82_FR_50695 82 FR 50486 - Senior Executive Service; Legal Division Performance Review Board

82 FR 50486 - Senior Executive Service; Legal Division Performance Review Board


Federal Register Volume 82, Issue 209 (October 31, 2017)

Page Range50486-50487
FR Document2017-23618

This notice announces the appointment of members of the Legal Division PRB. The purpose of this Board is to review and make recommendations concerning proposed performance appraisals, ratings, bonuses, and other appropriate personnel actions for incumbents of SES positions in the Legal Division.

Federal Register, Volume 82 Issue 209 (Tuesday, October 31, 2017)
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 209 (Tuesday, October 31, 2017)]
[Pages 50486-50487]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2017-23618]



Senior Executive Service; Legal Division Performance Review Board

AGENCY: Department of the Treasury.

ACTION: Notice of members of the Legal Division Performance Review 
Board (PRB).


SUMMARY: This notice announces the appointment of members of the Legal 
Division PRB. The purpose of this Board is to review and make 
recommendations concerning proposed performance appraisals, ratings, 
bonuses, and other appropriate personnel actions for incumbents of SES 
positions in the Legal Division.

DATES: Effective Date: October 31, 2017.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Office of the General Counsel, 
Department of the Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Room 3000, 
Washington, DC 20220, Telephone: (202) 622-0283 (this is not a toll-
free number).

    Composition of Legal Division PRB: The Board shall consist of at 
least three members. In the case of an appraisal of a career appointee, 
more than half the members shall consist of career appointees. 
Composition of the specific PRBs will be determined on an ad hoc basis 
from among the individuals listed in this notice.
    The names and titles of the PRB members are as follows:

[[Page 50487]]

    Paul Ahern, Assistant General Counsel (Enforcement & Intelligence);
    Brian Callanan, Deputy General Counsel;
    Himamauli Das, Counselor;
    Eric Froman, Principal Deputy Assistant General Counsel (Banking 
and Finance);
    Jean Gentry, Chief Counsel, U.S. Mint
    Anthony Gledhill, Chief Counsel, Alcohol Tobacco, Tax, and Trade 
    Elizabeth Horton, Deputy Assistant General Counsel (Ethics);
    Jimmy Kirby, Chief Counsel, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network;
    Jeffrey Klein, Deputy Assistant General Counsel (International 
    Steven D. Laughton, Assistant General Counsel (Banking and 
    Robert Neis, Benefits Tax Counsel;
    Martha M. Pacold, Deputy General Counsel;
    Douglas Poms, Deputy International Tax Counsel;
    Joel Pulliam, Deputy Assistant General Counsel (Banking and 
    Sidney Rocke, Chief Counsel, Bureau of Engraving and Printing;
    Bradley Smith, Chief Counsel, Office of Foreign Assets Control;
    Brian Sonfield, Assistant General Counsel (General Law, Ethics and 
    David Sullivan, Assistant General Counsel (International Affairs);
    Drita Tonuzi, Deputy Chief Counsel (Operations), Internal Revenue 
    Heather Trew, Deputy Assistant General Counsel (Enforcement & 
    Krishna Vallabhaneni, Deputy Tax Legislative Counsel;
    Thomas West, Tax Legislative Counsel and;
    Paul Wolfteich, Chief Counsel, Bureau of the Fiscal Service.

    Dated: October 23, 2017.
Brent J. McIntosh,
General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2017-23618 Filed 10-30-17; 8:45 am]

                                                    50486                        Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 31, 2017 / Notices

