83_FR_10851 83 FR 10802 - Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Commercial Blacktip Sharks, Aggregated Large Coastal Sharks, and Hammerhead Sharks in the Western Gulf of Mexico Sub-Region; Closure

83 FR 10802 - Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Commercial Blacktip Sharks, Aggregated Large Coastal Sharks, and Hammerhead Sharks in the Western Gulf of Mexico Sub-Region; Closure

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 49 (March 13, 2018)

Page Range10802-10803
FR Document2018-05058

NMFS is closing the commercial fishery for blacktip sharks, aggregated large coastal sharks (LCS), and hammerhead shark management groups in the western Gulf of Mexico sub-region. This action is necessary because the commercial landings of sharks in the aggregated LCS management group in the western Gulf of Mexico sub-region for the 2018 fishing season has reached 80 percent of the available commercial quota as of March 8, 2018, and the aggregated LCS and hammerhead shark management groups are quota-linked under the regulations. The blacktip shark fishery in the western Gulf of Mexico sub-region will be closed to help minimize regulatory discards of sharks in the aggregated LCS management group in the western Gulf of Mexico sub-region, since LCS are often caught in conjunction with blacktip sharks in the commercial shark fisheries. This closure will affect anyone commercially fishing for sharks in the western Gulf of Mexico sub-region.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 49 (Tuesday, March 13, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 49 (Tuesday, March 13, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 10802-10803]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-05058]

[[Page 10802]]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

50 CFR Part 635

[Docket No. 170605543-7999-02]
RIN 0648-XG021

Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Commercial Blacktip Sharks, 
Aggregated Large Coastal Sharks, and Hammerhead Sharks in the Western 
Gulf of Mexico Sub-Region; Closure

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Temporary rule; closure.


SUMMARY: NMFS is closing the commercial fishery for blacktip sharks, 
aggregated large coastal sharks (LCS), and hammerhead shark management 
groups in the western Gulf of Mexico sub-region. This action is 
necessary because the commercial landings of sharks in the aggregated 
LCS management group in the western Gulf of Mexico sub-region for the 
2018 fishing season has reached 80 percent of the available commercial 
quota as of March 8, 2018, and the aggregated LCS and hammerhead shark 
management groups are quota-linked under the regulations. The blacktip 
shark fishery in the western Gulf of Mexico sub-region will be closed 
to help minimize regulatory discards of sharks in the aggregated LCS 
management group in the western Gulf of Mexico sub-region, since LCS 
are often caught in conjunction with blacktip sharks in the commercial 
shark fisheries. This closure will affect anyone commercially fishing 
for sharks in the western Gulf of Mexico sub-region.

