80_FR_9341 80 FR 9307 - Actions on Special Permit Applications

80 FR 9307 - Actions on Special Permit Applications

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 34 (February 20, 2015)

Page Range9307-9308
FR Document2015-02984

In accordance with the procedures governing the application for, and the processing of, special permits from the Department of Transportation's Hazardous Material Regulations (49 CFR part 107, Subpart B), notice is hereby given of the actions on special permits applications in (October to October 2014). The mode of transportation involved are identified by a number in the ``Nature of Application'' portion of the table below as follows: 1--Motor vehicle, 2--Rail freight, 3--Cargo vessel, 4--Cargo aircraft only, 5--Passenger-carrying aircraft. Application numbers prefixed by the letters EE represent applications for Emergency Special Permits. It should be noted that some of the sections cited were those in effect at the time certain special permits were issued.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 34 (Friday, February 20, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 34 (Friday, February 20, 2015)]
[Pages 9307-9308]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-02984]



Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

Actions on Special Permit Applications

AGENCY: Office of Hazardous Materials Safety, Pipeline And Hazardous 
Materials Safety Administration, PHMSA, DOT.

ACTION: Notice of actions on special permit applications.


SUMMARY: In accordance with the procedures governing the application 
for, and the processing of, special permits from the Department of 
Transportation's Hazardous Material Regulations (49 CFR part 107, 
Subpart B), notice is hereby given of the actions on special permits 
applications in (October to October 2014). The mode of transportation 
involved are identified by a number in the ``Nature of Application'' 
portion of the table below as follows: 1--Motor vehicle, 2--Rail 
freight, 3--Cargo vessel, 4--Cargo aircraft only, 5--Passenger-carrying 
aircraft. Application numbers prefixed by the letters EE represent 
applications for Emergency Special Permits. It should be noted that 
some of the sections cited were those in effect at the time certain 
special permits were issued.

    Issued in Washington, DC, on February 3, 2015.
Donald Burger,
Chief, Special Permits and Approvals Branch.

                                                      Nature of special
    S.P. No.         Applicant      Regulation(s)      permit thereof
9847-M..........  FIBA             49 CFR           To modify the
                   Technologies,    180.209(a),      special permit so
                   Inc. (FIBA)      180.205(c),      that alternative
                   Millbury, MA.    (f), (g) and     certifications may
                                    (i),             be authorized for
                                    173.302a(b)(2)   personnel
                                    , (3), (4) and   responsible for
                                    (5), and         performing cylinder
                                    180.213.         retesting.
12661-M.........  United Parcel    49 CFR 172.202,  To modify the
                   Service, Inc.    172.203(c),      special permit to
                   Atlanta, GA.     (k) and (m),     authorize Division
                                    172.301,         6.2 materials.
                                    172.400, and
15985-M.........  Space            49 CFR part 172  To modify the
                   Exploration      and 173.         special permit to
                   Technologies                      authorize the
                   Corp. (Space                      transportation of
                   X) Hawthorne,                     hazardous materials
                   CA.                               by cargo vessel.
                       NEW SPECIAL PERMIT GRANTED
16039-N.........  UTLX             49 CFR           To authorize the
                   Manufacturing    173.314(d).      manufacture,
                   LLC                               marking, sale and
                   Alexandria, LA.                   use of non-DOT
                                                     specification tank
                                                     cars for the
                                                     transportation in
                                                     commerce of
                                                     anhydrous ammonia.
                                                     (mode 2)
16137-N.........  Diversified      49 CFR 49 CFR    To authorize the
                   Laboratory       173.196.         transportation in
                   Repair                            commerce of certain
                   Gaithersburg,                     infectious
                   MD.                               substances in
                                                     special packagings
                                                     (freezers). (mode
16118-N.........  Toyota Motor     49 CFR           To authorize the
                   Sales, U.S.A.,   173.301(a)(1).   transportation in
                   Inc. Torrance,                    commerce of
                   CA.                               Hydrogen,
                                                     compressed in non-
                                                     DOT specification
                                                     containers. (modes
                                                     1, 2, 3, 4)
16191-N.........  Solvay           49 CFR 173.205.  To authorize the
                   Fluorides LLC                     transportation in
                   Houston, TX.                      commerce of Iodine
                                                     Pentafluoride in a
                                                     welded, steel non-
                                                     bulk packaging
                                                     designed and
                                                     constructed in
                                                     accordance with
                                                     Section VIII
                                                     Division 1 of the
                                                     ASME Code. (modes
                                                     1, 2, 3)
16307-N.........  Croman           49 CFR 172.101   To authorize the
                   Corporation      Hazardous        transportation in
                   White City, OR.  Materials        commerce of certain
                                    Table Columns    Class 3 hazardous
                                    (8C) and (9B),   materials contained
                                    173.242,         in non-DOT
                                    175.310.         specification
                                                     packaging of up to
                                                     500 gallon capacity
                                                     by 14 CFR part 133
                                                     Rotorcraft External
                                                     Load Operations
                                                     transporting Class
                                                     3 hazardous
                                                     materials attached
                                                     to or suspended
                                                     from a cargo
                                                     aircraft when other
                                                     means of
                                                     transportation is
                                                     not practicable.
                                                     (mode 4)
16188-N.........  UTLX             49 CFR 179.100-  To authorize the
                   Manufacturing    4 and 179.100-   manufacture,
                   LLC              12(b).           marking, sale and
                   Alexandria, LA.                   use of DOT 120J100W
                                                     and 120J200W tank
                                                     cars for
                                                     transportation of
                                                     Class 3 flammable
                                                     and combustible
                                                     liquids. (mode 2)
10427-M.........  Astrotech Space  49 CFR           To modify the
                   Operations LLC   173.61(a),       special permit to
                   Titusville, FL.  173.301(g),      authorize
                                    173.302(a),      additional launch
                                    173.336, and     vehicles and
                                    177.848(d).      increase the amount
                                                     of Anhydrous
                                                     ammonia to 120
                                                     pounds. (model 1)
16273-N.........  Lohman           49 CFR 172.101   To authorize the
                   Helicopter,      Table Column     transportation in
                   LLC. Kendrick,   (9B), 172.200,   commerce of certain
                   ID.              172.204(c)(3),   hazardous materials
                                    172.300,         by 14 CFR part 133
                                    173.27(b)(2),    Rotorcraft External
                                    175.75, 178.     Load Operations
                                                     hazardous materials
                                                     attached to or
                                                     suspended from an
                                                     aircraft, in remote
                                                     areas of the US
                                                     only, without being
                                                     subject to hazard
                                                     limitations and
                                                     certain loading and
                                                     requirements. (mode

