80_FR_68729 80 FR 68515 - Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Advisory Panel

80 FR 68515 - Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Advisory Panel

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 214 (November 5, 2015)

Page Range68515-68517
FR Document2015-28263

NMFS solicits nominations for the Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Advisory Panel (AP). NMFS consults with and considers the comments and views of the HMS AP when preparing and implementing Fishery Management Plans (FMPs) or FMP amendments for Atlantic tunas, swordfish, sharks, and billfish. Nominations are being sought to fill approximately one-third (11) of the seats on the HMS AP for a 3-year appointment. Individuals with definable interests in the recreational and commercial fishing and related industries, environmental community, academia, and non-governmental organizations are considered for membership on the HMS AP.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 214 (Thursday, November 5, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 214 (Thursday, November 5, 2015)]
[Pages 68515-68517]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-28263]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

RIN 0648-XE299

Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Advisory Panel

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Notice; solicitation of nominations.


SUMMARY: NMFS solicits nominations for the Atlantic Highly Migratory 
Species (HMS) Advisory Panel (AP). NMFS consults with and considers the 
comments and views of the HMS AP when preparing and implementing 
Fishery Management Plans (FMPs) or FMP amendments for Atlantic tunas, 
swordfish, sharks, and billfish. Nominations are being sought to fill 
approximately one-third (11) of the seats on the HMS AP for a 3-year 
appointment. Individuals with definable interests in the recreational 
and commercial fishing and related industries, environmental community, 
academia, and non-governmental organizations are considered for 
membership on the HMS AP.

DATES: Nominations must be received on or before December 7, 2015.

ADDRESSES: You may submit nominations and requests for the Advisory 
Panel Statement of Organization, Practices, and Procedures by any of 
the following methods:
     Email: HMSAP.Nominations@noaa.gov. Include in the subject 
line the following identifier: ``HMS AP Nominations.''
     Mail: Margo Schulze-Haugen, Highly Migratory Species 
Management Division, NMFS SF1, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, 
MD 20910.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Craig Cockrell at (301) 427-8503.


[[Page 68516]]


    The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act 
(Magnuson-Stevens Act), 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq., as amended by the 
Sustainable Fisheries Act, Public Law 104-297, provided that the 
Secretary may establish Advisory Panels to assist in the collection and 
evaluation of information relevant to the development of any Fishery 
Management Plan (FMP) or FMP amendment for any highly migratory species 
fishery that is under the Secretary's authority. NMFS has consulted 
with the HMS AP on: Amendment 1 to the Billfish FMP (April 1999); the 
HMS FMP (April 1999); Amendment 1 to the HMS FMP (December 2003); the 
2006 Consolidated HMS FMP (October 2006); Amendments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5a, 
5b, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 to the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP (April and 
October 2008, February and September 2009, May and September 2010, 
April and September 2011, March and September 2012, January and 
September 2013, April and September 2014, and March and September 
2015); among other relevant fishery management issues.

Procedures and Guidelines

A. Nomination Procedures for Appointments to the Advisory Panel

    Nomination packages should include:
    1. The name of the nominee and a description of his/her interest in 
HMS or HMS fisheries, or in particular species of sharks, swordfish, 
tunas, or billfish;
    2. Contact information, including mailing address, phone, and email 
of the nominee;
    3. A statement of background and/or qualifications;
    4. A written commitment that the nominee shall actively participate 
in good faith, and consistent with ethics obligations, in the meetings 
and tasks of the HMS AP; and
    5. A list of outreach resources that the nominee has at his/her 
disposal to communicate HMS issues to various interest groups.

Qualifications for HMS AP Membership

    Qualification for membership includes one or more of the following: 
(1) Experience in HMS recreational fisheries; (2) experience in HMS 
commercial fisheries; (3) experience in fishery-related industries 
(e.g., marinas, bait and tackle shops); (4) experience in the 
scientific community working with HMS; and/or (5) representation of a 
private, non-governmental, regional, national, or international 
organization representing marine fisheries, or environmental, 
governmental, or academic interests dealing with HMS.
Tenure for the HMS AP
    Member tenure will be for 3 years (36 months), with approximately 
one-third of the members' terms expiring on December 31 of each year. 
Nominations are sought for terms beginning January 2016 and expiring 
December 2018.