DATES: The commercial fishery for blacktip sharks and for the 
aggregated LCS and hammerhead shark management groups in the western 
Gulf of Mexico sub-region are closed effective 11:30 p.m. local time 
March 13, 2018 until the end of the 2018 fishing season on December 31, 
2018, or until and if NMFS announces via a notice in the Federal 
Register that additional quota is available and the season is reopened.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lauren Latchford or Karyl Brewster-
Geisz 301-427-8503; fax 301-713-1917.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Atlantic shark fisheries are managed 
under the 2006 Consolidated Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Fishery 
Management Plan (FMP), its amendments, and implementing regulations (50 
CFR part 635) issued under authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery 
Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.).
    Under Sec.  635.5(b)(1), dealers must electronically submit reports 
on sharks that are first received from a vessel on a weekly basis 
through a NMFS-approved electronic reporting system. Reports must be 
received by no later than midnight, local time, of the first Tuesday 
following the end of the reporting week unless the dealer is otherwise 
notified by NMFS. Under Sec.  635.28(b)(4), the quotas of certain 
species and/or management groups are linked. If quotas are linked, when 
the specified quota threshold for one management group or species is 
reached and that management group or species is closed, the linked 
management group or species closes at the same time (Sec.  
635.28(b)(3)). The quotas for aggregated LCS and the hammerhead shark 
management groups in the western Gulf of Mexico sub-region are linked 
(Sec.  635.28(b)(4)(iii)). The blacktip shark quota in the western Gulf 
of Mexico sub-region is not linked to the aggregated LCS or hammerhead 
shark quotas.
    Under Sec.  635.28(b)(2) and (3), when NMFS calculates that the 
landings for any species and/or management group of either a non-linked 
or a linked group have reached or are projected to reach a threshold of 
80 percent of the available quota, NMFS will file for publication, with 
the Office of the Federal Register, a notice of closure for all of the 
species and/or management groups of either a non-linked or linked group 
that will be effective no fewer than five days from date of filing. For 
blacktip sharks, under Sec.  635.28(b)(5), NMFS may close the regional 
or sub-regional Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark management group(s) 
before landings reach, or are expected to reach, 80 percent of the 
quota, after considering specified regulatory criteria and other 
relevant factors.
    From the effective date and time of the closure until and if NMFS 
announces, via a notice in the Federal Register, that additional quota 
is available and the season is reopened, the fisheries for all linked 
species and/or management groups and specified non-linked species and/
or management groups are closed, even across fishing years.
    On November 22, 2017 (82 FR 55512), NMFS announced that for 2018, 
the commercial western Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark sub-regional quota 
was 347.2 metric tons (mt) dressed weight (dw) (765,392 lb dw), the 
western Gulf of Mexico aggregated LCS sub-regional quota was 72.0 mt dw 
(158,724 lb dw), and the western Gulf of Mexico hammerhead shark sub-
regional quota was 11.9 mt dw (26,301 lb dw). Dealer reports received 
through March 8, 2018, indicate that 86 percent (61.7 mt dw) of the 
available western Gulf of Mexico aggregated LCS management group sub-
regional quota has been landed and that 57 percent (6.8 mt dw) of the 
available western Gulf of Mexico hammerhead shark sub-regional quota 
has been landed. Based on these dealer reports, the western Gulf of 
Mexico aggregated LCS management group sub-regional quota has exceeded 
80 percent and meets the closure threshold. While the western Gulf of 
Mexico hammerhead shark sub-regional quota has reached 57 percent of 
the available quota, it is linked to the aggregated LCS fishery and 
therefore closes when the aggregated LCS management groups in the 
western Gulf of Mexico sub-region closes. Accordingly, NMFS is closing 
the commercial aggregated LCS and hammerhead management groups in the 
western Gulf of Mexico sub-region as of 11:30 p.m. local time March 13, 
    Dealer reports received through March 8, 2018, indicate that 77 
percent (265.9 mt dw) of the available western Gulf of Mexico blacktip 
shark sub-regional quota has been landed. Regulations at Sec.  
635.28(b)(5)(i)-(v) authorize the closure of the blacktip shark fishery 
before landings reach, or are expected to reach, 80 percent of the 
quota if warranted after considering the following criteria and other 
relevant factors: season length based on available sub-regional quota 
and average sub-regional catch rates; variability in regional and/or 
sub-regional seasonal distribution, abundance, and migratory patterns; 
effects on accomplishing the objectives of the 2006 Consolidated HMS 
FMP and its amendments; amount of remaining shark quotas in the 
relevant sub-region; and regional and/or sub-regional catch rates of 
the relevant shark species or management groups. NMFS has considered 
these criteria with respect to blacktip sharks in the western Gulf of 
Mexico sub-region, and in particular, considered sub-regional 
distribution and abundance (Sec.  635.28(b)(5)(ii)) and sub-regional 
catch rates (Sec.  635.28(b)(5)(v)) in determining that a closure is 
warranted at this time.
    The directed shark fisheries in the western Gulf of Mexico sub-
region exhibit a mixed species composition, with a high abundance and 
distribution of aggregated LCS caught in conjunction with blacktip 
sharks. As a result, closing

