81_FR_91380 81 FR 91138 - Notice of Availability of an Alabama Trustee Implementation Group (Alabama TIG) Draft Recreational Use Restoration Plan I and Draft Environmental Impact Statement: Provide and Enhance Recreational Opportunities (RP/EIS)

81 FR 91138 - Notice of Availability of an Alabama Trustee Implementation Group (Alabama TIG) Draft Recreational Use Restoration Plan I and Draft Environmental Impact Statement: Provide and Enhance Recreational Opportunities (RP/EIS)

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 81, Issue 242 (December 16, 2016)

Page Range91138-91140
FR Document2016-29952

In accordance with the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Deepwater Horizon Federal and State natural resource trustee agencies for the Alabama Trustee Implementation Group (Alabama TIG) have prepared a Draft Recreational Use Restoration Plan I and Draft Environmental Impact Statement: Provide and Enhance Recreational Opportunities (Draft RP/EIS). The Draft RP/EIS describes the restoration project alternatives considered by the Alabama TIG to compensate for recreational shoreline use lost as a result of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The Alabama TIG evaluated these alternatives under criteria set forth in the OPA natural resource damage assessment regulations and evaluated the environmental consequences of the restoration alternatives in accordance with NEPA. The purpose of this notice is to inform the public of the availability of the Draft RP/EIS and to seek public comments on the document.

Federal Register, Volume 81 Issue 242 (Friday, December 16, 2016)
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 242 (Friday, December 16, 2016)]
[Pages 91138-91140]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2016-29952]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

RIN 0648-XE201

Notice of Availability of an Alabama Trustee Implementation Group 
(Alabama TIG) Draft Recreational Use Restoration Plan I and Draft 
Environmental Impact Statement: Provide and Enhance Recreational 
Opportunities (RP/EIS)

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Notice of availability; request for comments.


SUMMARY: In accordance with the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA) and the 
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Deepwater Horizon Federal 
and State natural resource trustee agencies for the Alabama Trustee 
Implementation Group (Alabama TIG) have prepared a Draft Recreational 
Use Restoration Plan I and Draft Environmental Impact Statement: 
Provide and Enhance Recreational Opportunities (Draft RP/EIS). The 
Draft RP/EIS describes the restoration project alternatives considered 
by the Alabama TIG to compensate for recreational shoreline use lost as 
a result of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The Alabama TIG evaluated 
these alternatives under criteria set forth in the OPA natural resource 
damage assessment regulations and evaluated the environmental 
consequences of the restoration alternatives in accordance with NEPA. 
The purpose of this notice is to inform the public of the availability 
of the Draft RP/EIS and to seek public comments on the document.

DATES: The Alabama TIG will consider public comments received on or 
before January 30, 2017.
    Public Meetings: The Alabama TIG will host two public meetings to 
facilitate public review and comment on the Draft RP/EIS. Both written 
and verbal public comments will be taken at each public meeting. The 
Alabama TIG will hold an open house for each meeting followed by a 
formal meeting where the Alabama TIG will take verbal public comments. 
Each public meeting will include a presentation of the Draft RP/EIS. 
Public meetings will be held on January 17 and 18, 2017. The full 
public meeting schedule is listed in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION 

    Obtaining Documents: You may download the Draft RP/EIS at http://www.gulfspillrestoration.noaa.gov. Alternatively, you may request a CD 
of the Draft RP/EIS (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT). You may also 
view the document at any of the public facilities listed at http://www.gulfspillrestoration.noaa.gov.
    Submitting Comments: You may submit comments on the Draft RP/EIS by 
one of following methods:
     Via the Web: http://www.gulfspillrestoration.noaa.gov or
     U.S. Mail: NOAA Gulf of Mexico Disaster Response Center; 
attn: Alabama Recreational Use Restoration Plan; 7344 Zeigler Blvd.; 
Mobile, AL 36608. Please note that mailed comments must be postmarked 
on or before the comment deadline of January 30, 2017 to be considered.

     NOAA--Dan Van Nostrand, [email protected].
     AL--Amy Hunter, [email protected].



