81_FR_28963 81 FR 28873 - Announcement of Requirements and Registration for “A Bill You Can Understand” Design and Innovation Challenge: Help Patients Understand Their Medical Bills and the Financial Aspect of Health

81 FR 28873 - Announcement of Requirements and Registration for “A Bill You Can Understand” Design and Innovation Challenge: Help Patients Understand Their Medical Bills and the Financial Aspect of Health

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Federal Register Volume 81, Issue 90 (May 10, 2016)

Page Range28873-28875
FR Document2016-10980

This notice announces a Challenge to engage those in the health care community working on these issues, as well as new players from other industries, such as human-centered design and digital technology, to help in redesigning the ``Medical Bill'' or the ``Medical Billing Process.''

Federal Register, Volume 81 Issue 90 (Tuesday, May 10, 2016)
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 90 (Tuesday, May 10, 2016)]
[Pages 28873-28875]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2016-10980]



Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services


Announcement of Requirements and Registration for ``A Bill You 
Can Understand'' Design and Innovation Challenge: Help Patients 
Understand Their Medical Bills and the Financial Aspect of Health

AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This notice announces a Challenge to engage those in the 
health care community working on these issues, as well as new players 
from other industries, such as human-centered design and digital 
technology, to help in redesigning the ``Medical Bill'' or the 
``Medical Billing Process.''

DATES: Submission Dates: May 9, 2016, 12:01 a.m., Eastern daylight time 
(e.d.t.) through August 10, 2016, 11:59 p.m., e.d.t.
    Judging Dates: August 20 through September 10, 2016.
    Winners Announced: September 25 through 28, 2016.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ben Shannon, Communications Advisor, 
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, Department of 
Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 
20201, phone (202) 205-2819, email [email protected].


I. Background

    Patients in the United States often have difficulty understanding 
the medical billing process. Currently, there is no standard for 
consumer medical billing documents, and bills vary in content, 
presentation, and use of jargon. Consumers also receive bills from 
multiple sources and may not understand the rationale for each bill, or 
know that they will be receiving multiple bills for one episode of 
    HHS recognizes that many health care organizations have been doing 
important work to address the complex problems that individuals face as 
they navigate the medical billing process. A national design and 
innovation challenge is a unique way to both support these ongoing 
efforts and catalyze innovation.

II. Provisions of the Notice

    The Challenge has two objectives:

[[Page 28874]]

     Objective 1: ``Redesigning the Medical Bill'': Improving 
the medical bill itself. That is, making it more readable and easier 
for the consumer to understand.
     Objective 2: ``Redesigning the Medical Billing Process'': 
Improving the overall medical billing process. Submissions could 
address any step in the consumer journey from the medical encounter to 
afterward (for example, providing information at discharge on the 
medical billing process, developing a consolidated bill, creating a 
unified billing portal, etc.).
    HHS intends for the challenge to produce conceptual solutions and 
frames that will help health systems and payers continue to make 
improvements in reducing the complexity of medical bills and improving 
the financial aspect of health from the patient's perspective. HHS 
anticipates health systems and payers will find ways to work with 
Challenge winners to evaluate their solutions for implementation and 
testing in the real world after the Challenge concludes.

A. Subject of the Challenge Competition

    ``A Bill You Can Understand'' design and innovation challenge will 
invite participants to design a medical bill that is easier to 
understand, as well as reinvent cost of care estimation and the medical 
billing journey with the goal of improving the patient financial 
experience. Participants will be asked to submit entries that improve 
both the design of the medical bill and patient experience of the 
medical billing process. Submissions will include the (1) design 
concept for the redesigned medical bill, (2) journey map or wireframe 
for the redesigned patient experience, (3) written explanation of 
submission, and (3) video explanation of submission. Specific criteria 
for the written and video explanations will be provided on the 
Challenge Web site. These may include but are not limited to explaining 
how the redesign will better empower patients to understand the 
financial information provided on their medical bill and take 
appropriate action and vision for an improved patient financial 
experience. The challenge is sponsored by AARP, administrated by 
Mad*Pow, an experience design agency, and organized in collaboration 
with HHS.

