83_FR_18431 83 FR 18350 - Sunshine Act Meetings

83 FR 18350 - Sunshine Act Meetings


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 81 (April 26, 2018)

Page Range18350-18351
FR Document2018-08921

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 81 (Thursday, April 26, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 81 (Thursday, April 26, 2018)]
[Pages 18350-18351]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-08921]



Sunshine Act Meetings

TIME AND DATE: The Members of the National Council on Disability (NCD) 
will hold a quarterly meeting on Thursday, May 10, from 9:00 a.m.-4:30 
p.m., Central Time, in Houston, TX.

PLACE: This meeting will occur in Houston, TX, at the Hilton Americas-
Houston, Lanier Grand Ballroom G (Level 4), 1600 Lamar Street, Houston, 
TX 77010. Interested parties may join the meeting in person at the 
meeting location or may join by phone in a listening-only capacity 
(other than the period allotted for public comment noted below) using 
the following call-in information: Teleconference number: 1-888-599-
8667; Conference ID: 8134951; Conference Title: NCD Meeting; Host Name: 
Neil Romano.

MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED: The Council will receive agency updates on 
policy projects, finance, governance, and other business. The Council 
will then receive a presentation on hurricane preparation, response, 
and recovery. Following that panel, the Council will receive an update 
on the work done to date for its 2018 Progress Report to Congress and 
the President, which this year will focus on monitoring and enforcement 
efforts in three federal agencies. Following a break for lunch, the 
Council will next receive presentations on guardianship issues in 
Texas; followed by education issues in Texas. Following those two panel 
presentations, the Council will receive a presentation on bioethics and 
disability. The meeting will conclude with a time for public comment.

Agenda: The times provided below are approximations for when each 
agenda item is anticipated to be discussed (all times Central):

Thursday, May 10

9:00-9:10 a.m.--Welcome and introductions
9:10-9:15 a.m.--Greetings from the Mayor's Office
9:15-9:20 a.m.--Greetings from former NCD Chair Lex Frieden
9:20-9:30 a.m.--Chairman's Report
9:30-9:35 a.m.--Executive Director's Report
9:35-10:05 a.m.--Business Meeting
10:05-10:20 a.m.--Break
10:20-11:20 a.m.--Hurricane Preparation, Response, and Recovery
11:20 a.m.-12:00 p.m.--2018 Progress Report
12:00-1:00 p.m.--LUNCH BREAK
1:00-2:00 p.m.--Guardianship Panel
2:00-2:15 p.m.--BREAK
2:15-3:15 p.m.--Education/Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 
3:15-4:00 p.m.--Bioethics and Disability
4:00-4:30 p.m.--Public comments (focused on NCD's newest policy 
priorities--elimination of 14c; institutionalization as a result of 
natural disaster; bioethics and disability; centralized accommodation 
funds for the federal government)
4:30 p.m.--Adjourn.

Public Comment: To better facilitate NCD's public comment, any 
individual interested in providing public comment is asked to register 
his or her intent to provide comment in advance by sending an email to 
PublicComment@ncd.gov with the subject line ``Public Comment'' with 
your name, organization, state, and topic of comment included in the 
body of your email. Full-length written public comments may also be 
sent to that email address. All emails to register for public comment 
at the quarterly meeting must be received by Wednesday, May 9, 2018. 
Priority will be given to those individuals who are in-person to 
provide their comments during the public comment period. Those 
commenters on the phone will be called on per the list of those 
registered via email. Due to time constraints, NCD asks all commenters 
to limit their comments to three minutes. Comments

[[Page 18351]]

received at the May quarterly meeting will be limited to those 
regarding NCD's newest policy priorities--elimination of 14c; 
institutionalization as a result of natural disaster; bioethics and 
disability; centralized accommodation funds for the federal government.

