83_FR_11980 83 FR 11927 - Air Plan Approval; Oregon; Regional Haze Progress Report

83 FR 11927 - Air Plan Approval; Oregon; Regional Haze Progress Report


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 53 (March 19, 2018)

Page Range11927-11933
FR Document2018-04931

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve a revision to the Oregon Regional Haze State Implementation Plan (SIP), submitted by the State of Oregon on July 18, 2017. Oregon submitted its Regional Haze Progress Report (``progress report'' or ``report'') and a negative declaration stating that further revision of the existing regional haze SIP is not needed at this time. Oregon submitted both the progress report and the negative declaration in the form of implementation plan revisions as required by federal regulations. The progress report addresses the federal Regional Haze Rule (RHR) requirements under the Clean Air Act (CAA) to submit a report describing progress in achieving reasonable progress goals (RPGs) established for regional haze and a determination of the adequacy of the state's existing plan addressing regional haze.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 53 (Monday, March 19, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 53 (Monday, March 19, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 11927-11933]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-04931]



40 CFR Part 52

[EPA-R10-OAR-2017-0482; FRL-9975-22-Region 10]

Air Plan Approval; Oregon; Regional Haze Progress Report

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to 
approve a revision to the Oregon Regional Haze State Implementation 
Plan (SIP), submitted by the State of Oregon on July 18, 2017. Oregon 
submitted its Regional Haze Progress Report (``progress report'' or 
``report'') and a negative declaration stating that further revision of 
the existing regional haze SIP is not needed at this time. Oregon 
submitted both the progress report and the negative declaration in the 
form of implementation plan revisions as required by federal 
regulations. The progress report addresses the federal Regional Haze 
Rule (RHR) requirements under the Clean Air Act (CAA) to submit a 
report describing progress in achieving reasonable progress goals 
(RPGs) established for regional haze and a determination of the 
adequacy of the

[[Page 11928]]

state's existing plan addressing regional haze.

DATES: Comments must be received on or before April 18, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA-R10-
OAR-2017-0482 at http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the online 
instructions for submitting comments. Once submitted, comments cannot 
be edited or removed from Regulations.gov. The EPA may publish any 
comment received to its public docket. Do not submit electronically any 
information you consider to be Confidential Business Information (CBI) 
or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. 
Multimedia submissions (audio, video, etc.) must be accompanied by a 
written comment. The written comment is considered the official comment 
and should include discussion of all points you wish to make. The EPA 
will generally not consider comments or comment contents located 
outside of the primary submission (i.e. on the web, cloud, or other 
file sharing system). For additional submission methods, the full EPA 
public comment policy, information about CBI or multimedia submissions, 
and general guidance on making effective comments, please visit http://www2.epa.gov/dockets/commenting-epa-dockets.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jeff Hunt, Air Planning Unit, Office 
of Air and Waste (OAW-150), Environmental Protection Agency--Region 10, 
1200 Sixth Ave, Seattle, WA 98101; telephone number: (206) 553-0256, 
email address: hunt.jeff@epa.gov.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Throughout this document whenever ``we,'' 
``us,'' or ``our'' is used, it is intended to refer to the EPA.

I. Background

    Oregon submitted its initial regional haze SIP to the EPA on 
December 20, 2010, and submitted supplemental information on February 
1, 2011. The EPA approved portions of the Oregon regional haze SIP as 
meeting certain requirements of the regional haze program, including 
the requirements for best available retrofit technology, on July 5, 
2011, and the remaining portions of the regional haze SIP on August 22, 
2012.\1\ Five years after submittal of the initial regional haze plan, 
states are required to submit progress reports that evaluate progress 
towards the RPGs for each mandatory Class I Federal area \2\ (Class I 
area) within the state and in each Class I area outside the state which 
may be affected by emissions from within the state. 40 CFR 51.308(g). 
States are also required to submit, at the same time as the progress 
report, a determination of the adequacy of the state's existing 
regional haze plan. 40 CFR 51.308(h). On July 18, 2017, the Oregon 
Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) submitted as a SIP revision 
a report on the progress made in the first implementation period 
towards the RPGs for Class I areas. The EPA is proposing to approve 
Oregon's progress report on the basis that it satisfies the 
requirements of 40 CFR 51.308. We also propose to find that Oregon's 
progress report demonstrates that the state's long-term strategy and 
emission control measures in the existing regional haze SIP are 
sufficient to enable Oregon to meet all established RPGs for 2018.

    \1\ See 76 FR 38997 and 77 FR 50611.
    \2\ Areas designated as mandatory Class I Federal areas consist 
of national parks exceeding 6000 acres, wilderness areas and 
national memorial parks exceeding 5000 acres, and all international 
parks that were in existence on August 7, 1977 (42 U.S.C. 7472(a)). 
Listed at 40 CFR part 81, subpart D.

II. Context for Understanding Oregon's Progress Report

    To facilitate a better understanding of Oregon's progress report as 
well as the EPA's evaluation of it, this section provides background on 
the regional haze program in Oregon.

A. Framework for Measuring Progress

    The EPA has established a metric for determining visibility 
conditions at Class I areas referred to as the ``deciview index,'' 
which is measured in deciviews, as defined in 40 CFR 51.301. The 
deciview index is calculated using monitoring data collected from the 
Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) 
network monitors. Oregon has twelve Class I areas within its borders: 
Mt. Hood Wilderness, Mt. Jefferson Wilderness, Mt. Washington 
Wilderness, Three Sisters Wilderness, Diamond Peak Wilderness, Crater 
Lake National Park, Mountain Lakes Wilderness, Gearhart Mountain 
Wilderness, Kalmiopsis Wilderness, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness, 
Eagle Cap Wilderness, and Hells Canyon Wilderness. Monitoring data 
representing visibility conditions in Oregon's 12 Class I areas was 
based on the six IMPROVE monitors identified in Table 1. As shown in 
the table, the CRLA1 monitoring site represents four Class I areas, the 
THSI1 site represents three areas, and the SRAR1 site represents two 

 Table 1--Oregon IMPROVE Monitoring Sites and Represented Class I Areas
               Site code                           Class I area
MOHO1..................................  Mt. Hood Wilderness.
THSI1..................................  Mt. Jefferson Wilderness.
                                         Mt. Washington Wilderness.
                                         Three Sisters Wilderness.
CRLA1..................................  Crater Lake National Park.
                                         Diamond Peak Wilderness.
                                         Mountain Lakes Wilderness.
                                         Gearhart Mountain Wilderness.
KALM1..................................  Kalmiopsis Wilderness.
STAR1..................................  Strawberry Mountain Wilderness.
                                         Eagle Cap Wilderness.
HECA1..................................  Hells Canyon Wilderness Area.

    In developing its initial regional haze SIP as part of the Western 
Regional Air Partnership (WRAP), Oregon determined, and the EPA in its 
approval agreed, that no major contributions were identified that 
necessitated developing new interstate strategies, mitigation measures, 
or emission reduction obligations with respect to visibility in other 
western states.\3\ Therefore, Oregon's progress report does not address 
visibility impacts from sources in other states or the visibility 
impact of Oregon sources on Class I areas in other states.

    \3\ 76 FR 12651, 12663-64; 76 FR 38997.

    Under the RHR, a state's initial regional haze SIP must establish 
two RPGs for each of its Class I areas: one for the 20 percent least 
impaired days and one for the 20 percent most impaired days. The RPGs 
must provide for an improvement in visibility on the 20 percent most 
impaired days and ensure no degradation in visibility on the 20 percent 
least impaired days, as compared to visibility conditions during the 
baseline period. In establishing the RPGs, a state must consider the 
uniform rate of visibility improvement from the baseline to natural 
conditions in 2064 and the emission reductions measures needed to 
achieve it. Oregon set the RPGs for its twelve Class I areas based on 
regional atmospheric air quality modeling conducted by the WRAP using 
projected emission reductions in western states from federal and state 
control strategies expected to be in place before 2018.

B. Data Sources for Oregon's Progress Report

    Oregon relied on the WRAP technical data and analyses in a report 
titled ``Western Regional Air Partnership Regional Haze Rule Reasonable 
Progress Summary Report'' (WRAP Report), dated June 28, 2013. The WRAP 

[[Page 11929]]

was prepared for the 15 western state members to provide the technical 
basis for the first of their individual progress reports. Data are 
presented in this report on a regional, state, and Class I area 
specific basis that characterize the difference between baseline 
conditions (2000-2004) and the first 5-year progress period (2005-
2009). In developing the progress report, Oregon also evaluated 
visibility conditions in its twelve Class I areas based on the most 
recent 5-year data available at the time Oregon developed the progress 
report (2010-2014).

III. The EPA's Evaluation of Oregon's Progress Report

    This section describes the contents of Oregon's progress report and 
the EPA's evaluation of the report, as well as the EPA's evaluation of 
the determination of adequacy required by 40 CFR 51.308(h) and the 
requirement for state and Federal Land Manager coordination in 40 CFR 

A. Status of Implementation of All Measures Included in the Regional 
Haze SIP

    In its progress report, Oregon provided a description of the two 
key control measures that the state relied on to implement the regional 
haze program: best available retrofit technology (BART), including 
enforceable emission limits on BART-eligible sources, and its smoke 
management program for forestry burning.\4\ Oregon included a 
description of these programs which are summarized below.

    \4\ The progress report also included a summary of stationary, 
mobile, and area source control measures that provide supplemental 
emissions reductions as part of the long-term strategy discussion in 
Chapter 2.3.

