations                  Exchange LLC] and EDGX Exchange,
                                                    plan in its entirety and, among other
                                                                                                            for cause of associated persons of that               Inc. hereinafter collectively referred to
                                                    things, allocated regulatory
                                                                                                            firm, is known as the firm’s ‘‘Designated             as the Participants, is made this
                                                    responsibilities among all the
                                                                                                            Options Examining Authority’’                         [21st]8th day of [June, 2013] October,
                                                    participants in a more equitable
                                                                                                            (‘‘DOEA’’). Pursuant to the plan, any                 2015, pursuant to the provisions of Rule
                                                    manner.13 On February 5, 2004, the                                                                            17d–2 under the Securities Exchange
                                                                                                            other SRO of which the firm is a
                                                    parties submitted an amendment to the                                                                         Act of 1934 (the ‘‘Exchange Act’’),
                                                    plan, primarily to include the BSE,                        14 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 49197   which allows for plans among self-
                                                    which was establishing a new options                    (February 5, 2004), 69 FR 7046 (February 12, 2004).   regulatory organizations to allocate
                                                    trading facility to be known as BOX, as                    15 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 55532
                                                                                                                                                                  regulatory responsibility. This
                                                                                                            (March 26, 2007), 72 FR 15729 (April 2, 2007).
                                                      10 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 12935         16 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 57987
                                                                                                                                                                  Agreement shall be administered by a
                                                                                                                                                                  committee known as the Options Self-
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    (October 28, 1976), 41 FR 49091 (November 8,            (June 18, 2008), 73 FR 36156 (June 25, 2008).
                                                    1976).                                                     17 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 61589   Regulatory Council (the ‘‘Council’’).
                                                      11 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 20158      (February 25, 2012), 75 FR 9976 (March 4, 2010).         This Agreement amends and restates
                                                    (September 8, 1983), 48 FR 41256 (September 14,            18 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 66974   the agreement entered into among the
                                                    1983).                                                  (May 11, 2012), 77 FR 29705 (May 18, 2012).           Participants on [November 19,
                                                      12 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 42816         19 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 68363
                                                                                                                                                                  2012]June 21, 2013, entitled
                                                    (May 23, 2000), 65 FR 34759 (May 31, 2000).             (December 5, 2012), 77 FR 73711 (December 11,
                                                      13 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 46800      2012).                                                ‘‘Agreement by and among BATS
                                                    (November 8, 2002), 67 FR 69774 (November 19,              20 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 70051   Exchange, Inc., BOX Options Exchange,
                                                    2002).                                                  (July 26, 2013), 78 FR 46644 (August 1, 2013).        LLC, the Chicago Board Options

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 213 / Wednesday, November 4, 2015 / Notices                                           68363

                                                    Exchange, Incorporated, C2 Options                      Securities is attached hereto as Exhibit              files, records and/or witnesses necessary
                                                    Exchange, Incorporated, the                             A. Each year within 30 days of the                    to assist another Participant in an
                                                    International Securities Exchange, LLC,                 anniversary date of the commencement                  investigation or enforcement
                                                    Financial Industry Regulatory                           of operation of this Agreement, each                  proceeding.
                                                    Authority, Inc., Miami International                    Participant shall submit in writing to                   IV. The Council shall be composed of
                                                    Securities Exchange, LLC, the New York                  FINRA and each DEA performing as a                    one representative designated by each of
                                                    Stock Exchange LLC, NYSE MKT LLC,                       DOEA for any members of such                          the Participants. Each Participant shall
                                                    the NYSE Arca, Inc., the NASDAQ                         Participant any revisions to Exhibit A                also designate one or more persons as its
                                                    Stock Market LLC, NASDAQ OMX BX,                        reflecting changes in the rules of the                alternate representative(s). In the
                                                    Inc. [and], the NASDAQ OMX PHLX,                        Participant, and confirm that all other               absence of the representative of a
                                                    Inc and Topaz Exchange, LLC, Pursuant                   rules of the Participant listed in Exhibit            Participant, such alternate
                                                    to Rule 17d–2 under the Securities                      A continue to meet the definition of                  representative shall have the same
                                                    Exchange Act of 1934.’’                                 Common Rules as defined in this                       powers, duties and responsibilities as
                                                       WHEREAS, the Participants are                        Agreement. Within 30 days from the                    the representative. Each Participant
                                                    desirous of allocating regulatory                       date that FINRA and each DEA                          may, at any time, by notice to the then
                                                    responsibilities with respect to broker-                performing as a DOEA has received                     Chair of the Council, replace its
                                                    dealers, and persons associated                         revisions and/or confirmation that no                 representative and/or its alternate
                                                    therewith, that are members 1 of more                   change has been made to Exhibit A from                representative on such Council. A
                                                    than one Participant (the ‘‘Common                      all Participants, FINRA and each DEA                  majority of the Council shall constitute
                                                    Members’’) and conduct a public                         performing as a DOEA shall confirm in                 a quorum and, unless specifically
                                                    business for compliance with Common                     writing to each Participant whether the               otherwise required, the affirmative vote
                                                    Rules (as hereinafter defined) relating to              rules listed in any updated Exhibit A are             of a majority of the Council members
                                                    the conduct by broker-dealers of                        Common Rules as defined in this                       present (in person, by telephone or by
                                                    accounts for listed options, index                      Agreement. Notwithstanding anything                   written consent) shall be necessary to
                                                    warrants, currency index warrants and                   herein to the contrary, it is explicitly              constitute action by the Council. The
                                                    currency warrants (collectively,                        understood that the term ‘‘Regulatory                 representative from FINRA shall serve
                                                    ‘‘Covered Securities’’); and                            Responsibility’’ does not include, and                as Chair of the Council. All notices and
                                                       Whereas, the Participants are desirous               each of the Participants shall (unless                other communications for the Council
                                                    of executing a plan for this purpose                    allocated pursuant to Rule 17d–2                      shall be sent to it in care of the Chair
                                                    pursuant to the provisions of Rule 17d–                 otherwise than under this Agreement)                  or to each of the representatives.
