83_FR_18469 83 FR 18388 - WTO Dispute Settlement Proceeding Regarding United States-Certain Measures Concerning Pangasius Seafood Products From Vietnam

83 FR 18388 - WTO Dispute Settlement Proceeding Regarding United States-Certain Measures Concerning Pangasius Seafood Products From Vietnam


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 81 (April 26, 2018)

Page Range18388-18389
FR Document2018-08814

On February 22, 2018, Vietnam requested consultations with the United States under the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO Agreement) concerning measures that purportedly affect the import of Pangasius seafood products into the United States. That request is available at www.wto.org in a document designated as WT/DS540/1. The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) invites written comments from the public concerning the issues raised in this dispute.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 81 (Thursday, April 26, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 81 (Thursday, April 26, 2018)]
[Pages 18388-18389]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-08814]



[Docket Number USTR-2018-0009; Dispute Number WTO/DS540]

WTO Dispute Settlement Proceeding Regarding United States--
Certain Measures Concerning Pangasius Seafood Products From Vietnam

AGENCY: Office of the United States Trade Representative.

ACTION: Notice with request for comments.


SUMMARY: On February 22, 2018, Vietnam requested consultations with the 
United States under the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World 
Trade Organization (WTO Agreement) concerning measures that purportedly 
affect the import of Pangasius seafood products into the United States. 
That request is available at www.wto.org in a document designated as 
WT/DS540/1. The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) 
invites written comments from the public concerning the issues raised 
in this dispute.

DATES: Although USTR will accept any comments received during the 
course of the dispute settlement proceedings, you should submit your 
comment on or before May 20, 2018, to be assured of timely 
consideration by USTR.

ADDRESSES: USTR strongly prefers electronic submissions made through 
the Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the 
instructions for submitting comments in section III below. The docket 
number is USTR-2018-0009. For alternatives to on-line submissions, 
please contact Sandy McKinzy at (202) 395-9483.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mayur Patel, Associate General 
Counsel, at (202) 395-3150.


I. Background

    USTR is providing notice that consultations have been requested 
pursuant to the WTO Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the 
Settlement of Disputes (DSU). If these consultations do not resolve the 
matter, Vietnam could request that the WTO establish a dispute 
settlement panel pursuant to the DSU, which would hold its meetings in 
Geneva Switzerland, and issue a report on its findings.

II. Major Issues Raised by Vietnam

    On February 22, 2018, Vietnam requested consultations concerning 
measures it asserts affect the import, distribution, and sale of 
Vietnamese Pangasius fish products. Vietnam's request for consultation 
states that the Pangasius fish that is the subject of its request is 
sold as ``basa,'' ``tra,'' or ``swai.'' Specifically, Vietnam's 
consultations request describes the measures at issue in the following 
     Section 10016(b) of the Food, Conservation and Energy Act 
of 2008, Public Law 110-246 (the ``2008 Farm Bill''), amending the 
Federal Meat Inspection Act, 21 U.S.C. 601 et seq.
     Section 12106 of the Agriculture Act of 2014, Public Law 
113-79 (the ``2014 Farm Bill''), amending section 1(w) of the FMIA.
     9 CFR Subchapter F, parts 530-551, ``Mandatory Inspection 
of the Order Siluriformes and Products Derived from Such Fish'' (80 FR 
75589) (December 2, 2015) (the ``Final Rule'').
     The administrative applications of section 10016(b) of the 
2008 Farm Bill and section 12106 of the 2014 Farm Bill as implemented 
by the Final Rule.
     9 CFR part 541, ``Marks, Marketing and Labeling of 
Products and Containers'' (respecting fish and fish products), 
incorporating requirements in 9 CFR part 317, ``Labeling, Marking 
Devices, and Containers.''
     The administrative applications of 9 CFR part 541, 
including but not limited to those requirements incorporated from 9 CFR 
part 317 (see WT/DS540/1, pp. 2-3).

[[Page 18389]]

Vietnam's consultations request states that these measures appear to be 
inconsistent with the United States obligations under the GATT 1994 and 
the WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary 
Measures (SPS Agreement). Specifically, Vietnam invokes the obligations 
in Articles 2.2, 2.3, 4.1, 5.1, 5.3, 5.6, 8, and Annex C(1)(a) of the 
SPS Agreement and Article I:1 of the GATT 1994.