1. BART-Level Controls
    Oregon's regional haze SIP identified four BART eligible 
facilities: The Portland General Electric (PGE) Boardman electric power 
plant, the PGE Beaver electric power plant, the Georgia-Pacific Wauna 
Mill, and the International Paper Company mill in Springfield. Of these 
four facilities, only PGE Boardman was found to be subject to BART. 
Accordingly, PGE Boardman installed low nitrogen oxide (NOX) 
burners with a modified over-fire air system in 2011 and is meeting 
BART NOX emission limitations. In early 2014, BART sulfur 
dioxide (SO2) controls, consisting of a semi-dry flue gas 
desulfurization system, were installed at PGE Boardman. This facility 
now complies with the initial BART SO2 emission limit. A 
further reduction in the SO2 emission limit is required at 
PGE Boardman by 2018. Finally, the BART requirements for the PGE 
Boardman plant include permanently ceasing burning coal in the main 
boiler by December 31, 2020.
    In addition to the BART-level controls on the PGE Boardman power 
plant, three BART-eligible sources took federally enforceable emission 
limits to avoid being subject to BART. Specifically, the PGE Beaver 
electric power plant has six combined cycle turbines that are the BART-
eligible emission units. PGE requested daily fuel oil limits for these 
turbines, as well as a requirement that all future oil contain no more 
than 0.0015% sulfur. An equation was developed to determine a daily 
fuel oil quantity limit that was tied to the sulfur content of the 
fuel, so as not to exceed the visibility threshold level of 0.5 
deciview.\5\ This plant has a Title V operating permit, which was 
modified on January 21, 2009, to incorporate federally enforceable 
permit limits (FEPLs), which included the above daily fuel oil limits 
and sulfur content in fuel oil burned at the plant.

    \5\ Under the approved Oregon regional haze SIP, any source with 
an impact of greater than 0.5 deciview in any Class I area, 
including Class I areas in other states, would be subject to 
additional BART analysis and BART emission limitations.

    Georgia-Pacific proposed a FEPL for its Wauna Mill which provided 
for reduced emissions of visibility impairing pollutants in two steps. 
The non-condensible gas (NCG) incinerator, which was the largest source 
of SO2 emissions at the mill, was eliminated, and 
restrictions on the use of fuel oil were established through FEPLs:
     The use of fuel oil in the power boiler was permanently 
     Use of fuel oil in the lime kiln was discontinued until 
the NCG incinerator was eliminated, after which fuel oil was again 
     The maximum pulp production rate was limited to 1,030 tons 
per day until completion of this project, after which the maximum pulp 
production limit would increase to 1,350 tons per day.
    This plant has a Title V operating permit, number 04-0004, which 
was modified on June 18, 2009, to incorporate the FEPL requirements. 
This permit was again revised on December 2, 2010, to reflect 
elimination of the NCG incinerator.
    The International Paper Company mill in Springfield manufactures 
linerboard, primarily from wood chips and recycled old corrugated 
containers. This plant has seven different BART-eligible emission 
units. In order to minimize the likelihood of exceeding the 0.5 
deciview visibility threshold, FEPLs were established including a 
restriction on fuel oil could be burned at the facility. The plant's 
Title V operating permit was modified on April 7, 2009, to incorporate 
the FEPL requirements. Compliance with the condition to limit 
visibility impacts is demonstrated through the use of a formula, 
emission factors, and continuous emissions monitoring data.
    Oregon's 2010 regional haze SIP identified a fifth facility, the 
Amalgamated Sugar Company's sugar beet processing facility located in 
Nyssa. This facility has potential impacts greater than 0.5 deciview 
for the Eagle Cap Wilderness Area based on CALPUFF modeling of 2003-
2005 emissions. As noted in the progress report, ``The plant is 
currently shutdown, and has not identified a date to resume operations. 
DEQ's BART rules in 340-223-0040(3) specify that this facility must 
either modify its permit by adopting an FEPL or be subject to BART, 
before resuming operation. At this time, this facility is still 
shutdown, and the permit has not been modified.''
2. Smoke Management
    Throughout the first regional haze planning period, Oregon 
implemented its Smoke Management Plan (smoke management plan). The 
primary purpose of the smoke management plan is to keep smoke from 
forestland prescribed burning from being carried into smoke sensitive 
receptor areas, generally population centers, and to provide 
opportunity for essential forestland burning while minimizing 
emissions. Smoke from agricultural and forestry burning are major 
contributors to Class I area visibility impairment and regional haze in 
Oregon and the western United States. The pollutant species 
contribution identified in the Oregon regional haze SIP showed that a 
significant portion of the 20% most impaired days in all of Oregon's 
Class I areas is from organic and elemental carbon, due to fire 
emissions. Much of this contribution is from wildfire, which fluctuates 
significantly from year to year. However, there is also a sizable 
contribution from controlled burning, which is dominated by 
agricultural and forestry burning.
    Under Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 477.013, the State Forester and 
ODEQ are required to protect air quality through a smoke management 
plan, which was included in the SIP. Oregon Department of Forestry 
(ODF) smoke management rules are listed in Oregon Administrative Rules 
(OAR) 629-048-0001 to 629-048-0500, 629-043-0043, and 629-043-0041.
    On November 2, 2007, ODF adopted revisions to the smoke management

[[Page 11930]]

plan to incorporate numerous changes to provide protection of air 
quality and visibility in Class I areas. New visibility protection 
provisions were adopted in OAR 629-048-0130 that incorporated 
references to the regional haze SIP, including the Enhanced Smoke 
Management Program (ESMP) criteria in section 309 of the Regional Haze 
Rule. Oregon continues to evaluate the impact of prescribed fire on 
Class I areas and make necessary improvements. As a result, Oregon 
revised the smoke management plan again in 2014 to incorporate 
practices to minimize impacts to the Kalmiopsis Wilderness and Crater 
Lake National Park. The 2014 revisions to the smoke management plan 
were submitted as a revision to the SIP and will be addressed in a 
separate action.

B. Summary of Visibility Conditions

    In addition to the evaluation of control measures, Oregon 
documented in the progress report the differences between the 
visibility conditions during the baseline period (2000-2004), the first 
progress period (2005-2009), and the most current five year averaging 
period (2010-2014) based on data that were available at the time Oregon 
developed the progress report.

                                Table 2--Oregon Class I Area Visibility Conditions on the 20% Most and Least Impaired Day
                                                                            20% Most impaired days                      20% Least impaired days
                                                                              2005-09                                     2005-09
            Monitor/region                 Oregon class I area     2000-04     First     2010-14               2000-04     First     2010-14
                                                                   Baseline   progress   Current   2018 RPGs   Baseline   progress   Current   2018 RPGs
                                                                               period     period                           period     period
                                                                       (dv)       (dv)       (dv)       (dv)       (dv)       (dv)       (dv)       (dv)
MOHO1 Northern Cascades...............  Mt. Hood Wilderness Area       14.9       13.7       13.2       13.8        2.2        1.7        1.3        2.0
THES1 Central Cascades................  Mt. Jefferson, Mt.             15.3       16.2       14.9       14.3        3.0        3.0        2.5        2.9
                                         Washington, and Three
                                         Sisters Wilderness
CRLA1 Southern Cascades...............  Crater Lake National           13.7       13.8       11.7       13.4        1.7        1.6        1.2        1.5
                                         Park; Diamond Peak,
                                         Mountain Lakes, and
                                         Gearhart Mountain
                                         Wilderness Areas.
KALM1 Coast Range.....................  Kalmiopsis Wilderness          15.5       16.4       14.6       15.1        6.3        6.4        6.1        6.1
STAR1 Eastern Oregon..................  Strawberry Mountain and        18.6       16.2       12.5       17.5        4.5        3.6        2.8        4.1
                                         Eagle Cap Wilderness
HECA1 Eastern Oregon/Western Idaho....  Hells Canyon Wilderness        18.6       18.2       16.3       16.6        5.5        4.8        4.1        4.7

    Based on the information in Chapter 3.2 of the progress report, 
Oregon demonstrated that all Class I areas experienced improvements in 
visibility for the 20% most and least impaired days between the 
baseline (2000-2004) and current (2010-2014) visibility periods, as 
shown in Tables 16 and 17 of the progress report, and summarized in 
Table 2 above. Oregon's progress report included an analysis of 
progress and impediments to progress. Oregon noted that there have been 
significant improvements in visibility conditions on both the 20% most 
and least impaired days, meeting the 2018 RPGs for all Oregon Class I 
areas except at the THSI1 monitor, which tracks visibility conditions 
for the Mt. Jefferson, Mt. Washington and Three Sisters wilderness 
areas in the Oregon Central Cascades.
    In the Oregon Central Cascades, progress towards the RPGs has been 
slower than anticipated, and Oregon attributed this slower progress to 
visibility impairment due to smoke from episodic wildfires in the area. 
The visibility conditions on the 20% most impaired days in the Central 
Cascades had improved by 0.4 deciviews between the baseline and current 
progress periods, but had not yet met the 2018 RPG. Tables 17, 18 and 
21 and Figure 20 of the report show that, even though there had been a 
steady reduction in ammonium sulfate formation since 2000, indicative 
of a reduction in anthropogenic contributions to visibility impairment 
at this site, particulate organic aerosols has consistently remained 
the dominant contributor to light extinction, with notable spikes in 
the summers of 2011 and 2012. Oregon attributed this increase in 
organic aerosols to wildfire smoke. The 2011 and 2012 fires potentially 
impacting the THSI1 monitor included the Mother Lode (2,661 acres), 
Shadow Lake (10,000 acres), High Cascades (108,154 acres), and Pole 
Creek (26,000 acres) fires, as illustrated in Figure 21 of the report.
    Oregon's progress report concluded that the state is making 
adequate progress in improving visibility as a result of actions 
identified in the regional haze SIP. The average trends for least 
impaired days show improvement at every monitoring location, with all 
areas currently meeting the 2018 RPGs for the 20% least impaired days. 
Similarly, average trends for most impaired days show improvement at 
every monitoring location, with all areas except the Central Cascades, 
as described above, meeting the 2018 RPGs. The progress report also 
contained a review of Oregon's visibility monitoring strategy, 
concluding that the IMPROVE network continues to comply with the 
monitoring requirements in the Regional Haze Rule and that no 
modifications to Oregon's visibility monitoring strategy are necessary 
at this time.

