80_FR_69451 80 FR 69235 - Certificate of Alternative Compliance for the M/V LEIGH ANN MORAN, 1261986

80 FR 69235 - Certificate of Alternative Compliance for the M/V LEIGH ANN MORAN, 1261986

Coast Guard

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 216 (November 9, 2015)

Page Range69235-69236
FR Document2015-28480

The Coast Guard announces that a Certificate of Alternative Compliance was issued for the Uninspected Towing Vessel LEIGH ANN MORAN as required by statute.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 216 (Monday, November 9, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 216 (Monday, November 9, 2015)]
[Pages 69235-69236]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-28480]



Coast Guard

[Docket No. USCG-2013-0864]

Certificate of Alternative Compliance for the M/V LEIGH ANN 
MORAN, 1261986

AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Coast Guard announces that a Certificate of Alternative 
Compliance was issued for the Uninspected Towing Vessel LEIGH ANN MORAN 
as required by statute.

DATES: The Certificate of Alternative Compliance was issued on 
September 28, 2015.

ADDRESSES: The docket for this notice is available for inspection or 
copying at the Docket Management Facility (M-30), U.S. Department of 
Transportation, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, 1200 New 
Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., 
Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. You may also find this 
docket on the Internet by going to http://www.regulations.gov, 
inserting USCG-2011-0508 in the ``Keyword'' box, and then clicking 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have questions on this notice, 
call LT Steven Melvin, District Nine, Prevention Branch, U.S. Coast 
Guard, telephone 216-902-6343. If you have questions on viewing or 
submitting material to the docket, call Renee V. Wright, Program 
Manager, Docket Operations, telephone 202-366-9826.


[[Page 69236]]

Background and Purpose

    A Certificate of Alternative Compliance, as allowed for under 33 
U.S.C. 1605 (c) and 33 CFR 81.18, has been issued for the M/V LEIGH ANN 
MORAN. The vessel's primary purpose is a to push a barge that will 
operate on mainly in the Gulf of Mexico. The unique design of the 
vessel did not lend itself to full compliance with Annex I of the 
Inland Rules Act.
    The Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, certifies that full compliance 
with the Inland Rules Act would interfere with the special functions/
intent of the vessel and would not significantly enhance the safety of 
the vessel's operation. Placing the sidelights in the required position 
would interfere with the standard tug operations of the vessel.
    The Certificate of Alternative Compliance authorizes the M/V LEIGH 
ANN MORAN to deviate from the requirements set forth in Annex I of the 
Inland Rules Act, and install the sidelights as shown on the JENSEN 
Naval Architects and Marine Engineers ``NAV MAST STRUCT & LIGHT ARGMT'' 
Drawing No. 170-01, Rev A, dated October 30, 2014.
    This notice is issued under authority of 33 U.S.C. 1605(c), and 33 
CFR 81.18.

    Dated: October 20, 2015.
P.D.J. Arnett,
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Chief, Prevention Division, By Direction.
[FR Doc. 2015-28480 Filed 11-6-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 216 / Monday, November 9, 2015 / Notices                                                                    69235

