83_FR_10833 83 FR 10784 - Amendment of Restricted AreasR-2907C, R-2910B, R-2910C, andR-2910E; Pinecastle, FL

83 FR 10784 - Amendment of Restricted AreasR-2907C, R-2910B, R-2910C, andR-2910E; Pinecastle, FL

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 49 (March 13, 2018)

Page Range10784-10785
FR Document2018-05041

This action updates the controlling agency information for restricted areas R-2907C, R-2910B, R-2910C, and R-2910E; Pinecastle, FL. This is an administrative change to reflect the current organizations tasked with controlling agency responsibilities for the restricted areas. It does not affect the boundaries, designated altitudes, time of designation or activities conducted within the restricted areas.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 49 (Tuesday, March 13, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 49 (Tuesday, March 13, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 10784-10785]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-05041]



Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 73

[Docket No. FAA-2018-0103; Airspace Docket No. 18-ASO-1]

Amendment of Restricted Areas R-2907C, R-2910B, R-2910C, and R-
2910E; Pinecastle, FL

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.

ACTION: Final rule; technical amendment.


SUMMARY: This action updates the controlling agency information for 
restricted areas R-2907C, R-2910B, R-2910C, and R-2910E; Pinecastle, 
FL. This is an administrative change to reflect the current 
organizations tasked with controlling agency responsibilities for the 
restricted areas. It does not affect the boundaries, designated 
altitudes, time of designation or activities conducted within the 
restricted areas.

DATES: Effective date: 0901 UTC, May 24, 2018.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paul Gallant, Airspace Policy Group, 
Office of Airspace Services, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 
Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591; telephone: (202) 267-


Authority for This Rulemaking

    The FAA's authority to issue rules regarding aviation safety is 
found in Title 49 of the United States Code. Subtitle I, Section 106 
describes the authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII, 
Aviation Programs, describes in more detail the scope of the agency's 
authority. This rulemaking is promulgated under the authority described 
in Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart I, Section 40103. Under that section, 
the FAA is charged with prescribing regulations to assign the use of 
the airspace necessary to ensure the safety of aircraft and the 
efficient use of airspace. This regulation is within the scope of that 
authority as it updates the controlling agency for restricted areas R-
2907C, R-2910B, R-2910C and R-2910E; Pinecastle, FL, to reflect the 
current responsible organizations.

The Rule

    This rule amends title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 
73 by updating the controlling agency name for restricted areas R-
2907C, R-2910B, R-2910C, and R-2910E; Pinecastle, FL. The controlling 
agency for R-2907C and R-2910E is changed from ``FAA, Jacksonville 
ARTCC,'' to ``FAA, Jacksonville TRACON.'' The controlling agency for R-
2910B and R-2910C is changed from ``FAA, Jacksonville ARTCC,'' to 
``FAA, Central Florida TRACON.'' This action is necessary in order to 
assign controlling agency responsibilities to the air traffic control 
facilities having jurisdiction over the affected airspace.
    This is an administrative change that does not affect the 
boundaries, designated altitudes, or activities conducted within the 
restricted areas; therefore, notice and public procedure under 5 U.S.C. 
553(b) are unnecessary.

Regulatory Notices and Analyses

    The FAA has determined that this action only involves an 
established body of technical regulations for which frequent and 
routine amendments are necessary to keep them operationally current. 
It, therefore: (1) Is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under 
Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a ``significant rule'' under DOT 
Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034; February 26, 1979); 
and (3) does not warrant preparation of a regulatory evaluation as the 
anticipated impact is so minimal. Since this is a routine matter that 
only affects air traffic procedures and air navigation, it is certified 
that this rule, when promulgated, does not have a significant economic 
impact on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria of 
the Regulatory Flexibility Act.