C. Summary of Emissions Reductions

    The Oregon progress report also includes a summary of the emissions 
reductions achieved throughout the state through implementation of the 
control measures relied upon to achieve reasonable progress. 
Specifically, Oregon identified in the progress report emissions 
reductions achieved through controls on Oregon BART-eligible sources. 
The Oregon progress report included the emissions reductions achieved 
at the PGE Boardman Plant, the PGE Beaver Plant, the Georgia Pacific 
Wauna Mill, and International Paper Mill. According to the Oregon 
progress report, implementation of control measures caused significant 
reductions in SO2 emissions at all four facilities, as well 
as reductions in NOX and coarse particulate matter 
(PM10) emissions at all facilities except the Georgia 
Pacific Wauna Mill. The progress report also detailed emissions 
reductions achieved as part of the smoke management program. In 
particular, the progress report highlights alternatives to burning such 
as biomass

[[Page 11931]]

removal, chipping, and other techniques to reduce fire hazard, 
offsetting up to 13,500 tons of fine particulate emissions estimated in 
2015 compared to burning.
    In addition, the progress report summarized changes in emission 
inventories for all major visibility impairing pollutants from point, 
area, on-road mobile, off-road mobile, oil and gas, fugitive and road 
dust, and anthropogenic fire source categories in the state. For these 
summaries, emissions during the baseline years are represented using a 
2002 inventory, which was developed with support from the WRAP for use 
in the original regional haze SIP development. Differences between 
inventories are represented as the difference between the 2002 
inventory, and a 2008 inventory which leverages recent inventory 
development work performed by the WRAP for the West-wide Jump Start Air 
Quality Modeling Study (WestJumpAQMS) and Deterministic & Empirical 
Assessment of Smoke's Contribution to Ozone Project 
(DEASCO3) modeling projects.
    Oregon's progress report noted that the emissions inventories were 
complicated by the changes and enhancements that have occurred between 
development of the baseline and current period emissions inventories. 
Oregon stated that many of the differences between inventories are more 
reflective of changes in inventory methodology, rather that changes in 
actual emissions. An example is the reclassification of some off-road 
mobile sources (such as some types of marine vessels and locomotives) 
into the area source category in 2008, which may have contributed to 
increases in area source inventory totals, but decreases in off-road 
mobile totals.
    Notwithstanding these differences between the 2002 and 2008 
emissions inventory methodologies, estimated emissions reductions for 
SO2 and NOX are summarized in Tables 3 and 4. We 
note that the other visibility impairing pollutants (primary organic 
aerosols, elemental carbon, fine soil, and coarse matter) also 
generally declined as detailed in Chapter 3.4 of the progress 

    \6\ Fine soil and coarse mass decreased for the windblown dust 
inventory comparisons and increased for the combined fugitive/road 
dust inventories. Oregon noted that large variability in changes in 
windblown dust was observed for the contiguous WRAP states, which 
was likely due in large part to enhancements in dust inventory 
methodology, rather than changes in actual emissions. For most 
parameters, especially primary organic aerosols, volatile organic 
compounds, and elemental carbon, natural fire emission inventory 
estimates decreased, and anthropogenic fire estimates increased. 
Oregon noted that these differences are not necessarily reflective 
of changes in monitored data, as the baseline period is represented 
by an average of 2000-2004 fire emissions, and the progress period 
is represented only by the fires that occurred in 2008, as 
referenced in section 3.3.1 of the progress report.

                                  Table 3--Sulfur Dioxide Emissions by Category
                                                                     Sulfur dioxide emissions (tons/year)
                                                                   2002            2008        (percent change)
                                              Anthropogenic Sources
Point.......................................................          18,493          15,918              -2,575
Area........................................................           9,932           1,528              -8,404
On-Road Mobile..............................................           3,446             654              -2,792
Off-Road Mobile.............................................           6,535             431              -6,104
Area Oil and Gas............................................               0               0                   0
Fugitive and Road Dust......................................               0               0                   0
Anthropogenic Fire..........................................           1,586           1,403                -182
    Total Anthropogenic.....................................          39,992          19,934      -20,058 (-50%)
                                                 Natural Sources
Natural Fire................................................           7,328           1,207              -6,121
Biogenic....................................................               0               0                   0
Wind Blown Dust.............................................               0               0                   0
    Total Natural...........................................           7,328           1,207       -6,121 (-84%)
                                                   All Sources
    Total Emissions.........................................          47,320          21,140      -26,180 (-55%)

                                Table 4--Oxides of Nitrogen Emissions by Category
                                                                   Oxides of nitrogen emissions (tons/year)
                                                                   2002            2008        (percent change)
                                              Anthropogenic Sources
Point.......................................................          26,160          23,548              -2,612
Area........................................................          14,740          24,121               9,381
On-Road Mobile..............................................         111,646          98,399             -13,247
Off-Road Mobile.............................................          53,896          23,463             -30,434
Area Oil and Gas............................................              85               0                 -85

[[Page 11932]]

Fugitive and Road Dust......................................               0               0                   0
Anthropogenic Fire..........................................           6,292           9,923               3,630
    Total Anthropogenic.....................................         212,819         179,453      -33,366 (-16%)
                                                 Natural Sources
Natural Fire................................................          27,397           8,521             -18,876
Biogenic....................................................          16,527           5,560             -10,967
Wind Blown Dust.............................................               0               0                   0
    Total Natural...........................................          43,924          14,081      -29,843 (-68%)
                                                   All Sources
    Total Emissions.........................................         256,744         193,534      -63,209 (-25%)

    In its progress report, Oregon concluded that the state is making 
adequate progress in improving visibility as a result of actions 
identified in the regional haze SIP, as well as actions taken by 
adjoining states, the federal government, and compliance with 
international treaty, as described in more detail in the ``Long Term 
Strategy Update'' chapter of the progress report.

D. Determination of Adequacy (40 CFR 51.308(h))

    In accordance with 40 CFR 51.308(h)(1), if the state determines, at 
the time the five-year progress report is submitted, that the existing 
implementation plan requires no further substantive revision at this 
time in order to achieve established goals for visibility improvement 
and emissions reductions, the state must provide to the Administrator a 
negative declaration that further revision of the existing 
implementation plan is not needed at this time. Within the progress 
report, the State of Oregon provided a negative declaration stating 
that further revision of the existing implementation plan is not 
needed. The basis for the state's negative declaration is the finding 
that visibility on the 20% most and least impaired days has improved, 
and 2018 RPGs attained at all Oregon IMPROVE monitors, except for the 
20% most impaired days at the Central Cascades monitor, which Oregon 
demonstrated was due to smoke from wildfires in 2011 and 2012. 
Accordingly, the EPA proposes to find that Oregon adequately addressed 
the requirements in 40 CFR 51.308(h) in its determination that the 
existing Oregon regional haze SIP requires no substantive revisions at 
this time to achieve the established RPGs for Class I areas.

E. Consultation With Federal Land Managers (40 CFR 51.308(i))

    In accordance with 40 CFR 51.308(i), the state must provide the 
FLMs with an opportunity for consultation, in person and at least 60 
days prior to holding any public hearings on an implementation plan (or 
plan revision). The state must also include a description of how it 
addressed any comments provided by the FLMs. The State of Oregon 
invited the FLMs to comment on its draft progress report on February 3, 
2016, for a 60-day comment period ending April 4, 2016, prior to 
releasing the report for public comment. The FLM comments and Oregon's 
responses are presented in Appendix D of the progress report.
    The EPA proposes to find that Oregon has addressed the requirements 
in 40 CFR 51.308(i). Oregon provided a 60-day period for the FLMs to 
comment on the progress report, which was at least 60 days before 
seeking public comments, and provided a summary of these comments and 
responses to these comments in the progress report.

IV. The EPA's Proposed Action

    The EPA is proposing to approve the Oregon Regional Haze Progress 
Report submitted to the EPA on July 18, 2017, as meeting the applicable 
requirements of the CAA and RHR, as set forth in 40 CFR 51.308(g). The 
EPA proposes to find that the existing regional haze SIP is adequate to 
meet the state's visibility goals and requires no substantive revision 
at this time, as set forth in 40 CFR 51.308(h). We propose to find that 
Oregon fulfilled the requirements in 40 CFR 51.308(i) regarding state 
coordination with FLMs.

V. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

    Under the CAA, the Administrator is required to approve a SIP 
submission that complies with the provisions of the CAA and applicable 
Federal regulations.\7\ Thus, in reviewing SIP submissions, the EPA's 
role is to approve state choices, provided that they meet the criteria 
of the CAA. Accordingly, this proposed action merely approves state law 
as meeting Federal requirements, and does not impose additional 
requirements beyond those imposed by state law. For that reason, this 
proposed action:

    \7\ 42 U.S.C. 7410(k); 40 CFR 52.02(a).

     Is not a ``significant regulatory action'' subject to 
review by the Office of Management and Budget under Executive Orders 
12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993) and 13563 (76 FR 3821, January 21, 
     is not an Executive Order 13771 (82 FR 9339, February 2, 
2017) regulatory action because actions such as SIP approvals are 
exempted under Executive Order 12866;
     does not impose an information collection burden under the 
provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.);
     is certified as not having a significant economic impact 
on a substantial number of small entities under the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.);
     does not contain any unfunded mandate or significantly or 
uniquely affect small governments, as described

[[Page 11933]]

in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-4);
     does not have Federalism implications as specified in 
Executive Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999);
     is not an economically significant regulatory action based 
on health or safety risks subject to Executive Order 13045 (62 FR 
19885, April 23, 1997);
     is not a significant regulatory action subject to 
Executive Order 13211 (66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001);
     is not subject to requirements of Section 12(d) of the 
National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 
note) because this rulemaking does not involve technical standards; and
     does not provide the EPA with the discretionary authority 
to address, as appropriate, disproportionate human health or 
environmental effects, using practicable and legally permissible 
methods, under Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).
    In addition, this proposed action does not apply on any Indian 
reservation land or in any other area where the EPA or an Indian tribe 
has demonstrated that a tribe has jurisdiction. In those areas of 
Indian country, the rule does not have tribal implications as specified 
by Executive Order 13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9, 2000).