    On April 20, 2010, the mobile offshore drilling unit Deepwater 
Horizon, which was being used to drill a well for BP Exploration and 
Production Inc. (BP), in the Macondo prospect (Mississippi Canyon 252--
MC252), exploded, caught fire and subsequently sank in the Gulf of 
Mexico, resulting in an unprecedented volume of oil and other 
discharges from the rig and from the wellhead on the seabed. The 
Deepwater Horizon oil spill is the largest oil spill in U.S. history, 
discharging millions of barrels of oil over a period of 87 days. In 
addition, well over one million gallons of dispersants were applied to 
the waters of the spill area in an attempt to disperse the spilled oil. 
An undetermined amount of natural gas was also released to the 
environment as a result of the spill.
    The Deepwater Horizon State and Federal natural resource trustees 
(DWH Trustees) conducted the natural resource damage assessment (NRDA) 
for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill under the Oil Pollution Act 1990 
(OPA; 33 U.S.C. 2701 et seq.). Pursuant to OPA, Federal and State 
agencies act as trustees on behalf of the public to assess natural 
resource injuries and losses and to determine the actions required to 
compensate the public for those injuries and losses. OPA further 
instructs the designated trustees to develop and implement a plan for 
the restoration, rehabilitation, replacement, or acquisition of the 
equivalent of the injured natural resources under their

[[Page 91139]]

trusteeship, including the loss of use and services from those 
resources from the time of injury until the time of restoration to 
baseline (the resource quality and conditions that would exist if the 
spill had not occurred) is complete.
    The DWH Trustees are:
     U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), as represented by 
the National Park Service (NPS), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), 
and Bureau of Land Management (BLM);
     National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), on 
behalf of the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC);
     U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA);
     U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA);
     State of Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration 
Authority, Oil Spill Coordinator's Office, Department of Environmental 
Quality, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, and Department of 
Natural Resources;
     State of Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality;
     State of Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural 
Resources and Geological Survey of Alabama;
     State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection 
and Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; and
     For the State of Texas, Texas Parks and Wildlife 
Department, Texas General Land Office, and Texas Commission on 
Environmental Quality.
    Upon completion of the NRDA, the DWH Trustees reached and finalized 
a settlement of their natural resource damage claims with BP in a 
Consent Decree \1\ approved by the United States District Court for the 
Eastern District of Louisiana. Pursuant to that Consent Decree, 
restoration projects in Alabama are now chosen and managed by the 
Alabama TIG. The Alabama TIG is composed of the following Trustees:

    \1\ https://www.justice.gov/enrd/file/838066/download.

     U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), as represented by 
the National Park Service (NPS), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), 
and Bureau of Land Management (BLM);
     National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), on 
behalf of the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC);
     U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA);
     U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA);
     State of Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural 
Resources; and
     Geological Survey of Alabama.
    This restoration planning activity is proceeding in accordance with 
the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Final Programmatic Damage Assessment 
and Restoration Plan (PDARP) and Final Programmatic Environmental 
Impact Statement (PEIS). Information on the Restoration Type: Provide 
and Enhance Recreational Opportunities, as well as the OPA criteria 
against which project ideas are being evaluated, can be found in the 
PDARP/PEIS (http://www.gulfspillrestoration.noaa.gov/restoration-planning/gulf-plan) and in the Overview of the PDARP/PEIS (http://www.gulfspillrestoration.noaa.gov/restoration-planning/gulf-plan).
    This restoration planning activity is occurring, in part, in 
accordance with the February 16, 2016, decision in Gulf Restoration 
Network v. Jewell, Case 1:15-cv-00191-CB-C (S.D. Ala.), in which the 
court enjoined the use of Deepwater Horizon early restoration that had 
been allocated to partially fund construction of a lodge and conference 
center at Alabama's Gulf State Park (GSP) as part of the GSP 
Enhancement Project, pending additional analysis under NEPA and OPA. 
This restoration planning activity fulfills the Federal and State 
natural resources trustees' responsibilities under this court order 
while looking more broadly at the potential to provide restoration for 
lost recreational shoreline use within Alabama.


    On July 6, 2016, the Alabama TIG initiated a 30-day formal scoping 
and public comment period for this Draft RP/EIS (81 FR 44007-44008) 
through a Notice of Intent to Prepare a RP/EIS, and to Conduct Scoping. 
The Trustees conducted the scoping in accordance with OPA (15 CFR 
990.14(d)), NEPA (40 CFR 1501.7), and State authorities. That NOI 
requested public input to identify and evaluate a range of restoration 
types that could be used to compensate the public for lost recreational 
use opportunities in Alabama caused by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill 
in the Gulf of Mexico.

