83_FR_11504 83 FR 11453 - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Withdrawal of the Proposed Rule To List Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina (San Fernando Valley Spineflower)

83 FR 11453 - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Withdrawal of the Proposed Rule To List Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina (San Fernando Valley Spineflower)

Fish and Wildlife Service

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 51 (March 15, 2018)

Page Range11453-11474
FR Document2018-05081

We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), withdraw our September 15, 2016, proposed rule to list Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina (San Fernando Valley spineflower), a plant from southern California, as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). This withdrawal is based on our conclusion that the threats to this plant, as identified in the proposed rule, are no longer as significant as we believed them to be when we issued the proposed rule. We base this conclusion on our analysis of current and future threats and conservation efforts. We find the best scientific and commercial data available indicate that the threats to C. parryi var. fernandina and its habitat have been reduced below the level where this plant would meet the statutory definition of threatened or endangered. Therefore, we are withdrawing our proposal to list C. parryi var. fernandina as a threatened species.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 51 (Thursday, March 15, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 51 (Thursday, March 15, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 11453-11474]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-05081]



Fish and Wildlife Service

50 CFR Part 17

[Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2016-0078; 4500030113]
RIN 1018-BB64

Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Withdrawal of the 
Proposed Rule To List Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina (San Fernando 
Valley Spineflower)

AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.

ACTION: Proposed rule; withdrawal.


SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), withdraw our 
September 15, 2016, proposed rule to list Chorizanthe parryi var. 
fernandina (San Fernando Valley spineflower), a plant from southern 
California, as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act of 
1973, as amended (Act). This withdrawal is based on our conclusion that 
the threats to this plant, as identified in the proposed rule, are no 
longer as significant as we believed them to be when we issued the 
proposed rule. We base this conclusion on our analysis of current and 
future threats and conservation efforts. We find the best scientific 
and commercial data available indicate that the threats to C. parryi 
var. fernandina and its habitat have been reduced below the level where 
this plant would meet the statutory definition of threatened or 
endangered. Therefore, we are withdrawing our proposal to list C. 
parryi var. fernandina as a threatened species.

DATES: The proposed rule that published on September 15, 2016 (81 FR 
63454), to list Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina as a threatened 
species under the Act, is withdrawn on March 15, 2018.

ADDRESSES: This document, comments on our proposed rule, and 
supplementary documents are available on the internet at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2016-0078. Comments and 
materials received, as well as supporting documentation used in the 
preparation of this withdrawal, are also available for public 
inspection, by appointment, during normal business hours at: U.S. Fish 
and Wildlife Service, Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office, 2493 Portola 
Road, Suite B, Ventura, CA 93001; telephone 805-644-1766.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Stephen P. Henry, Field Supervisor, 
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office, 2493 
Portola Road, Suite B, Ventura, CA 93003; telephone 805-644-1766. 
Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call 
the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339.


Executive Summary

    Why we need to publish this document. Under the Endangered Species 
Act, a species may warrant protection through listing if it is 
endangered or threatened throughout all or a significant portion of its 
range. Listing a species as an endangered or threatened species can 
only be completed by issuing a rule. We issued a proposed rule to list 
Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina in 2016. This document withdraws 
that proposed rule because, based on our evaluation of the best 
scientific and commercial information available at this time, we have 
determined that threats have been reduced such that listing is no 
longer necessary for this plant.
    The basis for our action. Under the Endangered Species Act, we can 
determine that a species is an endangered or threatened species based 
on any of five factors: (A) The present or threatened destruction, 
modification, or curtailment of its habitat or range; (B) 
overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or 
educational purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D) the inadequacy of 
existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E) other natural or manmade factors 
affecting its continued existence. We have determined that threats have 
been reduced such that listing is no longer necessary for this plant.
    Peer review and public comment. We sought comments from independent 
specialists to ensure that our analysis was based on scientifically 
sound data, assumptions, and analyses. We invited these peer reviewers 
to comment on the information we relied upon in making our listing 
proposal, including the Species Report for the San Fernando Valley 
Spineflower (Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina) (Service 2016). We 
also considered all comments and information we received during the 
comment periods.

Previous Federal Actions

    On September 15, 2016, we published a proposed rule (81 FR 63454) 
to list Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina as a threatened species 
under the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). Please refer to this proposed 
rule for information on Federal actions prior to September 15, 2016.
    Under section 4(b)(6) of the Act, the Service is required to make a 
final listing determination within 1 year from the publication of the 
proposed rule, by publishing either a final listing rule or a 
withdrawal of the proposed rule, or extending the final determination 
by not more than 6 months under certain circumstances specified in the 
Act. On July 19, 2017, the Service published a 6-month extension of the 
final determination on the proposed threatened status for C. parryi 
var. fernandina and reopened the comment period on the proposal for an 
additional 30 days (82 FR 33035).
    After publication of the proposed rule in the Federal Register, the 
Service and the Newhall Land and Farming Company (Newhall Land) 
developed a candidate conservation agreement (2017 CCA) for C. parryi 
var. fernandina to implement conservation measures to improve the 
status of the plant. On November 13, 2017 (82 FR 52262), the Service 
reopened the comment period on the proposed rule to list C. parryi var. 
fernandina as a threatened species for an additional 30 days so that 
interested parties and the public could review and comment on the 
additional conservation measures provided by the 2017 CCA.
    During all three comment periods on the September 15, 2016, 
proposed rule, the Service requested additional information on the 
status of C. parryi var. fernandina or its habitat so that we could 
analyze this additional information as part of the final listing 
process. As part of our analysis, we also evaluated the certainty of 
effectiveness and certainty of implementation of the additional 
conservation measures that the 2017 CCA signatories have committed to 

[[Page 11454]]


    A thorough review of information that we relied on in making this 
determination--including information on taxonomy, life history, 
ecology, population distribution and abundance, land ownership, and 
potential threats--is presented in the Species Report for the San 
Fernando Valley Spineflower (Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina) 
(Species Report; Service 2016), available on the internet at http://regulations.gov under Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2016-0078. A summary of this 
analysis is included in the September 15, 2016, proposed rule (81 FR 
63454) and appears below. We used data specific to C. parryi var. 
fernandina when available.

Current Abundance and Distribution

    Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina currently occupies up to a total 
of 35-40 acres (ac) (14-16 hectares (ha)) from two populations in 
Southern California that are 17 miles (mi) (27 kilometers (km)) apart 
(see Figure 1, above). The Laskey Mesa population is in Ventura County, 
California, within the Upper Las Virgenes Canyon Open Space Preserve on 
land owned by the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy (SMMC) and the 
Mountains Recreation Conservation Authority (MRCA) (SMMC 2015). The 
Santa Clarita population is in Los Angeles County on land owned by 
Newhall Land (Dudek 2010, pp. 16-17). The Laskey Mesa population 
currently occupies approximately 15-20 ac (6.1-8.1 ha) (GLA 2000, p. 6; 
Sapphos 2001, p. 5-2; Sapphos 2003a, p. 3; Cooper 2015, pp. 8-10); the 
Santa Clarita population currently has a cumulative occupied area of 
approximately 20 ac (8.2 ha) (Dudek 2010, p. 63).
    Comparing annual numbers of C. parryi var. fernandina individuals 
over time is complicated because: (1) Different methodologies and 
levels of effort have been used to estimate population numbers across 
both extant populations during survey efforts since 1999; and (2) as is 
typical of many annual plants, C. parryi var. fernandina shows inter-
annual variation in abundance by several orders of magnitude, ranging 
from hundreds to millions of individuals. Therefore, occupied area or 
distribution of the populations is an appropriate surrogate measure for 
plant population size. The Santa Clarita population has roughly the 
same occupied acreage as Laskey Mesa but is more widely distributed 
across the landscape, scattered over a range of 4 mi (6.4 km) from east 
to west, and 4 mi (6.4 km) north to south.

Summary of Basis for Withdrawal

    Based upon our review of the public comments, comments from other 
Federal and State and County agencies, partner and peer review comments 
(see Summary of Comments and

[[Page 11455]]

Recommendations, below) and any new relevant information that may have 
become available since the September 15, 2016, publication of the 
proposed rule, we reevaluated our proposal. That reevaluation is 
reflected in this document as follows:
    (1) Based on our analyses, the Service has determined that 
Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina should not be listed as a threatened 
species. This document withdraws the proposed rule published on 
September 15, 2016 (81 FR 63454).
    (2) This document summarizes and evaluates the 2017 CCA and 
provides an analysis using the Service's Policy for Evaluation of 
Conservation Efforts When Making Listing Decisions (PECE) (68 FR 15100; 
March 28, 2003). See Ongoing and Future Conservation Efforts, below.
    (3) This document summarizes and evaluates the effects of the 
December 5, 2017, Rye Fire to Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina at 
Newhall Ranch (Santa Clarita population). See Summary of Biological 
Status and Factors Affecting the Species, below.

Ongoing and Future Conservation Efforts

    Below, we summarize conservation efforts that provide benefits to 
C. parryi var. fernandina that are already occurring or are expected to 
occur in the future. We have also completed an analysis of the newly 
initiated efforts in the 2017 CCA pursuant to PECE. The full PECE 
analysis can be found at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-

Planned Conservation Measures

    For the Santa Clarita population, the California Department of Fish 
and Wildlife (CDFW) approved the 2010 Newhall Ranch Spineflower 
Conservation Plan (SCP) and issued an incidental take permit (permit 
no. 2081-2008-012-05, the ITP) under the California Endangered Species 
Act, California Fish and Game Code section 2050-2085 (CESA) in 2010, 
for the SCP and proposed Newhall Land development within the SCP area 
that would result in the partial removal of C. parryi var. fernandina. 
The SCP serves as the mitigation and conservation plan for the purposes 
of the State ITP (CDFG 2010, p. 2). Through the SCP, the CDFW has 
required Newhall Land to provide for the perpetual conservation and 
management of seven spineflower preserves within the Santa Clarita 
population, totaling 228 ac (92 ha), located within the SCP enrolled 
lands on Newhall Land property. The SCP spineflower preserves contain 
approximately three-quarters of the cumulative occupied spineflower 
habitat on Newhall Land property, totaling approximately 15 ac (6 ha). 
Newhall Land has granted conservation easements to the CDFW over all of 
the SCP spineflower preserves. The SCP conservation measures include 
habitat enhancement and creation for spineflower, and experimental 
introduction of spineflower in areas outside of existing occupied 
habitat. The SCP also includes management actions within the preserves 
to reduce indirect effects of the proposed development (including those 
from nonnative, invasive grasses and Argentine ants). Newhall Land is 
implementing an adaptive management program for impacts under the SCP 
(Dudek 2010a, p. 141) and the Argentine Ant Control Plan (Dudek 2014c, 
p. 22). Permanent conservation easements for the preserves have been 
established. Newhall Land has already provided endowments to fund 
management and monitoring of the SCP spineflower preserves, and will 
provide more funding in SCP endowments as required by the ITP. The SCP 
is available at http://www.regulations.gov under Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-
    Newhall Land has also deposited funds with the National Fish and 
Wildlife Foundation for management of C. parryi var. fernandina at the 
Laskey Mesa population. The August 2014 PAR and September 2014 
memorandum prepared by Dudek identify the management activities for C. 
parryi var. fernandina at Laskey Mesa as part of the SCP (Newhall Land 
and Dudek 2014, entire). The funding is to be used for on-the-ground 
management activities that include research studies, fencing, weeding, 
surveys, annual reporting, and other activities. When this funding 
becomes accessible, we anticipate that the MRCA will implement the 
identified management activities.
    The rest of the SCP, including construction monitoring, habitat 
restoration, fencing and signing, and water control at the Santa 
Clarita population, has not yet been implemented. The implementation 
will occur in phases associated with the Newall Ranch development 
    Even with the conservation measures in the SCP, the proposed rule 
identified several threats that were still negatively acting on C. 
parryi var. fernandina and its habitat. Threats identified in the 
proposed rule included: (1) Historical and future loss of habitat and 
individuals from development (Santa Clarita); (2) having small, 
isolated populations (Santa Clarita and Laskey Mesa); (3) presence of 
invasive, nonnative plants (Santa Clarita and Laskey Mesa); (4) 
proliferation of Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) (Santa Clarita); 
(5) the potential effects of climate change (Santa Clarita and Laskey 
Mesa); and (6) synergistic effects of the individual factors listed 
above (Santa Clarita and Laskey Mesa) (81 FR 63454; September 15, 
    The 2017 CCA outlines several new conservation actions that will be 
enacted to address the current and future threats that we identified in 
our September 15, 2016, proposed rule (81 FR 63454). Additional 
conservation measures of the 2017 CCA are discussed below. We have also 
formally evaluated all 2017 CCA conservation measures pursuant to PECE, 
thereby taking all formalized conservation measures into consideration 
before making our final determination of the status of the plant. The 
Service's detailed PECE analysis, as well as the 2017 CCA and exhibits, 
are available for review at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. 
    The 2017 CCA provides for Newhall Land to voluntarily implement 
additional conservation measures described in the introduction plan 
with the goal of enhancing the status of C. parryi var. fernandina. The 
introduction plan provides for Newhall Land to voluntarily establish 
new, protected C. parryi var. fernandina occurrences within the plant's 
historical range that are expected to increase the resiliency of the 
existing populations and expand the redundancy and representation of 
the spineflower. Newhall Land will voluntarily conserve an additional 
1,498 ac (606 ha) of its property for the benefit of C. parryi var. 
fernandina and carry out additional conservation activities for the 
plant within portions of those 1,498 ac (606 ha) and within an 
approximately 7-ac (2.8-ha) portion of the existing CDFW Petersen Ranch 
Mitigation Bank (see Figure 2, below) collectively called the 
additional conservation areas associated with the CCA. C. parryi var. 
fernandina introduction will occur on a total of at least 10 ac (4 ha) 
within the additional conservation areas.
    The additional conservation areas in the introduction plan are 
intended to further increase the distribution of C. parryi var. 
fernandina within its historic range and include approximately 1,505 ac 
(609 ha), as follows: (1) Three additional conservation areas totaling 
approximately 825 ac (334 ha) are contiguous with or adjacent to the 
existing San Martinez Grande and Potrero preserves established under 
the SCP (all of which would be considered part of the Santa Clarita 
population, Areas 1-3 in Figure 2, below); (2) an additional 
conservation area of 357 ac

[[Page 11456]]

(144 ha) is located in the Simi Valley watershed on the southern 
boundary of Newhall Land property in Ventura County (Area 5 in Figure 
2); (3) an additional conservation area of approximately 316 ac (128 
ha) is located on Newhall Land property in the Castaic Mesa area in 
northern Los Angeles County, near a known extirpated population 
location (Area 4 in Figure 2); and (4) an additional conservation area 
is located in a 7-ac (2.8-ha) portion of the Petersen Ranch Mitigation 
Bank adjacent to Elizabeth Lake, also near a known extirpated 
population location (Area 6 in Figure 2). C. parryi var. fernandina 
introduction will occur on a total of at least 10 ac (4 ha) within the 
additional conservation areas.

    In carrying out the additional conservation measures described in 
the introduction plan, Newhall Land will introduce C. parryi var. 
fernandina within portions of the additional conservation areas with 
the goal of establishing at least two new self-sustaining, persistent 
C. parryi var. fernandina occurrences, at least one of which will be in 
a different ecoregion from the existing populations. Newhall Land will 
put each of the additional conservation areas into permanent 
conservation to ensure that habitat values of the spineflower are 
maintained. Newhall Land has funded an endowment for all initial 
habitat enhancement and C. parryi var. fernandina introduction 
activities within the additional conservation areas, and will fund one 
or more endowments to provide perpetual management and monitoring 
within the additional conservation areas, based on a PAR.
    Newhall Land began implementation of the introduction plan in 2016, 
by commencing site investigations to identify the additional 
conservation areas and suitable C. parryi var. fernandina introduction 
sites within the additional conservation areas, and by commencing 
seeding trials within the San Martinez Grande Preserve Expansion--Los 
Angeles County and Potrero Preserve Expansion Additional Conservation 
Areas. Newhall Land will continue to conduct seeding trials within each 
of the additional conservation areas in accordance with the 
introduction plan.
    The first step for each introduction site is the establishment of 
seeding trials. A series of initial seeding trials will be implemented 
at the proposed introduction areas prior to widespread introductions. 
The seeding trials are expected to take a minimum of 2 years to 
implement and obtain meaningful results. The seeding trials will be 
followed by more widespread introductions. The locations for widespread 
introductions will be based on where seeding trials demonstrate a

[[Page 11457]]

reasonable probability of success and will occur on a minimum of 10 ac 
(4 ha) within the additional conservation areas. Following the initial 
10-year implementation period for an additional conservation area under 
the introduction plan, and a determination made in consultation with 
the Spineflower Adaptive Management Working Group that newly occupied 
C. parryi var. fernandina habitat within the additional conservation 
area contains one or more self-sustaining occurrences, Newhall Land or 
its designee will conduct long-term management (including adaptive 
management), monitoring, and annual reporting of the newly occupied 
habitat within the additional conservation areas in perpetuity.
    Enhancement activities in areas surrounding introduction sites will 
be implemented prior to or concurrently with C. parryi var. fernandina 
introduction. Anticipated enhancement activities include passive and 
active revegetation of native vegetation communities, including weed 
control to ameliorate the threat of invasive, nonnative grasses. 
Enhancement activities will occur with an adaptive management approach 
that will continue beyond the 10-year maintenance and monitoring period 
and into the long-term management period. Targeted areas for habitat 
enhancement correspond to the sites identified for introduction and an 
approximately 50-ft (15-meter (m)) area surrounding introduction sites.
    All C. parryi var. fernandina introduction sites will be closed to 
public access. Existing dirt access roads and utility easement access 
roads within the additional conservation areas will function as the 
intended access points to the introduction sites for the project 
biologist, landscape contractor, utility personnel, and emergency 
services vehicles (e.g., police, fire, and medical). Signs identifying 
restricted land and discouraging unauthorized access/entry into the 
introduction sites will be posted on all gates providing access to 
introduction sites, adjacent to any roads that border introduction 
sites, and along any introduction site fencing. The signs will indicate 
that enhancement activities are in progress and that the areas are to 
be protected.
    The introduction plan describes in detail the biological monitoring 
of the introduction sites that will be conducted to determine the 
status of introduced C. parryi var. fernandina through monitoring and 
collection of qualitative and quantitative data. Monitoring will occur 
in the winter and spring of each year while the plants are actively 
growing and in bloom/seed. Additional monitoring at the sites will 
occur periodically throughout the year to determine the need for 
maintenance measures related to protecting the introduction sites from 
weed invasion or other disturbances. Reference sites will be 
established within both the Santa Clarita population and Laskey Mesa 
population to ensure that the reference sites encompass the range of 
conditions currently supporting C. parryi var. fernandina. A sufficient 
number of sampling plots will be established to capture site 
variability so that, collectively, the reference sites are 
representative of the range of conditions of occupied habitat. Annual 
monitoring of the introduction sites will include at least three 
quantitative biological assessments each year, to be timed with the 
peak of the growing season before plants have begun to desiccate, 
during the flowering period of C. parryi var. fernandina, and during 
seed set (approximately February, May, and June). The quantitative 
monitoring methods are established for the purpose of collecting 
adequate data to be able to analyze the relative success or failure of 
the introduction program in terms of achieving the project goals. 
Quantitative monitoring will begin in the first year after establishing 
seeding trials and will include monitoring of density, seed production, 
seed viability, population size, recruitment, and aerial extent. The 
monitoring period will commence upon initiation of seeding trials and 
continue for a period of 10 years.

Summary of PECE Analysis

    The purpose of PECE is to ensure consistent and adequate evaluation 
of recently formalized conservation efforts when making listing 
decisions. The policy provides guidance on how to evaluate conservation 
efforts that have not yet been implemented or have not yet demonstrated 
effectiveness. The evaluation focuses on the certainty that the 
conservation efforts will be implemented and effective. The policy 
presents nine criteria for evaluating the certainty of implementation 
and six criteria for evaluating the certainty of effectiveness for 
conservation efforts. These criteria are not considered comprehensive 
evaluation criteria. The certainty of implementation and the 
effectiveness of a formalized conservation effort may also depend on 
species-specific, habitat-specific, location-specific, and effort-
specific factors. We consider all appropriate factors in evaluating 
formalized conservation efforts. The specific circumstances will also 
determine the amount of information necessary to satisfy these 
    To consider that a formalized conservation effort contributes to 
forming a basis for not listing a species, or listing a species as 
threatened rather than endangered, we must find that the conservation 
effort is sufficiently certain to be (1) implemented, and (2) 
effective, so as to have contributed to the elimination or adequate 
reduction of one or more threats to the species identified through the 
section 4(a)(1) analysis. The elimination or adequate reduction of 
section 4(a)(1) threats may lead to a determination that the species 
does not meet the definition of endangered or threatened, or is 
threatened rather than endangered.
    An agreement or plan may contain numerous conservation efforts, not 
all of which are sufficiently certain to be implemented and effective. 
Those conservation efforts that are not sufficiently certain to be 
implemented and effective cannot contribute to a determination that 
listing is unnecessary, or a determination to list as threatened rather 
than endangered. Regardless of the adoption of a conservation agreement 
or plan, however, if the best available scientific and commercial data 
indicate that the species meets the definition of ``endangered 
species'' or ``threatened species'' on the day of the listing decision, 
then we must proceed with appropriate rulemaking activity under section 
4 of the Act. Further, it is important to note that a conservation plan 
is not required to have absolute certainty of implementation and 
effectiveness in order to contribute to a listing determination. 
Rather, we need to be certain that the conservation efforts will be 
implemented and effective such that the threats to the species are 
reduced or eliminated.
    Using the criteria in PECE (68 FR 15100, March 28, 2003), we 
evaluated the certainty of implementation (for those measures not 
already implemented) and effectiveness of conservation measures 
pertaining to Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina. The Service's 
detailed PECE analysis is available at http://www.regulations.gov at 
Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2016-0078. As summarized below, we have determined 
that there is sufficient certainty that the conservation efforts 
outlined in the 2017 CCA will be implemented and effective, and 
significantly reduce the identified threats and their impacts to C. 
parryi var. fernandina and its habitat.

[[Page 11458]]

Summary: Certainty That Conservation Efforts Will Be Implemented
    We have certainty that the conservation efforts will be implemented 
because the implementation of the 2017 CCA has already begun and 
funding has been secured, providing certainty that funding will 
continue to be available to implement the conservation efforts. The 
seeding trails began in 2016, restrictive covenants have been placed 
over the CCA additional conservation areas on Newhall Property, consent 
has been obtained to perform C. parryi var. fernandina introduction 
within the Peterson Mitigation Bank, and the endowment for the initial 
phases of implementing the CCA has been established. In addition, the 
parties to the CCA have the legal and regulatory authority to implement 
the agreement, which includes an implementation schedule (including 
incremental completion dates) for the conservation efforts.
Summary: Certainty That Conservation Efforts Will Be Effective
    We have certainty that the conservation efforts will be effective 
because the nature and extent of threats is adequately addressed in the 
2017 CCA, including improving resiliency of the Santa Clarita 
population, increasing the number of ecoregions in which the plant is 
represented, and adding to the overall redundancy of the species. In 
addition, the combined factors of documented success with other 
Chorizanthe introductions, the introduction site selection based on 
scientific analysis of occupied sites, positive results of 2016 
spineflower seeding trials, and the accompanying enhancement program to 
aid establishment and persistence provide the rationale and optimism 
for effectiveness of the introduction program. Further, explicit 
objectives for the conservation efforts are defined and the associated 
dates for achieving them are stated. Quantifiable, scientifically valid 
parameters are identified that will help demonstrate achievement of the 
objectives. Finally, Newhall Land has funded an endowment for the 
initial implementation of the 2017 CCA. For ongoing (in-perpetuity) 
management and monitoring associated with the CCA, Newhall Land has 
committed to fund additional endowments. Input from the Spineflower 
Adaptive Management Working Group, which is already in place, will be 
sought to guide the management, monitoring, and planning activities of 
the adaptive management program of the conservation efforts.
    In conclusion, we have a high level of certainty that the 
conservation measures in the 2017 CCA will be implemented (for those 
measures not already begun) and effective, and thus they can be 
considered as part of the basis for our final listing determination for 
Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina.

Summary of Comments and Recommendations

    In the proposed rule published on September 15, 2016 (81 FR 63454), 
we requested that all interested parties submit written comments on the 
proposal by November 14, 2016. We also contacted appropriate Federal 
and State agencies, Tribes, scientific experts and organizations, and 
other interested parties and invited them to comment on the proposal. 
On July 19, 2017, we published a 6-month extension of the final 
determination on the proposed threatened status for C. parryi var. 
fernandina (82 FR 33035) and reopened the comment period on the 
proposal for an additional 30 days, ending August 18, 2017. On November 
13, 2017, we published a document (82 FR 52262) that again reopened the 
comment period on the September 15, 2016, proposed rule for an 
additional 30 days, ending December 13, 2017, so that interested 
parties and the public could review and comment on the additional 
conservation measures provided by the 2017 CCA. During all three 
comment periods, which totaled 120 days, the Service requested any 
additional information on the status of C. parryi var. fernandina or 
its habitat so that we could analyze this additional information as 
part of the final listing process. We did not receive any requests for 
a public hearing.
    During the three comment periods on the proposed rule, we received 
six peer-review comment letters and four public comment letters on the 
proposed rule, one public comment letter on the 6-month extension, and 
five public comment letters on the reopening of the comment period for 
the 2017 CCA directly addressing the proposed listing of Chorizanthe 
parryi var. fernandina. Submitted comments were both for and against 
listing the species. We also received comments that were not related to 
the proposed listing of Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina. All 
substantive information provided during the comment periods has either 
been incorporated directly into this withdrawal or is addressed below.

Peer Review

    The purpose of peer review is to ensure that our analysis of the 
information and assumptions used for listing determination is 
scientifically sound. In accordance with our peer review policy 
published on July 1, 1994 (59 FR 34270), we solicited expert opinion 
from six independent specialists with scientific expertise in the 
biology of Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina biology, habitat, 
physical or biological factors, or threats. We received responses from 
all six peer reviewers. We reviewed the comments we received from the 
peer reviewers for substantive issues and new information regarding the 
listing of C. parryi var. fernandina. Peer reviewer comments are 
addressed in the following summary and incorporated into this 
withdrawal document as appropriate.
    Comment (1): Three peer reviewers stated that Argentine ants are 
likely to impact C. parryi var. fernandina pollinators at Newhall 
Ranch, which could result in a species-level threat to the reproductive 
potential of the plant. Given potential ant control methods in 
existence, the peer reviewers recommended that qualified pest control 
professionals and conservation managers be allowed to review and 
approve any control or mitigation plan. They stated that, for such a 
plan to be effective, it will require constant vigilance and a 
substantial financial investment.
    Response: In our proposed rule (81 FR 63454; September 15, 2016), 
we determined that loss of habitat and individuals and the associated 
edge effects (i.e., proliferation of Argentine ants) at the Santa 
Clarita population are likely to decrease habitat quality, reducing 
resiliency at this population. The additional conservation areas that 
will be established as part of the CCA, including the three additional 
conservation areas totaling approximately 825 ac (334 ha) that are 
contiguous with or adjacent to the existing San Martinez Grande and 
Potrero spineflower preserves established under the SCP (all of which 
would be considered part of the Santa Clarita population), are intended 
to buffer the Santa Clarita population from detrimental effects of loss 
of habitat and individuals and the associated edge effects, including 
Argentine ant invasion.
    As of February 2016, Argentine ants were present within two 
preserves at the Santa Clarita population, Entrada and Potrero (Dudek 
2016, pp. 17, 20). Therefore, the additional conservation area adjacent 
to the existing Potrero preserve is at risk of invasion by Argentine 
ants. However, the two additional conservation areas adjacent to the 
existing San Martinez Grande

[[Page 11459]]

preserve are farther from existing or proposed development (see Figure 
2, below). None of the adjacent land uses near San Martinez Grande 
poses a heightened threat of Argentine ant invasion (Dudek 2016, p. 6); 
therefore, these additional conservation areas are not expected to be 
at risk of invasion of Argentine ants and should contribute to C. 
parryi var. fernandina numbers and recruitment at the Santa Clarita 
    The 2017 CCA requires that annual Argentine ant monitoring be 
conducted as part of the ongoing habitat maintenance and describes 
appropriate control measures consistent with the Argentine Ant Control 
Plan for Newhall Ranch (Dudek 2014, entire). If Argentine ants invade, 
Newhall Land proposes control methods as part of an integrated pest 
management plan, which will be both to remove Argentine ants and 
mitigate for the absence of native pollinators within the preserves 
(Dudek 2014c, pp. 25-42). Qualified pest control professionals and 
conservation managers will review and approve any control or mitigation 
plan. The endowment associated with long-term management and monitoring 
of the additional conservation areas would provide the substantial 
financial investment needed to implement this plan.
    Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina introduction sites in the 2017 
CCA outside of the Santa Clarita population include an additional 
conservation area of 357 ac (114 ha) located in the Simi Valley 
watershed on the southern boundary of Newhall Land property in Ventura 
County; an additional conservation area of approximately 316 ac (128 
ha) located on Newhall Land property in the Castaic Mesa area in 
northern Los Angeles County, near a known extirpated population 
location; and an additional conservation area located in a 7-ac (2.8-
ha) portion of the Petersen Ranch Mitigation Bank adjacent to Elizabeth 
Lake, also near a known extirpated population location. Argentine ants 
are not considered to be a significant long-term risk to C. parryi var. 
fernandina at these introduction sites because the sites are all well 
separated from areas supporting potential source populations of 
Argentine ants, such as urban development areas.
    Comment (2): Two peer reviewers questioned the available data on C. 
parryi var. fernandina pollinators and suggested that experiments 
should be done to determine: (a) If C. parryi var. fernandina can 
effectively self-pollinate, (b) if the plants make seeds when 
pollinators are excluded, (c) whether seeds produced by self-
pollination suffer inbreeding depression compared to seeds produced by 
out-crossing, and (d) how much nectar or other rewards the flowers 
offer to pollinators.
    Response: A wide range of arthropods have been observed visiting 
flowers in the vicinity of C. parryi var. fernandina plants in the 
field. Jones et al. (2009) conducted a series of dawn-to-dusk surveys 
at Laskey Mesa in 2001, and at Santa Clarita in 2004. During these 
surveys, more visits were made to plants by the pyramid ant (Dorymyrmex 
insanus) than any other ant taxon; the southern fire ant (Solenopsis 
xyloni) visited in much smaller numbers; and little red ant (Forelius 
mccooki) was an important visitor at the Santa Clarita populations 
(Jones et al. 2010, p. 165).
    Jones et al. (2010) examined the effects the pyramid ant on 
spineflower seed production at Ahmanson Ranch with an exclusion study. 
They found that fruit set was 57 percent higher in flowers exposed to 
ant visitation, compared to 27 percent in control flowers where ants 
were excluded. Data indicate that 27 percent of seed set occurred where 
all potential pollinators were excluded, suggesting that SFVS is not 
productive at self-pollination (Jones et al. 2010, p. 166). This would 
seem to indicate that the viability of seeds produced by self-
pollination is much lower than those produced by the cross-pollinating 
actions of ants and other insect pollinators, and may reflect 
inbreeding depression in self-produced seeds.
    Comment (3): One peer reviewer stated that C. parryi var. 
fernandina seeds are not likely prompted to germinate by smoke or other 
features of fire, but that this needs to be studied more specifically. 
Also, studies should be done to determine how long seeds last and what 
proportion of seeds germinate under various conditions. This 
information is needed to successfully introduce or reintroduce C. 
parryi var. fernandina into additional sites near existing or 
historical sites.
    Response: C. parryi var. fernandina is typical of many winter-
spring native annuals that occur in the Mediterranean climate of 
California. Germination occurs following the onset of sufficient late-
fall and winter rains and typically represents different cohorts from 
the seed bank. Because C. parryi var. fernandina is sensitive to annual 
levels of rainfall, germination of resident seed banks may be low or 
nonexistent in unfavorable years, with little or no visible aboveground 
expression of the plant, but a seedbank would be present.
    The direct effects of fire on C. parryi var. fernandina are not 
known. We stated in the Species Report that seed germination of a 
related taxa, Parry's spineflower (C. parryi var. parryi), appears to 
be inhibited by fire (Ellstrand 1994 and Ogden 1999, in CBI 2000, pp. 
4, 13), but despite the inhibitory effect of direct scorching, fire may 
prove beneficial to C. parryi var. fernandina by creating openings in 
ground cover and temporarily reducing competition (CBI 2000, p. 13). We 
agree that additional research on the C. parryi var. fernandina seed 
bank would be useful to inform future efforts to expand existing 
populations and reintroduce plants to historical sites.
    Comment (4): One peer reviewer asked if there is evidence that ants 
secrete a substance that causes pollen grains to burst.
    Response: Some ants have chemical secretions from the metapleural 
gland that reduce pollen viability and germination (Beattie et al 
1984). However, from data presented by Jones et al. (2010), it appears 
to not be a problem for C. parryi var. fernandina. As noted above, seed 
production and the seed germination rate were much higher in the 
presence of ants, indicating that the presence of ant pollinators 
actually increases the viability of the seeds. Further, Jones et al. 
(2010) suggest that ant pollination may be more prevalent in drier 
climates and that ant production of inhibitory substances may not be a 
severe limitation to their function as pollinators.
    Comment (5): One peer reviewer asked if there is adequate 
management of the State of California's conserved site (Laskey Mesa), 
and what specific management at this site benefits the spineflower.
    Response: In 2010, CDFW issued an ITP under CESA to Newhall Land. 
The ITP requires Newhall Land to provide guaranteed long-term funding 
for the management of the C. parryi var. fernandina population at 
Laskey Mesa (CESA ITP# 2081-2008-012-05) (CDFG 2010, p. 17; Newhall 
Land and Dudek 2014, entire). On September 25, 2014, Newhall Land made 
the required deposit for the endowment at Laskey Mesa (K. Drewe 2016b, 
pers. comm.). Newhall Land cannot withdraw the funding for this 
account, and there is nothing in the ITP that would allow the funding 
to be returned to Newhall Land (K. Drewe 2016a, b, pers. comm.).
    The CDFW, SMMC, and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation will 
execute the agreement that requires the endowment be spent for the 
conservation and management of C. parryi var. fernandina at Laskey Mesa 
(K. Drewe 2016a, b, pers. comm.;

[[Page 11460]]