B. Eligibility Rules for Participating in the Competition

    The Challenge is open to any contestant, defined as (1) a business 
or non-profit entity or (2) an individual or team of no more than 5 
U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United States who are 18 
years of age or older at the time of entry. All individual members of a 
team must meet the eligibility requirements.
    To be eligible to win a prize under this challenge, an individual 
or entity--
    (1) Shall have registered to participate in the competition under 
the rules issued by CMS;
    (2) Shall have complied with all the requirements under this 
Notice, the rules for participants referenced herein below, and the 
requirements set forth in 15 U.S.C. 3719;
    (3) In the case of a private entity, shall be incorporated in and 
maintain a primary place of business in the United States, and in the 
case of an individual, whether participating singly or in a group, 
shall be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States; and
    (4) May not be a Federal entity or Federal employee acting within 
the scope of their employment. Federal employees seeking to participate 
in this contest outside the scope of their employment should consult 
their ethics official prior to developing their submission.
    (5) May not be employees of CMS, judges of the Challenge, or any 
other party involved with the design, production, execution, or 
distribution of the Challenge or their immediate family (spouse, 
parents or step-parents, siblings and step-siblings, and children and 
    (6) May not be the trustees, directors, shareholders, employees, 
clients (with respect to Mad*Pow only), contractors, agents, 
representatives and affiliates of AARP, Mad*Pow and any entity 
associated with the funding, administration, judging, or processing of 
the Challenge and the members of the immediate family which includes a 
person's spouse/domestic partner and the parents, siblings, children 
and grandchildren of the person and his or her spouse/domestic partner.
    (7) Federal grantees may not use Federal funds to develop COMPETES 
Act challenge applications unless consistent with the purpose of their 
grant award.
    (8) Federal contractors may not use Federal funds from a contract 
to develop COMPETES Act challenge applications or to fund efforts in 
support of a COMPETES Act challenge submission.
    An individual or entity shall not be deemed ineligible because the 
individual or entity used Federal facilities or consulted with Federal 
employees during a competition if the facilities and employees are made 
available to all individuals and entities participating in the 
competition on an equitable basis.
    By entering, each contestant agrees to:
    (a) Comply with, and be bound by, these official rules and the 
decisions of the Challenge and judges which are binding and final in 
all matters relating to this Challenge;
    (b) assume any and all risks and waive claims against the federal 
government and its related entities, except in the case of willful 
misconduct, for any injury, death, damage, or loss of property, 
revenue, or profits, whether direct, indirect, or consequential, 
arising from the contestant's participation in the Challenge, whether 
the injury, death, damage, or loss arises through negligence or 
otherwise. The contestant/submitter shall be liable for, and shall 
indemnify and hold harmless the government against, all actions or 
claims for any claim, demand, judgment, or other allegation arising 
from alleged violation of an individual's trademark, copyright, or 
other legally protected interest in challenge entries submitted to 
Mad*Pow. Provided, however, that contestants are not required to waive 
claims arising out of the unauthorized use or disclosure by AARP and/or 
Mad*Pow of the intellectual property, trade secrets, or confidential 
business information of the contestant.
    (c) Be responsible for obtaining their own liability insurance to 
cover claims by any third party for death, bodily injury, or property 
damage, or loss resulting from an activity carried out in connection 
with participation in the Challenge, and claims by the federal 
government for damage or loss to government property resulting from 
such an activity; and
    (d) Indemnify the federal government against third party claims for 
damages arising from or related to Challenge activities.
    Based on the subject matter of the Challenge, the type of work that 
it will possibly require, as well as an analysis of the likelihood of 
any claims for death, bodily injury, property damage, or loss 
potentially resulting from Challenge participation, no individual 
(whether competing singly or in a group) or entity participating in the 
Challenge is required to obtain liability insurance or demonstrate 
financial responsibility in order to participate in this Challenge.
    Contestants who are determined at any time to have violated the 
eligibility criteria will be disqualified from the Challenge.

C. Registration Process for Participants

    The entry period for the Challenge will begin as stated in the 
DATES section of this notice. Contestants can enter the Challenge by 
visiting the Challenge Web

[[Page 28875]]

site at http://www.abillyoucanunderstand.com, reviewing official 
challenge rules and guidelines, and registering a submission by 
submitting the Official Entry Form according to the instructions posted 
on the Challenge Web site. Each Submission entered into the Challenge 
must meet the ``Submission Requirements'' (any submission that, in the 
Challenge Judges' sole discretion, violates submission criteria will be 
disqualified). Once a submission is made, a team is prohibited from 
making any changes or alterations to the product described in its 
submission until the evaluation of the entries is completed.