B. Participants

    Nominations for the HMS AP will be accepted to allow representation 
from commercial and recreational fishing interests, academic/scientific 
interests, and the environmental/non-governmental organization 
community, who are knowledgeable about Atlantic HMS and/or Atlantic HMS 
fisheries. Current representation on the HMS AP, as shown in Table 1, 
consists of 12 members representing commercial interests, 12 members 
representing recreational interests, 4 members representing 
environmental interests, 4 academic representatives, and the 
International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) 
Advisory Committee Chairperson. Each HMS AP member serves a 3-year term 
with approximately one-third of the total number of seats (33) expiring 
on December 31 of each year. NMFS seeks to fill 3 academic, 3 
commercial, 4 recreational organization, and 1 environmental 
organization vacancies by December 31, 2015. NMFS will seek to fill 
vacancies based primarily on maintaining the current representation 
from each of the sectors. NMFS also considers species expertise and 
representation from the fishing regions (Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, South 
Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean) to ensure the diversity and 
balance of the AP. Table 1 includes the current representation on the 
HMS AP by sector, region, and species with terms that are expiring 
identified in bold. It is not meant to indicate that NMFS will only 
consider persons who have expertise in the species or fishing regions 
that are listed. Rather, NMFS will aim toward having as diverse and 
balanced an AP as possible.

                  Table 1--Current Representation on the HMS AP by Sector, Region, and Species
   [Terms that are expiring or for whom current members are stepping down are in bold. NMFS tries to maintain
                   diversity and balance in representation among fishing regions and species.]
                                                                                                     Date term
              Sector                    Fishing region            Species         Date appointed      expires
Academic..........................  All..................  Tuna.................        1/1/2013      12/31/2015
Academic..........................  Southeast/Gulf of      Shark................        1/1/2013      12/31/2015
Academic..........................  Southeast............  Swordfish/HMS........        1/1/2013      12/31/2015
Academic..........................  All..................  Swordfish/Tuna.......        1/1/2015      12/31/2017
Commercial........................  Southeast............  Shark................        1/1/2013      12/31/2015
Commercial........................  Southeast............  Swordfish/Tuna.......        1/1/2013      12/31/2015
Commercial........................  Northeast............  Tuna.................        1/1/2014      12/31/2016
Commercial........................  Mid-Atlantic.........  HMS/Shark............        1/1/2014      12/31/2016
Commercial........................  Southeast............  Swordfish............        1/1/2014      12/31/2016
Commercial........................  Gulf of Mexico.......  Shark................        1/1/2014      12/31/2016
Commercial........................  Gulf of Mexico.......  Shark................        1/1/2014      12/31/2016
Commercial........................  MidAtlantic..........  HMS..................        1/1/2015      12/31/2017
Commercial........................  Northeast............  Tuna/Swordfish.......        1/1/2015      12/31/2017
Commercial........................  Gulf of Mexico.......  Tuna/Swordfish.......        1/1/2015      12/31/2017
Commercial........................  Northeast............  Tuna.................        1/1/2015      12/31/2017
Commercial........................  Northeast............  Tuna.................        1/1/2015      12/31/2017
Environmental.....................  All..................  Tuna.................        1/1/2014      12/31/2016
Environmental.....................  All..................  Tuna.................        1/1/2014      12/31/2016
Environmental.....................  All..................  Shark................        1/1/2015      12/31/2017
Environmental.....................  All..................  HMS..................        1/1/2015      12/31/2017
Recreational......................  Northeast............  Tuna/Shark...........        1/1/2013      12/31/2015

[[Page 68517]]

