80_FR_9344 80 FR 9310 - Notice of Application for Modification of Special Permit

80 FR 9310 - Notice of Application for Modification of Special Permit

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 34 (February 20, 2015)

Page Range9310-9311
FR Document2015-02983

In accordance with the procedures governing the application for, and the processing of, special permits from the Department of Transportation's Hazardous Material Regulations (49 CFR part 107, Subpart B), notice is hereby given that the Office of Hazardous Materials Safety has received the applications described herein. This notice is abbreviated to expedite docketing and public notice. Because the sections affected, modes of transportation, and the nature of application have been shown in earlier Federal Register publications, they are not repeated here. Requests for modification of special permits (e.g. to provide for additional hazardous materials, packaging design changes, additional mode of transportation, etc.) are described in footnotes to the application number. Application numbers with the suffix ``M'' denote a modification request. These applications have been separated from the new application for special permits to facilitate processing.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 34 (Friday, February 20, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 34 (Friday, February 20, 2015)]
[Pages 9310-9311]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-02983]



 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

Notice of Application for Modification of Special Permit

AGENCY: Office of Hazardous Materials Safety, Pipeline and Hazardous 
Materials Safety Administration, PHMSA, DOT.

ACTION: List of application for modification of special permits.


SUMMARY: In accordance with the procedures governing the application 
for, and the processing of, special permits from the Department of 
Transportation's Hazardous Material Regulations (49 CFR part 107, 
Subpart B), notice is hereby given that the Office of Hazardous 
Materials Safety has received the applications described herein. This 
notice is abbreviated to expedite docketing and public notice. Because 
the sections affected, modes of transportation, and the nature of 
application have been shown in earlier Federal Register publications, 
they are not repeated here. Requests for modification of special 
permits (e.g. to provide for additional hazardous materials, packaging 
design changes, additional mode of transportation, etc.) are described 
in footnotes to the application number. Application numbers with the 
suffix ``M'' denote a modification request. These applications have 
been separated from the new application for special permits to 
facilitate processing.

DATES: Comments must be received on or before March 9, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Send comments to: Record Center, Pipeline and Hazardous 
Materials Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 
Washington, DC 20590.
    Comments should refer to the application number and be submitted in 
triplicate. If confirmation of receipt of comments is desired, include 
a self-addressed stamped postcard showing the special permit number.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Copies of the applications are 
available for inspection in the Records Center, East Building, PHH-30, 
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC or at http://regulations.gov.
    This notice of receipt of applications for modification of special 
permit is published in accordance with Part 107 of the Federal 
Hazardous Materials Transportation Law (49 U.S.C. 5117(b); 49 CFR 

    Issued in Washington, DC, on February 4, 2015.
Donald Burger,
Chief, General Approvals and Permits.

                            Docket                                                    Nature of special permits
     Application No.         No.            Applicant        Regulation(s) affected            thereof
                                          MODIFICATION SPECIAL PERMITS
10180-M.................  .........  Fireboy-Xintex, Inc.,   49 CFR 173.304(a)(2);   To modify the special
                                      Grand Rapids, MI.       173.34(d).              permit to authorize fire
                                                                                      extinguisher designs.
14146-M.................  .........  Brunswick Corporation,  49 CFR 173.220(e).....  To modify the special
                                      Lake Forest, IL.                                permit to allow a maximum
                                                                                      of 120ml flammable liquid
                                                                                      fuel in the engine and;
                                                                                      exemption from the IMDG
                                                                                      Code, Special Provision

[[Page 9311]]

14152-M.................  .........  SAES Pure Gas, Inc.,    49 CFR 173.187........  To modify the special
                                      San Luis Obispo, CA.                            permit to authorize
                                                                                      additional outer packaging
                                                                                      and shielding gages.
15885-M.................  .........  PHI, Inc., Lafayette,   49 CFR 172.101 Table    To modify the special
                                      LA.                     Column (9A).            permit to authorize
                                                                                      additional hazardous
16279-M.................  .........  Veolia ES Technical     49 CFR 173.196(a) and   To modify the and (b)
                                      Solutions, L.L.C.,      (b)..                   special permit originally
                                      Flanders, NJ.                                   issued on an emergency
                                                                                      basis to authorize an
                                                                                      additional two years.

