80_FR_72805 80 FR 72581 - Artificially Sweetened Fruit Jelly and Artificially Sweetened Fruit Preserves and Jams; Revocation of Standards of Identity

80 FR 72581 - Artificially Sweetened Fruit Jelly and Artificially Sweetened Fruit Preserves and Jams; Revocation of Standards of Identity

Food and Drug Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 224 (November 20, 2015)

Page Range72581-72585
FR Document2015-29631

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or we) is revoking the standards of identity for artificially sweetened jelly, preserves, and jams. We are taking this action primarily in response to a citizen petition submitted by the International Jelly and Preserve Association (IJPA). We also are taking this action because these standards are obsolete and unnecessary in light of our regulations for foods named by use of a nutrient content claim and a standardized term. This action will promote honesty and fair dealing in the interest of consumers.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 224 (Friday, November 20, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 224 (Friday, November 20, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 72581-72585]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-29631]



Food and Drug Administration

21 CFR Part 150

[Docket No. FDA-1997-P-0007 (formerly Docket No. 1997P-0142)]

Artificially Sweetened Fruit Jelly and Artificially Sweetened 
Fruit Preserves and Jams; Revocation of Standards of Identity

AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or we) is revoking the 
standards of identity for artificially sweetened jelly, preserves, and 
jams. We are taking this action primarily in response to a citizen 
petition submitted by the International Jelly and Preserve Association 
(IJPA). We also are taking this action because these standards are 
obsolete and unnecessary in light of our regulations for foods named by 
use of a nutrient content claim and a standardized term. This action 
will promote honesty and fair dealing in the interest of consumers.

DATES: The final rule is effective on November 20, 2015.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Terri Wenger, Center for Food Safety 
and Applied Nutrition (HFS-820), Food and Drug Administration, 5100 
Paint Branch Pkwy., College Park, MD 20740, 240-402-2371.


I. Background

    For more than 50 years, we have maintained standards of identity 
for fruit jelly (jelly) (Sec.  150.140 (21 CFR 150.140)) and fruit 
preserves and jams (preserves and jams) (Sec.  150.160). The standards 
establish the common or usual name for these products and provide that 
these products may contain nutritive sweeteners (e.g., sugar). In 1959, 
we added new standards of identity for artificially sweetened fruit 
jelly (artificially sweetened jelly) (Sec.  150.141) and artificially 
sweetened fruit preserves and jams (artificially sweetened preserves 
and jams) (Sec.  150.161) (24 FR 8896; October 31, 1959) that permit 
the use of non-nutritive sweeteners (e.g., saccharin). Notably, 
Sec. Sec.  150.141 and 150.161 limit the types of non-nutritive 
sweeteners that can be used in products that are governed by those 
standards of identity. Under Sec. Sec.  150.141 and 150.161, such 
products may only use saccharin,

[[Page 72582]]

sodium saccharin, calcium saccharin, or any combination thereof, and 
may not use newer forms of non-nutritive sweeteners that have been 
developed since the standard of identity regulations were issued.
    The Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (NLEA) of 1990 amended the 
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the FD&C Act) to provide for a 
number of fundamental changes in food labeling, leading to a new 
regulatory framework for the naming of foods that do not fully comply 
with the relevant standards of identity. In response to NLEA, we 
established in part 101 (21 CFR part 101), among other things, 
definitions for specific nutrient content claims using terms such as 
``free'', ``low'', ''light'' or ``lite'', and ``less'', and provided 
for their use in food labeling (58 FR 2302; January 6, 1993). We also 
prescribed, in Sec.  130.10 (21 CFR 130.10), a general definition and 
standard of identity for foods named by a nutrient content claim 
defined in part 101, such as ``low calorie'' or ``sugar free'', in 
conjunction with a traditional standardized food term (58 FR 2431; 
January 6, 1993). A nutrient content claim applied to the standardized 
food ``grape jelly'', for example, could be ``low calorie grape 
jelly''. Section 130.10(d)(1) allows the addition of safe and suitable 
ingredients to a food named by use of a nutrient content claim and a 
standardized term when these ingredients are used to, among other 
things, add sweetness to ensure that the modified food is not inferior 
in performance characteristics to the standardized food even if such 
ingredients are not specifically provided for by the relevant food 
standard. Thus, under certain circumstances, Sec.  130.10 permits 
manufacturers to use safe and suitable artificial sweeteners (e.g., 
sucralose) that are not expressly listed in Sec. Sec.  150.141 and 
150.161 in the manufacture of jelly, fruit preserves, and jams 
(collectively, ``fruit spreads''). Therefore, fruit spread products 
named with a nutrient content claim (for example, ``low calorie grape 
jelly'') may contain newer artificial sweeteners to add sweetness to 
fruit spread products so that they are not inferior in their sweetness 
compared to their standardized counterparts (for example, ``grape 
jelly''). Section 130.10 does not require these products to declare the 
presence of such non-nutritive sweeteners within the name of these 
foods. We took this action to help consumers in maintaining healthy 
dietary practices by providing for a modified version of a traditional 
standardized food to achieve a nutrition goal (e.g., reduction in sugar 
consumption or calories) and that has a descriptive name that is 
meaningful to consumers. Section 130.10 does not, however, permit the 
use of nutrient content claims as part of the name of a food for foods 
governed by standards of identity that established the phrase 
``artificially sweetened'' as part of the standard of identity. 
Accordingly, jelly, preserves, and jams, that use saccharin, sodium 
saccharin, calcium saccharin, or any combination thereof as non-
nutritive sweeteners must still include the term ``artificially 
sweetened'' in their names and are not permitted to bear a nutrient 
content claim as part of the name. However, similar products that use 
newer non-nutritive sweeteners are governed by Sec.  130.10 and are not 
required to include the term ``artificially sweetened'' in their names.
    In the Federal Register of December 4, 2012, we proposed to revoke 
the standards of identity for artificially sweetened jelly, preserves, 
and jam in Sec. Sec.  150.141 and 150.161 (77 FR 71746). The proposed 
rule was in response to a citizen petition submitted by the IJPA 
requesting such a revocation. In issuing the notice of proposed 
rulemaking, we stated that we found merit in the argument made in 
IJPA's petition that revoking Sec. Sec.  150.141 and 150.161 would 
allow manufacturers to more accurately and consistently describe the 
attributes of the fruit spreads that currently conform to those 
regulations. We therefore tentatively concluded that revoking the 
standards of identity for artificially sweetened jelly, preserves, and 
jams would promote honesty and fair dealing in the interest of 
consumers and was thus appropriate under section 401 of the FD&C Act 
(21 U.S.C. 341). We tentatively reached this conclusion because we 
found that nutrient content claims such as ``low calorie'' or ``reduced 
sugar'' better characterize the nutritional profile of the affected 
fruit spreads than does the term ``artificially sweetened''. Further, 
we stated that revoking Sec. Sec.  150.141 and 150.161 would provide 
manufacturers with the flexibility to use the three non-nutritive 
sweeteners listed in those standards while also naming their products 
using FDA-defined nutrient content claims, in accordance with Sec.  
130.10. We also noted that other safe and suitable artificial 
sweeteners that might be developed in the future could be used in these 
products under Sec.  130.10 without the need to further revise relevant 
standards of identity, and that the proposed rule was consistent with 
FDA's proposed general principles for modernizing food standards (70 FR 
29214; May 20, 2005).

