83_FR_18411 83 FR 18330 - Marine Mammals; Incidental Take During Specified Activities; Proposed Incidental Harassment Authorization for Northern Sea Otters in Cook Inlet, Alaska; Availability of Draft Environmental Assessment; Request for Comments

83 FR 18330 - Marine Mammals; Incidental Take During Specified Activities; Proposed Incidental Harassment Authorization for Northern Sea Otters in Cook Inlet, Alaska; Availability of Draft Environmental Assessment; Request for Comments

Fish and Wildlife Service

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 81 (April 26, 2018)

Page Range18330-18342
FR Document2018-08760

We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in response to a request under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, as amended, from Hilcorp Alaska, LLC, propose to authorize nonlethal, incidental take by harassment of small numbers of northern sea otters between May 23, 2018, and September 30, 2018. The applicant has requested this authorization for take that may result from aircraft overflights in Cook Inlet, Alaska. Aerial surveys are needed to collect gravitational and magnetic data for oil and gas exploration. This proposed authorization, if finalized, will be for take by Level B harassment only; no take by injury or death will be authorized. The application package and the references cited herein are available for viewing at http://www.fws.gov/alaska/fisheries/mmm/iha.htm or may be requested as described under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 81 (Thursday, April 26, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 81 (Thursday, April 26, 2018)]
[Pages 18330-18342]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-08760]



Fish and Wildlife Service

[FWS-R7-ES-2018-N010; FXES111607MRG01-189-FF07CAMM00]

Marine Mammals; Incidental Take During Specified Activities; 
Proposed Incidental Harassment Authorization for Northern Sea Otters in 
Cook Inlet, Alaska; Availability of Draft Environmental Assessment; 
Request for Comments

AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.

ACTION: Notice of receipt of application; proposed incidental 
harassment authorization; availability of draft environmental 
assessment; request for comments.


SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in response to a 
request under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, as amended, 
from Hilcorp Alaska, LLC, propose to authorize nonlethal, incidental 
take by harassment of small numbers of northern sea otters between May 
23, 2018, and September 30, 2018. The applicant has requested this

[[Page 18331]]

authorization for take that may result from aircraft overflights in 
Cook Inlet, Alaska. Aerial surveys are needed to collect gravitational 
and magnetic data for oil and gas exploration. This proposed 
authorization, if finalized, will be for take by Level B harassment 
only; no take by injury or death will be authorized. The application 
package and the references cited herein are available for viewing at 
http://www.fws.gov/alaska/fisheries/mmm/iha.htm or may be requested as 

DATES: Comments on the proposed incidental harassment authorization and 
draft environmental assessment will be accepted on or before May 29, 

ADDRESSES: Document availability: You may obtain a copy of the draft 
environmental assessment and a list of the references cited in this 
document by the methods set out below.
    Comment submission: You may submit comments by one of the following 
     U.S. mail or hand-delivery: Public Comments Processing, 
Attention: Ms. Kimberly Klein, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, MS 341, 
1011 East Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99503;
     Fax: (907) 786-3848, Attention: Ms. Kimberly Klein; or
     Email: [email protected].
    See Request for Public Comments below for more information.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Kimberly Klein, by mail (see 
ADDRESSES); by email at [email protected]; or by telephone at 1-



    Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, 
as amended (MMPA; 16 U.S.C. 1361, et seq.), authorizes the Secretary of 
the Interior (Secretary) to allow, upon request, the incidental but not 
intentional taking of small numbers of marine mammals of a species or 
population stock by U.S. citizens who engage in a specified activity 
(other than commercial fishing) within a specified region during a 
period of not more than 1 year. Incidental take may be authorized only 
if statutory and regulatory procedures are followed and the U.S. Fish 
and Wildlife Service (hereafter, ``the Service'' or ``we'') make the 
following findings: (i) Take is of a small number of animals, (ii) take 
will have a negligible impact on the species or stock, and (iii) take 
will not have an unmitigable adverse impact on the availability of the 
species or stock for subsistence uses by coastal-dwelling Alaska 
    The term ``take,'' as defined by the MMPA, means to harass, hunt, 
capture, or kill, or to attempt to harass, hunt, capture, or kill any 
marine mammal (16 U.S.C. 1362(13)). Harassment, as defined by the MMPA, 
means any act of pursuit, torment, or annoyance that (i) has the 
potential to injure a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild 
(the MMPA calls this ``Level A harassment''), or (ii) has the potential 
to disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild by 
causing disruption of behavioral patterns, including, but not limited 
to, migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering 
(the MMPA calls this ``Level B harassment'').
    The terms ``negligible impact,'' ``small numbers,'' and 
``unmitigable adverse impact'' are defined in the Code of Federal 
Regulations at 50 CFR 18.27, the Service's regulations governing take 
of small numbers of marine mammals incidental to specified activities. 
``Negligible impact'' is defined as an impact resulting from the 
specified activity that cannot be reasonably expected to, and is not 
reasonably likely to, adversely affect the species or stock through 
effects on annual rates of recruitment or survival. ``Small numbers'' 
is defined as a portion of a marine mammal species or stock whose 
taking would have a negligible impact on that species or stock. 
However, we do not rely on that definition here, as it conflates the 
terms ``small numbers'' and ``negligible impact,'' which we recognize 
as two separate and distinct requirements (see Natural Res. Def. 
Council, Inc. v. Evans, 232 F. Supp. 2d 1003, 1025 (N.D. Cal. 2003)). 
Instead, in our small numbers determination, we evaluate whether the 
number of marine mammals likely to be taken is small relative to the 
size of the overall population. ``Unmitigable adverse impact'' is 
defined as an impact resulting from the specified activity (1) that is 
likely to reduce the availability of the species to a level 
insufficient for a harvest to meet subsistence needs by (i) causing the 
marine mammals to abandon or avoid hunting areas, (ii) directly 
displacing subsistence users, or (iii) placing physical barriers 
between the marine mammals and the subsistence hunters; and (2) that 
cannot be sufficiently mitigated by other measures to increase the 
availability of marine mammals to allow subsistence needs to be met.
    If the requisite findings are made, we may issue an Incidental 
Harassment Authorization (IHA), which sets forth the following: (i) 
Permissible methods of taking; (ii) other means of effecting the least 
practicable impact on marine mammals and their habitat, paying 
particular attention to rookeries, mating grounds, and areas of similar 
significance, and on the availability of marine mammals for taking for 
subsistence uses by coastal-dwelling Alaska Natives; and (iii) 
requirements for monitoring and reporting take.

Summary of Request

    On November 2, 2017, Hilcorp Alaska, LLC (hereafter ``Hilcorp'' or 
``the applicant'') submitted a request to the Service's Marine Mammals 
Management Office (MMM) for authorization to take a small number of 
northern sea otters (Enhydra lutris kenyoni, hereafter ``sea otters'' 
or ``otters''). Hilcorp expects that take by unintentional harassment 
may occur during their planned oil and gas exploration activities in 
Cook Inlet, Alaska.
    Hilcorp originally requested an IHA for take of sea otters 
resulting from both aerial and in-water seismic surveys planned for 
April 1, 2018, through June 30, 2018. Aerial surveys measure the 
gravitational and magnetic signatures of the Earth's crust to detect 
subsurface oil and gas deposits. Seismic surveys measure sound waves 
reflected off the sea floor to detect offshore oil and gas deposits. 
Both survey types create noise that may cause sea otters to be 
harassed. Hilcorp later notified the Service that the seismic work will 
not be conducted as part of the 2018 project. On December 22, 2017, 
Hilcorp submitted an amended request withdrawing the seismic work. They 
retained the aerial survey work as originally planned and adjusted the 
proposed dates to the period May 23, 2018, through July 1, 2018. We 
evaluated possible effects of conducting the project between May 23, 
2018, and September 30, 2018, rather than between May 23, 2018, and 
June 30, 2018, in order to provide flexibility should additional time 
be needed to complete the proposed work. We evaluated the effects of 
conducting the same amount of work over a longer period, but we did not 
consider the effects of conducting additional work. There is no 
expected change in the amount of take that would be authorized.

Description of Specified Activities and Geographic Area

    The specified activity (the ``project'') consists of Hilcorp's 2018 
Lower Cook Inlet geophysical survey program. Hilcorp will conduct 
aerial surveys over Cook Inlet between May 23, 2018, and July 1, 2018. 
Data will be collected by

[[Page 18332]]

sensitive equipment mounted aboard aircraft. All data collection is 
passive; no signals will be emitted from the equipment.
    The surveys will be conducted by flying a prescribed pattern of 
transect lines over the Federal and State waters of lower Cook Inlet 
and the shoreline of Alaska between 151.7[deg] and 153.6[deg] W., and 
59.4[deg] and 60.5[deg] N. This is the specified geographic area of the 
project. Two aircraft types will be used, a fixed-wing Basler BT-67 
turboprop (a modified remanufactured Douglas DC-3) and an AS-350 B3 
helicopter. The helicopter will be flown over land and within 4.8 
kilometers (km) (3 miles (mi)) of the coast, while the DC-3 will be 
flown over the offshore waters only. The DC-3 will fly at about 333 
kilometers per hour (km/h) or 207 miles per hour (mi/h) while the AS-
350 will fly at about 100 km/h (62 mi/h).
    Fixed-wing transect lines will be flown in a northeast/southwest 
direction, generally parallel to the coast of Cook Inlet, and will be 
approximately 100 km (62 mi) long. Helicopter transects will run 
roughly east/west and will be about 25 km (15.5 mi) long. Both sets of 
transect lines will be spaced 500 m (0.3 mi) apart and will be 
connected by perpendicular tie lines at 5,000 meters (m) (3.1 mi) 
apart. The fixed-wing survey will be flown at approximately 152 m (500 
feet (ft)) above sea level (ASL), and the helicopter will fly at 91 to 
152 m (300 to 500 ft) above ground level (AGL).
    Aerial surveys are expected to take approximately 14 days total 
within a 2-month period, although work days may not be consecutive due 
to weather or equipment delays. Standard fixed-wing and helicopter 
operational limitations apply, and weather delays, flight ceilings, 
etc., will be at the discretion of the flight contractor.

Description of Marine Mammals in the Specified Area

    The northern sea otter is currently the only marine mammal under 
the Service's jurisdiction that normally occupies Cook Inlet, Alaska. 
Sea otters in Alaska are represented by three stocks. Those in Cook 
Inlet belong to either the southwest Alaska stock or the southcentral 
Alaska stock, depending on whether they occur west or east of the 
center of Cook Inlet, respectively. A third stock occurs in southeast 
    The southwest stock of the northern sea otter corresponds to the 
southwestern Distinct Population Segment (DPS), which was listed as 
threatened under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA; 16 U.S.C. 
1531, et seq.) on August 9, 2005 (70 FR 46366). Detailed information 
about the biology and conservation status of the listed DPS can be 
found at https://www.fws.gov/alaska/fisheries/mmm/seaotters/otters.htm. 
Stock assessment reports for the listed DPS and non-listed populations 
are available at https://www.fws.gov/alaska/fisheries/mmm/stock/stock.htm.
    Sea otters may occur anywhere within the specified project area 
other than upland areas. The number of sea otters in Cook Inlet was 
estimated from an aerial survey conducted by the Service in cooperation 
with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in May 2017 (USFWS and USGS, 
unpublished data). The sea otter survey was conducted in all areas of 
Cook Inlet south of approximately 60.3[deg] N. within the 40 m (131 ft) 
depth contour, including Kachemak Bay in southeastern Cook Inlet and 
Kamishak Bay in southwestern Cook Inlet. This survey was designed to 
estimate abundance in Cook Inlet while accounting for the variable 
densities and observability of sea otters in the region. Total 
abundance was estimated to be 19,889 sea otters (standard error = 
2,988). Within the project area, the highest densities of sea otters 
were found in the outer Kamishak Bay area, with 3.5 otters per square 
km (km\2\), followed by the eastern shore of Cook Inlet (1.7 otters per 
km\2\). Distribution of the population during Hilcorp's project is 
likely to be similar to that detected during sea otter surveys, as 
their work will be conducted during the same time of year that the sea 
otter surveys were completed.
    Sea otters generally occur in shallow water near the shoreline. 
They are most commonly observed within the 40 m (131 ft) depth contour 
(USFWS 2014a, b) although they can be found in areas with deeper water. 
Depth is generally correlated with distance to shore, and sea otters 
typically remain within 1 to 2 km (0.62 to 1.24 mi) of shore (Riedman 
and Estes 1990). They tend to remain closer to shore during storms, but 
they venture farther out during good weather and calm seas (Lensink 
1962; Kenyon 1969).
    The documented home range sizes and movement patterns of sea otters 
illustrate the types of movements that could be seen among otters 
responding to Hilcorp's activities. Sea otters are non-migratory and 
generally do not disperse over long distances (Garshelis and Garshelis 
1984). They usually remain within a few kilometers of their established 
feeding grounds (Kenyon 1981). Breeding males remain for all or part of 
the year in a breeding territory covering up to 1 km (0.62 mi) of 
coastline. Adult females have home ranges of approximately 8 to 16 km 
(5 to 10 mi), which may include one or more male territories. Juveniles 
move greater distances between resting and foraging areas (Lensink 
1962; Kenyon 1969; Riedman and Estes 1990; Estes and Tinker 1996).
    Although sea otters generally remain local to an area, they are 
capable of long-distance travel. Otters in Alaska have shown daily 
movement distances greater than 3 km (1.9 mi) at speeds up to 5.5 km/h 
(3.4 mi/h) (Garshelis and Garshelis 1984). In eastern Cook Inlet, large 
numbers of sea otters have been observed riding the incoming tide 
northward and returning on the outgoing tide, especially in August. 
They are presumably feeding along the eastern shoreline of Cook Inlet 
during the slack tides when the weather is good and remaining in 
Kachemak Bay during periods of less favorable weather (Gill 2009; 
BlueCrest 2013). In western Cook Inlet, otters appear to move in and 
out of Kamishak Bay in response to seasonal changes in the presence of 
sea ice (Larned 2006).

Potential Effects of the Activities

Exposure of Sea Otters to Noise

    Hilcorp has requested authorization for Level B incidental 
harassment of sea otters. Sea otters in Cook Inlet will be exposed to 
the visual and auditory stimulation associated with Hilcorp's aerial 
surveys. Fixed-wing and helicopter traffic is common in Cook Inlet, and 
the visual presence of aircraft alone is unlikely to cause sea otters 
to be harassed. If sea otters are disturbed, it will more likely be due 
to the airborne noise associated with Hilcorp's flyovers, or possibly, 
the noise in tandem with the sight of the aircraft. Hilcorp's aerial 
surveys will generate noise that is louder and recurs more frequently 
than noise from regular air traffic due to the survey's particular 
aircraft, low flight altitudes, and parallel transect pattern. Flyovers 
may cause disruptions in the sea otter's normal behavioral patterns, 
thereby resulting in incidental take by Level B harassment.
    We expect the actual number of otters experiencing Level B take due 
to harassment by noise to be 578 or fewer. Otters may be taken more 
than once; the total number of incidental takes of sea otters is 
expected to be less than 693. Hilcorp's project, as it is currently 
proposed, will not introduce anything into the water, alter habitat, 
generate sound below the water's surface, or expose any marine mammals 
to direct contact with people, equipment, or vessels. Take will be 
limited to incidental, unintentional Level B

[[Page 18333]]

harassment; no take from other sources is expected.
Noise From Hilcorp's Aircraft
    Whether a specific noise source will affect a sea otter depends on 
several factors, including the distance between the animal and the 
sound source, the sound intensity, background noise levels, the noise 
frequency, duration, and whether the noise is pulsed or continuous. The 
actual noise level perceived by individual sea otters will depend on 
distance to the aircraft, whether the animal is above or below water, 
atmospheric and environmental conditions, and the operational 
conditions of the aircraft.
    Noise production has been measured for the DC-3 and the AS-350. 
Noise levels herein are given in decibels (dB) referenced to 20 
[micro]Pa for airborne sound. All dB levels are dBRMS unless 
otherwise noted; dBRMS refers to the root-mean-squared dB 
level, the square root of the average of the squared Sound Pressure 
Level (SPL) typically measured over 1 second. See Richardson et al. 
(1995), G[ouml]tz et al. (2009), Hopp et al. (2012), Navy (2014), or 
similar resources for descriptions of acoustical terms and measurement 
units in the context of ecological impact assessment.
    Standardized noise testing has been conducted for compliance with 
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations at 14 CFR part 36. 
During these tests, the DC-3 produced noise levels of 82.4 
dBEPN (Effective Perceived Noise level) during takeoff, and 
91.9 dBEPN on approach (USDOT 2012). Other field-testing of 
the DC-3 produced a peak SPL of 90 dBPEAK during level 
flyovers at 265 km/hr (165 mi/hr) measured at 305 m (1,000 ft) from the 
flightpath (Ollerhead 1971; Fink 1977). During a gliding flight path at 
152.4 m (500 ft) altitude and airspeeds around 278 km/hr (173 mi/h), a 
maximum of 79.6 dB was recorded (Healy 1974). See 14 CFR part 36 for 
calculation of dBEPN from field measurements of sound.
    Documented noise levels of the AS-350 recorded for FAA compliance 
measured 89.8 to 91.1 dBEPN during takeoff and 91.3 to 91.4 
dBEPN on approach; level straight-line flyovers at an 
altitude of 305 m (1,000 ft) produced noise levels from 86.8 to 87.1 
dBEPN (USDOT 2012). Newman and Rickley (1979) reported 91.2 
dBEPN on approach, 89.2 dBEPN during takeoff, and 
87.2 dBEPN during level flyovers at approximately 150 m (492 
ft) altitude. Falzarano and Levy (2007) reported that overflights by 
the AS-350 at a distance of 122 m (400 ft) AGL produced an FAA-
certified 83.5 dBA Sound Exposure Level (SEL; normally referenced to 20 
    Turboprop aircraft such as the DC-3 are generally perceived to 
produce noise levels 10 to 20 dB higher than helicopters, which in turn 
are 10 to 20 dB noisier than piston aircraft (Ollerhead 1971). Based on 
information on aircraft type, airspeed, and altitude, we assume the 
sound levels generated by Hilcorp's aircraft during aerial gravitation 
and magnetic surveys will not exceed a maximum of approximately 90 dB 
at the water's surface.
Sea Otter Hearing
    Sound frequencies produced by Hilcorp's aircraft will fall within 
the hearing range of sea otters and will be audible to animals during 
flyovers. Controlled sound exposure trials on southern sea otters (E. 
l. nereis) indicate that otters can hear frequencies between 125 hertz 
(Hz) and 38 kilohertz (kHz) with best sensitivity between 1.2 and 27 
kHz (Ghoul and Reichmuth 2014). Aerial and underwater audiograms for a 
captive adult male southern sea otter in the presence of ambient noise 
suggest the sea otter's hearing was less sensitive to high-frequency 
(greater than 22 kHz) and low-frequency (less than 2 kHz) sounds than 
terrestrial mustelids but similar to that of a sea lion. Dominant 
frequencies of southern sea otter vocalizations are between 3 and 8 
kHz, with some energy extending above 60 kHz (McShane et al. 1995; 
Ghoul and Reichmuth 2012). During FAA testing, the test aircraft 
produced sound at all frequencies measured (50 Hz to 10 kHz) (Healy 
1974; Newman and Rickley 1979). At frequencies centered at 5 kHz, jets 
flying at 300 m (984 ft) produced \1/3\ octave band noise levels of 84 
to 124 dB, propeller-driven aircraft produced 75 to 90 dB, and 
helicopters produced 60 to 70 dB (Richardson et al. 1995).
    Exposure to high levels of sound may cause changes in behavior, 
masking of communications, temporary or permanent changes in hearing 
sensitivity, discomfort, and injury. Species-specific criteria for sea 
otters have not been identified for preventing harmful exposures to 
sound. Thresholds have been developed for other marine mammals, above 
which exposure is likely to cause behavioral disturbance and injuries 
(Southall et al. 2007; Finneran and Jenkins 2012; NMFS 2016). Because 
sea otter hearing abilities and sensitivities have not been fully 
evaluated, we relied on the closest related proxy to evaluate the 
potential effects of noise exposure.
    California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) (otariid pinnipeds) 
have shown a frequency range of hearing most similar to that of 
southern sea otters (Ghoul and Reichmuth 2014) and provide the closest 
related proxy for which data are available. Sea otters and pinnipeds 
share a common mammalian aural physiology (Echteler et al. 1994; 
Solntseva 2007). Both are adapted to amphibious hearing, and both use 
sound in the same way (primarily for communication rather than 
Exposure Thresholds
    Noise exposure thresholds have been established by the National 
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for identifying underwater noise levels 
capable of causing Level A harassment (injury) of marine mammals, 
including otariid pinnipeds (NMFS 2016). Those thresholds are based on 
estimated levels of sound exposure capable of causing a permanent shift 
in sensitivity of hearing (e.g., a Permanent Threshold Shift (PTS) 
(NMFS 2016)). Thresholds for non-impulse sound are based on cumulative 
SEL (SELcum) during a 24-hour period and include weighting adjustments 
for the sensitivity of different species to varying frequencies. These 
injury thresholds were developed from Temporary Threshold Shifts (TTS) 
detected in lab settings during sound exposure trials. Studies were 
summarized by Finneran (2015). Thresholds based on TTS have been used 
as a proxy for Level B harassment (i.e., 70 FR 1871, January 11, 2005; 
71 FR 3260, January 20, 2006; and 73 FR 41318, July 18, 2008).
    The NMFS (2016) guidance neither addresses thresholds for 
preventing injury or disturbance from airborne noise, nor provides 
thresholds for avoidance of Level B take. However, it does provide a 
framework for assessment of potential consequences of noise exposure. 
Exposure to airborne noise has been estimated to cause TTS in the 
California sea lion after 1.5 to 50 minutes of exposure to sound at 
SPLs of 94 to 133 dB; TTS onset was estimated to occur at 159 dB SELcum 
(Kastak et al. 2004, 2007). The U.S. Navy adopted 159 dB SELcum as a 
TTS threshold level and used it to estimate onset of PTS and set a 
threshold for otariid pinnipeds at 168 dB SELcum (Finneran and Jenkins, 
2012). Southall et al. (2007) reviewed the literature and recommended 
dual injury thresholds for PTS for sea lions exposed to discrete non-
pulsed airborne noise of 149 dBPEAK and 172.5 dB SELcum.
    Acoustic thresholds can be reached from acute exposure to high 
sound levels or from long periods of exposure to lower levels. Both the 
sound levels and durations of exposure from