                                                    2 and filing such plan with the                         retain full responsibility for, each of the              V. The Council shall determine the
                                                    Securities and Exchange Commission                      following:                                            times and locations of Council meetings,
                                                    (‘‘SEC’’ or the ‘‘Commission’’) for its                    (a) Surveillance and enforcement with              provided that the Chair, acting alone,
                                                    approval;                                               respect to trading activities or practices            may also call a meeting of the Council
                                                       Now, therefore, in consideration of                  involving its own marketplace,                        in the event the Chair determines that
                                                    the mutual covenants contained                          including without limitation its rules                there is good cause to do so. To the
                                                    hereafter, the Participants agree as                    relating to the rights and obligations of             extent reasonably possible, notice of any
                                                    follows:                                                specialists and other market makers;                  meeting shall be given at least ten-
                                                       I. As used herein the term Designated                   (b) Registration pursuant to its                   business days prior thereto.
                                                    Options Examining Authority (‘‘DOEA’’)                  applicable rules of associated persons;               Notwithstanding anything herein to the
                                                    shall mean: (1) FINRA insofar as it shall                  (c) Discharge of its duties and                    contrary, representatives shall always be
                                                    perform Regulatory Responsibility (as                   obligations as a DEA; and                             given the option of participating in any
                                                    hereinafter defined) for its broker-dealer                 (d) Evaluation of advertising,                     meeting telephonically at their own
                                                    members that also are members of                        responsibility for which shall remain                 expense rather than in person.
                                                    another Participant or (2) the Designated               with the Participant to which a                          VI. FINRA shall have Regulatory
                                                    Examination Authority (‘‘DEA’’)                         Common Member submits same for                        Responsibility for all Common Members
                                                    pursuant to SEC Rule 17d–1 under the                    approval.                                             that are members of FINRA. For the
                                                    Securities Exchange Act (‘‘Rule 17d–1’’)                   III. Apparent violations of another                purpose of fulfilling the Participants’
                                                    for a broker-dealer that is a member of                 Participant’s rules discovered by a                   Regulatory Responsibilities for Common
                                                    a more than one Participant (but not a                  DOEA, but which rules are not within                  Members that are not members of
                                                    member of FINRA).                                       the scope of the discovering DOEA’s                   FINRA, the Participant that is the DEA
                                                       II. As used herein, the term                         Regulatory Responsibility, shall be                   shall serve as the DOEA. All
                                                    ‘‘Regulatory Responsibility’’ shall mean                referred to the relevant Participant for              Participants shall promptly notify the
                                                    the examination and enforcement                         such action as the Participant to which               DOEAs no later than the next scheduled
                                                    responsibilities relating to compliance                 such matter has been referred deems                   meeting of any change in membership of
                                                    by Common Members with the rules of                     appropriate. Notwithstanding the                      Common Members. A DOEA may
                                                    the applicable Participant that are                     foregoing, nothing contained herein                   request that a Common Member that is
                                                    substantially similar to the rules of the               shall preclude a DOEA in its discretion               allocated to it be reallocated to another
                                                    other Participants (the ‘‘Common                        from requesting that another Participant              DOEA by giving thirty days written
                                                    Rules’’), insofar as they apply to the                  conduct an enforcement proceeding on                  notice thereof. The DOEAs in their
                                                    conduct of accounts for Covered                         a matter for which the requesting DOEA                discretion may approve such request
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    Securities. A list of the current Common                has Regulatory Responsibility. If such                and reallocate such Common Member to
                                                    Rules of each Participant applicable to                 other Participants agree, the Regulatory              another DOEA.
                                                    the conduct of accounts for Covered                     Responsibility in such case shall be                     VII. Each DOEA shall conduct an
                                                                                                            deemed transferred to the accepting                   examination of each Common Member.
                                                       1 In the case of BOX Options Exchange, LLC
                                                                                                            Participant and confirmed in writing by               The Participants agree that, upon
                                                    (‘‘BOX’’), NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc. (‘‘BX’’) and
                                                    NASDAQ members are those persons who are
                                                                                                            the Participants involved. Each                       request, relevant information in their
                                                    options participants (as defined in the BOX, BX and     Participant agrees, upon request, to                  respective files relative to a Common
                                                    NASDAQ Options Market Rules).                           make available promptly all relevant                  Member will be made available to the

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                                                    68364                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 213 / Wednesday, November 4, 2015 / Notices

                                                    applicable DOEA. At each meeting of                     Participant entitled to receipt thereof, to           cancellation that triggered the notice of
                                                    the Council, each DOEA shall be                         the attention of the Participant’s                    termination to the Commission.