NW, Suite 850, Washington, DC 20004; 202-272-2004 (V), 202-272-2074 

ACCOMMODATIONS: A CART streamtext link has been arranged for this 
meeting. The web link to access CART on Thursday, May 9, 2018 is: 
    Those who plan to attend the meeting in-person and require 
accommodations should notify NCD as soon as possible to allow time to 
make arrangements. To help reduce exposure to fragrances for those with 
multiple chemical sensitivities, NCD requests that all those attending 
the meeting in person refrain from wearing scented personal care 
products such as perfumes, hairsprays, and deodorants.

    Dated: April 24, 2018.
Sharon M. Lisa Grubb,
Acting Executive Director.
[FR Doc. 2018-08921 Filed 4-24-18; 4:15 pm]

                                             18350                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 81 / Thursday, April 26, 2018 / Notices

                                             and the publication of the Subgrant                     a model subgrant agreement. If the                    issues in Texas; followed by education
                                             Application Forms on LSC’s website                      applicant does not use LSC’s Template,                issues in Texas. Following those two
                                             satisfy § 1627.4(b)’s notice requirement                the proposed agreement must include,                  panel presentations, the Council will
                                             for midyear subgrants of Basic Field                    at a minimum, the substance of the                    receive a presentation on bioethics and
                                             Grant funds. Only current or                            provisions of the Template.                           disability. The meeting will conclude
                                             prospective recipients of LSC Basic                        Once submitted, LSC will evaluate the              with a time for public comment.
                                             Field Grants may apply for approval of                  application and provide applicants with               AGENDA: The times provided below are
                                             a subgrant. Notices regarding the                       instructions on any needed                            approximations for when each agenda
                                             process to apply for approval of 2018                   modifications to the information,                     item is anticipated to be discussed (all
                                             Pro Bono Innovation Fund and                            documents, or Draft Agreement                         times Central):
                                             Technology Initiative Grant subgrants                   provided with the application. The
                                             will be forthcoming.                                    applicant must then upload a final and                Thursday, May 10
                                                Applications for approval to subgrant                signed subgrant agreement through LSC                 9:00–9:10 a.m.—Welcome and
                                             2018 Basic Field Grant funds with                       Grants. This can be done by selecting                      introductions
                                             starting dates between June 1, 2018 and                 ‘‘Upload Signed Agreement’’ to the right              9:10–9:15 a.m.—Greetings from the
                                             January 1, 2019, must be submitted at                   of the application ‘‘Status’’ under the                    Mayor’s Office
                                             least 45 days in advance of the proposed                ‘‘Subgrant’’ heading on an applicant’s                9:15–9:20 a.m.—Greetings from former
                                             effective date. 45 CFR 1627.4(b)(3).                    LSC Grants home page.                                      NCD Chair Lex Frieden
                                                Subgrant applications must be                           As required by 45 CFR 1627.4(b)(3),                9:20–9:30 a.m.—Chairman’s Report
                                             submitted through LSC Grants at                         LSC will inform applicants of its                     9:30–9:35 a.m.—Executive Director’s
                                             https://lscgrants.lsc.gov. Applicants                   decision to disapprove, approve, or                        Report
                                             may access the application under the                    request modifications to the subgrant by              9:35–10:05 a.m.—Business Meeting
                                             ‘‘Subgrants’’ heading on their LSC                      no later than the subgrant’s proposed                 10:05–10:20 a.m.—Break
                                             Grants home page. Applicants may                        effective date.                                       10:20–11:20 a.m.—Hurricane
                                             initiate an application by selecting                      Dated: April 20, 2018.                                   Preparation, Response, and
                                             ‘‘Initiate Subgrant Application.’’                      Stefanie Davis,                                            Recovery
                                             Applicants must then provide the                        Assistant General Counsel.                            11:20 a.m.–12:00 p.m.—2018 Progress
                                             information requested in the LSC Grants                 [FR Doc. 2018–08710 Filed 4–25–18; 8:45 am]                Report
                                             data fields, located in the Subrecipient                BILLING CODE 7050–01–P
                                                                                                                                                           12:00–1:00 p.m.—LUNCH BREAK
                                             Profile, Subgrant Summary, and                                                                                1:00–2:00 p.m.—Guardianship Panel
                                             Subrecipient Budget screens, and                                                                              2:00–2:15 p.m.—BREAK
                                             upload the following documents:                                                                               2:15–3:15 p.m.—Education/Individuals
                                                                                                     NATIONAL COUNCIL ON DISABILITY