Newhall Land and Dudek 2014, entire). The August 2014 PAR and September 
2014 memorandum completed by Dudek (Newhall Land and Dudek 2014, 
entire) contains the management activities for C. parryi var. 
fernandina at Laskey Mesa (CDFW, in litt. 2016). The endowment is to be 
used for on-the-ground activities that include research studies, 
fencing, weeding, surveys, annual reports, and other activities that 
will benefit the plant. The agreement between CDFW and SMMC that would 
allow SMMC access to the endowment funds is currently undergoing 
internal review within CDFW.
    Comment (6): One peer reviewer pointed out that while the SCP 
provides for a number of preserves to be established, some of the 
preserves do not afford great protection for the spineflower. For 
example, the proposed preserve area at Entrada shows that a large 
portion of the spineflower patches are located within a utility 
easement. Plants could easily be destroyed by large equipment activity 
in the easement.
    Response: The Entrada preserve is connected to open space via an 
existing and frequently-maintained utility corridor. There may be risk 
to these plants from large equipment. This is one reason why it is 
important to establish additional C. parryi var. fernandina occurrences 
at the Santa Clarita population, including three additional 
conservation areas totaling approximately 825 ac (334 ha) that are 
contiguous with or adjacent to the existing San Martinez Grande and 
Potrero preserves. These areas are intended to expand the area of 
protected conservation land for C. parryi var. fernandina and increase 
the extent of protected occurrence locations within the Santa Clarita 
    Comment (7): One peer reviewer suggested that we might have 
conducted our assessment of the current impact level of development on 
C. parryi var. fernandina over a wider geographic area, to encompass 
its former geographic range. The peer reviewer emphasized that it is 
clear that habitat loss and other factors associated with development 
(agricultural and urban) are the reasons C. parryi var. fernandina now 
occurs in just two localities at the edge of the Los Angeles 
metropolitan area. Moreover, all of the stressors discussed in the 
proposed listing document have strong links to development.
    Response: C. parryi var. fernandina is currently known from only 
two populations in southern California that are 17 mi (27 km) apart, 
one in Ventura County (Laskey Mesa population) and one in Los Angeles 
County (Santa Clarita population). Historically, the plant was known 
from no fewer than 10 additional locations in Los Angeles and Orange 
Counties. However, the scope of our stressor analysis was only the two 
extant populations because there is limited value in evaluating the 
potential for stressors in areas where the species is no longer 
considered extant. We presented our analysis of threats to the existing 
populations in our Species Report. Currently, there is no threat of 
development and there will be no development in the future at Laskey 
Mesa because the property is owned and managed by the SMMC and the 
    Development was considered a future threat to the Santa Clarita 
population. However, the additional conservation areas proposed in the 
CCA are intended to further increase the number and extent of C. parryi 
var. fernandina within its historical range, which will reduce the 
threat of development at this population. We considered whether there 
are any known threats or potential stressors to the spineflower on 
these additional conservation areas, and determined them to be suitable 
for C. parryi var. fernandina. All of these will be in permanent 
conservation where development will be precluded.
    Comment (8): One peer reviewer stated that the open structure of 
the vegetation in which C. parryi var. fernandina occurs suggests that 
external effects are likely to penetrate deeply into patches. The very 
small stature of C. parryi var. fernandina plants makes them likely to 
be especially vulnerable to disturbances such as trampling and erosion. 
Therefore, it seems likely that recreational impacts on the species 
will increase, particularly in Santa Clarita, where the proximity to 
high densities of humans will increase in the proposed developments.
    Response: We recognize edge effects of increased trampling and soil 
compaction from recreation. Recreation has minimal direct effects on C. 
parryi var. fernandina habitat because recreation does not occur in the 
same areas where C. parryi var. fernandina occurs. Even though the 
plant is small in stature and may grow in open areas, such as old 
roads, making it vulnerable to trampling, there are currently no trails 
that overlap the plant's occurrences, and we do not expect trails to 
overlap the plant's occurrences in the future. Additionally, all 
additional conservation areas provided for in the 2017 CCA will be 
closed to the public.
    Comment (9): One peer reviewer questioned our assessment that the 
impact of invasive, nonnative plants on C. parryi var. fernandina will 
decrease with time from moderate today to low in the future, as a 
result of ecological restoration plans at the Santa Clarita population.
    Response: Nonnative, invasive plants are abundant at Laskey Mesa 
and Santa Clarita, and reduce available habitat. They compete with C. 
parryi var. fernandina for light, water, and soil nutrients; increase 
potential for wildfire; and alter pollinator communities. The August 
2014 PAR and September 2014 memorandum outline the management 
activities to be undertaken at Laskey Mesa for C. parryi var. 
fernandina. The funding for these actions is set aside in the form of a 
non-wasting endowment. The endowment will fund on-the-ground 
activities, such as weeding and other methods to control the impacts of 
nonnative invasive plants. We anticipate that MRCA will address the 
abundance of nonnative vegetation at Laskey Mesa once they implement 
the management activities for C. parryi var. fernandina at that site.
    At the Santa Clarita site, development of Newhall Ranch would 
remove ground coverage of nonnative plants. However, part of this 
development will create urban edges that would border some of the 
preserves. Nonnative weedy species are often edge species and become 
more prevalent or increase in abundance to the detriment of native 
species. Therefore, Newhall Land has proposed to restore C. parryi var. 
fernandina habitat and implement measures as part of the development of 
Newhall Ranch to reduce the abundance and impact of nonnative 
vegetation at this site. Overall, nonnative, invasive plants currently 
act as a moderate-level stressor to C. parryi var. fernandina and its 
habitat. The management activities at Laskey Mesa and the conservation 
measures at Santa Clarita are likely to reduce the direct impact of 
nonnative, invasive plants to a low-level stressor. The enhancement 
areas surrounding the 2017 CCA introduction sites are intended to help 
minimize invasion of nonnative plant species, which could degrade the 
quality of the habitat for C. parryi var. fernandina occupation in the 
additional conservation areas.
    Comment (10): One peer reviewer questioned our prediction that 
future fire effects will be low. The proposed plan for development in 
Santa Clarita will put Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina within the 
urban-wildland interface and thereby should increase the potential for 
fire to affect population patches.
    Response: We anticipate that wildfire will occur in the future, 
based on the historical fires that have occurred in these areas and 
because wildfire is a natural phenomenon in southern California. 
Additionally, both

[[Page 11461]]

populations are surrounded by residential and commercial developments, 
and fire frequency tends to increase at the urban-wildland interface 
(Dudek 2010a, p. 136). Furthermore, due to climate change, drier 
conditions may result (PRBO Conservation Science 2011, pp. 41-42). 
However, because the fire intervals at these two populations have been 
relatively short in recent history, we do not anticipate an increased 
fire frequency at Laskey Mesa or Santa Clarita.
    At Santa Clarita, proposed development in the area will break up 
large expanses of potential fuels and may reduce the risk of wildfire, 
but human-caused ignition may increase with increasing human presence 
and traffic. However, fire protection in the surrounding areas is also 
expected to increase because of the need to avoid loss of life and 
property; therefore, it is anticipated that any fires in the SCP 
preserves will be lighter rather than heavier in intensity (Dudek 
2010a, p. 136). In addition, if fire-control lines or other forms of 
bulldozer damage occur within the preserves, Newhall Land proposed to 
repair and revegetate these areas to pre-burn conditions (Dudek 2010a, 
pp. 135-137). In our assessment of climate change, we analyze that 
drier conditions in the future may result in increased fire frequency, 
making the ecosystems in which a species currently grows more 
vulnerable to threats of nonnative plant invasion.
    The December 2017 Rye Fire burned four out of seven of the SCP 
preserves on Newhall Ranch. The intensity of the fire was diagnosed as 
being light (Watershed Emergency Response Team 2018, pp. 18-20). 
Numerous previous wildfire events have occurred on Newhall Ranch since 
1913, including at least 12 since 1983 (excluding the 2017 Rye Fire), 
and several of these fires have affected extensive areas of habitat 
occupied by the spineflower (Dudek 2017, p. 10). Chorizanthe parryi 
var. fernandina monitoring began on Newhall Ranch in 2002. Two fires 
have affected the Santa Clarita population since then. The 2003 Verdale 
Fire burned the Homestead North Project Site, including almost the 
entire San Martinez Grande preserve. The 2007 Magic Fire burned 
portions of the Grapevine Mesa and Entrada preserves. Both the 2003 
Verdale Fire and the 2007 Magic Fire occurred in October, after 
spineflower surveys had been conducted for that year. The biggest 
concern is that fire may promote the invasion and spread of nonnative, 
invasive grasses that outcompete small native annuals like C. parryi 
var. fernandina.
    Monitoring conducted under the SCP will continue to evaluate the 
performance of C. parryi var. fernandina within the SCP preserves, and 
if the monitoring shows that management is needed to address direct or 
indirect effects of the fire, such as an increase in nonnative, 
invasive grasses, measures will be incorporated into annual work plans 
as required by the SCP and reviewed by the Spineflower Adaptive 
Management Working Group. The primary management activities we 
anticipate to occur post-fire in the SCP preserves involves monitoring 
and controlling weeds that may invade burned areas following a fire 
event, specifically if weeds exceed 30 percent relative cover (Dudek 
2017, p. 7).
    Comment (11): One peer reviewer noted that because the historical 
range of C. parryi var. fernandina has been reduced, and now the plant 
has only two isolated populations, the plant's heterozygosity (having a 
varied genetic makeup) may be considerably reduced.
    Response: While we agree that C. parryi var. fernandina likely has 
reduced heterozygosity due to a reduced range as compared to the 
historical distribution, the genetic characteristics have not been 
investigated. Dr. Deborah Rodgers is currently conducting research into 
genetic structure of C. parryi var. fernandina and potential degree of 
inbreeding depression (Dudek 2015, p. 2; Dudek 2016c, p. 9).
    Comment (12): One peer reviewer pointed out that nitrogen 
deposition associated with fossil fuel combustion is a potential 
stressor to C. parryi var. fernandina, and this was not discussed in 
the Species Report. Several recent studies have shown that nitrogen can 
have important consequences to native and nonnative plant species in 
southern California although there is no information available about 
how nitrogen deposition has affected C. parryi var. fernandina and its 
    Response: Because there is no information available about how 
nitrogen deposition has affected C. parryi var. fernandina and the 
ecosystem it occupies, we did not analyze it in our stressor analysis.
    Comment (13): One peer reviewer stated that Newhall Land may have 
destroyed C. parryi var. fernandina subpopulations on Newhall Ranch 
lands in the past, and investigations were purported to be initiated by 
CDFW into possible violation. This resulted in an agreement by Newhall 
to actively manage and restore C. parryi var. fernandina habitat. 
However, the reviewer did not believe any of these restoration and 
management activities have been initiated.
    Response: There was a 2003 settlement agreement executed between 
Newhall Land and CDFW following an onsite investigation that occurred 
in 2002. This resulted in establishing two permanent conservation 
easements, one at Airport Mesa and one at Grapevine Mesa, totaling 
approximately 64 ac (26 ha). The settlement agreement required that a 
management plan for the plant be prepared, funded, and implemented in 
those two areas as mitigation for impacts affiliated with that 
    Comment (14): One peer reviewer stated that creating small rare 
plant preserves under the SCP has the potential to reduce long-term 
success to maintain a viable population into the future, as this 
eliminates connectivity to adjacent habitats to which populations might 
have migrated, beyond the borders of the preserve boundaries.
    Response: The 2017 CCA establishes additional C. parryi var. 
fernandina occurrences at the Santa Clarita population, including three 
additional conservation areas totaling approximately 825 ac (334 ha) 
that are contiguous with or adjacent to the existing San Martinez 
Grande and Potrero preserves established under the SCP. This will allow 
C. parryi var. fernandina populations to expand into the area of 
protected conservation land, and increase the extent of protected 
spineflower occurrence locations within the Santa Clarita population.
    Comment (15): One peer reviewer stated that there are six other 
species in the genus Chorizanthe in California that have been listed 
under the Act as endangered species, all of which have larger 
populations than C. parryi var. fernandina. The Service's listing of 
these other plants as endangered has established a precedent for 
endangered plants of this genus.
    Response: The Service evaluates each species individually, using 
the best available scientific and commercial information on that 
species, in making a listing determination. There are many factors and 
reasons why a determination for one species may be different than that 
for another species. The fact that a species has been determined to be 
endangered under the Act does not mean that other species within the 
same genus also automatically meet the Act's definition of endangered.
    Comment (16): One peer reviewer stated that the introduction plan 
provided for by the 2017 CCA is more appropriately addressed under a C. 
parryi var. fernandina recovery plan

[[Page 11462]]

than as part of the proposed listing rule. The success or failure of 
the proposed plan will likely require decades to determine. The use of 
positive outcomes can only occur after a measured success. Since the 
effectiveness of proposed conservation measures cannot be evaluated for 
many years, it is premature to rely on potential future success of 
these measures when determining the vulnerability of C. parryi var. 
    Response: We stated in the proposed rule (81 FR 63454, September 
15, 2016, see p. 63458) that we will formally evaluate all measures 
included in Newhall Land's conservation strategy using PECE before 
making our final determination of the status of the plant. In 
determining whether a formalized conservation effort contributes to 
forming a basis for not listing a species, or for listing a species as 
threatened rather than endangered, we must evaluate whether proposed 
conservation efforts improve the status of the species under the Act. 
Two factors are key in that evaluation: (1) For those efforts yet to be 
implemented, the certainty that the conservation effort will be 
implemented; and (2) for those efforts that have not yet demonstrated 
effectiveness, the certainty that the conservation effort will be 
effective. In our PECE analysis of the 2017 CCA for the spineflower, we 
found that there is a high degree of certainty that the conservation 
measures under the plan will be implemented, and a high degree of 
certainty that the conservation measures will be effective. Please see 
the full PECE analysis at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-

Public Comments

    Comment (17): One commenter stated that McGraw (2012) found a 
strong positive correlation between percentage of the mapped cumulative 
footprint supporting C. parryi var. fernandina in a given year and 
total annual rainfall. However, the data of acres occupied annually by 
C. parryi var. fernandina demonstrate that there is no apparent overall 
increase or decreasing trend over the last 17 years; therefore, there 
is no reason to expect a trend change in the next 25 years based on the 
best available information.
    Response: Interannual variability in total annual rainfall is a 
major driver of the variability in C. parryi var. fernandina's 
distribution, but additional factors, including temperature, timing of 
precipitation in fall or winter, and drought, may also play a role 
(McGraw 2012, p. A-6). The proposed development of Newhall Ranch would 
directly remove 25 percent of the C. parryi var. fernandina population 
at Santa Clarita, and the vast majority of the remaining 75 percent of 
this population would be surrounded and bordered by residential and 
commercial development. While the data may not show a trend over the 
survey period, reducing the population by 25 percent and fragmenting 
the remaining populations introduces new stressors into the population 
that will affect the persistence of the plant over the next 25 years at 
this population.
    The 2017 CCA establishes additional C. parryi var. fernandina 
occurrences at the Santa Clarita population, including three additional 
conservation areas totaling approximately 825 ac (334 ha) that are 
contiguous with or adjacent to the existing San Martinez Grande and 
Potrero preserves established under the SCP. These areas are intended 
to expand the area of protected conservation land for C. parryi var. 
fernandina and increase the extent of protected occurrence locations 
within the Santa Clarita population to buffer it from the detrimental 
effects of loss of habitat and individuals and the associated edge 
effects, which should increase persistence of the plant over the next 
25 years at this population.
    Comment (18): One commenter stated that the Species Report 
overstates the extent to which habitat fragmentation will affect C. 
parryi var. fernandina. The commenter stated that C. parryi var. 
fernandina preserves and large, connected open spaces within and around 
the Newhall Land property development areas will preserve connectivity 
for mobile pollinators such as honeybees and potential seed dispersers, 
maintaining opportunities for genetic exchange between preserves. C. 
parryi var. fernandina preserve management, including habitat 
restoration and enhancement, will maintain and enhance floral and other 
habitat resources in the preserves for pollinators and seed dispersers.
    Response: Development of Newhall Ranch will remove some occurrences 
that connect, or are intermittent between, the larger concentrations of 
C. parryi var. fernandina in the designated preserves. Removing some of 
the smaller scattered populations outside the preserves will likely 
make the distances between remaining concentrations of C. parryi var. 
fernandina larger and make the habitat that supports the plant more 
isolated. However, the implementation of the 2017 CCA will establish 
additional C. parryi var. fernandina occurrences at the Santa Clarita 
population, including three additional conservation areas totaling 
approximately 825 ac (334 ha) that are contiguous with or adjacent to 
the existing San Martinez Grande and Potrero preserves established 
under the SCP. These expansion areas will aid connectivity of 
populations, as well as establish new populations.
    Comment (19): Future habitat conditions in C. parryi var. 
fernandina preserves will generally be resistant to permanent Argentine 
ant invasions. Consequently, there is little risk of long-term 
infestation by Argentine ants in numbers sufficient to permanently 
displace arthropods that provide pollinator and seed dispersal 
    Response: Our analyses in the Species Report indicate that if 
Argentine ants invade an area, they are likely to permanently displace 
arthropods that provide pollinator and seed dispersal services (Service 
2016, pp. 44-62). Argentine ants are present on Newhall Ranch in at 
least two SCP preserves (Entrada and Potrero), and within the open 
space that acts as a corridor between the SCP preserves, the Santa 
Clara River (Dudek 2016b, pp. 17, 20). It is therefore reasonable to 
assume that conditions are currently suitable for Argentine ants within 
at least two preserves. Argentine ants are assumed to be present 
throughout the development and are expected to be present in the open 
areas adjacent to the preserves in the future post-development (Dudek 
2010a, p. 130). Also, Dudek (2016b, pp. 5-18) states that five out of 
the seven SCP preserves (82 percent of the total preserve area) have a 
``high potential for serious encroachment or invasion of Argentine 
ants'' given current and proposed adjacent land uses.
    The 2017 CCA states that annual Argentine ant monitoring will be 
conducted as part of the ongoing habitat maintenance, and appropriate 
control measures consistent with the Argentine Ant Control Plan for 
Newhall Ranch (Dudek 2014, entire) will be implemented in the event 
that invasion occurs. If Argentine ants invade, Newhall Land proposes 
control methods as part of an integrated pest management plan to remove 
Argentine ants and mitigate for the absence of native pollinators 
within the preserves (Dudek 2014c, pp. 25-42). Qualified pest control 
professionals and conservation managers will review and approve any 
control or mitigation plan. Argentine ants are not considered to be a 
significant long-term risk to C. parryi var. fernandina at the 
introduction sites outside the Santa Clarita population because they 
are all well separated from areas supporting potential source

[[Page 11463]]

populations, such as urban development areas.
    Comment (20): One commenter stated that in the proposed rule (81 FR 
63454; September 15, 2016), the Service's conclusion that there may not 
be sufficient redundancy to sustain C. parryi var. fernandina over the 
long term is overstated, because evidence indicates the long-term 
threats to redundancy can be effectively managed through habitat 
restoration in the preserves, management of Argentine ants, and 
introduction of C. parryi var. fernandina into non-preserve areas.
    Response: Redundancy does not just refer to the population at Santa 
Clarita but refers to the ability of a species to compensate for 
fluctuations in or loss of populations across the species' range such 
that the loss of a single population has little or no lasting effect on 
the structure and functioning of the species as a whole. Multiple 
interacting populations across a broad geographic area provide 
insurance against the risk of extinction caused by catastrophic events. 
Because historically there were no fewer than 10 additional populations 
across Los Angeles and Orange Counties in Southern California, and 
currently there are 2 populations, redundancy is decreased for C. 
parryi var. fernandina. If either of the two extant populations were 
permanently lost, the redundancy would be further lowered, thereby 
decreasing the plant's chance of survival in the face of potential 
environmental or demographic stochastic factors and catastrophic events 
(e.g., wildfire, extreme drought).
    The additional conservation areas proposed in the 2017 CCA are 
intended to increase the number and extent of C. parryi var. fernandina 
populations within its historical range and increase redundancy. The 
CCA provides for Newhall Land to introduce C. parryi var. fernandina 
within portions of the additional conservation areas with the goal of 
establishing at least two new self-sustaining, persistent occurrences 
to increase the redundancy of the species.
    Comment (21): One commenter stated that the seven C. parryi var. 
fernandina preserves will help maintain the existing representation of 
the plant on Newhall property. Likewise, the endowment for management 
of the Laskey Mesa population will also contribute to continued 
representation of that population.
    Response: Representation refers to a species' ability to adapt to 
changing environmental conditions, which is a species' adaptive 
capacity. Representation is characterized by the breadth of genetic and 
environmental diversity within and among populations; this can be 
related to the distribution of populations within the variation in a 
species' ecological settings. Historically, there were no fewer than 10 
C. parryi var. fernandina populations across southern California, 
representing at least five ecoregions of the conterminous United 
States. Ecoregions denote areas of general similarity in ecosystems 
through analysis of patterns of biotic and abiotic phenomena, including 
geology, physiography, vegetation, climate, soils, land use, wildlife, 
and hydrology. Currently, there are only two C. parryi var. fernandina 
populations, 17 mi (27 km) apart, representing only one ecoregion.
    The goal of the 2017 CCA is to establish at least two new self-
sustaining, persistent C. parryi var. fernandina occurrences, at least 
one of which will be in a different ecoregion from the existing 
populations to increase the number of ecoregions in which the plant is 
represented. The two existing C. parryi var. fernandina populations are 
located in the Venturan-Angeleno Coastal Hills ecoregion. The 
additional conservation area in the Castaic Mesa area in northern Los 
Angeles County, near a known extirpated population location, is within 
the Southern California Lower Montane Shrubland Woodland ecoregion. The 
additional conservation area located in the Petersen Ranch Mitigation 
Bank adjacent to Elizabeth Lake near a known extirpated population 
location is within the Arid Montane Slopes ecoregion. Establishing at 
least two new self-sustaining, persistent C. parryi var. fernandina 
occurrences where at least one is in a different ecoregion from the 
existing populations may improve the ability of the plant to adapt to 
changing environmental conditions into the future.
    Comment (22): One commenter stated that long-term establishment of 
C. parryi var. fernandina is feasible. Efforts to do so will require a 
commitment to significant planning, resources, ongoing scientific 
observation and study, adaptive management, and incorporation of most 
current plant and environmental science. Constraints to establishment 
of new populations of C. parryi var. fernandina include: (a) 
Availability of seed source due to physical and morphological reasons; 
(b) availability of land in the historical range of the plant that is 
not already developed or threatened by encroachment of nonnative and 
invasive species; (c) presence of appropriate climatic and hydrologic 
conditions (hot and dry with seasonal drought conditions and no 
irrigation); (d) presence of specific soil types and geomorphological 
conditions (including specific substrate, elevation, and aspect); (e) 
minimal environmental threats; and (f) availability of arthropods that 
can facilitate pollination to ensure higher achene (seed head) set and 
ensure genetic diversity.
    Response: The 2017 CCA includes a commitment to significant 
planning, resources, ongoing scientific observation and study, adaptive 
management, and incorporation of most current plant and environmental 
science. Newhall Land will cause permanent conservation instruments to 
be recorded over each of the additional conservation areas in which C. 
parryi var. fernandina is established to ensure that the habitat values 
for the species are maintained, minimizing environmental threats. 
Newhall Land will fund all initial habitat enhancement and C. parryi 
var. fernandina introduction activities within the additional 
conservation areas, and will fund one or more endowments to provide 
perpetual management and monitoring within the additional conservation 
    To address availability of seed source, it is anticipated that 
there will be opportunities for topsoil salvage from C. parryi var. 
fernandina occupied areas within the proposed developments on Newhall 
Land property at the Santa Clarita population. In addition, a phased 
approach will provide lead time to conduct wild seed collections (and 
to grow these seeds in a controlled nursery setting to bulk seed, if 
necessary) to acquire the necessary seed resources to implement C. 
parryi var. fernandina introduction in the various areas.
    To address the need for appropriate climatic and hydrologic 
conditions and the presence of specific soil types and geomorphological 
conditions, the additional conservation areas were selected based on 
proximity to extant C. parryi var. fernandina populations, proximity to 
extirpated historical locations, availability of undeveloped open 
space, surrounding land uses, and land ownership. Some other areas were 
considered, but rejected due to lack of conserved open space, 
unsuitable conditions, or untenable land ownership situations. Once 
potential sites were identified, the sites that best met the identified 
parameters that appear to favor occupation by C. parryi var. fernandina 
were chosen. Site selection relied heavily on the results of a habitat 
characterization study, which compared occupied and unoccupied areas 
within coastal scrub and annual grassland, to identify characteristics 
of occupied C. parryi var. fernandina habitat. In addition to selecting 

[[Page 11464]]

appeared to be the most suitable sites, the approach in the 2017 CCA is 
to assist C. parryi var. fernandina during the early establishment 
period in order to help the introduced population develop a foothold 
through habitat enhancement, ultimately resulting in at least two new 
self-sustaining, persistent populations.
    Comment (23): One commenter stated that Newhall Land appears to 
have begun vegetation clearing on the project site where Chorizanthe 
parryi var. fernandina is located. The commenter does not believe that 
such actions comply with the rules and regulations of the Act.
    Response: Section 7 of the Act provides a mechanism for identifying 
and resolving potential conflicts between a proposed action and a 
species proposed for listing at an early planning stage. While 
consultations for listed species are required when the proposed action 
may affect listed species, a conference is required only when the 
proposed action is likely to jeopardize the continued existence of a 
species proposed for listing.
    The Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)/Environmental Impact 
Report (EIR) for the Newhall Ranch Resource Management and Development 
Project included detailed analysis of the direct, indirect, and 
cumulative impacts of the proposed discharges of fill material in 
waters of the United States and associated upland development 
activities on C. parryi var. fernandina and included mitigation 
measures to avoid, minimize, and compensate for impacts to the plant. 
Subsequent to the Final EIS/EIR, Newhall Land agreed to implement 
additional measures to further compensate for unavoidable impacts to C. 
parryi var. fernandina as documented in the 2017 CCA. In consideration 
of the additional conservation areas and C. parryi var. fernandina 
introduction sites required as part of the CCA, the U.S. Army Corps of 
Engineers made a final determination that permit no. SPL-2003-01264 
would not jeopardize the continued existence of C. parryi var. 
fernandina and is not required to complete a conference opinion to 
comply with the requirements of the Act.
    Comment (24): One commenter stated that the Rye Fire in Santa 
Clarita, which began on December 5, 2017, has apparently burned at 
least five of the proposed seven conservation areas for C. parryi var. 
fernandina and possibly all those located on the Mission Village 
project. The commenter stated that it is important to determine whether 
native pollinator arthropods survived the fire. The commenter urged a 
delay and extension of the comment period so that the effect of this 
fire on C. parryi var. fernandina could be investigated.
    Response: The December 2017 Rye Fire burned four out of seven of 
the SCP preserves on Newhall Ranch. Based on prior research, we expect 
relatively minor effects from the Rye Fire on arthropods that could be 
spineflower pollinators. Jones et al. (2004) conducted pollinator 
studies on spineflower populations on Newhall Ranch and Ahmanson Ranch, 
and found that one of the dominant floral visitors on Newhall Ranch was 
little red ant and the dominant floral visitors at the Ahmanson Ranch 
were two species of ants: The pyramid ant and the southern fire ant. 
Matsuda et al. (2011, entire) investigated the effect of broad-scale 
wildfire on ground foraging ants within southern California. They found 
a net negative effect of fire on the overall diversity of ground 
foraging ants likely because of changes in community structure rather 
than the loss of species richness. Although they found a negative 
effect of fire on ant diversity, the increases in overall species 
diversity in both the fire-impacted and reference plots suggest that 
ground-foraging ants may be relatively resilient to fire because only 
about 2 percent of an ant colony is active on the surface, thus 
limiting direct mortality. They also suggest that unburned patches 
within a burn area can provide refuge for ants and source populations 
for recolonization of burned areas.
    The intensity of the Rye Fire on Newhall Ranch was diagnosed as 
light (Watershed Emergency Response Team 2018, pp. 18-20). Based on 
field testing, the California Geological Survey found that within the 
mapped fire perimeter, 64 percent of the area was classified as very 
low/unburned, 34 percent as low, and 2 percent as moderate; no area was 
classified as high (Watershed Emergency Response Team 2018, pp. 18-20). 
The severity of the Rye Fire was similar to or generally less than the 
most recent fires on Newhall Ranch in C. parryi var. fernandina 
habitat, the 2003 Verdale Fire and 2007 Magic Fire. Severity in burn 
areas was generally low in the Magic Fire and very low to moderate in 
the Verdale Fire (Dudek 2017, p. 10). We were able to investigate the 
effect of the fire on the plant and its pollinators within the allotted 
timeframe, and therefore we do not need to extend the comment period on 
the proposal.
    Comment (25): One commenter stated that throughout the 2017 CCA 
there are definitive statements that the proposed actions will result 
in the establishment of new populations and reduce or eliminate threats 
to C. parryi var. fernandina. The commenter states that the plan will 
attempt to establish populations and hopefully provide protective 
measures, but that the proposed conservation efforts cannot be 
considered as guarantees. The commenter concluded that the 2017 CCA 
should not be used to determine the current status of C. parryi var. 
    Response: PECE (68 FR 15100, March 28, 2003) ensures consistent and 
adequate evaluation of recently formalized, but not yet implemented 
conservation efforts when making listing decisions. The policy provides 
guidance on how to evaluate conservation efforts that have not yet been 
implemented or have not yet demonstrated effectiveness. The evaluation 
focuses on the certainty that the conservation actions will be 
implemented and effective.
    Using the criteria specified in PECE, we evaluated the certainty of 
future implementation and certainty of effectiveness of the 2017 CCA. 
Based on our evaluation, we have a high level of certainty that the 
conservation actions will be effectively implemented and, therefore, 
should be considered as part of the basis for our final listing 
determination for C. parryi var. fernandina. Please see the full PECE 
analysis at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2016-
    Comment (26): One commenter noted that after the proposed rule was 
published, an activity occurred at the Laskey Mesa population that 
threatens the continued existence of C. parryi var. fernandina. This 
activity was permitted by the managing agency.
    Response: We assume that the recent activity to which the commenter 
refers is a fashion show that occurred on May 11, 2017. Our 
understanding is that MRCA permitted approximately 2.5 ac (1 ha) at 
Laskey Mesa be utilized for the show, but resulting impacts were about 
1 ac (.4 ha) larger than planned, and that several aspects of the event 
were not covered under the permitted activities. The MRCA permit 
required that there be no disturbance of terrain or indigenous plants. 
As a result, CDFW sent a letter to the State Wildlife Conservation 
Board expressing concern over consistency between the funding provided 
for the purchase of Laskey Mesa and the intended conservation purpose 
of that funding. There was a follow-up meeting with representatives of 
CDFW, the State Wildlife Conservation Board, MRCA, and SMMC, in which 
the same concerns were shared. As a result of the meeting, the State 
Wildlife Conservation Board,

[[Page 11465]]

MRCA, and CDFW agreed to develop a strategy so that concerns regarding 
the conservation of sensitive species are given a more prominent part 
in the permitting of activities on Laskey Mesa (e.g., sensitive species 
surveys prior to filming activities). The CDFW is currently working 
with its partners in developing the strategy. This strategy should be 
effective in preventing further variances from permitted activities 
that might affect C. parryi var. fernandina.

Summary of Biological Status and Factors Affecting the Species

    Section 4 of the Act and its implementing regulations (50 CFR 424) 
set forth the procedures for adding species to the Federal Lists of 
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants. A species may be 
determined to be an endangered or threatened species due to one or more 
of the five factors described in section 4(a)(1) of the Act: (A) The 
present or threatened destruction, modification, or curtailment of its 
habitat or range; (B) overutilization for commercial, recreational, 
scientific, or educational purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D) the 
inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E) other natural or 
manmade factors affecting its continued existence. Listing actions may 
be warranted based on any of the above threat factors, singly or in 
combination. Stressors that currently act, or may act, on C. parryi 
var. fernandina in the foreseeable future include development (Factors 
A and E); nonnative, invasive plants (Factors A and E); Argentine ants 
(Factor E); grazing and agriculture (Factor A); utility line easements 
and maintenance (Factor A); miscellaneous land use (Factor A); 
recreation (Factor E); wildfire (Factor E); and climate change (Factors 
A and E). The effects of these stressors are magnified by virtue of the 
plant having small population sizes (Factor E). For the purposes of 
this analysis, we define the ``foreseeable future'' time period to be 
25 years. The basis for this timeframe is that it includes cycles of 
variation in climate, the potential impacts of the completion of the 
proposed development of Newhall Ranch, and planned conservation 
measures for the Laskey Mesa and Santa Clarita populations.
    All of these potential stressors are evaluated and presented in our 
Species Report (Service 2016, pp. 20-78). The best available data 
indicate that grazing and agriculture, utility line easements and 
maintenance, miscellaneous land use, and recreation are not resulting 
in population or rangewide impacts currently or in the future such that 
they rise to the level of threats to the continued existence of the 
species. We conclude this because these activities have been or will be 
removed from most areas that overlap C. parryi var. fernandina. The 
remaining stressors--development; nonnative, invasive plants; Argentine 
ants; wildfire; and potentially climate change--acting on the small 
isolated populations are described below. We address the remaining 
stressors below because we determined in our September 15, 2016, 
proposed rule (81 FR 63454) that population or rangewide impacts may 
contribute to, or are likely to contribute to, considerable loss of 
individuals or habitat currently or in the future. Please refer to the 
Potential Stressors section in the Species Report (Service 2016, pp. 
20-78) for a more detailed discussion of our evaluation of the 
biological status of the plant and the factors that may affect its 
continued existence.