Environmental Review

    The FAA has determined that this action of updating the agency 
information for restricted areas R-2907C, R-2910B, R-2910C and R-2910E; 
Pinecastle, FL, qualifies for categorical exclusion under the National 
Environmental Policy Act, and in accordance with FAA Order 1050.1F, 
Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures, paragraph 5-6.5.d, 
``Modification of the technical description of special use airspace 
(SUA) that does not alter the dimensions, altitudes, or times of 
designation of the airspace (such as changes in designation of the 
controlling or using agency, or correction of typographical errors).'' 
This airspace action is an administrative change to the description of 
restricted areas R-2907C, R-2910B, R-2910C and R-2910E; Pinecastle, FL, 
to update the controlling agency names. It does not alter the 
dimensions, altitudes, time of designation, or use of the airspace. 
Therefore, this airspace action is not expected to result in any 
significant environmental impacts. In accordance with FAA Order 
1050.1F, paragraph 5-2 regarding Extraordinary Circumstances, this 
action has been reviewed for factors and circumstances in which a 
normally categorically excluded action may have a significant 
environmental impact requiring further analysis, and it is determined 
that no extraordinary circumstances exist that warrant preparation of 
an environmental assessment.

List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 73

    Airspace, Prohibited areas, Restricted areas.

Adoption of the Amendment

    In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation 
Administration amends 14 CFR part 73 as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 73 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g); 40103, 40113, 40120; E.O. 
10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959-1963 Comp., p. 389.

Sec.  73.29   [Amended]

2. Section 73.29 is amended as follows:
* * * * *

R-2907C Pinecastle, FL [Amended]

    By removing the words ``Controlling agency. FAA, Jacksonville 
ARTCC,'' and adding in their place the words ``Controlling agency. 
FAA, Jacksonville TRACON.''

R-2910B Pinecastle, FL [Amended]

    By removing ``Controlling agency. FAA, Jacksonville ARTCC,'' and 
adding in its place ``Controlling agency. FAA, Central Florida 

[[Page 10785]]

R-2910C Pinecastle, FL [Amended]

    By removing ``Controlling agency. FAA, Jacksonville ARTCC,'' and 
adding in its place ``Controlling agency. FAA, Central Florida 

R-2910E Pinecastle, FL [Amended]

    By removing ``Controlling agency. FAA, Jacksonville ARTCC,'' and 
adding in its place ``Controlling agency. FAA, Jacksonville 

    Issued in Washington, DC, on March 6, 2018.
Leslie M. Swann,
Acting Manager, Airspace Policy Group.
[FR Doc. 2018-05041 Filed 3-12-18; 8:45 am]