                                                framework guiding every step. Grantees                          form of community-level averages,                               they manage and to respond to training
                                                provide quarterly reports of their                              percentages, or rates, and are used to                          and technical assistance needs in a
                                                progress through the SPF. Each quarter’s                        assess the grantees’ success in changing                        timely fashion, the data will also be
                                                report consists of updates to the                               community norms, policies, practices,                           incorporated into the national cross-site
                                                module(s) corresponding to the SPF                              and systems through environmental                               evaluation. By combining this grantee-
                                                steps that the grantee worked on during                         strategies and information                                      level implementation information and
                                                that quarter. Grantees are required to                          dissemination activities. As with the                           community-level outcome data with
                                                report on their activities,                                     QPR, no individual-level information is                         participant-level pre-post data,
                                                accomplishments, and barriers                                   collected through this instrument.                              SAMHSA will be able to identify
                                                associated with cultural competence                                The third data collection instrument
                                                                                                                                                                                interventions and intervention
                                                and reduction of health disparities twice                       for which approval is being sought is
                                                                                                                intended to collect FY 2015 data on the                         combinations that produce the most
                                                a year, as part of the second- and fourth-
                                                quarter progress reports. Data on HIV/                          HIV testing activities of the grantees. It                      favorable outcomes at the individual
                                                HCV testing and hepatitis vaccination                           will be used once only, immediately                             and community levels, and to
                                                are reported only in the aggregate (e.g.                        after the system goes online, in order to                       investigate the interaction between
                                                numbers tested and percent of tests that                        collect data for two of the seven HHS                           participant- and grantee-level factors in
                                                were positive). No individual-level                             Core Indicators that SAMHSA/CSAP                                predicting positive outcomes.
                                                information is collected through this                           has agreed to report. Although this                                Respondent burden has been limited
                                                instrument.                                                     statement refers to it as a separate                            to the extent possible while allowing
                                                   The Indirect Services Outcomes Data                          instrument for purposes of clarity in                           SAMHSA project officers to effectively
                                                Tool collects annual data on                                    burden estimation, it has the same data                         manage, monitor, and provide sufficient
                                                community-level outcome measures.                               fields as the HIV Testing                                       guidance to their grantees, and for the
                                                These data typically come from existing                         Implementation section of the main                              cross-site evaluation to reliably assess
                                                sources such as ongoing community                               Quarterly Progress Report tool and                              program outcomes and successful
                                                surveys and administrative data                                 differs only in its reporting timeframe.
                                                                                                                                                                                strategies. The following table displays
                                                collected by local agencies and                                    Although the main purpose of this
                                                institutions such as law enforcement,                           data collection effort is to provide a                          estimates of the annualized burden for
                                                school districts, college campuses,                             standard and efficient system for                               data collected through the Quarterly
                                                hospitals, and health departments. The                          SAMHSA’s project officers to maintain                           Progress Reporting and Indirect Services
                                                data are submitted to SAMHSA in the                             a feedback loop with the grantees that                          outcomes data collection tools.

                                                                                                     ESTIMATES OF ANNUALIZED HOUR BURDEN
                                                                                          EXHIBIT 1—TOTAL ESTIMATED ANNUALIZED BURDEN BY INSTRUMENT
                                                                                        Number of        Responses per                 Total             Hours per              Total burden
                                                 Type of respondent activity                                                                                                                        Wage rate              Total hour cost
                                                                                       respondents        respondent                responses            response                  hours

                                                Quarterly Progress Re-
                                                  port ...........................              158                          4                 632                         4            2,528                $21.79              $55,085
                                                Indirect Services Out-
                                                  comes .......................                 158                          1                 158                        2               316                 21.79                 6,886
                                                HIV Testing Retrospec-
                                                  tive Reporting Tool ...                        50                       1/3             16.67                      0.25                4.17                 21.79                     91

                                                      Total ......................              158     ........................         806.67      ........................           2,848   ........................           62,062

                                                  Send comments to Summer King,                                 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND                                          the Docket Management Facility (M–30),
                                                SAMHSA Reports Clearance Officer,                               SECURITY                                                        U.S. Department of Transportation,
                                                Room 2–1057, One Choke Cherry Road,                                                                                             West Building Ground Floor, Room
                                                Rockville, MD 20857 or email her a                              Coast Guard                                                     W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE.,
                                                copy at summer.king@samhsa.hhs.gov.                             [Docket No. USCG–2013–0864]                                     Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m.
                                                Written comments should be received                                                                                             and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,
                                                by January 8, 2016.                                             Certificate of Alternative Compliance                           except Federal holidays. You may also
                                                                                                                for the M/V LEIGH ANN MORAN,                                    find this docket on the Internet by going
                                                Summer King,                                                    1261986                                                         to http://www.regulations.gov, inserting
                                                Statistician.                                                                                                                   USCG–2011–0508 in the ‘‘Keyword’’
                                                [FR Doc. 2015–28368 Filed 11–6–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                AGENCY:        Coast Guard, DHS.
                                                                                                                                                                                box, and then clicking ‘‘Search.’’
                                                BILLING CODE 4162–20–P
                                                                                                                ACTION:        Notice.
                                                                                                                                                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:     If
                                                                                                                SUMMARY:   The Coast Guard announces                            you have questions on this notice, call
                                                                                                                that a Certificate of Alternative
                                                                                                                                                                                LT Steven Melvin, District Nine,
                                                                                                                Compliance was issued for the
srobinson on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                                                Prevention Branch, U.S. Coast Guard,
                                                                                                                Uninspected Towing Vessel LEIGH
                                                                                                                                                                                telephone 216–902–6343. If you have
                                                                                                                ANN MORAN as required by statute.
                                                                                                                                                                                questions on viewing or submitting
                                                                                                                DATES: The Certificate of Alternative
                                                                                                                                                                                material to the docket, call Renee V.
                                                                                                                Compliance was issued on September
                                                                                                                                                                                Wright, Program Manager, Docket
                                                                                                                28, 2015.
                                                                                                                                                                                Operations, telephone 202–366–9826.
                                                                                                                ADDRESSES: The docket for this notice is
                                                                                                                available for inspection or copying at                          SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014       19:52 Nov 06, 2015    Jkt 238001   PO 00000        Frm 00048   Fmt 4703    Sfmt 4703     E:\FR\FM\09NON1.SGM        09NON1