II. Comments to the Proposed Rule and FDA's Responses

    We received 21 comments to the proposed rule. The comments were 
from trade associations, food companies, and individuals. Two comments 
were identical, and another comment appeared to have been misdirected 
because it pertained to blogs. Most of the comments made general 
remarks supporting or opposing the rule and did not focus on a 
particular component of the rule.
    Six comments supported the proposed rule. One comment stated that 
the proposed rule would provide flexibility to industry to use 
artificial sweeteners and to not use the term ``artificially 
sweetened'' in the name of their products. The comment also stated that 
the proposed rule would provide consistency and uniformity in the 
labeling of fruit spreads. Several comments stated that Sec. Sec.  
150.141 and 150.161 limit the type of non-nutritive sweeteners, and 
that enactment of the NLEA and FDA's regulation in Sec.  130.10 allow 
flexibility. One of the comments also stated that the use of nutrient 
content claims such as ``reduced sugar'' in accordance with Sec.  
130.10 provides a better way to communicate with consumers to meet 
their nutritional goals.
    In contrast, other comments opposed the proposed rule. Several 
comments said that the rule would remove transparency that allows 
consumers to make knowledgeable decisions. Another expressed concern 
that the non-nutritive sweeteners would not be labeled and that 
consumers would be cheated. Still others stated that removing the term 
``artificially sweetened'' is deceitful, would allow harmful chemicals 
to be hidden in food, and would not protect consumers.
    The final rule will not result in the declaration of non-nutritive 
sweeteners being removed from labels and will not result in substances 
being hidden in food. In accordance with Sec.  101.4(a) (21 CFR 
101.4(a)), ingredients (including non-nutritive sweeteners) must be 
declared by common or usual name on either the principal display panel 
or the information panel of the label. Thus, for example, the 
ingredient panel must list any non-nutritive sweeteners, including, for 
example, the three saccharin products currently subject to Sec. Sec.  
150.141 and 150.161 and any of the newer non-nutritive sweeteners such 
as sucralose. What the final rule will do is require any food products 
currently subject to Sec. Sec.  150.141 and 150.161 to instead be 
subject to Sec.  130.10. Although Sec.  130.10 does not require 
products to declare the

[[Page 72583]]

presence of non-nutritive sweeteners within the name of these foods 
(e.g., Sec.  130.10 does not require a jam made with a non-nutritive 
sweetener to be named ``artificially sweetened jam''), it does require 
foods subject to that provision to be named by use of a nutrient 
content claim defined in part 101 (e.g., ``reduced calorie'' or ``no 
sugar added''). Nutrient content claims such as ``low calorie'' or ``no 
sugar added'' better characterize the nutritional profile of the fruit 
spreads currently subject to Sec. Sec.  150.141 and 150.161 than does 
the term ``artificially sweetened.'' The final rule will also allow 
better comparison to other jams, jellies, and preserves currently 
modified under the provisions of Sec.  130.10. For example, under 
current requirements, a jelly that is sweetened with saccharin must be 
called ``artificially sweetened jelly'' (in accordance with Sec.  
150.141), whereas a similar jelly sweetened with sucralose may be named 
as ``reduced sugar jelly'' (in accordance with Sec.  130.10 and 
provided it meets the requirements for the nutrient content claim 
``reduced sugar'' in Sec.  101.60(c)(5) to distinguish it from the 
standardized food (jelly in Sec.  150.140). Revoking the standards will 
provide consistency and uniformity among such products because all 
fruit spreads sweetened with non-nutritive sweeteners will be subject 
to the same requirements. For these reasons, the final rule will 
promote honesty and fair dealing in the interest of consumers 
consistent with section 401 of the FD&C Act.
    As for the comment that artificial sweeteners are ``toxic'' or 
``dangerous,'' that comment does not address the merits of revoking 
Sec. Sec.  150.141 and 150.161.

III. Analysis of Impacts

    We have examined the impacts of the final rule under Executive 
Order 12866, Executive Order 13563, the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 
U.S.C. 601-612), and the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 
104-4). Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 direct Agencies to assess all 
costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, when 
regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize 
net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public 
health and safety, and other advantages; distributive impacts; and 
equity). The Agency believes that this final rule is not a significant 
regulatory action under Executive Order 12866.
    The Regulatory Flexibility Act requires Agencies to analyze 
regulatory options that would minimize any significant impact of a rule 
on small entities. Because we have concluded, as set forth in this 
document, that this rule will not generate significant compliance 
costs, we certify that the final rule will not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
    Section 202(a) of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 requires 
that Agencies prepare a written statement, which includes an assessment 
of anticipated costs and benefits, before proposing ``any rule that 
includes any Federal mandate that may result in the expenditure by 
State, local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate, or by the 
private sector, of $100,000,000 or more (adjusted annually for 
inflation) in any one year.'' The current threshold after adjustment 
for inflation is $144 million, using the most current (2014) Implicit 
Price Deflator for the Gross Domestic Product. We do not expect this 
final rule to result in any 1-year expenditure that would meet or 
exceed this amount.

A. Need for This Regulation

    We are revoking the standards of identity for artificially 
sweetened jelly, preserves, and jams because these standards are 
obsolete and unnecessary. The current standards of identity for 
artificially sweetened jelly (Sec.  150.141) and artificially sweetened 
preserves and jams (Sec.  150.161) provide that they may be 
manufactured only with specific, non-nutritive artificial sweeteners: 
Saccharin, sodium saccharin, calcium saccharin, or any combination 
thereof. These standards of identity, therefore, do not permit the use 
of newer, safe, and suitable artificial sweeteners, such as sucralose.
    The development of newer artificial sweeteners and the enactment of 
the NLEA have made the current standards of identity for artificially 
sweetened jelly, preserves, and jams obsolete. The NLEA and Sec.  
130.10 permit the modification of a traditional standardized food to 
achieve a nutrition goal, such as a reduction in calories. Section 
130.10(d)(1) allows the addition of safe and suitable ingredients to a 
food named by use of a nutrient content claim and a standardized term 
when these ingredients are used to, among other things, add sweetness 
to ensure that the modified food is not inferior in performance 
characteristic to the standardized food, even if such ingredients are 
not specifically provided for by the relevant food standard.
    Standardized jelly and standardized preserves and jams products 
modified under Sec.  130.10 must use nutrient content claims to 
communicate the modified standardized product's nutritional profile to 
consumers. Under Sec.  130.10, nonspecific, safe, and suitable 
artificial sweeteners other than the three named in Sec. Sec.  150.141 
and 150.161 can be used to make reduced calorie or reduced sugar 
products labeled with a nutrient content claim that is established in 
FDA regulations. Revoking the standards of identity means that any 
product subject to Sec. Sec.  150.141 and 150.161 will instead be 
subject to Sec.  130.10. This will allow consumers to better compare 
any fruit spreads currently covered by Sec. Sec.  150.141 and 150.161 
with other spreads that are named and modified under the provisions of 
Sec.  130.10. Revoking the standards also gives manufacturers the 
flexibility to use the three non-nutritive sweeteners listed in 
Sec. Sec.  150.141 and 150.161, while naming their products under Sec.  
130.10 using a defined nutrient content claim.