[FR Doc. 2015-02983 Filed 2-19-15; 8:45 am]

                                              9310                                  Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 34 / Friday, February 20, 2015 / Notices

                                                Application           Docket No.                        Applicant                  Regulation(s) affected                     Nature of special thereof
                                                permits No.

                                              16391–N .......    ...........................   Halliburton Company, Hous-       49 CFR 173.201,                   To authorize the transportation in commerce of
                                                                                                 ton, TX.                         173.301(f), 173.302,              non-DOT specification cylinders used in oil
                                                                                                                                  173.304a.                         well sampling. (modes 1, 2, 3, 4)
                                              16392–N .......    ...........................   Gem Air, LLC, Salmon, ID ..      49 CFR 172.101 Hazardous          To authorize the transportation in commerce of
                                                                                                                                  Materials Table Column            propane aboard passenger-carrying aircraft
                                                                                                                                  (9A), 175.75(b).                  within or into remote wilderness areas in the
                                                                                                                                                                    United States. (mode 5)
                                              16393–N .......    ...........................   Airopack Technology Group        49 CFR 171–180, IMDG              To authorize the manufacture, mark, sale and
                                                                                                 BV, Waalwijk, The Neth-          Code Parts 1 through 7,           use of non-DOT non-plastic specification/
                                                                                                 erlands.                         ICAO TI Parts 1 through           packagings, conforming in part with DOT
                                                                                                                                  8.                                Specification 2S, charged with compressed
                                                                                                                                                                    air for the sole purpose of expelling a non-
                                                                                                                                                                    flammable, non-toxic, and non-corrosive
                                                                                                                                                                    (non-hazardous) liquid, paste, powder, or
                                                                                                                                                                    gel, which are not subject to the Hazardous
                                                                                                                                                                    Materials Regulations (HMR), the Inter-
                                                                                                                                                                    national Civil Aviation Organization’s Tech-
                                                                                                                                                                    nical Instructions for the Safe Transport of
                                                                                                                                                                    Dangerous Goods by Air (ICAO TI), or the
                                                                                                                                                                    International Maritime Dangerous Goods
                                                                                                                                                                    (IMDG) Code. (modes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
                                              16394–N .......    ...........................   Cellco Partnership, Basking      49 CFR Subparts C through         To authorize the transportation in commerce of
                                                                                                 Ridge, NJ.                       H of Part 172, 173.185(f).        damaged or defective lithium ion cells and
                                                                                                                                                                    batteries and equipment containing them that
                                                                                                                                                                    originally met the requirements under 49
                                                                                                                                                                    CFR 173.185(c). (modes 1, 2)
                                              16395–N .......    ...........................   Chandler Instruments Com-        49 CFR 173.201,                   To authorize the manufacture, mark, sale and
                                                                                                 pany LLC, Broken Arrow,          173.301(f), 173.302(a),           use of non-specification DOT cylinders used
                                                                                                 OK.                              173.304.                          in oil well sampling. (modes 1, 2, 3, 4)