List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52

    Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Incorporation by 
reference, Intergovernmental relations, Nitrogen dioxide, Particulate 
matter, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Sulfur oxides, 
Visibility, Volatile organic compounds.

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.

    Dated: February 26, 2018.
Chris Hladick,
Regional Administrator, Region 10.
[FR Doc. 2018-04931 Filed 3-16-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 53 / Monday, March 19, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                  11927

                                                     (g) Fees pending a waiver request.                      (k) Charging interest. MCC may charge              may require the requester to pay the full
                                                  Requests for a waiver or reduction of                   interest on any unpaid bill starting on               amount due plus any applicable interest
                                                  fees should be made when the request                    the 31st day following the date of billing            on that prior request, and/or require that
                                                  is first submitted to the agency and                    the requester. Interest charges shall be              the requester make an advance payment
                                                  should address the criteria referenced in               assessed at the rate provided in 31                   of the full amount of the anticipated fee
                                                  this section. A requester may submit a                  U.S.C. 3717 and will accrue from the                  before MCC begins a new request or
                                                  fee waiver request at a later time so long              billing date until payment is received.               continues to process a pending request
                                                  as the underlying record request is                     MCC shall follow the provisions of the                or any pending appeal. If MCC has a
                                                  pending or on administrative appeal.                    Debt Collection Act of 1982, as                       reasonable basis to believe that a
                                                  When a requester who has committed to                   amended, and its administrative                       requester has misrepresented the
                                                  pay fees subsequently asks for a waiver                 procedures, including the use consumer                requester’s identity in order to avoid
                                                  of those fees and that waiver is denied,                reporting agencies, collection agencies,              paying outstanding fees, MCC may
                                                  the requester must pay any costs                        and offset.                                           require that the requester provide proof
                                                  incurred up to the date the fee waiver                     (l) Aggregating requests. The requester            of identity.
                                                  request was received.                                   or a group of requesters may not submit
                                                     (h) Types of requesters. There are four              multiple requests at the same time, each              § 1304.12   Other rights and services.
                                                  categories of FOIA requesters:                          seeking portions of a document or                       Nothing in this part shall be
                                                  Commercial use requesters, educational                  documents solely in order to avoid                    construed to entitle any person a right
                                                  and non-commercial scientific                           payment of fees. When the FOIA                        to any service or to the disclosure of any
                                                  institutional requesters; representatives               Program Officer reasonably believes that              record to which such person is not
                                                  of the news media; and all other                        a requester is attempting to divide a                 entitled under the FOIA.
                                                  requesters. The following specific levels               request into a series of requests to evade
                                                  of fees are prescribed for each of these                an assessment of fees, the FOIA Program               Subpart B [Reserved]
                                                  categories:                                             Officer may aggregate such requests and
                                                     (1) Commercial requesters shall be                   charge accordingly. MCC may presume                     Dated: March 7, 2018.
                                                  charged the full direct costs of searching              that multiple requests of this type made              Tamiko N.W. Watkins,
                                                  for, reviewing, and duplicating                         within a thirty (30) calendar day period              Chief FOIA Officer, Millennium Challenge
                                                  requested records;                                      have been made in order to avoid fees.                Corporation.
                                                     (2) Educational and non-commercial                   For requests separated by a longer                    [FR Doc. 2018–04993 Filed 3–16–18; 8:45 am]
                                                  scientific institution requesters shall be              period, MCC will aggregate them only                  BILLING CODE 9211–03–P
                                                  charged for document duplication only                   where there is a reasonable basis for
                                                  and the first one-hundred (100) pages of                determining that aggregation is
                                                  paper copies shall be provided without                  warranted in view of all the
                                                  charge;                                                 circumstances involved. Multiple                      ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                                     (3) Representative of the news media                 requests involving unrelated matters                  AGENCY
                                                  requesters shall be charged for                         cannot be aggregated.
                                                  document duplication costs only, except                    (m) Advance payment of fees. (1)                   40 CFR Part 52
                                                  that the first one-hundred (100) pages of               MCC may require an advanced payment
                                                                                                                                                                [EPA–R10–OAR–2017–0482; FRL–9975–22–
                                                  paper copies shall be provided without                  of fees if the requestor previously failed            Region 10]
                                                  charge; and                                             to pay fees or if the FOIA Program
                                                     (4) All other requesters who do not                  Officer determines the total fee will                 Air Plan Approval; Oregon; Regional
                                                  fall into any of the categories in                      exceed $250.00. When payment is                       Haze Progress Report
                                                  paragraphs (h)(1) through (3) of this                   required in advance of the processing of
                                                  section shall be charged fees which                     a request, the time limits prescribed in              AGENCY:  Environmental Protection
                                                  recover the full reasonable direct costs                § 1304.5 shall not be deemed to begin                 Agency (EPA).
                                                  incurred for searching for and                          until the requester has paid the assessed             ACTION: Proposed rule.
                                                  reproducing records if that total costs                 fees.
                                                  exceeds $25.00, except that the first one-                 (2) In cases in which MCC requires                 SUMMARY:    The Environmental Protection
                                                  hundred (100) pages of duplication and                  advance payment, the request will not                 Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve a
                                                  the first two hours of manual search                    be considered received and further work               revision to the Oregon Regional Haze
                                                  time shall not be charged.                              will not be completed until the required              State Implementation Plan (SIP),
                                                     (i) Charges for unsuccessful searches.               payment is received. If the requester                 submitted by the State of Oregon on July
                                                  If the requester has been notified of the               does not pay the advance payment                      18, 2017. Oregon submitted its Regional
                                                  estimated cost of the search time and                   within thirty (30) calendar days after the            Haze Progress Report (‘‘progress report’’
                                                  has been advised specifically that the                  date of the fee determination, the                    or ‘‘report’’) and a negative declaration
                                                  requested records may not exist or may                  request will be closed. Where it is                   stating that further revision of the
                                                  be withheld as exempt, fees may be                      anticipated that the cost of providing                existing regional haze SIP is not needed
                                                  charged.                                                the requested record will exceed $25.00               at this time. Oregon submitted both the
                                                     (j) Charges for other services.                      but falls below $250.00 after the free                progress report and the negative
                                                  Although MCC is not required to                         duplication and search time has been                  declaration in the form of
                                                  provide special services, if it chooses to              calculated, MCC may, in its discretion                implementation plan revisions as
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  do so as a matter of administrative                     may require either an advance deposit                 required by federal regulations. The
                                                  discretion, the direct costs of providing               of the entire estimated charges or                    progress report addresses the federal
                                                  the service shall be charged. Examples                  written confirmation of the requester’s               Regional Haze Rule (RHR) requirements
                                                  of such services include certifying that                willingness to pay such charges.                      under the Clean Air Act (CAA) to
                                                  records are true copies, providing                         (3) Where the requester has                        submit a report describing progress in
                                                  multiple copies of the same document,                   previously failed to pay a properly                   achieving reasonable progress goals
                                                  or sending records by means other than                  charged FOIA fee within thirty (30)                   (RPGs) established for regional haze and
                                                  first class mail.                                       calendar days of the billing date, MCC                a determination of the adequacy of the