B. Regulatory Options

    In assessing our regulatory options, we considered the option of 
taking no action and the option of implementing this final rule. We 
conclude that the rule is not an economically significant regulatory 
action. We are not quantitatively estimating the benefits and costs of 
the regulatory alternatives to the rule. In the following paragraphs, 
we qualitatively compare the costs and benefits of the regulatory 
options to the costs and benefits of the rule.
1. The Option of Taking No Action
    By convention, we treat the option of taking no new regulatory 
action as the baseline for determining the costs and benefits of the 
other options. Therefore, we associate neither costs nor benefits with 
this option. The consequences of taking no action are reflected in the 
costs and benefits associated with taking the action set forth in this 
2. The Option of Implementing the Final Rule
    By revoking Sec. Sec.  150.141 and 150.161, products that are 
currently subject to the requirements of these standards of identity 
will no longer be required to use the phrase ``artificially sweetened'' 
as part of their product name. Furthermore, revoking Sec. Sec.  150.141 
and 150.161 means that these same products will be permitted to bear 
nutrient content claims along with a standardized term (e.g., ``reduced 
calorie jelly'' or ``no sugar added jam''), in accordance with Sec.  
    The costs of this rule result from the need to relabel any existing 
jelly, preserves, and jams that conform with Sec. Sec.  150.141 and 
150.161. Any products currently manufactured in accordance with the 
standards in Sec. Sec.  150.141 and

[[Page 72584]]

150.161 will have to be relabeled in order to comply with Sec.  130.10. 
Our review of supermarket scanner data for the years 2001 through 2010, 
however, revealed that no such products are currently being sold. Sales 
for products manufactured and labeled in accordance with Sec. Sec.  
150.141 and 150.161 were last reported in 2002. A memorandum 
summarizing the results of this scanner data can be found in Reference 
1. The data support our conclusion that most manufacturers most likely 
have discontinued production of jelly, preserves, and jams that must be 
labeled as ``artificially sweetened,'' presumably because of a 
perception that the phrase ``artificially sweetened'' is unattractive 
to consumers. The data also support our conclusion that it is unlikely 
that the rule will generate significant compliance costs due to the 
need to relabel products. In fact, removal of the artificially 
sweetened standards of identity will allow manufacturers to re-
introduce products covered under Sec. Sec.  150.141 and 150.161 to be 
sold as products covered by Sec.  130.10. That is, such products would 
be named by use of a nutrient content claim in conjunction with a 
standardized term (e.g., ``reduced calorie jelly'' or ``no sugar added 
jam''), in accordance with Sec.  130.10. Therefore, we conclude that 
any relabeling compliance costs will be negligible.
    We do not classify as anticipated costs of this rule any expenses 
that firms might voluntarily incur if they choose to change their 
product formulas or manufacturing practices. Any such costs are not 
costs that would be required by the rule. Instead, these costs would 
result from voluntary business decisions made by manufacturers.
    We conclude that the principal benefits that will result from the 
rule derive from increased information and flexibility. Revoking the 
artificially sweetened standards of identity will provide producers of 
jelly, preserves, and jams with the flexibility to use saccharin, 
sodium saccharin, calcium saccharin, or any combination thereof, in 
their formulations without having to include the term ``artificially 
sweetened'' in their product names. Manufacturers could instead name 
their products in accordance with approved nutrient content claims, as 
provided for under Sec.  130.10, thus providing consumers with 
additional information about the nutritional profile of affected 
products. Additionally, revoking Sec. Sec.  150.141 and 150.161 will 
help consumers compare products covered by the standards with other 
similar jelly, preserves, and jams manufactured in accordance with 
Sec.  130.10.
    Accordingly, while we do not quantify the costs and benefits of the 
rule, we conclude that potential benefits will outweigh any potential 
costs associated with the rule.

C. Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis

    The Regulatory Flexibility Act requires Agencies to analyze 
regulatory options that would minimize any significant impact of a rule 
on small entities. Because compliance costs, if any, generated by this 
rule are expected to be negligible, we conclude that this rule will not 
have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
entities. The following analysis, in conjunction with the discussion in 
this document, constitutes our final regulatory flexibility analysis as 
required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
    The rule revokes the standards of identity for artificially 
sweetened jelly, preserves, and jams. The revocation of these 
artificially sweetened standards of identity gives small fruit spread 
firms the flexibility to use the three non-nutritive sweeteners listed 
in Sec. Sec.  150.141 and 150.161 and to name their products with FDA-
defined nutrient content claims in accordance with Sec.  130.10, as is 
currently done for fruit spread products manufactured with other non-
nutritive sweeteners.
    We do not classify as costs of this rule any expenses that some 
small firms might voluntarily incur because they choose to change their 
product formulas or manufacturing practices. As discussed in this 
document, any such costs would not be costs required by this rule.

IV. Federalism

    We have analyzed this final rule in accordance with the principles 
set forth in Executive Order 13132. Section 4(a) of the Executive Order 
requires Agencies to ``construe a Federal statute to preempt State law 
only where the statute contains an express preemption provision or 
there is some other clear evidence that the Congress intended 
preemption of State law, or where the exercise of State authority 
conflicts with the exercise of Federal authority under the Federal 
    Section 403A of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 343-1) is an express 
preemption provision. Section 403A(a) of the FD&C Act provides that no 
State or political subdivision of a State may directly or indirectly 
establish under any authority or continue in effect as to any food in 
interstate commerce any requirement for a food which is the subject of 
a standard of identity established under section 401 (of the FD&C Act) 
that is not identical to such standard of identity or that is not 
identical to the requirement of section 403(g) of the FD&C Act (21 
U.S.C. 343(g)). The express preemption provision of section 403A(a) of 
the FD&C Act does not preempt any State or local requirement respecting 
a statement in the labeling of food that provides for a warning 
concerning the safety of the food or component of the food (section 
6(c)(2) of the NLEA, Pub. L. 101-535, 104 Stat. 2353, 2364 (1990)).
    This final rule will impose requirements that fall within the scope 
of section 403A(a) of the FD&C Act.

V. Environmental Impact

    We have determined under 21 CFR 25.32(a) that this action is of a 
type that does not individually or cumulatively have a significant 
effect on the human environment. Therefore, neither an environmental 
assessment nor an environmental impact statement is required.

VI. Paperwork Reduction Act

    This final rule contains no collection of information. Therefore, 
clearance by Office of Management and Budget under the Paperwork 
Reduction Act of 1995 is not required.

VII. Reference

    The following reference is on display in the Division of Dockets 
Management (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, 
Rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852 and is available for viewing by 
interested persons between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday; it 
is also available electronically at http://www.regulations.gov. FDA has 
verified the Web site address, as of the date this document publishes 
in the Federal Register, but Web sites are subject to change over time.

    1. A.C. Nielsen Scantrack data, (2001-2010). The Nielsen 
Company, 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003-9595 (http://www.acnielsen.com/).

List of Subjects in 21 CFR Part 150

    Food grades and standards, Fruits.

    Therefore, under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and under 
authority delegated to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, 21 CFR part 
150 is amended as follows:


1. The authority citation for 21 CFR part 150 continues to read as 

    Authority:  21 U.S.C. 321, 341, 343, 348, 371, 379e.

