82_FR_18193 82 FR 18121 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request; 2018-2019 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

82 FR 18121 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request; 2018-2019 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)


Federal Register Volume 82, Issue 72 (April 17, 2017)

Page Range18121-18123
FR Document2017-07620

In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, ED is proposing a revision of the existing information collection.

Federal Register, Volume 82 Issue 72 (Monday, April 17, 2017)
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 72 (Monday, April 17, 2017)]
[Pages 18121-18123]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2017-07620]



[Docket No.: ED-2017-ICCD-0044]

Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request; 2018-
2019 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

AGENCY: Federal Student Aid (FSA), Department of Education (ED).

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, ED is 
proposing a revision of the existing information collection.

DATES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments on or before 
June 16, 2017.

ADDRESSES: To access and review all the documents related to the 
information collection listed in this notice, please use http://www.regulations.gov by searching the Docket ID number ED-2017-ICCD-. 
Comments submitted in response to this notice should be submitted 
electronically through the Federal eRulemaking Portal at http://www.regulations.gov by selecting the Docket ID number or via postal 
mail, commercial delivery, or hand delivery. Please note that comments 
submitted by fax or email and those submitted after the comment period 
will not be accepted. Written requests for information or comments 
submitted by postal mail or delivery should be addressed to the 
Director of the Information Collection Clearance, U.S. Department of 
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW., LBJ, Room 224-84, Washington, DC 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For specific questions related to 
collection activities, please contact the Applicant Products Team at 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Department of Education (ED), in 
accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) (44 U.S.C. 
3506(c)(2)(A)), provides the general public and Federal agencies with 
an opportunity to comment on proposed, revised and continuing 
collections of information. This helps ED assess the impact of its 
information collection requirements and minimize the public's reporting 
burden. It also helps the public understand ED's information collection 
requirements and provide the requested data in the desired format. ED 
is soliciting comments on the proposed information collection request 
(ICR) that is described below. ED is especially interested in public 
comments addressing the following issues: (1) Is this collection 
necessary to the proper function of ED; (2) will this information be 
processed and used in a timely manner; (3) is the estimate of burden 
accurate; (4) how might ED enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of 
the information to be collected; and (5) how might ED minimize the 
burden of this collection on the respondents, including through the use 
of information technology. Please note that written comments received 
in response to this notice will be considered public records.
    Title of the Collection: 2018-2019 Free Application for Federal 
Student Aid.
    OMB Control Number: 1845-0001.
    Type of Review: A revision of an existing information collection.
    Respondents/Affected Public: Individuals.
    Total Estimated Number of Annual Responses: 39,226,771.
    Total Estimated Number of Annual Burden Hours: 25,826,753.
    Abstract: Section 483, of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as 
amended (HEA), mandates that the Secretary of Education ``. . . shall 
produce, distribute, and process free of charge common financial 
reporting forms as described in this subsection to be used for 
application and reapplication to determine the need and eligibility of 
a student for financial assistance . . .''.
    The determination of need and eligibility are for the following 
Title IV, HEA, federal student financial assistance programs: The 
Federal Pell Grant Program; the Campus-Based programs (Federal 
Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Federal Work-Study 
(FWS), and the Federal Perkins Loan Program); the William D. Ford 
Federal Direct Loan Program; the Teacher Education Assistance for 
College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant; and the Iraq and 
Afghanistan Service Grant.
    Federal Student Aid (FSA), an office of the U.S. Department of 
Education, subsequently developed an application process to collect and 
process the data necessary to determine a student's eligibility to 
receive Title IV, HEA program assistance. The application process 
involves an applicant's submission of the Free Application for Federal 
Student Aid (FAFSA[supreg]). After submission and processing of the 
FAFSA, an applicant receives a Student Aid Report (SAR), which is a 
summary of the processed data they submitted on the FAFSA. The 
applicant reviews the SAR, and, if necessary, will make corrections or 
updates to their submitted FAFSA data. Institutions of higher education 
listed by the applicant on the FAFSA also receive a summary of 
processed data submitted on the FAFSA which is called the Institutional 
Student Information Record (ISIR).
    ED and FSA seek OMB approval of all application components as a 
single ``collection of information''. The aggregate burden will be 
accounted for under OMB Control Number 1845-0001. The specific 
application components, descriptions, and submission methods for each 
are listed in Table 1.