D. Amount of the Prize

    Two winning contestants will be selected for the following prizes:
     Prize 1--$5000: Most Improved Medical Bill Design 
(Focusing on the design of the bill itself).
     Prize 2--$5000: Transformational Approach to Medical Cost 
Estimation and Billing Process (Focusing on what the patient sees and 
does throughout the process).

E. Payment of the Prize

    Prizes awarded under this competition will be paid by check and may 
be subject to federal income taxes. The prizes are donated by a private 
donor, AARP, Inc.

F. Basis Upon Which the Winners Will Be Selected

    The entries will be judged by HHS leadership with consideration of 
input from an advisory panel of individuals in compliance with the 
requirements of the COMPETES Act. Judges will be fair and impartial, 
may not have a personal or financial interest in, or be an employee, 
officer, director, or agent of, any entity that is a registered 
participant in the competition, and may not have a familial or 
financial relationship with an individual who is a registered 
contestant. Judges will be named after the Challenge begins. The 
judging panel will make decisions based on the following criteria:
    Criteria for Both Prizes 1 and 2:
     Contains all Necessary Data and Information.
     Usefulness and Understandability of Patient Facing 
Materials (Bill or Otherwise).
     Adherence to Plain Language Guidelines.
     Transparency of Data (Including How the Data is Translated 
and Explained).
     Uniqueness and Creativity of Solution.
    Additional Specific Criteria for Prize 1: Most Improved Medical 
Bill Design (Focusing on the design of the bill itself):
     Addresses Issues and Opportunities Associated with Bill 
     Incremental Innovation--Works with Existing Models 
(Workflow, Data, Technology, Patient Facing Materials).
    Additional Specific Criteria for Prize 2: Transformational Approach 
to Medical Cost Estimation and Billing Process (Focusing on what the 
patient sees and does throughout the process):
     Addresses Issues and Opportunities associated with Medical 
Cost Estimation and Billing Process.
     Alignment with Modern Consumer Expectations.
     Future Forward Innovation--Evolves Existing Models 
(Workflow, Data, Technology, Patient Facing Materials).
    The details of these criteria are provided on the Challenge Web 
site at http://www.abillyoucanunderstand.com.

G. Additional Information

    More information on the topic area can be found in the participant 
resource packet on the Challenge Web site at http://www.abillyoucanunderstand.com.

H. Regarding Copyright/Intellectual Property

    Each contestant, by submitting any design, irrevocably grants to 
HHS a royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable 
license to use, reproduce, modify, edit, adapt, publish, and display 
such design in whole or in part, on a worldwide basis, and to 
incorporate it into other works, in any form, media or technology now 
known or later developed, including for promotional, marketing, 
educational, training and other public health purposes consistent with 
HHS and/or CMS' mission and without further compensation to the 
contestant or any other person or entity. For clarity, each 
contestant's design and all rights, including intellectual property 
rights, title, and interest therein and thereto lie exclusively with 
each contestant. There is no agreement of sale, and no title, interest, 
or intellectual property rights or other ownership of the design are 
transferred per the official rules of the Challenge, except as 
explicitly stated here. HHS shall not be responsible for mediating 
disputes that arise relating to intellectual property ownership.
    Upon submission, contestants warrant that they are the sole author 
and owner of the Challenge Submission, and that the submission 
completely originates with the contestant, that it does not infringe 
upon any copyright or any other rights of any third party of which 
contestant(s) is aware, and is free of malware.
    The official rules of the Challenge are provided on the Challenge 
Web site at http://www.abillyoucanunderstand.com.

I. Compliance With Rules and Contacting Contest Winners

    Contest winners must comply with all terms and conditions of the 
official rules; winning is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements 
herein. The initial finalists will be notified by email, telephone, or 
mail after the date of the judging. Awards may be subject to federal 
income taxes, and HHS will comply with the Internal Revenue Service 
withholding and reporting requirements, where applicable.

J. Privacy

    If contestants choose to provide Mad*Pow or HHS with personal 
information by registering or filling out the submission form through 
the Challenge Web site, that information is used to respond to 
contestants in matters regarding their submission, announcements of 
entrants, finalists, and winners of the contest. Information is not 
collected for commercial marketing. Winners are permitted to cite that 
they won this Challenge.

