81_FR_80334 81 FR 80114 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; Bats EDGX Exchange, Inc.; Notice of Filing of a Proposed Rule Change in Connection With the Proposed Corporate Transaction Involving Bats Global Markets, Inc. and CBOE Holdings, Inc.

81 FR 80114 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; Bats EDGX Exchange, Inc.; Notice of Filing of a Proposed Rule Change in Connection With the Proposed Corporate Transaction Involving Bats Global Markets, Inc. and CBOE Holdings, Inc.


Federal Register Volume 81, Issue 220 (November 15, 2016)

Page Range80114-80123
FR Document2016-27369

Federal Register, Volume 81 Issue 220 (Tuesday, November 15, 2016)
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 220 (Tuesday, November 15, 2016)]
[Pages 80114-80123]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2016-27369]



[Release No. 34-79264; File No. SR-BatsEDGX-2016-60]

Self-Regulatory Organizations; Bats EDGX Exchange, Inc.; Notice 
of Filing of a Proposed Rule Change in Connection With the Proposed 
Corporate Transaction Involving Bats Global Markets, Inc. and CBOE 
Holdings, Inc.

November 8, 2016.
    Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 
(the ``Act''),\1\ and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,\2\ notice is hereby given 
that on November 2, 2016, Bats EDGX Exchange, Inc. (the ``Exchange'' or 
``EDGX'') filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission 
(``Commission'') the proposed rule

[[Page 80115]]

change as described in Items I, II and III below, which Items have been 
prepared by the Exchange. The Commission is publishing this notice to 
solicit comments on the proposed rule change from interested persons.

    \1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
    \2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.

I. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Terms of Substance 
of the Proposed Rule Change

    The Exchange filed a proposed rule change (the ``Proposed Rule 
Change'') in connection with the proposed corporate transaction (the 
``Transaction''), as described in more detail below, involving its 
ultimate parent company, Bats Global Markets, Inc. (``BGM''), CBOE 
Holdings, Inc. (``CBOE Holdings''), and two wholly owned subsidiaries 
of CBOE Holdings, CBOE Corporation and CBOE V, LLC (``CBOE V''). CBOE 
Holdings is the parent company of Chicago Board Options Exchange, 
Incorporated (``CBOE'') and C2 Options Exchange, Incorporated (``C2''), 
each a national securities exchange registered with the Commission 
pursuant to Section 6(a) of the Act,\3\ and CBOE Futures Exchange, LLC 
(``CBOE Futures,'' and together with CBOE and C2, the ``CBOE 
Exchanges''), a national securities exchange that lists or trades 
security-futures products notice-registered with the Commission 
pursuant to Section 6(g) of the Act.\4\

    \3\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(a).
    \4\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(g).

    Upon completion of the mergers described below that effectuate the 
Transaction (the ``Closing''), the business of BGM will be carried on 
by CBOE V. CBOE V, rather than BGM, will be the direct parent company 
of Direct Edge LLC (``Direct Edge''), which is the direct parent 
company of the Exchange. As a result, CBOE Holdings will become the 
ultimate parent company of Direct Edge and of the Exchange.
    To effectuate the Transaction, the Exchange seeks to obtain the 
Commission's approval of: (i) The resolutions of BGM's board of 
directors (the ``BGM Board'') waiving certain provisions of the Amended 
and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of BGM (the ``BGM Charter'') 
and making certain related determinations regarding CBOE Holdings and 
the impact of the Transaction on the Exchange (the ``Resolutions''); 
(ii) the CBOE Holdings Second Amended and Restated Certificate of 
Incorporation (the ``CBOE Holdings Charter'') and the CBOE Holdings 
Third Amended and Restated Bylaws (the ``CBOE Holdings Bylaws''); (iii) 
the Certificate of Formation of CBOE V (the ``CBOE V Certificate'') and 
the Limited Liability Company Operating Agreement of CBOE V (the ``CBOE 
V Operating Agreement''); (iv) the proposed amendments to the Amended 
and Restated Limited Liability Company Operating Agreement of Direct 
Edge (the ``Direct Edge Operating Agreement''); (v) the proposed 
amendments to the Fifth Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Exchange 
(the ``Exchange Bylaws''); and (vi) the proposed amendments to EDGX 
Rules 2.3, 2.10 and 2.12 (the ``Exchange Rules'').
    The text of the proposed rule change is available at the Exchange's 
Web site at www.batstrading.com, at the principal office of the 
Exchange, and at the Commission's Public Reference Room.

II. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and 
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change

    In its filing with the Commission, the Exchange included statements 
concerning the purpose of and basis for the proposed rule change and 
discussed any comments it received on the proposed rule change. The 
text of these statements may be examined at the places specified in 
Item IV below. The Exchange has prepared summaries, set forth in 
Sections A, B, and C below, of the most significant parts of such 

A. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and the 
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change

1. Purpose
    The Exchange submits this Proposed Rule Change to seek the 
Commission's approval of the organizational and governance documents of 
the Exchange and its current and proposed future parent companies, and 
related actions that are necessary in connection with the Closing of 
the Transaction, as described below.
    Other than as described herein and set forth in Exhibits 5A through 
5H, the Exchange will continue to conduct its regulated activities 
(including operating and regulating its market and members) in the 
manner currently conducted, and will not make any changes to its 
regulated activities in connection with the Transaction. Except as set 
forth in this Proposed Rule Change, the Exchange is not proposing any 
amendments to its trading and regulatory rules at this time. If the 
Exchange determines to make any such changes, it will seek the approval 
of the Commission to the extent required by the Act, and the 
Commission's rules thereunder, and the Rules of the Exchange.
1. Current Corporate Structures
    The Exchange, Bats BZX Exchange, Inc. (``BZX''), Bats BYX Exchange, 
Inc. (``BYX'') and Bats EDGA Exchange, Inc. (``EDGA,'' and together 
with the Exchange, BZX and BYX, the ``Bats Exchanges'') are each 
Delaware corporations that are national securities exchanges registered 
with the Commission pursuant to Section 6(a) of the Act.\5\

    \5\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(a).

    The Exchange and EDGA are each direct, wholly owned subsidiaries of 
Direct Edge, a Delaware limited liability company that is a direct, 
wholly owned subsidiary of BGM. BZX and BYX are direct, wholly owned 
subsidiaries of Bats Global Markets Holdings, Inc. (``BGM Holdings''), 
a Delaware corporation that is a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of 
BGM. In addition to certain other subsidiaries not registered with the 
Commission in any capacity, BGM Holdings also owns 100 percent of the 
equity interest in Bats Trading, Inc. (``Bats Trading''), a Delaware 
corporation that is a broker-dealer registered with the Commission that 
provides routing services outbound from, and in certain instances 
inbound to, each Bats Exchange. BGM, a Delaware corporation, is a 
publicly traded company listed on BZX.
    CBOE Holdings, a Delaware corporation, is a publicly traded company 
listed on The NASDAQ Stock Market. CBOE Holdings owns 100 percent of 
the equity interest in the CBOE Exchanges.
    In contemplation of the Transaction, CBOE Holdings formed two 
additional entities, CBOE Corporation, a Delaware corporation, and CBOE 
V, a Delaware limited liability company, each of which are direct, 
wholly owned subsidiaries of CBOE Holdings. Each of CBOE Corporation 
and CBOE V currently have no material assets or conduct any operations.
2. The Transaction
    On September 25, 2016, BGM, CBOE Holdings, CBOE Corporation and 
CBOE V entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger (the ``Merger 
Agreement''). Pursuant to and subject to the terms of the Merger 
Agreement, at the Closing, among other things:
    (i) CBOE Corporation will be merged with and into BGM, whereupon 
the separate existence of CBOE Corporation will cease and BGM will be 
the surviving company (the ``Merger'');

[[Page 80116]]

    (ii) by virtue of the Merger and without any action required on the 
part of BGM, CBOE Corporation or any holder of BGM or CBOE Corporation 
stock, each share of BGM common stock (whether voting or non-voting) 
issued and outstanding (with the exception of shares owned by CBOE 
Holdings, BGM or any of their respective subsidiaries and certain 
shares held by persons that are entitled to and properly demand 
appraisal rights) will be converted into the right to receive a 
particular number of shares of CBOE Holdings and/or cash, at the 
election of the holder of such share of BGM common stock (the ``Merger 
Consideration''), and each share of CBOE Corporation issued and 
outstanding will be converted into one share of BGM, such that BGM will 
become a wholly owned subsidiary of CBOE Holdings; and
    (iii) immediately following the Merger, BGM will be merged with and 
into CBOE V, whereupon the separate existence of BGM will cease and 
CBOE V will be the surviving company (the ``Subsequent Merger'').
    Upon the Closing, the Direct Edge Operating Agreement, the Exchange 
Bylaws and the Exchange Rules will be amended to take into account the 
post-Closing corporate structure, described below.
3. Post-Closing Corporate Structure
    As a result of the Transaction, BGM will cease to exist and the 
business of BGM will be carried on by CBOE V, which is a wholly owned 
subsidiary of CBOE Holdings.\6\ CBOE V will own 100 percent of the 
equity interest in Direct Edge and BGM Holdings. Direct Edge will 
continue to own 100 percent of the equity interest in the Exchange and 
EDGA. BGM Holdings will continue to own 100 percent of the equity 
interest in BZX, BYX, Bats Trading, and certain other subsidiaries not 
registered with the Commission in any capacity.\7\

    \6\ In connection with the Transaction, CBOE Holdings agreed in 
the Merger Agreement to take all requisite actions so, as of the 
Closing, the CBOE Holdings Board will include three individuals 
designated by BGM who (1) are serving as BGM directors immediately 
prior to the Closing and (2) comply with the policies (including 
clarifications of the policies provided to BGM) of the Nominating 
and Governance Committee of the CBOE Holdings Board as in effect on 
the date of the Merger Agreement and previously provided to BGM 
(each of whom will be appointed to the CBOE Holdings Board as of the 
Closing). The CBOE Holdings Board currently consists of 14 
directors. The Exchange expects three current CBOE Holdings 
directors to resign effective prior to the Closing and the remaining 
CBOE Holdings directors to fill those vacancies with the three BGM 
directors designated by BGM.
    \7\ As described above, the Transaction will result in a change 
of ownership of Bats Trading, which is a member of the Financial 
Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (``FINRA''). The Exchange 
understands that, pursuant to NASD Rule 1017, Bats Trading is 
seeking approval for this change of ownership from FINRA.

4. Ownership and Voting Limitations of BGM; Resolutions
    The BGM Charter provides that (i) no Person,\8\ either alone or 
together with its Related Persons,\9\ may own, directly or indirectly, 
of record or beneficially, shares constituting more than 40 percent of 
any class of its capital stock, and no Exchange Member, either alone or 
together with its Related Persons, may own, directly or indirectly, of 
record or beneficially, shares constituting more than 20 percent of any 
class of its capital stock (collectively, the ``BGM Ownership 
Limitation''); and (ii) subject to certain exceptions, no Person, 
either alone or together with its Related Persons, at any time, may, 
directly, indirectly or pursuant to any of various arrangements, vote 
or cause the voting of shares or give any consent or proxy with respect 
to shares representing more than 20 percent of the voting power of its 
then issued and outstanding capital stock (the ``BGM Voting 
Limitation'').\10\ Purported transfers that would result in a violation 
of the BGM Ownership Limitation are not recognized by BGM to the extent 
of any ownership in excess of the BGM Ownership Limitation, and 
purported voting or voting arrangements in violation of the BGM Voting 
Limitation are not honored by BGM to the extent of any voting in excess 
of the limitation.\11\

    \8\ The BGM Charter generally defines a ``Person'' as a natural 
person, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, entity, 
government, or political subdivision, agency or instrumentality of a 
government. See BGM Charter, Art. FIFTH, para. (a)(i).
    \9\ The BGM Charter generally defines a ``Related Person'' as, 
with respect to any Person, (i) any ``affiliate'' of such Person (as 
defined in Rule 12b-2 under the Act); (ii) any other Person with 
which such first Person has any agreement, arrangement or 
understanding (whether or not in writing) to act together for the 
purpose of acquiring, voting, holding or disposing of shares of the 
capital stock of BGM; (iii) in the case of a Person that is a 
company, corporation or similar entity, any executive officer (as 
defined under Rule 3b-7 under the Act) or director of such Person 
and, in the case of a Person that is a partnership or limited 
liability company, any general partner, managing member or manager 
of such Person, as applicable; (iv) in the case of any Person that 
is a registered broker or dealer that has been admitted to 
membership in any of the Bats Exchanges (for purposes of this 
definition of ``Related Person,'' each such national securities 
exchange shall be referred to generally as an ``Exchange'' and any 
member of such Exchange, an ``Exchange Member''), any Person that is 
associated with the Exchange Member (as determined using the 
definition of ``person associated with a member'' as defined under 
Section 3(a)(21) of the Act); (v) in the case of a Person that is a 
natural person and Exchange Member, any broker or dealer that is 
also an Exchange Member with which such Person is associated; (vi) 
in the case of a Person that is a natural person, any relative or 
spouse of such Person, or any relative of such spouse who has the 
same home as such Person or who is a director or officer of BGM or 
any of its parents or subsidiaries; (vii) in the case of a Person 
that is an executive officer (as defined under Rule 3b-7 under the 
Act) or a director of a company, corporation or similar entity, such 
company, corporation or entity, as applicable; and (viii) in the 
case of a Person that is a general partner, managing member or 
manager of a partnership or limited liability company, such 
partnership or limited liability company, as applicable. See BGM 
Charter, Art. FIFTH, para. (a)(ii).
    \10\ See BGM Charter, Art. FIFTH, para. (b).
    \11\ See BGM Charter, Art. FIFTH, para. (d).

    However, the BGM Charter provides that each of the BGM Ownership 
Limitation and the BGM Voting Limitation may be waived (except with 
respect to Exchange Members and their Related Persons) pursuant to a 
resolution duly adopted by the BGM Board if, in connection with taking 
such action, the BGM Board states in such resolution that it is the 
determination of the BGM Board that the waiver:
     Will not impair the ability of each Bats Exchange to carry 
out its functions and responsibilities as an ``exchange'' under the Act 
and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder;
     is otherwise in the best interests of BGM, its 
stockholders, and each Bats Exchange;
     will not impair the ability of the Commission to enforce 
the Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder; and
     shall not be effective until it is filed with and approved 
by the Commission.\12\

    \12\ See BGM Charter, Art. FIFTH, para. (b)(ii)(B).

In granting such a waiver, the BGM Board has the discretion to impose 
on the Person and its Related Persons, such conditions and restrictions 
that it deems necessary, appropriate or desirable in furtherance of the 
objectives of the Act and the rules and regulations promulgated 
thereunder, and the governance of each Bats Exchange.\13\

    \13\ Id.

    In addition, notwithstanding the above, the BGM Charter provides 
\14\ that in any case where a Person, either alone or with its Related 
Persons, would own or vote more than the BGM Ownership Limitation or 
BGM Voting Limitation, respectively, upon consummation of any proposed 
sale, assignment or transfer of BGM's capital stock, such a transaction 
will not become effective until the BGM Board determines, by 
resolution, that such Person and its Related Persons are not subject to 
any ``statutory disqualification,'' as defined in Section 3(a)(39) of 
the Act.\15\

    \14\ See BGM Charter, Art. FIFTH, para. (b)(iii).
    \15\ 15 U.S.C. 78c(a)(39).