[[Page 18122]]

           Table 1--Federal Student Aid Application Components
           Component                  Description      Submission method
                       Initial Submission of FAFSA
FAFSA on the Web (FOTW)........  Online FAFSA that     Submitted by the
                                  offers applicants a   applicant via
                                  customized            fafsa.gov.
FOTW--Renewal..................  Online FAFSA for
                                  applicants who have
                                  completed the FAFSA.
FOTW--EZ.......................  Online FAFSA for
                                  applicants who
                                  qualify for the
                                  Simplified Needs
                                  Test (SNT) or
                                  Automatic Zero
                                  (Auto Zero) needs
                                  analysis formulas.
FOTW--EZ Renewal...............  Online FAFSA for
                                  applicants who have
                                  completed the FAFSA
                                  and who qualify for
                                  SNT or Auto Zero
                                  needs analysis
FAA Access.....................  Online tool that a    Submitted through
                                  financial aid         faaaccess.ed.gov
                                  administrator (FAA)   by an FAA on
                                  utilizes to submit    behalf of an
                                  a FAFSA.              applicant.
FAA Access--Renewal............  Online tool that an
                                  FAA can utilize to
                                  submit a Renewal
FAA Access--EZ.................  Online tool that an
                                  FAA can utilize to
                                  submit a FAFSA for
                                  applicants who
                                  qualify for the SNT
                                  or Auto Zero needs
                                  analysis formulas.
FAA Access--EZ Renewal.........  Online tool that an
                                  FAA can utilize to
                                  submit a FAFSA for
                                  applicants who have
                                  completed the FAFSA
                                  and who qualify for
                                  the SNT or Auto
                                  Zero needs analysis
Electronic Other...............  This is a submission  The FAA may be
                                  done by an FAA, on    using their
                                  behalf of the         mainframe
                                  applicant, using      computer or
                                  the Electronic Data   software to
                                  Exchange (EDE).       facilitate the
                                                        EDE process.
Printed FAFSA..................  The printed version   Mailed by the
                                  of the PDF FAFSA      applicant.
                                  for applicants who
                                  are unable to
                                  access the Internet
                                  or complete the
                                  form using FOTW.
 Correcting Submitted FAFSA Information and Reviewing FAFSA Information
FOTW--Corrections..............  Any applicant who     Submitted by the
                                  has a Federal         applicant via
                                  Student Aid ID (FSA   fafsa.gov.
                                  ID)--regardless of
                                  how they originally
                                  applied--may make
                                  corrections using
                                  FOTW Corrections.
Electronic Other--Corrections..  With the applicant's  The FAA may be
                                  permission,           using their
                                  corrections can be    mainframe
                                  made by an FAA        computer or
                                  using the EDE.        software to
                                                        facilitate the
                                                        EDE process.
Paper SAR--This is a SAR and an  The full paper        Mailed by the
 option for corrections.          summary that is       applicant.
                                  mailed to paper
                                  applicants who did
                                  not provide an e-
                                  mail address and to
                                  applicants whose
                                  records were
                                  rejected due to
                                  critical errors
                                  during processing.
                                  Applicants can
                                  write corrections
                                  directly on the
                                  paper SAR and mail
                                  for processing.
FAA Access--Corrections........  An institution can    Submitted through
                                  use FAA Access to     faaaccess.ed.gov
                                  correct the FAFSA.    by an FAA on
                                                        behalf of an
Internal Department Corrections  The Department will   There is no
                                  submit an             burden to the
                                  applicant's record    applicants under
                                  for system-           this correction
                                  generated             type as these
                                  corrections.          are system-based
FSAIC Corrections..............  Any applicant, with   These changes are
                                  their Data Release    made directly in
                                  Number (DRN), can     the CPS system
                                  change the            by an FSAIC
                                  postsecondary         representative.
                                  institutions listed
                                  on their FAFSA or
                                  change their
                                  address by calling
SAR Electronic (eSAR)..........  The eSAR is an        Cannot be
                                  online version of     submitted for
                                  the SAR that is       processing.
                                  available on FOTW
                                  to all applicants
                                  with an FSA ID.
                                  Notification for
                                  the eSAR are sent
                                  to students who
                                  electronically or
                                  by paper and
                                  provided an e-mail
                                  address. These
                                  notifications are
                                  sent by e-mail and
                                  include a secure
                                  hyperlink that
                                  takes the user to
                                  the FOTW site.

