81_FR_59298 81 FR 59131 - New Animal Drugs; Approval of New Animal Drug Applications; Withdrawal of Approval of New Animal Drug Applications; Changes of Sponsorship; Change of Sponsor's Name and Address; Change of Sponsor's Address

81 FR 59131 - New Animal Drugs; Approval of New Animal Drug Applications; Withdrawal of Approval of New Animal Drug Applications; Changes of Sponsorship; Change of Sponsor's Name and Address; Change of Sponsor's Address

Food and Drug Administration

Federal Register Volume 81, Issue 167 (August 29, 2016)

Page Range59131-59135
FR Document2016-19914

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or we) is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect application-related actions for new animal drug applications (NADAs) and abbreviated new animal drug applications (ANADAs) during May and June 2016. FDA is also informing the public of the availability of summaries of the basis of approval and of environmental review documents, where applicable. The animal drug regulations are also being amended to reflect changes of sponsorship of applications, changes of sponsors' names and addresses, and the voluntary withdrawals of approval of applications.

Federal Register, Volume 81 Issue 167 (Monday, August 29, 2016)
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 167 (Monday, August 29, 2016)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 59131-59135]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2016-19914]



Food and Drug Administration

21 CFR Parts 510, 520, 522, 524, and 558

[Docket No. FDA-2016-N-0002]

New Animal Drugs; Approval of New Animal Drug Applications; 
Withdrawal of Approval of New Animal Drug Applications; Changes of 
Sponsorship; Change of Sponsor's Name and Address; Change of Sponsor's 

AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.

ACTION: Final rule; technical amendment.


SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or we) is amending the 
animal drug regulations to reflect application-related actions for new 
animal drug applications (NADAs) and abbreviated new animal drug 
applications (ANADAs) during May and June 2016. FDA is also informing 
the public of the availability of summaries of the basis of approval 
and of environmental review documents, where applicable. The animal 
drug regulations are also being amended to reflect changes of 
sponsorship of applications, changes of sponsors' names and addresses, 
and the voluntary withdrawals of approval of applications.

DATES: This rule is effective August 29, 2016, except for the 
amendments to 21 CFR 558.274, 58.355, 58.363, 58.550, 558.625, and 
558.630, which are effective September 8, 2016.

Veterinary Medicine (HFV-6), Food and Drug Administration, 7519 
Standish Pl., Rockville, MD 20855, 240-402-5689, 


I. Approval Actions

    FDA is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval 
actions for NADAs and ANADAs during May and June 2016, as listed in 
table 1. In addition, FDA is informing the public of the availability, 
where applicable, of documentation of environmental review required 
under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and, for actions 
requiring review of safety or effectiveness data, summaries of the 
basis of approval (FOI Summaries) under the Freedom of Information Act 
(FOIA). These public documents may be seen in the Division of Dockets 
Management (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, 
Rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday 
through Friday. Persons with access to the Internet may obtain these 
documents at the CVM FOIA Electronic Reading Room: http://www.fda.gov/AboutFDA/CentersOffices/OfficeofFoods/CVM/CVMFOIAElectronicReadingRoom/default.htm. Marketing exclusivity and patent information may be 
accessed in FDA's publication, Approved Animal Drug Products Online 
(Green Book) at: http://www.fda.gov/AnimalVeterinary/Products/ApprovedAnimalDrugProducts/default.htm.

[[Page 59132]]

                                  Table 1--Original and Supplemental NADAs and ANADAs Approved During May and June 2016
                                                                                                            Indications for use/
       Approval date          File No.         Sponsor              Product name            Species         effect of the action     Public documents
May 2, 2016................    141-439  Elanco Animal Health,  INTEPRITY              Chickens...........  Original approval for  FOI Summary, EA/
                                         A Division of Eli      (avilamycin) Type A                         the prevention of      FONSI.\1\
                                         Lilly & Co., Lilly     medicated article.                          mortality caused by
                                         Corporate Center,                                                  necrotic enteritis
                                         Indianapolis, IN                                                   associated with
                                         46285.                                                             Clostridium
                                                                                                            perfringens in
                                                                                                            broiler chickens.
May 16, 2016...............    141-457  Aratana Therapeutics,  ENTYCE (capromorelin   Dogs...............  Original approval for  FOI Summary.
                                         Inc., 11400 Tomahawk   oral solution).                             appetite stimulation
                                         Creek Pkwy.,                                                       in dogs.
                                         Leawood, KS 66211.
May 17, 2016...............    141-463  Elanco US, Inc., 2500  ONSIOR (robenacoxib)   Dogs...............  Original approval for  FOI Summary.
                                         Innovation Way,        Tablets for Dogs.                           the control of
                                         Greenfield, IN 46140.                                              postoperative pain
                                                                                                            and inflammation
                                                                                                            associated with soft
                                                                                                            tissue surgery in
May 17, 2016...............    200-536  Med-Pharmex, Inc.,     MOMETAVET (gentamicin  Dogs...............  Original approval of   FOI Summary.
                                         2727 Thompson Creek    sulfate, USP;                               a generic copy of
                                         Rd., Pomona, CA        mometasone furoate                          NADA 141-177.
                                         91767-1861.            anhydrous, USP; and
                                                                clotrimazole, USP)
                                                                Otic Suspension.
May 24, 2016...............    200-596  Huvepharma EOOD, 5th   TILMOVET 90            Cattle.............  Original approval for  FOI Summary.
                                         Floor, 3A Nikolay      (tilmicosin                                 use in two-way,
                                         Haytov Str., 1113      phosphate) and                              combination drug
                                         Sophia, Bulgaria.      RUMENSIN 90                                 Type B and Type C
                                                                (monensin) Type A                           medicated feeds for
                                                                medicated articles.                         cattle fed in
                                                                                                            confinement for
June 20, 2016..............    200-587  Cross Vetpharm Group   FERROFORTE             Piglets............  Original approval as   FOI Summary.
                                         Ltd. Broomhill Rd.,    (gleptoferron                               a generic copy of
                                         Tallaght, Dublin 24,   injection).                                 NADA 110-399.
\1\ The Agency has carefully considered an environmental assessment (EA) of the potential environmental impact of this action and has made a finding of
  no significant impact (FONSI).

II. Changes of Sponsorship

    Bayer HealthCare LLC, Animal Health Division, P.O. Box 390, 
Shawnee, Mission, KS 66201 has informed FDA that it has transferred 
ownership of, and all rights and interest in, the following approved 
applications to Huvepharma EOOD, 5th Floor, 3A Nikolay Haitov Str., 
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria:

        File No.                   Product name           21 CFR section
200-228................  PHOENECTIN (ivermectin)                522.1192
                          Injectable Solution.
200-254................  Iron Dextran Injection, 100 mg/        522.1182
200-256................  Iron Dextran Injection, 200 mg/        522.1182
200-351................  Lincomycin Injectable, USP.....        522.1260
200-389................  Amprolium 9.6% Oral Solution...         520.100

    As provided in the regulatory text of this document, the animal 
drug regulations are amended to reflect these changes of sponsorship.