                                           10784              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 49 / Tuesday, March 13, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                           Appendix A to Part 741 [Removed]                        describes in more detail the scope of the             2910E; Pinecastle, FL, qualifies for
                                                                                                   agency’s authority. This rulemaking is                categorical exclusion under the National
                                           ■ 2. On page 7964, in the center column,                promulgated under the authority                       Environmental Policy Act, and in
                                           the heading above amendatory                            described in Subtitle VII, Part A,                    accordance with FAA Order 1050.1F,
                                           instruction 5 and amendatory                            Subpart I, Section 40103. Under that                  Environmental Impacts: Policies and
                                           instruction 5 are corrected to read as                  section, the FAA is charged with                      Procedures, paragraph 5–6.5.d,
                                           follows:                                                prescribing regulations to assign the use             ‘‘Modification of the technical
                                           Appendices B and C to Part 741                          of the airspace necessary to ensure the               description of special use airspace
                                           [Redesignated as Appendices A and B                     safety of aircraft and the efficient use of           (SUA) that does not alter the
                                           to Part 741]                                            airspace. This regulation is within the               dimensions, altitudes, or times of
                                                                                                   scope of that authority as it updates the             designation of the airspace (such as
                                           ■ 5. Redesignate appendix B and                         controlling agency for restricted areas               changes in designation of the
                                           appendix C to part 741 as appendix A                    R–2907C, R–2910B, R–2910C and R–                      controlling or using agency, or
                                           and appendix B to part 741,                             2910E; Pinecastle, FL, to reflect the                 correction of typographical errors).’’
                                           respectively.                                           current responsible organizations.                    This airspace action is an administrative
                                             By the National Credit Union                                                                                change to the description of restricted
                                           Administration Board on March 7, 2018.                  The Rule
                                                                                                                                                         areas R–2907C, R–2910B, R–2910C and
                                           Gerard Poliquin,                                           This rule amends title 14 Code of                  R–2910E; Pinecastle, FL, to update the
                                           Secretary of the Board.                                 Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 73 by               controlling agency names. It does not
                                           [FR Doc. 2018–05056 Filed 3–12–18; 8:45 am]             updating the controlling agency name                  alter the dimensions, altitudes, time of
                                           BILLING CODE 7535–01–P
                                                                                                   for restricted areas R–2907C, R–2910B,                designation, or use of the airspace.
                                                                                                   R–2910C, and R–2910E; Pinecastle, FL.                 Therefore, this airspace action is not
                                                                                                   The controlling agency for R–2907C and                expected to result in any significant
                                                                                                   R–2910E is changed from ‘‘FAA,                        environmental impacts. In accordance
                                           DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                                                                                   Jacksonville ARTCC,’’ to ‘‘FAA,                       with FAA Order 1050.1F, paragraph 5–
                                           Federal Aviation Administration                         Jacksonville TRACON.’’ The controlling                2 regarding Extraordinary
                                                                                                   agency for R–2910B and R–2910C is                     Circumstances, this action has been
                                           14 CFR Part 73                                          changed from ‘‘FAA, Jacksonville                      reviewed for factors and circumstances
                                                                                                   ARTCC,’’ to ‘‘FAA, Central Florida                    in which a normally categorically
                                           [Docket No. FAA–2018–0103; Airspace                     TRACON.’’ This action is necessary in
                                           Docket No. 18–ASO–1]                                                                                          excluded action may have a significant
                                                                                                   order to assign controlling agency                    environmental impact requiring further
                                                                                                   responsibilities to the air traffic control           analysis, and it is determined that no
                                           Amendment of Restricted Areas
                                                                                                   facilities having jurisdiction over the               extraordinary circumstances exist that
                                           R–2907C, R–2910B, R–2910C, and
                                                                                                   affected airspace.                                    warrant preparation of an
                                           R–2910E; Pinecastle, FL                                    This is an administrative change that              environmental assessment.
                                           AGENCY:  Federal Aviation                               does not affect the boundaries,
                                           Administration (FAA), DOT.                              designated altitudes, or activities                   List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 73
                                           ACTION: Final rule; technical                           conducted within the restricted areas;
                                                                                                                                                           Airspace, Prohibited areas, Restricted
                                           amendment.                                              therefore, notice and public procedure
                                                                                                   under 5 U.S.C. 553(b) are unnecessary.
                                           SUMMARY:   This action updates the                                                                            Adoption of the Amendment
                                                                                                   Regulatory Notices and Analyses
                                           controlling agency information for
                                           restricted areas R–2907C, R–2910B, R–                      The FAA has determined that this                     In consideration of the foregoing, the
                                           2910C, and R–2910E; Pinecastle, FL.                     action only involves an established                   Federal Aviation Administration
                                           This is an administrative change to                     body of technical regulations for which               amends 14 CFR part 73 as follows:
                                           reflect the current organizations tasked                frequent and routine amendments are
                                                                                                   necessary to keep them operationally                  PART 73—SPECIAL USE AIRSPACE
                                           with controlling agency responsibilities
                                           for the restricted areas. It does not affect            current. It, therefore: (1) Is not a
                                                                                                   ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under               ■ 1. The authority citation for part 73
                                           the boundaries, designated altitudes,                                                                         continues to read as follows:
                                           time of designation or activities                       Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a
                                           conducted within the restricted areas.                  ‘‘significant rule’’ under DOT                          Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g); 40103,
                                                                                                   Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44                40113, 40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR,
                                           DATES: Effective date: 0901 UTC, May                                                                          1959–1963 Comp., p. 389.
                                                                                                   FR 11034; February 26, 1979); and (3)
                                           24, 2018.
                                                                                                   does not warrant preparation of a                     § 73.29    [Amended]
                                           FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paul                   regulatory evaluation as the anticipated
                                           Gallant, Airspace Policy Group, Office                  impact is so minimal. Since this is a                 ■ 2. Section 73.29 is amended as
                                           of Airspace Services, Federal Aviation                  routine matter that only affects air traffic          follows:
                                           Administration, 800 Independence                        procedures and air navigation, it is                  *     *    *     *     *
                                           Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591;                        certified that this rule, when
                                           telephone: (202) 267–8783.                              promulgated, does not have a significant              R–2907C Pinecastle, FL [Amended]
                                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              economic impact on a substantial                        By removing the words ‘‘Controlling
                                                                                                   number of small entities under the                    agency. FAA, Jacksonville ARTCC,’’ and
                                           Authority for This Rulemaking                                                                                 adding in their place the words ‘‘Controlling
                                                                                                   criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with RULES