Recreational......................  Southeast............  Swordfish............        1/1/2013      12/31/2015
Recreational......................  Northeast............  HMS..................        1/1/2013      12/31/2015
Recreational......................  Southeast............  HMS..................        1/1/2013      12/31/2015
Recreational......................  Northeast............  HMS..................        1/1/2013      12/31/2016
Recreational......................  Northeast............  Tuna.................        1/1/2014      12/31/2016
Recreational......................  Mid-Atlantic.........  HMS..................        1/1/2014      12/31/2016
Recreational......................  Southeast............  Billfish.............        1/1/2014      12/31/2016
Recreational......................  Gulf of Mexico.......  HMS..................        1/1/2014      12/31/2016
Recreational......................  Gulf of Mexico/        Billfish.............        1/1/2015      12/31/2017
Recreational......................  Mid-Atlantic.........  Shark................        1/1/2015      12/31/2017
Recreational......................  Mid-Atlantic.........  Tuna.................        1/1/2015      12/31/2017

    The intent is to have a group that, as a whole, reflects an 
appropriate and equitable balance and mix of interests given the 
responsibilities of the HMS AP.
    Five additional members on the HMS AP include one member 
representing each of the following Councils: New England Fishery 
Management Council, the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, the 
South Atlantic Fishery Management Council, the Gulf of Mexico Fishery 
Management Council, and the Caribbean Fishery Management Council. The 
HMS AP also includes 22 ex-officio participants: 20 representatives of 
the coastal states and two representatives of the interstate 
commissions (the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and the 
Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission).
    NMFS will provide the necessary administrative support, including 
technical assistance, for the HMS AP. However, NMFS will not compensate 
participants with monetary support of any kind. Depending on 
availability of funds, members may be reimbursed for travel costs 
related to the HMS AP meetings.

C. Meeting Schedule

    Meetings of the HMS AP will be held as frequently as necessary but 
are routinely held twice each year--once in the spring, and once in the 
fall. The meetings may be held in conjunction with public hearings.

    Dated: November 2, 2015.
Emily H. Menashes,
Acting Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine 
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2015-28263 Filed 11-4-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 214 / Thursday, November 5, 2015 / Notices                                                 68515

                                                  intend to do so, in order to ensure the                 selection meeting in a subsequent                     The 2016 shark research fishery will
                                                  timely and accurate data collection                     Federal Register notice.                              start after the opening of the shark
                                                  NMFS needs to meet this year’s research                    Once the selection process is                      fishery and under available quotas as
                                                  objectives. An applicant who has been                   complete, NMFS will notify the selected               published in a separate Federal Register
                                                  charged criminally or civilly (e.g.,                    applicants and issue the shark research               final rule.
                                                  issued a Notice of Violation and                        fishery permits. The shark research                     Dated: November 2, 2015.
                                                  Assessment (NOVA) or Notice of Permit                   fishery permits will be valid only in
                                                                                                                                                                Emily H. Menashes,
                                                  Sanction) for any HMS-related violation                 calendar year 2016. If needed, NMFS
                                                                                                          will communicate with the shark                       Acting Director, Office of Sustainable
                                                  will not be considered for participation
                                                                                                                                                                Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
                                                  in the shark research fishery. In                       research fishery permit holders to
                                                                                                          arrange a captain’s meeting to discuss                [FR Doc. 2015–28257 Filed 11–4–15; 8:45 am]
                                                  addition, applicants who were selected
                                                  to carry an observer in the previous 2                  the research objectives and protocols.                BILLING CODE 3510–22–P

