83_FR_10667 83 FR 10619 - Federal Preemption and State Regulation of the Department of Education's Federal Student Loan Programs and Federal Student Loan Servicers

83 FR 10619 - Federal Preemption and State Regulation of the Department of Education's Federal Student Loan Programs and Federal Student Loan Servicers


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 48 (March 12, 2018)

Page Range10619-10622
FR Document2018-04924

Recently, several States have enacted regulatory regimes that impose new regulatory requirements on servicers of loans under the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program (Direct Loan Program). States also impose disclosure requirements on loan servicers with respect to loans made under title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA). Finally, State regulations impact Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program servicing. The Department believes such regulation is preempted by Federal law. The Department issues this notice to clarify further the Federal interests in this area.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 48 (Monday, March 12, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 48 (Monday, March 12, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 10619-10622]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-04924]



34 CFR Chapter VI

Federal Preemption and State Regulation of the Department of 
Education's Federal Student Loan Programs and Federal Student Loan 

AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, Department of Education.

ACTION: Interpretation.


SUMMARY: Recently, several States have enacted regulatory regimes that 
impose new regulatory requirements on servicers of loans under the 
William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program (Direct Loan Program). 
States also impose disclosure requirements on loan servicers with 
respect to loans made under title IV of the Higher Education Act of 
1965, as amended (HEA). Finally, State regulations impact Federal 
Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program servicing. The Department believes 
such regulation is preempted by Federal law. The Department issues this 
notice to clarify further the Federal interests in this area.

DATES: March 12, 2018.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kathleen Smith, Deputy Chief Operating 
Officer, U.S. Department of Education, Federal Student Aid, 830 First 
Street NE, Union Center Plaza, Washington, DC 20202-5453. Telephone: 
(202) 377-4533 or via email: ED.NoticeResponse@ed.gov.
    If you use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) or a text 
telephone (TTY), call the Federal Relay Service, toll free, at 1-800-

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Congress created and expanded the Direct 
Loan Program with the goal of simplifying the delivery of student loans 
to borrowers, eliminating borrower confusion, avoiding unnecessary 
costs to taxpayers, and creating a more streamlined student loan 
program that could be managed more effectively at the Federal level.
    Recently, several States have enacted regulatory regimes or applied 
existing State consumer protection statutes that undermine these goals 
by imposing new regulatory requirements on the Department's Direct Loan 
servicers, including State licensure to service Federal student loans. 
State servicing laws are purportedly aimed only at student loan 
servicers, but such regulation affects the ``[o]bligations and rights 
of the United States under its contracts'' with servicers and with 
student loan borrowers, the ``relationship between a Federal agency and 
the entity it regulates,'' and the rights of the Federal government 
related to federally held debt. (Boyle v. United Technologies Corp., 
487 U.S. 500, 504-05 (1988); Buckman Co. v. Plaintiffs' Legal Comm., 
531 U.S. 341, 347 (2001); United States v. Victory Highway Vill., Inc., 
662 F.2d 488, 497 (8th Cir. 1981).) Accordingly, the servicing of 
Direct Loans is an area ``involving uniquely Federal interests'' that 
must be ``governed exclusively by Federal law.'' (Boyle, 487 U.S. at 

A. Interest of the United States

    Recently, the United States filed a Statement of Interest in a 
lawsuit brought by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts against a 
Department loan servicer alleging violations of Massachusetts State law 
for allegedly unfair or deceptive acts related to the servicing of 
Federal student loans and administration of programs under the HEA. 
(Statement of Interest by the United States, Massachusetts v. 
Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency, d/b/a FedLoan 
Servicing, No. 1784-CV-02682 (Mass. Super. Ct., filed Jan. 8, 2018).) 
The United States explained that Massachusetts is improperly seeking to 
impose requirements on the Department's servicers that conflict with 
the HEA, Federal regulations, and Federal contracts that govern the 
Federal loan programs. Accordingly, Massachusetts' claims are preempted 
because the State has sought to proscribe conduct Federal law requires 
and to require conduct Federal law prohibits. We believe that attempts 
by other States to impose similar requirements will create additional 
conflicts with Federal law.
    This is not a new position. The United States has previously 
responded when State law has been utilized in a way that conflicts with 
the operation and purposes of loan programs the Department administers 
pursuant to the HEA. On October 1, 1990, the Department issued a notice 
of its interpretation of regulations governing the FFEL Program (then 
known as the Guaranteed Student Loan program) (55 FR 40120) that 
prescribe the actions lenders and guaranty agencies must take to 
collect loans. The Department explained its view that these regulations 
preempt State law regarding the conduct of these loan collection 
    In 2009, the United States intervened in Chae v. SLM Corporation, 
593 F.3d 936 (9th Cir. 2010), a case in which plaintiffs sought to 
apply State consumer protection laws to a FFEL Program loan servicer, 
to explain that the State laws on which the plaintiffs relied 
conflicted with Federal law.

[[Page 10620]]

(Brief of Plaintiff-Intervenor-Appellee, Chae v. SLM Corp., 593 F.3d 
936 (9th Cir. 2010) (No. 08-56154).) The Ninth Circuit concluded, among 
other things, that the precisely detailed provisions of the HEA ``show 
congressional intent that FFELP participants be held to clear, uniform 
standards.'' (Chae, 593 F.3d at 944.) The court held that State-law 
claims alleging misrepresentation were preempted by the HEA's express 
preemption of State-law disclosure requirements, and that other State-
law claims ``would create an obstacle to the achievement of 
congressional purposes'' and were therefore barred by conflict 
preemption principles. (Id. at 950.)
    The Department issues this notice to clarify its view that State 
regulation of the servicing of Direct Loans impedes uniquely Federal 
interests, and that State regulation of the servicing of the FFEL 
Program is preempted to the extent that it undermines uniform 
administration of the program.