Overview of the Draft RP/EIS

    The Draft RP/EIS is being released in accordance with the OPA, NRDA 
regulations found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at 15 CFR 
part 990, and the NEPA (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.).
    In the Draft RP/EIS, the Alabama TIG presents to the public their 
plan for compensating for lost recreational shoreline use in Alabama. 
The Draft RP/EIS proposes ten individual restoration alternatives, 
including a no action alternative, evaluated in accordance with OPA and 
NEPA. One or more may be selected for implementation to compensate for 
lost recreational shoreline use as a result of the Deepwater Horizon 
oil spill.
    The ten alternatives under the Draft RP/EIS are as follows:
     Alternative 1 (Preferred Alternative): Gulf State Park 
Lodge and Associated Public Access Amenities
     Alternative 2 (Preferred Alternative): Fort Morgan Pier 
     Alternative 3: Fort Morgan Peninsula Public Access 
     Alternative 4: Gulf Highlands Land Acquisition and 
     Alternative 5: (Preferred Alternative) Laguna Cove Little 
Lagoon Natural Resource Protection
     Alternative 6 (Preferred Alternative): Bayfront Park 
Restoration and Improvements
     Alternative 7 (Preferred Alternative): Dauphin Island Eco-
Tourism and Environmental Education Area
     Alternative 8: Mid-Island Parks and Public Beach 
Improvements (Parcels A, B, and C)
     Alternative 9: (Preferred Alternative): Mid-Island Parks 
and Public Beach Improvements (Parcels B and C)
     Alternative 10: No Action/Natural Recovery
    The Alabama TIG has examined and assessed the extent of injury and 
the restoration alternatives. In the Draft RP/EIS, the Alabama TIG 
presents to the public their plan for providing partial compensation to 
the public for lost recreational use in Alabama. In particular, it 
considers restoration approaches to help restore, replace, 
rehabilitate, or acquire the equivalent of the lost recreational 
shoreline use in Alabama. The Alabama TIG believes that the preferred 
alternatives in this Draft RP/EIS are most appropriate for addressing 
lost recreational shoreline use in Alabama at this time. Additional 
restoration planning for lost recreational use in Alabama will occur at 
a later time.

Next Steps

    The public is encouraged to review and comment on the Draft RP/EIS. 
As described above, public meetings are scheduled to facilitate the 
public review and comment process. After the close of the public 
comment period, the Alabama TIG will consider and address the comments 
received before issuing a Final RP/EIS. A summary of comments received, 
the Alabama TIG's responses, and any revisions to the document, as

[[Page 91140]]

appropriate, will be included in the final document. After issuing the 
Final RP/EIS, the Alabama TIG will prepare a Record of Decision that 
formally selects the restoration project alternatives.

                                             Public Meeting Schedule
                  Date                        Time  (local times)                       Location
January 17, 2017........................  6 p.m. Open House..........  Shelby Auditorium, Shelby Fisheries
                                          6:30 p.m. Public Meeting...   Center, Dauphin Island Sea Lab, 101
                                                                        Bienville Boulevard, Dauphin Island, AL
January 18, 2017........................  6 p.m. Open House..........  Erie H. Meyer Civic Center, 1930 W. 2nd
                                          6:30 p.m. Public Meeting...   Street, Gulf Shores, AL 36542.

Invitation to Comment

    The Alabama TIG seeks public review and comment on the Draft RP/
EIS. Before including your address, phone number, email address, or 
other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be 
aware that your entire comment, including your personal identifying 
information, may be publicly available at any time.

Administrative Record

    The documents included in the Administrative Record can be viewed 
electronically at the following location: http://www.doi.gov/deepwaterhorizon/adminrecord.


    The authority of this action is the OPA of 1990 (33 U.S.C. 2701 et 
seq.) and the implementing NRDA regulations found at 15 CFR part 990.

    Dated: December 8, 2016.
Carrie Selberg,
Deputy Director, Office of Habitat Conservation, National Marine 
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2016-29952 Filed 12-15-16; 8:45 am]

                                                  91138                       Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2016 / Notices

