82_FR_50572 82 FR 50363 - Merchant Marine Act and Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions; Fishing Vessel, Fishing Facility and Individual Fishing Quota and Harvesting Rights Lending Program Regulations

82 FR 50363 - Merchant Marine Act and Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions; Fishing Vessel, Fishing Facility and Individual Fishing Quota and Harvesting Rights Lending Program Regulations

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 82, Issue 209 (October 31, 2017)

Page Range50363-50366
FR Document2017-23570

NMFS' Fisheries Finance Program (FFP) provides long-term financing to the commercial fishing and aquaculture industries for fishing vessels, fisheries facilities, aquaculture facilities, and certain designated individual fishing quota (IFQ). Section 302 of the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2015 (Pub. L. 114-120) included new authority to finance the purchase of harvesting rights in a fishery that is federally managed under a limited access system. The FFP proposes to add a new section to the existing FFP regulations to implement this statutory change. The net effect of this proposed change to the regulations will be to provide additional authority for the program to lend, while leaving the original IFQ authority to Fishery Management Councils to use as needed.

Federal Register, Volume 82 Issue 209 (Tuesday, October 31, 2017)
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 209 (Tuesday, October 31, 2017)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 50363-50366]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2017-23570]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

50 CFR Part 253

[Docket No. 170404355-7355-01]
RIN 0648-BG80

Merchant Marine Act and Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions; Fishing 
Vessel, Fishing Facility and Individual Fishing Quota and Harvesting 
Rights Lending Program Regulations

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Proposed rule; request for comments.


SUMMARY: NMFS' Fisheries Finance Program (FFP) provides long-term 
financing to the commercial fishing and aquaculture industries for 
fishing vessels, fisheries facilities, aquaculture facilities, and 
certain designated individual fishing quota (IFQ). Section 302 of the 
Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2015 (Pub. L. 114-120) included new 
authority to finance the purchase of harvesting rights in a fishery 
that is federally managed under a limited access system. The FFP 
proposes to add a new section to the existing FFP regulations to 
implement this statutory change. The net effect of this proposed change 
to the regulations will be to provide additional authority for the 
program to lend, while leaving the original IFQ authority to Fishery 
Management Councils to use as needed.

DATES: Comments must be submitted in writing on or before November 30, 

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by NOAA-NMFS-2017-0064, 
by any one of the following methods:
     Electronic Submission: Submit all electronic public 
comments via the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Go to 
www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2017-0064, click the 
``Comment Now!'' icon, complete the required fields, and enter or 
attach your comments.
     Mail: Paul Marx, Chief, Financial Services Division, NMFS, 
Attn: F/MB5, 1315 East-West Highway, SSMC3, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
    Instructions: Comments sent by any other method, to any other 
address or individual, or received after the end of the comment period, 
may not be considered by NMFS. All comments received are a part of the 
public record and will generally be posted for public viewing on 
www.regulations.gov without change. All personal identifying 
information (e.g., name, address, etc.), confidential business 
information, or otherwise sensitive information submitted voluntarily 
by the sender will be publicly accessible. NMFS will accept anonymous 
comments (enter ``N/A'' in the required fields if you wish to remain 
    Written comments regarding the burden-hour estimates or other 
aspects of the collection-of-information requirements contained in this 
proposed rule may be submitted to [email protected] and by email to 
[email protected] or fax to (202) 395-7285.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:  Paul Marx, at 301-427-8771 or via 
email at [email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under the authority of Chapter 537 of Title 
46 of the United States Code, 46 U.S.C. 53701, et seq., the FFP may 
provide long-term financing to the commercial fishing and aquaculture 
industries for fishing vessels, fisheries facilities, aquaculture 
facilities, and certain designated individual fishing quota (IFQs). 
Section 302 of the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2015 (Pub. L. 114-
120) amended Chapter 537, providing the FFP with the authority to 
finance the purchase of harvesting rights in a fishery that is 
federally managed under a limited access system. This amendment is 
codified at 46 U.S.C. 53702(b)(4)(B). This action would modify the 
existing Program regulations to reflect this statutory change. The net 
effect of this change will be to provide additional authority for the 
program to lend, while leaving the original IFQ authority to Fishery 
Management Councils (FMCs) to use as needed.

Existing IFQ Loan Authority

    46 U.S.C. 53706 authorizes the FFP to finance or refinance the 
purchase of individual fishing quotas in accordance with section 
303(d)(4) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management 
Act (MSA), now codified at 16 U.S.C. 1853a(g). Under this provision of 
the MSA, an FMC may submit, and NMFS may approve and implement, a loan 
program to aid in (1) the acquisition of IFQ by fishermen who fish from 
``small vessels,'' and (2) the first time purchase of IFQ by ``entry 
level fishermen.'' Therefore, under this authority, the FFP cannot 
initiate or implement a lending program to finance or refinance the 
purchase of IFQ until the appropriate FMC submits a request to NMFS and 
provides guidance for the requisite criteria.
    NMFS currently administers two loan programs pursuant to the 
existing IFQ authority: The Northwest Halibut/Sablefish and Bering Sea 
and Aleutian Islands Crab IFQ loan programs. NMFS anticipates no 
effects to either of these existing loan programs as a result of this 
proposed action.

New Loan Authority

    The new authority provided by Public Law 114-120 broadens the FFP's 
existing authority, and authorizes the Program to finance the purchase 
of harvesting rights in a fishery that is federally managed under a 
limited access system. NMFS will interpret ``limited access system'' in 
accordance with section 3(27) of the MSA for purposes of this 
authority. The MSA defines ``limited access system'' as ``a system that 
limits participation in a fishery to those satisfying certain 
eligibility criteria or requirements contained in a fishery management 
plan or associated regulation.'' 16 U.S.C. 1802(27). Such definition 
includes, but is not limited to, IFQ fisheries.
    The new authority provided by Public Law 114-120 does not require 
FMCs to initiate a request to establish a loan program in a fishery 
that is federally managed under a limited access system in order for 
the FFP to provide financing in such a fishery. However, under the MSA, 
FMCs are primarily responsible for developing fishery management plans 
(FMPs) for fisheries within their authority that require conservation 
and management. It is possible that the availability of fisheries loans 
may have unanticipated effects on the

[[Page 50364]]

achievement of FMP goals and objectives. Therefore, NMFS believes it 
appropriate to allow the FMCs to comment on the potential or actual 
effect of a loan program for harvesting rights in fisheries under their 
authority. An FMC may provide an explanation to NMFS at any time, in 
writing, why the potential or continuing availability of financing for 
harvesting rights in a fishery under its authority would harm the 
achievement of the goals and objectives of the FMP applicable to the 
fishery. If NMFS accepts the Council's reasoning, harvesting rights 
loans would not be provided, or would cease to be provided, in that 
fishery. In such a scenario, NMFS would publish a notice in the Federal 
Register notifying the public that new loans will not be made in that 
fishery. If there were already loan applications under consideration, 
the exceptional circumstances would justify NMFS returning any loan 
fees submitted with loan applications. The opportunity for FMC input 
will help ensure that loans made by the FFP do not undermine or 
conflict with the goals and objectives of specific FMPs.

