83_FR_10891 83 FR 10842 - Notice of Availability for Finding of No Significant Impact for the Environmental Assessment Addressing Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services Relocation and Expansion at Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia

83 FR 10842 - Notice of Availability for Finding of No Significant Impact for the Environmental Assessment Addressing Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services Relocation and Expansion at Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia

Office of the Secretary

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 49 (March 13, 2018)

Page Range10842-10843
FR Document2018-05055

On August 17, 2016, DLA published a NOA in the Federal Register announcing the publication of the Environmental Assessment (EA) Addressing Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services Relocation and Expansion at Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia. The EA was available for a 30-day public comment period that ended September 16, 2016. DLA considered all comments prior to making the determination to proceed with this Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI).

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 49 (Tuesday, March 13, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 49 (Tuesday, March 13, 2018)]
[Pages 10842-10843]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-05055]



Office of the Secretary

[Docket ID: DOD-2016-OS-0086]

Notice of Availability for Finding of No Significant Impact for 
the Environmental Assessment Addressing Defense Logistics Agency 
Disposition Services Relocation and Expansion at Defense Supply Center 
Richmond, Virginia

AGENCY: Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), Department of Defense.

ACTION: Notice of availability (NOA).


SUMMARY: On August 17, 2016, DLA published a NOA in the Federal 
Register announcing the publication of the Environmental Assessment 
(EA) Addressing Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services 
Relocation and Expansion at Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia. 
The EA was available for a 30-day public comment period that ended 
September 16, 2016. DLA considered all comments prior to making the 
determination to proceed with this Finding of No Significant Impact 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ira Silverberg at 703-767-0705 during 
normal business hours Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 
p.m. (EST) or by email: ira.silverberg@dla.mil.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The EA was prepared as required under the 
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969. In addition, the EA 
complied with DLA Regulation 1000.22. DLA completed an EA to address 
the potential environmental consequences associated with the Proposed 
Action at Defense Supply Center Richmond. This FONSI incorporates the 
EA by reference and summarizes the results of the analyses in the EA. 
Additionally, this FONSI documents the decision of DLA to implement the 
Proposed Action at Defense Supply Center Richmond. DLA has determined 
that the Proposed Action is not a major federal action significantly 
affecting the quality of the human environment within the context of 
NEPA and that no significant impacts on the human environment are 
associated with this decision.
    DLA received two comments during the 30-day public comment period. 
An anonymous comment, dated September 13, 2016, concurred with DLA that 
the Proposed Action would not result in a significant impact. The 
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) coordinated review 
of the EA by state agencies, planning district commissions, and 
Chesterfield County and provided a consolidated comment letter dated 
September 15, 2016. The Virginia DEQ consolidated comment letter noted 
the EA did not address potential impacts to land analogous to 
Chesapeake Bay Preservation Areas. On September 22, 2017, DLA responded 
to the Virginia DEQ consolidated comment letter. DLA's response letter 
noted that DLA conducted a wetland delineation, stream assessment, and 
resource protection area (RPA) delineation and submitted a RPA 
Designation Application to Chesterfield County requesting redesignation 
of the RPA within a portion of the proposed 18.2-acre outdoor storage 
area on March 31, 2017. Chesterfield County confirmed DLA's perennial 
stream flow determination and RPA designations on April 14, 2017.
    DLA determined that the Proposed Action would be consistent, to the 
maximum extent practicable, with the enforceable policies of Virginia's 
Coastal Zone Management Program and submitted a coastal zone 
consistency determination for Virginia DEQ review on June 9, 2016. On 
August 16, 2016, Virginia DEQ concurred that the Proposed Action would 
be consistent with Virginia's Coastal Zone Management Program provided 
DLA obtains all applicable permits and approvals.
    The Proposed Action would take place within the Bellwood-Richmond 
Quartermaster Depot Historic District, which is eligible for listing in 
the National Register of Historic Places. Pursuant to the National 
Historic Preservation Act, DLA contacted the State Historic 
Preservation Officer to conduct Section 106 consultation for the 
Proposed Action on September 25, 2015. In a letter dated November 2, 
2015, the State Historic Preservation Office concurred that the 
Proposed Action would not adversely affect historic properties.
    The EA includes an appendix with the public's comments and DLA's 
response, coastal zone consistency documentation, and State Historic 
Preservation Office consultation documents. The revised EA is available 
electronically at the Federal eRulemaking Portal at http://www.regulations.gov within Docket ID: DOD-2016-OS-0086.
    Purpose and Need for Action: The purpose of the Proposed Action is 
to improve the efficiency of DLA Disposition Services operations in the 
Eastern United States. The Proposed Action is necessary, because the 
DLA Disposition Services disposal network in the Eastern United States 

