82_FR_50583 82 FR 50374 - Notice of Petitions by Firms for Determination of Eligibility To Apply for Trade Adjustment Assistance

82 FR 50374 - Notice of Petitions by Firms for Determination of Eligibility To Apply for Trade Adjustment Assistance

Economic Development Administration

Federal Register Volume 82, Issue 209 (October 31, 2017)

Page Range50374-50374
FR Document2017-23603

The Economic Development Administration (EDA) has received petitions for certification of eligibility to apply for Trade Adjustment Assistance from the firms listed below. Accordingly, EDA has initiated investigations to determine whether increased imports into the United States of articles like or directly competitive with those produced by each of these firms contributed importantly to the total or partial separation of the firm's workers, or threat thereof, and to a decrease in sales or production of each petitioning firm.

Federal Register, Volume 82 Issue 209 (Tuesday, October 31, 2017)
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 209 (Tuesday, October 31, 2017)]
[Page 50374]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2017-23603]



Economic Development Administration

Notice of Petitions by Firms for Determination of Eligibility To 
Apply for Trade Adjustment Assistance

AGENCY: Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of 

ACTION: Notice and opportunity for public comment.


SUMMARY: The Economic Development Administration (EDA) has received 
petitions for certification of eligibility to apply for Trade 
Adjustment Assistance from the firms listed below. Accordingly, EDA has 
initiated investigations to determine whether increased imports into 
the United States of articles like or directly competitive with those 
produced by each of these firms contributed importantly to the total or 
partial separation of the firm's workers, or threat thereof, and to a 
decrease in sales or production of each petitioning firm.


   List of Petitions Received by EDA for Certification of Eligibility To Apply for Trade Adjustment Assistance
                                         [10/10/2017 through 10/24/2017]
                                                                     Date accepted
              Firm name                       Firm address                for                Product(s)
Drake Specialties, LLC..............  221 Fourpark Road,                10/16/2017  The firm manufactures safety
                                       Lafayette, LA 70507.                          spray shields designed to
                                                                                     detect and temporarily
                                                                                     contain leaks and sprays.
Toolander Engineering, Inc..........  1110 Via Callejon, San            10/18/2017  The firm manufactures
                                       Clemente, CA 92673.                           precision metal stampings
                                                                                     and progressive dies and
                                                                                     tooling. The firm also
                                                                                     provides stamped part
                                                                                     design services and
                                                                                     secondary services,
                                                                                     including welding and
Artistic Manufacturing Corporation..  602 3rd Street SW., Altoona,      10/20/2017  The firm manufactures metal-
                                       IA 50009.                                     plated church ware.
Fox Laminating Company..............  84 Custer Street, West            10/24/2017  The firm manufactures custom
                                       Hartford, CT 06110.                           laminated wood plaques and
                                                                                     provides commercial film
                                                                                     laminating and finishing
Raining Rose, Inc...................  100 30th Street Drive SE.,        10/24/2017  The firm manufactures body
                                       Cedar Rapids, IA 52403.                       care products, such as lip

    Any party having a substantial interest in these proceedings may 
request a public hearing on the matter. A written request for a hearing 
must be submitted to the Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms 
Division, Room 71030, Economic Development Administration, U.S. 
Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230, no later than ten (10) 
calendar days following publication of this notice. These petitions are 
received pursuant to section 251 of the Trade Act 1974, as amended.
    Please follow the requirements set forth in EDA's regulations at 13 
CFR 315.9 for procedures to request a public hearing. The Catalog of 
Federal Domestic Assistance official number and title for the program 
under which these petitions are submitted is 11.313, Trade Adjustment 
Assistance for Firms.

Irette Patterson,
Program Analyst.
[FR Doc. 2017-23603 Filed 10-30-17; 8:45 am]

                                                    50374                            Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 31, 2017 / Notices