[[Page 18334]]

Hilcorp's aircraft will depend primarily on a sea otter's distance from 
the transect during a flyover. Airborne sound attenuation rates are 
affected by characteristics of the atmosphere and topography, but can 
be conservatively generalized for line sources (such as flight lines) 
over acoustically ``hard'' surfaces like water (rather than ``soft'' 
surfaces like snow) by a loss of 3 dB per doubling of distance from the 
source. At this attenuation rate, a sound registering 90 dB directly 
below a flyover at 91 to 152 m (300 to 500 ft) ASL will attenuate to 80 
dB in 1 to 1.5 km (0.6 to 0.9 mi). The same noise level will attenuate 
to 68 dB (the upper range of ambient conditions near Cook Inlet per 
Blackwell (2005)) within 15 to 24 km (9 to 15 mi).
    At rates of speed proposed for Hilcorp's aircraft (333 km/hr (207 
mi/h) for the DC-3 and 100 km/hr (62 mi/h) for the AS-350 helicopter) 
sea otters will be exposed to sound levels between 80 and 90 dB for up 
to 1 minute per flyover by either aircraft. Sea otters will experience 
sound levels less than 80 dB but greater than ambient for up to 2.5 
minutes as the DC-3 passes by, and up to 13.5 minutes when the AS-350 
helicopter flies by. About 15 to 18 passes per day will be required to 
complete the survey during the allotted period. This scenario suggests 
that otters within the helicopter survey area could potentially be 
exposed to continual sound levels that are higher than ambient for the 
duration of each day's work.
    No value representing the upper limit of safety for prolonged 
exposure has been identified for sea otters, but a sea lion exposed to 
an SPL of 94 dB for 12 minutes did not show a statistically significant 
TTS (Kastak et al. 2007). In humans, prolonged exposure to 80 dBA is 
unlikely to cause hearing loss (dBA is the decibel level weighted at 
frequencies sensitive to human hearing). Although the decibel levels 
here have not been weighted for the sensitivity of sea otters to 
specific frequencies, weighting adjustments generally reduce the dB 
level of sounds at frequencies outside of the range of greatest 
sensitivity. We therefore assume prolonged exposure to 80 dB 
(unweighted) will not cause TTS in sea otters.
    We then considered the potential effect of repeated 1-minute 
exposures to SPLs greater than 80 dB. The SELcum of a sea otter 
positioned below the aircraft can be estimated based on the duration of 
exposure and sound level at the location of the animal. Cumulative SEL 
is linearly related to the SPL and logarithmically related to the 
exposure time, meaning that SELcum will increase or decrease on a 1:1 
basis with increasing or decreasing SPL, and increase or decrease by 3 
dB for each doubling or halving of exposure time, respectively 
(Finneran et al. 2015). Based on this relationship, we can estimate the 
SELcum from flyover exposures. For example, using a simple equation SPL 
+ 10log10 (duration of exposure, expressed in seconds) (NMFS 
2016), SELcum may reach 120 dB for the anticipated activities (90 + 
10log10 (1,080) [ap] 120.3 dB, where 1,080 represents 18 
passes at 60 seconds each). This specific model is generally used in 
underwater applications, and it assumes a constant received sound level 
that does not change over space and time (e.g., Urick 1983; ANSI 1986; 
Madsen 2005). Additionally, Hilcorp's flight lines do not cover the 
same area multiple times, so sea otters are unlikely to be exposed to 
sound from all passes in a day. Therefore, this model is expected to 
overestimate a sea otter's cumulative exposure to sound during 
flyovers, but it demonstrates that the airborne noise generated by 
Hilcorp's aircraft during gravitational and magnetic surveys will not 
cause TTS in sea otters, even for an otter located at the closest point 
of approach during multiple flyovers.

Response to Disturbance

    The potential that Hilcorp's aerial surveys will cause take due to 
changes in the hearing abilities (TTS or PTS) of sea otters is 
negligible. However, the project may result in Level B take by 
harassment due to an individual's reaction to project noise. The actual 
number of takes will depend on the number of times individual sea 
otters perceive Hilcorp's activities and respond with a significant 
behavioral change in a biologically important activity.
Direct and Indirect Effects
    The reactions of wildlife to disturbance can range from short-term 
behavioral changes to long-term impacts that affect survival and 
reproduction. When disturbed by noise, animals may respond behaviorally 
(e.g., escape response) or physiologically (e.g., increased heart rate, 
hormonal response) (Harms et al. 1997; Tempel and Gutierrez 2003). The 
energy expense and associated physiological effects could ultimately 
lead to reduced survival and reproduction (Gill and Sutherland 2000; 
Frid and Dill 2002). In an example described by Pavez et al., (2015), 
South American sea lions (Otaria byronia) visited by tourists exhibited 
an increase in the state of alertness and a decrease in maternal 
attendance and resting time on land, thereby potentially reducing 
population size. In another example, killer whales (Orcinus orca) that 
lost feeding opportunities due to boat traffic faced a substantial (18 
percent) estimated decrease in energy intake (Williams et al., 2006). 
Such disturbance effects can have population-level consequences. 
Increased disturbance rates have been associated with a decline in 
abundance of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) (Bejder et al., 2006; 
Lusseau et al., 2006).
    These examples illustrate direct effects on survival and 
reproductive success, but disturbances can also have indirect effects. 
Response to noise disturbance is considered a nonlethal stimulus that 
is similar to an antipredator response (Frid and Dill 2002). Sea otters 
are susceptible to predation, particularly from killer whales and 
eagles, and have a well-developed antipredator response to perceived 
threats. For example, Limbaugh (1961) reported that sea otters were 
apparently undisturbed by the presence of a harbor seal (Phoca 
vitulina), but they were quite concerned with the appearance of a 
California sea lion. They demonstrated their fear by actively looking 
above and beneath the water when a sea lion was swimming nearby.
    Although an increase in vigilance or a flight response is 
nonlethal, a tradeoff occurs between risk avoidance and energy 
conservation. An animal's reactions to noise disturbance may cause 
stress and direct an animal's energy away from fitness-enhancing 
activities such as feeding and mating (Frid and Dill 2002; Goudie and 
Jones 2004). For example, Southern sea otters in areas with heavy 
recreational boat traffic demonstrated changes in behavioral time 
budgeting showing decreased time resting and changes in haulout 
patterns and distribution (Benham et al., 2005; Maldini et al., 2012). 
Chronic stress can also lead to weakened reflexes, lowered learning 
responses (Welch and Welch 1970; van Polanen Petel et al., 2006), 
compromised immune function, decreased body weight, and abnormal 
thyroid function (Seyle 1979).
    Changes in behavior resulting from anthropogenic disturbance can 
include increased agonistic interactions between individuals or 
temporary or permanent abandonment of an area (Barton et al., 1998). 
The type and extent of response may be influenced by intensity of the 
disturbance (Cevasco et al., 2001), the extent of previous exposure to 
humans (Holcomb et al. 2009), the type of

[[Page 18335]]

disturbance (Andersen et al., 2012), and the age and/or sex of the 
individuals (Shaughnessy et al. 2008; Holcomb et al., 2009). Despite 
the importance of understanding the effects of disturbance from sound, 
few controlled experiments or field observations have been conducted on 
sea otters to address this topic.
Evidence From Sea Otter Studies
    The available studies of sea otter behavior indicate that sea 
otters are somewhat more resistant to the effects of sound than other 
marine mammals (Riedman 1983, 1984; Ghoul et al., 2012a, b; Reichmuth 
and Ghoul 2012). Southern sea otters off the California coast showed 
only mild interest in boats passing within hundreds of meters and 
appeared to have habituated to boat traffic (Riedman 1983; Curland 
1997). Southern sea otters in an area with frequent railroad noise 
appeared to be relatively undisturbed by pile-driving activities, many 
showing no response and generally reacting more strongly to passing 
vessels than to the sounds of pile driving equipment (ESA 2016). When 
sea otters have displayed behavioral disturbance in response to 
acoustic stimuli, these responses were short-lived, and the otters 
quickly become habituated and resumed normal activity (Ghoul et al., 
2012b). Sea otters may be less sensitive to noise because whereas many 
marine mammals depend on acoustic cues for vital biological functions 
such as orientation, communication, locating prey, and avoiding 
predators, sea otters do not rely on sound to orient themselves, locate 
prey, or communicate underwater.
    In locations without frequent human activity, sea otters appear to 
be more easily disturbed. Sea otters in Alaska have shown signs of 
disturbance (escape behaviors) in response to the presence and approach 
of vessels. Behaviors included diving or actively swimming away from a 
boat, hauled-out sea otters entering the water, and groups of sea 
otters disbanding and swimming in multiple different directions 
(Udevitz et al., 1995). Sea otters in Alaska have also been shown to 
avoid areas with heavy boat traffic but return to those same areas 
during seasons with less traffic (Garshelis and Garshelis 1984). In 
Cook Inlet, otters were observed riding the tides past a new offshore 
drilling platform while drilling was being conducted; otters drifting 
on a trajectory that would have taken them within 500 m (0.3 mi) of the 
rig tended to swim to change their angle of drift to avoid a close 
approach although noise levels from the work were near the ambient 
level of underwater noise (BlueCrest 2013).
    Disturbances of sea otters due to aircraft have been observed in 
Alaska. Biologists conducting aerial surveys for the Service and the 
USGS to determine sea otter abundance between 2008 and 2015 reported 
disturbances of sea otters (USFWS and USGS unpublished data). Bodkin 
and Udevitz (1999) conducted sea otter surveys and reported 
disturbances caused by various flight patterns. Sea otter disturbances 
were also reported between 2009 and 2012 during aerial surveys 
conducted to determine bird and marine mammal distribution in Cook 
Inlet (ABR, Inc. 2010-2013). From all sources, the mean rate of 
disturbance during aerial surveys was 18.3 percent (2,288 out of 30,611 
sea otters observed), ranging from 8.0 to 29.2 percent (USFWS and USGS 
unpublished data, Bodkin and Udevitz 1999, ABR, Inc. 2010-2013). Most 
of the disturbances involved otters diving, swimming out of the area, 
or swimming erratically during overflights. Flying a more intensive 
search pattern (circling overhead) or flying at lower altitudes 
resulted in greater disturbance rates than straight-line flights at 
higher altitudes. Among these surveys, the reported rate of Level B 
harassment was below 0.1 percent (0 to 0.8 percent); 18 confirmed Level 
B takes were recorded among 19,500 animals observed (USFWS and USGS 
unpublished data).
    Some degree of disturbance is possible from Hilcorp's activities. 
Individual sea otters in Cook Inlet will show a range of responses to 
noise from Hilcorp's aircraft. Some may abandon the survey area and 
return when the disturbance has ceased. Based on the observed movement 
patterns of wild sea otters (i.e., Lensink 1962; Kenyon 1969, 1981; 
Garshelis and Garshelis 1984; Riedman and Estes 1990; Estes and Tinker 
1996, and others) we expect some individuals, independent juveniles, 
for example, will respond to Hilcorp's proposed activities by 
dispersing to areas of suitable habitat nearby, while others, 
especially breeding-age adult males, will not be displaced by 
    Some otters will likely show startle responses, change direction of 
travel, or dive. Sea otters reacting to overflights may divert time and 
attention from biologically important behaviors, such as feeding. Some 
effects may be undetectable in observations of behavior, especially the 
physiological effects of chronic noise exposure. Air traffic, 
commercial and recreational, is routine in Cook Inlet. Some sea otters 
in the area of activity may become habituated to noise caused by the 
project due to the existing continual air traffic in the area and will 
have little, if any, reaction to flyovers. However, noise levels from 
aircraft will be louder and will recur more frequently than that from 
regular air traffic in the region.

Effects on Habitat

    Habitat areas of significance for sea otters exist near the project 
area. Sea otter critical habitat was designated under the ESA (74 FR 
51988, October 8, 2009). In Cook Inlet, critical habitat occurs along 
the western shoreline south of approximately Redoubt Point. It extends 
from mean high tide line out to 100 m (328.1 ft) from shore or to the 
20 m (65.6 ft) depth contour. Physical and biological features of 
critical habitat essential to the conservation of sea otters include 
the benthic invertebrates (urchins, mussels, clams, etc.) eaten by 
otters and the shallow rocky areas and kelp beds that provide cover 
from predators. Other important habitat in the Hilcorp project area 
includes outer Kamishak Bay between Augustine Island and Iniskin Bay 
within the 40 m (131 ft) depth contour where high densities of otters 
have been detected. Sea otters within this important area and within 
the critical habitat may be affected by aerial surveys conducted by 
Hilcorp. The MMPA allows the Service to identify avoidance and 
minimization measures for effecting the least practicable impact of the 
specified activity on important habitats. However, the project, as 
currently proposed, will have no effect on habitat.

Mitigation and Monitoring

    If an IHA for Hilcorp's project is issued, it must specify means 
for effecting the least practicable impact on sea otters and their 
habitat, paying particular attention to habitat areas of significance, 
and on the availability of sea otters for taking for subsistence uses 
by coastal-dwelling Alaska Natives. Hilcorp has proposed to minimize 
the effects of their action by maintaining minimum flight altitudes, 
providing training to aircraft pilots to identify and monitor otters, 
reporting observations of otters to the Service, and coordinating with 
subsistence hunting communities. These measures are specified under 
Proposed Authorization, part B. Avoidance and Minimization.
    We evaluated various alternatives to these proposed mitigation 
measures to determine the means of effecting the least practicable 
impact to sea otters and their availability for subsistence use. 
Decreasing the survey length and increasing flight altitudes were not 
considered practicable for accomplishing the magnetic and

[[Page 18336]]

gravitational survey. Hilcorp suggested temporarily increasing flight 
altitude or diverting away from the flight path when groups of sea 
otters were encountered. We evaluated this option, but at the requisite 
flight speeds and initial altitudes, it is unlikely that otters can be 
spotted until the survey aircraft is too close to avoid disturbance. 
Evasive maneuvers such as an abrupt increase in altitude or change in 
direction will result in increased noise production due to the 
additional engine power and changes in aircraft configuration necessary 
for these tasks. These maneuvers would probably increase, rather than 
decrease, the level of noise exposure. Additionally, the pilot would 
later need to return to the same flight path to complete the transect, 
potentially encountering the same otters and causing another 

Estimated Incidental Take

Characterizing Take by Level B Harassment

    An individual sea otter's reaction will depend on its prior 
exposure to low-flying aircraft, its need or desire to be in the 
particular area, its physiological status, or other intrinsic factors. 
The location, timing, frequency, intensity, and duration of the 
encounter are among the external factors that will also influence the 
animal's response.
    Relatively minor reactions such as increased vigilance or a short-
term change in direction of travel are not likely to disrupt 
biologically important behavioral patterns and are not considered take 
by harassment as defined by the MMPA. These types of responses typify 
the most likely reactions of the majority of sea otters that will be 
exposed to Hilcorp's activities. Extreme behavioral reactions capable 
of causing injury are characterized as Level A harassment events, which 
are unlikely to result from the proposed project and will not be 
authorized. Examples include separation of mothers from young or 
repeatedly flushing sea otters from a haulout.
    Intermediate reactions that disrupt biologically significant 
behaviors and may potentially result in decreased fitness for the 
affected animal meet the criteria for Level B harassment under the 
MMPA. In 2014, the Service identified the following sea otter behaviors 
as indicating possible Level B take:
     Swimming away at a fast pace on belly (i.e., porpoising);
     Repeatedly raising the head vertically above the water to 
get a better view (spyhopping) while apparently agitated or while 
swimming away;
     In the case of a pup, repeatedly spyhopping while hiding 
behind and holding onto its mother's head;
     Abandoning prey or feeding area;
     Ceasing to nurse and/or rest (applies to dependent pups);
     Ceasing to rest (applies to independent animals);
     Ceasing to use movement corridors along the shoreline;
     Ceasing mating behaviors;
     Shifting/jostling/agitation in a raft so that the raft 
     Sudden diving of an entire raft;
     Flushing animals off a haulout.
    This list is not meant to encompass all possible behaviors, other 
situations may also indicate Level B take.