                                              [FR Doc. 2015–02977 Filed 2–19–15; 8:45 am]                     of Hazardous Materials Safety has                   Department of Transportation,
                                              BILLING CODE 4909–60–M                                          received the applications described                 Washington, DC 20590.
                                                                                                              herein. This notice is abbreviated to                  Comments should refer to the
                                                                                                              expedite docketing and public notice.               application number and be submitted in
                                              DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                                    Because the sections affected, modes of             triplicate. If confirmation of receipt of
                                                                                                              transportation, and the nature of                   comments is desired, include a self-
                                              Pipeline and Hazardous Materials                                application have been shown in earlier              addressed stamped postcard showing
                                              Safety Administration                                           Federal Register publications, they are             the special permit number.
                                                                                                              not repeated here. Requests for
                                              Notice of Application for Modification                                                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                              modification of special permits (e.g. to
                                              of Special Permit                                               provide for additional hazardous                    Copies of the applications are available
                                                                                                              materials, packaging design changes,                for inspection in the Records Center,
                                              AGENCY:  Office of Hazardous Materials                                                                              East Building, PHH–30, 1200 New
                                              Safety, Pipeline and Hazardous                                  additional mode of transportation, etc.)
                                                                                                              are described in footnotes to the                   Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC or at
                                              Materials Safety Administration,                                                                                    http://regulations.gov.
                                              PHMSA, DOT.                                                     application number. Application
                                                                                                              numbers with the suffix ‘‘M’’ denote a                This notice of receipt of applications
                                              ACTION: List of application for                                                                                     for modification of special permit is
                                                                                                              modification request. These
                                              modification of special permits.                                                                                    published in accordance with Part 107
                                                                                                              applications have been separated from
                                              SUMMARY:   In accordance with the                               the new application for special permits             of the Federal Hazardous Materials
                                              procedures governing the application                            to facilitate processing.                           Transportation Law (49 U.S.C. 5117(b);
                                              for, and the processing of, special                             DATES: Comments must be received on                 49 CFR 1.53(b)).
                                              permits from the Department of                                  or before March 9, 2015.                              Issued in Washington, DC, on February 4,
                                              Transportation’s Hazardous Material                             ADDRESSES: Send comments to: Record                 2015.
                                              Regulations (49 CFR part 107, Subpart                           Center, Pipeline and Hazardous                      Donald Burger,
                                              B), notice is hereby given that the Office                      Materials Safety Administration, U.S.               Chief, General Approvals and Permits.

                                                Application        Docket                                                          Regulation(s)
                                                                                                  Applicant                                                            Nature of special permits thereof
                                                   No.              No.                                                              affected

                                                                                                                  MODIFICATION SPECIAL PERMITS

                                              10180–M ......     ................    Fireboy-Xintex, Inc., Grand         49 CFR 173.304(a)(2);                To modify the special permit to authorize fire ex-
                                                                                        Rapids, MI.                        173.34(d).                           tinguisher designs.
                                              14146–M ......     ................    Brunswick Corporation, Lake         49 CFR 173.220(e) ................   To modify the special permit to allow a maximum
                                                                                        Forest, IL.                                                             of 120ml flammable liquid fuel in the engine
                                                                                                                                                                and; exemption from the IMDG Code, Special
                                                                                                                                                                Provision 961.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014    17:07 Feb 19, 2015        Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00051   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\20FEN1.SGM   20FEN1

                                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 34 / Friday, February 20, 2015 / Notices                                                  9311

                                                Application       Docket                                                            Regulation(s)
                                                                                                Applicant                                                                Nature of special permits thereof
                                                   No.             No.                                                                affected

                                              14152–M ......    ................    SAES Pure Gas, Inc., San              49 CFR 173.187 .....................   To modify the special permit to authorize addi-
                                                                                     Luis Obispo, CA.                                                              tional outer packaging and shielding gages.
                                              15885–M ......    ................    PHI, Inc., Lafayette, LA ..........   49 CFR 172.101 Table Col-              To modify the special permit to authorize addi-
                                                                                                                            umn (9A).                              tional hazardous materials.
                                              16279–M ......    ................    Veolia ES Technical Solu-             49 CFR 173.196(a) and (b). ...         To modify the and (b) special permit originally
                                                                                      tions, L.L.C., Flanders, NJ.                                                 issued on an emergency basis to authorize an
                                                                                                                                                                   additional two years.

                                              [FR Doc. 2015–02983 Filed 2–19–15; 8:45 am]
                                              BILLING CODE 4909–60–P

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:07 Feb 19, 2015       Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00052    Fmt 4703   Sfmt 9990   E:\FR\FM\20FEN1.SGM    20FEN1

Document Created: 2015-12-18 13:01:52
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 13:01:52
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionList of application for modification of special permits.
DatesComments must be received on or before March 9, 2015.
ContactCopies of the applications are available for inspection in the Records Center, East Building, PHH-30, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC or at http:// regulations.gov.
FR Citation80 FR 9310 

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