                                                • A draft Subgrant Agreement (with                                                                              with Disabilities Education Act
                                             the required terms provided in Subgrant                 Sunshine Act Meetings                                      Panel
                                             Application Template); and                                                                                    3:15–4:00 p.m.—Bioethics and
                                                • Subgrant Inquiry Form B (for new                   TIME AND DATE:  The Members of the                         Disability
                                             subgrants) or C (for renewal subgrants).                National Council on Disability (NCD)                  4:00–4:30 p.m.—Public comments
                                             Applicants seeking to subgrant to an                    will hold a quarterly meeting on                           (focused on NCD’s newest policy
                                             organization that is not a current LSC                  Thursday, May 10, from 9:00 a.m.–4:30                      priorities—elimination of 14c;
                                             grantee must also upload:                               p.m., Central Time, in Houston, TX.                        institutionalization as a result of
                                                • The subrecipient’s accounting                      PLACE: This meeting will occur in                          natural disaster; bioethics and
                                             manual (or letter indicating that the                   Houston, TX, at the Hilton Americas-                       disability; centralized
                                             subrecipient does not have one and                      Houston, Lanier Grand Ballroom G                           accommodation funds for the
                                             why);                                                   (Level 4), 1600 Lamar Street, Houston,                     federal government)
                                                • The subrecipient’s most recent                     TX 77010. Interested parties may join                 4:30 p.m.—Adjourn.
                                             audited financial statement (or letter                  the meeting in person at the meeting                  PUBLIC COMMENT: To better facilitate
                                             indicating that the subrecipient does not               location or may join by phone in a                    NCD’s public comment, any individual
                                             have one and why);                                      listening-only capacity (other than the               interested in providing public comment
                                                • The subrecipient’s most recent                     period allotted for public comment                    is asked to register his or her intent to
                                             Form 990 filed with the IRS (or letter                  noted below) using the following call-in              provide comment in advance by sending
                                             indicating that the subrecipient does not               information: Teleconference number: 1–                an email to PublicComment@ncd.gov
                                             have one and why);                                      888–599–8667; Conference ID: 8134951;                 with the subject line ‘‘Public Comment’’
                                                • The subrecipient’s current fidelity                Conference Title: NCD Meeting; Host                   with your name, organization, state, and
                                             bond coverage (or letter indicating that                Name: Neil Romano.                                    topic of comment included in the body
                                             the subrecipient does not have one);                    MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED: The Council                 of your email. Full-length written public
                                                • The subrecipient’s conflict of                     will receive agency updates on policy                 comments may also be sent to that email
                                             interest policy (or letter indicating that              projects, finance, governance, and other              address. All emails to register for public
                                             the subrecipient does not have one); and                business. The Council will then receive               comment at the quarterly meeting must
                                                • The subrecipient’s whistleblower                   a presentation on hurricane preparation,              be received by Wednesday, May 9, 2018.
                                             policy (or letter indicating that the                   response, and recovery. Following that                Priority will be given to those
                                             subrecipient does not have one).                        panel, the Council will receive an                    individuals who are in-person to
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES

                                                LSC’s Subgrant Agreement Template                    update on the work done to date for its               provide their comments during the
                                             and Application Forms B, and C are                      2018 Progress Report to Congress and                  public comment period. Those
                                             available on LSC’s website at http://                   the President, which this year will focus             commenters on the phone will be called
                                             www.lsc.gov/grants-grantee-resources/                   on monitoring and enforcement efforts                 on per the list of those registered via
                                             grantee-guidance/how-apply-subgrant.                    in three federal agencies. Following a                email. Due to time constraints, NCD
                                                LSC encourages applicants to use                     break for lunch, the Council will next                asks all commenters to limit their
                                             LSC’s Subgrant Agreement Template as                    receive presentations on guardianship                 comments to three minutes. Comments