B. Direct Loan Program

    Congress created the Direct Loan Program as part of the Student 
Loan Reform Act of 1993 (Pub. L. 103-66). Under the program, the 
Federal government is the direct lender to the borrower and is 
responsible for all aspects of the lending process from loan 
origination through repayment, including the proper servicing and 
collection of the loan. In signing the Master Promissory Note for the 
loan, the borrower promises to repay the loan and any applicable 
interest and fees according to the terms and conditions outlined in the 
HEA, the Department's regulations, and the Note. (20 U.S.C. 1087e.)
    Congress provided that the program would be administered by the 
Department through student loan servicers, directing the Secretary to 
enter into contracts for loan ``servicing'' and for ``such other 
aspects of the direct student loan program as the Secretary determines 
are necessary to ensure the successful operation of the program.'' (20 
U.S.C. 1087f(b)(4).) The HEA directs the Secretary to award servicing 
contracts only to entities ``which the Secretary determines are 
qualified to provide such services'' and ``that have extensive and 
relevant experience and demonstrated effectiveness.'' (20 U.S.C. 
1087f(a)(2).) When procuring such services, the Department must, with 
specific exceptions, abide by ``all applicable Federal procurement laws 
and regulations,'' which include the Federal Acquisition Regulation 
(FAR). (20 U.S.C. 1087f(a), 1018a.) To achieve its goals of 
streamlining and simplifying the delivery of student loans and of 
saving taxpayer dollars (See 139 Cong. Rec. S5585, S5628 (1993)), 
Congress designed a program in which servicing would be ``provided at 
competitive prices'' by entities ``selected by and responsible to the 
Department of Education.'' (20 U.S.C. 1087f(a)(1); H.R. Rep. No. 103-
111, at 107 (1993).)
    The HEA and the Department's regulations provide comprehensive 
rules governing the Direct Loan Program, and the Department's contracts 
with loan servicers further specify the program's rules and 
requirements. As the United States recently noted in the Statement of 
Interest in Massachusetts v. Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance 
Authority, ``The Department's contract with [the loan servicer] is 
voluminous--spanning more than 600 pages and including provisions 
governing [the servicer's] financial controls, internal monitoring, 
communications with borrowers, and many other topics.'' (Statement of 
Interest at 5.) In its contracts with loan servicers, including task 
orders and change requests issued under those contracts, the Department 
specifies in detail the responsibilities and obligations of the 
servicers for Direct Loans and the benefits provided under that program 
such as Public Service Loan Forgiveness and income-driven repayment 
    Recently, States have sought to impose requirements on servicers 
that conflict with Federal statutes, Department regulations, and these 
comprehensive contracts. Most notable are State regulations requiring 
licensure of Direct Loan servicers in order to perform work for the 
Federal government. ``A State may not enforce licensing requirements 
which, though valid in the absence of federal regulation, give `the 
State's licensing board a virtual power of review over the federal 
determination' that a person or agency is qualified and entitled to 
perform certain functions, or which impose upon the performance of 
activity sanctioned by federal license additional conditions not 
contemplated by Congress.'' (Sperry v. Florida, 373 U.S. 379, 385 
(1963) (quoting Leslie Miller Inc. v. Arkansas, 352 U.S. 187, 190 
(1956)) (footnotes omitted).)
    Such licensing requirements ``interfere[] with the federal 
government's power to select contractors'' and to determine whether 
contractors are ``responsible'' under Federal law. (Gartrell Const. 
Inc. v. Aubry, 940 F.2d 437, 438 (9th Cir. 1991).) With regard to 
responsibility determinations of prospective contract awardees, the 
Department follows FAR Subpart 9.1 (48 CFR 9.100 through 9.108-5). The 
Department selects contractors for Direct Loan servicing under 20 
U.S.C. 1087f and 1018a. State-imposed registration and licensure 
requirements conflict with these Federal authorities by adding to 
Federal requirements and are thus preempted. (See United States v. 
Virginia, 139 F.3d 984, 989 (4th Cir. 1998).)
    For example, a State may purport to require a Direct Loan servicer, 
as a condition of licensure, to demonstrate that it has adopted certain 
business standards set by the State regulator; to meet certain 
financial responsibility requirements such as liquidity, financial 
solvency, capitalization, and surety bond requirements; and to submit 
to investigations, audits, and background checks by State authorities. 
Federal law addresses standards of responsibility for prospective 
contractors, and a State may not, ``through its licensing requirements, 
. . . review the federal government's responsibility determination.'' 
(Gartrell, 940 F.2d at 439.)
    Some State servicing laws also purport to impose regulatory 
requirements on servicing that create additional conflicts with Federal 
law. For example, some State laws impose deadlines on servicers for 
responding to borrower inquiries and require specific procedures to 
resolve borrower disputes. Such laws establish deadlines for completing 
transfers of loans from one servicer to another and specific protocols 
for applying overpayments on loans. These are matters specified in the 
laws and regulations governing the Direct Loan Program as well as the 
contractual arrangements between the Department and the servicer. The 
Department has enforcement authority to oversee servicer compliance 
with these requirements, and ``this authority is used by the 
[Department] to achieve a somewhat delicate balance of statutory 
objectives.'' (Buckman Co. v. Plaintiffs' Legal Committee, 531 U.S. 
341, 348 (2001).) The interposition of State-law requirements may 
conflict with legal, regulatory, and contractual requirements, and may 
skew the balance the Department has sought in calibrating its 
enforcement decisions to the objectives of the program.
    State servicing laws also may undermine Congress's goal of saving 
taxpayer dollars in administering the Direct Loan Program. Some State 
laws purport to impose licensing fees, assessments, minimum net worth 
requirements, surety bonds, data disclosure requirements, and annual 
reporting requirements on the Department's servicers that will increase 
the costs of student loan servicing, perhaps exceeding the amount a

[[Page 10621]]