Estimating Exposure Rates

    To estimate the numbers of sea otters likely to experience Level B 
take, we first calculated the number of otters in Cook Inlet that occur 
within the Hilcorp project area. Number of otters was calculated from 
density multiplied by project area. Density was estimated according to 
region in Cook Inlet. Density data for Kamishak and the East side of 
Cook Inlet along the shore of the Kenai Peninsula was derived from 
aerial surveys conducted in May 2017 (USFWS and USGS, unpublished 
data). Surveys were not conducted for central Cook Inlet in 2017, and 
2017 surveys did not yield useful results for western Cook Inlet north 
of Kamishak, so the density for those regions was derived from the 2002 
surveys conducted by Bodkin et al. (2003) and corrected for population 
growth proportional to the growth rate of Cook Inlet as a whole, as 
determined from comparison of the 2002 and 2017 surveys. Density values 
(in otters per km\2\) were 1.7 in East Cook Inlet (excluding Kachemak 
Bay and the outer Coast of Kenai Peninsula south and east of Seldovia), 
3.5 in Kamishak Bay, and 0.026 in West and Central Cook Inlet.
    Hilcorp's project area boundary contains about 6,625 km\2\ (2,558 
square mi (mi\2\)) excluding land. Of this area, 1,039 km\2\ (401 
mi\2\) is in East Cook Inlet, 830 km\2\ (310 mi\2\) in Kamishak Bay, 
and 1,870 km\2\ (722 mi\2\) in West and Central Cook Inlet. The total 
number of otters within the Hilcorp project area was calculated to be 
4,753 otters ((1,039 x 1.7) + (831 x 3.53) + (1,870 x 0.026) [ap] 

Predicting Behavioral Response Rates

    Although we cannot predict the outcome of each encounter between a 
sea otter and one of Hilcorp's aircraft, it is possible to consider the 
most likely reactions. The best predictor of behavioral response for 
sea otters exposed to airborne sound is the distance at which the 
encounter occurs in relation to the sound level produced.
    To predict the total number of Level B takes, we distributed a 
questionnaire to professional biologists with experience conducting 
aerial surveys in regions with sea otters. The survey requested 
information about the respondent, the aircraft used, the flight 
altitude, and the reactions of otters to aircraft. Six useable 
responses were received in the time allotted; four were from 
professional sea otter biologists who have each conducted more than 
five sea otter surveys.
    Survey responses reported that, on average, 26 percent of sea 
otters located directly below the aircraft appear to react to the 
presence of the aircraft. Survey respondents reported that at a point 
on the water's surface 100 m (328 ft) perpendicular to the flight line, 
the disturbance rate dropped to just below 20 percent. At 250 m (820 
ft) from the flight line, just over 10 percent of sea otters reacted to 
aircraft, and at 500 m (1,640 ft) away, less than seven percent 
reacted. At 1,000 m (3,281 ft), less than one percent of otters were 
disturbed by aircraft overflights.
    We then evaluated whether Hilcorp's project will expose sea otters 
to comparable noise levels to those during surveys conducted by 
questionnaire respondents. Hilcorp will use an AS-350 and a modified 
DC-3. Hilcorp's aerial surveys will be conducted at 92 to 152 m (300 to 
500 ft) for the AS-350 and 152 m (500 ft) for the DC-3. Small fixed-
wing aircraft such as the Piper PA-18 Super Cub, Cessna 185 and 206, 
and 18-GCBC Scout were most often used by questionnaire respondents and 
were generally flown at 92 to 152 m (300 to 500 ft) ASL. Larger twin-
engine aircraft were also used, including the Aero Commander and the 
Partenavia P.68. Questionnaire respondents indicated the use of the 
Partenavia P.68 flown at 61 m (200 ft) ASL during surveys for southern 
sea otters. Helicopters used during sea otter surveys included the 
Hughes 500 and Hughes 369 flown at 92 to 152 m (300 to 500 ft) ASL.
    Field tests for the Hughes 500 have demonstrated a maximum overall 
SPL of 87.6 dB as measured at ground level on the centerline of the 
flight path during straight-line flyovers at 150 m (492 ft) altitude 
and at a stable airspeed of 111 km/h (69 mi/h) (Newman and Rickley 
1979). The Hughes 500 and the AS-350 should generally produce a similar 
level of noise at the same altitude, although the AS-350 will be

[[Page 18337]]

slightly louder. Indeed, Newman et al. 1982 reported signatures for the 
AS-350 that were about 5 to 7 dB higher than those of the Hughes 500.
    The Aero Commander was the largest aircraft used during sea otter 
surveys. It produces a maximum of 75.4 dB during a gliding flight path 
at 152.4 m (500 ft) altitude and airspeeds up to 324 km/hr (201 mi/hr) 
(Healy 1974). The Aero Commander is expected to be roughly 5 dB quieter 
than the DC-3. The second largest aircraft, the Partenavia, produced 
noise levels measured for FAA compliance up to 78.2 dBA during flyovers 
at 305 m (1000 ft). The Piper PA-18 produced 65.9 dBA, and the Cessna 
206 ranged from 75.4 to 79.4 dBA at 305 m (1,000 ft) (USDOT 2012).
    For the Partenavia, back calculating from FAA standards using an 
estimated 3 to 6 dB loss per doubling of distance indicates this 
aircraft at 200 ft ASL may have exposed sea otters to 85 to 92 dB while 
a Cessna 206 at 300 ft would have generated from 84.6 to 89.8 dB. Both 
of these are within the possible range of noise produced by the DC-3. 
The Piper PA-18 flying at 91 m (300 ft) would likely expose sea otters 
to sound pressure levels ranging from 71.1 to 76.4 dB.
    In conclusion, there is overlap in the sound levels that will be 
produced by Hilcorp's project and those generated during sea otter 
surveys conducted by questionnaire respondents. Therefore, disturbance 
rates from Hilcorp's activities will be adequately represented by the 
rates of sea otter disturbance reported by biologists.

Calculating Take

    We then used the estimated response rates of sea otters, as 
described by questionnaire responses provided by professional 
biologists, to predict the total number of possible reactions that 
could result from Hilcorp's project. To do this, we multiplied the size 
of the project area by the density of otters and the probability of 
disturbance according to the distance from the flight line. Details 
    The area within which sea otters may be disturbed was calculated on 
a per day basis in ArcGIS[supreg] using transect lines provided by 
Hilcorp. The total transect length was divided into 14 polygons 
representing 4 helicopter and 10 fixed-wing ``flight days.'' The ends 
of fixed-wing transects were connected by a line of the minimum length 
necessary to circle a 1-nautical-mile perimeter, based on the turn 
radius of a DC-3. The ends of helicopter transects were joined with 
straight lines to connect one to the next. Both fixed-wing and 
helicopter transect lines were connected in a zigzag pattern to 
simulate minimal off-transect travel routes. Transects in each of the 
14 flight days were then buffered to represent the area per day of 
potential disturbance effects.
    Multi-ring buffers were created around transect lines to represent 
zones with variable probabilities of disturbance determined by distance 
from the center line of the flight path as measured along the water's 
surface to a point directly below the aircraft. Rings were established 
at distance categories of 20, 100, 250, 500, 750, and 1,000 m (66, 328, 
820, 1,640, 2,461, and 3,281 ft) from the transect lines. Overlapping 
rings within the same distance categories were merged within, but not 
between flight days. The total area of each ring was summed in 
ArcGIS[supreg]. Table 1 shows the area calculated within each ring by 
distance from the transect.
    Next, the density of otters within each region in Cook Inlet was 
multiplied by the area within each transect buffer to represent the 
number of otters potentially affected by Hilcorp's project according to 
categorical distance from the centerline of the nearest overflight. 
Table 2 shows the calculated numbers of otters within each transect 
buffer ring by region in Cook Inlet.
    A probability multiplier was then applied to each ring to represent 
the probability of disturbance for otters within a given distance from 
a transect. Alternately, the multipliers represent the declining sound 
exposure levels with increasing distance from an aircraft flight line. 
As described previously, the multipliers were identified by polling sea 
otter biologists regarding the likelihood of disturbance during 
overflights when otters were located at each respective distance from 
the centerline of a survey flight path. The questionnaire responses 
were averaged to determine the appropriate probability multiplier for 
each distance category. The maximum distance at which a reaction could 
possibly be expected was predicted to be 1,000 m (3,281 ft). This 
distance was supported in the responses given by survey respondents. 
Multipliers are given in Table 3 as the proportion of otters in each 
distance category that are likely to be disturbed during flyovers.
    Finally, the total number of disturbances in response to Hilcorp's 
flyovers was estimated by multiplying the number of otters within each 
distance category (Table 2) by the applicable probability multiplier 
for each category of distance from the centerline of a survey flight 
path (Table 3). The total number of disturbances was then summed by 
region in Cook Inlet and by stock. A total of 693 behavioral responses 
are likely. Of these, 523 and 170 will occur among otters belonging to 
the southwestern and southcentral stocks, respectively.
    To estimate the number of individual otters taken, we again 
calculated the area within each distance category; but this time, we 
merged polygons both within and between flight days to remove repeated 
exposures. All other calculations were repeated. We estimated 578 
individual otters could be disturbed by Hilcorp's project. Of these, 
410 belong to the southwest stock, and 168 belong to the southcentral 
stock (Table 5).
    Table 1. Area (km\2\) of potential aircraft disturbance within 
specified distances (m) from aircraft flight lines by region of Cook 
Inlet. Area within each distance category was measured in 
ArcGIS[supreg] by creating concentric buffers of the specified width 
extending outward from the aircraft flight lines. Area is given by 
region within Cook Inlet (CI) and by stock (SC=Southcentral, 

                                                     Area (km\2\) within distance categories
  Region in cook inlet (stock)  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                     20 m        100 m        250 m        500 m        750 m         1000 m
Kamishak (SW)..................        74.10       292.75       533.01       104.80        95.45           92.57
Upper West (SC)................       119.67       476.95       897.08       188.25       174.83          172.86
East Cook Inlet (SW)...........        50.20       198.65       371.20        52.59        47.08           47.34
Central CI (SC)................        87.44       348.42       648.00       124.23       116.10          109.88
Central CI (SW)................       121.49       484.49       901.24       164.51       157.44          151.76

[[Page 18338]]

    Table 2. Estimated number of otters within specified distances (m) 
of Hilcorp's proposed flight lines by region of Cook Inlet. Numbers 
were estimated by multiplying density of sea otters in each region by 
area within distance categories given in Table 1.

                                                              Density                                  Distance categories
               Region in Cook Inlet (stock)                 (sea otters --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                             per km\2\)      20 m        100 m        250 m        500 m        750 m         1000 m
Kamishak (SW).............................................        3.530       261.58      1033.48      1881.66       369.98       336.97          326.78
Upper West (SC)...........................................        0.026         3.11        12.39        23.30         4.89         4.54            4.49
East Cook Inlet (SW)......................................        1.705        85.57       338.65       632.79        89.66        80.25           80.69
Central CI (SC)...........................................        0.026         2.27         9.05        16.83         3.23         3.02            2.85
Central CI (SW)...........................................        0.026         3.16        12.58        23.41         4.27         4.09            3.94

    Table 3. Estimated probability of behavioral responses of sea 
otters by distance from flight line, as measured outward across the 
water surface from a point directly below the flight line transect.

       Distance (meters)              20          100          250          500          750           1000
Probability....................        0.258        0.198        0.107        0.068        0.030           0.004

    Table 4. Estimated number of behavioral responses (Level B takes) 
calculated as the total number of disturbances potentially caused by 
aircraft overflights according to distance from the flightpath. Entries 
were calculated by multiplying values in Table 2 by those in Table 3.

                                                                                                                       Total number of disturbances by
             Distance (meters)                  20          100         250         500         750        1000                    region
Region (Stock):
    Kamishak (SW).........................       67.58      204.97      200.71       25.29       10.11        1.31  509.96.
    Upper West (SW).......................        0.80        2.46        2.49        0.33        0.14        0.02  6.23.
    East Cook Inlet (SC)..................       22.11       67.17       67.50        6.13        2.41        0.32  165.63.
    Central CI (SC).......................        0.59        1.79        1.80        0.22        0.09        0.01  4.50.
    Central CI (SW).......................        0.82        2.50        2.50        0.29        0.12        0.02  6.24.
        Total Number of Disturbances, by         91.89      278.89      274.99       32.26       12.87        1.68  Overall Total: 692.56.
         Distance from Flightpath.

    Totals by Stock SW: 522.43: SC: 170.13.
    Table 5. Estimated number of otters experiencing disturbance (Level 
B take) from aircraft overflights by distance from flightpath, region, 
and stock. Entries were calculated in the same manner as for Table 4, 
with the exception that in areas where project activities overlapped 
between days, behavioral responses were counted only once.

                                                                                                                    Total number of otters disturbed, by
             Distance (meters)                  20          100         250         500         750        1000                    region
Region (Stock):
    Kamishak (SW).........................       54.55      166.43      165.54        8.76        3.12        0.41  398.80.
    Upper West (SW).......................        0.79        2.42        2.46        0.06        0.02        0.00  5.75.
    East Cook Inlet (SC)..................       22.11       67.17       67.32        4.98        1.70        0.21  163.48.
    Central CI (SC).......................        0.59        1.80        1.79        0.03        0.01        0.00  4.23.
    Central CI (SW).......................        0.82        2.49        2.49        0.02        0.01        0.00  5.83.
        Total Number of Otters Disturbed,        91.89      278.89      274.99       32.26       12.87        1.68  Overall total: 578.10.
         by Distance from Flight Path.

    Totals by Stock SW: 410.38: SC: 167.71.

Critical Assumptions

    We propose to authorize up to 693 takes of 578 sea otters by Level 
B harassment from Hilcorp's aerial survey program. In order to conduct 
this analysis and estimate the potential amount of Level B take, 
several critical assumptions were made.
    Level B take by harassment is equated herein with behavioral 
responses that indicate harassment or disturbance. There are likely to 
be a proportion of animals that respond in ways that indicate some 
level of disturbance but do not experience significant biological 
consequences. A correction factor was not applied, although we 
considered using the rate of Level B take reported by Service 
biologists during sea otter surveys conducted between 2008 and 2015 
(below 0.01 percent; USFWS and USGS, unpublished data). The Service's 
2014 efforts to characterize behaviors that indicate take were applied 
in the field in 2016. The reported rate of take prior to 2016 may not 
represent the current definition; and therefore, it was not deemed 
appropriate for use in determining the ratio of behavioral response to 
Level B take. This will result in overestimation in take calculations.
    We assumed that the mean behavioral response rates of sea otters 
indicated by

[[Page 18339]]

the questionnaires returned by biologists are representative of 
responses of sea otters exposed to Hilcorp's work. There are several 
underlying assumptions. Noise levels produced by aircraft used by 
biologists versus those used by Hilcorp were examined and found to be 
comparable. The otters in Cook Inlet are assumed to exhibit a similar 
range of reactions to comparable levels of aircraft noise. The validity 
of this assumption has not been examined, but mean disturbance rates 
reported by questionnaire respondents (Table 3) are within the expected 
range reported by Bodkin and Udevitz (1999), the Service and the USGS 
(unpublished data), and ABR, Inc., (2010-2013), suggesting that these 
disturbance rates may also be appropriate in Cook Inlet.
    Our estimates do not account for variable responses by age and sex. 
The available information suggests that sea otters are generally 
resilient to low levels of disturbance. Females with dependent pups and 
with pups that have recently weaned are physiologically the most 
sensitive (Thometz et al. 2014) and most likely to experience take from 
disturbance. There is not enough information on composition of the Cook 
Inlet sea otter population in the Hilcorp survey area to incorporate 
individual variability based on age and sex or to predict its influence 
on take estimates. Our estimates are derived from a variety of sample 
populations with various age and sex structures, and we assume the 
response rates are applicable.
    The estimates of behavioral response presented here do not account 
for the individual movements of animals away from the Hilcorp survey 
area or habituation of animals to the survey noise. Our assessment 
assumes animals remain stationary; i.e., density does not change. There 
is not enough information about the movement of sea otters in response 
to specific disturbances to refine this assumption. This situation is 
likely to result in overestimation of take.
    Level B harassment due to Hilcorp's project will be some fraction 
of the estimated number of behavioral responses elicited from sea 
otters; but, because of the unresolved assumptions and lack of 
information, we have conservatively estimated Level B take to equal 
rates of disturbance. For this reason, we propose to authorize up to 
693 takes of 578 sea otters by Level B harassment from Hilcorp's aerial 
survey program.

Potential Impacts on the Sea Otter Stock

    The estimated level of take by harassment is small relative to the 
most recent stock abundance estimates for the sea otter. Take of 578 
otters includes 410 from the southwest stock, and 168 from the 
southcentral stock. Take of 410 animals is 1 percent of the best 
available estimate of the current population size of 45,064 animals in 
the southwest stock (USFWS 2014a) (410/45,064 [ap] 0.009). Take of 168 
is about 1 percent of the 18,297 animals in the southcentral stock 
(USFWS 2014b) (168/18,297 [ap] 0.009). Although an estimated 693 
instances of take of 578 otters by Level B harassment are possible, 
most events are unlikely to have significant consequences for the 
health, reproduction, or survival of affected animals.
    Noise levels are not expected to reach levels capable of causing 
harm. Animals in the area are not expected to incur hearing impairment 
(i.e., TTS or PTS). Level A harassment is not expected to occur. 
Aircraft noise may cause behavioral disturbances. Sea otters exposed to 
sound produced by the project are likely to respond with temporary 
behavioral modification or displacement. With the adoption of the 
measures proposed in Hilcorp's mitigation and monitoring plan and 
required by this proposed IHA, we conclude that the only anticipated 
effects from noise generated by the proposed project would be the 
short-term temporary behavioral alteration of sea otters.
    Aircraft activities could temporarily interrupt the feeding, 
resting, and movement of sea otters. Because activities are expected to 
occur for 14 days during a 60- to 150-day period, impacts associated 
with the project are likely to be temporary and localized. The 
anticipated effects include short-term behavioral reactions and 
displacement of sea otters near active operations.
    Animals that encounter the proposed activities may exert more 
energy than they would otherwise due to temporary cessation of feeding, 
increased vigilance, and retreat from the project area, but we expect 
that most would tolerate this exertion without measurable effects on 
health or reproduction. In sum, we do not anticipate injuries or 
mortalities to result from Hilcorp's operation, and none will be 
authorized. The takes that are anticipated would be from short-term 
Level B harassment in the form of startling reactions or temporary 

Potential Impacts on Subsistence Uses

    The proposed activities will occur near marine subsistence harvest 
areas used by Alaska Natives from the villages of Ninilchik, Salamatof, 
Tyonek, Nanwalek, Seldovia, and Port Graham. Between 2013 and 2017, 
approximately 145 sea otters were harvested from Cook Inlet, averaging 
29 per year (although numbers from 2017 are preliminary). The large 
majority were taken in Kachemak Bay. Harvest occurs year-round, but 
peaks in April and May, with about 40 percent of the total taken at 
this time. February and March are also high harvest periods, with about 
10 percent of the total annual harvest occurring in each of these 
    The proposed project area will avoid Kachemak Bay and therefore 
avoid significant overlap with subsistence harvest areas. Hilcorp's 
activities will not preclude access to hunting areas or interfere in 
any way with individuals wishing to hunt. Hilcorp's aircraft may 
displace otters, resulting in changes to availability of otters for 
subsistence use during the project period. Otters may be more vigilant 
during periods of disturbance, which could affect hunting success 
rates. Hilcorp will coordinate with Native villages and Tribal 
organizations to identify and avoid potential conflicts. If any 
conflicts are identified, Hilcorp will develop a Plan of Cooperation 
(POC) specifying the particular steps that will be taken to minimize 
any effects the project might have on subsistence harvest.


Small Numbers

    For small numbers analyses, the statute and legislative history do 
not expressly require a specific type of numerical analysis, leaving 
the determination of ``small'' to the agency's discretion. In this 
case, we propose a finding that the Hilcorp project may result in 
approximately 693 takes of 578 otters, of which, 522 takes of 410 
animals will be from the southwest stock and 170 takes of 168 otters 
will be from the southcentral stock. This represents about 1 percent of 
each stock, respectively (USFWS 2014a, b). Predicted levels of take 
were determined based on estimated density of sea otters in the project 
area and the mean rates of aircraft disturbance based on the opinions 
of professional biologists in the field of study. Based on these 
numbers, we propose a finding that the Hilcorp project will take only a 
small number of animals.

Negligible Impact

    We propose a finding that any incidental take by harassment 
resulting from the proposed project cannot be reasonably expected to, 
and is not reasonably likely to, adversely affect the sea otter through 
effects on annual rates

[[Page 18340]]

of recruitment or survival and would, therefore, have no more than a 
negligible impact on the species or stocks. In making this finding, we 
considered the best available scientific information, including: The 
biological and behavioral characteristics of the species, the most 
recent information on species distribution and abundance within the 
area of the specified activities, the potential sources of disturbance 
caused by the project, and the potential responses of animals to this 
disturbance. In addition, we reviewed material supplied by the 
applicant, other operators in Alaska, our files and datasets, published 
reference materials, and species experts.
    Sea otters are likely to respond to proposed activities with 
temporary behavioral modification or displacement. These reactions are 
unlikely to have consequences for the health, reproduction, or survival 
of affected animals. Sound production is not expected to reach levels 
capable of causing harm, and Level A harassment is not authorized. Most 
animals will respond to disturbance by moving away from the source, 
which may cause temporary interruption of foraging, resting, or other 
natural behaviors. Affected animals are expected to resume normal 
behaviors soon after exposure, with no lasting consequences. Some 
animals may exhibit more severe responses typical of Level B 
harassment, such as fleeing, ceasing feeding, or flushing from a 
haulout. These responses could have significant biological impacts for 
a few affected individuals, but most animals will also tolerate this 
type of disturbance without lasting effects. Thus, although the Hilcorp 
project may result in approximately 522 takes of 410 animals from the 
southwest stock and 170 takes of 168 otters from the southcentral 
stock, we do not expect this type of harassment to affect annual rates 
of recruitment or survival or result in adverse effects on the species 
or stocks.
    Our proposed finding of negligible impact applies to incidental 
take associated with the proposed activities as mitigated by the 
avoidance and minimization measures identified in Hilcorp's mitigation 
and monitoring plan. These mitigation measures are designed to minimize 
interactions with and impacts to sea otters. These measures, and the 
monitoring and reporting procedures, are required for the validity of 
our finding and are a necessary component of the IHA. For these 
reasons, we propose a finding that the 2018 Hilcorp project will have a 
negligible impact on sea otters.