                                                    prepared to report on the status of its                 representative on the Council at the                     XVI. No Participant nor the Council
                                                    examination program for the previous                    Participant’s then principal office or by             nor any of their respective directors,
                                                    quarter and any period prior thereto that               email at such address as the                          governors, officers, employees or
                                                    has not previously been reported to the                 representative shall have filed in writing            representatives shall be liable to any
                                                    Council.                                                with the Chair.                                       other Participant in this Agreement for
                                                       VIII. Each DOEA will promptly                           XII. The Participants shall notify the             any liability, loss or damage resulting
                                                    furnish a copy of the Examination                       Common Members of this Agreement by                   from or claimed to have resulted from
                                                    report, relating to Covered Securities, of              means of a uniform joint notice                       any delays, inaccuracies, errors or
                                                    any examination made pursuant to the                    approved by the Council.                              omissions with respect to the provision
                                                    provisions of this Agreement to each                       XIII. This Agreement may be amended                of Regulatory Responsibility as provided
                                                    other Participant of which the Common                   to add a new Participant provided that                hereby or for the failure to provide any
                                                    Member examined is a member.                            such Participant does not assume                      such Responsibility, except with respect
                                                       IX. Each DOEA’s Regulatory                           Regulatory Responsibility, solely by an               to such liability, loss or damages as
                                                    Responsibility shall for each Common                    amendment by FINRA and such new                       shall have been suffered by one or more
                                                    Member allocated to it include                          Participant. All other Participants                   of the Participants and caused by the
                                                    investigations into terminations ‘‘for                  expressly consent to allow FINRA to                   willful misconduct of one or more of the
                                                    cause’’ of associated persons relating to               add new Participants to this Agreement                other participants or their respective
                                                    Covered Securities, unless such                         as provided above. FINRA will                         directors, governors, officers, employees
                                                    termination is related solely to another                promptly notify all Participants of any               or representatives. No warranties,
                                                    Participant’s market. In the latter                     such amendments to add new                            express or implied, are made by any or
                                                    instance, that Participant to whose                     Participants. All other amendments to                 all of the Participants or the Council
                                                    market the termination for cause relates                this Agreement must be approved in                    with respect to any Regulatory
                                                    shall discharge Regulatory                              writing by each Participant. All                      Responsibility to be performed by each
                                                    Responsibility with respect to such                     amendments, including adding a new                    of them hereunder.
                                                    termination for cause. In connection                    Participant, must be filed with and                      XVII. Pursuant to Section 17(d)(1)(A)
                                                    with a DOEA’s examination,                              approved by the SEC before they                       of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                                    investigation and/or enforcement                        become effective.                                     and Rule 17d–2 promulgated pursuant
                                                    proceeding regarding a Covered                             XIV. Any of the Participants may                   thereto, the Participants join in
                                                    Security-related termination for cause,                 manifest its intention to cancel its                  requesting the Securities and Exchange
                                                    the other Participants of which the                     participation in this Agreement at any                Commission, upon its approval of this
                                                    Common Member is a member shall                         time by giving the Council written                    Agreement or any part thereof, to relieve
                                                    furnish, upon request, copies of all                    notice thereof at least 90 days prior to              those Participants which are from time
                                                    pertinent materials related thereto in                  the effective date of such cancellation.              to time participants in this Agreement
                                                    their possession. As used in this                       Upon receipt of such notice the Council               which are not the DOEA as to a
                                                    Section, ‘‘for cause’’ shall include,                   shall allocate, in accordance with the                Common Member of any and all
                                                    without limitation, terminations                        provisions of this Agreement, any                     Regulatory Responsibility with respect
                                                    characterized on Form U5 under the                      Common Members for which the                          to the matters allocated to the DOEA.
                                                    label ‘‘Permitted to Resign,’’                          petitioning party was the DOEA. Until                 *      *     *     *     *
                                                    ‘‘Discharge’’ or ‘‘Other.’’                             such time as the Council has completed                REVISED [June 21, 2013]October 8, 2015
                                                       X. Each DOEA shall discharge the                     the reallocation described above; the                 EXHIBIT A
                                                    Regulatory Responsibility for each                      petitioning Participant shall retain all its          RULES ENFORCED UNDER 17d–2
                                                    Common Member allocated to it relative                  rights, privileges, duties and obligations               AGREEMENT
                                                    to a Covered Securities-related customer                hereunder.                                               Pursuant to Section II of the
                                                    complaint 2 unless such complaint is
                                                                                                               XV. The cancellation of its                        Agreement by and among BATS
                                                    uniquely related to another Participant’s
                                                                                                            participation in this Agreement by any                Exchange, Inc. (‘‘BATS’’), BOX Options
                                                    market. In the latter instance, the DOEA
                                                                                                            Participant shall not terminate this                  Exchange, LLC (‘‘BOX’’), the Chicago
                                                    shall forward the matter to that
                                                                                                            Agreement as to the remaining                         Board Options Exchange, Incorporated
                                                    Participant to whose market the matter
                                                                                                            Participants. This Agreement will only                (‘‘CBOE’’), C2 Options Exchange,
                                                    relates, and the latter shall discharge
                                                                                                            terminate following notice to the                     Incorporated (‘‘C2’’), the International
                                                    Regulatory Responsibility with respect
                                                                                                            Commission, in writing, by the then                   Securities Exchange, LLC (‘‘ISE’’),
                                                    thereto. If a Participant receives a
                                                                                                            Participants that they intend to                      Financial Industry Regulatory
                                                    customer complaint for a Common
                                                                                                            terminate the Agreement and the                       Authority, Inc. (‘‘FINRA’’), Miami
                                                    Member related to a Covered Security
                                                                                                            expiration of the applicable notice                   International Securities Exchange, LLC
                                                    for which the Participant is not the
                                                                                                            period. Such notice shall be given at                 (‘‘MIAX’’), The NASDAQ Stock Market
                                                    DOEA, the Participant shall promptly
                                                                                                            least six months prior to the intended                LLC (‘‘NASDAQ’’), NASDAQ OMX BX,
                                                    forward a copy of such complaint to the
                                                                                                            date of termination, provided that in the             Inc. (‘‘BX’’), the New York Stock
                                                                                                            event a notice of cancellation is received            Exchange LLC (‘‘NYSE’’), the NYSE
                                                       XI. Any written notice required or
                                                                                                            from a Participant that, assuming the                 MKT LLC (‘‘NYSE MKT’’), the NYSE
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    permitted to be given under this
                                                                                                            effectiveness thereof, would result in                Arca, Inc. (‘‘NYSE ARCA’’), the
                                                    Agreement shall be deemed given if sent
                                                                                                            there being just one remaining member                 NASDAQ OMX PHLX LLC (‘‘PHLX’’),
                                                    by certified mail, return receipt
                                                                                                            of the Council, notice to the                         [and Topaz Exchange, LLC (‘‘Topaz’’)]
                                                    requested, or by a comparable means of
                                                                                                            Commission of termination of this                     ISE Gemini, LLC (‘‘ISE Gemini’’) and
                                                    electronic communication to each
                                                                                                            Agreement shall be given promptly                     EDGX Exchange, Inc. (‘‘EDGX’’)
                                                      2 For purposes of complaints, they can be             upon the receipt of such notice of                    pursuant to Rule 17d–2 under the
                                                    reported pursuant to Form U4, Form U5 or RE–3           cancellation, which termination shall be              Securities Exchange Act of 1934 dated
                                                    and any amendments thereto.                             effective upon the effectiveness of the               [June 21, 2013] October 8, 2015 (the

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                                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 213 / Wednesday, November 4, 2015 / Notices                                                             68365

                                                    ‘‘Agreement’’), a revised list of the                                     SUITABILITY—Continued                                   CUSTOMER COMMUNICATIONS
                                                    current Common Rules of each                                                                                                       (ADVERTISING)—Continued
                                                    Participant, as compared to those of                           C2 ..................     CBOE Rule 9.9.