K. General Conditions

    HHS reserves the right to cancel, suspend, and/or modify the 
Challenge, or any part of it, for any reason, at HHS' sole discretion.
    Participation in this contest constitutes contestants' full and 
unconditional agreement to abide by the official rules found at http://www.abillyoucanunderstand.com and www.Challenge.gov.

III. Collection of Information Requirements

    This document does not impose information collection requirements, 
that is, reporting, recordkeeping or third-party disclosure 
requirements. Consequently, there is no need for review by the Office 
of Management and Budget under the authority of the Paperwork Reduction 
Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).

    Dated: May 2, 2016.
Andrew M. Slavitt,
Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. 2016-10980 Filed 5-9-16; 8:45 am]

                                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 90 / Tuesday, May 10, 2016 / Notices                                             28873

                                                    and Budget (OMB) a request to review                    accounting information normally                       DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                                    and approve an extension of a                           prepared by organizations under sound                 HUMAN SERVICES
                                                    previously approved information                         management and accounting practices.
                                                    collection requirement concerning                                                                             Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
                                                                                                              The proposal and supporting data is
                                                    Indirect Cost Rates. A notice was                                                                             Services
                                                                                                            used by the contracting official and
                                                    published in the Federal Register at 81
                                                                                                            auditor to verify and analyze the                     [CMS–5520–N]
                                                    FR 10861 on March 2, 2016. No
                                                                                                            indirect costs and to determine the final
                                                    comments were received.                                                                                       Announcement of Requirements and
                                                                                                            indirect cost rates or to prepare the
                                                    DATES: Submit comments on or before                                                                           Registration for ‘‘A Bill You Can
                                                                                                            Government negotiating position if
                                                    June 9, 2016.                                                                                                 Understand’’ Design and Innovation
                                                                                                            negotiation of the rates is required
                                                    ADDRESSES: Submit comments regarding
                                                                                                            under the contract terms.                             Challenge: Help Patients Understand
                                                    this burden estimate or any other aspect                                                                      Their Medical Bills and the Financial
                                                    of this collection of information,                      B. Annual Reporting Burden                            Aspect of Health
                                                    including suggestions for reducing this
                                                    burden to: Office of Information and                      Respondents: 3,000.                                 AGENCY: Centers for Medicare &
                                                    Regulatory Affairs of OMB, Attention:                     Responses per Respondent: 1.                        Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
                                                    Desk Officer for GSA, Room 10236,                                                                             ACTION: Notice.
                                                                                                              Annual Responses: 3,000.
                                                    NEOB, Washington, DC 20503.
                                                                                                              Hours per Response: 2,188.                          SUMMARY:    This notice announces a
                                                    Additionally submit a copy to GSA by
                                                                                                                                                                  Challenge to engage those in the health
                                                    any of the following methods:                             Total Burden Hours: 6,564,000.
                                                                                                                                                                  care community working on these
                                                       • Regulations.gov: http://                             Affected Public: Businesses or other                issues, as well as new players from
                                                    www.regulations.gov. Submit comments                    for-profit entities and not-for-profit                other industries, such as human-
                                                    via the Federal eRulemaking portal by                   institutions.                                         centered design and digital technology,
                                                    searching the OMB control number.
                                                                                                              Frequency: On occasion.                             to help in redesigning the ‘‘Medical
                                                    Select the link ‘‘Submit a Comment’’
                                                                                                                                                                  Bill’’ or the ‘‘Medical Billing Process.’’
                                                    that corresponds with ‘‘Information                     C. Public Comments
                                                    Collection 9000–0069, Indirect Cost                                                                           DATES: Submission Dates: May 9, 2016,
                                                    Rates’’. Follow the instructions                           Public comments are particularly                   12:01 a.m., Eastern daylight time (e.d.t.)
                                                    provided at the ‘‘Submit a Comment’’                    invited on: Whether this collection of                through August 10, 2016, 11:59 p.m.,