[[Page 72585]]

Sec.  150.141  [Removed]

2. Remove Sec.  150.141.

Sec.  150.161  [Removed]

3. Remove Sec.  150.161.

    Dated: November 16, 2015.
Leslie Kux,
Associate Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2015-29631 Filed 11-19-15; 8:45 am]

                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 224 / Friday, November 20, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                        72581

                                                 FAA–2015–0932; Directorate Identifier              comply with the AD. An AMOC is required               DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                                 2014–NM–205–AD.                                    for any deviations to RC steps, including             HUMAN SERVICES
                                            (a) Effective Date                                      substeps and identified figures.
                                                                                                       (ii) Steps not labeled as RC may be                Food and Drug Administration
                                              This AD is effective December 28, 2015.
                                                                                                    deviated from using accepted methods in
                                            (b) Affected ADs                                        accordance with the operator’s maintenance            21 CFR Part 150
                                              None.                                                 or inspection program without obtaining
                                                                                                    approval of an AMOC, provided the RC steps,           [Docket No. FDA–1997–P–0007 (formerly
                                            (c) Applicability                                       including substeps and identified figures, can        Docket No. 1997P–0142)]
                                               This AD applies to The Boeing Company                still be done as specified, and the airplane
                                            Model 747–8 series airplanes, certificated in                                                                 Artificially Sweetened Fruit Jelly and
                                                                                                    can be put back in an airworthy condition.
                                            any category, as identified in Boeing Special                                                                 Artificially Sweetened Fruit Preserves
                                            Attention Service Bulletin 747–25–3649,                 (i) Related Information                               and Jams; Revocation of Standards of
                                            dated July 24, 2014.                                      For more information about this AD,                 Identity
                                            (d) Subject                                             contact Stanley Chen, Aerospace Engineer,             AGENCY:   Food and Drug Administration,
                                              Air Transport Association (ATA) of                    Cabin Safety and Environmental Systems                HHS.
                                            America Code 25, Equipment/Furnishings.                 Branch, ANM–150S, FAA, Seattle Aircraft
                                                                                                    Certification Office, 1601 Lind Avenue SW.,           ACTION:   Final rule.
                                            (e) Unsafe Condition
                                                                                                    Renton, WA 98057–3356; phone: 425–917–                SUMMARY:   The Food and Drug
                                               This AD was prompted by a report of                  6585; fax: 425–917–6590; email:
                                            improperly installed outboard stowage bin                                                                     Administration (FDA or we) is revoking
                                                                                                    stanley.chen@faa.gov.                                 the standards of identity for artificially
                                            modules in the passenger compartment
                                            found during maintenance. Further                       (j) Material Incorporated by Reference                sweetened jelly, preserves, and jams.
                                            investigation revealed that certain attachment             (1) The Director of the Federal Register           We are taking this action primarily in
                                            bracket bushings were missing or had moved                                                                    response to a citizen petition submitted
                                                                                                    approved the incorporation by reference
                                            out of the holes. We are issuing this AD to                                                                   by the International Jelly and Preserve
                                            prevent detachment of the quick-release pin,            (IBR) of the service information listed in this
                                                                                                    paragraph under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR             Association (IJPA). We also are taking
                                            which could result in separation of the lateral
                                            support tie rod and subsequent detachment               part 51.                                              this action because these standards are
                                            of the module and consequent injuries to                   (2) You must use this service information          obsolete and unnecessary in light of our
                                            passengers or flightcrew.                               as applicable to do the actions required by           regulations for foods named by use of a
                                                                                                    this AD, unless the AD specifies otherwise.           nutrient content claim and a
                                            (f) Compliance                                                                                                standardized term. This action will
                                                                                                       (i) Boeing Special Attention Service
                                               Comply with this AD within the                       Bulletin 747–25–3649, dated July 24, 2014.            promote honesty and fair dealing in the
                                            compliance times specified, unless already                                                                    interest of consumers.
                                                                                                       (ii) Reserved.
                                                                                                       (3) For service information identified in          DATES: The final rule is effective on
                                            (g) Installation                                        this AD, contact Boeing Commercial                    November 20, 2015.
                                               Within 36 months after the effective date            Airplanes, Attention: Data & Services                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                            of this AD: Install a spacer on the end of each         Management, P.O. Box 3707, MC 2H–65,                  Terri Wenger, Center for Food Safety
                                            quick-release pin that attaches the outboard            Seattle, WA 98124–2207; telephone 206–                and Applied Nutrition (HFS–820), Food
                                            stowage bin module to the lateral support tie           544–5000, extension 1; fax 206–766–5680;
                                            rods of the main deck passenger                                                                               and Drug Administration, 5100 Paint
                                                                                                    Internet https://www.myboeingfleet.com.               Branch Pkwy., College Park, MD 20740,
                                            compartment, in accordance with the                        (4) You may view this service information
                                            Accomplishment Instructions of Boeing                                                                         240–402–2371.
                                                                                                    at the FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate,
                                            Special Attention Service Bulletin 747–25–                                                                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                    1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA. For
                                            3649, dated July 24, 2014.
                                                                                                    information on the availability of this               I. Background
                                            (h) Alternative Methods of Compliance                   material at the FAA, call 425–227–1221.
                                            (AMOCs)                                                    (5) You may view this service information
                                                                                                                                                             For more than 50 years, we have
                                              (1) The Manager, Seattle Aircraft                     that is incorporated by reference at the              maintained standards of identity for
                                            Certification Office (ACO), FAA, has the                National Archives and Records                         fruit jelly (jelly) (§ 150.140 (21 CFR
                                            authority to approve AMOCs for this AD, if              Administration (NARA). For information on             150.140)) and fruit preserves and jams
                                            requested using the procedures found in 14              the availability of this material at NARA, call       (preserves and jams) (§ 150.160). The
                                            CFR 39.19. In accordance with 14 CFR 39.19,             202–741–6030, or go to: http://                       standards establish the common or
                                            send your request to your principal inspector                                                                 usual name for these products and
                                            or local Flight Standards District Office, as                                                                 provide that these products may contain
                                            appropriate. If sending information directly                                                                  nutritive sweeteners (e.g., sugar). In
                                            to the manager of the Seattle ACO, send it to             Issued in Renton, Washington, on                    1959, we added new standards of
                                            the attention of the person identified in               November 4, 2015.
                                            paragraph (i) of this AD. Information may be                                                                  identity for artificially sweetened fruit
                                                                                                    Dionne Palermo,                                       jelly (artificially sweetened jelly)
                                            emailed to: 9-ANM-Seattle-ACO-AMOC-
                                            Requests@faa.gov.                                       Acting Manager, Transport Airplane                    (§ 150.141) and artificially sweetened
                                              (2) Before using any approved AMOC,                   Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service.          fruit preserves and jams (artificially
                                            notify your appropriate principal inspector,            [FR Doc. 2015–28897 Filed 11–19–15; 8:45 am]          sweetened preserves and jams)
                                            or lacking a principal inspector, the manager           BILLING CODE 4910–13–P                                (§ 150.161) (24 FR 8896; October 31,
                                            of the local flight standards district office/                                                                1959) that permit the use of non-
                                            certificate holding district office.                                                                          nutritive sweeteners (e.g., saccharin).
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                              (3) For service information that contains
                                                                                                                                                          Notably, §§ 150.141 and 150.161 limit
                                            steps that are labeled as Required for
                                            Compliance (RC), the provisions of                                                                            the types of non-nutritive sweeteners
                                            paragraphs (h)(3)(i) and (h)(3)(ii) apply.                                                                    that can be used in products that are
                                              (i) The steps labeled as RC, including                                                                      governed by those standards of identity.
                                            substeps under an RC step and any figures                                                                     Under §§ 150.141 and 150.161, such
                                            identified in an RC step, must be done to                                                                     products may only use saccharin,