                                                69236                       Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 216 / Monday, November 9, 2015 / Notices

                                                Background and Purpose                                  State of South Carolina is hereby                     Greenville and Spartanburg Counties for
                                                                                                        amended to include the following areas                Individual Assistance.
                                                   A Certificate of Alternative
                                                                                                        among those areas determined to have                    The following Catalog of Federal Domestic
                                                Compliance, as allowed for under 33                                                                           Assistance Numbers (CFDA) are to be used
                                                U.S.C. 1605 (c) and 33 CFR 81.18, has                   been adversely affected by the event
                                                                                                        declared a major disaster by the                      for reporting and drawing funds: 97.030,
                                                been issued for the M/V LEIGH ANN                                                                             Community Disaster Loans; 97.031, Cora
                                                MORAN. The vessel’s primary purpose                     President in his declaration of October               Brown Fund; 97.032, Crisis Counseling;
                                                is a to push a barge that will operate on               5, 2015.                                              97.033, Disaster Legal Services; 97.034,
                                                mainly in the Gulf of Mexico. The                         Allendale, Beaufort, Lancaster, and                 Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA);
                                                unique design of the vessel did not lend                Marlboro Counties for Public Assistance.              97.046, Fire Management Assistance Grant;
                                                itself to full compliance with Annex I of                 The following Catalog of Federal Domestic           97.048, Disaster Housing Assistance to
                                                                                                        Assistance Numbers (CFDA) are to be used              Individuals and Households In Presidentially
                                                the Inland Rules Act.                                                                                         Declared Disaster Areas; 97.049,
                                                   The Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard,                    for reporting and drawing funds: 97.030,
                                                                                                        Community Disaster Loans; 97.031, Cora                Presidentially Declared Disaster Assistance—
                                                certifies that full compliance with the                                                                       Disaster Housing Operations for Individuals
                                                                                                        Brown Fund; 97.032, Crisis Counseling;
                                                Inland Rules Act would interfere with                   97.033, Disaster Legal Services; 97.034,              and Households; 97.050 Presidentially
                                                the special functions/intent of the vessel              Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA);               Declared Disaster Assistance to Individuals
                                                and would not significantly enhance the                 97.046, Fire Management Assistance Grant;             and Households—Other Needs; 97.036,
                                                safety of the vessel’s operation. Placing               97.048, Disaster Housing Assistance to                Disaster Grants—Public Assistance
                                                the sidelights in the required position                 Individuals and Households In Presidentially          (Presidentially Declared Disasters); 97.039,
                                                would interfere with the standard tug                   Declared Disaster Areas; 97.049,                      Hazard Mitigation Grant.
                                                operations of the vessel.                               Presidentially Declared Disaster Assistance—
                                                                                                        Disaster Housing Operations for Individuals           W. Craig Fugate,
                                                   The Certificate of Alternative                                                                             Administrator, Federal Emergency
                                                                                                        and Households; 97.050 Presidentially
                                                Compliance authorizes the M/V LEIGH                     Declared Disaster Assistance to Individuals           Management Agency.
                                                ANN MORAN to deviate from the                           and Households—Other Needs; 97.036,                   [FR Doc. 2015–28374 Filed 11–6–15; 8:45 am]
                                                requirements set forth in Annex I of the                Disaster Grants—Public Assistance                     BILLING CODE 9111–23–P
                                                Inland Rules Act, and install the                       (Presidentially Declared Disasters); 97.039,
                                                sidelights as shown on the JENSEN                       Hazard Mitigation Grant.
                                                Naval Architects and Marine Engineers                                                                         DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND
                                                                                                        W. Craig Fugate,
                                                ‘‘NAV MAST STRUCT & LIGHT                                                                                     SECURITY
                                                                                                        Administrator, Federal Emergency
                                                ARGMT’’ Drawing No. 170–01, Rev A,                      Management Agency.
                                                dated October 30, 2014.                                                                                       Federal Emergency Management
                                                                                                        [FR Doc. 2015–28373 Filed 11–6–15; 8:45 am]
                                                   This notice is issued under authority                                                                      Agency
                                                of 33 U.S.C. 1605(c), and 33 CFR 81.18.                 BILLING CODE 9111–23–P
                                                                                                                                                              [Internal Agency Docket No. FEMA–3373–