                                                    FINRA, applicable to the conduct of                            EDGX .............        Rule 26.4.                        [Topaz]ISE              Rule 623.[7]
                                                                                                                   ISE .................     Rule 610.                           Gemini.
                                                    accounts for Covered Securities is set                         FINRA ............        Rule 2360(b)(19) and 2353.
                                                    forth in this Exhibit A.                                                                                                   NYSE .............      N/A.
                                                                                                                   MIAX ..............       Rule 1309.                        PHLX ..............     N/A.
                                                                                                                   [Topaz]ISE                Rule 610.                         NYSE ARCA ..            Options Rules 9.21(a) and
                                                                OPENING OF ACCOUNTS                                  Gemini.                                                                             9.21(b).
                                                                                                                   NYSE .............        [Rule 723]N/A.                    BX ..................   Chapter XI, Section [22]24.
                                                    NYSE MKT ....             Rules 411, 921 and 1101.             PHLX ..............       Rule 1026.                        NASDAQ ........         Chapter XI, Section 22.
                                                    BATS ..............       Rule 26.2.                           NYSE ARCA ..              Options Rule 9.18(c) and
                                                    BOX ...............       Rule 4020. [1]                                                   Equities Rules 9.18(c) and
                                                    CBOE .............        Rule 9.7.                                                        8.5.                                        CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS
                                                    C2* .................     CBOE Rule 9.7.                       BX ..................     Chapter XI, Section [11]9.
                                                    EDGX .............        Rule 26.2.                           NASDAQ ........           Chapter XI, Section 9.            NYSE MKT ....           Rules 932 and 1105.
                                                    ISE .................     Rule 608.                                                                                        BATS ..............     Rule 26.17.
                                                    FINRA ............        Rules 2360(b)(16) and 2352.                                                                      BOX ...............     Rule 4190.
                                                    MIAX ..............       Rule 1307.                                    DISCRETIONARY ACCOUNTS                             CBOE .............      Rule 9.23.
                                                    NYSE .............        [Rule 721 2]N/A.                                                                                 C2 ..................   CBOE Rule 9.23.
                                                    [Topaz]ISE                Rule 608.                            NYSE MKT ....             Rules 421, 924 and 1103.          EDGX .............      Rule 26.17.
                                                      Gemini.                                                      BATS ..............       Rule 26.5.[5]3                    ISE .................   Rule 625.
                                                    PHLX ..............       Rule 1024(b) and (c).1[3]            BOX ...............       Rule 4050.[4]                     FINRA ............      FINRA Rules 2360(b)(17)(A)
                                                    NYSE ARCA ..              Options Rules 9.2(a) and             CBOE .............        Rule 9.10.                                                  and 2356.
                                                                               9.18(b) and Equities Rules          C2 ..................     CBOE Rule 9.10.                   MIAX ..............     Rule 1324.
                                                                               9.18(b) and 8.4.                    EDGX .............        Rule 26.5.3                       [Topaz]ISE              Rule 625.
                                                    BX ..................     Chapter XI, Section [9]7.            ISE .................     Rule 611.                           Gemini.
                                                    NASDAQ ........           Chapter XI, Section 7.               FINRA ............        Rules 2360(b)(18) and 2354.       NYSE .............      [Rule 732]N/A.
                                                       1 [3] FINRA                                                 MIAX ..............       Rule 1310.                        PHLX ..............     Rule 1070.
                                                                   shall not have any Regulatory
                                                    Responsibility regarding foreign currency op-                  [Topaz]ISE                Rule 611.                         NYSE ARCA ..            Options Rule 9.18(I) and Eq-
                                                    tion requirements specificed in any of the                       Gemini.                                                                             uities Rules 9.18(l) and
                                                    PHLX rules in this Exhibit A.                                  NYSE .............        N/A.                                                        8.8.
                                                       [1 FINRA shall not have any Regulatory Re-                  PHLX ..............       Rule 1027.                        BX ..................   Chapter XI, Section [26]24.
                                                    sponsibility regarding the requirement for des-                NYSE ARCA ..              Options Rule 9.18(e) and
                                                    ignation of Senior Options Principal and Com-                                                                              NASDAQ ........         Chapter XI, Section 24.