III. Withdrawals of Approval

    In addition, during May and June 2016, Elanco US, Inc., 2500 
Innovation Way, Greenfield, IN 46140 requested that FDA withdraw 
approval of the NADAs listed in the following table because the 
products are no longer manufactured or marketed:

        File No.                   Product name           21 CFR section
012-548 \1\............  TYLOSIN (tylosin phosphate)/            558.274
                          HYGROMIX (hygromycin B).
013-162 \1\............  TYLAN TM (tylosin phosphate)            558.625
                          Type A medicated article.
013-388 \1\............  TYLAN (tylosin phosphate)/              558.274
                          HYGROMIX (hygromycin B) Premix.
015-166 \1\............  TYLAN TM (tylosin phosphate)            558.625
                          Type A medicated article.
127-507 \1\............  TYLAN 5, 10, 20, or 40 SULFA-G          558.630
                          (tylosin phosphate and
141-164 \1\............  TYLAN (tylosin phosphate)/COBAN         558.355
141-170 \1\............  TYLAN (tylosin phosphate)/              558.363
                          MONTEBAN (narasin).
141-198 \1\............  TYLAN TM (tylosin phosphate)/           558.550
                          BIO-COX (salinomycin).
\1\ These NADAs were identified as being affected by guidance for
  industry #213, ``New Animal Drugs and New Animal Drug Combination
  Products Administered in or on Medicated Feed or Drinking Water of
  Food-Producing Animals: Recommendations for Drug Sponsors for
  Voluntarily Aligning Product Use Conditions with GFI #209,'' December

    Elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register, FDA gave notice 
that approval of NADAs 012-548, 013-162, 013-388, 015-166, 127-507, 
141-640, 141-170, and 141-198, and all supplements and amendments 
thereto, is withdrawn, effective September 8, 2016. As provided in the 
regulatory text of this document, the animal drug regulations are 
amended to reflect these voluntary withdrawals of approval.

[[Page 59133]]

IV. Technical Amendments

    FDA has noticed that a drug labeler code in 21 CFR 520.2325a does 
not accurately reflect the sponsorship of a new animal drug 
application. At this time, we are amending this section. This action is 
being taken to improve the accuracy of the regulations.
    Also, ConAgra Pet Products Co., 3902 Leavenworth St., Omaha, NE 
68105 has informed FDA that it is changing its name and address to 
Sergeant's Pet Care Products, Inc., 10077 S. 134th St., Omaha, NE 
    Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 33 Hayden Ave., Lexington, MA 02421 
has informed FDA that it has changed its address to 100 College St., 
New Haven, CT 06510. At this time, this firm is being added to the list 
of sponsors of approved application in 21 CFR 510.600(c) which we had 
not done previously.
    FDA has noticed that the maximum concentration of sulfadimethoxine 
with ormetoprim in 2-way, fixed-ratio combination drug Type B medicated 
feeds in 21 CFR 558.4 was amended in error. At this time, we are 
revising this section to provide for appropriate concentrations in Type 
B medicated feeds for salmonids and catfish. This action is being taken 
to improve the accuracy of the regulations.
    This rule does not meet the definition of ``rule'' in 5 U.S.C. 
804(3)(A) because it is a rule of ``particular applicability.'' 
Therefore, it is not subject to the congressional review requirements 
in 5 U.S.C. 801-808.

List of Subjects

21 CFR Part 510

    Administrative practice and procedure, Animal drugs, Labeling, 
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

21 CFR Parts 520, 522, and 524

    Animal drugs.

21 CFR Part 558

    Animal drugs, Animal feeds.

    Therefore, under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and under 
authority delegated to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs and 
redelegated to the Center for Veterinary Medicine, 21 CFR parts 510, 
520, 522, 524, and 558 are amended as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 510 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  21 U.S.C. 321, 331, 351, 352, 353, 360b, 371, 379e.

2. In Sec.  510.600, in the table in paragraph (c)(1), alphabetically 
add an entry for ``Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.'', remove the entry 
for ``ConAgra Pet Products Co.'', and alphabetically add an entry for 
``Sergeant's Pet Care Products, Inc.''; and in the table in paragraph 
(c)(2), revise the entry for ``021091'' and numerically add an entry 
for ``069334''.
    The additions and revisions read as follows:

Sec.  510.600  Names, addresses, and drug labeler codes of sponsors of 
approved applications.

* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (1) * * *

                                                           Drug labeler
                  Firm name and address                        code
                              * * * * * * *
Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 100 College St., New               069334
 Haven, CT 06510........................................
                              * * * * * * *
Sergeant's Pet Care Products, Inc., 10077 S. 134th St.,           021091
 Omaha, NE 68138........................................
                              * * * * * * *

    (2) * * *

        Drug labeler code                  Firm name and address
                              * * * * * * *
021091..........................  Sergeant's Pet Care Products, Inc.,
                                   10077 S. 134th St., Omaha, NE 68138.
                              * * * * * * *
069334..........................  Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 100
                                   College St., New Haven, CT 06510.
                              * * * * * * *


3. The authority citation for part 520 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  21 U.S.C. 360b.

Sec.  520.100   [Amended]

4. In Sec.  520.100, remove paragraphs (b)(3) and (4).

Sec. Sec.  520.300, 520.300a, 520.300b, and 520.300c  [Redesignated as 
Sec. Sec.  520.284, 520.284a, 520.284b, and 520.284c.]

5. Redesignate Sec. Sec.  520.300, 520.300a, 520.300b, and 520.300c as 
Sec. Sec.  520.284, 520.284a, 520.284b, and 520.284c.

6. Add Sec.  520.292 to read as follows:

Sec.  520.292  Capromorelin.

    (a) Specifications. Each milliliter of solution contains 30 
milligrams (mg) capromorelin.
    (b) Sponsor. See No. 086026 in Sec.  510.600(c) of this chapter.
    (c) Conditions of use in dogs--(1) Amount. Administer 3 mg/kg once 
daily by mouth.
    (2) Indications for use. For appetite stimulation in dogs.
    (3) Limitations. Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on 
the order of a licensed veterinarian.

7. In Sec.  520.2075, revise paragraphs (a) and (c) to read as follows:

[[Page 59134]]

Sec.  520.2075  Robenacoxib.

    (a) Specifications. Each tablet contains 10, 20, or 40 milligrams 
(mg) robenacoxib for use in dogs, or 6 mg robenacoxib for use in cats.
* * * * *
    (c) Conditions of use--(1) Dogs--(i) Amount. Administer 0.91 mg/lb 
(2 mg/kg) orally, once daily, for a maximum of 3 days.
    (ii) Indications for use. For the control of postoperative pain and 
inflammation associated with soft tissue surgery in dogs weighing at 
least 5.5 lb (2.5 kg) and at least 4 months of age for a maximum of 3 
    (iii) Limitations. Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on 
the order of a licensed veterinarian.
    (2) Cats--(i) Amount. Administer 0.45 mg/lb (1 mg/kg) orally, once 
daily, for a maximum of 3 days.
    (ii) Indications for use. For the control of postoperative pain and 
inflammation associated with orthopedic surgery, ovariohysterectomy, 
and castration in cats weighing at least 5.5 lb (2.5 kg) and at least 4 
months of age for a maximum of 3 days.
    (iii) Limitations. Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on 
the order of a licensed veterinarian.