Development (Factors A and E)

    Development consists of converting the landscape into residential, 
commercial, industrial, and recreational features, with associated 
infrastructure such as roads. Currently, development does not impact C. 
parryi var. fernandina at either population. In the future, no 
development is anticipated at the Laskey Mesa site because the property 
is owned and managed by the SMMC and MRCA, and preserved as permanent 
parkland. At the Santa Clarita site, the population is within the 
footprint of the proposed Newhall Ranch development project.
    At the time we issued the proposed rule (81 FR 63454, September 15, 
2016), available information indicated that the future development of 
the proposed Newhall Ranch would directly remove 24 percent of the C. 
parryi var. fernandina population and occupied habitat at the Santa 
Clarita site, reducing the population from approximately 20 ac (8 ha) 
to 15 ac (6 ha) of cumulative occupied area (Dudek 2010a, Table 12, p. 
67). In addition to habitat removal, the proposed development would 
also create indirect effects by fragmenting the remaining habitat 
between the occurrences of C. parryi var. fernandina. The impacts of 
fragmented habitat include: (1) Edge effects around remaining 
populations, such as increasing the risk of invasion of nonnative, 
invasive plants and animals; and (2) further separation of occurrences 
relative to current conditions because much of the area between the 
remaining occurrences would be residential and commercial development 
(Dudek 2010a, pp. 48-117), potentially affecting pollination and 
dispersal of the plant (Steffan-Dewenter and Tscharntke 1999, p. 437; 
Menges 1991, pp. 158-164; Jennerston 1988, pp. 359-366; Cunningham 
2000, pp. 1149-1152). These indirect effects of the proposed 
development would remain into the future post-construction.
    Under the 2010 SCP, Newhall Land Company designated seven 
spineflower preserves containing approximately 15 ac (6 ha) of C. 
parryi var. fernandina occupied area, which is the remaining 76 percent 
of the Santa Clarita population. Easements and an endowment to manage 
and monitor the preserves have been put in place. In addition to the 
preserves designated under the SCP, the 2017 CCA establishes additional 
C. parryi var. fernandina occurrences at the Santa Clarita population 
(Areas 1-3 in Figure 2, above), reducing the overall threat to this 
population from development. The additional conservation areas at the 
Santa Clarita population total approximately 825 ac (334 ha) that are 
contiguous with or adjacent to the existing San Martinez Grande and 
Potrero preserves established under the SCP. These areas are intended 
to expand the area of protected conservation land for the plant and 
increase the extent of protected occurrence locations within the Santa 
Clarita population to buffer it from detrimental effects of loss of 
habitat and individuals and the associated edge effects. All of the 
conservation areas (i.e., preserves under the SCP and occurrences under 
the 2017 CCA) will be in permanent conservation and will not be 
directly threatened by development.
    Overall, we projected in our September 15, 2016, proposed rule that 
development at one of the two C. parryi var. fernandina populations 
would result in the loss of 24 percent of the Santa Clarita population 
in the future and that edge effects to the remaining Santa Clarita 
population were expected. Edge effects around the remaining occurrences 
put these patches at risk and separate them more than they are under 
current conditions. However, under the 2017 CCA, abundance and 
distribution of the plant within the Santa Clarita population will be 
increased to buffer the population from detrimental effects of loss of 
habitat and individuals and the associated edge effects of the 
development. When we issued the proposed rule, we concluded that 
development was a future population-level threat to the plant, as it 
would result in loss of habitat and individuals, and further reduce the 
range of the plant, which was already vulnerable due to its small size 
and isolated populations (Factor E). Since the publication of the 
proposed rule, the

[[Page 11466]]

2017 CCA was developed and signed, and is being implemented. The 2017 
CCA provides support for C. parryi var. fernandina by further 
protecting, increasing, and expanding existing and future populations 
and habitat.
    As discussed above, we have determined that the conservation 
actions outlined in the 2017 CCA are sufficiently certain to be 
implemented and effective such that they should be considered in our 
assessment of status. These conservation actions significantly reduce 
the identified threats, including effects of historical and future loss 
of habitat from development (Factor A and E), and their impacts to C. 
parryi var. fernandina and its habitat. Thus, the best scientific and 
commercial data available indicate that the effects associated with 
development are not a threat to the continued existence of C. parryi 
var. fernandina now nor will they be in the foreseeable future.

Small, Isolated Populations (Factors E)

    The effects of small, isolated populations include increased risk 
of extinction from random, naturally occurring events, and potentially 
reduced genetic variation, which can affect the ability of a species to 
sustain itself into the future in the face of environmental 
fluctuations. There are two known populations of C. parryi var. 
fernandina, 17 mi (27 km) apart, one at Laskey Mesa and one at Santa 
Clarita, each comprising approximately 15 to 20 ac (6 to 8 ha) of 
occupied area. Historically, the plant was known from no less than 10 
additional locations across southern California (see Figure 1).
    When we issued the proposed rule (81 FR 63454, September 15, 2016), 
we concluded that having only two small, isolated populations decreased 
the ability of C. parryi var. fernandina to sustain itself into the 
future in the face of environmental fluctuations and random, naturally 
occurring events. At that time, we determined that this stressor would 
continue to affect C. parryi var. fernandina and its habitat at both 
sites into the future.
    Since the publication of the proposed rule, the 2017 CCA was 
completed, which provides for additional conservation areas that are 
intended to increase the number and extent of spineflower occurrences 
within the plant's historic range. The additional conservation areas at 
the Santa Clarita population, which total approximately 825 ac (334 
ha), are contiguous with or adjacent to the existing San Martinez 
Grande and Potrero preserves established under the SCP. These areas are 
intended to expand the area of protected conservation land for C. 
parryi var. fernandina and increase the extent of protected occurrence 
locations within the Santa Clarita population to buffer it from 
detrimental effects of loss of habitat and individuals and the 
associated edge effects, including Argentine ant invasion.
    Introduction sites outside of the Santa Clarita population include 
an additional conservation area of 357 ac (144 ha) located in the Simi 
Valley watershed on the southern boundary of Newhall Land property in 
Ventura County; an additional conservation area of approximately 316 ac 
(128 ha) located on Newhall Land property in the Castaic Mesa area in 
northern Los Angeles County, near a known extirpated population 
location; and an additional conservation area located in a 7-ac (2.8-
ha) portion of the Petersen Ranch Mitigation Bank adjacent to Elizabeth 
Lake, also near a known extirpated population location.
    Introduction of C. parryi var. fernandina at historically occupied 
but currently extirpated sites and at new sites decreases the risk of 
having small, isolated populations for C. parryi var. fernandina into 
the future. When we issued the proposed rule, we concluded that having 
small, isolated populations was a current and future population-level 
threat to the plant (Factor E). Since the publication of the proposed 
rule, the 2017 CCA was developed and is being implemented to increase 
future populations and habitats for C. parryi var. fernandina.
    At this time, under PECE, we have determined that the conservation 
actions outlined in the 2017 CCA are sufficiently certain to be 
implemented and effective such that they should be considered in our 
assessment of status. These conservation actions significantly reduce 
the identified threats, including having small, isolated populations 
(Factor E), and their impacts to C. parryi var. fernandina and its 
habitat. Thus, the best scientific and commercial data available 
indicate that the adverse effects of small, isolated populations to the 
continued existence of C. parryi var. fernandina is not a threat to the 
continued existence of the plant now nor will it be in the foreseeable 

Nonnative, Invasive Plants (Factors A and E)

    Nonnative, invasive plants include nonnative vegetation that occurs 
within or adjacent to habitat that supports C. parryi var. fernandina. 
In particular, we focused on the impacts of nonnative grasses and other 
fast-invading, nonnative annual plants because they are abundant at 
both sites and are efficient at displacing native vegetation.
    When we issued the proposed rule (81 FR 63454, September 15, 2016), 
we determined that this stressor would likely affect C. parryi var. 
fernandina and its habitat at both sites into the future, but at a 
decreased severity. Newhall Land provided funding for the management of 
the Laskey Mesa population, including control of nonnative, invasive 
vegetation. At the Santa Clarita population, the proposed development 
of Newhall Ranch would convert areas that currently contain nonnative 
vegetation to urban areas, thereby reducing the total acreage of 
nonnative vegetation at this site, but this ground disturbance would 
also create additional opportunities for nonnative plants to invade 
urban edges of C. parryi var. fernandina preserves and natural open 
space. In general, nonnative weedy species are often edge species and 
become more prevalent or increase in abundance, while rare and 
sensitive species and species that were once widespread tend to decline 
(Hilty et al. 2006, pp. 42-45).
    The 2017 CCA provides for Newhall Land to voluntarily implement 
conservation measures described in the introduction plan with the goal 
of establishing new, protected C. parryi var. fernandina occurrences 
within the plant's historical range. Weed control is an important 
component of the introduction plan and will be implemented at all 
additional conservation areas. The first year of the seeding trials 
demonstrated successful plant establishment from both broadcast seeding 
and salvaged topsoil and documented positive effects from weeding. 
Confirmation that the weed control method used in the seeding trials is 
effective in improving performance of the plant has important positive 
implications both for the introduction plan and for management of 
occupied habitat within the SCP preserves.
    In our September 15, 2016, proposed rule, we concluded that 
nonnative, invasive plants are abundant at both Laskey Mesa and Santa 
Clarita populations, reduce available habitat quality, compete with C. 
parryi var. fernandina for resources, and increase potential for 
wildfire. We also concluded that this stressor historically affected 
Laskey Mesa and Santa Clarita populations and will continue to affect 
C. parryi var. fernandina and its habitat at both sites into the 
future, but at a lower level than historically. Management actions will 
reduce the presence and impact of nonnative, invasive grasses that 
would be

[[Page 11467]]

implemented in the near future and would be effective in reducing this 
stressor. When we issued the proposed rule, we concluded that 
nonnative, invasive plants are a population-level threat to C. parryi 
var. fernandina (loss of individuals) and its habitat (Factors A and 
E). Since the publication of the proposed rule, the 2017 CCA was 
developed and signed that now provides additional protected habitat for 
C. parryi var. fernandina by increasing future populations and habitats 
where weeds will be controlled. At this time, under PECE, we have 
determined that the conservation actions outlined in the 2017 CCA are 
sufficiently certain to be implemented and effective such that they 
should be considered in our assessment of the status. These 
conservation actions significantly reduce the identified threats, 
including historical and future loss of habitat from nonnative, 
invasive plants (Factors A and E), and their impacts to C. parryi var. 
fernandina and its habitat. Thus, the best scientific and commercial 
data available indicate that the stressor of invasive, nonnative plants 
is not a threat to the continued existence of C. parryi var. fernandina 
now nor will it be in the foreseeable future.

Argentine Ants (Factor E)

    Argentine ants may impact pollination and seed dispersal vectors of 
C. parryi var. fernandina. Based on the best available information, 
Argentine ants have not historically impacted the Laskey Mesa or Santa 
Clarita populations of C. parryi var. fernandina. Currently, at Laskey 
Mesa, Argentine ants are present in close proximity, but they were not 
encountered in areas occupied by C. parryi var. fernandina because, 
presumably, the conditions are too dry and thus unsuitable (Sapphos 
2000, pp. 6-8). At Santa Clarita, as of February 2016, Argentine ants 
were present within two SCP preserves, Entrada and Potrero (Dudek, 
2016b, pp. 17, 20), in the Santa Clara River corridor (Dudek 2016b, 
entire), at Middle Canyon Spring (Dudek 2010a, p. 130), and in the 
existing utility corridor that runs along the southern portion of the 
property and through the Entrada Preserve (Dudek 2016b, p. 17).
    At Laskey Mesa, we do not expect Argentine ants will impact C. 
parryi var. fernandina in the future as there is no anticipated change 
in land use. At Santa Clarita, Argentine ants already occur, and we 
would expect them to occur within development areas and open areas 
adjacent to the preserves in the future after development of the 
proposed Newhall Ranch (Dudek 2010a, p. 130; Dudek 2016b, pp. 4-20).
    In our September 15, 2016, proposed rule, we determined that loss 
of habitat and individuals and the associated edge effects including 
proliferation of Argentine ants at the Santa Clarita population are 
likely to decrease habitat quality, reducing resiliency at this 
population. The 2017 CCA includes establishing additional C. parryi 
var. fernandina occurrences at the Santa Clarita population, including 
three additional conservation areas totaling approximately 825 ac (334 
ha) that are contiguous with or adjacent to the existing San Martinez 
Grande and Potrero preserves established under the SCP. These 
additional conservation areas are intended to increase the extent of 
protected C. parryi var. fernandina occurrences within the Santa 
Clarita population to buffer it from detrimental effects of loss of 
habitat and individuals and the associated edge effects, including 
Argentine ant invasion.
    The additional conservation area adjacent to the existing Potrero 
preserve is at risk of invasion by Argentine ants. The two additional 
conservation areas adjacent to the existing San Martinez Grande 
preserve are farther from existing or proposed development (see Figure 
2, above). None of the adjacent land uses near San Martinez Grande 
poses a heightened threat of Argentine ant invasion (Dudek 2016, p. 6). 
These additional conservation areas are not expected to be at risk of 
invasion from Argentine ants and should contribute to C. parryi var. 
fernandina numbers and recruitment at the Santa Clarita population. 
Pollination and seed dispersal vectors are therefore expected to remain 
healthy at these sites. Argentine ants are not considered to be a 
significant long-term risk to C. parryi var. fernandina at the 
introduction sites outside of the Santa Clarita population because they 
are all well separated from areas supporting potential source 
populations of Argentine ants, such as urban development areas.
    The 2017 CCA describes that annual Argentine ant monitoring will be 
conducted as part of the ongoing habitat maintenance and appropriate 
control measures consistent with the Argentine Ant Control Plan for 
Newhall Ranch (Dudek 2014, entire) in the event that invasion occurs. 
If Argentine ants invade, Newhall Land proposes control methods as part 
of an integrated pest management plan to remove Argentine ants and 
mitigate for the absence of native pollinators within the preserves 
(Dudek 2014c, pp. 25-42). Qualified pest control professionals and 
conservation managers will review and approve any control or mitigation 
    When we issued the proposed rule, we concluded that Argentine ants 
are a current and future population-level threat to C. parryi var. 
fernandina (loss of individuals) (Factor E). Since the publication of 
the proposed rule, the 2017 CCA was developed and signed, which will 
expand the area of protected conservation land for C. parryi var. 
fernandina and increase the extent of protected occurrences within the 
Santa Clarita population to buffer it from detrimental effects of 
Argentine ant invasion. Argentine ants may still affect some portion of 
the Santa Clarita population, but by increasing the overall resiliency 
of the population to those effects by increasing numbers and area for 
the spineflower, the effects of Argentine ants, including loss of 
pollinators and seed dispersers, are not expected to result in 
meaningful impacts at the population scale. At this time, under PECE, 
we have determined that the conservation actions outlined in the 2017 
CCA are sufficiently certain to be implemented and effective such that 
they should be considered in our assessment of status. These 
conservation actions significantly reduce the identified threats, 
including Argentine ants (Factor E), and their impacts to C. parryi 
var. fernandina and its habitat. Thus, the best scientific and 
commercial data available indicate that Argentine ants are not a threat 
to the continued existence of C. parryi var. fernandina now nor will 
they be in the foreseeable future.

Climate Change (Factors A and E)

    The term ``climate'' refers to the mean and variability of 
different types of weather conditions over time, with 30 years being a 
typical period for such measurements, although shorter or longer 
periods also may be used (IPCC 2014, p. 119). The term ``climate 
change'' thus refers to a change in the mean or variability of one or 
more measures of climate (for example, temperature or precipitation) 
that persists for an extended period, typically decades or longer, 
whether the change is due to natural variability, human activity, or 
both (IPCC 2014, p. 120). A recent synthesis report of climate change 
and its effects is available from the Intergovernmental Panel on 
Climate Change (IPCC) (IPCC 2014, entire).
    There is no way to measure past impacts at either population 
associated with climate change. Compared to historical or baseline 
temperature and precipitation measurements, projections of climate 
change in the south coast region of California indicate that 
precipitation will decrease slightly and

[[Page 11468]]

temperature will increase slightly by mid-century. The response of C. 
parryi var. fernandina may be similar to other plant species with a 
similar life history. A growing body of literature discusses the 
specific mechanisms by which climate change could affect the abundance, 
distribution, and long-term viability of plant species, as well as 
current habitat configuration over time, including, but not limited to, 
Root et al. (2003), Parmesan and Yohe (2003), and Visser and Both 
(2005). Some of the responses by plants to climate change presented by 
these studies and others include the following:
    1. Drier conditions may result in less suitable habitat, or a lower 
germination success and smaller population sizes;
    2. Higher temperatures may inhibit germination, dry out soil, or 
affect pollinator services;
    3. The timing of pollinator life cycles may become out-of-sync with 
timing of flowering;
    4. A shift in the timing and nature of annual precipitation may 
favor expansion in abundance and distribution of nonnative species; and
    5. Drier conditions may result in increased fire frequency, making 
the ecosystems in which a species currently grows more vulnerable to 
threats of nonnative plant invasion.
    Overall, although many climate models generally agree about 
potential future changes in temperature and precipitation, their 
consequent effects on vegetation are more uncertain, as is the rate at 
which any such changes might be realized. It is not clear how or when 
changes in vegetation type or plant species composition will affect the 
distribution of C. parryi var. fernandina. Therefore, uncertainty 
exists when determining the level of impact climate change may have on 
C. parryi var. fernandina or its habitat. At the time of the proposed 
listing, based on the analysis in the Species Report (Service 2016, pp. 
73-78) and summarized above, the best available information did not 
allow us to reliably project responses of C. parryi var. fernandina to 
indicate that climate change is a threat to the continued existence of 
the plant or its habitat now or in the future, although we continue to 
seek additional information concerning how climate change may affect 
the plant and its habitat (Factors A and E).
    Since the publication of the proposed rule, the 2017 CCA was 
developed and signed. The actions in the 2017 CCA will result in at 
least two new self-sustaining, persistent C. parryi var. fernandina 
occurrences and will increase the number of ecoregions in which C. 
parryi var. fernandina is represented. Increasing the number of 
ecoregions in which the plant is represented is intended to improve the 
ability of the plant to adapt to changing environmental conditions into 
the future. Ecoregions denote areas of general similarity in ecosystems 
through analysis of patterns of biotic and abiotic phenomena, including 
geology, physiography, vegetation, climate, soils, land use, wildlife, 
and hydrology; level IV is the finest ecoregion level developed by the 
Environmental Protection Agency (Environmental Protection Agency 2016). 
Currently, there are only two C. parryi var. fernandina populations, 17 
mi (27 km) apart, representing only one level IV ecoregion. Increasing 
the number of ecoregions in which the species occurs may increase the 
ability of the plant to adapt to a changing environment, which may 
decrease the risk of future extirpation of the plant under climate 
change. The two existing C. parryi var. fernandina populations are 
located in the Venturan-Angeleno Coastal Hills ecoregion. The 
additional conservation area in the Castaic Mesa area in northern Los 
Angeles County, near a known extirpated population location, is within 
the Southern California Lower Montane Shrubland Woodland ecoregion. The 
additional conservation area located in the Petersen Ranch Mitigation 
Bank adjacent to Elizabeth Lake near a known extirpated population 
location is within the Arid Montane Slopes ecoregion.
    In our September 15, 2016, proposed rule, based on the analysis in 
the Species Report (Service 2016, pp. 73-78), we determined that we did 
not have reliable information to indicate that climate change is a 
threat to C. parryi var. fernandina or its habitat now or in the future 
(Factors A and E). Uncertainty about the effects of climate change on 
the plant remains. Therefore, we do not have reliable information to 
indicate that climate change is a threat to C. parryi var. fernandina 
habitat now or in the future (Factors A and E).

Wildfire (Factor E)

    In our Species Report, we concluded that wildfire directly impacts 
C. parryi var. fernandina where they co-occur, but that this impact is 
temporary until vegetation reestablishes post fire (Service 2016, 
pp.73-76). The extent of direct impacts may depend on the severity of 
the fire, which is a function of its intensity (heat output) and 
duration. A high-intensity (i.e., hotter) and/or long duration fire 
would be more likely to incinerate seeds than a fire that is lower 
intensity (i.e., cooler) and/or has a shorter duration (i.e., is faster 
moving) (McGraw 2017, p. 4). Seed germination of related taxa, Parry's 
spineflower, appears to be inhibited by fire (Ellstrand 1994 and Ogden 
1999, in CBI 2000, pp. 4, 13). A study on the effects of fire on Ben 
Lomond spineflower (Chorizanthe pungens var. hartwegiana) found that 
fire directly reduced seed germination during the first year after the 
fire (McGraw 2017, p. 5).
    Despite the effect of direct scorching, fire may prove beneficial 
to C. parryi var. fernandina by creating openings in ground cover and 
temporarily reducing competition (CBI 2000, p. 13). The Ben Lomond 
spineflower study found that fire indirectly facilitated Ben Lomond 
spineflower by removing accumulative leaf litter and creating openings 
for seedlings (McGraw 2017, p. 5). However, by creating such open 
areas, wildfire expands the footprint of invasive annual plants that 
are more likely to ignite and carry fire than much of the native flora, 
thereby creating a feedback mechanism.
    The Rye Fire on Newhall Ranch began on December 5, 2017, and burned 
approximately 2,845 ac (1,150 ha) of land within the boundaries of the 
SCP area. Of the seven SCP preserves, four were burned (Grapevine Mesa, 
Airport Mesa, Spring, and Potrero). The westernmost portion of the 
Airport Mesa preserve burned while the entirety of the Spring, 
Grapevine, and Potrero preserves burned. Of the 20-ac (8-ha) cumulative 
C. parryi var. fernandina occupied area within the SCP, approximately 
13 ac (5 ha) were affected by the Rye Fire (approximately 66 percent of 
total cumulative occupied area since 2002), including 4 ac (1.6 ha) in 
the Grapevine Mesa preserve, 5 ac (2 ha) in Airport Mesa preserve, less 
than 1 ac (0.4 ha) in the Spring preserve, and 1 ac (0.4 ha) in the 
Potrero preserve (Dudek 2017, pp. 14-15). Approximately 3 ac (1.2 ha) 
of C. parryi var. fernandina habitat outside the SCP preserves were 
affected by the fire; of that area, approximately 1 ac (0.4 ha) was no 
longer occupied at the time of the fire, because this area lies within 
the Mission Village Project Site, and Newhall Land had previously 
conducted soil salvage in the C. parryi var. fernandina occupied area 
as an SCP conservation measure (Dudek 2017, pp. 14-15). This soil was 
stored off site at the time of the fire and was not burned.
    The intensity of the Rye Fire on Newhall Ranch was characterized as 
light (Watershed Emergency Response Team 2018, pp. 18-20). Based on 
field testing, the California Geological Survey found that within the 
mapped fire perimeter, 64 percent of the area was

[[Page 11469]]

classified as very low/unburned, 34 percent as low, and 2 percent as 
moderate; no area was classified as high (Watershed Emergency Response 
Team 2018, pp. 18-20). The severity of the Rye Fire was similar to or 
generally less than the most recent fires on Newhall Ranch in C. parryi 
var. fernandina habitat, the 2003 Verdale Fire and 2007 Magic Fire. 
Severity in burn areas was generally low in the Magic Fire and very low 
to moderate in the Verdale Fire (Dudek 2017, p. 10). At the Laskey Mesa 
population, the Devonshire-Parker Fire (1967) burned a portion of the 
C. parryi var. fernandina; the Clampett Fire (1970) burned most of the 
plants; and the Dayton Fire (1982) and Topanga Fire (2005) burned all 
C. parryi var. fernandina plants onsite. These fires had relatively 
short intervals between burn events, between 2 and 18 years.
    If the Rye Fire promotes the invasion and spread of exotic plants, 
it will degrade habitat for C. parryi var. fernandina. In the 2016 
Species Report, we found that small native annuals like C. parryi var. 
fernandina cannot compete with fast-growing nonnative plants (i.e., 
grasses) for light, water, and soil nutrients (Service 2016, pp. 39-
44). Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina's size, density, and biomass 
were all found to be negatively correlated with exotic plant cover 
during the observational studies conducted as part of habitat 
characterization (McGraw 2017, p. 20). In addition, by manipulating the 
cover of exotic plants through weed whacking, the 2016 seeding trials 
demonstrated that exotic plants reduce population growth rate by 
significantly reducing C. parryi var. fernandina seedling 
establishment, survivorship, flower production, and seed set through 
competition (McGraw and Thomson 2017, p. 14).
    Numerous previous wildfire events have occurred on Newhall Ranch 
since 1913, including at least 12 since 1983 (excluding the 2017 Rye 
Fire), and several of these fires have affected extensive areas of 
spineflower-occupied habitat (Dudek 2017, p. 10). Chorizanthe parryi 
var. fernandina monitoring began on Newhall Ranch in 2002. Two fires 
have affected the Santa Clarita population since then. The 2003 Verdale 
Fire burned almost the entire San Martinez Grande preserve area. The 
2007 Magic Fire burned portions of the Grapevine Mesa and Entrada 
preserve areas. Both the 2003 Verdale Fire and the 2007 Magic Fire 
occurred in October, after C. parryi var. fernandina surveys had been 
conducted for that year.
    Large year-to-year fluctuations in population numbers make it 
difficult to discern pre- and post-burn trends in C. parryi var. 
fernandina. As an annual plant that exhibits large fluctuations in 
aboveground population size, abundance appears to track to annual 
climatic variability, particularly amount of rainfall (Dudek 2010a, pp. 
18-20; Dudek 2012, p. 12; McGraw 2012, entire). Surveys conducted 
following the fires that occurred on Newhall Ranch in 2003 and 2007 
show that year-to-year fluctuations in C. parryi var. fernandina 
occupied area and population numbers within burned areas have generally 
been consistent with fluctuations in unburned areas (Dudek 2017, p. 
11). In addition, no significant patterns relating historical fire 
frequency to C. parryi var. fernandina cover, density, survival to 
flower, or size were observed in 2014 (McGraw 2017, p. 3). However, C. 
parryi var. fernandina cover, density, and size were all generally 
negatively correlated with the cover of shrubs, which increases with 
time after fire, suggesting that C. parryi var. fernandina may do 
better in terms of density and size in more recently burned areas 
(McGraw 2017, p. 3).
    We expect relatively minor effects from the Rye Fire on arthropods 
that could be C. parryi var. fernandina pollinators. Jones et al. 
(2004) conducted pollinator studies on C. parryi var. fernandina 
populations on Newhall Ranch and Ahmanson Ranch, and found that one of 
the dominant floral visitors on Newhall Ranch was little red ant and 
the dominant floral visitors at the Ahmanson Ranch were two species of 
ants: The pyramid ant and the southern fire ant. Matsuda et al. (2011, 
entire) investigated the effect of broad-scale wildfire on ground 
foraging ants within southern California. They found a net negative 
effect of fire on the overall diversity of ground foraging ants likely 
because of changes in community structure rather than the loss of 
species richness. Although they found a negative effect of fire on ant 
diversity, the increases in overall species diversity in both the fire-
impacted and reference plots suggest that ground-foraging ants may be 
relatively resilient to fire because only about 2 percent of an ant 
colony is active on the surface, thus limiting direct mortality. They 
also suggest that unburned patches within a burn area can provide 
refuge for ants and source populations for recolonization of burned 
    Fire suppression activities may impact C. parryi var. fernandina 
and its habitat, including clearing vegetation for fire and fuel breaks 
or spreading retardant. Fire retardant is known to act as a fertilizer 
that enhances the growth of nonnative grasses (Avery 2001, pp. 17-18). 
During the Rye Fire, Airport Mesa was the only SCP preserve where Phos-
Chek (i.e., aerial applied fire retardant) was dropped. It covered 
approximately 5 ac (2 ha) of the preserve and less than 1 ac (0.4 ha) 
of the cumulative spineflower area in that preserve. Also in the 
Airport Mesa Preserve, an existing road and a portion of undisturbed 
lands were used by vehicles during the fire (Dudek 2017, p. 15).
    In 2011, the Service issued a biological and conference opinion 
based on our review of the continued aerial application of fire 
retardants, including Phos-Chek, on National Forest System Lands and 
its effects on 75 species listed as endangered or threatened, or 
proposed for listing, and on designated critical habitat in accordance 
with section 7 of the Act (Service 2011, entire). This opinion did not 
directly address effects to C. parryi var. fernandina. However, it 
addressed effects to the slender-horned spineflower (Dodecahema 
leptoceras) (Service 2011, pp. 411-414). Our analyses found that fire 
retardant applications could impact the plant via short-term (1 to 2 
growing seasons) phytotoxic effects, including leaf burning, shoot die-
back, a decrease in germination, and plant death. However, the more 
likely effects to the species would be that nonnative plants could be 
enhanced by fire retardant application and impact population. Fire 
retardants contain nitrogen and phosphorus that could act as nutrients. 
While fire retardant could enhance nonnative plants, it could also 
enhance slender-horned spineflower growth.
    The effects of Phos-Check were also examined as part of the Ben 
Lomond spineflower study (McGraw 2017, pp. 5-6). There were no 
biologically meaningful increases in the cover or richness of exotic 
plants within the Phos-Chek treated areas. This may reflect the dense 
shrub and tree cover in these areas, which limits the ability of light-
limited exotic plants to establish, or the Phos-Chek nutrients might 
have been readily taken up by native plants, or readily flushed from 
the sandy-soil system.
    Monitoring of C. parryi var. fernandina on Newhall Ranch within the 
SCP preserves will continue to evaluate the performance of the Santa 
Clarita population post-Rye Fire. If the monitoring shows that 
management is needed to address direct or indirect effects of the fire, 
measures will be incorporated into annual work plans as required by the 
SCP and reviewed by the Spineflower Adaptive Management

[[Page 11470]]

Working Group. The primary anticipated post-fire preserve management 
activity involves monitoring and controlling weeds that may invade 
burned areas following the fire event, particularly if they exceed 30 
percent relative cover (Dudek 2017, p. 7).
    Additional information about the effects of the fire on C. parryi 
var. fernandina will be obtained through the second year of monitoring 
of the 2016 seeding trial study plots. The Rye Fire burned 7 of the 10 
experimental blocks (groups of treatment plots) into which spineflower 
seed was sown and topsoil was placed to evaluate the effects of seeding 
methods and habitat treatment (weeding, irrigation, and soil 
compaction) on spineflower establishment (McGraw 2017, pp. 7-8). During 
monitoring of the plots in the 2018 growing season, rates of seedling 
establishment, survivorship, growth, and reproduction can be compared 
across plots that burned and those that did not burn.
    Given the large C. parryi var. fernandina occupied area and 
potentially suitable habitat affected by the Rye Fire (approximately 13 
ac (5 ha) or 66 percent of the cumulative occupied area of the Santa 
Clarita population), the fire has the potential to affect the 
distribution and performance of the population both directly and 
indirectly, with these effects having the potential to result in 
positive or negative outcomes. Overall, the Rye Fire falls within the 
historical range of fires on Newhall Ranch in terms of size and 
severity (i.e., generally light burning and little evidence of deep 
soil charring), and we expect that the plant will be affected by this 
fire similarly to past fires, where year-to-year fluctuations in C. 
parryi var. fernandina occupied area and population numbers within 
burned areas were generally consistent with fluctuations in unburned 
areas (Dudek 2017, p. 11). The biggest concern is that fire may promote 
the invasion and spread of nonnative, invasive grasses that out-compete 
small native annuals like C. parryi var. fernandina. The effects of the 
Rye Fire on C. parryi var. fernandina may depend on the climate in the 
ensuing years. Monitoring conducted under the SCP will continue to 
evaluate the performance of the population, in terms of cover, density, 
and size of plants, within the SCP preserves, and if the monitoring 
shows that management is needed to address direct or indirect effects 
of the fire, such as an increase in nonnative, invasive grasses, 
measures will be incorporated into annual work plans and implemented 
(Dudek 2017, p. 7). Therefore, the best scientific and commercial data 
available indicate that the stressor of wildlife is not a threat to the 
continued existence of C. parryi var. fernandina now nor will it likely 
be in the foreseeable future.

Synergistic Effects

    When stressors occur together, one stressor may exacerbate the 
effects of another stressor, causing effects not accounted for when 
stressors are analyzed individually. Synergistic effects may be 
observed in a short amount of time or may not be noticeable for years 
into the future, and could affect the long-term viability of C. parryi 
var. fernandina. Stressors that could act synergistically on C. parryi 
var. fernandina include development; having small, isolated 
populations; nonnative, invasive plants; Argentine ants; wildfire; and 
potentially climate change. At the Laskey Mesa site, the presence of 
nonnative, invasive grasses increases the frequency of wildfire, which 
in turn creates more open area for nonnative, invasive plants to grow 
that are more likely to ignite and carry fire than native vegetation 
(Keeley et al. 2005, p. 2123). At the Santa Clarita site, the future 
development of Newhall Ranch would directly remove 24 percent of the C. 
parryi var. fernandina population, fragmenting the habitat between the 
occurrences of C. parryi var. fernandina, which will create edge 
effects around remaining occurrences within C. parryi var. fernandina 
preserves, and increase the risk of invasion of Argentine ants and 
nonnative, invasive plants. When we issued our September 15, 2016, 
proposed rule, we determined that when considered together, the impact 
of these stressors has the potential to be high. Even though the impact 
of each of these stressors may be low to moderate under current 
conditions, the proposed development of Newhall Ranch, which would 
occur over the next 25 years, will likely exacerbate the impact of the 
stressors while confining the C. parryi var. fernandina population at 
this site to small patches of suitable habitat adjacent to and bordered 
by urban development. At the time of the proposed listing, we also 
determined that long-term future impacts may increase synergistic 
effects, and it is unknown if C. parryi var. fernandina will be able to 
adapt to the potential synergistic effect of stressors. Since the 
publication of the proposed rule, the 2017 CCA was developed and 
signed, and is being implemented; the 2017 CCA now provides additional 
populations and protected habitat for C. parryi var. fernandina.
    At the Laskey Mesa site, we anticipate that management actions will 
be undertaken to manage the proliferation of nonnative, invasive 
grasses. At the Santa Clarita site, the 2017 CCA conservation efforts 
will expand the area of protected conservation land for the plant and 
will increase the extent of protected locations within the Santa 
Clarita population to buffer it from detrimental effects. Argentine 
ants may still affect some portion of the Santa Clarita population, but 
by increasing the overall resiliency of the population to those effects 
by increasing numbers and area for the spineflower, the effects of 
Argentine ants, including some loss of pollinators and seed dispersers, 
is not expected to have significant impacts at the population scale. 
Weeding will decrease the impacts of nonnative, invasive plants. 
Additional conservation areas associated with the 2017 CCA outside the 
Santa Clarita population are not at risk from Argentine ant invasion; 
weeding will also take place. Increasing the overall redundancy of C. 
parryi var. fernandina with additional populations and distributing 
those populations across different ecoregions improves the ability of 
the plant to withstand small-scale stressors, as well as catastrophic 
events. At this time, under PECE, we have determined that the 
conservation actions outlined in the 2017 CCA are sufficiently certain 
to be implemented and effective such that the actions will 
significantly reduce the identified threats, including their 
synergistic effects, to C. parryi var. fernandina and its habitat. 
Thus, the best scientific and commercial data available indicate that 
synergistic effects acting on C. parryi var. fernandina or its habitat 
are not a threat to the continued existence of the plant now nor will 
they be in the foreseeable future.