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                                                  11928                   Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 53 / Monday, March 19, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  state’s existing plan addressing regional               (Class I area) within the state and in                 TABLE 1—OREGON IMPROVE MONI-
                                                  haze.                                                   each Class I area outside the state which               TORING SITES AND REPRESENTED
                                                  DATES: Comments must be received on                     may be affected by emissions from                       CLASS I AREAS
                                                  or before April 18, 2018.                               within the state. 40 CFR 51.308(g).
                                                  ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,                        States are also required to submit, at the              Site code                 Class I area
                                                  identified by Docket ID No. EPA–R10–                    same time as the progress report, a
                                                                                                          determination of the adequacy of the                  MOHO1 ......       Mt. Hood Wilderness.
                                                  OAR–2017–0482 at http://                                                                                      THSI1 .........    Mt. Jefferson Wilderness.
                                                  www.regulations.gov. Follow the online                  state’s existing regional haze plan. 40
                                                                                                          CFR 51.308(h). On July 18, 2017, the                                     Mt. Washington Wilderness.
                                                  instructions for submitting comments.                                                                                            Three Sisters Wilderness.
                                                  Once submitted, comments cannot be                      Oregon Department of Environmental                    CRLA1 ........     Crater Lake National Park.
                                                  edited or removed from Regulations.gov.                 Quality (ODEQ) submitted as a SIP                                        Diamond Peak Wilderness.
                                                  The EPA may publish any comment                         revision a report on the progress made                                   Mountain Lakes Wilderness.
                                                  received to its public docket. Do not                   in the first implementation period                                       Gearhart Mountain Wilderness.
                                                  submit electronically any information                   towards the RPGs for Class I areas. The               KALM1 ........     Kalmiopsis Wilderness.
                                                                                                          EPA is proposing to approve Oregon’s                  STAR1 ........     Strawberry Mountain Wilder-
                                                  you consider to be Confidential
                                                                                                          progress report on the basis that it                                       ness.
                                                  Business Information (CBI) or other                                                                                              Eagle Cap Wilderness.
                                                  information whose disclosure is                         satisfies the requirements of 40 CFR
                                                                                                                                                                HECA1 .......      Hells Canyon Wilderness Area.
                                                  restricted by statute. Multimedia                       51.308. We also propose to find that
                                                  submissions (audio, video, etc.) must be                Oregon’s progress report demonstrates                   In developing its initial regional haze
                                                  accompanied by a written comment.                       that the state’s long-term strategy and               SIP as part of the Western Regional Air
                                                  The written comment is considered the                   emission control measures in the                      Partnership (WRAP), Oregon
                                                  official comment and should include                     existing regional haze SIP are sufficient             determined, and the EPA in its approval
                                                  discussion of all points you wish to                    to enable Oregon to meet all established              agreed, that no major contributions were
                                                  make. The EPA will generally not                        RPGs for 2018.                                        identified that necessitated developing
                                                  consider comments or comment                            II. Context for Understanding Oregon’s                new interstate strategies, mitigation
                                                  contents located outside of the primary                 Progress Report                                       measures, or emission reduction
                                                  submission (i.e. on the web, cloud, or                                                                        obligations with respect to visibility in
                                                  other file sharing system). For                           To facilitate a better understanding of             other western states.3 Therefore,
                                                  additional submission methods, the full                 Oregon’s progress report as well as the               Oregon’s progress report does not
                                                  EPA public comment policy,                              EPA’s evaluation of it, this section                  address visibility impacts from sources
                                                  information about CBI or multimedia                     provides background on the regional                   in other states or the visibility impact of
                                                  submissions, and general guidance on                    haze program in Oregon.                               Oregon sources on Class I areas in other
                                                  making effective comments, please visit                                                                       states.
                                                  http://www2.epa.gov/dockets/                            A. Framework for Measuring Progress                     Under the RHR, a state’s initial
                                                  commenting-epa-dockets.                                   The EPA has established a metric for                regional haze SIP must establish two
                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jeff                   determining visibility conditions at                  RPGs for each of its Class I areas: one
                                                  Hunt, Air Planning Unit, Office of Air                  Class I areas referred to as the ‘‘deciview           for the 20 percent least impaired days
                                                  and Waste (OAW–150), Environmental                      index,’’ which is measured in                         and one for the 20 percent most
                                                  Protection Agency—Region 10, 1200                       deciviews, as defined in 40 CFR 51.301.               impaired days. The RPGs must provide
                                                  Sixth Ave, Seattle, WA 98101;                           The deciview index is calculated using                for an improvement in visibility on the
                                                  telephone number: (206) 553–0256,                       monitoring data collected from the                    20 percent most impaired days and
                                                  email address: hunt.jeff@epa.gov.                       Interagency Monitoring of Protected                   ensure no degradation in visibility on
                                                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              Visual Environments (IMPROVE)                         the 20 percent least impaired days, as
                                                  Throughout this document whenever                       network monitors. Oregon has twelve                   compared to visibility conditions during
                                                  ‘‘we,’’ ‘‘us,’’ or ‘‘our’’ is used, it is               Class I areas within its borders: Mt.                 the baseline period. In establishing the
                                                  intended to refer to the EPA.                           Hood Wilderness, Mt. Jefferson                        RPGs, a state must consider the uniform
                                                                                                          Wilderness, Mt. Washington                            rate of visibility improvement from the
                                                  I. Background                                                                                                 baseline to natural conditions in 2064
                                                                                                          Wilderness, Three Sisters Wilderness,
                                                    Oregon submitted its initial regional                 Diamond Peak Wilderness, Crater Lake                  and the emission reductions measures
                                                  haze SIP to the EPA on December 20,                     National Park, Mountain Lakes                         needed to achieve it. Oregon set the
                                                  2010, and submitted supplemental                        Wilderness, Gearhart Mountain                         RPGs for its twelve Class I areas based
                                                  information on February 1, 2011. The                    Wilderness, Kalmiopsis Wilderness,                    on regional atmospheric air quality
                                                  EPA approved portions of the Oregon                     Strawberry Mountain Wilderness, Eagle                 modeling conducted by the WRAP using
                                                  regional haze SIP as meeting certain                    Cap Wilderness, and Hells Canyon                      projected emission reductions in
                                                  requirements of the regional haze                       Wilderness. Monitoring data                           western states from federal and state
                                                  program, including the requirements for                 representing visibility conditions in                 control strategies expected to be in place
                                                  best available retrofit technology, on                  Oregon’s 12 Class I areas was based on                before 2018.
                                                  July 5, 2011, and the remaining portions                the six IMPROVE monitors identified in                B. Data Sources for Oregon’s Progress
                                                  of the regional haze SIP on August 22,                  Table 1. As shown in the table, the                   Report
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  2012.1 Five years after submittal of the                CRLA1 monitoring site represents four
                                                  initial regional haze plan, states are                                                                          Oregon relied on the WRAP technical
                                                                                                          Class I areas, the THSI1 site represents
                                                  required to submit progress reports that                                                                      data and analyses in a report titled
                                                                                                          three areas, and the SRAR1 site
                                                  evaluate progress towards the RPGs for                                                                        ‘‘Western Regional Air Partnership
                                                                                                          represents two areas.
                                                  each mandatory Class I Federal area 2                                                                         Regional Haze Rule Reasonable Progress
                                                                                                                                                                Summary Report’’ (WRAP Report),
                                                                                                          acres, wilderness areas and national memorial parks
                                                    1 See 76 FR 38997 and 77 FR 50611.                    exceeding 5000 acres, and all international parks
                                                                                                                                                                dated June 28, 2013. The WRAP report
                                                    2 Areas designated as mandatory Class I Federal       that were in existence on August 7, 1977 (42 U.S.C.
                                                  areas consist of national parks exceeding 6000          7472(a)). Listed at 40 CFR part 81, subpart D.          3 76   FR 12651, 12663–64; 76 FR 38997.

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 53 / Monday, March 19, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                               11929

                                                  was prepared for the 15 western state                   PGE Boardman by 2018. Finally, the                      restriction on fuel oil could be burned
                                                  members to provide the technical basis                  BART requirements for the PGE                           at the facility. The plant’s Title V
                                                  for the first of their individual progress              Boardman plant include permanently                      operating permit was modified on April
                                                  reports. Data are presented in this report              ceasing burning coal in the main boiler                 7, 2009, to incorporate the FEPL
                                                  on a regional, state, and Class I area                  by December 31, 2020.                                   requirements. Compliance with the
                                                  specific basis that characterize the                       In addition to the BART-level controls               condition to limit visibility impacts is
                                                  difference between baseline conditions                  on the PGE Boardman power plant,                        demonstrated through the use of a
                                                  (2000–2004) and the first 5-year                        three BART-eligible sources took                        formula, emission factors, and
                                                  progress period (2005–2009). In                         federally enforceable emission limits to                continuous emissions monitoring data.
                                                  developing the progress report, Oregon                  avoid being subject to BART.                               Oregon’s 2010 regional haze SIP
                                                  also evaluated visibility conditions in                 Specifically, the PGE Beaver electric                   identified a fifth facility, the
                                                  its twelve Class I areas based on the                   power plant has six combined cycle                      Amalgamated Sugar Company’s sugar
                                                  most recent 5-year data available at the                turbines that are the BART-eligible                     beet processing facility located in Nyssa.
                                                  time Oregon developed the progress                      emission units. PGE requested daily fuel                This facility has potential impacts
                                                  report (2010–2014).                                     oil limits for these turbines, as well as               greater than 0.5 deciview for the Eagle
                                                                                                          a requirement that all future oil contain               Cap Wilderness Area based on
                                                  III. The EPA’s Evaluation of Oregon’s                   no more than 0.0015% sulfur. An                         CALPUFF modeling of 2003–2005
                                                  Progress Report                                         equation was developed to determine a                   emissions. As noted in the progress
                                                     This section describes the contents of               daily fuel oil quantity limit that was tied             report, ‘‘The plant is currently
                                                  Oregon’s progress report and the EPA’s                  to the sulfur content of the fuel, so as                shutdown, and has not identified a date
                                                  evaluation of the report, as well as the                not to exceed the visibility threshold                  to resume operations. DEQ’s BART rules
                                                  EPA’s evaluation of the determination of                level of 0.5 deciview.5 This plant has a                in 340–223–0040(3) specify that this
                                                  adequacy required by 40 CFR 51.308(h)                   Title V operating permit, which was                     facility must either modify its permit by
                                                  and the requirement for state and                       modified on January 21, 2009, to                        adopting an FEPL or be subject to
                                                  Federal Land Manager coordination in                    incorporate federally enforceable permit                BART, before resuming operation. At
                                                  40 CFR 51.308(i).                                       limits (FEPLs), which included the                      this time, this facility is still shutdown,
                                                  A. Status of Implementation of All                      above daily fuel oil limits and sulfur                  and the permit has not been modified.’’
                                                  Measures Included in the Regional Haze                  content in fuel oil burned at the plant.
                                                                                                             Georgia-Pacific proposed a FEPL for                  2. Smoke Management
                                                  SIP                                                                                                                Throughout the first regional haze
                                                                                                          its Wauna Mill which provided for
                                                    In its progress report, Oregon                        reduced emissions of visibility                         planning period, Oregon implemented
                                                  provided a description of the two key                   impairing pollutants in two steps. The                  its Smoke Management Plan (smoke
                                                  control measures that the state relied on               non-condensible gas (NCG) incinerator,                  management plan). The primary
                                                  to implement the regional haze program:                 which was the largest source of SO2                     purpose of the smoke management plan
                                                  best available retrofit technology                      emissions at the mill, was eliminated,                  is to keep smoke from forestland
                                                  (BART), including enforceable emission                  and restrictions on the use of fuel oil                 prescribed burning from being carried
                                                  limits on BART-eligible sources, and its                were established through FEPLs:                         into smoke sensitive receptor areas,
                                                  smoke management program for forestry                      • The use of fuel oil in the power                   generally population centers, and to
                                                  burning.4 Oregon included a description                 boiler was permanently discontinued.                    provide opportunity for essential
                                                  of these programs which are                                • Use of fuel oil in the lime kiln was               forestland burning while minimizing
                                                  summarized below.                                       discontinued until the NCG incinerator                  emissions. Smoke from agricultural and
                                                  1. BART-Level Controls                                  was eliminated, after which fuel oil was                forestry burning are major contributors
                                                                                                          again used.                                             to Class I area visibility impairment and
                                                     Oregon’s regional haze SIP identified                   • The maximum pulp production rate                   regional haze in Oregon and the western
                                                  four BART eligible facilities: The                      was limited to 1,030 tons per day until                 United States. The pollutant species
                                                  Portland General Electric (PGE)                         completion of this project, after which                 contribution identified in the Oregon
                                                  Boardman electric power plant, the PGE                  the maximum pulp production limit                       regional haze SIP showed that a
                                                  Beaver electric power plant, the                        would increase to 1,350 tons per day.                   significant portion of the 20% most
                                                  Georgia-Pacific Wauna Mill, and the                        This plant has a Title V operating                   impaired days in all of Oregon’s Class
                                                  International Paper Company mill in                     permit, number 04–0004, which was                       I areas is from organic and elemental
                                                  Springfield. Of these four facilities, only             modified on June 18, 2009, to                           carbon, due to fire emissions. Much of
                                                  PGE Boardman was found to be subject                    incorporate the FEPL requirements. This                 this contribution is from wildfire, which
                                                  to BART. Accordingly, PGE Boardman                      permit was again revised on December                    fluctuates significantly from year to
                                                  installed low nitrogen oxide (NOX)                      2, 2010, to reflect elimination of the                  year. However, there is also a sizable
                                                  burners with a modified over-fire air                   NCG incinerator.                                        contribution from controlled burning,
                                                  system in 2011 and is meeting BART                         The International Paper Company                      which is dominated by agricultural and
                                                  NOX emission limitations. In early 2014,                mill in Springfield manufactures                        forestry burning.
                                                  BART sulfur dioxide (SO2) controls,                     linerboard, primarily from wood chips                      Under Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS)
                                                  consisting of a semi-dry flue gas                       and recycled old corrugated containers.                 477.013, the State Forester and ODEQ
                                                  desulfurization system, were installed at               This plant has seven different BART-                    are required to protect air quality
                                                  PGE Boardman. This facility now                         eligible emission units. In order to                    through a smoke management plan,
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  complies with the initial BART SO2                      minimize the likelihood of exceeding                    which was included in the SIP. Oregon
                                                  emission limit. A further reduction in                  the 0.5 deciview visibility threshold,                  Department of Forestry (ODF) smoke
                                                  the SO2 emission limit is required at                   FEPLs were established including a                      management rules are listed in Oregon
                                                                                                                                                                  Administrative Rules (OAR) 629–048–
                                                    4 The progress report also included a summary of        5 Under the approved Oregon regional haze SIP,
                                                                                                                                                                  0001 to 629–048–0500, 629–043–0043,
                                                  stationary, mobile, and area source control             any source with an impact of greater than 0.5
                                                  measures that provide supplemental emissions            deciview in any Class I area, including Class I areas   and 629–043–0041.
                                                  reductions as part of the long-term strategy            in other states, would be subject to additional BART       On November 2, 2007, ODF adopted
                                                  discussion in Chapter 2.3.                              analysis and BART emission limitations.                 revisions to the smoke management