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                                            72582            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 224 / Friday, November 20, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                            sodium saccharin, calcium saccharin, or                 goal (e.g., reduction in sugar                        II. Comments to the Proposed Rule and
                                            any combination thereof, and may not                    consumption or calories) and that has a               FDA’s Responses
                                            use newer forms of non-nutritive                        descriptive name that is meaningful to                   We received 21 comments to the
                                            sweeteners that have been developed                     consumers. Section 130.10 does not,                   proposed rule. The comments were from
                                            since the standard of identity                          however, permit the use of nutrient                   trade associations, food companies, and
                                            regulations were issued.                                content claims as part of the name of a               individuals. Two comments were
                                               The Nutrition Labeling and Education                 food for foods governed by standards of               identical, and another comment
                                            Act (NLEA) of 1990 amended the                          identity that established the phrase                  appeared to have been misdirected
                                            Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act                    ‘‘artificially sweetened’’ as part of the             because it pertained to blogs. Most of
                                            (the FD&C Act) to provide for a number                  standard of identity. Accordingly, jelly,             the comments made general remarks
                                            of fundamental changes in food                          preserves, and jams, that use saccharin,              supporting or opposing the rule and did
                                            labeling, leading to a new regulatory                   sodium saccharin, calcium saccharin, or               not focus on a particular component of
                                            framework for the naming of foods that                  any combination thereof as non-                       the rule.
                                            do not fully comply with the relevant                   nutritive sweeteners must still include                  Six comments supported the
                                            standards of identity. In response to                   the term ‘‘artificially sweetened’’ in                proposed rule. One comment stated that
                                            NLEA, we established in part 101 (21                    their names and are not permitted to                  the proposed rule would provide
                                            CFR part 101), among other things,                      bear a nutrient content claim as part of              flexibility to industry to use artificial
                                            definitions for specific nutrient content               the name. However, similar products                   sweeteners and to not use the term
                                            claims using terms such as ‘‘free’’,                    that use newer non-nutritive sweeteners               ‘‘artificially sweetened’’ in the name of
                                            ‘‘low’’, ’’light’’ or ‘‘lite’’, and ‘‘less’’, and       are governed by § 130.10 and are not                  their products. The comment also stated
                                            provided for their use in food labeling                 required to include the term ‘‘artificially           that the proposed rule would provide
                                            (58 FR 2302; January 6, 1993). We also                  sweetened’’ in their names.                           consistency and uniformity in the
                                            prescribed, in § 130.10 (21 CFR 130.10),                   In the Federal Register of December 4,             labeling of fruit spreads. Several
                                            a general definition and standard of                    2012, we proposed to revoke the                       comments stated that §§ 150.141 and
                                            identity for foods named by a nutrient                  standards of identity for artificially                150.161 limit the type of non-nutritive
                                            content claim defined in part 101, such                 sweetened jelly, preserves, and jam in                sweeteners, and that enactment of the
                                            as ‘‘low calorie’’ or ‘‘sugar free’’, in                §§ 150.141 and 150.161 (77 FR 71746).                 NLEA and FDA’s regulation in § 130.10
                                            conjunction with a traditional                          The proposed rule was in response to a                allow flexibility. One of the comments
                                            standardized food term (58 FR 2431;                     citizen petition submitted by the IJPA                also stated that the use of nutrient
                                            January 6, 1993). A nutrient content                    requesting such a revocation. In issuing              content claims such as ‘‘reduced sugar’’
                                            claim applied to the standardized food                  the notice of proposed rulemaking, we                 in accordance with § 130.10 provides a
                                            ‘‘grape jelly’’, for example, could be                  stated that we found merit in the                     better way to communicate with
                                            ‘‘low calorie grape jelly’’. Section                    argument made in IJPA’s petition that                 consumers to meet their nutritional
                                            130.10(d)(1) allows the addition of safe                revoking §§ 150.141 and 150.161 would                 goals.
                                            and suitable ingredients to a food                      allow manufacturers to more accurately                   In contrast, other comments opposed
                                            named by use of a nutrient content                      and consistently describe the attributes              the proposed rule. Several comments
                                            claim and a standardized term when                      of the fruit spreads that currently                   said that the rule would remove
                                            these ingredients are used to, among                    conform to those regulations. We                      transparency that allows consumers to
                                            other things, add sweetness to ensure                   therefore tentatively concluded that                  make knowledgeable decisions. Another
                                            that the modified food is not inferior in               revoking the standards of identity for                expressed concern that the non-nutritive
                                            performance characteristics to the                      artificially sweetened jelly, preserves,              sweeteners would not be labeled and
                                            standardized food even if such                          and jams would promote honesty and                    that consumers would be cheated. Still
                                            ingredients are not specifically provided               fair dealing in the interest of consumers             others stated that removing the term
                                            for by the relevant food standard. Thus,                and was thus appropriate under section                ‘‘artificially sweetened’’ is deceitful,
                                            under certain circumstances, § 130.10                   401 of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 341). We               would allow harmful chemicals to be
                                            permits manufacturers to use safe and                   tentatively reached this conclusion                   hidden in food, and would not protect
                                            suitable artificial sweeteners (e.g.,                   because we found that nutrient content                consumers.
                                            sucralose) that are not expressly listed                claims such as ‘‘low calorie’’ or                        The final rule will not result in the
                                            in §§ 150.141 and 150.161 in the                        ‘‘reduced sugar’’ better characterize the             declaration of non-nutritive sweeteners
                                            manufacture of jelly, fruit preserves, and              nutritional profile of the affected fruit             being removed from labels and will not
                                            jams (collectively, ‘‘fruit spreads’’).                 spreads than does the term ‘‘artificially             result in substances being hidden in
                                            Therefore, fruit spread products named                  sweetened’’. Further, we stated that                  food. In accordance with § 101.4(a) (21
                                            with a nutrient content claim (for                      revoking §§ 150.141 and 150.161 would                 CFR 101.4(a)), ingredients (including
                                            example, ‘‘low calorie grape jelly’’) may               provide manufacturers with the                        non-nutritive sweeteners) must be
                                            contain newer artificial sweeteners to                  flexibility to use the three non-nutritive            declared by common or usual name on
                                            add sweetness to fruit spread products                  sweeteners listed in those standards                  either the principal display panel or the
                                            so that they are not inferior in their                  while also naming their products using                information panel of the label. Thus, for
                                            sweetness compared to their                             FDA-defined nutrient content claims, in               example, the ingredient panel must list
                                            standardized counterparts (for example,                 accordance with § 130.10. We also noted               any non-nutritive sweeteners, including,
                                            ‘‘grape jelly’’). Section 130.10 does not               that other safe and suitable artificial               for example, the three saccharin
                                            require these products to declare the                   sweeteners that might be developed in                 products currently subject to §§ 150.141
                                            presence of such non-nutritive                          the future could be used in these                     and 150.161 and any of the newer non-
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                            sweeteners within the name of these                     products under § 130.10 without the                   nutritive sweeteners such as sucralose.
                                            foods. We took this action to help                      need to further revise relevant standards             What the final rule will do is require
                                            consumers in maintaining healthy                        of identity, and that the proposed rule               any food products currently subject to
                                            dietary practices by providing for a                    was consistent with FDA’s proposed                    §§ 150.141 and 150.161 to instead be
                                            modified version of a traditional                       general principles for modernizing food               subject to § 130.10. Although § 130.10
                                            standardized food to achieve a nutrition                standards (70 FR 29214; May 20, 2005).                does not require products to declare the