Resiliency, Redundancy, and Representation

    We use the principles of resiliency, redundancy, and representation 
as a lens to evaluate current and future effects to C. parryi var. 
fernandina. Resiliency describes the ability of a species to withstand 
stochastic disturbance. Resiliency is positively related to population 
size and growth rate, and may be influenced by connectivity among 
populations. Generally speaking, populations need abundant individuals 
within habitat patches of adequate area and quality to maintain 
survival and reproduction in spite of disturbance.
    Redundancy describes the ability of a species to withstand 
catastrophic events. It is about spreading risk among multiple 
populations to minimize the

[[Page 11471]]

potential loss of the species from catastrophic events. Redundancy is 
characterized by having multiple, resilient populations distributed 
within the species' ecological settings and across the species' range. 
It can be measured by population number, resiliency, special extent, 
and degree of connectivity.
    Representation describes the ability of a species to adapt to 
changing environmental conditions overtime. It is characterized by the 
breadth of genetic and environmental diversity within and among 
populations. Measures may include the number of varied niches occupied, 
the gene diversity, and heterozygosity of alleles per locus.
    In our September 15, 2016, proposed rule (81 FR 63454) to list 
Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina as a threatened species, we 
concluded that, overall, redundancy and representation are currently 
reduced and resiliency is likely to decrease in the future, bringing 
into question whether C. parryi var. fernandina can sustain itself in 
the face of environmental fluctuations and random, naturally occurring 
    In our proposed rule, we determined that loss of habitat and 
individuals and the associated edge effects (i.e., proliferation of 
invasive, nonnative plants and Argentine ants) at the Santa Clarita 
population are likely to decrease habitat quality, reducing resiliency 
at this population and increasing the overall risk to the plant from 
random, naturally occurring events. The portions of the 2017 CCA that 
intend to establish additional C. parryi var. fernandina occurrences at 
the Santa Clarita population (Areas 1-3 in Figure 2, above) include 
three additional conservation areas totaling approximately 825 ac (334 
ha) that are contiguous with or adjacent to the existing San Martinez 
Grande and Potrero preserves established under the SCP. These areas are 
intended to expand the area of protected conservation land for C. 
parryi var. fernandina and increase the extent of protected occurrences 
within the Santa Clarita population to buffer it from detrimental 
effects of loss of habitat and individuals and the associated edge 
    Given that invasion by invasive, nonnative plants and Argentine 
ants could occur, all additional conservation areas will be monitored 
and managed for these stressors. The enhancement areas surrounding 
introduction sites will help minimize invasion of nonnative plant 
species, which could threaten the quality of the habitat for C. parryi 
var. fernandina occupation. The overall maintenance program described 
in the introduction plan, which will occur throughout the duration of 
the 10-year maintenance and monitoring period, directs enhancement 
efforts in the additional conservation areas to focus on: (1) Reducing 
annual nonnative/exotic plant species cover and competition to help 
facilitate C. parryi var. fernandina establishment, persistence, and 
recruitment; (2) increasing native species cover and diversity in 
disturbed areas, particularly in areas surrounding introduction sites 
that function as a buffer; and (3) providing regulation and protection 
of the preserve boundaries from unauthorized human activity and 
    As of February 2016, Argentine ants were present within two SCP 
preserves at the Santa Clarita population, Entrada and Potrero (Dudek, 
2016, pp. 17, 20). Therefore, the additional conservation area adjacent 
to the existing Potrero preserve is at risk of invasion by Argentine 
ants. The two additional conservation areas adjacent to the existing 
San Martinez Grande preserve are farther from existing or proposed 
development (see Figure 2, above). None of the adjacent land uses near 
San Martinez Grande poses a heightened threat of Argentine ant invasion 
(Dudek 2016, p. 6); therefore, these additional conservation areas are 
not expected to be at risk of invasion Argentine ants and should 
contribute to C. parryi var. fernandina numbers and recruitment at the 
Santa Clarita population. Section 2.4 of the introduction plan 
describes that annual Argentine ant monitoring will be conducted as 
part of the ongoing habitat maintenance and appropriate control 
measures consistent with the Argentine Ant Control Plan for Newhall 
Ranch (Dudek 2014, entire) will be implemented in the event that 
invasion occurs. If Argentine ants invade, Newhall Land proposes 
control methods as part of an integrated pest management plan to remove 
Argentine ants and mitigate for the absence of native pollinators 
within the preserves (Dudek 2014c, pp. 25-42). Qualified pest control 
professionals and conservation managers will review and approve any 
control or mitigation plan.
    Overall, increasing the number and health of the plants at the 
Santa Clarita population with introduction and enhancement is expected 
to increase the overall resiliency of the population to potential 
proliferation of invasive, nonnative plants and the effects of 
Argentine ant invasion. The two additional conservation areas adjacent 
to the San Martinez Grande preserve are at low risk of invasion by 
invasive, nonnative plants and Argentine ants, and should contribute to 
C. parryi var. fernandina numbers and recruitment at the Santa Clarita 
population in the event that the additional conservation area adjacent 
to the Potrero preserve becomes invaded by Argentine ants and control 
measures are unsuccessful.
    The introduction sites outside of the Santa Clarita population 
include an additional conservation area of 357 ac (144 ha) located in 
the Simi Valley watershed on the southern boundary of Newhall Land 
property in Ventura County (Area 5 in Figure 2, above); an additional 
conservation area of approximately 316 ac (128 ha) located on Newhall 
Land property in the Castaic Mesa area in northern Los Angeles County, 
near a known extirpated population location (Area 4 in Figure 2); and 
an additional conservation area located in a 7-ac (2.8-ha) portion of 
the Petersen Ranch Mitigation Bank adjacent to Elizabeth Lake, also 
near a known extirpated population location (Area 6 in Figure 2). 
Argentine ants are not considered to be a significant long-term risk to 
C. parryi var. fernandina at these introduction sites because they are 
all well separated from areas supporting potential source populations, 
such as urban development areas. Supplemental watering will be 
delivered through a water truck rather than a permanent point of 
connection to a live water line to minimize the potential for the 
introduction of Argentine ants. The enhancement areas surrounding 
introduction sites are intended to help minimize invasion of nonnative 
plant species, which could threaten the quality of the habitat for C. 
parryi var. fernandina occupation.
    In our proposed rule, we determined that with only two extant 
populations, there may not be sufficient redundancy to sustain C. 
parryi var. fernandina over the long term, given current and future 
stressors acting upon the populations. The additional conservation 
areas proposed in the introduction plan are intended to further 
increase the number and extent of C. parryi var. fernandina within its 
historic range. The 2017 CCA provides for Newhall Land to introduce C. 
parryi var. fernandina within portions of the additional conservation 
areas with the goal of establishing at least two new self-sustaining, 
persistent occurrences to at least double the redundancy of the 
spineflower. C. parryi var. fernandina introduction will occur on a 
total of at least 10 ac (4 ha) within the additional conservation 
areas: (1) Three additional conservation areas totaling approximately 
825 ac (334 ha)

[[Page 11472]]

are contiguous with or adjacent to the existing San Martinez Grande and 
Potrero preserves established under the SCP (all of which would be 
considered part of the Santa Clarita population); (2) an additional 
conservation area of 357 ac (144 ha) is located in the Simi Valley 
watershed on the southern boundary of Newhall Land property in Ventura 
County; (3) an additional conservation area of approximately 316 ac 
(128 ha) is located on Newhall Land property in the Castaic Mesa area 
in northern Los Angeles County, near a known extirpated population 
location; and (4) an additional conservation area containing 
introduction sites is located in a 7-ac (2.8-ha) portion of the 
Petersen Ranch Mitigation Bank adjacent to Elizabeth Lake, also near a 
known extirpated population location.
    In our proposed rule, we determined that the two C. parryi var. 
fernandina populations represent only one level IV ecoregion (EPA 
2016), down from five historically, which theoretically may decrease 
the ability of the plant to adapt to changing environmental conditions 
into the future. The goal of the 2017 CCA is to establish at least two 
new self-sustaining, persistent C. parryi var. fernandina occurrences, 
at least one of which will be in a different ecoregion from the 
existing populations to increase the number of ecoregions in which the 
species is represented (see Figure 2, above). The two existing 
populations are located in the Venturan-Angeleno Coastal Hills 
ecoregion. The additional conservation area in the Castaic Mesa area in 
northern Los Angeles County, near a known extirpated population 
location, is within the Southern California Lower Montane Shrubland 
Woodland ecoregion. The additional conservation area located in the 
Petersen Ranch Mitigation Bank adjacent to Elizabeth Lake near a known 
extirpated population location is within the Arid Montane Slopes 
ecoregion. Establishing at least two new self-sustaining, persistent 
spineflower occurrences where at least one is in a different ecoregion 
from the existing populations should improve the ability of the plant 
to adapt to changing environmental conditions into the future.
    In conclusion, based on our high certainty that these efforts will 
be implemented and be effective, we conclude that the nature and extent 
of threats identified in our September 15, 2016, proposed rule (81 FR 
63454) are adequately addressed. The threats identified in the proposed 
rule include reduced resiliency due to habitat fragmentation and 
associated edge effects (i.e., proliferation of Argentine ants) at the 
Santa Clarita population, reduced redundancy with only two extant 
populations, and reduced representation down to one ecoregion from five 
historically across the range of C. parryi var. fernandina. The 2017 
CCA and associated introduction plan have identified the types of 
threats to the plant and include actions to address these threats, 
including the establishment of at least two new self-sustaining, 
persistent C. parryi var. fernandina occurrences, at least one of which 
will be in a different ecoregion from the existing populations on a 
total of at least 10 ac (4 ha) within the additional conservation 
areas. Permanent conservation instruments will be recorded over each of 
the additional conservation areas to ensure that the habitat values are 
maintained and that all initial habitat enhancement and introduction 
activities and perpetual management and monitoring will be funded.

Determination of Species Status

    Section 4 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1533) and its implementing 
regulations (50 CFR part 424) set forth the procedures for determining 
whether a species meets the definition of ``endangered species'' or 
``threatened species.'' The Act defines an ``endangered species'' as a 
species that is ``in danger of extinction throughout all or a 
significant portion of its range,'' and a ``threatened species'' as a 
species that is ``likely to become an endangered species within the 
foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its 
range.'' The Act requires that we determine whether a species meets the 
definition of ``endangered species'' or ``threatened species'' because 
of any of the following factors:
    (A) The present or threatened destruction, modification, or 
curtailment of its habitat or range;
    (B) Overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or 
educational purposes;
    (C) Disease or predation;
    (D) The inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms; or
    (E) Other natural or manmade factors affecting its continued 

Determination of Status Throughout All of Its Range

    We have carefully assessed the best scientific and commercial 
information available regarding the past, present, and future threats 
to C. parryi var. fernandina including development (Factors A and E); 
nonnative, invasive plants (Factors A and E), Argentine ants (Factor 
E); wildfire (Factor E); and potentially climate change (Factors A and 
E) acting on the small, isolated populations (Factor E) of C. parryi 
var. fernandina. Our analysis of this information indicates that these 
stressors are not of sufficient imminence, intensity, or magnitude to 
indicate that C. parryi var. fernandina is in danger of extinction or 
likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future 
throughout all of its range.
    Since the publication of the September 15, 2016, proposed rule, the 
2017 CCA was developed and signed, and is being implemented; the 2017 
CCA provides for additional populations and protected habitat for C. 
parryi var. fernandina. The additional conservation areas proposed in 
the C. parryi var. fernandina introduction plan are intended to further 
increase the number and extent of the spineflower within its historic 
range. The actions in the 2017 CCA will result in at least two new 
self-sustaining, persistent C. parryi var. fernandina occurrences and 
will increase the number of ecoregions in which the plant is 
represented. This effort is expected to double the number of extant C. 
parryi var. fernandina occurrences. At the Santa Clarita population, 
the extent of protected occurrences will be increased to buffer the 
population from edge effects, such as Argentine ant invasion. At both 
Santa Clarita and the Laskey Mesa populations, we anticipate that 
management actions will be undertaken to manage the proliferation of 
nonnative, invasive grasses. Increasing the overall redundancy of C. 
parryi var. fernandina with additional populations and distributing 
those populations across different ecoregions improves the ability of 
the plant to withstand small-scale stressors, as well as catastrophic 
events. Increasing the number of ecoregions in which the spineflower is 
represented is intended to improve the ability of the plant to adapt to 
changing environmental conditions into the future. Thus, after 
assessing the best available information, we conclude that C. parryi 
var. fernandina is not in danger of extinction throughout all of its 
range nor is it likely to become so in the foreseeable future.
    Because we determined that C. parryi var. fernandina is not in 
danger of extinction or likely to become so in the foreseeable future 
throughout all of its range, we will consider whether there are any 
significant portions of its range in which C. parryi var. fernandina is 
in danger of extinction or likely to become so in the foreseeable 

[[Page 11473]]

Determination of Status Throughout a Significant Portion of Its Range

    Under the Act and our implementing regulations, a species may 
warrant listing if it is an endangered species or a threatened species 
throughout all or a significant portion of its range. The Act defines 
``endangered species'' as any species that is ``in danger of extinction 
throughout all or a significant portion of its range,'' and 
``threatened species'' as any species that is ``likely to become an 
endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a 
significant portion of its range.'' The term ``species'' includes ``any 
subspecies of fish or wildlife or plants, and any distinct population 
segment [DPS] of any species of vertebrate fish or wildlife which 
interbreeds when mature.'' We published a final policy interpreting the 
phrase ``significant portion of its range'' (SPR) (79 FR 37578, July 1, 
2014). The final policy states that (1) if a species is found to be an 
endangered or a threatened species throughout a significant portion of 
its range, the entire species is listed as an endangered or a 
threatened species, respectively, and the Act's protections apply to 
all individuals of the species wherever found; (2) a portion of the 
range of a species is ``significant'' if the species is not currently 
an endangered species or a threatened species throughout all of its 
range, but the portion's contribution to the viability of the species 
is so important that, without the members in that portion, the species 
would be in danger of extinction, or likely to become so in the 
foreseeable future, throughout all of its range; (3) the range of a 
species is considered to be the general geographical area within which 
that species can be found at the time the Service makes any particular 
status determination; and (4) if a vertebrate species is an endangered 
species or a threatened species throughout an SPR, and the population 
in that significant portion is a valid DPS, we will list the DPS rather 
than the entire taxonomic species or subspecies.
    The SPR policy is applied to all status determinations, including 
analyses for the purposes of making listing, delisting, and 
reclassification determinations. The procedure for analyzing whether 
any portion is an SPR is similar, regardless of the type of status 
determination we are making. The first step in our analysis of the 
status of a species is to determine its status throughout all of its 
range. If we determine that the species is in danger of extinction, or 
likely to become so in the foreseeable future, throughout all of its 
range, we list the species as an endangered (or threatened) species and 
no SPR analysis will be required. If the species is neither an 
endangered nor a threatened species throughout all of its range, we 
determine whether the species is an endangered or a threatened species 
throughout a significant portion of its range. If it is, we list the 
species as an endangered or a threatened species, respectively; if it 
is not, we conclude that listing the species is not warranted.
    When we conduct an SPR analysis, we first identify any portions of 
the species' range that warrant further consideration. The range of a 
species can theoretically be divided into portions in an infinite 
number of ways. However, there is no purpose to analyzing portions of 
the range that are not reasonably likely to be significant and either 
an endangered or a threatened species. To identify only those portions 
that warrant further consideration, we determine whether there is 
substantial information indicating that (1) the portions may be 
significant and (2) the species may be in danger of extinction in those 
portions or likely to become so within the foreseeable future. We 
emphasize that answering these questions in the affirmative is not a 
determination that the species is an endangered or a threatened species 
throughout a significant portion of its range--rather; it is a step in 
determining whether a more detailed analysis of the issue is required. 
In practice, a key part of this analysis is whether the threats are 
geographically concentrated in some way. If the threats to the species 
are affecting it uniformly throughout its range, no portion is likely 
to warrant further consideration. Moreover, if any concentration of 
threats apply only to portions of the range that clearly do not meet 
the biologically based definition of ``significant'' (i.e., the loss of 
that portion clearly would not be expected to increase the 
vulnerability to extinction of the entire species); those portions will 
not warrant further consideration.
    If we identify any portions that may be both (1) significant and 
(2) endangered or threatened, we engage in a more detailed analysis to 
determine whether these standards are indeed met. The identification of 
an SPR does not create a presumption, prejudgment, or other 
determination as to whether the species in that identified SPR is an 
endangered or a threatened species. We must go through a separate 
analysis to determine whether the species is an endangered or a 
threatened species in the SPR. To determine whether a species is an 
endangered or a threatened species throughout an SPR, we will use the 
same standards and methodology that we use to determine if a species is 
an endangered or a threatened species throughout its range.
    Depending on the biology of the species, its range, and the threats 
it faces, it may be more efficient to address the ``significant'' 
question first, or the status question first. Thus, if we determine 
that a portion of the range is not ``significant,'' we do not need to 
determine whether the species is an endangered or a threatened species 
there; if we determine that the species is not an endangered or a 
threatened species in a portion of its range, we do not need to 
determine if that portion is ``significant.''
    Applying the process described above to identify whether any 
portions warrant further consideration, we determine whether there are 
any particular portions where (1) the portions may be significant and 
(2) the species may be in danger of extinction or likely to become so 
within the foreseeable future. To identify portions that may be 
significant, we consider whether any natural divisions within the range 
might be of biological or conservation importance. To identify portions 
where the species may be in danger of extinction or likely to become so 
in the foreseeable future, we consider whether the threats are 
geographically concentrated in any portion of the species' range.
    We evaluated the range of Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina to 
determine if any area may be a significant portion of the range. We 
determine whether a portion is significant by considering the 
importance of the members in that portion to the conservation of the 
species. To be significant, a portion must be of such importance to the 
species that the hypothetical loss of the members in that portion would 
cause the entire species to be in danger of extinction or likely to 
become so in the foreseeable future throughout the remainder of its 
range. In this determination, we are not forecasting the outcome of our 
evaluation of the portion's status; rather, we are only hypothesizing 
what the status of the species would be if the members of the species 
in that portion were to be extirpated.
    Because there are only two extant Chorizanthe parryi var. 
fernandina populations (Santa Clarita population and Laskey Mesa 
population) 17 mi (27 km) apart, we determined that either the Santa 
Clarita population portion or the Laskey Mesa population portion of the 
range may be considered significant. At the same time, we also examined

[[Page 11474]]

whether either portion, the Santa Clarita population or the Laskey Mesa 
population, might be endangered or threatened as a result of a 
geographic concentration of threats. We determine the status of the 
species in a portion of its range the same way we determine the status 
of a species throughout all of its range. We consider whether threats 
are reasonably likely to affect the species in that portion to such an 
extent that the species is in danger of extinction or likely to become 
so in the foreseeable future in that portion.
    When we issued our September 15, 2016, proposed rule (81 FR 63454), 
we determined that the Laskey Mesa population was currently affected by 
nonnative, invasive grasses; effects of small, isolated populations; 
and potentially climate change. We also determined at the time we 
issued that proposed rule that the Santa Clarita population was 
affected by nonnative, invasive grasses; Argentine ants; effects of 
small, isolated populations; and potentially climate change. The Santa 
Clarita population would also be affected in the future by the proposed 
Newhall Ranch development project, which would result in removal of 24 
percent of the C. parryi var. fernandina population at this site. 
Therefore, the Santa Clarita population portion of the C. parryi var. 
fernandina's range would be affected by a greater concentration of 
stressors than the Laskey Mesa population portion. At the time of the 
proposed listing, this greater concentration of the stressors at the 
Santa Clarita population was considered to be significant, so this 
population may have met the definition of threatened or endangered in 
that portion of the range.
    However, in considering whether the geographic concentration of 
threats in the Santa Clarita portion of the range are such that the 
species may be threatened or endangered there, we now consider how the 
implementation of the 2017 CCA have and will continue to ameliorate 
these threats. With the implementation of the 2017 CCA, as discussed 
above, we have determined that the Santa Clarita portion of C. parryi 
var. fernandina's range currently does not meet the definition of a 
threatened or endangered species.
    As summarized under Ongoing and Future Conservation Efforts and 
Summary of PECE Analysis above, we have a high degree of certainty that 
the 2017 CCA will continue to be implemented and will be effective. The 
CCA provides for Newhall Land to voluntarily implement conservation 
measures with the goal of establishing new, protected spineflower 
occurrences within its historical range, such that no future C. parryi 
var. fernandina population will be one of only two small, isolated 
populations (Factor E). For the Santa Clarita population, increasing 
the extent of protected C. parryi var. fernandina occurrences within 
that population will help buffer it from detrimental effects of loss of 
habitat and individuals and the associated edge effects, such as 
invasion of nonnative plants (Factors A and E) and Argentine ants 
(Factor E), such that these stressors are not having significant 
impacts in this portion of the range currently or into the future. For 
the Laskey Mesa population, with additional funding and management 
forthcoming and no future land use changes anticipated, we conclude 
that stressors affecting this population, such as invasion of nonnative 
plants (Factors A and E), are not having significant impacts in this 
portion of the range.
    We have identified portions (both Santa Clarita and Laskey Mesa) of 
C. parryi var. fernandina's range that may be significant. We also 
identified a portion (Santa Clarita population) where the species may 
be in danger of extinction or likely to become so in the foreseeable 
future, as a result of a greater concentration of threats. However, the 
best information available does not support a conclusion that the 
species may be in danger of extinction or likely to become so in the 
foreseeable future in the Santa Clarita portion of the range given the 
conservation efforts in the 2017 CCA. Also, while the Laskey Mesa 
portion of the range may be significant, there is no concentration of 
threats in that portion that would lead us to conclude that the species 
may be in danger of extinction or likely to become so in the 
foreseeable future. Therefore, neither portion of C. parryi var. 
fernandina's range warrants a detailed SPR analysis.

Determination of Status

    We have carefully assessed the best scientific and commercial data 
available regarding the past, present, and future threats to 
Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina. We have determined that the 
conservation efforts have sufficient certainty of implementation and 
effectiveness such that they can be relied upon in this final listing 
determination. Further, we conclude that conservation efforts have 
reduced or eliminated current and future threats to C. parryi var. 
fernandina to the point that it is not in danger of extinction now 
throughout all or significant portions of its range, nor is it likely 
to become so within the foreseeable future throughout all or any 
significant portion of its range; therefore, C. parryi var. fernandina 
does not meet the definition of an endangered species or threatened 
species. As a consequence of this determination, we are withdrawing our 
proposed rule to list C. parryi var. fernandina as a threatened 

References Cited

    A complete list of references cited in this document is available 
on http://www.regulations.gov under Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2016-0078 and 
upon request from the Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office (see FOR FURTHER 


    The primary authors of this document are the staff members of the 
Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office.


    The authority for this action is the Endangered Species Act of 
1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).

    Dated: January 26, 2018
James W. Kurth,
Deputy Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Exercising the 
Authority of the Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2018-05081 Filed 3-14-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 51 / Thursday, March 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                           11453

                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        63454), to list Chorizanthe parryi var.               specialists to ensure that our analysis
                                                  Jessica Campbell, phone: 202–418–3609,                  fernandina as a threatened species                    was based on scientifically sound data,
                                                  jessica.campbell@fcc.gov.                               under the Act, is withdrawn on March                  assumptions, and analyses. We invited
                                                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              15, 2018.                                             these peer reviewers to comment on the
                                                                                                          ADDRESSES: This document, comments                    information we relied upon in making
                                                  Correction                                                                                                    our listing proposal, including the
                                                                                                          on our proposed rule, and
                                                     In the Federal Register of March 2,                  supplementary documents are available                 Species Report for the San Fernando
                                                  2018, in FR Doc. 2018–04359, on page                    on the internet at http://                            Valley Spineflower (Chorizanthe parryi
                                                  8962, in the third column, correct the                  www.regulations.gov at Docket No.                     var. fernandina) (Service 2016). We also
                                                  DATES section to read:                                  FWS–R8–ES–2016–0078. Comments                         considered all comments and
                                                  DATES: Oppositions to the Petitions                     and materials received, as well as                    information we received during the
                                                  must be filed on or before March 19,                    supporting documentation used in the                  comment periods.
                                                  2018. Replies to an opposition must be                  preparation of this withdrawal, are also              Previous Federal Actions
                                                  filed on or before March 29, 2018.                      available for public inspection, by
                                                  Federal Communications Commission.                      appointment, during normal business                      On September 15, 2016, we published
                                                  Marlene H. Dortch,                                      hours at: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,             a proposed rule (81 FR 63454) to list
                                                  Secretary, Office of the Secretary.                     Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office, 2493                Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina as a
                                                                                                          Portola Road, Suite B, Ventura, CA                    threatened species under the Act (16
                                                  [FR Doc. 2018–05202 Filed 3–14–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                          93001; telephone 805–644–1766.                        U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). Please refer to this
                                                  BILLING CODE 6712–01–P
                                                                                                          FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      proposed rule for information on
                                                                                                          Stephen P. Henry, Field Supervisor,                   Federal actions prior to September 15,
                                                                                                          U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ventura               2016.
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                                                                                       Under section 4(b)(6) of the Act, the
                                                                                                          Fish and Wildlife Office, 2493 Portola
                                                  Fish and Wildlife Service                               Road, Suite B, Ventura, CA 93003;                     Service is required to make a final
                                                                                                          telephone 805–644–1766. Persons who                   listing determination within 1 year from
                                                  50 CFR Part 17                                          use a telecommunications device for the               the publication of the proposed rule, by
                                                                                                          deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Relay                 publishing either a final listing rule or
                                                  [Docket No. FWS–R8–ES–2016–0078;                                                                              a withdrawal of the proposed rule, or
                                                                                                          Service at 800–877–8339.
                                                                                                          SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                                                                                extending the final determination by not
                                                  RIN 1018–BB64                                                                                                 more than 6 months under certain
                                                                                                          Executive Summary                                     circumstances specified in the Act. On
                                                  Endangered and Threatened Wildlife                         Why we need to publish this                        July 19, 2017, the Service published a 6-
                                                  and Plants; Withdrawal of the                           document. Under the Endangered                        month extension of the final
                                                  Proposed Rule To List Chorizanthe                       Species Act, a species may warrant                    determination on the proposed
                                                  parryi var. fernandina (San Fernando                    protection through listing if it is                   threatened status for C. parryi var.
                                                  Valley Spineflower)                                     endangered or threatened throughout all               fernandina and reopened the comment
                                                  AGENCY:   Fish and Wildlife Service,                    or a significant portion of its range.                period on the proposal for an additional
                                                  Interior.                                               Listing a species as an endangered or                 30 days (82 FR 33035).
                                                  ACTION: Proposed rule; withdrawal.                      threatened species can only be                           After publication of the proposed rule
                                                                                                          completed by issuing a rule. We issued                in the Federal Register, the Service and
                                                  SUMMARY:   We, the U.S. Fish and                        a proposed rule to list Chorizanthe                   the Newhall Land and Farming
                                                  Wildlife Service (Service), withdraw our                parryi var. fernandina in 2016. This                  Company (Newhall Land) developed a
                                                  September 15, 2016, proposed rule to                    document withdraws that proposed rule                 candidate conservation agreement (2017
                                                  list Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina                 because, based on our evaluation of the               CCA) for C. parryi var. fernandina to
                                                  (San Fernando Valley spineflower), a                    best scientific and commercial                        implement conservation measures to
                                                  plant from southern California, as a                    information available at this time, we                improve the status of the plant. On
                                                  threatened species under the                            have determined that threats have been                November 13, 2017 (82 FR 52262), the
                                                  Endangered Species Act of 1973, as                      reduced such that listing is no longer                Service reopened the comment period
                                                  amended (Act). This withdrawal is                       necessary for this plant.                             on the proposed rule to list C. parryi
                                                  based on our conclusion that the threats                   The basis for our action. Under the                var. fernandina as a threatened species
                                                  to this plant, as identified in the                     Endangered Species Act, we can                        for an additional 30 days so that
                                                  proposed rule, are no longer as                         determine that a species is an                        interested parties and the public could
                                                  significant as we believed them to be                   endangered or threatened species based                review and comment on the additional
                                                  when we issued the proposed rule. We                    on any of five factors: (A) The present               conservation measures provided by the
                                                  base this conclusion on our analysis of                 or threatened destruction, modification,              2017 CCA.
                                                  current and future threats and                          or curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)              During all three comment periods on
                                                  conservation efforts. We find the best                  overutilization for commercial,                       the September 15, 2016, proposed rule,
                                                  scientific and commercial data available                recreational, scientific, or educational              the Service requested additional
                                                  indicate that the threats to C. parryi var.             purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D)               information on the status of C. parryi
                                                  fernandina and its habitat have been                    the inadequacy of existing regulatory                 var. fernandina or its habitat so that we
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  reduced below the level where this                      mechanisms; or (E) other natural or                   could analyze this additional
                                                  plant would meet the statutory                          manmade factors affecting its continued               information as part of the final listing
                                                  definition of threatened or endangered.                 existence. We have determined that                    process. As part of our analysis, we also
                                                  Therefore, we are withdrawing our                       threats have been reduced such that                   evaluated the certainty of effectiveness
                                                  proposal to list C. parryi var. fernandina              listing is no longer necessary for this               and certainty of implementation of the
                                                  as a threatened species.                                plant.                                                additional conservation measures that
                                                  DATES: The proposed rule that                              Peer review and public comment. We                 the 2017 CCA signatories have
                                                  published on September 15, 2016 (81 FR                  sought comments from independent                      committed to implement.