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                                                  11930                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 53 / Monday, March 19, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  plan to incorporate numerous changes                       make necessary improvements. As a                      B. Summary of Visibility Conditions
                                                  to provide protection of air quality and                   result, Oregon revised the smoke                          In addition to the evaluation of
                                                  visibility in Class I areas. New visibility                management plan again in 2014 to                       control measures, Oregon documented
                                                  protection provisions were adopted in                      incorporate practices to minimize                      in the progress report the differences
                                                  OAR 629–048–0130 that incorporated                         impacts to the Kalmiopsis Wilderness                   between the visibility conditions during
                                                  references to the regional haze SIP,                       and Crater Lake National Park. The 2014                the baseline period (2000–2004), the
                                                  including the Enhanced Smoke                               revisions to the smoke management                      first progress period (2005–2009), and
                                                  Management Program (ESMP) criteria in                      plan were submitted as a revision to the               the most current five year averaging
                                                  section 309 of the Regional Haze Rule.                     SIP and will be addressed in a separate                period (2010–2014) based on data that
                                                  Oregon continues to evaluate the impact                    action.                                                were available at the time Oregon
                                                  of prescribed fire on Class I areas and                                                                           developed the progress report.
                                                              TABLE 2—OREGON CLASS I AREA VISIBILITY CONDITIONS ON THE 20% MOST AND LEAST IMPAIRED DAY
                                                                                                                                       20% Most impaired days                               20% Least impaired days

                                                                                                   Oregon                               2005–09                                               2005–09
                                                           Monitor/region                                                                             2010–14                                                2010–14
                                                                                                 class I area              2000–04        First                  2018        2000–04            First                       2018
                                                                                                                                                       Current                                                Current
                                                                                                                           Baseline     progress                 RPGs        Baseline         progress                      RPGs
                                                                                                                                                       period                                                 period
                                                                                                                                         period                                                period

                                                                                                                              (dv)        (dv)          (dv)     (dv)          (dv)             (dv)           (dv)         (dv)

                                                  MOHO1 Northern Cascades .....        Mt. Hood Wilderness Area ........        14.9         13.7         13.2      13.8              2.2              1.7            1.3          2.0
                                                  THES1 Central Cascades .........     Mt. Jefferson, Mt. Washington,           15.3         16.2         14.9      14.3              3.0              3.0            2.5          2.9
                                                                                         and Three Sisters Wilderness
                                                  CRLA1 Southern Cascades ......       Crater Lake National Park; Dia-          13.7         13.8         11.7      13.4              1.7              1.6            1.2          1.5
                                                                                         mond Peak, Mountain Lakes,
                                                                                         and Gearhart Mountain Wil-
                                                                                         derness Areas.
                                                  KALM1 Coast Range ................   Kalmiopsis Wilderness Area .....         15.5         16.4         14.6      15.1              6.3              6.4            6.1          6.1
                                                  STAR1 Eastern Oregon ............    Strawberry Mountain and Eagle            18.6         16.2         12.5      17.5              4.5              3.6            2.8          4.1
                                                                                         Cap Wilderness Areas.
                                                  HECA1 Eastern Oregon/West-           Hells Canyon Wilderness Area             18.6         18.2         16.3      16.6              5.5              4.8            4.1          4.7
                                                   ern Idaho.

                                                     Based on the information in Chapter                     there had been a steady reduction in                   concluding that the IMPROVE network
                                                  3.2 of the progress report, Oregon                         ammonium sulfate formation since                       continues to comply with the
                                                  demonstrated that all Class I areas                        2000, indicative of a reduction in                     monitoring requirements in the Regional
                                                  experienced improvements in visibility                     anthropogenic contributions to visibility              Haze Rule and that no modifications to
                                                  for the 20% most and least impaired                        impairment at this site, particulate                   Oregon’s visibility monitoring strategy
                                                  days between the baseline (2000–2004)                      organic aerosols has consistently                      are necessary at this time.
                                                  and current (2010–2014) visibility                         remained the dominant contributor to
                                                                                                                                                                    C. Summary of Emissions Reductions
                                                  periods, as shown in Tables 16 and 17                      light extinction, with notable spikes in
                                                  of the progress report, and summarized                     the summers of 2011 and 2012. Oregon                      The Oregon progress report also
                                                  in Table 2 above. Oregon’s progress                        attributed this increase in organic                    includes a summary of the emissions
                                                  report included an analysis of progress                    aerosols to wildfire smoke. The 2011                   reductions achieved throughout the
                                                  and impediments to progress. Oregon                        and 2012 fires potentially impacting the               state through implementation of the
                                                  noted that there have been significant                     THSI1 monitor included the Mother                      control measures relied upon to achieve
                                                  improvements in visibility conditions                      Lode (2,661 acres), Shadow Lake                        reasonable progress. Specifically,
                                                  on both the 20% most and least                             (10,000 acres), High Cascades (108,154                 Oregon identified in the progress report
                                                  impaired days, meeting the 2018 RPGs                       acres), and Pole Creek (26,000 acres)                  emissions reductions achieved through
                                                  for all Oregon Class I areas except at the                 fires, as illustrated in Figure 21 of the              controls on Oregon BART-eligible
                                                  THSI1 monitor, which tracks visibility                     report.                                                sources. The Oregon progress report
                                                  conditions for the Mt. Jefferson, Mt.                         Oregon’s progress report concluded                  included the emissions reductions
                                                  Washington and Three Sisters                               that the state is making adequate                      achieved at the PGE Boardman Plant,
                                                  wilderness areas in the Oregon Central                     progress in improving visibility as a                  the PGE Beaver Plant, the Georgia
                                                  Cascades.                                                  result of actions identified in the                    Pacific Wauna Mill, and International
                                                     In the Oregon Central Cascades,                         regional haze SIP. The average trends                  Paper Mill. According to the Oregon
                                                  progress towards the RPGs has been                         for least impaired days show                           progress report, implementation of
                                                  slower than anticipated, and Oregon                        improvement at every monitoring                        control measures caused significant
                                                  attributed this slower progress to                         location, with all areas currently                     reductions in SO2 emissions at all four
                                                  visibility impairment due to smoke from                    meeting the 2018 RPGs for the 20% least                facilities, as well as reductions in NOX
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  episodic wildfires in the area. The                        impaired days. Similarly, average trends               and coarse particulate matter (PM10)
                                                  visibility conditions on the 20% most                      for most impaired days show                            emissions at all facilities except the
                                                  impaired days in the Central Cascades                      improvement at every monitoring                        Georgia Pacific Wauna Mill. The
                                                  had improved by 0.4 deciviews between                      location, with all areas except the                    progress report also detailed emissions
                                                  the baseline and current progress                          Central Cascades, as described above,                  reductions achieved as part of the
                                                  periods, but had not yet met the 2018                      meeting the 2018 RPGs. The progress                    smoke management program. In
                                                  RPG. Tables 17, 18 and 21 and Figure                       report also contained a review of                      particular, the progress report highlights
                                                  20 of the report show that, even though                    Oregon’s visibility monitoring strategy,               alternatives to burning such as biomass