servicer receives on a per loan basis under its contract with the 
Department, and certainly distorting the balance the Department has 
sought to achieve between costs to servicers and taxpayers and the 
benefits of services delivered to borrowers. Additionally, where State 
servicing laws go beyond the requirements of Federal law in restricting 
the actions a servicer may take to collect on a loan, such laws impede 
the ability of the Department to protect Federal taxpayers by ensuring 
the repayment of Federal loans. The Department's contracts require 
servicers to operate throughout the United States because loan 
borrowers are in all States. A servicer does not have the choice to 
refrain from operating in a particular State to avoid licensing fees 
and other costs imposed by the State. Rather, the States are using the 
servicers' compliance with Federal law and contracts to extract 
payments that benefit the State at the expense of the Federal taxpayer.
    A requirement that Federal student loan servicers comply with 50 
different State-level regulatory regimes would significantly undermine 
the purpose of the Direct Loan Program to establish a uniform, 
streamlined, and simplified lending program managed at the Federal 
level. As courts have recognized, Congress provided ``a clear command 
for uniformity'' in the HEA with respect to the FFEL Program, and then 
``created a policy of inter-program uniformity by requiring that `loans 
made to borrowers [under the Direct Loan Program] shall have the same 
terms, conditions, and benefits, and be available in the same amounts, 
as loans made to borrowers under [the FFEL Program].' '' (Chae, 593 
F.3d at 945 (quoting 20 U.S.C. 1087e(a)(1)).) Indeed, ``Congress's 
instructions to the [Department] on how to implement the student-loan 
statutes carry this unmistakable command: Establish a set of rules that 
will apply across the board.'' (Id.) State regulatory regimes conflict 
with this congressional objective.
    Uniformity not only reduces costs but also helps to ensure that 
borrowers are treated equitably and are not confused about the lending 
and repayment process. State-level regulation subjects borrowers to 
different loan servicing deadlines and processes depending on where the 
borrower happens to live, and at what point in time.
    These conflicts with statutes, regulations, Federal contracts, and 
congressional objectives suggest that State regulation of loan 
servicers would be preempted by Federal law. That result is even more 
evident where, as in the Direct Loan Program, State regulation 
implicates uniquely Federal interests. As the Supreme Court has 
recognized, ``obligations to and rights of the United States under its 
contracts are governed exclusively by Federal law,'' and this area of 
Federal concern extends to ``liability to third persons'' that ``arises 
out of performance of the contract.'' (Boyle v. United Technologies 
Corp., 487 U.S. 500, 504-05 (1988).) Here, there is no question that 
the ``imposition of liability on Government contractors will directly 
affect the terms of Government contracts,'' at the very least by 
raising the price of such contracts, and ``the interests of the United 
States will be directly affected.'' (Id. at 507.)
    Moreover, ``the civil liability of Federal officials for actions 
taken in the course of their duty'' is another area ``of peculiarly 
Federal concern, warranting the displacement of State law.'' (Id. at 
505.) This area extends to the liability of contractors performing 
their obligations under contracts with the Federal government because 
``there is obviously implicated the same interest in getting the 
Government's work done.'' (Id.) Here, the loan servicers are acting 
pursuant to a contract with the Federal government, and the servicers 
stand in the shoes of the Federal government in performing required 
actions under the Direct Loan Program.
    ``[W]here the Federal interest requires a uniform rule, the entire 
body of State law applicable to the area conflicts and is replaced by 
Federal rules.'' (Id. at 508.) The disposition of federally held debt 
such as government-issued loans is a Federal interest that requires 
uniformity because State intervention harms the Federal fisc.\1\ 
Accordingly, the Department believes that the statutory and regulatory 
provisions and contracts governing the Direct Loan Program preclude 
State regulation, either of borrowers or servicers.

    \1\ See, e.g., United States v. Scholnick, 606 F.2d 160, 164 
(6th Cir. 1979) (holding that ``in any consideration of remedies 
available upon default of a Federally held or insured loan, Federal 
interest predominates over State interest'' because of ``an 
overriding Federal interest in protecting the funds of the United 
States and in securing Federal investments''); United States v. 
Wells, 403 F.2d 596, 597-98 (5th Cir. 1968) (``The national loan 
program of the Veterans Administration cannot be subjected to the 
vagaries of the various State laws which might otherwise control all 
or some phases of the loan program.'').

C. Prohibited Disclosure Requirements

    Congress has provided that ``[l]oans made, insured, or guaranteed 
pursuant to a program authorized by title IV of the [HEA] shall not be 
subject to any disclosure requirements of any State law.'' (20 U.S.C. 
1098g.) As a Federal district court recently explained, ``Congress 
intended [section] 1098g to preempt any State law requiring lenders to 
reveal facts or information not required by Federal law.'' (Nelson v. 
Great Lakes Educ. Loan Servs., No. 3:17-CV-183, 2017 WL 6501919, at *4 
(S.D. Ill., Dec. 19, 2017).) Federal law provides a carefully crafted 
disclosure regime specifying what information must be provided in the 
context of the Federal loan programs. (See, e.g., 20 U.S.C. 1078-
3(b)(1)(F); 1083(e)(1) and (2); 34 CFR 668.41(b); 674.42; 674.31; and 
682.205.) The Department interprets ``disclosure requirements'' under 
section 1098g of the HEA to encompass informal or non-written 
communications to borrowers as well as reporting to third parties such 
as credit reporting bureaus.
    The United States previously addressed the scope of section 1098g 
in its submission to the Ninth Circuit in Chae. A State-law claim based 
on ``a purported failure of disclosure runs headlong into express 
statutory preemption provisions,'' according to the United States; 
``[s]uch additional requirements are barred whether they are enacted 
legislatively or implied judicially in the context of a tort suit.'' 
(Brief of Plaintiff-Intervenor-Appellee at 11.) In Chae, the court held 
that State-law claims alleging misrepresentation by a student loan 
servicer were ``improper-disclosure claims'' and, therefore, preempted 
pursuant to section 1098g. (Chae, 593 F.3d at 942.) The court found the 
``allegations in substance to be a challenge to the allegedly-
misleading method [the servicer] used to communicate with the 
plaintiffs about its practices.'' (Id. at 942-43.) As the court 
explained, ``the State-law prohibition on misrepresenting a business 
practice `is merely the converse' of a State-law requirement that 
alternate disclosures be made.'' (Id. at 943 (quoting Cipollone v. 
Liggett Grp., 505 U.S. 504, 517 (1992)).)
    To the extent that State servicing laws attempt to impose new 
prohibitions on misrepresentation or the omission of material 
information, those laws would also run afoul of the express preemption 
provision in 20 U.S.C. 1098g.

D. FFEL Program Loans

    The HEA and Department regulations governing the FFEL Program 
preempt State servicing laws that conflict with, or impede the uniform 
administration of, the program. State laws that require FFEL Program 
servicers to respond to a borrower's inquiry or dispute within a 
certain period of time, for example, conflict with the applicable 

[[Page 10622]]

regulation that allows servicers 30 days after receipt to respond to 
any inquiry from a borrower. (34 CFR 682.208(c).) Deadlines for 
notifying borrowers of loan transfers between servicers similarly 
conflict with Federal statutes and regulations that allow for 45 days 
for notification. (20 U.S.C. 1078(b)(2)(F); 34 CFR 682.208(e)(1).) 
These deadlines are set after careful consideration of the need for 
timely responses and notifications to borrowers balanced against the 
time the servicer needs to ensure an accurate response and the costs of 
doing so. A uniform response time is also vital given the congressional 
purpose to ensure borrowers are treated equally in the administration 
of the program.
    The imposition of required dispute resolution procedures under 
State law would also conflict with the specific Federal regulations 
that govern the resolution of disputes raised by borrowers. (See 34 CFR 
682.208(c)(3)(i) and (ii).) State laws that require servicers to 
communicate directly with the authorized representatives of a borrower 
could conflict with Federal regulations that mandate direct 
communications with borrowers and provide for specific exceptions when 
a FFEL Program participant such as a servicer is authorized to 
communicate with a borrower's representative. (See, e.g., 20 U.S.C. 
1083(a); 1092c; 1077(a)(2)(H); 34 CFR 682.205(a)(1) and (b); 
682.209(a)(6)(iii); 682.402; 682.210.)
    Finally, the State servicing laws may conflict with two express 
preemption provisions applicable to FFEL Program Loans. Federal 
regulations ``preempt any State law, including State statutes, 
regulations, or rules, that would conflict with or hinder 
satisfaction'' of certain requirements regarding guaranty agency 
imposition of collection charges, reporting to consumer reporting 
agencies, and collection efforts on defaulted loans. (34 CFR 
682.410(b)(8).) Federal regulations also preempt State laws that would 
conflict with or hinder the efforts of lenders or their servicers to 
satisfy and comply with the due diligence steps for loan collection 
included in those regulations. (34 CFR 682.411(o)(1).) Recently enacted 
State servicing laws appear to conflict with these preemption 

