81 FR 26243 - Intent To Request Renewal From OMB of One Current Public Collection of Information: Pipeline Corporate Security Review Program

Transportation Security Administration

Federal Register Volume 81, Issue 84 (May 2, 2016)

Page Range26243-26244
FR Document2016-10211

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) invites public comment on one currently-approved Information Collection Request (ICR), Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number 1652-0056, abstracted below that we will submit to OMB for renewal in compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). The ICR describes the nature of the information collection and its expected burden. The collection allows TSA to assess the current security practices in the pipeline industry through TSA's Pipeline Corporate Security Review (PCSR) program. The PCSR program is part of the larger domain awareness, prevention, and protection program supporting TSA's and the Department of Homeland Security's missions.

Federal Register, Volume 81 Issue 84 (Monday, May 2, 2016)
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 84 (Monday, May 2, 2016)]
[Pages 26243-26244]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2016-10211]



Transportation Security Administration

Intent To Request Renewal From OMB of One Current Public 
Collection of Information: Pipeline Corporate Security Review Program

AGENCY: Transportation Security Administration, DHS.

ACTION: 60-day notice.


SUMMARY: The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) invites 
public comment on one currently-approved Information Collection Request 
(ICR), Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number 1652-0056, 
abstracted below that we will submit to OMB for renewal in compliance 
with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). The ICR describes the nature of 
the information collection and its expected burden. The collection 
allows TSA to assess the current security practices in the pipeline 
industry through TSA's Pipeline Corporate Security Review (PCSR) 
program. The PCSR program is part of the larger domain awareness, 
prevention, and protection program supporting TSA's and the Department 
of Homeland Security's missions.

DATES: Send your comments by July 1, 2016.

ADDRESSES: Comments may be emailed to [email protected] or delivered 
to the TSA PRA Officer, Office of Information Technology (OIT), TSA-11, 
Transportation Security Administration, 601 South 12th Street, 
Arlington, VA 20598-6011.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Christina A. Walsh at the above 
address, or by telephone (571) 227-2062.


Comments Invited

    In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 
3501 et seq.), an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is 
not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it 
displays a valid OMB control number. The ICR documentation is available 
at http://www.reginfo.gov. Therefore, in preparation for OMB review and 
approval of the following information collection, TSA is soliciting 
comments to--
    (1) Evaluate whether the proposed information requirement is 
necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, 
including whether the information will have practical utility;
    (2) Evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden;
    (3) Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to 
be collected; and
    (4) Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those 
who are to respond, including using appropriate automated, electronic, 
mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms 
of information technology.

Information Collection Requirement

    OMB Control Number 1652-0056; Pipeline Corporate Security Review 
(PCSR) Program. Under the Aviation and Transportation Security Act 
(ATSA) \1\ and delegated authority from the Secretary of Homeland 
Security, TSA has broad responsibility and authority for ``security in 
all modes of transportation . . . including security responsibilities . 
. . over modes of transportation that are exercised by the Department 
of Transportation.'' \2\ TSA is specifically empowered to develop 
policies, strategies, and plans for dealing with threats to 
transportation,\3\ oversee the implementation and adequacy of security 
measures at transportation facilities,\4\ and carry out other 
appropriate duties relating to transportation security.\5\ TSA has 
developed the PCSR program to assess the current security practices in 
the pipeline industry.

    \1\ Public Law 107-71 (115 Stat. 597, Nov. 19, 2001), codified 
at 49 U.S.C. 114.
    \2\ See 49 U.S.C. 114(d). The TSA Administrator's current 
authorities under ATSA have been delegated to him by the Secretary 
of Homeland Security. Section 403(2) of the Homeland Security Act 
(HSA) of 2002, Public Law 107-296 (116 Stat. 2135, Nov. 25, 2002), 
transferred all functions of TSA, including those of the Secretary 
of Transportation and the Under Secretary of Transportation of 
Security related to TSA, to the Secretary of Homeland Security. 
Pursuant to DHS Delegation Number 7060.2, the Secretary delegated to 
the Administrator of TSA, subject to the Secretary's guidance and 
control, the authority vested in the Secretary with respect to TSA, 
including that in section 403(2) of the HSA.
    \3\ 49 U.S.C. 114(f)(3).
    \4\ 49 U.S.C. 114(f)(11).
    \5\ 49 U.S.C. 114(f)(15).