Sec.  520.2325a  [Amended]

8. In Sec.  520.2325a, in paragraph (a)(3), remove ``053501'' and in 
its place add ``054771''.


9. The authority citation for part 522 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 21 U.S.C. 360b.

10. Revise Sec.  522.1055 to read as follows:

Sec.  522.1055  Gleptoferron.

    (a) Specifications. Each milliliter (mL) contains the equivalent of 
200 milligrams of elemental iron as gleptoferron, a complex of ferric 
hydroxide and dextran glucoheptonic acid.
    (b) Sponsors. See Nos. 059120 and 061623 in Sec.  510.600(c) of 
this chapter.
    (c) Conditions of use in swine--(1) Indications for use and 
amounts--(i) Prevention of anemia due to iron deficiency: Administer 1 
mL (200 mg iron) per pig by intramuscular injection on or before 3 days 
of age.
    (ii) Treatment of anemia due to iron deficiency: Administer 1 mL 
(200 mg iron) per pig by intramuscular injection as soon as signs of 
deficiency appear.
    (2) [Reserved]

Sec.  522.1182  [Amended]

11. In Sec.  522.1182, in paragraph (b) introductory text, remove 
``baby pigs'' and in its place add ``young piglets''; in paragraph 
(b)(7) introductory text, remove ``000859'' and in its place add 
``016592''; and in paragraphs (b)(7)(i) and (ii), remove ``baby pig''.

Sec.  522.1192  [Amended]

12. In Sec.  522.1192, in paragraph (b)(2), remove ``000859'' and in 
its place add ``016592,''.

Sec.  522.1260  [Amended]

13. In Sec.  522.1260, in paragraph (b)(2), remove ``000859'' and in 
its place add ``016592''.


14. The authority citation for part 524 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 21 U.S.C. 360b.

15. In Sec.  524.1044h, revise paragraphs (a) and (b) to read as 

Sec.  524.1044h  Gentamicin, mometasone, and clotrimazole otic 

    (a) Specifications. Each gram of suspension contains gentamicin 
sulfate, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) equivalent to 3 milligram 
(mg) gentamicin base, mometasone furoate monohydrate or mometasone 
furoate anhydrous, USP, equivalent to 1 mg mometasone, and 10 mg 
clotrimazole, USP.
    (b) Sponsors. See Nos. 000061 and 054925 in Sec.  510.600(c) of 
this chapter.
* * * * *


16. The authority citation for part 558 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 21 U.S.C. 354, 360b, 360ccc, 360ccc-1, 371.

Sec.  558.4  [Amended]

17. In Sec.  558.4, in paragraph (d), in the ``Category I'' table, in 
the ``Type B maximum (200 x)'' column, in the row entry for 
``Avilamycin'', remove ``3.65 g/lb (0.8%)'' and in its place add ``7.3 
g/lb (1.6%)''; and in the ``Category II'' table, remove the row entry 
for ``Sulfadimethoxine'' and two following row entries for 
``Ormetoprim'', and in their place add row entries for 
``Sulfadimethoxine'' and ``Ormetoprim''.
    The additions read as follows:

Sec.  558.4  Requirement of a medicated feed mill license.

* * * * *
    (d) * * *

                                                   Category II
                                                Assay limits
                    Drug                      percent \1\ Type      Type B maximum (100 x)        Assay limits
                                                     A                                          percent Type B/C
                                                  * * * * * * *
Sulfadimethoxine...........................             90-110  Poultry: 5.675 g/lb..........      80-115/75-125
                                                                Fish: 85.1 g/lb..............
Ormetoprim.................................             90-110  Poultry: 3.405 g/lb..........             80-115
                                                                Fish: 17.0 g/lb..............
                                                  * * * * * * *

* * * * *

18. In Sec.  558.68, revise paragraphs (a) and (e) to read as follows:

Sec.  558.68  Avilamycin.

    (a) Each pound of Type A medicated article contains 45.4 or 90.7 
grams of avilamycin.
* * * * *
    (e) Conditions of use. Administer in feed as follows:
    (1) Chickens--

[[Page 59135]]

                                    Combination in
      Avilamycin in grams/ton          grams/ton     Indications for use        Limitations           Sponsor
(i) 13.6 to 40.9..................  ..............  Broiler chickens: For  Feed as the sole               000986
                                                     the prevention of      ration for 21
                                                     mortality caused by    consecutive days. To
                                                     necrotic enteritis     assure responsible
                                                     associated with        antimicrobial drug
                                                     Clostridium            use in broiler
                                                     perfringens in         chickens, treatment
                                                     broiler chickens.      administration must
                                                                            begin on or before
                                                                            10 days of age.
(ii) [Reserved]...................

    (2) Swine--

      Avilamycin in grams/ton          grams/ton     Indications for use        Limitations           Sponsor
(i) 73............................  ..............  Weaned pigs less than  Feed as the sole               000986
                                                     14 weeks of age: For   ration for 21
                                                     the reduction in       consecutive days. To
                                                     incidence and          assure responsible
                                                     overall severity of    antimicrobial drug
                                                     diarrhea in the        use in pigs, do not
                                                     presence of            administer to pigs
                                                     pathogenic             14 weeks of age or
                                                     Escherichia coli in    older.
                                                     groups of weaned
(ii) [Reserved]...................

Sec.  558.274  [Amended]

19. Effective September 8, 2016, in Sec.  558.274, remove and reserve 
paragraphs (c)(1)(ii) and (c)(2)(ii).

20. Effective September 8, 2016, in Sec.  558.355, remove and reserve 
paragraph (f)(1)(xxviii) and revise paragraphs (f)(8)(i) and (ii).
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  558.355  Monensin.

* * * * *
    (f) * * *
    (8) * * *
    (i) Decoquinate alone and in combination as in Sec.  558.195.
    (ii) Melengestrol acetate alone and in combination as in Sec.  
* * * * *

Sec.  558.363  [Amended]

21. Effective September 8, 2016, in Sec.  558.363, remove and reserve 
paragraph (d)(1)(vi).

Sec.  558.550  [Amended]

22. Effective September 8, 2016, in Sec.  558.550, remove and reserve 
paragraph (d)(1)(xxii).

Sec.  558.618  [Amended]

23. In Sec.  558.618, in paragraphs (e)(2)(ii) and (iii):
a. In the ``Limitations'' column, add ``Tilmicosin as provided by Nos. 
000986 or 016952; monensin as provided by No. 000986 in Sec.  
510.600(c) of this chapter.'' to the end of the existing entries; and
b. In the ``Sponsor'' column, numerically add ``016952''.

24. Effective September 8, 2016, in Sec.  558.625, revise paragraphs 
(b)(1), (f)(2)(i), (f)(2)(iii), and (f)(2)(vii) and remove paragraphs 
(f)(2)(viii) and (ix).
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  558.625  Tylosin.