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                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 224 / Friday, November 20, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                         72583

                                            presence of non-nutritive sweeteners                    entities. Because we have concluded, as               nutritional profile to consumers. Under
                                            within the name of these foods (e.g.,                   set forth in this document, that this rule            § 130.10, nonspecific, safe, and suitable
                                            § 130.10 does not require a jam made                    will not generate significant compliance              artificial sweeteners other than the three
                                            with a non-nutritive sweetener to be                    costs, we certify that the final rule will            named in §§ 150.141 and 150.161 can be
                                            named ‘‘artificially sweetened jam’’), it               not have a significant economic impact                used to make reduced calorie or reduced
                                            does require foods subject to that                      on a substantial number of small                      sugar products labeled with a nutrient
                                            provision to be named by use of a                       entities.                                             content claim that is established in FDA
                                            nutrient content claim defined in part                     Section 202(a) of the Unfunded                     regulations. Revoking the standards of
                                            101 (e.g., ‘‘reduced calorie’’ or ‘‘no sugar            Mandates Reform Act of 1995 requires                  identity means that any product subject
                                            added’’). Nutrient content claims such                  that Agencies prepare a written                       to §§ 150.141 and 150.161 will instead
                                            as ‘‘low calorie’’ or ‘‘no sugar added’’                statement, which includes an                          be subject to § 130.10. This will allow
                                            better characterize the nutritional                     assessment of anticipated costs and                   consumers to better compare any fruit
                                            profile of the fruit spreads currently                  benefits, before proposing ‘‘any rule that            spreads currently covered by §§ 150.141
                                            subject to §§ 150.141 and 150.161 than                  includes any Federal mandate that may                 and 150.161 with other spreads that are
                                            does the term ‘‘artificially sweetened.’’               result in the expenditure by State, local,            named and modified under the
                                            The final rule will also allow better                   and tribal governments, in the aggregate,             provisions of § 130.10. Revoking the
                                            comparison to other jams, jellies, and                  or by the private sector, of $100,000,000             standards also gives manufacturers the
                                            preserves currently modified under the                  or more (adjusted annually for inflation)             flexibility to use the three non-nutritive
                                            provisions of § 130.10. For example,                    in any one year.’’ The current threshold              sweeteners listed in §§ 150.141 and
                                            under current requirements, a jelly that                after adjustment for inflation is $144                150.161, while naming their products
                                            is sweetened with saccharin must be                     million, using the most current (2014)                under § 130.10 using a defined nutrient
                                            called ‘‘artificially sweetened jelly’’ (in             Implicit Price Deflator for the Gross                 content claim.
                                            accordance with § 150.141), whereas a                   Domestic Product. We do not expect
                                            similar jelly sweetened with sucralose                  this final rule to result in any 1-year               B. Regulatory Options
                                            may be named as ‘‘reduced sugar jelly’’                 expenditure that would meet or exceed                    In assessing our regulatory options,
                                            (in accordance with § 130.10 and                        this amount.                                          we considered the option of taking no
                                            provided it meets the requirements for                                                                        action and the option of implementing
                                                                                                    A. Need for This Regulation
                                            the nutrient content claim ‘‘reduced                                                                          this final rule. We conclude that the rule
                                            sugar’’ in § 101.60(c)(5) to distinguish it                We are revoking the standards of                   is not an economically significant
                                            from the standardized food (jelly in                    identity for artificially sweetened jelly,            regulatory action. We are not
                                            § 150.140). Revoking the standards will                 preserves, and jams because these                     quantitatively estimating the benefits
                                            provide consistency and uniformity                      standards are obsolete and unnecessary.               and costs of the regulatory alternatives
                                            among such products because all fruit                   The current standards of identity for                 to the rule. In the following paragraphs,
                                            spreads sweetened with non-nutritive                    artificially sweetened jelly (§ 150.141)              we qualitatively compare the costs and
                                            sweeteners will be subject to the same                  and artificially sweetened preserves and              benefits of the regulatory options to the
                                            requirements. For these reasons, the                    jams (§ 150.161) provide that they may                costs and benefits of the rule.
                                            final rule will promote honesty and fair                be manufactured only with specific,
                                                                                                    non-nutritive artificial sweeteners:                  1. The Option of Taking No Action
                                            dealing in the interest of consumers
                                            consistent with section 401 of the FD&C                 Saccharin, sodium saccharin, calcium                     By convention, we treat the option of
                                            Act.                                                    saccharin, or any combination thereof.                taking no new regulatory action as the
                                               As for the comment that artificial                   These standards of identity, therefore,               baseline for determining the costs and
                                            sweeteners are ‘‘toxic’’ or ‘‘dangerous,’’              do not permit the use of newer, safe,                 benefits of the other options. Therefore,
                                            that comment does not address the                       and suitable artificial sweeteners, such              we associate neither costs nor benefits
                                            merits of revoking §§ 150.141 and                       as sucralose.                                         with this option. The consequences of
                                            150.161.                                                   The development of newer artificial                taking no action are reflected in the
                                                                                                    sweeteners and the enactment of the                   costs and benefits associated with taking
                                            III. Analysis of Impacts                                NLEA have made the current standards                  the action set forth in this rule.
                                               We have examined the impacts of the                  of identity for artificially sweetened
                                            final rule under Executive Order 12866,                 jelly, preserves, and jams obsolete. The              2. The Option of Implementing the Final
                                            Executive Order 13563, the Regulatory                   NLEA and § 130.10 permit the                          Rule
                                            Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601–612), and                 modification of a traditional                            By revoking §§ 150.141 and 150.161,
                                            the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of                     standardized food to achieve a nutrition              products that are currently subject to the
                                            1995 (Pub. L. 104–4). Executive Orders                  goal, such as a reduction in calories.                requirements of these standards of
                                            12866 and 13563 direct Agencies to                      Section 130.10(d)(1) allows the addition              identity will no longer be required to
                                            assess all costs and benefits of available              of safe and suitable ingredients to a food            use the phrase ‘‘artificially sweetened’’
                                            regulatory alternatives and, when                       named by use of a nutrient content                    as part of their product name.
                                            regulation is necessary, to select                      claim and a standardized term when                    Furthermore, revoking §§ 150.141 and
                                            regulatory approaches that maximize                     these ingredients are used to, among                  150.161 means that these same products
                                            net benefits (including potential                       other things, add sweetness to ensure                 will be permitted to bear nutrient
                                            economic, environmental, public health                  that the modified food is not inferior in             content claims along with a
                                            and safety, and other advantages;                       performance characteristic to the                     standardized term (e.g., ‘‘reduced
                                            distributive impacts; and equity). The                  standardized food, even if such                       calorie jelly’’ or ‘‘no sugar added jam’’),
                                            Agency believes that this final rule is                 ingredients are not specifically provided             in accordance with § 130.10.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                            not a significant regulatory action under               for by the relevant food standard.                       The costs of this rule result from the
                                            Executive Order 12866.                                     Standardized jelly and standardized                need to relabel any existing jelly,
                                               The Regulatory Flexibility Act                       preserves and jams products modified                  preserves, and jams that conform with
                                            requires Agencies to analyze regulatory                 under § 130.10 must use nutrient                      §§ 150.141 and 150.161. Any products
                                            options that would minimize any                         content claims to communicate the                     currently manufactured in accordance
                                            significant impact of a rule on small                   modified standardized product’s                       with the standards in §§ 150.141 and