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:41 Mar 14, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00023   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\15MRP1.SGM   15MRP1

                                                  11454                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 51 / Thursday, March 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  Background                                              land ownership, and potential threats—                0078. A summary of this analysis is
                                                                                                          is presented in the Species Report for                included in the September 15, 2016,
                                                    A thorough review of information that                 the San Fernando Valley Spineflower                   proposed rule (81 FR 63454) and
                                                  we relied on in making this                             (Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina)                  appears below. We used data specific to
                                                  determination—including information                     (Species Report; Service 2016), available             C. parryi var. fernandina when
                                                  on taxonomy, life history, ecology,                     on the internet at http://regulations.gov             available.
                                                  population distribution and abundance,                  under Docket No. FWS–R8–ES–2016–

                                                  Current Abundance and Distribution                      occupies approximately 15–20 ac (6.1–                 magnitude, ranging from hundreds to
                                                    Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina                    8.1 ha) (GLA 2000, p. 6; Sapphos 2001,                millions of individuals. Therefore,
                                                  currently occupies up to a total of 35–                 p. 5–2; Sapphos 2003a, p. 3; Cooper                   occupied area or distribution of the
                                                  40 acres (ac) (14–16 hectares (ha)) from                2015, pp. 8–10); the Santa Clarita                    populations is an appropriate surrogate
                                                  two populations in Southern California                  population currently has a cumulative                 measure for plant population size. The
                                                  that are 17 miles (mi) (27 kilometers                   occupied area of approximately 20 ac                  Santa Clarita population has roughly the
                                                  (km)) apart (see Figure 1, above). The                  (8.2 ha) (Dudek 2010, p. 63).                         same occupied acreage as Laskey Mesa
                                                  Laskey Mesa population is in Ventura                      Comparing annual numbers of C.                      but is more widely distributed across
                                                  County, California, within the Upper                    parryi var. fernandina individuals over               the landscape, scattered over a range of
                                                  Las Virgenes Canyon Open Space                          time is complicated because: (1)                      4 mi (6.4 km) from east to west, and 4
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  Preserve on land owned by the Santa                     Different methodologies and levels of                 mi (6.4 km) north to south.
                                                  Monica Mountains Conservancy                            effort have been used to estimate                     Summary of Basis for Withdrawal
                                                  (SMMC) and the Mountains Recreation                     population numbers across both extant
                                                  Conservation Authority (MRCA) (SMMC                     populations during survey efforts since                 Based upon our review of the public
                                                  2015). The Santa Clarita population is in               1999; and (2) as is typical of many                   comments, comments from other
                                                  Los Angeles County on land owned by                     annual plants, C. parryi var. fernandina              Federal and State and County agencies,
                                                  Newhall Land (Dudek 2010, pp. 16–17).                   shows inter-annual variation in                       partner and peer review comments (see

                                                  The Laskey Mesa population currently                    abundance by several orders of                        Summary of Comments and

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:41 Mar 14, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00024   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\15MRP1.SGM   15MRP1

                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 51 / Thursday, March 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                            11455

                                                  Recommendations, below) and any new                     cumulative occupied spineflower                       Laskey Mesa); (4) proliferation of
                                                  relevant information that may have                      habitat on Newhall Land property,                     Argentine ants (Linepithema humile)
                                                  become available since the September                    totaling approximately 15 ac (6 ha).                  (Santa Clarita); (5) the potential effects
                                                  15, 2016, publication of the proposed                   Newhall Land has granted conservation                 of climate change (Santa Clarita and
                                                  rule, we reevaluated our proposal. That                 easements to the CDFW over all of the                 Laskey Mesa); and (6) synergistic effects
                                                  reevaluation is reflected in this                       SCP spineflower preserves. The SCP                    of the individual factors listed above
                                                  document as follows:                                    conservation measures include habitat                 (Santa Clarita and Laskey Mesa) (81 FR
                                                     (1) Based on our analyses, the Service               enhancement and creation for                          63454; September 15, 2016).
                                                  has determined that Chorizanthe parryi                  spineflower, and experimental                            The 2017 CCA outlines several new
                                                  var. fernandina should not be listed as                 introduction of spineflower in areas                  conservation actions that will be
                                                  a threatened species. This document                     outside of existing occupied habitat.                 enacted to address the current and
                                                  withdraws the proposed rule published                   The SCP also includes management                      future threats that we identified in our
                                                  on September 15, 2016 (81 FR 63454).                    actions within the preserves to reduce                September 15, 2016, proposed rule (81
                                                     (2) This document summarizes and                     indirect effects of the proposed                      FR 63454). Additional conservation
                                                  evaluates the 2017 CCA and provides an                  development (including those from                     measures of the 2017 CCA are discussed
                                                  analysis using the Service’s Policy for                 nonnative, invasive grasses and                       below. We have also formally evaluated
                                                  Evaluation of Conservation Efforts                      Argentine ants). Newhall Land is                      all 2017 CCA conservation measures
                                                  When Making Listing Decisions (PECE)                    implementing an adaptive management                   pursuant to PECE, thereby taking all
                                                  (68 FR 15100; March 28, 2003). See                      program for impacts under the SCP                     formalized conservation measures into
                                                  Ongoing and Future Conservation                         (Dudek 2010a, p. 141) and the Argentine               consideration before making our final
                                                  Efforts, below.                                         Ant Control Plan (Dudek 2014c, p. 22).                determination of the status of the plant.
                                                     (3) This document summarizes and                     Permanent conservation easements for                  The Service’s detailed PECE analysis, as
                                                  evaluates the effects of the December 5,                the preserves have been established.                  well as the 2017 CCA and exhibits, are
                                                  2017, Rye Fire to Chorizanthe parryi                    Newhall Land has already provided                     available for review at http://
                                                  var. fernandina at Newhall Ranch                        endowments to fund management and                     www.regulations.gov at Docket No.
                                                  (Santa Clarita population). See                         monitoring of the SCP spineflower                     FWS–R8–ES–2016–0078.
                                                  Summary of Biological Status and                        preserves, and will provide more                         The 2017 CCA provides for Newhall
                                                  Factors Affecting the Species, below.                   funding in SCP endowments as required                 Land to voluntarily implement
                                                                                                          by the ITP. The SCP is available at                   additional conservation measures
                                                  Ongoing and Future Conservation
                                                                                                          http://www.regulations.gov under                      described in the introduction plan with
                                                                                                          Docket No. FWS–R8–ES–2016–0078.                       the goal of enhancing the status of C.
                                                     Below, we summarize conservation                        Newhall Land has also deposited                    parryi var. fernandina. The introduction
                                                  efforts that provide benefits to C. parryi              funds with the National Fish and                      plan provides for Newhall Land to
                                                  var. fernandina that are already                        Wildlife Foundation for management of                 voluntarily establish new, protected C.
                                                  occurring or are expected to occur in the               C. parryi var. fernandina at the Laskey               parryi var. fernandina occurrences
                                                  future. We have also completed an                       Mesa population. The August 2014 PAR                  within the plant’s historical range that
                                                  analysis of the newly initiated efforts in              and September 2014 memorandum                         are expected to increase the resiliency of
                                                  the 2017 CCA pursuant to PECE. The                      prepared by Dudek identify the                        the existing populations and expand the
                                                  full PECE analysis can be found at                      management activities for C. parryi var.              redundancy and representation of the
                                                  http://www.regulations.gov at Docket                    fernandina at Laskey Mesa as part of the              spineflower. Newhall Land will
                                                  No. FWS–R8–ES–2016–0078.                                SCP (Newhall Land and Dudek 2014,                     voluntarily conserve an additional 1,498
                                                  Planned Conservation Measures                           entire). The funding is to be used for on-            ac (606 ha) of its property for the benefit
                                                                                                          the-ground management activities that                 of C. parryi var. fernandina and carry
                                                    For the Santa Clarita population, the                 include research studies, fencing,                    out additional conservation activities for
                                                  California Department of Fish and                       weeding, surveys, annual reporting, and               the plant within portions of those 1,498
                                                  Wildlife (CDFW) approved the 2010                       other activities. When this funding                   ac (606 ha) and within an approximately
                                                  Newhall Ranch Spineflower                               becomes accessible, we anticipate that                7-ac (2.8-ha) portion of the existing
                                                  Conservation Plan (SCP) and issued an                   the MRCA will implement the identified                CDFW Petersen Ranch Mitigation Bank
                                                  incidental take permit (permit no. 2081–                management activities.                                (see Figure 2, below) collectively called
                                                  2008–012–05, the ITP) under the                            The rest of the SCP, including                     the additional conservation areas
                                                  California Endangered Species Act,                      construction monitoring, habitat                      associated with the CCA. C. parryi var.
                                                  California Fish and Game Code section                   restoration, fencing and signing, and                 fernandina introduction will occur on a
                                                  2050–2085 (CESA) in 2010, for the SCP                   water control at the Santa Clarita                    total of at least 10 ac (4 ha) within the
                                                  and proposed Newhall Land                               population, has not yet been                          additional conservation areas.
                                                  development within the SCP area that                    implemented. The implementation will                     The additional conservation areas in
                                                  would result in the partial removal of C.               occur in phases associated with the                   the introduction plan are intended to
                                                  parryi var. fernandina. The SCP serves                  Newall Ranch development project.                     further increase the distribution of C.
                                                  as the mitigation and conservation plan                    Even with the conservation measures                parryi var. fernandina within its historic
                                                  for the purposes of the State ITP (CDFG                 in the SCP, the proposed rule identified              range and include approximately 1,505
                                                  2010, p. 2). Through the SCP, the CDFW                  several threats that were still negatively            ac (609 ha), as follows: (1) Three
                                                  has required Newhall Land to provide                    acting on C. parryi var. fernandina and               additional conservation areas totaling
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                                                  for the perpetual conservation and                      its habitat. Threats identified in the                approximately 825 ac (334 ha) are
                                                  management of seven spineflower                         proposed rule included: (1) Historical                contiguous with or adjacent to the
                                                  preserves within the Santa Clarita                      and future loss of habitat and                        existing San Martinez Grande and
                                                  population, totaling 228 ac (92 ha),                    individuals from development (Santa                   Potrero preserves established under the
                                                  located within the SCP enrolled lands                   Clarita); (2) having small, isolated                  SCP (all of which would be considered
                                                  on Newhall Land property. The SCP                       populations (Santa Clarita and Laskey                 part of the Santa Clarita population,
                                                  spineflower preserves contain                           Mesa); (3) presence of invasive,                      Areas 1–3 in Figure 2, below); (2) an
                                                  approximately three-quarters of the                     nonnative plants (Santa Clarita and                   additional conservation area of 357 ac

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                                                  11456                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 51 / Thursday, March 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  (144 ha) is located in the Simi Valley                  Mesa area in northern Los Angeles                     known extirpated population location
                                                  watershed on the southern boundary of                   County, near a known extirpated                       (Area 6 in Figure 2). C. parryi var.
                                                  Newhall Land property in Ventura                        population location (Area 4 in Figure 2);             fernandina introduction will occur on a
                                                  County (Area 5 in Figure 2); (3) an                     and (4) an additional conservation area               total of at least 10 ac (4 ha) within the
                                                  additional conservation area of                         is located in a 7-ac (2.8-ha) portion of              additional conservation areas.
                                                  approximately 316 ac (128 ha) is located                the Petersen Ranch Mitigation Bank
                                                  on Newhall Land property in the Castaic                 adjacent to Elizabeth Lake, also near a

                                                    In carrying out the additional                        fernandina introduction activities                    Conservation Areas. Newhall Land will
                                                  conservation measures described in the                  within the additional conservation                    continue to conduct seeding trials
                                                  introduction plan, Newhall Land will                    areas, and will fund one or more                      within each of the additional
                                                  introduce C. parryi var. fernandina                     endowments to provide perpetual                       conservation areas in accordance with
                                                  within portions of the additional                       management and monitoring within the                  the introduction plan.
                                                  conservation areas with the goal of                     additional conservation areas, based on                  The first step for each introduction
                                                  establishing at least two new self-                     a PAR.                                                site is the establishment of seeding
                                                  sustaining, persistent C. parryi var.                     Newhall Land began implementation                   trials. A series of initial seeding trials
                                                  fernandina occurrences, at least one of                 of the introduction plan in 2016, by                  will be implemented at the proposed
                                                  which will be in a different ecoregion                  commencing site investigations to                     introduction areas prior to widespread
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                                                  from the existing populations. Newhall                  identify the additional conservation                  introductions. The seeding trials are
                                                  Land will put each of the additional                    areas and suitable C. parryi var.                     expected to take a minimum of 2 years
                                                  conservation areas into permanent                       fernandina introduction sites within the              to implement and obtain meaningful
                                                  conservation to ensure that habitat                     additional conservation areas, and by                 results. The seeding trials will be
                                                  values of the spineflower are                           commencing seeding trials within the                  followed by more widespread
                                                  maintained. Newhall Land has funded                     San Martinez Grande Preserve                          introductions. The locations for
                                                  an endowment for all initial habitat                    Expansion—Los Angeles County and                      widespread introductions will be based

                                                  enhancement and C. parryi var.                          Potrero Preserve Expansion Additional                 on where seeding trials demonstrate a

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                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 51 / Thursday, March 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                            11457

                                                  reasonable probability of success and                   actively growing and in bloom/seed.                   amount of information necessary to
                                                  will occur on a minimum of 10 ac (4 ha)                 Additional monitoring at the sites will               satisfy these criteria.
                                                  within the additional conservation                      occur periodically throughout the year                   To consider that a formalized
                                                  areas. Following the initial 10-year                    to determine the need for maintenance                 conservation effort contributes to
                                                  implementation period for an additional                 measures related to protecting the                    forming a basis for not listing a species,
                                                  conservation area under the                             introduction sites from weed invasion                 or listing a species as threatened rather
                                                  introduction plan, and a determination                  or other disturbances. Reference sites                than endangered, we must find that the
                                                  made in consultation with the                           will be established within both the                   conservation effort is sufficiently certain
                                                  Spineflower Adaptive Management                         Santa Clarita population and Laskey
                                                                                                                                                                to be (1) implemented, and (2) effective,
                                                  Working Group that newly occupied C.                    Mesa population to ensure that the
                                                  parryi var. fernandina habitat within the                                                                     so as to have contributed to the
                                                                                                          reference sites encompass the range of
                                                  additional conservation area contains                                                                         elimination or adequate reduction of
                                                                                                          conditions currently supporting C.
                                                  one or more self-sustaining occurrences,                                                                      one or more threats to the species
                                                                                                          parryi var. fernandina. A sufficient
                                                  Newhall Land or its designee will                                                                             identified through the section 4(a)(1)
                                                                                                          number of sampling plots will be
                                                  conduct long-term management                            established to capture site variability so            analysis. The elimination or adequate
                                                  (including adaptive management),                        that, collectively, the reference sites are           reduction of section 4(a)(1) threats may
                                                  monitoring, and annual reporting of the                 representative of the range of conditions             lead to a determination that the species
                                                  newly occupied habitat within the                       of occupied habitat. Annual monitoring                does not meet the definition of
                                                  additional conservation areas in                        of the introduction sites will include at             endangered or threatened, or is
                                                  perpetuity.                                             least three quantitative biological                   threatened rather than endangered.
                                                     Enhancement activities in areas                      assessments each year, to be timed with                  An agreement or plan may contain
                                                  surrounding introduction sites will be                  the peak of the growing season before                 numerous conservation efforts, not all of
                                                  implemented prior to or concurrently                    plants have begun to desiccate, during                which are sufficiently certain to be
                                                  with C. parryi var. fernandina                          the flowering period of C. parryi var.                implemented and effective. Those
                                                  introduction. Anticipated enhancement                   fernandina, and during seed set                       conservation efforts that are not
                                                  activities include passive and active                   (approximately February, May, and                     sufficiently certain to be implemented
                                                  revegetation of native vegetation                       June). The quantitative monitoring                    and effective cannot contribute to a
                                                  communities, including weed control to                  methods are established for the purpose               determination that listing is
                                                  ameliorate the threat of invasive,                      of collecting adequate data to be able to             unnecessary, or a determination to list
                                                  nonnative grasses. Enhancement                          analyze the relative success or failure of            as threatened rather than endangered.
                                                  activities will occur with an adaptive                  the introduction program in terms of                  Regardless of the adoption of a
                                                  management approach that will                           achieving the project goals. Quantitative
                                                  continue beyond the 10-year                                                                                   conservation agreement or plan,
                                                                                                          monitoring will begin in the first year               however, if the best available scientific
                                                  maintenance and monitoring period and                   after establishing seeding trials and will
                                                  into the long-term management period.                                                                         and commercial data indicate that the
                                                                                                          include monitoring of density, seed                   species meets the definition of
                                                  Targeted areas for habitat enhancement                  production, seed viability, population
                                                  correspond to the sites identified for                                                                        ‘‘endangered species’’ or ‘‘threatened
                                                                                                          size, recruitment, and aerial extent. The             species’’ on the day of the listing
                                                  introduction and an approximately                       monitoring period will commence upon
                                                  50-ft (15-meter (m)) area surrounding                                                                         decision, then we must proceed with
                                                                                                          initiation of seeding trials and continue             appropriate rulemaking activity under
                                                  introduction sites.
                                                                                                          for a period of 10 years.                             section 4 of the Act. Further, it is
                                                     All C. parryi var. fernandina
                                                  introduction sites will be closed to                    Summary of PECE Analysis                              important to note that a conservation
                                                  public access. Existing dirt access roads                                                                     plan is not required to have absolute
                                                  and utility easement access roads within                   The purpose of PECE is to ensure                   certainty of implementation and
                                                  the additional conservation areas will                  consistent and adequate evaluation of                 effectiveness in order to contribute to a
                                                  function as the intended access points                  recently formalized conservation efforts              listing determination. Rather, we need
                                                  to the introduction sites for the project               when making listing decisions. The                    to be certain that the conservation
                                                  biologist, landscape contractor, utility                policy provides guidance on how to                    efforts will be implemented and
                                                  personnel, and emergency services                       evaluate conservation efforts that have               effective such that the threats to the
                                                  vehicles (e.g., police, fire, and medical).             not yet been implemented or have not                  species are reduced or eliminated.
                                                  Signs identifying restricted land and                   yet demonstrated effectiveness. The
                                                                                                          evaluation focuses on the certainty that                 Using the criteria in PECE (68 FR
                                                  discouraging unauthorized access/entry
                                                                                                          the conservation efforts will be                      15100, March 28, 2003), we evaluated
                                                  into the introduction sites will be
                                                                                                          implemented and effective. The policy                 the certainty of implementation (for
                                                  posted on all gates providing access to
                                                  introduction sites, adjacent to any roads               presents nine criteria for evaluating the             those measures not already
                                                  that border introduction sites, and along               certainty of implementation and six                   implemented) and effectiveness of
                                                  any introduction site fencing. The signs                criteria for evaluating the certainty of              conservation measures pertaining to
                                                  will indicate that enhancement                          effectiveness for conservation efforts.               Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina. The
                                                  activities are in progress and that the                 These criteria are not considered                     Service’s detailed PECE analysis is
                                                  areas are to be protected.                              comprehensive evaluation criteria. The                available at http://www.regulations.gov
                                                     The introduction plan describes in                   certainty of implementation and the                   at Docket No. FWS–R8–ES–2016–0078.
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                                                  detail the biological monitoring of the                 effectiveness of a formalized                         As summarized below, we have
                                                  introduction sites that will be                         conservation effort may also depend on                determined that there is sufficient
                                                  conducted to determine the status of                    species-specific, habitat-specific,                   certainty that the conservation efforts
                                                  introduced C. parryi var. fernandina                    location-specific, and effort-specific                outlined in the 2017 CCA will be
                                                  through monitoring and collection of                    factors. We consider all appropriate                  implemented and effective, and
                                                  qualitative and quantitative data.                      factors in evaluating formalized                      significantly reduce the identified
                                                  Monitoring will occur in the winter and                 conservation efforts. The specific                    threats and their impacts to C. parryi
                                                  spring of each year while the plants are                circumstances will also determine the                 var. fernandina and its habitat.

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                                                  11458                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 51 / Thursday, March 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  Summary: Certainty That Conservation                    management program of the                             information and assumptions used for
                                                  Efforts Will Be Implemented                             conservation efforts.                                 listing determination is scientifically
                                                                                                             In conclusion, we have a high level of             sound. In accordance with our peer
                                                     We have certainty that the                           certainty that the conservation measures              review policy published on July 1, 1994
                                                  conservation efforts will be                            in the 2017 CCA will be implemented                   (59 FR 34270), we solicited expert
                                                  implemented because the                                 (for those measures not already begun)                opinion from six independent
                                                  implementation of the 2017 CCA has                      and effective, and thus they can be                   specialists with scientific expertise in
                                                  already begun and funding has been                      considered as part of the basis for our               the biology of Chorizanthe parryi var.
                                                  secured, providing certainty that                       final listing determination for                       fernandina biology, habitat, physical or
                                                  funding will continue to be available to                Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina.                   biological factors, or threats. We
                                                  implement the conservation efforts. The                                                                       received responses from all six peer
                                                                                                          Summary of Comments and
                                                  seeding trails began in 2016, restrictive                                                                     reviewers. We reviewed the comments
                                                  covenants have been placed over the                                                                           we received from the peer reviewers for
                                                  CCA additional conservation areas on                       In the proposed rule published on                  substantive issues and new information
                                                  Newhall Property, consent has been                      September 15, 2016 (81 FR 63454), we                  regarding the listing of C. parryi var.
                                                  obtained to perform C. parryi var.                      requested that all interested parties                 fernandina. Peer reviewer comments are
                                                  fernandina introduction within the                      submit written comments on the                        addressed in the following summary
                                                  Peterson Mitigation Bank, and the                       proposal by November 14, 2016. We                     and incorporated into this withdrawal
                                                  endowment for the initial phases of                     also contacted appropriate Federal and                document as appropriate.
                                                  implementing the CCA has been                           State agencies, Tribes, scientific experts               Comment (1): Three peer reviewers
                                                  established. In addition, the parties to                and organizations, and other interested               stated that Argentine ants are likely to
                                                  the CCA have the legal and regulatory                   parties and invited them to comment on                impact C. parryi var. fernandina
                                                  authority to implement the agreement,                   the proposal. On July 19, 2017, we                    pollinators at Newhall Ranch, which
                                                  which includes an implementation                        published a 6-month extension of the                  could result in a species-level threat to
                                                  schedule (including incremental                         final determination on the proposed                   the reproductive potential of the plant.
                                                  completion dates) for the conservation                  threatened status for C. parryi var.                  Given potential ant control methods in
                                                  efforts.                                                fernandina (82 FR 33035) and reopened                 existence, the peer reviewers
                                                                                                          the comment period on the proposal for                recommended that qualified pest
                                                  Summary: Certainty That Conservation                    an additional 30 days, ending August                  control professionals and conservation
                                                  Efforts Will Be Effective                               18, 2017. On November 13, 2017, we                    managers be allowed to review and
                                                                                                          published a document (82 FR 52262)                    approve any control or mitigation plan.
                                                     We have certainty that the                           that again reopened the comment period                They stated that, for such a plan to be
                                                  conservation efforts will be effective                  on the September 15, 2016, proposed                   effective, it will require constant
                                                  because the nature and extent of threats                rule for an additional 30 days, ending                vigilance and a substantial financial
                                                  is adequately addressed in the 2017                     December 13, 2017, so that interested                 investment.
                                                  CCA, including improving resiliency of                  parties and the public could review and                  Response: In our proposed rule (81 FR
                                                  the Santa Clarita population, increasing                comment on the additional conservation                63454; September 15, 2016), we
                                                  the number of ecoregions in which the                   measures provided by the 2017 CCA.                    determined that loss of habitat and
                                                  plant is represented, and adding to the                 During all three comment periods,                     individuals and the associated edge
                                                  overall redundancy of the species. In                   which totaled 120 days, the Service                   effects (i.e., proliferation of Argentine
                                                  addition, the combined factors of                       requested any additional information on               ants) at the Santa Clarita population are
                                                  documented success with other                           the status of C. parryi var. fernandina or            likely to decrease habitat quality,
                                                  Chorizanthe introductions, the                          its habitat so that we could analyze this             reducing resiliency at this population.
                                                  introduction site selection based on                    additional information as part of the                 The additional conservation areas that
                                                  scientific analysis of occupied sites,                  final listing process. We did not receive             will be established as part of the CCA,
                                                  positive results of 2016 spineflower                    any requests for a public hearing.                    including the three additional
                                                  seeding trials, and the accompanying                       During the three comment periods on                conservation areas totaling
                                                  enhancement program to aid                              the proposed rule, we received six peer-              approximately 825 ac (334 ha) that are
                                                  establishment and persistence provide                   review comment letters and four public                contiguous with or adjacent to the
                                                  the rationale and optimism for                          comment letters on the proposed rule,                 existing San Martinez Grande and
                                                  effectiveness of the introduction                       one public comment letter on the 6-                   Potrero spineflower preserves
                                                  program. Further, explicit objectives for               month extension, and five public                      established under the SCP (all of which
                                                  the conservation efforts are defined and                comment letters on the reopening of the               would be considered part of the Santa
                                                  the associated dates for achieving them                 comment period for the 2017 CCA                       Clarita population), are intended to
                                                  are stated. Quantifiable, scientifically                directly addressing the proposed listing              buffer the Santa Clarita population from
                                                  valid parameters are identified that will               of Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina.                detrimental effects of loss of habitat and
                                                  help demonstrate achievement of the                     Submitted comments were both for and                  individuals and the associated edge
                                                  objectives. Finally, Newhall Land has                   against listing the species. We also                  effects, including Argentine ant
                                                  funded an endowment for the initial                     received comments that were not related               invasion.
                                                  implementation of the 2017 CCA. For                     to the proposed listing of Chorizanthe                   As of February 2016, Argentine ants
                                                  ongoing (in-perpetuity) management                                                                            were present within two preserves at the
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                          parryi var. fernandina. All substantive
                                                  and monitoring associated with the                      information provided during the                       Santa Clarita population, Entrada and
                                                  CCA, Newhall Land has committed to                      comment periods has either been                       Potrero (Dudek 2016, pp. 17, 20).
                                                  fund additional endowments. Input                       incorporated directly into this                       Therefore, the additional conservation
                                                  from the Spineflower Adaptive                           withdrawal or is addressed below.                     area adjacent to the existing Potrero
                                                  Management Working Group, which is                                                                            preserve is at risk of invasion by
                                                  already in place, will be sought to guide               Peer Review                                           Argentine ants. However, the two
                                                  the management, monitoring, and                           The purpose of peer review is to                    additional conservation areas adjacent
                                                  planning activities of the adaptive                     ensure that our analysis of the                       to the existing San Martinez Grande

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                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 51 / Thursday, March 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                           11459

                                                  preserve are farther from existing or                   seeds produced by self-pollination                    stated in the Species Report that seed
                                                  proposed development (see Figure 2,                     suffer inbreeding depression compared                 germination of a related taxa, Parry’s
                                                  below). None of the adjacent land uses                  to seeds produced by out-crossing, and                spineflower (C. parryi var. parryi),
                                                  near San Martinez Grande poses a                        (d) how much nectar or other rewards                  appears to be inhibited by fire (Ellstrand
                                                  heightened threat of Argentine ant                      the flowers offer to pollinators.                     1994 and Ogden 1999, in CBI 2000, pp.
                                                  invasion (Dudek 2016, p. 6); therefore,                    Response: A wide range of arthropods               4, 13), but despite the inhibitory effect
                                                  these additional conservation areas are                 have been observed visiting flowers in                of direct scorching, fire may prove
                                                  not expected to be at risk of invasion of               the vicinity of C. parryi var. fernandina             beneficial to C. parryi var. fernandina
                                                  Argentine ants and should contribute to                 plants in the field. Jones et al. (2009)              by creating openings in ground cover
                                                  C. parryi var. fernandina numbers and                   conducted a series of dawn-to-dusk                    and temporarily reducing competition
                                                  recruitment at the Santa Clarita                        surveys at Laskey Mesa in 2001, and at                (CBI 2000, p. 13). We agree that
                                                  population.                                             Santa Clarita in 2004. During these                   additional research on the C. parryi var.
                                                     The 2017 CCA requires that annual                    surveys, more visits were made to plants              fernandina seed bank would be useful
                                                  Argentine ant monitoring be conducted                   by the pyramid ant (Dorymyrmex                        to inform future efforts to expand
                                                  as part of the ongoing habitat                          insanus) than any other ant taxon; the                existing populations and reintroduce
                                                  maintenance and describes appropriate                   southern fire ant (Solenopsis xyloni)                 plants to historical sites.
                                                  control measures consistent with the                    visited in much smaller numbers; and                     Comment (4): One peer reviewer
                                                  Argentine Ant Control Plan for Newhall                  little red ant (Forelius mccooki) was an              asked if there is evidence that ants
                                                  Ranch (Dudek 2014, entire). If Argentine                important visitor at the Santa Clarita                secrete a substance that causes pollen
                                                  ants invade, Newhall Land proposes                      populations (Jones et al. 2010, p. 165).              grains to burst.
                                                  control methods as part of an integrated                   Jones et al. (2010) examined the                      Response: Some ants have chemical
                                                  pest management plan, which will be                     effects the pyramid ant on spineflower                secretions from the metapleural gland
                                                  both to remove Argentine ants and                       seed production at Ahmanson Ranch                     that reduce pollen viability and
                                                  mitigate for the absence of native                      with an exclusion study. They found                   germination (Beattie et al 1984).
                                                  pollinators within the preserves (Dudek                 that fruit set was 57 percent higher in               However, from data presented by Jones
                                                  2014c, pp. 25–42). Qualified pest                       flowers exposed to ant visitation,                    et al. (2010), it appears to not be a
                                                  control professionals and conservation                  compared to 27 percent in control                     problem for C. parryi var. fernandina.
                                                  managers will review and approve any                    flowers where ants were excluded. Data                As noted above, seed production and
                                                  control or mitigation plan. The                         indicate that 27 percent of seed set                  the seed germination rate were much
                                                  endowment associated with long-term                     occurred where all potential pollinators              higher in the presence of ants,
                                                  management and monitoring of the                        were excluded, suggesting that SFVS is                indicating that the presence of ant
                                                  additional conservation areas would                     not productive at self-pollination (Jones             pollinators actually increases the
                                                  provide the substantial financial                       et al. 2010, p. 166). This would seem to              viability of the seeds. Further, Jones et
                                                  investment needed to implement this                     indicate that the viability of seeds                  al. (2010) suggest that ant pollination
                                                  plan.                                                   produced by self-pollination is much                  may be more prevalent in drier climates
                                                     Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina                   lower than those produced by the cross-               and that ant production of inhibitory
                                                  introduction sites in the 2017 CCA                      pollinating actions of ants and other                 substances may not be a severe
                                                  outside of the Santa Clarita population                 insect pollinators, and may reflect                   limitation to their function as
                                                  include an additional conservation area                 inbreeding depression in self-produced                pollinators.
                                                  of 357 ac (114 ha) located in the Simi                  seeds.                                                   Comment (5): One peer reviewer
                                                  Valley watershed on the southern                           Comment (3): One peer reviewer                     asked if there is adequate management
                                                  boundary of Newhall Land property in                    stated that C. parryi var. fernandina                 of the State of California’s conserved
                                                  Ventura County; an additional                           seeds are not likely prompted to                      site (Laskey Mesa), and what specific
                                                  conservation area of approximately 316                  germinate by smoke or other features of               management at this site benefits the
                                                  ac (128 ha) located on Newhall Land                     fire, but that this needs to be studied               spineflower.
                                                  property in the Castaic Mesa area in                    more specifically. Also, studies should                  Response: In 2010, CDFW issued an
                                                  northern Los Angeles County, near a                     be done to determine how long seeds                   ITP under CESA to Newhall Land. The
                                                  known extirpated population location;                   last and what proportion of seeds                     ITP requires Newhall Land to provide
                                                  and an additional conservation area                     germinate under various conditions.                   guaranteed long-term funding for the
                                                  located in a 7-ac (2.8-ha) portion of the               This information is needed to                         management of the C. parryi var.
                                                  Petersen Ranch Mitigation Bank                          successfully introduce or reintroduce C.              fernandina population at Laskey Mesa
                                                  adjacent to Elizabeth Lake, also near a                 parryi var. fernandina into additional                (CESA ITP# 2081–2008–012–05) (CDFG
                                                  known extirpated population location.                   sites near existing or historical sites.              2010, p. 17; Newhall Land and Dudek
                                                  Argentine ants are not considered to be                    Response: C. parryi var. fernandina is             2014, entire). On September 25, 2014,
                                                  a significant long-term risk to C. parryi               typical of many winter-spring native                  Newhall Land made the required
                                                  var. fernandina at these introduction                   annuals that occur in the Mediterranean               deposit for the endowment at Laskey
                                                  sites because the sites are all well                    climate of California. Germination                    Mesa (K. Drewe 2016b, pers. comm.).
                                                  separated from areas supporting                         occurs following the onset of sufficient              Newhall Land cannot withdraw the
                                                  potential source populations of                         late-fall and winter rains and typically              funding for this account, and there is
                                                  Argentine ants, such as urban                           represents different cohorts from the                 nothing in the ITP that would allow the
                                                  development areas.                                      seed bank. Because C. parryi var.                     funding to be returned to Newhall Land
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                                                     Comment (2): Two peer reviewers                      fernandina is sensitive to annual levels              (K. Drewe 2016a, b, pers. comm.).
                                                  questioned the available data on C.                     of rainfall, germination of resident seed                The CDFW, SMMC, and National Fish
                                                  parryi var. fernandina pollinators and                  banks may be low or nonexistent in                    and Wildlife Foundation will execute
                                                  suggested that experiments should be                    unfavorable years, with little or no                  the agreement that requires the
                                                  done to determine: (a) If C. parryi var.                visible aboveground expression of the                 endowment be spent for the
                                                  fernandina can effectively self-pollinate,              plant, but a seedbank would be present.               conservation and management of C.
                                                  (b) if the plants make seeds when                          The direct effects of fire on C. parryi            parryi var. fernandina at Laskey Mesa
                                                  pollinators are excluded, (c) whether                   var. fernandina are not known. We                     (K. Drewe 2016a, b, pers. comm.;

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                                                  Newhall Land and Dudek 2014, entire).                   plant was known from no fewer than 10                 restoration plans at the Santa Clarita
                                                  The August 2014 PAR and September                       additional locations in Los Angeles and               population.
                                                  2014 memorandum completed by                            Orange Counties. However, the scope of                   Response: Nonnative, invasive plants
                                                  Dudek (Newhall Land and Dudek 2014,                     our stressor analysis was only the two                are abundant at Laskey Mesa and Santa
                                                  entire) contains the management                         extant populations because there is                   Clarita, and reduce available habitat.
                                                  activities for C. parryi var. fernandina at             limited value in evaluating the potential             They compete with C. parryi var.
                                                  Laskey Mesa (CDFW, in litt. 2016). The                  for stressors in areas where the species              fernandina for light, water, and soil
                                                  endowment is to be used for on-the-                     is no longer considered extant. We                    nutrients; increase potential for wildfire;
                                                  ground activities that include research                 presented our analysis of threats to the              and alter pollinator communities. The
                                                  studies, fencing, weeding, surveys,                     existing populations in our Species                   August 2014 PAR and September 2014
                                                  annual reports, and other activities that               Report. Currently, there is no threat of              memorandum outline the management
                                                  will benefit the plant. The agreement                   development and there will be no                      activities to be undertaken at Laskey
                                                  between CDFW and SMMC that would                        development in the future at Laskey                   Mesa for C. parryi var. fernandina. The
                                                  allow SMMC access to the endowment                      Mesa because the property is owned and                funding for these actions is set aside in
                                                  funds is currently undergoing internal                  managed by the SMMC and the MRCA.                     the form of a non-wasting endowment.
                                                  review within CDFW.                                        Development was considered a future                The endowment will fund on-the-
                                                     Comment (6): One peer reviewer                       threat to the Santa Clarita population.               ground activities, such as weeding and
                                                  pointed out that while the SCP provides                 However, the additional conservation                  other methods to control the impacts of
                                                  for a number of preserves to be                         areas proposed in the CCA are intended                nonnative invasive plants. We
                                                  established, some of the preserves do                   to further increase the number and                    anticipate that MRCA will address the
                                                  not afford great protection for the                     extent of C. parryi var. fernandina                   abundance of nonnative vegetation at
                                                  spineflower. For example, the proposed                  within its historical range, which will               Laskey Mesa once they implement the
                                                  preserve area at Entrada shows that a                   reduce the threat of development at this              management activities for C. parryi var.
                                                  large portion of the spineflower patches                population. We considered whether                     fernandina at that site.
                                                  are located within a utility easement.                  there are any known threats or potential                 At the Santa Clarita site, development
                                                  Plants could easily be destroyed by large               stressors to the spineflower on these                 of Newhall Ranch would remove ground
                                                  equipment activity in the easement.                     additional conservation areas, and                    coverage of nonnative plants. However,
                                                     Response: The Entrada preserve is                    determined them to be suitable for C.                 part of this development will create
                                                  connected to open space via an existing                 parryi var. fernandina. All of these will             urban edges that would border some of
                                                  and frequently-maintained utility                       be in permanent conservation where                    the preserves. Nonnative weedy species
                                                  corridor. There may be risk to these                    development will be precluded.                        are often edge species and become more
                                                  plants from large equipment. This is one                   Comment (8): One peer reviewer                     prevalent or increase in abundance to
                                                  reason why it is important to establish                 stated that the open structure of the                 the detriment of native species.
                                                  additional C. parryi var. fernandina                    vegetation in which C. parryi var.                    Therefore, Newhall Land has proposed
                                                  occurrences at the Santa Clarita                        fernandina occurs suggests that external              to restore C. parryi var. fernandina
                                                  population, including three additional                  effects are likely to penetrate deeply                habitat and implement measures as part
                                                  conservation areas totaling                             into patches. The very small stature of               of the development of Newhall Ranch to
                                                  approximately 825 ac (334 ha) that are                  C. parryi var. fernandina plants makes                reduce the abundance and impact of
                                                  contiguous with or adjacent to the                      them likely to be especially vulnerable               nonnative vegetation at this site.
                                                  existing San Martinez Grande and                        to disturbances such as trampling and                 Overall, nonnative, invasive plants
                                                  Potrero preserves. These areas are                      erosion. Therefore, it seems likely that              currently act as a moderate-level
                                                  intended to expand the area of protected                recreational impacts on the species will              stressor to C. parryi var. fernandina and
                                                  conservation land for C. parryi var.                    increase, particularly in Santa Clarita,              its habitat. The management activities at
                                                  fernandina and increase the extent of                   where the proximity to high densities of              Laskey Mesa and the conservation
                                                  protected occurrence locations within                   humans will increase in the proposed                  measures at Santa Clarita are likely to
                                                  the Santa Clarita population.                           developments.                                         reduce the direct impact of nonnative,
                                                     Comment (7): One peer reviewer                          Response: We recognize edge effects                invasive plants to a low-level stressor.
                                                  suggested that we might have conducted                  of increased trampling and soil                       The enhancement areas surrounding the
                                                  our assessment of the current impact                    compaction from recreation. Recreation                2017 CCA introduction sites are
                                                  level of development on C. parryi var.                  has minimal direct effects on C. parryi               intended to help minimize invasion of
                                                  fernandina over a wider geographic                      var. fernandina habitat because                       nonnative plant species, which could
                                                  area, to encompass its former geographic                recreation does not occur in the same                 degrade the quality of the habitat for C.
                                                  range. The peer reviewer emphasized                     areas where C. parryi var. fernandina                 parryi var. fernandina occupation in the
                                                  that it is clear that habitat loss and other            occurs. Even though the plant is small                additional conservation areas.
                                                  factors associated with development                     in stature and may grow in open areas,                   Comment (10): One peer reviewer
                                                  (agricultural and urban) are the reasons                such as old roads, making it vulnerable               questioned our prediction that future
                                                  C. parryi var. fernandina now occurs in                 to trampling, there are currently no                  fire effects will be low. The proposed
                                                  just two localities at the edge of the Los              trails that overlap the plant’s                       plan for development in Santa Clarita
                                                  Angeles metropolitan area. Moreover,                    occurrences, and we do not expect trails              will put Chorizanthe parryi var.
                                                  all of the stressors discussed in the                   to overlap the plant’s occurrences in the             fernandina within the urban-wildland
                                                  proposed listing document have strong                   future. Additionally, all additional                  interface and thereby should increase
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                                                  links to development.                                   conservation areas provided for in the                the potential for fire to affect population
                                                     Response: C. parryi var. fernandina is               2017 CCA will be closed to the public.                patches.
                                                  currently known from only two                              Comment (9): One peer reviewer                        Response: We anticipate that wildfire
                                                  populations in southern California that                 questioned our assessment that the                    will occur in the future, based on the
                                                  are 17 mi (27 km) apart, one in Ventura                 impact of invasive, nonnative plants on               historical fires that have occurred in
                                                  County (Laskey Mesa population) and                     C. parryi var. fernandina will decrease               these areas and because wildfire is a
                                                  one in Los Angeles County (Santa                        with time from moderate today to low                  natural phenomenon in southern
                                                  Clarita population). Historically, the                  in the future, as a result of ecological              California. Additionally, both