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (1) No. 000986: 40 and 100 grams per pound for use as in paragraph 
(f) of this section.
* * * * *
    (f) * * *
    (2) * * *
    (i) Decoquinate alone and in combination as in Sec.  558.195.
* * * * *
    (iii) Melengestrol acetate alone and in combination as in Sec.  
* * * * *
    (vii) Zilpaterol alone and in combination as in Sec.  558.665.

25. Effective September 8, 2016, in Sec.  558.630, revise paragraph 
(b)(1) to read as follows:

Sec.  558.630  Tylosin and sulfamethazine.

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (1) No. 000986: 40 and 100 grams per pound for use as in paragraph 
(e) of this section.
* * * * *

    Dated: August 8, 2016.
Tracey H. Forfa,
Deputy Director, Center for Veterinary Medicine.
[FR Doc. 2016-19914 Filed 8-26-16; 8:45 am]

                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations                                        59131

                                                PART 1—GENERAL ENFORCEMENT                              § 101.2 [Amended]                                     SUMMARY:   The Food and Drug
                                                REGULATIONS                                             ■  8. Amend § 101.2 in paragraph (c)                  Administration (FDA or we) is
                                                                                                        introductory text by removing                         amending the animal drug regulations to
                                                ■ 1. The authority citation for part 1                  ‘‘§ 101.105(h)(1)’’ and adding in its                 reflect application-related actions for
                                                continues to read as follows:                           place ‘‘§ 101.7(h)(1)’’.                              new animal drug applications (NADAs)
                                                  Authority: 15 U.S.C. 1333, 1453, 1454,                                                                      and abbreviated new animal drug
                                                                                                        § 101.105    [Redesignated as § 101.7]                applications (ANADAs) during May and
                                                1455, 4402; 19 U.S.C. 1490, 1491; 21 U.S.C.
                                                321, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335a, 342i, 343,               ■ 9. Redesignate § 101.105 as § 101.7.                June 2016. FDA is also informing the
                                                350c, 350d, 350e, 352, 355, 360b, 360ccc,               ■ 10. Revise newly designated § 101.7                 public of the availability of summaries
                                                360ccc–1, 360ccc–2, 362, 371, 373, 374, 381,            section heading to read as follows:                   of the basis of approval and of
                                                382, 387, 387a, 387c, 393; 42 U.S.C. 216, 241,                                                                environmental review documents,
                                                243, 262, 264.                                          § 101.7 Declaration of net quantity of
                                                                                                        contents.                                             where applicable. The animal drug
                                                § 1.1 [Amended]                                         *       *     *      *       *                        regulations are also being amended to
                                                                                                                                                              reflect changes of sponsorship of
                                                ■ 2. Amend § 1.1(c) as follows:                         § 101.13    [Amended]                                 applications, changes of sponsors’
                                                ■ a. Remove ‘‘101.105(f)’’ and add in its                                                                     names and addresses, and the voluntary
                                                                                                        ■ 11. Amend paragraphs (d)(2), (h)(4)(i),
                                                place ‘‘101.7(f)’’.                                                                                           withdrawals of approval of applications.
                                                                                                        and (i)(2) by removing ‘‘§ 101.105(i)’’
                                                ■ b. Remove ‘‘101.105(i)’’ and add in its
                                                                                                        and adding in its place ‘‘§ 101.7(i)’’.               DATES: This rule is effective August 29,
                                                place ‘‘101.7(i)’’.
                                                                                                                                                              2016, except for the amendments to 21
                                                ■ c. Remove ‘‘101.105(j)’’ and add in its               § 101.30    [Amended]
                                                                                                                                                              CFR 558.274, 58.355, 58.363, 58.550,
                                                place ‘‘101.7(j)’’.                                     ■  12. Amend § 101.30(g) by removing                  558.625, and 558.630, which are
                                                ■ d. Remove ‘‘101.105(o)’’ and add in its               ‘‘§ 101.105(i)’’ and adding in its place              effective September 8, 2016.
                                                place ‘‘101.7(o)’’.                                     ‘‘§ 101.7(i)’’.
                                                                                                                                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                § 1.20   [Amended]                                      PART 104—NUTRITIONAL QUALITY                          George K. Haibel, Center for Veterinary
                                                ■  3. In § 1.20, by removing                            GUIDELINES FOR FOODS                                  Medicine (HFV–6), Food and Drug
                                                ‘‘§ 101.105(f)’’ and adding in its place                                                                      Administration, 7519 Standish Pl.,
                                                                                                        ■ 13. The authority citation for part 104             Rockville, MD 20855, 240–402–5689,
                                                ‘‘§ 101.7(f)’’.                                         continues to read as follows:                         george.haibel@fda.hhs.gov.
                                                § 1.24   [Amended]                                          Authority: 21 U.S.C. 321, 343, 371(a).
                                                                                                                                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                ■  4. Amend § 1.24 as follows:                          § 104.5     [Amended]
                                                ■  a. Remove ‘‘§ 101.105’’ in paragraph                                                                       I. Approval Actions
                                                                                                        ■  14. Amend § 104.5(b) by removing
                                                (a)(2) and add in its place ‘‘§ 101.7’’.                ‘‘§ 101.105’’ and adding in its place                    FDA is amending the animal drug
                                                ■ b. Remove ‘‘§ 101.105(b)(2)’’ wherever                                                                      regulations to reflect approval actions
                                                                                                        ‘‘§ 101.7’’.
                                                it appears and add in its place                                                                               for NADAs and ANADAs during May
                                                ‘‘§ 101.7(b)(2)’’.                                        Dated: August 16, 2016.                             and June 2016, as listed in table 1. In
                                                ■ c. Remove ‘‘§ 101.105(f)’’ wherever it                Jeremy Sharp,                                         addition, FDA is informing the public of
                                                appears and add in its place                            Deputy Commissioner for Policy, Planning,             the availability, where applicable, of
                                                ‘‘§ 101.7(f)’’.                                         Legislation, and Analysis.                            documentation of environmental review
                                                ■ d. Remove ‘‘§ 101.105(j)’’ wherever it                [FR Doc. 2016–19925 Filed 8–26–16; 8:45 am]           required under the National
                                                appears and add in its place                            BILLING CODE 4164–01–P                                Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and,
                                                ‘‘§ 101.7(j)’’.                                                                                               for actions requiring review of safety or
                                                ■ e. Remove ‘‘§ 101.105(j)(1)’’ wherever                                                                      effectiveness data, summaries of the
                                                it appears and add in its place                         DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                              basis of approval (FOI Summaries)
                                                ‘‘§ 101.7(j)(1)’’.                                      HUMAN SERVICES                                        under the Freedom of Information Act
                                                                                                                                                              (FOIA). These public documents may be
                                                PART 100—GENERAL                                        Food and Drug Administration
                                                                                                                                                              seen in the Division of Dockets
                                                ■ 5. The authority citation for part 100                                                                      Management (HFA–305), Food and Drug
                                                                                                        21 CFR Parts 510, 520, 522, 524, and
                                                continues to read as follows:                                                                                 Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm.
                                                                                                                                                              1061, Rockville, MD 20852, between 9
                                                  Authority: 21 U.S.C. 321, 331, 337, 342,              [Docket No. FDA–2016–N–0002]                          a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through
                                                343, 348, 371.                                                                                                Friday. Persons with access to the
                                                                                                        New Animal Drugs; Approval of New                     Internet may obtain these documents at
                                                § 100.155   [Amended]
                                                                                                        Animal Drug Applications; Withdrawal                  the CVM FOIA Electronic Reading
                                                ■ 6. Amend § 100.155 in paragraphs (a)                  of Approval of New Animal Drug                        Room: http://www.fda.gov/AboutFDA/
                                                and (b) by removing ‘‘§ 101.105’’ and                   Applications; Changes of                              CentersOffices/OfficeofFoods/CVM/
                                                adding in its place ‘‘§ 101.7’’.                        Sponsorship; Change of Sponsor’s                      CVMFOIAElectronicReadingRoom/
                                                                                                        Name and Address; Change of                           default.htm. Marketing exclusivity and
                                                PART 101—FOOD LABELING
                                                                                                        Sponsor’s Address                                     patent information may be accessed in
                                                ■ 7. The authority citation for part 101                AGENCY:     Food and Drug Administration,             FDA’s publication, Approved Animal
                                                continues to read as follows:                           HHS.                                                  Drug Products Online (Green Book) at:
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                  Authority: 15 U.S.C. 1453, 1454, 1455; 21                                                                   http://www.fda.gov/AnimalVeterinary/
                                                                                                              Final rule; technical
                                                U.S.C. 321, 331, 342, 343, 348, 371; 42 U.S.C.                                                                Products/ApprovedAnimalDrug
                                                243, 264, 271.                                                                                                Products/default.htm.