    This information collection also documents an estimate of the 
annual public burden as it relates to the application process for 
federal student aid. The Applicant Burden Model (ABM) measures 
applicant burden through an assessment of the activities each applicant 
conducts in conjunction with other applicant characteristics and, in 
terms of burden, the average applicant's experience. Key determinants 
of the ABM include:
     The total number of applicants that will potentially apply 
for federal student aid;
     How the applicant chooses to complete and submit the FAFSA 
(e.g., by paper or electronically via FOTW[supreg]);
     How the applicant chooses to submit any corrections and/or 
updates (e.g., the paper SAR or electronically via FOTW Corrections);
     The type of SAR document the applicant receives (eSAR, SAR 
acknowledgment, or paper SAR);
     The formula applied to determine the applicant's expected 
family contribution (EFC) (full need analysis formula, Simplified Needs 
Test or Automatic Zero); and

[[Page 18123]]

     The average amount of time involved in preparing to 
complete the application.
    The ABM is largely driven by the number of potential applicants for 
the application cycle. The total application projection for 2018-2019 
is based upon two factors--estimating the growth rate of the total 
enrollment into post-secondary education and applying the growth rate 
to the FAFSA submissions. The ABM is also based on the application 
options available to students and parents. ED accounts for each 
application component based on Web trending tools, survey information 
and other ED data sources.
    For 2018-2019, ED is reporting a net burden increase of 5,790,741 

    Dated: April 11, 2017.
Kate Mullan,
Acting Director, Information Collection Clearance Division, Office of 
the Chief Privacy Officer, Office of Management.
[FR Doc. 2017-07620 Filed 4-14-17; 8:45 am]

                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 72 / Monday, April 17, 2017 / Notices                                             18121