III. Public Comments: Requirements for Submissions

    USTR invites written comments concerning the issues raised in this 
dispute. All submissions must be in English and sent electronically via 
www.regulations.gov. For alternatives to electronic submissions, 
contact Sandy McKinzy at (202) 395-9483.
    To submit comments via www.regulations.gov, enter docket number 
USTR-2018-0009 on the home page and click ``search.'' The site will 
provide a search-results page listing all documents associated with 
this docket. Find a reference to this notice by selecting ``Notice'' 
under ``Document Type'' on the left side of the search-results page, 
and click on the link entitled ``Comment Now!'' For further information 
on using the www.regulations.gov website, please consult the resources 
provided on the website by clicking on ``How to Use Regulations.gov'' 
on the bottom of the home page.
    The www.regulations.gov website allows users to provide comments by 
filling in a ``Type Comment'' field, or by attaching a document using 
an ``Upload File'' field. USTR prefers that comments be provided in an 
attached document. If a document is attached, it is sufficient to type 
``See attached'' in the ``Type Comment'' field. USTR prefers 
submissions in Microsoft Word (.doc) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf). If the 
submission is in an application other than those two, please indicate 
the name of the application in the ``Type Comment'' field.
    For any comments submitted electronically containing business 
confidential information, the file name of the business confidential 
version should begin with the characters ``BC''. Any page containing 
business confidential information must be clearly marked ``BUSINESS 
CONFIDENTIAL'' on the top of that page and the submission should 
clearly indicate, via brackets, highlighting, or other means, the 
specific information that is business confidential. If you request 
business confidential treatment, you must certify in writing that 
disclosure of the information would endanger trade secrets or 
profitability, and that the information would not customarily be 
released to the public. Filers of submissions containing business 
confidential information also must submit a public version of their 
comments. The file name of the public version should begin with the 
character ``P''. The ``BC'' and ``P'' should be followed by the name of 
the person or entity submitting the comments or rebuttal comments. If 
these procedures are not sufficient to protect business confidential 
information or otherwise protect business interests, please contact 
Sandy McKinzy at (202) 395-9483 to discuss whether alternative 
arrangements are possible.
    USTR may determine that information or advice contained in a 
comment, other than business confidential information, is confidential 
in accordance with section 135(g)(2) of the Trade Act of 1974 (19 
U.S.C. 2155(g)(2)). If a submitter believes that information or advice 
is confidential, s/he must clearly designate the information or advice 
as confidential and mark it as ``SUBMITTED IN CONFIDENCE'' at the top 
and bottom of the cover page and each succeeding page, and provide a 
non-confidential summary of the information or advice.
    Pursuant to section 127(e) of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (19 
U.S.C. 3537(e)), USTR will maintain a docket on this dispute settlement 
proceeding, docket number USTR-2018-0009, accessible to the public at 
www.regulations.gov. The public file will include non-confidential 
public comments USTR receives regarding the dispute. If a dispute 
settlement panel is convened, or in the event of an appeal from a 
panel, USTR will make the following documents publicly available at 
www.ustr.gov: the U.S. submissions and any non-confidential summaries 
of submissions received from other participants in the dispute. If a 
dispute settlement panel is convened, or in the event of an appeal from 
a panel, the report of the panel, and, if applicable, the report of the 
Appellate Body, will also be available on the website of the World 
Trade Organization, at www.wto.org.

Juan Millan,
Assistant United States Trade Representative for Monitoring and 
Enforcement, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.
[FR Doc. 2018-08814 Filed 4-25-18; 8:45 am]

                                             18388                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 81 / Thursday, April 26, 2018 / Notices