Extent of Financing

    Section 302 of the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2015 imposes no 
limitations on the extent of financing to be provided by the FFP for 
the purchase of harvesting rights. However, it does reserve $59 million 
of direct loan authority for historical uses, defined at 46 U.S.C. 
53701(8). Thus, NMFS anticipates that the balance of annual direct loan 
authority--currently $41 million--may be available to finance or 
refinance the purchase of harvesting rights in federally managed 
fisheries under a limited access system. This action will allow NMFS to 
fully use the program's loan authority either for historical purposes 
or any authorized new purposes should it be determined that demand or 
lack of demand in either area would result in unused loan authority.

Proposed Harvesting Rights Lending

    Lending for harvesting rights would follow existing FFP lending 
procedures and guidelines. Borrowers must be U.S. citizens or entities 
eligible to document a vessel for coastwise trade under 46 U.S.C. 
50501, meet all general FFP requirements, and meet all requirements to 
hold the harvesting rights under the applicable FMP at the time of loan 
closing. The FFP may require additional lending conditions and security 
terms such as loan guarantees or security interests in other collateral 
to bring credit risk to acceptable levels. Affiliated businesses, the 
borrower's principals or majority shareholders, persons or entities 
with a financial interest in the borrower, or any individuals holding 
community property rights may also be required to provide a guaranty.
    In addition, all loan applicants are subject to background and 
credit investigations, which may include, but are not limited to, 
reviews for unresolved fishing violations, criminal background checks, 
delinquent debt investigations, and credit reports. Like other FFP loan 
programs, lending for harvesting rights is subject to a statutory loan 
limit of up to 80 percent of the actual cost of the transaction, set as 
the purchase price or, in the case of refinancing, the current market 
value. The FFP retains sole discretion to determine the transaction's 
actual cost or current market value.
    Harvesting rights loan amounts can carry up to a 25-year term and 
can be used to either purchase new rights or refinance the debt 
associated with the prior purchase(s) of harvesting rights. In addition 
to maintaining a 20 percent minimum equity stake, borrowers refinancing 
existing debt will only receive the lesser of the outstanding amount of 
debt to be refinanced or 80 percent of the current market value of the 
harvesting right.
    If a borrower seeking refinancing fails to have the requisite 20 
percent equity stake (measured as the difference between the current 
market value of the primary collateral and the amount of the loan), 
that borrower will need to pay down debt to meet the required level. In 
addition, under FFP standards, borrowers are only eligible for 
refinancing if their initial purchase would have been eligible for 
financing. The program will refinance harvesting rights acquired prior 
to this regulation if the buyer's original purchase would have been 
eligible for FFP financing under the terms of this action.
    Prospective borrowers may apply for a loan through any of the NOAA 
Fisheries Service regional FFP offices (St. Petersburg, FL; Gloucester, 
MA; Seattle, WA). They must pay the appropriate application fee, set by 
46 U.S.C. 53713(b) as one-half of one percent of the loan amount 
requested, which is made up of two parts. Half is the ``filing fee,'' 
and is nonrefundable when the FFP officially accepts the application. 
The other half, known as the ``commitment fee,'' becomes nonrefundable 
when the FFP executes and mails an Approval-in-Principle (AIP) letter 
to the applicant. The FFP may refund the commitment fee if the FFP 
declines the application or the application is withdrawn prior to the 
issuance of an AIP letter.

Summary and Explanation of Proposed Regulatory Changes

    This proposed action would add the following section, as explained 

Harvesting Rights Loans (253.31)

    This new section provides regulatory provisions specific to the 
harvesting rights loans. At the time a borrower submits an application, 
he or she must satisfy the criteria listed in this new section in order 
to be eligible to receive financing under the program. The borrower 
must comply with any limitations on the quantity of harvesting rights 
that may be owned by one holder, as specified in the applicable FMP and 
implementing regulations. The FFP will not finance harvesting rights in 
excess of ownership limitations.


    This proposed rule is published under the authority of, and is 
consistent with, Chapter 537 of Title 46 of the United States Code and 
the Magnuson-Stevens Act, as amended. The NMFS Assistant Administrator 
has determined that this proposed rule is consistent with Chapter 537 
of Title 46 of the U.S. Code, the Magnuson-Stevens Act, as amended, and 
other applicable law, subject to further consideration after public 
    In addition to public comment about the proposed rule's substance, 
NMFS also seeks public comment on any ambiguity or unnecessary 
complexity from the language used in this proposed rule.


    NMFS has preliminarily determined that this rule qualifies to be 
categorically excluded from further NEPA review. This action is 
consistent with categories of activities identified in CE G7 of the 
Companion Manual for NOAA Administrative Order 216-6A, and we have not 
identified any extraordinary circumstances that would preclude this 
categorical exclusion. NMFS is accepting comments and information 
during the public comment period for the proposed rule relevant to our 
preliminary categorical exclusion determination.

Executive Order 12866

    This proposed rule has been determined to be not significant for 
purposes of Executive Order 12866.
    This proposed rule does not duplicate, overlap, or conflict with 
any other relevant Federal rules.