[[Page 9308]]

13359-M.........  BASF             49 CFR           To modify the
                   Corporation      173.301(f)(6),   special permit to
                   Florham Park,    and 173.302a.    authorize a UN
                   NJ.                               certified pressure
10427-M.........  Astrotech Space  49 CFR           To modify the
                   Operations,      173.61(a),       special permit to
                   Inc.             173.301(g),      authorize
                   Titusville, FL.  173.302(a),      additional launch
                                    173.336, and     vehicles and
                                    177.848(d).      increase the amount
                                                     of Anhydrous
                                                     ammonia to 120
                      NEW SPECIAL PERMIT WITHDRAWN
16332-N.........  Nalco Company    49 CFR           To authorize the
                   Naperville, IL.  172.302(c),      transportation in
                                    178.705(c)(1).   commerce of certain
                                                     existing UN 31A
                                                     IBCs manufactured
                                                     of stainless steel
                                                     and modified with a
                                                     lid manufactured of
                                                     Linear Medium
                                                     (modes 1, 2, 3)
16370-N.........  ActionSportGame  49 CFR 173.304a  To authorize the
                   s USA Inc.                        transportation in
                   Moorpark, CA.                     commerce of UN1978
                                                     product marked as
                                                     UN1950 to Denmark.
                                                     (modes 1,3)
16363-N.........  CAL FIRE-Office  49 CFR None      To authorize the
                   of the State     provided.        transportation in
                   Fire Marshal                      commerce of
                   Sacramento, CA.                   fireworks packaged
                                                     in alternative
16360-N.........  DynaEnergetics   49 CFR 173.56..  To authorize the
                   US, Inc.                          transportation in
                   Lakeway, TX.                      commerce of
                                                     Division 1.2
                                                     explosives without
                                                     classification and
                                                     approval. (modes 1,
                                                     2, 3)
15832-M.........    Request by Baker Petrolite Corporation (BPC) Sugar
                      Land, TX January 08, 2015. To modify the special
                       permit to authorize an additional tank design.
14617-M.........  Request by Western International Gas & Cylinders, Inc.
                   Bellville, TX January 30, 2015. To modify the special
                      permit to add certain DOT 3AL seamless aluminum
                     cylinders manufactured of aluminum alloy 6351, DOT
                     3BN, and cylinders manufactured in accordance with
                     DOT-SP 9001, 9370, 9421, 9706, 9791, 9909, 10047,
                                      10869 and 11692.
14569-M.........  Request by Northland Services Inc. Seattle, WA January
                    14, 2015. To modify the special permit to segregate
                     Class 1 explosives from other hazardous materials
                                    when stowed on deck.