                                                    screen. Please include your name,                       information is necessary for the proper               e.d.t.
                                                    company name (if any), and                              performance of functions of the FAR,                     Judging Dates: August 20 through
                                                    ‘‘Information Collection 9000–0069,                     and whether it will have practical                    September 10, 2016.
                                                    Indirect Cost Rates’’ on your attached                                                                           Winners Announced: September 25
                                                                                                            utility; whether our estimate of the
                                                    document.                                                                                                     through 28, 2016.
                                                                                                            public burden of this collection of
                                                       • Mail: General Services                             information is accurate, and based on                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ben
                                                    Administration, Regulatory Secretariat                  valid assumptions and methodology;                    Shannon, Communications Advisor,
                                                    Division (MVCB), 1800 F Street NW.,                     ways to enhance the quality, utility, and             Office of the Assistant Secretary for
                                                    Washington, DC 20405. ATTN: Ms.                                                                               Public Affairs, Department of Health
                                                                                                            clarity of the information to be
                                                    Flowers/IC 9000–0069, Indirect Cost                                                                           and Human Services, 200 Independence
                                                                                                            collected; and ways in which we can
                                                    Rates.                                                                                                        Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20201,
                                                       Instructions: Please submit comments                 minimize the burden of the collection of              phone (202) 205–2819, email
                                                    only and cite Information Collection                    information on those who are to                       ben.shannon@hhs.gov.
                                                    9000–0069, Indirect Cost Rates, in all                  respond, through the use of appropriate
                                                                                                                                                                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                    correspondence related to this                          technological collection techniques or
                                                    collection. Comments received generally                 other forms of information technology.                I. Background
                                                    will be posted without change to http://                   Obtaining Copies of Proposals:                        Patients in the United States often
                                                    www.regulations.gov, including any                      Requesters may obtain a copy of the                   have difficulty understanding the
                                                    personal and/or business confidential                   information collection documents from                 medical billing process. Currently, there
                                                    information provided. To confirm                        the General Services Administration,                  is no standard for consumer medical
                                                    receipt of your comment(s), please                      Regulatory Secretariat Division (MVCB),               billing documents, and bills vary in
                                                    check www.regulations.gov,                              1800 F Street NW., Washington, DC                     content, presentation, and use of jargon.
                                                    approximately two to three days after                   20405, telephone 202–501–4755. Please                 Consumers also receive bills from
                                                    submission to verify posting (except                    cite OMB Control No. 9000–0069,                       multiple sources and may not
                                                    allow 30 days for posting of comments                   Indirect Cost Rates, in all                           understand the rationale for each bill, or
                                                    submitted by mail).                                     correspondence.                                       know that they will be receiving
                                                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.                                                                          multiple bills for one episode of care.
                                                    Curtis E. Glover, Sr., Procurement                        Dated: May 5, 2016.                                    HHS recognizes that many health care
                                                    Analyst, Contract Policy Division, at                   Lorin S. Curit,                                       organizations have been doing
                                                    202–501–1448, or via email at                           Director, Federal Acquisition Policy Division,        important work to address the complex
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    curtis.glover@gsa.gov.                                  Office of Governmentwide Acquisition Policy,          problems that individuals face as they
                                                                                                            Office of Acquisition Policy, Office of               navigate the medical billing process. A
                                                    A. Purpose                                              Governmentwide Policy.                                national design and innovation
                                                      The contractor’s proposal of final                    [FR Doc. 2016–10943 Filed 5–9–16; 8:45 am]            challenge is a unique way to both
                                                    indirect cost rates is necessary for the                BILLING CODE 6820–EP–P                                support these ongoing efforts and
                                                    establishment of rates used to reimburse                                                                      catalyze innovation.
                                                    the contractor for the costs of
                                                    performing under the contract. The                                                                            II. Provisions of the Notice
                                                    supporting cost data are the cost                                                                               The Challenge has two objectives:

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:33 May 09, 2016   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00056   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\10MYN1.SGM   10MYN1

                                                    28874                          Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 90 / Tuesday, May 10, 2016 / Notices

                                                       • Objective 1: ‘‘Redesigning the                     States who are 18 years of age or older                  By entering, each contestant agrees to:
                                                    Medical Bill’’: Improving the medical                   at the time of entry. All individual                     (a) Comply with, and be bound by,
                                                    bill itself. That is, making it more                    members of a team must meet the                       these official rules and the decisions of
                                                    readable and easier for the consumer to                 eligibility requirements.                             the Challenge and judges which are
                                                    understand.                                                To be eligible to win a prize under                binding and final in all matters relating
                                                       • Objective 2: ‘‘Redesigning the                     this challenge, an individual or entity—              to this Challenge;
                                                    Medical Billing Process’’: Improving the                   (1) Shall have registered to participate              (b) assume any and all risks and
                                                    overall medical billing process.                        in the competition under the rules                    waive claims against the federal
                                                    Submissions could address any step in                   issued by CMS;                                        government and its related entities,
                                                    the consumer journey from the medical                      (2) Shall have complied with all the               except in the case of willful misconduct,
                                                    encounter to afterward (for example,                    requirements under this Notice, the                   for any injury, death, damage, or loss of
                                                    providing information at discharge on                   rules for participants referenced herein              property, revenue, or profits, whether
                                                    the medical billing process, developing                 below, and the requirements set forth in              direct, indirect, or consequential, arising
                                                    a consolidated bill, creating a unified                 15 U.S.C. 3719;                                       from the contestant’s participation in
                                                    billing portal, etc.).                                     (3) In the case of a private entity, shall         the Challenge, whether the injury,
                                                       HHS intends for the challenge to                     be incorporated in and maintain a                     death, damage, or loss arises through
                                                    produce conceptual solutions and                        primary place of business in the United               negligence or otherwise. The contestant/
                                                    frames that will help health systems and                States, and in the case of an individual,             submitter shall be liable for, and shall
                                                    payers continue to make improvements                    whether participating singly or in a                  indemnify and hold harmless the
                                                    in reducing the complexity of medical                   group, shall be a citizen or permanent                government against, all actions or
                                                    bills and improving the financial aspect                resident of the United States; and                    claims for any claim, demand,
                                                    of health from the patient’s perspective.                  (4) May not be a Federal entity or                 judgment, or other allegation arising
                                                    HHS anticipates health systems and                      Federal employee acting within the                    from alleged violation of an individual’s
                                                    payers will find ways to work with                      scope of their employment. Federal                    trademark, copyright, or other legally
                                                    Challenge winners to evaluate their                     employees seeking to participate in this              protected interest in challenge entries
                                                    solutions for implementation and                        contest outside the scope of their                    submitted to Mad*Pow. Provided,
                                                    testing in the real world after the                     employment should consult their ethics                however, that contestants are not
                                                    Challenge concludes.                                    official prior to developing their                    required to waive claims arising out of
                                                                                                            submission.                                           the unauthorized use or disclosure by
                                                    A. Subject of the Challenge Competition                    (5) May not be employees of CMS,                   AARP and/or Mad*Pow of the
                                                       ‘‘A Bill You Can Understand’’ design                 judges of the Challenge, or any other                 intellectual property, trade secrets, or
                                                    and innovation challenge will invite                    party involved with the design,                       confidential business information of the
                                                    participants to design a medical bill that              production, execution, or distribution of             contestant.
                                                    is easier to understand, as well as                     the Challenge or their immediate family                  (c) Be responsible for obtaining their
                                                    reinvent cost of care estimation and the                (spouse, parents or step-parents, siblings            own liability insurance to cover claims
                                                    medical billing journey with the goal of                and step-siblings, and children and                   by any third party for death, bodily
                                                    improving the patient financial                         step-children).                                       injury, or property damage, or loss
                                                    experience. Participants will be asked to                  (6) May not be the trustees, directors,            resulting from an activity carried out in
                                                    submit entries that improve both the                    shareholders, employees, clients (with                connection with participation in the
                                                    design of the medical bill and patient                  respect to Mad*Pow only), contractors,                Challenge, and claims by the federal
                                                    experience of the medical billing                       agents, representatives and affiliates of             government for damage or loss to
                                                    process. Submissions will include the                   AARP, Mad*Pow and any entity                          government property resulting from
                                                    (1) design concept for the redesigned                   associated with the funding,                          such an activity; and
                                                    medical bill, (2) journey map or                        administration, judging, or processing of                (d) Indemnify the federal government
                                                    wireframe for the redesigned patient                    the Challenge and the members of the                  against third party claims for damages
                                                    experience, (3) written explanation of                  immediate family which includes a                     arising from or related to Challenge
                                                    submission, and (3) video explanation                   person’s spouse/domestic partner and                  activities.
                                                    of submission. Specific criteria for the                the parents, siblings, children and                      Based on the subject matter of the
                                                    written and video explanations will be                  grandchildren of the person and his or                Challenge, the type of work that it will
                                                    provided on the Challenge Web site.                     her spouse/domestic partner.                          possibly require, as well as an analysis
                                                    These may include but are not limited                      (7) Federal grantees may not use                   of the likelihood of any claims for death,
                                                    to explaining how the redesign will                     Federal funds to develop COMPETES                     bodily injury, property damage, or loss
                                                    better empower patients to understand                   Act challenge applications unless                     potentially resulting from Challenge
                                                    the financial information provided on                   consistent with the purpose of their                  participation, no individual (whether
                                                    their medical bill and take appropriate                 grant award.                                          competing singly or in a group) or entity
                                                    action and vision for an improved                          (8) Federal contractors may not use                participating in the Challenge is
                                                    patient financial experience. The                       Federal funds from a contract to develop              required to obtain liability insurance or
                                                    challenge is sponsored by AARP,                         COMPETES Act challenge applications                   demonstrate financial responsibility in
                                                    administrated by Mad*Pow, an                            or to fund efforts in support of a                    order to participate in this Challenge.
                                                    experience design agency, and                           COMPETES Act challenge submission.                       Contestants who are determined at
                                                                                                               An individual or entity shall not be
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    organized in collaboration with HHS.                                                                          any time to have violated the eligibility
                                                                                                            deemed ineligible because the                         criteria will be disqualified from the
                                                    B. Eligibility Rules for Participating in               individual or entity used Federal                     Challenge.
                                                    the Competition                                         facilities or consulted with Federal
                                                      The Challenge is open to any                          employees during a competition if the                 C. Registration Process for Participants
                                                    contestant, defined as (1) a business or                facilities and employees are made                       The entry period for the Challenge
                                                    non-profit entity or (2) an individual or               available to all individuals and entities             will begin as stated in the DATES section
                                                    team of no more than 5 U.S. citizens or                 participating in the competition on an                of this notice. Contestants can enter the
                                                    permanent residents of the United                       equitable basis.                                      Challenge by visiting the Challenge Web