                                                                                                                                               Equities Rules 9.18(e) and
                                                    pliance Options Principal.]                                                                8.6.
                                                       [2 FINRA shall not have any Regulatory Re-                  BX ..................     Chapter XI, Section [12] 10.
                                                    sponsibility regarding opening short uncovered                                                                                        CUSTOMER STATEMENTS
                                                    option accounts requirements.]                                 NASDAQ ........           Chapter XI, Section 10.
                                                                                                                      [4 FINRA shall not have any Regulatory Re-               NYSE MKT ....           Rules 419 and 930.
                                                                            SUPERVISION                            sponsibility to enforce this rule as to time and            BATS ..............     Rule 26.7.
                                                                                                                   price discretion in institutional accounts. In ad-          BOX ...............     Rule 4070.
                                                                                                                   dition FINRA shall not have any Regulatory                  CBOE .............      Rule 9.12.
                                                    NYSE MKT ....             Rules 411, 922 and 1104.             Responsibility      regarding       BOX       Rule
                                                    BATS ..............       Rule 26.3.                                                                                       C2 ..................   CBOE Rule 9.12.
                                                                                                                   4050(a)(2).]                                                EDGX .............      Rule 26.7.
                                                    BOX ...............       Rule 4030.                              3[5] FINRA shall not have any Regulatory
                                                    CBOE .............        Rule 9.8.2                                                                                       ISE .................   Rules 613.
                                                                                                                   Responsibility to enforce this rule as to time
                                                    C2 ..................     CBOE Rule 9.8.2                      and price discretion in institutional accounts.             FINRA ............      Rule 2360(b)(15).
                                                    EDGX .............        Rule 26.3.                              [6 FINRA shall not have any Regulatory Re-               MIAX ..............     Rule 1312.
                                                    ISE .................     Rule 609.                            sponsibility regarding CBOE’s and C2’s re-                  [Topaz]ISE              Rule 613.
                                                    FINRA ............        Rules 2360(b)(20),                   quirements to the extent that a customer                      Gemini.
                                                                                                                   would meet FINRA’s definition of Institutional              NYSE .............      [Rule 730]N/A.
                                                                                2360(b)(17)(B),                    Investor and Institutional Sales Material but
                                                                                2360(b)(16)(E), 2355 and                                                                       PHLX ..............     Rule 1032.
                                                                                                                   would not meet the requirements for such defi-              NYSE ARCA ..            Options Rule 9.18(j) and Eq-
                                                                                2358.                              nitions in under CBOE’s and C2’s rule.]
                                                    MIAX ..............       Rule1308.                                                                                                                  uities Rule 9.18(j).
                                                                                                                      [7 FINRA shall not have any Regulatory Re-
                                                    [Topaz]ISE                Rule 609.                            sponsibility regarding ISE’s, and Topaz’s re-               BX ..................   Chapter XI, Sections [14]12.
                                                      Gemini.                                                      quirements to the extent that a customer                    NASDAQ ........         Chapter XI, Section 12.
                                                    NYSE .............        N/A.                                 would meet FINRA’s definition of Institutional
                                                    PHLX ..............       Rule 1025.                           Investor and Institutional Sales Material but
                                                    NYSE ARCA ..              Options Rules 9.2(b) and
                                                                                                                   would not meet the requirements for such defi-                                CONFIRMATIONS
                                                                                                                   nitions in under such rule. In addition, FINRA
                                                                                9.18(d)(2)(G) and Equities         shall not have any Regulatory Responsibility
                                                                                Rules 9.18(d)(2)(G) and                                                                        NYSE MKT ....           Rule 925.
                                                                                                                   regarding ISE’s, and Topaz’s requirements re-
                                                                                8.7.                               garding approval of all market letters.]                    BATS ..............     Rule 26.6.
                                                    BX ..................     Chapter XI, Section [10]8.                                                                       BOX ...............     Rule 4060.[8]
                                                    NASDAQ ........           Chapter XI, Section 8.                                                                           CBOE .............      Rule 9.11.
                                                                                                                          CUSTOMER COMMUNICATIONS                              C2 ..................   CBOE Rule 9.11.
                                                       2 FINRA  shall not have any Regulatory Re-                              (ADVERTISING)                                   EDGX .............      Rule 26.6.
                                                    sponsibility regarding receipt of written reports                                                                          ISE .................   Rule 612.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    by April 1 of each year pursuant to CBOE                       NYSE MKT ....             Rules 991 and 1106.               FINRA ............      Rule 2360(b)(12).
                                                    Rule 9.8(g).                                                   BATS ..............       Rule 26.16.                       MIAX ..............     Rule 1311.
                                                                                                                   BOX ...............       Rule 4170.                        [Topaz]ISE              Rule 612.
                                                                             SUITABILITY                           CBOE .............        Rule 9.21.[6]                       Gemini.
                                                                                                                   C2 ..................     CBOE Rule 9.21.[6]                NYSE .............      [Rules 725 9]N/A.
                                                    NYSE MKT ....             Rules 923 and 1102.                  EDGX .............        Rule 26.16.                       PHLX ..............     Rule 1028.
                                                    BATS ..............       Rule 26.4.                           ISE .................     Rule 623.[7]                      NYSE ARCA ..            Options Rule 9.18(f) and Eq-
                                                    BOX ...............       Rule 4040.                           FINRA ............        Rules 2220 and 2357.                                        uities Rule 9.18(j).
                                                    CBOE .............        Rule 9.9.                            MIAX ..............       Rule 1322.                        BX ..................   Chapter XI, Section [13]11.