[[Page 10803]]

the aggregated LCS and hammerhead shark management groups while leaving 
only the blacktip shark fishery open in the western Gulf of Mexico sub-
region could cause large numbers of regulatory discards of aggregated 
LCS species. Such discards could hinder the management goals and 
interfere with accomplishing the objectives of the 2006 Consolidated 
HMS FMP and its amendments (Sec.  635.28(b)(5)(iii)), which include 
preventing overfishing while achieving on a continuing basis optimum 
yield and rebuilding overfished shark stocks. Such discards would also 
be contrary to National Standard 9, which requires that management 
measures minimize bycatch and bycatch mortality, particularly if the 
discards are dead and are of overfished species. A single closure for 
the blacktip, aggregated LCS, and hammerhead management groups in the 
western Gulf of Mexico sub-region would minimize regulatory discards, 
and help prevent overfishing, of aggregated LCS in the western Gulf of 
Mexico sub-region, consistent with the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery 
Conservation and Management Act and the criteria at Sec.  635.28(b)(5). 
Accordingly, NMFS is closing the commercial blacktip shark fishery in 
the western Gulf of Mexico sub-region as of 11:30 p.m. local time March 
13, 2018.
    All other shark species or management groups in the western Gulf of 
Mexico sub-region that are currently open will remain open, including 
the commercial Gulf of Mexico non-blacknose small coastal sharks (SCS), 
blue sharks, smoothhound sharks, and pelagic sharks other than 
porbeagle or blue sharks.
    The boundary between the Gulf of Mexico region and the Atlantic 
region is defined at Sec.  635.27(b)(1) as a line beginning on the East 
Coast of Florida at the mainland at 25[deg]20.4' N. lat, proceeding due 
east. Any water and land to the south and west of that boundary is 
considered for the purposes of monitoring and setting quotas, to be 
within the Gulf of Mexico region. The boundary between the western and 
eastern Gulf of Mexico sub-regions is drawn along 88[deg] 00' W. long 
(Sec.  635.27(b)(1)(ii)). Persons fishing aboard vessels issued a 
commercial shark limited access permit under Sec.  635.4 may still 
retain blacktip sharks, aggregated LCS, and/or hammerhead sharks 
management groups in the eastern Gulf of Mexico sub-region (east of 
88[deg] 00' W. long).
    During the closure, retention of blacktip sharks, aggregated LCS, 
and/or hammerhead sharks management groups in the western Gulf of 
Mexico sub-region is prohibited for persons fishing aboard vessels 
issued a commercial shark limited access permit under Sec.  635.4. 
However, persons aboard a commercially permitted vessel that is also 
properly permitted to operate as a charter vessel or headboat for HMS, 
has a shark endorsement, and is engaged in a for-hire trip could fish 
under the recreational retention limits for sharks and ``no sale'' 
provisions (Sec.  635.22 (c)). Similarly, persons aboard a commercially 
permitted vessel that possesses a valid shark research permit under 
Sec.  635.32 and has a NMFS-approved observer onboard may continue to 
harvest and sell blacktip sharks, aggregated LCS, and/or hammerhead 
sharks in the western Gulf of Mexico sub-region pursuant to the terms 
and conditions of the shark research permit.
    During this closure, a shark dealer issued a permit pursuant to 
Sec.  635.4 may not purchase or receive blacktip sharks, aggregated 
LCS, and/or hammerhead sharks in the western Gulf of Mexico sub-region 
from a vessel issued an Atlantic shark limited access permit (LAP), 
except that a permitted shark dealer or processor may possess blacktip 
sharks, aggregated LCS, and/or hammerhead sharks in the western Gulf of 
Mexico sub-region that were harvested, off-loaded, and sold, traded, or 
bartered prior to the effective date of the closure and were held in 
storage consistent with Sec.  635.28(b)(6). Additionally, a permitted 
shark dealer or processor may possess blacktip sharks, aggregated LCS, 
and/or hammerhead sharks in the western Gulf of Mexico sub-region that 
were harvested by a vessel issued a valid shark research fishery permit 
per Sec.  635.32 with a NMFS-approved observer onboard during the trip 
the sharks were taken on as long as the LCS research fishery quota 
remains open. Similarly, a shark dealer issued a permit pursuant to 
Sec.  635.4 may, in accordance with relevant state regulations, 
purchase or receive blacktip sharks, aggregated LCS, and/or hammerhead 
sharks in the western Gulf of Mexico sub-region if the sharks were 
harvested, off-loaded, and sold, traded, or bartered from a vessel that 
fishes only in state waters and that has not been issued an Atlantic 
Shark LAP, HMS Angling permit, or HMS Charter/Headboat permit pursuant 
to Sec.  635.4.


    Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B), the Assistant Administrator for 
Fisheries, NOAA (AA), finds that providing prior notice and public 
comment for this action is impracticable and contrary to the public 
interest because the fishery is currently underway and any delay in 
this action would result in overharvest of the quotas for these species 
and management groups and thus would be inconsistent with fishery 
management requirements and objectives. The regulations implementing 
the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and amendments provide for inseason 
retention limit adjustments and fishery closures to respond to the 
unpredictable nature of availability on the fishing grounds, the 
migratory nature of the species, and the regional variations. NMFS is 
not able to give notice sooner nor would sooner notice be practicable 
given the structure of the regulations, which close the fisheries under 
specified regulatory criteria or thresholds, and closure determinations 
need to be based on near real-time data to balance fishing 
opportunities against the management goal of preventing quota 
overharvests. Similarly, affording prior notice and opportunity for 
public comment on this action is contrary to the public interest 
because if a quota is exceeded, the stock may be negatively affected 
and fishermen ultimately could experience reductions in the available 
quota and a lack of fishing opportunities in future seasons. For these 
reasons, the AA also finds good cause to waive the 30-day delay in 
effective date pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3). This action is required 
under Sec.  635.28(b)(3) and Sec.  635.28(b)(5) and is exempt from 
review under Executive Order 12866.

    Authority:  16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.

    Dated: March 8, 2018
Emily H. Menashes,
Acting Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine 
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2018-05058 Filed 3-8-18; 4:15 pm]