[[Page 80117]]

    As described above, as a result of the Merger (and prior to its 
separate existence ceasing as a result of the Subsequent Merger), BGM 
will become a wholly owned subsidiary of CBOE Holdings, such that CBOE 
Holdings will possess ownership and voting rights in BGM in excess of 
the Ownership Limitation and the Voting Limitation. In addition, as a 
result of the Subsequent Merger, BGM will merge with and into CBOE V, 
terminating the BGM Charter and becoming an entity whose ownership and 
voting is held entirely by CBOE Holdings, in excess of the BGM 
Ownership Limitation and the BGM Voting Limitation that would otherwise 
    The BGM Board therefore determined that in order to effect the 
Transaction, a waiver of the BGM Ownership Limitation and the BGM 
Voting Limitation with respect to CBOE Holdings would be required. To 
do so, the BGM Board adopted the Resolutions, attached as Exhibit 5A, 
making certain determinations with respect to CBOE Holdings and the 
Transaction that are necessary to waive the BGM Ownership Limitation 
and BGM Voting Limitation. Specifically, the BGM Board determined that:
     The acquisition of the proposed ownership by CBOE Holdings 
in BGM will not impair the ability of each Bats Exchange to carry out 
its functions and responsibilities as an ``exchange'' under the Act and 
the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, is otherwise in the 
best interests of BGM, its stockholders and the Bats Exchanges, and 
will not impair the ability of the Commission to enforce the Act and 
the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder;
     the acquisition or exercise of the proposed voting rights 
by CBOE Holdings in BGM will not impair the ability of each Bats 
Exchange to carry out its functions and responsibilities as an 
``exchange'' under the Act and the rules and regulations promulgated 
thereunder, is otherwise in the best interests of BGM, its stockholders 
and the Bats Exchanges, and will not impair the ability of the 
Commission to enforce the Act and the rules and regulations promulgated 
     neither CBOE Holdings nor any of its Related Persons is 
subject to ``statutory disqualification'' within the meaning of Section 
3(a)(39) of the Act; \16\ and

    \16\ Id.

     neither CBOE Holdings nor any of its Related Persons is an 
Exchange Member.\17\

    \17\ In addition, the Resolutions contain a determination that 
the execution and delivery of the Merger Agreement by CBOE Holdings 
constituted notice of CBOE Holdings' intention to acquire ownership 
and voting rights in excess of the BGM Ownership Limitation and BGM 
Voting Limitation, respectively, in writing and not less than 45 
days before the Closing. See BGM Charter, Art. FIFTH, para. (b)(iv). 
The Exchange notes that Art. FIFTH, para. (c)(i) of the BGM Charter 
further requires that any Person that, either alone or together with 
its Related Persons, owns, directly or indirectly (whether by 
acquisition or by a change in the number of shares outstanding), of 
record or beneficially, five percent or more of the then outstanding 
shares of capital stock of BGM must immediately upon acquiring 
knowledge of its ownership of five percent or more give written 
notice of such ownership to the BGM Board. The Merger Agreement 
provides that the Merger Agreement constitutes such notice with 
respect to certain voting agreements entered into concurrently with 
the Merger Agreement. See Merger Agreement, Section 5.21.

    The Exchange has reviewed such Resolutions and requests that the 
Commission approve such Resolutions. The Exchange believes that the 
Commission should approve the Resolutions, as the Transaction will not 
impair the ability of any Bats Exchange to carry out its functions and 
responsibilities as an ``exchange'' under the Act and the rules and 
regulations promulgated thereunder, or the ability of the Commission to 
enforce the Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder. 
The Bats Exchanges will continue to operate and regulate their markets 
and members as they have done prior to the Transaction. Thus, each Bats 
Exchange will continue to enforce the Act, the Commission's rules 
thereunder, and each Exchange's own rules, in the manner it does today. 
Further, the Commission will continue to have plenary regulatory 
authority over the Bats Exchanges, as is currently the case with these 
    The Exchange also notes that the Resolutions reflect the 
determination by the BGM Board that the Transaction and CBOE Holdings' 
resulting ownership and voting rights in BGM following the Merger, and 
CBOE V's ownership and voting rights following the Subsequent Merger, 
are otherwise in the best interests of BGM, its stockholders and the 
Bats Exchanges. The Bats Exchanges will be ultimately held by an 
entity, CBOE Holdings, that already owns other national securities 
exchanges and is subject to governance documents that similarly 
restrict concentration of ownership and voting rights.
    As described in more detail below, the Exchange is also requesting 
approval of the adoption of the CBOE Holdings Charter and the CBOE 
Holdings Bylaws. The CBOE Holdings Charter includes a number of 
provisions relating to the Commission's regulatory oversight that have 
a similar effect as those in the BGM Charter, including the BGM 
Ownership Limitation and the BGM Voting Limitation. Therefore, 
notwithstanding the Resolutions and the Transaction, provisions similar 
(and, in some cases, more stringent) to the BGM Ownership Limitation 
and the BGM Voting Limitation will remain in place with respect to 
potential future transactions involving the ultimate parent company of 
the Bats Exchanges. This means that the Exchange ownership structure 
will continue to provide the Commission with appropriate oversight 
tools to ensure that the Commission will have the ability to enforce 
the Act with respect to the Exchange, its direct and indirect parent 
companies, and its directors, officers, employees and agents to the 
extent they are involved in the activities of the Exchange, and protect 
the independence of the Exchange's self-regulatory activities.
    The Exchange therefore requests that the Commission approve the 
Resolutions, attached as Exhibit 5A.
5. CBOE Holdings Charter and CBOE Holdings Bylaws
    CBOE Holdings currently holds a direct ownership interest in the 
CBOE Exchanges. The Commission has previously approved the CBOE 
Holdings Charter and the CBOE Holdings Bylaws (collectively, the ``CBOE 
Holdings Organizational Documents''), attached as Exhibits 5B and 5C, 

    \18\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 62158 (May 24, 
2010), 75 FR 30082 (May 28, 2010) (SR-CBOE-2008-88). The CBOE 
Organizational Documents have been subsequently amended from time to 
time pursuant to proposed rule changes that were filed with the 
Commission for immediate effectiveness. See, e.g., Securities 
Exchange Act Release No. 76282 (October 27, 2015), 80 FR 67464 
(November 2, 2015) (SR-CBOE-2015-092).

    In connection with the Transaction, upon the Closing, CBOE Holdings 
will become the indirect owner (through CBOE V and Direct Edge) of the 
Exchange and EDGA and the indirect owner (through CBOE V and BGM 
Holdings) of BZX, BYX and Bats Trading (and certain other subsidiaries 
not registered with the Commission in any capacity).
    The CBOE Holdings Organizational Documents include various 
provisions relating to any ``Regulated Securities Exchange 
Subsidiary,'' which is defined as any national securities exchange 
controlled, directly or indirectly, by CBOE Holdings. Upon the Closing, 
the Exchange will be covered by the

[[Page 80118]]

definition of Regulated Securities Exchange Subsidiary for purposes of 
the CBOE Holdings Organizational Documents. As a result, no amendments 
to the CBOE Holdings Organizational Documents will be necessary to 
reflect CBOE Holdings' indirect ownership of the Exchange.
    The Exchange believes that the CBOE Holdings Organizational 
Documents will protect and maintain the integrity of the self-
regulatory functions of the Exchange and facilitate the ability of the 
Exchange and the Commission to carry out their regulatory and oversight 
obligations under the Act, as the CBOE Organizational Documents do with 
respect to the CBOE Exchanges.
    In addition, the CBOE Organizational Documents contain provisions, 
including those with respect to the following, that are similar to 
those contained in the BGM Charter and BGM's Amended and Restated 
Bylaws (the ``BGM Bylaws''), which the Commission has previously found 
to be consistent with the Act: \19\

    \19\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 77464 (March 29, 
2016), 81 FR 19252 (April 4, 2016) (File Nos. SR-BATS-2016-10, SR-
BYX-2016-02, SR-EDGX-2016-04, and SR-EDGA-2016-01).

     Ownership and Voting Limitations. Similar to the BGM 
Voting Limitation and the BGM Ownership Limitation contained in the BGM 
Charter, the CBOE Holdings Charter limits the extent of ownership and 
voting rights which certain persons may possess or exercise.\20\ Like 
the BGM Charter, the CBOE Holdings Charter similarly prohibits any 
Person,\21\ together with its Related Persons,\22\ from exercising 
voting rights with respect to more than 20 percent of the then 
outstanding votes entitled to be cast on such matter.\23\ However, with 
respect to ownership limitations, the CBOE Holdings Charter contains a 
more stringent threshold than contained in the BGM Charter. Under the 
CBOE Holdings Charter, no Person, together with its Related Persons, is 
permitted at any time to beneficially own directly or indirectly shares 
of stock of CBOE Holdings representing in the aggregate more than 20 
percent of the then outstanding shares of stock of CBOE Holdings.\24\ 
In contrast, the BGM Ownership Limitation only applies a 20 percent 
threshold to any Exchange Member together with its Related Persons, 
while applying a 40 percent threshold to any other Person together with 
its Related Persons. As a result, the CBOE Holdings Charter should be 
at least as effective as the BGM Charter at preventing any stockholder 
from exercising undue control over the operation of the Exchange.

    \20\ Compare CBOE Holdings Charter, Art. SIXTH with BGM Charter, 
    \21\ ``Person'' mean an individual, partnership (general or 
limited), joint stock company, corporation, limited liability 
company, trust or unincorporated organization, or any governmental 
entity or agency or political subdivision thereof. See CBOE Holdings 
Charter, Art. FIFTH, para. (a)(iv).
    \22\ ``Related Person'' is defined in the CBOE Holdings Charter 
in a manner substantially the same as it is defined in the BGM 
Charter. See supra note 9; CBOE Holdings Charter, Art. FIFTH, para. 
    \23\ See CBOE Holdings Charter, Art. SIXTH, para. (a).
    \24\ See CBOE Holdings Charter, Art. SIXTH, para. (b).

     Independence and Non-Interference. Similar to provisions 
contained in the BGM Bylaws, the CBOE Holdings Charter provides that 
for so long as CBOE Holdings controls, directly or indirectly, a 
Regulated Securities Exchange Subsidiary, each officer, director and 
employee of CBOE Holdings must give due regard to the preservation of 
the independence of the self-regulatory function of the Regulated 
Securities Exchange Subsidiaries and may not take any actions that he 
or she knows or reasonably should have known would interfere with the 
effectuation of any decisions by the board of directors of any 
Regulated Securities Exchange Subsidiary relating to such Regulated 
Securities Exchange Subsidiary's regulatory functions (including 
disciplinary matters) or that would adversely affect the ability of the 
Regulated Securities Exchange Subsidiary to carry out such Regulated 
Securities Exchange Subsidiary's responsibilities under the Act.\25\

    \25\ Compare CBOE Holdings Charter, Art. SIXTEENTH, para. (c) 
with BGM Bylaws, Section 12.01.

     Confidentiality. Similar to provisions contained in the 
BGM Bylaws, the CBOE Holdings Charter provides that, to the fullest 
extent permitted by applicable law, all confidential information 
pertaining to the self-regulatory function of Regulated Securities 
Exchange Subsidiaries contained in the books and records of any 
Regulated Securities Exchange Subsidiary that shall come into the 
possession of the CBOE Holdings must be retained in confidence by CBOE 
Holdings and its officers, directors, employees and agents and must not 
be used for any commercial purposes.\26\

    \26\ Compare CBOE Holdings Charter, Art. FIFTEENTH with BGM 
Bylaws, Section 12.02.

     Books and Records. Similar to provisions contained in the 
BGM Bylaws, the CBOE Holdings Charter provides that, for so long as 
CBOE Holdings directly or indirectly controls any Regulated Securities 
Exchange Subsidiary, the books, records, premises, officers, directors 
and employees of CBOE Holdings shall be deemed to be the books, 
records, premises, officers, directors and employees of the Regulated 
Securities Exchange Subsidiary for purposes of and subject to oversight 
pursuant to the Act, but only to the extent that such books, records, 
premises, officers, directors and employees of the Corporation relate 
to the business of such Regulated Securities Exchange Subsidiary.\27\

    \27\ Compare CBOE Holdings Charter, Art. FIFTEENTH with BGM 
Bylaws, Section 12.03.

     Compliance With Securities Laws; Cooperation With the 
Commission. Similar to provisions contained in the BGM Bylaws, the CBOE 
Holdings Charter provides that CBOE Holdings shall comply with the 
federal securities laws and the rules and regulations thereunder and 
shall cooperate with the Commission, and each Regulated Securities 
Exchange Subsidiary pursuant to and to the extent of its regulatory 
authority, and shall take reasonable steps necessary to cause its 
agents to cooperate with the Commission and, where applicable, the 
Regulated Securities Exchange Subsidiaries pursuant to their regulatory 
authority, with respect to such agents' activities related to the 
Regulated Securities Exchange Subsidiaries.\28\

    \28\ Compare CBOE Holdings Charter, Art. SIXTEENTH, para. (a) 
with BGM Bylaws, Section 12.04.

     Consent to Jurisdiction. Similar to provisions contained 
in the BGM Bylaws, the CBOE Holdings Charter provides that CBOE 
Holdings, its directors, officers, agents and employees, irrevocably 
submit to the jurisdiction of the U.S. federal courts, the Commission, 
and the Regulated Securities Exchange Subsidiaries, for the purposes of 
any suit, action or proceeding pursuant to U.S. federal securities laws 
or the rules or regulations thereunder, commenced or initiated by the 
Commission arising out of, or relating to, the Regulated Securities 
Exchange Subsidiaries' activities.\29\

    \29\ Compare CBOE Holdings Charter, Art. FOURTEENTH with BGM 
Bylaws, Section 12.05.

     Amendments. Similar to provisions contained in the BGM 
Charter and BGM Bylaws, the CBOE Organizational Documents provide that 
for so long as CBOE Holdings controls, directly or indirectly, 
Regulated Securities Exchange, before any amendment to or repeal of the 
CBOE Holdings Charter or CBOE Holdings Bylaws may be effective, such 
amendment or repeal must be submitted to the board of directors of each 
such exchange, and if the amendment or repeal is required to

[[Page 80119]]

be filed with, or filed with and approved by the Commission, then such 
change shall not be effective until filed with, or filed with and 
approved by, the Commission, as the case may be.\30\ As stated above, 
the Exchange believes that the foregoing provisions will assist the 
Exchange in fulfilling its self-regulatory obligations and in 
administering and complying with the requirements of the Act.

    \30\ Compare CBOE Holdings Charter, Arts. ELEVENTH, TWELFTH and 
CBOE Holdings Bylaws, Section 10.2 with BGM Charter, Art. FOURTEENTH 
and BGM Bylaws, Article XI.

6. CBOE V Certificate and CBOE V Operating Agreement
    Effective as of the Closing of the Transaction, CBOE V will hold 
direct ownership of (i) Direct Edge, which will continue to hold direct 
ownership of the Exchange and EDGA and (ii) BGM Holdings, which will 
continue to hold direct ownership of BZX, BYX and Bats Trading (and 
certain other subsidiaries not registered with the Commission in any 
capacity). However, unlike BGM currently, CBOE V will not be the 
ultimate holding company under the post-Closing corporate structure, 
but rather will be an intermediate holding company owned by CBOE 
Holdings. The Exchange believes that the CBOE V Operating Agreement 
contains provisions relating to its indirect ownership of one or more 
national securities exchanges, including such exchanges' regulatory 
functions and Commission oversight, that are appropriate for an 
intermediate holding company in the ownership chain of a national 
securities exchange. Many of the provisions of the CBOE V Operating 
Agreement relating to these matters are similar to the organizational 
documents of Direct Edge, which currently is, and following the 
Subsequent Merger will be, similarly situated as an intermediate 
holding company of the Exchange. The Commission has previously found 
the Direct Edge organizational documents to be consistent with the 

    \31\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 71449 (January 30, 
2014), 79 FR 6961 (February 5, 2014) (SR-EDGA-2013-34; SR-EDGX-2013-

    Although CBOE V will not carry out any regulatory functions, the 
Exchange notes that its activities with respect to the operation of the 
Bats Exchanges must be consistent with, and must not interfere with, 
the self-regulatory obligations of each Bats Exchange. The CBOE V 
Operating Agreement therefore includes certain provisions that are 
designed to maintain the independence of the Bats Exchanges' self-
regulatory functions, enable the Bats Exchanges to operate in a manner 
that complies with the federal securities laws, including the 
objectives of Sections 6(b) \32\ and 19(g) \33\ of the Act, and 
facilitate the ability of each Bats Exchange and the Commission to 
fulfill their respective regulatory and oversight obligations under the 

    \32\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b).
    \33\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(g).

a. CBOE V Certificate of Formation
    The CBOE V Certificate, attached as Exhibit 5D, includes the 
following provisions required under Delaware law: (i) The full name of 
CBOE V as ``CBOE V, LLC'', and (ii) the name and address of CBOE V's 
registered office in the State of Delaware and the name of CBOE V's 
registered agent at such address.\34\ In addition, the CBOE V 
Certificate contains a provision providing that CBOE V shall indemnify 
members of its board of directors and certain other persons, subject to 
certain conditions.

    \34\ Delaware Limited Liability Company Act Sec.  18-201.

    As the Exchange believes is customary for limited liability 
companies formed in the State of Delaware, other substantive provisions 
governing the ownership, operation and management of CBOE V are set 
forth in the CBOE V Operating Agreement, discussed below.
b. CBOE V Operating Agreement
    With respect to ownership and control of CBOE V, the CBOE V 
Operating Agreement, attached as Exhibit 5E, specifically provides that 
CBOE V's sole member is CBOE Holdings, until the CBOE V Operating 
Agreement is amended (subject to Commission approval, as described 
below).\35\ Further, for so long as CBOE V controls, directly or 
indirectly, a subsidiary that is registered with the Commission as a 
national securities exchange (an ``Exchange Subsidiary''), CBOE 
Holdings may not sell, assign, transfer, convey, gift, exchange or 
otherwise dispose of any or all of its member interest in CBOE V, 
except pursuant to an amendment to the CBOE V Operating Agreement that 
is filed with and approved by the Commission. \36\ These restrictions 
are designed to ensure that any change to the ownership or control of 
any Exchange Subsidiary, including without limitation the Bats 
Exchanges, may only occur through a change in the ownership or control 
of CBOE Holdings. As such, any purported change of such ownership or 
control (unless pursuant to a Commission-approved change of ownership 
of CBOE V) would need to comply with the CBOE Holdings Charter and CBOE 
Holdings Bylaws, including the ownership and voting limitations 
discussed above (or a Commission-approved waiver therefrom).