Impact on Subsistence

    We propose a finding that the anticipated harassment caused by 
Hilcorp's activities would not have an unmitigable adverse impact on 
the availability of sea otters for taking for subsistence uses. In 
making this finding, we considered the timing and location of the 
proposed activities and the timing and location of subsistence harvest 
activities in the area of the proposed project. We also considered the 
applicant's consultation with subsistence communities, proposed 
measures for avoiding impacts to subsistence harvest, and commitment to 
development of a POC, should any adverse impacts be identified.

Required Determinations

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

    We have prepared a draft Environmental Assessment in accordance 
with the NEPA (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.). We have preliminarily concluded 
that approval and issuance of an authorization for the nonlethal, 
incidental, unintentional take by Level B harassment of small numbers 
of sea otters in Alaska during activities conducted by Hilcorp in 2018 
would not significantly affect the quality of the human environment, 
and that the preparation of an environmental impact statement for these 
actions is not required by section 102(2) of NEPA or its implementing 

Endangered Species Act

    Under the ESA, all Federal agencies are required to ensure the 
actions they authorize are not likely to jeopardize the continued 
existence of any threatened or endangered species or result in 
destruction or adverse modification of critical habitat. The 
southwestern DPS of the northern sea otter was listed as threatened on 
August 9, 2005 (70 FR 46366). A portion of Hilcorp's project will occur 
within sea otter critical habitat. Prior to issuance of this IHA, the 
Service will complete intra-Service consultation under section 7 of the 
ESA on our proposed issuance of an IHA, which will consider whether the 
effects of the proposed project will adversely affect sea otters or 
their critical habitat. These evaluations and findings will be made 
available on the Service's website at http://www.fws.gov/alaska/fisheries/mmm/iha.htm.

Government-to-Government Coordination

    It is our responsibility to communicate and work directly on a 
Government-to-Government basis with federally recognized Alaska Native 
tribes and organizations in developing programs for healthy ecosystems. 
We seek their full and meaningful participation in evaluating and 
addressing conservation concerns for protected species. It is our goal 
to remain sensitive to Alaska Native culture, and to make information 
available to Alaska Natives. Our efforts are guided by the following 
policies and directives: (1) The Native American Policy of the Service 
(January 20, 2016); (2) the Alaska Native Relations Policy (currently 
in draft form); (3) Executive Order 13175 (January 9, 2000); (4) 
Department of the Interior Secretarial Orders 3206 (June 5, 1997), 3225 
(January 19, 2001), 3317 (December 1, 2011), and 3342 (October 21, 
2016); (5) the Alaska Government-to-Government Policy (a departmental 
memorandum issued January 18, 2001); and (6) the Department of 
Interior's policies on consultation with Alaska Native tribes and 
    We have evaluated possible effects of the proposed activities on 
federally recognized Alaska Native Tribes and organizations. Through 
the IHA process identified in the MMPA, the applicant has presented a 
communication process, culminating in a POC if needed, with the Native 
organizations and communities most likely to be affected by their work. 
Hilcorp has engaged these groups in informational meetings.
    Through these various interactions, we have determined that the 
issuance of this proposed IHA is permissible. We invite continued 
discussion, either about the project and its impacts, or about our 
coordination and information exchange throughout the IHA/POC process.

Proposed Authorization

    We propose to authorize up to 522 takes of 410 animals from the 
southwest stock and 170 takes of 168 otters from the southcentral 
stock. Authorized take will be limited to disruption of behavioral 
patterns that may be caused by aircraft overflights conducted by 
Hilcorp in Cook Inlet, Alaska, between May 23 and September 30, 2018. 
We anticipate no take by injury or death to northern sea otters 
resulting from these aircraft overflights.

A. General Conditions for Issuance of the Proposed IHA

    1. The taking of sea otters whenever the required conditions, 
mitigation, monitoring, and reporting measures are not fully 
implemented as required by the IHA will be prohibited. Failure to 
follow measures specified may result in

[[Page 18341]]

the modification, suspension, or revocation of the IHA.
    2. If take exceeds the level or type identified in the proposed 
authorization (e.g., greater than 693 incidents of take of 578 otters 
by Level B harassment, separation of mother from young, injury, or 
death), the IHA will be invalidated and the Service will reevaluate its 
findings. If project activities cause unauthorized take, Hilcorp must 
take the following actions: (i) Cease its activities immediately (or 
reduce activities to the minimum level necessary to maintain safety); 
(ii) report the details of the incident to the Service's MMM within 48 
hours; and (iii) suspend further activities until the Service has 
reviewed the circumstances, determined whether additional mitigation 
measures are necessary to avoid further unauthorized taking, and 
notified Hilcorp that it may resume project activities.
    3. All operations managers and aircraft pilots must receive a copy 
of the IHA and maintain access to it for reference at all times during 
project work. These personnel must understand, be fully aware of, and 
be capable of implementing the conditions of the IHA at all times 
during project work.
    4. The IHA will apply to activities associated with the proposed 
project as described in this document and in Hilcorp's amended 
application (Fairweather Science 2017a). Changes to the proposed 
project without prior authorization may invalidate the IHA.
    5. Hilcorp's IHA application will be approved and fully 
incorporated into the IHA, unless exceptions are specifically noted 
herein or in the final IHA. The application includes:
     Hilcorp's original request for an IHA, dated November 2, 
     Hilcorp's response to a request for additional information 
from the Service, dated November 30, 2017;
     The letter requesting an amendment to the original 
application, dated December 22, 2017; and
     The Marine Mammal Monitoring and Mitigation Plan prepared 
by Fairweather Science, LLC (2017b).
    6. Operators will allow Service personnel or the Service's 
designated representative to visit project work sites to monitor 
impacts to sea otters and subsistence uses of sea otters at any time 
throughout project activities so long as it is safe to do so. 
``Operators'' are all personnel operating under Hilcorp's authority, 
including all contractors and subcontractors.

B. Avoidance and Minimization

    7. Aircraft operators must take reasonable precautions to avoid 
harassment to sea otters.
    8. Aircraft must maintain a minimum altitude of 305 m (1,000 ft) 
when approaching and departing survey areas to avoid unnecessary 
harassment of sea otters outside of the survey areas, except when a 
lower flight altitude is necessary for safety due to weather or 
restricted visibility.
    9. Aircraft may not be operated in such a way as to separate 
members of a group of sea otters from other members of the group.
    10. All aircraft must avoid areas of active or anticipated 
subsistence hunting for sea otters as determined through community 

C. Monitoring

    11. Pilots will be provided training and resources for identifying 
and collecting information on sea otters. Pilots will record 
information during aerial surveys when it is safe and practical to do 
    12. Data collection will include locations and numbers of sea 
otters and the dates and times of the corresponding aerial surveys. 
When feasible, data will also include aircraft heading, speed, and 
altitude; visibility, group size, and composition (adults/juveniles); 
initial behaviors of the sea otters before responding to aircraft; and 
descriptions of any apparent reactions to the aircraft.

D. Measures To Reduce Impacts to Subsistence Users

    13. Prior to conducting the work, Hilcorp will take the following 
steps to reduce potential effects on subsistence harvest of sea otters: 
(i) Avoid work in areas of known sea otter subsistence harvest; (ii) 
discuss the planned activities with subsistence stakeholders including 
Cook Inlet villages, traditional councils, and the Cook Inlet Regional 
Citizens Advisory Council; (iii) identify and work to resolve concerns 
of stakeholders regarding the project's effects on subsistence hunting 
of sea otters; and (iv) if any unresolved or ongoing concerns remain, 
develop a POC in consultation with the Service and subsistence 
stakeholders to address these concerns.

E. Reporting Requirements

    14. Hilcorp must notify the Service at least 48 hours prior to 
commencement of activities.
    15. Reports will be submitted to the Service's MMM weekly during 
project activities. The reports will summarize project work and 
monitoring efforts.
    16. A final report will be submitted to the Service's MMM within 90 
days after completion of work or expiration of the IHA. It will include 
a summary of monitoring efforts and observations. All project 
activities will be described, along with any additional work yet to be 
done. Factors influencing visibility and detectability of marine 
mammals (e.g., sea state, number of observers, fog, and glare) will be 
discussed. The report will describe changes in sea otter behavior 
resulting from project activities and any specific behaviors of 
interest. Sea otter observation records will be provided in the form of 
electronic database or spreadsheet files. The report will assess any 
effects Hilcorp's operations may have had on the availability of sea 
otters for subsistence harvest and if applicable, evaluate the 
effectiveness of the POC for preventing impacts to subsistence users of 
sea otters.
    17. Injured, dead, or distressed sea otters that are not associated 
with project activities (e.g., animals found outside the project area, 
previously wounded animals, or carcasses with moderate to advanced 
decomposition or scavenger damage) must be reported to the Service 
within 48 hours of discovery. Photographs, video, location information, 
or any other available documentation shall be provided to the Service.
    18. All reports shall be submitted by email to 
[email protected].
    19. Hilcorp must notify the Service upon project completion or end 
of the work season.

Request for Public Comments

    If you wish to comment on this proposed authorization, the 
associated draft environmental assessment, or both documents, you may 
submit your comments by any of the methods described in ADDRESSES. 
Please identify if you are commenting on the proposed authorization, 
draft environmental assessment or both, make your comments as specific 
as possible, confine them to issues pertinent to the proposed 
authorization, and explain the reason for any changes you recommend. 
Where possible, your comments should reference the specific section or 
paragraph that you are addressing. The Service will consider all 
comments that are received before the close of the comment period (see 
    Comments, including names and street addresses of respondents, will 
become part of the administrative record for this proposal. Before 
including your address, telephone number, email address, or other 
personal identifying information in your comment, be advised that your 
entire comment,

[[Page 18342]]

including your personal identifying information, may be made publicly 
available at any time. While you can ask us in your comments to 
withhold from public review your personal identifying information, we 
cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.

    Dated: March 27, 2018.
Karen P. Clark
Acting Regional Director, Alaska Region.
[FR Doc. 2018-08760 Filed 4-25-18; 8:45 am]

                                             18330                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 81 / Thursday, April 26, 2018 / Notices

                                                                                                BEAUFORT SEA LETTERS OF AUTHORIZATION—Continued
                                                                 Company                                        Activity                                           Project                                       LOA No.

                                             Caelus Energy Alaska, LLC ..................            Exploration .....................       Tulimaniq Exploration Program in                         15–19, 16–09_a
                                                                                                                                                Smith Bay.
                                             Geokinetics, Inc ....................................   Exploration .....................       ‘‘Great Bear’’ 3d seismic on North                       15–20
                                             Alaska Frontier Constructors, Inc .........             Development ..................          Gravel removal in the Sag River ..........               15–21
                                             ExxonMobil Alaska, LNG, LLC .............               Exploration .....................       Alaska LNG Project surveys .................             16–02, 16–18
                                             Marsh Creek, LLC .................................      Remediation ...................         Legacy wells–Cape Simpson, Iko Bay,                      16–04, 16–21
                                                                                                                                                Barrow, and Avak.
                                             ENI U.S. Operating Company, Inc ........                Development ..................          Nakaitchuq North at Spy Island ............              16–05
                                             ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc ....................         Exploration .....................       NPRA seismic exploration ....................            16–08
                                             ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc ....................         Exploration .....................       Exploration drilling ................................    16–09_b, 17–10
                                             Fairweather, LLC ..................................     Exploration .....................       Retrieval of mooring anchors in the                      16–10
                                                                                                                                                Beaufort Sea.
                                             Caelus Energy Alaska, LLC ..................            Production     ......................   Oooguruk Project ..................................      16–11
                                             ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc ....................         Production     ......................   CPAI North Slope Alpine and Kuparuk                      16–13
                                             BP Exploration (Alaska), Inc .................          Production     ......................   Prudhoe Bay .........................................    16–14
                                             Savant Alaska, LLC ..............................       Production     ......................   Badami Project .....................................     16–15
                                             Hilcorp Alaska, LLC ..............................      Production     ......................   Milne Point, Endicott, and Northstar                     16–16
                                             Olgoonik Construction Services, LLC ...                 Remediation ...................         Barrow legacy wells ..............................       16–19
                                             ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc ....................         Development ..................          GMT–1 Construction .............................         16–20, 17–09
                                             Alyeska Pipeline Service Company ......                 Production ......................       TAPS activities ......................................   16–22
                                             Armstrong Energy, LLC ........................          Exploration .....................       Colville River Delta drilling and geotech                16–23
                                             BEM Systems, Incorporated .................             Remediation ...................         Oliktok radar site ...................................   17–03
                                             BEM Systems, Incorporated .................             Remediation ...................         Bullen Pt. radar site ..............................     17–04
                                             ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc ....................         Exploration .....................       ‘‘Bear’’ Winter Seismic East of Colville                 17–05
                                             BP Exploration (Alaska), Inc .................          Exploration .....................       2017 Liberty Bathymetry Survey ..........                17–07

                                                On June 12, 2013, we published in the                         Chukchi Sea and adjacent western coast                                above for LOAs issued under 50 CFR
                                             Federal Register a final rule (78 FR                             of Alaska. The rule established 50 CFR                                part 18, subpart J.
                                             35364) establishing regulations that                             part 18 subpart I and is effective until                                 In accordance with section
                                             allow us to authorize the nonlethal,                             June 11, 2018. The process under which                                101(a)(5)(A) of the MMPA and our
                                             incidental, unintentional take of small                          we issue LOAs to applicants and the                                   regulations at 50 CFR 18, subpart I, we
                                             numbers of polar bears and Pacific                               requirements that the holders of LOAs                                 issued LOAs to the following companies
                                             walruses during year-round oil and gas                           must follow is the same as described                                  in the Chukchi Sea:
                                             industry exploration activities in the

                                                                                                           CHUKCHI SEA LETTERS OF AUTHORIZATION
                                                                 Company                                        Activity                                           Project                                       LOA No.

                                             Shell Exploration and Production Com-                   Support services ............           2015/2016 ice overflight surveys ..........              15–CS–01
                                               pany, Inc.
                                             Shell Exploration and Production Com-                   Exploration .....................       Chukchi Sea exploration drilling ...........             15–CS–02
                                               pany, Inc.
                                             Fairweather, LLC ..................................     Exploration .....................       Retrieval of Shell’s mooring anchors in                  16–CS–01
                                                                                                                                               the Chukchi Sea.
                                             Olgoonik Fairweather, LLC ...................           Exploration .....................       Post Shell drillsite monitoring ...............          16–CS–02

                                               Authority: We issue this notice under the                      DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                                            ACTION: Notice of receipt of application;
                                             authority of the MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361 et                                                                                               proposed incidental harassment
                                             seq.).                                                           Fish and Wildlife Service                                             authorization; availability of draft
                                               Dated: January 4, 2018.                                                                                                              environmental assessment; request for
                                             Gregory E. Siekaniec,                                            FXES111607MRG01–189–FF07CAMM00]                                       comments.
                                             Regional Director, Alaska Region.                                                                                                      SUMMARY:  We, the U.S. Fish and
                                                                                                              Marine Mammals; Incidental Take
                                               Editorial note: This document was                              During Specified Activities; Proposed                                 Wildlife Service, in response to a
                                             received for publication by the Office of the                    Incidental Harassment Authorization                                   request under the Marine Mammal
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES

                                             Federal Register on April 23, 2018.                              for Northern Sea Otters in Cook Inlet,                                Protection Act of 1972, as amended,
                                                                                                              Alaska; Availability of Draft                                         from Hilcorp Alaska, LLC, propose to
                                             [FR Doc. 2018–08759 Filed 4–25–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                              Environmental Assessment; Request                                     authorize nonlethal, incidental take by
                                             BILLING CODE 433–15–P                                                                                                                  harassment of small numbers of
                                                                                                              for Comments
                                                                                                                                                                                    northern sea otters between May 23,
                                                                                                              AGENCY:        Fish and Wildlife Service,                             2018, and September 30, 2018. The
                                                                                                              Interior.                                                             applicant has requested this

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014      16:58 Apr 25, 2018     Jkt 244001     PO 00000     Frm 00069        Fmt 4703      Sfmt 4703     E:\FR\FM\26APN1.SGM          26APN1

                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 81 / Thursday, April 26, 2018 / Notices                                             18331

                                             authorization for take that may result                  availability of the species or stock for              the following: (i) Permissible methods of
                                             from aircraft overflights in Cook Inlet,                subsistence uses by coastal-dwelling                  taking; (ii) other means of effecting the
                                             Alaska. Aerial surveys are needed to                    Alaska Natives.                                       least practicable impact on marine
                                             collect gravitational and magnetic data                    The term ‘‘take,’’ as defined by the               mammals and their habitat, paying
                                             for oil and gas exploration. This                       MMPA, means to harass, hunt, capture,                 particular attention to rookeries, mating
                                             proposed authorization, if finalized, will              or kill, or to attempt to harass, hunt,               grounds, and areas of similar
                                             be for take by Level B harassment only;                 capture, or kill any marine mammal (16                significance, and on the availability of
                                             no take by injury or death will be                      U.S.C. 1362(13)). Harassment, as                      marine mammals for taking for
                                             authorized. The application package                     defined by the MMPA, means any act of                 subsistence uses by coastal-dwelling
                                             and the references cited herein are                     pursuit, torment, or annoyance that (i)               Alaska Natives; and (iii) requirements
                                             available for viewing at http://                        has the potential to injure a marine                  for monitoring and reporting take.
                                             www.fws.gov/alaska/fisheries/mmm/                       mammal or marine mammal stock in the
                                                                                                     wild (the MMPA calls this ‘‘Level A                   Summary of Request
                                             iha.htm or may be requested as
                                             described under FOR FURTHER                             harassment’’), or (ii) has the potential to              On November 2, 2017, Hilcorp
                                             INFORMATION CONTACT.                                    disturb a marine mammal or marine                     Alaska, LLC (hereafter ‘‘Hilcorp’’ or ‘‘the
                                                                                                     mammal stock in the wild by causing                   applicant’’) submitted a request to the
                                             DATES: Comments on the proposed
                                                                                                     disruption of behavioral patterns,                    Service’s Marine Mammals Management
                                             incidental harassment authorization and
                                                                                                     including, but not limited to, migration,             Office (MMM) for authorization to take
                                             draft environmental assessment will be
                                                                                                     breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or             a small number of northern sea otters
                                             accepted on or before May 29, 2018.
                                                                                                     sheltering (the MMPA calls this ‘‘Level               (Enhydra lutris kenyoni, hereafter ‘‘sea
                                             ADDRESSES: Document availability: You                                                                         otters’’ or ‘‘otters’’). Hilcorp expects that
                                                                                                     B harassment’’).
                                             may obtain a copy of the draft                             The terms ‘‘negligible impact,’’ ‘‘small           take by unintentional harassment may
                                             environmental assessment and a list of                  numbers,’’ and ‘‘unmitigable adverse                  occur during their planned oil and gas
                                             the references cited in this document by                impact’’ are defined in the Code of                   exploration activities in Cook Inlet,
                                             the methods set out below.                              Federal Regulations at 50 CFR 18.27, the              Alaska.
                                                Comment submission: You may                          Service’s regulations governing take of                  Hilcorp originally requested an IHA
                                             submit comments by one of the                           small numbers of marine mammals                       for take of sea otters resulting from both
                                             following methods:                                      incidental to specified activities.                   aerial and in-water seismic surveys
                                                • U.S. mail or hand-delivery: Public                 ‘‘Negligible impact’’ is defined as an                planned for April 1, 2018, through June
                                             Comments Processing, Attention: Ms.                     impact resulting from the specified                   30, 2018. Aerial surveys measure the
                                             Kimberly Klein, U.S. Fish and Wildlife                  activity that cannot be reasonably                    gravitational and magnetic signatures of
                                             Service, MS 341, 1011 East Tudor Road,                  expected to, and is not reasonably likely             the Earth’s crust to detect subsurface oil
                                             Anchorage, Alaska 99503;                                to, adversely affect the species or stock             and gas deposits. Seismic surveys
                                                • Fax: (907) 786–3848, Attention: Ms.                through effects on annual rates of                    measure sound waves reflected off the
                                             Kimberly Klein; or                                      recruitment or survival. ‘‘Small                      sea floor to detect offshore oil and gas
                                                • Email: fw7_ak_marine_mammals@                      numbers’’ is defined as a portion of a                deposits. Both survey types create noise
                                             fws.gov.                                                marine mammal species or stock whose                  that may cause sea otters to be harassed.
                                                See Request for Public Comments                      taking would have a negligible impact                 Hilcorp later notified the Service that
                                             below for more information.                             on that species or stock. However, we                 the seismic work will not be conducted
                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms.                    do not rely on that definition here, as it            as part of the 2018 project. On December
                                             Kimberly Klein, by mail (see                            conflates the terms ‘‘small numbers’’                 22, 2017, Hilcorp submitted an
                                             ADDRESSES); by email at kimberly_                       and ‘‘negligible impact,’’ which we                   amended request withdrawing the
                                             klein@fws.gov; or by telephone at 1–                    recognize as two separate and distinct                seismic work. They retained the aerial
                                             800–362–5148.                                           requirements (see Natural Res. Def.                   survey work as originally planned and
                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              Council, Inc. v. Evans, 232 F. Supp. 2d               adjusted the proposed dates to the
                                                                                                     1003, 1025 (N.D. Cal. 2003)). Instead, in             period May 23, 2018, through July 1,
                                                                                                     our small numbers determination, we                   2018. We evaluated possible effects of
                                               Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the Marine                    evaluate whether the number of marine                 conducting the project between May 23,
                                             Mammal Protection Act of 1972, as                       mammals likely to be taken is small                   2018, and September 30, 2018, rather
                                             amended (MMPA; 16 U.S.C. 1361, et                       relative to the size of the overall                   than between May 23, 2018, and June
                                             seq.), authorizes the Secretary of the                  population. ‘‘Unmitigable adverse                     30, 2018, in order to provide flexibility
                                             Interior (Secretary) to allow, upon                     impact’’ is defined as an impact                      should additional time be needed to
                                             request, the incidental but not                         resulting from the specified activity (1)             complete the proposed work. We
                                             intentional taking of small numbers of                  that is likely to reduce the availability             evaluated the effects of conducting the
                                             marine mammals of a species or                          of the species to a level insufficient for            same amount of work over a longer
                                             population stock by U.S. citizens who                   a harvest to meet subsistence needs by                period, but we did not consider the
                                             engage in a specified activity (other than              (i) causing the marine mammals to                     effects of conducting additional work.
                                             commercial fishing) within a specified                  abandon or avoid hunting areas, (ii)                  There is no expected change in the
                                             region during a period of not more than                 directly displacing subsistence users, or             amount of take that would be
                                             1 year. Incidental take may be                          (iii) placing physical barriers between               authorized.
                                             authorized only if statutory and                        the marine mammals and the
                                             regulatory procedures are followed and                  subsistence hunters; and (2) that cannot              Description of Specified Activities and
                                                                                                                                                           Geographic Area
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES

                                             the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service                      be sufficiently mitigated by other
                                             (hereafter, ‘‘the Service’’ or ‘‘we’’) make             measures to increase the availability of                The specified activity (the ‘‘project’’)
                                             the following findings: (i) Take is of a                marine mammals to allow subsistence                   consists of Hilcorp’s 2018 Lower Cook
                                             small number of animals, (ii) take will                 needs to be met.                                      Inlet geophysical survey program.
                                             have a negligible impact on the species                    If the requisite findings are made, we             Hilcorp will conduct aerial surveys over
                                             or stock, and (iii) take will not have an               may issue an Incidental Harassment                    Cook Inlet between May 23, 2018, and
                                             unmitigable adverse impact on the                       Authorization (IHA), which sets forth                 July 1, 2018. Data will be collected by

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:58 Apr 25, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00070   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\26APN1.SGM   26APN1

                                             18332                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 81 / Thursday, April 26, 2018 / Notices

                                             sensitive equipment mounted aboard                      46366). Detailed information about the                ranges of approximately 8 to 16 km (5
                                             aircraft. All data collection is passive;               biology and conservation status of the                to 10 mi), which may include one or
                                             no signals will be emitted from the                     listed DPS can be found at https://                   more male territories. Juveniles move
                                             equipment.                                              www.fws.gov/alaska/fisheries/mmm/                     greater distances between resting and
                                                The surveys will be conducted by                     seaotters/otters.htm. Stock assessment                foraging areas (Lensink 1962; Kenyon
                                             flying a prescribed pattern of transect                 reports for the listed DPS and non-listed             1969; Riedman and Estes 1990; Estes
                                             lines over the Federal and State waters                 populations are available at https://                 and Tinker 1996).
                                             of lower Cook Inlet and the shoreline of                www.fws.gov/alaska/fisheries/mmm/                       Although sea otters generally remain
                                             Alaska between 151.7° and 153.6° W.,                    stock/stock.htm.                                      local to an area, they are capable of
                                             and 59.4° and 60.5° N. This is the                         Sea otters may occur anywhere within               long-distance travel. Otters in Alaska
                                             specified geographic area of the project.               the specified project area other than                 have shown daily movement distances
                                             Two aircraft types will be used, a fixed-               upland areas. The number of sea otters                greater than 3 km (1.9 mi) at speeds up
                                             wing Basler BT–67 turboprop (a                          in Cook Inlet was estimated from an                   to 5.5 km/h (3.4 mi/h) (Garshelis and
                                             modified remanufactured Douglas DC–                     aerial survey conducted by the Service                Garshelis 1984). In eastern Cook Inlet,
                                             3) and an AS–350 B3 helicopter. The                     in cooperation with the U.S. Geological               large numbers of sea otters have been
                                             helicopter will be flown over land and                  Survey (USGS) in May 2017 (USFWS                      observed riding the incoming tide
                                             within 4.8 kilometers (km) (3 miles (mi))               and USGS, unpublished data). The sea                  northward and returning on the
                                             of the coast, while the DC–3 will be                    otter survey was conducted in all areas               outgoing tide, especially in August.
                                             flown over the offshore waters only. The                of Cook Inlet south of approximately                  They are presumably feeding along the
                                             DC–3 will fly at about 333 kilometers                   60.3° N. within the 40 m (131 ft) depth               eastern shoreline of Cook Inlet during
                                             per hour (km/h) or 207 miles per hour                   contour, including Kachemak Bay in                    the slack tides when the weather is good
                                             (mi/h) while the AS–350 will fly at                     southeastern Cook Inlet and Kamishak                  and remaining in Kachemak Bay during
                                             about 100 km/h (62 mi/h).                               Bay in southwestern Cook Inlet. This                  periods of less favorable weather (Gill
                                                Fixed-wing transect lines will be                    survey was designed to estimate                       2009; BlueCrest 2013). In western Cook
                                             flown in a northeast/southwest                          abundance in Cook Inlet while                         Inlet, otters appear to move in and out
                                             direction, generally parallel to the coast              accounting for the variable densities and             of Kamishak Bay in response to seasonal
                                             of Cook Inlet, and will be approximately                observability of sea otters in the region.            changes in the presence of sea ice
                                             100 km (62 mi) long. Helicopter                         Total abundance was estimated to be                   (Larned 2006).
                                             transects will run roughly east/west and                19,889 sea otters (standard error =
                                             will be about 25 km (15.5 mi) long. Both                2,988). Within the project area, the                  Potential Effects of the Activities
                                             sets of transect lines will be spaced 500               highest densities of sea otters were                  Exposure of Sea Otters to Noise
                                             m (0.3 mi) apart and will be connected                  found in the outer Kamishak Bay area,
                                             by perpendicular tie lines at 5,000                     with 3.5 otters per square km (km2),                     Hilcorp has requested authorization
                                             meters (m) (3.1 mi) apart. The fixed-                   followed by the eastern shore of Cook                 for Level B incidental harassment of sea
                                             wing survey will be flown at                            Inlet (1.7 otters per km2). Distribution of           otters. Sea otters in Cook Inlet will be
                                             approximately 152 m (500 feet (ft))                     the population during Hilcorp’s project               exposed to the visual and auditory
                                             above sea level (ASL), and the                          is likely to be similar to that detected              stimulation associated with Hilcorp’s
                                             helicopter will fly at 91 to 152 m (300                 during sea otter surveys, as their work               aerial surveys. Fixed-wing and
                                             to 500 ft) above ground level (AGL).                    will be conducted during the same time                helicopter traffic is common in Cook
                                                Aerial surveys are expected to take                  of year that the sea otter surveys were               Inlet, and the visual presence of aircraft
                                             approximately 14 days total within a 2-                 completed.                                            alone is unlikely to cause sea otters to
                                             month period, although work days may                       Sea otters generally occur in shallow              be harassed. If sea otters are disturbed,
                                             not be consecutive due to weather or                    water near the shoreline. They are most               it will more likely be due to the airborne
                                             equipment delays. Standard fixed-wing                   commonly observed within the 40 m                     noise associated with Hilcorp’s flyovers,
                                             and helicopter operational limitations                  (131 ft) depth contour (USFWS 2014a,                  or possibly, the noise in tandem with
                                             apply, and weather delays, flight                       b) although they can be found in areas                the sight of the aircraft. Hilcorp’s aerial
                                             ceilings, etc., will be at the discretion of            with deeper water. Depth is generally                 surveys will generate noise that is
                                             the flight contractor.                                  correlated with distance to shore, and                louder and recurs more frequently than
                                                                                                     sea otters typically remain within 1 to               noise from regular air traffic due to the
                                             Description of Marine Mammals in the                    2 km (0.62 to 1.24 mi) of shore                       survey’s particular aircraft, low flight
                                             Specified Area                                          (Riedman and Estes 1990). They tend to                altitudes, and parallel transect pattern.
                                                The northern sea otter is currently the              remain closer to shore during storms,                 Flyovers may cause disruptions in the
                                             only marine mammal under the                            but they venture farther out during good              sea otter’s normal behavioral patterns,
                                             Service’s jurisdiction that normally                    weather and calm seas (Lensink 1962;                  thereby resulting in incidental take by
                                             occupies Cook Inlet, Alaska. Sea otters                 Kenyon 1969).                                         Level B harassment.
                                             in Alaska are represented by three                         The documented home range sizes                       We expect the actual number of otters
                                             stocks. Those in Cook Inlet belong to                   and movement patterns of sea otters                   experiencing Level B take due to
                                             either the southwest Alaska stock or the                illustrate the types of movements that                harassment by noise to be 578 or fewer.
                                             southcentral Alaska stock, depending on                 could be seen among otters responding                 Otters may be taken more than once; the
                                             whether they occur west or east of the                  to Hilcorp’s activities. Sea otters are               total number of incidental takes of sea
                                             center of Cook Inlet, respectively. A                   non-migratory and generally do not                    otters is expected to be less than 693.
                                             third stock occurs in southeast Alaska.                 disperse over long distances (Garshelis               Hilcorp’s project, as it is currently
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                                                The southwest stock of the northern                  and Garshelis 1984). They usually                     proposed, will not introduce anything
                                             sea otter corresponds to the                            remain within a few kilometers of their               into the water, alter habitat, generate
                                             southwestern Distinct Population                        established feeding grounds (Kenyon                   sound below the water’s surface, or
                                             Segment (DPS), which was listed as                      1981). Breeding males remain for all or               expose any marine mammals to direct
                                             threatened under the Endangered                         part of the year in a breeding territory              contact with people, equipment, or
                                             Species Act of 1973 (ESA; 16 U.S.C.                     covering up to 1 km (0.62 mi) of                      vessels. Take will be limited to
                                             1531, et seq.) on August 9, 2005 (70 FR                 coastline. Adult females have home                    incidental, unintentional Level B

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                                             harassment; no take from other sources                  Exposure Level (SEL; normally                         shown a frequency range of hearing
                                             is expected.                                            referenced to 20 mPa2-s).                             most similar to that of southern sea
                                                                                                       Turboprop aircraft such as the DC–3                 otters (Ghoul and Reichmuth 2014) and
                                             Noise From Hilcorp’s Aircraft                           are generally perceived to produce noise              provide the closest related proxy for
                                                Whether a specific noise source will                 levels 10 to 20 dB higher than                        which data are available. Sea otters and
                                             affect a sea otter depends on several                   helicopters, which in turn are 10 to 20               pinnipeds share a common mammalian
                                             factors, including the distance between                 dB noisier than piston aircraft                       aural physiology (Echteler et al. 1994;
                                             the animal and the sound source, the                    (Ollerhead 1971). Based on information                Solntseva 2007). Both are adapted to
                                             sound intensity, background noise                       on aircraft type, airspeed, and altitude,             amphibious hearing, and both use
                                             levels, the noise frequency, duration,                  we assume the sound levels generated                  sound in the same way (primarily for
                                             and whether the noise is pulsed or                      by Hilcorp’s aircraft during aerial                   communication rather than feeding).
                                             continuous. The actual noise level                      gravitation and magnetic surveys will
                                             perceived by individual sea otters will                 not exceed a maximum of                               Exposure Thresholds
                                             depend on distance to the aircraft,                     approximately 90 dB at the water’s                       Noise exposure thresholds have been
                                             whether the animal is above or below                    surface.                                              established by the National Marine
                                             water, atmospheric and environmental                                                                          Fisheries Service (NMFS) for identifying
                                             conditions, and the operational                         Sea Otter Hearing                                     underwater noise levels capable of
                                             conditions of the aircraft.                                Sound frequencies produced by                      causing Level A harassment (injury) of
                                                Noise production has been measured                   Hilcorp’s aircraft will fall within the               marine mammals, including otariid
                                             for the DC–3 and the AS–350. Noise                      hearing range of sea otters and will be               pinnipeds (NMFS 2016). Those
                                             levels herein are given in decibels (dB)                audible to animals during flyovers.                   thresholds are based on estimated levels
                                             referenced to 20 mPa for airborne sound.                Controlled sound exposure trials on                   of sound exposure capable of causing a
                                             All dB levels are dBRMS unless                          southern sea otters (E. l. nereis) indicate           permanent shift in sensitivity of hearing
                                             otherwise noted; dBRMS refers to the                    that otters can hear frequencies between              (e.g., a Permanent Threshold Shift (PTS)
                                             root-mean-squared dB level, the square                  125 hertz (Hz) and 38 kilohertz (kHz)                 (NMFS 2016)). Thresholds for non-
                                             root of the average of the squared Sound                with best sensitivity between 1.2 and 27              impulse sound are based on cumulative
                                             Pressure Level (SPL) typically measured                 kHz (Ghoul and Reichmuth 2014).                       SEL (SELcum) during a 24-hour period
                                             over 1 second. See Richardson et al.                    Aerial and underwater audiograms for a                and include weighting adjustments for
                                             (1995), Götz et al. (2009), Hopp et al.                captive adult male southern sea otter in              the sensitivity of different species to
                                             (2012), Navy (2014), or similar resources               the presence of ambient noise suggest                 varying frequencies. These injury
                                             for descriptions of acoustical terms and                the sea otter’s hearing was less sensitive            thresholds were developed from
                                             measurement units in the context of                     to high-frequency (greater than 22 kHz)               Temporary Threshold Shifts (TTS)
                                             ecological impact assessment.                           and low-frequency (less than 2 kHz)                   detected in lab settings during sound
                                                Standardized noise testing has been                  sounds than terrestrial mustelids but                 exposure trials. Studies were
                                             conducted for compliance with Federal                   similar to that of a sea lion. Dominant               summarized by Finneran (2015).
                                             Aviation Administration (FAA)                           frequencies of southern sea otter                     Thresholds based on TTS have been
                                             regulations at 14 CFR part 36. During                   vocalizations are between 3 and 8 kHz,                used as a proxy for Level B harassment
                                             these tests, the DC–3 produced noise                    with some energy extending above 60                   (i.e., 70 FR 1871, January 11, 2005; 71
                                             levels of 82.4 dBEPN (Effective Perceived               kHz (McShane et al. 1995; Ghoul and                   FR 3260, January 20, 2006; and 73 FR
                                             Noise level) during takeoff, and 91.9                   Reichmuth 2012). During FAA testing,                  41318, July 18, 2008).
                                             dBEPN on approach (USDOT 2012).                         the test aircraft produced sound at all                  The NMFS (2016) guidance neither
                                             Other field-testing of the DC–3                         frequencies measured (50 Hz to 10 kHz)                addresses thresholds for preventing
                                             produced a peak SPL of 90 dBPEAK                        (Healy 1974; Newman and Rickley                       injury or disturbance from airborne
                                             during level flyovers at 265 km/hr (165                 1979). At frequencies centered at 5 kHz,              noise, nor provides thresholds for
                                             mi/hr) measured at 305 m (1,000 ft)                     jets flying at 300 m (984 ft) produced 1⁄3            avoidance of Level B take. However, it
                                             from the flightpath (Ollerhead 1971;                    octave band noise levels of 84 to 124 dB,             does provide a framework for
                                             Fink 1977). During a gliding flight path                propeller-driven aircraft produced 75 to              assessment of potential consequences of
                                             at 152.4 m (500 ft) altitude and                        90 dB, and helicopters produced 60 to                 noise exposure. Exposure to airborne
                                             airspeeds around 278 km/hr (173 mi/h),                  70 dB (Richardson et al. 1995).                       noise has been estimated to cause TTS
                                             a maximum of 79.6 dB was recorded                          Exposure to high levels of sound may               in the California sea lion after 1.5 to 50
                                             (Healy 1974). See 14 CFR part 36 for                    cause changes in behavior, masking of                 minutes of exposure to sound at SPLs of
                                             calculation of dBEPN from field                         communications, temporary or                          94 to 133 dB; TTS onset was estimated
                                             measurements of sound.                                  permanent changes in hearing                          to occur at 159 dB SELcum (Kastak et
                                                Documented noise levels of the AS–                   sensitivity, discomfort, and injury.                  al. 2004, 2007). The U.S. Navy adopted
                                             350 recorded for FAA compliance                         Species-specific criteria for sea otters              159 dB SELcum as a TTS threshold
                                             measured 89.8 to 91.1 dBEPN during                      have not been identified for preventing               level and used it to estimate onset of
                                             takeoff and 91.3 to 91.4 dBEPN on                       harmful exposures to sound. Thresholds                PTS and set a threshold for otariid
                                             approach; level straight-line flyovers at               have been developed for other marine                  pinnipeds at 168 dB SELcum (Finneran
                                             an altitude of 305 m (1,000 ft) produced                mammals, above which exposure is                      and Jenkins, 2012). Southall et al. (2007)
                                             noise levels from 86.8 to 87.1 dBEPN                    likely to cause behavioral disturbance                reviewed the literature and
                                             (USDOT 2012). Newman and Rickley                        and injuries (Southall et al. 2007;                   recommended dual injury thresholds for
                                             (1979) reported 91.2 dBEPN on approach,                 Finneran and Jenkins 2012; NMFS                       PTS for sea lions exposed to discrete
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                                             89.2 dBEPN during takeoff, and 87.2                     2016). Because sea otter hearing abilities            non-pulsed airborne noise of 149
                                             dBEPN during level flyovers at                          and sensitivities have not been fully                 dBPEAK and 172.5 dB SELcum.
                                             approximately 150 m (492 ft) altitude.                  evaluated, we relied on the closest                      Acoustic thresholds can be reached
                                             Falzarano and Levy (2007) reported that                 related proxy to evaluate the potential               from acute exposure to high sound
                                             overflights by the AS–350 at a distance                 effects of noise exposure.                            levels or from long periods of exposure
                                             of 122 m (400 ft) AGL produced an                          California sea lions (Zalophus                     to lower levels. Both the sound levels
                                             FAA-certified 83.5 dBA Sound                            californianus) (otariid pinnipeds) have               and durations of exposure from