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                                            72584            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 224 / Friday, November 20, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                            150.161 will have to be relabeled in                      Accordingly, while we do not                        identical to such standard of identity or
                                            order to comply with § 130.10. Our                      quantify the costs and benefits of the                that is not identical to the requirement
                                            review of supermarket scanner data for                  rule, we conclude that potential benefits             of section 403(g) of the FD&C Act (21
                                            the years 2001 through 2010, however,                   will outweigh any potential costs                     U.S.C. 343(g)). The express preemption
                                            revealed that no such products are                      associated with the rule.                             provision of section 403A(a) of the
                                            currently being sold. Sales for products                                                                      FD&C Act does not preempt any State or
                                                                                                    C. Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
                                            manufactured and labeled in accordance                                                                        local requirement respecting a statement
                                            with §§ 150.141 and 150.161 were last                      The Regulatory Flexibility Act                     in the labeling of food that provides for
                                            reported in 2002. A memorandum                          requires Agencies to analyze regulatory               a warning concerning the safety of the
                                            summarizing the results of this scanner                 options that would minimize any                       food or component of the food (section
                                            data can be found in Reference 1. The                   significant impact of a rule on small                 6(c)(2) of the NLEA, Pub. L. 101–535,
                                            data support our conclusion that most                   entities. Because compliance costs, if                104 Stat. 2353, 2364 (1990)).
                                            manufacturers most likely have                          any, generated by this rule are expected                This final rule will impose
                                            discontinued production of jelly,                       to be negligible, we conclude that this               requirements that fall within the scope
                                            preserves, and jams that must be labeled                rule will not have a significant                      of section 403A(a) of the FD&C Act.
                                            as ‘‘artificially sweetened,’’ presumably               economic impact on a substantial
                                            because of a perception that the phrase                 number of small entities. The following               V. Environmental Impact
                                            ‘‘artificially sweetened’’ is unattractive              analysis, in conjunction with the                       We have determined under 21 CFR
                                            to consumers. The data also support our                 discussion in this document, constitutes              25.32(a) that this action is of a type that
                                            conclusion that it is unlikely that the                 our final regulatory flexibility analysis             does not individually or cumulatively
                                            rule will generate significant                          as required by the Regulatory Flexibility             have a significant effect on the human
                                            compliance costs due to the need to                     Act.                                                  environment. Therefore, neither an
                                            relabel products. In fact, removal of the                  The rule revokes the standards of                  environmental assessment nor an
                                            artificially sweetened standards of                     identity for artificially sweetened jelly,            environmental impact statement is
                                            identity will allow manufacturers to re-                preserves, and jams. The revocation of                required.
                                            introduce products covered under                        these artificially sweetened standards of
                                                                                                    identity gives small fruit spread firms               VI. Paperwork Reduction Act
                                            §§ 150.141 and 150.161 to be sold as
                                            products covered by § 130.10. That is,                  the flexibility to use the three non-                   This final rule contains no collection
                                            such products would be named by use                     nutritive sweeteners listed in §§ 150.141             of information. Therefore, clearance by
                                            of a nutrient content claim in                          and 150.161 and to name their products                Office of Management and Budget under
                                            conjunction with a standardized term                    with FDA-defined nutrient content                     the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 is
                                            (e.g., ‘‘reduced calorie jelly’’ or ‘‘no                claims in accordance with § 130.10, as                not required.
                                            sugar added jam’’), in accordance with                  is currently done for fruit spread
                                                                                                    products manufactured with other non-                 VII. Reference
                                            § 130.10. Therefore, we conclude that
                                            any relabeling compliance costs will be                 nutritive sweeteners.                                   The following reference is on display
                                            negligible.                                                We do not classify as costs of this rule           in the Division of Dockets Management
                                               We do not classify as anticipated costs              any expenses that some small firms                    (HFA–305), Food and Drug
                                            of this rule any expenses that firms                    might voluntarily incur because they                  Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm.
                                            might voluntarily incur if they choose to               choose to change their product formulas               1061, Rockville, MD 20852 and is
                                            change their product formulas or                        or manufacturing practices. As                        available for viewing by interested
                                            manufacturing practices. Any such costs                 discussed in this document, any such                  persons between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.,
                                            are not costs that would be required by                 costs would not be costs required by                  Monday through Friday; it is also
                                            the rule. Instead, these costs would                    this rule.                                            available electronically at http://
                                            result from voluntary business decisions                                                                      www.regulations.gov. FDA has verified
                                                                                                    IV. Federalism
                                            made by manufacturers.                                                                                        the Web site address, as of the date this
                                               We conclude that the principal                          We have analyzed this final rule in                document publishes in the Federal
                                            benefits that will result from the rule                 accordance with the principles set forth              Register, but Web sites are subject to
                                            derive from increased information and                   in Executive Order 13132. Section 4(a)                change over time.
                                            flexibility. Revoking the artificially                  of the Executive Order requires
                                                                                                                                                            1. A.C. Nielsen Scantrack data, (2001–
                                            sweetened standards of identity will                    Agencies to ‘‘construe a Federal statute              2010). The Nielsen Company, 770 Broadway,
                                            provide producers of jelly, preserves,                  to preempt State law only where the                   New York, NY 10003–9595 (http://
                                            and jams with the flexibility to use                    statute contains an express preemption                www.acnielsen.com/).
                                            saccharin, sodium saccharin, calcium                    provision or there is some other clear
                                            saccharin, or any combination thereof,                  evidence that the Congress intended                   List of Subjects in 21 CFR Part 150
                                            in their formulations without having to                 preemption of State law, or where the                   Food grades and standards, Fruits.
                                            include the term ‘‘artificially                         exercise of State authority conflicts with              Therefore, under the Federal Food,
                                            sweetened’’ in their product names.                     the exercise of Federal authority under               Drug, and Cosmetic Act and under
                                            Manufacturers could instead name their                  the Federal statute.’’                                authority delegated to the Commissioner
                                            products in accordance with approved                       Section 403A of the FD&C Act (21                   of Food and Drugs, 21 CFR part 150 is
                                            nutrient content claims, as provided for                U.S.C. 343–1) is an express preemption                amended as follows:
                                            under § 130.10, thus providing                          provision. Section 403A(a) of the FD&C
                                            consumers with additional information                   Act provides that no State or political               PART 150—FRUIT BUTTERS, JELLIES,
                                            about the nutritional profile of affected               subdivision of a State may directly or                PRESERVES, AND RELATED
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                            products. Additionally, revoking                        indirectly establish under any authority              PRODUCTS
                                            §§ 150.141 and 150.161 will help                        or continue in effect as to any food in
                                            consumers compare products covered                      interstate commerce any requirement for               ■ 1. The authority citation for 21 CFR
                                            by the standards with other similar jelly,              a food which is the subject of a standard             part 150 continues to read as follows:
                                            preserves, and jams manufactured in                     of identity established under section                   Authority: 21 U.S.C. 321, 341, 343, 348,
                                            accordance with § 130.10.                               401 (of the FD&C Act) that is not                     371, 379e.