                                                  William Hostyn, DoD, Defense Threat                     collection listed in this notice, please                 Type of Review: A revision of an
                                                  Reduction Agency, J2/5, 8725 John J.                    use http://www.regulations.gov by                     existing information collection.
                                                  Kingman Road, MS 6201, Fort Belvoir,                    searching the Docket ID number ED–                       Respondents/Affected Public:
                                                  VA 22060–6201. Email:                                   2017–ICCD–. Comments submitted in                     Individuals.
                                                  william.p.hostyn.civ@mail.mil. Phone:                   response to this notice should be                        Total Estimated Number of Annual
                                                  (703) 767–4453. Fax: (703) 767–4206.                    submitted electronically through the                  Responses: 39,226,771.
                                                     Written Statements: Pursuant to                      Federal eRulemaking Portal at http://                    Total Estimated Number of Annual
                                                  section 10(a)(3) of FACA and 41 CFR                     www.regulations.gov by selecting the                  Burden Hours: 25,826,753.
                                                  102–3.105(j) and 102–3.140, the public                  Docket ID number or via postal mail,
                                                                                                          commercial delivery, or hand delivery.                   Abstract: Section 483, of the Higher
                                                  or interested organizations may submit
                                                                                                          Please note that comments submitted by                Education Act of 1965, as amended
                                                  written statements to the membership of
                                                                                                          fax or email and those submitted after                (HEA), mandates that the Secretary of
                                                  the TRAC at any time or in response to
                                                                                                          the comment period will not be                        Education ‘‘. . . shall produce,
                                                  the stated agenda of a planned meeting.
                                                                                                          accepted. Written requests for                        distribute, and process free of charge
                                                  Written statements should be submitted
                                                                                                          information or comments submitted by                  common financial reporting forms as
                                                  to the TRAC’s Designated Federal
                                                                                                          postal mail or delivery should be                     described in this subsection to be used
                                                  Officer. The Designated Federal
                                                                                                          addressed to the Director of the                      for application and reapplication to
                                                  Officer’s contact information is listed in
                                                                                                          Information Collection Clearance, U.S.                determine the need and eligibility of a
                                                  this notice, or it can be obtained from
                                                                                                          Department of Education, 400 Maryland                 student for financial assistance . . .’’.
                                                  the General Services Administration’s
                                                  FACA Database: http://                                  Avenue SW., LBJ, Room 224–84,                            The determination of need and
                                                  www.facadatabase.gov/committee/                         Washington, DC 20202–4537.                            eligibility are for the following Title IV,
                                                  committee.aspx?cid=1663&aid=41.                         FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For                  HEA, federal student financial
                                                  Written statements that do not pertain to               specific questions related to collection              assistance programs: The Federal Pell
                                                  a scheduled meeting of the TRAC may                     activities, please contact the Applicant              Grant Program; the Campus-Based
                                                  be submitted at any time. However, if                   Products Team at                                      programs (Federal Supplemental
                                                  individual comments pertain to a                        StudentExperienceGroup@ed.gov.                        Educational Opportunity Grant
                                                  specific topic being discussed at a                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The
                                                                                                                                                                (FSEOG), Federal Work-Study (FWS),
                                                  planned meeting, then these statements                  Department of Education (ED), in                      and the Federal Perkins Loan Program);
                                                  must be submitted no later than five                    accordance with the Paperwork                         the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan
                                                  business days prior to the meeting in                   Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) (44 U.S.C.                Program; the Teacher Education
                                                  question. The Designated Federal                        3506(c)(2)(A)), provides the general                  Assistance for College and Higher
                                                  Officer will review all submitted written               public and Federal agencies with an                   Education (TEACH) Grant; and the Iraq
                                                  statements and provide copies to all                    opportunity to comment on proposed,                   and Afghanistan Service Grant.
                                                  TRAC members.                                           revised and continuing collections of                    Federal Student Aid (FSA), an office
                                                                                                          information. This helps ED assess the                 of the U.S. Department of Education,
                                                    Dated: April 11, 2017.
                                                                                                          impact of its information collection                  subsequently developed an application
                                                  Aaron Siegel,                                                                                                 process to collect and process the data
                                                                                                          requirements and minimize the public’s
                                                  Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison                                                                        necessary to determine a student’s
                                                  Officer, Department of Defense.                         reporting burden. It also helps the
                                                                                                          public understand ED’s information                    eligibility to receive Title IV, HEA
                                                  [FR Doc. 2017–07626 Filed 4–14–17; 8:45 am]                                                                   program assistance. The application
                                                                                                          collection requirements and provide the
                                                  BILLING CODE 5001–06–P
                                                                                                          requested data in the desired format. ED              process involves an applicant’s
                                                                                                          is soliciting comments on the proposed                submission of the Free Application for
                                                                                                          information collection request (ICR) that             Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®). After
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION                                 is described below. ED is especially                  submission and processing of the
                                                  [Docket No.: ED–2017–ICCD–0044]                         interested in public comments                         FAFSA, an applicant receives a Student
                                                                                                          addressing the following issues: (1) Is               Aid Report (SAR), which is a summary
                                                  Agency Information Collection                           this collection necessary to the proper               of the processed data they submitted on
                                                  Activities; Comment Request; 2018–                      function of ED; (2) will this information             the FAFSA. The applicant reviews the
                                                  2019 Free Application for Federal                       be processed and used in a timely                     SAR, and, if necessary, will make
                                                  Student Aid (FAFSA)                                     manner; (3) is the estimate of burden                 corrections or updates to their
                                                                                                          accurate; (4) how might ED enhance the                submitted FAFSA data. Institutions of
                                                  AGENCY: Federal Student Aid (FSA),                                                                            higher education listed by the applicant
                                                                                                          quality, utility, and clarity of the
                                                  Department of Education (ED).                                                                                 on the FAFSA also receive a summary
                                                                                                          information to be collected; and (5) how
                                                  ACTION: Notice.                                         might ED minimize the burden of this                  of processed data submitted on the
                                                                                                          collection on the respondents, including              FAFSA which is called the Institutional
                                                  SUMMARY:  In accordance with the                                                                              Student Information Record (ISIR).
                                                  Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, ED is                  through the use of information
                                                                                                          technology. Please note that written                     ED and FSA seek OMB approval of all
                                                  proposing a revision of the existing                                                                          application components as a single
                                                  information collection.                                 comments received in response to this
                                                                                                          notice will be considered public                      ‘‘collection of information’’. The
                                                  DATES: Interested persons are invited to                records.                                              aggregate burden will be accounted for
                                                  submit comments on or before June 16,                      Title of the Collection: 2018–2019                 under OMB Control Number 1845–0001.
mstockstill on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                                  2017.                                                   Free Application for Federal Student                  The specific application components,
                                                  ADDRESSES: To access and review all the                 Aid.                                                  descriptions, and submission methods
                                                  documents related to the information                       OMB Control Number: 1845–0001.                     for each are listed in Table 1.