                                                  NOAA. The system protects more than                     DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                www.gulfspillrestoration.noaa.gov.
                                                  1.3 million acres of estuarine habitat for                                                                    Alternatively, you may request a CD of
                                                  long-term research, monitoring,                         National Oceanic and Atmospheric                      the Draft RP/EIS (see FOR FURTHER
                                                  education and stewardship throughout                    Administration                                        INFORMATION CONTACT). You may also
                                                  the coastal United States. Established by               RIN 0648–XE201                                        view the document at any of the public
                                                  the Coastal Zone Management Act of                                                                            facilities listed at http://
                                                  1972, as amended, each reserve is                       Notice of Availability of an Alabama                  www.gulfspillrestoration.noaa.gov.
                                                  managed by a lead state agency or                       Trustee Implementation Group                            Submitting Comments: You may
                                                  university, with input from local                       (Alabama TIG) Draft Recreational Use                  submit comments on the Draft RP/EIS
                                                  partners. NOAA provides funding and                     Restoration Plan I and Draft                          by one of following methods:
                                                  national programmatic guidance.                         Environmental Impact Statement:                         • Via the Web: http://
                                                     The He’eia Reserve Management Plan                   Provide and Enhance Recreational                      www.gulfspillrestoration.noaa.gov or
                                                  addresses research, monitoring,                         Opportunities (RP/EIS)                                  • U.S. Mail: NOAA Gulf of Mexico
                                                  education, and stewardship/cultural                                                                           Disaster Response Center; attn: Alabama
                                                                                                          AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                    Recreational Use Restoration Plan; 7344
                                                  resources needs for the proposed                        Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
                                                  reserve. The Management Plan has been                                                                         Zeigler Blvd.; Mobile, AL 36608. Please
                                                                                                          Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                    note that mailed comments must be
                                                  organized with goals, objectives and                    Commerce.
                                                  strategies that are based on an adaptive                                                                      postmarked on or before the comment
                                                                                                          ACTION: Notice of availability; request               deadline of January 30, 2017 to be
                                                  management planning framework.
                                                                                                          for comments.                                         considered.
                                                  These goals, focusing on the He‘eia
                                                  estuary, traditional knowledge, coastal                 SUMMARY:    In accordance with the Oil                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                  resources, and management issues,                       Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA) and the                     • NOAA—Dan Van Nostrand,
                                                  closely link the NERRS program sectors                  National Environmental Policy Act                     dan.van-nostrand@noaa.gov.
                                                  of education, research and training, and                (NEPA), the Deepwater Horizon Federal                   • AL—Amy Hunter,
                                                  stewardship. The goals of the                           and State natural resource trustee                    amy.hunter@dcnr.alabama.gov.
                                                  Management Plan can be applied                          agencies for the Alabama Trustee                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                  beyond the five-year timeframe of the                   Implementation Group (Alabama TIG)
                                                  Management Plan.                                        have prepared a Draft Recreational Use                Introduction
                                                     On September 2, 2016, NOAA issued                    Restoration Plan I and Draft                             On April 20, 2010, the mobile
                                                  notice of a public hearing and a thirty-                Environmental Impact Statement:                       offshore drilling unit Deepwater
                                                  day public comment period for the                       Provide and Enhance Recreational                      Horizon, which was being used to drill
                                                  He‘eia Reserve Management Plan and a                    Opportunities (Draft RP/EIS). The Draft               a well for BP Exploration and
                                                  Draft Environmental Impact Statement                    RP/EIS describes the restoration project              Production Inc. (BP), in the Macondo
                                                  associated with the Proposed                            alternatives considered by the Alabama                prospect (Mississippi Canyon 252—