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                                             Hilcorp’s aircraft will depend primarily                time, meaning that SELcum will                        alertness and a decrease in maternal
                                             on a sea otter’s distance from the                      increase or decrease on a 1:1 basis with              attendance and resting time on land,
                                             transect during a flyover. Airborne                     increasing or decreasing SPL, and                     thereby potentially reducing population
                                             sound attenuation rates are affected by                 increase or decrease by 3 dB for each                 size. In another example, killer whales
                                             characteristics of the atmosphere and                   doubling or halving of exposure time,                 (Orcinus orca) that lost feeding
                                             topography, but can be conservatively                   respectively (Finneran et al. 2015).                  opportunities due to boat traffic faced a
                                             generalized for line sources (such as                   Based on this relationship, we can                    substantial (18 percent) estimated
                                             flight lines) over acoustically ‘‘hard’’                estimate the SELcum from flyover                      decrease in energy intake (Williams et
                                             surfaces like water (rather than ‘‘soft’’               exposures. For example, using a simple                al., 2006). Such disturbance effects can
                                             surfaces like snow) by a loss of 3 dB per               equation SPL + 10log10 (duration of                   have population-level consequences.
                                             doubling of distance from the source. At                exposure, expressed in seconds) (NMFS                 Increased disturbance rates have been
                                             this attenuation rate, a sound registering              2016), SELcum may reach 120 dB for                    associated with a decline in abundance
                                             90 dB directly below a flyover at 91 to                 the anticipated activities (90 + 10log10              of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.)
                                             152 m (300 to 500 ft) ASL will attenuate                (1,080) ≈ 120.3 dB, where 1,080                       (Bejder et al., 2006; Lusseau et al.,
                                             to 80 dB in 1 to 1.5 km (0.6 to 0.9 mi).                represents 18 passes at 60 seconds                    2006).
                                             The same noise level will attenuate to                  each). This specific model is generally                  These examples illustrate direct
                                             68 dB (the upper range of ambient                       used in underwater applications, and it               effects on survival and reproductive
                                             conditions near Cook Inlet per                          assumes a constant received sound level               success, but disturbances can also have
                                             Blackwell (2005)) within 15 to 24 km (9                 that does not change over space and                   indirect effects. Response to noise
                                             to 15 mi).                                              time (e.g., Urick 1983; ANSI 1986;                    disturbance is considered a nonlethal
                                                At rates of speed proposed for                       Madsen 2005). Additionally, Hilcorp’s                 stimulus that is similar to an
                                             Hilcorp’s aircraft (333 km/hr (207 mi/h)                flight lines do not cover the same area               antipredator response (Frid and Dill
                                             for the DC–3 and 100 km/hr (62 mi/h)                    multiple times, so sea otters are unlikely            2002). Sea otters are susceptible to
                                             for the AS–350 helicopter) sea otters                   to be exposed to sound from all passes                predation, particularly from killer
                                             will be exposed to sound levels between                 in a day. Therefore, this model is                    whales and eagles, and have a well-
                                             80 and 90 dB for up to 1 minute per                     expected to overestimate a sea otter’s                developed antipredator response to
                                             flyover by either aircraft. Sea otters will             cumulative exposure to sound during                   perceived threats. For example,
                                             experience sound levels less than 80 dB                 flyovers, but it demonstrates that the                Limbaugh (1961) reported that sea otters
                                             but greater than ambient for up to 2.5                  airborne noise generated by Hilcorp’s                 were apparently undisturbed by the
                                             minutes as the DC–3 passes by, and up                   aircraft during gravitational and                     presence of a harbor seal (Phoca
                                             to 13.5 minutes when the AS–350                         magnetic surveys will not cause TTS in                vitulina), but they were quite concerned
                                             helicopter flies by. About 15 to 18                     sea otters, even for an otter located at              with the appearance of a California sea
                                             passes per day will be required to                      the closest point of approach during                  lion. They demonstrated their fear by
                                             complete the survey during the allotted                 multiple flyovers.                                    actively looking above and beneath the
                                             period. This scenario suggests that otters                                                                    water when a sea lion was swimming
                                             within the helicopter survey area could                 Response to Disturbance                               nearby.
                                             potentially be exposed to continual                       The potential that Hilcorp’s aerial                    Although an increase in vigilance or
                                             sound levels that are higher than                       surveys will cause take due to changes                a flight response is nonlethal, a tradeoff
                                             ambient for the duration of each day’s                  in the hearing abilities (TTS or PTS) of              occurs between risk avoidance and
                                             work.                                                   sea otters is negligible. However, the                energy conservation. An animal’s
                                                No value representing the upper limit                project may result in Level B take by                 reactions to noise disturbance may
                                             of safety for prolonged exposure has                    harassment due to an individual’s                     cause stress and direct an animal’s
                                             been identified for sea otters, but a sea               reaction to project noise. The actual                 energy away from fitness-enhancing
                                             lion exposed to an SPL of 94 dB for 12                  number of takes will depend on the                    activities such as feeding and mating
                                             minutes did not show a statistically                    number of times individual sea otters                 (Frid and Dill 2002; Goudie and Jones
                                             significant TTS (Kastak et al. 2007). In                perceive Hilcorp’s activities and                     2004). For example, Southern sea otters
                                             humans, prolonged exposure to 80 dBA                    respond with a significant behavioral                 in areas with heavy recreational boat
                                             is unlikely to cause hearing loss (dBA is               change in a biologically important                    traffic demonstrated changes in
                                             the decibel level weighted at                           activity.                                             behavioral time budgeting showing
                                             frequencies sensitive to human hearing).                                                                      decreased time resting and changes in
                                                                                                     Direct and Indirect Effects
                                             Although the decibel levels here have                                                                         haulout patterns and distribution
                                             not been weighted for the sensitivity of                  The reactions of wildlife to                        (Benham et al., 2005; Maldini et al.,
                                             sea otters to specific frequencies,                     disturbance can range from short-term                 2012). Chronic stress can also lead to
                                             weighting adjustments generally reduce                  behavioral changes to long-term impacts               weakened reflexes, lowered learning
                                             the dB level of sounds at frequencies                   that affect survival and reproduction.                responses (Welch and Welch 1970; van
                                             outside of the range of greatest                        When disturbed by noise, animals may                  Polanen Petel et al., 2006),
                                             sensitivity. We therefore assume                        respond behaviorally (e.g., escape                    compromised immune function,
                                             prolonged exposure to 80 dB                             response) or physiologically (e.g.,                   decreased body weight, and abnormal
                                             (unweighted) will not cause TTS in sea                  increased heart rate, hormonal response)              thyroid function (Seyle 1979).
                                             otters.                                                 (Harms et al. 1997; Tempel and                           Changes in behavior resulting from
                                                We then considered the potential                     Gutierrez 2003). The energy expense                   anthropogenic disturbance can include
                                             effect of repeated 1-minute exposures to                and associated physiological effects                  increased agonistic interactions between
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                                             SPLs greater than 80 dB. The SELcum                     could ultimately lead to reduced                      individuals or temporary or permanent
                                             of a sea otter positioned below the                     survival and reproduction (Gill and                   abandonment of an area (Barton et al.,
                                             aircraft can be estimated based on the                  Sutherland 2000; Frid and Dill 2002). In              1998). The type and extent of response
                                             duration of exposure and sound level at                 an example described by Pavez et al.,                 may be influenced by intensity of the
                                             the location of the animal. Cumulative                  (2015), South American sea lions                      disturbance (Cevasco et al., 2001), the
                                             SEL is linearly related to the SPL and                  (Otaria byronia) visited by tourists                  extent of previous exposure to humans
                                             logarithmically related to the exposure                 exhibited an increase in the state of                 (Holcomb et al. 2009), the type of

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                                             disturbance (Andersen et al., 2012), and                level of underwater noise (BlueCrest                  project due to the existing continual air
                                             the age and/or sex of the individuals                   2013).                                                traffic in the area and will have little, if
                                             (Shaughnessy et al. 2008; Holcomb et                       Disturbances of sea otters due to                  any, reaction to flyovers. However,
                                             al., 2009). Despite the importance of                   aircraft have been observed in Alaska.                noise levels from aircraft will be louder
                                             understanding the effects of disturbance                Biologists conducting aerial surveys for              and will recur more frequently than that
                                             from sound, few controlled experiments                  the Service and the USGS to determine                 from regular air traffic in the region.
                                             or field observations have been                         sea otter abundance between 2008 and
                                                                                                     2015 reported disturbances of sea otters              Effects on Habitat
                                             conducted on sea otters to address this
                                             topic.                                                  (USFWS and USGS unpublished data).                       Habitat areas of significance for sea
                                                                                                     Bodkin and Udevitz (1999) conducted                   otters exist near the project area. Sea
                                             Evidence From Sea Otter Studies                         sea otter surveys and reported                        otter critical habitat was designated
                                                The available studies of sea otter                   disturbances caused by various flight                 under the ESA (74 FR 51988, October 8,
                                             behavior indicate that sea otters are                   patterns. Sea otter disturbances were                 2009). In Cook Inlet, critical habitat
                                             somewhat more resistant to the effects                  also reported between 2009 and 2012                   occurs along the western shoreline
                                             of sound than other marine mammals                      during aerial surveys conducted to                    south of approximately Redoubt Point.
                                             (Riedman 1983, 1984; Ghoul et al.,                      determine bird and marine mammal                      It extends from mean high tide line out
                                             2012a, b; Reichmuth and Ghoul 2012).                    distribution in Cook Inlet (ABR, Inc.                 to 100 m (328.1 ft) from shore or to the
                                             Southern sea otters off the California                  2010–2013). From all sources, the mean                20 m (65.6 ft) depth contour. Physical
                                             coast showed only mild interest in boats                rate of disturbance during aerial surveys             and biological features of critical habitat
                                             passing within hundreds of meters and                   was 18.3 percent (2,288 out of 30,611                 essential to the conservation of sea
                                             appeared to have habituated to boat                     sea otters observed), ranging from 8.0 to             otters include the benthic invertebrates
                                             traffic (Riedman 1983; Curland 1997).                   29.2 percent (USFWS and USGS                          (urchins, mussels, clams, etc.) eaten by
                                             Southern sea otters in an area with                     unpublished data, Bodkin and Udevitz                  otters and the shallow rocky areas and
                                             frequent railroad noise appeared to be                  1999, ABR, Inc. 2010–2013). Most of the               kelp beds that provide cover from
                                             relatively undisturbed by pile-driving                  disturbances involved otters diving,                  predators. Other important habitat in
                                             activities, many showing no response                    swimming out of the area, or swimming                 the Hilcorp project area includes outer
                                             and generally reacting more strongly to                 erratically during overflights. Flying a              Kamishak Bay between Augustine
                                             passing vessels than to the sounds of                   more intensive search pattern (circling               Island and Iniskin Bay within the 40 m
                                             pile driving equipment (ESA 2016).                      overhead) or flying at lower altitudes                (131 ft) depth contour where high
                                             When sea otters have displayed                          resulted in greater disturbance rates                 densities of otters have been detected.
                                             behavioral disturbance in response to                   than straight-line flights at higher                  Sea otters within this important area
                                             acoustic stimuli, these responses were                  altitudes. Among these surveys, the                   and within the critical habitat may be
                                             short-lived, and the otters quickly                     reported rate of Level B harassment was               affected by aerial surveys conducted by
                                             become habituated and resumed normal                    below 0.1 percent (0 to 0.8 percent); 18              Hilcorp. The MMPA allows the Service
                                             activity (Ghoul et al., 2012b). Sea otters              confirmed Level B takes were recorded                 to identify avoidance and minimization
                                             may be less sensitive to noise because                  among 19,500 animals observed                         measures for effecting the least
                                             whereas many marine mammals depend                      (USFWS and USGS unpublished data).                    practicable impact of the specified
                                             on acoustic cues for vital biological                      Some degree of disturbance is                      activity on important habitats. However,
                                             functions such as orientation,                          possible from Hilcorp’s activities.                   the project, as currently proposed, will
                                             communication, locating prey, and                       Individual sea otters in Cook Inlet will              have no effect on habitat.
                                             avoiding predators, sea otters do not                   show a range of responses to noise from
                                                                                                                                                           Mitigation and Monitoring
                                             rely on sound to orient themselves,                     Hilcorp’s aircraft. Some may abandon
                                             locate prey, or communicate                             the survey area and return when the                      If an IHA for Hilcorp’s project is
                                             underwater.                                             disturbance has ceased. Based on the                  issued, it must specify means for
                                                In locations without frequent human                  observed movement patterns of wild sea                effecting the least practicable impact on
                                             activity, sea otters appear to be more                  otters (i.e., Lensink 1962; Kenyon 1969,              sea otters and their habitat, paying
                                             easily disturbed. Sea otters in Alaska                  1981; Garshelis and Garshelis 1984;                   particular attention to habitat areas of
                                             have shown signs of disturbance (escape                 Riedman and Estes 1990; Estes and                     significance, and on the availability of
                                             behaviors) in response to the presence                  Tinker 1996, and others) we expect                    sea otters for taking for subsistence uses
                                             and approach of vessels. Behaviors                      some individuals, independent                         by coastal-dwelling Alaska Natives.
                                             included diving or actively swimming                    juveniles, for example, will respond to               Hilcorp has proposed to minimize the
                                             away from a boat, hauled-out sea otters                 Hilcorp’s proposed activities by                      effects of their action by maintaining
                                             entering the water, and groups of sea                   dispersing to areas of suitable habitat               minimum flight altitudes, providing
                                             otters disbanding and swimming in                       nearby, while others, especially                      training to aircraft pilots to identify and
                                             multiple different directions (Udevitz et               breeding-age adult males, will not be                 monitor otters, reporting observations of
                                             al., 1995). Sea otters in Alaska have also              displaced by overflights.                             otters to the Service, and coordinating
                                             been shown to avoid areas with heavy                       Some otters will likely show startle               with subsistence hunting communities.
                                             boat traffic but return to those same                   responses, change direction of travel, or             These measures are specified under
                                             areas during seasons with less traffic                  dive. Sea otters reacting to overflights              Proposed Authorization, part B.
                                             (Garshelis and Garshelis 1984). In Cook                 may divert time and attention from                    Avoidance and Minimization.
                                             Inlet, otters were observed riding the                  biologically important behaviors, such                   We evaluated various alternatives to
                                             tides past a new offshore drilling                      as feeding. Some effects may be                       these proposed mitigation measures to
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                                             platform while drilling was being                       undetectable in observations of                       determine the means of effecting the
                                             conducted; otters drifting on a trajectory              behavior, especially the physiological                least practicable impact to sea otters and
                                             that would have taken them within 500                   effects of chronic noise exposure. Air                their availability for subsistence use.
                                             m (0.3 mi) of the rig tended to swim to                 traffic, commercial and recreational, is              Decreasing the survey length and
                                             change their angle of drift to avoid a                  routine in Cook Inlet. Some sea otters in             increasing flight altitudes were not
                                             close approach although noise levels                    the area of activity may become                       considered practicable for
                                             from the work were near the ambient                     habituated to noise caused by the                     accomplishing the magnetic and

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                                             gravitational survey. Hilcorp suggested                 view (spyhopping) while apparently                    reactions. The best predictor of
                                             temporarily increasing flight altitude or               agitated or while swimming away;                      behavioral response for sea otters
                                             diverting away from the flight path                       • In the case of a pup, repeatedly                  exposed to airborne sound is the
                                             when groups of sea otters were                          spyhopping while hiding behind and                    distance at which the encounter occurs
                                             encountered. We evaluated this option,                  holding onto its mother’s head;                       in relation to the sound level produced.
                                             but at the requisite flight speeds and                    • Abandoning prey or feeding area;                     To predict the total number of Level
                                             initial altitudes, it is unlikely that otters             • Ceasing to nurse and/or rest                      B takes, we distributed a questionnaire
                                             can be spotted until the survey aircraft                (applies to dependent pups);                          to professional biologists with
                                             is too close to avoid disturbance.                        • Ceasing to rest (applies to                       experience conducting aerial surveys in
                                             Evasive maneuvers such as an abrupt                     independent animals);                                 regions with sea otters. The survey
                                             increase in altitude or change in                         • Ceasing to use movement corridors                 requested information about the
                                             direction will result in increased noise                along the shoreline;                                  respondent, the aircraft used, the flight
                                             production due to the additional engine                   • Ceasing mating behaviors;                         altitude, and the reactions of otters to
                                             power and changes in aircraft                             • Shifting/jostling/agitation in a raft             aircraft. Six useable responses were
                                             configuration necessary for these tasks.                so that the raft disperses;                           received in the time allotted; four were
                                             These maneuvers would probably                            • Sudden diving of an entire raft;                  from professional sea otter biologists
                                             increase, rather than decrease, the level                 • Flushing animals off a haulout.                   who have each conducted more than
                                                                                                       This list is not meant to encompass all             five sea otter surveys.
                                             of noise exposure. Additionally, the
                                                                                                     possible behaviors, other situations may                 Survey responses reported that, on
                                             pilot would later need to return to the
                                                                                                     also indicate Level B take.                           average, 26 percent of sea otters located
                                             same flight path to complete the
                                             transect, potentially encountering the                  Estimating Exposure Rates                             directly below the aircraft appear to
                                             same otters and causing another                                                                               react to the presence of the aircraft.
                                                                                                        To estimate the numbers of sea otters              Survey respondents reported that at a
                                             disturbance.                                            likely to experience Level B take, we                 point on the water’s surface 100 m (328
                                             Estimated Incidental Take                               first calculated the number of otters in              ft) perpendicular to the flight line, the
                                                                                                     Cook Inlet that occur within the Hilcorp              disturbance rate dropped to just below
                                             Characterizing Take by Level B                          project area. Number of otters was
                                             Harassment                                                                                                    20 percent. At 250 m (820 ft) from the
                                                                                                     calculated from density multiplied by                 flight line, just over 10 percent of sea
                                                An individual sea otter’s reaction will              project area. Density was estimated                   otters reacted to aircraft, and at 500 m
                                             depend on its prior exposure to low-                    according to region in Cook Inlet.                    (1,640 ft) away, less than seven percent
                                             flying aircraft, its need or desire to be in            Density data for Kamishak and the East                reacted. At 1,000 m (3,281 ft), less than
                                             the particular area, its physiological                  side of Cook Inlet along the shore of the             one percent of otters were disturbed by
                                             status, or other intrinsic factors. The                 Kenai Peninsula was derived from aerial               aircraft overflights.
                                             location, timing, frequency, intensity,                 surveys conducted in May 2017                            We then evaluated whether Hilcorp’s
                                             and duration of the encounter are                       (USFWS and USGS, unpublished data).                   project will expose sea otters to
                                             among the external factors that will also               Surveys were not conducted for central                comparable noise levels to those during
                                             influence the animal’s response.                        Cook Inlet in 2017, and 2017 surveys                  surveys conducted by questionnaire
                                                Relatively minor reactions such as                   did not yield useful results for western              respondents. Hilcorp will use an AS–
                                             increased vigilance or a short-term                     Cook Inlet north of Kamishak, so the                  350 and a modified DC–3. Hilcorp’s
                                             change in direction of travel are not                   density for those regions was derived                 aerial surveys will be conducted at 92
                                             likely to disrupt biologically important                from the 2002 surveys conducted by                    to 152 m (300 to 500 ft) for the AS–350
                                             behavioral patterns and are not                         Bodkin et al. (2003) and corrected for                and 152 m (500 ft) for the DC–3. Small
                                             considered take by harassment as                        population growth proportional to the                 fixed-wing aircraft such as the Piper
                                             defined by the MMPA. These types of                     growth rate of Cook Inlet as a whole, as              PA–18 Super Cub, Cessna 185 and 206,
                                             responses typify the most likely                        determined from comparison of the                     and 18–GCBC Scout were most often
                                             reactions of the majority of sea otters                 2002 and 2017 surveys. Density values                 used by questionnaire respondents and
                                             that will be exposed to Hilcorp’s                       (in otters per km2) were 1.7 in East Cook             were generally flown at 92 to 152 m
                                             activities. Extreme behavioral reactions                Inlet (excluding Kachemak Bay and the                 (300 to 500 ft) ASL. Larger twin-engine
                                             capable of causing injury are                           outer Coast of Kenai Peninsula south                  aircraft were also used, including the
                                             characterized as Level A harassment                     and east of Seldovia), 3.5 in Kamishak                Aero Commander and the Partenavia
                                             events, which are unlikely to result from               Bay, and 0.026 in West and Central                    P.68. Questionnaire respondents
                                             the proposed project and will not be                    Cook Inlet.                                           indicated the use of the Partenavia P.68
                                             authorized. Examples include                               Hilcorp’s project area boundary                    flown at 61 m (200 ft) ASL during
                                             separation of mothers from young or                     contains about 6,625 km2 (2,558 square                surveys for southern sea otters.
                                             repeatedly flushing sea otters from a                   mi (mi2)) excluding land. Of this area,               Helicopters used during sea otter
                                             haulout.                                                1,039 km2 (401 mi2) is in East Cook                   surveys included the Hughes 500 and
                                                Intermediate reactions that disrupt                  Inlet, 830 km2 (310 mi2) in Kamishak                  Hughes 369 flown at 92 to 152 m (300
                                             biologically significant behaviors and                  Bay, and 1,870 km2 (722 mi2) in West                  to 500 ft) ASL.
                                             may potentially result in decreased                     and Central Cook Inlet. The total                        Field tests for the Hughes 500 have
                                             fitness for the affected animal meet the                number of otters within the Hilcorp                   demonstrated a maximum overall SPL
                                             criteria for Level B harassment under                   project area was calculated to be 4,753               of 87.6 dB as measured at ground level
                                             the MMPA. In 2014, the Service                          otters ((1,039 × 1.7) + (831 × 3.53) +                on the centerline of the flight path
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                                             identified the following sea otter                      (1,870 × 0.026) ≈ 4,753).                             during straight-line flyovers at 150 m
                                             behaviors as indicating possible Level B                                                                      (492 ft) altitude and at a stable airspeed
                                             take:                                                   Predicting Behavioral Response Rates                  of 111 km/h (69 mi/h) (Newman and
                                                • Swimming away at a fast pace on                       Although we cannot predict the                     Rickley 1979). The Hughes 500 and the
                                             belly (i.e., porpoising);                               outcome of each encounter between a                   AS–350 should generally produce a
                                                • Repeatedly raising the head                        sea otter and one of Hilcorp’s aircraft, it           similar level of noise at the same
                                             vertically above the water to get a better              is possible to consider the most likely               altitude, although the AS–350 will be