[[Page 50365]]

Paperwork Reduction Act

    Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, no person is 
required to respond to, and no person shall be subject to penalty for 
failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the 
requirements of the PRA, unless that collection of information displays 
a currently valid OMB Control Number.
    This proposed rule contains collections-of-information subject to 
the PRA, which have been approved by OMB under control number 0648-
0012. The application requirements contained in these rules have been 
approved under OMB control number 0648-0012. Public reporting burden 
for placing an application for FFP financing is estimated to average 
eight hours per response, including the time for reviewing 
instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and 
maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the 
collection of information.
    Send comments regarding this burden estimate, or any other aspect 
of this data collection, including suggestions for reducing the burden, 
to NMFS (see ADDRESSES) and by email to [email protected] or 
fax to (202) 395-7285.

Regulatory Flexibility Act

    The Chief Counsel for Regulation of the Department of Commerce has 
certified to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business 
Administration (SBA) that this proposed rule, if adopted, would not 
have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq., 
requires that, ``[w]henever an agency is required by section 553 of 
this title [5 USCS Sec.  553], or any other law, to publish general 
notice of proposed rulemaking for any proposed rule, or publishes a 
notice of proposed rulemaking for an interpretative rule involving the 
internal revenue laws of the United States, the agency shall prepare 
and make available for public comment an initial regulatory flexibility 
analysis. Such analysis shall describe the impact of the proposed rule 
on small entities.'' 5 U.S.C. 603(a). However, where an agency can 
certify ``that the rule will not, if promulgated, have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities'' then an 
agency need not undertake a full regulatory flexibility analysis. 5 
U.S.C. 605(b).
    Participation in the FFP is entirely voluntary. This action imposes 
no mandatory requirements on any business. Once final, this proposed 
rule will implement programs authorized by law. Specifically, these 
rules enact regulatory additions to create a new lending purpose 
authorized by Section 302 of the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2015 
(Pub. L. 114-120) and will be implemented in accordance with 50 CFR 
part 253, subpart B. This action will create new Sec.  253.31.
    As defined by NMFS for RFA purposes, this rule may affect small 
fishing entities that have annual revenues of $11.0 million or less, 
including, but not limited to, vessel owners, vessel operators, 
individual fishermen, small corporations, and others engaged in 
commercial fishing activities regulated by NOAA. Borrowers under this 
authority may also include large businesses. Notably, because the FFP 
is a voluntary program that provides loans to qualified borrowers, non-
borrowers--large or small--would not be regulated by this rule.
    Although the FFP requires certain supporting documentation during 
the life of a loan, the requirements do not impose unusual burdens when 
compared to the burdens imposed by other lenders. Moreover, because the 
basic need for financing would continue to exist without the FFP, the 
individuals seeking financing would still need to comply with similar, 
if not identical, requirements imposed by another lender. Records 
required to participate in the FFP are usually within the normal 
records already maintained by fishermen. It should take fewer than 
eight hours per application to meet these requirements.
    The information required from borrowers, such as income tax 
returns, insurance policies, permits, licenses, etc., is already 
available to them. Depending on circumstances, the FFP may require 
other supporting documents, including financial statements, property 
descriptions, and other documents that can be acquired at reasonable 
cost if they are not already available.
    FFP lending is a source of long-term, fixed rate capital financing 
and imposes no regulatory requirements on anyone other than those 
applying for loans. FFP borrowers make a voluntary decision to use the 
available lending.
    These loan programs will only have positive impacts on borrowers. 
Because participation is voluntary and requires effort and the outlay 
of an application fee, borrowers for harvesting rights financing are 
assumed to have made a determination that using FFP financing provides 
a benefit, such that the FFP's long-term, fixed rate financing provides 
only a positive economic impact. Importantly, the FFP does not regulate 
or manage the affairs of its borrowers, and the regulations impose no 
additional compliance, operating or other fees or costs on small 
entities other than a financing relationship would require.
    As a result of this certification, an initial regulatory 
flexibility analysis is not required and none has been prepared.

List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 253

    Aquaculture, Community development groups, Direct lending, 
Financial assistance, Fisheries, Fishing, Individual fishing quota, 
harvesting rights (privileges).

    Dated: October 25, 2017.
Samuel D. Rauch, III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs, National Marine 
Fisheries Service.
    For the reasons set forth in the preamble, NMFS proposes to amend 
50 CFR part 253, subpart B, as follows:


Subpart B--Fisheries Finance Program

1. The authority citation for part 253 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 46 U.S.C. 53701 and 16 U.S.C. 4101 et seq.

 2. Section 253.31 is added to read as follows:

Sec.  253.31  Harvesting rights loans.

    (a) Specific definitions. For the purposes of this section, the 
following definitions apply:
    (1) Harvesting right(s) means any privilege to harvest fish in a 
fishery that is federally managed under a limited access system.
    (2) Limited access system has the same meaning given to that term 
in section 3 of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and 
Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1802).
    (3) [Reserved]
    (b) Loan Requirements and Limitations. These loan requirements and 
limitations apply to individuals or entities who seek to finance or 
refinance the acquisition of harvesting rights.
    (1) The borrower must meet all regulatory and statutory 
requirements to hold the harvesting rights at the time any such loan or 
refinancing loan would close.
    (2) NMFS will accept and consider the input of a Regional Fishery 
Management Council at any time regarding the availability of loans in a 
fishery under the Council's authority.

[[Page 50366]]