[[Page 10843]]

experienced increased customer wait times, insufficient loading bays, 
workload and productivity imbalances between sites, aging facilities, 
and a lack of process optimization since DLA Distribution and DLA 
Disposition Services merged materiel receipt, storage, and distribution 
    Proposed Action and Alternatives: Under the Proposed Action, DLA 
would: (1) Redesign the DLA Disposition Services mid-Atlantic disposal 
network. This will divert incoming excess military property from DLA 
Disposition Services at Fort Meade, Fort Bragg, Norfolk, and 
Susquehanna to DLA Disposition Services at Richmond. (2) Expand DLA 
Disposition Services at Richmond to a full-service operation (i.e., 
receive, store, distribute, and sell excess military equipment; 
documentation of hazardous materials management; demilitarization; and 
scrap operations). The expansion increases the warehouse footprint from 
60,000 to 340,000 square feet (an addition of 280,000 square feet) and 
increases the outdoor storage area footprint from 34 to 60 acres (an 
addition of 26 acres). (3) Create an operational test bed for research, 
development, testing, and evaluation of standardized disposal practices 
at DLA Disposition Services at Richmond.
    Description of the No Action Alternative: The No Action Alternative 
avoids relocation, or expansion of DLA Disposition Services at 
Richmond. DLA Disposition Services would continue to operate with 
extensive customer wait times, insufficient loading bays, workload and 
productivity imbalances between sites, aging facilities, and a lack of 
process optimization. The No Action Alternative would not meet the 
purpose of and need for the Proposed Action.
    Potential Environmental Impacts: No significant effects on 
environmental resources are expected from the Proposed Action. 
Insignificant, adverse effects on land use, e.g., noise, air quality, 
geological resources, water resources, biological resources, cultural 
resources, infrastructure and transportation, hazardous materials and 
wastes, and health and safety are to be expected. Insignificant and 
beneficial effects on infrastructure and socioeconomics are also to be 
expected. The EA covers details of the environmental consequences, 
which is hereby incorporated by reference.
    Determination: DLA has determined that implementation of the 
Proposed Action will not have a significant effect on the human 
environment. DLA interprets the human environment as the natural and 
physical environment and the relationship of people with that 
environment. DLA based this determination on an analysis of uncertain 
or controversial impacts; unique or unknown risks; and cumulative 
impacts of the proposed action. Implementation of the Proposed Action 
will not violate any Federal, State, or local laws.
    Mr. Phillip R. Dawson, Acting Director, DLA Installation 
Management, concludes that implementing the Proposed Action at the 
Defense Supply Center Richmond does not constitute a major federal 
action that would significantly affect the quality of the environment 
within the context of NEPA. This decision is based on the results of 
the analyses performed during the EA preparation as well as comments 
received from the public.
    Therefore, an environmental impact statement for the Proposed 
Action is not required.