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                                                  populations are surrounded by                           native annuals like C. parryi var.                    reviewer did not believe any of these
                                                  residential and commercial                              fernandina.                                           restoration and management activities
                                                  developments, and fire frequency tends                     Monitoring conducted under the SCP                 have been initiated.
                                                  to increase at the urban-wildland                       will continue to evaluate the                            Response: There was a 2003
                                                  interface (Dudek 2010a, p. 136).                        performance of C. parryi var. fernandina              settlement agreement executed between
                                                  Furthermore, due to climate change,                     within the SCP preserves, and if the                  Newhall Land and CDFW following an
                                                  drier conditions may result (PRBO                       monitoring shows that management is                   onsite investigation that occurred in
                                                  Conservation Science 2011, pp. 41–42).                  needed to address direct or indirect                  2002. This resulted in establishing two
                                                  However, because the fire intervals at                  effects of the fire, such as an increase in           permanent conservation easements, one
                                                  these two populations have been                         nonnative, invasive grasses, measures                 at Airport Mesa and one at Grapevine
                                                  relatively short in recent history, we do               will be incorporated into annual work                 Mesa, totaling approximately 64 ac (26
                                                  not anticipate an increased fire                        plans as required by the SCP and                      ha). The settlement agreement required
                                                  frequency at Laskey Mesa or Santa                       reviewed by the Spineflower Adaptive                  that a management plan for the plant be
                                                  Clarita.                                                Management Working Group. The                         prepared, funded, and implemented in
                                                     At Santa Clarita, proposed                           primary management activities we                      those two areas as mitigation for
                                                  development in the area will break up                   anticipate to occur post-fire in the SCP              impacts affiliated with that
                                                  large expanses of potential fuels and                   preserves involves monitoring and                     investigation.
                                                  may reduce the risk of wildfire, but                    controlling weeds that may invade                        Comment (14): One peer reviewer
                                                  human-caused ignition may increase                      burned areas following a fire event,                  stated that creating small rare plant
                                                  with increasing human presence and                      specifically if weeds exceed 30 percent               preserves under the SCP has the
                                                                                                          relative cover (Dudek 2017, p. 7).                    potential to reduce long-term success to
                                                  traffic. However, fire protection in the
                                                                                                             Comment (11): One peer reviewer                    maintain a viable population into the
                                                  surrounding areas is also expected to
                                                                                                          noted that because the historical range               future, as this eliminates connectivity to
                                                  increase because of the need to avoid
                                                                                                          of C. parryi var. fernandina has been                 adjacent habitats to which populations
                                                  loss of life and property; therefore, it is
                                                                                                          reduced, and now the plant has only                   might have migrated, beyond the
                                                  anticipated that any fires in the SCP
                                                                                                          two isolated populations, the plant’s                 borders of the preserve boundaries.
                                                  preserves will be lighter rather than                                                                            Response: The 2017 CCA establishes
                                                                                                          heterozygosity (having a varied genetic
                                                  heavier in intensity (Dudek 2010a, p.                                                                         additional C. parryi var. fernandina
                                                                                                          makeup) may be considerably reduced.
                                                  136). In addition, if fire-control lines or                Response: While we agree that C.                   occurrences at the Santa Clarita
                                                  other forms of bulldozer damage occur                   parryi var. fernandina likely has                     population, including three additional
                                                  within the preserves, Newhall Land                      reduced heterozygosity due to a reduced               conservation areas totaling
                                                  proposed to repair and revegetate these                 range as compared to the historical                   approximately 825 ac (334 ha) that are
                                                  areas to pre-burn conditions (Dudek                     distribution, the genetic characteristics             contiguous with or adjacent to the
                                                  2010a, pp. 135–137). In our assessment                  have not been investigated. Dr. Deborah               existing San Martinez Grande and
                                                  of climate change, we analyze that drier                Rodgers is currently conducting                       Potrero preserves established under the
                                                  conditions in the future may result in                  research into genetic structure of C.                 SCP. This will allow C. parryi var.
                                                  increased fire frequency, making the                    parryi var. fernandina and potential                  fernandina populations to expand into
                                                  ecosystems in which a species currently                 degree of inbreeding depression (Dudek                the area of protected conservation land,
                                                  grows more vulnerable to threats of                     2015, p. 2; Dudek 2016c, p. 9).                       and increase the extent of protected
                                                  nonnative plant invasion.                                  Comment (12): One peer reviewer                    spineflower occurrence locations within
                                                     The December 2017 Rye Fire burned                    pointed out that nitrogen deposition                  the Santa Clarita population.
                                                  four out of seven of the SCP preserves                  associated with fossil fuel combustion is                Comment (15): One peer reviewer
                                                  on Newhall Ranch. The intensity of the                  a potential stressor to C. parryi var.                stated that there are six other species in
                                                  fire was diagnosed as being light                       fernandina, and this was not discussed                the genus Chorizanthe in California that
                                                  (Watershed Emergency Response Team                      in the Species Report. Several recent                 have been listed under the Act as
                                                  2018, pp. 18–20). Numerous previous                     studies have shown that nitrogen can                  endangered species, all of which have
                                                  wildfire events have occurred on                        have important consequences to native                 larger populations than C. parryi var.
                                                  Newhall Ranch since 1913, including at                  and nonnative plant species in southern               fernandina. The Service’s listing of
                                                  least 12 since 1983 (excluding the 2017                 California although there is no                       these other plants as endangered has
                                                  Rye Fire), and several of these fires have              information available about how                       established a precedent for endangered
                                                  affected extensive areas of habitat                     nitrogen deposition has affected C.                   plants of this genus.
                                                  occupied by the spineflower (Dudek                      parryi var. fernandina and its                           Response: The Service evaluates each
                                                  2017, p. 10). Chorizanthe parryi var.                   ecosystem.                                            species individually, using the best
                                                  fernandina monitoring began on                             Response: Because there is no                      available scientific and commercial
                                                  Newhall Ranch in 2002. Two fires have                   information available about how                       information on that species, in making
                                                  affected the Santa Clarita population                   nitrogen deposition has affected C.                   a listing determination. There are many
                                                  since then. The 2003 Verdale Fire                       parryi var. fernandina and the                        factors and reasons why a determination
                                                  burned the Homestead North Project                      ecosystem it occupies, we did not                     for one species may be different than
                                                  Site, including almost the entire San                   analyze it in our stressor analysis.                  that for another species. The fact that a
                                                  Martinez Grande preserve. The 2007                         Comment (13): One peer reviewer                    species has been determined to be
                                                  Magic Fire burned portions of the                       stated that Newhall Land may have                     endangered under the Act does not
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                                                  Grapevine Mesa and Entrada preserves.                   destroyed C. parryi var. fernandina                   mean that other species within the same
                                                  Both the 2003 Verdale Fire and the 2007                 subpopulations on Newhall Ranch lands                 genus also automatically meet the Act’s
                                                  Magic Fire occurred in October, after                   in the past, and investigations were                  definition of endangered.
                                                  spineflower surveys had been                            purported to be initiated by CDFW into                   Comment (16): One peer reviewer
                                                  conducted for that year. The biggest                    possible violation. This resulted in an               stated that the introduction plan
                                                  concern is that fire may promote the                    agreement by Newhall to actively                      provided for by the 2017 CCA is more
                                                  invasion and spread of nonnative,                       manage and restore C. parryi var.                     appropriately addressed under a C.
                                                  invasive grasses that outcompete small                  fernandina habitat. However, the                      parryi var. fernandina recovery plan

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                                                  than as part of the proposed listing rule.              directly remove 25 percent of the C.                  totaling approximately 825 ac (334 ha)
                                                  The success or failure of the proposed                  parryi var. fernandina population at                  that are contiguous with or adjacent to
                                                  plan will likely require decades to                     Santa Clarita, and the vast majority of               the existing San Martinez Grande and
                                                  determine. The use of positive outcomes                 the remaining 75 percent of this                      Potrero preserves established under the
                                                  can only occur after a measured success.                population would be surrounded and                    SCP. These expansion areas will aid
                                                  Since the effectiveness of proposed                     bordered by residential and commercial                connectivity of populations, as well as
                                                  conservation measures cannot be                         development. While the data may not                   establish new populations.
                                                  evaluated for many years, it is                         show a trend over the survey period,                     Comment (19): Future habitat
                                                  premature to rely on potential future                   reducing the population by 25 percent                 conditions in C. parryi var. fernandina
                                                  success of these measures when                          and fragmenting the remaining                         preserves will generally be resistant to
                                                  determining the vulnerability of C.                     populations introduces new stressors                  permanent Argentine ant invasions.
                                                  parryi var. fernandina.                                 into the population that will affect the              Consequently, there is little risk of long-
                                                     Response: We stated in the proposed                  persistence of the plant over the next 25             term infestation by Argentine ants in
                                                  rule (81 FR 63454, September 15, 2016,                  years at this population.                             numbers sufficient to permanently
                                                  see p. 63458) that we will formally                       The 2017 CCA establishes additional                 displace arthropods that provide
                                                  evaluate all measures included in                       C. parryi var. fernandina occurrences at              pollinator and seed dispersal services.
                                                  Newhall Land’s conservation strategy                    the Santa Clarita population, including                  Response: Our analyses in the Species
                                                  using PECE before making our final                      three additional conservation areas                   Report indicate that if Argentine ants
                                                  determination of the status of the plant.               totaling approximately 825 ac (334 ha)                invade an area, they are likely to
                                                  In determining whether a formalized                     that are contiguous with or adjacent to               permanently displace arthropods that
                                                  conservation effort contributes to                      the existing San Martinez Grande and                  provide pollinator and seed dispersal
                                                  forming a basis for not listing a species,              Potrero preserves established under the               services (Service 2016, pp. 44–62).
                                                  or for listing a species as threatened                  SCP. These areas are intended to expand               Argentine ants are present on Newhall
                                                  rather than endangered, we must                         the area of protected conservation land               Ranch in at least two SCP preserves
                                                  evaluate whether proposed conservation                  for C. parryi var. fernandina and                     (Entrada and Potrero), and within the
                                                  efforts improve the status of the species               increase the extent of protected
                                                                                                                                                                open space that acts as a corridor
                                                  under the Act. Two factors are key in                   occurrence locations within the Santa
                                                                                                                                                                between the SCP preserves, the Santa
                                                  that evaluation: (1) For those efforts yet              Clarita population to buffer it from the
                                                                                                                                                                Clara River (Dudek 2016b, pp. 17, 20).
                                                  to be implemented, the certainty that                   detrimental effects of loss of habitat and
                                                                                                                                                                It is therefore reasonable to assume that
                                                  the conservation effort will be                         individuals and the associated edge
                                                                                                                                                                conditions are currently suitable for
                                                  implemented; and (2) for those efforts                  effects, which should increase
                                                                                                                                                                Argentine ants within at least two
                                                  that have not yet demonstrated                          persistence of the plant over the next 25
                                                                                                                                                                preserves. Argentine ants are assumed
                                                  effectiveness, the certainty that the                   years at this population.
                                                                                                             Comment (18): One commenter stated                 to be present throughout the
                                                  conservation effort will be effective. In
                                                                                                          that the Species Report overstates the                development and are expected to be
                                                  our PECE analysis of the 2017 CCA for
                                                  the spineflower, we found that there is                 extent to which habitat fragmentation                 present in the open areas adjacent to the
                                                  a high degree of certainty that the                     will affect C. parryi var. fernandina. The            preserves in the future post-
                                                  conservation measures under the plan                    commenter stated that C. parryi var.                  development (Dudek 2010a, p. 130).
                                                  will be implemented, and a high degree                  fernandina preserves and large,                       Also, Dudek (2016b, pp. 5–18) states
                                                  of certainty that the conservation                      connected open spaces within and                      that five out of the seven SCP preserves
                                                  measures will be effective. Please see                  around the Newhall Land property                      (82 percent of the total preserve area)
                                                  the full PECE analysis at http://                       development areas will preserve                       have a ‘‘high potential for serious
                                                  www.regulations.gov at Docket No.                       connectivity for mobile pollinators such              encroachment or invasion of Argentine
                                                  FWS–R8–ES–2016–0078.                                    as honeybees and potential seed                       ants’’ given current and proposed
                                                                                                          dispersers, maintaining opportunities                 adjacent land uses.
                                                  Public Comments                                         for genetic exchange between preserves.                  The 2017 CCA states that annual
                                                    Comment (17): One commenter stated                    C. parryi var. fernandina preserve                    Argentine ant monitoring will be
                                                  that McGraw (2012) found a strong                       management, including habitat                         conducted as part of the ongoing habitat
                                                  positive correlation between percentage                 restoration and enhancement, will                     maintenance, and appropriate control
                                                  of the mapped cumulative footprint                      maintain and enhance floral and other                 measures consistent with the Argentine
                                                  supporting C. parryi var. fernandina in                 habitat resources in the preserves for                Ant Control Plan for Newhall Ranch
                                                  a given year and total annual rainfall.                 pollinators and seed dispersers.                      (Dudek 2014, entire) will be
                                                  However, the data of acres occupied                        Response: Development of Newhall                   implemented in the event that invasion
                                                  annually by C. parryi var. fernandina                   Ranch will remove some occurrences                    occurs. If Argentine ants invade,
                                                  demonstrate that there is no apparent                   that connect, or are intermittent                     Newhall Land proposes control methods
                                                  overall increase or decreasing trend over               between, the larger concentrations of C.              as part of an integrated pest
                                                  the last 17 years; therefore, there is no               parryi var. fernandina in the designated              management plan to remove Argentine
                                                  reason to expect a trend change in the                  preserves. Removing some of the                       ants and mitigate for the absence of
                                                  next 25 years based on the best available               smaller scattered populations outside                 native pollinators within the preserves
                                                  information.                                            the preserves will likely make the                    (Dudek 2014c, pp. 25–42). Qualified
                                                    Response: Interannual variability in                  distances between remaining                           pest control professionals and
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                                                  total annual rainfall is a major driver of              concentrations of C. parryi var.                      conservation managers will review and
                                                  the variability in C. parryi var.                       fernandina larger and make the habitat                approve any control or mitigation plan.
                                                  fernandina’s distribution, but additional               that supports the plant more isolated.                Argentine ants are not considered to be
                                                  factors, including temperature, timing of               However, the implementation of the                    a significant long-term risk to C. parryi
                                                  precipitation in fall or winter, and                    2017 CCA will establish additional C.                 var. fernandina at the introduction sites
                                                  drought, may also play a role (McGraw                   parryi var. fernandina occurrences at                 outside the Santa Clarita population
                                                  2012, p. A–6). The proposed                             the Santa Clarita population, including               because they are all well separated from
                                                  development of Newhall Ranch would                      three additional conservation areas                   areas supporting potential source

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                                                  populations, such as urban development                  populations; this can be related to the               presence of specific soil types and
                                                  areas.                                                  distribution of populations within the                geomorphological conditions (including
                                                     Comment (20): One commenter stated                   variation in a species’ ecological                    specific substrate, elevation, and
                                                  that in the proposed rule (81 FR 63454;                 settings. Historically, there were no                 aspect); (e) minimal environmental
                                                  September 15, 2016), the Service’s                      fewer than 10 C. parryi var. fernandina               threats; and (f) availability of arthropods
                                                  conclusion that there may not be                        populations across southern California,               that can facilitate pollination to ensure
                                                  sufficient redundancy to sustain C.                     representing at least five ecoregions of              higher achene (seed head) set and
                                                  parryi var. fernandina over the long                    the conterminous United States.                       ensure genetic diversity.
                                                  term is overstated, because evidence                    Ecoregions denote areas of general                       Response: The 2017 CCA includes a
                                                  indicates the long-term threats to                      similarity in ecosystems through                      commitment to significant planning,
                                                  redundancy can be effectively managed                   analysis of patterns of biotic and abiotic            resources, ongoing scientific observation
                                                  through habitat restoration in the                      phenomena, including geology,                         and study, adaptive management, and
                                                  preserves, management of Argentine                      physiography, vegetation, climate, soils,             incorporation of most current plant and
                                                  ants, and introduction of C. parryi var.                land use, wildlife, and hydrology.                    environmental science. Newhall Land
                                                  fernandina into non-preserve areas.                     Currently, there are only two C. parryi               will cause permanent conservation
                                                     Response: Redundancy does not just                   var. fernandina populations, 17 mi (27                instruments to be recorded over each of
                                                  refer to the population at Santa Clarita                km) apart, representing only one                      the additional conservation areas in
                                                  but refers to the ability of a species to               ecoregion.                                            which C. parryi var. fernandina is
                                                  compensate for fluctuations in or loss of                 The goal of the 2017 CCA is to                      established to ensure that the habitat
                                                  populations across the species’ range                   establish at least two new self-                      values for the species are maintained,
                                                  such that the loss of a single population               sustaining, persistent C. parryi var.                 minimizing environmental threats.
                                                  has little or no lasting effect on the                  fernandina occurrences, at least one of               Newhall Land will fund all initial
                                                  structure and functioning of the species                which will be in a different ecoregion                habitat enhancement and C. parryi var.
                                                  as a whole. Multiple interacting                        from the existing populations to                      fernandina introduction activities
                                                  populations across a broad geographic                   increase the number of ecoregions in                  within the additional conservation
                                                  area provide insurance against the risk                 which the plant is represented. The two               areas, and will fund one or more
                                                  of extinction caused by catastrophic                    existing C. parryi var. fernandina                    endowments to provide perpetual
                                                  events. Because historically there were                 populations are located in the Venturan-              management and monitoring within the
                                                  no fewer than 10 additional populations                 Angeleno Coastal Hills ecoregion. The                 additional conservation areas.
                                                  across Los Angeles and Orange Counties                  additional conservation area in the                      To address availability of seed source,
                                                  in Southern California, and currently                   Castaic Mesa area in northern Los                     it is anticipated that there will be
                                                  there are 2 populations, redundancy is                  Angeles County, near a known                          opportunities for topsoil salvage from C.
                                                  decreased for C. parryi var. fernandina.                extirpated population location, is within             parryi var. fernandina occupied areas
                                                  If either of the two extant populations                 the Southern California Lower Montane                 within the proposed developments on
                                                  were permanently lost, the redundancy                   Shrubland Woodland ecoregion. The                     Newhall Land property at the Santa
                                                  would be further lowered, thereby                       additional conservation area located in               Clarita population. In addition, a phased
                                                  decreasing the plant’s chance of survival               the Petersen Ranch Mitigation Bank                    approach will provide lead time to
                                                  in the face of potential environmental or               adjacent to Elizabeth Lake near a known               conduct wild seed collections (and to
                                                  demographic stochastic factors and                      extirpated population location is within              grow these seeds in a controlled nursery
                                                  catastrophic events (e.g., wildfire,                    the Arid Montane Slopes ecoregion.                    setting to bulk seed, if necessary) to
                                                  extreme drought).                                       Establishing at least two new self-                   acquire the necessary seed resources to
                                                     The additional conservation areas                    sustaining, persistent C. parryi var.                 implement C. parryi var. fernandina
                                                  proposed in the 2017 CCA are intended                   fernandina occurrences where at least                 introduction in the various areas.
                                                  to increase the number and extent of C.                 one is in a different ecoregion from the                 To address the need for appropriate
                                                  parryi var. fernandina populations                      existing populations may improve the                  climatic and hydrologic conditions and
                                                  within its historical range and increase                ability of the plant to adapt to changing             the presence of specific soil types and
                                                  redundancy. The CCA provides for                        environmental conditions into the                     geomorphological conditions, the
                                                  Newhall Land to introduce C. parryi var.                future.                                               additional conservation areas were
                                                  fernandina within portions of the                          Comment (22): One commenter stated                 selected based on proximity to extant C.
                                                  additional conservation areas with the                  that long-term establishment of C. parryi             parryi var. fernandina populations,
                                                  goal of establishing at least two new                   var. fernandina is feasible. Efforts to do            proximity to extirpated historical
                                                  self-sustaining, persistent occurrences to              so will require a commitment to                       locations, availability of undeveloped
                                                  increase the redundancy of the species.                 significant planning, resources, ongoing              open space, surrounding land uses, and
                                                     Comment (21): One commenter stated                   scientific observation and study,                     land ownership. Some other areas were
                                                  that the seven C. parryi var. fernandina                adaptive management, and                              considered, but rejected due to lack of
                                                  preserves will help maintain the                        incorporation of most current plant and               conserved open space, unsuitable
                                                  existing representation of the plant on                 environmental science. Constraints to                 conditions, or untenable land
                                                  Newhall property. Likewise, the                         establishment of new populations of C.                ownership situations. Once potential
                                                  endowment for management of the                         parryi var. fernandina include: (a)                   sites were identified, the sites that best
                                                  Laskey Mesa population will also                        Availability of seed source due to                    met the identified parameters that
                                                  contribute to continued representation                  physical and morphological reasons; (b)               appear to favor occupation by C. parryi
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                                                  of that population.                                     availability of land in the historical                var. fernandina were chosen. Site
                                                     Response: Representation refers to a                 range of the plant that is not already                selection relied heavily on the results of
                                                  species’ ability to adapt to changing                   developed or threatened by                            a habitat characterization study, which
                                                  environmental conditions, which is a                    encroachment of nonnative and invasive                compared occupied and unoccupied
                                                  species’ adaptive capacity.                             species; (c) presence of appropriate                  areas within coastal scrub and annual
                                                  Representation is characterized by the                  climatic and hydrologic conditions (hot               grassland, to identify characteristics of
                                                  breadth of genetic and environmental                    and dry with seasonal drought                         occupied C. parryi var. fernandina
                                                  diversity within and among                              conditions and no irrigation); (d)                    habitat. In addition to selecting what

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                                                  appeared to be the most suitable sites,                 The commenter urged a delay and                       of new populations and reduce or
                                                  the approach in the 2017 CCA is to                      extension of the comment period so that               eliminate threats to C. parryi var.
                                                  assist C. parryi var. fernandina during                 the effect of this fire on C. parryi var.             fernandina. The commenter states that
                                                  the early establishment period in order                 fernandina could be investigated.                     the plan will attempt to establish
                                                  to help the introduced population                          Response: The December 2017 Rye                    populations and hopefully provide
                                                  develop a foothold through habitat                      Fire burned four out of seven of the SCP              protective measures, but that the
                                                  enhancement, ultimately resulting in at                 preserves on Newhall Ranch. Based on                  proposed conservation efforts cannot be
                                                  least two new self-sustaining, persistent               prior research, we expect relatively                  considered as guarantees. The
                                                  populations.                                            minor effects from the Rye Fire on                    commenter concluded that the 2017
                                                     Comment (23): One commenter stated                   arthropods that could be spineflower                  CCA should not be used to determine
                                                  that Newhall Land appears to have                       pollinators. Jones et al. (2004)                      the current status of C. parryi var.
                                                  begun vegetation clearing on the project                conducted pollinator studies on                       fernandina.
                                                  site where Chorizanthe parryi var.                      spineflower populations on Newhall                       Response: PECE (68 FR 15100, March
                                                  fernandina is located. The commenter                    Ranch and Ahmanson Ranch, and found                   28, 2003) ensures consistent and
                                                  does not believe that such actions                      that one of the dominant floral visitors              adequate evaluation of recently
                                                  comply with the rules and regulations of                on Newhall Ranch was little red ant and               formalized, but not yet implemented
                                                  the Act.                                                the dominant floral visitors at the                   conservation efforts when making
                                                     Response: Section 7 of the Act                       Ahmanson Ranch were two species of                    listing decisions. The policy provides
                                                  provides a mechanism for identifying                    ants: The pyramid ant and the southern                guidance on how to evaluate
                                                  and resolving potential conflicts                       fire ant. Matsuda et al. (2011, entire)               conservation efforts that have not yet
                                                  between a proposed action and a species                 investigated the effect of broad-scale                been implemented or have not yet
                                                  proposed for listing at an early planning               wildfire on ground foraging ants within               demonstrated effectiveness. The
                                                  stage. While consultations for listed                   southern California. They found a net                 evaluation focuses on the certainty that
                                                  species are required when the proposed                  negative effect of fire on the overall                the conservation actions will be
                                                  action may affect listed species, a                     diversity of ground foraging ants likely              implemented and effective.
                                                  conference is required only when the                    because of changes in community                          Using the criteria specified in PECE,
                                                  proposed action is likely to jeopardize                 structure rather than the loss of species             we evaluated the certainty of future
                                                  the continued existence of a species                    richness. Although they found a                       implementation and certainty of
                                                  proposed for listing.                                   negative effect of fire on ant diversity,             effectiveness of the 2017 CCA. Based on
                                                     The Final Environmental Impact                       the increases in overall species diversity            our evaluation, we have a high level of
                                                  Statement (EIS)/Environmental Impact                    in both the fire-impacted and reference               certainty that the conservation actions
                                                  Report (EIR) for the Newhall Ranch                      plots suggest that ground-foraging ants               will be effectively implemented and,
                                                  Resource Management and                                 may be relatively resilient to fire                   therefore, should be considered as part
                                                  Development Project included detailed                   because only about 2 percent of an ant                of the basis for our final listing
                                                  analysis of the direct, indirect, and                   colony is active on the surface, thus                 determination for C. parryi var.
                                                  cumulative impacts of the proposed                      limiting direct mortality. They also                  fernandina. Please see the full PECE
                                                  discharges of fill material in waters of                suggest that unburned patches within a                analysis at http://www.regulations.gov
                                                  the United States and associated upland                 burn area can provide refuge for ants                 at Docket No. FWS–R8–ES–2016–0078.
                                                  development activities on C. parryi var.                and source populations for                               Comment (26): One commenter noted
                                                  fernandina and included mitigation                      recolonization of burned areas.                       that after the proposed rule was
                                                  measures to avoid, minimize, and                           The intensity of the Rye Fire on                   published, an activity occurred at the
                                                  compensate for impacts to the plant.                    Newhall Ranch was diagnosed as light                  Laskey Mesa population that threatens
                                                  Subsequent to the Final EIS/EIR,                        (Watershed Emergency Response Team                    the continued existence of C. parryi var.
                                                  Newhall Land agreed to implement                        2018, pp. 18–20). Based on field testing,             fernandina. This activity was permitted
                                                  additional measures to further                          the California Geological Survey found                by the managing agency.
                                                  compensate for unavoidable impacts to                   that within the mapped fire perimeter,                   Response: We assume that the recent
                                                  C. parryi var. fernandina as documented                 64 percent of the area was classified as              activity to which the commenter refers
                                                  in the 2017 CCA. In consideration of the                very low/unburned, 34 percent as low,                 is a fashion show that occurred on May
                                                  additional conservation areas and C.                    and 2 percent as moderate; no area was                11, 2017. Our understanding is that
                                                  parryi var. fernandina introduction sites               classified as high (Watershed                         MRCA permitted approximately 2.5 ac
                                                  required as part of the CCA, the U.S.                   Emergency Response Team 2018, pp.                     (1 ha) at Laskey Mesa be utilized for the
                                                  Army Corps of Engineers made a final                    18–20). The severity of the Rye Fire was              show, but resulting impacts were about
                                                  determination that permit no. SPL–                      similar to or generally less than the most            1 ac (.4 ha) larger than planned, and that
                                                  2003–01264 would not jeopardize the                     recent fires on Newhall Ranch in C.                   several aspects of the event were not
                                                  continued existence of C. parryi var.                   parryi var. fernandina habitat, the 2003              covered under the permitted activities.
                                                  fernandina and is not required to                       Verdale Fire and 2007 Magic Fire.                     The MRCA permit required that there be
                                                  complete a conference opinion to                        Severity in burn areas was generally low              no disturbance of terrain or indigenous
                                                  comply with the requirements of the                     in the Magic Fire and very low to                     plants. As a result, CDFW sent a letter
                                                  Act.                                                    moderate in the Verdale Fire (Dudek                   to the State Wildlife Conservation Board
                                                     Comment (24): One commenter stated                   2017, p. 10). We were able to investigate             expressing concern over consistency
                                                  that the Rye Fire in Santa Clarita, which               the effect of the fire on the plant and its           between the funding provided for the
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                                                  began on December 5, 2017, has                          pollinators within the allotted                       purchase of Laskey Mesa and the
                                                  apparently burned at least five of the                  timeframe, and therefore we do not need               intended conservation purpose of that
                                                  proposed seven conservation areas for                   to extend the comment period on the                   funding. There was a follow-up meeting
                                                  C. parryi var. fernandina and possibly                  proposal.                                             with representatives of CDFW, the State
                                                  all those located on the Mission Village                   Comment (25): One commenter stated                 Wildlife Conservation Board, MRCA,
                                                  project. The commenter stated that it is                that throughout the 2017 CCA there are                and SMMC, in which the same concerns
                                                  important to determine whether native                   definitive statements that the proposed               were shared. As a result of the meeting,
                                                  pollinator arthropods survived the fire.                actions will result in the establishment              the State Wildlife Conservation Board,