    (i) The Council may submit an explanation to NMFS, in writing, as 
to why the availability of financing for harvesting rights in a fishery 
would harm the achievement of the goals and objectives of the Fishery 
Management Plan applicable to the fishery. If NMFS accepts the 
Council's reasoning, harvesting rights loans will not be provided, or 
will cease to be provided, in that fishery.
    (ii) If NMFS determines that harvesting rights loans will not be 
provided in a fishery, NMFS will publish a notice in the Federal 
Register notifying the public that new loans will not be made in that 
    (iii) In such a scenario, pending applications will be returned and 
loan fees returned as exceptional circumstances justify the action.
    (3) The harvesting rights to be financed must be issued in a manner 
in which they can be individually identified such that a valid and 
specific security interest can be recorded. This determination shall be 
solely made by the Program.
    (c) Refinancing. (1) The Program may refinance any existing debts 
associated with harvesting rights a borrower currently holds, provided 
    (i) The harvesting rights being refinanced would have been eligible 
for Program financing at the time the borrower purchased them, if 
Program financing had been available,
    (ii) The borrower meets all other applicable lending requirements, 
    (iii) The refinancing is in an amount up to 80 percent of the 
harvesting rights' current market value, as determined at the sole 
discretion of the Program, and subject to the limitation that the 
Program will not disburse any amount that exceeds the outstanding 
principal balance, plus accrued interest (if any), of the existing 
harvesting rights' debt being refinanced or its fair market value, 
whichever is less.
    (2) In the event that the current market value of harvesting rights 
and principal loan balance do not meet the 80 percent requirement in 
paragraph (1)(iii) of this section, borrowers seeking refinancing may 
be required to provide additional down payment.
    (d) Maturity. Loan maturity may not exceed 25 years, but may be 
shorter depending on credit and other considerations.
    (e) Repayment. Repayment will be by equal quarterly installments of 
principal and interest.
    (f) Security. Although harvesting right(s) will be the primary 
collateral for a loan, the Program may require additional security 
pledges to maintain the priority of the Program's security interest. 
The Program, at its option, may also require all parties with 
significant ownership interests to personally guarantee loan repayment 
for any borrower that is a corporation, partnership, or other entity, 
including collateral to secure the guarantees. Some projects may 
require additional security, collateral, or credit enhancement as 
determined, in the sole discretion, by the Program.
    (g) Program credit standards. Harvesting rights loans, regardless 
of purpose, are subject to all Program general credit standards and 
requirements. Collateral, guarantee and other requirements may be 
adjusted to individual credit risks.

[FR Doc. 2017-23570 Filed 10-30-17; 8:45 am]

                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 31, 2017 / Proposed Rules                                          50363

                                                 BILLING CODE 4333–15–C                                  program to lend, while leaving the                    change will be to provide additional
                                                 References Cited                                        original IFQ authority to Fishery                     authority for the program to lend, while
                                                                                                         Management Councils to use as needed.                 leaving the original IFQ authority to
                                                   A complete list of references cited in                                                                      Fishery Management Councils (FMCs)
                                                                                                         DATES: Comments must be submitted in
                                                 this document is available on the                                                                             to use as needed.
                                                                                                         writing on or before November 30, 2017,
                                                 Internet at http://www.regulations.gov at
                                                 Docket No. FWS–R6–ES–2016–0086 and                      ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,                   Existing IFQ Loan Authority
                                                 upon request from the Montana                           identified by NOAA–NMFS–2017–0064,
                                                                                                                                                                  46 U.S.C. 53706 authorizes the FFP to
                                                 Ecological Services Field Office (see FOR               by any one of the following methods:
                                                                                                            • Electronic Submission: Submit all                finance or refinance the purchase of
                                                 FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).                                                                                 individual fishing quotas in accordance
                                                                                                         electronic public comments via the
                                                 Authors                                                 Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Go to                    with section 303(d)(4) of the Magnuson-
                                                                                                         www.regulations.gov/                                  Stevens Fishery Conservation and
                                                   The primary authors of this document                                                                        Management Act (MSA), now codified
                                                 are the staff members of the Montana                    #!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2017-
                                                                                                                                                               at 16 U.S.C. 1853a(g). Under this
                                                 Ecological Services Field Office.                       0064, click the ‘‘Comment Now!’’ icon,
                                                                                                                                                               provision of the MSA, an FMC may
                                                                                                         complete the required fields, and enter
                                                 Authority                                                                                                     submit, and NMFS may approve and
                                                                                                         or attach your comments.
                                                                                                            • Mail: Paul Marx, Chief, Financial                implement, a loan program to aid in (1)
                                                   The authority for this action is the                                                                        the acquisition of IFQ by fishermen who
                                                 Endangered Species Act of 1973, as                      Services Division, NMFS, Attn: F/MB5,
                                                                                                         1315 East-West Highway, SSMC3, Silver                 fish from ‘‘small vessels,’’ and (2) the
                                                 amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).                                                                             first time purchase of IFQ by ‘‘entry
                                                                                                         Spring, MD 20910.
                                                   Dated: September 28, 2017.                               Instructions: Comments sent by any                 level fishermen.’’ Therefore, under this
                                                 James W. Kurth,                                         other method, to any other address or                 authority, the FFP cannot initiate or
                                                 Acting Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife                 individual, or received after the end of              implement a lending program to finance
                                                 Service.                                                the comment period, may not be                        or refinance the purchase of IFQ until
                                                 [FR Doc. 2017–23579 Filed 10–30–17; 8:45 am]            considered by NMFS. All comments                      the appropriate FMC submits a request