                                                  Dated: October 20, 2015.                                                                                    EM; Docket ID FEMA–2015–0002]
                                                P.D.J. Arnett,                                          DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND
                                                Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Chief, Prevention            SECURITY                                              South Carolina; Amendment No. 1 to
                                                Division, By Direction.                                                                                       Notice of an Emergency Declaration
                                                [FR Doc. 2015–28480 Filed 11–6–15; 8:45 am]             Federal Emergency Management
                                                                                                                                                              AGENCY: Federal Emergency
                                                BILLING CODE 9110–04–P                                  Agency
                                                                                                                                                              Management Agency, DHS.
                                                                                                        [Internal Agency Docket No. FEMA–4241–                ACTION: Notice.
                                                                                                        DR; Docket ID FEMA–2015–0002]
                                                DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND                                                                                        SUMMARY:   This notice amends the notice
                                                SECURITY                                                South Carolina; Amendment No. 11 to                   of an emergency declaration for the
                                                                                                        Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration                State of South Carolina (FEMA–3373–
                                                Federal Emergency Management                                                                                  EM), dated October 3, 2015, and related
                                                Agency                                                  AGENCY: Federal Emergency
                                                                                                        Management Agency, DHS.                               determinations.
                                                [Internal Agency Docket No. FEMA–4241–
                                                                                                        ACTION: Notice.                                       DATES: Effective Date: October 23, 2015.
                                                DR; Docket ID FEMA–2015–0002]                                                                                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                        SUMMARY:   This notice amends the notice              Dean Webster, Office of Response and
                                                South Carolina; Amendment No. 10 to                     of a major disaster declaration for the               Recovery, Federal Emergency
                                                Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration                  State of South Carolina (FEMA–4241–                   Management Agency, 500 C Street SW.,
                                                AGENCY: Federal Emergency                               DR), dated October 5, 2015, and related               Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646–2833.
                                                Management Agency, DHS.                                 determinations.                                       SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice is
                                                ACTION: Notice.                                         DATES: Effective Date: October 27, 2015.              hereby given that the incident period for
                                                                                                        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      this emergency is closed effective
                                                SUMMARY:   This notice amends the notice                Dean Webster, Office of Response and                  October 23, 2015.
                                                of a major disaster declaration for the                 Recovery, Federal Emergency                             The following Catalog of Federal Domestic
                                                State of South Carolina (FEMA–4241–                     Management Agency, 500 C Street SW.,                  Assistance Numbers (CFDA) are to be used
                                                DR), dated October 5, 2015, and related                 Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646–2833.                 for reporting and drawing funds: 97.030,
                                                determinations.                                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The notice                 Community Disaster Loans; 97.031, Cora
                                                DATES: Effective Date: October 26, 2015.                of a major disaster declaration for the               Brown Fund; 97.032, Crisis Counseling;
srobinson on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        State of South Carolina is hereby                     97.033, Disaster Legal Services; 97.034,
                                                Dean Webster, Office of Response and                    amended to include the following areas                Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA);
                                                Recovery, Federal Emergency                                                                                   97.046, Fire Management Assistance Grant;
                                                                                                        among those areas determined to have                  97.048, Disaster Housing Assistance to
                                                Management Agency, 500 C Street SW.,                    been adversely affected by the event                  Individuals and Households In Presidentially
                                                Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646–2833.                   declared a major disaster by the                      Declared Disaster Areas; 97.049,
                                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The notice                   President in his declaration of October               Presidentially Declared Disaster Assistance—
                                                of a major disaster declaration for the                 5, 2015.                                              Disaster Housing Operations for Individuals

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Document Created: 2015-12-14 15:05:14
Document Modified: 2015-12-14 15:05:14
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesThe Certificate of Alternative Compliance was issued on September 28, 2015.
ContactIf you have questions on this notice, call LT Steven Melvin, District Nine, Prevention Branch, U.S. Coast Guard, telephone 216-902-6343. If you have questions on viewing or submitting material to the docket, call Renee V. Wright, Program Manager, Docket Operations, telephone 202-366-9826.
FR Citation80 FR 69235 

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