                                           10802              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 49 / Tuesday, March 13, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                           DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                  amendments, and implementing                          (dw) (765,392 lb dw), the western Gulf
                                                                                                   regulations (50 CFR part 635) issued                  of Mexico aggregated LCS sub-regional
                                           National Oceanic and Atmospheric                        under authority of the Magnuson-                      quota was 72.0 mt dw (158,724 lb dw),
                                           Administration                                          Stevens Fishery Conservation and                      and the western Gulf of Mexico
                                                                                                   Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1801 et                     hammerhead shark sub-regional quota
                                           50 CFR Part 635                                         seq.).                                                was 11.9 mt dw (26,301 lb dw). Dealer
                                                                                                      Under § 635.5(b)(1), dealers must                  reports received through March 8, 2018,
                                           [Docket No. 170605543–7999–02]
                                                                                                   electronically submit reports on sharks               indicate that 86 percent (61.7 mt dw) of
                                           RIN 0648–XG021                                          that are first received from a vessel on              the available western Gulf of Mexico
                                                                                                   a weekly basis through a NMFS-                        aggregated LCS management group sub-
                                           Atlantic Highly Migratory Species;                      approved electronic reporting system.                 regional quota has been landed and that
                                           Commercial Blacktip Sharks,                             Reports must be received by no later                  57 percent (6.8 mt dw) of the available
                                           Aggregated Large Coastal Sharks, and                    than midnight, local time, of the first               western Gulf of Mexico hammerhead
                                           Hammerhead Sharks in the Western                        Tuesday following the end of the                      shark sub-regional quota has been
                                           Gulf of Mexico Sub-Region; Closure                      reporting week unless the dealer is                   landed. Based on these dealer reports,
                                           AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                      otherwise notified by NMFS. Under                     the western Gulf of Mexico aggregated
                                           Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                    § 635.28(b)(4), the quotas of certain                 LCS management group sub-regional
                                           Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                      species and/or management groups are                  quota has exceeded 80 percent and
                                           Commerce.                                               linked. If quotas are linked, when the                meets the closure threshold. While the
                                                                                                   specified quota threshold for one                     western Gulf of Mexico hammerhead
                                           ACTION: Temporary rule; closure.
                                                                                                   management group or species is reached                shark sub-regional quota has reached 57
                                           SUMMARY:   NMFS is closing the                          and that management group or species                  percent of the available quota, it is
                                           commercial fishery for blacktip sharks,                 is closed, the linked management group                linked to the aggregated LCS fishery and
                                           aggregated large coastal sharks (LCS),                  or species closes at the same time                    therefore closes when the aggregated
                                           and hammerhead shark management                         (§ 635.28(b)(3)). The quotas for                      LCS management groups in the western
                                           groups in the western Gulf of Mexico                    aggregated LCS and the hammerhead                     Gulf of Mexico sub-region closes.
                                           sub-region. This action is necessary                    shark management groups in the                        Accordingly, NMFS is closing the
                                           because the commercial landings of                      western Gulf of Mexico sub-region are                 commercial aggregated LCS and
                                           sharks in the aggregated LCS                            linked (§ 635.28(b)(4)(iii)). The blacktip            hammerhead management groups in the
                                           management group in the western Gulf                    shark quota in the western Gulf of                    western Gulf of Mexico sub-region as of
                                           of Mexico sub-region for the 2018                       Mexico sub-region is not linked to the                11:30 p.m. local time March 13, 2018.
                                           fishing season has reached 80 percent of                aggregated LCS or hammerhead shark                       Dealer reports received through
                                           the available commercial quota as of                    quotas.                                               March 8, 2018, indicate that 77 percent
                                           March 8, 2018, and the aggregated LCS                      Under § 635.28(b)(2) and (3), when                 (265.9 mt dw) of the available western
                                           and hammerhead shark management                         NMFS calculates that the landings for                 Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark sub-
                                           groups are quota-linked under the                       any species and/or management group                   regional quota has been landed.
                                           regulations. The blacktip shark fishery                 of either a non-linked or a linked group              Regulations at § 635.28(b)(5)(i)–(v)
                                           in the western Gulf of Mexico sub-                      have reached or are projected to reach                authorize the closure of the blacktip
                                           region will be closed to help minimize                  a threshold of 80 percent of the                      shark fishery before landings reach, or
                                           regulatory discards of sharks in the                    available quota, NMFS will file for                   are expected to reach, 80 percent of the
                                           aggregated LCS management group in                      publication, with the Office of the                   quota if warranted after considering the
                                           the western Gulf of Mexico sub-region,                  Federal Register, a notice of closure for             following criteria and other relevant
                                           since LCS are often caught in                           all of the species and/or management                  factors: season length based on available
                                           conjunction with blacktip sharks in the                 groups of either a non-linked or linked               sub-regional quota and average sub-
                                           commercial shark fisheries. This closure                group that will be effective no fewer                 regional catch rates; variability in
                                           will affect anyone commercially fishing                 than five days from date of filing. For               regional and/or sub-regional seasonal
                                           for sharks in the western Gulf of Mexico                blacktip sharks, under § 635.28(b)(5),                distribution, abundance, and migratory
                                           sub-region.                                             NMFS may close the regional or sub-                   patterns; effects on accomplishing the
                                                                                                   regional Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark                objectives of the 2006 Consolidated
                                           DATES: The commercial fishery for
                                                                                                   management group(s) before landings                   HMS FMP and its amendments; amount
                                           blacktip sharks and for the aggregated                  reach, or are expected to reach, 80                   of remaining shark quotas in the
                                           LCS and hammerhead shark                                percent of the quota, after considering               relevant sub-region; and regional and/or
                                           management groups in the western Gulf                   specified regulatory criteria and other               sub-regional catch rates of the relevant
                                           of Mexico sub-region are closed                         relevant factors.                                     shark species or management groups.
                                           effective 11:30 p.m. local time March                      From the effective date and time of                NMFS has considered these criteria
                                           13, 2018 until the end of the 2018                      the closure until and if NMFS                         with respect to blacktip sharks in the
                                           fishing season on December 31, 2018, or                 announces, via a notice in the Federal                western Gulf of Mexico sub-region, and
                                           until and if NMFS announces via a                       Register, that additional quota is                    in particular, considered sub-regional
                                           notice in the Federal Register that                     available and the season is reopened,                 distribution and abundance
                                           additional quota is available and the                   the fisheries for all linked species and/             (§ 635.28(b)(5)(ii)) and sub-regional
                                           season is reopened.                                     or management groups and specified                    catch rates (§ 635.28(b)(5)(v)) in
                                           FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        non-linked species and/or management                  determining that a closure is warranted
                                           Lauren Latchford or Karyl Brewster-                     groups are closed, even across fishing                at this time.
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with RULES