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                                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 90 / Tuesday, May 10, 2016 / Notices                                                   28875

                                                    site at http://                                            Additional Specific Criteria for Prize             with the contestant, that it does not
                                                    www.abillyoucanunderstand.com,                          1: Most Improved Medical Bill Design                  infringe upon any copyright or any
                                                    reviewing official challenge rules and                  (Focusing on the design of the bill                   other rights of any third party of which
                                                    guidelines, and registering a submission                itself):                                              contestant(s) is aware, and is free of
                                                    by submitting the Official Entry Form                      • Addresses Issues and Opportunities               malware.
                                                    according to the instructions posted on                 Associated with Bill Design.                            The official rules of the Challenge are
                                                    the Challenge Web site. Each                               • Incremental Innovation—Works                     provided on the Challenge Web site at
                                                    Submission entered into the Challenge                   with Existing Models (Workflow, Data,                 http://
                                                    must meet the ‘‘Submission                              Technology, Patient Facing Materials).                www.abillyoucanunderstand.com.
                                                    Requirements’’ (any submission that, in                    Additional Specific Criteria for Prize
                                                    the Challenge Judges’ sole discretion,                  2: Transformational Approach to                       I. Compliance With Rules and
                                                    violates submission criteria will be                    Medical Cost Estimation and Billing                   Contacting Contest Winners
                                                    disqualified). Once a submission is                     Process (Focusing on what the patient                    Contest winners must comply with all
                                                    made, a team is prohibited from making                  sees and does throughout the process):                terms and conditions of the official
                                                    any changes or alterations to the                          • Addresses Issues and Opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                  rules; winning is contingent upon
                                                    product described in its submission                     associated with Medical Cost Estimation
                                                                                                                                                                  fulfilling all requirements herein. The
                                                    until the evaluation of the entries is                  and Billing Process.
                                                                                                                                                                  initial finalists will be notified by email,
                                                    completed.                                                 • Alignment with Modern Consumer
                                                                                                                                                                  telephone, or mail after the date of the
                                                    D. Amount of the Prize                                     • Future Forward Innovation—                       judging. Awards may be subject to
                                                                                                            Evolves Existing Models (Workflow,                    federal income taxes, and HHS will
                                                      Two winning contestants will be                                                                             comply with the Internal Revenue
                                                    selected for the following prizes:                      Data, Technology, Patient Facing
                                                                                                                                                                  Service withholding and reporting
                                                      • Prize 1—$5000: Most Improved                        Materials).
                                                                                                                                                                  requirements, where applicable.
                                                    Medical Bill Design (Focusing on the                       The details of these criteria are
                                                    design of the bill itself).                             provided on the Challenge Web site at                 J. Privacy
                                                      • Prize 2—$5000: Transformational                     http://
                                                                                                            www.abillyoucanunderstand.com.                           If contestants choose to provide
                                                    Approach to Medical Cost Estimation
                                                                                                                                                                  Mad*Pow or HHS with personal
                                                    and Billing Process (Focusing on what                   G. Additional Information                             information by registering or filling out
                                                    the patient sees and does throughout the
                                                                                                              More information on the topic area                  the submission form through the
                                                                                                            can be found in the participant resource              Challenge Web site, that information is
                                                    E. Payment of the Prize                                 packet on the Challenge Web site at                   used to respond to contestants in
                                                      Prizes awarded under this                             http://                                               matters regarding their submission,
                                                    competition will be paid by check and                   www.abillyoucanunderstand.com.                        announcements of entrants, finalists,