                                                  Designation of the He’eia NERR (81 FR                   TIG to compensate for recreational                    MC252), exploded, caught fire and
                                                  60676). On October 13, 2016, NOAA                       shoreline use lost as a result of the                 subsequently sank in the Gulf of
                                                  announced a 13-day extension to the                     Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The                      Mexico, resulting in an unprecedented
                                                  public comment period (81 FR 70666).                    Alabama TIG evaluated these                           volume of oil and other discharges from
                                                  Responses to the relevant written and                   alternatives under criteria set forth in              the rig and from the wellhead on the
                                                  oral comments on the Management Plan                    the OPA natural resource damage                       seabed. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill
                                                  have been incorporated into Appendix                    assessment regulations and evaluated                  is the largest oil spill in U.S. history,
                                                  D of the Final Environmental Impact                     the environmental consequences of the                 discharging millions of barrels of oil
                                                  Statement for the He‘eia National                       restoration alternatives in accordance                over a period of 87 days. In addition,
                                                  Estuarine Research Reserve. The final                   with NEPA. The purpose of this notice                 well over one million gallons of
                                                  Management Plan and final EIS,                          is to inform the public of the availability           dispersants were applied to the waters
                                                  including the Appendix D response to                    of the Draft RP/EIS and to seek public                of the spill area in an attempt to
                                                  comments, are available at the                          comments on the document.                             disperse the spilled oil. An
                                                  regulations.gov Web site by searching                   DATES: The Alabama TIG will consider                  undetermined amount of natural gas
                                                  for Docket Number NOAA–NOS–2016–                        public comments received on or before                 was also released to the environment as
                                                  0114, and at https://coast.noaa.gov/                    January 30, 2017.                                     a result of the spill.
                                                  czm/compliance/.                                           Public Meetings: The Alabama TIG                      The Deepwater Horizon State and
                                                                                                          will host two public meetings to                      Federal natural resource trustees (DWH
                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                          facilitate public review and comment on               Trustees) conducted the natural
                                                  Joelle Gore, Chief, Stewardship
                                                                                                          the Draft RP/EIS. Both written and                    resource damage assessment (NRDA) for
                                                  Division, Office for Coastal Management
                                                                                                          verbal public comments will be taken at               the Deepwater Horizon oil spill under
                                                  at 240–533–0813 or via email at
                                                                                                          each public meeting. The Alabama TIG                  the Oil Pollution Act 1990 (OPA; 33
                                                                                                          will hold an open house for each                      U.S.C. 2701 et seq.). Pursuant to OPA,
                                                  Federal Domestic Assistance Catalog 11.420              meeting followed by a formal meeting                  Federal and State agencies act as
                                                  Coastal Zone Management Program                         where the Alabama TIG will take verbal                trustees on behalf of the public to assess
                                                    Administration                                        public comments. Each public meeting                  natural resource injuries and losses and
                                                    Dated: December 13, 2016.                             will include a presentation of the Draft              to determine the actions required to
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                                  Keelin Kuipers,                                         RP/EIS. Public meetings will be held on               compensate the public for those injuries
                                                  Division Chief, Policy, Planning and                    January 17 and 18, 2017. The full public              and losses. OPA further instructs the
                                                  Communications, National Ocean Service,                 meeting schedule is listed in the                     designated trustees to develop and
                                                  National Oceanic and Atmospheric                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section.                    implement a plan for the restoration,
                                                  Administration.                                         ADDRESSES:                                            rehabilitation, replacement, or
                                                  [FR Doc. 2016–30441 Filed 12–15–16; 8:45 am]               Obtaining Documents: You may                       acquisition of the equivalent of the
                                                  BILLING CODE 3510–08–P                                  download the Draft RP/EIS at http://                  injured natural resources under their