                                                  years for any HMS fishery, but failed to                NMFS held mandatory captain’s
                                                  contact NMFS to arrange the placement                   meetings before observers were placed
                                                  of an observer as required per 50 CFR                   on vessels in 2013 (78 FR 14515; March                DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                                  635.7, will not be considered for                       6, 2013), 2014 (79 FR 12155; March 4,
                                                                                                                                                                National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                                  participation in the 2016 shark research                2014), and 2015 (80 FR 3221; January
                                                  fishery. Applicants who were selected                   22, 2015) and expects to hold one again
                                                  to carry an observer in the previous 2                  in 2016. Once the fishery starts, the
                                                  years for any HMS fishery and failed to                 shark research fishery permit holders                 RIN 0648–XE299
                                                  comply with all the observer regulations                must contact the NMFS observer
                                                                                                          coordinator to arrange the placement of               Atlantic Highly Migratory Species;
                                                  per 50 CFR 635.7 will also not be
                                                                                                          a NMFS-approved observer for each                     Advisory Panel
                                                  considered. Exceptions will be made for
                                                  vessels that were selected for HMS                      shark research trip.                                  AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries
                                                  observer coverage but did not fish in the                  A shark research fishery permit will               Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
                                                  quarter when selected and thus did not                  only be valid for the vessel and owner(s)             Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
                                                  require an observer. Applicants who do                  and terms and conditions listed on the                Commerce.
                                                  not possess a valid USCG safety                         permit, and, thus, cannot be transferred
                                                                                                          to another vessel or owner(s). Shark                  ACTION: Notice; solicitation of
                                                  inspection decal when the application is
                                                                                                          research fishery permit holders must                  nominations.
                                                  submitted will not be considered.
                                                  Applicants who have been non-                           carry a NMFS-approved observer in
                                                                                                                                                                SUMMARY:   NMFS solicits nominations
                                                  compliant with any of the HMS observer                  order to land sandbar sharks. Issuance
                                                                                                                                                                for the Atlantic Highly Migratory
                                                  program regulations in the previous 2                   of a shark research permit does not
                                                                                                                                                                Species (HMS) Advisory Panel (AP).
                                                  years, as described above, may be                       guarantee that the permit holder will be
                                                                                                                                                                NMFS consults with and considers the
                                                  eligible for future participation in shark              assigned a NMFS-approved observer on
                                                                                                                                                                comments and views of the HMS AP
                                                  research fishery activities by                          any particular trip. Rather, issuance
                                                                                                                                                                when preparing and implementing
                                                  demonstrating 2 subsequent years of                     indicates that a vessel may be issued a
                                                                                                                                                                Fishery Management Plans (FMPs) or
                                                  compliance with observer regulations at                 NMFS-approved observer for a
                                                                                                                                                                FMP amendments for Atlantic tunas,
                                                  50 CFR 635.7.                                           particular trip, and on such trips, may
                                                                                                                                                                swordfish, sharks, and billfish.
                                                                                                          be allowed to harvest Atlantic sharks,
                                                  Selection Process                                       including sandbar sharks, in excess of                Nominations are being sought to fill
                                                     The HMS Management Division will                     the retention limits described in 50 CFR              approximately one-third (11) of the seats
                                                  review all submitted applications and                   635.24(a). These retention limits will be             on the HMS AP for a 3-year
                                                  develop a list of qualified applicants                  based on available quota, number of                   appointment. Individuals with definable
                                                  from those applications that are deemed                 vessels participating in the 2016 shark               interests in the recreational and
                                                  complete. A qualified applicant is an                   research fishery, the research objectives             commercial fishing and related
                                                  applicant that has submitted a complete                 set forth by the shark board, the extent              industries, environmental community,
                                                  application by the deadline (see DATES)                 of other restrictions placed on the                   academia, and non-governmental
                                                  and has met the selection criteria listed               vessel, and may vary by vessel and/or                 organizations are considered for
                                                  above. Qualified applicants are eligible                location. When not operating under the                membership on the HMS AP.
                                                  to be selected to participate in the shark              auspices of the shark research fishery,               DATES: Nominations must be received
                                                  research fishery for 2016. The HMS                      the vessel would still be able to land                on or before December 7, 2015.
                                                  Management Division will provide the                    LCS, SCS, and pelagic sharks subject to               ADDRESSES: You may submit
                                                  list of qualified applicants without                    existing retention limits on trips                    nominations and requests for the
                                                  identifying information to the SEFSC.                   without a NMFS-approved observer.                     Advisory Panel Statement of
                                                  The SEFSC will then evaluate the list of                   NMFS annually invites commercial                   Organization, Practices, and Procedures
                                                  qualified applicants and, based on the                  shark permit holders (directed and                    by any of the following methods:
                                                  temporal and spatial needs of the                       incidental) to submit an application to                 • Email: HMSAP.Nominations@
                                                  research objectives, the availability of                participate in the shark research fishery.            noaa.gov. Include in the subject line the
                                                  observers, the availability of qualified                Permit applications can be found on the               following identifier: ‘‘HMS AP
                                                  applicants, and the available quota for a               HMS Management Division’s Web site                    Nominations.’’
                                                  given year, will randomly select                        at http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/sfa/hms/
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                                  • Mail: Margo Schulze-Haugen,
                                                  qualified applicants to conduct the                     index.htm or by calling (301) 427–8503.
                                                                                                                                                                Highly Migratory Species Management
                                                  prescribed research. Where there are                    Final decisions on the issuance of a
                                                                                                                                                                Division, NMFS SF1, 1315 East-West
                                                  multiple qualified applicants that meet                 shark research fishery permit will
                                                                                                                                                                Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
                                                  the criteria, permittees will be randomly               depend on the submission of all
                                                  selected through a lottery system. If a                 required information by the deadline                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                  public meeting is deemed necessary,                     (see DATES), and NMFS’ review of                      Craig Cockrell at (301) 427–8503.
                                                  NMFS will announce details of a public                  applicant information as outlined above.              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:

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                                                  68516                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 214 / Thursday, November 5, 2015 / Notices

                                                  Introduction                                                           2. Contact information, including                                         interests, academic/scientific interests,
                                                                                                                       mailing address, phone, and email of                                        and the environmental/non-
                                                     The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery                                      the nominee;                                                                governmental organization community,
                                                  Conservation and Management Act                                        3. A statement of background and/or                                       who are knowledgeable about Atlantic
                                                  (Magnuson-Stevens Act), 16 U.S.C. 1801                               qualifications;                                                             HMS and/or Atlantic HMS fisheries.
                                                  et seq., as amended by the Sustainable                                 4. A written commitment that the                                          Current representation on the HMS AP,
                                                  Fisheries Act, Public Law 104–297,                                   nominee shall actively participate in                                       as shown in Table 1, consists of 12
                                                  provided that the Secretary may                                      good faith, and consistent with ethics                                      members representing commercial
                                                  establish Advisory Panels to assist in                               obligations, in the meetings and tasks of
                                                                                                                                                                                                   interests, 12 members representing
                                                  the collection and evaluation of                                     the HMS AP; and
                                                                                                                         5. A list of outreach resources that the                                  recreational interests, 4 members
                                                  information relevant to the development
                                                  of any Fishery Management Plan (FMP)                                 nominee has at his/her disposal to                                          representing environmental interests, 4
                                                  or FMP amendment for any highly                                      communicate HMS issues to various                                           academic representatives, and the
                                                  migratory species fishery that is under                              interest groups.                                                            International Commission for the
                                                  the Secretary’s authority. NMFS has                                                                                                              Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)
                                                                                                                       Qualifications for HMS AP Membership                                        Advisory Committee Chairperson. Each
                                                  consulted with the HMS AP on:
                                                  Amendment 1 to the Billfish FMP (April                                  Qualification for membership                                             HMS AP member serves a 3-year term
                                                  1999); the HMS FMP (April 1999);                                     includes one or more of the following:                                      with approximately one-third of the
                                                  Amendment 1 to the HMS FMP                                           (1) Experience in HMS recreational                                          total number of seats (33) expiring on
                                                  (December 2003); the 2006 Consolidated                               fisheries; (2) experience in HMS                                            December 31 of each year. NMFS seeks
                                                  HMS FMP (October 2006); Amendments                                   commercial fisheries; (3) experience in                                     to fill 3 academic, 3 commercial, 4
                                                  1, 2, 3, 4, 5a, 5b, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 to                            fishery-related industries (e.g., marinas,                                  recreational organization, and 1
                                                  the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP (April                                 bait and tackle shops); (4) experience in                                   environmental organization vacancies
                                                  and October 2008, February and                                       the scientific community working with                                       by December 31, 2015. NMFS will seek
                                                  September 2009, May and September                                    HMS; and/or (5) representation of a                                         to fill vacancies based primarily on
                                                  2010, April and September 2011, March                                private, non-governmental, regional,                                        maintaining the current representation
                                                  and September 2012, January and                                      national, or international organization                                     from each of the sectors. NMFS also
                                                  September 2013, April and September                                  representing marine fisheries, or                                           considers species expertise and
                                                  2014, and March and September 2015);                                 environmental, governmental, or                                             representation from the fishing regions
                                                  among other relevant fishery                                         academic interests dealing with HMS.                                        (Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, South
                                                  management issues.                                                   Tenure for the HMS AP                                                       Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean)
                                                                                                                         Member tenure will be for 3 years (36                                     to ensure the diversity and balance of
                                                  Procedures and Guidelines                                                                                                                        the AP. Table 1 includes the current
                                                                                                                       months), with approximately one-third
                                                  A. Nomination Procedures for                                         of the members’ terms expiring on                                           representation on the HMS AP by
                                                  Appointments to the Advisory Panel                                   December 31 of each year. Nominations                                       sector, region, and species with terms
                                                                                                                       are sought for terms beginning January                                      that are expiring identified in bold. It is
                                                    Nomination packages should include:                                                                                                            not meant to indicate that NMFS will
                                                                                                                       2016 and expiring December 2018.
                                                    1. The name of the nominee and a                                                                                                               only consider persons who have
                                                  description of his/her interest in HMS                               B. Participants                                                             expertise in the species or fishing
                                                  or HMS fisheries, or in particular                                     Nominations for the HMS AP will be                                        regions that are listed. Rather, NMFS
                                                  species of sharks, swordfish, tunas, or                              accepted to allow representation from                                       will aim toward having as diverse and
                                                  billfish;                                                            commercial and recreational fishing                                         balanced an AP as possible.