                                             products or services. These collections                 behavior and attitudes, religious beliefs,            ADDRESSES:   USTR strongly prefers
                                             will allow for ongoing, collaborative,                  and other matters that are commonly                   electronic submissions made through
                                             and actionable communications                           considered private.                                   the Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://
                                             between the Board and its customers                       Under the PRA, a federal agency                     www.regulations.gov. Follow the
                                             and stakeholders. They will also allow                  conducting or sponsoring a collection of              instructions for submitting comments in
                                             feedback to contribute directly to the                  information must display a currently                  section III below. The docket number is
                                             improvement of program management.                      valid OMB control number. Comments                    USTR–2018–0009. For alternatives to
                                                The solicitation of feedback will target             submitted in response to this notice may              on-line submissions, please contact
                                             areas such as: Timeliness,                              be made available to the public by the                Sandy McKinzy at (202) 395–9483.
                                             appropriateness, accuracy of                            Board. For this reason, please do not                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                             information, courtesy, efficiency of                    include in your comments information                  Mayur Patel, Associate General Counsel,
                                             service delivery, and resolution of                     of a confidential nature, such as                     at (202) 395–3150.
                                             issues with service delivery. Responses                 sensitive personal information or                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                             will be assessed to plan and inform                     proprietary information. If you send an
                                             efforts to improve or maintain the                      electronic comment (e-file or email),                 I. Background
                                             quality of service offered to the public.               your email address is automatically                      USTR is providing notice that
                                             If this information is not collected, vital             captured and may be accessed if your                  consultations have been requested
                                             feedback from customers and                             comments are made public. Please note                 pursuant to the WTO Understanding on
                                             stakeholders on the Board’s services                    that responses to this public comment                 Rules and Procedures Governing the
                                             will be unavailable.                                    request containing any routine notice                 Settlement of Disputes (DSU). If these
                                                The Board will only process a                        about the confidentiality of the                      consultations do not resolve the matter,
                                             collection under this generic clearance                 communication will be treated as public               Vietnam could request that the WTO
                                             if it meets the following conditions:                   comments that may be made available to                establish a dispute settlement panel
                                                • The collections are voluntary;                     the public notwithstanding the                        pursuant to the DSU, which would hold
                                                • the collections are low-burden for                 inclusion of the routine notice.                      its meetings in Geneva Switzerland, and
                                             respondents (based on considerations of                                                                       issue a report on its findings.
                                                                                                       Dated: April 23, 2018.
                                             total burden hours, total number of
                                             respondents, or burden-hours per                        Jeffrey Herzig,                             II. Major Issues Raised by Vietnam
                                             respondent) and are low-cost for both                   Clearance Clerk.                               On February 22, 2018, Vietnam
                                             the respondents and the Federal                         [FR Doc. 2018–08756 Filed 4–25–18; 8:45 am] requested consultations concerning
                                             Government;                                             BILLING CODE 4915–01–P                      measures it asserts affect the import,
                                                • the collections are non-                                                                       distribution, and sale of Vietnamese
                                             controversial and do not raise issues of                                                            Pangasius fish products. Vietnam’s
                                             concern to other Federal agencies;                      OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES                 request for consultation states that the
                                                • any collection is targeted to the                                                              Pangasius fish that is the subject of its
                                                                                                     TRADE REPRESENTATIVE
                                             solicitation of opinions from                                                                       request is sold as ‘‘basa,’’ ‘‘tra,’’ or
                                             respondents who have experience with                    [Docket Number USTR–2018–0009; Dispute      ‘‘swai.’’ Specifically, Vietnam’s
                                             the program or may have experience                      Number WTO/DS540]                           consultations request describes the
                                             with the program in the near future;                                                                measures at issue in the following
                                                • personally identifiable information                WTO Dispute Settlement Proceeding           terms:
                                             is collected only to the extent necessary               Regarding United States—Certain                • Section 10016(b) of the Food,
                                             and is not retained;                                    Measures Concerning Pangasius               Conservation and Energy Act of 2008,
                                                • information gathered will be used                  Seafood Products From Vietnam               Public Law 110–246 (the ‘‘2008 Farm
                                             only internally for general service                                                                 Bill’’), amending the Federal Meat
                                             improvement and program management                      AGENCY: Office of the United States
                                                                                                                                                 Inspection Act, 21 U.S.C. 601 et seq.
                                             purposes and not for release outside of                 Trade Representative.                          • Section 12106 of the Agriculture
                                             the agency;                                             ACTION: Notice with request for             Act of 2014, Public Law 113–79 (the
                                                • information gathered will not be                   comments.                                   ‘‘2014 Farm Bill’’), amending section
                                             used for the purpose of substantially                                                               1(w) of the FMIA.
                                                                                                     SUMMARY: On February 22, 2018,
                                             informing influential policy decisions;                                                                • 9 CFR Subchapter F, parts 530–551,
                                             and                                                     Vietnam requested consultations with        ‘‘Mandatory Inspection of the Order
                                                • information gathered will yield                    the United States under the Marrakesh       Siluriformes and Products Derived from
                                             qualitative information, and the                        Agreement Establishing the World Trade Such Fish’’ (80 FR 75589) (December 2,
                                             collections will not be designed or                     Organization (WTO Agreement)                2015) (the ‘‘Final Rule’’).
                                             expected to yield statistically reliable                concerning measures that purportedly           • The administrative applications of
                                             results or used as though the results are               affect the import of Pangasius seafood      section 10016(b) of the 2008 Farm Bill
                                             generalizable to the population of study.               products into the United States. That       and section 12106 of the 2014 Farm Bill
                                                Feedback collected under this generic                request is available at www.wto.org in a    as implemented by the Final Rule.
                                             clearance provides useful information,                  document designated as WT/DS540/1.             • 9 CFR part 541, ‘‘Marks, Marketing
                                             but will not yield data that can be                     The Office of the United States Trade       and Labeling of Products and
                                             generalized to the overall population.                  Representative (USTR) invites written       Containers’’ (respecting fish and fish
                                             Such data uses would require more                       comments from the public concerning         products), incorporating requirements
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES

                                             rigorous designs than the collections                   the issues raised in this dispute.          in 9 CFR part 317, ‘‘Labeling, Marking
                                             covered by this notice.                                 DATES: Although USTR will accept any        Devices, and Containers.’’
                                                As a general matter, information                     comments received during the course of         • The administrative applications of 9
                                             collections will not result in any new                  the dispute settlement proceedings, you CFR part 541, including but not limited
                                             system of records containing privacy                    should submit your comment on or            to those requirements incorporated from
                                             information and will not ask questions                  before May 20, 2018, to be assured of       9 CFR part 317 (see WT/DS540/1, pp. 2–
                                             of a sensitive nature, such as sexual                   timely consideration by USTR.               3).

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 81 / Thursday, April 26, 2018 / Notices                                           18389

                                             Vietnam’s consultations request states                  secrets or profitability, and that the                DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                             that these measures appear to be                        information would not customarily be
                                             inconsistent with the United States                     released to the public. Filers of                     Federal Aviation Administration
                                             obligations under the GATT 1994 and                     submissions containing business                       [Docket No. FAA–2017–0975]
                                             the WTO Agreement on the Application                    confidential information also must
                                             of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures                  submit a public version of their                      Agency Information Collection
                                             (SPS Agreement). Specifically, Vietnam                  comments. The file name of the public                 Activities: Submissions for OMB
                                             invokes the obligations in Articles 2.2,                version should begin with the character               Approval
                                             2.3, 4.1, 5.1, 5.3, 5.6, 8, and Annex                   ‘‘P’’. The ‘‘BC’’ and ‘‘P’’ should be
                                             C(1)(a) of the SPS Agreement and                                                                              AGENCY:  Federal Aviation
                                                                                                     followed by the name of the person or
                                             Article I:1 of the GATT 1994.                                                                                 Administration (FAA), Department of
                                                                                                     entity submitting the comments or
                                                                                                                                                           Transportation (DOT).
                                             III. Public Comments: Requirements for                  rebuttal comments. If these procedures
                                             Submissions                                                                                                   ACTION: 30-day notice and request for
                                                                                                     are not sufficient to protect business
                                                USTR invites written comments                        confidential information or otherwise
                                             concerning the issues raised in this                    protect business interests, please contact            SUMMARY:   The Federal Aviation
                                             dispute. All submissions must be in                     Sandy McKinzy at (202) 395–9483 to                    Administration is seeking approval from
                                             English and sent electronically via                     discuss whether alternative                           the Office of Management and Budget
                                             www.regulations.gov. For alternatives to                arrangements are possible.                            (OMB) for a renewal of the existing
                                             electronic submissions, contact Sandy                      USTR may determine that information                Information Collection 2120–0768. As
                                             McKinzy at (202) 395–9483.                              or advice contained in a comment, other               required by the Paperwork Reduction
                                                To submit comments via                                                                                     Act of 1995 (PRA), the purpose of this
                                                                                                     than business confidential information,
                                             www.regulations.gov, enter docket                                                                             notice is to allow 30 days for public
                                             number USTR–2018–0009 on the home                       is confidential in accordance with
                                                                                                     section 135(g)(2) of the Trade Act of                 comment. The Information Collection
                                             page and click ‘‘search.’’ The site will                                                                      was previously published in the Federal
                                             provide a search-results page listing all               1974 (19 U.S.C. 2155(g)(2)). If a
                                                                                                     submitter believes that information or                Register on February 12, 2018 and
                                             documents associated with this docket.                                                                        allowed 60 days for the public
                                             Find a reference to this notice by                      advice is confidential, s/he must clearly
                                             selecting ‘‘Notice’’ under ‘‘Document                   designate the information or advice as
                                                                                                                                                              The FAA proposes collecting
                                             Type’’ on the left side of the search-                  confidential and mark it as                           information related to requests to
                                             results page, and click on the link                     ‘‘SUBMITTED IN CONFIDENCE’’ at the                    operate Unmanned Aircraft Systems
                                             entitled ‘‘Comment Now!’’ For further                   top and bottom of the cover page and                  (UAS) in controlled airspace. The FAA
                                             information on using the                                each succeeding page, and provide a                   will use the collected information to
                                             www.regulations.gov website, please                     non-confidential summary of the                       make determinations whether to
                                             consult the resources provided on the                   information or advice.                                authorize or deny the requested
                                             website by clicking on ‘‘How to Use                                                                           operation of UAS in controlled airspace.