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                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 224 / Friday, November 20, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                        72585

                                            § 150.141    [Removed]                                  513(f)(1) of the FD&C Act into class III                On September 18, 2014, FDA
                                            ■   2. Remove § 150.141.                                without any FDA rulemaking process.                   published an order in the Federal
                                                                                                    Those devices remain in class III and                 Register to reclassify the device (79 FR
                                            § 150.161    [Removed]                                  require premarket approval unless, and                56027) (the ‘‘proposed order’’). The
                                            ■   3. Remove § 150.161.                                until, the device is reclassified into class          period for public comment on the
                                                                                                    I or II, or FDA issues an order finding               proposed order closed on December 17,
                                              Dated: November 16, 2015.
                                                                                                    the device to be substantially                        2014. FDA received and has considered
                                            Leslie Kux,                                                                                                   20 comments on the proposed order, as
                                                                                                    equivalent, in accordance with section
                                            Associate Commissioner for Policy.                      513(i) of the FD&C Act, to a predicate                discussed in section II.
                                            [FR Doc. 2015–29631 Filed 11–19–15; 8:45 am]            device that does not require premarket                II. Public Comments in Response to the
                                            BILLING CODE 4164–01–P                                  approval. The Agency determines                       Proposed Order
                                                                                                    whether new devices are substantially
                                                                                                    equivalent to predicate devices by                       Of the 20 public comments that FDA
                                            DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                means of premarket notification                       received in response to the proposed
                                            HUMAN SERVICES                                          procedures in section 510(k) of the                   order, 17 comments supported the
                                                                                                    FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 360(k)) and part                  proposed reclassification and 3
                                            Food and Drug Administration                                                                                  comments were opposed. All of the
                                                                                                    807 (21 CFR part 807).
                                                                                                       A postamendments device that has                   commenters were individuals, 12 of
                                            21 CFR Part 872                                                                                               whom identified themselves as medical
                                                                                                    been initially classified in class III
                                            [Docket No. FDA–2014–N–1243]                            under section 513(f)(1) of the FD&C Act               practitioners. Eight of these 12
                                                                                                    may be reclassified into class I or class             practitioners claimed prior research
                                            Dental Devices; Reclassification of                     II under section 513(f)(3) of the FD&C                experience with the device. Three
                                            Electrical Salivary Stimulator System                   Act. Section 513(f)(3) provides that FDA              commenters claimed experience with
                                                                                                    acting by order can reclassify the device             the device as patients in clinical trials.
                                            AGENCY:     Food and Drug Administration,                                                                        All of the practitioners’ and patients’
                                            HHS.                                                    into class I or class II on its own
                                                                                                                                                          comments were supportive of the
                                            ACTION:   Final order.                                  initiative, or in response to a petition
                                                                                                                                                          reclassification proposal. All of the
                                                                                                    from the manufacturer or importer of
                                                                                                                                                          practitioners with prior experience
                                            SUMMARY:    The Food and Drug                           the device. To change the classification
                                                                                                                                                          administering the device noted
                                            Administration (FDA) is issuing a final                 of the device, the proposed new class
                                                                                                                                                          favorable results for some of their
                                            order to reclassify the salivary                        must have sufficient regulatory controls
                                                                                                                                                          patients and no adverse events. The
                                            stimulator system, a postamendments                     to provide reasonable assurance of the
                                                                                                                                                          other four practitioners who commented
                                            Class III device, into class II (special                safety and effectiveness of the device for
                                                                                                                                                          either had recommended, or if available
                                            controls) and to rename the device the                  its intended use.
                                                                                                                                                          would recommend, the device as a non-
                                            ‘‘electrical salivary stimulator system.’’                 Reevaluation of the data previously
                                                                                                                                                          pharmaceutical option for treating dry
                                            The Agency is classifying the device                    before the Agency is an appropriate
                                                                                                                                                          mouth conditions.
                                            into class II (special controls) in order               basis for subsequent action where the                    Five commenters did not claim any
                                            to provide a reasonable assurance of                    reevaluation is made in light of newly                prior professional or patient experience
                                            safety and effectiveness of the device.                 available regulatory authority (see Bell              with the device. Of these comments,
                                            DATES: This order is effective December                 v. Goddard, 366 F.2d 177, 181 (7th Cir.               two favored finalization of the proposed
                                            21, 2015.                                               1966); Ethicon, Inc. v. FDA, 762 F.                   reclassification based on the evidence
                                            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        Supp. 382, 388–391 (D.D.C. 1991)), or in              presented in the proposed order.
                                            Michael Ryan, Center for Devices and                    light of changes in ‘‘medical science’’                  Three comments opposed the
                                            Radiological Health, Food and Drug                      (Upjohn v. Finch, 422 F.2d 944, 951 (6th              proposed reclassification. None of these
                                            Administration, 10903 New Hampshire                     Cir. 1970)). Whether data before the                  commenters claimed prior professional
                                            Ave., Bldg. 66, Rm. 1615, Silver Spring,                Agency are old or new, the ‘‘new                      or patient experience with the device.
                                            MD 20993, 301–796–6283.                                 information’’ to support reclassification             One commenter believed that the
                                            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              under section 513(f)(3) of the FD&C Act               proposed order adequately addressed
                                                                                                    must be ‘‘valid scientific evidence’’, as             safety concerns but failed to provide
                                            I. Background                                           defined in section 513(a)(3) and 21 CFR               convincing evidence of the effectiveness
                                               The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic                 860.7(c)(2). (See, e.g., General Medical              of the device.
                                            Act (the FD&C Act), as amended, 21                      Co. v. FDA, 770 F.2d 214 (D.C. Cir.                      FDA disagrees with the comment. The
                                            U.S.C. 301 et seq., establishes a                       1985); Contact Lens Mfrs. Assoc. v. FDA,              special control requiring documented
                                            comprehensive system for the regulation                 766 F.2d 592 (D.C. Cir.1985), cert.                   clinical experience will allow the
                                            of medical devices intended for human                   denied, 474 U.S. 1062 (1986)).                        Agency to require information on each
                                            use. Section 513 of the FD&C Act (21                       FDA relies upon ‘‘valid scientific                 device’s effectiveness in actual clinical
                                            U.S.C. 360c) established three categories               evidence’’ in the classification process              use.
                                            (classes) of devices, reflecting the                    to determine the level of regulation for                 Two commenters believed that the
                                            regulatory controls needed to provide                   devices. To be considered in the                      devices should undergo further clinical
                                            reasonable assurance of their safety and                reclassification process, the ‘‘valid                 trials to evaluate device and human
                                            effectiveness. The three categories of                  scientific evidence’’ upon which the                  factors risks, and that electrically
                                            devices are class I (general controls),                 Agency relies must be publicly                        powered salivary stimulators are
                                            class II (special controls), and class III              available. Publicly available information             inherently hazardous and subject to
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                            (premarket approval).                                   excludes trade secret and/or                          misuse and, without conclusive test
                                               Devices that were not in commercial                  confidential commercial information,                  results, should continue to be classified
                                            distribution prior to May 28, 1976                      e.g., the contents of a pending premarket             as Class III devices and be subject to
                                            (generally referred to as                               approval application (PMA) (see section               premarket approval.
                                            postamendments devices) are                             520(c) of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C.                        The Agency disagrees that electrical
                                            automatically classified by section                     360j(c)).                                             salivary stimulator systems should

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Document Created: 2015-12-14 13:59:13
Document Modified: 2015-12-14 13:59:13
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesThe final rule is effective on November 20, 2015.
ContactTerri Wenger, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (HFS-820), Food and Drug Administration, 5100 Paint Branch Pkwy., College Park, MD 20740, 240-402-2371.
FR Citation80 FR 72581 
CFR AssociatedFood Grades and Standards and Fruits

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