                                                                     TABLE 1—CURRENT REPRESENTATION ON THE HMS AP BY SECTOR, REGION, AND SPECIES
                                                         [Terms that are expiring or for whom current members are stepping down are in bold. NMFS tries to maintain diversity and balance in
                                                                                                  representation among fishing regions and species.]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Date        Date term
                                                                      Sector                                          Fishing region                                                 Species                            appointed      expires

                                                  Academic ........................................   All ...................................................    Tuna ...............................................      1/1/2013    12/31/2015
                                                  Academic ........................................   Southeast/Gulf of Mexico ...............                   Shark ..............................................      1/1/2013    12/31/2015
                                                  Academic ........................................   Southeast .......................................          Swordfish/HMS ..............................              1/1/2013    12/31/2015
                                                  Academic ........................................   All ...................................................    Swordfish/Tuna ..............................             1/1/2015    12/31/2017
                                                  Commercial .....................................    Southeast .......................................          Shark ..............................................      1/1/2013    12/31/2015
                                                  Commercial .....................................    Southeast .......................................          Swordfish/Tuna ..............................             1/1/2013    12/31/2015
                                                  Commercial .....................................    Northeast ........................................         Tuna ...............................................      1/1/2014    12/31/2016
                                                  Commercial .....................................    Mid-Atlantic ....................................          HMS/Shark .....................................           1/1/2014    12/31/2016
                                                  Commercial .....................................    Southeast .......................................          Swordfish .......................................         1/1/2014    12/31/2016
                                                  Commercial .....................................    Gulf of Mexico ................................            Shark ..............................................      1/1/2014    12/31/2016
                                                  Commercial .....................................    Gulf of Mexico ................................            Shark ..............................................      1/1/2014    12/31/2016
                                                  Commercial .....................................    MidAtlantic ......................................         HMS ...............................................       1/1/2015    12/31/2017
                                                  Commercial .....................................    Northeast ........................................         Tuna/Swordfish ..............................             1/1/2015    12/31/2017
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  Commercial .....................................    Gulf of Mexico ................................            Tuna/Swordfish ..............................             1/1/2015    12/31/2017
                                                  Commercial .....................................    Northeast ........................................         Tuna ...............................................      1/1/2015    12/31/2017
                                                  Commercial .....................................    Northeast ........................................         Tuna ...............................................      1/1/2015    12/31/2017
                                                  Environmental .................................     All ...................................................    Tuna ...............................................      1/1/2014    12/31/2016
                                                  Environmental .................................     All ...................................................    Tuna ...............................................      1/1/2014    12/31/2016
                                                  Environmental .................................     All ...................................................    Shark ..............................................      1/1/2015    12/31/2017
                                                  Environmental .................................     All ...................................................    HMS ...............................................       1/1/2015    12/31/2017
                                                  Recreational ....................................   Northeast ........................................         Tuna/Shark .....................................          1/1/2013    12/31/2015