                                           Geisz 301–427–8503; fax 301–713–1917.                   years.                                                   The directed shark fisheries in the
                                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                             On November 22, 2017 (82 FR 55512),                western Gulf of Mexico sub-region
                                           Atlantic shark fisheries are managed                    NMFS announced that for 2018, the                     exhibit a mixed species composition,
                                           under the 2006 Consolidated Highly                      commercial western Gulf of Mexico                     with a high abundance and distribution
                                           Migratory Species (HMS) Fishery                         blacktip shark sub-regional quota was                 of aggregated LCS caught in conjunction
                                           Management Plan (FMP), its                              347.2 metric tons (mt) dressed weight                 with blacktip sharks. As a result, closing

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                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 49 / Tuesday, March 13, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                              10803

                                           the aggregated LCS and hammerhead                       sub-region is prohibited for persons                  the public interest because the fishery is
                                           shark management groups while leaving                   fishing aboard vessels issued a                       currently underway and any delay in
                                           only the blacktip shark fishery open in                 commercial shark limited access permit                this action would result in overharvest
                                           the western Gulf of Mexico sub-region                   under § 635.4. However, persons aboard                of the quotas for these species and
                                           could cause large numbers of regulatory                 a commercially permitted vessel that is               management groups and thus would be
                                           discards of aggregated LCS species.                     also properly permitted to operate as a               inconsistent with fishery management
                                           Such discards could hinder the                          charter vessel or headboat for HMS, has               requirements and objectives. The
                                           management goals and interfere with                     a shark endorsement, and is engaged in                regulations implementing the 2006
                                           accomplishing the objectives of the 2006                a for-hire trip could fish under the                  Consolidated HMS FMP and
                                           Consolidated HMS FMP and its                            recreational retention limits for sharks              amendments provide for inseason
                                           amendments (§ 635.28(b)(5)(iii)), which                 and ‘‘no sale’’ provisions (§ 635.22 (c)).            retention limit adjustments and fishery
                                           include preventing overfishing while                    Similarly, persons aboard a                           closures to respond to the unpredictable
                                           achieving on a continuing basis                         commercially permitted vessel that                    nature of availability on the fishing
                                           optimum yield and rebuilding                            possesses a valid shark research permit               grounds, the migratory nature of the
                                           overfished shark stocks. Such discards                  under § 635.32 and has a NMFS-                        species, and the regional variations.
                                           would also be contrary to National                      approved observer onboard may                         NMFS is not able to give notice sooner
                                           Standard 9, which requires that                         continue to harvest and sell blacktip                 nor would sooner notice be practicable
                                           management measures minimize                            sharks, aggregated LCS, and/or                        given the structure of the regulations,
                                           bycatch and bycatch mortality,                          hammerhead sharks in the western Gulf                 which close the fisheries under
                                           particularly if the discards are dead and               of Mexico sub-region pursuant to the                  specified regulatory criteria or
                                           are of overfished species. A single                     terms and conditions of the shark                     thresholds, and closure determinations
                                           closure for the blacktip, aggregated LCS,               research permit.                                      need to be based on near real-time data
                                           and hammerhead management groups                           During this closure, a shark dealer                to balance fishing opportunities against
                                           in the western Gulf of Mexico sub-                      issued a permit pursuant to § 635.4 may               the management goal of preventing
                                           region would minimize regulatory                        not purchase or receive blacktip sharks,              quota overharvests. Similarly, affording
                                           discards, and help prevent overfishing,                 aggregated LCS, and/or hammerhead                     prior notice and opportunity for public
                                           of aggregated LCS in the western Gulf of                sharks in the western Gulf of Mexico                  comment on this action is contrary to
                                           Mexico sub-region, consistent with the                  sub-region from a vessel issued an                    the public interest because if a quota is
                                           Magnuson-Stevens Fishery                                Atlantic shark limited access permit                  exceeded, the stock may be negatively
                                           Conservation and Management Act and                     (LAP), except that a permitted shark                  affected and fishermen ultimately could
                                           the criteria at § 635.28(b)(5).                         dealer or processor may possess blacktip              experience reductions in the available
                                           Accordingly, NMFS is closing the                        sharks, aggregated LCS, and/or                        quota and a lack of fishing opportunities
                                           commercial blacktip shark fishery in the                hammerhead sharks in the western Gulf                 in future seasons. For these reasons, the