    \35\ CBOE V Operating Agreement, Section 1.1.
    \36\ CBOE V Operating Agreement, Section 5.1.

    The CBOE V Operating Agreement also contains several provisions 
designed to protect the independence of the self-regulatory functions 
of the Bats Exchanges. The CBOE V Operating Agreement requires that, 
for so long as CBOE V, directly or indirectly, controls any Exchange 
Subsidiary, CBOE Holdings, as the sole member of CBOE V, and officers, 
employees and agents of CBOE V must give due regard to the preservation 
of independence of the self-regulatory functions of such Exchange 
Subsidiary, as well as to its obligations to investors and the general 
public, and not interfere with the effectuation of any decisions by the 
board of directors of an Exchange Subsidiary relating to its regulatory 
functions (including disciplinary matters) or which would interfere 
with the ability of such Exchange Subsidiary to carry out its 
responsibilities under the Act.\37\

    \37\ See CBOE V Operating Agreement, Section 10.1(a).

    The CBOE V Operating Agreement also would require that CBOE V 
comply with the U.S. federal securities laws and rules and regulations 
thereunder and cooperate with the Commission and each Exchange 
Subsidiary, as applicable, pursuant to and to the extent of their 
respective regulatory authority.\38\ Further, CBOE V's officers, 
directors, employees and agents shall be deemed to agree to (i) comply 
with the U.S. federal securities laws and the rules and regulations 
thereunder; and (ii) cooperate with the Commission and each Exchange 
Subsidiary in respect of the Commission's oversight responsibilities 
regarding such Exchange Subsidiary and the self-regulatory functions 
and responsibilities of the Exchange Subsidiaries, and CBOE V will take 
reasonable steps to cause its officers, employees and agents to so 

    \38\ See CBOE V Operating Agreement, Section 10.2(a).
    \39\ Id.

    Furthermore, to the fullest extent permitted by law, CBOE V and its 
officers, directors, employees and agents will be deemed to irrevocably 
submit to the jurisdiction of the U.S. federal courts, the Commission, 
and each Exchange Subsidiary, as applicable, for purposes of any suit, 
action, or proceeding pursuant to the U.S. federal securities laws or 
the rules or

[[Page 80120]]

regulations thereunder arising out of, or relating to, the activities 
of such Exchange Subsidiary.\40\

    \40\ See CBOE V Operating Agreement, Section 10.3(a).

    The proposed CBOE V Operating Agreement also contains a number of 
provisions designed to ensure that the Exchange will have sufficient 
access to the books and records of CBOE V as they relate to any 
Exchange Subsidiary. Pursuant to the CBOE V Operating Agreement, to the 
extent they are related to the operation or administration of an 
Exchange Subsidiary, the books, records, premises, officers, agents, 
and employees of CBOE V are deemed to be the books, records, premises, 
officers, agents and employees of such Exchange Subsidiary for the 
purposes of, and subject to oversight pursuant to, the Act.\41\ In 
addition, for as long as CBOE V controls, directly or indirectly, an 
Exchange Subsidiary, CBOE V's books and records shall be subject at all 
times to inspection and copying by the Commission and the applicable 
Exchange Subsidiary, provided that such books and records are related 
to the operation or administration of an Exchange Subsidiary.\42\

    \41\ See CBOE V Operating Agreement, Section 8.4(b).
    \42\ Id.

    The proposed CBOE V Operating Agreement also provides that, to the 
fullest extent permitted by law, all books and records of any Exchange 
Subsidiary reflecting confidential information pertaining to the self-
regulatory function of such Exchange Subsidiary (including disciplinary 
matters, trading data, trading practices and audit information) that 
comes into the possession of CBOE V, shall be retained in confidence by 
CBOE V, CBOE V's officers, employees and agents and CBOE Holdings, and 
not used for any non-regulatory purposes.\43\ The proposed CBOE V 
Operating Agreement provides, however, that the foregoing shall not 
limit or impede the rights of the Commission or an Exchange Subsidiary 
to access and examine such confidential information pursuant to the 
U.S. federal securities laws and the rules and regulations thereunder, 
or limit or impede the ability of CBOE Holdings or any of CBOE V's 
officers, employees or agents to disclose such confidential information 
to the Commission or an Exchange Subsidiary.\44\

    \43\ See CBOE V Operating Agreement, Section 8.4(a).
    \44\ Id.

    In addition, the CBOE V Operating Agreement provides that for so 
long as CBOE V controls, directly or indirectly, any Exchange 
Subsidiary, before any amendment to or repeal of any provision of the 
CBOE V Operating Agreement will be effective, those changes must be 
submitted to the board of directors of each Exchange Subsidiary, and if 
the same must be filed with, or filed with and approved by, the 
Commission before the changes may be effective under Section 19 of the 
Act \45\ and the rules promulgated thereunder, then the proposed 
changes shall not be effective until filed with, or filed with and 
approved by, the Commission, as the case may be.\46\

    \45\ 15 U.S.C. 78s.
    \46\ See CBOE V Operating Agreement, Section 11.2.

7. Direct Edge Operating Agreement
    The Direct Edge Operating Agreement currently provides that the 
sole member of Direct Edge is BGM. However, as a result of the 
Transaction, CBOE V will become the sole member of Direct Edge. The 
Exchange proposes to amend the Direct Edge Operating Agreement to 
reflect this change, as set forth in Exhibit 5F.
8. Bylaws of the Exchange
    In connection with the Transaction, the Exchange proposes to amend 
and restate its Fifth Amended and Restated Bylaws and adopt the amended 
Exchange Bylaws as its Sixth Amended and Restated Bylaws, attached as 
Exhibit 5G. Specifically, the Exchange proposes to (i) expand the 
prohibition contained in Section 2 of Article XI of the Exchange Bylaws 
and (ii) add a definition of ``Trading Permit Holder'' to Article I.
    Currently, Section 2 of Article XI of the Exchange Bylaws prohibits 
directors of BGM or Direct Edge who are not also directors, officers, 
staff, counsel or advisors of the Exchange from participating in any 
meetings of the Exchange's board of directors (or any committee 
thereof) pertaining to the self-regulatory function of the Exchange 
(including disciplinary matters). This provision refers to BGM and 
Direct Edge because they are currently the only direct and indirect 
owners of the Exchange. However, following the Transaction, the 
Exchange will be owned indirectly by CBOE V and CBOE Holdings (in 
addition to its direct ownership by Direct Edge). Therefore, the 
Exchange is proposing to remove the reference to BGM and insert 
references to CBOE V and CBOE Holdings, so that CBOE V and CBOE 
Holdings will both be covered by this prohibition. The Exchange 
believes that this amendment will protect the independence of the 
Exchange's self-regulatory activities.
    In addition, as noted above, the CBOE Holdings Charter currently 
prohibits certain persons from owning or exercising voting rights over 
certain percentages of ownership of CBOE Holdings. The CBOE Holdings 
Charter permits the board of directors of CBOE Holdings to waive the 
limitation on the exercise of voting rights in excess of 20 percent of 
the then outstanding votes entitled to be cast on such matter only if, 
among other things, ``for so long as [CBOE Holdings] directly or 
indirectly controls any Regulated Securities Exchange Subsidiary, 
neither such Person nor any of its Related Persons is a `Trading Permit 
Holder' (as defined in the Bylaws of any Regulated Securities Exchange 
Subsidiary as they may be amended from time to time).'' \47\

    \47\ See CBOE Holdings Charter, Art. SIXTH, para. (a)(ii)(C).

    The Exchange does not issue ``trading permits,'' but admits 
members. The Exchange believes the provisions of the CBOE Holdings 
Charter that refer to Trading Permit Holders of its Regulated 
Securities Exchange Subsidiaries should apply equally to members of the 
Exchange once it becomes a Regulated Securities Exchange Subsidiary of 
CBOE Holdings. As a result, the Exchange proposes to add clause (ff) to 
Article I of the Exchange Bylaws, providing that `` `Trading Permit 
Holder' shall have the same meaning as Exchange Member.'' This will 
ensure that the Exchange's members will be considered Trading Permit 
Holders of a Regulated Securities Exchange Subsidiary for purposes of 
the CBOE Holdings Charter.
9. Exchange Rules
a. Exchange Rule 2.3--Member Eligibility
    Pursuant to Exchange Rule 2.3, in order to be eligible for 
membership in the Exchange, a registered broker or dealer is currently 
required to be a member of at least one other national securities 
association or national securities exchange. However, membership in the 
Exchange's affiliated national securities exchanges, BZX, BYX or EDGA, 
is not sufficient for purposes of eligibility for Exchange membership. 
The Exchange adopted this because the Bats Exchanges have historically 
not functioned as the designated examining authority for any of its 
members, and the Exchange wanted to be sure that any member would be 
appropriately supervised by another national securities association or 
national securities exchange that has

[[Page 80121]]

the capacity to function as the member's designated examining 
    As a result of the Transaction, the Exchange will additionally 
become affiliated with the CBOE Exchanges. As with the Bats Exchanges, 
C2 does not currently serve as the designated examination authority for 
any of its members. CBOE, however, does act as the designated examining 
authority for certain of its members. Therefore, the Exchange proposes 
to amend Exchange Rule 2.3 to specify that a registered broker or 
dealer will be eligible for membership only if it is a member of a 
national securities association or national securities exchange other 
than or in addition to the following affiliates of the Exchange: BZX, 
BYX, EDGA and C2.
    In addition, to ensure there is no confusion with respect to the 
possibility that a broker or dealer could qualify for membership in the 
Exchange based solely on membership in CBOE Futures or any other 
national securities exchange notice--registered with the Commission 
pursuant to Section 6(g) of the Act \48\ that lists or trades security-
futures products, the Exchange proposes to also specify that 
eligibility for membership requires membership in a national securities 
association registered pursuant to Section 15A of the Act or a national 
securities exchange registered with the Commission pursuant to Section 
6(a) of the Act, so as to exclude a national securities exchange 
registered solely under Section 6(g) of the Act. The proposed 
amendments to Exchange Rule 2.3 are set forth in Exhibit 5H.

    \48\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(g).

b. Exchange Rule 2.10--Affiliation Between Exchange and a Member
    Exchange Rule 2.10 provides that, without prior approval of the 
Commission, neither the Exchange, nor any of its affiliates, shall 
directly or indirectly acquire or maintain an ownership interest in a 
member of the Exchange. This restriction is intended to address 
potential conflicts of interest that could result from affiliation 
between the Exchange and a member. Notwithstanding this general 
restriction, Exchange Rule 2.10 provides that it does not prohibit a 
member or its affiliate from acquiring or holding an equity interest in 
BGM that is permitted by the ownership and voting limitations contained 
in the BGM Charter and the BGM Bylaws. In addition, Exchange Rule 2.10 
states that it does not prohibit a member from being or becoming an 
affiliate of the Exchange, or an affiliate of any affiliate of the 
Exchange, solely by reason of such member or any officer, director, 
manager, managing member, partner or affiliate of such member being or 
becoming either (a) a director of the Exchange pursuant to the Bylaws 
of the Exchange, or (b) a director of the Exchange serving on the board 
of directors of BGM. The Exchange proposes to replace the references to 
BGM in Rule 2.10 with references to CBOE Holdings to reflect the fact 
that following the Transaction, CBOE Holdings will replace BGM as the 
ultimate parent holding company of the Exchange.
    Exchange Rule 2.10 also clarifies that it does not prohibit the 
Exchange from being an affiliate of its routing broker-dealer Direct 
Edge ECN LLC d/b/a DE Route (``DE Route'') or of EDGA, BZX, BYX, or 
Bats Trading, each of which are affiliated with the Exchange. The 
Exchange proposes to remove the reference to DE Route to reflect the 
fact that Bats Trading previously replaced DE Route as the Exchange's 
routing broker-dealer.\49\ The Exchange also proposes to add references 
to the CBOE Exchanges, as the CBOE Exchanges will become new affiliated 
exchanges following the Transaction. The proposed amendments to 
Exchange Rule 2.10 are set forth in Exhibit 5H.

    \49\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 71449 (January 30, 
2014), 79 FR 6961 (February 5, 2014) (SR-EDGA-2013-34; SR-EDGX-2013-

c. Exchange Rule 2.12--Bats Trading, Inc. as Inbound Router
    Exchange Rule 2.12 provides that the Exchange, on behalf of BGM, 
shall establish and maintain procedures and internal controls 
reasonably designed to ensure that Bats Trading does not develop or 
implement changes to its systems on the basis of nonpublic information 
obtained as a result of its affiliation with the Exchange until such 
information is available generally to similarly situated members of the 
Exchange in connection with the provision of inbound order routing to 
the Exchange. The Exchange proposes to replace the reference to BGM 
with a reference to ``the holding company indirectly owning the 
Exchange and Bats Trading.'' This change would reflect the fact that 
BGM would no longer be the ultimate holding company of the Exchange 
following the Transaction and would also make this language consistent 
with the language used in Rule 2.12 of the BZX and BYX rulebooks. The 
proposed amendments to Exchange Rule 2.12 are set forth in Exhibit 5H.
2. Statutory Basis
    The Exchange believes that the Proposed Rule Change is consistent 
with the requirements of the Act and the rules and regulations 
thereunder that are applicable to a national securities exchange, and, 
in particular, with the requirements of Section 6(b) of the Act.\50\ In 
particular, the proposal is consistent with Section 6(b)(1) of the Act 
\51\ in that it enables the Exchange to be so organized as to have the 
capacity to be able to carry out the purposes of the Act and to comply, 
and to enforce compliance by its members and persons associated with 
its members, with the provisions of the Act, the rules and regulations 
thereunder, and the Rules of the Exchange.

    \50\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b).
    \51\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(1).

    The Proposed Rule Change is designed to enable the Exchange to 
continue to have the authority and ability to effectively fulfill its 
self-regulatory duties pursuant to the Act and the rules promulgated 
thereunder. In particular, the Proposed Rule Change includes in the 
CBOE Holdings Charter and CBOE Holdings Bylaws, like the BGM Charter 
and BGM Bylaws, various provisions intended to protect and maintain the 
integrity of the self-regulatory functions of the Exchange upon 
Closing. For example, the CBOE Holdings Charter, as described above, is 
drafted to preserve the independence of the Exchange's self-regulatory 
function and carry out its regulatory responsibilities under the Act. 
In addition, the CBOE Holdings Charter imposes limitations similar to 
the BGM Ownership Limitation and BGM Voting Limitation to preclude 
undue influence over or interference with the Exchange's self-
regulatory functions and fulfillment of its regulatory duties under the 
    Moreover, notwithstanding the Proposed Rule Change, including the 
change to the indirect ownership of the Exchange, the Commission will 
continue to have regulatory authority over the Exchange, as is 
currently the case, as well as jurisdiction over the Exchange's direct 
and indirect parent companies with respect to activities related to the 
Exchange.\52\ As a result, the Proposed Rule Change will facilitate an 
ownership structure that will provide the Commission with appropriate 
oversight tools to ensure that the Commission will have the ability to 
enforce the Act with respect to the Exchange, its direct and indirect 

[[Page 80122]]

companies and their directors, officers, employees and agents to the 
extent they are involved in the activities of the Exchange.

    \52\ See, e.g., CBOE Holdings Charter, Art. FOURTEENTH; CBOE V 
Operating Agreement, Section 10.3; Direct Edge Operating Agreement, 
Section 10.3.

    The Exchange also believes that the Proposed Rule Change furthers 
the objectives of Section 6(b)(5) of the Act \53\ because the Proposed 
Rule Change would be consistent with and facilitate a governance and 
regulatory structure that is designed to prevent fraudulent and 
manipulative acts and practices, to promote just and equitable 
principles of trade, to foster cooperation and coordination with 
persons engaged in regulating, clearing, settling, processing 
information with respect to, and facilitating transactions in 
securities, to remove impediments to, and perfect the mechanism of a 
free and open market and a national market system and, in general, to 
protect investors and the public interest.

    \53\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).

    In addition, as discussed further in the Exchange's Statement on 
Burden on Competition below, the Exchange expects that the Transaction 
will foster further innovation while facilitating efficient, 
transparent and well-regulated markets for issuers and investors, 
removing impediments to, and perfecting the mechanism of a free and 
open market and a national market system. The Transaction will benefit 
investors and the securities market as a whole by, among other things, 
enhancing competition among securities venues and reducing costs.
    Furthermore, the Exchange is not proposing any significant changes 
to its existing operational and trading structure in connection with 
the change in ownership; the Exchange will operate in essentially the 
same manner upon Closing as it operates today. Therefore, the Exchange 
believes that it will continue to satisfy the requirements of the Act 
and the rules and regulations thereunder that are applicable to a 
national securities exchange. The changes that the Exchange is 
proposing to the Exchange Rules are designed to reflect the prospective 
affiliation with CBOE Holdings and the CBOE Exchanges. The Exchange 
believes that the proposed change to its Rules is consistent with the 
requirements of the Act and the rules and regulations thereunder.

B. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Burden on Competition

    The Exchange does not believe that the Proposed Rule Change would 
result in any burden on competition that is not necessary or 
appropriate in furtherance of the purposes of the Act. Indeed, the 
Exchange believes that the Proposed Rule Change will enhance 
competition among trading venues, as the Exchange believes that the 
Transaction will result in various synergies and efficiencies. For 
example, the Transaction will allow the Bats Exchanges and the CBOE 
Exchanges to utilize a single technology platform, which the Exchange 
expects will reduce Bats Exchanges' and the CBOE Exchanges' combined 
costs, creating the opportunity to further reduce costs to their 
respective members and other constituents. The potential use of a 
single technology platform may also reduce investors' costs of 
connecting to and using the Bats Exchanges and the CBOE Exchanges, 
including through the combination of data centers and market data 
services. Combining the expertise of the CBOE Exchanges' personnel with 
the expertise of the Bats Exchanges' personnel will also facilitate 
ongoing innovation, including through new product creation and platform 
    The Exchange notes that the Bats Exchanges and the CBOE Exchanges 
generally operate with different business models, target different 
customer bases and primarily focus on different asset classes, limiting 
any concern that the Transaction could burden competition. Therefore, 
the Exchange expects that the Transaction will benefit investors, 
issuers, shareholders and the market as a whole. The Exchange will 
continue to conduct regulated activities (including operating and 
regulating its market and members) of the type it currently conducts, 
but will be able to do so in a more efficient manner to the benefit of 
its members. These efficiencies will pass through to the benefit of 
investors and issuers, promoting further efficiencies, competition and 
capital formation, placing no burden on competition not necessary or 
appropriate in furtherance of the Act.
    Furthermore, the Exchange's conclusion that the Proposed Rule 
Change would not result in any burden on competition that is not 
necessary or appropriate in furtherance of the purposes of the Act is 
consistent with the Commission's prior conclusions about similar 
combinations involving multiple exchanges in a single corporate 

    \54\ See, e.g., Securities Exchange Act Release Nos. 71375 
(January 23, 2014), 79 FR 4771 (January 29, 2014) (SR-BATS-2013-059; 
SR-BYX-2013-039); 66071 (December 29, 2011), 77 FR 521 (January 5, 
2012) (SR-CBOE-2011-107 and SR-NSX-2011-14); 58324 (August 7, 2008), 
73 FR 46936 (August 12, 2008) (SR-BSE-2008-02; SR-BSE-2008-23; SR-
BSE-2008-25; SR-BSECC-2008-01); 53382 (February 27, 2006), 71 FR 
11251 (March 6, 2006) (SR-NYSE-2005-77).

C. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Comments on the Proposed 
Rule Change Received From Members, Participants, or Others

    The Exchange has not solicited or received written comments on the 
Proposed Rule Change.

III. Date of Effectiveness of the Proposed Rule Change and Timing for 
Commission Action

    Within 45 days of the date of publication of this notice in the 
Federal Register or within such longer period (i) as the Commission may 
designate up to 90 days of such date if it finds such longer period to 
be appropriate and publishes its reasons for so finding or (ii) as to 
which the Exchange consents, the Commission will: (a) By order approve 
or disapprove such proposed rule change, or (b) institute proceedings 
to determine whether the proposed rule change should be disapproved.

IV. Solicitation of Comments

    Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views, and 
arguments concerning the foregoing, including whether the proposed rule 
change is consistent with the Act. Comments may be submitted by any of 
the following methods:

Electronic Comments

     Use the Commission's Internet comment form (http://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml); or
     Send an email to rule-comments@sec.gov. Please include 
File Number SR-BatsEDGX-2016-60 on the subject line.

Paper Comments

     Send paper comments in triplicate to Secretary, Securities 
and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE., Washington, DC 20549-1090.

All submissions should refer to File Number SR-BatsEDGX-2016-60. This 
file number should be included on the subject line if email is used. To 
help the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently, 
please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on 
the Commission's Internet Web site (http://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all 
written statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are 
filed with the Commission, and all written communications relating to 
the proposed rule change between the Commission and any person, other 
than those that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the 
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be

[[Page 80123]]

available for Web site viewing and printing in the Commission's Public 
Reference Room, 100 F Street NE., Washington, DC 20549, on official 
business days between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of 
the filing also will be available for inspection and copying at the 
principal office of the Exchange. All comments received will be posted 
without change; the Commission does not edit personal identifying 
information from submissions. You should submit only information that 
you wish to make available publicly. All submissions should refer to 
File Number SR-BatsEDGX-2016-60, and should be submitted on or before 
December 6, 2016.

    For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, 
pursuant to delegated authority.\55\

    \55\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).

Brent J. Fields,
[FR Doc. 2016-27369 Filed 11-14-16; 8:45 am]

                                                  80114                          Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 220 / Tuesday, November 15, 2016 / Notices

                                                  notice and an opportunity to be heard                      desist orders and explicit authority to               only one method. The Commission will
                                                  before a neutral tribunal. Moreover, the                   impose permanent cease and desist                     post all comments on the Commission’s
                                                  Exchange anticipates using the authority                   orders as a remedy in disciplinary cases.             Internet Web site (http://www.sec.gov/
                                                  provided by these rules sparingly.                         The Exchange explained that although it               rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
                                                                                                             does not anticipate that it will be                   submission, all subsequent
                                                  B. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                                                                                amendments, all written statements
                                                                                                             necessary to use this authority, when its
                                                  Statement on Burden on Competition                                                                               with respect to the proposed rule
                                                                                                             cease and desist authority is needed, the
                                                    The Exchange does not believe that                       Exchange must be able to move swiftly                 change that are filed with the
                                                  the proposed rule change will impose                       to prevent or stop investor harm. The                 Commission, and all written
                                                  any burden on competition not                              Commission believes that waiving the                  communications relating to the
                                                  necessary or appropriate in furtherance                    30-day operative delay is consistent                  proposed rule change between the
                                                  of the purposes of the Act. The changes                    with the protection of investors and the              Commission and any person, other than
                                                  are being proposed to provide an                           public interest because this waiver will              those that may be withheld from the
                                                  important regulatory tool to the                           enable the Exchange to utilize the                    public in accordance with the
                                                  Exchange and FINRA, acting on its                          temporary or permanent cease and                      provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
                                                  behalf, which will protect investors                       desist authority described herein                     available for Web site viewing and
                                                  when violative conduct is being taken                      without delay in the unlikely event that              printing in the Commission’s Public
                                                  by a member or person associated with                      circumstances arise that warrant its use.             Reference Room, 100 F Street NE.,
                                                  a member, and time is of the essence to                    For this reason, the Commission hereby                Washington, DC 20549 on official
                                                  prevent harm, or further harm, to                          waives the 30-day operative delay and                 business days between the hours of
                                                  investors.                                                 designates the proposed rule change as                10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of such
                                                    The proposed change does not impose                      operative upon filing.45                              filing also will be available for
                                                  a burden on competition among                                 At any time within 60 days of the                  inspection and copying at the principal
                                                  participants or other venues because it                    filing of the proposed rule change, the               office of the Exchange. All comments
                                                  will only be used in circumstances                         Commission summarily may                              received will be posted without change;
                                                  where investor harm is imminent or is                      temporarily suspend such rule change if               the Commission does not edit personal
                                                  occurring. Thus, to the extent a burden                    it appears to the Commission that such                identifying information from
                                                  on competition results from use of the                     action is: (i) Necessary or appropriate in            submissions. You should submit only
                                                  authority provided by the proposed                         the public interest; (ii) for the protection          information that you wish to make
                                                  rules, such burden is necessary to                         of investors; or (iii) otherwise in                   available publicly. All submissions
                                                  protect investors, which is consistent                     furtherance of the purposes of the Act.               should refer to File Number SR–BX–
                                                  with the purposes of the Act.                              If the Commission takes such action, the              2016–055, and should be submitted on
                                                                                                             Commission shall institute proceedings                or December 6, 2016.
                                                  C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                                  Statement on Comments on the                               to determine whether the proposed rule                  For the Commission, by the Division of
                                                                                                             should be approved or disapproved.                    Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
                                                  Proposed Rule Change Received From
                                                  Members, Participants, or Others                           IV. Solicitation of Comments                          Brent J. Fields,
                                                    No written comments were either                            Interested persons are invited to                   Secretary.
                                                  solicited or received.                                     submit written data, views, and                       [FR Doc. 2016–27365 Filed 11–14–16; 8:45 am]
                                                  III. Date of Effectiveness of the                          arguments concerning the foregoing,                   BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                                  Proposed Rule Change and Timing for                        including whether the proposed rule
                                                  Commission Action                                          change is consistent with the Act.
                                                                                                             Comments may be submitted by any of                   SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE
                                                     Because the foregoing proposed rule                                                                           COMMISSION
                                                                                                             the following methods:
                                                  change does not: (i) Significantly affect
                                                  the protection of investors or the public                  Electronic Comments                                   [Release No. 34–79264; File No. SR-
                                                  interest; (ii) impose any significant                                                                            BatsEDGX–2016–60]
                                                                                                               • Use the Commission’s Internet
                                                  burden on competition; and (iii) become                    comment form (http://www.sec.gov/                     Self-Regulatory Organizations; Bats
                                                  operative for 30 days from the date on                     rules/sro.shtml); or                                  EDGX Exchange, Inc.; Notice of Filing
                                                  which it was filed, or such shorter time                     • Send an email to rule-comments@                   of a Proposed Rule Change in
                                                  as the Commission may designate, if                        sec.gov. Please include File Number SR–               Connection With the Proposed
                                                  consistent with the protection of                          BX–2016–055 on the subject line.                      Corporate Transaction Involving Bats
                                                  investors and the public interest, the
                                                                                                             Paper Comments                                        Global Markets, Inc. and CBOE
                                                  proposed rule change has become
                                                                                                                                                                   Holdings, Inc.
                                                  effective pursuant to Section                                • Send paper comments in triplicate
                                                  19(b)(3)(A)(iii) of the Act 43 and                         to Brent J. Fields, Secretary, Securities             November 8, 2016.
                                                  subparagraph (f)(6) of Rule 19b–4                          and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street                    Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the
                                                  thereunder.44                                              NE., Washington, DC 20549–1090.                       Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the
                                                     The Exchange has asked the                                                                                    ‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2
                                                                                                             All submissions should refer to File
                                                  Commission to waive the 30-day                                                                                   notice is hereby given that on November
                                                                                                             Number SR–BX–2016–055. This file
                                                  operative delay so that the proposal may                                                                         2, 2016, Bats EDGX Exchange, Inc. (the
                                                                                                             number should be included on the
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                                  become operative upon filing. The                                                                                ‘‘Exchange’’ or ‘‘EDGX’’) filed with the
                                                                                                             subject line if email is used. To help the
                                                  Exchange has stated that it is requesting                                                                        Securities and Exchange Commission
                                                                                                             Commission process and review your
                                                  this waiver so that the Exchange could                                                                           (‘‘Commission’’) the proposed rule
                                                                                                             comments more efficiently, please use
                                                  apply, at the earliest time possible, the
                                                  authority to issue temporary cease and                       45 For purposes only of waiving the 30-day
                                                                                                                                                                     46 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
                                                                                                                                                                     1 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
                                                                                                             operative delay, the Commission has considered the
                                                    43 15   U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A)(iii).                                                                                2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.
                                                                                                             proposed rule’s impact on efficiency, competition,
                                                    44 17   CFR 240.19b–4(f)(6).                             and capital formation. See 15 U.S.C. 78c(f).            3 15 U.S.C. 78f(a).

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 220 / Tuesday, November 15, 2016 / Notices                                            80115

                                                  change as described in Items I, II and III                 Operating Agreement of CBOE V (the                    thereunder, and the Rules of the
                                                  below, which Items have been prepared                      ‘‘CBOE V Operating Agreement’’); (iv)                 Exchange.
                                                  by the Exchange. The Commission is                         the proposed amendments to the
                                                                                                                                                                   1. Current Corporate Structures
                                                  publishing this notice to solicit                          Amended and Restated Limited
                                                  comments on the proposed rule change                       Liability Company Operating Agreement                    The Exchange, Bats BZX Exchange,
                                                  from interested persons.                                   of Direct Edge (the ‘‘Direct Edge                     Inc. (‘‘BZX’’), Bats BYX Exchange, Inc.
                                                                                                             Operating Agreement’’); (v) the                       (‘‘BYX’’) and Bats EDGA Exchange, Inc.
                                                  I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                                                                                             proposed amendments to the Fifth                      (‘‘EDGA,’’ and together with the
                                                  Statement of the Terms of Substance of
                                                                                                             Amended and Restated Bylaws of the                    Exchange, BZX and BYX, the ‘‘Bats
                                                  the Proposed Rule Change
                                                                                                             Exchange (the ‘‘Exchange Bylaws’’); and               Exchanges’’) are each Delaware
                                                     The Exchange filed a proposed rule                      (vi) the proposed amendments to EDGX                  corporations that are national securities
                                                  change (the ‘‘Proposed Rule Change’’) in                   Rules 2.3, 2.10 and 2.12 (the ‘‘Exchange              exchanges registered with the
                                                  connection with the proposed corporate                     Rules’’).                                             Commission pursuant to Section 6(a) of
                                                  transaction (the ‘‘Transaction’’), as                         The text of the proposed rule change               the Act.5
                                                  described in more detail below,                            is available at the Exchange’s Web site                  The Exchange and EDGA are each
                                                  involving its ultimate parent company,                     at www.batstrading.com, at the                        direct, wholly owned subsidiaries of
                                                  Bats Global Markets, Inc. (‘‘BGM’’),                       principal office of the Exchange, and at              Direct Edge, a Delaware limited liability
                                                  CBOE Holdings, Inc. (‘‘CBOE                                the Commission’s Public Reference                     company that is a direct, wholly owned
                                                  Holdings’’), and two wholly owned                          Room.                                                 subsidiary of BGM. BZX and BYX are
                                                  subsidiaries of CBOE Holdings, CBOE                                                                              direct, wholly owned subsidiaries of
                                                  Corporation and CBOE V, LLC (‘‘CBOE                        II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                                                                                                                                                   Bats Global Markets Holdings, Inc.
                                                  V’’). CBOE Holdings is the parent                          Statement of the Purpose of, and
                                                                                                                                                                   (‘‘BGM Holdings’’), a Delaware
                                                  company of Chicago Board Options                           Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
                                                                                                                                                                   corporation that is a direct, wholly
                                                  Exchange, Incorporated (‘‘CBOE’’) and                      Change
                                                                                                                                                                   owned subsidiary of BGM. In addition
                                                  C2 Options Exchange, Incorporated                            In its filing with the Commission, the              to certain other subsidiaries not
                                                  (‘‘C2’’), each a national securities                       Exchange included statements                          registered with the Commission in any
                                                  exchange registered with the                               concerning the purpose of and basis for               capacity, BGM Holdings also owns 100
                                                  Commission pursuant to Section 6(a) of                     the proposed rule change and discussed                percent of the equity interest in Bats
                                                  the Act,3 and CBOE Futures Exchange,                       any comments it received on the                       Trading, Inc. (‘‘Bats Trading’’), a
                                                  LLC (‘‘CBOE Futures,’’ and together                        proposed rule change. The text of these               Delaware corporation that is a broker-
                                                  with CBOE and C2, the ‘‘CBOE                               statements may be examined at the                     dealer registered with the Commission
                                                  Exchanges’’), a national securities                        places specified in Item IV below. The                that provides routing services outbound
                                                  exchange that lists or trades security-                    Exchange has prepared summaries, set                  from, and in certain instances inbound
                                                  futures products notice-registered with                    forth in Sections A, B, and C below, of               to, each Bats Exchange. BGM, a
                                                  the Commission pursuant to Section                         the most significant parts of such                    Delaware corporation, is a publicly
                                                  6(g) of the Act.4                                          statements.
                                                     Upon completion of the mergers                                                                                traded company listed on BZX.
                                                  described below that effectuate the                        A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                        CBOE Holdings, a Delaware
                                                  Transaction (the ‘‘Closing’’), the                         Statement of the Purpose of, and the                  corporation, is a publicly traded
                                                  business of BGM will be carried on by                      Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule                company listed on The NASDAQ Stock
                                                  CBOE V. CBOE V, rather than BGM, will                      Change                                                Market. CBOE Holdings owns 100
                                                  be the direct parent company of Direct                                                                           percent of the equity interest in the
                                                                                                             1. Purpose                                            CBOE Exchanges.
                                                  Edge LLC (‘‘Direct Edge’’), which is the
                                                  direct parent company of the Exchange.                       The Exchange submits this Proposed                     In contemplation of the Transaction,
                                                  As a result, CBOE Holdings will become                     Rule Change to seek the Commission’s                  CBOE Holdings formed two additional
                                                  the ultimate parent company of Direct                      approval of the organizational and                    entities, CBOE Corporation, a Delaware
                                                  Edge and of the Exchange.                                  governance documents of the Exchange                  corporation, and CBOE V, a Delaware
                                                     To effectuate the Transaction, the                      and its current and proposed future                   limited liability company, each of
                                                  Exchange seeks to obtain the                               parent companies, and related actions                 which are direct, wholly owned
                                                  Commission’s approval of: (i) The                          that are necessary in connection with                 subsidiaries of CBOE Holdings. Each of
                                                  resolutions of BGM’s board of directors                    the Closing of the Transaction, as                    CBOE Corporation and CBOE V
                                                  (the ‘‘BGM Board’’) waiving certain                        described below.                                      currently have no material assets or
                                                  provisions of the Amended and Restated                       Other than as described herein and set              conduct any operations.
                                                  Certificate of Incorporation of BGM (the                   forth in Exhibits 5A through 5H, the                  2. The Transaction
                                                  ‘‘BGM Charter’’) and making certain                        Exchange will continue to conduct its
                                                  related determinations regarding CBOE                      regulated activities (including operating               On September 25, 2016, BGM, CBOE
                                                  Holdings and the impact of the                             and regulating its market and members)                Holdings, CBOE Corporation and CBOE
                                                  Transaction on the Exchange (the                           in the manner currently conducted, and                V entered into an Agreement and Plan
                                                  ‘‘Resolutions’’); (ii) the CBOE Holdings                   will not make any changes to its                      of Merger (the ‘‘Merger Agreement’’).
                                                  Second Amended and Restated                                regulated activities in connection with               Pursuant to and subject to the terms of
                                                  Certificate of Incorporation (the ‘‘CBOE                   the Transaction. Except as set forth in               the Merger Agreement, at the Closing,
                                                  Holdings Charter’’) and the CBOE                           this Proposed Rule Change, the                        among other things:
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                                  Holdings Third Amended and Restated                        Exchange is not proposing any                           (i) CBOE Corporation will be merged
                                                  Bylaws (the ‘‘CBOE Holdings Bylaws’’);                     amendments to its trading and                         with and into BGM, whereupon the
                                                  (iii) the Certificate of Formation of                      regulatory rules at this time. If the                 separate existence of CBOE Corporation
                                                  CBOE V (the ‘‘CBOE V Certificate’’) and                    Exchange determines to make any such                  will cease and BGM will be the
                                                  the Limited Liability Company                              changes, it will seek the approval of the             surviving company (the ‘‘Merger’’);
                                                                                                             Commission to the extent required by
                                                    4 15   U.S.C. 78f(g).                                    the Act, and the Commission’s rules                     5   15 U.S.C. 78f(a).