E. Existing Borrower Protections

    The Secretary emphasizes that the Department continues to oversee 
loan servicers to ensure that borrowers receive exemplary customer 
service and are protected from substandard practices. First, the 
Department monitors servicer compliance with the Department's 
contracts, which include requirements related to customer service. 
These oversight efforts include, but are not limited to, call 
monitoring, process monitoring, and servicer auditing, conducted both 
remotely and on-site by the Department's office of Federal Student Aid 
(FSA). FSA has dedicated staff with the responsibility to ensure that 
servicers are adhering to regulatory and contractual requirements for 
servicing loans. For example, FSA reviews interactions between 
servicers and borrowers and compares the servicers' performance against 
a detailed Department checklist. FSA provides its performance 
evaluations to servicers through written reports and meetings and 
requires servicers to alter their practices when needed to correct 
deficiencies. FSA also maintains direct access to servicer systems and 
therefore can review individual borrower accounts to evaluate the 
servicers' treatment of those accounts against regulatory and 
contractual requirements.
    Second, the Department's procurement and contracting requirements 
incentivize improved customer service by allocating more loans to 
servicers that meet performance metrics such as high levels of customer 
satisfaction and by paying servicers higher rates for loans that are in 
a non-delinquent status such as those enrolled in an income-driven 
repayment plan. Poor-performing servicers lose loans in their portfolio 
to better-performing servicers.
    Third, FSA maintains a Feedback System, which includes a formal 
process for borrowers to report issues or file complaints about their 
loan experiences, including problems with servicing. Borrowers may also 
elevate complaints to the FSA Ombudsman Group--a neutral and 
confidential resource available to borrowers to resolve disputes 
related to their loans.
    The Department seeks to promote exemplary customer service for 
student loan borrowers, consistent with the framework Congress 
established for the Federal student loan programs.
    Accessible Format: Individuals with disabilities can obtain this 
document and a copy of the application package in an accessible format 
(e.g., braille, large print, audiotape, or compact disc) on request to 
the person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.
    Electronic Access to This Document: The official version of this 
document is the document published in the Federal Register. You may 
access the official edition of the Federal Register and the Code of 
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    Dated: March 7, 2018.
Betsy DeVos,
Secretary of Education.
[FR Doc. 2018-04924 Filed 3-9-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 48 / Monday, March 12, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                          10619

                                             PART 117—DRAWBRIDGE                                     DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION                               rights of the Federal government related
                                             OPERATION REGULATIONS                                                                                         to federally held debt. (Boyle v. United
                                                                                                     34 CFR Chapter VI                                     Technologies Corp., 487 U.S. 500, 504–
                                             ■ 1. The authority citation for part 117                                                                      05 (1988); Buckman Co. v. Plaintiffs’
                                                                                                     Federal Preemption and State                          Legal Comm., 531 U.S. 341, 347 (2001);
                                             continues to read as follows:                           Regulation of the Department of                       United States v. Victory Highway Vill.,
                                               Authority: 33 U.S.C. 499; 33 CFR 1.05–1;              Education’s Federal Student Loan                      Inc., 662 F.2d 488, 497 (8th Cir. 1981).)
                                             Department of Homeland Security Delegation              Programs and Federal Student Loan                     Accordingly, the servicing of Direct
                                             No. 0170.1.                                             Servicers                                             Loans is an area ‘‘involving uniquely
                                             ■   2. Revise § 117.625 to read as follows:             AGENCY:  Office of the Secretary,                     Federal interests’’ that must be
                                                                                                     Department of Education.                              ‘‘governed exclusively by Federal law.’’
                                             § 117.625   Black River (Port Huron).                                                                         (Boyle, 487 U.S. at 504.)
                                                                                                     ACTION: Interpretation.
                                                (a) The draw of the Military Street                                                                        A. Interest of the United States
                                             Bridge, mile 0.33, shall open on signal;                SUMMARY:    Recently, several States have
                                                                                                     enacted regulatory regimes that impose                  Recently, the United States filed a
                                             except that, from May 1 through October                                                                       Statement of Interest in a lawsuit
                                                                                                     new regulatory requirements on
                                             31, from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m., seven days                                                                        brought by the Commonwealth of
                                                                                                     servicers of loans under the William D.
                                             a week, the draw need open only on the                                                                        Massachusetts against a Department
                                                                                                     Ford Federal Direct Loan Program
                                             hour and half-hour for recreational                     (Direct Loan Program). States also                    loan servicer alleging violations of
                                             vessels, or at any time when there are                  impose disclosure requirements on loan                Massachusetts State law for allegedly
                                             more than five vessels waiting for an                   servicers with respect to loans made                  unfair or deceptive acts related to the
                                             opening, and from November 1 through                    under title IV of the Higher Education                servicing of Federal student loans and
                                             April 30 if at least 12-hours advance                   Act of 1965, as amended (HEA). Finally,               administration of programs under the
                                             notice is given.                                        State regulations impact Federal Family               HEA. (Statement of Interest by the
                                                                                                     Education Loan (FFEL) Program                         United States, Massachusetts v.
                                                (b) The draw of the Seventh Street
                                                                                                     servicing. The Department believes such               Pennsylvania Higher Education
                                             Bridge, mile 0.50, shall open on signal;
                                                                                                     regulation is preempted by Federal law.               Assistance Agency, d/b/a FedLoan