                                                 BILLING CODE 4333–15–P                                  received are a part of the public record              to NMFS and provides guidance for the
                                                                                                         and will generally be posted for public               requisite criteria.
                                                                                                                                                                  NMFS currently administers two loan
                                                                                                         viewing on www.regulations.gov
                                                                                                                                                               programs pursuant to the existing IFQ
                                                 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                  without change. All personal identifying
                                                                                                                                                               authority: The Northwest Halibut/
                                                                                                         information (e.g., name, address, etc.),
                                                 National Oceanic and Atmospheric                                                                              Sablefish and Bering Sea and Aleutian
                                                                                                         confidential business information, or
                                                 Administration                                                                                                Islands Crab IFQ loan programs. NMFS
                                                                                                         otherwise sensitive information
                                                                                                                                                               anticipates no effects to either of these
                                                                                                         submitted voluntarily by the sender will
                                                 50 CFR Part 253                                                                                               existing loan programs as a result of this
                                                                                                         be publicly accessible. NMFS will
                                                                                                                                                               proposed action.
                                                 [Docket No. 170404355–7355–01]                          accept anonymous comments (enter
                                                                                                         ‘‘N/A’’ in the required fields if you wish            New Loan Authority
                                                 RIN 0648–BG80                                           to remain anonymous).                                    The new authority provided by Public
                                                                                                            Written comments regarding the                     Law 114–120 broadens the FFP’s
                                                 Merchant Marine Act and Magnuson-                       burden-hour estimates or other aspects
                                                 Stevens Act Provisions; Fishing                                                                               existing authority, and authorizes the
                                                                                                         of the collection-of-information                      Program to finance the purchase of
                                                 Vessel, Fishing Facility and Individual                 requirements contained in this proposed
                                                 Fishing Quota and Harvesting Rights                                                                           harvesting rights in a fishery that is
                                                                                                         rule may be submitted to paul.marx@                   federally managed under a limited
                                                 Lending Program Regulations                             noaa.gov and by email to oira_                        access system. NMFS will interpret
                                                 AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                      submission@omb.eop.gov or fax to (202)                ‘‘limited access system’’ in accordance
                                                 Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                    395–7285.                                             with section 3(27) of the MSA for
                                                 Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paul                 purposes of this authority. The MSA
                                                 Commerce.                                               Marx, at 301–427–8771 or via email at                 defines ‘‘limited access system’’ as ‘‘a
                                                 ACTION: Proposed rule; request for
                                                                                                         paul.marx@noaa.gov.                                   system that limits participation in a
                                                 comments.                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under the                  fishery to those satisfying certain
                                                                                                         authority of Chapter 537 of Title 46 of               eligibility criteria or requirements
                                                 SUMMARY:    NMFS’ Fisheries Finance                     the United States Code, 46 U.S.C. 53701,              contained in a fishery management plan
                                                 Program (FFP) provides long-term                        et seq., the FFP may provide long-term                or associated regulation.’’ 16 U.S.C.
                                                 financing to the commercial fishing and                 financing to the commercial fishing and               1802(27). Such definition includes, but
                                                 aquaculture industries for fishing                      aquaculture industries for fishing                    is not limited to, IFQ fisheries.
                                                 vessels, fisheries facilities, aquaculture              vessels, fisheries facilities, aquaculture               The new authority provided by Public
                                                 facilities, and certain designated                      facilities, and certain designated                    Law 114–120 does not require FMCs to
                                                 individual fishing quota (IFQ). Section                 individual fishing quota (IFQs). Section              initiate a request to establish a loan
                                                 302 of the Coast Guard Authorization                    302 of the Coast Guard Authorization                  program in a fishery that is federally
                                                 Act of 2015 (Pub. L. 114–120) included                  Act of 2015 (Pub. L. 114–120) amended                 managed under a limited access system
                                                 new authority to finance the purchase of                Chapter 537, providing the FFP with the               in order for the FFP to provide financing
ethrower on DSK3G9T082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                 harvesting rights in a fishery that is                  authority to finance the purchase of                  in such a fishery. However, under the
                                                 federally managed under a limited                       harvesting rights in a fishery that is                MSA, FMCs are primarily responsible
                                                 access system. The FFP proposes to add                  federally managed under a limited                     for developing fishery management
                                                 a new section to the existing FFP                       access system. This amendment is                      plans (FMPs) for fisheries within their
                                                 regulations to implement this statutory                 codified at 46 U.S.C. 53702(b)(4)(B).                 authority that require conservation and
                                                 change. The net effect of this proposed                 This action would modify the existing                 management. It is possible that the
                                                 change to the regulations will be to                    Program regulations to reflect this                   availability of fisheries loans may have
                                                 provide additional authority for the                    statutory change. The net effect of this              unanticipated effects on the