                                                                                                        Pursuant to section 127(e) of the
                                             Regulations.gov’’ on the bottom of the                                                                        The proposed information collection is
                                                                                                     Uruguay Round Agreements Act (19
                                             home page.                                                                                                    necessary to issue such authorizations
                                                The www.regulations.gov website                      U.S.C. 3537(e)), USTR will maintain a
                                                                                                     docket on this dispute settlement                     or denials consistent with the FAA’s
                                             allows users to provide comments by
                                                                                                     proceeding, docket number USTR–                       mandate to ensure safe and efficient use
                                             filling in a ‘‘Type Comment’’ field, or by
                                                                                                     2018–0009, accessible to the public at                of national airspace.
                                             attaching a document using an ‘‘Upload
                                                                                                     www.regulations.gov. The public file                     In addition, the FAA proposes
                                             File’’ field. USTR prefers that comments
                                                                                                     will include non-confidential public                  collecting information related to
                                             be provided in an attached document. If
                                                                                                     comments USTR receives regarding the                  requests for waiver from the waivable
                                             a document is attached, it is sufficient
                                                                                                                                                           provisions of the applicable regulations.
                                             to type ‘‘See attached’’ in the ‘‘Type                  dispute. If a dispute settlement panel is
                                                                                                                                                           The proposed information collection is
                                             Comment’’ field. USTR prefers                           convened, or in the event of an appeal
                                                                                                                                                           necessary to determine whether the
                                             submissions in Microsoft Word (.doc) or                 from a panel, USTR will make the
                                                                                                                                                           proposed operation is eligible for waiver
                                             Adobe Acrobat (.pdf). If the submission                 following documents publicly available                consistent with the FAA’s mandate to
                                             is in an application other than those                   at www.ustr.gov: the U.S. submissions                 ensure safe and efficient use of national
                                             two, please indicate the name of the                    and any non-confidential summaries of                 airspace.
                                             application in the ‘‘Type Comment’’                     submissions received from other                          Several comments received were
                                             field.                                                  participants in the dispute. If a dispute
                                                For any comments submitted                                                                                 either positive or pertained to matters
                                                                                                     settlement panel is convened, or in the               not directly addressed in this
                                             electronically containing business                      event of an appeal from a panel, the
                                             confidential information, the file name                                                                       Information Collection.
                                                                                                     report of the panel, and, if applicable,              DATES: Written comments should be
                                             of the business confidential version
                                                                                                     the report of the Appellate Body, will                submitted by May 29, 2018.
                                             should begin with the characters ‘‘BC’’.
                                                                                                     also be available on the website of the
                                             Any page containing business                                                                                  ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
                                             confidential information must be clearly                World Trade Organization, at                          [identified by Docket No. FAA–2017–
                                             marked ‘‘BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL’’                        www.wto.org.                                          0975] through one of the following
                                             on the top of that page and the                         Juan Millan,                                          methods:
                                                                                                                                                              • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES

                                             submission should clearly indicate, via                 Assistant United States Trade Representative
                                             brackets, highlighting, or other means,                 for Monitoring and Enforcement, Office of             www.regulations.gov. Follow the online
                                             the specific information that is business               the U.S. Trade Representative.                        instructions for submitting comments.
                                             confidential. If you request business                   [FR Doc. 2018–08814 Filed 4–25–18; 8:45 am]              • Fax: 1–202–493–2251.
                                             confidential treatment, you must certify                                                                         • Mail or Hand Delivery: Docket
                                                                                                     BILLING CODE 3290–F8–P
                                             in writing that disclosure of the                                                                             Management Facility, U.S. Department
                                             information would endanger trade                                                                              of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey

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Document Created: 2018-11-02 08:20:20
Document Modified: 2018-11-02 08:20:20
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice with request for comments.
DatesAlthough USTR will accept any comments received during the course of the dispute settlement proceedings, you should submit your comment on or before May 20, 2018, to be assured of timely consideration by USTR.
ContactMayur Patel, Associate General Counsel, at (202) 395-3150.
FR Citation83 FR 18388 

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