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                                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 214 / Thursday, November 5, 2015 / Notices                                                                            68517

                                                            TABLE 1—CURRENT REPRESENTATION ON THE HMS AP BY SECTOR, REGION, AND SPECIES—Continued
                                                        [Terms that are expiring or for whom current members are stepping down are in bold. NMFS tries to maintain diversity and balance in
                                                                                                 representation among fishing regions and species.]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Date        Date term
                                                                     Sector                                             Fishing region                                              Species                              appointed      expires

                                                  Recreational     ....................................   Southeast .......................................     Swordfish .......................................           1/1/2013    12/31/2015
                                                  Recreational     ....................................   Northeast ........................................    HMS ...............................................         1/1/2013    12/31/2015
                                                  Recreational     ....................................   Southeast .......................................     HMS ...............................................         1/1/2013    12/31/2015
                                                  Recreational     ....................................   Northeast ........................................    HMS ...............................................         1/1/2013    12/31/2016
                                                  Recreational     ....................................   Northeast ........................................    Tuna ...............................................        1/1/2014    12/31/2016
                                                  Recreational     ....................................   Mid-Atlantic ....................................     HMS ...............................................         1/1/2014    12/31/2016
                                                  Recreational     ....................................   Southeast .......................................     Billfish .............................................      1/1/2014    12/31/2016
                                                  Recreational     ....................................   Gulf of Mexico ................................       HMS ...............................................         1/1/2014    12/31/2016
                                                  Recreational     ....................................   Gulf of Mexico/Southeast ...............              Billfish .............................................      1/1/2015    12/31/2017
                                                  Recreational     ....................................   Mid-Atlantic ....................................     Shark ..............................................        1/1/2015    12/31/2017
                                                  Recreational     ....................................   Mid-Atlantic ....................................     Tuna ...............................................        1/1/2015    12/31/2017