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                                                  MRCA, and CDFW agreed to develop a                      continued existence of the species. We                p. 437; Menges 1991, pp. 158–164;
                                                  strategy so that concerns regarding the                 conclude this because these activities                Jennerston 1988, pp. 359–366;
                                                  conservation of sensitive species are                   have been or will be removed from most                Cunningham 2000, pp. 1149–1152).
                                                  given a more prominent part in the                      areas that overlap C. parryi var.                     These indirect effects of the proposed
                                                  permitting of activities on Laskey Mesa                 fernandina. The remaining stressors—                  development would remain into the
                                                  (e.g., sensitive species surveys prior to               development; nonnative, invasive                      future post-construction.
                                                  filming activities). The CDFW is                        plants; Argentine ants; wildfire; and                    Under the 2010 SCP, Newhall Land
                                                  currently working with its partners in                  potentially climate change—acting on                  Company designated seven spineflower
                                                  developing the strategy. This strategy                  the small isolated populations are                    preserves containing approximately 15
                                                  should be effective in preventing further               described below. We address the                       ac (6 ha) of C. parryi var. fernandina
                                                  variances from permitted activities that                remaining stressors below because we                  occupied area, which is the remaining
                                                  might affect C. parryi var. fernandina.                 determined in our September 15, 2016,                 76 percent of the Santa Clarita
                                                                                                          proposed rule (81 FR 63454) that                      population. Easements and an
                                                  Summary of Biological Status and                                                                              endowment to manage and monitor the
                                                                                                          population or rangewide impacts may
                                                  Factors Affecting the Species                                                                                 preserves have been put in place. In
                                                                                                          contribute to, or are likely to contribute
                                                     Section 4 of the Act and its                         to, considerable loss of individuals or               addition to the preserves designated
                                                  implementing regulations (50 CFR 424)                   habitat currently or in the future. Please            under the SCP, the 2017 CCA
                                                  set forth the procedures for adding                     refer to the Potential Stressors section in           establishes additional C. parryi var.
                                                  species to the Federal Lists of                         the Species Report (Service 2016, pp.                 fernandina occurrences at the Santa
                                                  Endangered and Threatened Wildlife                      20–78) for a more detailed discussion of              Clarita population (Areas 1–3 in Figure
                                                  and Plants. A species may be                            our evaluation of the biological status of            2, above), reducing the overall threat to
                                                  determined to be an endangered or                       the plant and the factors that may affect             this population from development. The
                                                  threatened species due to one or more                   its continued existence.                              additional conservation areas at the
                                                  of the five factors described in section                                                                      Santa Clarita population total
                                                  4(a)(1) of the Act: (A) The present or                  Development (Factors A and E)                         approximately 825 ac (334 ha) that are
                                                  threatened destruction, modification, or                  Development consists of converting                  contiguous with or adjacent to the
                                                  curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)                the landscape into residential,                       existing San Martinez Grande and
                                                  overutilization for commercial,                         commercial, industrial, and recreational              Potrero preserves established under the
                                                  recreational, scientific, or educational                features, with associated infrastructure              SCP. These areas are intended to expand
                                                  purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D)                 such as roads. Currently, development                 the area of protected conservation land
                                                  the inadequacy of existing regulatory                   does not impact C. parryi var.                        for the plant and increase the extent of
                                                  mechanisms; or (E) other natural or                     fernandina at either population. In the               protected occurrence locations within
                                                  manmade factors affecting its continued                 future, no development is anticipated at              the Santa Clarita population to buffer it
                                                  existence. Listing actions may be                       the Laskey Mesa site because the                      from detrimental effects of loss of
                                                  warranted based on any of the above                     property is owned and managed by the                  habitat and individuals and the
                                                  threat factors, singly or in combination.               SMMC and MRCA, and preserved as                       associated edge effects. All of the
                                                  Stressors that currently act, or may act,               permanent parkland. At the Santa                      conservation areas (i.e., preserves under
                                                  on C. parryi var. fernandina in the                     Clarita site, the population is within the            the SCP and occurrences under the 2017
                                                  foreseeable future include development                  footprint of the proposed Newhall                     CCA) will be in permanent conservation
                                                  (Factors A and E); nonnative, invasive                  Ranch development project.                            and will not be directly threatened by
                                                  plants (Factors A and E); Argentine ants                  At the time we issued the proposed                  development.
                                                  (Factor E); grazing and agriculture                     rule (81 FR 63454, September 15, 2016),                  Overall, we projected in our
                                                  (Factor A); utility line easements and                  available information indicated that the              September 15, 2016, proposed rule that
                                                  maintenance (Factor A); miscellaneous                   future development of the proposed                    development at one of the two C. parryi
                                                  land use (Factor A); recreation (Factor                 Newhall Ranch would directly remove                   var. fernandina populations would
                                                  E); wildfire (Factor E); and climate                    24 percent of the C. parryi var.                      result in the loss of 24 percent of the
                                                  change (Factors A and E). The effects of                fernandina population and occupied                    Santa Clarita population in the future
                                                  these stressors are magnified by virtue                 habitat at the Santa Clarita site, reducing           and that edge effects to the remaining
                                                  of the plant having small population                    the population from approximately 20                  Santa Clarita population were expected.
                                                  sizes (Factor E). For the purposes of this              ac (8 ha) to 15 ac (6 ha) of cumulative               Edge effects around the remaining
                                                  analysis, we define the ‘‘foreseeable                   occupied area (Dudek 2010a, Table 12,                 occurrences put these patches at risk
                                                  future’’ time period to be 25 years. The                p. 67). In addition to habitat removal,               and separate them more than they are
                                                  basis for this timeframe is that it                     the proposed development would also                   under current conditions. However,
                                                  includes cycles of variation in climate,                create indirect effects by fragmenting                under the 2017 CCA, abundance and
                                                  the potential impacts of the completion                 the remaining habitat between the                     distribution of the plant within the
                                                  of the proposed development of                          occurrences of C. parryi var. fernandina.             Santa Clarita population will be
                                                  Newhall Ranch, and planned                              The impacts of fragmented habitat                     increased to buffer the population from
                                                  conservation measures for the Laskey                    include: (1) Edge effects around                      detrimental effects of loss of habitat and
                                                  Mesa and Santa Clarita populations.                     remaining populations, such as                        individuals and the associated edge
                                                     All of these potential stressors are                 increasing the risk of invasion of                    effects of the development. When we
                                                  evaluated and presented in our Species                  nonnative, invasive plants and animals;               issued the proposed rule, we concluded
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                                                  Report (Service 2016, pp. 20–78). The                   and (2) further separation of occurrences             that development was a future
                                                  best available data indicate that grazing               relative to current conditions because                population-level threat to the plant, as
                                                  and agriculture, utility line easements                 much of the area between the remaining                it would result in loss of habitat and
                                                  and maintenance, miscellaneous land                     occurrences would be residential and                  individuals, and further reduce the
                                                  use, and recreation are not resulting in                commercial development (Dudek 2010a,                  range of the plant, which was already
                                                  population or rangewide impacts                         pp. 48–117), potentially affecting                    vulnerable due to its small size and
                                                  currently or in the future such that they               pollination and dispersal of the plant                isolated populations (Factor E). Since
                                                  rise to the level of threats to the                     (Steffan-Dewenter and Tscharntke 1999,                the publication of the proposed rule, the

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                                                  2017 CCA was developed and signed,                      protected conservation land for C. parryi             are abundant at both sites and are
                                                  and is being implemented. The 2017                      var. fernandina and increase the extent               efficient at displacing native vegetation.
                                                  CCA provides support for C. parryi var.                 of protected occurrence locations within                 When we issued the proposed rule (81
                                                  fernandina by further protecting,                       the Santa Clarita population to buffer it             FR 63454, September 15, 2016), we
                                                  increasing, and expanding existing and                  from detrimental effects of loss of                   determined that this stressor would
                                                  future populations and habitat.                         habitat and individuals and the                       likely affect C. parryi var. fernandina
                                                     As discussed above, we have                          associated edge effects, including                    and its habitat at both sites into the
                                                  determined that the conservation                        Argentine ant invasion.                               future, but at a decreased severity.
                                                  actions outlined in the 2017 CCA are                       Introduction sites outside of the Santa            Newhall Land provided funding for the
                                                  sufficiently certain to be implemented                  Clarita population include an additional              management of the Laskey Mesa
                                                  and effective such that they should be                  conservation area of 357 ac (144 ha)                  population, including control of
                                                  considered in our assessment of status.                 located in the Simi Valley watershed on               nonnative, invasive vegetation. At the
                                                  These conservation actions significantly                the southern boundary of Newhall Land                 Santa Clarita population, the proposed
                                                  reduce the identified threats, including                property in Ventura County; an                        development of Newhall Ranch would
                                                  effects of historical and future loss of                additional conservation area of                       convert areas that currently contain
                                                  habitat from development (Factor A and                  approximately 316 ac (128 ha) located                 nonnative vegetation to urban areas,
                                                  E), and their impacts to C. parryi var.                 on Newhall Land property in the Castaic               thereby reducing the total acreage of
                                                  fernandina and its habitat. Thus, the                   Mesa area in northern Los Angeles                     nonnative vegetation at this site, but this
                                                  best scientific and commercial data                     County, near a known extirpated                       ground disturbance would also create
                                                  available indicate that the effects                     population location; and an additional                additional opportunities for nonnative
                                                  associated with development are not a                   conservation area located in a 7-ac (2.8-             plants to invade urban edges of C. parryi
                                                  threat to the continued existence of C.                 ha) portion of the Petersen Ranch                     var. fernandina preserves and natural
                                                  parryi var. fernandina now nor will they                Mitigation Bank adjacent to Elizabeth                 open space. In general, nonnative weedy
                                                  be in the foreseeable future.                           Lake, also near a known extirpated                    species are often edge species and
                                                                                                          population location.                                  become more prevalent or increase in
                                                  Small, Isolated Populations (Factors E)
                                                                                                                                                                abundance, while rare and sensitive
                                                     The effects of small, isolated                          Introduction of C. parryi var.
                                                                                                                                                                species and species that were once
                                                  populations include increased risk of                   fernandina at historically occupied but
                                                                                                                                                                widespread tend to decline (Hilty et al.
                                                  extinction from random, naturally                       currently extirpated sites and at new
                                                                                                                                                                2006, pp. 42–45).
                                                  occurring events, and potentially                       sites decreases the risk of having small,                The 2017 CCA provides for Newhall
                                                  reduced genetic variation, which can                    isolated populations for C. parryi var.               Land to voluntarily implement
                                                  affect the ability of a species to sustain              fernandina into the future. When we                   conservation measures described in the
                                                  itself into the future in the face of                   issued the proposed rule, we concluded                introduction plan with the goal of
                                                  environmental fluctuations. There are                   that having small, isolated populations               establishing new, protected C. parryi
                                                  two known populations of C. parryi var.                 was a current and future population-                  var. fernandina occurrences within the
                                                  fernandina, 17 mi (27 km) apart, one at                 level threat to the plant (Factor E). Since           plant’s historical range. Weed control is
                                                  Laskey Mesa and one at Santa Clarita,                   the publication of the proposed rule, the             an important component of the
                                                  each comprising approximately 15 to 20                  2017 CCA was developed and is being                   introduction plan and will be
                                                  ac (6 to 8 ha) of occupied area.                        implemented to increase future                        implemented at all additional
                                                  Historically, the plant was known from                  populations and habitats for C. parryi                conservation areas. The first year of the
                                                  no less than 10 additional locations                    var. fernandina.                                      seeding trials demonstrated successful
                                                  across southern California (see Figure                     At this time, under PECE, we have                  plant establishment from both broadcast
                                                  1).                                                     determined that the conservation                      seeding and salvaged topsoil and
                                                     When we issued the proposed rule (81                 actions outlined in the 2017 CCA are                  documented positive effects from
                                                  FR 63454, September 15, 2016), we                       sufficiently certain to be implemented                weeding. Confirmation that the weed
                                                  concluded that having only two small,                   and effective such that they should be                control method used in the seeding
                                                  isolated populations decreased the                      considered in our assessment of status.               trials is effective in improving
                                                  ability of C. parryi var. fernandina to                 These conservation actions significantly              performance of the plant has important
                                                  sustain itself into the future in the face              reduce the identified threats, including              positive implications both for the
                                                  of environmental fluctuations and                       having small, isolated populations                    introduction plan and for management
                                                  random, naturally occurring events. At                  (Factor E), and their impacts to C. parryi            of occupied habitat within the SCP
                                                  that time, we determined that this                      var. fernandina and its habitat. Thus,                preserves.
                                                  stressor would continue to affect C.                    the best scientific and commercial data                  In our September 15, 2016, proposed
                                                  parryi var. fernandina and its habitat at               available indicate that the adverse                   rule, we concluded that nonnative,
                                                  both sites into the future.                             effects of small, isolated populations to             invasive plants are abundant at both
                                                     Since the publication of the proposed                the continued existence of C. parryi var.             Laskey Mesa and Santa Clarita
                                                  rule, the 2017 CCA was completed,                       fernandina is not a threat to the                     populations, reduce available habitat
                                                  which provides for additional                           continued existence of the plant now                  quality, compete with C. parryi var.
                                                  conservation areas that are intended to                 nor will it be in the foreseeable future.             fernandina for resources, and increase
                                                  increase the number and extent of                                                                             potential for wildfire. We also
                                                                                                          Nonnative, Invasive Plants (Factors A
                                                  spineflower occurrences within the                                                                            concluded that this stressor historically
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                                                                                                          and E)
                                                  plant’s historic range. The additional                                                                        affected Laskey Mesa and Santa Clarita
                                                  conservation areas at the Santa Clarita                   Nonnative, invasive plants include                  populations and will continue to affect
                                                  population, which total approximately                   nonnative vegetation that occurs within               C. parryi var. fernandina and its habitat
                                                  825 ac (334 ha), are contiguous with or                 or adjacent to habitat that supports C.               at both sites into the future, but at a
                                                  adjacent to the existing San Martinez                   parryi var. fernandina. In particular, we             lower level than historically.
                                                  Grande and Potrero preserves                            focused on the impacts of nonnative                   Management actions will reduce the
                                                  established under the SCP. These areas                  grasses and other fast-invading,                      presence and impact of nonnative,
                                                  are intended to expand the area of                      nonnative annual plants because they                  invasive grasses that would be

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                                                  implemented in the near future and                         In our September 15, 2016, proposed                   When we issued the proposed rule,
                                                  would be effective in reducing this                     rule, we determined that loss of habitat              we concluded that Argentine ants are a
                                                  stressor. When we issued the proposed                   and individuals and the associated edge               current and future population-level
                                                  rule, we concluded that nonnative,                      effects including proliferation of                    threat to C. parryi var. fernandina (loss
                                                  invasive plants are a population-level                  Argentine ants at the Santa Clarita                   of individuals) (Factor E). Since the
                                                  threat to C. parryi var. fernandina (loss               population are likely to decrease habitat             publication of the proposed rule, the
                                                  of individuals) and its habitat (Factors A              quality, reducing resiliency at this                  2017 CCA was developed and signed,
                                                  and E). Since the publication of the                    population. The 2017 CCA includes                     which will expand the area of protected
                                                  proposed rule, the 2017 CCA was                         establishing additional C. parryi var.                conservation land for C. parryi var.
                                                  developed and signed that now provides                  fernandina occurrences at the Santa                   fernandina and increase the extent of
                                                  additional protected habitat for C. parryi              Clarita population, including three                   protected occurrences within the Santa
                                                  var. fernandina by increasing future                    additional conservation areas totaling                Clarita population to buffer it from
                                                  populations and habitats where weeds                    approximately 825 ac (334 ha) that are                detrimental effects of Argentine ant
                                                  will be controlled. At this time, under                 contiguous with or adjacent to the                    invasion. Argentine ants may still affect
                                                  PECE, we have determined that the                       existing San Martinez Grande and                      some portion of the Santa Clarita
                                                  conservation actions outlined in the                    Potrero preserves established under the               population, but by increasing the overall
                                                  2017 CCA are sufficiently certain to be                 SCP. These additional conservation                    resiliency of the population to those
                                                  implemented and effective such that                     areas are intended to increase the extent             effects by increasing numbers and area
                                                  they should be considered in our                        of protected C. parryi var. fernandina                for the spineflower, the effects of
                                                  assessment of the status. These                         occurrences within the Santa Clarita                  Argentine ants, including loss of
                                                  conservation actions significantly                      population to buffer it from detrimental              pollinators and seed dispersers, are not
                                                  reduce the identified threats, including                effects of loss of habitat and individuals            expected to result in meaningful
                                                  historical and future loss of habitat from              and the associated edge effects,                      impacts at the population scale. At this
                                                  nonnative, invasive plants (Factors A                   including Argentine ant invasion.                     time, under PECE, we have determined
                                                  and E), and their impacts to C. parryi                     The additional conservation area                   that the conservation actions outlined in
                                                  var. fernandina and its habitat. Thus,                  adjacent to the existing Potrero preserve             the 2017 CCA are sufficiently certain to
                                                  the best scientific and commercial data                 is at risk of invasion by Argentine ants.             be implemented and effective such that
                                                  available indicate that the stressor of                 The two additional conservation areas                 they should be considered in our
                                                  invasive, nonnative plants is not a threat              adjacent to the existing San Martinez                 assessment of status. These conservation
                                                  to the continued existence of C. parryi                 Grande preserve are farther from                      actions significantly reduce the
                                                  var. fernandina now nor will it be in the               existing or proposed development (see                 identified threats, including Argentine
                                                  foreseeable future.                                     Figure 2, above). None of the adjacent                ants (Factor E), and their impacts to C.
                                                                                                          land uses near San Martinez Grande                    parryi var. fernandina and its habitat.
                                                  Argentine Ants (Factor E)
                                                                                                          poses a heightened threat of Argentine                Thus, the best scientific and commercial
                                                    Argentine ants may impact                                                                                   data available indicate that Argentine
                                                  pollination and seed dispersal vectors of               ant invasion (Dudek 2016, p. 6). These
                                                                                                                                                                ants are not a threat to the continued
                                                  C. parryi var. fernandina. Based on the                 additional conservation areas are not
                                                                                                                                                                existence of C. parryi var. fernandina
                                                  best available information, Argentine                   expected to be at risk of invasion from
                                                                                                                                                                now nor will they be in the foreseeable
                                                  ants have not historically impacted the                 Argentine ants and should contribute to
                                                  Laskey Mesa or Santa Clarita                            C. parryi var. fernandina numbers and
                                                  populations of C. parryi var. fernandina.               recruitment at the Santa Clarita                      Climate Change (Factors A and E)
                                                  Currently, at Laskey Mesa, Argentine                    population. Pollination and seed                         The term ‘‘climate’’ refers to the mean
                                                  ants are present in close proximity, but                dispersal vectors are therefore expected              and variability of different types of
                                                  they were not encountered in areas                      to remain healthy at these sites.                     weather conditions over time, with 30
                                                  occupied by C. parryi var. fernandina                   Argentine ants are not considered to be               years being a typical period for such
                                                  because, presumably, the conditions are                 a significant long-term risk to C. parryi             measurements, although shorter or
                                                  too dry and thus unsuitable (Sapphos                    var. fernandina at the introduction sites             longer periods also may be used (IPCC
                                                  2000, pp. 6–8). At Santa Clarita, as of                 outside of the Santa Clarita population               2014, p. 119). The term ‘‘climate
                                                  February 2016, Argentine ants were                      because they are all well separated from              change’’ thus refers to a change in the
                                                  present within two SCP preserves,                       areas supporting potential source                     mean or variability of one or more
                                                  Entrada and Potrero (Dudek, 2016b, pp.                  populations of Argentine ants, such as                measures of climate (for example,
                                                  17, 20), in the Santa Clara River corridor              urban development areas.                              temperature or precipitation) that
                                                  (Dudek 2016b, entire), at Middle                           The 2017 CCA describes that annual                 persists for an extended period,
                                                  Canyon Spring (Dudek 2010a, p. 130),                    Argentine ant monitoring will be                      typically decades or longer, whether the
                                                  and in the existing utility corridor that               conducted as part of the ongoing habitat              change is due to natural variability,
                                                  runs along the southern portion of the                  maintenance and appropriate control                   human activity, or both (IPCC 2014, p.
                                                  property and through the Entrada                        measures consistent with the Argentine                120). A recent synthesis report of
                                                  Preserve (Dudek 2016b, p. 17).                          Ant Control Plan for Newhall Ranch                    climate change and its effects is
                                                    At Laskey Mesa, we do not expect                      (Dudek 2014, entire) in the event that                available from the Intergovernmental
                                                  Argentine ants will impact C. parryi var.               invasion occurs. If Argentine ants                    Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (IPCC
                                                  fernandina in the future as there is no                 invade, Newhall Land proposes control                 2014, entire).
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                                                  anticipated change in land use. At Santa                methods as part of an integrated pest                    There is no way to measure past
                                                  Clarita, Argentine ants already occur,                  management plan to remove Argentine                   impacts at either population associated
                                                  and we would expect them to occur                       ants and mitigate for the absence of                  with climate change. Compared to
                                                  within development areas and open                       native pollinators within the preserves               historical or baseline temperature and
                                                  areas adjacent to the preserves in the                  (Dudek 2014c, pp. 25–42). Qualified                   precipitation measurements, projections
                                                  future after development of the                         pest control professionals and                        of climate change in the south coast
                                                  proposed Newhall Ranch (Dudek 2010a,                    conservation managers will review and                 region of California indicate that
                                                  p. 130; Dudek 2016b, pp. 4–20).                         approve any control or mitigation plan.               precipitation will decrease slightly and

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                                                  temperature will increase slightly by                   represented. Increasing the number of                 moving) (McGraw 2017, p. 4). Seed
                                                  mid-century. The response of C. parryi                  ecoregions in which the plant is                      germination of related taxa, Parry’s
                                                  var. fernandina may be similar to other                 represented is intended to improve the                spineflower, appears to be inhibited by
                                                  plant species with a similar life history.              ability of the plant to adapt to changing             fire (Ellstrand 1994 and Ogden 1999, in
                                                  A growing body of literature discusses                  environmental conditions into the                     CBI 2000, pp. 4, 13). A study on the
                                                  the specific mechanisms by which                        future. Ecoregions denote areas of                    effects of fire on Ben Lomond
                                                  climate change could affect the                         general similarity in ecosystems through              spineflower (Chorizanthe pungens var.
                                                  abundance, distribution, and long-term                  analysis of patterns of biotic and abiotic            hartwegiana) found that fire directly
                                                  viability of plant species, as well as                  phenomena, including geology,                         reduced seed germination during the
                                                  current habitat configuration over time,                physiography, vegetation, climate, soils,             first year after the fire (McGraw 2017, p.
                                                  including, but not limited to, Root et al.              land use, wildlife, and hydrology; level              5).
                                                  (2003), Parmesan and Yohe (2003), and                   IV is the finest ecoregion level                         Despite the effect of direct scorching,
                                                  Visser and Both (2005). Some of the                     developed by the Environmental                        fire may prove beneficial to C. parryi
                                                  responses by plants to climate change                   Protection Agency (Environmental                      var. fernandina by creating openings in
                                                  presented by these studies and others                   Protection Agency 2016). Currently,                   ground cover and temporarily reducing
                                                  include the following:                                  there are only two C. parryi var.                     competition (CBI 2000, p. 13). The Ben
                                                     1. Drier conditions may result in less               fernandina populations, 17 mi (27 km)                 Lomond spineflower study found that
                                                  suitable habitat, or a lower germination                apart, representing only one level IV                 fire indirectly facilitated Ben Lomond
                                                  success and smaller population sizes;                   ecoregion. Increasing the number of                   spineflower by removing accumulative
                                                     2. Higher temperatures may inhibit                   ecoregions in which the species occurs                leaf litter and creating openings for
                                                  germination, dry out soil, or affect                    may increase the ability of the plant to              seedlings (McGraw 2017, p. 5).
                                                  pollinator services;                                    adapt to a changing environment, which                However, by creating such open areas,
                                                     3. The timing of pollinator life cycles              may decrease the risk of future                       wildfire expands the footprint of
                                                  may become out-of-sync with timing of                   extirpation of the plant under climate                invasive annual plants that are more
                                                  flowering;                                              change. The two existing C. parryi var.               likely to ignite and carry fire than much
                                                     4. A shift in the timing and nature of               fernandina populations are located in                 of the native flora, thereby creating a
                                                  annual precipitation may favor                          the Venturan-Angeleno Coastal Hills                   feedback mechanism.
                                                  expansion in abundance and                              ecoregion. The additional conservation                   The Rye Fire on Newhall Ranch began
                                                  distribution of nonnative species; and                  area in the Castaic Mesa area in                      on December 5, 2017, and burned
                                                     5. Drier conditions may result in                    northern Los Angeles County, near a                   approximately 2,845 ac (1,150 ha) of
                                                  increased fire frequency, making the                    known extirpated population location,                 land within the boundaries of the SCP
                                                  ecosystems in which a species currently                 is within the Southern California Lower               area. Of the seven SCP preserves, four
                                                  grows more vulnerable to threats of                     Montane Shrubland Woodland                            were burned (Grapevine Mesa, Airport
                                                  nonnative plant invasion.                               ecoregion. The additional conservation                Mesa, Spring, and Potrero). The
                                                     Overall, although many climate                       area located in the Petersen Ranch                    westernmost portion of the Airport
                                                  models generally agree about potential                  Mitigation Bank adjacent to Elizabeth                 Mesa preserve burned while the entirety
                                                  future changes in temperature and                       Lake near a known extirpated                          of the Spring, Grapevine, and Potrero
                                                  precipitation, their consequent effects                 population location is within the Arid                preserves burned. Of the 20-ac (8-ha)
                                                  on vegetation are more uncertain, as is                 Montane Slopes ecoregion.                             cumulative C. parryi var. fernandina
                                                  the rate at which any such changes                         In our September 15, 2016, proposed                occupied area within the SCP,
                                                  might be realized. It is not clear how or               rule, based on the analysis in the                    approximately 13 ac (5 ha) were affected
                                                  when changes in vegetation type or                      Species Report (Service 2016, pp. 73–                 by the Rye Fire (approximately 66
                                                  plant species composition will affect the               78), we determined that we did not have               percent of total cumulative occupied
                                                  distribution of C. parryi var. fernandina.              reliable information to indicate that                 area since 2002), including 4 ac (1.6 ha)
                                                  Therefore, uncertainty exists when                      climate change is a threat to C. parryi               in the Grapevine Mesa preserve, 5 ac (2
                                                  determining the level of impact climate                 var. fernandina or its habitat now or in              ha) in Airport Mesa preserve, less than
                                                  change may have on C. parryi var.                       the future (Factors A and E).                         1 ac (0.4 ha) in the Spring preserve, and
                                                  fernandina or its habitat. At the time of               Uncertainty about the effects of climate              1 ac (0.4 ha) in the Potrero preserve
                                                  the proposed listing, based on the                      change on the plant remains. Therefore,               (Dudek 2017, pp. 14–15).
                                                  analysis in the Species Report (Service                 we do not have reliable information to                Approximately 3 ac (1.2 ha) of C. parryi
                                                  2016, pp. 73–78) and summarized                         indicate that climate change is a threat              var. fernandina habitat outside the SCP
                                                  above, the best available information                   to C. parryi var. fernandina habitat now              preserves were affected by the fire; of
                                                  did not allow us to reliably project                    or in the future (Factors A and E).                   that area, approximately 1 ac (0.4 ha)
                                                  responses of C. parryi var. fernandina to                                                                     was no longer occupied at the time of
                                                  indicate that climate change is a threat                Wildfire (Factor E)                                   the fire, because this area lies within the
                                                  to the continued existence of the plant                    In our Species Report, we concluded                Mission Village Project Site, and
                                                  or its habitat now or in the future,                    that wildfire directly impacts C. parryi              Newhall Land had previously
                                                  although we continue to seek additional                 var. fernandina where they co-occur,                  conducted soil salvage in the C. parryi
                                                  information concerning how climate                      but that this impact is temporary until               var. fernandina occupied area as an SCP
                                                  change may affect the plant and its                     vegetation reestablishes post fire                    conservation measure (Dudek 2017, pp.
                                                  habitat (Factors A and E).                              (Service 2016, pp.73–76). The extent of               14–15). This soil was stored off site at
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                                                     Since the publication of the proposed                direct impacts may depend on the                      the time of the fire and was not burned.
                                                  rule, the 2017 CCA was developed and                    severity of the fire, which is a function                The intensity of the Rye Fire on
                                                  signed. The actions in the 2017 CCA                     of its intensity (heat output) and                    Newhall Ranch was characterized as
                                                  will result in at least two new self-                   duration. A high-intensity (i.e., hotter)             light (Watershed Emergency Response
                                                  sustaining, persistent C. parryi var.                   and/or long duration fire would be more               Team 2018, pp. 18–20). Based on field
                                                  fernandina occurrences and will                         likely to incinerate seeds than a fire that           testing, the California Geological Survey
                                                  increase the number of ecoregions in                    is lower intensity (i.e., cooler) and/or              found that within the mapped fire
                                                  which C. parryi var. fernandina is                      has a shorter duration (i.e., is faster               perimeter, 64 percent of the area was

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                                                  classified as very low/unburned, 34                     discern pre- and post-burn trends in C.               of nonnative grasses (Avery 2001, pp.
                                                  percent as low, and 2 percent as                        parryi var. fernandina. As an annual                  17–18). During the Rye Fire, Airport
                                                  moderate; no area was classified as high                plant that exhibits large fluctuations in             Mesa was the only SCP preserve where
                                                  (Watershed Emergency Response Team                      aboveground population size,                          Phos-Chek (i.e., aerial applied fire
                                                  2018, pp. 18–20). The severity of the                   abundance appears to track to annual                  retardant) was dropped. It covered
                                                  Rye Fire was similar to or generally less               climatic variability, particularly amount             approximately 5 ac (2 ha) of the
                                                  than the most recent fires on Newhall                   of rainfall (Dudek 2010a, pp. 18–20;                  preserve and less than 1 ac (0.4 ha) of
                                                  Ranch in C. parryi var. fernandina                      Dudek 2012, p. 12; McGraw 2012,                       the cumulative spineflower area in that
                                                  habitat, the 2003 Verdale Fire and 2007                 entire). Surveys conducted following                  preserve. Also in the Airport Mesa
                                                  Magic Fire. Severity in burn areas was                  the fires that occurred on Newhall                    Preserve, an existing road and a portion
                                                  generally low in the Magic Fire and very                Ranch in 2003 and 2007 show that year-                of undisturbed lands were used by
                                                  low to moderate in the Verdale Fire                     to-year fluctuations in C. parryi var.                vehicles during the fire (Dudek 2017, p.
                                                  (Dudek 2017, p. 10). At the Laskey Mesa                 fernandina occupied area and                          15).
                                                  population, the Devonshire-Parker Fire                  population numbers within burned                         In 2011, the Service issued a
                                                  (1967) burned a portion of the C. parryi                areas have generally been consistent                  biological and conference opinion based
                                                  var. fernandina; the Clampett Fire                      with fluctuations in unburned areas                   on our review of the continued aerial
                                                  (1970) burned most of the plants; and                   (Dudek 2017, p. 11). In addition, no                  application of fire retardants, including
                                                  the Dayton Fire (1982) and Topanga Fire                 significant patterns relating historical              Phos-Chek, on National Forest System
                                                  (2005) burned all C. parryi var.                        fire frequency to C. parryi var.                      Lands and its effects on 75 species listed
                                                  fernandina plants onsite. These fires                   fernandina cover, density, survival to                as endangered or threatened, or
                                                  had relatively short intervals between                  flower, or size were observed in 2014                 proposed for listing, and on designated
                                                  burn events, between 2 and 18 years.                    (McGraw 2017, p. 3). However, C. parryi               critical habitat in accordance with
                                                    If the Rye Fire promotes the invasion                 var. fernandina cover, density, and size              section 7 of the Act (Service 2011,
                                                  and spread of exotic plants, it will                    were all generally negatively correlated              entire). This opinion did not directly
                                                  degrade habitat for C. parryi var.                      with the cover of shrubs, which                       address effects to C. parryi var.
                                                  fernandina. In the 2016 Species Report,                 increases with time after fire, suggesting            fernandina. However, it addressed
                                                  we found that small native annuals like                 that C. parryi var. fernandina may do                 effects to the slender-horned
                                                  C. parryi var. fernandina cannot                        better in terms of density and size in                spineflower (Dodecahema leptoceras)
                                                  compete with fast-growing nonnative                     more recently burned areas (McGraw                    (Service 2011, pp. 411–414). Our
                                                  plants (i.e., grasses) for light, water, and            2017, p. 3).                                          analyses found that fire retardant
                                                  soil nutrients (Service 2016, pp. 39–44).                  We expect relatively minor effects                 applications could impact the plant via
                                                  Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina’s                    from the Rye Fire on arthropods that                  short-term (1 to 2 growing seasons)
                                                  size, density, and biomass were all                     could be C. parryi var. fernandina                    phytotoxic effects, including leaf
                                                  found to be negatively correlated with                  pollinators. Jones et al. (2004)                      burning, shoot die-back, a decrease in
                                                  exotic plant cover during the                           conducted pollinator studies on C.                    germination, and plant death. However,
                                                  observational studies conducted as part                 parryi var. fernandina populations on                 the more likely effects to the species
                                                  of habitat characterization (McGraw                     Newhall Ranch and Ahmanson Ranch,                     would be that nonnative plants could be
                                                  2017, p. 20). In addition, by                           and found that one of the dominant                    enhanced by fire retardant application
                                                  manipulating the cover of exotic plants                 floral visitors on Newhall Ranch was                  and impact population. Fire retardants
                                                  through weed whacking, the 2016                         little red ant and the dominant floral                contain nitrogen and phosphorus that
                                                  seeding trials demonstrated that exotic                 visitors at the Ahmanson Ranch were                   could act as nutrients. While fire
                                                  plants reduce population growth rate by                 two species of ants: The pyramid ant                  retardant could enhance nonnative
                                                  significantly reducing C. parryi var.                   and the southern fire ant. Matsuda et al.             plants, it could also enhance slender-
                                                  fernandina seedling establishment,                      (2011, entire) investigated the effect of             horned spineflower growth.
                                                  survivorship, flower production, and                    broad-scale wildfire on ground foraging                  The effects of Phos-Check were also
                                                  seed set through competition (McGraw                    ants within southern California. They                 examined as part of the Ben Lomond
                                                  and Thomson 2017, p. 14).                               found a net negative effect of fire on the            spineflower study (McGraw 2017, pp.
                                                    Numerous previous wildfire events                     overall diversity of ground foraging ants             5–6). There were no biologically
                                                  have occurred on Newhall Ranch since                    likely because of changes in community                meaningful increases in the cover or
                                                  1913, including at least 12 since 1983                  structure rather than the loss of species             richness of exotic plants within the
                                                  (excluding the 2017 Rye Fire), and                      richness. Although they found a                       Phos-Chek treated areas. This may
                                                  several of these fires have affected                    negative effect of fire on ant diversity,             reflect the dense shrub and tree cover in
                                                  extensive areas of spineflower-occupied                 the increases in overall species diversity            these areas, which limits the ability of
                                                  habitat (Dudek 2017, p. 10). Chorizanthe                in both the fire-impacted and reference               light-limited exotic plants to establish,
                                                  parryi var. fernandina monitoring began                 plots suggest that ground-foraging ants               or the Phos-Chek nutrients might have
                                                  on Newhall Ranch in 2002. Two fires                     may be relatively resilient to fire                   been readily taken up by native plants,
                                                  have affected the Santa Clarita                         because only about 2 percent of an ant                or readily flushed from the sandy-soil
                                                  population since then. The 2003                         colony is active on the surface, thus                 system.
                                                  Verdale Fire burned almost the entire                   limiting direct mortality. They also                     Monitoring of C. parryi var.
                                                  San Martinez Grande preserve area. The                  suggest that unburned patches within a                fernandina on Newhall Ranch within
                                                  2007 Magic Fire burned portions of the                  burn area can provide refuge for ants                 the SCP preserves will continue to
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                                                  Grapevine Mesa and Entrada preserve                     and source populations for                            evaluate the performance of the Santa
                                                  areas. Both the 2003 Verdale Fire and                   recolonization of burned areas.                       Clarita population post-Rye Fire. If the
                                                  the 2007 Magic Fire occurred in                            Fire suppression activities may                    monitoring shows that management is
                                                  October, after C. parryi var. fernandina                impact C. parryi var. fernandina and its              needed to address direct or indirect
                                                  surveys had been conducted for that                     habitat, including clearing vegetation for            effects of the fire, measures will be
                                                  year.                                                   fire and fuel breaks or spreading                     incorporated into annual work plans as
                                                    Large year-to-year fluctuations in                    retardant. Fire retardant is known to act             required by the SCP and reviewed by
                                                  population numbers make it difficult to                 as a fertilizer that enhances the growth              the Spineflower Adaptive Management