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                                             slightly louder. Indeed, Newman et al.                               day basis in ArcGIS® using transect                      likelihood of disturbance during
                                             1982 reported signatures for the AS–350                              lines provided by Hilcorp. The total                     overflights when otters were located at
                                             that were about 5 to 7 dB higher than                                transect length was divided into 14                      each respective distance from the
                                             those of the Hughes 500.                                             polygons representing 4 helicopter and                   centerline of a survey flight path. The
                                                The Aero Commander was the largest                                10 fixed-wing ‘‘flight days.’’ The ends of               questionnaire responses were averaged
                                             aircraft used during sea otter surveys. It                           fixed-wing transects were connected by                   to determine the appropriate probability
                                             produces a maximum of 75.4 dB during                                 a line of the minimum length necessary                   multiplier for each distance category.
                                             a gliding flight path at 152.4 m (500 ft)                            to circle a 1-nautical-mile perimeter,                   The maximum distance at which a
                                             altitude and airspeeds up to 324 km/hr                               based on the turn radius of a DC–3. The                  reaction could possibly be expected was
                                             (201 mi/hr) (Healy 1974). The Aero                                   ends of helicopter transects were joined                 predicted to be 1,000 m (3,281 ft). This
                                             Commander is expected to be roughly 5                                with straight lines to connect one to the                distance was supported in the responses
                                             dB quieter than the DC–3. The second                                 next. Both fixed-wing and helicopter                     given by survey respondents.
                                             largest aircraft, the Partenavia, produced                           transect lines were connected in a                       Multipliers are given in Table 3 as the
                                             noise levels measured for FAA                                        zigzag pattern to simulate minimal off-                  proportion of otters in each distance
                                             compliance up to 78.2 dBA during                                     transect travel routes. Transects in each                category that are likely to be disturbed
                                             flyovers at 305 m (1000 ft). The Piper                               of the 14 flight days were then buffered                 during flyovers.
                                             PA–18 produced 65.9 dBA, and the                                     to represent the area per day of potential
                                             Cessna 206 ranged from 75.4 to 79.4                                  disturbance effects.                                        Finally, the total number of
                                             dBA at 305 m (1,000 ft) (USDOT 2012).                                   Multi-ring buffers were created                       disturbances in response to Hilcorp’s
                                                For the Partenavia, back calculating                              around transect lines to represent zones                 flyovers was estimated by multiplying
                                             from FAA standards using an estimated                                with variable probabilities of                           the number of otters within each
                                             3 to 6 dB loss per doubling of distance                              disturbance determined by distance                       distance category (Table 2) by the
                                             indicates this aircraft at 200 ft ASL may                            from the center line of the flight path as               applicable probability multiplier for
                                             have exposed sea otters to 85 to 92 dB                               measured along the water’s surface to a                  each category of distance from the
                                             while a Cessna 206 at 300 ft would have                              point directly below the aircraft. Rings                 centerline of a survey flight path (Table
                                             generated from 84.6 to 89.8 dB. Both of                              were established at distance categories                  3). The total number of disturbances
                                             these are within the possible range of                               of 20, 100, 250, 500, 750, and 1,000 m                   was then summed by region in Cook
                                             noise produced by the DC–3. The Piper                                (66, 328, 820, 1,640, 2,461, and 3,281 ft)               Inlet and by stock. A total of 693
                                             PA–18 flying at 91 m (300 ft) would                                  from the transect lines. Overlapping                     behavioral responses are likely. Of
                                             likely expose sea otters to sound                                    rings within the same distance                           these, 523 and 170 will occur among
                                             pressure levels ranging from 71.1 to 76.4                            categories were merged within, but not                   otters belonging to the southwestern and
                                             dB.                                                                  between flight days. The total area of                   southcentral stocks, respectively.
                                                In conclusion, there is overlap in the                            each ring was summed in ArcGIS®.                            To estimate the number of individual
                                             sound levels that will be produced by                                Table 1 shows the area calculated                        otters taken, we again calculated the
                                             Hilcorp’s project and those generated                                within each ring by distance from the                    area within each distance category; but
                                             during sea otter surveys conducted by                                transect.                                                this time, we merged polygons both
                                             questionnaire respondents. Therefore,                                   Next, the density of otters within each
                                                                                                                                                                           within and between flight days to
                                             disturbance rates from Hilcorp’s                                     region in Cook Inlet was multiplied by
                                                                                                                                                                           remove repeated exposures. All other
                                             activities will be adequately represented                            the area within each transect buffer to
                                                                                                                                                                           calculations were repeated. We
                                             by the rates of sea otter disturbance                                represent the number of otters
                                                                                                                                                                           estimated 578 individual otters could be
                                             reported by biologists.                                              potentially affected by Hilcorp’s project
                                                                                                                                                                           disturbed by Hilcorp’s project. Of these,
                                                                                                                  according to categorical distance from
                                             Calculating Take                                                                                                              410 belong to the southwest stock, and
                                                                                                                  the centerline of the nearest overflight.
                                               We then used the estimated response                                                                                         168 belong to the southcentral stock
                                                                                                                  Table 2 shows the calculated numbers
                                             rates of sea otters, as described by                                 of otters within each transect buffer ring               (Table 5).
                                             questionnaire responses provided by                                  by region in Cook Inlet.                                    Table 1. Area (km2) of potential
                                             professional biologists, to predict the                                 A probability multiplier was then                     aircraft disturbance within specified
                                             total number of possible reactions that                              applied to each ring to represent the                    distances (m) from aircraft flight lines
                                             could result from Hilcorp’s project. To                              probability of disturbance for otters                    by region of Cook Inlet. Area within
                                             do this, we multiplied the size of the                               within a given distance from a transect.                 each distance category was measured in
                                             project area by the density of otters and                            Alternately, the multipliers represent                   ArcGIS® by creating concentric buffers
                                             the probability of disturbance according                             the declining sound exposure levels                      of the specified width extending
                                             to the distance from the flight line.                                with increasing distance from an aircraft                outward from the aircraft flight lines.
                                             Details follow.                                                      flight line. As described previously, the                Area is given by region within Cook
                                               The area within which sea otters may                               multipliers were identified by polling                   Inlet (CI) and by stock
                                             be disturbed was calculated on a per                                 sea otter biologists regarding the                       (SC=Southcentral, SW=Southwestern).

                                                                                                                                                       Area (km2) within distance categories
                                                                    Region in cook inlet
                                                                          (stock)                                             20 m             100 m           250 m             500 m      750 m         1000 m

                                             Kamishak (SW) ............................................................          74.10            292.75          533.01           104.80       95.45          92.57
                                             Upper West (SC) .........................................................          119.67            476.95          897.08           188.25      174.83         172.86
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                                             East Cook Inlet (SW) ...................................................            50.20            198.65          371.20            52.59       47.08          47.34
                                             Central CI (SC) ............................................................        87.44            348.42          648.00           124.23      116.10         109.88
                                             Central CI (SW) ...........................................................        121.49            484.49          901.24           164.51      157.44         151.76

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                                               Table 2. Estimated number of otters                                        of Cook Inlet. Numbers were estimated                         each region by area within distance
                                             within specified distances (m) of                                            by multiplying density of sea otters in                       categories given in Table 1.
                                             Hilcorp’s proposed flight lines by region

                                                                                                             Density (sea                                                     Distance categories
                                                           Region in Cook Inlet                               otters per
                                                                 (stock)                                         km2)                   20 m                100 m            250 m            500 m       750 m                1000 m

                                             Kamishak (SW) ....................................                         3.530              261.58            1033.48          1881.66           369.98          336.97               326.78
                                             Upper West (SC) .................................                          0.026                3.11              12.39            23.30             4.89            4.54                 4.49
                                             East Cook Inlet (SW) ...........................                           1.705               85.57             338.65           632.79            89.66           80.25                80.69
                                             Central CI (SC) ....................................                       0.026                2.27               9.05            16.83             3.23            3.02                 2.85
                                             Central CI (SW) ...................................                        0.026                3.16              12.58            23.41             4.27            4.09                 3.94

                                               Table 3. Estimated probability of                                          distance from flight line, as measured                        point directly below the flight line
                                             behavioral responses of sea otters by                                        outward across the water surface from a                       transect.

                                                                         Distance (meters)                                                 20                100              250              500          750                  1000

                                             Probability ....................................................................                 0.258             0.198           0.107            0.068           0.030                0.004

                                               Table 4. Estimated number of                                               disturbances potentially caused by                            calculated by multiplying values in
                                             behavioral responses (Level B takes)                                         aircraft overflights according to distance                    Table 2 by those in Table 3.
                                             calculated as the total number of                                            from the flightpath. Entries were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Total number of
                                                                         Distance (meters)                                            20              100           250         500            750       1000             disturbances
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            by region

                                             Region (Stock):
                                                 Kamishak (SW) ..............................................................          67.58          204.97        200.71          25.29       10.11       1.31   509.96.
                                                 Upper West (SW) ...........................................................            0.80            2.46          2.49           0.33        0.14       0.02   6.23.
                                                 East Cook Inlet (SC) ......................................................           22.11           67.17         67.50           6.13        2.41       0.32   165.63.
                                                 Central CI (SC) ..............................................................         0.59            1.79          1.80           0.22        0.09       0.01   4.50.
                                                 Central CI (SW) .............................................................          0.82            2.50          2.50           0.29        0.12       0.02   6.24.

                                                         Total Number of Disturbances, by Distance from                                91.89          278.89        274.99          32.26       12.87       1.68   Overall Total: 692.56.

                                               Totals by Stock SW: 522.43: SC:                                            from aircraft overflights by distance                         exception that in areas where project
                                             170.13.                                                                      from flightpath, region, and stock.                           activities overlapped between days,
                                               Table 5. Estimated number of otters                                        Entries were calculated in the same                           behavioral responses were counted only
                                             experiencing disturbance (Level B take)                                      manner as for Table 4, with the                               once.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Total number of
                                                                         Distance (meters)                                            20              100           250         500            750       1000            otters disturbed,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             by region

                                             Region (Stock):
                                                 Kamishak (SW) ..............................................................          54.55          166.43        165.54           8.76        3.12       0.41   398.80.
                                                 Upper West (SW) ...........................................................            0.79            2.42          2.46           0.06        0.02       0.00   5.75.
                                                 East Cook Inlet (SC) ......................................................           22.11           67.17         67.32           4.98        1.70       0.21   163.48.
                                                 Central CI (SC) ..............................................................         0.59            1.80          1.79           0.03        0.01       0.00   4.23.
                                                 Central CI (SW) .............................................................          0.82            2.49          2.49           0.02        0.01       0.00   5.83.

                                                         Total Number of Otters Disturbed, by Distance                                 91.89          278.89        274.99          32.26       12.87       1.68   Overall total: 578.10.
                                                           from Flight Path.

                                               Totals by Stock                  SW: 410.38:               SC:             indicate harassment or disturbance.                           2014 efforts to characterize behaviors
                                             167.71.                                                                      There are likely to be a proportion of                        that indicate take were applied in the
                                             Critical Assumptions                                                         animals that respond in ways that                             field in 2016. The reported rate of take
                                                                                                                          indicate some level of disturbance but                        prior to 2016 may not represent the
                                               We propose to authorize up to 693                                          do not experience significant biological                      current definition; and therefore, it was
                                             takes of 578 sea otters by Level B                                           consequences. A correction factor was                         not deemed appropriate for use in
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                                             harassment from Hilcorp’s aerial survey                                      not applied, although we considered                           determining the ratio of behavioral
                                             program. In order to conduct this                                            using the rate of Level B take reported                       response to Level B take. This will
                                             analysis and estimate the potential
                                                                                                                          by Service biologists during sea otter                        result in overestimation in take
                                             amount of Level B take, several critical
                                                                                                                          surveys conducted between 2008 and                            calculations.
                                             assumptions were made.
                                               Level B take by harassment is equated                                      2015 (below 0.01 percent; USFWS and                              We assumed that the mean behavioral
                                             herein with behavioral responses that                                        USGS, unpublished data). The Service’s                        response rates of sea otters indicated by

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                                             the questionnaires returned by                          recent stock abundance estimates for the              Nanwalek, Seldovia, and Port Graham.
                                             biologists are representative of                        sea otter. Take of 578 otters includes                Between 2013 and 2017, approximately
                                             responses of sea otters exposed to                      410 from the southwest stock, and 168                 145 sea otters were harvested from Cook
                                             Hilcorp’s work. There are several                       from the southcentral stock. Take of 410              Inlet, averaging 29 per year (although
                                             underlying assumptions. Noise levels                    animals is 1 percent of the best available            numbers from 2017 are preliminary).
                                             produced by aircraft used by biologists                 estimate of the current population size               The large majority were taken in
                                             versus those used by Hilcorp were                       of 45,064 animals in the southwest stock              Kachemak Bay. Harvest occurs year-
                                             examined and found to be comparable.                    (USFWS 2014a) (410/45,064 ≈ 0.009).                   round, but peaks in April and May, with
                                             The otters in Cook Inlet are assumed to                 Take of 168 is about 1 percent of the                 about 40 percent of the total taken at
                                             exhibit a similar range of reactions to                 18,297 animals in the southcentral stock              this time. February and March are also
                                             comparable levels of aircraft noise. The                (USFWS 2014b) (168/18,297 ≈ 0.009).                   high harvest periods, with about 10
                                             validity of this assumption has not been                Although an estimated 693 instances of                percent of the total annual harvest
                                             examined, but mean disturbance rates                    take of 578 otters by Level B harassment              occurring in each of these months.
                                             reported by questionnaire respondents                   are possible, most events are unlikely to               The proposed project area will avoid
                                             (Table 3) are within the expected range                 have significant consequences for the                 Kachemak Bay and therefore avoid
                                             reported by Bodkin and Udevitz (1999),                  health, reproduction, or survival of                  significant overlap with subsistence
                                             the Service and the USGS (unpublished                   affected animals.                                     harvest areas. Hilcorp’s activities will
                                             data), and ABR, Inc., (2010–2013),                         Noise levels are not expected to reach             not preclude access to hunting areas or
                                             suggesting that these disturbance rates                 levels capable of causing harm. Animals               interfere in any way with individuals
                                             may also be appropriate in Cook Inlet.                  in the area are not expected to incur                 wishing to hunt. Hilcorp’s aircraft may
                                                Our estimates do not account for                     hearing impairment (i.e., TTS or PTS).                displace otters, resulting in changes to
                                             variable responses by age and sex. The                  Level A harassment is not expected to                 availability of otters for subsistence use
                                             available information suggests that sea                 occur. Aircraft noise may cause                       during the project period. Otters may be
                                             otters are generally resilient to low                   behavioral disturbances. Sea otters                   more vigilant during periods of
                                             levels of disturbance. Females with                     exposed to sound produced by the                      disturbance, which could affect hunting
                                             dependent pups and with pups that                       project are likely to respond with                    success rates. Hilcorp will coordinate
                                             have recently weaned are                                temporary behavioral modification or                  with Native villages and Tribal
                                             physiologically the most sensitive                      displacement. With the adoption of the                organizations to identify and avoid
                                             (Thometz et al. 2014) and most likely to                measures proposed in Hilcorp’s                        potential conflicts. If any conflicts are
                                             experience take from disturbance. There                 mitigation and monitoring plan and                    identified, Hilcorp will develop a Plan
                                             is not enough information on                            required by this proposed IHA, we                     of Cooperation (POC) specifying the
                                             composition of the Cook Inlet sea otter                 conclude that the only anticipated                    particular steps that will be taken to
                                             population in the Hilcorp survey area to                effects from noise generated by the                   minimize any effects the project might
                                             incorporate individual variability based                proposed project would be the short-                  have on subsistence harvest.
                                             on age and sex or to predict its influence              term temporary behavioral alteration of
                                             on take estimates. Our estimates are                    sea otters.                                           Findings
                                             derived from a variety of sample                           Aircraft activities could temporarily
                                                                                                                                                           Small Numbers
                                             populations with various age and sex                    interrupt the feeding, resting, and
                                             structures, and we assume the response                  movement of sea otters. Because                          For small numbers analyses, the
                                             rates are applicable.                                   activities are expected to occur for 14               statute and legislative history do not
                                                The estimates of behavioral response                 days during a 60- to 150-day period,                  expressly require a specific type of
                                             presented here do not account for the                   impacts associated with the project are               numerical analysis, leaving the
                                             individual movements of animals away                    likely to be temporary and localized.                 determination of ‘‘small’’ to the agency’s
                                             from the Hilcorp survey area or                         The anticipated effects include short-                discretion. In this case, we propose a
                                             habituation of animals to the survey                    term behavioral reactions and                         finding that the Hilcorp project may
                                             noise. Our assessment assumes animals                   displacement of sea otters near active                result in approximately 693 takes of 578
                                             remain stationary; i.e., density does not               operations.                                           otters, of which, 522 takes of 410
                                             change. There is not enough information                    Animals that encounter the proposed                animals will be from the southwest
                                             about the movement of sea otters in                     activities may exert more energy than                 stock and 170 takes of 168 otters will be
                                             response to specific disturbances to                    they would otherwise due to temporary                 from the southcentral stock. This
                                             refine this assumption. This situation is               cessation of feeding, increased                       represents about 1 percent of each stock,
                                             likely to result in overestimation of take.             vigilance, and retreat from the project               respectively (USFWS 2014a, b).
                                                Level B harassment due to Hilcorp’s                  area, but we expect that most would                   Predicted levels of take were
                                             project will be some fraction of the                    tolerate this exertion without                        determined based on estimated density
                                             estimated number of behavioral                          measurable effects on health or                       of sea otters in the project area and the
                                             responses elicited from sea otters; but,                reproduction. In sum, we do not                       mean rates of aircraft disturbance based
                                             because of the unresolved assumptions                   anticipate injuries or mortalities to                 on the opinions of professional
                                             and lack of information, we have                        result from Hilcorp’s operation, and                  biologists in the field of study. Based on
                                             conservatively estimated Level B take to                none will be authorized. The takes that               these numbers, we propose a finding
                                             equal rates of disturbance. For this                    are anticipated would be from short-                  that the Hilcorp project will take only a
                                             reason, we propose to authorize up to                   term Level B harassment in the form of                small number of animals.
                                             693 takes of 578 sea otters by Level B                  startling reactions or temporary                      Negligible Impact
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                                             harassment from Hilcorp’s aerial survey                 displacement.
                                             program.                                                                                                         We propose a finding that any
                                                                                                     Potential Impacts on Subsistence Uses                 incidental take by harassment resulting
                                             Potential Impacts on the Sea Otter                        The proposed activities will occur                  from the proposed project cannot be
                                             Stock                                                   near marine subsistence harvest areas                 reasonably expected to, and is not
                                               The estimated level of take by                        used by Alaska Natives from the villages              reasonably likely to, adversely affect the
                                             harassment is small relative to the most                of Ninilchik, Salamatof, Tyonek,                      sea otter through effects on annual rates

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                                             18340                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 81 / Thursday, April 26, 2018 / Notices