                                             The FAA’s authority to issue rules                                                                          agency. FAA, Jacksonville TRACON.’’
                                           regarding aviation safety is found in                   Environmental Review                                  R–2910B Pinecastle, FL [Amended]
                                           Title 49 of the United States Code.                       The FAA has determined that this                       By removing ‘‘Controlling agency. FAA,
                                           Subtitle I, Section 106 describes the                   action of updating the agency                         Jacksonville ARTCC,’’ and adding in its place
                                           authority of the FAA Administrator.                     information for restricted areas R–                   ‘‘Controlling agency. FAA, Central Florida
                                           Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs,                        2907C, R–2910B, R–2910C and R–                        TRACON.’’

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                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 49 / Tuesday, March 13, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                        10785

                                           R–2910C Pinecastle, FL [Amended]                        Correction of Publication                             Fischer, Bridge Chief Administrator,
                                              By removing ‘‘Controlling agency. FAA,                 Accordingly, 26 CFR part 1 is                       Thirteenth Coast Guard District;
                                           Jacksonville ARTCC,’’ and adding in its place           corrected by making the following                     telephone 206–220–7282, email d13-pf-
                                           ‘‘Controlling agency. FAA, Central Florida                                                                    d13bridges@uscg.mil.
                                                                                                   correcting amendment:
                                                                                                                                                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                           R–2910E Pinecastle, FL [Amended]                        PART 1—INCOME TAXES
                                                                                                                                                         I. Background, Purpose and Legal Basis
                                              By removing ‘‘Controlling agency. FAA,
                                           Jacksonville ARTCC,’’ and adding in its place           ■ Par. 1. The authority citation for part                Due to infrequent drawbridge opening
                                           ‘‘Controlling agency. FAA, Jacksonville                 1 is amended by removing the sectional                requests between 11 p.m. to 7 a.m., King
                                           TRACON.’’                                               authority for § 1.163–11T, and the                    County (the bridge owner), has
                                                                                                   general authority continues to read as                requested to open the South Park
                                             Issued in Washington, DC, on March 6,                 follows:                                              highway bridge with 12 hours advances
                                                                                                       Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805 * * *                   notice between the hours of 11p.m. and
                                           Leslie M. Swann,                                                                                              7 a.m. In addition, King County
                                                                                                   *      *      *      *       *
                                           Acting Manager, Airspace Policy Group.                                                                        requested between the hours of 11 p.m.
                                           [FR Doc. 2018–05041 Filed 3–12–18; 8:45 am]             Martin V. Franks,                                     and 7 a.m. vessels engaged in sea-trials
                                           BILLING CODE 4910–13–P                                  Chief, Publications and Regulations Branch,           or waterway dredging activities may
                                                                                                   Legal Processing Division, Associate Chief            request a standby drawtender, to open
                                                                                                   Counsel, (Procedure and Administration).              the bridge on demand during sea-trials
                                                                                                   [FR Doc. 2018–05011 Filed 3–12–18; 8:45 am]           and/or dredging operations, if at least a
                                           DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
                                                                                                   BILLING CODE 4830–01–P                                24 hour notice is given to the
                                           Internal Revenue Service                                                                                      drawtender. The 2017 drawbridge log
                                                                                                                                                         book reflects the infrequent requests for
                                           26 CFR Part 1                                           DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND                                drawbridge opening of the South Park
                                                                                                   SECURITY                                              highway bridge. Of the 524 openings in
                                           [TD 9588]                                                                                                     2017 only 24 occurred between the
                                                                                                   Coast Guard                                           hours of 11.00 p.m. and 7 a.m., this is
                                           RIN 1545–BL87
                                                                                                                                                         approximately 4.5 percent. Opening
                                                                                                   33 CFR Part 117                                       from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. for 2014, 2015,
                                           Allocation of Mortgage Insurance
                                           Premiums; Correction                                    [Docket No. USCG–2018–0067]                           2016 ranged from 5% to 10% of all
                                                                                                                                                         openings. The South Park highway
                                           AGENCY:  Internal Revenue Service (IRS),                Drawbridge Operation Regulation;                      bridge operates per 33 CFR
                                           Treasury.                                               Duwamish Waterway, Seattle, WA                        117.1041(a)(2).
                                           ACTION: Correcting amendment.                                                                                    Vessels operating on the Duwamish
                                                                                                   AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS.                             Waterway range from small recreational,
                                           SUMMARY:   This document contains                       ACTION: Notice of temporary deviation                 sailboats, tribal fishing boats, mega