[FR Doc. 2015-02984 Filed 2-19-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 34 / Friday, February 20, 2015 / Notices                                                   9307

                                               Æ Design and Testing of Composite                       Materials Safety Administration,                        as follows: 1—Motor vehicle, 2—Rail
                                              Overwrapped Cylinders                                    PHMSA, DOT.                                             freight, 3—Cargo vessel, 4—Cargo
                                              Magdy El-Sibaie,                                         ACTION: Notice of actions on special                    aircraft only, 5—Passenger-carrying
                                              Associate Administrator for Hazardous                    permit applications.                                    aircraft. Application numbers prefixed
                                              Materials Safety.                                                                                                by the letters EE represent applications
                                              [FR Doc. 2015–03488 Filed 2–19–15; 8:45 am]              SUMMARY:   In accordance with the                       for Emergency Special Permits. It
                                              BILLING CODE 4910–60–P                                   procedures governing the application                    should be noted that some of the
                                                                                                       for, and the processing of, special                     sections cited were those in effect at the
                                                                                                       permits from the Department of                          time certain special permits were
                                              DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                             Transportation’s Hazardous Material                     issued.
                                                                                                       Regulations (49 CFR part 107, Subpart                     Issued in Washington, DC, on February 3,
                                              Pipeline and Hazardous Materials                         B), notice is hereby given of the actions               2015.
                                              Safety Administration                                    on special permits applications in                      Donald Burger,
                                                                                                       (October to October 2014). The mode of
                                              Actions on Special Permit Applications                                                                           Chief, Special Permits and Approvals Branch.
                                                                                                       transportation involved are identified by
                                              AGENCY:  Office of Hazardous Materials                   a number in the ‘‘Nature of
                                              Safety, Pipeline And Hazardous                           Application’’ portion of the table below

                                                 S.P. No.                     Applicant                           Regulation(s)                                Nature of special permit thereof

                                                                                                      MODIFICATION SPECIAL PERMIT GRANTED

                                              9847–M ........    FIBA Technologies, Inc.                49 CFR 180.209(a),                      To modify the special permit so that alternative certifications
                                                                   (FIBA) Millbury, MA.                   180.205(c), (f), (g) and (i),           may be authorized for personnel responsible for performing
                                                                                                          173.302a(b)(2), (3), (4) and            cylinder retesting.
                                                                                                          (5), and 180.213.
                                              12661–M ......     United Parcel Service, Inc. At-        49 CFR 172.202, 172.203(c),             To modify the special permit to authorize Division 6.2 mate-
                                                                  lanta, GA.                              (k) and (m), 172.301,                   rials.
                                                                                                          172.400, and 172.302(c).
                                              15985–M ......     Space Exploration Tech-                49 CFR part 172 and 173 .......         To modify the special permit to authorize the transportation of
                                                                   nologies Corp. (Space X)                                                       hazardous materials by cargo vessel.
                                                                   Hawthorne, CA.