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:58 Apr 25, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00089   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\26APN1.SGM   26APN1

                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 81 / Thursday, April 26, 2018 / Notices                                                 18351

                                             received at the May quarterly meeting                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:      The                   Eisenhower Avenue, Room C11001,
                                             will be limited to those regarding NCD’s                purpose of the meeting is for panel                   Alexandria, VA 22314; Telephone and
                                             newest policy priorities—elimination of                 review, discussion, evaluation, and                   email: (703) 292–8600/kstevens@
                                             14c; institutionalization as a result of                recommendation on applications for                    nsf.gov.
                                             natural disaster; bioethics and                         Certificates of Indemnity submitted to                  Summary of Minutes: Minutes and
                                             disability; centralized accommodation                   the Federal Council on the Arts and the               meeting materials will be available on
                                             funds for the federal government.                       Humanities, for exhibitions beginning                 the EHR Advisory Committee website at
                                             CONTACT PERSON FOR MORE INFORMATION:                    on or after July 1, 2018. Because the                 http://www.nsf.gov/ehr/advisory.jsp or
                                             Anne Sommers, NCD, 1331 F Street                        meeting will consider proprietary                     can be obtained from Dr. Susan E.
                                             NW, Suite 850, Washington, DC 20004;                    financial and commercial data provided                Brennan, National Science Foundation,
                                             202–272–2004 (V), 202–272–2074                          in confidence by indemnity applicants,                2415 Eisenhower Ave, Room C11233,
                                             (TTY).                                                  and material that is likely to disclose               Alexandria, VA 22314; Telephone and
                                                                                                     trade secrets or other privileged or                  email: (703) 292–8600/sbrennan@
                                             ACCOMMODATIONS: A CART streamtext
                                                                                                     confidential information, and because it              nsf.gov.
                                             link has been arranged for this meeting.
                                                                                                     is important to keep the values of                      Purpose of Meeting: To provide
                                             The web link to access CART on
                                                                                                     objects to be indemnified, and the                    advice with respect to the Foundation’s
                                             Thursday, May 9, 2018 is: http://
                                                                                                     methods of transportation and security                science, technology, engineering, and
                                                                                                     measures confidential, I have                         mathematics (STEM) education and
                                                                                                     determined that that the meeting will be              human resources programming.
                                                Those who plan to attend the meeting
                                             in-person and require accommodations                    closed to the public pursuant to                      Agenda
                                             should notify NCD as soon as possible                   subsection (c)(4) of section 552b of Title
                                                                                                     5, United States Code. I have made this               Thursday, May 31, 2018, 8:00 a.m.–5:00
                                             to allow time to make arrangements. To                                                                            p.m.
                                             help reduce exposure to fragrances for                  determination under the authority
                                                                                                     granted me by the Chairman’s                            • Remarks by the Committee Chair
                                             those with multiple chemical                                                                                      and NSF Assistant Director for
                                             sensitivities, NCD requests that all those              Delegation of Authority to Close
                                                                                                     Advisory Committee Meetings, dated                        Education and Human Resources
                                             attending the meeting in person refrain                                                                           (EHR)
                                             from wearing scented personal care                      April 15, 2016.
                                                                                                                                                             • Current Challenges in STEM
                                             products such as perfumes, hairsprays,                    Dated: April 23, 2018.                                  Education
                                             and deodorants.                                         Elizabeth Voyatzis,                                     • NSF’s Convergence Accelerators:
                                               Dated: April 24, 2018.                                Committee Management Officer.                             Harnessing the Data Revolution and
                                             Sharon M. Lisa Grubb,                                   [FR Doc. 2018–08768 Filed 4–25–18; 8:45 am]               the Human/Technology Frontier
                                             Acting Executive Director.                              BILLING CODE 7536–01–P                                  • Subcommittee Discussions
                                                                                                                                                             • Update on EHR Programs
                                             [FR Doc. 2018–08921 Filed 4–24–18; 4:15 pm]