                                                    Commission will not refund any                                 the meeting. Records of the meeting will                DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                                    incurred charges. Callers will incur no                        be available via www.facadatabase.gov
                                                    charge for calls they initiate over land-                      under the Commission on Civil Rights,                   Economic Development Administration
                                                    line connections to the toll-free                              Ohio Advisory Committee link (https://
                                                    telephone number. Persons with hearing                                                                                 Notice of Petitions by Firms for
                                                    impairments may also follow the                                                                                        Determination of Eligibility To Apply
                                                                                                                   meetings.aspx?cid=268). Select
                                                    proceedings by first calling the Federal                                                                               for Trade Adjustment Assistance
                                                                                                                   ‘‘meeting details’’ and ‘‘documents’’ to
                                                    Relay Service at 1–800–977–8339 and                            download. Persons interested in the                     AGENCY:  Economic Development
                                                    providing the Service with the                                 work of this Committee are directed to                  Administration, U.S. Department of
                                                    conference call number and conference                          the Commission’s Web site, http://                      Commerce.
                                                    ID number.
                                                       Members of the public are also                              www.usccr.gov, or may contact the                       ACTION: Notice and opportunity for
                                                    entitled to submit written comments;                           Midwestern Regional Office at the above                 public comment.
                                                    the comments must be received in the                           email or street address.
                                                                                                                                                                           SUMMARY:    The Economic Development
                                                    regional office within 30 days following                       Agenda                                                  Administration (EDA) has received
                                                    the meeting. Written comments may be
                                                                                                                                                                           petitions for certification of eligibility to
                                                    mailed to the Midwestern Regional                              Welcome and Introductions
                                                                                                                                                                           apply for Trade Adjustment Assistance
                                                    Office, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights,                       Project Discussion: ‘‘Civil Rights and                  from the firms listed below.
                                                    55 W. Monroe St., Suite 410, Chicago,                            Education Funding in Ohio’’                           Accordingly, EDA has initiated
                                                    IL 60615. They may also be faxed to the
                                                                                                                   Public Comment                                          investigations to determine whether
                                                    Commission at (312) 353–8324, or
                                                                                                                                                                           increased imports into the United States
                                                    emailed to Carolyn Allen at callen@                            Future Plans and Actions
                                                                                                                                                                           of articles like or directly competitive
                                                    usccr.gov. Persons who desire                                  Adjournment                                             with those produced by each of these
                                                    additional information may contact the
                                                                                                                     Dated: October 26, 2017.                              firms contributed importantly to the
                                                    Midwestern Regional Office at (312)
                                                                                                                   David Mussatt,                                          total or partial separation of the firm’s
                                                       Records generated from this meeting                                                                                 workers, or threat thereof, and to a
                                                                                                                   Supervisory Chief, Regional Programs Unit.
                                                    may be inspected and reproduced at the                                                                                 decrease in sales or production of each
                                                                                                                   [FR Doc. 2017–23676 Filed 10–30–17; 8:45 am]
                                                    Midwestern Regional Office, as they                                                                                    petitioning firm.
                                                                                                                   BILLING CODE P
                                                    become available, both before and after                                                                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:

                                                                                                                           [10/10/2017 through 10/24/2017]

                                                                                                                                                                 Date accepted
                                                                        Firm name                                            Firm address                              for                       Product(s)

                                                    Drake Specialties, LLC .............................      221 Fourpark       Road,    Lafayette,        LA      10/16/2017     The firm manufactures safety spray
                                                                                                                70507.                                                               shields designed to detect and tempo-
                                                                                                                                                                                     rarily contain leaks and sprays.
                                                    Toolander Engineering, Inc ......................         1110 Via Callejon, San Clemente, CA                   10/18/2017     The firm manufactures precision metal
                                                                                                                92673.                                                               stampings and progressive dies and
                                                                                                                                                                                     tooling. The firm also provides
                                                                                                                                                                                     stamped part design services and
                                                                                                                                                                                     secondary services, including welding
                                                                                                                                                                                     and assembly.
                                                    Artistic Manufacturing Corporation ...........            602 3rd Street SW., Altoona, IA 50009 ..              10/20/2017     The firm manufactures metal-plated
                                                                                                                                                                                     church ware.
                                                    Fox Laminating Company ........................           84 Custer Street, West Hartford, CT                   10/24/2017     The firm manufactures custom lami-
                                                                                                                06110.                                                               nated wood plaques and provides
                                                                                                                                                                                     commercial film laminating and fin-
                                                                                                                                                                                     ishing services.
                                                    Raining Rose, Inc .....................................   100 30th Street Drive SE., Cedar Rap-                 10/24/2017     The firm manufactures body care prod-
                                                                                                                ids, IA 52403.                                                       ucts, such as lip balms.

                                                       Any party having a substantial                              section 251 of the Trade Act 1974, as                   these petitions are submitted is 11.313,
                                                    interest in these proceedings may                              amended.                                                Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms.
                                                    request a public hearing on the matter.                          Please follow the requirements set                    Irette Patterson,
                                                    A written request for a hearing must be                        forth in EDA’s regulations at 13 CFR
asabaliauskas on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                    submitted to the Trade Adjustment                                                                                      Program Analyst.
                                                                                                                   315.9 for procedures to request a public
                                                    Assistance for Firms Division, Room                                                                                    [FR Doc. 2017–23603 Filed 10–30–17; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                   hearing. The Catalog of Federal
                                                    71030, Economic Development                                    Domestic Assistance official number                     BILLING CODE 3510–WH–P

                                                    Administration, U.S. Department of                             and title for the program under which
                                                    Commerce, Washington, DC 20230, no
                                                    later than ten (10) calendar days
                                                    following publication of this notice.
                                                    These petitions are received pursuant to

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014      17:37 Oct 30, 2017     Jkt 244001     PO 00000   Frm 00004   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 9990    E:\FR\FM\31OCN1.SGM    31OCN1

Document Created: 2018-10-25 10:17:08
Document Modified: 2018-10-25 10:17:08
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice and opportunity for public comment.
FR Citation82 FR 50374 

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