                                                                                                             NEW SPECIAL PERMIT GRANTED

                                              16039–N .......    UTLX Manufacturing LLC Al-             49 CFR 173.314(d) .................     To authorize the manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-
                                                                  exandria, LA.                                                                   DOT specification tank cars for the transportation in com-
                                                                                                                                                  merce of anhydrous ammonia. (mode 2)
                                              16137–N .......    Diversified Laboratory Repair          49 CFR 49 CFR 173.196 ........          To authorize the transportation in commerce of certain infec-
                                                                   Gaithersburg, MD.                                                              tious substances in special packagings (freezers). (mode 1)
                                              16118–N .......    Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A.,            49 CFR 173.301(a)(1) .............      To authorize the transportation in commerce of Hydrogen,
                                                                   Inc. Torrance, CA.                                                             compressed in non-DOT specification pressure containers.
                                                                                                                                                  (modes 1, 2, 3, 4)
                                              16191–N .......    Solvay Fluorides LLC Hous-             49 CFR 173.205 ......................   To authorize the transportation in commerce of Iodine
                                                                   ton, TX.                                                                       Pentafluoride in a non-DOT specification welded, steel non-
                                                                                                                                                  bulk packaging designed and constructed in accordance
                                                                                                                                                  with Section VIII Division 1 of the ASME Code. (modes 1,
                                                                                                                                                  2, 3)
                                              16307–N .......    Croman Corporation White               49 CFR 172.101 Hazardous                To authorize the transportation in commerce of certain Class
                                                                   City, OR.                              Materials Table Columns                 3 hazardous materials contained in non-DOT specification
                                                                                                          (8C) and (9B), 173.242,                 packaging of up to 500 gallon capacity by 14 CFR part 133
                                                                                                          175.310.                                Rotorcraft External Load Operations transporting Class 3
                                                                                                                                                  hazardous materials attached to or suspended from a
                                                                                                                                                  cargo aircraft when other means of transportation is not
                                                                                                                                                  practicable. (mode 4)
                                              16188–N .......    UTLX Manufacturing LLC Al-             49 CFR 179.100–4 and                    To authorize the manufacture, marking, sale and use of DOT
                                                                  exandria, LA.                           179.100–12(b).                          120J100W and 120J200W tank cars for transportation of
                                                                                                                                                  Class 3 flammable and combustible liquids. (mode 2)

                                                                                                       EMERGENCY SPECIAL PERMIT GRANTED

                                              10427–M ......     Astrotech Space Operations             49 CFR 173.61(a), 173.301(g),           To modify the special permit to authorize additional launch
                                                                   LLC Titusville, FL.                    173.302(a), 173.336, and                vehicles and increase the amount of Anhydrous ammonia
                                                                                                          177.848(d).                             to 120 pounds. (model 1)

                                              16273–N .......    Lohman Helicopter, LLC.                49 CFR 172.101 Table Col-               To authorize the transportation in commerce of certain haz-
                                                                   Kendrick, ID.                          umn (9B), 172.200,                      ardous materials by 14 CFR part 133 Rotorcraft External
                                                                                                          172.204(c)(3), 172.300,                 Load Operations transporting hazardous materials attached
                                                                                                          173.27(b)(2), 175.75, 178.              to or suspended from an aircraft, in remote areas of the US
                                                                                                                                                  only, without being subject to hazard communication re-
                                                                                                                                                  quirements, quantity limitations and certain loading and
                                                                                                                                                  stowage requirements. (mode 4)

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014    17:07 Feb 19, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00048   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703    E:\FR\FM\20FEN1.SGM   20FEN1

                                              9308                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 34 / Friday, February 20, 2015 / Notices

                                                 S.P. No.                        Applicant                             Regulation(s)                                 Nature of special permit thereof

                                                                                                          MODIFICATION SPECIAL PERMIT WITHDRAWN

                                              13359–M ......     BASF Corporation Florham                    49 CFR 173.301(f)(6), and                To modify the special permit to authorize a UN certified pres-
                                                                   Park, NJ.                                   173.302a.                                sure vessel.
                                              10427–M ......     Astrotech Space Operations,                 49 CFR 173.61(a), 173.301(g),            To modify the special permit to authorize additional launch
                                                                   Inc. Titusville, FL.                        173.302(a), 173.336, and                 vehicles and increase the amount of Anhydrous ammonia
                                                                                                               177.848(d).                              to 120 pounds.

                                                                                                                  NEW SPECIAL PERMIT WITHDRAWN

                                              16332–N .......    Nalco Company Naperville, IL                49 CFR 172.302(c),                       To authorize the transportation in commerce of certain exist-
                                                                                                               178.705(c)(1).                           ing UN 31A IBCs manufactured of stainless steel and
                                                                                                                                                        modified with a lid manufactured of Linear Medium Density
                                                                                                                                                        Polyethylene. (modes 1, 2, 3)
                                              16370–N .......    ActionSportGames USA Inc.                   49 CFR 173.304a ....................     To authorize the transportation in commerce of UN1978 prod-
                                                                   Moorpark, CA.                                                                        uct marked as UN1950 to Denmark. (modes 1,3)
                                              16363–N .......    CAL FIRE-Office of the State                49 CFR None provided ...........         To authorize the transportation in commerce of fireworks
                                                                   Fire Marshal Sacramento,                                                             packaged in alternative packagings.