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                                                    68366                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 213 / Wednesday, November 4, 2015 / Notices

                                                            CONFIRMATIONS—Continued                                       BRANCH OFFICES OF MEMBER                               REGISTRATION OF ROP—Continued
                                                    NASDAQ ........           Chapter XI, Section 11.                                                                          FINRA ............      NASD Rules 1022(f) & IM–
                                                                                                                   NASDAQ ........           Chapter XI, Section 6.                                      1022–1, & 1250(a)(1).
                                                       [8 FINRA shall not have any Regulatory Re-                                                                              MIAX ..............     Rule 1301.
                                                    sponsibility regarding the requirement in con-                   4[10] FINRA  shall only have Regulatory Re-               [Topaz]ISE              Rule 601.
                                                    firmations to distinguish between BOX option                   sponsibility for the first paragraph and shall
                                                    transactions and other transactions in option                                                                                Gemini.
                                                                                                                   not have any Regulatory Responsibility re-                  NYSE .............      N/A.
                                                    contracts.]                                                    garding the requirements for debt options.
                                                       [9 FINRA shall not have any Regulatory Re-                                                                              PHLX ..............     Rule 1024(a)(i).
                                                    sponsibility regarding the requirement in con-                                                                             NYSE ARCA ..            Options Rule 9.26 and Equi-
                                                    firmations to distinguish between NYSE option                    PROHIBITION AGAINST GUARANTEES                                                      ties Rule 9.26.
                                                    transactions and other transactions in option                                                                              BX ..................   Chapter XI, Section 2 and
                                                    contracts.]                                                    NYSE MKT ....             Rule 390.                                                   Chapter II, Section 2(g).
                                                                                                                   BATS ..............       Rule 26.13.                       NASDAQ ........         Chapter XI, Section 2 and
                                                              ALLOCATION OF EXERCISE                               BOX ...............       Rule 4130.                                                  Chapter II, Section 2(g).
                                                               ASSIGNMENT NOTICES                                  CBOE .............        Rule 9.18.
                                                                                                                   C2 ..................     CBOE Rule 9.18.
                                                                                                                   EDGX .............        Rule 26.13.
                                                                                                                                                                                     CERTIFICATION OF REGISTERED
                                                    NYSE MKT ....             Rule 981.
                                                    BATS ..............       Rule 23.2.                           ISE .................     Rules 619.                                      PERSONNEL 7
                                                    BOX ...............       Rule 9010.                           FINRA ............        Rule 2150(b).
                                                    CBOE .............        Rule 11.2.                           MIAX ..............       Rule 1318.                        NYSE MKT ....           Rule 920.
                                                    C2 ..................     CBOE Rule 11.2.                      [Topaz]ISE                Rule 619.                         BATS ..............     Rule 2.5 Interpretation .01(c)
                                                                                                                     Gemini.                                                                             and 11.4(e).
                                                    EDGX .............        Rule 23.2.
                                                                                                                   NYSE .............        Rule 2150(b).                     BOX ...............     IM–2040–3.
                                                    ISE .................     Rule 1101.
                                                                                                                   PHLX ..............       Rule 777.                         CBOE .............      Rule 9.3.
                                                    FINRA ............        Rule 2360(b)(23)(C).
                                                                                                                   NYSE ARCA ..              Options Rule 9.1(e).              C2 ..................   CBOE Rule 9.3.
                                                    MIAX ..............       Rule 701.                                                                                        EDGX .............      Rule 2.5 Interpretation .01(c)
                                                    [Topaz]ISE                Rule 1101.                           BX ..................     Chapter XI, Sections [20]18
                                                                                                                                               and [21]19.                                               and 11.4(e).
                                                      Gemini.                                                                                                                  ISE .................   Rule 602.
                                                    NYSE .............        [Rule 781]N/A.                       NASDAQ ........           Chapter XI, Sections 18 and
                                                                                                                                               19.                             FINRA ............      NASD Rule 1032(d).
                                                    PHLX ..............       Rule 1043.                                                                                       MIAX ..............     Rule 1302.
                                                    NYSE ARCA ..              Options Rule 6.25(a).                                                                            [Topaz]ISE              Rule 602.
                                                    BX ..................     Chapter VIII, Section 2.                                                                           Gemini.
                                                    NASDAQ ........           Chapter VIII, Section 2.
                                                                                                                                SHARING IN ACCOUNTS
                                                                                                                                                                               NYSE .............      N/A.
                                                                                                                                                                               PHLX ..............     Rule 1024.
                                                                                                                   NYSE MKT ....             Rule 390.                         NYSE ARCA ..            Options Rule 9.27(a).
                                                               DISCLOSURE DOCUMENTS                                BATS ..............       Rule 26.14.6                      BX ..................   Chapter XI, Section 3 and
                                                                                                                   BOX ...............       Rule 4140.                                                  Chapter II, Section 2(h).
                                                    NYSE MKT ....             Rules 921 and 926.                   CBOE .............        Rule 9.18(b).                     NASDAQ ........         Chapter XI, Section 3 and
                                                    BATS ..............       Rule 26.10.                          C2 ..................     CBOE Rule 9.18(b).                                          Chapter II, Section 2(h).
                                                    BOX ...............       Rule 4100.                           EDGX .............        Rule 26.14.6
                                                                                                                                                                                  7 FINRA shall not have Regulatory Respon-
                                                    CBOE .............        Rule 9.15.                           ISE .................     Rule 620.5[11]
                                                                                                                   FINRA ............        Rule 2150(c).                     sibility with regard to the Series 56 Examina-
                                                    C2 ..................     CBOE Rule 9.15.                                                                                  tion under any exchange rules, as this exam-
                                                    EDGX .............        Rule 26.10.                          MIAX ..............       Rule 1319.