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                                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 53 / Monday, March 19, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                                               11931

                                                  removal, chipping, and other techniques                                      the 2002 inventory, and a 2008                                      actual emissions. An example is the
                                                  to reduce fire hazard, offsetting up to                                      inventory which leverages recent                                    reclassification of some off-road mobile
                                                  13,500 tons of fine particulate emissions                                    inventory development work performed                                sources (such as some types of marine
                                                  estimated in 2015 compared to burning.                                       by the WRAP for the West-wide Jump                                  vessels and locomotives) into the area
                                                    In addition, the progress report                                           Start Air Quality Modeling Study                                    source category in 2008, which may
                                                  summarized changes in emission                                               (WestJumpAQMS) and Deterministic &                                  have contributed to increases in area
                                                  inventories for all major visibility                                         Empirical Assessment of Smoke’s                                     source inventory totals, but decreases in
                                                  impairing pollutants from point, area,                                       Contribution to Ozone Project                                       off-road mobile totals.
                                                  on-road mobile, off-road mobile, oil and                                     (DEASCO3) modeling projects.                                          Notwithstanding these differences
                                                  gas, fugitive and road dust, and                                               Oregon’s progress report noted that                               between the 2002 and 2008 emissions
                                                  anthropogenic fire source categories in                                      the emissions inventories were                                      inventory methodologies, estimated
                                                  the state. For these summaries,                                              complicated by the changes and                                      emissions reductions for SO2 and NOX
                                                  emissions during the baseline years are                                      enhancements that have occurred                                     are summarized in Tables 3 and 4. We
                                                  represented using a 2002 inventory,                                          between development of the baseline                                 note that the other visibility impairing
                                                  which was developed with support from                                        and current period emissions                                        pollutants (primary organic aerosols,
                                                  the WRAP for use in the original                                             inventories. Oregon stated that many of                             elemental carbon, fine soil, and coarse
                                                  regional haze SIP development.                                               the differences between inventories are                             matter) also generally declined as
                                                  Differences between inventories are                                          more reflective of changes in inventory                             detailed in Chapter 3.4 of the progress
                                                  represented as the difference between                                        methodology, rather that changes in                                 report.6

                                                                                                                 TABLE 3—SULFUR DIOXIDE EMISSIONS BY CATEGORY
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Sulfur dioxide emissions

                                                                                                                                                                                                2002               2008            (percent change)

                                                                                                                                                Anthropogenic Sources

                                                  Point .....................................................................................................................................      18,493              15,918                    –2,575
                                                  Area .....................................................................................................................................        9,932               1,528                    –8,404
                                                  On-Road Mobile ...................................................................................................................                3,446                 654                    –2,792
                                                  Off-Road Mobile ...................................................................................................................               6,535                 431                    –6,104
                                                  Area Oil and Gas .................................................................................................................                    0                   0                         0
                                                  Fugitive and Road Dust .......................................................................................................                        0                   0                         0
                                                  Anthropogenic Fire ..............................................................................................................                 1,586               1,403                     –182

                                                         Total Anthropogenic .....................................................................................................                 39,992              19,934         –20,058 (–50%)

                                                                                                                                                      Natural Sources

                                                  Natural Fire ..........................................................................................................................            7,328              1,207                    –6,121
                                                  Biogenic ...............................................................................................................................               0                  0                         0
                                                  Wind Blown Dust .................................................................................................................                      0                  0                         0

                                                         Total Natural .................................................................................................................             7,328              1,207           –6,121 (–84%)

                                                                                                                                                          All Sources

                                                         Total Emissions ............................................................................................................              47,320              21,140         –26,180 (–55%)

                                                                                                             TABLE 4—OXIDES OF NITROGEN EMISSIONS BY CATEGORY
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Oxides of nitrogen emissions

                                                                                                                                                                                                2002               2008            (percent change)

                                                                                                                                                Anthropogenic Sources

                                                  Point .....................................................................................................................................      26,160              23,548                  ¥2,612
                                                  Area .....................................................................................................................................       14,740              24,121                   9,381
                                                  On-Road Mobile ...................................................................................................................              111,646              98,399                 ¥13,247
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                                                  Off-Road Mobile ...................................................................................................................              53,896              23,463                 ¥30,434
                                                  Area Oil and Gas .................................................................................................................                   85                   0                    ¥85

                                                    6 Fine soil and coarse mass decreased for the                              methodology, rather than changes in actual                          in monitored data, as the baseline period is
                                                  windblown dust inventory comparisons and                                     emissions. For most parameters, especially primary                  represented by an average of 2000–2004 fire
                                                  increased for the combined fugitive/road dust                                organic aerosols, volatile organic compounds, and                   emissions, and the progress period is represented
                                                  inventories. Oregon noted that large variability in                          elemental carbon, natural fire emission inventory                   only by the fires that occurred in 2008, as
                                                  changes in windblown dust was observed for the                               estimates decreased, and anthropogenic fire                         referenced in section 3.3.1 of the progress report.
                                                  contiguous WRAP states, which was likely due in                              estimates increased. Oregon noted that these
                                                  large part to enhancements in dust inventory                                 differences are not necessarily reflective of changes

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                                                  11932                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 53 / Monday, March 19, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                                                               TABLE 4—OXIDES OF NITROGEN EMISSIONS BY CATEGORY—Continued
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Oxides of nitrogen emissions

                                                                                                                                                                                             2002                 2008            (percent change)

                                                  Fugitive and Road Dust .......................................................................................................                      0                    0                      0
                                                  Anthropogenic Fire ..............................................................................................................               6,292                9,923                  3,630

                                                        Total Anthropogenic .....................................................................................................              212,819              179,453       ¥33,366 (¥16%)

                                                                                                                                                    Natural Sources

                                                  Natural Fire ..........................................................................................................................       27,397                 8,521                ¥18,876
                                                  Biogenic ...............................................................................................................................      16,527                 5,560                ¥10,967
                                                  Wind Blown Dust .................................................................................................................                  0                     0                      0

                                                        Total Natural .................................................................................................................         43,924                14,081      ¥29,843 (¥68%)

                                                                                                                                                        All Sources

                                                        Total Emissions ............................................................................................................           256,744              193,534        ¥63,209 (–25%)

                                                    In its progress report, Oregon                                           time to achieve the established RPGs for                           CFR 51.308(i) regarding state
                                                  concluded that the state is making                                         Class I areas.                                                     coordination with FLMs.
                                                  adequate progress in improving                                                                                                                V. Statutory and Executive Order
                                                                                                                             E. Consultation With Federal Land
                                                  visibility as a result of actions identified                                                                                                  Reviews
                                                                                                                             Managers (40 CFR 51.308(i))
                                                  in the regional haze SIP, as well as
                                                  actions taken by adjoining states, the                                        In accordance with 40 CFR 51.308(i),                               Under the CAA, the Administrator is
                                                  federal government, and compliance                                         the state must provide the FLMs with an                            required to approve a SIP submission
                                                  with international treaty, as described in                                 opportunity for consultation, in person                            that complies with the provisions of the
                                                  more detail in the ‘‘Long Term Strategy                                    and at least 60 days prior to holding any                          CAA and applicable Federal
                                                  Update’’ chapter of the progress report.                                   public hearings on an implementation                               regulations.7 Thus, in reviewing SIP
                                                                                                                             plan (or plan revision). The state must                            submissions, the EPA’s role is to
                                                  D. Determination of Adequacy (40 CFR                                                                                                          approve state choices, provided that
                                                                                                                             also include a description of how it
                                                  51.308(h))                                                                                                                                    they meet the criteria of the CAA.
                                                                                                                             addressed any comments provided by
                                                                                                                             the FLMs. The State of Oregon invited                              Accordingly, this proposed action
                                                    In accordance with 40 CFR
                                                                                                                             the FLMs to comment on its draft                                   merely approves state law as meeting
                                                  51.308(h)(1), if the state determines, at
                                                                                                                             progress report on February 3, 2016, for                           Federal requirements, and does not
                                                  the time the five-year progress report is
                                                                                                                             a 60-day comment period ending April                               impose additional requirements beyond
                                                  submitted, that the existing
                                                                                                                             4, 2016, prior to releasing the report for                         those imposed by state law. For that
                                                  implementation plan requires no further
                                                                                                                             public comment. The FLM comments                                   reason, this proposed action:
                                                  substantive revision at this time in order
                                                  to achieve established goals for visibility                                and Oregon’s responses are presented in                               • Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory
                                                  improvement and emissions reductions,                                      Appendix D of the progress report.                                 action’’ subject to review by the Office
                                                  the state must provide to the                                                 The EPA proposes to find that Oregon                            of Management and Budget under
                                                  Administrator a negative declaration                                       has addressed the requirements in 40                               Executive Orders 12866 (58 FR 51735,
                                                  that further revision of the existing                                      CFR 51.308(i). Oregon provided a 60-                               October 4, 1993) and 13563 (76 FR 3821,
                                                  implementation plan is not needed at                                       day period for the FLMs to comment on                              January 21, 2011);
                                                  this time. Within the progress report,                                     the progress report, which was at least                               • is not an Executive Order 13771 (82
                                                  the State of Oregon provided a negative                                    60 days before seeking public                                      FR 9339, February 2, 2017) regulatory
                                                  declaration stating that further revision                                  comments, and provided a summary of                                action because actions such as SIP
                                                  of the existing implementation plan is                                     these comments and responses to these                              approvals are exempted under
                                                  not needed. The basis for the state’s                                      comments in the progress report.                                   Executive Order 12866;
                                                  negative declaration is the finding that                                                                                                         • does not impose an information
                                                                                                                             IV. The EPA’s Proposed Action                                      collection burden under the provisions
                                                  visibility on the 20% most and least
                                                  impaired days has improved, and 2018                                          The EPA is proposing to approve the                             of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44
                                                  RPGs attained at all Oregon IMPROVE                                        Oregon Regional Haze Progress Report                               U.S.C. 3501 et seq.);
                                                  monitors, except for the 20% most                                          submitted to the EPA on July 18, 2017,                                • is certified as not having a
                                                  impaired days at the Central Cascades                                      as meeting the applicable requirements                             significant economic impact on a
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  monitor, which Oregon demonstrated                                         of the CAA and RHR, as set forth in 40                             substantial number of small entities
                                                  was due to smoke from wildfires in                                         CFR 51.308(g). The EPA proposes to                                 under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5
                                                  2011 and 2012. Accordingly, the EPA                                        find that the existing regional haze SIP                           U.S.C. 601 et seq.);
                                                  proposes to find that Oregon adequately                                    is adequate to meet the state’s visibility                            • does not contain any unfunded
                                                  addressed the requirements in 40 CFR                                       goals and requires no substantive                                  mandate or significantly or uniquely
                                                  51.308(h) in its determination that the                                    revision at this time, as set forth in 40                          affect small governments, as described
                                                  existing Oregon regional haze SIP                                          CFR 51.308(h). We propose to find that
                                                  requires no substantive revisions at this                                  Oregon fulfilled the requirements in 40                              7 42   U.S.C. 7410(k); 40 CFR 52.02(a).