                                                     The intent is to have a group that, as                               DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE                                                    docket number for this Federal Register
                                                  a whole, reflects an appropriate and                                                                                                             document. The general policy for
                                                  equitable balance and mix of interests                                  Office of the Secretary                                                  comments and other submissions from
                                                  given the responsibilities of the HMS                                                                                                            members of the public is to make these
                                                                                                                          [Docket ID: DoD–2015–OS–0122]
                                                  AP.                                                                                                                                              submissions available for public
                                                                                                                          Privacy Act of 1974; System of                                           viewing on the Internet at http://
                                                     Five additional members on the HMS
                                                                                                                          Records                                                                  www.regulations.gov as they are
                                                  AP include one member representing
                                                                                                                                                                                                   received without change, including any
                                                  each of the following Councils: New                                     AGENCY:  Office of the Secretary of                                      personal identifiers or contact
                                                  England Fishery Management Council,                                     Defense, DoD.                                                            information.
                                                  the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management                                     ACTION: Notice to alter a System of
                                                  Council, the South Atlantic Fishery                                                                                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:     Ms.
                                                                                                                          Records.                                                                 Cindy Allard, Chief, OSD/JS Privacy
                                                  Management Council, the Gulf of
                                                  Mexico Fishery Management Council,                                      SUMMARY:   The Office of the Secretary of                                Office, Freedom of Information
                                                  and the Caribbean Fishery Management                                    Defense proposes to alter a system of                                    Directorate, Washington Headquarters
                                                                                                                          records, DWHS C01, entitled                                              Service, 1155 Defense Pentagon,
                                                  Council. The HMS AP also includes 22
                                                                                                                          ‘‘Enterprise Support Portal (ESP)’’ to                                   Washington, DC 20301–1155, or by
                                                  ex-officio participants: 20
                                                                                                                          assist OSD Components in                                                 phone at (571) 372–0461.
                                                  representatives of the coastal states and
                                                                                                                          organizational management tasks,                                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Office
                                                  two representatives of the interstate
                                                  commissions (the Atlantic States Marine                                 manpower-related tasks, and general                                      of the Secretary of Defense notices for
                                                                                                                          administrative tasks related to                                          systems of records subject to the Privacy
                                                  Fisheries Commission and the Gulf
                                                                                                                          employees by retrieving information                                      Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), as amended,
                                                  States Marine Fisheries Commission).
                                                                                                                          from the authoritative sources and                                       have been published in the Federal
                                                     NMFS will provide the necessary                                      storing administrative information                                       Register and are available from the
                                                  administrative support, including                                       within the Enterprise Support Portal. To                                 address in FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
                                                  technical assistance, for the HMS AP.                                   process network/system account                                           CONTACT or at http://dpcld.defense.gov/
                                                  However, NMFS will not compensate                                       requests, IT service/helpdesk requests,                                  . The proposed system report, as
                                                  participants with monetary support of                                   and facilities requests.                                                 required by 5 U.S.C. 552a(r) of the
                                                  any kind. Depending on availability of                                  DATES: Comments will be accepted on or
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, was
                                                  funds, members may be reimbursed for                                    before December 7, 2015. This proposed                                   submitted on October 30, 2015, to the
                                                  travel costs related to the HMS AP                                      action will be effective the day                                         House Committee on Oversight and
                                                  meetings.                                                               following the end of the comment                                         Government Reform, the Senate
                                                                                                                          period unless comments are received                                      Committee on Governmental Affairs,
                                                  C. Meeting Schedule                                                                                                                              and the Office of Management and
                                                                                                                          which result in a contrary
                                                                                                                          determination.                                                           Budget (OMB) pursuant to paragraph 4c
                                                    Meetings of the HMS AP will be held
                                                                                                                                                                                                   of Appendix I to OMB Circular No. A–
                                                  as frequently as necessary but are                                      ADDRESSES:   You may submit comments,                                    130, ‘‘Federal Agency Responsibilities
                                                  routinely held twice each year—once in                                  identified by docket number and title,                                   for Maintaining Records About
                                                  the spring, and once in the fall. The                                   by any of the following methods:                                         Individuals,’’ dated February 8, 1996
                                                  meetings may be held in conjunction                                       * Federal Rulemaking Portal: http://                                   (February 20, 1996, 61 FR 6427).
                                                  with public hearings.                                                   www.regulations.gov. Follow the
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Dated: October 30, 2015.
                                                    Dated: November 2, 2015.                                              instructions for submitting comments.
                                                                                                                            * Mail: Department of Defense, Office                                  Aaron Siegel,
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  Emily H. Menashes,                                                                                                                               Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
                                                                                                                          of the Deputy Chief Management
                                                  Acting Director, Office of Sustainable                                                                                                           Officer, Department of Defense.
                                                                                                                          Officer, Directorate of Oversight and
                                                  Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
                                                                                                                          Compliance, Regulatory and Audit                                         DWHS C01
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–28263 Filed 11–4–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                          Matters Office, 9010 Defense Pentagon,
                                                  BILLING CODE 3510–22–P                                                  Washington, DC 20301–9010.                                               SYSTEM NAME:
                                                                                                                            Instructions: All submissions received                                   Enterprise Support Portal (ESP)
                                                                                                                          must include the agency name and                                         (March 5, 2013, 78 FR 14275)

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014      15:06 Nov 04, 2015          Jkt 238001      PO 00000      Frm 00026       Fmt 4703       Sfmt 4703     E:\FR\FM\05NON1.SGM               05NON1

Document Created: 2015-12-14 15:02:56
Document Modified: 2015-12-14 15:02:56
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice; solicitation of nominations.
DatesNominations must be received on or before December 7, 2015.
ContactCraig Cockrell at (301) 427-8503.
FR Citation80 FR 68515 
RIN Number0648-XE29

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