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                                                  18122                                Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 72 / Monday, April 17, 2017 / Notices

                                                                                                 TABLE 1—FEDERAL STUDENT AID APPLICATION COMPONENTS
                                                                  Component                                                      Description                                              Submission method

                                                                                                                         Initial Submission of FAFSA

                                                  FAFSA on the Web (FOTW) ...........                Online FAFSA that offers applicants a customized experi-             Submitted by the applicant via fafsa.gov.
                                                  FOTW—Renewal ............................          Online FAFSA for applicants who have previously com-
                                                                                                       pleted the FAFSA.
                                                  FOTW—EZ ......................................     Online FAFSA for applicants who qualify for the Simplified
                                                                                                       Needs Test (SNT) or Automatic Zero (Auto Zero) needs
                                                                                                       analysis formulas.
                                                  FOTW—EZ Renewal ......................             Online FAFSA for applicants who have previously com-
                                                                                                       pleted the FAFSA and who qualify for SNT or Auto Zero
                                                                                                       needs analysis formulas.
                                                  FAA Access .....................................   Online tool that a financial aid administrator (FAA) utilizes        Submitted through faaaccess.ed.gov by an
                                                                                                       to submit a FAFSA.                                                   FAA on behalf of an applicant.
                                                  FAA Access—Renewal ...................             Online tool that an FAA can utilize to submit a Renewal
                                                  FAA Access—EZ ............................         Online tool that an FAA can utilize to submit a FAFSA for
                                                                                                       applicants who qualify for the SNT or Auto Zero needs
                                                                                                       analysis formulas.
                                                  FAA Access—EZ Renewal .............                Online tool that an FAA can utilize to submit a FAFSA for
                                                                                                       applicants who have previously completed the FAFSA
                                                                                                       and who qualify for the SNT or Auto Zero needs analysis
                                                  Electronic Other ..............................    This is a submission done by an FAA, on behalf of the ap-            The FAA may be using their mainframe com-
                                                                                                       plicant, using the Electronic Data Exchange (EDE).                   puter or software to facilitate the EDE
                                                  Printed FAFSA ................................     The printed version of the PDF FAFSA for applicants who              Mailed by the applicant.
                                                                                                       are unable to access the Internet or complete the form
                                                                                                       using FOTW.

                                                                                            Correcting Submitted FAFSA Information and Reviewing FAFSA Information

                                                  FOTW—Corrections ........................          Any applicant who has a Federal Student Aid ID (FSA                  Submitted by the applicant via fafsa.gov.
                                                                                                       ID)—regardless of how they originally applied—may
                                                                                                       make corrections using FOTW Corrections.
                                                  Electronic Other—Corrections ........              With the applicant’s permission, corrections can be made             The FAA may be using their mainframe com-
                                                                                                       by an FAA using the EDE.                                             puter or software to facilitate the EDE
                                                  Paper SAR—This is a SAR and an                     The full paper summary that is mailed to paper applicants            Mailed by the applicant.
                                                    option for corrections.                            who did not provide an e-mail address and to applicants
                                                                                                       whose records were rejected due to critical errors during
                                                                                                       processing. Applicants can write corrections directly on
                                                                                                       the paper SAR and mail for processing.
                                                  FAA Access—Corrections ...............             An institution can use FAA Access to correct the FAFSA ...           Submitted through faaaccess.ed.gov by an
                                                                                                                                                                            FAA on behalf of an applicant.
                                                  Internal Department Corrections .....              The Department will submit an applicant’s record for sys-            There is no burden to the applicants under
                                                                                                       tem-generated corrections.                                           this correction type as these are system-
                                                                                                                                                                            based corrections.
                                                  FSAIC Corrections ..........................       Any applicant, with their Data Release Number (DRN), can             These changes are made directly in the CPS
                                                                                                       change the postsecondary institutions listed on their                system by an FSAIC representative.
                                                                                                       FAFSA or change their address by calling FSAIC.
                                                  SAR Electronic (eSAR) ...................          The eSAR is an online version of the SAR that is available           Cannot be submitted for processing.
                                                                                                       on FOTW to all applicants with an FSA ID. Notification
                                                                                                       for the eSAR are sent to students who applied electroni-
                                                                                                       cally or by paper and provided an e-mail address. These
                                                                                                       notifications are sent by e-mail and include a secure
                                                                                                       hyperlink that takes the user to the FOTW site.