                                                                                                                   [Topaz]ISE                Rule 620.5[11]                    ination is not recognized by FINRA.
                                                    ISE .................     Rule 616.
                                                                                                                     Gemini.                                                   IV. Solicitation of Comments
                                                    FINRA ............        Rule 2360(b)(11).
                                                                                                                   NYSE .............        Rules 2150(c).
                                                    MIAX ..............       Rule 1315.                                                                                         Interested persons are invited to
                                                                                                                   PHLX ..............       N/A.
                                                    [Topaz]ISE                Rule 616.                                                                                        submit written data, views, and
                                                                                                                   NYSE ARCA ..              Options Rule 9.1(f).
                                                      Gemini.                                                                                                                  arguments concerning the foregoing.
                                                                                                                   BX ..................     Chapter XI, Section [21].196
                                                    NYSE .............        [Rule 726 (a) and (c)]N/A.
                                                                                                                   NASDAQ ........           Chapter XI, Section 19.6[12]      Comments may be submitted by any of
                                                    PHLX ..............       Rule 1024(b)(v), 1029.
                                                    NYSE ARCA ..              Options Rule 9.18(g) and               5[11] FINRA shall not have any Regulatory
                                                                                                                                                                               the following methods:
                                                                                Equities Rule 9.18(g).             Responsibility regarding ISE’s and [Topaz’s]                Electronic Comments
                                                    BX ..................     Chapter XI, Section [17]15.          ISE Gemini’s requirements to the extent its
                                                    NASDAQ ........           Chapter XI, Section 15.              rule does not contain an exception to permit                  • Use the Commission’s Internet
                                                                                                                   sharing in the profits and losses of an ac-                 comment form (http://www.sec.gov/
                                                                                                                   count.                                                      rules/sro.shtml); or
                                                                                                                     6[12] FINRA shall not have any Regulatory
                                                           BRANCH OFFICES OF MEMBER                                Responsibility regarding NASDAQ’s BX’s,                       • Send an email to rule-comments@
                                                                ORGANIZATIONS                                      BAT’s, and EDGX’s requirements to the extent                sec.gov. Please include File Number S7–
                                                                                                                   such rules do not contain an exception ad-                  966 on the subject line.
                                                    NYSE MKT ....             Rule 922(d).4[10]                    dressing immediate family.
                                                                                                                                                                               Paper Comments
                                                    BOX ...............       Rule 4010(b).
                                                    CBOE .............        Rule 9.6.                                        REGISTRATION OF ROP                                • Send paper comments in triplicate
                                                    C2 ..................     CBOE Rule 9.6.                                                                                   to Secretary, Securities and Exchange
                                                    ISE .................     Rule 607.                            NYSE MKT ....             Rule 920.                         Commission, 100 F Street NE.,
                                                    FINRA ............        Rules 2360(b)(20)(B) and             BATS ..............       Rule 17.2(g)(1), (2), (6) and     Washington, DC 20549–1090.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                2355.                                                          (7).                            All submissions should refer to File
                                                    MIAX ..............       Rule 1306.                           BOX ...............       Rule 2020(c)(1), (e)(1) and
                                                                                                                                                                               Number S7–966. This file number
                                                    [Topaz]ISE                Rule 607.                                                        IM–2040–4 and IM–2040–
                                                      Gemini.                                                                                  5(b).                           should be included on the subject line
                                                    NYSE .............        N/A.                                 CBOE .............        Rule 9.2.                         if email is used. To help the
                                                    PHLX ..............       N/A.                                 C2 ..................     CBOE Rule 9.2.                    Commission process and review your
                                                    NYSE ARCA ..              Options Rule 9.18(m) and             EDGX .............        Rule 17.2(g)(1), (2), (6) and     comments more efficiently, please use
                                                                                Equities Rule 9.18(m).                                         (7).                            only one method. The Commission will
                                                    BX ..................     Chapter XI, Section [8]6.            ISE .................     Rule 601.                         post all comments on the Commission’s

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 213 / Wednesday, November 4, 2015 / Notices                                                   68367

                                                    Internet Web site (http://www.sec.gov/                  Commission notes that the prior version               Items I, II, and III below, which Items
                                                    rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the                         of this plan immediately prior to this                have been prepared by the self-
                                                    submission, all subsequent                              proposed amendment was published for                  regulatory organization. The
                                                    amendments, all written statements                      comment and the Commission did not                    Commission is publishing this notice to
                                                    with respect to the proposed plan that                  receive any comments thereon.22                       solicit comments on the proposed rule
                                                    are filed with the Commission, and all                  Furthermore, the Commission does not                  change from interested persons.
                                                    written communications relating to the                  believe that the amendment to the plan                I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                                    proposed plan between the Commission                    raises any new regulatory issues that the             Statement of the Terms of Substance of
                                                    and any person, other than those that                   Commission has not previously                         the Proposed Rule Change
                                                    may be withheld from the public in                      considered.
                                                    accordance with the provisions of 5                                                                              The Exchange proposes to
                                                                                                            VI. Conclusion                                        discontinue the NYSE Retail Trading
                                                    U.S.C. 552, will be available for Web
                                                    site viewing and printing in the                           This order gives effect to the amended             Product (‘‘NYSE ReTrac’’) and the NYSE
                                                    Commission’s Public Reference Room,                     Plan submitted to the Commission that                 Program Trading Product (‘‘NYSE
                                                    100 F Street NE., Washington, DC                        is contained in File No. S7–966.                      ProTrac’’) market data product offerings.