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:42 Dec 15, 2016   Jkt 241001   PO 00000   Frm 00024   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\16DEN1.SGM   16DEN1

                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2016 / Notices                                           91139

                                                  trusteeship, including the loss of use                    • Geological Survey of Alabama.                     alternative, evaluated in accordance
                                                  and services from those resources from                    This restoration planning activity is               with OPA and NEPA. One or more may
                                                  the time of injury until the time of                    proceeding in accordance with the                     be selected for implementation to
                                                  restoration to baseline (the resource                   Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Final                    compensate for lost recreational
                                                  quality and conditions that would exist                 Programmatic Damage Assessment and                    shoreline use as a result of the
                                                  if the spill had not occurred) is                       Restoration Plan (PDARP) and Final                    Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
                                                  complete.                                               Programmatic Environmental Impact                        The ten alternatives under the Draft
                                                     The DWH Trustees are:                                Statement (PEIS). Information on the                  RP/EIS are as follows:
                                                     • U.S. Department of the Interior                    Restoration Type: Provide and Enhance                    • Alternative 1 (Preferred
                                                  (DOI), as represented by the National                   Recreational Opportunities, as well as                Alternative): Gulf State Park Lodge and
                                                  Park Service (NPS), U.S. Fish and                       the OPA criteria against which project                Associated Public Access Amenities
                                                  Wildlife Service (FWS), and Bureau of                   ideas are being evaluated, can be found                  • Alternative 2 (Preferred
                                                  Land Management (BLM);                                  in the PDARP/PEIS (http://www.gulf                    Alternative): Fort Morgan Pier
                                                     • National Oceanic and Atmospheric                   spillrestoration.noaa.gov/restoration-                Rehabilitation
                                                  Administration (NOAA), on behalf of                     planning/gulf-plan) and in the                           • Alternative 3: Fort Morgan
                                                  the U.S. Department of Commerce                         Overview of the PDARP/PEIS (http://                   Peninsula Public Access Improvements
                                                  (DOC);                                                  www.gulfspillrestoration.noaa.gov/                       • Alternative 4: Gulf Highlands Land
                                                     • U.S. Department of Agriculture                     restoration-planning/gulf-plan).                      Acquisition and Improvements
                                                  (USDA);                                                   This restoration planning activity is                  • Alternative 5: (Preferred
                                                     • U.S. Environmental Protection                      occurring, in part, in accordance with                Alternative) Laguna Cove Little Lagoon
                                                  Agency (EPA);                                           the February 16, 2016, decision in Gulf               Natural Resource Protection
                                                     • State of Louisiana Coastal                         Restoration Network v. Jewell, Case                      • Alternative 6 (Preferred
                                                  Protection and Restoration Authority,                   1:15–cv–00191–CB–C (S.D. Ala.), in                    Alternative): Bayfront Park Restoration
                                                  Oil Spill Coordinator’s Office,                         which the court enjoined the use of                   and Improvements
                                                  Department of Environmental Quality,                    Deepwater Horizon early restoration that                 • Alternative 7 (Preferred
                                                  Department of Wildlife and Fisheries,                   had been allocated to partially fund                  Alternative): Dauphin Island Eco-
                                                  and Department of Natural Resources;                    construction of a lodge and conference                Tourism and Environmental Education
                                                     • State of Mississippi Department of                 center at Alabama’s Gulf State Park                   Area
                                                  Environmental Quality;                                  (GSP) as part of the GSP Enhancement                     • Alternative 8: Mid-Island Parks and
                                                     • State of Alabama Department of                     Project, pending additional analysis                  Public Beach Improvements (Parcels A,
                                                  Conservation and Natural Resources and                  under NEPA and OPA. This restoration                  B, and C)
                                                  Geological Survey of Alabama;                           planning activity fulfills the Federal and               • Alternative 9: (Preferred
                                                     • State of Florida Department of                     State natural resources trustees’                     Alternative): Mid-Island Parks and
                                                  Environmental Protection and Fish and                   responsibilities under this court order               Public Beach Improvements (Parcels B