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                                                  80116                      Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 220 / Tuesday, November 15, 2016 / Notices

                                                     (ii) by virtue of the Merger and                     4. Ownership and Voting Limitations of                   outstanding capital stock (the ‘‘BGM
                                                  without any action required on the part                 BGM; Resolutions                                         Voting Limitation’’).10 Purported
                                                  of BGM, CBOE Corporation or any                            The BGM Charter provides that (i) no                  transfers that would result in a violation
                                                  holder of BGM or CBOE Corporation                       Person,8 either alone or together with its               of the BGM Ownership Limitation are
                                                  stock, each share of BGM common stock                   Related Persons,9 may own, directly or                   not recognized by BGM to the extent of
                                                  (whether voting or non-voting) issued                   indirectly, of record or beneficially,                   any ownership in excess of the BGM
                                                  and outstanding (with the exception of                  shares constituting more than 40                         Ownership Limitation, and purported
                                                  shares owned by CBOE Holdings, BGM                      percent of any class of its capital stock,               voting or voting arrangements in
                                                  or any of their respective subsidiaries                 and no Exchange Member, either alone                     violation of the BGM Voting Limitation
                                                  and certain shares held by persons that                 or together with its Related Persons,                    are not honored by BGM to the extent
                                                  are entitled to and properly demand                     may own, directly or indirectly, of                      of any voting in excess of the
                                                  appraisal rights) will be converted into                record or beneficially, shares                           limitation.11
                                                  the right to receive a particular number                constituting more than 20 percent of any                    However, the BGM Charter provides
                                                  of shares of CBOE Holdings and/or cash,                 class of its capital stock (collectively,                that each of the BGM Ownership
                                                  at the election of the holder of such                   the ‘‘BGM Ownership Limitation’’); and                   Limitation and the BGM Voting
                                                  share of BGM common stock (the                          (ii) subject to certain exceptions, no                   Limitation may be waived (except with
                                                  ‘‘Merger Consideration’’), and each                     Person, either alone or together with its                respect to Exchange Members and their
                                                  share of CBOE Corporation issued and                    Related Persons, at any time, may,                       Related Persons) pursuant to a
                                                  outstanding will be converted into one                  directly, indirectly or pursuant to any of               resolution duly adopted by the BGM
                                                  share of BGM, such that BGM will                        various arrangements, vote or cause the                  Board if, in connection with taking such
                                                  become a wholly owned subsidiary of                     voting of shares or give any consent or                  action, the BGM Board states in such
                                                  CBOE Holdings; and                                      proxy with respect to shares                             resolution that it is the determination of
                                                     (iii) immediately following the                      representing more than 20 percent of the                 the BGM Board that the waiver:
                                                  Merger, BGM will be merged with and                     voting power of its then issued and                         • Will not impair the ability of each
                                                  into CBOE V, whereupon the separate                                                                              Bats Exchange to carry out its functions
                                                  existence of BGM will cease and CBOE                    Authority, Inc. (‘‘FINRA’’). The Exchange                and responsibilities as an ‘‘exchange’’
                                                  V will be the surviving company (the                    understands that, pursuant to NASD Rule 1017,            under the Act and the rules and
                                                  ‘‘Subsequent Merger’’).                                 Bats Trading is seeking approval for this change of      regulations promulgated thereunder;
                                                     Upon the Closing, the Direct Edge                    ownership from FINRA.
                                                                                                             8 The BGM Charter generally defines a ‘‘Person’’
                                                                                                                                                                      • is otherwise in the best interests of
                                                  Operating Agreement, the Exchange                                                                                BGM, its stockholders, and each Bats
                                                                                                          as a natural person, partnership, corporation,
                                                  Bylaws and the Exchange Rules will be                   limited liability company, entity, government, or        Exchange;
                                                  amended to take into account the post-                  political subdivision, agency or instrumentality of         • will not impair the ability of the
                                                  Closing corporate structure, described                  a government. See BGM Charter, Art. FIFTH, para.         Commission to enforce the Act and the
                                                  below.                                                  (a)(i).
                                                                                                             9 The BGM Charter generally defines a ‘‘Related
                                                                                                                                                                   rules and regulations promulgated
                                                  3. Post-Closing Corporate Structure                     Person’’ as, with respect to any Person, (i) any         thereunder; and
                                                                                                          ‘‘affiliate’’ of such Person (as defined in Rule 12b-       • shall not be effective until it is filed
                                                     As a result of the Transaction, BGM                  2 under the Act); (ii) any other Person with which       with and approved by the
                                                  will cease to exist and the business of                 such first Person has any agreement, arrangement
                                                  BGM will be carried on by CBOE V,                       or understanding (whether or not in writing) to act
                                                                                                          together for the purpose of acquiring, voting,           In granting such a waiver, the BGM
                                                  which is a wholly owned subsidiary of                   holding or disposing of shares of the capital stock      Board has the discretion to impose on
                                                  CBOE Holdings.6 CBOE V will own 100                     of BGM; (iii) in the case of a Person that is a          the Person and its Related Persons, such
                                                  percent of the equity interest in Direct                company, corporation or similar entity, any
                                                                                                                                                                   conditions and restrictions that it deems
                                                                                                          executive officer (as defined under Rule 3b–7 under
                                                  Edge and BGM Holdings. Direct Edge                      the Act) or director of such Person and, in the case     necessary, appropriate or desirable in
                                                  will continue to own 100 percent of the                 of a Person that is a partnership or limited liability   furtherance of the objectives of the Act
                                                  equity interest in the Exchange and                     company, any general partner, managing member or
                                                                                                                                                                   and the rules and regulations
                                                  EDGA. BGM Holdings will continue to                     manager of such Person, as applicable; (iv) in the
                                                                                                          case of any Person that is a registered broker or        promulgated thereunder, and the
                                                  own 100 percent of the equity interest                  dealer that has been admitted to membership in any       governance of each Bats Exchange.13
                                                  in BZX, BYX, Bats Trading, and certain                  of the Bats Exchanges (for purposes of this                 In addition, notwithstanding the
                                                  other subsidiaries not registered with                  definition of ‘‘Related Person,’’ each such national
                                                                                                                                                                   above, the BGM Charter provides 14 that
                                                  the Commission in any capacity.7                        securities exchange shall be referred to generally as
                                                                                                          an ‘‘Exchange’’ and any member of such Exchange,         in any case where a Person, either alone
                                                     6 In connection with the Transaction, CBOE
                                                                                                          an ‘‘Exchange Member’’), any Person that is              or with its Related Persons, would own
                                                                                                          associated with the Exchange Member (as                  or vote more than the BGM Ownership
                                                  Holdings agreed in the Merger Agreement to take         determined using the definition of ‘‘person
                                                  all requisite actions so, as of the Closing, the CBOE   associated with a member’’ as defined under
                                                                                                                                                                   Limitation or BGM Voting Limitation,
                                                  Holdings Board will include three individuals           Section 3(a)(21) of the Act); (v) in the case of a       respectively, upon consummation of
                                                  designated by BGM who (1) are serving as BGM            Person that is a natural person and Exchange             any proposed sale, assignment or
                                                  directors immediately prior to the Closing and (2)      Member, any broker or dealer that is also an
                                                  comply with the policies (including clarifications of                                                            transfer of BGM’s capital stock, such a
                                                                                                          Exchange Member with which such Person is
                                                  the policies provided to BGM) of the Nominating         associated; (vi) in the case of a Person that is a       transaction will not become effective
                                                  and Governance Committee of the CBOE Holdings           natural person, any relative or spouse of such           until the BGM Board determines, by
                                                  Board as in effect on the date of the Merger            Person, or any relative of such spouse who has the       resolution, that such Person and its
                                                  Agreement and previously provided to BGM (each          same home as such Person or who is a director or
                                                  of whom will be appointed to the CBOE Holdings                                                                   Related Persons are not subject to any
                                                                                                          officer of BGM or any of its parents or subsidiaries;
                                                  Board as of the Closing). The CBOE Holdings Board       (vii) in the case of a Person that is an executive       ‘‘statutory disqualification,’’ as defined
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                                  currently consists of 14 directors. The Exchange        officer (as defined under Rule 3b–7 under the Act)       in Section 3(a)(39) of the Act.15
                                                  expects three current CBOE Holdings directors to        or a director of a company, corporation or similar
                                                  resign effective prior to the Closing and the           entity, such company, corporation or entity, as           10 See BGM Charter, Art. FIFTH, para. (b).
                                                  remaining CBOE Holdings directors to fill those         applicable; and (viii) in the case of a Person that       11 See
                                                  vacancies with the three BGM directors designated                                                                        BGM Charter, Art. FIFTH, para. (d).
                                                                                                          is a general partner, managing member or manager          12 See BGM Charter, Art. FIFTH, para. (b)(ii)(B).
                                                  by BGM.                                                 of a partnership or limited liability company, such
                                                     7 As described above, the Transaction will result                                                              13 Id.
                                                                                                          partnership or limited liability company, as
                                                                                                                                                                    14 See BGM Charter, Art. FIFTH, para. (b)(iii).
                                                  in a change of ownership of Bats Trading, which is      applicable. See BGM Charter, Art. FIFTH, para.
                                                  a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory           (a)(ii).                                                  15 15 U.S.C. 78c(a)(39).

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 220 / Tuesday, November 15, 2016 / Notices                                                     80117

                                                     As described above, as a result of the                  • neither CBOE Holdings nor any of                   The CBOE Holdings Charter includes a
                                                  Merger (and prior to its separate                       its Related Persons is an Exchange                      number of provisions relating to the
                                                  existence ceasing as a result of the                    Member.17                                               Commission’s regulatory oversight that
                                                  Subsequent Merger), BGM will become                        The Exchange has reviewed such                       have a similar effect as those in the
                                                  a wholly owned subsidiary of CBOE                       Resolutions and requests that the                       BGM Charter, including the BGM
                                                  Holdings, such that CBOE Holdings will                  Commission approve such Resolutions.                    Ownership Limitation and the BGM
                                                  possess ownership and voting rights in                  The Exchange believes that the                          Voting Limitation. Therefore,
                                                  BGM in excess of the Ownership                          Commission should approve the                           notwithstanding the Resolutions and the
                                                  Limitation and the Voting Limitation. In                Resolutions, as the Transaction will not                Transaction, provisions similar (and, in
                                                  addition, as a result of the Subsequent                 impair the ability of any Bats Exchange                 some cases, more stringent) to the BGM
                                                  Merger, BGM will merge with and into                    to carry out its functions and                          Ownership Limitation and the BGM
                                                                                                          responsibilities as an ‘‘exchange’’ under               Voting Limitation will remain in place
                                                  CBOE V, terminating the BGM Charter
                                                                                                          the Act and the rules and regulations                   with respect to potential future
                                                  and becoming an entity whose
                                                                                                          promulgated thereunder, or the ability                  transactions involving the ultimate
                                                  ownership and voting is held entirely by
                                                                                                          of the Commission to enforce the Act                    parent company of the Bats Exchanges.
                                                  CBOE Holdings, in excess of the BGM                     and the rules and regulations                           This means that the Exchange
                                                  Ownership Limitation and the BGM                        promulgated thereunder. The Bats                        ownership structure will continue to
                                                  Voting Limitation that would otherwise                  Exchanges will continue to operate and                  provide the Commission with
                                                  apply.                                                  regulate their markets and members as                   appropriate oversight tools to ensure
                                                     The BGM Board therefore determined                   they have done prior to the Transaction.                that the Commission will have the
                                                  that in order to effect the Transaction,                Thus, each Bats Exchange will continue                  ability to enforce the Act with respect to
                                                  a waiver of the BGM Ownership                           to enforce the Act, the Commission’s                    the Exchange, its direct and indirect
                                                  Limitation and the BGM Voting                           rules thereunder, and each Exchange’s                   parent companies, and its directors,
                                                  Limitation with respect to CBOE                         own rules, in the manner it does today.                 officers, employees and agents to the
                                                  Holdings would be required. To do so,                   Further, the Commission will continue                   extent they are involved in the activities
                                                  the BGM Board adopted the                               to have plenary regulatory authority                    of the Exchange, and protect the
                                                  Resolutions, attached as Exhibit 5A,                    over the Bats Exchanges, as is currently                independence of the Exchange’s self-
                                                  making certain determinations with                      the case with these entities.                           regulatory activities.
                                                  respect to CBOE Holdings and the                           The Exchange also notes that the                        The Exchange therefore requests that
                                                  Transaction that are necessary to waive                 Resolutions reflect the determination by                the Commission approve the
                                                  the BGM Ownership Limitation and                        the BGM Board that the Transaction and                  Resolutions, attached as Exhibit 5A.
                                                  BGM Voting Limitation. Specifically,                    CBOE Holdings’ resulting ownership
                                                                                                          and voting rights in BGM following the                  5. CBOE Holdings Charter and CBOE
                                                  the BGM Board determined that:                                                                                  Holdings Bylaws
                                                                                                          Merger, and CBOE V’s ownership and
                                                     • The acquisition of the proposed                    voting rights following the Subsequent                    CBOE Holdings currently holds a
                                                  ownership by CBOE Holdings in BGM                       Merger, are otherwise in the best                       direct ownership interest in the CBOE
                                                  will not impair the ability of each Bats                interests of BGM, its stockholders and                  Exchanges. The Commission has
                                                  Exchange to carry out its functions and                 the Bats Exchanges. The Bats Exchanges                  previously approved the CBOE Holdings
                                                  responsibilities as an ‘‘exchange’’ under               will be ultimately held by an entity,                   Charter and the CBOE Holdings Bylaws
                                                  the Act and the rules and regulations                   CBOE Holdings, that already owns other                  (collectively, the ‘‘CBOE Holdings
                                                  promulgated thereunder, is otherwise in                 national securities exchanges and is                    Organizational Documents’’), attached
                                                  the best interests of BGM, its                          subject to governance documents that                    as Exhibits 5B and 5C, respectively.18
                                                  stockholders and the Bats Exchanges,                    similarly restrict concentration of                       In connection with the Transaction,
                                                  and will not impair the ability of the                  ownership and voting rights.                            upon the Closing, CBOE Holdings will
                                                  Commission to enforce the Act and the                      As described in more detail below,                   become the indirect owner (through
                                                  rules and regulations promulgated                       the Exchange is also requesting approval                CBOE V and Direct Edge) of the
                                                  thereunder;                                             of the adoption of the CBOE Holdings                    Exchange and EDGA and the indirect
                                                     • the acquisition or exercise of the                 Charter and the CBOE Holdings Bylaws.                   owner (through CBOE V and BGM
                                                  proposed voting rights by CBOE                                                                                  Holdings) of BZX, BYX and Bats
                                                                                                            17 In addition, the Resolutions contain a
                                                                                                                                                                  Trading (and certain other subsidiaries
                                                  Holdings in BGM will not impair the                     determination that the execution and delivery of the    not registered with the Commission in
                                                  ability of each Bats Exchange to carry                  Merger Agreement by CBOE Holdings constituted
                                                                                                          notice of CBOE Holdings’ intention to acquire           any capacity).
                                                  out its functions and responsibilities as
                                                                                                          ownership and voting rights in excess of the BGM          The CBOE Holdings Organizational
                                                  an ‘‘exchange’’ under the Act and the                   Ownership Limitation and BGM Voting Limitation,         Documents include various provisions
                                                  rules and regulations promulgated                       respectively, in writing and not less than 45 days      relating to any ‘‘Regulated Securities
                                                  thereunder, is otherwise in the best                    before the Closing. See BGM Charter, Art. FIFTH,
                                                                                                                                                                  Exchange Subsidiary,’’ which is defined
                                                  interests of BGM, its stockholders and                  para. (b)(iv). The Exchange notes that Art. FIFTH,
                                                                                                          para. (c)(i) of the BGM Charter further requires that   as any national securities exchange
                                                  the Bats Exchanges, and will not impair                 any Person that, either alone or together with its      controlled, directly or indirectly, by
                                                  the ability of the Commission to enforce                Related Persons, owns, directly or indirectly           CBOE Holdings. Upon the Closing, the
                                                  the Act and the rules and regulations                   (whether by acquisition or by a change in the
                                                                                                          number of shares outstanding), of record or             Exchange will be covered by the
                                                  promulgated thereunder;                                 beneficially, five percent or more of the then
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                                     • neither CBOE Holdings nor any of                   outstanding shares of capital stock of BGM must            18 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 62158