    Dated: March 8, 2018.
Aaron Siegel,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2018-05055 Filed 3-12-18; 8:45 am]

                                             10842                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 49 / Tuesday, March 13, 2018 / Notices

                                             vicinity of Mosul, Iraq in 2004 (e.g., 1–               DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE                                 commissions, and Chesterfield County
                                             24 Infantry Battalion). The data                                                                              and provided a consolidated comment
                                             collected from the survey will be used                  Office of the Secretary                               letter dated September 15, 2016. The
                                             to compare the health of current and                    [Docket ID: DOD–2016–OS–0086]                         Virginia DEQ consolidated comment
                                             former U.S. Army personnel after their                                                                        letter noted the EA did not address
                                             initial deployment in support of                        Notice of Availability for Finding of No              potential impacts to land analogous to
                                             Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) to that of                Significant Impact for the                            Chesapeake Bay Preservation Areas. On
                                             a subset of Millennium Cohort Study                     Environmental Assessment                              September 22, 2017, DLA responded to
                                             participants. This evaluation is being                  Addressing Defense Logistics Agency                   the Virginia DEQ consolidated comment
                                                                                                     Disposition Services Relocation and                   letter. DLA’s response letter noted that
                                             conducted at the request of the Army
                                                                                                     Expansion at Defense Supply Center                    DLA conducted a wetland delineation,
                                             Chief of Staff.
                                                                                                     Richmond, Virginia                                    stream assessment, and resource
                                                Affected public: Individuals or                                                                            protection area (RPA) delineation and
                                             Households.                                             AGENCY: Defense Logistics Agency                      submitted a RPA Designation
                                                Annual burden hours: 3,500.                          (DLA), Department of Defense.                         Application to Chesterfield County
                                                                                                     ACTION: Notice of availability (NOA).                 requesting redesignation of the RPA
                                                Number of respondents: 3,500.                                                                              within a portion of the proposed 18.2-
                                                Responses per respondent: 1.                         SUMMARY:   On August 17, 2016, DLA                    acre outdoor storage area on March 31,
                                                Annual responses: 3,500.                             published a NOA in the Federal                        2017. Chesterfield County confirmed
                                                                                                     Register announcing the publication of                DLA’s perennial stream flow
                                                Average burden per response: 60                      the Environmental Assessment (EA)                     determination and RPA designations on
                                             minutes.                                                Addressing Defense Logistics Agency                   April 14, 2017.
                                                Frequency: One time.                                 Disposition Services Relocation and                      DLA determined that the Proposed
                                                Respondents are former soldiers who                  Expansion at Defense Supply Center                    Action would be consistent, to the
                                                                                                     Richmond, Virginia. The EA was                        maximum extent practicable, with the
                                             deployed in support of OIF. The post-
                                                                                                     available for a 30-day public comment                 enforceable policies of Virginia’s Coastal
                                             deployment health survey will record
                                                                                                     period that ended September 16, 2016.                 Zone Management Program and
                                             self-reported health topics, including
                                                                                                     DLA considered all comments prior to                  submitted a coastal zone consistency
                                             medical conditions, health behaviors,                   making the determination to proceed                   determination for Virginia DEQ review
                                             and exposures that may have affected                    with this Finding of No Significant                   on June 9, 2016. On August 16, 2016,
                                             the health of soldiers and veterans. The                Impact (FONSI).                                       Virginia DEQ concurred that the