                                                    Rue Adelino Fernandes 679, 1340 sala                    (Linked To: PACNET HOLDINGS                           89/247 Soi Ruammit Phatthana Yeak 1,
                                                    6, Bairro Jardim Planalto, CEP                          LIMITED; Linked To: PACNET GROUP).                    Tharang Sub-District, Bang Kehn
                                                    13160.000 Artur Nogueira, SP, Brazil;                      20. PACNET SERVICES LTD. (a.k.a.                   District, Bangkok Province, Thailand;
                                                    Rua Doutor Fernando Arens 679, Artur                    PACIFIC NETWORK SERVICES LTD.;                        Web site www.thepaymentsfactory.com;
                                                    Nogueira, Sao Paulo 13160–000, Brazil;                  a.k.a. PACNET AMERICAS; a.k.a.                        Business Registration Document #
                                                    Identification Number 05032174000150                    PACNET CANADA; a.k.a. PACNET                          6974988 (Slovenia); Tax ID No.
                                                    (Brazil) [TCO] (Linked To: PACNET                       SERVICES AMERICAS LTD.), Fourth                       47210885 (Slovenia); Commercial
                                                    SERVICES LTD.; Linked To: PACNET                        Floor, 595 Howe St, Vancouver, BC V6C                 Registry Number 20549092501 (Peru);
                                                    GROUP).                                                 2T5, Canada; Parkshot House, 5 Kew                    Company Number SC514975 (United
                                                       11. PACNET CHILE (a.k.a. THE                         Road, Richmond, Surrey, England TW9                   Kingdom) [TCO] (Linked To: PACNET
                                                    PAYMENTS FACTORY CHILE                                  2PR, United Kingdom; Registration ID                  GROUP).
                                                    LIMITADA), Av. Vicuna Mckenna 2598,                     M08842780 (Canada); Company Number
                                                    Macul, Santiago de Chile, Chile [TCO]                   BC0469083 (Canada); License 15128950                  Aircraft
                                                    (Linked To: PACNET SERVICES LTD.;                       (Canada) [TCO] (Linked To: PACNET                        1. N840PN; Aircraft Model 690c;
                                                    Linked To: PACNET GROUP).                               GROUP).                                               Aircraft Operator Pacnet Air; Aircraft
                                                       12. PACNET CONNECTIONS                                  21. PACNET SUISSE (a.k.a. PACNET                   Manufacturer’s Serial Number (MSN)
                                                    LIMITED, Shannon Airport House,                         SERVICES (SUISSE) SA), Carrefour du                   11679; Aircraft Tail Number N840PN
                                                    Shannon Free Zone, Co. Clare, Ireland;                  Rive 1, Geneva, Switzerland;                          (aircraft) [TCO] (Linked To: PACNET
                                                    4 Michael Street, Co. Limerick, Ireland;                Alpenstrasse 15, 6304, Zug,                           AIR; Linked To: PACNET GROUP).
                                                    Registration ID 332576 (Ireland) [TCO]                  Switzerland; Identification Number                       U.S. persons are permitted to engage
                                                    (Linked To: PACNET SERVICES LTD.;                       CHE–109.623.231 (Switzerland); alt.                   in all lawful transactions with the
                                                    Linked To: PACNET GROUP).                               Identification Number CH66012280021                   persons listed above.
                                                       13. PACNET EUROPE, Shannon                           (Switzerland) [TCO] (Linked To:
                                                                                                                                                                    Dated: October 26, 2017.
                                                    Airport House, SFZ, Country Clare,                      PACNET SERVICES LTD.; Linked To:
                                                                                                            PACNET GROUP).                                        John E. Smith,
                                                    Ireland; Web site
                                                    www.pacnetservices.ie; alt. Web site                       22. PACNET UK (a.k.a. PACIFIC                      Director, Office of Foreign Assets Control.
                                                    www.pacnetservices.com [TCO] (Linked                    NETWORK SERVICES (UK) LTD.), The                      [FR Doc. 2017–23653 Filed 10–30–17; 8:45 am]
                                                    To: PACNET SERVICES LTD.; Linked                        Old Mill, Park Road, Shepton Mallet,                  BILLING CODE 4810–AL–P
                                                    To: PACNET GROUP).                                      Somerset IK BA4 5BS, United Kingdom
                                                       14. PACNET FRANCE (a.k.a. PACNET                     [TCO] (Linked To: PACNET SERVICES
                                                    SERVICES (FRANCE) SARL), 17 rue de                      LTD.; Linked To: PACNET GROUP).                       DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
                                                    Teheran, 75008 Paris, France [TCO]                         23. PACNET ZAR (f.k.a. GOLDEN
                                                    (Linked To: PACNET SERVICES LTD.;                       DIVIDEND 234 (PTY) LTD.; a.k.a.                       Senior Executive Service; Legal
                                                    Linked To: PACNET GROUP).                               PACNET SERVICES ZAR                                   Division Performance Review Board
                                                       15. PACNET HOLDINGS LIMITED                          (PROPRIETARY) LTD.), 13 Wellington                    AGENCY:  Department of the Treasury.
                                                    (f.k.a. COUNTING HOUSE (EUROPE)                         Road, Parktown, Johannesburg 2193,
                                                                                                                                                                  ACTION: Notice of members of the Legal