                                                    This information collection also                            applicant’s experience. Key                             (e.g., the paper SAR or electronically via
                                                  documents an estimate of the annual                           determinants of the ABM include:                        FOTW Corrections);
                                                  public burden as it relates to the                              • The total number of applicants that                    • The type of SAR document the
                                                  application process for federal student
mstockstill on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                will potentially apply for federal                      applicant receives (eSAR, SAR
                                                  aid. The Applicant Burden Model                               student aid;                                            acknowledgment, or paper SAR);
                                                  (ABM) measures applicant burden                                 • How the applicant chooses to                           • The formula applied to determine
                                                  through an assessment of the activities                       complete and submit the FAFSA (e.g.,                    the applicant’s expected family
                                                  each applicant conducts in conjunction                        by paper or electronically via FOTW®);                  contribution (EFC) (full need analysis
                                                  with other applicant characteristics and,
                                                  in terms of burden, the average                                 • How the applicant chooses to                        formula, Simplified Needs Test or
                                                                                                                submit any corrections and/or updates                   Automatic Zero); and

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                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 72 / Monday, April 17, 2017 / Notices                                               18123

                                                     • The average amount of time                         not be considered for funding. The Office of          the schools; and if appropriate, Indian
                                                  involved in preparing to complete the                   Indian Education recommends uploading the             students attending secondary schools of the
                                                  application.                                            documentation at least two days prior to each         LEA (ESEA section 6114(c)(4)). The majority
                                                     The ABM is largely driven by the                     deadline date to ensure that any potential            of the parent committee members must be
                                                                                                          submission issues are resolved prior to the           parents and family members of Indian
                                                  number of potential applicants for the
                                                                                                          Part II application deadline.                         children (ESEA section 6114(c)(4)).
                                                  application cycle. The total application
                                                  projection for 2018–2019 is based upon                                                                           Definitions: The following definition
                                                                                                          I. Funding Opportunity Description                    is from section 6112(d)(3) of the ESEA:
                                                  two factors—estimating the growth rate
                                                  of the total enrollment into post-                         Purpose of Program: The Indian                        Indian community-based organization
                                                  secondary education and applying the                    Education Formula Grants to Local                     means any organization that is
                                                  growth rate to the FAFSA submissions.                   Educational Agencies (Formula Grants)                 composed primarily of Indian parents,
                                                  The ABM is also based on the                            program provides grants to support local              family members and community
                                                  application options available to students               educational agencies (LEAs), Indian                   members, tribal government educational
                                                  and parents. ED accounts for each                       tribes and organizations, and other                   officials, and tribal members, from a
                                                  application component based on Web                      eligible entities in developing                       specific community; assists in the
                                                  trending tools, survey information and                  elementary and secondary school                       social, cultural, and educational
                                                  other ED data sources.                                  programs that serve Indian students.                  development of Indians in such
                                                     For 2018–2019, ED is reporting a net                 The U.S. Department of Education                      community; meets the unique cultural,
                                                  burden increase of 5,790,741 hours.                     (Department) funds comprehensive                      language, and academic needs of Indian
                                                                                                          programs that are designed to meet the                students; and demonstrates
                                                    Dated: April 11, 2017.
                                                                                                          unique cultural, language, and                        organizational and administrative
                                                  Kate Mullan,                                            educational needs of American Indian                  capacity to manage the grant.
                                                  Acting Director, Information Collection                 and Alaska Native (AI/AN) students and
                                                  Clearance Division, Office of the Chief Privacy                                                               Statutory Hiring Preference
                                                                                                          ensure that all students meet
                                                  Officer, Office of Management.                                                                                  (a) Awards that are primarily for the
                                                                                                          challenging State academic standards.
                                                  [FR Doc. 2017–07620 Filed 4–14–17; 8:45 am]                As authorized under section 6116 of                benefit of Indians are subject to the
                                                  BILLING CODE 4000–01–P                                  the Elementary and Secondary                          provisions of section 7(b) of the Indian
                                                                                                          Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as                      Self-Determination and Education
                                                                                                          amended by the Every Student Succeeds                 Assistance Act (Pub. L. 93–638). That
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION                                 Act (ESSA),1 the Secretary will, upon                 section requires that, to the greatest
                                                                                                          receipt of an acceptable plan for the                 extent feasible, a grantee—
                                                  Application for New Awards; Indian                                                                              (1) Give to Indians preferences and
                                                  Education Formula Grants to Local                       integration of education and related
                                                                                                          services, and in cooperation with other               opportunities for training and