                                                                                                           EMERGENCY SPECIAL PERMIT WITHDRAWN

                                              16360–N .......    DynaEnergetics US, Inc.                     49 CFR 173.56 ........................   To authorize the transportation in commerce of Division 1.2
                                                                   Lakeway, TX.                                                                         explosives without classification and approval. (modes 1, 2,


                                              15832–M ......      Request by Baker Petrolite Corporation (BPC) Sugar Land, TX January 08, 2015. To modify the special permit to authorize an
                                                                                                                    additional tank design.
                                              14617–M ......     Request by Western International Gas & Cylinders, Inc. Bellville, TX January 30, 2015. To modify the special permit to add cer-
                                                                    tain DOT 3AL seamless aluminum cylinders manufactured of aluminum alloy 6351, DOT 3BN, and cylinders manufactured
                                                                    in accordance with DOT–SP 9001, 9370, 9421, 9706, 9791, 9909, 10047, 10869 and 11692.
                                              14569–M ......     Request by Northland Services Inc. Seattle, WA January 14, 2015. To modify the special permit to segregate Class 1 explosives
                                                                                                     from other hazardous materials when stowed on deck.

                                              [FR Doc. 2015–02984 Filed 2–19–15; 8:45 am]                   permits from the Department of                              Comments should refer to the
                                              BILLING CODE 4909–60–M                                        Transportation’s Hazardous Material                      application number and be submitted in
                                                                                                            Regulations (49 CFR part 107, subpart                    triplicate. If confirmation of receipt of
                                                                                                            B), notice is hereby given that the Office               comments is desired, include a self-
                                              DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                                  of Hazardous Materials Safety has                        addressed stamped postcard showing
                                                                                                            received the application described                       the special permit number.
                                              Pipeline and Hazardous Materials                              herein. Each mode of transportation for                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              Safety Administration                                         which a particular special permit is                     Copies of the applications are available
                                                                                                            requested is indicated by a number in                    for inspection in the Records Center,
                                              Notice of Application for Special
                                                                                                            the ‘‘Nature of Application’’ portion of                 East Building, PHH–30, 1200 New
                                                                                                            the table below as follows: 1-Motor                      Jersey Avenue Southeast, Washington
                                              AGENCY:  Office of Hazardous Materials                        vehicle, 2-Rail freight, 3-Cargo vessel, 4-              DC or at http://regulations.gov.
                                              Safety, Pipeline and Hazardous                                Cargo aircraft only, 5-Passenger-carrying                   This notice of receipt of applications
                                              Materials Safety Administration,                              aircraft.                                                for special permit is published in
                                              PHMSA, DOT.                                                   DATES: Comments must be received on                      accordance with Part 107 of the Federal
                                                                                                            or before March 23, 2015.                                hazardous materials transportation law
                                              ACTION: List of Applications for Special
                                                                                                              Address Comments To: Record                            (49 U.S.C. 5117(b); 49 CFR 1.53(b)).
                                                                                                            Center, Pipeline and Hazardous                             Issued in Washington, DC, on February 3,
                                              SUMMARY:   In accordance with the                             Materials Safety Administration, U.S.                    2015.
                                              procedures governing the application                          Department of Transportation,                            Donald Burger,
                                              for, and the processing of, special                           Washington, DC 20590.                                    Chief, General Approvals and Permits.

                                                Application          Docket No.                         Applicant                    Regulation(s) affected                     Nature of special thereof
                                                permits No.

                                              16356–N .......    ...........................   United Launch Alliance,           49 CFR 172.320, 173.54(a),         To authorize the transportation in commerce of
                                                                                                 LLC, Centennial, CO.              173.56(b), 173.57,                 not more than 25 grams of solid explosive or
                                                                                                                                   173.58, ICAO TI Special            pyrotechnic material, including waste con-
                                                                                                                                   Provision A62, ICAO TI             taining explosives, that has energy density
                                                                                                                                   Packing Instruction 101.           not significantly greater than that of penta-
                                                                                                                                                                      erythritol tetranitrate, classed as Division
                                                                                                                                                                      1.4E when packed in a special shipping con-
                                                                                                                                                                      tainer. (modes 1, 2, 4)

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014    17:07 Feb 19, 2015        Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00049   Fmt 4703    Sfmt 4703    E:\FR\FM\20FEN1.SGM   20FEN1

Document Created: 2015-12-18 13:01:58
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 13:01:58
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of actions on special permit applications.
FR Citation80 FR 9307 

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