                                             of recruitment or survival and would,                   Impact on Subsistence                                 federally recognized Alaska Native
                                             therefore, have no more than a                            We propose a finding that the                       tribes and organizations in developing
                                             negligible impact on the species or                     anticipated harassment caused by                      programs for healthy ecosystems. We
                                             stocks. In making this finding, we                      Hilcorp’s activities would not have an                seek their full and meaningful
                                             considered the best available scientific                unmitigable adverse impact on the                     participation in evaluating and
                                             information, including: The biological                  availability of sea otters for taking for             addressing conservation concerns for
                                             and behavioral characteristics of the                   subsistence uses. In making this finding,             protected species. It is our goal to
                                             species, the most recent information on                 we considered the timing and location                 remain sensitive to Alaska Native
                                             species distribution and abundance                      of the proposed activities and the timing             culture, and to make information
                                             within the area of the specified                        and location of subsistence harvest                   available to Alaska Natives. Our efforts
                                             activities, the potential sources of                    activities in the area of the proposed                are guided by the following policies and
                                             disturbance caused by the project, and                  project. We also considered the                       directives: (1) The Native American
                                             the potential responses of animals to                   applicant’s consultation with                         Policy of the Service (January 20, 2016);
                                             this disturbance. In addition, we                       subsistence communities, proposed                     (2) the Alaska Native Relations Policy
                                             reviewed material supplied by the                       measures for avoiding impacts to                      (currently in draft form); (3) Executive
                                             applicant, other operators in Alaska, our               subsistence harvest, and commitment to                Order 13175 (January 9, 2000); (4)
                                             files and datasets, published reference                 development of a POC, should any                      Department of the Interior Secretarial
                                             materials, and species experts.                         adverse impacts be identified.                        Orders 3206 (June 5, 1997), 3225
                                                Sea otters are likely to respond to                                                                        (January 19, 2001), 3317 (December 1,
                                             proposed activities with temporary                      Required Determinations                               2011), and 3342 (October 21, 2016); (5)
                                             behavioral modification or                              National Environmental Policy Act                     the Alaska Government-to-Government
                                             displacement. These reactions are                       (NEPA)                                                Policy (a departmental memorandum
                                             unlikely to have consequences for the                                                                         issued January 18, 2001); and (6) the
                                                                                                        We have prepared a draft                           Department of Interior’s policies on
                                             health, reproduction, or survival of
                                                                                                     Environmental Assessment in                           consultation with Alaska Native tribes
                                             affected animals. Sound production is
                                                                                                     accordance with the NEPA (42 U.S.C.                   and organizations.
                                             not expected to reach levels capable of
                                                                                                     4321 et seq.). We have preliminarily
                                             causing harm, and Level A harassment                                                                             We have evaluated possible effects of
                                                                                                     concluded that approval and issuance of
                                             is not authorized. Most animals will                                                                          the proposed activities on federally
                                                                                                     an authorization for the nonlethal,
                                             respond to disturbance by moving away                                                                         recognized Alaska Native Tribes and
                                                                                                     incidental, unintentional take by Level
                                             from the source, which may cause                                                                              organizations. Through the IHA process
                                                                                                     B harassment of small numbers of sea
                                             temporary interruption of foraging,                                                                           identified in the MMPA, the applicant
                                                                                                     otters in Alaska during activities
                                             resting, or other natural behaviors.                                                                          has presented a communication process,
                                                                                                     conducted by Hilcorp in 2018 would
                                             Affected animals are expected to resume                                                                       culminating in a POC if needed, with
                                                                                                     not significantly affect the quality of the
                                             normal behaviors soon after exposure,                                                                         the Native organizations and
                                                                                                     human environment, and that the
                                             with no lasting consequences. Some                                                                            communities most likely to be affected
                                                                                                     preparation of an environmental impact
                                             animals may exhibit more severe                                                                               by their work. Hilcorp has engaged
                                                                                                     statement for these actions is not
                                             responses typical of Level B harassment,                                                                      these groups in informational meetings.
                                                                                                     required by section 102(2) of NEPA or
                                             such as fleeing, ceasing feeding, or                                                                             Through these various interactions,
                                                                                                     its implementing regulations.
                                             flushing from a haulout. These                                                                                we have determined that the issuance of
                                             responses could have significant                        Endangered Species Act                                this proposed IHA is permissible. We
                                             biological impacts for a few affected                      Under the ESA, all Federal agencies                invite continued discussion, either
                                             individuals, but most animals will also                 are required to ensure the actions they               about the project and its impacts, or
                                             tolerate this type of disturbance without               authorize are not likely to jeopardize the            about our coordination and information
                                             lasting effects. Thus, although the                     continued existence of any threatened                 exchange throughout the IHA/POC
                                             Hilcorp project may result in                           or endangered species or result in                    process.
                                             approximately 522 takes of 410 animals                  destruction or adverse modification of
                                             from the southwest stock and 170 takes                                                                        Proposed Authorization
                                                                                                     critical habitat. The southwestern DPS
                                             of 168 otters from the southcentral                     of the northern sea otter was listed as                 We propose to authorize up to 522
                                             stock, we do not expect this type of                    threatened on August 9, 2005 (70 FR                   takes of 410 animals from the southwest
                                             harassment to affect annual rates of                    46366). A portion of Hilcorp’s project                stock and 170 takes of 168 otters from
                                             recruitment or survival or result in                    will occur within sea otter critical                  the southcentral stock. Authorized take
                                             adverse effects on the species or stocks.               habitat. Prior to issuance of this IHA,               will be limited to disruption of
                                                Our proposed finding of negligible                   the Service will complete intra-Service               behavioral patterns that may be caused
                                             impact applies to incidental take                       consultation under section 7 of the ESA               by aircraft overflights conducted by
                                             associated with the proposed activities                 on our proposed issuance of an IHA,                   Hilcorp in Cook Inlet, Alaska, between
                                             as mitigated by the avoidance and                       which will consider whether the effects               May 23 and September 30, 2018. We
                                             minimization measures identified in                     of the proposed project will adversely                anticipate no take by injury or death to
                                             Hilcorp’s mitigation and monitoring                     affect sea otters or their critical habitat.          northern sea otters resulting from these
                                             plan. These mitigation measures are                     These evaluations and findings will be                aircraft overflights.
                                             designed to minimize interactions with                  made available on the Service’s website               A. General Conditions for Issuance of
                                             and impacts to sea otters. These                        at http://www.fws.gov/alaska/fisheries/               the Proposed IHA
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES

                                             measures, and the monitoring and                        mmm/iha.htm.
                                             reporting procedures, are required for                                                                          1. The taking of sea otters whenever
                                             the validity of our finding and are a                   Government-to-Government                              the required conditions, mitigation,
                                             necessary component of the IHA. For                     Coordination                                          monitoring, and reporting measures are
                                             these reasons, we propose a finding that                  It is our responsibility to                         not fully implemented as required by
                                             the 2018 Hilcorp project will have a                    communicate and work directly on a                    the IHA will be prohibited. Failure to
                                             negligible impact on sea otters.                        Government-to-Government basis with                   follow measures specified may result in

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 81 / Thursday, April 26, 2018 / Notices                                           18341

                                             the modification, suspension, or                        B. Avoidance and Minimization                           16. A final report will be submitted to
                                             revocation of the IHA.                                     7. Aircraft operators must take                    the Service’s MMM within 90 days after
                                                2. If take exceeds the level or type                 reasonable precautions to avoid                       completion of work or expiration of the
                                             identified in the proposed authorization                                                                      IHA. It will include a summary of
                                                                                                     harassment to sea otters.
                                             (e.g., greater than 693 incidents of take                                                                     monitoring efforts and observations. All
                                                                                                        8. Aircraft must maintain a minimum
                                             of 578 otters by Level B harassment,                                                                          project activities will be described,
                                                                                                     altitude of 305 m (1,000 ft) when
                                             separation of mother from young, injury,                                                                      along with any additional work yet to be
                                                                                                     approaching and departing survey areas
                                             or death), the IHA will be invalidated                                                                        done. Factors influencing visibility and
                                                                                                     to avoid unnecessary harassment of sea
                                             and the Service will reevaluate its                                                                           detectability of marine mammals (e.g.,
                                                                                                     otters outside of the survey areas, except
                                             findings. If project activities cause                                                                         sea state, number of observers, fog, and
                                                                                                     when a lower flight altitude is necessary
                                             unauthorized take, Hilcorp must take                                                                          glare) will be discussed. The report will
                                                                                                     for safety due to weather or restricted
                                             the following actions: (i) Cease its                                                                          describe changes in sea otter behavior
                                                                                                     visibility.                                           resulting from project activities and any
                                             activities immediately (or reduce                          9. Aircraft may not be operated in
                                             activities to the minimum level                                                                               specific behaviors of interest. Sea otter
                                                                                                     such a way as to separate members of                  observation records will be provided in
                                             necessary to maintain safety); (ii) report              a group of sea otters from other
                                             the details of the incident to the                                                                            the form of electronic database or
                                                                                                     members of the group.                                 spreadsheet files. The report will assess
                                             Service’s MMM within 48 hours; and                         10. All aircraft must avoid areas of
                                             (iii) suspend further activities until the                                                                    any effects Hilcorp’s operations may
                                                                                                     active or anticipated subsistence                     have had on the availability of sea otters
                                             Service has reviewed the circumstances,                 hunting for sea otters as determined
                                             determined whether additional                                                                                 for subsistence harvest and if
                                                                                                     through community consultations.                      applicable, evaluate the effectiveness of
                                             mitigation measures are necessary to
                                                                                                     C. Monitoring                                         the POC for preventing impacts to
                                             avoid further unauthorized taking, and
                                                                                                                                                           subsistence users of sea otters.
                                             notified Hilcorp that it may resume                        11. Pilots will be provided training                 17. Injured, dead, or distressed sea
                                             project activities.                                     and resources for identifying and                     otters that are not associated with
                                                3. All operations managers and                       collecting information on sea otters.                 project activities (e.g., animals found
                                             aircraft pilots must receive a copy of the              Pilots will record information during                 outside the project area, previously
                                             IHA and maintain access to it for                       aerial surveys when it is safe and                    wounded animals, or carcasses with
                                             reference at all times during project                   practical to do so.                                   moderate to advanced decomposition or
                                             work. These personnel must                                 12. Data collection will include                   scavenger damage) must be reported to
                                             understand, be fully aware of, and be                   locations and numbers of sea otters and               the Service within 48 hours of
                                             capable of implementing the conditions                  the dates and times of the corresponding              discovery. Photographs, video, location
                                             of the IHA at all times during project                  aerial surveys. When feasible, data will              information, or any other available
                                             work.                                                   also include aircraft heading, speed, and             documentation shall be provided to the
                                                4. The IHA will apply to activities                  altitude; visibility, group size, and                 Service.
                                             associated with the proposed project as                 composition (adults/juveniles); initial                 18. All reports shall be submitted by
                                             described in this document and in                       behaviors of the sea otters before                    email to fw7_mmm_reports@fws.gov.
                                             Hilcorp’s amended application                           responding to aircraft; and descriptions                19. Hilcorp must notify the Service
                                             (Fairweather Science 2017a). Changes to                 of any apparent reactions to the aircraft.            upon project completion or end of the
                                             the proposed project without prior                      D. Measures To Reduce Impacts to                      work season.
                                             authorization may invalidate the IHA.                   Subsistence Users                                     Request for Public Comments
                                                5. Hilcorp’s IHA application will be                    13. Prior to conducting the work,                     If you wish to comment on this
                                             approved and fully incorporated into                    Hilcorp will take the following steps to              proposed authorization, the associated
                                             the IHA, unless exceptions are                          reduce potential effects on subsistence               draft environmental assessment, or both
                                             specifically noted herein or in the final               harvest of sea otters: (i) Avoid work in              documents, you may submit your
                                             IHA. The application includes:                          areas of known sea otter subsistence                  comments by any of the methods
                                                • Hilcorp’s original request for an                  harvest; (ii) discuss the planned                     described in ADDRESSES. Please identify
                                             IHA, dated November 2, 2017;                            activities with subsistence stakeholders              if you are commenting on the proposed
                                                • Hilcorp’s response to a request for                including Cook Inlet villages, traditional            authorization, draft environmental
                                             additional information from the Service,                councils, and the Cook Inlet Regional                 assessment or both, make your
                                             dated November 30, 2017;                                Citizens Advisory Council; (iii) identify             comments as specific as possible,
                                                • The letter requesting an amendment                 and work to resolve concerns of                       confine them to issues pertinent to the
                                             to the original application, dated                      stakeholders regarding the project’s                  proposed authorization, and explain the
                                             December 22, 2017; and                                  effects on subsistence hunting of sea                 reason for any changes you recommend.
                                                                                                     otters; and (iv) if any unresolved or                 Where possible, your comments should
                                                • The Marine Mammal Monitoring                       ongoing concerns remain, develop a                    reference the specific section or
                                             and Mitigation Plan prepared by                         POC in consultation with the Service                  paragraph that you are addressing. The
                                             Fairweather Science, LLC (2017b).                       and subsistence stakeholders to address               Service will consider all comments that
                                                6. Operators will allow Service                      these concerns.                                       are received before the close of the
                                             personnel or the Service’s designated                                                                         comment period (see DATES).
                                             representative to visit project work sites              E. Reporting Requirements                                Comments, including names and
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES

                                             to monitor impacts to sea otters and                      14. Hilcorp must notify the Service at              street addresses of respondents, will
                                             subsistence uses of sea otters at any time              least 48 hours prior to commencement                  become part of the administrative record
                                             throughout project activities so long as                of activities.                                        for this proposal. Before including your
                                             it is safe to do so. ‘‘Operators’’ are all                15. Reports will be submitted to the                address, telephone number, email
                                             personnel operating under Hilcorp’s                     Service’s MMM weekly during project                   address, or other personal identifying
                                             authority, including all contractors and                activities. The reports will summarize                information in your comment, be
                                             subcontractors.                                         project work and monitoring efforts.                  advised that your entire comment,

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                                             18342                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 81 / Thursday, April 26, 2018 / Notices

                                             including your personal identifying                     collection requirements and provide the                 Title of Collection: Claim for
                                             information, may be made publicly                       requested data in the desired format.                 Relocation Payments—Residential, DI–
                                             available at any time. While you can ask                   We are soliciting comments on the                  381 and Claim for Relocation
                                             us in your comments to withhold from                    proposed ICR that is described below.                 Payments—Nonresidential, DI–382.
                                             public review your personal identifying                 We are especially interested in public                  OMB Control Number: 1084–0010.
                                             information, we cannot guarantee that                   comment addressing the following                        Form Number: DI–381 and DI–382.
                                             we will be able to do so.                               issues: (1) Is the collection necessary to              Type of Review: Extension of a
                                                                                                     the proper functions of the Office of                 currently approved collection.
                                               Dated: March 27, 2018.
                                                                                                     Acquisition and Property Management;                    Respondents/Affected Public:
                                             Karen P. Clark                                                                                                Individuals and businesses who are
                                                                                                     (2) will this information be processed
                                             Acting Regional Director, Alaska Region.                and used in a timely manner; (3) is the               displaced because of Federal
                                             [FR Doc. 2018–08760 Filed 4–25–18; 8:45 am]             estimate of burden accurate; (4) how                  acquisitions of their real property.
                                             BILLING CODE 4333–15–P                                  might the Office of Acquisition and                     Total Estimated Number of Annual
                                                                                                     Property Management enhance the                       Respondents: 24.
                                                                                                     quality, utility, and clarity of the                    Total Estimated Number of Annual
                                             DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                              information to be collected; and (5) how              Responses: 24.
                                                                                                     might the Office of Acquisition and                     Estimated Completion Time per
                                             Office of the Secretary                                 Property Management minimize the                      Response: 50 minutes.
                                             [189D0102DM, DLSN00000.000000,                          burden of this collection on the                        Total Estimated Number of Annual
                                             DS62400000, DX62401; OMB Control                        respondents, including through the use                Burden Hours: 20 Hours.
                                             Number 1084–0010]                                       of information technology.                              Respondent’s Obligation: Required to
                                                                                                        Comments that you submit in                        Obtain or Retain a Benefit.
                                             Agency Information Collection                           response to this notice are a matter of                 Frequency of Collection: As needed.
                                             Activities; Claim for Relocation                        public record. We will include or                       Total Estimated Annual Nonhour
                                             Payments—Residential, DI–381 and                        summarize each comment in our request                 Burden Cost: This collection does not
                                             Claim for Relocation Payments—                          to OMB to approve this ICR. Before                    have a nonhour cost burden.
                                             Nonresidential, DI–382                                  including your address, phone number,                   An agency may not conduct or
                                                                                                     email address, or other personal                      sponsor and a person is not required to
                                             AGENCY:  Office of the Secretary, Office
                                                                                                     identifying information in your                       respond to a collection of information
                                             of Acquisition and Property
                                                                                                     comment, you should be aware that                     unless it displays a currently valid OMB
                                             Management, Interior.
                                                                                                     your entire comment—including your                    control number.
                                             ACTION: Notice of Information                                                                                   The authority for this action is the
                                                                                                     personal identifying information—may
                                             Collection; request for comment.                                                                              Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
                                                                                                     be made publicly available at any time.
                                             SUMMARY:   In accordance with the                       While you can ask us in your comment                  U.S.C. 3501 et seq).
                                             Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we,                    to withhold your personal identifying                 Tammy L. Bagley,
                                             the Office of Acquisition and Property                  information from public review, we                    Acting Director, Office of Acquisition and
                                             Management are proposing to renew an                    cannot guarantee that we will be able to              Property Management.
                                             information collection.                                 do so.
                                                                                                                                                           [FR Doc. 2018–08798 Filed 4–25–18; 8:45 am]
                                             DATES: Interested persons are invited to
                                                                                                        Abstract: Public Law 91–646, Uniform
                                                                                                                                                           BILLING CODE 4334–63–P
                                             submit comments on or before June 25,                   Relocation Assistance and Real Property
                                             2018.                                                   Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as
                                                                                                     amended, requires each Federal agency
                                             ADDRESSES: Send written comments on                                                                           DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
                                                                                                     acquiring real estate interests to provide
                                             this information collection request (ICR)               relocation benefits to individuals and
                                             by mail to Mary Heying, Department of                                                                         Bureau of Land Management
                                                                                                     businesses displaced as a result of the
                                             the Interior, Office of Acquisition and                 acquisition. Form DI–381, Claim For                   [18XL5017AP.LLWY920000.L51010000.
                                             Property Management, 1849 C St. NW,                     Relocation Payments—Residential, and                  ER0000.LVRWK09K0990; 4500119076]
                                             MS 4262 MIB, Washington, DC 20240,                      DI–382, Claim For Relocation
                                             fax (202) 513–7645 or by email to mary_                                                                       Notice of Availability of Decision
                                                                                                     Payments—Nonresidential, permit the
                                             heying@ios.doi.gov. Please reference                                                                          Record for the Gateway West
                                                                                                     applicant to present allowable moving
                                             OMB Control Number 1084–0010 in the                                                                           Transmission Line Project and
                                                                                                     expenses and certify occupancy status,
                                             subject line of your comments.                                                                                Approved Land Use Plan
                                                                                                     after having been displaced because of
                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To                                                                           Amendments, Segments 8 and 9,
                                                                                                     Federal acquisition of their real
                                             request additional information about                                                                          Idaho; IDI–35849–01
                                             this ICR, contact Mary Heying by email                     The information required is obtained               AGENCY:   Bureau of Land Management,
                                             at mary_heying@ios.doi.gov, or by                       through application made by the                       Interior.
                                             telephone at 202–513–0722.                              displaced person or business to the                   ACTION: Notice of availability.
                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In                           funding agency for determination as to
                                             accordance with the Paperwork                           the specific amount of monies due                     SUMMARY:   The Bureau of Land
                                             Reduction Act of 1995, we provide the                   under the law. The forms, through                     Management (BLM) announces the
                                             general public and other Federal                        which application is made, require                    availability of the Decision Record (DR)
                                             agencies with an opportunity to                         specific information since the Uniform                for the Gateway West Transmission Line
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES

                                             comment on new, proposed, revised,                      Relocation Assistance and Real Property               Project (Project) and Approved Land
                                             and continuing collections of                           Acquisition Act allows for various                    Use Plan Amendments for Segments 8
                                             information. This helps us assess the                   amounts based upon each actual                        and 9. The Assistant Secretary—Land
                                             impact of our information collection                    circumstance. Failure to make                         and Minerals Management (ASLM)
                                             requirements and minimize the public’s                  application to the agency would                       signed the DR on March 30, 2018, which
                                             reporting burden. It also helps the                     eliminate any basis for payment of                    constitutes the final decision of the
                                             public understand our information                       claims.                                               Department of the Interior and is not

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Document Created: 2018-11-02 08:19:59
Document Modified: 2018-11-02 08:19:59
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of receipt of application; proposed incidental harassment authorization; availability of draft environmental assessment; request for comments.
DatesComments on the proposed incidental harassment authorization and draft environmental assessment will be accepted on or before May 29, 2018.
ContactMs. Kimberly Klein, by mail (see
FR Citation83 FR 18330 

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