    The purpose of the PCSR program is to develop first-hand knowledge 
of a pipeline owner/operator's corporate security policies and 
procedures, establish and maintain working relationships with key 
pipeline security personnel, and identify and share smart security 
practices observed at individual facilities to help enhance and improve 
the security of the pipeline industry. To this end, the PCSR Program 
provides TSA with a method to discuss security-related matters with 
pipeline owners/operators.
    Focusing on the security of pipelines and the crude oil and 

[[Page 26244]]

products, such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, home heating oil, and 
natural gas, moving through the system infrastructure, the PCSR program 
subject matter experts:
     Meet with senior corporate officers and security managers.
     Develop knowledge of security planning at critical 
pipeline infrastructure sites.
     Establish and maintain a working relationship with key 
security staff who operate critical pipeline infrastructure.
     Identify industry smart practices and lessons learned.
     Maintain a dynamic modal network through effective 
communications with the pipeline industry and government stakeholders.
    In carrying out PCSRs, subject matter experts from TSA, using a 
risk-based approach, visit select pipeline owners/operators throughout 
the nation. These are voluntary face-to-face visits, usually at the 
headquarters facility of the pipeline owner/operator. Typically, TSA 
sends one to three employees to conduct a three- to four-hour interview 
with representatives from the owner/operator. The TSA representatives 
analyze the owner/operator's security plan and determine if the 
mitigation measures included in the plan are being properly 
implemented. TSA then may visit one or two of the owner/operator's 
assets to further assess the implementation of the owner/operator's 
security plan.
    TSA has developed a question set to aid in the conducting of PCSRs. 
The PCSR Question Set drives the TSA-owner/operator discussion and is 
the central data source for all security information collected. The 
PCSR Question Set was developed based on government and industry 
guidance to obtain information from a pipeline owner/operator about its 
security plan and processes. The questions are designed to examine the 
company's current state of security, as well as to address measures 
that are applied if there is a change in the National Terrorism 
Advisory System.
    In application, topics such as security program management, 
vulnerability assessments, components of the security plan, security 
training, and emergency communications enable the PCSR Teams to assess 
the owner/operator's security plan by evaluating a broad range of 
security issues such as physical security, cyber security, 
communication, and training. The PCSR Question Set also includes 
sections for facility site visits and owner/operator contact 
information. The questions and subsequent answers help provide TSA with 
a snapshot of a company's security posture and are instrumental in 
developing smart practices and security measures.
    This PCSR information collection provides TSA with real-time 
information on current security practices within the pipeline mode of 
the surface transportation sector. This information allows TSA to adapt 
programs to the changing security threat, while incorporating an 
understanding of the improvements owners/operators make in their 
security measures. Without this information, the ability of TSA to 
perform its security mission would be severely hindered.
    Additionally, the relationships these face-to-face contacts foster 
are critical to the Federal government's ability to reach out to the 
pipeline stakeholders affected by the PCSRs. TSA assures respondents 
that the portion of their responses that is deemed Sensitive Security 
Information (SSI) will be protected in accordance with procedures 
meeting the transmission, handling, and storage requirements of SSI set 
forth in 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) parts 15 and 1520.
    The annual hour burden for this information collection is estimated 
to be 120 hours based upon 15 PCSR visits per year, each lasting a 
total of eight hours.

    Dated: April 26, 2016.
Christina A. Walsh,
TSA Paperwork Reduction Act Officer, Office of Information Technology.
[FR Doc. 2016-10211 Filed 4-29-16; 8:45 am]

Current View
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
Action60-day notice.
DatesSend your comments by July 1, 2016.
ContactChristina A. Walsh at the above
FR Citation81 FR 26243 

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