                                                                                                          immediately upon acquiring knowledge of its             (May 24, 2010), 75 FR 30082 (May 28, 2010) (SR–
                                                  its Related Persons is subject to                       ownership of five percent or more give written          CBOE–2008–88). The CBOE Organizational
                                                  ‘‘statutory disqualification’’ within the               notice of such ownership to the BGM Board. The          Documents have been subsequently amended from
                                                  meaning of Section 3(a)(39) of the Act; 16              Merger Agreement provides that the Merger               time to time pursuant to proposed rule changes that
                                                  and                                                     Agreement constitutes such notice with respect to       were filed with the Commission for immediate
                                                                                                          certain voting agreements entered into concurrently     effectiveness. See, e.g., Securities Exchange Act
                                                                                                          with the Merger Agreement. See Merger Agreement,        Release No. 76282 (October 27, 2015), 80 FR 67464
                                                    16 Id.                                                Section 5.21.                                           (November 2, 2015) (SR–CBOE–2015–092).

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                                                  80118                      Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 220 / Tuesday, November 15, 2016 / Notices

                                                  definition of Regulated Securities                       CBOE Holdings.24 In contrast, the BGM                  employees of CBOE Holdings shall be
                                                  Exchange Subsidiary for purposes of the                  Ownership Limitation only applies a 20                 deemed to be the books, records,
                                                  CBOE Holdings Organizational                             percent threshold to any Exchange                      premises, officers, directors and
                                                  Documents. As a result, no amendments                    Member together with its Related                       employees of the Regulated Securities
                                                  to the CBOE Holdings Organizational                      Persons, while applying a 40 percent                   Exchange Subsidiary for purposes of
                                                  Documents will be necessary to reflect                   threshold to any other Person together                 and subject to oversight pursuant to the
                                                  CBOE Holdings’ indirect ownership of                     with its Related Persons. As a result, the             Act, but only to the extent that such
                                                  the Exchange.                                            CBOE Holdings Charter should be at                     books, records, premises, officers,
                                                     The Exchange believes that the CBOE                   least as effective as the BGM Charter at               directors and employees of the
                                                  Holdings Organizational Documents                        preventing any stockholder from                        Corporation relate to the business of
                                                  will protect and maintain the integrity                  exercising undue control over the                      such Regulated Securities Exchange
                                                  of the self-regulatory functions of the                  operation of the Exchange.                             Subsidiary.27
                                                  Exchange and facilitate the ability of the                  • Independence and Non-                               • Compliance With Securities Laws;
                                                  Exchange and the Commission to carry                     Interference. Similar to provisions                    Cooperation With the Commission.
                                                  out their regulatory and oversight                       contained in the BGM Bylaws, the                       Similar to provisions contained in the
                                                  obligations under the Act, as the CBOE                   CBOE Holdings Charter provides that                    BGM Bylaws, the CBOE Holdings
                                                  Organizational Documents do with                         for so long as CBOE Holdings controls,                 Charter provides that CBOE Holdings
                                                  respect to the CBOE Exchanges.                           directly or indirectly, a Regulated                    shall comply with the federal securities
                                                     In addition, the CBOE Organizational                  Securities Exchange Subsidiary, each                   laws and the rules and regulations
                                                  Documents contain provisions,                            officer, director and employee of CBOE                 thereunder and shall cooperate with the
                                                  including those with respect to the                      Holdings must give due regard to the                   Commission, and each Regulated
                                                  following, that are similar to those                     preservation of the independence of the                Securities Exchange Subsidiary
                                                  contained in the BGM Charter and                         self-regulatory function of the Regulated              pursuant to and to the extent of its
                                                  BGM’s Amended and Restated Bylaws                        Securities Exchange Subsidiaries and                   regulatory authority, and shall take
                                                  (the ‘‘BGM Bylaws’’), which the                          may not take any actions that he or she                reasonable steps necessary to cause its
                                                  Commission has previously found to be                    knows or reasonably should have                        agents to cooperate with the
                                                  consistent with the Act: 19                              known would interfere with the                         Commission and, where applicable, the
                                                     • Ownership and Voting Limitations.                   effectuation of any decisions by the                   Regulated Securities Exchange
                                                  Similar to the BGM Voting Limitation                     board of directors of any Regulated                    Subsidiaries pursuant to their regulatory
                                                  and the BGM Ownership Limitation                         Securities Exchange Subsidiary relating                authority, with respect to such agents’
                                                  contained in the BGM Charter, the                        to such Regulated Securities Exchange                  activities related to the Regulated
                                                  CBOE Holdings Charter limits the extent                  Subsidiary’s regulatory functions                      Securities Exchange Subsidiaries.28
                                                  of ownership and voting rights which                     (including disciplinary matters) or that                 • Consent to Jurisdiction. Similar to
                                                  certain persons may possess or                           would adversely affect the ability of the              provisions contained in the BGM
                                                  exercise.20 Like the BGM Charter, the                    Regulated Securities Exchange                          Bylaws, the CBOE Holdings Charter
                                                  CBOE Holdings Charter similarly                          Subsidiary to carry out such Regulated                 provides that CBOE Holdings, its
                                                  prohibits any Person,21 together with its                Securities Exchange Subsidiary’s                       directors, officers, agents and
                                                  Related Persons,22 from exercising                       responsibilities under the Act.25                      employees, irrevocably submit to the
                                                  voting rights with respect to more than                     • Confidentiality. Similar to                       jurisdiction of the U.S. federal courts,
                                                  20 percent of the then outstanding votes                 provisions contained in the BGM                        the Commission, and the Regulated
                                                  entitled to be cast on such matter.23                    Bylaws, the CBOE Holdings Charter                      Securities Exchange Subsidiaries, for
                                                  However, with respect to ownership                       provides that, to the fullest extent                   the purposes of any suit, action or
                                                  limitations, the CBOE Holdings Charter                   permitted by applicable law, all                       proceeding pursuant to U.S. federal
                                                  contains a more stringent threshold than                 confidential information pertaining to                 securities laws or the rules or
                                                  contained in the BGM Charter. Under                      the self-regulatory function of Regulated              regulations thereunder, commenced or
                                                  the CBOE Holdings Charter, no Person,                    Securities Exchange Subsidiaries                       initiated by the Commission arising out
                                                  together with its Related Persons, is                    contained in the books and records of                  of, or relating to, the Regulated
                                                  permitted at any time to beneficially                    any Regulated Securities Exchange                      Securities Exchange Subsidiaries’
                                                  own directly or indirectly shares of                     Subsidiary that shall come into the                    activities.29
                                                  stock of CBOE Holdings representing in                   possession of the CBOE Holdings must                     • Amendments. Similar to provisions
                                                  the aggregate more than 20 percent of                    be retained in confidence by CBOE                      contained in the BGM Charter and BGM
                                                  the then outstanding shares of stock of                  Holdings and its officers, directors,                  Bylaws, the CBOE Organizational
                                                                                                           employees and agents and must not be                   Documents provide that for so long as
                                                     19 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 77464      used for any commercial purposes.26                    CBOE Holdings controls, directly or
                                                  (March 29, 2016), 81 FR 19252 (April 4, 2016) (File         • Books and Records. Similar to                     indirectly, Regulated Securities
                                                  Nos. SR–BATS–2016–10, SR–BYX–2016–02, SR–                provisions contained in the BGM                        Exchange, before any amendment to or
                                                  EDGX–2016–04, and SR–EDGA–2016–01).
                                                     20 Compare CBOE Holdings Charter, Art. SIXTH
                                                                                                           Bylaws, the CBOE Holdings Charter                      repeal of the CBOE Holdings Charter or
                                                  with BGM Charter, Art. FIFTH.                            provides that, for so long as CBOE                     CBOE Holdings Bylaws may be
                                                     21 ‘‘Person’’ mean an individual, partnership         Holdings directly or indirectly controls               effective, such amendment or repeal
                                                  (general or limited), joint stock company,               any Regulated Securities Exchange                      must be submitted to the board of
                                                  corporation, limited liability company, trust or         Subsidiary, the books, records,                        directors of each such exchange, and if
                                                  unincorporated organization, or any governmental
                                                                                                           premises, officers, directors and                      the amendment or repeal is required to
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                                  entity or agency or political subdivision thereof. See
                                                  CBOE Holdings Charter, Art. FIFTH, para. (a)(iv).
                                                     22 ‘‘Related Person’’ is defined in the CBOE            24 See   CBOE Holdings Charter, Art. SIXTH, para.      27 Compare CBOE Holdings Charter, Art.

                                                  Holdings Charter in a manner substantially the           (b).                                                   FIFTEENTH with BGM Bylaws, Section 12.03.
                                                  same as it is defined in the BGM Charter. See supra        25 Compare CBOE Holdings Charter, Art.                 28 Compare CBOE Holdings Charter, Art.

                                                  note 9; CBOE Holdings Charter, Art. FIFTH, para.         SIXTEENTH, para. (c) with BGM Bylaws, Section          SIXTEENTH, para. (a) with BGM Bylaws, Section
                                                  (a)(vi).                                                 12.01.                                                 12.04.
                                                     23 See CBOE Holdings Charter, Art. SIXTH, para.         26 Compare CBOE Holdings Charter, Art.                 29 Compare CBOE Holdings Charter, Art.

                                                  (a).                                                     FIFTEENTH with BGM Bylaws, Section 12.02.              FOURTEENTH with BGM Bylaws, Section 12.05.

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 220 / Tuesday, November 15, 2016 / Notices                                                80119

                                                  be filed with, or filed with and                        the federal securities laws, including the            V) would need to comply with the
                                                  approved by the Commission, then such                   objectives of Sections 6(b) 32 and 19(g) 33           CBOE Holdings Charter and CBOE
                                                  change shall not be effective until filed               of the Act, and facilitate the ability of             Holdings Bylaws, including the
                                                  with, or filed with and approved by, the                each Bats Exchange and the                            ownership and voting limitations
                                                  Commission, as the case may be.30 As                    Commission to fulfill their respective                discussed above (or a Commission-
                                                  stated above, the Exchange believes that                regulatory and oversight obligations                  approved waiver therefrom).
                                                  the foregoing provisions will assist the                under the Act.                                           The CBOE V Operating Agreement
                                                  Exchange in fulfilling its self-regulatory                                                                    also contains several provisions
                                                                                                          a. CBOE V Certificate of Formation
                                                  obligations and in administering and                                                                          designed to protect the independence of
                                                  complying with the requirements of the                     The CBOE V Certificate, attached as                the self-regulatory functions of the Bats
                                                  Act.                                                    Exhibit 5D, includes the following                    Exchanges. The CBOE V Operating
                                                                                                          provisions required under Delaware                    Agreement requires that, for so long as
                                                  6. CBOE V Certificate and CBOE V                        law: (i) The full name of CBOE V as
                                                  Operating Agreement                                                                                           CBOE V, directly or indirectly, controls
                                                                                                          ‘‘CBOE V, LLC’’, and (ii) the name and                any Exchange Subsidiary, CBOE
                                                     Effective as of the Closing of the                   address of CBOE V’s registered office in              Holdings, as the sole member of CBOE
                                                  Transaction, CBOE V will hold direct                    the State of Delaware and the name of                 V, and officers, employees and agents of
                                                  ownership of (i) Direct Edge, which will                CBOE V’s registered agent at such                     CBOE V must give due regard to the
                                                  continue to hold direct ownership of the                address.34 In addition, the CBOE V                    preservation of independence of the
                                                  Exchange and EDGA and (ii) BGM                          Certificate contains a provision                      self-regulatory functions of such
                                                  Holdings, which will continue to hold                   providing that CBOE V shall indemnify                 Exchange Subsidiary, as well as to its
                                                  direct ownership of BZX, BYX and Bats                   members of its board of directors and                 obligations to investors and the general
                                                  Trading (and certain other subsidiaries                 certain other persons, subject to certain             public, and not interfere with the
                                                  not registered with the Commission in                   conditions.                                           effectuation of any decisions by the
                                                  any capacity). However, unlike BGM                         As the Exchange believes is                        board of directors of an Exchange
                                                  currently, CBOE V will not be the                       customary for limited liability                       Subsidiary relating to its regulatory
                                                  ultimate holding company under the                      companies formed in the State of                      functions (including disciplinary
                                                  post-Closing corporate structure, but                   Delaware, other substantive provisions                matters) or which would interfere with
                                                  rather will be an intermediate holding                  governing the ownership, operation and
                                                                                                                                                                the ability of such Exchange Subsidiary
                                                  company owned by CBOE Holdings.                         management of CBOE V are set forth in
                                                                                                                                                                to carry out its responsibilities under
                                                  The Exchange believes that the CBOE V                   the CBOE V Operating Agreement,
                                                                                                                                                                the Act.37
                                                  Operating Agreement contains                            discussed below.                                         The CBOE V Operating Agreement
                                                  provisions relating to its indirect                     b. CBOE V Operating Agreement                         also would require that CBOE V comply
                                                  ownership of one or more national                                                                             with the U.S. federal securities laws and
                                                  securities exchanges, including such                       With respect to ownership and
                                                                                                          control of CBOE V, the CBOE V                         rules and regulations thereunder and
                                                  exchanges’ regulatory functions and                                                                           cooperate with the Commission and
                                                  Commission oversight, that are                          Operating Agreement, attached as
                                                                                                          Exhibit 5E, specifically provides that                each Exchange Subsidiary, as
                                                  appropriate for an intermediate holding                                                                       applicable, pursuant to and to the extent
                                                  company in the ownership chain of a                     CBOE V’s sole member is CBOE
                                                                                                          Holdings, until the CBOE V Operating                  of their respective regulatory
                                                  national securities exchange. Many of                                                                         authority.38 Further, CBOE V’s officers,
                                                  the provisions of the CBOE V Operating                  Agreement is amended (subject to
                                                                                                          Commission approval, as described                     directors, employees and agents shall be
                                                  Agreement relating to these matters are
                                                                                                          below).35 Further, for so long as CBOE                deemed to agree to (i) comply with the
                                                  similar to the organizational documents
                                                                                                          V controls, directly or indirectly, a                 U.S. federal securities laws and the
                                                  of Direct Edge, which currently is, and
                                                                                                          subsidiary that is registered with the                rules and regulations thereunder; and
                                                  following the Subsequent Merger will
                                                                                                          Commission as a national securities                   (ii) cooperate with the Commission and
                                                  be, similarly situated as an intermediate
                                                                                                          exchange (an ‘‘Exchange Subsidiary’’),                each Exchange Subsidiary in respect of
                                                  holding company of the Exchange. The
                                                                                                          CBOE Holdings may not sell, assign,                   the Commission’s oversight
                                                  Commission has previously found the
                                                                                                          transfer, convey, gift, exchange or                   responsibilities regarding such
                                                  Direct Edge organizational documents to
                                                                                                          otherwise dispose of any or all of its                Exchange Subsidiary and the self-
                                                  be consistent with the Act.31
                                                                                                          member interest in CBOE V, except                     regulatory functions and responsibilities
                                                     Although CBOE V will not carry out
                                                                                                          pursuant to an amendment to the CBOE                  of the Exchange Subsidiaries, and CBOE
                                                  any regulatory functions, the Exchange
                                                                                                          V Operating Agreement that is filed                   V will take reasonable steps to cause its
                                                  notes that its activities with respect to
                                                                                                          with and approved by the Commission.                  officers, employees and agents to so
                                                  the operation of the Bats Exchanges
                                                                                                          36 These restrictions are designed to                 cooperate.39
                                                  must be consistent with, and must not
                                                                                                          ensure that any change to the ownership                  Furthermore, to the fullest extent
                                                  interfere with, the self-regulatory
                                                                                                          or control of any Exchange Subsidiary,                permitted by law, CBOE V and its
                                                  obligations of each Bats Exchange. The
                                                                                                          including without limitation the Bats                 officers, directors, employees and agents
                                                  CBOE V Operating Agreement therefore
                                                                                                          Exchanges, may only occur through a                   will be deemed to irrevocably submit to
                                                  includes certain provisions that are
                                                                                                          change in the ownership or control of                 the jurisdiction of the U.S. federal
                                                  designed to maintain the independence
                                                                                                          CBOE Holdings. As such, any purported                 courts, the Commission, and each
                                                  of the Bats Exchanges’ self-regulatory
                                                                                                          change of such ownership or control                   Exchange Subsidiary, as applicable, for
                                                  functions, enable the Bats Exchanges to
                                                                                                          (unless pursuant to a Commission-                     purposes of any suit, action, or
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                                                  operate in a manner that complies with
                                                                                                          approved change of ownership of CBOE                  proceeding pursuant to the U.S. federal
                                                     30 Compare CBOE Holdings Charter, Arts.
                                                                                                                                                                securities laws or the rules or
                                                                                                            32 15U.S.C. 78f(b).
                                                  ELEVENTH, TWELFTH and CBOE Holdings
                                                                                                            33 15U.S.C. 78s(g).                                   37 See CBOE V Operating Agreement, Section
                                                  Bylaws, Section 10.2 with BGM Charter, Art.
                                                  FOURTEENTH and BGM Bylaws, Article XI.                    34 Delaware Limited Liability Company Act § 18–     10.1(a).
                                                     31 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 71449     201.                                                    38 See CBOE V Operating Agreement, Section