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                                                 50364                 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 31, 2017 / Proposed Rules

                                                 achievement of FMP goals and                            principals or majority shareholders,                  application is withdrawn prior to the
                                                 objectives. Therefore, NMFS believes it                 persons or entities with a financial                  issuance of an AIP letter.
                                                 appropriate to allow the FMCs to                        interest in the borrower, or any
                                                                                                                                                               Summary and Explanation of Proposed
                                                 comment on the potential or actual                      individuals holding community
                                                                                                                                                               Regulatory Changes
                                                 effect of a loan program for harvesting                 property rights may also be required to
                                                 rights in fisheries under their authority.              provide a guaranty.                                     This proposed action would add the
                                                 An FMC may provide an explanation to                       In addition, all loan applicants are               following section, as explained here.
                                                 NMFS at any time, in writing, why the                   subject to background and credit
                                                 potential or continuing availability of                                                                       Harvesting Rights Loans (253.31)
                                                                                                         investigations, which may include, but
                                                 financing for harvesting rights in a                    are not limited to, reviews for                          This new section provides regulatory
                                                 fishery under its authority would harm                  unresolved fishing violations, criminal               provisions specific to the harvesting
                                                 the achievement of the goals and                        background checks, delinquent debt                    rights loans. At the time a borrower
                                                 objectives of the FMP applicable to the                 investigations, and credit reports. Like              submits an application, he or she must
                                                 fishery. If NMFS accepts the Council’s                  other FFP loan programs, lending for                  satisfy the criteria listed in this new
                                                 reasoning, harvesting rights loans would                harvesting rights is subject to a statutory           section in order to be eligible to receive
                                                 not be provided, or would cease to be                   loan limit of up to 80 percent of the                 financing under the program. The
                                                 provided, in that fishery. In such a                    actual cost of the transaction, set as the            borrower must comply with any
                                                 scenario, NMFS would publish a notice                   purchase price or, in the case of                     limitations on the quantity of harvesting
                                                 in the Federal Register notifying the                   refinancing, the current market value.                rights that may be owned by one holder,
                                                 public that new loans will not be made                  The FFP retains sole discretion to                    as specified in the applicable FMP and
                                                 in that fishery. If there were already                  determine the transaction’s actual cost               implementing regulations. The FFP will
                                                 loan applications under consideration,                  or current market value.                              not finance harvesting rights in excess
                                                 the exceptional circumstances would                        Harvesting rights loan amounts can                 of ownership limitations.
                                                 justify NMFS returning any loan fees                    carry up to a 25-year term and can be
                                                 submitted with loan applications. The                                                                         Classification
                                                                                                         used to either purchase new rights or
                                                 opportunity for FMC input will help                     refinance the debt associated with the                   This proposed rule is published under
                                                 ensure that loans made by the FFP do                    prior purchase(s) of harvesting rights. In            the authority of, and is consistent with,
                                                 not undermine or conflict with the goals                addition to maintaining a 20 percent                  Chapter 537 of Title 46 of the United
                                                 and objectives of specific FMPs.                        minimum equity stake, borrowers                       States Code and the Magnuson-Stevens
                                                 Extent of Financing                                     refinancing existing debt will only                   Act, as amended. The NMFS Assistant
                                                                                                         receive the lesser of the outstanding                 Administrator has determined that this
                                                    Section 302 of the Coast Guard
                                                                                                         amount of debt to be refinanced or 80                 proposed rule is consistent with Chapter
                                                 Authorization Act of 2015 imposes no
                                                                                                         percent of the current market value of                537 of Title 46 of the U.S. Code, the
                                                 limitations on the extent of financing to
                                                                                                         the harvesting right.                                 Magnuson-Stevens Act, as amended,
                                                 be provided by the FFP for the purchase
                                                                                                            If a borrower seeking refinancing fails            and other applicable law, subject to
                                                 of harvesting rights. However, it does
                                                                                                         to have the requisite 20 percent equity               further consideration after public
                                                 reserve $59 million of direct loan
                                                                                                         stake (measured as the difference                     comment.
                                                 authority for historical uses, defined at
                                                 46 U.S.C. 53701(8). Thus, NMFS                          between the current market value of the                  In addition to public comment about
                                                 anticipates that the balance of annual                  primary collateral and the amount of the              the proposed rule’s substance, NMFS
                                                 direct loan authority—currently $41                     loan), that borrower will need to pay                 also seeks public comment on any
                                                 million—may be available to finance or                  down debt to meet the required level. In              ambiguity or unnecessary complexity
                                                 refinance the purchase of harvesting                    addition, under FFP standards,                        from the language used in this proposed
                                                 rights in federally managed fisheries                   borrowers are only eligible for                       rule.
                                                 under a limited access system. This                     refinancing if their initial purchase                 NEPA
                                                 action will allow NMFS to fully use the                 would have been eligible for financing.
                                                 program’s loan authority either for                     The program will refinance harvesting                   NMFS has preliminarily determined
                                                 historical purposes or any authorized                   rights acquired prior to this regulation if           that this rule qualifies to be
                                                 new purposes should it be determined                    the buyer’s original purchase would                   categorically excluded from further
                                                 that demand or lack of demand in either                 have been eligible for FFP financing                  NEPA review. This action is consistent
                                                 area would result in unused loan                        under the terms of this action.                       with categories of activities identified in
                                                 authority.                                                 Prospective borrowers may apply for                CE G7 of the Companion Manual for
                                                                                                         a loan through any of the NOAA                        NOAA Administrative Order 216–6A,
                                                 Proposed Harvesting Rights Lending                      Fisheries Service regional FFP offices                and we have not identified any
                                                    Lending for harvesting rights would                  (St. Petersburg, FL; Gloucester, MA;                  extraordinary circumstances that would
                                                 follow existing FFP lending procedures                  Seattle, WA). They must pay the                       preclude this categorical exclusion.
                                                 and guidelines. Borrowers must be U.S.                  appropriate application fee, set by 46                NMFS is accepting comments and
                                                 citizens or entities eligible to document               U.S.C. 53713(b) as one-half of one                    information during the public comment
                                                 a vessel for coastwise trade under 46                   percent of the loan amount requested,                 period for the proposed rule relevant to
                                                 U.S.C. 50501, meet all general FFP                      which is made up of two parts. Half is                our preliminary categorical exclusion
                                                 requirements, and meet all requirements                 the ‘‘filing fee,’’ and is nonrefundable              determination.
ethrower on DSK3G9T082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                 to hold the harvesting rights under the                 when the FFP officially accepts the                   Executive Order 12866
                                                 applicable FMP at the time of loan                      application. The other half, known as
                                                 closing. The FFP may require additional                 the ‘‘commitment fee,’’ becomes                         This proposed rule has been
                                                 lending conditions and security terms                   nonrefundable when the FFP executes                   determined to be not significant for
                                                 such as loan guarantees or security                     and mails an Approval-in-Principle                    purposes of Executive Order 12866.
                                                 interests in other collateral to bring                  (AIP) letter to the applicant. The FFP                  This proposed rule does not
                                                 credit risk to acceptable levels.                       may refund the commitment fee if the                  duplicate, overlap, or conflict with any
                                                 Affiliated businesses, the borrower’s                   FFP declines the application or the                   other relevant Federal rules.

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                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 31, 2017 / Proposed Rules                                              50365