                                             except that, from May 1 through October                                                                       Servicing, No. 1784–CV–02682 (Mass.
                                             31, from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m., seven days                  The Department issues this notice to
                                                                                                     clarify further the Federal interests in              Super. Ct., filed Jan. 8, 2018).) The
                                             a week, the draw need open only on the                                                                        United States explained that
                                             quarter-hour and three-quarter-hour for                 this area.
                                                                                                                                                           Massachusetts is improperly seeking to
                                             recreational vessels, or at any time when               DATES: March 12, 2018.
                                                                                                                                                           impose requirements on the
                                             there are more than five vessels waiting                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      Department’s servicers that conflict with
                                             for an opening, and from November 1                     Kathleen Smith, Deputy Chief Operating                the HEA, Federal regulations, and
                                             through April 30 if at least 12-hours                   Officer, U.S. Department of Education,                Federal contracts that govern the
                                             advance notice is given.                                Federal Student Aid, 830 First Street                 Federal loan programs. Accordingly,
                                                                                                     NE, Union Center Plaza, Washington,                   Massachusetts’ claims are preempted
                                                (c) The draw of the Tenth Street                     DC 20202–5453. Telephone: (202) 377–
                                             Bridge, mile 0.94, shall open on signal;                                                                      because the State has sought to
                                                                                                     4533 or via email: ED.NoticeResponse@                 proscribe conduct Federal law requires
                                             except that, from May 1 through October                 ed.gov.                                               and to require conduct Federal law
                                             31, from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m., seven days                     If you use a telecommunications                    prohibits. We believe that attempts by
                                             a week, the draw need open only on the                  device for the deaf (TDD) or a text                   other States to impose similar
                                             hour and half-hour for recreational                     telephone (TTY), call the Federal Relay               requirements will create additional
                                             vessels, or at any time when there are                  Service, toll free, at 1–800–877–8339.                conflicts with Federal law.
                                             more than five vessels waiting for an                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Congress                     This is not a new position. The
                                             opening, and from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m. if                  created and expanded the Direct Loan                  United States has previously responded
                                             at least 1-hour advance notice is                       Program with the goal of simplifying the              when State law has been utilized in a
                                             provided, and from November 1 through                   delivery of student loans to borrowers,               way that conflicts with the operation
                                             April 30 if at least 12-hours notice is                 eliminating borrower confusion,                       and purposes of loan programs the
                                             given.                                                  avoiding unnecessary costs to taxpayers,              Department administers pursuant to the
                                                (d) The draw of the Canadian National                and creating a more streamlined student               HEA. On October 1, 1990, the
                                             Railroad Bridge, mile 1.56, shall open                  loan program that could be managed                    Department issued a notice of its
                                             on signal; except from November 1                       more effectively at the Federal level.                interpretation of regulations governing
                                                                                                        Recently, several States have enacted              the FFEL Program (then known as the
                                             through April 30 if at least 12-hours
                                                                                                     regulatory regimes or applied existing                Guaranteed Student Loan program) (55
                                             advance notice is given.                                State consumer protection statutes that               FR 40120) that prescribe the actions
                                               Dated: Febuary 23, 2018.                              undermine these goals by imposing new                 lenders and guaranty agencies must take
                                             J.M. Nunan                                              regulatory requirements on the                        to collect loans. The Department
                                             Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, Commander,              Department’s Direct Loan servicers,                   explained its view that these regulations
                                             Ninth Coast Guard District.                             including State licensure to service                  preempt State law regarding the conduct
                                             [FR Doc. 2018–04914 Filed 3–9–18; 8:45 am]              Federal student loans. State servicing                of these loan collection activities.
                                                                                                     laws are purportedly aimed only at                      In 2009, the United States intervened
                                             BILLING CODE 9110–04–P
                                                                                                     student loan servicers, but such                      in Chae v. SLM Corporation, 593 F.3d
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                                                                                                     regulation affects the ‘‘[o]bligations and            936 (9th Cir. 2010), a case in which
                                                                                                     rights of the United States under its                 plaintiffs sought to apply State
                                                                                                     contracts’’ with servicers and with                   consumer protection laws to a FFEL
                                                                                                     student loan borrowers, the                           Program loan servicer, to explain that
                                                                                                     ‘‘relationship between a Federal agency               the State laws on which the plaintiffs
                                                                                                     and the entity it regulates,’’ and the                relied conflicted with Federal law.