                                                  (January 30, 2014), 79 FR 6961 (February 5, 2014)         35 CBOE V Operating Agreement, Section 1.1.         10.2(a).
                                                  (SR–EDGA–2013–34; SR–EDGX–2013–43).                       36 CBOE V Operating Agreement, Section 5.1.           39 Id.

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                                                  80120                      Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 220 / Tuesday, November 15, 2016 / Notices

                                                  regulations thereunder arising out of, or               any Exchange Subsidiary, before any                    will protect the independence of the
                                                  relating to, the activities of such                     amendment to or repeal of any                          Exchange’s self-regulatory activities.
                                                  Exchange Subsidiary.40                                  provision of the CBOE V Operating                          In addition, as noted above, the CBOE
                                                     The proposed CBOE V Operating                        Agreement will be effective, those                     Holdings Charter currently prohibits
                                                  Agreement also contains a number of                     changes must be submitted to the board                 certain persons from owning or
                                                  provisions designed to ensure that the                  of directors of each Exchange                          exercising voting rights over certain
                                                  Exchange will have sufficient access to                 Subsidiary, and if the same must be                    percentages of ownership of CBOE
                                                  the books and records of CBOE V as                      filed with, or filed with and approved                 Holdings. The CBOE Holdings Charter
                                                  they relate to any Exchange Subsidiary.                 by, the Commission before the changes                  permits the board of directors of CBOE
                                                  Pursuant to the CBOE V Operating                        may be effective under Section 19 of the               Holdings to waive the limitation on the
                                                  Agreement, to the extent they are related               Act 45 and the rules promulgated                       exercise of voting rights in excess of 20
                                                  to the operation or administration of an                thereunder, then the proposed changes                  percent of the then outstanding votes
                                                  Exchange Subsidiary, the books,                         shall not be effective until filed with, or            entitled to be cast on such matter only
                                                  records, premises, officers, agents, and                filed with and approved by, the                        if, among other things, ‘‘for so long as
                                                  employees of CBOE V are deemed to be                    Commission, as the case may be.46                      [CBOE Holdings] directly or indirectly
                                                  the books, records, premises, officers,                                                                        controls any Regulated Securities
                                                  agents and employees of such Exchange                   7. Direct Edge Operating Agreement
                                                                                                                                                                 Exchange Subsidiary, neither such
                                                  Subsidiary for the purposes of, and                       The Direct Edge Operating Agreement                  Person nor any of its Related Persons is
                                                  subject to oversight pursuant to, the                   currently provides that the sole member                a ‘Trading Permit Holder’ (as defined in
                                                  Act.41 In addition, for as long as CBOE                 of Direct Edge is BGM. However, as a                   the Bylaws of any Regulated Securities
                                                  V controls, directly or indirectly, an                  result of the Transaction, CBOE V will                 Exchange Subsidiary as they may be
                                                  Exchange Subsidiary, CBOE V’s books                     become the sole member of Direct Edge.                 amended from time to time).’’ 47
                                                  and records shall be subject at all times               The Exchange proposes to amend the                         The Exchange does not issue ‘‘trading
                                                  to inspection and copying by the                        Direct Edge Operating Agreement to                     permits,’’ but admits members. The
                                                  Commission and the applicable                           reflect this change, as set forth in                   Exchange believes the provisions of the
                                                  Exchange Subsidiary, provided that                      Exhibit 5F.                                            CBOE Holdings Charter that refer to
                                                  such books and records are related to                                                                          Trading Permit Holders of its Regulated
                                                  the operation or administration of an                   8. Bylaws of the Exchange                              Securities Exchange Subsidiaries should
                                                  Exchange Subsidiary.42                                                                                         apply equally to members of the
                                                     The proposed CBOE V Operating                           In connection with the Transaction,
                                                                                                          the Exchange proposes to amend and                     Exchange once it becomes a Regulated
                                                  Agreement also provides that, to the                                                                           Securities Exchange Subsidiary of CBOE
                                                  fullest extent permitted by law, all                    restate its Fifth Amended and Restated
                                                                                                          Bylaws and adopt the amended                           Holdings. As a result, the Exchange
                                                  books and records of any Exchange
                                                                                                          Exchange Bylaws as its Sixth Amended                   proposes to add clause (ff) to Article I
                                                  Subsidiary reflecting confidential
                                                                                                          and Restated Bylaws, attached as                       of the Exchange Bylaws, providing that
                                                  information pertaining to the self-
                                                                                                          Exhibit 5G. Specifically, the Exchange                 ‘‘ ‘Trading Permit Holder’ shall have the
                                                  regulatory function of such Exchange
                                                                                                          proposes to (i) expand the prohibition                 same meaning as Exchange Member.’’
                                                  Subsidiary (including disciplinary
                                                                                                          contained in Section 2 of Article XI of                This will ensure that the Exchange’s
                                                  matters, trading data, trading practices
                                                                                                          the Exchange Bylaws and (ii) add a                     members will be considered Trading
                                                  and audit information) that comes into
                                                                                                          definition of ‘‘Trading Permit Holder’’ to             Permit Holders of a Regulated Securities
                                                  the possession of CBOE V, shall be
                                                                                                          Article I.                                             Exchange Subsidiary for purposes of the
                                                  retained in confidence by CBOE V,
                                                                                                             Currently, Section 2 of Article XI of               CBOE Holdings Charter.
                                                  CBOE V’s officers, employees and
                                                  agents and CBOE Holdings, and not                       the Exchange Bylaws prohibits directors                9. Exchange Rules
                                                  used for any non-regulatory purposes.43                 of BGM or Direct Edge who are not also
                                                                                                                                                                 a. Exchange Rule 2.3—Member
                                                  The proposed CBOE V Operating                           directors, officers, staff, counsel or
                                                  Agreement provides, however, that the                   advisors of the Exchange from
                                                  foregoing shall not limit or impede the                 participating in any meetings of the                     Pursuant to Exchange Rule 2.3, in
                                                  rights of the Commission or an                          Exchange’s board of directors (or any                  order to be eligible for membership in
                                                  Exchange Subsidiary to access and                       committee thereof) pertaining to the                   the Exchange, a registered broker or
                                                  examine such confidential information                   self-regulatory function of the Exchange               dealer is currently required to be a
                                                  pursuant to the U.S. federal securities                 (including disciplinary matters). This                 member of at least one other national
                                                  laws and the rules and regulations                      provision refers to BGM and Direct Edge                securities association or national
                                                  thereunder, or limit or impede the                      because they are currently the only                    securities exchange. However,
                                                  ability of CBOE Holdings or any of                      direct and indirect owners of the                      membership in the Exchange’s affiliated
                                                  CBOE V’s officers, employees or agents                  Exchange. However, following the                       national securities exchanges, BZX,
                                                  to disclose such confidential                           Transaction, the Exchange will be                      BYX or EDGA, is not sufficient for
                                                  information to the Commission or an                     owned indirectly by CBOE V and CBOE                    purposes of eligibility for Exchange
                                                  Exchange Subsidiary.44                                  Holdings (in addition to its direct                    membership. The Exchange adopted
                                                     In addition, the CBOE V Operating                    ownership by Direct Edge). Therefore,                  this because the Bats Exchanges have
                                                  Agreement provides that for so long as                  the Exchange is proposing to remove the                historically not functioned as the
                                                  CBOE V controls, directly or indirectly,                reference to BGM and insert references                 designated examining authority for any
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                          to CBOE V and CBOE Holdings, so that                   of its members, and the Exchange
                                                    40 See CBOE V Operating Agreement, Section
                                                                                                          CBOE V and CBOE Holdings will both                     wanted to be sure that any member
                                                  10.3(a).                                                                                                       would be appropriately supervised by
                                                    41 See CBOE V Operating Agreement, Section
                                                                                                          be covered by this prohibition. The
                                                  8.4(b).                                                 Exchange believes that this amendment                  another national securities association
                                                    42 Id.                                                                                                       or national securities exchange that has
                                                    43 See CBOE V Operating Agreement, Section              45 15 U.S.C. 78s.
                                                  8.4(a).                                                   46 See CBOE V Operating Agreement, Section              47 See CBOE Holdings Charter, Art. SIXTH, para.
                                                    44 Id.                                                11.2.                                                  (a)(ii)(C).

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 220 / Tuesday, November 15, 2016 / Notices                                                  80121

                                                  the capacity to function as the member’s                   director, manager, managing member,                   2. Statutory Basis
                                                  designated examining authority.                            partner or affiliate of such member                      The Exchange believes that the
                                                     As a result of the Transaction, the                     being or becoming either (a) a director               Proposed Rule Change is consistent
                                                  Exchange will additionally become                          of the Exchange pursuant to the Bylaws                with the requirements of the Act and the
                                                  affiliated with the CBOE Exchanges. As                     of the Exchange, or (b) a director of the             rules and regulations thereunder that
                                                  with the Bats Exchanges, C2 does not                       Exchange serving on the board of                      are applicable to a national securities
                                                  currently serve as the designated                          directors of BGM. The Exchange                        exchange, and, in particular, with the
                                                  examination authority for any of its                       proposes to replace the references to                 requirements of Section 6(b) of the
                                                  members. CBOE, however, does act as                                                                              Act.50 In particular, the proposal is
                                                                                                             BGM in Rule 2.10 with references to
                                                  the designated examining authority for                                                                           consistent with Section 6(b)(1) of the
                                                                                                             CBOE Holdings to reflect the fact that
                                                  certain of its members. Therefore, the                                                                           Act 51 in that it enables the Exchange to
                                                  Exchange proposes to amend Exchange                        following the Transaction, CBOE
                                                                                                             Holdings will replace BGM as the                      be so organized as to have the capacity
                                                  Rule 2.3 to specify that a registered                                                                            to be able to carry out the purposes of
                                                  broker or dealer will be eligible for                      ultimate parent holding company of the
                                                                                                             Exchange.                                             the Act and to comply, and to enforce
                                                  membership only if it is a member of a                                                                           compliance by its members and persons
                                                  national securities association or                            Exchange Rule 2.10 also clarifies that             associated with its members, with the
                                                  national securities exchange other than                    it does not prohibit the Exchange from                provisions of the Act, the rules and
                                                  or in addition to the following affiliates                 being an affiliate of its routing broker-             regulations thereunder, and the Rules of
                                                  of the Exchange: BZX, BYX, EDGA and                        dealer Direct Edge ECN LLC d/b/a DE                   the Exchange.
                                                  C2.                                                        Route (‘‘DE Route’’) or of EDGA, BZX,                    The Proposed Rule Change is
                                                     In addition, to ensure there is no                      BYX, or Bats Trading, each of which are               designed to enable the Exchange to
                                                  confusion with respect to the possibility                  affiliated with the Exchange. The                     continue to have the authority and
                                                  that a broker or dealer could qualify for
                                                                                                             Exchange proposes to remove the                       ability to effectively fulfill its self-
                                                  membership in the Exchange based
                                                                                                             reference to DE Route to reflect the fact             regulatory duties pursuant to the Act
                                                  solely on membership in CBOE Futures
                                                                                                             that Bats Trading previously replaced                 and the rules promulgated thereunder.
                                                  or any other national securities
                                                                                                             DE Route as the Exchange’s routing                    In particular, the Proposed Rule Change
                                                  exchange notice—registered with the
                                                                                                             broker-dealer.49 The Exchange also                    includes in the CBOE Holdings Charter
                                                  Commission pursuant to Section 6(g) of
                                                                                                             proposes to add references to the CBOE                and CBOE Holdings Bylaws, like the
                                                  the Act 48 that lists or trades security-
                                                  futures products, the Exchange proposes                    Exchanges, as the CBOE Exchanges will                 BGM Charter and BGM Bylaws, various
                                                  to also specify that eligibility for                       become new affiliated exchanges                       provisions intended to protect and
                                                  membership requires membership in a                        following the Transaction. The                        maintain the integrity of the self-
                                                  national securities association registered                 proposed amendments to Exchange Rule                  regulatory functions of the Exchange
                                                  pursuant to Section 15A of the Act or                      2.10 are set forth in Exhibit 5H.                     upon Closing. For example, the CBOE
                                                  a national securities exchange registered                                                                        Holdings Charter, as described above, is
                                                                                                             c. Exchange Rule 2.12—Bats Trading,                   drafted to preserve the independence of
                                                  with the Commission pursuant to
                                                                                                             Inc. as Inbound Router                                the Exchange’s self-regulatory function
                                                  Section 6(a) of the Act, so as to exclude
                                                  a national securities exchange registered                                                                        and carry out its regulatory
                                                                                                                Exchange Rule 2.12 provides that the               responsibilities under the Act. In
                                                  solely under Section 6(g) of the Act. The                  Exchange, on behalf of BGM, shall
                                                  proposed amendments to Exchange Rule                                                                             addition, the CBOE Holdings Charter
                                                                                                             establish and maintain procedures and                 imposes limitations similar to the BGM
                                                  2.3 are set forth in Exhibit 5H.                           internal controls reasonably designed to              Ownership Limitation and BGM Voting
                                                  b. Exchange Rule 2.10—Affiliation                          ensure that Bats Trading does not                     Limitation to preclude undue influence
                                                  Between Exchange and a Member                              develop or implement changes to its                   over or interference with the Exchange’s
                                                     Exchange Rule 2.10 provides that,                       systems on the basis of nonpublic                     self-regulatory functions and fulfillment
                                                  without prior approval of the                              information obtained as a result of its               of its regulatory duties under the Act.
                                                  Commission, neither the Exchange, nor                      affiliation with the Exchange until such                 Moreover, notwithstanding the
                                                  any of its affiliates, shall directly or                   information is available generally to                 Proposed Rule Change, including the
                                                  indirectly acquire or maintain an                          similarly situated members of the                     change to the indirect ownership of the
                                                  ownership interest in a member of the                      Exchange in connection with the                       Exchange, the Commission will
                                                  Exchange. This restriction is intended to                  provision of inbound order routing to                 continue to have regulatory authority
                                                  address potential conflicts of interest                    the Exchange. The Exchange proposes to                over the Exchange, as is currently the
                                                  that could result from affiliation                         replace the reference to BGM with a                   case, as well as jurisdiction over the
                                                  between the Exchange and a member.                         reference to ‘‘the holding company                    Exchange’s direct and indirect parent
                                                  Notwithstanding this general restriction,                  indirectly owning the Exchange and                    companies with respect to activities
                                                  Exchange Rule 2.10 provides that it does                   Bats Trading.’’ This change would                     related to the Exchange.52 As a result,
                                                  not prohibit a member or its affiliate                     reflect the fact that BGM would no                    the Proposed Rule Change will facilitate
                                                  from acquiring or holding an equity                        longer be the ultimate holding company                an ownership structure that will provide
                                                  interest in BGM that is permitted by the                   of the Exchange following the                         the Commission with appropriate
                                                  ownership and voting limitations                           Transaction and would also make this                  oversight tools to ensure that the
                                                  contained in the BGM Charter and the                       language consistent with the language                 Commission will have the ability to
                                                  BGM Bylaws. In addition, Exchange                                                                                enforce the Act with respect to the
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                             used in Rule 2.12 of the BZX and BYX
                                                  Rule 2.10 states that it does not prohibit                 rulebooks. The proposed amendments                    Exchange, its direct and indirect parent
                                                  a member from being or becoming an                         to Exchange Rule 2.12 are set forth in
                                                  affiliate of the Exchange, or an affiliate                                                                         50 15 U.S.C. 78f(b).
                                                                                                             Exhibit 5H.                                             51 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(1).
                                                  of any affiliate of the Exchange, solely                                                                           52 See, e.g., CBOE Holdings Charter, Art.
                                                  by reason of such member or any officer,                      49 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 71449   FOURTEENTH; CBOE V Operating Agreement,
                                                                                                             (January 30, 2014), 79 FR 6961 (February 5, 2014)     Section 10.3; Direct Edge Operating Agreement,
                                                    48   15 U.S.C. 78f(g).                                   (SR–EDGA–2013–34; SR–EDGX–2013–43).                   Section 10.3.