                                                 Paperwork Reduction Act                                 will implement programs authorized by                 Importantly, the FFP does not regulate
                                                   Notwithstanding any other provision                   law. Specifically, these rules enact                  or manage the affairs of its borrowers,
                                                 of the law, no person is required to                    regulatory additions to create a new                  and the regulations impose no
                                                 respond to, and no person shall be                      lending purpose authorized by Section                 additional compliance, operating or
                                                 subject to penalty for failure to comply                302 of the Coast Guard Authorization                  other fees or costs on small entities
                                                 with, a collection of information subject               Act of 2015 (Pub. L. 114–120) and will                other than a financing relationship
                                                 to the requirements of the PRA, unless                  be implemented in accordance with 50                  would require.
                                                                                                         CFR part 253, subpart B. This action                    As a result of this certification, an
                                                 that collection of information displays a
                                                                                                         will create new § 253.31.                             initial regulatory flexibility analysis is
                                                 currently valid OMB Control Number.
                                                                                                            As defined by NMFS for RFA                         not required and none has been
                                                   This proposed rule contains
                                                                                                         purposes, this rule may affect small                  prepared.
                                                 collections-of-information subject to the
                                                                                                         fishing entities that have annual
                                                 PRA, which have been approved by                        revenues of $11.0 million or less,                    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 253
                                                 OMB under control number 0648–0012.                     including, but not limited to, vessel
                                                 The application requirements contained                                                                           Aquaculture, Community
                                                                                                         owners, vessel operators, individual                  development groups, Direct lending,
                                                 in these rules have been approved under                 fishermen, small corporations, and
                                                 OMB control number 0648–0012. Public                                                                          Financial assistance, Fisheries, Fishing,
                                                                                                         others engaged in commercial fishing                  Individual fishing quota, harvesting
                                                 reporting burden for placing an                         activities regulated by NOAA.
                                                 application for FFP financing is                                                                              rights (privileges).
                                                                                                         Borrowers under this authority may also
                                                 estimated to average eight hours per                                                                            Dated: October 25, 2017.
                                                                                                         include large businesses. Notably,
                                                 response, including the time for                        because the FFP is a voluntary program                Samuel D. Rauch, III,
                                                 reviewing instructions, searching                       that provides loans to qualified                      Deputy Assistant Administrator for
                                                 existing data sources, gathering and                    borrowers, non-borrowers—large or                     Regulatory Programs, National Marine
                                                 maintaining the data needed, and                                                                              Fisheries Service.
                                                                                                         small—would not be regulated by this
                                                 completing and reviewing the collection                 rule.                                                   For the reasons set forth in the
                                                 of information.                                            Although the FFP requires certain                  preamble, NMFS proposes to amend 50
                                                   Send comments regarding this burden                   supporting documentation during the                   CFR part 253, subpart B, as follows:
                                                 estimate, or any other aspect of this data              life of a loan, the requirements do not
                                                 collection, including suggestions for                   impose unusual burdens when                           PART 253—FISHERIES ASSISTANCE
                                                 reducing the burden, to NMFS (see                       compared to the burdens imposed by                    PROGRAMS
                                                 ADDRESSES) and by email to OIRA_                        other lenders. Moreover, because the
                                                 submission@omb.eop.gov or fax to (202)                                                                        Subpart B—Fisheries Finance Program
                                                                                                         basic need for financing would continue
                                                 395–7285.                                               to exist without the FFP, the individuals             ■ 1. The authority citation for part 253
                                                 Regulatory Flexibility Act                              seeking financing would still need to                 continues to read as follows:
                                                                                                         comply with similar, if not identical,
                                                    The Chief Counsel for Regulation of                                                                          Authority: 46 U.S.C. 53701 and 16 U.S.C.
                                                                                                         requirements imposed by another                       4101 et seq.
                                                 the Department of Commerce has                          lender. Records required to participate
                                                 certified to the Chief Counsel for                      in the FFP are usually within the                     ■ 2. Section 253.31 is added to read as
                                                 Advocacy of the Small Business                          normal records already maintained by                  follows:
                                                 Administration (SBA) that this proposed                 fishermen. It should take fewer than
                                                 rule, if adopted, would not have a                                                                            § 253.31   Harvesting rights loans.
                                                                                                         eight hours per application to meet
                                                 significant economic impact on a                        these requirements.                                      (a) Specific definitions. For the
                                                 substantial number of small entities.                      The information required from                      purposes of this section, the following
                                                    The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA),                borrowers, such as income tax returns,                definitions apply:
                                                 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq., requires that,                   insurance policies, permits, licenses,                   (1) Harvesting right(s) means any
                                                 ‘‘[w]henever an agency is required by                   etc., is already available to them.                   privilege to harvest fish in a fishery that
                                                 section 553 of this title [5 USCS § 553],               Depending on circumstances, the FFP                   is federally managed under a limited
                                                 or any other law, to publish general                    may require other supporting                          access system.
                                                 notice of proposed rulemaking for any                   documents, including financial                           (2) Limited access system has the
                                                 proposed rule, or publishes a notice of                 statements, property descriptions, and                same meaning given to that term in
                                                 proposed rulemaking for an                              other documents that can be acquired at               section 3 of the Magnuson-Stevens
                                                 interpretative rule involving the internal              reasonable cost if they are not already               Fishery Conservation and Management
                                                 revenue laws of the United States, the                  available.                                            Act (16 U.S.C. 1802).
                                                 agency shall prepare and make available                    FFP lending is a source of long-term,                 (3) [Reserved]
                                                 for public comment an initial regulatory                fixed rate capital financing and imposes                 (b) Loan Requirements and
                                                 flexibility analysis. Such analysis shall               no regulatory requirements on anyone                  Limitations. These loan requirements
                                                 describe the impact of the proposed rule                other than those applying for loans. FFP              and limitations apply to individuals or
                                                 on small entities.’’ 5 U.S.C. 603(a).                   borrowers make a voluntary decision to                entities who seek to finance or refinance
                                                 However, where an agency can certify                    use the available lending.                            the acquisition of harvesting rights.
                                                 ‘‘that the rule will not, if promulgated,                  These loan programs will only have                    (1) The borrower must meet all
                                                 have a significant economic impact on                   positive impacts on borrowers. Because                regulatory and statutory requirements to
ethrower on DSK3G9T082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                 a substantial number of small entities’’                participation is voluntary and requires               hold the harvesting rights at the time
                                                 then an agency need not undertake a                     effort and the outlay of an application               any such loan or refinancing loan would
                                                 full regulatory flexibility analysis. 5                 fee, borrowers for harvesting rights                  close.
                                                 U.S.C. 605(b).                                          financing are assumed to have made a                     (2) NMFS will accept and consider
                                                    Participation in the FFP is entirely                 determination that using FFP financing                the input of a Regional Fishery
                                                 voluntary. This action imposes no                       provides a benefit, such that the FFP’s               Management Council at any time
                                                 mandatory requirements on any                           long-term, fixed rate financing provides              regarding the availability of loans in a
                                                 business. Once final, this proposed rule                only a positive economic impact.                      fishery under the Council’s authority.

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                                                 50366                 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 31, 2017 / Proposed Rules