                                                                                                                                                             • Discussion with France Córdova,
                                             BILLING CODE 8421–03–P
                                                                                                     NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION                               NSF Director and Chief Operating
                                                                                                                                                               Officer Joan Ferrini-Mundy
                                                                                                     Advisory Committee for Education and                  Friday, June 1, 2018, 8:00 a.m.–2:00
                                             NATIONAL FOUNDATION ON THE                              Human Resources; Notice of Meeting                        p.m.
                                             ARTS AND THE HUMANITIES                                                                                         • Day 1 Recap
                                                                                                       In accordance with the Federal                        • Update on Broadening Participation
                                             Federal Council on the Arts and the                     Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–                       in STEM
                                             Humanities                                              463, as amended), the National Science                  • Update on Public-Private
                                                                                                     Foundation (NSF) announces the                            Partnerships
                                             Arts and Artifacts Indemnity Panel                      following meeting:                                      • Committee Business
                                             Advisory Committee                                        Name and Committee Code: Advisory                     • Advisory Committee
                                                                                                     Committee for Education and Human                         Recommendations
                                             AGENCY: National Foundation on the
                                                                                                     Resources (#1119).                                      Final agenda can be located at the
                                             Arts and the Humanities.
                                                                                                       Date and Time: May 31, 2018; 8:00                   EHR AC website: https://www.nsf.gov/
                                             ACTION: Notice of meeting.                              a.m.–5:00 p.m.; June 1, 2018; 8:00 a.m.–              ehr/advisory.jsp.
                                             SUMMARY:   Pursuant to the Federal                      2:00 p.m.                                               Dated: April 23, 2018.
                                             Advisory Committee Act, notice is                         Place: National Science Foundation,
                                                                                                                                                           Crystal Robinson,
                                             hereby given that the Federal Council                   2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Room E2020,
                                                                                                     Alexandria, VA 22314.                                 Committee Management Officer.
                                             on the Arts and the Humanities will                                                                           [FR Doc. 2018–08765 Filed 4–25–18; 8:45 am]
                                             hold a meeting of the Arts and Artifacts                  Access: To attend the meeting in
                                             International Indemnity Panel.                          person, all visitors must contact the                 BILLING CODE 7555–01–P
                                                                                                     Directorate for Education and Human
                                             DATES: The meeting will be held on
                                                                                                     Resources at least 48 hours prior to the
                                             Friday, May 18, 2018, from 11:00 a.m.                   meeting to arrange for a visitor’s badge.             NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION
                                             to 5:00 p.m.                                            All visitors must access NSF via the
                                             ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held by                                                                        Sunshine Act Meetings; National
                                                                                                     Visitor Center entry adjacent to the                  Science Board
                                             teleconference originating at the                       south building entrance on Eisenhower
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES

                                             National Endowment for the Arts,                        Avenue on the day of the meeting to                     The National Science Board (NSB),
                                             Washington, DC 20506.                                   receive a visitor’s badge. It is suggested            pursuant to NSF regulations (45 CFR
                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        that visitors allow time to pass through              part 614), the National Science
                                             Elizabeth Voyatzis, Committee                           security screening.                                   Foundation Act, as amended, (42 U.S.C.
                                             Management Officer, 400 7th Street SW,                    Type of Meeting: Open.                              1862n–5), and the Government in the
                                             Room 4060, Washington, DC 20506,                          Contact person: Keaven M. Stevenson,                Sunshine Act (5 U.S.C. 552b), hereby
                                             (202) 606 8322; evoyatzis@neh.gov.                      National Science Foundation, 2415                     gives notice of the scheduling of

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Document Created: 2018-11-02 08:19:31
Document Modified: 2018-11-02 08:19:31
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesThe Members of the National Council on Disability (NCD) will hold a quarterly meeting on Thursday, May 10, from 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Central Time, in Houston, TX.
FR Citation83 FR 18350 

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