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                                                59132                Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations

                                                             TABLE 1—ORIGINAL AND SUPPLEMENTAL NADAS AND ANADAS APPROVED DURING MAY AND JUNE 2016
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Indications for use/effect             Public
                                                   Approval date           File No.                    Sponsor                                Product name                       Species                    of the action                  documents

                                                May 2, 2016 ..........     141–439       Elanco Animal Health, A Divi-             INTEPRITY (avilamycin) Type                Chickens ....       Original approval for the pre-          FOI Summary,
                                                                                           sion of Eli Lilly & Co., Lilly            A medicated article.                                           vention of mortality caused            EA/FONSI.1
                                                                                           Corporate Center, Indianap-                                                                              by necrotic enteritis associ-
                                                                                           olis, IN 46285.                                                                                          ated      with    Clostridium
                                                                                                                                                                                                    perfringens in broiler chick-
                                                May 16, 2016 ........      141–457       Aratana Therapeutics, Inc.,               ENTYCE (capromorelin               oral    Dogs ...........    Original approval for appetite          FOI Summary.
                                                                                           11400 Tomahawk Creek                     solution).                                                      stimulation in dogs.
                                                                                           Pkwy., Leawood, KS 66211.
                                                May 17, 2016 ........      141–463       Elanco US, Inc., 2500 Innova-             ONSIOR (robenacoxib) Tablets               Dogs ...........    Original approval for the con-          FOI Summary.
                                                                                           tion Way, Greenfield, IN                 for Dogs.                                                       trol of postoperative pain
                                                                                           46140.                                                                                                   and inflammation associated
                                                                                                                                                                                                    with soft tissue surgery in
                                                May 17, 2016 ........      200–536       Med-Pharmex,  Inc.,   2727                MOMETAVET (gentamicin sul-                 Dogs ...........    Original approval of a generic          FOI Summary.
                                                                                          Thompson Creek Rd., Po-                    fate,   USP;    mometasone                                     copy of NADA 141–177.
                                                                                          mona, CA 91767–1861.                       furoate anhydrous, USP; and
                                                                                                                                     clotrimazole, USP) Otic Sus-
                                                May 24, 2016 ........      200–596       Huvepharma EOOD, 5th Floor,               TILMOVET 90 (tilmicosin phos-              Cattle ..........   Original approval for use in            FOI Summary.
                                                                                           3A Nikolay Haytov Str., 1113              phate) and RUMENSIN 90                                         two-way, combination drug
                                                                                           Sophia, Bulgaria.                         (monensin) Type A medi-                                        Type B and Type C medi-
                                                                                                                                     cated articles.                                                cated feeds for cattle fed in
                                                                                                                                                                                                    confinement for slaughter.
                                                June 20, 2016 .......      200–587       Cross Vetpharm Group Ltd.                 FERROFORTE              (gleptoferron      Piglets ........    Original approval as a generic          FOI Summary.
                                                                                           Broomhill Rd., Tallaght, Dub-             injection).                                                    copy of NADA 110–399.
                                                                                           lin 24, Ireland.
                                                  1 The Agency has carefully considered an environmental assessment (EA) of the potential environmental impact of this action and has made a finding of no signifi-
                                                cant impact (FONSI).

                                                II. Changes of Sponsorship                                           Mission, KS 66201 has informed FDA                                     approved applications to Huvepharma
                                                  Bayer HealthCare LLC, Animal Health                                that it has transferred ownership of, and                              EOOD, 5th Floor, 3A Nikolay Haitov
                                                Division, P.O. Box 390, Shawnee,                                     all rights and interest in, the following                              Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           21 CFR
                                                  File No.                                                                               Product name                                                                                      section

                                                200–228         PHOENECTIN (ivermectin) Injectable Solution ..............................................................................................................                   522.1192
                                                200–254         Iron Dextran Injection, 100 mg/mL ..................................................................................................................................         522.1182
                                                200–256         Iron Dextran Injection, 200 mg/mL ..................................................................................................................................         522.1182
                                                200–351         Lincomycin Injectable, USP ............................................................................................................................................      522.1260
                                                200–389         Amprolium 9.6% Oral Solution ........................................................................................................................................         520.100

                                                  As provided in the regulatory text of                              III. Withdrawals of Approval                                           that FDA withdraw approval of the
                                                this document, the animal drug                                         In addition, during May and June                                     NADAs listed in the following table
                                                regulations are amended to reflect these                             2016, Elanco US, Inc., 2500 Innovation                                 because the products are no longer
                                                changes of sponsorship.                                              Way, Greenfield, IN 46140 requested                                    manufactured or marketed:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           21 CFR
                                                  File No.                                                                               Product name                                                                                      section