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                                             10620              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 48 / Monday, March 12, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                             (Brief of Plaintiff-Intervenor-Appellee,                saving taxpayer dollars (See 139 Cong.                9.108–5). The Department selects
                                             Chae v. SLM Corp., 593 F.3d 936 (9th                    Rec. S5585, S5628 (1993)), Congress                   contractors for Direct Loan servicing
                                             Cir. 2010) (No. 08–56154).) The Ninth                   designed a program in which servicing                 under 20 U.S.C. 1087f and 1018a. State-
                                             Circuit concluded, among other things,                  would be ‘‘provided at competitive                    imposed registration and licensure
                                             that the precisely detailed provisions of               prices’’ by entities ‘‘selected by and                requirements conflict with these Federal
                                             the HEA ‘‘show congressional intent                     responsible to the Department of                      authorities by adding to Federal
                                             that FFELP participants be held to clear,               Education.’’ (20 U.S.C. 1087f(a)(1); H.R.             requirements and are thus preempted.
                                             uniform standards.’’ (Chae, 593 F.3d at                 Rep. No. 103–111, at 107 (1993).)                     (See United States v. Virginia, 139 F.3d
                                             944.) The court held that State-law                        The HEA and the Department’s                       984, 989 (4th Cir. 1998).)
                                             claims alleging misrepresentation were                  regulations provide comprehensive                        For example, a State may purport to
                                             preempted by the HEA’s express                          rules governing the Direct Loan                       require a Direct Loan servicer, as a
                                             preemption of State-law disclosure                      Program, and the Department’s contracts               condition of licensure, to demonstrate
                                             requirements, and that other State-law                  with loan servicers further specify the               that it has adopted certain business
                                             claims ‘‘would create an obstacle to the                program’s rules and requirements. As                  standards set by the State regulator; to
                                             achievement of congressional purposes’’                 the United States recently noted in the               meet certain financial responsibility
                                             and were therefore barred by conflict                   Statement of Interest in Massachusetts                requirements such as liquidity, financial
                                             preemption principles. (Id. at 950.)                    v. Pennsylvania Higher Education                      solvency, capitalization, and surety
                                               The Department issues this notice to                  Assistance Authority, ‘‘The                           bond requirements; and to submit to
                                             clarify its view that State regulation of               Department’s contract with [the loan                  investigations, audits, and background
                                             the servicing of Direct Loans impedes                   servicer] is voluminous—spanning more                 checks by State authorities. Federal law
                                             uniquely Federal interests, and that                    than 600 pages and including provisions               addresses standards of responsibility for
                                             State regulation of the servicing of the                governing [the servicer’s] financial                  prospective contractors, and a State may
                                             FFEL Program is preempted to the                        controls, internal monitoring,                        not, ‘‘through its licensing requirements,
                                             extent that it undermines uniform                       communications with borrowers, and                    . . . review the federal government’s
                                             administration of the program.                          many other topics.’’ (Statement of                    responsibility determination.’’ (Gartrell,
                                                                                                     Interest at 5.) In its contracts with loan            940 F.2d at 439.)
                                             B. Direct Loan Program                                                                                           Some State servicing laws also
                                                                                                     servicers, including task orders and
                                                Congress created the Direct Loan                     change requests issued under those                    purport to impose regulatory
                                             Program as part of the Student Loan                     contracts, the Department specifies in                requirements on servicing that create
                                             Reform Act of 1993 (Pub. L. 103–66).                    detail the responsibilities and                       additional conflicts with Federal law.
                                             Under the program, the Federal                          obligations of the servicers for Direct               For example, some State laws impose
                                             government is the direct lender to the                  Loans and the benefits provided under                 deadlines on servicers for responding to
                                             borrower and is responsible for all                     that program such as Public Service                   borrower inquiries and require specific
                                             aspects of the lending process from loan                Loan Forgiveness and income-driven                    procedures to resolve borrower
                                             origination through repayment,                          repayment plans.                                      disputes. Such laws establish deadlines
                                             including the proper servicing and                         Recently, States have sought to                    for completing transfers of loans from
                                             collection of the loan. In signing the                  impose requirements on servicers that                 one servicer to another and specific
                                             Master Promissory Note for the loan, the                conflict with Federal statutes,                       protocols for applying overpayments on
                                             borrower promises to repay the loan and                 Department regulations, and these                     loans. These are matters specified in the
                                             any applicable interest and fees                        comprehensive contracts. Most notable                 laws and regulations governing the
                                             according to the terms and conditions                   are State regulations requiring licensure             Direct Loan Program as well as the
                                             outlined in the HEA, the Department’s                   of Direct Loan servicers in order to                  contractual arrangements between the
                                             regulations, and the Note. (20 U.S.C.                   perform work for the Federal                          Department and the servicer. The
                                             1087e.)                                                 government. ‘‘A State may not enforce                 Department has enforcement authority
                                                Congress provided that the program                   licensing requirements which, though                  to oversee servicer compliance with
                                             would be administered by the                            valid in the absence of federal                       these requirements, and ‘‘this authority
                                             Department through student loan                         regulation, give ‘the State’s licensing               is used by the [Department] to achieve
                                             servicers, directing the Secretary to                   board a virtual power of review over the              a somewhat delicate balance of statutory
                                             enter into contracts for loan ‘‘servicing’’             federal determination’ that a person or               objectives.’’ (Buckman Co. v. Plaintiffs’
                                             and for ‘‘such other aspects of the direct              agency is qualified and entitled to                   Legal Committee, 531 U.S. 341, 348
                                             student loan program as the Secretary                   perform certain functions, or which                   (2001).) The interposition of State-law
                                             determines are necessary to ensure the                  impose upon the performance of activity               requirements may conflict with legal,
                                             successful operation of the program.’’                  sanctioned by federal license additional              regulatory, and contractual
                                             (20 U.S.C. 1087f(b)(4).) The HEA directs                conditions not contemplated by                        requirements, and may skew the balance
                                             the Secretary to award servicing                        Congress.’’ (Sperry v. Florida, 373 U.S.              the Department has sought in calibrating
                                             contracts only to entities ‘‘which the                  379, 385 (1963) (quoting Leslie Miller                its enforcement decisions to the
                                             Secretary determines are qualified to                   Inc. v. Arkansas, 352 U.S. 187, 190                   objectives of the program.
                                             provide such services’’ and ‘‘that have                 (1956)) (footnotes omitted).)                            State servicing laws also may
                                             extensive and relevant experience and                      Such licensing requirements                        undermine Congress’s goal of saving
                                             demonstrated effectiveness.’’ (20 U.S.C.                ‘‘interfere[] with the federal                        taxpayer dollars in administering the
                                             1087f(a)(2).) When procuring such                       government’s power to select                          Direct Loan Program. Some State laws
                                             services, the Department must, with                     contractors’’ and to determine whether                purport to impose licensing fees,
                                             specific exceptions, abide by ‘‘all                     contractors are ‘‘responsible’’ under                 assessments, minimum net worth
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES

                                             applicable Federal procurement laws                     Federal law. (Gartrell Const. Inc. v.                 requirements, surety bonds, data
                                             and regulations,’’ which include the                    Aubry, 940 F.2d 437, 438 (9th Cir.                    disclosure requirements, and annual
                                             Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR).                   1991).) With regard to responsibility                 reporting requirements on the
                                             (20 U.S.C. 1087f(a), 1018a.) To achieve                 determinations of prospective contract                Department’s servicers that will increase
                                             its goals of streamlining and simplifying               awardees, the Department follows FAR                  the costs of student loan servicing,
                                             the delivery of student loans and of                    Subpart 9.1 (48 CFR 9.100 through                     perhaps exceeding the amount a

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                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 48 / Monday, March 12, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                             10621

                                             servicer receives on a per loan basis                   regulation implicates uniquely Federal                  district court recently explained,
                                             under its contract with the Department,                 interests. As the Supreme Court has                     ‘‘Congress intended [section] 1098g to
                                             and certainly distorting the balance the                recognized, ‘‘obligations to and rights of              preempt any State law requiring lenders
                                             Department has sought to achieve                        the United States under its contracts are               to reveal facts or information not
                                             between costs to servicers and taxpayers                governed exclusively by Federal law,’’                  required by Federal law.’’ (Nelson v.
                                             and the benefits of services delivered to               and this area of Federal concern extends                Great Lakes Educ. Loan Servs., No.
                                             borrowers. Additionally, where State                    to ‘‘liability to third persons’’ that                  3:17–CV–183, 2017 WL 6501919, at *4
                                             servicing laws go beyond the                            ‘‘arises out of performance of the                      (S.D. Ill., Dec. 19, 2017).) Federal law
                                             requirements of Federal law in                          contract.’’ (Boyle v. United Technologies               provides a carefully crafted disclosure
                                             restricting the actions a servicer may                  Corp., 487 U.S. 500, 504–05 (1988).)                    regime specifying what information
                                             take to collect on a loan, such laws                    Here, there is no question that the                     must be provided in the context of the
                                             impede the ability of the Department to                 ‘‘imposition of liability on Government                 Federal loan programs. (See, e.g., 20
                                             protect Federal taxpayers by ensuring                   contractors will directly affect the terms              U.S.C. 1078–3(b)(1)(F); 1083(e)(1) and
                                             the repayment of Federal loans. The                     of Government contracts,’’ at the very                  (2); 34 CFR 668.41(b); 674.42; 674.31;
                                             Department’s contracts require servicers                least by raising the price of such                      and 682.205.) The Department interprets
                                             to operate throughout the United States                 contracts, and ‘‘the interests of the                   ‘‘disclosure requirements’’ under
                                             because loan borrowers are in all States.               United States will be directly affected.’’              section 1098g of the HEA to encompass
                                             A servicer does not have the choice to                  (Id. at 507.)                                           informal or non-written
                                             refrain from operating in a particular                     Moreover, ‘‘the civil liability of                   communications to borrowers as well as
                                             State to avoid licensing fees and other                 Federal officials for actions taken in the              reporting to third parties such as credit
                                             costs imposed by the State. Rather, the                 course of their duty’’ is another area ‘‘of             reporting bureaus.
                                             States are using the servicers’                         peculiarly Federal concern, warranting                     The United States previously
                                             compliance with Federal law and                         the displacement of State law.’’ (Id. at                addressed the scope of section 1098g in
                                             contracts to extract payments that                      505.) This area extends to the liability                its submission to the Ninth Circuit in
                                             benefit the State at the expense of the                 of contractors performing their                         Chae. A State-law claim based on ‘‘a
                                             Federal taxpayer.                                       obligations under contracts with the                    purported failure of disclosure runs
                                                A requirement that Federal student                   Federal government because ‘‘there is                   headlong into express statutory
                                             loan servicers comply with 50 different                 obviously implicated the same interest                  preemption provisions,’’ according to
                                             State-level regulatory regimes would                    in getting the Government’s work                        the United States; ‘‘[s]uch additional
                                             significantly undermine the purpose of                  done.’’ (Id.) Here, the loan servicers are              requirements are barred whether they
                                             the Direct Loan Program to establish a                  acting pursuant to a contract with the                  are enacted legislatively or implied
                                             uniform, streamlined, and simplified                    Federal government, and the servicers                   judicially in the context of a tort suit.’’
                                             lending program managed at the Federal                  stand in the shoes of the Federal                       (Brief of Plaintiff-Intervenor-Appellee at
                                             level. As courts have recognized,                       government in performing required                       11.) In Chae, the court held that State-
                                             Congress provided ‘‘a clear command                     actions under the Direct Loan Program.                  law claims alleging misrepresentation
                                             for uniformity’’ in the HEA with respect                   ‘‘[W]here the Federal interest requires              by a student loan servicer were
                                             to the FFEL Program, and then ‘‘created                 a uniform rule, the entire body of State                ‘‘improper-disclosure claims’’ and,
                                             a policy of inter-program uniformity by                 law applicable to the area conflicts and                therefore, preempted pursuant to
                                             requiring that ‘loans made to borrowers                 is replaced by Federal rules.’’ (Id. at                 section 1098g. (Chae, 593 F.3d at 942.)
                                             [under the Direct Loan Program] shall                   508.) The disposition of federally held                 The court found the ‘‘allegations in
                                             have the same terms, conditions, and                    debt such as government-issued loans is                 substance to be a challenge to the
                                             benefits, and be available in the same                  a Federal interest that requires                        allegedly-misleading method [the
                                             amounts, as loans made to borrowers                     uniformity because State intervention                   servicer] used to communicate with the
                                             under [the FFEL Program].’ ’’ (Chae, 593                harms the Federal fisc.1 Accordingly,                   plaintiffs about its practices.’’ (Id. at
                                             F.3d at 945 (quoting 20 U.S.C.                          the Department believes that the                        942–43.) As the court explained, ‘‘the
                                             1087e(a)(1)).) Indeed, ‘‘Congress’s                     statutory and regulatory provisions and                 State-law prohibition on
                                             instructions to the [Department] on how                 contracts governing the Direct Loan                     misrepresenting a business practice ‘is
                                             to implement the student-loan statutes                  Program preclude State regulation,                      merely the converse’ of a State-law
                                             carry this unmistakable command:                        either of borrowers or servicers.                       requirement that alternate disclosures
                                             Establish a set of rules that will apply                                                                        be made.’’ (Id. at 943 (quoting Cipollone
                                             across the board.’’ (Id.) State regulatory              C. Prohibited Disclosure Requirements                   v. Liggett Grp., 505 U.S. 504, 517
                                             regimes conflict with this congressional                  Congress has provided that ‘‘[l]oans                  (1992)).)
                                             objective.                                              made, insured, or guaranteed pursuant                      To the extent that State servicing laws
                                                Uniformity not only reduces costs but                to a program authorized by title IV of                  attempt to impose new prohibitions on
                                             also helps to ensure that borrowers are                 the [HEA] shall not be subject to any                   misrepresentation or the omission of
                                             treated equitably and are not confused                  disclosure requirements of any State                    material information, those laws would
                                             about the lending and repayment                         law.’’ (20 U.S.C. 1098g.) As a Federal                  also run afoul of the express preemption
                                             process. State-level regulation subjects                                                                        provision in 20 U.S.C. 1098g.
                                             borrowers to different loan servicing                     1 See, e.g., United States v. Scholnick, 606 F.2d
                                             deadlines and processes depending on                                                                            D. FFEL Program Loans
                                                                                                     160, 164 (6th Cir. 1979) (holding that ‘‘in any
                                             where the borrower happens to live, and                 consideration of remedies available upon default of       The HEA and Department regulations
                                             at what point in time.                                  a Federally held or insured loan, Federal interest      governing the FFEL Program preempt
                                                                                                     predominates over State interest’’ because of ‘‘an
                                                These conflicts with statutes,                                                                               State servicing laws that conflict with,
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES

                                                                                                     overriding Federal interest in protecting the funds
                                             regulations, Federal contracts, and                     of the United States and in securing Federal            or impede the uniform administration
                                             congressional objectives suggest that                   investments’’); United States v. Wells, 403 F.2d 596,   of, the program. State laws that require
                                             State regulation of loan servicers would                597–98 (5th Cir. 1968) (‘‘The national loan program     FFEL Program servicers to respond to a
                                                                                                     of the Veterans Administration cannot be subjected
                                             be preempted by Federal law. That                       to the vagaries of the various State laws which
                                                                                                                                                             borrower’s inquiry or dispute within a
                                             result is even more evident where, as in                might otherwise control all or some phases of the       certain period of time, for example,
                                             the Direct Loan Program, State                          loan program.’’).                                       conflict with the applicable Federal