                                                  Wildlife Conservation Commission; and                   while looking more broadly at the                     and C)
                                                     • For the State of Texas, Texas Parks                potential to provide restoration for lost                • Alternative 10: No Action/Natural
                                                  and Wildlife Department, Texas General                  recreational shoreline use within                     Recovery
                                                  Land Office, and Texas Commission on                    Alabama.                                                 The Alabama TIG has examined and
                                                  Environmental Quality.                                                                                        assessed the extent of injury and the
                                                     Upon completion of the NRDA, the                     Background                                            restoration alternatives. In the Draft RP/
                                                  DWH Trustees reached and finalized a                      On July 6, 2016, the Alabama TIG                    EIS, the Alabama TIG presents to the
                                                  settlement of their natural resource                    initiated a 30-day formal scoping and                 public their plan for providing partial
                                                  damage claims with BP in a Consent                      public comment period for this Draft                  compensation to the public for lost
                                                  Decree 1 approved by the United States                  RP/EIS (81 FR 44007–44008) through a                  recreational use in Alabama. In
                                                  District Court for the Eastern District of              Notice of Intent to Prepare a RP/EIS, and             particular, it considers restoration
                                                  Louisiana. Pursuant to that Consent                     to Conduct Scoping. The Trustees                      approaches to help restore, replace,
                                                  Decree, restoration projects in Alabama                 conducted the scoping in accordance                   rehabilitate, or acquire the equivalent of
                                                  are now chosen and managed by the                       with OPA (15 CFR 990.14(d)), NEPA (40                 the lost recreational shoreline use in
                                                  Alabama TIG. The Alabama TIG is                         CFR 1501.7), and State authorities. That              Alabama. The Alabama TIG believes
                                                  composed of the following Trustees:                     NOI requested public input to identify                that the preferred alternatives in this
                                                     • U.S. Department of the Interior                    and evaluate a range of restoration types             Draft RP/EIS are most appropriate for
                                                  (DOI), as represented by the National                   that could be used to compensate the                  addressing lost recreational shoreline
                                                  Park Service (NPS), U.S. Fish and                       public for lost recreational use                      use in Alabama at this time. Additional
                                                  Wildlife Service (FWS), and Bureau of                   opportunities in Alabama caused by the                restoration planning for lost recreational
                                                  Land Management (BLM);                                  Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf               use in Alabama will occur at a later
                                                     • National Oceanic and Atmospheric                   of Mexico.                                            time.
                                                  Administration (NOAA), on behalf of                     Overview of the Draft RP/EIS                          Next Steps
                                                  the U.S. Department of Commerce
                                                  (DOC);                                                     The Draft RP/EIS is being released in                The public is encouraged to review
                                                     • U.S. Department of Agriculture                     accordance with the OPA, NRDA                         and comment on the Draft RP/EIS. As
                                                  (USDA);                                                 regulations found in the Code of Federal              described above, public meetings are
                                                     • U.S. Environmental Protection                      Regulations (CFR) at 15 CFR part 990,                 scheduled to facilitate the public review
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                                  Agency (EPA);                                           and the NEPA (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.).                and comment process. After the close of
                                                     • State of Alabama Department of                        In the Draft RP/EIS, the Alabama TIG               the public comment period, the
                                                  Conservation and Natural Resources;                     presents to the public their plan for                 Alabama TIG will consider and address
                                                  and                                                     compensating for lost recreational                    the comments received before issuing a
                                                                                                          shoreline use in Alabama. The Draft RP/               Final RP/EIS. A summary of comments
                                                    1 https://www.justice.gov/enrd/file/838066/           EIS proposes ten individual restoration               received, the Alabama TIG’s responses,
                                                  download.                                               alternatives, including a no action                   and any revisions to the document, as