                                                  Educational Agencies; Part II of the                                                                          employment in connection with the
                                                  Formula Grant Electronic Application                    relevant Federal agencies, authorize the
                                                                                                          entity receiving the funds under this                 administration of the grant; and
                                                  System for Indian Education (EASIE)                                                                             (2) Give to IOs and to Indian-owned
                                                  Applications                                            program to consolidate all Federal funds
                                                                                                          that are to be used exclusively for                   economic enterprises, as defined in
                                                  AGENCY: Office of Elementary and                        Indian students. Instructions for                     section 3 of the Indian Financing Act of
                                                  Secondary Education, Department of                      submitting an integration of education                1974 (25 U.S.C. 1452(e)), preference in
                                                  Education.                                              and related services plan are included                the award of contracts in connection
                                                  ACTION: Notice.                                         in the EASIE, which is described under                with the administration of the grant.
                                                                                                          Application Process and Submission                      (b) For purposes of this section, an
                                                  Overview Information                                    Information in section IV of this notice.             Indian is a member of any federally
                                                                                                                                                                recognized Indian tribe.
                                                  Indian Education Formula Grants to                         Note: Under the Formula Grants program,
                                                                                                          all applicants are required to develop the               Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7421 et seq.
                                                  Local Educational Agencies
                                                                                                          project for which an application is made in             Applicable Regulations: (a) The
                                                    Notice inviting applications for new                  open consultation with parents and teachers           Education Department General
                                                  awards for fiscal year (FY) 2017.                       of Indian children, representatives of Indian
                                                                                                                                                                Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) in
                                                    Catalog of Federal Domestic                           tribes on Indian lands located within 50
                                                                                                          miles of any school that the LEA will serve           34 CFR parts 75, 77, 79, 81, 82, 84, 97,
                                                  Assistance (CFDA) Number: 84.060A.                                                                            98, and 99. (b) The Office of
                                                                                                          if such tribes have any children in such
                                                  Dates                                                   school, Indian organizations (IOs), and, if           Management and Budget Guidelines to
                                                    Part II of EASIE Applications                         appropriate, Indian students from secondary           Agencies on Governmentwide
                                                  Available: May 17, 2017.                                schools, including through public hearings            Debarment and Suspension
                                                                                                          held to provide to the individuals described          (Nonprocurement) in 2 CFR part 180, as
                                                    Deadline for Transmittal of Part II
                                                                                                          above a full opportunity to understand the            adopted and amended as regulations of
                                                  Applications: June 15, 2017.                            program and to offer recommendations                  the Department in 2 CFR part 3485. (c)
                                                    Note: Applicants must meet the deadlines              regarding the program (ESEA section
                                                                                                                                                                The Uniform Administrative
                                                  for both EASIE Part I and Part II to be eligible        6114(c)(3)(C)). LEA applicants are required to
                                                  to receive a grant. This notice inviting                develop the project for which an application          Requirements, Cost Principles, and
                                                  applications only announces dates for EASIE             is made with the participation and written            Audit Requirements for Federal Awards
                                                  Part II. The notice inviting applications for           approval of a parent committee whose                  in 2 CFR part 200, as adopted and
                                                  EASIE Part I was published on March 13,                 membership includes parents and family                amended as regulations of the
mstockstill on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                                  2017. Any application that does not meet the            members of Indian children in the LEA’s               Department in 2 CFR part 3474.
                                                  Part I and Part II deadlines will not be                schools; representatives of Indian tribes on
                                                                                                                                                                  Note: The regulations in 34 CFR part 79
                                                  considered for funding. Failure to submit the           Indian lands located within 50 miles of any
                                                                                                                                                                apply to all applicants except federally
                                                  required supplemental documentation,                    school that the LEA will serve if such tribes
                                                                                                                                                                recognized Indian tribes.
                                                  described under Content and Form of                     have any children in such school; teachers in
                                                  Application Submission in section IV of this
                                                  notice, by the EASIE Part II deadline will                1 All references to the ESEA refer to the ESEA as
                                                                                                                                                                II. Award Information
                                                  result in an incomplete application that will           amended by the ESSA.                                     Type of Award: Formula grants.

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Document Created: 2018-08-25 11:27:47
Document Modified: 2018-08-25 11:27:47
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesInterested persons are invited to submit comments on or before June 16, 2017.
ContactFor specific questions related to collection activities, please contact the Applicant Products Team at [email protected]
FR Citation82 FR 18121 

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