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                                             10622              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 48 / Monday, March 12, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                             regulation that allows servicers 30 days                requirements related to customer                      document, as well as all other
                                             after receipt to respond to any inquiry                 service. These oversight efforts include,             documents of this Department
                                             from a borrower. (34 CFR 682.208(c).)                   but are not limited to, call monitoring,              published in the Federal Register, in
                                             Deadlines for notifying borrowers of                    process monitoring, and servicer                      text or Portable Document Format
                                             loan transfers between servicers                        auditing, conducted both remotely and                 (PDF). To use PDF you must have
                                             similarly conflict with Federal statutes                on-site by the Department’s office of                 Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is
                                             and regulations that allow for 45 days                  Federal Student Aid (FSA). FSA has                    available free at the site.
                                             for notification. (20 U.S.C. 1078(b)(2)(F);             dedicated staff with the responsibility to              You may also access documents of the
                                             34 CFR 682.208(e)(1).) These deadlines                  ensure that servicers are adhering to                 Department published in the Federal
                                             are set after careful consideration of the              regulatory and contractual requirements               Register by using the article search
                                             need for timely responses and                           for servicing loans. For example, FSA                 feature at: www.federalregister.gov.
                                             notifications to borrowers balanced                     reviews interactions between servicers                Specifically, through the advanced
                                             against the time the servicer needs to                  and borrowers and compares the                        search feature at this site, you can limit
                                             ensure an accurate response and the                     servicers’ performance against a detailed             your search to documents published by
                                             costs of doing so. A uniform response                   Department checklist. FSA provides its                the Department.
                                             time is also vital given the congressional              performance evaluations to servicers
                                                                                                                                                             Dated: March 7, 2018.
                                             purpose to ensure borrowers are treated                 through written reports and meetings
                                                                                                                                                           Betsy DeVos,
                                             equally in the administration of the                    and requires servicers to alter their
                                             program.                                                practices when needed to correct                      Secretary of Education.
                                                The imposition of required dispute                   deficiencies. FSA also maintains direct               [FR Doc. 2018–04924 Filed 3–9–18; 8:45 am]
                                             resolution procedures under State law                   access to servicer systems and therefore              BILLING CODE 4000–01–P
                                             would also conflict with the specific                   can review individual borrower
                                             Federal regulations that govern the                     accounts to evaluate the servicers’
                                             resolution of disputes raised by                        treatment of those accounts against                   DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS
                                             borrowers. (See 34 CFR 682.208(c)(3)(i)                 regulatory and contractual                            AFFAIRS
                                             and (ii).) State laws that require                      requirements.
                                             servicers to communicate directly with                     Second, the Department’s                           38 CFR Part 9
                                             the authorized representatives of a                     procurement and contracting
                                             borrower could conflict with Federal                    requirements incentivize improved                     RIN 2900–AP98
                                             regulations that mandate direct                         customer service by allocating more                   Electronic Submission of Certain
                                             communications with borrowers and                       loans to servicers that meet performance              Servicemembers’ Group Life
                                             provide for specific exceptions when a                  metrics such as high levels of customer
                                                                                                                                                           Insurance, Family Servicemembers’
                                             FFEL Program participant such as a                      satisfaction and by paying servicers
                                                                                                                                                           Group Life Insurance, and Veterans’
                                             servicer is authorized to communicate                   higher rates for loans that are in a non-
                                                                                                                                                           Group Life Insurance Forms
                                             with a borrower’s representative. (See,                 delinquent status such as those enrolled
                                             e.g., 20 U.S.C. 1083(a); 1092c;                         in an income-driven repayment plan.                   AGENCY:    Department of Veterans Affairs.
                                             1077(a)(2)(H); 34 CFR 682.205(a)(1) and                 Poor-performing servicers lose loans in               ACTION:   Final rule.
                                             (b); 682.209(a)(6)(iii); 682.402; 682.210.)             their portfolio to better-performing
                                                Finally, the State servicing laws may                servicers.                                            SUMMARY:   The Department of Veterans
                                             conflict with two express preemption                       Third, FSA maintains a Feedback                    Affairs (VA) in this final rule amends its
                                             provisions applicable to FFEL Program                   System, which includes a formal                       regulations governing the
                                             Loans. Federal regulations ‘‘preempt                    process for borrowers to report issues or             Servicemembers’ and Veterans’ Group
                                             any State law, including State statutes,                file complaints about their loan                      Life Insurance programs to provide that
                                             regulations, or rules, that would conflict              experiences, including problems with                  certain Servicemembers’ Group Life
                                             with or hinder satisfaction’’ of certain                servicing. Borrowers may also elevate                 insurance (SGLI), Family SGLI (FSGLI),
                                             requirements regarding guaranty agency                  complaints to the FSA Ombudsman                       and Veterans’ Group Life Insurance
                                             imposition of collection charges,                       Group—a neutral and confidential                      (VGLI) applications, elections, and
                                             reporting to consumer reporting                         resource available to borrowers to                    beneficiary designations, required by
                                             agencies, and collection efforts on                     resolve disputes related to their loans.              statute to be ‘‘written’’ or ‘‘in writing,’’
                                             defaulted loans. (34 CFR 682.410(b)(8).)                   The Department seeks to promote                    would include those that are digitally or
                                             Federal regulations also preempt State                  exemplary customer service for student                electronically signed and submitted via
                                             laws that would conflict with or hinder                 loan borrowers, consistent with the                   an agency-approved electronic means.
                                             the efforts of lenders or their servicers               framework Congress established for the                This document adopts as a final rule,
                                             to satisfy and comply with the due                      Federal student loan programs.                        with minor changes, the proposed rule
                                             diligence steps for loan collection                        Accessible Format: Individuals with                published in the Federal Register on
                                             included in those regulations. (34 CFR                  disabilities can obtain this document                 September 6, 2017.
                                             682.411(o)(1).) Recently enacted State                  and a copy of the application package in
                                                                                                                                                           DATES: This rule is effective March 12,
                                             servicing laws appear to conflict with                  an accessible format (e.g., braille, large
                                             these preemption provisions.                            print, audiotape, or compact disc) on
                                                                                                     request to the person listed under FOR                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                             E. Existing Borrower Protections                        FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.                          Ruth Berkheimer, Insurance Specialist,
                                               The Secretary emphasizes that the                        Electronic Access to This Document:                Department of Veterans Affairs
                                             Department continues to oversee loan                    The official version of this document is              Insurance Center, 5000 Wissahickon
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES

                                             servicers to ensure that borrowers                      the document published in the Federal                 Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19144, (215)
                                             receive exemplary customer service and                  Register. You may access the official                 842–2000, ext. 4275 (this is not a toll-
                                             are protected from substandard                          edition of the Federal Register and the               free number).
                                             practices. First, the Department                        Code of Federal Regulations via the                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On
                                             monitors servicer compliance with the                   Federal Digital System at: www.gpo.gov/               September 6, 2017, VA published a
                                             Department’s contracts, which include                   fdsys. At this site you can view this                 proposed rule in the Federal Register

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Document Created: 2018-11-01 08:50:53
Document Modified: 2018-11-01 08:50:53
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
DatesMarch 12, 2018.
ContactKathleen Smith, Deputy Chief Operating Officer, U.S. Department of Education, Federal Student Aid, 830 First Street NE, Union Center Plaza, Washington, DC 20202-5453. Telephone: (202) 377-4533 or via email: [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 10619 

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