                                                012–548 1       TYLOSIN (tylosin phosphate)/HYGROMIX (hygromycin B) ...........................................................................................                                558.274
                                                013–162 1       TYLAN TM (tylosin phosphate) Type A medicated article ..............................................................................................                           558.625
                                                013–388 1       TYLAN (tylosin phosphate)/HYGROMIX (hygromycin B) Premix ...................................................................................                                   558.274
                                                015–166 1       TYLAN TM (tylosin phosphate) Type A medicated article ..............................................................................................                           558.625
                                                127–507 1       TYLAN 5, 10, 20, or 40 SULFA-G (tylosin phosphate and sulfamethazine) ..................................................................                                       558.630
                                                141–164 1       TYLAN (tylosin phosphate)/COBAN (monensin) ............................................................................................................                        558.355
                                                141–170 1       TYLAN (tylosin phosphate)/MONTEBAN (narasin) .........................................................................................................                         558.363
                                                141–198 1       TYLAN TM (tylosin phosphate)/BIO-COX (salinomycin) ................................................................................................                            558.550
                                                   1 These NADAs were identified as being affected by guidance for industry #213, ‘‘New Animal Drugs and New Animal Drug Combination Prod-
                                                ucts Administered in or on Medicated Feed or Drinking Water of Food-Producing Animals: Recommendations for Drug Sponsors for Voluntarily
                                                Aligning Product Use Conditions with GFI #209,’’ December 2013.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                  Elsewhere in this issue of the Federal                             amendments thereto, is withdrawn,                                      are amended to reflect these voluntary
                                                Register, FDA gave notice that approval                              effective September 8, 2016. As                                        withdrawals of approval.
                                                of NADAs 012–548, 013–162, 013–388,                                  provided in the regulatory text of this
                                                015–166, 127–507, 141–640, 141–170,                                  document, the animal drug regulations
                                                and 141–198, and all supplements and

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations                                                               59133

                                                IV. Technical Amendments                                     section to provide for appropriate                           CFR parts 510, 520, 522, 524, and 558
                                                  FDA has noticed that a drug labeler                        concentrations in Type B medicated                           are amended as follows:
                                                code in 21 CFR 520.2325a does not                            feeds for salmonids and catfish. This
                                                                                                             action is being taken to improve the                         PART 510—NEW ANIMAL DRUGS
                                                accurately reflect the sponsorship of a
                                                new animal drug application. At this                         accuracy of the regulations.
                                                                                                                This rule does not meet the definition                    ■ 1. The authority citation for part 510
                                                time, we are amending this section. This
                                                                                                             of ‘‘rule’’ in 5 U.S.C. 804(3)(A) because                    continues to read as follows:
                                                action is being taken to improve the
                                                accuracy of the regulations.                                 it is a rule of ‘‘particular applicability.’’                  Authority: 21 U.S.C. 321, 331, 351, 352,
                                                  Also, ConAgra Pet Products Co., 3902                       Therefore, it is not subject to the                          353, 360b, 371, 379e.
                                                Leavenworth St., Omaha, NE 68105 has                         congressional review requirements in 5
                                                                                                             U.S.C. 801–808.                                              ■  2. In § 510.600, in the table in
                                                informed FDA that it is changing its
                                                                                                                                                                          paragraph (c)(1), alphabetically add an
                                                name and address to Sergeant’s Pet Care                      List of Subjects                                             entry for ‘‘Alexion Pharmaceuticals,
                                                Products, Inc., 10077 S. 134th St.,
                                                                                                             21 CFR Part 510                                              Inc.’’, remove the entry for ‘‘ConAgra
                                                Omaha, NE 68138.
                                                  Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 33                                                                                       Pet Products Co.’’, and alphabetically
                                                                                                               Administrative practice and
                                                Hayden Ave., Lexington, MA 02421 has                                                                                      add an entry for ‘‘Sergeant’s Pet Care
                                                                                                             procedure, Animal drugs, Labeling,
                                                informed FDA that it has changed its                                                                                      Products, Inc.’’; and in the table in
                                                                                                             Reporting and recordkeeping
                                                address to 100 College St., New Haven,                                                                                    paragraph (c)(2), revise the entry for
                                                CT 06510. At this time, this firm is                                                                                      ‘‘021091’’ and numerically add an entry
                                                being added to the list of sponsors of                       21 CFR Parts 520, 522, and 524                               for ‘‘069334’’.
                                                approved application in 21 CFR                                 Animal drugs.                                                 The additions and revisions read as
                                                510.600(c) which we had not done                                                                                          follows:
                                                                                                             21 CFR Part 558
                                                                                                               Animal drugs, Animal feeds.                                § 510.600 Names, addresses, and drug
                                                  FDA has noticed that the maximum
                                                                                                                                                                          labeler codes of sponsors of approved
                                                concentration of sulfadimethoxine with                         Therefore, under the Federal Food,                         applications.
                                                ormetoprim in 2-way, fixed-ratio                             Drug, and Cosmetic Act and under
                                                combination drug Type B medicated                            authority delegated to the Commissioner                      *       *    *         *       *
                                                feeds in 21 CFR 558.4 was amended in                         of Food and Drugs and redelegated to                             (c) * * *
                                                error. At this time, we are revising this                    the Center for Veterinary Medicine, 21                           (1) * * *

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Drug labeler
                                                                                                                 Firm name and address                                                                               code

                                                         *                    *                   *                  *                                 *                                *                            *
                                                Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 100 College St., New Haven, CT 06510 ...........................................................................................          069334

                                                         *                   *                    *                  *                              *                                *                               *
                                                Sergeant’s Pet Care Products, Inc., 10077 S. 134th St., Omaha, NE 68138 ....................................................................................             021091

                                                           *                         *                           *                       *                         *                         *                       *

                                                    (2) * * *

                                                    Drug labeler                                                                      Firm name and address

                                                        *                         *                   *                    *                 *                                               *                       *
                                                021091 ...........    Sergeant’s Pet Care Products, Inc., 10077 S. 134th St., Omaha, NE 68138.

                                                        *                         *                    *                   *                                       *                         *                       *
                                                069334 ...........    Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 100 College St., New Haven, CT 06510.

                                                           *                         *                           *                       *                         *                         *                       *

                                                PART 520—ORAL DOSAGE FORM                                    §§ 520.300, 520.300a, 520.300b, and                             (b) Sponsor. See No. 086026 in
                                                NEW ANIMAL DRUGS                                             520.300c [Redesignated as §§ 520.284,                        § 510.600(c) of this chapter.
                                                                                                             520.284a, 520.284b, and 520.284c.]                              (c) Conditions of use in dogs—(1)
                                                ■ 3. The authority citation for part 520                     ■ 5. Redesignate §§ 520.300, 520.300a,                       Amount. Administer 3 mg/kg once daily
                                                continues to read as follows:                                520.300b, and 520.300c as §§ 520.284,                        by mouth.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                                                                             520.284a, 520.284b, and 520.284c.                               (2) Indications for use. For appetite
                                                    Authority: 21 U.S.C. 360b.                                                                                            stimulation in dogs.
                                                                                                             ■ 6. Add § 520.292 to read as follows:
                                                § 520.100      [Amended]                                                                                                     (3) Limitations. Federal law restricts
                                                                                                             § 520.292      Capromorelin.                                 this drug to use by or on the order of
                                                ■ 4. In § 520.100, remove paragraphs                           (a) Specifications. Each milliliter of                     a licensed veterinarian.
                                                (b)(3) and (4).                                              solution contains 30 milligrams (mg)                         ■ 7. In § 520.2075, revise paragraphs (a)
                                                                                                             capromorelin.                                                and (c) to read as follows:

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                                                59134                  Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations

                                                § 520.2075        Robenacoxib.                                        § 522.1055       Gleptoferron.                                       ■ 15. In § 524.1044h, revise paragraphs
                                                   (a) Specifications. Each tablet                                      (a) Specifications. Each milliliter (mL)                           (a) and (b) to read as follows:
                                                contains 10, 20, or 40 milligrams (mg)                                contains the equivalent of 200
                                                robenacoxib for use in dogs, or 6 mg                                  milligrams of elemental iron as                                      § 524.1044h Gentamicin, mometasone, and
                                                robenacoxib for use in cats.                                                                                                               clotrimazole otic suspension.
                                                                                                                      gleptoferron, a complex of ferric
                                                *       *    *     *     *                                            hydroxide and dextran glucoheptonic                                    (a) Specifications. Each gram of
                                                   (c) Conditions of use—(1) Dogs—(i)                                 acid.                                                                suspension contains gentamicin sulfate,
                                                Amount. Administer 0.91 mg/lb (2 mg/                                    (b) Sponsors. See Nos. 059120 and                                  United States Pharmacopeia (USP)
                                                kg) orally, once daily, for a maximum of                              061623 in § 510.600(c) of this chapter.                              equivalent to 3 milligram (mg)
                                                3 days.                                                                 (c) Conditions of use in swine—(1)                                 gentamicin base, mometasone furoate
                                                   (ii) Indications for use. For the control                          Indications for use and amounts—(i)                                  monohydrate or mometasone furoate
                                                of postoperative pain and inflammation                                Prevention of anemia due to iron                                     anhydrous, USP, equivalent to 1 mg
                                                associated with soft tissue surgery in                                deficiency: Administer 1 mL (200 mg                                  mometasone, and 10 mg clotrimazole,
                                                dogs weighing at least 5.5 lb (2.5 kg) and                            iron) per pig by intramuscular injection
                                                at least 4 months of age for a maximum                                                                                                     USP.
                                                                                                                      on or before 3 days of age.
                                                of 3 days.                                                              (ii) Treatment of anemia due to iron                                 (b) Sponsors. See Nos. 000061 and
                                                   (iii) Limitations. Federal law restricts                           deficiency: Administer 1 mL (200 mg                                  054925 in § 510.600(c) of this chapter.
                                                this drug to use by or on the order of                                iron) per pig by intramuscular injection                             *     *    *      *    *
                                                a licensed veterinarian.                                              as soon as signs of deficiency appear.
                                                   (2) Cats—(i) Amount. Administer 0.45                                 (2) [Reserved]                                                     PART 558—NEW ANIMAL DRUGS FOR
                                                mg/lb (1 mg/kg) orally, once daily, for                                                                                                    USE IN ANIMAL FEEDS
                                                a maximum of 3 days.                                                  § 522.1182       [Amended]
                                                   (ii) Indications for use. For the control                                                                                               ■ 16. The authority citation for part 558
                                                                                                                      ■  11. In § 522.1182, in paragraph (b)
                                                of postoperative pain and inflammation                                                                                                     continues to read as follows:
                                                                                                                      introductory text, remove ‘‘baby pigs’’
                                                associated with orthopedic surgery,
                                                                                                                      and in its place add ‘‘young piglets’’; in                             Authority: 21 U.S.C. 354, 360b, 360ccc,
                                                ovariohysterectomy, and castration in
                                                cats weighing at least 5.5 lb (2.5 kg) and                            paragraph (b)(7) introductory text,                                  360ccc–1, 371.
                                                at least 4 months of age for a maximum                                remove ‘‘000859’’ and in its place add
                                                                                                                      ‘‘016592’’; and in paragraphs (b)(7)(i)                              § 558.4       [Amended]
                                                of 3 days.
                                                   (iii) Limitations. Federal law restricts                           and (ii), remove ‘‘baby pig’’.                                       ■  17. In § 558.4, in paragraph (d), in the
                                                this drug to use by or on the order of                                § 522.1192       [Amended]                                           ‘‘Category I’’ table, in the ‘‘Type B
                                                a licensed veterinarian.
                                                                                                                      ■  12. In § 522.1192, in paragraph (b)(2),                           maximum (200 ×)’’ column, in the row
                                                § 520.2325a         [Amended]                                         remove ‘‘000859’’ and in its place add                               entry for ‘‘Avilamycin’’, remove ‘‘3.65 g/
                                                                                                                      ‘‘016592,’’.                                                         lb (0.8%)’’ and in its place add ‘‘7.3 g/
                                                ■  8. In § 520.2325a, in paragraph (a)(3),                                                                                                 lb (1.6%)’’; and in the ‘‘Category II’’
                                                remove ‘‘053501’’ and in its place add                                § 522.1260       [Amended]                                           table, remove the row entry for
                                                ‘‘054771’’.                                                              13. In § 522.1260, in paragraph (b)(2),
                                                                                                                      ■                                                                    ‘‘Sulfadimethoxine’’ and two following
                                                PART 522—IMPLANTATION OR                                              remove ‘‘000859’’ and in its place add                               row entries for ‘‘Ormetoprim’’, and in
                                                INJECTABLE DOSAGE FORM NEW                                            ‘‘016592’’.                                                          their place add row entries for
                                                ANIMAL DRUGS                                                                                                                               ‘‘Sulfadimethoxine’’ and ‘‘Ormetoprim’’.
                                                                                                                      PART 524—OPHTHALMIC AND
                                                                                                                      TOPICAL DOSAGE FORM NEW                                                 The additions read as follows:
                                                ■ 9. The authority citation for part 522
                                                continues to read as follows:                                         ANIMAL DRUGS                                                         § 558.4 Requirement of a medicated feed
                                                    Authority: 21 U.S.C. 360b.                                        ■ 14. The authority citation for part 524                            mill license.
                                                ■ 10. Revise § 522.1055 to read as                                    continues to read as follows:                                        *       *    *              *        *
                                                follows:                                                                   Authority: 21 U.S.C. 360b.                                          (d) * * *
                                                                                                                                           CATEGORY II
                                                                                                                                 Assay limits                                                                                       Assay limits
                                                                                                                                                                               Type B maximum
                                                                                Drug                                              percent 1                                                                                           percent
                                                                                                                                                                                   (100 ×)
                                                                                                                                   Type A                                                                                            Type B/C

                                                         *                          *                                 *                             *                          *                                *                       *
                                                Sulfadimethoxine ....................................................                      90–110       Poultry: 5.675 g/lb ..................................................      80–115/75–125
                                                                                                                                                        Fish: 85.1 g/lb .........................................................
                                                Ormetoprim .............................................................                   90–110       Poultry: 3.405 g/lb ..................................................              80–115
                                                                                                                                                        Fish: 17.0 g/lb .........................................................