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 53 / Monday, March 19, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                              11933

                                                  in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act                     SUMMARY:    The Environmental Protection              contact the person identified in the ‘‘FOR
                                                  of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–4);                                Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve                  FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT’’         section.
                                                     • does not have Federalism                           elements of a State Implementation Plan               For the full EPA public comment policy,
                                                  implications as specified in Executive                  (SIP) submission from Connecticut                     information about CBI or multimedia
                                                  Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10,                    regarding the infrastructure                          submissions, and general guidance on
                                                  1999);                                                  requirements of the Clean Air Act (CAA                making effective comments, please visit
                                                     • is not an economically significant                 or Act) for the 2012 fine particle (PM2.5)            www.epa.gov/dockets/commenting-epa-
                                                  regulatory action based on health or                    National Ambient Air Quality Standards                dockets.
                                                  safety risks subject to Executive Order                 (NAAQS), and a SIP submission                         FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                  13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997);                    addressing interstate transport
                                                     • is not a significant regulatory action                                                                   Alison C. Simcox, Air Quality Unit, U.S.
                                                                                                          requirements of the CAA for the 2006                  Environmental Protection Agency, EPA
                                                  subject to Executive Order 13211 (66 FR                 PM2.5 NAAQS. In addition, we are
                                                  28355, May 22, 2001);                                                                                         New England Regional Office, 5 Post
                                                                                                          proposing to approve one statute                      Office Square—Suite 100 (Mail code
                                                     • is not subject to requirements of                  included in the SIP for the 2012 PM2.5
                                                  Section 12(d) of the National                                                                                 OEP05–2), Boston, MA 02109—3912,
                                                                                                          NAAQS. The infrastructure                             tel. (617) 918–1684; simcox.alison@
                                                  Technology Transfer and Advancement                     requirements are designed to ensure that
                                                  Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 note) because                                                                      epa.gov.
                                                                                                          the structural components of each
                                                  this rulemaking does not involve                        state’s air quality management program                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                  technical standards; and                                are adequate to meet the state’s                      Throughout this document whenever
                                                     • does not provide the EPA with the                  responsibilities under the CAA. The                   ‘‘we,’’ ‘‘us,’’ or ‘‘our’’ is used, we mean
                                                  discretionary authority to address, as                  EPA is also proposing to approve                      EPA.
                                                  appropriate, disproportionate human                     revisions to the SIP submitted by                     Table of Contents
                                                  health or environmental effects, using                  Connecticut on October 18, 2017,
                                                  practicable and legally permissible                                                                           I. Background and Purpose
                                                                                                          satisfying Connecticut’s earlier                         A. What Connecticut SIP submissions does
                                                  methods, under Executive Order 12898                    commitment to adopt and submit
                                                  (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).                                                                                    this rulemaking address?
                                                                                                          provisions that meet certain                             B. What is the scope of this rulemaking?
                                                     In addition, this proposed action does               requirements of the federal Prevention                II. What guidance is EPA using to evaluate
                                                  not apply on any Indian reservation                     of Significant Deterioration (PSD)                          these SIP submissions?
                                                  land or in any other area where the EPA                 permit program. In addition, we are                   III. EPA’s Review
                                                  or an Indian tribe has demonstrated that                proposing to convert the June 3, 2016                    A. Section 110(a)(2)(A)—Emission Limits
                                                  a tribe has jurisdiction. In those areas of             conditional approval for elements of                        and Other Control Measures
                                                  Indian country, the rule does not have                                                                           B. Section 110(a)(2)(B)—Ambient Air
                                                                                                          Connecticut’s infrastructure SIP                            Quality Monitoring/Data System
                                                  tribal implications as specified by                     regarding PSD requirements to treat
                                                  Executive Order 13175 (65 FR 67249,                                                                              C. Section 110(a)(2)(C)—Program for
                                                                                                          nitrogen oxides (NOX) as a precursor to                     Enforcement of Control Measures and for
                                                  November 9, 2000).                                      ozone and to establish a minor source                       Construction or Modification of
                                                  List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52                      baseline date for PM2.5 emissions. This                     Stationary Sources
                                                                                                          action is being taken under the Clean                    D. Section 110(a)(2)(D)—Interstate
                                                    Environmental protection, Air                                                                                     Transport
                                                  pollution control, Incorporation by                     Air Act.
                                                                                                                                                                   E. Section 110(a)(2)(E)—Adequate
                                                  reference, Intergovernmental relations,                 DATES: Written comments must be                             Resources
                                                  Nitrogen dioxide, Particulate matter,                   received on or before April 18, 2018.                    F. Section 110(a)(2)(F)—Stationary Source
                                                  Reporting and recordkeeping                             ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,                            Monitoring System
                                                  requirements, Sulfur oxides, Visibility,                identified by Docket ID No. EPA–R01–                     G. Section 110(a)(2)(G)—Emergency
                                                                                                          OAR–2017–0065 at https://                                   Powers
                                                  Volatile organic compounds.                                                                                      H. Section 110(a)(2)(H)—Future SIP
                                                     Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
                                                                                                          www.regulations.gov, or via email to
                                                                                                          simcox.alison@epa.gov. For comments                      I. Section 110(a)(2)(I)—Nonattainment Area
                                                    Dated: February 26, 2018.                             submitted at Regulations.gov, follow the                    Plan or Plan Revisions Under Part D
                                                  Chris Hladick,                                          online instructions for submitting                       J. Section 110(a)(2)(J)—Consultation With
                                                  Regional Administrator, Region 10.                      comments. Once submitted, comments                          Government Officials; Public
                                                  [FR Doc. 2018–04931 Filed 3–16–18; 8:45 am]             cannot be edited or removed from                            Notifications; Prevention of Significant
                                                  BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                  Regulations.gov. For either manner of                       Deterioration; Visibility Protection
                                                                                                          submission, the EPA may publish any                      K. Section 110(a)(2)(K)—Air Quality
                                                                                                          comment received to its public docket.
                                                                                                                                                                   L. Section 110(a)(2)(L)—Permitting Fees
                                                  ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                                Do not submit electronically any                         M. Section 110(a)(2)(M)—Consultation/
                                                  AGENCY                                                  information you consider to be                              Participation by Affected Local Entities
                                                                                                          Confidential Business Information (CBI)                  N. Connecticut Statute Submitted for
                                                  40 CFR Part 52                                          or other information whose disclosure is                    Incorporation Into the SIP
                                                  [EPA–R01–OAR–2017–0065; FRL–9975–                       restricted by statute. Multimedia                     IV Proposed Action
                                                  43—Region 1]                                            submissions (audio, video, etc.) must be              V. Incorporation by Reference
                                                                                                          accompanied by a written comment.                     VI. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
                                                  Air Plan Approval; Connecticut;                         The written comment is considered the
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                                                                                I. Background and Purpose
                                                  Infrastructure State Implementation                     official comment and should include
                                                  Plan Requirements; Prevention of                        discussion of all points you wish to                  A. What Connecticut SIP submissions
                                                  Significant Deterioration Permit                        make. The EPA will generally not                      does this rulemaking address?
                                                  Program Revisions                                       consider comments or comment                            This rulemaking addresses three
                                                  AGENCY:  Environmental Protection                       contents located outside of the primary               submissions from the Connecticut
                                                  Agency (EPA).                                           submission (i.e., on the web, cloud, or               Department of Energy and
                                                                                                          other file sharing system). For                       Environmental Protection (CT DEEP).
                                                  ACTION: Proposed rule.
                                                                                                          additional submission methods, please                 The state submitted a SIP addressing the

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Document Created: 2018-03-17 04:24:55
Document Modified: 2018-03-17 04:24:55
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule.
DatesComments must be received on or before April 18, 2018.
ContactJeff Hunt, Air Planning Unit, Office of Air and Waste (OAW-150), Environmental Protection Agency--Region 10, 1200 Sixth Ave, Seattle, WA 98101; telephone number: (206) 553-0256,
FR Citation83 FR 11927 
CFR AssociatedEnvironmental Protection; Air Pollution Control; Incorporation by Reference; Intergovernmental Relations; Nitrogen Dioxide; Particulate Matter; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements; Sulfur Oxides; Visibility and Volatile Organic Compounds

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