                                             data from the completed survey will be                                                                        Proposed Action would be consistent
                                                                                                     FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ira
                                             used to compare the health status of                                                                          with Virginia’s Coastal Zone
                                                                                                     Silverberg at 703–767–0705 during
                                             members of the 1–24 Infantry Battalion                  normal business hours Monday through                  Management Program provided DLA
                                             (1–24 IN) who deployed to Mosul, Iraq                   Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.                   obtains all applicable permits and
                                             in 2004–2005 and a similar exposure                     (EST) or by email: ira.silverberg@                    approvals.
                                             group consisting of other personnel in                  dla.mil.                                                 The Proposed Action would take
                                             the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team                                                                           place within the Bellwood-Richmond
                                             (SBCT) to a comparable set of soldiers                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:     The EA                 Quartermaster Depot Historic District,
                                             and veterans participating in a separate                was prepared as required under the                    which is eligible for listing in the
                                                                                                     National Environmental Policy Act                     National Register of Historic Places.
                                             and not related Millennium Cohort
                                                                                                     (NEPA) of 1969. In addition, the EA                   Pursuant to the National Historic
                                             Study. A deployment and
                                                                                                     complied with DLA Regulation 1000.22.                 Preservation Act, DLA contacted the
                                             environmental health surveillance                       DLA completed an EA to address the
                                             investigation conducted by the APHC in                                                                        State Historic Preservation Officer to
                                                                                                     potential environmental consequences                  conduct Section 106 consultation for the
                                             2014 was unable to discern etiologic                    associated with the Proposed Action at                Proposed Action on September 25,
                                             elements connecting the multitude of                    Defense Supply Center Richmond. This                  2015. In a letter dated November 2,
                                             health conditions and symptoms                          FONSI incorporates the EA by reference                2015, the State Historic Preservation
                                             experienced by a small subset of the 1–                 and summarizes the results of the                     Office concurred that the Proposed
                                             24 IN. Deployment-associated                            analyses in the EA. Additionally, this                Action would not adversely affect
                                             environmental exposures which may                       FONSI documents the decision of DLA                   historic properties.
                                             have increased the risk of developing                   to implement the Proposed Action at                      The EA includes an appendix with
                                             these conditions were not identified;                   Defense Supply Center Richmond. DLA                   the public’s comments and DLA’s
                                             however, a comprehensive comparative                    has determined that the Proposed                      response, coastal zone consistency
                                             evaluation that includes self-reported                  Action is not a major federal action                  documentation, and State Historic
                                             data and all former members of the 1–                   significantly affecting the quality of the            Preservation Office consultation
                                             24 IN who served in Mosul has not been                  human environment within the context                  documents. The revised EA is available
                                             conducted.                                              of NEPA and that no significant impacts               electronically at the Federal
                                                                                                     on the human environment are                          eRulemaking Portal at http://
                                               Dated: March 8, 2018.
                                                                                                     associated with this decision.                        www.regulations.gov within Docket ID:
                                             Aaron Siegel,                                             DLA received two comments during                    DOD–2016–OS–0086.
                                             Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison                  the 30-day public comment period. An                     Purpose and Need for Action: The
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES

                                             Officer, Department of Defense.                         anonymous comment, dated September                    purpose of the Proposed Action is to
                                             [FR Doc. 2018–05040 Filed 3–12–18; 8:45 am]             13, 2016, concurred with DLA that the                 improve the efficiency of DLA
                                             BILLING CODE 3710–08–P                                  Proposed Action would not result in a                 Disposition Services operations in the
                                                                                                     significant impact. The Virginia                      Eastern United States. The Proposed
                                                                                                     Department of Environmental Quality                   Action is necessary, because the DLA
                                                                                                     (DEQ) coordinated review of the EA by                 Disposition Services disposal network
                                                                                                     state agencies, planning district                     in the Eastern United States has

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 49 / Tuesday, March 13, 2018 / Notices                                                  10843

                                             experienced increased customer wait                        Potential Environmental Impacts: No                  Dated: March 8, 2018.
                                             times, insufficient loading bays,                       significant effects on environmental                  Aaron Siegel,
                                             workload and productivity imbalances                    resources are expected from the                       Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
                                             between sites, aging facilities, and a lack             Proposed Action. Insignificant, adverse               Officer, Department of Defense.
                                             of process optimization since DLA                       effects on land use, e.g., noise, air                 [FR Doc. 2018–05055 Filed 3–12–18; 8:45 am]
                                             Distribution and DLA Disposition                        quality, geological resources, water                  BILLING CODE 5001–06–P
                                             Services merged materiel receipt,                       resources, biological resources, cultural
                                             storage, and distribution functions.                    resources, infrastructure and
                                                Proposed Action and Alternatives:                    transportation, hazardous materials and               DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
                                             Under the Proposed Action, DLA                          wastes, and health and safety are to be
                                             would: (1) Redesign the DLA                             expected. Insignificant and beneficial                Office of the Secretary
                                             Disposition Services mid-Atlantic                       effects on infrastructure and
                                             disposal network. This will divert                      socioeconomics are also to be expected.
                                                                                                                                                           [Transmittal No. 17–79]
                                             incoming excess military property from                  The EA covers details of the
                                             DLA Disposition Services at Fort Meade,                 environmental consequences, which is                  Arms Sales Notification
                                             Fort Bragg, Norfolk, and Susquehanna to                 hereby incorporated by reference.
                                             DLA Disposition Services at Richmond.                      Determination: DLA has determined                  AGENCY: Defense Security Cooperation
                                             (2) Expand DLA Disposition Services at                  that implementation of the Proposed                   Agency, Department of Defense.
                                             Richmond to a full-service operation                    Action will not have a significant effect
                                             (i.e., receive, store, distribute, and sell             on the human environment. DLA                         ACTION:   Arms sales notice.
                                             excess military equipment;                              interprets the human environment as
                                             documentation of hazardous materials                    the natural and physical environment                  SUMMARY:  The Department of Defense is
                                             management; demilitarization; and                       and the relationship of people with that              publishing the unclassified text of an
                                             scrap operations). The expansion                        environment. DLA based this                           arms sales notification.
                                             increases the warehouse footprint from                  determination on an analysis of
                                             60,000 to 340,000 square feet (an                       uncertain or controversial impacts;                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                             addition of 280,000 square feet) and                    unique or unknown risks; and                          Pamela Young, (703) 697–9107,
                                             increases the outdoor storage area                      cumulative impacts of the proposed                    pamela.a.young14.civ@mail.mil or
                                             footprint from 34 to 60 acres (an                       action. Implementation of the Proposed                Kathy Valadez, (703) 697–9217,
                                             addition of 26 acres). (3) Create an                    Action will not violate any Federal,                  kathy.a.valadez.civ@mail.mil; DSCA/
                                             operational test bed for research,                      State, or local laws.                                 DSA–RAN.
                                             development, testing, and evaluation of                    Mr. Phillip R. Dawson, Acting                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:      This
                                             standardized disposal practices at DLA                  Director, DLA Installation Management,                36(b)(1) arms sales notification is
                                             Disposition Services at Richmond.                       concludes that implementing the                       published to fulfill the requirements of
                                                Description of the No Action                         Proposed Action at the Defense Supply                 section 155 of Public Law 104–164
                                             Alternative: The No Action Alternative                  Center Richmond does not constitute a                 dated July 21, 1996. The following is a
                                             avoids relocation, or expansion of DLA                  major federal action that would                       copy of a letter to the Speaker of the
                                             Disposition Services at Richmond. DLA                   significantly affect the quality of the               House of Representatives, Transmittal
                                             Disposition Services would continue to                  environment within the context of                     17–79 with attached Policy Justification
                                             operate with extensive customer wait                    NEPA. This decision is based on the                   and Sensitivity of Technology.
                                             times, insufficient loading bays,                       results of the analyses performed during
                                             workload and productivity imbalances                    the EA preparation as well as comments                  Dated: March 8, 2018.
                                             between sites, aging facilities, and a lack             received from the public.                             Aaron Siegel,
                                             of process optimization. The No Action                     Therefore, an environmental impact                 Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
                                             Alternative would not meet the purpose                  statement for the Proposed Action is not              Officer, Department of Defense.
                                             of and need for the Proposed Action.                    required.                                             BILLING CODE 5001–06–P
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Document Created: 2018-03-13 01:56:52
Document Modified: 2018-03-13 01:56:52
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of availability (NOA).
ContactIra Silverberg at 703-767-0705 during normal business hours Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (EST) or by email: [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 10842 

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