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:42 Dec 15, 2016   Jkt 241001   PO 00000   Frm 00025   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\16DEN1.SGM   16DEN1

                                                  91140                        Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2016 / Notices

                                                  appropriate, will be included in the                     Record of Decision that formally selects
                                                  final document. After issuing the Final                  the restoration project alternatives.
                                                  RP/EIS, the Alabama TIG will prepare a
                                                                                                                   PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE
                                                              Date                                                                                                    Location
                                                                                                  (local times)

                                                  January 17, 2017 .............   6 p.m. Open House ............................   Shelby Auditorium, Shelby Fisheries Center, Dauphin Island Sea Lab, 101
                                                                                   6:30 p.m. Public Meeting.                          Bienville Boulevard, Dauphin Island, AL 36528.
                                                  January 18, 2017 .............   6 p.m. Open House ............................   Erie H. Meyer Civic Center, 1930 W. 2nd Street, Gulf Shores, AL 36542.
                                                                                   6:30 p.m. Public Meeting.

                                                  Invitation to Comment                                       Average Hours per Response: 5                       Commission and NMFS manage fishing
                                                    The Alabama TIG seeks public review                    minutes to register and 5 minutes to                   for Pacific halibut through regulations
                                                  and comment on the Draft RP/EIS.                         print letter for CDQ Vessel Registration               established under the authority of the
                                                  Before including your address, phone                     System; 35 minutes for Groundfish/                     Northern Pacific Halibut Act of 1982.
                                                  number, email address, or other                          Halibut CDQ or Prohibited Species                      Regulations implementing the FMPs
                                                  personal identifying information in your                 Quota (PSQ) Transfer Request; 5 hours                  appear at 50 CFR parts 300, 679, and
                                                  comment, you should be aware that                        for Application for Approval of Use of                 680.
                                                  your entire comment, including your                      Non-CDQ Harvest Regulations; and 4                       Affected Public: Not for profit
                                                  personal identifying information, may                    hours for Appeals.                                     institutions; business or other for-profit
                                                  be publicly available at any time.                          Burden Hours: 25.                                   organizations.
                                                                                                              Needs and Uses: This request is for                   Frequency: On occasion.
                                                  Administrative Record                                    extension of a current information                       Respondent’s Obligation: Required to
                                                    The documents included in the                          collection.                                            obtain or retain benefits.
                                                  Administrative Record can be viewed                         The Western Alaska Community                          This information collection request
                                                  electronically at the following location:                Development Quota (CDQ) Program is                     may be viewed at reginfo.gov. Follow
                                                  http://www.doi.gov/deepwaterhorizon/                     an economic development program                        the instructions to view Department of
                                                  adminrecord.                                             associated with federally managed                      Commerce collections currently under
                                                                                                           fisheries in the Bering Sea and Aleutian               review by OMB.
                                                  Authority                                                Islands Management Area (BSAI). The                      Written comments and
                                                    The authority of this action is the                    CDQ Program receives apportionments                    recommendations for the proposed
                                                  OPA of 1990 (33 U.S.C. 2701 et seq.)                     of the annual catch limits for a variety               information collection should be sent
                                                  and the implementing NRDA                                of commercially valuable species in the                within 30 days of publication of this
                                                  regulations found at 15 CFR part 990.                    BSAI, which are in turn allocated                      notice to OIRA_Submission@
                                                                                                           among six different non-profit managing                omb.eop.gov or fax to (202) 395–5806.
                                                    Dated: December 8, 2016.
                                                                                                           organizations representing different                     Dated: December 12, 2016.
                                                  Carrie Selberg,
                                                                                                           affiliations of communities (CDQ                       Sarah Brabson,
                                                  Deputy Director, Office of Habitat
                                                                                                           groups). The CDQ Program redistributes                 NOAA PRA Clearance Officer.
                                                  Conservation, National Marine Fisheries
                                                  Service.                                                 a portion of commercially important
                                                                                                                                                                  [FR Doc. 2016–30217 Filed 12–15–16; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                           BSAI fisheries species to adjacent
                                                  [FR Doc. 2016–29952 Filed 12–15–16; 8:45 am]                                                                    BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
                                                                                                           communities. There are 65 communities
                                                  BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
                                                                                                           participating in the program. CDQ
                                                                                                           groups use the revenue derived from the
                                                                                                                                                                  COMMITTEE FOR PURCHASE FROM
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                   harvest of their fisheries allocations as
                                                                                                                                                                  PEOPLE WHO ARE BLIND OR
                                                                                                           a basis both for funding economic
                                                                                                                                                                  SEVERELY DISABLED
                                                  National Oceanic and Atmospheric                         development activities and for
                                                  Administration                                           providing employment opportunities.                    Procurement List; Proposed Additions
                                                                                                           Thus, the successful harvest of CDQ                    And Deletions
                                                  Submission for OMB Review;                               Program allocations is integral to
                                                  Comment Request                                          achieving the goals of the program.                    AGENCY:  Committee for Purchase From
                                                                                                              National Marine Fisheries Service                   People Who Are Blind or Severely
                                                    The Department of Commerce will                        (NMFS) manages the groundfish                          Disabled.
                                                  submit to the Office of Management and                   fisheries in the exclusive economic zone               ACTION: Proposed additions to and
                                                  Budget (OMB) for clearance the                           off Alaska. NMFS manages the                           deletions from the Procurement List.
                                                  following proposal for collection of                     groundfish and crab fisheries of the
                                                  information under the provisions of the                  BSAI under the Fishery Management                      SUMMARY:   The Committee is proposing
                                                  Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.                       Plan for Groundfish of the Bering Sea                  to add products and a service to the
                                                  Chapter 35).                                             and Aleutian Islands Management Area                   Procurement List that will be furnished
                                                    Agency: National Oceanic and                                                                                  by nonprofit agencies employing
                                                                                                           and the Fishery Management Plan for
                                                  Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).                                                                              persons who are blind or have other
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                                    Title: Western Alaska Community                        Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands King and
                                                                                                           Tanner Crabs (FMPs). The North Pacific                 severe disabilities, and to delete
                                                  Development Quota (CDQ) Program.                                                                                products and a service previously
                                                    OMB Control Number: 0648–0269.                         Fishery Management Council prepared
                                                                                                           the FMPs under the authority of the                    furnished by such agencies.
                                                    Form Number(s): None.
                                                    Type of Request: Regular (extension of                 Magnuson-Stevens Fishery                               DATES: Comments must be received on
                                                  a currently approved information                         Conservation & Management Act (16                      or before January 15, 2017.
                                                  collection).                                             U.S.C. 1801 et seq.) as amended in 2006.               ADDRESSES: Committee for Purchase
                                                    Number of Respondents: 13.                             The International Pacific Halibut                      From People Who Are Blind or Severely

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   19:11 Dec 15, 2016   Jkt 241001   PO 00000     Frm 00026   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\16DEN1.SGM   16DEN1

Document Created: 2018-02-14 09:07:49
Document Modified: 2018-02-14 09:07:49
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of availability; request for comments.
DatesThe Alabama TIG will consider public comments received on or before January 30, 2017.
Contact<bullet> NOAA--Dan Van Nostrand, [email protected]
FR Citation81 FR 91138 
RIN Number0648-XE20

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