                                           western Gulf of Mexico sub-region as of                 of Mexico sub-region that were                        AA also finds good cause to waive the
                                           11:30 p.m. local time March 13, 2018.                   harvested, off-loaded, and sold, traded,              30-day delay in effective date pursuant
                                              All other shark species or                           or bartered prior to the effective date of            to 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3). This action is
                                           management groups in the western Gulf                   the closure and were held in storage                  required under § 635.28(b)(3) and
                                           of Mexico sub-region that are currently                 consistent with § 635.28(b)(6).                       § 635.28(b)(5) and is exempt from
                                           open will remain open, including the                    Additionally, a permitted shark dealer                review under Executive Order 12866.
                                           commercial Gulf of Mexico non-                          or processor may possess blacktip
                                           blacknose small coastal sharks (SCS),                   sharks, aggregated LCS, and/or                          Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
                                           blue sharks, smoothhound sharks, and                    hammerhead sharks in the western Gulf                   Dated: March 8, 2018
                                           pelagic sharks other than porbeagle or                  of Mexico sub-region that were                        Emily H. Menashes,
                                           blue sharks.                                            harvested by a vessel issued a valid                  Acting Director, Office of Sustainable
                                              The boundary between the Gulf of                     shark research fishery permit per                     Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
                                           Mexico region and the Atlantic region is                § 635.32 with a NMFS-approved                         [FR Doc. 2018–05058 Filed 3–8–18; 4:15 pm]
                                           defined at § 635.27(b)(1) as a line                     observer onboard during the trip the                  BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
                                           beginning on the East Coast of Florida                  sharks were taken on as long as the LCS
                                           at the mainland at 25°20.4′ N. lat,                     research fishery quota remains open.
                                           proceeding due east. Any water and                      Similarly, a shark dealer issued a permit             DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                           land to the south and west of that                      pursuant to § 635.4 may, in accordance
                                           boundary is considered for the purposes                 with relevant state regulations, purchase             National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                           of monitoring and setting quotas, to be                 or receive blacktip sharks, aggregated                Administration
                                           within the Gulf of Mexico region. The                   LCS, and/or hammerhead sharks in the
                                           boundary between the western and                        western Gulf of Mexico sub-region if the              50 CFR Part 648
                                           eastern Gulf of Mexico sub-regions is                   sharks were harvested, off-loaded, and
                                           drawn along 88° 00′ W. long                             sold, traded, or bartered from a vessel               [Docket No. 160229159–8236–02]
                                           (§ 635.27(b)(1)(ii)). Persons fishing                   that fishes only in state waters and that
                                           aboard vessels issued a commercial                      has not been issued an Atlantic Shark                 RIN 0648–BF85
                                           shark limited access permit under                       LAP, HMS Angling permit, or HMS
                                           § 635.4 may still retain blacktip sharks,                                                                     Fisheries of the Northeastern United
                                                                                                   Charter/Headboat permit pursuant to
                                           aggregated LCS, and/or hammerhead                                                                             States; Framework 2 to the Tilefish
                                                                                                   § 635.4.
                                           sharks management groups in the                                                                               Fishery Management Plan
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with RULES

                                           eastern Gulf of Mexico sub-region (east                 Classification
                                                                                                                                                         AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries
                                           of 88° 00′ W. long).                                      Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B), the                 Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
                                              During the closure, retention of                     Assistant Administrator for Fisheries,                Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
                                           blacktip sharks, aggregated LCS, and/or                 NOAA (AA), finds that providing prior                 Commerce.
                                           hammerhead sharks management                            notice and public comment for this
                                                                                                                                                         ACTION: Final rule.
                                           groups in the western Gulf of Mexico                    action is impracticable and contrary to

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Document Created: 2018-03-13 01:56:50
Document Modified: 2018-03-13 01:56:50
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionTemporary rule; closure.
DatesThe commercial fishery for blacktip sharks and for the aggregated LCS and hammerhead shark management groups in the western Gulf of Mexico sub-region are closed effective 11:30 p.m. local time March 13, 2018 until the end of the 2018 fishing season on December 31, 2018, or until and if NMFS announces via a notice in the Federal Register that additional quota is available and the season is reopened.
ContactLauren Latchford or Karyl Brewster- Geisz 301-427-8503; fax 301-713-1917.
FR Citation83 FR 10802 
RIN Number0648-XG02

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