                                                    LIMITED), Shannon Airport House,                        South Africa; 22 Wellington Road,
                                                                                                                                                                  Division Performance Review Board
                                                    Shannon Free Zone, Co. Clare, Ireland;                  Parktown, Western Cape 2193, South
                                                    Four Michael Street, Limerick, Ireland;                 Africa; Private Bag X60500, Houghton,
                                                    Registration ID EO348346 (Ireland)                      Guateng 2041, South Africa;                           SUMMARY:   This notice announces the
                                                    [TCO] (Linked To: PACNET SERVICES                       Registration ID 200503498307 (South                   appointment of members of the Legal
                                                    LTD.; Linked To: PACNET GROUP).                         Africa); Tax ID No. 9871659141 (South                 Division PRB. The purpose of this Board
                                                       16. PACNET HONGKONG (a.k.a.                          Africa) [TCO] (Linked To: PACNET                      is to review and make recommendations
                                                    PACNET SERVICES (HK) LTD.), 2001                        SERVICES LTD.; Linked To: PACNET                      concerning proposed performance
                                                    Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road,                         GROUP).                                               appraisals, ratings, bonuses, and other
                                                    Wanchai, Hong Kong [TCO] (Linked To:                       24. THE PAYMENTS FACTORY LTD.                      appropriate personnel actions for
                                                    PACNET SERVICES LTD.; Linked To:                        (f.k.a. RUMENO SONCE 60 D.O.O.;                       incumbents of SES positions in the
                                                    PACNET GROUP).                                          a.k.a. THE PAYMENTS FACTORY                           Legal Division.
                                                       17. PACNET INDIA (a.k.a. PACNET                      D.O.O.; a.k.a. THE PAYMENTS
                                                                                                                                                                  DATES: Effective Date: October 31, 2017.
                                                    SERVICES (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED),                      FACTORY LLC; a.k.a. THE PAYMENTS
                                                                                                            FACTORY LLC—PERU; a.k.a. THE                          FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                    208, Rewa Chambers, 31 New Marine
                                                                                                            PAYMENTS FACTORY PERU LLC), 69                        Office of the General Counsel,
                                                    Lines, Mumbai 400 020, India; National
                                                                                                            Buchanan Street, Glasgow, Scotland G1                 Department of the Treasury, 1500
                                                    ID No. U67190MH2005PTC15766
                                                                                                            3HL, United Kingdom; 4th Floor, 595                   Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Room 3000,
                                                    (India) [TCO] (Linked To: PACNET
                                                                                                            Howe Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 2T5,                   Washington, DC 20220, Telephone:
                                                    SERVICES LTD.; Linked To: PACNET
                                                                                                            Canada; Suite 3, 3rd Floor, Britannia                 (202) 622–0283 (this is not a toll-free
                                                       18. PACNET MALTA (a.k.a. PACNET                      House, St. Georges Street, Douglas, Isle              number).
                                                    SERVICES (MALTA) LTD.), The Dixcart                     of Man IM1 1JD, United Kingdom; 1521                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                    Suite, Level 11, Le Meridien, St. Julians,              Concord Pike, #303, Wilmington, DE                      Composition of Legal Division PRB:
                                                    Malta; The Dixcart Suite, Level 11, LE,                 19803, United States; Pasaje Retiro 574               The Board shall consist of at least three
asabaliauskas on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                    39, Main Street, Balluta Bay, St. Julians               of. 201, Ciudad Satelite, Santa Rosa,                 members. In the case of an appraisal of
                                                    STJ1017, Malta; Company Number C                        Provincia Callao, Peru; 2–22–7,                       a career appointee, more than half the
                                                    52227 (Malta) [TCO] (Linked To:                         Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150–0002,                  members shall consist of career
                                                    PACNET SERVICES LTD.; Linked To:                        Japan; Jr. Retiro No. 574, Dpto. 201,                 appointees. Composition of the specific
                                                    PACNET GROUP).                                          Callao 01, Peru; 3 Independent Dr.,                   PRBs will be determined on an ad hoc
                                                       19. PACNET SERVICES (IRELAND)                        Jacksonville, FL 32202–5004, United                   basis from among the individuals listed
                                                    LIMITED, 222 Shannon Airport House,                     States; Tehnoloski park 24, Ljubljana                 in this notice.
                                                    Shannon, Co. Clare, Ireland;                            1000, Slovenia; Shannon Airport House                   The names and titles of the PRB
                                                    Registration ID 452666 (Ireland) [TCO]                  SFZ, County Clare V14 E370, Ireland;                  members are as follows:

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:37 Oct 30, 2017   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00116   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\31OCN1.SGM   31OCN1

                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 31, 2017 / Notices                                               50487

                                                      Paul Ahern, Assistant General                         1995, this notice announces that the                  have the ability to evaluate customer
                                                    Counsel (Enforcement & Intelligence);                   Veterans Health Administration,                       concerns in a timely manner.
                                                      Brian Callanan, Deputy General                        Department of Veterans Affairs, will                    An agency may not conduct or
                                                    Counsel;                                                submit the collection of information                  sponsor, and a person is not required to
                                                      Himamauli Das, Counselor;                             abstracted below to the Office of                     respond to a collection of information
                                                      Eric Froman, Principal Deputy                         Management and Budget (OMB) for                       unless it displays a currently valid OMB
                                                    Assistant General Counsel (Banking and                  review and comment. The PRA                           control number. The Federal Register
                                                    Finance);                                               submission describes the nature of the                Notice with a 60-day comment period
                                                      Jean Gentry, Chief Counsel, U.S. Mint                 information collection and its expected               soliciting comments on this collection
                                                      Anthony Gledhill, Chief Counsel,                      cost and burden and it includes the                   of information was published at Vol. 82
                                                    Alcohol Tobacco, Tax, and Trade                         actual data collection instrument.                    FR No. 162, August 23, 2017, page
                                                    Bureau;                                                 DATES: Comments must be submitted on                  40064.
                                                      Elizabeth Horton, Deputy Assistant                    or before November 30, 2017.                            Affected Public: Individuals and
                                                    General Counsel (Ethics);                                                                                     households.
                                                                                                            ADDRESSES: Submit written comments
                                                      Jimmy Kirby, Chief Counsel,                                                                                   Estimated Annual Burden: 135 hours.
                                                    Financial Crimes Enforcement Network;                   on the collection of information through
                                                                                                            www.Regulations.gov, or to Office of                    Estimated Average Burden per
                                                      Jeffrey Klein, Deputy Assistant                                                                             Respondent: 5 minutes.
                                                    General Counsel (International Affairs);                Information and Regulatory Affairs,
                                                                                                                                                                    Frequency of Response: Annually.
                                                      Steven D. Laughton, Assistant General                 Office of Management and Budget, Attn:
                                                                                                                                                                    Estimated Number of Respondents:
                                                    Counsel (Banking and Finance);                          VA Desk Officer; 725 17th St. NW.,
                                                      Robert Neis, Benefits Tax Counsel;                    Washington, DC 20503 or sent through
                                                      Martha M. Pacold, Deputy General                      electronic mail to oira_submission@                     By direction of the Secretary.
                                                    Counsel;                                                omb.eop.gov. Please refer to ‘‘OMB                    Cynthia Harvey-Pryor,
                                                      Douglas Poms, Deputy International                    Control No. 2900–0773’’ in any                        Department Clearance Officer, Office of
                                                    Tax Counsel;                                            correspondence.                                       Quality, Privacy and Risk, Department of
                                                      Joel Pulliam, Deputy Assistant                                                                              Veterans Affairs.
                                                                                                            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                    General Counsel (Banking and Finance);                                                                        [FR Doc. 2017–23586 Filed 10–30–17; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                            Cynthia Harvey-Pryor, Office of Quality,
                                                      Sidney Rocke, Chief Counsel, Bureau                   Privacy and Risk (OQPR), Department of                BILLING CODE 8320–01–P
                                                    of Engraving and Printing;                              Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue
                                                      Bradley Smith, Chief Counsel, Office                  NW., Washington, DC 20420, (202) 461–
                                                    of Foreign Assets Control;                                                                                    DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS
                                                                                                            5870 or email cynthia.harvey-pryor@
                                                      Brian Sonfield, Assistant General                                                                           AFFAIRS
                                                                                                            va.gov Please refer to ‘‘OMB Control No.
                                                    Counsel (General Law, Ethics and                        2900–0773’’ in any correspondence.
                                                    Regulation);                                                                                                  Advisory Committee on Disability
                                                                                                            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            Compensation; Notice of Meeting