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                                                  Working Group. The primary                              Therefore, the best scientific and                       At the Laskey Mesa site, we anticipate
                                                  anticipated post-fire preserve                          commercial data available indicate that               that management actions will be
                                                  management activity involves                            the stressor of wildlife is not a threat to           undertaken to manage the proliferation
                                                  monitoring and controlling weeds that                   the continued existence of C. parryi var.             of nonnative, invasive grasses. At the
                                                  may invade burned areas following the                   fernandina now nor will it likely be in               Santa Clarita site, the 2017 CCA
                                                  fire event, particularly if they exceed 30              the foreseeable future.                               conservation efforts will expand the
                                                  percent relative cover (Dudek 2017, p.                                                                        area of protected conservation land for
                                                                                                          Synergistic Effects
                                                  7).                                                                                                           the plant and will increase the extent of
                                                     Additional information about the                        When stressors occur together, one                 protected locations within the Santa
                                                  effects of the fire on C. parryi var.                   stressor may exacerbate the effects of                Clarita population to buffer it from
                                                  fernandina will be obtained through the                 another stressor, causing effects not                 detrimental effects. Argentine ants may
                                                  second year of monitoring of the 2016                   accounted for when stressors are                      still affect some portion of the Santa
                                                  seeding trial study plots. The Rye Fire                 analyzed individually. Synergistic                    Clarita population, but by increasing the
                                                  burned 7 of the 10 experimental blocks                  effects may be observed in a short                    overall resiliency of the population to
                                                  (groups of treatment plots) into which                  amount of time or may not be noticeable               those effects by increasing numbers and
                                                  spineflower seed was sown and topsoil                   for years into the future, and could                  area for the spineflower, the effects of
                                                  was placed to evaluate the effects of                   affect the long-term viability of C. parryi           Argentine ants, including some loss of
                                                  seeding methods and habitat treatment                   var. fernandina. Stressors that could act             pollinators and seed dispersers, is not
                                                  (weeding, irrigation, and soil                          synergistically on C. parryi var.                     expected to have significant impacts at
                                                  compaction) on spineflower                              fernandina include development;                       the population scale. Weeding will
                                                  establishment (McGraw 2017, pp. 7–8).                   having small, isolated populations;                   decrease the impacts of nonnative,
                                                  During monitoring of the plots in the                   nonnative, invasive plants; Argentine                 invasive plants. Additional conservation
                                                  2018 growing season, rates of seedling                  ants; wildfire; and potentially climate               areas associated with the 2017 CCA
                                                  establishment, survivorship, growth,                    change. At the Laskey Mesa site, the                  outside the Santa Clarita population are
                                                  and reproduction can be compared                        presence of nonnative, invasive grasses               not at risk from Argentine ant invasion;
                                                  across plots that burned and those that                 increases the frequency of wildfire,                  weeding will also take place. Increasing
                                                  did not burn.                                           which in turn creates more open area for              the overall redundancy of C. parryi var.
                                                     Given the large C. parryi var.                       nonnative, invasive plants to grow that               fernandina with additional populations
                                                  fernandina occupied area and                            are more likely to ignite and carry fire              and distributing those populations
                                                  potentially suitable habitat affected by                than native vegetation (Keeley et al.                 across different ecoregions improves the
                                                  the Rye Fire (approximately 13 ac (5 ha)                2005, p. 2123). At the Santa Clarita site,            ability of the plant to withstand small-
                                                  or 66 percent of the cumulative                         the future development of Newhall                     scale stressors, as well as catastrophic
                                                  occupied area of the Santa Clarita                      Ranch would directly remove 24                        events. At this time, under PECE, we
                                                  population), the fire has the potential to              percent of the C. parryi var. fernandina              have determined that the conservation
                                                  affect the distribution and performance                 population, fragmenting the habitat                   actions outlined in the 2017 CCA are
                                                  of the population both directly and                     between the occurrences of C. parryi                  sufficiently certain to be implemented
                                                  indirectly, with these effects having the               var. fernandina, which will create edge               and effective such that the actions will
                                                  potential to result in positive or negative             effects around remaining occurrences                  significantly reduce the identified
                                                  outcomes. Overall, the Rye Fire falls                   within C. parryi var. fernandina                      threats, including their synergistic
                                                  within the historical range of fires on                 preserves, and increase the risk of                   effects, to C. parryi var. fernandina and
                                                  Newhall Ranch in terms of size and                      invasion of Argentine ants and                        its habitat. Thus, the best scientific and
                                                  severity (i.e., generally light burning and             nonnative, invasive plants. When we                   commercial data available indicate that
                                                  little evidence of deep soil charring),                 issued our September 15, 2016,                        synergistic effects acting on C. parryi
                                                  and we expect that the plant will be                    proposed rule, we determined that                     var. fernandina or its habitat are not a
                                                  affected by this fire similarly to past                 when considered together, the impact of               threat to the continued existence of the
                                                  fires, where year-to-year fluctuations in               these stressors has the potential to be               plant now nor will they be in the
                                                  C. parryi var. fernandina occupied area                 high. Even though the impact of each of               foreseeable future.
                                                  and population numbers within burned                    these stressors may be low to moderate
                                                  areas were generally consistent with                    under current conditions, the proposed                Resiliency, Redundancy, and
                                                  fluctuations in unburned areas (Dudek                   development of Newhall Ranch, which                   Representation
                                                  2017, p. 11). The biggest concern is that               would occur over the next 25 years, will                 We use the principles of resiliency,
                                                  fire may promote the invasion and                       likely exacerbate the impact of the                   redundancy, and representation as a
                                                  spread of nonnative, invasive grasses                   stressors while confining the C. parryi               lens to evaluate current and future
                                                  that out-compete small native annuals                   var. fernandina population at this site to            effects to C. parryi var. fernandina.
                                                  like C. parryi var. fernandina. The                     small patches of suitable habitat                     Resiliency describes the ability of a
                                                  effects of the Rye Fire on C. parryi var.               adjacent to and bordered by urban                     species to withstand stochastic
                                                  fernandina may depend on the climate                    development. At the time of the                       disturbance. Resiliency is positively
                                                  in the ensuing years. Monitoring                        proposed listing, we also determined                  related to population size and growth
                                                  conducted under the SCP will continue                   that long-term future impacts may                     rate, and may be influenced by
                                                  to evaluate the performance of the                      increase synergistic effects, and it is               connectivity among populations.
                                                  population, in terms of cover, density,                 unknown if C. parryi var. fernandina                  Generally speaking, populations need
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                                                  and size of plants, within the SCP                      will be able to adapt to the potential                abundant individuals within habitat
                                                  preserves, and if the monitoring shows                  synergistic effect of stressors. Since the            patches of adequate area and quality to
                                                  that management is needed to address                    publication of the proposed rule, the                 maintain survival and reproduction in
                                                  direct or indirect effects of the fire, such            2017 CCA was developed and signed,                    spite of disturbance.
                                                  as an increase in nonnative, invasive                   and is being implemented; the 2017                       Redundancy describes the ability of a
                                                  grasses, measures will be incorporated                  CCA now provides additional                           species to withstand catastrophic
                                                  into annual work plans and                              populations and protected habitat for C.              events. It is about spreading risk among
                                                  implemented (Dudek 2017, p. 7).                         parryi var. fernandina.                               multiple populations to minimize the

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                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 51 / Thursday, March 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                           11471

                                                  potential loss of the species from                      overall maintenance program described                 nonnative plants and Argentine ants,
                                                  catastrophic events. Redundancy is                      in the introduction plan, which will                  and should contribute to C. parryi var.
                                                  characterized by having multiple,                       occur throughout the duration of the 10-              fernandina numbers and recruitment at
                                                  resilient populations distributed within                year maintenance and monitoring                       the Santa Clarita population in the event
                                                  the species’ ecological settings and                    period, directs enhancement efforts in                that the additional conservation area
                                                  across the species’ range. It can be                    the additional conservation areas to                  adjacent to the Potrero preserve
                                                  measured by population number,                          focus on: (1) Reducing annual                         becomes invaded by Argentine ants and
                                                  resiliency, special extent, and degree of               nonnative/exotic plant species cover                  control measures are unsuccessful.
                                                  connectivity.                                           and competition to help facilitate C.                    The introduction sites outside of the
                                                     Representation describes the ability of              parryi var. fernandina establishment,                 Santa Clarita population include an
                                                  a species to adapt to changing                          persistence, and recruitment; (2)                     additional conservation area of 357 ac
                                                  environmental conditions overtime. It is                increasing native species cover and                   (144 ha) located in the Simi Valley
                                                  characterized by the breadth of genetic                 diversity in disturbed areas, particularly            watershed on the southern boundary of
                                                  and environmental diversity within and                  in areas surrounding introduction sites               Newhall Land property in Ventura
                                                  among populations. Measures may                         that function as a buffer; and (3)                    County (Area 5 in Figure 2, above); an
                                                  include the number of varied niches                     providing regulation and protection of                additional conservation area of
                                                  occupied, the gene diversity, and                       the preserve boundaries from                          approximately 316 ac (128 ha) located
                                                  heterozygosity of alleles per locus.                    unauthorized human activity and                       on Newhall Land property in the Castaic
                                                     In our September 15, 2016, proposed                  intrusion.                                            Mesa area in northern Los Angeles
                                                  rule (81 FR 63454) to list Chorizanthe                     As of February 2016, Argentine ants                County, near a known extirpated
                                                  parryi var. fernandina as a threatened                  were present within two SCP preserves                 population location (Area 4 in Figure 2);
                                                  species, we concluded that, overall,                    at the Santa Clarita population, Entrada              and an additional conservation area
                                                  redundancy and representation are                       and Potrero (Dudek, 2016, pp. 17, 20).                located in a 7-ac (2.8-ha) portion of the
                                                  currently reduced and resiliency is                     Therefore, the additional conservation                Petersen Ranch Mitigation Bank
                                                  likely to decrease in the future, bringing              area adjacent to the existing Potrero                 adjacent to Elizabeth Lake, also near a
                                                  into question whether C. parryi var.                    preserve is at risk of invasion by                    known extirpated population location
                                                  fernandina can sustain itself in the face               Argentine ants. The two additional                    (Area 6 in Figure 2). Argentine ants are
                                                  of environmental fluctuations and                       conservation areas adjacent to the                    not considered to be a significant long-
                                                  random, naturally occurring events.                     existing San Martinez Grande preserve                 term risk to C. parryi var. fernandina at
                                                  Resiliency                                              are farther from existing or proposed                 these introduction sites because they are
                                                                                                          development (see Figure 2, above). None               all well separated from areas supporting
                                                    In our proposed rule, we determined                   of the adjacent land uses near San                    potential source populations, such as
                                                  that loss of habitat and individuals and                Martinez Grande poses a heightened                    urban development areas. Supplemental
                                                  the associated edge effects (i.e.,                      threat of Argentine ant invasion (Dudek               watering will be delivered through a
                                                  proliferation of invasive, nonnative                    2016, p. 6); therefore, these additional              water truck rather than a permanent
                                                  plants and Argentine ants) at the Santa                 conservation areas are not expected to                point of connection to a live water line
                                                  Clarita population are likely to decrease               be at risk of invasion Argentine ants and             to minimize the potential for the
                                                  habitat quality, reducing resiliency at                 should contribute to C. parryi var.                   introduction of Argentine ants. The
                                                  this population and increasing the                      fernandina numbers and recruitment at                 enhancement areas surrounding
                                                  overall risk to the plant from random,                  the Santa Clarita population. Section 2.4             introduction sites are intended to help
                                                  naturally occurring events. The portions                of the introduction plan describes that               minimize invasion of nonnative plant
                                                  of the 2017 CCA that intend to establish                annual Argentine ant monitoring will be               species, which could threaten the
                                                  additional C. parryi var. fernandina                    conducted as part of the ongoing habitat              quality of the habitat for C. parryi var.
                                                  occurrences at the Santa Clarita                        maintenance and appropriate control                   fernandina occupation.
                                                  population (Areas 1–3 in Figure 2,                      measures consistent with the Argentine
                                                  above) include three additional                                                                               Redundancy
                                                                                                          Ant Control Plan for Newhall Ranch
                                                  conservation areas totaling                             (Dudek 2014, entire) will be                             In our proposed rule, we determined
                                                  approximately 825 ac (334 ha) that are                  implemented in the event that invasion                that with only two extant populations,
                                                  contiguous with or adjacent to the                      occurs. If Argentine ants invade,                     there may not be sufficient redundancy
                                                  existing San Martinez Grande and                        Newhall Land proposes control methods                 to sustain C. parryi var. fernandina over
                                                  Potrero preserves established under the                 as part of an integrated pest                         the long term, given current and future
                                                  SCP. These areas are intended to expand                 management plan to remove Argentine                   stressors acting upon the populations.
                                                  the area of protected conservation land                 ants and mitigate for the absence of                  The additional conservation areas
                                                  for C. parryi var. fernandina and                       native pollinators within the preserves               proposed in the introduction plan are
                                                  increase the extent of protected                        (Dudek 2014c, pp. 25–42). Qualified                   intended to further increase the number
                                                  occurrences within the Santa Clarita                    pest control professionals and                        and extent of C. parryi var. fernandina
                                                  population to buffer it from detrimental                conservation managers will review and                 within its historic range. The 2017 CCA
                                                  effects of loss of habitat and individuals              approve any control or mitigation plan.               provides for Newhall Land to introduce
                                                  and the associated edge effects.                           Overall, increasing the number and                 C. parryi var. fernandina within
                                                     Given that invasion by invasive,                     health of the plants at the Santa Clarita             portions of the additional conservation
                                                  nonnative plants and Argentine ants                     population with introduction and                      areas with the goal of establishing at
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                                                  could occur, all additional conservation                enhancement is expected to increase the               least two new self-sustaining, persistent
                                                  areas will be monitored and managed                     overall resiliency of the population to               occurrences to at least double the
                                                  for these stressors. The enhancement                    potential proliferation of invasive,                  redundancy of the spineflower. C. parryi
                                                  areas surrounding introduction sites                    nonnative plants and the effects of                   var. fernandina introduction will occur
                                                  will help minimize invasion of                          Argentine ant invasion. The two                       on a total of at least 10 ac (4 ha) within
                                                  nonnative plant species, which could                    additional conservation areas adjacent                the additional conservation areas: (1)
                                                  threaten the quality of the habitat for C.              to the San Martinez Grande preserve are               Three additional conservation areas
                                                  parryi var. fernandina occupation. The                  at low risk of invasion by invasive,                  totaling approximately 825 ac (334 ha)

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                                                  are contiguous with or adjacent to the                  fragmentation and associated edge                     (Factor E); wildfire (Factor E); and
                                                  existing San Martinez Grande and                        effects (i.e., proliferation of Argentine             potentially climate change (Factors A
                                                  Potrero preserves established under the                 ants) at the Santa Clarita population,                and E) acting on the small, isolated
                                                  SCP (all of which would be considered                   reduced redundancy with only two                      populations (Factor E) of C. parryi var.
                                                  part of the Santa Clarita population); (2)              extant populations, and reduced                       fernandina. Our analysis of this
                                                  an additional conservation area of 357                  representation down to one ecoregion                  information indicates that these
                                                  ac (144 ha) is located in the Simi Valley               from five historically across the range of            stressors are not of sufficient
                                                  watershed on the southern boundary of                   C. parryi var. fernandina. The 2017 CCA               imminence, intensity, or magnitude to
                                                  Newhall Land property in Ventura                        and associated introduction plan have                 indicate that C. parryi var. fernandina is
                                                  County; (3) an additional conservation                  identified the types of threats to the                in danger of extinction or likely to
                                                  area of approximately 316 ac (128 ha) is                plant and include actions to address                  become an endangered species within
                                                  located on Newhall Land property in                     these threats, including the                          the foreseeable future throughout all of
                                                  the Castaic Mesa area in northern Los                   establishment of at least two new self-               its range.
                                                  Angeles County, near a known                            sustaining, persistent C. parryi var.                    Since the publication of the
                                                  extirpated population location; and (4)                 fernandina occurrences, at least one of               September 15, 2016, proposed rule, the
                                                  an additional conservation area                         which will be in a different ecoregion                2017 CCA was developed and signed,
                                                  containing introduction sites is located                from the existing populations on a total              and is being implemented; the 2017
                                                  in a 7-ac (2.8-ha) portion of the Petersen              of at least 10 ac (4 ha) within the                   CCA provides for additional
                                                  Ranch Mitigation Bank adjacent to                       additional conservation areas.                        populations and protected habitat for C.
                                                  Elizabeth Lake, also near a known                       Permanent conservation instruments                    parryi var. fernandina. The additional
                                                  extirpated population location.                         will be recorded over each of the                     conservation areas proposed in the C.
                                                  Representation                                          additional conservation areas to ensure               parryi var. fernandina introduction plan
                                                                                                          that the habitat values are maintained                are intended to further increase the
                                                     In our proposed rule, we determined                  and that all initial habitat enhancement              number and extent of the spineflower
                                                  that the two C. parryi var. fernandina                  and introduction activities and                       within its historic range. The actions in
                                                  populations represent only one level IV                 perpetual management and monitoring                   the 2017 CCA will result in at least two
                                                  ecoregion (EPA 2016), down from five                    will be funded.                                       new self-sustaining, persistent C. parryi
                                                  historically, which theoretically may
                                                                                                          Determination of Species Status                       var. fernandina occurrences and will
                                                  decrease the ability of the plant to adapt
                                                                                                                                                                increase the number of ecoregions in
                                                  to changing environmental conditions                       Section 4 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1533)
                                                  into the future. The goal of the 2017                                                                         which the plant is represented. This
                                                                                                          and its implementing regulations (50                  effort is expected to double the number
                                                  CCA is to establish at least two new self-              CFR part 424) set forth the procedures
                                                  sustaining, persistent C. parryi var.                                                                         of extant C. parryi var. fernandina
                                                                                                          for determining whether a species meets               occurrences. At the Santa Clarita
                                                  fernandina occurrences, at least one of                 the definition of ‘‘endangered species’’
                                                  which will be in a different ecoregion                                                                        population, the extent of protected
                                                                                                          or ‘‘threatened species.’’ The Act defines            occurrences will be increased to buffer
                                                  from the existing populations to                        an ‘‘endangered species’’ as a species
                                                  increase the number of ecoregions in                                                                          the population from edge effects, such
                                                                                                          that is ‘‘in danger of extinction                     as Argentine ant invasion. At both Santa
                                                  which the species is represented (see                   throughout all or a significant portion of
                                                  Figure 2, above). The two existing                                                                            Clarita and the Laskey Mesa
                                                                                                          its range,’’ and a ‘‘threatened species’’ as          populations, we anticipate that
                                                  populations are located in the Venturan-                a species that is ‘‘likely to become an
                                                  Angeleno Coastal Hills ecoregion. The                                                                         management actions will be undertaken
                                                                                                          endangered species within the                         to manage the proliferation of
                                                  additional conservation area in the                     foreseeable future throughout all or a
                                                  Castaic Mesa area in northern Los                                                                             nonnative, invasive grasses. Increasing
                                                                                                          significant portion of its range.’’ The Act           the overall redundancy of C. parryi var.
                                                  Angeles County, near a known                            requires that we determine whether a
                                                  extirpated population location, is within                                                                     fernandina with additional populations
                                                                                                          species meets the definition of                       and distributing those populations
                                                  the Southern California Lower Montane                   ‘‘endangered species’’ or ‘‘threatened
                                                  Shrubland Woodland ecoregion. The                                                                             across different ecoregions improves the
                                                                                                          species’’ because of any of the following             ability of the plant to withstand small-
                                                  additional conservation area located in                 factors:
                                                  the Petersen Ranch Mitigation Bank                                                                            scale stressors, as well as catastrophic
                                                                                                             (A) The present or threatened                      events. Increasing the number of
                                                  adjacent to Elizabeth Lake near a known                 destruction, modification, or
                                                  extirpated population location is within                                                                      ecoregions in which the spineflower is
                                                                                                          curtailment of its habitat or range;                  represented is intended to improve the
                                                  the Arid Montane Slopes ecoregion.                         (B) Overutilization for commercial,
                                                  Establishing at least two new self-                                                                           ability of the plant to adapt to changing
                                                                                                          recreational, scientific, or educational
                                                  sustaining, persistent spineflower                                                                            environmental conditions into the
                                                  occurrences where at least one is in a                                                                        future. Thus, after assessing the best
                                                                                                             (C) Disease or predation;
                                                  different ecoregion from the existing                      (D) The inadequacy of existing                     available information, we conclude that
                                                  populations should improve the ability                  regulatory mechanisms; or                             C. parryi var. fernandina is not in
                                                  of the plant to adapt to changing                          (E) Other natural or manmade factors               danger of extinction throughout all of its
                                                  environmental conditions into the                       affecting its continued existence.                    range nor is it likely to become so in the
                                                  future.                                                                                                       foreseeable future.
                                                     In conclusion, based on our high                     Determination of Status Throughout All                   Because we determined that C. parryi
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                                                  certainty that these efforts will be                    of Its Range                                          var. fernandina is not in danger of
                                                  implemented and be effective, we                          We have carefully assessed the best                 extinction or likely to become so in the
                                                  conclude that the nature and extent of                  scientific and commercial information                 foreseeable future throughout all of its
                                                  threats identified in our September 15,                 available regarding the past, present,                range, we will consider whether there
                                                  2016, proposed rule (81 FR 63454) are                   and future threats to C. parryi var.                  are any significant portions of its range
                                                  adequately addressed. The threats                       fernandina including development                      in which C. parryi var. fernandina is in
                                                  identified in the proposed rule include                 (Factors A and E); nonnative, invasive                danger of extinction or likely to become
                                                  reduced resiliency due to habitat                       plants (Factors A and E), Argentine ants              so in the foreseeable future.

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                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 51 / Thursday, March 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                           11473

                                                  Determination of Status Throughout a                    endangered (or threatened) species and                the same standards and methodology
                                                  Significant Portion of Its Range                        no SPR analysis will be required. If the              that we use to determine if a species is
                                                     Under the Act and our implementing                   species is neither an endangered nor a                an endangered or a threatened species
                                                  regulations, a species may warrant                      threatened species throughout all of its              throughout its range.
                                                  listing if it is an endangered species or               range, we determine whether the                          Depending on the biology of the
                                                  a threatened species throughout all or a                species is an endangered or a threatened              species, its range, and the threats it
                                                  significant portion of its range. The Act               species throughout a significant portion              faces, it may be more efficient to address
                                                  defines ‘‘endangered species’’ as any                   of its range. If it is, we list the species           the ‘‘significant’’ question first, or the
                                                  species that is ‘‘in danger of extinction               as an endangered or a threatened                      status question first. Thus, if we
                                                  throughout all or a significant portion of              species, respectively; if it is not, we               determine that a portion of the range is
                                                                                                          conclude that listing the species is not              not ‘‘significant,’’ we do not need to
                                                  its range,’’ and ‘‘threatened species’’ as
                                                                                                          warranted.                                            determine whether the species is an
                                                  any species that is ‘‘likely to become an
                                                                                                             When we conduct an SPR analysis,                   endangered or a threatened species
                                                  endangered species within the
                                                                                                          we first identify any portions of the                 there; if we determine that the species
                                                  foreseeable future throughout all or a
                                                                                                          species’ range that warrant further                   is not an endangered or a threatened
                                                  significant portion of its range.’’ The
                                                                                                          consideration. The range of a species                 species in a portion of its range, we do
                                                  term ‘‘species’’ includes ‘‘any
                                                                                                          can theoretically be divided into                     not need to determine if that portion is
                                                  subspecies of fish or wildlife or plants,
                                                                                                          portions in an infinite number of ways.               ‘‘significant.’’
                                                  and any distinct population segment                                                                              Applying the process described above
                                                                                                          However, there is no purpose to
                                                  [DPS] of any species of vertebrate fish or                                                                    to identify whether any portions
                                                                                                          analyzing portions of the range that are
                                                  wildlife which interbreeds when                         not reasonably likely to be significant               warrant further consideration, we
                                                  mature.’’ We published a final policy                   and either an endangered or a                         determine whether there are any
                                                  interpreting the phrase ‘‘significant                   threatened species. To identify only                  particular portions where (1) the
                                                  portion of its range’’ (SPR) (79 FR                     those portions that warrant further                   portions may be significant and (2) the
                                                  37578, July 1, 2014). The final policy                  consideration, we determine whether                   species may be in danger of extinction
                                                  states that (1) if a species is found to be             there is substantial information                      or likely to become so within the
                                                  an endangered or a threatened species                   indicating that (1) the portions may be               foreseeable future. To identify portions
                                                  throughout a significant portion of its                 significant and (2) the species may be in             that may be significant, we consider
                                                  range, the entire species is listed as an               danger of extinction in those portions or             whether any natural divisions within
                                                  endangered or a threatened species,                     likely to become so within the                        the range might be of biological or
                                                  respectively, and the Act’s protections                 foreseeable future. We emphasize that                 conservation importance. To identify
                                                  apply to all individuals of the species                 answering these questions in the                      portions where the species may be in
                                                  wherever found; (2) a portion of the                    affirmative is not a determination that               danger of extinction or likely to become
                                                  range of a species is ‘‘significant’’ if the            the species is an endangered or a                     so in the foreseeable future, we consider
                                                  species is not currently an endangered                  threatened species throughout a                       whether the threats are geographically
                                                  species or a threatened species                         significant portion of its range—rather;              concentrated in any portion of the
                                                  throughout all of its range, but the                    it is a step in determining whether a                 species’ range.
                                                  portion’s contribution to the viability of              more detailed analysis of the issue is                   We evaluated the range of
                                                  the species is so important that, without               required. In practice, a key part of this             Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina to
                                                  the members in that portion, the species                analysis is whether the threats are                   determine if any area may be a
                                                  would be in danger of extinction, or                    geographically concentrated in some                   significant portion of the range. We
                                                  likely to become so in the foreseeable                  way. If the threats to the species are                determine whether a portion is
                                                  future, throughout all of its range; (3)                affecting it uniformly throughout its                 significant by considering the
                                                  the range of a species is considered to                 range, no portion is likely to warrant                importance of the members in that
                                                  be the general geographical area within                 further consideration. Moreover, if any               portion to the conservation of the
                                                  which that species can be found at the                  concentration of threats apply only to                species. To be significant, a portion
                                                  time the Service makes any particular                   portions of the range that clearly do not             must be of such importance to the
                                                  status determination; and (4) if a                      meet the biologically based definition of             species that the hypothetical loss of the
                                                  vertebrate species is an endangered                     ‘‘significant’’ (i.e., the loss of that               members in that portion would cause
                                                  species or a threatened species                         portion clearly would not be expected to              the entire species to be in danger of
                                                  throughout an SPR, and the population                   increase the vulnerability to extinction              extinction or likely to become so in the
                                                  in that significant portion is a valid                  of the entire species); those portions                foreseeable future throughout the
                                                  DPS, we will list the DPS rather than the               will not warrant further consideration.               remainder of its range. In this
                                                  entire taxonomic species or subspecies.                    If we identify any portions that may               determination, we are not forecasting
                                                     The SPR policy is applied to all status              be both (1) significant and (2)                       the outcome of our evaluation of the
                                                  determinations, including analyses for                  endangered or threatened, we engage in                portion’s status; rather, we are only
                                                  the purposes of making listing,                         a more detailed analysis to determine                 hypothesizing what the status of the
                                                  delisting, and reclassification                         whether these standards are indeed met.               species would be if the members of the
                                                  determinations. The procedure for                       The identification of an SPR does not                 species in that portion were to be
                                                  analyzing whether any portion is an                     create a presumption, prejudgment, or                 extirpated.
                                                  SPR is similar, regardless of the type of               other determination as to whether the                    Because there are only two extant
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                                                  status determination we are making.                     species in that identified SPR is an                  Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina
                                                  The first step in our analysis of the                   endangered or a threatened species. We                populations (Santa Clarita population
                                                  status of a species is to determine its                 must go through a separate analysis to                and Laskey Mesa population) 17 mi (27
                                                  status throughout all of its range. If we               determine whether the species is an                   km) apart, we determined that either the
                                                  determine that the species is in danger                 endangered or a threatened species in                 Santa Clarita population portion or the
                                                  of extinction, or likely to become so in                the SPR. To determine whether a                       Laskey Mesa population portion of the
                                                  the foreseeable future, throughout all of               species is an endangered or a threatened              range may be considered significant. At
                                                  its range, we list the species as an                    species throughout an SPR, we will use                the same time, we also examined

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                                                  whether either portion, the Santa Clarita               future C. parryi var. fernandina                      fernandina does not meet the definition
                                                  population or the Laskey Mesa                           population will be one of only two                    of an endangered species or threatened
                                                  population, might be endangered or                      small, isolated populations (Factor E).               species. As a consequence of this
                                                  threatened as a result of a geographic                  For the Santa Clarita population,                     determination, we are withdrawing our
                                                  concentration of threats. We determine                  increasing the extent of protected C.                 proposed rule to list C. parryi var.
                                                  the status of the species in a portion of               parryi var. fernandina occurrences                    fernandina as a threatened species.
                                                  its range the same way we determine the                 within that population will help buffer
                                                  status of a species throughout all of its               it from detrimental effects of loss of                References Cited
                                                  range. We consider whether threats are                  habitat and individuals and the                         A complete list of references cited in
                                                  reasonably likely to affect the species in              associated edge effects, such as invasion             this document is available on http://
                                                  that portion to such an extent that the                 of nonnative plants (Factors A and E)                 www.regulations.gov under Docket No.
                                                  species is in danger of extinction or                   and Argentine ants (Factor E), such that              FWS–R8–ES–2016–0078 and upon
                                                  likely to become so in the foreseeable                  these stressors are not having significant            request from the Ventura Fish and
                                                  future in that portion.                                 impacts in this portion of the range                  Wildlife Office (see FOR FURTHER
                                                     When we issued our September 15,                     currently or into the future. For the                 INFORMATION CONTACT).
                                                  2016, proposed rule (81 FR 63454), we                   Laskey Mesa population, with
                                                  determined that the Laskey Mesa                                                                               Authors
                                                                                                          additional funding and management
                                                  population was currently affected by                    forthcoming and no future land use                      The primary authors of this document
                                                  nonnative, invasive grasses; effects of                 changes anticipated, we conclude that                 are the staff members of the Ventura
                                                  small, isolated populations; and                        stressors affecting this population, such             Fish and Wildlife Office.
                                                  potentially climate change. We also                     as invasion of nonnative plants (Factors
                                                  determined at the time we issued that                   A and E), are not having significant
                                                  proposed rule that the Santa Clarita                    impacts in this portion of the range.                   The authority for this action is the
                                                  population was affected by nonnative,                      We have identified portions (both                  Endangered Species Act of 1973, as
                                                  invasive grasses; Argentine ants; effects               Santa Clarita and Laskey Mesa) of C.                  amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
                                                  of small, isolated populations; and                     parryi var. fernandina’s range that may                 Dated: January 26, 2018
                                                  potentially climate change. The Santa                   be significant. We also identified a                  James W. Kurth,
                                                  Clarita population would also be                        portion (Santa Clarita population) where
                                                                                                                                                                Deputy Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
                                                  affected in the future by the proposed                  the species may be in danger of                       Service, Exercising the Authority of the
                                                  Newhall Ranch development project,                      extinction or likely to become so in the              Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
                                                  which would result in removal of 24                     foreseeable future, as a result of a greater          [FR Doc. 2018–05081 Filed 3–14–18; 8:45 am]
                                                  percent of the C. parryi var. fernandina                concentration of threats. However, the
                                                                                                                                                                BILLING CODE 4333–15–P
                                                  population at this site. Therefore, the                 best information available does not
                                                  Santa Clarita population portion of the                 support a conclusion that the species
                                                  C. parryi var. fernandina’s range would                 may be in danger of extinction or likely
                                                  be affected by a greater concentration of               to become so in the foreseeable future in             DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                                  stressors than the Laskey Mesa                          the Santa Clarita portion of the range
                                                                                                                                                                National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                                  population portion. At the time of the                  given the conservation efforts in the
                                                  proposed listing, this greater                          2017 CCA. Also, while the Laskey Mesa
                                                  concentration of the stressors at the                   portion of the range may be significant,
                                                                                                                                                                50 CFR Part 648
                                                  Santa Clarita population was considered                 there is no concentration of threats in
                                                  to be significant, so this population may               that portion that would lead us to                    [Docket No.: 180202111–8111–01]
                                                  have met the definition of threatened or                conclude that the species may be in                   RIN 0648–BH56
                                                  endangered in that portion of the range.                danger of extinction or likely to become
                                                     However, in considering whether the                  so in the foreseeable future. Therefore,              Fisheries of the Northeastern United
                                                  geographic concentration of threats in                  neither portion of C. parryi var.                     States; Framework Adjustment 29 to
                                                  the Santa Clarita portion of the range are              fernandina’s range warrants a detailed                the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery
                                                  such that the species may be threatened                 SPR analysis.                                         Management Plan
                                                  or endangered there, we now consider
                                                  how the implementation of the 2017                      Determination of Status                               AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries
                                                  CCA have and will continue to                              We have carefully assessed the best                Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
                                                  ameliorate these threats. With the                      scientific and commercial data available              Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
                                                  implementation of the 2017 CCA, as                      regarding the past, present, and future               Commerce.
                                                  discussed above, we have determined                     threats to Chorizanthe parryi var.                    ACTION: Proposed rule; request for
                                                  that the Santa Clarita portion of C.                    fernandina. We have determined that                   comments.
                                                  parryi var. fernandina’s range currently                the conservation efforts have sufficient
                                                  does not meet the definition of a                       certainty of implementation and                       SUMMARY:  NMFS proposes to approve
                                                  threatened or endangered species.                       effectiveness such that they can be                   and implement the measures the portion
                                                     As summarized under Ongoing and                      relied upon in this final listing                     of Framework Adjustment 29
                                                  Future Conservation Efforts and                         determination. Further, we conclude                   (Framework 29) to the Atlantic Sea
                                                  Summary of PECE Analysis above, we                      that conservation efforts have reduced                Scallop Fishery Management Plan that
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  have a high degree of certainty that the                or eliminated current and future threats              establishes scallop specifications and
                                                  2017 CCA will continue to be                            to C. parryi var. fernandina to the point             other measures for fishing years 2018
                                                  implemented and will be effective. The                  that it is not in danger of extinction now            and 2019. The measures discussed in
                                                  CCA provides for Newhall Land to                        throughout all or significant portions of             this proposed rule are in addition to the
                                                  voluntarily implement conservation                      its range, nor is it likely to become so              Northern Gulf of Maine (NGOM)
                                                  measures with the goal of establishing                  within the foreseeable future throughout              management measures of Framework 29
                                                  new, protected spineflower occurrences                  all or any significant portion of its                 that were published in a separate
                                                  within its historical range, such that no               range; therefore, C. parryi var.                      proposed rule on February 20, 2018.

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Document Created: 2018-03-15 02:37:38
Document Modified: 2018-03-15 02:37:38
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule; withdrawal.
DatesThe proposed rule that published on September 15, 2016 (81 FR 63454), to list Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina as a threatened species under the Act, is withdrawn on March 15, 2018.
ContactStephen P. Henry, Field Supervisor, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office, 2493 Portola Road, Suite B, Ventura, CA 93003; telephone 805-644-1766. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339.
FR Citation83 FR 11453 
RIN Number1018-BB64

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