                                                             *                             *                               *                        *                              *                              *                     *
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                *     *     *     *     *                                             § 558.68       Avilamycin.                                             (e) Conditions of use. Administer in
                                                ■ 18. In § 558.68, revise paragraphs (a)                                (a) Each pound of Type A medicated                                 feed as follows:
                                                and (e) to read as follows:                                           article contains 45.4 or 90.7 grams of                                 (1) Chickens—
                                                                                                                      *     *     *     *    *

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                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations                                                              59135

                                                        Avilamycin in                  Combination in                         Indications for use                                    Limitations                         Sponsor
                                                         grams/ton                       grams/ton

                                                (i) 13.6 to 40.9 ..............        ........................   Broiler chickens: For the prevention of          Feed as the sole ration for 21 consecu-                  000986
                                                                                                                    mortality caused by necrotic enteritis           tive days. To assure responsible anti-
                                                                                                                    associated        with       Clostridium         microbial drug use in broiler chickens,
                                                                                                                    perfringens in broiler chickens.                 treatment administration must begin
                                                                                                                                                                     on or before 10 days of age.
                                                (ii) [Reserved].

                                                    (2) Swine—

                                                        Avilamycin in                  Combinationin                          Indications for use                                    Limitations                         Sponsor
                                                         grams/ton                      grams/ton

                                                (i) 73 .............................   ........................   Weaned pigs less than 14 weeks of                Feed as the sole ration for 21 consecu-                  000986
                                                                                                                   age: For the reduction in incidence               tive days. To assure responsible anti-
                                                                                                                   and overall severity of diarrhea in the           microbial drug use in pigs, do not ad-
                                                                                                                   presence of pathogenic Escherichia                minister to pigs 14 weeks of age or
                                                                                                                   coli in groups of weaned pigs.                    older.
                                                (ii) [Reserved].

                                                § 558.274        [Amended]                                             ■  24. Effective September 8, 2016, in                   DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                                ■ 19. Effective September 8, 2016, in                                  § 558.625, revise paragraphs (b)(1),                     HUMAN SERVICES
                                                § 558.274, remove and reserve                                          (f)(2)(i), (f)(2)(iii), and (f)(2)(vii) and
                                                paragraphs (c)(1)(ii) and (c)(2)(ii).                                  remove paragraphs (f)(2)(viii) and (ix).                 Food and Drug Administration
                                                ■ 20. Effective September 8, 2016, in                                     The revisions read as follows:
                                                § 558.355, remove and reserve                                                                                                   21 CFR Part 558
                                                                                                                       § 558.625    Tylosin.
                                                paragraph (f)(1)(xxviii) and revise
                                                                                                                       *      *    *     *    *
                                                paragraphs (f)(8)(i) and (ii).                                           (b) * * *                                              [Docket No. FDA–2016–N–0002]
                                                  The revisions read as follows:                                         (1) No. 000986: 40 and 100 grams per
                                                                                                                                                                                New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal
                                                § 558.355        Monensin.                                             pound for use as in paragraph (f) of this
                                                                                                                                                                                Feed; Withdrawal of Approval of a New
                                                *      *    *    *     *                                                                                                        Animal Drug Application
                                                  (f) * * *                                                            *      *    *     *    *
                                                                                                                         (f) * * *                                              AGENCY:      Food and Drug Administration,
                                                  (8) * * *                                                              (2) * * *
                                                  (i) Decoquinate alone and in                                                                                                  HHS.
                                                                                                                         (i) Decoquinate alone and in
                                                combination as in § 558.195.                                           combination as in § 558.195.                             ACTION:     Notification of withdrawal.
                                                  (ii) Melengestrol acetate alone and in
                                                                                                                       *      *    *     *    *                                 SUMMARY:   The Food and Drug
                                                combination as in § 558.342.                                             (iii) Melengestrol acetate alone and in                Administration (FDA) is withdrawing
                                                *      *    *    *     *                                               combination as in § 558.342.                             approval of eight new animal drug
                                                § 558.363        [Amended]                                             *      *    *     *    *                                 applications (NADAs) at the sponsor’s
                                                                                                                         (vii) Zilpaterol alone and in                          request because these products are no
                                                ■ 21. Effective September 8, 2016, in
                                                                                                                       combination as in § 558.665.                             longer manufactured or marketed.
                                                § 558.363, remove and reserve                                          ■ 25. Effective September 8, 2016, in
                                                paragraph (d)(1)(vi).                                                  § 558.630, revise paragraph (b)(1) to read               DATES: Withdrawal of approval is
                                                                                                                       as follows:                                              effective September 8, 2016.
                                                § 558.550        [Amended]
                                                                                                                                                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                ■ 22. Effective September 8, 2016, in                                  § 558.630    Tylosin and sulfamethazine.                 Sujaya Dessai, Center for Veterinary
                                                § 558.550, remove and reserve                                          *     *    *    *     *                                  Medicine (HFV–212), Food and Drug
                                                paragraph (d)(1)(xxii).                                                  (b) * * *                                              Administration, 7519 Standish Pl.,
                                                § 558.618        [Amended]
                                                                                                                         (1) No. 000986: 40 and 100 grams per                   Rockville, MD 20855, 240–402–5761,
                                                                                                                       pound for use as in paragraph (e) of this                sujaya.dessai@fda.hhs.gov.
                                                ■  23. In § 558.618, in paragraphs                                     section.
                                                (e)(2)(ii) and (iii):                                                                                                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Elanco
                                                                                                                       *     *    *    *     *
                                                ■ a. In the ‘‘Limitations’’ column, add                                                                                         Animal Health, A Division of Eli Lilly
                                                ‘‘Tilmicosin as provided by Nos. 000986                                  Dated: August 8, 2016.                                 & Co., Lilly Corporate Center,
                                                or 016952; monensin as provided by No.                                 Tracey H. Forfa,                                         Indianapolis, IN 46285 has requested
                                                000986 in § 510.600(c) of this chapter.’’                              Deputy Director, Center for Veterinary                   that FDA withdraw approval of the
                                                to the end of the existing entries; and                                Medicine.                                                NADAs listed in the following table
                                                ■ b. In the ‘‘Sponsor’’ column,                                        [FR Doc. 2016–19914 Filed 8–26–16; 8:45 am]              because the products are no longer
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                numerically add ‘‘016952’’.                                            BILLING CODE 4164–01–P                                   manufactured or marketed:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         21 CFR
                                                  File No.                                                                               Product name                                                                    section

                                                012–548 1         TYLOSIN (tylosin phosphate)/HYGROMIX (hygromycin B) ...........................................................................................           558.274
                                                013–162 1         TYLAN TM (tylosin phosphate) Type A medicated article ..............................................................................................      558.625

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014        14:52 Aug 26, 2016        Jkt 238001        PO 00000   Frm 00007    Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\29AUR1.SGM      29AUR1

Document Created: 2016-08-26 23:50:19
Document Modified: 2016-08-26 23:50:19
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule; technical amendment.
DatesThis rule is effective August 29, 2016, except for the amendments to 21 CFR 558.274, 58.355, 58.363, 58.550, 558.625, and 558.630, which are effective September 8, 2016.
ContactGeorge K. Haibel, Center for Veterinary Medicine (HFV-6), Food and Drug Administration, 7519 Standish Pl., Rockville, MD 20855, 240-402-5689, [email protected]
FR Citation81 FR 59131 
CFR Citation21 CFR 510
21 CFR 520
21 CFR 522
21 CFR 524
21 CFR 558
CFR AssociatedAdministrative Practice and Procedure; Animal Drugs; Labeling; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements and Animal Feeds

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