                                           corrections to final regulations (TD                    from regulations; request for comments.               yachts and commercial tug and tow
                                           9588) that were published in the                                                                              vessels. No navigational impacts are
                                           Federal Register on Monday, May 7,                      SUMMARY:   The Coast Guard has issued a
                                                                                                   temporary deviation from the operating                expected due to few vessels operating
                                           2012. The final regulations are related to                                                                    on this waterway at the stated hours.
                                           allocate prepaid qualified mortgage                     schedule that governs the South Park
                                                                                                   highway bridge, across the Duwamish                   King County has discussed this test
                                           insurance premiums to determine the                                                                           deviation and coordinating with all
                                           amount of the prepaid premium that is                   Waterway mile 3.8, at Seattle, WA. This
                                                                                                   deviation will test a change to the                   known waterway users. Vessels able to
                                           treated as qualified residence interest                                                                       pass through the subject bridge with the
                                           each taxable year.                                      drawbridge operation schedule, to
                                                                                                   determine whether a permanent change                  span in the closed-to-navigation
                                           DATES: This correction is effective on                                                                        position may do so at any time.
                                                                                                   to the schedule is appropriate. This
                                           March 13, 2018 and is applicable on or                                                                           The Coast Guard will also inform the
                                                                                                   deviation will allow the bridge to open
                                           after May 7, 2012.                                                                                            users of the waterway through our Local
                                                                                                   during nighttime hours after receiving a
                                           FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        12 hour advance notice.                               and Broadcast Notices to Mariners of the
                                           Regina Johnson, (202) 317–5177 (not a                                                                         change in operating schedule for the
                                                                                                   DATES: This deviation is effective from
                                           toll-free number).                                                                                            subject bridge so that vessel operators
                                                                                                   6 a.m. on March 22, 2018 to 6 a.m. on
                                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                                                                                    can arrange their transits to minimize
                                                                                                   September 17, 2018.
                                                                                                                                                         any impact caused by the temporary
                                           Background                                                Comments and related material must
                                                                                                                                                         deviation. Duwamish Waterway does
                                                                                                   reach the Coast Guard on or before
                                              The final regulations (TD 9588) that                                                                       not have an immediate alternate route
                                                                                                   August 30, 2018.
                                           are the subject of this correction are                                                                        for vessels to pass. Therefore, in the
                                                                                                   ADDRESSES: You may submit comments                    event of an emergency requiring a
                                           issued under section 163 of the Internal
                                                                                                   identified by docket number USCG–                     bridge opening any day between 11 p.m.
                                           Revenue Code.
                                                                                                   2018–0067 using Federal eRulemaking                   and 7 a.m., the standby bridge operator
                                           Need for Correction                                     Portal at http://www.regulations.gov.                 at the Fremont Bridge will respond to an
                                                                                                     See the ‘‘Public Participation and                  opening request and have the South
                                             As published May 7, 2012 (77 FR
                                                                                                   Request for Comments’’ portion of the                 Park Bridge open within 45 minutes
                                           26698), the final regulations (TD 9588)
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with RULES

                                                                                                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section                     from initial notification.
                                           contain an error that needs to be
                                                                                                   below for instructions on submitting                     In accordance with 33 CFR 117.35(e),
                                                                                                   comments.                                             the drawbridge must return to its regular
                                           List of Subjects in 26 CFR Part 1                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:    If                operating schedule immediately at the
                                             Income taxes, reporting and                           you have questions on this temporary                  end of the effective period of this
                                           recordkeeping requirements.                             deviation, call or email Mr. Steven                   temporary deviation. This deviation

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Document Created: 2018-03-13 01:56:55
Document Modified: 2018-03-13 01:56:55
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule; technical amendment.
DatesEffective date: 0901 UTC, May 24, 2018.
ContactPaul Gallant, Airspace Policy Group, Office of Airspace Services, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591; telephone: (202) 267- 8783.
FR Citation83 FR 10784 
CFR AssociatedAirspace; Prohibited Areas and Restricted Areas

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