                                                    may be subject to federal income taxes.                                                                       and winners of the contest. Information
                                                                                                            H. Regarding Copyright/Intellectual                   is not collected for commercial
                                                    The prizes are donated by a private                     Property
                                                    donor, AARP, Inc.                                                                                             marketing. Winners are permitted to cite
                                                                                                               Each contestant, by submitting any                 that they won this Challenge.
                                                    F. Basis Upon Which the Winners Will                    design, irrevocably grants to HHS a
                                                    Be Selected                                                                                                   K. General Conditions
                                                                                                            royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual, non-
                                                       The entries will be judged by HHS                    exclusive, transferable license to use,                 HHS reserves the right to cancel,
                                                    leadership with consideration of input                  reproduce, modify, edit, adapt, publish,              suspend, and/or modify the Challenge,
                                                    from an advisory panel of individuals in                and display such design in whole or in                or any part of it, for any reason, at HHS’
                                                    compliance with the requirements of the                 part, on a worldwide basis, and to                    sole discretion.
                                                    COMPETES Act. Judges will be fair and                   incorporate it into other works, in any                 Participation in this contest
                                                    impartial, may not have a personal or                   form, media or technology now known                   constitutes contestants’ full and
                                                    financial interest in, or be an employee,               or later developed, including for                     unconditional agreement to abide by the
                                                    officer, director, or agent of, any entity              promotional, marketing, educational,                  official rules found at http://
                                                    that is a registered participant in the                 training and other public health                      www.abillyoucanunderstand.com and
                                                    competition, and may not have a                         purposes consistent with HHS and/or                   www.Challenge.gov.
                                                    familial or financial relationship with                 CMS’ mission and without further
                                                    an individual who is a registered                       compensation to the contestant or any                 III. Collection of Information
                                                    contestant. Judges will be named after                  other person or entity. For clarity, each             Requirements
                                                    the Challenge begins. The judging panel                 contestant’s design and all rights,                     This document does not impose
                                                    will make decisions based on the                        including intellectual property rights,               information collection requirements,
                                                    following criteria:                                     title, and interest therein and thereto lie           that is, reporting, recordkeeping or
                                                       Criteria for Both Prizes 1 and 2:                    exclusively with each contestant. There               third-party disclosure requirements.
                                                       • Contains all Necessary Data and                    is no agreement of sale, and no title,                Consequently, there is no need for
                                                    Information.                                            interest, or intellectual property rights             review by the Office of Management and
                                                       • Usefulness and Understandability                   or other ownership of the design are                  Budget under the authority of the
                                                                                                            transferred per the official rules of the
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    of Patient Facing Materials (Bill or                                                                          Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
                                                    Otherwise).                                             Challenge, except as explicitly stated                U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
                                                       • Adherence to Plain Language                        here. HHS shall not be responsible for
                                                    Guidelines.                                             mediating disputes that arise relating to               Dated: May 2, 2016.
                                                       • Transparency of Data (Including                    intellectual property ownership.                      Andrew M. Slavitt,
                                                    How the Data is Translated and                             Upon submission, contestants warrant               Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare
                                                    Explained).                                             that they are the sole author and owner               & Medicaid Services.
                                                       • Uniqueness and Creativity of                       of the Challenge Submission, and that                 [FR Doc. 2016–10980 Filed 5–9–16; 8:45 am]
                                                    Solution.                                               the submission completely originates                  BILLING CODE 4120–01–P

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Document Created: 2016-05-10 05:18:30
Document Modified: 2016-05-10 05:18:30
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ContactBen Shannon, Communications Advisor, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20201, phone (202) 205-2819, email [email protected]
FR Citation81 FR 28873 

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