                                                    (i) The Council may submit an                        interest. The Program, at its option, may             submitted in writing on or before
                                                 explanation to NMFS, in writing, as to                  also require all parties with significant             December 15, 2017.
                                                 why the availability of financing for                   ownership interests to personally                     ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
                                                 harvesting rights in a fishery would                    guarantee loan repayment for any                      on this document, identified by NOAA–
                                                 harm the achievement of the goals and                   borrower that is a corporation,                       NMFS–2017–0052, by any of the
                                                 objectives of the Fishery Management                    partnership, or other entity, including               following methods:
                                                 Plan applicable to the fishery. If NMFS                 collateral to secure the guarantees. Some                • Electronic Submission: Submit all
                                                 accepts the Council’s reasoning,                        projects may require additional security,             electronic public comments via the
                                                 harvesting rights loans will not be                     collateral, or credit enhancement as                  Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Go to
                                                 provided, or will cease to be provided,                 determined, in the sole discretion, by                http://www.regulations.gov/
                                                 in that fishery.                                        the Program.                                          #!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2017-
                                                    (ii) If NMFS determines that                           (g) Program credit standards.                       0052, click the ‘‘Comment Now!’’ icon,
                                                 harvesting rights loans will not be                     Harvesting rights loans, regardless of                complete the required fields, and enter
                                                 provided in a fishery, NMFS will                        purpose, are subject to all Program                   or attach your comments.
                                                 publish a notice in the Federal Register                general credit standards and                             • Mail: Submit written comments to
                                                 notifying the public that new loans will                requirements. Collateral, guarantee and               Lyle Enriquez, NMFS West Coast
                                                 not be made in that fishery.                            other requirements may be adjusted to                 Region, 501 W. Ocean Blvd., Suite 4200,
                                                    (iii) In such a scenario, pending                    individual credit risks.                              Long Beach, CA 90802. Include the
                                                 applications will be returned and loan                  [FR Doc. 2017–23570 Filed 10–30–17; 8:45 am]          identifier ‘‘NOAA–NMFS–2017–0052’’
                                                 fees returned as exceptional                            BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
                                                                                                                                                               in the comments.
                                                 circumstances justify the action.                                                                                Instructions: Comments must be
                                                    (3) The harvesting rights to be                                                                            submitted by one of the above methods
                                                 financed must be issued in a manner in                  DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                to ensure they are received,
                                                 which they can be individually                                                                                documented, and considered by NMFS.
                                                 identified such that a valid and specific               National Oceanic and Atmospheric                      Comments sent by any other method, to
                                                 security interest can be recorded. This                 Administration                                        any other address or individual, or
                                                 determination shall be solely made by                                                                         received after the end of the comment
                                                 the Program.                                            50 CFR Part 660                                       period, may not be considered. All
                                                    (c) Refinancing. (1) The Program may                                                                       comments received are a part of the
                                                 refinance any existing debts associated                 [Docket No. 170817773–7905–1]
                                                                                                                                                               public record and will generally be
                                                 with harvesting rights a borrower                       RIN 0648–BG81                                         posted for public viewing on
                                                 currently holds, provided that:                                                                               www.regulations.gov without change.
                                                    (i) The harvesting rights being                      Fisheries Off West Coast States;                      All personal identifying information
                                                 refinanced would have been eligible for                 Highly Migratory Fisheries; California                (e.g., name, address, etc.) submitted
                                                 Program financing at the time the                       Drift Gillnet Fishery; Implementation of              voluntarily by the sender will be
                                                 borrower purchased them, if Program                     a Federal Limited Entry Drift Gillnet                 publicly accessible. Do not submit
                                                 financing had been available,                           Permit                                                confidential business information, or
                                                    (ii) The borrower meets all other                                                                          otherwise sensitive or protected
                                                                                                         AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries
                                                 applicable lending requirements, and                                                                          information. NMFS will accept
                                                    (iii) The refinancing is in an amount                Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
                                                                                                         Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                    anonymous comments (enter ‘‘N/A’’ in
                                                 up to 80 percent of the harvesting rights’                                                                    the required fields if you wish to remain
                                                 current market value, as determined at                  Commerce.
                                                 the sole discretion of the Program, and                 ACTION: Proposed rule; request for
                                                                                                                                                                  Written comments regarding the
                                                 subject to the limitation that the                      comments.                                             burden-hour estimates or other aspects
                                                 Program will not disburse any amount                    SUMMARY:    NMFS is proposing                         of the collection-of-information
                                                 that exceeds the outstanding principal                  regulations under the authority of the                requirements contained in this proposed
                                                 balance, plus accrued interest (if any), of             Magnuson-Stevens Fishery                              rule may be submitted to the West Coast
                                                 the existing harvesting rights’ debt being              Conservation and Management Act                       Regional Office and by email to OIRA_
                                                 refinanced or its fair market value,                    (MSA) to implement a March 2017                       Submission@omb.eop.gov or fax to (202)
                                                 whichever is less.                                      recommendation by the Pacific Fishery                 395–5806.
                                                    (2) In the event that the current                                                                             Copies of the draft Regulatory Impact
                                                                                                         Management Council (Council) to
                                                 market value of harvesting rights and                                                                         Review and other supporting documents
                                                                                                         amend the Fishery Management Plan for
                                                 principal loan balance do not meet the                                                                        are available via the Federal
                                                                                                         U.S. West Coast Fisheries for Highly
                                                 80 percent requirement in paragraph                                                                           eRulemaking Portal: http://
                                                                                                         Migratory Species (HMS FMP). The
                                                 (1)(iii) of this section, borrowers seeking                                                                   www.regulations.gov, docket NOAA–
                                                                                                         proposed rule would bring the State of
                                                 refinancing may be required to provide                                                                        NMFS–2017–0052 or by contacting the
                                                                                                         California’s limited entry (LE) drift
                                                 additional down payment.                                                                                      Regional Administrator, Barry Thom,
                                                                                                         gillnet (DGN) permit program under
                                                    (d) Maturity. Loan maturity may not                                                                        NMFS West Coast Region, 1201 NE
                                                                                                         MSA authority. All current California
                                                 exceed 25 years, but may be shorter                                                                           Lloyd Blvd., Portland, OR 97232–2182,
                                                                                                         DGN permit holders would be eligible to
                                                 depending on credit and other                                                                                 or RegionalAdministrator.WCRHMS@
                                                                                                         apply for, and receive, a Federal DGN
                                                 considerations.                                                                                               noaa.gov.
ethrower on DSK3G9T082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    (e) Repayment. Repayment will be by                  permit, and no additional DGN permits
                                                 equal quarterly installments of principal               would be created. The proposed rule is                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lyle
                                                 and interest.                                           administrative in nature and is not                   Enriquez, NMFS, West Coast Region,
                                                    (f) Security. Although harvesting                    anticipated to result in increased                    562–980–4025, or Lyle.Enriquez@
                                                 right(s) will be the primary collateral for             activity, effort, or capacity in the                  noaa.gov.
                                                 a loan, the Program may require                         fishery.                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The HMS
                                                 additional security pledges to maintain                 DATES: Comments on the proposed rule                  FMP was prepared by the Council and
                                                 the priority of the Program’s security                  and supporting documents must be                      is implemented under the authority of

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Document Created: 2018-10-25 10:19:09
Document Modified: 2018-10-25 10:19:09
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule; request for comments.
DatesComments must be submitted in writing on or before November 30, 2017,
ContactPaul Marx, at 301-427-8771 or via email at [email protected]
FR Citation82 FR 50363 
RIN Number0648-BG80
CFR AssociatedAquaculture; Community Development Groups; Direct Lending; Financial Assistance; Fisheries; Fishing; Individual Fishing Quota and Harvesting Rights (Privileges)

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