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                                                  80122                         Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 220 / Tuesday, November 15, 2016 / Notices

                                                  companies and their directors, officers,                   Exchange believes that the Proposed                    C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                                  employees and agents to the extent they                    Rule Change will enhance competition                   Statement on Comments on the
                                                  are involved in the activities of the                      among trading venues, as the Exchange                  Proposed Rule Change Received From
                                                  Exchange.                                                  believes that the Transaction will result              Members, Participants, or Others
                                                     The Exchange also believes that the                     in various synergies and efficiencies.                   The Exchange has not solicited or
                                                  Proposed Rule Change furthers the                          For example, the Transaction will allow
                                                                                                                                                                    received written comments on the
                                                  objectives of Section 6(b)(5) of the Act 53                the Bats Exchanges and the CBOE
                                                                                                                                                                    Proposed Rule Change.
                                                  because the Proposed Rule Change                           Exchanges to utilize a single technology
                                                  would be consistent with and facilitate                    platform, which the Exchange expects                   III. Date of Effectiveness of the
                                                  a governance and regulatory structure                      will reduce Bats Exchanges’ and the                    Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
                                                  that is designed to prevent fraudulent                     CBOE Exchanges’ combined costs,                        Commission Action
                                                  and manipulative acts and practices, to                    creating the opportunity to further                       Within 45 days of the date of
                                                  promote just and equitable principles of                   reduce costs to their respective members               publication of this notice in the Federal
                                                  trade, to foster cooperation and                           and other constituents. The potential                  Register or within such longer period (i)
                                                  coordination with persons engaged in                       use of a single technology platform may                as the Commission may designate up to
                                                  regulating, clearing, settling, processing                 also reduce investors’ costs of
                                                                                                                                                                    90 days of such date if it finds such
                                                  information with respect to, and                           connecting to and using the Bats
                                                                                                                                                                    longer period to be appropriate and
                                                  facilitating transactions in securities, to                Exchanges and the CBOE Exchanges,
                                                  remove impediments to, and perfect the                                                                            publishes its reasons for so finding or
                                                                                                             including through the combination of
                                                  mechanism of a free and open market                                                                               (ii) as to which the Exchange consents,
                                                                                                             data centers and market data services.
                                                  and a national market system and, in                                                                              the Commission will: (a) By order
                                                                                                             Combining the expertise of the CBOE
                                                  general, to protect investors and the                                                                             approve or disapprove such proposed
                                                                                                             Exchanges’ personnel with the expertise
                                                  public interest.                                                                                                  rule change, or (b) institute proceedings
                                                                                                             of the Bats Exchanges’ personnel will
                                                     In addition, as discussed further in                                                                           to determine whether the proposed rule
                                                                                                             also facilitate ongoing innovation,
                                                  the Exchange’s Statement on Burden on                                                                             change should be disapproved.
                                                                                                             including through new product creation
                                                  Competition below, the Exchange                            and platform improvements.                             IV. Solicitation of Comments
                                                  expects that the Transaction will foster                     The Exchange notes that the Bats
                                                  further innovation while facilitating                                                                               Interested persons are invited to
                                                                                                             Exchanges and the CBOE Exchanges
                                                  efficient, transparent and well-regulated                  generally operate with different                       submit written data, views, and
                                                  markets for issuers and investors,                         business models, target different                      arguments concerning the foregoing,
                                                  removing impediments to, and                               customer bases and primarily focus on                  including whether the proposed rule
                                                  perfecting the mechanism of a free and                     different asset classes, limiting any                  change is consistent with the Act.
                                                  open market and a national market                          concern that the Transaction could                     Comments may be submitted by any of
                                                  system. The Transaction will benefit                       burden competition. Therefore, the                     the following methods:
                                                  investors and the securities market as a                   Exchange expects that the Transaction                  Electronic Comments
                                                  whole by, among other things,                              will benefit investors, issuers,
                                                  enhancing competition among securities                                                                              • Use the Commission’s Internet
                                                                                                             shareholders and the market as a whole.
                                                  venues and reducing costs.                                                                                        comment form (http://www.sec.gov/
                                                                                                             The Exchange will continue to conduct
                                                     Furthermore, the Exchange is not                        regulated activities (including operating              rules/sro.shtml); or
                                                  proposing any significant changes to its                   and regulating its market and members)                   • Send an email to rule-comments@
                                                  existing operational and trading                           of the type it currently conducts, but                 sec.gov. Please include File Number SR–
                                                  structure in connection with the change                    will be able to do so in a more efficient              BatsEDGX–2016–60 on the subject line.
                                                  in ownership; the Exchange will operate                    manner to the benefit of its members.                  Paper Comments
                                                  in essentially the same manner upon                        These efficiencies will pass through to
                                                  Closing as it operates today. Therefore,                                                                             • Send paper comments in triplicate
                                                                                                             the benefit of investors and issuers,
                                                  the Exchange believes that it will                                                                                to Secretary, Securities and Exchange
                                                                                                             promoting further efficiencies,
                                                  continue to satisfy the requirements of                                                                           Commission, 100 F Street NE.,
                                                                                                             competition and capital formation,
                                                  the Act and the rules and regulations                                                                             Washington, DC 20549–1090.
                                                                                                             placing no burden on competition not
                                                  thereunder that are applicable to a                        necessary or appropriate in furtherance                All submissions should refer to File
                                                  national securities exchange. The                          of the Act.                                            Number SR–BatsEDGX–2016–60. This
                                                  changes that the Exchange is proposing                       Furthermore, the Exchange’s                          file number should be included on the
                                                  to the Exchange Rules are designed to                      conclusion that the Proposed Rule                      subject line if email is used. To help the
                                                  reflect the prospective affiliation with                   Change would not result in any burden                  Commission process and review your
                                                  CBOE Holdings and the CBOE                                 on competition that is not necessary or                comments more efficiently, please use
                                                  Exchanges. The Exchange believes that                      appropriate in furtherance of the                      only one method. The Commission will
                                                  the proposed change to its Rules is                        purposes of the Act is consistent with                 post all comments on the Commission’s
                                                  consistent with the requirements of the                    the Commission’s prior conclusions                     Internet Web site (http://www.sec.gov/
                                                  Act and the rules and regulations                          about similar combinations involving                   rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
                                                  thereunder.                                                multiple exchanges in a single corporate               submission, all subsequent
                                                                                                             family.54                                              amendments, all written statements
                                                  B. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                                                                                 with respect to the proposed rule
                                                  Statement on Burden on Competition                                                                                change that are filed with the
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                               54 See, e.g., Securities Exchange Act Release Nos.

                                                    The Exchange does not believe that                       71375 (January 23, 2014), 79 FR 4771 (January 29,      Commission, and all written
                                                                                                             2014) (SR–BATS–2013–059; SR–BYX–2013–039);
                                                  the Proposed Rule Change would result                      66071 (December 29, 2011), 77 FR 521 (January 5,       communications relating to the
                                                  in any burden on competition that is not                   2012) (SR–CBOE–2011–107 and SR–NSX–2011–14);           proposed rule change between the
                                                  necessary or appropriate in furtherance                    58324 (August 7, 2008), 73 FR 46936 (August 12,        Commission and any person, other than
                                                                                                             2008) (SR–BSE–2008–02; SR–BSE–2008–23; SR–             those that may be withheld from the
                                                  of the purposes of the Act. Indeed, the                    BSE–2008–25; SR–BSECC–2008–01); 53382
                                                                                                             (February 27, 2006), 71 FR 11251 (March 6, 2006)       public in accordance with the
                                                    53 15   U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).                                (SR–NYSE–2005–77).                                     provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 220 / Tuesday, November 15, 2016 / Notices                                                  80123

                                                  available for Web site viewing and                      to re-program its systems to eliminate a              II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                                  printing in the Commission’s Public                     re-pricing functionality for certain                  Statement of the Purpose of, and
                                                  Reference Room, 100 F Street NE.,                       orders in Test Group Three securities in              Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
                                                  Washington, DC 20549, on official                       connection with the Regulation NMS                    Change
                                                  business days between the hours of                      Plan to Implement a Tick Size Pilot                      In its filing with the Commission, the
                                                  10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the                  Program (‘‘Plan’’ or ‘‘Pilot’’).3                     Exchange included statements
                                                  filing also will be available for                          The text of the proposed rule change               concerning the purpose of and basis for
                                                  inspection and copying at the principal                 is set forth below. Proposed new                      the proposed rule change and discussed
                                                  office of the Exchange. All comments                    language is underlined; deleted text is               any comments it received on the
                                                  received will be posted without change;                 in brackets.                                          proposed rule change. The text of these
                                                  the Commission does not edit personal                                                                         statements may be examined at the
                                                                                                          *      *     *    *     *
                                                  identifying information from                                                                                  places specified in Item IV below. The
                                                  submissions. You should submit only                     NASDAQ BX Rules                                       Exchange has prepared summaries, set
                                                  information that you wish to make                       *      *      *      *       *                        forth in sections A, B, and C below, of
                                                  available publicly. All submissions                                                                           the most significant aspects of such
                                                  should refer to File Number SR–                         4770. Compliance With Regulation
                                                  BatsEDGX–2016–60, and should be                         NMS Plan To Implement a Tick Size
                                                  submitted on or before December 6,                      Pilot                                                 A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                                  2016.                                                                                                         Statement of the Purpose of, and
                                                                                                              (a) through (d) No Change.                        Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
                                                    For the Commission, by the Division of
                                                  Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated              Commentary                                            Change
                                                  authority.55                                                                                                  1. Purpose
                                                                                                             .01–.13 No change.
                                                  Brent J. Fields,
                                                                                                             .14 Until [October 31, 2016]                          On September 7, 2016, the Exchange
                                                                                                          November 14, 2016, the treatment of                   filed with the Securities and Exchange
                                                  [FR Doc. 2016–27369 Filed 11–14–16; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                          Price to Comply Orders, Price to Display              Commission (‘‘SEC’’ or ‘‘Commission’’)
                                                  BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                                                                                          Orders, Non-Displayed Orders, and                     a proposed rule change (‘‘Proposal’’) to
                                                                                                          Post-Only Orders that are entered                     adopt paragraph (d) to Exchange Rule
                                                                                                          through the OUCH or FLITE protocols                   4770 to describe changes to system
                                                  SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE
                                                                                                          in Test Group Three securities shall be               functionality necessary to implement
                                                                                                          as follows:                                           the Plan. The Exchange also proposed
                                                  [Release No. 34–79262; File No. SR–BX–                     Following entry, and if market                     amendments to Rule 4770(a) and (c) to
                                                  2016–153]                                                                                                     clarify how the Trade-at exception may
                                                                                                          conditions allow, a Price to Comply
                                                                                                          Order in a Test Group Three Pilot                     be satisfied. The SEC published the
                                                  Self-Regulatory Organizations;                                                                                Proposal in the Federal Register for
                                                  NASDAQ BX, Inc.; Notice of Filing and                   Security will be adjusted repeatedly in
                                                                                                          accordance with changes to the NBBO                   notice and comment on September 20,
                                                  Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed                                                                           2016.4 BX subsequently filed three
                                                  Rule Change To Amend Commentary                         until such time as the Price to Comply
                                                                                                          Order is able to be ranked and displayed              Partial Amendments to clarify aspects of
                                                  .14 to Rule 4770 (Compliance With
                                                                                                          at its original entered limit price.                  the Proposal. The Commission approved
                                                  Regulation NMS Plan To Implement a
                                                                                                             Following entry, and if market                     the Proposal, as amended, on October 7,
                                                  Tick Size Pilot)
                                                                                                          conditions allow, a Price to Display                  2016.5
                                                  November 8, 2016.                                                                                                In SR–BX–2016–050, BX had initially
                                                                                                          Order in a Test Group Three Pilot
                                                     Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the                                                                        proposed a re-pricing functionality for
                                                                                                          Security will be adjusted repeatedly in
                                                  Securities Exchange Act of 1934                                                                               Price to Comply Orders, Non-Displayed
                                                                                                          accordance with changes to the NBBO
                                                  (‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2                                                                       Orders, and Post-Only Orders entered
                                                                                                          until such time as the Price to Display
                                                  notice is hereby given that on October                                                                        through the OUCH and FLITE protocols
                                                                                                          Order is able to be ranked and displayed
                                                  31, 2016, NASDAQ BX, Inc. (‘‘BX’’ or                                                                          in Group Three securities.6 BX
                                                                                                          at its original entered limit price.
                                                  ‘‘Exchange’’) filed with the Securities                                                                       subsequently determined that it would
                                                                                                             Following entry, and if market                     not offer this re-pricing functionality for
                                                  and Exchange Commission (‘‘SEC’’ or
                                                                                                          conditions allow, a Non-Displayed
                                                  ‘‘Commission’’) the proposed rule
                                                                                                          Order in a Test Group Three Pilot                        4 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 78838
                                                  change as described in Items I and II,
                                                                                                          Security will be adjusted repeatedly in               (September 14, 2016), 81 FR 64566 (September 20,
                                                  below, which Items have been prepared
                                                                                                          accordance with changes to the NBBO                   2016) (SR–BX–2016–050).
                                                  by the Exchange. The Commission is                                                                               5 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 79076
                                                                                                          up (down) to the Order’s limit price.
                                                  publishing this notice to solicit                                                                             (October 7, 2016) (SR–BX–2016–050).
                                                  comments on the proposed rule change                       Following entry, and if market                        6 As originally proposed, Rule 4770(d)(2) stated

                                                  from interested persons.                                conditions allow, the Post-Only Order                 that Price to Comply Orders in a Test Group Three
                                                                                                          in a Test Group Three Pilot Security                  Pilot Security will be adjusted repeatedly in
                                                  I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                       will be adjusted repeatedly in                        accordance with changes to the NBBO until such
                                                  Statement of the Terms of Substance of                                                                        time as the Price to Comply Order is able to be
                                                                                                          accordance with changes to the NBBO                   ranked and displayed at its original entered limit
                                                  the Proposed Rule Change                                or the best price on the Exchange Book,               price. Rule 4770(d)(3) stated that, if market
                                                     The Exchange proposes to amend                       as applicable until such time as the                  conditions allow, a Non-Displayed Order in a Test
                                                                                                                                                                Group Three Pilot Security will be adjusted
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                                  Commentary .14 to Rule 4770                             Post-Only Order is able to be ranked and
                                                                                                                                                                repeatedly in accordance with changes to the NBBO
                                                  (Compliance with Regulation NMS Plan                    displayed at its original entered limit               up (down) to the Order’s limit price. Rule
                                                  to Implement a Tick Size Pilot) to                      price.                                                4770(d)(4) stated that, if market conditions allow,
                                                  provide the SEC with notice of its efforts              *      *     *     *    *                             the Post-Only Order in a Test Group Three Pilot
                                                                                                                                                                Security will be adjusted repeatedly in accordance
                                                                                                                                                                with changes to the NBBO or the best price on the
                                                    55 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).                               3 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 74892    BX Book, as applicable until such time as the Post-
                                                    1 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).                                (May 6, 2015), 80 FR 27513 (May 13, 2015)             Only Order is able to be ranked and displayed at
                                                    2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.                                   (‘‘Approval Order’’).                                 its original entered limit price.

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Document Created: 2016-11-15 00:47:42
Document Modified: 2016-11-15 00:47:42
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
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PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation81 FR 80114 

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