                                                    20549, on official business days                           It is therefore ordered, pursuant to               The text of the proposed rule change is
                                                    between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and                     Section 17(d) of the Act, that the Plan,              available on the Exchange’s Web site at
                                                    3:00 p.m. Copies of the plan also will be               as amended, filed with the Commission                 www.nyse.com, at the principal office of
                                                    available for inspection and copying at                 pursuant to Rule 17d–2 on June 21,                    the Exchange, and at the Commission’s
                                                    the principal offices of FINRA and                      2013 is hereby approved and declared                  Public Reference Room.
                                                    EDGX. All comments received will be                     effective.                                            II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                                    posted without change; the Commission                      It is further ordered that those SRO               Statement of the Purpose of, and
                                                    does not edit personal identifying                      participants that are not the DOEA as to              Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
                                                    information from submissions. You                       a particular common member are                        Change
                                                    should submit only information that                     relieved of those regulatory
                                                                                                            responsibilities allocated to the common                 In its filing with the Commission, the
                                                    you wish to make available publicly. All
                                                                                                            member’s DOEA under the amended                       self-regulatory organization included
                                                    submissions should refer to File
                                                                                                            Plan to the extent of such allocation.                statements concerning the purpose of,
                                                    Number S7–966 and should be
                                                                                                                                                                  and basis for, the proposed rule change
                                                    submitted on or before November 25,                        For the Commission, by the Division of             and discussed any comments it received
                                                    2015.                                                   Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated            on the proposed rule change. The text
                                                    V. Discussion                                                                                                 of those statements may be examined at
                                                                                                            Jill M. Peterson,                                     the places specified in Item IV below.
                                                       The Commission continues to believe                  Assistant Secretary.                                  The Exchange has prepared summaries,
                                                    that the proposed plan is an                            [FR Doc. 2015–28066 Filed 11–3–15; 8:45 am]           set forth in sections A, B, and C below,
                                                    achievement in cooperation among the                    BILLING CODE 8011–01–P                                of the most significant parts of such
                                                    SRO participants. The Plan, as                                                                                statements.
                                                    amended, will reduce unnecessary
                                                    regulatory duplication by allocating to                 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                               A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                                    the designated SRO the responsibility                   COMMISSION                                            Statement of the Purpose of, and the
                                                    for certain options-related sales practice                                                                    Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
                                                                                                            [Release No. 34–76296; File No. SR–NYSE–              Change
                                                    matters that would otherwise be
                                                    performed by multiple SROs. The plan                                                                          1. Purpose
                                                    promotes efficiency by reducing costs to                Self-Regulatory Organizations; New
                                                    firms that are members of more than one                                                                          The Exchange proposes to
                                                                                                            York Stock Exchange LLC; Notice of                    discontinue the NYSE ReTrac and NYSE
                                                    of the SRO participants. In addition,                   Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of
                                                    because the SRO participants coordinate                                                                       ProTrac market data offerings (together
                                                                                                            Proposed Rule Change Discontinuing                    the ‘‘NYSE ReTrac and ProTrac
                                                    their regulatory functions in accordance                the NYSE Retail Trading Product and
                                                    with the plan, the plan promotes, and                                                                         Products’’). The NYSE ReTrac and
                                                                                                            the NYSE Program Trading Product                      ProTrac Products supply subscribers
                                                    will continue to promote, investor                      Market Data Product Offerings
                                                    protection.                                                                                                   with information on certain executions
                                                                                                            October 29, 2015.                                     dependent on the account type indicator
                                                       Under paragraph (c) of Rule 17d–2,                                                                         associated with a trade. NYSE ReTrac is
                                                    the Commission may, after appropriate                      Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) 1 of the
                                                                                                            Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the                  a real-time datafeed of certain execution
                                                    notice and comment, declare a plan, or                                                                        report information that has been
                                                    any part of a plan, effective. In this                  ‘‘Act’’) 2 and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,3
                                                                                                            notice is hereby given that on October                recorded as trades for accounts of
                                                    instance, the Commission believes that                                                                        ‘‘individual investors’’ as well as an
                                                    appropriate notice and comment can                      15, 2015, New York Stock Exchange
                                                                                                            LLC (‘‘NYSE’’ or the ‘‘Exchange’’) filed              end-of-day summary. NYSE ProTrac is a
                                                    take place after the proposed                                                                                 real-time data feed of certain execution
                                                    amendment is effective. The primary                     with the Securities and Exchange
                                                                                                            Commission (the ‘‘Commission’’) the                   report information that has been
                                                    purpose of the amendment is to add                                                                            recorded as program trades, and an end-
                                                                                                            proposed rule change as described in
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    EDGX as a Participant to the Plan and                                                                         of-day summary.
                                                    to change the name of Topaz Exchange,                                                                            In 2006, the Securities and Exchange
                                                                                                            EDGX Options Market. See Securities Exchange Act
                                                    LLC to ISE Gemini, LLC. By declaring it                 Release No. 75650, 80 FR 48600 (August 13, 2015).     Commission (‘‘Commission’’) approved
                                                    effective today, the amended Plan can                     22 See supra note 20 (citing to Securities          the NYSE ReTrac and ProTrac Products
                                                    become effective and be implemented                     Exchange Act Release No. 70051).                      and associated fees.4 Over the several
                                                    without undue delay.21 The                                23 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(34).
                                                                                                              1 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).                                4 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 53835
                                                      21 On                                                   2 15 U.S.C. 78a.
                                                           August 7, 2015, the Commission approved                                                                (May 18, 2006), 71 FR 30456 (SR–NYSE–2006–31);
                                                    EDGX’s rules governing options trading on the             3 17 CFR 240.19b–4.                                                                          Continued

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Document Created: 2018-03-01 11:27:41
Document Modified: 2018-03-01 11:27:41
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
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PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation80 FR 68361 

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