                                                      David Sullivan, Assistant General
                                                                                                               Authority: E.O. 12862.
                                                    Counsel (International Affairs);                           Title: Veterans’ Health Benefits                      The Department of Veterans Affairs
                                                      Drita Tonuzi, Deputy Chief Counsel                                                                          (VA) gives notice under the Federal
                                                                                                            Handbook Questionnaire—VA Form 10–
                                                    (Operations), Internal Revenue Service;                                                                       Advisory Committee Act that the
                                                      Heather Trew, Deputy Assistant                           OMB Control Number: 2900–0773.                     Advisory Committee on Disability
                                                    General Counsel (Enforcement &                             Type of Review: Extension of a                     Compensation (Committee) will meet on
                                                    Intelligence);                                          currently approved collection.                        December 5 and 6, 2017. The Committee
                                                      Krishna Vallabhaneni, Deputy Tax                         Abstract: The Veterans’ Health                     will meet at 1722 Eye Street NW.,
                                                    Legislative Counsel;                                    Benefits Handbook is available to all                 Washington, DC 20006, in the third-
                                                      Thomas West, Tax Legislative                          enrolled Veterans. The Handbook                       floor training complex. The sessions are
                                                    Counsel and;                                            contains general eligibility and benefits             open to the public and will begin at 8:30
                                                      Paul Wolfteich, Chief Counsel, Bureau                 information and most importantly,                     a.m. and end at 4:30 p.m. EST each day.
                                                    of the Fiscal Service.                                  information specific to the Veteran.                     The purpose of the Committee is to
                                                      Dated: October 23, 2017.                              VHA seeks approval for this collection                advise the Secretary of Veterans Affairs
                                                    Brent J. McIntosh,                                      to provide Veterans an opportunity to                 on the maintenance and periodic
                                                    General Counsel.                                        provide anonymous feedback on the                     readjustment of the VA Schedule for
                                                    [FR Doc. 2017–23618 Filed 10–30–17; 8:45 am]            content and presentation of the material              Rating Disabilities. The Committee is to
                                                    BILLING CODE 4810–25–P                                  contained in the Handbook. VHA will                   assemble and review information
                                                                                                            use the information gathered to                       relating to the nature and character of
                                                                                                            determine how well the Handbook                       disabilities arising during service in the
                                                    DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS                                  meets Veterans’ needs and make                        Armed Forces, provide an ongoing
                                                    AFFAIRS                                                 changes to the Handbook where needed.                 assessment of the effectiveness of the
                                                                                                            This voluntary survey will not be used                rating schedule, and give advice on the
                                                    [OMB Control No. 2900–0773]                             as a substitute for traditional program               most appropriate means of responding
                                                                                                            evaluation surveys that measure                       to the needs of Veterans with service-
                                                    Agency Information Collection                           objective outcomes. To maximize the                   connected disabilities.
                                                    Activity: Veterans’ Health Benefits
asabaliauskas on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                            voluntary response rates, the                            The Committee will receive briefings
                                                    Handbook Questionnaire                                  information collection will be designed               on issues related to compensation for
                                                    AGENCY:  Veterans Health                                to foster convenient, simple and barrier              Veterans and on other VA benefits
                                                    Administration, Department of Veterans                  free participation. The data collected                programs. The Committee will allocate
                                                    Affairs.                                                will consist of the minimum amount of                 time for receiving public comments,
                                                    ACTION: Notice.                                         information necessary to determine                    which are limited to three minutes each.
                                                                                                            customer satisfaction. The areas of                   Individuals wishing to make oral
                                                    SUMMARY: In compliance with the                         concern to VHA and its customers                      statements before the Committee will be
                                                    Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of                        change rapidly and it is essential to                 accommodated on a first-come, first-

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:37 Oct 30, 2017   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00117   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\31OCN1.SGM   31OCN1

Document Created: 2018-10-25 10:19:32
Document Modified: 2018-10-25 10:19:32
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of members of the Legal Division Performance Review Board (PRB).
DatesEffective Date: October 31, 2017.
ContactOffice of the General Counsel, Department of the Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Room 3000, Washington, DC 20220, Telephone: (202) 622-0283 (this is not a toll- free number).
FR Citation82 FR 50486 

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